• Mastering Auto Scrolling on Your iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide to Enabling and Utilizing This Handy Feature

mastering auto scrolling on your iphone a step by step guide to enabling and utilizing this handy feature

Unlock the Magic of Auto Scrolling on Your iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever found yourself tirelessly swiping through a lengthy article or email on your iPhone? What if I told you there's a hidden feature that could do all the scrolling for you, hands-free? Yes, that's right – your iPhone has the capability to auto-scroll content, and I'm here to guide you through enabling and using this feature . Keep reading to discover how to turn your iPhone into an automatic reading assistant!

  • What is Auto Scrolling on iPhone?

Auto scrolling on an iPhone is a functionality that allows content on the screen to move automatically. This means you can read through text or view images without manually swiping up or down. It's perfect for those who multitask or anyone who wants to give their fingers a break.

  • Why Use Auto Scrolling?

Before we dive into the "how," let's talk about the "why." Auto scrolling can be incredibly useful when you're:

  • Reading long articles or documents
  • Following a recipe while cooking
  • Learning to play a new piece of music
  • Going through an eBook or PDF

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Now, let's get to the exciting part – enabling and using this feature on your iPhone!

  • Enabling Auto Scrolling on iPhone

To enable auto scrolling, you'll need to delve into the Accessibility features of your iPhone. Here's a step-by-step process:

  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Scroll down and tap on Accessibility .
  • Under the Vision category, select VoiceOver . This is the key to unlocking auto scrolling.
  • Toggle the VoiceOver switch to turn it on. You'll notice a voice will start guiding you through what's on your screen.
  • Once VoiceOver is enabled, swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen to start the auto-scrolling feature, known as the Speak Screen .

Note: Enabling VoiceOver changes the way you interact with your iPhone. You'll need to use specific gestures to navigate your device.

  • Using Auto Scrolling Feature

With Speak Screen activated, your iPhone will read aloud the content on your screen and scroll through it automatically. But how do you control this feature? Here's what you need to know:

  • To pause or resume auto scrolling, simply tap once with two fingers.
  • If you want to adjust the speed of the scrolling, use the turtle and rabbit icons that appear on the screen when Speak Screen is active.
  • You can also skip forward or backward by swiping left or right with two fingers.

Remember, Speak Screen works with most apps that display text, so feel free to experiment with different types of content.

  • Customizing Your Auto Scrolling Experience

Your auto scrolling journey doesn't end with just enabling and using the feature. You can customize it further to suit your preferences. Here's how:

  • Go back to VoiceOver settings in the Accessibility menu.
  • Tap on Speech to adjust the voice dialect and speaking rate.
  • Select Voices to choose a different voice for Speak Screen.

These adjustments can make your auto scrolling experience more pleasant and tailored to your liking.

  • Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, you might encounter issues with auto scrolling on your iPhone. If Speak Screen isn't working as expected, try these tips:

  • Ensure that VoiceOver is turned on and properly configured.
  • Check if the app you're using supports Speak Screen.
  • Restart your iPhone to resolve any temporary glitches.

If problems persist, consider visiting the Apple Support website or contacting Apple directly for assistance.

  • Embrace the Convenience

Auto scrolling on your iPhone can transform the way you consume digital content. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to enjoy a seamless and hands-free reading experience. Whether you're catching up on news, studying, or enjoying a novel, auto scrolling is a feature that promises convenience and efficiency.

So, have you tried auto scrolling yet? If not, give it a go and see how it changes your interaction with your iPhone. And remember, this is just one of the many hidden gems within your device's Accessibility settings waiting to be discovered!

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks that will help you unlock the full potential of your iPhone. Next time, we'll explore another underrated feature that could further enhance your user experience. Don't miss out!

  • How to Activate and Utilize Auto Scrolling on Your iPhone

Auto scrolling on an iPhone can be a convenient feature for users who want to read content hands-free or are unable to scroll manually due to accessibility needs. To activate and utilize auto scrolling, you'll need to delve into the iPhone's accessibility features .

