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The Incredible Journey (film) facts for kids

The Incredible Journey is a 1963 adventure film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution . Based on the 1961 novel The Incredible Journey by British-Canadian writer Sheila Burnford, the film follows the adventure of Luath the Labrador Retriever , Bodger the Bull Terrier , and Tao the Siamese cat (Syn Cat) as they journey 250 miles (400 km) through the Canadian wilderness to return to their home. The story is narrated by Rex Allen.

The film was mostly praised for its nature scenes and for Allen's narration. However, the human scenes, including the climactic ending, met with mixed to negative reception for disrupting the mood of the film.

Filming locations

The Hunter family receives a telegram detailing that the father, James, has been offered a visiting fellowship at Oxford University in England. However, their two children, Peter and Elizabeth, worry about what is to be done with their three animals, Luath the young Labrador Retriever, Bodger the elderly English Bull Terrier, along with their Siamese cat Tao, while they are away. Family friend John Longridge offers to have the animals stay with him at his house in Northwestern Ontario . After a few days of having the animals in his care, John leaves for the opening day of duck hunting season, so he leaves his housekeeper Mrs. Oakes and her husband Bert to look after his house and the animals while he is absent. Soon after John drives away, Luath hears the calls of wild geese overhead, returning home. This makes him want to do the same, so he starts off down the road and Tao and Bodger soon follow after him. Later, Mrs. Oakes arrives at John's house expecting to see the animals, but cannot find them. Then she finds half of a note that John had written that appears to imply that he took the animals with him on the trip (however, the other half of it was accidentally knocked into the fireplace by the cat, but Mrs. Oakes doesn't realize this).

Now, well on their way home, the animals stop at a river to have a drink of water, but have to hide from a passing truck in case they are recognized. After that, they continue on. By the next morning, old Bodger is very tired and is beginning to slow down, so the animals stop for a rest in a clearing and wait for Bodger to regain his strength. Tao goes off into the brush to hunt a quail while the old dog rests. Soon, two bear cubs happen upon Bodger and investigate him, but then their mother arrives on the scene. The mother bear, thinking Bodger has been hurting her cubs, threatens to attack him; the cat witnesses this and in turn attacks her in trying to protect his friend. However, Tao eventually backs up, frightened. Finally, Luath sees the bear and what is going on and starts barking furiously; this, combined with the yowling, spitting cat, is enough to cause the mother bear to back down and run away.

After a whole week of travelling, the animals adapt to travelling after dark so that there is less chance of someone seeing them. They cut through an old saw mill, but they are shot at after a rather foolish Bodger steals an old bone from a cookhouse's rubbish bin . They escape unharmed, despite the fact that Bodger's dignity is given a serious blow. After ten days, while Bodger is resting, he hears the singing of a hermit , named Jeremy.

The eccentric old man takes the animals to his hut, where he makes a stew for them to eat. The dogs, being well behaved house pets, don't understand the invitation to sit at the table and eat out of dishes, and Tao is more interested in stalking Jeremy's pet crow, but they don't show that they aren't interested. After a while they decide to leave and continue their journey. Many miles along, the animals come to a wide river, which they realize they have no choice but to cross. Luath and Bodger make it across easily, but Tao prefers not to get wet so he finds a dam to cross. However, when he reaches a large gap, he tries to jump over it, but he falls into the water. Luath tries to rescue him, but he is too slow to keep up and ends up losing him in the process.

After trying to console one another, Bodger and Luath decide to press on without their friend. However, many miles downriver, a young girl named Helvi discovers Tao, soaking wet, barely alive and half-starved, by the side of the water. She and her parents proceed to take Tao into their care and nurse him back to health over a number of days. One night, after being fully recovered, the cat decides he should leave the family and get back to the dogs.

Tao takes his time in travelling, now that he is alone. But, as he journeys deeper into the forest he discovers that he is being quietly stalked by a hungry lynx . The lynx attacks Tao and chases him up a tree, but he escapes. Then the lynx corners Tao in a log, but is driven off by the arrival of a young boy with a rifle, allowing the cat to press on.

Not long after that, Luath and Bodger hear Tao calling. They immediately recognize their friend and the threesome are joyfully reunited. Together once again, the animals set off in search of food. Luath spies a porcupine , but ends up getting too close to it, leaving him with sharp and deadly quills stuck to his muzzle. Soon, while soothing and recovering his pain at a river, Luath meets hunter James MacKenzie, who takes pity on the foolish young Labrador and brings him back to his house for medical treatment. When he arrives, he discovers that his wife Nell has found Bodger. The cat hides on a wood pile outside the house, watching and waiting and unnoticed by James or Nell. James has removed the quills from Luath's muzzle (although he has initially been on the receiving end of Bodger's protective instincts over the young dog) and that night, he locks the dogs in his barn, planning to ask around and find out whom they belong to. Tao then rejoins his friends.

