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Essay on “A Journey by Bus” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Journey by Bus

6 Best Essays on ” A Journey by Bus”

Essay No. 01

A journey by bus is dull and boring. Once we occupy a seat, we remain stationary there till we reach on destination. We cannot move freely in a bus. Heat in the summer and cold in winter make the journey troublesome and unbearable.

I seldom travel by bus, but this summer I had to travel by bus to Manali since the entire family was going on a summer vacation by bus. Our luggage was loaded on the roof of the bus and I managed to get a window seat, much to the envy of my cousins.

We left at 6 o’clock in the morning. The weather was quite pleasant. Sunshine was filtering in through the windows on the other side of the bus, so my side was quite cool. A cool breeze was blowing and it was very refreshing. All family members started chatting although a few elders tried to catch some sleep since everyone had woken up quite early.

We had packed sandwiches and cold drinks which we had for breakfast in the moving bus itself. It was a lot of fun since everyone had to pass the eatables on the bus. I was carrying storybooks, magazines and the morning newspaper with me. First I read the newspaper to catch up with the latest developments and then went through the magazine for some time.

It was lunchtime and we decided to stop at the roadside Dhaba is one of the villages of Punjab. The food was very delicious and different from what we eat at home. Everyone stretched their tired limbs and some people even lay down on the cots for some time.

After lunch, it became quite hot. I drew the curtain at the window and decided to sleep for some time. With a full stomach and rocking bus, I fell asleep within a couple of minutes. When I woke up I could not believe my eyes. The bus was negotiating steep curves and I realized that we had entered the hills. Tall trees cast their shadow on the road and a very fresh wind livened everyone up. The children started singing songs and the elders joined by clapping vigorously. It was getting chilly and we took out light woolen to cover ourselves. We refreshed ourselves with hot tea and started to enjoy the lovely scenery.

We could see terraced forms, small streams of water, and waterfalls running down the mountainside and the local hill people cheered whenever they saw our bus. There were apple orchards, plum trees, and tall chinar trees. It was like a dream come true and was just like the storybooks that we had read. As dusk started to fall, the conductor announced that we had reached our destination.

One didn’t know how time flew and this bus journey was very different from the usual dull and loving journeys. I will remember this bus journey all my life.

Essay No. 2

A Journey By Bus

It was a fine day. I decided to spend the evening at Connaught Place. I got ten rupees from my father. I left my house at 6 p.m. to catch the bus for Odeon.  

I stood in the queue and waited anxiously for my turn in vain. I joined those who were struggling at the door of the bus. With great difficulty, I also got my chance to get on the bus. I got a seat. Hardly had I sat on my seat when I saw a very old man. He was standing near me. He looked very sad. I looked at him. I got up out of respect. I offered my seat to him. But to my great surprise, a fashionable young lady rushed towards the seat. She pressed herself into the seat. The poor old man looked at her helplessly. He had to keep standing. The lady felt no shame. She kept on looking at the poor old shamelessly. I felt very angry at her behavior.  

The passengers inside the bus were talking loudly. Some were talking about politics. Some were talking of soaring prices. Others were discussing their personal problems. The family quarrels were the subjects of their talk. I was looking outside thinking about the sad incident.

The journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our burs reached Pant Hospital. There may people got down. May others boarded the bus. As usual, the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested a young man to provide her with his seat. This proud young man refused flatly. This was very bad. We should show respect to ladies. Young ladies also should offer their seats to old and sick people.  

At the Ajmeri gate, three passengers got down. They paid the fare. The conductor did not issue tickets to them. I got a chance. I said to the conductor. “Mr. conductor, you did not issue tickets to the passengers. You are dishonest. “With these words, I pulled the chain. The bus stopped. I asked the conductor to tear the three tickets. The conductor was perplexed. Some other passengers called him a thief. I rebuked him. The dishonest conductor felt ashamed for his dishonest act. He tore three tickets and threw them out. Again the bust started.

The bus was now running in New Delhi. My destination was quite near. At Minto Road, the driver applied the brakes suddenly. He saved a cyclist. All the passengers got a jolt. My head struck against a lady’s she cursed me. I kept silent. I got down at Odeon.

Essay No. 3

Delhi is a big crowded city. The Redline bus is the sole means of conveyance for the lower and middle-class people. Many people cover short distances on their bicycles. The rich people alone can afford to hire a scooter, a rickshaw, or a taxi because their charges are very high. The bus stops provide a busy scene at peak hours. The people stand there in queues and bear the scorching heat, the biting chill, and the raindrops pouring down. Waiting for the bus is the most unpleasant thing. One feels bored and disgusted. Everyone criticizes and curses the Redline owners and showers abuse on them and holds them responsible for the irregular bus services. The loose politics is discussed there and sometimes the same turns into a quarrel. A daily passenger of the Redline bus has a lot of bitter experiences to narrate if he has the time to do so and if there is somebody who finds the time to listen to him. The buses getting punctured or disorderly on the way tell upon the nerves of the office goers. The rude behavior of the conductors, the rash driving and the rush of the passengers, and the lack of direct buses are troublesome. However, early you may start for your duty, still to reach there in time is quite uncertain.

Last Sunday, I had a mind to see the film Jagriti at Natraj Talkies. My wife and children were pressing me hard for it and were waiting anxiously for the day. I had arranged to purchase the tickets in advance. The picture had to start at 3 p.m. It was not safe to reach the cinema hall on the two-wheeler. So I decided to hire a three-wheeled scooter. The scooter driver demanded Rs. 50, since the distance was 15 km. I had to change my mind and ultimately decided to travel by the Redline bus.

We stood in the queue at 1. p.m. It was lunchtime. There was no bus in sight. There was no breath of air, so the people were panting. Everyone was perspiring due to the scorching heat. We kept waiting for the bus impatiently for 45 minutes. A bus arrived. I asked my wife and children to board the bus. The driver stopped the bus a bit away. The people broke the queue and ran towards the bus. The bus was packed to its capacity. Luckily, I boarded the footboard. A few other passengers too got in. The conductor gave the bell and the driver started the bus. To my utter dismay, my wife and children were left behind. I asked the conductor to stop the bus. He showed no concern and paid no heed to my genuine request. He called me as a careless fellow. The bus had gathered speed. I had to jump off the running bus. I fell flat on the road. My clothes got soiled and torn. I got many bruises and got my ankle sprained. My children got worried and were crying. Anyhow, I reached them limping. My hair got powdered with dust. I was perspiring. My wife was in tears. She asked me to return home but how could I do that? I had spent Rs. 100 on the tickets and that amount would have gone waste. I cheered her up and picked up the courage for the next trial. It was 2-30. I was feeling pain. I had to take a glass of hot milk. There was no time to wash out the bloodstains from my clothes or to change my clothes. I was shocked to find my purse containing Rs. 160 missing. I did not break this news to my wife lest she should get more worried.

Luckily, an empty bus arrived there. I asked my wife and children not to lag behind that time. There were a great pushing and elbowing and somehow I forced them in. They occupied a seat and heaved a sigh of relief. I too got on the bus after some time. I asked my wife to purchase the tickets. I too sat on the seat. I noticed that one of the earrings of my wife was missing. My wife started weeping when I told her about it. We asked all the passengers and searched for the same near the seats. Then we left the seat and searched for the earring around the footboard and the ground but to no effect. Our seats too were occupied by our fellow passengers who were least concerned about our loss and injury. The tedious journey and the hollow preaching of the people only added to my grief. Our destination was near. I requested the driver very humbly to stop the bus. He gave a break. My wife and children had got down. I was limping in pain. The driver abused me for delaying the bus and started the same. I could not jump down that time. I was at the driver’s mercy. A few passengers came forward and forced him to stop the bus. He had to stop the bus against his will, half a furlong ahead. I joined my family bearing all the insults and pain.

The picture had started before we reached the hall. We could not enjoy the film since we had missed the introductory part. Only a little money was left with us for the cold drinks during the interval. The picture was over. We hired a scooter and made him the payment on reaching home.

I have come to the conclusion on the basis of my own bitter experience to avoid traveling by a Redline bus at peak hours especially when you are with your kids.

The Redline buses are mostly overcrowded. The conductors patronize pickpockets and men of loose morals. The honor of young ladies is always at stake. They present a scene of daily scuffles between the students and the conductors. Rash and reckless driving result in frequent accidents. Sometimes the drivers do not stop the bus at all and at other times they keep the bus standing for more than half an hour at the same place. A journey by a Redline bus is both time-consuming, uncomfortable, and risky for life. The conductors always try to overcharge the passengers.

Essay No. 4

Traveling by bus is the cheapest mode of travel. It is, therefore, the favourite transport of the poor people, and villagers, who prefer to travel by it. This in turn makes traveling a nightmare for a city dweller, which is not used to such kinds of the crowd. For some who are used to orderliness and cleanliness, a journey by bus is often very uncomfortable and full of hardships.

Last week there was a train strike and I had an Interview to attend. Left with no other option I had to travel by bus. On the appointed day when I reached the Bus Stand, I found that the ticket window was closed. I went and stood in the queue that had formed in front of it. It was a long wait. The window did not open for the next one hour. Luckily before people could grow restless, we saw the bus enter the terminal. As if on cue the ticket window opened. There was a mad rush to obtain tickets. People who until now were standing peacefully pushed and shoved each other to reach the counter. Some broke the queue and tried to forcefully buy the tickets. This made the people who were standing at the front of the cue to protest. And soon a scuffle ensued between some of them. Before they could resolve it, the bus gave a warning hoot. Somehow I managed to buy a ticket and board the bus.

