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How to start a weight loss journey — and stick with it

Couple  Eating Lunch with Fresh Salad and Appetizers

Ask your friends and family what their goals are for the summer and I’m sure you will hear a lot of this: “I am going to eat healthier,” “I’m going to eat more vegetables,” “I’m going to lose the quarantine 15 .”

It's probably not the first time they've had those goals and, after many attempts at dieting , you’d think it would be easier to get started. In reality, though, the contrary is usually true. Beginning a weight-loss journey, especially when you’ve had multiple failures in the past, can be overwhelming — and even flat-out daunting, but it can be done!

How to start losing weight — even if you've tried before

Here are five tips to help get you eat better this summer and beyond:

1. Look into your past

Most of us have a diet history. We know what works and doesn’t work. Perhaps you jumped on the keto bandwagon in 2019 only to fall off hard. Because, well, you just l-o-v-e your sourdough. You know if you’re a carbs-in-the-morning or a skip-breakfast-altogether person. Don’t attempt to make changes that you know won’t match your lifestyle and preferences. Be realistic about who you are.

In other words, if breakfast is your favorite meal of the day and you know you overeat later in the day when you skip it, intermittent fasting probably isn’t the best way to go for you.

If an afternoon snack is what you need to get you through your evening workout, then trying to stop all snacking isn’t the best route to take. Instead, come up with three or four healthy on-the-go snacks you can put into rotation.

how to plan weight loss journey

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2. don’t give yourself a deadline.

It’s the journey that counts right? I’m all for goals, but when you give yourself a specific date to reach a goal , it often sets you up to fail for a couple of reasons.

One, if you don’t see progress being made fast enough, you may say, “Scrap this plan!” — even though you’ve actually made excellent progress.

Second, the stress of the date may work against you. Setting a deadline may only put extra pressure on you and cause your stress hormones to actually start working against you and your weight-loss goal. Instead, stay calm and healthy on.

Enjoy the life that you’re living and enjoy being in the best health and at the the best weight you can be, even if that means being off a certain weight goal by a couple of pounds. Remember patience and consistency are key, and enjoy the process of reaching better health each day.

how to plan weight loss journey

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3. think about your sleep habits and stress levels.

It’s not all about the food. Even if you're focused and eating “perfectly,” other lifestyle factors may be working against you. Sleep and stress are two pillars of a nutritious life that I discuss regularly.

The good part is that if you’re not managing these well, making a few necessary changes can show up on the scale. Create a new sleep routine and stick to it. It’s just as important as diet!

Look for a daily activity to reduce stress .

how to plan weight loss journey

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4. work on one change at a time.

Think about a not-so-great habit you have, that you do daily. Is it adding sugar to your coffee? Going for afternoon chocolate as a pick me up? Whatever it is, change it up with a new healthier alternative. You don’t necessarily need to start pounding healthy wellness shots that have become quite the rage, sometimes, the smallest changes make the biggest impact.

A change as simple as swapping out the syrup from a daily coffee saves you 80 calories, and 20 grams of sugar, each and every day!

Since it is only one change, it won’t be so overwhelming to adjust, and since it is something you do daily, that one improvement may have a great impact.

5. Reward yourself

Be good to you! Celebrate small goals with small rewards — and they don't have to involve food. Skipped soda all week? Feel good about that and reward yourself with a manicure.

Sometimes these rewards are enough to push us forward and up the motivation.

For more tips on how to live a nutritious life, follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial

how to plan weight loss journey

Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, is a renowned nutritionist, healthy cooking expert and wellness thought-leader. She is the founder and CEO of Nutritious Life , a lifestyle and media company devoted to helping individuals discover and live their most nutritious (and happiest!) lives. Follow Keri on Instagram @nutritiouslifeofficial .

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How to Set and Plan Weight Loss Goals

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Heather Black, CPT is a NASM-certified personal trainer and owner of Heather Black Fitness & Nutrition where she offers remote and in-person training and nutrition coaching.

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 Zing Images/Getty Images

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

  • SMART Goals

Achieving Your Goals

  • Sample Plan

Figuring out how much weight you want to lose is the first step on a new weight loss journey. There are many different ways to come up with a long-term goal that's both realistic and aspirational. Setting your sights on the future can help fuel the motivation needed to make healthy changes. Here's how to get started.

A lot of people feel like they should lose weight, even if that's not always the case. It's not uncommon to have an unrealistic view of what a healthy weight really is. There are broad parameters to determine whether weight loss is recommended for health reasons. In general, a good candidate for weight loss may have the following measurements:

  • BMI : Greater than 25
  • Waist circumference : Abdominal girth measurement of more than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men
  • Waist to hip ratio : Higher than 0.8 for women and higher than 1.0 men

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a dated, biased measure that doesn’t account for several factors, such as body composition, ethnicity, race, gender, and age. 

Despite being a flawed measure , BMI is widely used today in the medical community because it is an inexpensive and quick method for analyzing potential health status and outcomes. 

If you're losing weight for your health, a modest goal of 5% to 10% of your current weight can begin to improve important markers like blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Other benefits of even a moderate weight loss can include more energy, a boost in self-confidence, improved fitness, and better mobility.

However, sometimes our goals are based on other factors, like the desire to fit back into old clothes or look a certain way. As long as our goals are realistic and don't veer into a dangerous underweight category, there's nothing wrong with setting a vanity goal.

Together with your health care provider, you can decide whether or not it's a good time to set a weight loss goal.

SMART Goal Setting

The key to setting weight loss goals is to follow the standard of goal setting, which means it needs to be SMART. A SMART goal stands for the following characteristics:

  • Specific : Be clear about your intention by putting some numbers and details into your goal.
  • Measurable : How will you keep track of your progress? Will you measure body weight, waist circumference, or exercise performance?
  • Attainable : Do you have the time, resources, and motivation to reach your goal?
  • Realistic : It's OK to set an ambitious goal as long as it's possible and within reach.
  • Time-bound : Set a deadline for your goal. Break it up into shorter-term milestones to stay on track for the long haul.

The main thing to remember is that sustainable weight loss takes time.

Once you've determined that you're ready to lose weight, you'll need the proper tools to set your plan in motion. Keep in mind that a healthy rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. Losing weight at this slow and steady pace gives you the best chance of maintaining your progress long term.

It's helpful to get an idea of how many calories your body requires to lose or maintain weight. This weight loss calculator will help you set a daily calorie target to achieve your weight loss goals.

This calorie deficit can be achieved through a combination of mindful eating and increased physical activity. Focus on making healthy choices each day and give it time to see progress on the scale or in your body measurements. Consistency is the key to success.

Sample Weight Loss Plan

Here's what a sample weight loss plan (using SMART goal objectives) might look like:

Mary is 5'7" tall and weighs 160 pounds. Her goal is to lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks. To do that, she would need to cut back or burn off 300 to 500 calories each day. Using a combination of healthy eating and exercise is the best way to lose weight since dieting alone can cause you to lose muscle mass.

Muscle mass is more metabolically active than fat (meaning it burns more calories). Keeping the muscle you have and building more through resistance training will help support your ultimate weight loss goals.

Mary's plan to reach her goals:

  • Replace her morning Egg McMuffin (300 calories) with a bowl of oatmeal (about 180 calories).
  • Replace one Coke (150 calories) with sparkling water (0 calories).
  • Walk for at least 30 minutes at 3.5-4.0 mph, 3 days a week (approx. 180 to 240 calories burned).
  • Strength train 2 days a week for 30 minutes (approx. 140 to 280 calories burned)

With this plan, Mary will create a calorie deficit of 270 to 550 calories each day (depending on whether she exercises). By measuring her weight each week or so, she can determine if these changes are sufficient to get her to reach her long-term goals.

Looking at this example, you can see that these are fairly modest changes. Mary isn't revamping her entire life, she's simply picking a few things she can change to get started.

What's interesting is that, as she continues with her healthy behaviors, she may start to do even more, not just because she wants to lose weight but because she's going to start feeling better, stronger, more confident.

Try breaking down your goal into specific steps like this and track your progress. Just remember to adjust your plan if your results start to stall or if you are struggling to be consistent.

A Word From Verywell

If you're not losing weight as quickly as you had hoped don't get discouraged. Remember, your goal needs to be attainable, so be willing to adjust and set new goals if the old ones aren't working for you. Even a little bit of progress can benefit your overall health and well-being. Focus on small changes that add up over time.

Czernichow S, Kengne AP, Stamatakis E, Hamer M, Batty GD. Body mass index, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio: Which is the better discriminator of cardiovascular disease mortality risk? Evidence from an individual-participant meta-analysis of 82,864 participants from nine cohort studies .  Obes Rev . 2011;12(9):680-687. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00879.x

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assessing your weight .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Losing weight .

Mcpherron AC, Guo T, Bond ND, Gavrilova O. Increasing muscle mass to improve metabolism . Adipocyte . 2013;2(2):92-8. doi:10.4161/adip.22500

ACE Fit. A guide for S.M.A.R.T. goal setting .

By Paige Waehner, CPT Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer," and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness."

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How To Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey

It doesn't take much to start your weight loss journey.

how to plan weight loss journey

Every weight loss journey is a personal one. Because a lot of information is available for beginning the path to weight loss, it can take a lot of work to figure out how to get going. Still, there are ways to ease yourself into losing weight, like changing what and how you eat and getting better sleep . 

However, weight and body mass index (BMI) are not always accurate indicators of overall weight. For example, BMI does not consider body composition, ethnicity, sex, race, and age. Likewise, there is no "normal" body weight, and certain foods and behaviors are not "good" and "bad." 

Consult a healthcare provider if you plan on starting a weight loss journey. For example, a registered dietitian nutritionist can help ensure you get enough nutrients and offer tips that fit your needs . Also, if you have a history of disordered eating, talk to a mental healthcare provider before changing your eating patterns.

Dreamer Company / Getty Images

Weight and Health

Research has found no singular, universal diet for weight loss. Instead, weight loss depends on each person's unique goals and needs. Also, the best diet is one that you can maintain for long periods.

Therefore, setting realistic goals is key before kickstarting a weight loss journey. Generally, weight loss depends on the amount and type of food you eat and when you eat your meals. From there, some evidence suggests that your personal goals should fulfill your nutritional needs, be safe and effective, culturally acceptable, and be inexpensive.

