Germany ‎ > Rothenburg  > Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map

  • Rothenburg Overview
  • Top 10 Things To Do
  • Top 15 Hidden Gems
  • Old Town Walking Tour
  • City Wall Walking Tour
  • Christmas Market
  • Imperial City Days Festival
  • Getting To Rothenburg
  • Top 10 Hotels
  • Best Restaurants

free rothenburg walking tour map guide old town germany

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour:

Walking Tour Location :  Old Town Rothenburg Cost :  Free, Self-Guided ( Museum and funicular/lift costs below ) Style :  Do-It-Yourself Walking Tour ( Self Guided )  Start :  Market Square ( Marktplatz ) End : Plönlein Corner Walking Distance :  1.1 miles ( +0.6  miles for Infirmary Quarter; +0.6 miles for short wall walk ) Time Required :  60 Minutes for Walk ( 2-3 hours with sights; +1 hour for each of the 3 museums; +0.5 hours for Infirmary Quarter ) Fun Scale :  10 out of 10

Overview of Old Town Rothenburg:

Spending a day in Old Town Rothenburg ( Row-tin-burg, with a rolled R ) is like stepping 400 years into the past.  This time capsule of a Franconian village is packed with colorful half-timber homes, old-world sights, cobblestone lanes, and is surrounded by a medieval city wall.  The pure beauty of Old Town is Rothenburg’s main attraction, but when you mix in the Night Watchman tour, the Christmas market, and great year-round shopping you have the makings for an unbelievable visit.

We highly suggest spending at least one night in Rothenburg as it feels truly magical in the evening after the tour buses have left.  Our self-guided walking tour map below covers all the must-see attractions with plenty of opportunities to get away from the mid-day crowds.  If you have extra time, you can also walk along the City Wall tour ( Turmweg ) or bike down to the river which gives the city its full name Rothenburg ob der Tauber ( meaning Red Castle over the Tauber River ).  Rothenburg is definitely a place to take your time, relax, and enjoy.  We hope you enjoy our self-guided Old Town Rothenburg walking tour map!

Rothenburg Walking Tour:

1. market square ( marktplatz ):.

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Market Square Marktplatz

About Market Square :  Shortly after King Conrad III of German ( House Hohenstaufen ) built his royal castle in Rothenburg in 1142, a village began to grow around it.  Traders quickly started selling their goods and produce and Market Square was born.  As Rothenburg gained official market rights in 1172, the main square became the center of both trade and social life in the town.

Since Rothenburg sat on two major Medieval trade routes, it gained Free Imperial City status in 1274 by Rudolf I King of Germany ( Habsburg Dynasty ).  The village quickly grew to be the 2nd largest city in Germany in the year 1400 behind Cologne, and the vast Market Square truly blossomed.  Rothenburg’smain square became the host for the town’s biggest festivals along with some of the most impressive colorful mansions and half-timber houses.  If you are looking for a bite to eat in the square, we recommend the Ratstube Restaurant whose tables spill out onto the square during nice weather.  The restaurant also has a secret dining room down in their medieval cellar we feature on our Top 15 Hidden Gems of Rothenburg .

In addition to the festivals, there were also numerous historic events that happened in Market Square.  In 1474, Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich III had a  massive feast  in Rothenburg’s main square, where he symbolically gave King Christian of Denmark the German state of Holstein to pledge an alliance.  A more gruesome event happened in Market Square in 1525 when Count Casimir von Ansbach had 17 leaders of the recently defeated Peasants’ Revolt  publicly beheaded  here and left to lay in the street all day.

The 30 Years War is what frozen Rothenburg in time and over each of the 7 times the city was occupied ( 1631-1645 ) the homes on Market Square had to harbor alternating hoards of both enemy forces ( Catholic ) and allied troops ( Protestant ).  During one of the occupations in 1632, the Protestant King of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus ( Gustav-Adolf ) stayed along Market Square just 49 days before being killed in battle.

2. Council Drinking Hall ( Ratstrinkstube ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Council Drinking Hall Ratstrinkstube clocks Master draught

About The Council Drinking Hall :  Built prior to 1446, the huge Council Drinking Hall was once a very exclusive tavern that could only be entered by city council members.  In order to be on the city council, you had to be born into a noble-class patrician family making it very limited.

With the Medieval government long gone, today all the action at the Council Drinking Hall happens on the outside of the building’s beautiful facade.  On the front of the hall is a centrally placed modern clock ( installed 1638 ), a calendar date clock, and a sundial ( 1768 ) above the black double eagle coat of arms from the Holy Roman Empire.  The former tavern building also holds the local tourism office and one of the only ATMs on our self-guided Rothenburg walking tour.

At the top of every hour from 10am-10pm, you have to keep an eye out for the special show that happens on the front of the Council Drinking Hall called legendary Master Draught .  The small windows flanking sides of the clock open to reveal hidden mechanical figures which reenact a famous story from Rothenburg’s history.

Folklore says that in 1631 Mayor Nusch ( Nu-sh ) saved the Protestant village from destruction at the hands of the troops of Catholic General Tilly during the 30 Years War.  The legend is that the famous mayor won a wager for Rothenburg’s fate by drinking over 3 liters of Franconian wine in one gulp known as the Master Draught.  The truth of the story is that General Tilly and his 40,000 troops occupied the village for the entire Winter before leaving, badly depleting Rothenburg of its food reserves.

3. Town Hall ( Rathaus ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Gothic Town Hall Renaissance Rathaus

About The Town Hall :  After the Old Town Hall located at today’s Meat & Dance Hall burned in 1240, construction on a new huge  Gothic-style Town Hall  ( Rathaus, pronounced Rat-house ) started here in 1250.  The new block-long Town Hall was much larger than the old one as it covers the entire length of Market Square.  The design was also very different as it was the new complex was made up of two massive parallel halls with entrances onto Herrngasse Street, a soaring bell tower, and built-in market stalls facing the main square.

Like the Old Town Hall, the new Gothic Town Hall also had a brush with fire in 1501 when the front half of the building facing Market Square burned down.  Luckily, the back half of the building, the watchtower, and the vaults survived the fire.  You can see a painting of the Town Hall from 1466 before the fire HERE  which you can see in person later on this walking tour at Saint James Church.

Since it had been over 250 years since the Gothic Town Hall was built, they decided to rebuild the damaged front in a more modern Renaissance-style instead.  The rebuild spanned some chaotic years in Rothenburg and was a huge project that wasn’t completed until 1572 which included a new entrance facing Market Square.  The New Town Hall was so impressive for its day, that it was considered the  most imposing example of Renaissance architecture north of the Alps for almost a decade.  While they functioned together, the white back half of the complex became known as Old Town Hall and the yellow front half became known as New Town Hall.

The Baroque-style street-level arcade and full-length porch further expanded the front of the Town Hall in 1681.  We love the coat of arms for the seven Holy Roman Empire Electors decorate the arches of the arcade.  Notice how the left side of the gallery has 13 steps, but as you look to the right  the steps gradually disappear  into the pavement?  This is because Market Square is actually quite slopped and the new stairs spanning the length of the building needed to account for the angle.

If you look up at the angles of the windows in the short center tower on the front of the Town Hall you can follow the path of the staircase spiraling inside it.  The surrounding windows on the facade are also used as a living Advent Calendar during the annual Christmas Market.  We will visit the much taller belltower on the white back half of Town Hall next on our free walking tour of Rothenburg.

4. Town Hall Tower ( Rathausturm ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Renaissance Rathaus Gothic Town Hall Tower

About The Town Hall Tower :   The surviving back part of the Gothic Town Hall remained white, but got a Renaissance upgrade to its  bell tower .  The 170-foot-tall tower provided better communication with the city watchtowers, and today you can still climb the 220 steps for the best views in Rothenburg.

One of the more interesting things about Rothenburg’s Town Hall Tower is that it was built without its own ground-level foundations.  This means that the tower basically rests on top of the building’s roof gable thanks to some perfect enginering.  While the vaulted passageway under the tower is stunning, the entrance to climb the bell tower is on the front of the building complex facing Market Square.

Tower Hours :  January-March & November Saturday & Sunday Noon-3pm; April-October Daily 9:30am-12:30pm & 1-5pm; During the Christmas Market 10:30am-2pm & 2-6pm ( 8pm Friday & Saturday ).   Cost : Adults 3€; Kids 1.50€.  Entrance : To begin your climb to the top of the white bell tower you will need to enter the main door on the front of the yellow part of the Town Hall facing Market Square.

5. Fountain of Saint George ( Sankt Georgsbrunnen ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Renaissance Dragon Fountain of Saint George Knight Sankt Georgsbrunnen

About The Fountain of Saint George :   Sitting over the 8-meter-deep  Herterich’s Well  is the beautiful Fountain of Saint George.  Water wasn’t always easy to come by in Rothenburg even though it is by the Tauber River because the village sits upon a rocky ridge.  An underground canal system was built in 1418 to keep the Rothenburg’s 40 public wells stocked with outside water in case of drought or war.  The new water table reservoir system in the village also provided allowed 300 of Rothenburg’s roughly 800 homes to get their own private wells.

As part of a series of building projects in 1446, a free-flowing fountain was added over Herterich’s Well to give some elegance to Market Square’s main communal water source.  In front of the green home ( Marktplatz #8 ) near Herterich’s Well sat the gallows, pillory, and hangers where people were executed or tortured on public display .  There was even a second smaller well at the pillory where bakers would be dunked underwater ( Bäckertaufe ) as punishment to starve them of their oxygen during times of famine as the city starved.

The Renaissance-style central column was added to the Herterich’s Well Fountain in 1608 and is capped by a figure of an  armored Saint George  on horseback famously slaying a dragon.  The addition of Saint George ultimately changed the name as the fountain was officially dedicated to him.  This image of the victorious knight defeating darkness is a very common scene in Medieval art often as a symbol of man overcoming the plague.

If this wonderful fountain looks familiar to you, that may be because it was featured in the 2017 version of Walt Disney’s Beauty and the Beast .  A fully life-size replica of Rothenburg’s Saint George Fountain was built on the London set for the filming of the movie.  The Saint George Fountain was also recreated for the German Pavilion at Epcot Center.  We pass by a few other spots that inspired scenes from Disney movies along this free Rothenburg walking tour and we also highlight them on our 15 Hidden Gems of Rothenburg guide.

6. Meat & Dance House ( Fleisch und Tanzhaus ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Meat & Dance House

About The Meat & Dance House :  The gorgeous half-timbered home behind the Saint George Fountain known as the Meat & Dance House is one of our favorite homes in Rothenburg.  As King Conrad III ( House Hohenstaufen ) built his royal castle at the other end of Herrngasse Street in 1142, a village started to with a large building here that served as his  Royal Court ( Am Hof ) .  Representatives from as far away as Rome and Byzantium would come here to hold court with Conrad, the King of Germany, who was destined to be the Holy Roman Emperor if it wasn’t for his untimely death.

After King Conrad’s last son die without an heir in 1167, the former royal court became Imperial property.  Holy Roman Emperor Federick Barbarossa ( Conrad’s nephew ) gave the village city & market rights in 1172 and this building became Rothenburg’s 1st town hall .  Not only was the Old Town Hall ( Altes Rathaus ) where the noble city council would meet but was also where the local market was managed.

Unfortunately, the Old Town Hall burned down in 1240, but the magnificent half-timbered building you see today was completed on the original foundation in 1270.  With tall vaulted ceilings, the upper level was used as a dance hall for parties and celebrations.  The first floor was an open shop for local butchers to sell their meats.

Today, the upper level of the house is used to store colorful costumes that the city uses in annual festivals and historic reenactments.  The lower level is now home to the Artist Union which sets up various art galleries.  Prior to 2014, the house was painted in dull tan-colored tones and we love that they brought back the bright red and white which are Rothenburg’s official colors.  If you go around the backside of the Meat & Dance House you can see the Romanesque Royal Fountain ( Hofbrunnen ) which was also part of King Conrad’s royal court.  As you look at the side of the building make sure to look at the covered live fish storage container.

