From 2014 to 2016, conservators, curators, and experts collaborated to boldy restore the starship  Enterprise NCC-1701 studio model from the original Star Trek series.

Follow our journey here and uncover, from paint to hardware, much of what we learned about the starship Enterprise model. Throughout the long process, the Museum published each step so that fans could track what was happening – and even help at times. In order to maintain that public record and as a resource for fans, this page collects all of those blog posts.

Note: the Museum’s research on the colorimeter readings uncovered during conservation are also included here.

This is the large studio model of the fictional starship Enterprise that appeared in episodes of  Star Trek: The Original Series , which aired on NBC from 1966 to 1969. Take a closer look at some of the details of the Enterprise  model. 

The studio model in our collection was used for filming the original Star Trek television series, which aired from 1966 to 1969. The Museum’s goal was to stabilize the model, document its history of changes, and return it to the appearance it had during the August 1967 filming of the episode “The Trouble with Tribbles,” which marked the last known modification of the model during the production of the original series.

Who do you call when you need to know everything there is to know about the Star Trek starship Enterprise studio model? The object's curator, Margaret Weitekamp, assembled a team of experts from across the country to offer information, research, and advice to help the Museum make the final aesthetic and structural decisions about the conservation and display of this cultural icon.

The Museum sought to restore the starship Enterprise  studio model to the appearance it had in August of 1967. In order to do that, we asked to public to send us their first-hand, primary source photos or film of the ship’s early years, from 1964 to 1976. Conservators used these images to help restore the model to what it used to look like. 

Each section of the starship Enterprise  studio model was meticulously studied to determine its construction and condition and was be documented with visible, ultraviolet, and infrared photography.

Advisory committee member Gary Kerr worked diligently to to document missing parts and secure the hardware needed for the restoration of the model. 

The paint colors used in the conservation of the studio model were matched to colors uncovered during the Museum’s exhaustive research on the artifact. In addition, there were some places on the model where original paint could be seen directly. 

When advisory committee member Michael Okuda met at the Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center with other members of the team involved in the restoration, he called it "Nerd Camp." As life-long Star Trek fans, virtually every line, every detail of the starship model felt instantly familiar.

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Starship Gallery - Sovereign

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Auxiliary Craft

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

uss enterprise star trek side view

Auxiliary Craft

uss enterprise star trek side view

Sovereign Class Variations - comparison of the Enterprise-E models used in the three movies

Special thanks to Gus and Mike Swantak .

uss enterprise star trek side view

Last modified: 13 Nov 2023

uss enterprise star trek side view

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USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

  • View history

The USS Enterprise ( NCC-1701-D ), sometimes referred to as the Enterprise -D , was a Federation Galaxy -class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century . Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard , the Enterprise served as the Starfleet flagship for seven years . In addition to being the Federation flagship , the Enterprise was also the flagship of the Starfleet 16th Fleet , and it, along with the ship, was based out of Starbase 310 . In 2371 , the Enterprise was destroyed in a military engagement over Veridian III . Due to her storied career, the Enterprise secured a place as a famous starship in Federation history . ( Decipher RPG module : Starships ; WizKids modules : Tactics , Attack Wing )

  • 1.1 Construction
  • 1.2 2364 service history
  • 1.3 2365 service history
  • 1.4 2366 service history
  • 1.5 2367 service history
  • 1.6 2368 service history
  • 1.7 2369 service history
  • 1.8 2370 service history
  • 1.9 2371 service history
  • 1.10 2401 service history
  • 2.1 Personnel
  • 2.2 Auxiliary craft
  • 3 Alternate timelines and realities
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2.1 Appearances
  • 4.3 External link

Service history and disposition

Enterprise McKinley

Captain Picard with Tasha Yar approaching the newly completed USS Enterprise -D.


On 4 October 2363 , the Enterprise was commissioned. ( TNG reference : On Board the USS Enterprise )

The ship was built in the Sol system at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit over Mars ; the vessel's warp drive was designed by Dr Leah Brahms with Commander Orfil Quinteros supervising the overall construction. While under construction, the starship's warp nacelle was the site of multiple murders which were not discovered until 2370 . ( TNG episodes : " Booby Trap ", " 11001001 ", " Galaxy's Child ", " Eye of the Beholder "; TNG video game : Echoes from the Past )

The Enterprise transferred to Earth Station McKinley for final systems completion and shakedown. On 23 February 2364 ( stardate 41153.7) Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the ship at the order of Rear Admiral Norah Satie . ( TNG episode : " All Good Things... ", TNG reference : On Board the USS Enterprise )

2364 service history


The Enterprise before the Farpoint alien and its partner.

Following her 2364 launch, the Enterprise proceeded via Starbase 52 to Farpoint Station to pick up the rest of the crew . En-route, the omnipotent being Q made first contact with the vessel and challenged the crew to prove their worth in being so deep into space by solving the mystery of Farpoint, the crew succeeded in discovering the station was in fact an alien lifeform , which they promptly freed. ( TNG episode : " Encounter at Farpoint "; TNG novel : Reunion )

Just as the Enterprise departed, a Borg sphere arrived through a temporal gateway from 2376 during the Battle of Unimatrix 01 . The sphere prepared to attack, but was destroyed by the newly-arrived USS Premonition . The Premonition departed immediately to prevent further damage to the timeline. Captain Picard remembered this encounter for 12 years. ( TNG video game : Armada )

Following the Farpoint incident, the Enterprise embarked on its mission to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations. During its first year, the Enterprise was transported a billion light years from the Milky Way Galaxy by an alien known as the Traveler . ( TNG episode : " Where No One Has Gone Before ")

Later that year, the Enterprise made official first contact with the Ferengi , and later was hijacked by a group of Bynars who took the starship to their homeworld to use the starship’s large computer core to backup their planetary computer. ( TNG episodes : " The Last Outpost ", " 11001001 ")

Gravimetric pulse

A gravimetric pulse hits the Enterprise .

On stardate 41590.8, the Enterprise visited Tigan , under the invitation of Chancellor Lomac , unfortunately Lomac was knocked from power shortly after the Enterprise arrived and the new administration was less happy to have the Federation visit the planet so fired a gravimetric pulse at the Enterprise . The pulse generated a gravimetric wave which pushed the Enterprise across the galaxy at high velocities. The Enterprise was only able to break free and return to Tigan to rescue its away team by using the slingshot effect to jump back in time and re-enter orbit before they could be fired on. ( TNG comic : " History Lesson ")

Before the end of the year, the Enterprise returned to Earth to thwart an alien conspiracy to take control of Starfleet HQ . ( TNG episode : " Conspiracy ")

Following this successful mission, the Enterprise made its way to the Romulan Neutral Zone to investigate the destruction of several Federation outposts . Initially, their destruction was assumed to be the work of the Romulans , however after making contact with the Romulans for the first time in 53 years , they discovered both sides installations had been attacked. These incidents were later found to be the work of the Borg Collective . ( TNG episodes : " The Neutral Zone ", " Q Who "; TNG comic : " Operation Assimilation ")

2365 service history

Maltese asteroid belt

The Enterprise over The Armada.

On stardate 42317.1 , the Enterprise was sent to The Armada , on the Maltese asteroid belt , to investigate a series of crop failures which threatened the food supply to the surrounding sector. ( TNG comic : " Space Seeds ")

Later, the Enterprise transported Ambassador Fenton Lewis to the planet Lorca , to stop a Ferengi takeover of the planet. An away team led by Captain Picard was lost, and a second one, led by Commander William T. Riker , was sent down to the planet. Lieutenant Geordi La Forge was placed in command of the Enterprise . Both away teams were successful in their missions and the Ferengi left the planet. ( TNG novel : Masks )

Also in this year, the Enterprise , with the USS Yamato , discovered the Iconian homeworld and destroyed an Iconian Gateway to prevent the technology from falling into the hands of the Romulans. ( TNG episode : " Contagion ")

Borg cube

A Borg Cube attacking the Enterprise .

However, by far the most notable event of the year was official first contact with the Borg , courtesy of Q. ( TNG episode : " Q Who ")

2366 service history

Towards the end of 2366 , the Borg returned to Federation space and the Enterprise was dispatched to try and hold off their vessel while Starfleet mustered its forces at Wolf 359 . In an apparent stroke of fortune, the Borg seemed fixated in pursuing the Enterprise so that they might achieve their goal of assimilating Captain Picard. For some time the Enterprise was able to hide from the Borg in the Paulson Nebula , however the Borg eventually drove the ship out using magnetometric guided charges . Soon there after, the Borg succeeded in capturing Picard and assimilating him, giving him the designation Locutus .

The crew of the Enterprise attempted to stop the Borg by modifying their starship's deflector dish to fire a high energy pulse. Unfortunately, Picard was aware of this plan and the Borg had already adapted. As the Enterprise fell behind, the cube (endowed with Picard's knowledge of Starfleet defenses) proceeded to Earth, easily defeating the fleet of thirty-nine Starfleet vessels awaiting them.

The Enterprise was eventually able to catch up with the cube and rescue Picard. Using his link to the Collective, Data was able to implant the command 'sleep' into the Borg drones on the ship causing them to regenerate en masse, in turn causing the cube to self destruct over Earth . ( TNG episode : " The Best of Both Worlds ")

2367 service history

Earth station mckinley

The Enterprise under going repairs after Wolf 359.

Following the battles with the Borg, the Enterprise returned to Earth Station McKinley for refit and repairs while the crew took some much deserved shore leave in early 2367 . ( TNG episode : " Family ")


The Enterprise firing on the CDS Trager .

On stardate 44429.6 , following a brief engagement with the Cardassian ship CDS Trager , the Enterprise worked with the Gul of that ship, Akellen Macet , to track down a rogue Federation starship, the USS Phoenix , which had been attacking Cardassian vessels. ( TNG episode : " The Wounded ")

Later that year, on stardate 44614.6, while Dr. Leah Brahms visited the ship, the Enterprise became the temporary adopted mother of a space-borne lifeform. ( TNG episode : " Galaxy's Child ")

Towards the end of the year, the Enterprise led an armada of ships to create a tachyon detection grid to prevent cloaked Romulan ships delivering supplies to factions in the Klingon civil war . ( TNG episode : " Redemption ")

2368 service history

USS Enterprise-D adrift quantum filamet

Disabled after striking a quantum filament.

On stardate 45156.1 , the Enterprise collided with a quantum filament , resulting in severe damage and a loss of all power. Fortunately, the crew were able to restore power before antimatter containment was lost - which would have destroyed the ship. ( TNG episode : " Disaster ")

On stardate 45208.2, the crew of the Enterprise fell victim to a Ktarian mind controlling game and almost handed the ship over to Ktarian control. Fortunately, through the efforts of Lieutenant Commander Data , Ensign Robin Lefler and Wesley Crusher , the Ktarian plan was thwarted. ( TNG episode : " The Game ")

In mid-2368, the Enterprise was shortly captured by Romulans from the experimental warbird IRW Syrinx . The Romulans took the Enterprise to the quarantined world Hermeticus II , where the crew rediscovered the USS Independence , which was lost 30 years earlier . Hermeticus II was revealed being a starship inhabited by the Ambimorph , who saved the crew of the Enterprise and destroyed the Romulan ship. ( TNG novel : The Romulan Prize )

On stardate 45494.2, the Satarrans also attempted to take control of the Enterprise with somewhat more success, using the Enterprise to destroy a Lysian destroyer before the crew of the Enterprise , whom the Satarran agent on board had induced a state of amnesia in, regained their memories and retook control of the ship. ( TNG episode : " Conundrum ")

Towards the end of the year, on stardate 45959.1, the Enterprise once more returned to Earth, to investigate the discovery of a duplicate head of Lieutenant Commander Data. ( TNG episode : " Time's Arrow ")

2369 service history

Early in the year 2369 , the Enterprise was charged with transporting Kommandant Ghud to trial on the planet Wyath . Due to strict rules in Wyath law on the timing of trials, Ghud had to arrive in a tight schedule, so when the shuttlecraft Goddard failed to make its rendezvous with the Enterprise , the starship had to continue onto Wyath regardless. Fortunately, Ghud volunteered his engineering expertise to help find the shuttle; devising a system which triangulated the sensors of the Enterprise , Starbase 172 and the sensor array on Wyath to pinpoint the unique materials the shuttle crew had in their possession - Worf 's baldric , Ro Laren 's earring and Geordi La Forge's VISOR . Upon detecting the shuttle, Commander Riker was dispatched in another shuttle to retrieve the away team, while the Enterprise continued on schedule for Wyath. ( TNG comic : " Light of the Day ")

Dyson sphere

The Enterprise alongside the Dyson sphere .

On stardate 46125.3, the Enterprise tracked a distress call from the USS Jenolen , to find the crashed ship on the outside of a Dyson sphere . There the crew rescued Captain Montgomery Scott , suspended in the transporter beam for the previous 75 years . ( TNG episode : " Relics ")

On stardate 46357.4, Edward Jellico temporarily took command of the Enterprise while Captain Picard conducted a covert mission to Celtris III . ( TNG episode : " Chain of Command ")

Galaxy class docked at DS9

Docked at the new Federation station Deep Space Nine in 2369.

On stardate 46379.1, the Enterprise delivered crew and a complement of Danube -class runabouts to the newly re-christened starbase Deep Space 9 . Later that year on stardate 46578.4, the Enterprise returned to DS9. ( DS9 episode : " Emissary "; TNG episode : " Birthright ")

On stardate 46682.4 the Enterprise travelled to Arkaria to undergo a Baryon sweep in the Remmler Array . ( TNG episode : " Starship Mine ")

2370 service history


The Enterprise faces the Garidian Warbird Asiram .

On stardate 47111.1 , the Enterprise was sent to intercept a Garidian Scoutship , which was about to cross the Neutral Zone . The Enterprise arrived just in time to save a group of Garidian fugitives who were escaping the Garidian government and were pursued by the Garidian Warbird Asiram . Captain Picard answered their request for asylum, and convinced the Garidian captain named Pentara , who was the mother of one of the fugitives, to return to their territory.

Soon after that, the Enterprise received a distress call from Mertens Orbital Research Station orbiting Cymkoe IV . The Enterprise arrived in time to save the station from a power core breach and faced its attacker, a mysterious probe with would later be discovered as Chodak technology.

After the incident at Cymkoe IV, Admiral Reddreck ordered the Enterprise to Morassia to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a Federation scientist, Dr. Vi Hyunh-Foertsch . The crew managed to reveal illegal activities of one of the planet's inhabitants. Furthermore they managed to get a trace on the Garidian fugitives' trail for the Fifth Scroll , an ancient artifact that could change Garidian politics forever.

The Enterprise discovered the Fifth Scroll on Frigis , after discovering a colony of Garidian descendants of the Followers of the Lawgiver . Shortly after the Garidians left the Enterprise to return home with the artifact, a Romulan fleet entered Federation space, attacking several outposts and apparently heading towards the Z'Tarnis Nebula . The Enterprise encountered several Romulan warbirds and engaged at least one ship after responding to a distress call from the USS Ayers .

Starfleet Command ordered the Enterprise to investigate the Romulan invasion. The crew discovered that the Romulans were looking for an ancient Chodak weapon, known as the Unity Device , which they believed was hidden in the Z'Tarnis Nebula.

After the first wave of the Romulan invasion, another hostile force crossed the Neutral Zone , once more destroying Federation outposts. The Enterprise intercepted one of the alien ships and discovered that the Chodak were behind the second attack.


The Enterprise arrives at the Unity Device .

First Contact with the Chodak was established on their former homeworld Allanor , where Captain Picard was able to locate the position of the Unity Device. The Enterprise arrived in the Z'Tarnis Nebula to make sure the ancient weapon would not fall into wrong hands. Soon after that, Captain Picard was able to send the Unity Device into another dimension. ( TNG video game : A Final Unity )

While on patrol, the Enterprise -D was contacted by Montgomery Scott aboard the Goddard , who requested access to their library computer. While aboard in guest quarters, Scott accessed logs from the original Enterprise crew, including Spock 's calculations for time travel aboard a B'rel -class Klingon bird-of-prey . After departing the Enterprise under false authorization, Scott's vessel, nicknamed the Bounty 2 utilized the Arhennius star to slingshot back in time, with the Enterprise following, where they discovered an alternate timeline , mistakenly caused by Scott when he rescued James T. Kirk from the USS Enterprise -B before he was drawn into the Nexus .

The Enterprise met the D'Zidran , commanded by that timeline's Tal who was advised by Guinan . The D'Zidran put out an Alliance fleet-wide alert and located Scott and Kirk aboard the Wisdom , under the watch of Supreme Arbiter of the Alliance Sarek . The Enterprise was able to avoid the threat of the Borg Collective, who now controlled much of the Alpha Quadrant , including the Sol system, and with the assistance of Guinan, determined that they needed to return Kirk to the Nexus. The Enterprise transported Kirk back moments before a fleet of Borg cubes destroyed the Enterprise , but the timeline corrected itself and everyone awoke back in the normal flow of space-time without knowledge of the events in the alternate timeline. ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )

On stardate 47310.2. Enterprise issued a warp embargo throughout Starfleet and other governments, based on findings by Hekaran astrophysicists. This resulted in a local velocity limit of warp factor 5, bringing daily spacefaring and commute somewhat back to the 22nd century ; major starship redesigns were made, including the Intrepid -class vessels. For this reason and rifts generated in areas of space, "environmentally friendly" provisions were made. For example, the Enterprise-D , in the following year, before her loss, reduced power output while orbiting Amargosa . Internal shipboard lights were lowered or altogether deactivated, allowing solar light to shine through decks with the windows, reflected from the nearby observatory. ( TNG episode : " Force of Nature " TNG movie & novelization : Generations )


The Enterprise de-cloaking in front of the IRW Terix .

On stardate 47457.1, the Enterprise was sent to the Devolin system to try and recovered the wreckage of the USS Pegasus before the Romulans succeed in achieving the same goal. Racing against the IRW Terix , the Enterprise located the Pegasus but was forced to use an illegal prototype interphasic cloaking device the Pegasus had been the test bed for to escape an asteroid the Enterprise had been trapped in. ( TNG episode : " The Pegasus ")

Strategy attack

The Enterprise under attack from the remote controlled starship.

