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10 Reasons Why You Need to Visit Cuba

Malecon in Havana

Chosen as one of the hottest tourist destinations over the last few years by the New York Times , Cuba has been getting a lot of attention since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States started in 2014. If you are wondering what all the fuss is about, here’s a few reasons for you to make the trip.

See it before it gets “spoiled”.

Many think that if negotiations between Cuba and the United States continue to advance, big corporations will eventually expand to the island, putting an end to its singularity as a place untainted by McDonalds and Starbucks. Though that seems far from happening for now, the longer you wait, the more different it’ll be from the way it was before the US-Cuba rapprochement. Though at a slow pace, the country is changing, more hotels are being built to meet the increasing demand for accommodation, and more families are investing in repairing their houses to list them on AirB&B.

Capitol Building, Havana

A living museum of old cars

You will hardly find another country with so many old American cars in use, owning the streets as if it was 1959. Take pictures, ride all kinds of models, and talk to the drivers to hear about all the tricks they’ve come up with throughout the years to keep the cars rolling, without access to the original spare parts.

5 reasons to visit cuba

A place frozen in time

Cuba is an eclectic combination of goods that survived past decades, from the 1950s to the 1990s, with the occasional state of the art smart-phone or laptop. You will find all kinds of functional relics, repaired over and over to make them last for as long as possible. From clothes to electronics, from vehicles to buildings, you’ll be able to see what a country without a first-world consumer culture looks like.

Rancho Gaviota

Great weather

If you like to spend your vacations in regions with great hot weather, Cuba will not disappoint. With the exception of a few cool days in January, February and March, most of the time, temperatures will be high and the days sunny. At times, high levels of humidity can make the days feel hotter than they are, but you’ll hardly notice with the right combination of AC, swimming pools and beach trips.

Varadero Beach, Matanzas

See socialism with your own eyes

One of the last remnants of real socialism in the world, Cuba preserves a great deal of practices and imagery from the past decades. It’s still possible to see public rallies held on historic anniversaries; there are statues, parks and institutions named after ideological heroes like Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin; and big billboards spread political messages all over the place –while giant ads for consumer products are nowhere to be seen.

Lenin Monument, Havana

Cheap beer/drinks

Outside 5-star hotels and very expensive bars, beer is very cheap in Cuba. Local brands like Bucanero and Cristal can be bought for under 2 dollars in most places, or even for only 1 dollar at state-run stores. It’s not illegal to drink in public spaces, so it’s always safe to buy some for the road. Cocktails are not expensive either. Cuba takes great pride in its rum production, and it’s easy to find all kinds of drinks prepared with different types of Havana Club, the country’s top brand. Don’t miss the chance to try Cuban traditional cocktails .

people cheering on a mountain

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Cuban beer (Bucanero) and rum

Beautiful beaches and landscapes

There is a plethora of natural places that are excellent for hiking and camping, especially near mountain regions. Caribbean beaches are renowned for their crystal clear waters and fine sand, and Cuba has some of the most beautiful in the region. From Viñales in the western part of the country to Guardalavaca Beach in eastern Cuba, you´ll have a broad variety of regions and landscapes to choose from.

Viñales Valley

Buy great cigars

Buy world-famous Cuban cigars direct from the factories that have produced them for dozens of decades. Cuban cigar rollers are considered among the best in the world, and there are several stores where you can buy some of the main brands rolled by hand.

Famous hand-rolled Cuban cigars

A musical country

Cubans love their music. From street performers to DJs, from famous timba bands to the person next door playing their favorite sounds for the entire neighborhood, music seems to come out of every corner in Cuba. Music schools abound the country over, and most hotels and restaurants offer live performances by very talented musicians. Fusion bands and projects featuring very interesting combinations of rap, jazz, African rhythms, and even Spanish Flamenco are very common.

5 reasons to visit cuba

A country of dancers

The same sense of rhythm that fuels Cubans’ love for music, makes of them very good – and very passionate – dancers. Many a time you’ll see a circle of dancers form out of the blue, and perform very complicated turns and partner switches, that will make you think that they are all part of a troop that has been rehearsing for a long time. They are not. This traditional group dance has a widespread set of rules that allows for its perfect flow and organization. Don’t miss the chance to see more niche types of dances, like rumba, guaguanco , and congas .

Traditional ritual dance of Afro-Cuban religion

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5 reasons to visit cuba

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Intrepid Travel Blog

Five reasons you should be visiting Cuba right now

5 reasons to visit cuba

Floating halfway between the US to the north and Latin America to the south sits Cuba , an isle of intrigue, romance and politics quite unlike any other. There are rousing rhythms, dancing in cobblestone streets (for real), wafting cigar smoke, a bounty of beaches and a Buena Vista Social Club soundtrack to accompany every style of journey.

Without further ado, here are five reasons why you should consider dropping everything and heading to Cuba.


Image c/o Alexander Schimmeck, Flickr

5. The time travel

When Castro pressed pause on economic progress in the 60s, he also inadvertently pressed pause on Cuba. So while we know it’s a cliche, visiting the crocodile isle really is like stepping back in time. There’s zero internet (well, scratch that, five percent of Cubans have internet), ancient Chevrolets rumble down cobblestone streets, ration shops sit beside colonial palaces, and salsa dancers twirl against a backdrop of crumbling pastel facades. It’s a time capsule glory town, if there ever was one.


Image c/o Bas Boerman, Flickr

4. The rhythms

In Cuba, music is life. It seeps from every pore, every crack, every cobblestone and takes the saying “sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching” quite literally. You could be walking to the market when a gang of guitar-playing troubadours start serenading, you could be eating at a street side cafe when the waitstaff break out in an impromptu rumba, or perhaps you’ll be minding your own business, just reading a book, when you absentmindedly begin humming ojos verdes . That’s when you know the rhythms of Cuba have got you, too.


Image c/o Alex Schwab, Flickr

3. The food

…and the rum, are straight out of Caribbean heaven. We recommend savouring a little Havana Club over ice, mixing things up with a minty mojito and then throwing down a Cuba Libre like the rum connoisseur you truly are. Then the next morning treat yourself to some of Cuba’s legendary coffee and let the quality caffeine do the work. And when you’re feeling up to it, there’s a whole world of delicious foodstuffs just waiting to delight your senses, like f ritura de maiz (fried cornmeal and cheese fritters), pastelitos  full of cream cheese or beef and Coppelia ice cream, where the sorbet is so good there’s a line around the corner.


Image c/o Bruno, Flickr

2. The locals

The key to Cuba’s intoxicating enthral lies in the Cubans themselves. Enduringly positive, big dreamers and longtime survivors, the Cuban people are a welcoming and resilient people. Which is saying something, given their complex national history. Enter the country with a little Spanish under your belt, an open mind and your dancing shoes buckled and you’ll be making local friends all over the avenidas .

1. The history

The condensed history of Cuba goes a little something like this: Christopher Columbus, swashbuckling pirates, slave port for the Spanish, North American mafia gambling capital, communism and socialism (but not exactly in that order).  It’s dominant national narrative is also inextricably entwined with the names Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Embedded in the national psyche, these important figures played a pivotal role in the Cuban Revolution of 1959.

Castro, a politician and revolutionary, led the country between 1959 and 2008 as both Prime Minister and then President, while Guevara was an Argentinean doctor, author and military leader who took a lead in the revolutionary Cuban guerrilla campaign. Odes to these men are painted on walls, worn on tee-shirts and sung about even today. You just can’t escape the reverance.

Ready to get your salsa on?  Explore Cuba with Intrepid Travel 

American? We have a  licensed Cuba tour just for you! 

Feature image c/o Bud Ellison, Flickr

Feeling inspired?

5 reasons to visit cuba

Tayla Gentle

A sucker for air fare sales to Asia and a good story, I've eaten my body weight in Philippine chicken, trekked the highlands of Myanmar and practiced with a very legit yogi in India. He could stand on his head for three hours. I once got lost in a rainforest in El Salvador and found myself eating burritos with a corn farmer. To me, travel means bantering with tuk tuk/moto/jeepeney drivers, mosquito bites and coconuts. But never socks and sandals, not when travelling, not ever.

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El Nicho waterfall, Sierra de Escambray

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5 reasons to visit cuba

Why visit Cuba?

5 reasons to visit cuba

Traveling to Cuba has become in recent years a must visit destination for all travelers who want to live a different Caribbean experience. Cuba is the perfect combination between tradition, relaxation, adventure and culture, that is why we want to give you the best reasons to visit Cuba and discover a unique island .

Chosen as one of the hottest tourist destinations over the last few years by the New York Times, Cuba is a unique destination characterized by its white sand beaches, its people, its music, its culture… There are many reasons why you should visit Cuba , from Espíritu Travel we give you our 8 reasons why you must visit Cuba.

Reasons to visit Cuba

A country stopped in time.

As you walk through the streets of Cuba you will take a trip back in time to the 60s. You will see cars dating back to the ’50s touring the colorful streets of Havana. You will see all kinds of models, ranging from colorful Chevrolets to Fords, creating a living car museum . Finishing the day driving one of these magnificent cars through the streets of Havana is without a doubt something you will never forget.

