Visitare Valencia

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Bioparc Valencia

Bioparc di Valencia

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Hai mai sentito parlare della Valencia Tourist Card ? Sai precisamente di cosa si tratta e se davvero conviene acquistarla?

Bene, procediamo con ordine. 😊

  • Come funziona e cosa comprende
  • Acquisto e ritiro
  • Validità, costo e attivazione
  • Family card
  • VLC Card senza trasporto

Come funziona e cosa comprende la Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card è una tessera combinata, pensata appositamente dalla Fondazione Valencia Tourism per tutti i visitatori della città. Il principale intento della tessera è di agevolare la vita del turista. Come? Basicamente attraverso l’offerta di sconti e agevolazioni di vario genere.

Il raggio d’azione della card è molto esteso, coprendo pressoché tutte le principali esigenze del turista:

  • Trasporti pubblici urbani gratuiti: include gli autobus, metropolitana e tram nelle zone ABCD; compreso il trasferimento dall’aeroporto;
  • Ingresso gratuito in molti musei e monumenti:  tra cui – solo per citarne alcuni – la  Lonja de la Seda , Ivam , Torres de Serranos e Quart, Cattedrale di Valencia e il Miguelete , Almudín, Centro d’Artigianato della Comunità Valenciana, il Centro Espositivo del Carmen, e molti altri ancora;
  • Sconti per le principali attrazioni turistiche: come il Bioparc di Valencia , tutte le strutture della  Città delle Arti e delle Scienze , ect;
  • Agevolazioni in tanti ristoranti, negozi e attività commerciali:  dai negozi per noleggiare una bicicletta alle agenzie che offrono escursioni e visite guidate.

Acquisto e ritiro della VLC Tourist Card

Come fare per comprare la VLC Tourist Card?

Se sei interessato alla tessera, il mio consiglio è quello di affidarti all’ acquisto online sul sito del nostro partner Get Your Guide. In questo modo, eviterai di fare code all’ufficio del turismo presente in aeroporto. Potrai usufruire inoltre di un servizio di cancellazione con rimborso completo fino a 24 ore prima del tuo arrivo.

Il procedimento di acquisto è veramente semplice e intuitivo. Una volta terminata la prenotazione, ti verrà inviato un voucher di conferma via mail : conservalo o stampalo, ti servirà per ritirare immediatamente la tua tessera presso uno dei punti autorizzati. In tutta la città ne troverai svariati, a partire come dicevamo dall’aeroporto. Al momento del ritiro, oltre alla tessera ti sarà consegnata una guida completa con tutti i servizi inclusi! Davvero molto utile.

valencia tourist card conviene

Prenota la Tessera

Validità, costo e come attivare la tessera

La Valencia Tourist Card  è stata pensata per avere 3 validità diverse ; questo dipenderà della tipologia che deciderai di acquistare. Ovviamente, il costo della card aumenterà per quella di durata maggiore. Di seguito ti riporto i prezzi aggiornati scegliendo l’acquisto online:

  • 24 ore VLC Tourist Card > 15 euro
  • 48 ore VLC Tourist Card > 20 euro
  • 72 ore VLC Tourist Card > 25 euro

Una volta in possesso della tessera, l’attivazione è semplicissima. Sarà sufficiente infatti convalidarla su un mezzo pubblico in occasione del primo viaggio – ad esempio dall’aeroporto al centro – o in alternativa utilizzandola presso uno dei musei o negozi convenzionati.

La tessera per le famiglie

Se viaggi in famiglia e sei interessati alla tessera, la migliore soluzione è acquistare la Valencia Tourist Card Family . Il funzionamento e i benefici di questa card sono identici a quella tradizionale, ma ti permetterà di risparmiare sull’acquisto per tutti i componenti della famiglia.

Nello specifico, lo sconto applicato sarà del 10% sulla tessera degli adulti e del 15% su quella dei più piccoli. L’unica pecca? I bambini dovranno rientra nella fascia d’età 6-12 anni .

Nel caso fossero maggiori di 12 anni, dovrete comprare ognuno la vostra tessera.

Valencia tourist card costo ritiro conviene

VLC Tourist Card senza trasporto

Recentemente, è stata creata un’ulteriore tipologie di tessera del turista, denominata VLC Tourist Card 7 giorni . La particolarità di questa nuova card è quella di non comprendere il trasporto gratuito in città: i restanti benefici sopra elencanti, restano validi.

A differenza delle altre tessere, questa ha una validità di sette giorni a partire dal primo giorno di utilizzo. Per l’attivazione, ti basterà semplicemente mostrarla al negozio o al museo che visiterai. Insieme alla tessera, anche in questo caso ti sarà consegnata una mappa e una piccola guida con tutte le attività e luoghi che rientrano nel circuito Tourist Card.

La Valencia Tourist Card conviene?

Veniamo alla questione della  convenienza . Va detto che la card ti offre davvero molti sconti e riduzioni. Naturalmente, sta a te dover valutare quante di queste opportunità sarai effettivamente in grado di cogliere.

Per calcolare con precisione il risparmio che otterrete con la tessera e aiutarti nella scelta, il portale ufficiale del turismo di Valencia mette a disposizione uno strumento con cui conoscere esattamente il prezzo risparmiato se ti rechi in un ristorante – piuttosto che su un locale – con o senza VLC Tourist Card.

D’altra parte bisogna considerare che, per il semplice fatto di includere il trasferimento dall’aeroporto  di Valencia (10,60€ a/r), a mio modo di vedere vale la pena acquistarla. Evidentemente, il discorso cambia se arriverai in città con una macchina propria o a noleggio, e magari ti trovi a in città prettamente per ragioni di lavoro.

VLC Tourist Card o Valencia Pass?

Un altro confronto che viene spesso fatto e su cui mi arrivano molte domande è quello tra la Tourist Card e il Valencia Digital Pass .

Qual è la differenza?

Al contrario della VLC Card che offre delle riduzioni e sconti al momento in cui andrai ad acquistare i ticket d’ingresso, il Valencia Pass include l’entrate presso le 2 principali attrazioni della città: Bioparc e Oceanografico. Oltre a queste due entrate avrai compreso sempre nel pass il biglietto 48 ore per l’autobus turistico ed alcune audio guide scaricabili su smartphone.

Sicuramente un qualcosa di molto più specifico , in quanto non è prevista tutta la scontistica sui numerosi musei e ristoranti previsti con la VLC Tourist Card. Per maggiori info sul Valencia Pass ti rimando all’articolo di approfondimento che troverai nel blog.

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Metro valencia: orari, prezzi e linee, escursioni da valencia: dintorni imperdibili, valencia e il mare: le spiagge dove andare in città, valencia tourist card: sconti e trasporto gratuito.

Wanderlust Chloe

Is The Valencia Tourist Card Worth It? (Guide To Pros And Cons)

Valencia Tourist Card

Wondering whether to buy a Valencia Tourist Card for your city break? Find out what’s included and whether it’s worth it in this informative guide.

If you’ve been following my blog recently, you’ll have seen I fell head over heels in love with the city of Valencia in Spain. It’s a beautiful city, filled with history, great restaurants and quirky architecture. It’s perfect for a sunshine-filled getaway, particularly with its huge beach just a short bus ride from the city centre.

Before visiting, I ordered a Valencia Tourist Card . There are options of cards for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as well as another for 7 days.

The card includes free public transport within the city centre, complimentary entry or discounts at the key attractions, museums and restaurants, plus a few other freebies too – including tapas and drinks.

I’ll admit that part of my reason for wanting it was the ease of getting around. It covers journeys to and from Valencia Airport, as well as journeys within the city and down to the beach.

READ MORE: 29+ AWESOME things to do in Valencia 

City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia

So time to give an honest account of what I thought of it, how it works, whether I’d recommend it and how to order one if you’re visiting the city soon.

Planning your trip to Valencia? Here are a few quick highlights:

List Image

What is the Valencia Tourist Card?

This special card includes all public transport within the city, as well as to the beach and airport. There’s a mammoth list of attractions it’s valid at, offering free entry or discounted tickets. You can buy cards for different durations, depending on how long you’ll be visiting for. There are cards for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as well as another for 7 days.

If you’re flying to Valencia I’d recommend ordering a card online in advance, then collecting at the airport. You just need your order number and email address to pick it up.

Alternatively, you can collect it from the tourist office within City Hall, or have it delivered to your hotel. Kids aged 6-12, over-65s and students can get a 15% discount off, but you’ll have to go to the tourist office to buy the card.

Pretty views in Valencia

How much is a Valencia Tourist Card?

As mentioned, there are cards for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as well as another for 7 days. The prices are as follows:

24-hour Valencia Tourist Card: 15 EUR

48-hour Valencia Tourist Card: 20 EUR

72-hour Valencia Tourist Card: 25 EUR

7 day Valencia Tourist Card (without transport): 12 EUR

I usually buy things like this using Get Your Guide – a tour booking website I’ve used lots on my travels, and wholeheartedly trust. I took a few tours with them during my trip to Valencia, including a historical walking tour and a food tour , and they were fab. They occasionally offer discounts if you book via them too!

READ MORE: Food Tour Of Valencia – REVIEW

Valencia Tourist Card

What attractions are included for free with the Valencia Tourist Card?

There are quite a few that are free with the card, including…

Lonja de la Seda – Valencia’s ancient silk exchange

Museo de Historia – Valencia’s history museum

Museo Fallero – Museum dedicated to Valencia’s famous Fallas Festival

Torres de Serranos and Torres de Quart – Old city gates (great views!)

Museo de Ciencias Naturales – Museum of natural sciences

Museo de la Ciudad – City museum

Museo del Arroz – Rice museum

L’Almoina – Archaeology museum

Without the card, most have an entry fee of around 2 EUR. It’s not much, but if you’re thinking of visiting quite a few during your visit, the tourist card will be more economic way to see the icity. You can see the full list of Valencia tourist card attractions here .

Exterior of Torres de Serranos, Valencia

Which attractions can I get discounts at with the Valencia Tourist Card?  

While there are plenty that are included complimentary, if the attraction isn’t on that list, it’s still likely to be offered at a discounted price with the card. I’ve picked out a few highlights but there are absolutely loads more!

15% off Museu de les Ciències (Valencia Science Museum)

15% off Oceanogràfic (Valencia Aquarium)

15% off Hemisfèric (Valencia IMAX Cinema)

15% off Bioparc (Valencia Zoo)

10% off Valencia Cathedral

10% off Jardín Botánico (Valencia Botanical Gardens)

It’s also worth checking out some of the discounts on rentals in the city too. For example, you can use the card to get 20% off renting a bike in the city, or 10% off jet-ski rental on Malvarrosa Beach.

Valencia, Spain

Can I use my Valencia Tourist Card on any tours?

Yes! I think this is a really great perk of the card. From a discount on the tourist bus (yay for hop on, hop off life!), to bike tours, a nosey around Valencia Football Club and even a paella cooking class, there are lots of little extras that are included with the card. You’ll need to check timings as many of them only run on certain days of the week, and then book your spot in advance.

Here are a few tours that caught my eye…

20% off 4-hour Valencia Family Tour

15% off bike tours

10% off Guided tour of Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía

10% off Mestalla Forever Tour (Valencia Football Club)

10% off paella workshops

2 EUR off València Bus Turístic (hop on, hop off)

10% off Albufera Experience (jeep and boat trip)

Seafood paella in Valencia

10% off sunset sailing trip from Malvarrosa Beach

Malvarrosa Beach, Valencia

What about food and drink?

Eating out on holiday can really add up, so it’s worth making use of the discounts on offer at the city’s restaurants and bars. Some of the discounts are 15-20% so it can make a big difference to your bill.

You can use the card at Café de las Horas, Terraza L’Umbracle, El Camarote & the Roof, Casa Isabel, Ocho y Medio, Restaurante Océanos, Ubik Café, La Cigrona and the Hard Rock Café amongst others.

Tapas spread

Did someone mention FREE food?

Not yet but I’m about to!! When you get your Valencia Tourist Card you’ll see a few ads for restaurants in the city where you get complimentary food and drink!

Head to El Corte Ingles for a complimentary tapa and a glass of wine, and then there’s one more voucher valid at a few restaurants around the city.

Anywhere else I can use the Valencia Tourist Card?

I didn’t have the chance to visit (partly because I was busy enjoying the sunshine outside) but the card is also valid at several spas in Valencia including Balneario La Alameda, Olympia Hotel and Spa Las Arenas.

How do I use the Valencia Tourist Card on public transport?

I used my card on several bus, tram and metro journeys. I’d describe Valencia as a walkable city, but if like me, you like to cram a lot in to your trips, you might want to save time by using public transport.

I navigated my way around using Google Maps. You can pop in your destination and select public transport. The app will then show you the best way to get there, including bus numbers and stop names.