7. Mayor Jagstheimer’s House ( Jagstheimerhaus ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Mayor Jagstheimer House Marian Pharmacy Marienapotheke

About Mayor Jagstheimer’s House :   As one of the most beautiful historic homes you’ll see in Europe, this huge half-timber Jagstheimer House mansion has roots in early-day Rothenburg.  As Rothenburg gained the rights to form a noble city council in 1172, they built a new home for the mayor right next to the Old Town Hall ( today’s Meat & Dance House ).

Based on excavations on the narrow foundations visible in the basement, we know the first version of the Mayor’s home looked very different than you see it now.  It had a narrow stone lower level which was built up like a tower and likely resembled the top-heavy Toppler Water Palace ( photo ) in the Tauber River Valley.  The Mayor’s house was also burned in the Fire of 1240, but the half-timber upper floors were repaired.  One interesting thing about the repairs from the fire was that an underground tunnel was built ( or at least planned ) connecting the Mayor’s house to the new Gothic Town Hall across Herrngasse.

Hans Jagstheimer (yags -time-ahr ) bought the mayor’s house in 1479 and completely re-built it as you see it today in 1488.  Jagstheimer was no stranger to construction as he served on the City Council as the regional Builder Master ( Äußere Baumeister ) from 1481 to 1493 and even spent time as the mayor.  The main feature that literally stands out on the Jagstheimer House is the 2nd story oriel-style bay window sticking out of the corner of the mansion.  Surprisingly the home is mansion-sized as stretches back far off of the main road all the way past the former Royal Court ( Am Hof ) and has a delightful inner courtyard.  Over the years the stately home hosted numerous prominent guests including Emperor Maximilian I in 1513, who also visited Rothenburg as a teenager.  The Jagstheimer family continued to live here for 4 generations until the last heir passed away in 1571.

Georg Nusch, Rothenburg’s most legendary mayor also lived at the Jagstheimer House after marrying the widowed owner in 1617.  At the time she ( Maria Salome, b.   Schnepf ) was 46 and Nusch was only 28.  Nusch was well educated and quickly joined the City Council as he also came from a local patrician family. His f ather was the owner of  Rothenburg’s Red Rooster Guesthouse ( Hotel Roter Hahn ) which first opened in 1380.

As the 30 Years War approached Rothenburg’s doorstep, Nusch grew vital in preparing the village for battle and his home became a hostel for visiting Dukes and high commanders.  Having been elected mayor the year prior, Nusch was in charge when the Catholic forces under General Tilly breached the city walls and occupied Rothenburg in 1631.   Folklore of the Master Draught says Nusch drank 3 full liters of wine in one drink to save Rothenburg from destruction although Tilly’s troops stayed in town for the entire Winter and ate most of the food reserves.  During the war, Gustav Adolf ( Protestant King of Sweden ) also stayed at the Jagstheimer House for an evening ( September 18th, 1632 ) just 49 days before he was killed in battle.  Mayor Nusch died childless in 1668, but the home remained in his family until 1769.

The 1st floor of the Jagstheimer House has been home to the  Saint Mary’s Pharmacy ( Marienapotheke )  since 1812.  Johann Michael Schiller had been a pharmacist since 1785 at the struggling Mohrenapotheke ( open since 1600 ) in Market Square, then bought the Jagstheimer House to expand out on his own.  The image of the Virgin Mary was already below the Oriel window making the name an easy fit.  We love the Medieval-style wrought iron business sign at the pharmacy which pays a nod to the when most people couldn’t read in the Middle Ages and relied on imagery to identify businesses.

Address :  Marktplatz #10.

8. Imperial Dungeons :

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Gothic Town Hall Renaissance Rathaus Imperial Dungeons

About The Imperial Dungeons :   You can also visit 8 of the vaults of the historic Imperial Dungeons to get an idea of the prison conditions in the 1500-1600s including The Thirty Years War.  Exhibits include a guardhouse, a torture room, and three jail cells.  The entrance to the Imperial Dungeons is inside the gothic city hall atrium hallway and is accessible on the southside of the building along Herngasse.

Prior to the Town Hall vaults being used as a prison, criminals were also kept in other smaller jails inside some of the sections of the city wall.  These locations included the Marcus Tower ( 1204 ) which has 10-foot-thick walls and the Rotten Tower ( 1385 ) which housed serious criminals.

Heinrich Toppler, Rothenburg’s most famous Mayor , was imprisoned in the dungeon where he died in 1408 after being arrested by competing factions of the local nobility.  Toppler had come from a wealthy patrician family which lived at today’s Gasthof Goldener Greifen and his dad was on the city council.  Toppler married the daughter of another city councilman whose wife ( Katharina Reinfrau ) was the richest person in Rothenburg.  After being elected Mayor by the council in 1373, Toppler  helped Rothenburg boom by gobbling up neighboring towns and growing Rothenburg’s holdings to over 400 square kilometers.  Toppler also led the city through rough times and is known for being just as he enabled laws to protect local Jews against organized massacres ( pogroms ).

The main drama started in 1400 when Mayor Toppler reached out to deposed King Wenceslas of Bohemia for military help against Ruprecht who had just power-grabbed the King of Germany ( Romans ) title.  This angered local nobles even though Wenceslas had lived in Rothenburg as a boy at age 12 ( 1373 ) while his dad was Holy Roman Emperor.  Toppler wasn’t re-elected in 1403 but continued to serve on the council.  The whole thing eventually caused the Bishop of Würzburg to flip-flop alliances and joined Nuremberg in 1405 who attacked Rothenburg two years later.  The city of Rothenburg withstood the 10,000 troop Siege of 1407 with ease thanks to Toppler’s planning but lost a lot of land holdings and the nobles never forgave him even though the city was prosperous.

On April 6th, 1408 the City Council had used Toppler’s wealth against him in public opinion and arrested him for stealing and he died in the dungeons on June 13th before being given a trial.  Mayor Toppler is now beloved for having brought the golden age to Rothenburg and maybe the noble should have backed him as just 3 years later Ruprecht lost the King of Germany title to Wenceslas’ brother Sigismund ( future Holy Roman Emperor ).

Dungeon Hours :  June-October Daily 9:30am-5:30pm; November-May Open Daily with times posts on a board at the entrance roughly 11am-4pm most days; Closed most of January.   Cost :  Adults 3.50€; Kids 2€.  Dungeon Website : Here .

9. Käthe Wohlfahrt Store & Christmas Museum :

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Kathe Wohlfahrt Christmas Store Truck

About Käthe Wohlfahrt :   In a town famous for its Christmas Markets, Käthe Wohlfahrt ( Kay-ta Vul-fhot ) makes the holiday season last all year long.  While they have 5 stores in Rothenburg, it is their headquarters that is the most impressive.  Käthe Wohlfahrt is world-renowned for the quality of its ornaments and Christmas wears.  The multi-level store is a full-on Christmas village with a teddy bear town and the largest collection of ornaments in Germany.  Visiting really is special and will have you in the Christmas spirit the second you enter.

The 2,700 square foot  German Christmas Museum   ( Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum ) sits above the store and covers hundreds of years of holiday history.  The interesting exhibits have everything from Christmas trees, ornaments, holiday pyramids, Christmas cards, and more.

Käthe Wohlfahrt Website :  ( HERE ).   Christmas Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

10. Lords Alley & Fountain ( Herrngasse & Brunnen ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - InsideHerrngasse Fountain Lords Alley Street

About Herrngasse :   Connecting the Market Square to the former location of King Conrad’s royal castle is the prestigious street called Lords Alley ( Herrngasse ).  The name Lords ( Herrn ) comes from the rich merchants who lived along the street in the Middle Ages.  Because the lane is rather wide for a small Medieval village, it helped preserve the buildings as fires couldn’t spread as easily.

Today Herrngasse is still home to some of Rothenburg’s most stately homes and fancy shops.  We will cover some of these stately homes next on this free walking tour, but it is important to look at the architectural details of the colorful buildings .  We love the hayloft windows and pulley systems which used to bring goods to the upper floors of the homes for storage.  The hayloft windows are covered more on our Top 15 Hidden Gems of Rothenburg guide.  Two of our hotels in Rothenburg are also on Herrngasse including the Historic Gothic House ( website ) and Hotel Eisenhut ( website ).

Right in the middle of Herrngasse was the old cattle market which is marked today by the  Lord Alley Fountain ( Herrnbrunnen )  added in 1595.  The fountain got a Renaissance column makeover in 1615 ( remodeled in 1722 ) with the mermaid statue to bless the water.  The double fishtailed mermaid has a golden crown on her head and a golden scepter in her hand.  The base of the column has blonde pig-tailed maidens spitting the water back into the fountain.

Each Spring this fountain is one of the main ones in Rothenburg that gets decorated with Easter eggs to bless the water.  The hollow eggs that elaborately cover the Easter Fountains ( osterbrunnen ) are brightly painted and strung to form a beautiful garland.  During the Imperial City Days Festival each September, the fountain is also where they demonstrate the Baker Baptism ( Bäckertaufe ) where bakers in Medieval times were dunked underwater as punishment during times of famine.

11. Staudt House & Courtyard ( Staudthof ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Staudt House & Courtyard Staudthof Gardens

About The Staudt House & Courtyard :   This stunning home is one of the finest Medieval buildings in all of Rothenburg.  The patrician home is double the width of its neighboring buildings and has a large inner courtyard laid out in the 1100s.  Most of the current mansion was built around 1500 and it has had numerous famous guests since then.  Holy Roman Emperor Charles V ( reign 1519-1527, also King of Germany ), German King Ferdinand I ( Charles’ brother & successor ), and Marie Eleonore of Brandenburg ( wife of King of Sweden Gustav Adolf ) all stayed as guests in this home in Medieval times.

The Czech Staudt family has lived here as the property’s owners  since 1644 .  The interior is open for special tours which include the beautiful courtyard, former servants’ apartments, old stable, and the medieval kitchen.  The hedges in the courtyard’s garden were planted in 1678.

Outside the home, make sure to check out the wide door which is big enough for a carriage to fit through.  We also love the old  chain doorbells  hanging out front with 4 different chains to ring different parts of the home.  The baroque window bars are from the year 1772.  You can get a glimpse of courtyard life at the neighboring  Kleines Cafe  which is part of the Herrnschlösschen Hotel Restaurant Garden.  The coolest thing about the garden at the cafe is that you can see a preserved tower house on the back of the building with a top wider than its bottom.  It looks very much like the Toppler Water Palace  ( photo ) and it what Market Square’s Jagstheimer House looked like before being rebuilt in 1488.

Address : Herrngasse 18.

12. Herring Washing Street ( Heringsbronnengäßchen ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - IHerring Washing Street Heringsbronnengasschen Ivy Vine Covered Mansion

About Herring Washing Street :   As you stroll down Lord’s Allery you pass the Franciscan Church ( Franziskanerkirche ) which is the oldest church in Rothenburg.  It was built in 1285 ( consecrated in 1309 ) as part of a monastery for the Knights of the Hinterland, a friary dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

The small fountain outside of the church was where traveling tradesmen in Medieval times would wash the sea salt off of their barrels and herring fish which led to the name of the cross street, Herring Washing Street ( Heringsbronnengäßchen ).  The current stone fountain from 1784 ( moved to West wall in 1872 ) has motifs of Rothburg’s Imperial City Crest and the lion emblem for the Counts of Comburg.

The Counts of Comburg may seem obscure today as they died out in 1116, but they built the small Vinegar Jug Castle in Rothenburg’s Infirmary Quarter in 1070.  One year before the last Count of Comburg died, his daughter married the soon-to-be Duke of Franconia, Conrad III.  The influential Conrad would later go on to be crowned the King of Germany ( 1138 ) and built his Hohenstaufen Castle in Rothenburg ( 1142 ) which sparked the development of the town ( 1170 ).

