Choose your Journey

The Journey offers a range of seminars designed to clear blocks and set you free in all areas of your life. Transformative and freeing, they’ve helped many thousands of people lead richer, more fulfilling lives. Take the first step at a Journey Intensive and keep yourself on track with more advanced seminars – as you become the person you were born to be.

Entry Level Seminars

To start your journey, you need to attend at least one Entry Level Seminar before you can move on to advanced seminars and retreats.  

Journey Intensiv mit Brandon Bays & Bettina Hallifax

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Das Journey Intensiv Seminar wird dir dazu verhelfen, dein volles Potenzial aufzudecken und zu entdecken, wie du die Selbstheilungskräfte deines Körpers ausschöpfen kannst. Während drei tiefgründigen Tagen gänzlicher Offenheit, radikaler Ehrlichkeit und totaler Hingabe kannst du dich selbst befreien.


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Lerne die Journey Methode kennen und werde durch Mini-Prozesse mit ihr vertraut.

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See the full list of our events

The journey offers two paths to inner peace, freedom and resounding health:.

1 The Personal Transformation Program – a life changing, personal journey

2 The Journey Practitioner Program – a life changing, personal journey that ultimately qualifies you to help others change their lives, too

Each program has two levels, giving you a clear progression along your chosen path. See below for more details.

Personal Transformation Program

Transform your life at the deepest level as you experience one of the world’s most effective self-healing modalities. With the willingness to experience true liberation, and the courage to face your fears, you’ll begin to transform your life from the inside out. Your innate capacity to heal is activated, blocks to conscious abundance are uncovered and lifted and you’ll begin to live from your innate greatness. You’ll learn to communicate from the heart and experience powerful processes that create possibility for transformation and any patterns of suffering and self-sabotage caused by the ego are liberated.

You’ll move into a future of ease, deepening wisdom and clarity with your true destiny fulfilled

Level1: Self-Healing and Awakening

Bewusste fülle.

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Die meisten Seminare über Fülle bringen dir bei, wie du dir in deinem Leben das erschaffen kannst, das du dir wünschst. Aber warum erfüllen sich einige Dinge und andere wiederum nicht? Das Seminar Bewusste Fülle bietet dir einen einzigartigen Einblick, wie du Fülle bisher blockiert hast und wie du sie wieder zum Fließen bringen kannst.

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Dieses Seminar ist nichts für schwache Nerven und nichts für Menschen mit flüchtigem Interesse an Freiheit. Wenn du die Wahrheit mehr liebst als deine Ego-Spiele und eine tiefe Sehnsucht danach hast, in Freiheit zu leben, dann ist dieses Retreat für dich geeignet. Möge die Wahrheit dich befreien.

Bewusste Kommunikation

the journey practitioner deutschland

Entdecke den unglaublichen Einfluss von verbaler und nonverbaler Kommunikation auf deine Physiologie, dein Verhalten und deine Gefühle. Dieses kostbare Wissen wird dich leiten, deine eigene Gesundheit und auch das Wohl anderer auf positive Weise zu beeinflussen.

Egal wie tief deine Themen liegen und egal wie lange du schon mit ihnen kämpfst, es existiert eine Möglichkeit für dich, absolut frei, ganz und geheilt zu sein.

Brandon Bays

Journey Practitioner Program

Share the gift of one of the world’s most effective, self-healing modality with others. Having experienced for yourself the power of transformation with The Journey, you’re in the perfect position to build an abundant business with truth, joy and love. You transform every aspect of your own life – emotionally, physically, spiritually – and help others to achieve the same. You’ll uncover humanity’s secret healing codes and apply them to almost any aspect of your life and will lead by example as you clear your deepest life issues and facilitate conscious healing as a way of life. .

You’ll find true meaning, purpose and deep fulfillment in your daily work … and you are part of the change you wish to see in the world!

Accredited Journey Practitioner

Transformiere dein leben.

the journey practitioner deutschland

Während dieses Seminars wirst du dich so in deiner Arbeit vertiefen, wie du es selbst nicht für möglich gehalten hast. Brandon enthüllt tiefgreifende Techniken mit denen du deine eigenen Designerprozesse erstellen kannst und energetisch auf der tiefsten Ebene des Bewusstsein arbeitest.

