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  • Travel Tips

How To Work With Tourism Boards

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Stacee Karl

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Sustainability



Welcome to the exciting world of travel marketing and partnership building! In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of working with tourism boards to elevate your travel business to new heights. Tourism boards play a pivotal role in promoting destinations, attracting visitors, and fostering sustainable tourism practices. Understanding how to effectively collaborate with these entities can significantly enhance the visibility and success of your travel enterprise.

As a travel enthusiast and industry professional, you recognize the immense value of forging strong partnerships within the tourism sector. By establishing meaningful connections with tourism boards, you gain access to a wealth of resources, insights, and promotional opportunities that can propel your brand to the forefront of the travel landscape.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we will explore the multifaceted nature of working with tourism boards, from building relationships and collaborating on marketing campaigns to leveraging resources and measuring the impact of these strategic partnerships. By the end of this journey, you will be equipped with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the dynamic realm of tourism board collaborations with confidence and finesse.

So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a transformative exploration of how to effectively work with tourism boards to amplify the reach and influence of your travel business. Let's dive into the intricacies of this symbiotic relationship and uncover the keys to unlocking a world of possibilities in the realm of travel marketing and promotion.

Understanding the Role of Tourism Boards

Before delving into the strategies for collaboration, it’s essential to grasp the pivotal role that tourism boards play in the travel industry. Tourism boards, also known as destination marketing organizations (DMOs), serve as the primary entities responsible for promoting and enhancing the appeal of a specific destination or region. Their overarching goal is to attract visitors, drive tourism revenue, and cultivate a positive image of the locale they represent.

These organizations function as the custodians of a destination’s brand, leveraging various marketing channels and initiatives to showcase its unique attractions, cultural heritage, and recreational offerings. By harnessing the power of storytelling, captivating imagery, and targeted promotional campaigns, tourism boards strive to position their respective destinations as must-visit travel hotspots.

Moreover, tourism boards undertake vital roles in advocating for sustainable tourism practices, preserving natural landscapes, and fostering community engagement. They often collaborate with local businesses, hospitality providers, and tour operators to ensure a cohesive and compelling visitor experience while prioritizing environmental conservation and cultural authenticity.

By comprehending the multifaceted responsibilities of tourism boards, travel businesses can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of destination promotion and the underlying motivations driving these organizations. This understanding forms the bedrock for establishing mutually beneficial partnerships and aligning collaborative efforts with the overarching objectives of tourism boards.

As we venture deeper into this guide, we will uncover the strategies for engaging with tourism boards in a manner that resonates with their mission, amplifies the allure of the destination, and fosters sustainable tourism practices. With this foundational knowledge in place, you are poised to navigate the intricacies of working hand-in-hand with tourism boards to elevate your travel business to unprecedented levels of success.

Building Relationships with Tourism Boards

Establishing strong and enduring relationships with tourism boards is a cornerstone of successful collaboration in the travel industry. The process of cultivating these connections begins with proactive engagement and a genuine commitment to understanding and supporting the objectives of the tourism board. Here are essential steps to foster meaningful relationships with tourism boards:

  • Research and Familiarization: Before reaching out to a tourism board, invest time in researching the destination and the board’s existing initiatives. Understand the unique selling points of the locale, its target visitor demographics, and the current marketing strategies employed by the tourism board. This knowledge will demonstrate your genuine interest in the destination and facilitate more meaningful conversations.
  • Personalized Outreach: When initiating contact with the tourism board, personalize your communication to reflect a clear understanding of their mission and goals. Express your enthusiasm for collaborating and emphasize how your partnership can contribute to the board’s objectives, whether it’s promoting off-the-beaten-path experiences, supporting sustainable tourism practices, or targeting specific visitor segments.
  • Value-driven Propositions: Present compelling proposals that outline the mutual benefits of collaboration. Highlight how your expertise, resources, or promotional platforms can augment the tourism board’s efforts in showcasing the destination. Whether it involves co-creating engaging content, hosting familiarization trips, or leveraging your audience to amplify the board’s messaging, emphasize the value you bring to the table.
  • Consistent Engagement: Cultivate ongoing communication and engagement with the tourism board. Attend industry events, participate in destination-specific webinars, and seek opportunities to showcase your commitment to the destination’s success. This consistent engagement reinforces your dedication to the partnership and fosters trust and rapport with the board’s representatives.

By approaching the process of relationship building with authenticity, empathy, and a genuine desire to contribute to the destination’s growth, you lay the groundwork for a collaborative partnership that transcends mere transactional interactions. As we progress through this guide, we will delve into the subsequent stages of collaboration, where these foundational relationships will serve as the catalyst for impactful joint initiatives with tourism boards.

