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Puglia Maps and Travel Guide

Explore the heel of italy's boot.

What is there to see and do in Puglia? No single web page can cover it all, but our maps and travel guide will give you lots to think about.

Puglia, or Apulia, is the least mountainous region of Italy. It's got everything tourists might want: the flat lands are perfect for biking or walking, the warm, dry climate makes the season a long one, and the miles of Adriatic and Ionian coastline beg for swimmers and holiday makers.

Puglia is rich in cultural layers laid down by passers-by through the centuries. First the tribal Messpii speaking Messapian, then Mycenaean Greeks. Ancient Greeks arrived by the 8th century BC around Taranto, and there still exists a cluster of small towns in southern Puglia called the Grecia Salentina in which a dialect of Greek is spoken and still taught in schools.

The ancient Romans trumped them all, of course, and soon were building roads in the area, like the Via Traiana , a coastal alternative to the Via Appia built by Emperor Trajan in 109 AD.

Suffice it to say there are plenty of archaeological remains around for the budding archaeologist to visit, especially those interested in the cultural layers of a long-inhabited place.

But let's stop here and get our bearings. We'll start with the provinces.

Map: Puglia Provinces and historic areas

puglia provinces, puglia regions map

As you can see, the five provinces are based around the major cities of Puglia, Foggia, Bari, Taranto, Brindisi, and Lecce . Bari is considered the capital of Puglia itself. There are two other marks on the map, purplish blobs marking the Foresta Umbra , a high forest in the spur of the boot called the Gargano promontory, for which we've prepared a touristic itinerary: Gargano Itinerary .

North of the Taranto label is that area marked by the circular dwellings called Trulli centered on the town of Alberobello . The town's popularity with tourists has led to an evolution of its cuisine, which you can read about: In Alberobello, Cucina Povera gets an upgrade .

No doubt you've heard of towns like Alberobello in the province of Bari, famous for its trulli, many of which are still occupied today. The Trulli make up a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Salento Peninsula is the southeastern part of Puglia, taking in the Lecce province as well as much of the Brindisi and Taranto provinces.

Map: Cities and Attractions in Puglia

Click or tap the markers on the map below to show descriptions and links to content on the city or place. You'll find many of our discoveries on this map, from hidden monasteries to extraordinary cities and attractions.

The map is not a comprehensive guide to every attraction in Puglia; it's what we've found interesting over the years we've traveled in the region. Explore the possibilities--there are too many to be crammed into a map of this size.

Unique Attractions in Puglia

Trabucchi are fishing machines set out on promontories. A series of nets set with long poles made of the local Aleppo pine can be manipulated to catch fish feeding in the area. The idea is believed to have originated with the Phoenicians, making fishing safer than doing it from small, primitive boats.

The family-run trabucchi are no longer as profitable as they once were; modern fishing boats scour the sea and relieve it of its inner life much more efficiently. Today the trabucchi are protected as historical monuments. They still catch fish, and the families often run restaurants on the premises. If you like fish, don't miss the experience. You won't likely eat fish fresher then you'll get at lunch on a trabucco. See: Il Trabucco di Monte Pucci - Where to Eat Fish in the Gargano .

Abbeys and Monasteries tucked away in hidden spaces reflecting Greek and Byzantine spirituality are another rather unique characteristic of Puglia. Abbazia Santa Maria di Pulsano was founded in the 6th century and destroyed in 952 by the Saracens, but rose again and again to become one of the most powerful monasteries in Italy.

Many have heard of the Sassi, the cave dwellings of Matera in the region of Basilicata, but may not know that the architecture isn't limited to Matera or Basilicata. Cave churches are a feature of the delightful town of Gravina in Puglia , which is a half hour drive or bus ride from Matera and a twenty minute drive or bus ride from Altamura, where Italy's only DOP bread hails from. You will eat well for little in Gravina, which makes a fine base in Bari Province from which to explore these compelling tourist destinations.

A little further south we'll find a special dance of the Salento, the Pizzica Salentina , which is a special subset of the tarantella dances of the south and especially Sicily.

Altopiano delle Murge is the name of the Murge plateau, called la murgia or merge , which takes in the cities we've just mentioned, Gravina, Altamura, and the Castello de Monte. In the space bounded by these cities is the higher or Alta Murgia, which, since 2004 has been made into the  National Park of Alta Murgia . Dinosaur fossils dated from between 70 and 80 million years ago have been found here. 

The Alta Murgia Tourist Card gives you 72 hours of access to some of the attractions within the national park.

With it, you can walk through caves that have been inhabited for centuries at the Cavato San Marco ethnological and underground museum and admire a rosette wooden ceiling in the Chiesa, Convento e Chiostro di Santa Sofia. You can even go beneath Gravina and see its ancient, subterranean grid. Top it off with a regional delight by having a free coffee in the lovely town of Gravina in Puglia.

caciocavalo cheese picture

Caciocavallo Cheese

There are also some unique places to stay in Puglia , from the sometimes fortified family farms called Masserie , many of which have been restored into fine places to stay,to the humble domed dwellings called Trulli found around Alberobello.

In place of what you might call a "villa" in Tuscany, Puglia offers the Country House . Owners have restored large estates to be elegant once again, this time with the kinds of bathrooms folks expect.

All of these lodging options give you a chance to be part of the Puglian social environment, which you'll find to be friendly and open. While you might choose a hotel in a city, the rural side of Puglia should not be missed. Check below for our specific lodging recommendations for Puglia.

A Roman Itinerary in Puglia

Hop in your car and rumble down the Via Traiana , an alternative to the Via Appia built by Emperor Trajan in 109 AD.

Puglia in Pictures

If you're one to select your destinations by visual means, this Pinterest page might be of interest to you. Here's a sample of our favorite places to go in Puglia: Puglia Destinations .

Weather and Climate

Puglia's Mediterranean climate means that spring comes early--and the wildflowers in April can be stunning. By the beginning of May, the weather is starting to become warm enough for you to feel comfortable in short sleeves in the day time.

Don't entirely shun "bad" weather. Sometimes the rain clears and amazing things happen to the light .

Summers are warm, but not blistering hot. And all that beach access and the warmth of the water makes summer a decent time to come to Puglia. Mild winters with a little rain round out the package. To see how this all fits together, see our pages on the top destinations in Puglia:

Lecce Climate and Weather Foggia Climate and Weather Bari Climate and Weather

Just in case you don't know which season to travel in, here's an argument for springtime: The wildflowers can be spectacular, expecially after a wet winter.

Cuisine - cucina pugliese

Puglia is a rugged agricultural region. Sure, there's lots of coastline and you know the seafood is good and plentiful. But if you want citrus fruits and vegetables, Puglia is also where you must come. The sun is kind to things we like to eat: tomatoes, artichokes, fava beans, arugula, zucchini, beans, fennel, peppers, onions, and table grapes are all produced in abundance here. Agrumi , citrus fruit, was once a huge industry, especially around the Gargano peninsula; the climate there allows for two harvests every year.

 grumi for sale, citrus fruits

Agrumi for sale

Oranges can show up on a plate in unexpected ways, as in a salad that consisted of anchovies, olive oil, pepper and orange slices. And you want different? Then you must try Lampascioni -- pickled wild hyancinth bulbs that were once the food of the very poor, who foraged for them. Now trendy and sold in markets, the bitter taste isn't to many American's liking--but I think they're one of the most perfect "appetizer" foods ever.

Puglia is sheep territory. You'll find fantastic sheep cheeses. You'll find an exception to sheep dominance on the Gargano peninsula in the local Podolica cattle, sturdy beasts which can graze on shrubs, stubbles and thickets and withstand a harsh climate to give a very rich milk used to produce the region's classic caciocavallo cheese. The cheese has only a small relation to the cavallo (horse) in its name, pairs of cheese are strung with a rope making it easy to transport; the name refers to saddlebags.

The pasta shape you'll encounter most often is orecchiette , little ears produced by hand from hard wheat and water. Eggs were a luxury, so the cucina povera has come to prefer an eggless but easily handmade pasta.

Puglia has some of the best bread in Italy. It's the thing I miss most when I'm away. Italy's only DOP bread is found in Altamura, marked on the map.

The cured meat that amazed me in Puglia was the Valle d'Itria product called Cappocollo di Martina Franca. It melts on your tongue. Meat lovers, don't miss it.

Need rustic and stick to your rib goodness? When you're in a restaurant that serves traditional food, try the dish called Fave e Cicoria , fava beans and potatoes boiled together, then whipped with olive oil and served with bitter greens.

bread making puglia

Vegetables and oil? No. Bread!

There is, of course olive oil and wine , now celebrated for their quality. It wasn't always like this. Twenty five years or so ago we did a very extensive archaeological survey of the Salento, and beneath the olive trees we came across, the ground was usually raked like a Zen garden. The olive harvest procedure was this: olives would simply fall off the tree and get scooped up once in a while. While this production method was easy, the contact with the ground not only bruised the olives but began to ferment them, producing an inferior oil. Recently the production methods have been modernized and now the olives are shaken off the trees into nets and immediately put in boxes bound for the press. It's great oil, some of the best in Italy. If you're used to "extra virgin" olive oil from a US supermarket, you're in for a real surprise.

The wine, likewise, was inferior in those days . Puglia produced a deeply-colored, and rather harsh, high-alcohol wine the people up north used for blending, especially in years when their own grapes had trouble ripening. Today the Salento produces one of my favorite wines, Primitivo di Manduria . If you visit the town of Manduria, be sure to visit the little wine museum. If you are lucky enough to be staying a while, you can buy bulk wine from pumps by the liter. Then head over to the compact Archaeological Museum and ring the bell to see if they will let you in.

The picture on the left above shows a specialty bread being made with dough, olive oil, and whatever vegetables are in season. It's a favorite of everyone who takes a cooking class at Masseria Provenzani just north of Lecce .

Puglia, like other regions of Italy, has many festivals and musical events. Puglia has a fantastic site for you to check what events might be on when you're in Puglia: Puglia events.it .

Just in case they missed some, it's best to ask at your hotel or place of lodging--or a barista.

Tours of Puglia and the South of Italy

If Puglia is unfamiliar with you and you'd like to have it planned by someone else, we have some recommended tours with rate well and take you to interesting parts of the south. 

From the Amalfi Coast to Puglia: the Complete Southern Italy Tour takes you to the extremely popular Amalfi Coast to the Puglia region, where you might slice through the Itria Valley by e-bike or chow down on some street food in Naples, a culinary wonderland. 

A cycling tour of Puglia is ideal for the lazy ones like me who don't care for zipping up mountain passes. Puglia is mostly flat, so physical labor isn't the big selling point. Cyclists may prefer a Self-Guided / Independent Tour, and this one, Cycling Puglia (8 Days) , earns a 4.9 out of ten rating. 

Getting to Puglia

There are two major airports in Puglia, Brindisi and Bari, with Bari having the largest airport as well as being the more intersting destination. There are no flights to Bari from the US, but you can fly while you're within Italy. See the booking box below to check prices on flights to Bari.

Rail Travel

The Foggia to Lecce rail line (see our Puglia Rail Map ) gets you from north to south in Puglia in 2 1/2 to three hours, depening upon the speed of the train. It costs about 10 euro to ride. There are many compelling coastal cities to stop at along the route. There are some private rail lines in operation in Puglia like the Ferrovie Sud Est, which serves small towns on the peninsula and has a station in Lecce.

You can check all the options on getting around Puglia by using the box below and entering a start and end point. It will give you rail, airline, bus and even carpool information in return--and you can buy tickets if you like them in advance.

Where to Stay

We like the idea of staying in a Masseria. Some are working farms, others are totally made for lodging like a hotel or B&B. We have a couple of suggestions on our Recommended self-catering page .

Tenuta del Barco is a masseria with a Chef, and if you like good food you might like a small apartment there. There is a new winery on the premises, and wineries take some serious water to run, especially at harvest time and the owner has come up with a very ingenious way to filter the rain water collected from the roof and parking lot of the winery--using papyrus. See: Water into Wine - Ancient Egyptian Solutions to Puglia's Water Problem .

tourist map of puglia italy

If you'd like to live like an Italian, even if only for a few days, Pizzicato Eco B&B in Vico del Gargano , is a fine choice. The mastermind behind the operation is Giuseppe Romondia, who speaks English fluently and will attend quite nicely to your needs. The idea is a sort of "holiday vacation homes and apartments diffuso ," places to stay spread out over the city and centered around the best bar in Puglia, the Pizzicato. The "Eco" in the name refers to the biological produce produced by the family farm, which isn't too far from Vico's public beach. Highly recommended.

Masseria Posta Santa Croce is a perfect place to stay for those of you interested in cooking, visiting nearby Castel del Monte , or looking for a rural paradise with easy access to the sea. The kitchen comes equipped with food for a first night traditional dinner if you've arrived late and just need something to eat and a little local wine.

An interesting lodging choice in a trullo comes from Trullo Cicerone . The hosts seem to be quite interesting people; she is an archaeologist who cooks ancient Roman cuisine and her husband is a former photographer. You can stay in a yurt in the summer.

Planning a Trip?

Here are some travel planning tools that are especially useful if you're planning your first or second trip to Italy.

  • Travel Planning Timeline : Learn what you need to plan when.
  • What Will an Italy Vacation Cost? : Tools for budgeting your Italian vacation.
  • Unplanned Attractions : Save time for the good life in Italy.

Puglia Travel Planning Guide and Maps

tourist map of puglia italy

Once an out-of-the-way and little-visited region, Puglia has become one of Italy's hottest destinations. It may surprise you to know that much of Italy's wine is produced this far south, much of it used for export and blending. Lots of olive oil is produced in Puglia as well.

Puglia may also surprise you with its wealth of archaeological sites, as well as the fine Baroque styles represented in Lecce's architecture and the interesting conical houses called trulli around Alberobello. Puglia is worth a couple of weeks of slow travel, and there's lots of coastline to explore.

Puglia is a fascinating region to visit, from the Gargano Promontory to the Trulli fanciful world of Alberobello, where you can rent a trullo  for your vacation.

Puglia Cities to Visit

In the Gargano, visit the old cities of Monte Sant'Angelo, Lucera, Manfredonia, and San Severo, and the Padre Pio sanctuary of San Giovanni Rotondo . Vieste is near to the Foresta Umbra national park and is the holiday capital of the Gargano.

Trani, along the coast, features an old settlement right around the harbor with a seafront cathedral dedicated to San Nicola Pellegrino. Several 18th-century palaces, like the Caccetta, the Quercia and the Bianchi give you a good idea of Puglia's Romanesque period. The Swabian castle of Trani was built by Federico II between 1223 and 1249 and was up to recently used as a prison.

Bari is a port city with an interesting old center. You can get a ferry to Greece from Bari.

You can also get ferries from Brindisi, but it's a less interesting town.

Trulli country starts in Alberobello, where there are more than 1500 of the quirky conical houses. You can stay in a trulli hotel, or rent a trullo house for a week to get the feel for this interesting part of Puglia. Locorotundo and Martina Franca are also interesting cities to visit.

Lecce is blessed with a soft limestone so easy to work that Lecce became the center for ornate architectural ornamentation, called the barocco leccese , or Leccese Baroque. Lecce is a great town to walk around in, and it has several fine restaurants.

On the Salento Peninsula , the fishing village of Gallipoli has a nice port area and interesting historic center. Another nice seaside town is Otranto, known for its beautiful coast. Otranto was an important center of the Byzantine dominion in Italy and had a Greek bishop. A visit to its duomo is a must.

Santa Maria di Leuca is the southernmost town on the heel of Italy, where you might want to visit il Ciolo , a deep canyon carved by the sea.

If you have time, you can also visit the Basilicata town of Matera , the filming site of "The Passion of the Christ." If you go in early July, be sure to catch the Festa della Madonna Bruna.

Find out more about what to see in Top Places to Go in Puglia .

The Geography of Puglia

Map of Puglia Mountain High Maps, Modified by James Martin

Most of Puglia is composed of relatively flat plains or small, flat-topped hills like you'll find in the murge Salentino , found from the area just northeast of Gallipoli to the point at the end of the peninsula.

The largest portion of Puglia's protected area is found in the center of the Gargano Penninsula, most of which is made up of the Parco Nationale del Gargano as well as the Foresta Umbra , a UNESCO World Heritage site. Protected areas like these form 6.7% of Puglia's total land mass of 19,362 square kilometers.

Puglia's population is just under 4 million people. Puglia's administrative center is Bari, which has a very interesting central core consisting of narrow, winding streets and alleyways.

Ferries to Greece depart from Bari and Brindisi.

Find Train Travel Times, Rail Information, and Driving Times

James Martin, Europe Travel

Getting around Puglia is fairly easy. There are lots of options, from driving your rental car to rail and bus transportation.

This Puglia Train Travel Times Map shows times for some typical rail journeys around Puglia. The lines in red represent the faster and more expensive Eurostar Italia trains.

For comparison with driving times, the distance between Foggia and Bari is about 120 kilometers. The Autostrada (Italy's fast toll road) route between these two cities could be managed at a top speed of 130 km/hour. Allowing for stopping to pay tolls, this journey should take around an hour in a car, as it does on the Eurostar. The regular train takes 40 minutes longer because it stops at many smaller stations.

You can use the form on Trenitalia to check the schedules and times to cities in Puglia. A network of rail and bus transportation to towns within Puglia is quite extensive, and is run by a company called Ferrovie Sud Est , which offers maps of their bus and train routes (click on "territorio" to see the train line map, then click "cartina autobus" to see the bus map).

Should you drive or take a train in Puglia? Well, personal preference plays a part, but there is a lot to see in Puglia's countryside that might only be accessible by car. That said, rail travel in Italy is fairly inexpensive, and if you're doing a solo trip you'll save money on travel and you'll not have to deal with navigating. Your choice.

The distance between Naples and Bari, taking the A16 to A14 Autostradas, is 261 km, a two-hour drive if all goes perfectly, at the speed limit of 130km/hr. Driving from Rome, it's about a 5-hour trip.

Top Places to Go in Puglia, Southern Italy

Travel Guide to Gallipoli, Puglia

Explore Italy's Adriatic Coast

Salento, Italy: Planning Your Trip

Gargano Travel Guide

How to Travel from Rome to Padre Pio Shrine by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

Bari: Planning Your Trip

Matera Travel Guide

How to Save Money on Your Italian Vacation

Italy Guide: Planning Your Trip

Molise Map and Travel Guide

The Top 23 Things to Do in Italy

Italy UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Southern Italy

Lecce Travel Guide

How to Travel From Amsterdam to Maastricht by Train, Bus, and Car

The Most Romantic Places in Italy

tourist map of puglia italy



tourist map of puglia italy

BLOG , Destinations , Europe , Italy , PUGLIA · September 13, 2023

  • The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia (MAP Included)

This post is also available in: Nederlands

Are you looking for the very best places to visit during a holiday in Puglia, Italy? Then you’ve come to the right place!

If you’ve read other blog posts of mine you know that I am a very efficient traveler and that I love to see as many places as possible in the short time that I sometimes have to visit a region.

Puglia is located in the South of Italy , in its famous heel, and is a region that gets visited more often every single year. It became incredibly famous due to an Instagrammable restaurant in one of its towns. But save yourself a huge disappointment and a lot of money by skipping said place. 😉

Instead I will list our favorite places to eat or have an Aperol Spritz that we personally experienced.

In this article you’ll find the best places to visit in Puglia and some insider tips to help plan your holiday even better!


A small town located at the rocky shores of the sea in Puglia

The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia, Italy

Among the best places to visit in Puglia you’ll find all of what the region has to offer. From harbor towns next to the crystal clear turquoise water to rocky cliffs and hilltop towns.

It truly is no surprise that Puglia has become one of the trending destinations to visit in southern Italy . There are so many incredible places to visit and no matter what type of traveler you are, Puglia will have something for you.

Wether you’re a history buff who can’t get enough of visiting stunning churches or a bon vivant who loves to discover unique restaurants, this article will give you some incredible ideas to plan the perfect Puglia itinerary .

And as you might know I also don’t shy away from the truth. In this article you’ll find all of my brutally honest opinions . Even on places that everyone else gushes about online :p.

Charlotting sitting on a terrace in a small alley in Puglia, enjoying a glass of wine

The best time to visit Puglia

Considering a sun-soaked holiday in Puglia? Well, you’re in for a treat because the weather in this Italian gem is pretty mild almost all year round. In fact, there’s hardly a bad time to drop by!

Let’s break it down by seasons:

  • Summer (June to August) : These months are the hottest, with temperatures soaring up to 28°C in July and August. If you’re a sun worshipper, this is your time to bask on Puglia’s pristine beaches. The sea is invitingly warm, especially after soaking up the summer heat.
  • Autumn (September to November) : As summer crowds thin out, the landscape truly shines. September, in particular, is a special month. It’s harvest time, and one of the most cherished harvests is the Vendemmia, or grape harvest. The weather remains sunny and hot, beaches become less crowded, and the sea retains its warmth from the summer months.
  • Winter (December to February) : While the site didn’t provide specific details for winter, based on the temperature chart, it gets cooler with temperatures ranging from 12°C to 14°C. It’s a quieter time to visit, perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle.
  • Spring (March to May) : As winter fades away, Puglia welcomes spring with open arms, and the region starts to bask in warm and sunny weather. Temperatures usually hover around 18 – 20°C, making it a delightful time for outdoor activities. Imagine hiking through the picturesque Pugliese landscapes or leisurely strolling through charming towns like Alberobello, Ostuni, or Lecce.

So, whether you’re planning to indulge in Puglia’s rich history, its mouth-watering cuisine, or simply want to relax by the sea, there’s a perfect season waiting for you!

How to get around in Puglia

The best way to get around Puglia is to simply rent a car .

🚘 I always use SunnyCars when booking a rental car cause their company policy makes me feel the most at ease.

There’s never any hidden costs with them and free cancellation up to 1 hour before rental start . Their price is transparent and everything is included. So no worries about any extra costs when you pick up your rental. You won’t need any extra insurance cause its all covered in the original price.

💡 TIP – The following parking rules in Italy are a must to know if you don’t want to risk getting fined:

  • Blue lines – You can park your car here but need to pay.
  • White lines – Free parking where you’re allowed to park.
  • Yellow lines – Only locals can park here.


