The best time to visit Thailand

Chawadee Nualkhair

Jan 3, 2024 • 5 min read

best time to visit thailand october

Find the best time to visit Thailand for you © Chadchai Ra-ngubpai / Getty Images

Silky-soft beaches, jungle-draped mountains, incredible food and a well-connected position at the heart of Southeast Asia have made Thailand a tourism hub for decades.

It welcomes more than 11 million visitors a year. All the same, travelers who dream of perpetually sunny skies and balmy weather might be dismayed at the pelting rain that arrives like clockwork every July or the sky-high price of their hotel from December to January.

The kingdom is full of diversions – myriad night markets, thundering waterfalls, even cherry blossoms and the occasional dusting of frost – but to experience them for yourself, you need to be in the right place at the right time. Here’s how.

Asian family enjoying summer vacation on the beach in morning with kids on their shoulders and the man pointing to something

December to February is best for beaches

The prevailing joke about Thai weather is that the country has three seasons: hot; wet and hot; and really, really hot. That may be, but when the “cool” season rolls around in December, you will find Thais bundled up in sweaters and even puffer jackets to combat temperatures that fall as low as 23°C (73°F).

While this may be cold for Thais, it’s perfect for international travelers hitting the beach, especially those escaping the northern winter, and resorts like Phuket , Samui and Krabi are predictably packed with sun-seekers at this time of year.

Daytime highs of 31°C (88°F) make outdoor activities warm but bearable, while nights are a hive of activity, with street food vendors lining the sidewalks and markets clad in fairy lights tempting even the most unwilling of shoppers.

The cool season is not for beachcombers alone. This time of year sees frost up north in the mountains as temperatures drop to 13°C (55°F). The northeast region even ushers in its own cherry blossom season as Phu Lom Lo erupts in a burst of pink Himalayan cherry blooms. Early morning hikers are rewarded with sunrise views over a sea of fog at the northern border with Laos , and wildflowers dapple the slopes of Doi Suthep and Phu Tabberk .

Not surprisingly then, this time is considered Thailand’s high season, when hotel and transportation prices are at their peak. However, the payoff is the kingdom at arguably its most beautiful and welcoming, temperature-wise.

Tourists spray water guns out of a tuk tuk on Khaosan Road during the Songkran festival in Bangkok, Thailand.

March and April are best for tropical fruit and Songkran

The weather, even for Thais, becomes alarmingly toasty during Thailand’s “summer” when temperatures average 30°C (87°F). School is out, meaning the capital is less crowded than usual, and the beaches are typically jammed with Bangkokians seeking reprieve from the heat. Meanwhile, temperatures in the usually temperate north soar to 36°C (97°F).

While it may seem a miserable time to visit, foodies will have a field day because all of Thailand’s most beloved fruits – mangoes, mangosteens, rambutans and Marian plums – are in season.

In mid-April, Thailand celebrates its new year, Songkran , and the streets burst into joyful water fights. You’ll find the entire country in celebration: families seeking blessings from their elders, Thais dancing in the streets, and travelers receiving benedictions in the form of perfumed water on the hands, daubings of brightly colored powder on the cheeks or (most likely) a blast of water in the face. Fans of water fights (and getting drenched) will find their like-minded brethren anywhere in the kingdom.

Meanwhile, fans of an empty Bangkok can take advantage of… an empty Bangkok. That means breezy commutes from one end of the city to the other, less competition at popular restaurants and fewer crowds to contend with at shopping malls and theaters. The change in the city is so pronounced that quite a few Bangkokians prize this time of year, opting to make sure that when Songkhran rolls around, they celebrate in the capital.

A Photographer bagpacker travel and take a caption of beautiful step of rice terrace paddle field during sunset in Chiangmai, Thailand

May to October is best for accommodation bargains

Thailand’s rainy season is long, but it doesn’t necessarily mean non-stop torrential downpours. Monsoon rains, especially before July, are typically violent but short, usually arriving in the early evening and lasting for 20 to 30 minutes. (Luckily, Thailand’s location means it avoids the strong typhoons experienced by Vietnam and the Philippines.) The problem is Bangkok traffic snarls for hours as a result, but travelers in less congested destinations are not necessarily affected, and hotel and transportation prices linger at months-long lows.

From May to July, beach resorts on the Andaman Sea side of Thailand – especially on weekdays – are basically deserted, claiming only a fraction of the prices they would normally charge during high season. This means that even at five-star resorts, choice rooms can be rented for far less than their usual rate. And while there will likely be daily rains, they’re usually brief.

Low-season rates extend to non-beach-but-still-popular destinations like Chiang Mai and Khao Sok , where a treasure trove of accommodation options, from floating bungalows to mountaintop cabins, awaits savvy bargain hunters willing to put up with a sudden shower or two. In contrast, July and August are peak season for islands in the Gulf of Thailand like Samui , where the weather is less affected by monsoon rains.

From September to October, the northeast is brimming with waterfalls, providing impromptu bathing areas for visitors with the foresight to bring bathing suits or even just towels. A word of warning: this is also when flooding may occur in the north or northeast, with water reaching all the way to Bangkok in some years. Only riverside areas are at risk, so make sure to check before you go.

Scores of lit lanterns float in the dark skies of Thailand as part of the Loi Krathong festival

November is best for experiencing Loi Krathong

November marks the beginning of the dry season and is considered the shoulder to high season, but bargains can still be found among the bigger local hotel chains.

On the night of November’s full moon, the country celebrates its Loi Krathong festival, marking the end of the rainy season. This is also when people float away their sins by placing candles on makeshift river rafts or lanterns in hopes of welcoming the coming year with a clean slate.

This article was first published Mar 2, 2021 and updated Jan 3, 2024.

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The Best Times to Visit Thailand for Great Weather, Low Prices, and Fun Festivals

Here are the best times to go to Thailand based on what you want to see and do.

Anne Olivia Bauso is a travel writer and hotel expert based in New York City. She has written hundreds of hotel reviews, from 5-star Ritz-Carlton properties to treehouse eco-resorts in the jungle.

best time to visit thailand october

The Best Times to Visit Thailand for Smaller Crowds

The best times to visit thailand for great weather, the best times to visit thailand for lower prices, the best times to visit thailand for festivals, the best times to visit thailand for scuba diving, the best times to visit thailand for island-hopping, the best times to visit thailand for shopping, worst times to visit thailand.

Thailand is one of the most accessible and well-loved travel destinations in Southeast Asia. It's a great place to visit any time of year, but there are better times than others for specific activities like scuba diving and island-hopping.

"Thailand is a tropical country with two distinct seasons," says Jack Tydeman , a Travel + Leisure A-List travel advisor and Southeast Asia specialist for Audley Travel . "It is typically warm all year round. However, the winter months from November through March are the peak dry season and are considered the best time to travel to the majority of the country. April is the hottest month in Thailand before the country moves into the wetter season from May through October."

Here's a breakdown of Thailand's main travel seasons:

  • High Season: November to March
  • Shoulder Seasons: April to June and the month of October
  • Low Season: July to September

Before you book your jungle tree house and island boat tour, learn about the best times to visit Thailand.

Michela Buttignol/Travel + Leisure

Thailand's low season coincides with monsoon season. With the exception of the Thai islands, which draw students from Australia and Europe during their college breaks, the wet and muggy climate keeps many tourists away between July and September. Going during this quiet time has its perks: you'll get cheaper accommodations, better access to restaurants and activities typically inundated by vacationers, and potentially more of a local experience. At the same time, there are limitations. Rains could come in brief cloudbursts, or they could come in days-long downpours that affect boat service and island access. Tours are less abundant, and some hotels even close during the off-season, so be sure to plan ahead if you're considering a trip in the summer.

For ideal weather, visit Thailand during the dry season, which runs from November through March in most of the country, sometimes even lasting until April or May. A major exception is the Lower Gulf — home to the islands of Koh Samui, Ko Pha-ngan, and Koh Tao — which is rainiest from September through December.

On the Andaman coast, the coolest, most comfortable weather is around November to February, with average temperatures in the 80s and little chance of rain. This means clear, blue waters and gorgeous vegetation quenched from monsoon season.

As for the low season, it's best to temper your expectations. "It is possible to travel over the summer months. However, you may see some short, sharp showers," Tydeman says. "As the east coast of Thailand has its own unique weather patterns, summer is actually the drier season there."

Thailand is a relatively affordable destination throughout the year, though travelers may find the steepest discounts on flights, accommodations, and tours during the low season, July to September.

"The low season does have its advantages, as it's quieter and the rates are typically lower. This makes Thailand a great-value destination during the summer," says Tydeman. While this time of year is generally wetter, you might even get better natural scenery. "Summer is now commonly referred to as 'green season' due to the rains turning the countryside green and filling the rivers and waterfalls."

Travelers should try to experience at least one of Thailand's many festivals, which celebrate everything from flowers and fruit to monkeys and elephants. Two of the most beloved are the late-November lantern festivals: Yi Peng, during which participants release thousands of rice-paper lanterns into the sky; and Loy Krathong, when banana-leaf baskets are filled with flowers and burning candles and released onto lakes, rivers, and canals. Chiang Mai is the Yi Peng epicenter, and Loy Krathong is celebrated across the country.

The Chinese New Year in January or February turns Bangkok's Chinatown into a sea of dragons, drummers, worshippers, and visitors, all under the glow of firecrackers and red lanterns. Also in February is the three-day Flower Festival in Chiang Mai, which features a parade of elaborately decorated floats.

Songkran (aka the Water Splashing Festival) ushers in the Thai New Year in mid-April with parades, parties, and performances across the country. Songkran turns Thailand into "one big water fight," Tydeman says. "It also coincides with the hottest month of the year, so it's a perfect excuse to get wet."

The Vegetarian Festival takes place in late September or early October and commemorates a nine-day abstinence from meat in honor of the Nine Emperor Gods of Taoism.

Divers from all over the world flock to Thailand to explore the country's famous underwater sites and stunning marine parks. Thailand's east coast is largely dive-friendly throughout the year. If you plan an excursion to the Andaman Sea, home to the extraordinary Similan and Surin Islands, time the trip between November and April, when the seas are calm and visibility is clearest. Also keep in mind that Similan and Surin marine parks close from mid-May to mid-October.

Boating from one jungle-topped limestone island to another is a great way to explore Thailand, but downpours between May and October can put the kibosh on nautical fun. Some southern Andaman resorts even close for the rainy season.

"The islands off the west coast, like Phuket, are best to visit in the winter months, whereas the islands off the east coast, like Koh Samui, are great to visit in the summer," says Tydeman.

This means you should time your bouncing around Phuket, the Phi Phi Islands, Ko Lanta, and other Andaman isles between late October (when the rains taper off) and May or June. Conversely, Gulf of Thailand idylls Koh Samui, Koh Tao, and Ko Pha-ngan are at their rainiest and windiest between October and December.

No matter what time of year you visit Thailand, try to fit in at least one weekend in Bangkok so you can experience the vast Chatuchak Weekend Market . Many of the stalls are covered, so you can visit even on a rainy day. Tydeman also recommends visiting Bangkok's night markets, which offer "everything from original artwork and designer bags to kitschy souvenirs and secondhand books."

Chiang Mai 's weekend markets deserve a look as well. Every Saturday night, Wua Lai Road (just south of the Old City) closes to traffic and hosts silversmiths, wood carvers, clothing purveyors, sketch artists, and performing musicians. On Sundays, the scene essentially repeats itself along the length of Ratchadamnoen Road, which bustles with artists, food vendors, and massage stations.

There is no objectively bad time to visit Thailand. Each season has its benefits, but most people avoid traveling during the heaviest monsoons, which can disrupt public transportation and make exploring Thailand's stunning natural sites wildly uncomfortable (if not impossible). Forget renting a motorbike or riding ferries during the wet season. Though you're more likely to snag accommodations for cheap, you're liable to spend more time at your hotel than you bargained for, waiting for the downpours to pass. If you're averse to heavy rains and thick humidity on vacation, avoid planning a trip to Thailand in August and September.

best time to visit thailand october

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Home » Southeast Asia » Best Time to Visit Thailand – MUST READ • 2024 Guide

Best Time to Visit Thailand – MUST READ • 2024 Guide

Idyllic beaches, fascinating culture, and sublime cuisine come together to provide one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations – Thailand. Once you’ve narrowed down your options of what you’d like to see and do, you’re left with choosing the best time to visit Thailand.

From exploring the many ornate temples and monuments to lazing on a sandy, palm-fringed beach with a festive cocktail, there’s no shortage of experiences to be had. Water sports enthusiasts have a wide range of aquatic activities to choose from, including surfing, fishing, snorkelling, and whale and dolphin watching.

The bustling capital of Bangkok is a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds where the modern and the traditional coexist. Whilst the various islands and beach destinations provide a simpler, slower pace of life in stark contrast to the buzzing cities.

Thailand is a great year-round destination, but because of its geographical location, the country can experience climate extremes that may influence your decision. It all comes down to finding the best time to go to Thailand for the experience you’re wishing to have.

Finding the sweet spot in terms of costs, crowds and climate is the ultimate juggling act, but it’s one we hope to simplify with this guide.

Best Time To Visit Thailand – January to April

Best Time To Go To Bangkok – November to March

Best Time To Go To Koh Phangan  – January to May

Best Time To Go To Chiang Mai  – November to February

Best Time For Sightseeing – November to February

Cheapest Time To Visit Thailand – May to September

When is the Best Time to Go to Thailand?

When to visit thailand – a month by month breakdown, faq about the best time to visit thailand, final thoughts on the best time to visit thailand.

Choosing the best time to visit Thailand will depend largely on the kind of experience you’re wishing to have.

Perhaps you’re planning a trip for a specific season or event, or even if you have a small window for travel and want to decide on where to go for that season, we’ve gathered all the facts.

The busiest season for travel in Thailand is the cooler season between November and March. While technically this is the winter, don’t let that fool you. Temperatures are still in the high 20s (Celsius) with blue skies and lower humidity than at other times of the year.

Because the weather is so good, this is a popular time with other tourists too. So expect crowds at attractions and inflated pricing on flights and accommodation across Thailand . If you wish to travel at this time, it’s best to book well in advance as hotels fill up fast.

February is the driest month, particularly in the south, so if avoiding rainfall is important to you, then this is the best time to travel.

best time to visit thailand october

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April and May, and September and October are good times to travel if you’re looking for lower prices and smaller crowds. The weather at this time is still good, but not too hot. Rains can be expected but these are usually in the form of a sudden, heavy shower which passes quickly. 

August can get busier in Thailand as a result of the influx of visitors from Europe taking their summer holidays along the west coast. 

The summer months in Thailand are humid, making the already high temperatures feel even hotter. It’s the rainy season which means rain is expected almost every day, causing potential travel delays and changes to plans. Because of the weather, there are far fewer tourists and prices are pleasingly lower. This is the cheapest time to visit Thailand – whatever your Thai itinerary.  

While this is not the best time to visit for water sports, hiking or lazing on beaches, if you’re up for a cultural experience of visiting temples, Thai cooking classes, and other indoor pursuits, it’s worth it. 

Best Time to Go to Bangkok

The thriving capital of Thailand is a busy destination year-round, with distinct peaks of increased tourist numbers at certain times.

Ironically, the winter months (November to March) are the busiest times to visit the city. While it is technically winter, the temperatures reach into the high 20s and early 30s, so it’s still hot, but not unbearably so.

This is when tourists flock to the city to make the most of the milder temperatures, low humidity, and rainfall. As a result, expect larger crowds of tourists and elevated pricing when visiting at this time. Still, there are plenty of affordable Bangkok hostels so shop around.

By April, the humidity begins to rise and rainfall is becoming more common. Between the heat (average temperatures rarely drop below 30ºC) and the humidity, things can get uncomfortable. Between April and October, visitor numbers are lower and you’re more likely to pick up some good deals on accommodation and flights.

Thai festivals such as Songkran (Thai New Year) tend to attract many tourists and cause brief spikes in pricing and tourist numbers in this otherwise off-peak season.

Monsoon rains fall between July and August in Bangkok. While you’ll experience frequent bursts of heavy rain, you’ll also enjoy the benefits of the low season – fewer tourists and cheaper prices. Bangkok offers a wide variety of indoor attractions, temples, and shopping. There are lots of things to do in Bangkok even if it is raining. 

Best Time to Go to Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan is a small island in the Gulf of Thailand, offering powdery beaches, clear coastal waters, and a laid-back island atmosphere.

As one would expect from a tropical destination, the climate is hot and humid. January to April are the best months for a visit as the temperatures are milder, as is the humidity. This is peak season, so expect higher prices and lots of other tourists.

best yoga retreats on Koh Phangan

October and November (and sometimes into December) are the rainiest months on the island and not a good time to travel. Aside from making it difficult to even reach the island, flooding is common.

The rest of the year can also experience rainfall, however, this is usually in the form of short and heavy downpours. February is the only month of the year that doesn’t see much rainfall.

April to June can be extremely hot and humid, although it’s still less humid than Phuket. July and August are good times to travel from a weather perspective as it’s lovely and hot – perfect for lazing on the beach. You can expect frequent downpours but these are usually short and clear quickly.

The island gets really busy around Full Moon so book your Koh Phangan accommodation in advance.

Best Time to Go to Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai’s elevated location in northern Thailand means it has a very seasonal climate, with cooler temperatures and lower humidity than the rest of the country.

The best time to go to Chiang Mai would be during the cooler months between November and February. Temperatures at this time peak in the high 20s (Celsius) and can drop to a cool 10°C. There’s also much less humidity and rainfall at this time. 

That said, you’ll be in the company of many other tourists at this time and likely have to pay slightly more for things like accommodation and activities. Locals also flock to Chiang Mai during this time to enjoy the cooler weather, so expect lots of the famous Thai traffic , and crowded restaurants and transport. 