Further down Herring Washing Street ( Heringsbronnengäßchen #2 ) is a massive ivy-covered mansion which is one of our favorite homes in Rothenburg.  The vines not only cover most of the property’s large inner courtyard but also spill out over the outer wall.  The building used to house the grammar school and housing for the Franciscan Church Monastery and was also a court prison.  As you reach Castle Street ( Burggasse ) at the bottom of the hill, the ivy on the outer wall of the vine mansion is breathtakingly beautiful.

13. Castle Road ( Burggasse ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Castle Road Burgstrasse Barn Gate

About Castle Road :   As you hit Castle Road you get your first view of the Tauber River Valley over Rothenburg’s city wall.  Most of today’s Castle Road in the Middle Ages was part of the Saint John’s Monastery ( established in 1200 ).  Since the monks wanted to be separated from the general public to avoid temptation, a large part of the long alleyway was covered with a wooden roof and was closed to non-monks.  The roof made the alley very dark, so it gained the nickname Hell Alley.

Playing off the street’s original nickname, our favorite restaurant in Rothenburg is called To Hell Tavern ( Zur Höll ).  The restaurant sits in the  oldest home in Rothenburg  with a foundation dating back to 970.  While small, the tavern has an authentic Medieval feel, one of the widest selections of Franconian wines in town, and a fantastic cave cellar room.

From Rothenburg, Castle Road was actually part of a 1200km trade route connecting over 70 castles that helped the early city prosper.  In the East, the route extended through Nuremberg and Bamberg all the way to Prague.  In the West, it went through Schwäbisch Hall and Heidelberg and all the way to the French border in Alsace.  Known as the Thuringian Castle Road, it was also part of the middle route of the Saint James Way to France and brought an influx of pilgrims who called Rothenburg the Franconian Jerusalem .

Make sure to get a good view of the valley before entering Fürbringer Barn Gate ( Scheunenturm ) to see the former grounds of the royal castle.  We will also visit the other end of Castle Road at the end of this free Rothenburg walking tour.

Zur Höll Hours : Summer Sunday-Thrusday 10am-9pm; Friday & Saturday 10am-11pm.  Christmas Market Daily 5pm-10pm.  Winter Monday-Saturday 5pm-10pm; closed Sundays.  Restaurant Reservation Requests : [email protected].  Restaurant Website :  ( HERE ).

Related Video : Tour Of Zur Höll Restaurant

14. King Conrad Hohenstaufen’s Castle :

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - King Conrad III Hohenstaufen Castle Ruins Royal King of Germany Rothenburg

About King Conrad’s Castle :  The appendix-like park on the West side of Old Town Rothenburg was where Conrad III, King of Germany  ( House Hohenstaufen ) built his royal castle in 1142.  This castle led to the development of the surrounding town by 1172 and gave it the name Rothenburg ob der Tauber, meaning Red Castle over the River Tauber.  As you walk through the Fürbringer Barn Gate ( Burgtor ), you enter what was formerly the walled farmyard ( wirtschaftshof ) which then connected to the fort-like castle by a bridge ( see image ).  Conrad chose the location because the fertile land was cheaper than administrative centers like Bamberg or Würzburg, and also because he had close ties to the area.

In 1115, Conard III ( House Hohenstaufen ) grew roots in Rothenburg by marrying Gertrude, the daughter of Count Heinrich II von Comburg-Rothenburg.  The Counts of Comburg ( died out in 1116 ) oversaw parts of Franconia at the time from their court in Schwäbisch Hall and built the small fort known as the Vinegar Jug Castle ( now gone ) on the hill of Rothenburg’s Infirmary Quarter in 1080.  Conrad also came from a powerhouse family as his dad was the Duke of Swabia ( followed by his brother ), his mom’s dad was Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, his mom’s second husband was Margrave of Austria Leopold the Good ( House Babenberg ) who developed Kerms & Vienna, and his maternal uncle was Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV.  Through his bloodlines, Conrad was directly related to all previous 18 Holy Roman Emperors going back to Charlemagne the Great and was destined for the throne himself.

Just one year after the wedding  Conrad III was named Duke of Franconia by uncle Emperor Henry IV.  Conrad was also named Prince-Regent for Germany along with his older brother Frederick I ( Duke of Swabia ).  HERE is a map of the territories at the time to understand how much land the brothers were put in charge of.  When Conrad’s uncle Henry IV died in 1125, his brother lost the appointment for King of Germany in surprise fashion to a distant cousin Lothair III ( Duke of Saxony, House Welf ) who leveraged Papal support.  This was the start of the feud between the Guelphs ( House Welf ) versus Ghibellines ( House Hohenstaufen ) which would later spread in Tuscany and last over 100 years.  After huge military defeats and the election of Lothair as Holy Roman Emperor in 1133, the brothers eventually had to acknowledge as their ruler.

Gertrude of Comburg had died in 1131 after giving Conrad three daughters so he  re-married to Gertrude of Sulzbach in 1136, whose dad Count Berengar II of Sulzbach had founded Berchtesgaden in 1102.  Conrad’s powerful brothers-in-law through the Berengar sisters gave him important allies including Prince Vladislav II of Bohemia ( later King ), Prince of Polish Ladislaus the Exile, and Byzantine Emperor Manuel I.  With his bloodlines and new alliances, Conrad III was quickly elected King of Germany in Coblenz ( March 1138 ) after Lothair died ( December 1137 ), snubbing Lothair’s son-in-law and heir, Henry The Proud ( Duke of Bavaria & Saxony, House Welf ).  Because Henry the Proud didn’t support him, Conrad striped Henry of the Bavarian duchy and gave it to his half-brother Leopold Leopold the Generous ( House Babenberg ) who also control the Margrave of Austria.

The newly crowned King Conrad III grew to be one of the most powerful men in Europe over the next 14 years and seemed destined for the Holy Roman Empire Crown which had sat vacant since Lothair’s death.  Before leaving in 1147 with 20,000 troops to fight with Louis VII of France in the 2nd Crusade, Conrad III arranged for his two sons Henry Berengar ( then 10 years old ) and Fredrick IV ( then 2 ) named Co-Kings of Germany ( Prince Regent ) with him in Regensburg to take over in case Conrad III died in battle.  Conrad went on to participate in the ill-fated Siege of Damascus ( 1148 ) and returned to Germany.

His son Henry Berengar, who was once betrothed to the Princess of Hungary, was the winning general at the Battle of Flochberg ( 1150 ), but died later that year.  Not long after, Conrad III also died on the 15th of February 1152 at Bamberg ( buried at Bamberg Cathedral ) of malaria.  The title King of Germany then went to Conrad’s nephew Frederick Barbarossa ( Emperor 1155-1190 ) who had fought with him in the 1st Crusade instead of his own six-year-old surviving son Frederick IV ( 1145–1167 ).  The title transfer  was a bit controversial as only Frederick Barbarossa and the prince-bishop of Bamberg were at Conrad’s deathbed to hear the order.  Frederick IV was given his dad’s castle in Rothenburg and named the Duke of Swabia, but the Duke of Franconia title went to the Bishop of Würzburg.

Frederick Barbarossa was named Holy Roman Emperor in 1155 and Frederick IV took part in his cousin’s campaigns in Italy where he died from disease after occupying Rome in 1167 at the age of 21 and with no heirs.  After Duke Frederick IV’s death in 1167, Conrad’s castle in Rothenburg  was only lightly used .  Emperor Barbarossa’s heirs produced three more Holy Roman Emperors and several Kings of Germany before the Hohenstaufen line died out in 1254.

The last Hohenstaufen King of Germany ( Conrad IV ) only stayed at Rothenburg Castle seven times between 1238 and 1251, then it sat mostly vacant as Imperial Property, and was eventually  ruined by an earthquake in 1356 .  This event, known as the Basel Earthquake happened on October 18th and although it was estimated at a 6.0 quake the quake was centered 170 miles ( 273 km ) away in Switzerland so it is hard to believe it fully ruined the Rothenburg Castle.  It may have been damaged some, but it is more likely is that the dilapidated Imperial property which had been largely vacant for 100 years and partially burned in 1298 was pillaged for stone by the citizens to bolster the strengthening town.

15. Castle Ruins & Garden ( Burggarten ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Imperial Castle Garden House Burggarten Statues Ruins

About Bruggarten :  In 1356, Castle Hohenstaufen was said to have been  ruined by a large earthquake  ( known as the Basel Quake ).  In reality, that quake in Switzerland was too far away to have done major damage but the castle had sat mainly vacant and unmaintained for over 100 years.  In 1380, the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund officially sold the dilapidated Imperial castle to the city and allowed much of the stone to be quarried to repair and bolster a growing Rothenburg’s fortifications.  Quality stone was a precious commodity at the time and the 820 foot ( 250 meters ) long and 130 foot ( 40 meters ) wide former fortress had a lot of it.

In 1400, Mayor Toppler decided to rebuild the former castle’s  Upper Ducal House  into what is now the Chapel of Saint Blaise.  As this royal castle didn’t have a chapel, the original Ducal House was connected to King Conrad’s private quarters and where he received guests during his visits.  At the time of Toppler’s work, Rothenburg was the 2nd largest city in Germany at 6,000 residents and one of the 10 largest in the Holy Roman Empire.

Against the northside of the Ducal House, look for the stone Jewish Memorial  from the Rintfleisch Massacre of 1298.  At the time Rothenburg’s Jewish community lived along the outside of the original city wall, but had to seek refuge in the Hohenstaufen Castle for three days when a traveling mob arrived to kill them in religious persecution.  With the help of local Christians, the mob burned and killed a majority of Rothenburg’s 500 Jewish residents including women and children.  Before being stopped, the mob had ravished 146 communities in Franconia killing over 20,000 Jews.  While parts of the old Jewish Quarter remain near the White Tower, the community was officially banned from Rothenburg in 1520.  In more recent times, a second memorial was added inside the chapel for German soldiers who died in WW1 & WW2.

Roaming further down the former castle grounds, you’ll run into the orange Garden House ( Gartenhaus ) cottage which was once the main entrance into Hohenstaufen Castle.  The cottage was built over the foundations of the ancient gatehouse in the 1600s and still incorporates the old Romanesque archway into its Eastern facing facade.  Although not castles in the 1100s didn’t have pleasure gardens, the westside of the cottage has a lovely Baroque Castle Garden ( Burggarten ) in what was once the fortress’s main courtyard.  The garden has beautiful geometric flower beds with 8 sandstone statues representing the 4 seasons and 4 elements.  We love taking photos of the statues framed up with vines hanging from the wooden trellis tunnel.  The garden is one of the best places in Rothenburg to relax, offering great views of the Infirmary Quarter skyline and the Tauber River Valley below.

As you reach the Western end of the former castle grounds you will even get to look down at Mayor Toppler’s unique top-heavy home along the river.  This end of the castle had a watchtower and three-story manor house.  A memorial stone was added in the Castle Park in 1908 honoring the 500 year anniversary of the death of the famous Mayor.

16. Castle Gate & Tower ( Burgtor & Turm ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Imperial Castle Gate Tower

About The  Castle Gate :   While the Fürbringer Barn Gate along Castle Road was the original entrance to the castle, traffic naturally shifted to Castle Gate ( Burgturm ) which connected to the grounds to the Market Square.  Following King Conrad’s death and infrequent Imperial visits over time, the castle eventually sat mainly vacant for over 100 years until Emperor Sigismund sold it to the city in 1390.

Although it is sometimes incorrectly attributed to an earthquake, the neglected castle was in disrepair and quickly became a quarry to enhance the walled defenses on the west side of the rapidly growing Rothenburg.  This included  super-sizing the Castle Gate  ( completed in 1460 ) by adding the town’s tallest wall watchtower, a drawbridge, and other protective measures.  Two small gatehouses were built in front of the Castle Gate to help funnel in traffic, control customs, and thwart would-be attackers.  To get a unique perspective on this stunning gate system, we like to look at it from the southside where you really get an amazing profile view of the former drawbridge.