Meanwhile, John arrives home only to discover that the animals have disappeared. After some initial confusion as to why, the humans deduce that Luath has taken them home. John telephones the various ranger stations around the Ironmouth Range area, but they all say they will get in touch with him the following day. Later, the Hunters arrive home; John lets them know what's happened and Peter is quick to realize that an older dog such as Bodger most likely wouldn't have the strength to complete a journey so long, but Elizabeth remains firmly convinced that Tao will, sooner or later, return home. The animals, meanwhile, escape from the barn and the humans realize where they are and that they have only forty miles (65 km) left to go, causing the humans to believe that if they have managed to get this far, they just may be able to make it all the way home.

On Peter's birthday soon afterwards, John gets Peter a registration paper from the Kenmore kennel, who are holding another Bull Terrier puppy in his name. All of a sudden, Elizabeth hears a dog barking in the distance and becomes immediately convinced that it must be Luath. Despite initial reservations, James whistles to the dog to see if Elizabeth is right; moments later they see Luath charging across the heathland ahead and barking, overjoyed to have finally returned home. A few seconds afterwards, Tao follows on and also arrives home safely.

Peter is convinced that Bodger has perished and was too old to make the journey, but is happy to see Tao and Luath again. Just then, Peter suddenly spots a white shape on the horizon, which he soon realizes is, in fact, Bodger, coming as quickly as he possibly can. The boy and the old dog are ecstatic to be reunited once again. The cat and Labrador join Bodger and Peter in their frolicking and all is well as the three very brave animals have finally completed their incredible journey.

  • Emile Genest as John Longridge
  • John Drainie as Professor James Hunter
  • Sandra Scott as Nancy Hunter
  • Marion Finlayson as Elizabeth Hunter
  • Ronald Cohoon as Peter Hunter
  • Tommy Tweed as The Hermit
  • Robert Christie as James MacKenzie
  • Beth Lockerbie as Nell MacKenzie
  • Beth Amos as Mrs. Oakes
  • Eric Clavering as Bert Oakes
  • Jan Rubeš as Carl Nurmi
  • Syme Jago as Helvi Nurmi
  • Muffy the Bull Terrier as Bodger
  • Rink the Labrador Retriever as Luath
  • Syn Cat the Siamese cat as Tao
  • Rex Allen as The Narrator

The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists:

  • 2006: AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers – Nominated

In 1993, Disney made a new version of the film, entitled Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey . Featuring the voices of Don Ameche , Sally Field , and Michael J. Fox , the film keeps the same basic story line, but adds a subplot in which the kids are dealing with a new step-family. All three pets are renamed, the breeds of the dogs are changed, the sex of the cat is changed, and the ages of the original Labrador/Golden Retriever and Bull Terrier/American Bull Dog are switched. It also has vocalizations of the animals' thoughts and communications with each other.

Unlike the original story, the wilderness through which the three animals journey across is in the Sierra Nevada mountains, not the forested wilderness of Ontario.

  • Palgrave, Ontario (the hermit's cabin)
  • Aspdin, Ontario (the village fly-over sequence in the intro)
  • Lake Vernon, Ontario (the lake fly-over sequence in the intro)
  • Mono Mills, Ontario (the family's home)
  • Glen Cross, Ontario (the friendly hunter's farm)
  • Sequim, Washington
  • Smith Rock, Terrebonne, Oregon
  • Devils Lake, Cascade Lakes Highway, Oregon
  • South Sister, Oregon
  • Wahclella Falls, Oregon
  • This page was last modified on 16 October 2023, at 16:53. Suggest an edit .

The Incredible Journey Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

By sheila burnford.

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The small boat symbolizes Longridge's love for animal expeditions and exploration. Longridge's work involves researching different species of animals. Every time Longridge goes to study animals, he uses his small canoe instead of large ships. The small ship gives Longridge a wider view of the animals he intends to study. In addition, the small boat allows Longridge to choose which sites to visit during his explorations.

Lynx symbolizes the violence of the wild. While traversing the dangerous terrains of the forest, Tao comes across the lynx, which preys on her. Tao is the only tactical member who helps her friends to get food when crossing the forest. Tao does her best to evade the lynx but realizes her life is in danger. Tao only survives after a child hunter shoots the lynx to save his life. Consequently, Burnford uses the lynx to show the violence of the wild. Predator animals prey on other animals, and humans use tools such as guns to defend themselves from aggressive animals such as the lynx.

Bodger (the elderly dog)

Bodger is a symbol of love. Throughout the text, readers realize that Bodger is lovely to every human being who handles him. Despite being 11 years old, Bodger does not create territories. Bodger starts showing his love for Peter, who has taken care of him for the last eleven years. When Hunters relocate to England, Bodger is the first to love Longridge, forming a great friendship. Similarly, Mrs. Oaks misses Bodger after discovering that the pets sneaked at night and ran away. Consequently, Bodger is an emblem of affection because every human character in the novels would like to bond with him.