Collaborating on Marketing Campaigns

Once a solid rapport has been established with a tourism board, the stage is set for collaborative marketing campaigns that amplify the visibility and appeal of the destination. Joint marketing initiatives offer a synergistic platform for travel businesses and tourism boards to co-create compelling narratives, leverage diverse marketing channels, and reach a broader audience. Here are key considerations for effective collaboration on marketing campaigns:

  • Co-created Content: Collaborate with the tourism board to develop engaging and authentic content that showcases the destination’s unique experiences, attractions, and cultural tapestry. This could involve producing destination guides, immersive videos, or blog features that resonate with the target audience and convey the essence of the locale.
  • Amplified Reach: Leverage the tourism board’s promotional channels, such as social media platforms, official websites, and visitor guides, to amplify the reach of your collaborative content. By tapping into the board’s established audience base, you can extend the visibility of your brand while contributing to the board’s overarching marketing objectives.
  • Storytelling Alignment: Ensure that the narratives woven into the marketing campaigns align with the destination’s brand identity and the tourism board’s messaging. Authentic storytelling that reflects the local culture, heritage, and sustainable tourism ethos resonates deeply with audiences and reinforces the destination’s appeal.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Tailor marketing campaigns to cater to specific visitor segments identified by the tourism board. Whether it’s adventure seekers, cultural enthusiasts, or eco-conscious travelers, aligning your promotional efforts with the board’s strategic focus enhances the relevance and impact of the campaigns.
  • Performance Measurement: Collaborate with the tourism board to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that gauge the success of the marketing campaigns. By jointly evaluating the reach, engagement metrics, and conversion rates, both parties can refine future initiatives and optimize the impact of their collaborative endeavors.

Through seamless collaboration on marketing campaigns, travel businesses can harness the storytelling prowess and promotional reach of tourism boards to elevate their brand visibility and connect with a broader audience. As we move forward, we will explore additional facets of partnership with tourism boards, delving into the strategic utilization of resources and support provided by these influential entities.

Leveraging Resources and Support from Tourism Boards

Collaborating with tourism boards presents a wealth of opportunities to leverage their resources and support in bolstering the promotional endeavors of your travel business. These entities are equipped with a diverse array of assets, insights, and industry connections that can significantly enhance your marketing initiatives and visitor engagement. Here’s how you can effectively leverage the resources and support provided by tourism boards:

  • Access to Insider Knowledge: Tap into the tourism board’s in-depth knowledge of the destination, including emerging travel trends, upcoming events, and hidden gems. By aligning your offerings with the board’s insights, you can curate compelling experiences that resonate with visitors and align with the destination’s strategic direction.
  • Collateral and Visual Assets: Utilize the high-quality visual assets, including photography, videos, and promotional materials, available through the tourism board. These resources can enrich your marketing collateral, website content, and social media presence, infusing it with captivating visuals that convey the allure of the destination.
  • Industry Connections and Partnerships: Leverage the tourism board’s network of local businesses, tour operators, and hospitality providers to forge strategic partnerships. Collaborative packages, exclusive offers, and joint promotions can be crafted in conjunction with the board’s partners, enhancing the overall visitor experience and fostering a sense of community engagement.
  • Promotional Support: Capitalize on the tourism board’s promotional platforms and campaigns to amplify the visibility of your travel business. Whether it’s featuring in official visitor guides, participating in destination-specific events, or being showcased on the board’s digital channels, such exposure can significantly elevate your brand’s recognition among potential visitors.
  • Training and Educational Opportunities: Engage with the tourism board’s training programs, workshops, and educational resources to enhance your understanding of the destination’s unique selling points and visitor expectations. This knowledge empowers you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies in alignment with the destination’s distinct appeal.

By strategically leveraging the resources and support extended by tourism boards, travel businesses can enrich their offerings, expand their reach, and deliver compelling experiences that resonate with visitors. As we progress, we will delve into the pivotal aspect of measuring the impact of these collaborative efforts, allowing for informed decision-making and continuous refinement of the partnership strategies.

Measuring the Impact of Tourism Board Partnerships

Effectively measuring the impact of partnerships with tourism boards is essential for gauging the success of collaborative endeavors and refining future strategies. By employing robust metrics and evaluation frameworks, travel businesses can glean valuable insights into the reach, engagement, and conversion rates attributed to their collaborative initiatives with tourism boards. Here are key considerations for measuring the impact of these partnerships:

  • Performance Metrics: Establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the objectives of the collaborative campaigns and initiatives. These metrics may include website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation, and conversion rates. By quantifying the impact of the partnership, you can assess the tangible outcomes and return on investment.
  • Visitor Feedback and Surveys: Solicit feedback from visitors who have engaged with the collaborative content or experiences resulting from the partnership. Understanding their sentiments, preferences, and behavioral patterns provides qualitative insights into the resonance of the campaigns and the effectiveness of the collaborative storytelling.
  • Attribution Analysis: Employ attribution models to discern the contribution of the tourism board partnerships to the overall visitor acquisition and conversion funnel. By tracking the customer journey and attributing specific touchpoints to the collaborative initiatives, you can quantify the influence of the partnerships on visitor decision-making.
  • Comparative Analysis: Conduct comparative analyses of performance metrics before, during, and after the collaborative campaigns. This longitudinal assessment unveils the incremental impact of the partnerships on brand visibility, audience engagement, and conversion outcomes, providing a comprehensive view of the collaborative efficacy.
  • Post-Campaign Evaluation: Collaborate with the tourism board to conduct post-campaign evaluations, reflecting on the successes, challenges, and learnings gleaned from the collaborative initiatives. This reflective analysis informs future strategies and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in the collaborative endeavors.

