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Definition of field trip noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • We went on a geology field trip.
  • Delegates at the conference were taken on field trips to see the devastation.

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what is educational visit

Field Trip Fundamentals: Understanding the Essence of Educational Visits

Table of Contents

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on educational visits, also known as field trips, and their importance in the learning journey of students. These trips go beyond the traditional classroom setting, providing students with hands-on experiences, real-world connections, and opportunities for growth.

Research has consistently shown that educational visits have a profound impact on student learning. Through experiential learning, students develop a deeper understanding of the concepts taught in the classroom and gain valuable knowledge. These trips spark curiosity, foster engagement, and motivate students to explore subjects further.

Teachers play a vital role in planning and coordinating educational visits to ensure maximum impact. They carefully select destinations, plan activities, and facilitate meaningful learning experiences for their students. By integrating these visits, teachers enrich the curriculum and offer students diverse learning opportunities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Educational visits, or field trips, enhance student learning by providing hands-on experiences.
  • Experiential learning during field trips promotes a deeper understanding of classroom concepts.
  • Teachers play an active role in planning and coordinating educational visits.
  • Educational visits enrich the curriculum and offer students diverse learning opportunities.
  • Field trips spark curiosity, foster engagement, and motivate students to explore subjects further.

The Importance of Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a key aspect of educational visits. It allows students to directly participate and engage with the subject matter, resulting in a more positive attitude towards the topic. Numerous studies have shown that students who participate in field trips gain valuable knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the concepts they learn in the classroom. Furthermore, these experiences can spark students’ interest in the subject and potentially lead to improved learning outcomes.

The Benefits of Experiential Learning

During educational visits, students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical ways. This hands-on experience enables them to see the real-world relevance of what they learn in the classroom. By actively engaging with the subject matter, students develop a deeper understanding and retain the information for a longer period of time.

Research has consistently shown that experiential learning leads to enhanced knowledge acquisition and retention. For example, a study conducted by Smith et al. (2020) found that students who participated in science field trips not only improved their conceptual understanding but also performed better on subsequent assessments compared to their peers who did not go on field trips.

Moreover, experiential learning ignites students’ curiosity and intellectual engagement. When students have the opportunity to explore, observe, and interact with the world around them, it stimulates their natural curiosity and encourages them to ask questions and seek deeper understanding. This sense of curiosity and intellectual engagement can foster a love for learning and extend beyond the classroom, making students more self-driven in their educational journey.

Experiential learning also has a positive impact on student interest in the subject. When students have a firsthand experience of a topic, they are more likely to develop a personal connection and genuine interest. This increased interest can lead to greater motivation, participation, and a desire to pursue further knowledge and exploration in that particular subject area.

To further illustrate the importance of experiential learning, let’s take a look at a real-world example:

This immersive experience allows students to develop a deeper understanding of marine biology concepts, appreciate the complexity of marine ecosystems, and witness the real-world impact of science. By engaging in experiential learning, students not only acquire knowledge but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills that are essential for their future success.

In the next section, we will explore how educational visits provide real-world learning opportunities and expand students’ horizons beyond the confines of the classroom.

Real World Learning Through Field Trips

Field trips offer students a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience and engage in hands-on learning outside the classroom. By venturing beyond the traditional academic setting, students can witness firsthand the practical applications of theoretical concepts. These educational visits to captivating field trip destinations allow students to experience the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of different locations, leaving a lasting impact on their understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.

One such extraordinary destination is Bali, an island known for its cultural treasures and breathtaking landscapes. Students can delve into the wonders of the Monkey Forest, where they can observe indigenous species in their natural habitat and learn about the significance of these creatures in Balinese folklore. Another remarkable field trip destination in Bali is the Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, a sacred Hindu temple located on the shores of Lake Bratan. Students can immerse themselves in the spirituality and the architectural brilliance of this serene temple, gaining insights into Balinese customs and practices.

These field trips offer students more than just a change of scenery; they provide them with real experiences and interactive learning opportunities that stimulate curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Through these firsthand encounters with different cultures and environments, students develop a broader perspective and a sense of appreciation for the world around them.

Let’s take a closer look at how real-world experience and hands-on learning during educational visits can impact student learning:

Benefits of Real-World Experience

Table: Key Benefits of Real-World Experience

Real-world experience through field trips provides students with a multidimensional learning experience that cannot be replicated within the confines of a classroom. As they explore field trip destinations like Bali’s Monkey Forest and Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, students engage with real-life examples of the subjects they study, creating lasting memories and a deep connection to the material. These experiences enhance their overall educational journey and equip them with valuable skills for future academic and personal success.

Continue reading about the benefits of educational visits in our next section: The Socio-Emotional Benefits of Field Trips.

The Socio-Emotional Benefits of Field Trips

Field trips offer more than just academic learning; they also provide valuable socio-emotional benefits for students. By exposing students to diverse cultures and environments, educational visits cultivate empathy and tolerance, important qualities in today’s interconnected world.

Interacting with individuals from different backgrounds fosters empathy, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for others’ perspectives and experiences. Field trips create opportunities for students to step outside their comfort zones and engage with individuals who may have different beliefs, customs, or socioeconomic backgrounds.

Collaboration is another key aspect of field trips that enhances students’ social skills. Working together with their peers and adult guides during educational visits promotes effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Students learn to listen to others’ ideas, compromise, and contribute to a shared goal, replicating real-world scenarios where collaboration is paramount.

These socio-emotional benefits have far-reaching implications for students’ future success. Developing empathy and tolerance equips students with the social skills necessary for building positive relationships, resolving conflicts, and thriving in diverse environments. By fostering these skills through field trips, educational institutions contribute to the holistic growth and development of students.

Examples of Socio-Emotional Benefits:

  • Increased empathy and understanding of different cultures
  • Enhanced tolerance towards others’ perspectives and experiences
  • Improved communication and teamwork skills
  • Development of problem-solving abilities

By embracing field trips as an integral part of education, we nurture the socio-emotional growth of students, promoting a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Academic Impact of Field Trips

Research has consistently shown the significant impact of field trips on students’ academic performance. These educational visits provide valuable hands-on learning experiences that contribute to enhanced concept retention and improved overall academic outcomes.

During field trips, students engage with content in varied ways, offering a multisensory learning experience that cannot be replicated in the classroom alone. This active participation allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world contexts, deepening their understanding of the subject matter.

Studies have indicated that students who participate in field trips demonstrate improved test scores, indicating a higher level of academic performance. The combination of experiential learning, concept retention, and multisensory engagement fosters a more comprehensive educational experience, empowering students to actively explore and internalize information.

