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By THQN Brad April 30, 2021 in Announcements

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Welcome to the new home for the Expeditions Community!

With the recent announcement of Expeditions: Rome, we're also excited to launch our brand new community site.

Here you'll be able to interact with fans from all the Expeditions games, read the latest DevDiaries about Expeditions:Rome, and engage with each other and the developers. Many of the developers will be active on the site, reading your posts. We will also take questions directly from our DevDiaries and answer them live on our DevStreams.

This is YOUR community, so we hope you enjoy making new friends and discussing games. Please feel free to post any suggestions or recommendations you may have, and we look forward to getting to know everyone. Be good to one another, enjoy some fun, enlightening conversation, and help us create the best community we can!

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  • Dec 16, 2023

What is Expedition Travel?

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Embarking on an expedition is synonymous with striking out into the undiscovered, venturing off the beaten path, and unlocking the kind of experiences that standard tours simply can't deliver. Expedition travel is all about exploring and immersing oneself in the essence and awe of the natural world. But what exactly does it entail? Let's delve deep into what expedition travel truly comprises.   Firstly, we must define what it is. Expedition travel is a form of journeying or travel experience that centers on exploration and adventure in relatively untouched territories or less commercialized regions. Unlike the typical family vacation, it often involves braving through more challenging and rugged landscapes, hopping across remote islands, navigating through dense jungles, trekking up hidden mountainous routes, or even sailing in icy polar waters. 

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Expedition travel is typically guided by seasoned, expert leaders and teams acquainted with the chosen terrain's geography, culture, and local systems. Designed to intimately connect you with the environment, it accentuates direct, physical involvement and active engagement rather than passive sightseeing. 

Given the nature of such journeys, expedition travel veers away from exclusively using built-for-comfort amenities. Instead, it utilizes unique modes of travel like expedition cruise ships, off-road vehicles, zodiac boats, or on foot which further amplify the sense of adventure. Accommodations can range from comfortable on-board rooms to camping under the stars, but always to minimize harm to the environment and respect local cultures. 

Expedition travel also encompasses a strong educational component. Whether you’re learning about local cultural traditions, understanding the unique ecosystems, or hearing riveting tales of historical discoveries, it provides a deep dive into the macrocosm of knowledge.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this kind of travel is its spirit of discovery and conservation. Many trips are designed to contribute to scientific research, and conservation efforts, and support local communities. You might engage in wildlife surveys, volunteer for beach clean-ups, or help support schools in remote locations. 

Expedition travel often involves journeying to extreme corners of the earth, offering travelers an intimate glimpse into life in the most remote parts of the world. This intimate contact with less-traveled paths helps to foster a sense of global connectedness and a greater understanding of our planet.

In a nutshell, expedition travel is beyond just a vacation; it’s a profound encounter with the raw essence of life, a test of personal limits, and an open invitation to rekindle our often-forgotten ties with nature. It educates and inspires, it thrills and humbles. It reminds us of our shared responsibility toward this magnificent planet and the manners in which we can contribute towards its preservation.

On an expedition, you don't just travel; you explore, engage, grow, and become increasingly aware of the interconnectedness of all life. Now, who's ready for an adventure?

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Review: expeditions: a mudrunner game.

Expeditions has a lot of tidying up to do to become what it should be, but there's a wonderfully rewarding game in there once you learn its quirks.

Key Takeaways

  • Traversal-based gameplay is uniquely satisfying, navigating untamed wilderness landscapes with trucks of different sizes for each mission.
  • Specialists can provide perks and bonuses, impacting the success of missions, but careful planning and equipment selection are crucial.
  • The drone is a valuable tool for scouting and mapping terrain, although arbitrary no-fly zones can hinder exploration in the game.

It's a big world out there and despite everyone's best efforts, not everywhere is covered in cities and suburbs. There's still wilderness to be found, wild and mostly untamed, although not without evidence of people having been there. Like any place people have been or want to be there's work to be done there, and the lack of roads are only an inconvenience for the right type of vehicle. Whether that be major or minor inconvenience depends on the driver, but rocky terrain, near-vertical slopes or even a tree that manages to wedge itself in the gap between cab and trailer can be enough to make any drive a challenge. In many games a major boss can be a massive beast of earth-shaking might, but in Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game it's frequently something as simple as an inconvenient tree.

Data Collection in the Great Outdoors

The Mudrunner series has been coming along for years now, starting with the now-delisted Spintires and hitting major success with 2020's Snowrunner . Those games were about industrialization in the wilderness, hauling logs and other cargo from place to place using massive trucks designed with sheer power as their defining feature. Expeditions , on the other hand, takes a new approach, with the bigger trucks having their place on a few missions, but smaller being better for the most part. This is because so many of the missions are informational, with a focus on preserving the environment rather than stomping all over it. Scan and photograph the terrain for points of interest, ping the depths to test the water, hang live-cams for PR or motion detectors in suspicious areas, and in general keep an eye on the landscape rather than transform it. Bigger trucks to carry heavy equipment come in handy when needed, but bouncing along in the jeep-like KHAN 39 Marshall is not only a huge load of fun, but also practical for a good number of missions.

The biggest difference overall between the earlier -Runner games and Expeditions , though, is its new mission structure. The previous games dropped you in a map and waved in the general direction of an objective, starting from a home base/garage and opening up the world from there. Expeditions , on the other hand, is more structured in that at the start of each region you need to choose a mission before selecting the right truck for the job and equipping it as necessary. Some missions don't care what you use, while others have specific equipment requirements that a smaller scout-class vehicle may not be suited for. Additionally, specialists can be hired on a per-mission basis to provide perks and bonuses, and if you're setting out to, for example, scan water quality, the mission might require the services of a hydrologist.

Specialists come in several different professions, from operators to manager, jaegers, mechanics and more. Each grants their own unique combination of perks, like a mechanic that offers lower fuel consumption or operators marking the vital air drops that resupply fuel and frequently have resources that give a nice little cash bonus at the end of a mission. Everything brought into a mission aside from the trucks you already own has a cost, though, from specialists to non-mission-essential equipment, so a little care may be needed deciding what's necessary for the next excursion. There is vital equipment that should come along every time, though, like the screw-jack and probably portable anchors, both of which can save a doomed mission.

The fancy tools to get the job done

The terrain is neither friend nor enemy, it just exists, and no matter what it feels like, it isn't actively working against you. The problem is that trucks and cars are designed around the idea of a landscape that's been shaped around their use, and Expedition 's settings of Arizona and Europe's Carpathian mountains are huge areas that haven't been tamed. This means that rolling a vehicle is inevitable, usually at least once per mission if not more, and there are endless slopes that are simply too steep to get up without a little help. Every vehicle in the game is equipped with a winch system, but in the heavy trucks it relies on a running engine to work and once flipped the engine automatically turns off. This is where the screw-jack comes in, letting you choose where to place the truck within a small radius of the accident, and with a little care, not in an orientation that instantly sees it roll over again.

The anchor, on the other hand, is used in conjunction with the winch. While the Carpathians are covered in trees and almost always have one handy to connect the winch to, Arizona is much more sparse and rocky. The anchor sinks into any dirt within a set radius of the vehicle, and once placed it's there for the rest of the mission no matter how much pull the truck may exert. There are ways to get up steep slopes without the anchor, such as improving grip by lowering the tire pressure to increase the amount of surface in contact with the terrain, but when an inconvenient rock has made a small ledge you can't get over, the anchor and winch can work together to conquer a challenging climb. It's not magic, though, and there are going to be times where the best option is to completely re-plan the route.

Review: SnowRunner

The most useful tool in the bunch, though, is the drone, which is another feature all vehicles automatically come equipped with. It's only got a limited range, extendable if you bring along the right specialist, but being able to take to the air and plot a course through the trees, spy a distant site marker or check out the configuration of rocks on a slope to find the best path up is a fantastic addition to the series. The standard third-person truck view can reveal a lot, but seeing the world from the sky or flying the drone over the edge of a cliff means you can make much better plans, and becomes such an essential tool that it's maddening when the arbitrary and un-marked no-fly zones ground the drone for no clear reason. The drone also acts as a discovery device for the map, which is detailed enough that you can plot a course through the forested areas with it. Between the drone scouting and the map's create-a-checkpoint system that lets you create as detailed a route as needed, it's easy to stay on course. Or you can ignore either drone or checkpointing and enjoy scouting by eye, because the only time pressure is the possibility of running out of fuel.

The Great Outdoors- A work in progress

Expeditions is a different kind of driving game from the normal type, in that it's best approached with patience and appreciation for the challenges it brings, and it works well from that perspective. It's deeply satisfying to plot the perfect route or muscle through an imperfect one, sometimes bounding along through a field before a swamp bogs you down, or getting to a clear ridge after inching up vicious incline. The new mission structure may take a bit to grow accustomed to if you're a Snowrunner fan, but it doesn't take long for additional objectives within each map to show up as you explore, and once you've chosen a mission there's no penalty for wandering away from it to do something else entirely. Additionally, once a job is complete you can choose to either head back to the mission menu or keep wandering the map, tracking down points of interest, clearing side goals, finding new parts for the trucks scavenged from ruined vehicles or towing a stranded truck back to home base. The missions give Expeditions a rough structure but don't define it, and after doing a few in each area, the Free Roam option becomes available. When everything is going as planned it's a fantastic working vacation in an unspoiled wilderness, but there's a whole lot of bug-fixing and updates ahead to bring this game to its full potential.

From an update perspective the co-op mode is coming later, allowing up to four players to explore the maps together. That's a major feature to miss out on at launch, so if that's important to you then waiting a bit probably isn't a bad idea. Snowrunner has had a great run of free content updates for all players, not just the ones who bought the many Season Pass DLCs, and the plan is for Expeditions to follow suit. With any luck those updates will also squash bugs and iron out other issues, because there's a lot to go over here. Recovering from being flipped over, for example, can see part of the truck wedged into the terrain, fused and unmovable until you do a recovery back to base. I've only had one freeze that ended up as a crash to desktop, and thankfully the auto-save means I only ended up losing a minute or two of play, but it can happen. Other details like the camera mini-game, where you fish around to find the subject the client wants and zoom into focus, I ended up switching from controller to mouse thanks to the movement being far too sensitive, and the air-drop system I honestly thought was bugged until I realized there was randomization in the system from one run to the next, but the game just doesn't explain this anywhere. There's a good and a bad type of "figure it out" and Expeditions has far too much of the kind that really should have been in the pause-menu Codex.

Closing Comments:

Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game has a lot of tidying up to do to become what it should be, but there's a wonderfully-rewarding game in there once you've learned its quirks. I had no idea the map checkpointing system was so useful until I noticed one of the screenshots highlighting it, and then a major point of friction simply disappeared. It also took a bit to get used to the idea that the smaller trucks are better, but it only takes so much wrangling over rocky outcrops or between trees to figure out that Expeditions needs a different approach than earlier games in the series when it comes to tackling the wilderness. Once you learn the way around its awkward menu system, figure out the unexplained gameplay elements and know what bugs to avoid, the game Expeditions wants to be shines through and it's a great one. The huge, expansive maps feel like they've got endless points of interest, and the challenge in finding each one and carrying out its related tasks rarely ever feels overwhelming. The beautiful landscapes are one of the stars of the show, and there's a satisfying balance between the open areas that let you explore them at top speed (which is rarely more than twenty miles per hour, if that) and rocky inclines or thin ledges trying to push your wheels off the side. It's easy to lose hours at a time trekking through the wide open maps of Expeditions , each new task leading to a new point on the map while you solve one navigation problem after another, until finally the mission is complete. And then, satisfaction in hand, it's time to load up the next truck and do it again, because nobody knows what's going to be waiting over that next hill for the curious explorer.

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Version Reviewed: PC

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is an open world driving exploration game set in the untamed wilderness.  Each mission is a fight between truck and terrain to reach the goal, cursing and reveling in the great outdoors in equal measure.

  • Uniquely satisfying traversal-based gameplay
  • Trucks, trucks, and more trucks
  • An untamed wilderness filled with driving adventure
  • Bugs and unexplained gameplay quirks
  • Arbitrary no-fly zones removing a vital tool for no clear reason

I did a polar plunge in Antarctica. It meant more than I expected.

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"Transformative Experiences” is a seven-part series focusing on how travel can change the lives of those open to the experiences that new places can bring. If you'd like to contribute to our future reporting and share your experience as a source, you can click here to fill out this quick form .

I was standing in line at the back of Aurora Expeditions’ Sylvia Earle ship with my heart trying to beat out of my chest. The moment I’d been dreading for days had arrived: it was time to do a polar plunge in Antarctica .

I waffled on whether I’d join the plunge during our 11-night itinerary. I’ve struggled with anxiety for much of my life and kept thinking about what could go wrong − not to mention the cold.

But when the expedition team announced the plunge was set to begin, my indecision turned to resolve. I changed into shorts and hurried to the mudroom for a briefing on what to expect (Aurora had medical staff standing by, just in case). I shivered and watched my fellow passengers jump in while Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” played on the speaker system.

When my turn came, I stepped onto the edge of the waiting Zodiac boat, hesitated briefly and jumped into the 37-degree green-blue water. To my surprise, the dry sting of the chilly air on my arms gave way to comparative warmth (or maybe I was just distracted).