A local working on his blue car in front of a brick building having multiple balconies

How to reach Puglia

The most straightforward way to reach Puglia is by air.

You can fly directly into the region’s popular airports: Bari International Airport (BRI) or Salento Airport in Brindisi (BDS ). These might be considered “minor international” airports, but they’re well-connected, especially from major international airports in the U.S and Europe.

Depending on where you’re headed in Puglia, choose your airport wisely. For instance, if you’re eyeing towns like Polignano a Mare, Monopoli, or Alberobello, Bari might be your best bet. But if you’re leaning towards the southern charm of Lecce, Brindisi is the way to go.

Where to stay in Puglia as a base

We stayed in the beautiful town of Monopoli and we would make the same decision all over. It’s the perfect place to stay when visiting other places in Puglia . In the early morning you can wander through the beautiful streets and in the evening the centro storico comes alive and you’ll be in for a gastronomical treat.

🏨 We stayed at a unique boutique hotel called  Le Contrade di San Salvatore . We loved its location right by the waterfront and that it was situated in the heart of the centro storico and only 5 minutes walking from a public parking.

Other hotels you might like in Monopoli:

  • Borgo Albergo 35 Relax & Spa : Built in an ancient building these rooms offer a unique and romantic experience.
  • Al Chiasso 12  – Another beautiful gem to stay in the heart of Monopoli.

Charlotte surrounded by typical local buildings and standing in front of a round arch

Is Puglia worth visiting?

Puglia, located in Italy, is a treasure trove for anyone who adores everything Italian . Imagine wandering through ancient towns with rich histories, marveling at the grandeur of extravagant churches, and getting lost in vast seas of olive trees.

Not to mention, the region boasts olive-green seas that are as captivating as they sound. And if you’re a foodie, Puglia promises culinary delights that can rival any other region in Italy .

From mysterious geometric castles like Castel del Monte to unique cathedrals and mesmerizing limestone caves, there’s no shortage of attractions to explore. So, if you’re craving an authentic Italian experience, Puglia should definitely be on your list! 🇮🇹🍝🌊

tourist map of puglia italy

Where to go in Puglia

1. monopoli – one of the best places to see in puglia.

The picturesque town of Monopoli is the perfect place to base yourself when visiting Puglia.

This beautiful town by the sea has the perfect size to stroll around for a couple of hours and has some incredible hidden gems when it comes to restaurants and hotels .

The town of Monopoli is less known among tourists and I honestly have no idea why. It definitely was one of my favorite places to visit in Puglia.

Its centro storico consists of the typical maze of narrow streets that make walking around so special. You’ll come across picturesque squares, ornate churches and one inviting terrace after another.

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Stroll Through the Old Town : Cobbled streets, quaint piazzas, and whitewashed buildings await you. Don’t forget to join a walking tour to uncover the city’s secrets !
  • Indulge in Local Delicacies : From fresh seafood to traditional Puglian dishes, there’s something for every palate. And oh, the gelato at Gasperini is a must-try!
  • Visit Castello Carlo V : This 16th-century castle, once a jail and fortress, now stands as a museum offering panoramic views of the city and the sea.
  • Beach Time : Relax at Cala Pora Vecchia or explore other beautiful sandy beaches like Porto Rosso and Cala Cozze.
  • Marvel at Cattedrale Maria Santissima della Madia : A stunning 12th-century cathedral with a fascinating history and breathtaking interiors.
  • Hang Out at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II : A lively square surrounded by cafes and shops, perfect for some people-watching.

💡 TIP – Have dinner at La Locanda sul Porto and order their Locanda Mixed Appetizers. You’ll thank me later!

🚘 PARKING – Park you car here and you’ll only be 5 minutes walking from the centro storico.


Charlotte standing under hung hats in different colors as red, green and yellow in a white alley in Monopoli in the region of Puglia

2. San Vito

San Vito is still a hidden gem in Puglia Italy and only 20 minutes driving from Monopoli.

San Vito is a romantic natural port where you’ll have a stunning view of the imposing Benedictine abbey.

The picturesque and colorful fisherman boats only add to the dramatic flair. San Vito was one of my favorite discoveries and since it’s very small you’ll only need a couple of minutes to take it all in.

🚘 PARKING – There are free parking spots when you drive down the road to San Vito.

Charlotte sitting on a concrete wall next to the water on which some small boats are stationed, with the beautiful church in the background

3. Polignano a Mare – The most overrated place to visit in Puglia

Polignano a Mare is at the top of everyone’s list when visiting Puglia but I honestly didn’t get the hype . The entire town felt overly touristic and a lot of construction was going on all over the place.

When it comes to restaurants or bars I don’t really have a recommendation here. We only had 1 Aperol Spritz and then drove off to the next place to end the day on a more positive note.

Polignano a Mare became especially famous because of Grotta Palazzese , a restaurant built inside a cave. But do yourself a favor and don’t waste your money here. Their menu is as expensive as a Michelin restaurant but the food has become terrible ever since a new chef took over .

Polignano a Mare does however come with one of the best beaches in Puglia. Do know that during the summer months it can get very crowded.

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Lama Monachile Beach : Dive into the crystal-clear waters of this iconic beach, nestled between dramatic cliffs. It’s the perfect spot for sunbathing and taking in the breathtaking views.
  • Stroll Through the Old Town : Wander through the narrow alleys of Polignano’s historic center, where charming white-washed buildings and quaint piazzas await.
  • Visit the Statue of Domenico Modugno : Pay homage to the famous Italian singer and songwriter, best known for his hit “Volare,” with a statue overlooking the sea.
  • Polignano a Mare Artisanal Shops : Shop for unique souvenirs, from handmade ceramics to local delicacies.
  • Boat Tours : Explore the stunning coastline, caves, and grottoes with a guided boat tour.
  • Museum Pino Pascali : Dive into the world of contemporary art at this museum dedicated to the famous artist Pino Pascali.

🚘 PARKING – We parked our car right outside of the town at a free public parking .

View taken under a round arch of tourists in an alley of the town Polignano a Mare, standing next to a typical building with several arches and beautiful balconies

4. Locorotondo – One of the best cities to visit in Puglia

The Valle d’Itria offers countless places to explore in Puglia. One of them is the beautiful town of Locorotondo. Known for being among the “ Borghi più belli d’Italia ” (which means one of the most beautiful villages in Italy), it definitely is one of the best places to visit in Puglia.

The Valle d’Itria is a stunning green expanse of countryside, far away from the aquamarine waters of the Mediterranean and the cute seaside towns.

The centro storico of Locorotondo, don’t you just love how that flows from your lips, can be found on top of the hill. It’s the epitome of a picturesque Italian town with narrow streets that you can get lost in for hours .

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Wander the Circular Old Town : Explore the maze-like streets of Locorotondo’s historic center, characterized by its unique circular layout and whitewashed houses.
  • Visit the Church of St. George : A beautiful church with a stunning facade and intricate interiors, showcasing the town’s rich religious heritage.
  • Sip on Locorotondo DOC Wines : The region is renowned for its crisp white wines. Don’t miss out on a wine tasting session at one of the local wineries.
  • Visit the Museo del Territorio : Dive into the town’s history and culture at this local museum.
  • Attend the Carnival of Locorotondo : If you’re visiting in February, experience the vibrant carnival celebrations, complete with colorful costumes and parades.
  • Relax in Villa Comunale : A serene park perfect for a leisurely stroll or a relaxing afternoon.

💡 TIP – Do a wine tasting at Vini & Affini or simply sit down on their terrace and enjoy a glass of red wine.

💡 TIP – One of the most beautiful viewpoints over Locorotondo can be found near the Cappella Votiva – Contrada Cerrosa

🚘 PARKING – We parked our rental car in one of the main streets of Locorotondo .

Charlotte standing in a colorful alley, consisting of typical balconies and lanterns and the clock and bell tower at the end of it

5. Martina Franca – A hidden gem to visit in Puglia

Martina Franca is another hidden gem in Puglia . Here you’ll find the whitewashed alleys, laundry drying in the breeze, cats napping in sun-drenched streets and the chatter of TVs and families reaching you from the open windows of the local homes.

But you’ll also find outstanding Baroque Architecture (Barocco Martinese) and lovely restaurants and wine bars. This style is somewhat reminiscent of the baroque of Val di Noto in Sicily and has elaborate church facades in light-colored stone.

The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia, Italy


  • Visit Palazzo Ducale : This grand baroque palace, built in 1668, has served various purposes over the years. Today, it stands as a testament to Martina Franca’s rich history and architectural prowess.
  • Stroll Through the Historic Center : Wander through the town’s maze of narrow streets, discovering hidden courtyards, baroque balconies, and ornate churches.
  • Basilica di San Martino : Marvel at this stunning basilica, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, with its intricate facades and opulent interiors.
  • Relax in Piazza Roma : This central square, surrounded by historic buildings, is the perfect spot to relax, people-watch, and soak in the town’s ambiance.
  • Visit the Church of San Domenico : Another architectural gem, this church boasts a beautiful rose window and a richly decorated interior.

💡 TIP – Grab a drink at one of the bars on the Piazza Roma. It’s the perfect place for some people watching and to try some of the local wines.

🚘 PARKING – There’s a lot of hustle and bustle going on around the centro storico of Martina Franca. We got a little lucky here and found a parking spot after driving around for a little while. You’ll notice that a lot of Italians truly don’t give a damn when parking their car .

The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia, Italy

6. Cisternino

Cisternino is one of the smaller towns in Puglia and just like its sister towns it boasts a small, utterly charming old town centre that has remained virtually intact for centuries.

The historic center is a fascinating example of spontaneous architecture , where you will find wonderful  trulli  perfectly preserved and historical palaces, such as the palace of the Governor, the Episcopal Palace, the Capece tower.

🚘 PARKING – The centro storico is pretty much surrounded by streets where you can park your car. Just make sure you only park within the blue or white lines.

tourist map of puglia italy

7. Ostuni – One of the best towns to visit in Puglia Italy

The city of Ostuni can be spotted from far away. Towering over the Valle d’Itria it is known as the ‘ White City’  (La Città Bianca in Italian )  thanks to the white painted old town which crowns the very top of the city.

Ostuni is most famous for its white painted old town which forms a maze of cobbled streets and narrow staircases .

A wander through Ostuni can feel reminiscent of a stroll through a Greek island settlement and this is no coincidence. In times gone by, Apulia was greatly influenced by Ancient Greek culture and the vestiges of this can still be felt to this day.

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Museo di Civiltà Preclassiche della Murgia : Located in the Convento delle Monacelle, this museum is home to Delia, a 25,000-year-old expectant mother. It’s a fascinating glimpse into ancient history and the lives of our distant ancestors.
  • Cathedral : Ostuni’s dramatic 15th-century cathedral is a marvel of architecture, blending Gothic, Romanesque, and Byzantine styles. Its facade, adorned with intricate details, is a sight to behold.
  • Visit the City Walls and Gates : Explore the remnants of Ostuni’s defensive walls and the historic gates that once protected this hilltop gem.
  • Enjoy the Panoramic Views : Being a hilltop town, Ostuni offers breathtaking views of the surrounding olive groves, the Adriatic Sea, and the Itria Valley.

💡 TIP – Grab an Aperol Spritz and charcuterie board at Borgo Antico to enjoy one of the best views from Ostuni.

🚘 PARKING – There’s a decent parking lot at via Specchia .

tourist map of puglia italy

8. Alberobello – The most touristic place to visit in Puglia

Alberobello is known as Puglia’s trulli town. But one thing you really have to know before your visit is that the trulli are very concentrated and only make up a very small part of the city. For the biggest part you’ll be driving through a very old and more industrial looking part of Puglia.

But these clustered conical-roofed whitewashed structures are an icon of the region and they’re also what drew me into this region as well at first.

But I will warn you. There’s only one way to have a nice experience here and that is to come super early in the morning . This is the only way that you’ll avoid the 1000’s of tourists that visit this small town every single day.

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Trullo Sovrano : Dive into history at Alberobello’s only two-floor trullo. Dating back to the early 17th century, this unique structure was built by a wealthy priest’s family and now serves as a small museum.
  • Rione Aia Piccola : Wander through this neighborhood on the eastern side of Via Indipendenza. With over 400 trulli, many of which are still inhabited, it offers a more authentic and less commercialized experience compared to other parts of the town.
  • Rione Monti : Explore this old town quarter where more than 1000 trulli cascade down the hillside. While many have been transformed into souvenir shops, the charm and architectural wonder of the area remain intact.
  • Photography Walk : The town, with its white-washed trulli and cobblestone streets, is a photographer’s dream. Capture the essence of Alberobello as you meander through its lanes.
  • Guided Tours : Consider joining a guided tour to delve deeper into the history, architecture, and stories of this unique town.

💡 TIP – Across from the trulli located in the Rione Monti you’ll find a great vantage point that offers a view over the entire Trulli village.

💡 TIP – Head across to the Rione Aia Piccola district , which has 500 or so trulli and is less commercialized. Here you’ll catch a glimpse of how the locals actually live inside these gnome-like homes and you’ll get a taste of what this place used to be like before it got swarmed with tourists.

🚘 PARKING – There are plenty of parking lots where you can leave your rental car.

The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia, Italy

9. Gravina in Puglia – One of the top places to visit in Puglia

Gravina in Puglia is one of those places in Apulia that always gets overlooked! But that might change soon since it just got featured in the latest James Bond movie ‘No time to die’.

Often called the smaller Matera, Gravina in Puglia is also made up of ravines and cliffside built homes.

The town’s most famous attraction is its  bridge . It was built in the 17th century, was then destroyed by an earthquake in 1722, and was later restored and repurposed as an aquaduct by the Orsini’s, a powerful family from Rome.

🚘 PARKING – You’ll have to park your car in one of the streets leading up to the bridge.

tourist map of puglia italy

10. Matera – One of the most beautiful places in Puglia

Okay, okay, I know. Matera technically isn’t located in Puglia, but right across its border in Basilicata . But most people who visit Puglia will also go on a day trip to Matera. And rightfully so!

Matera is one of those places that’s so gorgeous and totally unique and definitely fits the list of one of the most beautiful places to visit in Italy .

There’s a ton of things to do in Matera but make sure that you have plenty of time to walk around the old part , the sassi of Matera. Make sure you’re wearing proper shoes cause you’ll be doing a lot of stairs and the old cobblestones are very slippery.

tourist map of puglia italy


  • Chiesa San Pietro Barisano : Delve into history at this church, which dates back to the 12th century and stands as one of Matera’s most significant rupestrian churches.
  • Palombaro Lungo : Marvel at this colossal cistern, reminiscent of a subterranean cathedral, lying beneath the city’s main square.
  • Casa Noha : Begin your exploration of the sassi with this immersive 25-minute multimedia exhibit, set within a 16th-century home.
  • Chiesa di Madonna delle Virtù & Chiesa di San Nicola del Greci : Explore this monastic complex, one of Matera’s most iconic monuments, carved into the tufa limestone.
  • Belvedere : Capture the perfect photograph of the sassi from this vantage point, offering unparalleled views of the city.
  • Cathedral : Visit the 13th-century Pugliese-Romanesque cathedral, perched high between the two natural bowls of the sassi.
  • Casa-Grotta di Vico Solitario : Step back in time with a visit to this historic sasso, offering a glimpse into old Matera’s way of life.

💡 TIP – The sunset in Matera is exceptional, make sure to stick around for it if you’re visiting Matera on. a day trip.

💡 TIP – Grab dinner at Le Bubbole and have afternoon drinks at M.B .

🚘 PARKING – There’s a guarded parking at Via Lucana and it’s only 2 minutes walking until you reach the sassi of Matera.


The 11 Very Best Places To Visit In Puglia, Italy

11. Bari – One of the best places to go in Puglia

Bari is the capital city of Puglia region and a charming Italian port city. But if you don’t have enough time to add one more place to your itinerary, this is the one I would skip. Although its centro storico is beautiful it can also get very crowded during the day. Especially since the town of Bari is a stopping port for a lot of cruise ships.

💡 TIP – Grab lunch at Ristorante Del Centro , far away from all the tourist traps and where all of the locals go.

🚘 PARKING – Try to park in the area of the above mentioned restaurant. From there its only 10 minutes walking until you reach Bari Vecchia .

tourist map of puglia italy

My favorite places in Puglia

It took around 5 days to visit all of the above places but you can easily spend more time in this wonderful region in southern Italy. Or maybe add a visit to some other regions in Italy to your itinerary such as the Amalfi Coast, Tuscany or Umbria?

Below you can find a list of my favorite places in Puglia:

  • Locorotondo

Map of the best places to visit in Puglia

🗺️  How to Use This Map:  Click the icons on the map to get more information about each point of interest. Click the star next to the title of the map to add this map to your Google Maps account. To view it on your phone or computer, open Google Maps, click the menu button, go to “Your Places,” click Maps, and you will see this map on your list.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is puglia famous for.

Puglia, a region located in southern Italy, is famous for its stunning coastline, rich history, and unique cuisine. Known as the “heel of Italy’s boot,” Puglia boasts beautiful sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque towns like Polignano a Mare and Ostuni. With a history dating back thousands of years , the region is home to numerous archaeological sites and ancient landmarks, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Alberobello’s trulli houses . Additionally, Puglia is renowned for its delectable cuisine, which includes dishes like orecchiette pasta, seafood specialties, and a variety of olive oil, as the region is one of Italy’s largest producers.

How many days do you need in Puglia?

If you’re planning a trip to Puglia, Italy, the number of days you need depends on your interests and itinerary. To fully explore the region’s charming towns, stunning beaches, and indulge in its culinary delights, a minimum of 5-7 days is recommended. However, if you have limited time, 3-4 days may suffice to experience some of Puglia’s highlights.

What is the prettiest seaside town in Puglia?

Oh, Monopoli! Nestled in the heart of Puglia, this seaside town is the epitome of Italian coastal charm. With its maze of cobbled streets winding through historic whitewashed buildings, the allure of its ancient harbor dotted with colorful fishing boats, and the sun-kissed beaches that seem to embrace the crystal-clear Adriatic waters, Monopoli effortlessly captures the essence of a Mediterranean dream.

📚 More articles about Puglia

  • Tips For Renting A Car & Driving In Puglia Italy
  • The Perfect Puglia Road Trip Itinerary – 5 Days In The South Of Italy
  • The 10 Very Best Things To Do In Monopoli, Italy
  • The 8 Very Best Cave Hotels In Matera

tourist map of puglia italy

All rights reserved © Charlies Wanderings. Republishing this article and/or any of its contents (text, photography, etc.), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.

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Charlotte Lint is the founder, main photographer and writer of Charlies Wanderings . She has traveled all over the world and is based in Belgium where she also owns her very own dental practice. She is an expert on writing insightful hiking guides and creating unique and efficient travel itineraries . Every month she helps over 134.000 people discover the most beautiful places in the world through her detailed travel guides.

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17 Best Places to Visit in Puglia, Italy

By Spencer Leasca · Last updated on May 4, 2024

The region of Puglia (also known as Apulia) is a hidden gem, which unlike much of the rest of Italy, does not suffer from mass tourism.

Located within the heel of Italy’s boot-shaped peninsula, it is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, charming towns, and gorgeous coastline. Offering visitors a unique, authentic and unforgettable travel experience that should not be missed.

Puglia has a wealth of fascinating UNESCO World Heritage sites throughout its towns and cities to explore. But its true beauty lies in its miles of sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters that define its seaside.

In this guide, we will highlight some of our favorite places to visit in Puglia. From stunning national parks to medieval castles, there is something for everyone in this wonderful part of Italy.

17. Nardò


A charming town located in the Salento region, we love its beautiful baroque architecture, which is best seen by wandering through the town’s narrow streets and alleyways.

Most of these buildings have ornate facades and balconies that are fascinating to observe. Each time we see them, we notice something different about their artistry, which compels us to look even closer!

One of the highlights of any visit to Nardò should be seeing the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta. The intricate details and stunning frescoes within these buildings are breathtaking, and you’ll be blown away by their incredible appearance. The vision, dedication and execution required to create such a masterpiece are something we find particularly inspiring.

For those who enjoy good Italian food, Nardò will not disappoint. The seafood at the cafes and restaurants is exceptional, and if you ever get the chance, we urge you to try the orecchiette with broccoli rabe. Your taste buds will thank you for it later!

16. Cisternino


Located in the heart of the Itria Valley, Cisternino is a beautiful town with a unique charm. The town is defined by its stunning whitewashed houses, impressive churches and stately central piazza. The latter of which showcases splendid panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from various lookout points.

From there, the sight of the conical white-tipped trulli roofs and rustic stone walls against the lush rolling hills and green fields is mesmeric. Be sure to view it at dusk, when the descending sun illuminates the scene with spectacular hues of orange, red and pink.

Its central piazza is also a good place for people-watching at this time, with many locals being on their evening passeggiata. The surrounding cafes, gelaterias, restaurants and bars also fill up with patrons to create an intoxicating atmosphere.

Elsewhere in town, there are several notable buildings you can visit. They include the Norman-Swabian tower, which dates to the 13th century and features a small statue of San Nicola on top of it.


Bari is a bustling port city that offers a more urban tourist experience than Brindisi or Lecce.

Located on the Adriatic Sea, one of the first things you will notice about it is that its boulevards are much grander than other parts of Puglia. They comprise colorful architecture and narrow alleys that mysteriously wind around blind corners, just waiting to be discovered.

Bari Vecchia, the historic old town, is an especially charming place. There you can visit the Basilica di San Nicola, a stunning church that houses the remains of Saint Nicholas – who, of course, was the inspiration for Santa Claus. Bari is also a good place to try street food, including panzerotti, a type of deep-fried dough filled with tomato and mozzarella, that is synonymous with the area.

For those wanting decent nightlife, the city also has some notable clubs to visit. Demode Club on Viale Dei Cedri is a popular place to dance to modern music. While we enjoyed a lovely evening of jazz at Noise, an intimate venue at Viale Salandra.

14. Gargano National Park

Gargano National Park

For those into gorgeous scenery, a visit to the stunning Gargano National Park is a must.

