Siachen Glacier Trek

Siachen Glacier Trek

Ladakh • 18 days.


₹ On Request + 5% GST

Available Batches

Brief description.

Siachen Glacier Trek, a dream of many who have always wanted to walk on the path of soldiers can finally change their dream into reality. Unlike any other trek in India, the trek to Siachen Glacier is that of the greatest accomplishment and admiration but more than its a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience, know and learn the life of soldiers of the Indian Army in what is easily the most inhospitable terrain of the world. Places on this trek are strictly limited and only Indian citizens are permitted to embark on the most unforgettable journey of their lives. This arduous 10-day trek across an endless ocean of crevasse infested glacier, taxing moraines, severe weather conditions, and unbearable cold must be attempted by experienced trekkers only. We trek to the highest point of the trek, the Kumar Post at an unforgiving height of 4880 meters. With some of the harshest environments in the world, the trek will take you in arm's length of the mighty Karakoram range and the Saltoro range of mountains. You will be spending time interacting with the soldiers posted in this territory and get to know their lives and history. This is not a walk in the park, with daily medical check-ups and training by the army, one has to be both physically and mentally fit. At this altitude and environment, one has to make sure that he/she acclimatizes well and stays fit during the entirety of the trek. Due to the high security of the location and the army presence, taking photographs of the army camps is strictly prohibited. You will be lead by experienced and trained army personnel and due to the endless trek on the glaciers, one needs to be roped up throughout the trek. This expedition can be done only in the months of August and September upon permission and permits from the Indian Army. Stay on this page for more information on the Siachen Glacier Trek.


Arrival at Leh

The most convenient way to reach Leh is by Air. But this has to be followed by at least 2 days of acclimatization in Leh before you head out for a trek like Rumtse to Tso Moriri Lake. You can also reach Leh by road but this option requires at least 2-3 days of travel on the road. You will receive the detail of accommodation in Leh through an email from us. After reaching Leh check into the Guest House/Hotel. Have some rest and acclimatize as Leh is at the height of 11500 ft. above sea level. The evening can be utilized to explore the Leh market.

Acclimatization in Leh

Explore the cultural and natural beauty of Leh. This will make you familiar with the town and also help in acclimatize to the weather. Leh is the center point of Ladakh and also a major town from where all treks and expeditions begin. It is also a culturally rich place. There are dozens of monasteries and ancient temples that you can go around. They are located in and around the town. Enjoy the local cuisines which are a major attraction for travelers.

Drive from Leh to Siachen Base Camp (3810 M) - 150 km

Today we will take a 150 km drive from Leh to Siachen Base Camp through the amazing Nubra Valley. You will drive over the mighty Khardung La pass along the scenic Nubra River past the lovely villages of Khalsar, Sumur and Panamik which is the last civilian settlement before the Siachen Base Camp which is also the northern most village in this side of Ladakh for Indians and foreigners alike. From the village of warshi you will require special permission from the army to reach the Siachen Base Camp. At 3810 meters in height, you are required to rest well at Siachen Base Camp. Later there will be an introduction and briefing session by the Base commander. There will be medical check-ups conducted by the Indian army doctors. You need to continue drinking water to keep yourself hydrated and thus allow your body to acclimatize well to this altitude. Have food at the officer's mess and spend the night at Siachen Base Camp.

Rest in Siachen Base Camp and visit the Siachen Battle School

Breakfast will be followed by another medical check-up. You will then head to the Siachen Battle School which is the highest military training academy that trains the army soldiers in ice craft and survival techniques. You will get a glimpse of the training of Indian army who guard this inhospitable territory. Later in the day we will check all of our gear compulsory for the upcoming trek to Siachen Base Camp. There will be another medical check-up before you retire for the night. Overnight in Siachen Base Camp.

Siachen Base Camp to Camp 1 (3962 M) - 12 km, 6 hrs trek

Today will be the start of your trek. There will be a medical check-up in the morning to ensure everyone is well acclimatized. There will be specialist high altitude porters that will carry your personal rucksacks if needed. We will stop at the O.P. Baba shrine. This shrine was constructed by the soldiers near the snout of the glacier. We will start the trek only after offering prayers at the shrine. As you start your trek you will feel the altitude and the cold since you are walking on an icy glacier. Everyone will be roped up to be safe and the leader of the team will be a soldier from the Indian army. There will be flags planted in the ground en route to show the safe zones. Only the soldiers will know how to navigate this glacier and avoid the deep crevasses. Even though the trek is relatively easy you will have to use crampons to navigate the icy glacier. We reach the glacier at camp 1 and spend the night on the glacier. There will be another set of a mandatory medical check-up. There will be some 5-6 people in a single tent which will also insulate you from the cold winds and the severe cold at night. Keep drinking water. Overnight in camp 1.

Acclimatization in Camp 1

Rest and acclimatization day at Camp 1. There will be medical check-ups to ensure you are doing fine.

Camp 1 to Camp 2 (4179 M) - 14 km, 7 hrs trek

Today we trek towards Camp 2. The walk is over an ocean of glaciers and moraines with constant crevasses. Roping up will be of the utmost importance here. Camp 2 and Camp 3 are not fixed camps. They will be established depending on prevailing weather and snow conditions. There will be parachute tents. There will be another round of medical check-ups. Have dinner and overnight in tents.

Acclimatization in Camp 2

Camp 2 to Camp 3 (4420 M) - 16 km, 8 hrs

Wake up early. There will be a medical check-up to ensure everything is alright. Today will be the toughest part of the trek. It will test your physical and mental endurance. It is going to be a tough 16km trek on moraine and snow. You will get to see the mighty Karakoram and the Saltoro Ridge. The trail is full of deep crevasses, your leader will help you navigate this properly. Once you reach Camp 3, there will be another round of medical check-up. Overnight in tents.

Acclimatization in Camp 3

Camp 3 to Kumar Post (4876 M) - 18 km, 9 hrs

Today is going to be a memorable day. We will trek from Camp 3 to Kumar Post, named after Colonel Narinder "Bull" Kumar, the only living soldier to have the honor or a major post named after him. The trek will be on soft snow with decently flat terrain. However, the final climb to Kumar Post is very steep and taxing. The post is on top of a humongous block of ice at a high altitude. We will meet the soldiers here at this camp and chat with them, get to know their stories and history. A once in a lifetime opportunity, indeed. There will be a mandatory medical check-up. Overnight in tents.

Spend a day at Kumar Post

Spend the day at Kumar Post interacting with the soldiers and get to know their life and stories. Watch how our brave soldiers function at that high altitude all around the year. There will be two sets of medical check-ups. Overnight in tents.

Kumar Post to Camp 3 - 18 km, 7 hrs

Retrace our steps to Camp 3 over a taxing terrain surrounded by the majestic Karakoram range. Overnight in tents after medical check-ups.

Camp 3 to Camp 2 - 16 km, 6 hrs

We trek back to Camp 2 and rest for the night. You can feel the change in altitude as you descend down.

Camp 2 to Camp 1 - 14 km, 5 hrs

We take it easy and retrace back to Camp 1. Overnight in tents

Camp 1 to Siachen Base Camp - 12 km, 5 hrs

We return to the Siachen Base Camp after what is easily defined as the best time of your life. An accomplishment indeed. Overnight in base camp.

Siachen Base Camp to Leh - 150 km drive.

We drive back to Leh. Celebrate and cherish the achievement. Overnight in hotel.

Departure from Leh

Frequently Asked Questions

Pick your question, mandatory documents: what are the mandatory documents required for the expedition.

ID Proof (Soft Copy to be sent to us in Advance & original to be carried) and Medical Certificate (Soft Copy to be sent to us & original to be carried) are the mandatory documents required for this trek. Since this is a high-security area, multiple identity checks will be held at various points of your journey. Also, due to the high altitude and the harsh environment of the trek, there will be medical tests held on a daily basis to ensure your safe health and proper acclimatization.

Transport: In case we opt for the transport with you, where will you pick us from and where will you drop?

You will be picked up from your hotel in Leh and driven to Siachen Base Camp from where the trek starts. You will be dropped off at your hotel on the last day of your trip.

Transport: What time will we reach the end point on last day of the trek?

Expect to reach Leh by evening.

Miscellaneous : Is there an option to offload my backpack?

If you want to offload your rucksack, you will have to make a request for offloading a few days prior the trek through an email so that arrangement can be made in advance. You will be charged per day for offloading your rucksack. In case you decide to offload on the spot, you may have to pay a higher price than usual. However offloading your rucksack is not recommended since it is not a safe practice.

Miscellaneous : Who will lead us on the trek?

A team of participants will be led by a course certified trek leader and a local guide. All participants are requested to abide by what their leader says. There will also be a team of kitchen staff and porters on the trek. We maintain a 1:8 ratio of trek leaders and participants. All our trek leaders and staff have certified training in first-aid and rescue operations. There will also be an experienced guide along with army personnel accompanying you due to security reasons since this is a high-security area. They are also the ones who are experienced in this terrain hence their presence is mandatory.

Miscellaneous : Is the trekking pole necessary?

Yes, the trekking pole is necessary but not mandatory. If you don’t want to buy one, you can rent it from us on minimal daily basis charges. You can request the renting link from us.

Miscellaneous : Are there any local stores/shops from where I can shop trekking necessities?

Leh has plenty of stores/shops where you can buy your trekking gears. But we recommend not to leave anything for last minute buying.

Miscellaneous : Is it safe for solo woman traveller to trek in Fixed departures?

Yes, it is absolutely safe for a solo woman to travel in fix departures. Women on the trek will be sharing a tent with each other. In case you are the only woman on the trek, you will be given a separate tent.

Miscellaneous : Will you give certificates on completion of trek?

Yes, e-certificates will be given at the end of each trek provided that you completed it. It will bear your name, the trek, and the maximum altitude you achieved on the trek. You will also receieve a certificate of appreciation and completion from the Indian Army.

Weather conditions: What will the temperatures be like during this trek?

The temperature on the Siachen Glacier Trek will be very cold and harsh with temperatures dropping to as low as -15 degrees or more at higher camps due to the extreme isolation of the area.

Weather conditions: When will there be snow on this trek?

There will be snow on the trail.

Equipment and facilities: What kind of tents and sleeping bags will be provided to us?

We provide 4 seasons tents by Gipfel for higher altitudes which can easily withstand heavy snowfall and storms. They are spacious enough to accommodate 3 people at once with a vestibule to place the backpacks. Our sleeping bags are made up of Heatseeker Pro synthetic insulation that can provide you comfort in -10 degrees celsius. We also use additional fleece liners to have thermal efficiency even in the extreme temperatures of -17 degrees Celsius. If you carry your own sleeping bag, you will get a cashback reward provided that you inform us as soon as you have booked your trek.

Equipment and facilities: Are there any washroom/toilet facilities on the trek?

Toilet tents will be provided to you on the trek. These are portable toilets tents where a deep pit will be dug. A shovel will be provided inside the tent to cover the waste after you have made your business. You can take a toilet roll inside. Make sure you dig used toilet paper along with the waste. Though water is recommended in place of toilet paper. Please refrain from using wet wipes as they are non-biodegradable. There will be no facility for bathing on the trek. Go through our blog section for tips on how to maintain personal hygiene on treks. There will also be toilet tents in the army camp dedicated for trekkers to use.

Equipment and facilities: If we trek in snow, what equipment will you provide?

You will be provided with good quality of crampons, gaiters and microspikes from us depending upon the situation of the snow. Our trek leaders will also be carrying ropes and ice axe.

Equipment and facilities: What kind of food will be provided for the trek?

Vegetarian food will be served throughout the trek. The only non-vegetarian item served on our treks are eggs. Our kitchen staff follows a proper menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner which has been designed in order to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the participants. There will be milk, poha, eggs, muesli/corn flakes, bread and butter served for breakfast. Rice or simple roti sabzi will be packed for lunch. In dinner, you will have dal, egg curry or any other vegetarian dish along with rice, roti, and a dessert item. Packed lunch will be provided to you on the days you are trekking. You are requested to carry your own tiffin box and a mug to consume food. The meals consumed on the journey and arrival day are not included in our cost.

Equipment and facilities: What equipment can I rent from you?

You can rent the following items from us- Trekking Pole, Trekking Shoes, Fleece Jacket, Rucksack.

Accommodation: What will be the accommodation type in this trek?

Accommodation in Leh will be in hotels on a twin/triple sharing basis. One trekking days you will be accommodated in tents on a twin sharing basis. You will also be staying in camps at the army campsites.

Age limit: What is the minimum & maximum age limit?

The minimum age limit is 13 years. However, minors aged between 13 to 17 should be accompanied by their parents or guardians. However, according to rules and regulations set by the Indian Army, the maximum age limit for the Siachen Glacier Trek is 55 years.

Nearby attraction: What are the nearby attractions that I can explore?

There are so many enchanting places to visit in Leh-Ladakh. During your acclimatization period, you can roam around the town and visit the monasteries; Diskit Gompa, and Lamayuru Monastery. Drive up to the Magnetic Hill and experience the crazy magnetic phenomenon on the hill. The picturesque Nubra Valley will take your breath away. The green oasis villages, the monasteries, the ruined palaces- Turtuk and Bordang; there is a whole different culture in this place. It is 150 km away from Leh. You can take a shared taxi to this route. How can you leave Ladakh without seeing Pangong Lake, the sapphire blue lake? Also, visit Gurdwara Pathar Sahib and Leh Royal Palace. To know more read Places that you must visit in Leh Ladakh

Connectivity: How to Reach the base of the trek & how to go back from the end point?

The Siachen Glacier trek starts from the Siachen Base Camp which is around 150 km from Leh in Ladakh. The best travel option around Leh is by air. By air: Jet Airways, GoAir, and Air India provide daily flights from New Delhi to Leh. It is recommended that you make your flight bookings well in advance not only to save on the price but also for a confirmed seat. You can also take an alternate flight route to Srinagar. Fly to Srinagar from Delhi and then drive to Leh from Srinagar. The 10-hour road journey from Srinagar to Leh can be covered by hiring a shared taxi which will cost you around INR 3000-4000. The drive route from Srinagar to Leh is scenic. For coming back, you can either take a direct flight from Leh to New Delhi. Or take the same route via Srinagar. Flights from Srinagar to Delhi are cheaper than Leh-Delhi. By road: You can take the route from Manali to Leh. Travel from Delhi to Manali by a HRTC Volvo bus. From Manali get a seat in a shared taxi (INR 2500-3500). If you are on a tight budget, There is also a bus from New Delhi to Leh (via Manali) with one side fare of INR 1365. The bus journey begins at 2:30 pm from Delhi ISBT reaching Keylong next day at 1:30 pm. After an overnight halt at Keylong, it reaches Leh the next day. The another route to Leh can be taken through Srinagar. There are shared taxis from Srinagar to Leh available at cost of INR 3000-4000. If you are an ardent biker, you wouldn’t mind taking a bike trip from Delhi to Leh and back.

Connectivity: What is the cellular network connectivity for this trek?

BSNL has the best connectivity in Leh-Ladakh region followed by Airtel. However, all the mobile networks like Idea and Vodafone also work in Leh. Please note that only postpaid numbers work in J&K state, prepaid connections will cease to work as soon as you enter Ladakh region. There will be no network beyond Siachen Base Camp.

Packing List: What to pack

Packing List: How should I pack my rucksack?

Packing List: How should I select my trekking shoe?

Best Season: What are the best months to visit this trek?

July and August is when this trek will be conducted.

About the activity: Why should I go for this trek?

Eligibility: is this trek good for me.

Siachen Glacier Trek is made only for experienced trekkers who want to test their limits. The challenges faced in the trek should not be underestimated. You should attempt Siachen Glacier Trek only if you have already done a trek that climbs to 4000-4500 meters. The trek involves long-distance trekking with an average of 13-15 km daily on a harsh terrain at high altitudes along with sub-zero temperatures. It is recommended not to opt for this trek if you cannot get acclimatized in the mountains of Ladakh. Besides you need to have a strong physical endurance to complete this trek. On the Bikat scale Siachen Glacier Trek difficulty level is 6. For details on trek difficulty level, please read on Bikat Rating Scale

Eligibility: Experience required

Before attempting the Siachen Glacier Trek you should have an experience of at least 10 – 15 trek days in the Himalayas, at least one Moderate Plus category trek, the experience of trekking at altitudes higher than 4700 - 5000 mts, medical fitness certificate from CMO of a recognized hospital.

Eligibility: Fitness benchmark

  • Jog/Run for 5 Kms in 25-30 mins Or Walk continuously for 10 kms (with 3-4 small breaks) on plain terrain (slight incline is better) - You would be required to produce a screenshot from a fitness app testifying the same
  • Hold your breath for 40 seconds
  • 3 sets of Climbing 30 – 40 steps in one stretch, Push Ups – 10, Lunges & Squats – 15 X 2 sets

Eligibility: Requisite skills

  • Know campsite basics like how to use a sleeping bag, sleeping tent, toilet tent
  • Ascending & Descending technique for mountain trails
  • Basic mountain mannerisms
  • Ascending & Descending on snow
  • Basics of Mountain Sickness
  • Basics of Mountain Hazards
  • How to cross small water streams

siachen glacier tour package

Learning Experience

  • We are an Adventure Learning Organisation first.
  • We want you to not just complete a trek safely but also pick up some basic trekking knowledge and skills along the way.
  • To achieve this we have integrated learning modules into our itineraries.
  • These modules will help you build the necessary skills to progress from trekking to mountaineering over time.

Loyality Programs

Our community is an integral part of us and we take pride in our trekkers and climbers. When you complete at least three days on any trek or expedition with us, you become eligible for our membership and referral programs.

  • Currently we have three levels:
  • Basic Membership
  • Summiteer Membership
  • Leader Membership

Personalized Attention

  • Our group sizes on treks don’t exceed 15 members in order to maintain a healthy Participants : Leader Ratio of 8:1.
  • Over time we have found this number to be optimum when it comes to ensuring personalised attention to every member of our group.
  • On mountaineering expeditions this number is even smaller. Our group sizes are capped at 12 members ensuring a Participants : HAP Ratio of 2:1.

Best Expedition Leaders

  • Our Expedition leaders are advanced mountaineering course qualified, specially trained in rescue procedures from NIM and certified first-aid responders.
  • Even our local guides are certified first-aid responders.

Eco-friendly Practices

  • Group sizes are capped at 15 people.
  • Batch sizes are capped at 250 people per trail per season.
  • We follow a rolling campsite model.
  • We are constantly exploring and introducing new trails to reduce the burden on existing ones.

For us, a successful summit is not about reaching the highest point of a mountain but about making it safely back to base.

  • To ensure this:
  • Every region of ours is mapped with an emergency evacuation plan.
  • The equipment we use is UIAA certified.
  • Our trek leaders are AMC certified with specialisation in rescue procedures.
  • Our support staffs are trained in first aid as well.

What's Included

Whats included.

  • Accommodation in Leh
  • Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with First Aid certification along with special rescue course from NIM, Uttarkashi
  • Food as per menu on the trek
  • Experienced guides
  • Trek guide, cook, helpers, and porters for carrying common supplies
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges, if any (Upto the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Micro-spikes, Gaiters, Helmets, if required
  • Dome tents - on twin sharing basis, Sleeping bags, mats

Whats Not Included?

  • Meals during Hotel Stay in Leh
  • Meals during road journeys
  • Any kind of personal expenses
  • Any kind of Insurance
  • Anything not specifically mentioned under the head Inclusions

Cancellation Policy

Cash refund.

Cancellations up to 30 days prior to departure date 5% Deduction

Between 30 days to 15 days prior to departure 50% deduction

Less than 15 days of departure No Cash Refund

Voucher Refund

Cancellations up to 5 days prior to departure date No Deduction

Cancellations less than 5 days prior to departure No Refund

Please note

  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers.
  • This is only a brief of cancellation terms. For finer details please refer Detailed Cancellation Policy.

siachen glacier tour package

How to Choose the perfect pair of Trekking Shoes?

Sarthak Madan 21 May 2021

<p><span style="color: #000000;">Your choice of trekking shoes can make your trek a blissful or blister-full experience based on how well it fits you. A good pair of trekking shoes is the most essential piece of equipment you will use while hiking.&n


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Book India Tour Packages with Best Deals.

  • Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

About this tour

Transport Included

Meal Included

Stay Included


Travgenix Safe

Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition Tour Package Highlights

⦿ At Siachen Glacier, the second-highest glacier in the world and the world's highest battlefield base camp, show your support for an Indian veteran.

⦿ A perfect fusion of exciting, adventurous, and cultural activities, hand-selected by the outdoor specialists.

⦿ Visit Pangong Lake, the highest saltwater body in the world, whose hues range from blue to red to green.

⦿ Visit Khardung-La Pass to see the magnificence of the snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and sand dunes. It is the world's highest all-season motorable route.

The Leh region offers you the chance to go across the highest motorable passes in the world and take in the breathtaking splendour of the snow-covered mountains. Ladakh, which is on everyone’s bucket list and is praised for its unmatched breathtaking views, pure frozen lakes, and winding roads, is quickly emerging as India’s most Instagrammable location. It allows you to spend the night under a starry sky while residing in a stunning mountain valley. Don’t forget to tour the magnificent monasteries that are whitewashed and add to the holy aura of this chilly desert.

Quick Info :

⦿ Route: Leh – Sham Valley – Khardungla – Nubra Valley – Siachen – Pangong – Chang-la – Leh ⦿ Duration: 7 Days / 6 Nights ⦿ Start Point: Leh Airport ⦿ End Point: Leh Airport

⦿ C ustomizations are available on request. Kindly fill the ‘Enquiry Form’ to get in touch with the travel consultant.

Inclusions :

⦿ Comfortable, neat and clean vehicle like Sedan/SUV/TT will be provided as per the group size ⦿ Accommodations are available at all places in normal hotels or campgrounds on a double (for couples or other special requests) or triple sharing basis. ⦿ According to the schedule, the buffet breakfast and dinner begin with dinner on day two and end with breakfast on day three (Meals while bus journey are not included) ⦿ Fuel throughout the entire journey in accordance with the schedule ⦿ Inner line guarantees and Ladakh Union charge ⦿ Experienced driver during the entire trip ⦿ During the tour, an oxygen cylinder and basic first aid ⦿ Nighttime Bonfire (in Nubra) ⦿Driver costs, toll taxes, fuel costs, and parking fees

Things not to Miss :

⦿ Ride the amazing double-humped (Bactrian) camels that are only found in the Nubra valley while river rafting at Sangam, the highest river rafting location in the world. ⦿ Purchase gifts for family and friends at the Leh Market. ⦿ Enjoy mouthwatering Maggi at the Khardungla-pass ⦿ Eat traditional Ladakhi food called thukpa at The Tibetan Kitchen restaurant. ⦿ Enjoy a big glass of Italian coffee while relaxing at Lala’s Art Cafe.

How to Reach :

Ladakh may be reached most easily by plane. Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (IXL), which is in Leh, is the closest airport. A lot of India’s international airports, including Delhi, are connected to this airport. Additionally, it receives flights from popular Indian locations like Chandigarh, Jammu, and Srinagar.

Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition Tour Itinerary

siachen glacier tour package

  • When you arrive in Leh, a representative will greet you and assist with your transfer to the hotel.
  • Once you’ve arrived at your hotel, check in and take some time to unwind before getting some rest.
  • Enjoy a substantial breakfast in the hotel as you gradually adjust to the weather.
  • After a brief lecture, begin your evening tour by going to the stunning Shanti Stupa, which was created to celebrate 2500 years of Buddhism.
  • Visit the Leh Palace, which was constructed in the 17th century and will provide you an insight into Leh’s former heyday.
  • Visit the hotel once more for a wonderful meal.
  • Leh hotel stay for the night.
Sham Valley 
  • Get up to a gorgeous alpine morning and eat a delicious breakfast.
  • Prepare for an exciting drive to “Sham Valley,” which is picturesquely tucked away along the Srinagar-Leh highway.
  • At the Hall of Fame, begin your tour by paying respects to the Indo-Pak War martyrs.
  • Today, you should also check out Magnetic Hill, a little section of road where gravity doesn’t apply.
  • Visit the Indus Sangam Viewpoint to observe the Zanskar and Indus Rivers merging.
  • Visit SECMOL, the true “3 Idiots School.”
  • Return to the hotel for dinner and an overnight stay in Leh after a fun-filled day of exploration.
  • Prepare for the greatest experience after eating a nutritious breakfast.
  • You will travel through some of the highest passes in the world on your adventure, and you will be greeted by ever-changing views of the desolate landscape.
  • Stop at the cafe on Khardung-La Pass, the highest all-season motorable road in the world, and take in the scenery; you’ll feel as though you’re on top of the world.
  • Upon leaving Khardung-la, the terrain changes to a white sand desert as you enter the Nubra Valley, which is home to the Nubra Sand Dunes.
  • Visit the Diskit Monastery in Ladakh, which is the region’s largest and oldest monastery and also home to a sizable Buddha statue, if time permits.
  • Enjoy the gorgeous double-humped Bactrian camel ride, which is unique to this area and was once part of the renowned silk route.
  • Enjoy a bonfire and camping afterwards while admiring the starry sky.
  • Camping in Nubra Valley for the night.
  • Get ready for the greatest experience after a delicious breakfast.
  • Leave Hunder in the direction of Siachen Base Camp, the site of one of the world’s longest mountain glaciers and the world’s highest battleground.
  • Get to know the soldiers and learn about base camp life by meeting them.
  • Visit Panamic, a natural hot spring, and take a leisurely dip before returning to Nubra.
  • Enjoy the hearty meal while chatting with your dining companions about your travels.
  • Camping out the night in Nubra Valley.
  • Drive to Pangong Lake near the border between China and India in the morning after breakfast.
  • One of the world’s highest altitude saltwater lakes, the lake is a main draw for the area and changes colours from blue to green to red.
  • Enjoy the view of the mountains and the Shyok river from opposite sides of the landscape.
  • Enjoy the location in Bollywood style and grab a photo with the iconic 3-idiots scooter, which has appeared in films like 3-idiots and Jab Tak Hai Jaan.
  • Spend the night at a campground close to Pangong Lake
  • Enjoy the stunning vista of Pangong Lake when you awaken in the morning.
  • When returning to Leh from Pangong Lake, you pass across Chang La, a mountain pass at a height of 17,590 feet (5360 metres).
  • Visit the Druk White Lotus School along the way; it gained notoriety when the final scene of the movie “3 Idiots” was filmed there.
  • Visit Thiksey monastery, the largest Tibetan monastery in Ladakh, which is home to several stupas, statues, and other Buddhist items in its 12-story building.
  • After arriving in Leh, have a great dinner at the hotel.
  • Spend the night in a hotel in Leh.
  • Complete the check-out procedures at the hotel after consuming your breakfast in the morning.
  • You will afterwards be taken to the airport for your subsequent flight.
  • Say goodbye to your travelling companions and this magnificent place as you take off from Leh.

Package Options

Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition Package

7 days 6 nights

INR 38,627.94

Price Per Adult

Price Includes

Stay on a double and triple sharing basis in hotels / camps depending on the group size in the following hotels: Leh : Ladakh Delight/ Ratna Hotel/ Mahek Palace/ Grand Basera Inn/ Hotel Bharat/ Hotel Chalung/ Ri-Rab Hotel/ Lardak House/ Similar Nubra: Shangrila/ Himalayan Ibex/ Sky Camp/ Skylark/ Sylven Hut/ West Valley/ Golden Peak/ River Valley/ Alpine Ibex/ Wooden Nest/ Similar Pangong: Standard Swiss Camp Evening Bonfire (in Nubra)

Breakfast from day 2 to the last day as per the itinerary

Airport pick up and drop will be done as per the arrival time Comfortable, neat and clean vehicle like Sedan/SUV/TT will be provided as per the group size Experienced and Professional driver for the entire tour

Sightseeing in a comfortable and sanitized vehicle as per the itinerary

Pickup and Drop

Confirmation policy.

  • The booking confirmation email is sent to the traveler’s registered email address within 24 business hours, after the payment is done.
  • In any unfavourable circumstances, if the booked slots are not available before the confirmation email is sent, then other available slots shall be offered & booked as per the traveler’s consent and an updated email will be sent to the traveler’s registered email address .

Know Before You Go

  • In case of private booking, the minimum number of people required is 2.
  • Any meals; other than the ones mentioned under the inclusions, will be considered as an exclusion of the package. Entry fee to the monuments and camera charges are not included in the package.
  • Any personal expenses like shopping, porter charges, tips or rewards, laundry, meals or drinks other than specified etc. will not be accommodated in the package cost.
  • Price mentioned shall vary during the seasonal or special dates such as Diwali, Dussehra, Christmas and New Year weeks.
  • Any additional cost occurrence happening due to bad weather conditions, flight cancellation, insurrection etc are not included into the package. Applicable GST to the booking amount will be charged.
  • In case of addition of new member to a booked package, the applicable difference amount should be borne by the client depending upon the amendment in the package. In tour packages, children with the age 8 years and more will be considered Adults only. Package price may fluctuate subject to any amendments in services/hotels.
  • Hotel bookings are subjected to their availability, and will be booked accordingly. In case of unavailability, a similar category accommodation will be provided to the traveler. In case of any irregular disturbance or unfortunate conditions such as bad weather, insurrection/political unrest etc; we as an organization reserve the right to reorganize the planned itinerary without making any changes to the duration and quality of services.
  • It is mandatory for the traveler to carry a valid address proof such as Aadhar card/Voter ID/Driving License/Passport along with them during the trip.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations made 30 days or more in advance of the travel date will incur a 30% cancelation fee.
  • Cancellations made within 15 – 30 days will incur a 50% cancelation fee.
  • Cancellations made within 0-15 days will incur a 100% cancelation fee.
  • Cancellations due to any unforeseen circumstances occurring due to medical ground or sickness, within 48-72 hours before the travel date may stand valid for a rescheduling to a different date of the same booking. This shall be validated through the supportive medical documents.
  • Any cancellation request of the booking shall be entertained only till 1800 Hrs.
  • If the booked accommodation type lies in 4-5 star category then the charges and timeline may vary depending upon the property’s regulations.

Payment Policy

  • The payment terms finalized at the time of booking will remain the same and can not be changed once the booking is done.
  • 100% advance of the total booking value shall be paid well ahead of the travel date adhering to the finalized payment terms.

The summer, from the end of March to the middle of August, is the ideal season to explore Ladakh. In actuality, June is among the best months to travel to Ladakh. Mountains and some highways still have snow covering them. You can visit the monasteries, stupas, and lakes by mid-June, when most of the snow has melted.

The distance of Delhi to Leh Ladakh by road via Leh-Manali Highway is around 1011 km and the total travel time is approximately 24 hours.

Yes. You will need to undergo a medical checkup at Leh before taking the Chadar trek. Without this, you will not receive ALOTA clearance and permission from the Wildlife Department to undertake the Chadar trek. Also, you will need 3 days to acclimate to the reduced oxygen level before taking the trek.

Ladakh is about 3000 meters or 9800 feet above mean sea level.

Leh Airport is 3km from Ladakh.

Leh is renowned for its picturesque surroundings, Buddhist temples, and unspoiled nature. Because of the extensive influence of Tibetan Buddhism, Leh is frequently referred to as Little Tibet or the Land of Lamas.

No, no such documents are necessary for Indian citizens.

Yes, towns and villages in Ladakh have internet connectivity.

With temperatures ranging from -2°C to -14°C, January is the coldest month in Ladakh.

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Siachen Base Camp Tour

Home Tours Siachen Base Camp Tour

  • Date & Prices
  • Package Price
  • Choice Of Hotels
  • Package ID :  AH 14
  • Duration :  06 Nights / 07 Days
  • Route :  Leh (2N) – Nubra (2N) Base Camp (D4) – Pangong (1N) – Leh (1N)
  • Highlights : Leh | Hall of Fame | Magnetic hill | Sangam | Pathar Sahib Gurudwara | Khardung La | Hunder | Nubra Valley | Siachen Base Camp| Panamic| Sumoor | Diskit | Pangong Lake
  • Operational Month  – 1st April 2022 To 31st October 2022

Arrival at Leh airport, to be received by our representative and transferred to the Hotel. Check in to the hotel for a complete day of rest for acclimatization, wherein welcome tea and coffee will be served by the Hotel. Post lunch visit Leh Market, Leh Palace and Shanti Stupa. Stay overnight in Leh.

Leh Local ( Sham Valley )

After breakfast visit to Magnetic Hill, Hall of Fame, Gurudwara Pathar Sahib and The Sangam of Zanskar & Indus River. Stay overnight in Leh.

Leh to Nubra Valley

( 125 km / 5-6 hrs ).

After breakfast, drive to Nubra Valley (Known as the Valley of Flowers and the warmest region in Ladakh) via Khardung La pass. This road is considered to be the highest motorable road of the world. Enroute, admire the spectacular views of the never ending snow-capped mountain ranges around Khardung La Pass (18,390 feet). After spending some time at Khardung La, proceed to Nubra. After Hotel check-in, enjoy camel Safari in the evening. Stay overnight stay in Nubra.

Nubra to Siachen Base Camp Via Panamic Hot Springs – Hunder

After breakfast, drive to Panamic hot springs.After enjoying hot spring at Panamic, drive to the Siachen Base Camp: the Highest Battlefield in the world.

Meet Army people and get to know about the daily life at Siachen.Drive back to Nubra after some quality time at Siachen, via Sumoor.Overnight at Nubra

Nubra to Pangong via Shyok

( 165 km / 06 hrs ).

We will start the day following the same route towards Leh till we reach Khalsar. From the Agyam bridge, we will take the left route which leads us to the villages of Shyok and Durbuk. The road after Shyok is good but very steep. After Durbuk, take left towards Tangtse and follow the traditional route. Drive further to Pangong Lake one of the largest and most beautiful natural brackish lakes in the Himalayas. Situated at 14000 ft, more than half of the lake is within Chinese Territory and only one third part lies in India. Explore the lake area, might catch some rare wildlife. Stay Overnight in Pangong.

Pangong Lake to Leh

( 155 km / 05 hrs ).

Early morning enjoy the picturesque view of Sun rise on the lake. After breakfast drive back to Leh, take a short halt at Changla Pass to enjoy a cup of hot steaming tea. Stay overnight in Leh.

Early morning transfer to Leh airport to board flight back to destination. Journey ends with Sweet Memories of Ladakh.

Services + Inclusions

siachen glacier tour package

Local English speaking trek guide

siachen glacier tour package

All ground Transport

siachen glacier tour package

Cook and Helpers

siachen glacier tour package

Breakfast, lunch, dinner Plenty of tea, coffee

siachen glacier tour package

Tents & Mattress

Two men tents for sleeping Kitchecn Tent / Dinning Tent / Toilet tent / Mattress

siachen glacier tour package

Camping fee Wild life fee

siachen glacier tour package

Oxygen cylinder / Rope / First Aids kits

siachen glacier tour package

Kitchen Gears

All Kitchen Gears

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Any Personal Clothing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Any Sleeping Bags

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Any Trekking Shoes

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Any Walking Stick

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Any Personal insurance

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Choice of Hotel Or Similar

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Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

  • Support Indian veteran even as status at Siachen glacier; the world's maximum battlefield base camp & worldΓÇÖs 2nd maximum glacier.
  • The best mixture of adventurous, interesting, and cultural experiences, handpicked through Universal Adventures doors experts
  • Visit Pangong Lake; the worldΓÇÖs maximum saltwater lake that adjustments its coloration from sun sunglasses of blue to inexperienced to red
  • Head to Khardung-La Pass, the world's maximum all-season motorable avenue, and witness the splendor of the snow-capped mountains, glaciers & sand dunes.
  • Experience Ladakh with utmost protection and luxury in properly sanitized lodging and vehicles
  • Visit SECMOL, The actual 3-idiots college-based through Dr. Sonam Wangchuk

About the destination:

  • With an adventure to Siachen, the Highest Battlefield withinside the world, Leh-Ladakh capabilities maximum of the worldΓÇÖs maximum motorable passes with the astounding splendor of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its remarkable scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is turning into the maximum Instagrammable vicinity in India and is on everyoneΓÇÖs bucket list.
  • The specific component approximately the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, waterfalls in a single stunning and dynamic geography.

Quick info:

  • Route:   Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Siachen -Pangong - Chang-la - Leh.
  • Duration: 7 days & 6 nights 
  • Start point:  Leh Airport
  • Endpoint: Leh Airport


  • Airport choose-up and drop as consistent with your flight timings
  • Comfortable and hygienic vehicle (Innova/Xylo/Similar) for sightseeing on all days as consistent with the itinerary.
  • Stay on a double (couples and unique requests) and triple sharing foundation in hygienic and clean hotels/Camps
  • Buffet breakfast and dinner on all days
  • Assured Inner-Line Permit for all confined areas
  • Wildlife Fee and Environmental Fee
  • Highly-Experienced driving force cum guide
  • Sightseeing as consistent with itinerary
  • Oxygen cylinder and primary first-useful resource for the duration of the tour.
  • Camping with a night bonfire

Things now no longer to miss: 

  • Take a dip in the herbal warm springs of Panamic.
  • Hangout at Lala's Art Cafe for a tall glass of Italian coffee
  • River rafting on the worldΓÇÖs maximum river-rafting point, Sangam
  • Ride the brilliant double-humped (Bactrian) camels completely discovered at Nubra valley
  • Shop memento for buddies and own circle of relatives on the Leh Market
  • Feast on scrumptious Maggi on the Khardungla-pass
  • Enjoy Thukpa, conventional Ladakhi delicacies at The Tibetan Kitchen restaurant

How to reach:

  • The simplest manner to journey to Ladakh is through the air. The nearest airport is Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (IXL) placed in Leh. This airport is hooked up with many global airports in India like Delhi. It additionally gets flights from Srinagar, Jammu, Chandigarh, and different not unusual place locations in India.

Day 1:  Arrival in Leh | Welcome to the Top of the World

  • After landing in Leh, get welcomed by our representative in a traditional way
  • Later get transferred to the hotel in a sanitized vehicle with a welcome drink at the time of check-in
  • Enjoy a hearty breakfast in the hotel and gradually get acclimatized to the climate 
  • Later in the evening, visit the Leh Market, Leh Palace, and Shanti Stupa
  • Indulge in a lip-smacking dinner in the hotel
  • Overnight stay at the hotel in Leh

Day 2:  Leh to Sham Valley | Exploring Borders of Leh

  • Begin your day early with a delicious breakfast and prepare for an adventurous drive to the legendary 'Sham Valley'.
  • Visit the confluence of the Zanskar- Indus Rivers, which is also the world highest river rafting point
  • Experience the world-famous Hall of fame and learn more about the Indo-Pak wars and the martyrs
  • Visit the Magnetic Hill, where you can witness the unusual phenomenon of vehicles sliding uphill on neutral gear
  • While returning to Leh, enjoy delicious langar at Gurudwara Pathar Sahib
  • Later visit SECMOL which is the actual 3-idiots school, where in order to get admission you need to be 10th fail! 
  • Later, enjoy dinner after you have experienced a day full of activities and thrill
  • Overnight stay at hotel in Leh

Day 3:  Leh to Nubra Valley via Khardung-La Pass | A Drive to the WorldΓÇÖs Highest Motorable Road (18000 ft.)

  • After breakfast in the hotel, prepare yourself for the ultimate adventure
  • The journey from Leh to Nubra falls on a very scenic route
  • Known as the gateway to the Shyok and Nubra valleys, the Khardung-La pass is the world's highest all-season motorable road
  • Also, enjoy the most loved snack - Maggi at the Khardungla Cafe.
  • As you descend from Khardung-la, experience the white sand dunes in Nubra and enjoy a ride of the double-humped camel, exclusively found in Ladakh
  • Later enjoy camping the bonfire under the sky full of stars
  • Overnight stay at the campsite in Nubra Valley

Day 4:  Nubra valley to Siachen | A Visit to the World's Highest Battlefield

  • After a delectable breakfast, brace up for the ultimate adventure.
  • Depart from Hunder towards Siachen, known as the highest battlefield in the world, which is also one of the world's longest mountain glaciers.
  • Meet the army people and get to know about the daily life at the base camp
  • Drive back to Nubra while visiting the natural hot spring, Panamic, and enjoy a relaxing dip.
  • Relish over the wholesome dinner and discuss your travel diaries over the table.
  • Overnight stay at Nubra valley at a campsite.