The bus was an old one. The seats were torn. And fruit peels were strewn all over the floor. An old villager sat next to me. It appeared that he had come straight from his fields. Because he was smelling of manure and fertilizers. This smell was blown away from the wind that came through the broken window panes.

Soon the bus rolled out of the bus stand. When we came to the highway my neighbor in the bus lighted a beedi. I requested him to put it off. But my pleas fell into deaf ears. Fortunately, before the matters could get worse, he got down at the first stop. From there a young man got on the bus and sat down next to me. There-after the three hours of the journey destination went by like a second. And before I realized the bus had reached my destination.

My journey by bus had been a mixed bag of experiences. And yet I cannot say that I enjoyed it.

Essay No. 5

Most buses in the city are extremely crowded. The number of buses on the road is not enough to meet the demands of the growing population of the country. I am used to travelling in crowded buses but I would love to share my experience with you.

The ordeal of travelling in buses begins at the bus stop itself. Till the bus comes one has to wait patiently at the bus stop. There is every possibility that the bus might come late. Once the bus arrives all the passengers rush into it without giving the others a chance to get in. Lines are broken and there is a lot of pushing and pulling. Once one gets into the bus one is squashed from all four sides because people are standing in the aisle and all the seats are occupied.

Feet get trampled upon and no one even apologizes after stepping on your foot. It is almost impossible to buy a ticket because the conductor also is hidden somewhere behind all those people. People pass their money down the line and the ticket comes back to them the same way. Whenever the bus brakes there is a great push from the rear of the bus and all those standing in front begin to fall over each other. Pick-pockets, and eve-teasers have a great time doing their jobs while all this goes on. When the bus stop finally arrives everyone rushes out. There is pandemonium as the driver is told to stop. There is a lot of screaming and banging and shouting and if one manages to get down at the stop that one has to, it can be considered as a great achievement. Traveling on a crowded bus is an experience that can be and should be avoided if one can help it.

Essay No. 6

My uncle lives in Himachal Pradesh. He works in a bank in District Mandi. He got accommodation there provided by the bank. He had invited me to spend a holiday with him. So I decided to visit him during the summer vacation.

I got up early in the morning took up my bag and reached the ISBT Kashmir gate at 5 a.m. I boarded a DTC bus. I bought the ticket on the bus. At 5.30 a.m. it started moving out of the bus terminal.

As soon as it crossed the Delhi border it picked up speed. Soon it crossed Panipat and then passed by Karnal. At Shahbad it stopped for 15-20 minutes. The passengers got down and took snacks and drinks. Some went to the toilets.

The bus again resumed its journey. I looked out of the bus. We passed by fields and houses. At Ambala, a few passengers got down and some boarded the bus. Then it reached Chandigarh. It stopped there for ten minutes. Our next stop for lunch was a Kirtpur Sahib. There I had my lunch. Other passengers too did the same. After half an hour it again set out for is journey.

We passed by Swarghat. It is at a higher level. We were among the hills. The bus stopped for ten minutes. Some policemen boarded the bus and after checking the goods they got down.

Next, we reached Bilaspur. It was 2.30 p.m. The driver stopped the bus just for fifteen minutes. I ate some pakoras and took tea. Our journey again began at 2.45 p.m. I felt a cool breeze blowing I saw trees, houses on the top of hills, fields where crops had been grown. The scenery outside looked very beautiful. Below I saw water flowing calmly. Our next stop was Sunder Nagar. The bus went up in the town passengers got down it. A few local passengers boarded the bus.

The driver started the bus once again. We passed by many villages. Our bus along the Byasa River. Exact at 5.30 p.m. We were at the Mandi bus terminal. All the passengers got down one by one. My uncle was there to receive me. It was a nice journey.

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

a journey by bus class 3


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It is such a good essay

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Very good essay

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Thanks for much help…. These are most important essay for hslc exam….

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It is a very good essay. Thanks for this essay

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Essay On Journey By Bus – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Essay On Journey By Bus – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Key Points to Remember When Writing Essay on Journey by Bus

10 lines on journey by bus, a paragraph on journey by bus, short essay on my first journey by bus in english, long essay on journey by bus for children, what will your child learn from journey by bus essay.

Essay writing  is a valued part of learning, helping students be creative and improve their writing. An Essay on a journey by bus in English is an excellent topic for young learners. It lets them share their experiences and ideas. Like a journey by bus essay for kids, this kind of essay helps children talk about what they see, feel, and experience during bus rides. This practice allows them to become better at storytelling and see the world differently.

It is beneficial to keep some critical points in mind before delving into the nuances of our essay topic. This ensures that your essay is structured, coherent, and relatable.

  • Choose a specific journey:  A particular trip often leaves a lasting impression, making it easier to describe.
  • Describe the surroundings:  Mention landmarks, nature, or even the weather during the journey.
  • Talk about the people:  Who were your co-passengers? Are there any exciting interactions?
  • Emotions and feelings:  How did the journey make you feel? Are you excited, tired, or curious?
  • Sensory descriptions:  What did you see, hear, or smell during the ride?

Before we embark on a descriptive journey, let’s touch upon the essence of a bus journey in a concise ten-line format:

1. I embarked on a memorable journey by bus to the mountains last summer.

2. The bus was vibrant and filled with eager travellers of all ages.

3. As the bus moved, I saw the cityscapes morphing into green pastures.

4. The winding roads took us through tunnels and across bridges.

5. Local vendors at stops sold delicious regional snacks.

6. I met a fellow traveller, Ria, and we exchanged stories and laughs.

7. The scenic beauty outside, with floating clouds, was mesmerising.

8. A sudden downpour made the journey even more magical.

9. We halted at a viewpoint, capturing the panoramic beauty in our cameras.

10. By evening, I reached my destination with a heart full of memories and a diary full of tales.

Starting a narrative with just a few lines on a journey by bus can vividly paint a picturesque scene in a reader’s mind. So, let’s illustrate one such journey concisely:

Every bus journey is an unfolding story, and mine was no different. It was a balmy afternoon when I boarded the bus from my hometown to a quaint village. The rhythmic hum of the bus, combined with the changing scenery outside, was hypnotic. With their bustling markets, the towns gave way to serene countryside vistas. Children chased after the bus, waving, and farmers were seen working diligently in their fields. At one point, the bus had to navigate through a narrow path with dense foliage on either side, the leaves almost brushing against the windows. It felt like passing through a green tunnel. This short journey became an unexpected retreat from the daily hustle, a refreshing reminder of our world’s diverse tales.

Everyone remembers their first time for many activities, and my first journey by bus was a memorable chapter in my book of life. Let’s delve into this short narrative.

Growing up in a small town, buses were a novelty for me. The first time I stepped onto one was with a heart full of excitement and a curious mind. I remember the rustling of tickets, the conductor’s call, and the hushed whispers of passengers. The engine roared to life, and with it began my adventure. The bus swerved through turns, showing me parts of my town I had never seen before. Children on the streets waved at us, and we passed many cyclists going about their day. The journey felt like a moving film, where every scene was intriguing. By the time the bus stopped at my stop, I had reached my destination and embarked on a new-found love for bus journeys.

Journeys  are often more about the experiences on the way than the destination itself. Here’s a long essay for students detailing the varied emotions, observations, and tales from a bus journey, broken down into specific segments for clarity.

Preparing for the Journey

Preparation is the first step to any successful endeavour. My journey by bus was scheduled for the early morning. I packed my bag the evening before, ensuring I had all the essentials—water, snacks, a notebook, and a pen. I also made sure to charge my phone and download a playlist to keep me entertained. There was palpable excitement and a hint of nervousness as I anticipated the journey ahead.

Boarding on Bus

The bus station was buzzing with activity. People were rushing, vendors were calling out, and buses were honking. Amidst the cacophony, I found my bus, painted in vibrant colours, standing tall and majestic. I handed my ticket to the conductor, who gestured towards my seat. I settled in, buckled up, and awaited the journey to begin.

The Scene Inside the Bus

The inside of the bus was a world in itself. Ahead of me sat an old couple, their heads buried in a shared newspaper. To my left, a young mother tried to soothe her crying child, and right across the aisle, a group of teenagers laughed and chatted animatedly. The air was filled with myriad conversations intermingled with the engine’s hum. The bus became a tapestry of diverse tales and experiences.

My Journey by Bus

As the bus rolled forward, the city’s bustling scenes began to fade, giving way to the serene landscapes of the countryside. From the window, I witnessed a tapestry of life: children chasing kites, farmers tending to their fields, and rivers flowing with grace.

Midway through our journey, the bus halted at a roadside eatery. The aroma of local cuisine filled the air, and passengers stretched their legs and enjoyed a brief respite. Over a shared meal with a fellow traveller, I learned about local traditions and stories of far-off places.

Resuming our journey, we approached a series of hills. The distant silhouette of the mountains, with the sun setting behind them, offered a tranquil view. Inside the bus, a sense of calm prevailed. Some passengers chatted softly, while others, lost in thought, looked out the window, taking in the enchanting sights.

The journey, with its blend of interactions and observations, left an indelible mark on my heart, making me appreciate the simple joys of  travel .

Reaching the Destination

Our bus arrived at the destined station as daylight began its graceful retreat, making way for twilight’s glow. The lively chatter that once filled the bus now quieted as passengers started to disembark, each carrying their unique memories from the journey. Stepping out, a wave of contentment enveloped me. The voyage was laden with precious moments and reflective thoughts despite the length and fatigue. It dawned on me that often, it’s not just the destination that matters but the many stories and experiences that come with the journey itself.