Practitioner Business Training

the journey practitioner deutschland

Werde zu einem erfüllten und bewussten Unternehmer. Entwickle, vermarkte und erziele Erfolg in deiner eigenen, einzigartigen Gesundheits- oder Coaching-Praxis. Führe ein Leben in Fülle und leiste einen bewussten Beitrag in dieser Welt.

Level2: Self-mastery and Liberation

Strahlende gesundheit auf corfu.

the journey practitioner deutschland

Löse deine emotionalen, körperlichen und mentalen Schmerzen, um dein Leben zu heilen und zu transformieren. Wir treffen uns auf Korfu in Griechenland, um unsere ungesunden Angewohnheiten und Verhaltensweisen aufzudecken und zu verändern. Wir lassen selbst die unbewussten los und starten in ein Leben mit gesunden und bestärkenden Entscheidungen.

Enneagramm Masterclass

the journey practitioner deutschland

Entdecke die außergewöhnlichen Geheimnisse, die das Enneagramm über die Schleier des Ego zu enthüllen hat, die unvereinbaren Gegensätze, in denen wir steckenbleiben, unsere menschlichen Antriebe, die jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens beeinflussen. Und finde heraus, wie wir uns davon befreien können.

Authentic Greatness I

the journey practitioner deutschland

Entdecke dein größtes und tiefstes Potenzial und fange an, jeden Tag aus dieser Wahrheit heraus zu leben. Dieses siebentägige Seminar zeigt dir, wie du dein dir innewohnendes Genie täglich ausleben kannst. Stell dir vor, jeden Tag erfüllt, zufrieden und mit wahrer Bestimmung aufzuwachen und zu leben!

Have the willingness to go into the roots of your worst fear, until you feel the essence of what you are – your pure potential, the foundation of what you really are.

Journey Accredited Life Coach

E-motion und trauma klärung.

the journey practitioner deutschland

mit Dorothe Trassl Ab 2020 auch in Deutschland. Erlebe die kraftvolle, heilende Kombination von Trauma-Yoga und Techniken der Körperarbeit. Erfahre in einem brandneuen Seminar diese außergewöhnliche Methode, sehr tief-sitzende Zellerinnerungen aufzudecken und vollständig aufzulösen.

Fortgeschrittes No Ego

the journey practitioner deutschland

Im Feuer der Freiheit

Journey Practitioner Mastery

the journey practitioner deutschland

Dieses Seminar ist hervorragend dafür geeignet, deinen ‚empfohlenen Status‘ als Journey Practitioner aufrechtzuerhalten und versorgt dich mit den neusten Methoden, Lehren und Erkenntnissen. Erlebe die eleganten Techniken an dir selbst und werde ein herausragender Journey Practitioner.

Authentic Greatness II

the journey practitioner deutschland

Kreiere eine bewusste Karriere als ein Meister des Erwachens und der Lebensveränderung

Freiheit von Depression für Practitioner

the journey practitioner deutschland

Ausschließlich für Journey Practitioner. Erkenne die wahren Ursachen von Depressionen und löse sie. Dieser praktische Workshop basiert auf Kevins persönlicher Erfahrung mit klinischer Depression und seiner vollkommenen Befreiung davon.

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Journey Practitioner Deutschland & Österreich

Ausbildung zum akkreditierten Journey Practitioner

Das Ausbildungsprogramm zum Journey Practitioner umfasst verschiedene  Module, die aufeinander aufbauen. Das Programm wird in Europa (Deutschland), Amerika, Australien und Südafrika aktuell online angeboten. Für die Anerkennung als akkreditierter Journey Practitioner ist es erforderlich, im Anschluß an die Seminare 49 selbstreflektierende Fallstudien zu erstellen und einzureichen.

Es geht in dieser Ausbildung nicht nur darum, das erforderliche „Handwerkszeug “ zu erlernen. Dadurch, dass du in allen Seminaren die Methode persönlich anwendest und damit deine eigenen tiefsten Themen anschaust und aufarbeitest, ist diese Ausbildung für dein eigenes Leben ungemein befreiend.