Benefits of Field Trips for Academic Performance:

  • Enhanced concept retention through hands-on learning experiences
  • Improved test scores and academic performance
  • Deeper understanding of subject matter
  • Application of theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts
  • Engagement with content through multisensory learning

In summary, field trips have a profound impact on students’ academic performance by providing them with immersive learning experiences that promote concept retention and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The combination of hands-on learning, multisensory engagement, and real-world applications creates a dynamic educational environment that leads to improved academic outcomes.

Enriching the Curriculum Through Field Trips

Field trips provide an opportunity to enrich the curriculum and offer students a more comprehensive learning experience. By incorporating educational visits, we can expose students to a wider range of learning opportunities and connect classroom concepts to real-world contexts. These diverse experiences allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum and make meaningful connections between different subjects.

When students participate in field trips, they have the chance to engage with the world outside the classroom walls. They can witness firsthand the practical applications of the knowledge and skills they acquire in school. Whether it’s a visit to a historical site, a science museum, or an art gallery, students can see how the concepts they learn in class come to life in the real world. By immersing themselves in these experiences, students expand their horizons and develop a broader perspective.

Field trips also provide an opportunity for curriculum expansion. Teachers have the flexibility to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs and interests of their students. They can design field trip activities that align with the curriculum objectives, enabling students to delve deeper into the topics they are studying. For example, a science field trip to a nature reserve can expand on biology lessons by allowing students to observe and study different ecosystems and the biodiversity within them.

Furthermore, field trips foster a multidisciplinary approach to learning. Students can see how different subjects intersect and relate to one another in real-world contexts. For instance, a visit to a historical site can incorporate elements of history, art, architecture, and even literature. By experiencing these connections firsthand, students develop a broader understanding of various subjects and how they intertwine in the real world.

Curriculum enrichment through field trips not only enhances students’ knowledge and understanding but also sparks curiosity and a love for learning. Students become more engaged and motivated as they see the relevance and practical applications of what they are learning. By broadening their educational experiences, we help students develop a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the traditional confines of the classroom.

Benefits of Curriculum Enrichment through Field Trips:

  • Enhanced understanding of curriculum concepts
  • Meaningful connections between different subjects
  • Flexibility to tailor the curriculum to student needs
  • Promotion of multidisciplinary learning
  • Increased student engagement and motivation

Curriculum enrichment through field trips is an invaluable tool in providing students with comprehensive learning experiences. As educators, we have the opportunity to expand our students’ horizons, foster their curiosity, and create memorable learning moments that resonate with them for years to come. By incorporating educational visits into our curriculum, we can create a rich and diverse learning environment that prepares students for success in the real world.

Continue reading about the impact of educational visits on students’ overall development and academic achievements at Exquisitive Education.

Building Lifelong Memories Through Field Trips

Field trips offer students the opportunity to create lasting memories that will stay with them for years to come. These memorable experiences serve as powerful motivators, fueling their desire to continue learning and exploring new ideas. When students share their field trip stories and experiences with family and friends, they not only reinforce their own memories but also strengthen their relationships and inspire others to embark on their own educational journeys. Field trips provide unique stories to tell and serve as a reminder of the personal growth and development that students have achieved.

Storytelling plays a significant role in preserving the memories and experiences gained during field trips. As students recount their adventures, they reinforce the knowledge and connections they formed during the trip, deepening their understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, storytelling allows students to reflect on their own personal growth and highlight the transformative impact that field trips had on their lives.

Benefits of Building Lifelong Memories Through Field Trips

The essence of educational visits.

Educational visits, also known as field trips, offer students a hands-on experience that goes beyond the confines of the classroom. These visits provide students with the opportunity to explore and interact with different environments, cultures, and ideas. By stepping outside their comfort zones, students develop important skills such as problem-solving, communication, and adaptability. Additionally, educational visits expose students to diverse cultures, fostering empathy, and a broader worldview.

When students engage in educational visits, they have the chance to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. Whether it’s visiting a historical site, exploring a science museum, or immersing themselves in a different culture, these experiences allow students to see the relevance of their classroom learning in the world around them. The hands-on nature of educational visits also enhances students’ understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Moreover, educational visits provide students with exposure to different cultures, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding. By interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, students develop a deeper appreciation for different perspectives and ways of life. This exposure helps build bridges between communities and promotes a more inclusive society.

Benefits of Educational Visits:

  • Hands-on Experience: Educational visits provide students with practical, experiential learning opportunities that deepen their understanding.
  • Real-world Context: By stepping outside the classroom, students can see the relevance of their learning in the real world.
  • Cultural Exposure: Educational visits expose students to different cultures, fostering empathy and a broader worldview.
  • Skills Development: Students develop important skills such as problem-solving, communication, and adaptability through educational visits.
  • Memorable Experiences: Field trips create lasting memories that inspire students and encourage lifelong learning.

Overall, educational visits offer students a unique and invaluable educational experience. They provide hands-on learning opportunities, exposure to different cultures, and the chance to develop important life skills. With the multitude of benefits they offer, educational visits should be an integral part of every student’s educational journey.

Benefits for Teachers and Parents

Educational visits offer numerous benefits not only for students but also for teachers and parents. These field trips provide an opportunity for teachers to engage with students in a different setting, delivering information in a more interactive and engaging manner. By stepping outside the traditional classroom environment, teachers can tap into students’ curiosity and create memorable learning experiences.

Field trips also play a crucial role in fostering parental involvement in their child’s education. Parents have the chance to accompany their children on these educational visits, allowing them to actively participate in their child’s learning journey. This involvement fosters a sense of collaboration between parents and teachers, establishing a strong support system for the student’s educational development.

Moreover, educational visits demonstrate a commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. By investing in these trips, schools and parents show their dedication to enriching students’ learning experiences and providing them with diverse opportunities to explore and engage with the world around them. These investments contribute to students’ overall growth and development.

Teacher Engagement

Educational visits rejuvenate teachers’ passion for teaching by allowing them to experiment with innovative teaching methods and interact with students outside of the usual academic environment. Teachers can explore various teaching strategies during these field trips, catering to different learning styles and individual needs. This engagement not only benefits the students but also reinvigorates teachers’ professional growth.

Parental Involvement

Field trips offer parents a unique chance to actively participate in their child’s education. By accompanying their child on these visits, parents can witness firsthand the learning experiences and academic growth of their children. This involvement creates stronger bonds between parents, teachers, and students, fostering a collaborative partnership in supporting the student’s educational journey.

Educational Investment

Investing in educational trips showcases a commitment to providing students with a comprehensive and holistic education. By exposing students to real-world experiences, cultural diversity, and hands-on learning opportunities, schools and parents invest in broadening students’ perspectives and enhancing their overall educational development. These investments contribute to students’ lifelong learning and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for future success.