Consulting a healthcare provider may help you figure out your personal goals. For example, a healthcare provider can identify areas you can improve. For example, if you eat out several times per week, you might limit eating out to every Friday. Or, if you find yourself eating for emotional reasons, a healthcare provider can help you adopt other coping skills.

After identifying those areas and making changes, keeping track of your habits helps monitor and maintain your weight loss journey. Then, regularly check in with a healthcare provider to update your goals as needed.

Factors That Affect Weight Loss

Several factors may affect your ability to lose weight, like:

  • Social determinants of health :  Where you live and work can influence your diet. For example, some communities might have different access to fresh fruits and vegetables than others.
  • Health conditions:  Some diseases impact a person's ability to lose weight. For instance, illnesses that cause hormonal changes and insulin resistance can cause obesity. Examples include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Cushing's disease, and diabetes. Also, mental health conditions that impact how you manage stress can also lead to weight gain.
  • Medications:  Steroids and antidepressants may cause weight gain.
  • Genetics:  In some cases, overweight and obesity run in families. For example, your genes may determine how your body stores fat.

How To Kickstart Weight Loss

There are a few lifestyle changes that you can implement to kickstart your weight loss journey. However, keep in mind that certain foods and behaviors are not "good" or "bad." You can still make room for your favorite indulgences in moderation. 

Fill Your Meals With Vegetables

Adding more vegetables to your diet can help you start losing weight. Vegetables are rich in nutrients like magnesium and vitamin A. Magnesium helps build strong bones, while vitamin A supports your immune system and eyesight.

Vegetables are also low in calories but high in both fiber and water. By making vegetables the main meal staple, you'll eat fewer calories without giving up nutrition. Also, the fiber will add bulk to your meals, satiating your appetite and helping you feel full. 

The amount of vegetables you ought to eat depends on factors like age or activity. A good place to start would be to have at least one to two cups (a cup is the size of a tennis ball) at each meal, including breakfast.

For breakfast, you could scramble a few eggs with the following: 

  • Italian seasoning
  • Black pepper
  • A handful or two of chopped vegetables (e.g., spinach, tomatoes)

You can also enjoy your scramble with a side of fresh fruit. 

Then, at lunch, opt for a salad or include ingredients on a sandwich or wrap, like lettuce or tomato. Add vegetables to grain dishes at dinnertime, such as quinoa with roasted vegetables or whole grain pasta with sautéed broccoli. Or spiralize, chop, or shred vegetables to create fun alternatives like zoodles (zucchini noodles) with pesto or tomato sauce.

Cauliflower rice is another good option. Take four cups of cauliflower florets and chop them using the pulse feature on a food processor until they look like rice grains.

To complete a meal and ensure you're getting essential macronutrients, include a lean protein source, such as salmon, chicken breast, or lentils. Then, add a healthy fat, like avocado, nuts, or seeds.

What Are Healthy Fats?

Healthy fats consist of unsaturated fats in foods from plants and animals, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Those healthy fats have several health benefits, like:

  • Lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol, which helps protect your heart
  • Protects against dry eyes
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes the functions of your brain and nervous system

Be Mindful of Your Drinks

Opting for certain drinks can lead to weight loss, too. One review published in 2022 in  JAMA Network Open  found that drinking low- and zero-calorie sweetened beverages rather than sugar-sweetened beverages helped lower body weight and fat percentage.

Water is also a great choice since it has benefits beyond helping manage weight. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, protects your spinal cord, and helps your body get rid of waste. You do not have to give up coffee in the morning, but be sure to include a side of water.

Also, if you don't love the taste of water, add flavor by using the following:

  • Fresh mint 
  • Ginger root
  • Mashed berries
  • Squeezed lemon, lime, or orange

Consider experimenting with teas , as well. Many teas, like green tea, are rich in antioxidants.

Of note, people can lose water from the body in many ways, like sweating more if they're very active, being sick with a fever, or living at high altitudes or temperatures. Those and other factors (e.g., age, sex) determine if a person should consume more or less water daily. In other words, not everyone will have the same daily water needs.

Snack Throughout the Day

Snacking is a great way to increase nutrition and energy between meals when you are hungry. Aim to choose snacks that contain fiber, fat, and protein. Those snacks will keep you satisfied and provide essential nutrients.

Consider the following snacks, for instance:

  • Nuts or seeds along with fruit
  • A cup of raw vegetables with hummus or roasted chickpeas
  • String cheese or yogurt
  • Air-popped popcorn

Although, keep in mind that snacks can be for pleasure, as well. Incorporate some of your favorite indulgences throughout the week.

Get Enough Sleep

Chronic insufficient sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A lack of sleep may also result in weight gain. 

According to a 2019 study, people who slept for shorter periods had increased hunger, food cravings, food reward, and food intake the next day compared to people who slept longer.

What Is Food Reward?

Food reward concerns how a person measures the short-term value of food (e.g., if they like or dislike it) while they eat it.

Also, some evidence suggests poor sleeping patterns increase snacking on high-carb and high-fat foods.

Generally, quality sleep promotes successful weight loss. Aim to get the quality sleep you need, which is at least seven hours for adults. Engaging in good sleep hygiene , like going to sleep at the same time every night and limiting time spent looking at screens, can also help you get quality sleep.

A Quick Review

It can take a lot of work to start when you want to lose weight. Fortunately, you can do a few things that can help, such as adding more vegetables to your diet and opting for low-calorie drinks or water. Practicing good snacking and sleeping habits can also benefit weight loss efforts. 

If you need help kickstarting your weight loss, consulting a healthcare provider can help. For example, a registered dietitian nutritionist can offer guidance and insight on how to help you lose weight.

Kim JY. Optimal diet strategies for weight loss and weight loss maintenance .  J Obes Metab Syndr . 2021;30(1):20-31. doi:10.7570/jomes20065

Koliaki C, Spinos T, Spinou Μ, et al. Defining the optimal dietary approach for safe, effective and sustainable weight loss in overweight and obese adults .  Healthcare (Basel) . 2018;6(3):73. doi:10.3390/healthcare6030073

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. What a healthy weight loss plan really looks like .

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Factors affecting weight and health .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Causes of obesity .

Freeman AM, Pennings N. Insulin resistance . In:  StatPearls . StatPearls Publishing; 2022.

Office on Dietary Supplements. Magnesium .

Office on Dietary Supplements. Vitamin A .

US Department of Agriculture. Vegetables .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How to use fruits and vegetables to manage your weight .

MedlinePlus. Facts about polyunsaturated fats .

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Choose healthy fats .

McGlynn ND, Khan TA, Wang L, et al. Association of low- and no-calorie sweetened beverages as a replacement for sugar-sweetened beverages with body weight and cardiometabolic risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis . JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(3):e222092. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.2092

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water and healthier drinks .

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The health benefits of tea .

Yamada Y, Zhang X, Henderson MET, et al. Variation in human water turnover associated with environmental and lifestyle factors .  Science . 2022;378(6622):909-915. doi:10.1126/science.abm8668

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. How much water do you need?

MedlinePlus. Snacks for adults .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sleep for a good cause .

Yang CL, Schnepp J, Tucker R. Increased hunger, food cravings, food reward, and portion size selection after sleep curtailment in women without obesity . Nutrients . 2019;11(3):663. doi:10.3390/nu11030663

Papatriantafyllou E, Efthymiou D, Zoumbaneas E, Popescu CA, Vassilopoulou E. Sleep deprivation: effects on weight loss and weight loss maintenance .  Nutrients . 2022;14(8):1549. doi:10.3390/nu14081549

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Are you getting enough sleep?

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Weight Loss for Beginners: A Complete Guide

how to plan weight loss journey

Published in Weight Loss

Heather Davis, MS, RDN, LDN

someone measuring their waist

According to the CDC, about 41.9 percent of adults in the U.S. are obese. This number has increased by more than 11 percent since 1999, signaling that obesity and being overweight are on the rise.

Being overweight or obese can put people at an increased risk for a number of health conditions , including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety.

But when it comes to weight loss, there’s no simple formula that works for everyone. The good news is that healthy and sustainable weight loss is possible when you create and stick to a plan that’s designed for your unique health needs and goals.

In this beginner’s guide to weight loss, we’ll be covering the basics of nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors that can help you succeed in your weight loss journey.

Why Is Weight Loss So Complicated?

Your body’s ability to manage or lose weight is contingent on many different factors. Genetics, medical history, activity levels, stress, sleep, nutrition, and even blood sugar levels can affect weight loss . 

statistics about weight loss in america

But for many people, weight loss isn’t as simple as eating a low-calorie diet or exercising seven days a week. As anyone who has ever started on a weight loss journey may know, the progress you’re seeing can plateau over time, you may experience cravings , lack motivation, or start to feel burnt out along the way.

But don't fall for the weight loss plateau myth —and if you find yourself experiencing less progress despite following the same healthy habits, your body may simply need time to adapt into a weight mantenance phase.

Reaching a healthy body weight is not only positive for your overall health, it can also reduce your risk of developing metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes . For example, it’s estimated that :

  • 38 percent of U.S. adults have prediabetes
  • 11.3 percent of the U.S. population has type 2 diabetes

So if you’re someone who’s figuring out how to start your journey, there are a lot of things to keep in mind and many ways to get off track. With this beginner’s guide, our goal is to break through all the weight loss myths out there and provide the information you need to start this journey on the right foot.

Check out what our dietitian Heather Davis, MS, RDN, LDN had to say about one common weight loss myth in her conversation with certified health and fitness coach Caroline Jordan:

5 Tips For Starting On a Weight Loss Journey

Now that we've taken a closer look at some of the ways that being overweight can impact your metabolic health, here are some weight loss tips to keep in mind when starting out on your journey.

5 tips for starting a weight loss journey

1) Start out by setting weight loss goals: Realistic and specific goals can keep you motivated and help you monitor your progress along the way. 

2) Consult a dietitian to create a balanced diet plan: A dietitian can work with you to create a balanced diet plan that is made up of whole foods, limits processed and fast foods, and is tailored to your specific health, calorie, macronutrient, and micronutrient needs.

