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Best Tenkara Rods of 2024

These are the best tenkara rods for minimalist fishing and backcountry adventures

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Tenkara rods are a modern take on a traditional form of Japanese fly fishing. The entire system consists of a long rod, a leader, tippet, and a fly. In many aspects, it embodies the purest form of fishing. Just a rod, a line, and, if you’re lucky, a fish. The combination of convenience and simplicity has driven an influx of anglers toward this style of fly fishing. Tenkara is especially popular amongst backpackers, hikers, and adventurers, where the extra weight of a full-length rod and reel is too much.

But make no mistake, tenkara rods can be used on everyday fishing trips to the river or pond. You just need to figure out which design is best suited for you. With minimal setup time, an ultra-compact design, and affordable price points, tenkara is the perfect option for those looking to minimalize their fishing adventures. These are the best tenkara rods for all types of fishing.

  • Best Overall : Tenkara Rod Co Sawtooth
  • Best for Beginners: Wetfly Kodomo Creek Tenkara Kit
  • Best Castability: Tenkara USA Amago
  • Best Budget: Aventik IM12 Nano
  • Best for Travel: Tiny Tenkara Tiny Ten
  • Best for Situational Angling: Dragontail Tenkara Kaida zx320

How We Picked the Best Tenkara Rods

We’ve tested a number of tenkara rods in mountain streams, rivers, and lakes. The ones that made our top picks combine materials, action, and length in a complete tenkara setup. Whether for a specific scenario or as an all-around rod, we’ve fished with many of these sticks in a variety of situations. When evaluating each rod, these are the criteria we looked for:

  • Rod Length: How long is the rod, and what type of fishing is it best suited for?
  • Weight: How heavy is the rod, especially for packing on backpacking trips?
  • Collapsed Length: How small does the rod fold down?
  • Action: What is the rod action, and how does it pair with the rod length for casting?
  • Fishability: What fishing scenarios is the rod best designed for?
  • Price Point: Is the rod budget-friendly for what it offers?

Tenkara rods are more than capable of handling big fish.

Best Tenkara Rods: Reviews & Recommendations

Best overall : tenkara rod co. sawtooth.

tenkara sawtooth rod

Key Features

  • Length: 12 feet
  • Weight: 3.2 ounces
  • Collapsed Length: 20 inches
  • Rod action is great for a variety of fish
  • Swivel tip keeps line from tangling

Tenkara rods are typically associated with small streams and tiny trout. And while the Tenkara Rod Co Sawtooth is a great choice for small water, it is also capable of much more. The rod is designed as an all-around tenkara setup, and it excelled at everything we threw at it. The 12-foot length allows anglers to make long casts on bigger rivers. It’s easy to target riffles and seams where larger trout are lurking. Big browns in fast water are tough on gear, but the Sawtooth’s combination of length and backbone have plenty of power to turn fish. The added length also helps maximize drifts. Keeping the rod tip high minimizes line drag for a more natural presentation. At 20 inches in length, this all-around rod can be thrown in a pack and is ready at a moment’s notice. The Sawtooth is available as just a rod or a kit for anglers looking for all the essentials.

Fishing Rods photo

  • Length: 8 feet
  • Weight: N/A
  • Collapsed Length: 23 inches
  • Good length and action for learning
  • The complete kit has everything to start
  • The 8-foot length is best for small streams

The beauty of tenkara fishing is the minimalist approach and easy accessibility. The Wetfly Komodo Creek Tenkara Kit has everything needed to hit the water. The 8-foot length is plenty manageable for new anglers and excels on small water where casting distance is limited. It is sold as a kit with a leader, tippet, and flies. The setup is straightforward, taking just minutes to be ready to fish. For anglers looking to try fly fishing without wanting to invest in a full combo, this is a great starting point. While it’s not truly fly fishing, the casting stroke and flies are similar before diving fully into a new hobby. The 8-foot length can be limiting on larger water, so take your specific needs into consideration.

tenkara usa rods

  • Length: 13 feet, 6 inches
  • Weight: 3.5 ounces
  • Collapsed Length: 21 1/8 inches
  • Excellent castability
  • Collapses to a small size for its length
  • Comfortable handle grip
  • Best for larger water

Fishing larger water bodies requires the right gear, and tenkara is no exception. The Tenkara USA Amago is designed specifically for larger trout rivers. The 13-foot, 6-inch rod length offers plenty of reach for long drifts and more than enough fighting power for bigger fish. The Amago is designed with long and accurate casts in mind. Paired with a flared grip for extra control and a smooth casting stroke, anglers can place accurate and repeatable casts. This rod comes with a premium price but is worth it for dedicated tenkara anglers looking to find new water and bigger fish.

Fishing Rods photo

  • Length: 11 feet, 10 inches
  • Weight: 2.6 ounces
  • Collapsed Length: 18.4 inches
  • Budget-friendly
  • Simple casting stroke
  • Extra tip section
  • Lacks sensitivity of premium rods

For those looking to try tenkara fishing, an all-around budget-friendly rod is a good starting point. The Aventik IM12 meets all the criteria for a well-rounded tenkara stick at a reasonable price. At 11 feet, 10 inches, it falls in the middle of a typical tenkara rod length. The IM12 excels at small to medium-sized creeks and can handle fish up to 20 inches. It isn’t the most sensitive rod, but its casting stroke is straightforward and can deliver casts where you need them. For those worried about durability, this setup comes with an extra tip section to get back on the water with minimal hassle in case you snap the tip.

tiny tenkara rod co.

  • Length: 5 feet
  • Weight: 1.6 ounces
  • Collapsed Length: 8 inches
  • The lightest rod we tested
  • Folds down to an extremely packable size
  • Swivel rod tip to prevent line tangles
  • Best for small streams and short casts

The only thing worse than traveling is traveling with fishing rods. I’ve found the best way to minimize stress is to have fishing equipment be as out of the way as possible. The Tiny Tenkara Tiny Ten meets these criteria better than any other tenkara rod we tested. Sure, most tenkara rods collapse to a reasonable size, but the Tiny Ten is almost unnoticeable in a pack. At 8 inches collapsed, it can be stowed just about anywhere. The rod extends to 5 feet in length. And while this is short for bigger water, it’s perfect for mountain streams and alpine lakes. The rod itself has a respectable action that excels at finessing casts in hard-to-reach places. A well-placed bow and arrow cast under an overgrown bank often will result in an aggressive strike and a fish to the net.

dragontail tenkara rod

  • Length: 9.4 feet or 10.6 feet
  • Weight: 2.5 ounces
  • Collapsed Length: 18 inches
  • Multiple rod lengths are great for different water bodies
  • Soft action with integrated fiberglass for added feel
  • Easy to switch between length

My biggest issue with Tenkara fishing is getting to a body of water to realize the rod you brought is not suited for the conditions. Whether too long or too short, there’s nothing worse than making do with what you have. The Dragontail Tenkara Kaida solves this with a simple but effective twist mechanism to zoom down the bottom section, gaining or subtracting a foot of rod length. On small creeks, the 9.4-foot rod length excels at making tight casts for wary fish. While the 10.6-foot rod is perfect for longer casts on bigger water where distance is the deciding factor. Versatility is key in fishing, and the Kaida is ready for all scenarios with a subtle feel that’s quick to learn and delivers accurate, repeatable casts. 

Anglers must use their hands to manage line when fishing with tenkara rods.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Tenkara Rod

Tenkara rods may seem simple, but there is a lot more to them than it seems. You think to think about your style of fishing, rod size, target species, and more. Consider these factors to get the most out of your investment.

Tenkara rods vary in action description depending on the manufacturer. Japanese in origin, a lot of companies stick to the Japanese rating system. This system is number-based, with the most common being 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, and 8:2. It essentially breaks down to how much of the rod flexes. A 5:5 will flex halfway up the blank, while an 8:2 will flex 80 percent up the blank, closer to the tip section. The higher the rating, the closer to the tip the rod will flex. Other companies prefer to use medium, medium fast, and fast to describe the action. This system is more comparable to conventional tackle and traditional fly rods .

Without the addition of a reel, anglers are limited to the length of the line for the distance of the cast. This means longer rods can make further casts. On bigger rivers, rods ranging from the 11 to 13-foot range are standard to reach further holes. For small mountain streams, shorter rods in the 8 to 10-foot range help place accurate casts to tight pockets. Choose the rod length according to the water body you plan on fishing.