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As I swam up and the expedition team helped me out, I was soaking wet but felt 10 pounds lighter. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought,” I told another guest. The shot of vodka the staff gave us to help us warm up didn’t hurt, either.

Expedition cruises take travelers to remote and often extreme places, giving them opportunities to learn, explore and try something new. Those experiences can leave a lasting influence, even in ways we may not anticipate.

Mario Placidi Spring, the expedition leader on my trip, told USA TODAY in an interview later that the way travelers approach their trip can play a role in what they take home. “What you bring to it is maybe is more important than what is out there,” he said. “It's one thing if you come just because you want to tick your seventh continent: You will see those beautiful things, but they will not speak to you in the same way.”

‘I don't want to go through life not doing things because I’m afraid of them’

Valeria Reveles has been afraid of being in water for most of her life after nearly drowning in a swimming pool when she was a child. But that didn’t stop the 43-year-old high school English teacher from kayaking during her expedition to Antarctica.

When Reveles had the chance to paddle among penguins and leopard seals in the icy waters surrounding the continent on an expedition in January 2020 with G Adventures, she took it.

Reveles, who lives in Tulare, California, has found travel provides opportunities to step outside her comfort zone. “I don't want to go through life not doing things because I’m afraid of them,” she said.

And during her nearly two-week trip, she embraced the experience. She even camped on shore, dozing off to the sound of whales’ blowholes and ice falling into the water – or at least trying to.

“It was probably the worst night of sleep I’ve ever had in my life but absolutely worth it.”

Family bonding in the Galápagos

For others, expeditions may have an unexpected ripple effect.

Kate Kedenburg went with her family to the Galápagos Islands in October 2021. The trip was largely her mother’s idea, but the experience was special for Kedenburg.

The 36-year-old ceramic artist, her parents and her two younger brothers explored the archipelago on foot and in the water during a weeklong cruise with Quasar Expeditions. Kedenburg and her family live in and around Charlotte, North Carolina, but she said they wouldn’t typically get together to go kayaking, for instance, or on long, wandering walks.

“It was just really cool to do all that stuff together as a family, and in one of the most unique places on the planet,” she said. They swam with sea lions, saw hammerhead sharks while they were snorkeling and heard from onboard naturalists about the environment. Kedenburg’s youngest brother, a geologist, was in “geology heaven,” she said.

The experience prompted them to take another family trip to Iceland the next year. Before the expedition, Kedenburg hadn’t spent that much time with her family since she was a kid, and she said the cruise prompted them to “try and be more deliberate about making sure that happens in some way or another.”

“And I think maybe the cruise was the impetus for that,” she said.

For me, the polar plunge served as a teaching moment. I nearly missed out on what may have been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I was afraid. But in the end, it was fun and even freeing.

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I encounter my own "polar plunges" of one kind or another almost every day, and I want to jump in. “I’ve seen a lot of tears from fear, from being overwhelmed, and I would argue that they're all good,” said Jeff Nagel, the assistant expedition leader on my trip. “If you're scared a little and you overcome your fear, if you're overwhelmed by the experience, that's great.”

Editor’s note: The reporter on this story received access to this expedition from Aurora Expeditions. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of reviews.

Has a travel experience changed your perspective? How so?

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Editoral Review of National Geographic Expeditions

In 1999, National Geographic launched their own tour company component: National Geographic Expeditions. Since then they have expanded to offer trips on all 7 continents in over 60 destinations. Recently they partnered with G Adventures to provide even more variety to their devoted customers.

What Makes National Geographic Expeditions Stand Out?

  • Multiple modes of travel
  • Expert guides and photographers
  • After hours and special access to sites

India mosque with National Geographic expeditions

With National Geographic, you can travel by small, expedition-style ships; classic train journeys; land tours; active adventures; photo tours; family-oriented trips; or private, independent expeditions based on your desires and budget.

Wherever you go with National Geographic, which has been in the tour business for 15 years, you can expect doors to open: entry to research sites, archaeological digs, private homes or special events.

Many expeditions are accompanied by a National Geographic expert or expert team who share their knowledge and passion for a region and help make each experience enriching and unforgettable.

Who Will Enjoy Traveling With National Geographic Expeditions?

  • Photography enthusiasts
  • Adventurous minded
  • Nature lovers
  • History buffs
  • Life long learners

National Geographic is one of those special brands that has managed to successfully straddle the line between “your grandfather loves them” and “your eighteen year old sister loves them”. They cover a wide range of topics, themes, and travel styles, with the educational aspect always prevalent yet not overbearing.

Older couple looking at iceberg on National Geographic Expeditions cruise

If you love feeling like an explorer and an adventurer when you travel, and love learning about the world from experts in a variety of fields, National Geographic is the perfect place for you. This is a company for those who want to dig deeper, like getting the inside story from multiple perspectives - historical, cultural, political, economic, scientific and more.

National Geographic trips are great for families, and you can choose a private tour or a family friendly group, where hands on activities will widen your children’s worldview in innumerable special ways.

photographer in Iceland with National Geographic Expeditions

National Geographic trips are also extremely popular with photographers - novice photographers will enjoy their photography-centric tours, while many dedicated hobbyists can be found on their other trip styles as well.

If you’re the kind of traveler who sacrifices the space for a pair of shoes in your suitcase for another lens or photography accessory...you’ll be right at home on a trip with National Geographic Expeditions.

In the same way that National Geographic magazine has always inspired and furthered conversation and discourse, so too do their trips. The spirit of learning about the world is intertwined in every itinerary, so if you consider yourself a lifelong student, you should definitely consider traveling with National Geographic Expeditions.

Top Destinations

Ruins in Cambodia

National Geographic Expeditions go all around the world, and cover almost every travel style imaginable. One might think they have a favoring of the more “exotic” locations but an impressive number of United States and European tours are offered as well as farther reaching destinations. National Geographic Expeditions in the Galapagos are especially popular.

Regardless of where you travel, you will be sure to get off the beaten path and discover unique cultural landmarks, meet interesting people, and enjoy a sense of adventure.

National Park tour with National geographic expeditions

Small-ship expeditions, done in conjunction with Lindblad Expeditions, can take you to Antarctica, the Galapagos and points beyond. Classic train journeys include the Trans-Siberian and trains through India, Spain, and Switzerland. Active adventures might take you hiking in Bhutan or meeting Berbers in Morocco. Land tours could take you to Tanzania, Peru or the Grand Canyon.

National Geographic Expeditions Travel Style

The travel style with National Geographic Expeditions has an aura of old fashioned exploration with a modern twist.

National Geographic Expeditions is a family friendly outfit, offering a wide range of prices and trip styles. Trips vary from mid range budget to higher. Physical level is usually light to moderate.

By virtue of their longstanding presence in the world, National Geographic has a wide reaching global network to lean on for incredibly unique and authentic lodging options, knowledgeable guides, and VIP access to historical and archaeological sites.

Arabia tour with national geographic expeditions

They have several broad travel styles you can choose from:

Land Trips - National Geographic Land Trips are immersive explorations, often covering nature and wilderness points of interest such as national parks. They also dive into ancient cities and cultures, with trips exploring everything from monks in Burmese mountainside temples to the lives of nomadic Mongolian peoples. Most trips are around 11 days and physical level is between light and moderate, with some trips featuring moderately challenging hikes in various altitudes.

River Cruises - a relatively new addition, Nat Geo now offers around 7 river cruises in Europe covering the Danube, Rhine, and Douro. Currently they also have 1 river cruise in Asia, along the Irrawaddy. These trips are typically between 7 - 11 days and feature wine tasting, history tours, and very light physical activity.

Douro river cruise national geographic trips

Private Expeditions - If you and your family, significant other, or a few close friends are looking for a more intimate travel experience than a group of strangers, Private Expeditions are a great way to travel. These trips are customizable, and can be crafted to perfectly suit your interests and dates.

Photography Trips - National Geographic has consistently featured award winning travel photography. They run regular contests for those inspired by the thousands of groundbreaking and historic photographs taken by journalists and travel photographers around the world. On National Geographic photography trips you can actually learn tricks of the trade from real-world photographers and improve your skills.

Galapagos tortoise photography tour National Geographic

Train Trips - Travel was revolutionized with the implementation of the railroad, allowing people to travel in what was then a rapid pace from destination to destination. Today this ideal has been flipped on its head, and train travel is a leisurely paced excursion allowing time to relax and appreciate the slower meandering through beautiful countrysides. National Geographic train trips cover the classics, such as the Trans-Siberian railway and the Rocky Mountain railroad. Accommodations are comfortable, around a premium level, with options to upgrade.

Active Expeditions - For those who enjoy a bit more of an adrenaline pumping and active travel experience, National Geographic also has trips for you. These trips feature multiple active outings, such as kayaking, hiking, and caving. Expect to explore the outdoors covering unique natural phenomena and gaining insight into how and why the landscape has been shaped the way it has. These trips also feature cultural insights, just to a lesser extent.

Diver with underwater camera on national geographic expeditions tour

Family Expeditions - National Geographic is the perfect company to travel with when you have curious and adventurous youngsters eager to see the world. They will learn about other cultures, people, food, nature and wildlife from experts with “cool jobs” that might even inspire lifelong interests and perhaps influence a career. These trips are specifically designed to be hands on, allowing everyone to get involved and learn about how things work.

Private Jet Trips - For a luxurious and more lengthy travel experience, nothing beats a Private Jet tour. A dedicated team will be with you, and you’ll experience all the best that National Geographic has to offer from local guides to premiere accommodation. These trips are in a very high budget range, but if it’s in your wheelhouse - it’s a superb way to travel and cover a lot of ground.

Journeys - Part of a partnership with G Adventures, these trips are adventurous and immersive small group excursions imbued with the spirit of National Geographic. The best of two top travel worlds!

Why Choose a Tour  With National Geographic Expeditions?

Woman in Sri Lanka on immersive tour with National Geographic expeditions

When you travel with National Geographic you are participating in and contributing to a spectacular legacy. Over the years National Geographic has cultivated a reputation for being about cultural exploration, scientific advancement, and broadening perspectives.

Their travel experiences are perfect for anyone wishing to get back to the roots of what adventurous, experiential travel really means and enjoy discovering the world from multiple angles.

Really one of the best parts about traveling on a tour with National Geographic Expeditions is the sheer breadth of knowledge, personal and professional experience their guides bring to the table. They help provide richly detailed context, historical information, and dive into the details of local life, by showing and doing as well as explaining. You the traveler will have the true experience of getting to know a place from the inside out.

If that wasn’t enough of a reason, proceeds from your trip price go towards supporting National Geographic’s ongoing nonprofit work in conservation, exploration, education, and cultural preservation.

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About the company.

National Geographic Expeditions span the globe and are designed to reflect our travelers' broad spectrum of interests, from small-ship expeditions and classic train journeys to photography workshops and family adventures. When you travel with us, you'll enjoy boundless opportunities to be surrounded by natural wonders and exotic wildlife, to explore celebrated archaeological sites, to learn about different cultures and share in local traditions. A National Geographic expert or expert team accompanies each expedition, sharing their knowledge and passion for a region and making each experience enriching and unforgettable.

An Extraordinary Legacy of Exploration

National Geographic Expeditions, the travel program of the National Geographic Society, was founded on the same belief in the importance of exploration that distinguishes the Society's 125-year history. Launched in 1999, National Geographic Expeditions now operates hundreds of trips each year, spanning all seven continents and more than 60 destinations.

Since its founding in 1888, the Society has developed incredible resources—from its network of experts, contacts, and Society-sponsored researchers all over the globe, to the top-tier editorial staff of National Geographic and National Geographic Traveler magazines, and the books, maps, and film and television divisions. National Geographic Expeditions taps these resources to create unique and authentic expeditions to fascinating parts of the world.

As part of the National Geographic Travel group, National Geographic Expeditions aims to fulfill the Society's mission to inspire people to care about the planet by providing meaningful opportunities to explore it. Proceeds from all travel programs support the Society’s efforts to increase global understanding through exploration, education and scientific research.

National Geographic Adventures

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Best Antarctica Cruise – Ultimate Guide to Who & How [2024]

Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

  • Last Updated: March 28, 2024

If you’re planning on going on the world’s most epic bucket list adventure by booking an Antarctica cruise there’s a few things you need to know first. In our ultimate guide we draw on our personal experience from multiple trips to share the how, who, when and why of travelling on a cruise to Antarctica!

Whether you’re ready to book, doing more research or simply interested in the idea of visiting Antarctica, there’s some very important things you need to know before dropping your hard-earned money on an expedition to the 7th continent.

We’ve been travelling and working in Antarctica since 2017, first as photographers and content creators, then as tour guides taking our own groups to this beautiful part of the world.

One thing we’ve discovered over the years is that no two Antarctic expeditions are the same – both in experience, and in service.

A quick Google will show that there are over 100 operators registered to IAATO, the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators, to run trips down here, and then there are a handful of private enterprises and sailers that visit each year as well.

So how do you know which operator to book with? What time of year should you go? Why are some companies more expensive than others? And with so many different itineraries now available, which one should you choose?

That’s what we have set out to answer for you in this comprehensive guide.

By the end of this article you will have a great understanding of the differences between the best Antarctica cruises and which companies we recommend based on personal experience and intimate industry knowledge.

Ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime? Let’s dive into it!

READ MORE: Dive deep into our complete guide on travelling to Antarctica !

