Independent Travel Cats

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Travel Photography: 6 Ways to Take Great Couple Photos while Traveling

Last updated: March 25, 2019 - Written by Jessica Norah 36 Comments

Today we are going to share ways to take great couple photos while traveling. When you travel as a couple, you are going to want to get some good photos of the two of you together.

The problem is that getting great couples photos of the two of you together can be a challenge, as usually one of you has to operate the camera or smartphone. So most people end up with a lot of individual photos from a trip, but not so many great couple photos from their travels.

In this post, we’re going to share with you some tips to help you take great couple photos when traveling. All of these tips also work for getting any kind of single person, group, or family travel photos. First, we’re going to go through all of the ways that we have taken photos of ourselves together on our trips to give you plenty of options.You can then choose the method(s) that works best for you.

Then, we’ll share some tips and advice to help you get better couple vacation photos no matter what option you use. Let’s get started!

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Table of Contents:

6 Ways to Take Better Couple Photos While Traveling

Below are 6 different ways to get a couple photo while on vacation. We have use them all, depending on the situation, and each have their own pros and cons. Although some are definitely more likely to produce a better photo than others.

1. Use a Tripod

A tripod is definitely Laurence’s preferred way to get good couple photos of the two of us when we travel. It means we can set up the shot exactly how we want it, determine the composition, and also know that the camera will be stable. Laurence even videoed and   photographed our own wedding with just a pair of tripods!

There are definitely some drawbacks to using a tripod as they add to your luggage weight and you have to carry them around. Not everyone wants to pack and lug around a tripod on their vacation and then set it up each time they want to take a photo, and we appreciate that. However, we do think this is one of the better ways to get better photos of the two of you together and there are also a number of other  reasons to travel with a tripod .

If you do not own a tripod, there are plenty of low-cost and lightweight travel tripod options available  including monopods and mini-pods.

Tripods are not always the best solution though. For instance, we would not recommend using a tripod if you are in a very crowded, unstable, or windy spot as it may get bumped or knocked over. We also recommend always staying within a short distance of your tripod and keeping an eye on it to help prevent damage or theft.

Many indoor venues, such as museums and churches, do not allow tripods so be sure to check for any rules and regulations before heading out each day. Sometimes places will even confiscate tripods as they can be viewed as potential weapons. See our guide to travel tripods for more tips on traveling with them.

You might be tempted to skip the tripod and just try to find places to set your camera (e.g., ledges, benches, rocks) during your trip. While this may occasionally work well, we don’t recommend this as a main strategy as it will often be impossible or impractical (e.g., no safe place to put the camera) and you have much less control of the angle and composition as it will be mainly determined by the perch rather than you.

It is also not a good idea in many circumstances to just leave your camera sitting somewhere and walk away from it as someone may knock it over or try to take it (less likely with a tripod). We’d recommend using a tripod or using another option.

Pros:  You have a lot of control over the photo and composition, you don’t need to involve any outside people, and you can achieve really good results. You also can take better photos in more challenging circumstances like low light situations.

Cons: You have to pack and carry the tripod with you, you have to set it up each time you want to take a photo, and tripods can’t be taken or used everywhere (e.g., often not allowed in indoor venues). 

ravel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

2. Ask Someone to Take a Photo of You

If you are reluctant to travel with a tripod, we have some more options for you to consider. The first of these is to ask someone to take a photo of the two of you. We usually do this if we are somewhere where we either can’t use a tripod or it is impractical to do so, such as in a restaurant, canoe, or crowded space.

First, you need to ask someone to take your photo.  For the best results, we suggest picking someone who looks friendly, not very busy, and like they might be good at taking the photo (e.g., using a smartphone or camera similar to yours). I’d also recommend asking someone who is also traveling as a couple or family, as you can then offer to reciprocate to take their photo as well. If you approach someone who doesn’t seem receptive, thank them, and try someone else. 

Second, we recommend setting the camera or smartphone up in the most foolproof way possible, so all the person has to worry about is aiming and pressing the button. That will usually mean putting the camera in fully automatic mode to save them any concerns over focus or other settings. Try to keep it as simple as possible. If you do not speak the same language you can demonstrate with hand movements.

Finally, don’t be afraid to give a bit of direction such as what scenery to try to include, whether you want it to be portrait or landscape, etc. Make it easy for the person. However, that said, don’t give them a ton of directions and ask for numerous photos. We have no problem taking a couple of photos for strangers, but if they start asking for reshoots and multiple angles, it begins to get annoying.

Remember you are asking a stranger for a favor and they are generously giving up their time to take your photo. Be sure to thank them, and it is good manners to always offer to return the favor.

If you aren’t happy with the photos from one stranger, don’t worry, you can wait for another one to show up!

Pros:  Usually fast and easy, allows you to get a better angle than with a selfie stick or your arm.

Cons: Need to ask a stranger for the favor of taking the photo, stranger may or may not take a good photo, and this strategy will not always be feasible (e.g., in an area with few people).

travel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

3. Hire a Professional Photographer

For the absolute best travel photos of the two of you together, the best option is to hire a professional photographer to actually do this for you. This is definitely a more expensive option but it is likely more affordable than you think, and will definitely get you some impressive results.

The first step is to determine where you will be traveling and what location you are particularly keen to have the best photos (e.g., strolling around Paris, your day trip to Cairo, your hike at Yosemite). Then you need to find and book a local photographer or photography service. You can always find a local photographer in just about any area of the world, or photographers willing to travel.

To make this easier, we’d recommend using a service that specializes in this. There are a number of services that pair travelers with photographers in cities around the world. Check out the photographer’s portfolio to make sure you like their work before finalizing your choice and be sure to let them know what kind of photographs you are wanting from your trip.

There are a number of vacation photography services out there. We’ve heard very positive things about Flytographer in particular, and you can get $25 off your first shoot with this link .

Many Context Travel private walking tours (offered in over 30 cities worldwide), such as this Venice city walk , can also be booked so that you are accompanied by both a guide and a Flytographer photographer who will take photos of you during the walk. 

Other companies you may want to check out include Shoot my Trave l , WanderZoom and Pictrip . Most companies allow you book a photographer for as little as an hour up to a full day (or even multiple days), but you should be able to get some great shots in just a couple of hours.

Pros:  Definitely the best way to get professional quality couple photos, and a third person can also capture great candid shots. Cons:  This is the more expensive option, you don’t have complete control over the photos taken, and you obviously only have the person along for a portion of your trip. 

Laurence and Jessica Norah top couples travel bloggers Independent Travel Cats

4. Use a Selfie Stick

Ah, the much hated selfie stick. We’re getting further down the list of our preferred options now, and we’d definitely recommend you consider one of the previous options over our last few options.

That said, we have in the past year acquired a selfie stick. It’s a good way to quickly get photos of the two of us when we can’t use a tripod and we can’t find a willing passer-by to take our photo. We also use it occasionally for taking videos with our phone. For many people it is their preferred method of taking solo and couple shots.

Selfie-sticks have a number of limitations. First, most self sticks can only be used with a compatible smartphone although there are available models that work with sports cameras (e.g., GoPros), compact cameras , and even mirrorless cameras and DSLR cameras (not recommended as most are not sturdy enough to adequately support the weight!). Another big limitation of self sticks is that the control over the photo composition is restricted based on the length of the stick and how far you can reach out your arm. Finally, you can’t use them in a number of locations, including a large number of museums, amusement parks, and indoor venues, as many places have banned the use of selfie sticks.

Despite their limitations, they are small, cheap, and easy to travel with, which gives them a big advantage over a lot of the other options on this list. If you are looking to purchase one, there are a large range of them out there and they come in a variety of styles with different features. Be sure to make sure it is compatible with your phone’s model, operating system, and size. We’d recommend you choose and purchase one before you leave for your trip as the ones sold at tourist kiosks around the world are often the worst quality ones. 

We use this particular selfie stick from Anker , which we’ve found to be very reliable and sturdy, plus the Bluetooth pairing makes everything a lot easier than fiddling around with wires.

Pros: Easy to use and setup once you’ve done it a couple of times. Inexpensive and lightweight. Cons:  Results vary but are generally better than if you just use your arm. Limited use in that they can generally only be used with a smartphone. Selfie sticks have been banned in a number of museums and attractions, and can be annoying to the people around you.

ravel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

5. Use a Drone

Although aerial photography and the use of drones in photography is nothing new, the popularity of drones has skyrocketed in recent years and there have been major developments in consumer oriented drones. These are another way to get couple vacation photos, but the least practical and feasible of the options. 

Drones have a lot of benefits such as being able to get a bird’s eye view of places and get angles you can’t get from the ground. Some can even be programmed to follow you around and take shots. Laurence enjoys playing around with the drone and seeing what it can do.

However, drones have a lot of drawbacks, the biggest ones being they are expensive, heavy, and more complicated to use than any of the other methods. The biggest drawback in terms of getting couple photos though is that drones can’t (or shouldn’t at least) be flown indoors, shouldn’t be flown in adverse weather conditions (e.g., windy or rainy conditions), are not allowed or heavily restricted in a number of destinations, and often require the need for obtaining licenses or permission. Further, in most cases unless you are looking for an overhead photo, you can get a better quality shot from a camera (or even a smartphone) set up on a tripod than by using a drone. This is because most consumer-level drone sensors are roughly equivalent to those found in a smartphone.

If you are looking for a drone, there are a number of models out there. We personally have a DJI Mavic Pro  (and you can check out here the drone accessories and gear we use) although we honestly have rarely used it for couples photos so far. But it is great for certain kinds of landscape photography. When traveling with a drone, be sure to check out all the most recent drone laws and regulations for the destination (there have been lots of recent changes and updates in many countries) you are going to and the airports you are flying through. You don’t want to show up to a place to have your drone confiscated or go through the hassle of lugging it to a destination to find that it does not allow drone photography.