Take a look at our article about how to rent a classic car in Havana.

Cuban streets

Cuba is an eclectic combination of goods that survived past decades , from the 1950s to the 1990s, with the occasional state of the art smartphone or laptop. Locals will sit around on roadsides every night, playing cards and smoking cigars. There are scenes in Havana that you would never find in any other city ; and within this Caribbean island, the community atmosphere and slower pace of life are still very much alive.

The people: Cubans

A country is made by its people, in Cuba the most representative of its culture and history are the Cubans. They are all united by a feeling of family and belonging to the history of Cuba , there is nothing more authentic than them. Sit in a cafe and chat with the Cubans , stay at one of the many Casas Particulares or eat at the private own Paladares , it is the ideal way to really get to know Cuba from the eyes of the local population.

Cuban music

Cuba is Salsa and if this is your favorite musical genre or you are a good dancer, without a doubt, you will like to know that music will be part of your customize trip to Cuba . Music and dance live in the soul of Cubans and it is common to walk through its streets and listen to live music on every corner. Cuban salsa is a pastime loved by the locals, so it is impossible to leave without picking up a few moves. Either sign up for some salsa classes with Espiritu Travel or head to the clubs, the Caribbean and Latin blend of music will have you on the dance floor in no time.

Cuban Music

For more information about Havana nightlife click here.

Cuban unique architecture

The colorful architecture of the old Cuban buildings will not leave any traveler who visits Cuba indifferent. In cities like Havana , Trinidad, or Santiago de Cuba you will observe the influences ranging from French neoclassical and Art Deco to Spanish Moorish and colonial baroque, Cuba’s architecture never fails to enchant its visitors.

Let yourself be carried away by your local guide who will not only explain the history behind the most famous buildings in each city but will also take you to the lesser-known corners . Whether are visiting the UNESCO-listed Old Havana or walking along the cobbled streets of Trinidad, you’re going to be snapping more than a few photos of these brightly colored facades.

The unique history of Cuba

For all those who travel for history, Cuba is well worth visiting. Cuba has nine UNESCO World Heritage sites. You will discover colonial Spanish architecture and visit some of the best communism-themed museums in the world.

Cuba has a tumultuous recent history, with the Cuban Revolution and socialist regime of Fidel Castro defining the 20th century. Many museums offer an insight into the island’s past, with must-visits including the Museum of the Revolution in Old Havana and the Che Guevara Mausoleum in Santa Clara. Due to its geographical location you will also find large fortresses that protected the population from the attack of pirates in the colonial times.

To know more about Cuban travel history click here.

Cuban gastronomy and its local restaurants

Cuban cuisine is a mix between Spanish, African and Caribbean cuisine. You cannot leave the Island without enjoying rice with chicken, Moors with Christians or lobster and the star dish: old clothes . Although its name does not sound exactly attractive, it is made up of vegetables, shredded meat, and rice. Take a look at our article about the 10 Cuban dishes you must try!

If we talk about drinks, Cuba has excellent rum , famous throughout the world, and many of its cocktails and even smoothies base their preparation on this liquor. Of course, we must mention its aromatic Cuban coffee . Local restaurants, or paladares , are your best option for tasting Cuban food. They are owned independently eateries which have only been introduced in the last few years.

Beautiful beaches and landscapes

There is no doubt that Cuban beaches are among the most beautiful in the Caribbean . They are beaches of soft white sand, crystal clear waters and coral reefs. If you are a diving lover , you should know that you will be amazed by its biological reserves and underwater magical bottoms.

Caribean Sea

Although Cuba’s cities and beaches often steal the spotlight, the Island is also full of natural attractions. Be sure to visit the impressive Viñales Valley listed as UNESCO World Heritage or lose yourself in Sierra Maestra where there are still vestiges of the hiding places of the troops of the Cuban Revolution.

Take a look at our article about natural and cultural wonders of Cuba

Because of its uniqueness as a country and its ephemeral nature

Cuba is one of the last communist regimes still in force in the world. Its politics and its particular history, most of it linked to the Revolution, make’s Cuba a unique country in the world . Due to decades of political isolation, Cuba has remained largely undiscovered. It is colonial cities and white sand beaches are yet to be overrun with tourists. So , if you’re looking for an authentic travel experience, this is by far your best destination.

Cuban nature

Another reason to visit Cuba is that is a destination you can visit throughout the year thanks to its tropical weather . These are just Espiritu Travel 8 top reasons why you should travel to Cuba but the list is endless so you will just have to visit the Island yourself!   Travel to Cuba with Espíritu Travel and discover the Island accompanied by your local Cuban guide who will explain from his heart what makes Cuba his home.

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Music, magic and mojitos: the 17 best things to do in Cuba

Diana Rita Cabrera

Jan 13, 2024 • 9 min read

5 reasons to visit cuba

Cuba abounds with live music – sounds that capture the essence of this alluring place © Lidia Llovera / Shutterstock

Pack a sun hat, some loose-fitting clothes and a book of José Martí’s poems – and get ready to uncover the buoyant and sophisticated magic of Cuba .

Fewer restrictions on private enterprise in recent years have led to an explosion of creativity, while the culture-dampening effects of globalization have yet to dilute the local charm.

Isolated but eager to advance, the country is buzzing with ideas – here, a free-spirited, student-filled cafe; there, an avant-garde art factory where live music, exhibitions, DJ sessions and creative gastronomy collide with electrifying results.

Here are the top activities that encompass all this country has to offer – and embody Cuba’s essence.

A few beach loungers are arranged under a palm tree parasol on the white-sand beach of Playa Isla de la Juventud, Cuba

1. Escape to the beach

Uncrowded, extremely varied and loaded with tropical beauty, Cuba’s beaches are world famous for a reason. Search around long enough, and you’re sure to find your own slice of nirvana.

The long, wide, tourist-heavy beaches of Varadero  abound with massive resorts, while sea turtles lay their eggs on the wild, deserted beaches of the Península de Guanahacabibes.

On the little-visited black-sand beaches on the Isla de la Juventud , pirates once roamed – and the nudist beaches of Cayo Largo del Sur, package tourists lounge with mojitos (and without self-consciousness).

2. Spend a night at a  casa particular

Stay in a private homestay , and you quickly uncover the nuances of everyday Cuban life. Think rocking chairs on the porch, a bottle of rum on the dresser, a front room full of family heirlooms, the clip-clop of horses’ hooves in the street outside and the animated conversations over breakfast that always seem to end with the words “ no es fácil ” (it ain’t easy).

Casas particulares in places like Havana and Viñales are positively palatial, while others remain refreshingly down-to-earth. All of them offer an uncensored view of Cuba that no hotel could ever replicate.

A close-up of a Cuban trogon, or tocororo, sitting on a branch surrounded by leaves

3. Go birdwatching

Aside from crocodiles, Cuba’s fauna doesn’t make much of impression – except for its abundance of birdlife, that is. Approximately 350 avian species inhabit the shores of this distinct and ecologically unusual archipelago, a good two dozen of them endemic.

Look out in particular for the colorful tocororo (Cuban trogan), the zunzuncito (bee hummingbird), the critically endangered ivory-billed woodpecker and the world’s largest flamingo-nesting site. The Gran Parque Natural Montemar is one of many birdwatching highlights .

4. Enjoy Cuba’s ebullient festivals

Through war, austerity, rationing and hardship, Cubans have retained their infectious joie de vivre. Even during the darkest days of the Special Period (following the demise of Cuba’s ally and patron the USSR), the feisty festivals never stopped – a testament to the country’s capacity to put politics aside and get on with the important business of living.

The best shows involve fireworks in Remedios, folklórico dancing in Santiago de Cuba, movies in Gibara and every conceivable genre of music in Havana . Arrive prepared to party.

5. Dive and snorkel in the Caribbean Sea

There will be objections, no doubt, but let’s say it anyway: Cuba has the best diving in the Caribbean . The reasons? Unrivaled water clarity, virgin reefs and sheltered Caribbean waters that teem with exotic fish.

Accessibility for divers varies from the swim-out walls of the Bahía de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) to the hard-to-reach underwater nirvana of the Jardines de la Reina archipelago.

For repeat visitors, Punta Francés on Isla de la Juventud – known for its underwater photography – reigns supreme. Rich coral reefs, caves and wrecked ships are among the submerged wonders near the shores of Guardalavaca Beach in Holguín .

Vintage American car in front of colorful buildings in Old Havana, Cuba

6. Admire Cuba’s eclectic architecture in Old Havana and beyond

Often spectacular yet rarely constant, Cuban architecture retains certain binding threads, a definable cubanidad (“Cuban-ness”) that is always recognizable.

Many of the country’s older buildings were built with the sugar fortunes derived from the brutal enforced labor of enslaved Afro-Cubans. These structures provide an uncomfortable testimony to Cuba’s multifaceted culture and sometimes difficult past.

More-recent architecture displays a melody of influences, from French classicism to hints of art deco and art nouveau. Visit the UNESCO-listed cities of Havana, Trinidad, Cienfuegos and Camagüey, and pick out the details.