The Value of Educational Visits

Educational visits have immense value in shaping students’ educational journey. They provide students with unique learning experiences that foster curiosity, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the world around them. These visits have a long-term impact on students’ academic performance, social skills, and personal growth. By investing in educational visits, schools and parents are investing in the holistic development and future success of their students.

When students participate in educational visits, they are exposed to new environments, cultures, and ideas. This exposure broadens their perspective and helps them develop a more nuanced understanding of the subjects they study in school.

For example, a history field trip to a local museum allows students to see artifacts and documents firsthand, bringing history to life in a way that textbooks cannot. This immersive experience helps students make connections between past events and the present, deepening their comprehension of historical concepts.

Furthermore, educational visits provide students with hands-on learning opportunities that engage their senses. This multisensory approach enhances their learning experience and improves information retention. For instance, a science field trip to a nature reserve allows students to observe plants and animals in their natural habitat, reinforcing their understanding of ecological concepts.

Educational visits also contribute to the holistic development of students. By engaging in real-world experiences, students develop social and emotional skills such as teamwork, communication, and adaptability. These skills are essential for navigating interpersonal relationships and succeeding in various aspects of life.

In summary, the value of educational visits cannot be underestimated. They provide students with unique learning experiences, have a long-term impact on academic performance, and contribute to the holistic development of individuals. Investing in educational visits is an investment in the future success and well-rounded education of students.

In conclusion, educational visits or field trips are invaluable in enhancing students’ learning experiences. These visits provide numerous benefits, including hands-on learning, exposure to different cultures, and opportunities for social and academic growth. By embarking on educational visits, students engage in experiential learning that goes beyond traditional classroom settings.

One of the major benefits of educational visits is their ability to enrich the curriculum. By exploring real-world contexts, students make meaningful connections between classroom concepts and their practical applications. This comprehensive learning experience not only deepens their understanding but also ignites their curiosity, fostering a love for lifelong learning .

Educational visits also create lifelong memories that students can cherish. These experiences serve as powerful catalysts, sparking a continued enthusiasm for learning and exploration. Moreover, through interactions with diverse environments and cultures, students develop essential skills such as empathy, tolerance, and communication, which are vital for success in today’s interconnected world.

Investing in educational visits is, therefore, an investment in the holistic development and future success of students. Through these transformative experiences, students gain valuable knowledge, skills, and a broader worldview that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom, enabling them to thrive in an ever-evolving, global society.

About The Author

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Ethan Emerson

Ethan Emerson is a passionate author and dedicated advocate for the transformative power of education. With a background in teaching and a love for writing, Ethan brings a unique blend of expertise and creativity to his contributions on ExquisitiveEducation.com .His articles are a delightful mix of insightful knowledge and engaging storytelling, aiming to inspire and empower learners of all ages. Ethan's mission is to ignite the spark of curiosity and foster a love for learning in every reader.Ethan Emerson, is your companion in the realm of general education exploration. With a passion for knowledge, He delves into the intricate world of Education Expenses & Discounts , uncovering financial insights for your educational journey. From the vitality of Physical Education to the synergy of Education & Technology , Ethan's here to bridge the gap between traditional and innovative learning methods. Discover the art of crafting impressive Resume & Personal Documentation in Education , as well as insights into diverse Career Paths, Degrees & Educational Requirements . Join Ethan in navigating through a sea of Educational Courses & Classes , exploring the nuances of various Education Systems , and understanding the empowering realm of Special Education . With an eye on Teaching & Teachers , He offers a glimpse into the world of educators who shape minds. Let's unlock Studying Tips & Learning Methods that turn education into a delightful journey of growth with Exquisitive Education .

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The Neverending Field Trip

Different Types of Field Trips for Learning about our World

Who doesn’t love a great field trip? The opportunity to step outside of life’s normal routines and experience something completely new is always a good time and a great way to learn things you might not have known! 

There are tons of different possibilities for field trips, whether you’re traveling far from home or just exploring the woods behind the house, but sometimes it can be hard to see all the opportunities for learning that surround you. That’s why knowing what types of field trips there are can be super helpful for figuring out what sort of educational opportunity you want! This is my list of the different types of field trip opportunities that exist.

I typically divide field trips into two main groups: Nature-focused Trips and People-Focused Trips . 

Different Kinds of Nature-Focused Field Trips

field trip definition and example

My first major category contains any field trip that is specifically focused on nature. That’s a lot . Whether we’re talking about trips aimed at teaching kids about plants or animals, exploring underground caverns, or learning about the night sky, it’s all about nature!

Learning about the natural world is a huge draw for kids and adults alike, and there is so much out there to choose from. To help narrow it down a bit, I’ve tried to further divide natural trips into smaller groupings.

Astronomical Field Trips

Astronomical field trips are all about space! There’s nothing quite like the unexplored reaches of the universe for sparking excitement and curiosity in the minds of kids. And new discoveries are being made all the time! 

Some of my favorite astronomical field trips have been stargazing in the Atacama desert and watching a rocket launch in Florida, but it could be as simple as taking the kids outside of town to identify constellations! 

Astronomical Field Trip Ideas

  • Stargazing (in your back yard or somewhere special!)
  • Trip to an observatory
  • Watching a rocket launch
  • Watching an eclipse
  • Space Museum Trip

Examples of our family’s Astronomical Experiences

A model of an astronaut hanging in front of a virtual globe at the World Expo in Dubai.

How to Choose and Plan an Astronomical Field Trip

A tent in the woods with a picnic table in front of it.

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Visiting Wild Camels and Cleopatra’s Emeralds in Wadi el-Gemal

Visiting Wild Camels and Cleopatra’s Emeralds in Wadi el-Gemal

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The Wonderful “Good-ness” Of Badlands National Park

The Wonderful “Good-ness” Of Badlands National Park

Botanical field trips.

Botanical Field Trips are all about exploring the wonderful world of plants. Exploring how cactus survive in the desert, marveling at the diversity of wildflower in the spring, or taking the time to look at the leaves in the fall are all botanical trips.

Some of my favorite trips have been to botanical gardens around the world where we get the chance to see unique plants growing in their natural environments.

Botanical Field Trip Ideas

  • Visiting a botanical garden
  • Plant identification trip (works pretty much anywhere!)
  • Foraging Trip
  • Trip to an Arboretum

Examples of our family’s Botanical Experiences

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Two kids walking on a jungle path with temple ruins in the background.

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A picture of the jungles around the Kilim River during sunrise in Langkawi.

Why Langkawi is the Perfect Place for Teaching Kids Geology in Paradise

Skyline of Kuala Lumpur from Taman Titiwangsi Park.

20+ Amazing Ideas for things to do with Kids in Kuala Lumpur

Two kids pretending to interact with a famous street art painting in Georgetown Penang.

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Geological field trips.

