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Top 12 Educational School Trip Ideas for Student Success

Table of Contents:

Learning is a never-ending process. It’s not only an educational institution that teaches you! And when it comes to students, what better way than a fun and engaging field trip!?

After all, who doesn’t enjoy a great field trip? It allowed students to leave life’s routine and experience something completely different. And, when it serves the purpose of an educational trip, students can’t wait!

But planning a school trip is more than just fun and excitement! It must add value to the students learning! If you have ideas for student educational trips, this article is for you!

Here, we list the 12 best school trip ideas to help students enhance their learning journey.  

We are your companions, like the best essay writing websites that help you prepare the paper by offering abundant ideas, knowledge, and understanding of your requirements.  

We’ve listed the fun learning opportunities for students of all ages at different price points that teachers can have a look at. Let’s get started!  

Idea 1: Local Museums

What better way than spending a day at the local museums that hold the history of the places?  

It doesn’t have to be a history museum; it could be art, science, or a combination!  

Museums and school trips are both fun and educational. Students get to learn about different cultures, periods, and history and gain appreciation for the work of artists and scientists.  

It is also a great approach to give a sense of belonging to them about their place’s history.  

Museums are also a great way to help students write a paper about it. Instead of having to reach out to a research paper writer who already holds the ideas and expertise to write the best essay, students can do the job on their own with a bit of help from them.  

Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures

Often surrounded by four walls and classes, why wouldn’t students love a fun outdoor activity? Nothing gets students outdoors like an educational trip. A trip with the teacher ensures that they are aware of what to do and what not to do, but in all, they will have great fun.  

An idea of the campground or state park sounds excellent. Students will get to explore nature while learning about the environment. Further, other activities include rock climbing, zip-lining, and hiking. With, outdoor adventure trips seek additional care from teachers!  

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Idea 3: Cultural Destinations

When planning a school trip, consider embarking on an educational adventure at a cultural destination that speaks history and culture. It could be a historic site, a cultural center, or an archaeological site.  

In such trips, students explore customs, beliefs, and cultures. Museums are also a great idea, but the cultural destination holds its value! Students can gain insight into the people’s lifestyles in other countries and the periods they lived through, and even participate in workshops to learn more about them.  

Idea 4: Farm Visits

Educational trips for students , especially younger children, demand simplicity and fun learning. They barely understand the history of exploring around the museums. Here, a fun farm visit is both exciting and educational!  

Farms are perfect for exploring nature closely. Such a trip with the teacher will help students learn about the importance of sustainable farm practices, healthy food choices, and animal husbandry. Plus, they’ll enjoy watching and feeding animals.

Idea 5: Aquariums and Zoos  

Next on our list of school trip ideas are Aquariums and zoos. They offer many educational opportunities for students, especially the younger ones! Here, they will be able to learn about animals and their habitat.  

In fact, it is a way for them to see the animals they’ve always seen on screen and paper.  

In aquariums, they can uncover the ocean’s mysteries and lifestyles. Plus, it is always great to see some wildlife close!

Idea 6: Art Galleries

Art has its own way of expressing itself. It speaks differently to everyone. With art gallery trips, students can immerse themselves in art and history.  

They can explore the work of famous artists, view unique art, and get a deeper understanding of cultures and traditions worldwide.  

Idea 7: Theater and Dance Performance

A bit of entertainment included in the learning process does no harm. A field trip for students to theater and dance performances encourages appreciation of performing arts.  

To ensure that these cultures stay extinct, the student must know what theater and dance performance is! They will be exposed to different forms of art. Further, it can be an essential lesson to them on collaboration, communication, and expression.  

Idea 8: Theme Parks

The theme park is also a great field trip suggestion, depending on the subject. You can give students a thrilling educational experience at amusement or theme parks.  

They can learn more about physics and engineering while riding and playing! Further, from a business perspective, they get the idea behind what it takes to run a successful business . Amusement parks are also a place to practice mathematics by calculating the cost of food and rides.  

Idea 9: Industrial Sites

If your students are more into business, visiting factories and industrial sites can significantly help them.  

Here, they can learn how things are made from scratch. They can learn the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, gain insight into the product, and more.  

Factories can be eye-opening experiences for students to help them understand the value of hard work and effort.  

Idea 10: Charity Events and Fundraisers

A learning journey towards sympathy and affection teaches a lot. When you let your students attend charity events and fundraisers, you teach them the importance of helping others.  

Charity events provide great insight into how a small contribution can make a big difference. Further, charities and fundraisers can be something other than a school trip. Students can volunteer in these activities.  

Idea 11: Business Tours

Business tours are a great initiative to explore the world and entrepreneurship firsthand. On such a trip, students learn about different industries and how they operate, and they even meet entrepreneurs who can share inspiring stories.  

Going on a business tour and exploring a part of the world they want to become familiar with can be an invaluable experience for students.  

Idea 12: International Trips

While it might be a bit costly, compared to other ideas mentioned on the list, an international trip gives the students the taste of another culture.  

Here, they can explore different customs and businesses, learn about foreign languages and foreign cultures, and accept the beauty of the places. International trips are an unforgettable experience for everyone!  

Wrapping Up

This summarizes our list of the top 12 best school trip ideas for students.  

We have listed some of the most popular ideas, from museums and art galleries to amusement parks and international tours. Depending upon the subject, curriculum demand, and students’ wants, you can go with the trip that best suits the student.  

Further, consider the age and learning perspective of the students. A school trip is a significant responsibility for teachers and must be carried out carefully to be a success. With these ideas, you can come up with the best suit!

Have you ever planned any of the school trips? What ideas did you move forward with? Do let us know!

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The Teaching Couple

Top 20 School Trip Ideas

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Written by Dan

Last updated February 13, 2024

Teaching can be a gratifying job, and it’s even more fun when you get the chance to take your students on a school trip. Trips are a great way to connect with your students while they learn something new outside the classroom—something that will stay with them for years to come.

But as any teacher knows, planning a successful school trip can be challenging in terms of organizing transport and activities and finding one that fits your budget.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of top 20 school trip ideas, which are full of fun learning opportunities for all ages at different price points so teachers everywhere can take their classes on an unforgettable educational journey!

Related : For more, check out our article on  Top 20 Assembly Ideas  here.

Table of Contents

School Trip Idea 1: Local Museums.

A day spent exploring a local history museum, art museum, science centre, or planetarium can be both educational and fun. Students can learn about different cultures and periods, as well as gain an appreciation for the work of artists and scientists past and present.

School Trip Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures.

Nothing gets students outdoors like a school trip to a campground or state park. Kids can explore nature while learning about the environment, and they’ll get to try new activities like canoeing, rock climbing, zip-lining and more!

School Trip Idea 3: Cultural Destinations.

Embark on an educational adventure at a cultural destination such as a historic site, a cultural centre, or an archaeological site. Students can explore the customs and beliefs of different cultures, gain insights into people’s lifestyles in other countries and periods, or even participate in interactive workshops to learn about various topics.

School Trip Idea 4: Farm Visits.

One for younger kids! Farms offer the perfect opportunity to explore nature up close and personal. On a farm trip, students will learn about the importance of sustainable farming practices, animal husbandry, and healthy food choices. Plus, they can have plenty of fun collecting eggs or feeding animals!

School Trip Idea 5: Aquariums & Zoos.

Aquariums and zoos offer a wealth of educational opportunities for students. Kids can learn about animals in their natural habitats and uncover the ocean’s mysteries and inhabitants. Plus, it’s always a treat to see some incredible wildlife up close!

School Trip Idea 6: Art Galleries & Historic Sites.

Immerse yourself in art and history by visiting an art gallery or historic site. Here, students can explore the works of famous artists, view unique artefacts from centuries past, and gain a greater understanding of different cultures and traditions worldwide.

School Trip Idea 7: Theater & Dance Performances.

Encourage appreciation of the performing arts by taking your students to a theatre or dance performance. Not only will they be exposed to different forms of art, but they’ll also pick up on important lessons about collaboration, communication, and expression.

School Trip Idea 8: Amusement & Theme Parks.

Give your students a thrilling educational experience at an amusement or theme park. Here they can learn about physics and engineering while riding rollercoasters, find out what it takes to run a successful business by exploring different attractions and practice mathematics by figuring out the cost of rides and food.

School Trip Idea 9: Sports & Recreation Facilities.

Take your students to the sports facility for a day of physical activities. Not only can they get some exercise, but they’ll also learn about teamwork, competition and fair play. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop skills like problem-solving and coordination.

School Trip Idea 10: Factories & Industrial Sites.

Bring your students to a factory or industrial site and watch how things are made. Here they’ll learn about the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, and gain insights into the production of everyday items.

It’s an eye-opening experience that can help them understand the value of hard work and effort.

School Trip Idea 11: STEM Centers.

A trip to a STEM centre is an excellent opportunity for students to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a hands-on environment. Kids can participate in interactive workshops, build robots or learn about coding—all while having fun!

School Trip Idea 12: National Parks.

Give your students a chance to experience nature in all its glory at a national park. Here, they can observe the wildlife, explore different ecosystems and gain insights into conservation efforts. Plus, there are usually plenty of activities for them to try, like camping, hiking and canoeing.

School Trip Idea 13: Local Rivers and Streams.

To help kids understand the importance of conservation, take them on a trip to a nearby river or stream. Once there, they can collect data about water quality and identify different species of fish and plants. Plus, it’s always fun fishing or playing water games!

School Trip Idea 14: Transport Museums.

Give your students a fascinating glimpse into transportation by taking them to a transport museum. Here they can learn about the history of different modes of transport, explore how vehicles are made and operated, and gain insights into the science behind motion and energy.

School Trip Idea 15: Planetariums & Observatories.

Take your students to a planetarium and observatory for an unforgettable experience. Here they can learn about the stars, planets and galaxies, as well as fascinating facts about solar systems and astrology. Plus, they’ll have a chance to use telescopes and gaze up at the night sky!

School Trip Idea 16: World War Historical Sites.

To help your students understand the impact of World War II, take them to a nearby historical site. Here they can learn about important battles and key figures from that era, better understand different political ideologies and gain insights into how wars are fought and won.

School Trip Idea 17: International Trips.

Take your students on an international trip and give them a taste of another culture. Here they can explore different customs, sample exotic cuisines, learn about foreign languages and appreciate the beauty of other countries. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for everyone!

School Trip Idea 18: Profesional Sports Games.

Bring your students to a professional sports game and give them a chance to cheer for their favourite teams. Not only can they learn about the game’s rules, but they’ll also experience the energy and excitement of watching live sporting events. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience!

School Trip Idea 19: Charity Events & Fundraisers.

Let your students give back by taking them to a charity event or fundraiser. Here they’ll learn the importance of helping others and gain insights into how even small contributions can make a big difference.

Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop teamwork, competition and public speaking skills.

School Trip Idea 20: Business Tours.

Take your students on a business tour and let them explore the world of entrepreneurship first-hand. Here they can learn about different industries, gain insights into how businesses are run and even meet entrepreneurs who can share their inspiring stories. It’sIt’se to be an invaluable experience for all!

School trips are an excellent way to help students develop essential skills and gain fresh perspectives. From national parks and observatories to charity events and business tours, plenty of exciting options can create an educational and unforgettable experience.

With careful planning and consideration, you can make a successful school trip that will benefit your students in many ways.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next school trip today!

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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Planning a School Trip: Our Step-By-Step Guide

We can probably all agree that to experience learning while out in the world has a big impact. This on-the-spot learning is one of the best ways to ensure that concepts, skills and knowledge are retained. Planning a school trip is one of the most effective ways to introduce experiential learning to your students. A school trip not only cements learning in a way that kids will still be talking about it years later, it also makes that knowledge applicable to real situations. In other words, it turns knowledge that students just have (somewhere, deep down) into knowledge they can use .

But it’s all very well and good to talk about how great school tours are, but how in the world do you actually go about planning one? Where in the world, for that matter? It can seem like an immensely overwhelming task to think about planning a school trip. You might not even know where to start. Luckily, we’re going to make it easier for you. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you get your next (or first!) tour underway.

Step one – the purpose of the school trip

First, you’ll need to figure out the basics. What’s the purpose of this tour? You might already take a particular subject, sport, or activity, which makes determining the focus easy. However, it is worth considering the particular areas you would hope to reinforce or improve upon with this tour. Think about your ideal outcomes, or skills you would like students to gain from this experience. Then it’s time to think about the destination/s, time of year, and duration of the tour. A tip from us here is to be sure to check the academic calendar, assignment periods and school events. It’s definitely worth making sure there are no clashes with other activities or events relevant to students. We have had complications in the past with students dropping out of tours because it clashed with their senior ball!

Step two – choose an educational travel partner

Your next step is to select an educational travel partner. Companies like Student Horizons are here to take all the minutiae of planning a school trip off your plate. You will be able to hand over over all of the organisation, admin, bookings and other details. Right away, the tour planning process becomes so much easier and less stressful for you. Of course, it is important to work with someone you like and trust. If you haven’t used an educational tour provider before, we suggest having a checklist of requirements to help you choose. These might include: support to students, teachers and parents, educational content and resources, industry experience, and crisis management support. Over the last seven years, Student Horizons has proudly cultivated strong working relationships with over a hundred schools across New Zealand and Australia. Our experience, attention to detail, safety and risk management systems and client care has led to extremely positive feedback and a high rate of repeat business.

Step three – building your itinerary

Now that you’ve decided what type of school trip you’re planning and selected a tour provider, it’s time to start building your itinerary! You will need to know your estimated group size, and budget per student. Student Horizons’ tours are bespoke and can be entirely customised to meet your needs. It’s up to you to choose, therefore, how many fixtures, performances, workshops or coaching sessions you want to include. This is generally a good place to start, as putting the key elements in place first will help determine where additional activities can fit in. It’s also good to think about sightseeing excursions, the type of accommodation you’d prefer, and how many teachers will be travelling on the tour. We recommend a minimum of one teacher for every ten students.

Step four – get tour approval

Finally, the last step is to get tour approval! Your school will have specific policies and processes that you need to comply with before booking a tour. Student Horizons will provide all necessary documents to help you secure the support of the principal and department heads.

Planning a school trip can be a long process. We always suggest starting to think about the details we’ve outlined above at least a year in advance. However, working with the right educational travel provider can reduce all the hassle of that year-long process to a mere handful of admin tasks. We would love to show you just how much easier the planning process could be with Student Horizons on board.

To find out more about how we support you, visit our teacher support page .

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260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades Pre-K Through 12 (In-Person and Virtual)

Get out of the classroom and explore the world!

Students on field trips to the local theater and a fire station.

Field trips are a quintessential school experience. You usually only get one or two a year so it’s important to do it right! Our roundups of unique field trip ideas have something for every age, subject, and interest. We’ve even got resources like permission slip forms and chaperone tips. Get ready to leave the classroom behind to take learning on the road!

Preschool Field Trip Ideas

Preschooler wearing a fire helmet and standing in front of a fire truck (Field Trip Ideas)

Early-grade field trips help kids learn about the world and also teach them good field trip behavior. These are our top picks for the pre-K crowd, but many of the options on our kindergarten list are perfect for this age group too.

  • Library: Not every student’s parents take them to story time. Schedule your own trip, and show kids that having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card!
  • Farm: Whether you learn how vegetables are grown or where milk and eggs come from, the farm is always a hit.
  • Grocery store: Go behind the scenes at the supermarket, and use this trip as the foundation for lessons on healthy eating.
  • Park: From local playgrounds to majestic national parks, it’s always worth getting kids into the great outdoors.
  • Children’s museum: This is the age group most children’s museums were designed for! They’ll love all the hands-on fun and excitement.
  • Post office: Learn how mail is sorted and shipped, and teach students about stamps and other mail-related items.
  • Bank: Money is a new concept for these kiddos, and they’ll be fascinated to step inside the vault and learn other bank secrets.
  • Fire station: There’s just something about a fire truck that gets every little one excited.
  • Nursing home: Is there anything sweeter than watching seniors and wee ones spend time together?
  • Animal shelter: For kids who don’t have pets at home, this can be a good introduction to animals. Others will just enjoy the time with dogs and cats waiting for their forever homes.

Elementary School Field Trip Ideas

Child looking down on stage set up for orchestra concert


These are the prime field trip years! Here are our favorite trips for every grade.

  • 14 Kindergarten Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)
  • 15 First Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)
  • 15 Second Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)
  • 15 Third Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)
  • 23 Fourth Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)
  • 22 Fifth Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)

Middle and High School Field Trip Ideas

Middle school students on a field trip to a water reclamation facility


For this age group, you’ll need to step up your game a bit. (They’ve probably already been to the zoo, the aquarium, and the art museum.) Try some of these locations, which offer educational, social-emotional, and real-life learning opportunities.

  • Food bank: Hold a food drive, then arrange a trip to your local soup kitchen or food pantry. Volunteering makes for truly meaningful field trips.
  • Recycling facility: In a time when reducing landfill waste is more important than ever, a trip to a recycling facility can help drive home the message.
  • Theater: Many theaters offer behind-the-scenes tours for schools and discount pricing when you buy tickets in bulk. (Want to go virtual? Check out the Hamilton Education Program !)
  • Community college: Parents sometimes take kids on college visits, but a community college trip offers opportunities for even more students to see themselves getting a higher education.
  • TV station: Kids interested in communications or technology will find this completely fascinating.
  • Courtroom: There’s no better way to understand the justice system than to see it in action.
  • State or county capitol: Every government class should visit a local capitol to meet with officials and see how the government works.
  • Local business: This can be a cool way to learn about managing a business, working with customers, or discovering how products are made.
  • Wildlife rehab facility: Introduce students to the people who help injured wild animals recover and live free once again.

Virtual Field Trip Ideas

Students taking a virtual field trip to Glacier Bay


The terrific thing about virtual field trips is that they eliminate so much of the hassle. No need to collect permission slips, arrange for buses, or recruit chaperones. Plus, they’re usually free!

  • 40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips
  • 20 Terrific Virtual Art Museum Field Trips
  • 18 Incredible Virtual Zoo Field Trips
  • 15 Fascinating Aquarium Virtual Field Trips
  • 3 Science Virtual Field Trips Let Kids Travel the World

Field Trips by Location

If you live in one of these cities, check out some of our favorite spots.

  • 16 Cool Field Trips in Houston, Texas
  • 21 Terrific Field Trips in Chicago, Illinois
  • Top 10 Washington D.C. Field Trip Ideas

Field Trip Tips and Resources

Young student visiting a pumpkin patch in the rain

There’s a lot to do when you’re organizing an off-site field trip. These resources are here to help.

  • Preparing Parent Chaperones for a Field Trip
  • Free Printable Field Trip and School Permission Forms To Make Your Life Easier
  • Things To Do Before Taking Your Students on a Major Field Trip
  • Mistakes To Avoid When Planning a Field Trip for Students
  • Why I Hate Field Trips (And How I Learned To Deal)
  • Help! Is There Any Way I Can Get Out of Our End of the Year Field Trip?

Bonus: Looking for a laugh? Check out  Ways School Field Trips Are Like The Wizard of Oz !

What are your favorite field trip ideas? Come share your thoughts in the  We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

Plus,  virtual college campus tours to explore from home ..

Looking for some exciting new field trip ideas? Find them here! Unique ideas for every grade and interest, including virtual options.

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Planning a School Trip: What to Consider and How to Plan

Planning a school trip can be daunting, but with the right company and a good checklist it can even be enjoyable follow this guide and you can embrace the excitement of taking your students anywhere in the world., start planning early.

There are numerous things to consider with a school trip, and to ensure the trip runs smoothly it is essential to start planning early on. A year in advance for the majority of trips is plenty, however if you are going further afield then there is no harm in planning around 18 months in advance.