3) Create a workout plan you can follow consistently and that is appropriate for your body: Exercise is a critical component of weight loss for many people, and creating a realistic and appropriate workout plan that you can actually stick to is important. 

4) Outline which lifestyle habits you may need to optimize: Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and taking care of your mental health are all lifestyle habits that may impact your weight loss journey. Your personal dietitian can help you with these as well. 

5) Consider tracking your symptoms . Key symptoms of metabolic and neuroendocrine health include energy levels, digestive health, sleep quality, mood, and cognition, among some others. These symptoms can tell us a lot about what might be holding us back on our bigger-picture health and weight loss success. 

Is Your Diet Important for Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, your diet plays a key role. But research shows that losing weight is actually a lot more complicated than eating fewer calories than you burn. 

Different foods with the same amount of calories can affect the body differently, and our weight can be highly influenced by other factors like hormones. 

With that in mind, here are some dietary tips that go beyond the simple “calories in, calories out” equation. 


Dietary Tips for Beginners

Eat adequate protein.

Our bodies use protein to build and maintain our bones, muscles, and skin, and can help weight loss by increasing satiety and thermogenesis . Learn more about how protein can support weight loss here .

Eat Enough Fiber

a graphic of high fiber whole foods

  • High Fiber Fruits: Raspberries, pears, apples, and bananas
  • High Fiber Veggies: Spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce
  • High Fiber Whole Grains: Barley, quinoa, oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice
  • High FIber Seeds and Nuts: sunflower seeds, chia seeds, almonds
  • High Fiber Legumes: Split peas, lentils, and black beans

Studies show that fiber intake may help promote weight loss , independently of caloric intake and intake of other macronutrients. Unfortunately, only five percent of Americans have enough fiber in their diet. Find out more about how this carbohydrate can be beneficial for your weight loss journey here .

Monitor Your Total Calorie Intake

As mentioned earlier, counting the number of calories you consume can’t tell you everything about how to succeed at weight loss. However, your caloric intake still plays an important role in your weight. 

Eating too few or too many calories for your individual needs can both sabotage weight loss success. Consuming more calories than you need can lead to weight gain , but so can undereating for your needs. If you need a hand to keep you on track, here are some weight tracker apps that can help you monitor your daily calorie intake.

Reduce Your Intake of Processed Foods

someone grabbing a slice of pizza

Foods that are highly processed tend to contain more ingredients like refined sugar, salt, and trans and saturated fats. High intake of these foods can contribute to weight gain and serious health problems , so when it comes to weight loss snacks , try opting for more whole foods.

Avoid Sugary Drinks and Other Sources of Empty Calories

Avoiding or reducing your intake of sugary drinks can go a long way in helping you lose weight. These drinks not only add empty calories to your diet, which are calories from foods that have little or no nutritional value, they also contain a lot of added sugar .

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Creating a Weight Loss Workout Plan for Beginners

A good weight loss strategy should include a workout plan. Aim for a weight loss plan that suits your individual needs, that you are able to do consistently, and that incorporates both full body strength training and cardio. To learn more about how cardio can benefit your weight loss goals, read our article on cardio exercise .

Strength training is another type of exercise that has been linked to weight loss and improved lean muscle mass. Here’s what you need to know about how it can benefit your weight loss . 

Common Cardio and Strength Training Exercises

a girl riding a bike

Some common cardio exercises are:

  • Brisk walking
  • Jumping rope
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT)

You can also include strength training exercises to lose weight or build muscle while on your journey. Start out with a beginner workout plan that can be done with dumbbells, a barbell, or with your own body weight. 

Check out our sample glute and hamstring workout and a chest and shoulder workout to start with. If you're a beginner, working with a personal trainer can be a great way to get started. 

Sample Weekly Workout Plan

Here is a sample of what a weekly workout plan can look like. This is a great starting point, but be sure to make it work for your specific needs, which may include extra rest days at the beginning.

Doing more than your body is capable of can lead to injury or worsened current health or medical conditions, so it’s always a good idea to start slow and work your way up to more vigorous exercise.

a sample workout plan

Other Lifestyle Changes for Sustainable Weight Loss

As we mentioned earlier, it isn’t just your diet and exercise habits that affect your weight. Here are some other lifestyle factors to focus on to optimize your weight loss.  

Drink Adequate Water and Stay Hydrated

It’s important for many functions in the body to make sure to drink water and stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking sufficient water may also be linked to weight loss and may also help people burn more calories . 

One study found that obese women who replaced high-caloric beverages with water experienced an average weight loss of two to 2.5 percent. Learn more about how to stay hydrated here .

Get Plenty of Sleep Each Night

a girl sleeping in her bed

Sleep is also crucial for the functioning of your body, and research shows that not getting enough sleep can affect your mental health , increase your risk of serious health conditions, and even lead to weight gain . 

On the flip side, studies show that getting enough sleep may help with weight loss . Read more about proper sleep hygiene here . 

Aim to Reduce Stress Throughout the Day

a body reading a book next to a plant

Long-term elevated cortisol levels are linked to an increase in abdominal obesity . Stress can also make you more likely to reach for comforting foods that are higher in calories, and may even lead to moving and exercising less. Here are some tips for managing stress that may also support weight management.

Try Using a Weight Loss App to Stay Accountable

Weight loss apps can be a great tool to keep you accountable to your weight loss goals. Many apps, including the Nutrisense app , have features that allow you to track your meals and physical activity, as well as other lifestyle factors that affect weight like sleep and stress.

Check out our article about our favorite weight loss apps here !

3 Key Takeaways for Getting Started with Weight Loss

three key takeaways for weight loss

Engage with Your Blood Glucose Levels with Nutrisense

Your blood sugar levels can significantly impact how your body feels and functions. That’s why stable blood glucose levels can be an important factor in supporting overall wellbeing.

With Nutrisense, you’ll be able to track your blood glucose levels over time using a CGM , so you can make lifestyle choices that support healthy living.

When you join the Nutrisense CGM program , our team of credentialed dietitians and nutritionists are available for additional support and guidance to help you reach your goals.

Ready to take the first step? Start with our quiz to see how Nutrisense can support your health.

Find the right Nutrisense program      to help you discover and reach your health potential .

Heather Davis, MS, RDN, LDN

Reviewed by: Heather Davis, MS, RDN, LDN

Heather is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN, LDN), subject matter expert, and technical writer, with a master's degree in nutrition science from Bastyr University. She has a specialty in neuroendocrinology and has been working in the field of nutrition—including nutrition research, education, medical writing, and clinical integrative and functional nutrition—for over 15 years.

Learn more about Heather

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If losing weight is on your to-do list, now's the time to organize your weight-loss plan. Why? Effective, lifelong weight-loss interventions take time and planning. And there's a lot to think about: What is your weight goal? What will you eat? Will you count calories? When will you exercise, and how much time will you spend exercising? What type of exercises will you do?

The key word is simplify. Here are some helpful tips for you to make achieving your weight-loss goals easier:

Simplify your menu, and plan ahead..

Planning a weekly menu saves money and time. Before the week begins, write down what you’ll eat each night for supper. Eat leftovers for lunch. A good goal is to eat out or get food delivered only once a week or less.

Avoid grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

When you shop on an empty stomach, you're much more likely to purchase unnecessary and unhealthy items. Shop for groceries after eating. Stick to your list of healthy items needed for the week. First, shop the perimeter of the store where most healthy items are located. Then, enter the middle aisles, if needed, while avoiding highly processed foods.

Shoot for a meal with less than 500 calories.

Do the math: three meals at 500 calories or less is, at most, 1,500 calories per day. One pound of fat is 3,500 calories. This is how much you’ll have to cut from your daily diet or burn through exercise to lose one pound of stored fat. It seems like a lot, but you can do it. You may want to contact your local dietitian to discuss your personal calorie needs.

Read the nutrition facts label.

Most packages have a nutrition facts label on the side. Take note of the serving size and total calories per serving. Other areas to watch include added sugars and fat content.

Plan exercises.

Next to your weekly menu, write down what type of exercise you'll complete each morning or evening, along with the time frame. This will help hold you accountable and keep you committed. Even 20 minutes of daily exercise will support your weight and health goals.

Switch up your exercise routine.

Varying your exercises also is helpful. Not only is it more fun, but different activities also work different parts of your body. Swimming, running, biking, yoga, walking and weightlifting are just a few options.

Have fun and bring back memories.

Try to enjoy yourself while improving your wellness. Eating healthy and exercising can be fun. Get a partner to join you. Be creative when planning your menu. Find a picture of yourself when you weighed less. Tape this picture in the bathroom or on the fridge to remind yourself each morning and throughout the day of your goals.

Anne Harguth is a dietitian in Nutrition  in  Waseca , Minnesota.

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Fitness , Inspiration

5-step plan to start your weight-loss journey.

  • Published September 10, 2015
  • 4 minute read

The image shows the legs of a person running on a paved path during sunset, symbolizing the start of their weight-loss journey. The person is wearing athletic shoes and leggings, and the sun is shining brightly, casting long shadows on the ground. A railing is visible in the background. MyFitnessPal Blog

In This Article

When it comes to weight loss, we get bombarded with a lot of BS: pills, quick fixes, fitness DVDs and podcasts, juice fasts … and the list gets longer and longer. Guarantees are promised, and hopes are high. Companies love preying on us when we’re at our weakest. Instead of betting and hoping that these companies will deliver the change we are hoping for, it’s time to bet on ourselves.

I recently wrote an article, 5 Things You Need Before You Can Win at Weight Loss , which touched on the emotional side of getting your mind in the right place to start your journey. Now I’m going to give you a strategy for how to execute a successful weight-loss plan.

1. Figure out what motivates you and lights your inner fire.

Only you can answer this. Once you find it, use this as motivation every single day. Your opportunity to make a positive change in your life starts today. Don’t wait another day to start your journey to better health because you matter. You will need to learn to have a relentless pursuit of improvement. Every day, you have the opportunity for a fresh start and to be better than you were the day before. Do not waste it!

2. Accept that you’re going to have to work for what you want.

Look, here’s the reality: You’re going to have to do the work to get results. Period. End of story. Every single day, you have to prepare and cook your meals, log your food, move your body and try to get more restful sleep. You need to get in the mind-set that this is going to be a grind.

