Program: 10:00 – 22:00

christian tour brasov program

Zilele Christian Tour au început cu Oferte din toată inima, la Coresi!

Fie că vrei să călătorești în locuri îndepărtate sau preferi să rămâi pe tărâmurile de poveste din România, la Christian Tour vei descoperi vacanța cea mai potrivită pentru tine. Trăiește cele mai frumoase experiențe alături de cei dragi și profită de reducerile de până la 60%, valabile până în data de 15 mai 2023.

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Coresi Shopping Resort

Galerie: luni – duminică: 10:00 – 22:00

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  • Attractions

The Evangelic church from Cristian

The western portal is of gothic origins and the church still preserves Cistercian marks like the arcades of a rosette or the curbs of a cherry flower from one of the keystones. The defence area built in the first part of the 15th century is consolidated by 8 towers, the bastion strengthening the gate area and a water fosse which later was covered up. Around the 19th century the bastion became the vicarage, because the fortress around the church lost its military properties. On the east side of the Evangelic church from Cristian is the Evangelic cemetery. After reconstructed in neo-classical style it was added also Anna May’s thumb stone. The almost 3 meters high statue of Jesus Christ seems so natural that gives you protective feelings. It is classified as the second highest church from Transylvania after the Black Church in Brasov. For the ones passionate about the combined architectural styles the fabulous example is to be found in the Evangelic church from Cristian.

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Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Cathedral)

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Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church

The Tanners Bastion

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Logo MementoGroup

The future of travel

The founder of Christian Tour, Cristian Pandel, has gone through all the stages of a successful story, starting from a simple idea, working hard and with passion, becoming an entrepreneur with an unique approach concerning travel and related services.

After 24 years, Christian Tour is one of the most prominent companies in SE Europe, with a dedicated team of more then 200 travel professionals active in +40 travel office all over Romania and Republic of Moldova.


We understand the families’ needs for vacation: a peaceful, serene trip for  adults and entertainment for children.

Nearly half million customers travel with Christian Tour every year . All our customers, looking for sunny beaches destinations, city breaks or niche holiday spots, can and will find ideas for their next holiday.


We know that the active people go on vacation for new experiences. Especially for them, Christian Tour  has created cultural tours, weekend breaks and pilgrimages all over the world.


Nowadays we want to explore the world, to discover new destinations, to change the décor for a while. We offer city breaks in the European capitals and flight tickets to any destination around the world.


You dream of paradise? Christian Tour will take you there! Exotic islands,  turquoise horizons, bizarre foods and exquisite cocktails. This is the scenery of an exotic holiday created by Christian Tour.

WE FOCUS on what our customers want; we constantly introduce new destinations and new services; we are very selective regarding our suppliers; nevertheless our rates for all holiday packages stay at the range of affordable.


Senior Voyage, our dedicated brand for senior citizens is well known for its unrivaled tours throughout the most spectacular destinations in Romania and in many European countries.

Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage” brand in Romania.  


WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country – Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very beginning of its existence.

Business Travel

We offer complete solutions for business travel by combining technology with experienced and well trained travel specialists. We provide complete counselling and support services such as accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance.


Our evets team is experienced, creative, innovative and enthusiastic.  We will work alongside you to create complex and memorable events. We aim to make your work easier, by taking over your responsibilities and saving you time, while also fully complying with your budgets and policies. 

Cristian Pandel Founder & President Memento Group

Who are we - THE JOURNEY

We make everything simple

IT ALL BEGAN ALMOST 24 YEARS AGO when, together with a group of other enthusiasts, we started exploring the Romanian mountains. We discovered the excitement of experiencing new places and the joy of escaping the everyday bustle. Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible.  

Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded. Since the philosophy of the newly founded travel agency was based on the same values as the school, to open up new experiences and places, we chose as logo a symbol that reminded of those special early days: the Bucegi Sphinx.  

In the past years, due to an excellent team of tourism professionals and the economic force behind us, Christian Tour has become one of the most important brands on the Romanian tourism market. Our field of activity is one of the most fascinating anyone can imagine: we set out our clients for dream destinations!  

Christian Tour, as part of Memento Group, stands out as NO 1 tour operator in Romania and a major player in SE Europe. We are committed to fulfill the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, accessible and memorable as possible, to deliver the right experience to all our customers.  