Penguins On Ice Best Antarctica Cruise Expedition Operator

Table of Contents

Can You Travel to Antarctica in Winter?

Crossing the drake passage vs flying the drake passage, crossing the antarctic circle, the weddell sea and snow hill, falkland islands (islas malvinas), south georgia, the ‘trio’ – antarctica, south georgia and falkland islands, the ross sea from new zealand or australia, quark expeditions, aurora expeditions, hurtigruten, other operators, navigating antarctic waters, does a more expensive trip mean a better experience, 7 days – express (fly the drake), 10/11 days – classic antarctic peninsula, 14 days – crossing the antarctic circle or visit the weddell sea/snow hill, 20 days – falkland islands, south georgia island and antarctica, 21-24 days – trio and crossing the circle, 28 days – ross sea or ‘sailing’ to antarctica on a yacht, zodiac cruises, landings and hiking, onboard seminars, polar plunge, wildlife watching, sea kayaking, day paddling, mountaineering and climbing, skiing and snowboarding, scuba diving, photography workshops, citizen science programs, environmental responsibility when choosing an antarctica cruise operator, when is the best time to go on an antarctica cruise.

All commercial operators that run trips to Antarctica during the Southern Hemisphere’s spring and summer months, stretching from late October to March, with the majority being between November and February.

Each month offers travellers a very different experience.

In November, as the continent emerges from its icy slumber, voyagers are greeted with pristine and untouched snowy landscapes.

Antarctica is at its most beautiful, but it also brings challenges for expedition teams due to weather, sea ice and snow density, meaning some landings might not be possible.

December and January are the peak months of the Antarctic summer, with the warmest temperatures (sometimes never dropping below freezing except at night), very long daylight hours, and the heartwarming sight of penguins nurturing their freshly hatched chicks.

It’s also the busiest time of year though on the Peninsula.

As the season progresses into February and March, the continent witnesses the awe-inspiring migrations of thousands of humpback whales and penguins shedding their feathers in the molting season.

The Peninsula might look it’s ‘dirtiest’ though, with much of the ground snow melted.

While the scenery is mesmerising throughout, the choice of month can tailor very different wildlife encounters and unique experiences.

We’ve written another full guide on the best time to visit Antarctica , but personally we prefer to travel early season (November) for landscapes and penguins, and late season (February and March) for whales.

After our very successful tour to Antarctica this season, we are going to be running another exclusive adventure down to the Peninsula in 2025, this time crossing the Antarctic Circle! Check out the tour page if you’d like to learn more.

Unfortunately tourists cannot visit Antarctica in winter due to the extremely cold weather and huge congestion in sea ice limiting access.

Zodiac In Front Of Iceberg Antarctica Expedition

Antarctic Cruise Itineraries

There are a variety of different itineraries that are available to book for cruises to Antarctica.

Depending on your style, budget, interests and length of time available you’ll find some trips that are common (for good reason), and others that are very unique and only happen once every few years.

Here are the main Antarctic cruise itineraries you can book.

Antarctic Peninsula

The most common itinerary to Antarctica is a trip to the Antarctic Peninsula, most often departing from the port of Ushuaia in Argentina, at the very southern tip of South America.

These trips usually take around 10-12 days, with 5-7 days spent on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula (the rest of the days are travelling over the Drake Passage), and no two trips are the same.

Some of the main destinations that you might visit on an Antarctic Peninsula cruise are:

  • Deception Island
  • South Shetland Islands
  • Vernadsky Station
  • Elephant Island
  • Paulet Island
  • Damoy Point
  • Portal Point
  • Cuverville Island
  • Errera Channel
  • Gerlache Strait
  • Lemaire Channel

Just because it’s the most common tour doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. A Peninsula trip is truly mind-blowing, and allows you to officially step foot on the 7th continent.

Errera Channel Antarctic Peninsula

When researching Antarctic Peninsula cruises you’ll probably see that the majority of the itineraries sail across the Drake Passage , the infamous stretch of sea between South America and Antarctica, while a couple fly over the Drake to King George Island.

Many people are worried about the Drake Passage, which is understandable – it has the reputation for being the roughest sea in the world.

But one thing to keep in mind is that you’re not sailing to Antarctica in a little boat. You’re on a large expedition ship which is designed to handle much worse conditions than the Drake.

Seasickness might be a concern, but there’s medication to help with that and every trip has a doctor onboard.

The alternative is to fly the Drake from Punta Arenas in Chile, and while this is very tempting (it saves 4 days of travel and no rough seas to cross), there’s one very important thing to keep in mind:

Weather at King George Island is very unpredictable, and with just one scheduled flight a day allowed, cancellations are very common.

Visibility needs to be very clear down there and the right direction of wind for the pilots to land safely. If they don’t think they can land safely, they don’t depart Chile.

If your flight to Antarctica is cancelled on one day, the company usually only has one more attempt to get their guests down there before they have to forfeit their spot for the next company’s charter.

So if you’re unlucky and just so happen to get two days of bad weather in either Punta Arenas or Antarctica during your scheduled days of departure, your entire trip can be cancelled.

For that reason we do not recommend flying over the Drake Passage to Antarctica unless you are 110% positive that you mentally cannot handle the sea crossing.

Plus if you do cross the Drake by sea you get that added sense of achievement.

Great Southern Petrel Drake Passage

If stepping foot on the Antarctic continent isn’t enough, you can become one of the 0.001% of the human population who will ever cross the fabled Antarctic Circle at 66º southern latitude.

A few companies offer Antarctica tours that aim to cross the Circle (we say aim because nothing is guaranteed down here), and these itineraries are usually around 14 days (with 7-10 days on the Peninsula).

One thing to note is that there isn’t really anything ‘different’ once you cross the circle – the landscapes and wildlife are more or less same.

But you get more time in Antarctica, and get to venture to one of the most remote places on the planet.

Mushroom Iceberg Danco Island

Some Antarctica tours go to the eastern side of the Peninsula and enter the Weddell Sea, which promises a different experience again and is not often visited by travellers.

There’s a lot of fascinating history in the Weddell Sea, especially around Sir Ernest Shackleton and his legendary tale of survival from the Endurance with his crew, so if this is of interest it’s worth looking for an itinerary that follows this path.

One unique tour that’s popped up recently, and has been pioneered by Quark Expeditions and now also offered by Ponant, is a trip to the emperor penguins of Snow Hill .

This trip is only offered once every couple of years in the early season (October) and requires either an icebreaker ship or a Class 1A ice-strengthened ship with helicopters, which allows guests to get close to the emperor penguin colony.

It’s known as one of the world’s greatest wildlife experiences, and has the price to match.

We’ve never personally done this but hope to one day.

Adelie Penguin Colony Paulet Island

The Falkland Islands, or Isla Malvinas, is a truly spectacular archipelago about 1.5 days cruising from Ushuaia.

You’ll find some fantastic itineraries that include Falkland Islands, either as part of the trio (below), or sometimes starting in the Falkland Islands.

If you love British history, or just want something a little different, it’s worth looking at an itinerary that includes the Falklands.

The wildlife here, while not as dense as South Georgia, is especially fascinating for birdlife like albatross.

Black Browed Albatros West Point Falkland Islands

Known as the Serengeti of the Southern Ocean, South Georgia is one of the most incredible wildlife destinations on the planet.

Boasting dramatic mountains, huge glaciers and beaches filled with hundreds of thousands of king penguins, elephant seals and fur seals, it really is a sensory overload and we’ve seen quite a few people shed a tear when they’ve seen Salisbury Plain or St Andrews Bay for the first time.

In all honesty, as amazing as Antarctica is, most people who visit South Georgia end up saying that this spectacular island is their real highlight of the trip.

There are a few itineraries that only visit South Georgia (usually after flying into Stanley in the Falkland Islands), but the majority will either include the Peninsula and possibly the Falklands.

Adding on South Georgia adds significant expense to an Antarctic trip due to how remote it is, but it is 100% worth it.

Check out our guide on the best time to visit South Georgia based on our personal experience.

King Penguins South Georgia

Considered to be the pinnacle of best Antarctic tours is a trip that includes the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, often referred to as the ‘trio’.

These itineraries are usually around 20 days long, with quite a few days spent at sea navigating between each destination, so if you can find a longer itinerary that includes more days at each place it’s worth exploring.

This is the Antarctic cruise itinerary we most recommend.

Our own group tour on the trio includes the most amount of days in each location available.

Zodiac Cruise In Antarctica

An Antarctic cruise to the Ross Sea from either New Zealand or Australia is a very rare occurrence, with only a small number of companies making the journey, and is usually booked by people who have been to the Peninsula before and want to see a different side of the continent.

A trip to the Ross Sea involves a lot of sea days and can be very expensive, but they visit very important research bases, follow the explorers Mawson and Shackleton’s history and includes penguin colonies not often seen, or located on the Macquarie Islands in the Subantarctic.

Heritage Expeditions is one such operator that runs two trips a year to the Ross Sea, via the Subantarctic Islands.

As of 2025 Aurora Expeditions, the award-winning Australian polar company, will be returning to the Eastern side of Antarctica from Hobart on their newest X-Bow ship, the Douglas Mawson.

CEO Michael Heath says, “We are equally delighted to be offering passengers new itineraries departing from Australia as part of the ship’s inaugural season, including an exploration of Mawson’s Antarctica, which will visit Mawson’s Huts at Cape Denison, Commonwealth Bay, and New Zealand’s Subantarctic Islands.

“AE Expeditions has pioneered expedition travel to the world’s most remote places for more than three decades, and we know that exploration is not just about what you see, but how you see it.

“That is why we are committed to delivering life changing experiences with the newest, most advanced technology available, and with the most experienced and passionate team in the industry,” he added.

Blue Iceberg In Antarctica

Our Best Tips for Choosing the Right Antarctica Expedition for You

Choosing the right Antarctic cruise is essential for crafting an unforgettable polar experience.

This remote, icy frontier promises unparalleled adventures and sights, but the vast array of cruise options available can be overwhelming.

From the more than 100 different companies that operate down there, different ship sizes and amenities and of course the nuances of itineraries and activities, every detail plays a big part in shaping your journey.

With such a significant investment of time, money, and anticipation, it’s crucial to make informed decisions.

As you dream of gliding past enormous tabular icebergs and observing wildlife in its purest habitat, here are our best tips to ensure you select the right Antarctic cruise and best Antarctica tour company that aligns perfectly with your expectations and desires.

The Best Antarctica Cruise Company – Our Recommendations

With more than 100 operators running trips to Antarctica it’s very easy to be overwhelmed with who to go with.

And if you ask for opinions from a travel agent, they’ll just tell you the one that either a) pays them the most commission or b) is going to offer them a free trip if they sell X number of spots.

Then if you ask in one of the popular Facebook groups, the answer will almost inevitably be whichever company that particular person went with, and they have nobody else to compare them to.

We’ve travelled with a whole variety of polar operators, and here’s our top 5 recommendations and why.

Canadian company Quark Expeditions is one of the true pioneers in polar adventures.

Established in 1991, this trailblazing company has spent decades perfecting the art of delivering unparalleled experiences in the planet’s most remote regions.

They were the the first to organise trips to Snow Hill and revolutionised North Pole tours, so they’re always looking for what’s next in the world of polar voyages.

Quark has an impeccable safety record and has a fleet of ice-class vessels, including the new, luxurious MV Ultramarine , which allows them to execute really unique itineraries.

All of their ships have under 200 passengers too, meeting IAATO regulations for number of people off the ship at any one time.

After lots of research, personal testing, and fielding quite a few (better) offers from competitors, we decided that Quark Expeditions is the company we trust to operate our own group tours to Antarctica.

EXCLUSIVE – We have partnered with the world’s top polar tour operator, Quark Expeditions, to offer readers of NOMADasaurus a very special deal on any trip to Antarctica or the Arctic! Contact us ( [email protected] ) if you’d like to learn more about this exclusive Quark Expeditions discount.

Ocean Adventurer Quark Expeditions

Australian enterprise Aurora Expeditions has carved a niche for itself in the realm of polar travel for being a bit more adventurous than the rest, without compromising safety.

Their focus leans towards a genuine and immersive experience rather than mere sightseeing, with activities such as snorkelling, scuba diving and stand-up paddleboarding available to purchase.

Aurora has a small fleet of luxury ships and a fantastic team of seasoned expedition guides, so travellers are in good hands.

They are also B Corp certified , a testament to their commitment to sustainability.

“Our pioneering spirit leads us to explore rarely visited locations and introduce unique itineraries for every season,” Hayley Peacock-Gower tells us, who is the Chief Marketing Officer of Aurora Expeditions.

“We pride ourselves on innovation and pushing the boundaries of discovery to provide unique, immersive experiences for our expeditioners while maintaining a light footprint.

“We’re constantly seeking new places to explore while on a voyage and want to share these findings with our expeditioners, so we’re comfortable adjusting our schedule to make the most of unexpected wildlife or scenic displays.”

In 2025 Aurora Expeditions will also be welcoming the brand new, 154pax X-BOW vessel, the Douglas Mawson, to their fleet, which will prove to be one of the most capable, luxury ships in the industry.

Their trips however are on the pricier side, which is something to consider. In our opinion though the quality product that you receive with Aurora is worth the price, and they are known in the industry for being one of the top operators.