Day 5:  Nubra valley to Pangong Lake | Relive the Bollywood Moments

  • In the morning after breakfast, drive to Pangong Lake on the Indo-China border.
  • The lake is a major attraction of the region and is amongst the highest altitude saline water lakes in the world and changes colors from shades of blue to green to red.
  • Enjoy the scenic beauty with the view of the shyok river on one side and the mountains on another side.
  • Featured in movies like 3-idiots and Jab Tak Hai Jaan, enjoy the place in Bollywood style and take a picture with famous 3-idiots scooter
  • Overnight stay at a campsite near Pangong lake.

Day 6:  Pangong Lake to Leh | Excursion to Rancho School

  • Wake up in the morning to the beautiful Pangong Lake view
  • The journey from Pangong Lake back to Leh takes you via Chang La, a mountain pass situated at an altitude of 17,590 feet (5360 meters).
  • Along the way, pay a visit to the Druk White Lotus School, which shot to fame with the movie ΓÇÿ3 IdiotsΓÇÖ as the site where the last scene was shot
  • Known to be the largest Tibetan monastery in Ladakh, visit Thiksey monastery housing several stupas, statues, and other Buddhist artifacts in its 12 story structure.
  • Reach Leh and enjoy a delicious dinner at the hotel
  • Overnight stay at a hotel in Leh.

Day 7:  Departure | It's Time to say Goodbye to the Mountains

  • Leh Airport Travel Terminal
  • Fly out of Leh And it's already time to say goodbye to your fellow travelers and this magical land.
  • After breakfast, we will drop you at the airport to take your flight out of Leh

Things To Carry

  • Passport and Travel Documents
  • Money and Cards
  • Comfortable Clothes
  • Hygiene Items
  • Snacks and Water Bottle
  • Travel Adapter and Chargers
  • First Aid Kit
  • Camera or Smartphone

Additional Info

Know Before You Go for Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen:

  • The resorts are challenged to their availability. In case they're now no longer available, the tourists may be accommodated in belongings of comparable standard.
  • Climatic situations withinside the excessive altitudes range from the plains; it's miles really helpful which you take good enough time to get acclimatized to excessive altitudes.
  • Consult a health practitioner earlier than challenge the excursion. Carry primary medicinal drugs and a first-resource package for the duration of the excursion.
  • It is suggested to hold sufficient heat garments and the proper sort of footwear for the excursion. The really helpful luggage weight is 60 liters as you may bring the bags to the backup vehicle, the accommodation, etc.
  • Rates can also additionally vary with any extrude in services/resorts. The distinction withinside the price will be borne via way of means of the purchaser in case of any change withinside the package deal because of a growth withinside the number of guests, in extra de, etc., earlier than the start of the journey.
  • Universal Adventures reserves the proper to arrange the itinerary because of any sort of disturbance that occurred (i.e climate condition, political condition, or any others) without converting the overall quantity of days and without compromising any service.
  • Liability for extruding in itinerary because of motives past our manipulate like an extra de in flight and educate schedule, cancellation of flights/trains, political disturbances, herbal phenomenon, roadblocks, etc. will now no longer be accommodated withinside the package deal price. No invoice may be reimbursed for any overlooked service/facility.
  • Because of any motive herbal or private, if the excursion or a specific pastime isn't always completed, no refund may be processed.
  • Pay heed to the excursion courses and teachers so that you can experience a secure and sound excursion.
  • All-access tickets for stupas, monasteries, sightseeing, country and access fees, monument entrances, digital digicam charges, permits, etc. aren't part of the package deal.
  • GST is relevant to the package deal price.
  • Any private fees or objects of private nature will now no longer be protected withinside the package deal. Any food or transfers now no longer noted withinside the itinerary are to be taken into consideration an exclusion withinside the deal. Any sort of drink (alcoholic, aerated, or mineral water) isn't always protected withinside the package deal price.
  • Avoid the use of plastic luggage and keep the ecological stability of the destinations. Travelers littering can be fined.
  • The precise region may be shared with you post-booking.
  • Carry dry snacks/food, granola bars, etc. from home. Carry a normal and any other insulated water bottle with you, so you can refill.
  • Any breakage or harm of any objects withinside the hotel may be charged at actuals.
  • All global and home airfare, visa fees, airport tax, or any sort of coverage cowl isn't always part of the package deal.
  • Carry sufficient coins because the quantity of ATMs in excessive-altitude areas is relatively much less and there are lengthy queues at instances.
  • Please observe that BSNL and Airtel Postpaid cellular connections are operational and roaming Prepaid SIMs are non-purposeful in Ladakh.
  • We paintings with nearby courses and leaders who have the information of the region. They are fluent in Hindi and Ladakhi and in instances even English.
  • If in case any visitor desires to or comes to a decision to go away the journey withinside the middle, all of the fees from that factor onwards may be borne via way of means of the visitor. Neither the operator nor Universal Adventures may be held liable for such choices or for any refund.
  • Guidelines issued via way of means of the State-Government are to be followed. Social distancing to be maintained. Frequent hand sanitization and use of masks are recommended.
  • ID evidence is obligatory for every man or woman visitor at the time of booking, and additionally upon arrival. PAN card will now no longer be taken into consideration as a legitimate deal with evidence

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Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

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6 Night 7 Days

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Venturing into the majestic leh ladakh with siachen expedition – an adventure of a lifetime, introduction.

If you have ever dreamed of visiting the highest battlefield in the world, Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition should be your choice.   This tour provides a chance to experience the impressive sight of Himalayas firsthand.   The mighty Karakoram Range, fringed by its rough terrain and spectacular sceneries of Siachen Glacier.   You will enjoy trekking in the highlands areas.   And learn all about the culture and traditions of local people, as well as enjoy stunning views of snow-capped mountains.   This is a perfect Ladakh Expedition for anyone who wants to have an unforgettable time in the Himalayas.

An Adventurer’s Guide to the Siachen Expedition: Expectation and Preparations

Welcome, adventurers!   Planning to visit the Siachen Glacier for an expedition promises a life-changing time.   This guide will help you get ready for the trip and know what to anticipate.   To start with the basics.   The Siachen Glacier is the highest battlefield in the world and it lies within Karakoram ranges of Himalayas.   It is a cold and inhospitable place, with temperatures as low as -50 °C and moreover winds which can reach values of up to 200 km/h.

Getting to Siachen Glacier is not for the weak.   You will have to be physically and mentally geared up for the harsh nature.   You will also have to be psychologically prepared for the isolation and atmosphere that is dangerous.   In terms of packing, you have to carry the right equipment.

Ensure that you are wearing proper clothes for the cold, having a quality duvet-jacket and insulated pants as well with a warm hat.   You will also need to get a pair of good boots, together with crampons and an ice axe for the glacier.   Remember to take a first aid kit along with GPS and satellite phone.

At last, be acquainted with the local policies and safety practices.   You will first have to register with local authorities before setting out, and also observe safety protocols while on the glacier.

We hope that this guide has given you some insight into how best to prepare for your expedition on the Siachen Glacier.   With proper preparation and good equipment, you will be all set to experience an amazing quest.

Exploring the Beauty of Leh Ladakh: The Best Places to Travel

Welcome to Leh Ladakh!   This unique region of India is famous for its beauty, outstanding culture and also a rich past.   From the snowy mountains of Himalayas to tranquil lakes and valleys.   Leh Ladakh is a haven for both nature enthusiasts and thrill seekers.   Moreover, Book your Leh Ladakh with Siachen Expedition today !

Places to Visit in Leh Ladakh   This is a list of the best tourist destinations in Leh Ladakh that you cannot afford to miss.   The first one is the Pangong Lake.   It is one of the most beautiful spots in an arresting lake situated at Changthang region Ladakh.   Situated amidst snow-capped mountains, the lake is a good spot for camping, fishing and also photography.

Nubra Valley

Finally, make sure you visit Nubra Valley.   This amazing valley is to be seen in the northern region of Ladakh and consists of some most gorgeous landscapes.   The Nubra Valley is worth a visit from the sand dunes of Hunder to Karakoram Range.   Another hot spot in Leh Ladakh is Magnetic Hill.

This strange hill is rumoured to have magnetic attributes which attract vehicles up the incline.   Despite whether this is true or not, it remains a good place to admire the surrounding mountains.   Another popular attraction in Leh Ladakh is the Shanti Stupa.

Thiksey Monastery

Lastly, you should visit the Thiksey Monastery.   This arresting monastery sits on a high hill and has some of the best Buddhist art and architecture in this part of the world.   These are some of the numerous incredible places to see in Leh Ladakh.   Regardless of whether you are in search for thrills, tranquility or just a chance to soak up the amazing sights, Leh Ladakh offers something that appeals everyone.   However, why are you waiting then?   Pack your bags and prepare to visit the magnificence of Leh Ladakh!

The Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition is a life defying experience that will never leave you.   It is an excellent opportunity to visit the Himalayas and enjoy skiing on Siachen Glacier.   Beautiful landscapes, demanding elevation and a distinctive culture are the top reasons why every adventurous-minded traveler has to visit this region.   With its breath-taking sceneries, deep culture and also enthralling adventure activities.   A visit to Leh Ladakh Tour With Siachen Package is a once-in-a lifetime tour.

More Package: 6 Days Mystical Ladakh Adventure

  • Explore the ancient monasteries of Leh and learn about the rich Buddhist culture and traditions of the region.
  • Visit the breathtaking Pangong Tso lake, famous for its crystal-clear waters that change colors throughout the day.
  • Embark on an adventurous road trip through some of the world's highest mountain passes, including Khardung La, Chang La, and Taglang La.
  • Go on a thrilling expedition to the Siachen Glacier, the world's highest battlefield, and witness firsthand the life of Indian soldiers stationed there.
  • Experience the unique cultural fusion of Ladakh, influenced by Tibetan and Indian traditions, and indulge in local cuisine and handicrafts.
  • Enjoy camping under the starry sky in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by towering peaks and pristine landscapes.

Day 1- Arrival in Leh | Welcome to the Top of the World

Day 2- leh to sham valley | exploring borders of leh, day 3- leh to nubra valley via khardung-la pass | a drive to the world’s highest motorable road (18000 ft.), day 4- nubra valley to siachen | a visit to the world's highest battlefield, day 5- nubra valley to pangong lake | recreate the famous bollywood moments, day 6- pangong lake to leh | excursion to rancho school, day 7- departure | it's time to say goodbye to the mountains, included/excluded.

  • Accommodation: The tour package includes accommodation in comfortable hotels and campsites throughout the journey.
  • Meals: Most meals are included in the tour package, including breakfast and dinner, as specified in the itinerary.
  • Transport: The tour package includes transportation in comfortable vehicles, including airport transfers, and all sightseeing activities as per the itinerary.
  • Expedition to Siachen Glacier: The tour package includes an expedition to Siachen Glacier, where you can witness the life of Indian soldiers stationed there and learn about their experiences.
  • Permits and entry fees: The tour package includes the cost of permits and entry fees to various sites and monuments, as specified in the itinerary.
  • Oxygen cylinders and first aid kit: The tour package includes oxygen cylinders and a first aid kit to help you deal with altitude sickness and other medical emergencies.
  • Inner Line Permit: The tour package includes an Inner Line Permit, which allows you to travel to certain restricted areas in Ladakh.
  • Travel insurance: Travel insurance is not included in the tour package, and you should purchase it on your own before embarking on the trip.
  • Personal expenses: The tour package does not cover personal expenses such as laundry, phone calls, internet access, or any other expenses not explicitly mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Airfare: The tour package does not include the cost of airfare or any other mode of transportation to reach Leh. You are responsible for booking your own flight tickets.
  • Permits and entry fees: Certain areas in Ladakh require permits, and the entry fees to certain sites are not included in the tour package. You will have to pay for these on your own.
  • Tips and gratuities: Tips and gratuities for the tour guides, drivers, and other staff are not included in the tour package. You may tip them at your discretion.
  • Optional activities: Some optional activities such as river rafting, mountain biking, or shopping are not included in the tour package.

Tour's Location

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Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

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Delhi - Leh – Nubra Valley – Pangong Lake – Turtuk – Siachen Base Camp - Leh

They say you don't travel Ladakh; you experience it. Brace for sensory overload. Anticipate breathtaking sights. Prepare for surreal landscape beauty. And equip yourself for the warm hospitality of the very best kind while exploring Ladakh villages. Ladakh is everything you heard, and so, so much more. Time to experience the 'Land of High Passes' with our 6N/7D Ladakh tour package with Siachen from Delhi by air (flight) that may just change your life.

A seven-day jaunt through the Ladakh landscape is ideal for seeing the best treks, pristine lakes, and charming villages. This Himalayan abode packs a punch with its mountainous landscape, Buddhist monasteries. Here, everything looks so good including the breathtaking vistas, double-humped camel rides, and amazing road trips in this altitude region. Unlock a fresh perspective on travel by ticking the Siachen Base Camp excursion. Alternatively, on day 4 you can choose to take a day trip to Turtuk Village rather than visiting Siachen base camp. Turn up to your Ladakh dream trip as we have sorted everything for you, from convenient accommodation to smooth transport, meals, and sightseeing. An itinerary customization option is available.

Trip Highlights

siachen glacier tour package

Itinerary Detail

Welcome to Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh - the capital of Ladakh. One of our travel agents will be waiting for you outside the airport. Once you complete the airport check-out, you will be transferred to the hotel for check-in formalities. Take time to leisure in your room before you gear up yourself for the day sightseeing around 3:30 PM (approx.). During the afternoon, tour the Shanti Stupa - part of the peace pagoda mission. Visit the Leh Palace for panoramic views of the Leh. Later, you will be dropped at the local Leh Market, where you can shop till you drop.

Afterward, head to your hotel and enjoy a delicious night's meal before overnight sleep.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast and then proceed towards the Alchi village - situated on the bank of the Indus River. En route, you will visit Sangam (Confluence) of Indus-Zanskar Rivers. Watch the true river merge as it is a sight to behold. Ride the rapids of Zanskar River (rafting at additional cost). Also, stop at Magnetic Hill challenges gravity. Here stationary vehicles are pulled upward with a speed of 20 km/hour. And, you will be taken to Pathar Sahib Gurudwara on the way to Alchi. Upon your arrival in Alchi, you will explore the Alchi Monastery (famous for its lowland setting). Wake up early, so that you will be able to enjoy the maximum time there.

While returning back to Leh, you will visit Spituk Monastery, which houses ancient artifacts, murals, paintings, and Thangkas. Lastly, enjoy your visit to the Hall of Fame - a splendid museum dedicated to Indian soldiers. Hall of Fame is a must-visit place for all the patriots to learn how the Indian Army defeated Pakistan in the 199 Kargil War. You will cover so much of Ladakh's tourist attractions on this day.

You will finally be transferred to the hotel in Leh for a delicious night meal and overnight stay.

Wake up early and relish a tasty breakfast. Complete the check-out formalities and then you will be heading to beautiful Nubra Valley. You will be passing Khardung La Pass, which is one of the world’s highest motorable mountain passes and a paradise for adventure lovers. Once you reach Nubra Valley, you will be transferred to the accommodation in Hunder. Complete check-in formalities and rest for a few hours before you start day hopping. After relaxing in a hotel, your afternoon time will be reserved for a visit to Diskit Monastery. Watch the tallest statue of Buddha in Ladakh there. The summit of the monastery boasts panoramic views of Nubra Valley. Before the evening ends, you will be taken to Hunder Sand Dunes, where enjoying the Double Humped Bactrian Camel Safari is the best thing to do.

After you completed all the sightseeing on the third day, you will be transferred to your accommodation where the delicious night meal would be waiting for you! Relish the meal and sleep overnight for the next day sightseeing.

Distance from Leh to Hunder: 126 km (approx.)

Travel time: 3 hours, 40 minutes hours (approx.)

Optional: Enjoy Double Humped Bactrian Camel Safari (charges extra).

Start your day with a drool-worthy breakfast as you will be proceeding towards the Turtuk Village. It is a village which is situated 2.5 km (approx.) from the Line of Control (LOC) between India and Pakistan. Here you can pick blackberries, apricots, and meet the Balti people. Turtuk village was under Pakistan's control till 1971, and later Indian Army took it under Indian territory.

After finishing off the sightseeing, get back to your hotel in Hunder for an overnight stay followed by a tasty dinner.

Distance from Hunder to Turtuk: 86 km (approx.)

Travel Time: 2 hours, 25 minutes hours (approx.)

Day 4: Sumur Village: Siachen Base Camp Excursion Via Sumur Village - Optional

This day would be a retreat amidst nature for you. After breakfast, drive towards Siachen Base Camp - the highest battlefield in the world. You will be taking a halt at Sumur Village, which houses 150-year old Samstanling Monastery. Later, you will visit the Panamic Village for a relaxing hot spring bath during your journey. Panamic village is situated close to Siachen Glacier Base Camp. Once you reach Siachen Base Camp, take time to know about the soldiers' life at Siachen.

Afterward, drive back to Sumur Village for an overnight stay.

Distance from Hunder to Siachen Base Camp: 106 km (approx.)

Travel time: 3 hours, 32 minutes (approx.)

*Accommodation varies depending on availability. Thereby, you will stay either in Sumur Village or Hunder.

After early morning breakfast and performing all the check-out formalities at Nubra Valley, this day would be one of the major highlights of your trip. You will be visiting the breathtaking pristine blue - Pangong Tso Lake. It is the same lake featured in many Bollywood movies like 3 Idiots and Jab Tak Hai Jaan. Upon your arrival at Pangong Lake, perform all the check-in formalities for the camp stay. Unwind at your own pace throughout the day and enjoy photography on the banks of the lake. Pangong Lake freezes in the winters, which act as a tourist magnet.

By late evening, enjoy your stay inside the cozy camps followed by a mouth-watering and hygienic dinner. Overnight stay at Pangong Tso camp.

Distance from Hunder to Pangong Tso Lake: 246 km (approx.)

Travel time: 6 hours, 25 minutes (approx.)

Leave and complete check-out formalities from your Pangong Tso camp in the early morning after having a delicious breakfast. This day you will be taken to Leh via Chang La Pass. It is located at an elevation of 5360 m (approx.) and is yet another famed mountain pass. En route, you will be visiting Thiksey Gompa and Shey Gompa. The former holds a striking resemblance with Potala Palace of Lhasa, while the latter is famous for hosting seasonal festivals.

Later, check-in at Leh hotel and unwind at your own pace. You can go out and explore the Main Market in Leh and buy souvenirs for yourself. At night, head to your hotel and discuss your entire Ladakh trip before eating dinner, followed by an overnight stay!

Distance from Pangong Tso Lake to Leh: 225 km (approx.)

Travel time: 6 hours, 15 minutes (approx.)

For now, it is time to say a fond farewell to Ladakh after a delicious morning meal. Complete the check out formalities as our travel agent will transport you to Leh airport. Upon reaching, board a flight back to Delhi.

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Siachen Calling

Embarking on a Himalayan Adventure to the Siachen Glacier in 6 Nights, 7 Days

Leh – Ladakh Packages

Destination Covered: Leh Local Sightseeing – Nubra Valley – Khardongla Top – Hunder – Siachen Glacier – Pangong Lake – Leh

Day 01: Arrive Leh Received by our representative and transferred to Hotel. Complete rest for the first half. After lunch if suitable visit sun set the famous Shanti Stupa, Leh Palace, and Leh Local Market. Dinner and overnight at Hotel in Leh.

Day 02: Leh – Sangam – Hall of Fame – M.hill – Gurudwara (Pather Sahib) After breakfast, drive on a full-day excursion to Sangam View where the Indus & Zanskar river meets. You may opt for river rafting (own cost), Magnetic Hill, or Gurudwara Pathar Sahib. Drive back to visit Spituk Monastery – home for the wish-fulfilling Kali Mata and Hall of Fame – a war memorial Museum. Overnight stay at a hotel in Leh.