Diese Ausbildung ist nichts für Menschen, die „nur eine weitere Technik“ erlernen wollen! Sie ist gedacht für Menschen, die von der Liebe zur Wahrheit erfüllt sind und die bereit sind, sich von den begrenzenden Konzepten Ihres Daseins zu befreien.

Mehr Details (z.B. Preise und Termine) und Infos über die Ausbildung erhältst du direkt bei der Seminarorganisation The Journey auf

oder du schreibst die Journey direkt an unter [email protected]

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Find Journey Practitioners in the world : Germany

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Bettina Hallifax

Dutch, English, German

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Tanja Fuchs


Isabelle Dobmann

English, German

Klaus Martach

Albrecht link.


Anne-Katrin Rieper

Thurid bleinroth.

Barsinghausen - bei Hannover

Miriam Wullstein

Grit ehrenpfordt, joerg stawicki, bhavani gehrisch.

Mannheim; Frankfurt; Heidelberg; Darmstadt

English, German, Swedish

Cora Brandt Heilpraktikerin

Zuzana tholema.


Czech, English, German, Slovak

Marianne Riedling

Heidelberg; Mannheim; Wiesenbach

Andrea Boldt

Nasafarin khosrawi-rad, dorothe trassl m.a., cornelia steinberg, jaqueline rosenkranz, heidi vogler.


Samada Riedel


Sabrina Stawicki

Anja loehning.

Freiburg; Lech

German, English

Annette Kutzer

Freya vogler, a - verband der journey practitioner.

Dutch, English, German, Italian, Spanish

Stefanie Heinlein

Hendrik beck, friederike hemsath, francisca michel, dr. marijke akkerman, selina von schultzendorff, michaela sturm, gaby brückmann.


Annic-Barbara Fenske

Angelika pfeiffer.

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Arnold Timmerman

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Netherlands born (’71) Arnold Timmerman completed his Journey Practitioner Program in 2004. He then joined Brandon Bays fulltime to facilitate seminars and retreats around the world. In 2008 he was asked to start presenting Journey seminars and retreats in Europe, North America and Israel. He also started to co-create and present Visionary Leadership modules in Europe together with Brandon Bays’ husband Kevin Billett.

In 2011 Arnold took a break from The Journey to focus on getting his own books published, running his coaching & consulting business, and more importantly on enjoying his quality family-time with his wife and daughter and moving to their dream place in the mountains of southern Spain.

At the end of 2015, Arnold climbed back on board to travel and work around Europe as Brandon Bay’s leading co-presenter, to caretake the Journey seminars in The Netherlands and Belgium and to present advanced Journey modules in Europe. He also set up The Journey in Spain together with his wife Claire (The Journey’s International Operations Director).

Arnold’s spiritual and self-development path was ignited at the early age of 11. An active sports life, a master’s degree in Law, an extensive extracurricular resume, and a career in photography and lifestyle magazine publishing could not prevent the inevitable… Arnold just had to switch to a professional career in mind, body, health and transformation. That decision in 2002 has led him to support people and organizations through challenging times. He has also trained coaches, consultants and therapists to do the same.

You can contact Arnold through [email protected] . More information about his work can be found at .


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  • Freedom from emotional hooks, with Brandon Bays (free meditation) 4. March 2024
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  • Are you judging yourself too harshly? 4. March 2024
  • Free yourself from self-judgment 29. February 2024

the journey practitioner deutschland

Arnold’s spiritual and self-development path was ignited at the early age of 11. An active sports life, a master’s degree in Law, an extensive extracurricular resume, and a career in photography and lifestyle magazine publishing could not prevent the inevitable... Arnold just had to switch to a professional career in mind, body, health and transformation. That decision in 2002 has led him to support people and organizations through challenging times. He has also trained coaches, consultants and therapists to do the same.