Pros:  Allows you to get overhead views, unique angles, and from places you can’t stand or set up a tripod (e.g., over water). Many people find them fun to learn to use and fly. Cons: Expensive, more difficult to use and control, lots of restrictions in where and how they can be used, limited battery life, and not ideal for many situations.

drone travel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

6. Hold your Arm Out

The human arm is the original selfie stick! This is another way to take couple photos while traveling. It is one of our least favorite way to get photos of ourselves when we travel as the shots usually don’t turn out that good. The problem is of course that you are limited by your arm length, and trying to keep your arm out of the shot and  getting two people in the frame, while composing a decent image can be a real challenge! It is also impossible to keep your arm completely steady which often results in blurry shots.

For the best success, we recommend using a camera with a screen that will face towards you as you shoot – so the front facing camera on your phone for example, or a digital camera with a flip screen. Hand the camera or phone to the person with the longest arms to get the most reach. Then, try to hold the camera slightly above yourself for a more flattering angle, and try to keep the camera as level as possible as you compose your shot. Try to make sure you get some scenery in as otherwise it is just a photo of your faces!

Although this option will rarely produce a top quality shot, sometimes it will be your best and sometimes only option. It is also the quickest and most simple way to capture a memory. For instance, we were not going to bother someone else to take our photo in a crowd as the clock struck midnight at the Hogmanay festival , so we took the below smartphone selfie (not a good photo, but it captures the moment)! We also often use this for times when we are just taking quick snaps of ourselves when on a bus or doing activities where it is difficult to get photos any other way. 

Pros:  Fast & easy! No additional equipment or person needed. Cons:  Not likely to be the best photo. However, if you are only looking for a fun memory, these can be just fine!

ravel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

Tips on How to Take Better Photos as a Couple 

Having covered several different ways to get photos of yourselves when traveling, we want to share a few easy tips and advice for actually making sure that those couples photos are as good as possible!

ravel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

1 – Make sure you know how to use your camera & equipment

Knowing how your camera or smartphone works is really important when it comes to taking great photos, regardless of the subject. If you’re going to use a tripod for example, you’ll want to know how to set the camera up to take a photo on a timer. If you’re going to hand your camera to someone else, being able to quickly put everything to automatic is handy.

If you want to learn more about how to get the most out of your camera and take better travel photos, check out all our tips for taking better vacation photos no matter your skill level. Those really wanting to improve their photography skills should check out Laurence’s   online photography course , which will teach you everything you need to know.

2 – Take time to think about the composition

Thinking about the composition of your photos is always important, including when taking couple travel photos. Think about elements like the different subjects in your shot, the colors in the image, and whether you can use techniques like leading lines, depth of field ,or framing to improve the image.

You’ll also want to carefully consider where you put yourselves in the image, and using a tripod will really open up more possibilities. For more ideas on composition, take a look at our guide to composing better photos .

travel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

3 – Think about where the light is coming from

Light is one of the most important components of photography, and one that many people tend to forget about when taking pictures. Ideally, you want the sun to be behind the camera, so you are looking towards the sun from where you are standing. This will properly illuminate both the scene and you. Of course, you don’t want to be staring directly into the sun, as not only is this not good for your eyes, you’ll probably end up with a bunch of shots of you squinting which is never a good look! 

Avoid shooting a shot where the sun is behind you if you can as this will usually result in an image where you are in dark shadow, almost a silhouette, because of the brightness of the sun behind you. This is of course not always possible but you can improve the situation by doing things like finding shade and adjusting the exposure compensation on your camera. The key is to know as much about using your camera or smartphone as possible to get the most out of it.

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4 – Consider the time of day

Generally the best time of day for photography is the hour or so after sunrise and before sunset, when the light is a more golden color. This lower, warmer light is more flattering, and this time of day is known as the golden hour.

If you can shoot at these times of day, this will definitely help you get better photos. Ideally, you want to avoid the middle of the day as strong overhead light will often give you less flattering looking images. However, on your vacation, you are going to be taking photos throughout the day but our advice is to also try to take some outdoor couple shots at these times as well.

5 – Angle the camera properly

The angle of the camera when shooting people is important. You don’t want the camera to be below your face if you can help it as this is a particularly unflattering angle. The best angle is around 10% to 20% above your eyeline with the camera looking slightly down at you.

Of course, you have to consider the overall composition and subject matter, but if you can raise the camera above you slightly, you will likely get better results.

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6 – Try to capture more natural and candid poses

Holidays are meant to be fun, so don’t forget to show a bit of fun in your photos! Awkwardly posed photos don’t look as great, so if you can capture some moments of the two of you having a bit of fun, that is definitely going to be a better photo.

A tripod can definitely help with this, especially if you pair it with an intervalometer , which will let you shoot a series of photos over time – meaning you can have a bit of fun and hope to catch a few good images. The best way to capture candid photos is by having another person take them, especially a professional photographer.

travel photography how to take great Couple Photos while Traveling travel photos

And that’s it for our advice on how to take better photos when traveling as a couple! Hope this helps give you some strategies for getting better vacation photos on your next trip.

Our guide to taking great couple photos while traveling, sharing all the methods and strategies we have used. We cover everything from selfie sticks to tripods to hiring a professional photographer, and we discuss the pros and cons of each option. We then give tips and advice for getting the best travel couple photos while traveling no matter what method you choose. #travelphotography #couplephotos #couplestravel #romantictravel #photography

Do you have any of your own tips or advice for taking photos when traveling as a couple? Have a questions about taking vacation couple photos or anything related to travel photography or photography gear? Just let us know in the comments below!

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There are 36 comments on this post.

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Sacha Post author

September 12, 2023 at 4:33 am

Wow, these couple photos are absolutely stunning! The love and connection between this couple shine through in every shot. The choice of location is perfect, and the way the photographer has captured the golden hour light is just magical.

Jessica & Laurence Norah Post author

September 13, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Glad you enjoyed our photos. You can take lovely photos like this as well with some practice and a decent camera, if you have any questions just let us know!

Best, Jessica

SP Post author

February 14, 2022 at 11:13 pm

You have made taking couples photos look so easy! We almost never take pictures of ourselves anymore when we travel even though I want to! Hopefully we can get better at that this year.

February 16, 2022 at 7:07 am

Hello, glad you found our post helpful in thinking about ways to get more couples photos when traveling together. It is definitely nice to have a few travel couple photos when looking back at your photos!

Wishing you safe & happy future travels! Jessica

Nadine J Post author

November 5, 2018 at 11:57 pm

Love your photo tips. Lots of interesting elements and aspects captured beautifully on your pictures.

November 9, 2018 at 1:11 am

Thanks Nadine, glad you enjoyed our article! Best, Jessica

Kanika Bakshi Post author

April 27, 2018 at 12:22 am

Very helpful post. Thanks for sharing these great photography ideas as we are going on a honeymoon trip and we both love taking pictures. I loved your various ideas of clicking pictures and it’s useful to us to make wonderful memories. Keep sharing such posts.

April 27, 2018 at 12:59 am

Hi Kanika, Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and hope these couple photo tips were helpful for your vacation. Wishing you a wonderful honeymoon trip! Best, Jessica

Amanda Post author

March 2, 2018 at 3:22 pm

Oh my gosh you guys are so cute! These are good tips, too. When I travel with my husband, he’s usually my “Instagram husband,” which means we never get very many good photos of us together. Something we need to work on!

March 2, 2018 at 3:24 pm

Hi Amanda, Love that your husband is your Instagram photo taker! Perhaps on your next trip together you get some nice pics of the two of you together, especially since you newlyweds are still in your honeymoon period! 😉 Best, Jessica

Emily Hines Post author

March 1, 2018 at 11:42 am

My hubs and I rarely take photos together when we travel. Can’t wait to try some of these!

March 2, 2018 at 1:07 pm

Hi Emily, Hoping you get more couple travel photos on your next trip!! 🙂 Best, Jessica

Bryna Post author

February 28, 2018 at 6:47 pm

My boyfriend and I are both the types who enjoy being behind the camera more so than being in front of it so we don’t have many pictures together, but occasionally we try to get a shot together when we are on holidays. You have some great tips here! We normally just go with sticking our arms out, but we’ve tried the selfie stick as well. If you can get over the embarrassment of holding one (they have such a bad rep!) they actually do a decent job!

March 2, 2018 at 1:06 pm

Hi Bryna, Yes, we have a lot of travel photos of places without us and us individually, especially of me, but far fewer photos of us together. Obviously it takes a little more time, but it can be great to have them. Sticking your arm out is the only one you can almost ALWAYS do to get a couple photo so a good option in that sense, but probably turns out the worst results on average 😉 But sometimes it is your only choice. Selfie sticks can definitely improve the quality but yes, can be a bit embarrassing to use (we definitely have the same issue)! Best, Jessica

Richard Post author

February 28, 2018 at 5:37 pm

This is literally one of my favorite blog posts I’ve read so far. It’s not just filled with amazing tips on taking great couples travel photos but with so much of your experiences. Thanks for sharing all these tips, I think I am going to keep using a self stick and also try out the tripod one!

March 2, 2018 at 1:00 pm

Hi Richard, Glad you found it helpful and selfie sticks and tripods can both can great ways to get a better couples photos. Having options is good to as we use whatever the best available method is out of these! Best, Jessica

Jan Post author

February 28, 2018 at 4:25 am

I’ve pinned your post so I can come back and study it again. We hardly ever get good shots of us together when we travel so it is something I really want to improve. I hardly ever ask another couple if the first shot is not that good, but I’m definitely going to do that in the future.