A detailed temple and stupa with elephant statues in Chiang Mai, Thailand

By April, the weather is hot, averaging around 40°C, and dry. The landscape is less lush and photogenic, and occasional wildfires choke the air with smoke.

Chiang Mai is a great place to experience Songkran (Thai New Year) – they have one of the largest celebrations in Thailand next to Bangkok and Khon Kaen. As a result, there’s a spike in tourism at this time.

The rainy season in Chiang Mai is between June and October. Conditions are humid and rain falls mostly in the late afternoons or evenings. After a short downpour, it usually clears up again. Towards August and September, you may experience longer rains which linger for a day or two.

The rainy season is considered low season, so you’re likely to snatch up some good bargains on accommodation, and enjoy a much quieter experience.

Best Time for Sightseeing in Thailand

The months between November and February are the best time to visit Thailand for sightseeing. This is technically the winter period, but temperatures are still hot, reaching the high 20s (Celsius).

This is the most popular time to visit, so be prepared for crowds of other tourists and long queues at attractions and restaurants. If you wish to travel at this time, you’d do well to book well in advance to avoid disappointment. 

If you’re wishing to avoid the crowds and snag a bargain on accommodation, the months between September and November are ideal. This is the rainy season when showers are frequent, but usually, only last an hour or two in the late afternoon and evening.

This is both the cheapest and least crowded time in Thailand, but it can mean some travel delays in the case of dirt roads turning to mud during this time. 

Best Time for Visiting Koh Phangan

The islands in the Gulf of Thailand offer an incredible tropical retreat that’s great to visit at most times of the year. The islands generally experience less rain than the rest of the country throughout the year. The monsoon rains arrive later here and are over in less time.

A tropical holiday on the island of Koh Phangan is best enjoyed between January and April when the temperatures are cooler and less humid. However, this time of year also comes with larger crowds of tourists and higher prices. Beaches will be packed, and there may be a wait at restaurants and water sports centres. 

view from the water looking in at secret beach, koh lanta, thailand

Increased heat and rainfall are more common from April until August, so you’ll enjoy much more affordable prices, but short, late-afternoon downpours are frequent. July and August offer great weather but see a peak in summer tourist numbers from Europe and prices can rise in anticipation of this. 

The best time to visit Koh Phangan for a beach holiday that offers a balance between the climate and the crowds is between September and October. 

Divers visiting the island can head out at most times of the year outside of the heavy rains. Good visibility and an incredible variety of species make Koh Phanang a popular spot to explore the world under the waves. 

Cheapest Time to Go to Thailand

In general, Thailand is an affordable destination with a variety of accommodation options to suit all budgets. It’s possible to experience all that this incredible country has to offer at a reasonable cost, but if you’re feeling flush, you can add the bells and whistles to take it up a notch or two.

Thorough planning is essential if you’re hoping to visit during the peak season. But if you’re very price conscious, then the cheapest time to visit Thailand is during the rainy high summer between May and September.

Busiest Time to Visit Thailand

Thailand is a popular destination that sees tourists pretty much throughout the year. Because most visitors are seeking an idyllic beach holiday in this tropical paradise, certain times of year see more tourist traffic than others. 

Peak season in Thailand falls over the cooler months of November to April. The weather is less stifling, with temperatures hovering in the high 20s (Celsius) and the humidity is much less. This is the best time to visit Thailand for a beach holiday as well as snorkelling and swimming, but it will come at an increased rate. Beaches will be crowded as will transport routes and restaurants. 

In April, the Thai New Year festival of Songkran attracts large numbers of tourists who come to join in the celebratory water fights in the streets throughout Thailand. 

If you’re planning to visit Thailand in the peak season, it’s best to plan and book your travels as far in advance as possible. There are more options in terms of accommodation, and costs can sometimes be lower by booking long in advance. Be aware that booking for high season will also come with stricter booking and cancellation terms. 

August sees another spike in tourist numbers when European travelers head to Thailand on their summer holidays.

best time to visit thailand october

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Weather in Thailand

Thailand offers a warm tropical climate all year long. The weather in Thailand comprises three main seasons – rainy (May to October), cool (November to February), and hot (March to May). The high summer temperatures can feel even hotter as the humidity rises. 

The cool season falls between November and February and is considered the peak travel season. The weather in Thailand at this time is pleasant and hot (between the high 20s to low 30s), humidity is low, and rainfall infrequent. The cool season attracts significantly more travelers and you’ll likely need to book well in advance to avoid disappointment. Prepare yourself to be among loads of other travelers at this time. 

In the north of the country, you can expect less humidity and overall cooler temperatures. Between November and February, the more mountainous regions can see some chilly weather, with temperatures dipping to the single digits (Celsius). 

best time to visit thailand october

The rainy season also differs from place to place. In the northeast, rain is common between November and April, while the southwestern regions get their downpours between May and October. 

Overall, the southern reaches of Thailand experience the most rainfall in the country, usually in the form of short, dramatic downpours which clear up quickly. The central regions of the country experience the greatest heat. This includes cities like Bangkok which feels even hotter as a result of the high humidity. 

The rainy season is a great time to visit Bangkok for good shopping – the Amazing Grand Sale takes place from Mid-June to mid-August. 

Where is the Best Weather in Thailand?

It’s always warm in most of Thailand. The mountains in the north can get pretty chilly during the cool season, but for the rest of the year, the mercury hovers in the pleasant high 20s (Celsius). 

The best weather for a beach holiday is between November and March when it’s not too hot or humid, and there’s less rainfall. This does mean sharing those powdery beaches with other tourists though, and perhaps having to wait in lines at attractions.

The rainy season between May and September is a great time to hit the cities and visit the many temples and palaces, do some shopping, and explore the more cultural side of Thailand. 

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the rainy season is cooler. High temperatures and humidity combine to make things stiflingly hot. You’ll be saving on accommodation by traveling at this time, so we recommend springing for air conditioning if you can. If you can handle the heat and the afternoon downpours, you’ll be rewarded with blissfully empty beaches and a more laid-back experience with no queues. 

April to May and September to October offer somewhat of a balance between climate, crowds, and costs. The weather is still hot but not stifling and there is the occasional downpour. But usually, these are brief, and there aren’t too many other travelers about. Prices aren’t at their peak season high, but not quite as cheap as the rainy season. 

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Festivals in Thailand

Most celebrations in Thailand have a religious root or are national holidays. Religious festivities don’t usually have fixed dates, so you’ll need to plan carefully and do your research before booking.  

The broken temple of Wat Chedi Luang in Chiang Mai, Thailand

From the popular Songkran Thai New Year celebration to spectacular sights such as the Loy Krathong Festival, and even the Kin Jay Vegetarian Festival, there’s something for everyone.  

  • Full Moon Party :

Once a month, Phangan Island hosts a popular Full Moon beach party in celebration of the full moon. Dance music throbs throughout the night as partygoers dance into a new day on the sandy beach. These parties are very popular with tourists, and attract top EDM DJs to supply the beats. 

The Thai New Year celebration is a popular event with tourists. The Thai people pour scented water on each other to symbolically wash away the sins and bad luck of the previous year. This turns into a spirited water fight in the streets with people using buckets, water pistols, and hoses. The festival is best enjoyed in the bigger cities–so plan to stay in Bangkok or Chiang Mai. 

  • Amazing Thailand Grand Sale :

Mid-June to mid-August draws shoppers to Thailand for a nationwide shopping extravaganza. Bangkok is arguably the best place to take advantage of these incredible sales, but other places like Phuket and Chiang Mai are still worth checking out.

Shoppers can grab some incredible discounts on everything from clothes to jewellery and electronics. If you’re searching for a bargain, you’re likely to find one here with up to 80% discounts being offered by retailers.

  • Chonburi Buffalo Racing Festival :

If you’re in Bangkok in October, why not try something a little different and head out to Chonburi (about an hour away) for this unique 140-year-old festival? In addition to the main event, buffalo racing, there are also some other fun side attractions like the buffalo beauty pageants and other contests. 

  • Loy Krathong Festival:

This is arguably the prettiest festival in Thailand. Locals release thousands of boats made from banana leaves bearing flickering candles and flowers into ponds, lakes, and rivers throughout Thailand to symbolically wash away sins. The spectacle is a feast for the eyes as these glittering offerings float along in the night. 

  • Phi Ta Khon :

Also known as the Ghost Festival, this three-day celebration replicates the legend of a party that both the living and the dead wish they could attend. On the first day, it’s traditional for everyone to dress up as a ghost. The second day features pageants and shows, and on the last day, Buddhist ceremonies are held. 

  • Kin Jay Vegetarian Festival:

This annual festival is celebrated between late September and mid-October and is centered on cleansing the body by not consuming meat, fish, or alcohol. Any vendor who wears a yellow apron, or hangs a yellow flag in their establishment will provide only completely vegan food during this time. 

If you’re still trying to pinpoint the exact time to go to Thailand that ticks all of your boxes, we’ve broken down each month of the year and detailed the experience you’re likely to have. If you have a very narrow window to travel and need help deciding what’s good at that time, this breakdown will make that easier. 

best time to visit thailand october

January in Thailand

January offers great weather throughout the country with cooler temperatures and a lower chance of showers. Chiang Mai is the coolest in January, dropping to around 10-15ºC. Tourist season is kicking in throughout the country, so things are likely to be busy (roads, restaurants, beaches) and more expensive.

February in Thailand

Warm weather in the high 20s and low 30s can be expected. Further north, you’re likely to experience more rainfall, as well as occasionally along the east coast. Rain generally comes down in short showers that cool things down a bit.

In other parts of the country, February offers perfect beach holiday weather – hot, sunny weather, and minimal rain. This also means it’s a popular time to travel, so you’re advised to book well in advance for a visit during peak season. Crowds of tourists and higher pricing may deter some.

March in Thailand

On the whole, March is lovely and hot. As the summer season approaches, temperatures can head into the mid-30s, and rainfall is minimal. Water sports along the west coast are great at this time, especially scuba. The crowds of tourists start to lessen as the offseason approaches, so prices can start to ease.

April in Thailand

April sees temperatures rise and rise, and the addition of increasing humidity before the monsoon can make the heat quite oppressive. There’s a spike in tourism over April with people coming to join in the Songkran New Year festivities. While this is a great experience, it comes with those higher prices and much larger crowds.

May in Thailand

Temperatures drop off a bit from April, but it’s still stifling. Humidity increases significantly as a result of more frequent downpours. Despite the approaching rainy season, there are still plenty of sunny days to be enjoyed. This is a good time to travel if you’re wanting to miss the crowds and high costs, but still enjoy lovely weather that isn’t too hot or too rainy. 

June in Thailand

June is still considered shoulder season, so you’re likely to enjoy some lovely sunny days with some afternoon showers that pass as quickly as they arrive. The west coast gets somewhat more rain than other places at this time. 

June features several food and music festivals, making it a really fun and fascinating time to visit. Overall, you’ll enjoy the shoulder season benefits in June – fewer crowds and some really good bargains on accommodation. 

harvey at the beach in thailand

July in Thailand

Heavier rainfall is expected in July, especially along the coast, but temperatures remain in the low 30s. There’s an increase in tourist numbers related to the start of the summer holidays, and so accommodation costs are likely to increase at this time. 

There are a few important celebrations in July, namely the King’s birthday and the Buddhist period of Lent. 

August in Thailand

Rainfall is at its highest in the north and west Thailand, making travel here much less appealing. You’re likely to find some good deals on travel at this time as a result. 

The east coast is still reasonably rain-free, making it a popular spot with European travelers on their summer holidays. 

September in Thailand

Heavy rains and stormy seas make escaping to the islands difficult. In the rest of the country, the heavy rains bring muddy roads and humid conditions that make the 32ºC average temperature feel much hotter. 

On the upside, there won’t be many other tourists around resulting in some really good bargains to be had. 

October in Thailand

The major rains start to taper off in most of the country, taking much of the humidity with them, especially in the north. Temperatures are easing too as we head into the winter months. 

This milder climate brings an increase in travelers coming to enjoy the pleasant weather. As tourism picks up again, so the prices begin their steady climb to the peak season. 

The end of the rainy season and the end of Lent bring many religious celebrations. 

November in Thailand

Thailand’s one of the best countries to explore in November . The West Coast is blessed with mild temperatures and sunny skies, and visitors begin to flock here for beach vacations, kicking off the peak season. You can still pick up a deal on accommodation at this time, especially if you book in advance. 

In the north of the country and the high-lying regions, the cool weather arrives, with temperatures getting decidedly chilly in the early mornings and evenings. The east coast and islands in the gulf are only now getting the peak of their rainfall. 

December in Thailand

December offers some of Thailand’s best weather – it’s sunny and pleasant with minimal rain. With the peak season crowds, you can expect peak season pricing, so if you plan to visit at this time, make sure you book well in advance. 

The Christmas and New Year period bring high rates as well, as well as stricter booking conditions and cancellations. 

If you’re traveling to the north, make sure to pack in some warm clothing to beat the evening chill, while visitors to the south-east should not forget to bring a light rain jacket as rainfall is still expected. 

When is the Best Time to Go to Chiang Mai?

The busiest time in Chiang Mai is between November and early February when the weather is cool and comfortable. Rainfall and humidity are also much lower at this time. Maximum daytime temperatures are in the high 20s, but at night, it can get quite cool, dropping to the low teens.  Because of this mild weather, it’s peak tourist season, so you’ll pay quite a bit more for accommodation. At this time of year, Chiang Mai sees an influx of local tourists as well, so it can get quite busy.  If you’d like to balance good weather with smaller crowds, then a good time to visit would be between June and October. While this is the rainy/monsoon season, the rainfall isn’t more than a brief, short downpour, which cools things down somewhat too. The surroundings are lush and green at this time, and there are few other tourists about.  

When is the Rainy Season in Thailand?

Thailand’s rainy season arrives in various places at different times and affects each region differently.  In the north, the rains arrive earlier and stay longer, beginning in mid-June and sticking around well into December. The rains aren’t the persistent, lingering sort. Instead, showers are frequent and unpredictable, occurring in short, sharp bursts. The rains arrive later as you move south, with central Thailand getting rainier in June, but it’s all over and done with by late October.  The west coast sees a similar rainfall pattern to central Thailand, but the east coast experiences its rainfall much later, between October and December.

When is the Coldest Month in Thailand?

The word ‘cold’ isn’t usually associated with a tropical location such as Thailand which offers warm to hot weather for the most part throughout the year. January generally sees the lowest temperatures of the year.  In the northern parts of the country, especially in the more mountainous regions, temperatures can dip to the low teens (Celsius) between December and March, especially in the early mornings and evenings.  Between November and April, Thailand is generally much cooler than during the high summer months, with average temperatures in the high 20s and low 30s (Celsius). This is the best time to visit Thailand for pleasant weather that’s ideal for a beach holiday.

When is the Worst Time to Visit Thailand?

The worst time to visit Thailand is during the summer (May to September) when it’s oppressively hot, humid, and rainy. In certain parts, this can cause unpleasant traveling conditions, and stormy weather can pull the hand brake up on any travel plans.  It is the best time to travel if you’re looking for a bargain on accommodation and far fewer other tourists. Conversely, the high season, which offers incredible weather, is the worst time to travel if you’re not keen on large crowds and inflated prices. 

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By now, you’ve probably settled on the best time to visit Thailand that will offer you the experience you’ve been dreaming of. 

If you’re planning a tropical beach break in high season, make sure to book well in advance to mitigate some of the high-season inflation, and to ensure you have more accommodation options. Last-minute deals are a great way to save even more for low season travel, but it will leave you frustrated and out of pocket if you try it over the high season. 

Whenever you choose to visit, a trip to Thailand is guaranteed to leave you with incredible memories of a colorful country, amazing nature, sandy beaches, palm trees, and vibrant culture. 

A person on a motorbike in Thailand with dry hillside and fields behind them.

  • Check out our extensive guide to backpacking in Thailand for a wealth of info!
  • Not sure what to do once you arrive? We’ve got all the best places to visit in Chiang Mai covered.
  • Check out the best places to stay in Chiang Mai before you arrive.
  • Save yourself hassle and money and get an  international SIM card .
  • Swing by our super epic  backpacking packing list  to prep for your trip.
  • Remember to grab yourself an international sim card for Thailand to avoid any issues. 

best time to visit thailand october

Clair Cathryn

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The Best Times to Visit Thailand

By Rick Jordan

The Best Time to Visit Thailand

When is the best time to visit Thailand?

The best time to visit Thailand is from December to March—though, as with any tropical destination, a short and ridiculously torrential burst of rain is unpredictably possible, even on the sunniest of days.

When’s Thailand’s rainy season?

The time to not go to Thailand is the rainy season, from May to October, when monsoons blow in from all directions. The rain is heavy but sporadic in the first few months, while in the final months of the rainy season, it's more persistent.

Koh Tao Thailand

When is Thailand’s shoulder season?

Thailand's shoulder season lasts from April to June and then again from September to October. Temperatures will peak country-wide around April, but this also means you don't have to compete for a prime spot on the best beaches in Thailand, and hotel rates will be lower. However, business and ferry services on the smaller islands (especially on the Andaman Sea side) will shut down as the low season approaches. The period from September to October sees more rain but fewer crowds.

What is the cheapest time to visit Thailand?

Unsurprisingly, the cheapest time to visit Thailand coincides with the rainy season. If you’re willing to deal with unpredictable weather, then you could bag a few hotel deals visiting Thailand during this time. We recommend going during the shoulder season.

Catch Beach Club Phuket

When is the best time to visit the islands?

East coast islands.

The best Thai islands in the Gulf of Thailand— Koh Samui , Koh Phangan, Koh Tao—tend to get less rain than the rest of the country (even in the rainy season) and are at their best from the end of January until mid-March. January is the freshest month—great for after the Christmas and New Year's Eve party chaos. February is the driest month, one of the sunniest, and the heat is still bearable; March is sunny and dry, too. The European and American summer break crowds hit the Gulf islands (Koh Samui, Koh Pha-Ngan, and Koh Tao) during July/August, so heading here in September usually hits the sweet spot for both crowds and weather.