the journey practitioner deutschland

the journey practitioner deutschland

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The Journey

Die Amerikanerin Brandon Bays erkrankte 1992 an einem Tumor und ging auf eine "Heilungsreise" zu sich selbst. Sie entwickelte THE JOURNEY™ - einen einfachen, und dennoch tiefgehenden Prozess, nachdem sie sich selbst von ihrem Tumor heilte - ohne Medikamente, ohne Operation. THE JOURNEY™ ist ein verblüffend einfacher innerer Prozess, um Ihr Leben zu heilen und endlich frei zu sein. Er wirkt auf tiefster Ebene - direkt in Ihrem Zellgedächtnis - um Erinnerungen in Verbindung mit emotionalen oder physischen Problemen aufzudecken und permanent zu heilen. Die Ergebnisse der Journeyarbeit sind tiefgreifend und anhaltend.

THE JOURNEY™ wird international von vielen Menschen als hochwirksamer Heilungsprozesse anerkannt Tausende Menschen weltweit haben sich mit THE JOURNEY™ erfolgreich bei folgenden Zuständen unterstützt: Nervosität, Depressionen, sexuelle Blockaden, geringem Selbstwert, Eifersucht, Trauer, Wut, Suchtverhalten, chronischen Schmerzen und vielen anderen physischen Krankheiten wie z.B. Asthma, Migräne, Magengeschwüren, Tumoren und vielem mehr. Die Emotional Journey ist ein machtvoller und wirksamer Heilprozess, der Ihnen hilft, emotionale Probleme aufzudecken und aufzulösen. Sie ermöglicht Ihnen, mit Ihrer inneren Weisheit, mit Ihrer Quelle, in Kontakt zu kommen und sich von begrenzenden emotionalen Blockaden und destruktiven Verhaltensmustern zu befreien. Im ersten Teil dieses Prozesses werden Sie ermutigt, die Emotion, vor der Sie vielleicht jahrelang davongelaufen sind oder die Sie tief in sich unterdrückt haben, wirklich zu spüren.

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Journey Practitioner Results - Germany

Gaby Brückmann

I learend about the Journey in 2015 and I've been fascinated about it ever since then. I offer journeys in German as well as in English language on site or via Zoom.

Joerg Stawicki

Journey Practitioner / Spiritueller Coach / Psychologischer Coach

Bernhard Wuthe

Heilpraktiker und Coach für Führungskräfte spezialisiert auf Burnout-Behandlung Gründer des Praxiszentrum Sendling für Burnout und Stresstherapie

Marianne Riedling

Meine Leidenschaft ist es mit Hilfe von Journey-Prozessen, Menschen zu unterstützen, sich innerlich zu befreien auf ihrem ureigenen Weg durchs Leben zu gehen.

Christine Schlör

Schön, dass du da bist und dich für die Journey-Methode interessierst. Suchst du nach mehr Harmonie und möchtest dabei authentisch, ehrlich und liebevoll

Annic-Barbara Fenske

Als empfohlene Journey Practitionerin und Life Coachin unterstütze ich Menschen & Familien dabei, ihr volles Potential zu leben und zu mehr inneren Frieden zu finden. 

Cornelia Steinberg

because of my own health conditions i discovered -the journey- and decided to become a journey practitioner. it changed my life and helped in many ways.

Marijke Akkerman

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Find Journey Practitioners in the world : Netherlands

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Claudia Lambij

Dutch, English, German

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Anouk oude Luttikhuis-Bruins

Martine visser t hooft, sonja scheurwater-snoek, mark graves.

Dutch, English

Marika Wilmes

Cecile homs raateland.

Dutch, German, English

Simone De Bruin

Bettina hallifax, monique van der zwart, jolanda nieuwstraten.

English, Dutch

Arna Vliegen-Verschure

Neerijnen; West Betuwe

Astrid Vester

Jeanette westenberg, katelijne ferman, yolan biemans, carolyn bel, lysanne plugge-walraven, arnold timmerman.

Dutch, English, Belgian

Kaiyann Isa


Iris Patricia Furer-Botterman

Dutch, English, French, German

Miranda Habraken

Lianne van den dungen, simone massop, marianne geiger.

English, German

Marca De Greef

Erp (Veghel-Uden)

Drs. Conchita Scheffer

Angela ter veen, henriette koks.