An essay on a bus journey is more than just a description of a travel experience. It’s a canvas where children paint their observations, emotions, and interactions. By penning down these moments, children cultivate descriptive skills, learn to value simple joys and develop a broader worldview. They get introduced to  the art of storytelling , where a bus becomes a microcosm of life, filled with diverse characters and tales. This essay teaches them to find wonder in everyday experiences and articulate their thoughts eloquently.

Journeys, mainly by bus, offer an immersive view of the world outside our windows. As we have journeyed through this essay, it’s evident that every bus ride is a blend of sights, sounds, and emotions. For children, writing about these experiences improves their descriptive abilities and enhances their perspective on life. When approached with curiosity and attention to detail, an essay on a simple bus journey can become a repository of cherished memories and invaluable learnings. Just as every destination has its charm, the journey towards it holds tales waiting to be told and lessons waiting to be learned.

Also Read: Best Vacations For Children 20 Essential Tips for Travelling With Children Enjoying Your Vacay: Why Having Children Shouldn’t Mean You Stop Travelling

a journey by bus class 3


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a journey by bus class 3

Journey by Bus Essay – Suitable For All Class

Abdul Aouwal's Profile Picture

  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 21, 2024

Normally, we most of the time believe that, as far as sightseeing is concerned, a journey by boat is the most pleasurable, because such a journey generally allows us to enjoy the natural scenery with ease of mind. But a journey is concerned more with feeling than with observation. And much can be enjoyed and felt when a sense of motion is combined with the process of observation and enjoyment. The dimension of motion, indeed, can add new elements of pleasure to a journey. Looked at from this angle of view, a journey by bus can be thought of as a source of immense pleasure and experience. And undoubtedly it is. Now I would like to give a specific account of such a journey I took several months ago.

It was the month of Agrahayan. We decided to go to my maternal uncle's home at Bagerhat from Rupsha.

Instead of going there by train, as usual, we this time decided to enjoy a different experience of going there by bus. It will be a good journey, we thought and will be enjoyable, therefore. We bought four tickets for a luxury bus service. One morning my parents, my younger sister and I set out for the journey.

Our bus started for Bagerhat at nine O'clock in the morning. It was a bright sunny morning. Our bus was running along the well-paved smooth road at an alarming speed.

Speed gives man a different type of pleasure—a mixed feeling of adventure, smoothness, tension, and briskness.

In the beginning, I was afraid suspecting any danger that might be caused by the horrible speed at which the bus was running. But after some time I was accustomed to it. Not only that, I must frankly say that the speed was giving me some amount of intoxication. I got a seat by the window. So I could easily see things on one side of the road. On each side of the road there were thousands of trees of various kinds so close to one another that their shadows covered the entire road. It seemed to me that all those trees, houses, fences and other things that stood on each side of the road were all moving backward. I could not look at anything for long. But that was no regret of mine . Taking a mere birds eye view of many things at a time, especially of natural scenery, gives much pleasure.

All the way I enjoyed my time. There was natural scenery; there was music as well as songs. All seemed very interesting to me because seldom had I taken such a journey before.

We reached our destination at 2 p.m. On reaching Bagerhat, I though I would find a seat by the window of the other side during our return journey.

Essay on A Journey by Bus-2

Topic: (Introduction, Occasion, and preparation, Description, Destination, Conclusion)

Many vehicles are the invention of modern science. The bus is one of the gifts of science. Nowadays, a bus journey is an enjoyable and comfortable experience. It is always a pleasure for human beings.

We live in the port city of Chittagong. Nowadays we feel bored in the noisy atmosphere of the town. We want to enjoy the pleasures for a while and we have decided to spend a weekend in a pleasant surrounding for a change. One of my friends proposed to us to go to Cox's Bazar for the pleasure trip.

We four friends, with the permission of our guardians, booked ourselves for the trip. On the fixed day, we reached the bus terminal at 7 a.m. The bus would start there at 7.30 a.m. The passengers were limited. We got comfortable seats.

The time was the summer vacation. The weather of the day was suitable for our journey. The bus started punctually. We crossed the Shankha Bridge'. Then our bus began to run through rural areas. We enjoyed the charming scenery of the paddy fields in the country-side. The bus ran at a stretch without stopping for about two hours. Then it stopped at Amirabad. There was a restaurant by the wayside. We took some light tiffin and all the passengers also took their tiffin. Then the bus started again at full speed. Sometimes we had pleasant talks with our fellow passengers. There were several passengers of our age. They sat beside us. Some of the passengers were sleeping and some of them were busy reading newspapers or magazines. But the natural beauty was so attractive and charming that I could not turn (take) my eyes away from it.

At about 11.30 a.m. we reached our destination, Cox's Bazar. The bus finally stopped. We got down from the bus. The Bay of Bengal and the beautiful sea-beach came into view.

Thus our journey by bus came to an end. To me, that journey is an unforgettable experience in my life. In fact, it was a pleasant and enjoyable journey for me. It will remain ever fresh in my memory.

Essay on A Journey by Bus-3

Introduction: Bus is a wonderful invention of science and technology. On many an occasion, I made a journey by bus. The journey I am going to describe is an exceptional one.

Occasion : I had no definite or particular occasion to make this journey. One day while I was amidst a gossiping with some of my friends, one of them put up the case of a divine Fakir named Azahar. He talked much about his miracles and fakirism on credit. I made up my mind to visit there. At an auspicious hour on Saturday, 2003 I went to Postagola Bridge over the Buriganga. The bus staff was shouting Fakir Bari. It was an Isapura bound bus. I got into it and somehow managed my seat by the window. I had never gone there through this route,

Description of the journey: With the signal, the bus started slowly, I kept casting my eyes at the things through the window. The zigzag road runs through the villages up to Isapura, my destination, and the bus ran along it at a speed of not less than 30 km per hour. The trees, houses, fields, markets and all seemed to be running backward. When the bus was on the bridge, the houses below it looked little. Many land vehicles were running along the rugged road from the opposite direction. The bus, where was loaded with mostly unknown passengers. The hawkers in the bus attracted the passengers' attention towards their hawking goods. Some passengers bought goods from them. With a very dramatic art, each hawker appeared before the passengers. I could not help buying two pieces of chocolates. When the bus stopped at the stoppages, a few hawkers were hawking goods. They flattered many lady passengers with a dramatic shouting.

Scene outside the bus : I saw many things outside the bus. I saw men and women working together in the field. Children and young boys were seen bathing, swimming and playing hide and trick in the water. Cowboys were tending cattle. The day was sunny. The whole field was full of green grains. I saw a brick-field beside the road through which the bus was going/running. So far as I could collect data that all passengers would go to Isapura.

In the bus : The bus danced up and downplaying along the ragged and zigzag road. In the bus, some passengers were killing time in reading newspapers, magazines, and periodicals. Some passengers were gossiping, some were under the soporific influence, some were vomiting etc.

A heart-rending sight : Suddenly the bus stopped and the driver got down. To our surprise, we looked through the window. There was a small gathering of the crowd a little far ahead. I went there with some other passengers. I saw a capsized truck beside the road and à dead body lying mashed on the heap of blood. He was a van puller. The scene was very heart-rending. When our driver found a scope he drove the bus. The bus went on running towards its destination. The bus took a turn to the left. We saw a vast potato field around us. The green leaves of potatoes looked greener. It charmed us very much. The bus crossed the potato field and there was our destination.

Destination: W e also saw many patients on the way to Fakir Bari. When the bus stopped, we got down. And thus my bus. journey came to an end.

Conclusion: A journey by bus is both interesting and pleasing. It is not so costly. It is the speedy vehicle on the land. People can go to their goals so easily by bus. It is a blessing of science. However, the impact of the journey will remain ever fresh in my mind.

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a journey by bus class 3

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Journey by Bus Essay | Short and Long | 100, 150, 250, 300 and 400 + Words

Journey by bus essay in english 100 words.

Taking a journey by bus is an exciting adventure. It’s not just about going from one place to another. It is about discovering new things along the way. When we board on a bus, we get to see different landscapes outside the window. We pass by tall mountains, green fields, and beautiful rivers. Inside the bus, we meet different people from all walks of life. There are dreamers with big ambitions, experienced travelers with amazing stories, and quiet observers lost in their thoughts. We hear laughter and whispers, and sometimes we make new friends. Every bus journey is like a small world on wheels, where we get a glimpse into the lives of others. So, the next time you travel by bus, remember to look out the window and enjoy the amazing journey unfolding before your eyes.

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Paragraph Journey by Bus Essay in English- 150

Doing a journey by bus is like embarking on a grand adventure. As we step onto the bus, we can feel the excitement bubbling inside us. The bus takes us to different places, and along the way, we get to witness the world outside. Looking out of the window, we see tall buildings, colorful houses, and bustling streets. The bus also takes us through nature’s wonders. We see vast green fields, mighty rivers, and majestic mountains that seem to touch the sky. Inside the bus, we meet fellow travelers from diverse backgrounds. Some are students like us, others are workers or families going on vacations. We chat, laugh, and share stories, making new friends as we go. The bus ride becomes a time of exploration and discovery. We learn about different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. So, let’s hop on a bus, my friends, and let the journey unveil the beauty of the world around us.