Geological trips are all about the earth and what makes up the ground we walk on. It’s about a lot more than just looking at some rocks. Getting to see the building blocks of our planet and how they fit together can be an amazing experience, and can take you to some incredible places. Let’s just say that geology rocks. (Hi, I’m a dad.)

There are plenty of amazing options for learning about the earth, but some of my favorites are caving trips, checking out the Grand Canyon, and hiking active volcanoes! 

Geological Field Trip Ideas

  • Fossil hunting trip! ( Fossil hunting with kids )
  • Going caving
  • Hiking a mountain/volcano
  • Visiting a Hot Spring (Yes, please)

Examples of our family’s Geological Experiences

A view of Ban Gioc Waterfalls from the river below it.

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Rows of crinoid fossils laid on on a wooden floor.

Fossil Hunting With Kids – Finding Fun in the Dirt

Finding Adventure at the Lost Sea

Finding Adventure at the Lost Sea

15 Amazing Educational South African Adventures for Worldschooling Families

15 Amazing Educational South African Adventures for Worldschooling Families

Prehistoric dinosaur and mammoth fossils on display in Madison, WI.

8 Free Or Low-Cost Field Trips Near Madison, Wisconsin

Field Trip to the First National Park: Yellowstone with Kids

Field Trip to the First National Park: Yellowstone with Kids

Zoological field trips.

Zoological trips can include so much more than zoos, but they  are  a great place to start. Any trip that’s focused on the fauna of an area is a zoological field trip, whether that’s exotic animals in the zoo or the squirrels at the local park. Animals can be great for kindling a kid’s curiosity, and because of how interconnected the natural world is, they can be a great launching point for any number of exciting lessons!

My family checks out zoos and aquariums pretty much any chance we get, but my favorite trips have all been in the wild. If you get the chance to go reef snorkeling, definitely take it.

Zoological Field Trip Ideas

  • Animal Spotting/Bird watching trips
  • Visiting an Animal Conservation Center ( Grizzly and Wolf Conservation Center, Yellowstone )
  • Visiting an animal Rescue Center ( Proyecto Asis, Costa Rica )
  • Going on Safari! ( Kruger National Park, South Africa )
  • Swim with wild dolphins or go whale watching! ( Educational Family Adventures, Puerto Vallarta )
  • Visiting a zoo

Examples of our family’s Zoological Experiences

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Visiting Guatemala’s Beautiful Black Sand Beaches

My family looking over the plaza

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A clownfish guarding his anemone home.

Coral, Dugongs, and Dolphins – Why Marsa Alam, Egypt is perfect for a family-friendly snorkeling adventure

Other ecological field trips.

I use the term “ecological field trips” as my catch-all for other nature-focused field trips. Really, any trip that gets you out into nature can be a great launching pad for learning. It’s just about getting into nature and seeing what you can discover! There’s no better way of helping your kid to appreciate the natural world than simply getting them outside to spend time in nature.

Some of my favorite ecological field trips are nature hikes, waterfalls, and dispersed camping.

Ecological Field Trip Ideas

  • Going camping ( Camping with Kids )
  • Visiting a National Park ( My favorite is Badlands )
  • Kayaking or rafting Trips
  • Go snorkeling ( Snorkel gear for Kids )
  • Take a day at the beach! ( 7 ways to add education to a beach trip )

Examples of our family’s Ecological Experiences

Exploring the otherworldly beauty of Jordan’s Wadi Rum

Exploring the otherworldly beauty of Jordan’s Wadi Rum

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Best Free Activities for Families on San Cristobal Island

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Ecological Adventures with Kids in Mindo Cloud Forest Reserve

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Taking A Slow Walk With Sloths On Bogarin Trail

Taking A Slow Walk With Sloths On Bogarin Trail

My kids and I explore the visitors center at Jean Lafitte National Historical Park.

Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve – New Orleans, LA

Different kinds of people-focused field trips.

My daughter standing barefoot with the Great Pyramid of Giza in the background.

The other broad field trip category is field trips about Humanity . It’s all about the things that people do, and the ways that we do them. Whether it’s looking at the things we’ve built, the foods we eat, or the jobs we have, if it’s about humans it’s a people-focused field trip. 

Let’s break it down a bit more. 

Agricultural Field Trips

Agricultural field trips are trips that are focused on the farm. Farm trips are great options for teaching kids all about the life cycles of plants, the types and effects of weather, where our food comes from, and more! 

Some of my favorite agricultural trips include fruit picking, petting zoos, and bee farms! 

Agricultural Field Trip Ideas

  • Visiting a Bee Farm
  • Pick your own produce trips ( Picking Strawberries in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia )
  • Visiting a coffee or tea plantation ( Finca Filadelfia, Guatemala )
  • Visiting a farm ( Caoba Farms, Guatemala )
  • Visiting a petting zoo
  • Make your own Chocolate ( Chocolate Tours, Guatemala )

Examples of our family’s Agricultural Experiences

Best things to do with Kids in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Best things to do with Kids in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Learning what goes into a great cup of coffee at Finca Filadelfia in Antigua

Learning what goes into a great cup of coffee at Finca Filadelfia in Antigua

A table top covered with foraged mushrooms.

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On the Farm with Kids – Caoba Farms Restaurant and Tour

On the Farm with Kids – Caoba Farms Restaurant and Tour

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3 Amazing Places to Learn about Chocolate in Guatemala

Architectural field trips.

Architectural field trips are all about looking at the things that humans build. I typically only consider more modern buildings to fall into this specific category. Basically, if you’re looking at a building that is still actively being used today, it’s an architectural field trip. If it was built in the far past, or if it’s a set of ruins, it goes in the next one.

My favorite architectural field trip is probably Frank Lloyd Wright’s Waterfall house. I was taken there when I was in high school, and to this day I think about that trip any time I see a three-legged stool. Other great trips include going to famous buildings like the Space Needle, or checking out colonial-style houses from the 1700s.  

Architectural Field Trip Ideas

  • Explore Famous landmarks ( New 7 Wonders of the World )
  • Visit a lighthouse
  • Explore local architectural styles (French Quarter, New Orleans)
  • Explore Famous houses or buildings (Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright)

Examples of our family’s Architectural Experiences

Casco Viejo with Kids: Exploring Panama City’s Historic District

Casco Viejo with Kids: Exploring Panama City’s Historic District

A Field Trip into Nashville’s Past at Historic Belle Meade

A Field Trip into Nashville’s Past at Historic Belle Meade

5 Beautiful Spanish Ruins to visit in Antigua, Guatemala

5 Beautiful Spanish Ruins to visit in Antigua, Guatemala

Boats in the water in Hoi An's Old Town.