The beauty of tenkara rods is the ability to fold down and pack it wherever you go. That said, some pack better than others. Finding a rod that collapses into a size that is easy to carry is a must to get the most use of your investment. I prefer a rod that collapses to under 20 inches to maximize convenience.

Q: Are tenkara rods good for beginners?

Tenkara rods are great rods for beginners. Their simplicity is easy to learn, and the minimal amount of line makes casting a breeze. Once you get the casting stroke down, this can easily be transitioned to a fly rod to open up more styles of fishing.

Q: What size tenkara rod should I get?

Tenkara rod length varies depending on the type of water you plan on fishing. Rods in the 11 to 13-foot range are best for bigger rivers and longer casts. For small streams, rods 8 to 10 feet in length offer the best in terms of accuracy and being able to get under tree branches.

Q: Are tenkara rods only for small fish?

Tenkara rods can land surprisingly big fish. They don’t have a reel to manage line, but soft tip sections protect fine tippets. You may have to move after larger fish, but with proper technique and a little patience, fish up to 20 inches are not a problem.

Q: How far can I cast a tenkara rod?

Tenkara fishing is limited to the length of the line attached to the end of the rod. Generally, a tenkara leader setup and tippet is about the length of the rod and a little more. The longer the rod, the further you will be able to cast. That is why anglers on bigger rivers prefer the longest rod they can get away with.

Best Tenkara Rods: Final Thoughts

Tenkara is not fly fishing, but it has its place where it thrives. On your next adventure, the right tenkara rod is a simple and effective way to catch a few fish. Not all rods are made equal, so choose one that fits your fishing style best. The Tenkara Ro Co Sawtooth is a great choice for all-around fishing and will excel in the backcountry and on larger rivers.

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Best Tenkara Rods

By Chris Hunt

Updated on Sep 2, 2022 7:48 AM EDT

10 minute read

Best Budget Rod

An orange kit of a best tenkara rod

Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom

Best for hiking/backpacking.

A black best tenkara rod kit

Zen Tenkara Zako 

Best for traditional angling.

A black and green best tenkara rod

Tenkara Rod Co.’s Teton Zoom

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Tenkara curious? It’s OK. Many traditional fly fishers are simplifying their angling and choosing the simple options that tenkara offers. Fishing with only a rod, a line, and a fly has its appeal. And no, it’s not “cane pole” fishing that the discipline’s critics tend to espouse. While the rods are simple, choosing the best tenkara rod for your needs can be challenging. I’ve taken the mystery out of that process by testing rods and choosing my picks for the best tenkara rods for different applications. 

  • Best Budget: Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom
  • Best for Hiking and Backpacking: Zen Tenkara Zako  
  • Best for Situational Angling: Tenkara USA Sato
  • Best for Traditional Angling: Tenkara Rod Co.’s Teton Zoom

Why Tenkara?

The tenkara craft still requires a cast and, often, a mend or two. It still requires anglers to move their feet to be successful and it still requires anglers to use fishing skill. Tenkara is a great method for seasoned fly fishers who understand how rivers work and how drag and drift combine to make or break the perfect cast and presentation. It may seem overly simple, but being able to keep just the fly on the water—with no line to get caught in a rogue current—is a sure-fire way to catch more trout.

The simplicity of tenkara is perhaps its most appealing feature. It’s an excellent tool that new fly fishers can use to practice and master the basics of the craft, from the simple fly cast to more complex skills, like mending and stacking. More people are fishing tenkara because it works. 

Things to Consider Before Buying a Tenkara Rod

Choosing a tenkara rod is a lot like choosing something simple, like a beach-comber bicycle. Foot brakes. One gear. How tough can it be, right?

At their core, tenkara rods enable anglers to engage in a simpler form of fly fishing, using only a rod, a line, and a fly. But it’s fly fishing, and fly fishers have never been shy about adding gear, gadgets, and sometimes-unnecessary accouterment. There’s no need to go nuts with tenkara. For a fly-fishing discipline that markets itself as simple and easy, it really can be simple and easy.

How Does a Tenkara Rod Work?

A tenkara rod is a simple implement—it’s a telescoping rod that stretches out from 8 or 9 feet all the way out to 15 feet or longer. It doesn’t have a reel or a line holder, but tenkara anglers still “cast” their level lines just as regular fly casters do.

Consider Your Fishing Preferences

If you like to fish small, intimate water in places where you’re not likely to rub shoulders with other anglers, a tenkara rod can be a real asset. First, they’re eminently packable—very few, when fully retracted, are longer than 2-feet long. If you are a sight fisher who enjoys targeting specific fish (and you don’t need to throw a 60-foot hero cast to reach it), tenkara might be your new thing. If you’re a drift-boat angler that’s forced to adjust cast lengths, strip heavy streamers, and cast in tandem with another angler, tenkara might not be the right choice (but if you’re boat-bound and want to keep nothing on the water except the fly, tenkara can be your new secret weapon). 

Tenkara fishing represents the philosophical opposite of the approach gear junkies take when hitting the water. Anglers toting a tenkara rod are more likely to be wearing a decent pair of wading sandals and carrying simple tackle than they are toting a stuffed-to-the-gills backpack full of flys and fly fishing gear.

For the wanderer who might like to add fly fishing to their menu of pursuits while on a hike or a multi-day pack trip, tenkara is, without a doubt, the best way to do just that. It’s simple and easy to do, and the rods retract and are virtually weightless. It’s a non-intrusive activity anyone can do after the tents are set up on the banks of a creek or a high-country lake. And adding fresh trout to the menu is a nice reprieve from even the best backpacking food . 

Best Budget Tenkara Rod: Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom

Key Features 

  • Length: 25.2 inches collapsed and 11.14 feet fully extended
  • Weight: 2.86 ounces
  • Matte finish 

Why It Made the Cut

The Mizuch ZX340 is budget-friendly and offers three length options for anglers who may not be sold on the idea that longer rods are better rods (and they’re often not).

  • Can zoom to three different lengths: 7.88 feet, 9.58 feet, and 11.14 feet
  • Budget friendly
  • Decent construction with a rubberized butt cap that stays put
  • It doesn’t cast or handle intuitively at its shorter lengths
  • Even when it’s fully retracted, it’s more than 2 feet long
  • No lifetime warranty

Product Description

The Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom is the best tenkara rod for beginners or the traditional fly fisher switching to tenkara. It’s a solid choice with three length options, and at around $150, it’s a sure-fire way to get an intro course on tenkara without making a painful investment. 

The Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom is a good tenkara rod for anglers considering the craft or for budget-conscious anglers who want to experiment with tenkara. While Dragontail markets the rod as fishable at three different lengths—something that many in the tenkara-verse have requested for years—the finished product just doesn’t handle as well when it’s not fully extended. When extended in all its 11.14-feet glory, it’s a joy to cast and fish. 

Best Tenkara Rod for Hiking or Backpacking: Zen Tenkara Zako  

  • Length: 21 inches collapsed and 12 feet extended
  • Weight: 3 ounces

The Zako’s high-end performance on the water makes it an excellent option for new tenkara anglers, and of the rods I tested it packs down the smallest, making it perfect for hikers and backpackers. 

  • Portability 
  • Casts well fully extended 
  • Good value for the price
  • It doesn’t offer the flexibility of multiple fishing lengths
  • A screw-on aluminum butt cap is a recipe for disaster—if this is your rod of choice, check the butt cap every time you go fishing  

The Zen Tenkara Zako is a refreshingly traditional tenkara rod that doesn’t try to be more than it needs to be. At 12 feet long, it allows anglers to deliver a quick and accurate cast, particularly when using the Zen Tenkara coated nylon level line. I find it to be an intuitive casting rod that helps anglers with both accuracy and presentation. The main con of the rod is that aluminum butt cap that screws onto the rod. It can easily come loose and cause issues, so be sure to stay vigilant with managing the butt cap. 

The Zen Tenkara Zako is the perfect rod for the weight and space conscious angler, hiker, or backpacker. When it’s fully retracted, it’s a scant 21.75-inches long, from tip to butt. When fully extended, it’s 12-feet long and has enough backbone to handle any fish a 5-weight fly rod could handle. It’s pretty impressive performance for a 3-ounce rod. 