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Study Guide for The Incredible Journey

The Incredible Journey study guide contains a biography of Sheila Burnford, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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The Incredible Journey

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Towards the end of the journey, the normally unflappable Tao encounters a lynx that pursues him and intends to catch, kill, and eat him. Burnford portrays the lynx as one-dimensionally and incurably evil—as well as strong, smart, and cunning. At first, Tao successfully evades the wild animal, and then becomes cornered in a burrow. Just as things look as dire as possible, a child hunter shows up and is able to shoot the lynx dead. Through these interactions, Burnford crafts the lynx into a symbol of the wild and violent nature of the wilderness itself—which can ultimately be brought to heel through humans wielding tools. It is the human being, wielding the tool of the gun, who ultimately saves Tao and himself from the indifferent violence of the wild.

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the incredible journey animal names

The Incredible Journey

First published in 1961, sheila burnford's story of three animals trying to find their way home quickly became a classic..

First published in 1961, Sheila Burnford's story of three animals trying to find their way home quickly became a classic. Adapted to film twice by Disney, in 1963 and then again in 1993 under the name "Homeward Bound", there is also a film sequel about the animals' further adventures.

A classic story for children (and adults) of all ages.

300 miles across Canada

The travels of tao, luath and bodger.

"Home lay to the west, his instinct told him; but he could not leave the other two - so somehow he must take them with him, all the way."

The Incredible Journey, Sheila Burnford

Three pets are left with a family friend while the owners go abroad. When they are accidentally let out, all three head back towards their home, looking for their family - a journey of over three hundred miles through the roughest terrain in Canada.

The three domestic animals find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings, struggling to find food, suffering from the weather, exposure and at risk from wildlife, but drawn on by instinct the trio continue west towards their home. The story of Tao the Siamese cat, Bodger the aging Bull Terrier and Luath the Labrador is one for all ages, and although written in 1961, has not dated badly and is still enjoyable today. Written in the classic style, the animals behave naturally rather than acting like humans.

If you can get one of the illustrated paperbacks do; the pencil illustrations are gorgeous.

The bull terrier.

Boroughcastle Brigadier of Doune, to give him his full name, is a bull terrier belonging to Peter the oldest child and son of the family. He is the oldest of the travellers and has a close bond with Tao the Siamese.

The Siamese Cat

The blue-eyed Siamese cat belonging to Elizabeth (the younger child), Tao is deaf, a handicap that could cost him in the wilderness. Along the way he proves the hunter of the group and often manages to find them food.

The Golden Retreiver

The youngest of the animals, Luath is a retriever belonging to the father of the family. The group's leader, they follow his unerring instinct across the hundreds of miles home

Most of the way now lay through the Strellon game reserve, country that was more desolate and rugged than anything they had yet encountered.

The incredible Journey, Sheila Burnford

I'd heard about this book before I read it, and feared it was overrated. Instead I found a classic story, enjoyable characters and good writing. I was extremely fortunate to get this as an illustrated hardback edition in a box of second hand books - it now has a place of pride on my shelves.

What makes it distinct is that unlike modern books, the animals are just that, animals. They do not talk, and function on instinct, which makes the stakes far higher. In some ways it makes it easier to feel for them, after the accident that lets them out. The story cuts back and forth between the trio on their journey and the frantic efforts of their guardians to find them, and then having to break the news of the animals' escape to their owners. 

There are touching moments where we see the animals encounter people, and then later those people tracked down by the group trying to find the missing pets and retelling their experience. A genuinely touching book, this pet owner found that at the end I had something in my eye (and both cats on my lap...)

Designed for children, enjoyed by adults, The Incredible Journey is a lovely animal story with some very nice moments and an unforgettable ending.

It was Tao, returning for his old friend that they might end their journey together.

The incredible Journey 1963

Made only two years after the book was released, the 1963 Disney film of the same name is probably the closest adaptation of the book. The animals do not talk, the action takes place in the location from the book, and the family do not appear until the end of the film as in the book.

Some people have raised the issue of animal cruelty as there was no CGI, but then cgi was not used in the 1993 remake with the Humane Society overseeing and the people who looked into it suggest there is no evidence of it in the original ( http://www.cinemacats.com/?p=3220 ). P.S. making a cat hiss on film is as simple as taking its catnip mouse away - at least if they are mine!

The Incredible journey DVD

1993 - homeward bound, the film version of the story..

Although earlier attempts were made to bring the story to the screen, Disney's 1993 film "Homeward Bound" is probably the best known. An enjoyable film in its own right, it makes several changes to the story to update it.

First, the story is set in modern times and is transplanted to the US. The most notable change is in the animals: anthropomorphised and given voices, this does not detract from the story as Micheal J Fox, Sally Field and Don Ameche bring their roles to life, ably assisted by some excellent animal actors. Tao the Siamese becomes Sassy the female Himalayan cat, Bogder the aging Bull Terrior becomes Shadow the retriever and Luath is now Chance, the American Bulldog.

This re-imagining is one of the rare cases where it works for the film. The film and book are different enough that either can be read and enjoyed without detracting from the other.