Three street musicians performing in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

7. Soak up Cuba’s live-music scene

If you’ve been in Cuba for more than a day and still haven’t heard any live music, you’re clearly hanging out in the wrong places.

Welcome to one of the most musically diverse countries on the planet, where melodious guitars always win out over background tracks, and singing is seen as just another form of verbal communication.

The traditional genres are merely one groove on a larger record – and indeed, Cuba has been pushing the musical envelope for decades. From Benny Moré to X-Alfonso, cities like Havana and Santiago de Cuba have spawned talent that continues to enchant the world.

8. Feel the rhythm of  folklórico

There's nothing quite as transcendent as the hypnotic beat of the Santería drums summoning up the spirits of the orishas (deities). But while most Afro-Cuban religious rites are only for initiates, the drumming and dances of Cuba’s folklórico (traditional Latin American dance) troupes are open to all.

Formed in the 1960s to keep the African culture of Cuba alive, folklórico groups enjoy strong government patronage, and their energetic and colorful shows in Santiago de Cuba remain spontaneous and true to their roots.

Portrait of Che Guevara on the Ministry of the Interior by the Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana, Cuba

9. Understand Cuba’s revolutionary heritage

An improbable escape from a shipwrecked leisure yacht and a classic David-vs-Goliath struggle that was won convincingly by the (extreme) underdogs: the details of Cuba’s revolution might have been pulled from a (barely believable) movie script. Yet it all happened right here – and just to prove it, you can visit the revolutionary sites in person.

Little has changed in more than 60 years at the disembarkation point of the Granma yacht and Fidel Castro’s wartime HQ at mountaintop Comandancia de la Plata . For a glimpse of the guerrillas’ weaponry and anecdotes, visit Museo de la Revolución in Havana or Cuartel Moncada in Santiago de Cuba.

10. Unlock the secrets of Matanzas 

For too long, travelers have overlooked the city of Matanzas  on their way to the all-inclusive resorts of nearby Varadero. But things are gradually changing.

Amid the bridges and rivers of this once-great cultural city, flickers of its erstwhile beauty are starting to reemerge in revived classical-music venues, a refurbished theater and a cutting-edge art street decorated with chin-scratching sculptures.

Varadero may have the beaches, but Matanzas’ gigantic historical legacy will teach you more about the real Cuba than dozens of repeat visits to the resorts.

High-angle view of the colonial town of Trinidad, Cuba

11. Step back in time in Trinidad

The regional city of  Trinidad  all but went to sleep in 1850 – and never really woke up. This strange twist of fate is good news for modern travelers, who can roam freely through the perfectly preserved mid-19th-century sugar town like voyeurs from another era.

Though it’s no secret these days, the time-warped streets still have the power to enchant with their grand colonial homestays, easily accessible countryside and exciting live-music scene. But this is also a real working town, with all the foibles and fun of 21st-century Cuba.

Houses along a historic street in Camagüey, Cuba

12. Get lost in the maze-like streets of Camagüey 

Getting lost is a savvy recommendation for any traveler passing through the city of tinajones (clay pots), churches and erstwhile pirates:  Camagüey .

Always keen to be different, Camagüey has a street grid that deviates from almost every other Spanish colonial city in Latin America. Its lanes are as labyrinthine as a Moroccan medina, hiding Catholic churches, triangular plazas and a growing ensemble of smart boutique hotels occupying restored colonial buildings.

The view from Pico Turquino, Granma Province, Cuba

13. Hike Pico Turquino

The trek up Pico Turquino, Cuba’s highest mountain , is a mixture of endurance sport, nature tour and fascinating history lesson.

Guides are mandatory, whether you choose an intense one-day round-trip route or an also-tough two- to three-day 17km (10.5-mile) trek through the steep cloud forests of the Sierra Maestra to the 1974m (6476ft) summit, where you’ll be greeted by a bronze bust of Cuban national hero José Martí. Revolutionary buffs can make a side trip to Fidel’s wartime jungle HQ, La Plata, on the way up.

14. Experience the next wave of Cuban culture at Fábrica de Arte Cubano

Welcome to the “new” Cuba. And no – it’s not a casino or golf course or all-inclusive resort designed to satisfy the whims of foreign tourists.

Rather, it’s an independent, cutting-edge art “factory” where visitors can wander from room to room as they listen to innovative music, view fabulous paintings and share discourse with diverse people.

The brainchild of Cuban musician X-Alfonso, Havana’s Fábrica de Arte Cubano has emerged as Cuba’s finest bona-fide art collective, a bastion of creative ideas that offers constant inspiration and excitement. Every city should have one.

A man rides a bicycle along a highway in Viñales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba

15. Cycle through Valle de Viñales

With less traffic on the roads than 1940s Britain, Cuba is ideal for cycling, and there’s no better place to do it than the bucolic Valle de Viñales .

The valley offers all the ingredients of a tropical Tour de France: craggy mogotes (limestone monoliths), impossibly green tobacco fields, ambling oxen and spirit-lifting viewpoints at every turn.

The terrain is relatively flat – and your biggest dilemma (if you can procure a decent bike, that is) will be where to stop for your sunset-toasting mojito.

16. Taste Cuba’s evolving food scene

Ever since new privatization laws lifted the lid off Cuba’s creative pressure cooker in 2011, a culinary revolution has been in full swing.

A country that once offered little more than rice and beans has rediscovered its gastronomic mojo , with a profusion of new restaurants experimenting with spices, fusion and – perhaps best of all – a welcome reevaluation of its own national cuisine.

Havana leads the culinary field in number and variety of eating establishments, yet there’s plenty of regional diversity, from fresh crabs in Caibarién to to-die-for chocolate in  Baracoa .

Night performance by the Qva Libre music group during a public street show in Santa Clara, Cuba

17. Tap into Santa Clara’s youthful energy

Leave your preconceived notions about Cuba at the city limits. Santa Clara is everything you thought this country wasn’t: progressive, creative, welcoming to people of all persuasions, enthusiastic about rock ’n’ roll and keen to push the boundaries of art in every direction.

Being a university town helps. Youthful energy courses through Santa Clara as nowhere else in Cuba. Check out the LGBTIQ+ shows at Club Mejunje, meet arty students at the Casa de la Ciudad or wander Parque Vidal in the evening when the city orchestra is in full swing.

This article was first published Aug 22, 2012 and updated Jan 13, 2024.

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Now's the time for Cuba. G Adventures' own Casey Mead offers up five compelling reasons why you shouldn't wait.

Top 5 Reasons to go to Cuba Now

Now's the time for cuba. g adventures' own casey mead offers up five compelling reasons why you shouldn't wait..

Cuba is a country in motion and I don’t just mean the various modes of transport you’ll find yourself taking. The fact that Cuba is slowly changing is apparent in subtle ways, from the brand new ATM in Trinidad to the Pepsi recently shelved in city supermarkets. The country hasn’t completely opened up, but the door is slowly moving further ajar. We visited Cuba at the height of the tourist season , yet it didn’t feel overrun with tourists. To be honest, I hate to think what it will be like when it is, so my advice is to go as soon as you can. The top five reasons may not surprise you, but they are a few of the things that make Cuba what it is.

For 'Havana Good Time'

It’s no secret that I am a city girl at heart, and Havana had me at "hola." Reminiscent of a crumbling Barcelona with an injection of 1950's HDR, Havana is both charming and exciting.  It’s a visual city with a vibe that is nothing but catchy, and the tunes and talented people behind them are infectious.

‘Good food’ does not make this top five, but still, Havana is the place you’ll find it. Check out the paladares to start - they're private restaurants often set in old mansions. La Guarida was one of the best meals I’ve tasted, and in the quaintest of settings. For rooftop ambience, the affordable lobster at Atelier is a winner, and to see the new wave of Cuban entrepreneurship firsthand, swing by La Pachanga for a decent burger and beer at an unbeatable price.

For the Rum

Rum might not make everyone’s list, but being the Bacardi lover I am, I was in seventh heaven in a country where rum (locally called Ron) is almost cheaper than water. Havana Club is the most popular tipple and although I’ve had a better mojito in Ljubliana, I have not had a more delicious daiquiri than that served at the Museo del Ron Havana Club . The bar here beats famous Hemingway haunt El Floridita hands down in terms of actually being able to reach it,and I actually preferred their daiquiri – sorry Ernest! In Pinar del Rio we stopped to check out the La Occidental Guayabita del Pinar rum distillery. The sweet ‘dulce’ rum made with guavas was so tasty it made its way all around Cuba and back home with me. Worth saving for a special date.

For La Musica

Cuba is a country that appeases your senses without trying. There’s always something to see, the smell of cigars and the taste of rum, but overall it’s the music creating a continuous backing soundtrack that really sets the scene. Almost everywhere you go, any time of day, there is music - and with music comes dancing! Our driver took us to a wonderful little local Casa de la Trova in Sancti Spiritus where we could dance the night away with the locals, learning the steps as we went. Likewise, our time spent at Casa de la Musica in Trinidad, where the open-air square fills with people looking to salsa, remains an evening we won’t forget soon. (Even after all that time we spent with Ron.)