By diligently measuring the impact of partnerships with tourism boards, travel businesses can refine their collaborative strategies, optimize resource allocation, and demonstrate the tangible value derived from these symbiotic relationships. This data-driven approach empowers both parties to iteratively enhance their collaborative initiatives and drive sustained success in destination promotion and visitor engagement.

Congratulations on embarking on this enlightening journey through the intricacies of working with tourism boards to elevate your travel business. As we conclude this comprehensive guide, it’s imperative to reflect on the transformative potential of collaborative partnerships with tourism boards and the enduring impact they can have on your brand’s visibility, visitor engagement, and destination promotion.

By understanding the pivotal role of tourism boards in destination marketing, you have gained insights into the multifaceted responsibilities of these entities and the strategic significance of aligning your collaborative efforts with their overarching objectives. Building strong relationships with tourism boards, rooted in authenticity, personalized engagement, and value-driven propositions, forms the bedrock for enduring and impactful partnerships.

Collaborating on marketing campaigns with tourism boards unlocks a realm of storytelling possibilities, amplified reach, and targeted engagement with diverse visitor segments. By co-creating compelling content and aligning narratives with the destination’s brand identity, you have the opportunity to captivate audiences and contribute to the enduring allure of the locale.

Leveraging the resources and support provided by tourism boards empowers you to enrich your offerings, expand your reach, and deliver authentic experiences that resonate with visitors. By tapping into insider knowledge, visual assets, industry connections, and promotional platforms, you can elevate your brand’s recognition and foster a deeper connection with potential visitors.

Measuring the impact of your partnerships with tourism boards equips you with valuable data-driven insights to refine your strategies, optimize resource allocation, and demonstrate the tangible value derived from these collaborative endeavors. By quantifying the reach, engagement, and conversion outcomes, you can iteratively enhance the efficacy of your collaborative initiatives and drive sustained success in destination promotion.

As you navigate the dynamic landscape of travel marketing and partnership building, remember that the journey with tourism boards is not merely transactional but rooted in a shared passion for showcasing the beauty and allure of destinations. By fostering enduring relationships, co-creating captivating narratives, and leveraging resources in a purposeful manner, you are poised to leave a lasting imprint on the travel landscape while contributing to the sustainable growth of destinations and communities.

Armed with the knowledge and strategies gleaned from this guide, you are well-equipped to embark on a transformative trajectory, leveraging the power of collaboration with tourism boards to shape compelling visitor experiences, amplify your brand’s influence, and contribute to the enduring allure of travel destinations. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, and may your collaborative journey with tourism boards be filled with creativity, impact, and shared success.


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Rental Scale-Up

Why Expedia Group is taking Vrbo’s Trip Boards to and

Thibault Masson

Updated on: June 1, 2022

vrbo trip boards

Vrbo wants to be seen as the best site where to book large vacation rentals that are fit for family travel such as family reunions and intergenerational trips. To help decision-makers within a large group select, discuss, and pick a vacation rental, Vrbo launched three years ago a revamped version of its Trip Boards. Thanks to this feature, travelers can share, chat about, and vote for their favorite vacation rentals. The company says that travelers who use Trip Boards on Vrbo are seven times more likely to book. Now, during its 2022 EXPLORE partner event , Expedia Group announced that it was extending Trip Boards beyond Vrbo to additional business lines, enabling travelers to collaborate in the planning process on hotel, flight, and activity options. 

How Trip Boards help solve the pains of picking a vacation rental as a group (and generate more bookings for Vrbo)

Trip Boards is a very neat feature that Vrbo has created to enable families and groups of friends to save, discuss, vote for, and pick vacation rentals for an upcoming stay.

Why create a tool to help travelers collaborate on planning their trip

Vrbo wants to be a site wants to be the best site for family travel (at least when families need a vacation rental). The company says that it wants to solve complex family travel issues. For instance, Vrbo wants to make it easier for 2 families to decide on the vacation rental property that they are going to share for a family reunion. If Vrbo can help do that, there is a bigger chance that they will book the place on Vrbo. Also, by helping users save and discuss properties they like, Vrbo gets them to discover its supply and to remember it as a great place to book a vacation rental for another trip in the future.

As more than 70% of Vrbo’s supply consists of houses with at least 2 bedrooms, it makes sense that Vrbo would create a tool that makes it easy for groups to decide on which large house they want to pick. If you have several decision-makers, you need to allow them to collaborate easily around your offering. 

How Vrbo’s Trip Boards work

Trip Boards are a bit like a wish list, where you can save properties you like:

  • You can share your board with others and let them add properties they like
  • You and the people with whom you have shared the board can like a property card and leave comments under it. Then, everyone can see how many likes each property got and who made comments.
  • You can create a poll to see which property your friends and family like the most.
  • If people use the Vrbo app, they can even chat with each other about the properties they have saved on our one board

Vrbo: 2 properties added to a Trip Board, with user “like” and comment left under one listing card

Trip board creators can invite other people to use vrbo to add, comment on, and vote on their favorite properties.

Vrbo Trip Boards - How to invite friends

When logged-in users come back to, they see the content of their previously created Trip Board displayed on the homepage

Vrbo trip board on homepage

From inspiration to a decision: Vrbo users can vote in a poll for their favorite vacation rental among listings saved in trip board

When airbnb and vrbo compete to inspire travelers.