Not only will this reduce the stress surrounding the trip, but it means the teachers and students can get excited about the prospect of the travels without worrying or stressing !

Find a Good Tour Operator

A good tour operator is essential to your school trip. They can make or break the experience, and you want to be able to trust them to get the most out of the trip you can! 

A good tour operator will plan a full itinerary for you based on yours and the students’ needs. This can include taking into consideration the subjects studied, the amount of students and what you want to get out of the trip. 

The Learning Adventure personalises every schools’ itinerary and creates an original, fun and unique trip experience. We listen to exactly what you are looking for and deliver!

Risk Assessment

A detailed and well thought out risk assessment is essential to planning a school trip. This is when the tour group operator can really help. Operators usually offer 24 hour emergency support throughout the trip, however it is good to ask a few questions to make sure you are with the right operator:

How do you deal with emergency situations?

Are there testimonials from schools that have used you in the past?

Do you offer 24 hour emergency support?

There are plenty of resources online to help you build a risk assessment, take a look HERE for a good comprehensive guide to risk assessments.

Consider Additional Costs

When you receive a quote from a tour operator, look in depth at what is covered and what is not, for example: meals, entrance costs, travel, ETC. 

By knowing your budget inside and out and what is being spent and where, you will be able to cover unexpected costs that inevitably crop up. 

It is also a good idea to ask your operator about currency. As the exchange rate fluctuates the price of the tour can as well, so it’s good for the operator to buy currency in advance.

Be Experimental

We know it’s easy and tempting to run the same school trips year after year, but there are endless possibilities for your school and its students! Be experimental and brave, push the boat out because it will be well worth it. 

We offer school trips all around the world, so drop us an email or give us a call if you want to discuss your ideas and we can work together!

We offer a wide range of trips for schools and universities. We tailor the adventure to your school’s priorities and the subjects being studied, so if you’d like to start planning drop us an email or give us a call! In the meantime take look at our services here!

Download the learning adventure brochure >, related posts.

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How to Plan A School Trip

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The school year is now on fast forward. You have a curriculum to cover, testing to complete, and a million tasks waiting on your desk. Oh- and it’s time to think about next year’s class trip! Relax… we’ve got you covered with five easy tips to get you started. Here’s how to plan a great school trip.

1. Choose Your Destination and Travel Dates

Decide where you want to go with your group. Are you traveling for the curriculum? Performance? Fun? There are tons of great student destinations (link to destinations page) to meet and exceed your travel expectations.

Boston makes an ordinary history lesson extraordinary with unique tours and “revolutionary” attractions.

Cleveland is picking up “STEAM” with science groups.

Orlando is a premier performance destination for bands, orchestras, and choral groups. There are so many fantastic destinations your students will love!

Top 10 Student Travel Destinations

Once you know where you’re going, decide when you’re going. The best travel times depend on the specific needs of your group. Consider weather, school schedules, rates, tournaments, etc.

Some destinations like Washington D.C. have lots of student groups in the spring. You may want to think instead of how to plan a great school trip in the fall.

If your destination gets cold ( Chicago , anyone?) you might want to travel in the spring or summer. Some destinations’ rates vary by season as well.

2. Communicate the Details with Parents and Students

Once you’ve figured out where and when you’re going, it’s time to get parents and students on board . According to SYTA’s independent research study 60% of teachers agree that student travel increases a student’s willingness to know/learn/ and explore. What parents wouldn’t want to help their child increase their willingness to learn?

Build excitement for the school trip using social media or hype it in class. See if your trip planner can put together a website just for your trip to send information out to your students and parents.

Plan a parent meeting (and be prepared to answer LOTS of questions!) or see if your trip planner can come and facilitate this! The more information you share, the more successful your trip will be.

3. Set A Schedule

Setting a schedule is one of the most stressful parts of planning a school trip. You may not know when to book attractions, when to take payments or make payments, or when to book transportation. Creating a checklist and timeline will help you manage the process. We’ve included some general benchmarks to help you plan successfully !

4. Make A Safety Plan

I take it back. THIS is the most stressful thing about planning a school trip. It’s a bit daunting to realize you are now responsible for the health and well-being of a group of poor decision-makers- I mean, students. In an age of cell phones and instant communication, parents often know when something goes wrong before you!

A solid safety plan and open communication are the keys to a successful student trip. We can’t guarantee that nothing bad will happen as you travel. After all, Mother Nature doesn’t always care that we have plans, buses occasionally break down or students get sick. The good news is that excellent safety resources are available to help inform you as you create a safety plan for student travel.

The Student Youth Travel Association is a superb place to start. This organization is committed to providing student and youth travelers with safe, rich, and rewarding travel experiences. A Safety Resource Guide and Safety Tips Brochure is available to download.

Creating a clear safety plan and method of communication will go a long way in helping to alleviate that all-encompassing anxiety associated with student travel. Parents will breathe easier knowing there’s a strategy for dealing with the unknown and students will clearly understand the safety procedures.

5. Choose Kaleidoscope Adventures as Your Trusted Travel Partner

If this abundance of information is starting to make you feel more anxious about how to plan a great student trip, RELAX.

Kaleidoscope Adventures can help you simplify the process. KA has been a leader in student trip planning for more than 25 years. Kaleidoscope’s founder and CEO is a former teacher and understands your challenges and time constraints.

The team at KA is accessible, competent, and incredibly knowledgeable. They have the inside scoop on the very best student destinations and performance venues. They’ll work with you to create an itinerary that meets your curricular goals and budget needs.

Planning your student trip with KA is easy and convenient – especially when time is not on your side! Contact Kaleidoscope Adventures today. They’ll handle the details of your school trip while you handle, well, everything else!

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School Trips To The USA

We understand the transformative power of immersive learning experiences that extend beyond the walls of the classroom. These experiences have the potential to ignite a lifelong passion for learning and discovery within students.

The United States of America, with its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and groundbreaking achievements in art, science, and politics, provides an unparalleled platform for students to expand their knowledge, engage with history, and embrace the spirit of innovation.

That's why we've curated a diverse array of captivating school trips to the USA, carefully designed to cater to learners at every stage of their educational journey.

Explore the USA with trips from Next Generation Travel

Inspire your secondary school and GCSE students with school trips to the USA for a variety of subjects.

Enable your A Level students to enrich their studies with first-hand experiences on a trip to the USA.

Enrich your students’ studies with tailor-made trips for college and university students.

Trips to the USA by destination

Famous for its towering skyscrapers and world-famous attractions, trips to New York take advantage of a stimulating, exciting educational destination.

Where better to study GCSE or A level American History and Politics than the capital? Take a tour of the National Mall and all the historic sites it has to offer.

Orlando has much to offer study groups, particularly those studying Science and Technology and has the world class Disneyworld and Universal resorts.

Los Angeles, the City of Angels, is the second most populous city in the United States after New York, with a population of more than 3.8 million.

Our Trips to the USA

Home to NASA, MoMA, the Met, and 63 national parks, school trips to the USA could not have more potential to inspire and educate. The USA is a melting pot of cultures, offering students the chance to experience a wide range of perspectives and traditions. 

From the bustling streets of New York City, where students can explore world-renowned museums and iconic landmarks, to the historic corridors of power in Washington DC, where they can witness the inner workings of the American government, the USA provides an unparalleled learning experience.

Our school trips to the USA are designed to provide students with an unforgettable learning experience that will stay with them for a lifetime, inspiring them to think critically and creatively. With expertly crafted itineraries that combine educational activities, cultural immersion, and hands-on experiences, students will have the opportunity to expand their horizons and develop a global perspective. 

From exploring the Smithsonian Institution's vast collection of artefacts to engaging in thought-provoking discussions with local experts, our trips ensure that students get the most out of their educational journey in the USA.

Popular trips to the USA

From backstage tours to theatre workshops, a New York Performing Arts School Trip can really aid a student's learning by taking them out of the classroom.

New York really lives up to this name when it comes to the business world. Home to the infamous Wall Street, as well as the headquarters of some of the world's biggest brands, the Big Apple is buzzing with business success stories.

Combining these two great American cities, a history trip to New York and Washington allows insight into the country's vast historical and political past.

Sitting at the epicentre of one of the world’s largest financial hubs, there are few places better-suited for college and university business studies trips than New York City.

Top USA Attractions

Our USA school trips offer a variety of compelling attractions that are sure to excite and inspire your students. From world-famous landmarks, such as the Empire State Building and the White House, to cultural staples like the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). There’s something for everyone and, with a tailor-made trip from NGT, you’ll be able to pick and choose the attractions to suit your itinerary.

Why choose NGT for School Trips?

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  • Expert Tour Planners
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At NGT, we take school trips seriously. We are destination and subject experts with an award-winning service. You can count on us for the perfect balance of educational and personal development. We take great pride in ensuring our customers’ satisfaction by going above and beyond to meet their travel needs. But don’t just take out word for it…

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Common questions about our school trips to USA

By planning your school trip to the USA with NGT, you will embark on an educational journey that is carefully crafted to maximise your students' learning experience. Our team of experienced educators and travel experts work hand in hand to design itineraries that not only align with your curriculum but also provide opportunities for personal growth and development.

On a school trip to the USA with NGT, you'll have the opportunity to explore two of the country's most iconic and educationally rich cities: New York and Washington DC. In New York City, students will be immersed in a bustling metropolis that is home to some of the world's most renowned museums, theatres, and cultural institutions. Meanwhile, in Washington DC, they will get the chance to immerse themselves in America’s rich politics and fascinating history.

At NGT we are deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of personal safety for school trips at all times. In collaboration with local authorities, we choose the safest destinations and travel routes for school trips so you can relax and enjoy your school trip to the vibrant USA.

Support and resources for planning your trip

We have been operating school tours for over 35 years so we know a thing or two about planning a school trip. One of the benefits of this is that we have an abundance of knowledge and supporting documents to share with you. In our resources area you will find everything you need for your school trip planning:

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Parent letters
  • Insurance documents
  • Risk assessment documents
  • Planning tips

Featured Resource

A Guide To Risk Assessment

You need to know you can book with a tour operator who has everything covered for you.

This guide will assist you completing your own risk assessments covering areas such as:

  • What is a risk assessment
  • Event specific risk assessments
  • Emergency procedures

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Empire State Building

  • View on Map

Standing at a total of 1454 feet, The Empire State was the world's tallest building for forty years, from its completion in 1931. 

Located in the centre of Midtown Manhattan, the 86th and 102nd floor observatories provide unforgettable 360° views of New York City and beyond.

Sixteen floors above the 86th Floor Observatory, the Empire State Building’s Top Deck provides the most spectacular views of the city. From here, this is where Central Park comes into full view and on a clear day, you can see beyond the skyscrapers up to eighty miles away.

Enquire about this trip

Ellis Island Immigration Museum & Statue Of Liberty Cruise

Two visits in one! Your island cruise allows you to hop off at the Statue of Liberty Monument - the first sight for millions of immigrants, and then Ellis Island itself. The fascinating museum holds the history of the 12 million immigrants who passed though the old immigration centre. Today, the descendants of those immigrants account for almost half of the American people. A 45-minute Audio Tour, invites visitors and school groups to relive the immigrant experience as if they were the "new arrival".

The White House

The White House

As one of the most famous political buildings in the world, the White House has been home to many of the most famous faces. It’s possible to take a self guided tour of the White House if you apply direct to the Embassy in Washington.

Smithsonian Institution National Air And Space Museum Entrance

Smithsonian Institute Museums And Galleries

The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum and research complex, with 19 museums and galleries to choose from, along with the national zoological park. Most of which are located on or near to the National Mall. Most of the Smithsonian Institute Museums are free.

New York Moma

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

Often seen as one the most influential museums of modern art, the MoMA offers a collection of both modern and contemporary art. 

Visiting MoMA is a journey through the evolution of modern and contemporary art, and it offers a chance to engage with groundbreaking works that have shaped the art world. A visit to MoMA is a truly captivating and educational experience.

Why visit the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)?

  • Enjoy a world-class art collection
  • Diverse art forms
  • Variety of rotating exhibitions 

Broadway 3

Broadway Show

Broadway isn’t just a street in New York—it’s a celebration of arts and culture. Witnessing a Broadway show is an essential New York City experience. From the latest hits to timeless classics, Broadway showcases the pinnacle of live theatre. We can arrange tickets for a range of popular shows, both on and off Broadway. Our advice is to keep your choices and budget flexible, as prices can get high for popular shows. Why visit a Broadway Show? • Engage with culture: Each show is a masterclass in storytelling, bringing to life stories from page and screen with unparalleled artistry. • Iconic venues: The theatres of Broadway are as famous as the shows themselves, with histories and architectures as rich as the performances they host. • Times Square: A visit to Broadway offers the added spectacle of Times Square, a vibrant heart of NYC, especially magical at night. • Top-tier performances: Broadway is known for hosting some of the best live performances in the world, ensuring a memorable experience. • Educational value: For students, a Broadway show is more than entertainment. It’s a dynamic, educational experience in the performing arts. Ready to book an unforgettable Broadway experience?

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My school trip essay

My school trip essay 6 models

My school trip essay ,School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student where he goes without his family accompanied by friends and colleagues, which allows him to rely on himself and take responsibility to enjoy the activities of the trip.All this will be here in My school trip essay .

My school trip essay

School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student, where he goes without his family, with his friends and colleagues, which allow him to rely on himself and take responsibility and enjoy the activities of the trip.

Each school planning for trips is as a recreational and educational way, supervised by social workers and school supervisors, who planning visits, ticketing, bus booking, etc.

I went on a school trip to (name of the city) of (Governorate name). of (city area in km) and (population number) approximately.

I prepared my small bag and put sandwiches, juice and water for the trip. I went to sleep early to wake up early to be full of energy on the journey.

We rode the bus in front of the school in the early morning and we left our parents and friends who did not come with us.

The bus driver displayed a documentary about the city we were going to visit and the tour supervisor told us about the directions and instructions we should follow and how to act in case of lost. He provided us emergency numbers and asked us to write them in a paper and keep in our pocket.

We arrived at our destination and started visiting the (museum name) which is a large museum featuring many important items that tell us the history of the city.

Then we went to visit the open museum which is an open area with many beautiful items.

Then we went to visit the important landmarks of the city.

The last stop of the trip was to visit the amusement park, a recreational city with lots of games.

The supervisor gave us two hours to enjoy our time, play the games we want and assemble before the door of the amusement park in preparation for riding the bus and back to our city.

We gathered two hours later in front of the amusement park door, the supervisor checked everyone’s presence and then we boarded the bus and returned to our city.

It was a beautiful day we enjoyed it a lot and we saw many of the city’s famous sights.

We learned a lot about its history and the history of its inhabitants.

Finally, we reached our city late at night. Our families were waiting for us.

We thanked the tour supervisor and went to our homes to sleep and prepare for school the next day.

a memorable school trip essay

It’s great to enjoy a little bit away from school and home for rejuvenation and energy, and this is exactly what happened. After working hard and excelling in school, I was able to go out on an unforgettable school trip. Through this trip, I was able to define my goals and benefit greatly from them.

This was an excursion to one of the seminars of the great Steve Jones. Just being in the midst of this huge crowd of scientists, inventors and businessmen made me know what I want to become in the future, and what are my upcoming priorities.

On this journey I was able to find answers to many of my questions and found the inspiration I wanted. Now I want to become in the future an inventor of something useful that benefits humanity and achieve great success for me, whether material or moral, through fame.

It is wonderful to know the importance of technology to society and how we inevitably go to it and the development of all means of services around us. And with just a little bit of clinging to the dream and fighting for it like Steve did, I can certainly succeed too.

simple essay on school trip

I feel very happy to go on a trip to the football stadium. This was a big surprise for us, to be able to watch an important match with friends.

Of course, I watched many matches with my family before, but this time the experience is different because it is with my friends and I was able to express and launch my enthusiasm, without feeling any pressure.

I enjoy this experience so much, and for sure I want to repeat this experience in other activities. Now I can’t wait to go home and tell my brother about this experience, and that in the future he should try going out with his friends on school trips and enjoying this holiday. It gives great psychological comfort and a boost of activity that helps to return to study with full vitality and activity.

essay on school trip to a park

Oh my gosh, I can’t describe the beauty of nature that I enjoyed during my last school trip. There is a very big difference between the constant presence between the big and fast industrial life and the relaxation in the vast gardens and parks that do not contain any noise.

It is great to go through this experience and go to one of the most beautiful parks that contain very beautiful gardening works and organized views of trees and roses.

The wonderful engineering work that I saw in the park is one of the best landscapes that my friends and I enjoyed watching.

And certainly immediately we felt the amount of interest and love from the people responsible for this place, and how they can preserve and show this place this beauty.

Of course I would love to go back on a school trip to the park and enjoy physical games with my friends like we did. This was one of the things I enjoyed in nature. It is great to find large green areas. This helped me relax a lot.

school tour experience essay

I would very much like to write an article about my experience in the last school tour, and point out the things I liked the most.

I find this tour very different from many of our previous tours. Previously, the tour was in only one place, and curiosity and enthusiasm ended before the tour ended.

But certainly this was different when we were able to visit many places in the same tour, such as the museum, the garden and the library. All of these places had a different effect.

We find when visiting the museum and meeting one of the guides working in the museum that he has that interesting and funny way of explaining the holdings. It makes you want to know more about its origin and the civilization it comes from.

But due to the lack of time, this made me even more excited, eager to listen. I am also eager to see another place and enjoy. This made it more beautiful and did not leave any way for boredom.

When visiting the library, I was able to sign one of the famous books and see some of the authors of these books. I always watched this event through movies only. It is great to try this experience and get some interesting and useful books.

But certainly nothing is so wonderful after a long day of listening and paying attention as visiting the park and walking around it to release all that energy.

I cannot describe the beauty of how I felt in the experience of the games and activities that we did inside the park. I can say this was the best school trip experience I’ve ever had.

a school field trip essay in English

One of the great school field trips I enjoyed was this trip, this weekend we were able to go on a school field trip to the zoo.

And there were a lot of interesting animals that wanted to feed and take pictures, many pictures with them. But of course, every field trip cannot pass without new experiences, some of which you will benefit from and others that delight you.

I can’t stop laughing whenever I remembered the monkeys, and how they used to behave, I can’t believe how smart this animal is, and how it can make you happy at any time. And also watching the peacock, what a beauty!, I did not feel the consistency and beauty of the colors, as I saw in this bird.

It was wonderful to learn some information about the habitat of many animals, which made me very eager to read about them, how they live and how important the group is to them, and how to unite among them, such as the blue whale and other collective animals that live in groups and like the wolf as well.

Certainly this field trip was very wonderful and contained a lot of information that I benefited from.

In this way we have given you  My school trip essay, and you can read more through the following section:

  •  English essay

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A school trip essay is very excellent and writing way is also perfect

A very good essay. Need more like this.

Yeah. A very good way of writing

Awesome Schools trips are always full of fun and interesting moment. Nice construction, fantastic essay. keep it up.

babi school trip xbagi alamat,tarikh,etc bodo writer

Nice 👍👍👍👍👍👍🙂

This information is truly valuable. I appreciate the practical tips you’ve shared.

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Children listening to teacher outside on school trips

There’s lots to think about when organising and leading an educational excursion, but these pointers will help set you on the road to success…


Find the perfect school trip

Start planning school trips early, educational and learning value, the cost of school trips, helping parents budget for school trips, free uk school trips, risk assessments and school trips safety, school trips insurance, accredited providers of school trips, getting assistance from the school trip venue, inspection visits, adult to pupil ratios, preparing the children, make time for reflection, school trip ideas.

School trips image of children walking across bridge

Find perfect school trips in an instant with our school trip finder . Explore school trips by subject , region , type or simply browse our extensive school trip directory until you find something your pupils would love.

