Fine Art Tutorials

Keeping a Travel Sketchbook: Ideas for Artists

Keeping a travel sketchbook is a great way to document your travels and discoveries. Track the places you went, the people you met, the experiences you had. Travelling is one of the most creatively inspiring things you can do, with constant new visual and sensory input.

It can also be a creative outlet for exploring new ideas and techniques. Here are some tips for getting started with your own travel sketchbook.

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Travel sketchbook tips

Here are some tips on how to approach keeping a travel sketchbook and some tips on how to draw and paint when you’re out and about!

Choose the right sketchbook

Stillman & Birn Archival Sketchbooks Gamma Series - 8-1/2

Look for a sketchbook that is small enough to carry with you everywhere, but large enough to hold all your sketches. Hardcover notebooks are ideal for travel sketching because they offer more protection from the elements. Stillman & Birn sketchbooks are lightweight, yet high quality.

Stock up on supplies

Before you hit the road, make sure you have all the drawing supplies you need to document your trip. Pencils, pens, watercolours, and travel-sized journals are all essential for travel sketching. If you prefer painting to drawing, bring all the necessary supplies to clean up afterwards.

Try using different mediums

Is graphite pencil your usual go-to medium? Try using charcoal! You can get some fantastic charcoal supplies , like powder charcoal that you can brush on the page.

Another great medium to travel with is gouache paint . Gouache is a type of watercolour, but is more opaque, so you can build layers of colours and highlights. It’s a versatile medium that is lightweight and easy to clean—perfect for travelling.

Read more about how to travel with different paint mediums in our travel art supplies guide .

Get inspired

time travel drawing ideas

When you’re on the road, be on the lookout for interesting places, and things to sketch. Take photos to reference later, or jot down notes about what caught your eye.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

Travel sketching is the perfect opportunity to experiment with new mediums and styles . Don’t be afraid to try something new, you might be surprised at the results.

Take a reference photo

travel sketchbook reference photo

You don’t have to complete a whole painting or drawing on location. Take a photo when the light is right and complete it later. That way, you can capture the essence of the scene with a sketch and spend time on it when you have time.

Vary your subject matter

travel sketchbook

If you’re used to painting landscapes, why not try painting or drawing a cityscape, or a building in the landscape. You could also diversify the subjects of your artworks by drawing a busy scene, including some of the people you see passing by, to give the artwork a sense of liveliness.

Note the date and location of your sketch

A travel sketchbook is like a book of memories. In it, you can document your interpretation of a scene, including the weather, people, atmosphere and main details you noticed. Even if you come back to paint or draw the same place again, no two drawings will look the same! Therefore it’s important to note the date and specific location of your sketch. Afterall the whole point of keeping a travel sketchbook is keeping a log of where you been and what you’ve seen in each location.

Let go of perfectionism

A sketchbook is a place to record your first response to a scene, to experiment and even to improve upon your plein air painting skills.

Let go of creating a perfectly polished sketchbook and instead focus on representing your sensory responses. The sketchbook page should trigger memories of the location, which you can even choose to make a larger canvas painting out of at a later date.

Store your sketchbook

If you use water based paints in your travel sketches, consider putting your sketchbook in a waterproof bag to protect it. So if you take it backpacking and it gets wet, your drawings and paintings will be preserved.

Travel sketchbook ideas

You might naturally feel inspired to sketch whatever you feel most drawn to on your travels. However, sometimes it’s difficult to know what to focus on! Here are some ideas for your sketchbook, so you can mix it up, make a theme and record as much as possible.

Draw the flora and fauna

draw flowers travel sketchbook

If you spend a lot of time hiking or out in nature when you’re on your travels, you’ll know that one of the best things about it is spotting new animals and plants. Dedicate pages in your sketchbook to documenting your sightings, whether that’s birds, flowers or larger animals!

Draw the architecture of a new city

draw a cityscape travel sketchbook

New city, new buildings! Whenever you travel to a new place, one of the first things you’ll probably want to do is explore the streets and take in the architecture. Whether you sit and draw La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, or some random buildings you found off of a main street, architecture is an art form in itself. It’s detailed, complex and tells a story of a city’s history.

Documenting this in your travel sketchbook will give you a fantastic visual record of your trip. You could even write some facts about the buildings you go to see. This can enrich your experience of a city, as you find out more about how it was built.

Paint a crowded scene

One of the hardest things to do when painting or drawing is to show movement. This can be even harder when you’re trying to do it on location! But by taking a few minutes to sketch a busy scene, you can practice depicting moving subjects.

This might sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Focus on one thing at a time, such as the way a person is walking, or the way their clothes are billowing in the wind. By breaking it down into smaller chunks, you can create a sense of movement without getting overwhelmed.

Capturing the people and energy of a bustling city is just as interesting as drawing in nature!

As well as painting or drawing people, try to include some of the background too. This could be buildings, trees or even just the sky. All of these things add to the story of your travel sketchbook and make it more interesting to look back on.

Create a cover for each location

For each new place you visit, you could create a cover page, almost like a new chapter in a book. Add some lettering to the page to show where you are. You could even leave a page blank before your other sketches of the city, then come back to it once you have more inspiration of how to sum up the area you stayed.

Create a sensory piece

What can art do that photos can’t? Drawings and paintings can capture the atmosphere of a scene better, and therefore better elicit memories of your sensory responses at the time.

You could even include some of the local produce to colour your drawings. For example, you could crush up a flower petal into a paste to make pigment and paint it on the paper. Or do the same with the local coffee. If you create art with items you find where you travelled, it can strengthen the connection you have to the place.

Draw or paint a self portrait in each location

self portrait sketchbook

This travel sketchbook idea is less about the scene around you, and more about your reaction to it. What did this place make you feel? How has travel changed you?

A self portrait can be a way of representing these emotions. They don’t have to be literal portraits, they could be more abstract or even just a series of colours and shapes that you associate with your travel experience.

Whatever you choose to do, have fun and let your creativity flow!

Visit the national parks

National Parks Travel sketchbook

If you’re touring the US, you could stop off in some of the national parks. Each park has its own distinct topography, flora and fauna. Capture the essence of this in your sketchbook.

Every country has their own national parks and areas of natural beauty. If you visit them, make sure to pack your sketchbook.

Paint a night scene

Cities can look totally different at night, it’s when most cities come alive!

Cafe Terrace at Night

Whether you’re painting your own rendition of Starry Night, or Cafe Terrace at Night, or painting something entirely different. Capture the glow of the street lamps over a cobbled, wine bar lined street in Italy, or the moon over the ocean in Hawaii.

Find the perfect viewpoint

paint a night scene

This might take some trekking! Find a viewpoint that overlooks the city or area you’re staying it. Take some time to make your sketch, capturing the horizon. Equally, you could go and find the best viewpoint of a famous monument in the city. Find more sketchbook ideas in our guide.

Travel sketchbook kit

Now that you’ve got some ideas and know how to approach your travel sketchbook adventure, you need to make sure you have the right supplies!

The sketchbook you choose will depend upon your size requirements as well as the medium you use. If you like to work with water based media, such as watercolour or gouache, make sure to choose a sketchbook with thick pages.

The Stillman & Birn Gamma Archival sketchbook is a high quality book, with 150gsm thick pages that have a smooth vellum finish. Use this book with mixed media, such as pencil, ink, gouache or watercolour. The pages are stitched together, so you can make double page spreads. Stillman & Birn books come in a variety of paper types and sizes, so you can choose the best one for your needs.

If you want more sketchbook recommendations, check out our guide on the best sketchbooks for artists .

Drawing media

A couple of graphite pencils in different softness levels, an eraser and a sharpener is all you really need to start drawing. However, if you want to add colour to your piece, consider taking a set of gouache paints . You don’t need too many supplies for gouache painting , just a brush, a water cup and the paints.

Another way to add a splash of colour to your travel sketches is with coloured pencils . Watercolour pencils are a great option, as they remain dry until activated with water. So they’re easier to transport and less messy to paint with. You could also take oil pencils or pastel pencils to create coloured drawings.

Da Vinci Casaneo Synthetic Squirrel Watercolor Brush - Travel Round, Size 8, Short Handle

If you do decide to take some paints with you, you’ll need some brushes too. Get a watercolour travel brush like this da Vinci Casaneo, which is a synthetic yet soft and absorbent brush that can render excellent details and create wonderful washes.

If you want to see our full review of travel art supplies , check the guide!

Painting en plein air

Painting on location, or en plein air as it’s also called is a big part of keeping a travel sketchbook. It’s the best way to capture a sense of place and the feeling of being there.

When you’re painting outdoors, you need to be quick because the light changes constantly. So it’s good to have a plan before you start painting. First, decide what composition you want to paint. Look for interesting shapes, colours and textures. Then, decide what colours you want to use. Once you have your plan, start painting!

If you want to learn more about painting en plein air, check out our guide here.

Have fun with it!

Your travel sketchbook should be a reflection of your own personal style. So have fun with it! Use bright colors, experiment with different mediums, or even add in photographs.

We hope you enjoyed this travel sketchbook guide and that it’s inspired you to get out there and start sketching!

What are you going to include in your travel sketchbook? Let us know in the comments.

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100+ Inspiring Draw Ideas for Your Sketchbook

Different drawing ideas

Ready to spark your creativity and fill your sketchbook with amazing drawings? This blog post is here to help you unleash your artistic potential by exploring over 100 inspiring draw ideas. You’ll discover unique character designs, breathtaking nature-inspired scenes, mesmerizing abstract patterns, and so much more. Let’s dive in and start creating!

Key Takeaways

Unlock your creativity and explore 100+ inspiring drawing ideas, from superheroes to mythological creatures!

Capture the beauty of nature with majestic landscapes or botanical drawings.

Create captivating visuals with abstract patterns, optical illusions & seasonal holiday art pieces!

Character Drawing Ideas

Character drawing

Characters are the lifeblood of stories and visual narratives, so why not fill your sketchbook with fascinating personalities and creatures? From superheroes and villains to mythological beings and beloved cartoon characters, including the occasional anime character, there’s no shortage of inspiration for your next masterpiece.

Superheroes and Villains

Dracula illustration

Have you considered sketching your own superhero or villain? Seize the opportunity! Delve into the world of comics and movies, allowing your imagination to soar.

Create unique versions of iconic characters like Superman or Spiderman, or even develop your own superhero with a captivating backstory. Handmade Dracula or a reimagined villain from a fairy tale could be the perfect subject to get your creative juices flowing.

Spiderman illustration

Bear in mind, there are no set rules on how to depict these characters. The most important thing is to enjoy the process and let your creativity shine. So, grab your art supplies, and embark on a thrilling journey through the realm of superheroes and villains. Who knows where your imagination will take you?

Mythological Creatures

Unicorn sketch

Artists have consistently found a wealth of inspiration in mythology. Transport yourself to a world of fantastic creatures and legends, and bring them to life in your sketchbook. Draw:

• Manticores

Capture their fascinating and interesting details, along with their unique traits.

Pegasus illustration

Imagine creating a dreamscape with a Pegasus spreading its wings, a companionable dragon assisting you in roasting marshmallows, or a chameleon possessing a magical touch. The possibilities are endless, so let your imagination run free and find inspiration in your favorite fairy tale, favorite song, or real-life experience.

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon mouse drawing

Cartoon characters encapsulate the spirit of childhood like nothing else. Bring your favorite animated personalities to life in your sketchbook!

From the classics to modern favorites, anything goes. Drawing can be a fun activity and also very creative. Try drawing either a realistic mouse or something more abstract like personified mice characters that live in a meadow in their own burrow.

To create a truly memorable cartoon character drawing, follow these steps:

Pay close attention to the original design and the unique features that make them stand out.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques until you achieve the look you desire.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of bringing these beloved characters to life.

Nature-Inspired Easy Drawing Ideas

A Joshua Tree in the middle of a desert

Nature provides an abundant source of inspiration for artists . The world around us is brimming with beauty, from majestic landscapes to captivating animals and stunning botanical scenes.

You can hone your artistic skills while discovering the marvels of the natural world with these easy drawing ideas, each one a unique and simple drawing idea, perfect for those looking for things to draw.

Majestic Landscapes

A mountain landscape

Create landscape drawings that take you to different locales and eras, encapsulating the splendor of the outdoors. From serene mountain vistas to rolling hills and valleys, there’s a world of visual interest waiting to be discovered. Sketch a stunning Rocky Mountain or Appalachian mountain landscape, or focus on the intricate patterns created by intertwining vines and branches.

Experiment with perspective, scale, and composition to create a truly captivating scene. Dare to step outside your comfort zone by experimenting with new materials or techniques. After all, the beauty of art lies in the process of exploration and discovery.

Animals in Action

A drawing of dolphins

Animate your sketchbook with the animal kingdom, depicting the distinct behaviors and characteristics of the creatures you love. Some inspiring subjects to draw include:

• A bear catching fish

• a hummingbird sipping nectar, • a lion roaring, • a dolphin leaping out of the water, • a butterfly fluttering its wings.

There’s no shortage of inspiring subjects to draw from the animal kingdom .

To create a truly dynamic and engaging animal drawing, follow these steps:

Study the movements and expressions of your chosen subject, and strive to capture the essence of their personality.

Practice regularly to improve your skills and technique.

Experiment with different techniques and styles to find your own unique artistic flair.

Aim for a balance of realism and creativity in your drawings.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to keep trying and refining your skills until you achieve the desired result.

Botanical Beauty

An illustration of a garden background

Honor the allure of flora with botanical drawing ideas that highlight the vivid hues, complex details, and fascinating forms of nature. From lush gardens to peaceful forests, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the great outdoors.

Whether you’re drawing a single flower or an entire landscape filled with foliage, take the time to observe the shapes, textures, and patterns that make each plant unique.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your botanical drawings to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Still Life Drawing Ideas

Still life drawing of food illustrations

Still life drawings open a multitude of creative avenues, facilitating the enhancement of your artistic skills as you delve into the beauty of commonplace objects. From food illustrations to household objects and unique arrangements, there’s no shortage of inspiration for your next still life masterpiece.

Food Illustrations

Food drawing ideas of various food items

Indulge your artistic cravings with delectable food illustrations that display the vivid colors, textures, and forms of your preferred meals. From delectable desserts to savory delights , there’s a world of culinary inspiration waiting to be discovered.

Practice your drawing skills by creating detailed illustrations of fruits, vegetables, and other edible delights.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to capture the unique characteristics of each food item, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Household Things to Draw

A drawing of a couch

Hone your observational skills by sketching everyday objects, such as mundane household items. From furniture and appliances to decorative items and personal belongings, there’s a world of inspiration right under your nose. Challenge yourself to capture the unique shapes, textures, and details of each object, and watch your artistic skills grow in the process.

Remember, the key to creating a captivating still life drawing lies in your ability to observe and accurately depict the characteristics of your chosen subject. So, take your time, pay attention to the details, and let your creativity flourish.

Unique Arrangements

An illustration of shells

Infuse a creative spin into your still life drawings by playing around with unusual arrangements and compositions. Whether you’re drawing a collection of vintage trinkets or a whimsical assortment of seashells, the possibilities are endless when you let your imagination run wild.

To create a truly captivating still life drawing, consider the following:

Think about the relationships between the objects

Consider the balance of the composition

Decide on the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your unique arrangement to life

And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Abstract and Geometric Drawing Ideas

Geometric shape drawing

Immerse yourself in the realm of abstraction and geometry with drawing ideas that test your perception and stretch your creative limits. From mesmerizing patterns and designs to mind-bending optical illusions, there’s no limit to the possibilities when you explore the realm of abstract and geometric art.

Abstract Patterns

Abstract shape drawing

Express your inner artist by crafting intriguing abstract patterns that highlight your distinct style and vision. Experiment with different shapes, lines, and colors to create a visually stunning composition that’s truly one-of-a-kind.

Whether you’re drawing a simple doodle or a complex masterpiece, the key to creating a successful abstract pattern lies in your ability to explore new ideas and techniques.

So, don’t be afraid to push your creative boundaries and discover the endless possibilities of abstract art.

Geometric Designs

Geometric shape sketch

Play around with geometric designs to produce visually compelling drawings that extol the aesthetics of order, symmetry, and balance.

From simple shapes and patterns to intricate tessellations and fractals, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of geometry, including the exploration of basic structure.

To create a truly captivating geometric design, think about the relationships between the shapes, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your geometric masterpiece to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Optical Illusions

Optical illusion shape drawing

Test your perception by crafting intriguing optical illusions that arouse curiosity and fire up the imagination. Some examples of optical illusions include:

• Impossible objects

• ambiguous figures, • distorted perspectives, • hidden images.

There’s a world of visual intrigue waiting to be discovered in the realm of optical illusions, much like the mysteries of outer space.

To create a truly captivating optical illusion, think about the relationships between the objects, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey. Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your optical illusion to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Portrait Drawing Ideas

An illustration of emotions

Refine your portrait drawing skills and encapsulate the spirit of your preferred subjects with stimulating drawing ideas. From self-portraits and family members to celebrity icons, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of portraiture.


A drawing of a self portrait

Contemplate your own looks and personality through self-portrait drawing ideas that display your individual style and vision. From realistic depictions to abstract interpretations, there’s no limit to the possibilities when you explore the art of self-portraiture.