A short distance after entering the Castle Gate you’ll see a decorative Pitch Nose Mask ( pechnase ) which has a mouth hole the guards would use to pour hot tar on attackers.  Flanking each side of the mask, you’ll see two large vertical slots where chains were fastened to raise the gate’s small drawbridge.  In medieval times, all of the city gates were locked at sundown so you would have to pay a fine at the gatehouse to get in after dark.  You would also have to enter a special Eye-of-the-Needle Door with a miniature opening only big enough for one person at a time, known as the manhole.  The current wooden manhole door dates back to 1555.

Read More : Rothenburg City Wall & Gate Tour

17. Former Dominican Convent Garden ( Klostergarten ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Former Dominican Convent Garden Klostergarten

About The Convent Garden :   The Imperial Kitchen Master, Lupold von Nordenberg, funded a move to bring the local order of Dominican nuns to Rothenburg from the nearby village of Neusitz in 1258.  The Dominican Convent complex had a large garden, a modest church, and dormitories for the devote nuns.  While some of the convent’s wealth through donations much of it also came to the wedding dowry money they received from women who joined.

Although the Dominican Convent was dissolved in 1544 and the church was torn down in 1813, the rest of the grounds have been preserved as part of the Imperial City Museum.  One of the main highlights of the museum is Germany’s oldest Medieval kitchen which dates back to the late-1200s.  We will visit the museum in the former living quarters next on this free Rothenburg walking tour.

Even if you skip the inside of the museum, the Convent Garden is free to visit and one of the  best hidden gems in Rothenburg .  If you are looking to relax away from the hoards of mid-day tourists, this garden is one of the best green areas to do so inside the city walls.  In the Convent Garden, they still grow 50 types of herbs, including a section of well-marked poisonous plants .  While looking at the labels on the poisonous plants you can imagine their mixtures and wonder if they were used to heal or harm.

Hours :  April-October Daily 8am-7pm.   Cost :  Free.

18. Rothenburg City Museum ( Reichsstadtmuseum ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Imperial City Museum Kitchen

About The Rothenburg City Museum : Inside the dormitory building of the  former Dominican Convent , the Rothenburg City Museum covers the history of the town’s time as a Free Imperial City ( 1274 through 1802 ).  The enjoyable museum ( opened in 1936 ) centers its attention around religious events and works but it also covers much more including Medieval weapons, historic sculptures, and Rothenburg’s best paintings.  The Medieval Crime Museum, which we visit later in this walking tour, is the best museum in Rothenburg, but the Imperial City Museum is a very close second.

Our favorite exhibit in the Imperial City Museum is the impressive Medieval kitchen from the former Dominican Convent ( started in 1258 and dissolved in 1544 ).  The kitchen dates back to the late-1200s and is considered the  oldest kitchen in Germany .  One of the coolest parts of the kitchen is the Lazy Susan the nuns would use to give food to the poor visitors outside the convent without being seen.

In addition to all of the art and weapons, are two other exhibits that also really stand out to use at the Imperial City Museum.  The first is the Jewish Heritage Room where you will find excellent displays with medieval ritual objects.  There are also original preserved Jewish  tombstones from the 13th & 14th centuries  that were moved here from below the White Tower.  You’ll notice the small pebbles placed on top of the tombstones which is an ancient practice originating from when stones were placed over shallow graves to stop the bodies from being exposed over time.

The second exhibit that really stands out is the completely preserved salesrooms of the former Saint George Pharmacy  ( 1708-1991 ).  While Saint Mary’s Pharmacy ( 1812-present ) in the Jagstheimer’s House is the only remaining pharmacy in central Rothenburg, there used to be as many as 3 of them at a time on Market Square.  There was Saint George which you see in the Imperial City Museum at Markt #10, the Mohren Apotheke ( 1600- late 1700s ) at Obere Schmiedgasse #1, and the historic Löwen-Apotheke ( 1374-2016 ) on Marktplatz #3.  They changed buildings and family ownership over the years, but along with the hospital in the Infirmary Quarter, the pharmacies were important to Rothenburg’s history.

Museum Hours :  April-October Daily 9:30am-5.30pm; November-March Daily 1-4pm.   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).   Museum Cost :  Adults 4.50€; Kids Free.

19. Feuerlein’s Oriel Window ( Feuerleinserker ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Feuerleins Oriel Window corner balcony bay window

About The Oriel Window :   This picture-perfect home built around the year 1616 by the Feuerlein family ( foundation from 1501 ) and it is featured on many of Rothenburg’s postcards.  The main draw is the 2nd story corner bay window with a pointy roof protruding out of the house.  It is considered to be an oriel-style window  because it is not supported by the ground below and sticks out like a balcony.

If you stand just up the road from the house and look back toward the city center, you’ll get the same view you see printed on plates and postcards around town.  If you look closely at the window, you’ll see a religious inscription in German that translates to “ For food for the body, eat the bread from this house, but for food for the Soul God’s word is the choice “.

A hidden treat in the alley on your way to the oriel window house from the Rothenburg City Museum is the delightful Old Frankish Wine Tavern ( Altfraenkische Weinstube ) which is covered in vines.  The interior of the vintage restaurant is even more wonderful and the food makes it a favorite among locals.  We highly suggest getting reservations in advance as the restaurant is small ( website ).

20. Saint Jacob’s Church ( Sankt Jakobkirche ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - church of saint james jacob

About Saint Jacob’s Church :   Saint Jacob’s Church is the most important church in Rothenburg and was finished in 1485 after 170 years of building.  The church was started by the Teutonic Order of Knights in 1298 but construction was later taken over by Rothenburg’s City Council in 1398 who eventually bought it from the Knights in 1672.  During the Reformation in 1544, the Catholic church turned Protestant but many of the Catholic elements and relics were allowed to stay.

The huge church is dedicated to Saint James who was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and considered the first apostle.  After James was buried in Spain, pilgrims started traveling to his grave from as far away as Jerusalem and created numerous pilgrim routes  across Medieval Europe.  Because the growing Rothenburg already sat on two important trade routes, the impressive church gave the city a new avenue to also attract hoards for pilgrims in route to Spain from the North and East.

In front of the church, you will see a statue of Saint James added in 2002 which is ready to greet and bless you.  In his left hand, Saint James holds a shell which became his official symbol since they are so abundant in the area of Spain where he was buried.  You will also find shell icons on the ground all over Rothenburg which are just to mark out the Saint James Way paths.  The finger on the statue’s shell hand points outward to invite you to also become a pilgrim and is well polished from tourists rubbing it for good luck.  His right hand holds a walking stick staff with a finger pointing up to remind visitors to think of the heavens above worldly possessions.  The letters on his chest say “lobet gott” meaning “praise God” in English.

The top attraction at Saint Jacob’s is the wooden  Altar of the Holy Blood , also called the Franciscan Altar, which sits upstairs on the West side of the church and is often missed by tourists.  Carved by Tilman Riemenschneider from 1499-1505, the alter is considered one of the master artist’s best works.  The center panel of the altar shows a scene from the Last Supper, while the panel on the left shows Jesus entering Jerusalem, and the panel on the right side shows Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Above the 3 panels is the  Relic of the Holy Blood  which is a crystal said to hold a drop of Jesus’s blood that was set into a wooden cross in 1270.  The entire Altar of the Holy Blood was originally housed in the Franciscan Church, Rothenburg’s oldest church, before being moved here.

Riemenschneider also has other smaller carved altars from on the lower level of the church including the Altar of Ludwig von Toulose and the Altar of the Coronation of Mary ( 1501-05 ).   The Virgin Mary Altar was first housed at the Holy Ghost Chapel in the Infirmary Quarter before being moved to Saint Jacob’s Church.  Sometimes these lower-level altars are confused for being the artist’s main work and tourists miss the two-story-tall masterpiece upstairs.

At the Eastern end of the nave is the main  High Altar  carved by Swabian master artists in 1446 and dedicated to the Twelve Apostles.  The central panel shows 6 Saints under a crucified Jesus who is surrounded by 4 angels in incredible detail.  The scene and side panels were brilliantly painted by Friedrich Herlin and the carving on the back of the altar is the  oldest known representation of Rothenburg . On the left side of the High Altar is a beautifully  carved stone panel  with a wooden tabernacle where the Communion wine jug is stored outside of services.  The stone panel was also painted by Friedrich Herlin in 1448 at the same time he worked on the High Altar.

We love the huge  Medieval stained glass windows  above the High Altar which let amazing colored light in against the nave’s pale interior.  The oldest stained glass window is the center one dating back to 1350 while others were finished about 40 years later.  For the best light go early in the morning.  Hidden nearby is Toppler’s Chapel which holds the gave of former Mayor Toppler who died in 1408.  The stone panel in the chapel shows hands holding up dice because the name Toppler ( topel ) in German means a cubed game.

21. Imperial Kitchen Master Restaurant ( Reichs Küchenmeister ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Imperial Kitchen Master restaurant Reichs kuchenmeister beer garden

About The Restaurant : We love the amazing tree-lined patio at the restaurant overlooking Saint Jacob’s Church.  The restaurant is named after the Imperial Kitchen Master Lupold von Nordenberg, who built the mansion as his own home in 1200, and was very influential in early day Rothenburg.  Converted into an Inn, the future Emperor Ferdinand I stayed here in 1540 followed by a visit by Emperor Charles V in 1546.

The Inn operated as Café Köppel in the 1800s, was one of the few buildings inside the original city walls to be damaged by WW2 bombings in 1945, and has served as a restaurant & hotel since 1948.  The beer is cold and the food is very tasty.  They also have more formal dining inside, but we prefer the laid-back patio.

Address : Kirchplatz 8.  Restaurant Hours : Daily 11:30am-9:30pm; bar open for night caps after the restaurant closes.  Restaurant Reservations : [email protected] or +49 (0)9861 970-0.  Hotel & Restaurant Website : ( Here ).

Featured On : Best Restaurants In Rothenburg .

22. The Master Builder’s House ( Baumeisterhaus ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Baumeisterhaus Restaurant Master Builder's House Statues

About The Master Builder’s House :  This amazing home is Rothenburg’s most beautiful Renaissance mansion.  It was built in 1596 for the local master builder and famous stonemason Leonard Weidmann.   The lavish interior of the mansion is now home to a restaurant and cafe.  While the inside of the Master Builder’s House is worth seeing, the main attraction is the facade which is highlighted with statues of the seven virtues and the seven vices .

The statues of the good and bad qualities are especially interesting as they are mixed together on purpose as a reminder that they occur mixed in life .  The lower row of statues from left to right has Kindheartedness ( hand on heart ), Gluttony ( wine cup ), Motherhood ( children ), Betrayal ( weight counterfeiters ), Gentleness ( lamb ), Wisdom ( two snakes ), Temperance/Moderation ( one cup wine & one water ).  The upper row has Stinginess ( money bag ), Courage ( club ), Unchastity ( goat ), Justice ( sword ), Pride/Vanity ( mirror ), Falsity ( snake ), Laziness ( snail ).  The original sandstone statues are on display at the Imperial City Museum and were replaced by replicas for preservation.

Before finishing the Master Builder’s House, Leonard Weidmann also built both the Spital Bastion ( Spitalbastei ) and Hegereiterhaus in the Infirmary Quarter which are two of the coolest structures in town.  He is often credited with finishing the green mansion next to his own home, but it has actually been run as the Golden Greifen Inn since at least 1274.  Mayor Toppler’s dad owned the Inn by 1309, and the famous mayor himself owned it when he died in 1408.  We love the tiny street-level doors here used to access the Medieval cellars.

Restaurant Website :  ( HERE ).

23. Medieval Crime Museum ( Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Medieval Crime Museum torture

About The Medieval Crime Museum :   Sitting in the former Dominican monastery complex of the Monks of Saint John is the only law museum in Europe!  The Medieval Crime Museum covers over 1000 years of medieval law history, sensational criminal cases, including the persecution of witches and witchcraft in Bavaria.  This museum has amazing displays that are family-friendly as they focus more on being educational and interesting than over-the-top gory and sensational like some theatrical “torture museums” around Europe.