March 2, 2018 at 12:58 pm

Hi Jan, Hopefully some of these tips will help. I think looking back at photos, it is nice to have some of the two of them from your travels and experiences together! Best, Jessica

Kristin Post author

February 27, 2018 at 12:36 pm

We have stopped even taking people up on the offer to take a shot for us, as it never ends up very good, ha. Always grainy/too zoomed out/out of focus/and or the horizon line is off, ha. These are great tips to avoid that!

February 27, 2018 at 3:56 pm

Hi Kristin, Glad to hear you enjoyed these tips, sorry to hear you’ve had such poor luck with having strangers take couple photos of you. It is an easy strategy but not the best for high quality photos! Best, Jessica

kiran Post author

February 25, 2018 at 10:27 pm

nice post, vey helpful travel photography tips

February 26, 2018 at 1:23 pm

Hi Kiran, Thanks for taking the time to comment, and hopefully these will help you take better couples photos on your next holiday! Best, Jessica

Anda Post author

February 25, 2018 at 5:04 pm

I love reading your posts, Jess. You always find interesting, captivating subjects. Taking photos as a couple is quite a challenge, so you list some good ways to make it happen. Unfortunately, my husband doesn’t have the patience to let me set up my tripod, so most of the time I have to rely on strangers to take a snapshot of the two of us. And, as you can probably guess, those pictures don’t always come out too good. However, his latest passion are drones, so you gave me a great idea to use a drone for that.

February 25, 2018 at 5:12 pm

Hi Anda, Thanks, glad you enjoyed our post on couples photos 😉 We have taken photos together in about every way possible now so wanted to share our methods and tips, and I think people just have to find the one that works best with their travel style and equipment. Laurence got a drone a couple of months ago for his birthday and has been a bit obsessed with it as well, although practically the thing has a ton of limitations (rain/wind/birds/airport proximity/flight restrictions). But I do think if you are in less populated areas, drones can be a good option to get some cool couple shots as you can get some interesting angles, and perhaps a method your husband will enjoy doing 😉 Best, Jessica

Sara Post author

February 25, 2018 at 2:30 pm

On our last few trips, we’ve booked local photographers. I love it because we get good pictures and because we’ve been able to get great local recommendations, too. I’m trying to decide where we are going to do pictures on our next trip, actually!! I’ve done tripod pictures a few times, but my husband is super nervous about me leaving my camera anywhere unattended – even if we’re nearby… so it’s my least favorite option, lol. It’s always nice when strangers don’t mind snapping pictures for you, too. I’ve gotten a few great ones that way.

February 25, 2018 at 4:45 pm

Hi Sara, Yes, booking a local photographer is a great way to get some really nice vacation couples photos, and glad to hear that you had a positive experience with that as well as with asking strangers. That is a good point that local photographers can give some great tips for scenic spots and things to do in a new place.

I do think others would share you and your husband’s worry about the tripod, and it is perhaps not the best option unless you are doing it either in a pretty safe and controlled place or are doing it professionally and have insurance on all your gear. Having your camera damaged or stolen would be a terrible thing to happen on a trip. We had our tripod blown over by a sudden gust of wind in France (we were not taking photos of ourselves and were standing right next to it) and it sent it smashing over into concrete. We were lucky as it was only a small amount of damage to a lens but it was still not a cheap fix!

Ania Post author

February 25, 2018 at 2:11 pm

Great tips! I actually just started dating someone and going from taking solo photos to taking photos with someone has been a learning curve. These are great tips!

shere Post author

February 25, 2018 at 1:32 pm

I most of the time hate the pictures taken by strangers. Sometimes I ask if I see someone with a reflex camera, it seems like people are not used to look through the camera to take a picture 🙂

February 25, 2018 at 4:35 pm

Hi Shere, Hmmm..I think that if you are always getting bad photos the problem may be that you are not setting up the camera into a good mode for the shooter or not giving enough direction. You want to set up your camera so it is as foolproof as possible and just show them what to do – the more simple it is is, the harder it is for them to not do it correctly. For instance we use a back button focus typically, but turn this off whenever we give it to someone and put it into an auto focus so they just have to compose and shoot. You do need to tell them whether they need to look at a screen or through the glass, but we haven’t found that to be too much of an issue typically. But it also does help to try to ask someone who looks like they may know how to operate your type of smartphone or camera. Try that next time and see if you get a better photo.

You are probably not going to get perfect photos this way, but we find that most people can take decent photos with little coaching, and for us it is definitely better than not having any photos of us together.

Hope that helps! Jessica

Anisa Post author

February 25, 2018 at 9:00 am

Great tips. I am going to have to look into some of those sites where you can hire a professional photographer. If I can get a good deal on that, it would be a lot of fun.

Sandra Post author

February 25, 2018 at 1:11 am

Great tips! My husband and I rarely take pictures of us together and struggle to get good ones but we are trying to be better at it. I still refuse to use a selfie stick though!

February 25, 2018 at 8:24 am

Hi Sandra, Yes, so many people struggle to get good travel couple photos! We resisted on buying a selfie stick for a long time, but finally bought one last year. We don’t use it very often (the battery seems to always be dead when we need it), but we found it can be very helpful to grab a quick photo here or there when we are in places where tripods are not practical and/or there are not other people to ask for a shot. We have also used it for short live videos so we can be included in the video more easily.

A tripod or asking someone else are our two go-to methods, but hiring a professional photographer is a really easy way to get some really nice photos in a destination. We ourselves will hire someone else if we want candid shots or shots we can’t really get ourselves. The key is to hire someone who takes the style of photos you enjoy and knows the area well.

Best of luck getting better vacation couples photos this year! Jessica

Lolo Post author

February 25, 2018 at 12:30 am

You have made taking couples photos look so easy! We almost never take pictures of ourselves anymore when we travel even though I want to! Hopefully we can get better at that this year!

February 25, 2018 at 8:15 am

Hi Lolo, Yes, we definitely have some trips where we have almost no photos of us together which is a bit of a shame. I wish we had more but it definitely takes a bit more time to get them, or at least a good one. We obviously get better photos with a tripod or asking someone else, but if you are just short of time (or often forget) just reaching our your arm or buying a selfie stick can help you get more snaps if you are just looking for some couple travel memories. Best, Jessica

Seana Turner Post author

February 24, 2018 at 12:10 pm

I’m learning from you on this one! I don’t think I could carry around a selfie stick, but I love your idea about asking someone else, and if you don’t like it, just waiting for someone else:) That is so true, but I never thought of it! I totally agree that candids photos end up being the favorites, and yet the impulse to pose is so strong. I wonder why? My brother in law is an amateur landscape photographer and all he does is talk about the light. According to him, early morning is the best light. Problem is, I’d rather be snoozing on vacation at that time!

February 24, 2018 at 4:16 pm

Hi Seana, Glad you found the tips useful and hope you get better couples photos on your next trip.

That is an interesting point. I think posing is just how we are taught to react to photos from a young age, especially when getting formal photos (school photos, prom photos, wedding photos). Also historically cameras were fixed in place and you couldn’t move if you were sitting for one – in fact you had to stay still for several minutes (they had a little rest behind your head to keep it in place!). So I think it all comes for all that and while we ourselves take posed photos all the time, it is often the candid and more relaxed ones we enjoy the most.

Yes, the light is best around sunrise and sunset, so if you have trouble getting up for sunrise, head out around sunset if you can for some nice light. It is definitely hard to get up for sunrise, especially during the parts of the year when it is super early – definitely not a time most people want to get up while on vacation!

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How to take great travel photos with a smartphone

Amy Davies profile picture

When we talk about the best kit for travel photography , we often laud how light and small something is. Carting around lots of lenses to cover off different travel subjects, never mind actually having to change those lenses while on the go and in the company of non-photographers, can make traditional cameras a bit of a drag.

That’s where the smartphone can really come up trumps. You’re likely to have it with you anyway, and modern smartphones have several lenses and specific modes for shooting various subjects in a multitude of conditions. They’re also excellent for video.

In this piece, we will look at how to take great travel photos with a smartphone , speaking with four travel photographers who all have used their phone for excellent results. We also explore some good smartphones for those looking to upgrade or buy new.

Travel photography with a smartphone – Lynne McPeake

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Lynne McPeake photo taken in Puglia, Italy

Puglia, Italy. Photo credit: Lynne McPeake.

What equipment is best for smartphone travel photos?

Lynne started taking her iPhone photography seriously when she had an iPhone 6 Plus, later moving on to an 11 before upgrading to her current device, a 13 Pro .

Rather than tucking away the phone in a pocket or bag, she treats it more like a compact camera, attaching it to a lanyard so it is always around her neck and ready to capture the shot – a great idea for travelling which also should make it harder to steal.

She likes that it is unobtrusive and lightweight, finds the quality impressive for something so small, and enjoys processing images conveniently with apps like Snapseed.

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Lynne McPeake Photo taken outside of a motel in the United States

USA. Photo credit: Lynne McPeake.

As for subjects, she says she’s eclectic but, ‘I look for slightly more unusual shots. I enjoy the “intimate landscape” and the unexpected opportunities travel often presents.’

What are the disadvantages of using smartphones for travel photography?

She admits there are limitations, particularly when zooming, but, for travel she believes the benefits outweigh those issues. ‘As soon as I started using the iPhone for serious photography I found it a totally liberating experience and became hooked.’

Outside a building in Crete, close-up shot of a blue door, window and light blue bench just outside the building. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Lynne McPeake

Crete. Photo credit: Lynne McPeake.

Do professional photographers use phone cameras?

As a member of High Peak Photography Club, she has even produced competition prints at A3 size and found the quality totally acceptable.