For those seeking a thoughtful and authentic polar journey, Aurora Expeditions is a good choice.

Aurora Exepeditions Sylvia Earle

One of the most famous names in polar travel, Hurtigruten , hailing from Norway and originally started as a ferry company, offers excellent budget-friendly trips to the Antarctic and Arctic.

Their itineraries are fantastic and the service for guests is excellent. They also have an excellent onboard science program.

However , their ships are very large, with between 250 and 500 passengers on each trip, meaning your actual time spent off the ship is limited.

If price is a major factor for you they are a good option and they do have a great product, but the size of their ships is something to consider. Remember, in Antarctica, bigger isn’t better.

Intrepid is famous around the world for organising amazing small group tours around the world, and as of recently have now moved into the polar regions.

They operate a large, older ship, the Ocean Endeavour, but limit passengers to 199 to skate under the 200 pax limit.

Their trips attract a younger demographic and a lower price point, but they’ve worked hard to secure some of the best expedition team members in the industry.

Jarryd travelled with Intrepid this year as an expedition photographer in partnership with Sony Australia, and absolutely loved their service.

The average age onboard an Intrepid trip is around 45, so it’s an entirely different atmosphere compared to something like Ponant or Lindblad that has an older average age.

Neither is better or worse, just something to consider based on your own style.

Intrepid Ocean Endeavour

Scenic is an old hand in the luxury river cruise industry, they have since branched out into polar tours and are doing an amazing job at it with their beautiful ships and brilliant expedition team.

They have some pretty unique offerings, including a submarine that you can book for seeing Antarctica beneath the surface, and really fun activities.

Many of our expedition guide friends are now working at Scenic as well, and we can vouch for just how good they all are.

Of course that’s just scratching the surface and there is plenty of other operators out there. These are some others worth considering:

  • Islands and Ice – Small tour company run by the legendary expedition leader David Sinclair, chartering the MV Polar Pioneer for adventurous trips of less than 50 people.
  • Ponant – Uber-luxurious cruise operator. If you like your icebergs with a side of caviar underneath a chandelier, this is the company to go with.
  • G Adventures – Similar to Intrepid in that they focus primarily on small group trips in other parts of the world, but their Antarctic product is quite good.
  • Oceanwide Expeditions – Small groups with under 100 passengers, operating some cool itineraries.
  • Albatros Expeditions – Nice, sustainable operator with great ships and decent expedition team.

Akademik Ioffe Lemaire Channel Antarctica

Ship Size Matters on Antarctica Cruises

You might be tempted to book a tour onboard a larger cruise ship for a number of reasons.

More space and amenities, cheaper price, familiarity with a particular company such as Carnival, etc.

But trust us when we say bigger is not bigger in Antarctica!

IAATO , the body that regulates tourism in Antarctica, has strict rules around the number of passengers from any one ship that can leave the vessel at any one time.

  • Less than 100 passengers – Everybody can leave the ship at the same time and step foot on the continent at the same time
  • Between 101-200 passengers – Everybody can leave the ship at the same time, but only 100 people can step foot on the continent at any one time, so the rest of the guests will often do a zodiac cruise
  • Between 201-500 passengers – Only 200 people can leave the ship at any one time, so 100 maximum people will land on shore, 100 people maximum will go on a zodiac cruise and the rest waits on the ship for a group to come back.
  • More than 501 passengers – Nobody leaves the ship at all.

So as you can see if you are booking a trip to Antarctica on a large ship, you run the risk of not even getting off the ship.

You don’t really want to spend all that money just to get down there and look at the continent from your balcony.

For that reason we don’t recommend booking a trip on a vessel that carries any more than 200 people total, and ideally less than 100 people if you can find one.

Let us say that again;


Besides that, there’s other considerations when it comes to ship size and choosing the best Antarctica expedition.

People Looking At Penguins Neko Harbour

Smaller ships have much better manoeuvrability, which allows them to navigate through narrow channels and into tight bays to allow you to access Antarctica close up.

A smaller ship often means a shallower draft too, so they can get into some areas that may not be deep enough for larger vessels.

This might not be something you think about, but when you book a smaller ship you have a greater sense of intimacy with your fellow guests and expedition team.

There is often just the one dining room and one, maybe two, lounges to relax in. That means everybody congregates in the same areas and it doesn’t take long to start getting to know everybody.

The larger ships can feel like a labyrinth, and we’ve heard of people going entire expeditions and not ever finding the library for example.

Personally, we prefer smaller ships.

Penguins At Neko Harbour

How Much is a Cruise to Antarctica?

Heading off on an Antarctic adventure is both a dream and a significant financial undertaking.

With such a wide variety of cruise options, ranging from small, older vessels to high-end luxury ships, it can be hard to determine what is worth spending your money on.

At the budget-friendly end, less extravagant ships may lack the luxurious amenities, but they often deliver an authentic, intimate connection with the Antarctic wilderness.

These ships focus on the adventure and Antarctica expedition with an authentic flare, where you feel encouraged to be out on deck or in the lounge areas when you’re onboard rather than sprawled out in your cabin.

On the other hand, luxury cruises offer plush accommodations, gourmet dining, spa services, and even onboard entertainment.

Some of them even have helicopters and submarines onboard, opening up a whole new world that isn’t possible with other operators.

While these amenities come at a premium, it ensures an unparalleled level of comfort amidst a wild Antarctic backdrop.

Essentially, you get what you pay for when it comes to the ship; the more you pay, the nicer the onboard experience.

So how much should you expect to pay for a cruise to Antarctica?

On average, USD$10,000 per person for the standard itinerary, and around USD$18,000 for a trip that includes the Falkland Islands and South Georgia.

Of course you can sometimes find trips for as long as USD$5,000 per person if you book it super last minute on a special deal, and ones as expensive as USD$50,000 or more.

Penguins On Ice Floe

However when you look at the individual itineraries for different operators, you might notice something interesting…

They are often the exact same, whether you’re playing $8,000 or $20,000.

A typical 10-day ‘Best of Antarctica’ itinerary, which actually only includes 4.5 days in Antarctica, has the same number of days and excursions on the continent, often doing the same thing (zodiac cruises, landings, ship exploring, etc).

Adventure activities, such as kayaking, stand-up paddle-boarding and camping, usually have an additional cost no matter which company you’re with too.

So really, in most situations you’re paying more money for a nicer ship and cabin.

There are exceptions of course, especially if your ship has helicopters.

But if the company you’re looking at doesn’t have any obvious benefits such as helicopters or more days at sea, most of the price increase is for better food and nicer rooms.

Is that worth it the difference in cost?

That’s a question only you can answer.

Either way, it’s paramount to really look into what’s included in your package. Some voyages may seem very cheap upfront but then charge extra for essentials like shore excursions, gear rentals, or even certain onboard facilities.

All of the operators we recommend though include daily excursions, all meals and gear rental included, regardless of price and itinerary.

And if you have some flexibility in your travel plans, there’s a big potential to lock in some remarkable last-minute deals.

Subscribe to the newsletters of Antarctic cruise operators or follow their social media channels to see what’s available.

Or get in touch with us for the best price possible with our current favourite operator, Quark Expeditions, even better than what they advertise to the public.

Zodiac In Front Of Iceberg Antarctica Expeditions

How Long Should You Book to Visit Antarctica?

The length of Antarctica cruises vary quite a bit, with options ranging from a week right up to an entire month.

The length of your voyage determines not only how much of Antarctica you get to explore but also how much time you spend on the open sea versus the continent itself.

The sweet spot is the classic 11-day itineraries, which just visits the Peninsula, but let us break down the general ones you’ll find.

One thing to keep in mind though is that the length of time the companies advertise is not how much time you get to spend in Antarctica.

For example an 11-day itinerary often means just 4-5 days in Antarctica, and the rest of the time is spent before the trip in Buenos Aires or Ushuaia and the two days each way on the Drake.

Misleading? Perhaps. But that’s just what it is.

For those that are on a super tight schedule or really, really don’t want to cross the Drake, you can fly down to join your cruise to Antarctica.

You’ll usually have one full day in Punta Arenas, Chile, then schedule to fly to King George Island the next day. Then you’ll have 4 days on the ship, before flying back for another night in Punta Arenas.

This is the trip most people do.

You’ll meet your group in Ushuaia on the first day, then jump on the ship the next day (or start in Buenos Aires and take a charter flight the next morning).

After that it’s two days sailing across the Drake Passage, 4 days to explore Antarctica, then two days back to Ushuaia.

You wake up in Ushuaia and the trip either ends there for you, or you jump on a charter flight back to Buenos Aires.

Essentially the same structure as above, but you’ll have an extra couple of days to travel the distance required to hopefully cross the Antarctic Circle, or sail around to the east side of the Peninsula to get into the Weddell Sea and maybe see the emperor penguins.

Our personal favourite length, as it ticks off all the major highlights.

Starting in Buenos Aires or Ushuaia, you then have one sea day to make it to Falkland Islands, then usually have two days exploring around the British archipelago.

Then it’s two more days at sea to get to South Georgia, with 3 to 4 days spent visiting the most spectacular place on earth.

You’ll then have a massive three sea days to get to the Peninsula for your 4 days hanging around here.

Then back across the Drake you go.

As above, but with a few extra days to cross the Antarctic Circle.

Basically the ultimate Antarctica trip.

If you have a month up your sleeve you can either take the historic Ross Sea trips from New Zealand or Tasmania, or be a real adventurer and jump on tall ship to sail down to Antarctica.

Damoy Point Drone Image

Activities and Excursions on Antarctica Trips

When you’re heading down to the Antarctic region on an expedition cruise ship there’s quite a few activities that you can do.

Some are included in the price for everybody, and others have limited availability for an additional cost.

Here’s what you can expect for what to do in Antarctica :

There are no ports in Antarctica that allows for a ship to dock, so the only way to get off the ship and explore land is on a small, inflatable boat called a Zodiac.

Zodiacs not only allow you to step food on land, but they also let you get up close to icebergs, glaciers, and wildlife.

Zodiac cruises offer an intimate and immersive experience, allowing passengers to navigate through stunning icy waterways.

The frequent Zodiac landings, integral to most Antarctic cruises, transport passengers from the ship to the very heart of the continent.

Setting foot on the Antarctic mainland, or one of its many islands, is an indescribable moment.

Zodiac excursions are included in most small ship cruises.

Once you’ve used a zodiac to get to shore you have a few other included activities – landings and hiking.

You can wander around a predetermined path, set out by the expedition guides, to visit research stations and viewpoints, or get closer to penguin colonies.

Hiking In Antarctica

Any decent company, like the ones we recommend above, will also have daily onboard seminars from guides, scientists, biologists and historians to share information about the continent.

They fill the sea days and evenings, and you shouldn’t miss any.

If you want the ultimate bragging rights after your trip to Antarctica make sure you don’t miss the polar plunge.

What is it? Well, it’s going for a swim in Antarctica, of course.

You wander down the gangway, strap a harness and rope to you, and literally jump off a perfectly good (and warm) ship into the icy water.

It’s included in most trips, weather permitting, and you’ll get to come home with some cool photos to prove you did it.

Polar Plunge Antarctica

Of course Antarctic wildlife watching is always free and included in your trip.

Some of the animals you could see are many penguin species such as gentoos, adélie penguins, Magellanic penguins, rockhoppers, chinstraps, king penguins, emperors (if you’re super lucky) and macaronis.

You can see lots of whales too such as humpback whales, minke whales and orca (killer whales), and occasionally blue or southern right whales in the Southern Ocean.

Sea birds also make part of the abundant wildlife, with albatross, skuas, petrels and terns commonly found.

And if you like seals in their natural habitat, there’s southern elephant seals, weddell seals, ross seals, leopard seals, crabeater seals and Antarctic fur seals.

Sorry, there’s polar bears down here. You’re thinking of the Arctic.

Humpback Whale Antarctica

Optional Activities on your Antarctic Cruises

While almost all Antarctic cruises offer shore landings and Zodiac cruises as standard, there’s a whole bunch of optional activities for those eager to try something different down in the continent.

If you’re ready to step up the adventure, here’s a guide on what’s on offer and how to ensure you don’t miss out.

Gliding silently through the icy waters, kayakers get an intimate perspective of Antarctica’s coastlines.

As icebergs loom majestically overhead and seals laze on floating ice, you can navigate through a surreal world rarely experienced by others.

When you book a sea kayaking package you are given a dry suit and instruction from your experienced guides, and the goal is to get out as much as possible during your itinerary.

Most expedition ships that offer kayaking in Antarctica have a limited number of kayaks, so early reservation is crucial.

It’s also only suited for those with some prior sea kayaking experience.

Kayaks In Antarctica

If you love the idea of kayaking but don’t want to do it every single day on your trip, many companies now offer what’s called ‘day paddle excursions’, where you sign up for a once-off and jump in an inflatable kayak for an hour or two.

It’s absolutely beautiful and is perfect for those that just want to try it once.

Imagine sleeping under the Antarctic sky , surrounded by snow and ice, with the distant calls of penguins lulling you to sleep.

Sounds majestic doesn’t it?

Truth is it’s not comfortable at all, most people get anxious about it and there’s the fear of being too cold to sleep, but we’ll let you in on a little secret – Camping in Antarctica is nowhere near as bad as it sounds and is the ultimate experience.