There will be days that you won’t want to work out, you won’t want to prep your meals, and you’ll be frustrated that you only lost 10 pounds when you feel it should be at least 15 by now. Know that millions of others have walked in those same shoes. The difference between the ones who see it all the way through and the ones who throw in the towel is work. The ones who see it all the way through continued to do the work. It’s not magic, luck or serendipity, it’s work!

3. Eat and move in ways you (mostly) enjoy.

Does anyone really like to eat things that don’t taste good or do stuff they don’t like to do? No! You want to know what the best diet is? It’s the diet that you can be most compliant with. Do what you are willing to follow, and stick to it. The same goes for working out.

I get this question all the time: What’s the best exercise to lose weight? There isn’t a quick answer; rather, I ask: What do you like to do? What’s going to motivate you to get up at 5 a.m. on a cold morning and do the work? It’s true that not all exercises are created equal; there are workouts that will get you to your goals faster, but they will only work if you actually do them consistently. When you’re getting into shape, it’s important to do what you enjoy doing because you are more likely to perform those workouts each week.

Just remember that you have to do it at a level that gets you out of your comfort zone so you continue to progress toward your goals. Leisurely walks through the park with your spouse, kids or friends are perfect for “rest” or active recovery (the day after a harder effort), but not for your workout days. Keep in mind that your confidence will grow as you get in better shape, and you will be more willing to try more challenging exercises the fitter you get.

4. Create a simple, thoughtful plan for each month. And follow it.

Now it’s time to build a plan that is detailed and leaves no guesswork. You need to know what you are supposed to be doing every single day for the upcoming week, including a workout schedule with rest days, a meal plan and a strategy for making healthy choices if you’re going to eat out.

Do not leave any choices to chance—always be proactive, not reactive. I encourage you to put a plan together that has both short- and long-term goals, and isn’t overly complicated. Set reasonable goals to hit at the end of the first four weeks. For example, walk a minimum of 4,000–5,000 steps each day and track your daily calories. These are reasonable short-term goals to reach in a month. Your plan should be simple, systematic and progressive each month. You’ll start collecting small victories along the way if you adapt this strategy. Trust.

5. Build a support group, and lean on them when needed (and vice versa).

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” —African proverb

The percentage of success is dramatically higher when you recruit others and work together toward the same goals. Find your teammates, support each other, push each other, and make each other accountable. If your motivation is low, you’re feeling sorry for yourself, or you don’t really want to walk that fast today, know that you have someone in your corner who has your back and can remind you why you are doing this. The best thing about working out with others is it forces us out of our comfort zones.

If you can’t find people around you, recruit a support system on social media. One of the beauties of social media is it connects us despite geographical or time differences.

Work hard, have fun, and be patient!

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4-Week Plan To Kick-Start Your Weight Loss Journey

Anna Smith

Slow and steady. While weight loss can sometimes feel like a race, we’re here to remind you that it doesn’t have to be that way. There may be a starting point to your weight loss journey, but successful changes take time, so being consistent ( or steady ) in approaching your health is way more important than any finish line.

Go ahead and ditch that all-or-nothing mentality. Instead, slowly ease into your weight loss journey with the help of our four-step plan.

Each week you’ll focus on mastering one concept. This will lay a pretty solid foundation for success while keeping you feeling motivated and excited. We didn’t make this method up either — it’s backed by science and used by professionals to help create long-lasting changes.

Let’s get started.

Week 1: Gain Insight

Time to take inventory. When getting started, it’s crucial to understand your current dietary habits. This allows you to easily identify what you want or need to change. 

Begin by logging what you eat and drink in an app, like Lose It!, as often as it feels good for you. This habit will allow you to visualize and, therefore, better understand your dietary patterns. Challenge yourself to learn about the spacing of your meals, the composition, the calories, and even the satisfaction level. Strive to gain insight into what’s working for your health goals and what’s not. 

The final step this week is to write a list of pros and cons. The pro is why you want to change, and the con is why you want to stay the same. Experts agree that successful change happens when your list of pros outweighs the cons.

Week 1 To Do:

Begin logging in Lose It! Understand your data Build your list of pros and cons Form your goals

Week 2: Prep, Prep, Prep

This week is all about the prep. But not the traditional food prep you may think of, like chopping vegetables in the kitchen. Instead, this prep involves a mental shift toward commitment. 

Last week, you found clarity about why you want to change. Keep this list handy, as it will help reconfirm your motivation on more challenging weeks. This week you’re going to work on creating a support plan. Work on finding medical professionals, individuals, or organizations to help you succeed. This might look like finding a food delivery service if you intend to avoid cooking, signing up with a dietitian or nutritionist if you need more tailored advice, or joining a gym to allow for exercise no matter the weather. You can also rethink your environment at this step and reorganize to make the healthiest choice the easiest.

Week 2 To Do:

Continue to tweak your goals Prepare a plan of action Gather your support Set up your environment

In your opinion, what's the biggest key to weight loss success?

Support from others

Calories in, calories out

Body/mind connection

Something else

Week 3: Focus on Food

Week three is when you’ll start to make changes, and this week, it’s all about the food. 

By now, you’re used to logging your foods, and your environment is set up for success. Based on your written goals, start with the one that involves food choices. In general, you’ll want to work on making more conscious choices about what foods to eat. 

Be sure to also pay attention to how those foods make you feel and function. Aim for variety in food groups, flavors, cuisines, and cooking methods. Begin to read nutrition labels identifying healthier or more convenient swaps. Grocery shopping may take a bit longer now, but see it as a chance to discover something new. Remove distractions when eating and be more present with the speed at which you take bites.

Week 3 To Do:

Focus on the food — what you’re eating and how you’re eating Be more intentional with reading food labels Continue logging foods for accountability

Week 4: Move More

Week four encourages you to layer in movement. But not moving your body only because you must burn a certain amount of calories, instead moving your body because it feels good and makes you happy. 

The key is finding something you enjoy. It might look like stretching, walking, yoga, strength training, cycling, dancing, or a combination.  It might be a class outside of the house or streaming something so you can stay in. The general recommendation for exercise is to complete 150 minutes each week. Take this guideline and translate it into something that feels doable for your life. Remember, any type of movement is better than nothing.

Week 4 To Do:

Move more Find consistency in an exercise routine Keep movement fun

Bonus: Calculate Your Daily Calorie Goal

If you want to track calories as part of your weight loss or maintenance plan, this calculator can help determine your ideal daily calorie intake.

Note: This is intended to be a general guide only. For more individualized recommendations, please talk with your doctor or dietitian.

The Bottom Line

Making small changes to your health will add up to big results. This four-week approach helps to ensure that you are not only in the right mindset to make the changes but also have the proper support and tools to succeed. While your food and exercise goals will likely continue beyond this month, we hope this slow approach keeps you steady and motivated to find sustainable, long-term success.

Anna Smith , MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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The Run Experience

The Ultimate Weight Loss Running Plan (Top Tips & Schedule)

Our ultimate weight loss running plan to learn how to lose weight with a running program: try the tips and a running schedule for weight loss.

Holly Martin

Holly Martin

Running can be your best friend on your weight loss journey, so long as what you’re doing is sustainable.

Here at The Run Experience, we believe that everyone’s a runner. The key is to start slow and easy and keep your goals doable. We want to avoid burnout and injury at all costs.

That's why we've designed this ultimate weight loss running plan. It provided you with the tips and best practices you need to create a sustainable running journey.

Ultimate Weight Loss Running Plan

This weight loss running plan is designed to give you a structured and sustainable approach to running and weight loss. We want to make your running effective but also enjoyable and injury-free. Below, we'll dive into the key steps in creating a personal weight loss running program tailor-made for you.

1. Establish Clear and Achievable Goals

Setting clear, realistic, and measurable weight loss and running goals will serve as your roadmap throughout this journey. Define your weight loss target, timeframe, and running milestones in a manner that is achievable and in alignment with your current fitness level. Ensure that your goals are S.M.A.R.T - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound to keep you motivated and on track.

2. Create a Balanced Running Schedule

Developing a running schedule that balances intensity, duration, and rest is pivotal for effective weight loss. Incorporate a mix of running workouts, including steady-state runs, interval training, and long, slow runs, to optimize calorie burn and enhance your running capacity. Ensure that your schedule progressively increases in intensity and duration to continuously challenge your body.

3. Integrate Strength Training

Incorporating strength training into your running plan is crucial for enhancing muscle strength, improving running efficiency, and preventing injuries. Focus on exercises that strengthen your core, legs, and upper body to support your running mechanics. Strength training also aids in maintaining muscle mass, ensuring that weight loss predominantly comes from fat loss.

4. Prioritize Nutrition

Aligning your nutritional intake with your weight loss and running goals is paramount. Focus on a balanced diet that fuels your runs and aids recovery while creating a calorie deficit conducive to weight loss. Consider consulting a nutritionist or utilizing a food diary to ensure that your nutritional choices support your physical activity and weight loss goals.

5. Focus on Adequate Recovery

Allocating time for adequate recovery is essential to prevent injuries and allow your body to heal and adapt. Incorporate rest days and engage in recovery practices such as stretching, foam rolling, and perhaps even yoga to facilitate muscle recovery and enhance flexibility. Ensuring sufficient sleep is also crucial to support recovery and overall health.

6. Monitor Progress and Adapt the Plan

Regularly track your progress in terms of weight loss, running performance, and overall fitness. Utilize tools and metrics such as running apps, fitness trackers, and regular weigh-ins to monitor your journey. Be prepared to adapt your running plan based on your progress, ensuring that it continues to challenge you and is aligned with your evolving fitness level and weight loss goals.

Running Schedule for Weight Loss

Now that you've established a strong foundation for your weight loss running plan, you're ready to look at an example running schedule for weight loss. Obviously, your schedule and life demands will look different, and you'll need to tailor this schedule to your lifestyle.

That's fine and dandy.

We're just going to provide you with an example so that you know what to look for and prioritize while building you're own schedule.

Remember, we want to start and progress slowly. Your weight loss journey isn't a race. Slow and steady wins here. Be patient and resist the urge to skip phases or push yourself harder than your body is ready for.