It falls under the category of ‘common sense’, but in teaching, where time is often in short supply, it bears repeating: allowing adequate time for planning a school trip is essential, as rushed school trips , planned days or weeks before rather than months in advance, will be both a more stressful experience for you as organiser, and at risk of underperforming educationally. 

One of the key findings of Ofsted’s 2008 Learning outside the classroom report was that learning outside the classroom (LOtC) was “most successful when it was an integral element of long-term curriculum planning and closely linked to classroom activities”. 

Gill Harvey, chief executive of the School Travel Forum , says that many school trips don’t get beyond the planning stage because teachers “haven’t gauged parental interest and got approval from the headteacher first.”  

Making an enquiry with school trips venues or providers should be “the last step in the process”, she continues.  

As the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) highlights in its guidance , “the objectives for [your] visit should be defined carefully and must relate closely to classroom work.” 

In its 2008 report , Ofsted noted that, “Too many residential and other visits […] had learning objectives which were imprecisely defined”.  

When thinking about educational school trips, headteacher Tracey Bowen stresses that its “vital to be clear about why you’re going. What’s your intention? What do you want to get out of it?”. 

She continues: “We spend a phenomenal amount of time planning school trips, checking what the content of a workshop is, explaining what our needs are.” 

It’s important to think carefully about where you choose to go – as Tracey points out: “You can get brochures through and think, ‘Oh, that looks great – we’ll go there!’, but unless you’re careful, you can end up thinking, ‘That’s not what it said on the tin!’.” 

“Unless you’re careful you can end up thinking, ‘That’s not what it said on the tin!'”

More fundamentally, for a successful school trip, your choice of destination should be informed by your learning objectives . 

The CLOtC advises that if your outcomes can be “successfully achieved in the grounds of your school, or within easy access in the local area, then it is unlikely that travelling for hours to reach a more distant venue will enhance the learning experience” – but of course there will be many instances in which an external provider located further afield will be essential. 

Steve Craven, director of NST Travel Group, recommends being flexible with your travel dates, transport options, departure points and accommodation location to get the best price for school trips, and recommends not being afraid to ask for advice on making your financial resources stretch a little further. 

Consider the length of your school trip, too – the longer the trip is, the more expensive it will be. If you’re going on a residential school trip, filling your itinerary with a mix of free and paid-for options will help to keep the cost down.  

School trips image of children standing around table outside, filling out worksheets

When it comes to the cost of transport, Sylvia Holland, a KS4 lead practitioner at Impington Village College and Impington International College who regularly organises MFL school trips abroad, says, “Since Brexit and the pandemic there has been a noticeable increase in the costs of flights, but being flexible with our travel dates has enabled us to benefit from the best prices available.” 

Her school has also benefited from community and charity funding, government grants and school fundraising. She recommends looking into The Turing Scheme . 

school trip about

Schools usually take pride in offering an array of trips – but that may ring alarm bells for some parents, says Nikki Cunningham-Smith…

According to figures from Gingerbread, a national charity supporting one-parent families, lone-parent families are five times as likely to have an income of less than £200 per week. This makes it very difficult for them to cover the cost of school trips.

The cost-of-living crisis can’t help but loom large in this kind of conversation. And it’s not likely to be going away any time soon.

One demographic it hits particularly hard are, of course, parents of nursery and school-age children. The National Foundation for Educational Research recently found that over the past year, there have been significant increases in the  numbers of pupils requiring additional welfare and financial support . This is simply so they can access basic learning, social and extracurricular provision.

As you’d expect, the financial pressures are greatest in special schools and the most disadvantaged mainstream schools. Special school senior leaders are reporting especially high increases in need for pupil welfare support (from 28% to 36%) and financial support (33% to 43%) over the last year.

Spikes in support

Households are now under strain when paying household bills. This is combined with food costs soaring to their highest point in 45 years. Plus there’s the impact of rising interest rates on mortgage repayments and rents. This has resulted in households everywhere having far less disposable income.

Many more households hence have less in the way of savings. They’re increasingly living pay cheque to pay cheque, affording little wriggle room for unexpected expenses. (Though one thing that hasn’t changed is the threshold for Pupil Premium in light of these developments, in a way that might enable more families to become eligible for it).

Because it’s not just children currently eligible for Pupil Premium who are receiving extra support. In 63% of secondary schools, leaders report that just over half of those pupils receiving additional support from their school weren’t PP-eligible.

The same could be said for around 42% of special schools. This suggests that the current eligibility criteria for free school meals may be too restrictive.

SEN children

One parent of a SEN child once highlighted to me how difficult it can be to access trips due to the additional costs incurred from having a pupil on the SEND register. This is something other parents and teaching staff may not realise.

The example she gave me was having to buy three sets of ear defenders priced at £30 each at the start of a school year. This is one cost that not all parents will face.

Another parent told me how she had previously tried to keep her daughter off school in the week leading up to one trip. This was specifically so that she’d miss the building buzz and excitement, and hence not know the extent to which she’d be missing out because the parent couldn’t afford to pay.

In a post-pandemic climate, where pupil attendance is still giving us significant causes for concern , how can we tackle these anxieties that seem so closely associated with paying for school trips?

Parental finances

One thing we can do is provide parents with clear timetables at the start of the academic year that record proposed trips and upcoming costs. This help with parents’ budgeting.

If your capacity extends to it, you could even look into setting up financial literacy support sessions for any parents needing to improve their ability at budgeting successfully.

Where possible, look to provide a monthly payment system. Here, parents regularly deposit small sums in a dedicated account, before then making withdrawals once a trip has been arranged.

There’s scope to subsidise the trips themselves using Pupil Premium and/or SEND funding. Or you can approach your PTA about supporting funded places.

A good way of getting parents to engage can be to research any local financial support organisations. Share details of these in your school newsletters and parental forums.

The onus is on schools to embed these kinds of practices into their daily routines. If a school can demonstrate that their parents’ financial status is an area they’re sensitive to, this will help build a sense of openness.

Because we all want schools to be places where no child need miss out on exceptional learning experiences – whatever their socioeconomic status.

Support for parents

  • Consider helping parents access financial literacy workshops from a local support organisation. Or provide them yourself in after-school sessions
  • Ensure that parents feel able to inform you in the event of financial concerns or shocks that might be affecting them and their families
  • Engage with charities that might be able to offer financial support to struggling families. Pass on any useful advice or guidance
  • Some LAs can provide support with additional school expenses in ‘exceptional circumstances’

Nikki Cunningham-Smith is an assistant headteacher based in Gloucestershire

Of course, you don’t always need to travel far to find an appropriate setting for your school trip. Staying local helps you save on travelling time and costs but also helps children to engage with the local history of their community. Check out a great range of free school trips here . 

The very thought of being responsible for the wellbeing of 30+ unleashed kids can be enough to put teachers off school trips for life, but there has never been more guidance available for those responsible for carrying out risk assessments. 

So what exactly is a school trip risk assessment?

According to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, a risk assessment is “an essential element of any school trip – not to mention a legal requirement.”  

The DfE’s ‘ Health and safety on educational visits’ resource , which draws upon the work of both the CLOtC and the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) , is a useful starting point. 

“If you are the group leader, always be prepared to trust your own judgement”, advises the NEU.

“If you think that to continue an activity or a school trip would compromise the health and safety of the group, you have the authority and responsibility to cancel it. 

“The teacher/group leader is expected to apply the same standard of care as would a ‘reasonable parent’ acting within a range of reasonable responses.” 

If you need help with your risk assessment, each local authority has an outdoor education advisor who is there to help and support you. 

It’s vital that all staff and pupils are fully and correctly insured for your school trip. NEU says that it’s important to “study insurance policies carefully – they should include cover for possible personal liability and ‘third party insurance’ for all responsible adults. 

“Group leaders must ensure that they do nothing to jeopardise their insurance cover. 

“When negligence is alleged, the case will nearly always be taken against the employer, who is vicariously liable and carries insurance for third-party liability. 

“Claims are seldom brought against individuals and, if individual employees are sued, they may bring in their employer as a co-defendant.

“Some employers provide a specific indemnity which protects staff against any liability if a claim is made against them personally.  

“The courts do not rush to find schools and teachers negligent, they accept that accidents do happen. 

“However, schools must demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to plan school trips thoroughly and assess and control risks, and individual teachers must demonstrate that their responses to an incident were within the range of the reasonable responses of a parent.” 

It’s easy to underestimate the time and energy needed to organise a school trip, especially if you’re taking a ‘DIY’ approach and arranging all the separate elements yourself.  

Using an accredited provider or tour company gives you financial protection in the form of ABTA or ATOL bonding, but another benefit, as Gill Harvey from School Travel Forum explains, is that reputable tour companies will have “first-hand knowledge of your destination and a good ‘bank’ of suppliers from which to choose appropriate services for your school trip, and can offer 24-hour help and support in the unlikely event that anything should happen – from flight delays to last minute cancellations.” 

Using an accredited provider can save you time when it comes to paperwork and “gives you peace of mind that the elements of the school trip have all been carefully checked on your behalf”, according to Gill. 

Jamie Walls, product development and delivery manager at YHA , recommends looking in particular for the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge .

He says: “It’s the only nationally recognised indicator of good quality educational provision and effective risk management.  

“Having this quality standard means the red tape associated with a school trip is reduced.” 

If you can’t quite find what you’re looking for when browsing school trip ideas, don’t be afraid to ask venues for assistance, advises deputy headteacher Grace Shaw. 

Many museums, galleries, zoos and the like are more than willing to be flexible.

Grace says: “Rather than picking off the menu, you can tailor-make what you need. Museums in particular are usually very happy to adapt their offer, because they’re so thrilled to share what they’ve got to share.” 

School trips image of children in a museum, listening to teacher

On school trips where venue staff are taking the lead in guiding students, don’t be tempted to switch off. Grace says: “Some teachers think, ‘I’ll get to my workshop, then the workshop leader will have the children and I’ll get them back at the end.’ 

“Actually, you need to work with staff, because while they’re experts in their field, you’re the expert in your children. You’ve got to develop a partnership.” 

Gill Harvey adds that to maximise the positive impact of your trip and help gain approval from parents and the school to run the trip in the first place, ask your operator how they can support you to promote the learning benefits of the trip to your stakeholders. 

Planning a school trip checklist

The Association of Teachers and Lecturers lays out the following checklist for planning a school trip. 

  • Obtain approval from your school and the local authority, if applicable 
  • Undertake or obtain a risk assessment
  • Detail staffing, supervision and training needs 
  • Ensure that the trip is adequately insured 
  • Plan transport 
  • Obtain written parental consent for medical treatment and brief parents 
  • Conduct an exploratory visit 
  • Prepare contingency and emergency arrangements 
  • Brief staff in preparation for the trip, including responsibilities and emergency arrangements 
  • Prepare children for the trip discussing arrangements, expectations and safety 

Making time to head to your destination ahead of the trip proper can help clarify issues as trivial as where you need to park, as well as more important issues relating to health and safety. 

In its National Guidance, the OEAP notes that while accreditations and other sources of information provide essential assurances, “they are not a substitute for a preliminary visit and being able to clarify issues face to face.” 

Jamie Walls from YHA says that by arranging a pre-visit, group leaders can get a feel for the residential destination. “They can also talk to staff, get assistance with any paperwork necessary and see the activities first-hand,” he says.  

If you’re planning a school trip residential, a visit will allow you to assess catering and sleeping arrangements. “Ensure that your groups have dedicated rooms and that the catering is not only offered but of good quality, with any dietary requirements catered for too”, suggests Jamie. 

According to NEU, there’s no precise formula for the ratio of adults required on a school trip. “It’s down to reasonable judgement”, it explains.

“You should take into account the nature of the expedition, and the number, age and aptitudes of the children. School trips which involve hazardous activities require more adults for a group.”  

“There’s no precise formula for the ratio of adults required on a school trip”

Many venues will state their own ratios for school trips on their website. 

Government guidance on ratios

On its website, the Health and Safety Executive states that pupil to staff ratios for school trips are not prescribed in law. 

It states that “those planning a school trip, on the basis of risk assessment, should decide the ratios, taking into account the activity to be undertaken and the age and maturity of the pupils.” 

Before embarking on your trip, set out your expectations about behaviour and lay out your learning outcomes and how they will be used in the following weeks. 

It’s also important to set out to children what will happen on their school trip – emphasising the times when they’ll need to focus and the opportunities for free time available. 

Giving children a clear idea of what will happen on your trip and when can help to alleviate anxieties about the unknown, according to experts at PAC-UK . 

They propose providing a timetable of the trip, breaking it down into its component elements, the more visual the better. 

School trips image of girl hanging from an abseil rope, smiling

Other ways to help anxious children include:

  • Looking at images or the website of your destination
  • Arranging a pre-visit with a caregiver, if possible
  • Giving pupils the chance to discuss any worries with a key person in school 

Read more advice from PAC-UK about reducing trip trauma . 

Another important aspect of preparing children for a trip is making sure that they already have a basic knowledge of the topic you’re looking to focus on. 

Teacher Sylvia Holland says that many school trip venues “have a plethora of resources available online that are designed to support learning in the classroom, for use either prior to or after your visit. 

“Use videos to set the scene and excite pupils ahead of their trip or use worksheets to help with follow-up lesson planning and allow them to apply new-found skills.” 

Making the most of a school trip isn’t just about ensuring its smooth-running on the day – the point, after all, is for the visit to have a measurable positive benefit on students’ learning when they return to the classroom. 

As such, it’s equally important to give due consideration to how you plan to continue the learning – in some cases post-visit resources may be available to help you – and to reflect, in partnership with students, on the experience: evaluate its effectiveness in terms of improving educational outcomes, and learn lessons for next time. 

Whether you’re looking for help planning a primary school trip, a secondary school trip, a free school trip or just something a little out-of-the-ordinary, we’ve got you covered with this mega list of school trip ideas!


Pgl school trips, school trips in london.

  • Science trips

Animal attractions

  • New York City
  • History trips

Theme parks and attractions

  • Theatre and drama trips
  • Outdoor activity day trips

Residential trips for schools

Bunkbeds in dormitory representing residential school trips

Manor House & Ashbury Hotels

The Manor House & Ashbury Hotels , in the heart of Devon, offer a fantastic choice of over 50 sport, craft, leisure and spa activities.

A dedicated schools coordinator can create a bespoke programme to meet your group’s individual requirements, plus all equipment and use of its fantastic facilities is included in the price.

All sessions are delivered by experienced tutors with a child-led approach. With workshops, accommodation, full-board dining and generous group discounts you’re guaranteed a great value break that ticks every box.

Rock UK has been working with schools for nearly 100 years. Its four nationwide activity centres offer tailor-made programmes of challenging activities to build resilience, confidence and independence – you can choose from over 40 instructed activities, from watersports to abseiling, bush craft to archery and much more.

All centres hold the LOtC quality badge, testament to the company’s high standards for safety, activity provision and learning outcomes.

Bursary places are available for children who would otherwise be left behind.

Ringsfield Hall

Ringsfield Hall is an innovative centre for outdoor learning and nature connection, with 14.5 acres of woods, meadow and a homely Victorian house.

On offer are crafted forest school and earth education programmes, infused with imagination, drama and magic, all delivered by experienced practitioners with a child-led and eco-therapeutic approach.

You can opt for a day visit or residentials, with facilities including an art barn, music studio and sports pitches.

Other highlights include farm animals, fantastic home-cooked food and the freedom to explore!

Tents in forest representing residential school trips

Go Wild Adventures

Bring your students out of the classroom and immerse them in the great outdoors at Go Wild Adventures .

Go Wild’s philosophy is that great things can happen in young people’s lives when their horizons are widened, and its team will work to help you achieve this.

Pupils are invited to embrace living under canvas and inspired to explore the world around them.

With campfires, woodlands, fields and an on-site field study classroom on offer, Go Wild can help you put together a package to suit your specific needs.

Cumulus Outdoors

Cumulus offers action-packed residential programmes on the stunning Jurassic coast in Dorset, tailored to your requirements and fully supported by a team who will guide you every step of the way.

You can choose either the exclusive Tented Village option for an authentic outdoor experience – featuring 24/7 pastoral care, spacious tents, a large communal tipi and dedicated teachers area – or the Residential Centre for dormitory accommodation, plus dedicated teacher and classroom facilities.

Programmes can include coasteering, a visit to a waterpark, a mud run, kayaking, mackerel fishing, rock climbing and abseiling, and more.

YHA School Trips

Whatever your subject and whatever your desired learning objectives, when you choose YHA School Trips you can be assured of a safe, fulfilling and unforgettable residential that will stay with your pupils long after their coach journey home.

What’s more, as a leading youth charity, YHA believes that every child should have the same chance to discover, explore and grow – to that end it creates unique opportunities for young people from all backgrounds to experience amazing places, share extraordinary journeys and take a different path through life.

TYF has been running for over 30 years, delivering adventure residential school trips for schools. Pupils are taken out of the confines of the classroom and immersed in adventurous and experiential learning in the natural world.

Its core activities are coasteering (which it pioneered in 1986), surfing, climbing and abseiling, and kayaking.

The programmes link adventure and problem solving, helping pupils to find meaning and inspiration whilst building the ‘backpack skills’ for a lifetime of adventurous play.

Mill on the Brue

Mill on the Brue Outdoor Activity Centre boasts over 40 activities in the idyllic river valley in Bruton, Somerset.

Each programme is individually written in consultation with the party leader, who can choose activities based around team-building, problem-solving, high energy or just plain fun, with experienced and qualified instructors who stay with the group throughout the week.

Food is also an important part of the trip, with child-friendly meals and all diets catered for.

Children are taught about the environment and teamwork, and gain a comprehension of healthy living and life skills.

The School Journey Association

The School Journey Association’ s activity school trips are suitable for all age groups and are a fantastic way to motivate pupils, whilst teaching them independence, self-belief and many other important life skills.

They offer both day and residential school trips to accredited activity centres throughout the UK and France, as well as visits to Belgium and Spain.

NST has been creating tours that inspire and educate children for more than 50 years. It chooses its destinations with school groups in mind. Safe, secure accommodation options and a range of engaging visits provide an ideal introduction to the world outside the classroom.

It’s the travel company of choice for over 35,000 group leaders, and NST is committed to doing its absolute best to provide schools with the experience and support they need to create school trips pupils will remember long after they return to the classroom.

Dunfield House

A proud LOtC-accredited provider, Dunfield House offers an outstanding residential experience – a place to call home where students can improve their confidence, resilience, wellbeing and life skills.

Its friendly team offer a personal service, with 24/7 onsite managers, three-star accommodation and healthy, wholesome meals with unlimited refreshments and biscuits.

Varied lesson plans, developed by teachers, are available for self-directed learning.

Dunfield caters for groups of 30–95, offering sole use of the house and/or stables accommodation.

Most importantly, it offers a sanctuary where young people develop their true potential, taking memories and new skills back to the classroom.

The Outward Bound Trust

As an educational charity, the Outward Bound Trust ’s mission is to make its residential programmes available to as many young people as possible.

With the philosophy that money shouldn’t stand in the way of opportunity and that everyone can achieve more than they think they can, it raises funds thanks to the generosity of donors, its fundraising events and early careers development programmes.

The trust puts this towards appropriate funding for schools, colleges and youth groups.

UKSA specialises in introducing people of all ages to the great outdoors through watersports and sailing.

Its water-based activities are a great way to build confidence, teamwork and resilience. On offer are a variety of disciplines, from dinghy sailing and kayaking, to windsurfing and standup paddleboarding.

Team building and multi-activity programmes are also available. UKSA’s 3.5-acre fully residential campus is based in Cowes, Isle of Wight – just a short hop over from Southampton, Portsmouth or Lymington.

There are regular complementary preview weekends for anyone who wishes to experience what’s on offer, first hand.