She would encourage readers to let their images see a life outside their phone. ‘Make prints, or even better, photobooks of your favourite holidays. Make memories to treasure or to give as gifts,’ she enthuses.

Lynne’s top tips on how to take great travel photos with your camera phone:

  • Use similar skills that you would with a conventional camera. Carefully weigh up subject and composition, don’t just snap.
  • Tap the screen to fix focus, adjust exposure (for iPhone, slide your finger up and down on the screen), and hold steady.
  • Don’t zoom – try to get closer instead.
  • When you go out, ensure your battery is fully charged and you have a back-up battery pack. Don’t process images on the go – wait till you have access to a charger.
  • Clean your camera lenses.

About Lynne McPeake:

Lynne was a professional graphic designer before taking early retirement. After that she spent some time working for Dorling Kindersley, photographing travel guides across the world and in the UK.

See more of her work on Lynne’s Instagram .

Street Travel photography with a smartphone – Zach Leon

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Zach Leon

Athens, Greece. Photo credit: Zach Leon.

Zach currently uses the iPhone 13 . This is slightly different from the flagship ‘Pro’ models, as it has one fewer lens and doesn’t include the ability to shoot in raw format within the native app.

How is taking photos on a smartphone different to taking photos on a camera?

‘The convenience is unbeatable,’ he says. ‘It’s a genuinely pocketable camera that’s always with me. Coming from a Fujifilm X-Pro 2 , a camera known for its lovely tactile experience, the iPhone can feel delicate and sometimes unstable in my hands. There are benefits to the small size and discreet nature of the iPhone, but I’m still getting used to the shooting experience, especially regarding manual controls.

Landscape photo taken in Greece. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Zach Leon

Meteora, Greece. Photo credit: Zach Leon.

‘I shoot all of my photos through the Lightroom Mobile app, which gives me the ability to shoot raw and works around Apple’s automatic post-processing. The difference is stark. I also make sure to acknowledge the iPhone’s limitations while shooting. For example, I tend to avoid poor lighting conditions, as the images can look muddy and unappealing, and highly textured environments like grass or stucco walls can look overly sharp, almost crunchy.

‘The iPhone’s central limitation for me is the focal length. I shoot 35-50mm almost exclusively, so making the shift to 26mm was dramatic. Abstract photos are tough to properly frame, portraits can be temperamental, and in general, it requires much closer proximity to what I’m shooting. Paradoxically, that’s exactly why I’ve begun to use it. I needed something fresh, and this offered just that. I can already foresee how it will change my work moving forward. My main camera will still get its fair share of use, but I imagine that I’ll have used my smartphone for a significant amount of future photo favourites.’

A man with his arms behind his back holding flowers stands with his back to the camera on the street. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Zach Leon

Sofia, Bulgaria. Photo credit: Zach Leon.

Zach’s top tips on how to take great travel photos with your camera phone:

  • Don’t underestimate the power of raw files. It’s worth it.
  • Follow all of the typical photography principles. Just because you’re using a phone doesn’t mean you should shoot like everyone else.
  • Seek out good light.
  • Pay attention to what you’re including and excluding in the frame.
  • Treat your phone like a camera, because that’s exactly what it is.

About Zach Leon:

American photographer Zach Leon has lived nomadically since 2016. Without a base, he is always travelling and has developed a passion for photography around that. He and his wife spend one to six months in any given destination, and he’s lucky enough to make a living from documenting that life. It’s only relatively recently that he has started using a smartphone as part of his work.

To see more of his work, visit Zach’s website .

Using smartphones for street photography

Architecture travel photos with a smartphone – Linda Wride

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Linda Wride

Linda will often shoot wider than she needs to for architecture to give scope for adjustment. Photo credit: Linda Wride.

An iPhone 11 Pro is Linda’s current weapon of choice. In the past she has used specialist lenses which attach to older iPhones, but she finds that the inbuilt iPhone lenses are now sufficiently versatile for her type of travel photography.

She explains that her approach to smartphone photography is a bit like an artist uses a sketchbook – for ‘record’ shots which experiment with different compositions, points of view and such like. ‘In other words,’ Linda says, ‘images I can refer back to if or when I revisit a location with my DSLR. But… my favourite iPhone images are images in their own right which I’m happy to share on social media. I try to post an image a day on Instagram and Vero wherever I am, because it seems to help me to keep my photographic “eye” tuned.

A screenshot from Linda Wride’s iPhone camera ‘roll’ showing her ‘sketchbook’ approach. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Linda Wride

A screenshot from Linda’s iPhone camera ‘roll’ showing her ‘sketchbook’ approach. Photo credit: Linda Wride.

‘The photo roll on my smartphone is also a visual travel diary, readily accessible in my pocket if I want to look back and see where and when I’ve been at any particular time, or to show other people what a particular location looks like.’

Linda has a specific interest in architectural photography , but says it’s not so much that she takes a straight record of buildings, but because she likes the opportunity to explore shapes, pattern, massing and forms offered by architectural abstracts.

She also photographs people (portraits and street) and landscapes, depending on the particular location. For example, in Ethiopia, it was all about people – the tribes of the Omo Valley and the holy men of Lalibela’s churches; whereas while touring Scotland on the North Coast 500, it was all about landscapes.

The Muralla Roja apartment complex in Manzanera, Calpe, Spain. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Linda Wride architecture photography

The Muralla Roja apartment complex in Manzanera, Calpe, Spain. Photo credit: Linda Wride.

It’s important to note that Linda takes the same care and consideration when capturing her smartphone shots as she might do with her main camera (a Nikon Z 7II ).

‘I still think about the appropriate photo mode, format, composition, framing and focusing – but I’m happy to let the phone’s camera sort out all the other stuff. I’m usually pleasantly surprised with the results,’ she explains. She also likes to experiment with the iPhone’s Live Photo option, which allows you to ‘create’ long exposures after the fact by merging frames together. ‘You can always revert to the original if it doesn’t work out.’

Clothes hung out to dry against a blue background. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Linda Wride

Chefchaouen, Morocco. Photo credit: Linda Wride.

Linda’s top tips on how to take great travel photos with your camera phone:

  • Focus by touching the screen at the focal point, then adjust the exposure slider until it looks right.
  • Stand still and hold the phone in cupped hands to reduce shake and vibration – keep still for a few moments before and after, especially if using the Live Photo option.
  • If taking architectural shots, I’ll usually include a bit more of the subject in the frame than needed for the final image, so that I have room for manoeuvre when adjusting verticals and horizontals.

About Linda Wride:

Linda has a diverse travel photography portfolio, which is underpinned by her love of shape and form. She contributes to as well as Shot By Women.

See more of her work on Linda’s Instagram .

Professional travel photography with a smartphone – Piers Golden

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Piers Golden

Morocco. Photo credit: Piers Golden.

Piers uses an iPhone 13 Pro Max , along with a Lume Cube LED light for fill-in. He says the best thing about using this equipment is its ubiquity, lending him and it the ability to blend into the background, as he’s just another smartphone shooter in any given situation.

For subjects, he likes to focus on a good mix to include portraits of locals, landscapes, architecture, local foods and unique aspects of the chosen locations. He often finds his smartphone is faster to use than conventional cameras, and of course, it’s lighter and smaller making it easier to travel with.

A dog enjoys the fresh air looking up with its eyes closed. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Piers Golden

France. Photo credit: Piers Golden.

To maximise the quality, he always shoots in the Apple ProRAW format , giving him the most latitude for making adjustments in post. He first started taking smartphone photography seriously after the introduction of the iPhone 6, with the iPhone 7 Plus being a big jump forward in terms of quality and the first to incorporate a portrait mode. Being able to shoot in raw was only available from the 12 Pro onwards and is something Piers describes as a ‘huge quantum leap’.

What are the disadvantages of smartphone cameras?

As for limitations, he explains, ‘Most travel photography disciplines can be easily achieved on an iPhone except perhaps one… any distant scene or wildlife would usually need a long lens or telephoto zoom. The Achilles’ heel of phone cameras is that the longest end of the zoom range is handled digitally which impacts on quality.’

How to take great travel photos with a smartphone Piers Golden

Smartphone photography is something that can be used professionally quite easily nowadays. ‘I started to introduce my iPhone photography via the social channels of my clients’ businesses and realised they were suitable for website use too. So far, clients seem very happy with the resulting images, as well as the increased speed in the post-processing environment. It’s also far easier and faster to shoot video on a smartphone, with the top-end iPhones also able to shoot cinematic 4K HDR videos.’

Piers’s top tips on how to take great travel photos with your camera phone:

  • Shoot raw (most top-end smartphones allow this now, not just Apple iPhone)
  • Use the grid (this is available for most phones – switch it on via the Settings).
  • Maintain eye contact with your subjects and smile.
  • Research your location beforehand.
  • Look into extra LED lights for illumination, plus a small phone clamp for stability.

About Piers Golden

Piers is a photographer and travel editor who spent many years working at The Sunday Times Travel Magazine. Today his clients include global brands and household names. He has placed in multiple competitions including Food Photographer of the Year and Travel Photographer of the Year.

See more of his work at Piers’s website .

To find out more about how to step up your travel photography, check out these insider tips on how to win travel photography competitions .

The best smartphones for travel

Is my phone camera good enough for travel.

Smartphone can really come up trumps. Firstly, it’s the ultimate carry-everywhere camera and modern smartphones have several lenses and specific modes for shooting various subjects in a multitude of conditions. They’re also excellent for video .

Lots of smartphones give you manual controls , so you don’t necessarily need to feel you’re ‘dumbing down’ if you’ve left the regular camera at home. And myriad advanced editing options , like Lightroom for Mobile, can see you transform your work on the go, ready for social sharing and impressing friends back home.