To create a truly captivating self-portrait, consider the following drawing tips:

Think about the relationships between the shapes in your composition

Balance the composition to create visual interest

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your self-portrait to life

Friends and Family

Immortalize the spirit of your friends and family with portrait drawing ideas that extol their unique attributes and characteristics. From candid snapshots to formal portraits, there’s a world of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the faces of the people you care about most.

To create a truly captivating portrait, think about the relationships between the shapes, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey. Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your portrait to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Celebrity Portraits

Steve Jobs illustration

Practice your drawing techniques and capture the essence of your favorite celebrities with portrait drawing ideas that celebrate the unique qualities and characteristics of your favorite stars.

From candid snapshots to formal portraits, there’s a world of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the faces of the people who inspire us most.

To create a truly captivating celebrity portrait, think about the relationships between the shapes, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your portrait to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Creative Drawing Prompts

Dreamlike scenes and surreal landscapes in sketchbook

Ignite your imagination with creative drawing prompts that urge you to investigate fresh ideas and concepts. From dreamscapes and time travel to mashup concepts and beyond, there’s no limit to the possibilities when you let your creativity run wild.


An illustration of a natural background

Sketch ethereal scenes and fantastical landscapes in your sketchbook with dreamscape drawing ideas. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Whimsical forests

• enchanted castles, • otherworldly landscapes, • fantastical creatures.

There’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the realm of dreams .

To create a truly captivating dreamscape, consider the following:

Think about the relationships between the objects in your dreamscape

Find a balance in the composition of your dreamscape

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your dreamscape to life

Time Travel

An illustration of a space background

Venture into the realm of time travel with drawing ideas that traverse various periods and places. From ancient civilizations and historical landmarks to futuristic cities and imaginative inventions, there’s a world of inspiration waiting to be discovered when you embark on a journey through time.

To create a truly captivating time travel drawing, think about the relationships between the objects, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your time travel scene to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Mashup Concepts

An illustration of a retro background

Fuse unexpected elements and concepts with mashup drawing ideas that test your perception and extend the limits of your creativity. Some examples of mashup drawing ideas include:

• Whimsical creatures

• surreal landscapes, • imaginative inventions, • abstract patterns.

There’s no limit to the possibilities when you explore the realm of mashups.

To create a truly captivating mashup concept, think about the relationships between the objects, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey. Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your mashup concept to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Typography and Lettering Ideas

Caligraphy exercises

Elevate your typography and lettering abilities with drawing ideas encompassing inspirational quotes, monograms, and calligraphy exercises. From simple letterforms and elegant scripts to bold typography and intricate flourishes, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of text and lettering.

Inspirational Quotes

Adorn your sketchbook with uplifting quotes and motivating messages using a variety of lettering styles. From simple hand-lettering to elegant calligraphy and bold typography, there’s a world of possibilities when you explore the art of text and lettering.

To create a truly captivating quote drawing, consider the following:

Think about the relationships between the objects in the drawing

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your quote to life

Monograms and Logos

Monogram sketch

Craft distinctive monograms and logos to highlight your personal brand or creative persona. From simple letterforms and elegant scripts to bold typography and intricate flourishes, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of text and lettering.

To create a truly captivating monogram or logo, think about the relationships between the objects, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey. Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your monogram or logo to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Calligraphy Practice

Caligraphy practice

Polish your calligraphy skills with refined lettering drawing ideas. Here are some examples:

• Simple letterforms

• elegant scripts, • bold typography, • intricate flourishes.

There’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of text and lettering.

To create a truly captivating calligraphy piece, consider the following:

Think about the relationships between the objects in your composition

Find a balance in the overall composition

Decide on the theme or narrative you’d like to convey

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your calligraphy to life

Seasonal and Holiday Drawing Ideas

Haunted House in shadows

Revel in the changing seasons and holidays with drawing ideas inspired by:

• Winter wonderlands

• spring rejuvenations, • summer beach scenes, • autumn foliage.

From snowy landscapes and festive scenes to blooming flowers and fresh foliage, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of seasonal and holiday art.

Winter Wonderland

An illustration of a winter wonderland background

Seize the enchantment of winter with drawing ideas that include:

• Snowy landscapes

• celebratory scenes, • serene snow-covered forests, • ice-skating ponds, • twinkling christmas lights, • cozy fireside gatherings.

There’s a world of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the realm of winter wonderland art.

To create a truly captivating winter wonderland drawing, think about the relationships between the objects, the balance of the composition, and the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey. Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your winter wonderland to life, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it!

Spring Awakening

Springtime illustration

Greet the advent of spring with drawing ideas motivated by blossoming flowers, fresh leaves, and revitalizing themes. From delicate cherry blossoms and vibrant tulip fields to lush green meadows and enchanting woodland scenes, there’s a wealth of inspiration waiting to be discovered in the world of spring awakening art.

To create a truly captivating spring awakening drawing, consider the following:

Think about the relationships between the objects in your drawing.

Consider the balance of the composition.

Decide on the overall theme or narrative you’d like to convey.

Experiment with different materials and techniques to bring your spring awakening to life.

And most importantly, have fun while you’re at it!

Artist friends holding each other accountable

In conclusion, the world of drawing is vast and filled with endless possibilities. From character designs and nature-inspired scenes to abstract patterns and detailed portraits, there’s no limit to the inspiration you can find and the creative journeys you can embark on. So, grab your sketchbook and art supplies, and let your imagination run wild as you explore the wonders of the artistic world!

Frequently Asked Questions

What to draw 100 ideas.

Spice up your free time by taking up a creative challenge and try drawing one of these 100 inspiring ideas – from race cars to pirate ships, tulips to palm trees, and even space ships and candy boxes! Unleash your inner artist and have fun.

What can my 10-year-old draw?

Encourage your 10 year old to unleash their inner creativity and explore the world of drawing with these fun and easy ideas!

What are some easy drawing ideas for beginners?

Start off your drawing idea journey with simple doodles, basic shapes, and everyday objects - it’s the perfect way to practice and perfect your skills!

How can I improve my drawing skills?

Practice regularly, observe the world around you , experiment with different materials and techniques, and don’t be afraid to try something new - these steps will help you improve your drawing skills.

Are there any specific techniques for creating realistic portraits?

Creating realistic portraits requires sketching out the proportions, fine-tuning the facial features, perfecting shading and blending techniques, and refining the drawing with attention to detail for a realistic finish.

21 Creative Fall Drawing Ideas to Inspire You

Inside you'll find 21 fall drawing ideas for beginners, intermediate, and advanced artists. Even if you feel stuck, there's something for everyone!

Get Inspired: The Ultimate Idea on What to Draw Guide

Need some inspiration for your next drawing? This comprehensive guide has got you covered with a wide range of unique and exciting ideas.

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35+ Travel Sketching Ideas to Overcome Your Creative Blocks

time travel drawing ideas

Photo caption: Your travel sketching adventures can take you from Athens, Georgia to the streets of New York City. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels.

Student sketchbooks may count as one of the most underrated tools that art students have at their disposal for overcoming creative blocks .

Within their pages, students attending any of the art schools in Georgia can try out their must-have drawing supplies for travel sketching and for developing ideas for school art and design projects.

However, students who aren’t used to keeping a sketchbook are sometimes heard lamenting: “I don’t know what to draw!”

At Milan Art Institute, we actually offer students a solution for overcoming creative blocks. As school founder and co-owner, Elli Milan, says: Always have something to paint (or draw).

More specifically, Elli recommends that art students at the Milan Art Institute have at least 20 sources ready to paint or draw at all times. 

Artists who take this advice never wonder what to paint or draw. They always have 20 pieces on the ready.

The MAI one-year professional certificate program, the Mastery Program , teaches students how to create all the painting and drawing sources they’ll need to work as professional artists.

That doesn’t mean, however, that art students who aren’t yet in the Mastery Program are out of luck. 

These aspiring art students can parlay their love of travel sketching into a sketchbook filled with an abundance of drawing and painting prompts. These prompts can inspire visions of amazing works of art that have the power to change them and to change the world.

Drawing Prompts for Your Travel Sketching

The good news is, you don’t even have to travel out of town to fill up your student sketchbooks. Places like Oconee Forest Park delight the senses in the fall. And they’re close by. 

These Athens, Georgia beauty spots are also filled with drawing prompts from the natural world. It’s the perfect place to practice some plein air painting and drawing.

Just a note to the students in our online art classes or who don’t attend a Georgia art school: These drawing prompts should help you fill your student sketchbooks, too, even if you don’t live in Athens. It just requires a bit of ingenuity and tenacity. 

There’s more on that later...

You can also do this exercise in more than one place. For example, start in a national forest or park and then continue the exercise in town or even at the local pumpkin patch. 

We do recommend that you draw anything that catches your eye while you’re out on your travel sketching adventure. The idea behind filling your sketchbooks with images from the natural world is to get you into the habit of really seeing the world around you. 

It’s also important for you to notice the images that tug at your heart strings. These represent the things you care about and are one of the key components to developing your artistic voice. 

If you do this, you’ll overcome your creative blocks and even have an overflow of ideas that you can turn into future art projects. 

However, to help you out in case you’re really stuck, we provide you with a list of prompts for your travel sketching. 

Traveling Sketching: Let’s Go on an Art Scavenger Hunt 

Let’s call this activity an art scavenger hunt to make it even more fun. Basically, we’ve created a list of items you’re likely to find in the fall of the year. 

The more of these items you find, the closer you are to fulfilling the requirements of the art scavenger hunt. 

When you find them, spend a few minutes drawing these items in your student sketchbook. If you want to create a special travel sketchbook or journal to capture the memories of your autumn scavenger hunt in Athens, Georgia, that’s great, too!

Ideally, this exercise will give you so many fall drawing prompt ideas that you eventually fill more than one travel sketch journal. If you do, you’ll never run out of ideas for your class or professional art projects again. 

Autumn Art Scavenger Hunt: Sketchbook Drawing Ideas List

Here’s a list of some suggested fall travel journal prompts for this exercise.

A List of Must-Have Art Supplies for Your Travel Sketching Adventure 

Anyone who attends an art school in Georgia - well, anywhere, really - should have the opportunity to try out a variety of art supplies. Every medium handles differently and produces a different effect. 

Anothing element that makes an artist’s voice unique is the art materials that a particular artist uses. The more you know about your supplies, the better chance you have at developing your voice.

We bring all of this up, because we’d like to recommend a must-have art supplies list for you to take on your adventures in travel sketching. Travel sketching gives you an opportunity to try new supplies in a fun, adventurous kind of way. 

We tapped one of our amazing art coaches and mentors, Esther Franchuk , to get a list of art supplies. Esther’s list includes sketchbook recommendations, as well as drawing materials suggestions. 

  • Hand-book journal co. - WATERCOLOR SQUARE 8.25x8.25
  • Talens Art Creation Sketchbook - Pocket size
  • Paul Rubens Artist Watercolor Paints - Glitter Solid Colors
  • Watercolor White Nights paint set, St.Petersburg, Russia
  • Royal Talens C902 - ArtCreation Gouache set
  • Refillable watercolor brush pens

If you can’t find brands above, just keep in mind that you might generally like to bring along:

  • Pencils, erasers and other dry drawing media
  • Watercolor pencils
  • Colored pencils
  • Watercolor paint brushes
  • Sketchbooks made with watercolor paper
  • Anything that’s easy to use in all kinds of weather
  • Portable chair

One final note about your must-have travel sketching supplies: You may want to experiment with these materials in your student sketchbooks before you go out. 

It’s likely that you’ll gravitate toward some supplies more than others. Knowing what those are allows you to eliminate some of your art materials from your art travel pack. 

This keeps things light. It also reduces the number of supplies you’ll have to carry around with you when you’re out sketching on location. 

If you’re still not certain about what should go into your travel sketchbook or journal, this video that Elli and Dimitra Milan did about drawing and painting on location may help you. 

time travel drawing ideas

Photo caption: A trip to the museum fills your travel sketchbook and gives you a foundation in art history. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.

Art Scavenger Hunt Ideas If You Get Rained Out…

Sometimes, our best efforts get rained or snowed out. That’s okay. The fall art scavenger hunt is adaptable. Some urban sketchers take their travel sketchbooks to coffee shops and sketch the streets outside the windows. 

Really, you can set up your portable art studio in any building that has big windows. You may have to move around a lot if you want to try to get everything on the list into your books. 

(Remember, we also encourage you to find your own sources from the drawing prompts that nature provides for you, so it’s okay to abandon the list above. As long as you’re putting ideas into your sketchbooks, you’re golden.)

Finally, there is a creative alternative that you’ll probably like. 

Art museums are known for their scavenger hunts in some cities. Museum scavenger hunts encourage people to look closely at art, because museum participants are given a list, like the one above. 

As art scavenger hunt players wander through the art museum, they are encouraged to find items on the list in the paintings. 

You as art students can take this one step further by drawing the work of art (or portions of it) you found your scavenger hunt item in. They don’t have to even be full-blown drawings. Small sketches are fine to get you started. 

This activity does a couple of things. First, it allows you to put powerful and inspiring images in your student sketchbooks that can inspire works of art down the road. 

Second, it allows you to get some art history lessons in. Exceptional artists understand their place in art history. The artists that were and are most notable in history are culture warriors and influencers. 

Looking at and sketching these works allows you to peer into their creative processes and adopt a new way of seeing. By immersing yourself in their virtuosity, you subconsciously develop your sense of taste and ultimately improve your art.  

Third, seeing great art elevates your taste levels, which in turn, motivates you to continue to create art that has the potential to change the world.

Many museums allow art students to come in and sketch. However, it’s always best to find out ahead of time if you can come in and sketch. Always be sure to ask permission to bring your art supplies into the museum with you before you set out on your travel sketching trip.

Urban Sketching: Another Variation of Travel Sketching

The general gist of this blog post has concentrated on filling your student sketchbooks with images from the natural world. That said, you are not limited to staying on the hiking trails as you go on your art scavenger hunt. 

Urban sketching, that is drawing on location, often in the city, has increased in popularity of late. 

Here’s what the urban sketchers’ website had to say about the characteristics of urban sketching:

  • It’s done on location and its purpose is to draw from direct observation.
  • Urban sketchers can draw inside or out.
  • Through drawing, urban sketching strives to tell the story of the places people live, where they travel and even about their surroundings closer to home.
  • Each urban sketch captures a moment in time and is a truthful visual account of the scenes that the sketcher witnesses.
  • Artists interested in urban sketching can use any kind of media: Individual drawing styles are celebrated!
  • They share their work online, with the purpose of showing the world, “one drawing at a time.”
  • Urban sketchers draw together and support one another in these efforts. 
  • While you can sketch alone, taking up urban sketching is a great way to sketch on location with other people. If you’re interested in finding a local chapter of urban sketchers, check out the urban sketchers’ chapter finder . Or check out their website to find out if there are any urban sketching workshops near you.

Final Words on Travel Sketching for Art Students

As an art school in Georgia that embraces traditional, as well as modern art techniques, we believe it’s important that art students learn to draw from life. 

One easy way to develop this habit is to fill their student sketchbooks with images from cities, forests and even their own backyard. This practice sharpens art students’ technical skills. 

But more than that, student or travel sketchbooks filled with visual prompts from the forest, the streets of Paris or even the local coffee shop can become stunning works of art down the road. 

These images are powerful ways to help you get motivated and to push your drawing skills to the next level. 

For More Drawing Tips, Check out the Articles and Courses Below:

If you want to learn to draw quickly, check out the Drawing Essentials class or the Beginner Art Program .

How To Draw a Self Portrait

Milan Art Institute

Milan Art Institute

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  • How To Travel Sketch? Tips, Tricks, & Techniques For Beginners

Travel Sketching is not only relaxing and rewarding but also an awesome family activity during travels.

In this blog post learn about what to put in a travel sketch kit, awesome travel sketching techniques for beginners and tricks to encourage kids to begin their journey of travel sketching.

How to Create Your Own Travel Sketchbook

Pausing to see the delicate patterns of lichen on tree trunks in the Nilgiri mountains.

Becoming friends with a 5-year old Vietnamese boy in a village without a word exchanged between us!

Sitting inside a bamboo grove, silently.

Watching a tour guide’s face light up.

Getting authentic local food and travel tips.

Being zen while waiting in airports and stations.

Pausing to see the delicate patterns of lichen on tree trunks in the Nilgiri mountains.Becoming friends with a 5-year old Vietnamese boy in a village without a word exchanged between us!I’ve had all these experiences and many more through travel sketching.I have included step-by-step photos on how to get started with travel sketching #travelsketching #travelsketchingsimple #urbansketchers #travelsketchingindia #travelsketchingtutorial

I’ve had all these experiences and many more through travel sketching.

And, that’s why I love sharing it with others and getting them started on their own sketching journey. Here’s my take on how to get started with travel sketching.

I have included step-by-step photos from a sketching session I did in Sirsi, Karnataka.

things to do in Vietnam like getting a glimpse of sellers selling fruits and vegetables at Mekong Delta at Cai Rang Floating Market a sketch in watercolour

Travel sketching is an awesome family activity. It gets children to observe and remember a travel destination. And of course, you’ll have a unique souvenir for every travel

water Sketch of Imperial Citadel where a couple sits and watches sunset in Vietnam

Travel Sketching slows me down, brings everything into sharp focus, and I lose myself in the moment. Sketching has truly enriched my life. Seema Misra, Tweet

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time travel drawing ideas

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Travel Sketchbook ideas

People often say “I can’t even draw a straight line. Forget about sketching.”