Corporate Services

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Ticketing, accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance

BENEFITS: Employee benefits, gift vouchers, discount packages

MEETINGS: Consultancy on accommodation and meal choices, transport, technical equipment, graphics

INCENTIVES : Consultancy on destinations, transport, accommodations, meals, conference venues, party planning, teambuilding activities, tour guides, customized gifts

CONGRESSES : Event concept, on-site coordinator, participants registration, accommodation, meals, catering, transport, graphic design, technical equipment, multimedia solutions, translation services, hostess services, airport meet& greet, photo and video services, voting and videoconference facilities, VIP services, speakers booking, entertainment, security services

EXPOSITIONS : Planning, contracting, concept design, logistics, graphic production, marketing and promotion services

inside MementoGroup

Benefits for our customers

  • A single provider that manages the entire travel business of the company
  • Personalized and complete services adapted to their needs
  • Negotiated rates
  • Access to our global network of partners
  • Optimized travel costs
  • Safe travels through verified services
  • Advantageous payment terms
  • Dedicated travel consultants
  • Specialized assistance during the trip in case of flight cancellation or schedule changes
  • Event planning
  • Compliance with the company’s SLAs
  • Detailed and efficient reporting
  • Specialized help in designing travel policies

Happy Clients

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Ai mers in vacanta cu agentia de turism CHRISTIAN TOUR din BRASOV, BRASOV? Spune-ne cum a fost .

Vrei sa pleci in vacanta cu agentia de turism CHRISTIAN TOUR din BRASOV, BRASOV? Citeste parerile clientilor .

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Tipul agentiei de turism: ORGANIZATOARE

Data emiterii licentei de turism: 07.01.2019

Site web:


Denumire firma: CHRISTIAN' 76 TOUR SRL

CUI: 9617078

Registrul comertului: J40/5529/1997


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Alte agentii de turism, voyager din brasov, brasov, pax travel din poiana marului, brasov, dimm travel din brasov, brasov.

  • Aventuri extreme


SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

Adriana Mosoiu

  • Călătorii în perioadele de sezon redus, pentru a beneficia de prețuri cât mai bune și a te bucura de locurile respective fără aglomerație.
  • Înnoptare în aceeași locație, astfel căratul bagajelor dintr-o parte în alta nu va mai constitui o problemă.
  • Echilibru optim între relaxare și vizite. Vizitezi pe îndelete, pentru a surprinde frumusețea fiecărui loc și moment.
  • Asistență turistică pentru întreaga perioadă, care include preluarea și însoțirea turiștilor către și de la hotel, organizarea excursiilor opționale și suport oricând la destinație.
  • Ghizi profesioniști, bine pregătiți pe fiecare destinație, care știu ca-n palmă fiecare pietricică din partea locului.

Citește și Vacanță în ROMÂNIA: DELTA DUNĂRII, un colț de natură rupt din rai

  • senior voyage

christian tour brasov program


Buna ziua! Ma numesc Rodica Grigoras si locuiesc in Brasov. As dori sa ma inscriu la mai multe excursii in tara,realizate de Cristian Tour dar,faptul ca, se pleaca dimineata din Bucuresti este un impediment pentru mine. Ar fi foarte convenabil daca, CONTRA COST s-ar asigura un transfer de la Brasov la punctul de imbarcare din Bucuresti si retur. Am fi mai multe persoane interesate. 10 martie 2024,cu multumiri anticipate

Bună ziua, Vă rog să luați legătura cu cei de la agenția Christian Tour din Brașov, pentru a găsi o soluție.

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christian tour brasov program

Vacanțele pe litoralul românesc, din ce în ce mai căutate. O rezervare la fiecare...


CSM Constanța și-a luat inter dreapta de națională


Locații și program de lucru Christian Tour

Magazin christian tour - braşov, str. piața sfatului, nr. 28, adresă și program de lucru.

  • Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 Braşov 500025
  • 40 31 710 56 34
  • Lu-Vi: 10:00-18:00

Aici găsiți toate informațiile pe care le avem despre Christian Tour Braşov - Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 , inclusiv orele de deschidere obișnuite pentru Christian Tour . Pe Promotheus găsiți toate informațiile de care aveți nevoie, precum locațiile magazinelor și orele de deschidere pentru comercianții preferați, inclusiv Christian Tour . Acest magazin Christian Tour este unul dintre cele 139 magazine din România. În orașul dvs. Braşov , veți găsi un total de 2 magazine operate de comerciantul dvs. preferat Christian Tour .

Dacă sunteți interesați de discounturile, promoțiile și ofertele speciale de la alte magazine, consultați cataloagele unuia dintre cei 144 comercianți ale căror reviste sunt disponibile pe .

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Local News | Cornerstone Christian Academy to launch…

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Local News | Cornerstone Christian Academy to launch Homeschool SKILLGROW Program

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With co-operative programming launching at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year, homeschool students will be able to attend the academy on a part-time basis and take advantage of its advanced technical and vocational classes, according to a news release.

The school offers STEM programming that allows students to earn industry-recognized certifications like CSWA and CSWP, and now Cornerstone is opening its doors to local homeschool families. The school’s STEM opportunities have expanded recently, through the implementation of a $64,935 Ohio Department of Education and Workforce STEM grant that was awarded earlier this year, the release stated.