Firstly, open the Settings app on your iPhone. Scroll down and tap on Accessibility , which is where Apple consolidates all the options that make the iPhone easier to use for people with various disabilities.

Within Accessibility, look for an option called Touch . Tap on it, and then scroll down to find AssistiveTouch . You will need to toggle AssistiveTouch on; this will cause a small, semi-transparent button to appear on your screen, which stays on top of all other content and can be dragged to any edge of the screen.

Once AssistiveTouch is enabled, tap on Create New Gesture . Here, you can record a gesture that the iPhone will replicate. For auto scrolling, press and hold with two fingers on the screen and slowly drag them downwards. The speed at which you move your fingers will determine the scrolling speed. When you're satisfied with the gesture, stop and tap Save , giving it a name like "Auto Scroll".

To use the gesture, tap the AssistiveTouch button on your screen, select Custom and then choose your "Auto Scroll" gesture. When you tap the screen once with the gesture active, your iPhone will continuously scroll through content at the speed you recorded.

Remember that this feature may not work perfectly in all apps, as some may have their own scrolling mechanisms that override the AssistiveTouch functionality. However, for reading long articles in Safari or going through your email inbox, auto scrolling can significantly enhance your user experience.

20 Gestures EVERY iPhone owner should know (but probably don't!)

  • How can I enable the auto-scrolling feature on my iPhone?

To enable the auto-scrolling feature on your iPhone, you can use the built-in Accessibility option called AssistiveTouch . Here's how:

1. Go to Settings . 2. Tap on Accessibility . 3. Scroll down and select Touch . 4. Choose AssistiveTouch and toggle it on. 5. Once enabled, you can create a new gesture for auto-scrolling by selecting Create New Gesture .

For continuous scrolling, you might need to use third-party apps as iOS does not have a native auto-scroll feature outside of Accessibility gestures.

  • What are the steps to use auto-scrolling in Safari on an iPhone?

To use auto-scrolling in Safari on an iPhone, follow these steps:

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1. Open the Safari app. 2. Navigate to the website you want to read. 3. Tap the AA icon on the left side of the address bar. 4. Select Reader View if available to simplify the page. 5. Press and hold the AA icon again. 6. Choose the scroll speed from the options that appear.

Note: Auto-scrolling may not be available on all websites or for all content.

  • Are there any third-party apps available for enhanced auto-scrolling functionality on iOS devices?

Yes, there are third-party apps available on the App Store that provide enhanced auto-scrolling functionality for iOS devices. These apps offer various scrolling speeds and modes, which can be useful for reading text or browsing content hands-free. However, users should always check the latest app reviews and ensure compatibility with their iOS version before downloading.

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AutoScroll prevents finger fatigue when scrolling a lot on your iPhone

safari auto scroll iphone

As Steve Jobs once said, your finger is the best pointing device for your iPhone. But with enough manual scrolling effort, it may not take long before you start to experience finger fatigue, especially when reading lengthy websites or eBooks.

Those looking for a solution to the finger fatigue problem when scrolling endlessly may enjoy a newly released jailbreak tweak called AutoScroll by iOS developer pxcex . Just as the name implies, this add-on incorporates automatic scrolling into iOS.

AutoScroll is very easy to use. Upon swiping once to get started, the tweak disables iOS’ native scrolling inertia, which means no slowdown and no halt. Consequently, the scrolling effect endures with no end until stopped with a tap.

Here’s an example of the tweak at work:

AutoScroll provides three different scrolling speeds, and it automatically selects the speed based on how harshly you flick your finger. For example, scrolling quickly will result in a faster automatic scrolling speed, while scrolling softly will result in a slower automatic scrolling speed. The former is best for searching, while the latter is ideal for reading.

According to the developer, the tweak should work in all apps with a scrolling interface, native or not.