I tell them, “ That’s great. You don’t need to draw straight lines.” There’s no such thing as a born artist. It is all about practice, practice, and more practice. 

Look for inspirations around. If you find your zen moment of producing a sketch on the spot, go ahead sketch it out. If not, look for small collectibles like dry leaves, ticket stubs to paste in your travel sketch book for inspiration to strike you later.

time travel drawing ideas

In the above image, we had hiked up a hill and it was absolutely beautiful and surreal there. There were prayer flags strewn all around. I picked up a few and pasted them in my sketchbook.

Click on Images below to Buy on Amazon

time travel drawing ideas

Putting together a travel sketch kit

A travel sketching kit must be a collection of the basic tools required for making a sketch. Also, I have found having limited supplies encourages me to be creative. Such as, mixing two different mediums.

Here’s what you will need:

  • Black pens with waterproof ink
  • Colour pencils
  • Pencil sharpener

Yes, I’ve deliberately left out the ruler and eraser😊

You could also keep a box of crayons, some watercolor pencils, and a glue stick. If you have smaller children, avoid carrying watercolors. For older children, a small watercolor pan and some water brushes are perfect. Keep it small, simple, and light.

map of Vietnam in water colour

A5 size sketchbooks with thicker paper are a good choice – they fit in everywhere and are not too small for landscapes.

Pro Tip: I like to keep all my art tools in a sling bag. This helps me access my art kit easily.

5 Awesome Tips for Travel Sketching for Beginners

Choosing a subject.

Start with a tiny step – don’t try to draw the entire forest or city around you. Choose a small window of a house, a dry leaf on the ground, or an interesting branch.

Long waits in airports can be used to draw the people, bags, food stalls or simply the announcement boards. You could even draw maps to show the places you visited.

time travel drawing ideas

This is a small town in Sirsi, Karnataka . The blue roofs amid all the browns and reds interested me and I decided to sketch the road.

Outlining in pencil

Draw an outline of the object using a pencil. It does not have to be perfect – if something looks off, draw over it.

Forget if the drawing “appears correct” – the idea is to capture the object in your own style and have fun while doing it.

time travel drawing ideas

Adding in the details using a black pen

Now that you have a basic frame done, add in the details using a pen. Encourage children to add some text to capture the place, date, the sounds around you, or any other details.

You could paste things around your sketch – a ticket stub, a leaf, restaurant bills, bits of pamphlets.

Ask a local to teach you how to write a few words in their dialect on your sketchbook.

time travel drawing ideas

There were some changes from the pencil outline. However, I didn’t erase anything.

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Adding the final touches with colours

Use a mix of different colours to add life to the sketch. If you are in a hurry, colour in the most prominent bit – the red bricks, a green tree, or that yellow dress. This will save some time while capturing the essence of the place.

time travel drawing ideas

You’ll notice I’ve added some blue in the sky which is not there in the photograph. As an artist, you can take liberties while making a travel sketch 😊

time travel drawing ideas

Doing art at home or at school is different than working in a public area.

When I sketch during my travels, people often stop to see what I am drawing and want to talk about it. I remember, when I started travel sketching, I’d worry that my drawing is not good. I felt people passing by were judging me.

Eventually, I stopped worring about all those things. I’d simply draw. And that is when I enjoyed outdoor sketching the most!

So, I’d say be kind to yourself.

Don’t judge what you draw.

Just go with the flow.

time travel drawing ideas

Drawing on different types of paper, like newspapers, can be a lot of fun.

Often the joy is in making the art and not worrying how it turns out! There is no perfect bird … just the one you have drawn. Seema Misra, Tweet

time travel drawing ideas

Travel Sketching – Capturing the Feel of a Place

Marco Bucci shows the Process and gives awesome ideas for sketching places from life. See the video for the art of composition, color, focal point, feel, etc.

Travel sketching for children

Encourage children to draw from their observation. Drawing from observation simply means drawing what you see. And, it is the essence of travel sketching.

Breaking the object into smaller shapes

For example, you are looking at a majestic British building and your daughter is stumped where to start drawing it. Ask, “What does the building look like? Do you see a rectangle with a triangle on top? Do the windows remind you of a shape?

time travel drawing ideas

Have fun with colors and collage. The above sketch always takes me back to the greenery of a tea estate.

time travel drawing ideas

Focus on the process not the outcome

Even if a child fails to colour inside the lines or draws a circle which is more of an oval, it is absolutely fine. Encourage the children to experiment with colours and shapes – give them the tools to draw but don’t tell them what to draw.

water colour depicting a woman inside an underground tunnel well camouflaged

Making sketching fun during travel

Engage with your little story teller and ask her to describe the picture to you. Who knows she might have an interesting tale behind the picture and the colours used. 

Last but not least, don’t forget to complement the little Picasos. It would be great if you could mention specifics, like “Wow, I love the way you have drawn that leaf.”

time travel drawing ideas

Do you find the thought of “Travel Sketch Journal” inspiring? Don’t wait for the next vacation to start travel sketching! Visit a park or museum this weekend, carry some sandwiches and try out your art kit! 

Video on Travel Sketching Tips from Travel Sketchbook

In this video,  Liz Steel  shares lots of travel sketching strategies and tips while going through her sketchbook from her recent trip to New Zealand.


Travel Sketching is not only relaxing and rewarding but also an awesome family activity during travels.In this blog post learn about what to put in a travel sketch kit, awesome travel sketching techniques for beginners and tricks to encourage kids to begin their journey of travel sketching.I have included step-by-step photos on how to get started with travel sketching #travelsketching #travelsketchingsimple #urbansketchers #travelsketchingindia #travelsketchingtutorial

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6 thoughts on “How To Travel Sketch? Tips, Tricks, & Techniques For Beginners”

This one’s a lovely tutorial. My daughter is creative unlike me…haha…and she loves to sketch, paint and play with colors. I’d make her read this. Thank you so much for sharing.

Happy Sketching and happy traveling 🙂

I love this overview of your travel sketching. It’s another creative way to document your travels. You’re so talented! Thanks for the inspiration to start sketching (or at least improve upon my scribbles first).

Wow you are really talented. Travel sketching sounds awesome, but not many have the skills to create such beautiful pieces!

Thanks Sinjanag, this is a blog post and the sketches have been done by Seema Misra 🙂

This is such a lovely idea! I’ve never considered myself good enough to sketch a scene but you’ve broken it down really nicely, thank you 🙂

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An old way to see new: How travel sketching can improve your trips

See the world anew through travel sketching.


When I used to see people out travel sketching or examples from history, I had two responses:

1) That is so cool! and 2) I could never do that.

I was half right.

Travel sketch

Travel sketching is meaningful because you capture a very personal view of what you saw. More importantly, you actually perceive the world around you in a whole new way.

To my second response, let me paraphrase Chef Auguste Gusteau in the film Ratatouille :

Anyone can draw.

You did it as a kid. You can do it again. But you have to try and you have to practice. The good news is that with travel sketching, you get to practice in some pretty remarkable places.

Travel sketch

You just have to take that first step

Awhile back, I completed a trip to China where I practiced travel sketching each day in a travel journal. What got me over the “I can’t draw” hurdle was seeing my son do it and reading Danny Gregory’s, The Illustrated Journey where he profiles various artists and their travel journals. Major inspiration. Plus, when I first picked up one of Gregory’s books, I thought, “Wait a second. His drawings aren’t perfect. And he doesn’t care.” Nope. And neither should you.

Your goal with travel sketching isn’t to render perfect replications of what you see. Your camera can do that. Your goal is to have more fun and experience your trip  in a new way. Here’s how travel sketching can help.

The benefits of travel sketching

Travel sketch

  • You see things better . Much better. You appreciate the details and understand how various elements relate. You discover small visual treasures you’d otherwise miss if you weren’t travel sketching.

Travel illustration

  • You slow down. Travel sketching forces you to stop. And look. And look again. You not only perceive your subject in a new way, you get to know the place better because you experience it over a longer period of time.

time travel drawing ideas

  • You meet people easier . They approach you. Everyone loves to see what you’re drawing. No one cares if it doesn’t look exactly like the scene before you. At least you’re trying. They’re not. You both know it. And that can lead to wonderful conversations.

Travel sketch

  • You get to choose what you draw . I am a rank beginner when it comes to drawing or travel sketching. But it doesn’t matter. I journeyed through China with my son who is a graphic designer and artist. He’d be tackling some complex building or—gasp—a person, and I’d settle for drawing the trash can. It didn’t matter. I liked that trash can. And I knew it wouldn’t be as hard as what Leonardo there was sketching. We both walked away satisfied.


  • You improve other creative areas. I’m a better photographer because of sketching since now I’m more intentional about what I shoot. Plus, I can draw during the bright mid-day hours when the light isn’t as great for photos. I think I write better too because I notice more details.

Sketch of Ruins

  • You experience a place on a deeper level . I now see things I never would have before,  plus I look for things I never would have previously. Every place is now a visual scavenger hunt. I see a completely new dimension of a place as a result. It’s like the artist’s trick of drawing negative space: to draw the chair, for example, draw the empty spaces between the legs and back slats and you’ll actually draw the chair as a result. You begin to see the “negative spaces” of life that before were invisible. And in that is an entire world of wonder.

Palm Tree

  • You learn there is no wrong way. Stop the self-judging. There are no bad drawings. Everything is a chance to practice and learn. Sure, the kangaroo I drew from a photo in the in-flight magazine looks psychopathic. And yes, that large round flower pot I drew in the Suzhou garden looks like a fallen cake. But so what? As an art professor once told my son, “You’ve got 2,000 bad drawings in you that you need to get out.” 1998 to go…

Travel sketch

Not yet convinced?

Here are some other tips, resources for inspiration, drawing ideas and suggestions for how to get started with your own travel sketching.

Christmas tree watercolor

To get started, just start playing with different media. Here I didn’t even sketch the outline first in pencil. I just started painting. Is it great? No. Was it fun? Yes. And that’s what matters.

  • Find a style you like . Maybe one out of ten books I’ve read on drawing work for me. And I can tell by looking at a few pages. Most are too complex or photo-realistic. Others are too fussy. Still others are too messy. You’ve got to be like Goldilocks and find learning resources — books, online courses, websites or even classes — that work for you. Otherwise, I guarantee you want stick with it or likely, even get started.

Watercolor tree

I saw a pin of this image on Pinterest and re-created it. It would be blatant copying except that I am only using it to practice.

Watercolor castles

More recreations, this time from a Matthew Rice book using pencil with watercolor. It’s good to simply enjoy making the sketch and not worry if it is perfect. But it’s also helpful to learn from each one. For example, with the top castle, I really like the building on the right but the one on the left got a little wonky.

German church in pencil and ink

I’ve recently started using ink instead of watercolor since I still can’t make watercolor sketches quite the way I want. Ink reduces the learning to only dealing with shades, not colors

Pen and ink sketch of Wurzburg, Germany

Here’s a very different style using pen and ink instead of pencil and ink. I think I like pencil better, but I still have a lot of practice ahead of me before I figure out my preferred style. So why not try both?

  • Find resources that fit your needs . Just like finding a style you like, finding the right learning resources is a matter of evaluating a lot and choosing a very few. Start online with courses or tutorials. Or go to the library and look through all the options there. But you’ll know you’ve found the right one when it inspires you to want to try. If it doesn’t, keep looking. Here are some that have worked for me:

German town in ink

This is typical of the majority of my travel sketches where I make it quickly in ink alone, not worrying about so-called mistakes. As one artist put it, they aren’t mistakes. They are evidence of your personal style!

Small people watercolor

Sketches don’t have to be big to be enjoyable. I re-created these little people from a book on watercolors but now, I can make similar ones from real people because I understand the technique.

  • Art Before Breakfast – While focused on being more creative, the emphasis here is on getting started doing daily drawing by providing drawing ideas and other creative activities you try so you form the habit sketching or doing something creative every day.
  • The Creative License which teaches you how to be more creative in anything.

Fall leaves watercolor

One thing I learned from Danny Gregory is that you’re never without subjects. A trip around the block will reveal all kinds of things to sketch.

  • Keys to Drawing — It’s over two decades old but still one of the best for providing drawing ideas, getting started and progressing.
  • Drawing with the Imagination —This is great if you want to learn to draw on your own without a subject before you. I’d start with Keys to Drawing first and then progress to this book. But check this one out just for the inspiration.

Betty Edwards in pencil

Anything can be a source of a practice drawing, even a photo of Betty Edwards on the back of her book. This is one of the few times I took more time to draw something more detailed in pencil.

  • Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
  • Explorers’ Sketchbooks 
  • The Sea Journal: Seafarers’ Sketchbooks  

Baby Yoda and Copenhagen

If you’re making your travel sketchbook just for you, you can fill in blank (or smudged) areas even after a trip with, I don’t know, maybe Baby Yoda? As long as you date each entry, it doesn’t really matter the order of them.

You can see other examples and resources in my article on travel journals .

Stacked rocks

Sometimes you sketch things over and over just to understand what you’re doing. After that, your practice is both more fun and productive.

And in case you’re wondering about the sketches shown above, the older ones up to the “Not yet convinced?” section come either from the Smithsonian’s recent release of over 2.8 million images to the public domain or the New York Public Library’s digital collection which is also in the public domain. Both are great resources for old images. The newer ones are all mine just to show that anyone can do this.

Need more inspiration?

Here are some wonderful examples I’ve come across of different styles and approaches for your inspiration.

Why sketch a city you see when you can just make up your own ?

You can draw whatever you love. Especially food.

This will expand your perspective on using the medium of pastel.

Here’s a good overview of some specific sketchbook tips.

Finally, here’s a wealth of various travel sketchbook examples on a few different Pinterest boards. With Pinterest, it helps to search by boards because then you can get a sense of people who have similar taste to you. Or you can just search on pins and see a wider variety. These are four boards I enjoy (click on the image to go to the board), but your taste may differ, so go hunt down some boards that inspire you:

Pinterest screen shot

Wow! Fascinating read, and actually quite encouraging to those of us who are artistically-challenged to give it a whirl!

' src=

Thanks, Rick. I’m glad it is encouraging. I was going to say I expect to see some masterpieces from you. But that would defeat the point of this post. So how about this: I expect to see some great efforts soon.


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time travel drawing ideas


How to Create Your Own Travel Sketchbook

Set down the camera, pick up a paintbrush, and create lasting memories.

I’ve been sketching my way around the world for five years now, and I can safely say the practice has forever changed me as a traveler. I love how my sketchbook slows me down, throws all of my senses wide open, and paves the way to spontaneous encounters with locals and fellow visitors alike.

So, in the hopes of convincing more travelers to embrace the paintbrush and sketch pad as a way to be wholly present while they explore the world—and to record their unique experience of a new place—I’m offering my take on how to get started.

Establishing your sketching style is an evolution—but, as is always the case with travel, the journey can be as much of a delight as the destination. The following steps are ones I’ve found work for me, and to help illustrate each stage of the process, I’ve included step-by-step photos from a sketching session in the Costa Brava region of Spain.

Illustration by Candace Rardon

Colorful doors in Costa Brava, Spain. (Photograph by Candace Rardon)

1. Choose a subject.

Let your natural interests and curiosity be your compass as you begin sketching in a new place. When it comes to deciding on a subject, think about what you already tend to home in on when you travel. Perhaps you love photographing streetscapes or capturing what you eat for breakfast. Start there.

2. Lay the scene out with pencil.

I begin every sketch in pencil, as I’m developing an overall sense of the scene. This is my chance to ask, What’s going on here? What is it about this scene that’s speaking to me? Sometimes I’ll sketch out what I see and realize I haven’t got the perspective quite right. It’s nice having the option to erase and start over again.

Illustration by Candace Rardon

3. Fill in the details with pen.

It’s impossible to capture everything you see in a sketch, so I like thinking of each detail as a decision. To include or not to include? That is the question. My style has developed so that my line work is carefully drawn, but you might find that a looser style helps you better express your impressions of a place.

At this stage in the process, I also enjoy writing annotations on the sketch—short notes about what I’m hearing, smelling, or tasting, maybe snippets of a conversation I’ve overheard, or even more personal impressions of how I’m feeling that day.

Illustration by Candace Rardon

4. Bring it to life with color.

At this point, it’s all about having fun—after concentrating for an hour or two on drawing, my brain always welcomes the chance to change speeds. Whether you’re using markers, colored pencils, or watercolors, each medium offers its own adventure.

Ideally, I’ll complete a sketch while on location. Staying immersed in the process from start to finish helps me tell the story of that scene as it unfolded during my experience.

When that’s not possible—daylight has run out, it started raining, or there’s somewhere else I need to be—I’ll photograph my vantage point and use it to finish the sketch at a later time.

5. Be open to serendipity.

Traveling with a sketchbook has not only influenced how I see the world, but also how I interact and connect with other cultures.

When I’m sketching, I try to be aware of the people moving around me. If I sense someone peering over my shoulder, I’ll often look up, say hello, and try to strike up a conversation with them.

For example, at the end of this particular sketching session in Spain, a man and a woman came came through the red door that I’d included in my drawing. The man asked me what I was painting.

After I showed them my sketch, the couple offered me a seat, introduced themselves as Joan and Nuria, and told me they had owned the one-room casa particular (holiday cottage) hidden behind the red door for the past 25 years. We spoke for more than half an hour, and the insights they shared about the history and culture of Costa Brava added unexpected layers to my understanding of the region.

The encounter was a perfect metaphor for what it is I’ve come to value most about sketching.