The Incredible Journey Writing Practice

Children can trace the letters to help them learn the sizing of letters compared to each other, or simply just to practice.

The Incredible Journey Crossword Puzzle

An 11 clue crossword puzzle – the answers are at the bottom of the page. I thought rather than use a second page, just pop them on the bottom and fold the footer area over so little eyes can’t see the answers.

The Incredible Journey Mazes

There are two mazes here to choose from – a simple one here  and a tougher one. Pictured is the harder one.

The Incredible Journey Word Search

This word search is a little harder than the ones I normally do, I think, because the words run back to front and from the bottom up. I don’t normally like doing them this was as I think it’s confusing for younger participants, but it’s how it worked out this time.

If you’ve enjoyed these activities, remember to check the rest of the tag for The Incredible Journey resources

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Author: Luschka

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Top 10 Most Incredible Animal Journeys

Top 10 Most Incredible Animal Journeys

Animals will make extraordinary and often mysterious expeditions to find a good meal, sexy mates, and the perfect place to raise a family. In early spring every 17 years, billions of cicadas will burst out from their hiding places to complete one of the longer journeys in time, while moving only a few inches from burrow to daylight. Other migrations, like those of monarch butterflies and humpback whales, cover thousands of miles.

Cycling Cicadas


Billions of chubby, buzzing cicadas will surface from their underground bunkers this month to gather together, sing, and mate. The insects will have spent 17 years fattening up underground, growing through five stages of development. Their synchronized appearance overwhelms predators, leaving most of the reveling cicadas carefree to party for their five weeks of adult life.

Long-traveling Lemmings

Lemming, migration

In the Arctic tundra, over-population and a scarcity of food sends lemmings on mass migrations at high speeds. Researchers clocked one trek of the petite mammals at almost 10 miles a day. For the weak, the pace of the journey is just too much and they are left behind to die.

Wild Wanderings of Wildebeests


Greener pastures drive 1.5 million of these herbivores in circles. Serengeti wildebeest travel more than a thousand miles in spectacularly huge herds, along with thousands of Zebra and gazelle, to avoid the dry seasons in Tanzania and Kenya.

Go, Go, Green Turtle!

green turtle, sea turtle

Motherly instinct compels female green turtles to return to their birthplace to start their own families. The pregnant turtles swim more than a thousand miles from their coastal feeding grounds in Brazil into the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean to Ascension Island. On the tiny nursery's sandy beach, the expectant mothers carve out nests and lay their eggs before heading back home.

Super Salmon

Salmon, atlantic salmon

After spending years swimming in the ocean, salmon follow their noses and return to the freshwater streams they were born in to spawn and eventually die. They'll swim upstream against strong currents for hundreds of miles to make the perfect homecoming, even if it means arriving in shoddy condition.

Rushing Ruby-throated hummingbird

Ruby-throated hummingbird, hummingbird, bird,

Before its 500-mile trip to Central America, the ruby-throated hummingbird bulks up on nectar, insects, and tree sap. The tiny bird gains 2 grams of fat, almost doubling its weight, to make the nonstop flight from eastern North America across the Gulf of Mexico.

Migrating Monarch butterfly

Migrating long distances is in a monarch's blood. Each fall, thousands of butterflies head west in California and Mexico. They summer 3,000 miles away, throughout the United States and Canada. But how they know when and where to go continues to puzzle scientists.

Plane-guided Whooping cranes

Whooping crane

Recovery efforts of the whooping crane have included flight lessons for the endangered snowbirds. Ultralight aircraft and radio-controlled robots disguised as cranes have lead hand-reared birds south to winter in protected areas.

Adapting Freshwater Eels

eel, american eel, freshwater eel, sargasso eel,

Freshwater eels are born prepared for the rough waters they face in life. After hatching in the salty Sargasso Sea, the eels swim to freshwater rivers in the United Kingdom and the East Coast of North America. On the way, their kidneys adapt to the change in salinity. When it's time to lay eggs, the eels and their kidneys will return to their beginnings.

Ocean-traversing Humpback Whales

A humpback whale, part of the rorqual family of whales, swims in the ocean.

Humpback whales hold the world's record for longest mammalian voyage. One population spends the warmer months eating a literal ton of food a day in waters off the Arctic Peninsula. Come wintertime, they swim 5,000 miles away to balmy breeding grounds near Columbia and the Equator.

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Incredible Animal Journeys

Humans may believe that they are the greatest explorers in the world, but they are not. Millions of animals migrate across the globe every day on paths that have been used for centuries. As they soar, fly, and swim from the Antarctic to the African Savanna and the Pacific Ocean to Alaska. This series immerses viewers in the action. Join the devoted mother humpback who is watching over her young calf, the small dung beetle, the monarch butterfly, the persistent barn swallow, and many other species. These intrepid travelers navigate thousands of miles during the course of their lives by using the Earth’s magnetic field, stars, moon, ocean currents, and their natural senses on land and in the sea. Join Jeremy Renner as he recounts the most extreme adventure.