Weeks 1-2: Establishing a Running and Strength Base

  • Day 1: 20-minute brisk walk
  • Day 2: Full-body strength training (20 minutes)
  • Day 3: 10 minutes of running, 10 minutes of walking
  • Day 4: Rest
  • Day 5: 15 minutes of running, 5 minutes of walking
  • Day 6: Full-body strength training (20 minutes)
  • Day 7: Rest or light activity (e.g., yoga)

Weeks 3-4: Building Consistency in Running and Strength Training

  • Day 1: 20 minutes of running
  • Day 2: Upper body strength training (20 minutes)
  • Day 3: 25 minutes of running
  • Day 5: 20 minutes of running
  • Day 6: Lower body strength training (20 minutes)
  • Day 7: Rest or light activity

Weeks 5-6: Introducing Interval Training and Targeted Strength Work

  • Day 1: 30 minutes of running
  • Day 2: Core and stability training (20 minutes)
  • Day 3: Interval training: 5-minute warm-up, 10x(1 minute running, 1 minute walking), 5-minute cool down
  • Day 5: 30 minutes of running
  • Day 6: Full-body strength training (25 minutes)

Weeks 7-8: Enhancing Intensity in Both Running and Strength Training

  • Day 1: 35 minutes of running
  • Day 2: Upper body strength training (25 minutes)
  • Day 3: Interval training: 5-minute warm-up, 10x(2 minutes running, 1 minute walking), 5-minute cool down
  • Day 5: 40 minutes of running
  • Day 6: Lower body strength training (25 minutes)

Weeks 9-10: Solidifying Endurance and Strength

  • Day 1: 45 minutes of running
  • Day 2: Core and stability training (25 minutes)
  • Day 3: Interval training: 5-minute warm-up, 8x(3 minutes running, 1 minute walking), 5-minute cool down
  • Day 5: 50 minutes of running
  • Day 6: Full-body strength training (30 minutes)

Weeks 11-12: Optimizing Weight Loss Running and Strength Training

  • Day 1: 55 minutes of running
  • Day 2: Upper body strength training (30 minutes)
  • Day 3: Interval training: 5-minute warm-up, 6x(4 minutes running, 1 minute walking), 5-minute cool down
  • Day 5: 60 minutes of running
  • Day 6: Lower body strength training (30 minutes)

We crafted this 12-week running schedule for weight loss to build your running and strength training capacity. Complement this schedule with adequate nutrition and recovery practices to optimize results. Always listen to your body and adjust the schedule as needed, ensuring that your weight loss journey is not only effective but also sustainable and enjoyable!

Tips for Running to Lose Weight

1: understand the difficulties of weight loss and weight loss tips.

Before diving into a running training program to achieve your weight loss goals, it is important to take a look at previous experiences, and understand what works and what does not.

Typically, those interested in running for weight loss fall into one of two categories.

The first are those who went all in on a training program and simply burnt out.

Whether you tried a running program before, just stuck to strength training or cardio, or mixed it all up; it didn’t last.

Maybe you got injured, or maybe you put so much energy into your program that you had to sacrifice other things in your life, and doing so was not sustainable.

The second category are those who have not tried a specific training program yet, because they feel they need to lose a certain amount of body weight before even getting started.

After all, following any exercise program is tough on the body no matter your body weight, and maybe you just wanted to slim down before starting to make the training easier once you do get started.

The good news is, no matter which of the above categories you fall into, the solution is the same. Your weight-loss journey is simply going to require a sustainable exercise program.

This means that your exercise plan will focus on small, gradual improvements so that you don’t burn out, and so that you can begin the exercise plan at any weight.

We’re not going to ask for any crazy diet plan or calorie deficit. Rather, we’re going to utilize running, strength training, and mobility to keep your body feeling healthy and pain-free. This way, you will stay motivated to keep going even after the initial buzz wears off.

2: Use A Workout Checklist on Workout Days

Believe it or not, easy weight loss is possible. And while it may seem counterintuitive, easy weight loss requires being easy on yourself. Setting extreme, unsustainable goals almost guarantees burnout.

We want our goals to be manageable, so that it does not feel like our weight loss journey is disrupting the rest of our lives.

An easy way to keep your workouts sustainable is to just run through a quick checklist every time you workout. The checklist will include the following:

Your heart rate during any given workout should be raised above your resting heart rate.

Now, we’re not saying you need to feel totally gassed every time you workout. But we do need just a bit of what we’ll call “heart rate discomfort.” Just get outside of your resting, normal range.

Sweating is by no means the line between a good or bad workout. However, for most of us, sweating is a good indicator that we are outside of our comfort zone.

And again, we’re not saying you need to be drenched in sweat after every workout. But add it to the checklist to ensure you are getting out of your comfort zone and doing hard work.


A body workout should require your body to do things it normally does not do. This is how we will see change.

This is especially true for those of who sit at a desk or in a car for most of our day. A workout should include movements that you do not do in your daily life.

Think about “waking up” muscle groups that tend to fall asleep during your daily life. These groups might include your glutes, biceps, triceps, hamstrings, abdominals, quads, calves, or back muscles.

Not every workout needs to hit the whole body necessarily, but be sure your workout contains movements that are abnormal when compared to your daily routine. Wake up some of those sleepy muscles.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Make sure you leave your comfort zone for at least a few moments during every workout. As described above, this might occur by getting your heart rate up.

If you are doing a strength training workout , this might occur by fatiguing a particular muscle group.

Getting out of your comfort zone aids weight loss and change by making you both mentally and physically stronger. Each time you get out of your comfort zone, you are proving to your mind and body what you are capable of.

So, on your next workout, your body is ready to continue improving, because you taught yourself on the last workout that you can survive discomfort.

Your body will subtly adapt to the changes and challenges you throw its way.

Endorphin Rush

This one might not come right away. But, after a couple of successful workouts that meet numbers 1-4 above, you will notice a burst of energy after a hard effort.

This is an endorphin rush, and it’s a reward for your body to you after a hard effort.

By adding this to the checklist, you will motivate yourself to keep going. Feeling proud of yourself will make it easier to sleep at night and keep moving forward.

3: Map It Out One Week at a Time to Maximize Fat Loss

This does not need to be exact. But a week is a nice, manageable chunk of time to map out.

Because we are focused in this article on running for weight loss, below is a general, loose plan to follow.

On 3 days out of the week, incorporate a walk, run, or a combination of the two.

On 2 days out of the week, perform a strength training workout. You can use weights or just your body weight. You can take a class or design your own workout. You can do use a circuit format, or just a number of designated reps per exercise, going one time through.

For an idea to get started, check out this example of a strength training workout.

And then every day (or almost every day), be sure to mobilize or stretch. This is going to improve recovery and minimize soreness, so that injury and soreness do not hold you back.

What does a walk/run day look like?

Developing a concrete plan for when you head out the door will make your weight loss program so much easier.

To simplify things, here are two walk/run workouts that are easy to follow to get your weight loss plan started.

Walk/Run Session 1

Good news… it’s only 10 minutes! For this workout, head out for 10 minutes alternating:

– 90 seconds walking

– 30 seconds jogging

You will end up doing that set five times over the 10 minutes. And jogging can mean anything! You can even power walk for the 30 seconds if you’re not up to jogging yet.

Walk/Run Session 2

For this workout, try to find a hill. It does not need to be steep, just an incline to help get your heart rate up a bit.

You could even do this on a treadmill. For the portions going up the hill, set your incline to 4% or 5%.

For this session, you’ll do a 1-minute power walk up the hill, and then walk or jog down. You will repeat this for 6-8 rounds depending on how you’re feeling, and how much time you have.

The great thing about both of these workouts is that they are easily scalable as you improve on your weight loss journey and continue to lose body fat.

For example, for Workout 1, you could add an extra 10 minutes to the workout, or you could reduce your walk time by 15 seconds and increase your jogging time by that much instead.

And for Workout 2, feel free to add in rounds, or bump your power walk up to a jog when going uphill.

Strength Training Workout

Next, let’s take a look at an example strength workout that is going to hit every item on your workout checklist.

The format here is going to be four movements, for 3-5 rounds depending on how you feel. Rest for about one minute in between each round, and feel free to take additional rest as needed.

1. 10 Air Squats


Start with your feet just outside of hips’ width with your toes pointed straight ahead. Keeping your arms out in front of you and your chest up, squat down as low as you can go without your chest falling forward.

For added assistance, add a seat behind you that you can tap each time you’re at the bottom, so that you know you’re going low enough.

wrong squat

2. Plank Hold


Next, we’re going to hold a plank, or the top of a push-up position. We’re going to hold here for 30 seconds.

For added assistance, place your hands on a platform of some kind, so that your hands are higher than your feet.

3. 10 Glute Bridge Raises


Laying on your back, place your feet flat on the ground. Press your heels down into the ground, and lift your hips up to the sky, and then lower them back down. Repeat this movement 10 times.

4. 5 Elevated Push-Ups

Lastly, take 5 push-ups with your hands on an elevated surface. For a modified version, lower down to your knees.

Stretch and Mobility Example

4: Use Tools to Hold You Accountable for Your Lifestyle Change

Lastly, lean on tools and friends to hold you accountable . If you prefer your weight loss journey to be more individual, try keeping a training journal where you right down your workouts ahead of time, and check them off as you go through your week.

You can even make notes on how the workout went that day. Over time as the workouts get easier, this will be a cool way to see how much progress you’ve made.

If you want to share your journey, tell friends or members of an online community about your goals. If you have a workout planned, share it! This way your community can check in on how it went, and it will hold you accountable to stick to your training plan.

And lastly, believe in yourself. Play the long game. Trust the process. You’ve got this, just be disciplined and patient!

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Top 13 Weight Loss Tips to Kick Start Your Journey

It seems like every time you pick up a magazine or read an article online there’s a new “guaranteed” diet or weight loss programs being featured. Instead of falling for the latest fad , a better approach is to listen to your body .

Your body frequently gives you hints about what you need to eat and, more importantly, what not to eat. You can improve your health and weight loss goals by utilizing some easy tips.

Before you begin, it’s essential that you know that no one loses weight in the same way. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach that will work the same for everyone. Two people of the same weight and height will lose weight at a different rate, even if they eat the exact same foods and participate in the same activities.