When we travel, each new place starts out as a closed door. The goal is to find our own key for unlocking it, whether it’s through sampling the local cuisine, communing with nature, or photographing street art.

My sketchbook has become that key for me—just like the brass key Nuria and Joan used to open their casa particular. I encourage you to tuck a sketchpad in your suitcase when you’re packing for your next trip…and see what doors it might open for you.

Illustration by Candace Rardon

Nuts and Bolts: Supplies

When I first started sketching, I brought just three things with me—a sketchbook, drawing pen, and watercolor pencils. After someone gave me a Winsor & Newton watercolor field kit , I began my foray into watercolors. My advice is to start small and simple, and slowly build the number of supplies you carry with you.

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Pencils: I start every sketch with a pencil outline, and most frequently use Derwent sketching pencils with a hardness of HB.

Eraser: After I finish tracing my initial outline with pen, I erase the pencil lines to give the sketch a clean look. My favorites: extra soft vinyl erasers.

Drawing pens: I’ve experimented with several brands over the years, from Pigma Micron to Staedtler to Prismacolor, but finally settled on Faber-Castell’s PITT artist pens with an extra fine nib. Look for ink that is waterproof, lightfast, and acid-free.

Watercolors: My first field kit was from Winsor & Newton’s line of affordable Cotman paints , but I’ve since upgraded to the Professional Water Colour Compact Set . Both are light and easy to travel with, hardly bigger in size than a smartphone.

Brushes: I travel with three brushes: two Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolor round brushes (sizes 2 and 4), and my go-to, a synthetic squirrel hair brush by Mimik (round, size 6). I use the Mimik brush most of the time, and the two smaller Cotman brushes for more intricate details or lettering.

Sketchbook: Standard drawing paper has a weight of about 130 grams per square meter (gsm), but applying watercolors can cause the paper to buckle. A good weight for watercolor paper starts at 200-300 gsm, so keep an eye out for this when you’re sketchbook shopping. In terms of brands, the one I’ve come to use regularly is Canson, specifically their line of Montval watercolor pads, which comes in several travel-friendly sizes.

Water container: Though I’ve often used a bottle cap in a pinch (or asked for an extra to-go cup if I happen to be sketching in a café), I now carry a plastic water container with me on the road.

Bag: Lastly, I store everything but my sketchbooks and water container in a small canvas pouch, which is easy to keep in my backpack when I’m traveling and ensures I’m always ready should inspiration strike.

Candace Rose Rardon is a writer and sketch artist with a passion for storytelling. She recently released her first book of travel sketches, Beneath the Lantern’s Glow . Follow Candace on her blog, The Great Affair , on Twitter @candacerardon , and on Instagram @candaceroserardon .

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Travel Sketching: Tips for Keeping an Art Journal

time travel drawing ideas

From 2015 to 2018, Ivan Chow made trips to and around Istanbul, Turkey, sketching many scenes along the way. In this excerpt from his upcoming book, “ Travel Sketching: Drawing Insights from Istanbul ,” he shares one of his favorite formats for drawing on location.


Travel sketching, an ancestor of sorts to Instagram, has changed the way I observe the world. I have discovered that the act and art of converting visual observation into graphic representation has far surpassed the benefits afforded by digital photography. What I have learned and enjoyed from the practice of travel sketching has enriched my travel experiences as well as deepened my appreciation of different cultures and peoples.

time travel drawing ideas

A Fresh Approach to Travel Sketching

One of the most invigorating formats for travel sketching is one I have recently become more intentional about, and which has been received with a great deal of enthusiasm, especially when posted on social media in audio-visual form. On platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, posts of travel photos depicting scenes or people accompanied by captions attempting to describe said experiences are fairly typical. Posting travel sketches, however, is still unique and arguably more interesting. Adding written captions or commentary makes this approach of sharing travel experiences even richer and more memorable.

Enter the travel art journal. While not necessarily a new genre or form of expression, it has become for me a fresh approach to sharing experiences in an otherwise digitally saturated world. A travel art journal has the potential to transform travel sketching into a unique mode of expression, combining drawing with handwriting and composition to create a new “voice.” My forays into developing art journal sequences have been thoroughly rewarding, as I can combine my drawing skills with an interest in writing to communicate much more than either discipline can on its own. That’s probably why comic books and graphic novels have such appeal and why skillful cartooning can be so influential.

A travel art journal can be formatted in as many ways as there are personalities. My favorite format is an A5 size journal (about 5.5” x 8.5”), either in landscape or portrait mode, with sufficiently thick paper to stand up to waterproof ink lines and light washes. (80 lb. minimum, 140 lb. preferred) As with sketchbooks, an elastic closure strap and inside back cover pocket can be helpful. In addition to the usual array of tools I might have on hand for travel sketching, I would add a few choice writing instruments, such as a chisel-nib calligraphy pen or fountain pen.

time travel drawing ideas

As the name implies, a journal is a regular log of activities and events that occur roughly in chronological order. A travel journal might memorialize the daily travel schedule, places visited, people met, cuisine enjoyed, and souvenirs acquired. A travel art journal adds the element of artwork in the form of sketches, doodles, graphic illustrations, even glued-on collages using torn excerpts from brochures, tickets, receipts, and labels. I have found this last exercise quite a satisfying way of closing out a busy day of touring.

Travel-art journal entries are unique compositional challenges. In its simplest form, each page might contain a few sketch vignettes describing the activities of the day. Arranging the sketches on the page may require some foresight, consideration of the size, scope, and subject of each vignette and how they might tell the story of the day. Each entry becomes a graphic design exercise involving the layout of sketches, diagrams, titles, and text.

time travel drawing ideas

The addition of handwritten text to a composition of sketches is both an enriching enhancement and a potentially stressful endeavor. It is enriching because it adds information, flavor, and specificity to a sketch. Potentially stressful because, unlike the editability afforded by computer software programs, each phrase or caption needs to be somewhat thought through and composed before being physically written within the space available.

I love to write by hand and am constantly experimenting with different writing instruments with different tips, nibs, and inks. It’s almost an obsession with me, and I am easily disappointed when my writing falters. Having said that, I highly enjoy narrow, flat-nosed calligraphy pens for travel art journaling, especially used in a generally cursive lettering style. However, most fountain pen type writing instruments with reservoirs have no tolerance for waterproof ink, which tends to clog the fins and feed tubes. This often leaves me with little choice but to use the waterproof ink felt-tipped pens I used to sketch with for lettering as well. A real calligraphic treat is to use Speedball dip nibs with bottled India ink, although both have proven not to travel well.

time travel drawing ideas

This summertime sketch of the renowned Taksim Square (above) was completed in one sitting but from multiple positions. I had begun sketching seated on the pavement in front of the Taksim Mosque facing the square. Within 10 minutes, the local constabulary approached, ordering me to move. I continued the sketch while standing about 50 feet to one side, which required walking to and from my original position for reference, and back to the “safe zone” to continue sketching, clutching my watercolor kit and sketchbook in one hand, pages flapping in the breeze; brush in the other hand, pinky finger trying to hold down the page.

I ended up crossing the street into the square proper and finishing the 45-minute sketch seated on a low rail around the Republic Monument. Even under these conditions, I was pleased by how the sketch reflected the windy conditions, the movement of people and the “life” of this symbolic gathering place.

time travel drawing ideas

This interior sketch (above) was made while standing within the cavernous expanse of a 1,500 year-old Byzantine monument to Ottoman architecture and culture. The contrast from the warmth and bustle of the exterior to the hushed coolness of the inside almost mandated reverence.

This is where my Winsor & Newton professional watercolor travel kit came in handy, albeit restrictive. Being able to clutch both watercolor kit and sketchbook in one hand is a cultivated skill and immensely useful for situations like this. It was important to limit the scope of the sketches knowing that I would likely not be able to stand in place for much longer than 20 minutes at a time.

time travel drawing ideas

Do you keep a travel sketchbook or art journal? Tell us about it in the comments below!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ivan Chow is an architect, author and award-winning artist. He was born in England, grew up in Southeast Asia, and has worked in the United States and around the world as an architect, educator and artist for almost four decades. He has practiced in design firms of various sizes; managed a private real estate company; worked in academia as a department chair and dean; and served as artist-in-residence at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. He has degrees in architecture from Harvard and Berkeley and a degree in theological studies from Gordon Conwell.

Facebook: @ivanchowsketches Instagram @qkkdraw

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Your lines are lovely! I carry a 6×8 WC book and fine line pens as well as a travel WC set. A film can (remember those?) half filled with water is all I need to complete hasty or slow drawings and paintings wherever I go. In a ziplock, it fits under a car seat or in an airplane carryon. The water is small enough to pass security. Thanks for posting your images. I consider my pages suitable to be Urbansketches.

Hello Kath, please excuse my 5-month tardiness in replying, but I very much appreciate your comment. I still have a couple of film cans around! Have you tried posting on Instagram? (I am @qkkdraw) I learn so much from following other artists around the world.

I love travel sketching! I use the same size book you do, and I’ve found Lamy Safari sketching fountain pens to work wonderfully with waterproof ink. I have a small (Altoids tin) travel palette, and often use a water brush to add a little paint to a small ink sketch.

Leslie, I’m only now realizing there were comments to this September 2020 article! Sorry about the delay in response. The Altoids tine palette is such a good idea. Although I have a handful of water brushes, I tend to get annoyed and how the colors get muddles when I forget to rinse properly.

I have 2 types of travel journals. The first is done strictly with sepia Micron Pigma pens in a Moleskine journal. I do line drawings on the spot, or later in my hotel room from photos on my phone. I annotate the day with text. These pages allow me to look back and remember details of my trip. The second book is done strictly with watercolor. I use a Moleskine or HandBook watercolor journal. These paintings are always done plein air and without text. I love keeping travel journals and they have become treasured keepsakes.

Hi Marian, thanks for your comment; my response is unforgivably tardy, but hopefully still relevant. Interesting idea to keep two travel journals concurrent; I never thought of doing that. Makes sense though – almost like mood-based entries. I’ll try that on my next trip, assuming Covid gets dampened(!)

I started travel journal sketching on a 3 week trip through England. London, to western most area near Penzance and with to the Lizard. Then up to Bath, followed by a week in the Lake District. Now, I take it whenever we travel — though there’s been damn little of that lately!

KL, sorry about this delayed response. I really miss traveling; we used to make any excuse to visit our family all around the US and internationally but now stuck looking at the world through a laptop… I spent some time in the Lake District decades ago, before I took up travel sketching, and aim to go back some day armed with my weapons of art!

I have notebooks that I kept while serving in Germany where I sketched various church steeples as I took various bus tours. Every two weeks tours after joining reserves, I sketched and took photos

Hi Dixie. Thanks for sharing and please excuse my tardy response. Have you posted your steeple sketches on FB or IG! I learn so much from following what other urban sketchers are doing.

Ivan thanks for sharing the details. I have several different sketch books but need to start using one and go through it day by day . I usually try to sit down so I can put my watercolor pallet on the ground and bring a spritz bottle to keep them wet.

Hi Bruce, thanks for your response; there are no excuses for my super tardy one. The thing about these plein air experiences is that every one seems to be accompanied by lasting memories: the sounds, smells, hapticity of the moment. And the need to come up with inventive ways of setting the right ambience for each little sketch can be such an annoying yet rewarding travel experience.

Hi Ivan, great sketches and tips. I’ve kept illustrated travelogues and journals for a few decades now. Smaller sizes work best for me. It keeps the sketching from being too detailed, they are quick and leave just enough space for minor remarks. They are also discrete cause I don’t like to make a show. Check out my IG-feed @ivanseymus or visit my portfolio on . Good luck and take care! Ivan (yes, that’s my name too!)

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Rock Painting Guide

150 Cool Summer Drawing Ideas For All Ages (Free Download)

Discover 150 easy summer drawing ideas perfect for beginners and kids to stay creatively engaged this summer break.

Explore themes from summer travel to nature doodles , perfect for those long summer days.

Make a splash with our beach theme doodles or dive into our sea creature doodles , complete with seashells drawing ideas .

Beat the heat with our ice cream doodles and cool flamingos too. These camping drawing ideas are perfect for your next camping trip.

You will find our awesome list of art supplies, handy drawing tips, and even a cool free printable to grab these cool summer drawing ideas!

summer drawing ideas

Summer Sunset Drawing ideas

Before jumping into some fun and easy drawing ideas, let’s cover some beginner basics.

I’ll go over my personal favorite art supplies for sketching and some helpful beginner sketching tips to bring your summer theme creations to life!

My Favorite Art Supplies

Here are the art supplies I always keep handy:

  • Pencils : Use pencils with various lead hardness (HB, 2B, 4B) for sketching and shading.
  • Erasers : An eraser is essential for correcting mistakes and making changes to your drawings.
  • Ink Pens : Add precision and contrast to your work with professional ink pens, great for details and line work.
  • Charcoal Pencils : Charcoal can be a fun and expressive medium for more dramatic summer scenes, offering a wide tonal range.
  • Markers : Use markers with different tip sizes (fine, medium, broad) for bold and vibrant colors.
  • Colored pencils : These are perfect for adding details and shading in your drawings.
  • Watercolor paints : Add some color to your drawings and create beautiful washes of color or blend them together to create unique shades.
  • Acrylic paints : These paints are perfect for creating bold and vibrant colors on paper or canvas.
  • Paintbrushes : Use different sizes of paintbrushes to add details, create texture, and blend colors.
  • Sketchbook or drawing paper: Choose a sketchbook with thick, acid-free paper that can withstand various mediums or use individual sheets of high-quality drawing paper.

Now that we have our supplies ready, here are some tips that can help you make the most out of your summer drawing adventures.

Drawing Tips for Beginners

Drawing is an inclusive activity, and there’s no better time to start than now. Here’s how to get going:

  • Focus on Shapes: Break down complex objects into simple shapes — circles, ovals, squares — to make drawing them less intimidating.
  • Explore Composition: Don’t place your subject at the center of the page. Experiment with the Rule of Thirds or leading lines to add interest to your composition.
  • Play with Shading: Shading adds dimension. Practice casting shadows and observing where light hits your subject to make it look three-dimensional.
  • Experiment with Color: Summer time is all about vibrant colors. Don’t shy away from using bold, bright hues in your sketches.
  • Enjoy the Process: Don’t focus solely on the result; enjoy the process of creating. Each stroke is a step in your artistic growth.

Now that you’re equipped with some helpful drawing tips and tools, it’s time to explore my list of 150 summer drawing ideas that’s perfect for the lazy days of summer!

150 Summer Drawing Ideas

camping theme doodles

Camping Doodles

Over ten easy camping doodles to help kick start your imagination. From an easy camping under the stars scene to cooking a meal over a campfire.

summer time beach drawing ideas

Beach Theme Doodles

Let’s go to the beach! With these beach themed doodles, you can stay cool while creating. Draw a beach ball, palm trees or even a pair of flip flops with your favorite summer colors.

time travel drawing ideas

Sea Creature Drawing Ideas

Take a deep dive into our sea creature doodles and draw some of the most amazing animals in the ocean. From cute dolphins to fascinating jellyfish, there’s no limit to what you can create.

summer fruit doodles

Summer Fruit Doodles

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy some juicy fruits like pineapple, watermelon, and strawberries. Why not draw them too? Add some fun patterns or designs to make them even more unique.

flower drawing ideas

Summer Blooms

Summer is full of beautiful flowers, from blooming sunflowers to tropical hibiscus. Get inspired by nature and create your own floral masterpiece.

father's day doodles

Father’s day Drawing Ideas

Make dad something special for Father’s Day this year. Here are some fun ideas to draw a special handmade card or even paint it on a stone as a gift!

ice cream doodles

Ice Cream Doodles

Nothing screams summer like a sweet treat! Draw different types of ice cream, from classic cones to even a sweet ice cream truck. Don’t forget the sprinkles!

flamingo drawing ideas

Flamingo Drawing Ideas

These pink birds are a symbol of summer and tropical getaways. Draw them in their natural habitat or add some extra flair as pink neon sign idea or a cool pug lounging in a flamingo raft.

summer travel

Summer Travel Doodles

Going on a road trip or flying to your favorite vacation spot? Draw some travel-themed doodles like a suitcase, plane, or even a map of your journey.

beach sea shells doodles

Seashell Drawing Ideas

This list of fun summer drawing ideas wouldn’t be complete without beach sea shells. Get inspired by the textures and shapes of different shells and create your own unique designs.

summer gnomes drawing ideas

Summer Gnomes Drawing IDeas

These gnomes are having a blast this summer! Draw them lounging on a pool float, enjoying some watermelon, or even celebrating 4th of July.

time travel drawing ideas

4th of July Drawing Ideas

These cool party animals are having a blast this summer! Draw them having a pool party, surfing, or even skateboarding.

ocean waves doodles

Ocean Wave Doodles

Capture the beauty and power of ocean waves with these doodle ideas. Draw them crashing against rocks or create a serene sunset backdrop.

summer animal doodles

Summertime Fun Doodles

Spend your summer doing what you love and draw some of your favorite hobbies. From reading books to playing sports, there’s no limit to the things you can create.

time travel drawing ideas

Capture the beauty of summer sunsets and beach scenes with these drawing ideas. From vibrant skies to peaceful beach scenes, let your imagination run wild.

Download These Summer Drawing Ideas

freebie optin

Download these simple drawing ideas for a quick reference guide. For more fun printables, shop our Printable Shop for free and paid coloring pages and printables!