Day 03: Leh – Nubra Valley via Khardongla Pass After a leisurely morning breakfast drive to Nubra Valley (The valley of flowers) via Khardung la, (18300 feet) considered one of the highest motorable roads in the World. The view from the top of the passes is amazing. One can see all the way south over the Indus Valley to the seemingly endless peaks. After exploring we drive toward the down Hunder past an area of rolling sand dunes, one can see a double hump Camel, and visitors can take a camel safari (Own cost) here. Dinner and overnight in Nubra Valley.

Day 04: Hunder – Siachen base camp – Sumur After breakfast drive to Siachen Glacier, just a few km away visit Disket Monastery – Home to the giant Maitreya Buddha. Later continue your drive to reach Sumur (visit the 150-year-old Samstanling Gompa). It is one of the prettiest sights in the valley. The main attraction of the village is the Samstanling Gompa, located above the village at the foot of barren mountains and the next stop is Panamikhot Spring (Panamik has a natural hot water spring. There is a bath which has facilities so that you can take a bath in the natural hot water spring and continue to visit Sasoma village you will reach base camp by afternoon and explore the beauty of Siachen Glacier and then drive back to Sumur, have dinner and overnight at Sumur Camp/Hotel

Day 05: Summur to Pangong Lake via Shayok After breakfast at the Camp/hotel, we drive to the next destination Pangong Lake via Shyok and onto Tangtse and Spangmik (Pangong). It’s a short cut and it’s a beautiful route. The road follows the Shyok river and climbs up a mountain before finally descending into Shayok village. It took us less than an hour to reach Shayok, and we were delighted at the sight of the rather big village surrounded by barren mountains, the entire setting is very picturesque. Afternoon we reach Pangong Lake and enjoy your day at Pangong Lake. Overnight.

Day 06: Pangong lake – leh via Changla Pass In the early morning, you can enjoy a photo session around the lake. Post breakfast drive to Leh via Changla pass you will reach Leh by noon. On the way visit Hemis Monastery, Thiksey Gompa, and Rancho School. Relax and stay overnight at the hotel.

Day 07: Leh Departure After breakfast, check out from the hotel & drop at the Airport for the return journey with sweet memories of the Ladakh Tour

Siachen Calling Rates

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The Siachen Glacier, located in the eastern Karakoram range of the Himalayas, is not just a glacier; it’s a realm of wonder and awe, where nature’s grandeur stands in stark contrast to the harshness of its terrain. For adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts, the call of Siachen is irresistible, offering a unique and unparalleled journey into the heart of Ladakh’s Himalayan landscape.

The Siachen Glacier is not only one of the world’s largest non-polar glaciers but also one of the most challenging and breathtakingly beautiful. Its remote location and extreme altitude make it a destination that few have the opportunity to explore. Yet, for those who dare to venture here, the rewards are extraordinary.

Exploring the Siachen Glacier is an experience that transcends the ordinary. It’s a journey that begins in Leh, the capital of Ladakh, where you acclimatize to the high altitude and immerse yourself in the unique culture of the region. From Leh, you embark on a thrilling expedition into the Himalayas, gradually ascending into the rugged terrain. The Siachen Base Camp serves as your gateway to this frozen wonderland. It’s here that you prepare for the adventure ahead, surrounded by towering peaks and pristine landscapes. The journey to the glacier itself is an arduous one, filled with challenging treks and awe-inspiring vistas.

The Siachen Glacier is a testament to nature’s grandeur. As you traverse its icy expanse, you’ll encounter towering ice walls, crystalline blue pools, and surreal ice formations. The glacier’s beauty lies in its stark contrast, where the harshness of the environment is softened by the serenity of its icy landscapes. The region is also a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The Siachen area is home to rare and endangered species such as the snow leopard, ibex, and Tibetan wolf. Spotting these elusive creatures in their natural habitat is a truly unforgettable experience. While Siachen’s natural beauty takes center stage, Ladakh’s rich culture and traditions add depth to your journey. The Ladakhi people, known for their warmth and hospitality, welcome you with open arms. Their monasteries, adorned with colorful prayer flags, offer a glimpse into the spiritual side of Ladakh.

It’s important to note that a Siachen expedition is not for the faint of heart. The extreme altitude, harsh weather conditions, and physically demanding treks require careful preparation and resilience. However, the challenges are part of what makes this adventure so rewarding. Reaching the Siachen Glacier’s vantage points allows you to witness views that are nothing short of breathtaking. The sensation of standing on top of the world, surrounded by pristine beauty, is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Siachen Calling is not just a tour; it’s a pilgrimage to one of Earth’s most remote and majestic landscapes. It’s an opportunity to test your limits, both physically and mentally, while immersing yourself in the serene beauty of the Himalayas. It’s a chance to explore a region few have seen, to witness nature at its most powerful and unforgiving. If you’re ready to answer the call of Siachen and embark on an adventure of a lifetime, be prepared to be humbled by the sheer magnificence of the Himalayas and inspired by the resilience of the human spirit. Siachen is calling, and it’s a call you won’t want to ignore.

Hey Himalayas

10 Best Ladakh Tour packages

About ladakh tour packages.

Experience the magic of one of India’s most popular tourist destinations as you book Ladakh tour packages. Nestled in the Himalayas, Ladakh is an adventure paradise that is renowned across the world for its enchanting rugged landscape, pristine lakes and rivers, incredible mountain passes, as well as one of the purest surviving remnants of Tibetan Buddhist culture.

Ladakh has a centuries-old past, which can be explored in its ancient Buddhist monasteries, nunneries, castles, palaces, and old villages. Experience the serene beauty of the snow-capped Himalayas, deep valleys like Nubra and Zanskar, massive lakes like Pangong Tso and Tso Moriri, and scenic villages like Hanle and Turtuk. Ladakh travel packages offer sightseeing opportunities to all kinds of travellers, from families with kids to adventurers looking for an adrenaline rush like never before.

From biking expeditions that begin at Leh, Manali, or even Delhi, to adventure activities like camping and trekking through the difficult landscape, Ladakh is a unique opportunity for thrills amidst the mighty Himalayas. Plan your much-awaited Ladakh trip as you book classic sightseeing tour packages or opt for offbeat experiences like backpacking through Ladakh. Customise your itinerary and choose one of the Leh Ladakh tour packages that offer you your dream experience.

Best-Selling Ladakh Tour Packages

Ladakh tour packages cover a wide range of tourist fantasies, from sightseeing to bike expeditions, and are among the best ways to explore the Himalayan region. With their durations ranging from five to fifteen days, the itineraries of the packages offer quick explorations to a leisurely tour of the entire Ladakh region. While most sightseeing tours cover major attractions of Leh and Ladakh like Pangong Tso, Nubra Valley, Khardung La Pass, and Chang La Pass, some cover offbeat locations like Turtuk village, Siachen, and Hanle village.

Admire the rugged landscape as you explore the monasteries, palaces, forts, and other sacred destinations of the land during your Ladakh trip. The most popular Leh Ladakh tour packages, however, are the bike expeditions that take you through the thrilling Ladakhi roads on powerful mountain bikes. Be it from Leh, Manali, or even Delhi, explore the magic of driving through the scenic landscape of Ladakh with these tour packages.

Ladakh Tour Packages

Duration: 6 days and 5 nights

Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Nubra Valley via Khardung La

Pass: Pangong Lake-Leh

Start and End Point: Leh Airport

Stay: Stay in high-quality, hygienic, and well-sanitised hotels on a double and triple-sharing basis.

One of the most popular Ladakh tour packages is the Leh Ladakh Sightseeing Tour Package, which includes a trip to the most famous attractions of Leh Ladakh. Explore the world’s highest motorable pass, the Khardung La, and the world’s highest saltwater lake, Pangong, as you ride through the beautiful landscapes of Nubra Valley. The package includes airport transfers, a comfortable vehicle for sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and an experienced driver.

Thrilling Leh Ladakh Tour with Pangong Lake

Duration: 5 days and 4 nights

Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Khardung La-Nubra Valley-Pangong-Chang La-Leh

Embark on a memorable Ladakh trip with the Thrilling Leh Ladakh Tour with Pangong Lake Package. Enjoy a fun sightseeing tour that takes you to Ladakh’s most popular attractions like the saltwater Pangong Lake, the Khardung La Pass, the Magnetic Hill, and the famous SECMOL School from the movie ‘3 Idiots’, along with many other landmarks. The package includes airport transfers, a comfortable vehicle for sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and an experienced driver.

ladakh tour packages

Among the most sought-after Ladakh packages are the bike tours, and the Leh Ladakh Bike Tour with KTM 390 Adventure is renowned as a KTM-exclusive tour. Indulge in the perfect blend of adventure and culture as you explore Ladakh and its landmarks like Pangong Lake, Khardung La Pass, and Magnetic Hill. The package includes airport transfers, a backup vehicle, sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and an experienced tour leader.

Annapurna base camp trek

Duration: 7 days and 6 nights

Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Khardung La-Nubra Valley-Siachen-Pangong-Chang La-Leh

Renowned as one of the most thrilling Ladakh travel packages, this unique package takes you to the world’s second-highest glacier and the highest battlefield base camp, Siachen. Explore Ladakh’s famous attractions like Pangong Lake, Khardung La Pass, and SECMOL School as you embark on a fun sightseeing tour with a knowledgeable guide. The package includes airport transfers, a comfortable vehicle for sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and an experienced driver.

camping in ladakh

Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Khardung La-Nubra Valley-Pangong-Chang La-Stok Village-Leh

Among the most popular Leh Ladakh tour packages is the Leh Bike Tour Adventure with Camping, which takes visitors across the beautiful rugged landscape of Ladakh. Explore landmarks like Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake, and Khardung La Pass. The package includes airport transfers, a standard bike, a backup vehicle, daily maintenance by an experienced mechanic, basic spare parts, sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and a highly experienced tour leader.

Manali to Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi

Duration: 10 days and 9 nights

Route: Manali-Jispa-Sarchu-Leh-Nubra via Khardung La Pass-Pangong Lake-Tso Kar Lake-Jispa-Manali

Start and End Point: Manali

Manali to Ladakh tour packages are among the most sought-after biking experiences, which let you admire the mighty Himalayas from a fun perspective. Drive through the valleys of Himachal and the thrilling Ladakhi roads as you embark on this adventurous tour. The package includes airport transfers, a standard bike, a backup vehicle, daily maintenance by an experienced mechanic, basic spare parts, sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and a highly experienced tour leader.


Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Khardung La-Nubra Valley-Turtuk-Pangong-Chang La-Leh

Experience a unique adventure during your Ladakh trip as you explore India’s last village, Turtuk, with this package. Admire the rugged beauty of the snow-capped Himalayas as you witness Ladakh’s most iconic landmarks, like the Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake, Khardung La Pass, Chang La Pass, and the thrilling Ladakhi roads. The package includes airport transfers, a comfortable vehicle for sightseeing on all days, meals, permits, accommodation, and an experienced driver.

ladakh backpacking tour

Stay: Stay on a sharing basis in a hygienic, sanitised homestay or hostel.

Feel the rush of being on top of the world as you choose the 6-Day Ladakh Backpacking Tour, one of the most thrilling Ladakh packages. Perfect for a solo adventure, go on a tour of Ladakh’s most iconic landmarks like Pangong Lake, Khardung La Pass, and Chang La Pass, among others. The package includes a comfortable vehicle for sightseeing on all days, accommodation, bonfires whenever possible, and a highly experienced driver cum guide.


Duration: 11 days and 10 nights

Witness the rugged beauty of Ladakh and its landmarks as you explore the Himalayas on this bike expedition, which is among the best Ladakh packages. The package includes a comfortable vehicle for the tour, a backup vehicle for luggage and mechanic, meals, accommodation, an evening bonfire whenever possible, a highly experienced tour leader or driver-cum-guide, sightseeing on all days, and a Volvo ticket for Delhi to and fro Manali.

Leh ladakh Tour.jpg

Route: Delhi-Manali-Jispa-Sarchu-Leh-Nubra via Khardung La Pass-Pangong Lake-Leh

Start and End Point: Delhi; Leh

Ranked among the best Ladakh travel packages, this bike trip is ideal for a vacation with friends and loved ones. Explore the best of Ladakh and its attractions as you navigate the thrilling Ladakhi roads. The package includes airport drops, AC Volvo semi-sleeper bus tickets from Delhi to Manali, a bike, a backup vehicle, daily maintenance by an experienced mechanic, meals, accommodation, permits, a highly experienced tour leader, and sightseeing on all days.

Best Places to Visit in Ladakh

Leh Palace

Among the finest locations, one can explore with Leh Ladakh tour packages is the Leh Palace, known locally as the Lhachen Palkhar. The nine-storey structure, which is believed to have drawn inspiration from the Potala Palace of Tibet, dates back to the sixteenth century and is an architectural masterpiece. Admire the stunning views of snow-covered mountains and the Ladakhi landscape from the palace terrace and explore centuries-old historical artefacts at the palace museum.

Shanti Stupa

One of the numerous Buddhist structures one can explore with Ladakh tour packages, the Shanti Stupa is renowned for holding the relics of the Buddha. Constructed in 1991 to commemorate 2500 years of Buddhism, the dome-shaped structure is a white marvel that stands beautifully amidst the rugged landscape of Ladakh. Escape from the chaos of the real world as you soak in the peaceful atmosphere of the stupa and admire the mesmerising views of the surroundings.

Thiksey Monastery

Renowned as one of the oldest monasteries of Leh, Thiksey Monastery is a must-visit attraction on your Ladakh trip. Dating back to the fifteenth century, the monastery is a spiritual wonder and a marvellous historical relic that offers stunning views of the Himalayas and the Ladakhi landscape. Explore the monastery’s library, nunnery, and the beautiful murals of the Prayer Hall as you come across ancient texts and manuscripts during your silent tour.

Gurudwara Pathar Sahib

Gurudwara Pathar Sahib of Ladakh is among the holiest and most famous shrines of Sikhism and is dedicated to their first Guru, Guru Nanak Dev. With the distinction of being one of the world’s highest gurudwaras, the Pathar Sahib is believed to have been built on the very location where Guru Nanak Dev fought against evil. Indulge in the stunning sights of the Ladakhi landscape as you explore the ancient holy shrine.


Ladakh packages are incomplete without a tour of the Magnetic Hill, which is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing attractions of Ladakh. The mysterious hill is a phenomenon that defies gravity, and visitors can actually see their vehicles get pulled skywards when parked at a certain spot. Wrack your brains as you try to solve the magic behind the phenomenon and listen to popular theories ranging from local superstitions to scientific theories at Magnetic Hill.


The Hemis Gompa, or Hemis Monastery, is one of the most beautiful monasteries which can be explored with Ladakh travel packages. Located on the shores of the Indus, the monastery offers stunning views of Ladakh and its charming rugged landscape. Enter a world of spiritual calm as you admire the museum collection of Buddhist and Tibetan artefacts. A famous highlight is the vibrant Hemis Festival, where visitors can witness the colourful culture of Ladakh come alive.

Diskit Gompa

Explore the biggest monastery of the Nubra Valley as you visit the Diskit Gompa, one of the most popular attractions on Leh Ladakh tour packages. Dating back to the fourteenth century, the monastery is a vibrant spiritual space that offers an escape from the real world as you admire the beautiful murals and frescoes of the structure. Witness the massive Maitreya Buddha statue that adorns the top, and participate in the iconic Dosmoche Festival.

Tsemo Fort

Tsemo Fort is an iconic historical and religious landmark of Leh that is visible from everywhere in the city and is among the best attractions to explore with Ladakh tour packages. Constructed in the sixteenth century, the fort-cum-monastery is among the oldest and highest monastic structures in the region. Explore the mesmerising architecture of the fort as you admire ancient relics and paintings, the gold statue of Maitreyi Buddha, and the exquisite views of Leh from the top.


Indulge in the rich artistic traditions of Ladakh as you head to LAMO or the Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation. One of the most interesting attractions one can visit during their Ladakh trip, LAMO is located close to the Leh Palace and offers an alternative vision for Ladakhi arts and media. Explore the historical structures that house the galleries, library, and host open-air lectures, film screenings, exhibitions and workshops on Ladakh’s artistic culture.

Wanla Gompa

Renowned as one of the oldest and holiest monasteries of Ladakh, Wanla Gompa is among the most sought-after attractions in Ladakh packages. While the architecture of the first-century structure is simplistic, the monastery houses a massive collection of artworks on the Buddha, Bodhisattvas, and traditional Tibetan mandala designs. Visitors can also explore a twelfth-century castle and witness the eleven-headed Alokiteshwara statue after their short hike to reach the monastery.

Other Destinations to Visit in Ladakh

Pangong Tso

Witness one of the most iconic natural attractions of Ladakh as you visit Pangong Tso, a must-visit landmark of all major Ladakh travel packages. What makes the lake unique is the fact that more than half of it stretches into China, and that it is the world’s highest saltwater lake. Admire the changing colours of the stunning lake as you spot rare migratory birds on its banks and relax in its pristine surroundings.

Tso Moriri

Ranked among the two most popular lakes of Ladakh, Tso Moriri finds a place on many Ladakh packages and is a beautiful sight to behold. Witness the tranquil beauty of the high-altitude lake as you spot exotic migratory and local birds in the wetland reserve of Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary. Soak in the mesmerising views of snow-clad mountains that surround the ‘Mountain Lake’ and unwind at a nearby camp in this miraculous escape from city life.


One of the highly-recommended places to visit on your Ladakh trip, Hanle is a village that can take your breath away with its stunning landscape and hidden astronomical wonders. The historic village lies on the Hanle River and offers some of the most enchanting views in all of Ladakh. For an astronomical adventure, visit the Indian Astronomical Observatory located in the scenic village. Lie beneath clear starry skies as you escape from the world at Hanle.


Kargil needs no introduction and is among the most intriguing places to visit on most Leh Ladakh tour packages. Known as the second most important city in Ladakh, Kargil was historically important as part of trading routes and is renowned today as the epicentre of the 1999 Kargil War. From old monasteries and a war memorial to glacial peaks and adventure sports, Kargil has something to offer for all kinds of tourists.

Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley, an unmissable attraction on all major Ladakh travel packages, is one of the most enchanting destinations of Ladakh. A beautiful deep-cut gorge created by the Shyok and Nubra rivers, the valley forms part of the Tibetan Plateau and is among the most stunning natural wonders of Ladakh. The valley is also home to major attractions like Diskit Monastery, Samstanling Monastery, Hunder Sand Dunes, Yarab Tso, and the quaint villages of Panamik and Turtuk.


Turtuk, one of the most intriguing destinations on a few Leh Ladakh tour packages, is renowned as the last village in India. Located close to the Line of Control, the village is an offbeat destination that serves as a gateway to the Siachen Glacier. The village has stunning mountainous terrains and desert stretches, as well as a sixteenth-century mosque and an iconic Polo Ground. Experience the rare Balti culture as you explore the tiny village.


Embark on a journey to one of the most famous regions near Ladakh, the Zanskar Valley. Located at an altitude of more than 13,000 feet, the valley offers enthralling views of the snow-covered Himalayas, pristine rivers and lakes, and picture-perfect views. Zanskar also attracts adventurers with its massive variety of mountain sports like trekking, water-boating, paragliding and much more. Explore old monasteries, nunneries, and other ancient structures as you come across the Pensi La and Drang Drung glaciers.

FAQ's of Leh Ladakh Trip

What is the best time to visit ladakh.

The best time to visit Ladakh by booking one of the many Ladakh travel packages is during the summer months of April to June. Witness the rugged landscape of Ladakh in its peak glory with mild temperatures and minimal rainfall in summer.

What are the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh?

The best places to visit with Leh Ladakh tour packages include the Leh Palace, Shanti Stupa, Thiksey Monastery, Gurudwara Pathar Sahib, Magnetic Hill, Hemis Gompa, Diskit Gompa, Tsemo Fort, LAMO, Wanla Gompa, Pangong Tso, Tso Moriri, Hanle, Kargil, Nubra Valley, Turtuk, and Zanskar.

What is the ideal duration of Leh Ladakh tours?

Most Leh Ladakh tour packages last six to seven days, which is an ideal duration to explore the attractions of Ladakh and admire its unique natural beauty.