For the Cubans

The people of Cuba made our trip. We were fortunate to have our vastly knowledgeable guide Conrado, who has such a passion for his country.  We also spent time with locals, enjoying an impromptu jam session at the beach and staying with local families in casa particulares who appreciated the small gifts we brought with us. And ladies, if you’re looking for a confidence boost, Cuba is your country. “My beautiful flower” and “muy bonita” were regular cries to the girls in our group and said with genuine friendliness. We found the people we met to be open to answering questions, meaning we got a real insight into Cuba, its history, what it is like to live there, and what its people hope for the future. They were equally interested to hear about our lives in other parts of the world, so it made for interesting conversation. Many Cubans also rely on the tourist dollar for income, and you won’t regret spending your holiday money here.

For the Wheels

Yup, I’m talking about the vintage cars, but not just the vintage cars. It’s super fun rolling to the sounds of the motor of an old pink Chevy, and these cars rocked a few of our journeys from A to B, but most surprising were the other ways we travelled. Horseriding in Vinales was stunning, the Coco Cab along the Malecon in Havana was a blast, but power ballads in a Lada with a few of the gang in our group was probably the most memorable ride. Who knew Cuban taxi drivers could love Lionel Richie so much? I have to give a shout-out to our wonderful mini-bus driver here too – Pepino, nicknamed for where he comes from in Pinar del Rio, where cucumbers grown in abundance.

Cuba is a place I had wished to travel to all my life and I wouldn’t have done it any other way. Our G trip was a fun group of people of all ages from around the world, and my friend and I enjoyed the extra days we took to experience the beautiful Caribbean waters of the Eastern beach of Guanabo near Havana.  Go now - you won’t regret it!

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5 reasons to visit Cuba

5 reasons to visit Cuba

Cuba, with its captivating blend of nature, history, traditions, culture, and warm hospitality, stands out as one of the Caribbean's most privileged destinations, beckoning visitors for countless reasons.

From its stunning archipelago boasting the largest island in the Antilles and over 4,000 islands, cays, and islets, to its year-round tropical climate, Cuba offers a diverse and enchanting experience.


With over 300 natural beaches gracing the Cuban coastline, visitors are treated to pristine shores, warm and safe waters in varying shades of blue and turquoise, and sands that range from white to golden and copper. These beaches provide idyllic settings for sunbathing, swimming, or indulging in water sports. Varadero, stretching 22 kilometers along the northwestern coast, stands as Cuba's most famous beach destination, renowned for its tourism infrastructure and attractions, including an 18-hole golf course on land once owned by U.S. millionaire Irénee Dupont. Varadero consistently earns its place among the world's best beaches on platforms like TripAdvisor, a recognition shared by other coastal gems scattered across the country, including Santa María, Las Brujas, Ensenachos, Cayo Coco, Cayo Guillermo, and the Caribbean jewel of Cayo Largo.

Nature’s Greenery

Cuba's unspoiled natural landscapes, a haven for diverse biodiversity, provide an ideal setting for hiking, wildlife observation, nautical adventures, horseback riding, and spelunking. In the east, the majestic Alejandro de Humboldt and Desembarco del Granma National Parks, both designated Natural World Heritage Sites, stand as pillars of preserved mountain ecosystems and the world's largest and best-preserved examples of emerged and submerged marine terraces on limestone rock. In the west, the Guanahacabibes Peninsula and Cienaga de Zapata Peninsula Biosphere Reserves, along with the Viñales Valley - a UNESCO Cultural Landscape of Humanity - offer unique landscapes harmonizing with tobacco cultivation and distinctive local architecture.

Historical Heritage

Cuba boasts the Caribbean's largest collection of UNESCO-recognized World Heritage Sites, including: • Old Havana and its fortifications, featuring historic landmarks like the Real Fuerza Castle, Tres Reyes del Morro Castle, San Salvador de la Punta Castle, and San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress. • The historical center of Trinidad and the nearby Valle de los Ingenios, preserving the traces of a prosperous sugar industry from the 17th to the 19th centuries, driven by enslaved labor. • The archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in southeastern Cuba, established by French colonists in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. • The historic center of Cienfuegos, Latin America's first urban center recognized for introducing modern ideas of urban planning, hygiene, and order in the 19th century.

In the deep Sea

Beneath the surface of these generous waters lies a world waiting to be explored. With approximately a thousand diving sites, Cuba offers spectacular seascapes for diving enthusiasts and serves as the backdrop for international underwater photography competitions. International dive centers, staffed by certified professionals, provide all the necessary amenities to marvel at a myriad of coral species, vibrant tropical fish, gorgonians, sponges, and other rich marine fauna, as well as shipwrecks.

Dive sites such as María la Gorda and Cayo Levisa in the west, El Colony in the southwest, Jardines de la Reina in the south-central region, Guardalavaca in the east (home to the remarkable Notre Dame coral reef), and Santiago de Cuba and Marea del Portillo in the east (with shipwrecks from the Spanish fleet sunk during the Spanish-Cuban-American War in 1898) offer unforgettable underwater.

Rum for memorable moments

Cuban light rum, often considered a perfect companion for creating unforgettable memories, boasts a history and uniqueness that distinguish it in the world of fine spirits. While rum production reached Cuba after other Caribbean islands, it quickly established itself as a modern classic. Today, Cuban rum continues to be crafted using native ingredients exclusively sourced from sugarcane, adhering to the essential values of the country's longstanding rum-making tradition. This includes the exclusion of shortcuts in the aging process and any alterations to aromas and flavors. Renowned for its smooth and silky character, even after several years of aging, as well as its distinctive sensory notes and sublime bouquet, Cuban rum, including the extensive Havana Club brand portfolio, holds a special place in the world of spirits.

5 razones para visitar Cuba

Naturaleza, historia, tradiciones, cultura y hospitalidad hacen de Cuba uno de los sitios privilegiados del Caribe, por muchos motivos digno de ser visitado, y más de una vez, para apreciar mejor todo lo que el país ofrece.

El archipiélago cubano, con la isla mayor de las Antillas y unos 4 000 islas, cayos e islotes, puede disfrutarse prácticamente de este a oeste y de norte a sur, y todo el año por lo noble de su clima tropical.

Sol y Playa

Más de 300 playas naturales salpican la isla de Cuba, con aguas limpias, cálidas y seguras de tonalidades que van del azul al turquesa y arenas blancas, doradas, cobrizas… ideales para tenderse al sol y refrescarse en el mar o practicar deportes náuticos. Quizá Varadero, de 22 kilómetros de longitud en la costa noroccidental, es la más famosa, con un creciente desarrollo turístico desde las primeras décadas del pasado siglo y una infraestructura que alberga, entre otros lugares de interés, un campo de golf de 18 hoyos en los predios antiguamente propiedad del millonario estadounidense Irénee Dupont. La playa aparece reiteradamente entre las mejores del mundo en sitios como TripAdvisor, reconocimiento que también han alcanzado otras porciones de mar a lo largo del país. Frente a la costa norte de las provincias centrales de Villa Clara y Ciego de Ávila se encuentran verdaderos oasis para disfrutar del océano Atlántico, en cayos como Santa María, Las Brujas y Ensenachos, Coco y Guillermo, y en el suroccidente, en pleno mar Caribe, Cayo Largo es toda una joya.

El Verdor de la Naturaleza

A pesar del avance de la civilización, mucho se conserva del verde primigenio de la naturaleza cubana, hábitat de una rica biodiversidad, e ideal para el senderismo, la observación de vida silvestre, recorridos náuticos y ecuestres y espeleo turismo. En el oriente de la isla se encuentran los majestuosos Parques Nacionales Alejandro de Humboldt y Desembarco del Granma, ambos declarados Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. El primero, constituye el principal remanente de los ecosistemas montañosos conservados de Cuba y, el segundo, es el mayor y más conservado exponente mundial de los sistemas de terrazas marinas emergidas y sumergidas sobre rocas calcáreas. En el occidente, resultan también de particular interés las Reservas de la Biosfera Península de Guanahacabibes y Península de Zapata, considerada esta el mayor humedal del Caribe insular, así como el Valle de Viñales, Paisaje Cultural de la Humanidad, con singulares mogotes y la inserción armoniosa de sistemas agroproductivos como el cultivo del tabaco, y la presencia de una arquitectura vernácula distintiva.

Patrimonios Históricos

Cuba es el país del Caribe insular que posee más bienes reconocidos por la Unesco como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, entre ellos varios legados por la Historia: • La Habana Vieja y su sistema de fortificaciones, en el que sobresalen el castillo de la Real Fuerza, el de los Tres Reyes del Morro, el de San Salvador de la Punta y la fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña. • Centro Histórico de Trinidad y el vecino Valle de los Ingenios, con las huellas de la próspera industria azucarera del lugar entre los siglos XVII y XIX explotada con mano de obra esclava. • Paisaje arqueológico de las primeras plantaciones cafetaleras del sudeste de Cuba, fomentadas a fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX por colonos franceses que huyeron de la revolución haitiana. • Centro Histórico de Cienfuegos, primer núcleo urbano de Iberoamérica fundado en el siglo XIX que recibe tal distinción por haber introducido desde entonces ideas de modernidad, higiene y orden en el planeamiento urbano.