Situated on the Gargano Peninsula, it is an area renowned for its rugged and wild landscape, which is unlike anywhere else in Italy. To get there, we drove along winding roads surrounded by dense forests, rocky cliffs, and pristine beaches. In itself, this was a spectacular experience, and we found ourselves slowing down and stopping regularly to take in the magnificence of the scenery.

The park is famous for the Foresta Umbra, a dense forest of beech and oak that is the last remaining woodland of its type in Italy. When visiting the park we hiked through it, fascinated by its distinctive colors and unique composition.

We also ascended to Monte Calvo, the highest part of the Gargano Peninsula. From there, we took in spectacular views of the dazzling white limestone cliffs dropping dramatically into the sea.


We’ll wager Trani is somewhere you might never have heard of before. But if you go there, we guarantee you will never forget it!

Called ‘the Pearl of the Adriatic’, this delightful town comprises spectacular beaches, a charming city center, notable architecture and delicious seafood.

We loved visiting the Cathedral of San Nicola Pellegrino, a stunning example of Apulian Romanesque architecture that dates back to the 12th century. The narrow streets and captivating architecture of the Jewish Quarter are also fascinating areas to explore.

Additionally, we spent quite a bit of time admiring the yachts and fishing boats while walking around its harbor, as well as sunbathing on its golden beaches.

However, our abiding memory of Trani is the delicious red mullet and seabream we enjoyed, al fresco style, at one of the local harborside restaurants. With the sun setting and whilst drinking a glass of the region’s famous rosé wine, it was a splendid way to end our visit there.

12. Tremiti Islands

Tremiti Islands

On your trip to Puglia, we strongly recommend you visit the spectacular Tremiti Islands. Forming part of Gargano National Park, the Tremiti Islands are a small archipelago in the Adriatic Sea. In our opinion, they are home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Italy, and the water is crystal clear.

We swam in the warm sea for hours and lounged on the sandy beaches, which was the perfect way to relax after a couple of busy days sightseeing around Puglia.

The islands are noted spots for diving, which we will do next time we visit. One of them, San Nicola, is also home to a spectacular 11th-century abbey which features incredibly detailed and intricate mosaic flooring. Another, San Domino, is home to the Ripa dei Falconi, which is a breeding area for rare falcons.

11. Martina Franca

Martina Franca

Those who enjoy opera should head to the pretty town of Martina Franca during their summer visit. At this time (and every year since 1975), the town hosts a fantastic annual festival – Festival della Valle d’Itria – dedicated to this form of theater.

This huge event draws visitors from all over the world, so you will need to plan ahead. We attended a show and enjoyed the beautiful music, intoxicating atmosphere and impressive talent of the performers.

Even if you are not an opera fan, you should come here to see the Baroque architecture and winding streets that define the town. The 18th-century Basilica di San Martino, in particular, is a stunning example worth seeing.

10. Polignano a Mare

Polignano a Mare

Polignano a Mare is another town to get to if you can because it features one of the most unusual beaches in Puglia.

Situated on the southern Adriatic coast, the Lama Monachile consists of white pebbles, which creates an impressive appearance. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to walk barefoot on it due to its rough nature. But you can rent two sun beds and an umbrella and soak in its delightful ambience.

The historic center comprises very narrow alleyways, stunning churches, picturesque streets and photogenic buildings, which are interesting to explore. However, it does get very busy during the day, so we recommend doing this around 7 am when there are no crowds.

At Polignano a Mare, another popular thing to do is take a boat trip up and down its coastline. You will get a terrific vantage point of the city’s aesthetic. In addition, you will also stop at remote caves and swim in the stunning azure waters around them. Take it from us this is a magical experience!

9. Monopoli


Monopoli is another lovely town on the Adriatic Sea, worth visiting if you enjoy historical structures.

Its main highlight is the Baroque Monopoli Cathedral, which is notable for its stunning bell tower. It also accommodates a fascinating archaeological museum which exhibits ancient tombs and sculptures that provide excellent insight into the history and culture of the area.

Another major drawcard of the town is its imposing 16th-century Castle of Carlo V. Sitting on a promontory, it is notable for its massive stone portal. While not too far from it, the Palmieri Palaces showcases tremendous frescos that date to the 1700s.


Beautiful Otranto is the kind of small coastal town that immediately tugs at your heartstrings.

We instantly fell in love with its gorgeous old town, and in particular, its piazzas on our last visit. Spending many hours people-watching from various benches and in cafes, and immersing ourselves in its atmosphere, it gave us a real sense of what life was like there for the locals.

One of our favorite experiences in Otranto was taking in the beautiful sea views from the Torre Matta tower. Situated by the harbor, the sun’s reflection off the azure water was captivating. Its serenity made us just want to jump in a boat and head off into the horizon!

Another terrific sight was the stunning rose window and gorgeous mosaics at the Otranto Cathedral. Dating back to the 11th century, we stood in awe of it for quite a while. Marveling at the sheer levels of skill required to produce something that exquisite.

7. Locorotondo


If you are more into rural views than coastline, you should schedule a trip to Locorotondo. Situated in the Valle d’Itria between Alberobello and Martina Franca and not too far from Bari, the landscape around it is sensational.

One of the best things to do is hire a car, or better still, a moped or bike and explore the various lookout points in the area. You’ll see comely stretches of verdant countryside interspersed with the whitewashed, trulli, cone-roofed houses that are famous that are like something out of a storybook.

Locorotondo is also worth visiting because it has received the coveted Orange Flag, which denotes it as one of Italy’s most beautiful villages. As you wander through its charming, narrow, winding streets, and especially through its historic center, you soon come to appreciate why.

6. Brindisi


Brindisi is a historic port city that should be high on your must-visit list. Set around the Adriatic Sea, one of its most prominent features is the magnificent Aragonese Castle. It is made of red stone and resides on a tiny island by the entrance of the harbor. For many tourists, this is the first place they head to on arrival.

Another place most people check out is the Monumento al Marinaio d’Italia. This Instagram-worthy limestone rudder-shaped memorial is dedicated to sailors and conveys spectacular views of the city and sea.

On the other side of the harbor, the 13th-century Swabian Castle is an impressive structure to explore. While closer to town, the Roman Columns on the top of Virgil’s Staircase should also be on your itinerary.

5. Gallipoli


We always look forward to visiting the splendid coastal town of Gallipoli.

What we like most about this destination is that its historic center sits on an island. Residing just off the mainland, it can only be accessed by sea or a bridge, giving it a mystical quality that instantly draws us.

On the island, you will find stunning churches, most notably St. Agatha’s Cathedral, which has an elaborate facade. Notable for its intricate tiled, maiolica floor, you can also visit the Church of St. Mary of Purity. Additionally, the Gallipoli Castle is worth checking out. It incorporates the stunning Rivellino tower, which is detached from the main building.

The old town is a wonderful place to explore and features beautiful Baroque buildings and charming piazzas. We also enjoy some of the best (pistachio) gelato here we’ve ever had there. This goes a long way to explaining why we are so fond of this place!

4. Castel del Monte

Castel del Monte

Enjoying an imperious position atop a hill in Andria, the Castel del Monte was both a citadel and castle.

When we visited it, we were immediately struck by its unique octagonal shape. We also really enjoyed exploring its interior, which included a phenomenal collection of frescoes, intricate carvings and mosaics that adorned the ceiling and walls.

On a guided tour, we were fascinated to hear our guide relate stories about Emperor Frederick II. Who built the castle in the 1240s as a symbol of his power and intellect. We also learnt about several legends and myths that surround the castle’s origins.

The tour also took us to the top of the castle, where we enjoyed breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

Doing this, gave us the idea to later hike through the nearby nature reserve, which was a fabulous experience.


We had not heard of Ostuni before and only went there on the recommendation of other travelers we met. But we are certainly glad we took their advice to visit it.

The thing we first noticed about the city was that its entire old town is whitewashed. We found this instantly endearing. We also found the locals very accommodating and spent a bit of time talking to a few of them when we stopped for lunch at one of the local cafes.

During our time at Ostuni, we stopped by its lovely cathedral, which incorporates a mix of Romanesque, Byzantine and Gothic elements. We also took in the Porta San Demetrio – one of its two medieval gates – and visited the Civic Museum and Archaeological Park.

There we saw the fascinating skeleton of a woman born in Paleolithic times. Seeing her made us realize that somewhere, right now, her relatives are going about their daily lives. Isn’t that an incredible thought?


Lecce is known as the ‘Florence of the South’ for good reason. Full of Baroque architecture and rich cultural heritage, it is one of the most beautiful cities we have ever visited.

If you come here, you can explore plenty of churches, palaces and public squares in its historic center. Start your visit at Piazza Sant’Oronzo, the heart of Lecce, where you can find the ancient Roman amphitheater, which dates back to the 2nd century AD. Next, head to the beautifully adorned Basilica di Santa Croce with its impressive facade showcasing the skill of local stonemasons.

Another must-visit attraction is the Piazza del Duomo. This square is home to Lecce Cathedral, the Bishop’s Palace, and the Seminary, all featuring astonishing architectural details. Lecce is not just about architecture though – the narrow winding streets offer authentic Italian cafes, bustling markets, and local artisan shops that you’ll love to explore.

1. Alberobello


If, like us, you are captivated by the whitewashed trulli stone huts and their conical roofs, then you should come to the town of Alberobello.

Over at the Rione Monti district, you can see almost 1000 of them whilst hiking through the olive groves, vineyards and rolling hills that define the landscape. We have also spent a good amount of time here during our visits, enjoying the views over a picnic lunch.

Whilst in town, you should head to the Rione Monti quarter. There you can amble through its narrow trulli-lined streets to see them up close.

One of the most intriguing trullis to visit is the Trullo Sovrano, which spans two levels and dates to the 18th century. It houses an interesting heritage museum which presents artifacts and original furnishings from the region.

Map of Places to Visit in Puglia, Italy

Map of Places to Visit in Puglia, Italy

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Puglia Italy Map - Top interactive map showing Puglia Italy

Updated at: 19-03-2024

Puglia Map


Thanks to its interactive and intuitive platform, Puglia Map proves to be an essential tool for travel planning, allowing users to discover, with just a few clicks, a world of possibilities. The use of this interactive map enables the exploration of a range of places from UNESCO sites, such as the trulli of Alberobello and Castel del Monte , to natural and marine reserves , where nature is showcased in all its pristine beauty.

The key feature of Puglia Map lies in its ability to provide detailed and updated information on every point of interest. This map allows users to view locations and offers in-depth descriptions, evocative images, and sometimes even virtual tours , making it possible to anticipate the visit experience even before leaving.

The most innovative aspect of Puglia Map is its interactivity: with ease, users can select specific categories of interest, such as "beaches", "art cities", "parks and nature", or "wine and food itineraries", thus filtering the search according to personal preferences. For example, one can organize a day discovering wine cellars , or plan an itinerary that includes the most characteristic villages of the region, all by simply interacting with the map.

Another fundamental aspect is the real-time update , which allows travelers to always be informed about ongoing events, such as festivals, exhibitions, or food and wine fairs , thereby enriching their trip with authentic and memorable experiences. The events section turns Puglia Map into a living calendar of the region, enabling the synchronization of the visit with the most attractive appointments.

Puglia Map also provides tourists with practical information such as accommodation options, dining, and travel tips, supporting those exploring Puglia at every stage of their journey. Whether it's finding the most typical restaurant, booking a night in a traditional farmhouse, or planning transportation from one city to another, Puglia Map confirms itself as the digital travel companion par excellence, ensuring a serene and discovery-rich stay in this enchanting region.

With these premises, it clearly emerges how Puglia Map acts as a catalyst for experiences, capable of enhancing every aspect of a stay in Puglia, making each trip unique and personalized.

How to Use Puglia Map

Puglia Map is equipped with a clear and intuitive interface that invites to explore the region interactively. The first step to venture into this virtual journey is to select a starting point or a particular area of interest from the map . Whether it's a specific town or a broader geographical area, users can zoom in or out using the common zoom functions found in any online mapping service.

Navigating the map , places of interest are highlighted with icons and markers that are easy to understand. Clicking on one of these, a window will open containing essential information such as the name of the place, a brief description, photographs, and, if available, links to virtual tours or official websites. For example, clicking on the icon of a castle, Puglia Map will display historical details, opening hours, and admission tickets. This immediacy in accessing information makes it easy for travelers to quickly assimilate what there is to know about a particular point of interest.

Regarding accommodation and dining, Puglia Map proves to be equally useful. If the intention is to find a place to stay, the platform provides a list of hotels, bed & breakfasts, farm stays, and other housing options within a given radius from the selected point on the map . Selecting an accommodation option, you access details such as the exact location, rating stars, services offered, and links for booking.

Similarly, for restaurants, by clicking on the dedicated icon, a list of places where you can savor authentic Pugliese cuisine will open. Each restaurant on the list is accompanied by a description of the specialties offered, customer reviews, price range, and address. Often there are also links to view the menu or to book a table directly online.

The search filters on Puglia Map play a key role in customizing the user's experience according to their interests. For example, if a traveler is particularly interested in nature and parks, they can select the related filter and the map will show only those categories. Filters include a wide variety of categories such as beaches, art cities, historical sites, parks, food and wine routes, and much more.

This filter functionality is particularly useful when you have a specific type of travel experience in mind. For example, someone who wants to exclusively visit the UNESCO heritage sites of Puglia can select the corresponding filter to display only those sites. Furthermore, if the user is interested in a culinary itinerary, they can filter to see wineries, olive oil mills, and typical pastry shops of the region, each with its detailed information and tasting proposals.

A much-appreciated feature by those who visit Puglia Map is the ability to save their favorite places. After registering on the site, users can mark specific points of interest and create a personalized itinerary that can be consulted and modified at any time. This facilitates trip planning, allowing to gather all desired destinations in a single overview.

Puglia Map is also a very useful travel planning tool that helps to discover places that might not have been initially considered. The user-friendly interface and detailed search options allow even less experienced visitors to navigate easily and find everything they are looking for in this rich and varied region.

Beaches of Puglia on Puglia Map

The beaches of Puglia represent one of the most enchanting and varied aspects of the region's tourism offer, attracting thousands of visitors every year. Thanks to its geographical location, Puglia lies between the Adriatic and Ionian seas, offering a coastline that stretches for over 800 kilometers. The diversity of Puglia's coasts is immense: from long stretches of fine, golden sand to picturesque rocky coves, from equipped beaches ideal for families to wilder stretches perfect for lovers of nature and authentic relaxation.

Puglia Map comes into play precisely to help travelers orient themselves in this vast choice and to identify the perfect beach that meets their needs. Using the interactive map, it's easy to discover which beach offers certain services or is more suited to particular activities, such as snorkeling, windsurfing, or simply swimming.

The coastal strip of Gargano, for example, enchants with its pristine nature and beaches like those of Vieste, which, in addition to being a paradise for the eyes, are equipped with facilities and offer numerous services to bathers. Navigating on Puglia Map and selecting the area of interest, users can view all the beach options available, filtering the search by characteristics such as “blue flag,” “accessibility,” or “presence of services.” Moreover, each beach on the map is accompanied by photos, descriptions, and sometimes even user reviews, allowing to get a clear idea before planning the visit.

Continuing the discovery towards Salento, one is mesmerized by the transparency and crystalline color of the water. Here, places like Pescoluse, nicknamed the "Maldives of Salento," boast kilometers of fine sand and shallow waters, ideal for families with children. Puglia Map allows to identify the closest beach clubs and dining services, as well as any rental points for beach equipment.

Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts will also find Puglia Map a faithful ally: by selecting dedicated filters, it's possible to identify beaches that offer the best seabeds and local diving schools. Beaches like those of Torre Sant'Andrea or Purità in Gallipoli offer underwater views of extraordinary beauty, easily identifiable on the map.

It's important to remember that some Puglian beaches stand out for their attention to the environment and sustainability. These can be easily discovered on Puglia Map by filtering for ecological beaches or those with low environmental impact. Similarly, for those wishing to bring their four-legged friends along, there are specific filters to find pet-friendly beaches, where dogs are welcome and can enjoy the day at the sea together with their owners.

The map also provides valuable information regarding accessibility for people with reduced mobility. It's possible to identify beaches that have walkways, suitable toilets, or other special equipment. In this way, Puglia Map positions itself as an inclusive tool, ensuring everyone the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauties the region has to offer.

In terms of on-site services, users can rely on detailed information related to parking, showers, first aid points, and children's play areas. For example, beach resorts like Polignano a Mare, famous for their cliffs and crystal-clear waters, offer all the necessary comforts to spend a worry-free day at the beach.

For visitors more attentive to culinary aspects, Puglia Map is equally precious. It's indeed possible to quickly find the beach with the nearest kiosk or restaurant serving local delicacies, such as friselle with tomatoes and orecchiette with turnip tops, perfect for a lunch break with a sea view. This is complemented by picnic areas, for those who prefer a packed lunch in the shade of the Mediterranean pines that often line the Puglian beaches.

Thanks to the variety of filters and ease of navigation, Puglia Map proves to be a comprehensive portal, allowing to customize the search for beaches based on individual preferences.

Cities of Art and Cultural Attractions on the Puglia Map

Continuing the discovery of the wonders of Puglia, from the beach we move towards the art cities and cultural attractions, no less charming than the coasts. Puglia is a region that offers an incredible variety of historically and artistically significant heritages. Let yourself be guided by the charm of cities like Lecce, known as the Florence of the South for its baroque architecture, or immerse yourself in the millennia-old history of Bari, with its Basilica of San Nicola, a landmark for pilgrims from all over the world.

Puglia Map emerges as the ideal digital travel companion for exploring these treasures. Through its intuitive interface, it provides detailed and updated information that goes well beyond simple geographic localization. It allows for an in-depth understanding of each city, not only regarding its location but also its historical and cultural peculiarities.

Visiting the capital of Puglia becomes an experience enriched by knowledge thanks to Puglia Map . Bari, with its ancient borough, presents a maze of alleys where history and daily life blend. Thanks to the map, it is possible to identify all the places of interest such as the Svevo Castle and the Cathedral of San Sabino, obtaining details on opening hours and possible guided tours.

No less important is Alberobello, famous for its trulli, the typical conical stone houses. Through Puglia Map it is possible to plan a visit to the Rione Monti or the Rione Aia Piccola, discovering the opening hours of museums dedicated to this unique architecture and checking for special events scheduled.

Puglia Map also offers the opportunity to virtually travel the streets of Lecce before actually walking them. Admire on your device's screen the beauty of the Cathedral, Piazza Sant'Oronzo, or the Roman Theatre, and plan your itinerary including a stop at the Faggiano Museum, for an open-air history lesson. All this information is just a click away, including tips on where to park and where to eat to try the local cuisine.

Beyond the cities, Puglia boasts a series of cultural attractions scattered throughout the region, such as the Gargano National Park with its Sanctuary of Saint Michael the Archangel, or Castel del Monte, another UNESCO site that arouses interest for its octagonal shape and its enigmatic history. Puglia Map makes it easy to locate these places, revealing their location and history, including visiting hours and access modes.

Every city and cultural attraction in Puglia has a story to tell, and Puglia Map acts as a spokesperson for these narratives. Information on cultural events, exhibitions, festivals, and theatrical performances can be easily found thanks to dedicated filters, allowing travelers to enrich their stay with meaningful cultural experiences.

Lastly, but not least importantly, there are archaeological sites like Egnazia, near Fasano, and Canne della Battaglia, still echoing the echo of ancient conflicts and forgotten civilizations. Puglia Map , with its descriptive cards, allows to fully appreciate these places, providing historical context and practical details, such as the presence of specialized guides or educational paths for schools.

The Globetrotting Teacher

16 Best Places in Puglia Italy You Must Visit

Puglia Italy is a breathtaking region in Italy’s south. Among the best places in Puglia, you’ll find all of what the region has to offer: the crystal-clear waters that you can admire from rocky cliffs or sandy beaches, the lush vegetation of the national parks, and small towns full of art, history, and amazing food.

It’s not surprising that Puglia is one of the most popular destinations in southern Italy. There are so many amazing places to visit, and whatever type of travel you are looking for, Puglia is for you.

From relaxing at the beach to visiting an ancient cathedral, Puglia should definitely be on your destination wishlist!

If you are planning a Puglia itinerary and are wondering about the best places to visit in Puglia Italy, I’ve got you covered. It’s also a region near and dear to my heart because it’s where my husband and his family are from. (Just writing that, I can taste my mother-in-law’s focaccia and panzerotti!)

In this guide, you’ll discover historic towns, beautiful beaches with their crystal clear waters, and countless unique places up and down Puglia’s Adriatic coast to fall in love with.

Where is Puglia Italy?

Polignano a Mare coastline

The teacher in me can’t help but start with a few basics. So, let’s first cover some practical information about this region of Italy, as well as helpful Puglia tips so you can plan a successful trip.

In Italy, Puglia is affectionately called the “heel of the boot” (in Italian “il tacco dello stivale”) because of its position.

Imagine Italy’s boot shape, and Puglia is located in the southeastern part, the heel. The region is bordered by the Adriatic Sea to the east and the Ionian Sea to the southeast.

Below you’ll find a map of Puglia in Italy with the places mentioned in this guide starred.

Puglia was first colonized by the Mycenaean Greeks who called it Iapygía (hence ‘Apulia’) for the presence of the three main Iapygian tribes that inhabited the region during the first millennium BC. This makes Apulia Italy an archaeological gem: a fantastic reason to visit it if you’re a history-lover like me!

Airports in Puglia

Puglia’s capoluogo (capital city) is Bari, which will likely be the starting point of your trip because the international airport is located here – the other one is further south in Brindisi.

There are no direct flights to Bari from the U.S. However, many carriers offer direct flights to Rome and Milan, as well as other European cities like Paris, Frankfurt, and Zurich making connections to Bari Airport quite simple. To reach Brindisi Airport, there are similar connections from other European cities.

How to Get Around Puglia

Bari Italy Old Town

Another element you should keep in mind is transportation. Unfortunately, the Puglia region is not well served by public transportation or high-speed trains. While it’s possible to take a train to Bari from other Italian cities like Rome or Florence, it will be difficult to rely solely on trains or buses to explore the area.

The best solution would be to rent a car (or a motorbike) and to travel around. Finding a car to rent is very easy: both the two main Puglia airports (Bari and Brindisi) offer car rental services.