Valencia tram

In terms of where you can get to using the card, it covers the Metro in Zones A – D (including to and from Valencia Airport) plus buses and trams in Zone A. As a tourist visiting, it’s very unlikely you’d need to go outside of these areas. When you pick up your card you can check the maps. It also includes bus Line 25 which goes to Albufera.

In terms of using the card, you tap it on the machine by the driver when you board a bus, at the tram stop platform and at the gates to the metro. It’s worth mentioning that if you get the Valencia 7-day tourist card, it doesn’t include public transport (or it didn’t when I visited).

Also, if you don’t opt for a tourist card, I think that the system in the city is similar to others, where you have to pay a cost for a Valencia transport card and top it up with journeys as you go along.

Pretty views in Valencia

So, the big question – is the Valencia Tourist Card worth it?

For me it was definitely worth it. If you’re planning a lot of sightseeing, and want the convenience of using public transport whenever you want, to get wherever you want, then it’s worth it.

I liked that I didn’t have to worry about figuring out metro tickets when I got to the airport, and could hop on public transport around the city whenever my legs got tired! 

I also used several of the free entry tickets and a few of the discounts. Free food was a bonus too! I didn’t get the chance to try out any of the tours as I’d already booked a few through Get Your Guide before my trip, but I’d bear it in mind for next time.

Enjoying the view from the top of Torres de Serranos, Valencia

However, if you’re visiting Valencia for a relaxing break, with plans to hang out in the historical city centre, hop from tapas bar to tapas bar and explore on foot, you’ll probably find it cheaper to buy single or return tickets on public transport and pay full price at any attractions. Single tickets on Valencia’s buses start at just 1.50 EUR. Metro lines 3 and 5 go from the airport to the city centre, with a single costing 3.90 EUR.

Sometimes it’s worth paying for the peace of mind, and a card like this definitely brings that! It really depends on how much you want to do during your trip!

Valencia seafront

I hope this post helps you make a decision. If you have any questions, let me know! Don’t forget to read my other guides to Valencia to make the most of your time in the city.

29+ AWESOME things to do in Valencia  Valencia Cathedral bell tower vs Torres de Serranos – which has the best view of Valencia? Where to stay in Valencia – from budget to luxury  Valencia food tour – is this the most fun tour of the city? 

Chloe Gunning

With a passion for food, fun and adventure, Chloe is the content creator behind one of the UK's top travel blogs Wanderlust Chloe. From volcano boarding in Nicaragua, to sailing around Sicily and eating her way around Japan, her travels have taken her to some of the coolest spots on the planet. Named Travel Influencer of the Year in 2022, Chloe regularly works with a number of tourism boards, producing inspirational travel content across multiple platforms. Find out more about Chloe here.

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Valencia Tourist Card

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  • Summer Language Camps
  • Tourist Card
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  • Cathedral & Around
  • Ayuntamiento & Around
  • City of Arts & Sciences

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  • La Albufera

Spain Travel Guides

  • Alicante Guide
  • Cadiz Guide
  • Cordoba Guide
  • Granada Guide
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  • Marbella Guide
  • Salamanca Guide
  • San Sebastian Guide
  • Sevilla Guide
  • Tenerife Guide
  • Valencia Guide
  • Zaragoza Guide

valencia tourist card

Where can I use the Valencia Tourist Card?

  • City Bus , Metro
  • Leisure Activities

How much does a Valencia Tourist Card cost?

  • One-day card: € 6.00
  • Two-day card: € 10.00
  • Three-day card: € 15.00

Where can I buy the Valencia Tourist Card?

  • Tourism Offices & Tourist Information Booths
  • Tobacco Kiosks
  • Many hotels & some Metro stops
  • Online at

How can I get more information?

  • Call 900 70 18 18 (customer service & information)

spain inspired sun logo

Valencia Tourist Card: The Ultimate Guide (From a Local!)

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Are you planning a trip to Valencia, but feeling overwhelmed with the logistics? Trying to figure out how to see all the sights, taste all the flavors, and experience the city’s vibrant culture without blowing your budget? Well, you’ve landed on the right article!

As someone who lives in the heart of this sun-drenched city, I know a thing or two about making the most out of a visit to Valencia. And today, I’m going to let you in on a little secret that will make your Valencia adventure a breeze – the Valencia Tourist Card!

In this article, I promise to take you on a fun, friendly journey through all the ins and outs of the Valencia Tourist Card . I’ll talk about what it is, the benefits it offers, how much it costs, where to buy it, and how to use it like a pro – as well as who actually may not need to get this to still have a great trip. 

Planning a trip to Valencia last minute?

If you’re booking your  trip to Valencia last minute, I’ve got you covered. Below are some of the top tours, hotels, and more!

⭐  Top tours in Valencia

  • City Highlights Guided Bike Tour (great way to see the city)
  • Palosanto Flamenco Show (incredible night out)
  • Old Town Tour, Wine and Tapas in an 11th Century Monument (all the highlights at once)
  • Catamaran Cruise at Sunset (experience the Mediterranean – with cava)
  • Oceanogràfic – Valencia Aquarium (biggest one in Europe!)

🛏️ Top hotels in Valencia

  • Only YOU Hotel Valencia (5-star luxury)
  • Vincci Palace (boutique hotel with beautiful décor)
  • Hostal Antigua Morellana (great budget option in a superb location)

🚌 Want to see everything with minimal effort while you’re in Valencia? Check out the 24- or 48-Hour Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Ticket !

Table of Contents

What is the Valencia Tourist Card?

The Valencia Tourist Card is a card for tourists (surprising from the name, I know) that’s designed to give you unlimited access to Valencia’s public transportation, free or discounted admission to many museums and monuments, tasty discounts at restaurants, shops, and more – including some free food and drinks!

Basically, this nifty little card is more than just a piece of plastic – it’s your golden ticket to experience the best of Valencia without the headache of juggling multiple tickets or fumbling for change in your pocket.

And it’s super easy to get your hands on one too. Simply buy the Valencia Tourist Card online right here and pick it up at any Tourist Info Office at the airport or around the city.

MY SUGGESTION: Picking up your Valencia Tourist Card at the airport is by far the best option, in my opinion, as it means your metro ride from the airport will be free. And I think we can all agree that saving €4.80 immediately is a great way to start any trip!)

Benefits of the Valencia Tourist Card

1. free public transportation.

With the Valencia Tourist Card, you’ll have unlimited access to buses, trams, and the metro across the entire city. Whether you want to explore the historic old town, lounge on the city’s sunny beaches, or feast on the best paella, you can do it all without spending an extra cent on Valencia’s public transport system. 

And as I just mentioned, even the trip from the airport to the city center is covered by metro, a 25-minute journey that’s normally €4.80 each way – isn’t that convenience at its finest?

Valencia bus where you can use your Valencia tourist card

2. Free Entry to Museums and Monuments

Art lovers, history buffs, and curious souls, rejoice! The Valencia Tourist Card opens the doors to a world of knowledge and culture without the usual entry fees. 

In particular, some of the places that will give you free entry include:

  • La Lonja (The Silk Exchange), Valencia’s UNESCO World Heritage site
  • The Archaeological Crypt of the Prison of San Vicente
  • Torres de Serranos and Torres de Quart
  • Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia
  • La Almoina Archaeological Museum
  • Las Fallas Museum
  • The Museum of Natural Science
  • Valencia History Museum
  • … and more!

With so much to see, you’ll be grateful for the freedom to explore at your own pace.

3. Discounts at Other Attractions

While freebies are great, this card also lets you get some pretty impressive discounts at various sights all over Valencia. These include:

  • Valencia Cathedral, the Miguelete (Bell Tower) and the Holy Grail (20% off)
  • IVAM – Valencian Institute of Modern Art (50% off)
  • Everything at the City of Arts and Sciences – meaning it includes the Science Museum and the Oceanogràfic aquarium (10% off)
  • Marqués de Dos Aguas Palace and the Ceramics Museum inside (50% off)
  • Bullfighting Museum (50% off)
  • … and a ton more on top of these.

As you can probably tell, depending on how packed your Valencian itinerary is, you’re in for some pretty great savings here.

City of Arts and Sciences a place you can visit using Valencia tourist card

4. Discounts at Restaurants and Shops, and More

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Your Valencia Tourist Card doubles as a discount card at selected restaurants, shops, and tourist services, with up to 35% off at places that offer this. 

You can savor a mouth-watering paella with a side of savings, snag some unique souvenirs without breaking the bank, or even rent a bike in Valencia for less to pedal your way around this picturesque city.

5. Two Free Tapas and Two Free Drinks

That’s right, as a little extra bonus, if you get the 24-, 48- or 72-hour card, you’ll be entitled to get two free tapas with an (alcoholic!) drink!

6. Free City Map and Guide

As if all that wasn’t enough, the Valencia Tourist Card also comes with a free city map and guide. No more getting lost in translation or navigation! 

This handy guide will help you plan your route, learn about the city’s main attractions, and even pick up a few local tips and recommendations.

a woman holding a map

What Different Valencia Tourist Cards are Available?

Now, you’re probably wondering, “Wait, there’s more than one Valencia Tourist Card?” There definitely is – because who doesn’t want flexibility with their traveling in addition to saving money!

Just as Valencia caters to all sorts of travelers, the Valencia Tourist Card does too. Here’s a quick rundown of the different flavors this card comes in:

24-hour Valencia Tourist Card

Are you a speed traveler, looking to see the sights in a whirlwind of excitement? Then, the 24-hour Valencia Tourist Card is your perfect match. This card gives you all the benefits I’ve talked about for a full day of non-stop Valencia fun.

48-hour Valencia Tourist Card

For those who like to take things a bit slower, the 48-hour Valencia Tourist Card is your go-to. With two full days of benefits, you’ll have plenty of time to soak up the sun, culture, and flavors of Valencia.

Happy woman walking down street in Spain

What’s your perfect destination for your dream trip to Spain?

Want to discover a city or live your island dreams?

Embrace the food scene or step through the pages of history?

Whatever your travel style, discover the perfect Spanish city to add to your trip here!

72-hour Valencia Tourist Card

Ah, the 72-hour Valencia Tourist Card, perfect for leisurely explorers who really want to savor the Valencia experience. With three full days of access to the city’s best offerings, you’re free to enjoy Valencia at your own pace.

a tourist holding a map

7-day Valencia Tourist Card

For those really wanting to see the ins and outs of this city, there’s also a seven-day Valencia tourist card. It gets you all the same great discounts at museums, monuments, stores, restaurants and more. In fact, you’ll actually get some extra bonuses like free entry to certain places that are discounted with the other cards, like the Cathedral and its Museum and the IVAM.

That said, keep in mind that this card doesn’t include free public transport, which is why it’s priced a bit differently from the others. 

Valencia Tourist Card for Children

Don’t worry, they haven’t forgotten about the little explorers! There’s a special Valencia Tourist Card tailored for children aged 6 to 12. 

It comes with all the same benefits, but at a lower price, because who doesn’t believe in nurturing the next generation of world travelers!

How Much Does the Valencia Tourist Card Cost?

Now onto the million-dollar question – or should we say, the less-than-a-fancy-dinner question. The Valencia Tourist Card is a steal, considering all the benefits you’ll get.

Prices vary depending on the duration of the card and while you can c heck here for more information on the cost of each card, the summary of this is:

  • The 24-hour Valencia Tourist Card comes in at just €15 for adults and €12.75 for children.
  • The 48-hour Valencia Tourist Card is a bargain at €20 for adults and €17 for children.
  • The 72-hour Valencia Tourist Card is the ultimate deal at €25 for adults and €21.25 for children.
  • The 7-day Valencia Tourist Card, with its extra discounts (but no free public transport) costs €12 for adults and €10.20 for kids.

Imagine, for less than the cost of a fancy meal, you get unlimited transportation, free entry to museums and monuments, discounts galore…and some free tapas and drinks on the side!

two tourist holding a map

Where Can I Buy a Valencia Tourist Card?

You’ll be glad to know that purchasing a Valencia Tourist Card is a breeze. The easiest way is to buy it online before your trip and then pick up your card from the Tourist Info Office at the airport or in the city center when you arrive.

In fact, you can easily buy your Valencia Tourist card right here!

And guess what? If you’re already in Valencia, you can also buy the card online and then pick it up directly from any Tourist Info Office. 

In addition to the airport (which is the easiest and quickest option if you’ve bought it before arriving), the offices are also located at major points throughout the city, including the airport, train stations, and central squares. And yes, they’ll be thrilled to see you!

How Does the Valencia Tourist Card Work?

You’re all set with your Valencia Tourist Card. But how does it work, you ask? It’s as easy as uno, dos, tres!

The card is activated the first time you use it, whether that’s hopping on a bus, entering a museum, or using a discount. From then, it’s valid for the duration you chose – 24, 48, or 72 hours. 