Even before your enter the Medieval Crime Museum, you are presented with a series of interesting displays at the front door.  The large birdcage on a wooden arm was called the Baker’s Baptism and used to dunk dishonest bakers in the water.  There is also a playful recreation of a dual wooden stock where you and a partner can put your hands and heads in for an excellent photo op.  Nearby is also a child catcher wagon which was built for the hit 1964 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which was partially filmed in town.  You can read more about the film locations in town in our article about the hidden gems of Rothenburg .

The inside of the museum also doesn’t disappoint.  Our favorite items are the instruments used for torture, shaming, and punishment.  The devices were used for everything from stealing to people who cheated on their spouses, and even those who simply gossiped too much.  Visiting the museum is by far one of the coolest things to do in Rothenburg and helps get you into the medieval spirit.  We especially love to pair a visit to the museum during the day with a themed evening walking tour run by the town Executioner.

Museum Website :  ( HERE ).  Average Visit Duration : 45-60 minutes for most or 2-3 hours for history buffs.

24. Saint John’s Church & Fountain ( Sankt Johannis Kirche ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Saint John’s Fountain & Fish Pond Johannisbrunnen

About Saint John’s Church :  Originally built in 1200 as the Gothic-style chapel for the nearby Saint John’s Hospital, this church also served as the headquarters of the Order of Saint John Monks.  The hospital was built just on the outside of the City Gate Tower ( Stadtturm ) for Rothenburg’s first city wall as to not spread infections in town.

As a small suburb started to spring up on the Southern end of Rothenburg, the city wall was expanded in 1385.  This expansion also gave the church space to be totally rebuilt in its current style from 1390-1410 including the addition of the City Watchtower ( Stadttor ) on the Eastern side ( no longer exists ).  Saint John’s was forced to switch to Protestantism during the Reformation, but and since changed back, and is now Rothenburg’s only Catholic church.  The interior is one of the blander in town, but it is still an important place to take note of.

The large Saint John’s Fountain ( Johannisbrunnen ) next to the church is the  biggest well in town , able to hold over 25,000 gallons of water.  It was built in 1608 ( remodeled in 1716 ) and is decorated with a beautiful Doric-style column capped with a statue of the zodiac sign Aquarius.  The dual-tailed merman image of Aquarius is mean for good luck to bless the water which was so vital to everyday life in the Medieval village.

Sitting right behind the fountain is a large  stone fish pond  that we find to be really cool, but is often overlooked.  The tank was the holding pond was the perfect way to make sure they always had plenty of fish on hand at the monastery.  The ponds were remodeled in 1856 and have held up great since then.  Just past the fish ponds, you can get great views of the Baroque garden and large vineyard sitting on the slope right below the city wall.

25. Plönlein Corner :

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Plonlein Corner

About Plönlein Corner :  The postcard-perfect shot you were looking for, Plönlein Corner is the  most iconic image of Rothenburg .  The bright yellow half-timbered house in the split of the road framed by two towers is almost jaw-dropping.  While Plönlein means a small level area in Latin , it’s the change in elevation in two forks of the road that makes it even cooler.  Get here before or after the tour buses roll in for the day to get great photos with the famous square free of tourists.

Make sure to inspect this central postcard-perfect home from all angles before proceeding with this self-guided walking tour.  If you look at it from the right side you will better notice wooden fish wells that hugs the street line.  Make sure to also check out the beautiful flower bed made out of a former well fountain ( 1607 ) directly in front of the home.  You’ll quickly understand why this home was used as inspiration for scenes in Walt Disney’s Pinocchio ( 1940 ) and as Belle’s home in the live-action version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ).

Down the hill to the right of Plönlein Corner is   Kobolzeller Tower & Gate which was started in 1204 and was built up over more than two centuries.  Leading up from the Tauber River Valley, this fortified checkpoint has a series of 4 staggered gates built to kennel would-be visitors in for extra layers of protection.  It is intimidating to walk along the bailey wall and under the Devil’s Pulpit where archers could shoot invaders square on.  If you take the steep path down toward the river you can get an excellent photo back up the hill of the Kobolzeller Gate framed by the trees.

Up the hill, to the left of Plönlein Corner Sifter Maker’s Tower ( Siebersturm ) also has a gate from 1204 with the watchtower coming in 1385 as the city wall was extended around the Infirmary Quarter to the south.  The new tower was originally called the Inner Gebsattler Tower, but was later renamed for the Association of Flour Sifter ( or Sieve ) Makers.

Other Nearby Sites:

26. infirmary quarter ( spital ):.

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - Infirmary Quarter Hospital

About Infirmary Quarter : After the formation of the Parish of Detwang on the Tauber River in 970,  development in the area started to move up the hill.  One of the first buildings up the hill was a small fortress for the Counts of Komburg called the Vinegar Jug near today’s Infirmary Quarter.  This small fortress led to King Conrad building his own castle here which gave birth to Rothenburg.

When the first city walls were built in the early-1200s, the Infirmary Quarter neighborhood was left outside the fortifications.  In 1280, a religious order called the  Knights of the Hinterland established a hospital to help the sick and poor called the Holy Ghost Infirmary.  The Infirmary was eventually enclosed by the city wall from 1370-1385, but a large fire in the 1500s required most of the hospital complex except the Holy Ghost Church to be rebuilt.

Today you will find some of Rothenburg’s most delightful buildings .  The most beautiful area is the Toppler Amphitheater next to the Little Flushing Tower ( Stöberleinsturm ).  This natural bowl hosts outdoor plays throughout the year and has staggered sections of the city wall which is our favorite part to walk on in Rothenburg.  You’ll also find the bright yellow former hospital kitchen known as the Hegereiter House looks so cozy it could be in a Disney movie.  The Old Horse Mill ( Rossmühle ), which is now a youth guest hostel, has ten rooftop windows that peek out at you like playful blinking eyelids.  The figure-eight-shaped Hospital Bastion ( Spitalturm ) defense system is also tons of fun with a covered bridge, cannons, and a dry moat for you to explore.

Read More : Rothenburg City Wall Walk

27. City Wall Walking Tour ( Turmweg ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - City Wall Walk Turmweg

About The City Wall : With roughly 2.5 miles of Medieval ramparts and 70 towers surrounding Rothenburg, a stroll on top of the 20-foot-tall wall is one of the joys of any visit.  While we do have a complete city wall walking tour available for anyone wanting to the complete circuit, the shorter version from Ruckesser Tower just past Plönlein Corner over to Röder Tower will at least give you a taste.  Working your way up the steps and into the covered walkway on top of the wall is magical .  The ceiling only about 6 feet tall, and the path is single file, but you’ll really get the Medieval feel.  Slits in the wall provided lookouts and created vantage points for incoming attacks.

During WW2 Allied planes dropped bombs on the northside of Rothenburg, killing 37 people, destroying 306 houses, 6 public buildings, 9 watchtowers, and damaging over 2000 feet of the wall.  Luckily through generous donations, the damage was able to be restored close to its original state.  Many of the donations came from people sponsoring 1 meter long sections of the wall by buying plaques with their family names on them.  When it started in 1950, each sponsorship cost $40 per meter and is now over $2000 a meter.  As you walk the wall make note of the various plaques from sponsors by local and foreign.

Read More:   Rothenburg City Wall Walking Tour .

28. Old House of Crafts ( Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus ):

Free Rothenburg Walking Tour Map Old Town Guide Medieval City Center - old house of crafts

About The Old House of Crafts :   Built in 1270, this amazing building has been home to tons of craftsmen over the centuries and gives you a glimpse into how they worked and lived.  A visit traces the everyday story of the barrel makers, shoemakers, and weavers who lived in this house for over 500 years.  Luckily this Medieval home was extremely well preserved because a hermit lived here in the 1800s and never modernized it while other local homes were receiving electricity.

If you are going to be visiting this house, consider joining the Walburga Tour ( website ).  During the tour, you are led around Rothenburg by a costumed  widow of the 16th-century cobbler master  craftsman shortly after he passed away.  Your guide brings you around town letting you know what life was like in the day and why she needs to be in a hurry to marry again quickly or lose everything.  It is a very amusing journey and you get an extra treat at the end as you finish the tour in here home at the Old House of Crafts which includes a special tour.  While it runs almost every day, it is only in English on Saturday evenings in the Spring through Fall.

Hours : January 8th-Easter Closed.  Easter- October 1st Monday-Friday 11am-5pm; Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm.  1st Day of Advent-January 7th Daily 2-4pm.  Cost : 3€; students half off.   Website : Here .

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Self-guided Walking Tour of Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber (with Maps!)

Rothenburg City Walls

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During the Middle Ages, when Berlin and Munich were still small settlements, Rothenburg ob der Tauber stood as one of Germany’s largest and most significant towns due to its strategic location along the trade routes connecting northern and southern Europe. Today, it remains the country’s most remarkably preserved medieval walled town, captivating tourists from around the world while retaining its irresistible charm.

Top Tip: If you are staying the night here take the hour-long medieval entertainment with Hans Baumgartner, who operates the  Night-watchman’s Tour . This friendly and funny guy carries one of the most popular tours in town, in the evenings from March to Christmas, with German and English versions. Wearing a black costume impersonating the original night-watchmen, he offers a unique version of the darkling town while driving you to the Middle Ages with his tales.

Arriving by Car: Best parking for the tour is outside the old town, Altstadt, on Bezoldweg .


Begin by heading towards the impressive Klingentor, a medieval gate that served as both a defensive structure and a water tower. Inside the bastion, you’ll find the fortified church of St. Wolfgang, dating back to the late 15th century and integrated into the town walls.

St. Jakobs Kirche

St Jakob Kirche Rothenburg

Continue your stroll through the Altstadt, walking south along Klingengasse. The striking Lutheran parish church of St. Jakobs Kirche (St. James’s Church), with its Gothic architecture, awaits you. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore its interior, where you’ll find the renowned Heilig Blut Altar by the talented sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider. This intricately carved wooden masterpiece depicting the Last Supper is considered one of Riemenschneider’s finest works.

Rothenburg White Tower & Judentanzhaus

Weißer Turm Rothenburg

Leave the church and turn left onto Kirchplatz, then make your way to the 12th-century Weisser Turm which you will pass underneath.

Rödertor Gate & Röderturm

Rödertor, Feldseite Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber

The Rödertor Gate is undoubtedly the most picturesque entrance to the town, characterized by its two customs and watch huts adorned with pointed roofs. This well-preserved gate not only served as an entryway but also played a defensive role, allowing defenders to repel attackers from the side towers if they breached the outer bailey. The main tower, dating back to the 13th century, is the oldest part of the complex and holds great historical significance.

Markusturm Rothenburg

Turn right onto Pfarrgasse and then left onto Rödergasse. As you proceed, take in the picturesque cluster of buildings surrounding the Markusturm and Röderbogen, an ancient town gate and former prison constructed around 1200. At the end of Rödergasse, you’ll find the Röderturm (open daily from March to November and during the Christmas Market), the only town gate that can be climbed for panoramic views. Inside, there’s an exhibition detailing the bombing of Rothenburg during World War II, although little evidence of the destruction remains today.

Rothenburg Rathaus

Rothenburg Rathaus Town Hall

Return to the Marktplatz, the central square, and admire the magnificent Rathaus. The town hall consists of two structures—the Renaissance building facing the Marktplatz, which dates back to the late 16th century, and the older Gothic structure behind it. To the right of the town hall, you’ll find the gabled Ratstrinkstube, or City Councillors’ Tavern, featuring a charming 17th-century clock. Every hour, mechanical figures emerge to depict the story of the Meistertrunk, a legendary drinking bet that saved the city during the Thirty Years’ War.