West coast islands

Over on Thailand's west coast and the Andaman Sea—where you'll find the Thai islands of Phuket , Krabi, Koh Lanta, Koh Phi Phi—the optimum time for a beach holiday is slightly earlier, in December and January, when fresher weather, maximum sunshine, and minimum rainfall combine to create the best climate for a beach holiday.

The Best Time to Visit Thailand

When is the best time to visit Bangkok?

Bangkok , meanwhile, is stiflingly humid practically all the time (discomfort levels range from 'high' to 'extreme' year-round), but the best time to visit Thailand's capital is in December and January when it is dry and a relatively bearable 87-89ºF average during the day, and 68ºF at night (the coolest Bangkok ever gets). But also consider July and August, when there are great hotel deals to be had—and the rain only lasts for a short while in the afternoon. Avoid the months of April and September. April is unbearably hot and humid; September is hot and torrentially wet.

When is the best time to visit Chiang Mai and the north?

Chiang Mai and the lovely little town of Pai, in Thailand's cooler north, have much more pleasant climates than Bangkok and the south. Go from December to February for lovely sunny days (around 84ºF) and cooler evenings (the temperature dips to 55ºF—and even lower in the highlands, so dig out some warm clothes if you're trekking).

A version of this article originally appeared on Condé Nast Traveller .


Absolute Sanctuary Koh Samui

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Tips for visiting Thailand in October

Thailand weather & when to go: October

Thailand october weather overview.

October is a month of change, although when that change will actually arrive is anyone’s guess! The rains should start to recede and the humidity levels fall as the month progresses. Temperatures are also declining as October marks the start of ‘winter’ in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and northern Thailand (avg temp: 24-27°C).

Chiang kan

Unfollow the herd - travel in Thailand during October and enjoy fewer crowds, better availability, and help to spread the economic benefits of tourism.

Thailand weather & when to go

Pick a month below, october’s weather in detail.

When it comes to Thailand’s beaches, the islands of Koh Chang and Koh Kood are experiencing the wettest conditions, although rainfall is significantly less than in previous months. Further south, average temperatures are a comfortable 25-27°C, but rain levels are still high on both sides of the peninsula. However, drier days and blue skies for Phuket, Khao Lak and Krabi on the west coast, are just round the corner.

October is one of the wettest months in Khao Sok National Park, so take suitable waterproof clothing if you plan to visit this month. Don’t be put off by the rain: average temperatures during the month are a comfortable 25-26°C, the rainforest is green & lush, and there is more chance of spotting wildlife.  

We think you may like this journey…

Chiang kan

Into the Hills

A journey through northern Thailand for an eco-focussed exploration of local Lahu traditions and culture in the hills of Chiang Mai. 

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Thailand weather in October

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Our trip through Thailand was really very nice, over our expectative. I must thank the excellent attention received from you, your company and your personn...

Curious about the weather in Thailand in October? Dive into our guide to find out what's in store for you this month. You'll learn about the average air and sea temperatures, find highlights for your holiday and get valuable tips on how to navigate the crowds.

Is October a good time to visit Thailand?

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Chiang Mai Safari Adventure

5 days  / from 1180 USD

Chiang Mai Safari Adventure

The perfect trip for some family fun and adventure, lovely Chiang Mai with its lush valleys and national parks ticks all the boxes. Expect majestic cliff-top temples, sprawling national parks and exciting safari adventures.

Thailand's Islands and Highlands

12 days  / from 2750 USD

Thailand's Islands and Highlands

Experience the best of Thailand as you discover glitzy Bangkok's temples, markets and waterways. Compare the bustling, lively capital with the glorious rolling hills and lush interior of mountainous Chiang Mai before heading south to beach bliss and unexpected cultural delights in hedonistic Phuket.

Thailand Discovery

12 days  / from 2450 USD

Thailand Discovery

A great way to discover Thailand, take in the Central Plain and Bangkok, the north with Chiang Mai and the south at the lively resort of Phuket.

Visiting Thailand in October has its pros and cons. The weather in Thailand in October is characterised by the transition from the rainy season to the dry season, offering travellers a variety of climatic conditions. In the northern and central parts of the country, the weather usually improves, while in the south, especially on the Gulf Coast, the weather is even more favourable. 

It is a transitional period with occasional rain but also promises clearer skies. The positive side is fewer tourists and the possibility of budget holidays. Although October is not an ideal time for some activities, seasoned travellers can take advantage of lower prices, fewer tourists and improved weather conditions in different parts of the country, making October a strategic time to explore and relax.

Ready to explore Thailand?  Embark on your dream trip hassle-free with the help of our Thailand travel experts .

Thong Nai Pan Yai beach, Koh Phangan, Thailand © Smarta/Shutterstock

Thong Nai Pan Yai beach, Koh Phangan, Thailand © Smarta/Shutterstock

The weather in Thailand in October is characterised by variations in temperature in different regions.

October temperatures in Northern Thailand

October brings cooler temperatures of 24°C to 32°C (75°F - 89°F) in the northern regions, including Chiang Mai . The air can be cool at times, making for pleasant conditions for cultural sightseeing and outdoor activities. Despite the lack of direct access to the sea, the lush landscapes and mountainous terrain contribute to the region's refreshing atmosphere.

October temperatures in Central Thailand

In central areas such as Bangkok , temperatures are between 26°C and 33°C (79°F - 91°F). This is the end of the rainy season, but occasional showers are still expected.

October temperatures in Southern Thailand

Temperatures in the South range from 24°C to 31°C (75°F - 88°F). The sea has a pleasant temperature of 26-29°C (79-84°F), which is ideal for beach holidays.

Sea Temperatures in Thailand in October

Throughout Thailand, the sea generally remains warm in October, creating perfect conditions for water activities. Water temperatures in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea remain between 26°C - 29°C (79°F - 84°F), making it a favourable period for snorkelling, diving and enjoying Thailand beaches .

Ready to embark on a Thailand adventure? Explore our Thailand itineraries for a travel inspiration boost.

Phimai historical park on blue sky background, An ancient stone castle, World heritage in north east of Thailand © Paahboobkk/Shutterstock

Phimai Historical Park, Thailand © Paahboobkk/Shutterstock

Yes, it can rain in Thailand in October. This month marks the transition from the rainy season to drier weather in Thailand and although the overall rainfall has decreased compared to previous months, it can still rain occasionally, especially early in the month. 

These rains are nevertheless usually brief and the second half of October tends to be drier. It is advisable to bring a light mackintosh or umbrella, especially if you plan on sightseeing outdoors. It is also worth bearing in mind that the climate varies from region to region, so some areas may receive more rainfall than others.

To find the ideal season to visit Thailand for you , make sure to read all about the best time to visit Thailand .

October in Thailand is considered part of the 'shoulder' season, characterised by fewer tourists and lower prices. The peak tourist season has not yet begun, resulting in fewer crowds at popular attractions and more availability. Prices for hotels and excursions are generally lower than in high season, allowing travellers to choose a budget option. 

However, keep in mind that some businesses and attractions may temporarily close for maintenance during this period. Overall, October can be a beneficial time for those who want to enjoy Thailand with fewer tourists and potentially lower costs.

Ko Nang Yuan on Ko Tao island © Mix and Match Studio / Shutterstock

Ko Nang Yuan on Ko Tao Island © Mix and Match Studio / Shutterstock

October in Thailand is a transitional period with warm temperatures and occasional rain. When packing for this time of year, opt for lightweight and breathable clothing such as t-shirts and shorts, which are ideal for the lingering warmth. Also, bring a mackintosh and umbrella in case of rain. 

Comfortable sandals or breathable shoes are a must, especially if you plan to go on an excursion. Don't forget a hat or cap for sun protection, sunglasses and sunscreen. If your plans include a beach or pool holiday, bring swimwear. In persistent humid conditions, bring mosquito repellent for protection in the evenings.


Sichang Island, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand @ Shutterstock

Our tailor-made trip service allows you to fully enjoy the weather in Thailand in October without the planning or hassle. All of our itineraries are created by local Thailand travel experts and can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • Explore Northern Thailand with beach days in Koh Samui (14 days): You'll spend the first part of your trip exploring the cities, national parks and cultural attractions of Northern Thailand before heading to the stunning island of Koh Samui for some relaxation.
  • River Kwai Discovery (3 days): Discover the stunning River Kwai and its surroundings on this unique compact trip, the perfect addition to an already established trip to Thailand.
  • Krabi Discovery (6 days): Krabi and its islands are one of the most charming places in Thailand. It is ideal for beach lovers, sports enthusiasts and those seeking adventure on the Andaman coast.

Or discover more Thailand itineraries .

Long tail boat on tropical beach with limestone rock, Krabi, Thailand © Shutterstock

Krabi, Thailand @ Shutterstock

While going on a trip, one must consider the weather in Thailand in October and the nuances that this month brings. You may also be interested in our list of the best things to do in Thailand at any time of year.

Attend the Phuket Vegetarian Festival

Experience the vibrant atmosphere of the Phuket Vegetarian Festival. Enjoy lively street processions, traditional rituals and delicious vegetarian cuisine. The festival showcases a unique blend of spirituality and culinary delights, making it an exciting and culturally rich experience for visitors in October. Immerse yourself in local traditions and savour the flavours of this special festival in the heart of Thailand.

Witness Nakhon Phanom Illuminated Boat Procession

Visit the Illuminated Boat Procession on the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom, a mesmerising spectacle featuring beautifully decorated boats with lights and candles. This cultural event showcases the rich heritage of the region and creates a magical atmosphere after sunset.

Go scuba diving in Koh Tao

Discover the underwater wonders of Koh Tao Island by scuba diving in October. The Gulf of Thailand side provides favourable conditions to explore the diverse marine life and crystal clear waters surrounding this renowned dive site. Dive into a vibrant and thriving underwater ecosystem to savour the beauty of Koh Tao Island.

Visit Pha Taem National Park in Ubon Ratchathani

Discover the rich history of Pha Them National Park in Ubon Ratchathani , home to ancient rock paintings and breathtaking views of the Mekong River. Immerse yourself in the cultural and natural wonders of this park, where the cliffs tell stories of the past, creating a unique and fascinating place for history buffs and nature lovers alike.

Chonburi Buffalo Racing Festival

Visit the exciting Chonburi Buffalo Race Festival, where locals compete in buffalo races and various traditional games. This unique and exciting event offers a glimpse into Thailand's rural traditions and the special bond between farmers and their buffalo.

Ao Laem Thian, Koh Tao, Thailand © Aleksandr Ozerov/Shutterstock

Ao Laem Thian, Koh Tao, Thailand © Aleksandr Ozerov/Shutterstock

For more inspiration, read about Thailand's beaches and islands and start planning your trip with The Rough Guide to Thailand . 

Daunted by the prospect of planning? No problem! Browse our customisable Thailand itineraries , and talk to our local Thailand travel experts .

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  • Eating and drinking in Thailand
  • How to get to Thailand
  • Travel Tips Thailand for planning and on the go
  • Best time to visit Thailand

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Piazza San Marco in Venice with Gondola

written by Olga Sitnitsa

updated 29.12.2023


Online editor at Rough Guides, specialising in travel content. Passionate about creating compelling stories and inspiring others to explore the world.

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Thailand in October: Weather, Tips & Surfing

Royal Flora Ratchaphruek Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand in October.

  • ~ mins read

A gradual drop in temperatures alongside the beginnings of the dry season and fascinating cultural highlights make it worth exploring Thailand in October. Whether it is the heritage that seeps out of every street corner in historic cities like Bangkok, beach stays in Koh Samui and Krabi, or the chance to discover the world beneath the surface of the Andaman Sea, there are plenty of activities to satisfy you during your stay in Thailand in October.

Keen to know more? Just check out our travel guide here!

  • From Canada

Thailand Weather in October

View through the jungle to uninhabited beach in Laem Sing Beach, Thailand

October comes at the forefront of the cool, dry season – generally regarded as the best time to visit Thailand. Although this season officially only begins in November, it makes itself known in October with temperatures and humidity falling to more comfortable levels as the month progresses. Amounts of rainfall across the country also drop substantially starting from the second half of the month.

Daytime temperatures across the country range from 29 to 31°C during this month. In Bangkok, for instance, the mercury can soar to 33°C, while the low stays at 25°C. On average, it rains for 15 days in the capital in October. Chiang Mai in the north, on the other hand, receives almost half the rain of Bangkok during this time of year. The driest part of the country is Udon Thani, which sees just 82 mm of rain in October in an average year.

For a seasonal overview, read our article on the best time to visit Thailand .

Weather in Thailand in October - Rainfall and Temperatures

Why visit thailand in october.

Thailand possess different islands considered paradises in their own right.

Since it is more than possible to visit the heart of Asia at any time of year, why should you choose to visit Thailand in October? Here are just a few of our favorite reasons.

  • Low-season pricing: The peak tourist season may just be a couple of weeks away, but until you pass the threshold of November 1, there are still some great flight and accommodation bargains to be struck.
  • Fewer crowds: Because of October’s unfair reputation as falling in the wet season, most travelers stay clear of the country, leaving museums, beaches, and cultural attractions largely free of crowds. Since there are fewer crowds, take a looks at our beach tours in Thailand .
  • Surfing: Thailand’s west coast, on the Andaman Sea, has the best conditions for surfing from April until October. You have still got time to grab a wetsuit and hit the waves here during your trip to the country this month before moving on to the east coast, where the surfing season lasts from October to December.
  • Hiking: Cooler temperatures of October make it the first month since summer when it is possible to contemplate hiking. The best walks can be had on trails linking the small hillside villages of the country’s north. If you’re interested, you may want to check out our hiking tours in Thailand .
  • Whale-watching and dolphin-spotting: Traveling to Thailand in October means getting a chance to see Bryde’s whales off the coast of Bangkok. This is also when the river dolphins of the city’s Chao Phraya River are most often spotted.

Where to go and what to do

Resort wooden house floating and mountain fog on river Kwai, Thailand

The change in weather between the start and the end of October means that with a little careful planning you can explore all of Thailand in October rather than be limited to one coast or the other. Discover the hill station of Chiang Mai, located in the north of the country, where temperatures tend to be at their lowest. Walk or cycle forest paths in search of elephants before drifting down to the dream-like beaches of Phuket.

Head out to islands to snorkel among reefs or take the opportunity to spot whales. Spend a few days in Bangkok, which is well worth visiting for its markets and ever-expanding food scene besides its incredible heritage and architecture. October also usually sees the nine-day-long celebration of the Kin Jay Vegetarian Festival, a cleansing ceremony that sees many restaurants put up yellow flags to show they are only serving vegan cuisine. For more information, read out our article on how many days to spend in Thailand .

Pleasant weather conditions in most parts combined with the country’s multitude of charms ensure that all types of travelers, from history buffs to beach bums, get their fill during a trip to Thailand in October. Slowly and steadily, visitors are starting to discover the benefits of heading to the country during this month.

If you are unsure how to start planning your own perfect trip, contact our local travel experts who will rustle up a custom-made itinerary to Thailand in no time! Alternatively, check out our brilliant selection of Thailand tours in October !

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The best time to visit Thailand

By Rick Jordan

The best time to visit Thailand

When is the best time to visit Thailand?

The best time to visit Thailand is from December to March – though, as with any tropical destination, a short and ridiculously torrential burst of rain is unpredictably possible, even on the sunniest of days.

When’s Thailand’s rainy season?

The time to not go to Thailand is the rainy season, from May to October , when monsoons blow in from all directions. The rain is heavy but sporadic in the first few months, while in the final months of the rainy season, it's more persistent.

Koh Tao Thailand

When is Thailand’s shoulder season?

Thailand's shoulder season lasts from April to June and then again from September to October . Temperatures will peak country-wide around April, but this also means you don't have to compete for a prime spot on the best beaches in Thailand, and hotel rates will be lower. However, business and ferry services on the smaller islands (especially on the Andaman Sea side) will shut down as the low season approaches. The period from September to October sees more rain but fewer crowds.

What is the cheapest time to visit Thailand?

Unsurprisingly, the cheapest time to visit Thailand coincides with the rainy season. If you’re willing to deal with unpredictable weather, then you could bag a few hotel deals visiting Thailand during this time. We recommend going during the shoulder season.

Catch Beach Club Phuket

When is the best time to visit the islands?

East coast islands.

The best Thai islands in the Gulf of Thailand - Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao – tend to get less rain than the rest of the country (even in the rainy season) and are at their best from the end of January until mid-March. January is the freshest month - great for after the Christmas and NYE party chaos. February is the driest month, one of the sunniest, and the heat is still bearable; March is sunny and dry, too. The European and American summer break crowds hit the Gulf islands (Koh Samui, Koh Pha-Ngan and Koh Tao) during July/August, so heading here in September usually hits the sweet spot for both crowds and weather.

West coast islands

Over on Thailand's west coast and the Andaman Sea – where you'll find the Thai islands of Phuket , Krabi, Koh Lanta , Koh Phi Phi – the optimum time for a beach holiday is slightly earlier, in December and January, when fresher weather, maximum sunshine and minimum rainfall combine to create the best climate for a beach holiday.

The best time to visit Thailand

When is the best time to visit Bangkok?

Bangkok , meanwhile, is stiflingly humid practically all the time (discomfort levels range from 'high' to 'extreme' year-round), but the best time to visit Thailand's capital is in December and January when it is dry and a relatively bearable 31-32ºC average during the day, and 20ºC at night (the coolest Bangkok ever gets). But also consider July and August, when there are great hotel deals to be had – and the rain only lasts for a short while in the afternoon. Avoid the months of April and September. April is unbearably hot and humid; September is hot and torrentially wet.