How do I choose the best smartphone for travel?

For travel, it’s worth considering those with a bigger battery life , as you might not always have the opportunity to charge while on the go. That said, portable battery packs for smartphones are easy to buy affordably.

You might also want to look at those that offer a variety of different lenses , as having zoom options can be incredibly worthwhile – as can an ultrawide lens for things like architecture and landscapes, two very popular travel subjects.

Consider other useful features such as a Portrait mode and Night or low-light mode , and also think carefully about storage . It might cost a bit more to invest in a higher-capacity phone but if you travel a lot, it can be worth it to save you from running out.

iPhone 14 Pro

iPhone 14 Pro Review

iPhone 14 Pro. Credit: Amy Davies.

From £1,099

All of our photographers here shoot with an iPhone, so it’s obviously a very popular choice for travel photographers. The latest flagship comes with a triple-lens array including an ultra-wide and a 3x zoom . The 48MP main sensor is ideal for raw shooting, which is available natively in the app. Other plus points include an automatic macro and 4K video .

Read our iPhone 14 Pro review .

Samsung S23 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra photo modes, Photo: Amy Davies.

From £1,149

The S23 Ultra is possibly the best smartphone for photographers you can buy right now. It’s particularly good for travel as it includes four lenses, including an ultra-wide plus 3x and 10x zoom options. It has close-focusing options too and can record in raw. With its 5000mAh battery, it should last all day and you can record up to 8K video .

Read our Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra review.

Google Pixel 7 Pro

Google Pixel 7 Pro

The Google Pixel 7 Pro impressed in our review. Photo credit: Joshua Waller.

Well-regarded for their simplicity, using a Pixel is a bit like using an iPhone, but without the high price-tag . You don’t get manual controls, but you can shoot in raw format. A triple-lens set-up gives you an ultra-wide and, handily for travel, a 5x zoom lens . Macro focusing and 4K video round out the spec sheet.

Read our Google Pixel 7 Pro review.

OnePlus 11 in hand showing cameras

OnePlus 11 in hand showing cameras. Credit: Amy Davies

If you don’t want to spend a fortune but still want a flagship, the OnePlus 11 is an excellent choice. You can shoot in a professional mode which gives you raw format shooting , while the battery life is superb. It’s three lenses again here, but you only get a 2x zoom.

Read our OnePlus 11 review.

For more, check out our picks of the best camera phones for photography and the best smartphones for video.

Be sure to also have a look at our guides on how to take great portraits , macro , street and black and white photography, all on your smartphone!

Related articles:

Guide to Travel Photography: tips no matter the location or subject

The 12 best cities for street photography around the world

See the top 20 best travel photographs!

APOY 2023 Travel round open for entries!

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Profile image of Amy Davies

Amy is a highly experienced photography and technology journalist who has been working on AP since 2018, having been working in the industry since 2009. She is a graduate of the magazine journalism course at Cardiff University and has written for a wide range of publications and websites. As Features Editor, she is responsible for commissioning an eclectic mix of features connected to general photography, along with interviews. She is also a very experienced reviewer of cameras and associated technology, with her reviews featured on multiple sites including TechRadar, Digital Camera World, Trusted Reviews, ePhotozine, Stuff, Expert Reviews, T3, Photography Blog and more. She is also an expert on smartphone photography and smartphones generally.

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100 Incredible Travel Photo Ideas to Inspire Your Next Adventure

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: December 28, 2022  - Last updated: July 31, 2023

Categories Travel

Are you looking for creative ways to capture your travel memories? Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting, plenty of unique photo ideas will make your travel photos stand out from the rest.

From shooting at unusual angles and playing with perspective to finding exciting subjects, here are some great ideas and tips for taking beautiful and eye-catching vacation photos. So get ready to explore the world through your lens!

Landscape photography is an easy way to capture your travels and the beauty of nature.

When traveling, it can be difficult to find the time (or energy) to take a landscape photo. But if you have the opportunity, don’t miss it! Landscape photos are a great way to capture your trip’s incredible memories. Here are some great photo ideas that will help you keep fond memories of the different landscapes you encounter:

  • Sunset over the sea
  • Lighthouses
  • The view from the top of a mountain
  • Sunrise over the mountains
  • Misty morning shots of a city skyline or a mountainside
  • A rainbow after a thunderstorm
  • The view from your hotel window
  • A tree with leaves changing color in the fall
  • An old building or structure that has been around for years
  • A photo of a city skyline at sunset
  • A picture with a landmark or other famous place in the background
  • A full moon over a lake
  • A street in a new city
  • An old building with character that has been around for hundreds of years
  • The landscape
  • A lush green forest in spring
  • A film location

When you’re traveling, don’t be afraid to take a selfie. It’s a great way to document your experiences and share them with everyone back home. Try out some of these photography ideas:

  • A photo of you with a local friend
  • A photo of the view outside your window
  • Yourself at a tourist spot
  • A photo of your reflection in the mirror
  • A photo of you eating
  • A selfie with a foreign language sign
  • A photo of you in front of your window seat on an airplane
  • A selfie with a statue of someone you admire
  • A photo of yourself in front of a famous painting or sculpture
  • A selfie with your favorite piece of street art or graffiti
  • A selfie of you walking on the beach
  • A selfie of you jumping into the water
  • A photo of you having a drink at the airport
  • A photo of you and your suitcase
  • Selfie with a famous person you met on your trip
  • Selfie in your hotel room
  • Selfie while walking on the street
  • A picture of you in front of a famous landmark
  • Selfie with your favorite tourist attraction
  • Selfie on a boat
  • Selfie of you at a local event or concert
  • Selfie with traditional clothes

Local Culture

Local culture is an essential indicator of a country’s identity. It’s essentially the way of life and habits of the people. It’s their way of thinking and acting that makes their country unique. Here are some ideas for travel photos that you can use to document the cultural side of your trip.

  • The local color
  • A poster of a local celebrity
  • Architecture
  • A photo in a museum or art gallery
  • An animal you don’t see every day
  • A photo of a local product purchased
  • A local delicacy
  • A selfie with a local statue
  • A photo from a local market
  • A photo of a festival or parade in the city
  • A religious building
  • A religious ritual or ceremony (if allowed)
  • A local place to relax after a long day
  • Local people in traditional dress (if approved)
  • Local food stalls
  • A local dance performance
  • A local sports team playing a game
  • Local transportation
  • A game popular with the locals
  • Cultural symbols

Capturing Moments

Capturing moments in photos is something I love to do. It’s a great way to express your feelings and emotions without having to say anything.

I used to make the mistake of not taking photos to live better in the present, but now I know that memory can fade, and now I love capturing moments in photos because it brings back all the beautiful memories from the past.

  • Sailing and boating
  • A photo of your tour guide showing you something
  • A photo of a map (or screenshot of Google Maps) or directions that help you reach your destination
  • Your plane is making its way through the clouds to your destination
  • A surfer riding the waves at sunset
  • Trying to catch a wave
  • A hike in the rainforest
  • A photo of you or friends jumping into a pool
  • A photo of something that represents what it means to be from where you’re from
  • A photo from inside a vehicle
  • Photos while riding in cabs or busses
  • A photo with someone who makes you happy, such as a friend, family member, or even your pet!
  • A photo of your feet in the sand
  • A photo of a street performer
  • Your going away party
  • The reflection of something in the water, like an animal or a tree
  • An empty bus stop on a rainy day
  • An empty street in the rain
  • The terrace of a café on a sunny day

Creating a Social Impact

Traveling is about more than just seeing the sights and taking selfies. It’s about taking in your surroundings, learning about other cultures, and connecting with the people around you. And when you travel to a place that needs more attention, it’s even more important to spread that awareness. After all, travel isn’t just about exploring new places – it’s also an opportunity to contribute to the lives of the people you meet.

  • A place destroyed by natural disasters.
  • Plastic bottles on the beach
  • Taking a photo of an endangered species
  • A national park
  • Unusual weather
  • The local school that needs help
  • Local charity (make sure the organization is reputable)
  • Photo of your donation
  • The entrance to an orphanage (don’t take pictures of children unless you have official permission to do so)
  • A picture of an abandoned building or house
  • An animal shelter
  • Local vegetarian or vegan food
  • Local wildlife
  • Take a picture of yourself holding up a handwritten sign that says, “I believe in peace.”
  • A CO2-reduced mode of transportation

What Makes a Good Travel Photo?

Whether you’re traveling alone or with friends, taking photos is a great way to document your trip.

The best travel photos are those that capture the natural beauty of your surroundings. Whether you’re traveling alone or with friends, taking photos on the road is a great way to document your trip.

Here are a few photography tips on how to capture beautiful images and make sure they look their best:

Shoot in Color Instead of Black and White

Color is more than just a pretty face. It’s also your best friend when it comes to travel photography, helping you capture the vibrancy of your surroundings and giving your vacation pictures a time frame as technology advances.

When you shoot in color, you have the ability to capture every detail and texture of a scene. You don’t have to worry about getting the perfect exposure or how the image will look on paper – you can just focus on capturing what you have in front of you and worry about the rest later.

Black and white photography, on the other hand, requires you to think about what makes an image work, because there’s no color to cover imperfections or distract from flaws in composition or subject matter. Rather than focusing on getting everything right in every shot, black-and-white photography requires you to analyze every element in the image to ensure that everything fits together seamlessly for maximum impact – whether it’s making sure that each subject is sufficiently separated from the others, or ensuring that there is enough contrast between light sources and shadows within a scene so that there are no unwanted distractions from what should be the focus of the image.