The time of the day and even the season of the year can lead to difficulties in managing your weight. Eating later in the day can pack on extra pounds. Backyard BBQs and hotel meals when traveling on vacation are detrimental to your weight loss and maintenance objectives, just as being less active during winter months can have an effect.

The following Top 13 Weight Loss Tips can help you successfully jump start your weight loss journey.

1. Eat What’s Right for Your Body

To maximize weight loss, use healthy ingredients and choose foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. A healthy body is one that gets a lot of nutrients from a wide range of foods, so don’t be a picky eater. You might even be surprised how much you enjoy a cup of leek soup or kale salad.

2. Lose Weight by Eating Mindfully

You don’t have to stop eating to lose weight. instead, savor each meal and enjoy the entire dining experience instead of just gulping down your food. Eat slowly, chew abundantly, and remain aware of what you’re eating.

The same principle applies whether you’re consuming solids or liquids. Eating or drinking slowly increases weight loss by making you feel fuller faster and the overall result of mindful eating is increased energy, lower stress and fewer digestive issues.

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is an essential element for health, weight loss and weight management. Your body is 80 percent water and fluid is as important for health as food. Water is necessary for a diverse array of functions that includes:

  • Regulating your body temperature
  • Aiding in digestion
  • Helps protect your joints
  • Essential for rebuilding blood
  • Helps detoxify the body
  • Keeps your skin looking youthful

4. Farm to Table

Take advantage of nature’s bounty for health and weight loss. Local seasonal produce is available at a variety of farm markets. Fruits and vegetables from around the world are offered at supermarkets, making it possible to maintain a healthy diet throughout the year even when local produce isn’t available.

5. Eat for Better Health

Eating organic and non-GMO foods minimizes the pesticides and artificial ingredients that can be found even in some fresh fruits and vegetables. It also minimizes the potential for exacerbating allergies, gaining weight, and introducing unwanted elements into the body that can have unpredictable results.

6. Enjoy Life More

Even with a healthy diet, it’s important to get your body moving to maximize your weight loss goals.

Do something enjoyable to get moving like hiking new trails, taking a dance lesson or even go swimming.  It will burn calories, keep your body in shape and build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn… even while you sleep.

7. Avoid Processed Foods

The sugar, fat and salt in processed foods and beverages are weight loss enemies. They are also addictive, just as nicotine and caffeine. Food companies utilize those elements, along with color, flavor, aroma and texture, to make you eat more.

8. Don’t Eat in Front of the TV or Computer

It’s best not to associate eating with the TV, computer or other distraction to eliminate developing a pattern of eating whenever you’re in front of either device. Eating in suitable surroundings allows you to focus on the meal. And put your phone away while you dine.

9. Prepare Your Own Lunch

Boost your weight loss by not falling into the trap of eating out or ordering fast food while at work. Preparing your own nutritious lunch and taking it to work ensures that you have the right foods and portions that are right for you.

10. Sleep for Weight Loss

Stress is one of the leading causes of weight gain. When you feel nervous, anxious and stressed, your body releases hormones for a fight or flight reaction that leads to an increase in appetite. When you don’t get enough sleep or don’t achieve a restorative slumber, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are elevated and leads to mid-section fat build-up.

11. Keep Weight Loss Goals Realistic

It took time to gain those extra pounds and it will take time to remove them. There are no short-cuts or instant remedies for weight loss that won’t have a detrimental effect on your health and starving yourself will only create a rebound effect in which you overeat.

12. Listen to Your Cravings

Your body will tell you what it needs through cravings. Craving for peanut butter and celery, watermelon or a plain cheese are examples healthy cravings.

Unfortunately, many us sabotage our weight loss goals by craving things like glazed donuts, pizza and sodas. Cravings often indicate there is a nutritional imbalance and finding healthy alternative is imperative to good health.

You may also want to check with your doctor whether you have a hormone imbalance, as this may also cause cravings.

13. Take Advantage of Medical Weight Loss

Don’t be hesitant to see a medical weight loss physician. Medical weight loss doesn’t involve surgery or diet pills and each plan is customized to your individual metabolic rate, activity level and motivation.

It’s a method of weight loss and management based entirely on scientific principles. Medical weight loss is administered under the supervision of a physician and targets the underlying root of weight gain and obesity for a lifetime solution.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to lose 10 pounds, 100 or more. Medical weight loss is effective for anyone, but it’s especially advantageous if your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or more. A BMI of 30 or more places you at additional risk for a myriad of serious health conditions and complications that include:

  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Metabolic syndrome

Medical weight loss encompasses a quick start, transition and maintenance level to help you at every step of your weight loss journey.

Mic B injections can be used alone or in combination with B12 injections to help to attain your goals for weight loss. You’ll have more energy, be more alert, and it provides a non-surgical strategy for managing your weight. Both type of injections aid in maintaining the health of your nervous and cardiovascular system.

Medical weight loss utilizes a holistic approach. The program offers education, supplements and pre-prepared meal packages to help make your weight loss easier.

Take the First Step

Utilizing the Top 12 Tips for Weight Loss is an excellent place to begin on the road to achieving your weight loss goals. Don’t fall for the latest magazine articles and online claims of guaranteed weight loss that utilizes a one-size-fits-all approach. You’re a unique individual and you deserve a customized approach to address your metabolism and weight loss goals.


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What It's Like To Be On Ozempic For 6 Weeks, According To Doctors And Real Women

For most people, it takes a few weeks to a month at the right dose to start seeing results.

preview for 8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss

Sure, it’s probably exciting when you first start using Ozempic, but what will it feel like a few weeks in? And can you use it successfully for just a few months, or is this a, say, forever investment in your health? Doctors—and real women who have been on Ozempic—share their perspectives.

What is Ozempic—and how does it work?

Ozempic is an injectable drug that’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help treat people with type 2 diabetes when other medications haven’t been able to effectively manage their blood sugar.

Meet the experts: Kunal Shah, MD , is an assistant professor in the division of endocrinology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. Mir Ali, MD , is a bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.

Ozempic, which is a brand name for semaglutide , works by mimicking a protein in your body called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), explains Kunal Shah, MD, an assistant professor in the division of endocrinology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. When you take Ozempic, it activates GLP-1 receptors in your body, causing an increase in insulin. That helps treat type 2 diabetes, Dr. Shah says.

But while Ozempic is designed to treat type 2 diabetes, one side effect is weight loss. In fact, while the official Ozempic website stresses that this is “not a weight loss drug,” it also casually mentions that people lost up to 14 pounds in a clinical trial.

How Ozempic Actually Helps With Weight Loss

It’s important to point out that the main ingredient in Ozempic—semaglutide—is also the active ingredient in Wegovy, which is FDA-approved to be used as a weight loss drug. With that, doctors say they will prescribe Ozempic for weight loss, too.

So, how does Ozempic lead to weight loss? The medication helps signal to your brain to eat less and store less, says Mir Ali, MD , a bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. It also slows down gastric emptying (meaning, the movement of food through your stomach), making you feel fuller, longer, Dr. Ali explains.

How long does it take for Ozempic to work?

It really depends. Ozempic is designed to be started at the lowest dose and then gradually ramped up to get the desired effect, Dr. Ali explains. “Some people who are more sensitive to it can start seeing results right away,” he says. “But, for most people, it takes a few weeks.”

Dr. Shah agrees. “We usually go up a dose every month,” he says. “Patients don’t usually see weight loss with the lowest dose, which is 0.25 milligrams, but they start seeing it after 0.5 milligrams. For most people, it will take about a month.”

The amount of weight loss someone wants to lose and how quickly really depends on the person and what else they’re doing to lose weight, Dr. Shah says.

What does it feel like to be on Ozempic for six weeks?

Again, it's personal and may vary. “There are some people who are non-responders until they have a higher dose; some are hyper-responders and respond really well to lower doses,” Dr. Shah says. After six weeks, Dr. Shah says that you should start to feel the effects of the medication—which may mean that you do not feel as hungry as you normally would be.

But, again, everyone is different. Tanya Gulliver-Garcia started taking Ozempic a few months ago to help manage her type 2 diabetes. “I have not experienced any weight loss,” she says. But, Gulliver-Garcia points out, she’s on another medication that makes her gain weight, which can make results different than what others might experience. “I want to be healthy and have excellent blood sugar, whatever my weight,” she says.

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By the way, you’ll be seeing your doctor pretty often when you’re on Ozempic—at least at first. “We do month visits where we gradually increase the dose,” Dr. Ali says. “When they get to the maximum dose, the follow-ups will continue but not as often.” Dr. Shah says that he often will have patients on Ozempic do appointments every two to three months “to make sure things are going okay”—and talk about potential side effects.

What is it like to stay on Ozempic for years?

Ozempic and other semaglutide medications are designed to be used indefinitely, Dr. Shah says. “The expectation is that you will plateau with weight at some point but the medication will help in at least managing that amount of weight loss that you achieved,” he says.

But some people may also notice other changes over time. “After a year or so, some people notice that the hunger starts coming back,” Dr. Shah says. “But that’s the case with every medication—you tend to lose a little of the effect over time.”

Kimberly Carlos has been on Ozempic for nearly a year and says she’s lost 75 pounds so far. “I went on the medication because I have insulin resistance, PCOS, and the disease of obesity,” she says. “It’s changed my life.”

Carlos adds that she no longer constantly thinks about food. “I have a completely different lifestyle, and I’ve never been happier,” she says. “With the food noise quieted, I have so much more brain capacity to focus on other things, like a podcast to help others. I’m creative again.”

Advice For Ozempic Users To Make It A Positive Experience

Experts say it’s important to have ongoing conversations with your doctor about how you feel and what else you’re doing to try to lose weight. That’s actually a big factor. People who have the most success on Ozempic also change up their diet and focus on a healthier eating plan, Dr. Shah says.

But weight loss is a journey, and he stresses the importance of keeping that in mind. “It’s very individualized,” he says.

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The Best 7-Day Walking Plan to Lose Weight, Created by Certified Trainers

Put on your favorite shoes and workout outfit to support your weight-loss goals with this walking plan.