Paragraph Journey by Bus Essay in English edumantra.net

Journey by Bus Essay in English- 250 Words

Every bus journey has a unique story to share. Bus is not just a mode of transportation; it can take us on an unforgettable adventure. As I stepped onto the bus, I had no idea that it would be a memorable experience of my life. Actually the engine played a great background music, blending with the diverse souls on board. When I entered the bus it was like entering a small world where I was having new moments with each passing mile. People from different backgrounds found solace within these mobile walls. There were many people going to the same directions and some were deboarding buses at different stops. Experienced travelers were sharing tales of distant lands, and quiet observers seeking refuge from their own thoughts. Through dusty windows with fingerprints and conversations filled with laughter and whispers, I witnessed glimpses of humanity’s struggles and triumphs merging in one space. Faces displayed both joy and sorrow, moving together as strangers became temporary known people. As I looked out of the window, landscapes unfolded like painted canvases. My heart was filled with admiration for Mother Nature’s masterpiece. Majestic mountains stood tall against a blue sky. Green fields danced under golden rays of the sun. Each scene offered its own poetry to the transient audience traveling within. Time seemed suspended as we traversed through winding roads connecting one corner of existence to another. In those moments between destinations, there was no rush nor pressure to reach our final stop; instead, there was only appreciation for being present in this ever-changing landscape. A journey by bus is more than just reaching from point A to B; it’s an invitation to embrace uncertainty and surrender control over our meticulously.

Long Essay on Journey by Bus – 500 + Words


In a world where speed and convenience are the name of the game, buses have quietly become the unsung heroes of travel. Whether it’s a short journey to work or an epic cross-country adventure, there’s something undeniably special about embarking on a journey by bus. Imagine sitting comfortably in your seat as the scenery unfolds before your eyes, smoothly gliding past bustling cities, picturesque countryside, and charming small towns. The rhythmic hum of the engine lulls you into a state of relaxation, while the anticipation of what lies ahead keeps you engaged. This is no ordinary mode of transportation; this is an experience that allows you to truly immerse yourself in your surroundings.

The Different Types of Buses

The Different Types of Buses edumantra.net

When it comes to traveling by bus, there are a variety of options available. From luxurious coaches to local city buses, each type offers a unique experience. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of buses and what sets them apart.

1.Luxury Coaches: These are perfect for long-distance journeys or tours. Equipped with comfortable seating, ample legroom, and onboard amenities such as Wi-Fi and entertainment systems, luxury coaches provide a first-class travel experience.

2.Double-Decker Buses: A common sight in many cities around the world, double-decker buses offer an excellent vantage point to enjoy the sights while exploring urban areas. They are spacious and can accommodate more passengers than conventional buses.

3.School Buses: Recognizable by their bright yellow color, school buses transport students to and from educational institutions safely every day. They prioritize safety features like sturdy construction and flashing lights that alert other drivers when children are boarding or alighting.

4.City Buses: The backbone of public transportation systems in many cities, these buses provide affordable transportation for daily commuters. With frequent stops along designated routes, they offer convenience for both residents and tourists alike.

5.Mini Buses: These smaller-sized vehicles are often used for shuttle services or group trips within a limited distance range. They provide flexibility in terms of scheduling and can be hired privately for various events or outings.

Each type of bus caters to different needs depending on the journey you have in mind—whether it’s comfort on long-haul trips or convenient city commuting options—there is always a suitable bus available.

Why Bus Jouney is the Best Choice

When it comes to traveling, there are various modes of transportation available. However, if you ask me, I firmly believe that bus journeys are the best choice. Why? Let me explain.

Convenience That is Hard to Match-

Buses offer a level of convenience that is hard to match. With numerous bus routes and schedules available, you can easily find a bus that suits your preferred departure time and destination. Unlike other modes of transportation like planes or trains, buses usually have several stops along the way, making it easier for passengers to reach their desired location without any hassle.


Bus journeys are cost-effective. Compared to flights or train tickets which can be quite expensive, bus fares are generally more affordable. This makes them an excellent option for budget-conscious travelers who want to save some money without compromising on comfort.

Breathtaking Views of the Scenery-

Moreover, traveling by bus allows you to enjoy breathtaking views of the scenery along the route. Whether you’re passing through picturesque countryside or bustling cities, a journey by bus provides ample opportunities to admire the beauty around you.

Flexibility in Terms of Luggage Allowance –

Another advantage of choosing buses is the flexibility they offer in terms of luggage allowance. Unlike airlines with strict baggage restrictions or trains with limited storage space onboard, buses often have sufficient room for passengers’ belongings.

Eco-Friendly –

Furthermore, one cannot overlook how eco-friendly bus travel is compared to private vehicles or even airplanes. By opting for a journey by bus instead of driving alone in your car or taking multiple flights during your trip, you contribute significantly towards reducing carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact.

My Personal Experience of a Journey

In my personal experience of a journey by bus recently from city A to city B,I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and enjoyable it was. I had enough legroom, the seats were plush, and there was even free Wi-Fi onboard! The ride was smooth, and I got plenty of rest during the journey thanks to the relaxed atmosphere inside. The friendly driver also provided interesting information about landmarks we passed along the way.

My Personal Experience of a Journey by Bus

My Personal Experience of a Journey by Bus edumantra.net

The thrill of embarking on a journey by bus is something that cannot be easily replicated. The anticipation builds as you wait at the bus stop, wondering what lies ahead in your destination. As I boarded the bus, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure. I settled into my seat, gazing out the window as the bus pulled away from the station. The scenery passing by was mesmerizing – rolling hills, lush green fields, and charming little towns. It felt like I was getting a glimpse into a different world. One thing that struck me about traveling by bus was how it allowed me to truly immerse myself in the journey. Unlike other modes of transportation where you are confined to your seat or cabin, on a bus you have the freedom to move around and explore. Whether it’s chatting with fellow passengers or simply stretching your legs during rest stops, there’s always something new to discover. I had engaging conversations with fellow travelers from all walks of life. We shared stories and laughed together, forming bonds that would last beyond our time on the road. As we reached our destination after hours on the road, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for choosing this mode of transport. The experience had been nothing short of incredible – filled with breathtaking vistas, new friendships forged along the way, and a deep appreciation for slow travel. In conclusion (Oops! Sorry!), my personal experience of a journey by bus has left an indelible mark on me. It has shown me that sometimes it’s not just about reaching your destination quickly; it’s about savoring the journey itself. So next time you plan a trip, consider hopping on

A journey by bus is truly an enriching experience that offers convenience, affordability, and a unique way to explore new places. Whether you are traveling short distances or embarking on long journeys, buses provide a comfortable and reliable mode of transportation. Not only do buses come in various types to cater to different needs, but they also offer numerous advantages over other forms of travel. From cost-effectiveness and reduced carbon footprint to the freedom to relax or engage with fellow travelers, there is no doubt that buses are the best choice for many individuals. Speaking from personal experience, I have had the pleasure of enjoying several memorable bus journeys throughout my life. The scenic views along the way, interesting conversations with fellow passengers from diverse backgrounds, and the sense of adventure as we traversed unfamiliar terrain made each trip special.

Remember – it’s not just about reaching your destination; it’s about cherishing every moment along the way!

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A Journey by Bus Essay & Paragraph

A journey by bus is a very simple journey. Since we usually travel by bus from one city to another. But sometimes this simple journey can be considered extraordinary. If the surrounding scenery is beautiful then a simple journey by bus can be pleasant and joyful. If you are a student, chances are you will be asked to write an essay or paragraph about a journey by bus in your school exams. Here are a few examples that will help you.

A Journey by Bus Essay & Paragraph

A Journey by Bus Essay in English

By: Haque ; Words: 400; For class 9-10/SSC

Introduction: A journey by bus is a very pleasant one. Though there are many modes of transportation, I prefer a journey by bus as it is faster than other vehicles. I had a journey by bus last month this year.

Time & Occasion of the Journey: It was the month of March. One of my uncles was transferred to Rangamati. He told me that the place is very beautiful. Every day many domestic and foreign tourists go there. So he invited me to visit him on one of my vacations. I have also heard praise for the beauty of Rangamati. So, I am glad to have the opportunity to see the place. One day I prepared for Rangamati with my five best friends. We decided to go there by bus.

Description of the Journey: On the appointed day we gathered at Muradpur Bus Terminal at about 6:30 a.m. Then we boarded a bus for Rangamati. The bus started its journey around 8 in the morning. When the bus started running, the passengers of the bus got busy with various activities. Some of the passengers were reading the newspaper, some were talking, some were reading books, some were eating nuts or juices, and most of them were enjoying the natural beauty by looking outside. The view from both sides of the bus was eye-catching. Most of the time the bus was running on a winding hilly road. There were steep hills of red soil on both sides of the bus. When the bus is near Rangamati, I see a river flowing along the steep side of the hilly road on the right. It offered an exquisite beauty to me. On the other bank of the river stood the lofty, hazy mountains. I could see the mountain tops covered with fog. It seemed to me that the mountains were ejecting steam. I was quite spellbound. In the river below I found many sailboats and barges plying up and down the river. They were carrying different goods. I also found many rafts of bamboos. People sitting on them were carrying them to different places for selling. At last, our bus reached Rangamati. It was about 11 a.m.

Destination: When the bus reached the station, we got down from the bus and hired three rickshaws to take us to my uncle’s house. It was about ten minutes’ journey to my uncle’s house. My uncle was overjoyed to see us.

Conclusion: Before that, I had no idea how beautiful a bus journey among the hills could be. The journey was a quite new experience for me. It will always remain fresh in my mind.