YMCA Lakeside

YMCA Lakeside is one of the largest and most scenic outdoor education centres in the UK. Set on the shores of Lake Windermere, this iconic centre has been hosting school residentials and transforming young lives for over 70 years.

Its state-of-the-art schools facility, opened in 2019, created an additional 200 beds and more opportunities to provide outstanding learning outside the classroom activities.

Belchamps Scout Activity Centre

If you’re looking for something different for your next educational venture outside the school grounds, try this activity centre set amid 30 acres of camping fields in the Essex countryside.

The site includes a choice of five indoor accommodations and two tented villages with a cooking hut, and a range of different experiences to try.

Available activities include abseiling, bridge building, bushcraft days (which involve fire lighting and shelter building) and indoor/outdoor climbing, among many others.

Essex Outdoors

Essex Outdoors is situated across four stunning locations in Essex, ideally located to provide an outstanding school trips experience.

Whether you’re looking for a residential stay or a day trip, its fully trained and dedicated staff will ensure that your students develop lifelong memories.

With over 40 different activities on offer – from archery to crabbing, quad bikes to zip wires – there’s certain to be something that will engage and inspire your pupils.

The wide range of accommodation options, including residential blocks, pods, cabins and tents, means you will be able to plan a trip that’s exactly what you’re looking for.

Active Escape

Active Escape is based in stunning North Devon and provides a variety of stimulating and unique experiences, including coasteering, stand-up paddleboarding, rafting, party SUPs and its very own ‘Adventure Challenge’.

All of the activities on offer encourage team-building, boost self-confidence and fulfill a number of educational purposes too.

You can choose to spend half a day with Active Escape or a whole week, thanks to a campsite equipped with bell tents for your students.

Conway Centres

With four locations across north Wales and Cheshire, Conway Centres are the perfect location for schools to come together and make life-long memories.

Conway Centres combines real-life outdoor adventure with unique creative and performing arts activities, which increase achievement and inspire individuals.

Whether children and young people are canoeing on the private dock in Anglesey (with the stunning Snowdonia mountain range as a backdrop), taking centre stage in the outdoor woodland theatre or exploring all that Delamere forest has to offer, there’s something to inspire everyone at Conway Centres.

Brathay Trust

Situated in the stunning Lake District National Park, Brathay Hall is home to Brathay Trust . Each year the site hosts hundreds of young people on immersive, memorable and life-changing residential programmes that promote resilience, leadership and wellbeing.

A Brathay residential programme offers a powerful learning experience in an inspiring location, using outdoor activities and a creative approach to enable a wide range of outcomes to be achieved.

As the director of services at Aspired Futures put it, “The changes we saw in young people on the residential would take us a year to achieve in our community setting.”

Epic Outdoors

Epic Outdoors is an adventure activities licensing service and Duke of Edinburgh approved adventure provider specialising in developing personal and group skills through multi activity programmes.

It currently delivers activities in the Lake District, North Wales and the Peak District – everything from gorge walking, canoe and climbing to mindfulness, wild camping and traditional storytelling – to over 2,500 young people each year.

Schools receive full support, from pre-visits for staff, students and parents to curriculum blending and post residential review trips – and most importantly, genuine adventures built around learning outcomes.

A Kingswood adventure brings out the potential in every child. With award-winning programmes focused on building confidence, boosting resilience and developing key life skills, your class will enjoy a breath of fresh air, a taste of independence and make memories to last a lifetime.

Choose from 11 adventure centres across the UK, where the Kingswood team will deliver activities from abseiling to zip wires, while providing learning outcomes and so much more.

Introduced in 2022, the new unique Confidence Tracker also helps you to measure and demonstrate the outcome of your trip.

Plus, you’ll be able to explore pre- and post-trip activities from Kingswood’s partners, Enrich Education, to help extend the value of your trip.

Oaker Wood Leisure

Oaker Wood Leisure Adventure Centre in Herefordshire specialises in school activity residentials for groups of up to 120 students.

Accommodation comes in the form of wooden ‘glamping’ pods based in glamping villages for the exclusive use of each school group, complete with campfire, barbecue hut, kitchen and dining facilities, showers and toilets.

On-site activities include team-building, high ropes, a zip wire, quick jump, paintball, raft-building, quad trekking and more.

You can book residentials for between one and four nights. Day trips and in-school team-building days also available.

Llain Activity Centre

Llain Activity Centre is a short drive from New Quay, West Wales and a short walk to the secluded Cei Bach beach.

The nine-acre former farm is packed with various accommodation options, a one-and-a-half-acre lake and a one-acre mud assault course as well as a climbing tower, high ropes and zip line.

Having specialised in residential school trips for over 20 years, the centre prides itself on its pre-visit communication and parent presentations.

Scout Adventures

With over 100 years’ experience in character education, Scout Adventures has helped thousands of young people enjoy a range of adventure activities while learning new skills and becoming active citizens of the future.

At Scout Adventures it’s all about helping young people to reach their potential – understanding that learning away can have a powerful, positive impact on young people’s academic achievement.

With its expertise in informal outdoor learning, and world famous Scouting heritage and values, Scout Adventures has inspired generations of young people to reach their potential and learn skills for life.

It also provides free resources to schools.

Calvert Trust Exmoor

Calvert Trust Exmoor offers a unique opportunity for students of any age and any disability to experience exciting, challenging and enjoyable adventure activities in a safe, accessible environment.

On a residential break, children can overcome challenges, build confidence and enrich their lives through improved self-esteem and a sense of achievement.

The Trust also promotes physical activity, helps with social interaction and gives pupils and staff a shared point of reference that can aid engagement when back in the classroom.

It works with numerous UK educational establishments, both specialist and mainstream, and can tailor breaks to meet your needs.

PGL has been successfully delivering high-quality learning experiences for 65 years, amassing a wealth of experience within outdoor education.

As the largest outdoor learning provider in the UK, over 350,000 young people benefit from a PGL trip each year.

With 15 centres across the UK, most schools are no more than two hours away from their next PGL adventure. There are also four centres in France and a ski programme in Europe.

Residential school trips offer unforgettable experiences at the well-equipped adventure centres and with PGL, you get round-the-clock support from experienced instructors and a dedicated member of staff to look after you and your group during your stay.


London skyline representing London school trips


Inspirational for all ages, SEA LIFE London offers pupils the opportunity to explore the creatures that live in our rivers and oceans.

They will walk in awe through Pacific Ocean tunnels, tropical rainforests and an Antarctic penguin point.

Younger children’s curiosity will be piqued as they become top rock pool explorers while older students can observe, first hand, ecosystems, environmental changes, evolution and marine conservation.

Pupils will learn about the different oceans around the world, explore creature characteristics and differences in their adaptations to survive, and compare and contrast the life stages of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds.

Tour for Muggles

Show your students the magical side of London with this award-winning Harry Potter tour . This is a really engaging way for students to delve into the Harry Potter series while learning about London’s rich history.

The Tour for Muggles team have worked with many school groups and their excellent guides will make it a memorable experience for you all.

The team reserves the best prices for school groups. Teachers can attend for free. Multi-award winner of the TripAdvisor Award of Excellence and Scoot Awards, this tour is truly Potterific!

Imperial War Museum London

IWM London tells the story of conflict from 1914 to the present day. School groups can choose to take part in one of IWM’s learning sessions with an expert educator, or opt to explore the museum on a self-guided visit. The Documentary Challenge gives students the chance to explore IWM’s galleries, find objects and tell the stories the world needs to hear by making short documentaries.

We Were There sessions provide a unique opportunity to meet veterans who have all experienced conflict first-hand.

Holocaust Learning sessions support students as they learn about one of the most difficult subjects in history. New technology guides pupils through IWM’s Holocaust Galleries, critically considering why the Holocaust happened, why we study it, and what it means in our world today.

Image of city representing London school trips

Jewish Museum

At Jewish Museum London , students will learn about the history of Judaism and the culture of the Jewish community here in Britain.

All workshops are interactive and, depending on what you have planned, students might handle precious objects with important and personal stories, watch films, listen to stories and sound clips, or participate in craft activities. The museum also provides the opportunity for students to hear from a Holocaust survivor speaker who will tell their personal story.

The Living Communities gallery offers a space for craft activities and group work. Students may even get the chance to practise calligraphy skills and learn some Hebrew.

Asking questions is an important part of your visit – The Jewish Museum London offers a safe space to ask anything about Judaism or Jewish people that you ever wanted to know.

KidZania London

Visit KidZania London in Westfield, Shepherd’s Bush and your pupils will experience experiential learning at its best. KidZania is the indoor city for kids with endless, exciting, real-life career activities.

The range of activities available is designed to link back to the curriculum across PSHE, literacy and STEM.

KidZania also runs unique educational events throughout the year to bring careers learning to life. These include Parliament Week, STEM Week and its Careers Fair.

The Postal Museum

The Postal Museum explores how the post has changed the way we live. Interactive sessions explore communication stories across the curriculum for all key stages. Meanwhile, its exhibition galleries are jam-packed with intriguing objects charting 500 years of social history.

Pupils can hop aboard Mail Rail, travelling on a tiny train through the tunnels of London’s hidden postal railway and testing their engineering ingenuity in the original train depot.

Younger visitors can learn through play in Sorted! and have sack loads of fun delivering the post in the mini mail town.

Lee Valley Regional Park

Help your class to experience a range of outdoor adventure activities with a trip to a 10,000 acre classroom in Lee Valley Regional Park , spanning London, Essex and Hertfordshire.

The learning service provides real-word experience of topics on the KS1 and KS2 curriculum. Immerse pupils in the history of the Stone Age, help them discover the natural world, or teach mindfulness practices in the outdoors.

Looking for something more? The forest school activity programme is available in six-week blocks for children to develop physical and social skills. In-school programmes are also available.

Science trips for schools

Kids watching science experiment representing science school trips

Brooklands Museum

Brooklands Museum is a 32-acre site steeped in history and linked with world-famous achievements.

Its collections of historic cars, aircraft, motorcycles, bicycles and artefacts tell fascinating and inspirational stories.

From its creation in 1907, through two World Wars and for most of the 20th century, Brooklands was a centre for breaking speed records, motor racing and advances in science and technology. Thousands of aircraft were tested and flown.

Today, students can:

  • sit inside real aircraft
  • drive a Formula 1 simulator around Brooklands race track
  • design their own aircraft
  • step on board a real Concorde

Magna Science Adventure Centre

Magna Science Adventure Centre is a hands-on experience with interactive exhibits and fascinating displays.

Pupils can explore the wonders of science, technology and industrial history in four pavilions: Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

These are crammed with over 100 exciting activities. Invite your group to discover the amazing nature of water, operate real diggers, witness a fire tornado and even explode a rock face.

There’s also a chance to discover South Yorkshire & North East England’s steel-making heritage in ‘The Big Melt’ experience. This is a thunderous pyrotechnic show.

Kent Wildlife Trust

Kent Wildlife Trust is the leading wildlife charity in Kent. Its aim is to bring people closer to nature and ensure wildlife is protected and restored in the future.

Activities enable young people to connect with nature and learn outside the classroom.

Learners will explore different habitats, learn new skills and have fun while meeting curriculum objectives.

Expert tutors are on hand to deliver a wide range of interactive sessions at sites across Kent. These range from pond dipping to forest school programmes.

Staff are committed to ensuring high quality provision and have been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom quality badge.

Children in lab watching scientist representing science school trips

The Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE) is a charity set up to support children’s understanding of the natural world.

Working with young people, schools and parents, it aims to give children a real awareness of environmental issues. These include:

  • climate change
  • deforestation
  • the plight of endangered flora and fauna

Your pupils need to know all of the facts in order to make their own decisions about how they want to shape their world for the future. The YPTE helps to equip them with the knowledge they need.

The Field Studies Council

The Field Studies Council (FSC) is the UK’s leading charity sector provider of outdoor environmental education.

Much of its work is based at one of its 17 field centres. These have an international reputation for high standards of primary school, secondary school and university teaching by expert staff and associated facilities.

A broad range of courses are available, from fieldwork residentials and adventure school trips to one-day experiences. These Field Studies Council courses immerse pupils in the natural world, taking in its sights, sounds and smells by bringing subjects to life in the outdoor classroom.

school trip about

Godstone Farm

Godstone Farm opened its doors 40 years ago as an educational attraction for school children. Over the years it has developed into the farm countless visitors enjoy today.

Its schools programme has been designed to complement the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stages and both the KS1 and 2 programmes of study, mixing in a whole heap of fun.

Children with SEND are welcomed, with semi-structured visits on offer.

Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm

A visit to Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm offers an excellent opportunity for children of all ages and abilities to become jungle explorers and learn about rainforest environments. They can also learn about the life cycle of a butterfly, and Mayans KS2 topics.

KS1 and 2 curriculum subjects are covered, with all tours tailored to meet your group’s needs.

Tours include an introductory talk and a ‘Meet the Mini-Beast’ handling session.

With plenty of hands-on, close observation and activity, this is an immersive and educational day out for your class.

Cotswold Wildlife Park & Gardens

From art to geography, science to literacy, whether you want an educational talk for your pupils or are just coming for a visit, Cotswold Wildlife Park has plenty to offer.

Home to over 260 different animal species, and comprising 120 acres of stunning gardens and parkland, it is the perfect place to bring the National Curriculum to life.

Your pupils can get eye to eye with giraffes, watch rhinos graze on the manor house lawns, walk with lemurs, take a ride on Bella the train or explore the adventure playground.

Free coach parking is available.

West Midland Safari Park

Located in Worcestershire, West Midland Safari Park has been welcoming educational groups for over 40 years. And with over 140 species of amazing animals on show, pupils can immerse themselves in a truly unique learning environment.

In 2017 the park’s purpose-built Safari Academy opened. This is a sustainable, state-of-the-art education centre, dedicated to providing learning opportunities for all ages.

A variety of educational sessions are on offer to complement the curriculum. These are delivered by an experienced education team who aim to inspire a future generation of conservationists.

Monkey World

Whether your pupils are learning about primate rescue work, the impact of deforestation or how woolly monkey use their tails, Monkey World ’s experienced education team can enhance your trip and support learning in the classroom.

As well as curriculum-linked sessions and workbooks, Monkey World offers visitors the chance to see over 250 monkeys and apes. This includes the largest group of chimpanzees outside of Africa, Europe’s only orangutan crèche and a breeding group of woolly monkeys – all in one day!

school trip about

Amazona Zoo

Amazona Zoo in Cromer, Norfolk, is home to over 200 animals from tropical South America. These include:

The zoo features a 30-foot yurt for viewing educational films and other learning activities; an expansive outdoor play area, Rainforest Springs, with two large jumping pillows; and a spacious, well-equipped indoor play area, Jungle Tumbles.

There are opportunities for visitors to see the animals being fed, meet the zookeepers and learn about the history of South America and the rainforest.

Longleat is home to a wide range of attractions, so can easily tie in with a variety of topics, act as a case study, or be the inspirational starting point to a project.

Science and history have intrinsically strong connections but Longleat also presents wonderful opportunities for subjects such as English, maths, art and design. These can be given a real-life context.

There’s a huge selection of workshops and resources, for EYFS through to KS4+. Longleat is committed to continuously improving through expanding their variety of activities on offer.

Colchester Zoo

Colchester Zoo has an award-winning education programme and offers free sessions to support many subjects across the curriculum.

As well as covering traditional science and geography concepts such as adaptations and conservation, it also extends to English debating skills, art, maths and wildlife forensics. These support curriculum areas not traditionally associated with a zoo visit.

Schools looking for a general zoo visit are also very welcome to attend and use any of the zoo’s free online resources to focus self-guided or group learning.

Paignton Zoo

Paignton Zoo in Devon features 2,500 animals across 80 acres of natural habitat.

It has a comprehensive education offering to tempt schools. Primary students can access a range of interactive, curriculum-linked workshops. These take place in themed classrooms containing a host of artefacts and specimens.

Options include Evolution, Endangered animals and conservation, and habitats and adaptations. Qualified teaching staff will deliver these.

The team can also help visiting teachers to develop an itinerary for their visit. This can span a wide range of subjects, including maths, art, English, geography, and more.

The Deep is home to 3,500 fish and welcomes over 30,000 students every year to its purpose-built Learning Centre.

Start your amazing aquarium experience with the breath-taking coral reef in the Lagoon and some impressively large sharks in Endless Ocean. Or take a look at the creatures of the Amazon in the Flooded Forest.

A team of experienced in-house teachers deliver workshops, presentations and hands-on activities to school groups. They cover a wide selection of topics, including:

  • citizenship
  • customer care
  • travel and tourism.

Flamingo Land Resort

Flamingo Land in North Yorkshire offers a great day out for school students. Your group will be able to enjoy the thrills of amazing theme park rides and explore an award-winning animal collection.

They can tour the zoo and attend keeper talks. These provide fascinating information about a variety of animals, including:

  • Sumatran tigers
  • African lions
  • Black and white rhinoceroses

Business studies students can also take the opportunity to learn how a major leisure attraction operates, with information on a range of topics covering HR, customer services, finance and marketing.

National Marine Aquarium

The National Marine Aquarium is the largest public aquarium in the UK. It offers an amazing aquarium experience for more than 300,000 visitors per year (including 30,000 school students).

Its range of exhibits features marine animals from near and far. There are zones dedicated to the Atlantic Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef and Plymouth Sound.

Of particular interest will be JustAddH2O, the aquarium’s award-winning Learning Space. Its dedicated Discovery & Learning team operate in partnership with other education experts to provide a continuously developing programme that supports all teachers, from Foundation Stage to university and beyond.

Wingham Wildlife Park

There’s not an animal-based education destination in Kent that can offer more variety than Wingham Wildlife Park . At the park you’ll find:

  • Over 170 species
  • 190 talk topics. This includes everything from individual species to recycling, palm oil, dinosaurs, reptiles, invertebrates, nocturnal animals, birds and much more
  • Pre-designed itineraries
  • An outdoor play area
  • Free lunch lockers
  • Plenty of picnic areas (both open and under cover)

London & Whipsnade Zoos

If you’re looking to take your students on an inspirational school trip, look no further than ZSL’s two fantastic zoos .

London Zoo is the world’s oldest scientific zoo, home to over 650 species of animals. On the other hand, Whipsnade Zoo is the UK’s largest zoo. It’s set in 600 acres of beautiful scenery with some of the largest, rarest and most majestic animals alive.

Schools receive fantastic discounts for self-guided entry and educational sessions. You can choose from a range of curriculum-linked sessions, delivering a unique interactive learning experience. You can book these as part of your education visit.

A visit to either zoo is ideal for children of all ages, from Foundation through Key Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Visitors in museum

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum delivers educational programmes using digital technology, survivor testimonies, hate crime specialists and artefacts to challenge prejudice.

The MAD (Mechanical Art & Design) Museum

This venue displays over 60 motorised pieces of automata and kinetic art. These have all been handcrafted by outside-the-box thinkers and inventors from across the globe.

The museum encourages students to interact with and witness a diverse range of engineering and physics principles as well as clever design elements. The museum offers:

  • hands-on learning
  • discounted tickets
  • support materials for teachers
  • sketching and photography sessions
  • KS3 activities and automata construction kits

Groups usually spend two hours experiencing everything on offer.

The National Football Museum

The National Football Museum teaches much more than just a game. Its fun and inspiring programme uses unique objects and amazing stories to enthuse and engage school students, employing football to bring the curriculum to life.

Pupils will journey back through time and chart the game’s development and place in society across the generations; score points with the museum’s approach to maths; get creative with words in poetry and commentary workshops; and get hands-on with real football artefacts in science and design sessions.

school trip about

De Havilland Aircraft Museum

Your pupils can experience fun and engaging workshops at the UK’s oldest aviation museum , dedicated to the preservation of the de Havilland heritage.