Apeldoorn, Arnhem

Alexandra Kalinine

Leiden; Marseille; Paris

English, French

Dieke Theuns-van Blerk

Inez hafkamp, claire libre, peter thijssens, marline schreuder.

Gorssel; Zutphen

Esther Bik-Zijtregtop

Marion gulpers, neil del strother, suzanne wortel, cor van vliet.

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Meet the Team

Our team consist of well trained and trusted tantra masseuses.

We all share the common vision of tantra as a tool for healing,

nourishment for body and soul, growth, expansion and to strengthen the connection to your true-self. We aim to create a safe space, free of judgment in which you can be in your totality. Read more about our philosophy here . Come explore with us.

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SESSIONS IN: English, German and French

For Alma , tantra massage is an intimate dance, a sensual ritual, a comforting song during which you are invited to feel your inner world. She uses a wide range of touch as a healing tool and cares for creating a safe space in which you can experience yourself deeply and let go of what is not needed anymore. Trained as a tantra masseuse, her work is enriched by her experience as a reiki and shiatsu practicioner. 


SESSIONS IN: English and German

For Alisha tantra is a practice of meeting and experiencing yourself as whole, of embracing what is and welcoming all parts fo you. With loving, nourishing touch and full presence, her intention is to create a space that feels save and held. Inviting you to experience yourself as the soft and strong, sensual being that you are.

Besides tantra massage, Alisha had studied different modalities such as Thai and Abhyanga massage. She is also a trained yoga teacher and member of the ISTA community.


SESSIONS IN: English, German and Spanish

Carina  is welcoming you with warm, grounded and nourishing touch, a fine sense for energetic movements in the body and loving presence in worshiping the erotic being that you are. Tantra is for her a practice for landing soul in matter, in and through the wisdom of the body.  Seeing and re-membering yourself as whole.

Carina is trained in LomiLomi Nui massage, Shiatsu and Reiki, as well as De-Armouring and Theta Healing and is part of a collective exploring temple culture and arts, ecosensuality and a wide array of emotional presencing and intimacy practises. 

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SESSIONS IN: English, German and Hebrew

For Iftach , a Tantra massage is a ritual of touch, a space of safety, vulnerability and pleasure, where one can feel into their body and inner self. His touch is often slow, loving and deep, inviting to fully immerse in receiving and "being" without a goal, letting go of shame or the need to perform. He has different massage trainings, such as Thai, deep tissue and Reflexology. 

Tantra Massage Berlin

For  Denise   tantra is a path to connect to the source of love within herself and share it with the outside world. In her tantra massage she uses loving and worshipping touch to bring in the elements that are needed in each moment, might it be  dynamic and energising or grounding and nurturing. She has a calm and grounded atmosphere that shows her depth and invites trust and surrender. Additionally to tantric bodywork, she is trained in swedish massage, Lomi Lomi, Shiatsu and deep tissue. She is also a health and nutrition coach. 

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Johannes creates each massage session from a place of loving presence. Vulnerability is met with nurturing touch and calm, soothing energy. And when the journey takes you into deep erotic joy, he is there to skilfully move with this fire, supporting you to liberate your life force. His touch is a worship of your unique body and soul. Johannes has training in conscious touch & emotional release (ISTA), somatic psychotherapy (Hakomi), process facilitation, sacred sexuality and embodiment practices. He is also a strategy consultant and nature guide.

tantra berlin

Judith transitioned from being a yoga teacher into tantra practicioner and has a broad experience in supporting people in the exploration of their sexuality.

She is devoted to rope play as means to experience true surrender. She can bring this element into your massage upon request. For her a tantra massage is a worship Ritual in which you get to enjoy and receive. You get to be fully yourself and experience the healing power of full acceptance. 

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For Julia a tantra massage is an opportunity to experience your body as a whole, allowing it to revitalize and enjoy its full sensual potential.  Julia has worked as a masseuse and Heilpraktiker for over a decade; alway rejoicing in the pleasure of giving and supporting people in their path to inner peace.   She has specialized in teaching and coaching the inner-Child work. She is passionate about music. 

tantra massage berlin

SESSIONS IN: English and French

For Kahra , Tantra is about being in harmony and flow with your truth in the present moment. She trusts her intuition and works in tune with her own body wisdom.