How Many Days in Puglia

Puglia is not a small region. Two weeks are perfect to see everything this beautiful region has to offer. However, traveling for so long is not always possible. All the places you will find in this post are listed in a way that can be used to create Puglia Italy itineraries if you’ve got 7-10 days free to travel.

If you plan to spend a few days in Puglia as part of your Italy trip, focus on a specific part of Puglia (Gargano, Valle d’Itria, or Salento) to maximize your time. Travelers with limited time tend to focus on the Valle d’Itria and the Bari area. The Salento region has grown in popularity as places like Lecce and some of the most beautiful beaches in Italy have been “discovered” in Puglia.

Of the three areas within Puglia, the Gargano area is the one least effected by mass tourism. So if you’re looking for a more untouched part of Puglia, look no further than the beautiful towns and natural places on the Gargano promontory. Perhaps even take a day trip to the Tremiti Islands.

With a week itinerary in Puglia, you could choose to base yourself in 1 or 2 places and explore from there. The important thing is to balance too much moving from hotel to hotel while also avoiding long tiring drives that eat up big chunks of your day.

What to do in Puglia depends on what you like because the region has a ton to offer. Decide on a few of your must-see and dos, like sightseeing at ancient churches, lounging on white sandy beaches, enjoying wine and olive oil tastings, or visiting the Trulli houses. Then, craft your own Puglia road trip around your interests.

Best Time to Visit Puglia Italy

Polignano a Mare Italy

Given its surge in popularity, Puglia is a busy destination during the summer months. Italians and travelers from all over go to enjoy the sun and sand. Puglia beaches are considered to be among the best in Italy.

My advice is to visit the region during late spring (April-May) or early fall (September-October). You will find amazingly warmish weather, while avoiding the bulk of tourists that visit during the high season.

Where to Stay in Puglia

You can break the Puglia region into different areas. The Gargano Peninsula, the Valle d’Itria, and Salento are the northern, central, and southern parts, respectively. There’s also Bari and the immediate seaside towns and villages surrounding it.

If your plan is to explore Puglia from north to south or vice versa, you’ll want a base in each area. This is the best way to maximize your time so you can day trip comfortably and not spend long hours behind the wheel of your car.

In Puglia, you’ll find boutique B&Bs, independent hotels, trulli accommodations, and masserie, characteristic farmhouses that have been restored to offer authentic yet comfortable stays. Many of these masserie are even quite luxurious, with pools, spa services, and, of course, delicious food and wine.

You might even choose to rent your own house in Puglia to relish your own slice of the Italian lifestyle!

Rather than focus on a particular town in Puglia, look for the best Puglia hotels and accommodations that match your style and budget. Then, take day trips within that area before moving on to your next “base.”

That being said, here are some places to start planning your Puglia accommodations.

Best Areas to Stay in Puglia

  • Ostuni – Central in the Valle d’Itria making it easy to reach places on both coasts. Plus, you’re right in the middle between Bari and Lecce.
  • Martina Franca/Locorotondo/Cisternino – Villages smaller and less busy than Ostuni; perfect for immersing yourself in beautiful countryside setting.
  • Monopoli – Best if you want to stay in a small seaside village and experience a bit more of the local vibe. There’s also easy access to Bari and Lecce by train.
  • Polignano a Mare – Also on the coast near Monopoli and along the train line connecting Bari and Lecce. Attracts more visitors than nearby Monopoli but comes with some of Puglia’s most iconic seascapes.
  • Lecce – If you’re looking for a city vibe in Puglia, you’ve found it. Plenty of places to see and eat; destinations in the Salento area like Gallipoli and Otranto are 30-40 minutes by car.
  • Gallipoli – Very pretty old town overlooking the sea; close to some of Puglia’s most gorgeous beaches.
  • Vieste – Ideal base in the Gargano area, beaches and a historic town center. As mentioned above, you’ll feel like you’ve found you’re own slice of Italy in this lesser-visited part of Puglia.
  • Peschici – High season beach town vibes in an area more visited by locals. Both Vieste and Peschici have ferries to the Tremiti Islands.

16 Best Places in Puglia You Must Visit

Bari Cathedral

Once you arrive in Bari, don’t rush to leave! Stay and explore this beautiful coastal town. The best part to visit is the Old Town, called ‘Bari Vecchia’ in Italian. Within the historic center, there are so many things to do in Bari.

Walk down the narrow streets (or bike to Bari’s main sites with a guide), learn how to make handmade orecchiette , admire the stone walls and the iron balconies, and finally arrive at the sea. Bari’s promenade is decorated with characteristic streetlamps, and it is the best place to sit and have a drink or grab a bite.

The Basilica di San Nicola in Bari dates back to the 1100s and has a striking Romanesque facade. The church is also home to some of the relics of St. Nicholas who is known for his care for children and his generous heart. His legend continues today with the idea of St. Nick bringing toys to good girls and boys.

You will need just a day to see the best of Bari’s historic city center. But if you want to experience something special, I suggest you stay overnight and get up bright and early, to see the city slowly wake up.

It’s truly memorable to see how seafaring people’s lives go on in the morning as if rocked by the waves themselves. Bari Vecchia is a perfect way to start your Puglia trip!

If you plan to spend more than a day/a night in Bari, book a hotel with parking or wait to pick up your rental car until you’re ready to move on. Parking can be tricky in the city center otherwise.

ProTip: I would be remiss not to point out how close you are to the ancient town of Matera when you’re in Bari. It’s only 50 minutes by car to reach this UNESCO World Heritage Site just over the Puglian border in the region of Basilicata. It’s one of the oldest cities in the world and has homes built right out of caves (called sassi) that have been and continue to be lived in and used today. It’s a sight like no other in Italy and throughout the world.

Trani Cathedral Puglia Italy

Leaving Bari and proceeding north, you can reach the gorgeous town of Trani within a 45-minute ride. Trani is still a Puglia hidden gem!

Those who don’t have a lot of time to travel in Puglia, often don’t stop here. So, it’s a great way to get off the beaten path…at least while this town remains a secret. (shhh…)

However, Trani is just magical: it is a typical town in the region of Apulia, with its port, the fishermen who are busy catching and selling, and the locals happily going about their daily lives.

The best place to visit? Trani Cathedral, or Cattedrale di San Nicola Pellegrino – its Italian name.

The cathedral is built in the Romanesque architectural medieval style, but it presents an unusual element: a high pointed arch in the passage beneath the bell tower, which renders the cathedral even more majestic.

It is constructed using the Trani’s local pinkish limestone, which makes the visit to the cathedral perfect at sunset when the stone captures the sun’s orange light painting the cathedral with incredible color.

Another Puglia must-see in Trani is the Jewish quarter (the Giudecca), with its maze of streets and its two synagogues, the Sant’Anna and the Scalanova. You can stroll on your own or join a Trani walking tour.

Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli Andria Puglia Italy

Just 25 minutes from Trani, there is the town of Andria. Andria has three incredible worship sites to visit: Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, and Basilica di Santa Maria dei Miracoli.

The history of the first church is linked to the presence of the Knights Templar, and its construction dates back to the 13th century.

The Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta is more commonly known as Andria Cathedral. Its original structure was created in the 12th century, but it was reconstructed two centuries later in a Baroque style. Andria cathedral houses the Crypt of the Holy Savior, which contains the tombs of the wives of Emperor Frederick II.

The Santuario di Santa Maria dei Miracoli is located in the main square, Piazza San Pio X. The most stunning element of the church is the ornate ceiling, with the central picture of the Virgin Mary surrounded by gold designs.

When you are done exploring the churches, there is another stop you shouldn’t miss: the Museo del Confetto, a museum entirely dedicated to the making of all kinds of candies and chocolates, but also to the Mucci family’s story and long history of keeping the business running since the 1890s.

4. Alta Murgia National Park

Castel del Monte Puglia Italy

Puglia is known for its beaches and charming towns, but there are immense areas of pristine nature. If you love trekking, or just admiring different plants and trees, and animal species, then the Alta Murgia National Park should be your next stop.

Located a little less than a 40-minute drive from Andria, inside the National Park there is the magnificent Castel del Monte , a gorgeous symmetrical castle on the top of a hill. Legend says that the castle was commissioned by Emperor Frederick II to hide the Holy Grail, once delivered by the Knights Templar.

This iconic castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical significance and unique architectural style.

5. Gargano Peninsula

Peschici Gargano Puglia Italy at sunset

The spur of the heel of Italy’s boot, the Gargano is an oft-overlooked part of the region of Puglia. It is another green and lush area; most of it is part of the Gargano National Park.

Pine forests, olive groves, limestone cliffs along the coastline, and sandy beaches are what you can experience if you decide to take your trip into the northern part of Puglia Italy.

There are several must-see places on the Gargano Peninsula including the Puglia coastal towns of Vieste and Peschici, and the lovely town of Vico del Gargano, which is considered one of the most gorgeous villages in Italy.

The Vieste coastline is what makes this place a tourist attraction: long beaches and sea caves, and the characteristic Pizzomunno, a massive monolith over 80 feet tall! The Pizzomunno is so popular that it became the symbol of Vieste.

Vieste is full of history, with a central cathedral, a castle, and the typical trabucchi, old fishing contraptions built from wood that look like houses suspended above the water. You can admire the trabucchi in Peschici as well.

Peschici’s historical center is small but breathtaking: white houses and narrow streets that lead up to the Norman Castle from which you have a panoramic view of the Adriatic coastline. But what makes Peschici so popular are its beaches: take a stop at Spiaggia di Calenelle and Spiaggia di Zaiana to make your stay in Peschici simply perfect.

Lastly, the Gargano is also home to more than one sacred place. Monte Sant’Angelo and San Giovanni Rotondo are home to sanctuaries that pilgrims come to pay their respects to St. Michael the Archangel and Padre Pio, respectively. The sanctuary in Monte Sant’Angelo has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site while famed architect Renzo Piano designed the sanctuary in San Giovanni Rotondo.

6. Isole Tremiti

San Nicola Tremiti Islands Puglia Italy

An archipelago of four main islands, located 12 nautical miles from Vieste, the Isole Tremiti (Tremiti Islands) are accessible by ferry boats that run every day. The area of Isole Tremiti is a protected natural marine reserve.

The four islands are: San Domino, San Nicola, Capraia, and Pianosa, with the last two almost completely uninhabited. Close to the island of Capraia, sunk in the crystal-clear water and standing on the seabed, there is the statue of Padre Pio, made by artist Domenico Norcia. It’s a popular site for divers.

The Isole Tremiti hides another surprise: the population speaks the Neapolitan dialect! In fact, in the 18th century, the archipelago was made into a place of exile for prisoners by Ferdinand IV, King of Naples.

When the camps were dismantled half a century later, the new King Ferdinando II of Sicily sent fishermen from Ischia (an island under the administration of Naples) to repopulate the archipelago.

The Isole Tremiti are a real gem of the Adriatic Sea, and visiting them should be included during a trip to Puglia!

Valle d’Itria: The Central Part of Puglia

Monopoli Water and City View Italy

In this central part of the region, you’ll find a few of the best towns in Puglia. This is where the countryside with its olive groves and vineyards fill the rolling countryside.

As you decide where to go in Puglia, you’ll undoubtedly have quite a few places to explore in the Valle d’Itria whether you’re looking for wine, local food, Trulli, and/or spectacular panoramas of the landscape.

7. Polignano a Mare

Polignano a Mare beach

From a walk outside Abbazia di San Vito, a stop at Domenico Modugno Statue, and a selfie in the famous Cala Porto (also known as Lama Monachile), Polignano a Mare cannot be skipped if you are traveling to Puglia, Italy!

Polignano is a poetic destination – quite literally: numerous verses by famous poets are painted on stairs, entry doors, and the façades of the homes.

Equally magical is the Rock of the Hermit (also called Island of San Paolo), a giant rock located 320 yards from the coast on top of which stands an iron cross placed there by the missionaries.

If you have time, experience Polignano’s natural beauty along the coast by boat to explore the sea caves and catch a glimpse of the famous Grotta Palazzese, the restaurant set inside a cave!

8. Monopoli

Monopoli Italy Port

The town of Monopoli is less known among tourists, but stopping here is a must. Monopoli encapsulates the contrast between the pleasing whitewashed houses with the turquoise waters of the Adriatic sea.

Its centro storico has the typical maze of narrow streets that make walking around so special, the squares and promenade are dotted with restaurants that serve delicious food, and the coast is full of hidden bays and coves.

As a less touristy town, Monopoli is the perfect place to visit if you are planning your trip to Puglia during the busy summer months.

9. Alberobello

Trulli Houses Alberobello Puglia Italy

You can’t say you have visited Puglia if you don’t see a trullo! The trullo is the traditional white, cone-shaped house of farmers. Trulli (in its plural form) are constructed by using the drywall technique, which is still in use in Puglia.

The absolute best place to admire trulli is the town of Alberobello. The modern part of the city embraces the old town, called Rione Monti, where the trulli are located.

One of the most fascinating trulli is the Trullo Sovrano, located behind the Church of Santi Medici Cosma e Damiano. This is the only trullo with two floors, and today hosts a small museum.

Next, you should visit the most iconic trullo, the one that you can see in countless pictures on the Internet: the Trullo Siamese, the only conical roof home with two centrally joined domes.

ProTip: Arrive early if you can to avoid the tour buses that begin arriving around 10 a.m.

10 & 11. Ostuni and Locorotondo

Skyline Locorotondo Puglia Italy

Ostuni is the whitest town you can find in Puglia. A shiny pearl nestled in the heart of Valle d’Itria that has been subsequently nicknamed the “White City.” The reddish soil and the intense green and brown of the secular olive trees of the countryside, paired with the deep blue-green of the sea, make Ostuni one of the most spectacular places you will ever visit.

The Valle d’Itria offers countless places to explore. Besides Ostuni, a must-see in Puglia is Locorotondo, known for being among the “Borghi più belli d’Italia” (which means one of the most beautiful villages in Italy). Locorotondo is just another reason why you will fall in love with Puglia!

ProTip: Nearby Martina Franca is another gorgeous stop if you’re touring Valle d’Itria villages. Both Locorotondo and Martina Franca are unforgettable lunch stops.

12. Exploring the Salento: Lecce

Lecce, Puglia, Italy Centro Storico

Salento is the name given by the locals to the southern part of Puglia. It makes the “heel” of Italy, and it’s a breathtaking area to travel to. One of the main cities in the area is Lecce, known as the “Florence of the South”.

Located 30 minutes by car from Brindisi Airport, Lecce is a gorgeous example of the richness of the baroque architecture. Intricate details embroider every corner of the city, and its streets and buildings will leave you speechless. There are walking tours , too, that can help you learn more about this southern Italian gem!

Lecce is a great starting point if you are planning a trip to Salento and absolutely one of the best places to visit in Puglia.

13. Roca Vecchia and Grotta della Poesia

Grotta della Poesia Puglia Italy

Only a half-hour south of Lecce, there is the seaside town of Roca Vecchia.

Here, you will find a very special place: Grotta della Poesia, a cave immersed in turquoise waters. The cave is situated in a protected area, the Oasi di Roca Vecchia, that is becoming more and more popular.

The Grotta della Poesia is considered one of the most beautiful natural pools in the world. It’s name is a bit of a romantic legend: once there was a princess who used to bathe in the cave, and her beauty was so stunning that it inspired the verses of many many poets (in fact, the word “poesia” means poetry).

Whatever the origins of its name, the Grotta della Poesia is one of the best places in Puglia you can visit! Just a warning: if you go there in July and August, the peaks of the summer season, get ready to find the spot very busy!

14. Otranto

Otranto Italy Puglia

Proceeding south, a must-see place is for sure spectacular Otranto.

This small town has all the elements that characterize a typical Apulian city: the narrow streets, the white houses, several churches and the cathedral, the clear blue sea, and lots of restaurants, bars, and cafes.

But Otranto is in a special location: the city overlooks the strait of Otranto, the body of water that connects the Adriatic Sea with the Ionian Sea. This position makes Otranto really special!

Here you can find two different types of beaches, sandy on the Adriatic part and rocky on the Ionian.

There are plenty of other reasons to visit Otranto, too. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its centro storico (the old town) and its medieval castle.

The Castle of Otranto is a huge building, with three round towers, and an imposing bastion that almost reaches the dock area. This castle also inspired the first-ever gothic novel, written by Horace Walpole in 1764, titled The Castle of Otranto.

Without a doubt, of all the Puglia best places, Otranto is among the top spots to visit!

And right outside of Otranto, there are two more gems you should go to: the Bauxite Cave and Punta Palascìa lighthouse.

The Bauxite Cave is only six minutes by car from the city center. As the name suggests, it was a cave used for the extraction of bauxite. The main characteristic of this sedimentary rock is its bright reddish color, which creates a Martian-like landscape.

The color of the rocks is the perfect frame for the water basin inside the cave, making the emerald green waters shine. The Bauxite Cave is still not known among tourists, so it’s a magical place to visit during your trip.

The other special location you can easily access from Otranto is the Punta Palascìa lighthouse. The site is the most easterly point of Italy, where the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea meet.

15. Santa Maria di Leuca

Grotta della Poesia Puglia Italy

One of the most popular places in the Salento area, Santa Maria di Leuca is located at the Southern end of Italy’s heel.

The city has been a holiday destination since the 1900s, where the richest Pugliesi (as the people who live in Puglia are named) built stunning villas in the Liberty style that you can still admire on the promenade.

The name Santa Maria di Leuca traces the city’s history. Leuca derives from the Greek leukos, which means “bright”, while the name Santa Maria refers to the Basilica-Santuario Santa Maria de Finibus Terrae, named as such because, for the Romans, Leuca was the site where the land ended.

Not far from the Basilica, also known as the Church of Cristo Re, there is the lighthouse. Constructed in the 19th century, it is more than 150 feet tall and is shaped like an octagon. Overlooking the sea, it is one of the most impressive sights in town.

The sea is another reason to visit Santa Maria di Leuca. From the town, you can sail the Salento’s Coast to explore its legendary sea caves. Leuca has a myriad of marvelous caves: the Cave of the Three Doors, the Devil’s Cave, the Lovers Cave… you are truly spoiled for choice!

Music is another important part of the Santa Maria di Leuca and Salento experience. If you visit during feast day celebrations, you will notice that everyone dances pizzica, the traditional folk dance. The pizzica (which means bite) is similar to the well-known tarantella. It is a fast-paced partner dance with a long history.

Traditionally both pizzica and tarantella were performed by women as attempts to get rid of the venom of the bite of a tarantula spider if they were bitten while working in the agricultural fields.

Don’t you worry if you don’t know the steps of the dance: grab a bandana and join the crowd… the irresistible music will do the rest!

16. Gallipoli

Gallipoli Puglia Italy

Gallipoli is probably the most touristic place in Salento, and rightly so. Called “the pearl of the Ionian”, Gallipoli is famous for its spectacular sandy beaches and its legendary nightlife – that starts being “legendary” in the late afternoon!

The spot to be if you want to have the night of your life? Definitely Samsara Beach!

To avoid the crowds of young people, I suggest visiting Gallipoli in the off-season to really enjoy the beauty of this town and the surrounding area.

Gallipoli’s Old Town is placed on an island connected to the mainland via a bridge, which makes walking around a real adventure. The contrast of looking at both the Old Town and the modern part on the other side of the bridge will make you wonder if you’re still in the same city!

Not far from Gallipoli (at a maximum 40-minutes ride), there are some of the most beautiful places in the Salento area: Punta della Suina , Porto Selvaggio , Porto Cesaro , and one of the best beaches in Puglia and all of Italy, the sensational Punta Prosciutto !

So, What are the Best Places to Visit in Puglia?

Boats Gallipoli Puglia Italy

Whether you are thinking of taking a trip to Puglia or you have already booked your plane ticket, there are countless amazing Puglia destinations you can visit. You simply can’t go wrong.

A land kissed by the shining sun and the breeze of two different seas, and painted with the colors red, blue, green, and white, visiting Puglia will be an unforgettable and authentic Italian experience.

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4 thoughts on “16 best places in puglia italy you must visit”.

tourist map of puglia italy

Beautiful place

tourist map of puglia italy

Thanks for reading. It sure is! 🙂

tourist map of puglia italy

If you only have 3 days which Town would you recomend me. I’m thinking in go to Lecce, one day for the city, another day to go to the beach and coast sightseeing and the other day go to Trani or Bari, but I wish I could stop at Alberobello. We probably won’t rent a car because they are expensive, we will move by train or bus. But we want to rent a vespa or scooter at Lecce. Any help with this?

Is a really beautiful area but we only have 3 days in betwen Napoli and Rome, but I don’t want to miss this.

Thank you for reading, Cristina. I agree. You don’t want to miss an opportunity to see some of Puglia. Lecce is fantastic. You can’t go wrong with the old town of Bari or Trani. I would look at the train schedules because if you plan accordingly you might be able to spend half a day in each since they are so close to each other. Trani definitely takes you a bit of the beaten path whereas Bari vecchia is typically where people dedicate some time. Hope that helps! And have a great trip!

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Top 18 attractions in Puglia

Basilica san nicola, national archaeological museum of taranto-marta.

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Basilica Cattedrale Metropolitana Primaziale San Sabino

Castel del monte, teatro petruzzelli, via gioacchino murat, piazza del ferrarese, piazza mercantile, sacrario militare dei caduti oltremare, palazzo dell'acquedotto pugliese, palazzo mincuzzi, chiesa ortodossa russa di san nicola, b&b la muraglia, palazzo fizzarotti, teatro margherita, pinacoteca metropolitana di bari, jonian dolphin conservation, p.za del duomo, top 10 restaurants in puglia, osteria del tempo perso, le zie trattoria casereccia, la cantina di cianna cianne, caffè alvino, aleph microbirrificio, coccaro beach club, al trabucco da mimì, rosticceria "antico borgo" di menga piero, grotta palazzese, il pizzicotto, transportation in puglia, nearby airports, giovan battista pastine international airport, leonardo da vinci–fiumicino airport, highways and major roads.