They can get close up and inside many of the exhibits and aircraft, and enjoy bespoke workshops. You can tailor these to your topic, with many cross-curricular elements as well as opportunities to practise soft skills such as:

  • critical thinking
  • following instructions

British Motor Museum

The British Motor Museum offers a range of interactive museum walks, hands-on workshops and self-led activities that allow pupils to experience the sights, sounds and stories of the British motor industry. This is all while engaging in a fun learning programme linked to the National Curriculum.

There’s a coach drop-off point outside the museum entrance, accessible toilets and dedicated learning spaces, including a lunch area.

International tours

New York City

Halsbury Travel

Founded by former teachers, Halsbury Travel specialises in tailor-made tours for schools designed to inspire.

Its philosophy is that education should be an exciting adventure. And, as such, it offers some incredible activities that students will never forget.

You can walk on glaciers in Iceland, hike up volcanoes in Naples and Costa Rica, and explore the vastness of the Grand Canyon. There’s so many school trip destinations on offer.

You can travel to any number of far-flung destinations. These include India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and China. Here your students will experience exotic landscapes and ancient, rich cultures.

school trip about

Galina International Study Tours

Established in 1989, Galina is an independent, family-run tour operator providing curriculum-relevant primary and secondary school trips to destinations in the UK and Europe.

You can tailor the tours to cover your students’ specific learning objectives. Get in touch with a member of the team to discuss your requirements and start planning a school trip adventure.


With WorldStrides you can experience the natural wonder of Iceland with your students, and use Geography Association-approved materials linked to the GCSE curriculum.

Begin in Reykjavik, then spend four days exploring the land of fire and ice – from explosive geysers and giant volcanoes, to glaciers and magnificent waterfalls.

Travel to Vik and the South Coast and then on to Gullfoss before enjoying a relaxing soak in the Blue Lagoon.

The team vets every hotel and restaurant to ensure it meets your expectations. And WorldStrides will work with you every step of the way to make your experience a smooth one.

School trips to New York City

European study tours.

European Study Tours is a leading educational tour operator trusted by teachers to organise educational tours and experiences since 1982.

Catering for destinations all around the world, European Study Tours also holds curriculum-focused conference events in New York. The LIVE! conferences bring students together with high-calibre industry professionals to provide subject insight and inspiration that can’t be found in text books or the classroom.

Art & Design LIVE! and Business LIVE! are held at the iconic MOMA museum, where students can hear first-hand accounts and exclusive insights from leading industry specialists. Q&A sessions give students the opportunity to put their questions to the experts. Then finish the day with a trip to Top of the Rock to see the city sparkle at night.

History school trips

War memorial in France

Historic Royal Palaces

With 1,000 years of history to uncover, a visit to some of the country’s most iconic historic palaces offers pupils the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in history where it happened.

Children can take part in interactive sessions led by expert, costumed presenters, including: Tudor kitchens revealed at Hampton Court Palace; crime and punishment at the Tower of London; Queen Victoria’s toys at Kensington Palace; and the roles of servants uncovered at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens.

And for those wanting a self-led visit, activity trails linked to the national curriculum allow teachers to shape a visit to suit their students’ needs.

King Richard III Visitor Centre

Head to Leicester and you can discover the incredible story of a king’s life and death, and explore one of the greatest archaeological detective stories ever told.

Great for educational visits, the King Richard III Visitor Centre stands on the site where Richard III’s remains were buried for over 500 years.

A complementary learning programme is available for teachers. This provides different options for schools and educational organisations planning a visit to the centre. This includes a range of workshops for both history and science.

Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle has played a prominent role in English history for over 1,100 years. Today, schools can explore its Medieval towers and ramparts; roam grounds designed by famous landscaper Capability Brown; and marvel at the great hall and state rooms with their Tudor influences.

They can also be awed by the daily shows that can include an archery demonstration, a working trebuchet and a brand new bird of prey show, ‘The Falconer’s Quest’.

In addition, there is a plethora of curriculum-linked workshops that you can book to bring history vividly to life.

school trip about

English Heritage

Whether you choose an expert-led tour at Kenilworth Castle; an interactive Discovery Visit at Battle of Hastings Abbey and Battlefield; or explore the rich history of sites such as Dover Castle, Carlisle Castle or Stonehenge, English Heritage school trips are guaranteed to bring learning to life.

You can also download free resources from the English Heritage website. A team of qualified teachers, educational experts and historians have developed these, in partnership with AQA and OCR.

Tonbridge Castle

Tonbridge Castle educational tours and workshops immerse students in the turbulent and fascinating history of this long-standing gatehouse. It offers a fun, informative and hands-on way to learn about the past.

Visiting pupils will experience a vivid recreation of the sights, sounds and excitement of the castle in the 13th century. This includes:

  • a visit to the basement store and the armoury
  • joining the garrison for supper
  • climbing to the top of the battlements.

Arundel Castle

Arundel Castle provides fantastic opportunities for educational visits. Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Arundel, founded the castle at the end of the 11th century. Today it’s the family home of the 18th Duke of Norfolk.

Its colourful, near-1,000-year history lends itself to many aspects of the national curriculum, whether your group is in Key Stage 1, 2 or 3.

Staff have developed the Arundel Castle Educational Programme to help students with their study in an informative, enjoyable and memorable way.

At Beamish , students can engage in a real-life setting and, by asking real people, gain a deeper understanding than that offered by a textbook.

Its active learning experiences encompass investigation of both facts about the past and also attitudes.

Students must think critically, weigh evidence, make informed decisions and develop perspective in activities such as:

  • Medicine Through Time
  • Joe the Quilter Murder
  • Suffragettes on the High Street
  • Mayday Mayday

They must stand up and make their opinions known, argue, analyse and act out becoming informed, independent investigators.


Thorpe Park

Thorpe Park Resort Theme Park welcomes schools from all over the country for a school trip like no other.

At Thorpe Park you’ll find a full day’s worth of thrilling rides and attractions for students and teachers.

To make booking a trip as easy as possible, there’s a variety of resources on the resort’s website for download. These include checklists, risk assessments, permission slips and lesson plans.

The park also has a dedicated school team to help you every step of the way.

Cadbury World

With more than 30 years’ experience and more than 2,000 school groups attending each year, Cadbury World offers unique educational school trips that provide a fascinating insight into the nation’s favourite chocolate brand.

There’s an assortment of interactive chocolatey zones to explore and a variety of informative curriculum-linked talks and workshops. These include Marketing, Investigating Business and Geography.

The one-hour talks and workshops complement your group’s day out perfectly, expanding pupils’ knowledge on a huge range of topics. Self-guided tours are also available.

All of this makes Cadbury World the perfect destination for school trips.

Flambards Theme Park

Flambards Theme Park can be found in Helston, Cornwall. It combines a wide range of rides with indoor recreations of different historical eras. These include educational experiences aimed specifically at schools.

The latter include a life-size Victorian village featuring 50 explorable locations. There’s also a ‘Britain in the Blitz’ attraction. Schools can book ‘living history characters’ to help bring these to life, for example, an Air Raid Patrol warden.

Meanwhile your thrillseekers will enjoy the Skyraker and experience up to 3G with the giant white-knuckle experience that is ‘Sky-force’.

school trip about

LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort

LEGO’s resort is an exciting venue for learning outside the classroom and most suitable for Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4 pupils. There are also experiences available for preschool and younger school pupils.

Schools can use a National Curriculum Map to navigate their way around the resort. This ensures that it’s a simple matter to tie in all of your learning objectives whilst students enjoy the over 55 rides and attractions.

Alton Towers

The Alton Towers Resort Theme Park welcomes schools from all over the country.

Alton Towers Education has a dedicated schools team to help you every step of the way. This is from booking your trip to delivering memorable educational experiences.

There are even special Teacher VIP days that allow you to meet the team and explore what Alton Towers Resort has to offer your school.

Chessington W o rld of Adventures

Schools visiting the Chessington World of Adventures Resort can expect a truly wild adventure.

Students can enjoy expeditions around its zoo in ‘walkshops’, or embark on fact-finding missions to learn all about Chessington’s four new resident endangered Amur Tigers, who live in ‘Land of the Tiger’.

The fantastic Wild Learning Centre has five immersively themed zones. It’s sure to give your pupils their wildest lesson yet!

Paultons Park

Set within 140 acres of parkland on the edge of the New Forest, Paultons Park is a family theme park with an extensive educational offering.

School groups can take advantage of a range of interactive workshops (suitable for Key Stages 1 to 4) in Professor Blast’s lab. This is focused on topics such as rollercoaster physics, dinosaurs, animal encounters and even theme park marketing.

Teachers can apply for free tickets, to see what’s on offer in advance.

There are more than 70 rides to enjoy too, plus go karts and even some moving dinosaurs…

Theatre and drama school trips

Actor in theatre show

Ambassador Theatre Group

ATG’s Creative Learning and Community Partnerships provide dynamic cultural education. It works with top West End professionals to encourage creative thinking, problem solving, resilience and the ability to find solutions via engaging bespoke workshops. These include acting, singing, stage combat, technical theatre and more.

Whether your trip is part of the curriculum or a well-earned treat, the workshops are grounded in subject knowledge and understanding. Pupils’ creative capacity will be nurtured and their personal, social and academic development greatly enriched.

Frozen the Musical

Escape into the wonder-filled world of Arendelle to experience stories of love, hope and self-discovery. This is all delivered with groundbreaking set design and special effects, exquisite costumes and sensational stagecraft from the producers of The Lion King and Aladdin.

Frozen is brought to the stage by a multi-award-winning creative team. This is led by Tony® and Olivier Award-winning director Michael Grandage, with a book from Academy® and BAFTA Award-winning Jennifer Lee. The show features the cherished songs from the original film, alongside a brand-new score from Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. These are the Grammy® and Academy Award®-winning songwriters behind the global phenomenon ‘Let It Go’.

M&M Theatrical Productions

M&M Theatrical Productions ’ enchanting Classic Literature Adaptations are presented in an easily digestible and interactive format, creating an inspiring way to promote reading for pleasure and to learn about the past, while engaging the children in tales involving characters from many different social and cultural backgrounds.

These productions are followed by a Stagecraft workshop – an exciting way to further enhance the experience of the visit by offering older children a practical and unique view behind the scenes of the production they have just enjoyed, broadening their knowledge of the arts in combination with STEM subjects.

The Birmingham Stage Company

The Birmingham Stage Company is one of the world’s top companies creating theatre for children. Its award-winning productions tour the UK and internationally, most recently performing on Broadway, selling out the Sydney Opera House and regularly triumphing in London’s West End.

They work with Britain’s top children’s writers including David Walliams, Liz Pichon, Terry Deary, Michael Morpurgo and Philip Pullman.

Nominated for the Best Entertainment and Family Olivier Award, the company stages spectacular shows that are tailored specifically for children. There’s amazing sets and costumes, plus fantastic effects. The company aims to make every production a truly memorable event.

school trip about

Galloway School Tours

Did you know your local coach operator may be able to organise a complete day out? This includes travel and attraction tickets.

East Anglian operator Galloway School Tours , for example, offers packages for groups looking to visit London’s West End.

Using its extensive experience and network of contacts, Galloway can provide schools travelling from East Anglia a package including travel, show tickets and a theatre workshop.

It’s a great opportunity for students to work with professionals and enjoy top quality entertainment.

Royal Court Theatre

The Royal Court is a leading force in world theatre for finding writers and producing new plays that are original, contemporary and provocative.

Its education programme encourages young people to investigate, enjoy and participate in the craft of making theatre. It opens up the world of the rehearsal room as well as backstage, and offers practical learning opportunities for students.

From study days, production workshops, INSET sessions and community projects, the organisation offers a fascinating insight into the professional process of staging Royal Court productions.

Disney’s Aladdin

Breathtaking sets, mindblowing special effects, over 350 lavish costumes and a fabulous cast and orchestra bring the magic of Disney’s Aladdin to life on the West End stage.

This spectacular show, which is packed full of dancing, music and storytelling, is a fantastic stimulus for creative work. It will inspire primary and secondary pupils alike.

You can enhance your visit with free online resources. These include a nine-part video library.

Or take advantage of a range of pre-show workshops led by Disney Theatrical Teaching Artists. Prepare to escape to a whole new world!

Shakespeare’s Globe

Every day hundreds of students take part in curriculum-linked workshops and lectures at, or delivered, by Shakespeare’s Globe .

Visit with your group and you’ll also be able to benefit from an exploratory tour of the theatre.

Workshop options include interactive storytelling sessions for Key Stages 3 to 5. These include a 45-minute performance by a Globe Education practitioner.

Longer study days, exploring topics such as language or contextual influences on performance, for Key Stages 4 and 5, and GCSE study days are also available.

The Globe has extensive experience of working with children with SEN and EAL, too.

Told By An Idiot

Told by an Idiot is an acclaimed professional theatre company and an Arts Council England NPO organisation.

The company has 25 years’ experience of creating exciting, innovative productions and participation projects across the UK and internationally. Venues include north west England’s Manchester Royal Exchange, Theatre Royal Plymouth, Lyric Hammersmith London and National Theatre Wales.

It also offers a range of exciting, highly practical drama workshops for teachers and students. These are led by experienced practitioners who are all professional theatre performers and directors.

Themes include Working with Mask, Devising, Commedia dell’arte and Physical Theatre, as well as CPD sessions for teachers.

The Emmerdale Studio Experience

The Emmerdale Studio Experience takes place at the former ITV studios in Leeds, where selected filming still takes place. It allows students to step into the drama and experience the television production process from ‘Script to Screen’.

The education programme is tailored for Key Stages 2–5. There are links to the national curriculum and exam board specifications for English, film and media studies.

ATG Creative Learning Workshops

ATG’s Creative Learning team understands the value of learning through a creative process and the many ways in which it can engage and inspire students, bolstering the hard work of teachers and their schools.

All of ATG’s group workshops are bespoke. They can be tailored to offer an exploration of any English or drama text, on the GCSE and A Level curriculum or otherwise.

Best of all, students taking part will be working with truly inspiring West End professionals at a competitive cost.

Wicked The Musical

Voted ‘Best Theatre Production for Schools’ by teachers at the School Travel Awards two years running, Wicked ’s topical story of friendship, acceptance, integrity, peer pressure and propaganda is relevant for PSHE and citizenship teaching, and whole-school anti-bullying strategies.

The show is highly pertinent for all students studying BTEC Nationals in Performing Arts, as well as a wealth of additional subjects. The song ‘Defying Gravity’ is also a set work for the Edexcel GCSE Music qualification.

Visit the website for details of the schools’ workshop programme. These are run by current and former members of the cast and creative team.

Curve is a state-of-the-art theatre based in the heart of Leicester’s vibrant Cultural Quarter.

As well as live performances, it offers a wide range of inspiring educational workshops. These are designed to open up the world of theatre and reveal the hidden process of a rehearsal room.

Students are afforded the opportunity to engage more deeply with the artists, subject matter and processes in the theatre’s artistic programme. Links are made to the curriculum.

Mayflower Theatre

Mayflower Theatre delivers a diverse range of creative workshops, theatre tours and events tailor made for schools, colleges or groups. They can take place either at the theatre or at your own setting.

It also supports talks and workshops on a variety of creative careers. Conference-style events for young people explore entering the industry, in particular non-performance based careers. These draw on the expertise within the marketing, sales, technical and FOH departments, as well as industry professionals.

Outdoor activities and experience day trips

Girl on kayak

Willen Lake

Looking for a trip in central England? There’s no better place than one of Milton Keynes’ most popular destinations, Willen Lake . Whether you’re looking to visit as part of your enrichment programme or as part of an activity day or physical education session, there’s something for everyone.

The land and water-based activities on offer are run by qualified instructors and cater for students aged eight and above.

An extensive range of packages covers everything from a single activity through to a full schedule of multiple activities. Plus, groups of all sizes are welcome.

Chill Factore Indoor Snow Centre

Chill Factore , Manchester, runs an exciting range of unique adventure days based around skills development, puzzle solving and team building, to offer an exciting new alternative to summer reward trips and transition initiatives.

The most popular package, the Chill Adventure Day, gives students an adrenaline-filled indoor adventure experience. Here they can enjoy rock climbing, sledging, tobogganing, snow tubing and ski or snowboard tuition.

Icebreaker Challenge is an indoor, snow-based sports day. Alternatively, the Arctic Explorer Package is a snow-based problem solving break out game.

Stubbers Adventure Centre

Based on a picturesque 130-acre site, Stubbers Adventure Centre is a registered not-for-profit organisation that has helped hundreds of schools provide students with the opportunity to develop social and interpersonal skills and build confidence. This is done through participation in adventurous activities.

The centre offers lots of water sports. This includes kayaking, jet skiing, sailing and raft building. Other activities include archery, fencing, orienteering, laser tag and rifle shooting.

‘The Towers’ section, meanwhile, offers climbing, abseiling, high ropes and zip wire, and motorsports including quad bikes and 4×4 driving.

school trip about

Shropshire Raft Tours

Shropshire Raft Tours offers services to accommodate school trips, as well as facilities to receive coaches in the Wharfage car park where its Little Green Kiosk is based.

Its River Severn Tours are a compelling educational experience, and lots of fun too. Passing through the Ironbridge Gorge, they provide a fantastic opportunity for students to learn the history of the river during the Industrial Revolution. Students will also acquire river safety skills, explore how the Severn valley gorge was formed, and much more.

  • Browse hundreds of school trip ideas Check out our directory where you can browse venues and filter them via trip type, subject, location and more.
  • Council for Learning Outside the Classroom  CLOtC’s website is a trove of information, inspiration, resources and training, including details on how the LOtC Quality Badge accreditation can help you plan your next school trip. It also offers a range of CPD opportunities and the LOtC Mark, for schools that want to demonstrate their commitment.
  • Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel OEAP ‘s National Guidance is a must-read for any teacher planning a school trip. Downloadable checklists and training are available.
  • Department for Education View the DfE’s latest health and safety guidance .
  • School Travel Forum STF offers information for the organisers of school trips as well research on the benefits of learning outside the classroom.
  • Learning Away For help with planning a brilliant residential, visit .

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The school trip.

Look at the information about a school trip and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.


Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the texts and do the other exercises.


Emails about school trip

School trip

Join us on a school trip to Cardiff on Saturday 13th May .

We will spend the morning in the city centre . For lunch we’ll have a picnic in the park . In the afternoon we will visit the Science and Technology Museum .

Meet in the school car park at 8:00 am . Please arrive on time. We will return to the school at 5:30 pm .


Dear Students,

We hope you can come on our school trip next weekend . Unfortunately, the Science and Technology Museum is closed for building work on Saturday, but we have got tickets for St Fagans National History Museum instead. The good news is that entry is free so the trip will now cost £10 each.

Arrival and departure times are the same.

Mr Stuart Noble

Head Teacher

Top tips for writing

When you need to write notes from a text, underline the important information first. Then make short, clear notes.

Check your understanding: gap fill

Check your writing: multiple choice, worksheets and downloads.

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Step by Step Guide to Planning a School Trip

It's no secret that teaching is a stressful job and you put in countless hours outside the classroom that goes unnoticed by many.

If you've taken on the extra responsibility of planning a school trip, this step-by-step process will make this as simple and pain-free as possible. ‍

‍ Step 1: Decide where to go and what the focus of the trip will be

Understanding the curriculum and educational goals of your trip as well as the interests of your students is the first important step. Shortlist two or three destinations that fit your educational goals while keeping in mind that it needs to be something parents will support, and students will want to go on.

Step 2: Obtain Approval

Getting approval is an essential step, and if you’ve done a thorough job with step one, this will assist you now. Going to your relevant school officials with an outline of what you achieve and a sample itinerary is the best way to do this. You can download one of our sample itineraries here .