On stardate 47630.1 the Enterprise was assigned to map the Bandor system which had recently fallen under Federation jurisdiction. In that remote location it was attacked by an unidentified hybrid starship , made from Federation, Romulan and Borg components. In the first attack, the ship took out the Enterprise's warp and impulse engines and reduced shields to twenty-four percent, as well as causing crew injuries, near fatal ones to Counsellor Deanna Troi . The attacker then departed for a short time. When it returned, Troi had recovered enough to warn the ship had no crew, it was remote controlled . With this knowledge, the crew were able to find a solution, creating an inter-receptive network blocking the subspace communications controlling the aggressor. Cut off from its controllers, the vessel self destructed . The Enterprise called in at a nearby Starbase following this incident. ( TNG comic : " Strategy ")

2371 service history

In 2371, the Enterprise was undergoing some refits at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards at the time that the USS Voyager was undergoing final construction. ( VOY episode : " Relativity ")

After the disappearance of Voyager , the Enterprise participated in the search for the missing Starfleet vessel in the Badlands . ( DS9 - The Maquis: Soldier of Peace - Issue 1 comic : " Vacation's Over ")

USS Enterprise-D evades the Duras sisters' Bird-of-Prey

Duras sisters attack.

On stardate 48650.1, the Enterprise -D met its end during a confrontation with a Klingon Bird-of-Prey under command of the Duras sisters. The sisters had previously captured Geordi La Forge and while under their captivity had Tolian Soran (a scientist they were working with) modify La Forge's VISOR to transmit a video stream to them. Upon his return to the Enterprise , they used this data to discover the Enterprise 's deflector shield frequencies and adjusted their disruptor frequencies accordingly to fire through the Enterprise's shields. While the Enterprise was able to destroy the bird of prey they were using, the Cha'Joh , the damage inflicted during the battle caused a warp core breach. The crew managed to evacuate to the saucer section and separate before the stardrive section exploded.

Enterprise crash

The Enterprise crashing into the atmosphere of Veridian III.

The shock wave created by that explosion did, however, knock the saucer off course, causing it to crash land on the planet Veridian III below. Most of the crew survived, but the Enterprise herself was not salvageable and a small group of Starfleet vessels arrived shortly after to retrieve the Enterprise's crew. ( TNG movie & novelization : Generations )

Much of the Enterprise -D's crew later transferred to the new Sovereign -class USS Enterprise -E . Morgan Bateson would reveal that the bridge science station and forward support struts have minor damage because they are from the wreckage of the Enterprise -D; the officer’s lounge table was also reclaimed from the Enterprise -D. Bateson had them installed, he said, because of these artifacts, the crew of the Enterprise -E would always know of the legacy of her predecessor. ( TNG novel : Ship of the Line )

2401 service history

By 2401 , The Enterprise-D saucer had been salvaged from Veridian III and was being restored at the Starfleet Museum in orbit of Athan Prime.

On Frontier day of that year, in response to the developing situation in orbit of Earth, the rebuilt Enterprise-D was pressed back into service by her old command crew, knowing that she would not be affected by the issues affecting the modern day fleet. ( PIC episodes : " Võx ", " The Last Generation ")



The senior staff officers of the USS Enterprise -D.

  • Captain Thomas Halloway ( 2364 )
  • Captain Thomas Halloway ( 2369 ) ( alternate timeline )
  • Captain/ Admiral Jean-Luc Picard ( 2364 - 2371 , 2401 )
  • Captain William T. Riker ( 2367 ) (Temporary field promotion to Captain during the Borg attack of 2367.)
  • Captain Edward Jellico ( 2369 )
  • Admiral Leonard McCoy ( 2370 ) (Temporarily assumed command, abdicated after a few hours.)
  • Commander /Captain William T. Riker (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Commander Kurn ( 2366 )
  • Commander Quintin Stone (2366)
  • Commander Elizabeth Shelby (2367)
  • Lieutenant Commander Data (briefly in 2369)
  • second officer / operations manager : Lieutenant Commander Data (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Lieutenant Commander Sarah MacDougal (2364)
  • Lieutenant Commander Michael Argyle (2364)
  • Lieutenant Charles H. Logan (2364)
  • Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch (2364)
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (2365-2371)
  • Lieutenant Tasha Yar (2364, KIA (2364-2366, alternate timeline ))
  • Lieutenant junior grade /Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Captain Worf (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Lieutenant j. g./ Commodore Geordi La Forge (2364, 2401 )
  • Ensign Wesley Crusher (2364-2367)
  • Ensign Ro Laren ( 2368 -2369)
  • Ensign Sariel Rager (2368-2370)
  • Commander Doctor Beverly Crusher (2364, 2366-2371, 2401 )
  • Commander Doctor Katherine Pulaski (2365)
  • counselor : Lieutenant Commander/Commander Deanna Troi (2364-2371)
  • transporter chief : Miles O'Brien (2364-2369)

Auxiliary craft

Alternate timelines and realities.

In one alternate timeline , a Borg sphere sent from the future destroyed the Enterprise -D. As a result of the altered timeline, Tasha Yar did not give birth to Sela and Martok only rose to the position of captain. Fortunately, the USS Premonition went back in time as well, and destroyed the Sphere, restoring the original timeline. ( ST video game : Armada )

In another alternate timeline, following the disappearance of the USS Enterprise -C , relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire deteriorated into war. The Enterprise -D became the first Federation Galaxy -class warship. In 2366, the Enterprise -C reappeared through a temporal rift and encountered the Enterprise -D. It soon became clear that the Enterprise -C's disappearance had lead to the creation of this timeline so the Enterprise -D laid down cover fire to protect the Enterprise -C from attacking K'vort class Bird-of-Prey as she returned. As the Enterprise -D was verging on destruction and taking heavy casualties, including William Riker, the Enterprise -C traveled back in time with the addition of Tasha Yar of the Enterprise -D. This Tasha was soon taken captive by Romulans and became the mother of the half Romulan Sela . ( TNG episodes : " Yesterday's Enterprise ", " Redemption "; WizKids module : Tactics )

In another alternate timeline, the Enterprise -D survived into 2378 . The majority of the Enterprise 's staff had moved on to other positions with many of the senior staff having been replaced by Soong-type androids . Captain Picard took the Enterprise into the Romulan Neutral Zone following the receipt of a message from the long missing Data. The ship and crew were led to Iconia, which had been colonized by the androids . In order to protect the innocents below, the Enterprise was forced to engage the IRW Haakona in orbit of the planet; however, a peaceful resolution was obtained when the Iconian gateway technology was surrendered to all powers in the Alpha Quadrant. ( TNG short story : " Brave New World ")


The Enterprise -D of Q's alternate future.

In an alternative future created by Q, the Enterprise had undergone extensive refits including the addition of a third warp nacelle and several additional phaser cannons . The third warp nacelle enhanced the power and speed of the ship. with it being able to destroy a Klingon battle cruiser with several phaser hits. The vessel also had a cloaking device at this time. Her commanding officer was Captain Sam Lavelle , who retired in 2395 . ( TNG novelization : All Good Things... , CCG set: Alternate Universe , card: "Future Enterprise")

640px-USS Enterprise-D 2395, firing phasers

Future Enterprise -D unleashes on Klingons.

In one permutation of the mirror universe in which the Terran Empire survived into the 24th century, this timeline had its own version of the Enterprise , the ISS Enterprise -D , with a registry of ICC-1701-D. It was the flagship of the Imperial Starfleet and was under the command of Jean-Luc Picard from 2364 until at least 2367. ( TNG novel : Dark Mirror )

In an alternate reality visited by Lieutenant Worf in 2370, William T. Riker was the captain of the Enterprise -D as Jean-Luc Picard had been killed during the Borg Incursion of 2366-2367 . Worf was his first officer . This Enterprise was attacked by a Bajoran warship while it was investigating the quantum fissure which had caused Worf to begin switching places with his counterparts from other realities. The attack led to an energy surge in the subspace differential pulse which the Enterprise had been using to scan the fissure, resulting in the barriers between different realities breaking down and the incursion of approximately 285,000 versions of the Enterprise into the same reality.

Multiple Enterprise-Ds

Multiple Enterprise -Ds converge near a quantum fissure.

One of these Enterprise s came from a reality in which the Borg Collective had succeeded in conquering the Federation and much of the Alpha Quadrant by 2370. It was one of the last surviving ships and was likewise commanded by Riker. This version of Riker fired on the Curie as he did not want to return to his own reality. The Enterprise indigenous to that reality then fired on the Borg-infested Enterprise using minimal weapons. This began a chain reaction which resulted in its destruction due to the severe damage which it had suffered in its many engagements with the Borg. ( TNG episode : " Parallels ")

In another alternate reality, Jack Crusher was the captain of the Enterprise -D in 2370. His first officer was Commander Jean-Luc Picard, who was demoted following the destruction of the USS Stargazer in 2355 . Crusher's ex-wife Beverly Howard was the ship's chief medical officer .

In 2370, Crusher committed suicide after learning from Trelane that he was the only still living version of Jack Crusher in any universe. Picard succeeded him as captain and chose William T. Riker, who had recently been freed from a joint Romulan-Cardassian prison camp after eight years, as his first officer. ( TNG novel : Q-Squared )

In 2371, Commander Riker later revisited the crash site to head up a team to dismantle the remains of the ship, so that if and when the natives of Veridian IV ever achieved spaceflight and visited Veridian III, they would not discover the crashed starship. After a Romulan attack, Riker activated the saucer's auto-destruct sequence, leading to the ship's final destruction. While the blast totally obliterated the surrounding area, Riker decided that it would be less harmful for explorers from Veridian IV to find a huge crater rather than the remains of the Enterprise -D. ( TOS novel : The Return )


Appearances and references, appearances.

  • Encounter at Farpoint ( TNG novelization )
  • Double Helix : Infection (TNG novel )
  • Ghost Ship (TNG novel)
  • The Space Between : History Lesson (TNG comic)
  • The Peacekeepers (TNG novel)
  • Survivors (TNG novel)
  • The Children of Hamlin (TNG novel)
  • The Captains' Honor (TNG novel)
  • Strike Zone ( TNG novel )
  • The Legacy of Eleanor Dain (TNG comic )
  • Power Hungry (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 1) ( SCE eBook )
  • Metamorphosis (TNG novel)
  • Masks (TNG novel)
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  • Strange New Worlds 8 : Morning Bells Are Ringing (TNG short story)
  • The Captain's Table : Dujonian's Hoard (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds 8: Passages of Deceit (TNG short story)
  • Invasion! : The Soldiers of Fear (TNG novel)
  • Generations (TNG novelization )
  • Strange New Worlds VI : Tribble in Paradise (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Full Circle (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Solemn Duty (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds III : The Change of Seasons (TNG short story)
  • PIC episode : " Võx "
  • PIC episode : " The Last Generation "

External link

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Cetacean Probe
  • 2 Eclipse class
  • 3 Resurgence

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exterior surface markings of Kirk's Enterprise

Discussion in ' Trek Tech ' started by Robert Comsol , Oct 8, 2012 .

Robert Comsol

Robert Comsol Commodore Commodore

When the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. opened its new building for the US Bicentennial in 1976, it had a special surprise for fans and friends of Star Trek – Kirk’s iconic USS Enterprise had become a part of the collection and it was the first time that the underside of the engineering hull and its multiple markings could be seen by the general public (it’s different now as the original model has been tainted, painted, gridded, weathered and seam welded... ). Very fortunately Phil Broad has kept a visual record of the (almost) untampered original condition of the VFX model: I had the privilege of seeing the Enterprise in 1976 and 1980 and expectedly wondered about the functionality of these markings and/or hatches. What really caught my eye was the (only exterior) small print near the saucer’s underside windows which I believe to be a good starting point trying an attempt to decipher the design philosophy behind these markings. Saucer Hull underside: The text near the upper grey rectangles reads “Inspection Door Vent Systems Connections”. I believe this to be mean inspection door / maintenance hatch for the vent systems connections to which the Enterprise connects at a service station in space (air exchange). Thus grey could indicate “must do” maintenance hatches once at a service station in space. On the starboard side just below the grey rectangle there is a yellow rectangle . In our current color warning applications (mixed with black) yellow indicates a hazard (moving part or an obstacle). As an airlock door it would be a moving part and the location for the airlock here seems in accordance with the deck level of the airlock in TMP where for some odd reason it’s on the port side: The trapezodial panels (almost triangular in appearance) have invited a variety of interpretation proposals. I favor the extendable landing leg / stabilizing pole theory after the saucer has detached from the engineering hull and the neck section and needs to land on a planet, seen here , but reject the obvious allusion to “Forbidden Planet” (i.e. extending sensor cylinder) and no longer believe the neck will stick like dead weight to the saucer in an emergency separation scenario: The inevitable question is of course where the third landing pole would be. In my world it’s at the stern of the saucer but covered by the neck section attached (this would probably require a diagonal ‘throat’ turboshaft. Since I strongly advocate such a shaft – even in a diagonal shaft the turboshaft lights would seem to pass by vertically! - I have no doubt that this is where the third pole is hidden from our view). The landing leg or stabilizing pole theory is also supported by TMP Enterprise where there...are...four...- landing legs at the underside of the saucer (suggesting landing capability of the saucer). As for the two red stripes near the stern of the saucer I have no ideas at this time. Saucer Hull upper side: We see the parallel red lines that run from the back of the ‘teardrop’ all the way to the stern of the ship near the flight deck clamshell space doors. This is most likely the ‘spine’ or central nervous system of the ship with a large number of (indiscernible) external maintenance hatches between these red lines. In need to address the protrusion at the stern of the upper side before I proceed. Of all the interpretations I’ve read here at Trek BBS, I like the one of the gentleman who suggested this to be an exterior connect and/or docking hardpoint the best. In fact, it appears to be the only surface feature of Kirk’s Enterprise that would allow a docking or payload connection (e.g. the third warp nacelle if you prefer ). As a docking connect point it would equally hold the entire ship in place or just the saucer hull after an emergency separation and would roughly look like Andrew Probert’s original docking concept for the Enterprise-D: The TMP spacedock had a docking tube attached to the port side of the ship, the TOS Enterprise does not have such a feature at the outer rim of the saucer but I believe the yellow rectangle on the ‘teardrop’ is the access for such a docking tube (there is a better and more practical way to have telescopic equipment ship-mounted which I’ll address shortly). In naval terms this could make the deck below the bridge the “quarterdeck” or – in TOS terms – the “Q deck”. Based on his World War II aviation experience the Enterprise’s designer Matt Jefferies felt that the ship’s engines would suffer wear and tear and would need to be replaced in intervals (nice explanation for the warp nacelle differences between the Pike and the Kirk Enterprise). So what’s the story for the impulse engines (especially after “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”)? The large L-shaped panels appear to correspond to the location of the impulse engines and could suggest an hatch access to remove the entire engine block and replace it with a new one. The yellow rectangles near these hatches are probably (again) airlocks which would enable engineering personnel to go EVA to supervise and assist engine block exchange or payload connection. Warp Nacelles underside: Probably same story like with the aforementioned impulse engine maintenance hatches. You may need to take the cover panel off to unlock the warp nacelle from the support pylon in order to exchange it for a new one. While there’s no airlock there for engineering personnel, the upper windows in the pylons could indicate the work stations from which to monitor such an engine exchange. Engineering Hull underside The yellow circle is definitely an enigma but also the perfect ‘excuse’ to wrap a circular ship’s corridor around it (suggested by various scenes in TOS that take place in the engineering hull). Ironically, I had never thought of this until I noticed the circular computer core in the engineering hull on the three-dimensional cutaway poster of the Enterprise-D where the artist was possibly looking for and eventually creating this kind of ‘excuse’. Back in the 80’s I did a cutaway blueprint of the TOS Enterprise and assumed that the yellow circle should be the bottom part of a probe (launching) cylinder. After all, there needed to be an egress possibility for the flight recorder in “The Corbomite Maneuver”, the satellites in “Operation Annihilate” and the probes in “The Immunity Syndrome”. A 360° rotating cylinder would provide optimal flexibility to launch flight recorders, satellites and probes in almost any direction you wanted without changing the ship’s trajectory. And unless you needed to launch sensory equipment as a probe, that same sensory equipment could be used during normal astrophysical examinations. Just turn the cylinder with the corresponding probe towards the stellar object you want to examine. Done with optical astronomy? Turn the cylinder a few degrees to do infrared, next. After that an examination of radio, ray, and neutrino astronomy by the little rotation of the cylinder in the shortest amount of time. I presume Stellar Cartography (“The Changeling”) aka Auxilary Control Room to be located somewhere above this cylinder (while I naturally enjoyed my theory being supported location-wise by TOS-R I disliked its “bomb bay door” concept. But then again, I’m probably biased ). Peter Chung did a schematic to visualize / emphasize the exterior locations of the engineering hull underside markings but accidentally also illustrated how such a probe cylinder could look like when extended: The T- and the I-shaped grey rectangles are separate from one another but seem to share some kind of internal connection. If the color grey points to a hatch that will be routinely examined at a service station, those two are definitely among it. I presume these to be loading or fueling ports for matter (and/or fusion fuel) and antimatter. If spacedock is like a gas station in space it doesn’t seem too farfetched to have your air and fuel checked... The red frame below the flight deck could be a blow-away hatch (should the flight deck doors be inoperative) to allow crew members to use the shuttlecraft on the H deck as a means to abandon ship. The red frame marking style, however, suggests this to be just a maintenance hatch for maintenance work if necessary, i.e. replenishment of air after an emergency decompression of the flight and hangar deck (unless, of course, we assume all red frame markings to be blow-away hatches in emergency situations). The white square is most enigmatic. As Peter Chung’s schematic quickly reveals it’s to small for a shuttlecraft to fit through (unless one seriously suggests a shuttle to take a nose-dive inside). So what is it for? One of the puzzling issues in Star Trek is the size of standardized cargo containers. I couldn’t help but feel that some walls on Space Station K-7 looked like these had the capacity to store small cargo containers TOS Trek style: These look much better and bigger in TMP but are still to small to accomodate the interiors of the cargo containers the TOS Enterprise left to Khan and company on Ceti Alpha V Anyway, we have never seen a TOS cargo transporter or a TOS cargo Bee. I think the white spuare could be a cargo container chute of some kind where a ceiling tractor beam functions like a rope to lower a cargo container onto a planetary surface like Ceti Alpha V. Since the “orbital cargo elevator” function wasn’t ready until Tuesday while the shuttlecraft replacement delivery wasn’t scheduled prior to Wednesday, it was of no use to Sulu and his landing party on Sunday in “The Enemy Within”. (The German dubbing of this episode made Sulu ask Captain Kirk to attach a couple of coffee cups to a rope and lower them down to the planet. While undoubtedly a rope would add a nice maritime touch to the ship, that’s a different concept and story - for now). Summary: Grey hull markings – must-do maintenance at service station (fuel and air) Red hull markings – maintenance at service station only if necessary Yellow hull markings – structure can move or extend any time (stay clear!) White hull markings – un/loading process may be about to begin (stay clear!) Bob  


jayrath Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

This is all -- sincerely -- very interesting! Thank you for sharing it.  