Best Tenkara Rod for Situational Angling: Tenkara USA Sato

  • Length: 22.75 inches collapsed and 12 feet 9 inches extended
  • Weight: 2.9 ounces
  • Zooms to 10 feet 8 inches, 11 feet 10 inches, and 12 feet 9 inches
  • 1% of sales go to conservation 

The Tenkara USA Sato is a dependable choice for anglers looking for a quality rod at a fair price. It features three fishable lengths and performs well at all three lengths, which is a bonus that can’t be ignored. 

  • Three fishing length options and good castability at each option
  • Comes with two plugs and a built-in system to prevent loss
  • The rod is backed by a lifetime warranty
  • The nylon tag on the butt cap is a snag waiting to happen

The Tenkara USA Sato is a predictably good tenkara rod from a reputable company. It’s compact enough to fit into a day pack or backpack, and its three fishable lengths provide more sophisticated tenkara anglers with some on-the-water options. It casts and mends level line with relative ease, and it’s backed by a lifetime warranty. 

In testing the Sato I found one major flaw, and that’s the snag-prone tag on the butt cap. But beyond that one con, it’s a fascinating rod. The Sato is a rarity among tenkara rods because it’s difficult to find a rod that casts well at all its lengths. I found that the rod loads and casts very well, whether I was fishing lengths of 10 feet 8 inches, 11 feet 10 inches, or a full 12 feet 9 inches. Anglers who might need to adjust their casts or their reach when fishing tenkara will find this rod to be the most effective and most intuitive when it comes time to throw line. 

Most Versatile Tenkara Rod: Tenkara Rod Co.’s Teton Zoom

  • Length: 12 feet extended and 23 inches collapsed 
  • Weight: 3.5 ounces
  • Action: 6:4
  • Nine pieces

The Tenkara Rod Co. Teton Zoom is what traditional tenkara anglers have come to expect in a rod. This tough and dependable option allows for some length flexibility without a hit to the rod’s casting and loading abilities. 

  • Two casting lengths with no loss of accuracy or loading ability 
  • Lifetime warranty 
  • Good backbone for larger trout at 10.5 feet, and good finesse at 12 feet
  • It’s a bit bulkier than other tenkara rods and the handle is longer, which can cause some casting comfort issues.
  • The screw-on aluminum butt cap comes undone too easily. 

Tenkara Rod Co.’s Teton Zoom is a versatile rod that doesn’t try to do too much. It’s two casting lengths offer plenty of variety for anglers on small water or slightly larger streams where bigger trout might be targeted.

The Tenkara Rod. Co.’s Teton Zoom is a high-performing, general-purpose tenkara rod that features two casting lengths and plenty of backbone for bigger trout and bigger water. Of all the rods I tested, this one performed the best at both casting lengths—10.5 feet and 12 feet. It also has the longest handle of the rods tested, and it is bulkier in its butt section than the others I tried out. If you’re looking for one rod to handle small and large streams and small and large fish, this is an excellent option. 

Yes, tenkara is a great way to learn the basics of fly fishing, and it’s also an excellent fly-fishing discipline for anglers looking to add something to their hiking or backpacking. And no, you don’t have to “graduate” from tenkara angling to traditional fly fishing. In fact, many traditional fly fishers are taking up tenkara, simply because it’s a simple craft and an excellent way to catch fish.

Choosing a tenkara rod depends heavily on the kind of fishing you enjoy. If you’re a backcountry “creek freak,” tenkara might be your new thing. If you’re a boat-bound fly caster who needs to throw lots of line or strip heavy streamers for deep trout, tenkara is probably not the right choice. 

Again, what kind of fishing do you enjoy? Small water? A light tenkara rod with supple sections can make backcountry trout feel bigger than they really are. Big rivers? Larger, bulkier rods are the name of the game here, and, yes, there are tenkara rods that can handle trophy trout. 

Most tenkara rods are built to cast a level line, a line that’s the same width from top to bottom. Others can cast tapered mono or even coated nylon that looks and feels like a traditional fly line. 

If you have a 12-foot tenkara rod and 15 feet of line, leader and tippet, you can conceivably cast 27 feet—more if you reach. And, in most instances, that’s plenty far enough.


The rods tested above were chosen for a number of reasons. First, to appeal to anglers interested in trying tenkara, I didn’t want to select rods that were prohibitively expensive. Second, all the rods chosen are comparatively compatible—I wanted to try general-purpose tenkara rods that could be used in common situations. Finally, I tried each rod and judged its performance based on how well it cast the line chosen by its manufacturer. Granted, casting tenkara rods isn’t rocket science, but there are differences in how each rod performed, both subtle and marked, particularly among the rods that boast several castable lengths. 

I judged how well rods loaded, how well they cast line forward and how accurately they sent their line toward set targets. It’s a basic test, but for a simple implement like a tenkara rod, the basics matter most. 

Final Thoughts

There’s a reason tenkara fishing is still going strong among North American anglers—it’s a productive fishing method that takes a lot of the guesswork out of fly fishing, particularly for anglers who might be intimidated by a standard fly rod. Years ago, tenkara was considered a fad. But its Japanese origins go back thousands of years—western anglers are just scratching the surface of tenkara, and there are lots of options for those interested in taking up the discipline.

From big water to small streams, tenkara rods offer a painfully simple way of casting to—and catching — trout. The rods tested above offer different features, but all of them allow anglers to participate in an age-old angling craft that is both enjoyable and effective. 

travel fly rod tenkara

Best Tenkara Rods on a Budget in 2023 [Complete Guide]

Tenkara rods make for excellent backpacking and small stream rods. They pack up light and can be squeezed into almost any backpack. And you need significantly less gear than a typical fly rod.

Fishing a Tenkara is a breeze too, simply flick the rest to cast it out then lift up and repeat. It’s as easy as that.

But choosing a Tenkara rod for your needs is much harder. We cover our favorites below to help you make the best decision.

Table of Contents

What are Tenkara rods?

Tenkara fly fishing means “fishing from heaven” in Japanese. Tenkara is popular in Japan and catching on fast in the United States and elsewhere.

The Tenkara style of fly fishing is perfect for smaller streams. Narrow streams are hard to fish with a normal fly rod and often a normal rod is more than you need.

It’s easy to learn and even easier to get into. Tenkara rods are excellent rods to use when fishing streams, creeks, rivers, and ponds. The rod is just as effective for fishing for trout in a clear water stream as it is for fishing for panfish in a farm pond.

We discuss the best Tenkara rods in the market below.

See which ones are the best.

Tenkara USA Fly Fishing Rhodo™ Rod, for Small Streams - Carbon Fiber, Lightweight, Telescopic, Adjustable, 3 Multi-Lengths (8'10"/ 9'9"/ 10'6")

Maxcatch Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod

Maxcatch’s Tenkara fly fishing rod is light for all-day casting but strong enough to net the small creek monster you’ve been searching for.

The rod is 100% carbon fiber for durability and strength with a AAA cork handle for all-day holding without hand cramps.

DRAGONtail Hellbender

The Hellbender is made from the highest grade IM 12 carbon graphite for superior strength. At only 3.4 ounces and collapsable to 24 inches, it’s an excellent rod for backpacking.

DRAGONtail Mizuchi zx340

The Mizuchi by Dragontail makes for an excellent pack rod as the single rod can be used as an 8′, 9’6″, or 11′ fly rod.

Tenkara USA Sato

This very light rod expands to 10’8″, 11’10”, or 12’9″ from only 22.75 inches. Tenkara USA’s patent-pending “Keep Your Plug†system makes plug management a breeze. Insert the plug at the bottom of the rod and never lose a plug again.

Angler Dream Tenkara Rod

The Angler Dream rod ranges are 12/13 feet in length and made of carbon fiber. It’s strong enough to land the bulldog of your dreams but delicate enough to cast a size 30 fly into a slow-moving plunge pool.

Nirvana 400 Tenkara Rod

This rod comes in 13 feet and 1 inch long while collapsing down to 24 inches. Perfect for cold water and warm water fisheries.

Tenkara Rod Co. The White Cloud Package

The Tenkara Rod is smaller coming in at only 8 feet in length. It collapses to an impressive 18 inches which makes the rod excellent for backpacking. The shorter rod makes casting in dense cover and small streams a breeze.