Meena Chiang Mai.

When is the best time to visit Chiang Mai and the north?

Chiang Mai and the lovely little town of Pai, in Thailand's cooler north, have much more pleasant climates than Bangkok and the south . Go from December to February for lovely sunny days (around 29ºC) and cooler evenings (the temperature dips to 13ºC - and even lower in the highlands, so dig out some warm clothes if you're trekking).

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  • Is Thailand In October Really A Good Time For A Vacation? Here’s Your Answer

22 Dec 2021

Thailand is the most popular choice for travelers to take a tropical vacation and enjoy cheap thrills. Since it is a cheap destination and the weather remains pleasant most time of the year, you see a hoard of tourists flocking to the islands and enjoy sunbathing. Thailand in October specifically is your chance to take the road less taken and have unique experiences in the northern parts of the island. Whether or not it is worth it, that depends on your panning. How do you plan an awesome vacation to Thailand in October? Well, here is everything you will need.

Weather In Thailand In October

Weather In Thailand In October

Image Source

If you are wondering how is Thailand in October, then you should know that it observes rainfall for a first few days. Krabi and Phuket recieve the maximum rainfall while Pattaya, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai have respectively lesser rainfall. So, it is better to avoid the islands in the south in the first part of the month.

There are heavy rainfalls for a period of first fifteen days but as we gradually move towards the end of the month, the weather becomes pleasant. The temperature begins to cool off, there is lower humidity in the air, and the chances of rainfall are pretty slim. All in all, it is a good season in Thailand in October. So, if you are planning an island vacation, then you should prefer the latter part of the month.

Best Places In Thailand In October

Tip: Since October is a month of heavy rainfall, not all islands are worth visiting during this month. If you want to visit Thailand in October 2022, your main focus should be on the northern parts of Thailand

1. Thai Countryside

Thai Countryside

Since the climate by the sea is not so pleasant, it gives you the perfect opportunity to explore the lush countryside of Thailand. Enjoy the weather resplendent with sunshine and greenery. Grab a bike and bike through the green rice paddy fields of north and northeastern regions of Thailand. Don’t forget to bring ana umbrella along with you.

New Year Party In Thailand (2022): 17 Top Venues & Events

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best time to visit thailand october


2. Ancient Ruins

Ancient Ruins

Thailand is not just about the beaches, it has varying landscapes. When it is raining on the southern coast, you can visit the UNESCO World heritage sites and national parks to make the best of season. If you are a thrill-seeker, these places will give you an opportunity for hiking and biking. Khao Yai National Park is Asia’s largest monsoon forest while Sai Yok National Park offers picturesque waterfalls, hidden caves, and unique animals to discover.

7 Attractive Cruises In Thailand For A Wonderful Trip To The Land Of Smiles

3. Fireballs In Mekong

Fireballs In Mekong

Believe it or not, every October, by the end of the Buddhist Lent period, fireballs of the size of a basketball naturally erupt from above the Mekong River and go into the air. Earlier this annual phenomenon was called as ghost lights though nobody knows the reason or explanation behind these lights.

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Planning your holiday in Thailand but confused about what to do? These Thailand travel stories help you find your best trip ever!

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4. Hill Tribe Villages

_Hill Tribe Villages

Take rains in Thailand as a blessing and visit the tribal villages in the north of Thailand. Instead of running to the beaches and getting drunk as you would have done, spend a day or two with the tribal families and learn a thing or two about native Thai culture and lifestyle. It is going to be a far more overwhelming and amazing experience than sunbathing on the beach. You will be amazed to learn ethical and sustainable ways of living life.

14 Thailand Airports For Easy-Breezy Commute To The Tropical Paradise In 2022

Festivals In Thailand In October

Festivals In Thailand In October

If you are visiting Thailand in October, mark your calendars with these Thai events and festivals and be the part of festivities like a local.

1. Awk Phansa

Awk Phansa is celebrated to end the monsoon retreat in Thailand which sounds like the right time to be in Thailand. It is a full moon day. You will also observe many merry-making events during this festival, khatna robe ceremony being the most common one. Some traditions are unique to provinces and are only seen in that region.

Date: 13 October

5 Best Nude Beaches In Thailand That One Cannot Afford To Miss In 2022

2. Long Boat Races

Whether they are similar to what you have in Kerala will only be confirmed when you go and watch these long boat races in Thailand. What begins in September continues till November. So, you have a pretty good window to watch long boat races in Thailand. In October, the boat race is held in the regions of Buriram, Chachoengsao, Nan, Nakhon Sawan, and Nakhon Ratchasima.

3. Vegetarian Festival

Do not go by its name because there is so much gory stuff happening along with abstinence from meat and non-vegetarian. This festival is not meant for the faint-hearted as you will see people piercing needles in their faces though it definitely is a must-visit event for travel buffs and curious events.

Date: 28 September-7 October

Ao Nang Thailand: Things To Do And Where To Stay

4. Chulalongkorn Day

Chulalongkorn is one of the most important holidays in Thailand in October. It is observed as a national day to pay reverence to one of the most important public figures in Thailand, King Chulalongkorn. He was a modernizing king who ruled Siam for 42 years.

Packing List For Thailand In October

Packing List For Thailand In October

Since the weather in Thailand in October is a mixed bag, you should be prepared for all kinds of situations. Here is what all you should pack to have a comfortable and hassle-free trip.

  • Cotton t-shirts
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Filter water bottle
  • Safety pouch to keep money and valuables

Top 15 Restaurants In Thailand For Indians Who Don’t Want To Rely Solely On Thai Cuisine

Tips For Thailand In October

Tips for Thailand in October

  • If you want to enjoy diving in Thailand in October, keep away from the southern coast. There are some spots on the western coast where you can enjoy watersports such as diving.
  • You will be stuck in the regions that recieve torrential downpours. So, it is better you choose a resort that has a wide array of activities to keep you busy otherwise move your stay to the north of Thailand.
  • Carry a mosquito repellent to fight off the mosquito bites and pack a filter water bottle as getting cleaning drinking water might become an issue.

Top Experiences In Thailand That You Absolutely Cannot Miss On Your Exotic Vacation

If you must, then you should plan a trip to Thailand in October for the rains to retreat so that you can enjoy roaming around the island and exploring the famous places. However, it is also a great opportunity to go offbeat and explore Thailand like never before. The island is so vast and full of unique experiences. So, why have the same experience as everyone else when you can create your own?

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Please Note: Any information published by TravelTriangle in any form of content is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical advice, and one must not take any action before consulting a professional medical expert of their own choice.

Frequently Asked Questions About Thailand In October

What is the weather like in Thailand in October?

Thailand experiences rains during the beginning of the month and the temperature is around 25-27°C which begins to lower down towards the end of the month.

How many days in Thailand are enough?

A week to 10 days are the bare minimum to be able to enjoy the various activities and explore different islands in Thailand, which are also great places for a honeymoon here.

Is Thailand busy in October?

No, Thailand is not too crowded during the month of October as it isn’t the high season in the country.

Which is the cheapest month to fly to Thailand?

The cheapest month to fly to Thailand is September as the airfare is comparatively low. One can also consider booking a flight way in advance to get cheaper rates.

Is Thailand expensive to visit?

No, Thailand is a great budget destination and one can easily have a great trip here without burning a hole in one’s pocket.

What is the best currency to take to Thailand?

Thai Baht is the currency commonly used in Thailand. It is advised to always carry local currency when shopping at the local stores or street markets.

What is the best time of year to go to Thailand?

The best time to visit Thailand is during the dry months of November to April.

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Weather in Thailand in October

On this page, introduction, october weather summary, where is best in thailand in october, what are the most popular thai islands in october, bangkok and central thailand, eastern thailand, northern thailand, northeast thailand, southeast thailand, southwest thailand, elsewhere on travelfish.

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If at all possible, you want to organise your holiday in Thailand so that you're spending October in the Central, North and Northeast regions. October on the islands — any of them — is wet. The weather in Northern Thailand in October though, is lovely. Less rain, cooler temperatures and not too crowded — what more could you want.

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We suggest heading straight for Northern destinations like Chiang Mai , Pai , Phrae and Mae Salong , where the forests are still lush and active but not nearly as wet as in September or August. This is also a good time to strike out to Northeastern destinations, perhaps to a tranquil Mekong River town like Chiang Khan or Khong Chiam . In 2011, floods inundated huge swathes of the Chao Phraya basin in Central Thailand in late October, including large slices of Bangkok, Ayutthaya and Ratchaburi . Residents of these areas face the possibility of floods every year.

October is not a great time for island hopping anywhere in Thailand. The eastern monsoon has begun in lower Gulf islands like Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Samui , while in the west, Andaman Sea islands are still quite wet. The Andaman side is however reaching the end of its rainy season, so you might get lucky and score a sunny patch on Ko Lanta , Ko Phi Phi , Phuket or Ko Lipe , among many others. Island-hopping ferries still aren’t running, though, and national park islands like The Similans and Ko Tarutao do not reopen until November.

Bye bye rain! You'll still get some rain in October in Bangkok and Central Thailand but the wet season is in full scale retreat by this stage. If the wet season was a very wet one, there may still be flooding in Bangkok and elsewhere if the Chao Phraya River swells over its banks, but that doesn't happen every year.

October on Ko Chang sees the rainfall halve again while the temperatures level of at low 20s to low 30s where they'll stay for the rest of the year. You'll still be seeing some rain on Ko Chang in October, but it's much more tolerable than the previous couple of months. November is even better.

Less rain and continuing moderate temperatures are what October brings to northern Thailand weather wise. Mae Hong Son and Pai are particularly pleasant this time of year — and not too crowded either.

The northeast is really starting to dry out come October — especially in the eastern regions, though the west will still be seeing a bit more rain. Temperatures will continue to fall, albeit slightly, from September.

October brings solid rain to most of Thailand's Gulf coast. Ko Tao in particular gets pretty average weather in October, but Ko Samui and Ko Pha Ngan also get a bit of a lashing. The mainland coast gets slightly less rain, but only marginally less. Stay in the north if you can.

As with the Gulf Coast, expect rain, rain and more rain. If you're lucky the wet will break halfway through the month, but if you're out of luck you can expect rain right to month end. On a positive note, it does rain less than in September.

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Coral reef in Thailand

When is the best time to visit Thailand?

  • Month-by-month

The best to visit Thailand is during the cool and dry season between November and early April, when temperatures range from 84°F to 97°F. However, the climate varies throughout the country, so you can visit all year round.

Those who love diving and snorkeling should visit the south west coast of Thailand in the dry season, between November and February. The conditions are better, with calmer seas, and fewer visitors give you more space to enjoy the ocean.

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Month-by-month guide for traveling in Thailand

Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in January

The weather is good throughout the country at this time of year. There is little chance of rain, while cooler temperatures in the north make conditions more comfortable and all the west coast beaches are likely to be bathed in sunshine. Perhaps the only exception being Koh Samui, which often sees high levels of rainfall at this time of year.

Events & Festivals

  • Chinese New Year Festival (date varies): While this isn't a public holiday, it is celebrated across the country; particularly in Bangkok's Chinatown, which turns red and hosts exciting dragon parades, firecrackers and dancing in the streets.

Limestone karst, Krabi, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in February

A few showers are expected on Thailand's east coast toward the start of the month, but the rest of the country remains hot and dry. Even the normally cool early mornings in the north begin to heat up.

  • Chiang Mai Flower Festival (first weekend of February): A three-day festival held at the end of the 'cool season', featuring a parade and colorful displays of chrysanthemums and the Damask Rose — a variety found only in Chiang Mai.

Coral Island (from Vijitt)

Visiting Thailand in March

Fine weather should be expected throughout Thailand in March, with temperatures rising into the mid 90°Fs and the colder weather in the north disappearing. This means that you can go anywhere in the country to enjoy sun-kissed beaches.

Girls on parade, Sothon

Visiting Thailand in April

More excellent weather during April and the visitor numbers continue to rise. Be sure to book your accommodations far in advance to get the best choice of hotels. Traveling over Songkran (Thai New Year) means you can have great fun joining in the celebrations, but it is likely to be busier.

  • Songkran (April 13 to 15): This is the traditional New Year's Day in Thailand. Scented water is poured over people and thrown in the street to symbolize the washing away of sins and bad luck.

Koh Samet, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in May

A great month to visit Thailand as prices lower following the peak season, meaning that you may be able to take advantage of a shoulder season promotion. For the majority of the month very little rain is expected, but for guaranteed sunshine on the beach, stick to the east coast.

Wat Arun, Bangkok

Visiting Thailand in June

June is a good time to visit, allowing you to catch the last of the dry weather and avoid the crowds seen during the European school vacations. Thailand is bathed in sunshine at this time of year, and there are wonderful opportunities to grab a shoulder season bargain.

Koh Samui, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in July

Temperatures start to drop a little as wind and rain becomes more common toward the end of the month. The sun is still out on the east coast beaches, but islands such as Koh Samui tend to get busy over the school vacations. The beginning of the month is best.

Angthong National Marine Park, Gulf of Thailand

Visiting Thailand in August

The rain is widespread across Thailand now; especially in the north of the country where heavy rainfall is common. Beach options start to dwindle, with Hua Hin and Koh Samui being the best places to head; although you may still experience a few showers.

Flower at the White Temple, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in September

September is usually the wettest month of the year, so it's not ideal for beach goers. However, those seeking a low season bargain and no crowds can still enjoy a worthwhile exploration at this time of year.

Western gate at Phanom Rung

Visiting Thailand in October

Rains continue throughout the beginning of October and temperatures begin to drop. However, the more comfortable cooler temperatures and lower humidity, along with less chance of rain at the end of the month, make October a good month to travel.

  • Vegetarian Festival (October): This nine-day festival celebrates the Chinese belief that abstinence from meat during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar will obtain good health and peace of mind. Experience this festival in Phuket.

Khao Lak

Visiting Thailand in November

The sun returns to Thailand's west coast and beach goers begin to flock to Khao Lak , Phuket and Krabi once again. Perhaps the only exception being Koh Samui , which often sees high levels of rainfall at this time of year. If you visit at the start of the month you can beat the crowds. Early mornings and late evenings in northern Thailand begin to cool as winter approaches.

  • Loy Krathong (November): A festival predominantly celebrated by southwestern Thai cultures. Decorated baskets are hand-made using banana tree trunks, bread or styrofoam and floated along a river as locals make a wish.

Koh Phi Phi, Thailand

Visiting Thailand in December

Thailand's west coast beaches prepare for the Christmas rush and it's best to book far in advance to secure your preferred option. With good weather all round, it's peak time to visit Thailand. Perhaps the only exception being Koh Samui, which often sees high levels of rainfall at this time of year. We recommend going at the beginning of the month to avoid the hotel surcharges over Christmas.

Thailand Climate Guide

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Elephant Hills

Thailand for families: elephants & island escape

12 days from $3,245pp

The White Temple, Chiang Rai

Active Thailand: beyond the beaches

14 days from $6,280pp

Phuket, Thailand

Luxury Thailand

11 days from $8,360pp

Ayutthaya, Thailand

What to do in Thailand: our highlights guide

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Thailand in October - Weather, Best Places, Events & Festivals

October marks the end of the southwestern monsoon season in Thailand. The average temperature ranges between 23 ℃ and 30℃ in October.  Since it is a transitional month, the crowds are generally smaller than during the peak tourist season (November to February). You may find more affordable accommodations during this time. Thailand in October offers a mix of weather conditions depending on the region you plan to visit. It's essential to be aware of the seasonal variations across the country during this month:

Northern Thailand in October (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai)

Weather: October marks the transition from the rainy season to the cool and dry season in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. The weather becomes more pleasant with cooler temperatures and less rainfall. Temperature: Daytime temperatures in Northern Thailand range from 20-32°C (68-89°F), making it a great time for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Highlights: This is the start of the trekking season, and you can explore the lush jungles and visit hill tribe villages. It's also the time of the Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai, celebrated with stunning lantern releases.

Central Thailand in October (Bangkok, Ayutthaya)

Weather: Central Thailand, including Bangkok, experience less rain in October compared to the previous months. Temperature: Daytime temperatures vary from 26-32°C (79-89°F). The humidity is relatively lower, making it more comfortable for outdoor exploration. Highlights: You can visit historical sites, explore the bustling markets, and enjoy the cultural experiences that central Thailand has to offer.

Southern Thailand in October (Phuket, Krabi, Koh Samui)

Weather: The southern parts of Thailand, like Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Samui, experience the tail end of the monsoon season in October. While rain is less frequent than in previous months, there might still be occasional showers, especially in the Gulf of Thailand. Temperature: Daytime temperatures range from 24-32°C (75-89°F), making it warm and pleasant for beach activities. Highlights: Despite the occasional rain, southern Thailand is still a popular destination in October. You can enjoy the beautiful beaches and water sports and explore the vibrant nightlife in places like Phuket and Krabi.

Best Places to Visit in Thailand in October

1.  chiang mai.

best time to visit thailand october

Often known as the "Rose of the North," Chiang Mai is surrounded by beautiful architectural marvels that speak for its rich history of the Lanna Kingdom. In addition, it's home to more than 300 ancient temples. Chiang Mai also offers many modern indoor activities. Nimmanhaemin Road here has plenty of bars & restaurants with prices meager, allowing tasting the local cuisine & drinks. Also, the weekend markets, such as  Saturday Walking Street and Sunday Walking Street , are great places for shopping in Chiang Mai, giving you a taste of the local culture.

2.  Bangkok

best time to visit thailand october

October in Bangkok usually sees a lot of rainfall, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good time to visit. Going to see a Thai Boxing match is one of the best things to do in Bangkok. With the adrenaline rush and excitement, you will be in for an experience that will stay with you all your life. Not a Fan of Boxing? Then be entertained by cabaret dancers. The Lady-boy dancers in the cabaret show leave the audience astonished, making it one of the best experiences in Bangkok in October. Also, Bangkok is one of the best places to eat a variety of unique dishes in many restaurants. So whether you want Spicy Shrimp or Chicken soup, different Bangkok restaurants have something to offer everyone.