A Journey by Bus Paragraph, 150 Words

By: Haque ; For class 7-8/JSC; 14-03-’22

A journey by bus is a very simple journey. We usually travel by bus from one city to another. But sometimes this simple journey can be considered extraordinary. I have recently had such a wonderful bus journey experience. I went to Srimangal from Dhaka with some of my friends. The area is famous for its hills and tea gardens. We left at 8 in the morning and reached our destination at 2 in the afternoon. As soon as our bus entered Moulvibazar district, we saw rows of hills on both sides of the road. The road is crooked like a snake with mountains on both sides. The hills are wrapped in green tea plants. There was a natural waterfall not far from where we got off the bus. We wandered from hill to hill through the tea garden till evening. When the scenery around is beautiful, a journey by bus can be very pleasant, I realized that while visiting Srimangal.

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A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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Paragraph on Journey By Bus

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Journey By Bus in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Journey By Bus in 100 Words

A journey by bus can be fun. You climb onto the big bus and find a seat. Through the windows, you see cars, trees, and buildings go by. The bus stops to let people get on and off. Sometimes it waits at red lights. You can hear the vroom of the engine and the beep-beep of the horn. When it’s your stop, you press a button, and the bus stops. You say “thank you” to the bus driver and step off. The ride is over, and you feel happy. Riding a bus takes you to new places and is an adventure.

Paragraph on Journey By Bus in 200 Words

A journey by bus is like going on a small adventure where you can sit by a window and watch the world go by. Imagine you are sitting comfortably on a big, red bus with soft seats. You look outside and see trees, houses, and shops rushing past you as the bus moves. The bus stops sometimes to let people get on or off. New people coming onto the bus might smile and say hello, and you can make new friends. The driver sits at the front and carefully steers the bus through busy streets and quiet lanes. Sometimes the bus goes fast, and it feels a bit like you are flying, but on the ground. Other times, it goes slow, especially when there are a lot of cars on the road. The bus might pass by fields with cows and horses, or it might go through a town with tall buildings. On the bus, you can relax and listen to the hum of the engine, which sounds like a big cat purring. Going on a bus is fun because you can see new places and faces, and when you reach where you want to go, you hop off with a big smile, ready for your next adventure.

Paragraph on Journey By Bus in 250 Words

Traveling by bus can be an adventure that is both exciting and filled with different sights and sounds. Imagine stepping onto a big, colorful bus, taking a seat by a window, and watching as the world moves by outside. The engine hums a steady tune as the bus moves through bustling city streets or along quiet country roads. You might see tall buildings with windows that shine like tiny mirrors in the sun, or green fields that stretch out far and wide like a giant, cozy blanket on the earth. People on the bus come and go; some are reading books, some listening to music, and others are chatting about their day. The driver steers the bus carefully, stopping now and then to let new passengers on board. Each stop brings new faces, each with their own stories and places to go. As the journey continues, you might pass a market with fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors, or you might cross a bridge over a river that sparkles as it flows. The bus ride can be bumpy at times, but it’s part of the fun, like riding a very slow roller coaster. When it’s time to get off, you step down from the bus, maybe feeling a bit tired, but also happy to have seen so many new things. A bus trip isn’t just about getting from one place to another; it’s a chance to see the world from a seat by the window, and to feel the rhythm of the roads and the heartbeat of different places.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

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  • 3 [Short & Long] Paragraphs On A Journey by Bus

All of us have experienced many journeys. Some of them are very close to our hearts. I am sharing here a Paragraph On A Journey by Bus in different word lengths.

You can also take an idea from these paragraphs on how to write a piece of your experience of a journey by bus. Choose the best lines from the given topic.

Welcome to thenextskill.Com. This site is intended to help students write short and long essays, articles, paragraphs and 10 lines on different topics. Also, you can formulate awesome and engaging speeches by seeing examples given on this website.

Very short Paragraph On A Journey by Bus

Once I travelled to Agra to see the Taj Mahal for the first time in my life. This journey was by Bus. The bus was full of passengers. I was with my parents and two of my neighbours. This Journey was one of the most adventurous experiences of my life.

I like to have a window seat and fortunately, I got the one on that journey. While the bus was running I saw a lot of things like trees, shops, huge buildings, houses and a lot of other vehicles. After some time, We had our lunch on the bus. After 4 hours we reached our destination.

Paragraph On A Journey by Bus

Short Paragraph On A Journey by Bus

We all love to explore new places on earth. A journey is an adventurous event in life. This event enables us to know different geographical values, different cultures, different dishes to relish and a lot of new experiences. I also had a travel experience that is very close to my heart.

It was summer vacation when my family planned a trip to Manali. My father made all the essential arrangements. This journey was by bus. All of us climbed the bus. The bus was very beautiful from the outside and the inside as well. I picked one of the window seats as I love to explore new things.

The bus started and all of us have a lot of excitement. I witnessed a lot of shops, trees, mountains, buildings, people and more. The fresh breeze I felt on my cheeks was very awesome that can’t be described. We eat dishes that my mother prepared for the trip. After a long time, we reached our destination.

Long Paragraph On A Journey by Bus

Every vehicle has its features and so of a bus. A bus is a vehicle that can carry a maximum of fifty people in one go. We are social creatures and this is why we like to do things in groups. A journey by bus is an adventurous experience for someone. So, I and some of my friends decided to travel to Kashmir by bus.

Let’s talk about the history of this journey by bus. Once, one of my best friends started talking about the beauty of Kashmir. No wrong, the beauty of Kashmir has always been a topic to discuss. Even there are a lot of poetries that try to describe the real beauty of Kashmir.

He discussed a lot of things that no one in my friend circle was well aware of. Then we asked him how he know all these things. He then told us that he saw all that in a Youtube video by a travel company. After the discussion was over, we all thought to have a real experience of what was discussed.

We tried to book train tickets but there was a long waiting list. So, we decided to choose another mode of transport. Then we decided to go by Bus. We arranged a travel bus. And stepped up with all the essential things. The bus started and all of us have a lot of excitement. I witnessed a lot of shops, trees, mountains, buildings, people and more.

The fresh breeze I felt on my cheeks was very awesome that can’t be described. We eat dishes that my mother prepared for the trip. After a long time, we reached our destination. After reaching there we witnessed all the places we talked about before. It was a trip that I can not forget in my lifetime.

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Paragraph Buzz

Short Paragraph on a Journey by Bus: 150, 200 Words

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Paragraph on a Journey by Bus in 200 Words for Students

A few weeks ago, I have experienced an amazing bus journey . I always prefer the bus, when I need to go anywhere. I feel it safe and comfortable. That’s why when my friend Tasin invited me to join his sister’s wedding in Kolkata; I decided to go there by bus.

I bought the ticket advanced from online and was waiting for the day. Finally, the day came and I went to the bus counter. They told me that I will be an 8 hours bus journey and the bus will start at 8 o’clock morning. I went there 30 minutes before and got into the bus.

The bus started moving. When we crossed the city, I started watching the field outside. I was lucky to have the window seat. An older person sat beside me and he was so cheerful. I gossiped with him a lot. Then I read one of my storybooks.

I always try to keep books with me when I go to travel. I wanted to sleep an hour, but I thought I won’t get the opportunity to see nature outside again. Then after eight hours of journey, I came to Kolkata. That was a pleasant and enjoyable journey experience that I will never forget.  

Short Paragraph on a Journey by Bus in 150 Words for Kids: 2

My friend Aman wanted to visit Agra to see the Taj Mahal . I was agreed with him but we had no car. Then we decided to go there by bus. I always prefer the bus for a long journey. Then we fixed a date and bought an advance ticket for this date. We were so much excited about the journey and about seeing the Taj.

Finally, the day came and we went to the bus counter at 8 o’clock morning. Our bus departed from the counter at 8.30 o’clock. Within 20 minutes, we went out of the city and the local living area. We started to see the beautiful jungle outside. That was an amazing experience for me. I sat on the window seat.

We were gossiping about several things. And Aman was reading a storybook. Then after two hours, he sat on the window seat and I sat on his seat. We went to Agra after five hours of the journey. The journey was so much enjoyable and pleasant. I will never forget that journey by bus.  

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A Journey By Bus Essay for Students – 200+ Words

This post contains A Journey By Bus Essay in English for the students of different classes. Previously I was working on long essays but now I have realized that I should also work for the 10th Class. Now, I will post some short essays and paragraphs as well. This is a short essay on a Journey by Bus. However, students can visit this essay list for more English Essays .

Short Essay on a Journey By Bus in English

I have made many travels but I can never forget a memorable journey by bus. A journey by bus is very risky and dangerous these days. So, I seldom travel by bus. My uncle lives in Rawalpindi. Last week, he invited me to visit them. I prepared myself for this journey.

I hired a taxi and reached the bus stand. I went to a ticket window and purchased a ticket for Rawalpindi. I got into the bus. I was lucky to get the seat near the window. At the fixed time, the bus started. We crossed the Ravi Bridge. Although it was a non-stop bus, yet it stopped at important bus stands. During these stoppages, the passengers had light refreshments.

Our bus passed through green fields and long rows of factories and mills. After Jehlum, it passed through barren hilly areas. It passed through many tunnels before we reached Rawalpindi. The bus passed through Gujranwala, Wazirabad, Gujrat, Lalamusa, Jehlum and Gujar Khan to reach Rawalpindi.

The passengers talked on different topics. We enjoyed their talk much. By the grace of God, our bus reached the destination quite safe and sound. It was evening when we reached Rawalpindi. I hired a taxi and soon reached my uncle’s house. It was a wonderful experience for me. I shall ever remember it.

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From Here to There Class 3 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 11 (Free PDF Download)

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  • Chapter 11 From Here To There


Learn Concepts and Prepare Better With From Here to There revision Notes

Class 3 EVS introduces the concept of travelling from one location to the other using various transportation methods. In this chapter, you will study a poem and the anecdotes of kids who went to a new place using different means of transport. Download From Here to There revision notes and study this chapter with convenience.