Plönlein The Little Square

From the Markt, head downhill along Schmiedgasse to reach Plönlein, a picturesque corner that is often regarded as one of Rothenburg’s most iconic sights. This enchanting spot features a half-timbered house and a charming tower nestled between two gateways. It’s a perfect place to capture memorable photos and soak in the fairy-tale ambiance.

The Castle Gardens

The Burggarten Castle Garden, Rothenburg

The enchanting castle gardens, a must-visit destination to step away from the crowds of tourists. During the Middle Ages, this picturesque spot served as the original location of the Hohenstaufen family castle. I highly recommend exploring these gardens as they offer a truly breath-taking panoramic view of the entire town. From this vantage point, we even had a clear glimpse of Rothenburg’s festival grounds, adding to the charm of the experience.

As you wander through the gardens, you’ll also notice the magnificent Tauber Bridge. This historic bridge, believed to have been constructed around 1330, features a unique double design with two rows of arches. It served as an important trade route connecting Augsburg to Würzburg, exemplifying the historical significance of this remarkable structure.

Taking the time to appreciate the castle gardens and the Tauber Bridge allows you to immerse yourself in the rich history and beauty of the region. Whether you’re captivated by the sweeping views, the remnants of the Hohenstaufen castle, or the architectural marvel of the Tauber Bridge, this experience is sure to leave a lasting impression.

The Master Builder’s House (Baumeisterhaus)

The Master Builder’s House,Baumeisterhaus, Rothenburg

Constructed in 1596 by Leonard Weidmann, a renowned local master builder and stonemason, the Master Builder’s House is a true gem. Today, this splendid mansion houses a restaurant and café, offering visitors a delightful culinary experience amidst its opulent interior. While the lavishness of the inside is certainly worth exploring, the true highlight of the Master Builder’s House lies in its magnificent facade.

Adorned with intricate details, the facade of the mansion is a sight to behold. One can’t help but be captivated by the statues of the seven virtues and the seven vices that grace its exterior, adding a touch of symbolism and artistic flair to the structure. This unique display invites contemplation and appreciation for the rich craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into its creation.

A fascinating aspect of the Master Builder’s House lies in its statues representing both virtues and vices, deliberately intertwined to reflect their coexistence in life. As you admire the facade, you’ll notice a captivating array of sculptures, each carrying its symbolic meaning. Let’s explore the statues in more detail: On the lower row, starting from the left, you’ll find Kindheartedness, depicted with a hand placed on the heart, followed by Gluttony, represented by a wine cup. Motherhood is portrayed with children, while Betrayal is symbolized by weight counterfeiters. The statue of Gentleness takes the form of a lamb, and Wisdom is embodied by two intertwined snakes. Lastly, Temperance/Moderation is depicted by the combination of a cup of wine and a cup of water. Moving to the upper row, you’ll encounter Stinginess represented by a money bag, Courage symbolized by a club, and Unchastity portrayed with a goat. Justice is depicted holding a sword, Pride/Vanity is represented by a mirror, and Falsity takes the form of a snake. Finally, Laziness is embodied by a snail.

The original sandstone statues, which beautifully showcase this juxtaposition of virtues and vices, are now displayed at the Imperial City Museum. To ensure their preservation, replicas have been put in place on the facade of the Master Builder’s House.

This two-hour walking tour offers a delightful journey through Rothenburg’s medieval streets, showcasing its well-preserved architecture, rich history, and captivating landmarks.

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Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour

Home » Europe » Germany » Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour

Views of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, in Bavaria, Germany

By Vicky · Published Sep. 10th, 2023 · Updated Jan. 12th, 2024

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Discover the medieval buildings, cobbled streets and impressive city walls on this walking tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, one of the top stops on the Romantic Road.

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This walk starts from Röderturm, a large tower at the eastern edge of the town’s historic walls. There are several car parks (P4, P5) near here, plus Rothenburg Train Station is just a few minutes walk away. It’s 1-3 hours from Würzburg, Nuremberg, Augsburg or Munich on the train. From Munich, you can also go on guided day trips by bus *.

Get the route by downloading the .gpx or .kml file below. For navigation with on your mobile phone, simply download the .kml file and open to add it to the bookmarks.

Tips for Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour

  • It can be quite touristy, especially in summer, but it’s definitely worth it. Tourists tend to leave in the evening.
  • Spending a night in Rothenburg is worthwhile since the buildings are elegantly lit and the tourists have mainly disappeared.
  • There’s a very cute Christmas Market here in December on the market square.
  • You must try Schneeballen – dough balls coated in sugar, chocolate and more – when in town.
  • Why not also explore the cute town of Donauwörth , or the historic city of Nuremberg , both easily reachable on the train.
  • Check out other walks on our Germany Hiking Page .

Top Sights in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

On this self-guided walking tour you’ll see the main sites and attractions of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. One to two days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Rothenburg . Try and stay for the night, as the town is at its best in the early evening and mornings.

  • Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus
  • Rothenburg Marktplatz
  • Jakobskirche
  • Rothenburg Museum
  • German Christmas Museum
  • Scheidgasse
  • Medieval Crime Museum
  • Das Plönlein
  • Spital Bastion
  • Town Valley Walk

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour Route

This walking tour starts from the Röderturm. It heads first into Rothenburg Altstadt * before heading around the medieval city walls An extension heads across the Tauber River Valley for great views back to Rothenburg and of the historic Double Decker bridge.

1. Röderturm

The Röderturm and the start of a walking tour in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Röderturm * is a grand old entrance to Rothenburg. It’s a beautifully preserved and well-fortified gate to the city leading through the town walls and into the heart of the medieval town itself.

Directions: Head through Röderturm and into the old town along Rödergasse street.

2. Markusturm

The Markus Turm, a tower in the middle of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Markusturm is a rather beautiful inner city gate, unusual for its location right in the middle of town rather than along the city walls. Several historic, half-timbered buildings and cute streets surround the tower. There’s a stork’s nest at the top of this tower which may be occupied in summer!

Directions: Briefly head left down the quiet street just before the tower. Shortly on your left you’ll see the next stop.

3. Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus

Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus

Key Information: Open Apr-Oct 11-3pm, closed Mondays. Open Dec 2-4pm every day. Entry is €3.

The Alt-Rothenburger Handwerkerhaus * is a living museum where craftsmen and women have made their living making and selling goods for over 700 years. In the museum you can take a peak into what life has been like for craftspeople for over 1000 years, and there are still craftspeople working here today

Directions: Continue down the main street and you’ll soon find the main square.

4. Marktplatz

The marktplatz, a stop on the Rothenburg ob der Tauber walking tour

The Marktplatz * is the main square and lies at the heart of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It’s surrounded by many colourful half-timbered houses such as the Marien Apotheke, and the grand Town Hall (Rathaus). You can go up the tower in the Town Hall (for a fee) for stunning views over town the the Tauber River Valley below. The tourist information is in the white building with the clocktower if you want a paper map of the town or information about the surrounding area.

Directions: Leave the square along the street to the right and you’ll find the large church.

5. Jakobskirche

Walking around Jakobskirche in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Key Information: Open Mon-Sat 10-18 and Sun 11-18. The church is closed during mass. Entry to the church is €3.50. Audio guide an extra €2.

Jakobskirche * is a beautiful Gothic church and the main church in town. It’s also the only church with an admission fee. The most famous object in the church is the Heilig Blut Alter (Sacred Blood Alter) carved by mastercraftsman Tilman Riemenschneider. You’ll find this artwork behind the organ. Note the cross above the Last Supper, which apparently contains a holy relic – three drops of the blood of Christ. Don’t forget to also check out the beautiful stained glass windows. If you listen to the audio guide, the art and history section is better than that about spirituality.

Directions: Go through the tunnel beneath the church and take the first left. The museum is up the street to your right.

6. Rothenburg Museum

The Rothenburg Museum

Key Information: Open Apr-Oct: 9.30am – 5.30pm, Nov-Mar: 1-4pm. Tickets are €5.

The Rothenburg Museum ( Website , Tripadvisor Reviews *), also known as the Reichsstadt Museum, contains the oldest convent kitchen in Germany, plus weapons and armour, and the museum is in a former Convent/Dominican Monastery. There’s a barrel outside the entrance – where nuns gave sustenance to the poor, and destitute women left their babies if they couldn’t afford them. The displays are well presented and you could spend a couple of hours looking around the museum.

Directions: Head through the gate to the left of the museum and into the Kloster Gardens. These are small but a lovely, relaxing place for a break. Walk through the gardens and leave via the gate to the left. Turn left on the road, then left again to the large tower.

History of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber was almost destroyed in the 30 Years War (1618-1648) by the Catholics, led by General Tilly. It was saved when the townspeople gave the General a lot of money. But if you want a more romantic story, General Tilly challenged the Mayor to down three liters of wine. If the Mayor succeeded, the General would leave the town in peace. The Mayor somehow downed the wine and the town was saved.

Burgtor, a stop on a walking tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

The Burgtor is an impressive gateway between the old town and the castle gardens. The gardens are lit atmospherically after dark, as is the gate.

Directions: Walk through the tower, turn left, left and left again back to the front of the tower and Herrngasse street. You’ll explore the castle gardens further when walking around the town walls.

8. Herrngasse

Colourful houses on Herrngasse

Herrngasse is a wide road lined by stately buildings, more recent than some of the oldest buildings in town. The name comes from the Herren, or gentlemen (rich merchants) who lived along this street in Medieval times.

Directions: Walk along the street and you’ll see the famous Christmas shop on your right.

9. German Christmas Museum

German Christmas Market shop in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Key Information: Open Apr-Dec: 10am – 5pm. The shop is free to look around, but tickets to the museum are €5.

The Christmas Museum ( Website , Tripadvisor Reviews *), or Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum, is within a huge Christmas shop called Käthe Wolhlfahrt Weihnachtsdorf. In the museum, you can learn about the history of Christmas and its traditions plus see Christmas decorations from different time periods. Even if you don’t visit the museum, it’s worth going into the store where you’ll be transported to a winter wonderland of Christmas! You can also buy many high-quality Christmas decorations here, if you feel the need.

Directions: Head through the square and take a right on the main street.

10. Schneidgasse


Schmiedgasse * is a long, cobbled street in town full of character. Quaint shops, bakeries, cafes and restaurants line this street. Schneidgasse is a great place to try Schneeballen – a specialty of Rothenburg. Schneeballen are large dough balls covered in any variety of toppings. The original ones are just dusted with powdered sugar, and these can be a little boring. Opt for the exciting flavours instead!

Directions: Walk down the first street on your right and pass the church to visit the next museum.

11. Medieval Crime Museum

Medieval Crime Museum, the top museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and a stop on the walking tour

Key Information: Open Apr-Oct: 10am – 6pm, Nov-Mar: 1-4pm, with longer hours in December. Tickets cost €9/4.50 for adults/children.

The Medieval Crime Museum ( Website , Tripadvisor Reviews *) is the most popular museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It’s about criminals and how they were treated in the Middle Ages. Mostly they were tortured and you can see all the torture instruments in this interesting museum. You’ll also find out about the justice system during the Middle Ages and find many unusual and intriguing exhibits.

Directions: Head back to Schneidgasse and continue down the street.

12. Das Plönlein

Das Plönlein in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Das Plönlein is the most photographed spot in Rothenburg and perhaps the whole of Germany! You’ll see it on the front of many travel guides and brochures. The photo of Das Plönlein has become the symbol of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and it’s very cute indeed. Try and arrive early or late to beat the crowds, though it can also be surprisingly quiet in the peak hours of the day.

Directions: Walk onwards down the main street to the large gate at the end.

13. Spital Bastion

Spital Bastion, a stop on the walking tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bavaria, Germany

The Spital Bastion * is a fortress-like gate in the town walls, added in the 16th century. It’s the best town gate because it’s more of a mini fortress in itself, and you can walk through it. For now, head up the steps to the left of the gate to get onto the town walls. You’ll return here after a loop of the walls and can more fully explore the Bastion.