Tenkara USA Hane Tenkara Rod

The Tenkara USA Hane Rod collapses down to 15 inches making it one of the best tenkara rods for traveling. This rod can be slid into your luggage or into your backpack as you strike off on a backcountry hike.

Seaquest Tenkara Rod

The Seaquest rod is only 10 feet 9 inches. And the collapsed rod is only 6 inches. This is another excellent choice for traveling and backpacking.

Tenkara USA Iwana Tenkara Rod

The Tenkara USA Iwana rod comes in at 10 feet 10 inches and collapses to 15 inches. This is another excellent rod choice for traveling.

Wetfly Backcountry Tenkara Mini

Wetfly’s Backcountry Tenkara rod collapses to 13 inches and is built for the backcountry. Wetfly comes with a case, tippet, and leader.

Tenkara USA Rhodo Tenkara Rod

Tenkara USA Rhodo allows adjustment of rod length to 8 feet 10 inches, 9 feet 9inches, or 10 feet 6 inches via the Triple Zoom.

Tenkara USA Amago Tenkara Rod

When the Tenkara USA Amago rod is fully extended it is 13 1/2 feet in length. The rod collapses down to a little over 21 inches long.

Check the price

Wild Water Tenkara Fly Rod

The Wild Water Tenkara rod is 12 feet in length and collapses down to 20 ½ inches long. The rod comes with a rod case, fly box, leader, and tippet.

Wrapping It Up: Best Tenkara fly rod

There are many Tenkara rods in the market. We just covered the top and best ones out there. You honestly can’t go wrong with any of the rods we discussed above.

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Contributed by

Travis learned how to fly fish in early 2000 from his dad. Since then he's been obsessed. From fly fishing to fly tying, Travis is enamored. He started Fishing with a Fly to share his passion and what he's learned with others.

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  • Length: 360cm (11 ft. 10 inches)

Kita 380

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  • Length: 12ft (360 cm)
  • Length: 10ft (300 cm)
  • Length: 10.5ft (320 cm)
  • Length: 10.5ft - 12 ft.
  • Length: 8ft (245 cm)
  • Length: 12.5ft - 14.5 ft

Hafu 240

  • Length: 240cm (7'10")

Hafu 300

  • Length: 300cm (9'10")

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What Our Customers Say

I LOVE my Tenkara rod!! I took it out to one of my local streams here in Colorado just to practice my cast and actually caught a trout my first time out. It was such a great feeling. Super excited to get more time and experience with it.

The aesthetics alone are enough to buy this rod but it fishes really well to. Very sensitive but also sturdy for the occasional bigger fish. My favorite feature is how compact it is when stowed

Excellent set up out of the box with great explainer videos. I've never tried Tenkara style fishing and it's fast, fun and effective!

Easy to set up. Super light weight. Will carry with me on any hike or bike that I could encounter fishable water.

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Tenkara Rod Co. was established in 2013 by Drew and Tuna, two friends from Idaho. We wanted to share the joy that fishing brings us. The more people that learn how to fish the more people are stewards for the rivers and environment.

"The Tenkara is small enough and light enough to fit into a daypack, take anywhere And that, makes it a winner."

travel fly rod tenkara

"Japanese Tenkara style of fly fishing offer a minimalist, more-approachable way to fly fish, all with very little cost to get started."

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"I've fallen for the brilliant telescoping rods from Idaho's Tenkara Rod Co."

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"It makes the whole process of fly fishing much simpler and more approachable."

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Tenkara USA Fly Fishing SATO™ Rod, for Large & Small Fish - Carbon Fiber, Lightweight, Telescopic, Adjustable, 3 Multi-Lengths (10'8"/ 11'10"/ 12'9")… (Complete Starter Kit)

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Tenkara USA Fly Fishing SATO™ Rod, for Large & Small Fish - Carbon Fiber, Lightweight, Telescopic, Adjustable, 3 Multi-Lengths (10'8"/ 11'10"/ 12'9")… (Complete Starter Kit)

Complete Starter Kit

Tenkara Usa Rod Only

Purchase options and add-ons

About this item.

  • ✅【Most popular Rod 】The SATO is the most popular tenkara rod on the market. It allows anglers to fish at 3 lengths; it can handle large fish well, and small fish still feel great, and it is at home in small and larger streams.
  • ✅【Compact & Lightweight】The Tenkara USA Sato is a compact and lightweight (2.9oz) adjustable tenkara rod that can be fished at 3 lengths. At its shorter length, it is perfect for tighter streams, and at its full length, it will be ideal when the stream opens up again or when you find a bigger pool to cast your fly. Super lightweight design allows for precise, versatile casting ability.
  • ✅ All-Inclusive Tenkara Kit: This bundle includes everything you need for a successful Tenkara fishing experience. The Complete Tenkara Kit features a matte black 4.3-inch Forceps, a Tenkara USA line keeper with line, 5x tippet, and 3 Tenkara flies, all neatly organized in a convenient mesh bag.
  • ✅【Two patent-pending features:】【Triple-zoom:】The 3 most common lengths are 10.8ft/11.10ft/12.9ft. Short length to ease you into tenkara, medium to give you a taste of the advantages of a long tenkara rod, and long to help you take full advantage of the tenkara method. 【Keep your plug system:】Innovative feature, a solution for you never to lose your plug again. Remove the plug from the top end of your rod and insert it at the bottom of your rod. The Sato will come with two plugs on the rod.
  • ✅【Tenkara Rod For Beginners】The reality is that the tenkara method itself is excellent for beginners in general, and any of the rods will work well for someone getting started. With that being said, the Sato, the Hane, and the Iwana are the most popular tenkara rods for beginners.

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Tenkara USA Fly Fishing SATO™ Rod, for Large & Small Fish - Carbon Fiber, Lightweight, Telescopic, Adjustable, 3 Multi-Length

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Product Description

The Tenkara USA Sato is a compact and lightweight tenkara rod. At its shorter length it is perfect for tighter streams, and at its full length it will be ideal when the stream opens up again or when you find a bigger pool to cast your fly.Tenkara has achieved what they set out to do: give you a rod that is super light-weight, durable, versatile and feels very precise.The Sato has two patent pending features: Triple-Zoom: this allows you to use the rod at three different lengths - 10'8", 11'10", and 12'9" (330, 360, 390 cm). Tenkara recommends rods that are closer to 13 ft, yet 12 ft is the average rod length. So, they felt a rod with the 3 most common lengths would be an easy choice: short to ease you into tenkara, long to give you a taste of the advantages presented by a long tenkara rod.Keep Your Plug system (patent pending): Tenkara designed the Keep Your Plug system after realizing people lost their rod plugs on a regular basis. Next time you go fishing, remove the plug from the top end of your rod and insert it into the hole at the bottom of your rod. ACTION: We're phasing out the Tenkara rod index system. If you have been tenkara fishing for sometime and want a frame of reference, the Sato is a fast action 6:4.ROD SPECIFICATIONSWeight: 2.6 oz (73.7 g)Closed length: 22 (57.78cm)Open lengths: 10'8/ 11'10/12'9 (330/360/390cm)*Handle length: 10 (26.7cm)Segments: 9*There may be slight discrepancies in their extended length of tenkara rods

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Tenkara USA Complete Set ITO Rod Kit.

Tenkara USA Complete Set ITO Rod Kit.

Complete Set: ITO™ Rod + Kit

A complete tenkara rod set, including the longest rod in our line-up, the ITO™, and a Tenkara Kit with everything one needs to start fly-fishing.

The Tenkara Kit includes the Tenkara USA Keeper, a 11'6" Nylon Tapered Line, three (3) tenkara flies, a spool of tippet, forceps and nippers and a nice mesh bag to carry it all.

Spec: 13/14.6 ft

Adjustable: Yes

Weight: 4.1 ounces

Closed Length: 25.8 inches

Open Length: 13/14.6 ft

Handle Length: 12 inches

Segments: 9

Finish: Matte Black w/Blue Bands

- Trout 20+" Or Less

- Most Fish Species

- Med-Large Water

Tenkara USA® is the only Japanese fly fishing rod company committed to donating at least 1% of its sales to organizations that care for fish habitat.For every tenkara rod sold by Tenkara USA®, an average of $14 goes toward benefiting trout habitat.

Tenkara Usa Care Logo.