Both Vrbo and Airbnb hope to eventually capture the final booking that users will be making by helping them get inspired. Where Vrbo’s Trip Boards is superior is where it allows users to collaborate with each other. It is helping groups and families move from the inspiration phase through the booking phase. Airbnb is not as focused on large groups traveling together, so it may not make immediate sense for them to launch such a feature.

As Vrbo is a family-friendly website with large properties, the use cases for Trip Boards are numerous:

  • Helping several siblings pick a place for a family reunion with their respective families
  • Helping a multi-generational family pick a place for the grandmother’s 80th birthday
  • Helping a group of female friends pick a nice villa for a low-key bachelorette weekend

Trip Boards act as mood boards, i.e. a visual tool that communicates favorite concepts and visual ideas. They also resemble Pinterest boards: As they can be saved for a long time, they also allow a traveler to just save places she likes in a neat way. How about creating a trip board on Vrbo to save cabins whose decoration you like and you want to take inspiration from when redoing your cabin?

Trip Boards are used by travelers in their planning phase before they are ready to start booking. One of their goals is to inspire travelers months before the trip actually happens.

In a way, Airbnb is also trying to act as a source of inspiration for travelers, way before they are ready to book. While a website like is very transactional (Search, book, and pay), Airbnb has been trying to get travelers to use its app or visit its website while they are still unsure about the destination or the property type they are looking for. In 2021, it released its Flexible Search features t hat allow travelers to find properties in destinations they would not have thought of before. Its 2022 Summer Update showed how its whole homepage had been turned into a giant mood board that you modify by clicking on one of the 56 categories available (e.g. treehouses, amazing view, chef’s kitchens).

Trip Boards are coming to Expedia and

In 2022, Expedia Group will be extending Trip Boards beyond Vrbo to additional business lines, enabling travelers to collaborate in the planning process on hotel, flight, and activity options. Travelers who currently use Trip Boards on Vrbo are seven times more likely to book.

We have not received any detail about the exact implementation yet, but here are some thoughts:

  • Trip Boards are made to save options that can be discussed, something for weeks. How will it play with flights whose prices and availability are often more volatile than with vacation rentals?
  • Trip Boards are fanatics for large families and groups, which make up Vrbo’s core audience. As Expedia and are less family-focused, will the need for sharing and collaboration around travel options be as big?

Trip Boards is one of the gems of Vrbo’s existing tech platform. As Expedia Group is rationalizing its tech stack, it makes to try and spread the best features across all the brands belonging to the group. Trip Boards are unique to Vrbo, as they solve a specific pain that large families, its main user base, may often face. As and Airbnb are less family-focused, they have not (yet?) developed such collaborative tools. Now, how will and adapt Trip Boards to make them relevant to their users? We cannot wait and see.

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How to Work With Tourism Boards

By Helene Sula

In the vast realm of travel blogging and globetrotting, there's one question that echoes through the minds of both bloggers and non-bloggers alike: How do they manage to strike work with with tourism boards and companies?

Honestly, travel blogging often seems like a secret club. But since you follow me, I'm here to give you all the secrets. And I promise you, YOU can work with Tourism Boards and ravel companies! And I have a pitch email in here FOR YOU!!! Yes, really!

I've been able to work with my dream tourism boards (like visit GREAT BRITAIN!) and I want you to work with your dream brands too!

trip board companies

Working with tourism boards is a topic that piques curiosity and ignites a desire to unravel the secrets behind these partnerships. Well, my fellow adventurers, buckle up as I dive deep into the art of collaboration and spill the beans on how to make those dream alliances a reality.

Let's embark on a journey through my extensive experience with tourism boards, ranging from the enchanting Williamsburg, Virginia to the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado and even the ancient wonders of Israel. Together, we'll explore the ins and outs of working withTourism Boards and reveal the answers to the burning questions that often baffle aspiring travel influencers and bloggers.

trip board companies

Before You Pitch a Tourism Board

The importance of a media kit, free media kit templates, how to pitch tourism boards, when to pitch tourism boards and travel companies, how to find tourism board contacts, mastering the art of approaching hotels, what matters when pitching, sample pitch email for bloggers and influencers to pitch tourism boards, what to include in your pitch, frequently asked questions about pitching tourism boards, how do i approach a tourism board for collaboration, who to pitch to, but i don't have a blog, start a profitable blog from scratch, what if they reject my pitch, how to get paid to work with tourism boards.

A media kit is a crucial tool for travel bloggers looking to secure collaborations with tourism boards and companies. It serves as a professional portfolio, showcasing your brand, achievements, and audience demographics. See step by step how to make a media kit here ! Here's why having a well-crafted media kit is essential:

  • Professionalism and credibility: A media kit demonstrates your commitment to your blog and adds credibility to your brand, making potential partners take notice.
  • Concise communication: It allows you to convey key information about your blog in a clear and impactful manner, saving time for potential partners.
  • Showcase reach and engagement: Highlight your blog's reach, engagement metrics, and audience demographics, giving partners valuable insights.
  • Display past collaborations: Showcase successful partnerships and achievements to build trust and prove your capabilities.
  • Customization for targeted pitches: Tailor your media kit for specific partners, showcasing how your blog aligns with their brand or destination.

trip board companies

Get the media kit template that will make creating yours a BREEZE!