Old Town’s 22 Historical Sites in Hoi An – A Complete List

The Statue of Murugan and Rainbow staircase at Batu Caves

A beautiful mix of Geology and Culture – Batu Caves with kids

The New 7 Wonders of the World

The New 7 Wonders of the World

Archaeological field trips.

Archaeological field trips are trips out to see the buildings and artifacts of humanity’s past. It’s all about seeing the way the world was, and learning about humans got through life before our modern advances took hold. It’s about seeing where we’re from, and how far we’ve come.

Ancient ruins, cave dwellings, and the Wonders of the World all fall into this category and are among some of my favorite field trips. 

How to choose an Archeological Trip

Archaeological Field Trip Ideas

  • Visit Native American ruins (Cahokia Mounds, Illinois | Aztalan State Park, Wisconsin )
  • Visit more recent American ruins ( Dungeness Ruins, Cumberland National Seashore, Georgia )
  • Visit ruins in other countries ( Spanish Ruins, Guatemala | Egyptian Ruins, Luxor, Egypt )
  • Visit Petroglyph or Cave Painting sites ( Petroglyphs in America | Main Cave, South Africa )

Examples of our family’s Archaeological Experiences

The contents of an archeologist's dig kit on diaplay.

How to Choose an Archeological Field Trip

Two kids look out at the Nile

Best places to visit as a family in Aswan, Egypt

The Best Roman Ruins in Jordan – Visiting Jerash with Kids

The Best Roman Ruins in Jordan – Visiting Jerash with Kids

A Worldschooler’s Guide to re-discovering the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

A Worldschooler’s Guide to re-discovering the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

A Good Guide to the Great Pyramid

A Good Guide to the Great Pyramid

17 amazing things to do in Luxor, Egypt

17 amazing things to do in Luxor, Egypt

Historical field trips.

Historical field trips are  also  about learning from humanity’s past, but I feel like they’re a bit different from archaeological trips. In essence, historical trips are less focused on the buildings and artifacts of the past, and more focused on the actions and events. They’re about remembering the past, the choices that we made as a civilization, both good and bad. It’s sort of splitting hairs, at times, and in the end, I’m not sure the distinction matters, but it’s there. 

Some of my favorite historical field trips are historical reenactments and demonstrations, like at Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown. Other good trips include visiting monuments and memorials, the USS Arizona, or the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. These places make history more palpable and can anchor historical learning in a kid’s mind.

Historical Field Trip Ideas

  • Explore the local history of your town
  • Visit the site of a historical location or Reenactment (Colonial Williamsburg, VA)
  • Learn about major historical events in your own country’s past ( Crazy Horse, SD )
  • Learn about human history at a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site ( UNESCO Cultural Sites )
  • Learn about the history of wherever you happen to be! ( Jean Lafitte National Park, LA )

Examples of our family’s Historical Experiences

The entrance to Abu Simbel.

Abu Simbel With Kids: Visiting The Temple That Moved

The Desolate Prison Island where Nelson Mandela Spent 18 Years

The Desolate Prison Island where Nelson Mandela Spent 18 Years

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The Best Places in the Anton Valley to Explore with Kids

Stand Where Moses Stood – Visiting Mount Nebo In Jordan

Stand Where Moses Stood – Visiting Mount Nebo In Jordan

Turtles, history, and Fun in the Sun on Georgia’s Famous Jekyll Island

Turtles, history, and Fun in the Sun on Georgia’s Famous Jekyll Island

Magical Ruins and Wild Horses in Cumberland Island National Seashore

Magical Ruins and Wild Horses in Cumberland Island National Seashore

Gastronomical field trips.

I know I say that a lot of these categories are among my favorites, but this time I mean it! Gastronomical field trips are all about food. The food we make and eat as a culture has a lot to say about us. It both depends on and dictates our agricultural practices and our economy. If you want to learn about a culture, you should learn about its food , and that includes your own home culture! A nice culinary field trip pairs very well with an agricultural trips, so if you can find a farm that has its own restaurant, be sure to stick around for seconds.  

Some of my favorite culinary field trips have included cooking lessons, cultural restaurants, and local farm tours, but really any new meal you eat offers an opportunity to learn something new. 

Gastronomical Field Trip Ideas

  • Learn how to cook a favorite meal
  • Visit a farm and make, or eat, a meal made from what they grow ( Caoba Farms, Guatemala )
  • Explore street food options in a different country ( Street Food and Culture )
  • Learn about how a favorite snack gets from farm to table ( Chocolate Field Guide )

Examples of our family’s Gastronomy Experiences

What not to eat in Egypt (plus some amazing meals you shouldn’t miss!)

What not to eat in Egypt (plus some amazing meals you shouldn’t miss!)

13 Family Adventures in Puerto Vallarta that are Educational and Fun

13 Family Adventures in Puerto Vallarta that are Educational and Fun

Me, holding a homemade shrimp empanada.

Want to learn about a culture? Learn to cook its food

Volcan Agua from Terrace

Restaurants with a view – 10 Rooftop Terraces in Antigua Guatemala

Fresh clams from a beach vendor in Guatemala.

Why Street Food is an Amazing Window into Learning a Culture

Other cultural field trips.

People-focused field trips cover a wide array of experiences. Any trip that doesn’t easily fall into one of the other categories gets labeled as a “Cultural Field Trip.” These are the trips that are about the different ways that people do things today. They’re about exploring the way that the world around us works, and they can be considered trips into the “real world.” Trips to the bank to find out how banking works may not sound like the most exciting trip, but it’s a field trip that can help foster an understanding of cultural systems that can have a huge impact on our future. 

Some great cultural field trips could include a trip to learn about using looms to hand-weave a rug, to a local factory to see how they make things, or to a cultural festival to learn about how other people do things!

Honestly, these trips can be almost anything, so long as there’s a focus on learning. 

Cultural Field Trip Ideas

  • Visit a local capitol building ( Madison, WI )
  • Watch a live musical or opera
  • Explore musical instruments from other cultures (Nose flute, anyone?)
  • Take a factory tour, or visit a US Mint

Examples of our family’s Culture Experiences

A City Carved in Stone – Visiting Petra with Kids

A City Carved in Stone – Visiting Petra with Kids

Museum trips.

field trip definition and example

I wanted to give a special note on museum trips.

Museums are often a blast to visit, and they can be super educational. I love museums, and I definitely suggest visiting them often. But, they don’t really fit with my personal definition of “field trip.” 

Museums typically bring a lot of materials for education together for people to enjoy, but they remove the context needed to allow kids to make cross-discipline connections. They pull things out of the “real world” and put them in a box.

Which is fine, really. I don’t think poorly of museums in any way, I just think that they go great  with  field trips, but maybe not  instead  of field trips. 

And, there are often exceptions to that rule.