It should also be noted that AutoScroll puts a preference pane in the Settings app after installation where you can toggle the tweak on or off on demand:

safari auto scroll iphone

We understand that some  might see AutoScroll as a solution to laziness as opposed to a solution for an actual problem, but if you’ve ever experienced finger fatigue as I have in my endless pursuit of the perfect wallpaper for my iPhone, then you’ll quickly understand where and when this tweak comes in handy.

If you’re interested in trying AutoScroll for yourself, then you can purchase it for $1.50 from the Packix repository in your preferred package manager. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 12 and 13 devices.

Do you have a need for AutoScroll? If so, let us know how you’d use it in the comments section.

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steida commented Jan 1, 2023

Isn't a fix?

Sorry, something went wrong.


Offirmo commented Nov 1, 2023

Hi from 2023!

@steida Yes, using lvw, lvh is the fix at the moment

HOWEVER there is another bug:

  • when pinned on iPhone (PWA / "pin to home screen")
  • when requesting fullscreen (meta viewport-fit=cover, webmanifest "display": "fullscreen")

body's position must NOT be "fixed", or it strangely crops to the small viewport! (seen 2023/11 iOs 16.6.1 iPhone 14) (strangely it works with position: absolute but that's not the same)

The solution is

  • ensure root element (:root, html) has no padding, no margin, no border
  • ensure body has height 100 lvh


zigavidmar commented Jan 17, 2024

If you are still experiencing this issue and the above hasn't helped check if you have a "position: relative" on the body or html tag and remove it . This was the issue scrolling was broken on safari mobile for me.


luishdez commented Feb 7, 2024 • edited

@zigavidmar yes! it's happening to me as well. And apparently it gets worse with multiple relative parents or horizontal scrolling.

I tried with an empty page and it was fine ( not feeling native.. ) , once you add more depth it gets worse. And the elastic control that allows you to move to another tabs etc makes a lot of conflicts.

BTW: little bit of topic but related. Framer motion has same problem with child animations that mix px and % or relative units. Animations doesn't work , but they work fine after the dragStart event it's triggered. The webkit renders properly.

I forgot. There is another actor in the issue. The touch algo. That analyze and predicts your intent. A huge scroll area usually works fine...

Fix: iPhone Lagging and Freezing iOS 17/17.5.1

Darryl Dsouza

iOS updates bring in new features, enhance the security of the iPhone, and also optimize it to perform better. Sadly, multiple users have reported that ever since they updated to iOS 17.5.1, their iPhones have been lagging. Moreover, there are constant frame drops while scrolling, keyboard freezing when typing and even the browsing experience on Safari has deteriorated. If you’re facing similar problems, here are ten fixes to try.

How To Fix iPhone Lagging and Freezing After iOS 17.5.1 Update

1. change keyboard settings.

With iOS 17, Apple updated the Auto-Correction feature with a transformer language model which also improves the Predictive Text feature. The keyboard has inline predictive text recommendations too. While this is a step in the right direction, it consumes a huge chunk of resources, especially if you have an older iPhone. 

Therefore, we suggest disabling the Auto-Correction and Predictive Text feature on your iPhone as it might help fix your iPhone lagging. Especially because other users have reported that doing so helps resolve the issue.

Time needed:  2 minutes

Steps to disable Auto-Correction and Predictive Text in Keyboard settings.

Disable Autocorrect and Predictive Text in Keyboard Settings

2. Remove Dictionary and Add It Back

The Dictionary feature helps you “Look Up” the meaning of words on your iPhone. You can add dictionaries of several different languages. But for some reason, these dictionaries might be the reason your iPhone is lagging. 

Yes, it does not make a lot of sense, but a user on the Apple Discussion Community has reported that removing all the dictionaries and then adding back only the ones you use helps fix iPhone lagging issues. Therefore, we suggest you do the same. 

  • Open Settings on your iPhone and head to General . 
  • Tap the Dictionary option. 

safari auto scroll iphone

  • Restart your iPhone. If you’re unaware of the steps to do so, ask Siri to restart your iPhone . 
  • After your iPhone restarts, head back to Settings > General > Dictionary . 