Which are the best Ladakh tour packages?

The best Ladakh tour packages include the Leh Ladakh Sightseeing Tour Package, Thrilling Leh Ladakh Tour with Pangong Lake, Leh Ladakh Bike Tour with KTM 390 Adventure, Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition, Leh Bike Tour Adventure with Camping, Manali to Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi, Leh Group Tour Package with Turtuk Village, 6 Days Ladakh Backpacking Tour, Manali Leh Manali Bike Expedition with Hanle and Tso Moriri, and Leh Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi.

How to prepare for the Ladakh tour?

The easiest way to prepare for a Ladakh trip is to research the terrain and landmarks of the place and pack your bag accordingly. Remember to carry light woollens, sunscreen, sunglasses, gloves, identity proofs, toiletries, medical kit, snacks, and water bottles.

How many days in Ladakh is enough?

Spending a minimum of seven days on your Ladakh trip is essential if you wish to explore the city and its landmarks to the fullest.


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siachen base camp

Leh To Siachen Base Camp Itinerary

6 years later when I finally revisited that part of Ladakh I couldn’t be happier. Leh to Siachen Base Camp was far more adventurous and just about as picturesque as Leh to Nubra Valley .

This 2-day journey (that we initially tried to attempt in a day, but failed) was one of those rare trips I would love to reattempt soon.

Here’s a detailed vlog of our Siachen Base Camp motorcycle trip…

Siachen Base Camp Trip – All You Need To Know

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into the nuances of this epic journey, ensuring you’re equipped with all the information needed to plan your unforgettable expedition.

What is Siachen?

Nestled within the majestic eastern Karakoram Range of the Himalayas , Siachen Glacier stands as a testament to nature’s grandeur. Not only is it renowned for its breathtaking beauty, but it also holds the distinction of being the highest battleground on Earth, a testament to its strategic significance.

What is Siachen Base Camp?

Siachen Base Camp serves as the gateway to Siachen Glacier. Perched at an altitude exceeding 12,000 feet, it beckons adventurers with promises of unparalleled vistas and unforgettable experiences.

Until recently it was not allowed for civilians to come here. In the year 2020, however, the Indian Army secured the area and opened it to the general public. Though it is still not allowed to stay anywhere around the area (and the nearest village where one can stay is Warshi – nearly 40km away from the base camp) visitors can be here between 8 in the morning and sunset.

There’s a souvenir shop, a War Memorial and a Shiv Temple to explore.

Where is Siachen Base Camp?

Nestled within the rugged terrain of Ladakh in the northern reaches of Jammu and Kashmir , Siachen Base Camp offers a glimpse into the raw beauty of the Himalayas.

Geographically, it is located in the Nubra Valley of the Ladakh region. From the town of Leh, you cross Khardung La to enter the valley and drive through Panamik and Warshi villages to reach the base camp.

From Leh, it is about 200 kilometers away, and 120 kilometers from Diskit.

Siachen Base Camp Permit

Before embarking on your journey, securing the necessary permits from Indian authorities is imperative. Given its proximity to the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan, these permits ensure your safety and adherence to regulations governing this sensitive border area.

You need an ILP that can be obtained from Leh in the SDM office or from Delhi as well. It is possible to get an ILP from one of many private travel agents in Leh for a fee. It is possible to get a one-week (or longer) permit so that you can explore the region without hurrying too much.

Ladakh permit

How to Reach Siachen Base Camp

There’s only one way to get there and the journey begins in Leh, the bustling capital of Ladakh. From there, you need to get through rugged mountain passes and picturesque valleys, navigating your way towards the Siachen Base Camp. En route, you also come across Khardungla – one of the highest motorable passes in the world.

You will need at least two days to visit Siachen Base camp and back to Leh.

  • Leh to Warshi (via Khalsar) – Day 1
  • Warshiu to Siachen and back to Leh  – Day 2

Here’s what the route map will look like (if going straight from Leh to Siachen Base Camp)…

Leh – Khardung La – Khalsar – Sumur – Panamik – Warshi – OP Baba Shrine – Siachen Base Camp

But for most people, it can be a challenging journey. I recommend you break the journey and do it in three days.

Additionally, a more enjoyable route (that will consume more days) will be…

  • Leh to Diskit / Hunder – Day 1
  • Diskit to Turtuk & Thang to Diskit – Day 2
  • Diskit to Siachen Base Camp to Panamik – Day 3
  • Panamik to Pangong Lake – Day 4
  • Pangong Lake to Leh – Day 5

Two iconic routes beckon travelers to Siachen Base Camp: the scenic Nubra Valley and the mesmerizing Pangong Lake. Each offers its own set of challenges and rewards, promising unforgettable experiences amidst some of nature’s most awe-inspiring landscapes.

OP Baba Shrine

A spiritual oasis amidst the rugged terrain, OP Baba Shrine serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of duty. Travelers pause here, paying homage to the spirit of a fallen soldier and seeking blessings for their journey ahead.

Where to Stay

Accommodation options near Siachen Base Camp are limited, with rustic guesthouses and campsites offering respite to weary travelers. Embrace the simplicity of life amidst the mountains, where each starlit night brings you closer to the heart of the Himalayas.

You will find guesthouses and homestays in Warshi, Khalsar, Panamir and Sumur.

Best Time to Visit Siachen Base Camp

Timing is key when planning your visit to Siachen Base Camp. From May to September, the summer months offer the most favorable weather conditions, allowing for smoother passage through the mountain passes and more comfortable temperatures at higher altitudes.

It is also possible to visit during April and October but it is possible the route is not open because of snowfall at high passes.

During the winter months of November to March, the route remains closed for tourists because of heavy snowfall and susceptance to risky driving conditions near Khardungla.

siachen base camp route

Siachen Base Camp Temperature

Prepare for fluctuating temperatures at Siachen Base Camp, with daytime highs ranging from a brisk 10°C to a more temperate 20°C during the summer months. As night falls, be prepared for cooler temperatures, necessitating warm layers to ward off the chill.

It is recommended you carry enough woolens including gloves and thermals.

If you are on a motorcycle ride, ensure you are travelling with proper riding gear, keeping safety and harsh weather conditions in mind.

Can Foreigners Visit Siachen Glacier or Base Camp?

Due to its sensitive military status, Siachen Glacier and Base Camp are inaccessible to foreign tourists. However, Indian citizens with the appropriate permits can visit Siachen Base Camp.

Siachen Trekking Expedition

For intrepid trekkers seeking a deeper connection with nature, Siachen Trekking Expeditions offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse oneself in the pristine beauty of the Himalayas. Led by seasoned guides, these expeditions promise adventure, camaraderie, and memories to last a lifetime amidst the icy expanse of Siachen Glacier.

Embark on this extraordinary journey from Leh to Siachen Base Camp, where every step brings you closer to the heart of the Himalayas and the thrill of adventure awaits at every turn. Prepare to be captivated by the raw beauty of nature and the indomitable spirit of the mountains, as you forge unforgettable memories amidst the icy wilderness of Siachen.

Mobile Network at Siachen Base Camp

Jio turned out to have the best reception in the entire Nubra Valley. Airtel was intermittently working, however, Vodafone did not work at all.

BSNL also works as well in the entire region but their service is not that great. The call quality is a little bad and the data speed is way too slow. So the best network for Nubra Valley and the base camp in my opinion is Jio.

You need to have a postpaid connection if the number belongs outside of the Ladakh region.

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siachen glacier tour package

  • +91 9622247763
  • Siachen Glacier Bike Adventure

Epic Rides,Timeless Memories

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Starting Price

From 18,000/- (No Cost EMI Available)

siachen glacier tour package

Pick and Drop

siachen glacier tour package

Community of 426k+ travelers on Instagram

Description, inclusion & exclusion, dates & costing, things to carry, t&c & cancellation policy.

Known as ‘the Land of High Passes,’ Ladakh is a unique and enchanting region in India. The bike trip to Siachen glacier offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the beauty of the area.

On this Motorcycle Journey to Leh Ladakh, you can ride solo or with a pillion rider. Keep in mind that the road trip will be challenging but incredibly scenic. The narrow, winding mountain roads with blind curves, canyons, and ravines will keep your adrenaline pumping. Despite the exhaustion, the fantastic views will quickly refresh you.

This trip can be organised for a private group or individual travellers, and it can be customised to your preferences if you represent a private group with more than 9 people. You can choose to rent a bike in Ladakh or bring your own. Rented bikes are well-conditioned, and you can select from various types, gears, and accessories. For those bringing their own bikes, arrive at the starting point 24 hours before departure. The motorcycle trip starts and ends from your hotel in Leh. Check the link for bike rental prices in Ladakh and outsiders’ bike policy.


  • Visit old monasteries: Hemis, Thikse, Alchi & Diskit.
  • Explore Shey Palace, the residence of the King of Ladakh.
  • High Grassland Lake of Pangong Tso.
  • Shimmering Mountain Lake – Tso Moriri.
  • Shey Palace, the former summer residence of the King of Ladakh.
  • Turtuk – the last Indian station town before Pakistan on the banks of Shyok River.
  • Khardung La (17,582 ft), the highest motorable road in the world.
  • Nubra Valley – once a trading route connecting eastern Tibet with Turkistan, now a vast valley separating Ladakh and the Karakoram Ranges.
  • Pangong Lake – one of the most famous lakes in Ladakh, a vast basin lake in the Himalayas at an altitude of about 4,350 m.

Included in the Tour:

  • Snuggle up in triple-sharing camps or hotels (couples get the cozy double-sharing setup).
  • Breakfast and dinner are on us throughout the adventure (except for breakfast on day 1).
  • All inner line permits needed for the journey – consider it done!
  • We’ve got your back from the airport with pick-up and drop-off services.
  • A sleek Royal Enfield Himalayan is all yours for the trip.
  • Your tank stays full with fuel for the entire adventure (as per the cool itinerary).
  • Helmets for both the captain and the co-pilot.
  • A trusty backup vehicle tagging along for any support you might need.
  • A skilled mechanic cruising with you, just in case your bike needs a little TLC.
  • A Tour Marshall leading the way and making sure you don’t miss a beat.
  • Daily maintenance and spare parts to keep those wheels turning smoothly.
  • First aid box riding shotgun in the car.
  • An oxygen cylinder on board 24/7 – we’ve got your breath covered.
  • All the sightseeing and excursions as per the thrilling itinerary.

Not Included in the Tour:

  • Anything Extra: If it’s not on the list, it’s not in the deal.
  • Costs from any bumps or bruises your bike might get on the journey.
  • Nature Unforeseen events like landslides or roadblocks – sorry, we can’t control Mother Nature.
  • Any entrance fees for the monastery and monument borne by visitors.
  • 5% GST, which is an additional charge applicable to the package.

Day 1 – Arrival at Leh

  • Arrive at Kushok Bakula airport in Leh (3500m above sea level)
  • Transfer to the hotel and check-in
  • Day at rest for acclimatisation
  • Overnight stay at the hotel

Day 2 – Scenic Tour of Shey Palace, Thiksey Monastery, and Hemis Gompa

Distance: 85km, Difficulty: Easy, Duration: 5 hours

  • Visit Hemis Monastery, the largest and wealthiest gompa in Ladakh
  • Explore Thiksey Monastery on a hill-lock with views of the Indus valley
  • Drive to Shey Palace, the former summer palace of the King of Ladakh

Day 3 – Lamayuru, Alchi, Likir, and back to Leh

Distance: 245km, Difficulty: Moderate, Duration: 8-9 hours

  • Drive to Basgo Castle, a UNESCO world heritage site
  • Visit Alchi Monastery, the only gompa in Ladakh on flat ground
  • Explore Likir Monastery with impressive Buddha statues
  • Visit Lamayuru, the oldest and one of the largest monasteries
  • Drive back to Leh
  • Overnight stay at Leh

Day 4 – Leh to Nubra Valley via Khardung-La (5400m)

Distance: 215km, Difficulty: Hard, Duration: 8-9 hours

  • Ride to Nubra Valley via Khardungla Pass, the highest motorable road
  • Evening Leisure time in Nubra
  • Overnight stay in Nubra

Day 5 – Drive to Siachen Glacier via Sumoor and Panamik

Distance: 220km, Difficulty: Hard, Duration: 8-9 hours

  • Experience the Siachen Glacier
  • Visit Panamik and Hunder Valley
  • Explore Diskit Monastery
  • Arrive at Hundur for free time and camel safari
  • Overnight stay at the camp (10,000 ft)

Day 6 – Nubra to Pangong Lake via Shyok Valley

Distance: 160km, Difficulty: Hard, Duration: 7 hour

  • Ride to Pangong Lake via Shyok Valley
  • Enjoy the changing colours and high altitude of Pangong Lake
  • Overnight stay at the camp/homestay (14,500 feet)

Day 7 – Merak village to Tsomoriri Lake via Tsaga-La pass (4400m)

Distance:  215km, Difficulty: Hard, Duration: 8 hours

  • Drive along Pangong Lake to Merak village
  • Visit the memorial of 13th Kumaon
  • Drive to Tsaga La pass and then towards Tsomoriri Lake

Day 8 – Tso Moriri to Leh via Taklang-La pass (5300m)

Distance: 220km, Difficulty: Hard, Duration: 8 hour

  • Morning visit to Korzok village and Tsomoriri Lake
  • Drive to Mahe village and Puga valley
  • Continue towards Leh via Tanglang pass, the second-highest motorable pass

Day 9 – Return

  • Transfer to the airport for the flight to the onward destination
  • Tour ends with memories from the Bike Trip to Siachen Glacier

Fixed Departure Dates 2024

  • 01 May – 09 May
  • 08 May – 16 May
  • 15 May – 23 May
  • 22 May – 30 May
  • 05 June – 13 June
  • 08 June – 16 June
  • 12 June – 20 June
  • 18 June – 26 June
  • 02 July – 10 July
  • 04 July – 12 July
  • 10 July – 18 July
  • 14 July – 22 July
  • 18 July – 26 July
  • 30 July – 07 Aug
  • 06 Aug – 14 Aug
  • 08 Aug – 16 Aug
  • 13 Aug – 21 Aug
  • 21 Aug – 29 Aug
  • 04  Sept – 12 Sept
  • 09 Sept -17 Sept
  • 12 Sept – 20 Sept
  • 17 Sept – 25 Sept
  • 01 Oct – 09 Oct
  • 08 Oct – 16 Oct
  • 10 Oct – 18 Oct

Bike Variant

Own Bike Own Fuel

Solo Rider with Himalayan Bike

Dual Rider with Himalayan Bike

₹ 24,999 /-

Seat in Suv/Backup

  • Pack  thermal shirts for the trip.
  • Don’t forget your Driving License and I.D Proof.
  • Wear comfortable boots for riding.
  • Bring an Airtel or Jio sim card (pre, post, or postpaid).
  • Winter essentials: Warm clothes.
  • Capture memories with a Camera and bring a power bank.
  • Pack comfy clothes for the journey.
  • Include a Cap and Jacket for varying weather.
  • Be prepared with a Raincoat.
  • Carry Personal Medication.
  • Essentials like Sunglasses, Sunscreen cream.
  • Personal Toiletries for your comfort.
  • Customise your pack to your personal preferences!

Booking Information:

  • To reserve a slot, pay 30% person when booking the trip
  • Balance payment due 15 days before the tour starts
  • Endeavour Ladakh is not responsible for roadblocks, flight cancellations, or unforeseen situations
  • For children aged 5-8 yrs, it’s 30% of the total cost (without bed)
  • Children above 8 yrs are considered adults (extra mattress provided)

Cancellation Policy:

  • 10% cancellation charges if cancelled 30 days prior to the tour.
  • 25% cancellation charges if cancelled within 20 days prior to the tour.
  • 50% cancellation charges if cancelled within 10 days prior to the tour.
  • No refund for tours starting within 10 days, after starting, or in the middle of the tour.

Photo 14

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siachen glacier tour package

Ajanta Boro

We had a great experience renting out a bike for our 6 days of tour. What we wanted was a well maintained bike since we were travelling all by ourselves and we just got that and much more. For one of the off-roading routes, we were allowed to join their tour group so that we had the support if needed, just in case. All along, very friendly team and professional services. Recommend them %, if you are looking forward to a bike tour in Laddakh.

siachen glacier tour package

Shivkumar Jayaram

Recently we as a group had an opportunity to use their services on a bike trip in Ladakh. I really really applaud Dawa, Phunchok and their team in organising a flawless itinerary. They made sure all the group members were taken care of in terms of comfort and more importantly safety. They were so supportive and caring too. Really appreciate their services and am looking forward to another trip with them.

siachen glacier tour package

Bikash Doley

Well maintained fleet of bikes. Every evening post ride the bikes are checked and maintained. We experienced this when we were riding alongside a group tour which they were leading. Even though we were not a part of the group (but happened to be riding on the same route at the same time) even our bike was checked and maintained.

siachen glacier tour package

Mihisara Hettithanthri

I’ve booked a full tour from Endeavour Ladakh all the way from Melbourne Australia and they provided excellent service and great bikes for my trip. Highly recommended and best in Ladakh.

The reality of our trip

Reach out to us, why endeavour ladakh.

Customized Itinerary:

Endeavour Ladakh stands out for tailoring bike trips to match individual preferences. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or a culture enthusiast, their itineraries are customized to provide a unique and fulfilling Ladakh experience for every adventurer.

Local Expertise and Cultural Immersion:

With a team deeply rooted in Ladakh, Endeavour Ladakh offers more than just a ride. Benefit from local insights, cultural immersion, and authentic experiences, ensuring your journey goes beyond the typical tourist trail.

Premium Royal Enfield Himalayans:

Enjoy a top-notch biking experience on Endeavour Ladakh’s fleet of Royal Enfield Himalayans. These well-maintained motorcycles are equipped to handle Ladakh’s diverse terrains, promising a smooth and exhilarating ride.

Safety First Commitment:

Safety is non-negotiable. With experienced guides, skilled mechanics, and a commitment to professionalism, they prioritise your well-being. Thorough safety measures, including briefings and proper gear, ensure a secure and enjoyable journey.

Customer-Centric Flexibility:

Endeavour Ladakh understands the unique preferences of each traveler. Whether you’re a solo adventurer, part of a group, or seeking a private getaway, they offer flexibility in bike choices, itineraries, and additional experiences.

Endeavour Ladakh, Changspa Road Opposite, Padma Ling Hotel, Tongspon Complex,Leh Ladakh-194101

Mobile Number : 9622247763

GSTIN No : 38CCMPP0916J1Z7

Quick Links

  • Leh To Turtuk 6 Days Bike Expedition
  • Scenic Tsomoriri Trip For Group/ Couple
  • Epic Bike Ride Manali - Leh - Srinagar
  • Zanskar Bike Expedition To Phutkal
  • Umling - La Bike Expedition Thrills
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  • Cancellation Policy & Disclaimer

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  • Siachen Glacier base camp opens for tourists
  • Ladakh Tourism Guide
  • May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

Siachen Glacier

Siachen Glacier base camp in Ladakh opens for domestic tourists; no permission required from Army

Updated on May 18, 2023

Siachen glacier base camp, which is now in the wish list of thousands of tourists, has opened for domestic tourists without need of permission from the Indian Army. However, Leh administration will continue charging ecological fee from the tourists.

According to Ladakh tourism department, the tourist facilities at Siachen base camp are now open for tourists without authorisation from the Army. The Ladakh Tourism Department said given the demand from tourists and locals, the case was being pursued with the concerned authorities for over two years. The Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in 2019 had announced that Siachen base camp will be opened to tourists upto Kumar Post but it took three years to complete the formalities.

People of Ladakh, especially of Nubra valley, were demanding to open the Siachen glacier base camp for tourists to boost tourism in the region and increase tourist stay.

The Headquarters 14 Corps stated that visit to civil tourist facilities near Siachen base camp does does not require any NOC or authorisation. It said tourists also do not need permit but district administration will collect environment fee through its website , according to department of tourism.

Ladakh police will establish a check post on base camp route to monitor tourist movement. Police will allow tourists after ensuring that tourists have paid environment fee.