Remember, the clock starts ticking from the first use, so plan your itinerary wisely to make the most out of your card.

Where Can I Use the Valencia Tourist Card?

The Valencia Tourist Card is your trusty sidekick all across the city. Here are some of the main places you can use it:

1. Public Transportation

The Valencia Tourist Card has you covered on the city’s buses, trams, and metro lines, including the trip from the airport to the city center. With this card in your pocket, you’re free to roam the city at your leisure!

Metro one of the transportation that you can use Valencia tourist card

2. Museums and Monuments

Let the cultural adventure begin! Your Valencia Tourist Card grants you free access to a plethora of the city’s museums and monuments. 

These include the Museum of Sciences, the Fallas Museum, and the Almoina Archaeological Centre, among many others.

3. Restaurants and Shops

Feeling peckish or ready for a shopping spree? The Valencia Tourist Card gives you a smorgasbord of discounts at selected restaurants and shops around the city. 

So go ahead, treat yourself to a delicious paella or grab some unique souvenirs to remember your trip.

4. Tourist Services

Want to see the city from a different perspective? Use your Valencia Tourist Card for discounts on various tourist services like guided tours, bike rentals, and even boat trips. Explore Valencia your way and save while you’re at it!

Bikes in the Turia Gardens is one of you must consider to use when you have Valencia Tourist Card.

Is the Valencia Tourist Card Worth It?

In my opinion, if you plan to see many of the main sights around Valencia and will be getting public transport when doing so, especially to and from the airport, then the Valencia Tourist Card is definitely worth it thanks to the free public transport and free entry to many places on offer.

I mean, who doesn’t fancy saving money while savoring all the sights, sounds, and flavors of this vibrant city?

Think about it. With free public transportation, you’ll be zipping around the city without spending an extra cent. With free entry to museums and monuments, you’ll soak up the rich culture and history of Valencia without breaking the bank. 

And let’s not forget the discounts at restaurants, shops, and tourist services – who doesn’t love a good deal?

In short, if you plan to explore the city extensively, the Valencia Tourist Card is not just worth it; it’s a no-brainer!

Who Shouldn’t Get the Valencia Tourist Card?

Now, I’ve sung the praises of the Valencia Tourist Card, but it’s also true that not every deal suits every traveler. So, who might not find the card as beneficial?

You may want to think twice about getting this if you fall into one of the following groups:

  • If you’re only planning a quick stop in Valencia , or if your idea of a perfect vacation is lounging at the beach all day (no judgment here, by the way), then you might not need the Valencia Tourist Card. 
  • If your itinerary doesn’t include a lot of museum-hopping , then the benefits of the card might not outweigh the cost.
  • If you don’t think you’ll be taking public transport that often , you might not find yourself getting the full benefits.

Honestly, if you plan to get the metro to and from the airport (which I always do) and think you’ll go to a couple of the main tourist attractions, like a museum or other historical site, then you’ll easily hit the point where the Valencia Tourist Card will be well worth it for you.

Throw in some of the restaurant discounts or getting some savings on a tour or bike rental in Valencia, and you’ll be laughing.

Of course, it’s up to you depending on how you think you’ll be traveling in the city but, overall, it’s going to be a great deal for many visitors.

How Do I Use the Valencia Tourist Card on Public Transport?

Using your Valencia Tourist Card on public transport is a cinch! For buses, simply show your card to the driver as you board. For trams and the metro, just swipe your card on the card readers located at the entrance. 

Remember, your card covers all zones within the city, including the trip from the airport to the city center. So, whether you’re heading to the beach, returning from a night out, or journeying from one attraction to the next, your Valencia Tourist Card has got you covered.

How Do I Use the Valencia Tourist Card at Attractions?

As if the Valencia Tourist Card couldn’t get any easier to use, here’s how it works at attractions: Simply present your card at the ticket office of the museum or monument you’re visiting. The friendly staff will then grant you free entry – it’s like having a VIP pass to the city’s cultural treasures!

And remember, there’s no limit to the number of attractions you can visit during the validity of your card. So go ahead, indulge your curiosity, immerse yourself in the rich history of Valencia, and let each new discovery be a story to tell.

How Do I Use the Valencia Tourist Card at Restaurants?

Ready to tantalize your taste buds with Valencia’s culinary delights? Using your Valencia Tourist Card at participating restaurants is as simple as pie… or should we say, paella?

When it’s time to pay, just show your card to the staff. They’ll apply the discount to your bill, and voila! You can enjoy your delicious meal knowing you’ve bagged yourself a bargain. 

Just make sure to check in advance if the restaurant accepts the card – you can find a list of participating places in your free city guide.

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Anna is the founder of Spain Inspired, where she shares insider tips and hidden gems to inspire thousands of visitors each month to take the road less traveled and explore Spain like a local. Having lived in Spain for some time now, Anna's made it her mission to help fellow travelers experience the very best of this stunning country - with some great wine and tapas along the way, ideally!

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Valencia Tourist Card: Freedom of Movement

Free transportation all around the city. Discounts in main tourist attractions such as museums, restaurants, shops, leisure activities, facilities... Everything is easer with Valencia Tourist Card, the best way to visit, taste and enjoy the city.

The Valencia Tourist Card gives you discounts in museums, attractions, shops, ...and free travel by public transport. You decide whether you want a card that is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours. This visit card will not be valid until it is stamped with the time and date the first time you use it. The card is valid once per attraction and entitles you to unlimited travel by metro, bus and tram.

The Valencia Tourist Card can be bought in many hotels, tobacconists and newspaper stands, and the establishments that offer discounts on presentation of the Valencia Tourist Card are identified with a sticker.

  • 1 or 2 or 3 days Valencia Tourist Card.
  • The free public transport is within valencia City. Metro Airport-Valencia City is included.
  • Brochure in English and Spanish detailing participating establishments.
  • Map of the Valencia.

There are 160 Participant establishments including 32 Restaurants, 36 Museums and Tourist Attractions, 37 Entertainment and Nightlife venues, 52 Shops and Car rental firms. The establishments that offer discounts on presentation of the Valencia Tourist Card are identified with a sticker.

The card is valid from the first date of use and expires at midnight on the last day of the card´s validity. Use of the public transport system includes all buses, trams and metro (zone AB).

The Valencia Touirst Card inlcude the Valencia Bus Turistic discount (does not inlcude the Albufera Bus Turistic, Sagunto Bus Turistic and Puig Bus Turistic)

There is no card for children younger than 6 year but they have a free public transport and are admited free to the most of the Municipal Museums.

  • 24 Hours Valencia Tourist Card   €15.00
  • 48 Hours Valencia Tourist Card   €20.00
  • 72 Hours Valencia Tourist Card   €25.00

Book 24, 48, 72-Hour Valencia Tourist Card:

Valencia Tourist Card

Sales Point

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On our website with an exclusive 10% discount 

If you buy the Valencia Tourist Card at, you'll get an exclusive discount of 10% that you won't get at other points of sale.  The Valencia Tourist Card is a physical card, so during the purchase process, you have to choose how you want to receive your card. Home delivery, delivery to your hotel or free pick-up at our TOURIST OFFICES and DIGITAL KIOSKS .


You can pick up your cards at the digital kiosks at València airport , which operate 24 hours a day . All you have to do is hold up the QR reader or enter the reference number that appears on the voucher and your e-mail address.

You can also pick up your cards at the kiosks in Plaza del Ayuntamiento during office hours and at Joaquín Sorolla station. Please note that Joaquín Sorolla station closes from 00:00 to 06:00.

Digital Kiosks 

In the arrivals floor at the Valencia airport, there are two digital kiosks that are open 24/7 where you can buy the Valencia Tourist Card , or pick it up if you bought it on the website . 

There are also  digital kiosks  in the office at Plaza del Ayuntamiento and in the office at the Joaquín Sorolla station , where you can buy your card, or pick it up if you purchased it on the website . 

If you buy the Valencia Tourist Card on our website, you will get an exclusive discount of 10% 


 In our network of Tourist Offices

Oficina de turismo Aeropuerto

Tourist Information Office - Airport

oficina de turismo ayuntamiento

Tourist Information Office City Hall-Ayuntamiento

Oficina de Turismo Estación Joaquín Sorolla

Tourist Information Office - Joaquin Sorolla

Oficina de Turismo calle de la Paz València

Tourism Information Office Paz


Tourist Information Office Beach

Valencia tourist card.

Unlimited transportation, free admission to many museums and more discounts 

Vending Machines

There are two vending machines in València airport where you can buy your València Tourist card if your flight lands after 20:30 and the tourist office is closed. The first is located in the entrance of the airport tourist office (Arrivals Hall of València Airport).  The second is in the airport metro station.  These machines are operational 24 hours a day .

Hotels, Kiosks and companies offering tourist services

Establishments selling the València Tourist Card display a València Tourist Card sticker. You can buy your card from these outlets.


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Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card è la carta turistica ufficiale di Valencia. Con l’acquisto avrete diritto a viaggi illimitati sui mezzi pubblici, ingesso gratuito nei principali musei e monumenti della città, e sconti presso innumerevoli attrazioni e attività convenzionate. Acquistando la carta e sfruttandone al massimo le potenzialità il risparmio è garantito, sia in termini economici che dal punto di vista del tempo.

La carta è disponibile in 3 diversi tagli: da 24, 48 o 72 ore , ma ci sono anche versioni alternative come quella per i bambini, per gruppi, con focus sull’Oceanografic o quella della durata di 7 giorni senza mezzi di trasporto.

Cosa è incluso nella Valencia Tourist Card

Nella sua versione classica da 24, 48 o 72 ore, oltre ai viaggi illimitati sui trasporti pubblici, la Valencia Tourist Card include ingressi gratis ai musei e ai monumenti più famosi della città, tra cui la Lonja de la Seda, las Torres de Serranos e Quart, il Museo Fallero e l’Almoina. Inoltre, avrete diritto ad una tapas di benvenuto , e una serie di sconti speciali in negozi, ristoranti, centri benessere, attività acquatiche e molto altro ancora.

I possessori della Valencia Tourist Card hanno diritto a salire gratuitamente a bordo dei mezzi del trasporto pubblico cittadino : gli autobus , i tram (zona A) e la metropolitana (zone A, B, C, D). Avrete anche la possibilità di prendere gratis la metro nel tragitto aeroporto-città e viceversa.

E’ compresa nel prezzo della card anche la linea di autobus 25 , che passa per El Saler , il parco naturale de la Albufera , El Palmar e El Perellonet : una linea ideale per visitare le spiagge a sud della città e la meravigliosa costa di Valencia .

Musei e attrazioni

Sono ben 33 i musei e i monumenti visitabili gratis o con ingresso scontato usando la Valencia Tourist Card, tra cui la Lonja de la Seda (patrimonio dell’umanità UNESCO), il museo Fallero, il museo del Arroz, la casa museo Concha Piquer, la Cattedrale e molti altri ancora.

Di seguito l’elenco dei musei e attrazioni gratuiti o a sconto con la Valencia Tourist Card.

  • Lonja de la Seda
  • Museo Fallero
  • Museo de Historia
  • Torres de Serranos
  • Torres de Quart
  • Galeria de la plaza del Tossal
  • Casa-Museo Benlliure
  • Instituto de historia de la medicina y de la ciencia Lopez Pinero
  • Cripta de la carcel de San Vicente
  • Museo del Arroz
  • Museo de la Ciudad
  • Casa-Museo Concha Piquer
  • Casa-Museo Blasco Ibanez
  • Museo de Ciencias Naturales
  • Museu d’Etnologia
  • Museu de Prehistoria de Valencia
  • Museo l’Iber de los Soldatitos de Plomo
  • IVAM – Institut Valencià d’Art Modern – ingresso scontato
  • Museo Nacional de ceramica y artes santuarias Gonzales Martì – ingresso scontato
  • Museo taurino de Valencia – ingresso scontato
  • Museo de la Seda – ingresso scontato
  • Museo MUMA – ingresso scontato
  • Museu de les Ciències – ingresso scontato
  • Museo artista Fallero – ingresso scontato
  • Catedral y museo Catedral – ingresso scontato
  • Iglesia de San Nicolàs – ingresso scontato
  • Monumento Nacional El Patriarca – ingresso scontato
  • Real Monasterio Santisima Trinidad – ingresso scontato
  • Jardìn Botanico – ingresso scontato
  • Iglesia San Juan del Hospital – ingresso scontato

Tour e attività

Ci sono poi una serie di tour e attività scontati , pensati per visitare la città al meglio nel minor tempo possibile. Tra questi vale la pena segnalare alcuni tour a tema, come il “Valencia ciudad de la Seda”, o la “Ruta del Grial y del Arte Religioso”, o tour generali come la visita guidata del centro storico o il tour di Valencia per famiglie.