  • SS16 - Adriatica: This coastal road runs from the northern border of Puglia to the southern tip of the region and offers breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea.
  • A14 - Autostrada Adriatica: This major Italian highway runs along the western coast of Puglia and connects the region to the rest of Italy.
  • SS172 - Valle d'Itria: This picturesque rural road runs through the heart of Puglia's charming Valle d'Itria, passing by trulli houses and scenic villages.
  • SS7 - Appia: This ancient road, also known as the Appian Way, runs through Puglia's countryside and connects Rome to Brindisi.
  • SS379 - Bari-Brindisi: This modern highway connects the two major cities of Bari and Brindisi, passing by Puglia's beautiful coastline.
  • SS100 - Garganica: This winding road leads up to the Gargano Peninsula, offering stunning views of the sea and the surrounding countryside.
  • SP236 - da Castellaneta a Ginosa: This historic road runs through Puglia's rural countryside, passing by olive groves and vineyards.
  • SP135 - Salentina: This coastal road runs from Lecce all the way down to Santa Maria di Leuca, passing by some of Puglia's most beautiful beaches.
  • SP172 - Ostuni-Martina Franca: This scenic route runs through Puglia's charming Valle d'Itria, passing by the stunning white city of Ostuni and the charming town of Martina Franca.
  • SP99 - della Murgia: This road runs through Puglia's rugged mountainous landscape, offering breathtaking views of the region's unique flora and fauna.

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An Insider's Guide to Puglia, Italy — Incredible Pasta, Beautiful Beach Towns, and Boutique Hotels Included

This sun-drenched southern region offers the best of Italy with fewer crowds — at least in the offseason.

Elizabeth Heath is a writer and editor living on a hill in Umbria, from where she writes about travel in Italy, the rest of Europe, and farther afield.

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Best Hotels and Resorts

Best things to do, best restaurants, what to buy in puglia, cities and areas to visit, best time to visit, how to get there, how to get around.

Michela Sieman/Travel + Leisure

Word is definitely out on Puglia, the long, narrow coastal region that forms the heel of Italy’s boot. No longer a hidden gem or best-kept secret, Puglia’s dramatic beaches, Baroque cities, and whitewashed trulli are splashed over many an Instagram feed. 

Yet compared to other regions of Italy, Puglia — pronounced pool-yah — still offers travelers the Italian vacation experiences they seek, while skipping much of the crowds and chaos of better-known destinations. “It’s definitely less-visited compared to iconic Italian regions like Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast,” says Madeline Jhawar, owner and custom travel planner with Italy Beyond the Obvious . “And Puglia really does have it all: fantastic food and wine, spectacular countryside and beach scenery, and a deep and fascinating history.”

Our guide highlights Puglia’s appealing mix of scenery, history, cuisine — and let’s not forget the agreeable weather most of the year — and maps out how to make the most of a trip to this sunny region. 

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • At a hotel like Le Alcove in Alberobello, you can sleep in a trullo, a cozy, cocoon-like conical dwelling.
  • Sample orecchiette, Puglia’s signature ear-shaped pasta, at a traditional eatery like Osteria Le Arpie in Bari.
  • Make like an Italian at the mare (sea) and head to a lido (beach club) like the chic Pettolecchia near Torre Canne.
  • Buy Puglia’s prized olive oil directly from the source, at a family mill like L’Acropoli di Puglia in Martina Franca.
  • Take in the Baroque architecture of Lecce and prepare to be overwhelmed by its exuberant facades, altarpieces, and piazzas.

Borgo Egnazia

The established go-to luxury spot in Puglia, Borgo Egnazia is a sprawling and impeccably curated compound that ranks among Travel + Leisure ’s best resorts in Italy . T+L travel advisor Keith Waldon , founder and director of Departure Lounge , praises the outstanding service, where “privacy is guaranteed,” as well as the setting between the sea and the Valle d’Itria. 

The six suites at this boutique hotel each occupy a whitewashed trulli, with cool stone floors, eclectic decor, and modern bathrooms. We love the almost mystical feeling of comfort these spaces convey, as well as the homemade breakfast and the location in the heart of Alberobello town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Courtesy of Masseria Torre Maizza

Masseria Torre Maizza

A 2020 standout for best new hotels , Masseria Torre Maizza owes its polish to Rocco Forte — expect the brand’s unmatched service and serene, Olga Polizzi-designed interiors that seem to embody a cool breeze. Waldon says the feeling here is of “living in a real luxury masseria like at home, and it’s the only property with its own golf course.”

Palazzo Sant’Anna

Set in Lecce’s historic center, Palazzo Sant'Anna is curated to zen-like perfection. Puglia travel advisor Ylenia Sambati refers guests here for the light-filled suites, many with exposed stone and wood beams, as well as balconies. “Wake up to birds singing and a colorful and bountiful breakfast prepared with love by owner Beatrice and her team,” she says.

Take a cooking class.

Yes, cooking classes are ubiquitous in Italy, but the traditional cuisine of Puglia stands out, even in a country of great food. Waldon says to “take a pasta-focused cooking class in a local masseria with a mama” and go home with some new skills. Sambati likes the friendly vibe and easy instructions offered by Cook In Puglia in Lecce.

Michela Sieman/Travel + Leisure

Relax at a lido.

Beaches in Puglia can be crowded in the summertime. Escape the ruckus at a beach club, or lido , such as Pettolecchia Il Lido , a luxury spot between Bari and Brindisi. Lounge beds, linen-clad gazebos, Frette towels, and waiter service set this one apart in a sea of beach umbrellas.

For families, try a trullo.

The cone-shaped trulli of Puglia’s Itria Valley are certainly unique, and according to Cherrye Moore of My Bella Vita Travel , they’re a hit with kids. “Families should rent a trullo villa and use it as a base for day trips to Alberobello, Ostuni, Locorotondo, and Monopoli. Many have pools and outside areas where the kids can run around.”

Head to the sea.

Puglia’s Adriatic coast is dramatic, especially between Polignano a Mare and Monopoli, where clear waters lap undulating cliffs and flow into the occasional sea cave. Both Waldon and Moore recommend chartering a private boat ( Cataurora is a good choice), either for a sunset cruise or a half-day tour with stops for swimming and snorkeling. 

fabiomax/Getty Images


Puglia’s seafood is almost as famous as its orecchiette, and both Sambati and Waldon heartily recommend trying it at LaltroBaffo , an Otranto restaurant helmed by chef Cristina Conte, who, with her young, passionate team, turns out sophisticated takes on traditional Salento recipes.

Taverna della Gelosia

Sambati loves this rustic tavern in Ostuni’s old town. “It’s a bohemian, Salento-style trattoria serving local recipes that are lightly revisited.” Taverna della Gelosia is tucked away amid a jumble of alleys and stairways, which makes its vine-covered courtyard all the more romantic on a summer night.

Osteria Le Arpie

Handmade, ear-shaped orecchiette is the archetypal pasta of Puglia, and its production centers around Bari’s centro storico . Osteria Le Arpie is about as old-school as it gets, and its seasonal orecchiette con le cime di rapa (turnip greens) is Puglian comfort food epitomized. Also look for dishes served with pane di Altamura , Puglia’s heritage bread.

Michele Ursi/Getty Images

Leather Sandals

“Puglia is famous for leather sandals, which you can find everywhere in local shops,” says Waldon. Erredibi is a top choice for handmade, locally made products, and they have stores in Brindisi, Ostuni, Lecce, and Otranto.

Primitivo Wine 

“Puglia’s red primitivo wine, even when it’s just table wine quality, can stand up to reds from across the world,” says Moore. Combine some souvenir shopping with a winery tour and tasting at Masseria Li Veli , or just pop into a little grocery or enoteca to buy a few bottles to bring home.

“Ancient olive groves define the landscape of Puglia, and buying newly pressed EVOO straight from a producer is something special,” says Moore. “ Savoia offers well-organized tours and great oil, but don’t overlook smaller producers like L’Acropoli di Puglia in Martina Franca.”

“We always tell our travelers not to miss the incredible small city of Lecce ,” says Jhawar. “It’s referred to as the ‘Florence of the South’ because of its rich Baroque architecture.” Lecce’s soft limestone meant easy carving for 17th-century artisans and well, they went to town , as evidenced at Basilica di Santa Croce, the Basilica del Rosario, and the Duomo of Lecce.


“It's hard to recommend people skip a visit to the town of Alberobello, with its iconic trulli houses,” says Jhawar. But a lot of travelers have the same idea. “We always encourage our guests to combine Alberobello with less touristy nearby towns such as Locorotondo or Martina Franca.”

While much of the tourist buzz centers around the Adriatic coast and the trulli area, don’t sleep on Gallipoli, which Waldon calls “ the beach town of Puglia.” The Ionian coast town has ancient history, a quiet old town, a newer town brimming with life, and a nonstop Italian party scene in the summertime. 

The Gargano

This picturesque promontory on Puglia’s northernmost coastline is dominated by Gargano National Park, where the scenery changes from beaches to mountains in just a few miles. For smaller towns, incredible biodiversity, more natural beaches, plus some dramatic sea stacks and cliffs, this is the region’s wilder side. 

Francesco Riccardo Iacomino/Getty Images

Waldon recommends visiting Puglia in the shoulder seasons of April to June and September to mid-November in order to avoid the summer heat and crowds, as Puglia is a major holiday destination for Italians. Jhawar agrees, but adds that “Puglia is very lively during the height of summer, with many local festivals.” The takeaway? If you plan a summer visit, book your accommodations and rental car well in advance, and brace yourself for crowded — albeit gorgeous — beaches and towns.

The airports at Bari and Brindisi serve flights from within Italy and Europe, though many incoming travelers opt to fly into Rome’s Fiumicino airport and arrange a rental car or transfer from there. Both Trenitalia and Italo trains serve Puglia, though be aware that with historic hill towns, train stations are usually in the lower town, which might be several miles away from the centro .

Vincenzo De Palo PHOTO/Getty Images

You can get between Puglia’s major tourist centers via Trenitalia’s regional trains and a few private lines. But getting to smaller, rural destinations and more remote coastal areas is trickier by train. “We typically book private drivers or rental cars for our travelers,” says Jhawar. “Booking a rental car in Puglia is a decent approach — just make sure you know where to park in order to avoid the limited traffic zones found in most Italian cities.”

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Top Places to visit in Puglia

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With so many beaches, art cities, Unesco sites and beautiful spots it's hard to narrow it down to just fifteen not-to-be-missed places during a holiday in Puglia.

  • Castel del Monte - World Heritage Site in Andria
  • Monopoli and Castellana Caves
  • Salento Peninsula
  • Gargano Promontory and Vieste
  • Tremiti Islands
  • Alberobello - The Trulli Town
  • Itria Valley
  • Polignano a Mare
  • Santa Maria di Leuca
  • Gravine di Puglia

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1) Castel del Monte - World Heritage Site in Andria

Castel del Monte is one of the most mysterious places in Italy and, absolutely, a Puglia place worth visiting. Built around 1240 by Federico II, the castle is situated on the peak of an isolated hill in Andria  overlooking the Murgia Valley on one side, and with a sweeping view of the Adriatic Sea on the other. It is characterized by an unusual octagon shape with octagonal towers at each corner. In 1996, UNESCO included Castel del Monte on their World Heritage list for its outstanding universal value as much for its architectural beauty as for the mystery that still surrounds it.

Suggested hotels  around Andria: Lama di Luna

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2) Monopoli and Castellana Caves

Monopoli is a small Apulia town whose historical and natural beauty never fails to capture the hearts of travelers. Its old town boasts 19 medieval churches and countless cobblestone alleys. Furthermore, just a few km from Monopoli, sitting in a location with amazing geological features, you can find Castellana Grotte’s stunning rock formations and unique stalactites. The Grotte di Castellana began to form about 90 million years ago and it is one of the most important attractions of Puglia and natural heritage of inestimable value to Italy.

Suggested hotels  around Monopoli: Il Melograno , Don Ferrante Dimore di Charme , Bellavista Suite Charming BB , Boutique BB Playa del Mar


3) Bari - The old town

Bari , the capital of Puglia, is a bustling, well-known port and university city. It is located on the Adriatic Sea and boasts great architecture, stunning churches, a nice seaside promenade and a very interesting historic center with narrow, winding streets and a castle on one side. It is also an off-the-beaten-path destination boasting spectacular gems.

Suggested hotels around Bari: Dogana Resort , CalaPonte Hotel

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4) Salento Peninsula

Salento is most southern part of Puglia, home to small and charming towns as Gallipoli , Otranto , Lecce , Santa Maria di Leuca. Some of the best beaches in Puglia , and even in Italy, can be found on the Salento Peninsula: take a day trip along a variety of nearby sea resorts including Porto Cesareo, Torre Lapillo, the Alimini beach and the stunning “Maldive del Salento”. About 20 km from Brindisi, the protected marine area and wildlife reserve Torre Guaceto includes a stretch of coast six kilometers long, characterized by typical Mediterranean landscape ranging from the sea to sand dunes, Mediterranean scrub and marshes, bordered by centuries-old olive groves.

Suggested hotels in Salento: Vivosa Apulia Resort , Masseria Li Foggi , Le Dune Suite Hotel , Grand Hotel Riviera

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5) Gargano Promontory and Vieste

The Gargano promontory is one of the most naturally diverse areas in all of Puglia. Jutting into the Adriatic Sea in Foggia province, it is sometimes described as the spur on the heel of the Italian boot. While much of the inland of Gargano is covered by a national park, the Foresta Umbra, along the coast you can find golden sandy beaches and little historical towns. Vieste , one of the most popular summer destination in Puglia, is a small, steep, cobbled town, spilling down the hillside above the sea on the eastern coastline of the Gargano.

Suggested hotels in the Gargano area: Hotel Il Porto .

tourist map of puglia italy

6) Tremiti Islands

San Domino, San Nicola, Capraia, Cretaccio and Pianosa are the five tiny islands that make up the Tremitis. It is a small archipelago of rare beauty in the Adriatic Sea in the province of Foggia and a renowned tourist destination because of the clear seas and the beauty both above and below water. The islands are indeed a very popular diving destination because of the numerous coves and underwater caves in the archipelago’s waters. The Tremiti islands' tourist season runs from May to October, though a handful of hotels and restaurants are open year-round.

Suggested hotels near Tremiti Islands: Hotel Il Castellino Relais , Masseria La Chiusa delle More

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7) Alberobello - The Trulli Town

Also known as the Trulli Town , Alberobello was named a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1996 because it is an exceptional example of a form of building construction deriving from prehistoric techniques that have survived intact and are still functioning in the modern world. A “Trullo” is indeed a small limestone house, made with drywall, roughly worked limestone boulders collected from neighboring fields and topped with a conical roof. The Trulli are typical of Alberobello, but you can find some great examples also in Locorotondo, Martina Franca, Cisternino and Fasano.

Suggested hotels in Alberobello: Le Alcove , Abate Masseria and Resort , Nina Trulli Resort

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8) Lecce - The gem of the Salento peninsula

Often labelled as the Florence of the South . Due to the many Baroque monuments which can be found here, Lecce is also best known as a Baroque city. It boasts a marvelous historical centre, numerous churches and squares, such as St. Mary of Providence, the stunning Addolorata Square and Basilica of the Saint Cross. One of the most striking aspects of Lecce, is the Lecce stone (or pietra leccese) which has been used to construct buildings of the old town. Furthermore, Lecce is definitely a place to indulge in some delicious typical dishes, such as the “rustico leccese”.

Suggested hotels around Lecce: Mantatelure Dimora Esclusiva , Acaya Golf Resort and Spa

tourist map of puglia italy

9) Itria Valley

Located in the heart of Puglia, this fertile valley spreads over the Province of Bari , Brindisi and Taranto . It is characterized by a flourishing vegetation and a large amount of olive groves, from which they obtain one of the most delicious Italian olive oil. The Itria Valley is also famous for the trulli, the secret masserias and the vineyards from which they obtain high quality white wine.

Suggested hotels in the Itria Valley: Borgo Eganzia , Masseria Cimino , Masseria Torre del Diamante


10) Ostuni - La Città Bianca

Settled in the province of Brindisi , Ostuni is also called the White City because of the low houses and narrow streets characterized by limestone rocks. The narrow streets and staircases of the old town are filled in history but also full of local and shops that enliven the nightlife. Ostuni and its countryside house also several masserias , ancient farmhouses typical in Southern Italy. Many were abandoned in the late 19th or 20th century, but luckily a lot of them have been snapped up, restored, and turned into wonderful accommodations.

Suggested hotels in Ostuni: Masseria Cervarolo , Nicolaus Prime Ostuni Rosa Marina Resort , Masseria il Frantoio

tourist map of puglia italy

11) Otranto

It is situated in the Salento peninsula , on a rockery mass that falls down to the sea. The Aragonese walls surround the village where you will walk down characteristic streets made by stones and you can visit the Romanesque Cathedral with its Renaissance rose window. Do not miss the Castle built up at the end of the 15th century, as request by Alfonso d'Aragona. Outside the city center you can visit Punta Palascìa lighthouse and Grotta dei Cervi.

12) Polignano a Mare

The coast of Polignano a Mare is one of the most beautiful in Puglia. 30 minutes from Bari, it has a jagged coastline with very steep slopes. Its historic city center shows up the signs of the Arab, Byzantine, Spanish and Norman cultures, all places that we recommend you to visit, along with the Matrice Church from the 13th century and the Pino Pascali Museum .

13) Santa Maria di Leuca

Renowned seaside place in the southernmost part in Salento, it’s much appreciated by the tourists. The coast of Santa Maria di Leuca is very jagged and made of white rocks and natural caves. A beautiful white lighthouse overlooks the bay and just at its foot stands the Basilica of Santa Maria de Finibus Terrae . Along the sea front, there are some elegant noble buildings and liberty-style villas and you’d also see the ending part of the Apulian Aqueduct with a fascinating impressive waterfall.

14) Gallipoli

Gallipoli is a seaside town that is situated along the coast of Salento, and is divided into two areas: the old Town, perched on a limestone island, and the new village, connected to the island by a bridge. In the old part of the town you can see the Fontana Greca, a monument of Renaissance origin, the Cattedrale di Sant'Agata one of the greatest examples of Baroque in Salento, the Church of Santa Maria della Purità with a beautiful majolica floor. Finally, you will admire the Castle of Gallipoli, a defensive stronghold belonging to the old Town along with its Torre del Rivellino.

15) Gravine di Puglia

It is a town nearby the city of Bari, located in the Alta Murgia National Park area. The Gravine are rocks shaped by the erosion of the water that has carved the limestone rock. They can reach a depth of over 100 meters and are very similar to the Canyons. There are rivers flowing at the bottom of the Gravine, they can become torrents that may further sculpt the rock, as they flow by. Thanks to the presence of these watercourses and natural caves located on the rock walls, several populations settled over the years, making these places their houses or using them for defensive purposes.

tourist map of puglia italy

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Olive trees as far as the eye can see, deep red earth, whitewashed seaside towns, and the sparkling blue waters of the sea are just some of the things you can expect when visiting Puglia.

This is the Southernmost region of Italy and a place full of unique culture, food, and unforgettable landscapes. The locals are friendly and generous with their time, perhaps due to the incredible climate they’re blessed with – the sun shines 300 days a year here! 

A trip to the region might include sojourning through coastal towns, trulli hunting through the Valle d’Itria, sightseeing in Lecce, sometimes described as the ‘Florence of the South, hiking in the Gargano, or indulging in the freshest burrata cheese of your life. Most famous for the towns of Alberobello and Polignano al Mare, there is so much more waiting to be uncovered. Keep reading for our ultimate Puglia travel guide. 

Article contents

Where is Puglia

Puglia is located in the heel of the Italian boot in the very deep South. The Adriatic and Ionian Sea hugs the region from left to right, and the region shares borders with Molise in the north, and Campania and Basilicata in the north west.

South of Rome, the capital, Bari , is easily reached with the high-speed train in just under four hours. Naples lies to the West and a fast train will similarly get you there in less than four hours. 

Map of Puglia

Main cities and towns in puglia.

As one of the larger regions of Italy (in fact the 7th out of 20) there are a great number of cities and towns worth exploring when you travel to Puglia. Consider visiting the following: 

  • Bari: The capital (pictured above) is a great place to start or end your trip to Puglia thanks to the well-connected railway station and International Airport. Don’t miss wandering through the labyrinth-like streets of Bari Vecchia, watching the locals roll orecchiette in the streets, exploring the elegant Murat neighborhood, and strolling along the promenade with a detour to the little fish market on the port. 
  • Lecce : Also known as the ‘Florence of the South’, Lecce is beautiful and unique in its own right. An extremely elegant Baroque city, it is also a University town and it shows in its friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Don’t miss seeing the remains of the Roman amphitheatre, the Theatre Romain, the Porta Napoli gate, and of course make sure to take a sip of a caffe’ leccese .
  • Polignano a Mare : Perhaps the most famous place in Puglia thanks to Instagram (or one of the many weddings in US soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful) is Polignano a Mare. Perched high up on the cliffs, there is an iconic sea view that looks out onto the little beach known as Lama Monachile. Wander the pretty streets of the old town and have your camera handy – you’re going to want to take lots of photos!
  • Monopoli : A small fishing village, Monopoli is as pretty as a picture. A stroll through this whitewashed town that rests along the Adriatic Sea will unveil the beautiful Cathedral, a seaside fortress, fabulous restaurants and bars, and of course the beach! If you’re looking for picturesque fishing boats, you’re in the perfect town for a photo opportunity.
  • Otranto : Looking for a popular beachside town? Otranto could be your ideal destination. A trip there should also include visiting its UNESCO listed old town ‘centro storico’ and beautiful Medieval castle.
  • Alberobello : The other VIP town of Puglia is surely Alberobello, famous for its spectacular streets full of trulli, the traditional dry stone huts with conical roofs. Whilst Puglia is still relatively undiscovered by the crowds, the same cannot be said for this town so aim to arrive here very early for unimpeded walking. It also pays to do a guided tour here to understand the town on a deeper level. 
  • Martina Franca : A jewel of Baroque beauty, Martina Franca is a little off the beaten track when it comes to Puglia towns worth visiting. Not overrun by tourists, you can easily lose yourself for a few moments in the little streets. Be sure to try capocollo here, a delicious local cured salami and try to time your visit to coincide with the popular Sunday Flea Market. 
  • Locorotondo :  Whitewashed buildings and civic pride are a feature of this pretty town close to Alberobello, and Martina Franca. Locorotondo gets its name from its round like shape, so enjoy a wander through the streets and look out across the valley dotted with trulli . This town is also famous for its white wine so be sure to try some while you’re there.
  • Grottaglie : In the center of the region, Grottaglie is the undisputed capital of ceramics in Puglia. Visit the ancient ceramics quarter and while away the hours as you visit workshop, after workshop in search of the perfect piece. 
  • Ostuni : F amous for its stunning whitewashed buildings, Ostuni is another breathtakingly beautiful hilltop town to visit in Puglia. Catch glimpses of the Adriatic Sea as you wander through the narrow streets of the old town towards its Gothic style Cathedral. While not directly on the beach, you’ll find several only a short drive away from the center of town.
  • Gallipoli : One of the most famous Pugliese towns, Gallipoli is on the Ionian Sea. The old town, connected to the new town by a bridge, is full of lovely Baroque architecture and pretty palazzi. Go for a swim at the sandy beach and relax at one of the many bars along the promenade with a spritz. 
  • Vieste : Located in the Northern Gargano area of Puglia, Vieste is a stunning seaside town. Visit the Swabian Castle, relax at the beach here and use it as a base to access the Gargano National Park.
  • Taranto : Taranto has a very long and fascinating history reflected in its culture and architecture. Relatively free from tourists, the archeological museum is worth a trip as is the 15th century Aragonese Castle. Look out for Greek remains and don’t skip a visit to the fish market.