Complete Ladakh with Hanle and Siachen (10 nights 11 days)

In Ladakh, Siachen Glacier Tour Packages Soon

Updated on November 5, 2019

Siachen Glacier will be the main tourist attraction in Ladakh very soon as the Government of India has announced to allow tourist movement till Siachen base up to Kumar Post (Kumar Camp). The Indian Army was recommending opening Siachen area for tourists for a long time and finally, the official announcement was made by the defence minister Rajnath Singh on October 21, 2019. No wonder, you will soon travel agencies offering Siachen Glacier Tour Packages.

However, tourists will have to wait for a few more days until the Army and Leh (Ladakh) administration comes up with the final strategic plan to handle the tourists in this area deep inside Nubra valley. Once notification is issued to allow tourists, all the travel agencies will be selling Siachen Glacier tour packages which are likely to sell like hot cakes. Siachen has been a mystery for the people for decades and everybody wants to visit it once in the lifetime. After Pangong Lake, Khardungla, Tso Moriri and Hunder, Siachen Glacier is going to be a major tourist attraction of Ladakh.

Siachen Glacier Base Camp

Most of the people are still confused about the location, geography and weather conditions at Siachen. The 76km-long Siachen is the largest glacier in the Karakoram mountain range of Himalayas. Siachen is the second largest glacier in the world outside the polar region. The terminus (lowest point) of the glacier is at an altitude of about 3,640m (11,940ft) while its highest point is at about 5,750m (18,860ft) above mean sea level. The temperature at Siachen may dip as low as –50 (minus 50) degrees Celsius.

Siachen base is about 215km from Leh and 62km from Panamik. Tourists can reach Siachen base from Leh in one day. Leh to Panamik is about 6 hours journey. From Panamik, it takes around two more hours to reach Siachen base which is the source of the Nubra river.

Tourists coming from Leh can stay at Hunder or Diskit (sightseeing of Diskit monastery and Hunder Sand Dunes is also possible on the same day) on the first day and can visit Siachen base on second day. As there is no hotel or camp near Siachen glacier, tourists can come to Panamik or Sumur (or nearby villages) for the night stay along after visiting Natural Hot Water Springs at Panamik and Samstanling monastery (gompa) at Sumur. On the third day, tourists can come back to Leh via Khardungla pass or can move to Pangong Lake via Shyok. If Turtuk village is in your itinerary, you need to have one additional day in the Nubra valley. Siachen glacier tour packages can include visit to entire Nubra valley beside Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri Lake and many monasteries in different regions of Ladakh.

Ladakh has tremendous potential in Tourism. Better connectivity in Ladakh would certainly bring tourists in large numbers. The Siachen area is now open for tourists and Tourism. From Siachen Base Camp to Kumar Post, the entire area has been opened for Tourism purposes. — Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) October 21, 2019

Although defence minister said the Siachen Glacier would be opened to tourists till Kumar Camp (Kumar Post) but climbing to Kumar post will not be possible for all the tourists until you are physically fit and have ice climbing experience. Civilians, and even soldiers, are not allowed to climb to Kumar Post unless they undergo proper acclimatization, health check-up and basic training in climbing. So, most of the tourists would be visiting base of the Siachen glacier and can see the huge glacier emerging from horizon and the towering mountain range all around. Tourists can see how our soldiers undergo a difficult training in the glacier.

Main highlights of Siachen Glacier

  • Siachen glacier base is 215km from Leh.
  • The altitude of Siachen base is about 11,900ft.
  • Siachen glacier is in the Karakoram range of the Himalayas.
  • Measuring 76km in length, Siachen is the longest glacier in the Karakoram range.
  • The Line of Control between India and Pakistan ends near Siachen glacier.
  • The maximum altitude of Siachen glacier is about 5,750m or 18,860ft.
  • The lowest altitude of Siachen glacier (glacier terminus) is at 3,640m or 11,940ft.
  • Siachen glacier is known as the highest battlefield of the world.
  • The minimum temperature at Siachen glacier may dip as low as (minus) –50 degrees Celsius.
  • A battle school and a war memorial are built at the Siachen base.
  • Famous OP Baba shrine is at the Siachen base.
  • The Indira Col is the northernmost point of the India-controlled Siachen Glacier where territories controlled by India, Pakistan and China meet.

Things to see at Siachen Glacier

The main tourist attraction at Siachen base is OP Baba shrine, a temple dedicated to an Indian Army soldier Om Prakash who died in the line of duty somewhere in Siachen. Be it soldier or official, all report to the OP Baba shrine before or after their duty. The temple is not linked to any particular religion but symbolizes the faith in almighty and patriotism. The 76 KM long glacier which extends up to an altitude of 18,860ft and the Nubra river are other attractions.

Siachen War Memorial built in the memory of Siachen martyrs is a new attraction. Visiting Army base camp, the Siachen Battle School, the puja at OP Baba temple, soldiers undergoing training at the glacier are the things to do at Siachen Glacier. With a few small villages dotted across the valley, the road to Siachen is mostly deserted but extremely scenic. The Nubra river flows along the road. The valley is mostly wide, offering a beautiful view of snow-capped mountains and hanging glaciers.

OP Baba Shrine (Temple)

Named after a soldier Om Prakash, OP Baba shrine (or OP Baba Sarva Dharma Sthal) is actually his temple where soldiers worship him. Soldiers believe OP Baba protects them from all the odds including enemy and extreme weather conditions. Soldier Om Prakash is believed to have been posted here in 1980s and disappeared in the snows and ice. Many soldiers reported that they saw OP at Siachen. Soldiers say that OP is still present in the area to help the soldiers. The soldiers who are posted at Siachen first report at OP Baba Shrine. They also report to OP Baba after coming back from the Siachen. They worship him and pray for their safety. Baba (saint) was added after OP (Om Prakash) after many incidents of he helping other soldiers. With the mantra of “Selfless Service”, a shrine dedicated to OP Baba was constructed in 1996. As Army follows the secular tradition, the shrine was renovated and renamed as OP Baba Sarva Dharma Sthal in 2003. OP Baba Shrine will be the must-visit part of Siachen glacier tour packages to Ladakh.

How to reach Siachen Glacier

Siachen glacier is about 215 KM from Leh and 175 KM from Khardungla pass. Take 90 degree right turn from a diversion after Khalsar (about 10km before Diskit). Cross the Shyok river over they bailey bridge (known as the Siachen Bridge) and keep moving towards the north. After driving for 5km, you will see the confluence of Nubra and Tserap rivers. Now keep moving towards the source of the Nubra river. Sumur and Panamik are the major villages enroute.

The road map to Siachen is as follows

Leh – Khardungla pass – Khalsar –Siachen Bridge – Terith – Lakzung – Sumur – Tiggur – Tiricha – Panamik – Taksha – Sasoma – Changlul – Henache – Stongstet – Warshi – OP Baba – Siachen Glacier

Distance of Siachen Base from

Leh: 204 KM Khardungla pass: 164 KM Siachen Bridge: 110 KM Sumur: 90 KM Panamik: 62 KM Sasoma: 43 KM

Siachen Glacier Ladakh

Health requirement to visit Siachen

If you are in Ladakh and are planning to visit Siachen Base, you need not worry about anything as the altitude of the area is less than 12,000ft, which is similar to that of Leh. People suffering from Asthma or any breathing and heart-related disease should not risk their lives and should consult the doctor before visiting Ladakh. High altitude and dry air of Ladakh may take a toll on those who are suffering from serious diseases. Avoid alcohol and drink enough water while in Ladakh. Please note that hard drinks and smoking are banned in most of the villages of Ladakh.

Siachen glacier peak gets internet connectivity

A satellite-based internet service has been activated on the Siachen Glacier at 19,061 feet on Sunday (September 18, 2022). The service was started by the Siachen Signallers: Indian Army’s Fire & Fury Corps. The internet service will help the troops stay connected with the family members and will also help the Army.

Siachen Glacier Tour Packages

Click here for Siachen Glacier Tour Packages

Ladakh Jeep Safari

Note: Siachen is both ecologically and strategically sensitive area. Be responsible. Bring your waste back with you and respect the Indian Army.

Also see Manali-Leh Ladakh Jeep Safari Complete Tour Packages

Tags: Siachen, Siachen Glacier, Siachen Glacier in Ladakh, OP Baba Shrine, OP Baba Temple, Siachen War Memorial, Road to Siachen Glacier, Siachen Packages, Siachen Glacier Visit, Trip To Siachen Glacier, How to Reach Siachen Glacier, Distance of Siachen Glacier from Leh, Siachen Glacier Tour Packages, Tour Packages to Siachen, Taxi to Siachen Glacier, Hotel at Siachen, Hotel Near Siachen Glacier, Packages for Siachen Glacier, Best Time to Visit Siachen Glacier, Temperature at Siachen Glacier, Weather at Siachen Glacier, Siachen Glacier Tourist Permit

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E Ladakh Tourism

Leh Turtuk & Siachen Base Camp & Pangong Lake Tours

  Duration : 08 Nights / 09 Days

  Destination : Leh - Lamayuru - Alchi - Leh - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Hunder - Turtuk - Siachen Base Camp - Sumur - Pangong Lake - Hemis Monastery - Thiksay - Shey - Leh

Price : On Request : Call : +91-7982397457 , Whatsapp

  • Detail Itinerary
  • Includes & Excludes
  • Accommodation

Day 01 : Leh

Welcome to Leh Airport, Pickup from Leh Airport and driver will drop to the Hotel. Full Day Rest in Hotel for acclimatization. Overnight stay.

Day 02 : Leh - Shyam Valley - Alchi - Lamayuru - Leh

After breakfast Drive to Shyam Valley Sightseeing, First Visit to Hall of Fame, Gurudwara Pathar Shahib, Magnetic Hill, after drive to Sangam Area (Confluence of the Indus and Zanskar River) After drive to Alchi Monastery - Alchi Monastery or Alchi Gompa is a Buddhist Monastery Later Alchi drive to Lamayuru monastery and the adjoining 'Moonland' This is Very Old Monastery of Ladakh, After Sightseeing back to Leh, check in Hotel and Overnight stay

Day 03 : Leh to Nubra - Hunder Tour via Khardungla Pass (Approx 4 - 5 hrs one way)

Early Morning after breakfast check out hotel and drive to Nubra Valley via Khardungla Pass the highest motorable road in the World, (18,380 ft).

After Khardungla enjoying lunch after proceed to enjoy walk on the banks of Shayok river, after drive to Diskit Monastery, the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery in Diskit,

Maitreya Buddha Statue The height of the Maitreya Buddha statue, after diskit drive to Hunder Village - you can also enjoy a ride on double humped camel on the Sand Dunes.

After Camel Ride visit to Hunder Village, Check in Hotel / Camps Overnight stay.

Day 04 : Hunder to Turtuk Village to Thang 0 Point -( Approx 2 hrs one way )

After breakfast drive to Turtuk Village, This is Last Village of Ladakh (first time opened tourist in 2010) which is a place Annexed by India only after the 1971 war.

Turtuk the village beautiful valley After Village drive to Thang 0 Point Sightseeing, after Evening back to Hunder, Check in Hotel/ Camp Overnight stay.

Day 05 : Hunder - Siachen Base Camp - Sumur

After breakfast drive to Siachen Glacier enroute can visit Sumur ( visit the 150 year old Samstanling Gompa It is one of the prettiest sights in the valley. The main attraction of the village is the Samstanling Gompa, located above the village at the foot of barren mountains and next stop is Panamik hot spring (Panamik has a natural hot water spring.

There is a bath which has the facilities so that you can take bath in the natural hot water spring and continue to visit Sasoma village and you will reach base camp by afternoon and explore the beauty of Siachen Glacier (The Siachen Glacier at the height of around 20,000 ft in the Karakoram range is known as the highest militarised zone in the world) and then drive back to sumur. Overnight stay in Camp.

Day 06 : Hunder to Pangong Lake via Shayok River Crose (Approx 5 hrs one way ) - Pangong Lake.

After breakfast Check out Hotel and drive to pangong lake via Crosse the Shyok River one the way Tangse Villige

Enjoy and photo shoot near Pangong Lake , Pangong Lake is highest salt water Lake in the World, shared by two countries India & China. Overnight stay in Camp.

Day 07 : Pangong Lake - Leh Back via Changla Pass (Approx 6 hrs)

After Breakfast check out Camp and drive back to Leh via Chang-la Pass, third highest motor able road in the world.

Afternoon rich in Leh, driver will drop to the Leh Main Market or Hotel. Overnight stay in Hotel.

Day 08 : Leh Monastery Sightseeing

After Breakfast Full day Monastery Sightseeing First Visit to Hemis Monastery, Thiksay Monastery, Shey Monastery, 3 Idiot School, after back to City and visit to Shanti Stupa and Leh Palace, Driver will drop the market / or He will drop to the Hotel. Overnight stay.

Day 09 : Leh Airport Transfer

Early Morning After breakfast check out hotel and transfer to the airport and fly back to your destination.

Package Inclusions

  • Assisted arrival / departure transfers in Leh.
  • Accommodation on twin / double sharing basis at all destinations.
  • Daily buffet breakfast and dinner at above listed hotels.
  • Inner Line Permit.
  • Transportation use : - Crysta / Innova / Scorpio / Xylo and Tempo Traveler (All Non AC).
  • Driver Allowances, & All Parking Charge.
  • All Taxes Includes and parking and all.
  • Airfare to and from Leh.
  • Any Lunch, Mineral Water,
  • Camel Ride in Hunder.
  • Personal expenses such as tips, laundry, phone call etc.
  • Monastery entrance fees, camera fee, and monument guide services
  • Anything not specifically mentioned under the head“Cost Inclusion”.
  • Adventure activity like Rafting, Camel Safari, Mountain Biking, Motor Biking etc.
  • Extra nights in hotel due to ill health, flight cancelation, Road blockage or any other reason.
  • The service of vehicle is not included on leisure days & after finishing the sightseeing tour as per the itinerary.
  • Extensions of tour programme or diversions in the tour itinerary for any reasons eg. due to bad weather, road closure, breakdown or any natural calamities.
  • Oxygen Cylender ( nubra & Pangong)

Price On Request

Call Us - +91-7982397457 Whatsapp

Email : - [email protected]

Note : Transportation Sitting Capacities  : - Crysta, Innova (5 Passangers + Driver) | Scarpio , Safari & Xilor ( 6 Passangers + Driver) | Tempo Traveller (12 Passangers + Driver)

Supplementary Other Charges:

  • Air condition in vehicle Rs 9 per Kms
  • Cultural Program Rs. 11,000 per program (Approx. 60 – 70 Mins) at respective hotel in Leh.
  • Professional Tourist Guide Rs. 3000/- Per Day.
  • Oxygen Cylinder INR 800 per day (Ex Leh, charges will be calculated from Leh onwards)
  • River Rafting Charges (Transfers by sharing vehicle + Lunch + Rafting INR 1000 – 2500 approx.)
  • For A/C Vehicle in Ladakh region, it will be calculated as per tour plan.

Payment Policy

  • 30% Required at the time of booking.
  • 30 % Transfer payment before 20 Days Trip
  • 40% Cash / Transfer Pay in Leh during the trip.
  • + 5 % GST Charge.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Prices valid from 01st April to 10th Oct.
  • Final Confirmation will be provided on full payment.
  • Vehicle Provided as per the mentioned tour plan (Point to Point Basis only)
  • No Refund or Compensation for any unused services / transportation in any circumstances.
  • Extra charges applicable if any change in the itinerary/ stay on account of flight cancellation due to bad weather, ill health, roadblocks and/or any factors beyond our control.

Cancellation Policy for Tour Package

  • 10% cancellation charges if cancelled 30 days before the tour.
  • 25% cancellation charges if cancelled between 30 – 20 Days before the tour.
  • 50% cancellation charges if cancelled between 19 – 10 Days before the tour.
  • No refund will be made if cancelled 10 days before the tour.

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Ladakh Tour By Duration

  • Ladakh City Tour (04 Days)
  • Ladakh Adventure Tours (05 Days)
  • Hunder - Turtuk Pangong Day Tour (05 Days)
  • Nubra & Pangong Lake Tours (05 Days)
  • Ladalkh Special Package (06 Days)
  • Enchanting Ladakh Tour (07 Days)
  • Leh with Tur Tuk Nubra Pangong Tour (07 Days)
  • Nubra, Pangong Tso Moriri Tour (07 Days)
  • Ladakh Photography, Movies & Film Shooting
  • Ladakh Aryan Race Village With Nubra (08 Days)
  • Manali with Ladakh Tour (08 Days)
  • Bike Rides in Ladakh (8 Days)
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  • Puga Valley Tour Packages (09 Days)
  • Kashmir Ladakh Special Tours (9 Days)
  • Great Ladakh with Kargil & Sham Valley Trip (09 Days)
  • Leh Turtuk & Siachen Base Camp & Pangong (09 Days)
  • Ladakh Moon Land Tour (10 Days)
  • Kashmir Ladakh Photography Tour (10 Days)
  • Ladakh Mounting and Lake Tour (10 Days)
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Main Packages

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  • Camel Safari in Ladakh ( Hunder - Nubra Valley)

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7 Nights 8 Days Tour Package to Leh, Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake

Today after arrival at Leh Airport Our representative will be met and greet you & and transfer you to Leh Hotel. Have check in (12:00 Noon ) Early check in applicable if room available at Hotel. After having check in rest at hotel and acclimate at Leh altitude and Nature. Evening Stroll over at Leh Mall Road . OVERNIGHT STAY AT LEH HOTEL

Today after heartily breakfast have visit After a leisurely breakfast, we'll drive to Spituk. Today we'll cover Spituk Monastery, the famous Magnetic Hills, the confluence of Indus and Zanskar River near Nimoo and visit Pather Sahib an important Sikh Pilgrimage Site and Shanti Stupa and Leh Palace . In the evening, you will return to the Leh. If the time permits you can explore the local market of the city and buy some souvenirs for your loved ones. Return to the hotel in the evening and enjoy the dinner. Overnight stay at the hotel in Leh. Sangam, Magnetic Hill, Gurudwara Patthar Sahib, Spituk Gompa and Hall of Fame , Shanti stupa , Leh Palace. Overnight stay in Leh Hotel.

After early Breakfast, check out from the hotel and drive to Nubra Valley (Also known as valley of flowers) via Khardungla pass (The Highest Motorable road in the World, 18,380 ft). On the way to Nubra Valley explore Deskit & Hunder Villages and also experience camel Safari on double Hump camels in Sand Dunes. Nubra Valley is one of the interior region of Leh Ladakh and Famous for its location and sand dunes , this area is the cold desert of Leh Ladakh, and Nubra is also Importance for Indian army for its important position as this is the gateways of Sichen border. Spend your Memorable time at Nubra Valley and Explore the unexplored here. Overnight in Hotel/ Camp at Diskit /Hundur.

After Breakfast drive to Turtuk, , it will be full day journey to Turtuk, Spend your day here and than evening return to hotel Have Dinner and Overnight stay at Nubra Hotel. Turtuk district of Ladakh UT, India. It is located in the Nubra tehsil, 205 km from the Leh town, on the banks of the Shyok River. Turtuk gram panchayat is the northernmost village of India. Turtuk was under Pakistan's control until 1971, after which India gained control of this strategic area. It is predominantly a Muslim village, and residents speak languages including Balti, Ladakhi and Urdu. Turtuk is the last outpost in India after which the Pakistan-controlled Gilgit-Baltistan begins. Turtuk is one of the gateways to the Siachen Glacier.