Your Tenkara USA rod has a lifetime warranty.

Have questions?

Get in touch with us at any time.

Meet the ITO™

Our Longest Rod

Tenkara Usa Ito Rod.

Longer is better

With a fully extended length of 450cm, the ITO™ offers unmatched range in open streams.

Tenkara Usa Lines icon.

The ITO™ is our top recommendation for anglers frequently fishing wider streams, larger rivers and ponds.

Tenkara Usa Flies icon.

At just 4.1 ounces, the rod remains light in hand, but with enough backbone to bring in just about anything that takes your fly.

Tenkara Usa icon.

The rod sports a matte black finish with a dark blue gradient block at the end of each segment.

Tenkara Usa Ito Rods.

Adjustable length

Starting at 13' (390cm), the rod's "zoom" functionality offers an additional 19" (60cm) of length when extended.

Tenkara Usa Ito Rod.

Premium cork handle

The 12" high-quality cork handle is finished with a proprietary endcap that locks the the rod at its expanded length.

Tenkara Usa Ito Rod and fish on hand.

What makes this rod special?

The range of the ITO™ has made it an open-water favorite. Just a quick adjustment enables you to fish a large river like it were a small stream, without having to fuss with your line.


Let satisfied tenkara anglers speak for us.

Tenkara Usa Ito Testimonial.

Stuart Cugnoni 

“Just gives you that additional reach when you need it, fantastic telescopic rod and goes completely well with my Tenkara backpack both the Sato and the Ito have me covered for any situation.”

Tenkara Usa Ito Rod testimonial.

Anthony Leach 

“This rod is amazing. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with it. I love the 14’7” option. I find myself using my Ito more than my regular fly rod because it’s more convenient and it can pretty much pull in fish in the same places as well. Also the length helps with presentation a lot.”

Need help choosing a rod?

Open Length

Closed Length

Handle Length

Tenkara USA Complete Set: ITO™ Rod + Kit rod specs.

Complete Set: ITO

25.8 inches

Matte Black with dark blue sections

Tenkara USA SATO™ 10'8

- Jack Of All Trades

- Trout 20" Or Less

- All Water

10.7/11.8/12.7 ft

22.75 inches

10.5 inches

Gloss Boack w/Red Bands

Tenkara USA HANE™  10ft10in (330cm) rod specs.

- Travel/Compact

Tenkara USA IWANA™ 12ft (360cm) rod specs.

- Budget Friendly

20.5 inches

Gloss Carbon w/Brown Bands

Tenkara USA RHODO™ 8'10

- Backpacking

- Trout 18" Or Less

- Smaller or Pan

– Small-Med Water

8.9/9.8/10.5 ft

Gloss Black w/Green Bands

Tenkara USA ITO™ 13' / 14'7

Gloss Black w/Blue Bands

Tenkara USA SATOKI™ 10'8

10.6/12.2/13.6 ft

22.5 inches

Gloss Graphite w/Red Brown Bands

Tenkara USA UKIYO™ 9ft10in (300cm) rod specs.

- Small-Med Water

14.5 inches

Integral Handle

Tenkara Usa industry.


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Recently viewed

Customer reviews.

ITO™ 13' / 14'7" (adjustable)

I really like the ITO rod ,took a little bit to get used to casting a bigger rod but casts real well. Have caught all types of fish and size of fish. Trout, bluegill, bass of all types, crappie and even large carp, I did have my first ITO break on a VERY LARGE Carp but I think any rod would have snapped with the size of carp it took to break. Also I had caught many large carp and even landed a few after tough fights so that may have stressed the rod. Don’t particularly recommend you take this rod carp fishing, but I know it is possible to land one on this rod. Tenkara USA stood behind their warranty and sent me a complete new rod for a nominal fee. Good deal seeing I only had the handle left! Would definitely purchase more rods from Tenkara USA in the future one of my favorite rods and I have many from all the brands.

Really a great product, thoughtfully designed and packaged. The kit makes the buying process (and decision fatigue!) easy. Thank you.

Have had the Ito out an a few trips so far, the more I fish this rod the more I'm liking the reach when extended. I like to choke up on the handle with my thumb and forefinger touching the blank, gives me more casting feel and the rod is balanced and feels lighter. The rod cast light #2-2.5 level lines 5-6m long with ease and I have no doubt will handle longer lines and larger water and fish while being a lot of fun catching 6-12" trout on the smaller streams I fish.

The first company to introduce tenkara outside of Japan.

Best Customer Service

Our team is made up of knowledgeable tenkara anglers.

Tenkara Care

Complete library of tenkara videos, articles & guides.

Supporting our Planet

We donate 1% of our revenues to environmental organizations.

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  • Fly Choice in Focus
  • Kebari in Focus Episodes
  • Wet Flies in Focus
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Tenkara Rods

  • Kebari – Fly sets

Tenkara Lines

  • Accessories
  • Karasu Rods: Backstory
  • On Stream Tuition
  • Tenkara Fishing: Complete Guide
  • Tenkara Casting: “How To”
  • Expert Guide to Tenkara
  • Tenkara Flies: “Kebari”
  • Keiichi’s Guide to Headwaters..
  • BIG River Tenkara
  • Tenkara Rod Facts
  • Bamboo Tenkara Rod Making..
  • Tenkara: The Full Lowdown
  • Tenkara: la guida definitiva
  • Tenkara: TOUTE la vérité
  • Cannes Tenkara: Choses à savoir..
  • Yuzo Sebata-san: Life of Adventure
  • Shokuryoshi (職漁師)
  • Matagi: Spiritual Hunters..
  • Bamboo Fly Rod: Building..
  • Tenkara Culture & History
  • FREE Tutorials

Welcome to Discover Tenkara

Minimum gear: maximum technique, tenkara techniques & the special culture  of japanese mountain fly fishing....

Welcome to Discover Tenkara –  if you’re looking to improve your skill, confidence and success on stream (and have fun doing it) then we will bend over backwards to help you. Whether you’ve never picked up a rod – or if you are a seasoned angler – we use our travels to Japan to share PROVEN, authentic tactics to raise your game on your home streams -  wherever in the world YOU fish .

Along the way we've uncovered many  fascinating stories and adventures - which give the context to all the "how to" coaching information...

Tenkara DVDs & Building your Skills FAST:

But why do we focus so much on  building your skills ?   Make no mistake, the more you minimise your gear; the more important your technique and knowledge – this is the flip-side of the saying “the more you know, the less you need”. It is a really great feeling, though, to approach a trout stream with simple, light tackle while carrying a great expectation of success. That feeling is something that we've had the blind good luck to be gifted by the incredible generosity of the Japanese tenkara community. 

In order to help pass on our own good fortune to tenkara addicts around the world ( and to help us fund the air-fares, accommodation and filming equipment! ), we began to sell some of the video content that we brought back each year. Following a (quite spectacular) fall out with our original cameraman, we lost the rights to market our first three DVD volumes...However, we are now hard at work creating a new generation of video content - bigger and better than ever before.

Tenkara DVDs

As well as streamlining your kit, maybe you :

  • Also like the culture and elegance of Japanese fly fishing?
  • Or perhaps you’re looking for tactics to help cross-train with modern competition-style methods?

The good news is we are on the same track after we accidentally fell in love with the Japanese way of doing things during our long exploration of modern and traditional European methods of fly fishing … 

Tenkara Print Books:

How to Fool Fish Print book available at British Fly Fair International from DT

" How to Fool Fish with Simple Flies " by Dr Paul Gaskell

  • Unlock the Characteristics of Simple Wet Flies Learn the FUNCTIONAL features of flies and how to match them to their perfect presentation tactics
  • 5 Simple Rules to Select Tactics & Flies Based on the conditions you are actually fishing ( and not what the text books or calendar says SHOULD be happening ) - " How to Fool Fish " explains how to exploit the predatory instincts of trout, char and grayling to "hotwire" their in-built biological responses
  • Discover Tenkara Skills used by Top Japanese Anglers Stories, high quality (full colour) photographs, diagrams by the author and "how to" instructions reveal the authentic flies and proven tactics of the best tenkara anglers in the world. We also share some of the tales of how we were lucky enough to be shown these little-known flies and presentation skills

Tenkara Guiding & Fly Fishing Guiding: Our Philosophy

The “we” that I mean when I say "our" is me and my fellow fishing-addict JP ( John Pearson ; you can get to know us better in the “ About Us ” page on our site).