Step 3: Set a Budget

Once approval has been granted request a quote for the itinerary that you have selected, keeping in mind that you can make changes to it to suit your school’s individual interests. To get the most accurate quote, have approximate dates ready and your best guess at teacher and student numbers. It makes sense to add a buffer to the price you quote to parents as numbers can unexpectedly change. ‍

Step 4: Information Evening

An information evening is the best way to gauge an idea of how many students are going to sign up for this trip. You will be joined either online or in person by our expert team who will be able to answer any question that parents or teachers have. This evening is pivotal to the success of the trip and it is best to right away ask for expressions of interest once the evening is complete. ‍

Step 5: Make the Booking

Once you have a clear idea of the numbers it is time to make the booking. You just let us know you want to proceed and we will make all your bookings from flights, accommodation, attractions, and specified meals. Any information that we need from you will be clearly communicated with timelines outlined so there are no surprises along the way. ‍

Step 7: Risk Assessment

Plan for safety and emergencies by creating a detailed risk management plan. Your school will likely have a template for you to work off and should include such things as emergency contact information, medical needs, and contingency plans.

‍ Step 8: Enjoy Your Trip

While it may not quite be a holiday for you, it is still rewarding to get out of the classroom and get to know your students in a different environment. All the planning and work will be worth it as you see the trip come to life. Also, you’ll have our tour manager with you the whole time, which means less stress and more time to take in the experience.

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TheSchoolTrip Icons June2023 01

Plan a school trip

School Trip Ideas with everything you need to plan, book and take your next Educational Visit or Field Trip. Includes theatres, museums, galleries, attractions & more.

TheSchoolTrip Icons June2023 02

Find a workshop

Make the most out of your school trips with an Educational Workshop. Or bring the school trip to you with In-School Workshops & Virtual School Trip Ideas.

TheSchoolTrip Icons June2023 03

Explore resources

Bring the school trip back into the classroom with 400+ Teaching Resources from arts & cultural venues – all available to download & use for free.

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Disneys The Lion King The Story Main 1000 x 710

Disney’s The Lion King

Lyceum Theatre, London

From £22.50 per student

Tracking Block e1713969530893

The Apollo Victoria Theatre, London

Student tickets from £17.50

Disneys FROZEN 1 Landscape

Disney’s FROZEN

Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London

The Moonwalkers The School Trip Main 1000x710 dec 23

Lightroom, London

Student tickets just £10

Guys Dolls The School trip NEW Main 1000x710 Mar 24

Guys & Dolls

Bridge Theatre, London

Student tickets from £15

The Paddington Bear™ Experience The School Trip Main Image 1000x710 Mar 24

The Paddington Bear™ Experience

County Hall, London

Student tickets just £17.50

Matilda The Musical The School Trip ©Manuel Harlan NEW Main 1000x710 1023

RSC’s Matilda The Musical

Cambridge Theatre, London

Student tickets just £20

An Inspector Calls The School Trip Main 6 1000x710 Mar 24

An Inspector Calls UK Tour

Read the latest news.

WWT Generation Wild Jun 22 4

WWT’s Generation Wild Goes from Strength to Strength

Max 3 min read

Up at The 02 Main Image May 22 9

“Up At The O2 was fantastic” See how much our teachers enjoyed their climb

The School Trip Hamilton Main 1000x710 223

“An incredible show and production” Discover why Hamilton is loved by teachers and makes the perfect school trip

London Theatre School Trip to Matilda The Musical

Ultimate guide to make your London Theatre School Trips easier

Max 10 min read

Wicked NEW CAST The School Trip ©Matt Crockett Main 1000x710 923

Wicked Becomes 10th Longest-Running West End Show in British History

Stranger Things The School Trip Main 5 1000x710 Apr 24

Book a School Trip to an Olivier Award Winning Show

Max 5 min read

Twisted Tales Box House Theatre The School Trip Main 1000x710 Apr 24

Box House Theatre’s Twisted Tales at Brighton Fringe and Education Workshops

Max 7 min read

See An Inspector Calls on Tour at a Theatre Near You!

Woman in Black Tour The School Trip Main 1000x710 Feb 24

Catch The Woman in Black on Tour at a Theatre Near You!

Theatre Audience Podcast Logo 1000x710 Mar 24

Theatre Audience Podcast – A Podcast made for Theatre Lovers

Max 8 min read

Find a teaching resource

Hadestown The School Trip NEW Main 4 1000x710 Feb 24

Hadestown Resource Pack

Download this free teaching resource from Hadestown designed to enhance your students' understanding of the production.

KS4, KS5, Higher

Castle Acre Priory Tour and Explore Teachers’ Guide Resource

Castle Acre Priory Tour and Explore Teachers’ Guide

A free teaching resource from English Heritage to accompany a school trip to Castle Acre Priory.

Bath World Heritage Site Secondary Teaching Resources Resource

Bath World Heritage Site Secondary Teaching Resources

Free Secondary Teaching Resources from the City of Bath World Heritage Site.

KS2, KS3, KS4

The Roman Baths’ Awesome Axes Resource

The Roman Baths’ Awesome Axes

Use this free teaching resource from The Roman Baths to explore the Bronze Age.

KS1, KS2, KS3

Victoria Art Gallery’s Jigsaw Puzzles – People Resource

Victoria Art Gallery’s Virtual People Jigsaw Puzzles

Free Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles from the Victoria Art Gallery.

KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5

Birmingham Botanical Gardens Main 3 1000x710 922

Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ General Gardening Trail Teaching Resource

Download this free teaching resource from Birmingham Botanical Gardens to learn more about plants and gardening.

WWT Structure of Animals Main 1000 x 710

WWT’s Structure of Animals Resources

Download these free teaching resources from WWT to investigate different body parts and the roles that they play.


The Beatles Story’s Songwriting 2 English Resource

The Beatles Story’s Songwriting 2 English Resource

Download this free teaching resource from The Beatles Story to make up your own fun, nonsensical lyrics!

Fashion Museum Bath’s Bath Time Travellers – Georgians & Victorians Objects Challenge Resource

Fashion Museum Bath’s Bath Time Travellers – Georgians & Victorians Objects Challenge

Take a look at Georgian and Victorian fashion styles and trends with this teaching resource from the Fashion Museum Bath.

Turner Contemporary’s Creative Mindfulness Resources Mindfully Looking at Art Activity

Turner Contemporary’s Looking Mindfully at Art Activity

Use this free educational activity from Turner Contemporary to help your students relax, recuperate and refocus.

Explore workshops

Cogges Mar 22 2

Cogges Manor Farm’s Enchanted Cogges (Full Day) Workshop

A fun workshop from Cogges Manor Farm where students will use their creativity and imaginations to find fairies, create art and build shelters.

Disneys The Lion King 3 Landscape

Disney’s The Lion King’s Spotlight on Acting In-School Workshop

Disney’s The Lion King's official Spotlight on Acting Workshop.

NEW The School Trip Museum of London Docklands Main 2 1000x710 523

Museum of London Docklands’ The Blitz: Ken’s World War Two Story Workshop

Enjoy this workshop from Museum of London Docklands where students will learn about the Blitz through eyewitness accounts.

The Auckland Project Main 5 1000x710 1022

The Auckland Projects’ Spanish Portraits workshop

Enjoy this fun and interactive workshop from The Auckland Project where students will learn how to draw portraits.

Roald Dahl Museum Mar 22 3

Roald Dahl Museum’s Livestream Creative Characters Workshop

Enjoy this fun, virtual workshop from The Roald Dahl Museum where students will learn techniques to create their own characters.

Seven Stories Main image 1 1000 x 710

Seven Stories’ Rosie’s Walk KS1 Workshop

A fun and insightful workshop from Seven Stories where students can learn about the life of a chicken.

Canterbury Guided Tours Mar 22 5

Canterbury Guided Tours’ Canterbury Means Business Themed Tour

Learn more about Canterbury's economic wellbeing in this themed tour with Canterbury Guided Tours.

KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5, Higher

The Golden Hinde The School Trip 3 Dec 21

The Golden Hinde’s Tudor Maritime KS3 & KS4 Workshop

Learn the ropes of Elizabethan seafaring in The Golden Hinde's flagship educational workshop for KS3 & KS4 Histroy.

Beat Goes On The School Trip Main 1000x710 May 24

Beat Goes On STOMP-Style Body Percussion Workshop

Explore a range of body percussion styles incorporating music and dance in this workshop from the Beat Goes On.

St Albans Cathedral Science Workshop Main Image

St Albans Cathedral’s Science Trails

Science Trails to accompany your school trip to St Albans Cathedral.

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Educational School Trips

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Unveiling Knowledge Through an Educational School Trip

The importance of educational trips in teaching & learning.

As the ideal method of schooling, field trips bring countless benefits for both teaching and learning. A lot of team building activities encourage students to erases the boredom of the classroom and have enjoyment. By experiencing, school trips are the bridges connecting students to the real world, promoting social bond, practising and broadening knowledge.

Meaning of Field Trips| Definition of Educational Trip Method

Field trips are educational school trips to sites on which students have the chance to observe their specific subject in the outside context, collect authentic data for conducting research. This teaching method requires planned educational objectives, report submission on field visits for further analyzing and honing the knowledge for students.

Educational Tourism Destinations | Best Places for School Trip

Looking for school trip ideas, great support,and service during the trips? Here at Educational School Trips, we offer inspiration on filed trips destinations, awsome tips and funny activities for unforgettable school tours. Join us to view a list of amazing countries in Asia and choose the best places for your coming school trip.

Educational School Trips & Student Tours

The world this full of interesting things to discover and no countries are alike. You are always astounded by differences ranging from languages, cultures, customs, history, civilizations, lifestyle, people, and natural beauties that provoke us to pack our luggage and go to find out. Every single country in this world is a magical place for everyone to experience and learn, especially for students who are super eager to set their foot in appealing destinations. School tours have become an important part of the extra curriculum of each school. Educational School Trip is a reputable travel agency with educational experts building up the best school trips for international students traveling to discover every corner around the world. Taking school trips abroad, students have incredible opportunities to equip themselves with valuable knowledge and strengthen personal skills. Besides obtaining educational knowledge through traveling, students also have chances to meet new friends, exchange culture with local people, and explore their fascinating ways of life. School trips are amazing occasions for students to actively participate in various interactive activities and sightseeing field trips, company visits, and do some community helps. Definitely, our customized educational tours will broaden students’ minds and their points of view towards the world outside!

Educational School Trip | Go School Trips - Make Better Tomorrow

School trip planning

Easy School Trip Planning

  • Speak 1-1 with a dedicated travel expert
  • Free Inquiry - Deliver fast - Consistent service - Seamless itineraries
  • We share a commitment to quality & the delivery of authentic travel experiences

Dedicated local guides of Educational School Trip

Expert Local Guide

  • Over 18 years experience in tailoring school trips & student tours
  • Intimate destination knowledge & attractive storyteller
  • Picked up for personalities of energetic, enthusiastic, humorous & caring

Authentic and Quality School Trips

Authentic & Quality 

  • We want you to go home with amazing stories about your trip
  • Unlock the real field trips, local insights
  • Visit local families, rural farmers & experience local life

school trip about

Safety & Security Guaranteed

  • Priority security & immigration clearance
  • Destinations belonging to political stability & security guaranteed
  • Your privacy & information are protected seriously

students get authentic experience from school tours

Great Support & Services

  • Handpicked the best school trip destinations & suppliers.
  • Fantastic support to school tour organizers
  • Assistance with risk assessments, alongside best value, great discounts

High Educational Impact from school trip

High Educational Impact

  • Community service & hands-on learning within an immersive cross-cultural curriculum
  • Showcase Asia’s best culture, history & natural landscape
  • Students can learn the whole time they’re travelling through activity-rich

We Are Proud of A School Tour Organiser

Customized school tours to learn outside the classroom with educational school trip.

Educational School Trip gives high educational impact

High-value Educational Outcomes

Positively build up knowledge and skills of students through life-changing encounters. Our tours offer community service, integrate traveling and hands-on learning experience with an immersive cross-cultural curriculum, and make sure students learn the whole time they’re traveling.

Constant safety & support from school tour packages

Safety First Principle & Support

No matter which part of Asia you’re traveling to, we’re there in person to help if problems arise. You can rely on the well-trained tour guides who will stay close to your groups, carefully observe students and update you with timely information and locations of emergency facilities according to the itinerary.

Insightful, Locally-led school travel tour

Top Investment in School Tours

unrivalled specialists of Educational School trip

Unrivaled Specialists

We’ve run school tours exclusively to many countries in Asia. Our company has long-term cooperation with the leading educational communities China, Cambodia,  Singapore, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to unlocks authentic experiences.

How Educational School Trip Work?

4 easy steps to your school tours.

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Then just count down until your perfect school begins.Just enjoy every single moment of your trip with our excellent services.

Educational School Trips & Student Tours by Destinations

Vietnam School Trip - Student Tours

School Tours to Vietnam 

Cambodia School Trips

School Tours to Cambodia

Laos School Trips

School Tours to Laos

Thailand School Tour

School Tours to Thailand

Singapore School Tours

School Tours to Singapore

Japan School Trips - Educational School Trip

School Tours to Japan

Educational school trip review.

See What Happy Clients Tell About Us

Amazing Experience with Dedicated Guide

"Hi Nancy, We arrived safely in HCMC, and our trip is almost through. I got your package once we arrived here–thanks so much for sending the shirt and especially the artwork. I have not looked at it yet–I will keep it packed until I get back to the states. I appreciate your friendship and kindness, and I know that the cadets appreciated your help throughout our trip. Thanks for being a great friend–the same goes for everyone at Educational School Trip."

Thank you a lot, Educational School Trip!

"My three colleagues and I took our KS3 students to Vietnam for 9 days from Manila, the Philippines in June. Nancy was extremely helpful and went above and beyond when we had a couple of problems at check-in. She was available all the way up to the trip via email and helped us with any queries we had. We strongly recommend Educational School Tours for a school group; the students had a fantastic time and we felt well-looked after by our knowledgeable tour guide. Everything was well-planned and safe. An excellent educational school tour company."

Awsome Experience Ever for My Students!

"Excellent service from Tracey who worked with us to set up the tour, check on us during the trip and follow up afterward to see if our students were happy. Our guides in Cambodia and Vietnam were superb as they always show their passion and humor for our children. We especially enjoyed the trip to the Angkor complex where our guide taught us so much interesting knowledge about it. We were also excited to explore the Cai Be Floating Market in Mekong Delta and a trip to the traditional village along the river. It was so much fun and we had a chance to witness the hustle and bustle trading and engage with the friendly locals."

Ultimate Guide to Educational School Trips in Asia

  • Definition of Field Trips in Education
  • Benefits of Educational School Trips
  • Asia Geography & Environment
  • Educational Destinations in Asia
  • Cultural Immersion and Educational Experiences
  • Educational Activities
  • Language Learning and Immersion
  • Safety Guide
  • FAQs for Educational School Trips

What is a Field Trip?

A field trip in education is a carefully planned excursion that removes students from the confines of the classroom, immersing them in real-world environments to facilitate hands-on learning experiences. These excursions serve to complement traditional classroom studies, fostering the practical application of knowledge and a more profound understanding of academic subjects.

Essentially, a field trip is a dynamic and immersive educational adventure that broadens students' perspectives, nurtures curiosity, and significantly enriches their overall academic experience.

Educational field trip activities

Student trips, whether local or international, offer a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the classroom. These educational school trips provide students with unique opportunities to broaden their horizons, foster personal growth, and enhance their overall academic experience.

1. Experiential Learning

Student trips bring subjects to life, offering hands-on experiences that deepen understanding and allow for the practical application of classroom knowledge.

2. Cultural Exposure

Immersing students in different cultures promotes global awareness, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity, contributing to the development of well-rounded individuals.

3. Personal Development

Navigating new environments and challenges during a trip encourages students to develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and effective communication.

4. Team Building

Group travel fosters teamwork and collaboration among students, strengthening interpersonal relationships and building a sense of community within the educational setting.

5. Memorable Learning

The unique and memorable experiences gained during student trips often result in a lasting impact, solidifying key concepts and making learning more meaningful.

6. Enhanced Social Skills

Interacting with peers and locals in different settings hones social skills, boosting students' confidence and ability to connect with diverse individuals.

7. Cognitive Development

Exposure to new environments stimulates intellectual curiosity, encouraging critical thinking and expanding students' cognitive capacities.

8. Future Opportunities

Student trips can open doors to future opportunities, including potential career paths, personal interests, and a broader perspective on the world.

Educational school trip to Bali, Indonesia

Embarking on an educational exploration of Asia's geography and environment unveils a captivating tapestry of diverse ecosystems, climate patterns, and cultural influences. Each country is a unique chapter, contributing to a holistic understanding of the forces that shape our world. This field trip provides students with experiential learning, connecting theoretical knowledge with real-world experiences and sparking a profound appreciation for geography, culture, and the environment.

Breathtaking Landscapes

Traverse the varied landscapes, from the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the expansive plains of the Ganges Delta. Understand how geographical features impact climate, agriculture, and human settlement.

Ecosystem Diversity

Delve into the rich biodiversity of Asia's ecosystems. Explore the tropical rainforests of Indonesia, the arid landscapes of Mongolia, and the complex river systems such as the Mekong and Yangtze.

Climate Zones

Grasp the intricacies of Asia's climate zones, from the frozen tundra in Siberia to the humid tropics of Southeast Asia. Witness monsoons, typhoons, and the seasonal changes that influence daily life.

Cultural Influences

Uncover the profound impact of geography on culture and traditions. Visit ancient sites, bustling markets, and rural communities to see how people adapt to and are shaped by their natural surroundings.

Environmental Challenges

Confront the environmental challenges faced by Asian countries, from deforestation to pollution. Explore sustainable practices and conservation efforts, gaining insights into the delicate balance between progress and environmental stewardship.

Natural Phenomena

Study the occurrence of natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic activity, understanding the geological forces that have both shaped and, at times, challenged civilizations.

Rivers and Waterways

Follow the course of mighty rivers like the Ganges, Yangtze, and Mekong. Examine how these waterways have been essential for trade, agriculture, and cultural development throughout history.

An educational odyssey through a carefully curated list of destinations in Asia, where history, culture, and nature converge to create enriching learning experiences. Our educational school trips provide students with a passport to knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and its diverse complexities.

Historical Tapestry: Explore Vietnam's ancient history, from the Imperial City of Hue to the Cu Chi Tunnels. Witness the impact of the Vietnam War and understand the country's resilience and cultural heritage.

2. Cambodia

Angkor Archaeological Park: Step back in time amidst the ancient temples of Angkor Wat and Bayon. Uncover the historical significance of this UNESCO World Heritage site and its role in shaping Cambodian culture.

Luang Prabang: Immerse in the serene landscapes of Luang Prabang, a UNESCO-listed town along the Mekong River. Explore Buddhist temples and understand the cultural influences that have shaped Laos.

Bagan's Temples: Marvel at the thousands of temples that dot the landscape of Bagan. Uncover the spiritual and historical dimensions of this archaeological wonder, providing insights into Myanmar's past.

5. T hailand

Chiang Mai and Ayutthaya: Discover the cultural richness of Chiang Mai and the historical significance of Ayutthaya. From ancient temples to vibrant markets, students witness the intersection of tradition and modernity.

6. Indonesia

Bali's Cultural Landscape: Delve into the unique blend of Hindu culture and tropical beauty in Bali. Explore rice terraces, temples, and coral reefs, understanding the environmental and cultural dynamics.

Tokyo and Kyoto: Experience the contrast between the modernity of Tokyo and the traditional charm of Kyoto. Visit technological hubs, historical sites, and witness Japan's innovation and cultural heritage.