En las Profundidades Marinas

Bajo la superficie de estas generosas aguas yace un mundo por descubrir. Con aproximadamente mil sitios de buceo, Cuba ofrece paisajes submarinos espectaculares para los entusiastas del buceo y sirve como escenario de competencias internacionales de fotografía submarin. Los centros de buceo internacionales, con personal certificado, brindan todas las comodidades necesarias para maravillarse con una miríada de especies de coral, vibrantes peces tropicales, gorgonias, esponjas y otras ricas faunas marinas, así c omo n aufragios. Sitios de buceo como María la Gorda y Cayo Levisa en el oeste, El Colony en el suroeste, Jardines de la Reina en la región centro-sur, Guardalavaca en el este (hogar del notable arrecife de Notre Dame), y Santiago de Cuba y Marea del Portillo en el este (con naufragios de la flota española hundida durante la Guerra Hispano-Cubano-Americana en 1898) ofrecen experiencias submarinas inolvidables.

Ron para momentos memorables

El ron ligero cubano, al decir de muchos entre los mejores acompañantes de momentos memorables, tiene historia y particularidades que lo hacen sobresalir en el mundo de las buenas bebidas. Aunque a Cuba llegó después que se produjera en otras islas del Caribe, el ron se afirmó aquí como un clásico moderno. En la actualidad, se continúa fabricando con materias primas autóctonas, obtenidas exclusivamente de la caña de azúcar, bajo la premisa de mantener los valores esenciales de la larga tradición ronera nacional, que excluye el empleo de artificios en el proceso de añejamiento, así como la modificación de aromas y s abores. Carácter suave y sedoso, aun cuando han pasado varios años en barricas; peculiares notas sensoriales y sublime buqué son algunos de los valores que los expertos atribuyen al ron cubano, en el que sobresale internacionalmente el rico portafolio de la marca Havana Club.

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The Happy Nomad | Travel Blog

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Cuba

You are currently viewing Top 5 Reasons to Visit Cuba

  • Post author: Rick Carassai
  • Post published: 26 January 2015
  • Post category: Travel Lists

You have probably heard about Cuba, this colourful and diverse island of the Caribbean which played a unique role in the life of the revolutionary Che Guevara. From La Havana in the North to Santiago de Cuba in the South, you will discover a charming cultural mix where dance and music are an important part of the everyday life.

Like many of the beautiful islands in the Caribbean, it has stunning beaches, warm and crystalline waters and welcoming people. The landscapes also offer a remarkable diversity and are a real treat for the eyes. Visiting Cuba is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to remember for the rest of your life… But why would it be different than any other paradisical site of the Caribbean?

Let us give you the top 5 reasons:

#1 The Vintage Cars

Blue-green antique car in Cuba

Go back in time in Havana as you hop into a vintage 1950’s taxi that will make you feel like you are in another decade. The streets are full of these colourful “Yank Tanks” that give a unique charm to the colonial town. See the sights of this historical city that feels like it hasn’t changed for years.

#2 The Charming Cuban People

Wander the streets of any Cuban town and wave to the friendly grandfathers who sit on their front porches playing dominoes or chess. Smile at the kids playing soccer in the streets and learn a few Spanish phrases from the friendliest people on Earth.

#3 Time Forgotten Towns

Sunny street in Trinidad, Cuba

#4 Lively Music & Dancing

Lively Music and Dancing

#5 Cuban Cigars & Rum

Elderly women with flowers in their hair, smoking cigars in Cuba

Hand-wrapped Cuban tobacco, Havana Club, spiced rum and delicious, cold, fresh, mouthwatering MOJITOS! …Need we say more? 

Did we miss anything? Let us know what you love about this gorgeous island nation in the comment section below. If you’ve never been there is no time like the present to book your Cuban adventure and discover it for yourself!

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Five good reasons to visit Cuba in 2020


Culture, music, beaches and much more!

The first reason I recommend you spare some time to visit this fantastic Caribbean island could be the momentum that this country has gathered over the course of centuries of cultural mixing of European, African, Arab, even Chinese heritages among other influences. This is one of the things that makes it absolutely unique. Its manifests itself for instance when you listen to one of the many music genres for which Cuba is known around the world, be it Rumba, Songo, Punto Cubano and many others that have earned this country the nickname of “The Musical Island”.

The other arts have also been touched with the signature of Cuban authenticity that constantly draws national and international attention, simply put there is art wherever you look, it is so easy to get surprised on a daily basis as art may pop up in places where you least expect it. Cuban culture constantly amazes, excites and provokes the audience whether it be its films, theatre, plastic arts, etc. There is always this sort of uncontained creativity, originality and naughtiness that have cast a spell on not a few international visitors that have vowed to permanently settle here.

If paradisiac beaches are your thing then you might have a hard time deciding where to go because Cuba is full of them. From east to west whether it’s in Guardalavaca, Varadero or Santa Lucía you’ll be entering a portal straight to celestial untouched waters, fine white sand beaches and lush natural surroundings.

Multi-destination travel is also a good way to get around, you could combine nature, beach, city and cultural tourism in one of the many possible combinations you could draw depending on your interests. You could start say in Havana, then bathe in Varadero and carry onto Trinidad just to name one circuit.

New Year and new hotels: Sol Varadero Beach and the Meliá Trinidad hotels!

This New Year you will have two more lodging options as you go around this beautiful island in search of its soul through its different tourism destinations. The internationally known beach of Varadero have welcomed recently the All Inclusive Sol Varadero Beach  hotel situated in the first shoreline of the beach. It proposes a new concept, only for over +16 adults in a very relaxing environment. Its bungalow structure combines experiences and authentic leisure activities Caribbean style.

Further east in the quaint city of Trinidad the excel 5 star Meliá Trinidad rises, this modern hotel will have all the confront that current hospitality industry requires. This city and beach hotel has a great location the he service concept will be highly personalized with a variety of holiday and sports facilities.

Take a leap into Cuba’s essence by living through these singular Meliá experiences

What better way to get to know a country than through the experiences lived while visiting? Purposely stumbling and soaking through your senses all you can grasp while in this mesmerizing island is sure to stick unerasable memories in your heart and mind. In order to attain that purpose give it a shot at any of Meliá’s events in next year’s calendar.

If you’re a golf fan you’ll be able to choose from two golf cups and two golf weeks taking place in a Meliá beach resort in Varadero. The popular Single’s Party will have two editions full of fun, great people and sheer joy for living. The Argentinian week and the Mexican National Celebrations are events that celebrate the close historical bond that tie these nations to Cuba.

Very popular among locals, Oktoberfest is always a great party, so head here to live fine moments surrounded by friends and family and get ready to meet more friends.

No Cuban calendar of events could be complete without salsa; the Salsa festival is your opportunity to practice your salsa steps. Finally should you find yourself in Cuba during summer Meliá’s OUTLETS is the time when Meliá presents you excellent offers for you to spend time and relax in one of its hotels.

Holguín’s 300 th anniversary

Known in Cuba as “The city of parks” due to the many green relaxation places where you can catch your breath and admire its beauty. This province was the point of entry of Christopher Columbus when he touched Cuban shores, it was there when he pronounced the famous phrase of “This is the most beautiful land that human eyes have seen”.

  • Paradisus Río de Oro Resort & Spa

It’s a 5 star Eco-resort, Ultra All Inclusive located inside the Bahía de Naranjo Natural Park in Playa Esmeralda beach up on the northern coast of Holguín. Meant only for over +18 adults, it exudes maximum comfort and exquisiteness in an intimate -Royal Service- for those seeking unique experiences. It is recommended for weddings, honeymoons, incentive and wellness/spa.

  • Sol Río de Luna y Mares hotel

It’s a 4 star All Inclusive Resort locates by the sea in Playa Esmeralda beach on Holguín ’s northern coast right where the greenery of the forest collides with the marine blue of the sea. It’s a hotel complex with extensive gardens and ample services and attractions options. Recommended for families, weddings, honeymoons and groups.

Last but not least, it’s got to be the Cubans, you cannot get to know Cuba if you don’t spare some time to get to know its people. Wherever you come from or whatever your travel motive you’ll always find a smile painted on their faces, always willing to lend a helping hand, to guide you, sharing their culture, their country and their way of being just because.

Their hospitality and open character is widely known and the ease with which you can establish long lasting bonds with them is just part of who they are. Being able to sit and talk to someone you don’t even know and to be able and end the conversation being friends, quite simply is a gift that is hard to find in other latitudes.

5 reasons to visit cuba

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Unusual Traveler

5 Reasons to Visit Cuba.

By Author Christian L.

Posted on Published: October 7, 2020  - Last updated: October 2, 2021

Categories Destinations , Caribbean , Cuba

Cuba is one of the most interesting countries to visit in the whole world. This small island country is notorious for its many attractions and a very complex culture.

Havana Cuba

Old American cars in Havana

Before going to this sunny country, there are some great facts that you should know.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should visit this amazing island country to make sure you get the best experience.

You can visit Cuba all around the year.

Being located right near the Ecuador circle, Cuba has one of the mildest climates in the whole world.