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Investing time in creating a stellar media kit pays off by opening doors to exciting opportunities in the competitive travel blogging world. Keep it visually appealing, concise, and regularly updated to reflect your growth and accomplishments.

The timing of your pitch is a common concern. When is the right time to approach the big guns—the companies and tourism boards? Is your blog “big enough” to catch their attention? Brace yourself for a truth that may sting a bit: there's no golden ticket or magic number when it comes to your blog's size. Crafting an exceptional pitch and landing it in the right inbox is what truly matters. Figures such as page views or Twitter followers won't make or break the deal.

That said, showcasing an engaged audience is crucial. It doesn't matter if your audience is vast or intimate; what matters is their level of engagement. Speaking from experience, my own audience may not be massive, but we share a genuine connection. They actively participate in discussions both on my blog and social platforms. And guess what? That's what caught the attention of Colorado Tourism—the quality of engagement.

trip board companies

Finding the right contact at a tourism board is easier than you might think. Follow these simple steps to suss out the relevant information:

  • Conduct a city-specific search: Enter the name of your desired city into a search engine along with keywords like ‘tourism' or ‘visit'. For example, if you're eyeing NYC, search for “Visit NYC”. This will lead you to the official tourism board's website.
  • Locate the contact page: Once on the website, navigate to their contact page. This is where you'll find the essential information you need, such as the marketing contact details.

When it comes to reaching out to hotels, there are a few different strategies you can employ. Try these tactics for success:

  • Direct contact through research: Start by searching the hotel's name online and locate their marketing contact information. Often, hotels have dedicated personnel responsible for handling marketing inquiries. Use this direct approach to establish contact.
  • Engage with PR agencies: Many hotels entrust their relationship management to PR agencies. If you cannot find a direct contact, consider reaching out to the hotel's PR agency. They can provide you with the necessary guidance and facilitate communication between you and the hotel.
  • Utilize media request forms: Some major hotel chains, such as Marriott, have simplified the process by providing media request forms directly on their websites. Take advantage of these forms to submit your proposal or request.

By employing these techniques, you'll be well on your way to connecting with tourism boards and hotels effectively.

Now, you might wonder how to cultivate an engaged audience that will captivate tourism boards. The answer lies in two secret weapons: top-tier content and an authentic online persona. These elements hold immense power. If you can establish an audience that genuinely cares about your journey and perspectives, you're already halfway there. Before even thinking about pitching to tourism boards, focus on building a rock-solid blog that resonates with your niche. Unleash your unique voice and let it shine through your content. That's the magic formula that will attract and captivate these tourism boards.

So, you've built a strong foundation—an engaging blog and a devoted audience. What's next on this quest to secure collaborations with companies and tourism boards? Allow me to share some invaluable wisdom:

Before you pitch, make sure you:

  • Know your wants. GET SPECIFIC! Identify your destination and preferred time frame. Then, determine precisely what you're asking for. Are you seeking an all-expenses-paid trip, or do you prefer coverage for specific aspects? Would a comped tour or a media discount suffice? Nail down these details before crafting your pitch.
  • Know your worth. Understand what you can offer. Besides knowing what you want, it's crucial to understand what you can bring to the table. What sets you apart from others? What's your unique selling proposition? Why would a company or tourism board want to align their brand or destination with you? Consider the extent of coverage you can provide and the reach of your platform.
  • Figure out your pitch target. Play detective! Your next mission is to find the right person to pitch to. Conduct thorough research on the company or destination's official website and social media accounts. Look for a designated media contact—if one is listed, that's your target. Try to bypass generic “info” email addresses if possible.
  • Factor in your travel season. Timing matters. Consider whether you'll be visiting a destination during peak tourist season or the off-peak period. If it's the high season or aligns with a major event, get your pitch out there ASAP. Last-minute pitches may not fly if they're inundated with requests. For instance, I reached out to Colorado Tourism merely three weeks before my winter trip, and it worked out fine. However, whenever possible, avoid cutting it too close.
  • Why should they work with you? Maybe it's not your huge audience but you have incredible photography. Maybe you have a keen focus on biking and the outdoors. Maybe your husband is really into milk and they have a dairy farm. Whatever it is, share why.

trip board companies

By following these strategic steps and infusing them with your unique voice and style, you're setting yourself up for success. With every well-crafted pitch, you're inching closer to forging alliances that will catapult your travel blogging journey to new heights.

Before we get into this I want you to notice that this isn't short. It's detailed. It's specific. It takes effort, but it's worth it!

Subject: Collaboration Opportunity: Showcasing [Your Blog Name] in [Destination]

Dear [Tourism Board Contact's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the founder of [Your Blog Name], a travel blog that specializes in exploring unique destinations and sharing captivating stories with our engaged audience of travel enthusiasts.

I recently discovered the remarkable offerings and hidden gems of [Destination], and I was instantly captivated by its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant local experiences. As an avid traveler and storyteller, I am compelled to share the beauty of [Destination] with our readers, and I believe that a collaboration with [Tourism Board Name] would be the perfect opportunity to achieve this.

With [Your Blog Name]'s dedicated readership and active social media presence, we have successfully built a community of passionate travelers who rely on our recommendations and insights. Our unique content style blends personal narratives, practical tips, and striking visuals to inspire and guide our readers' own journeys. We firmly believe that [Destination] deserves the spotlight, and we would love to collaborate with [Tourism Board Name] to create engaging and immersive content that showcases its true essence.

Here's an overview of the potential collaboration ideas we can explore together:

  • Destination Highlights: We can curate a series of in-depth articles and visually stunning guides that highlight the must-visit attractions, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path experiences that make [Destination] truly extraordinary.
  • Local Culture and Traditions: We can delve into the cultural fabric of [Destination], featuring interviews with local artisans, exploring traditional festivals, and immersing ourselves in authentic local experiences to provide a deeper understanding of the destination.
  • Unique Experiences: We can collaborate with local businesses and establishments to showcase unique experiences exclusive to [Destination], such as culinary adventures, adventure sports, eco-tourism initiatives, or immersive cultural workshops.
  • Inspiring Itineraries: We can craft meticulously planned itineraries that cater to different traveler preferences, whether it's a family-friendly getaway, a solo traveler's adventure, or a luxury retreat, ensuring that every visitor can make the most of their time in [Destination].

As a seasoned travel blogger, I understand the importance of building authentic and long-lasting partnerships. I assure you that our collaboration will be approached with professionalism, creativity, and a genuine passion for promoting [Destination] to our engaged audience. Moreover, we are committed to adhering to any guidelines or objectives set forth by [Tourism Board Name] to ensure our collaboration aligns seamlessly with your vision.

I would be thrilled to discuss this collaboration opportunity further and explore how we can work together to showcase the wonders of [Destination].

Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to the possibility of partnering with [Tourism Board Name] and creating compelling content that celebrates the beauty of [Destination]. Please let me know if there is a convenient time for a call or if you would prefer to communicate via email. I've also attached my media kit for your review.

Thanks for your time,

[Your Name]

[Your Blog Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Website] [Your Social Media Handles]

BONUS: If you have any specifics that might WOW them, include that too!

When you're setting your sights on a tourism board for potential collaboration, crafting an engaging, enticing pitch email is absolutely essential. Here's how you get their attention:

A Warm Introduction: Don't be shy – start by presenting yourself and your blog with confidence. Let them know who you are, what your blog stands for, and who your readers are. You'll want to give them a feel for your reader demographics and interests.

Professionalism with a Personal Twist: Finding the sweet spot between professional communication and your own unique voice is key. Your pitch email should come off more formal than a tweet or Instagram caption, but it still needs to showcase your personality and your brand's vibe. This is your chance to display your writing chops while also keeping things professional.

trip board companies

Getting Specific with Your Dates: If you're looking for sponsored tours or coverage for your stay, it's crucial to give them the exact dates of your travel. Not only does this show you've got a solid plan in place, but it also signals that you're primed for collaboration. If you haven't nailed down your dates yet, it's best to hold off on sending your pitch.

Making Your Wishes Known (Without Overstepping): Clearly spell out what you're looking for in this collaboration, but keep a flexible attitude. Don't come off as demanding or entitled – you should express your needs, but it's just as important to show that you're open to working together with the tourism board to meet shared goals.

Adding a Dash of Stats: Sprinkle in some relevant statistics about the size of your blog's audience, engagement levels, and social media followers. Bear in mind that the tourism board will likely do their own digging, so honesty is the best policy. A succinct summary paragraph featuring your key stats gives them a snapshot of your reach.

The Cherry on Top – Your Media Kit : A thorough media kit is the perfect finishing touch. This should include detailed info about your blog, your audience demographics, key stats, and past collaborations. Toss in some glowing testimonials from happy partners to underscore your influence and the power of your content. Your media kit is a handy tool for the tourism board to gain a deeper understanding of your blog and its potential for partnership.

Stick to these guidelines and tailor your pitch email to fit the particular tourism board, and you'll be well on your way to forging meaningful partnerships and collaborations.

When approaching a tourism board for collaboration, it's essential to research and familiarize yourself with their goals, values, and target audience. Craft a personalized pitch that highlights how your blog or platform aligns with their objectives. Introduce yourself, provide a clear value proposition, and explain how a partnership would benefit both parties. Remember to showcase your expertise and previous successful collaborations to demonstrate your credibility.

Not every destination, company, or tourism board will be a suitable match for your blog and audience, and that's perfectly fine. It's crucial to maintain a discerning approach and refrain from sending out pitches indiscriminately.

A good way to avoid hearing “no” is working with tourism boards that align your interests and what you already share about.

That's absolutely okay! Share your social media stats and showcase your audience!

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If you fear the possibility of rejection, here's the reality: it may happen. Some pitches may receive a “no” response, while others may not garner any reply at all. However, it's crucial not to base your travel plans solely on the expectation of free trips or sponsorships.

Each pitch and sponsorship outcome serves as a learning experience. Instead of viewing rejection or being ignored as negative, embrace them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

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Getting paid to work with tourism boards is an exciting opportunity for travel bloggers and content creators. While securing paid collaborations requires strategic effort, it is certainly achievable with the right approach.

  • Build a Strong Brand and Audience: Focus on establishing a unique brand identity and cultivating an engaged audience that aligns with the interests of tourism boards. Showcase your expertise, authenticity, and storytelling abilities through high-quality content that resonates with your readers. By demonstrating the value you provide to your audience, you position yourself as an attractive partner for tourism boards seeking to reach and engage a targeted demographic.
  • Develop a Professional Media Kit: Create a comprehensive media kit that highlights your blog's reach, audience demographics, engagement metrics, and previous successful collaborations. Clearly articulate the benefits and value of partnering with your platform. Include case studies, testimonials, and examples of your work to showcase your ability to deliver results. A professional media kit serves as a persuasive tool when pitching to tourism boards and demonstrates your professionalism and preparedness.
  • Tailor Your Pitches: When reaching out to tourism boards, craft personalized pitches that clearly articulate the unique value you bring to their destination or brand. Emphasize your expertise, creativity, and ability to create captivating content that aligns with their goals. Clearly outline the deliverables and outcomes you can provide, such as blog posts, social media promotion, video content, or event coverage. Be prepared to negotiate and discuss compensation terms, demonstrating your confidence in the value you bring to the collaboration.
  • Showcase Your Results: After successfully collaborating with a tourism board, showcase the impact of your work. Provide analytics and data on the reach, engagement, and conversions generated through your content. Share testimonials and feedback from the tourism board and your audience. Highlight the tangible benefits and return on investment achieved through your collaboration. By demonstrating the measurable results you can deliver, you strengthen your position when approaching future tourism board partnerships.

Building relationships with tourism boards takes time and persistence. Be professional, responsive, and reliable in your communications and deliverables. As you establish your credibility and reputation in the industry, you will increase your chances of securing paid collaborations with tourism boards and turning your passion for travel into a sustainable and rewarding profession.

Remember, it's not just about the numbers—it's about building a community that resonates with your passion. So, get ready to embark on an adventure filled with compelling content, authentic connections, and memorable collaborations. The world of travel blogging awaits!

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Helene Sula

I believe that one trip can change your life. It did for me. I'm a self proclaimed home body that quit her job, moved abroad, and more often than not, lives out of a carry-on bag. If I'm not traveling, I'm most likely re-reading Harry Potter or watching "Midnight in Paris" while snuggling my dogs. I'm a digital marketing expert who turned my love of travel into a full-time career. And I help others do it too.

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OpenAI’s Chief Scientist and Co-Founder Is Leaving the Company

In November, Ilya Sutskever joined three other OpenAI board members to force out Sam Altman, the chief executive, before saying he regretted the move.

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Ilya Sutskever, wearing a blue shirt, sits on a red couch in front of a mural.

By Cade Metz

Reporting from San Francisco

Ilya Sutskever, the OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist who in November joined three other board members to force out Sam Altman, the company’s high-profile chief executive, before saying he regretted the move, is leaving the San Francisco A.I. company.

Dr. Sutskever’s departure, which the company announced in a blog post on Tuesday, closes another chapter in a story that stunned Silicon Valley and that raised questions about whether Mr. Altman and his company were prepared to lead the tech industry into the age of artificial intelligence.

After returning to OpenAI just five days after he was ousted, Mr. Altman reasserted his control and continued its push toward increasingly powerful technologies that worried some of his critics. Dr. Sutskever remained an OpenAI employee, but he never returned to work.

“This is an emotional day for all of us,” Mr. Altman said in an interview. “OpenAI would not exist without him and certainly was shaped by him.”

In a statement, Dr. Sutskever said: “I have made the decision to leave OpenAI. The company’s trajectory has been nothing short of miraculous, and I’m confident that OpenAI will build A.G.I. that is both safe and beneficial.” A.G.I., or artificial general intelligence, is an as-yet-unbuilt technology that can do anything the brain can do.

Dr. Sutskever, 38, added that he was starting a new project, but did not elaborate.

A key OpenAI researcher, Jakub Pachocki, will replace Dr. Sutskever as chief scientist at the company, which is valued at more than $80 billion, according to a recent fund-raising deal .

On Monday, OpenAI unveiled a new version of its ChatGPT chatbot that can receive and respond to voice commands, images and videos, joining tech giants like Google and Apple in a race toward a new kind of talking digital assistant.

Founded in 2015 by Mr. Altman, Elon Musk and several young researchers, including Dr. Sutskever, OpenAI has long been at the forefront of A.I. research. Dr. Sutskever’s involvement provided the company with instant credibility. As a graduate student at the University of Toronto, he had been part of an A.I. breakthrough involving neural networks — the technology that has driven the field’s progress over the last decade.

In late 2022, OpenAI wowed the world with the release of ChatGPT , an online chatbot that could answer questions, write poetry, generate computer code and chat a lot like people. The tech industry quickly embraced what is called generative artificial intelligence — technologies that can generate text, images and other media on their own.

The result of more than a decade of research inside companies like OpenAI and Google, generative A.I. is poised to remake everything from email programs to internet search engines and digital assistants.

Mr. Altman became a spokesman for the shift toward generative A.I., testifying before Congress and meeting with lawmakers, regulators and investors around the world. In November, OpenAI’s board of directors unexpectedly ousted him, saying he could no longer be trusted with the company’s plan to eventually create artificial general intelligence.

The OpenAI board had six people: three founders and three independent members. Dr. Sutskever voted with the three outsiders to remove Mr. Altman as chief executive and chairman of the board, saying — without providing specifics — that Mr. Altman had not been “consistently candid in his communications.”

Greg Brockman, OpenAI’s president and another co-founder, resigned from the company in protest. So did Dr. Pachocki.

Days later, as hundreds of OpenAI employees threatened to quit, Dr. Sutskever said he regretted his decision to remove Mr. Altman and effectively stepped down from the board, leaving three independent members in opposition to Mr. Altman.

Mr. Altman returned as chief executive after he and the board agreed to replace two members with Bret Taylor, a former Salesforce executive, and Lawrence Summers, a former U.S. Treasury secretary. Mr. Altman regained his board seat several months later, as the board expanded to seven people.

Last year, Dr. Sutskever helped create a Super Alignment team inside OpenAI to explore ways of ensuring that future versions of the technology would not do harm. Like others in the field, he had grown increasingly concerned that A.I. could become dangerous and perhaps even destroy humanity .

Jan Leike, who ran the Super Alignment team alongside Dr. Sutskever, has also resigned from OpenAI. His role will be taken by John Schulman, another company co-founder.

In the weeks leading up to Mr. Altman’s ouster, Dr. Pachocki, who helped oversee the creation of GPT-4, the technology at the heart of ChatGPT, was promoted to director of research at the company. After occupying a position below Dr. Sutskever, he was elevated to a position alongside him, two people familiar with the moves said.

After Mr. Altman was reinstated, Dr. Sutskever did not return to work. Mr. Altman indicated that he was hoping to negotiate his return, but ultimately that was not possible.

Dr. Pachocki has effectively served as chief scientist since November. After Dr. Sutskever recruited him and others to join OpenAI, he was among the key researchers on several of the company’s most important projects, including, most notably, GPT-4.

“I am grateful to Ilya,” Dr. Pachocki said in an interview. “We have different and in many ways complementary styles of leadership.”

Mr. Altman said he talked with Dr. Sutskever on Tuesday. “He has pushed us — and will continue to push us — to, as he says, feel the A.G.I.,” Mr. Altman said.

An earlier version of this article misstated the title that Greg Brockman held when he resigned from OpenAI. He was the company’s president, not its chief operating officer.

How we handle corrections

Cade Metz writes about artificial intelligence, driverless cars, robotics, virtual reality and other emerging areas of technology. More about Cade Metz

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

Ilya Sutskever, the OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist who in November joined three other board members to force out Sam Altman before saying he regretted the move, is leaving the company .

OpenAI has unveiled a new version of its ChatGPT chatbot  that can receive and respond to voice commands, images and videos.

A bipartisan group of senators released a long-awaited legislative plan for A.I. , calling for billions in funding to propel U.S. leadership in the technology while offering few details on regulations.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.

UK border force staff to strike at Heathrow in late May, early June

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Reporting by Sarah Young; editing by Michael Holden

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Here in Michigan, from Detroit to the Upper Peninsula, unpredictable weather happens.

Multiple tornadoes swept through the west side of the state Tuesday, touching down in Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties.

Sometimes, such weather can lead to widespread power outages.

Depending on the electrical service you have, you can check the latest status of your power outage, how widespread the outage is, an estimated restoration time and more. Most Michigan residents have Consumers Energy or DTE Energy, but some regions in Michigan use other services; many of those are also listed below.

Here are the services offered in Michigan - and links for each power outage map.

DTE power outage map

Use DTE Energy's power outage map here . DTE reminds folks to "please be safe and remember to stay at least 25 feet from any downed power lines — assume they are live and dangerous." Report any outage or downed line here .

Consumers Energy power outage map

Use Consumers Energy's power outage map here . You can report downed power lines by calling 800-477-5050.

Indiana Michigan Power outage map

Use Indiana Michigan Power's power outage map here . A small number of southwest Michigan residents, near the Indiana border, use this service. For help, call 800-311-4634.

Great Lakes Power outage map

Use Great Lakes Power's power outage map here . To report an outage, call 888-485-2537.

Midwest Energy Cooperative power outage map

Use Midwest Energy Cooperative's power outage map here . A small number of southwest Michigan residents, including near Kalamazoo, use this service. For help, call 800-492-5989.

Lansing Board of Water and Light power outage map

Use Lansing Board of Water and Light's power outage map here . A small number of customers in the Lansing area use this service. To report an outage, call 877-295-5001 or go to its website .

Wisconsin Electric Power Company power outage map

Use Wisconsin Electric Power Company's outage map here . Several customers in Michigan's Upper Peninsula use the service. Report power outages and downed wires by calling 800-662-4797.

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Cooperative power outage map

Use Presque Isle Electric & Gas Cooperative's outage map here . Several customers in the northeast Lower Peninsula use the service. Report power outages and downed wires by calling 800-423-6634 or 989-733-8515.

Is your service not listed here?

Use to see other Michigan services and whether there are updates in your area.

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  29. Michigan power outage map: How to check your status

    Use Lansing Board of Water and Light's power outage map here. A small number of customers in the Lansing area use this service. To report an outage, call 877-295-5001 or go to its website.

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