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The Incredible Journey

The Incredible Journey (1963)

Two dogs and a cat set off on a treacherous 200-mile journey towards home. Two dogs and a cat set off on a treacherous 200-mile journey towards home. Two dogs and a cat set off on a treacherous 200-mile journey towards home.

  • Fletcher Markle
  • James Algar
  • Sheila Burnford
  • Émile Genest
  • John Drainie
  • Tommy Tweed
  • 38 User reviews
  • 11 Critic reviews
  • 87 Metascore

Theatrical Trailer

  • John Longridge
  • (as Emile Genest)
  • Professor Jim Hunter
  • Mrs. Hunter
  • Elizabeth Hunter
  • Peter Hunter

Robert Christie

  • James MacKenzie
  • Nell MacKenzie

Jan Rubes

  • (as Irena Mayeska)

Beth Amos

  • (uncredited)
  • Bodger -Dog
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

More like this

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Did you know

  • Trivia Quebec-born Émile Genest did not dub himself in the French version. It was done by a French actor in SPS studios, Paris, France.
  • Goofs While Bodger the Bull Terrier is referred to as a male, the dog playing the part is obviously a female.

Narrator : As he went deeper and deeper into the forest, the cat began to get uneasy. He had a strange feeling he was being followed. There was nothing in sight, yet his sense told him there was something back there, something evil.

  • Connections Featured in L'ami public numéro un: Les ours (1971)
  • Soundtracks Oh My Darling, Clementine Music by Percy Montrose Lyrics by H.S. Thompson

User reviews 38

  • Sep 7, 2000
  • How long is The Incredible Journey? Powered by Alexa
  • November 20, 1963 (United States)
  • United States
  • Die unglaubliche Reise
  • Mono Mills, Ontario, Canada (Main house)
  • Walt Disney Productions
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 20 minutes

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Incredible Animal Journeys – Season 1, Episode 7

Behind the journey, where to watch, incredible animal journeys — season 1, episode 7.

Watch Incredible Animal Journeys — Season 1, Episode 7 with a subscription on Disney+, or buy it on Prime Video.

Cast & Crew

Jeremy Renner

Rudi Davies

Mark Brownlow

Executive Producer

Tom Hugh-Jones

Martha Holmes

Pamela Caragol

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Incredible Animal Journeys

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More than 300 million visitors explored America’s national parks last year, from Acadia in Maine to Zion in Utah.

Since the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) started keeping records in 1904, its mountain landscapes, seaside wildernesses, and high desert acres have registered more than 16 billion visits . Some of the best known parks experienced record crowds in 2023. Straddling the border between North Carolina and Tennessee , Great Smoky Mountains National Park passed 13 million recreation visits; more than 3 million people took in the plant- and rock formation-filled desertscape of California ’s Joshua Tree National Park .

Visitors are drawn to the vastness and variety of “America’s best idea.” From sea to shining sea (as well as in the wilds of Alaska and Hawaii), the NPS’s 85 million acres encompass 150,000 miles of rivers and streams and over 21,000 miles of trails.  

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The Incredible Journey

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The Hunter family receive a telegram detailing that the father, James, has been offered a visiting fellowship at Oxford University in England. However, their two children, Peter and Elizabeth worry about what is to be done with their two dogs, Luath the young Labrador Retriever and Bodger the elderly English Bull Terrier, along with their Siamese cat Tao, while they are away. Family friend John Longridge offers to have the animals stay with him, so that is what is arranged.

After a few days of having the animals in his care John leaves for the opening day of duck hunting season; he leaves his housekeeper, Mrs. Oakes and her husband, Bert to look after his house and the animals during his absence. Soon after John drives away, Luath hears the calls of wild geese overhead, returning home. This makes him want to do the same, so he starts off down the road, and Tao and Bodger soon follow after him. Later, Mrs. Oakes arrives at John's house expecting to see the animals, but can't find them. Then she finds half of a note that John had written that appears to imply that he took the animals with him on the trip (however, the other half of it was accidentally knocked into the fireplace by the cat, but Mrs. Oakes doesn't realize this).

Now well on their way home, the animals stop at a river to have a drink, but have to hide from a passing truck in case they are recognized. After that, they continue on. By the next morning, old Bodger is very tired and is beginning to slow down, so the animals stop for a rest in a clearing and wait for Bodger to regain his strength. Tao goes off into the brush to hunt a partridge while the old dog rests. Soon, two bear cubs happen upon Bodger and investigate him, but then their mother arrives on the scene. The mother bear thinks Bodger has been hurting her cubs and attacks him; the cat witnesses this and in turn attacks her in trying to protect his friend. However, Tao eventually backs up, frightened. Finally, Luath sees the bear and starts barking furiously; this, combined with the yowling, spitting cat, is enough to cause the mother bear to back down and run away.

After a whole week of traveling, the animals adapt to traveling after dark so that there is less chance of someone seeing them. They cut through an old saw mill, but are shot at after Bodger, rather foolishly, steals an old bone from a cookhouse's rubbish bin. They escape unharmed, although Bodger's dignity is given a serious blow. After ten days, while Bodger is resting, he hears the singing of a hermit, named Jeremy.