The revision notes are composed by the experts of Vedantu following the CBSE Class 3 standards. They have used simpler language to explain the context of this chapter. All the sections have been illustrated with words for your better understanding.

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Access Class 3 Environmental Science Chapter 11: From Here to There

Summary of from here to there.

Different types of transport are used for moving from one place to another.

There are three modes of transport.

Road transport is used when we travel on the road.

Road transport includes cars, buses, trains, trucks, etc.

Air transport that is airplanes, helicopters, etc.

Air transport is used when we travel by air.

When we used to travel fast.

Air transportation is the fastest mode of transportation.

Water transport that is boats, ships, etc.

Water transports are used when we travel in water.

Animals also help in transportation, for example, bullock carts, horse carts, etc.

In ancient times kings and queens used to travel with the help of animals.

Animals are used to transport humans as well as materials from one place to another.

We use different modes of transport for different purposes.

Transports are selected according to the needs of people.

Like distance to be covered, the time one has, money one can spend.

If we have to cover a long distance, a train is preferred.

If we have to cover a short distance, a car is preferred.

If anyone has more time then they can use slow transport like a cycle.

If anyone has less time then they can use fast transport like an airplane.

Different vehicles use different fuels.

Cars, buses, and trucks run on CNG, petrol, or diesel.

Trains run on electricity, diesel, coal, and water.

Airplanes run on petrol.

Ships run on diesel.

There are some special vehicles for special and emergency purposes.

Some examples are Ambulance, fire brigade, police jeep, etc.

Car: Short Distance Transport

(image will be uploaded soon)

Bicycle: Short Distance Transport

Airplane: fastest transport..

Some children are playing a game.

They named it the train.

They connect as a train.

They blow whistles like a train.

They all took their seats like a train.

All the children stay in line and look at everything present around them.

They used the 'Chhuk-chhuk' sound.

At every station they say stop-stop.

Train walks on an iron track.

Somewhere there is too much light but at some places, there is no light at all.

There are trees, hills, temples, etc. when they look out of the train.

Some villages and green fields are also visible.

There are smoky and fair clouds.

So many birds are there.

Sometimes the train passes through a bridge.

Train: Long Distance Transport

Solved examples:.

Q1: Have you ever traveled on a train? When?

Ans: Yes, I travel by train every time we go to my grandma’s place during the summer holidays.

Q2: Can a train move anywhere? Why?

Ans: No, a train cannot move anywhere. It can move only on the rails.

Q3: What is meant by ‘roads of iron’?

Ans: Roads of iron mean iron rails on which the train moves.

Q4: What places did the train pass by? Make a list.

Ans: The train passed by meadows, over the hills, farmers, temples, mills, village wells, and a lush green field and a potato field.

Q5: Which vehicles have you traveled in? Write their names in your notebook.

Ans: I have traveled by bicycle, bike, auto, car, bus, train, and airplane.


Practice questions:.

Q1: Where have you heard the maximum noise?

Ans: At the traffic signals.

Q2: Do you like so much noise? Why?

Ans: No, I don’t like so much noise because it is very disturbing.

Tips to Remember:

Travel on a train with your parents.

Observe the pictures of a train.

Ask your parents to take you to the train station.

Count the number of bogies in a train.

Try to travel on every mode of transportation at once.

Observe the different types of vehicles moving on the road.

Ask your parents to give you some knowledge about the vehicle which you see.

Importance of CBSE Class 3 EVS Chapter 11 From Here to There

This chapter is all about the ways of transport we generally use to travel from one location to the other. We have seen them on the road, rail tracks, and even on water bodies. In this chapter, everything will be explained. Questions will also be asked on the basis of what is taught in this chapter.

Chapter 9 From Here to There will also check how the students can comprehend the knowledge of various transport systems they have used. They will also learn the means of transport and their facilities.

This chapter also tells the stories of kids who went to someplace for various reasons. They explain what they boarded and how they went to their respective destinations. From Here to There summary suggests how you go to conventional locations near your home by using what means of transport.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Class 3 EVS Chapter 11 Revision Notes

This is an interesting chapter with a lot of information to comprehend. By downloading the revision notes, you can easily understand the given information and answer the exercise questions.

Identifying the different means of transport for carrying people and commodities will also be explained perfectly. You will be able to resolve doubts on your own using these revision notes.

The purpose of all vehicles we use in our modern life will all be explained with proper answers. Follow the format of From Here to There question answer and learn how to score well in the exams.

Once your preparation is done, refer to the notes for revising the chapter and recall all you have read. In From Here to There Class 3 EVS .

Add More Convenience to Studying Class 3 EVS Chapter 11

Download the revision notes and find out how the experts have skillfully explained everything in this chapter. The free PDF file will help you prepare this chapter well before an exam. Recall what you have studied and determine the types of vehicles used for travel. Gain more confidence and score well in the exams.

CBSE Class 3 EVS Study Materials

Other cbse class 3 revision notes related links, conclusion .

From Here to There Class 3 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 11 , offered by Vedantu, takes young learners on an engaging journey through the world of transportation. These notes align perfectly with the CBSE curriculum, providing clear explanations and practical insights into various modes of transportation and their significance in our daily lives. Vedantu's commitment to quality education is evident in these notes, which simplify complex transportation concepts in a child-friendly manner. By using these notes, young students not only learn about different vehicles and their functions but also gain an understanding of how transportation plays a crucial role in connecting people and places. This chapter encourages curiosity and appreciation for the fascinating world of travel and communication.


FAQs on From Here to There Class 3 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 11 (Free PDF Download)

1. Why do we need different means of transport?

We need different means of transport for carrying people and things from one place to another with convenience.

2. How can I make a list of the vehicles the children travelled in?

By simply noting down every vehicle used by a child in each story, you can tell which all vehicles did the children travel in. You can also refer to the NCERT solutions  to find the correct answer to this question.

3. How can I prepare this chapter better?

Focus on the classroom sessions. Refer to the revision notes and understand the topics well. Complete preparing the best answers to all the exercise questions and then test yourself by solving a worksheet. This is how you can prepare this chapter well.

4. Where can I access and download these Class 3 EVS Chapter 11 notes for free in PDF format?

These notes can typically be accessed and downloaded for free on Vedantu's platform or website.

5. What topics and concepts are covered in this chapter "From Here to There"?

Students might inquire about the main themes explored in this chapter, including various modes of transportation and their roles.

6. Do these From Here to There Class 3 Notes include real-life examples of transportation and their functions?

Yes, these notes often provide real-life examples and practical insights into different modes of transportation to help students understand their functions.

7. How can these From Here to There Class 3 Notes benefit my child's understanding of transportation and its significance?

These notes are designed to introduce transportation concepts in a child-friendly manner, fostering an appreciation for the diverse means of moving from one place to another.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Trains

Table of Contents

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Trains book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 3 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.

NCERT solutions for Class 3 English  Download as PDF

NCERT Class 3 English Chapter wise Solutions

  • 01 Magic Garden
  • 02 Nina and the baby Sparrows
  • 03 The Enormous trip
  • 04 A little Fish story
  • 05 The yellow Butterfly
  • 06 The story of the road
  • 07 Little Tiger Big Tiger
  • 08 My Silly Sister
  • 09 He is my Brother
  • 10 Ship of the Desert
  • 01 Good Morning
  • 02 Bird Talk
  • 03 Little by Little
  • 04 Sea Song
  • 05 The Balloon man
  • 07 Puppy and I
  • 08 Whats in the Mailbox
  • 09 Dont Tell
  • 10 How creature move

CHAPTER -6 (POEM) Class 3 English Trains

1. Where do the trains run?

Ans. The trains run over the mountains, plains and rivers.

2. What are the “precious loads” that they carry?

Ans. They carry important papers, luggages and gold, silver etc. which are very precious.

3. When do the trains run?

Ans. The trains run after carrying passengers, mails and precious loads.

4. What is Dusk and Dawn?

Ans. Dusk: The darker stage of twilight.

Dawn: Break of Day.

5. Do you enjoy train rides?

Ans. Yes, I enjoy train rides very much.

6. If you had to travel over a long distance, how would you like to go and why?

Ans. I would like to go by train. This is because it is a comfortable means of transportation. This has sleeping arrangements and toilet facility that are essential for travelling over a long distance.

7. If you had to spend the night on a train, what would you need to take with you. Draw and name the things you would need in this suitcase.

Ans. (i) Food

(ii) Bedsheet

(iii) Pillow

(iv) Tooth-Brush

(v) Tooth-paste

(vi) Tongue-cleaner

8. Describe an interesting train or bus journey you have taken, or would like to take. Write four sentences about your journey. You can use some of the following words or phrases.

Many people, crowded tea stalls, stations/bus station, river, window, big and small trees, seat, hills, ticket, loud whistle

Ans. (i) I went to the railway station with my father to go a hill station.

(ii) My father took the tickets from the ticket window.

(iii) From the window, I saw hills, big and small trees and river.

(iv) I also saw crowded tea stalls and many people on the stations.

(v) The trains whistled loudly if someone come in between the tracks.

9. Sort out these different means of transport into correct groups.

Bus, Car, Aeroplane, Ship, Boat, Train, Bicycle, Helicopter, Truck, Steamer.

10. Complete these sentences.

Ans. (i) Give me some food to eat.

(ii) Play with me .

(iii) Swim across the river .

(iv) Let’s get on the train .

11. Say aloud:

Ans. (i) Mail

(vi) Trains

NCERT solutions for Class 3 English poem Chapter 6 Trains

NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Trains PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 3 English includes text book solutions from Class 3 English Book . NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 3 English have total 20 chapters. 3 English NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert English class 3 solutions PDF and English ncert class 3 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.