Add Dictionary to iPhone

3. Disable Siri Contact Suggestions

Since Siri won’t be actively analyzing your contacts for suggestions, you’ll free up some processing power.

  • Open Settings on your iPhone and head to the Contacts option.
  • Tap the Siri & Search option. 
  • On the next screen, disable the Learn from this App toggle. 
  • Disable the Show Contact Suggestions toggle too. 

safari auto scroll iphone

4. Change Your Wallpaper

Although Apple removed Live Wallpapers on iOS 16, you can still set various still images as your background. Unfortunately, those with too many elements (e.g., Weather & Astronomy, Live Photos, and Kaleidoscope) can cause some lagging. It’s best to opt for simpler options.

  • Go to Settings > Wallpaper .

Visit Wallpaper Settings Because iPhone Keeps Changing Wallpaper

5. Clear Safari History and Data

If Safari is lagging, freezing, or crashing on your iPhone running on iOS 17.5.1, the first thing you must do is to clear Safari’s History and Website Data.

  • Open Settings on your iPhone and navigate to Safari .
  • Scroll down and tap the Clear History and Website Data button. 
  • Select the All History option from the Clear Timeframe menu. 
  • You can also enable the Close All Tabs toggle. It won’t delete any tabs that are in a Tab Group. 
  • Finally, tap the Clear History button. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap the Advanced button. 
  • Tap the Website Data button. 
  • On the Website Data page, tap the Remove All Website Data button. 
  • Tap the Remove Now button to confirm your selection. 

If the aforementioned steps don’t fix the freezing issues on your iPhone, please refer to our detailed guide on how to fix Safari Freezing on your iPhone . 

6. Clear Background Apps

Apps running in the background can also be the reason why your iPhone is lagging. Please clear all the background apps and it might free up the RAM and fix lagging issues. 

  • For iPhone with Face ID: Swipe up and hold on to the Home Screen .  For iPhone with Touch ID: Double tap the Home Button .
  • Swipe up on all the app s in the Recent Apps tray. 

safari auto scroll iphone

7. Force Restart iPhone

Temporary bugs and glitches in the software, apps, or services can also cause the iPhone to lag. Force restarting your iPhone can help get rid of these bugs and fix the lagging issues. 

Steps to Force Restart iPhone (iPhone 8, iPhone SE 2nd Gen and above) 

  • Press and release the volume up button .
  • Press and release the volume down button .
  • Next, press and hold the Side button until the Apple logo appears. 
  • As soon as you see the Apple logo, release the Side button . Please do not release the Side button before the Apple logo appears on the screen. 

Steps to Force Restart iPhone to Fix iPhone Lagging After iOS 17 Update

Steps to Force Restart iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus

Press and hold the Volume down and Side buttons simultaneously. Release the buttons once the Apple logo appears. 

Steps to Force Restart iPhone 6s or below 

Press and hold the Side and Home buttons simultaneously. Release the buttons once the Apple logo appears. 

8. Update All Apps

Outdated apps on your iPhone might be causing some lagging.

  • Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Tap on your Profile at the top right corner. 
  • Scroll down to the Available Updates section and tap the Update All button. 

Update All Apps on iPhone

9. Check Storage Space

Most of us are aware that iPhones tend to lag when running extremely low on storage space. If you haven’t already, please check the free storage space on your iPhone. If it is low, we suggest uninstalling apps or unused media files to free up storage space as it might help fix the lag or stutters on your iPhone. 

  • Open Settings on your iPhone and head to the General option.

Head to iPhone Storage

  • The next screen will display the amount of occupied and total storage space on your iPhone. You can delete apps that you don’t use often to free up storage space on your iPhone. 
  • Tap on any app you want to delete.

Manage iPhone Storage

Also, in case your iPhone displays a “Recommendations” option, tap on it and follow the recommended actions to free up storage space. The quickest way to empty storage space is to use a maintenance tool. One of the most popular apps is the Intego Washing Machine because it fully declutters your iPhone and increases its health significantly.