The eccentric old man takes the animals to his hut, where he makes a stew for them to eat. The dogs don't really take to the stew and Tao is more interested in stalking Jeremy's pet crow, but they don't show that they aren't interested. After a while they decide to leave and continue their journey. Many miles along, the animals come to a wide river, which they realize they have no choice but to cross. Luath and Bodger make it across easily, but Tao prefers not to get wet so he finds a dam to cross. However, when he reaches a large gap, he tries to jump over it but falls into the water. Luath tries to rescue him, but is too slow to keep up and loses him.

After trying to console one another, Bodger and Luath decide to press on without their friend. However, many miles downriver, a young girl named Helvi discovers Tao, soaking wet, barely alive, and half-starved, by the side of the water. She and her parents proceed to take Tao into their care and nurse him back to health over a number of days. One night, after recovering fully, the cat decides to leave the family and get back to the dogs.

Tao takes his time in traveling, now that he is alone. But, as he journeys deeper into the forest he discovers that he is being quietly stalked by a hungry lynx. The lynx attacks Tao and chases him up a tree, but he escapes. Then, the lynx corners Tao in a log, but is driven off by the arrival of a young boy with a rifle, allowing the cat to press on.

Not long after that, Luath and Bodger hear Tao calling. They immediately recognize their friend and the threesome are joyfully reunited. Together once again, the animals set off in search of food. Luath spies a porcupine, but gets too close to it, leaving him with quills stuck in his muzzle. Soon, while soothing his pain at a river, Luath meets hunter James MacKenzie, who takes pity on the young Labrador and brings him back to his house for treatment. When he arrives, he discovers that his wife Nell has found Bodger. The cat hides on a wood pile outside the house, watching and waiting and unnoticed by James or Nell. James removes the quills from Luath's muzzle (despite initially being on the receiving end of Bodger's protective instincts over the young dog) and that night, he locks the dogs in his barn, planning to ask around and find out who they belong to. Tao then rejoins his friends.

Meanwhile, John arrives home and it is discovered that the animals have disappeared. After some initial confusion as to why, the humans deduce that Luath has taken them home. John telephones the various ranger stations around the Ironmouth Range area, but they all say they will get in touch with him the following day. Later, the Hunters arrive home; John lets them know what's happened and Peter is quick to realize that an older dog such as Bodger most likely wouldn't have the strength to complete a journey so long, but Elizabeth remains firmly convinced that Tao will, sooner or later, return home. The animals, meanwhile, escape from the barn and the humans realize where they are and that they have only 40 miles left to go; this leads the humans to believe that if they've managed to get this far, they just may be able to make it all the way home.

On Peter's birthday soon afterwards, John gets Peter a registration paper from the Kenmore kennel, who are holding another Bull Terrier puppy in his name. All of a sudden, Elizabeth hears a dog barking in the distance and becomes immediately convinced that it must be Luath. Despite initial reservations, James whistles to the dog to see if Elizabeth is right; moments later they see Luath charging across the heathland ahead and barking, overjoyed to have finally returned home. A few seconds afterwards, Tao follows on and also arrives home safely.

Sadly, Peter is convinced that Bodger wasn't able to make the journey because he was too old, but is happy to see Tao and Luath again. Just then, Peter suddenly spots a white shape on the horizon, which he soon realizes is, in fact, Bodger, coming as quickly as he possibly can. The boy and the old dog are ecstatic to be reunited once again. The cat and Labrador join Bodger and Peter in their frolicking and all is well as the three very brave animals finally complete their incredible journey.

  • Emile Genest as John Longridge
  • John Drainie as Professor James Hunter, the father and husband of the Hunter family
  • Sandra Scott as Nancy Hunter, the mother and wife of the Hunter family
  • Marion Finlayson as Elizabeth Hunter, the daughter and sister of the Hunter family
  • Ronald Cohoon as Peter Hunter, the son and brother of the Hunter family
  • Tommy Tweed as Hermit
  • Robert Christie as James MacKenzie
  • Beth Lockerbie as Nell MacKenzie
  • Beth Amos as Mrs. Oakes
  • Eric Clavering as Bert Oakes
  • Muffy as Bodger, a Bull terrier
  • Rink as Luath, a Labrador retriever
  • Syn Cat as Tao, a Siamese cat

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In 1993 , Disney made a new version of the film, entitled Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey . Featuring the voices of Don Ameche, Sally Field , and Michael J. Fox , the film keeps the same basic story line, but adds a subplot in which the kids are dealing with a new step-family. All three pets are renamed, the original breeds are switched, the Bull Terrier is replaced with an American Bulldog, the gender of the cat switched, and the ages of the original Labrador and Bull Terrier are switched. It also has vocalizations of the animals' thoughts and communications with each other.