8. Singapore

Gardens by the Bay and Science Center: Explore sustainable urban development at Gardens by the Bay. Visit the Science Center for interactive learning, showcasing Singapore's commitment to education and environmental stewardship.

The Great Wall and Terracotta Army: Walk along the iconic Great Wall, symbolizing China's historical grandeur. Explore the Terracotta Army, offering a glimpse into the country's ancient civilization and artistic achievements.

Lombok,Indonesia - Educational School Trips

  • The Forbidden City: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it served as the imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.
  • The Great Wall of China: Explore this iconic structure and learn about its historical significance.
  • Kyoto Imperial Palace: Delve into Japan's imperial history by visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace and its beautiful gardens.
  • Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion): A Zen Buddhist temple covered in gold leaf, offering insight into Japanese architecture and culture.
  • Wat Pho: Visit the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and explore the Thai traditional medicine and massage school on the premises.
  • Jim Thompson House: Learn about Thai silk and traditional architecture in this museum.

South Korea

  • Gyeongbokgung Palace: Learn about Korea's royal history and culture at this grand palace.
  • National Museum of Korea: Offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts reflecting Korea's history and cultural heritage.
  • Singapore Science Centre: An interactive science museum suitable for all ages.
  • Gardens by the Bay: Learn about environmental sustainability and the diverse ecosystems within these futuristic gardens.
  • Hoa Lo Prison Museum: Gain insights into Vietnam's history, particularly the Vietnam War.
  • Temple of Literature: Vietnam's first national university, dedicated to Confucius and scholars.

The Great Wall and Terracotta Army

Explore the vibrant diversity of Asia through a curated educational field trip that fosters cross-cultural understanding and enriches academic perspectives.

Local Traditions: Immerse in Vietnamese traditions through hands-on experiences. From traditional water puppetry to participating in local markets, students witness the daily life and cultural richness of Vietnam.

Community Engagement: Engage with local communities and gain insights into Cambodian daily life. Participate in traditional dance workshops and understand the significance of Khmer culture.

Almsgiving Ceremony: Experience the spiritual side of Laos by participating in the almsgiving ceremony in Luang Prabang. Understand the role of Buddhism in shaping Laotian culture.

Cultural Preservation: Explore Myanmar's commitment to cultural preservation at the Mandalay Marionettes Theater. Witness traditional performances that showcase the country's artistic heritage.

Thai Culinary Arts: Dive into the flavors of Thai cuisine through cooking classes and local market visits. Understand the cultural significance of food and its role in Thai traditions.


Balinese Arts and Crafts: Uncover the artistic heritage of Bali through workshops in traditional dance, music, and crafts. Witness performances that reflect the island's unique cultural expressions.

Tea Ceremony and Ikebana: Experience the precision and elegance of Japanese traditions through a tea ceremony and ikebana (flower arranging) sessions. Gain insights into the cultural nuances of Japan.


Multicultural Melting Pot: Explore the diverse neighborhoods of Singapore, each reflecting a unique cultural influence. Visit Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam to witness the city-state's multicultural fabric.

Calligraphy and Kung Fu: Delve into Chinese arts with calligraphy sessions and experience the discipline of Kung Fu. Understand the cultural philosophy embedded in these traditional practices.

Almsgiving Ceremony, Laos - Educational school trip

Immerse students in an unparalleled educational experience through our carefully crafted educational school trips in Asia. Our programs, featuring hands-on experiences, interactive workshops, and immersive learning, aim to cultivate critical thinking, enhance cultural awareness, and ignite a lasting passion for learning.

Cu Chi Tunnels Exploration: Step into history by exploring the Cu Chi Tunnels, gaining insights into guerrilla warfare tactics during the Vietnam War. Engage in discussions about the historical and strategic significance of this underground network.

Angkor Wat Archaeological Studies: Transform into archaeologists as students delve into the architectural wonders of Angkor Wat. Analyze the intricate carvings, decipher the historical narratives, and understand the engineering brilliance of this ancient site.

Mekong River Ecology Study: Embark on a river excursion to study the ecology of the Mekong River. Participate in discussions about the importance of this waterway for local communities, biodiversity, and sustainable practices.

Bagan Temples Architectural Workshop: Unleash creativity through an architectural workshop amidst the ancient temples of Bagan. Understand the structural nuances, historical context, and preservation challenges of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Thai Language and Cultural Exchange: Engage in a cultural exchange by learning basic Thai language skills. Participate in local conversations, enhancing communication and cultural understanding.

Coral Reef Conservation Seminar: Dive into marine biology with a seminar on coral reef conservation in Indonesia. Explore the underwater world through virtual reality experiences, understanding the importance of preserving marine ecosystems.

Origami and Technology Workshop: Combine tradition and technology in a workshop that explores both the ancient art of origami and modern innovations. Understand how Japan seamlessly integrates its rich cultural heritage with cutting-edge technology.

Sustainable Urban Development Simulation: Engage in a simulation that explores sustainable urban development in Singapore. Analyze city planning, green initiatives, and the balance between modernization and environmental conservation.

Great Wall Engineering Challenge: Put on the hat of engineers with a hands-on challenge related to the Great Wall. Explore the architectural aspects, strategic considerations, and teamwork involved in constructing this iconic landmark.

Cu Chi Tunnels, Vietnam - Educational field trip

Our educational school trips serve as a unique gateway to language learning and cultural immersion in Asia. Students are prompted to explore the intricate linguistic tapestry woven into the fabric of each nation, fostering language skills while gaining a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures they encounter.

Vietnamese Language Classes: Engage in Vietnamese language classes where students learn basic phrases, enhancing their ability to connect with locals and understand the linguistic nuances of this tonal language.

Khmer Script Workshops: Immerse in the elegance of the Khmer script through workshops. Decode ancient inscriptions, gaining insights into Cambodia's linguistic and cultural heritage.

Laotian Conversational Exchanges: Participate in conversational exchanges with locals in Laos. Engage in discussions about daily life, traditions, and cultural expressions, enhancing language proficiency through practical experiences.

Burmese Language Immersion: Delve into the melodious sounds of Burmese through immersive language sessions. Learn greetings, expressions, and script, enabling students to communicate effectively during their journey.

5. Thailand

Thai Language Challenges: Take on language challenges that involve practical applications of Thai. From navigating markets to ordering local delicacies, students apply their language skills in real-life scenarios.

Bahasa Indonesia Cultural Encounters: Engage in cultural encounters facilitated by Bahasa Indonesia lessons. Explore the linguistic diversity of the archipelago and its role in shaping Indonesia's cultural mosaic.

Japanese Calligraphy and Language Fusion: Merge linguistic and artistic expressions through Japanese calligraphy workshops. Understand the beauty of written Japanese characters while mastering essential phrases.

Multilingual Street Signs Exploration: Navigate the linguistic diversity of Singapore through an exploration of multilingual street signs. Decode the blend of English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil that reflects the nation's multicultural identity.

Mandarin Language Exchange: Engage in Mandarin language exchanges with local students. Foster cross-cultural friendships while practicing language skills in authentic settings, from bustling markets to historical sites.

Educational school trip to Japan

Embarking on educational school trips to diverse destinations requires meticulous planning and a focus on safety. The well-being of students is paramount, and the following safety guide provides comprehensive measures to ensure secure and enriching experiences:

1. Pre-Departure Communication

Talk to Students:

  • Emphasize the importance of staying close to the group and following instructions.
  • Remind students to stay alert with strangers and not accept gifts.
  • Educate them on the rules and address any objections to ensure clear understanding.

Send Special Before-hand Instructions:

  • Anticipate unexpected situations and communicate ultimate solutions to students.
  • Provide information on meeting points after activities, ensuring students are aware of the destination's map or directions.

2. Essential Supplies

  • Prepare a list of vital items, including:
  • Permission slips.
  • Extra money for unforeseen expenses.
  • Sunscreen and necessary medications.
  • Emergency first-aid kit with antiseptic cream, bandages, and other essentials.

3. Uniforms and Visibility

  • Discuss and decide on brightly-colored clothes or school uniforms for easy identification.
  • Avoid dark colors; opt for matching shirts with long sleeves to protect against sunburn and insects.
  • Check the weather forecast and advise students on appropriate attire.

4. Supervision and Grouping

  • Assign supervisors or chaperones to each group and emphasize the importance of close supervision.
  • Separate challenging students into different groups to prevent potential issues.
  • Ensure accurate tracking of student numbers to quickly identify any missing individuals.

5. Student Self-Control in Groups

  • Divide large classes into smaller groups and appoint group leaders.
  • Group monitors will assist in managing group members and promptly inform teachers of any issues.
  • Encourage a sense of responsibility within each group for enhanced safety and efficiency.

6. Safe Transportation

  • Prioritize safe modes of transportation.
  • Ensure vehicles are suitable for the number of students and within the field trip budget.
  • Select responsible and experienced drivers for safe and secure transportation.

7. Cultural Sensitivity Reminders

  • Reinforce cultural sensitivity and awareness among students.
  • Emphasize respectful behavior and adherence to local customs.
  • Educate students on the cultural norms of each destination to avoid unintentional cultural misunderstandings.

Safety guide for Educational field trip

 Destinations are chosen based on their educational value, cultural richness, and safety considerations. The aim is to provide students with a well-rounded learning experience that complements their academic curriculum.

Our trips include a diverse range of educational activities, such as guided tours to historical sites, cultural workshops, language learning experiences, and interactions with local communities. These activities aim to enhance students' knowledge and cultural understanding.

Safety is our top priority. We adhere to strict safety guidelines, including thorough pre-trip briefings, supervision by experienced staff, and contingency plans for emergencies. All transportation and accommodation arrangements prioritize safety standards.

A detailed packing list is provided before the trip, including essentials such as comfortable clothing, appropriate footwear, necessary medications, sunscreen, and any specific items relevant to the destination. Students are encouraged to pack light and efficiently.

Accommodations are carefully chosen for their safety, comfort, and proximity to educational sites. We prioritize clean and secure lodgings that enhance the overall experience. Students may stay in hotels, hostels, or other suitable accommodations, depending on the destination.

Dietary restrictions and allergies are taken into consideration when planning meals. We work closely with local establishments to ensure that students with specific dietary needs are accommodated. It's essential to inform trip organizers of any dietary restrictions in advance.

Cultural sensitivity is a key aspect of our educational trips. Pre-trip briefings include information on local customs, etiquette, and cultural norms. Students are encouraged to embrace and respect cultural differences, fostering a positive and inclusive experience.

A comprehensive first-aid kit is carried during the trip, and our tour guide is trained to handle medical emergencies. Local contacts and medical facilities are identified in advance, and emergency response plans are in place to address any unforeseen medical situations.

Regular updates, including photos and brief summaries, are shared with parents through a designated communication channel. In case of any urgent communication needs, a designated contact person and emergency helpline are provided.

In most cases, parents or guardians are welcome to join educational trips. However, this depends on the trip's logistics, budget, and the capacity of accommodations and transportation. Interested parents are encouraged to inquire in advance.


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School Trip & Student Travel Blog

What is Field Trip - Definition of Field Trip in Education

What is Field Trip | Definition of Field Trip in Education

The term “field trip” has been known for decades in many sectors and it is a common term used in worldwide schools. It seems that a field trip is a favorite part of both teachers and students who are keen on learning and discovering. So, what is a field trip [...]

school trip about

The Reasons Why Educational Field Trips Are Important For Students

Educational Field Trip plays a vital role in the school curriculum, which serves a wide range of benefits in several ways including learning and teaching. One of them is that they help students to learn through authentic experience and can be an interesting way to explore new things for both [...]


Educational Tourism Destination – Best Places for School Trips

There is no better way to learn about the world than experiencing it firsthand. Travel is a wonderful teacher that guides students to destinations with outstanding educational museums, historical relics, impressive architectures, and archeological sites. Educational School Trip guides you to faultless educational trip places that mark wonderful inspirations to [...]

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Three Barnstable High administrators may be dismissed after school trip blunder

Editor's note: An earlier version of this story misspelled the name of Barnstable School Superintendent Sara Ahern. Three comments attributed to Barnstable School Committee member Andre King were corrected on June 11, 2024.

HYANNIS — Newly graduated Barnstable High School student Ewerton Decastro tearfully spoke on Wednesday at the Barnstable School Committee meeting about two school administrators, Alik Taylor and Hope Taylor, who have been on administrative leave since April 8.

"They were always there and they took me as family," said Decastro, who wore a white T-shirt that read: 'We Support the Taylors.' " Graduation and prom wasn’t the same without them. It felt like a piece was missing for a lot of us."

Alik Taylor is a Project Excel and Dual Enrollment Program Director at the school. Hope Taylor is an associate principal, and Raffaella Almeida is a guidance counselor. All three are currently on leave because they left two students on April 6 at the Belle of the Ball prom dress selection event at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, according to School Committee member Andre King.

Following an investigation, according to King, School Superintendent Sara Ahern recommended dismissal for all three administrators in a letter on May 20.

In a future meeting, said King, the Taylors will have an opportunity to meet with Ahern, along with their attorneys and union representatives. At that time they can submit any evidence they feel could support their reinstatement.

King said he only has information on the Taylors' status, and does not have information about the status of Almeida.

Ahern declined to comment in an email to the Times on May 30, but spoke during the School Committee meeting.

"As a teaching institution and to fulfill our mission, we must put students' academic, social and emotional growth at the center," said Ahern. "There is a well-defined process from investigating thoroughly to whatever an outcome comes to be, by which due process rights are protected."

Alik Taylor and Hope Taylor declined to comment. The couple has been working at the school since 1995. Almeida did not immediately respond to emailed requests for comment.

A trip to find prom dresses to wear

According to King, the Taylors and Almeida took 22 high school students on a school bus to Boston to the prom dress event. It was a Saturday. The students were intending to choose dresses for themselves.

Three students also drove to the event in a personal vehicle.

For years, said King, Hope Taylor has held a local annual prom dress drive for students. The trip to Boston is taken each year, he said.

Belle of the Ball , part of the nonprofit Caring Partners Inc., cleans and distributes prom dresses and provides related accessories at no charge to high school junior and senior girls who would otherwise not have the opportunity to attend their school’s prom, according to the website.

The return trip to Barnstable

The school bus returned to Barnstable with students on board.

But two were left behind.

Belle of the Ball staff gave rides home to the two students left behind, King said.

Principal Elizabeth Freedman called the three administrators to her office the following Monday, King said. They were informed about the situation and told that an investigation would take place, said King. "They were then placed on administrative leave."

Belle of the Ball staff didn't return emails seeking comment.

Arianna Roberts, an older sister of Shantelle Roberts, 18, one of the students left behind in Boston, said at the Wednesday School Committee meeting that she doesn't advocate firing but that the administrators need to be held accountable.

"There's a way to remedy this with compassion, training and a way to not hurt the community," said Arianna Roberts. "But it's unacceptable to leave two young girls in the city by themselves."

Shantelle Roberts declined to comment to the Times.

'Out of the kindness of their heart'

About 100 people showed up to the School Committee meeting, many wearing 'We support the Taylors' T-shirts.

"They don’t do things for people to pat them on the back. They do things out of the kindness of their heart," said Barnstable coach Rone Ferguson. "No one is perfect. Mistakes happen."

Maria DaLuz Reid, a retired Barnstable art teacher, said she's watched the Taylors make a difference in the lives of students over the last 30 years.

Lucy Teixeira, 25, moved to the Cape in 2014 from Boston. For a multitude of reasons, Teixeira told the Times over the phone, she had a hard time finishing high school. It was only because of the Taylors, she said, that she graduated.

"They easily could have just let me drop out." said Teixeira. Teixeira spoke to the Times by phone because she said she was unable to attend the School Committee meeting.

'Retain educators of color'

Danielle Hill, a 30-year-resident of Barnstable and a parent, said at the School Committee meeting that she's concerned that the loss of the Taylors will contribute to the health and safety of students of color at the school.

“In order to maintain the right trajectory, we need to retain educators of color," said Hill.

There are 8.5 African American teachers at the high school, and 15.5 Black teachers in the entire district, according to state records. In contrast, the agency reports that roughly 50% of students at the high school identify as non-white .

Former School Committee member and teacher Debra Dagwan of Hyannis said she and other Black professionals helped recruit Black teachers in the 1980s and 1990s along with former high school history teacher and human and social rights activist John Reed , and George Spivey of Falmouth .

But many of those teachers have since retired, said Dagwan. And others have "been done away with," she said. "You have tough decisions to make but we have to change and find a way to hold on to those teachers to be more diversified."

NAACP Cape Cod President Lynne Rhodes said the local chapter worked with the Barnstable school system and other schools on the Cape in the 1970s and early 1980s to increase the number of teachers of African descent.

In a statement, Rhodes told the Times that Ahern has shown a pattern of dismissing Black teachers and staff, and teachers and staff of color, bypassing diversity equity and Inclusion committees and progressive discipline processes.

"The message is being sent to other Black and brown employees to stay quiet, otherwise their careers will be destroyed," Rhodes said.

During the School Committee meeting, Ahern said her record stands for itself.

"I’d like to think that I’ve proven during my time to be measured and thoughtful," said Ahern.

Daughter asks for leniency

Tanaya Taylor, the Taylor's daughter, asked School Committee members for leniency for her parents.

"My parents are taking responsibility for what they've done," said Tanaya Taylor. "They continue to dedicate their time to this community."

She asked committee members to consider what would happen to their family and community members if they were dismissed.

Rachael Devaney writes about community and culture. Reach her at  [email protected] . Follow her on Twitter: @RachaelDevaney.

Thanks to our subscribers, who help make this coverage possible. If you are not a subscriber, please consider supporting quality local journalism with a Cape Cod Times subscription. Here are our subscription plans.

This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Three on leave at Barnstable High after bus trip misstep. What is next?

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Two high school teachers resign after one reportedly sends student photos in lingerie

(Google Maps)

JANESVILLE, Wis. (WKRC) - Two high school teachers resigned after one reportedly sent a student photos of herself in lingerie.

According to WMTV, two business teachers at Joseph Craig High School in Janesville, Wisconsin resigned following a district investigation into inappropriate behavior between the teachers and a student. Records obtained by the station revealed a timeline of events from a school trip that occurred on April 7 through April 9. Per the outlet, teachers Alexsia Saldaris and Jennifer Larson both attended the trip.

According to the outlet, Larson worked for the district for eleven years, while Saldaris worked for one.

Per WMTV, the document obtained by the station stated that both Larson and Saldaris were communicating with "Student A" on Snapchat, allegedly writing that they wanted to cuddle and "have fun" with the student, going on to ask if another student would join them.

Citing the documents, WMTV reported that Saldaris gave the keys of a district van to the student and let them "take a lap" in the parking lot. According to The New York Post , while Saldaris was changing her shoes in the back of the van, she allegedly gave the student "a half kiss."

Per The Post , Saldaris allegedly sent the student five pictures of herself in lingerie, with further messages revealing plans for the two to meet the following weekend.

According to the publication, Larson reported Saldaris to the district for allowing the student to drive the van. Saldaris texted the student the same day, telling them the relationship needed to end, per The Post.

According to the Daily Mail, a teacher confronted a group of students who were looking at a phone on April 11 and saw pictures of a woman in lingerie. The teacher went to Craig High School Principal Alison Bjoin, telling her she was "95% sure" the photos were of Saldaris.

The teachers were confronted by school officials and they were placed on administrative leave on April 12. Per WMTV, Saladris admitted to Snapchatting and sending the images to the student, while Larson admitted to Snapchats "involving cuddling, flirting and the implication of alcohol."

Per The Post , the school board accepted their resignations ten days later.

An investigation was launched by the Janesville Police Department to determine if any criminal acts were committed, per the Daily Mail.