You are given strict instructions on how it works and will be given your own bivvy sack to sleep in (not a tent), which is rated to the temperatures down there so you won’t freeze.

Given the stringent environmental regulations and the limited gear available, only a few spots are open per cruise. Book in advance.

If you’re a hardcore mountaineer or experienced rock climber there are a number of small expedition companies that offer these activities on certain itineraries.

With the guidance of expert mountaineers, you can ascend icy peaks or navigate glacial routes for an epic bucket list adventure.

You must be an experienced climber, and be able to prove it, before a company will accept your booking for these challenging adventures.

A couple of companies now also offer skiing and snowboarding trips to Antarctica.

As above, you need to prove you have backcountry skiing/snowboarding experience, all the right gear and avalanche rescue training before you can sign up.

Fancy doing a bit of scuba diving in Antarctica? Well you can…on the condition that you have the right tickets and experience.

Diving in Antarctica is a very unique experience where you can see marine mammals, krill and ice, but it does require advanced PADI certification, ice-diving certs and at least 20 logged ice dives.

There’s also only a couple of companies that are equipped for this and it’s quite expensive.

While most ships have an expedition photographer onboard whose job it is to document the entire trip, providing the images and videos to the guests at the end, most companies don’t have dedicated photography workshops.

There are some exceptions, Intrepid being a notable one who Jarryd worked with as a photography guide this year, where you join a small group of people to get daily workshops on photography techniques, camera settings, composition, creativity, editing and more.

For those who wish to contribute to our understanding of this remote region, some companies collaborate with research institutions to allow passengers to participate in data collection and other scientific activities.

Details are often available in cruise itineraries, and early registration ensures you’re part of these enriching experiences.

Photography Program In Antarctica

Finally, remember that it’s a privilege to visit Antarctica and you should always make sure you do so responsibly .

Only every book a trip with a company that is registered of IAATO, which is an official organisation that designates Antarctica purely for the purpose of science and research.

Newer ships produce less emissions and are more fuel efficient, so consider spending a little bit more money for a ship that wasn’t built in the 80s.

Protect the unique wildlife, stunning environment and exploration history of one of the world’s most spectacular places by selecting a reputable company to travel with, like the ones we recommended in this article.

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Alesha and Jarryd

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17 Awesome Things to Do in Antarctica (2024 Guide)

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28 Adventures to Travel For, From Glacier Chasing in Greenland to Sand Surfing in the Sahara

By Caitlin Morton

Adventure travel Cappadocia

As much as we love lounging on a faraway beach or revisiting our favorite city for the tenth time, sometimes our passports need some adventure travel—we’re talking about those once-in-a-lifetime trips that push us way outside our comfort zones. Adventure travel is a great way to see more of the world, while also testing your physical limits, and coming home with a lifetime's worth of stories to tell at parties.

Below, we’ve rounded up some of the most incredible outdoor adventures for intrepid travelers, ranging from climbing Machu Picchu to skydiving in Dubai . Even if you don’t consider yourself a daredevil, you’ll still find activities that feel exciting (hello, camping under the northern lights) without too much physical—or emotional—exertion required. So fasten your seatbelts, grab your best pair of hiking boots , and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

All listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you book something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

Iguazu Falls Iguazu National Park

Boat under the Iguazú Falls

South America’s Iguazú Falls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, make all other waterfalls look like mere trickles in comparison. The system of more than 200 cascades (reaching heights of around 270 feet) can be viewed from surrounding walkways and catwalks, but we’re fans of the more adventurous vantage-point—hopping on an Iguazú Jungle inflatable raft and sailing directly under the exhilarating, high-pressure falls.

Machu Picchu

Climb to Machu Picchu

No adventurer’s must-visit list is complete without Machu Picchu , the famous Incan citadel located in the Andes. While the site can be accessed via train and bus, more active travelers can take the five-day trek along the entire 26-mile-long Inca Trail. Or, thanks to local tour operator Sam Travel Peru , you can get dropped at kilometer marker 104 and do the whole experience in 24 hours .


Sand surf in the Sahara

The dunes of the Sahara are colossal, untouched, and tailor-made for extreme sports. The desert’s rows of barchans (meaning “crescent-shaped dunes” in Turkic) have ideal shapes for sand surfing (descending the slopes on a surfboard) and sandboarding (descending the slopes on a snowboard)—and those views don’t hurt, either. Stay at Erg Chigaga Luxury Camp in Morocco, which offers sandboarding in addition to other desert activities like camel rides and quad biking.

Landscape of Rocky Mountains

Heli-hike in British Columbia

With CMH Heli + Skiing , you can helicopter to the steepest and deepest powder in Canada for backcountry skiing. However, come summer , the company’s guides take guests on multi-day hiking trips to terrain otherwise inaccessible, along ridgelines, through alpine meadows, and to stunning viewpoints. While these high-altitude adventures are not for the faint at heart, the accommodations are quite comfortable, with log-hewn lodges complete with full-service restaurants, spa treatments, and a rooftop hot tub to relax in before another day on the trail.

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Hot air balloon over Cappadocia

A hot air balloon ride over central Turkey’s Cappadocia region provides 360-degree views of the famous limestone spires and “fairy chimneys”—something you can't get at the ground level. We recommend booking with Kapadokya Balloons , the first company that introduced hot air balloon tourism in Cappadocia. Services include transfers to and from your hotel, snacks, full insurance, and a champagne party after the flight.


Hunt for glaciers in Greenland

Greenland is relatively expensive and tricky to get to, but well worth the effort—especially since it’s one of the most untouched landscapes on the planet. Exhibit A: the hundreds-year-old icebergs and glaciers floating off the mainland, which you can get up close and personal with during a cruise excursion. ( Hurtigruten and Cruise Norway offer these sailings.)

Okavango Delta Botswana

Hop across Botswana on a mobile safari

While most safari camps stay in one place like a traditional hotel, the private canvas safaris by  Barclay Stenner Safaris are totally mobile, meaning you can pick up and move locations based on weather conditions and wildlife movements. The outfitter’s Botswana itinerary moves across the country to fauna-rich areas like the Okavango Delta and Makgadikgadi Salt Pans—get ready to follow groups of lions, hippos, elephants, and more.


Paraglide over Turkey’s Blue Lagoon

Oludeniz has one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey, with pebble shores and a “blue lagoon” of aquamarine hues. The beach also happens to be one of the world's best places to paraglide, thanks to stable weather and gorgeous panoramic views. The launch site for most companies is from Babadağ mountain, with jumping-off points reaching 6,000 feet above sea level.

Great Barrier Reef

Explore the Great Barrier Reef

Divers and snorkelers everywhere need to experience the Great Barrier Reef at least once in their lifetime. Not only does the site have more than 400 different types of coral and 1,500 species of fish, but the natural wonder has been rapidly eroding due to coral bleaching and global warming . That means it’s more urgent than ever to see this sight in all its glory—and to understand what we are losing.

Mexico cenote

Swim through Mexico’s cenotes

Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula features a wealth of unique natural beauty, particularly when it comes to its cavernous cenotes. Floating in one of these natural sinkholes is an incredible experience, as is diving through the underground cave systems . When in Tulum , visit Dos Ojos (“Two Eyes”) to view one of the planet’s most beautiful underwater sites or Gran Cenote for rock formations that resemble Gothic architecture.

Dubai skydiving

Free-fall over Dubai at 120 miles per hour

Dubai is one of the most over-the-top cities in the world, so are you really surprised that skydiving is one of its most popular activities?  Skydive Dubai is a company located near Jumeirah Beach, offering tandem skydiving for beginners and solo jumps for licensed divers. If you thought Dubai’s skyline was impressive already, just wait until you see it while falling from 13,000 feet in the air.

Yosemite Half Dome

Scale Half Dome at Yosemite National Park

The Half Dome trail through Yosemite may be one of the most intense hikes you’ll ever take, stretching for 16 miles and ascending more than 5,500 feet. The final 400 feet are the trickiest—hikers must climb up the steep slope with two steel cables as their only support—but the breathtaking views from the top make the effort (and terror) worth it. Afterwards, stay at The Ahwahnee, one of the most beautiful national park hotels in the country.

Great white shark cage diving

Swim with great white sharks in South Africa

The fishing town of Gansbaai is often considered to be the birthplace of great white shark cage diving, an activity that would make most adrenaline junkies drool. Cage diving is totally safe (despite what some low-budget shark movies might lead you to believe), but we dare you to keep your heart rate in check as you come face-to-face with an apex predator.  Marine Dynamics is one of the most popular cage diving operators in town, with a marine biologist and videographer joining every tour.

New Zealand practically invented adventure sports when the Kawarau Bridge Bungy opened in 1988. Here you join around...

Bungee jump in New Zealand

New Zealand practically invented adventure sports when the Kawarau Bridge Bungy opened in 1988. Here you join around 38,000 annual visitors to take the 140-foot jump from the South Island's historic, steel-framed Kawarau Bridge—an activity in which the views are almost as thrilling as the fall itself.

Mt Fuji

Climb Mount Fuji

Solitary Mount Fuji is probably Japan’s most iconic natural wonder , rising 12,388 feet above villages and reflecting on lakes’ surfaces. You can get views of the landmark from many places, like Lake Kawaguchi in Fujikawaguchiko and even the Park Hyatt Tokyo , but it’s the views from the mountain that will give you the most bragging rights. Visit from early July to mid-September to take advantage of the official climbing season, when the designated trails and paved roads are free of snow.

Volcano Boarding Cerro Negro

Go volcano boarding on Cerro Negro in Nicaragua

If you’re looking for action sports and adventure, we recommend booking a flight to Nicaragua right now. There you can kayak, surf, zipline through the jungle, and even sled down the side of an active volcano. Intrepid travelers love to climb up the 2,388-foot Cerro Negro and then “volcano board” back down (an activity where you sit or stand on a piece of plywood and slide your way down the slopes). You'll want to go with a guided group tour with this one. Bigfoot Hostels is one of many operators for excursions—for $25, you get transportation to the volcano, boards, safety equipment, snacks, and your speed clocked by a radar gun.

Trollstigen Norwau

Take a white-knuckle drive in Norway

Who says your adrenaline can’t pump from the comfort of your car? Trollstigen is one of the world’s most popular (and  terrifying ) highways, known for its steep gradient and hairpin turns. The one-lane road passes such impressive wonders as the 1,050-foot Stigfossen waterfall, but be sure to pull over before you gawk and snap photos. There are several viewing platforms along the road that will let you take in the sites without risking a crash.


Dive Belize’s Great Blue Hole

Known for its circular shape and strikingly deep blue color , the Great Blue Hole is a 1,000-foot-wide sinkhole in the middle of Belize’s Lighthouse Reef. While an aerial shot is enough to convince anyone of its beauty, scuba divers are the ones who get to experience the wonders that lie beneath: massive, 40-foot limestone stalactites and stalagmites that formed during the last glacial period.

The Azores Portugal

Go canyoning in the Azores

Portugal’s Azores Islands are equal parts adventurous and beautiful, inviting travelers to get up close and personal with nature while hiking, biking, and swimming. If you want to really push the envelope, try canyoning—an activity that has you rappel down a waterfall while navigating slippery rocks and fast-flowing water. Azores Getaways offers a comprehensive and easy-to-book experience. Training, equipment, on-site instructors, and snacks are all included in the excursion, which will no doubt become one of the most memorable of your life.

Patagonia kayaking

Kayak through Torres del Paine National Park

Chile’s Patagonia region is one of the most beautiful spots on the planet, and there are plenty of ways to explore the area. But while most people experience the sights while hiking, you can get a slightly different view from the water via a kayaking trip.  Kayak en Patagonia offers several tour options ranging in duration and difficulty levels, but all let you paddle past towering mountains, rugged glaciers, and other incredible vistas.

Northern Lights

Sleep under the northern lights

Ah, the elusive northern lights . So many factors are at play when it comes to seeing the technicolor phenomenon—location, time of year, weather conditions—but it’s hard to lose with an excursion to Finnish Lapland. The Arctic area is one of the planet’s best for aurora viewing, especially if you get to sleep in an igloo hotel at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort or mobile Aurora Bubble Sled . Up your viewing chances by planning a trip between December and March.


Go heli-skiing in Alaska

If you’re a seasoned traveler who’s conquered every black diamond slope in North America, there’s still one snowy adventure left to vanquish: heli-skiing. There’s nothing quite like hopping in a helicopter and being dropped onto untouched snow at the top of a mountain—especially in a setting as formidable as Alaska’s Chugach Mountains. The experienced guides at  Valdez Heli Ski Guides (VHSG) will help make this dream a reality, taking you to some of the best runs of your life and then letting you unwind (hot tub and massages included) at the cozy  Tsaina Lodge .

This image may contain Water Outdoors Nature Diving Sports Diver Sport Aqua Scuba and Scuba Diving

Snorkel between continents in Iceland

Iceland is one of the best countries in the world for adventure travel , with opportunities for everything from glacier hiking to snorkeling and diving. For the latter, head straight to Thingvellir National Park along the country’s Golden Circle route , where two tectonic plates slowly pull apart at the rate of about two centimeters (0.8 inches) per year. The phenomenon results in the Silfra fissure, a stunning rift valley where travelers can snorkel or dive in impossibly clear (and cold) waters. Tour company DIVE.IS offers tours for divers and every level of snorkeler—including those with no prior experience—and will snap an underwater photo of you touching two continents at the same time.