Tenkara Guiding

What I like about John Pearson 's guiding is he doesn't just point to a patch of water and say "fish there" and wander off, as many 'guides'' do, he will watch and offer to guide you to fishing better than you have before. John is seen as a master Tenkara fisherman by a great many of his peers, it has been a huge stroke of luck to have John close enough and willing enough to spend time improving my understanding and techniques in the art of Tenkara fishing!

Neil McGhee  ‧ Client

More information on guided experiences is available direct from John by Clicking Here to Send an Enquiry

In terms of our overall philosophy one thing is important for you to know – so you can judge whether it’s worth checking out the rest of our site – is our official motto:

“Always go to the source”

No matter if it is a mission for our other site (Fishing Discoveries) to learn Czech nymphing with members and coaches of the World team in the Czech Republic or travelling to Japan for six annual (and counting) trips to meet and study with the widest range of elite tenkara anglers of any non-Japanese guides…that’s where we will go to bring you your info and stories.

There's a TON of confusion over what are the "right" or "best" lines to use for tenkara and, to be perfectly honest, most folks seem to settle on options that make life harder for themselves. Before we'd ever want to sell you any kind of line we want you to be armed with the best, most straightforward and completely honest advice on line choice.

number 3 nylon level line for tenkara

You can't find a more informed or objective English language breakdown of tenkara lines than ours (because, quite simply, nobody else has carried out the same research that we have). The way we see it, we don't do ourselves any favours if we steer you wrong and you have a worse experience than you should on-stream...So we're actually being selfish by ensuring you can make informed, intelligent choices on tenkara lines.

Tenkara Flies

Many folks are astonished to discover that  Japanese tenkara flies  (or "kebari")  do NOT usually have reversed hackles .That doesn't mean that reverse hackle flies (or "sakasa kebari") arenot a useful and important part of tenkara...just that they are veryspecialised and quite "niche" in their use in Japanese tenkara.

Tenkara Flies

Of course, because reverse hackles look so distinctive, they are a branding dream - which probably explains why they are such a dominant image associated with tenkara. But the really interesting stuff (in our opinion) is the way that it's possible to "marry" particular presentation tactics with the different basic dressing styles/materials that you find in Japanese tenkara fly patterns. THEN you can really get to grips with the advantages and fun of fishing tenkara as it ispracticed by top anglers in Japan.

Tenkara & "BIOHACKING" Fly Fishing?

Perhaps our most unique perspective (which brings many unexpected benefits) is our freshwater biology background . We've found that it comes in so useful when tryinge to understand and explain why  the tactics we discover actually work …

It's been incredibly fun (and amazingly effective) to combine a life-long fishing addiction (we’ve both fished for more than 35 years for anything with fins and gills) with knowledge gained from a professional career in biological research and practical application ("Dr" Paul) and a Degree in Field Biology (John).  

Paul's Biology of Fly Design

Now we can pass that insider knowledge to you too and – since we are always discovering new things – we know exactly how you feel when you go from “ confusion ” to“ aha! ”.

We never forget what it is like to learn something for the first time – because we are always in that same state ourselves.

We also know how to get you fishing smarter and we’ve got lots of stories from the tenkara world to inspire your adventures on stream too.

Tenkara Videos Online

To get started – why not check out our free YouTube Episodes of “ Tenkara in Focus ”and join in on the adventures we’re having in the ever-growing, globaltenkara community? Just bring your curiosity and make sure you don’tneed to rely on the established fly fishing herd to tell you what youare allowed to enjoy…

Tenkara in Focus brings you fishing, how-to videos, interviews, travel, culture and more...

Tenkara in Focus (and its sister show Kebari in Focus )is free to view online... BUT it is not free to produce. We've faced afew challenges to keep the show in production and we are very gratefulto all our fans who support us via our Patreon page.

In the beginning we stayed away from producing tenkara rods... we thought it would be best to do aproper apprenticeship in Japan before we offer up any game-changing designs.

After working as consultants for Western brands producing tenkara rods in China, we realised the quality control and manufacturing practices of tenkara rods still has some way to go before catching up with Japan. After several years of building relationships in Japan we were able to produce a limited run of a Japanese-made rod with input from some of Japan's "tenkara elite"... The result?

KARASU  - Made in Japan . Hailed by many of our Japanese friends as some of the best tenkara rods ever made.

What is Tenkara?

We'd wager there's nowhere on the web where you'll find a more comprehensive "first look" overview of tenkara than on our Complete Guide to Tenkara  page.

Distilled from all our research in Japan, travelling thousands of miles (over2000 miles of driving on our last trip alone!) meeting with both the well known and the obscure practitioners of tenkara. Old books, DVDs andVHS tapes, old photos, stories, vintage tenkara tackle, historic and modern fly patterns... we've been incredibly lucky to witness all these first hand at the source. Not only that we filmed and photographed quite a lot of it for Tenkara in Focus!

If you want to catch up on the history many other sites quickly gloss over (or skip) - and you want the "real deal" details the as well as the "first look" complete guide, you might enjoy immersing yourself in our Full Lowdown now. It is packed with the real insiders' knowledge of tenkara - right from its origins.

Featured Products

Tenkara in Focus T-shirt

Tenkara in Focus T-shirt

Futsū Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Futsū Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Sakasa Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Sakasa Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Honryu Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Honryu Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Traditional Kebari Taster Selection 18 flies (in shirt pocket fly box)

Traditional Kebari Taster Selection 18 flies (in shirt pocket fly box)

Jun Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Jun Kebari Shirt Pocket Selection (12 flies with box)

Karasu by Discover Tenkara

Karasu by Discover Tenkara

On Stream Kebari Selection 42 flies (in clear view fly box)

On Stream Kebari Selection 42 flies (in clear view fly box)


Tenkara Flies: Answering Common Questions about the Kebari

Tenkara Kebari Fly pattern

Over the last decade—yes tenkara has now been in the US for over a decade— “tenkara flies” have been added to this mix. However, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding them and whether they are the only pattern you can use on a tenkara rod. Let’s look at a few of these assumptions and finally get the real scoop.

A little history:

First things first. Tenkara flies do not consist of a single pattern. In fact, they can be very diverse. In Japan, where the method of tenkara fishing began, fly patterns were more consistent with regions. Local fishermen used what material was available to them in that area, and if the pattern worked, it was used and re-used. Period. Simplicity is valued in Japanese culture. Why change or complicate something that works? Thus, over time, the pattern became popular due to its effectiveness and eventually became associated with that region. But individual tenkara fishermen tied their own variations and patterns and had their own favorite, just as we do today.

Nowadays in the US, when people mention tenkara flies, those of us familiar with tenkara most often think of a Sakasa Kebari , or a reverse hackle, simple fly —silk or Uni thread wrapped around a curved shank hook with simple hackled tied forward. Interestingly, the Sakasa Kebari was not the most common patterned used by Japanese tenkara anglers . So why in America do we think of it as the tenkara pattern?   Well, the Sakasa Kebari was novel, and different from anything we were using in the States when the fixed-line method of tenkara fishing was introduced here back in roughly 2009, so it stuck.

Tenkara Shigeru, Pearl Kebari

Why hackle forward?

There is no documented explanation of why a reverse hackle was used with tenkara rods in the first place, but there are a number of speculated reasons:

  • Reverse hackle flies are easier to tie by hand—meaning without the use of a vise.
  • Reverse hackle flies move more realistically in fast currents since the hackle doesn’t lay flat along the hook shank and creates some resistance in the water.
  • Reverse hackle flies because of this resistance, allows the tenkara angler to keep a tighter line by removing slack resulting in an improved presentation and hook set.

Whatever the reason for the reverse hackle, we will never really know, but keep in mind that the origin of tenkara fishing was in the high mountain streams of Japan. The water moved fast, and the insect life was sparse. Fish were opportunist feeders. Dries or insects on top water were unrealists, certainly uncommon. Subsurface, wet fly action was where lunch could be found and in the scanty mountainous streams, the fish weren’t picky. There was no reason to “match the hatch”. Simple, vague patterns worked.

Do you have to use tenkara flies on a tenkara rod?