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It is very much helpful it gives a good answers for the students ??

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Train Journey – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Note: Essay on Train Journey For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on train journey for kids.

  • A Paragraph On A Journey By Train For Children

Short Essay On Train Journey For Kids

Long essay on a train journey for children, what will your child learn from the train journey essay.

Essay writing is an important skill for students because it allows them to think clearly and helps add expression to their thoughts. Writing a journey-by-train essay in English needs knowledge and experience on the subject, and topics such as these allow them to put their feelings on paper. Essay writing provides for better communication while also being creative. Train journeys are fun and add numerous experiences to one’s life, especially for kids who always have the best time with the family. We’ve all taken a train ride at some point in our lives, making it an excellent topic for an essay.

  • Begin with an introductory paragraph to your train journey experience essay discussing train travel in general.
  • You can begin writing about your journey, how you felt before the journey, what you experienced during the trip, etc.
  • Write a conclusion to your essay in which you discuss your thoughts and whether you would travel by train again.

Train journeys are loved by both kids and adults equally. It becomes easier for kids to pen down their happy experiences. The points below can help you write an essay for classes 1 and 2 kids.

  • Train rides are always enjoyable and exciting.
  •  It is one of the most affordable modes of transportation, making it accessible to all.
  •  I recently travelled by train to Dhiga.
  •  We met many new people and got a chance to interact with them!
  •  Fortunately, I got the window seat, the icing on the cake!
  •  As the train approached the outskirts, I noticed green fields all around.
  •  We could see people working in the fields and children walking to school because it was a morning train.
  •  After a while, hawkers began to enter the compartment, selling a variety of goods.
  •  Even though it was a short journey, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • I will always look forward to my next train journey.

 A Paragraph On A Journey By Train For Children

Essays on train journeys are an interesting topic that can be composed by students of all classes. But, students of smaller classes need guidance in smaller sentence concentration. Here is a small paragraph on a journey by train for children:

Different modes of transportation provide unique experiences, but nothing beats the thrill of a train ride. Most people prefer train travel because it is a less expensive mode of transportation. Train rides are my favourite mode of transportation because they are so comfortable. Some people enjoy night train rides because they allow them to arrive at their destination overnight. I enjoy day-train rides because I enjoy looking out the window at the scenery. It’s a completely different experience to read a book or listen to music while sitting near the window. Train rides are always enjoyable for me.

Train journey essays are one of the most common topics given to students as holiday homework. Below is a journey by train paragraph that can give you ideas as to how to write a train journey essay for your school assignments:

Train rides, no matter how short or long they are, are something that we all look forward to. Last week, I had the opportunity to travel by train from Howrah to Bandel to meet one of my friends. I had planned to take the 10:30 a.m. train, but when I woke up on the day of the trip was pouring heavily. I had given up hope, but the rain god showed mercy on us, and it stopped raining.

One of my other friends and I managed to board the 11:00 a.m. train. It was not rush hour, so the train was not crowded. I quickly got myself a window seat to enjoy the greenery of Kolkata’s outskirts. The rain had made the weather pleasant, which was a bonus and made our journey more enjoyable. We arrived at our destination after nearly an hour, though I was sad to see it end soon.

Experiencing new things and being able to write those experiences in words is a very important skill that everyone should learn. Below is a train journey essay for class 3, which gives you a brief idea about the topic:

We’ve all travelled by train at some point in our lives. Since India is a developing country with a large middle-class population, train travel is the most convenient and safest option for them. Almost all routes have trains, making it easier for people to get to their destination in one trip.

Pros and Cons Of Train Journey

Train journeys have certain advantages as well as disadvantages such as:

Pros of Train Journey

  • Relaxing journeys : Trains are known for their spaciousness and comfort. We don’t have to sit in an uncomfortable position for the longer duration of the journey, as we would on a bus. We can book an entire berth to ourselves to comfortably sit or even lie down.
  • Beautiful scenery : Train rides on hilly routes have enchanting beauty. Whether a regular train or a toy train, the view of hills all around is sure to captivate everyone.
  • Unlimited luggage : There is a limit to the amount of luggage that can be carried on a plane. Train travel, on the other hand, is not the same.
  • Long journeys : Train journeys are usually preferred over car and bus journeys because they are more comfortable. Furthermore, train travel is ideal for people suffering from motion sickness, as driving or taking a bus is inconvenient.

Cons Of Train Journey

  • Ticketing : Even though bookings open four months before the date of travel, popular destinations’ tickets are always on a waiting list, causing inconvenience. Furthermore, because the majority of the process is now done online, it becomes difficult for people who do not have access to a system.
  • Excess time : If you have an emergency and need to get somewhere quickly, taking the train is not the best option. Train journeys can take up to two days to reach some destinations, making them unsuitable for working professionals.
  • Inadequate sanitisation : Train washrooms appear perfect when the train leaves the boarding station, but as the journey progresses, the condition of the restrooms and basins are quite questionable!

These train journey essays will assist your child in making their content flow. They will be more aware of what to write and how to structure their thoughts in such essays. They will be more aware of their surroundings and interested in everything around them the next time they go on a journey like this.

1. Why are train journeys the best?

Rail travel is both comfortable and exciting for children. If you are travelling to a hill station, they can get a better look at the mountains and hills, making it a memorable experience. Train journeys come under an inexpensive mode of transport also.

2. What makes train journeys so comfortable?

Train rides are very comfortable because we can sit or even lie down comfortably on our berth. Furthermore, it does not feel like being stuck in a chair with no freedom of movement, as in a plane or bus.

3. What precautions should you take while travelling on a train?

Some people have been seen standing near the train’s gate, which is extremely dangerous and should be avoided. One should not smoke inside the train compartment. Now, taking COVID precautions is mandatory in every kind of journey. Check your luggage before boarding and deboarding a train.

Train journeys are amazing in many ways, and kids enjoy them thoroughly. Making kids write an essay on a train journey is a good way to stir them creatively. It will make them well-versed with the nuances of sentence construction also.

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Essay on Journey by Train for Class 3

One of the most efficient and extraordinary forms of transportation is the railway. Travelling by train once in a lifetime is a must. The memories gathered during a train journey are very precious and should be cherished.  

We are providing students with two sample essays on the topic ‘Journey by Train’ in English for reference.

Short Essay on Journey By Train of 100 Words in English

Every time we go to visit my maternal grandparents, we have to travel by train. Even though we travel on the local train, but the journey is almost two hours long. During the train journey, I see many vendors selling food and other daily use items. Sometimes my father buys me snacks from the vendors like chips or candies.

My mother bought a beautiful shawl from a vendor on the train and gifted it to granny. I always want to get the window seat so that I can look out and not get bored. Bus journeys are bumpy and make me tired. I like travelling by train because the journey is very smooth.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Journey By Train of 150 Words in English

I remember our train journey to Assam last year during my summer vacations. I waited with my parents at the crowded station for the train to arrive. Soon a big train pulled in to the station around 4 pm, and the station master opened the gates for boarding.

I held onto my dad’s hand tightly till we found our bunks. My parents first stored the luggage and then seated. I grabbed the window seat and held onto my bag full of candies tightly. My sister played with me for a while, but then she got tired.

Since I was not tired because of the excitement, I looked out of the window and saw the train pass through many valleys. It was a moonlit night, and the wind through the window felt good. After a light dinner, I fell asleep. The light rocking of the train makes me very sleepy. We reached our destination the next morning and had a great trip, but the train journey will always remain very memorable.

10 Lines on Essay on Journey By Train in English

  • You cannot imagine the pleasures of travelling for a trip on a train without ever being on a train.
  • One of the most relaxed and convenient modes of transportation are the railway.
  • I find journeys by train fascinating, especially with family.
  • Vendors sell tasty snacks and treat like salted peanuts, candies and chocolate in train compartments.
  • You can book your bunk on the train for sleeping at night while travelling far.
  • Aeroplanes might be fast, but you get to enjoy the view best while travelling on a train.
  • Train journeys are highly enjoyable.
  • During office hours the local trains and the platforms are very crowded.
  • You should never travel on a train without a valid ticket.
  • It would be best if you take care of your belongings while travelling on a train or in any other mode of transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions on Journey by Train Essay

Question: How is travelling by train better than travelling by air?

Answer:  Even though travelling by air is faster, but travelling by train is more comfortable and cheaper. Unlike airways, your views while travelling on a train will not be dull, and you will be able to look at the scenery throughout the journey.

Question: In India, what is the approximate cost of a solo train journey?

Answer:   The cost of the train journey for solo travellers in India ranges from Rs700 to Rs1500.

Question: Where to buy train tickets from?

Answer:  You can buy train tickets from the railway ticket counters as well as from the official government railway website online.

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Essay on Train Journey in English for Children and Students

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Trains are one of the best transport options for commuting long distances. Low fare, punctuality of time, and ease of travel make the journey by train, both economical and comfortable. Besides, there are several other advantages of travelling by train. You can relax, stretch, move around or even take a nap; something which could hardly be imagined while travelling in a car or bus.

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A journey on train also offers exclusive view of the landscape and culture as the train passes through the countryside. In journey across the states, one gets to see latter’s traditional dresses, agricultural crops and culture. One also gets the taste of local cuisine as it is served by the vendors in the railway stations and wagons. The journey is also entertaining as you can interact with fellow passengers from different regions and linguistic backgrounds.

Long and Short Essay on Train Journey in English

Below we have provided Long and Short Essay on Train Journey of varying lengths in English for your information and use.