Some remote destinations are best seen from the deck of a boat and that includes the upper Amazon River. Aqua...

Float along the Amazon

Some remote destinations are best seen from the deck of a boat, and that includes the upper Amazon River. Aqua Expeditions ’ luxury cruises through the Peruvian stretch of the river tour the area’s wildlife and culture at a delightful, leisurely pace. You'll even have chef-prepared gourmet meals and five-star suites with floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking for something a little less luxe? Amazon Adventures offers kayaking trips along some Amazon tributaries, where you can fish for piranhas and camp out in the rainforest.

The Pipeline Oahu

Surf ‘The Pipeline’ in Oahu

Oahu’s Banzai Pipeline (commonly referred to as The Pipeline) is easily one of the most sought-after surfing spots in the world. Located off the coast of the island’s north shore in Ehukai Beach Park, the surf reef break averages waves measuring nine feet high. This activity is definitely not for beginners, but even non-surfers will get a thrill out of watching the many surf competitions that take place at The Pipeline—all from the safety of a sunny beach.

Great Bear Rainforest Canada

Spot elusive wildlife in the Great Bear Rainforest

Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest is the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world—and one of the most magical, with elusive species like sea wolves and Kermode bears roaming its 21 million acres. Outer Shores Expeditions will take you on a nine-day excursion aboard a schooner, departing from British Columbia’s First Nations community of Bella Bella and stopping for sea kayaking along the way.

Victoria Falls

Soak in the planet’s most extreme infinity pool

Located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, Victoria Falls attracts thousands of tourists each year. One of the biggest draws here is the Devil’s Pool , a naturally formed eddy sitting at the very edge of the falls, where daring swimmers can splash around between August and January (depending on water levels, that is). Given that a slippery rock barrier is the only thing separating you from going over the edge, this site is easily the planet’s most extreme infinity pool .

Antarctica is truly the final frontier when it comes to adventure travel providing untouched landscapes unique wildlife...

Camp in Antarctica

Antarctica is truly the final frontier when it comes to adventure travel, providing untouched landscapes, unique wildlife, and more activities than you’ll know what to do with (like cruising, caving, and thermal spring soaking , to name a few). If you can get yourself to Punta Arenas, Chile, Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions will fly you to Antarctica for three days of skiing and hiking before setting you up for a South Pole sleepover.

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Peru's Leading Travel Agency 2019


Leading the Way in Sustainable Tourism and Community Projects in Peru


Book your inca trail to machu picchu.

book your inca trail to machu picchu 2025

Travel confidently with Alpaca Expeditions, the only Peru tour operator with over 17,000 excellent reviews on Trip Advisor "LOCAL - INDIGENOUS - SUSTAINABLE"

Alpaca Expeditions 100 Peruvian Company

As the #1 tour operator in Peru, Alpaca Expeditions prides ourselves on superior service to our clients, creating unique and memorable adventures all around Peru. We will tailor each package and tour to fit your needs, no matter if you are a family with young children or a bunch of friends seeking an adventure. We pride ourselves on being sustainable and responsible, committed to improving the lives of our team and their families with better wages and services. We welcome all to visit Peru and can’t wait to introduce you to the Inca traditions. Our home is your next adventure.

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NEW and UNIQUE , 2022 add on will be the  cooking class  in all our camping treks , learn to cook under the stars and next to the mountains.


Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu 4D, 3N Group Service

Inca Trail (Classic) 4D/3N Group Tour

Experience the famous Inca Trail for 4 amazing days, and pass through the Sun Gate for t

Short Inca Trail trek with Hotel 2D1N

2-Day Short Inca Trail Trek with Hotel

The Short Inka Trail is designed for travelers who want to experience the magic of the I

Ultimate Classic Salkantay Trek 5 Days 5 Nights

Ultimate Classic Salkantay Trek 5D/5N

The Salkantay Trek is a favorite among hikers for the Humantay Blue Lagoon, glamping at


Sacred Valley & Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 7D/6N

This is the ultimate package meticulously crafted to offer one of the most exceptional e

Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu Tour 2 Days 1 Night mobile

Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu 2D/1N

The Sacred Valley tour and train to Machu Picchu is designed for those who want a shorte

Choose your Vacation Type



Hiking through the Peruvian Andes is no simple feat. Towering mountain ranges, lush cloud forests, vast valleys, and winding rivers are sure to leave you awestruck during your time in the Andes. Let our team of experts guide you in what is to become an unbeatable experience in nature. Join us, Peru’s #1 tour operator, in an adventure of a lifetime.



There is no doubt Peru is a country full of colour, and rich in traditions. With our ethically-designed cultural experiences, we invite you to dive into a sea of cross-cultural interactions and the opportunity to appreciate the richness of Peruvian culture during your stay in Peru. Meet locals, learn their traditions, and share unforgettable moments.



Peru is filled with wonders sure to impress anyone. Here at Alpaca Expeditions, we have designed some of the best tour packages in Peru to include only the very best our country has to offer. Whether it is the Peruvian Andes or the warm coastal regions you wish to experience, we have something for you.

Luxury Tours Belmond Hiram Bingham Alpaca Expeditions


There is no better way to see Peru than with our luxury tours. Each tour has been carefully crafted with you in mind. Including only the very best in accommodations, culinary experiences, and sightseeing in some of the most iconic locations of Peru, our luxury tours are perfect for travelling royalty-style.

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Why travel with Alpaca Expeditions

Most Popular Treks to Machu Picchu

Hiking to Machu Picchu is a true adventure, making the journey to the Inca Citadel as rewarding as the ruins themselves. There are lots of routes to take, from the most popular Classic Inca Trail 4D/3N to the longer Salkantay 5.5D/5N, all ending at Machu Picchu on your last day for an amazing tour of this World Wonder. Those interested in the Inca Trail do need to plan early as permits sell out very far in advance. Every trek we do is full of amazing landscape and history, so there is no wrong choice to make. Remember, the journey is the destination.

  • 4 Days / 3 Nights
  • Up to 12 -->
  • Challenging

Luxury Inca Trail 4D/3N

Luxury Inca Trail 4days

Short Inca Trail trek with Camping 2D/1N

INCA TRAIL HIKE with Camping Short Inca Trail 2D 1N | Alpaca Expeditions

Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 4D/3N

Lares Trek to Machu Picchu 4 D 3 N - AE

4-Day Rainbow Mountain Trek Ausangate + Machu Picchu

Rainbow Mountain Trek, Ausangate + Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

Choquequirao Trek 5D/4N

Choquequirao Trek - 5D/4N | Alpaca Expeditions

Peru Packages

Travelling around Peru is a bit more complicated than other countries. Book one of our comprehensive packages and let Alpaca Expeditions handle all the difficult logistics and bookings. We have lots of options including all the highlights of Peru including the Amazon, Lake Titicaca, flights over the Nazca Lines, even foodie tours around Lima. And if our published itineraries aren’t perfect, we can customize just for you. We got you covered!

Cusco and Lake Titicaca 11D/10N

Views of Machu Picchu on 2-day Inca trail trek | Alpaca Expeditions

  • 11 Days / 10 Nights

Cusco & Lake Titicaca 9D/8N

Cusco and Lake Titicaca 11days 10 nights | Alpaca Expeditions

Cusco & Amazon 12D/11N

Cusco & Amazon 12 Days / 11 Nights

Cusco & Amazon 10D/9N

Cusco & Amazon Jungle 10 Days / 9 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

  • 10 Days / 9 Nights

Amazon – cusco – Lake Titicaca 15D/14N

Amazon – cusco – Titicaca Lake 15 Days 14 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

  • 15 Days / 14 Nights

Amazon – cusco – Lake Titicaca 13D/12N

Amazon – cusco – Titicaca Lake 13 Days 12 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

  • 13 Days / 12 Nights

Totally Peru Package 22D / 21N

Totally Peru Package 22D 21N | Alpaca Expeditions

Totally Peru Package 20D / 19N

Totally Peru Package 20 Days 19 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

  • 20 Days / 19 Nights

Cusco, Sacred Valley & 2D Inca Trail – 4 Days / 4 Nights

Cusco City, Sacred Valley Tour & 2D Inca Trail - 4 Days 4 Nights

  • 4 Days / 4 Nights

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Inca Trail 2D & Rainbow Mountain – 5D/4N

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Inca Trail 2D & Rainbow Mountain – 5D4N

  • 5 Days / 4 Nights

8D/7N Tour: Highlights of Cusco

8D 7N Tour Highlights of Cusco Alpaca Expeditions

  • 8 Days / 7 Nights

Cultural Tours

Our cultural tours are designed to offer the most unique highlights of our region. There is so much to see in the city and surrounding valley to learn more about our history and culture. And the views are breathtaking. Our cultural tours can be done in a day or two and include all of what makes Alpaca Expeditions special: top rated tour guide and impeccable service.

Rainbow Mountain Tour & Red Valley Hike 1-Day Trip

rainbonw mountain full day

Cusco City Tour, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu Tour 3D/2N

Cusco City Tour, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu Tour 3 Days 2 Nights

Sacred Valley 2 Day & Machu Picchu 3D/2N

Sacred Valley 2 Day & Machu Picchu 3 Days 2 Nights | Alpaca Expeditions

Humantay Blue Lagoon Day Hike

Humantay Lake Blue Lagoon - Full Day Hike via Salkantay Trail Trek | Alpaca Expeditions

Sacred Valley – Full Day

Sacred Valley Tour Full Day

Maras Moray – Half Day

Maras Moray Half Day | Alpaca Expeditions

Alpaca Difference

Alpaca Expeditions differentiates itself from the rest in many aspects. hand in hand with its workers and collaborators.

Inca Trail Porter Welfare Alpaca Expeditions

Inca Trail Porter Welfare

Alpaca Expeditions Hike Like a Girl

Empowering Women

Committed to our Social projects

Top Hiking Logistics

Leading the Way in Sustainable Tourism and Community Projects in Peru Since 2013

Porters Vacation Trip to Machu Picchu

Our Inca Trail Porters First Visit to Machu Picchu


Queuña Trees

Free Medical Assistance to Porters

Free Medical Assistance to Porters


The Children of Huama Visit the South Valley in Cusco

Fixing Smiles of Andean Children

Fixing the smiles of Choquekancha villagers

English- in Llullucha Town

English Teacher in Llullucha Town

Empowering peru women and opening the door to women in tourism.

We understand the importance of extra safety measures to make sure our Peru Women Guides and Porters are comfortable at all times. Sexual harassment is real in all industries, but with women and men sleeping so close together, we needed to be clear on proper behavior. We decided to hire an outside coach to review with everyone on our team the Do’s and Don’ts. He helped to reinforce the rules we have at Alpaca Expeditions, like no drinking on the job (this leads to poor choices), no touching, careful language, be respectful to everyone. And a reminder that we are a team and we need to stick up for each other and ourselves.

Empowering Women


The tourism industry is very important in Peru and it also has a great impact on a lot of families and the environment itself. Alpaca Expeditions is a sustainable tourism tour operator. We protect our land and environment at every tour and trek to preserve it for future generations. Alpaca Expeditions also retributes with the local communities with different social projects all along every year. We do our best to get back to our communities and also to make the best for our staff. We protect our land, our clients and our staff. Travelling responsibly is the new way to travel and we can make it happen for you!

What Our Clients Say In Tripadvisor

Alpaca expeditions recognitions, iso (international organization for standardization).

In the pursuit to stand out from the rest, Alpaca Expeditions has obtained four ISOs plus our carbon footprint certificate to date. These achievements result from our efforts to implement the internationally-recognized integrated management system. They also represent our commitment to all of our clients and staff of operating sustainability and responsibility in every way possible.

ISO-9001 Alpaca Expeditions

World Travel Awards

Alpaca Expeditions is internationally recognized as a leading tourism company in Peru. As proof, we have been awarded the World Travel Award for Peru´s Best Tour Operator 2021 for the second time.

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Our goal at Alpaca Expeditions is to create the best experience for all of our clients. We create journeys that are to be remembered for a lifetime. Journeys you can be proud of and can share with everybody around you.

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Hotel to Hotel service

Regarding the transportation provided by Alpaca Expeditions, we are committed to delivering a quality service. We strive to ensure that passengers feel supported throughout their journey. To achieve this, we coordinate closely with our guides and representatives to ensure timely pick-up at the start of their tours. Additionally, we have representatives responsible for escorting our passengers to their hotels at the conclusion of any tour.

hotel to hotel service

Our drivers are not only trained in customer service but also come properly uniformed, and many are fluent in English.

Typically, all transportation types are included in each of our services. For instance, if you have booked a trekking tour, we will pick you up early, typically between 4 AM and 5 AM. When visiting Cusco, it's important to note that traffic here is generally moderate. However, there are peak traffic times, such as between 7 AM and 8 AM, which coincide with school hours, and in the evening between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Therefore, if you have a flight during these times, it's crucial to be at the airport at least 2 hours in advance. The drivers of Alpaca Expeditions ensure their vehicles are prepared with all necessities before each service. They are acutely aware that delays can lead to missed trains, flights, or other connections. Consequently, they are always more than punctual, arriving at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for any service, understanding the responsibility they carry in executing these tasks.