Top things to do in Puglia

No matter your interests, this travel guide to Puglia aims to show you how many great activities and experiences to have when traveling in Puglia! Whether you’re a foodie, beach lover, or history buff, you’ll find plenty of choice in this sunkissed region. Some of our favorite activities include: 

Taste olive oil

Puglia is the most important region in Italy for olive oil, producing 40% of the country’s total supply! Gain a deeper understanding as to how extra virgin olive oil is made and the difference between store bought and locally produced with a guided tasting. Try Acropoli di Puglia in Martina Franca!

Visit spectacular beaches

Puglia has some of the best beaches in the country, so you can’t miss a visit to at least one or two! The Grotta della Poesia in Roca is one of the most spectacular with a now Instagram famous sheltered natural pool to dive into. Others include the Beach of Purity in Gallipoli, Santa Maria al Bagno, and Mora Mora Beach near Lecce.

Stay in a trullo

One of the most unique experiences you can have in Puglia is staying in a trullo, the characteristic hut from the Valle d’Itria. There are many options for staying in a trullo from B&B style to luxury trulli resorts .

READ: Our full guide to the Best things to do in Puglia .

Eat pesce crudo (Pugliese sashimi)

Pugliese love their raw fish! In particular, Barese (the people from Bari) are famous for it thanks to the absolute freshness of their seafood. Wander along the old port early in the morning and buy some raw squid, calamari, and sea urchins for a fresh, healthy snack.

Learn to make orecchiette pasta

One of the best souvenirs you can bring home from your travels is the ability to cook something from the region you visited. Pasta from Puglia is very easy to make at home and requires just durum wheat flour, water, and a knife – no machine required. Learn how to make pasta with this class in Lecce .

Explore the Baroque churches in Lecce

Marvel at the sheer beauty and richness of the Baroque churches in Lecce. There’s an old Pugliese joke that the town has more churches than residents and it might seem just the way as you wander through the streets. In particular, take time to visit the Duomo and Basilica di Santa Croce.

DISCOVER: Looking for unique experiences in Puglia? Find them on Loliv . Browse now and get 5% off with code – UNTOLDITALY

What to eat and drink in Puglia

The cuisine of Puglia is rustic and full of wholegrains, vegetables, fresh fish, and creamy cheeses. Whilst the region is the biggest producer of wine in Italy, it was historically used for cheap, table wine. That’s all changing now and the region is full of up and coming wineries that celebrate the local grapes of Primitivo, Aglianico, Negroamaro, Fiano, and Greco.

Besides indulging in as much raw seafood as possible (don’t miss the gamberro rosso or red prawns), look out for these tasty dishes on your trip: 

  • Orecchiette with cime di rapa: The typical pasta of the region takes its name from its little earlike shape. It’s made from durum wheat of which the region is full of and water – no eggs here. The most typical pairing is with vibrant cime di rapa (broccoli rabe).
  • Bombette : If you’re not a seafood lover, or simply prefer meat then this dish is for you.  Bombette are fried pork meat skewers filled with cheese, and seasoned with salt and pepper. The best place to try them is in the Valle d’Itria.  
  • Taralli : The typical savoury biscuits of Southern Italy, you’ll spot these frequently at aperitivo hour served alongside your spritz. You can find them spiked with fennel seeds, chilli, nuts, raisins or even sweet versions. 
  • Focaccia Barese : This focaccia is seriously life-changing! The dough is light and fluffy and thicker than its Northern relative in Genoa thanks to being made with mashed potatoes. The most classic version is topped with ripe tomatoes, oregano, olive oil, and sometimes olives. The best place to try this is at Panificio Fiore in Bari.
  • Mozzarella, burrata and stracciatella: Puglia is the land of creamy cow’s milk cheeses! Look out for mere hours’ old mozzarella, burrata and stracciatella or go and visit a local caseificio, dairy farm, to get it seconds after its made.   
  • Pasticciotti: The perfect breakfast treat to have at the bar in Puglia is undoubtedly a pasticciotto . This little tart is filled with ricotta, custard, pistacchio paste, or jams.
  • Caffe Leccese: Upgrade your coffee order to a caffe’ leccese when in Puglia! It’s a shot of espresso on ice and topped with almond syrup. Locals will tell you not to mix it, but it’s very refreshing either way. The best place to order this is unsurprisingly in Lecce.  
  • Rustico Leccese: Another Lecce special, look out for this savoury pastry filled with mozzarella, bechamel, and tomato sugo. Be sure to enjoy this piping hot at  one of the city’s wonderful bakeries like Il Fornaio di Greco Francesco .

Where to stay in Puglia

Whilst tourism is still relatively new in Puglia, there are fantastic and unique accommodation options throughout the region. There are many traditional hotels, B and Bs and apartments in the major towns available at budget to luxury prices.

More interesting however are the masseria and trulli options you can stay in – provided you are traveling with access to a car. Masseria are traditional Pugliese farmhouses that were once used as fortresses in medieval times. Today, there are hundreds of these properties that dot the countryside including many luxurious options that come with swimming pools, spa services and on-site restaurants.

Trulli or traditional stone houses are another option which are also found in the Itria Valley countryside. 

When planning your trip to Puglia, Vieste is an excellent base if you’re planning on visiting the Gargano. Along the Adriatic Sea, Monopoli (pictured above) is a wonderful option with lots of facilities and a useful position on the train line.

For those wanting to stay in the Itria Valley, a car is absolutely necessary as there is limited public transport. Consider basing yourself in the countryside in a relaxing Masseria or Trulli house between Martina Franca and Locorotondo like Masseria San Michele . Further south in the Salento, Lecce makes for the best base as the major city (with a train line) so there are lots of accommodation and dining choices and easy access to the beaches.

When to go to Puglia

Spring is a beautiful time to visit Puglia and enjoy warm weather and beach time with fewer crowds.We visit the region in late May / early June on our Early Summer Puglia tour to take advantage of these ideal conditions.

Those who love the heat and swimming will enjoy the summertime in Puglia, although August is best avoided due to crowds, inflated prices, and the hottest temperatures.

There are incredible cultural festivals during the summer which are worth seeking out including the Night of San Giovanni in Ostuni, San Pietro e Paolo in Otranto, the Puglia Jazz Festival in Bari, the Alberobello Light Festival, La Notte della Taranta in the towns south of Lecce, and many more.

Early Autumn can be a lovely time for late season swimming and sightseeing with less tourists. You can join our Puglia tour in mid September to enjoy the longer sunny days and mild nights perfect for exploring the region and discovering its delicious cuisine.

Whilst Puglia enjoys a Mediterranean climate and plenty of sunshine throughout the year, it’s important to note that things get very quiet during the Winter. Many beachside towns essentially shut down in the colder months with beach clubs closing from early October and reopening in April.

With that said, Christmastime is one of the most magical times of the year in Puglia as the towns are lit up and decorated to the max and bands walk through the streets on Christmas Eve singing Christmas carols.

How to get to Puglia

There are two main international airports in the region at Bari in the North and Brindisi in the South. If you’re arriving in Puglia from abroad, it’s possible to get a connecting flight from most Italian cities here.

Alternatively, the fast train from Rome or Naples is a reliable option to get you to Bari the capital in less than four hours. Traveling by train in Italy is easy and comfortable with the added bonus of no security checks or luggage restrictions making this our preferred way to travel to Puglia.

If you’re arriving with your own wheels or with a rental car from Rome, it’s a four to five hour drive on the A1 and A16. From Naples, it’s a shorter three hour drive along the via A16/E842 and Autostrada A14/Autostrada.

How to get around Puglia

Travel in Puglia with public transport is not widely recommended as it is slow, there are few main train stations, and regional buses might pass through just once a day (leaving you without a way back).

For travelers who are determined to visit without a car, it is possible to get the train from Bari to Polignano a Mare, Monopoli, and Lecce easily. There is a train to Ostuni, but the station is a short distance away from the town so a taxi would be required to reach the old town. Whilst there are train stations at some of the other towns, there are not normally direct routes from Bari.

With that in mind, it is most convenient to rent a car to travel around Puglia. From Bari or Brindisi airport, you can pick up a rental car to travel around the region with ease, on your own schedule. We recommend using Auto Europe or Car Rental by booking.com to browse the best car rental options. You’ll find the best deals at Bari and Brindisi airports.

Let’s go to Puglia!

We hope our Puglia travel guide has Inspired you to visit Puglia. If you’re keen to learn more about this beautiful region of Italy have a listen to our podcast episode about Puglia’s Pilgrim Trails , or discover more Picturesque Towns of Puglia .

Want to discover Puglia with us? For a deeper local connection, why not join one of our Puglia small group tours . You can see what our guests think about our Untold Italy tours in Puglia by watching the video below.

Italy Heaven

Puglia tourist and travel guide

Strange little trullo houses, beautiful baroque Lecce, fortresses, white hill-towns, caves and rocky seashores …

View of the seafront Abbey of San Vito

Puglia, also known as Apulia, is in the south of Italy; the heel of Italy’s boot. The region has seen a boom in international tourism in recent years, becoming increasingly popular as travellers discover the area’s varied charms: Baroque towns, white-washed trullo houses, olive groves and orchards, blue sea and beaches, plenty of sunshine and excellent cuisine.

Why visit Puglia?

Puglia can become a state of mind; the region has many repeat visitors who come back year after year. The gorgeous coastline with its secretive rocky coves and little beaches attracts sun-lovers who aren’t keen on big over-developed resorts. The low-key, shabby-picturesque charm of the region’s little towns with their characteristic pale-stone-and-whitewash historic centres will bowl over those who love the quaint, character-filled and authentic side of Italy. The simple and filling food of the region, based on local produce is another important part of Puglia’s attraction. And while it’s not as cheap as it used to be, Puglia still offers fantastic holiday experiences at lower prices than the more established tourist regions of Italy.

View of Polignano a Mare over Lama Monachile

Puglia geography and background

The region is divided into six provinces: Bari (which is the regional capital), Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce, Taranto and Barletta-Andria-Trani. The area around Lecce and the southernmost tip of the ‘heel’ is called the Salento; the prime destination for sea-and-sun worshippers. Puglia borders the regions of Campania , Molise and Basilicata . Basilicata’s most famous destination, the cave-town of Matera , is close to the Puglia border and makes a good addition to a tour in this region.

Almost always ruled by outsiders, Puglia was a primarily feudal farming region, and its character today still reflects its relatively humble agricultural past. The most glorious time for Puglia was probably the centuries when colonists from Ancient Greece established cities in southern Italy. There’s not much to see now in Puglia of the towns of Magna Graecia, but pottery from the period (‘Apulian ware’) survives in museums here and around the world; Puglia’s archaeological museums are treasure troves.

The Romans established important ports here which served their empire. The Appian Way, which starts in Rome, finishes in Brindisi, its end still marked by one surviving Roman column (its twin is now in Lecce). The next period to have left a bold impression on Puglia’s landscape was the Middle Ages, when grand churches were built in Puglia’s distinctive version of Romanesque style, with added elements influenced by the area’s commerce with the East. In the thirteenth century Puglia was ruled by the ‘Wonder of the World’, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, who built a string of castles through the region which are still among its most notable sights.

Like the rest of southern Italy, the region has endured a great deal of hardship and difficulty over the centuries, right up to recent decades. The 20th and early 21st centuries saw a lot of emigration as Pugliesi headed north or abroad to seek their fortune.

Nowadays, even the poorer quarters of cities with previously bad reputations are working towards a more optimistic and cleaned-up future. Investment in industry and development means that the areas around Puglia’s big ports, Bari, Brindisi and Taranto, are dominated by ugly industry and brutal modern residential tower blocks and building sites, but away from these eyesores there are vast tracts of attractive countryside. Historic centres have been transformed from run-down to gleaming and busy with tourists.

Much of the region’s interior is covered by olive groves, interspersed with orchards and other crops. If you have only seen small olive groves before, the endless ‘forests’ of olive trees come as a surprising sight. Although the area is dry with low rainfall, the Pugliesi grow large quantities of fruit and vegetables, and their cuisine is rich in local products like beans, chicory and broccoli.

tourist map of puglia italy

For many travellers, Puglia is a departure point for Greece, Albania and the former Yugoslavia, with ferries crossing the Adriatic from Bari and Brindisi. For others it is an entry point to Italy, and in the past the region has had problems coping with an influx of illegal immigrants. Nowadays there is a new (and more welcome) wave of arrivals: holiday-makers and expats attracted to the sunny climate, the coastline and the countryside.

With an increasing amount of attention from Italy-loving outsiders, the area has spent recent years establishing its position on the tourist trail. There are many new and upgraded hotels, holiday apartments and B&Bs. One of the most popular types of tourism is masseria accommodation. Masserie were the big houses at the centre of large agricultural estates. Now they frequently offer comfortable rural accommodation, usually with pools and countryside views, often with extras such as spas and cookery courses.

Puglia airports and travel

Puglia is easy to reach, with two international airports. Both have flights from a range of European destinations, including the UK. Bari ‘Karol Wojtyla’ Airport is at Palese, just outside the city of Bari, with trains and shuttle buses running into the city. Puglia’s second airport is at Brindisi, called Brindisi Casale. This too is connected by bus to the centre of town. Unusually, it’s also right alongside a great tourist attraction: the frescoed church of Santa Maria del Casale. From Brindisi Airport there is also a fast coach service to Lecce, which runs several times a day and stops just outside the centre of Lecce.

Most visitors hire cars to make it easy to travel around Puglia and visit smaller destinations. Although they do often return with at least one story of getting terribly lost, this is quite a practical way to travel and means you can stop where you choose. But take a good road map and ask directions when in doubt.

Some of the more remote sights – and particularly beaches – are not well-connected by public transport; bus services are scanty and it can be difficult to find information about public transport. However, it is worth persevering with research, as it is entirely possible to see the region’s best sights without needing to hire a car. On my Puglia destination pages I provide information on public transport connections, and advice for car-free excursions.

The little railway lines run by FSE (Ferrovie Sud Est) are one of the most scenic ways to view the countryside, and link together some of Puglia’s top tourist towns including Alberobello, Lecce and Otranto (at the time of updating, stretches of line are closed for updating, with rail replacement buses).

There is another private railway line to the north of Bari, and one crossing the border into Basilicata, connecting Bari with the cave-town of Matera. In addition there are national FS train services which connect most of the major towns with the rest of the Italy.

Puglia tourist destinations

Santa Croce, Lecce

Puglia’s most striking tourist attraction – because it is so unique – is the trulli district, around Alberobello (a UNESCO World Heritage site). A trullo is a simple dry-stone-walled building with a domed roof topped by a cone. They are dotted around the green Valle d’Itria, and in Alberobello the town’s large clusters of white-washed trulli create an unusual and memorable scene.

Also striking, in a more sophisticated style, is Lecce , a town famed for its baroque beauty: all golden stone and elegant seventeenth-century architecture with riots of cherubs and foliage.

On the whole, the smaller towns of Puglia, and the countryside, make better holiday destinations than the big port cities. Martina Franca , Locorotondo , Cisternino and Ostuni are all picturesque hilltop towns scattered around the Valle d’Itria. Along the coast, Otranto is one of the most attractive seaside resorts, with a picturesque old town and blue waters.

Street view, Conversano, Puglia

Around Taranto there are fascinating underground sanctuaries and churches, while at Castellana Grotte, close to Alberobello, there are impressive natural caverns offering guided tours. I loved inland Conversano , where you can enjoy the pretty town’s atmosphere and history while avoiding the region’s tourist crowds.

One of Puglia’s most gorgeous coastal destinations is the pretty headland town of Polignano a Mare , famous for its iconic views and cliff diving. It’s also very touristy, these days, though travellers seeking quieter seaside towns can travel along the coast to avoid crowds. Monopoli, a few minutes away by train, is also on the tourist trail now, but has a more laidback feel and more space to breathe.

The small Tremiti islands are busy destinations for daytrippers enjoying holidays on the wooded Gargano peninsula – a national park with rocky shores, and a popular holiday destination. The Salento area is another popular choice for summer holidays: it is the peninsula making up the lowest part of the heel of Italy’s boot.

Castel del Monte, Puglia

Many Catholic pilgrims head for San Giovanni Rotondo , the site associated with Padre Pio – the bearded modern saint you’ll see depicted on mountains of cheap religious kitsch all around Italy. Among other religious sites are the Church of St. Nicholas ( Basilica di San Nicola ) in Bari , where the remains of ‘Santa Claus’ (stolen from Turkey by the enterprising Baresi) lie in state in the crypt. For a different kind of pilgrimage, film lovers may be interested in a side-trip to Castellaneta, the birthplace of Rudolph Valentino. If you are touring with a car you’ll be able to visit the intriguing castles of Frederick II, including the enigmatic octagonal Castel del Monte , another World Heritage site.

Puglia destinations

  • Puglia region – an intro
  • Abbey of San Vito
  • Alberobello
  • Castel del Monte
  • Locorotondo
  • Martina Franca
  • Polignano a Mare
  • Bari Airport
  • Brindisi Airport

Puglia & Matera – a travel itinerary

Visiting Puglia: our advice

Puglia is still developing as a tourist destination and it doesn’t have the experience, resources or dynamism of Italy’s more famous tourist areas to the north. English is not widely spoken at anything more than a basic level, and some aspects of accommodation and service are a long way from north-European expectations. Unlike Rome or Venice, for example, you may find it hard to obtain a drink of English tea without detailed explanations – carry your own teabags if this is important to you. We’d strongly recommend you prepare for your trip by reading up on the area and learning a few phrases of Italian – or at least taking a phrase book with you. If you are exploring the area independently, it’s worth doing some research on travel and opening hours before you set off. Tourist information offices have limited opening hours and few resources other than town maps. On our Puglia pages we’ll provide as much practical information and advice as we can, along with links to useful websites. We found it invaluable to have printed out railway timetables in advance – often we were better equipped with information than the people/offices where we made enquiries.

tourist map of puglia italy

Be aware that in the south of Italy, almost everything shuts up for lunch (churches close at noon, shops sometimes later) and doesn’t re-open for hours. Town centres are deserted and most attractions, businesses and tourist information offices are closed. On a hot summer afternoon the sensible thing to do is to take things easy. By 4 or 5pm the towns begin to come back to life, with shops opening again until late, and families joining in the ritual evening stroll, the passeggiata .

We encountered many very helpful people – train staff, members of the public, shop staff – and just a few who lacked the will or the initiative to help (often those who were paid to do so). Where something seemed unclear – street directions, how to get to a specific railway platform – there was always someone to explain or to help. Asking questions and chatting usually led to a very warm response. So take a guide book, read our pages, make some notes, print timetables, and travel with a relaxed and open attitude.

> Puglia & Matera – a suggested travel itinerary using public transport to tour Puglia, with a side-trip to Matera.


Despite the awakening of an international tourist industry, city hotels in Puglia still tend to be old-fashioned, uninspiring and over-priced. A newer wave of alternative accommodation offers more interest and better value: from masserie in the countryside to holiday trulli in Alberobello. A lot of new B&Bs have opened – in Lecce they are a particular feature – and if you read reviews carefully you can find some good places to stay.

> My review of a holiday trullo > Puglia hotels, B&Bs and holiday apartments

Puglia on screen

Puglia has become a common sight on screen, thanks to the region’s scenery, and also thanks to a busy film commission and funding. Films and TV series set in Puglia can make a mouth-watering introduction to the beauty of this corner of Italy. I’ve sometimes mentioned on destination pages if there are any noteworthy films or TV programmes set or filmed locally.

Recent Netflix movie Jumping from High Places was filmed in a small area near Bari: at Polignano a Mare, the Abbazia di San Vito, and Conversano. I wasn’t wild about the self-help romcom, but the scenery in the film is gorgeous and it’s hard to imagine a better visual introduction to this attractive corner of Puglia. I’ve visited and written about the locations: Jumping from High Places filming locations .

Puglia reading and guidebooks

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Holiday trullo in Alberobello – our review

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Puglia hotels & B&Bs

Gargano National Park (Italian)

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12 things to know before visiting Puglia, Italy

Benedetta Geddo

Mar 29, 2024 • 7 min read


Here's what you should know before going to Puglia © Oscar Wong / Getty Images

If you want to holiday in Italy like a true Italian, then head down to Puglia .

While no longer the true underappreciated gem it once was, the region – stretching across the heel of Italy's boot – is still less visited by foreign travelers than other coastal areas of the country.

From the best time to visit to the local rhythm of life, here are some things you need to know when planning your stay in Puglia.