No. No, no, no. In fact, I use reverse hackle flies very rarely. My most common go-to set up is a dry dropper, but you can tie on whatever your heart desires—dries, nymphs, streamers, double droppers, dry droppers. Whatever you enjoy fishing, and whatever  you think will catch fish can be used on a tenkara rod. We love our fly boxes packed with all those wonderful patterns. There is no reason to think you need to give them up to fish tenkara.

Can you use a tenkara fly on regular fly rod and reel?

Yes. Of course! Tenkara flies are essentially wet flies, so you can fish them similarly. The advantage of a tenkara rod is that, when fished traditionally, the line is kept off the surface of the water, which translates into an undisturbed, pristine drift and a very natural presentation. Tenkara rods also have super fine tip sections that are flexible and can be manipulated with the slightest most delicate movements of your finger or hand. These slight movements can bring your fly to life and make it a more realistic imitation of a drowning or morphing insect. And we all know that sometimes just adding a little action to your fly can make all the difference in your catch rate. A regular fly rod and do all of this. It’s just a bit easier to create that discrete action using a tenkara rod.

travel fly rod tenkara

Streamers-Can you use streamer patterns on a tenkara rod?

Great question, easy answer, but I admit, I’m kind of cheating here. You can’t truly strip anything on a tenkara rod because you can’t… well… strip. The line is attached to the tip of a tenkara rod. With no guides and no line running down the length of the rod, stripping is impossible. However, you can jig on a tenkara rod, and that’s exactly what you do when streamer fishing on a fixed line. Make your cast. Lay your rod over to one side. Then begin to jig your streamer through the water as you draw your arm and the rod back and to the side. Admittedly, your “stripping area” will be smaller when on a tenkara rod, but the motion you can create and the control you have is exquisite and very life-like. You will get hits. I might even go so far as to say that setting the hook while streamer fishing on tenkara is slightly easier than on a rod and reel. So, fear not if you have a love of streamers. You can “strip” those lovely patterns on a tenkara rod.

Is tenkara effective for nymphing?

Oh my— tenkara was born to nymph ! And the best part is you can get an amazing drift without all that high sticking and shoulder burning that is often accompanied with nymphing on a “Western” (aka rod and reel) set up. The traditional idea behind tenkara is that you have a long rod and a short line. The long rod provides that reach and makes keeping line off the surface of the water, easy. You can accomplish all this without holding your arm and rod up high and without aggravating your shoulder. The short line makes casting easy and landings even easier, and the short line does a few additional things: 1) it keeps the water undisturbed and spook-free, 2) it eliminates the need for mending and permits a natural unencumbered drift, and 3) it eliminates slack and keeps your line tight for improved hook sets. All beautiful when nymphing.

One additional benefit of nymphing with a tenkara rod is its sensitivity. Ultralight, often weighing less than 2.5oz, tenkara rods become extensions of your own arm and hand. High quality rods made from IM-12 carbon fiber are super sensitive yet strong. You can feel the smallest hit, the most delicate taste, the daintiest take by a fish, so much so that you can often rid yourself of an indicator and nymph naked . Well— with clothing— but without an indicator. So, tie on those nymph patterns to your tenkara rod and get ready for some real, reel-less action.

travel fly rod tenkara

Closing thoughts on tenkara flies: No Right or Wrong

I’m here to tell you that tenkara fishing is much more versatile than you probably thought. Sure, experiment with a reverse hackle Sakasa Kebari fly. Play with it. Fish it. But hold onto those packed fly boxes filled with a plethora of patterns and use them all . Tie on whatever you want to your tenkara rod, and fish with what you like and what works for you. The “One Fly” theory around tenkara is a misnomer for sure. The truth around it lies with the reality that original tenkara fishermen in Japan didn’t have access to all the wonderful hackle, material, and hooks that we anglers have at our disposal today. They lived in small, often isolated villages and localized nature was their fly store. They created flies from things they found and collected. When they created a pattern that worked, and the materials were readily available, they continued to make and fish that pattern. If it didn’t work, they changed it up a bit. No great mystery, just a consequence of limited resources paired with the appreciation of simple effectiveness.

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Kudos to Ray Lee for his beautiful fly reel seats!

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travel fly rod tenkara

It’s where I go for reel seats, too. Beautiful work, definitely punching above their price tag.  

travel fly rod tenkara

Likewise....been adorning my rods with Ray’s awesome reelseats for years now....  

Cactus Juice stabilized?  

Spaulted maple, one of my favorite insert woods.  

I meant the stabilization process. You have vacuum & high pressure infusion. Cactus juice is resin that is typically used by vacuum infusion stabilizers.  

travel fly rod tenkara

I do appreciate Ray Lee's inserts but the hardware, not so much. Fortunately he will sell them separately.  

Ok....I’ll ask, what do you find wrong with Ray’s hardware? Looks good on Hotrodz to me......  

Steve Kokita said: Ok....I'll ask, what do you find wrong with Ray's hardware? Looks good on Hotrodz to me...... Click to expand...
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Podcast Roundup

June 9, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant

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Photo: Matt Keefe/Flickr

There are tons of great fly fishing podcasts out there, and each week here at MidCurrent, we’ll highlight some of the newest releases. We’ll do our best to add variety to which shows we highlight, but if you have suggestions for shows that we should share with our readers, please let us know!

Orvis Podcast: Fishing for Alternative Species in the Rockies

Fly Fishing Insider Podcast: All About Tenkara  

In this episode of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast, Christian Bacasa interviews Jason Klas about tenkara. They talk about the misconceptions around this style of fishing, and they discuss how versatile this method can actually be.

Untangled: What Makes A “Good” Fly?

Alex Stulce and Spencer Durrant discuss the characteristics that all “good” flies share, and they talk about whether “bad” flies exist. It’s a great primer for those who are newer to the sport, or those looking to start tying their own flies.

Orvis Podcast: All About Polarized Sunglasses

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  1. Best Tenkara Rods (2021 Buyer's Guide)

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  2. This 3-length fiberglass Tenkara rod gives you the perfect first taste

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  3. Maximumcatch Telescoping Fly Rod 13FT Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod & Flies

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  4. Tenkara USA Iwana

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  5. Take your love for fly-fishing anywhere you go with this portable

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    travel fly rod tenkara


  1. Fishing a Tiny Roadside Creek in the Mountains! (Tenkara Fly Fishing)

  2. Тэнкара

  3. This Creek Is Brook Trout Heaven (Tenkara Fly Fishing)

  4. Вездеход "ТИНГЕР" (собрано в России) #вездеходы

  5. It Took Me YEARS to Catch This New Species!! (Tenkara Fly Fishing in a Creek)

  6. The new BCR Travel Fly Rod series!


  1. Best Tenkara Rods of 2024

    Best Budget: Aventik IM12 Nano. Best for Travel: Tiny Tenkara Tiny Ten. Best for Situational Angling: Dragontail Tenkara Kaida zx320. Tenkara is not fly fishing, but it has its place where it ...

  2. The Best Travel Fly Rods (2023 Buyer's Guide)

    In fly fishing, portability comes in the form of 6 or 8-piece rods, and in this post, I'm going to share with you the best of the best. Quick-Look: Best Travel Fly Rods 2023. ★ #1 Best Travel Fly Rod Overall: Echo Trip 8 Piece ★. Runner Up Travel Fly Rod: Maxcatch Premier Combo. Best Top-End Travel Fly Rod: Echo Trip 8 Piece.

  3. Best Tenkara Rods

    Product Description. The Dragontail Mizuchi zx340 Zoom is the best tenkara rod for beginners or the traditional fly fisher switching to tenkara. It's a solid choice with three length options, and at around $150, it's a sure-fire way to get an intro course on tenkara without making a painful investment.

  4. Tenkara USA: America's Leader in Tenkara Fishing Gear & Knowledge

    Love the balance and feel of the rod. Able to handle 14" fish. Great compact size." Tenkara USA aims to modernize the traditional Japanese roots of Tenkara fly fishing through the community we serve and the innovative products we provide.

  5. Zako

    The Zako Tenkara Fly Rod is 12ft long when extended and has a 6:4, medium-fast action flex. The Zako is comparable to a regular 5wt fly fishing rod. No reel makes for a quick and streamlined set-up. Spend more time on the water and less time setting up and breaking down your fly rod. Includes spare tip, fly rod sock and carbon fiber travel case.