“We’ve worked with many homeschool families over the years,” Head of School Sandi Ortiz stated in the release. “As students enter middle school and high school, finding options for STEM learning can be tough. CCA’s Homeschool Co-operative Program provides the curriculum, instruction, and mechanical resources necessary to teach students cutting-edge STEM skills. This program encourages hands-on learning, and allows students to earn valuable industry certifications.”

Cornerstone’s STEM technology lab includes a Computer Assisted Design certification program, coupled with Computer Numerical Control equipment and a laser cutting and engraving machine that allows students to develop and produce their designs. The school also has an industry-standard Haas CNC milling machine, allowing for student certifications in machine operations and Computer Aided Machining.

Through the STEM grant, three additional 3D Printers, a 3D Scanner and a full-color large format vinyl cutting printer have been installed in the school’s technology classrooms, according to the release. CCA’s STEM Department Chair Bill Fischer is excited about the learning possibilities;

“CCA’s Homeschool SKILLGROW Program exposes students to state-of-the-art STEM technology, teaching, and tools,” STEM Department Chair Bill Fischer stated in the release. “It equips them with practical skills they can use to future-proof their careers.  You used to have to go to a factory to learn about the kinds of processes and procedures our students use day by day.”

A CCA Homeschool SKILLGROW Program Open House and Facility Tour will take place from 2 to 5 p.m. Aug. 1 on Cornerstone’s campus at 2846 SOM Center Road in Willoughby Hills. The meeting will begin in Room 127, inside Door A.

During this informational session, students and families will be able to learn more about SKILLGROW offerings, tour Cornerstone’s state-of-the-art STEM lab, track the creative process from inception to production, and discover how the program integrates into a homeschool curriculum.

‘For more information regarding CCA’s Homeschool SKILLGROW Program, contact Director of Admissions Kate Baxter at 440-943-2860 or visit and choose the Academics tab.

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Program de lucru Christian Tour din Bucureşti

12 rezultate, christian tour.


Christian Tour - Bucureşti

Christian Tour - Bucureşti

Christian Tour - Mihai Bravu

Christian Tour - Mihai Bravu


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  1. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. 262,337 likes · 3,840 talking about this · 27 were here. De peste 26 de ani, Christian Tour creează câte un drum spre fiecare vis.

  2. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour - Brasov Coresi, Brasov, Romania. 373 likes · 5 talking about this. Suntem o echipa dinamica, pregatita sa te serveasca in cel mai promt si placut mod. Suntem orientati catre nevoile...

  3. Program de lucru Christian Tour

    Găsește programul de lucru pentru Christian Tour - Braşov în Str. Piata Sfatului Nr. 28, 500025, Braşov plus, verifică şi alte detalii, ... Program de lucru Christian Tour - Braşov. Actualizată în 11.10.2023. +40 31 710 5634. Suna: +40317105634. Planificare rută . Website .

  4. Christian Tour

    Din 1997 până ȋn prezent, Christian Tour a devenit cel mai mare organizator de vacanţe din România. A acumulat know-how şi experienţă, ajungând ȋn top şi menţinându-şi pozitia de lider ȋn industrie. Această evoluţie spectaculoasă s-a perpetuat datorită muncii constante a unei echipe de oameni valoroşi, din care te invităm ...

  5. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. ·. osrtodSenp 2a r i140ca u 19 6540 gl a 1cm 2 2g 2 ma5u45 0J 50 y hgiml n f 04i, ·. NOU! Program #SeniorVoyage Delta Dunarii si Dobrogea - acum si cu plecare din #ClujNapoca si puncte de imbarcare in Turda, Targu Mures, Sighisoara, Brasov. Calatoreste prin #Dobrogea, loc al nasterii noastre crestine, pamant al vechilor ...

  6. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. 262.541 de aprecieri · 5.581 discută despre asta · 27 au fost aici. De peste 26 de ani, Christian Tour creează câte un drum spre fiecare vis.

  7. Zilele Christian Tour îți aduc reduceri de până la 60% la vacanțele

    Fie că vrei să călătorești în locuri îndepărtate sau preferi să rămâi pe tărâmurile de poveste din România, la Christian Tour vei descoperi vacanța cea mai potrivită pentru tine. Trăiește cele mai frumoase experiențe alături de cei dragi și profită de reducerile de până la 60%, valabile până în data de 15 mai 2023.

  8. The Evangelic Church From Cristian

    The Evangelic church from Cristian. The Evangelic church from Cristian was built since early times in 1270 marking through its construction the shift from the roman to gothic style. In the 16th century the building is strengthen by adding two rows of walls and towers. The church reconstruction was made in neo-classical style in the 19th century.

  9. Christian Tour

    Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible. Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded.