What makes black and white photos special is that black and white photos are timeless, while color photos can quickly look dated as technology advances. Some photographers even choose to convert their images to black and white after the fact, believing that it gives them more creative freedom than shooting in color.

Color is vibrant and eye-catching, but black and white can be just as impressive – if not more so – than its counterpart.

When Possible, Use Natural Light

When traveling and taking photos, it’s easy to get into the habit of shooting only when the sun is shining. But if you have the time, you should shoot with natural light as much as possible.

Natural light is softer than artificial light and gives your photos a more flattering look. It also makes your subjects look more natural and less posed.

If you don’t have much time or access to natural light, find a place with good artificial lighting. If you’re at a restaurant, ask if there are any empty seats where the light isn’t too bright or harsh. If there isn’t, move outside or around the corner to another area where the lighting is better than your current spot.

Experiment With Angles and Perspectives

Photography is about capturing the world around you. It’s not just about taking a photo, it’s about conveying your feelings and emotions. The best travel photos are the ones that show you a place from an angle or perspective you’ve never seen before. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to make your photos even more interesting – you may discover something new about a place that no one has noticed!

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your camera. Using filters and other effects can add life to your images, but remember that these are just tools, not rules. If something doesn’t work for you, don’t use it again!

A photo should tell a good story. When choosing where to shoot, look for areas where there are lots of exciting objects that you can include in the shot – a fountain or sculpture would be ideal. If there are no apparent subjects, look for patterns in architecture or street signs; these can make great subjects for photos!

Get Up Close and Personal With Your Subject

Zoom in to see the details of a flower, or zoom out to capture the scene of a busy cityscape.

Zooming in allows you to focus on one part of the image while leaving other parts out of focus. This can be very effective at isolating your subject from its surroundings and focusing the viewer’s attention on what matters most to you.

When photographing landscapes and scenery, use a wide-angle lens that shows large areas of the landscape in one shot. If you’re photographing small objects like flowers or insects, you should use a macro lens that allows you to take extreme close-ups that show intricate details of small objects like petals and leaves.

How to Share Your Travel Photos

We used to organize an evening with family and friends to share our travel experiences. Nowadays, everything is shared instantly. So if you’re a photography enthusiast, it’s time to start thinking about your next trip.

There are many ways to share your photos online. Here are some tips on how to show off your travel photos online:

Set Up an Online Gallery

Setting up an online gallery is the easiest way to show off your travel pictures. There are many services on the Internet, including Flickr and SmugMug. You can also use your website or blog to showcase your photos.

The purpose of an online gallery is to share your best shots with friends and family, as well as potential clients and employers. If you’re serious about becoming a professional photographer, it’s a good idea to create such a gallery, even if you don’t plan to charge money to view photos.

Use Social Media

If you don’t have much time and don’t mind strangers seeing your pictures, you can post them on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are easy ways to share photos with friends. You can also post them on travel forums or blogs if you want feedback and advice from other travelers.

  • On Facebook, simply upload your favorite travel photos to your Timeline and tag them with where they were taken. Your friends will see them in their news feeds over time – some may even like them or comment on them!
  • On Instagram, use hashtags to link your Instagram photo to other images from the exact location (e.g., “#paris”). This way, people can search for images related to their destination and find yours too!
  • If you use Snapchat, create a story that lasts 24 hours so people can view a series of snaps together without having to keep going back to old snaps. If you’re on Twitter or Tumblr, try posting updates in real time by sharing photos with your followers every few minutes (or seconds!). This is fun for both sides because it creates a sense of excitement for what’s happening!

Create a Blog

A blog is one of the most effective ways to show off your travel memories of the best places you’ve been and the amazing people you’ve met, while detailing your trip. Nowadays, blogs are easy and intuitive to create and can be used to showcase your best shots from around the world.

Blogs are also great for sharing your experiences with others, such as advice on what to do or not do when visiting a particular place or region. For example, if you’ve been to Australia several times and know the best places to go, why not share some tips about those places on your blog? You might even want to share some stories about your experiences there!

Another reason blogging can be beneficial is the opportunity to connect with people who have traveled to similar places. This is especially important if you want to connect with like-minded people from around the world with similar interests.

The first step is to choose a platform on which to create your blog. There are many options, like WordPress or Tumblr, but they all offer similar features. The next step is to choose a template that fits your style and needs.

You can also use free websites like Weebly or Squarespace, which allow you to create a beautiful website without any coding knowledge.

A great way to showcase your photos is to use a grid layout, where each image fills an entire column or row. This way, users can see each travel photo without having to scroll down a lot, which makes browsing photos much easier.

Another good option is to add captions under each travel photo so viewers can read what’s happening in each image or why you chose it as one of your favorites.

Create a Physical Travel Photo Album With Your Favorite Photos

A physical travel photo album of your favorite photos is a great way to showcase your photos, especially for those who don’t use the internet, like older people.

It’s also a great way to preserve your memories and share them with family and friends. Or maybe you want to stay offline to protect your privacy.

You can create a photo book at home or hire someone to create it. Many companies offer a photo book service where the book is designed and printed for you.

You can also design a photo book yourself at home or hire someone to create it. Many companies offer a photo book service where they design and print the book for you.

Here are some tips on how to create a physical photo album:

  • Select your favorite travel photos from your collection . It’s better to start with fewer photos than too many, because it can be difficult to choose which vacation photos to put in an album.
  • Select your favorite photos in terms of quality and content – this will ensure that all the images go well together. For example, if you’re creating a vacation album, all the pictures should have been taken during that road trip so they have similar backgrounds and lighting conditions.
  • Create a theme for your album (e.g., “vacation,” “family portrait,” “friends”). If you give yourself guidelines for what kind of photos you need, it’ll be easier for you to choose good photos from your collection.
  • Consider adding captions or short descriptions next to each photo . These little extras make the album more personal and interactive – perfect if it’s intended as a gift!

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Skiers on the Swiss side of the slopes in the Alps

  • 2021 IN REVIEW

These are the best travel photos of 2021

Explore the world in 18 stunning images from our contributors.

Even with an unsteady return to travel, 2021 proved to be a time of renewed exploration. The photographs we published this year reflect an intimacy that comes from staying closer to home and looking deeper into the landscapes and cultural traditions all around us.

Our National Geographic contributors shared surprising glimpses of regions they know well, from the urban trails of San Francisco to the untamed lands of Patagonia to the watery wilds of Alaska. These images reveal the enduring essence of inspiring places.  

( Best of the World: Here are 25 incredible journeys for 2022 .)

The year ahead promises a grand return to travel, and we’re eager to hit the road. We hope these photographs reignite your desire to discover, spark your adventurous imagination, and set you off on your next journey, near or far.

Grape harvesting at Cheo in Vernazza in Italy

Correction: The correct name of the Greek church is Agios Onoufrios. 

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Stay Close Travel Far

How To Take Great Couple Pictures While Traveling


One of the questions we get asked consistently is how we take our couple pictures by ourselves. Although sometimes we travel with friends, most of the time it’s just the two of us. So taking high-quality travel photos of us together can be challenging. But with some practice, a reliable tripod and a few tricks we have a very effective process now 🙂 So here it is, step by step:

1. Build yourself a mood board

It takes some time to figure out what kind of couple pictures you want to take. What is your style? What’s the overall vibe of your feed? What do you want people to feel when they look at your photos? We found that the easiest way to build a strategy is to have a mood board. Take inspiration from others, organize it, play around with it, and add your own shots to it.

You can find our inspiration board on Pinterest here . We look at it every time we travel and take a lot of photos to get us in the mood and to help us stick to the feelings we want to capture.

2. Be genuine. Capture real emotions.

This needs to be repeated. Capture real emotions . There are so many bloggers, Instagrammers, travelers these days that simply look for the most visually stunning background and then just sit there staring blankly at the horizon (we’ve done this too in the past). Yes, people like pretty landscapes but no one is inspired by your contrived pose when it’s clear nothing about the picture was spontaneous or real. People want to look at pictures that make them feel things . Don’t treat your pictures as a checklist – pose in front of the Big Ben, pose next to this giant Buddha, sit at the edge of so and so viewpoint, staring. Think of the photos you create as living your life and documenting it, rather than living your life around scheduled photo shoots.

For this reason, we think it’s best to have another person take your couple pictures. It’s even better if that someone is a close friend or someone who loves you or knows you well. Those are the people that are more likely to capture your true essence as a couple.

But if you can’t do that – don’t worry. Most of our pictures were taken with a tripod anyway 🙂


3. Buy a tripod

Get yourself a tripod. We prefer this option to asking strangers on the street which is a big hit or miss. Most people you randomly ask for a photo will not know what vibe you’re going for. You might not feel comfortable enough in front of someone you just met. A lot of them probably don’t even know how to use a camera properly. So in most cases you’ll end up with pretty unusable shots.

That’s why we prefer to shoot with a tripod. Get a nice compact one that’s easy to carry around but also sturdy enough to hold your expensive camera. If you’re spending thousands of dollars on a nice camera, don’t be cheap on the tripod! You want your expensive equipment to be safe. Here’s a link to the one we use.

4. Frame the shot

When you ask a friend or a stranger to take your photos, be as specific as possible about how you want it taken. We’ve found that when we give detailed instructions to people and even show them an inspirational shot, we get much better results.

If you’re shooting with a tripod, take a few shots yourself first to figure out what angle works the best. Set up the tripod, secure your camera on it and you’re ready to go!

5. Camera settings

Some people prefer to use a remote app that lets you operate your camera through your phone and take pictures with it. That’s a great option but it doesn’t really work for us. We find it awkward to have to keep clicking and looking at the screen. It kills any natural feelings we are trying to capture.