10. Factory Reset iPhone

If none of the aforementioned methods help resolve the issue, the last option you’re left with is to factory reset your iPhone. Please refer to our guide on How to Factory Reset Your iPhone for detailed instructions. 

We hope this guide helps fix your iPhone lagging after the iOS 17.5.1 update. If you have any doubts, please let us know in the comments below. 

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  • Darryl Dsouza

safari auto scroll iphone

safari auto scroll iphone

How to Change the Most Annoying iOS 17 Settings on Your iPhone

A pple is expected to announce  new software updates at WWDC , but you might still be getting used to features introduced in  iOS 17 . For the most part, StandBy mode , interactive widgets, full-screen  contact posters  for phone calls and the  Journal app  are welcome additions and changes. New software might force you to relearn some steps when using your iPhone.

Read more :  iOS 17.2: Check Out These New Features on Your iPhone

For instance, some folks weren't fans of the new search button at the bottom of each home page after upgrading to iOS 16, because they would accidentally trigger it all the time. It's not necessarily a bad feature; it just isn't meant for everyone.

With iOS 17, there are a few features you may find annoying, as well. The good news is, there's a "fix" for them. Read on to find out how you can either get rid of these settings or never have to deal with them again.

Do You Know About These 17 Hidden iOS 17 Features?

While you're here, check out the iOS 17 settings you need to change ASAP and the best hidden features in iOS 17 .

Stop NameDrop from automatically sharing your contact info

The new NameDrop feature on iOS 17 allows you to quickly swap contact information via AirDrop simply by bringing your iPhone near another iPhone or Apple Watch. Your name and Contact Poster (also new with iOS 17) are shared with NameDrop, along with your phone number, email address and other information.

Some people have had issues with NameDrop sharing info when they don't want to. For example, if you place your iPhone near another iPhone in general, NameDrop may attempt to transfer your contact information. If you carry two iPhones in your bag -- one personal and the other for work -- NameDrop could attempt to share contact info between the two, which can be annoying when you're not trying to use the feature on purpose.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to disable NameDrop completely. In the Settings application, go to General > AirDrop and toggle off Bringing Devices Together . Once the feature is off, you won't be able to swap numbers and information via NameDrop.

Hide notifications in StandBy

The StandBy feature is arguably one of the biggest new iOS 17 features to the iPhone, turning your phone into a smart display when it's charging horizontally and showcasing information, like the time, your calendar, photos and notifications, in large blocks that are easy to see. StandBy is a great way to quickly absorb information by glancing at your phone, but if people are around and you want to keep some of your information private, you may not want StandBy to show notifications.

In Settings > StandBy , toggle off Show Notifications . Now when you're in StandBy mode, you won't see all of your notifications displayed. Critical notifications, like weather emergencies, will still be shown in StandBy mode .

Alternatively, you can hide notification previews instead of the entire notification. That way, you can still see what notifications you're getting, you just can't check out the exact details unless you tap on the notification. For this to work, you'll need to enable Show Notifications , as well as the Show Preview on Top Only setting underneath.

Stop Siri from activating so easily

Siri received a few major changes in iOS 17, including the ability to activate the voice assistant by only saying "Siri" -- no more "hey" needed. It's an easier way to quickly open an application or run a shortcut with just your voice, but at the same time, you might accidentally trigger Siri more often, since the new trigger is just a single word now.

If you want to go back to only having Siri activated when you say "Hey Siri" and not just "Siri," go into  Settings > Siri & Search > Listen for and choose the solo "Hey Siri" option. Your iPhone will no longer activate Siri simply when you say "Siri."

For more on iOS 17, learn how to automatically delete multifactor authentication messages in texts and emails  and  how to create Live Stickers .

How to Change the Most Annoying iOS 17 Settings on Your iPhone

safari auto scroll iphone

How To : Jump to the Bottom or Middle of a Page on Your iPhone, Not Just the Top

Jump to the Bottom or Middle of a Page on Your iPhone, Not Just the Top

When surfing the web in Safari, you can double-tap the status bar to quickly scroll back up to the top any webpage. In other iOS apps that have the shortcut enabled, you can get the job done even faster by tapping the status bar only once. The only bad thing about this feature is that there's no shortcut for scrolling all of the way back down or to the middle.