Fun Summer Craft Ideas

  • Beach Painted Rocks
  • Fun in the Sun Rock Painting Ideas
  • 50+ Ladybug Painted Rock Ideas
  • Ocean Resin Pour Craft

I hope you enjoy this list of 150 Summer drawing ideas. Why not keep the fun going?

Summer is the best time to explore more enjoyable craft projects. From making cool art for Father’s Day to creating fun 4th of July crafts, the possibilities are endless.

So go ahead, have fun and be creativity this summer! Stay tuned for more exciting ideas from our the Rock Painting Guide. Happy drawing!

time travel drawing ideas

Holiday Savings

time travel drawing ideas


Past, present, paradox: writing about time travel, crafting a believable time travel story requires careful consideration of the logic at play. let's crack the temporal code on traveling through time in fiction.

Graphic depicting time in three-dimensional space.

Table of Contents

time travel drawing ideas

Time travel in fiction can open your story to infinite possibilities. Ever wondered what it would be like if somebody taught the Romans how to make a nuclear bomb? Do you need to retcon an event in your story? Time travel!

It may seem simple for your time-traveling characters to hop in Tony’s Terrific Temporal Transport and whiz through time, but there are many hurdles to overcome when writing about time travel.

Chief among these is dealing with time travel paradoxes, so let’s look at those, discuss how you can write convincing time travel stories, and explore how some popular stories handle it.

The Problem With Time Travel

Consider an ordinary day in your life. It follows a sequence of events where one thing leads to another. This is called causality , the concept that everything that happens results from events that happened before it. The problem with time travel in fiction, especially travel to the past, is that it often breaks the rules of causality.

Triumphant swan with fractal rippling effect.

This can lead to time travel paradoxes and unforeseen results , including:

  • Continuity paradoxes: The act of time travel renders itself impossible.
  • Closed causal loop paradoxes: Traveling to the past creates a condition where an idea, object, or person has no identifiable origin and exists in a closed loop in time that repeats infinitely.
  • The butterfly effect: Even the smallest action can have massive consequences.

With all that in mind, let’s embark on a journey through time and explore these further!

Grandfather Paradox

This thought experiment posits the idea of somebody traveling back in time and killing their grandfather before their parents were born. Because the grandfather never has children, the time traveler—his grandchild—cannot exist.

However, if the time traveler never existed, they couldn’t kill their grandfather, so he would go on to have children and grandchildren. One of those grandchildren is the time traveler, though, who might go back in time and kill their grandfather. If that seems confusing, it’s okay—it’s supposed to be.

The bottom line is that if somebody travels to the past and changes something that prevents them from ever traveling to the past, they have broken the timeline's continuity.

Polchinski’s Paradox

American theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski removed human intervention from the time travel equation.

Imagine a billiard ball travels into a wormhole, tunnels through time in a closed loop, and emerges from the same wormhole just in time to knock its past self away.

Doing so prevents it from ever entering the wormhole and traveling through time, to begin with. However, if it does not travel back in time, it cannot emerge to knock itself out of the way, giving it a clear path to travel back in time.

Bootstrap Paradox

The Bootstrap Paradox is the first closed causal loop paradox we will explore. This presents a situation where an object, idea, or person traveling to the past creates the conditions for their existence, leading to it having no identifiable origin in the timeline.

Imagine sending the schematics for your time machine to your past self, from which you create a time machine. Where did the knowledge of how to create the time machine begin?

Predestination Paradox

The most nihilistic of paradoxes explores the idea that nothing we do matters, no matter what. Events are predetermined to still occur regardless of when and where you travel in time.

Suppose you time travel to the past to talk Alexander the Great out of invading Persia, but he hadn’t even considered this until you mentioned it. By traveling to the past to prevent Alexander’s conquest, you caused it.

Butterfly Effec t

Less of a paradox and more an exploration of unintended consequences, the butterfly effect explores the idea that any action can have sweeping repercussions, no matter how small.

In the 1960s, meteorologist Edward Lorenz discovered that adding tiny changes to computer-based meteorological models resulted in unpredictable changes far from the origin point. In traveling back in time, we don’t know what effect even minor changes might have on the timeline.

How to Write Convincing Time Travel Stories

Time travel can be pretty complex at the best of times, but that doesn't mean writing about it has to be a challenge. Here are a few practical tips to craft narratives that crack the temporal code.

Miniature woman looks amazed at life-sized pocket watch.

Ask Yourself, "Why Time Travel?"

If your story has time travel, to begin with, it likely plays a pretty significant role in the narrative. Define the purpose that time travel has in your story by asking yourself questions like:

  • How and why is time travel possible in your setting?
  • What does it mean for your story and your characters?
  • What are your characters meant to use time travel for?
  • Is the actual practice of time travel different from its intent?

If you can't be clear about time travel's purpose in your story, how can you convincingly write about it? To get crafty with time, you first need to master its relevant mechanics.

Keep a Record of Everything

You're asking your reader to potentially make several mental leaps when time travel is involved in a story, so it's imperative to have all of your details sorted. Do the work of planning out dates and events ahead of time by creating a time map for yourself—like a mindmap, but for a timeline.

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You'll be able to keep a birds-eye view of the narrative at all times, be more strategic about moving the order of events around, and ensure that you never miss a detail. You may even want to have multiple versions—a strictly linear timeline and a more loosely structured time map where you draw connections between events and in the order they appear in the narrative.

In Campfire, you can do both with the Timeline Module —create as many Timelines as you want by using the Page feature in the element. You can also connect your Timeline(s) to a custom calendar from the Calendar Module for extra fun with time wonkiness in your world.

If a new idea pops up while writing, don't stress! You'll have your handy time map already laid out so you can easily see if a new scene or chapter makes sense, as well as where it will best fit into the narrative.

Never Forget Causality

I mentioned this concept earlier in the article, but it should be reiterated: The most important rule of time travel is that every action results in a consequence. Remember cause and effect : an action is taken (your character time travels to the past), and causes an effect, the consequence (the timeline is forever changed).

"Consequence" doesn't have to be a negative thing, either, even though the word has that connotation. The resulting consequence of a given action could be a positive effect, too.

Regardless, seek to maintain causality so you don't confuse your readers (or yourself, for that matter). Establishing clear rules for how time travel works in your setting and sticking to them will help you keep your time logic consistent and avoid running into narrative dead ends or plot holes.

Tips & Tricks For the Time-Traveling Author

Now that we’ve examined several obstacles you can encounter when writing about time travel, let’s see how you can either avoid them or exploit them. That’s right! Even time travel paradoxes present opportunities for superb storytelling.

Man in surreal scene with wooden sign post pointing in three directions: past, present, and future.

Focus on the Future

Fortunately, all the named paradoxes here involve the past, so the easy way to avoid them is to not go there! Thanks to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, you don’t even have to invent a clever way to travel instead to the future.

An aspect of Einstein's theory is time dilation , in which the faster an object moves through space, the slower it moves through time. With this, you need only zip around at near the speed of light for a few weeks or months, and when you come back to Earth, years or centuries will have gone by.

Create a Multiverse

A popular trope in science fiction today, and a theory gaining popularity among theoretical quantum physicists, is the multiverse concept. According to multiverse theory, whenever an event occurs, every possible outcome of the event happens simultaneously, splitting the universe into parallels that each contain differing outcomes.

Since all these realities exist, perhaps changing the past is simply a way for time travelers to travel between realities, shifting their perspective to a timeline where things occurred differently than in their original reality.

Get Creative With Consequences

Instead of avoiding paradoxes, maybe you want them to occur. Leading to some fascinating stories, this can be approached in a variety of ways. Perhaps you want to examine the unintended consequences of the butterfly effect, create a time-traveling police force that enforces the laws of time travel, or simply break time itself and revel in the chaos that ensues.

Just be sure to remember the action-consequence rule and keep your timeline handy for easy reference—especially if you're toying around with multiple timelines!

Best Time Travel Stories

What follows are what I think are some of the best time travel stories. As you will see, the first two fall victim to time travel paradoxes, while the other two do a great job of exploring various elements we’ve discussed.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The corporation Cyberdyne Systems has remnants of the Terminator from the first movie, which they use to create an artificial intelligence system called Skynet. Skynet then actually creates the terminators and sends one back in time. Thus, it gives humanity the technology to create itself in a classic example of a bootstrap paradox.

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Back to the Future

In this film, Marty McFly travels to the past and inadvertently interrupts the event where his parents first meet. This causes a chain of events where Marty’s parents never get married and have children, threatening to erase Marty and his siblings from the timeline.

Some argue that the McFly offspring ceasing to exist is a great exploration of the consequences of time travel. However, they would never have been at risk had Marty not been in the past to impede their parents’ romance. And if he ceases to exist, he’ll never go back and get in the way, thus creating a grandfather paradox.

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War of the Twins

In this second volume of the Dragonlance Legends trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, the mage Raistlin Majere travels into the past, kills a wizard named Fistandantilus in a battle for power, and assumes his identity. Throughout the book, Raistlin unwittingly follows the historical fate of Fistandantilus, in a wonderful exploration of the predestination paradox.

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It’s hard to talk about time travel in fiction these days without mentioning Loki. The show explores two suggestions from my list above: the multiverse and policing the timeline. In this series, varying outcomes of events lead to branching timelines, creating a multiverse of possibilities. However, an agency called the Time Variance Authority exists to prevent this from happening, and they set out to eliminate any branches separate from what they consider the Sacred Timeline.

Bon Voyage!

I hope this exploration of time travel leaves you prepared to tackle these obstacles and opportunities that naturally present themselves when playing around with time.

Just knowing about the complexities of time travel and the paradoxes it can bring about is the best way to avoid trouble and create innovative storytelling moments. So, dust off your DeLorean, polish your paradox-proof plot, and get ready to write your adventure through the ages!

Learn more about making a timeline with Campfire in the dedicated Timeline Module tutorial . And be sure to check out the other plotting and planning articles and videos here on Learn, for advice on how to plan your very own time travel adventures!

time travel drawing ideas


101 Travel Journal Ideas: Page Examples, Inspiration & Prompts

Use these 101 travel journal ideas as prompts and inspiration to fill your travel journal no matter where your next adventure might be.

101 travel journal ideas

These 101 Travel Journal ideas will help you fill up a notebook of all sorts of adventures – whether it’s an exotic voyage or the everyday journey in life. 

And of course, please, please, please DO NOT feel like you have to do every single thing I put on this list – especially all in one journal. {That would be one awfully big, heavy book to lug around!} 

Whether you’re off to a grand exotic adventure, dreaming of places you want to go or maybe just enjoying a stay-cation and local points of interest, I hope you will find this post of travel journal ideas inspiring to document your next creative adventure.

101 Travel Journal Ideas: What to Put in a Traveler’s Notebook

1. start with a map.

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Maps are always great in a journal. You can paste or tape them in or even make pockets and envelopes with them. Drawing maps can be a lot of fun also.

There are also a lot of ways to get maps:

  • Google Maps: You could even print out a satellite/street view version or the directions.
  • Maps Category on Wikimedia Commons : Lots of great free maps you can download and print out.
  • Old Books & Atlases: If you have an old set of encyclopedias that’s way outdated and not of collector value, there are likely a lot of great maps to use in your journals. I love finding an old atlas at the thrift store or book sales.
  • Marketing Maps: Many welcome centers, tourist agencies and travel rest stops have all sorts of maps available in marketing brochures. 

Staying local? Why not make a map of where you live? It could be your neighborhood, the backyard or even your kitchen. Doodles and sketches are perfectly 100% awesome here.

Another idea is to cut out shapes from old outdated maps you have. I sometimes buy old atlases and books with maps just for this purpose! These hearts shown below were cut out using a heart shaped punch similar to this one on Amazon .

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I love scrapbook punches for so many different things in my art journals – you don’t even need that many of them and you can get perfect cut-outs anytime. These are great to make in advance before you travel somewhere – and you can get all sorts of different shapes! Circles, tags, you name it.

SICOHOME Paper Punches,Pack of 3,Heart,Circle,Star

2. Can’t Decide Where to Go? Make a Mind Map

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As creative people, making plans and staying organized is sometimes a challenge. I know when I go anywhere it sometimes feels overwhelming to keep track of all the details or even just decide what I want to do. Sometimes I don’t even know where I want to go or what I want to do. 

Mind Maps are great for easily mapping out ideas, dreams, plans, thoughts – especially if you’re not sure how to really organize them. You can draw them out on paper or even use mindmap software to create one you like and then print out and decorate.

Sometimes just making a mind map of an ordinary place can be fun – this mindmap of things to do in Ohio actually makes me excited to go there this summer. {Living next door in PA sometimes causes me to take all the neat things to explore in Ohio for granted.}

Even if you’re only going as far as your imagination, a mind map is a great way to explore all sorts of different ideas and concepts.

3. Packing List & Trip Prep

If you are using your travel journal as part planner, part journal, making a packing list and a to-do list before leaving is a great idea.

This is not only practical, as it will hopefully help you remember everything, but it can also help document some of the excitement and anticipation for the trip before you even arrive at your destination.

4. What’s In Your Bag?

While similar to a packing list, it can sometimes be fun to either snap a quick photo or sketch and doodle a picture of your suitcase and bags.

This can also be a fun way to document different day trips – it’s always interesting to see what sorts of things you consider essential to carry with you – especially if you find yourself looking back 5 – 10 years later. I am still in awe that fanny packs are coming back in style . 

5. Make a Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of all the things you want to do. Maybe this is a list for while you are at a specific location for a period of time – or this could even be a list of all the different places you want to visit during your lifetime.

Some of the examples of things you could create for a bucket list:

  • Places you want to go
  • Region Specific Foods you want to try
  • Things you want to do
  • People you hope to see 

6. Found Things: Collecting Ephemera & Other Treasures

Lately I’ve been keeping my eyes on the ground whenever we go places. I’ve found all sorts of very interesting things by keeping my eyes and my head open to finding stuff at random.

I’ve found old coins and pennies, tokens, dropped business cards – all sorts of interesting stuff. A lot of times people may think this stuff is just trash, but if it’s flat enough it can fit into a journal and a great way to document things you’ve encountered while out exploring the world. You never know what you might find on a sidewalk.

7. Save Those Receipts

Receipts are a great way to keep track of different things you do and need during your trip. Maybe you need a special airline approved travel bag you buy before the trip, or it’s the receipt for lunch at that adorable sea-side cafe you stumbled across.

Usually these sorts of things also have geographic information printed on them, so it can make even the national/international chains a little more interesting.

I always joke that doesn’t matter where we go or how well I plan I usually end up at a Wal-mart buying supplies we forgot – but hey, at least it’s fun to see your Wal-mart receipt has a different city and state printed on it. 

8. Attach an Envelope or Pocket for Collecting & Storing Supplies 

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Speaking of ephemera and found things, another great idea for things to include in your journal is an envelope you can use as storage. The pocket for collage supplies is one of my favorite things about Dylusions Art Journals – so handy for holding stuff!

Since most of my journals are either 7×10″ or 6×9″,  I like to use the 6×9″ mailing envelopes and glue them or tape them into my notebooks and journals to use as a pocket for holding stuff. They are great for fitting all sorts of paper scraps and other things you might find on the trip!

If you are like me and realize what a deal it is to buy 100 clasp envelopes on Amazon , you can use the envelopes to make many, many more junk journals and art journals in the future! 

Simple Stories 6x8-inch Page Protectors with (2) 4x6-inch Divided Pockets, 10-Pack

Beyond just envelopes, there are also a lot of other ways to display and store things inside of a journal, and one of the great things to use for this are the pocket page protectors often used in pocket scrapbooks.

If you are trying to keep things small and simple while traveling, Simple Stories is one brand with a wide variety of differently configured 6×8″ Pocket Page Protectors that can be a great way to hold and display items you might find in your adventures. Bonus : No glue stick needed. 

Field Artist Pro 12HP Urban Series - Complete Travel Watercolor Set with 12 Half pan Colors and Travel Brush, and a Classic Metal Field Box, All fits in Your Pocket!

9. Keep a Record/Log of Daily Events

I know sometimes when I actually DO go on a real vacation, I don’t always have time to keep track of everything we do. One good way to get around this, without necessarily having to write a whole lot or spend the day drawing and gluing things in the book is to keep a very simple log each day. 

This doesn’t have to be elaborate. Keep it simple – use the actual date or the day of the week and challenge yourself to j ust write one word for each day . This will help you remember details of the trip long after it happens. 

  • Monday – Beach
  • Tuesday – Friends
  • Wednesday – Museum

Keeping a log helps you remember things so that you can continue to fill the book up with memories and ephemera from the trip long after you return.

10. Method of Travel: Document Your Transportation

There are plenty of ways to get from one place to another. You can ride a bus, take a train, or fly up high in a fancy jet plane! 

Once you arrive at your destination, there can also be a lot of additional things to note about getting around town, especially if you are traveling somewhere that drives on opposite sides of the street or relies primarily on bicycles or scooters for transportation. 

All of these things make for great ideas for stuff to doodle, sketch, and write about!

11. Accommodations – Where Are You Sleeping?

Whether you’re staying in a hotel, airBNB, fancy resort or maybe your RV, there are plenty of things to document about where you are staying during the trip. 

Some ideas for ephemera might be brochures, print-outs of your reservation confirmation, map directions to the location. You can also always do a sketch of your room or view out the window. 