Copyright info [ ]

The film's copyright was renewed on October 3 , 1991 . [1] The copyright to the story it is based on was also renewed in the U.S. [2]

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the incredible journey animal names

50 Cent's Bitcoin Earnings: A Journey from 'Animal Ambition' To Millions

T en years ago, Grammy-winning rapper 50 Cent made a groundbreaking decision to accept Bitcoin as payment for his album “Animal Ambition.” This move, which initially appeared experimental, has resulted in substantial financial gains for the artist over the past decade.

In 2014, 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, opted to accept Bitcoin for his fifth album, accumulating around 700 Bitcoins. Bitcoin was priced at approximately $662 per unit at that time, bringing in about $460,000 from album sales.

Bitcoin’s Rise in Value

Fast-forward to 2024, and Bitcoin’s value has surged dramatically. According to data from Benzinga Pro , each Bitcoin is worth $68,973. This means that the Bitcoins collected by 50 Cent are now valued at an astonishing $48 million.

Interestingly, while 50 Cent initially confirmed his Bitcoin holdings, he later denied owning any in a bankruptcy filing . This contradiction has sparked discussions about the volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency market.

Implications for Digital Assets

50 Cent’s venture into Bitcoin underscores the potential of digital assets as stores of value. Over the past decade, Bitcoin has experienced substantial growth, increasing its value more than 100 times. Despite facing several bear market cycles, including a notable downturn after the FTX collapse, Bitcoin has consistently rebounded.

The artist is not alone in the music industry when it comes to embracing cryptocurrency. Rapper Snoop Dogg has also publicly supported Bitcoin and discussed his holdings, further emphasizing the growing acceptance of digital currencies among mainstream figures.

Future of Digital Assets Conference

This story aligns closely with the themes of the upcoming Benzinga Future of Digital Assets conference , set for Nov. 19 at Convene in New York City. The event promises to gather leaders in the digital asset space and offer insights into the evolving landscape of alternative investments.

Since its inception in 2022, the conference has drawn thousands of participants, and this year’s edition is expected to continue that trend with an enhanced agenda. Attendees will have opportunities to network, engage in one-on-one meetings, and participate in executive roundtables.

Broader Impacts

Bitcoin’s increasing value and its adoption by high-profile figures like 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg highlight the growing mainstream acceptance of digital assets. This shift is not just a trend but a significant development in the financial world, paving the way for broader adoption and integration of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin’s performance this year, with a 61% increase year-to-date, reflects the growing institutional interest in digital assets. The upcoming Benzinga event will provide a platform for exploring these trends further and discussing the future trajectory of digital assets.

Now Read: Bitcoin Spikes To $72K, Then Drops $1,300 Following US Employment Report: What Happened?

Image: Shutterstock

© 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

50 Cent's Bitcoin Earnings: A Journey from 'Animal Ambition' To Millions


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  1. The Incredible Journey (film)

    The Incredible Journey is a 1963 Canadian-American adventure film directed by Fletcher Markle and produced by Walt Disney Productions.Based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Scottish writer Sheila Burnford, the film follows the adventure of Luath the Labrador Retriever, Bodger the Bull Terrier, and Tao the Siamese cat as they journey 300 miles (480 km) through the Canadian wilderness to ...

  2. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)

    Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey: Directed by Duwayne Dunham. With Don Alder, Ed Bernard, Kevin Chevalia, Anne Christianson. A fun-loving American bulldog pup, a hilarious Himalayan cat, and a wise old golden retriever embark on a long trek through the rugged wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains in a quest to reach home and their beloved owners.

  3. The Incredible Journey

    The Incredible Journey (1961), by Scottish author Sheila Burnford, is a children's book first published by Hodder & Stoughton, which tells the story of three pets as they travel 300 miles (480 km) through the Canadian wilderness searching for their beloved masters. It depicts the suffering and stress of an arduous journey, together with the ...

  4. The Incredible Journey (film) Facts for Kids

    The Incredible Journey is a 1963 adventure film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution.Based on the 1961 novel The Incredible Journey by British-Canadian writer Sheila Burnford, the film follows the adventure of Luath the Labrador Retriever, Bodger the Bull Terrier, and Tao the Siamese cat (Syn Cat) as they journey 250 miles (400 km) through the Canadian ...

  5. The Incredible Journey Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

    The The Incredible Journey Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. ... Consequently, Burnford uses the lynx to show the violence of the wild. Predator animals prey on other animals, and humans use tools ...

  6. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)

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  7. The Incredible Journey Symbols & Motifs

    The Lynx. Towards the end of the journey, the normally unflappable Tao encounters a lynx that pursues him and intends to catch, kill, and eat him. Burnford portrays the lynx as one-dimensionally and incurably evil—as well as strong, smart, and cunning. At first, Tao successfully evades the wild animal, and then becomes cornered in a burrow.

  8. The Incredible Journey

    Designed for children, enjoyed by adults, The Incredible Journey is a lovely animal story with some very nice moments and an unforgettable ending. ... The incredible Journey 1963. Made only two years after the book was released, the 1963 Disney film of the same name is probably the closest adaptation of the book. The animals do not talk, the ...