After Breakfast, Leave for Pangong Lake sightseeing Via Siyok Village Reach on the Banks of pangong Lake and appreciate its charming beauty. Overnight stay at Pangong Pangong Lake: It is situated at an Alt. of 4,270 ft. & 134 km long which forms a part of India-china Border. Due to its clear water it reflects the sky color giving the effect of changing colors of lake like from blue to turquoise/ light pink and so on throughout the day & night. Another amazing fact about this lake is that it freezes completely during winter, despite being saline water

After Breakfast, Get ready to return Leh , by Changla Pass , Changla pass is also one of the Highest Mountain moterable pass of this region visi on the way some Monasteries of Leh Ladakh Visit Hemis Manastery , Shey Palace , Thisky monastery, , Rencho school etc, After Having spend your beatiful time there evening transfer to Hotel Have Check at Hotel And than you will be free for leisure at Leh,Evening you can spend your time at Leh Mall road and in famous cafe of Leh. Have rest and dinner and Leh Hotel. Evening you would free for leisure at Leh Market

After Breakfast, check out from the hotel & then you will be dropped at Leh Airport with ever memorable experience

Price & Validity

7 Nights 8 Days Tour Package to Leh, Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake

Inclusions / Exclusions

Pick up and Drop Leh Airport. CAB TYPE :- Suv ( innova/Xylo/Scorpio) 06 Night Accommodation on double Sharing Basis Occupancy i.e. 02 Adults sharing 01 room/ Camp MAP Meal Plan – 06 Breakfasts, 06 Dinners for each person night. Use of Individual Cab as per itinerary. Inner line Permits of cab for Kardungla & Nubra Valley Taxes & Expenditures Included: Parking, Toll Tax, Green Tax, Fuel Exp. and Driver Exp. etc

Air Fare / Train Fare Monument Entrance Fee / Camera Fees. Any Adventure Activities and Personal Expenses Heater Charges in Hotels Early Check inn, Late Check outs, extra transport. Anything else not mentioned in Inclusion Section

siachen glacier tour package

Weather in Leh

siachen glacier tour package

Nubra Valley

Pangong lake, request a quote,   email this package.


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Devils On Wheelz

9 Days Expedition 2020 (Srinagar- Leh Ladakh- Siachen Base Camp.) Tour

siachen glacier tour package

8 Nights / 9 Days INR 0 Offered by : Devils On Wheelz

Package Overview

Route Attractions: Srinagar -Sonmarg- Zojila Pass- Gumri Post- Drass -Kargil War Memorial- Kargil -Mulbek–Fotu La- Lamayuru- Nimmoo -Sangam – Magnetic Hills- Leh- Hall of Fame- Leh Palace- Gurudwara Pathar Sahib- Shey Monastery-Shanti Stupa -Khardung La- Nubra Valley- Hunder- Diskit- Sumur- Panamik- Sasoma- SIACHEN BASE CAMP-Agham Shyok- Pangong Lake- Chang La.

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Day wise Itinerary

Day 1 : Srinagar

All Participants are required to reach Srinagar Hotel (Hotel details will be sent on email) Our Representative will meet and greet you at Hotel reception. Day at leisure. Road Captain will give detailed briefing about the terrain and the trip, and bike allotment will be done after the briefing. Enjoy the dinner at hotel. Evening at leisure enjoy shikara ride in DAL LAKE, visit floating market)

  • Hotspots : Dal Lake
  • Themes : Hill Stations & Valleys

Day 2 : Srinagar/Sonmarg – Kargil (200 KM)

Srinagar – Sonamarg – Zojila Pass - Gumri Post – Drass – Kargil War Memorial- Kargil Wake up early and start journey after Breakfast. We will cross through Sonmarg and Zojila Pass today, very tough ride. Will cross Drass and Kargil war memorial. We will halt at Drass and pay homage to our War Heroes at Kargil War Memorial, situated at Drass Sector, Where 1999 war was fought. Reach Kargil by evening. Enjoy Dinner and overnight stay in Hotel.

Day 3 : Kargil - Leh (211 km)

Kargil –Lamayuru- Fotu La-Sangam – Saspul – Basgo – Nimmoo – Leh. Start journey after Breakfast. Today the ride will be very very beautiful as the whole route run along the bank of the river. Halt for lunch at Lamayuru Monastery. After crossing these unseen places like moon land we will head toward Leh and we will cross “Magnetic Hill” and “Gurudwara Pathar Sahib”. The famous “Hall of fame” will also fall in this route. Reach Leh by evening. Enjoy Dinner and overnight stay in hotel.

Day 4 : Leh- Local Sightseeing

Day at leisure. Wake up late and after breakfast enjoy your day. Explore the main attractions in the city on your own. On this day no need to rush you are free to explore Leh, Road captain will provide you list of attractions to cover that day. You can choose the one you want to visit. Explore Leh Gurudwara Patthar Sahib, Magnetic hills, Hall of Fame, Shanti Stupa, Thiksey Monastery, Royal Palace and local Tibetan market. Evening at leisure. Dinner will be served at Hotel. Enjoy your Overnight stay.

Day 5 : Leh - Khardung-La –Diskit- Hunder (Nubra Valley) (120 KM)

Leh – South Pullu – Khardung La – North Pullu – Khardung Village – Khalsar Village – Diskit Monastery – Hunder (Nubra Valley). Start early morning after breakfast start journey toward Khardung -La pass 18380 Ft. The all-weather highest motorable road in World. Further continue the journey toward Nubra Valley. Next halt will be at Siachen base transit camp at North pullu. Later visit Diskit Monastery, spend time at sand dunes, this is the famous silk route Enjoy the scenic beauty and reach the sand dunes to capture beautiful evening. Hunder is most popular for the camel rides in the high altitude cold desert. The camel safaris are done on Bactrian Double-humped Camels which are reminder the bygone era of silk route trade. Spend some time for photo shoot and witness the circle of nature around. Night stay at Hunder.

Day 6 : Hunder - Sumur (42km) Siachen Base Camp (38 KM)

Hunder - Sumur (Nubra Valley)- Panamik- Tear Pond- Sasoma- Siachen Base Camp Enjoy yummy organic breakfast in Hunder and start journey toward Sumur. Apart from being remote Sumur is a gallery of unspeakable beauty it is a colorful portrait. After reaching Sumur check in hotel and get ready to visit Lots of places Panamik- It is located 24 km from Sumur. Panamik is famously known for its therapeutic hot springs. They are believed to cure various health diseases. Tear Pond - A small pond in mid of mountains Sasoma- The last village Siachen Base Camp- A spectacular Drive to salute Indian Warriors !!! 12000 ft Siachen is the highest battle field in the world. Indian Army captured it in 1984 through Operation Meghdoot. Earlier civilians were allowed till Sasoma but now with special permission civilians can go to Siachen base camp also. Today is very special day as you will be able to meet snow warriors that make us proud and can get a view of glacier. Enjoy your yummy lunch at 12000 ft. in Army canteen. Shrine of OP Baba Next stop will be the shrine of OP Baba. In 1980s, Om Prakash, an artillery soldier was sent on a patrol to Northern Glacier, where he single-handedly beat back the enemy, but never returned back after that. No one saw him or his body, but troops were forewarned in their dreams about impending dangers on the Glacier, after which the faith in OP Baba increased and temple was built in his name. Reports of missions are regularly given to him before and after. OP Baba not only protects the personnel on the Glacier from the enemy, but also from the hostile nature and terrain. Troops talk about getting dreams whenever a warning is to be issued from the Baba. Troops give up tobacco, alcohol and non- vegetarian food during their three-month tenure on the Glacier. Later on return back to Sumur. Dinner and overnight stay at Sumur with bonfire. (If weather permits) Sumur (Nubra Valley) - Pangong Tso(165 KM)

Day 7 : Sumur (Nubra Valley) - Pangong Tso(165 KM)

Sumur -Panamik– Khalsar Village – Agham – Shyok – Durbuk – Tangtse – Spangmik (Pangong Tso) After breakfast we will start journey for the day toward Pangong Lake. We will cross Agham - Shyok route today. The route is less travelled, but the most adventures one. Be ready to test your riding skill. Reach Pangong Lake by afternoon. The camps are the best place to stay at Pangong Lake, enjoy the scenic beauty of most famous Lake, the view from camp is majestic. Spend evening at bank of Lake. Enjoy dinner and overnight stay in camp

  • Hotspots : Pangong Lake

Day 8 : Pangong Tso - Leh (140 KM)

Spangmik (Pangong Tso) – Tangtse – Tsoltak – Chang La – Sakti – Karu – Leh After breakfast we will go the famous point (3 Idiots) at Pangong lake, enjoy the photo shoot at the lake, Be ready with your cameras and phone to click pics. The view in morning will take your breath away. After some fun at lake, start journey toward to Leh, We will cross Chang La today another highest pass, be ready to witness fresh snowfall at this point, halt for Tea in mid, reach Leh by evening. Overnight stay with dinner. .

Day 9 : Leh

Today is the last day of expedition. Wake up in the morning and enjoy lavish breakfast and head toward your home destination. Expedition Concludes here with lot of beautiful memories.

  • MAP (Room + Breakfast + Lunch/Dinner)
  • All accommodations as per package you choose.
  • All meals throughout the stay on MAPAI basis Breakfast & Dinner
  • Guided Tour with well-planned Itinerary.
  • Support back up vehicle/ Luggage Vehicle, for emergency use and luggage transfer. (Strictly No suitcase/Trolley bags allowed - only one rucksack/backpack per person)
  • Experienced Team Leader/ Road Captain & Support staff.
  • Emergency Mobile number to stay in touch (Interrains where other network does not work only BSNL works)
  • Certified Mechanic for breakdown service.
  • All (ILP) Inner Line Permits & Permissions from Army for Siachen Base Camp.
  • Ladakh Union Fee and Wildlife fees for restricted areas for Indian/ Foreign Nationals Bonfire at Nubra Valley (If weather permits).
  • Basic First aid kit and Oxygen Cylinder.
  • Specially Designed T-Shirt, Wrist Band, Keychain.
  • Participation Certificate by Real life hero on completion of the Expedition.
  • Expedition Stickers for Bike & Helmet & Cars.
  • People who choose Bike with Fuel package will get Helmet in the package for both Rider and Pillion.
  • Group Photographs of the Expedition, memories to cherish –Only group Photos taken by Road Captain/staff on trip
  • Briefing by specialists on how to Travel / keep yourself safe and healthy during Expedition. We will send mails prior to departure on how to pack/ List of things you need to carry. And things to know.
  • Unforgettable memory and buddies for life.
  • Any Expense incurred due to force majeure.
  • Any extra cost (Transportation/ Accommodation) arising due to natural calamities like, landslides, road blockage, political disturbances
  • (strikes) or change in law, etc. (to be borne by the client as per actual, which is directly payable on the spot).
  • Cost incurred to transfer or tow the motorbike in case it is dropped on the way.
  • Expenses of personal nature such as table drinks, Water bottle, snacks, telephone calls, laundry, camera fee for still or video camera, tips to
  • drivers, local guides, and hotel staff.
  • Any item, activity or facility other than clearly mentioned within the inclusions & itinerary above.
  • GST 5% or any kind of tax.

Package Start From

  • Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India, Asia

Terms & Conditions

Payment Terms & Methods : IMPORTANT INFORMATION:- People who choose Bike with fuel package have to pay security deposit of Rs.10000/- Which is refundable once you handover the bike at the end of the trip. Bikes will be provided after briefing, proper checkup and all paperwork. Without security no bikes will be provided. If in any condition Siachen Base camp is not open for civilians, at that particular time for any given reason we will add Tur tuk in place of Siachen base camp. Kindly note that visit to Siachen Base Camp is subjected to the permission from Authority & Army. We will follow the Guidelines. Trip schedule is subjected to change as per road, weather and other unavoidable conditions so take a day or two in buffer. This is not an ordinary place its "Leh Ladakh". Only Team members have the right to take decision depending on above. If the participants leave the bikes in the middle of the trip they have to bear the transportation cost Any extra cost (Transportation/ Accommodation) arising due to natural calamities like, landslides, road blockage, political disturbances or change in law will be extra. We will follow the guidelines of all the countries/ territories/Unions which we cross during the trip. Any accommodation/ stay apart from fixed schedule (as per the itinerary) will be charged extra. Strictly No suitcase/Trolley bags are allowed only 1 backpack bag is allowed in Backup vehicle/ Luggage Vehicle. We provide luggage vehicle however customer will be responsible for their own luggage. Participants will be responsible for their personal belongings on the trip; Devils on Wheelz will not be responsible for any lost item. Devils on Wheelz reserve the right to correct any grammatically or pricing errors occurs by printing Any personal transaction with anyone or outside the company is purely your responsibility Backup vehicle is for emergency use only. Kindly note that this expedition is not an ordinary trip so mentally prepare yourself for the same, take it as a challenge. Standard Package: Standard hotel/Guest House/Camps. Premium Package: A Grade hotel/Camps. Payment Policy:- Booking amount is mandatory to confirm your booking. (The amount may vary time to time) Balance payment to be made 30 days prior to departure.

Cancellation & Refund Policy : You can cancel your booking by mailing us on [email protected] Cancellation charges per person 30 days or more before departure: 25% of total cost will be deducted. 29 - 20 days before departure: 50% of total cost will be deducted. Less than 19 days before departure: 100% of total cost will be deducted. Booking amount is non-refundable. Be prepared for fun filled memorable journey for life. It’s not a luxury trip but a fun filled adventure ”Leh Ladakh Expedition”

This Tour is Offered by

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  • 125, First Floor, Vipul Trade Centre, Sector 48.Sohna Road - 122001
  • 08069247359 (Ext : 248)
  • [email protected] View Mail ID

About Devils On Wheelz

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  • Offices : 125, First Floor, Vipul Trade Centre, Sector 48.Sohna Road - 122001

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New Delhi - Katra - Anantnag - Srinagar - Ganderbal - Baramulla


Madhya Pradesh Tour

Madhya Pradesh Tour

Satna - Jabalpur - Umaria - Pachmarhi - Chhatarpur - Balaghat


Srinagar, Leh Ladakh, Dal Lake, Pangong Lake Tour Package

Srinagar Tour Package 2 Night - 3 Days

Srinagar Tour Package 2 Night - 3 Days


2 Night - 3 Days Srinagar Tour Package

2 Night - 3 Days Srinagar Tour Package


Jammu And Kashmir Tour Package 9 Night - 10 Days

Jammu And Kashmir Tour Package 9 Night -..

Katra - Patnitop - Srinagar - Kashmir - Pahalgam - Sonamarg - Gulmarg


Jammu And Kashmir Tour Package 9 Night - 10 Days

Jammu - Katra - Patnitop - Srinagar - Pahalgam - Sonamarg - Gulmarg


Jammu And Kashmir With Leh Ladakh Tour Package 9 Night - 10 Days

Jammu And Kashmir With Leh Ladakh Tour P..

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5 Nights 6 Days Kashmir Tour

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4 Nights - 5 Days Kashmir Tour

4 Nights - 5 Days Kashmir Tour

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Tribes and Cutural Tour

Tribes and Cutural Tour

Shimla - Kufri - Sarahan - Sangla - Kalpa - Kaza - Leh Ladakh


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Ladakh Enfield Motorcycle Expedition I Siachen Glacier, Pangong Lake & Tsomoriri Lake

siachen glacier tour package

Fixed Departure

siachen glacier tour package

Motorbike Expeditions


Starting from

+91 86966 85905, +91 84484 45051, +91 98187 03891.

Leh Ladakh Bike Tour Packages 2024

Best Time to Visit Leh Ladakh Bike Trip

  • Visit ancient monasteries -  Hemis, Thikse, Alchi & Diskit
  • Visit Shey Palace - the residence of King of Ladakh
  • High Grassland Lake of Pangong Tso
  •  Shimmering Mountain Lake - Tso Moriri
  • Shey Palace - the former summer palace of the King of Ladakh. 
  • Turtuk - the last Indian outpost village before Pakistan on the banks of Shyok River
  • Khardung La (17,582ft), the highest motorable road in the world 
  • Nubra Valley - once on the trading route connecting eastern Tibet with Turkistan via the famous Karakoram Pass today is a large valley that separating the Ladakh and Karakoram Ranges at the confluence of The Shyok and Siachen River
  • Pangong Lake- One of the most popular lake in Ladakh, it  is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at a height of about 4,350 m

Day 01: Arrive Leh (3505 Meters / 11567 Feet. Above Sea Level)

siachen glacier tour package

? Arrive at Kushok Bakula airport Leh - 3500m above sea level. ? Transfer to hotel & check in to the hotel ? Day at rest for acclimatization. ? Overnight stay at the hotel Meals: Dinner only

siachen glacier tour package

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Tour of Hemis, Thiksey Monastery & Shey Palace

siachen glacier tour package

? Visit Hemis Monastery situated 45km west of Leh; Hemis is the largest and the wealthiest monastery in Ladakh. ? From Hemis, take the same route to visit Thiksey Monastery, located on a hill-lock with formidable views of the Indus valley. Thiksey is especially noteworthy for its gigantic seated statue of the Maitreya and is also known for its (Dukhang) assembly hall which houses hundreds of rectangular prayer books, stacked between wooden covers and bound in silk. ? After that we continue to drive through series of chortens to visit Shey Palace the former summer palace of the King of Ladakh. ? Overnight stay at the hotel. Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Leh - Alchi - Likir - Lamayuru ? Leh (115kms X 2 Way/ 5hrs)

siachen glacier tour package

? After a leisurely breakfast, we drive to the garage to fetch the motorbikes for the journey. ? Ride to Basgo Castle which is declared by UNESCO as world heritage site. It used to be the winter capital of Ladakh. ? Then ride to Alchi, Sightseeing of 1000 year old Alchi monastery the only Gompa in Ladakh region on flat ground. ? After proceed to the Likir Monastery to visit the splendid three storeys Dharma Wheel Gompa. Here youll be awestruck with the sight of the massive Buddha statues ? Then ride to visit Lamayuru (60kms from Alchi), Lamayuru monastery is the oldest and one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh region. The monastery belongs to Red-Hat Sect of Buddhism ? Drive back to Leh ? Overnight stay at Leh. Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Khardungla Pass 18832 Ft - Nubra Valley (Turtuk) 204kms / 7hrs

siachen glacier tour package

? After Breakfast ride to Nubra Valley over the Khardungla Pass (Highest Motorable road in the World, 18,380 ft) to Turtuk. Turtuk is the last village on the Indian side of the border and was taken over by the Indian Army during the Kargil War. You will be mesmerized by the beauty in the Simplicity of Turtuk and its people. ? The rest of the evening is at leisure. ? Overnight in Turtuk Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Ride to Siachen Glacier via Panamik

siachen glacier tour package

? Siachen Glacier is one of the highest glaciers in the world. Get a chance to experience the Siachen Glacier through this journey ? After breakfast ride to Hunder ? Visit Panamik and Hunder valley ? Visit Diskit Monastery, which is 515 years old, ? Arrive at Hundur by Afternoon. ? Post lunch free to explore Deskit, Hunder Villages and camel Safari in Sand Dunes between Deskit and Hunder Village. ? Overnight stay at the camp (10,000 ft. i.e. 3048 metres). Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Nubra ? Pangong via Shayok Valley (165 Km) Only 20 Km Unmetallic Road.

Pangong lake.

siachen glacier tour package

? After breakfast ride to Pangong via Shayok valley, This region actually comprises two valleys: Nubra and Shyok. Both their rivers rise amidst the remote and heavily glaciated peaks and trough of the Karakoram Range. ? Arrive Pangong Lake it is the highest salt water Lake in the World, shared by two countries India & China. Enjoy the beauty of the lake on the Banks of Pangong Lake while appreciating the changing Colors and fascinating high altitude of the Lake. ? Overnight stay at the camp (14,500 ft i.e 4,420 meters) Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Pangong - Tso Moriri (210 Kms/ 6-7 Hours.)