In questa categoria rientrano poi una serie di scontistiche per le attrazioni della Città delle Arti e delle Scienze, e per gli autobus turistici.

Questi sono i tour e le attività comprese nella Valencia Tourist Card:

  • Valencia ciudad de la Seda – scontato del 50%
  • Ruta del Grial y del Arte Religioso – scontato del 50%
  • Valencia Family Tour – scontato del 20%
  • Visita guidata del centro storico – scontato del 15%
  • Sorolla, la mar, el modernismo y el Cabanyal – scontato del 15%
  • La marina, el puerto, bodegas: el Grao – scontato del 15%
  • Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia – scontato del 10%
  • Mestalla Forever Tour VCF – scontato del 10%
  • Oceanogràfic Agora – scontato del 15%
  • Hemisferic – scontato del 15%
  • Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciencies – scontato del 15%
  • Bioparc – scontato del 15%
  • Valencia Bus Turistic – scontato di 2 euro
  • Albufera Bus Turistic – scontato di 2 euro
  • Valencia Bus Turistic – sconto di 2 euro per gli adulti e 1 euro per i bambini
  • La ceramica valenciana – scontato del 25%
  • La ceramica de reflejo metalico – scontato del 10%
  • Ceramicas Palanca – scontato del 10%
  • Bus del vino Utiel-Requena – scontato del 15%
  • Vinos valencianos y tapas – scontato del 15%
  • Bike tour ruta al mar – scontato del 15%
  • Visite guidate in bicicletta – scontato del 15%
  • Taller de paella – scontato del 10%
  • Valencia city safari – scontato del 10%
  • Albufera Experience – scontato del 10%
  • Giro in barca di Albufera – scontato del 10%
  • Giro in barca di Albufera al tramonto – scontato del 10%
  • Bici a noleggio con giro in barca al tramonto – scontato del 10%

Attività nautiche

Valencia è una città affacciata sul Mar Mediterraneo, e i possessori della Valencia Tourist Card hanno la possibilità di sfruttare una serie di sconti per attività acquatiche di ogni tipo. Ogni attività viene scontata del 10%.

  • Noleggio di moto d’acqua
  • Gita in barca a vela
  • Gita in barca a vela e bagno
  • Tramonto sull’acqua
  • Una giornata in mare
  • Crociera con pranzo
  • Catamarano al tramonto
  • Lezione di windsurf
  • Lezione di paddle surf- scontato del 10%
  • Gita in veliero privato

Ristoranti e locali notturni

Inoltre, anche una serie di ristoranti e locali notturni convenzionati offrono degli sconti ai titolari della Valencia Tourist Card.

I ristoranti che offrono sconti ai possessori della Card sono:

  • El Camarote & The Roof
  • Restaurante Origin
  • Restaurante Nereida
  • Casa Isabel
  • Frescco al mar
  • Hard Rock Cafè
  • Nou Gourmet
  • Ocho y Medio
  • Restaurante Hemisferic
  • Restaurante Museu de les Ciències
  • Restaurante Ocèanos
  • Samburu Bioparc Valencia

I locali notturni che offrono sconti ai possessori della Card sono:

  • Casino Cirsa
  • Cafè de las Horas
  • Terraza L’Umbracle

Shopping e guide

I titolari della Valencia Tourist Card hanno diritto ad uno sconto del 25% sulla guida turistica ufficiale della città di Valencia, e a sconti esclusivi presso alcuni negozi selezionati:

  • Gioielleria Rafael Torres
  • Abanicos Vibenca
  • El Vestidor Vintage
  • Il baco da seta
  • Porcellane Lladrò
  • Mantequerias Vicente Ferrero
  • Oh! Valencia
  • Salazonarte
  • Sibarita Shop
  • Sombreros Albero
  • Sondemar Valencia
  • MegaStore VLC e Mestalla
  • Tienda Bioparc
  • Tienda de Hemisferic
  • Tienda del Museo de les Ciencies
  • Tienda de Oceanografic
  • Vicente Gracia
  • Hard Rock Cafe Valencia
  • Hannover 1998
  • Original CV

Benessere e spa

Infine, con la Valencia Tourist Card è possibile ottenere sconti in alcune strutture wellness e centri benessere.

  • Balneario La Alameda
  • Olympia Hotel Events & Spa
  • Spa Las Arenas
  • Spa Parador del Saler
  • Spa Primus Hotel

Cosa non è incluso nella Valencia Tourist Card

L’elenco di tour, attività e ingressi della Valencia Card è lunghissimo, pertanto è davvero difficile trovare qualcosa che non sia incluso. E’ però importante sottolineare che le attrazioni della principale meta turistica della città, ossia la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias , sono tutte a pagamento anche con la card, sebbene scontate.

Quanto costa la Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card nella sua versione classica è acquistabile in 3 tagli , da 24, 48 o 72 ore. I prezzi sono rispettivamente di 15, 20 e 25 euro . Da ricordare che i bambini da 0 a 5 anni viaggiano gratis sugli autobus, i bambini da 0 a 9 anni viaggiano gratis in metropolitana.

Come si attiva la Valencia Tourist Card

Attivare la Valencia Tourist Card è semplicissimo: basta usarla in un punto di utilizzo (museo, trasporto pubblico…), passandola sugli appositi lettori. Dal momento dell’attivazione, inizieranno le ore di validità della tessera.

A chi conviene fare la Valencia Tourist Card

Visti i tantissimi ingressi gratuiti o a sconto della Card, e vista anche la possibilità di viaggiare gratuitamente sui mezzi, si può dire che conviene praticamente a tutti . Tenete conto che la tessera comprende anche il tragitto in metropolitana aeroporto-città, che da solo costerebbe già 3.90 euro (e quindi 7.80 euro per il viaggio di andata e ritorno), pertanto ammortizzerete fin da subito la spesa.

Tuttavia, potrebbe non convenire fare la Card a chi alloggia in centro e decide di visitare la città a piedi, senza l’intenzione di entrare nei musei.

Dove acquistare la Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card, nelle sue diverse versioni, si acquista comodamente online prima della partenza. Con l’acquisto, si ha diritto anche ad una guida e ad una mappa con tutti gli indirizzi dei locali, dei monumenti, dei musei e dei servizi con ingresso gratuito o scontato. Al momento dell’acquisto riceverete per mail un voucher , il quale dovrà essere scambiato con la tessera vera e propria presso uno degli uffici del turismo presenti in città, durante i giorni e gli orari di apertura.

Valencia Tourist Card — Is It Worth It?

The Valencia Tourist Card can be one of the most economical options for visitors to the Mediterranean city. Free unlimited transport , discounts at major attractions, and even some free food – the tourist card is a tempting deal. But is the Valencia Tourist Card worth it? Keep reading to find out if it’s the right option for you. 

valencia tourist card prezzo

Table of contents

What is the valencia tourist card, what’s included in the valencia card, unlimited public transport, free entry to municipal museums, discounts at attractions, discounts at restaurants, shopping, and recreation, different types of tourist cards, where to get the valencia tourist card, how to use it, pros and cons, final word – is the valencia card worth it.

The Valencia Tourist Card is a pass you can purchase to get access to public transport , municipal museums , and discounts at restaurants and other attractions. For travelers who plan on visiting plenty of attractions – this can be a great way to save money. 

Instead of paying for entry tickets and public transport separately, the Valencia Tourist Card lets you use one card to cover it all. 

And while not absolutely everything is included in the tourist card, Valencia’s most popular attractions are included at a free or discounted rate. 

There are 3 different tourist cards in Valencia (for the most part):

  • 24-hour Card (€15)
  • 48-hour Card (€20)
  • 72-hour Card (€25)

So, is it worth the price?  

The short answer : Yes, if you’re staying for 1-3 days. 

But the long answer is that it depends on what your travel habits are . So let’s dive a bit deeper into the details to find out if it’s worth it for you. 

The Valencia Tourist Card includes a ton of different freebies and discounts for travelers. As a quick summary, it includes:

  • Unlimited public transport within zones AB+ 
  • Free entry to municipal museums
  • Discounts at major tourist attractions
  • Discounts at some restaurants and activities
  • 2 tapas and 2 free drinks

So for around $20 per person, you can get a lot of value out of this tourist card. But there are some caveats for each of these, so let’s go look at them a little deeper.

valencia tourist card prezzo

This is one of the biggest perks of the tourist card. You get unlimited public transport for the duration of your card (i.e. 24/48/72 hours). 

If you’re coming to Valencia from the airport , then the card already starts to become a huge discount, since it normally costs around €5.80 for the metro. 

The Valencia Tourist Card includes the metro , bus , tram , and trains within the AB+ zone of Valencia. That means you can practically go anywhere with the city buses and metro, including the airport, which is a huge plus. 

For the train, you could go on a day trip to Sagunt or Sueca with the tourist card. However, you could not go to Xàtiva, Cullera, or Gandia, all of which are outside Zone B. 

Here are a few examples of popular destinations you could go to with the Valencia Tourist Card:

  • City of Arts and Sciences
  • Sagunt (C6 Train towards Castelló)
  • Sueca (C1 Train towards Gandia)
  • Castelló (Line 1 Metro)
  • Manises/Airport (Lines 3 or 5 Metro)

valencia tourist card prezzo

With the Valencia Tourist Card, you also get free entry into municipal museums . The keyword here is municipal, as privately owned/operated museums and attractions are not included for free. 

Luckily, some of the most popular attractions are municipal museums. Here are some great museums that are included with the tourist card:

  • Torres dels Serrans
  • Torres del Quart
  • Museu Faller
  • Casa Museu José Benlliure
  • Casa Museu Blasco Ibáñez
  • Museu del Arròs
  • Palau de Cervelló 

There are also about a dozen other museums included, but I don’t really recommend them. If you’re only here for a few days – then these are the most important, especially the first 5 . 

Please note : Most of these attractions usually only cost €1-2 to enter without the card, so keep that in mind when calculating whether the Valencia tourist card is worth it. 

valencia tourist card prezzo

Besides the municipal museums, there are tons of popular attractions that offer a discount. Some of these are much bigger discounts, as the ticket price for these attractions are usually higher. 

Here are the most popular attractions that get a discounted rate:

  • L’IVAM Art Museum – 50% Off
  • La Seu Valencia Cathedral – 20%
  • Jardí Botànic – 10%
  • Ceramics Museum (Palau de Dosaigües) – 50%
  • San Nicolau Church – Reduced Ticket
  • Valencia Bus Turistic – €5 Off
  • Albufera Bus Turistic – €5 Off
  • Museu de les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences) – 10%
  • Hemisfèric – 10%
  • Oceanogràfic – 10%

For most of these, I’d actually recommend purchasing your tickets in person if you decide to get the Valencia Tourist Card. 

The reason is that these attractions usually offer multiple types of discounted rates. So you’re safer just showing up with your Valencia Card and buying a ticket, rather than risking buying the wrong non-refundable ticket. 

Note :  These discounts sometimes vary. This is going off of the rates as of April 2024. 

Let’s look at some other discounts that are included in the tourist card. Valencia has a ton of restaurants, gift shops, and even spas that participate in the program, so you can keep getting your money’s worth out of the card. 

Here are just a few of the most notable shops and restaurants that participate:  

  • Megastore Valencia Football Club  – 10% 
  • City of Arts and Sciences Gift Shops – 10% 
  • Hard Rock Café Gift Shop– 5%
  • Original CV (Valencian Products) – 5%
  • Teatro Olympia – 10%
  • Teatre Talia – 10%
  • Olhöps Brewery – 10%
  • Café de las Horas – Free Tasting with Purchase
  • Olympia Hotel Spa – 10%
  • Spa Parador El Saler – 10%
  • Spa Hotel Las Arenas – 10%
  • Destino Puerto Restaurant – 10%
  • El Garaje Foodie – 10%
  • El Corte Inglés Cafe – 5%
  • Sagardi Valencia – 5%
  • Charcutería Amparo – 5%

Plus, you get 1 free glass of wine and 1 free tapa from any of the café’s in the Corte Inglés after 5pm. You’ll also get 1 free beer and 1 free tapa from any of the participating restaurants. 

So if you do take advantage of this discount card, this is one of the biggest ways you’ll save money while traveling! 

valencia tourist card prezzo

Depending on your travel needs and duration of stay, you can choose from several types of Valencia Tourist Cards:

  • 24-Hour Card (€15)
  • 48-Hour Card (€20)
  • 72-Hour Card (€25)
  • 7-Day Card * (€12)

The first three cards include everything we just went over. The free transportation, the free entry to some museums, plus the discounted tickets and shopping. 

The only difference is how long they work for. So for example, the 24-hour card works for 24 hours after being activated. 