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High schoolers board Arizona Cardinals plane for unique civics trip in Washington D.C.

PHOENIX (AZFamily) — About 275 high school students will board the Arizona Cardinals’ team plane on Tuesday for a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., to learn about civics and government.

The all-expenses-paid trip is designed to teach 10th and 11th graders about the importance of civic engagement to democracy.

This is the third year of the trip, called “Civics Matters Arizona,” which is sponsored by the Arizona Cardinals, Governor Katie Hobbs, and the Close Up Foundation, a non-partisan group that has been organizing civics education trips since the 1970s.

After the students land at the Washington Dulles International Airport on Tuesday evening, they will spend the week meeting with leaders on Capitol Hill and taking guided tours of memorials and museums.

The itinerary includes stops at the Jefferson Memorial, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and Arlington National Cemetery, among others.

Some of the students have never been on a plane before. They were selected in an essay contest from 40 Title I high schools across five counties.

Cardinals team owner Michael Bidwill will accompany the students on the trip. Gov. Hobbs is scheduled to be at the send-off event at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Tuesday morning.

The students return to Phoenix on June 14. Those who successfully complete the week-long program can obtain the Arizona Seal of Civics Literacy, a special designation on their high school diploma and transcript.

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How this Jewish Chicago day school pulled off a last-minute, multi-generational Israel service trip

Students outside Magen David Adom

( JTA ) — Teddy Gutstein’s first Israel trip, which came in kindergarten, featured all the classics: an El Al flight, falafel and a visit to Jerusalem’s famous Mahane Yehuda market.

The only catch was that the whole experience occurred in his classroom at Chicago Jewish Day School. The school sends its eighth-graders on an annual Israel trip, but as a kindergartener, Gutstein settled for a flight simulation video and some Bissli.

Fast forward to this school year, and Gutstein, now 14, is finally ready for his turn on the actual trip, run through Chicago’s Jewish federation and IsraelNow, an organization that brings Jewish eighth graders to Israel from cities across the United States. The trip caters to nearly 200 Chicago-area students each year; CJDS is the only school that sends its own cohort.

Gutstein couldn’t wait for his first real taste of Israel.

“Through the years, we’ve just been learning Hebrew and learning about Israel,” Gutstein told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “I’ve always wanted to go. Some of my friends have gone, but me personally, I have never gone. So I obviously really wanted to experience it.”

But as the Israel-Hamas war raged on into the early months of 2024, IsraelNow made the decision to cancel its February and March Israel trips for all participating cities. The cancelation made Gutstein’s trip one of a slew of Israel journeys to be upended in the wake of Oct. 7 as airlines have canceled flights in the face of incoming rockets and some Jewish organizations have thought twice about bringing their constituents to the vicinity of a war zone, even as others have gone despite the risks.

When CJDS seemed like it was going to join the ranks of institutions scrapping their trips, the choice did not sit right for everyone.

“We work so hard to connect our students to this country, and for them to understand they are part of this bigger Jewish nation. And then in one of its greatest times of need, we stay away from that,” Tamar Cytryn, CJDS’s director of Judaic studies, told JTA. “It felt counter to who we are as an institution, and to our goals.”

Sam Rodin, the director of IsraelNow Chicago, told JTA that the organization decided to cancel its trips out of concern for the mental and physical health and safety of the students. Rodin said the group determined it “wouldn’t be able to provide a meaningful and educational experience that would be safe.”

In lieu of its Israel trip, IsraelNow had offered a program in Northern California, in which some CJDS students participated.

At first, that decision meant that an already difficult school year was destined to end in disappointment for Gutstein and his classmates. But Cytryn said the school’s administration began to look into pathways to make the trip happen, taking inspiration from the Jewish National Fund’s mission trips through which American Jews have been able to safely volunteer throughout Israel.

CJDS staff began working the phones, selling community members and donors on their vision for the trip — which Cytyrn said was to expose students to Israeli life pre- and post-Oct. 7 — and soon the funding started to pour in, including from the federation.

The school ultimately raised enough money to send 16 students, each accompanied by a parent or grandparent, and four staff members to Israel — at a cost of roughly $6,500 per participant. (Families contribute up to $2,750 toward the trip throughout their children’s time at CJDS.)

Even after CJDS raised the money it needed to run its own trip, which the school had never done, a string of flight cancellations complicated matters even more. But 48 hours before students and their parents boarded flights on May 14 — and after several hectic phone calls with donors, parents and the school’s travel agent — everything finally fell into place.

“It was such a roller coaster,” Cytryn said. “We were going, it was canceled. We were going to try to do it again. We got tickets, they were canceled. We tried to secure additional tickets, we couldn’t afford them. And then eventually, somehow, miraculously, it worked out.”

The nine-day trip featured a combination of popular tourist destinations and holy sites such as the Western Wall, the Dead Sea and the beach in Tel Aviv, and volunteering with organizations whose work has been affected by the war. Trip participants worked with HaShomer HaChadash, an organization that facilitates volunteer services at farms in the Galilee and Negev, where they picked kohlrabi and sorted cucumbers and tomatoes. They also packed first aid kits with Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency response service.

Damien Conover, Teddy Gutstein and Josh Gutstein

L-R: Damien Conover, Teddy Gutstein and Josh Gutstein pack tomatoes at a farm in southern Israel. (Hagit Lewis)

At each turn, Israelis shared their experiences from Oct. 7, including the group’s security guard Omri, who had spent six and a half weeks serving in Gaza during the war. They also visited Tel Aviv’s Hostages Square and met with family members of victims of the Nova music festival massacre.

Many Jewish day schools canceled their annual trips this year in response to the war. But others have persevered, sending their students despite the disruption. Eighth-graders from  Hannah Senesh Community Day School in Brooklyn, New York, were believed to be the first middle-schoolers from a U.S. day school to visit Israel since Oct. 7 when they landed in April. Later in the month, eighth-graders from the Leffell School in Westchester County were in Israel when Iran sent a volley of rockets toward the country. High school seniors from Ida Crown Jewish Academy in the Chicago area volunteered in Israel for nearly a month beginning in December , while the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in suburban Washington, D.C., sent its high school seniors for three months as is the school’s tradition; they returned earlier this month.

Cytryn said the experience of witnessing Israel at such a complicated moment reminded her of life in America after 9/11.

“There’s this tension between life continuing — we went to the beach one day, and there were plenty of Israelis on the beach with us,” Cytryn said. “And then being reminded and being brought back to the reality of hostages still in Gaza, the country still at war, and figuring out how to deal with those two tensions juxtaposed to each other.”

For Gutstein, the dichotomy was difficult to grasp.

“On one hand, this is a country that’s fighting a war against a terrorist organization,” he said. “But on the other, life has to go on. And I don’t really know how Israelis find balance in that. But I follow the example of our security guard and our teachers — three of our teachers who came were Israeli.”

Cindy Zadikoff, who went on the trip with her daughter Eden, said it was especially meaningful for her and the other adults to watch their children experience both emotional extremes.

“I think what will be really helpful is we all did a reflection that night after we came back from Hostages Square,” Zadikoff, 52, said. “And we were saying, there’s going to be a time where we need to unpack that with our kids. Right afterwards was not the time, they’ll probably want to talk about it in their time as well. But because we were there with them, too, and we really felt it, too, it will also help us have, I think, some conversations that we might not have been able to have.”

Cindy Zadikoff, Judy Finkelstein-Taff, Sheri Kushner and Margalit Segal

L-R: Cindy Zadikoff, CJDS head of school Judy Finkelstein-Taff, Sheri Kushner and Margalit Segal pick kohlrabi on a farm in Israel. (Hagit Lewis)

Zadikoff also said the trip will help the students as they prepare to graduate from Jewish day school, and for many, attend public high schools in the fall, where they may be exposed to antisemitism or anti-Israel rhetoric.

“They’ll be able to feel proud to be Jewish, they’ll be able to know that the narrative that they’re hearing is not real,” Zadikoff said. “They’ll be able to have that love of Zionism and Judaism that hopefully the school has instilled in them through all of this time, but I think was just made that much deeper because they’ve now seen Israel, they’ve met Israelis, they know what the reality is.”

That shift had already begun to set in for Gutstein, who lives in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, where Northwestern University has made headlines for its response to the campus’ pro-Palestinian encampment . Gutstein said he had seen the encampment while out for a run and was surprised, and a little scared, to see the protests reach his hometown.

But while in Israel, Gutstein said, he felt able to be more outwardly and proudly Jewish. After Shabbat ended, he and a few friends joined a dancing circle at the Western Wall.

“Sometimes, especially in the States with all the antisemitism going around and the college campuses, you can’t fully be Jewish,” Gutstein said. “But right then and there, I felt fully Jewish and it was so meaningful.”

Cytryn said several of the students echoed a similar sentiment.

“So many students at our first reflection session said that they were struggling with the irony of coming to a country where there is an ongoing war, and coming to a country where people are mourning the loss of family and friends, and coming to a country where people were still actively working to get hostages released from Gaza, and feeling more safe walking around this country as Jewish people than they feel in America,” she said.

Speaking to JTA just minutes before heading to Ben Gurion Airport to fly home, Gutstein said he already missed Israel.

“While I was here, I didn’t really comprehend the fact that I was in Israel, you know what I mean?” Gutstein said. “But I know the minute I get out, I’m just going to be missing it so much, which is not a feeling I normally have. Camp is special, and school is special, but I don’t miss those places like I’m going to miss Israel.”

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3 high school staffers could lose jobs after 2 students left in Boston on field trip

By Courtney Cole

Updated on: June 11, 2024 / 6:00 AM EDT / CBS Boston

BARNSTABLE - Two Massachusetts high school students were left behind in Boston after a field trip and now three adults could lose their jobs.

The Barnstable School Committee is considering a recommendation to fire the three high school staff members, but some members of the school community on the Cape have been rallying to support the educators.

Educators on leave  

Alik and Hope Taylor and Raffaella Almeida have been on administrative leave since April, shortly after they took 22 students to the Hynes Convention Center for a Belle of the Ball event. The non-profit provides prom dresses and accessories to students in need for free.

Belle of the Ball

 When the bus returned to the Cape, two students were left behind. Belle of the Ball staff ended up driving the students back home. After an investigation, the district's superintendent recommended termination.

Fight to stop firings

At a recent school committee meeting, some members of the community, including the sister of one of the students left in Boston, spoke out against it.

"I do not think firing them is the right decision at all," said Arianna Roberts, the sister of one of the students left behind. "But I think there needs to be training and people need to be held accountable for their actions and their mistakes."

"I hate to think about what the environment for children of color will be in this school district without the presence of Hope and Alik Taylor," said parent Danielle Hill.

The Taylors' daughter says her parents have taken responsibility for what happened and deserve a second chance.

WBZ-TV reached out to the school department for comment. The Barnstable superintendent said she could not comment directly, but added that there is a well-defined process underway in the investigation and it will take time for it to come to a resolution.   

  • Barnstable News


Courtney Cole joined WBZ-TV in 2022 as an anchor and reporter after spending four years in Jacksonville, Florida.

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Vermont police apologize for mock shooting that sent rattled high schoolers hiding under tables and texting goodbyes

P olice in Burlington, Vermont, have apologized to high school students who were rattled by a role-play robbery demonstration and mock shooting they say sent them diving to the floor to hide under tables and texting ‘goodbye’ and ‘I love you’ to their loved ones.

About 20 students from a Burlington High School Year End Studies (YES) forensics class went to the police station for a field trip Wednesday where school officials were aware a crime reenactment would occur, school district spokesperson Russ Elek said in a statement to the  VTDigger .

However, school officials “didn’t realize the presentation would happen without warning,” Elek said.

During the visit, three Burlington Police Department personnel simulated a robbery scenario that was not directed at students or faculty, the department said in a release.

Police said they had communicated with school staff last month about the details of the demonstration, “including saying that the training incident would involve ‘using fake firearms in a mock shooting.’” It’s unclear whether teachers were told the simulation would occur without warning.

One 15-year-old in the class said students were listening to a presentation when he suddenly heard people enter the room screaming.

“There’s like three people fighting. The fake gun, that we didn’t know was fake at the time, got pulled out and shot what I think were blanks. They left shells. And it was still like loud,” the sophomore, who asked not to be named, told CNN. “Me and almost the whole class dove to the floor to hide under the tables because we didn’t know what was going on.”

CNN has reached out to the Burlington Police Department about the weapon used in the simulation.

The student said the person holding the gun was wearing a mask and they heard someone scream “get down.” He said that he was shaking, and that some kids were getting their phones out to text family members.

The email from school officials to families said, “While the gun was fake, the reenactment involved screaming and fake gun shot sounds.”

“If these are the people quote-unquote ‘protecting’ us, why did they make such a stupid decision without really thinking. … Especially with school shootings and stuff, we’re all already on edge,” the student said.

Police said they asked school staff whether the demonstration would be suitable for the student group, saying “It is about as real life as you can get, and is certainly exactly the sort of thing we deal with most frequently.”

“YES Program staff responded, ‘I think these students will be fine with this simulation. We will give a heads up to parents and students,’” according to the police release.

But in an email sent to families of the students after the incident, school officials wrote the simulation “was startling for many students and may have left some feeling confused and frightened as a result,” the VTDigger reported.

Burlington School District Superintendent Tom Flanagan and Burlington Police Chief Jon Murad released a joint statement apologizing to students Friday.

“It is clear to us that this week’s events resulted from a breakdown in communication between two groups trying to work together to create a meaningful experience for students,” the statement read, in part. “Both BSD and the BPD are committed to doing a better job of clearly laying out descriptions, expectations, and agendas and seeking clarification when working together in the future. Neither of us want any repeat of anything like this moving forward.”

Students ‘literally thought they were being shot at’

The sophomore student and his parent said they had no knowledge that there was going to be a shooting demonstration during the field trip. A grandparent who is guardian to one of the students likewise said the school did not inform them of the planned mock shooting. CNN has been unable to independently confirm what parents and students were told before the trip.

“If I had known that was going to happen, I would’ve never put him through that,” said the grandparent, who has asked to remain anonymous to protect the grandchild’s privacy.

The grandparent said the students “literally thought they were being shot at,” adding that their grandchild didn’t know what to do or how to react.

The grandparent told CNN their child “froze up” during the demonstration.

“Other kids were diving on the floor, trying to get under furniture, whatever they could do to get out of the situation,” the grandparent said the student told them.

The Burlington Police Department said it “apologizes to any students in attendance who were upset by the specific scenario and crime scene portion of the presentation.”

A representative for Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak also told CNN that parents and students were upset following the demonstration.

Mayor Mulvaney-Stanak said in a statement to CNN that she apologizes “for the harm and distress this incident caused Burlington High School students – students who have tragically grown up in a society where gun violence, including in school settings, has become commonplace.”

The mayor said she hopes the school district and police department “will take responsibility for the harm caused and be self-reflective about all the ways this should have been handled differently and will not be repeated in the future.”

School officials hosted a “restorative circle” on Friday for students and teachers to share their thoughts about the incident, according to an email sent to parents and students.

The 15-year-old student told CNN that teachers and police officers were present, but that he felt like police “weren’t directly holding themselves accountable.”

CNN’s Elizabeth Wolfe contributed to this report.

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The Burlington Police Department has apologized to high school students after a mock robbery demonstration.

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In financial disclosure thomas adds two “inadvertently omitted” trips from billionaire crow.

All nine justices pose in front of a red curtain

Justice Clarence Thomas revealed on Friday that conservative billionaire Harlan Crow paid for two trips in 2019, involving a hotel stay in Bali, Indonesia, and at a private club in Sonoma County, Calif. The news came as part of the justices’ annual financial disclosures , which are filed in mid-May and released in early June each year. The forms published online on Friday by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts chronicled the justices’ book royalties – including an advance of nearly $900,000 for the court’s newest justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson – as well as their teaching gigs, gifts, and investments.

The disclosures are relatively opaque and are intended to provide information about potential conflicts of interest and the justices’ compliance with ethical standards rather than snapshots of the justices’ wealth.

Financial disclosures for eight of the nine justices were available on Friday. The forms were due on May 15, but the justices can receive extensions of up to 90 days to submit their forms. Forms for Justice Samuel Alito, who received an extension last year, were not available online.

Thomas disclosed the trips funded by Crow at the end of his 2023 form, explaining that he had “inadvertently omitted” them when he filed his 2019 form. With regard to the second trip, he noted that he had received “food and lodging” at a private club in Monte Rio, Calif. Monte Rio is the home of Bohemian Grove , an exclusive and secretive men’s-only retreat.

Both Thomas’s trip to Indonesia and his stay at Bohemian Grove were revealed last year in an investigation by ProPublica .

Other justices also traveled overseas during 2023, although often in connection with their teaching positions. Both Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Justice Brett Kavanaugh served as adjunct professors at Notre Dame’s law school (where Barrett spent much of her career before becoming a judge and then a justice), teaching in London in the spring of 2023. Barrett received just under $15,000 from the law school, while Kavanaugh netted $25,000.

Justice Neil Gorsuch also headed to Europe to teach in 2023, but to Lisbon, Portugal, where he spent two weeks in July with George Mason University and its National Security Institute. Gorsuch was paid $30,000 by George Mason. Gorsuch traveled to the United Kingdom – to London and Oxford – for a “speech and educational program” for the Federalist Society.

It was a lucrative year for the justices with book deals (as well as their literary agents). Jackson received an advance on the book deal – reportedly worth about $3 million – for her memoir, Lovely One . Kavanaugh reported a payment of $340,000 for his legal memoir, which is expected in 2025 or 2026. Gorsuch reported $250,000 from HarperCollins; his new book, Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law , is slated for release on Aug. 6.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the author of several books, reported royalties from Penguin Random House, but she also disclosed a payment of $1,879.16 for a guest appearance – voicing herself – on the PBS animated series Alma’s Way .

The justices’ 2023 financial disclosures came online one day after the nonpartisan watchdog group Fix the Court released a list it had compiled of gifts received by the justices over the past 20 years. Fix the Court reported that between Jan. 2004 and Dec. 2023, the justices accepted 344 gifts valued at nearly $3 million.

The group noted that the majority of those gifts were accepted by Thomas, who was the subject of several investigations last year about (among other things) his failure to disclose luxury yacht and private jet travel paid for by Crow, as well as payments made for his grandnephew’s tuition at a private school. Fix the Court identified $2.4 million in gifts Thomas accepted and an additional $1.7 million in “likely gifts,” as much as $4 million in gifts during that time.

Thomas noted just one gift on his 2023 disclosure: two photo albums worth $2,000 from Terrence and Barbara Giroux. Terrence Giroux was until recently the executive director of the Horatio Alger Association, an organization that describes itself as “committed to promoting the American Dream and ensuring it for future generations.” Thomas serves as an honorary member of the group’s board, and he hosts an annual ceremony for the group in the Supreme Court’s courtroom.

Jackson noted two gifts of art for her chambers, including a $10,000 gift from Lonnie Holley, an Alabama artist whose website indicates that his sculptures are “constructed from found materials in the oldest tradition of African American sculpture.” And in perhaps the most glamorous entry on any justice’s form, she disclosed the gift of four tickets to a Beyonce concert, valued at $3,711.84.

Other justices’ forms contained more prosaic entries. Chief Justice John Roberts, for example, did not list any reimbursable travel or gifts, and he did not hold any outside positions. Justice Elena Kagan’s form included the income that she received from renting a parking space in her apartment building, while Kavanaugh’s list of “outside positions” included his role as coach of the basketball team for fifth- and sixth-grade girls at his local parish.

This article was originally published at Howe on the Court . 

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Recommended Citation: Amy Howe, In financial disclosure Thomas adds two “inadvertently omitted” trips from billionaire Crow , SCOTUSblog (Jun. 7, 2024, 4:06 PM),

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