Adam Meyer is a health writer, certified holistic nutritionist and 100% plant-based athlete. In addition to EatingWell, his work has been featured on The Beet, Verywell Fit, The Healthy, Livestrong, Alive, Best Life and others. He graduated from the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition in 2019 and has since founded Pillars Nutrition.

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You probably know that walking is a great exercise to support your overall health, from improving your blood sugar levels to bolstering your heart health. But can it help you achieve your weight-loss goals? 

Research has shown that walking can help promote weight loss . But how much is enough to help you lose weight? And how can you fit walking into your hectic schedule? Here, we’ll share a seven-day walking plan designed by certified personal trainers that you can easily incorporate into your weekly routine to help you achieve your weight-loss goals.

How Walking Supports Weight Loss

So, what makes this low-impact exercise a great weight-loss tool? Like other types of exercise, walking increases your heart rate and helps your body utilize and burn calories more efficiently.  

Additionally, walking can also help reduce appetite. Research has shown that regular physical activity like walking can help improve your sense of fullness, helping you make nutritious food choices and support healthy weight management. Additionally, walking outdoors in nature has been shown to help reduce stress levels. High levels of stress may increase emotional eating and weight gain.

“Walking increases your energy expenditure from baseline, helping to create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss,” says Mike Masi , a certified personal trainer at Garage Gym Reviews. “Additionally, walking may reduce stress for some people and lower cortisol levels.” Consistently high cortisol levels may increase abdominal fat, which increases your risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

How Much to Walk for Weight Loss

So, how much walking do you need to do to lose weight? The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, like walking, per week, which can be broken down into shorter sessions spread across the week.

However, Masi explains that the amount of walking required for weight loss can vary depending on individual factors such as age, fitness level and diet. “For those with an irregular schedule, it may be easier to track your walking minutes throughout the week,” says Masi. “Be sure to brisk-walk at a pace that’s fast enough to raise your heart rate while still being able to carry on a conversation. If you have access to a treadmill, consider manipulating variables such as the elevation to increase the intensity.”

7-Day Walking Plan to Lose Weight

Ready to put on your walking shoes and get in some steps to help you achieve your weight-loss goals? Try this seven-day walking plan, designed by TJ Mentus, CPT , a certified personal trainer at Garage Gym Reviews.

“To lose weight, I recommend walking at least 30 minutes straight every day,” says Mentus. “This approach will help burn an extra 100 to 200 calories when combined with a healthy, well-balanced diet. This would lead to at least 210 minutes of walking a week and an extra 700 to 1,400 calories burned.” However, when it comes to exercise, it’s important to focus not only on calories burned but also on how regular movement benefits your overall health . 

Start with a 5-minute, easy-paced walk to warm up your muscles. Then, increase your pace for 1 minute to a fast walk, followed by 4 minutes at a comfortable pace. Repeat this pattern for 5 sets, including the warmup. During the fast-paced intervals, push yourself to maintain a challenging speed, using the following 4 minutes to recover.

Do a 5-minute easy-paced walk to warm up. Then, increase your pace for 90 seconds to a fast walk, followed by 3 minutes at a comfortable pace for 5 sets. After completing the sets, return to a leisurely pace for 3 to 5 minutes as a cooldown. Aim to match or exceed the intensity of the previous day’s fast-paced intervals.

Walk continuously for 30 minutes, aiming to cover as much distance as possible. Maintain a consistent pace throughout the entire walk. If walking outdoors, consider finding a track or path where you can complete laps to track your progress.

After a 5-minute easy-paced warmup walk, alternate between a fast-paced walk for 1 minute and a comfortable pace for 2 minutes for 7 sets. Finish your walk with a 3- to 5-minute cooldown walk at a slower pace to gradually lower your heart rate.

Start with a 5-minute, easy-paced warmup walk. Then, walk fast for 2 minutes, followed by a comfortable pace for 4 minutes for 5 sets. End your session with a 3- to 5-minute cooldown walk to reduce your heart rate gradually.

Challenge yourself to walk as far as possible within 30 minutes, aiming to surpass your performance from Day 3. Maintain a brisk pace throughout the entire walk, pushing yourself to sustain the intensity without slowing down.

Begin with a 5-minute, easy-paced warmup walk. Then, alternate between a fast-paced walk for 1 minute and a comfortable pace for 1 minute for 10 sets. Finish with a 5-minute cooldown walk to gradually ease your heart rate.

The Bottom Line

Walking is a fantastic form of exercise to support your weight-loss journey. When combined with a well-balanced, calorie-conscious diet, walking can help you burn calories, increase your heart rate and reduce stress , all of which support good overall health. The recommended amount of walking to lose weight is 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, or about 30 to 60 minutes daily, five days a week. However, walking even 15 minutes daily can help improve your health and support your weight-loss goals.

Creasy SA, Lang W, Tate DF, Davis KK, Jakicic JM. Pattern of Daily Steps is Associated with Weight Loss: Secondary Analysis from the Step-Up Randomized Trial . Obesity (Silver Spring) . 2018;26(6):977-984. doi:10.1002/oby.22171

Ungvari Z, Fazekas-Pongor V, Csiszar A, Kunutsor SK. The multifaceted benefits of walking for healthy aging: from Blue Zones to molecular mechanisms . Geroscience . 2023;45(6):3211-3239. doi:10.1007/s11357-023-00873-8

Dorling J, Broom DR, Burns SF, et al. Acute and Chronic Effects of Exercise on Appetite, Energy Intake, and Appetite-Related Hormones: The Modulating Effect of Adiposity, Sex, and Habitual Physical Activity . Nutr . 2018;10(9):1140. doi:10.3390/nu10091140

Legrand FD, Jeandet P, Beaumont F, Polidori G. Effects of Outdoor Walking on Positive and Negative Affect: Nature Contact Makes a Big Difference . Front Behav Neurosci . 2022;16:901491. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2022.901491

Heshmati HM, Luzi L, Greenway FL, Rebello CJ. Editorial: Stress-induced weight changes . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) . 2023;14:1209975. doi:10.3389/fendo.2023.1209975

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Key Guidelines .

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June 12, 2024

How Much Does Nutrisystem Cost for a Woman in a 30-Pound Weight Loss Journey in 2024?

As many women consider embarking on a weight loss journey with Nutrisystem in 2024, a crucial question arises: How much does it cost? This article aims to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the costs involved in a 30-pound weight loss journey for a woman using Nutrisystem. We delve into the various plans offered by Nutrisystem tailored specifically for women, including basic, uniquely yours, and vegetarian options, discussing their pricing and what each includes in terms of meal variety and support services. The article also examines additional factors that influence the overall cost, such as the duration of the program, any customization or add-ons, and potential promotions or discounts available. Moreover, it provides an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of Nutrisystem compared to other weight loss methods and the value it offers in terms of convenience, nutritional balance, and support. This guide is designed to give women a clear understanding of the financial commitment required for Nutrisystem and how it aligns with their weight loss goals for the year 2024.

Embarking on a weight loss journey often involves not just a commitment to health but also financial considerations, especially when considering structured programs like Nutrisystem . For women aiming to shed significant weight, understanding how much does Nutrisystem cost for a woman is crucial in 2024. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the Nutrisystem program’s cost-effectiveness, particularly in aiding a woman’s journey to lose 30 pounds. We’ll explore the various aspects of the program, including the different plans and what they entail, to give a clear picture of the financial investment required and its alignment with the weight loss goals of women. By offering a comprehensive breakdown of costs and services, this introduction sets the stage for women to make informed decisions about embarking on their 30-pound weight loss journey with Nutrisystem in the coming year.

Understanding the Financial Aspect of Weight Loss

When considering a weight loss program like Nutrisystem , a critical aspect that women often ponder is the financial commitment involved. Addressing the question, “How much does Nutrisystem cost for a woman?” is not just about stating figures but understanding the value behind the investment. In the realm of weight loss in 2024, where numerous options are available, the cost becomes a significant deciding factor.

This section delves into the financial dynamics of weight loss programs, particularly focusing on Nutrisystem. We aim to unravel the layers behind the pricing, offering a clear perspective on what a woman can expect in terms of financial investment when she embarks on a weight loss journey with Nutrisystem. By doing so, we provide a foundation for understanding the cost-benefit ratio of the program, aiding in an informed decision-making process that weighs both the financial implications and the potential health benefits. The focus here is not just on the monetary aspect but on comprehending the holistic value that Nutrisystem brings to a woman’s weight loss journey.

how much does nutrisystem cost for a woman

how much does nutrisystem cost for a woman

Nutrisystem Cost Breakdown for Women

In this section, we provide a detailed analysis of the costs associated with the Nutrisystem program for women, addressing various plan options, what’s included in these costs, and any additional expenses to consider. This breakdown is supported by authoritative financial and nutritional sources to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Different Plan Options: Analyzing Cost Variations

Nutrisystem offers a range of plan options catering to different needs and preferences. The cost varies depending on the chosen plan, such as the basic, uniquely yours, or vegetarian plan. According to a market analysis by Forbes, different health program plans cater to various budget levels, with Nutrisystem offering competitive pricing within the industry.

What’s Included in the Cost?

Each Nutrisystem plan includes pre-packaged meals and snacks, tailored to women’s nutritional requirements. Additionally, the program provides access to online tools and support from dietitians and counselors. A study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics highlights the importance of comprehensive programs that include dietary counseling in improving weight loss outcomes (Smith et al., 2016).

Additional Expenses to Consider

While Nutrisystem covers most necessities, there may be additional costs, such as shipping fees or optional add-ons like specific shakes or supplements. The USDA’s guidelines on dieting emphasize the importance of considering these extra expenses to ensure they align with one’s budget and health goals.

Through this detailed cost breakdown, women considering the Nutrisystem program can gain a thorough understanding of the financial investment required and what it entails. This information, backed by authoritative sources, aims to help women make informed decisions about their weight loss journey with Nutrisystem.

Addressing Cost Concerns

Understanding the financial aspects of the Nutrisystem program is crucial for women who are considering it for their weight loss journey. This section offers solutions and strategies to manage the expenses associated with Nutrisystem, ensuring it is a viable and valuable option for various budgets.