We use Interval Timer mode instead. This allows your camera to take photos without even being touched. We have a Canon camera so this mode might be named differently for other brands. Check out our equipment list for the exact camera, lens and accessories we use.

Settings: 40 shots, with an interval of 2 seconds.

So every few seconds your camera takes a shot automatically until it takes 40 total. This allows us to just get in front of the camera, move freely and be authentic. It’s not as real as having a friend take it but it still works! This allows you to take natural couple pictures that don’t look posed.

It will take you sometime to get there, so don’t get discouraged if your photos are not looking the way you want them to right off the bat. The important thing is to keep practicing and keep improving until you find what works for you. And don’t forget to have fun! Capturing real emotions always beats just being in a pretty place 🙂

6. Learn how to edit your couple pictures

It’s not all about taking pretty pictures – the editing matters a lot too! We add a little special touch to our photos through editing with our custom Lightroom presets. Whether you like sunny summer colors or romantic golden sunset lighting, our editing presets can help you achieve a similar look to our photos.

Check them out through the links below 🙂


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OMG! I didn’t even know about this interval timer thing!!! thanks so much for sharing your secrets as always 🙂

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I love your tips, thank you very Much😊

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I liked that you explained that you should frame the picture really well. That is good to know when you want to take good pictures with more than one person in them. It might be smart to get some expert help with taking great photos.

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What camera do you use guys?

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You can see our full equipment list here

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All rights to images on this site belong to Stay Close Travel Far LLC. To gain permission to use any of our photos, please Contact Us .

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Travel With Sara

Travel With Sara

6 Unique Tips On Capturing The Best Content While Traveling

There’s nothing like traveling to new to you destinations to help inspire your creative side. When you’re out in the world, seeing new sights and experiencing different cultures, it’s easy to come up with fresh ideas for blog posts, articles, or even books. In no time at all, you will be capturing great travel photos.

travel with kare photos

The American Road Trip Is Back!

However, capturing those ideas can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the right tools. This article will share six tips for capturing the best content while traveling.

Bring a notebook and pen with you everywhere you go.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many people forget to pack a notebook and pen when they travel. These tools will ensure you never miss an opportunity to jot down an idea. Whether sitting in a café, taking a walking tour or simply exploring your surroundings, having a notebook and pen handy will allow you to capture any ideas that come to mind. Pen and paper can be your guide to helping you take great travel photos.

If you don’t want to carry around a physical notebook, consider downloading a note-taking app on your phone or tablet. This way, you can keep all your ideas in one place. You will have your notes with you at all times. There are tons of great options, so take some time to find one that suits your needs.

notebook and pencil

Once you have a notebook and pen (or note-taking app), use them. Keep your notebook with you, and don’t be afraid to write down even the most fleeting ideas. The goal is to capture as much content as possible. You can always sort through it later, and determine what’s worth pursuing.

Use your camera to document everything.

In today’s digital age, we are fortunate to have cameras with us at all times. So whether you are using a DSLR, point-and-shoot, or your smartphone. Your trip will be more memorable when you document everything while traveling. This means taking photos and videos of the places you visit, the people you meet, and the things you see. But don’t just take pictures of random things; try to capture the story behind each photo . For example, if you are viewing a beautiful sunset, include a picture of the beach where you are watching it.

In addition to photos, videos can also be a great way to document your travels. Videos can capture the sound and movement of a place in a way that images cannot. Your videos can also be used to tell stories more creatively than simply writing about them. So if you are traveling with a video camera, use it to document your trip.

Of course, you don’t want to spend your trip behind a camera. So make sure to take time to enjoy the moments you are experiencing. By taking pictures and videos, you can capture the memories of your trip and share them with others.

Have your Mac on hand.

This is probably the most important tip: make sure you have your Mac on hand when traveling. It’s easy to miss out on editing great content when you don’t have a computer with you. By having your Mac with you, it will allow you to quickly edit and upload photos and videos. It will be easier to write blog posts or articles about your experiences. Remember to organize your mac as well. If you can’t bring your Mac with you, be sure to bring a minimum of one external hard drive so you can back up your photos and videos. You don’t want to lose all your hard work because of a simple mistake like not backing up your files.

Research picturesque destinations to capture.

Whether a seasoned photographer or an amateur, one of the best ways to get great content is to research and look up picturesque destinations in the area you will be visiting. This way, you can make a plan of where you want to go. You can plan your shots that you would like to capture with your camera while there. Planning will help ensure that you get the most beautiful photos possible during your trip.

travel with kare photos

If you are unsure where to start looking for these locations, try looking online or talking to locals in the area. Once you have a few ideas, research how to get there and what time of day would be best for photography. Planning ahead will save you a lot of time and frustration while you are on vacation.

Learn how to leverage natural light.

One of the best ways to make your photos look more professional is by using natural light. If you’re shooting outside, try to avoid direct sunlight, which can create harsh shadows. Instead, position yourself in the shade or wait for golden hour –– the hour before sunset when the lighting is softer and warmer.

travel with kare photos

You can also use reflectors to bounce light back onto your subject and fill in any shadows. If you’re shooting indoors, open up all the curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. You can also move your subject near a window for added illumination. Just be sure not to shoot directly into the sun, as this will cause lens flare. If you don’t have any reflectors on hand, you can always improvise with white sheets of paper or even aluminum foil.

Use a tripod.

I have gotten into a habit of traveling with a tripod and it does work. A tripod help you keep your camera still, especially in low light situations. If you don’t have a tripod, try to find something else to prop your camera on. A stack of books, a table, or even your own body can work in a pinch. Ensure the surface is steady enough that your camera won’t move around too much while trying to take a picture. After all, a little steadiness, can help you take great travel photos.

Another way to avoid shaky hands is to use the timer function on your camera. This way, you don’t have to worry about pressing the button at just the right moment. Set the timer for two or three seconds, and then press the shutter button. When the picture is taken, your hands should be nice and steady.

Remember that practice makes perfect. The more you travel and take pictures, the better you’ll get at it. So with these tips in mind, go out and explore the world, one photo at a time.

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Kara and Nate

Travel Influencers

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Hey! We’re Kara and Nate, a couple of high school sweethearts who have made our dream of long-term travel a reality. Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we’ve been traveling the world full-time for the last 4+ years and documenting our daily adventures on our YouTube channel . In December of 2019, we completed our goal of visiting 100 countries!

In January of 2016, we moved out of our apartment, sold our cars, put all of our stuff in storage, and boarded a one-way flight to Tokyo, Japan. The original plan was to spend one year seeing as much of the world as possible before we headed back to Nashville where we would settle down, get serious about our careers, and start a family…

Thankfully, things don’t always go as planned. Here we are 2.5 years later and still on the road. YouTube has turned into our “career,” and we’re living a life better than we could have ever imagined!

If you somehow stumbled upon this site without coming from our YouTube channel, this video will catch you up on our first two years of travel.

Not Your Average Travel Blog

We’ve chosen to document our daily travel adventures on YouTube and Instagram . So, instead of talking about our travels for a third time here on the blog, we’ve devoted it to creating useful resources around the three topics we’re most passionate about: travel hacking, YouTube, and entrepreneurship.

Travel Hacking

Before we left to travel we saved up over 2 million miles and points through travel hacking strategies that I’ll teach you here on the blog. We’ve used these miles and points to save well over $20,000+ in travel expenses over the last few years. I want to teach you how to do the same. If you want to learn how you can take your next trip for pennies on the dollar using miles and points, check out the resources below.

The Travel Hacking Blog

Free Credit Card Consultation

30 Days to Becoming a Travel Hacker

YouTube Resources

Before we started this YouTube channel in January of 2016, we knew very little about filming and editing videos. We knew even less about growing a YouTube channel. Here we are 2.5 years later, we’ve published over 500 videos, our channel has over 225,000 subscribers, we won a Shorty Award, and we’re making a full-time living creating travel videos. If you have a crazy dream (like we did) to create a business around sharing your passion through video, check out the resources below.

Kara’s Behind the Scenes Guide to Creating a Vlog

Travel Vlogging Gear

Income & Expense Reports

Before we left to travel we saved up $30,000 hoping that would cover the cost for 1 year of full-time travel. From the beginning, I (Nate) tracked our expenses religiously because I knew the more money we saved, the longer we could continue traveling.

Then, 6 months into traveling, we made the decision to attempt to turn our YouTube channel into a business that could make us enough money to continue traveling after the first year. Ever since, I’ve been publishing reports of our income and expenses here on the blog.

The first full report I posted was in July of 2016 . We made a grand total of $603.26 that first month, and we spent WAY more than we made. Click the link below to see how far we’ve come!

Read Our Income & Expense Reports

Travel with Us!

Last year we came up with a crazy idea to put together a one week Vespa tour through our favorite region in Italy. In just a few short weeks, 45 viewers from around the world will be joining us here in Le Marche, Italy for a week of eating delicious pasta, tasting the local wines, eating way too much gelato, and cruising around on Vespas. It’s going to be incredible, and we want to do more trips like this in the future. If you’re interested in joining us on a future trip, click the button below to let us know!

Sunday Summary

Every week we send out a newsletter with updates from the road. If you enter your email below, you’ll be the first to know exciting news like where we’re traveling next, stuff we’re giving away, new resources published on the blog, and opportunities to travel with us on future trips!

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A ridiculous amount of coffee is consumed in the process of editing our videos. Add some fuel to keep her going!

travel with kare photos

Woman Shares Surprise After Finding a Photo of Herself in Her Mom's Old Passport

T ight rules govern what can and cannot be visible in a passport photo, with there being serious consequences for your ability to use your passport if the image does not comply.