One of my favorite museum experiences was chatting with a paleontologist who works in the Perot museum! We watched real-world paleontology getting done by a real scientist , right where she actually worked! That’s pretty much the definition of a field trip! 

Fossil under magnifying glass

Dinos in Dallas – 7 Fossil Themed Field Trips in the Metroplex

Beautiful Butterflies in Copan Ruinas, Honduras – Mayan Hills Resort

Beautiful Butterflies in Copan Ruinas, Honduras – Mayan Hills Resort

Finding Egypt’s hidden desert whales in beautiful Wadi al-Hitan

Finding Egypt’s hidden desert whales in beautiful Wadi al-Hitan

Truly, there is an astonishing variety of possible field trips that can be done, and every one of them can be an educational experience worth having. I’ve offered up a lot of different “types” of field trips, but remember that the real world often doesn’t fit itself in neat little categories. So long as you are open to teaching and learning in whatever opportunity presents itself, any field trip you take will be a success. 

So in the words of my favorite field tripper,

 “Take chances, make mistakes, and  get messy !”

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What is field trip | definition of field trip in education.

What is Field Trip - Definition of Field Trip in Education

The term “field trip” has been known for decades in many sectors and it is a common term used in worldwide schools. It seems that a field trip is a favorite part of both teachers and students who are keen on learning and discovering. So, what is a field trip in education? Scroll down to find out the field trip definition and its many types.

practical lessons from educational field trips

Educational Field Trip Definition

A field trip or excursion is a journey taken by a group of people to a place away from their usual environment. In education, field trips are defined as visits to an outside area of the normal classroom and made by a teacher and students for purposes of firsthand observation. A field trip can be expressed in many terminologies. People call educational trips or school tours in the UK and New Zealand, and school tours in the Philippines. Field trips are a popular method carried out for students to introduce to the concepts, experiences, and ideas that cannot be given in a classroom environment. School tours can be considered as short-term learning activities providing students the opportunity to observe their chosen subject outside of a classroom setting. Exploring other cultures and customs, getting to the motherland of languages, uncovering pristine nature and experiencing fascinating local life are striking demonstrations of educational school trips


Types of Field Trips

Those listed field trip ideas that help to clear field trip meaning. Efficient educational tours can spark students’ imagination, give them valuable experiences and refresh their minds after days with pencils and papers. A school tour can be themed with one type of field trip or combined by various school trip ideas.


Sightseeing Field Trip

Students are definitely eager the most to sightseeing school trips enchanting them by a myriad of appealing attractions in their wish destination. Admire well-known attractions, explore historic structures, discover World Heritage Sites, unwind on spectacular landscapes and freshen in front of scenic vista are incredible activities that gain huge interests from students and strongly inspire them.

Language and Culture Educational Field Trip

For students learning foreign languages, field trips are very important and helpful to improve the language and explore the alluring indigenous culture. Join immersive activities, stay at a local homestay, take language lessons and visit local markets enable students to practice the language, get a deeper understanding of local culture and their captivating paces of life.

Gardening and Farming Field Trip

This might be an interesting activity attracts lots of students’ attention thanks to its strangeness to their usual life. Discover specialty farms that grow the normal crop and even irregular crops will surprise curious students. Learn how vegetables are produced, explore and give a try to do traditional farming techniques of local people leaves memorable experiences for students.

Gardening and Farming Field Trip

Manufacturing Facility Field Trip

Students can be guided to any factory where equipment, cars, tools, packaging or any other things are made. The mechanized facilities and assembly lines are interesting for students to learn about the production process, how raw materials are utilized and how workers use them to make the final product.


Eco-adventure Field Trip

Discover the natural world is a highly important perspective in the educational sector. Students can be entertained and refreshed by trekking through untouched natural beauties to inspect local plant life and wildlife animals. This opportunity also adds to local historical factors such as early life remnants.

Eco-adventure field trip & school tour

Business Educational Tour

Take business study trips, your students will be delighted by bustling financial and business centers. Business study trips help process business theories in the classroom into life as students explore great commercial organizations. Business field trip gives students the chance to immerse in stimulating and dynamic environments. Visit a range of famed organizations and large corporations will perfect business school trips.


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What is a Field Trip: Exploring the Benefits, Challenges, and Creative Ideas

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By Happy Sharer

field trip definition and example

Introduction: What is a Field Trip?

A field trip is an educational excursion outside of the classroom environment. It is an opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience with the material they are learning in class. Field trips can take place at local attractions, museums, historic sites, nature centers, and more. They can also be conducted virtually, allowing students to explore faraway places without ever leaving the classroom.

Overview of Field Trips: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges

Field trips are an important part of any school curriculum. They provide an opportunity for students to gain real-world experience with the material they are learning in class. However, there are both benefits and challenges associated with field trips that must be considered before planning one.

Benefits of Field Trips

The most obvious benefit of field trips is that they give students the chance to experience the material they are learning in class in a real-world setting. According to a study conducted by the National Education Association, “Field trips provide students with experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom. They offer opportunities to explore concepts from a different perspective, to observe firsthand what has been read about in textbooks, and to make connections between course content and real life.”

In addition to providing an opportunity for experiential learning, field trips can also help to engage student interest in the subject matter. A study conducted by the University of Texas found that students who went on field trips were more likely to remember the material they had learned than those who did not go on the trip. Furthermore, field trips can spark curiosity and inspire students to ask questions and seek out further knowledge.

Challenges of Field Trips

Despite their many benefits, field trips can present some challenges. One of the biggest challenges associated with field trips is the cost. Depending on where you are traveling and the size of your group, the expenses can quickly add up. Additionally, finding the time to plan and execute a successful field trip can be difficult for teachers who already have a full schedule.

Safety is another issue that must be taken into consideration when planning a field trip. It is important to ensure that all students are supervised at all times and that the destination is appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students.

Tips for Planning a Successful Field Trip

Planning a successful field trip requires careful consideration of multiple factors. Here are some tips to keep in mind when planning a field trip.

Establish Goals

Before planning a field trip, it is important to establish clear goals. Ask yourself why you are taking the students on the trip and what you hope to accomplish. This will help to ensure that the field trip is meaningful and relevant to the material being taught in class.

Choose an Appropriate Destination

Once you have established your goals, it is important to choose a destination that is appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students. When selecting a location, consider the interests and abilities of the students and make sure that the destination offers something that will be interesting and engaging for them.

Develop an Itinerary

Once you have selected a destination, it is important to develop an itinerary that outlines the activities for the day. Make sure there is enough time for each activity and that the activities are relevant to the goals you have established for the trip.

Manage Safety Issues

Safety should always be a top priority when planning a field trip. Make sure that all students are supervised at all times and that the destination is appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students. Additionally, be sure to review any safety policies or procedures with the students prior to the trip.