12. How’s the Weather?

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Weather is one of those things that might be considered “small talk” but it’s also something I know can really influence what types of activities we do when we are on a trip.

We do a lot of camping – so if it’s warm and sunny, you’ll find us hiking, kayaking, and fishing. If it’s rainy, you might find us playing card games, visiting shops, or checking out area museums.

Sometimes bad weather can even make a trip more fun than expected – you might check out something new you ordinarily would have skipped, or maybe you will come home with a funny story of events.

You can record different weather events bullet journal style in your notebook or just draw different weather related symbols whenever you jot down any notes.

13. First Impressions – Any surprises?

Once you arrive at your destination, take a note of some of the things you notice right away or any different thoughts you might have about the trip there so far. This is especially a good idea if you are going somewhere completely new that is not like anything you have done before.

You might also want to take note of what expectations you had prior to leaving the trip – Is there anything that surprised you once you got there? Did you over estimate or under estimate what it might be like? Sometimes the anticipation before a trip can be much different than the actual reality once you get there!

14. Paint Backgrounds in Advance to Pack Less Art Supplies

Something I like to do in art journals when I’m traveling is to paint the pages before I go with acrylic paints I like to use. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate – maybe some simple stripes for writing on, or you can even use by block-by-block art journal technique to prep different page sections in advance.

This gives your pages a nice background and start for any type of journaling or doodles – and you don’t have the hassle of having to pack or carry around a whole lot of supplies. All you need from there is a couple of favorite pens and maybe a glue stick.

15. Try Watercolors for Compact & Portable Art Supplies

If you do want to paint while you are on your trip, a set of travel watercolors is a great option because they are generally very compact and easy to clean up and carry around – some pocket field sets could literally fit in your pocket and are smaller than most cell phones!

Watercolors are a great fun way to give your pages a little hint of color – and of course you can always use the opportunity to try out some new and different watercolor painting techniques !

16. Portrait Sketches

Meeting new people, or sometimes just seeing new people can be very inspiring to practice sketching different portrait drawing techniques. 

Portraits of new faces and people can be a great way to practice and hone in on your skills in drawing and painting faces – it can also serve as a springboard for additional art to make even when you return from the trip.

If the idea of sketching or painting a portrait makes you nervous, do not worry – there are lots of great resources to help you out here, like Mixed Media Portraits With Pam Carriker – Jane Davenport also has lots of great books such as this one which can be a wonderful resource to start with.

Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces: A Mixed-Media Portrait Workshop

17. Draw & Sketch Landmarks

No matter where you go, there are sure to be landmarks. These can be great sources of inspiration for stories and drawing practice. 

Some landmarks are famous {such as The Statue of Liberty in NYC or The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City} – other landmarks are more of directional markers or might have personal significance to you. One example is a water tower we always look for when we drive past it on the highway.

18. Architecture

time travel drawing ideas

Wherever you find yourself, take some time to notice different architectural details such as windows, doors, gates, fences and roofs. Make a page inspired by the different things you see! This can be a detailed sketch or simply a whimsical doodle like the photo shown above.

19. Make a Cityscape

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After you pay some attention to the different architectural details, it can be fun to incorporate this into cityscape art.

It can be a very fun challenge to recreate a drawing or doodle of the places you visit in your journals, and of course you can always combine these with other drawings or collage and ephemera.

Many of the Watercolor Doodle Cities here and other city-inspired paintings I make start from inspiration from real-life cities and towns I’ve visited.

20. Capture the Landscape

Sketching or painting the landscape can be a wonderful way to document all the beautiful views in nature. You can also photograph these scenes to inspire you to make more art when you get back home.

Maybe it’s an early morning sunrise or a field you drive past on the highway, the waves at the beach or even the way the mountains look in the distance.

21. Use Whatever You Can Find for Art Supplies  

I like to pack light when I’m traveling, and so that usually means sadly most of my art supplies have to stay at home. The good news is the lack of supplies can push you to try using everyday materials in creative ways.

For example, say you go out for tea – you can use the tea in your cup or a used tea bag to create tea stains on your papers. {Just be careful not to smear any ink from pens unless that is your desired effect!}

Over the years I’ve used all sorts of things to create with in my journal beyond traditional materials. A dandelion can often be used to get yellow coloring on paper – you could even use makeup like lipstick or eye shadow and blush on your pages.

22. Pay Attention to Special Events & Holidays

While you don’t need a special event or holiday as an excuse to explore the world, often times we do go places depending on the season and traditions we like to celebrate. 

If your journaling happens to fall around a certain holiday or you attend a special event in your adventures, there can be all sorts of seasonal things you can add onto your pages – hearts for Valentine’s Day, Flowers in the Spring, Pumpkins for Halloween, Christmas Decorations, etc.

23. Everybody Eats: Food is Never Ending Inspiration

There are some places I would visit again just with the sole purpose of eating amazing food. Food also makes for an endless source of things to put in your journal. You might not need to record every single meal or snack, but if you enjoy something good – make a note of it or use it as inspiration for art.

Another thing you can do, especially if you visit different countries is save food wrappers. Different languages, different wrappers – all these things can easily be added into your journal and will even help you remember what foods and restaurants you like if you should visit that place again.

24. Street Signs & Names

As someone who loves all things words, letters and numbers, I can’t help but feel gravitated towards interesting signs we see in different places. These can be great starting points for drawings, sketches or even things to photograph and add to your pages at a later time.

25. Read any good books?

time travel drawing ideas

Sometimes the books we read can inspire our travels – or a book can help us pass the time on a long bus ride or flight. Vacation is also a good time to catch up on books you’ve been wanting to read.

I love books so some of my favorite places to visit while traveling are small bookstores and libraries – I always find some nice treasures that way!

26. Foreign Language

If you’re traveling to a country where English is not the native language, it can be very fun and interesting to find different things that have the country’s language in your journal.

Whenever I’m shopping at used book sales, I often find a lot of foreign language dictionaries. These make for excellent paper backgrounds to use in junk journals, or you can always have fun copying the words to practice your foreign language skills.

Staying local in your own hometown? Have some fun visiting regular mundane places by learning or practicing a different language. 

¡Vamos a cocinar papas en la estufa!

Even a place as mundane your kitchen can be more fun if you learn fun ways to explore it as a traveler. This can also be a great way to help your kids practice their foreign language skills. 

27. Everyday Life

What do the people who call the place you are visiting home everyday? Take some notes, sketches or photos of a day in the life of a local.

Another thing that can be fun to do is to imagine for a moment if this place was your home, and not just a place you were visiting. What might you like or dislike about staying in that one place long-term?

28. What are other tourists doing?

Every time we’ve visited tourist-destination types of places it is always fascinating to watch the other travelers and what they are doing. Maybe you see hundreds of people with cameras, or you see people waiting in line to get their picture taken next to a certain attraction.

29. Trees & Flowers

I spend most of my vacations immersed in nature and I love drawing and painting trees and flowers. You might also want to keep some wax paper in your notebook – this can be a great way to preserve flowers or leaves.

30. Birds of a Feather

When we visit cities I always notice pigeons, and I always see seagulls at the beach. I love photographing ducks! Sometimes places we go have aviaries to visit. When we go camping, we love looking for woodpeckers, cardinals, and other birds.

You can fill your journal with bird related images or just make a list or doodles of the different birds you might encounter.

31. Animals

If you love animals, this is another great source of inspiration while you are traveling. Maybe you go to a nearby zoo, or maybe friends you are staying with have a friendly cat. 

Some places you visit may even have animals you don’t typically see that often. I remember when I visited Toronto in Canada I saw so many moose statues everywhere we went!

32. Notes From History

Most places have historical centers – even small towns often have an interesting past. If you enjoy historical points of interest, there all sorts of ways to incorporate this on your pages.

Use cut outs from brochures or old books, record facts, or even attempt to recreate a scene from history in your journal. This is a great way to use up some of your favorite vintage ephemera also!

33. Famous People / Persons of Interest Who Lived there

Almost every place has people who are famous or played an important role in the history of the area. It can be very interesting to research before you go some different people who have lived in that place – and maybe even tour some of the different things that would have been part of their daily life.

One example of this is when a friend of mine in high school was slightly obsessed with all things Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails. She had learned he grew up in boring old Mercer, PA {not so far from the same boring town we lived in} – so we decided to go up one day to check it out.

It was very neat to think hey, here’s this little town in Pennsylvania just like our little town in Pennsylvania, he was a band dork, we were band dorks. It is always neat to see these sorts of places, especially if it someone who is inspiring to you, because in a way you can see the kind of environment that inspired them to become the creative person they are.

34. Music Playlist

Speaking of Trent Reznor – let’s talk about another favorite aspect of traveling for me – plenty of opportunity to listen to music!

I can’t think of a better way to enjoy a long ride than to come prepared with a good music playlist.  If you’re riding passenger on long trips, a good music playlist and a sketchbook is a great way to help pass the time.

I also like to listen to different music that is popular in different areas. It’s way more fun to listen to Blue Grass music if you are in the Mountains of Virgina or a little country music on the city streets of Nashville.

There are so many different types of music around the world, and all of it can be very inspiring to listen to while writing or creating.

Need more ideas for how to incorporate music into your journals? Our list of creative music inspired art prompts can help inspire you!

35. Textures

Make a page about different textures you might encounter on your trip. Maybe it’s the sand between your toes, the concrete on the sidewalks or the familiar softness of your favorite shirt in a place where everything is different. 

You can even optionally include some of these textures into your journal, especially if you encounter things like fabric swatches or handwoven items.

Another idea is to use different textures from objects around you as unique stencils and stamps. You can do all sorts of mark making with different textures in your book!

While I suppose this could fall under “food” – coffee for me is more than just a tasty caffeinated beverage. Draw a Picture of Coffee with the different backdrop of the place you visit. Save ephemera like napkins, coffee stirrer or receipts from shops you visit.

Pay attention to ways coffee is prepared and served. If you are visiting a place that grows and produces coffee, this too can be very fascinating to learn about and try different flavors native to the area. 

37. Souvenirs

Do you collect anything? Some people collect pennies, spoons, key chains, salt shakers – you name it! Collecting is a fun low-stress hobby and traveling can be a great way to find new things.

If you are a collector of something, it can be fun to make a page about different sorts of things you like to collect. If you don’t have a collection yet – what is one you might you be inclined to start or find interesting? 

Many different places you might visit often also have souvenir shops with all sorts of interesting things for the area. Even if you’re not a collector, you may enjoy sketching or making a list of the sort of things you notice. 

 38. Pick Up a Newspaper – Local, National & Global News

It’s always interesting to read the news somewhere you aren’t. It gives you a greater understanding of what types of things the residents who live in a place might experience on a regular day to day basis and what is important to them.

Another bonus is often times when you visit a new area the newspaper may syndicate different feature columns than your papers back home. This could mean new recipes, different horoscopes, puzzles, comments, and opinion pieces.

Newspapers are also great to use in collage and art you might be inspired to create, especially if you have very limited access to art supplies.

What does the place you’re visiting smell like? Maybe you can smell freshly baked bread drifting across the plaza, or it’s the smell of the ocean next to you, or even just the smell of pine trees in the woods. 

Paying attention to how all of your different senses experience the place can help you remember the adventure all that much more.

40. Include Conversations With the People You Talk To

One thing I enjoy doing when traveling is meeting and talking to new people and listening in on what people might be saying at the different places we visit. 

It’s funny, but some of the conversations I remember are not exactly quotable, but totally memorable enough to document in a journal. One time when we were at a beach an old man was talking to us and told us we needed to visit a place that was about 6 hours away.

“They have the most unbelievable peaches! Miles and miles of orchards…” he said. Well, after talking to him we decided to go that way the next day and yes, they did have peaches, but we were mostly awed by the unbelievable beautiful beaches!

Had we not talked to that stranger on the beach that day we never would have discovered one of our favorite beaches in the U.S.

41. The Local Dialect

I live in the Pittsburgh area and we are sorta famous for our unique dialect. Many local shops sell Yinzer stickers and other Pittsburghese types of things that are always popular with tourists and would make great journal fodder.

If you happen to be somewhere, pay attention to different words and phrases people use for things. You might be surprised how many sayings and words you pick up that aren’t in any foreign language dictionary!

time travel drawing ideas

42. Quotes About the Area and/or General Traveling

There are all sorts of great quotes that can be a great way to add to the journal. You can include general travel quotes in your journal while you are getting ready for the trip – or of course you can always add these once you are back. 

43. Interview The People Traveling With You

It’s always interesting how two different people can have two different options and memories about a trip! Traveling with kids? Ask them their thoughts – and of course don’t forget to encourage them to create their own travel journals!

44. Hidden in Plain View – Important or Sensitive Information 

It’s always a good idea to have a paper copy of important info while you are in a different place – especially if WiFi access or phone reception might be hard to come by. 

While I don’t recommend keeping sensitive info in plain sight in a journal, sometimes you can give yourself cryptic ways only you would know to have a reference for things like addresses or bank account info.

Some ways you can do this is by drawing the numbers in a certain specific pattern, or you could even make up your own secret code. 

45. Reference Lists & Safety Info

I’m sorta neurotic about safety, so I like to include helpful safety info in my notebooks, especially because we spend so much time outdoors. This might be something as simple as a mini first aid guide or a list of emergency numbers for the area. If you are traveling in a foreign place, you may even want to list some emergency contacts in the notebook.

I also like to print out this type of information to keep in planner binders. For the planner I keep in our camper, I included printed information for dog medications and first aid, since our dog has a habit of finding bees nests, eating fishing rods and getting into all sorts of trouble.

46. Currency From Different Countries

time travel drawing ideas

Many foreign countries have different types of currency that can be very interesting to keep in a journal. If you have a few smaller value notes leftover from a trip they can be a great thing to put in a journal or slip into a clear pocket you attach to the pages.

47. Track Your Budget

Budgeting might not seem exciting, especially while supposedly on a vacation! Still, it is definitely an inevitable part of life that doesn’t go away just because you are somewhere different! 

Fortunately, it can be way more fun to do when you find a way to express your creativity in your journal or planner. Keep records of expenses while you are traveling and think about different ways you can save money.

If you haven’t left for your destination yet, there are lots of great ways to plan a trip without spending a lot. Make a page about how you will save for an upcoming trip or make a list of ways to you can see the world without going into debt.

48. Random Fun Facts

Do you enjoy games like trivial pursuit? Something that can be fun to do before you leave is read up on different fun facts about an area, or you can even just jot down these things as you experience them in the place you visit.

Random Fun Fact Example: We can thank computer scientist Scott Fahlman at CMU in Pittsburgh for the widespread use of the smiley face symbol . 🙂 Pittsburgh is also home to another famous smiley face – the Eat ‘N Park Smiley ! 

49. Local Business & Industry

Do you ever need to travel for work? Business travel can sometimes create all sorts of new interesting opportunities to see sights and document parts of a place that don’t exactly make it to the city guides!

Many cities are also famous for different things related to businesses and industries. Factory Tours can be super fascinating and educational – they also make for a great activity during rainy day travels.

50. Movies, Plays & Film

Many places you wouldn’t expect have been featured in movies – other times there may be films or movies that take place in the very same places you visit.

One example is the time we visited Savannah, Georgia. My husband loves the movie Forest Gump so naturally this meant we had to visit Chippewa Square and the famous park bench at the Savannah History Museum when we explored the city.

51. The Clothes We Wear

Just like food and money, most of the time we typically need to also wear clothes. You don’t have to be a fashionista to appreciate unique clothing styles in different places you visit.

Depending where you travel to, the culture and weather can be very different from where you live and so the style of clothes and things people wear and do can be fascinating. 

Don’t forget to also pay attention to the clothes you are wearing. Maybe it’s a raincoat because it’s raining or you bought something special to wear for the trip.

52. Travel Shoes

Going places usually means lots of walking and standing – which means the pair of shoes you wear can make all the difference! Sketch a pair of your shoes and take note of whether they have reliably served you well in your travels, or if they’ve caused you pain, agony and misery. 

53. Hobbies & Interests

When I visited NYC my top must-see destination was the Sketchbook museum at the Brooklyn Art Library of course!

One of the ways I documented that visit was to put a safety pin in one of my pages once I got home because I noticed one of the journals there was completely bound with safety pins and I thought that was pretty unique and I didn’t want to forget it! 

Your different hobbies and interests can always overlap in travel – and sometimes in the most of unexpected ways. If you have a specific hobby or interest you enjoy, take some time to research different clubs and organizations in the area. You can find groups and points of interest for almost anything!

54. What’s Trending Now

Do you notice any interesting trends about the place you visit? Maybe there is an activity that is popular or something you notice everyone is doing.

This could be something like a TV show everyone is watching, something seasonally related or it could even be many of the homes decorated with certain pieces or in a certain style.

55. Funny Stuff

One thing you should always bring along any adventure is a good sense of humor. I love this one picture we snapped while we traveled through VA – antique tables made daily!

There are also lots of great travel-themed jokes you could use in your journal.

What travels around the world but stays in one corner? A stamp.

{Sorry, I couldn’t resist, I love punny bad jokes!} Speaking of stamps…

56. Postage Stamps: Send Yourself Some Mail Back Home

time travel drawing ideas

Postcards and foreign stamps can make for an excellent addition to any type of travel journal. You can mail yourself a letter or post card, or even pick up some post cards where you are visiting to add to your pages.

time travel drawing ideas

Shown above: A photo of some of the vintage postcards I have in my ephemera collection. If you have friends and family members who travel a lot, be sure to offer to pay for postage and ask them to mail you things!