Tsomoriri lake.

siachen glacier tour package

? Post breakfast, we drive along the Pangong Lake for about 18 kilometre almost towards Man village. From Merak we go towards Chushul, a lovely drive to. ? From here another 12 kilometre drive takes you to the memorial of 13th Kumaon, the war heroes of 1962, a story of valour and fortitude, of 113 soldiers led by non other Pram Vir Chakra awardee, Late Major Shaitan Singh, 111 of them led their life defending the nation. ? Our drive further takes you to Tsaga La pass and than towards the Indus. ? At Mahay bridge, you enter the valley that eventually leads you to Tsomoriri Lake. Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

Tso-moriri ? Tso-kar ? Leh (210/ 7hrs)

siachen glacier tour package

? In the morning visit Korzok village and visit around the lake. ? Later drive to Mahe village. The village is famous for the scene of shooting fountain and white clouds hanging upon. ? Drive to Puga valley, which is famous for Butan gas. ? Later we drive to Tsokar visit the Lake which is at an altitude of 4090 mts. and continue drive to towards Leh via Tanglang pass, which is at a height of 5350 mts and is the second highest motorable pass in the world. ? Overnight stay at hotel in Leh. Meals: Breakfast & Dinner

siachen glacier tour package

? Early morning you will be transferred to airport in time to board flight to onward destination. Meals: Breakfast only

  • Assistance upon arrival at Leh airport with welcome in the Hotel
  • 08 Nights Accommodation on twin sharing basis as per the Itinerary 
  • 08 Breakfast & 08 Dinner 
  • By Using Royal Enfield Motorcycles 500 cc without fuel 
  • Accompanying Mechanic cum guide from Day 3 to Day 8
  • Back up vehicle Bolero Camper from Day 3 to Day 8
  • Return airport transfers & sightseeing tours by Non-ac  Innova  
  • Inner Line permits 
  • Environmental, Wild life & Red cross Fee.
  • 01 Oxygen cylinder for emergency.
  • GST and all government taxes                                                                                            
  • Any sightseeing or excursion that is not mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Monument, Guide, other expenses not mentioned in inclusion..
  • Any item of personal requirement, such as drinks, laundry, telephone, etc.
  • Any medical or evacuation expenses.
  • Any expenses occur due to natural climate, security and other unexpected reason. 
  • Any type of insurance ? personal, medical, travel etc.
  • Any airfares. 
  • Spare parts to be charged as per actual

Check Out Other Related Packages ?

  • Trans Himalayan Caravan Kashmir to Ladakh
  • Manali to Ladakh Bike Budget Tour
  • Ladakh Tour Package with Nubara & Pangong Lake
  • 6 Days Ladakh Himalaya Bike Tour 2020

Proposed Accommodation/ Similar

Leh - 4 nights.

siachen glacier tour package

Grand Himalaya

Hotel Details

siachen glacier tour package

Grand Himalaya OR Similar

,Leh Ladakh,Jammu and Kashmir,India,India

siachen glacier tour package

The Grand Dragon Ladakh

siachen glacier tour package

The Grand Dragon Ladakh OR Similar

siachen glacier tour package

Hotel Royal Ladakh

siachen glacier tour package

Hotel Royal Ladakh OR Similar

siachen glacier tour package

Hotel Naro OR Similar


Turtuk - 1 Night

siachen glacier tour package

Turtuk Holiday

siachen glacier tour package

Turtuk Holiday OR Similar

Pangong lake - 1 night.

siachen glacier tour package

Ser Bhum Tso Resort

siachen glacier tour package

Ser Bhum Tso Resort OR Similar

,Sonamarg,Jammu and Kashmir,India,India

siachen glacier tour package

Tso Camp OR Similar

siachen glacier tour package

P3 Camp and restaurant

siachen glacier tour package

P3 Camp and restaurant OR Similar

,Pangong Lake,Jammu and Kashmir,India,India

siachen glacier tour package

Pangong House

siachen glacier tour package

Pangong House OR Similar

,Pangong,Jammu and Kashmir,India,India

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Pangong Lake.

Pangong Tso or Pangong Lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at an elevation of 4,225 m. It is 134 km long and exten...

Pangong Tso or Pangong Lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at an elevation of 4,225 m. It is 134 km long and extends from Ladakh, India to the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. Approximately 60% of the length of the lake lies within the Tibetan Autonomous Region.

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Alchi Monastery

Alchi Math or Alachi Gompa is a Buddhist monastery, known as a monastic complex of temples (Chaturbhuj) in Alchi village in Leh di...

Alchi Math or Alachi Gompa is a Buddhist monastery, known as a monastic complex of temples (Chaturbhuj) in Alchi village in Leh district of the Indian state under the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council of Jammu and Kashmir. There are four different settlements on the campus at Alchi village for varying periods in the lower Ladakh region. Of these four settlements, Alchi Monastery is said to be the oldest and most famous. It has been administered by the Likir Math.

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Khardungla Pass

Khardung La is a mountain pass in the Leh district of the Indian union territory of Ladakh. The local pronunciation is "Khardong L...

Khardung La is a mountain pass in the Leh district of the Indian union territory of Ladakh. The local pronunciation is "Khardong La" or "Khardzong La" but, as with most names in Ladakh, the romanised spelling varies. The pass on the Ladakh Range is north of Leh and is the gateway to the Shyok and Nubra valleys.

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Lamayuru is one of the largest and oldest gompas in Ladakh, with a population of around 150 permanent monks resident. It has, in t...

Lamayuru is one of the largest and oldest gompas in Ladakh, with a population of around 150 permanent monks resident. It has, in the past, housed up to 400 monks, many of which are now based in gompas in surrounding villages.Lamayuru is host to two annual masked dance festivals in the second and fifth months of the Tibetan lunar calendar, when all the monks from these surrounding gonpas gather together to pray.

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Shyok River

The Shyok Valley, located close to Nubra, is a valley of the Shyok River, which originates from the Rimo glaciers. The vast ranges...

The Shyok Valley, located close to Nubra, is a valley of the Shyok River, which originates from the Rimo glaciers. The vast ranges of the valley are a view with vegetation at its borders. This river is a tributary of the Indus River. The river freezes in winter, while in the summer season, the river flows along its banks and forms a large pool.

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Tso Moriri or Lake Moriri or "Mountain Lake", is a lake in the Changthang Plateau in Ladakh in Northern India. The lake and surrou...

Tso Moriri or Lake Moriri or "Mountain Lake", is a lake in the Changthang Plateau in Ladakh in Northern India. The lake and surrounding area are protected as the Tso Moriri Wetland Conservation Reserve. The lake is at an altitude of 4,522 m.

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Nubra Valley.

Nubra is a subdivision and a tehsil in the Indian union territory of Ladakh. Its inhabited areas form a tri-armed valley cut by th...

Nubra is a subdivision and a tehsil in the Indian union territory of Ladakh. Its inhabited areas form a tri-armed valley cut by the Nubra and Shyok rivers. Its Tibetan name Ldumra means "the valley of flowers". Demands been been raised and BJP has hinted at creation of Nubra as a new district.

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Turtuk is one of the northernmost villages in ladakh and is situated in the Leh district of Ladakh in the Nubra Tehsil. It is 205 ...

Turtuk is one of the northernmost villages in ladakh and is situated in the Leh district of Ladakh in the Nubra Tehsil. It is 205 km from Leh, the district headquarters, and is on the banks of the Shyok River.It is the headquarters of eponymous community development block and is the only Balti region under the Indian administration.It was under Pakistan's control until 1971,after which India gained control over this strategic area.

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Diskit Monastery

Diskit Monastery is also known as Diskit Gompa, the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh in norther...

Diskit Monastery is also known as Diskit Gompa, the oldest and largest Buddhist monastery in the Nubra Valley of Ladakh in northern India.

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Siachen Glacier

The Siachen Glacier is a glacier located in the eastern Karakoram range in the Himalayas at about 35.421226?N 77.109540?E, just no...

The Siachen Glacier is a glacier located in the eastern Karakoram range in the Himalayas at about 35.421226?N 77.109540?E, just northeast of the point NJ9842 where the Line of Control between India and Pakistan ends.At 76 km (47 mi) long, it is the longest glacier in the Karakoram and second-longest in the world's non-polar areas.It falls from an altitude of 5,753 m (18,875 ft) above sea level at its head at Indira Col on the China border down to 3,620 m (11,875 ft) at its terminus. The entire Siachen Glacier, with all major passes, has been under the administration of India (currently as part of the union territory of Ladakh) since 1984.

Additional Info

Sector note, cancellation policy.

  • Notice less than 60-46 days:  25% cost will be deducted
  • Notice less than 45-31 days:  50% cost will be deducted
  • Notice less than  30 days:    No Refund

Terms & Conditions

  • The digital copy of the Indemnity form duly filled, signed and emailed to the company along with the booking amount. 
  • It will be deemed that the booking & payment policy is accepted by the clients while making the bookings with the first deposit amount. 
  • If the client is forced to cancel the booking prior to departure, the cancellation policy will be followed.
  • In case of any delay beyond our control, the client will have to bear extra cost for the extra days as per the option chosen on per day basis.
  • Please  note  and  be  well  informed  that  there  will  be  no  refund  of  money  after the package commences and if one cannot complete activity or gets sick enroute. 
  • The cost is for the entire package and there would be no refunds in case any part of the package is not availed.
  • It is in the nature of a holiday of this kind to be flexible. The day-to-day agenda and ultimate goal of the tour is taken as an aim and not as a contractual obligation. We shall not be responsible for the delays or alterations in the program or expenses incurred due to conflict, international or internal flight delay or cancellations, strikes, sickness, weather, war, vehicle problems, political closures and disputes.
  • The  booking  is  accepted  on  the  understanding  that  you  realize  the  potential  risks  and hazards that can be involved in holidays of this kind. The organisor along with our leaders/guides and anyone else working in association with us cannot be held responsible for any death, accident or mishap that may occur in connection with any part of, or services connected with the holiday. 
  • Before the guests come on a holiday, they must be covered by insurance, which has to include the cost of helicopter rescue, evacuation and cost of repatriation if they become too ill to continue. It is recommended that travel insurance should cover adventure activities undertaken. We can help you incase required
  • The Company would not be liable to pay any kind of compensation arising because of any mishap, sickness, accident etc.

Payment Policy

  • Booking Amount:         25% of the package price (Non Refundable)
  • 1st Installment:          25% of the package price on confirmation of all services
  • 2nd Installment:          50% Balance 15 days prior to the departure date

Indemnity Bond

Download the form, departure dates.

Fixed Departure Dates

Excellent support.

Personal relationship managers assure fulfillment of your every need

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The best fleet of vehicles at your call

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Best deluxe camps, small boutique chalets, heritage hotels & unique home stays

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Bang for your Buck

Get the most value and highest satisfaction for your money

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siachen glacier tour package

Ladakh Glaciers

siachen glacier tour package

Himalayan range in Ladakh is also home to prominent glaciers in the word. Siachen Glacier in Ladakh is second largest glacier outside polar region and it is the largest glacier in Himalayas. There is now a plan to re-open Siachen Glacier to tourists which is also known as world’s highest battlefield. Before 1984, mountaineering expeditions were allowed in Siachen which may again become a reality. Here is guide to various Glaciers in Ladakh.

Siachen Glacier

siachen glacier tour package

Biafo Glacier

Biafo Glacier

Baltoro Glacier

Rangdum Monastery

Nubra Glacier

Nubra Glacier

Rakaposhi glacier

Rakaposhi glacier

Saltoro Glacier

Saltoro Glacier

Chong Kumdan Glacier

Chong Kumdan Glacier


  1. How to Visit Siachen Glacier and Base Camp?

    siachen glacier tour package

  2. “Siachen Glacier” in Karakoram Range –Take a Geotourism around the

    siachen glacier tour package

  3. Siachen Glacier

    siachen glacier tour package

  4. Siachen Glacier Base Camp Tour Package

    siachen glacier tour package

  5. Siachen Glacier Base Camp Tour Package

    siachen glacier tour package

  6. Siachen glacier opens for tourism—come visit the world’s highest

    siachen glacier tour package


  1. Siachen glacier snow mountain

  2. Siachen Glacier Indian Army

  3. Road Blocked on the way to Siachen Village Karakoram Mountains

  4. Siachen Glacier: the final frontier for man

  5. siachen glacier border under india🇮🇳

  6. Holi Celebrations In Siachen


  1. Siachen Glacier Trek

    Drive from Leh to Siachen Base Camp (3810 M) - 150 km. Day 4. Rest in Siachen Base Camp and visit the Siachen Battle School. Day 5. Siachen Base Camp to Camp 1 (3962 M) - 12 km, 6 hrs trek. Day 6. Acclimatization in Camp 1. Day 7. Camp 1 to Camp 2 (4179 M) - 14 km, 7 hrs trek.

  2. Leh Ladakh Package Tour with Turtuk and Siachen, Leh Ladakh Tour

    The Siachen Glacier Base Camp, a renowned landmark amidst the Himalayas, holds a special place on your Leh Ladakh package tour with Turtuk and Siachen. Located at an altitude of over 5,000 meters above sea level, this base camp serves as a crucial outpost in one of the world's highest battlefields.

  3. Siachen Glacier Base Camp Tour Package

    The 7 nights and 8 days Leh Ladakh tour package along with Siachen glacier base camp will set you off on a trip to the main tourist places of Ladakh which will leave you awestruck with its beauty. As the Siachen Base Camp has been opened to tourists in May 2023 by Indian Army and Ministry of Ladakh Tourism after request from people of Ladakh ...

  4. Book Leh Ladakh Package Tour with Siachen Glacier Base Camp

    The highlight of this Leh Ladakh Package Tour with Siachen Glacier Base Camp Turtuk Hunder Thang Sumuru Panamik is undoubtedly the visit to the Siachen Glacier Base Camp, one of the highest battlefields in the world. Situated at an altitude of over 5,000 meters above sea level, the base camp offers breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks and ...

  5. Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

    Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition Tour Package Highlights ⦿ At Siachen Glacier, the second-highest glacier in the world and the world's highest battlefield base camp, show your support for an Indian veteran. ⦿ A perfect fusion of exciting, adventurous, and cultural activities, hand-selected by the outdoor specialists. ...

  6. Siachen Base Camp in Leh Ladakh

    The Siachen glacier is a glacier snuggled in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, just northeast where the line of control between India and Pakistan ends. ... Trending Ladakh Tour Packages. View Package. 10 Days. Ladakh Bike Trip 2024. Start: Manali / End: Manali. Price On Request. Explore . View Package. 7 Days. Kashmir Ladakh ...

  7. Siachen Glacier Leh Ladakh

    The Siachen Glacier is located in the north central part of Jammu and Kashmir near the Indo - Tibet border. Siachen Glacier is the largest glacier in the world outside the Polar Regions. It originates from the SiaKangri in the Karakoram Range and is approximately 72 Km in length. It lies in the Karakoram Range of mountains at the altitude of ...

  8. Leh Ladakh Getaway

    Experience the thrill of Leh Ladakh with Siachen Base Camp tour. Explore the majestic mountains, hot springs, wildlife and culture. Book now and save 25%.

  9. Siachen Base Camp Tour

    Overview Siachen Base Camp Tour. Package ID : AH 14 Duration : 06 Nights / 07 Days Route : Leh (2N) - Nubra (2N) Base Camp (D4) - Pangong (1N) - Leh (1N) Highlights : Leh | Hall of Fame | Magnetic hill | Sangam | Pathar Sahib Gurudwara | Khardung La | Hunder | Nubra Valley | Siachen Base Camp| Panamic| Sumoor | Diskit | Pangong Lake

  10. Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen Expedition

    Support Indian veteran even as status at Siachen glacier; the world's maximum battlefield base camp & worldΓÇÖs 2nd maximum glacier. ... Know Before You Go for Leh Ladakh Tour with Siachen: ... distinction withinside the price will be borne via way of means of the purchaser in case of any change withinside the package deal because of a ...

  11. Leh Ladakh with Siachen Expedition

    Transport: The tour package includes transportation in comfortable vehicles, including airport transfers, and all sightseeing activities as per the itinerary. Expedition to Siachen Glacier: The tour package includes an expedition to Siachen Glacier, where you can witness the life of Indian soldiers stationed there and learn about their experiences.

  12. Leh Ladakh Tour Package With Siachen From Delhi By Air

    Time to experience the 'Land of High Passes' with our 6N/7D Ladakh tour package with Siachen from Delhi by air (flight) that may just change your life. A seven-day jaunt through the Ladakh landscape is ideal for seeing the best treks, pristine lakes, and charming villages. This Himalayan abode packs a punch with its mountainous landscape ...

  13. Siachen Calling

    Siachen Calling Embarking on a Himalayan Adventure to the Siachen Glacier in 6 Nights, 7 Days Leh - Ladakh Packages Book a Ride Check Packages WhatsApp Us Destination Covered:Leh Local Sightseeing - Nubra Valley - Khardongla Top - Hunder - Siachen Glacier - Pangong Lake - Leh Day 01: Arrive LehReceived by our representative […]

  14. Complete Ladakh with Hanle and Siachen (10 nights 11 days)

    Complete Ladakh Tour Package with Hanle and Siachen (10N 11D Package) Duration: 10 Nights & 11 Days. ... The main Siachen glacier (mid and upper reaches) are reachable only after difficult climbing in multiple days. This is the highest and most difficult battleground in the world. Visit OP Baba temple in the base along with war memorial.

  15. 10 Best Leh Ladakh Tour Packages

    Duration: 7 days and 6 nights Route: Leh-Sham Valley-Khardung La-Nubra Valley-Siachen-Pangong-Chang La-Leh Start and End Point: Leh Airport Stay: Stay in high-quality, hygienic, and well-sanitised hotels on a double and triple-sharing basis. Renowned as one of the most thrilling Ladakh travel packages, this unique package takes you to the world's second-highest glacier and the highest ...

  16. Leh To Siachen Base Camp Itinerary

    Siachen Base Camp serves as the gateway to Siachen Glacier. Perched at an altitude exceeding 12,000 feet, it beckons adventurers with promises of unparalleled vistas and unforgettable experiences. Until recently it was not allowed for civilians to come here. In the year 2020, however, the Indian Army secured the area and opened it to the ...

  17. Siachen Glacier Bike Adventure

    The bike trip to Siachen glacier offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the beauty of the area. ... Included in the Tour: Snuggle up in triple-sharing camps or hotels (couples get the cozy double-sharing setup). ... which is an additional charge applicable to the package. Itinerary. Day 1 - Arrival at Leh. Arrive at Kushok Bakula ...

  18. Siachen Glacier base camp opens for tourists

    In Ladakh, Siachen Glacier Tour Packages Soon. Updated on November 5, 2019. Siachen Glacier will be the main tourist attraction in Ladakh very soon as the Government of India has announced to allow tourist movement till Siachen base up to Kumar Post (Kumar Camp). The Indian Army was recommending opening Siachen area for tourists for a long time and finally, the official announcement was made ...

  19. Siachen Base Camp Tour, Ladakh Nubra Siachen Base Camp Tour Package

    Leh Turtuk & Siachen Base Camp & Pangong Lake Tours. Duration : 08 Nights / 09 Days Destination : Leh - Lamayuru - Alchi - Leh - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Hunder - Turtuk - Siachen Base Camp - Sumur - Pangong Lake - Hemis Monastery - Thiksay - Shey - Leh Price : On Request : Call : +91-7982397457 , Whatsapp

  20. 7 Nights 8 Days Tour Package to Leh, Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake

    Starting from Rs 29,000. Includes: Hotels, Car Rental, Sightseeing Tour, Meals (Breakfast, Dinner). ... Photos. Inclusions / Exclusions. Starting From. Rs. 29,000. Request A Quote. Leh Ladakh For 06 Night 07 Days. 7 Nights 8 Days Tour Package to Leh, Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake. ... is one of the gateways to the Siachen Glacier. Day 5: NUBRA ...

  21. 9 Days Expedition 2020 (Srinagar- Leh Ladakh- Siachen Base Camp.) Tour

    Book 9 Days Expedition 2020 (Srinagar- Leh Ladakh- Siachen Base Camp.) Tour (193996) - Get Holiday Package to Srinagar, Leh Ladakh, Srinagar, Leh Ladakh, 9 Days Expedition 2020 (Srinagar- Leh Ladakh- Siachen Base Camp.) Tour for 9 Days / 8 Nights in Srinagar, Leh Ladakh, Srinagar, Leh Ladakh , tour packages with complete details

  22. Complete Leh Ladakh Bike Tour Packages 2024

    The 9-day Leh Tour Package gives you enough adventure you have been waiting for. Located in the cover of the high Great Himalayan Range with a magnificent landscape it is a destination that must be explored! ... The Siachen Glacier is a glacier located in the eastern Karakoram range in the Himalayas at about 35.421226?N 77.109540?E, just ...

  23. Artificial Glacier in Leh Ladakh

    Siachen Glacier in Ladakh is second largest glacier outside polar region and it is the largest glacier in Himalayas. There is now a plan to re-open Siachen Glacier to tourists which is also known as world's highest battlefield. Before 1984, mountaineering expeditions were allowed in Siachen which may again become a reality.