1. A couple of days just isn’t enough

You’ll need more than just a couple of days to truly see all that Puglia has to offer, from the splendid beaches of the Gargano and Salento peninsulas to history-filled cities like Bari , Lecce and Taranto and the picturesque towns like Ostuni and Monopoli. A couple of weeks will give you ample time to have the best of both worlds and enjoy both getting lost in old historic town centers and sprawl down on a beach under the sun.

Puglia is quite a long region, and driving from its northernmost point to its southernmost tip takes around five hours. To make the most of your time there, plan to stay in a couple of different bases so you can reduce your travel time around the region.

Plan your travels in Puglia with this guide to the region's 8 best places to visit

A row of yellow and white umbrellas and sunloungers with a sole figure sunbathing on a lounger on an otherwise empty beach

2. Summer is amazing, but shoulder season is better

If you want to experience a true Italian summer, then July and August are the months to do that. It doesn’t get much more summery than this, but you’ll have to share cities, towns and beaches with quite a lot of fellow tourists. Since it’s the high season, prices shoot up — as does the temperature, which can become difficult to manage especially if you’re walking around historic city centers filled with stone buildings that are just reflecting their heat onto you.

The best time to visit Puglia remains shoulder season, so mid- to late-spring and then September until mid-October. The weather is milder but still lovely enough to allow you to take a dip in the sea, and there aren’t as many crowds – especially if you visit in September, when most Italians have returned to their everyday lives of work and school.

3. It's possible to get around by train 

While renting a car remains the best option to move around Puglia at your own pace and with all the flexibility that making your own schedule allows, you can still reach major cities by train. And when it comes to trains, the Trenitalia app is an absolutely must-have. Relatively easy to navigate, the app will tell you everything there is to know about routes, schedules and the price of tickets. You can also buy your tickets through the app, which allows you to skip possible lines at ticket offices or bypass the problem of not there being a ticket office altogether.

4. Ticket offices are not the only places that sell tickets

Ticket offices might not be that easy to find, especially when it comes to buses or train stations in smaller towns. In that case look around for a tabaccheria (tobacco shop) or an edicola (newsstand), where you can usually purchase valid tickets while avoiding the possible additional fees of buying them directly on board the bus or train.

5. Know the restrictions on the roads

As mentioned, having your own car is the best way to explore all that Puglia has to offer. But betware of the risks of fines. When in bigger cities, look out for ZTLs or "Limited Traffic Zones". Entering one of these ZTLs might land you with a pretty considerable fine that is sure to put a damper on your vacation, so make sure to check street signs carefully. They will usually be white with a red circle and the writing “Zona a traffico limitato” in black marking the entrance to any ZTL.

Don't miss Puglia's 8 best experiences

A swimming pool built into a seaside cliff

6. Always make your summer bookings in advance

If you’re traveling during the high season, booking in advance is recommended for everything, but especially for a spot at one of the many beach clubs, or lido, that dot the coast of Puglia. While you can definitely find some "free" beaches where all you have to do is lay down your towel and maybe plant your beach umbrella, if you want to enjoy the amenities of a lido — like beach chairs, changing rooms, a bar, sometimes even small soccer pitches and beach volleyball courts — it’s best if you reserve your spot well in advance.

7. Swimwear is for the beach, not for the town

Even if you’re in a coastal town with the most magnificent beach you’ve ever seen, keep in mind that swimwear should only be worn when you’re actually on the beach. Several towns have regulations against wearing swimwear when strolling around their centers, and it’s also generally something Italians don’t do — just throw on a dress or shirt to cover up and you’re good to go.

8. Do not disturb during the pennica

There’s only one solution when it comes to beating the high summer heat and that is sleeping through the hottest hours of the day. This is a sacred moment for locals in Puglia, and in Italy alike. The pennica (afternoon nap) can happen anywhere from midday to five-ish and you shouldn’t be surprised to see shops and others activities close up during those hours and reopen later in afternoon. That’s just the rhythm of life in Puglia, so take it in your stride and nap away.

9. Some basic Italian goes a long way

While people at your hotel or hostel or restaurant in a major city in Puglia will probably know some English, the same isn’t true for the people you might encounter in a small village along the road. Learning some basic sentences in Italian is a good way to make sure you’re not completely cut off from locals around you should the need arise and it’s also something that is generally appreciated and that immediately puts the people you’re talking with in a good mood.

Greet people with "buongiorno" (good morning) or "buonasera" (good evening). Instead of "please" and "thank you" say "per favore" and "grazie." To ask about the price of something, say "quanto costa?" and to find the nearest bathroom, ask "dov’è il bagno?"  To make it back to English, you could explain that you don’t speak Italian well ( "Non parlo bene italiano" ) and ask if the other person can talk to you in English ( "Parli inglese?" or "Parla inglese?",  to be polite).

A small souvenir store in a traditional round stone house

10. Perfect your greeting etiquette

You may have noticed that Italians usually exchange two kisses on the cheek as a form of greeting. While that is usually reserved for friends or relatives — you won’t be expected to do the same with someone you just met — there’s definitely a greeting etiquette to keep in mind. It is considered polite to always greet people when entering a shop, especially if it’s a smaller one, or a restaurant, with a quick “buongiorno” (good morning) or “buonasera” (good evening), which will always be well-received.

11. Always keep some cash on hand

While almost everywhere in major cities and tourist areas will have no problem with accepting electronic payments, cash might be appreciated in smaller towns and villages. Keep a small amount of euros in cash with you just in case the place you’re eating at or the shop you want to buy a souvenir from doesn’t take cards.

12. Take common sense safety precautions

Don’t believe rumors that say that Puglia is an unsafe region to travel. This stereotype – with some foundations in truth but not as extreme as some might have you believe – still sadly lingers in the south of Italy. Just use the same common sense you would use when traveling anywhere and be especially aware of pickpockets. If you have a car, don’t leave anything of value that can be seen through the windows.

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famous beach of polignano a mare as seen from above on a puglia road trip itinerary

The Perfect 7 Day Puglia Road Trip Itinerary

We always knew that we would fall in love with Puglia, but after diving deep into the region on an extended Puglia road trip, it’s safe to say that we’re near-obsessed with it.

From exploring whitewashed hilltop villages to dipping (again and again and again) into the sparkling Adriatic Sea, and from devouring endless plates of orecchiette to sleeping in one of the region’s famous trulli , Puglia is awash with delightful Italy travel experiences.

Longtime readers know that we have a tendency to fall in love with certain corners of Italy and return to them repeatedly, and, well–let’s just say we expect to have plenty of opportunities to continue updating this Puglia blog post over the years.

Located on the “heel of the boot”, Puglia (sometimes called Apulia) is known primarily as a beach destination to Italian and other European travelers.

kate storm overlooking the sea on a balcony in otranto puglia

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It’s less popular with North Americans (so far), but that balance seems to be shifting a bit more each year.

With a hidden gem as absolutely sublime as this one, though, it was only a matter of time until the secret got out.

If you’re looking to spend a week exploring a laid-back and beautiful corner of Italy, where the food is fresh (fun fact: around 40% of Italy’s olive oil comes from Puglia!), the driving easy, the and the swimming sublime, this Puglia road trip itinerary is for you.

(And, I didn’t even mention yet that Puglia is significantly less crowded and less expensive than hotspots like the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre ).

Here’s how to make the most of 7 days in beautiful Puglia, Italy!

Table of Contents

How We Structured This Puglia Itinerary

Renting a car for your road trip (+ traveling to puglia), can this puglia itinerary work without a car, other destinations to add to your itinerary for puglia, the best time of year to visit puglia, italy, what to pack for a 7 day puglia road trip, one week puglia travel itinerary map.

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm on a terrace overlooking trulli alberobello puglia 7 day itinerary

With a region as large and diverse as Puglia, narrowing down the best places to visit on a 7 day Puglia road trip is quite the challenge!

Unlike many of the itineraries on Our Escape Clause , we’ve structured this Puglia itinerary as a point-to-point trip leading (loosely) from Bari to Lecce, rather than as a loop.

However, as Lecce and Bari are less than 2 hours apart by either train or car, you’ll easily be able to return to Bari at the end of your trip if needed.

We designed this trip to Puglia around visiting whitewashed villages, historic cities, and–of course–lots of beaches and seaside landscapes.

It’s a fairly fast-paced itinerary in the sense that it packs a lot in and involves visiting many beautiful towns, but to drive this route straight through without traffic would actually take less than 5 hours!

whitewashed building with green doors and red flowers in the foreground in polignano a mare puglia towns to visit

You’ll drive a bit more than that, counting day trips and such, but the bottom line is that it’s a very doable distance in a week, even at a relaxed pace.

In other words, you have more time for beach time than you might think at first glance!

However, try as you might, it’s impossible to explore all of the best places to visit in Puglia in a week, so some (very worthy) destinations have been cut.

Because of this, in addition to the detailed 7 day itinerary for Puglia that we’ve outlined here, we’ve also made notes of several more incredible places in the region that you can add or swap in, depending on your travel style, the season, and how much time you have to enjoy the heel of the boot.

This Puglia travel guide is quite long, so feel free to use the table of contents above this section to navigate to the most important parts for you if you wish!

kate storm in a red dress overlooking the adriatic sea during an itinerary for puglia vacation

For most people, of course, taking a Puglia road trip will require renting a car

We recommend renting a small car through  Discover Cars , which will allow you to compare the prices and inclusions of multiple companies at the same time and choose the best car for you from there.

For the purposes of this itinerary, we recommend picking up your car in Bari.

To get to Puglia itself, you can either fly into Bari (Brindisi, to the south, has an airport as well, but Bari is more convenient for this itinerary), or take the train there.

colorful umbrellas in the foreground with water of otranto italy in the background

If you’re coming from outside of Europe, there’s a good chance it will be more affordable to fly into Rome or Venice, and then take the high-speed train to Bari to start your road trip in Puglia.

If you’d like to investigate flying into a major city and then taking a train to Puglia, we recommend checking the train schedules and prices through Omio (bear in mind that tickets for high-speed trains can dramatically increase as the trip gets closer).

Check rates & book your rental car for Puglia today!

ranger storm sitting on a ledge overlooking the puglia countryside in locorotondo

This Puglia itinerary is specifically designed as a road trip, and we do strongly believe that driving is the best way to visit the heel of Italy’s boot!

From offbeat villages to quiet, out-of-the-way beaches, your trip to Puglia will absolutely be enhanced by having your own set of wheels.

That being said, if you can’t or would rather not drive, you can still cover the vast majority of the sights included on this Puglia road trip itinerary through a combination of public transportation and guided tours.

If you’re not planning to drive, you can still follow the bulk of this itinerary by train.

However, you’ll likely need to cut some of the smaller towns in the Itria Valley (as you won’t be moving as quickly), as well as stick to beaches/swim spots within walking distance of town.

turquoise water in monopoli italy with sailboats in the distance

You’ll also want to be sure to choose lodging that’s within walking distance of the train stations.

And, if you’re not attached the idea of sleeping in a trullo (though I’ll be the first to say it is a delight), you may consider spending longer based in Monopoli and visiting the interior towns via day trips.

If you want to structure your itinerary for Puglia without a car, we highly recommend using  Omio  to check exact ticket schedules and pricing for trains and buses in the region.

Check schedules and shop train and bus tickets in Puglia  today!

jeremy storm and ranger storm standing in front of the sea in otranto italy, ranger in a backpack

Day 1: Arrive in Bari and head to Monopoli.

Bari, Puglia’s capital and largest city, is the perfect launching pad for your road trip whether you arrive in the region by train or plane.

While Bari has several attractions worth exploring, for the sake of time, we won’t dedicate much time to Bari on this itinerary.

If you arrive by train and are a completionist at heart, it’s about a 15-minute walk from Bari Centrale to the heart of the old town, if you’d like to take a quick spin around the city’s central sights like the Basilica San Nicolo and the Cathedral of San Sabino.

Once you wrap up, though, it’s time to pick up your rental car and zip off to Monopoli!

It’s about a 45-minute drive between the 2 cities, depending on traffic, so you’re not in a rush.

streets of centro storico in monopoli, a great base during 7 days in puglia travel guide

After checking into your hotel (ideally in or near the historic center–more on that in a minute), it’s time to start exploring.

While Monopoli’s historic center has some interesting churches and such to check out, the Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi is definitely worth a peek (as is the Bella Blu Gelateria right on it), what you’re most likely looking for is the sparkling Adriatic Sea!

Head to the Porto Antico (Old Harbor) to start your stroll past the Castello Carlo V and along the Lungomare.

As you head further away from the historic center, you’ll notice more and more people with their towels spread out on the rocks, going for a dip–and yes, this is highly recommended!

kate storm in a red bathing suit standing on a rock overlooking monopoli puglia

Where to Stay in Monopoli, Italy

We loved our stay at La Maison dello Zio : the property was clean, spacious, and very quiet (extra impressive considering its location in the heart of Monopoli’s small historic center).

We’d be happy to stay again!

Other popular, well-reviewed options in Monopoli include Corte Sant’Angelo or–if you’re looking for a splurge complete with incredible views–the stunning Hotel Don Ferrante .

We recommend staying in Monopoli for 2 nights.

Check rates & book your stay in Monopoli!

jeremy storm with adriatic sea in the background in monopoli italy

Day 2: Visit Polignano a Mare and explore Monopoli.

On the second day of your road trip in Puglia, head just 15 minutes north or so along the coast to the famous town of Polignano a Mare.

You’ll likely recognize Polignano a Mare’s picture-perfect beach: the views of this beach from above are some of the most iconic images of the region!

While the beach itself is small and very rocky (you’ll definitely want water shoes if you plan to swim there), the water is gorgeous and the views of the coast from above are well worth the trip.

Polignano a Mare is one of the most popular–read crowded–towns in Puglia, so we recommend getting an early start if you can.

Don’t miss the opportunity to wander through the old town, seeking out stunning views of the Adriatic along the way.

kate storm in polignano a mare puglia overlooking the sea, one of the best stops on an itinerary for puglia italy

Terrazza Santo Stefano in particular is a must-see!

If you want even more unique views of the coast, joining one of the popular Polignano a Mare boat tours is a fantastic option (and will also give you an opportunity to swim away from the crowds at the beach).

Want a bucket-list dining experience while in Puglia?

The picturesque cave overlooking the sea found at Hotel Grotta Palazzese has been used as a restaurant since the 18th century (today, you’ll definitely need reservations if you plan to eat lunch there).

After wrapping up your morning exploring, eating, and possibly swimming your way through Polignano a Mare, head back to Monopoli and enjoy the afternoon and evening there!

To swim, check out Cala Porta Vecchia, or keep walking along the water until you hit Cala Cozze or Porto Bianco.

There are plenty of lidos (paid Italian beach clubs with umbrellas and chairs) around Monopoli, but for less than a full beach day, we prefer to stick with free swimming spots.

monopoli italy as seen from across the water at cala porta vecchia

Day 3: Head inland to Alberobello and nearby whitewashed towns.

As difficult as it can be to leave the coast behind, it’s worth it to see another side of Puglia during your week in the region!

Puglia is famous for trulli –the dry, stone, conical buildings typical of the area, and the buildings are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

You can find them across the Itria Valley, but no town has a higher concentration of them than the famous–and stunning–Alberobello.

After Polignano a Mare’s central beach, the trulli of Alberobello are probably the most recognizable image of Puglia.

trulli in alberobello as seen from above, one of the best things to do in puglia itinerary

However, today won’t just be about Alberobello, but about the surrounding villages.

The nearby small towns of Locorotondo and Martina Franca are both also well worth visiting, and while they have fewer trulli , they’re beautiful and will be far less crowded.

We recommend saving Alberobello for the end of the day, and spending the night there–ideally in a trullo !

The crowds of day trippers that swarm Alberobello throughout the day can be downright overwhelming, making this down best enjoyed in the evening and the early morning (and if you’re visiting in the summer, this will help with the heat, too).

If you want to make sure you don’t miss any of the most iconic trulli , this popular walking tour is a great addition to your time in Alberobello.

Book your walking tour of Alberobello today!

kate storm wandering the whitewashed streets of locorotondo, travel puglia road trip

Where to Stay in Alberobello, Italy

For a memorable stay in the Itria Valley, you can’t beat spending the night in a trullo!

We can’t rave enough about our stay in the Miratrulli Apartment & Trullo –everything from the structure to the location to the hospitality of the owner was flawless.

If it’s booked, though, Trulli Holiday Albergo Diffuso and Trulli Soav e also get excellent reviews.

We recommend spending 1-2 nights here.

Check rates & book your stay in Alberobello today!

interior of a trullo in alberobello italy with ranger storm lying on the bed

Day 4: Continue exploring the Itria Valley or head to Matera.

As you hit the mid-point of your Puglia road trip, it’s time for a decision!

Option one: stay in the Itria Valley, continue exploring whitewashed hilltop towns, tasting wine, sampling olive oil, and enjoying trulli .

With this option, you may want to head over to the gorgeous city of Ostuni, a longtime favorite in the region that features magnificent views from its hilltop as well as plenty of nooks and crannies to explore.

Alternatively, you can head west to the fascinating city of Matera.

Matera, though located in the region of Basilicata rather than in Puglia itself, is a popular addition to Puglia itineraries.

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm on a balcony overlooking matera on a southern italy itinerary

Matera is an endlessly interesting place, known for being populated since the prehistoric area, its incredible views, and its Sassi area–the area populated by cave dwellings dating back thousands of years.

In the 1950s, Matera gained international notoriety for the poor living conditions in the Sassi, and was nicknamed the “Shame of Italy”.

The population was forcibly removed the the “new” (still quite old) town surrounding the Sassi, and the historic cave dwellings were abandoned.

Fast forward several decades, though, and Matera has achieved new life as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a popular filming location (for films ranging wildly from “The Passion of the Christ” to “James Bond: No Time to Die”), and a European Capital of Culture.

door leading into a church in matera italy

Many of the formerly shameful Sassi have been converted into popular boutique cave hotels.

Matera is absolutely, without a doubt, worth visiting–but it is also incredibly hot during the summer months, even by the standards of southern Italy.

If that sounds like a fair trade, or you’re enjoying 7 days in Puglia outside of summer, Matera is a great idea.

If you don’t have a high heat tolerance, consider sticking around the Itria Valley instead, where it still gets quite hot, but is easier to cool off.

2 aperol spritzes with snacks on a table in a piazza in matera italy southern road trip

Where to Stay in Matera, Italy

Unfortunately, as beautiful as the views from our balcony were, we can’t recommend the cave hotel we stayed in when visiting Matera.

However, Conche Luxury Retreat and Il Belvedere are both beautiful properties that get excellent reviews!

Matera in general is extremely affordable by Italian standards, making it a wonderful place to splurge on a memorable place to stay.

If you choose to visit Matera, we recommend spending one night there.

Check rates & book your stay in Matera today!

kate storm sitting on the edge of a balcony on matera in summer--visiting matera in july can be considered a bit of an italy travel mistake

Day 5: Make your way back to the sea in Otranto.

Whether you’ve been exploring the Itria Valley or Matera, if you’re visiting Puglia during the summer, one thing is certain: at this point, you’re going to be ready to get back to the sea!

Make your way to Otranto (despite this being your longest drive of the trip, getting from Matera to Otranto is still likely to take you only about 3 hours), where you can enjoy wide, sandy beaches and plenty of coastal charm again.

Choosing a favorite between Monopoli and Otranto would be very, very difficult, but Otranto’s wide, sandy beaches located right next door to the center are definitely a plus.

kate storm in the shallow water near centro storico of otranto italy things to do

(Monopoli has plenty of swimming near the center too, of course, but not as many sandy stretches quite as conveniently located).

While in Otranto, be sure to pay a visit to the gorgeous Duomo, the Castello Aragonese, and the tiny Church of St. Peter.

Walking along the town ramparts is also a must, but without a doubt, a good portion of your time in Otranto should be dedicated to beach time!

clock tower in otranto puglia with people walking in front of it

Where to Stay in Otranto, Italy

We loved our stay at the spacious Marimar Apartments , located a short walk from Centro Storico and an even shorter walk from the sea.

B&B Palazzo Marzo and Palazzo de Mori are both excellent options as well!

Otranto’s small size and location hugging the Adriatic make it simple to find places to stay near the water, a big advantage for a beach town.

We recommend staying in Otranto for 2 nights and wrapping up your 7 days in Puglia here.

Check rates & book your stay in Otranto today!

two servings of gelato being held in front of a shop in otranto puglia at night

Day 6: Explore Otranto and visit the Cave of Poetry.

While we’ve tried to leave plenty of room for afternoon swimming in this 7 day itinerary for Puglia, today is the only day that is dedicated almost exclusively to it!

Other than perhaps a bit of sightseeing (gelato in hand, of course) in Centro Storico, today is all about the water.

We recommend taking a drive out to the Cave of Poetry (in Italian, Grotta della Poesia ) to enjoy one of the most stunning swimming holes we’ve ever had a chance to enjoy!

Featuring crystal-clear water, jaw-dropping views, a cave to swim through, and even some nearby ruins to explore, it’s a remarkable sight.

cave of poetry puglia road trip stops, as seen from above

And, if you’re feeling particularly daring, you can even join the locals for a bit of cliff-jumping.

Looking for something a bit different, either as an alternative or an addition to your day?

The Bay of Turkey ( Baia dei Turchi ) is also nearby and boasts what is widely considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Puglia.

If you happen to be visiting Puglia outside the swimming season and are looking for an alternative away from the water, you could substitute a visit to Gallipoli and/or Lecce here.

kate storm and jeremy storm taking a selfie at the grotta della poesia italy

Day 7: Make your way home, possibly stopping in Lecce on the way.

As you wrap up your 7 days in Puglia and prepare to head home, there’s one final stop we recommend making on the way: Lecce, the “Florence of the South”.

This university city is packed with stunning Baroque architecture and long history with ties to Ancient Greece and Rome.

It’s gorgeous and well worth a visit, but since it’s located inland in the southern part of Puglia, it doesn’t draw nearly as many visitors as the coasts.

If you have time, spend some time exploring the best things to do in Lecce’s Centro Storico, including the remains of the Roman Amphitheatre, the Basilica di Santa Croce, and the Piazza del Duomo and Duomo itself.