Directions: Climb the steps to the walls and turn left to start an anti-clockwise loop of the old town.

14. Town Walls

Town walls around Rothenburg ob der Tauber

You can walk 4 km all the way around the town walls *. The first half is the most complete and there are several towers to see on the way. There are also great views across the rooftops of town, and of several lovely buildings. One of these is Gerlachschmiede *, a beautiful red-and-white half-timbered building.

After this building, you’ll reach Röderturm, where you started this walking tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. You can go up the tower itself (for a small fee) to see the views, but the opening hours are rather sporadic. The next larger tower you’ll come across is Kingertour *, at the northwest corner of town.

Walking around the walls in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

You have to leave the walls at Kingertour. If you head through the tower, you’ll come to St. Wolfgang’s Chuch, connected to the defensive Kingertour Bastion. To continue the walk around the walls, take the left on the outer side of the dry moat, signposted ‘Detwang’. Continue walking on this path as it parallels the city walls. You’ll pass a few more towers, then can enter the town again near the Burgtor.

Exploring the Castle Gardens

Castle Gardens

You’ll now be in the Burggarten *, or Castle Gardens. This park covers a promontory with views over the River Tauber Valley. Head around the edge of the park and back towards the town, where you’ll have some great views. Just after the little chapel, take the right heading downhill and back out of the Medieval Walls.

Strolling through the Vineyards

vineyards in Bavaria, Germany

Turn left to walk through the sloping vineyards, with more great views of the Tauber Valley below and the old town above. Keep on going at roughly the same height, and eventually you’ll reach a tower in the walls on your left. You can take a peek inside the gate, but you can’t walk along the walls for any distance here. Instead, continue to the right and you’ll soon reach the next tower, Kalkturm.

Head through the tower and take a short moment to explore the peaceful courtyard, full of large old farming and milling buildings. When you’re ready, head up the steps and back onto the walls. There’s a down and up some steps, then along to the next tower. Descend this tower to walk through the moat.

Back to Spitalturm

Walking through Spitalturm on a tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

You’re almost at the end of the town walls walk, and soon you’ll be at the base of the grand Spitalturm. Head up the stairs, and into the round fortress itself. You can walk through here all the way around to the other side. When you leave the building, turn right back along the moat then up the stairs to your left. Cross over the wooden bridge and you’ll be back at the end of the long street.

Directions: Head up the street to return to the main square. From here, explore the town centre further, go on the Tauber Valley Walk (see below) or make this the end of the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour.

15. Tauber Valley Walk

On a walk through the Tauber Valley with views of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

If you still have the energy, a walk through the Tauber Valley is a lovely way to end your tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. You can start this walk either from the Spitalturm, or beyond Jacobskirche at the other end of town.

Walking by the Topplerschlösschen, Bavaria, Germany

On this peaceful walk you’ll stroll along the River Tauber, see the funny Topplerschlösschen, and walk across the Doppelbrücke (double bridge). There are great views from the bridge of Rothenburg ob der Tauber above, perched at the top of the cliffs.

Tours of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

If you want to go on a guided tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, there are tours from the tourist office. These are daily, normally at 2pm in English, and last around 90 minutes. In the evening, a night watchman (Nachtwächter) leads a fun tour of the old town, starting at 8pm from the Rathaus. If you’re visiting from Munich, you can also take a guided day trip to Rothenburg *.

Best Places to stay in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

There are plenty of accommodation options in Rothenburg. They tend to get full in summer, especially on weekends, so book in advance as soon as you know you’re going. It’s definitely worth spending a night in Rothenburg as the town quietens down in the evening when many of the tourists have left. Additionally, the town looks rather beautiful lit by the street lamps.

  • Hotel Reichs-Küchenmeister *: This historic hotel right in the centre of town, with lovely rooms, a great breakfast and dining rooms full of character.
  • Hotel Rothenburger Hof *: A great value hotel just opposite the train station, 10 minutes walk from the old town. Free parking and clean rooms make this a great choice for budget travelers.
  • Hotel Zum Breiterle *: Another historic hotel inside the city walls, this good value hotel has everything you need to enjoy your stay in town.
  • Youth Hostel Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber *: From twin rooms with private bathrooms to cheaper dormitories, you can’t stay in a more historic building than this. It’s located in the Rossmühle, a huge old mill and a landmark in town.

For more walking tours and hikes in Germany, see our Germany hiking page .

FAQS – Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is known for its Medieval town centre and well-preserved defensive walls and towers. It’s also known as one of the best towns to visit in Germany.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber means ‘Red Castle above the Tauber River’.

The best thing to do in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a walking tour through the old centre and along the well-preserved city walls.

You’ll need at least one day to explore Rothenburg ob der Tauber, or more if you want to visit more than one of the museums. Rothenburg is best experienced in the early mornings or evenings when most of the tourists have left, so spending a night in town is a great idea.

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One day in rothenburg ob der tauber: a self-guided walking tour.

Threading its way through the towns and villages of Bavaria’s medieval heartland, the Romantic Road is quintessential Germany. Rothenburg ob der Tauber is the most compelling town on this route and easy to reach by rail.

But what should you do if you have just one day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany?

In this article, I spill the beans on why you should visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber and what to do there, and I’ve included a map and a Rothenburg self-guided walking tour to kickstart your day.

facades of medieval half timbered buildings in rothenburg ob der tauber germany

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Introducing Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is famous as one of Germany’s best-preserved medieval towns, with wonky half-timbered houses, cobbled streets and an intact town wall with stone towers. This is a 14th-century town alive and kicking in the 21 st Century.

In just one day you will be able to stroll its medieval streets, walk its town walls, eat its tasty pastry and step inside a place where it is Christmas 365 days a year. I visited on a day trip from Nuremberg by train and managed to see everything I wanted in four hours. However, there’s something to be said for staying overnight in this visitor honeypot to enjoy Rothenberg once the tour buses have departed.

close up of red flowers

A Rothenburg ob der Tauber Walking Tour (+ Map)

It’s a breeze to explore Rothenburg in one day on foot. The main sights in town are no more than a 15-minute walk from each other or the train station.

If you like to map it out, here’s one that includes the attractions recommended in this guide. You can use this map as a Rothenburg self-guided walking tour.

Excluding walking along the town wall, it covers a distance of just over one mile (2 km) . For step-by-step directions and to send to your phone, click here or on the image itself.

map of the best things to see in rothenburg ob der Tauber

One Day in Rothenburg: Top 10 Things to Do

1. soak up the medieval splendour of rothenburg market square (marktplatz).

Rothenburg Market Square ((Marktplatz) is a one-stop shop of medieval marvels.

market square in rothenburg germany

This has been Rothenburg’s beating heart since the town’s heyday around 1300 AD. Thanks to its strategic location on the route from Würzburg to the Alps – today’s Romantic Road – Rothenburg was an important trading town and Germany’s second-biggest city.  

The 13th-century Old Town Hall dominates Marktplatz. Part Gothic, part Renaissance, it was partially rebuilt following a fire in 1501.

Your reward for scaling the 220 narrow steps to the viewing platform at the summit of the Old Town Hall’s tower is a bird’s eye view of Rothenburg and its surroundings. Check the seasonal opening hours here .

The clock crowning the neighbouring Councillor’s Tavern puts on a show at the top of the hour between 10 am and 10 pm when its little doors flip open and wooden figures re-enact the Meisertrunk (“Master Draught”) legend. It’s a big tourist draw but I found it underwhelming.

The Renaissance New Town Hall occupies the entire long side of the square.

Even in medieval times, it was location, location, location, and the town’s wealthiest citizens lived in and around Marktplatz. Some of the finest houses are on the square and the neighbouring streets.

The townsfolk once drew their water from the colourful St. George’s Fountain , which dates from the early 1600s. Two typical half-timbered buildings tower above the fountain.

two medieval half timbered buildings and a stone fountain

2. See a drop of Christ’s blood at St. James’s Church

For centuries, pilgrims have been following the Camino de Santiago or “Way of St. James.”

modern sculpture of st james

On their way to venerate the remains of St. James at Spain’s Santiago de Compostella, pilgrims have rest stops at important Christian sights. Rothenburg and St. James’s Church (St. Jakob’s Church) is one of these stops, for which they must thank a drop of Christ’s blood.

Visiting this beautiful church is one of the unmissable things to do in Rothenburg, and its highlight is the carved wooden altarpiece that holds the Holy Blood . The relic is held in a rock-crystal capsule set in a cross in the centre of the shrine.

wooden sculpture of the last supper

This wonderful work of art was created by Würzburg native Tilman Reimenschnieder between 1499 and 1504. He was known as the Michelangelo of German woodcarvers and sculpted this altarpiece around the same time as Michelangelo was liberating David from a block of marble from Carrara .

St. James’s High Altar has a magnificent altarpiece with painted panels by Friedrich Herlin and carved wooden statues. To the left of the main altarpiece is the stone Tabernacle of the Holy Eucharist , depicting Jesus overcoming death by standing on a skull.

stained glass and carved altarpiece in st james church rothenburg

As you leave the High Altar, look at the paintings on the rear of the altarpiece, especially the face of Christ painted on the veil of Veronica.   

painting of the face of jesus

Address : Kirchplatz, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Opening hours : 10 am – 6 pm. Hours are shortened in the winter months.

A small admission fee applies, which includes a brief guide to the church

3. Take time out in the Convent Garden

This former Dominican monastery garden is an oasis of tranquillity in Rothenburg.

stone fountain in garden

Back in the day, nuns and monks cultivated this medicinal herb garden to concoct cures and disguise the rancid taste of rotting food. Today’s herb garden is flourishing and its plants are carefully labelled, with the number of crosses on the sign indicating the herb’s toxicity.

4. Enjoy the views from Castle Garden

distant view of town of rothenburg in germany

Although the burg (castle) was taken out of Rothenburg in 1356, the location of the former Stauferburg is now the town’s Castle Garden. All that remains of the castle is the small Blasius Chapel, in front of which is a memorial to local Jews slaughtered in 1298.

From here, there are wonderful views of Rothenburg’s medieval skyline and across the Tauber Valley.

gate and tower of old town of rothenburg

5. Visit Rothenburg’s Medieval Crime Museum

Rothenburg’s Medieval Crime Museum is the most unlikely tourist attraction but it weirdly works.

Stuffed with diabolical instruments of punishment and torture, this is Europe’s largest museum on legal rights. Shame masks, racks, thumbscrews – it has the lot.

Don’t miss the cage of the baker’s baptism behind the museum’s gateway.

If a baker was caught cheating with ingredients in the Middle Ages, he would be placed in this cage to be publicly scorned, Worse still, he would be plunged into icy water. 

cage suspended on a pivoted arm

At the museum’s entrance, you’ll see the creepy Child Catcher Carriage from the 1968 movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang , which was filmed in Rothenburg.

the child catcher cart from the movie chitty chitty bang bang

Address : Burggasse 3-5, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Opening hours : Click here for current opening hours.

6. Snack on a Schneeball

display of schneeballen pastries in rothenburg

Don’t leave town before trying Rothenburg’s tasty pastry.

Schneeball or Schneeballen (snowball in English) is a heavenly cloud of sweetness made from layers of shortcrust pastry and dusted with sugar. They are widely sold in bakeries and cafes in town.

Thanks to their generous shelf-life – around eight weeks – schneeballen are good presents for the folks back home.

7. Snap a shot of one of Germany’s most photographed streets

a half-timbered house flanked by 2 tpwers

Plölein is Rothenburg’s most famous landmark. Featuring a small fountain in front of a timber-framed house, and flanked by the two towers of the old city wall, it is perfectly picturesque.  

If it looks familiar, this may be because you recognise it from the 1940 Disney animation Pinocchio , which was inspired by Rothenburg.

8. Visit the shop where it is Christmas year-round

Jingle All The Way down to Rothenburg’s famous Christmas village. Founded in 1964, Käthe Wohlfahrt is the largest and most famous vendor of traditional German Christmas products.