Last but not least, hire a cab and roam around the city. The Grand Palace , Wat Arun , Wat Pho , and  Ocean World are some main attractions here. Also, check out the many other places to visit in Bangkok . 

3.  Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai is one of the largest cities in Thailand. It was the former capital of the Lanna Kingdom. Sometimes called the 'Art Capital" of Thailand, Chiang Rai has some beautiful temples that are never seen anywhere in the world. There are several attractions in Chiang Rai you shouldn't miss. Wat Rong Khun temple is one of the beautiful non-traditional Buddhist temples in Chiang Rai. Also, Wat Rong Suen Ten is a beautiful temple built not too long ago. The deep blue color of the temple resembles the sky. And the interior paintings on the wall tell the life of Buddha. Also, one of the more interesting places in Chiang Rai is the Black House Museum. Walking around the house gets eerie but exciting, with plenty of skulls, hides, and whole skeletons. Finally, Chiang Rai Night Bazaar is the best place to get a glimpse of the heart of town. With plenty of shops for shopping and food courts to eat in, you will not get bored here quickly.

Events and Festivals Celebrated in Thailand in October

1. awk phansa.

best time to visit thailand october

Awk Phansa is a national holiday in Thailand. In the northern part of Thailand, it's known as Isan. It resembles the Buddhist lent(known as the "Vassa") period when many Buddhists abstained from Meat, drinking, and smoking. During this time, many people gather and participate in a candlelit circumambulation in the holy temple. Also, Illuminated boat processions are conducted on Nakhon Phanom and Nong Khai on the Mekong River and the Mun River in Ubon Ratchathani throughout the Isan.

Wan Awk Phansa Dates 2023 - 28 October 2023

2. King Chulalongkorn Day

king chullongkorn

Also called "Wan Piyamaharaj Day," Chulalongkorn Day is celebrated in the memorial of King Chulalongkorn's death Every 23rd of October. It's a public holiday in Thailand. People gather around the Equestrian Statue to show respect to King Chulalongkorn ad lay wreaths at the statue in the Royal Plaza.

King Chulalongkorn Day 2023 - 23rd October 2023

3. Vegetarian Festival

best time to visit thailand october

Often celebrated around October Vegetarian Festival, it is one of the famous festivals in Thailand celebrated by Thailand's Chinese people. Most events are held in Chinatown in Phuket and Bangkok. Also, small events are held in Krabi , Pattaya , Chiang Mai, and Krabi.

Vegetarian Festival 2023 Dates - 13 - 22 October 2023

4. Long-Boat Races

best time to visit thailand october

In October, traditional long-boat races take place in many parts of Thailand. Buriram, Chachoengsao, Bab Nakhon Sawan, and Nakhon Ratchasima are some of them. In addition, local people get together to celebrate the end of the rainy season on the fourth day after the full moon.

5. Naga Fireball Festival

As the Buddhist Lent ends in October on the night of the full moon, the town of Nong Khai celebrates very peculiarly. This town is located on the shore of the river Mekong in North Eastern Thailand. During this celebration, you can experience queer reddish balls rising hundreds of meters into the sky from the water, giving the appearance of fireballs. Thousands of tourists from Thailand and beyond flock to the river bank to experience this phenomenon. This spooky celebration is a spectacle with visitors lighting fireworks before the natural orbs start appearing, dancing, eating and drinking, and celebrating joyfully. Initially, it was a one-night gathering, but now, this sighting has become a week-long celebration with bazaars, food markets, performances, and competitions. The government also hosts a boat parade with a great sound and light display, seeing the festival's popularity. The best places to experience this event include Nong Khai, Phon Phisai, and Rattanawapi.

Naga Fireball Festival dates: October 28, 2023

This post was published by Arnab Ghosh

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Best Time To Visit Thailand: Complete Guide on When To Go

  • Last updated: February 29, 2024

Arijana & Matej

Croatian-Slovenian full-time travel duo, photographers, bloggers and travel journalists for over 4 years. We write in-depth travel guides about destinations we have personally visited, providing practical travel tips and recommendations.

Best time to visit Thailand - Best time to plan your vacation in Thailand - when to visit Thailand - rainy season - wet season - dry season

What is the overall best time to visit Thailand?

The overall best time to visit Thailand is from November to early April for islands, beaches, hiking, vacation, and outdoor activities, as it falls into the dry season, which typically runs from November to February.

During this time, the weather is relatively cooler and less humid, making it perfect for exploring islands like Koh Samui and Koh Phangan , lounging on the beautiful beaches of Phuket or Krabi , exploring floating markets in Bangkok , and the northern mountains near Chiang Mai .

Best time to visit Thailand for island Hopping and beaches

However, if you are interested in diving or snorkeling, the best time to visit would be from March to May when the waters are clearest. For experiencing traditional festivals like Songkran (Thai New Year) or Loy Krathong (Festival of Lights), plan your visit around April or November respectively.

Best time to visit Thailand for snorkeling, scuba diving and water activities

It’s worth noting that popular tourist destinations may be crowded during the peak season. If you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting Thailand during the shoulder seasons of March to May or September to October when the weather is still good but there are fewer tourists.

It’s also important to remember that specific regions of Thailand may have slightly different optimal times to visit based on their unique climate patterns.

We’ll explore it all in this complete guide on when to visit Thailand.

Best time to visit Thailand for sunny weather and beaches

About the weather in Thailand

Thailand , a fascinating country in Southeast Asia, has a tropical climate, with seasonal monsoon winds and monsoon rains affecting it. This means warm temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and occasional bursts of rain to keep things lush and green.

The weather in Thailand can vary across different regions. This is because the country stretches from north to south and has a wide variety of scenery, including beaches, mountains, lakes, and jungles.

Best time to visit Thailand to enjoy the beaches

In addition, Thailand also boasts three distinct main seasons that bring their own unique vibe. So, knowing the hot, wet, and cool seasons is key to maximizing your Thailand vacation.

Therefore, the best time to visit Thailand depends on which places you would like to visit and the activities you want to do.

Must-do activities and experiences in Thailand

Snorkeling in the clearest waters of Similan Islands and Surin Islands . Scuba Diving among rich marine life around the waters of Koh Tao . Staying overnight in a floating bungalow in Khao Sok . Island-hopping in Phuket and Phi Phi Islands . Exploring floating markets in Bangkok . Temple-hopping and nature exploring in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai . Rock climbing and adventure activities in Krabi .

Best time to visit Thailand to see the floating markets


Thailand Weather Seasons Explained

Hot season in thailand.

The hot season in Thailand runs from March to May . On certain days, the temperature can rise to 33°C (90°F) or even reach 38°C (100°F), especially in the north and central parts of the country, with the hottest places being Bangkok and Chiang Mai .

The weather during the hot season is dry and sunny, with minimal chance of rain. So if you want to visit Thailand during the hot season, it’s best to wear light clothing, remain hydrated, and take advantage of any opportunity to spend time in an airconditioned environment or shade because the heat can be very intense.

Best time to visit Thailand for beaches in South of Thailand

Do most of your sightseeing in the mornings.

The advantage of this summer weather is that the ocean’s cooling water is ideal for swimming. It’s a great time to hit the beach, go island-hopping, explore underwater, or check out waterfalls and swimming holes. Indoor activities are also a great idea.

The hot season marks the beginning of the low season in Thailand, meaning you can save money on accommodations and flights, and you can expect to share the attractions with fewer other tourists.

Best time to visit Thailand for beaches in Gulf of Thailand - island-hopping

Rainy Season in Thailand

In most parts of Thailand , the rainy season, or the so-called wet season, is from June to October. The monsoons bring high humidity and frequent rain, which limits outdoor activities.

However, this is a lush, green time of year that brings new life to nature. The rain might not be the best time for beach days, but it’s a beautiful time to explore Thailand’s forest trails, waterfalls, and rural areas. The rainy season is a low-tourism season in Thailand, so flights and hotels are cheaper.

Best time to visit Thailand to explore the nature, outdoors, and waterfalls

If nature is not your thing, you can always wear a raincoat and bring an umbrella to go sightseeing or go on a street food hunting trip. The downside is that some areas are prone to flooding, so it’s best to research local conditions before planning any trips.

Best time to visit Thailand weather-wise - rainy season, cool season, dry season

It’s worth noting that while the rainy season in Thailand comes with a lot of rain, it might not always be the case that it’s raining the whole time. But rather in certain periods of the day, when it’s a powerful downpour, and the rest can actually be a nice sunny day.

It’s also important to know that the wet season is different on the Andaman Coast and Central Thailand (June–October) from the rainy season in the Southeastern part and Gulf of Thailand (October–January).

Dry and Cool Season in Thailand

November to February is the dry season in Thailand , with cooler temperatures, an average high of 27°C (80°F) and an average low of 10°C (50°F), especially in the northern mountain regions.

Rainclouds are gone, the humidity drops and refreshing winds blow through. In this perfect weather comes peak tourism season, so hotels are full, flights and fares are costly, and famous destinations in Thailand are packed.

Best time to visit Thailand to explore the nature in national parks - rivers - jungle - trekking - hiking

Outdoor activities are also in full swing, and they’re definitely much more pleasant in the dry weather and lower humidity. You can safely access all the beaches and national parks, and you can explore tons of historic places or street markets without being too hot or wet. There are also a few Thai festivals you can join during the dry season.

Best time to visit Thailand for island-hopping in the south

Pack a light jacket for chilly nights and early mornings because this season offers the best of Thailand’s tropical weather before the heat returns!

The southeastern regions and the Gulf of Thailand are exempt from the dry season because the rainy weather starts during these months. – Koh Samui , Koh Tao , Koh Phangan ..

Best time to visit Thailand for cultural activities and visiting attractions

Burning season in Thailand

Burning season in Thailand typically lasts from February to early April and is a time of year when farmers burn fields and agricultural waste to make way for the incoming planting season. Every year, locals and travelers unfortunately deal with a reduction in visibility, respiratory issues, and an overall decrease in the quality of the air.

Best time to visit Thailand for exploring the north of Thailand - rice fields, nature, temples

This practice results in thick smog and air pollution that covers several parts of the country, making the burning season the worst time to visit Thailand, air quality-wise.

This annual issue mainly affects Thailand’s northern region, especially Chiang Mai and its surrounding areas. So, for health and safety reasons, vacationing up north during this season is not ideal.


The burning season can affect all parts of Thailand, but never in the same amount . But it does depend on the year!

For example, we traveled through Thailand at the exact time of the burning season, but as we mostly stayed on the islands of Koh Tao , Koh Phangan , Koh Samui , and the Andaman Coast ( Phuket , Krabi ), we weren’t affected at all.

When is the high season in Thailand, and when is the low season?

When you’re planning your travel in Thailand , knowing the high and low seasons can help plan your budget and manage your expectations regarding activities you can do on your visit.

The months of November through February are considered the high season, or peak tourist period in Thailand because the weather is cool and pleasant, a big contrast to the winter months in Europe.

The high season is the best time to visit Thailand because you can expect sunny skies and clear and calm waters for activities. However, with higher demand comes higher prices for accommodations.

Best time to visit Thailand for island-hopping to Maya Bay and Phi Phi Islands from Phuket or Krabi

On the other hand, the low season in Thailand spans from June to October , when rain is more frequent due to the monsoon season. This is a good time to visit Thailand if you’re budget-conscious and enjoy reduced crowds.

You can score great deals on accommodation and flights, but outdoor activities are more limited. So traveling to Thailand during the summer months (July – September) is not a bad idea if you know the limitations.

Best time to visit Thailand for island-hopping to Phi Phi Islands - Best time to visit Thailand for beaches

When do Thailand islands close off to tourists?

Thailand’s islands have varying closure periods for tourists due to the monsoon season, when heavy rains and rough seas can disrupt travel plans or make it more dangerous. And in most cases, they also close for conservation reasons.

It’s always a good idea to check the specific closure periods for each island before planning your trip to ensure you can make the most of your time in Thailand’s beautiful island destinations.

The Similan Islands , for example, are closed to tourists from mid-May to mid-October every year. The Surin Islands also have a similar closure period, with restrictions in place from May to October.

Maya Bay on Koh Phi Phi Le is closed from August to October every year to preserve the natural environment.

Best time to visit Thailand for snorkeling and scuba diving

During the low season in Thailand, there are also much fewer ferries operating, especially for islands like Koh Kood and Koh Lipe, which are more affected by adverse weather conditions.

Plus, the travel between Phuket and nearby islands like Phi Phi Islands is a bit rougher due to the rougher waters, as well as between Koh Lipe and other southern Andaman islands.

Best time to visit North Thailand

The cool season between November and February is the best time to visit the north of Thailand . This makes it the perfect time to see the stunning landscapes, temples, and vibrant cultures of Northern Thai provinces like Chiang Mai , Chiang Rai , and Mae Hong Son ( Pai ).

If you book guided tours, you don’t have to worry about them getting canceled. You can also be sure that most of the famous attractions are open, like Tham Lod Cave in Mae Hong Son, one of the best caves to explore in Thailand.

Best time to visit Thailand to explore caves and other natural attractions

In addition to the comfortable weather and amazing sights, you’ll also have the chance to join traditional festivals like Yi Peng, Loy Krathong, and Chiang Mai’s flower festival.

Most travelers avoid visiting the north of Thailand from late February to May because the burning season is not worth experiencing. Not only is sightseeing difficult, but the thick smog can cause some health issues.

Best time to visit Thailand to explore national parks in the north - Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai

The rainy season in North Thailand, from July to October, is also not ideal because trekking or swimming in some waterfalls can be dangerous.

However, no matter when you choose to go, the north of Thailand promises an unforgettable experience filled with scenic nature, delicious cuisine, friendly locals, and rich cultural traditions.

Best time to visit Thailand for visiting temples and attractions


Best time to visit Bangkok and Central Thailand

The best time to visit Bangkok and Central Thailand is from November to February , during the dry and cool season.

During this time, the weather in Central Thailand is milder, with temperatures ranging from 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F), making it comfortable to explore the bustling cities, temples, and nature.

This period also coincides with major festivals like the Chinese New Year and the Candle Festival, adding more fun to your trip.

Best time to visit Thailand for cycling around the countryside

Since March and April mark the end of peak season, they may be a good alternative for Central Thailand if you prefer fewer tourists and don’t mind slightly higher temperatures. If ever the heat gets unbearable, just consider it a chance to visit famous museums in Bangkok , shopping malls, trendy cafes, and other indoor attractions.

From July to October, which is the monsoon season, outdoor activities will be limited in Bangkok and Central Thailand due to more frequent downpours.

Best time to visit Thailand for exploring Bangkok and Central Thailand

However, Bangkok is always fun to explore. We’ve spent time there in all the seasons, the hot, rainy, and the cool, and each was fine. The rains are often a welcome thing after the very hot periods, and often, they don’t last that long. And you can always choose to only explore in the morning to avoid the unbearable heat.

Best time to visit Thailand for visiting top tourist attractions - Mae Klong Railway Market


Best time to visit the Gulf of Thailand

The best time to visit the islands in the Gulf of Thailand is from April to October for a pleasant time on the white-sand beaches and to have clear blue waters.

Because the Gulf of Thailand is a tropical paradise filled with many picturesque islands, it’s no surprise that most things to do are water-related. That’s why visiting the Gulf of Thailand during the summer season is not only the best but also the safest time.

Best time to visit Thailand for scuba diving in Koh Tao, Koh Phangan, Koh Samui

Plan your trip from February to March when the waters are calm and clear if you want to go scuba diving, snorkeling, island-hopping, or kayaking in Koh Tao or Koh Phangan .

The worst time to visit the Gulf of Thailand is the monsoon season, from October to December. Water-related activities can be a bit more dangerous because of the heavy downpours and rougher seas. Though, nature really comes to life then.

However, it’s worth noting that the most visited Thai Islands in the Gulf of Thailand, Koh Samui , Koh Phangan , and Koh Tao , are much less rainy than other places in Thailand during the rainy season.

Best time to visit Thailand for island-hopping in the Gulf of Thailand

Otherwise, an alternative vacation destination, but on the mainland, is Hua Hin, which is mostly pleasant all year round since Hua Hin is considerably drier than Phuket and is one of the driest places in Thailand. Although the main beaches in Hua Hin aren’t the prettiest in the country, there are some really nice ones a bit north and south of Hua Hin. It’s a great place for a relaxed holiday, as it’s much slower-paced.

Best time to visit the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand

Another group of islands in the Gulf of Thailand is Koh Chang, Koh Mak, and Koh Kood, which have distinct weather patterns and are often quite the opposite of the other side of the gulf around Koh Samui .

So the best time to visit the east coast islands of the Gulf of Thailand is between November and February . On the other hand, the rainy season, and also the low season there, lasts from May to October.

To better understand the different islands in the Gulf of Thailand, check the map below.


Best time to visit South Thailand (Andaman Coast)

The Andaman Coast in the South of Thailand boasts some of the most beautiful and popular destinations in the country, like Phuket , Krabi , Phi Phi Islands , Koh Lanta, and Koh Lipe.

Ideally, the best time to visit South Thailand and the Andaman Coast is from November to April, when the weather is sunny and dry .

The water is clear and calm, perfect for swimming, snorkeling, or scuba diving around the Similan , Surin , and Phi Phi Islands . November to April is also the perfect weather for island-hopping from Phuket or Krabi and for kayaking around Phang Nga Bay’s limestone cliffs and through the fascinating sea caves.

Best time to visit Thailand for beaches

November to April is also the best time to visit Khao Sok National Park and the nearby west coast beaches and destinations like Khao Lak.