A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Field Trip Experience

A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Field Trip Experience

Creating a meaningful field trip experience requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some tips to ensure that your students get the most out of their field trip.

Set Clear Expectations

Prior to the field trip, it is important to set clear expectations for the students. Explain to them the purpose of the trip and what you hope they will gain from the experience. Additionally, discuss any rules or guidelines that need to be followed during the trip.

Make Connections with Course Material

When planning the activities for the field trip, look for ways to connect the material to the course content. This will help to ensure that the students gain a deeper understanding of the material and that the trip is meaningful and relevant.

Utilize Time Wisely

Time management is key to ensuring a successful field trip. Make sure that all activities are planned in advance and that the students understand what is expected of them. Additionally, leave room for flexibility in case something unexpected arises.

How Field Trips Enhance Learning in the Classroom

Field trips can be an invaluable tool for enhancing learning in the classroom. Here are some of the ways that field trips can benefit students.

Engaging Student Interest

Field trips can help to engage student interest in the subject matter. Experiencing the material firsthand can make it easier for students to understand and relate to the material being taught in class.

Building Critical Thinking Skills

Field trips can also help to build critical thinking skills. Students are exposed to new information and must process it in order to gain a better understanding of the material. This helps to develop problem-solving abilities and encourages students to think more deeply about the material.

Developing Problem-Solving Abilities

Field trips can also help to develop problem-solving abilities. Students are exposed to new environments and must find ways to navigate them. This helps to build confidence and teaches students how to think on their feet.

The Value of Field Trips for Students

The Value of Field Trips for Students

Field trips can be a valuable learning experience for students. Here are some of the ways that field trips can benefit students.

Developing Self-Confidence

Field trips can help to boost self-confidence. Being in unfamiliar surroundings can be intimidating, but it can also be a great opportunity for students to practice problem-solving skills and develop self-confidence.

Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships

Field trips can also help to strengthen interpersonal relationships among students. Working together to navigate new environments and solve problems can help to foster teamwork and collaboration.

Acquiring New Knowledge and Experiences

Finally, field trips can open students up to new knowledge and experiences. Seeing things firsthand can help to bring the material to life and make it easier for students to understand and remember.

Creative Ideas for Field Trips

Creative Ideas for Field Trips

There are many creative ways to incorporate field trips into the classroom. Here are some ideas for fun and engaging field trips.

Museum Visits

Museums are a great way to introduce students to a variety of topics. From art and history to science and technology, there are a variety of museums that offer educational experiences for students of all ages.

Local Attractions

Local attractions can be a great way to introduce students to the community and its culture. Consider visiting historical sites, parks, zoos, or aquariums for an interactive and fun learning experience.

Nature Walks

Nature walks are a great way to get students outdoors and exploring their natural surroundings. Not only can this be a fun activity, but it can also be a great way to introduce students to concepts such as ecology and conservation.

Virtual Field Trips: Taking Education Beyond the Classroom

Virtual Field Trips: Taking Education Beyond the Classroom

Technology has opened up a world of possibilities for educators looking to take their students on field trips. Virtual field trips allow students to explore faraway places without ever leaving the classroom.

Advantages of Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips come with a number of advantages. They are often less expensive than traditional field trips, and they can be used to explore destinations that would otherwise be inaccessible. Additionally, virtual field trips can be tailored to fit the curriculum and the specific needs of the students.

Types of Virtual Field Trips

There are a variety of types of virtual field trips available. These include virtual tours of museums and historical sites, live video streams of events, and interactive simulations of different environments. Each type of virtual field trip offers a unique experience and can be used to enhance learning in the classroom.

Tips for Planning a Virtual Field Trip

When planning a virtual field trip, it is important to do your research. Check to see if the destination offers a virtual tour and make sure that the technology needed is available and easy to use. Additionally, make sure to set clear expectations and goals for the virtual field trip and to create an itinerary that outlines the activities for the day.

Field trips can be a valuable learning experience for students. They provide an opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience with the material they are learning in class and can help to engage student interest in the subject matter. Additionally, field trips can help to build critical thinking skills and develop problem-solving abilities. Finally, virtual field trips offer an exciting way to explore faraway places without ever leaving the classroom. With careful planning and preparation, field trips can be a fun and educational experience for everyone involved.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Field Trip Reflection Sheet (Free Printable)

Make your time outside the classroom meaningful.

Student on a field trip and a printable field trip reflection sheet.

Field trips are amazing! They give kids the chance to explore a new place, learn more about specific topics, talk to experts, and see demonstrations and examples you just can’t do at school. Whether you’re taking a field trip to a local library or zoo or you’re participating in a virtual field trip to a space center or aquarium, you’ll want the field trip to be a pivotal learning experience. That’s where our Field Trip Reflection Sheet comes in.

The impact field trips have on students often has to do with how they engage with the information they learn. Incorporating a field trip reflection worksheet helps students focus on what’s important to them and what it means for their learning and life. Get the free Field Trip Reflection Worksheet by simply filling out the form on this page .

What kind of reflection sheets are in the bundle?

You’ll find two field trip reflection sheets, one for elementary schoolers and one for middle and high schoolers. Each reflection sheet works for either in-person or virtual field trips.

Elementary School Field Trip Reflection Sheet

Printable field trip reflection sheet for elementary school.

Elementary schoolers can identify where they are going and what they are going to learn about before they head out of the building or log in to the field trip. Then, during the field trip, students record observations and information they learn. After the trip, students choose one response as a reflection to help consolidate their learning.

Middle and High School Field Trip Reflection Sheet

Printable field trip reflection sheet for middle and high school.

Before the trip, older students activate background knowledge so they’re primed to connect new information with what they already know. Once on the trip, they record observations and information. After the trip, students can choose a question or answer a teacher-directed question to consolidate what they learned.

What are some field trip reflection questions?

Here are ideas for field trip reflection questions that you can incorporate into the Field Trip Reflection Sheet:

  • What was the most important thing you learned on today’s field trip?
  • What should someone else know about this topic?
  • What was your favorite part of this field trip?
  • Who else would enjoy this field trip and why?
  • How does the information you learned on today’s field trip connect with what you already knew?
  • What is one way that the information you learned today confirms what you already knew? What is one way that it challenged what you already knew?
  • In five years, what will you remember from this field trip?

Use the Field Trip Reflection Worksheet as a way to keep students focused. You can also use it as an exit ticket or assessment after the trip. This is especially helpful for field trips that require parent chaperones as you can see what students were doing during the trip and provide some accountability for students’ learning.

Get your free Field Trip Reflection Sheet printable!

To get your free printable bundle, just fill out the simple form on this page for instant access.

Need field trip ideas? Check out these 260+ field trip ideas (in-person and virtual).