This is a festive wonderland, with animations, Christmas music and a massive selection of high-quality toys and decorations.   

giant xmas tree in a festive shop

If you love all things Christmas, visit the German Christmas Museum in Rothenburg. The town is also home to one of Germany’s most popular Christmas market s.

9. Walk Rothenburg’s city wall

Time permitting, take a stroll along Rothenburg’s old city wall. Clocking in at just over a mile and a half, the complete walk will take you less than an hour.  

You can enter or exit the ramparts at most of the city’s towers. I followed the wall for a short distance from Siebertstor.  

tall town wall and tower

10. Join the Night Watchman’s tour

Finally, to bring the ramparts to life with a cheeky wink, join the cheesy Night Watchman’s Tour . Described as a “Medieval John Cleese,” the Night Watchman makes his rounds of Rothenburg as he dishes out entertaining nuggets about the town’s history.

leaning tower of old town of rothenburg

How to Do a Rothenburg Day Trip by Train

red and white train in germany

Thanks to excellent train connections, it’s easy to visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber as a day trip from Nuremberg, or even Munich, Frankfurt or Stuttgart.

Germany has several towns called Rothenburg. Make sure that you don’t arrive in a nondescript Rothenburg by selecting “Rothenburg ob der Tauber” when planning your train journey.

You can check train times here .

Rothenburg’s railway station is an easy 10-minute walk from the Marktplatz in the heart of the old town. Turn left out of the railway station and follow the green-on-white signs for Aldstadt . This will bring you to Röder gate at the entrance to the old town.  

Nuremberg to Rothenburg day trip by train

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is one of several excellent day trips from Nuremberg . With its lovingly restored medieval buildings, a meandering river crisscrossed with historic bridges, a clutch of excellent museums and arguably the tastiest sausages in Germany, Nuremberg is an excellent base in Upper Bavaria.

There is no direct train from Nuremberg to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. You will need to change trains at Ansbach and again at Steinbach.

This is not as tricky as it may sound and the journey time is just a shade over one hour. Connecting trains operate every two hours.

Rothenburg day trip by train from Munich, Frankfurt and Stuttgart

Although longer journeys, it is also possible to visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber as a day trip by train from Munich, Frankfurt and Stuttgart.

Munich to Rothenburg by train

  • Fastest journey time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Change trains at Nuremberg, Ansbach and Steinach

Frankfurt to Rothenburg by train

  • Fastest journey time: 3 hours
  • Change trains at Würzburg and Steinach

Stuttgart to Rothenburg by train

  • Fastest journey time: 2 hours 40 minutes

ornate fountain in medieval street

The Romantic Road Bus

The Romantic Road bus is an alternative way of getting to Rothenburg and beyond.

From May to September, this service runs between Frankfurt and Munich, serving key destinations of the Romantic Road, including Rothenburg. It is not especially cheap and you may be better off getting to Rothenburg by train.

Day Tours to Rothenburg

It is easy to visit Rothenburg on a day trip by train. But if you want to see the bits of the Romantic Road that are not reachable by rail or want someone else to take care of the arrangements, an organised day tour is worth considering. 

You will also benefit from the knowledge of a guide and if you are a solo traveller, a day tour can also be an excellent way to  meet other travellers .

Here are a few options that other travellers like:

Rothenburg and Romantic Road day trip from Frankfurt

This guided tour along the Romantic Road includes a photo stop at the Würzburg Residenz , one of the most beautiful palaces in Europe . You can also choose your group size.


Rothenburg and Romantic Road day trip from Munich Highlights of this guided tour include Harburg and the scenery of the Nördlinger Ries, the giant depression left by an ancient meteor in the Swabian landscape.

Where to next?

I hope my guide helps you have the best day in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. If you are looking for other beautiful Bavarian towns to visit, take a look at some of my other articles:

  • One Day in Nuremberg Old Town, Germany: Itinerary & Self-Guided Walking Tour
  • Why You Should Visit Bamberg: A Bavarian Beauty
  • 6 Magical Day Trips from Nuremberg by Train
  • One Day in Würzburg: Exploring the Heart of Franconia
  • Visiting the Würzburg Residence: A Baroque Beauty

bridget coleman the flashpacker 2

About Bridget

Bridget Coleman has been a passionate traveller for more than 30 years. She has visited 70+ countries, most as a solo traveller.

Articles on this site reflect her first-hand experiences.

To get in touch, email her at [email protected] or follow her on social media.

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THE 5 BEST Rothenburg Walking Tours

Walking tours in rothenburg.

  • Historical & Heritage Tours
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  • Cultural Tours
  • Literary, Art & Music Tours
  • Scenic Railroads
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
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rothenburg walking tour

1. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide

rothenburg walking tour

2. Medieval Musical Tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

rothenburg walking tour

3. Full-Day Private Tour to Rothenburg ob der Tauber from Frankfurt

rothenburg walking tour

4. Rothenburg Guided tour of Old town

rothenburg walking tour

5. 2 Hours Private Medieval Musical Tour: Rothenburg's Historic Gems

rothenburg walking tour

6. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Christmas Market Private Walking Tour

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

rothenburg walking tour

Nuremberg Old Town and Nazi Party Rally Grounds Walking Tour in English

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Nuremberg: Medieval Darkness Quest Experience

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Former Nazi Rally Ground And Courtroom 600 Tour

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Nuremberg Old Town Walking Tour in English

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Stuttgart Self Guided Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery Game

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Nuremberg Ghosts and Gallows Evening Walking Tour

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Nuremberg Nazi Trial Tour with Tickets to Palace of Justice

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Nuremberg Self Guided Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery Game

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Wurzburg Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide

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Nordlingen Self Guided Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery Game

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Third Reich, Nazi Propaganda, Nuremberg Trials Private Tour

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Private German Beer Tasting Tour in Nuremberg Old Town

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Nuremberg Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide

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Feuchtwangen Private Walking Tour with a Professional Guide

rothenburg walking tour

Bamberg Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide

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PRIVATE Nuremberg Old Town Walking Tour (Product code: 87669P17)

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Nuremberg Like a Local: Customized Private Tour

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Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally Grounds Private Walking Tour

rothenburg walking tour

Nuremberg Old Town Highlights Private Walking Tour

rothenburg walking tour

Nazi Party Rally Grounds & Old Town Private Walking Tour

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Nuremberg running tour with insider tip guarantee

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Nuremberg through the Centuries: A Historical Audio Tour

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Würzburg - Private tour including visit to Residence

rothenburg walking tour

PRIVATE Nuremberg WW2 and Beer Tour (Product code: 87669P14)

What travelers are saying.

Richard W

Glam Granola Travel

Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour: The Best City Walking Tour Ever?

Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour Pinterest Pin

I will tell you this: I’ve been on my fair share of city walking tours in Europe. Actually, I’ve been on them everywhere.

My all-time favorite is the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Night Watchman tour .

I mean, I’ll update you if this ever changes, but I kind of doubt it. This tour is the bomb.

On this tour the Night Watchman will take you to all the central Rothenburg ob der Tauber sights, and teach you all about the city’s most important (and some lesser-known) history. I simply can’t recommend this delightful, affordable experience enough.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour!

On Market Square's Town Hall steps, getting ready for the Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour

Who is the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Night Watchman?

The Night Watchman is a German guy with excellent English speaking and storytelling skills, who will teach you all about the rich history of Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

He does this whole educational, entertaining tour from the perspective of a Medieval times city night watchman! These guys patrolled the gates of a city back in the day, and knew the goings-on and city secrets better than anyone. Plus, his costume is excellent.

I don’t know how long the Night Watchman has been giving his dusk walking tour of Rothenburg, but judging from a quick Google search it looks like the answer is: a while .

And it shows! He was one of the best historic re-enactors and tour guides I’ve ever seen. I worked in the National Park Service, which required me to do very similar things (explain complex topics to wide-ranging audiences in a fun, animated way, though my costume was a little less crazy).

I know a good story-teller when I see one, because I’ve been trained in story-telling. This guy could be a Park Ranger any damn day of the week.

The Rothenburg Night Watchman tour guide, the Night Watchman, giving a mysterious speech

Feel like popping over to Austria next? Check out my guide to a perfect day in Salzburg !

How much does the Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber Night Watchman tour cost?

Perhaps the best part of this incredible tour is the reasonable price.

Adults: 8 Euro

Teens: 4 Euro

Kids under 12: Free!

Honestly, I would’ve tipped that much anyway because the tour is so excellent, so it’s truly a bargain. I know you might be used to free walking tours, like those offered through hostels and such, but this guy does this for a living . And he’s stellar. He could’ve charged twice as much and I would still say it’s worth it!

You pay at the end of the tour, which is quite the honor system considering how many people are on a tour. He’ll give you change if you don’t have exact.

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Is the tour appropriate for children?


There were a ton of kids on the tour when I went, and as long as they aren’t disruptive it’s totally fine. In fact, it looked like the Night Watchman enjoyed interacting with them!

The tour accomplishes something quite rare in historical education, in that I think it was truly accessible to everyone. It doesn’t pander to the audience, either, which I appreciate. I am wary of people in costume=cheesy tours, but this wasn’t the case in my opinion.

Also, while we’re on the subject of age, there’s not too much walking on this tour for folks of all ages. There were young kids and older grandparents alike—everyone seemed to love it!

How does one join the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour?

The crowd gathering for the Rothenburg Night Watchman Tour

You don’t need to sign up in advance or anything for the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour. Simply show up at Market Square in front of the Town Hall at 8:00 PM. From March to January, this is true every single night .

From the months of January to March there are limited hours; just Saturday tours. Again, it’s at 8:00 PM at the Town Hall!

Chances are, you’ll know just where to wait based on the massive crowd. Apparently the Night Watchman has had tours of 300 people! Yikes. I imagine that is during holiday weekends and such, because my tour was much smaller.

You’ll know the tour is starting when a man dressed as a Medieval Night Watchman, cape and all, strolls up with his torch and starts addressing the crowd. Pretty straightforward situation there.

What does the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour include? How long is it?

The tour is an hour long , and it goes by remarkably quickly.

The tour starts at the Market Square Town Hall and meanders through the streets, in and out of the gates of Rothenburg.

The Watchman will stop at various points of interest, like the aforementioned Medieval city gates, and give little talks and tell stories about their significance.

You’ll see several interesting historical spots and learn a lot about the city on this tour. If you arrive in Rothenburg later in the day, the Night Watchman tour would therefor be a great first stop. It puts much of Rothenburg ob der Tauber in historical context, which enriches the experience of exploring it on your own the next day!

Night descends on the Rothenburg Night Watchman tour group and streets of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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Why should I go on the tour?

If I haven’t convinced you already, I’m not sure what else I can say… other than, this is one of the best activities in Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber. It really made my trip memorable.

Going on this tour also gives you the chance to do something I desperately, aggressively recommend you do: spend the night in Rothenburg. It’s a hotspot for day trippers, as the midday crowds leave no question of.

My favorite moments in Rothenburg ob der Tauber were in the evening and morning, when I felt a calm descend over the city.

The Night Watchman takes full advantage of this quiet calmness, and he makes you feel as if you could be walking around Rothenburg hundreds of years ago. It really makes you experience the city in a unique way!

rothenburg walking tour

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The “no pre-booking just show up” is the information all the other websites I’ve looked at were lacking! Thank you!

' data-src=

Hi Kaisa, we will be doing this tour in mid Sept. and we are looking forward to it. I was wondering, how can everyone hear him if there is such a big crowd? Does he wear a microphone? Is everyone crowding behind him and then would we miss what he is saying if we are not close to him? I am hoping the crowds won’t be bid when we are there. Thanks for your info, Diane

' data-src=

We took the Night Watchman’s (Hans Baumgartner’s) tour back in 2004. It truly was the best walking tour I’ve ever been on. And afterwards, Hans joined us for a bier.

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Hans Georg Baumgartner, The Night Watchman


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