In other words, if you get to the airport, grab your tourist card, and activate it to enter the metro at 3:45pm on a Tuesday – then you can keep using all the benefits until Wednesday at 3:44pm . 

However, there is another tourist card that’s great if you’re staying for longer – the 7-day card . 

This card does NOT include public transport , but it does include free entry into the Cathedral. Considering the Cathedral usually costs around €8, this means that the card practically pays for itself. 

So if you don’t plan on using public transport, then this is a great alternative.  

valencia tourist card prezzo

You can purchase the Valencia Tourist Card here.

Just go ahead and choose the dates you’ll get here, and then choose which you’d like (24/48/72 hours). 

You can either get a digital code for the card, or have it shipped to you physically. Personally, I recommend going for the digital code. Once you get to the airport, there are a few kiosks where you just type in your code, and it prints out the card for you. 

I find this to be more reliable than dealing with shipping. 

Alternatively, you can also pick it up from any of the tourism offices within the city. You’ll just tell them the digital code or show them your purchase confirmation. 

The tourism offices are :

  • Carrer de La Pau 48
  • Plaça de l’Ajuntament 1
  • Joaquin Sorolla Train Station
  • Manises Airport
  • Avinguda del Mediterràni at the Cabanyal Beach 

Using the Valencia Tourist Card is super easy. This is a physical card that you can scan, you can use at the public transport scanners or hand it to the staff at museums/shops/restaurants. 

Here’s how to use the Valencia Tourist Card: 

  • Purchase Your Card: I suggest buying your card online. 
  • Get Your Copy: For most people, I suggest going to a kiosk or the Tourism Office. There are a couple kiosks in the arrivals terminal at the airport, so you can use it right away. You can also request it be shipped to your house, but I find it unnecessary. 
  • Activate It: The first time you use it, it will become “activated” and the timer starts. For most people, this will happen when you scan your card to get onto the metro at the airport. 
  • Keep It Handy: Carry your tourist card with you. This way you can present it to staff for the museums and attractions.
  • Recycle/Keep It : You can give your card back to staff at the Tourism Office and they’ll recycle it! Or if you plan on coming back to the city, you can reload the card at a kiosk. 

Valencia is the Green Capital of Europe for 2024 , so make sure you recycle or reuse your card! 

So while I do think the Valencia Tourist Card is worth it for some travelers – it’s not perfect. It’s not going to be the most economical choice for everyone. 

Let’s look at some of the pros & cons of the tourist card. 

  • Great for getting to/from the airport 
  • Flexible options 
  • Ideal for couples or solo travelers
  • Decent discounts at many attrac
  • Food options are relatively touristy
  • Not worth it for repeat visitors 
  • Need to take advantage of public transport
  • Have to pay attention to it

Overall, I would say that if you’re planning on taking the metro and want to see as many attractions and museums as possible, then it’s a great option . 

But the restaurants that participate in the program are kind of touristy/inauthentic in my opinion. And one big complaint I have is how the hours work. 

For example, if you get here on a Friday morning, and you’re leaving on a Sunday evening – you have to make sure you buy the 72 hour card, not the 48-hour one . Because otherwise, the card expires and you’ll need to buy that €5 ticket to get to the airport! 

So while it can be a great option for many travelers, for some people – it might be better to buy everything separately. 

Overall, I would say that the Valencia Tourist Card is worth it. Here’s what I’d say:

  • If you are a solo traveler or a couple – then yes, it’s worth it. 
  • If you are a family – I’d buy the card for the adults, but not the kids. Many attractions will offer discounted rates for kids anyway. 
  • If this is not your first time – It’s probably not worth it, unless you plan on visiting everything again. 
  • If you don’t plan on going in museums OR plan on walking everywhere – it might not be worth it. I’d make a quick spreadsheet and see if it’s better for you. 
  • If you plan on visiting for longer than 3 days – It could be worth it, if you want to see the museums/attractions within the first couple days. This depends on your travel style. 

Every traveler is different, so I can’t speak for everyone. For most people, it pays itself off – especially if you’re coming from the airport. 

If you have any questions – feel free to send me a message. I’ll be happy to give you advice! 

Otherwise, check out these resources and guides to help you calculate whether the Valencia Tourist Card is worth it:

  • How to get to/from the airport
  • Public Transport Guide
  • Best Valencia Restaurants
  • Neighborhood Guide
  • What to Do in 3 Days

For most travelers, I’d say yes! Especially if you’re only visiting for a couple days, it’s a great way to save money. But if you plan on renting a car or don’t want to visit the inside of the attractions, then you can skip it. 

Pick up the Valencia Tourist Card from the kiosks in the Arrivals terminal at the airport OR at any of the tourism offices in the city. You can also request the card be shipped to you. 

Free entry to private museums and attractions are NOT included. Most notably, the Cathedral, and the Science Museum and Aquarium are not included, although you do get a discount. The transport ticket also does NOT include trains outside of the AB zone, so you couldn’t go to Cullera or Xàtiva. 

Yes, the Valencia Tourist Card has a specified validity period based on the chosen duration (24, 48, 72 hours, or 7 days). The timer activates after the first time you use the card. For most people, this would be scanning the card to get into the metro at the airport. 

You can not get a refund after activating the card, but Get Your Guide has a great customer service team if you need to cancel it before your trip to the city. 

Children under 6 do NOT need the card, as they’ll get in to public transport and some attractions for free. In general, if you don’t plan on using public transport or heading inside major attractions, then it’s not worth it for you. 

Need help planning your trip to Valencia?

Here are the tools I use for the cheapest (and most reliable) vacation planning:

  • 🏠 Booking – Affordable hotels and apartments
  • 🏠 Hostel World – Safe and budget-friendly hostels 
  • ✈️ Skyscanner – My favorite tool for cheap flights
  • 🚗 Discover Cars – Best place for car rentals
  • 🚄 Trainline – The easiest way to book local trains in advance
  • 📶 Airalo – eSim cards for easy internet access while traveling
  • 🦺 Safety Wing – The #1 travel medical insurance 
  • 💸 Airhelp – Cancelled flight compensation (it’s free!)
  • 💱 Wise – Easiest low-fee way to transfer currency 

Affiliate disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. These are links to services I personally recommend using for your trip to Valencia. At no extra cost to you , I may earn a small commission from these brands if you choose to make a purchase. Your support helps me pay my bills and eat more bunyols!

For your trip

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Is Valencia Worth Visiting? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Torres dels Serrans

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Valencia: Tips and Tricks to Travel Like a Local

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Get the whole weekend planned out for you ( by someone who actually lives here ).

Free Weekend Itinerary in Valencia

Pass turistici

Valencia card

Se avete in programma di visitare Valencia per un viaggio turistico di piacere, vi consiglio di valutare l’opportunità di acquistare una card o un pass turistico per Valencia da poter usare per risparmiare tempo e denaro sulla visita di musei, attrazioni e per i trasporti.

Con la card o il pass per Valencia potete vivere un viaggio a Valencia più completo , risparmiando tempo e denaro.

In questa pagina ho raccolto tutte le informazioni sulla Valencia Card e Valencia Pass – i due migliori pass disponibili per Valencia , confrontandoli per aiutarvi a scegliere la soluzione che meglio si adatta alla vostra vacanza (oppure per scoprire che il pass non si adatta al vostro itinerario di viaggio – caso raro ma teoricamente possibile).

  • Acquista la Valencia Tourist Card

Trasporti pubblici illimitati, ingressi gratuiti nei musei e monumenti municipali + sconti per le principali attrazioni turistiche di Valencia, tour, negozi e ristoranti convenzionati.

Le card e i pass per Valencia: opinioni

Quale pass per valencia scegliere, elenco musei e attrazioni valencia card, prezzi valencia tourist pass, quando conviene, come funziona, dove acquistare, cosa è incluso, prezzi valencia digital pass.

L’opzione più conosciuta e blasonata come pass per Valencia è la Valencia Tourist Card . In realtà esiste anche un’altra possibilità che potete prendere in considerazione: si tratta del Valencia Digital Pass . Sono in questo momento i due migliori pass per Valencia.

La Valencia Tourist Card presenta un vantaggio in termini di comodità e praticità ed è a mio avviso la soluzione più completa. Se la vostra intenzione è quella di fare una classica vacanza da turista, visitando i musei e i monumenti della città, spostandovi con i mezzi pubblici, è molto probabile che questa sia la scelta più adatta al vostro soggiorno . La Valencia Tourist Crad include l’uso dei mezzi di trasporto illimitati, comprende molti musei e attrazioni (tra le principali della città), sconti e altri vantaggi.

Il Valencia Digital Pass è più adatto ad un week end in città e se avete già le idee molto chiare su cosa visitare , decidendo di entrare nelle 3 attrazioni che sono incluse (Oceanogràfic, Museo della Scienza e Hemisfèric) e scegliendone un’altra su cui potete godere di uno sconto del 10%. Non sono inclusi i mezzi di trasporto , ma comprende il sempre gradito bus turistico hop-on hop-off (durata di 24 ore), una valida alternativa ai mezzi pubblici (in soggiorni brevi) perché generalmente vi porta in tutti i punti principali della città.

Valencia Card e Pass

Scopriamo ora in dettaglio ciascuno dei due pass per Valencia.

Confronto tra i pass per Valencia

Valencia Tourist Card e Valencia Digital Pass sono a mio parere due pass quasi complementari .

Il primo ( Valencia Tourist Card ) è il kit perfetto del turista che fa una vacanza medio lunga , con l’obiettivo di visitare la città in modo approfondito. E’ comoda, comprende l’accesso a praticamente tutti i musei municipali, comprende i mezzi pubblici di trasporto, il transfer da e per l’aeroporto. I suoi diversi tagli di durata creano la giusta flessibilità per ogni itinerario. Non comprende invece alcune delle attrazioni turistiche più gettonate, come l’ Oceanogràfic , il Museo della Scienza e l’ Hemisfèric , che dovrete visitare a parte acquistando i biglietti (il pass da diritto a parecchi sconti su quanto non compreso).

Il Valencia Digital Pass invece, quasi al contrario, copre solo queste 3 attrazioni turistiche, ai quali aggiunge 24 ore di bus turistico Hop-On / Hop-Off (quello che vi porta in visita alla città percorrendo le sue tappe principali, con audioguida). Non comprende nessun altro museo, ne i mezzi pubblici. Per questa ragione si adatta tendenzialmente meglio ai weekend (2-3 giorni) e a chi mira ad assaggiare la città nei suoi punti vitali, senza addentrarsi nella storia e nella cultura tramite i suoi musei.

Quindi sono due pass che si adattano a filosofie e situazioni diverse , e non è da escludere che si possa valutare di averli anche entrambi , con una buona organizzazione d’itinerario.

Il modo corretto di scegliere è comprendere il tipo di vacanza a Valencia che si vuole fare , dopo aver compreso bene ciascun pass nel dettaglio, che ora vediamo.

Valencia Tourist Card

Valencia Card

Esistono tre tipi di card, che differiscono tra loro per la durata di validità: 24, 48, o 72 ore.

Incluso nella Valencia Card c’è anche il tragitto Aeroporto – Valencia e viceversa (linea L3 e L5 della metro). Il biglietto costerebbe 4,90 € a tragitto (per un totale di 9,80 € A/R), ma con la Valencia Card è già compreso.

Esiste pure un’opzione “speciale” di questa Card, la Valencia Tourist Card 7 giorni. Diversamente dalle opzioni qui sopra questa Card non include i trasporti pubblici e comprende l’ingresso gratuito alla Cattedrale e al relativo museo (con audioguida). Opzione da valutare con attenzione, perché la mancanza dei mezzi di trasporto (che andrebbero acquistati a parte) ne fa perdere un po’ l’appeal. Ideale se per qualsiasi ragione avete possibilità di spostarvi in città senza usare i mezzi (siete ospiti di qualcuno, noleggiate un auto, ecc)

Compresa nella Valencia Card avrete l’ingresso gratuito a molti musei e monumenti della città di Valencia. Sono i musei municipali della città (non quelli privati), che tendenzialmente si adattano a chi ama approfondire anche la parte storico-culturale di una città.

Di seguito vi riporto un elenco di tutto ciò che potete visitare gratuitamente, in quanto compreso nel Valencia Tourist Pass:

  • Lonja de la Seda
  • Museo Fallero
  • Museo de Historia de Valencia
  • Torres de Serranos
  • Torres de Quart
  • Museo Arqueológico de la Almoina
  • Galeria de Tossal
  • Reales Atarazanas
  • Casa-Museo José Benlliure
  • Palacio de Cervelló
  • Cripta Arqueológica de la Carcel de San Vicente Mártir
  • Museo del Arroz
  • Museo de la Ciudad
  • Casa-Museo Concha Piquer
  • Casa-Museo Blasco Ibánez
  • Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales
  • Museo Histórico Municipal

Oltre a questi musei e monumenti completamente gratuiti, avrete un biglietto scontato per la Cattedrale (10% di sconto), il Museo de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe (15% di sconto), l’ Hemisfèric (15% di sconto), l’ Oceanogràfic (15% di sconto) e altre offerte su molti tour, ristoranti, negozi e gli ingressi in altre attrazioni di Valencia.