Timo Fleet Admiral Admiral

A few alternate interpretations: The yellow warning color might be associated with antimatter ejection. We know from "Errand of Mercy" that there are antimatter bottles in or near Decks 10-11, and these could well be assumed to serve the photon torpedo system located in that area. The yellow hatch could be for ejection of this antimatter. The second use of the color, at the bottom of the engineering hull, would then naturally mark the ejection port for the antimatter used by the main power generation system. Circular doors are of course particularly difficult to open (where do you put the hinges?), lending support to the idea that this is a blowaway panel. The yellow dorsal rectangle aft of the bridge might warn about the antimatter stores of a putative aft torpedo launcher, or then of the dorsal forward torpedo launchers so eagerly suggested by Franz Joseph. The trapezoids reappear on the Enterprise -E primary hull underside, after having been absent for decades, in-universe and out-universe. We could see them as non-vital gear, rather than as vital gear that changes shape (and location?) for the intervening decades. The TNG and DS9 art departments make use of trapezoids mainly in various antennas. Perhaps these, too, are antennas for a specific system for sensing or emitting? By not associating the grey-with-grey-trimming shapes with hatches or openables of any sort, we would make life easier overall, as again the similarly colored T-shaped feature on the engineering hull would be awkward to hinge open. Then again, the trapezoids appear to feature visible "hinges" at the stems, or at least have double lines there as opposed to single lines to the sides. And hinges would only be an issue with panels that need to open regularly to let large objects through; service access panels could be of any shape and open in more involved ways. But that tempts me to suggest that the almost invisibly grey-marked shapes would all be service hatches, very seldom accessed. Regular access would call for high-visibility markings. Yet clear problems also exist with interpreting the red lines as denoting hatch edges. The putative hatches outlined in the nacelles can't open unless the nacelles are separated from the pylons; the lines in the saucer don't encircle any sort of a hatch. Perhaps red, another alert color, just indicates that a person or vehicle approaching is to stay clear of the marked area or direction? That is, the radiation flux from the nacelles might be particularly intense around the upper stems of the pylons, and the sensors of the saucer might have particularly strong radiation lobes towards the aft sectors marked by the red arches. Or the arches may denote the hazard posed by the nacelle ramscoop thingamabobs in line with the red markers - thingamabobs colored red themselves, in idle mode! The main antimatter stores would get double warning colors: yellow area for "Evil may burst out at any moment - be prepared to dodge!" and red outline for "Even when you don't see it, Evil is pouring out from here - don't linger!". we have never seen a TOS cargo transporter or a TOS cargo Bee. Click to expand...
Timo said: ↑ "The yellow warning color might be associated with antimatter ejection." Click to expand...
And from where do you think does the TOS Enterprise launch satellites and probes? Click to expand...


blssdwlf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

Just a thought - if it were the bigger cargo containers as hinted at from TWOK, then I'd imagine that they were just flown out the shuttle bay. It is the largest hatch on the ship and we really don't know what is forward of the flight deck. It could just as well have a similar cargo structure as the TMP ship.  
Quite possibly. And it's not as if the containers would be standardized for stackability or anything. In all of Trek, from TOS to sequels and prequels, cargo has been chiefly carried in the general goods fashion, in separate man-handleable barrels or boxes or cylinders, and the methods of moving that around probably have to be very flexible. The TMP/ST2 containers could be more like the Trek equivalent of the cargo boxes of commercial aircraft than of the standardized seagoing, railgoing and roadgoing steel containers. That is, something to wrap around a bunch of goods for the duration of a short transfer, and something that is available in many sizes and shapes to fit all possible applications. McCoy speaks of materials for quickly creating surface accommodations in "Devil in the Dark". Perhaps Khan was supposed to build his own new Khanton out of those, but the sandstorms ate it all away, forcing a move into the set of "baggage wrappings" discarded at the edge of the failed community. Timo Saloniemi  
Timo said: ↑ "Outside the TOS-R references, I'd think all ejection functions would be clustered near the shuttle facilities, save for things that can be fired from torpedo tubes. The TOS-R approach to the ion pod thus appeals to me a lot." Click to expand...
blssdwlf said: ↑ "Just a thought - if it were the bigger cargo containers as hinted at from TWOK, then I'd imagine that they were just flown out the shuttle bay. It is the largest hatch on the ship and we really don't know what is forward of the flight deck. It could just as well have a similar cargo structure as the TMP ship." Click to expand...
It's not an ion pod, it's a running light of the TOS Enterprise! (just another thing they screwed up because they didn't watch or really knew the old series). Click to expand...


QuinnTV Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

Robert Comsol said: ↑ "(just another thing they screwed up because they didn't watch or really knew the old series). Click to expand...
"If it's a running light, then the original makers of the ship didn't know shit about what they were doing." @ Timo Like putting the command center on top of a vessel (the Constellation's had been destroyed according to dialogue in "Doomsday Machine" but that's another thing the TOS-Revisionists overlooked)? Here is a picture of the location of the running light which became an ion pod emplacement: (also note how the black "1837" letters - another exterior hull enigma - have been retconned to grey compared to the original markings: ) Sorry, Timo. The running lights on the saucer hull indicate the width of the saucer and therefore it makes perfect sense to also have two running lights (port and starboard) on the engineering hull. Viewed from below the two "ion pod" running lights near the stern plus the ones in the saucer give a distant viewer in dark space a good idea that there is an obstacle to avoid. Looks to me that Matt Jefferies knew exactly why he was doing that. "I can understand disagreeing with their decision on this, but I wouldn't say the Okudas, who were heavily involved with TOS-R, were unfamiliar with Trek in any of its incarnations." @ QuinnTV All I'm saying is that TOS has never been a strong suit of the Okudas. In their first Encyclopedia they didn't acknowledge the insignia of the Antares , nor the Federation outpost insignia ("Balance of Terror", "Arena"), nor the Romulan crest from "Enterprise Incident". And while probably 85% of the average fans understood from WOK that the time difference between "Space Seed" and the second film is 15 Earth years, the Okudas didn't acknowledge this obvious fact when they created their timetable for the Star Trek universe. Bob  
The running lights on the saucer hull indicate the width of the saucer Click to expand...
Timo said: ↑ The running lights on the saucer hull indicate the width of the saucer Click to expand...
How does something the size of the running light jeapordize the ship when the other running lights of the same size and protrusion do not ? Click to expand...
Timo said: ↑ How does something the size of the running light jeapordize the ship when the other running lights of the same size and protrusion do not ? Click to expand...
Timo said: ↑ two "ion pod" running lights near the stern Click to expand...
launching that ion pod is NOT part of any study procedures but an emergency procedure to protect the ship according to the episode. Click to expand...
Timo said: ↑ Finney needs to go to the pod and get the ion readings going, but he also needs to get out of it before it is jettisoned. Makes perfect sense if the intent all along is to prepare the pod for jettisoning. Click to expand...
If you want to interpret that way then you need to be able to prove that launching the pod was part of the mission. Click to expand...
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Memory Alpha

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

  • View history

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Federation Galaxy -class starship operated by Starfleet , and the fifth Federation vessel to bear the name . The Enterprise served from 2363 to 2371 as the Federation flagship , under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard . Following the ship's destruction at Veridian III , it was rebuilt as a museum ship , and was briefly brought back into service to counter a Borg threat in 2401 .

  • 1.1 Construction and launch
  • 1.2 Picard's eight-year mission
  • 1.3 Destruction
  • 1.4 Reconstruction
  • 1.5 Emergency return to action
  • 1.6 Final retirement
  • 3 List of first contacts
  • 4.1 Physical arrangement
  • 4.2 Weaponry
  • 4.3 Operations
  • 4.4 Shipboard life
  • 4.5 Ship's directory
  • 5.1 Commanding officers
  • 5.2 Command crew
  • 6.1 Encounter with an energy vortex
  • 6.2 Encounter with the Enterprise -C
  • 6.3 Crusher's static warp bubble
  • 6.4 Barash’s simulation – Captain Riker
  • 6.5 Quantum fissure encounter
  • 6.6 Anti-time eruption
  • 6.7 Destruction at Veridian III
  • 7.1 Appearances
  • 7.2 Background information
  • 7.3.1 Reference manuals
  • 7.3.2 Games
  • 7.3.3 Attractions
  • 7.4 External links

Service history [ ]

Construction and launch [ ].

USS Enterprise-D, forward ventral view

Enterprise at Earth Station McKinley

The Enterprise was built at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars in the Sol system . The construction was a massive undertaking, involving thousands of people across disciplines. ( TNG : " Booby Trap ", " Eye of the Beholder ") Construction was supervised by Commander Quinteros . ( TNG : " 11001001 ") Dr. Leah Brahms was responsible for much of the Enterprise 's warp propulsion system design. ( TNG : " Booby Trap ", " Galaxy's Child ") Some of the Enterprise 's components were derived from technology originally developed on the USS Pegasus . ( TNG : " The Pegasus ") In an alternate timeline , the Enterprise was the first Galaxy -class warship constructed. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ")

One of the ship's nacelle tubes was the site of a multiple murder - suicide while it was still under construction at Utopia Planitia. A member of the construction team, Walter Pierce , became jealous of a former lover's new relationship. He killed the two officers, Marla Finn and William Hodges , then disposed of their bodies in the plasma stream . Pierce committed suicide in the same manner, leaving a telepathic imprint in a bulkhead that was not discovered until 2370 . ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder ")

On stardate 40759.5, in the year 2363 , the Enterprise was launched from Mars. ( Enterprise -D dedication plaque, second version ) On stardate 41025.5, the Enterprise was commissioned. ( Enterprise -D dedication plaque, first version )

Final systems completion and shakedown was conducted at Earth Station McKinley . Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the ship on stardate 41148 at the order of Rear Admiral Norah Satie . ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Picard's eight-year mission [ ]

Kavis Alpha sector

In orbit of a red giant star

The Enterprise -D made first official contact with a number of species ( see below ).

While fleeing from the entity known as Q ; the Enterprise conducted the first high-warp (warp 9.6) saucer separation . ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") The Traveler used the energy of his thoughts to move the Enterprise to a galaxy known as M-33 at a speed greater than warp 10 . A subsequent use of the warp drive by the Traveler propelled the Enterprise to the end of the universe at a speed that, according to the ship's instruments, never exceeded warp 1.5. ( TNG : " Where No One Has Gone Before ")

The Enterprise received a computer refit in 2364 . ( TNG : " Datalore ")

USS Enterprise in distant galaxy, remastered

Arriving at the end of the universe

Later in 2364, the Enterprise was hijacked from Starbase 74 by the Bynars . They intended to use the ship to repair the damaged computer on their homeworld . The Enterprise was returned to Captain Picard's control following the incident, and the Bynars freely accepted the consequences of their actions. ( TNG : " 11001001 ")

During its first encounter with the Borg , Sections 27, 28, and 29 on Decks 4, 5, and 6 were removed for analysis by the Borg. Eighteen people were killed. ( TNG : " Q Who ")

In 2366 , the Enterprise had traveled about ten thousand light years . ( TNG : " Booby Trap ")

During the Borg incursion of 2366 and 2367 , the Enterprise suffered heavy damage. Deck 36, including main engineering, was decompressed after a cutting beam damaged the engineering hull , killing at least eleven, and possibly eight more. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ")

Earth Station McKinley

Undergoing repairs at Earth

The main deflector dish was transformed into a last-ditch energy weapon, which failed due to the assimilated knowledge of Captain Picard. In the attempt, the deflector and warp core were overloaded, while several decks were flooded with radiation .

Later, the saucer module sustained damage to its impulse drive and Decks 23 through 25 were sliced open by the enemy during the final battle over Earth . ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ") The extent of the damage required a full refit at Earth Station McKinley, which lasted five to six weeks. ( TNG : " Family ")

During that refit, the starship received a phaser upgrade as well as full damage repair and a new dilithium chamber hatch . The hatch malfunctioned later that year, causing extensive damage to the warp core. Although Romulan sabotage was initially suspected, it was later learned that undetected flaws in the hatch were responsible. ( TNG : " The Drumhead ")

The Enterprise was the command ship in Captain Picard's ad hoc armada which blockaded Romulan assistance to the House of Duras during the Klingon Civil War . It coordinated a tachyon detection grid which was used to detect cloaked Romulan ships from crossing the border. ( TNG : " Redemption II ")

The ship struck a quantum filament in early 2368 , causing a loss of all power aboard ship and severe damage to most systems. Antimatter containment was nearly compromised; fortunately, repairs were made before the ship was destroyed. ( TNG : " Disaster ")

Also in 2368, the Enterprise was trapped in a temporal causality loop near the Typhon Expanse . Each cycle ended in a catastrophic collision with the USS Bozeman , destroying both ships. Feelings of déjà vu allowed the Enterprise crew to gather clues which allowed them to send a message into the next loop and avoid the collision. The ship spent a total of 17.4 days repeating the same interval of time. ( TNG : " Cause And Effect ")

On a mission to Ligos VII , the Enterprise was attacked by two Klingon Bird-of-Prey starships under the command of the Ferengi DaiMon Lurin . The surprise attack allowed Lurin and his men to successfully hijack the Enterprise. Forcing its crew to transport to the surface of Ligos VII for slave labor , Lurin had planned to sell the Enterprise to the Romulans, however, his plans were thwarted by a group of crewmembers who had temporarily been transformed into children due to a transporter malfunction. ( TNG : " Rascals ")

Galaxy class docked at DS9

The Enterprise at Deep Space 9

The Enterprise was one of the first Starfleet vessels to dock at the newly-commissioned Deep Space 9 , where it offloaded most of the station's Starfleet contingent, and its first complement of Danube -class runabouts . The Enterprise departed the station and heading to the Lapolis system . ( DS9 : " Emissary ") Several weeks later, the Enterprise returned to Deep Space 9 to help repair the Bajoran aqueduct systems that had been damaged during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor . ( TNG : " Birthright, Part I ", " Birthright, Part II ")

The Enterprise underwent its first baryon sweep at the Remmler Array in 2369 . A stronger field was needed due to the Enterprise 's heavy use of warp drive. During the sweep, a mercenary group nearly stole dangerous trilithium resin from the warp core, but was thwarted by the Enterprise senior staff . ( TNG : " Starship Mine ")

One of the most important discoveries in the history of the Federation was made aboard the Enterprise -D. Its crew pieced together Dr. Galen 's final research to decipher a message from the ancient humanoids , the first humanoid species in the Milky Way Galaxy . ( TNG : " The Chase ")

Late in 2369 , the Enterprise was damaged while rescuing the crew of a Romulan warbird , whose artificial quantum singularity warp core had been colonized by lifeforms which mistook it for a genuine quantum singularity, causing severe disruptions in space - time .

The Enterprise was destroyed due to feedback from a power transfer beam , which was killing the lifeforms' young. Fortunately, four Enterprise crewmembers were returning to the ship at the time and were able to avert the Enterprise 's destruction and save the Romulan crew. ( TNG : " Timescape ")

USS Enterprise-D at Qualor II, remastered

The Enterprise at Qualor II

A new warp core was tested aboard the Enterprise in early 2370 . The core was installed at Starbase 84 ; several points of the power transfer conduits were replaced as well.

The core and the conduits had been manufactured on Thanatos VII using interphase technology, attracting interphasic organisms which attached themselves to the crew and began to digest their cellular structures . An interphasic pulse was successful in destroying the creatures. ( TNG : " Phantasms ")

Also during 2370, Commander La Forge engaged in a friendly contest with Donald Kaplan , chief engineer of the USS Intrepid . They competed to have the best power conversion rates in the fleet, with the Enterprise frequently beating out the Intrepid . ( TNG : " Force of Nature ")

The Enterprise became one of the few Federation ships to use a cloaking device in 2370, and perhaps the first to successfully use a phasing cloak . It had been retrieved from the wreckage of the USS Pegasus and was installed aboard the Enterprise to allow it to pass through an asteroid after a Romulan vessel sealed the ship inside. ( TNG : " The Pegasus ")

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) enters asteroid field

Investigating the asteroid field in 2370

While investigating a rogue comet in 2370, the Enterprise stumbled upon an archive of the lost D'Arsay civilization. The archive trapped the ship and used matter and DNA aboard to create artifacts from the D'Arsay culture. The Enterprise was later returned to normal. ( TNG : " Masks ")

Lieutenant Worf supervised an upgrade of the Enterprise 's weapons systems in late 2370. The tests were interrupted after the ship was ravaged by Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome . ( TNG : " Genesis ")

At some unspecified point in 2370, the Enterprise -D docked at Deep Space 9, where some of the crew went on shore leave , and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax staked Commander Riker three strips of gold-pressed latinum when Riker's winning-streak ran dry at Quark's . Riker would later contact Quark and trade his unclaimed winnings for information on the Duras sisters. ( TNG : " Firstborn "; DS9 : " Defiant ")

The Enterprise temporarily became sentient in 2370 when an emergent lifeform used the ship's systems to reproduce. ( TNG : " Emergence ")

When Miles O'Brien , one of the ship's former transporter chiefs , was captured by the Cardassians in late 2370, the Enterprise along with Prokofiev , and Valdemar were sent to patrol the Demilitarized Zone as a warning to the Cardassian government . ( DS9 : " Tribunal ")

USS Enterprise-D, 2371

The Enterprise in 2371

In early 2371 , the Enterprise received a number of refits to its internal spaces. Color and lighting schemes were slightly altered, and the bridge inherited a number of new consoles on the port and starboard sides. There were now four science stations , three along the starboard wall and one at the starboard side of the aft stations. Mission Ops was now the second station, followed by environmental control . Two engineering stations rounded out the aft area, while three communications stations were present along the port wall.

USS Enterprise-D approaches the Amargosa observatory

The Enterprise -D arrives at Amargosa

In addition, the main floor (where the captain's, executive officer's, and guest's chairs were) was slightly raised, and a chair was placed at the tactical station for the chief of security to sit while manning that console.

Later that year, the Enterprise picked up a distress call from the observatory in the Amargosa system . An away team led by Commander Riker found that the station had been attacked by Romulans, they also found an injured Doctor Tolian Soran buried among the wreckage. After analyzing the Romulan tricorder , they discovered the Romulans were looking for trilithium . Back on the station, Data and La Forge discovered a secret lab filled with solar probes when they are attacked by Soran. Soran then launched a solar probe that destroyed the Amargosa star, producing a level-12 shock wave , after rescuing Data, the Enterprise left the system as the observatory was destroyed.

USS Enterprise-D in orbit of Veridian III

The Enterprise in orbit of Veridian III

After talking with Guinan about Soran and the Nexus , Picard met with Data in Stellar cartography , where they discovered that Soran was altering the course of the energy ribbon. Picard determined Soran was heading for the Veridian system and ordered Worf to set course at maximum warp. The Enterprise arrived at Veridian III and intercepted a renegade Klingon Bird-of-Prey commanded by the Duras sisters. The Klingons agreed to a "prisoner exchange" for La Forge, taking Picard in his place and allowing him to beam to Soran's location somewhere on the planet's surface. ( Star Trek Generations )

Destruction [ ]

However, an subsequent engagement with the Bird-of-Prey resulted in extensive damage to the Enterprise . The ship's magnetic interlocks were ruptured, and before efforts could be made to repair them, a coolant leak began, leading to an unavoidable warp core breach .

USS Enterprise-D, warp core breach

The Enterprise 's stardrive section is destroyed

Faced with this scenario, Commander Riker ordered the evacuation of the crew from the secondary hull to the saucer section . Once the evacuation had been completed, the saucer could separate and get to a safe distance before the stardrive section was destroyed by the core breach. La Forge and Dr. Crusher oversaw the evacuations of their respective departments and completed it with a minute to spare. The saucer's impulse engines were engaged as soon as it cleared the secondary hull, but the saucer was unable to get to a safe distance before the core breached. The explosion produced a ion shock wave that disabled the entire saucer section and propelled it into a degrading orbit of Veridian III, forcing the saucer section into the planet's atmosphere .

USS Enterprise-D saucer crash

The saucer section of the Enterprise grinds to a halt on Veridian III

With the saucer hurtling towards the surface of the planet, Data managed to reroute the auxiliary systems to the lateral thrusters and thereby restore thruster control to level out their descent. Moments later, the saucer crash-landed into a jungle on the planet's surface, flattening many trees as it came to rest. Owing to the relatively safe landing, casualties on the Enterprise were minimal. Unfortunately, the severe damage sustained by the primary hull in the battle and subsequent crash landing apparently rendered the ship unsalvageable. The ship's crew was rescued by three Starfleet vessels, including the Nebula -class USS Farragut , an Oberth -class ship , and a Miranda -class ship . ( Star Trek Generations )

Reconstruction [ ]

Due to Prime Directive concerns, the crashed saucer section was recovered and transported to the Fleet Museum . Upon taking stewardship of the Museum, Commodore Geordi La Forge spent twenty years restoring the ship to its original condition in Hangar Bay 12, forgoing her last refits from 2371, and using parts from the USS Syracuse to rebuild the secondary hull . He also repaired the extensive damage to the saucer section from the crash, with only cosmetic damage to the outer hull remaining. By Frontier Day in 2401 , the Enterprise -D was an operational starship once again, aside from some lingering issues that La Forge had yet to address. ( PIC : " The Star Gazer " commemorative plaque ; PIC : " Võx ")

Holographic display at Starfleet Headquarters (2399)

Emergency return to action [ ]

In 2401 , when Picard came to the Fleet Museum in search of Geordi La Forge 's help with rescuing an away team from Daystrom Station , La Forge's daughter Alandra discreetly suggested using the Enterprise for the mission, but he instantly shot the idea down. Instead, Picard's son Jack Crusher and La Forge's other daughter Sidney stole the cloaking device from the HMS Bounty . ( PIC : " The Bounty ")

USS Enterprise-D bridge restored

The crew standing on the restored bridge of the Enterprise -D

USS Enterprise-D departs Athan Prime

The Enterprise -D returns to service

On Frontier Day , La Forge revealed the Enterprise to the rest of its old command crew when they needed a ship not linked to the Starfleet mainframe , which had been used by the Borg to take over the Federation fleet. The ship was functional, barring some lingering issues. With the ship's computer identifying him as Captain Picard due to the long-outdated crew manifest , Picard jokingly accepted a field demotion to command the Enterprise again. ( PIC : " Võx ")

Picking up a distress call from President Anton Chekov , it was quickly determined that the Enterprise was the only help that was coming for Earth. Deducing that the Borg had to be close, the Enterprise located a Borg cube hiding in Jupiter 's Great Red Spot broadcasting the Borg Collective 's command signal - Jack Crusher. Data quickly determined the cube to only be 36% operational as most of its resources were being used to broadcast the signal. After detecting the Enterprise , the cube lowered its shields and redirected its weapons in an invitation. Deducing that there was a beacon transmitting the signal across the solar system, Picard, Riker and Worf beamed aboard to find Jack and the coordinates for the beacon so that the Enterprise could target it while La Forge, Doctor Crusher, Counselor Troi and Data remained on the ship to help guide them.

As Riker and Worf located the beacon, the cube opened fire on the Enterprise , but Crusher, displaying the accumulated skill of the past twenty years, was able to manually target the ship's weapons to take out the cube's defensive turrets. The information recovered by the away team revealed the beacon to be at the very heart of the cube, a location statistically impossible for even the best computer or pilot to reach.

USS Enterprise-D escaping from Jupiter

The USS Enterprise -D escaping Jupiter with Jack Crusher following the destruction of the Borg Collective and the Borg Queen.

However, at Data's insistence, La Forge allowed him to fly the Enterprise through the cube's superstructure, with Crusher firing at any targets of opportunity that emerged along the ship's flight path. The ship eventually reached the beacon, which was discovered to be interfaced into the very substructure of the ship; its destruction would trigger a cataclysmic chain reaction that would destroy the Borg cube, and everyone on it.

USS Enterprise-D and Titan-A

The USS Enterprise -D and the USS Titan -A returning to Earth following their victory over the Borg.

The Enterprise hit the beacon with multiple phaser blasts and photon torpedos , destroying it and causing the cube to be consumed by a series of explosions. After Troi telepathically sensed her husband's farewell, she was able to fly the Enterprise over the away team's position and beam them out just in time. The Borg cube was destroyed, ending the Borg threat forever and breaking the Borg's control over Starfleet. As everyone celebrated, Picard welcomed his son to the Enterprise . ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Final retirement [ ]

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2402

The USS Enterprise -D was officially restored and took her place in the Fleet Museum.

After the battle at Jupiter, the Enterprise was returned to the Fleet Museum and her restoration continued (along with repairs). By 2402 the work was completed and she was put on display in a place of honor between the USS Enterprise -A and the USS Stargazer . Picard, La Forge and Riker reminisced on her bridge about the old ship, the number of times that she had managed to save the world and how it was difficult to imagine what they might've been without her. La Forge ordered the computer to initiate the shutdown procedure and promised to take good care of the Enterprise as "after all, she's always taken good care of us."

Soon afterwards, the USS Titan -A was rechristened the USS Enterprise -G in honor of the Enterprise -D and the heroic actions of her command crew. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Commander Riker was upset over the loss of the Enterprise . Having hoped he would one day command the ship, he was disappointed that he never got that opportunity. However, Picard expressed doubt that the Enterprise -D would be the last vessel to carry the name. ( Star Trek Generations )

The Enterprise was so dear to Worf that, shortly after being reassigned to Deep Space 9 in 2372 , he briefly considered resigning from Starfleet . Station commander Captain Benjamin Sisko expressed regret on the loss of the Enterprise and offered his condolences over the destruction of the ship to Worf, saying the Enterprise "was a good ship." ( DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ")

Enterprise-D flies toward a nebula

Picard dreams of the Enterprise -D in flight

Captain Picard's belief that the Enterprise -D would not be the final ship to bear the name was borne out with the christening of the Sovereign -class USS Enterprise -E in 2372. In that instance, the legacy of the Enterprise continued with Picard reprising his role as CO and selecting most of the former crew from the Enterprise -D, with the notable exception of Worf due to his recent assignment to DS9.

A gold model of the Enterprise -D was kept in a display case in the observation lounge of the Enterprise -E. Picard later destroyed it with a phaser rife in the fit of rage while discussing the Borg assimilation of the Enterprise -E with Lily Sloane . It was the image of the broken Enterprise -D model that helped convince Picard to set the auto-destruct sequence and abandon ship rather than be destroyed by his need for revenge against the Borg. ( Star Trek: First Contact )

Following a mission on Karzill IV in 2381 , Riker commented to Lieutenant Brad Boimler on how much he missed the exploration and scientific exploits of the Enterprise -D compared to the "non-stop fighting" he experienced as captain of the USS Titan . He advised Boimler to enjoy his reassignment to the USS Cerritos similarly to his time on the Enterprise. ( LD : , " Kayshon, His Eyes Open ")

In 2383 , Hologram Janeway showed the young crew of the USS Protostar an image of the Enterprise -D while explaining the history of the Federation and Starfleet to them. ( PRO : " Starstruck ")

The Enterprise -D served as the setting for a late-24th century version of the Kobayashi Maru scenario among the Protostar's training programs. In 2383 , Dal R'El attempted the scenario numerous times before learning its lesson. ( PRO : " Kobayashi ")

Enterprise-D (Picard's Dream)

Picard's dream of the Enterprise -D

In 2399 , Picard, sleeping at Château Picard in France , had a dream that he was in Ten Forward with Data on the Enterprise -D, playing a game of poker . Nearing the end of the game, he stalled Data as best he could because he did not want the game to be over. They were seated at a table directly next to a window , which allowed Picard to notice Mars outside. He didn't realize that the Enterprise was on course for Mars, so this surprised him. He then watched as the entire planet exploded , engulfing the Enterprise as well, causing Picard to awaken from his dream. ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Later that same year, a hologram of the Enterprise was displayed in the atrium of the CNC's office at Starfleet Headquarters . ( PIC : " Maps and Legends ")

By 2401 , the Enterprise -D was depicted on a commemorative plaque alongside other historic ships at Starfleet Academy . ( PIC : " The Star Gazer ")

Later that year, in preparation for Frontier Day , Guinan began selling models of the various starship Enterprise 's, including the Enterprise -D at 10 Forward Avenue . However, much to Riker's chagrin, the Enterprise -D models proved to be unpopular, being seen as "the fat one". ( PIC : " The Next Generation ")

While recalling all of the offenses and near-disasters that Picard and Riker had caused, Liam Shaw mentioned them crashing the Enterprise 's saucer section on Veridian III and nearly wiping out all of Humanity with a time paradox in the Devron system . ( PIC : " Imposters ")

List of first contacts [ ]

In most cases, the date indicated is the first time open communication was initiated with at least one member of the species. Otherwise, it is the first known contact with the species.

  • The Aldeans ( TNG : " When The Bough Breaks ")
  • Armus ( TNG : " Skin Of Evil ")
  • The Beta Renner cloud ( TNG : " Lonely Among Us ")
  • The Crystalline Entity ( TNG : " Datalore ", " Silicon Avatar ")
  • The Edo ( TNG : " Justice ")
  • The Farpoint Station entities ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")
  • The Ferengi ( TNG : " The Last Outpost ")
  • Microbrain ( TNG : " Home Soil ")
  • The parasitic beings ( TNG : " Conspiracy ")
  • The Q Continuum ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")
  • The Borg ( TNG : " Q Who ")
  • Nagilum ( TNG : " Where Silence Has Lease ")
  • Ian Andrew Troi, Jr. ( TNG : " The Child ")
  • The nanite civilization ( TNG : " Evolution ")
  • The Douwd ( TNG : " The Survivors ")
  • The Mintakans ( TNG : " Who Watches The Watchers ")
  • Gomtuu ( TNG : " Tin Man ")
  • Koinonian energy being ( TNG : " The Bonding ")
  • The Zalkonians ( TNG : " Transfigurations ")
  • The Cytherians ( TNG : " The Nth Degree ")
  • The Malcorians ( TNG : " First Contact ")
  • The Enterprise -D also encountered the Paxans in 2367, but all recollection of that encounter was erased from the memories of the entire crew except for Data as well as from the ship's logs. ( TNG : " Clues ")
  • First successful establishment of two-way communication. Actual first contact had occurred at least one century earlier.
  • FGC 47 lifeforms ( TNG : " Imaginary Friend ")
  • Criminals from Ux-Mal composed of anionic energy ( TNG : " Power Play ")
  • The exocomps ( TNG : " The Quality of Life ")
  • The quantum singularity lifeforms ( TNG : " Timescape ")
  • The Solanogen-based lifeforms ( TNG : " Schisms ")
  • The Boraalans ( TNG : " Homeward ")
  • Emergent lifeform ( TNG : " Emergence ")

Technical data [ ]

Physical arrangement [ ].

USS Enterprise-D, TNG Season 1-2

The Enterprise -D at warp

With a total of 42 decks, the USS Enterprise -D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution -class ships of over a century earlier ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ") it carried a combined crew and passenger load of 1,014. ( TNG : " Remember Me ", " Rascals ", " Genesis ")

The bridge , captain's ready room , and conference lounge were on Deck 1, and were protected by redundant safety interlocks to prevent environmental systems failure. ( TNG : " Brothers ")

The main shuttlebay was on Deck 4, supported by several cargo bays on Deck 4 and Deck 18. ( TNG : " Power Play ", " Schisms ") Two additional shuttlebays were found on Deck 13. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Galaxy class stardrive section, remastered

The secondary hull or stardrive section following a saucer separation

Deck 8 of the ship was an unfinished multipurpose deck. Additional workspaces were set there when needed. ( TNG : " Liaisons ") It also contained the officers' quarters, some guest quarters, and the battle bridge . ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ", " Reunion ")

Deck 12 contained sickbay and the gymnasium , ( TNG : " Remember Me ", " The Icarus Factor ") while main engineering was located on Deck 36. ( TNG : " The Hunted ", " The Game ") Engineering took up twelve decks of the secondary hull , with the antimatter storage pods housed on Deck 42. ( TNG : " Liaisons ") There was a science section on deck 15. ( TNG : " In Theory ")

The primary docking ports were located on either side of the torpedo launcher on Deck 25; ( TNG : " 11001001 ") the nacelle control room was also on that deck. ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder ") According to Lieutenant Commander Nella Daren , the most acoustically perfect spot on the ship was the fourth intersect of Jefferies tube 25. The intersection formed a resonance chamber for the sound compression waves. ( TNG : " Lessons ")

USS Enterprise-D ventral aft view, 2370

The ventral aft section

Galaxy class USS Enterprise-D aft view

The aft section

The Enterprise had a maximum sustainable speed of warp 9.6 for twelve hours . ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

The warp core could generate a tremendous amount of energy at once if needed; the only device on the ship capable of channeling such energy all at once, at controlled frequencies, was the main deflector dish. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ") There were some four thousand power systems in all on board the ship. It also had twenty transporter rooms, with at least one on deck 6. ( TNG : " 11001001 ", " Hollow Pursuits ", " Ménage à Troi ")

Weaponry [ ]

The armaments of the Enterprise -D included twelve phaser arrays , two torpedo launchers , a supply of 250 photon torpedoes , and hundreds of antimatter mines . The ship was protected by a high-capacity shield grid that could operate on multiple frequencies. When the ship was destroyed in 2371, the shield frequency was at 257.4 MHz. ( TNG : " Half a Life ", " Conundrum ", " Chain Of Command, Part II "; Star Trek Generations )

While on the rebuilt Enterprise in 2401, then-Captain Worf noted how he preferred the weaponry aboard its successor ship. ( PIC : " Võx ")

Operations [ ]

The bulk of the people on board the Enterprise could be evacuated within four minutes. This was executed at Starbase 74 during 2364 . ( TNG : " 11001001 ")

During emergency situations, certain large but protected areas of the ship were designated emergency shelters , including Ten Forward . Collectively, they could hold all the ship's crew and were designed so that the crew could reach one of the areas quickly. In 2367, while caught in a Tyken's Rift , the crew were ordered to these areas in order to get extra power from life support in non-shelter areas. ( TNG : " Night Terrors ")

Shipboard life [ ]

In 2367, an average day aboard ship recorded by Lieutenant Commander Data included four birthdays, two personnel transfers, two chess tournaments, a secondary school play, four promotions, and at least one birth. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")

The Enterprise normally ran on three duty shifts . ( TNG : " Lower Decks ") Increasing to four duty shifts caused many personnel scheduling problems, as observed when Captain Jellico ordered a change during his tenure in 2369 . ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ")

Crewmembers of ensign rank were required to share crew quarters but were allowed their own quarters upon promotion to lieutenant junior grade . ( TNG : " Lower Decks ") Families often shared quarters. ( TNG : " Lonely Among Us ", " When The Bough Breaks ", " Imaginary Friend ", " A Fistful of Datas ", " Journey's End ")

The Enterprise had five day care centers and at least seven classrooms . ( LD : " Kayshon, His Eyes Open ", TNG : " Rascals ")

Ten Forward , located at the extreme forward of Deck 10 in the saucer section, was the center of the ship's social activity; nearly everyone on board passed through the lounge at one time or another. ( TNG : " The Child ", " The Offspring ") Holodecks located on Deck 10 and Deck 12 also provided entertainment for the crew. ( TNG : " The Big Goodbye ", " Homeward ")

Ship's directory [ ]

  • Room 2713: Lieutenant Worf 's quarters, 2370 ( TNG : " Parallels ")
  • Room 3653: Lieutenant Commander Data 's quarters , 2370 ( TNG : " Masks ")
  • Section 19, Room 1947: Lieutenant Edward Hagler 's quarters ( TNG : " Schisms ")
  • Section 25 Baker, Room: Lieutenant Worf's quarters, 2369 ( TNG : " Rightful Heir ")
  • Room 0910: Commander Deanna Troi 's quarters, 2368 - 2370 ( TNG : " Violations ", " Genesis ")
  • Room 0912: Commander William T. Riker 's quarters ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ", " Chain Of Command, Part II ")
  • Room 2133: Commander Beverly Crusher 's quarters, 2370 ( TNG : " Sub Rosa ")
  • Room 3402: Counselor Deanna Troi's office ( TNG : " The Price ")
  • Section 4, Room 4711: Lieutenant Ro Laren 's quarters, 2370 ( TNG : " Preemptive Strike ")
  • Marla Aster and Jeremy Aster 's quarters, 2366 ( TNG : " The Bonding ")
  • Room 0910: Counselor Deanna Troi's quarters, 2366 ( TNG : " The Price ")
  • Room 0929: Ensign Maddy Calloway 's quarters ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder ")
  • Room 3601: Captain Jean-Luc Picard 's quarters ( TNG : " Allegiance ")
  • Section 28: Commander Beverly Crusher's quarters, 2368 ( TNG : " Cause And Effect ")

As of 2366, some thirteen species were represented among the 1,014 members of the ship's complement , at that time including Betazoid , Klingon, El-Aurian , Vulcan , and Human . ( TNG : " Remember Me ", " Reunion ") Over the course of its mission, crew species included Bolian , Benzite , Bajoran , Napean , and an android . When Lal was considering an Andorian form, Troi told her that she would be alone, meaning there were no Andorians or at least no Andorian females on the ship then. ( TNG : " The Offspring ") As of 2369, there were seventeen crew members from non-Federation worlds. ( TNG : " The Chase ") The ship also carried dolphins . ( TNG : " The Perfect Mate ")

Beverly Crusher said there were supposed to be at least four people on duty in sickbay at all times. ( TNG : " Remember Me ")

Although Starfleet crewmembers staffed the vital positions on board the Enterprise , civilian crewmembers were allowed to hold important jobs in the ship's science and medical departments, as well as support areas like Ten Forward and the ship's school or the arboretum. ( TNG : " Night Terrors ", " Hero Worship ", " Ethics ") The Enterprise included children among the civilians on board, a concept which was not initially embraced by Captain Picard. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " The Bonding ")

Crew evaluations were conducted every three months, and were usually supervised by Executive Officer William Riker and Counselor Deanna Troi. ( TNG : " Man Of The People ", " Lower Decks ", " Eye of the Beholder ")

Commanding officers [ ]

Although Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the Enterprise for most of the starship's life, his first officer , William Riker, was field promoted to captain in 2367 following Picard's capture by the Borg and assimilation as Locutus . ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ") In early 2369, the Enterprise was briefly commanded by Captain Edward Jellico, as Captain Picard was assigned to a covert mission on the Cardassian planet of Celtris III . ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ", " Chain Of Command, Part II ")

Command crew [ ]

USS Enterprise-D crew, 2366-67

The Enterprise -D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Riker Enterprise bridge crew, 2367

The Enterprise -D under the command of Captain William T. Riker in 2367

Jellico commanding Enterprise-D

The Enterprise -D under the command of Captain Edward Jellico in 2369

USS Enterprise-D bridge crew, 2401

The Enterprise -D under the command of Admiral Jean-Luc Picard in 2401

  • Jean-Luc Picard ( 2363 – 2371 , 2401 )
  • William T. Riker ( 2367 )
  • Edward Jellico ( 2369 )
  • Beverly Crusher (2370, temporary)
  • Geordi La Forge (2401, temporary)
  • William T. Riker (2364–2371)
  • Kurn ( 2366 ) (temporary)
  • Elizabeth Shelby (2367)
  • Data (2369) (temporary)
  • Data (2364–2371)
  • Daystrom Android M-5-10 (2401)
  • MacDougal (2364)
  • Argyle (2364)
  • Logan (2364)
  • Leland T. Lynch (2364)
  • Geordi La Forge ( 2365 –2371, 2401)
  • Natasha Yar (2364)
  • Worf (2364 – 2371)
  • Worf (2364 – 2371, 2401)
  • Burke (2365)
  • Taitt ( 2370 )
  • Beverly Crusher (2401)
  • Beverly Crusher (2364, 2366)
  • Katherine Pulaski (2365)
  • Deanna Troi (2364–2371)
  • Geordi La Forge (2364)
  • Worf (2364)
  • Miles O'Brien (2364)
  • Wesley Crusher (2364–2367)
  • Ro Laren ( 2368 –2369, 2370)
  • Graham (2367)
  • Sariel Rager (2367–2369)
  • Gates (2368–2370)
  • McKnight (2367–2369)
  • Sam Lavelle (2370)
  • Deanna Troi (2371, 2401) (temporary)
  • Swenson (2364)
  • Taitt (2370)
  • Miles O'Brien (2365–2369)
  • Maggie Hubbell (2367–2369)

Alternate Enterprise s [ ]

Numerous alternate timeline and illusory versions of the Enterprise have been encountered.

Encounter with an energy vortex [ ]

One alternate version of the Enterprise was observed in 2365 . A ship from several hours in the future was destroyed following an encounter with an energy vortex , which was later determined to be a sentient presence. There was a single survivor, Captain Picard, who was thrown back in time and picked up by the Enterprise . The "present" Picard was able to determine that the Enterprise needed to fly through the anomaly rather than attempt to escape it via the entrance, and the timeline was averted. ( TNG : " Time Squared ")

Encounter with the Enterprise -C [ ]

Ambassador starboard of Galaxy

Two Enterprise s meet

In another alternate timeline, following the disappearance of the USS Enterprise -C , and the destruction of the Klingon outpost at Narendra III , relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire deteriorated into war .

The Enterprise -D in this alternate timeline was the first of the Galaxy -class warships constructed by the Federation, capable of carrying over 6,000 troops. The vessel was entirely militarized, with no civilians or counselor . The bridge contained multiple redundant consoles, computer panels along the side walls, and a single command chair for the captain. The observation lounge was a war room instead, with the table at waist height so that the crew stood. Replicators throughout the ship were restricted to minimal power, lighting was generally darker, and all available power was routed to the defensive systems. In addition to crew performing their normal duties, there were additional security officers standing at attention at all times.

In 2366, on combat date 43625.2, the Enterprise -D investigated a radiation anomaly near Starbase 105 , where it encountered the Enterprise -C, transported through time by an anomaly called a temporal rift . As the Enterprise -D assisted in repairs, it was made clear that the Enterprise -C had to return through the rift, in order to prevent the chain of events that would lead to war. Enterprise -D's El-Aurian bartender Guinan was aware of the change to the timeline, and convinced Captain Picard to send the Enterprise -C back through the rift.

As three Klingon K'vort -class battle cruisers attacked, the Enterprise -D laid down cover fire in order for the Enterprise -C to return through the rift. Heavy casualties were suffered, and the vessel was on the verge of a warp core breach when the timeline was restored. However, the Enterprise -C crew retained memories of their encounter, and one Enterprise -D crewmember, Tasha Yar , went back in time with the Enterprise -C. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ", " Redemption II ")

Crusher's static warp bubble [ ]

In 2367, the thoughts of Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was trapped in a warp bubble created a completely separate universe, in which people and objects began disappearing. At various points, the crew of the Enterprise was reduced to a normal operating contingent of about three hundred, then one hundred, then simply two. All crew eventually disappeared, as the bubble began to collapse and the universe destroyed. This Enterprise was gradually erased from existence as the bubble collapsed. ( TNG : " Remember Me ")

Barash’s simulation – Captain Riker [ ]

Riker personnel file 2 remastered

USS Enterprise in Riker's service record

In 2367, while exploring a cavern on Alpha Onias III , Commander William Riker was rendered unconscious by gases . While unconscious, neural scanners scanned Commander Riker's brain . The scanners used elements of Riker's reality and constructed a simulation with those elements interspersed throughout so that it felt real to him. What Riker wanted, the scanners made possible.

In the first simulation, set in 2383 , Riker was the captain of the Enterprise and was in the final stages of securing a peace treaty with the Romulans.

In 2374 , on stardate 51253, after serving for many years as the captain of the USS Titan , Riker succeeded Picard as the captain of the Enterprise . The ship's first assignment under his command was a deep space exploration mission. Under his command, the ship surveyed the space beyond the Sargon Region , was a participant in the joint Excalbian Campaign , and captured a Romulan warship. These events were mentioned in his service record that was on display in his quarters on the Enterprise -D.

A few years before 2383, a Romulan battle cruiser had drifted into Federation space. The ship's warp coils had collapsed and life support was failing. The Enterprise rescued the crew. Riker was the key spokesman in securing an alliance with the Romulans, who were impressed with his efforts at saving one of their ships. In the sixteen years between 2367 and 2383, the Enterprise saved all the colonists in the Fornax Disaster .

Riker was a widower with a son, Jean-Luc . His wife had been the ship's counselor after Troi had accepted a position at Starfleet Command. His wife died in 2381 in a shuttlecraft accident.

In 2383, Data served as the first officer while La Forge was using cloned eye implants instead of his VISOR . There were Klingons and Ferengi serving aboard the Enterprise . The interior of the ship was also slightly altered and the bridge had several more science stations. The Enterprise had been assigned an escort mission for the Romulan ambassador Tomalak , whereupon he would be delivered to the final session for a peace treaty between the Federation and the Romulans. At this session, Riker would be a signatory to the treaty.

However, a number of flaws convinced Riker that what he was experiencing was a charade and he challenged the program. This resulted in a new simulation where Riker was a prisoner of the Romulans. ( TNG : " Future Imperfect " okudagram )

Quantum fissure encounter [ ]

Enterprise-D bridge, parallel reality

The bridge of an alternate Enterprise -D

Several thousand Enterprise s from many different quantum realities were encountered – later spilling into a single universe – in early 2370 , as a result of Lieutenant Worf's encounter with a quantum fissure .

Worf observed numerous realities, with variations in personnel and positions widespread. In one quantum reality, Captain Picard was lost in the Borg encounter in 2367 and Riker was captain of the Enterprise , Wesley Crusher was still (or again) part of the crew, having risen to the rank of full lieutenant with the positions of security chief and tactical officer . In at least one reality, Alyssa Ogawa, who was a long-time nurse in the primary reality, was a full doctor and the chief medical officer with the rank of commander. In that reality, La Forge was killed in an attack by the Cardassians.

On occasion, races that were adversarial to the Federation of the original universe, such as the Cardassians, were part of the crew. Specifically, a Cardassian ensign served as the Enterprise -D's conn officer . Conversely, in the same quantum reality, the Bajorans were a hostile faction, having overthrown the Cardassian Union prior to 2370 . They became increasingly aggressive towards the Federation. A Bajoran ship destroyed the Argus Array on Stardate 47391.2 as they thought that Starfleet was using it to spy on them. In the same reality, La Forge had likewise been killed shortly beforehand, though the cause of his death was not stated.

In a reality where the Borg had emerged victorious after the Battle of Wolf 359 and successfully conquered the Federation, the Enterprise was one of the few remaining Starfleet vessels by 2370. Riker was in command of that ship as well and was desperate not to return to his universe once all of the Enterprise s began spilling into a single universe. After attempting to get the attention of the present-reality Enterprise by firing lightly upon them, the heavily damaged ship was destroyed by Captain Riker with the alternate Riker on board to prevent further damage to his ship.

The fissure was eventually sealed and the remaining ships were returned to their proper universes. When Worf returned to his normal universe, time was reversed and these events no longer occurred. ( TNG : " Parallels ")

Anti-time eruption [ ]

USS Enterprise-D, anti-time future

The Enterprise -D in an alternate future

Several alternate versions of the Enterprise -D were seen by Captain Picard after encountering an anti-time eruption in the Devron system . All were part of separate closed timelines.

In the anti-time past of 2363 and 2364 , the Enterprise was not sent to Farpoint Station , but instead was diverted to investigate the anomaly, which was feared to be a new Romulan presence. In this time period, Picard did not inform his crew of his time shifts, worrying that it may influence the future.

He initially ignored Starfleet's orders and proceeded to Farpoint, but then diverted the ship to the Devron system and began scanning the anomaly with an inverse tachyon pulse . When it was discovered that the beam actually caused the anomaly and that the ship would need to create a static warp shell to contain the eruption, the crew was hesitant to accept the orders of their commander, who seemed to be making arbitrary decisions.

After a quick reassurance from Picard, the crew cooperated and the ship joined two other Enterprise s in order to seal the breach. It was the first to be destroyed after the stress from the static warp shell caused a warp core breach.

The second ship existed in the anti-time present of 2370 and 2371. Its history was identical to the real ship up until that point. It was also sent to the Devron system and began to scan the anomaly with the inverse tachyon beam. Picard did tell this crew about his time shifts, and this ship was most drastically affected by the anomaly's effects.

This Enterprise joined the two other ships inside the anomaly, but was also destroyed trying to maintain a static warp shell.

In the anti-time future , the Enterprise was not destroyed at Veridian III, but remained in service for a number of years, Admiral Riker saving the vessel from being decommissioned by making it his personal flagship based out of Starbase 247 .

USS Enterprise-D 2395, firing phasers

Firing phasers

In this future, the Enterprise had undergone several significant modifications, including the addition of a third nacelle, a cloaking device, and a powerful phaser mounted underneath the saucer section. Riker took the Enterprise to intercept the USS Pasteur when he realized that Picard would investigate the anomaly without permission. It intercepted two Klingon battleships which were attacking the Pasteur , single-handedly destroying one with eight shots from the new phaser weapon. This forced the other vessel to retreat. The Enterprise then rescued the crew of the badly-damaged Pasteur before it was destroyed due to a warp core breach.

Riker ordered the Enterprise back to Federation space, but Picard later convinced him to return to the Devron system and the ship arrived in time to watch the initial formation of the anomaly. It was the last ship to be destroyed when the anomaly was sealed, preventing any of these ships from coming into existence. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Destruction at Veridian III [ ]

USS Enterprise-D annihilated

The Enterprise destroyed by a shock wave

In yet another alternate timeline, the saucer section of the Enterprise -D was destroyed with the loss of all hands shortly after its crash-landing on the surface of Veridian III. In this version of events, Doctor Tolian Soran successfully launched his trili thium missile into the Veridian star; the resulting shock wave destroyed all planets in the system. Fortunately, before the wave reached the planet, both Soran and Captain Picard were swept into the Nexus, until the Enterprise -D's saucer section and all aboard were wiped out when the shock wave reached Veridian III.

Acquiring the assistance of James T. Kirk , Picard was able to return to a point before Soran launched his weapon and prevent the destruction of the Veridian star, sparing the lives aboard the saucer section of the Enterprise -D at the same time. ( Star Trek Generations )

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Encounter at Farpoint "
  • " The Naked Now "
  • " Code of Honor "
  • " The Last Outpost "
  • " Where No One Has Gone Before "
  • " Lonely Among Us "
  • " Justice "
  • " The Battle "
  • " Hide And Q "
  • " The Big Goodbye "
  • " Datalore "
  • " Angel One "
  • " 11001001 "
  • " Too Short A Season "
  • " When The Bough Breaks "
  • " Home Soil "
  • " Coming of Age "
  • " Heart of Glory "
  • " The Arsenal of Freedom "
  • " Symbiosis "
  • " Skin Of Evil "
  • " We'll Always Have Paris "
  • " Conspiracy "
  • " The Neutral Zone "
  • " The Child "
  • " Where Silence Has Lease "
  • " Elementary, Dear Data "
  • " The Outrageous Okona "
  • " Loud As A Whisper "
  • " The Schizoid Man "
  • " Unnatural Selection "
  • " A Matter Of Honor "
  • " The Measure Of A Man "
  • " The Dauphin "
  • " Contagion "
  • " The Royale "
  • " Time Squared "
  • " The Icarus Factor "
  • " Pen Pals "
  • " Samaritan Snare "
  • " Up The Long Ladder "
  • " Manhunt "
  • " The Emissary "
  • " Peak Performance "
  • " Shades of Gray "
  • " Evolution "
  • " The Ensigns of Command "
  • " The Survivors "
  • " Who Watches The Watchers "
  • " The Bonding "
  • " Booby Trap "
  • " The Enemy "
  • " The Price "
  • " The Vengeance Factor "
  • " The Defector "
  • " The Hunted "
  • " The High Ground "
  • " A Matter of Perspective "
  • " Yesterday's Enterprise "
  • " The Offspring "
  • " Sins of The Father "
  • " Allegiance "
  • " Captain's Holiday "
  • " Tin Man "
  • " Hollow Pursuits "
  • " The Most Toys "
  • " Ménage à Troi "
  • " Transfigurations "
  • " The Best of Both Worlds "
  • " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II "
  • " Brothers "
  • " Suddenly Human "
  • " Remember Me "
  • " Reunion "
  • " Future Imperfect "
  • " Final Mission "
  • " The Loss "
  • " Data's Day "
  • " The Wounded "
  • " Devil's Due "
  • " First Contact "
  • " Galaxy's Child "
  • " Night Terrors "
  • " Identity Crisis "
  • " The Nth Degree "
  • " The Drumhead "
  • " Half a Life "
  • " The Host "
  • " The Mind's Eye "
  • " In Theory "
  • " Redemption "
  • " Redemption II "
  • " Ensign Ro "
  • " Silicon Avatar "
  • " Disaster "
  • " The Game "
  • " Unification I "
  • " Unification II "
  • " A Matter Of Time "
  • " New Ground "
  • " Hero Worship "
  • " Violations "
  • " The Masterpiece Society "
  • " Conundrum "
  • " Power Play "
  • " The Outcast "
  • " Cause And Effect "
  • " The First Duty "
  • " Cost Of Living "
  • " The Perfect Mate "
  • " Imaginary Friend "
  • " The Next Phase "
  • " The Inner Light "
  • " Time's Arrow "
  • " Time's Arrow, Part II "
  • " Realm Of Fear "
  • " Man Of The People "
  • " Schisms "
  • " Rascals "
  • " A Fistful of Datas "
  • " The Quality of Life "
  • " Chain Of Command, Part I "
  • " Chain Of Command, Part II "
  • " Ship In A Bottle "
  • " Face Of The Enemy "
  • " Tapestry "
  • " Birthright, Part I "
  • " Birthright, Part II "
  • " Starship Mine "
  • " Lessons "
  • " The Chase "
  • " Frame of Mind "
  • " Suspicions "
  • " Rightful Heir "
  • " Second Chances "
  • " Timescape "
  • " Descent "
  • " Descent, Part II "
  • " Liaisons "
  • " Interface "
  • " Gambit, Part I "
  • " Gambit, Part II "
  • " Phantasms "
  • " Dark Page "
  • " Attached "
  • " Force of Nature "
  • " Inheritance "
  • " Parallels "
  • " The Pegasus "
  • " Homeward "
  • " Sub Rosa "
  • " Lower Decks "
  • " Thine Own Self "
  • " Eye of the Beholder "
  • " Genesis "
  • " Journey's End "
  • " Firstborn "
  • " Bloodlines "
  • " Emergence "
  • " Preemptive Strike "
  • " All Good Things... "
  • DS9 : " Emissary "
  • Star Trek Generations
  • ENT : " These Are the Voyages... "
  • " Remembrance " (dream only)
  • " Maps and Legends " (hologram only)
  • " The Next Generation " (model)
  • " The Last Generation "
  • LD : " Trusted Sources " (display graphic, mural)
  • " Starstruck " (digital image)
  • " Kobayashi " (hologram)
  • VST : " Worst Contact "

Background information [ ]

The Enterprise -D model was designed by Andrew Probert . The basic layout of the ship was derived from a painting Probert had done following Star Trek: The Motion Picture of how he would redesign the Enterprise had he been allowed to break with the basic plan Matt Jefferies and Joe Jennings created for Star Trek: Phase II . When he was hired to work in the Star Trek: The Next Generation art department, he brought the painting with him and hung it in his office, then set to work on the design of the bridge. Out of pure luck, David Gerrold saw the painting and brought it to Gene Roddenberry 's attention. Roddenberry immediately approved the general direction. Probert further refined the design into the familiar shape; however, he originally conceived the battle section as a smaller vessel shaped like a "D" which detached from an area on the saucer. Later, the producers informed him that they wanted the ship to split in two and have the engineering hull serve as the battle section. This presented an additional problem for Probert, as he needed to figure out some way to fulfill the producers' requests while keeping the original lines of the design. Eventually, he found a way to incorporate a separation using the approved design, and after several more minor changes, the design reached its final form. Roddenberry's only requests were to lengthen the ends of the warp nacelles and to keep the bridge on the top of the saucer section rather than within the ship. Roddenberry felt that having the bridge on the exterior gave a sense of scale to the vessel.

Two versions of the filming miniature were built by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) for the first season : a large six-foot model and a smaller less-detailed two-foot model, both constructed under the supervision of Ease Owyeung . Both were capable of saucer separation. The cost to construct the original models was US$75,000. For the third season , Greg Jein built a new four-foot miniature. It was not built to separate, but for the first time it accurately depicted the Ten Forward windows. It first appeared in TNG : " The Defector " and completely replaced the previous two models, although stock footage of the original models was still used. The six-foot model was briefly reused for the saucer separation in " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ". It was completely refurbished and overhauled for Star Trek Generations , where it represented the Enterprise alongside a computer-generated version and a special twelve-foot-wide saucer, created for the crash sequence. ILM crewmember Bill George relabeled the registry on the saucer to "NCC-1701-E" before the model was returned to the Paramount archives. The four-foot model was modified into the three-nacelled Enterprise from " All Good Things... " and later partially restored to become the USS Odyssey in " The Jem'Hadar " and the USS Venture in " The Way of the Warrior ".

The three miniatures used to represent the Enterprise-D: from front to back, the two-footer, the four-footer, and the six-footer

The original six-foot filming model of the Enterprise -D (Lot #712) was sold at the 40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection auction on 7 October 2006 for US$576,000, including the buyer's premium (the winning bid was US$500,000), by far the highest price for any item in the auction.

The Star Trek Generations CGI model was utilized as various Galaxy -class ships during Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager . This same CGI model was overhauled by Gabriel Koerner for the ship's appearance in " These Are the Voyages... ".

During the early planning stages of TNG, it was intended for the series to be set in the late 25th century . The Enterprise -D would have been the seventh starship to bear the name, with a registry of NCC-1701-7. After the release of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home featuring the USS Enterprise -A , the designation was changed to NCC-1701-G before the producers finally moved the series to eighty years after Star Trek: The Original Series and settled on NCC-1701-D. There was also talk of eliminating the starship from the TNG series altogether and merely boosting the abilities of the transporter, but this idea was quickly dropped.

Probert Bridge Sketch

Conceptual sketch for the Enterprise bridge by Andrew Probert

Interior sets were supervised by Herman Zimmerman during the first season and Star Trek Generations . Andrew Probert also contributed design sketches, most importantly for the bridge. Richard James took over the role from the second season until the end of the series. Many sets were recycled from those created by Harold Michelson for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and the aborted Star Trek: Phase II . In turn, many of the Enterprise -D sets were transformed into those of the USS Voyager for Star Trek: Voyager .

Parts of the Enterprise -D sets, including the bridge tactical station, command chairs, and main engineering master systems display were displayed at the Hollywood Entertainment Museum [4] until they shut down in 2007, at which time the items were returned to Paramount. Other smaller set pieces and walls have been kept in the Paramount archives and used in other Star Trek productions, even becoming parts of the recreated TNG sets in "These Are the Voyages...".

A design patent was issued in 1990 for the "ornamental design" of the Enterprise -D. Andrew Probert was recognized in that patent as the sole "inventor" of the design.

The Enterprise -D had a captain's yacht named the Calypso . It was never actually seen, due to budget restrictions, but it can be seen on the underside of the saucer section. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual )

In a scene description from the final draft script of ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ", the Enterprise -D was referred to as a "great ship".

Apocrypha [ ]

Reference manuals [ ].

The Enterprise -D was the subject of the highly detailed Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda , and had its sets rendered in QuickTime VR for the interactive version of the book.

Sternbach later produced a set of blueprints depicting every single deck of the Enterprise .

The Enterprise -D was seen in several officially-licensed games , including Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity , Star Trek: The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past , and Star Trek Generations . It also made a brief appearance at the end of the Star Trek: Armada strategy game, and in a Star Trek: Legacy mission with the USS Defiant .

Attractions [ ]

The Enterprise -D met the science vessel Antares at the conclusion of Star Trek: Orion Rendezvous , a Star Trek -themed planetarium show produced in 1992 in conjunction with the Star Trek: Federation Science exhibit. That exhibit featured displays and interactive learning games modeled after the Enterprise -D bridge, engineering, sickbay, science lab, and transporter room.

Until September 1st, 2008, fans could visit the Enterprise -D via Star Trek: The Experience , which took guests through the transporter room, corridors, bridge, and shuttle deck while attempting to escape into a temporal rift aboard a shuttle motion simulator ride. Similar recreations of certain sets were included in the European Star Trek World Tour . [5]

External links [ ]

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) at Wikipedia
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Calypso (episode)

Star Trek, Before Darkness: 47 Years of Starship Designs

uss enterprise star trek side view

  • The Original (and Best?)

uss enterprise star trek side view

The Starship Enterprise NCC 1701

Registry: USS Enterprise / NCC-1701

First Seen On:   Star Trek (TV series: 1966-1969)

This version — designed by Star Trek art director Matt Jeffries — was a revelation when it was first introduced into living rooms all over America. Unlike the missile-like rocket-ship of 1950s sci-fi, Captain Kirk’s starship was at once an elegant and weird looking behemoth. Jeffries had a vision of what a 23rd-century spacecraft might look like, and decided that form would follow function. He put the warp nacelles on V-shaped stems far away from the bulk of the ship, to minimize danger to the crew; he kept the exterior smooth, putting all the ships workings on the inside to reduce the need for maintenance crew members to space-walk.

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry had given Jeffries wide range during the design process, and the two later decided it should be a Constitution class ship, giving it the official designation NCC 1701. The NCC was meant to sound naval, and 1701 reportedly references the 17th round of ship designs by Starfleet — with the Enterprise being the first to be commissioned — and, as Jeffries supposedly said, it’s easy to read from afar.


Next The Enterprise at the Movies: Take 1

  • The Good Ship Enterprise
  • The Proto-Enterprise
  • The Enterprise at the Movies: Take 1
  • The Enterprise at the Movies: Take 2
  • Boldly Going: The Next Generation Era
  • The Forgotten Ships: Part 1
  • The Forgotten Ships: Part 2
  • The Cool One
  • The J.J. Abrams’ Reboot
  • The Evil Enterprises
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Original ‘star trek’ uss enterprise fully restored, displayed in smithsonian.

"It's an iconic artifact, so we're really treating this as something that ... needs to be preserved and treated as authentically as possible," says the chief conservator.

By Ryan Parker

Ryan Parker

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Original 'Star Trek' U.S.S. Enterprise Fully Restored, Displayed in

It’s not necessarily going where no man has gone before, but it’s still a cool destination. 

In honor of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum  40th anniversary, the original USS Enterprise model from the Star Trek television series has been fully restored and put on view at the Washington tourist attraction, according to the museum. 

The ship is being displayed in a new state-of-the-art, climate-controlled case in the Milestones exhibit, the Smithsonian said.

The Enterprise became a pop culture icon and was just as important a character on the series, which originally ran from 1966-1969, as Capt . James T. Kirk or Mr. Spock. 

Since the model was used for filming, it is not seamless, according to the museum, which stated in a blog post earlier this week that “the restored Enterprise rests with its camera-ready side on full view. Walk around to the back to see the less-decorated port or left side, where the wires bring power to the internal lights and motors. The model’s internal lighting has been replaced with modern LEDs … .” 

Previously, the massive model hung in the gift shop of the museum. 

“From a conservator’s standpoint, that [was] probably one of the worst places to put an artifact,” Malcolm Collum , the chief conservator of the National Air and Space Museum, told NPR . “It’s an iconic artifact, so we’re really treating this as something that is — it needs to be preserved and treated as authentically as possible.” 

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The 'Star Trek: Discovery' series finale is a mixed bag (review)

"Discovery" was the first of the new wave of "Star Trek," and it helped pave the way for the recent renaissance in television science fiction. For that, we are thankful.

seven people in purple spaceflight uniforms stand on a futuristic-looking set.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Discovery" season 5, episode 10

Here we are, six years, eight months and six days later, and, to paraphrase a well-known " Star Trek " alum, Oh my, the world has drastically changed during that time. And so has "Star Trek." You may remember that, way back on Nov. 2, 2015, news trickled out that CBS was going to reboot "Star Trek" in some way, shape or form, giving producers a year or so to put something together before the show's 50th anniversary in September 2016. A perfect promotional opportunity. 

Nicholas Meyer was originally attached to the project before he was ousted. Then Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts were fired before Bryan Fuller left the project, ultimately leaving everything in the hands of Alex Kurtzman. And he has taken something of a back seat in recent seasons, leaving the showrunning duties to Michelle Paradise.

The first episode of the first season, entitled "The Vulcan Hello," aired on Sept. 24, 2016 and showed massive potential. However, the concept of focusing the show not on the captain of the USS Discovery NCC-1031, but on the first officer instead, proved difficult to maintain. Consequently, over time we've ended up where we are now — lost somewhere ludicrously far forward in time where transporters have replaced stairs and you can just beam into new uniforms.

Related: 'Star Trek:' History & effect on space technology

Watch Star Trek on Paramount Plus: Get a one month free trial 

Watch Star Trek on Paramount Plus: Get a one month free trial  

Get all the Star Trek content you can possibly handle with this free trial of Paramount Plus. Watch new shows like Star Trek: Discovery and all the classic Trek movies and TV shows too. Plans start from $4.99/month after the trial ends.

closeup of a smiling woman with short hair

Over the last seven and a half years, it's been a  very  mixed bag; there were  inspired episodes ,  missed opportunities , truly  bizarre stories , some  blatant plagiarism  and even a nod  to Scooby-Doo . Despite some  very good  standalone episodes, the show has steadily declined in the quality of story writing. That's not to say the performances have been bad at all; in fact, "Discovery" has some of the finest talent in television. What has let them all down is ultimately the decisions made by the showrunner, or whoever it is who oversees the writing.

Despite a strong start, it soon became clear that, as "Star Wars" has a Skywalker problem, "Star Trek" suffered from a similar Enterprise problem. It was incapable of letting go. For some ridiculous reason, Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) had  to be related to Spock, and we had to actually have the USS Enterprise show up. It's much less work to draw on a deep well of existing character history than actually write anything new, you see. Maybe studio executives have an even shorter attention span than viewers?

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Now, while that's spawned " Strange New Worlds " — which is the best of  NuTrek so far, by far— it would've been nice to have had a show, still set less than three centuries from now, with   new   characters and minimal reference to any other longstanding "Star Trek" shows. Kurtzman's decision to fling the series 1,100 years into the future at the end of season two to "free it from the constraints of existing canon" was an effort to recover from this, but the damage had already been done. 

Related: 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 5 episode 9 offers a tense but questionable cliffhanger

a bearded man stares through a set of metal bars.

However, bringing "Star Trek" back onto the small screen has had an undeniably positive effect on television science fiction. The fact that CBS All Access, later Paramount Plus, was investing so heavily in it undoubtedly influenced Amazon with its decision to save "The Expanse" in August 2018. Plus, in November 2017, Disney announced it was going to put a live action "Star Wars" spinoff show on our humble TV screens, and, exactly two years later, we got " The Mandalorian ." And let's not forget " The Orville ," which also arrived on our screens in September 2017. 

"Discovery" helped pave the way for a renaissance in television science fiction and for that, we are eternally thankful, but ... we won't be even remotely sad to say goodbye to black alerts, that damn spore drive, smartmatter, excessive flamebursts, detached nacelles, Georgiou's smug sniggers, Burnham's Bottom Lip™ and those crazy, cavernous turbolift spaces .

For the finale, though, we're treated to a whopping 90-minute installment, written by Michelle Paradise, so you have some idea of what's coming. And to be perfectly honest, this episode drags. Paradise always favors super-fluffy storylines that leave you with a cheese-overload aftertaste, and we've never seen evidence to suggest that she has any range beyond this. So, that's what you can expect, and that's exactly what is delivered — a cookie cutter-style finale that's mostly disappointing.

Malinne "Moll" Ravel (Eve Harlow) has just become annoying now, and the side plot threads, like that of Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), feel forced and hastily tacked on. And ultimately, you're left thinking that this finale is just like all the others we've seen in seasons three, four and now five. For the end-of-series climax, could it not have been something slightly different? Extremely unlikely with Paradise running this show. Also, what actually was the Progenitor tech? A galaxy-sized MacGuffin? Yes. Again.

Yes, there is a link to the "Short Trek" installment " Calypso ," but in order for it to directly correspond, we see the USS Discovery being reverse-engineered to its former 23rd century state, complete with a removed "A" from the hull registry and reattached warp nacelles. Oh, and it turns out that Kovich (David Cronenberg) is Daniels, a temporal agent played by Matt Winston and first introduced in the "Enterprise" episode "Cold Front" S01, E11, with seven more appearances in the thoroughly enjoyable temporal story thread. So, that's nice.

The fact that Burnham becomes an admiral and works for Starfleet Intelligence now, along with everything we've just mentioned above was absolutely, unquestionably added to help link this episode, show and characters with the Section 31 television movie that's being made starring Michelle Yeoh. Moreover, the same was done to help tie in with the new Starfleet Academy series that quite obviously is being set in the 32nd century. 

illustration of a starship, with cosmic dust clouds in the background

 —   Watch the bittersweet trailer for 'Star Trek: Discovery's final season (video)

— Star Trek streaming guide: Where to watch the Star Trek movies and TV shows online

—  Star Trek movies in order: Chronological and release

As she set off to fulfill Discovery's destiny with Zora, it might have been nice to see Burnham locate and gently rub the small metal burr under the captain’s chair’s left armrest that Captain Georgiou had practically rubbed smooth, as was explained to Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) in the episode " Su'Kal " (S03, E11) — but evidently no one thought of that. 

The fifth and final season of "Star Trek: Discovery," and every other episode of every " Star Trek " show — with the exception of "Star Trek: Prodigy" — currently streams exclusively on Paramount Plus in the US, while "Prodigy" has found a new home  on Netflix . 

Internationally, the shows are available on  Paramount Plus  in Australia, Latin America, the UK and South Korea, as well as on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. They also stream on Paramount Plus in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In Canada, they air on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and stream on Crave.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

When Scott's application to the NASA astronaut training program was turned down, he was naturally any 6-year-old boy would be. He chose instead to write as much as he possibly could about science, technology and space exploration. He graduated from The University of Coventry and received his training on Fleet Street in London. He still hopes to be the first journalist in space.

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  • BuzzsBuddy The big question is if there are more than two sentences that aren't whispered. We know the answer is no for Michael. Reply
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RETRO REVIEW: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Is a Near-Perfect Adventure


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Many Star Trek fans believe that only the even-numbered films starring the Original Series cast are good -- but Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is the exception to this "rule." It was the first film directed by Leonard Nimoy and the first one to suggest Gene Roddenberry's characters had a future on the big screen. Despite controversial story choices, The Search for Spock was a classic Star Trek adventure that represented everything fans loved about Roddenberry's universe.

One can't consider The Search for Spock without talking about its predecessor, since it opened with Spock's death scene from The Wrath of Khan . Audiences safely assumed from the title that the crew of the USS Enterprise would find Spock alive somehow. This decision was welcomed by most fans, even though it undercut the sacrifice Spock made to save the ship. And the return of everyone's favorite Vulcan wasn't the only questionable decision made by the filmmakers. But for those who think the only good thing about Star Trek III is that it set up "the one with the whales," the film is worth revisiting as it celebrates its 40th anniversary.

Why Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Got a Negative Reaction

From starfleet antagonism to the death of the enterprise, fans' feelings were hurt, why leonard nimoy directed star trek iii: the search for spock.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was the first film directed by Leonard Nimoy, and how he convinced the studio to let him went beyond mere logic.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock left an ache in the hearts of Star Trek fans -- with good reason. Until the reboot entries, it was the most cynical Star Trek movie . The film was was the first time Starfleet was painted as an antagonist to the heroes. Then there was the part where Captain James T. Kirk's son David Marcus was unceremoniously killed by a Klingon. And the greatest sin the movie committed was the destruction of the USS Enterprise . The ship was a character in the Star Trek universe, but it was also and even more importantly, home to the characters and the fans. The loss of the ship hurt more than even the loss of Spock, especially because there was no sci-fi magic that could resurrect the vessel.

The most famous line from The Wrath of Khan -- outside of Kirk yelling his name -- was "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." The Search for Spock was an entire film dedicated to the opposite idea. Along with the decimation of the most beautiful ship in sci-fi history , it saw Kirk and the Enterprise crew throw away their careers and become criminals just to rescue Spock's body. They didn't even know he was still alive when they crossed the proverbial line. With hindsight and the films that followed, this expression of loyalty and friendship is the film's greatest strength... but at the time it debuted, Star Trek III felt like an affront to everything Star Trek was supposed to be.

The USS Enterprise Crew Was at Their Best in Star Trek III

Every character had a part to play in the search for spock, every star trek crew, ranked.

Star Trek is one of the most iconic sci-fi franchises of all time, with new series growing each year. Here is every Star Trek crew ranked.

In some of the other Star Trek films and many episodes of The Original Series , characters outside of Kirk, Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy often had little to do. But in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, each member of the crew had their moment. Nichelle Nichols' character Nyota Uhura was absent for the second act, but her scene at the transporter with "Mister Adventure" defined her as a genuine Star Trek badass. Similarly, George Takei's Hikaru Sulu was able to take out a disrespectful Starfleet security guard... while wearing a caped sci-fi outfit that Lando Calrissan would love. James Doohan's Montgomery "Scotty" Scott was able to hamstring Starfleet's newest, most powerful ship with the turn of a wrench.

A contemporaneous review in Starburst magazine said the film "is nothing more than a lot of character studies revolving around the qualities of friendship and commitment," as if it were a bad thing. Other Star Trek stories clearly established the Enterprise crew's professionalism and loyalty to each other as Starfleet officers. The Search for Spock established without doubt that their affection for each other went beyond the uniform. Small, simple details such as the speed with which they all agreed to commit treason against Starfleet to help Spock showed that they were as important to each other as the characters were to fans. Those enduring relationships were why the entire franchise endured for six decades.

Defined in the context of Star Trek 's aspirational ideals, these characters -- and these actors -- could do anything. Along with the familiar cast, Star Trek III brought back Mark Lenard as Sarek, Spock's father who infamously married a human . It was only Sarek's second time on-screen in live action. Lenard would go on to play the role four more times, in two sequels and The Next Generation , as well as voice Sarek in Star Trek: The Animated Series . But bringing him back in The Search for Spock created a deep connection to TOS ... and not the only one.

The Search for Spock Was a Darker Star Trek Story Than Expected

Intrigue with starfleet and heavy losses were new elements, why darker, grittier star trek shows aren’t a bad thing.

Why a more complex version of the Star Trek universe isn’t as far away from the original vision as you think and may benefit the franchise.

Star Trek III 's use of actor Christopher Lloyd as Kruge was a franchise-defining moment, since this was the first time the Klingons were the "heavies" of a film. The Starburst reviewer said the film "lacks a full blooded villain in the [mold] of Khan " and was "predictable." While it was always a safe bet Kirk and company were going survive, the heroes suffered perhaps their worse defeat of all time in The Search for Spock . Kruge did what countless other antagonists could never do: destroy the Enterprise . (Although technically, Kirk used the ship's self-destruct to kill all but one of Kruge's soldiers.) Kruge also ordered the death of Kirk's son, albeit unknowingly.

Kruge was a far worse nemesis than Khan ever was, because of how much these losses cost Kirk and the Enterprise crew personally. The other thing no one predicted was that Starfleet was also an antagonist in the film. This angered purists -- not the least of whom was Gene Roddenberry, who had no story control . Starfleet Command wanted to mothball the Enterprise in favor of the USS Excelsior and break up the crew. And because of the political fallout from the secret Genesis Project, Starfleet wouldn't allow Kirk to go retrieve a fallen captain's body, despite the fact that doing so was in accordance with Vulcan cultural customs.

Kirk wasn't the only character who was wronged, either. McCoy was perceived to be suffering from mental illness or injury. Instead of being treated by his colleagues at Starfleet Medical, he was thrown in jail for trying to charter transport to Genesis. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was all about the characters getting older, and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock built on that idea by giving it political consequences. Why Starfleet was being so difficult didn't make sense at the time, but after 40 years, accepting that it is an imperfect organization makes the movie play much better.

How The Search for Spock Suffered Thanks to Paramount

Leonard nimoy and harve bennett fought to make star trek iii work, 10 great movies that were almost ruined by studio interference.

The Godfather and Blade Runner are beloved today, but it could've been a very different story if their studios had had their way.

Even though Star Trek II made Paramount nearly $40 million of profit, The Search for Spock only saw a $5 million budget increase -- and most of that surplus went to visual effects. To save money and time, all but one sequence in the film was shot on studio sets... even when location shoots would have benefited the movie immensely, as on the Genesis Planet. This actually made the film feel very much like an episode of The Original Series . It added to the charm and strengthened Star Trek III 's connections to that beloved show. Some other complications didn't work out as well.

Nimoy and Star Trek writer-producer Harve Bennett talked about the marketing in the film's commentary track. The destruction of the Enterprise was supposed to be a shocking, emotional beat -- yet Paramount put the explosion in the trailer, calling the film "the final voyage of the USS Enterprise ." This did not endear The Search for Spock to fans. It was the equivalent of if Star Wars: The Force Awakens had advertised Han Solo's death. In 1984, a trilogy was typically all a film series would get. Star Trek fans went into Star Trek III expecting closure, and instead, they got a high-minded "To be continued…" that read as a cop-out non-ending.

But with four decades in the rear-view, audiences can appreciate The Search for Spock for what it is. It's a movie about a storied group of heroes, dismissed and ignored by those they served, who took matters into their own hands. They risked everything -- from their careers to their freedom -- just to honor a fallen friend. They got their comrade back, but he wasn't the same and the price was steep. Star Trek III strikes a marvelous balance between action, adventure, and the character drama that kept fans watching The Original Series over and over. It's an unlikely triumph and what propelled Gene Roddenberry's universe onwards for 22 more films and TV series. Not bad for one of the odd-numbered movies.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is streaming on Max.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned U.S.S. Enterprise to return to the restricted Genesis Planet to recover Spock's body.

  • The best use of the entire Enterprise crew in the movies up to that point.
  • The film focuses on character relationships first and foremost.
  • Stunning visual effects and score that elevate the film.
  • The lack of location shots don't allow the Genesis Planet to feel as epic as it was.
  • David Marcus's death feels more cynical than earned.
  • No real denouement in the film makes ending feel abrupt.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

Update 67 Patch Notes

By rebekah 4 June 2024

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Into the Mirror Universe, Part 1

The balance of power in the Mirror Universe has been shattered.

Driven into hiding by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance for her failures, Kira Nerys has emerged from the shadows, turning the tides of conflict in the process. Armed with classified Alliance intel and an irresistible allure, the once reviled Intendant of Terok Nor has now claimed the mantle of Terran Empress – a figurehead who is feared and beloved in equal measure by her new Terran subjects.

However, a select few have proven to be resilient to the charms of the new Terran Empress. In defiance of a Bajoran ruler, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the ISS Enterprise-D have chosen the path of resistance. This lone spark of rebellion will ignite the fires of war – a war that will decide the future of the Terran Empire.

This conflict will cause ripples across galaxies and through dimensions. All that remains is to cast the first stone. Terra Firma!

Update 67 Includes:

  • New Galaxy Expansion: The Mirror Universe
  • New Apex Barrier Modifier
  • New Mirror Tree Research
  • New Terran Empire Hostiles
  • New Mirror Universe Refinery

New Officers

  • New Missions
  • New Primes, Buffs, and Refits
  • New Cosmetics
  • New Battle Pass

Quality of Life Improvements

Coming this update: improved Officer Filters! The officer filter screen has been extended with more options to narrow down the officers you need quicker.

Players can now filter officers by: Isolytic Damage, Warp Range, Warp Speed, Impulse Speed, Cargo Capacity, Protected Cargo, Mining speed, Crit Damage, Crit Chance, Hostile Loot, XP Reward, or Effects(Burning, Morale, Assimilated, and Hull Breach). In addition, players can filter not docked, not deployed or not away on an assignment.

Into the Mirror Universe

The Mirror Universe is available to players Operations 40 and above and includes 49 new themed systems, each containing a number of systems designated for Mirror Universe hostiles and mines. 

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Players can only travel to, through, and out of the Mirror Universe systems by using Interphasic Rifts , and active ship abilities such as the Disco Jump, Gorn Eviscerator Spatial Rip or the Borg Cube Transwarp will not work. Players will also note that there is NO protected cargo, whether earned from mining or defeating hostiles.

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Here’s how to access and navigate the Mirror Universe: 

  • For all level-eligible players, the Mirror Universe begins in the first system with an Entry Rift (Systems are Mirror Alpha Centauri, Mirror Wolf, Mirror Sirius)
  • Spend 300 Mirror Universe Entry Vouchers to use the Entry Rift and warp into Mirror Universe space
  • In order to traverse deeper into the Mirror Universe, warp to and park in a Rift of your choosing and pay with the right rarity-specific Mirror Rift Keys to move to another system in that path
  • There are three rarities of Mirror Rift Keys reflecting the rarity of the system it leads to; Common, Uncommon and Premium . Premium keys let you skip deeper into the MU, bypassing other systems.
  • Fight new Terran hostiles for loot and mine Trellium Mines for raw trellium-a and d
  • Get out of the Mirror Universe by using an Extract Rifts , found in some Mirror Universe systems. An extract or recall is only available when a ship is parked in an Extract Rift, and this is the only way to leave the Mirror Universe other than your ship being destroyed or letting the vouchers expire.
  • There is no protected cargo. If your ship is destroyed in the Mirror Universe by ANY foe, cargo is lost. This includes PvE as well as PvP.

Eligible players will receive 900 free entry vouchers every 3 days with more available in the store, as well as a Day 1 gift in game to help them get started in the Mirror Universe.

Apex Barrier Modifier

An extraordinarily powerful new survivability modifier, Apex Barrier  provides  true damage mitigation  from all damage sources after all other bonuses. Every  10,000  Apex Barrier increases the damage you can take by  100% . It is the most direct, impactful way to increase your survivability in STFC . This modifier can be increased and improved through the Mirror Research Tree and Mirror Universe officers.

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While Apex Barrier is both PvP and PvE, players will notice the following that will drastically change the world of PvP as we know of is thus far in Star Trek Fleet Command:

  • 11 PvP only Apex Barrier nodes in the Mirror Tree
  • PvP Apex Barrier officers that significantly increase survivability
  • 1 Mirror Universe hostiles Apex Barrier node in the Mirror tree
  • 3 new hostiles-focused Apex Barrier refits
  • 1 hostiles + PvP Apex Barrier Prime

Note: Apex Barrier will not work with armadas. Read more in-depth about Apex Barrier in this blog here .

Mirror Research 

Update 67 introduces a new Research tree with unparalleled power and survivability bonuses.

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Some of the new research nodes include:

  • Apex Barrier in both PvE and PvP
  • Ship Efficiencies for G4-G6
  • Sigma G6 Cost Efficiencies
  • Isolytic Defense and Damage
  • +Iso damage (+50%, “Premium Isolytic Damage”)
  • Syndicate XP Daily Free Claim
  • PvE Hostiles Combat HHP Repair

Resources can be sourced in the following ways:

  • Common is sourced via Mirror Universe
  • Uncommon is sourced over time via Mirror Universe
  • Rare is sourced from special targets in Mirror Universe
  • Epic is sourced over time from special targets in Mirror Universe
  • Premium is currently exclusive to events in-game and the store

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Mirror Research is exclusive to players who participate in Mirror Universe activities, includes 75 new research nodes, and is the primary source for the new Apex Barrier modifier. 

Terran Empire Hostiles

Terran Empire Hostiles are single-target hostiles per grade and investing in the new Apex Barrier Modifier will vastly improve the chances of defeating them. These hostiles can drop two types of loot: common + uncommon. The Terran Empire Hostiles that drop uncommon not only provide greater rewards, but they WILL require Apex Barrier to defeat.

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Note: Once you travel to the system “Mirror Hoeven,” players will be able to obtain both loot types.

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Here’s a brief look at how these new hostiles perform during combat:

  • Dismantlement: At the start of the round, if the enemy player is hull breached, this ship increases its standard damage by X% for 1 round
  • Deadlock: At combat start, Hull breach enemy player for duration of combat
  • Photophobia : At the start of the round, if the enemy player is hull breached, this ship increases its Isolytic damage by X% for 1 round

Mirror Universe Refinery and Liquid Trellium

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After you’ve traversed through the Mirror Universe, defeated Terran Empire hostiles, and collected loot, you’ll want to use an Extract Rift to leave and make use of your haul. Players will be able to exchange raw loot for Liquid Trellium-D. Liquid Trellium-D can be used in the refinery to exchange for the following:

  • Mirror Universe Vouchers: for entry to the Mirror Universe
  • Mirror Dust: for the new Mirror Research Tree
  • Rift Keys: for traveling deeper through Rifts into the Mirror Universe
  • NX-01 Officers
  • Holodeck Building materials
  • Forbidden Tech
  • Tokened Resources

All of the officers coming out during the Mirror Universe arc will be in the same synergy group, and when used together, can maximize survivability with a huge boost to Apex Barrier in PvP.

Epic Mirror Picard

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Epic Mirror Picard is a force to be reckoned with in PvP. As the counter to Freeman, Mirror Picard shows that he is not only a useful addition to the Mirror Universe officers, but can stand alone.

  • Base: 50 Big Synergy: 50 Small Synergy: 25
  • 10000 / 13000 / 17000 / 22000 / 30000

Bonus – Free Epic Mirror Picard Shards

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Earn 5 free Epic Mirror Picard officer shards by using the code: themirror in the webstore. This code is only available starting 30min after event reset, and will run for 10 days. All players Operations 10+ are eligible to use this code.

Rare mirror data.

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Mirror Data builds on the Assimilated state in PvP, and is part of the Apex Barrier PvP crew which increases Apex Barrier depending on the ship type the player is in.

  • Base: 7500 Big Synergy: 7500 Small Synergy: 3500
  • 45% / 55% / 65% / 80% / 100%

Players will have the ability to start sourcing these officers in events starting Weekend One.

21 new missions are coming with this update to frame the story around Mirror Universe:

  • 10x Core Missions 
  • 10x Side Missions
  • 1x Mirror Universe Intro Mission

Core: Terra Rising (10 Missions | Level 34)

  • Kira Nerys, the once-reviled Intendant of Terok Nor has now claimed the mantle of Terran Empress. In defiance of a Bajoran ruler, the crew of the ISS Enterprise-D have chosen the path of resistance.

Side: Holoinsight (5 Missions | Level 25) 

  • A Mirror counterpart of Reginald Barclay has dedicated his life to finding alternate universes through the holodeck. When an unidentified program is uploaded, his theory suddenly becomes a reality.

Side: Slaves of Terra (5 Missions | Level 40)

  • When Quark purchases cargo full of Mirror Universe loot, instead of treasure he gets a group of former Terran slaves eager to get home.

M.U. Warp Unlock Mission: Into the Mirror (1 Mission | Level 40)

  • In order to travel further into the Mirror Universe, players must find and complete a “hidden” planetary mission.

Primes, Buffs, and Refits

Three new primes will be available in the Mirror Research tree:

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Prime Mirror Research Efficiency

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Prime Apex Barrier

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Prime Isolytic Damage

Mirror Universe Refits

3 Epic themed refits are coming this update, and will provide 500 Apex Barrier in PvE.

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Apex USS Newton

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Apex Korinar

Oblique Eviscerator

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Following its debut last month, the new Gorn Eviscerator has a refit being launched in month one of this Mirror Universe Arc: Oblique Eviscerator. Oblique Eviscerator increases the base max cargo size for the Gorn ship as well as increases Apex Ship Parts by 50% and Gorn Eviscerator Parts by 30% in the Eviscerator Refinery.

Battle Pass and Cosmetics

Update 67 brings with it 5 new avatars, 3 new frames, and 1 new hailing frequency.

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Into the Mirror Universe Downloadable Wallpaper

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  • Ex-Borg Emblems can now be used in the Ex Borg Faction to redeem a new avatar, “Xindi Hunter”
  • Kir’shara artifact: Fixed an issue where one of the queued hostile was dropped from the queue
  • Officer placeholders are no longer displayed when unlocking Fleet Commanders through a chest
  • Fixed an issue with a missing arrow on the T1>T2 Tritanium bundle inside the refinery
  • Fixed an issue with the “INCOMING” toast in Wave Defense failing to appear
  • Mission hostiles no longer display “missing content” in the tooltip when going in full scan mode
  • Fixed an issue with SNW Sam Kirk’s Captain Maneuver description using a redundant + in “reduces by +X%”
  • Fixed scoring metrics for “Romulan Champion” daily goal for OPS 69 to match their FED and KLG counterparts
  • FIxed an issue wherein the game sometimes picks the longer warp path to Endron Delta to determine the required warp range
  • Fixed a graphic glitch with Xindi Armada destroyed animations not appearing properly inside the battle report
  • Fixed an issue with Multiple levels of Military Power for Pure Research Reinforcement having the same power level values
  • Fixed an issue with the redirect link to the store when attempting to repair a 2nd ship
  • Fixed an issue with the missing Claim button for the last 5 objectives after completing “Main progression (builder) – G2” Field Training
  • Fixed an issue with some of the Field Training’s achievements’ tooltips not triggering when tapping on them
  • Fixed a consistency issue between Pelia’s and SNW Kirk’s icon colors and their respective abilities
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from activating the Spatial Rip ability on systems with uncovered paths
  • Fixed a graphic glitch with the object viewer layers
  • Fixed an issue with the officer ability and below deck ability descriptions showing blank spaces for Officer SNW Pelia in the scan screen

-The Star Trek Team


New battle stat: apex barrier modifier.


Introducing Emergency Field Rations

Gorn eviscerator's improved warp range.

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SNW James T Kirk Takes The Captain's Chair

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‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 2 Coming To Netflix In July

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| June 3, 2024 | By: Staff 56 comments so far

Just a couple weeks after the producers asked for patience , there is finally news on the release of the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy .

Start your July with new Prodigy

Today the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy showed up on the “Coming Soon” tab for Netflix Kids, listing Monday, July 1 for the release. TrekMovie has confirmed this with CBS Studios. However, we were not yet able to confirm if the release will include all 20 episodes of season 2 . [ See our UPDATE: Netflix To Release All 20 Episodes Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 2 In July; Also Coming To SkyShowtime ]

The listing on Netflix also includes a new synopsis:

Now Starfleet trainees, Dal and his friends embark on another adventure to solve the mystery of the Protostar and save the planet from destruction.

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From Netflix app

Season 2 of Prodigy will feature the return of Star Trek: Voyager’s Robert Picardo as the Holographic Doctor, now serving on the new USS Voyager-A under the command of Vice Admiral Janeway. The Doctor will be tasked with minding the new trainees Dal R’El, Rok-Tahk, Zero, and Jankom Pog along with their Melenoid slime worm companion Murf.

Earlier this year Picardo had high praise for the Prodigy  writers and their approach to his character…

“What’s wonderful about the writing of the show is that they maintain what I love most about doing  Voyager  itself, which was I could be a comic relief, but on a dime I could turn and it could get quite serious when it was a dire situation. [ Prodigy ] used me for comic relief, believe me, in a lot of scenes, in a lot of episodes. But there are some dramatic moments which was really a pleasure to do as well.”

Gwyn will still be a big part of the show in season 2. She has a mission of her own, to save her people the Vau N’Akat on the planet Solum.

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The doctor gives the provisional cadets a briefing in preview of season 2

The first season of Prodigy  wrapped up on Paramount+ in December 2022. Season 1 was re-released worldwide on Netflix last Christmas after Paramount+ removed the series in the summer of 2023. Netflix previously announced that season 2 would arrive in 2024 and today is the first time there has been a specific date. In March all 20 episodes were unexpectedly released early on French TV (dubbed in French).

We are awaiting more details and the release of preview images or possibly even a trailer. A clip from season 2 was released by CBS last summer .

This is a developing story. We will provide updates as soon as they are available.

Keep up with news about the  Star Trek Universe .

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Podcast: All Access Goes To SXSW For The ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 5 Premiere

It’s been a long road, getting from there to here. Welcome back cadets! Can’t wait to see The Doctor :)

It’s been a long road, getting from there to here. 

I said the same thing on Facebook and X, lol.

Yes, so excited to see the Doctor back!!! I cannot wait to see him and Janeway in a room again. It’s been far too long.

Oh cool, I didn’t expect any more Trek for a long while.

I liked the first season although it lost something when it became too Voyager. Was never a fan of Voyager so not sure how I feel about this. We’ll see.

“I  liked the first season although it lost something when it became too Voyager. Was never a fan of Voyager.”

This is where I am, too.

I’m the opposite, the more Voyager the better. Bring it on if you ask me.

How does this work for Canada? It is usually shown on CTV Sci Fi and is not on Netflix here currently.

We will be following up with more info including international release for those countries outside the current Netflix countries. This includes Eastern European countries with SkyShowtime and Canada with CTVScifi

In Canada, it used to be that Star Trek shows were on CTV (a network) and Crave (a streaming service), both of which are owned by Bell Media. Now the only way to watch Prodigy is via CTV, which I think requires a cable TV subscription; there’s no streaming service that carries it. Any chance this might change…?

You can use a VPN to make your device look like it’s in the US. I recommend Surfshark, IP Vanish or Express VPN. I use Surfshark. I watch Netflix from the US, London, UK or Budapest, Hungary.All from the comfort of my home from the GTA. (Greater Traffic Area..)

So far, season 1 is still available on CRAVE. I haven’t seen anything in the listings for CTV Sci-Fi or CRAVE regarding season 2 yet. I’m in Montreal, so I will check the Videotron guide to see if the Prodigy season 2 is listed in the guide at that time. But I think I can only look 2 weeks ahead.

This is very very exciting!

I just watched season one for the first time literally a month ago and I was so impressed with this show. I adored practically everything about it; especially having Janeway back. But all the new characters were great and enjoyed all their arcs Dal went from my least favorite to favorite after the first half of the season.

Other than Picard season 3, this is the only other show in NuTrek I have truly loved. Hopefully we will see more Voyager characters along the way

Well I’m still so happy you finally found something else in NuTrek to be excited about! It sounds like you finished the season and loved it! :)

As far as more legacy characters showing up, I am 100% convinced at least one more Voyager character will appear, even if it’s just a cameo or something. But they have said there will be another major legacy character involved in the season outside the Doctor and not from Voyager. So most likely TNG or (hopefully) DS9.

And I’m also happy to see you can post your thoughts without feeling harassed over it as you were but I will digress on that. Most people here are actually very open, friendly and civil, but yes like yourself, VERY passionate lol.

Haha, thanks!

Yes it is really nice to be enjoying another show outside of Picard. But I didn’t watch it because I thought it was bad, but simply not for me being geared to young children. But you and others were so right, it really does speak to adults as much as kids. I just appreciate it’s telling authentic Star Trek stories again. I know the others try but I have other issues with them beyond just that.

I would truly love anyone from TNG or DS9. I was actually a bit irked we didn’t get anyone from DS9 at all on Picard. I didn’t expect Odo for obvious reasons even though the season dealt with the changelings, but Kira or Bashir popping up would’ve been fabulous. Let’s hope we get another shot on Prodigy!

And yes everyone has been super lovely outside of that one individual I won’t name; just happy they are gone. But I haven’t had an issue with anyone else and have always had pleasant conversations, even when we do disagree from time to time. As you said, we are all passionate and sometimes resolute in our opinions; but that’s no excuse to be a bully to others because you can’t handle a difference of opinion that’s frankly been said many times over by others anyway. If you can’t have a civil conversation without getting so triggered over it, just keep scrolling. But I want to reiterate, this has been a great board to pop my head in from time to time to give a few random opinions and talk to you lovely people the last few months. :)

And I haven’t really posted here or other boards much lately anyway since I decided not to watch Discovery this season (but really hoped you and others liked it) and there haven’t been a lot of other things that have interested me. This show definitely has my attention now though.

Okay that’s good to know! 😊

Sadly that’s so much of the Internet these days so we’re all used to it but this board is very small as it is and it’s sad when someone new comes along who has never bothered anyone and is treated that way really bothered me. I’m guessing all the shouting and meltdowns over shows and movies we have here probably keep most new people away as it is lol. But it’s different when you are being harassed or attacked for simply having an opinion.

And most of the strife has mostly been over Discovery IMO. Passions just run very high on that show on either side. But the irony is the last season has been an absolute delight to discuss lol. Seriously, very little fighting has happened over it. There are still people who hate it as others who love it but very little infighting or trolling over it

Part of it has to do with certain personalities finally being banned who kept all the silly fights going in the first place as you experienced yourself, but there has just been a lot less people talking about the show overall for some reason and more people seem to generally like the season including me. That always helps lol. All in all it was actually a pretty tame, chill and frankly a dull place at times to discuss the show for a change.

Now that’s it’s over these boards will probably take a turn for the better overall since the other current shows are just more well liked or just less bitterness over them lol. Prodigy is one of those shows that gets 50 posts on a GOOD week discussing an episode and there is very little strife over it. People obviously disagree here and there but it’s a pretty easy going show to discuss so can’t wait. Prodigy brings more good vibes!

(See I got it back on topic ;))

And definitely would love to see Kira or Bashir. Anyone from DS9 would be a plus. Give me 10 episodes with Brunt and I won’t complain lol.

I think we’re going to get a great season either way!

I guess things become better on boards when you eliminate the elderly children who wants to throw a temper tantrum towards others when they don’t get their way haha.

And I’m very happy you enjoyed this season of Discovery. I haven’t read any of the articles or the comments about the season so not sure how others felt about it. Someone I talk to on FB watched it and it sounds like she liked it too and she’s not a big fan of the show either. I did watch a YouTube video discussing the finale yesterday to see how they handled the Progenitors. It sounded fine but not something I need to watch personally. But I hope its fans enjoyed the ending.😊

But I’m still in the middle of my Enterprise rewatch I started a month ago and currently on season 3. By the time I finish Prodigy may have already started!

So a good way to pass the time along until it gets here. 😄

And I would have no problems if Brunt joined the show lol. Jeffrey Combs is a Star Trek treasure.

It’s always great to talk to you. You’re always so sweet.

LOL thanks. And yes very excited about Prodigy. I really had no idea how I would ultimately feel about this season of Discovery considering I haven’t been a big fan of the last four lol. And while it did come out a little better as I hoped, it still wasn’t a complete home run either. But I felt it did just enough to feel it ended OK at least and that’s really all I can ask for at this point. I still have zero interest to rewatch it anytime soon though.

With Prodigy my expectations are much much higher because I trust the people who make that show 100%. They knocked it out of the park in the first season and I imagine it will be just as solid next season as well.

And enjoy your Enterprise marathon. Although I know you didn’t watch Discovery this season I know you’re obviously aware about the big reveal in the finale and one of the reasons why I liked it so much. Just a cool tie in although I know others are more mixed on the revelation. Not me, I thought it was great and I just love how it basically bookends Enterprise and Discovery together. :)

they did get Ro in, who was supposed to be in DS9 but ms forbes declined the role.

“What’s wonderful about the writing of the show is that they maintain what I love most about doing Voyager itself, which was I could be a comic relief, but on a dime I could turn and it could get quite serious when it was a dire situation.”

What I love about Prodigy is that they didn’t change the legacy characters so much that they were unrecognizable. They feel like a plausible continuation of the characters.

I’m rewatching S1 now and it’s so much fun. These writers can put in so much story in 23 minutes and it works. I can’t wait for S2. I’m hoping for a S3 or maybe a TV or theatrical movie.

This is amazing news!

Prodigy is my favorite show in the modern era and just tick all the boxes of great Star Trek for me! It’s also cool we now have less than a month for the next show.

As Janeway would say, do it!

Amazing News! Can’t wait to see what Kevin & Dan and their incredible team have in store for us.

Great news!

Yay! Have Anthony & Laurie talked about how they are going to review the season if they are all dropped at once? Like maybe 2 per week or something like that?

I hope they at least have a little break between batches of episodes. Dropping all 20 would be ridiculous. They’d be gobbled up in a flash and fan conversations wouldn’t be as fun.

I prefer this format. Having the freedom to choose when/how to watch each episode is a gift. Specially with Prodigy!

I feel like 10 episode releases with a short break a la Bridgerton is getting plenty. We all benefit from being able to talk about these shows on relatively the same timeline. Watching a show on my own time is fine, but I enjoy talking about them as they happen. With Netflix shows it’s always a case of, “OMG did you see episode 6 yet? No? Oh. Okay, well let me know when you get there!” or “Oh man I’m not there yet! Bummer.” The immediacy of conversations is stifled a bit. I find the majority of people gobble up binge shows like candy in one big bender, and everyone from the fans to the creators doing publicity chatters excitedly for maybe a month… and then the audience moves on to the next content that must be consumed. Binge models lead to longer hiatuses too. Even beyond Ted Sarandos’ inane comments, I lament what Netflix has done to the industry more than the convenient disruptions it has pioneered.

I assume TrekMovie will stagger reviews for episodes that have come out and it could become a big jumble of different schedules.

I’m hoping they at least divide the season up and we get 10 in July and maybe the other 10 in September or something. Give people wanting more. But don’t space it out too much. I really feel a big reason the show failed on P+ is because after they dropped the first half of the season, it took a full year to get the second half and most people (especially kids) just moved on by then.

Precisely, this is what modern animators don’t seem to understand. Kids grow up fast, which means you need to get the content to them quickly. In thine olden times there use to be 65 episodes spread over 13 weeks to tell the show’s story. If it was really successful it would get an order for the next year.

I’m of the opposite opinion. I hope they drop the entire season so that it can be binged. That seems to be the dominant strategy at Netflix.

I get it. And Prodigy’s team are going to be delighted it’s being seen at all and supported. It just would be nice if it were over the span of 20 weeks at a decent ebb.

This show is really great with the addition of the Voyager characters. Can’t wait to see The Doctor.

More Voyager please!

I wish that I could muster-up the level of enthusiasm the show’s biggest boosters (saluting you, Tiger 2) have for it, but I’m happy for them and will certainly be checking it out myself. From my perspective it’s fine for what it is: a children’s show set in the Trek universe. There’s nothing at all wrong with that in principle, and the best Pixar outings can easily transcend the demographic they’re pitched to accommodate. It’s just not particularly what I come to Star Trek for.

And speaking of Pixar, whatever reservations I have about Prodigy — man, is it gorgeous to look at. Many years ago, before TAS premiered, I remember Roddenberry boasting that the level of animation at Filmation Studios was on a par with Disney. . . a claim that, to be generous, was pretty generous. But that the level of cinematography and production design in Prodigy often compares favorably with feature films is just what you happen to see on the screen. It’s stellar work.

I laughed pretty hard over that first sentence.

And at the end of the day, you gave it a chance and it’s not really your thing. That’s all anyone can ask for. And yes, if nothing else, the show is stunningly beautiful to look at. Why it’s disappointing it didn’t reach the original target audience as it was meant to; or not as many as Paramount hoped I guess. Maybe it will have a better shot being on Netflix.

We’ll now know soon!

In regards to the visual quality, I agree it’s stunning to see. And it’s even more impressive considering it’s apparently about half as expensive to make compared to other animated shows (according to what the Hagemans have said), and they were working during the height of the pandemic which would have created certain hurdles getting it done.

Well…my patience died a couple weeks ago, but maybe I should have tried to be just a tiny bit more patient to begin with, because I am surprised Netflix isn’t waiting until December like I was thinking they were going to. So, this month The Acolyte, and next month Prodigy!

Even if they do drop them all at once, I will be watching one per week.

Alright, maybe two or three per week.

This is great news to have confirmed at last. Now the big question for me is will season 2 get a physical blu-ray/DVD release later down the line? Netflix are very against this, but Paramount are for it. Wonder which way it will go.

Not saying it’s a guarantee, but Netflix shows that were produced by outside studios have gotten physical releases. The Crown and Narcos come to mind.

I hope they release all 20 eps at once. The once-a-week thing is getting tiring…

I’m with you on that. Poor Anthony and Laurie though.

I prefer the once a week releases. But they will probably release 10 or 20 at once.

Erich Anderson r i p

If this ends up being the last season, as I’m suspecting it will be, I hope they get a chance to wrap things up.

I was thrilled to see this yesterday. After all that the show went through, and all the waiting for a release date, it’s great to finally know we’re in the home stretch. I loved this show. The biggest surprise of the modern era for me (though Lower Decks was a close second in that regard). So excited to see what’s in store for season 2. I’ve been hearing nothing but great things from those who’ve seen it (and thankfully no spoilers either).

YAY!! The wait is over. PROD rocks!!!

Finally! I was about to start learning French.

Will they Release all 10 or 20 Episodes all at once or will they get released weekly

Netflix typically releases episodes all at once. So we’ll probably either get all 20 on July 1, or get the first ten then and get the second half at a later date.

YES! Definitely keeping my Netflix subscription. CANT WAIT FOR SEASON 2! Seeing the Doc again will bring a tear to my eye I bet.

The Doctor was one of my 2 favorite Voyager characters (hard to choose between him and Seven), so I’m thrilled we’re getting him back. And I could easily imagine him being great on Prodigy, with these writers. He should have great interactions with everyone, including very likely having scenes with Janeway.

Yes I love the Doctor so much as well. I was hoping he showed up on Picard at some point but sadly not to be. But this is actually better because he will be a full time character and back on another Voyager with Janeway! I can’t wait for their scenes together. That’s music to my ears.

Doctor who?

Yep the Doctor is one of my favorite characters as well. I was so happy to hear he’s coming back on this show.

I’m ecstatic with all the Voyager love we’re getting on this show. And it’s so great how accurate canon has been on it. They have honored the Star Trek universe well.

Good news, time for a rewatch of season one.

We’re getting our beloved Prodigy back in less than a month and I can’t wait! Absolutely love this show. We have to show up in force and let Netflix know we want a third season!

This show and LDS is what I’m excited to see this year! It’s great to have them back even if it’s their final seasons.


  1. U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701

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  2. Model, Starship Enterprise, Television Show, "Star Trek"

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  1. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

    USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. It is the main setting of the original Star Trek television series (1966-69), and it is depicted in films, other television series, spin-off fiction, products, and fan-created media.Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, the Enterprise carries its crew on a mission "to explore strange, new worlds; to seek out new ...

  2. Every U.S.S. Enterprise Side by Side

    #startrek #ussenterprise #startrekonline #ncc1701 #nx01 #startrekdiscovery**** I mislabeled the Enterprise-J as a F on the screen supers. My apologies. ****S...

  3. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. During its career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship and was in service from 2245 to 2285. During the latter years of its life, the Enterprise was refitted into a Constitution II-class starship and served as ...

  4. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) was a Constitution II-class vessel operated by Starfleet in the 23rd century. It was the second Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise, and was assigned to the newly-demoted Captain James T. Kirk and his command crew in 2286. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) After the Enterprise-A was decommissioned following the Khitomer Conference in 2293, it was ...

  5. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) was a 24th century Federation Sovereign-class starship operated by Starfleet. This ship was the sixth Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. See Enterprise history On stardate 49827.5, the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E, seen as the pinnacle of Starfleet ship design, was launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards, with Captain Jean-Luc Picard in command ...

  6. Star Trek's USS Enterprise

    The history and timeline of Star Trek's USS Enterprise, explained. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise… you know the rest. Since it began in 1966, Star Trek has been tracking the adventures of the USS Enterprise right the way through the Star Trek timeline.Some spin-off Star Trek series, like DS9, Voyager, Discovery, and Lower Decks, have directed their focus elsewhere on ...

  7. Take A Stunning 3D Tour of the TOS Enterprise Sets With Star Trek

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  8. FSD: Starship Concept Art

    The third season introduced us to a missing piece of Star Trek history - the Ambassador-class USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C, a ship that was lost in action 20 years before Picard took control of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. ... and threw up a top view and a side view in ortho.

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  10. Star Trek Starship Enterprise Studio Model

    This is the large studio model of the fictional starship Enterprise that appeared in episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, which aired on NBC from 1966 to 1969.Take a closer look at some of the details of the Enterprise model.. Take a Closer Look View Object Record About the Project . The studio model in our collection was used for filming the original Star Trek television series, which ...

  11. Ex Astris Scientia

    Cross-section. (Star Trek Fact Files) Galaxy-class warp nacelle. (Star Trek Fact Files) Note The initial studio models, measuring 6ft and 2ft, were replaced with the new 4ft-model since the 3rd season of TNG. The "All Good Things" Enterprise is a modification of the latter. Read about the differences between the two model generations.

  12. Ex Astris Scientia

    USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E. Premiere in "First Contact" In Earth orbit in "First Contact" ... Side view (created by Gus) Original PDFs by Gus (user: "guest", pass: Riker's second name) ... sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. Sections. Info. Starships. Fleet Yards. Treknology . Episodes. Database. Fandom ...

  13. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The USS Enterprise ( NCC-1701-D ), sometimes referred to as the Enterprise-D, was a Federation Galaxy -class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise served as the Starfleet flagship for seven years. In addition to being the Federation flagship, the Enterprise was also ...

  14. A Closer look At The USS Enterprise In 'Star Trek: Discovery'

    The reveal of the USS Enterprise as led by Captain Pike was a big twist in the season finale of Star Trek: Discovery. The inclusion of the ship has led to a lot of fan debate. The inclusion of the ...

  15. exterior surface markings of Kirk's Enterprise

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  17. star trek

    The Galaxy Class Enterprise features one of the most sophisticated and flexible sensor packages ever developed for a Federation starship. These sensors make the Enterprise one of the most capable scientific research vessels ever built. There are three primary sensor systems aboard the Enterprise. The first is the long-range sensor array located ...

  18. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the fifth Federation vessel to bear the name. The Enterprise served from 2363 to 2371 as the Federation flagship, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Following the ship's destruction at Veridian III, it was rebuilt as a museum ship, and was briefly brought back into service to counter a ...

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  20. The Original (and Best?)

    CBS Photo Archive / Getty Images. The Starship Enterprise NCC 1701. Registry: USS Enterprise / NCC-1701 First Seen On: Star Trek (TV series: 1966-1969) This version — designed by Star Trek art director Matt Jeffries — was a revelation when it was first introduced into living rooms all over America. Unlike the missile-like rocket-ship of 1950s sci-fi, Captain Kirk's starship was at once ...

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    This 1967 studio model of the USS Enterprise is now ready to go to warp factor 9 -- if it could leave its glass case. By Lance Ulanoff on June 28, 2016. Workers move the starship Enterprise studio ...

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  27. Update 67 Patch Notes

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  28. 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Season 2 Coming To Netflix In July

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