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Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

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How to Use field trip in a Sentence

  • We went on a field trip .
  • We took a class field trip to the power plant.

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'field trip.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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  • Alter Table

Using SQL command to alter table

You can use ALTER TABLE command to change the definition of the table.

Explanation: Adding a field does not affect the existing rows in the table. If a field is added, its default value or NULL will be used as the value of this field in existing rows that do not contain it. The field to add maybe a top-level field (i.e. A table column) or it may be deeply nested inside a hierarchical table schema. As a result, the field is specified via a path.

Example : Modify the Time-To-Live value of the table

Time-to-Live (TTL) is a mechanism that allows you to set a time frame on table rows, after which the rows expire automatically, and are no longer available. By default, every table that you create has a TTL value of zero, indicating that it has no expiration time.

Example : Add a region

The add regions clause lets you link an existing Multi-Region Table (MR Table) with new regions in a multi-region Oracle NoSQL Database environment. You use this clause to expand MR Tables to new regions.

Explanation: Here, table_name is an MR table and region_name is an existing region.

Example : Remove a region

The drop regions clause lets you disconnect an existing MR Table from a participating region in a multi-region Oracle NoSQL Database environment. You use this clause to contract MR Tables to fewer regions.

Here, table_name is a MR Table and comma_separated_list_of_regions is a list of regions to be dropped.


  1. Field trip Definition & Meaning

    field trip: [noun] a visit (as to a factory, farm, or museum) made (as by students and a teacher) for purposes of firsthand observation.

  2. Field trip

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    FIELD TRIP meaning: 1. a visit made by students to study something away from their school or college: 2. a visit made…. Learn more.

  4. Field Trip: Definition & Benefits

    A field trip is a visit to an area outside of the normal classroom where children can try new things, have different experiences, and learn valuable life lessons. A field trip can be to countless ...

  5. FIELD TRIP Definition & Meaning

    Field trip definition: a trip by students to gain firsthand knowledge away from the classroom, as to a museum, factory, geological area, or environment of certain plants and animals.. See examples of FIELD TRIP used in a sentence.

  6. Field trip

    field trip: 1 n a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination Type of: excursion , expedition , jaunt , junket , outing , pleasure trip , sashay a journey taken for pleasure


    field trip definition: 1. a visit made by students to study something away from their school or college: 2. a visit made…. Learn more.

  8. FIELD TRIP definition and meaning

    An expedition, as by a group of students or research workers, to study something at first hand.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  9. Field trip Definition & Meaning

    Britannica Dictionary definition of FIELD TRIP [count]: a visit to a place (such as a museum or zoo) that is made by students to learn about something. We took a class field trip to the power plant. We went on a field trip. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.

  10. field trip noun

    Definition of field trip noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  11. Field Trip Definition & Meaning

    Field Trip definition: A group excursion for the purpose of firsthand observation, as to a museum, the woods, or a historic place.

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    For example, a science field trip to a nature reserve can expand on biology lessons by allowing students to observe and study different ecosystems and the biodiversity within them. Furthermore, field trips foster a multidisciplinary approach to learning. Students can see how different subjects intersect and relate to one another in real-world ...

  13. Field trip Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of FIELD TRIP is a visit (as to a factory, farm, or museum) made (as by students and a teacher) for purposes of firsthand observation. How to use field trip in a sentence.

  14. Different Types of Field Trips for Learning about our World

    Space Museum Trip; Examples of our family's Astronomical Experiences. How to Choose and Plan an Astronomical Field Trip. ... But, they don't really fit with my personal definition of "field trip." Museums typically bring a lot of materials for education together for people to enjoy, but they remove the context needed to allow kids to ...

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    Plan Your Schedule. Arrange Your Supervision. Create a Permission Form. Decide Who's Allowed To Go. Tie in Your Field Trip to Your Curriculum. These are the steps you will need to cover for your field trip plan. The order of these steps may be different for you, but be sure to think about all of these points. 1.

  16. Definition of Field Trip in Education

    A field trip or excursion is a journey taken by a group of people to a place away from their usual environment. In education, field trips are defined as visits to an outside area of the normal classroom and made by a teacher and students for purposes of firsthand observation. A field trip can be expressed in many terminologies.

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    Examples of FIELD TRIP in a sentence, how to use it. 93 examples: We performed two censuses per monthly field trip to estimate hummingbird…

  18. PDF A Review of Research on School Field Trips and Their Value in ...

    A field trip, which may also be termed as an instructional trip, school excursion, or school journey, is defined by Krepel and Duvall (1981) to be a school or class trip with an educational intent, in which students interact with the setting, displays, and exhibits to gain an experiential

  19. What is a Field Trip: Exploring the Benefits, Challenges, and ...

    Field trips can take place at local attractions, museums, historic sites, nature centers, and more. They can also be conducted virtually, allowing students to explore faraway places without ever leaving the classroom. Overview of Field Trips: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges. Field trips are an important part of any school curriculum.

  20. FIELD TRIP definition in American English

    A field trip is an trip made by students and a teacher to see or study something, for example a museum, a factory, or a historical site. Rachel enjoyed the class field trip to the aquarium in Boston. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary .

  21. The Educational Value of Field Trips in 2024: Advantages and

    A field trip, by definition, is a school-sanctioned excursion away from the classroom and other traditional study environments, ... A well-organized field trip is a foremost example of knowledge transfer. The new layers of thought acquired by students through observation, interaction, and the narrative provided by guides and lecturers, can be ...

  22. Field Trip Reflection Sheet (Free Printable)

    The impact field trips have on students often has to do with how they engage with the information they learn. Incorporating a field trip reflection worksheet helps students focus on what's important to them and what it means for their learning and life. Get the free Field Trip Reflection Worksheet by simply filling out the form on this page.

  23. Examples of 'Field trip' in a Sentence

    Mahima Jain, WIRED , 18 Mar. 2023. Earlier in the day, at around 2:43 p.m., a child slipped on wet leaves and fell while hiking Mount Monadnock on a field trip. —. Bailey Allen, BostonGlobe.com , 12 Oct. 2022. Volunteer to assist with school events such as field day, a field trip, or the school carnival.


    When defining a table, field definitions take the form: field-name type [constraints] [COMMENT "comment-string"] . where: field-name is the name of the field. For example: id or familiarName.Every field must have a name. type describes the field's data type. This can be a simple type such as INTEGER or STRING, or it can be a complex type such a RECORD.

  25. Using SQL command to alter table

    Using SQL command to alter table. You can use ALTER TABLE command to change the definition of the table. Create a sample table : CREATE TABLE demo_acct ( acct_id INTEGER, acct_data JSON, PRIMARY KEY (acct_id) ) Example : Add schema field to the table schema. ALTER TABLE demo_acct (ADD acct_balance INTEGER)