Best time to visit Thailand for exploring the national parks and lakes

During these months, Phuket and other islands come alive with festivals, beach parties, and night markets. It’s also the perfect time for witnessing stunning sunsets while relaxing on fine-sand beaches or viewpoints.

Best time to visit Thailand for stunning sunsets

The rainy season on the Andaman Coast of South Thailand is from May to October , which occurs a bit earlier than in the Gulf of Thailand. The monsoon brings heavy rain and high humidity, along with rougher seas, which makes it a bit tricky to go into the water, as the waves are higher, but also there are more rip currents.

However, if water activities are not your thing, you want to avoid the flock of tourists, or you’re just looking for a chill staycation, then the rainy season on the Andaman Coast of South Thailand is a great choice.

We spent time in Phuket , Krabi , and Phi Phi Islands during May and June and still had a pleasant time.

Best time to visit Thailand for kayaking and beaches


Best time to visit Thailand for festivals

Due to its rich cultural heritage, Thailand has many vibrant festivals celebrated throughout the year in different parts of the country. The most popular festivals in Thailand are usually held during the months of November and April when the weather is dry.

One of these is the Songkran festival , also known as the Thai New Year, which the country celebrates around mid-April with massive, multi-day water fights, street parties, and other Buddhist rituals.

Best time to visit Thailand for festivals and celebrations - Songkran Festival

You can also look forward to the magical Loy Krathong festival in November, which is celebrated on the full moon of the 12th lunar month, where people release beautifully decorated floating baskets into rivers.

Best time to visit Thailand for festivals and celebrations - Loy Krathon festival

If you would rather see a sky full of illuminated paper lanterns, join the Yi Peng festival that occurs during the same time as Loy Krathong. And you can experience both on the same day in northern Thailand, especially in Chiang Mai .

For a unique experience, visit the town of Dan Sai (Loei Province) to celebrate the three-day Phi Ta Khon festival . This is dubbed the Ghost Festival because of the grand parade, where participants dress up in spooky costumes that resemble ghosts and spirits. The festival usually occurs sometime between March and July, though the exact date changes annually.

The Vegetarian Festival takes place in Thailand between late September and early October for nine days of festivities celebrating Chinese beliefs of abstinence from animal products. The vegetarian festival is mostly celebrated in Phuket and in Bangkok’s China Town .


best time to visit thailand october

Songkran Festival: Thai New Year

Best time to visit Thailand for surfing

If you’re a surfing enthusiast, the best time to visit Thailand to catch some waves is during the monsoon season , which typically runs from May to October .

During this time, the southwestern coast of Thailand experiences consistent swells and favorable wind conditions, making it ideal for surfing in Phuket , Khao Lak, Koh Phayam, or Koh Lanta.

Best time to visit Thailand for surfing - Best time to visit Thailand to learn how to surf

However, it’s important to note that the monsoon season also brings heavy rainfall and rough seas, so be sure to check the weather and surf conditions before heading out on the Surf Forecast .

For beginner surfers, we recommend taking lessons or surfing with experienced locals who can guide you through the waves safely. Some of the recommended surf schools in Thailand are Talay Surf School , Whale Surf School , and Beyond Surf Kata in Phuket.

Best time to visit Thailand for surfing - Best time to visit Thailand to learn how to surf

For a more in-depth learning experience, check out one of the Thailand Surf Camps , like the Phuket 6-Day Learn to Surf Camp .

Best time to visit Thailand for surfing - Best time to visit Thailand to learn how to surf

Best time to visit Thailand plus other Southeast Asian countries

The best time to visit Thailand and the rest of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam , Laos, and Cambodia , is during the dry season, which is from November to April.

In Vietnam , the dry season varies slightly depending on the region, but it’s similar to the dry season in Thailand. In the north, it typically lasts from November to April, while in the south, it lasts from December to April.

If you prefer cooler weather and don’t mind some rain showers, visiting during the shoulder seasons of May-June or September-October can also be a good option as there are fewer tourists and lower prices.

Best time to visit Thailand for breathtaking views on viewpoints

Best time to visit Thailand: Month-by-month overview

It’s quite hard to generalize the best time to visit Thailand by month since Thailand is a diverse country with variations in weather across different regions. For example, the southern islands have a completely different climate than cities like Bangkok or Chiang Mai .

Still, below is a month-by-month overview of the general weather and temperature in Thailand.

Month-by-month Overview

  • November to February: This is considered the best time to visit Thailand as the weather is generally dry and temperatures are cooler, ranging from 20-30°C (68-86°F). It’s a great time for beach activities and exploring outdoor attractions.
  • March to May: These months are hot, with temperatures reaching up to 35°C (95°F) in some areas. It can be quite humid, but it’s still possible to enjoy outdoor activities if you stay hydrated and take breaks during the hottest parts of the day.
  • June to October: This period is Thailand’s rainy season, with increased chances of rainfall and occasional storms. However, it doesn’t rain all day every day, and there are still plenty of sunny hours. The advantage of visiting during this time is that prices for accommodations and flights tend to be lower.

Best time to visit Thailand for beaches and islands

While it’s possible to have an enjoyable trip in the country at any time of year, the best time to visit Thailand really depends on what you want to see and experience.

November to February is considered ideal , as you can have a pleasant time in almost all regions, Central and Northern Thailand and in the south along the coast of the Andaman Sea.

We hope this comprehensive guide to the best time to visit Thailand, gives you all the information you need to plan your exploration or vacation to this wonderful country.

Looking for more travel guides and Thailand travel inspiration?

Bangkok – Krabi – Phuket

Chiang Mai – Chiang Rai – Pai

Phi Phi Islands – Maya Bay – Koh Hong

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Similan Islands – Surin Islands

Khao Sok Floating Bungalows

Best Thailand SIM Cards

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best time to visit thailand october

Tusk Travel Blog

The Best Places to Visit in Thailand in October in 2024

Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

If you’ve been stressed and frustrated by staying at home for too long and want to have an enjoyable holiday where you can smile by the end of the day, Thailand, a lovely tourist attraction in South-East Asia, greets you. October marks the beginning of the nice season to visit Thailand, with several festival events and locations to visit.

If you’re considering a vacation to Thailand in October, you may be surprised at when and what you can do. The following reading will answer all of your concerns and get you ready for your vacation.

Table of Contents

What will the weather be like in Thailand in October?

In the north & northeast, these rural areas are covered with lush green paddy fields shortly after the monsoon season.

Just after the second part of October, rainfall begins to decrease on the mainland. Although severe rain is possible at times, it mainly falls in the afternoon or evening hours. Storms can be violent, with thunderstorms and lightning, but they don’t persist for long.

The weather remains mild, and the sky and sun may be observed in the mornings because rain normally does not fall until late in the afternoon. Temperatures typically vary from 21 to 31 degrees Celsius.

The weather systems in the southern part of the Thai island differ from those on the northern island, leading to more rainfall in the area. Beaches aren’t the ideal place to be this time of year.

7 Best Places to Visit in Thailand in October

1. chiang mai.

Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, like Chiang Rai, is a must-see northern Thai region and is known as “The Rose of the North”. Chiang Mai, surrounded by hills and lush farmland, is significantly greener and calmer than Bangkok in October. On the other hand, its significance as the ancient Lanna Kingdom’s capital city and its 300 old temples give it a strong feeling of history.

Chiang Mai also has a variety of sophisticated sedentary activities. Nimmanhaemin Road features a plethora of pubs and restaurants with relatively affordable costs, allowing you to sample the local food and drinks. Weekend marketplaces such as Saturday Main Street & Sunday Wandering Street are other fantastic locations to shop in Chiang Mai and get a flavor of the native customs.

Location: 195/197, Ban Tanawan

Timings: Friday, 5:18 PM

2. Chiang Rai

Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai, Thailand

If you want to visit Thailand without having to deal with rain in October, you may go to the northern towns. Chiang Rai is a renowned tourist destination in the northern part of Thailand, with numerous intriguing temples and a gorgeous landscape.

You may prolong your vacation to Chiang Rai to visit the Golden Triangle, a spectacular location from which you can see the boundaries of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar and where they meet. The huge Mekong River as well as the surrounding mountains may also be seen from the Thai side of the border.

The Chiang Rai Evening Market is the ideal area to see the heart of the city. With so many stores and snack courts to choose from, you will not be bored here.

Location: Mueang, Chiang Rai District, Thailand

Timings: 5:23 PM

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Best budget luxury vacation spot in the world: Bangkok

Something typically wet in Bangkok in October, but that does not mean it’s not an excellent time to come. One of the nicest things to do in Bangkok is to see a Thai boxing battle. With the adrenaline rush thrill, you will have an experience that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

Not a Boxing Fan? Then, nightclub dancers will amuse you. The nightclub performances of Lady-boy dancers astound the crowd, making it one of the top places to visit in Thailand in October .

In addition, Bangkok is among the greatest places to eat a wide range of distinctive cuisines in a variety of restaurants. Whether you desire hot shrimp or chicken soup, Bangkok eateries provide something for everyone.

4. Ayutthaya

Ayutthaya, Thailand

Ayutthaya, the very ancient capital of the Ayutthaya Kingdom, is notable for its temple ruins and historical palaces.

Spend a few days in this once-booming ancient city to discover the magnificence of one of Indochina’s biggest kingdoms. Some of the guidance for the preparation includes feeding rescued elephants at an elephant reserve, and taking a bike trip through the historic French, British, Portuguese, and Dutch neighborhoods.

Location: Phra Nakhon, Ayutthaya District

Timing: 5: 48 PM

Phuket Islands, Thailand

Because it is Thailand’s biggest island, it is also among the busiest in the country. This island provides the greatest amenities for a luxury holiday. When it doesn’t rain, hit on the beach. Luxury resorts till you fall in love with the Thai culture.

High-end restaurants are only for those who enjoy excellent dining. Visiting malls and satisfying your shopping desires is the greatest way to spend your Phuket vacation packages . Because it is the off-season, you may be able to get great deals.

Location: Southern Part of Thailand

6. Koh Samui

Koh Samui, Thailand

If you are considering a trip to Thailand in October, you must definitely include Koh Samui on your itinerary. When it comes to Koh Samui, it provides a low-cost vacation while yet allowing you to have fun.

The exquisite facilities have been meticulously developed only for you. On your Koh Samui deluxe vacation packages , be sure you visit a deluxe spa.

7. Koh Lanta

Ko Lanta Beach Thailand

In October, Koh Lanta is among the nicest islands to explore in Thailand. Natural tourist attractions such as the Khlong Chak waterfall are a must-see. The gentle waves evoke feelings of tranquility.

The green cave on Koh Muk, snorkeling, and a boat excursion through the mangrove woods round off your stay. If you enjoy visiting natural areas, Koh Lanta Yai is an excellent choice.

Location: Located in the southern part of Thailand

Festivals and events you must attend in October in Thailand.

1. boat races.

Boat Races Thailand

Traditional long-boat racing competitions are held in several locations in Thailand in October. Some of them include Buriram, Bab Nakhon Sawan, Chachoengsao, and Nakhon Ratchasima. On the 4th day after the full moon, the locals gather to commemorate the end of the monsoon season.

If you are planning a trip to Thailand in October, be prepared to have an experience that will take your breath away.

2. Chulalongkorn King Day

Chulalongkorn King Day Thailand

Also known as “Wan Piyamaharaj Day”. Every October 23rd, Chulalongkorn Day is observed as a remembrance of King Chulalongkorn’s demise. Thailand is celebrating a national holiday.

People congregate all around the Equestrian Monument in the Imperial Plaza to pay their respects to King Chulalongkorn and place wreaths on the statue.

3. Awk Phansa

best time to visit thailand october

Awk Phansa is a Thai national holiday. It is recognized as Isan in the northern section of Thailand. It is similar to the Buddhist fast (known as the “vassa”) time, during which many Buddhists refrain from meat, alcohol, and tobacco.

Many individuals come at this time to participate in a lighted ritual at the holy temple. Light boat processions are also held on the Mekong Delta in Nakhon Phanom and Nong Khai, as well as the Mun River in Ubon Ratchathani, across Isan.

October is an excellent month to visit Thailand since it marks the end of the rainy season, yet the weather stays romantic and wonderful. It is ideal for touring and exploring Thailand’s streets. I hope this clarifies your plans for Thailand in October. These are the above places you must visit in October.

Here are some more articles about Thailand:

  • Top 10 Destinations to Visit in Thailand in September 2024
  • 10 Famous Tourist Places to See in Chiang Rai
  • How to Get Thailand Tourist Visa for Indian Citizens
  • 12 Top-Rated Destinations To Visit In Chiang Mai
  • Thailand’s 10 Best Places to Visit in December
  • Traditional Thai Massage & Spa- Things You Need to Know About
  • 15 Things You Should Buy In Thailand
  • New 10-Year Long-Term Resident Visa Announced by Thailand for Foreigners

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Best (and Worst) Times to Visit Bangkok 2024

  • Best Times to Bangkok
  • Worst Times to Visit Bangkok
  • Peak Season in Bangkok
  • Shoulder Season in Bangkok
  • Low Season in Bangkok

Bangkok Weather and Travel: Month by Month

Bangkok has a tropical monsoon climate and generally remains hot and humid throughout the year. Bangkok has three seasons: hot, rainy, and "cool" and dry.

The coolest and driest months are December and January, with almost no rainfall and an average low of 22°C (72°F) and high of 31°C (88°F), so still warm, but not so hot.

The hottest month is April, with an average high of 35°C (95°F) and low of 27°C (80°F). The high rainfall starts around mid-May and reaches its maximum in September.

Best Times to Visit Bangkok

Though Bangkok is a year-round destination, the best time to visit Bangkok weather-wise is from November to February. The weather is not-so-hot and mostly sunny, which is very suitable for sightseeing.

You will find big discounts if you travel between June and October due to the rainy season. It is usually the cheapest time of year to go to Bangkok.

If you want to experience Thailand's top festivals, then come in April or November, which are the months for Thai New Year (a.k.a. Songkran Festival) and Loy Krathong respectively.

In the middle and end of the year, Bangkok, the shopping paradise, offers attractive discounts at major shopping malls.

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The Worst Times to Visit Bangkok

Located in the tropics, Bangkok can be scorching and humid on some days, which would be the worst time to visit if you can't stand that sort of weather.

  • April and May are times to avoid if you don't like scorching heat and a muggy feeling.
  • September to early October is the rainiest time. If you don't like the rain, then this is the period you should avoid.

However, at those times you can find the most favorable prices and enjoy less-crowded attractions.

The heat can also be avoided as much as possible by organizing your schedule wisely.

Although rain is a bit of a nuisance, it usually rains in the late afternoon or early evening. So, it wouldn't affect your whole visit.

>>> Thailand's Rainy Season: When It Is and the 5 Best Places to Go

Peak Season in Bangkok (November to February)

The most popular time to travel to Bangkok is from November to February with its comfortable weather. However, it also brings higher trip costs and large number of travelers.

Bangkok in November — Comfortable with Little Rain

  • Average low/high temperature: 24°C/32°C (76°F/89°F)

With nice weather conditions, November is a good time to go anywhere in Bangkok, like visiting the Grand Palace, local markets, and temples.

There is a big festival in November — Loy Krathong . There are lively celebrations in parks, temples, and on rivers all over Bangkok.

Bangkok in December — Coolest Month

  • Average low/high temperature: 22°C/31°C (72°F/88°F)

December is the driest and coolest month of the year in Bangkok. It is also the most touristy month.

The end of December brings a festive atmosphere. There are celebrations on Christmas and New Year's Eve in Bangkok. Shopping malls in Thailand have big sales from late December to early January. If you're planning a trip to Thailand over the Christmas and New Year period, try to book as early as possible. Popular hotels are usually booked up 3-6 months in advance.

>>> Best Places to Spend Christmas in Thailand

Bangkok in January — Sunny

  • Average low/high temperature: 22°C/32°C (72°F/89°F)

January is still cool with bright sunshine.

Temples in Bangkok, Maeklong Railway Market, floating markets, and historical parks around Bangkok are all good choices to visit.

Bangkok in February — Still Nice Weather

  • Average low/high temperature: 24°C/33°C (75°F/91°F)

Although the temperature has risen a bit in February, it is still a good time to visit Bangkok because of the lack of rain.

Bangkok's China Town is a good place to visit when it coincides with Chinese New Year.

Shoulder Season in Bangkok (March to June)

Temperatures in Bangkok begin to rise sharply from March, and rains arrive in May.

Although not as many as in the peak season, there are still many tourists for the Songkran Festival in April.

Bangkok in March — Heat Up

  • Average low/high temperature: 26°C/34°C (78°F/93°F)

Temperatures heat up in March, especially in late March. However, early March is still suitable for sightseeing. You still can expect more sun and less rain than at other times of the year.

Bangkok in April — Hottest Month

  • Average low/high temperature: 27°C/35°C (80°F/95°F)

April is the hottest month of the year in Bangkok. It is also wetter than March.

Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) falls on April 13–15. Though April is not a peak season, the festival still attracts many travelers.

Visiting temples or arranging a morning/night outdoor tour, like a night cruise could avoid the heat as much as possible.

Bangkok in May — Rains Start

  • Average low/high temperature: 27°C/34°C (80°F/94°F)

The rainy season in Bangkok begins in May. The combination of rain and heat inevitably creates a muggy feeling.

Relaxing by the pool or in an air-conditioned café can alleviate such feelings.

There are few tourists in Bangkok in May. It is a great time to visit Bangkok for favorable prices.

Bangkok in June — Hot and Wet

  • Average low/high temperature: 27°C/33°C (80°F/92°F)

Bangkok in June is a little less muggy than May. Rainfall is moderate and passes quickly.

You could expect less-crowded attractions and shoulder season promotions.

Shopping in an air-conditioned shopping mall is a good choice in June. Bangkok's many shopping malls will have discounts in the middle of the year.