She is a devoted tantric practitioner holding a deep container of warmth, care and empathy through her presence.

Additional to her training as a tantric masseuse, Kahra has a master's in Holistic Health  and Coaching, a therapeutic and deep tissue massage degree and a breathwork facilitator certificate.

tantra massage berlin

SESSIONS IN: English and Finnish

For Linda there is nothing more sublime than experiencing the present moment. In her sessions she will invite you to arrive in that state of bliss through gentle and loving touch, breath sound and somatic movement. For her, pleasure is medicine. She combines techniques from various traditions such as Tantra, thai massage, myofascial massage and de-armouring;

as well as adding balancing Reiki and Craniosacral routines for an overall physical, emotional and spiritual healing experience. 

healing massage


Maï ka accompanies people in their massage experiences with presence, intuition and love. For her, touch is the key to getting in touch with one's own essence and body. This can set healing processes in motion. In her sessions she also brings in elements from her practice of Intuitive Thai Meridian Massage.  

For Maika, tantra massages are a sensual encounter with one's own essence and the infinity of the present moment.

tantra therapy

In her sessions, Mathilde creates a space for people to come home to their body and essence, tap into their wisdom and live with ease, joy and purpose.  She has a wide experience in supporting people in the tantric path. Her work is trauma informed. "You are welcome exactly as you are. This work supports you to become vibrant and inspired."

She has specialized through year- long studies in embodiment, sensuality and intimacy, working with all genders. She offer bodywork sessions, coaching and workshops. 



Tantra, for Nadya , represents a holistic path to embracing life through deep acceptance and devotion, intertwining spirituality and sensuality to explore the divine nature through direct bodily, sensory, and emotional experiences. In her sessions,  love and presence serve as guiding forces to release stagnant energy and unlock ones inner joy.

Besides having a broad experience with tantra massage, she has studied many other body-work techniques, including being certified in the Pantarei Approach, de-armouring, Lomi Lomi, Shiatsu and School of Temple Arts (ISTA).


SESSIONS IN: English, German, Portuguese and Spanish

Paula has been practicing and teaching the tantric tradition for almost a decade. She also offer body-psychotherpy sessions and other forms of energetic healing. All her Session aim at allowing more life-force to flow through the body and release any blockages that might be on the way of living a truly authentic and free life.

She offers tantra massage courses and founded the Journey Within Institute for Tantric Body-work. She has also supports couples in finding deeper intimacy in their relationships. Read More about her trajectory here. 


Rebecca has a warm, welcoming, light, playful and loving presence. She invites you to feel at ease from moment one. Tantra for her is and invitation to arrive in the present moment, be completely yourself and remember the parts in you that are already perfect. Her decade long Vipassana meditation practice is the ground for a deep presence in the present moment.

Next to her educational career, she is trained in Tantra Massage, Tantric Temple Arts (ISTA), De-armouring, systemic life coaching, as a yoga teacher and gives Tantra Yoga Workshops. 

tantra massage

SESSIONS IN: English, German and Italian

Silvia is devoted to celebrating people through their bodies. In her artistic work she drawes honoring paintings of the yoni and lingam. In her body-work sessions she welcomes the totality of who you are. For her, Tantra Massage is a journey to the heart and to your true self. It supports you to let go of what holds you back from relating in an authentic and loving way to yourself and others, allowing for more love to flow through you. She is trained in Ayurvedic medicine and tantric practices (ISTA). 

tantra massage

SESSIONS IN: German and English


For Sina  tantra is about cultivating presence, releasing what doesn't serve you anymore and finding freedom, as well as tapping into pleasure to unlock inner peace. Sina has a warmth and playful energy that invites one to feel completely at ease. Tantra has been her journey to achieve balance between intellect and body and she is passionate about supporting others in that path. She is additionally trained as a yoga teacher and heart-based tantra practitioner. She also has a background in business strategy and transformation. 