Qui trovate la lista completa di tutte le attività e attrazioni comprese.

Il prezzo varia in base al numero di ore di validità. Di seguito vi riporto i prezzi:

  • 24 ore € 15,00 – ragazzi 6-12 anni € 12,75
  • 48 ore € 20,00 – ragazzi 6-12 anni € 17,00
  • 72 ore  € 25,00 – ragazzi 6-12 anni € 21,25

Abbiamo scelto di preferire l’acquisto del Valencia Touristi Pass su Tiqets (affidabile fornitore di pass turistici per Valencia) piuttosto che sul sito ufficiale. Nonostante ogni tanto sul sito ufficiale siano presenti anche piccoli sconti sul prezzo di listino, in genere un 10% circa.

Se visitate Valencia per la prima volta o se volete fare  una classica vacanza turistica alla scoperta di alcune delle attrazioni della città, la questa card per Valencia vi consente sicuramente di risparmiare tempo e denaro, oltre ad essere molto pratica . Un unico acquisto per avere copertura quasi totale.

Forse dal punto di vista economico il risparmio non è eclatante, ma c’è e deve essere aggiunto al risparmio di tempo e alla comodità di avere un unico pass per attrazioni e musei. Inoltre valutate che gli sconti su altre attrazioni e attività turistiche (tipo i ristoranti) – che in questo veloce calcolo non sono conteggiati – impattano parecchio sul risparmio in 4-5 giorni di vacanza.

Se nel vostro itinerario di viaggio – come vi consiglio assolutamente – decidete di includere attività o tour turistici , come i tour in bici, a piedi o le visite guidate, allora il risparmio diventa sensibile grazie agli sconti che potete ottenere grazie al pass.

Per quanto riguarda la Card ridotta per i ragazzi, il discorso può essere diverso. Bisogna considerare che molto spesso i ragazzi sotto i 12 anni possono già usufruire di riduzioni per l’ingresso in molti musei o attività turistiche . Inoltre, i mezzi pubblici a Valencia sono gratuiti per i bambini dagli 0 ai 5 anni (per quanto riguarda l’autobus) e per la metro fino ai 9 anni. Quindi valutate bene il vostro caso specifico sulla base del vostro itinerario. Visti i prezzi comunque contenuti di questo pass, nel dubbio conviene prendere lo stesso pass peradulti e bambini . Combinare le casistiche per risparmiare qualche euro può causare parecchie rogne organizzative.

La Valencia Card è individuale, quindi bisogna possederne una a testa e non potete cederla. La validità parte dal primo utilizzo sui mezzi pubblici o per l’ingresso a una delle attrazioni che sono comprese. Anche se è già stata attivata, la card deve essere sempre convalidata ogni volta che si sale su un trasporto pubblico. I giorni sono calcolati in ore, quindi se la utilizzate per la prima volta alle 15.00 di lunedì, una tessera di 2 giorni scadrà mercoledì alle ore 15.00 e non a mezzanotte del secondo giorno.

Per l’ingresso nei musei o alle attrazioni basta  passare la tessera sotto ad un lettore , aspettando che la riconosca (lo schermo del dispositivo si illuminerà di verde). Assieme alla tessera vi verrà consegnata una guida e una mappa di Valencia con indicati tutti gli indirizzi dei monumenti, dei musei, dei locali e tutti gli sconti.

Un altro vantaggio di questa Card è anche il fatto che è possibile estenderne la durata , ricaricandola in qualsiasi Tourist Info. Vi ricordo anche che le card non attive scadono al termine dell’anno in corso.

La Valencia Tourist Card conviene acquistarla online. In realtà può essere acquistata anche negli uffici turistici locali, nei chioschi digitali o distributori automatici (nell’aeroporto di Valencia), ma grazie alla politica di annullamento di Tiqets conviene partire già con i pass in tasca, evitando qualsiasi intoppo una volta in città.

Al momento dell’acquisto riceverete via mail un voucher. Una volta arrivati a Valencia dovete consegnare il voucher all’ufficio del turismo dove potrete ritirare la card vera e propria. In alternativa potete anche ritirare la tessera nel chiosco digitale in aeroporto (consigliato) oppure farvela spedire a casa o al vostro hotel una volta arrivati a Valencia.

>> Vi rimando al sito ufficiale per info sugli uffici del turismo e gli orari di apertura e chiusura. 

Valencia Digital Pass

Valencia Pass

  • Acquista il Valencia Digital Pass

Compreso nel Valencia Pass avrete l’ingresso gratuito a 3 delle attrazioni principali della città, potete utilizzare gratuitamente l’autobus turistico per 24 ore e avrete la possibilità di ricevere uno sconto su un’altra attrazione a scelta:

  • Ingresso salta fila all’ Oceanogràfic , al Museo della Scienza e al’ Hemisfèric (con audioguida).
  • Accesso per 24 ore all’autobus hop-on hop-off di Valencia (con audioguida).
  • Mappa e audioguida con la descrizione di oltre 100 punti di interesse e l’indicazione di percorsi a piedi o con i mezzi pubblici.
  • 10 % di sconto su un’altra attrazione di Valencia.

In questo caso la tessera è unica e il prezzo varia solo se avete diritto a riduzioni. Di seguito vi riporto i prezzi:

  • Prezzo € 65,00 – Adulti
  • Ridotto € 56,00 – ragazzi dai 13 ai 17 anni
  • Ridotto € 46,00 – bambini dagli 8 ai 12 anni
  • Ridotto € 29,10 – bambini dai 4 ai 7 anni
  • Ridotto € 54, 00 – over 65

La prima cosa che balza agli occhi è il prezzo, decisamente diverso dal pass precedente, con “solo” 3 attrazioni. Tuttavia il Valencia DIGITAL Pass comprende le 3 attrazioni più costose di Valencia, ed è quindi normale che il pass costi di più di conseguenza. Calcolando il risparmio tra biglietti singoli e costo del pass, tenendo conto anche del bus tour Hop-On / Hop-Off per 24 ore, il risparmio economico è assolutamente evidente.

Il Valencia Pass è un’opzione interessante che ben si adatta a chi fa vacanze più brevi (il classico weekend lungo da 2-3 giorni). Vi permette di visitare le attrazioni più famose di Valencia risparmiando dal punto di vista economico ma anche (e soprattutto) risparmiando tempo : incluso nel pass c’è il salta fila per tutte e tre le attrazioni più visitate della città . L’assenza dei mezzi pubblici è in quest’ottica colmabile : in 2-3 giorni, ottimizzando gli spostamenti, avrete meno bisogno dei mezzi, e anche comprando le corse che vi servono la spesa sarà comunque contenuta. Inoltre per un intero giorno avete a disposizione il bus turistico a fermate, che potete prendere quando e come volete, e fa continuamente il giro dei punti vitali della città.

Il Valencia Pass non è un pass fisico , quindi non dovete ritirare nulla quando arrivate a Valencia, ma acquistate tutto online.

Nel momento dell’acquisto dovete selezionare la data di arrivo in città , che sarà utilizzata per l’avvio dei biglietti del bus hop-on hop-off e l’accesso all’audioguida per Valencia. Successivamente dovete inserire la data e la fascia oraria per la visita all’Hemisfèric (le altre due sedi potrete visitarle nello stesso giorno o in un periodo massimo di due giorni ).

Per l’ingresso alle attrazioni o ai musei basta mostrare i biglietti direttamente dal vostro telefono .

Potete acquistare il pass sul sito di Tiqets , un portale affidabile e sicuro dove potete trovare soluzioni convenienti per molte attrazioni o musei.

Vi arriveranno i vostri biglietti  via email insieme al codice sconto (del 10%) che potrete utilizzare per prenotare un’altra attrazione della città a vostra scelta.

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Attrazioni e attivita’, nota sui prezzi.

I prezzi dei pass e delle attrazioni riportati, potrebbero non essere sempre perfettamente aggiornati . Variano spesso (di poco), controlla sempre i prezzi sul sito del fornitore pass (ai link indicati). L’articolo è – in ogni caso – sempre utile per valutare e scegliere il pass. >>> Scopri di più

Chiudi questo avviso.


Valencia Tourist Card

In questa pagina troverete tutte le informazioni importanti sulla Valencia Tourist Card: quali servizi offre e per chi è adatta? Per quanto tempo è valida e dove si può acquistare?

È possibile ottenere la City Card presso le nostre aziende partner. Riceviamo una piccola commissione per la vendita. Naturalmente, il prezzo non cambia per voi.

Valencia Tourist Card

  • Ingresso gratuito a musei e monumenti
  • Sconti fino a 35% sulle principali attrazioni di Valencia
  • Utilizzo gratuito del trasporto pubblico locale
  • Valido per 24, 48 o 72 ore
  • Ritirate la vostra Valencia Tourist Card in città
  • Risparmia a Valencia con la carta!

Come funziona la Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card è una tessera sconto emessa dalla città di Valencia che consente l'ingresso gratuito ai musei e ai monumenti della città, oltre a sconti sulle principali attrazioni turistiche.

La City Card è disponibile in due varianti:

  • Valencia Tourist Card da 24, 48 o 72 ore: con questa tessera è possibile utilizzare gratuitamente i trasporti locali.
  • Valencia 7 giorni Carta Turistica senza utilizzo di mezzi di trasporto pubblico

La Valencia Tourist Card può essere acquistata con un periodo di validità da 24 a 72 ore e offre, tra gli altri, i seguenti vantaggi:

  • Utilizzo gratuito dei trasporti pubblici a Valencia
  • Sconti per le principali attrazioni turistiche

La prima volta che si utilizza il trasporto pubblico o un'attrazione, la Valencia Tourist Card viene attivata ed è valida per 24, 48 o 72 ore, a seconda dell'opzione prenotata.

A chi è adatta la Valencia Tourist Card?

La Valencia Tourist Card è particolarmente adatta ai viaggiatori che soggiornano a Valencia per un periodo più lungo e che hanno in programma molte attività. La City Card si ripaga più rapidamente, soprattutto per le offerte più costose come i tour della città.

Quanto costa la Valencia Tourist Card?

Il prezzo della Valencia Tourist Card dipende dal periodo di validità. I seguenti prezzi sono attualmente validi per le persone di età pari o superiore ai 13 anni:

  • 24 ore: 15,-€
  • 48 ore: 20,-€
  • 72 ore: 25,-€

I bambini da 6 a 12 anni ricevono uno sconto di 15% sul prezzo della tessera per adulti. I bambini di età inferiore ai 6 anni non hanno bisogno di una propria City Card, in quanto ricevono anche l'ingresso gratuito o ridotto alle attrazioni turistiche e possono utilizzare gratuitamente i trasporti locali senza la tessera.

La Valencia Tourist Card 7 giorni senza trasporto locale costa 12€: Carta turistica Valencia 7 giorni

Tutti i servizi della Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card consente l'ingresso gratuito a tutti i musei e monumenti della città. Per le altre attrazioni, le esperienze, i ristoranti e i negozi si può usufruire di uno sconto fino a 35 %. Inoltre, con la Valencia Tourist Card potrete gustare due bevande e due tapas gratis.

Naturalmente, è possibile utilizzare gratuitamente i trasporti pubblici.

Musei e monumenti gratuiti

La Valencia Tourist Card consente l'ingresso gratuito ai seguenti musei e monumenti:

  • Scambio di seta
  • Palazzo Cervelló
  • Museo delle Belle Arti di Valencia
  • Torri di Quart (Torres de Quart)
  • Torri di Serranos
  • Museo del Palazzo
  • Museo archeologico di La Amoina
  • Museo del Riso
  • Arsenale Reale (Reales Atarazanas)

Potete gustare un bicchiere di vino e una tapa a partire dalle 17:00 in una delle caffetterie di El Corte Inglés (Pintor Maella, 37 e Pintor Sorolla, 26). Qui potete trovare altri ristoranti per un drink e una tapa gratuiti: Panoramica dei ristoranti

Valencia: Città delle Arti e delle Scienze

Sconti con la Valencia Tourist Card

Qui si ottengono sconti sul prezzo di acquisto regolare:

  • IVAM (Istituto d'Arte Moderna) (-50%)
  • Museo della Scienza (-10%)
  • Oceanogramma (-10%)
  • Museo della seta (-15%)
  • Chiesa di San Nicolas e Cappella Sistina di Valencia (-15%)
  • Vari tour della città (fino a -35%)
  • Noleggio biciclette (-10%)
  • Escursione in barca a vela lungo le coste di Valencia (-10%)
  • Teatro Olympia (-10%)
  • Spa Parador El Saler (-10%)
  • Vari ristoranti, bar e negozi

Tutte le informazioni importanti sull'utilizzo della Valencia Tourist Card sono contenute nella Guida digitale: Guida digitale Valencia Tourist Card

Trasporto pubblico con la Valencia Tourist Card

Con la Valencia Tourist Card potete utilizzare gratuitamente tutti i trasporti pubblici di Valencia:

  • Autobus urbani (EMT)
  • Autobus urbani (Metrobus) Zona AB
  • Metro e tram zona AB e viaggi verso l'aeroporto zona C
  • Treni locali zona AB (Renfe)

In questo modo potrete raggiungere facilmente il vostro alloggio, la spiaggia, le attrazioni più importanti e l'aeroporto.