The country is well-known for being the perfect beach destination even during the winter.

Cuba beach

Cuba has tons of great beaches you can visit all year.

The sun is not very harsh, and the rains are not as sudden and intense as in other tropical countries.

This mild weather is one of the biggest advantages Cuba offers. You can book your flight ticket in any season, and you will have a great time here. The amazing climate will give you a great experience.

The architecture is amazing.

Streets of Cuba

Typical colourful street in Cuba

The country is well-known for being considered frozen in time. The buildings are the same as hundreds of years ago, and if you are an architecture fan, this is the best place to spend your vacation.

The streets here are very colourful, and you will spend many hours admiring the great architecture and the amazing atmosphere.

The buildings show all the historical eras of the country, and they are a living architecture and history museum. The architectural style and the amazing preservation can be found in many cities, Trinidad is one of them.

Havana Cuba

Beautiful streets of Havana

The Cuban Cigars.

Cubans loves cigar

Cuban´s love cigars

cuba cigars

Cuban loves Cigars

Cuba has a very long history in premium cigar making. The country has an amazing tradition in planting, processing and rolling the best tobacco in the world.

Cigar bar in Cuba

Top class cigar bar in Havana

The farmers from Vuelta Abajo use the best tobacco types in the whole world, and they are renowned for keeping this a family tradition.

The beautiful part about all this is that you can visit the farms and see the whole cigar-making process.

Cuba vinales

Vinales is famous for its cigars and a must-visit destination.

This country started the tobacco trend all over the world when it was discovered in the 15 th century and ever since it fascinated the whole world.

The factories are all still there, and they are open to the public. For any cigar lover, this is a unique experience.

You will be able to observe all the steps that compose this beautiful process. In each city of this beautiful country, you can buy premium Cuban cigars . These cigars are considered the best in the world thanks to the fact that they are carefully crafted, and the tobacco blends are kept secret.

If you plan to have a taste of the tobacco culture of this great country, cigars are the best option.

But be aware, that cigars sold directly on the streets in Cuba are often fake ones, also the one that locals try to sell to you, even if they have the official stickers. If you want to be real Cuban cigars so be sure to visit an official store.

The Cuban Music Culture.

Cuba Music

There´s always live music in this country.

This country is well-known for its amazing music and dance culture. Many events happen all over the year, and you will be able to fully enjoy the amazing culture all year-round. The Cuban dancers are famous all over the world, and they won multiple prizes. You can only imagine that the music and dance culture of this country is very strong.

Even if you are not a very skilled dancer, don’t worry. Cuban people are very friendly, and they will gladly help you get a grasp of the moves very easy. The party culture here is very strong, and you will have a blast in this sunny and warm country.

The amazing Tastes.

Local bar cuba

A small local drink shack, fresh pina colada and coca locals, of course with local Rum.

Cuba is one of the most interesting countries in terms of cuisine and drinks. It has a very strong Latin side of spicy and hot food that is perfectly balanced by the smooth taste of the drinks.

One of the most famous drinks in the world started here, and it carries the name Cuba Libre. This drink is the perfect example of the great drink and taste culture of this amazing country, and you should definitely ask about the Cuba Libre history .

Cuba is one of the most interesting places to visit in the whole world. It is fun, dynamic, and it has some of the best cigars. These points are more than convincing, and we hope that you will have a great time in Cuba.

5 Reasons you should visit Cuba

5 Reasons you should visit Cuba

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Travel & Tours

954-368-0546, 5 reasons why you should visit cuba.

Cuba has been one of the top trending destinations for Americans in the last couple of years. If you haven’t made your mind yet over whether you should Cuba visit or not, here are 5 reasons that will help you make the trip of your life:

#1: It’s people

The warmth of the Cuban people is just outstanding. The Cubans have an immense joy that can be really contagious, and that might help you put things into perspective. In a way, meeting the Cuban people might change your whole way of seeing the world.

#2: Its young people

The millennial generation is driving real change throughout the island. Their aspirations for change and progress have made an impact on businesses, culture and the arts. Basically, the young people of Cuba are modernizing the island, bringing together movies, painting, fashion, and photography into small but outstanding art hubs you may find across little shops or even ships.

#3: Because it’s so much more than just the Havana

Yes, Havana and Varadero are great, but there are other destinations that are actually interesting and quite attractive for tourists.

Las Terrazas, Santiago de Cuba, and Cienfuegos are almost obligatory stops that are even prettier than Havana. Take Cayo Largo, for example, it’s definitely one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and you can find it on the Caribbean coast of the island.

#4: Try the real Mojitos and learn salsa

While the cocktail has been popularized worldwide, it was created in Cuba and it was made to drink in Cuba by a Cuban bar. Old Hemingway liked its rum Cuban, and there are many famous little bars to visit that you will have a hard time picking one. Also, learning salsa in Cuba, in high spirits, enjoying the laughter and the rhythm is one of the best things you would experience. And if you’re a bit shy, don’t worry, that’s what the rum is for.

#5: You’ll travel in time

One of the main reasons to visit Cuba is taking a journey in time. In Cuba, time seems to have stopped. Its 60’s vibes are more than just vibes. Actually, Cuba has not undergone significant changes since those days, which contributes to its picturesque and colloquial feeling. In Cuba, the houses and buildings in the historic districts, are a living proof of how things have been in Cuba for the last 50 years. You’ll feel like that movie Going Back to the Future only there’s no DeLorean but Old Cadillacs, and Coco taxis (a miniature version of a car.)

Visiting Cuba with Letty’s Cuba

If you’ve made up your mind and you’re thinking of visiting Cuba, you can trust Letty’s Cuba to make your trip an unforgettable experience. We make sure you get the personalized attention for groups and students, including flight reservations, visa, paperwork and travel insurance.

Also, we offer help with transportation, tour guides, restaurants, entertainment and accommodations especially tailored to your needs. Just call 954-368-0546 for more information.

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5 reasons why Santiago De Cuba is a must visit

Lauren Haisley-Wright

Santiago De Cuba is often overlooked by travellers of Cuba, with tourists flocking to explore the capital of Havana instead. While Havana is absolutely worth the visit, Cuba’s second-largest city (and former capital) deserves a share of the spotlight for its spectacular history and culture.

We’ve rounded up a few of the reasons why Santiago De Cuba should be on your must visit list:

1. Its rich history

5 reasons to visit cuba

Did you know that Santiago De Cuba plays a huge role in Cuban history? It’s the place where Fidel Castro launched his rebel movement which later became the Cuban Revolution, where almost every traditional Cuban music genre was birthed (more on this later), where Jos é Marty was buried, and where Don Facundo Bacard í invented and developed his now world-famous rum brand? That’s a whole lot of history for one city.

Founded in 1514 by Diego Vel á zquez de Cuellar (the first governor of Cuba) Santiago De Cuba features significant spaces that have witnessed important historical events since the times of the Spanish colonisation, which are reflected in preserved landmarks, architecture, art, and more. Located next to the popular Cespedes Park is the Museum of the Historical Cuban Atmosphere, where history buffs can learn about the city’s past.

The Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca Castle, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, is a notable 17 th -century landmark worth visiting while you’re here. Also known as Castle of Morro, this fascinating fortress boasts ornate architecture by famous Giovanni Battista Antonelli, a museum with five exhibition halls inside the main building, and magnificent views over the Bay of Santiago.

Travel back to The Cuban Revolution when you visit the Plaza de la Revolution Square or the Frank and Josu é House Museum, where facts and exhibitions surrounding this period can be learned. Or, if you’re interested in the religion side of things, there are plenty of beautiful churches and temples to admire across the city, including the Nuestra Se ñ ora de la Asunci ó n Cathedral and the Iglesia de San Francisco Church.

A wander through the historical centre (casco historico) highlights the essence of this Caribbean city. Its cobbled streets are bursting with life, music, dancing, architecture, and stories of times gone by.

2. The music

5 reasons to visit cuba

This atmospheric city certainly brings the noise. Crowned as one of the most Caribbean influenced parts of Cuba, its African roots encourage laid-back vibes, music, rhythm, and a spirituality that shines through and captures the heart and souls of residents and visitors alike. Pretty much every single traditional Cuban music genre was born in Santiago De Cuba, from salsa to son, plus a unique colonial-era style of drumming (which arose from Afro-Haitian culture) called Tumba Francesca – which has UNESCO heritage status and is performed only by a small number of groups.

Ramble the colourful streets at your leisure and you’ll hear music pulsating from open windows and musicians cheerfully playing on street corners, encouraging passers-by to bust a move to the hypnotic beats – or even get involved in the action! Play an instrument? You’ll soon learn that it’s totally normal to jump in with the musicians and play along – so feel free to fully immerse yourself.

Live music venues are also a fantastic way to soak up the Caribbean atmosphere and enjoy traditional Cuban music and dancing. Casa de la Trova and Casa de las Tradiciones are among the top places to head to for local band performances and late-night dancing with a backdrop of the historical centre.

A perfect example of the region’s music scene can be experienced at the famous Santiago De Cuba festival, a national holiday held every July 26 th .