57. Color Combos

Do you love color? Different places can be great inspiration for unique color combinations or even noticing things you may ordinarily ignore. Take a look at your surroundings and try to create a color palette based on what you see around you.

58. Rainbow Page

Another fun travel journal idea is to try to make a page that includes something of every color of the rainbow you see while you are on a trip. This could be done with ephemera or even just making notes and drawing in your sketchbook to add in photos later.

59. Inspiration is Everywhere

What do you see that inspires you to create while you are traveling? Maybe you notice an interesting pattern on textiles being sold at a shop or you like the way the vase on your table looks at a restaurant.

Take note of these little details that inspire you and sketch or jot them down. These can be great sources of inspiration for those days you need a little kickstart to create.

60. Bottle Caps, Drink Labels and Coasters

Many bottled beverages have labels and unique bottle caps that can make for great things to include in a journal. You may also notice several restaurants have coasters that are nice to save after your meal.

Bottle labels and coasters are two types of things that are normally thrown away but can make for great ephemera to include in your journal and help document the trip.

61. All the Different Shapes

Another idea for different places you visit is to create pages based on different shapes. For example, you could have a page for things that are round, such as wheels, windows, or stones.

You could also easily do this for things that are square, rectangles, triangles, etc.

62. Define Some Travel Words

What does adventure mean to you? What do you consider to be a journey?

There are lots of different travel-themed words and they often mean different things to different people. Write your own definition for words, or you could even find these words in a dictionary and cut them and paste them to the page in your book.

Here’s a couple more words you could use on the page or define:

63. Why do you love travel?

People travel for different reasons, and of course the reasons we enjoy it are also usually unique to us. What do you like the most? Is it meeting new people? Seeing something different? Learning new things?

Write or illustrate your favorite things and the reasons you enjoy discovering new places.

64. Stickers

Stickers can be found anywhere, whether it’s a price sticker on something you buy or even a marketing sticker they give away at a promotional event. Some places you visit may even have shops that sell unique stickers for the area.

65. Technology & Apps

There are many apps and websites that can make traveling a lot easier, and it can be something fun to document in your journal. These apps can help you find new places or even possibly read reviews and get special coupons and deals. 

Another thing to think about is how the place you are visiting uses technology. Do they seem advanced or are they behind compared to where you currently live?

66. Trip Stats

Another fun thing to record in your journal are trip stats. Your might record your odometer reading, number of miles you traveled, or if you have a fitbit you could make a note of how many steps you walked that day.

Fitbit Versa Lite Edition Smart Watch, One Size (S & L bands included)

67. Try Zentangle

Zentangle is a super portable form of art and very relaxing so perfect if you’re going on vacation to unwind. All you need is some paper and your favorite Micron 01 pen.

You can start with basic shapes or just tangle freely on the pages of your journal. Who knows – some places you visit may even be home of certified Zentangle instructors and classes may be available during your trip!

Sakura Pigma 30062 Micron Blister Card Ink Pen Set, Black, Ass't Point Sizes 6CT Set

68. Practice Creative Lettering

There are so many great ideas and ways to have fun with creative lettering in your journal. You can try different styles of letters, mix up big and small writing. 

Hate your handwriting? Our post on creative lettering ideas can give you lots of inspiration for ways to add unique text without necessarily mastering calligraphy.

Hand Lettering 101: An Introduction to the Art of Creative Lettering (Hand Lettering Series)

69. Stencil It

Stencils are flat and portable – so very easy to bring with you along your travels and keep right inside your notebook. There are TONS of inexpensive stencil sets on Amazon or you could even try making your own journal stencil templates.

A couple of stencils can definitely can help you with making shapes, layouts, and different designs in  your journal – no fine art skills required!

20 PCS Journal Stencil Plastic Planner Set for Journal/Notebook/Diary/Scrapbook DIY Drawing Template Journal Stencils 4x7 Inch

70. Bodies of Water

time travel drawing ideas

Water is always a source for inspiration, relaxing, and feeling refreshed – and where there is life, you are sure to find water! As the author of How to Read Water points out, you can learn just as much about water from a puddle as you can from the sea. 

Create a page in your journal based on what you like to do in the water – whether you go fishing, swim laps in the pool on a cruise ship or just admire the sailboats out on the bay.

71. Make a List of Things to Research

While you are on your trip, you might find yourself curious to learn more about stuff you encounter. Make a list or note of this in your journal so you can read up on it when you come back home.

Before you go somewhere new it’s also a very good idea to research different laws, customs and practices. This to-research-list can be a great thing to add in your journal before you leave to remind you to actually learn about these things before you get there!

72. Visiting a Sports Town?

time travel drawing ideas

Sports teams around the world have some very loyal fans and this can be another thing worth documenting if you are in a place that takes their sports seriously. In some areas it’d be impossible not to take note of arenas and stadiums!

Even if you’re not a sports fan, you may notice where you are visiting what important sports games are happening and what teams people proudly wear on their t-shirts, jerseys and hats. If you do visit an event, don’t forget to save your ticket stubs and program with the team roster!

73. Stick to the Grid

Grid lined pages can be nice to have when you are writing or drawing, because they also make it super easy to try to draw things when you want to be mindful of things like ratio and perspective relationships.

You can also have fun just arranging different elements in a grid-like fashion – draw your own freehand grid and fill each box with different memories or images you cut and tear out of a local magazine or newspaper.

74. What Are You Really Good At When Traveling?

Do your planning skills shine as you come up with the perfect trip itinerary? Have you mastered the fine art of packing a suitcase with all the right things? Have a knack for strumming up conversation with the locals? Or, maybe you’re just really good at getting lost! 

Whatever your strengths and skills are when it comes to travel, these should be celebrated and certainly worthy of being documented in your travel journal! Draw yourself an award, make a list of your best strengths, and celebrate all the hard work that goes into exploring.

75. Gratitude

You can never go wrong keeping track of things you are thankful for. See our list of gratitude journal prompts for even more ideas of ways to incorporate thankfulness in your journal pages.

76. No Place Like Home

Sometimes distance makes us all the more appreciative of home. What things do you miss the most while you are away from home? Draw pictures, doodle, paint, or make a list! 

77. Wish You Were Here

Sometimes when we go someplace new we can’t help but think of family or friends back home. Is there anything specific where you are that reminds you of someone? Write about it or tuck those little pieces of ephemera you find on a page.

78. What Went Wrong

It’s tempting to only document the good parts of a trip but sometimes the mishaps of travel become great funny stories after a few years…like my husbands famous melt down over a lack of parking or that time we went camping and got flooded out. 

These sorts of things aren’t exactly fun in the midst of the trouble, but years later we can look back and at least say the trips were memorable!

79. What Did You Learn?

Every trip is an opportunity and discovery is synonymous for learning. What did you learn during your trip?

Maybe you learned something new about the cultures, customs and history of the place. Or, if staying local… maybe you learned to always bring sunscreen or bug spray or how to avoid rush hour traffic.

80. Document Digitally

While I will forever be a pen and paper kind of girl, I know I also enjoy the convenience of digital art journaling – especially when it’s not always easy to pack lots of supplies! This is especially true for trips that aren’t necessarily for fun or I know I’ll be spending a lot of time indoors.

You can edit and arrange photos in a photo editing app or software program, or you can even enjoy the creative fun of painting digitally. I love using my laptop and Wacom Intous tablet to paint with Photoshop. You can also have a lot of fun creating designs with an iPad and Apple pencil. 

81. Draw a Clock

Clocks are fun and easy enough to draw – all you need is a circle! It can be fun to compare clock times all around the world, especially if you have ventured to a different time zone.

Another idea is to doodle clocks for when you want to make note of times on your itinerary and schedule.

82. Make a Chart

Charts are a creative visual way to display information and a great idea for adding some art to your travel journal. You could create a table of train and bus times, a pie chart for how you spent your time on the trip, or a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting your first trip somewhere to the second trip there.

For those who are particularly dorky like me, you might even consider making a histogram or scatter plot in your journal!

83. Healthy Matters

If you are into all things health, wellness and fitness in everyday life, it would only make sense for this to overflow into your journals while traveling.

Whether you note healthy foods you eat, exercise, changes in your mood, how much you sleep, number of glasses of water you drink each day, or have a list of medications to take daily, noting these things in your journal can help you stay on track with all the excitement and routine disruptions from traveling.

84. Design Your Own Travel Symbols & Icons

There are many common symbols and icons used for travel – an airplane, a map, a suitcase, a backpack, a compass, cars, directional arrows, trains, etc. 

All of these things are a great starting point to give you some ideas for things to doodle in a travel journal. You can make them flat, line-art style, or even make them 3-D complete with shading. 

85. Travel Role Models

Do you know someone who is a great inspiration for your travel aspirations? This could be a person who inspired you to be more courageous and explore new foreign places, or could just be someone you know who has real-world experience in traveling the globe and taught you a lot of things. 

86. Favorite Travel Blogs

Speaking of people who inspire us to travel – I know many of the places I find inspiration are various travel blogs I like to follow! Seeing their pictures is always great motivation and inspiration to go to new places I may not have considered on my own.

Whenever I am not sure of where I might like to go or what to do when visiting an area, I also love to read different blogger’s guides on attractions to visit and travel tips to make it a smooth trip.

87. The Road Not Taken – Add Some Poetry to Your Pages

There are lots of great travel inspired poems you can include in your journal, or you can even try your hand at writing your own poems.

Not a natural wordsmith? Prefer to stick to something more visual? Check out our post on found poetry in your journal pages.

88. Challenge Yourself 

Sometimes a little bit of a challenge can make even the most mundane of places a bit more exciting. You could challenge yourself to take a photo every day, or challenge yourself to visit a different neighborhood or part of town each day you are in the city.

You could also challenge yourself to commit to a certain type of art each day – a doodle a day, or a watercolor a day, or a pencil sketch a day.

Challenges should be fun – so if the idea of this sounds like a chore or one more thing to add to already a jam packed schedule, skip it or save it for the next adventure.

89. Paper Clips & Binder Clips Are Your Friends

Paper clips, binder clips and other page fasteners are wonderful and practical things to include in your journal. They are super handy when you are on the go to attach all sorts of papers and notes – no glue stick required!

Also, they make TONS of travel themed paper clips. I mean, I don’t know if you would really need 40 of them, but how adorable are these airplane shaped paper clips ? They also make ones that come in assorted animal shapes ! 

So many different styles of paper clips, I actually made an Amazon Idea List with some of my handpicked favorites – I couldn’t believe I found over 40! See all my favorites on my list: All the Pretty Paper Clips . 

Z Zicome 50 Pack Colorful Printed Binder Clips, Assorted Sizes (Floral)

90. Pins, Patches & Badges

I love collecting small novelty pins, patches and badges – but I don’t always have a great way to display or wear them. One way around this is to add them to your journal pages!

You can decide to either pin or sew the item directly onto the page, or you can attach it to a small piece of fabric that you attach into the page. You can often find these at gift shops or even while you are at different places that give them away for free as promotional materials.

91. Have a Stamping Good Time

time travel drawing ideas

There are LOTS of ways to use rubber stamps and ink pads in a journal. But… I also like to keep my supplies very minimal, especially when on the road. Something I like to do to prep my journal pages is stamp things in advance. 

You can use simple ink dabbers to create patterns or add a distressed effect to your empty pages – and of course if you already have travel themed stamps this is a great opportunity to put them to good use, whether before or after the trip!

In the page above I tried to use some of my rubber stamps and realized one of my very well-loved ink pads was finally starting to dry out after years of use.

I used the ink pad itself to stamp the page with the remaining ink on the edges to create journaling block areas. I also used the edge of the ink pad to make the lines – perfect for impromptu lists or quick daily notes.

Hero Arts LP396 Kelly's Travel Day Craft Supplies

92. Travel Tags

There are all sorts of tags that can be useful while traveling. Luggage and suitcase tags are also a great way to add some interesting stuff to your favorite journal pages. 

You can also opt to use paper tags – I love to start with small round tags like these ones and use them for doodles or quotes. Standard shipping tags like these are also like mini blank canvases waiting for your creative touch! 

93. Travel Bingo: Inspired by My Favorite Road Trip Game as a Kid

A long time ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth without technology, we played a game called Auto Bingo in the car. If you drove past something like a railroad crossing or a cow, you would slide the little marker over the picture when you spotted it and try to get them all before the end of the trip. 

This gave me a great idea to make a list of different things to look for while I’m at a certain place and then check it off if I saw that thing. It’s a like a scavenger hunt game – can you find these things in your surroundings?

94. A Boost of Encouragement

We tend to glamorize travel a lot – but sometimes it can be hectic, chaotic, stressful and even a little bit scary.

As much as I love traveling, I don’t always like the packing & preparing, and I also admittedly have no sense of direction – I still get lost on roads less than 10 minutes away from my house!

If this sounds like you, adding some encouraging words and positive affirmations can be a wonderfully uplifting thing to see if you are in unfamiliar territory or stressed out.

95. Spiritual Sense

If you are a spiritual person, or maybe just someone curious to learning about the different spiritual practices of different cultures, there are many ways this can be reflected in your journal.

You could include prayers and blessings for travelers, visit spiritual places of interest, or even just spend a few moments in quiet meditation. It can also be interesting to explore and document the various practices and traditions in the culture you are visiting. 

96. Which Way Up? Arrows & Directional Signs

I love the treasure-map style dashed and dotted lines with arrows. They really grab a person’s attention when they look through your completed journal. It makes one ask: now where does this lead?

Arrows can be used in so many different ways for a lot of different travel journal page ideas. Call attention to a specific phrase or photo, or add them to continue a story on another page. In some ways, you could make your journal a sort of “Choose Your Own Adventure Book” where the reader {or even yourself} – can explore a place in a different kind of way.

97. Attention Please! Highlights

If you are the sort of person who might fill an entire page with a LOT of words while journaling your thoughts and experiences, highlights are a fun way to call attention to things that are important or most notable.

You can choose to highlight things like dates, or just pick words and phrases you like. If you don’t have or want to use highlighter markers, you could also accent different things by using colored pencils and pens or simply by circling and underlining different things. 

This can also be a very fun thing to do with newspapers or other printed ephemera style things you might find in your travels.

98. If You Had to Do It Again…

Would you go on this trip again? Do you want to go back? What would you want to do differently? What would you want to do the same? These are all great questions to think about while you reflect on the trip on the return back home.

99. Return to Reality

What did you have it do when you got back from your vacation? Sometimes remembering responsibilities and “real life” can make us all the more appreciative and nostalgic for the time spent away!

100. Actually Print Out Your Vacation Photos

I’m totally guilty of taking a bazillion pictures…and then never printing them. They go on my external hard drive/cloud storage to never be seen by another human being again…that’s not good!

One of the things I’m making a more concentrated effort to do is actually print out photos we take. You can choose to print them from home on your own home printer, or upload them to your favorite photo print website.

101. Where to Next?

Did this trip make you want to visit any other new places you hadn’t considered before? Where do you want to go next? Or, perhaps, after all these adventures, maybe you are content to stay-cation for awhile?

I know this is a super long list, and if you made it this far, I hope you found these ideas inspiring and encouraging! Travel journals are a ton of fun to make and I’d love to see what you create!!

And of course, if you have ideas for things to include that aren’t on this list – I’d love to hear your creative ideas in the comments below!

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70 Easy Drawings You Can Do in 5 Minutes or Less

Do you want to learn how to draw but don’t have much time? Or maybe you’re an experienced artist who wants some easy drawings to do on the side. Either way, this blog post is for you! 

We’ve collected the best easy drawings you can complete in 5 minutes or less, perfect for beginners and experienced artists alike.

Ready to give easy drawings a try? Grab your pencils and paper, find yourself an easy drawing idea , and let’s get started!

Choosing Your Pencils and Paper

The first step in the drawing process is choosing the right tools. 

A standard No. 2 pencil and drawing paper will work just fine, but you can also use colored pencils or markers to add some extra flair to your drawings.

If you’re a beginner, we recommend starting with simple black-and-white easy sketches before moving on to more complex colored drawings. That way, you can practice the basics and gain confidence in your drawing skills before adding color.

Finding Easy Drawings

Now that you have your pencils and paper, it’s time to find easy drawing ideas. There are plenty of online resources with easy drawings for beginners, including YouTube drawing videos and art blogs. 

We’ve also included a few easy drawing ideas below that you can print out or draw directly from the screen.

You can also explore easy drawings in nature, like simple shapes and patterns found in plants and animals. Again, start with easy sketches before adding color to make sure you’re comfortable with your tools and techniques.

1. Spaceship

Spaceship Easy Drawing

Less than five minutes?! Yes, it’s possible! You don’t have to be an artist to draw a spaceship, and they look even better with color. 

Start by drawing a simple shape for your rocket ship’s hull. Then add details like engine exhaust, windows, wings, stars, and asteroids to make it more interesting.

If you want to learn how to draw the zombie in Plants vs. Zombies, here’s an easy video tutorial.

Drawing a zombie may seem intimidating, but with the right techniques, you can create a scary-looking creature in only 5 minutes. 

Start by sketching out the overall shape of the head and body. Then add details such as eyes, teeth, and hair to give your zombie a unique look. 

If you want to take it one step further, you can add a few rips and tears to the clothing, giving your zombie more of an undead look.