Trasporto pubblico a Valencia

A seconda del periodo di validità della Valencia Tourist Card, è possibile utilizzare i mezzi pubblici per 24, 48 o 72 ore. Quando salite su un mezzo di trasporto pubblico, inserite la tessera nell'apposita macchinetta di convalida. Se non l'avete fatto, potete essere multati fino a 50 euro in caso di controllo.

La Valencia Tourist Card vale la pena?

La Valencia Tourist Card consente di accedere a un'ampia gamma di monumenti e musei, nonché di partecipare a visite e passeggiate guidate. Questa City Card consente l'ingresso gratuito o scontato a tutte queste attività.

Utilizzando i trasporti pubblici e visitando alcune delle attrazioni turistiche, la Valencia Tourist Card è un modo conveniente per risparmiare.

La tabella seguente mostra quanto si può risparmiare utilizzando la scheda 48h come esempio:

Dato che molti musei e attrazioni di Valencia sono gratuiti o molto economici anche senza la Valencia Tourist Card, è necessario fare un po' di tutto per rendere la City Card davvero conveniente. I maggiori risparmi si ottengono con le offerte più costose, come le visite guidate e i soggiorni più lunghi in città.

Più utilizzate la Valencia Tourist Card, più si ripaga da sola!

Acquistare e ritirare la Valencia Tourist Card

La Valencia Tourist Card è disponibile online presso diversi fornitori, ad esempio presso . Dopo l'acquisto riceverete un voucher per il vostro smartphone, che dovrete poi scambiare con una carta fisica a Valencia. Potete farlo presso l'ufficio Tourist Info di Valencia nella sala arrivi dell'aeroporto (Manises) o in qualsiasi centro di informazione turistica della città.

  • Tourist Info Valencia all'aeroporto di Valencia (Sala Arrivi, aeroporto di Manises)
  • Tutti gli uffici di informazione turistica di Valencia

Una volta ritirata, la Valencia Tourist Card può essere utilizzata immediatamente. Il periodo di validità di 24, 48 o 72 ore inizia con il primo utilizzo della tessera in un mezzo di trasporto pubblico o in un'attrazione.

In caso di cambiamento dei piani di viaggio, è possibile annullare l'acquisto o rifare la prenotazione fino a 24 ore prima della visita.

Vantaggi e svantaggi

Vantaggi della valencia tourist card.

  • L'ingresso a tutti i musei e monumenti della città è gratuito.
  • Uso gratuito dei trasporti pubblici nelle zone A e B.
  • Sconti su molte altre attrazioni, ristoranti e negozi.

Svantaggi della Valencia Tourist Card

  • La carta deve essere ritirata dopo l'arrivo a Valencia.
  • La tessera non dà diritto all'ingresso prioritario alle attrazioni.
  • Poiché l'ingresso a molti musei e attrazioni è gratuito o molto economico, la carta è particolarmente utile per un soggiorno più lungo a Valencia.

Altre offerte a Valencia

Se non optate per la Valencia Tourist Card, potete anche prenotare biglietti individuali per molte attrazioni e visite guidate. Ve ne presentiamo alcuni:

  • Tour della città in autobus hop-on/hop-off
  • Biglietto Oceanogràfic
  • Spettacolo di flamenco al Polosanto
  • Biglietto Bioparc Valencia
  • Combiticket Museo della Seta, Chiesa di San Nicolas e Santos Juanes

FAQ sulla Valencia Tourist Card

Come funziona la Valencia Tourist Card?

La Valencia Tourist Card si acquista online, si riceve un voucher e si ritira quando si arriva in città. La tessera consente di utilizzare i trasporti pubblici di Valencia per 24, 48 o 72 ore. Inoltre, consente di entrare gratuitamente in molti musei e monumenti. Sono previsti anche sconti in molte attrazioni, musei, visite guidate e ristoranti.

Posso utilizzare i trasporti pubblici con la Valencia Tourist Card?

Sì, con la Valencia Tourist Card è possibile utilizzare i trasporti pubblici di Valencia nella zona AB. Sono inclusi tutti i mezzi di trasporto come la metropolitana, il treno locale, il tram e l'autobus. È incluso anche il trasferimento dall'aeroporto. Non dimenticate di convalidare la carta in un distributore automatico quando salite a bordo.

Posso annullare gratuitamente la Valencia Tourist Card?

Sì, se i vostri piani di viaggio cambiano, potete annullare gratuitamente la Valencia Tourist Card fino a 24 ore prima dell'inizio della visita.

Come si attiva la Valencia Tourist Card?

La Valencia Tourist Card si attiva la prima volta che la si utilizza sui mezzi di trasporto pubblico o presso un'attrazione. In seguito è possibile utilizzarla per 1, 2 o 3 giorni di calendario consecutivi.

La Valencia Tourist Card vale per le famiglie?

Sì, la Valencia Tourist Card è adatta anche alle famiglie. I bambini sotto i 6 anni non hanno bisogno di una tessera propria e i bambini dai 6 ai 13 anni hanno un prezzo ridotto.

Autore: Patrick

Qui scrive: Patrick

Patrick ha visitato diverse metropoli come Amsterdam, Londra, Parigi e Barcellona. Qui scrive delle più importanti City Cards. Il suo obiettivo è presentare informazioni dettagliate e aggiornate per le mappe turistiche ufficiali delle città più popolari.


Valencia Travel Guide

Valencia Tourist Card digital kiosk

How to get a Valencia Tourist Card

valencia tourist card prezzo

Tourist offices

There are five tourist offices all around Valencia.

) – next to Hotel Las Arenas.

Valencia Tourist Office in Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Digital kiosks

There are also four digital kiosks (automated machines) that offer 24-hour service. Two of them are at the airport, respectively in front of the car rental stands and next to the tourist office. One is at the train station (also next to the tourist office), and the other one is in the city hall (by the tourist info office in Plaza del Ayuntamiento ).

Valencia Tourist Card digital kiosk

This is the option we recommend the most , as it implies some discounts . If you decide to purchase your card online, you will still need to pick up your physical card, as this is not an electronic card. You can do so in one of four ways.

  • Another option is to get your card delivered to your house directly. This means that you will have to purchase your ticket way ahead in order to allow for delivery time. For Spain, this will be between 3 and 5 working days. For countries in the EU, between 10 and 15 working days. For the rest of the world, a maximum of 20 days. The delivery cost must be paid by the buyer and is calculated automatically at check-out. This will range between €6 to €15. You can check the status of your order by emailing customer service at [email protected] .
  • Lastly, your final option is hotel delivery. At the time of purchase, you will indicate the date on which you want the card to be delivered to the hotel. The delivery will be carried out between 10:00 am and 11:00 am, and it will cost €3.40. To ensure this service, it is not allowed to select a delivery date with less than 24 hours’ notice.

After your card has expired, you can return it to a tourist office to be recycled. There is no cashback for this service, but you do get to do something good for the environment.

If, after your time limit has expired, you want to get another card instead, you can recharge it in person and get a 10% discount. This is the same amount you get online the first time you buy a VTC. To get this 10% off, you will have to go to a tourist office and recharge your card with exactly the same type of VTC offer.

To find out how to activate your card, as well as a detailed breakdown of the discounts, you can go to the next section.

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valencia tourist card prezzo

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Valencia Tourist Travel Guide

Valencia tourist card, valencia tourist card – vlc.

24, 48, 72-Hour Valencia Tourist Card

The Valencia Tourist Card comes in 24, 48 or 72 hour formats and offers:

  • Free public transport around the city. Bus, Metro and Tram zones ABCD. Including the journey Valencia-Airport-Valencia (L3, L5).
  • Free entry to Public Museums and Monuments.
  • Discounts of up to 50% on participating tourist and leisure services and in shops and restaurants.
  • The Valencia Tourist Card is your key to the city with 24, 48, or 72 hours of excellent discounts, free travel, and entrance to museums. Eat in restaurants, shop, take a tour–and get great savings all at once! The card is easy and quick to use.
  • Get up to 50% in museums, leisure activities, shops, and restaurants for 24, 48, or 72 hours.
  • The free public urban transport is within Valencia city, zone AB, including the traject Valencia-Airport-Valencia (L3, L5).
  • The establishments that offer discounts on presentation of the Valencia Tourist Card are identified with a sticker.

Validate Your Card

The card is validated when it is used for the first time on public transport, or with a dated stamp that can be applied at the sales points. If validation is not possible, it can be validated at a point of use by filling in the expiry date in ink.

Identity cards or passports must be shown for children in order to give them the City Card.

Please Note :    You can change the currency displayed by using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page in the lower left-hand corner of the GetYourGuide website.

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Valencia Transport

Valencia Travel Cards Valencia Travel Valencia Accommodation

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30 years of tramway - Metrovalencia

+ information about the temporary partial reduction of 50% from 1 February until 31 July 2024.

Integrated tickets for travel on metrovalencia, emt, metrobus and renfe cercanías transport operators..

( 1 ) SUMA 10 : Ticket for 10 journeys for journeys in a specific area combination.

( 2 ) Monthly SUMA Jove : Ticket for customers between 14 and 30 years old with the Carnet Jove. The benefit of this pass for holders of the Carnet Jove is a 15% discount on the sale price of SUMA Monthly. Access to the IVAJ website with information on the Carnet Jove.

( 3 ) SUMA T : Unlimited travel for one person for 24, 48 or 72 hours from the first validation for the AB combination.

( 4 ) SUMA T+ : Unlimited travel for one person for 24, 48 or 72 hours from the first validation for the AB+ combination.

If you want to know which fare zone you are in, please consult our ZONE MAP !

  • The ticket price does not include the card (SUMA Card).
  • On the Metrovalencia network (metro and tram lines) Children under 10 may travel free of charge while accompanied by an adult with a valid transport ticket. A maximum of 2 children may travel per each adult. FGV may request document to prove children’s age.
  • People with severe disabilities (equal to or greater than 64% who require the care of someone for their displacement) can be accompanied by a person with the same transport title, provided they can prove their disability.
  • The maximum travel time between metro and tram lines is 90 minutes for journeys on zonal combinations consisting of 1 zone and 150 minutes for journeys on all other zonal combinations, counted from the validation of the ticket.
  • It is the regular support used to record  transport tickets.
  • It can be made out of cardboard or plastic (PVC).
  • It is reusable. You can either recharge it with the same type of ticket or charge it with a different type once the prior ticket charge has been used.
  • Personalised (integration): 4,00 €
  • Anonymous (plastic): 2,00 €
  • Anonymous (cardboard): 1,00 €

Tickets valid for travel on the Metrovalencia metro and tram network.

(*) Single ticket: It can be used at any time, either individually or collectively, with the limit of the number of titles loaded on the support.

** This card must be pre-registered on our website and picked up at the Espais de Xàtiva, Colón, Benimaclet or Alacant .

Transport ticket to travel throughout the network (metro and tram). It is valid for entry and exit (by tram only entry). For 1 or up to 60 people, if they travel together. The minimum amount to pay for a charge or recharge is 5 euros.

 (*) The consumption threshold whose exceedance during the calendar month entitles the holder to travel free of charge until the beginning of the following calendar month for the number of zones whose consumption threshold has been exceeded. In order to benefit from the free threshold, it is necessary to use the TuiN in a personalized support.

TuiN and TuiN Jove cards must be pre-registered on our website and picked up at the Espais de Xàtiva, Colón, Benimaclet or Alacant.

Title with a 15% discount on the TuiN , which is applied at the time of purchase. For people under 31 years old.

Móbilis card

  • It is the regular support used to record a transport ticket.
  • Personalized (Metrovalencia): 4,00 €
  • Anonymous (PVC): 2,00 €
  • Personalised exclusively for Pensioners / Over 65 years old: 2 €.
  • Reactivation *: 2 €

*Reactivation is requested in the specific personalised supports: Supports to apply reductions for large family / single parent or foster family.