Fortunately, there is a way to create your own shortcut gesture that will make reaching the middle and bottom of a page just as easy as reaching the top. For this to work, you will need to have a jailbroken iOS device .

Step 1: Install Activator

If you're new to jailbreaking and haven't heard of the Activator tweak , then make sure to check out our complete Activator guide to familiarize yourself and get it installed.

Step 2: Install TapToScroll for Activator

To gain the ability of easy scrolling, open up Cydia, then search for and install the free tweak from developer Ron Thakrar called TapToScroll for Activator .

Jump to the Bottom or Middle of a Page on Your iPhone, Not Just the Top

Step 3: Choose Your Gestures

Enter the your iPhone's Settings app and select TapToScroll's preferences. Once there, tap one of the actions and select an Activator assignment for it. To keep things consistent, I stuck with actions in the status bar.

You'll need to redefine the "Scroll to Top" gesture again, though, because this tweak will disable it. You can always make it a double-tap for familiarity.

Jump to the Bottom or Middle of a Page on Your iPhone, Not Just the Top

Step 4: Start Scrolling Faster

With your actions chosen, enjoy scrolling any page even faster that you could before. Not only can you get to the top super fast, now you can get to the middle or the bottom of a page at the same speed.

Jump to the Bottom or Middle of a Page on Your iPhone, Not Just the Top

Let us know how the tweak helped you out by commenting below, and don't forget to keep up with us over on Facebook , Google+ , or Twitter for more cool jailbreak tweaks like this one.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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iOS 18 — all the new AI features coming to your iPhone

You should save a whole lot of time with AI

ios 18

Update June 10:  Apple’s WWDC 2024 kicks off today. Follow along for all the big Apple event news at our WWDC 2024 live blog !

When it comes to AI, Apple needs to play catch up, especially if the company intends on impressing people with new features coming to its iPhone 16 later this fall. As a result, all the talk heading into next week’s WWDC 2024 event concerns iOS 18 AI features, which will be critical in reigniting Apple’s mobile software to keep pace with its rivals.

So far, the rumors indicate that artificial intelligence will most certainly be a key talking point for Apple. This comes after the industry saw a surge in AI-powered features on board phones like the Google Pixel 8 and Samsung Galaxy S24 . Apple can’t afford to sit back any longer, especially since many of these AI features in phones have proven to be helpful and practical to use.

While Google showed off even more impressive AI tools and features during Google I/O 2024 last month, Apple can’t afford to let Android 15 win out the AI wars against iOS 18. We’ll break down all the biggest iOS 18 AI features that are expected to accompany the latest update to the iPhone’s software.

Smarter Siri actions


Not surprisingly, a lot of the rumors about iOS 18 pertain to Apple’s voice assistant. Siri ’s expected to lean into large language models (LLM) to make it sound more natural with responses. More importantly, Siri is expected to handle more complex tasks as well.

Many of those tasks are believed to center around productivity in iOS 18, like the ability to summarize long emails and messages , open specific documents for you, and even move a note from one folder to another. Right now, those actions are mostly manual processes that require users to open up specific apps to carry things out, but Siri is expected to streamline the process with iOS 18 by just doing them for you through voice commands. Just imagine the amount of time you’ll save.

AI-generated emojis

iOS 17.4 emoji's

Adding a bit of playful charm to messages, iOS 18 is tipped to offer AI-generated emojis that can be created with the help of generative AI. Even though there’s a healthy catalog of emoji to choose from with the iPhone keyboard, there are still times when you can’t find an emoji that best represents your feelings.

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These AI-generated emojis are allegedly going to be created by using a text-based prompt where users describe the emoji they want to create. While this isn’t technically new — many third party apps offer a feature similar to this through paid subscriptions — iOS 18 would offer this capability natively.