3. Plenty to explore

5 reasons to visit cuba

If you’re the sightseeing type, there’s plenty to discover in this diverse city besides its obvious, awe-inspiring architecture. Natural beauty is in abundance here, with lush pockets of green and pretty flora and fauna to admire that contrast with the beige colonial style streets – perfect for mixing up your itinerary.

If you have a sense of adventure, Gran Piedra (Jardin Botanico) is an absolute must. Grab your walking shoes and begin the challenging hike up to this volcanic rock’s highest peak at over 1200m, where you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the city below. The main route starts from the main coastal road in Parque Baconao, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve fringed by cloaked mountains, scenic trails, and sandy beaches. Similarly, Gran Parque Natural Baconao is another beautiful corner of countryside you should visit, approximately 40 minutes from the exciting city.

Another mesmerising place to visit is The Pico Turquino National Park, set within the Sierra Maestra Mountain Range which runs along southeastern Cuba. Home to the highest mountain in Cuba, Pico Turquino (1,974m tall), thrill-seekers can venture to this vast, remote park to meander the dense forests, scenic terrain, and hike the tall peaks – passing several rural communities as you go. Nature enthusiasts can spot up to 100 species of endemic plants here, such as orchids, ferns, bromeliads and beyond – and if you squint, you might even spot the smallest bird in the world – the bee hummingbird.

4. The neighbourhoods

5 reasons to visit cuba

Santiago De Cuba has a handful of idyllic neighbourhoods that are well worth visiting, the most beguiling (in our opinion) being Barrio el Tivoli. This quiet, hilly neighbourhood located in the heart of the city is fringed by old wooden houses, postcard-worthy staircases, and a whole heap of charm. Stroll through the cobbled streets and you’ll feel as though you’re a character in a movie, passing kids playing cheerfully and old men sat all-hours of the day playing dominoes on the steps.

The famous Padre Pico steps are almost a century old and lead to the Tivoli neighbourhood and Museo de la Lucha Clandestina (Museum of the Underground Struggle), should you wish to frequent it for an hour or so and learn of the November 1956 attack on this former police headquarters.

Just south of Parque Céspedes, this is the type of place you can wander for hours and soak up its spirit.

5 reasons to visit cuba

Now, we’re not suggesting that anyone visits this city for the rum alone (although there’ll be zero judgement if you do), but we certainly believe it to be a contributing factor. As previously mentioned, Santiago De Cuba plays host to the original Bacardi factory, founded in 1862, and it happens to be one of the oldest and most popular in the city.

The factory itself bottles up a whopping nine million litres of rum per year, 70% of which is exported. Be sure to visit Barrita de Ron, a tourist bar attached to the factory for tastings.

You can also visit the museum, where you’ll not only learn about the history and culture of the drink but can browse a collection of vintage weapons and artifacts from the Bacard í family’s travels, too.

So, if traditional music that lifts the soul, rich history, naturally beautiful spaces, and a dash of rum sounds like a holiday to you, get in touch with our travel specialists at Love Cuba to plan your Santiago De Cuba stay, today.

5 reasons to visit cuba

Love Cuba  is the UK’s leading  Cuba holiday specialist .  Click here for more info  on  Cuba holidays ,   Multi Centre Cuba Holidays  or  Tailor Made Cuba Holidays  please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team of  Cuba holiday specialists  on  0207 071 3636  or email  [email protected]

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5 reasons to visit cuba

What You Need To Be Aware Of As A Tourist Visiting Cuba

B eaches with white sand as fine as sugar, vintage American cars cruising down streets lined by colorful aging buildings, and the chance to puff on a fine cigar while watching people dance the salsa in the warm night air: It's not hard to understand the picture-postcard allure of Cuba. It's a country in the throes of rapid change as it emerges back onto the world stage after decades of stagnation following the 1959 revolution. So now is a wonderful time to pack your dancing shoes and visit the Caribbean's largest island.

However, Cuba isn't an uncomplicated tropical paradise and there are several things you need to be aware of before you visit as a tourist. Like, as an American, is it even legal for you to visit Cuba as a tourist? What's with the money situation? And can you access the internet or are you going back to the Stone Age (also known as the early 1990s)?

Can Americans Visit Cuba?

Cuba is just 103 miles from the tip of Florida making it the ideal winter getaway for sun-seeking Americans. However, the U.S. imposed restrictions on travel to Cuba in 1963 and while the level of restrictions has varied over the years, as of July 2023, Americans can't visit Cuba purely for tourism purposes.

That said, there are 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba, and the one that most Americans visiting the island use is the "support for the Cuban people" category. You'll need a passport with six months validity at the time of entry and two blank pages. You also need a Cuban Tourist Card, which you can usually get from your airline for as little as $50.

Speaking of airlines, you can fly direct to Cuba from several U.S. cities, including Miami, Tampa, New York City , and Houston. Most direct flights from the U.S. land in the Cuban capital of Havana, though there are several nonstop flights from Miami to other destinations in the country, including Santiago de Cuba and the popular beach resort of Varadero.

Cuban Currency

There's good news and, let's say, tricky news when it comes to paying for things in Cuba. The good news is that there is now one currency used by residents and visitors alike in the country: the Cuban peso (CUP). The Cuban convertible peso (CUC), which used to be the currency used by tourists, was eliminated in 2021.

The only official place you can exchange currency in Cuba is at Cadeca exchange houses. You cannot get CUP outside of Cuba, nor should you take the currency home with you. Spend or exchange anything you have left over before you go to the airport (after security, you should pay in foreign currency).

What about credit cards? U.S. credit and debit cards won't work in Cuba. Credit cards from major financial institutions like Visa and Mastercard from other countries should be accepted by certain businesses and ATMs. However, cash is king in the country and it's always a good idea to keep some with you for tips to service workers.

The Internet In Cuba

Cuba is the perfect place to go on a digital detox. We're going to be honest: Getting online isn't as easy as in the U.S. and internet speeds can be sluggish. However, if you need to connect to the internet, you can. The most common way to access the internet in Cuba is via hotspots in places like public parks and on the Malécon in Havana. (They are also perfect for people-watching, so embrace the experience!) Many hotels and some other businesses also have Wi-Fi.

To access the internet in most places you're going to need a NAUTA card, which you can purchase from ETECSA offices around Cuba. Be prepared to stand in line to buy the card and take your passport along with you. Our advice? Be patient and make the most of your offline moments to fully immerse yourself in the Cuban experience. And plan to latergram your posts on Insta.

Sleeping And Eating

When it comes to accommodation in Cuba, you'll find a range of options. From all-inclusive beach resorts to cozy casas particulares, you'll find somewhere to suit your preferences and budget. Our pick for independent travelers is a casa particular, a privately owned guesthouse which offers a fantastic opportunity to experience Cuban hospitality firsthand. Many places offer breakfast and an evening meal, so you can taste home-cooked Cuban food. It's also an excellent way to support the Cuban people (this is likely the stated purpose of your visit, after all) as the money you pay goes directly to the guesthouse owners. In contrast, the Cuban government holds at least a 51% share in all hotels in Cuba. Hotel star ratings are often on the generous side, so be discerning.

As far as food goes in Cuba, your best bet is to go to a paladar, a privately run restaurant that serves excellent versions of classic Cuban dishes like roast pork, shredded beef, and suckling pig (the cuisine is pretty meat-forward). A note on cultural sensitivity: Many products that are widely available in the U.S. might not be in Cuba and even basic products often disappear from Cuban shops at short notice. Savor what's put on your plate and enjoy the often simple but tasty food.

How To Support And Respect The Cuban People

Staying in casas particulares and eating at paladares are just two ways that you can support the Cuban people on your trip. Consider taking a salsa class run by a local, buying locally made handicrafts, and whiling away the steamy nights sipping rum and listening to musicians put on a fabulous show. By patronizing local businesses, not only are you financially supporting the Cuban people, but you're also going to have an authentic Cuban experience.

We touched on the unavailability of some food items earlier, but shortages extend to many consumer products in Cuba. Bring everything you think you'll need for your trip, including medications. You may also want to bring a roll of toilet paper (glamorous, we know), as public bathrooms often don't have it. Power cuts are common; while they might be frustrating, remember that you're only there for a short time and, for Cubans, power cuts are infuriating, so keep your complaints to yourself. This goes for everything, really; if you're not prepared for some minor inconveniences, don't visit Cuba. If you want to take a memorable trip to a country steeped in history with a vibrant culture, stunning urban architecture, and beautiful natural landscapes, it'll all be worth it.

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vintage cars outside colorful buildings Havana

UT Education Abroad Blog


Inspiring Longhorns to Explore the World

June 5, 2024 , Filed Under: Global Ambassador

What It’s Like to Study Abroad in Cuba

A student in a blue skirt, tennis shoes, and a white sweater smiles at a site in Cuba with several orange bricks displayed.

When I told people in my life (friends, family, anyone who asked what my summer plans were) that I was going to study abroad in Cuba, I was invariably met with shocked expressions and concerned musings. I quickly learned to expect those reactions and followed up my “I’m going to Cuba” statement with an enthusiastic “I’m so excited!” In reality, though, I was just as nervous as everyone I told.  