Low Season in Bangkok (July to October)

July to October is the rainy season in Bangkok.

Increasing rainfall makes July to October less touristy. Some travelers take advantage of the opportunity to gain a quiet experience with less costs, though.

Bangkok in July — Moderate Rain

  • Average low/high temperature: 26°C/33°C (79°F/91°F)

Traveling in July is not bad. The temperature in July drops a little. Rainfall is at moderate levels.

Rain showers usually come in the afternoon or at dusk. Just plan your trip around this knowledge. Don't worry too much about the impact of rain on your trip.

Bangkok in August — Rain Increases

Temperatures in August are the same as July's, but rainfall begins to increase at the end of August.

Taking a Thai cooking class, getting a Thai spa/massage, and watching a wonderful cultural performance (e.g. Muay Thai kick boxing) are all good activities for the rainy season.

Bangkok in September — Rainiest Month

  • Average low/high temperature: 26°C/32°C (78°F/90°F)

In September, you would see heavy rain/thunderstorms very regularly. Monsoonal rainfall is at its peak in Bangkok.

It is probably the month to get the most favorable prices.

Bangkok in October — End of the Rainy Season

  • Average low/high temperature: 25°C/32°C (78°F/89°F)

Finally, in October, Bangkok's rainy season comes to an end. In mid-October, the rainfall starts to decrease.

So, late October is actually quite a good time to visit Bangkok: there's less rainfall, and you could avoid the upcoming peak season, starting in November.

Popular Bangkok Tours

We can create an ideal Bangkok trip for you based on your group size, time, budget, interests, preferences, and other requirements. Contact us .

Or you may want to use one of our popular itineraries as a starting point:

  • 12-Day Thailand Wonders Tour : Bangkok – Khao Yai – Chiang Mai - Krabi
  • 10-Day Best of Thailand with Koh Samui : Bangkok – Chiang Mai – Koh Samui
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best time to visit thailand october

Best Time to Visit Phuket: Ultimate Guide to Seasons & Events

  • April 11, 2024
  • Beaches & Islands , Phuket , Thailand

Beautiful girl surrounded by fish in Andaman Sea, Krabi, Thailand.

Table of Contents

Welcome to paradise: finding your perfect phuket season.

Dreaming of a getaway to Phuket? You’re not alone! This island paradise , with its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich culture, beckons travelers from around the globe. But when is the best time to visit Phuket? Let’s dive into the seasons to help you plan your ideal vacation.

Navigating Phuket’s Seasons: A Traveler’s Overview

Phuket’s tropical climate means warm weather year-round, but the experience can vary significantly depending on the season. Whether you’re after sun-soaked days or cooler evenings, understanding Phuket’s weather patterns is key to planning your trip.

The Hot Season (March to Early May)

Best Time Travel to Phuket

Pros: The sun is out, and the beaches are calling! This is the time to bask in the warmth, perfect for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. The vibrant Songkran festival in April offers a unique cultural experience, inviting you to join in the world’s biggest water fight.

Cons: It can get hot, really hot, with temperatures soaring and humidity at its peak. For some, the heat may be too intense for comfort, making prolonged outdoor activities challenging.

Top 5 Activities or Things to Visit:

  • Songkran Festival Celebrations: Participate in the cultural festivities and water fights, especially in Patong Beach.
  • Snorkeling at Banana Beach: Explore the vibrant marine life and coral reefs.
  • Visit the Big Buddha: Enjoy the panoramic views from this iconic landmark.
  • Phang Nga Bay Sea Kayaking: Discover hidden lagoons and caves in this breathtaking area.
  • Similan Islands Diving Trip: Experience some of the best diving spots in the world.

The Rainy Season (May to October)

Best season visit Phuket

Pros: The island transforms into a lush paradise, with verdant landscapes and waterfalls at their most majestic. With fewer tourists, you’ll enjoy a more serene Phuket and find great deals on accommodation.

Cons: The monsoon brings its share of heavy showers and rough seas, which can disrupt travel plans and limit beach activities.

  • Indoor Cooking Classes: Learn to cook Thai cuisine from local experts.
  • Phuket Trickeye Museum: A fun, interactive 3D art gallery perfect for rainy days.
  • Old Phuket Town Exploration: Wander through the colorful streets and Sino-Portuguese buildings.
  • Spa and Wellness Retreats: Indulge in traditional Thai massages and treatments.
  • Visit Wat Chalong: Explore Phuket’s most important Buddhist temple.

The Cool Season (November to February)

Best Time to visit phuket

Pros: With the best weather of the year, clear skies, and cool breezes, it’s no wonder this is Phuket’s peak season. The conditions are ideal for exploring the island’s outdoor attractions and enjoying the vibrant nightlife.

Cons : Popularity comes with a price—expect higher rates for hotels and crowded tourist spots. Advance booking becomes essential.

  • Phi Phi Islands Day Trip: Discover the stunning beauty of Maya Bay and the Viking Cave.
  • Phuket Vegetarian Festival: Witness this unique cultural event with colorful processions.
  • Beach Hopping: Spend your days exploring Kata, Karon, and Surin beaches.
  • Promthep Cape Sunset: Catch the most breathtaking sunset on the island.
  • Jungle Safari at Khao Sok National Park: Adventure through one of Thailand’s oldest rainforests.

Choosing Your Ideal Time to Visit

Peak season: november to february.

This period is the best time to visit Phuket if you’re looking for the quintessential island experience with perfect weather for beach days and outdoor adventures.

Shoulder Season: March to May

Enjoy the warmth before the rains with the added bonus of experiencing Songkran. It’s a sweet spot for those looking to avoid the peak season crowds but still enjoy good weather.

What is the best time to go to Phuket

Off-Peak Season: May to October

Ideal for budget travelers and those seeking a quieter Phuket. The landscape is at its most beautiful, and the cultural experiences are more intimate.

Making the Most of Your Phuket Adventure

Embarking on a journey to Phuket, regardless of the season, promises an array of unforgettable experiences. To ensure your adventure is as enriching and enjoyable as possible, consider these tailored travel tips for every season. They’re designed to help you navigate the island’s climate, culture, and attractions with ease.

Travel Tips for Every Season

  • Stay Hydrated and Protected: The tropical sun in Phuket can be intense. Always carry water, wear sunscreen, and don a hat, especially during the hot season. This simple practice can prevent heatstroke and ensure you enjoy your outdoor activities to the fullest.
  • Pack Smart: For the rainy season, a lightweight raincoat or umbrella is essential. Quick-dry clothing can also make sudden downpours more manageable, ensuring you’re ready to explore again in no time.
  • Advance Bookings: The cool season sees a surge in visitors, making it crucial to book your accommodations, flights, and even some activities well in advance. This foresight can save you from inflated prices and fully booked notices.
  • Embrace Local Customs: Phuket’s rich cultural tapestry is a significant part of its charm. Whether it’s participating in the Songkran festival or visiting sacred temples, showing respect for local customs and traditions will enrich your experience and foster connections with locals.
  • Explore Beyond the Beaches: While Phuket’s beaches are legendary, the island has much more to offer. From the lush landscapes of the interior to the historic streets of Old Phuket Town, taking the road less traveled can reveal the island’s true beauty.

Phuket’s Must-See Attractions Year-Round

Best Month to visit Phuket

Phuket is a treasure trove of attractions, with something to captivate every traveler. Here are some must-visit spots that promise memorable experiences, no matter when you visit:

  • Big Buddha: This towering statue is not only a symbol of peace but also offers panoramic views of the island. It’s a serene spot to reflect and take in the beauty of Phuket.
  • Phuket Town: With its colorful Sino-Portuguese buildings, bustling markets, and delicious street food, Phuket Town offers a vibrant glimpse into local life and history.
  • Similan Islands: For those visiting in the hot or cool seasons, a trip to the Similan Islands is a must. Renowned for their crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life, they’re a diver’s paradise.
  • Wat Chalong: Phuket’s most important Buddhist temple is a peaceful retreat and a beautiful example of Thai architecture and spirituality.
  • Promthep Cape: Renowned for its stunning sunsets, Promthep Cape is the perfect spot to end a day in Phuket with a breathtaking view.

Your Phuket Journey Awaits

Whether you’re drawn to the allure of sunny days, the tranquility of the rainy season, or the cool breezes of the peak months, Phuket promises an unforgettable experience. Consider what you want from your trip—adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion—and plan accordingly. Phuket’s diverse seasons offer myriad opportunities for every traveler. With Bangkok Airways , let the traveling be the easiest thing for you. Pack your bags, and get ready to discover the best time to visit Phuket for yourself. Paradise awaits!

Remember, the beauty of Phuket is not just in its landscapes but in its people and culture. Whichever season you choose to visit, embracing the local way of life will undoubtedly enrich your journey.

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best time to visit thailand october

This is the best time to visit Thailand

T hailand’s a magnet for tourists, and for good reason! From its mouthwatering food to its stunning scenery, there’s something for everyone. But timing your trip right can make all the difference. Here’s a breakdown to help you pick the perfect time to visit Thailand: 

The best time to visit Thailand for good weather

For many travelers, the cool and dry season from November to February is considered the best time to visit Thailand for optimal weather conditions. This is when the whole country sighs in relief – comfortable temperatures, low humidity, and barely a drop of rain. 

Up north, cities like Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai offer a welcome escape from the heat. Explore ancient temples, trek through lush jungles, and meet the friendly hill tribes without breaking a sweat. Even Bangkok feels delightful, with its bustling markets and iconic landmarks like the Grand Palace beckoning. Plus, the renowned street food scene tastes even better when you’re not battling the summer sun.

The southern islands are another story altogether. Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Samui transform into beach bum paradises. Sunny skies bathe the islands in warmth, while the calm seas are ideal for snorkeling, diving, and island-hopping. Imagine crystal-clear waters and comfortable temperatures hovering around 25-30°C (77-86°F) – a perfect escape from the winter blues!

The best time to visit Thailand to avoid the crowds

While the hot season from March to June may not be the most comfortable time weather-wise, it can be an excellent opportunity for those seeking fewer crowds. During this period, temperatures can soar to 35°C (95°F) or higher, especially in the central and northern regions. 

For travelers on a budget or those seeking a more authentic Thai experience without the peak-season hustle and bustle, the hot season can be an ideal time to visit. Popular destinations like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket offer fewer tourists, allowing visitors to explore at a more leisurely pace and immerse themselves in local life.

The best time to visit Thailand for affordability

Cash-strapped explorers, listen up! Thailand unfolds its most budget-friendly side during the hot (March-June) and rainy (July-October) seasons.

The hot season might crank up the heat, but it also dials down the prices. Popular spots like Bangkok , Chiang Mai, and Phuket not only see the tourist crowds thin out but hotel rates plummet. 

The rainy season isn’t all downpours, either. It’s a chance to snag deals on stunning islands like Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and even Phuket. The lush landscapes of the north explode with vibrant greens, and you’ll practically have the place to yourself compared to peak season. That means with a little planning (think waterproof gear!), the rainy season can be a budget traveler’s dream.

The best time to visit Thailand for outdoor activities

The cool and dry season from November to February is considered the best time for adventure and outdoor activities in Thailand. With comfortable temperatures, low humidity, and minimal rainfall, this period offers ideal conditions for activities such as:

  • Hiking and trekking through lush forests and mountainous regions
  • Exploring ancient temples and historical sites without excessive heat
  • Snorkeling, diving, and island-hopping in the clear, calm waters of the southern islands
  • Participating in water sports and beach activities in optimal weather conditions

The northern regions and the southern islands provide excellent opportunities for those who love the outdoors to fully immerse themselves in Thailand’s natural wonders during this period.

The best time to visit Thailand for festivals and events

Thailand has a vibrant cultural scene with tons of festivals and events throughout the year that give you the chance to immerse yourself in the country’s rich traditions and celebrations. Here are a few examples to consider when planning your trip:

  • Loy Krathong (November): This beautiful festival, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a must-see for anyone visiting Thailand in November. Participants float decorated baskets adorned with candles and flowers on rivers and lakes, creating a magical atmosphere as they drift away carrying wishes for good luck.
  • Songkran (Thai New Year, April): Prepare to get soaked! Songkran is Thailand’s wild and wonderful New Year celebration, where water reigns supreme. Thais traditionally pour water on Buddha statues and elders as a sign of respect, but the streets soon transform into a giant water fight. Expect a fun and chaotic atmosphere filled with laughter, music, and dancing.
  • Phuket Vegetarian Festival (September/October): This unique and sometimes graphic festival, held primarily in Phuket, is a test of faith and devotion. Devotees adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and participate in rituals involving piercings and self-mutilation. While not for everyone, it’s a fascinating glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of Thai culture.

The post This is the best time to visit Thailand appeared first on The Manual .

Sumit Chinchane / Unsplash

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Best Time of Year to Visit Vietnam Thailand & Cambodia (Update 2024)

A journey through the captivating lands of Vietnam Thailand Cambodia promises a truly unforgettable experience. Boasting a diverse array of cultural treasures, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant cities, the optimal time to explore this remarkable region can vary depending on your preferences and priorities.

When is the best time of year to visit Vietnam Thailand Cambodia ? Generally, the best time to visit Vietnam Thailand Cambodia spans from November to April , when the weather is relatively dry and temperatures are mild. This period, often referred to as the "high season," offers the most comfortable conditions for sightseeing, outdoor activities, and cultural immersion.

However, to truly maximize your experience and discover the unique seasonal highlights of each destination, a more detailed understanding of the regional climate and activity calendars is essential. This comprehensive best time to visit Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia guide includes important information on optimal travel times, festivals, and the rainy season, allowing you to delve into the details and plan the perfect journey through Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia .

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Best Time to Visit Vietnam Thailand Cambodia (Nov - Apr)

The Sun Rises Over Angkor Wat

When it comes to planning the perfect trip to the captivating destinations of Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia , timing is everything. Luckily, these three Southeast Asian gems share an optimal travel window that aligns seamlessly - the months between November and April .

During this prime season, the weather across the region is generally dry, sunny, and comfortable, making it an ideal time to fully immerse yourself in the cultural riches and natural wonders that await. Let's dive deeper into the best time to visit each country:


21 Days Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Tour: Relaxing Family Vacation

Best Time to Visit Vietnam

Breathtaking view from Titop Island

The climate of Vietnam is tropical, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The best time to visit is during the dry season, which typically runs from November to April . This period is characterized by lower humidity, lesser rainfall, and more comfortable temperatures, making it ideal for exploring the country's diverse regions.

From November to February, the weather in Vietnam is cool and dry, with average temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). This is an excellent time for visiting the bustling cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City , as well as the central and northern regions, where you can enjoy activities like trekking, visiting historic sites, and indulging in the vibrant culinary scene.

During the months of March and April, the weather warms up, with temperatures reaching 30°C to 35°C (86°F to 95°F). This is a great time to explore the stunning beaches of central and southern Vietnam , such as Nha Trang and Phu Quoc, as well as the lush, verdant landscapes of the Mekong Delta .

Related Article: Best (Worst) Time to Visit North Vietnam, Travel Tips (2024/2025)

10 Days Best Vietnam Tour: Karst Landscape, History, Food & Local Life

Best Time to Visit Thailand

Sunset view of Wat Arun

Thailand is known for its tropical climate, with three distinct seasons: the cool season (November to February), the hot season (March to June), and the rainy season (July to October). The best time to visit Thailand is during the cool season, when the weather is mild and pleasant.

From November to February, temperatures in Thailand range from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F), with low humidity and minimal rainfall. This is the peak tourist season, and it's an excellent time to explore the country's vibrant cities, such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, as well as the stunning beaches along the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand .

During the months of March and April, the weather in Thailand becomes hotter, with temperatures reaching up to 40°C (104°F). This is a great time to visit the northern regions of the country, where you can enjoy trekking, visiting hill tribes, and exploring the lush, verdant landscapes.

Related Article: Best Time to Visit Bangkok, Best Time to Visit Thailand 2024

7 Days Classic Thailand Tour Package to Bangkok, Chiang Mai & Phuket

Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Timeless Angkor Wat

Cambodia has a tropical monsoon climate, with two distinct seasons: the dry season (November to April) and the rainy season (May to October). The best time to visit Cambodia is during the dry season, when the weather is cooler and drier.

From November to February, temperatures in Cambodia range from 25°C to 32°C (77°F to 90°F), with low humidity and minimal rainfall. This is the peak tourist season, and it's an excellent time to explore the country's iconic temples, such as Angkor Wat , as well as the bustling cities of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

During the months of March and April, the weather in Cambodia becomes hotter, with temperatures reaching up to 35°C (95°F). This is a great time to visit the coastal areas, such as Sihanoukville and Kep, where you can enjoy the beaches and explore the local culture.

Related Article: Best Time to Visit Angkor Wat: Weather & Tips 2024

5 Days In-depth Angkor Wat Tour, Cambodia : All Must-See & Hidden Gems, Sunrise, Sunset

Best Time to Visit Vietnam Thailand Cambodia: Festivals & Culture

When it comes to visiting Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia , the best time undoubtedly combines with the local traditional festivals and rich cultural heritage. By scheduling the visit during these important cultural events, tourists can deeply experience the unique customs and immerse themselves in the vibrant ethnic atmosphere.

In summary, the most significant festivals in these three countries are concentrated in the following months:

January-February : Lunar New Year/Tết Nguyên Đán (Vietnam)

April : Songkran Festival (Thailand)

August : Mid-Autumn Festival (Vietnam)

September-Octobe r: Pchum Ben Festival (Cambodia)

November : Lantern Festival/Water Festival (Thailand & Cambodia)

Tết Nguyên Đán (Lunar New Year): This is the most important traditional festival in Vietnam , usually occurring in January or February. People gather for family reunions, worship ancestors, and celebrate the coming of the new year with sumptuous food and joyful performances.