Maximizing the Value of Nutrisystem

To get the most out of the investment in Nutrisystem, women should fully utilize all the program’s resources, such as online support, dietary counseling, and customized meal planning. Leveraging these tools can enhance the effectiveness of the weight loss journey, providing more value for the money spent. As noted in a publication by the American Journal of Public Health, the integration of multiple weight loss resources has been shown to improve outcomes significantly (Wing et al., 2001).

Budget Management Strategies

Women can employ several strategies to manage the cost of Nutrisystem. Planning and budgeting for the program in advance, taking advantage of promotions or discounts, and carefully selecting the plan that best suits their needs and budget can help mitigate financial strain. Financial advisors often recommend budget planning as a critical step in managing expenses for health programs.

Alternative Financing Options

For those who find the upfront cost challenging, exploring alternative financing options like payment plans or seeking employer wellness program subsidies can be beneficial. Some health insurance plans may offer reimbursements or discounts for weight loss programs, as indicated in a report by the National Business Group on Health.

In summary, while Nutrisystem requires a financial commitment, various strategies and approaches can be employed to manage these costs effectively. By maximizing the value of the program, employing budget management techniques, and exploring financing options, women can make Nutrisystem a feasible part of their weight loss journey. The goal is to ensure that the program’s cost does not impede the pursuit of health and wellness.

Conclusion: Evaluating the Investment in Health

In conclusion, the Nutrisystem program, when evaluated for its cost-effectiveness, offers a substantial value proposition for women aiming to lose weight. While it requires a financial commitment, the program’s comprehensive approach, which includes customized meal plans, nutritional guidance, and supportive resources, presents it as a worthwhile investment for achieving significant health and weight loss goals. Understanding the cost structure and employing effective strategies to manage it can make Nutrisystem a feasible and rewarding option for women on their weight loss journey in 2024.

how much does nutrisystem cost for a woman

Nutrisystem for Women: Addressing Key Questions

In this section, we address some frequently asked questions about the Nutrisystem program for women, particularly focusing on cost-related aspects. These answers aim to provide clarity and assist women in making informed decisions about their weight loss journey with Nutrisystem.

Q1: What are the key factors that influence the cost of Nutrisystem for women?

The cost of Nutrisystem for women is influenced by the chosen plan type, the duration of the program, and any additional supplements or add-ons. Basic plans are generally more affordable, while comprehensive plans that offer a wider variety of food options and additional support services may cost more.

Q2: Are there any hidden costs or fees in the Nutrisystem program for women?

Nutrisystem prides itself on transparent pricing, but it’s important for users to be aware of potential additional costs such as shipping fees or optional supplements. It’s recommended to thoroughly review the program details to understand all potential expenses fully.

Q3: How can women manage the cost of Nutrisystem while ensuring effective weight loss?

Women can manage the cost of Nutrisystem by choosing the most suitable plan for their budget, taking advantage of discounts and promotions, and planning their budget accordingly. It’s also beneficial to maximize the use of all the resources and support the program offers to ensure effective weight loss.

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Jesse Plemons Shuts Down Ozempic Rumors Following Weight Loss Journey

During a new interview, the 'Civil War' actor explained how he 'got a handle' on his health.

Jesse Plemons

Jesse Plemons didn’t jump onto Hollywood’s Ozempic wagon, he clarified during a recent interview. While speaking with the Los Angeles Times , the 36-year-old actor noted it was “unfortunate” to see assumptions that he used the weight loss drug, per his interview that was published on Thursday, June 13.

“It’s really unfortunate that I decided to get healthy when everyone decided to take Ozempic,” the Civil War actor joked. “It doesn’t matter. Everyone’s going to think I took Ozempic anyways.”

Jesse then explained how his approach changed when it came to health.

“But what it was was getting older and — I hate even getting specific because then it turns into a whole thing — but there was a part that I did that in my mind, I could not imagine him as the size that I was,” he explained. “Several people talked to me about intermittent fasting, and I just gave it a shot and [was] surprised at how quickly it was effective. So, I lost a little bit before I did that part and then felt like I was in the rhythm, I was feeling better, and something shifted in my head. I just sort of got a handle on it.”

Jesse Plemons

Although the Breaking Bad alum didn’t specify where he saw the Ozempic accusations, many social media users shared their thoughts about his weight loss over the past several months. Earlier this year, multiple X users presumed he opted for the semaglutide to drop pounds.

“Don’t get me wrong, Jesse Plemons is hot now, but he was so much more attractive before he got hit by the bus that is Ozempic,” one X user tweeted in March. One month later, another user chimed in by writing , “Last night, I dreamt that Jesse Plemons came out to me about using Ozempic and I said, ‘Hey brother, it’s OK, we’re all just trying to make it to payday.'”

Jesse — who is married to actress Kirsten Dunst — is known for his chilling roles. In Breaking Bad , he played Todd Alquist: an apathetic killer and meth cook. In 2021, he appeared in Killers of the Flower Moon as agent Thomas Bruce White Sr. Most recently, he appeared in Civil War alongside his wife in an uncredited cameo as a soulless, racist militiamen.


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Mama June is being very transparent about her weight loss journey.

After revealing her plan to start using semaglutide to help get her weight back under control, the “Mama June: Family Crisis” star (born June Shannon), 44, shared that she lost 30 pounds in the two months since she began taking tirzepatide.

“I was against it because I had a gastric sleeve,” she said during a visit to Page Six’s studio with her daughters: Jessica “Chubbs” Shannon, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird and Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson.

“But now, I’m in week nine and you can ask the girls — I am so super strict.”

Page Six studio screenshot

Shannon revealed she sticks to a protein packed diet and makes sure she’s going to the gym “three or four times a week.”

“I probably lost 30 pounds in like eight and a half weeks,” she shared.

Though, the quick drop in June’s weight has made Efird nervous about her using the drug.

Mama June Shannon episode screenshot

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“I just feel like every other time mom has lost weight so quickly, she’s gained it back, plus more each time. You know?” she said.

Efird continued, “She didn’t eat right, she didn’t go to the gym. She just was like, ‘f— it, I’ll get another surgery.'”

Shannon previously let fans follow her weight loss journey during the first three seasons of the family’s reality TV series, which was initially titled “Mama June: From Not to Hot.” The series was rebranded for Season 4 as “Mama June: Family Crisis.”

Mama June event photo

This time seems to be different for the mother of four, however. While she dropped 30 pounds in a fairly short amount of time, she also said she’s been transparent about monitoring her routines and eating habits.

For example, Shannon recently revealed she gained one pound.

“I literally shared that experience with TikTok and I told people like, ‘I gained a pound and I was so mad at myself,’ because I work hard in the gym, eating only protein. I don’t really like bread, carbs and all that, so I’m okay with not even eating that,” she said.

“I’m trying to get the 80 grams and 100 grams of protein, but when I did that last week, I gained a pound. So, now I gotta go back down to like 40 or 50 grams of protein versus what they say:100 grams. I can’t do it. I’m like, I put on weight,” she continued.

A new season of “Mama June: Family Crisis” will premiere on June 14 on WEtv.

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Kelly Clarkson Weight Loss Journey 2024: Dr. Oz Insights Revealed!

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Kelly Clarkson has captivated fans not only with her music but also with her inspiring weight loss journey in 2024. Guided by Dr. Oz, her transformation has garnered widespread attention and admiration. This article delves into Kelly Clarkson's weight loss methods, featuring exclusive insights from Dr. Oz and other health experts. Discover how she achieved her goals and how you can apply these strategies to your own health journey.

Kelly Clarkson’s Transformation: A Snapshot

In 2024, Kelly Clarkson's weight loss transformation became a hot topic, showcasing her commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Before and after photos reveal a significant change, with Kelly looking more vibrant and confident. She credits her success to a balanced diet, regular exercise, and guidance from Dr. Oz. Kelly shared, "It's about finding what works for you and sticking to it. Consistency is key."

Dr. Oz’s Role in Kelly’s Journey

Dr. Oz played a crucial role in Kelly Clarkson’s weight loss journey, providing expert advice and a personalized plan. He emphasized the importance of a holistic approach, combining diet, exercise, and mental well-being. Dr. Oz states, "Kelly's success is a testament to her dedication and the effectiveness of a balanced, sustainable approach to weight loss." His guidance helped Kelly navigate her journey with confidence and clarity.

The Diet Plan: What Kelly Eats

Kelly Clarkson’s diet plan, designed with Dr. Oz's input, focuses on whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. She eliminated processed foods and sugars, opting for nutrient-dense meals. Dr. Lisa Thompson, a nutritionist, explains, "A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats supports weight loss and overall health." Kelly's typical day includes smoothies, salads, grilled chicken, and plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Exercise Routine: Staying Active

Incorporating regular exercise was essential for Kelly Clarkson. Her routine, recommended by Dr. Oz, included a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Fitness expert Michael Johnson notes, "Combining different types of exercises ensures a well-rounded fitness regimen that enhances weight loss and overall fitness." Kelly’s activities included jogging, weight lifting, and yoga, helping her build strength and endurance.

Mental Well-Being and Motivation

Maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated were critical components of Kelly Clarkson's journey. She practiced mindfulness and meditation to manage stress and stay focused. Dr. Susan Lee, a mental health expert, emphasizes, "Mental well-being is crucial for sustainable weight loss. Practices like meditation and journaling can help maintain motivation and reduce stress." Kelly’s commitment to mental health significantly contributed to her success.

Expert Opinions on Kelly’s Approach

Health experts have praised Kelly Clarkson's balanced approach to weight loss. Dr. Emily Harris, a wellness coach, comments, "Kelly’s method is sustainable and healthy. It’s about making lasting lifestyle changes rather than seeking quick fixes." The combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental well-being is widely regarded as an effective strategy for long-term success.

Tips for Your Own Journey

Inspired by Kelly Clarkson’s transformation? Here are some tips to get started on your own weight loss journey:

  • Focus on whole foods and eliminate processed items.
  • Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine.
  • Practice mindfulness to manage stress and stay motivated.
  • Consult with health professionals to create a personalized plan.

Reflecting on Kelly Clarkson’s Journey

Kelly Clarkson's weight loss journey in 2024, guided by Dr. Oz, serves as an inspiration for many. Her dedication, balanced approach, and focus on overall well-being highlight the importance of sustainable health practices. By adopting similar strategies, anyone can embark on their own path to better health and wellness.


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