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    A parrot with an attitude and a vocabulary to match goes on an adventure to find his original owner. "Paulie" is a wisecracking comedy that shows the world from a bird's eye, proving that ...

  10. The Incredible Journey

    The Incredible Journey. A classic Canadian story of the bravery and ingenuity of three animals who find their way home. First published in 1961, The Incredible Journey tells the story of three pets: a young Labrador retriever, an old bull terrier, and a Siamese cat. While their owners are away in England, they are being cared for by a family ...

  11. The Incredible Journey Free Printable Resources

    The Incredible Journey Mazes. There are two mazes here to choose from - a simple one here and a tougher one. Pictured is the harder one. The Incredible Journey Word Search. This word search is a little harder than the ones I normally do, I think, because the words run back to front and from the bottom up.

  12. The Incredible Journey (film series)

    Official franchise logo, as released in 1993. The Incredible Journey film series (also referred to as the Homeward Bound series), [1] [2] consists of American adventure family - comedy films, based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Sheila Burnford. The plot centers around unlikely trios of pets, who must work together as teams to find their ...

  13. Watch Incredible Animal Journeys TV Show

    01:00. Incredible Animal Journey :60 10.24.2023. Your Favorite National Geographic Series and Films Streaming Anytime on Disney+. START STREAMING NOW. Watch full episodes of Incredible Animal ...

  14. The 10 Best Incredible Journey Quotes

    10 of the best book quotes from The Incredible Journey. "A slender wheat-colored Siamese cat was curled on his knee, chocolate-colored front paws curved in towards one another, sapphire eyes blinking occasionally as he stared into the fire.". "But all these human beings together are as a handful of sand upon the ocean shores, and for the ...

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    A humpback whale, part of the rorqual family of whales, swims in the ocean. (Image credit: NOAA) Humpback whales hold the world's record for longest mammalian voyage. One population spends the ...

  16. Incredible Animal Journeys

    In one of the most remote and brutal wildernesses in Africa, three dynasties of lions are poised on the edge of collapse. A perfect storm of events is about to unfold, changing the lives of more than 50 lions - many of whom have only ever known relative calm. Our camera teams will be there every minute of the day.

  17. Watch Incredible Animal Journeys live

    S1 E7 · Behind the Journey. Dec 3, 2023. What it takes to film the world's most incredible animal journeys. S1 E6 · Frequent Flyers. Dec 3, 2023. Tiny travelers making an epic flight north to start a family. S1 E5 · Polar Parenting. Dec 3, 2023. Polar parents making epic journeys to keep their families alive.

  18. The Incredible Journey (1963)

    The Incredible Journey: Directed by Fletcher Markle. With Émile Genest, John Drainie, Tommy Tweed, Sandra Scott. Two dogs and a cat set off on a treacherous 200-mile journey towards home.

  19. Incredible Animal Journeys: Season 1, Episode 7

    Watch Incredible Animal Journeys — Season 1, Episode 7 with a subscription on Disney+, or buy it on Prime Video. Jeremy Renner. Narrator. Rudi Davies. Director. Mark Brownlow. Executive Producer ...

  20. Watch Incredible Animal Journeys TV Show

    Incredible Animal Journeys. This is a planet on the move - animals in every landscape are embarking on epic migrations in search of food, shelter, and love. ... Incredible Animal Journey :60 10.24.2023. Out of list. Your Favorite National Geographic Series and Films Streaming Anytime on Disney+. START STREAMING NOW > START STREAMING NOW. You ...

  21. Watch Incredible Animal Journeys

    Incredible Animal Journeys. This is a planet on the move - animals in every landscape are embarking on epic migrations in search of food, shelter, and love. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers. Duration: 46m.

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    4. Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park —the world's first national park—was visited by 4.5 million people in 2023. The vast reserve—covering 2.2 million acres in Wyoming ...

  23. The Incredible Journey

    The Incredible Journey is a 1963 live-action film produced by Walt Disney. The film is based on Sheila Burnford's book of the same name. The film stars Emile Genest, John Drainie, Tommy Tweed, Sandra Scott, Syme Jago, Marion Finlayson, and Ronald Cohoon. The film was remade in 1993 as Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. In the remake, the animals could talk, but only by telepathy, and the ...

  24. 50 Cent's Bitcoin Earnings: A Journey from 'Animal Ambition' To ...

    According to data from Benzinga Pro, each Bitcoin is worth $68,973. This means that the Bitcoins collected by 50 Cent are now valued at an astonishing $48 million. Interestingly, while 50 Cent ...

  25. The Incredible Journey (film)

    The Incredible Journey is a 1963 Canadian-American adventure film directed by Fletcher Markle and produced by Walt Disney Productions. Based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Scottish writer Sheila Burnford, the film follows the adventure of Luath the Labrador Retriever, Bodger the Bull Terrier, and Tao the Siamese cat as they journey 300 miles (480 km) through the Canadian wilderness to ...

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