For Tara , the art of tantra massage is a pathway to elevated and enhanced states of consciousness. Through both tender and tentative touch, Tara likes to take you on a journey through the layers of sensation and sensuality.

Tara is a certified Sensual Somatic™️ facilitator and uses a combination of massage techn iques, trauma-informed somatic release practices, breathwork, and sensual embodiment in her sessions. She is also a performer and dancer.

Her desire is for everyone to feel safe and sensual in their own bodies.

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  1. Journey Practitioner Deutschland & Österreich

    the journey practitioner deutschland

  2. Seminare

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  3. Ruth Bleakley-Thiessen

    the journey practitioner deutschland

  4. Angelika Pfeiffer

    the journey practitioner deutschland

  5. Aktuelles aus der Journey-Gemeinschaft

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  6. Aktuelles aus der Journey-Gemeinschaft

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  1. Was ist NLP

  2. Как найти практику в Германии. Мой опыт

  3. The Internship (Das Praktikum )

  4. Физиотерапевт в Германии. Обучение. Работа

  5. Was ist NLP?

  6. Auf dem Weg zum Glück


  1. Find a Practitioner

    Heidi Vogler. Practitioners. Experience The Journey for yourself - and help others. . The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology. It works fast to awaken you to your limitless potential - so you can achieve success in every area of your life.

  2. Journey Practitioner Deutschland & Österreich

    Durch die von Brandon Bays entwickelte Methode The Journey erlernst du die Kunst, mit deinen Gefühlen und Gedanken umzugehen und die Stimme deiners Körpers wieder wahrzunehmen. Gib dir die Chance, in Fluss und Harmonie zu kommen, dich für die Herausforderungen des Lebens zu stärken und dich wieder selbst lieben zu lernen. Mehr erfahren.

  3. The Journey

    The Journey ist eine weltweit anerkannte und hochgelobte Methode zur körperlichen, emotionalen und mentalen Transformation. Sie bietet uns eine praktische Anleitung, die uns auf direktem Weg Zugang zu unserem uneingeschränkten Potenzial verschafft und dieses freisetzt, sodass wir Erfolg in allen Bereichen unseres Lebens erreichen können.

  4. The Journey

    The Journey. The Journey ist eine Einladung, in unser ureigenstes Potenzial, in unseren innersten Wesenskern einzutauchen und uns selbst zu entdecken. Sie kann eine Brücke zu wahrem inneren Frieden und zu wahrem freien Handeln sein. The Journey führt uns in unseren tiefsten Kern, in dem wir völlig frei und gesund sind.

  5. Seminare

    Im Folgenden geben wir dir hier einen kurzen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Seminare, die von The Journey angeboten werden. Seit 2021 finden die meisten Seminare Online statt und es gibt fast immer auch deutsche Simultanübersetzungen. Detaillierte Informationen und Termine zu den Seminarangeboten findest du auf der Webseite der.

  6. Seminare

    1 The Personal Transformation Program - a life changing, personal journey. 2 The Journey Practitioner Program - a life changing, personal journey that ultimately qualifies you to help others change their lives, too. ... Ab 2020 auch in Deutschland. Erlebe die kraftvolle, heilende Kombination von Trauma-Yoga und Techniken der Körperarbeit. ...

  7. Journey Practitioner

    Die empfohlenen akkreditierten Practitioner haben auch einen Eintrag auf der offiziellen Webseite der Journey ( ). Auf unseren Karten ( Deutschland / Österreich) und in den Profilen der Practitioner erkennst du den Status des Practitioners anhand der drei Farben.

  8. Ausbildung zum JP

    Ausbildung zum akkreditierten Journey Practitioner. Das Ausbildungsprogramm zum Journey Practitioner umfasst verschiedene Module, die aufeinander aufbauen. Das Programm wird in Europa (Deutschland), Amerika, Australien und Südafrika aktuell online angeboten. Für die Anerkennung als akkreditierter Journey Practitioner ist es erforderlich, im ...

  9. The Official Journey Practitioner Directory

    Find the right Journey Practitioner for you. Search by language, online or offline and specialisation.