These easy and simple Train Journey Essay will give you hands on experience of a train journey and its advantages.

After going through the essay you will be all praise about it and trains will become your favorite modes of transport.

These essays are good source of knowledge and will help you in your school assignments or essay writing/debate competitions etc.

Short Essay on A Journey by Train – Essay 1 (200 words)

A journey by train is among the most enjoyable journeys. I travel long distance quite often and have travelled via buses, trains as well as aeroplanes. While each of these journeys has its set of benefits, I personally love train journeys.

A journey by train is the best if you have enough time and have to travel long distance. This is the only means of transport that allows you to sleep comfortably during the journey. I prefer travelling at night. I can comfortably sleep in the train during my journey and wake up fresh and head to work during my official trips. One of my most memorable journeys by train was when I travelled from Delhi to Lucknow last year. I went to visit my relatives in Lucknow. During this train journey, I met a group of college students. The group was lively, cheerful and extremely friendly.

As I was sitting right besides them, they offered me some snacks and cold drink. They soon began conversing with me. They narrated some of their experiences and I shared mine. I also gave them career advice. The six hours journey passed very swiftly and we reached Lucknow. As we parted, we exchanged our phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.

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Essay on Train Journey – Essay 2 (300 words)


Train journeys are always fun. They have always excited me. I have been travelling via trains ever since my childhood. My maternal grandparents lived in Kanpur and we stayed in Delhi. We always travelled via night train to reach Kanpur. We visited them twice a year and I really looked forward to this trip not only because I loved meeting my grandparents but also because I really loved the train journey. My sister loved it as much and together we had a lot of fun.

My Most Memorable Train Journey

We mostly went there with our mother during our summer and winter vacations. However, once my aunt and cousins also accompanied us. This was one of the best train journeys of my life. We took to the top berth after having the delicious biryani our mother had cooked for us.

We had already planned that we will stay awake until late at night to enjoy the journey in each other’s company. We began the fun by playing cards. As we finished a game or two, two boys sitting in the middle berth asked us if they could join us. Playing cards is always fun when there are greater number of players involved. So, we agreed. Our game became all the more exciting and we kept playing for about two- three hours. Since our compartment was occupied only by us and those two brothers and their parents, there was no fuss about turning off the lights.

After playing cards, we began a game of dumb charades. It was all the more fun. Since, we had been playing for almost four hours now, we felt hungry and it was snack time. We stealthily took out chips and biscuits from our bags. We chatted, cracked jokes and laughed heartily as we ate snacks. It was almost 2 at night when we decided to sleep.

This was indeed a great experience. I will remember this train journey all my life. I made memories to cherish forever.

Essay on My Train Journey: Best Experience – Essay 3 (400 words)

It was the month of September and the autumn break was about to begin in a few weeks’ time. Our first term exams had just been over and we were free from the burden of studies at least for a few days. Our school plans excursion trips to various places during the autumn break. I always wanted to go on such a trip and have fun with my friends.

My First Train Journey with Friends

While my parents allowed me to go on local school excursions, they had always been sceptic about sending me on out stationed trips. They thought I was too young and careless and thus feared sending me. I tried to convince them each year I saw the notice about these school trips pasted on the notice board but they refused. However, after a lot of persuading in class VII, my mother promised that she will send me when I reach class IX as I will grow older and become more mature by then.

So, last year I reminded her of her promise. Though reluctant, she agreed to send me on my school trip to Jaipur. She also convinced my father and he gave the written consent along with the amount that had to be deposited for the trip. My joy knew no bounds. Few of my close friends had also got consent from their parents and we were super thrilled about our trip. I was not only excited about visiting Jaipur but also about the train journey.

My Train Journey Experience

I was lucky to get the window seat. It was a day journey of around 5 hours and there was a lot to see outside the window. The sight of small sand hills, green fields and long roads fascinated me and I glued to the window for most part of the journey. For the rest of the journey, we played dumb charades and antakshari which was super fun. I just wished the journey never came to end. However, before we even realized, we reached the Jaipur station. As I roamed around from fort to fort in the Pink city, I dreamt of the train journey back to my home town as I thoroughly enjoyed train journeys. Our train journey back home was as much fun.

Train journeys have always fascinated me. I have gone on quite a few of them but this one was all the more special as I was accompanied by my friends. I am looking forward to more such train journeys.

Essay on My Awesome Train Journey – Essay 4 (500 words)

Train journeys have always fascinated me. Be it a day journey or a night journey I, always prefer travelling by train. During my day journey by train, I love sitting by the window to watch the view outside. I just love the sight of the green fields, huge trees, huts and water bodies. I can sit for hours watching this view from the moving train. What I like about the night journeys is that trains offer a lot of space and comfort. We can lie down comfortably and doze off to sleep. Sleeping in a moving train is an experience of its own and I just love it.

My Train Journey from Shimla to Kalka

While all my train journeys have been memorable there is one that I will cherish forever. This was my train journey from Shimla to Kalka. This train journey was like no other.

We had heard a lot about the Shimla – Kalka train journey and really wanted to experience it. It is said that the train comes under the world heritage list of UNESCO. However, since our plan was made all of a sudden, we could not get the tickets for travelling from Kalka to Shimla which was disappointing.

At first, we thought of cancelling or postponing the trip however then we decided to take a bus to Shimla. The tickets from Shimla to Kalka were available so we booked our return journey by the much talked about toy train that runs on this route. While I was all excited about my trip to Shimla and enjoyed every bit of it with my family, I was constantly dreaming about our journey back home as I couldn’t wait for the toy train experience.

My Awesome Train Journey Experience

We reached the station few minutes before the train departure time. I was thrilled looking at the train and couldn’t wait to board it. We soon kept our luggage in the train and sat on our seats. I grabbed the window seat to witness the scenic view outside. As the train started, I saw the mesmerizing view of the hills covered with pine trees. There was greenery all round. It had rained a night before and thus the flora looked even greener and fresh. It was a breathtaking sight.

The toy train covers a distance of 96 km and there was not a single moment when we got bored during this journey. There was so much to view and experience. The train travels at a slow speed and takes around 5-6 hours to reach Kalka so that we can experience the natural surroundings to the fullest. It goes through 102 tunnels and this makes the journey all the more amazing. It also passes over as many as 864 bridges and offers an experience which is one-of-its-kind. While I sat by the window for most part of my journey, I also went and stood by the train door for around an hour or so to have a closer look at the nature.

Every bit of my train journey from Shimla to Kalka was enjoyable. The experience was simply unmatched. Every train journey lover must experience this at least once in their life time. Nature lovers would love it all the more.

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Long Essay on Train Journey: Advantages and Disadvantages – Essay 5 (600 words)

Train journeys are preferred by many owing to the various benefits they offer. However, some people much rather prefer travelling by their own vehicle or buses to avoid the downside of the train journeys. At times, it becomes quite difficult to decide the mode of transport as all these have their own set of pros and cons. Here is a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of train journey:

Advantages of Train Journey

Here are the various advantages of train journey:

  • Space and Comfort

Train is one of the best means of transports if we look in terms of space and comfort. There is enough space to sit and even lie down, a privilege we don’t get in the buses, cars or planes. Kids can easily play board games. Group outings become all the more fun as we can enjoy various games and activities sitting face to face.

  • Long Journeys Made Easy

Since trains offer berths to sleep and washrooms to freshen up, travelling long distance via trains becomes quite easy. The washroom facility is especially one of the main benefits train journeys offer over bus and car journeys.

  • No Restriction on the Amount of Luggage

There is a limit to the amount of luggage one can carry in the aeroplane. Buses also do not have enough space to accommodate a lot of luggage. However, there is no such restriction during the train journeys. If you require carrying a good amount of luggage then train journeys are certainly the best.

  • Safe Option

Train is also considered a safer means to travel compared to buses, cars and aeroplanes. Travelling in hills is especially safer via trains compared to buses and cars.

  • Allows Productive Use of Time

You can easily take out your laptop and work on it while you are travelling via train. You can also read your book comfortably or indulge in other tasks such as knitting and sewing while travelling through train.

Disadvantages of Train Journey

Here are some disadvantages of train journey:

  • Planning Ahead

One of the main difficulties of travelling via train is that you have to plan your journey months or weeks before your travel date. It is difficult to get train tickets for trips that are planned instantly.

  • Difficulty in Reservation

Train reservation is a difficult task. You have to visit the railway station and stand in the queue for hours to get the tickets reserved which is extremely tiring. You can also get the ticket reserved online but that is again a tedious task as the train booking site is too slow.

  • Fixed Schedule

Trains run on a fixed schedule. You may be required to catch trains at odd times and this can be difficult at times. Delay in reaching the railway station even by a few minutes means missing the train and it is difficult to spend time on the railway station if you reach early.

  • Slower Option

Travelling a long distance by train means investing a day or two in journey is unlike planes which can cover same distance within few hours. So it is not a good option for students or working professionals who cannot take so many leaves and spend so much time on travelling.

  • Cleanliness Issue

While trains have washrooms which is considered to be a big plus of the train journeys these are mostly not maintained well. Un-kept and unclean washrooms are a big put off. Their use must be avoided as it can cause infection.

Thus, we see train journeys have a number of advantages however they also have certain disadvantages. While space, comfort and the facility to carry enough luggages attracts travellers to option for train journeys, difficulty of reservation and the need to plan the journey way ahead of the travel date makes them look for other options.

Related Information:

  • Essay on My Hobby
  • Essay on My Dream
  • Speech on A Journey by Train
  • Essay on A Journey by Train

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