This well-reviewed walking tour can help you efficiently cover the highlights of the city in just a couple of hours!

roman amphitheater in lecce italy with bell tower in the background

If you don’t want to drive back to Bari to drop off your rental car (it’s about a 2-hour drive), consider checking prices for a one-way rental that you drop off in Lecce.

That’s what we did on our Puglia road trip, and it ended up being very affordable!

Lecce is home to a well-connected train station that can easily whisk you off to your next destination in Italy if you’re planning to continue your travels within the country.

If you’re flying home from Bari, though, it’ll likely be easiest to drive back yourself.

front facade of basilica di santa croce in lecce italy, a fun stop during a week in puglia italy

While this itinerary covers quite a bit of Puglia in 7 days, no one trip could hope to cover it all!

In addition to the choose-your-own-adventure modifications we’ve included throughout the itinerary, here are a few more stops you might consider adding on with more than a week in Puglia.

Located on the western edge of the Salento region of Puglia, Gallipoli is located more or less opposite Otranto on the peninsula.

Featuring the beautiful seaside Castello Aragonese, a charming center, and plenty of surrounding beaches, Gallipoli makes for a delightful seaside base in southern Puglia.

beach of gallipoli puglia as seen through a stone wall, one of the best italian coastal towns

Gargano National Park

This itinerary for Puglia doesn’t stray further north than Bari, so sadly doesn’t pass through Gargano National Park.

However, if you’re looking for rugged, wild beaches, offbeat small towns like the gorgeous Vico del Gargano, and even a forest (the Forest Umbra is stunning), Gargano National Park has you covered.

Unless you have an exceptionally long time to spend on your Puglia vacation, this part of the region is probably best visited on a separate trip.

bright blue water with white cliffs in gargano national park puglia travel guide

Tremiti Islands

This small archipelago, made up of 5 main islands, is known for its magnificent beaches, sea caves, cliffs, and brilliant turquoise water.

The Tremiti Islands are part of Gargano National Park, but you’ll need to hop on a boat–or, if you’re feeling like a splurge, a helicopter–to get there!

view of white cliffs, bright blue water and sailboats from above on tremiti islands

Castel del Monte

The mysterious Castel del Monte dates to the 13th century and was built by King Frederick II.

Its unusual shape has caused some to speculate over the centuries that it was never meant to be a defensive fortress at all!

Today, it is known as one of Puglia’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is located just outside of Bari.

octagonal castel del monte as seen from the front facade

Located right on the Adriatic Sea and featuring a beautiful Duomo, charming Centro Storico, and the remains of once-important defensive structures, Trani has quite a bit in common with towns like Monopoli and Otranto!

Too far north to fit into this 7 day Puglia trip, it is nonetheless well worth a visit with more time in the region.

view of trani italy as seen from the water on a sunny day in puglia vacation

Grotte di Castellana

This stunning karst cave system is a feast for the eyes, and definitely one of the coolest places to visit in Puglia!

And, during the summer, “coolest” is literal: the caves maintain a constant temperature of around 62 ° F/16.5 ° C, making them a great place to escape the summer heat on a particularly hot afternoon.

You can reach the Grotte di Castellana in under 30 minutes from Monopoli or Alberobello.

dramatic stalactites in grotte di castellana in puglia travel itinerary

We’ve designed this Puglia road trip for a visit that takes place during the swimming season–so late spring, summer, and early fall.

Personally, we find June and September to be the ideal months for visiting Puglia if you’re hoping to swim and have a typical beach trip: the water will be great for swimming, and the towns lively without being overrun as in July and August.

July and August are the most popular months for visiting Puglia, so if you want the height of the mid-summer, peak season experience, that’s when to go!

famous inlet beach of polignano a mare, as seen during a road trip in puglia italy

In May, the weather is a bit cool for swimming as far as we’re concerned, but some brave souls do take it on.

Spring and fall are both ideal for cultural trips to Puglia focused on exploring the villages of the Itria Valley, the region’s historic sites, and of course, its food.

We found sweating during mid-day when inland a fair trade-off for swimming in the Adriatic, but we definitely would have been far more comfortable in places like Locorotondo and Alberobello in the spring or fall.

Winter is a decidedly slow season in Puglia, however, the weather does stay mild and quite dry, making it a great choice if you’re looking to escape the cold, dark weather further north during winter in Europe !

kate storm and ranger storm posing with trulli in alberobello during a trip to puglia italy

Here are a few essentials that you should definitely add to your packing list as you prepare for your road trip in Puglia, Italy!

Travel Insurance  — We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen, and a fast-paced road trip is definitely a case of better safe than sorry.

We use and recommend  Safety Wing  for trips to Italy.

Travel Adaptors for Italy  — If you’re coming from outside of Europe, you’ll definitely need adaptors for your electronics.

kate storm on the adriatic coast near the cave of poetry in puglia

Hands-Free Phone Mount  — This is especially important if you don’t have a reliable co-pilot: the last thing you want to do is fumble with the GPS on your phone when driving in Puglia.

Pack a cell phone holder to attach to the car and you’ll be able to drive much more safely!

Dry Bag — Want to keep your electronics safe during a beach day or boat trip?

Securing them in a dry bag is the perfect low-cost solution!

ranger smiling amongst the boats in the old harbor of monopoli italy

Sunscreen — The day we visited Polignano a Mare, we forgot our sunscreen and ended up panic-buying a very overpriced bottle in town… that didn’t even work well.

Moral of this story: bring your own sunscreen!

Additional Car Insurance  — Whether you purchase a policy that covers car rental (only some do, so double-check!), purchase a policy through the rental car company, or something else, be sure you have coverage: it’s worth the peace of mind.

Portable USB Charger  — Don’t stress about your phone dying while you’re spending long days driving from village to village: add a portable charger to your packing list.

walls of monopoli puglia with the adriatic sea in the foreground

Swiss Army Knife  — Want to open wine bottles in your hotel room, slice cheese from the market, or cut up that fresh focaccia from the bakery?

You’ll be so glad you brought a Swiss Army Knife along on your Puglia vacation!

Camera  — We absolutely adore our  Sony a7R III , but whatever camera you’re comfortable with works.

Just make sure you have something with you to preserve your memories!.

Hand Sanitizer  — We carry this everywhere, and have never been sorry to have it floating around in our day bag.

Take This Map With You! Click each highlight to pull up the name of the destination. To save this map to “Your Places” on Google Maps, click the star to the right of the title. You’ll then be able to find it under the Maps tab of your Google Maps account! To open the map in a new window, click the button on the top right of the map.

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2 photos of puglia travel destinations, alberobello and polignano a mare. black and red text reads "the perfect 7 day puglia road trip"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

10 thoughts on “The Perfect 7 Day Puglia Road Trip Itinerary”

Hi there, absolutely loved all the info. I am from Canada and going to Italy(Verona) to visit family from May 24- June 29th. My friend is meeting me in Italy within those 5 weeks and we are going to Puglia. We are planning out our trip next week. This info was perfect. We will be renting a car and are planning for a 7-10 day trip. If we wanted to spend a couple of extra days to relax would you recommend just staying in Otranto?

Otranto is a great choice! Monopoli would be almost a tie with it for us–can’t go wrong with either. 🙂

Hi, Was it easy having the dog with you? Was the dog allowed eveywhere you went e.g. Beaches, restaurant etc. Or was it difficult? I’m asking as I would love to bring my dog with me

In general, it’s very easy to travel with dogs in Italy, and that’s true in Puglia, too. 🙂

Dogs are allowed on some beaches (some are limited to the winter and not all lidos are dog-friendly), so definitely check before heading out on that.

Outdoor dining at restaurants is more or less universally dog-friendly.

Not all hotels and apartments are dog-friendly, but a wide variety are, and we are never short on options for places to stay.

Hope you and your furry friend have a great trip!

Just read your 7 day itinerary for Puglia and so tempted to book almost everything you mentioned. Looks a great trip! So glad we found your site.

Thank you so much, Tina! Hope you have a wonderful time in Puglia!

Hi Kate, my husband and I are planning our 3rd trip to Italy this coming March (2024). Our 2nd trip was to the northern regions, and your advice was extremely helpful. This trip we are going to focus on the southern region. Is there a way to easily print your guides? I didn’t see a print bottom and the formatting changed a bit when I tried to print the page – cutting off some of the info. Thanks for all the great information!!

Thank you so much, that’s great to hear our posts already helped you once! 🙂

Unfortunately we don’t have a specific printable version available right now, though it is something we’ve considered setting up in the future!

Do you know of the Masseria Pote winery in Puglia? We are headed to a wedding there this fall and love your 7 day tour of the area.

I am not, but it looks beautiful! Hope you guys have a fantastic time–Puglia is such a special place. 🙂

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Top 5 Places to Visit On the Puglia Map

If you take a look at a map of Puglia Italy, especially one that highlights the different locations and landmarks, you might notice that there are quite a few different options available to you. Fortunately, our team here at Travel Puglia is here to show you a few of the best places to go on the Puglia map, as well as ideas outside of the region.

  • The town of Alberobello

The Alberobello Trulli are certainly one of the most iconic landmarks of Apulia Italy. With this in mind, almost anyone spending vacations in Puglia will want to visit these special pieces of architecture. While this is one of the most tourist dense parts of the region, the ancient Trulli huts certainly draw in the crowds for good reason. There are a few other things that you could do here too, like:

  • Learn a little more about the Puglian lifestyle
  • Visit one of the great eateries in the area
  • Stop by one of the beautiful sites, like the Sant’Antonio Church

Even with all this, the Trulli houses are still one of the most prominent features of this beautiful little town.

  • Beaches in Bari Italy

While there’s a long stretch of coastline and a wide variety of great beaches, many visitors will find that some of the best beaches in Puglia are in Bari. The main airport is located here, as well as a number of places to stay, so it’s often easy enough to get off the plane and enjoy your holiday with little travel. Here are a few of the beaches that you’re going to want to visit during your Puglian adventure:

  • Lungomare Imperatore Augusto
  • Mola Di Bari Beach
  • Pane e Pomodoro Beach

There are plenty of other ones that you might want to check out too, like the beaches Otranto has to offer.

  • Visit the “White City”

Another iconic destination that you might want to pay a visit to during your vacations in Puglia is Ostuni. Also known as the White City, the Ostuni Puglia map is home to a variety of interesting things to see and do, and is overall just one of the most beautiful Puglia destinations. Here are a few options that make this area such a great spot on any Puglian itinerary:

  • Take a stroll around the town and enjoy the architecture
  • See the landscapes and scenery that Ostuni has to offer
  • Fantastic foods from traditional Italian restaurants
  • Take a sip of wine at the Salento vineyards

Salento may be one of the most beautiful parts of Italy Puglia, but those who visit this particular area are often more interested in the wineries that are situated here. When you consider the fantastic varieties that are produced yearly, it’s not hard to see why Salento wine tours are so popular. If you plan to visit Puglia for wine tasting, this is the place to be. Here are a few bottles that you might be interested in trying for yourself:

  • Botter Verso Rosso Salento
  • Cosimo Taurino Patriglione Rosso Salento
  • Tenute Rubino ‘Oltrene’ Susumaniello Salento

You can often find out more about the grapes used by taking a look at a Salento Puglia map that details the wines that the region is famous for.

  • The Basilicata region of Italy

While not exactly in Puglia, it’s close by and well worth checking out if you’re looking to see more of Italy during your trip. If you want a little more info on what’s on offer, it might be worth looking at a map of Basilicata Italy. While best known for its ancient pork sausage recipe, the Lucanica di Picerno ,  and for Pane di Matera bread, food isn’t the only thing that you’ll get to enjoy in Basilicata. Out of everything on the Basilicata map, we’d suggest:

  • Exploring the capital city of Matera
  • Relaxing at one of the beaches at Maratea
  • Seeing the many interesting sites at Little Pompeii

Now that we’ve taken a closer look at some of the most prominent places on the Puglia map and a few extra options, we hope that you’ve got a better idea of the places that you might want to visit during your Italian getaways.

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Beautiful Puglia

Beautiful Puglia

Where your journey begins

Gallipoli, Puglia – Italy – A guide to visit it

Gallipoli in Puglia (Italy), the pearl of Salento , is well renowned for its impressive beaches and for the charming of its small-fortified historical city center. Its name derives from the original Greek name ‘Kalé polis’ meaning ‘beautiful city’ .

It is located in the west coast of Puglia , washed by the beautiful Ionian Sea and is one of the most visited places in region. The city is divided into two parts, the oldest and more historic and the other more modern, both separated by a 17th century bridge.

How to get to Gallipoli

By car: if you are coming from the North, you can take the A14 or A16 motorway towards Bari , follow the Bari-Lecce signs and then continue towards Gallipoli. If you coming from South, take the SS7 towards Brindisi and follow towards Lecce .

By train: you can get to Lecce and from there take a regional train to Gallipoli. The journey from Lecce to Gallipoli takes an hour and a half.

By plan: the closest airport to Gallipoli is the International Airport of Salento , located in Brindisi . Here you can take a shuttle service that leaves directly from the airport towards Lecce and then get to Gallipoli with bus line 108. Alternatively, you can rent a car

Things to See in Gallipoli

Historical city center.

The most essential thing to see in Gallipoli is its historic center. Tour it; lose yourself in its streets, its souvenir shops, its local gastronomy businesses, its craft workshops with products from the area.

The center is fortified and surrounded by ancient walls; you can access it by crossing the ancient bridge.

Aragonese Castle

One of the most iconic places to see in Gallipoli is its Aragonese castle, which was built in the middle of the Byzantine era. The structure has undergone several modifications over the years.

Today the castle has a square base with a tower at each angle, as well as a fifth circular tower, which is known as the Torre del Rivellino . If you like castles, you can visit the prisons and rooms and discover the transformation and uses of the fortress.

The cost of admission is €7, €4 for a reduced ticket for children between 6 and 14 years of age and for those over 65 years of age. Children under 6 years of age have free access.

As for the schedules, they vary depending on the time of year, here below the schedules for each month.

The Greco-Roman fountain

Our second stop is the Greco-Roman fountain , which according to some historians is the oldest fountain in Italy. Originally it was thought to date back to III century BC, later and after several studies, it has been determined that the creation of the fountain was later, specifically from the Renaissance period.

It is located at the beginning of the bridge that gives access to the old part of the city and has two different facades.

Cathedral of Santa Agata

The cathedral is the most important religious building in the city. It was built between 1629 and 1696 and is made in Leccese baroque style.

Admission to it is free and it is open at any time.

Church of Santa Maria della Purita

The Chiesa della Purità was built in the mid-1600s. Although it has one of the simplest facades, the interior is completely the opposite, as it is richly decorated with frescoes in every corner of it.

The church is managed by a fellowship made up of volunteers who open the doors of the temple “when they can”. That is why there are no set hours for visits.

We reveal you a secret: the canvas located in front of the altar can be lifted using a pneumatic mechanism. In fact, the canvas hides the frescoes of the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Canneto

It is very close to the Greco-Roman fountain and next to the port and dates back to the middle of the year 1600. Inside, it is possible to appreciate the representation of the Madonna del Canneto ; fishermen used to tell legends about her and her miraculous appearances.

Port of Gallipoli

The port is one of the places to see in Gallipoli . It is very beautiful, thanks to its waters, the boats and the Aragonese castle with the main background.

A must-visit for seafood lovers, we advise you to visit it when the fishermen return from their working day when you can see how the locals crowd to buy the best pieces.

Underground oil mill (Frantoio ipogeo)

Gallipoli was a truly rich city in the past, as it was one of the largest exporters of oil used to light the streets of European cities. There are still numerous mills, places where oil was extracted from olives.

Some of them are open to the public such as Frantoio di Palazzo Briganti (free entrance) and Frantoi di Palazzo Granafei . For more info visit the Associazione Gallipoli Nostra

Things to Do in Gallipoli

Watch the sunset at purità beach.

In the old part of Gallipoli there is a small bay with clear waters where you can take a dip and enjoy a beautiful sunset. It´s called Seno della Purità beach.

In addition to its clean and transparent waters, you can enjoy the location given that it is surrounded by the city wall, embedded between towers and bastions with a spectacular background.

After your swimming, climb up the town walls and sit outdoors to eat a seafood dinner at one of the restaurants overlooking this harbor as night falls, certainly the perfect ending to an enjoyable day in Gallipoli.

Try the scapece gallipolina

This dish’s origins lie in its name – Gallipoli . The scapece dates back to medieval times when the town came under siege by various Mediterranean authorities. Inhabitants of Gallipoli took refuge behind the city walls and therefore needed to find ways to prolong the life of some foods.

Scapece involves layering small fish with vinegar, breadcrumbs and saffron, which is left to marinade.

Relax in the paradise of Baia Verde

If you like beaches with crystal clear waters, about three kilometers from the city is one of the best beaches on the entire Jonian coast, considered one of the best beaches in Puglia.

Have an aperitif of raw fish

We already know that the gastronomy in Puglia is exceptional and we recommend that you do not leave Puglia without trying some of the typical dishes .

However, if you are a lover of fish and shellfish, you are in one of the best cities in Puglia with the highest quality and quantity of both.

Gallipoli is the perfect place to try raw fish: mussels, squid, red and purple prawns, sea urchins, oysters. You have a wide choice and remember that it must be all raw.

When you enter the historic center of the city, through the bridge, you will see several small stalls on your right, with the appearance of a fish market. This place is actually a market-restaurant area with very fresh seafood, all freshly brought from the high seas!

Walk along the city walls

Simply touring the walls is one of the best plans you can have in Gallipoli. Admiring the life of the locals, enjoying a brutal landscape and getting to know another important part of the city. Stop at various bars and restaurants and try exquisite dishes while enjoying the surroundings

Have fun in Gallipoli

Fun is always guaranteed in Gallipoli, the day can be enjoyed on the beach, along with activities such as spas, natural reserves and water sports.

At night the city offers also an amazing nightlife. Many discos and nightclubs are within the city or just outside. The evening usually starts as early as in the late afternoon on the beach where you can enjoy the aperitivo and drink a cocktail on the beach listening to music.

Near Gallipoli

Gallipoli is one of the most popular coastal destinations in all of Salento thanks to its splendid sea. It is not very difficult to find beautiful little beaches outside of Gallipoli, in fact, just outside of the city perimeter there are some nice and quiet ones.

The beaches of Gallipoli need no introduction, but we recommend a visit to the beaches of Baia Verde and Punta della Suina , two of the most beautiful beaches in Puglia.

Among the closest cities and place to vist we highlight Lecce , Otranto , Porto Cesareo , Porto Selvaggio and Santa Maria di Leuca

Here are 5 of the best tours and activities you can do in Gallipoli, Puglia:

Explore the historic center of Gallipoli : Take a guided walking tour of the beautiful old town, which is surrounded by ancient walls and overlooks the Ionian Sea. You’ll see stunning Baroque architecture, visit the local fish market, and learn about the town’s rich history.

Boat tour of the Ionian Coast : Embark on a boat tour of the Ionian coast, where you can admire the crystal-clear waters and stunning cliffs. You’ll also have the opportunity to stop at hidden coves and beaches that are inaccessible by land.

Wine tasting in Salento : Puglia is famous for its wine, and a visit to Salento offers an opportunity to sample some of the region’s best. You’ll visit a local winery, learn about the wine-making process, and taste several varieties of wine accompanied by local snacks.

Cooking class in Gallipoli : Experience the flavors of Puglia with a hands-on cooking class where you’ll learn how to prepare traditional dishes like orecchiette pasta with tomato sauce and fresh seafood. You’ll also learn about the local ingredients and techniques that make Puglian cuisine so special.

Gallipoli Inland and Surroundings Full-Day Bike Tour : On this full-day bike tour, spin through Gallipoli and its surrounding coastal landscapes boast beautiful Ionian Sea views, and a rich history of conquering and settlement dating back to the Middle Ages. Visit also the Porto Selvaggio Natural Park with your guide to lead the way.

Planning a trip to Puglia? Explore these helpful services!

Discover your ideal hotel

In search of the ideal lodging? Explore a diverse range of choices on Booking.com. Whether you prefer luxurious hotels or budget-friendly accommodations, you’ll find the perfect match.

Organize your activities

Eager to discover the allure of Puglia? Reserve thrilling tours and activities via Viator. Immerse yourself in the region’s charm with knowledgeable local guides leading you to the top well-known highlights.

Book your guide

Searching for the finest tour experience in Puglia? Book exceptional tour guides through GetYourGuide. Immerse yourself in the allure of the region as expert local guides take you to the best hidden treasures.

Gallipoli is a city in the Salento area, South of Puglia

Gallipoli is famous for its port and its historical old town which sits on a small island connected to the new city with an ancient bridge. It´s also famous for the coastline and nightlife

Yes, absolutely. It is indeed one of the top places to visit in Puglia. Whether for a long stay or just the weekend is a must to visit

Salento Italy: Top 10 Towns and Villages to Visit

Adventuring in the zinzulusa cave.


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    Day 1: Arrive in Bari and head to Monopoli. Bari, Puglia's capital and largest city, is the perfect launching pad for your road trip whether you arrive in the region by train or plane. While Bari has several attractions worth exploring, for the sake of time, we won't dedicate much time to Bari on this itinerary. READ NEXT.

  20. Top 5 Places to Visit On the Puglia Map

    Botter Verso Rosso Salento. Cosimo Taurino Patriglione Rosso Salento. Tenute Rubino 'Oltrene' Susumaniello Salento. You can often find out more about the grapes used by taking a look at a Salento Puglia map that details the wines that the region is famous for. The Basilicata region of Italy.

  21. Gallipoli, Puglia

    Gallipoli in Puglia (Italy), the pearl of Salento, is well renowned for its impressive beaches and for the charming of its small-fortified historical city center.Its name derives from the original Greek name 'Kalé polis' meaning 'beautiful city'.. It is located in the west coast of Puglia, washed by the beautiful Ionian Sea and is one of the most visited places in region.

  22. Things to Do in Puglia: Best Attractions and Activities

    Cala Paura Gulf - credits: /Shutterstock.com. Nestled in the picturesque south of Italy, Puglia offers a blend of historical allure, natural beauty, and vibrant local culture that enchants every traveler.. From exploring charming historic towns to basking on turquoise beaches, Puglia has something for everyone.. This diverse region, often referred to as the "heel" of Italy's boot, captivates ...