  10. Oferte

    Program:Plecare ora 06:30 din Bucuresti (Piata Constitutiei, in fata Casei Poporului, parcarea mare), pe ruta: BUCURESTI - PLOIESTI - BRASOV - RACOS - RETUR. Cetatea Feldioara a fost construita in... vezi mai multe detalii . Excursie de 1 zi. adauga la favorite. de la. RON 99 00 RON.

  11. Christian Tour

    Găsiți datele de contact ale firmei Christian Tour - Braşov din Str. Piata Sfatului Nr. 28, 500025, Braşov inclusiv telefon ☎, adresă, ⌚ program de lucru. De asemenea, găsiți Agenţie de turism în apropiere și din localitatea Braşov.

  12. Oferte

    Oferte - Christian Travel. Descopera cele mai bune oferte de sejururi, circuite, vacante si cazare la litoral in Romania si in strainatate. Rezerva online sau prin telefon si beneficiaza de reduceri si facilitati. Alege destinatia si data plecarii si pregateste-te de o experienta de neuitat.


    CHRISTIAN TOUR: Tipul agentiei de turism: ORGANIZATOARE Data emiterii licentei de turism: 07.01.2019 Site web: Adresa: PTA SFATULUI, NR 28, BRASOV, BRASOV Denumire firma: CHRISTIAN' 76 TOUR SRL CUI: 9617078 Registrul comertului: J40/5529/1997

  14. Program de lucru Christian Tour Braşov

    Christian Tour - Ploieşti. Bd. Republicii Nr. 169, Bl. 26F, parter, Găsește locațiile și programul de lucru pentru Christian Tour din Braşov și alte detalii de contact, precum adrese, numere de telefon, website, orar.

  15. Christian Tour

    Condiții de plată: 10% avans. 25% de achitat până la 31.01.2024. diferența de până la 100% cu 21 de zile înainte de plecare. #IubesteCalatoreste #ChristianTour #EarlyBooking2024. 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒! 🥳🤩 🙌 Prinde acum 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐞 ...

  16. Circuit avion

    Sunt de acord ca datele mele cu caracter personal sa fie prelucrate in vederea comunicarii ofertei / informatiilor solicitate.

  17. SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

    Ca în fiecare an, și în 2024 touroperatorul Christian Tour pune la dispoziție mai multe variante de excursii pentru seniori (peste 55 ani), cu autocarul sau ... CONTRA COST s-ar asigura un transfer de la Brasov la punctul de imbarcare din Bucuresti si retur. Am fi mai multe persoane interesate. 10 martie 2024,cu multumiri anticipate ...

  18. Christian Tour Braşov, Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28

    Adresă și program de lucru. Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28 Braşov 500025. 40 31 710 56 34. Lu-Vi: 10:00-18:00. Reclame. Aici găsiți toate informațiile pe care le avem despre Christian Tour Braşov - Str. Piața Sfatului, nr. 28, inclusiv orele de deschidere obișnuite pentru Christian Tour.

  19. Christian Travel Study Programs, Inc

    Embark on transformative Christian religious tours. Discover sacred destinations, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and deepen your faith. ... Christian Travel Study Programs, Inc. 341 Morgan Road, Hendersonville, NC, 28739, United States (800) 371-4485 [email protected]. Hours. Mon 8am - 5pm. Tue 8am - 5pm.

  20. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour · March 17, 2021 ... Mamaia | Eforie Nord | Sinaia | Busteni | Poiana Brasov. In plus, poti achita si cu tichete de vacanta! #ChristianTour #SpringSafe #MaiMultDecatVacante. Paste 2021 oferte vacante | Christian Tour. Book now. ... Pentru ce program va intereseaza single? 2y.

  21. Free walking tour Brașov: Expert Guides and Authentic Tours

    The best guruwalks in Brașov (3 / 3) Walkabout Free Tour of Brasov ☆ Local Tips and Fun Facts☆. 328 ratings. 4.9. Duration: 2h. Starts at: 10:30 and 18:00. wed. 12.

  22. Cornerstone Christian Academy to launch Homeschool SKILLGROW Program

    A CCA Homeschool SKILLGROW Program Open House and Facility Tour will take place from 2 to 5 p.m. Aug. 1 on Cornerstone's campus at 2846 SOM Center Road in Willoughby Hills. The meeting will ...

  23. Program de lucru Christian Tour Bucureşti

    Dezvoltă-ți afacerea. cu și Cylex! Înregistrează compania. Găsește locațiile și programul de lucru pentru Christian Tour din Bucureşti și alte detalii de contact, precum adrese, numere de telefon, website, orar.

  24. Christian Tour

    Grăbește-te! Ofertele sunt valabile în perioada 𝟐𝟐.𝟏𝟐.𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝟎𝟑.𝟎𝟏.𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒! Le găsești pe toate aici: #ChristianTour #IubesteCalatoreste. În vara 2024 se poartă vacanțele pe cele mai însorite insule!☀️😱 Noi ți-am pregătit 𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐒 ...