artist house tour


  • Historic Walking Tour

The Artist House – Historic Walking Tour

The Artist House is located at 534 Eaton Street.  It was built in 1887 by Thomas Otto.  Thomas lived in the house for about 40 years and upon his death, his son, Eugene (Gene) Otto received the house.

Artist House, Key West

Gene Otto was an artist… thus the “Artist House” name.  While living in France he met his wife Anne.  Anne was a concert pianist.  Anne played at the La Concha hotel when they moved to Key West.  The hotel renamed the room she played in The Rainbow room in her honor as she used to play at The Rainbow Room at Radio City, New York.  The Otto’s were very well known for their lavish lifestyle and parties.  Gene died in 1974 and Anne died two year later in 1976.

The home is a typical Queen Anne style characterized by the octagonal turret over two stories of bay windows and the outdoor staircases connecting the verandas.  The verandas wrap around to the rear of the house and are decorated with corner brackets, turned pillars and very thin and delicate balusters.  Inside there are 15 rooms with 12 foot ceilings.  The home is made from virgin yellow pine and is sometimes described as West Indies Colonial Victorian.

Artist House, Key West, FL

Unusual actives have been reported in the house.  The “encounters” have all been friendly and involved either Anne or Gene’s stuffed doll, Robert.  When Gene was four years old a girl of Bahamian descent gave him a life-sized doll made from fabric and stuffed with straw.  It was reported the girl practiced voodoo and this was a form of retaliation.  Gene named the doll, Robert, after himself.  In the turret they built Robert his own room complete with toys and his own teddy bear.  As Gene grew older, mishaps and bad luck were always blamed on Robert.  The chant began to be “Robert did it”.

When Gene and Anne returned to live in Key West, Robert was still in his room.  Gene used the turret room to paint.  People reported seeing Robert move from window to window and visitors would comment Robert’s expressions would change with the conversations in the room.  Anne didn’t care for Robert and upon Gene’s death, the doll was put into a cedar chest in the attic.  Many years later the doll was found and donated to the Key West Art and Historical Society.

Robert, the doll, can now bee seen at the East Martello Museum; just be sure to ask his permission to take his picture!

Robert the Doll, Key West, FL

Robert the doll to see..ask his permission to take his picture.

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The Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios program (HAHS) is a coalition of 55 museums that were the homes and working studios of American artists. Come, witness creativity.

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Museum & box office hours.

Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm (Dec-May) Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm (Jun-Nov)

Visitors can find us, tour our galleries and studios, and visit the rooftop at 533 Eaton Street.

Admission to our galleries and campus is always free of charge. As a non-profit, community organization, we offer discounted fees for classes, performances and events to members of The Studios. If you are interested in the benefits of membership learn more here !


From rooftop parties to business gatherings, The Studios offers a host of unique spaces to make your event one for the ages! Learn more here.

Visit the Old Town Studios and Homes of Key West Artists

Tickets now available for Self-Guided Artist Studio Tours

artist house tour

On Saturday, March 4 from 11am-3pm, The Studios of Key West presents the Artist Studio Tours, an annual event in which artists and writers open their homes and studios to visitors. The tour offers visitors a chance to take a self-guided journey through the secret lanes and hidden alleys of Old Town.  

One of the most popular events of the year, the Artist Studio Tours present the island’s art community in a brand-new light. Spend an afternoon discovering new artists, peeking into inspiring workspaces, and perhaps finding a unique souvenir or piece of art for your home.

“This year, all five tour stops are within fairly easy walking distance, centered around the cemetery,” said Elena Devers, Deputy Director. “So, you can park your car or bike once, and spend the afternoon making your way through all the stops.”

This year’s self-guided tour showcases the homes and studios of eight local and national artists, including Meggie Siegert’s distinctive pink Victorian house on Olivia Street; the “Writers and Artist House,” where artist Rebecca Bennett, and writers Jessica Argyle and Rosalind Brackenbury can be found; installation artist and designer Mimi Hein’s home studio; and New York/Key West artist Susan Sugar’s “Turtle House,” which was called an “artist’s paradise,” by  Coastal Living  magazine. Visitors will also find expressionist oil painter Scott Gruppe’s workspace and gardens tucked behind a secret lane.

Tickets are $30 ($25 for Studios Members), and can be pre-purchased at  or by phone at 305-296-0458. Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the  tour  at Stop #1: 718 Olivia Street.

Contact: Elena Devers 305-296-0458 [email protected]

Images: Susan Sugar at “Turtle House”. Image by Lena Perkins Meggie Siegert’s paintings in her studio. Photo by Meggie Siegert


What’s provided.

Through generous sponsors we are able to provide the following extras to use during your residency:

BEST OF KEY WEST RENTALS. Generously provided your linens, bedding and towels.

FORT ZACHARY TAYLOR STATE PARK. We want you to visit the state park and beach as much as you’d like! Our pass unfortunately needs to be tied to a staff member, so you can coordinate a day to go together, or we’ve got a gift card you can use to visit on your own time. The card is in the PEAR House, be sure to bring it so you don’t have to pay the entry fee.

KEY WEST YOGA SANCTUARY. Free yoga classes all month! Register for your first class online with code ‘PEAR’ then connect with staff to get set up with a full month at your first visit.

YOGA ON THE BEACH. Meet at Ft. Zach Beach by 8:15am to flow with Nancy and Don. PEARs get your first class free!

KEY WEST PUBLIC LIBRARY. We’ve partnered with the library to offer you a library card to use during your stay. Key West Library has an extensive catalog of books and other media, plus e-books and audiobooks available for download and even some special events! Their calendar has more about what’s going on.

LAZY DOG ADVENTURES. Lazy Dog does it all – kayak and paddle board tours, rentals, lessons and classes, paddle yoga and fun boat adventures! They’ve offered a paddle pass for PEARs – simply inquire with staff about an available day and they’ll hook you up with a free rental.

WE*CYCLE.   The fun way to get around town! Public transportation with 2 wheels. They provided your conch cruiser or tricycle.

Application and Selection Process

The Studios accepts applications on a rolling basis from January-May of each year for the following residency season. The season runs from October-August. There is a $45 application fee to apply which supports the program.

Applications are evaluated by selection committees comprised of working artists and professionals in the applicants’ respective fields of discipline under the five categories: Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Media Arts, and Musical Arts and Performing Arts.

Acceptance to The Studios’ PEAR Program is based on the merit of past work and the potential for creative, intellectual and personal growth through the time and space to imagine new artistic work, engage in valuable dialogue and explore island connections.

Key West’s official motto, “One Human Family” reflects our commitment to living together as caring, sharing neighbors dedicated to making our home as close to paradise as we can. To that end, we encourage artists of all races, nationalities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities to apply.

About The Studios of Key West

The Studios of Key West’s mission is to support artists, inspire creativity and build community.

The Studios was founded with the vision of bringing world class artists to the island, connecting them with local audiences and artists, and offering space for both to explore their creativity. We’ve hosted Pulitzer prize winners, world renowned artists and musicians, and introduced thousands of students to different ways of seeing and working. Our Helmerich Theater stage bristles with talent, music from our rooftop concerts flood into the neighborhood, and every month hundreds of people visit The Studios to take in new experiences and catch up with old friends.

Read more about who we are here.


You’ll find that the Key West community is very welcoming to new people (especially creative ones!) – and there is never a shortage of things to do. Your time is yours to do with as you choose, of course, and we respect that you’ll need plenty of time to dream, reflect and create. We do ask that you join us at two events during your residency:


Depending on the time of year, a group of about 20-40 friends and community members gather together for an informal potluck and a chance to meet our residency artists. Guests bring a dish to share (bring whatever you’d like – from chips and salsa to your favorite recipe). About halfway through the night, each of the residency artists takes few minutes to introduce themselves and talk about their work or what they’re working on in Key West (remember, it’s very casual, so no PowerPoint presentations necessary!). Writers often like to read a very short bit of their work and artists often like to open their studios to show what they are working on – but neither is necessary, whatever you feel comfortable with.


Friends new and old are invited to join us for each month’s First Thursday Open House event, when we keep our lights on late and throw our doors open to celebrate the newest work in our galleries. Stop in to say hello, relax with a glass of wine on the rooftop terrace, tour the third floor artist studios and see the just-installed exhibitions in the Sanger, XOJ, Zabar Project and Zabar Lobby Galleries.

About Key West

Key West is an island community, two miles by four miles wide, at the very end of the road. Most people get around on bicycle or foot, and the neighborhoods are compact and filled with lush gardens and tropical plant life. There are Cuban groceries and café con leche on every other corner, and a mix of Latin and Caribbean influences everywhere. Known for blue skies, open water and mangrove islands, and 80 degree days in winter, Key West is removed from the American mainland by 120 miles of bridges and small islands.

Long a home to artists and creative people, the ghosts of Hemingway, Robert Frost, Elizabeth Bishop, Mario Sanchez, and Shel Silverstein still haunt our Old Town neighborhood. Flowers bloom year-round, and fruit trees proliferate. And on any given day, it’s not unusual to run into modern-day creative people, such as Judy Blume, Billy Collins, Jimmy Buffett, Meg Cabot, Terrence McNally, John Martini, Seward Johnson, or Annie Dillard.

For a small community, Key West is rich in cultural events, creative projects, and celebrations of every kind. The population is diverse and compassionate, and takes to heart the island’s famous motto: One Human Family, which reflects The Studios’ commitment to living together as caring, sharing neighbors dedicated to making our home as close to paradise as we can. Our creative community is proud of this special sense of place. We embrace an independence from the mainland, celebrate our tropical and Caribbean influences, and seek out artists and cultural leaders wanting to do the same—and gain the benefit of exile in the Conch Republic.

A limited selection of short length (4′ or less) specialty hardwoods (mostly Cuban Mahogany) can be purchased from the Woodshop. Email [email protected] for inquiries.

For a wider variety in wood types and length, we recommend our friend on Big Coppitt, Mike. He has a great selection and is nearby. His phone number is (305) 797-5747.

  • No jerks allowed. The Woodshop is a shared space. Be mindful, respectful and patient with the people around you. Keep your space tidy and leave time to clean up before you’re done. The Woodshop Monitor is in charge, but is a human being too, so be nice.
  • No drinking or drugs . Consumption of alcohol or any substances which may impair judgment or coordination, including medications, are strictly forbidden while any tools are in use, including by others. Similarly, no one under the influence of substances consumed elsewhere is allowed in the Woodshop while tools are in use, including by others.
  • Keep food outside . You can eat at the tables outside, but keep food and drink (except water) outside of the Woodshop.
  • Supervision Required . The Woodshop may only be used in the presence of a Monitor who has been designated by The Studios.
  • Authorization Required . You may only use equipment and tools for which you’ve been authorized by a Woodshop Monitor.
  • Dress appropriately . Shoes with closed toes required while using tools. No dangling jewelry or clothing, and long hair should be pulled back. Eye covering is required while using power tools.
  • Know your materials. Know whether any materials you use are toxic, corrosive or flammable. No pressure treated wood. Store and dispose of them properly. Not sure? Read the label or ask the Monitor.
  • Know where the First Aid Kid is . And report any injuries to the Monitor.

What We Have…

  • 36” Band saw (Northfield)
  • Drill press (Delta)
  • 8” Joiner (Powermatic)
  • Planer (Newman)
  • Radial arm saw (Dewalt)
  • Shaper-large (Powermatic)
  • Shaper-smaller (Grizzly)
  • 10” Table Saw (Powermatic)
  • Tabletop sander
  • Portable chop saw
  • Blades – various kinds
  • Clamps – various kinds
  • Fasteners – various kinds
  • Handheld drills
  • Handheld jigsaws
  • Work tables

… And What You’ll Need

  • Sandpaper (can be purchased at the Woodshop)
  • Blades and bits beyond ordinary use
  • Fasteners (eg. nails and screws) beyond ordinary use

Google Maps screen shot of a harbor and streets.

Address: 6810 Front Street, Key West, FL 33040

We’re located in Safe Harbor Marina on Stock Island, just down the docks from Hogfish Bar & Grill.

Shop Time Rates

  • $30/half day (up to 4 hours)
  • $50/full day (up to 8 hours)
  • $180/week (up to 5 days)
  • Pay for your Shop Time online using the link you receive, or by phone at 305-296-0458 during The Studios regular Box Office Hours (Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm). Bookings must be confirmed by payment at least 24 hours in advance .


  • If you need to cancel or change your time, email [email protected] right away.
  • Bookings may be cancelled and refunded up to 7 days prior to the booking.
  • Bookings may be changed to a later date at no additional cost, if notification is received at least 24 hours prior to the original booking.
  • No refunds will be issued if cancellation is not received at least 24 hours in advance.

artist house tour

Hugh’s View offers: —Smaller audience sizes —Outdoor environment —Intimate experiences —A rooftop bar that opens one hour prior to show time

artist house tour

Helmerich Theater offers: —More space and comfortable chairs —Indoor comforts —Intimate experiences —A walk-up counter bar that opens one hour prior to show time

The period for applying to 2021/22 residencies is now closed. We will begin accepting residencies for the 2022/23 season, which runs from September 2022-August 2023, in January 2022. If you would like to be notified by email when the application period opens again,  please fill out this form.

Light and dark chromed striped purse

  • Architecture
  • Submissions

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12 incredible artists’ homes you can visit

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Photography: Haarkon / India Hobson & Magnus Edmondson

Experiencing art on the wall of a museum or gallery is one thing, but to witness it within the surroundings where it was made is another, far rarer opportunity.

Luckily a small number of the world’s most famous artists, from Monet and Rodin to Jackson Pollock and Louise Bourgeois, have had their homes and studios preserved as monuments, in some cases remaining much as they were left by their celebrated occupants.

Here are 12 of the best artists’ homes you can visit around the world.

Auguste Rodin – La Villa des Brillants, Meudon, France

Artists' homes you can visit: Rodin's Villa des Brillants

Rodin bought this villa in the Parisian suburbs in 1895, and by 1900 it had become the centre of his creative world, where he employed a collection of 50 assistants, casters and sitters, welcomed friends and admirers to see his work, and was ultimately buried.

Today the artist’s house has been returned to a state that the sculptor would have recognised, with his living and working environment reconstructed using period photographs. Particularly notable is its collection of early casts for some of Rodin’s most famous works, including The Gates of Hell. The poet Rainer Maria Rilke, Rodin’s secretary for a time, described the ‘tremendous impression’ of the ‘dazzling white sculptures [that] seem to gaze out at you from behind high glass doors, like creatures in an aquarium.’

Claude Monet’s home and garden – Giverny, France

Artists homes you can visit: Monet's kitchen

For anyone who’s ever wanted to talk through a painting, a visit to Claude Monet’s house and gardens in Giverny is a must. The artist lived in this small Normandy village for 40 years, diverting the nearby river Epte to create the famous water garden that inspired and starred in so many of his masterpieces. The artist’s home itself is notable for its colours: it features bright pink exterior walls, and vivid blues, greens and yellows inside, chosen by Monet to align with the palette of his own works. Take a virtual tour here.

Casa Dalí, Portlligat, Spain

artist house tour

In 1930, Salvador Dalí bought a fisherman’s hut in the tiny village of Portlligat. He envisaged a room four-metres-square that would serve as dining room, studio and bedroom, with some steps up to a tiny kitchen and bathroom. ‘I wanted it all good and small,’ he wrote in his autobiography, ‘the smaller the more womb-like.’ Over the next 40 years, these plan would change.

artist house tour

The village became his principal residence and source of inspiration, and the house spread ‘like a real biological structure’ to include four more huts, creating a labyrinthine abode as singular as its owner. Today the artist’s house remains largely as it was, stuffed with artworks and oddities collected and treasured by Dalí.  Take a virtual tour here.

Donald Judd’s home – 101 Spring Street, New York, USA

A post shared by Sibella Court (@sibellacourt) on Apr 4, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT

Donald Judd bought the five-storey former garment factory on Spring Street in 1968. First conceived as a private studio, he soon reconfigured it as a living space and gallery for both his own work and others.

Determined not to interrupt the clean line of the glass facade, he inserted his kitchen, bathrooms and library into the northeast corner of each floor. Museum quality pieces – a neon sculpture by Dan Flavin, a Duchamp shovel – are shown alongside the more prosaic evidence of Judd’s day-to-day life.

Frida Kahlo’s home – La Casa Azul, Coyoacán, Mexico

Casa Azul in Mexico City

La Casa Azul, or Blue House, was built by Frida Kahlo’s father in 1904: it was where she was born in 1907 and where she died, 47 years later in 1954. It was transformed into a museum in 1958, and remains almost as it was when she died, evoking her tempestuous relationship with Diego Rivera and the many passions of her life. Portraits of her heroes Lenin and Mao hang over the bed, while her clothes hang in the wardrobe. Kahlo’s art collection fills the walls, and her wheelchair sits by an unfinished portrait of Stalin. Even Kahlo’s ashes are on display in an urn. Take a virtual tour here.

Georgia O’Keefe’s home – Abiquiu, New Mexico, USA

Courtesy of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

Georgia O’Keefe discovered the ruins of a 5,000 sq ft Spanish colonial era compound in Abiquiu in 1935. She was struck by a black door in the wall. ‘It was something I had to have,’ she said. ‘It took me ten years to get it – three more years to fix the house so I could live in it – and after that the wall with a door was painted many times.’ Sitting within the landscape she made iconic, and preserved much as she left it, the artist’s house and studio atmospherically evokes her world, and is open for visits by appointment.

Louise Bourgeois House – 347 West 20th Street, New York, USA

A post shared by Kati Curtis Design (@designerkati) on Jan 25, 2017 at 5:44am PST

Louise Bourgeois bought the Chelsea townhouse she shared with her husband Robert Goldwater in 1962. Following his death 11 years later, she transformed the house into an artist’s studio and filled every room with the processes and results of her work.

Seven years after her own death, the house is being opened to the public by The Easton Foundation. Described by the New York Times as being in a state of ‘bohemian dilapidation’,  it has been little altered since the days of her famous Sunday salons, where she invited young artists to show their work and face her – often blistering – criticism.

Check the foundation’s website for updates on its grand opening. Arts club The Cultivist offers early tours of the artist’s house and studio for its members.

Barbara Hepworth’s St Ives home – Cornwall, UK

Barbara Hepworth Studio St Ives

Hepworth first came to St Ives – her ‘spiritual home’ – with her husband Ben Nicholson and their family at the outbreak of war in 1939. She returned, without Nicholson, in 1949 and never left, living and working at Trewyn Studios until her death in 1975. The site is  now managed by Tate  and remains true to the artist’s time – the gardens laid out as she designed them, punctuated by her large-scale bronzes. There is an element of tragedy too: the studio, which stands today filled with tools and unfinished works, was where she died in an accidental fire at the age of 72.

Pollock-Krasner House – East Hampton, USA

Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner studio

Jackson Pollock changed the landscape of modern art with his revolutionary drip paintings, many of which were created in his modest home studio in the Hamptons. Evidence of his innovation remains on the wooden floor, which is liberally spattered with paint from his perambulations around the canvases. ‘On the floor I am more at ease,’ he said. ‘I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting.’ After Pollock’s death in 1956, his wife Lee Krasner took over the artist’s home and studio, working there for the rest of her life.

Frederic Leighton – Leighton House, London, UK

Leighton House Arab Hall

Leighton House is an unassuming Victorian mansion tucked down a quiet Kensington street. Its exterior does little to prepare the visitor for the dazzling, gilded splendour to be found within. Built and extended over 30 years to the exact specifications of painter Lord Leighton, it is a private palace of art, filled with his own works – mostly biblical and classical in nature – as well as pieces by his contemporaries, and stunning flights of interior fancy such as the golden domed and richly mosaiced Arab Hall.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s summer home in Essoyes, France

Essoyes Renoir

From 3 June visitors can go inside the home of Impressionist artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir in France’s Essoyes. The town is where Renoir and his wife – model Aline Charigot – spent their summers from 1896 until his death in 1919, and the property has undergone an extensive €1m restoration to its fin-de-siècle interiors and gardens. You can also make pilgrimage to the garden studio where the painter worked, which forms part of the estate and is already open to the public.

JMW Turner – Sandycombe Lodge, Twickenham, London

JMW Turner's former home, Sandycombe Lodge in London

Before becoming an artist, JMW Turner trained as an architectural draughtsman and in 1812 he even turned his hand to designing his own home, Sandycombe Lodge. Turner spent his weekends at the Twickenham retreat until he sold it in 1826. It later underwent a clumsy Victorian extension and its red bricks were hidden under a layer of white render.

Turner’s House Trust now owns the artist’s home, and it enlisted Butler Hegarty Architects to return the Grade II* listed abode to Turner’s original vision, including the ‘penny line’ pointing, and scraps of wallpaper unearthed during the restoration. Sandycombe Lodge now welcoming visitors who can learn more about Britain’s favourite landscape painter.

Read next: 8 havens for artists, writers and musicians

  • 1 Be the first to live in this architect-designed Hollywood home
  • 2 Live out your desert-island fantasies in Sweden
  • 3 Lloyd Wright’s Gainsburg Residence is back on the market in LA
  • 4 A modest Alentejo cottage gets a chic new identity
  • 5 A rare art deco gem goes on sale in East London
  • 6 Why timber is having a resurgence in urban architecture
  • 7 One of Austria’s prettiest lakes has a new castle stay
  • 8 Muhammad Ali’s childhood home is for sale

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artist house tour

Open House Tours


Visit James and Anne Hubbell’s acclaimed home and art studios near Julian, CA.

Walk winding paths and gardens in wonder as you explore the famous hubbell family home and studios. experience the world-renowned “boys’ house” where sunlight pours through stained glass and rivers of mosaic wind throughout. an engaging art and nature experience, our intimate docent-led tour covers the art and architecture of founder and artist james hubbell amidst the surrounding unspoiled natural beauty of the santa ysabel landscape. be inspired as nature and art truly dance together as one., small-group docent-led tours, mondays, fridays and saturdays friday may 10th and running through june 17th, 2024., located on 10 acres of oak woodlands near julian, california, the ilan-lael compound encompasses living quarters, studio and gallery spaces, gardens and a public building for the ilan-lael foundation. tours are a approximately 90 minutess and limited to small groups to enhance your experience. enjoy the on-site gallery and gift shop offering hubbell art, books, hand-crafted artisan items, and more. ilan-lael is located just over an hour from san diego and about 2 1/2 hours from los angeles. driving and parking directions will be emailed upon receipt of the tour purchase. tours are available again in the spring 2024 from may through june., reserve your tour.

Admission fees go entirely to support Ilan-Lael Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit dedicated to preserving the Hubbell property and its legacy of bringing art and nature to the community. We hope to see you there!  Reservations are required.

  • Driving and parking directions will be emailed upon receipt of the tour purchase.

Can’t make a scheduled tour date? Private tours are available for groups of 10 or more. Please call our office for available dates and special group pricing, at 760-765-3427 or email us at [email protected]

Fall 2024 open house tour dates.

  • 10AM & 1PM – Friday October 4th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Saturday October 5th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Monday October 7th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Friday October 11th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Saturday October 12th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Monday October 14th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Friday October 18th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Saturday October 19th
  • 10AM & 1PM – Monday October 21st

$90/ person (minimum of 2 passengers per car, maximum 5)

Admission includes:

  • 10% off gift shop purchases (except original artworks and workshops)
  • One year of unlimited streaming access to the Hubbell Online Channel.

Joining us for a tour?

To ensure a pleasant experience, here’s what to expect….

  • The terrain on the grounds is uneven with inclines.  Sturdy walking shoes are recommended.
  • Bring your camera, photography is allowed, and you will want to take pictures!
  • Sorry, pets are NOT allowed.
  • There is a rest room on the property.
  • There is limited seating available on the property.
  • This tour is NOT recommended for those who have difficulty walking, or use a walker, cane, or wheelchair.
  • There is NO SMOKING anywhere on the property.
  • Water and light refreshments are available. For lunch, please visit on of the fine eateries in nearby Wynola or 5 miles down the road in Julian.

Shopping, dining and more!

We encourage you to visit the many unique shops in the area. please see a full listing of our community business partners directory, who we thank for their generous support of ilan-lael..

VISITING JULIAN:   Historic Julian is a mere five miles further east on Highway 78.

Want to buy Hubbell art?

Some artwork is available for sale at the Ilan-Lael property and new work is also available online at our Hubbell Gallery .  Please inquire if you see something of interest.  James is also represented by the Santa Ysabel Gallery.  Please stop by and ask to see more of James’ work including paintings, pen and ink, sculpture, and stained glass.

Santa Ysabel Art Gallery (the white cottage at the NE corner of the intersection of Highways 78 and 79 in Santa Ysabel). 30352 Hwy 78, Santa Ysabel, CA 92070

Turret room at our Bed and Breakfast in Old Town Key West

Bed and Breakfast in the Heart of Old Town Key West

Stay in the heart of old town key west.

Our historic Victorian guest house features seven elegant and stately rooms. Tour our beautiful accommodations to choose which uniquely designed room best fits your needs. Our bed and breakfast located in Key West is a historic property with a rich past. We are within walking distance of Duval Street, The Historic Seaport and Old Town Key West restaurants, bars, art galleries and attractions.

Travel back in time to a grand age. Our accommodations feature unique and authentic architectural details. Meticulously decorated rooms and suites feature queen or king beds, with updated private baths. All rooms are air-conditioned and include complimentary Wi-Fi, breakfast and our signature afternoon happy hour. Children aged 5 and older are welcomed to share a room where sofa beds are available. Pets are welcome!

wood bed in romantic guest room in Key West

More Than Great Lodging! .st0{fill:#D4C5BC;}

We Offer a Low Rate Guarantee

Complimentary Breakfast & Happy Hour

Free WiFi Throughout the Property

Walk to Key West’s Popular Attractions

Champagne at our Key West bed and breakfast

Rise & Shine

Be greeted each morning with a complimentary breakfast and relax each evening at our happy hour.

lion fountain in pool at Key West hotel

Take a dip in the plunge pool or relax in the shady courtyard at the coolest spot to stay in Key West.

romantic room at our Key West Bed and Breakfast

Make it Special

Let us help you celebrate your special occasion in Key West with chilled Champagne, sweets for your sweet, fresh flowers, rose petals and more. We can arrange anything you’d like to make your special time even more memorable.

Purple gate at our Key West Bed and Breakfast

All Dolled Up!

In addition to our ornate Victorian architecture making us uniquely beautiful, we were also the original home to the infamous Robert the Doll!

Stay Just Steps Away From It All

Our Victorian inn is located in the heart of historic Key West. We’re just one block from Duval Street and are adjacent to the Historic Seaport District. Our location offers easy access to hot spots, but with the quiet you need for a great night’s sleep – the best of both worlds!

You can walk to just about anything you want to explore, or rent one of our bikes to cover more ground. We are also happy to help you find the best places to fill your vacation in Key West with great food, fun activities, or relaxing romance.

Key West Beach with palm trees

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Tour the Homes of 10 Famous Artists

By Nick Mafi

By nature, artists are an extremely creative bunch. And it is possibly due to this fact that we are interested in the homes they lived in throughout their often-turbulent lives. Yet, although many famous artists endured troubled lives, some of them lived in beautiful, or even glamorous dwellings. And it's in these homes that we can possibly learn a bit more about the masters and where, perhaps, they drew their inspiration. From Picasso’s mansion in Aix-en-Provence, France, to Frida’s colorful Mexico City home, AD visits the homes of ten of the world’s most famous artists.

Image may contain Wood Hardwood Furniture Chair Living Room Room Indoors Flooring Interior Design and Floor

Located in the scenic region of Aix-en-Provence, France, Atelier de Cézanne was where the French painter lived from 1902, until his his death in 1906, at the age of sixty-seven. Cézanne completed several famous works while living here, including his last iteration of Bathers , 1900–1905.

Image may contain Vehicle Transportation Watercraft Vessel Roof Human Person and Boat

The residence of Salvador Dalí (1904–1989) in Cadaques, Spain. The artist lived and worked in this home, roughly 20 miles south of the French border, from 1930 to 1982. The building has since been converted into a museum that houses much of his work, including Figures Lying on the Sand and Inaugural Gooseflesh .

Image may contain Roof Architecture Steeple Building Spire Tower and Campus

The spectacular Château du Clos Lucé is a small château in the city of Amboise, France. Located roughly 135-miles southwest of Paris, this manor was famously for being the official residence of Leonardo da Vinci between 1516 and 1519, when Leonardo died. The Renaissance-style château has since been restored, and turned into a museum.

Image may contain House Building Housing Cottage Plant and Grass

In 1945, Jackson Pollock (1912–1956) married fellow painter Lee Krasner and moved into this Long Island, New York, home. It was here that the father of Abstract Expressionism not only lived but also painted. Evidence of his work can still be observed on the floorboards of the house, which was converted into a museum in 1988. Pictured is the studio Pollock worked in, which was located right next to his home.

This image may contain Castle Architecture Building and Fort

When Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) moved into Château of Vauvenargues in 1959, he was already the world’s most famous living artist. And it is next to his beloved mansion in Aix-en-Provence, France, that Picasso was buried after his death. Today, the home is periodically open to the public, and visitors can tour a space that’s remained relatively untouched since the time the creator of Cubism lived in it.

Image may contain Plant Grass Building Housing Architecture House Villa and Concrete

Located in Dessau, Germany, the Masters' Houses were a group of dwellings completed in 1926. The buildings, which were constructed using an industrially prefabricated and simple “building block” construction, housed Bauhaus masters László Moholy-Nagy and Lyonel Feininger , Georg Muche and Oskar Schlemmer as well as Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee . Pictured here is one of the four main homes.

Image may contain Garden Outdoors Arbour and Porch

When Claude Monet (1840–1926) moved into this French estate in 1883, he found that the grounds lent themselves to his two passions: gardening and painting. The house—which is about 40 miles northeast of Paris, in the town of Giverny—is where the founder of Impressionism worked and lived until his death.

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Roof Weather Land Building and Housing

Born in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) would be the first to say that New Mexico was her true home. Ghost Ranch (pictured) was where O'Keeffe lived when she was splitting time between New Mexico and New York City. It was O'Keeffe who once said, "I suppose I could live in a jail as long as I had a little patch of blue sky to look at."

Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Outdoors and Plant

Located in Mexico City is the home of Frida Kahlo (1907–1954). It was in this cobalt-blue-painted building that Kahlo was born and raised, and eventually lived with her husband, Diego Rivera. In 1958 the home was converted into the Frida Kahlo Museum, which now attracts roughly 300,000 visitors each year.

Image may contain Plant Grass Building Housing Lawn House Door and Cottage

Winslow Homer (1836-1910) called this structure both his studio and home. Located in Scarborough, Maine, the home was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1965.

artist house tour

By Lola Ogunnaike

As Paris Preps for Prime Time, an Intimate Look at the Restoration of Its Landmarks

By Dana Thomas

These 9 Symmetrical Buildings Are (Very) Satisfying

By Annabelle Dufraigne

Tour a Scandi-Style Beach House in Bridgehampton

By Leilani Marie Labong

The Artist House

534 Eaton Street, Downtown Key West, Key West, FL 33040, United States of America – Excellent location – show map

artist house tour

The Artist House Reserve now

Lock in a great price for The Artist House – rated 9.1 by recent guests!

Enter dates to get started.


Value for money

This historical Key West bed and breakfast is 1 mile from the Southernmost Point and 3 minute’s walk from iconic Duval Street. The Artist House guests will enjoy a daily continental breakfast and spa hot tub. All accommodations at The Artist House feature a flat-screen cable TV, small refrigerator, and microwave. In-suite tea and coffee-making facilities are also provided. This bed and breakfast offers a complimentary happy hour and free Wi-Fi. Guests can rent a bicycle and take a relaxing turn around scenic Key West streets. Key West Museum of Art and History is 7 minutes’ walk from the property. Both the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum and Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory are less than 1 mile away.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.7 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Tea/Coffee Maker in All Rooms
  • Very Good Breakfast

Property highlights

Located in the real heart of Key West, this property has an excellent location score of 9.8!

Want a great night's sleep? This property was highly rated for its very comfy beds.

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Amenities of The Artist House Great facilities! Review score, 9.2

  • Toilet paper
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Private Bathroom
  • Free toiletries
  • Wardrobe or closet
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Coffee machine
  • Electric kettle
  • Refrigerator
  • Socket near the bed
  • Clothes rack
  • Live sports events (broadcast) Additional charge Off-site
  • Live music/Performance Additional charge Off-site
  • Tour or class about local culture Additional charge
  • Bike tours Additional charge
  • Walking tours Additional charge
  • Movie nights Additional charge Off-site
  • Bar crawls Additional charge
  • Nightclub/DJ
  • Entertainment staff
  • Snorkeling Additional charge Off-site
  • Diving Additional charge Off-site
  • Fishing Additional charge
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable channels
  • Coffee house on site
  • Wine/Champagne
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Street parking
  • Parking garage
  • Grocery deliveries Additional charge
  • Baggage storage
  • Board games/Puzzles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Smoke alarms
  • Designated smoking area
  • Air conditioning
  • Smoke-free property
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Beach umbrellas
  • Hot tub/Jacuzzi

Property practice

See availability house rules.

From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card at check-in

From 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Cancellation/ prepayment

Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodations type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room.

Children & Beds

Child policies

Children over 5 are welcome.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Cribs and extra beds aren't available at this property.

Age restriction

The minimum age for check-in is 21

Cards accepted at this property

The Artist House accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

Smoking is not allowed.

Pets are allowed on request. Charges may apply.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

Please note children under 5 years of age cannot be accommodated at this property.

Guests must be 21 years of age or older to check in without a parent or official guardian.

Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

Please inform The Artist House of your expected arrival time in advance. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or contact the property directly using the contact details in your confirmation.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property is taking steps to protect the safety of guests and staff. Certain services and amenities may be reduced or unavailable as a result.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property has reduced reception and service hours.

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), this property adheres to strict physical distancing measures.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), wearing a face mask is mandatory in all indoor common areas.

FAQs about The Artist House

Does the artist house have a hot tub for its guests.

Yes, there's a hot tub. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at The Artist House on this page.

How much does it cost to stay at The Artist House?

The prices at The Artist House may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

What are the check-in and check-out times at The Artist House?

Check-in at The Artist House is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 11:00 AM.

What is there to do at The Artist House?

  • Movie nights
  • Live sports events (broadcast)
  • Tour or class about local culture
  • Walking tours
  • Live music/Performance

How far is The Artist House from the center of Key West?

The Artist House is 2,600 feet from the center of Key West. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What type of room can I book at The Artist House?

The best of key west.

  • Smathers Beach


  • Key West Aquarium
  • Fury Water Adventures Key West

Convention Centers

  • Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory
  • Southernmost Point
  • Mallory Square
  • Harry S Truman Little White House
  • Safe Harbor
  • Jackson Square
  • Classic Harbor Line
  • State Harbor
  • Key West Cemetery
  • Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum
  • San Carlos Institute Casa Cuba
  • Curry Mansion Museum
  • East Martello Museum
  • Ripley's Believe It or Not
  • Key West Shipwreck Treasure Museum
  • East Martello Museum Gallery
  • Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park
  • Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden

Popular Areas

  • Duval Street

Shopping Areas

  • Mallory Dock
  • Red Barn Theatre

artist house tour

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Artist House Tour Series: Featuring Dana Cain and Mark Putt

Denver creatives Dana Cain and Mark Putt bring living with art and music to a new level at their mid-century modern home located in the Centennial Estates neighborhood. Keep reading to see how Cain, an art collector and event planner, and Putt, a musician, add the awesome sprinkles to the top of their "design explosion" called home.

See also: 100 Colorado Creatives: Dana Cain

Dana Cain: I collect all mediums. My collection focuses on local contemporary Colorado artists.

Where do you purchase your artwork?

Online -- I buy pieces that are posted on Facebook sometimes. I shop at galleries in most of the local art districts -- especially Navajo , Santa Fe Drive , and RINO . Those are the big three for me... I also buy out of artist's studios.

Sometimes, I use the invaluable tool of payment plans! Every artist and every gallery will let you make payments on a piece. Prices become less intimidating when you can break them out over six months or so.

What's your neighborhood?

My art collection is housed in a modest 1971 ranch house in the southwest Denver suburbs, near Lowell and Belleview. The neighborhood is called Centennial Estates because the old Centennial Racetrack was here.

What are your favorite things about your neighborhood?

Great restaurants to eat brunch every day -- like Lucile's ; easy access to downtown Littleton; easy to drive here.

Is there a hidden gem in your neighborhood?

The amazing Alamo Drafthouse Cinema just opened up near here on south Santa Fe. We go there all the time for vintage films, etc.

What's the best local creative resource?

The Toad Tavern is the biggest, best live music venue in south Denver -- around the corner on South Federal. Lots of cool bands play there.

Do you rent or own your home?

Do you create in your home?

My home is my creative vortex -- designed as much for inspiration as for shelter. It is the Dana Cain Events World Headquarters, where I do all of the work to plan and create my events: Denver County Fair , Denver Modernism Show , Colorado Chocolate Festival , Vintage Voltage Expo , Collectors Supershow , Athena Festival. ( See links to all of my shows -- and tour part of my art collection -- at my website ) I absolutely love sitting at my awesome Mr. Spacely desk in my pink and orange space office and working at my computer most of the day, with play time mingled in at varying amounts.

Lately, though -- an exciting new layer has been added. I had insisted (in my journals and to my friends) that the universe bring me a creative genius to fall in love with. They delivered on my demand over the summer, when I started dating Mark Putt -- who lived in my neighborhood, ninety seconds away. We fell in love at a crazy time -- right when I was completely submerged in the Denver County Fair and the Denver Modernism Show -- my two big August events. In September, he moved in, and in October, we got engaged. Mark is a song writer, musician, singer, artist, science fiction writer, comic book creator, and comedian. A complete renaissance-style Creative Genius ...and he has really amped up the creative vibe in the house!

Now, the basement is a recording studio. We go downstairs and write songs together. I get to play keyboards and he plays everything else, and we record tracks that he overlaps and mixes into songs. He can even create and edit videos for YouTube. We came up with a new type of act -- The Mark Putt Explosion -- where he performs a multimedia themed show with live music, recorded music, video, comedy and art. The debut show is the Mark Putt Holiday Explosion -- a funny, edgy adult Christmas show -- and I get to be the promoter! I love it so much. I'm having a blast, and have booked him four shows in December so far -- at MCA Denver , the D Note , the Toad Tavern and HolidayHause Arts & Crafts Fair . In February, we'll roll out the Mark Putt Love Explosion , and then in Spring -- the Sci-Fi Explosion ( Watch for that one on the Geek Stage at the Denver County Fair !). We're setting up the website , so people can go in and book the show they want -- based on the theme they need. We plan to roll out about three to four per year.

I'm so excited about this. It's my big new project -- and I really love big, new projects. And getting to create side-by-side with my soul mate is just the best.

Define your home's style?

My home is part museum, part playhouse, part recording studio. Each room has it's own style, but all of it is centered around my art collection. The master bedroom is done up in New York 1970s. The office is pink and orange space themed. The Space Monkey room is pop art, with an AstroTurf floor. The kitchen is red and white retro.

What are you favorite artist touches?

My entire house is about artistic touches, they aren't so much "touches" as "punches." I like the shock and the awe factor when people first see it.

As for the little things, I like my floor coverings (leopard carpet, pink fur and poured poxy, astro turf). I also like my cool lamps, most of which I bought at my Denver Modernism Show.

What inspires you about your home?

I have a core emotional connection with all of the art I buy. Walking through every space in my home, I'm constantly reminded of who I am, the best things about me, the things I love and the things I value. I have a giant painting of the Apollo astronauts in my office, by Charlie Boots . I look at it every day and I want to do great things, big things, heroic things.

What is your favorite piece?

Oh, come on...Wow. That is so tough, and changes with my moods. I'm going to say "Welcome, Stranger" by Mark Penner Howell . It's a huge, eleven-foot-long, giant space monkey. So amazing! It's like it was custom-made for me!

Have you had any design challenges?

My biggest challenge is the shrinking amount of wall space in my home. I need more walls. I think about adding on additions, or maybe popping the top and adding a second floor that's just a big gallery. The collection is pretty tough to pick which pieces go in the living room, too. I want to showcase everything.

Guest reactions are my litmus test for people. When someone doesn't react to it, or makes a face, they're out (LOL). Most of the folks I run with love it. And my favorite guest reaction, that I hear frequently is that they are inspired by my collection and want to buy more art.

Almost everything I own that's not a piece of art was bought at an estate sale, garage sale or thrift store.

What's your best design advice?

Use your imagination and buy all of your furniture second-hand. That's where the cool furniture is anyway. Then spend the big bucks on art. Your house will look amazing.

Visit Dana Cain's website for more information on her extensive art collection. See the Mark Putt Holiday Explosion , live on Thursday, December 19, at 8:30 p.m. at Tennyson's Tap .

Dana will be showing her personal collection at the Arvada Center ; the opening reception is on Thursday, January 23, 2014.

When Jeanne isn't doing House Tours, she is blogging on how to create bohemian style with both vintage and recycled materials.


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Artists' Open House Weekend

October 12th-14th 2024


The 27th annual Artists’ Open House Weekend will once again delight art lovers and creative adventurers over the three days of Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend!

The tour will feature 29 artists at 22 locations throughout Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.

In addition to many of your favorite artists being on hand, there will be some new artists to discover, plus a variety of special events, demonstrations, and behind-the-scenes looks at how the art is created. Follow the orange arrows and join us in sharing knowledge, inspiration, technique, and conversation.

This year’s tour full-color booklet provides clear listings and maps to guide you to each stop, and it will be available for you to pick up from any participating artist and venue during the event, or you can request a booklet in advance through the “Request Booklet” link below. The “Info” tab at the top also provides a list of locations where the booklet is available.

This self guided tour features the abundant beauty of our county by artists working in these many media:


fused glass jewelry

paintings in many media and styles

unique bird houses

contemporary wood furniture

fine art giclee prints

Timed with the spectacular fall foliage season, the art tour is a wonderful opportunity to travel the county’s back roads and see what makes Susquehanna County so special. We look forward to seeing you!

Thanks to our sponsors who realize the value in having a thriving art community and the positive impact art has in our lives.

AOHW 2022_5x7.jpg

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BTS’s V Shows The Inside Of His Home In New Documentary

artist house tour

In the latest episode of BTS ’s docu-series  BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star, V  gave fans an excusive peek inside his home.

artist house tour

Fans were able to see the full layout of his house, from his living room to the kitchen.

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As he gave fans a tour of his space and his hobbies, he compared his lively dorm with the BTS members to his current home where he lives alone.

Should I say I’m bored? It was very lively when we were together. But now that I’m alone, I don’t talk a lot. I do enjoy being alone, but I’m a bit bored. — V

However, he has a lot to do, so he enjoys living alone!

He loves to spend his time playing video games in the living room on his days off…

…or listening to music on his record player.

V’s home is not only full of his favorite hobbies, but also art pieces that radiate his own unique style.

I did the interior design myself. I studied interior design for about 6 months. — V

He displays some of his paintings he loves that match his personal aesthetic…

…as well as plushies and figures that radiate his vibe.

I came up with a design for some of these, drew them out, and asked someone to make them. — V

Because of this, V’s house is perfectly suited to his unique taste!

So I tried my hand at decorating this place, but its set to my preference, so it might not be to everyone’s taste. — V

We’re loving V’s one-of-a-kind style!

Taehyung’s house tour — ღ (@vantecentric) January 10, 2024

artist house tour

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  • June 25, 2024 Setlist

d4vd Setlist at The Regency Ballroom, San Francisco, CA, USA

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  • Jun 21 2024 Ogden Theatre Denver, CO, USA Add time Add time
  • Jun 22 2024 The Depot Salt Lake City, UT, USA Add time Add time
  • Jun 25 2024 The Regency Ballroom This Setlist San Francisco, CA, USA Add time Add time
  • Jun 27 2024 The Fonda Theatre Los Angeles, CA, USA Add time Add time
  • Jun 28 2024 The Fonda Theatre Los Angeles, CA, USA Add time Add time

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Why Anthony Fauci approaches every trip to the White House as if it's his last

Dave Davies

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 03: Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testifies before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic at the Rayburn House Office Building on June 03, 2024 in Washington, DC. The Subcommittee is holding a hearing on the findings from a fifteen month Republican-led probe of former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci and the COVID-19 pandemic's origins. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Select Subcommittee on June 3. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images hide caption

For much of the past four years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the public face of the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic — a status that garnered him gratitude from some, and condemnation from others.

For Fauci, speaking what he calls the “inconvenient truth” is part of the job. He spent 38 years heading up the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, during which time he advised seven presidents on various diseases, including AIDS , Ebola , SARS and COVID-19.

Fauci still recalls the advice he received when he first went to the White House to meet President Reagan: A colleague told him to pretend each visit to the West Wing would be his last.

Long Before COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci 'Changed Medicine In America Forever'

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Long before covid-19, dr. anthony fauci 'changed medicine in america forever'.

“And what he meant is, you should say to yourself that I might have to say something either to the president or to the president's advisers … they may not like to hear,” Fauci explains. “And then that might lead to your not getting asked back again. But that's OK, because you've got to stick with always telling the truth to the best of your capability.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Fauci clashed repeatedly with President Trump. "He really wanted, understandably, the outbreak to essentially go away," Fauci says of Trump. "So he started to say things that were just not true."

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Coronavirus Updates

Fda warns against wide use of the drugs trump hailed as 'game changers'.

Fauci says Trump downplayed the seriousness of the virus, refused to wear a mask and claimed (falsely) that hydroxychloroquine offered protection against COVID-19. "And [that] was the beginning of a situation that put me at odds, not only with the president, but more intensively with his staff," Fauci says. "But ... there was no turning back. I could not give false information or sanction false information for the American public."

Fauci retired from the NIH in 2022. In his new memoir, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service , he looks back on the COVID-19 pandemic and reflects on decades of managing public health crises.

Interview highlights

On appearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic to answer questions about the pandemic response

Dr. David Morens, a former top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, appears during a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing on Capitol Hill.

As Republicans probe COVID’s origins, some see an attack on science; others say it’s long overdue

If you look at the hearing itself it, unfortunately, is a very compelling reflection of the divisiveness in our country. I mean, the purpose of hearings, or at least the proposed purpose of the hearing, was to figure out how we can do better to help prepare us and respond to the inevitability of another pandemic, which almost certainly will occur. But if you listened in to that hearing … on the Republican side was a vitriolic ad hominem and a distortion of facts, quite frankly. As opposed to trying to really get down to how we can do better in the future. It was just attacks about things that were not founded in reality.  

On his interactions with President Trump concerning COVID-19

Trump Rails Against 'Fauci And These Idiots' In Campaign Call

Trump Rails Against 'Fauci And These Idiots' In Campaign Call

He is a very complicated figure. We had a very interesting relationship. ... I don't know whether it was the fact that he recognized me as kind of a fellow New Yorker, but he always felt that he wanted to maintain a good relationship with me. And even when he would come in and start saying, "Why are you saying these things? You got to be more positive. You got to be more positive." And he would get angry with me. But then at the end of it, he would always say, "We're OK, aren't we? I mean, we're good. Things are OK," because he didn't want to leave the conversation thinking that we were at odds with each other, even though many in his staff at the time were overtly at odds with me, particularly the communication people. ... So it was a complicated issue. There were times when you think he was very favorably disposed, and then he would get angry at some of the things that I was saying, even though they were absolutely the truth.

On reading reports of a mysterious illness afflicting gay men in 1981 (which later became known as AIDS)

I knew I was dealing with a brand new disease. ... The thing that got me goosebumps is that this was totally brand new and it was deadly, because the young men we were seeing, they were so far advanced in their disease before they came to the attention of the medical care system, that the mortality looked like it was approaching 100%. So that, you know, spurred me on to ... totally change the direction of my career, to devote myself to the study of what was, at the time, almost exclusively young gay men with this devastating, mysterious and deadly disease, which we ultimately, a year or so later, gave the name of AIDS to.

On the trauma of caring for patients with AIDS in the early years of the epidemic

All of a sudden I was taking care of people who were desperately ill, mostly young gay men who I had a great deal of empathy for. And what we were doing was metaphorically like putting Band-Aids on hemorrhages, because we didn't know what the etiology was until three years later. We had no therapy until several, several years later. And although we were trained to be healers in medicine, we were healing no one and virtually all of our patients were dying. …

Many of my colleagues who were really in the trenches back then, before we had therapy, really have some degree of post-traumatic stress. I describe in the memoir some very, very devastating experiences that you have with patients that you become attached to who you try your very, very best to help them. ... It was a very painful experience.

On working with President George W. Bush on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which aimed to combat the global HIV/AIDS crisis

Goats and Soda

George w. bush's anti-hiv program is hailed as 'amazing' — and still crucial at 20.

The president, to his great credit, called me into the Oval Office and said we have a moral obligation to not allow people to die of a preventable and treatable disease merely because of the fact [of] where they were born, in a poor country, and that was at a time when we had now developed drugs that were absolutely saving the lives of persons with HIV, having them go on to essentially a normal lifespan here in the United States, in the developed world. So he sent me to Africa to try and figure out the feasibility and accountability and the possibility of getting a program that could prevent and treat and care for people with HIV. And I worked for months and months on it after coming back from Africa, because I was convinced it could be done, because I felt very strongly that this disparity of accessibility of drugs between the developed and developing world was just unconscionable. Luckily, the president of the United States, in the form of George W. Bush, felt that way. And we put together the PEPFAR program. ... We spent $100 billion in 50 countries and it has saved 25 million lives, which I think is an amazing example of what presidential leadership can do.

On personally treating two patients with Ebola during the 2014 outbreak

Ebola 101: The Facts Behind A Frightening Virus

Ebola 101: The Facts Behind A Frightening Virus

The fundamental reason why I wanted to be directly involved in taking care of the two Ebola patients that came to the NIH is that if you look at what was going on in West Africa at the time — and this was during the West African outbreak of Ebola — is that health care providers were the ones at high risk of getting infected, and hundreds of them had already died in the field taking care of people in Africa — physicians, nurses and other health-care providers. So even though we had very good conditions here, in the intensive care setting, of wearing these spacesuits that would protect you, these highly specialized personal protective equipment, I felt that if I was going to ask my staff to put themselves at risk in taking care of people ... I wanted to do it myself. I just felt I had to do that.

We took care of one patient who was mildly ill, who we did well with. But then the second patient was desperately ill. We did have contact with him, and we did get these virus-containing bodily fluids — everything from urine to feces to blood to respiratory secretions — we got it all over our personal protective equipment. And that was one of the reasons why you had to very meticulously take off your personal protective equipment so as not to get any of this virus on any part of your body. So the protocols for taking care of persons with Ebola in that intensive care setting were very, very strict protocols, which we adhered to very, very carefully. But it was a very tense experience, trying to save someone's life who was desperately ill at the same time as making sure that you and your colleagues don't get infected in the process.

Sam Briger and Joel Wolfram produced and edited this interview for broadcast. Bridget Bentz and Meghan Sullivan adapted it for the web.


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