Personal Porter of 7KG

Remember that Alpaca Expeditions offers an extra 7 kg allowance for your personal belongings on any of our tours. We include a personal porter who is responsible for carrying your duffel bag without any additional fee. You will not have access to your duffel bag until you reach your evening campsite. The bag should not exceed 7 kg, which includes 4 kg for clothes and 3 kg for your sleeping bag and sleeping mat.

personal porter

Each Alpaca Expeditions porter is paid directly after each trek, allowing them to return home more quickly. They receive better wages than our competitors, health insurance, and all their equipment free of charge, including hiking boots, pants, jerseys, fleeces, jackets, hats, flashlights, sleeping bags, and high-quality food. We ensure each of our porters has a comfortable bed in a pleasant room to sleep in before and after each trek. We also visit the communities they live in, providing toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, and other necessary supplies to their families, along with books for their children.

This is just the beginning for us, and we are always looking for ways to do more. While the government allows each porter to carry up to 25 kg, we limit this to 20 kg to prioritize their health and safety. Each porter carries up to 15 kg of company equipment and 5 kg of personal items. This is why it is crucial to keep your personal duffel bag weight under our 7 kg limit. You might see other companies allowing their porters to carry more than the allotted weight, but at Alpaca Expeditions, we strictly adhere to these limits to ensure our porters' well-being.

Clases de Cocina

Alpaca Expeditions offers its passengers the chance to experience local cooking. We aim to immerse trekkers in Inca life by walking them through the original Inca paths and teaching them about Inca culture. Food is a significant part of Inca life, making it a special element in any tour or trek with Alpaca Expeditions.

cooking classes

In 2022, Alpaca Expeditions introduced a cooking class as part of each of our treks, conducted by our amazing trekking chefs and interpreted by our guides.

We will transform your dining tent into a makeshift kitchen, providing all the necessary supplies to prepare a Peruvian specialty. Your chef will guide you step by step through the process of making a traditional Peruvian meal, such as Lomo Saltado, and share some essential mountain cooking tips.

Peru is recognized as a top culinary destination, largely thanks to the popularity of our renowned beef dish, Lomo Saltado. This is most often the meal you will learn to cook, but there is also the opportunity to learn how to prepare other dishes like traditional Peruvian ceviche or even our signature drink, the pisco sour.

Cooking Class on the Inca Trail: These classes are voluntary and designed to be a fun, educational experience. Our clients consistently marvel at the amazing ability of our chefs to create culinary magic on a mountaintop. As you learn to prepare and cook Peruvian specialties, you will also see firsthand how such elaborate meals can be created on a small campsite stove.

Enjoy a cooking class in the mountains and be sure to take plenty of photos, just in case your friends won't believe your incredible experience.

Satellite Phones

The best way to hike in the mountains of Peru is to completely disconnect from technology, especially the internet and cell phones. The most impressive and exciting aspect is the opportunity to experience the true and wonderful nature that we often miss when we are at home, watching TV or absorbed in our cell phones during our leisure time. The feeling of being disconnected from work and the daily routine left at home is incredible.

satellite phones

However, this remoteness means limited access to emergency resources. That's why Alpaca Expeditions has invested in satellite phones for every trek.

We are prepared to assist you in case of any emergency, particularly health-related issues. For this reason, Alpaca Expeditions has invested in satellite phones, as they are one of the most crucial tools for any operator trekking in remote areas where telephone or television signals are absent. This means that every guide on our treks will be equipped with a fully charged satellite phone as well as radios. While these are primarily for emergencies, we allow our clients to use them at any time.

We ask that you cover the cost, which is $2.50 per minute. This fee can be paid in cash at our office or via PayPal once you have completed the trek.

Being just a phone call away from any doctor, hospital, or friend helps everyone feel assured of their safety. Radios, which all our guides carry, have limited reach, so Alpaca Expeditions includes satellite phones to ensure that we can connect no matter where we are on the mountain.

Portable private toilet

We understand that our clients will need restroom facilities at various times and locations during their journey. Along the Inca Trail, there are restrooms available, particularly those belonging to the communities near the trail. Alpaca Expeditions provides portable toilets to enhance this service, which will be set up at each meal site or campsite.

toilet tent

As with any mountain trip where we are exposed to nature, it is possible to use natural areas as restrooms. However, it is crucial to be mindful of the waste we generate, such as toilet paper or wet wipes used for cleaning. These should be carried with us and not discarded on the ground or left along the trail. Remember, the Inca Trail is a protected area overseen by a government institution. In places where garbage bins are unavailable, particularly at our camps, we provide special plastic bags for waste. Our porter team will be responsible for carrying out our waste.

Please be aware that although there are designated bathrooms for men and women, in practice, both genders often use the same facilities. Functionally, there is no significant difference between men's and women's bathrooms. Therefore, it is common for people of all genders to use whichever bathroom is available.

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Is Perfect possible? I guess it is!

I will be honest….I do not have a single bad thing to report about SA Expeditions! From my 1st email communication to our leaving our destination, everything was handled professionally and thoughtfully. I had to change my plans a bit mid way through booking and SA Expeditions didn’t falter a step! In most cases, you can usually say something needed improving, but SA Expeditions did everything Perfectly!! Is that even possible? I guess it is! I will ONLY use SA Expeditions from this point! I suggest anyone who is traveling to look no further!!!

Date of experience : April 29, 2024

SA Expeditions exceeded our expectations!

SA exceeded our expectations! From beautiful accommodations, to full service pick ups (even at 1 in the morning!) and drop offs at the airport. Small details such as making sure our train tickets were facing the right way on the better side of the train, and booking entrance tickets at less busy times, really made a difference, and we could not have arranged these important details on our own. Thank you so much to Helen at SA Expeditions, who made sure we had the best trip we have ever taken.

Everything was wonderful

Everything was wonderful! Our guides took care of all the difficult or scary parts; especially importing in finding our way around strange airports and cities where we didn't speak the language. Galapagos Legend and La Selva Lodge were perfect in every way, as if the entire staff's only desire in life was to make us happy. Thank you, Jeannie for guiding us so patiently in arranging our trip. I am also so glad she suggested a tour of Quito and visiting the Amazon while we were in Ecuador, things I wouldn't have considered on my own, and which turned out to highlights of our trip.

Date of experience : April 12, 2024

Excellent trip to Peru

We went to Peru and were well looked after the whole time we were with SAE. No worries. Everything was well organized and all we had to do was meet them. They were always on time and looked after everything. The guides were excellent. Organizing the trip was easy and our trip organizer was very accessible and flexible. Peru is a marvellous place to explore and the food is fantastic! but beware that little English is spoken. Either you need to speak Spanish or you need a guide.

Date of experience : April 26, 2024

Expectations were exceeded

This was the first time I used SAexpeditions. From my first interaction with Adam planning my trip to being dropped off at the airport at the end of our trip was fantastic. All SA drivers and tour guides were timely, knowledgeable, and friendly. For the Cusco and Sacred Valley legs of trip we were with guide Johan and driver Edison for five days. We had a great time and found it a great experience to have the same team throughout our five days. The itinerary was followed and we were able to see all the beautiful sites. Our guides and drivers in Lima were very good, but our time with them was very short. I would use this company in the future without hesitation.

Date of experience : April 23, 2024

Highly recommend SA Expeditions

Highly recommend SA Expeditions. They were very responsive to our needs in scheduling our trip with our preferences. Each personal guide was on time, knowledgeable, and able to adjust to our needs. Very personalized service. Would definitely recommend and use again.

Bucket List Experiences

We worked with Claudia on what we wanted to see and, she accomplished it fabulously. All arrangements made, hotels were great and our guides wonderful. Galapagos island tour on the Alya was exceptional met several new friends. Felt very comfortable and taken care of. Next experience was tour of Cusco and Machu Picchu with Coco (guide) he was phenomenal so knowledgeable and patient with all our questions loved him. Our driver was great as well very kind. All in all will use SA again and ask for same individuals to accompany us on our next adventure. Thank you to everyone!

Date of experience : April 10, 2024

Everything from our contact person to…

Everything from our contact person to the drivers were most helpful. Everyone was on time and seemed like they really cared about our well being and that we were getting the most out of our trip. All the guides were great especially Tiago in Rio who really went above and beyond what he had to do. The accommodations were outstanding though we didn’t care for the location of the Santiago hotel as it was in a mostly business area. The flight times were a pain on a couple of days but we realize you had no control over that. Would definitely recommend SA Expeditions to any one that is looking for a trip experience without a crowd and a company that really cares that your expectations are being met.

Date of experience : April 20, 2024

Best Peru Trip Hands Down!

I felt I needed to dedicate a bit of time to provide a response worthy of this trip. In short I can say that it was flawless. You created an itinerary that left out nothing and included the perfect balance of rest and activity. Your staff was outstanding. Special mention needs to go to Allison. She is a genuine person that made us feel like close friends the first day we met her. The hotel choices at all stages of the trip were outstanding. I'm happy to argue with anyone that would consider alternate accommodations at any of the sites we visited. During our stays we used the spa services at two different hotels - outstanding by any standard. I've travelled extensively in the past twenty years and this was the best overall experience my wife and I have enjoyed. Next year we will be back booking a trip with SA Expeditions - the bar has been set high.

Date of experience : April 15, 2024

The trip was great but the itinerary…

The trip was great but the itinerary did not reflect the actual day to day on the Solaris. The itinerary should have stated that there would be 2 snorkeling outings every day. I would have brought my own gear, had I known...

Date of experience : April 07, 2024

Awesome Norway!

I had SA plan a week long vacation to Norway and I couldn't have asked for better service. First of all, I enjoyed working with Adam to help personalize my trip so that it included the kinds of things that we wanted to do. Adam listened and planned an action packed week. All the transfers were smooth and the guides for our private tours were both personable and professional. We especially enjoyed the hotels that we were booked in which happened to be the top rated TripAdvisor hotels in three Norwegian cities. We were quite pleased with our vacation and looking forward to working with SA for our next adventure.

Date of experience : April 09, 2024

Smooth Sailing

I worked with Jeanie of SA Expeditions to plan our trip. Everything happened on our trip just as planned, all the pick ups, transfers, tours, flights and guides. That's a lot! Not having to think about all this stuff made the trip very enjoyable. Jeanie also alerted us of a possible Argentinian airlines strike, although it was resolved before we had to make any changes. We felt well taken care of and focused on enjoying our adventure.

Date of experience : March 31, 2024

The best of Peru!

We loved our trip to Peru. From the pick up at the Lima airport, to the fresh bottles of water awaiting us in our van each morning, all the of details were carefully planned for us. Our main tour guide, Johan, was amazing, so knowledgeable and kind. We saw so much in such a short amount of time, Machu Picchu had the hike up Waynapicchu being the highlights.

Our trip ran like a well-oiled machine

Our trip ran like a well-oiled machine. Everyone in on time, prepared, and sooooo informative. "Cruise" on the Galapagos Legend too child-heavy, chaotic, but not your fault. All drivers, guides, and airport transfer personnel were exceptional.

Date of experience : March 22, 2024

We had a well curated trip to include the sites and activities we wanted to see in the Galápagos Islands and in Peru, including Machu Picchu. We were provided with a trip itinerary in advance that provided all the details we needed. The hotels selected were all very nice and convenient to our itinerary. The experience was very personalized and we were given a single guide with driver at each country location. The guides were very knowledgeable about a long list of subject matter, were easy to understand even though English was their second language, and were able to answer all our questions. We felt secure and comfortable throughout our two weeks trip. We were picked up promptly at the set times and escorted along our journey to make sure we got from place to place seamlessly! Destination locations of a lifetime and a wonderful travel experience!

The Guides are fantastic.

Perfect planning with flawless execution made this a stress-free memorable trip to Lima, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu with lots of information provided by our passionate, intrepid, knowledgeable local guides. They made us feel like family. Lovely people. And the food was fantastic!

Date of experience : April 01, 2024

Rapa Nui was a fantastic destination

Rapa Nui was a fantastic destination. The hotel was in a great location, but was a little run down and we had to pay for water since they failed to refill their dispenser. The SA arranged guide was great - knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Air Travel was very good; great seats enrout. Our SA travel agent Hellen was fantastic as usual.

Date of experience : March 12, 2024

Great trip to South America

This was our first trip to South America and it was fantastic. Worked with Shawna Sanders to come up with a nice 13-day itinerary - Torres del Paine, El Calafate, Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls and Rio de Janiero. Chelsey Rickert took over a couple of months before our trip. We went over the trip in detail a month beforehand. We were going to join the tour in Punta Arenas from our Antarctica cruise. Due to bad weather our flight from Antarctica to Punta Arenas was delayed two days. I called SA and told them the situation. Chelsey and the SA Expedition staff quickly came up with the best solution to get us back on the tour. They arranged a private shuttle to pick us up and take us to Torres del Paine, a 5-hour ride, arriving in that afternoon. Talk about service ! We even had time the next morning to enjoy horseback riding before heading off to El Calafate. Definitely will return to Torres del Paine to fully enjoy the awesome hikes and glaciers. In each city we were met by personable and knowledgeable guides and good drivers. The hotels were nice and enjoyed delicious South American food. SA made our trip so enjoyable and memorable.