No one I know personally has ever traveled to Cuba. I had no frame of reference for coming here, no one to give me advice and no way of knowing what the conditions would truly be like in Havana, Trinidad, Camaguey and Santiago, the four cities we would be visiting and living in. For almost a month, I would conduct a truly adventurous tour of the unknown. Appropriately, the May Term program I chose is called “Cuba in Question?” — and boy, did I have many questions.  

Upon arrival, I felt as though I recognized the city of Havana. The architecture was reminiscent of New Orleans, and overall, the city reminded me of Jamaican cities I’ve visited. Full transparency: The buildings were not well maintained. Some were falling down, and others screamed for a fresh coat of paint. Nonetheless, the vibrant culture of art markets, jazz concerts, cultural centers and museums captured my heart.

Several art photos of canvas paintings in a building.

The weeks we spent in Havana also were difficult. The heat in Havana was killer. During my program (May to June), the temperature ranged from the low 80s to mid-90s, and we were lucky to find air conditioning in a couple of businesses or museums. I had to adjust to being sweaty at all times.

Within the first two days, I also had five mosquito bites that swelled abnormally (thankfully, some aloe and anti-itch cream fixed me right up). And then there was the typical homesickness, culture shock, etc. that are par for the course when studying abroad.  

The experiential learning was invigorating, however. I greatly enjoyed visiting the Colon Cemetery and the National Art Museum. In our free time, my cohort and I devoured the culture in Havana. Some highlights were the jazz concerts we attended, the beach (of course) and bartering at small markets to get the best deals on authentic artworks and souvenirs.   

The sweating, itching and general struggle were made easier by my fellow students and professor from The University of Texas at Austin. Our Cuban coordinator, Yoseti, also provided much-needed support and occasional comedic relief.  

Now, as I sit on our bus (driven by Hector, who has been our driver for the entirety of the program), I am struck by how grateful I feel for our time in Havana. My homestay there had AC in my bedroom, and the food was delicious.  

Our journey to Santiago has already been a long one. We arrived in Trinidad yesterday and walked around the colonial city during the hottest part of the day, which, in all honesty, was very hard to enjoy. Walking around on the original cobblestones while the sun beat down on us was challenging, to say the least. However, there was a silver lining — as there usually is in Cuba — when some of us decided to visit a beautiful ceramics workshop.  

Several clay vases on racks on display.

On the walk to the ceramics workshop and back to the “casas,” I got to talk to Yoseti. Learning about her life in Cuba illuminated even more about the deep-rooted pride Cubans feel for their country. She is a great example of the national pride and resilience of the Cuban people.  

After our 15-minute walk home, we got ready for dinner. The food was delicious. I love Cuban food. If you’re looking for a suggestion, I have to mention my favorite dish, ropa vieja.  

After dinner, things got a little less delicious. The AC in the bedroom I shared with one of the other women on the program went off right as we were about to fall asleep. The heat returned with haste. In order to make myself cool enough to sleep, I had the idea to pour water on myself. Luckily, I was able to sleep through the night like that. The other people on the program were not so lucky.  

Getting on the bus the next morning, it was evident that no one had truly rested overnight. We were warned that the heat would get worse as we traveled east, but I think we were all hopeful that we’d be used to intense heat with no escape by now. Unfortunately, we are still not used to it.   

In a way, being in Cuba has been one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. Every day feels like a struggle. Then, I’m reminded of the beauty of the island and the richness of the Cuban culture. The gorgeous foliage outside my window and the lively music playing softly inside the bus right now encourage me and reassure me that this was the right decision.  

Studying abroad is daunting, no matter where you decide to go. Cuba was particularly unknown to me, which made me especially nervous. Nonetheless, in my exploration of Cuban culture and history, I have found the sense of adventure and discovery I craved when applying to study abroad.

The struggles, challenges and difficulties all contribute to my feeling of accomplishment. I feel more confident in my Spanish-speaking skills, travel knowledge and personal strength because of my experiences in Cuba. Yes, there is little to no AC and I am sweating all day, but I’m also becoming more of a global citizen every day I’m here. I can’t wait to continue learning from such a resilient and dynamic island. 

Hook ’em from the road between Trinidad and Camaguey! Y gracias, Cuba. Siempre recordaré las lecciones que me enseñaste, isla hermosa.  

This post was contributed by Jane Cleary, a Global Ambassador for May Term 2024. Jane is a junior plan II honors, women’s and gender studies, Spanish, and international relations and global studies major studying abroad in Havana, Cuba.

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    Here are 10 reasons to travel to Cuba. 1. The City of Havana. The city of Havana itself is a reason to travel to Cuba! Havana Vieja is an interesting neighbourhood with cobblestone streets and stately Baroque and Neoclassical structures. It's more restored than other parts of Havana, but still lovely to visit.

  13. Top 5 Reasons to go to Cuba Now

    For La Musica. Cuba is a country that appeases your senses without trying. There's always something to see, the smell of cigars and the taste of rum, but overall it's the music creating a continuous backing soundtrack that really sets the scene. Almost everywhere you go, any time of day, there is music - and with music comes dancing!

  14. 5 reasons to visit Cuba

    5 reasons to visit Cuba By: Alina Gómez Photos: Vladimir Molina Espada and Aslam I. Castellón Cuba, with its captivating blend of nature, history, traditions, culture, and warm hospitality, stands out as one of the Caribbean's most privileged destinations, beckoning visitors for countless reasons.

  15. Top 5 Reasons to Visit Cuba

    Visiting Cuba is an experience to remember for the rest of your life… But why would it be different than any other paradisical site of the Caribbean? ... Sustainable Travel. Latest in Sustainable Travel; Embark on an Eco-Friendly Adventure: A Guide to Sustainable Travel. 1 November 2023.

  16. 10 Reasons Why You Should Travel to Cuba Right Now

    3. Old American Cars. Held together by creativity, determination, and probably a few prayers, you'll notice the vintage cars when you travel to Cuba. They are a sign of the long embargo and car-buying restrictions the country faced. The roads are chock full of Studebakers, Ford Fairlanes, and Chevy Bel-Airs.

  17. Yes, Americans Can Travel to Cuba … & You Absolutely Should

    When you visit the island, there are constant reminders that Cuba remains a totalitarian state. According to some estimates, 75% of the Cuban population works for the state in some form or fashion. And while the government provides things like health care, education, and food subsidies, even a medical doctor earns just $40 to $60 a month, on ...

  18. Five Reasons to Visit Cuba

    Cuba is an extraordinary destination: idyllic spots, amazing beaches, fascinating history, passion for music, traditional cuisine, attractive culture and, most importantly, the hospitality and joy of its people. Here are five of the many reasons why this charmingly addictive island is not to be missed. - History and Culture: A meeting point of indigenous, European, African and North American ...

  19. Five good reasons to visit Cuba in 2020

    Five good reasons to visit Cuba in 2020. Culture, music, beaches and much more! The first reason I recommend you spare some time to visit this fantastic Caribbean island could be the momentum that this country has gathered over the course of centuries of cultural mixing of European, African, Arab, even Chinese heritages among other influences ...

  20. 5 Reasons to Visit Cuba.

    Here are the top 5 reasons why you should visit this amazing island country to make sure you get the best experience. You can visit Cuba all around the year. Being located right near the Ecuador circle, Cuba has one of the mildest climates in the whole world. The country is well-known for being the perfect beach destination even during the winter.

  21. 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Cuba

    Also, learning salsa in Cuba, in high spirits, enjoying the laughter and the rhythm is one of the best things you would experience. And if you're a bit shy, don't worry, that's what the rum is for. #5: You'll travel in time. One of the main reasons to visit Cuba is taking a journey in time. In Cuba, time seems to have stopped.

  22. cuba

    Exclusive: We sat down with Australian Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone is an exuberant personality known for his presence in both kitchens and on TV screens, making numerous appearanc

  23. 5 reasons why Santiago De Cuba is a must visit

    While Havana is absolutely worth the visit, Cuba's second-largest city (and former capital) deserves a share of the spotlight for its spectacular history and culture. We've rounded up a few of the reasons why Santiago De Cuba should be on your must visit list: 1. Its rich history. Did you know that Santiago De Cuba plays a huge role in ...

  24. What You Need To Be Aware Of As A Tourist Visiting Cuba

    Cuba is just 103 miles from the tip of Florida making it the ideal winter getaway for sun-seeking Americans. However, the U.S. imposed restrictions on travel to Cuba in 1963 and while the level of ...

  25. Geographic Expeditions Announces A Compelling Insider Tour Of Cuba

    Early morning view of streets in Trinidad, Cuba, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Adam Jones / Danita Delimont. On day 4, the trip leaves Havana for a musical stop in the historic town of Cienfuegos ...

  26. What It's Like to Study Abroad in Cuba

    Y gracias, Cuba. Siempre recordaré las lecciones que me enseñaste, isla hermosa. This post was contributed by Jane Cleary, a Global Ambassador for May Term 2024. Jane is a junior plan II honors, women's and gender studies, Spanish, and international relations and global studies major studying abroad in Havana, Cuba.