Smart replies

Although it remains to be seen if Apple’s ripping off Samsung and Google here, messaging in iOS 18 could introduce contextual quick reply options . Obviously, AI would analyze the conversation in message to provide users with relevant responses to choose from, but this again highlights the time-saving qualities of having AI in phones.

While convenient, we’re curious to see how iOS 18 generates these smart replies — when testing Samsung’s version, Galaxy AI Chat Assist , it was painfully obvious that someone else wrote the response .

Summarizing in mobile Safari

Sometimes you just need a tl;dr summarization when it comes to those endless articles on a web page. iOS 18 is planning to offer such a function by tapping AI to summarize content in mobile Safari. That way, you’ll spend less time reading while being presented with the most important points about the article.

 This AI-assisted summarizing feature may sound familiar already because the Galaxy S24 and Pixel 8 do it with their respective summarizing features .

Smarter notification recaps

a list of notifications on an iphone screen

At one point or another, you’ve probably been inundated by a slew of notifications on your iPhone that you’ve yet to look over, but iOS 18 might help out in a big way with smarter recaps. 

Rather than being overwhelmed by all of those notifications just chilling in the Notification Center on your iPhone, this AI-assisted feature would highlight only the most important notifications that deserve your attention. With this feature, users can feel more confident and relaxed that they didn’t overlook an important notification.

AI photo editing

How to turn off Live Photos in iPhone Photos app

Ask anyone who’s used the Pixel 8 Pro or Galaxy S24 Ultra , and they’ll probably tell you that the most impressive AI features center around photo editing. Apple’s undoubtedly going to be investing heavily in the AI photo editing features of iOS 18, since it appears set to be gaining a similar feature to Google’s Magic Editor .

This would allow anyone to quickly and easily edit their snapshots through the Photos app on iPhone. In addition to being able to remove unwanted objects in photographs, generative AI would aid in the process to fill in any gaps. It’s reportedly being called Clean Up, while another feature called Generative Playground would allow iPhone users to create custom images through an app extension.

Auto generated playlists in Apple Music

Apple Music logo in white on a red background

Finding new music to listen to can be exhausting all on its own, which is exactly where AI could lend a hand by making it easier to find music that’s tailored to your tastes. In iOS 18, Apple Music is tipped to gain auto generated playlists. Why spend the time fetching new tracks to listen to when you can have AI do it all for you? Naturally, this feature would aggregate these playlists according to your preference.

Transcribing voice memos

An iPhone with a voice memo

And finally, another useful implementation of AI in iOS 18 would be helping out to transcribe voice memos recorded by an iPhone. As we’ve seen in other phones that use AI for voice recordings, this could bring much-needed features like the ability to distinguish multiple voices, summarize the entire recording, and even intelligently format the summarization complete with bold headings and bullet points.

More from Tom's Guide

  • iOS 18 rumored AI features: What I like and what has me worried
  • iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro displays — 5 biggest rumors for the new iPhones
  • OpenAI could play a role in Apple's iOS 18 update — and that has me worried


John’s a senior editor covering phones for Tom’s Guide. He’s no stranger in this area having covered mobile phones and gadgets since 2008 when he started his career. On top of his editor duties, he’s a seasoned videographer being in front and behind the camera producing YouTube videos. Previously, he held editor roles with PhoneArena, Android Authority, Digital Trends, and SPY. Outside of tech, he enjoys producing mini documentaries and fun social clips for small businesses, enjoying the beach life at the Jersey Shore, and recently becoming a first time homeowner.

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safari auto scroll iphone

Apple Devices User Guide

  • Syncing overview
  • Sync your content between devices
  • Turn automatic syncing on or off
  • Save storage space when syncing
  • Sync music to your device
  • Sync movies to your device
  • Sync TV shows to your device
  • Sync photos to your device
  • Transfer files to and from your device
  • Update the software on your device
  • Back up and restore your device
  • Restore your device to factory settings
  • Turn your device’s accessibility features on
  • If you have problems syncing a video or music
  • If your device doesn’t appear in the sidebar when connected to your Windows computer

Sync your Windows computer and iPhone, iPad, or iPod

You can select the information you want to sync from your Windows computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. You can sync all items of a specific type (for example, all your movies or photos). Or you can select specific items (for example, some of your movies and some of your books), which gives you more control over which files are synced.