Mid-Autumn Festival: During the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, children play with colorful mooncakes and lanterns. Houses are decorated with vibrant lanterns. This festival symbolizes family reunion and the joy of a bountiful harvest.

Floating Lanterns in Chiang Mai

Songkran Festival: Songkran, which takes place in mid-April, is one of the most important festivals of Thailand . People splash water on each other, symbolizing purification and welcoming the new year. Traditional dances, performances, and delicious food are also part of the festivities.

Lantern Festival: This festival, which occurs in November, involves the release of animals and floating lanterns shaped like the moon, symbolizing prayers for new opportunities and good luck. It is a poetic and romantic celebration.

Pchum Ben Festival: This festival, occurring in September or October, involves offering food to the spirits of the deceased and participating in temple ceremonies to express reverence for ancestors.

Water Festival: Held in November each year, Cambodia hosts a grand boat racing event that attracts spectators from all over the country. It is not only a fierce sports competition but also a cultural celebration of the harvest.

Is May to October (Monsoon) a bad time to visit Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia?

May to October brings the rainy season to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia , characterized by humidity and heat. This period is not ideal for outdoor activities. However, the monsoon season from May to October can also offer a range of benefits for travelers seeking a more authentic and less crowded experience. With proper planning and a willingness to embrace the seasonal changes, the monsoon season can be a rewarding time to explore these charming Southeast Asian destinations.

Our Guests at Angkor Wat

Vietnam during Monsoon Season

During the monsoon season in Vietnam , the weather can be characterized by increased rainfall, higher humidity, and slightly cooler temperatures, particularly in the northern and central regions of the country. However, this season also has its advantages.

The southern parts of Vietnam , including the Mekong Delta and Ho Chi Minh City , tend to experience a less intense monsoon, with occasional showers that are often short-lived. This makes it possible to still enjoy the vibrant city life, explore the lush river landscapes, and discover the rich cultural heritage during the summer months.

In Thailand , the monsoon season runs from July to October , with the southern regions experiencing the heaviest rainfall. While the weather may be more unpredictable during these months, it does not necessarily mean that it is a bad time to visit.The monsoon season can be an excellent time to explore the northern and central regions of Thailand , where the cooler temperatures and lush, verdant landscapes provide a refreshing respite from the scorching heat of the dry season. Additionally, the reduced crowds and lower prices can make for a more enjoyable and budget-friendly travel experience.

Cambodia during Monsoon Season

The monsoon season of Combodia  typically lasts from May to October , with the heaviest rainfall occurring between July and September. While this period may present some logistical challenges, it should not be dismissed as a bad time to visit.

During the monsoon season, the iconic temples of Cambodia , such as Angkor Wat , maybe less crowded, allowing visitors to explore these architectural marvels with more space and tranquility. Additionally, the lush, verdant landscapes and the reduced crowds can provide a more authentic and immersive experience.

18 Days Thailand Vietnam Cambodia Tour: Splendid Heritage, Culture & Authentic Life

How to Plan a Thailand Vietnam Thailand Cambodia Tour?

Embarking on an epic journey to explore the diverse wonders of Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia can be an incredibly rewarding experience. With around 10 days to 3 weeks , you can immerse yourself in the captivating cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and iconic landmarks of these Southeast Asian gems. You can experience the highlights of Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia , ranging from vibrant cities to serene natural wonders.

Bathing Elephants

14 Days Classic Thailand Vietnam Thailand Cambodia Itinerary:

Day 1-3: Bangkok, Thailand

Begin your adventure in the vibrant capital of Thailand , Bangkok . Spend three days exploring the city's rich cultural heritage, visiting the magnificent Grand Palace, the serene Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho, and the stunning Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn) at sunset.

Day 4-5: Pattaya, Thailand

Take a day trip from Bangkok to the coastal city of Pattaya, known for its beautiful beaches and lively atmosphere. Relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy the local sights and cuisine.

Day 6-8: Siem Reap, Cambodia

Fly from Bangkok to Siem Reap, the gateway to the magnificent Angkor Wat . Rise early to witness the stunning sunrise at Angkor Wat , followed by visits to the impressive Angkor Thom, the serene Ta Prohm, and the hilltop Phnom Bakheng temple.

Day 9-10: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Fly from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City , the vibrant southern metropolis of Vietnam . Discover the city's rich history at the Cu Chi Tunnels, Reunification Palace, and War Remnants Museum. Explore the lively Central Post Office and immerse yourself in the local cuisine.

Day 11: Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Take a day trip from Ho Chi Minh City to the Mekong Delta, where you can cruise the waterways, visit floating markets, and immerse yourself in the traditional way of life.

Day 12-13: Hanoi, Vietnam

Fly from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi, the charming capital of Vietnam . Visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, One Pillar Pagoda, and explore the historic Old Quarter by cyclo.

Day 14: Halong Bay, Vietnam

Embark on a 2-day cruise in the stunning Halong Bay , a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its dramatic limestone cliffs and serene emerald waters.

Related Article: How to Plan a Trip to Vietnam Thailand & Cambodia (10 Easy Steps)

Related Article: 3 Weeks Itinerary in Thailand Cambodia Vietnam: The Best Choice

Related Article: Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Itinerary 10 Days: 5 Best Itinerary Ideas

Related Article: Vietnam Thailand Cambodia Itinerary: From 10 Days to 3 Weeks

Related Article: Thailand Vietnam Cambodia Map (Location, Cities, Attractions)

14 Days Classic Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Tour Package - Best of Three SE Asia Countries

Asia Odyssey Travel, Your Best Travel Mate in Southeast Asia

Your one month itinerary covering major stops in Southeast Asia can be truly epic, enriched with endless possibilities!

Dive into the Bangkok city buzz for a foodie fix or simply bask in sunshine at the white sand beaches of Thailand Islands . Make your own lantern in Southeast Asian style in Hoi An old town or cruise along the life-giving Mekong River in Vietnam.

In Laos, observe the daily alms-giving ceremony in Luang Prabang, a simple yet elegant custom that offers insight into Buddhist principles. Discover the magnificent Angkor Wat complex in Cambodia, the world's largest religious monument, and tread where ancient civilizations once stood.

Explore Southeast Asia to the Fullest: Worry-Free Tours with Asia Odyssey Travel!

  • Authentic Experience: Full Southeast Asia experience with local guides
  • Genuine Service: Crafted itinerary by seasoned travel experts
  • Travel Made Easy: Flights, hotels, activities - all taken care of!
  • 24/7 Support: Peace of mind throughout your trip

Get in touch with Travel Expert at Asia Odyssey Travel , start to plan your Southeast Asia !

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Spectacular spots in Thailand for a truly memorable trip

Whether you're searching for unspoilt sand or incredible street food, we know just the place

where to go in thailand

Here, discover the most beautiful places in Thailand, from the gateway island escape to some lesser-known hideaways.

Where to go in Thailand, according to a long-time traveller

preview for 10 of the best travel experiences in the world

For a weekend in the city: Bangkok

Bangkok is not a city for the faint-hearted: from the humid climes to the non-stop moped traffic, it’s a city that requires both energy and enthusiasm.

But come prepared (that’s comfortable shoes, a proper hat and a decent night’s sleep) and there is so much to discover in this vibrant city.

On weekends, brave the rabbit warren of Chatuchak market (go early to skip the crowds and the heat) and hunt for designer vintage treasures hidden amongst the 15000 market stalls, or head to Chinatown’s Yaowarat road to traverse the miles of gold traders and street-food vendors. Looking for something more cultural? The Grand Palace is one of the most spectacular Buddhist temples in the country, sensitively maintained and glimmering gold beneath the sun.

where to go in thailand

The stay: Mandarin Oriental

The oldest hotel in Thailand, The Oriental first opened on the banks of the Chao Phraya river in 1876 and, after being bought by the Mandarin group in the 1970s, remains the most prestigious place to stay in the city today. Ask for a room in the Author’s Wing, part of the original 19th century building, where each suite is named after a past literary guest.

For jungle treks and food markets: Chiang Mai

where to go in thailand

An hour’s flight north of Bangkok, Chiang Mai is the largest city in Northern Thailand, offering a serene contrast to the beachy Southern regions. Many come for the elephant sanctuaries (which can indeed be wonderful, but be sure to do your research to find an ethical option), and to delve into the country’s rich history and enduring Lanna heritage. Time-honoured temples, jungle treks and national parks are all on the cards here, as is a fantastic food scene for those unafraid to get stuck into a string of dishes on the side of the road. (Do as the late Anthony Bourdain did, and look for the lady in the cowboy hat at Chang Phueak Gate night market).

The stay: 137 Pillars

Chiang Mai isn’t the place for flopping into a five-star resort, with most visiting for a few action-packed days before recovering on the beaches. But that doesn’t mean a stylish stay is off the cards: opt for 137 Pillars, which honours the traditional Lanna architecture while working in modern (and truly luxe) touches, such as a slender swimming pool and well-kitted gym.

For the best beaches: Koh Lipe

where to go in thailand

Koh Lipe is considerably trickier to reach than the popular islands of Samui and Lanta (the flight-taxi-speedboat trifecta takes up a whole day) which means it’s generally visited by those serious Thailand travellers who have ticked off the obvious spots and are in search of something that feels more secret.

Indeed, a trip to Lipe is something you’ll be talking about for some time: this truly paradisiacal island is dubbed the ‘Maldives of Thailand’ for good reason. Here, expect homespun cocktail bars, casual BBQ restaurants and some of the most jaw-dropping beaches in the country, with shallow shores and spectacular snorkelling spots. Don’t pack for an evening dress code – there is nowhere here that requires a high heel – and remember to throw in a few good books, as Lipe is really all about the reclining.

The stay: Idyllic Concept Resort

On hippy-centric Lipe, pristine sandbanks are flanked not by high-rise hotels and mega resorts, but lowkey properties designed around the natural landscape. The most luxurious is Idyllic, which is situated on a coveted spot at the end of Sunrise beach (early risers will be rewarded). The rooms are modest yet modern, with beachfront villas available, and there are two pools: one for lapping, and the other with a swim-up bar.

For family-friendly fun: Koh Samui

where to go in thailand

Koh Samui is perhaps the most well-known of the Southern Thai islands, situated in the Gulf next to Koh Pha-ngan and Koh Tao. Served by its own airport, it’s an easy hour’s flight from Bangkok, yet the atmosphere is worlds apart from the bustle of the city. Development has been rampant on Samui, and there’s now a multitude of luxury resorts to choose from, while the nightlife of Chaweng beach and restaurants of Fisherman’s Village are there should you fancy a livelier libation.

The stay: Six Senses

Set into the hillside on the Northern edge of Samui, Six Senses is the kind of otherworldly retreat that instantly makes you feel deliciously free from the stresses of real life. It’s a taxi drive away from the crowds of the main tourist beaches, and offers both privacy and incredible ocean views (which you can gaze at smugly from your own private infinity pool). Be sure to reserve a table at Dining On The Rocks for a quiet, memorable dinner on a platform perched over the ocean.

See our verdict on the very best Koh Samui hotels here.

For a peaceful retreat: Koh Lanta

where to go in thailand

Koh Lanta, situated on the Western coast and easily accessible from the mainland at Phuket or Krabi, is one of the quieter islands, offering a true sense of castaway escapism. The beaches to the north are the most built-up (although they’re still beautifully chilled out) while the south of the island is where you’ll find the best resorts and most beautiful views. Lanta isn’t packed with tourist attractions or Western restaurants – families after ease and entertainment may want to consider Samui instead – but anyone after a week of rest and relaxation will be in their own personal paradise.

The stay: Pimalai Resort and Spa

Set into the snaking hillside of Lanta’s southerly Kantiang Bay, the Pimalai resort offers the most striking panoramic views of the Andaman sea (with a virtually private stretch of sand to boot). Here, you’ll feel immersed in nature, with villas built around the thriving tropical flora and fauna. Sure, you can rent a paddleboard, play tennis, complete a PADI diving course or borrow a bike to explore the island, but we think a day best spent involves a long, lingering trip to the award-winning spa, where massages take place under the palm fronds, soundtracked simply by the breeze.

For island hopping: Krabi

aerial view of maya bay

Situated on the West Coast of the mainland, just south from tourist hotspot Phuket, is Krabi: a cliff-framed province known as a jumping-off point for some of Thailand’s most spectacular beaches. There are over 100 tiny islands just off the coast to explore, including Maya Bay: the idyllic jungle-framed shore made famous by Danny Boyle’s The Beach.

The Stay: Ritz-Carlton, Phulay Bay

BOOK NOW After a long day island-hopping, the incredibly luxurious Ritz-Carlton in Phulay Bay is exactly the kind of place you’ll want to return to. Built sensitively around the verdant flora and fauna, you'll feel fully immersed in the tropical landscape, while the infinity pool is the perfect place from which to gaze out at the Andaman sea.

For luxe retreats and loud nightlife: Phuket

phuket, thailand

Phuket is the largest of the Thai islands, and the most developed. Fuelled by its own international airport, meaning you can fly directly without stopping in Bangkok, it's an island of two halves, where the main Patong beach is framed by dozens of 'walking streets' packed with bars, nightclubs and heaving seafood restaurants. That's not to say you're in for a week of sleepless nights, though (unless that's what you're seeking) as Phuket is truly an island of two halves. Super-luxe resorts abound on this sprawling sandy paradise, meaning you can stay as far – or, as close – to the action as you desire.

The Stay: Rosewood Phuket

rosewood phuket thailand

Anyone who has stayed at a Rosewood property before will know to expect the very best. This Thai hideaway is a pristine example of the hotel group's attention to detail: situated beachfront on the picture-perfect Emerald Bay, it sensitively works around the landscape with architecture that truly brings the outside in.

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    Best time to visit. The best to visit Thailand is during the cool and dry season between November and early April, when temperatures range from 84°F to 97°F. However, the climate varies throughout the country, so you can visit all year round. Those who love diving and snorkeling should visit the south west coast of Thailand in the dry season ...

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  16. Best time to visit Thailand

    Honest advice on the best time to visit Thailand with details of when and when not go, weather and unmissable events through the year. ... Thailand's weather in October is changeable, but late in the month you can expect quite a few dry and sunny days. Phuket's nine-day Vegetarian Festival is in October - expect street processions and ...

  17. Thailand in October

    Central Thailand in October (Bangkok, Ayutthaya) Weather: Central Thailand, including Bangkok, experience less rain in October compared to the previous months. Temperature: Daytime temperatures vary from 26-32°C (79-89°F). The humidity is relatively lower, making it more comfortable for outdoor exploration.

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    The best time to visit Bangkok and Central Thailand is from November to February, during the dry and cool season. During this time, the weather in Central Thailand is milder, with temperatures ranging from 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F), making it comfortable to explore the bustling cities, temples, and nature.

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    Skyscanner has analyzed flights in 2018 from the US to Thailand to predict when you should travel in 2019. Based on historical data, we suggest flying to Thailand in April, followed by November and September. Prices in April can be up to 15% cheaper than the yearly average ticket price, so you'll be able to splurge on other areas of your ...

  20. The Best Places to Visit in Thailand in October in 2024

    7 Best Places to Visit in Thailand in October. 1. Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai, like Chiang Rai, is a must-see northern Thai region and is known as "The Rose of the North". Chiang Mai, surrounded by hills and lush farmland, is significantly greener and calmer than Bangkok in October.

  21. Best time to visit Thailand

    The best time to visit Thailand is between November and early April. Not only is it the driest part of the year in the Land of Smiles, but it's also the warmest - temperatures hover between 32 and 36 degrees, with up to nine hours of sunshine a day. And although these months are great if you fancy soaking up the sun by the sea, beaches are ...

  22. Best (and Worst) Times to Visit Bangkok 2024

    Bangkok has three seasons: hot, rainy, and "cool" and dry. The coolest and driest months are December and January, with almost no rainfall and an average low of 22°C (72°F) and high of 31°C (88°F), so still warm, but not so hot. The hottest month is April, with an average high of 35°C (95°F) and low of 27°C (80°F).

  23. Best Time to Visit Phuket: Ultimate Guide to Seasons & Events

    The Hot Season (March to Early May) Pros: The sun is out, and the beaches are calling! This is the time to bask in the warmth, perfect for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. The vibrant Songkran festival in April offers a unique cultural experience, inviting you to join in the world's biggest water fight.

  24. This is the best time to visit Thailand

    The best time to visit Thailand for affordability Cash-strapped explorers, listen up! Thailand unfolds its most budget-friendly side during the hot (March-June) and rainy (July-October) seasons.

  25. 10 best places to visit in Thailand on your next trip

    9. Khao Yai National Park. Haew Suwat Waterfall in Khao Yai National Park. GETTY IMAGES. "Great wine" may not be the first words that come to mind on a visit to Thailand, but there are some excellent tasting vineyards to visit in the Unesco-listed site of Khao Yai National Park, around a two-hour drive from Bangkok.

  26. Best Time of Year to Visit Vietnam Thailand & Cambodia (Update 2024)

    Thailand is known for its tropical climate, with three distinct seasons: the cool season (November to February), the hot season (March to June), and the rainy season (July to October). The best time to visit Thailand is during the cool season, when the weather is mild and pleasant.. From November to February, temperatures in Thailand range from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F), with low ...

  27. Where to go in Thailand, according to a long-time traveller

    For family-friendly fun: Koh Samui. Koh Samui is perhaps the most well-known of the Southern Thai islands, situated in the Gulf next to Koh Pha-ngan and Koh Tao. Served by its own airport, it's ...

  28. Thailand

    Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand and historically known as Siam (the official name until 1939), is a country in Southeast Asia on the Indochinese Peninsula.With a population of 66 million, it spans 513,120 square kilometres (198,120 sq mi). Thailand is bordered to the northwest by Myanmar, to the northeast and east by Laos, to the southeast by Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of ...