If you travel without a valid transport ticket, you must pay €100 for the regularization ticket , in addition to the purchase of the corresponding ticket. Access from this link to the travel rules page where there is an explanatory footnote regarding What is a valid transport document?

Metrovalencia transport ticket discounts

(*) They are entitled to a 50% reduction in the price of the Single fare, with the minimum cost of the 1 zone Single fare.

Fares applicable on the Metrovalencia network from 6th March 2023 and until change of fares.

Access to the Metrovalencia fares in PDF

Tourist card that includes a T+ transport ticket and also offers the advantages of free entry to museums and municipal monuments and special prices in shops, restaurants, leisure and tourist services in the city of Valencia. Access to the Visit Valencia website.

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Basic information on personal data protection

The interested parties are provided with basic information on the processing of personal data carried out by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana entity, for the exercise of their authority; all in compliance with Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter GDPR) as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

Person or entity responsible for the processing

In accordance with the provisions of Article 4.7 of the GDPR, "the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data" shall be considered the Data Controller; in this case, FERROCARRILS DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA (hereinafter, FGV) shall be considered the data controller.

E-mail: [email protected] Partida de Xirivelleta, s/n, 46014 - Valencia or Avenida de la Vilajoyosa, 2, Estación de la Marina, 03016 - Alicante.

Recording of Processing Activities

In accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the GDPR, the updated list of the processing activities that FGV carries out is available in the Register of Processing Activities (Registro de Actividades), hereinafter RAT, published on the website of de transparencia section Citizen Relations.

Collection of personal data

The personal data collected directly or indirectly from the interested party will be processed confidentially and will be incorporated into one of the processing activities owned by FGV that appear in its RAT.

When the personal data referring to the data subject is obtained from the data subject themselves, at the time of collection, the data subject shall be provided with the processing information, in a clear and intelligible form. If appropriate, the essential information about the processing will be provided on the collection form and a second layer of more detailed information will be indicated or linked from the collection form.

Uses and purposes

The processing of personal data will be in accordance with FGV's own functions and its use will be limited to those purposes for which it has been expressly collected.

If the personal data is intended to be further processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, the data subject will be informed prior to the further processing about this other purpose and will be provided with any additional relevant information, provided that the data subject does not already have this information.

The purpose of the processing of personal data will be that necessary for the administrative management and processing of the administrative procedures for which your data are requested, which will correspond to each of the processing activities carried out by FGV and which are accessible in the RAT .

No automated decisions will be made based on the processing of your personal data.

Processing legitimacy

In general, the legal basis for the processing of personal data by FGV is the fulfilment of legal obligations or the performance of actions in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers vested in the Generalitat Valenciana, in accordance with the rules governing the actions of public administrations and, in particular, Law 39/2015 of 1 October on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and Law 40/2015 of 1 October on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, the Statute of Autonomy and the Law of Government.

However, some processing may require the consent of the persons affected by the processing. In the cases in which the legal basis for the processing is the consent of the person concerned, FGV will put in place mechanisms that allow the consent to be granted by a clear affirmative action from this person and in such a way that evidence of it can be preserved.

The legal basis that enables each of the processing activities carried out by FGV can be consulted in the RAT.

According to the provision established in Article 14, paragraph 5.c) of the GDPR, the data from the processing that are the responsibility of the administration of the Consell or its instrumental public sector may be processed by bodies that have a supervisory, inspection or control function related to the exercise of public authority, provided that this access to data is expressly provided for in the regulations that regulate them (General Intervention, Inspection of Services, Delegation of Data Protection).

Data Retention

In general and without prejudice to the specific information published in the RAT , the personal data processed by FGV will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are collected.

Once the data has been removed or deleted from the processing, FGV may keep it in order to make it feasible to determine the possible liabilities that may arise from its processing or to allow its subsequent use, after the adoption of the appropriate protection measures, for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.

Data communication

The data controller will not communicate or publish personal data without the consent of the persons concerned, except in those circumstances provided for by the legislation in force. The intended recipients of data transfers for each of the processing activities can be consulted in the RAT

In addition to the above, it may be necessary to communicate data or allow access to them. This includes, in certain circumstances, the Ombudsman, the Síndic de Greuges, Judges and Courts, the Court of Auditors, Sindicatura de Comptes, the State Security Forces and Corps, in short, recipients to whom it is compulsory to communicate data at the request of investigation, infringement, supervision or control procedures. The Data Protection Officer of the Generalitat FGV will not use the data for commercial, advertising or any other purposes unrelated to its public authority, under any circumstances.

The rights of interested parties

The data subject may at any time exercise the rights guaranteed to data subjects by the GDPR under Articles 15 to 23, which are as follows:

RIGHT OF ACCESS : The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation from FGV of whether personal data concerning them are being processed, and if so, has the right to access this data and information regarding the purposes, recipients, categories of data processed, their origin and conservation period, claims, existence of automated decisions and their consequences, and all additional rights of rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability.

RIGHT TO RECTIFICATION AND ERASURE : The interested party has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning them from FGV, without undue delay. Likewise, the interested party has the right to request the deletion of personal data concerning them. If there is no other legal basis for its conservation, FGV will proceed to the deletion of the data when they are no longer necessary or have been processed unlawfully, when the data subject withdraws their consent in processing that requires it, or when they oppose to the processing.

RIGHT OF LIMITATION : The data subject has the right to obtain the limitation of data processing from FGV, in cases of contestation of the accuracy of the data, when the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the deletion of the personal data and requests instead the limitation of its use, when the data subject needs to keep the data in order to formulate or exercise claims or while verifying whether the legitimate reasons of the administration prevail over those of the data subject in case the data subject opposes the processing.

RIGHT OF OPPOSITION : The data subject has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning them. FGV will cease to process these personal data, unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims.

RIGHT OF PORTABILITY : The data subject has the right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format and to transmit it to another data controller, provided that the processing is legitimised on the basis of consent or within the framework of the performance of a contract and the processing is carried out by mechanised means. They also have the right, where technically feasible, to have the data transmitted directly from data controller to data controller. It shall not apply where the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest in the exercise of public authority vested in the controller.

All of the above rights, including the withdrawal of consent, are of a highly personal nature and can therefore only be exercised by the person concerned. However, they may act through a representative in the cases and under the conditions provided for by the legislation in force.

Exercise of data protection rights of data subjects

The data subject may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition by submitting a request accompanied by their National Identity Card or equivalent, through FGV's General Entry Register at Partida de Xirivelleta s/n, 46014 - Valencia or Avenida de la Villajoyosa, 2, Estación de la Marina, 03016 – Alicante, A/A Servicio de Protección de Datos Personales or through the Electronic Office of the Generalitat Valenciana.

If you consider that you have been harmed by the treatment that has been made of your personal data, in the attention of the exercise of your rights or have detected any breach of current regulations on data protection by FGV as Data Controller, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Delegate of the Generalitat, either through a general request for electronic processing: ,

or in person at any of the Public Registry Offices in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. All of the foregoing is without prejudice to the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency through the mechanisms they offer published on their website: .

More information regarding the processing of personal data in FGV in the Personal Data Protection section or in the Transparency Portal, Citizen Relations of or through the e-mail address: [email protected] .

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  9. Valencia Tourist Card

    Depending on your personal itinerary, you can buy a Valencia Tourist Card for one, two, or three days, a purchase that will gain you free or admission to museums as well as knocked-down rates on anything from restaurant bills and bar tabs to bike tours, spas and internet cafés. Establishments offering discounts for Valencia Tourist Card buyers ...

  10. Valencia Tourist Card (VTC) for public transport

    Along with the card, you will receive a free map of the city with a discount guide. Valencia Tourist Cards come in hard plastic and are valid for all forms of public transport. The card's cost per day decreases with the duration of the card. A 24h pass costs €15.00, a 48h pass €20.00, and a 72h pass €25.00.

  11. Valencia Tourist Card: The Ultimate Guide (From a Local!)

    The 48-hour Valencia Tourist Card is a bargain at €20 for adults and €17 for children. The 72-hour Valencia Tourist Card is the ultimate deal at €25 for adults and €21.25 for children. The 7-day Valencia Tourist Card, with its extra discounts (but no free public transport) costs €12 for adults and €10.20 for kids.

  12. Valencia Tourist Card

    Book 24, 48, 72-Hour Valencia Tourist Card: The Valencia Tourist Card is a combined card that offers discounts entry in museums, attractions, shops, restaurants, leisure activities ...and free access to travel by public transport in the city: bus and metro. You decide whether you want a visit card that is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours.

  13. Valencia TouristCard: Up to 72 hrs local transport + attractions

    The Valencia Tourist Card is a discount card issued by the city of Valencia that gives you free entry to the city's museums and monuments, as well as discounts on the main tourist attractions. The City Card is available in two variants: Valencia 24, 48 or 72 hour Tourist Card: with this card you can also use local transport free of charge. ...

  14. Valencia Tourist Card Guide: Come massimizzare la vostra esperienza a

    Prezzo della Valencia Tourist Card. Prezzi delle diverse carte turistiche di Valencia: carta 24 ore: €15.00 ; carta 48 ore: €20.00 ; carta 72 ore: €25.00 ; Differenza tra l'acquisto della Valencia Tourist Card e l'acquisto di biglietti singoli.

  15. Where to Buy València Tourist Card

    If you buy the Valencia Tourist Card on our website, you will get an exclusive discount of 10% . DIGITAL KIOSKS. In our network of Tourist Offices. Tourist Information Office - Airport SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 7:30pm. Saturdays: from 9:00h to 17:00h. Sundays and holidays: 9:30am to 3:30pm.

  16. Valencia Tourist Card, la city card di Valencia

    I tre tagli della Valencia Tourist Card. La Valencia Tourist Card nella sua versione classica è acquistabile in 3 tagli, da 24, 48 o 72 ore. I prezzi sono rispettivamente di 15, 20 e 25 euro. Da ricordare che i bambini da 0 a 5 anni viaggiano gratis sugli autobus, i bambini da 0 a 9 anni viaggiano gratis in metropolitana.

  17. Valencia Tourist Card Guide: How to Maximize Your Valencia Experience

    A: Show your Valencia Tourist Card at the venue to receive free entry to the museums and discounts at all venues where the Valencia Tourist Card is available. It's important to note that you can only enter a venue once, you can't use your Valencia Tourist Card to enter the same venue twice.

  18. Valencia Tourist Card

    This is one of the biggest perks of the tourist card. You get unlimited public transport for the duration of your card (i.e. 24/48/72 hours).. If you're coming to Valencia from the airport, then the card already starts to become a huge discount, since it normally costs around €5.80 for the metro.. The Valencia Tourist Card includes the metro, bus, tram, and trains within the AB+ zone of ...

  19. Valencia Card e Pass per musei e trasporti: conviene? Info e costi

    Prezzi Valencia Tourist Pass. Il prezzo varia in base al numero di ore di validità. Di seguito vi riporto i prezzi: 24 ore € 15,00 - ragazzi 6-12 anni € 12,75. 48 ore € 20,00 - ragazzi 6-12 anni € 17,00. 72 ore € 25,00 - ragazzi 6-12 anni € 21,25. Acquista la Valencia Tourist Card.

  20. Valencia TouristCard: fino a 72 ore di trasporto locale + attrazioni

    Quanto costa la Valencia Tourist Card? Il prezzo della Valencia Tourist Card dipende dal periodo di validità. I seguenti prezzi sono attualmente validi per le persone di età pari o superiore ai 13 anni: 24 ore: 15,-€ 48 ore: 20,-€ 72 ore: 25,-€ I bambini da 6 a 12 anni ricevono uno sconto di 15% sul prezzo della tessera per adulti.

  21. Complete guide on getting your Valencia Tourist Card

    Tourist offices. There are five tourist offices all around Valencia. In the city centre, there are two: one in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 bajo, 46002 ( view map), the other one in Calle de la Paz 48, 46003 ( view map).. There is another one by the beach in Calle José Ballester Gozalvo s/n, 46011 ( view map) - next to Hotel Las Arenas.. There is also one at the Joaquin Sorolla train station ...

  22. Valencia Tourist Card

    The Valencia Tourist Card is your key to the city with 24, 48, or 72 hours of excellent discounts, free travel, and entrance to museums. Eat in restaurants, shop, take a tour-and get great savings all at once! The card is easy and quick to use. Get up to 50% in museums, leisure activities, shops, and restaurants for 24, 48, or 72 hours.

  23. Our fares

    Tourist card that includes a T+ transport ticket and also offers the advantages of free entry to museums and municipal monuments and special prices in shops, restaurants, leisure and tourist services in the city of Valencia. ... Valencia or Avenida de la Vilajoyosa, 2, Estación de la Marina, 03016 - Alicante. Recording of Processing Activities.