Date of experience : February 29, 2024

Just returned from a fabulous trip to…Galapagos and Machu Picchu

Just returned from a fabulous trip to the Galapagos and Peru's Sacred Valley including Machu Picchu. After knowing what our group was interested in for the trip, Flor Bojorquez worked with us. She developed the trip just like we wanted! All travel logistics went smoothly, Our guides in Ecuador and Peru were friendly and very knowledgeable. We felt very well taken care of the entire trip. All hotels were lovely, clean and included friendly staff. Our four nights on the Galapagos Coral were so fun. The crew insured our safety on the boat, the Panga boats, on land and in the water. Shout out to Jorge ( Ecuador) and Marco ( Peru )! The van we traveled in was clean and comfortable. The driver was always ready to take us to the next destination. The company supplied plenty of bottled water, stopped for money exchange and any bathroom break we needed. The trip logistics included plane, ferry, train and boat rides. SA Expeditions had all required material for a smooth trip! The assistance at each airport was most welcome! Would not hesitate to plan another trip with SA Expeditions!

Date of experience : March 21, 2024

Excellent visits to Hanoi and Angkor Wat

We liked being met by driver/guide at airport and brief orientation to Hanoi and Siem Riep. Also, appreciated recommendations of places we could explore on our own in Hanoi. Disappointed we did not see Hoa Lu, as on schedule. Also missed walk into jungle. Felt like we covered ALOT in Angkor Wat, even places that were not on schedule (massage in rural area) Would have preferred a little time to enjoy the fabulous Jaya House and massage which was included with visit. Guides were knowlegeable, passionate and pleasant. Emeralda, Ninh Binh was also very lovely

Date of experience : July 28, 2023


The last flower at the top of the world—and the perilous journey to reach it

Scientists journeyed to a stretch of gravel off the coast of Greenland—the farthest north you can go and still walk on land. These photos show what they found there.

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At the top of the Earth, the northernmost stretch of land a person can stand on is Inuit Qeqertaat, also named Kaffeklubben Island by early 20th century Danish explorers. The region is a dark gray stretch of gravel on the northern coast of Greenland where land slowly gives way to frozen sea ice.

To find what lives amid these rocky soils, climate change researchers and National Geographic Explorers Brian Buma and Jeff Kerby and their team embarked on a journey to survey the region. There, they found a common species of moss ( Tortula mucronifolia ), the world's northernmost plant, and a yellow and lime-green Arctic poppy ( Papaver radicatum ), growing just a few inches south of the moss.  

On the nearby mainland, Greenlandic archaeologist Aka Simonsen discovered a ring of roughly 700-year-old Inuit stones, which may be the northernmost archaeological remains.

The research team left their own mark on the mainland coast, staking plots and recording the vegetation they contained to create a highly detailed digital map of the area they surveyed. Information collected from this trip will be the first data logs in what Buma and Kerby hope will be a long timeline of research in the far northern region.  

Here, above the Arctic Circle, the planet is warming four times faster than anywhere else on Earth. Changes here will have ripple effects across the globe, which is why the team braved harsh conditions to find what lives on the edge.  

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Kroka Expeditions students hiked 250 miles to Maine

Students from Kroka Expeditions complete a 500-mile journey through Maine's backwoods, arriving in Temple after a transformative expedition.

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Twelve teens from New Hampshire on April 27 act out the story  of their hike from New Hampshire to Temple, Maine, at the Tent Talks during the Fiddlehead Festival in Farmington. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

FARMINGTON — Beginning in Marlow, NH, a group of 12 adventurous students embarked on an extraordinary journey that promised not only physical challenges but also profound spiritual growth. Their quest? A formidable 500-mile trek through New Hampshire and Maine.

The 12 hikers are Una Lieberman, Arnett Pfiffner, Lily Mcalpine, Miriam Patton, Ben Saunders, Addison Grissett, Ben Holcomb, Aria Haupt, Thomas Boyle, Russell Clar and Max McCrory.

Their arrival in Temple was only half of their trip. After some rest at the Maine Local Living School in Temple, the students will make their way back to New Hampshire.

These young people are part of Kroka Expeditions’ Full Circle Winter Semester program, an immersive educational journey blending elements of hiking, skiing, biking, canoeing, and trekking through the untamed terrain of New England.

Kroka Expeditions operates as a non-profit wilderness expedition school situated on an organic farm in New Hampshire, offering programs year-round.

For their first month in the program, the students said they diligently prepared themselves, honing skills and fostering bonds in anticipation of the challenges ahead. Advertisement

“We did a lot of exercise at base camp and had a regimen that we all followed for a few months before the semester started,” said Max, one of the teen hikers. “There is no way to truly mentally prepare for the semester and the gifts and challenges it offers.”

Their journey began with a northward ski journey, navigating the White Mountains en route to western Maine. Equipped with skis, determination, and a lot of butter, they embarked on this leg, braving icy winds and treacherous slopes.

Transitioning with the changing seasons, the students will trade skis for canoes, navigating the meandering waters of the Kennebec River on their return journey to Keene, New Hampshire. Finally, they’ll conclude their trip on bicycles, arriving back at their starting point in early June.

This expedition transcends physical exertion; it’s a voyage of self-discovery, a pursuit to comprehend the intricate interplay between humanity and the natural world. According to the program’s website, kroka.org, Kroka has a commitment to climate resiliency, a resolve to adapt and thrive amidst environmental flux.

The students said climate resiliency is a major focus throughout their journey. On the long hike, students acquire the skill of adapting to the constantly changing natural conditions, equipping them to become guardians of the environment.

“This is perhaps the first semester where there was more walking than skiing,” Max said. “By choosing to stay in New England and not travel to Canada, we had to accept the fact that there was much less snow than in the past and rivers that once froze over now flowed freely, making some parts of the route impossible.” Advertisement

Amid their outdoor pursuits, the students engage with local communities, fostering connections and gaining insights into the diverse cultures and traditions of the region. These interactions deepen their understanding and nurture a sense of global citizenship.

“We usually have two days of travel and one of rest, and then repeat,” Arnett explained. “The rest of the day really offers as a respite from strenuous exertion of travel while also giving us the chance to have time for academic learning in the form of geology, history, and ecological study of our area. There was many a time when we faced rushing streams too deep to safely cross. So our group improvised. We built bridges out of dead standing trees that made perfect surfaces to lay down and walk upon.”

Despite the physical aspect of the trip, the students maintain a balanced lifestyle, integrating academic studies into their routine. Their curriculum spans renewable energy to forest ecology.

The students said they aimed for locally sourced food when feasible. They demonstrated the food they ate on their hike. Their provisions include a hefty sack of apples grown by Chris Knapp of Temple’s Maine Local Living School, stored in a root cellar to prolong freshness. The organic fruit, diced and heated, served as their breakfast staple.

Emphasizing food preservation, they dehydrated a variety of items such as apples, mushrooms, and assorted fruits and vegetables, alongside copious amounts of beef jerky to address meat storage challenges. Each meal, designated by color-coded bags, featured dried vegetables, beans, and mushrooms, supplemented with a pound of butter for essential fats and barley for soups.

Despite efforts to maintain a regional diet, compromises were made, such as incorporating split peas for their quick cooking properties. The occasional indulgence of Skittles and chocolate, generously provided by supportive parents, was a source of sugar. They said they ate a pound of butter every day to ensure they ate healthy fats and got some extra calories. Advertisement

“Our academic curriculum is integrated into the expedition,” said one student during the presentation. Students gain ecological and renewable energy insights through immersion in nature. In their journey, sustainable living practices sustain them. From locally sourced food to food dehydration for preservation, they demonstrate environmental stewardship and self-sufficiency. The students said preserving food is vital, so they dehydrate food to ensure variety and sustenance.

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Twelve hikers from the Kroka Expeditions in New Hampshire on April 27 talk about their 250-mile hike to Temple, Maine, at the Fiddlehead Festival in Farmington. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

This semester-long endeavor is meant to represent transformative educational immersion. It challenges them, pushes boundaries, forging compassionate stewards and community members.

Max said, “Despite being a group of 12 teenagers, we are pretty low impact, collecting firewood instead of using propane, making gear last as long as possible.”

“So many skills we have acquired are useful on expedition, fire making, identifying dry and wet wood, skiing with 40 – 50-pound packs, reading maps, and much more,” Arnett said. “All of these are fundamental to our lives in the wilderness and over time we got quite proficient at them.”

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    National Geographic Expeditions, the travel program of the National Geographic Society, was founded in 1999 in the same spirit of exploration that has been t...

  7. Review: Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game

    Cons. Bugs and unexplained gameplay quirks. Arbitrary no-fly zones removing a vital tool for no clear reason. About The Author. James Cunningham (2427 Articles Published) Expeditions has a lot of ...

  8. Expedition Trips: 25 Years Supporting Explorers

    1. We are expedition specialists - Since 1999, the Expedition Trips team of dedicated travel advisors has helped tens of thousands of travelers select and arrange their trips of a lifetime to some of the planet's most remote and awe-inspiring destinations (spanning all seven continents) including Antarctica, the Galapagos Islands, the Arctic, Alaska, Peru, the Amazon, Cuba, and many more.

  9. Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game

    As the title says... just found this game online and it's fantastic. I was interested in checking out the card generator at the link Expedition Card Generator (expeditiongame.com) When I go to the website though, I am stuck at an endless spinning circle. I have tried resetting my computer and opening the website in 3 different browsers.

  10. How expedition cruises can leave a lasting impact on travelers

    The shot of vodka the staff gave us to help us warm up didn't hurt, either. Expedition cruises take travelers to remote and often extreme places, giving them opportunities to learn, explore and ...

  11. National Geographic Expeditions Profile [2024]

    National Geographic Expeditions, the travel program of the National Geographic Society, was founded on the same belief in the importance of exploration that distinguishes the Society's 125-year history. Launched in 1999, National Geographic Expeditions now operates hundreds of trips each year, spanning all seven continents and more than 60 ...

  12. Best Antarctica Cruise

    7 Days - Express (Fly the Drake) 10/11 Days - Classic Antarctic Peninsula. 14 Days - Crossing the Antarctic Circle or Visit the Weddell Sea/Snow Hill. 20 Days - Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and Antarctica. 21-24 Days - Trio and Crossing the Circle. 28 Days - Ross Sea or 'Sailing' to Antarctica on a Yacht.

  13. Lindblad Expeditions Cruise Reviews

    1 - 10 of 239 Lindblad Expeditions Cruise Reviews. Best Trip Ever. Review for a Mexican Riviera Cruise on National Geographic Sea Bird. Chrisbeee. First Time Cruiser • Age 50s. Read More. Sail ...

  14. 28 Adventure Travel Experiences, From Glacier Chasing in Greenland to

    Aqua Expeditions' luxury cruises through the Peruvian stretch of the river tour the area's wildlife and culture at a delightful, leisurely pace. You'll even have chef-prepared gourmet meals ...

  15. Arctic & Antarctic Expedition Cruises

    Quark Expeditions is uncompromisingly polar, specializing in expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic. We have been the leading provider of polar adventure travel for over 25 years. Skip to main content Quark Expeditions The Leader in Polar Adventures +1 (877) 585-1235. Destinations Expeditions Ships Offers ...

  16. OneSeed Expeditions

    Travel with PURPOSE. OneSeed Expeditions is a purpose-driven social enterprise that believes in empowerment through local entrepreneurship. Ten cents of every dollar spent on your trip goes directly to our microfinance partners around the world, providing women entrepreneurs access to seed capital, business training, and a community of fellow ...

  17. Luxury Adventure Cruises & Travel

    The expedition team scoured the ocean for cetaceans and sea birds and yielded a long-tailed jaeger and the elusive Bulwer's petrel. Dolphins road the bow briefly and time was spent watching presentations and enjoying the ship's many onboard amenities.

  18. Alpaca Expeditions Reviews

    Top notch service with Alpaca Expeditions! We did the four day Trek on the Inca Trail. Our great Guides - Rosel, Carlos, and Aldair took great care of us. The Porters were very friendly and worked incredibly hard. And the Chefs provided incredible food! Really - what they could prepare on the trail was amazing.

  19. Alpaca Expeditions

    Travel confidently with Alpaca Expeditions, the only Peru tour operator with over 17,000 excellent reviews on Trip Advisor "LOCAL - INDIGENOUS - SUSTAINABLE". As the #1 tour operator in Peru, Alpaca Expeditions prides ourselves on superior service to our clients, creating unique and memorable adventures all around Peru.

  20. SA Expeditions Reviews

    SA Expeditions is more than just a travel company, it's a network of professionals hailing from a variety of backgrounds, all bound by a love of travel, an appreciation of different cultures, and a dedication to crafting an authentic travel experiences. Contact. [email protected]; 1-415-549-8049;

  21. Reservation Terms and Conditions

    effective January 1, 2024. To reserve your place, an advance payment for the program is required at the time of reservation. Payment is accepted by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or check. Receipt of your initial payment indicates your acceptance of our complete Terms and Conditions. Once your reservation is confirmed, we urge ...

  22. The last flower at the top of the world—and the perilous journey to

    On an expedition to understand what lives at this latitude, an Arctic poppy like this was found about 20 inches south of the world's northernmost plant. By Sarah Gibbens

  23. Kroka Expeditions students hiked 250 miles to Maine

    Students from Kroka Expeditions complete a 500-mile journey through Maine's backwoods, arriving in Temple after a transformative expedition.