  6. Best Tenkara Rods (2023 Buyer's Guide)

    Tenkara USA Amago. Tenkara USA ITO. Dragontail Hellbender. Wild Water 12′ Tenkara Fly Rod. Most collapse down to about 20 inches in size. Then can extend out to around 11-12 feet. Making them ideal rods for backpacking, camping, hiking, or anywhere you to easily stow the best Tenkara fishing rod.

  7. Best Tenkara Rod on a Budget in 2023 [Complete Guide]

    We discuss the best Tenkara rods in the market below. See which ones are the best. Best Overall. Runner Up. Best Budget. Tenkara USA Fly Fishing Rhodo Tenkara Rod. DRAGONtail MIZUCHI Tenkara Rod. M MAXIMUMCATCH Maxcatch Tenkara Fishing Rod/Rod Combo 9/10/11/12/13ft (Rod Combo, 12ft) 3.5.

  8. Sagi Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod for Big Water

    Sagi Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod with Rod Sock and Carbon Fiber Travel Case. $ 270.00. Fly Rod Approximate Equivalency ( FRAE ): 7wt. Casts both tenkara lines and PVC Fly lines. Well balanced and created beautiful loops. Rod Length Collapsed w/ Cap: 22.75". Rod Length Extended: 13'.6". Handle Length: 13″.

  9. How to Choose The Best Tenkara Rod

    The Rhodo! Named after the Rhododendron that surrounds small streams, the Rhodo is an adjustable tenkara fly rod that can be fished at 8 feet 10 inches, 9 feet 9 inches, or 10 feet 6 inches. It is a delightful tenkara fly rod that feels incredibly light on the hand at only about 2oz overall.

  10. Hachi Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod with Rod Sock and Carbon Fiber Travel

    The Hachi Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod is the little dynamo of our tenkara fly rod line-up. ... At only 16" long collapsed, this telescoping rod will travel anywhere. The Hachi Tenkara Fly Rod is a mere 6′ 10″ long when extended and has a 5:5 flex profile so it bends but due to its short length, still has enough backbone and "oomph" to ...

  11. Tenkara Rod Co

    Tenkara Rod Co. is based in Idaho. Tenkara is not only about catching fish, but simplicity. In Tenkara we use a rod, a line, and a fly. Shop the latest in tenkara fly fishing gear from Tenkara Rod Co. We offer a minimalist, more-approachable way to fly fish all with very little cost to get started.

  12. Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod (10KaRa) Compact, Portable, Travel Friendly

    Each of our Tenkara fly fishing rods is incredibly lightweight and easy to pack into a suitcase, backpack, or carry-on. The Rigged & Ready Tenkara fly fishing rod offers a slow-soft action, high-quality design that collapses to just 34cm. Weighing only 60g it is the ideal tool for fly fishing, float fishing or presenting small baits at a ...

  13. Rods

    UKIYO™ 9ft10in (300cm) Sold Out. All tenkara rods for sale by Tenkara USA include a hard case and woven sock to protect your rod. . Tenkara USA rods are backed by our Lifetime Tenkara Care™ Guarantee, where our very responsive team of tenkara anglers will make sure you quickly get back in the water if your tenkara gear has any problems.

  14. Tenkara USA Fly Fishing SATO™ Rod, for Large & Small Fish

    The Tenkara USA Sato is a compact and lightweight tenkara rod. At its shorter length it is perfect for tighter streams, and at its full length it will be ideal when the stream opens up again or when you find a bigger pool to cast your fly.Tenkara has achieved what they set out to do: give you a rod that is super light-weight, durable, versatile and feels very precise.The Sato has two patent ...

  15. Tenkara Fly Rods Archives

    Sagi Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod with Rod Sock and Carbon Fiber Travel Case $ 270.00 Add to cart; Taka ZoomTenkara Fly Fishing Rod with Rod Sock and Carbon Fiber Travel Case $ 290.00 Add to cart; Kyojin II Spey Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod with Rod Sock and Carbon Fiber Travel Case $ 280.00 Add to cart; Grab-n-Go, Tenkara Fly Fishing Starter Kit $ 260. ...

  16. Tenkara Travel Fly Fishing Rod

    Discover the art of Tenkara fishing with Rigged & Ready. Explore our collection of high-quality Tenkara gear and accessories for your next adventure. ... RUCKSACK RODS FLY - FLY 2-IN-1 FLOAT - FLOAT MATCH 2-IN-1 TRAILMASTER By Eagle Claw HAND CASTER K FISH OUTLET TACKLE GIFT CARD REELS NETS & MATS CLOTHING BRAID & LINE SPINNERS, SPOONS ...

  17. Complete Set: ITO™ Rod + Kit

    A complete tenkara rod set, including the longest rod in our line-up, the ITO™, and a Tenkara Kit with everything one needs to start fly-fishing. The Tenkara Kit includes the Tenkara USA Keeper, a 11'6" Nylon Tapered Line, three (3) tenkara flies, a spool of tippet, forceps and nippers and a nice mesh bag to carry it all.

  18. Suzume Tri-Zoom Collapsible Fly Fishing Rod

    This ultra-light, telescoping, triple zoom fly fishing rod can be fished at 3 lengths: 7.7', 9.3' and 10.8' offering extreme versatility to a variety of water. The Suzume Tenkara Fly Fishing Rod has a medium-fast action, 6:4 flex and a slender, double taper, high quality, 11" cork handle for extreme comfort and a custom fit.

  19. Discover Tenkara Discover Tenkara: Minimum Gear, Maximum Technique

    Welcome to Discover Tenkara - if you're looking to improve your skill, confidence and success on stream (and have fun doing it) then we will bend over backwards to help you. Whether you've never picked up a rod - or if you are a seasoned angler - we use our travels to Japan to share PROVEN, authentic tactics to raise your game on your home streams - wherever in the world YOU fish.

  20. Tenkara Flies: Answering Common Questions about the Kebari

    Can you use a tenkara fly on regular fly rod and reel? Yes. Of course! Tenkara flies are essentially wet flies, so you can fish them similarly. The advantage of a tenkara rod is that, when fished traditionally, the line is kept off the surface of the water, which translates into an undisturbed, pristine drift and a very natural presentation.

  21. Fly Fishing Travel

    A Simple, Easy Solution for Fly Fishing Travel Patagonia Travel Fly Rod Roll - $79. While it may be the least outright-protective carrying option on the list, this has become one of my favorites.

  22. Custom Fly Rods

    The Backpacker by BEAVERBUILT is a very unique and functional one-of-a-kind custom fly rod design offered in 4 different models made from our proven Blended IM6 Graphite. The bottom line…2 fly rods and a single tip all in a 21″ tube! Click here to Learn More and see our complete line of The Backpacker by BEAVERBUILT. Learn More.

  23. Tenkara Usa Sato

    Tenkara Sato Rod 10'8"/ 11'10"/12'9" (330/360/390cm) Tenkara USA Sato Fly Rod. Tenkara USA Hane Rod. ... Tenkara USA SATO™ 10'8"/ 11'10"/ 12'9" (adjustable) Tenkara USA Sato Outfit. Tenkara Sato 10'8"/11'10"/12'6" Fly Rod. Tenkara USA Sato Rod. Related searches. 8x8 phone system reviews; pencil shaker; Plain parakeet; press on nails almond ...

  24. Fly Shop

    Tacky Pescador MagPad Fly Box - Medium. $45.95. We carry fly line, rods, reels, tippet, leader, flies, and anything you need to trick a fish and shake it's peduncle. Seriously though, you probably shouldn't shake it's peduncle. It is just that you could if you wanted to.

  25. Rod Building

    Kudos to Ray Lee for his beautiful fly reel seats! I wanted to share I've purchased a couple of beautiful cap & ring fly reel seats from Ray Lee of Moscow ID. Ray's seats are mainly sold on Ebay but he's happy to provide a 20% discount off his already low prices if you contact him directly at his email address, [email protected].

  26. Podcast Roundup

    Podcast Roundup. June 9, 2024 By: Spencer Durrant. Photo: Matt Keefe/Flickr. There are tons of great fly fishing podcasts out there, and each week here at MidCurrent, we'll highlight some of the newest releases. We'll do our best to add variety to which shows we highlight, but if you have suggestions for shows that we should share with our ...