After you select the content you want to sync, the items are updated whenever you sync your Windows computer to your Apple device.

When you set up syncing, you must connect your Apple device to your Windows computer using a USB or USB-C cable. After you connect the device, its icon appears in the sidebar, and selecting the icon displays syncing options. You then select which items to sync.

Sync all items of a content type

Connect your Apple device to your Windows computer.

You can connect your device using a USB or USB-C cable.

safari auto scroll iphone

If you connect your device to your Windows computer using a USB or USB-C cable and don’t see the device in the sidebar, see If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod doesn’t appear in the sidebar .

Select the type of content you want to sync in the sidebar.

You must have the Apple TV app on your Windows computer in order to sync TV shows and movies, and the Apple Music app in order to sync music.

The sidebar showing the General button and buttons for contents such as music, movies, TV shows, and more.

Note: If you use iCloud Photos and Apple Music, when you select Music or Photos, no options appear for syncing. Your photos and music are synced automatically using iCloud.

Select the “Sync [ content type ] onto [ device name ]” checkbox to turn on syncing for that type of item. For example, select the “Sync movies onto [ device name ]” checkbox to sync your movies.

“Sync Movies onto [device]” checkbox is selected. Below that, is the “Automatically include” checkbox is selected, and “all” is chosen in the pop-up menu.

With the checkbox selected, syncing is set to transfer all items of that type to your device.

You can also set up syncing to save storage space. See Save storage space when syncing .

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each type of content you want to sync.

The bar at the bottom of the window shows how much free space remains on your device after you sync. Move the pointer over the bar to view details about the content you’re syncing.

When you’re ready to sync, click Apply.

You can choose to sync your Windows computer and your device automatically whenever you connect them. See Turn automatic syncing on or off .

safari auto scroll iphone

Sync specific items of a content type

If you want to sync individual items instead of all items of a content type, see the following:

Sync music to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

Sync movies to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

Sync TV shows to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

Sync photos to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

Sync files to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.


Auto-scroll while selecting in Safari

Safari on iPad doesn‘t always support auto-scrolling when dragging the selection handles to the bottom screen edge, for example on this page .

It seems like the same question was already asked here , but the only answer sounds like a predefined, generic one suggesting the usual restarting of the app and device.

iPad Pro, iPadOS 15

Posted on Sep 26, 2022 2:07 PM

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Loading page content

Page content loaded


Sep 29, 2022 7:28 AM in response to Nickkk_

Hey Nickkk_,

You can clear website data occasionally to improve Safari performance.
1. Go to Settings > Safari.
2. Tap Clear History and Website Data.
3. Tap Clear History and Data to confirm.

Read more here:

If Safari isn't loading websites or quits on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Sep 29, 2022 7:21 AM in response to srbwanderer

What kind of function on the web page are you talking about? I would have assumed that since I can scroll the page normally, it would just auto-scroll when selecting text. It looks like a very basic HTML page to me, without any "function" that should limit the auto-scroll feature.


Sep 28, 2022 2:51 PM in response to Nickkk_

Hello Nickkk_,

This may be a function of the web page coding rather than Safari itself.

Perhaps reaching out to the web developer would result is some assistance.

Sep 29, 2022 7:29 AM in response to barberlives123

That doesn't work.


Sep 29, 2022 7:40 AM in response to Nickkk_

To help isolate the issue, we suggest testing a different web browser.

Sep 29, 2022 7:44 AM in response to Sheree_P

Another browser scrolls as expected.


Sep 29, 2022 7:52 AM in response to Nickkk_

Hi Nickkk_,

Thanks for confirming that. Since the issue remains, we suggest that you reach out to Apple Support directly.

Get Support

Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.


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