  10. Germany Journey Practitioners

    because of my own health conditions i discovered -the journey- and decided to become a journey practitioner. it changed my life and helped in many ways. Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany. View Listing. Send Message. Show Phone Number Call: 004916096007464. Annic-Barbara Fenske Frau ...

  11. Find Journey Practitioners in the world : Germany

    A - Verband der Journey Practitioner Dutch, English, German, Italian, Spanish ir helfen Ihnen • die emotionale Ursache von Erkrankungen zu lösen • Emotionen auf natürliche Weise zu leben • belastende Erlebnisse aufzuarbeiten • erfolgreich zu werden • in Krisenzeiten • bei der Neuorientierung • etc. www.journey-practitioner.d

  12. The Journey

    The Journey will guide you to a life of meaning, purpose and fulfilment. If you are new to The Journey and haven't yet experienced its power, start with some of the free tools available here or join us in one of our entry level events. You can even become a Journey Practitioner, helping others to heal and awaken to their true potential.

  13. Berlin, Germany Wellness

    Als akkreditierter Journey Practitioner helfe ich Dir Traumata zu lösen, Beziehungsproblemen zu lösen und unterstütze ich Dich dabei Dein Traumleben zu verwirklichen. Berlin, Berlin, 12099, Germany. View Listing. Send Message. Show Phone Number Call: 01637003240. Bettina Hallifax

  14. Team

    The Journey runs events across the globe in multiple languages. Here are some of the people who make this possible. Our international presenters is not only trained as a Journey Practitioner, most of them have been with The Journey over many years. They co-host many of our entry-level retreats and support you during the events and in our community.

  15. Journey Practitioner Program

    Conscious Abundance Retreat. Clear your hidden limitations and manifest true abundance in all areas of your life. During this 2 ½ day retreat you'll uncover the beliefs, fears and unconscious programming that have held you back in life. Financially. In your career, your health, your creativity and your relationships.

  16. Arnold Timmerman

    Arnold Timmerman. Netherlands born ('71) Arnold Timmerman completed his Journey Practitioner Program in 2004. He then joined Brandon Bays fulltime to facilitate seminars and retreats around the world. In 2008 he was asked to start presenting Journey seminars and retreats in Europe, North America and Israel. He also started to co-create and ...

  17. The Journey

    THE JOURNEY™ wird international von vielen Menschen als hochwirksamer Heilungsprozesse anerkannt Tausende Menschen weltweit haben sich mit THE JOURNEY™ erfolgreich bei folgenden Zuständen unterstützt: Nervosität, Depressionen, sexuelle Blockaden, geringem Selbstwert, Eifersucht, Trauer, Wut, Suchtverhalten, chronischen Schmerzen und ...

  18. Germany Journey Practitioners

    Journey Practitioner Results - Germany. Steffi Heinlein . Recommended My mission: I support children of narcissistic parents to reclaim their power, their voice and their life. How I work: I combine the powerful Journey work with bodywork. Germany 60316 Frankfurt-Innenstadt I, Germany ...

  19. Find a Practitioner

    Claire Libre. Practitioners. Experience The Journey for yourself - and help others. . The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology. It works fast to awaken you to your limitless potential - so you can achieve success in every area of your life.

  20. Team

    Our team in Berlin consist of well trained and trusted tantric practitioners. We all share the common vision of tantra as a tool for healing, nourishment for body and soul, growth, expansion and to strengthen the connection to your true-self. We aim to create a safe space, free of judgment in which you can be in your totality. Come explore with us.

  21. The Soul Journeys

    QHHT Deutschland - Mario Radinger ist einer der erfahrensten QHHT & BQH Practitioner Deutschlands und nach Dolores Cannon ausgebildet. QHHT Germany, BQH Deutschland, BQH Germany, QHHT nach Dolores Cannon, Rückführungen, Hypnose Frankfurt, Soul Journey, The Soul Journeys

  22. Michael Furci

    Family Nurse Practitioner @ GLOW Wellness | Integrative Medicine · At GLOW Wellness, our team is dedicated to guiding individuals along their path to optimal well-being, leveraging my expertise ...