Pikachu is one of the most recognizable and beloved characters in the world of Pokémon. Drawing Pikachu can be a fun and quick way to pass a few minutes while also honing your drawing skills.

Start by sketching out the basic shape, starting with the iconic ears, eyes, and mouth. Then add details like fur and whiskers to bring your drawing to life!

With a few strokes of your pencil, you’ll have an adorable Pikachu drawing in no time.

4. Doraemon

Doraemon is a beloved Japanese anime character and an easy drawing activity for people of all ages. 

Start by sketching a circle for the face with his signature ears and nose, then add details like whiskers or glasses to make him look more like the real thing. Give your creation life by adding color!

5. Laughing Santa

Recreating a laughing Santa is the perfect way to channel your inner child.

Begin by sketching Santa’s face, then add details like rosy red cheeks or twinkling eyes to make him look more cheerful. Finally, color it in for an extra-fun result!

6. Christmas Tree

What better way to get into the holiday spirit than drawing a Christmas tree ?

Start with the tree’s shape, then add details like ornaments and candy canes for an extra fun look. Coloring in your design will give it a festive look.

7. Gingerbread Man

Gingerbread Man Easy Drawing

What could be more fun than creating your little gingerbread friend? Begin by sketching the gingerbread man’s outline, then add details like buttons and eyes. Once you’re finished drawing out your design, it’s time to bring it to life with color.

8. Christmas Penguin

Adding a Christmas penguin drawing to your décor is an excellent way to spread holiday cheer! Sketch the penguin’s body, then add details like a Santa hat or festive scarf for extra holiday spirit. For even more fun, color it in shades of black and white.

9. Candy Cane

You’ll have a blast drawing a candy cane! To start, capture the classic shape of the cane with your pencil, then add stripes or other designs to make it look more lifelike. You could even color it in for an extra-sweet result!

Wolf Easy Drawing

It doesn’t matter whether you use black-and-white or color to draw a wolf—it will look great either way. 

Start by drawing the wolf’s face with pointed ears, then add details like fur and eyes to finish it off. Consider shading and adding texture to give your easy drawing a sense of depth.

11. Baby Shark

Baby shark is a charming, easy-to-follow sketch that features a smiling shark with big eyes, a wide grin, and a friendly fin. 

This drawing looks great in both black-and-white and color, so it’s easy to customize and make your own!

12. Cute Dress

Here’s a video tutorial on drawing a cute girly dress.

If you like fashion drawings, this easy dress sketch is perfect for you. It features a simple silhouette with some interesting details like pleats and ruffles. 

Just draw the outline of a dress with a few lines and curves, then add some extra details to make it your own.

13. Cute Girl

Here’s another easy-to-follow sketch featuring a cute girl with big eyes and an adorable expression. 

This one looks great in both black-and-white and color – just draw the basic shape of the girl, then add some extra details to make your drawing unique.

14. Lollipop

Here’s a video of how to draw an easy lollipop.

Another easy drawing idea is this lollipop sketch. 

Draw a curved line for the stick and an oval shape for the candy. Then, add some swirls and other details to make it your own. If you’re feeling creative, you can add color to your design.

15. Mickey Mouse

Here’s a classic drawing idea for Disney fans – Mickey Mouse! 

Draw circles for his head and ears, then add details like eyes, nose, and mouth to finish it off. This one looks great in black and white or with a few colorful touches.

You can also follow this easy tutorial: 

16. Anime Eyes

If you’re looking for easy anime drawings, this is a great place to start. Simply draw two circles and add some details like eyelashes and pupils to make it your own. If you’re feeling creative, go ahead and color it in!

Here’s a guide on how to color anime eyes:

Drawing a UFO is simple and enjoyable. Start by drawing the round shape of the UFO, then add details like stars or aliens to make it more interesting. You can also color it for an extra-cool result.

18. Camping Area

Campfire Easy Drawing

Here’s another great idea for your next drawing – a camping scene! 

You can draw the outline of a tent, trees, and stars in the night sky. Add some extra details, like people around the campfire or animal drawings walking by, to make it more interesting.

If you’re looking for drawing ideas for beginners , this simple nose sketch is perfect. 

Once you’ve got your basic shape, start adding shading to give the nose a three-dimensional effect. Use hatching or crosshatching techniques to create shadows and highlights on your drawing.

20. Diamond

Here’s a quick but fabulous drawing idea – a diamond! Just draw four shapes and connect them together, then add some extra details to make it your own. You can also paint it to make it look more glamorous.

21. Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny Easy Drawing

Why not try this adorable Easter bunny drawing idea? Draw two big ears, then add eyes, whiskers, and a fluffy tail to finish it off. If you’re feeling extra festive, bring out the coloring supplies and have at it!

22. Cute Cat

If you’re looking for an easy drawing idea, why not try a cat? Draw the cat with two ears and eyes, then add details like whiskers, fur tufts, and claws to make it your own. You can also color it if you want to add some extra flair.

Rose Easy Drawing

Roses have been used to symbolize love, beauty, and admiration for centuries, so creating your version of this classic flower is sure to make any art project special.

Simply draw the petals, then add some details like leaves and buds. Not only can you color it to create a lovely piece of art, but you can also frame it and hang it up for all to see!

Drawing a braid is easy and fun! Draw a curved line with some loops, then add details like beads or flowers to make it more interesting. Coloring your braid drawing is a great way to give it extra personality.

25. Eifel Tower

Do you want to draw an iconic structure in less than 5 minutes? Then the Eiffel Tower could be your perfect choice! 

Start by sketching a rough outline of the tower and then add details like windows and balconies. You can also add details like plants or people at the foot of the tower for added dimension.

26. Tiny Penguin

Did you know that penguins are one of the easiest animal drawings? 

Sketch the penguin with two flippers, then add some details like eyes, beak, and feathers. If you want to make your design even cuter, color it in!

27. Sea Turtle

This cute little guy is a breeze to draw and will only take about five minutes of your time! 

Start with the long oval body, then add rounder shapes for the flippers and head. Outline it in black ink and finish off with some scales and details. You can use colorful markers to create a fun pattern on the turtle’s shell.

Here’s another easy way to draw a turtle:

28. Baby Alligator

Baby Alligator Easy Drawing

This super-easy drawing can be done in minutes and is a great place to start for beginner artists. 

Begin by drawing the shape of an alligator’s head, followed by the neck. Then draw two parallel curved lines at the bottom to make the legs. Finish it with two small circles on its back for eyes, and you’re done!

29. Planets

Drawing planets can be a great way to show off your artistic skills! Use colors like blues and greens or vibrant shades for a fun look. 

Outline the planets’ round shapes, then add details like stars and asteroids. You can even use different shades of color to give your planet depth and texture.

Here’s how to draw our solar system:

30. Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid Easy Drawing

If you’re looking for a cute and easy drawing idea that only takes 5 minutes or less, why not try the Little Mermaid? 

Start by sketching a rough outline of the mermaid’s body. Make sure to include her long flowing hair, then add details like eyes, nose, and lips. Finish off the drawing with a tail and a seashell necklace. 

Hands Easy Drawing

Not only is drawing hands easy, but it’s also therapeutic. Just draw circles for the joints, then add lines for the fingers to finish it off. Alternatively, you can add shadows to give it more depth.

Draw a simple mouth with teeth in five minutes or less! 

Sketch the outline of the lips, then draw several small curved lines to create a set of teeth. You can also add other elements like tongue if you want.

Anyone can have fun drawing dice, regardless of skill level! Just draw simple lines and slight curves, then add details like numbers to make it more interesting. You can also color it in for a vibrant look.

34. Ballerina Shoes

Ballerina Shoes Easy Drawing

You don’t have to be a professional artist to draw beautiful ballerina shoes that look amazing in any color scheme. 

All you need are simple shapes for the shoe’s sole, heel, and straps, and then add details like ribbons, buckles, or bows. Once you’ve got your shoes down, try experimenting with different colors and textures to give your drawing a unique twist.

35. Woman’s Face

In less than 5 minutes, you can draw a woman’s face with some realistic features. Start by sketching out the shapes and then add facial features like eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. 

You can also add details like hair and eyebrows to make it lifelike. To finish your masterpiece, use shading and color to bring out the different elements of your drawing.

36. Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds Easy Drawing

This timeless design can be recreated in five minutes or less – perfect for when you only have a little time to spare! 

Draw an oval shape for the head, then add details like stars or birds to make it more interesting. When you daydream, it’s easy to let your mind wander and feel at ease.

37. Astronaut

Children will love this easy step-by-step drawing of an astronaut. Draw a space suit with a helmet, then add details like stars and planets to make it more exciting.

Here’s another way to do it:

38. Elephant

Drawing an elephant can be fun and easy, taking only 3 to 5 minutes of your time.

Start by drawing the head and trunk of the elephant. From there, fill in details like eyes, legs, tail, tusks, and other features that give it its unique charm. Once satisfied with your drawing, you can add color to make it more lively and interesting.

You can have an elephant drawing session with kids by following this tutorial:

39. Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle Easy Drawing

Drawing a message in a bottle is an easy and fun way to express your creativity. Just draw a bottle, then add details like stars or messages to make it more interesting. Or, you can color it in for an even more magical look.

40. Nature in a Triangle

Nature in a Triangle Easy Drawing

Incorporating nature into your drawings is easy and will make them look great. Start with a triangle, then add details like trees, mountains, or birds to make it more interesting. For an even more beautiful look, color it in!

41. Unicorn

Drawing unicorns is one of the most popular doodles out there! It’s not only fun to draw but also quite simple. 

Start by outlining a unicorn, then use your pencil to draw horns from the highest point of its head. Give your unicorn some ears, eyes, and a mouth. If you want, you can color it for a truly magical result!

Here’s another easy way to do it:

42. Octopus

Octopus Easy Drawing

Who doesn’t love drawing an octopus? You can have a great-looking octopus with just a few simple lines. 

First, draw the head and body of the octopus using curved lines. Then add eight tentacles and some suction cups. Finish by drawing the eyes, and you’ll have an amazing drawing in less than five minutes!

43. Hedgehog

Draw a cute and simple hedgehog that kids will love with this easy step-by-step guide! Start by drawing an oval shape for the body, then add details like spines and a nose to finish it off.

You can also follow this video:

This easy drawing idea of a whale is perfect for beginners and looks great in any color palette. 

Just draw an oval shape for the whale’s body, then add details like eyes and fins. Voila! You now have a cute whale swimming in the ocean. Not bad for 5 minutes of drawing time!

Another easy drawing idea you can do in five minutes or less! Owls are a popular subject for many artists, and with good reason – they have wide eyes, big wings, and intricate feathers. 

Drawing an owl is easier than it looks. To get started, lightly sketch the shape of the head and body of the owl using a pencil. Then, add details like the eyes and wings, ensuring correct proportions.

Here’s a clever and easy way to draw an owl using the Number 22:

No matter your skill level, you can draw a cute panda in less than 5 minutes! Start by drawing a circle for the head and body, then add two circles for the eyes and black patches for the paws.

Here’s a quick guide on how to draw a panda:

A duck is one of the easiest animal drawings and a classic choice for kids. Draw its simple shape – an oval for its head with a curved bill, then add details like wings and feathers.

Finally, add some feet to your duck with a few curved lines! With these easy steps, you can draw an adorable duck in just 5 minutes or less.

Here’s how to draw a realistic duck using the Number 2 as a guide:

48. Sleeping Moon

Sleeping Moon Easy Drawing

The moon is one of the easiest things to draw, and it can be quite calming. 

Just draw a crescent moon, then add details like stars or clouds to make it more interesting. You can also color it in with different shades of blue and gray for an extra-magical look.

49. Smiling Sun

Smiling Sun Easy Drawing

Drawing a sun is an easy way to satisfy your creative urges. First, draw a circle with beams of light, then add extras like clouds or planets to make it more captivating. For an even sunnier result, color it yellow and orange.

50. Dragonfly

Kids will love drawing a dragonfly! To begin, sketch the body of the insect on your paper. You can draw an oval shape for the head and two attached wings. 

Then, draw four thin legs extending from each side of the body. Finally, add a few details like eyes and antennas to make it look more lifelike.

51. Band-aid

Band-aid Easy Drawing

This simple drawing only takes a few minutes to complete, and it looks great! Begin by sketching the outline of a band-aid with curved sides. Then have some fun and go wild by adding extras like stars or hearts.

52. Stegosaurus

Stegosaurus is one of the easiest dinosaurs to try out if you’re just starting with drawing. Its recognizable shapes make it a good subject for even novice artists.

Start by sketching the body and the triangular plates down the back of the dinosaur. Then, add triangular spikes on the end of its tail. Finally, draw four legs and a head with two eyes to complete your stegosaurus drawing!

53. Eye Glasses

Sketching glasses are a great way to spend your extra time. To start, establish the outline of the glasses by drawing the frame and a bridge. After that, add authentic details like lenses. Fill your design with color for an extra-cool look.

54. Ice Cream

Ice cream is delicious, and drawing it can be a fun way to show off your artistic skills. Begin by sketching a scoop of ice cream cone, then add details like sprinkles or chocolate syrup for a delicious look. For a tasty finish, paint it with various colors!

55. Tea Cup

Tea Cup Easy Drawing

Drawing a tea cup is an easy and creative way to practice your drawing skills. Start by sketching the cup’s shape, making sure you pay attention to the details like its handle and saucer. 

You can add more elements, such as steam or patterns around the cup. Finally, give it some dimension by adding colors and shadows.

56. Cute Cake

Designing a cake with pencil and paper is simple and fun. Draw a circle or oval shape for the cake with frosting, then add details like candles and sprinkles to give it that special touch. For more fun, color it with different shades for a vibrant finish.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to draw a BTS cake:

57. Cute Lipstick

Drawing cute lipstick is an easy and fun idea for anyone looking to create a quick sketch. 

Start by lightly drawing an oval shape in the center of the page. From there, draw two small circles at the bottom of the oval for the base of the lipstick tube. Create details like ridges along the tube or swirls on the cap.

58. Cupcake

Cupcake Easy Drawing

Draw a cupcake in under 5 minutes! All you need is some paper, pencils and your imagination. 

Sketch a simple circle for the base of the cupcake and some curved lines. After that, add details like sprinkles or icing. To finish it off, use multiple colors to make it look extra sweet.

59. Rainbow Cloud

With this easy tutorial, you’ll be drawing a rainbow cloud in no time! 

Start by sketching the basic shapes of clouds with a rainbow in between, then add details like raindrops to make it look more lifelike. For extra color and charm, paint it with shades of yellow, pink, and blue.

60. Cute Shooting Star

This is another easy drawing idea you can complete in less than 5 minutes. Begin by outlining the star, then add details like streaks or sparkles. And that’s it! 

You now have a cute shooting star drawing that you can color with shades of yellow and pink for a magical finish.

61. Apple Watch

Drawing an Apple Watch is not only easy but also a fun way to bring technology to life. 

Sketch the shape of the watch and its iconic buttons, then add details like bands or stickers for a more realistic look. Color it in with shades of white and silver for an extra-enjoyable result!

62. Cute Watermelon

Cute Watermelon Easy Drawing

This cute watermelon drawing is super easy to create and can be done in under 5 minutes! 

Draw the large oval shape of the watermelon. Don’t forget to add seeds, texture, and color using just a few simple lines. Draw stripes along the sides of your watermelon to give it its unique look.

63. Yummy Pizza

Try your hand at drawing a delicious-looking pizza in just 5 minutes or less. With some creativity and helpful tips from us, you can have a great-looking pizza drawing in no time.

Start by sketching out a round pizza shape with your pencil. Then, draw fun details like pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, or cheese – whatever looks best to you!

64. Cute Basketball

Cute Basketball Easy Drawing

Anyone can channel their inner athlete by drawing a cute basketball. Draw a circle for the ball, then add details like stars or stripes for a more playful look. Finally, color it in with different shades of orange and yellow for an extra-fun result!

65. Chimney

Drawing a chimney is a great way to express creativity in a short amount of time. Once the shapes are down, feel free to customize your chimney however you’d like! 

Add some smoke coming out of the top, or make it look more elaborate with extra decorations. You can even combine different types of bricks for an interesting effect.

66. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a classic drawing idea, and this one is easy to do in minutes. 

Just draw an oval shape with a few lines for the stem and leaves, then you’re done! You can also add some details like eyes, teeth, or vines if you want to make it more complex.

67. Spooky Ghost

Use your artistic skills to create a spooky ghost! 

First, sketch the shape of a ghost. Then add eyes, arms, or any other details you want. Finally, use shades of white and grey for the color scheme to make it look extra creepy.

Donut Easy Drawing

Who doesn’t love a donut? Draw one with this easy tutorial! 

Begin by sketching two circles for the donut, then add details like sprinkles or frosting. To finish it off, color it in with shades of pink and brown for an extra-delicious result!

Monkey Easy Drawing

Try your hand at being creative by sketching a monkey. First, draw the monkey’s face, then add features such as fur or a mouth. Make it extra fun by coloring it with shades of brown and yellow.

70. Hello Kitty

Drawing Hello Kitty is a fantastic way to widen your creativity and imagination. Start by sketching a bow and a circle for her head, then add details like whiskers for an extra-cute look. For even more fun, color it in shades of pink and white.

There you have it! We hope you had fun practicing your skills and found easy drawing ideas that inspire you to create something unique . 

Whether you’re an aspiring artist or a seasoned pro, easy things to draw are a great way to practice and improve your skills. Enjoy!

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