Fortunately for Gabriela Figueroa Castro, things were a little different in 1980s Mexico, which is why the post-production coordinator was able to stumble upon an image of her younger self in her mother's arms in one of her old passports.

Castro, known online as @picturesofgabsdoingstuff, shared the unique piece of documentation to Instagram on May 12 to unexpected viral attention.

"I was born in Guadalajara surrounded by my mom's side of the family," Castro, who now lives in Los Angeles, told Newsweek . "But my dad, being the smooth talker he is, convinced her to return, despite him being a serial cheater."

Her mother had fled to Mexico when she was eight months pregnant with Castro, in what her daughter describes as "running away from my dad."

Castro's mom soon applied for a joint Mexican passport that could cover both her and her daughter's travel, and made her way back to Los Angeles to reunite with her on-off partner one month after Castro's birth.

"The joint passport was a common thing back in the 80s, so I was surprised but also not surprised when the reel did as well as it did," Castro, who also works as a writer, said. "My mom is gorgeous, and it's such a cute picture that I knew it would have momentum!"

Viewers were able to see the image of Castro and her mom together, positioned next to the holder's signature within the expired Mexican passport. The writer had made the decision to share her nugget of history online on Mother's Day. An overlaid text on the video read: "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who convinced government officials this was OK."

Since going viral on Instagram, more than 100 viewers have taken to the comments section of the post to voice their opinions on the passport photo and why it was once valid, despite its informality when held against contemporary regulation.

"This lowkey makes sense though, cause what if you were being kidnapped with a fake passport as a baby? Having your mother, parent, legal guardian in the passport until you are old enough to travel alone makes sense," one user, @amalia._olivira, wrote.

Another, @letiiornot, added: "She's like take the pic or ima make a call."

A third user, @koraloutofwater, commented: "This is like, this should be in an album full of interesting photos."

Do you have any funny or adorable videos that you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to [email protected] and they could appear on our site.

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From left, Gabriela Figueroa Castro sits with her mother in a 1980s passport photo, and Castro now. The passport photo has surprised viewers on social media.

Traveling Paint Parties with Kare

DAVENPORT, Iowa (KWQC) - Karie Rauch owns a small business that provides traveling paint parties for every occasion - birthday parties, bachelorette parties, girls nights out, team building, baby showers and many other celebrations - along with private parties.

Art With Kare is a locally owned business in the Quad Cities and has been in business for a little over two years now, traveling to local bars, restaurants, and coffee shops with everything you need to create your own masterpiece. Karie will guide you through each and every step while you sip on your favorite drinks. No experience is needed to participate in the paint parties, the only requirement is to have fun !

Find Art With Kare on Facebook or at the website:

Copyright 2022 KWQC. All rights reserved.

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Vargis Khan

How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir – A COMPLETE Travel Guide

How to plan a trip to Kashmir? For this, there are a lot of factors that you will have to consider like how to reach, where to stay, what to see, things to do, what to pack, how much will it cost, itinerary planning, etc. All of these questions cannot be answered in a single post if you truly want it to be detailed.

I have visited Kashmir a few times and have written several detailed articles that can be of help to everyone planning a trip. This information is scattered in several posts and getting the details that you need can be a little time-consuming.

For the sake of convenience and ease of navigation, I am cataloging these articles in the post below. Follow the links, take a look at the articles and every question that you have about visiting Kashmir will surely get answered. You will find complete information about popular destinations like Gulmarg, Sonamarg, Pahalgam, Gurez, and Aharbal, as well as some offbeat destinations like Drung Waterfall, Chatpal Valley, Sinthan Top, Daksum, and several other places.

If there are still some doubts left, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to help in any way that I can. I would greatly appreciate it if you could also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel .

To get the best hotel rates, and taxi charges, and to organize your trip to Kashmir, you can speak with Kunal @ 9910 402 252 . Give him my reference and you will surely get a discounted rate.

A Timelapse captured in Nubra Valley of Ladakh

Quick Navigation

Best Time to Visit Kashmir

When is the best time to visit Kashmir? There is actually no straight answer to this question because it will depend on what kind of trip you were looking forward to.

If you want to see snow, January and February are ideal times. If you want to see lush green views, September will be the best time. For a honeymoon trip, I will recommend April and September.

If you want to see flowers and the Tulip Garden, you should plan for April. If you want to see Apple orchards, August and September is the best time to go.

For photography, a trip in the post-monsoon season will be best. For budget travelers, August and November are good times to go.

This however is just a brief overview. For a more detailed and month-by-month breakdown of this information, please take a look at When is the Best Time to Visit Kashmir .

Mobile Network and Data Connectivity

BSNL has the widest network in Kashmir but Airtel is better in terms of the quality of the network. Jio works decently well but the services of Vodafone and Idea are not that great.

The important thing that you should know is that only postpaid connections work in the valley. Irrespective of which network you were on, your phone will be dead as soon as you enter Kashmir if it was a prepaid connection.

But if it was a postpaid phone, you would have good reception and data connectivity in tourist destinations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam. If you went a little offbeat, your phone may or may not work depending on the service provider.

I have covered this topic in great detail in another article Mobile Network and Data Connectivity in Kashmir that you can take a look at. I have given a region-wise breakdown of the network reception in this post.

Kashmir Trip Cost

How much will a Kashmir trip cost? This will depend on a lot of factors like the number of travelers, duration of the trip, mode of commute, personal preferences, etc. But with that being said, there is still an average per-person cost that can be calculated.

Take a look at this post – How to Calculate the Total Cost of Kashmir Trip . While I cannot give you the exact cost of the Kashmir trip, I can still give you an idea of how you can calculate your own Kashmir trip budget. That is the information that I covered in this article.

Using the numbers below, you will get a fairly good estimate of how much you will end up spending in the valley. These are some of the minimum expenditures that you will end up incurring for accommodation, taxi, food, shopping, etc.

Clothes to Pack for Kashmir Trip

The next important question will be related to your packing. The clothes that you need for visiting Kashmir will vary according to the season and month of your trip. It will also depend on the places you have in mind to visit and your mode of commute as well.

I will recommend taking a look at Clothes for Kashmir Trip – Things to Pack for Kashmir Trip for more information on this aspect. In this post, I have talked in detail about the kind of clothes that you should be packing for a trip to Kashmir in different seasons.

Places to Visit in Kashmir

Now let us take a look at the tourist destinations in Kashmir, places that you just cannot afford to miss. These are the destinations that will become the very highlight of your journey.

I am adding Srinagar first to the list because that is where you will have to go first. Srinagar will be your base to explore the beautiful valleys of Kashmir.

But is it just that? The answer is no.  It is not just a base to explore Kashmir but rather a place that deserves to be explored, a place of both natural and man-made beauty.

Shah Jahan a long time ago aptly called Kashmir the paradise on earth, and Srinagar is the heart of that paradise. With its serene blue lakes and magnificent gardens ringed by an Arc of Majestic Himalayas, it is a picture-perfect town that looks straight out of a painting.

There is just so much to see here and so much to do. This I believe is the very reason that despite all the unrest and tensions, Srinagar continues to remain one of the most visited tourist destinations in our country.

  • Srinagar – How to Plan your Trip and Explore?
  • Places to Visit in Srinagar and Things to Do
  • Best time to Visit Srinagar – Best Month, Season, Tips
  • Shalimar Bagh, Srinagar – Entry Fee, Timings, Trip Planning
  • Nishat Bagh Srinagar – How to Reach, Timings, Entry Fee
  • Hazratbal Shrine Srinagar – How to Reach, What to See
  • Chashme Shahi Srinagar – How to Reach, Timings, Tips
  • Pari Mahal Srinagar – Timings, How to Reach, Best Time
  • Floating Vegetable Market of Srinagar – Flower Market
  • Shikara Ride in Dal Lake Srinagar – Cost, Timings, Best Spot
  • Sound and Light Show in Srinagar in Dal Lake
  • Astanmarg – One of the Best Viewpoints in Srinagar

Gulmarg in my opinion is the biggest tourist attraction in Kashmir. Known as the meadow of flowers, it is a heavenly place to tread in that offers mesmerizing landscapes and an enthralling possibility of various adventure activities.

Such is the beauty of this tiny hamlet that it attracts people from all over the country throughout the year. It is possibly one of those destinations where the tourist season never ends.

From families to adventure enthusiasts, Gulmarg has a lot to offer everyone. It not only draws tourists from other parts of the country but also is a favorite weekend getaway for the local Kashmiris as well.

Below is a list of articles that I have posted on Gulmarg. I will recommend taking a look at these before visiting this beautiful little town.

  • Gulmarg – A Complete Travel Guide and Itinerary
  • Gulmarg in Winter Travel Guide
  • Places to Visit in Gulmarg & Things to Do
  • Best Time to Visit Gulmarg – Best Month, Season, Activities
  • Gulmarg Gondola – Travel Guide, Sightseeing, Safety Tips
  • Alpather Lake Trek Guide
  • Baba Reshi Gulmarg – History, How to Reach, What to See

If you were planning a winter trip to Gulmarg, you may want to check out the video below. This was shot during one of my trips to Gulmarg in the month of January.

The next destination that you must visit during your Kashmir trip is Sonamarg. The place is easily accessible, remains open for most of the year, has plenty of hotels, offers amazing views, and is perfect for all kinds of trips.

Public transport is also easily available. There is a daily bus between Srinagar and Sonamarg. Other than that, shared cabs also travel on the route regularly.

For accommodation, there is a wide range of hotels to choose from, both for budget travelers as well as someone looking for a luxury stay. Read on to find out more.

Below is a list of articles that provide the information that you need to know in order to plan your trip.

  • Sonamarg – A Complete Travel Guide and Itinerary
  • Best Time to Visit Sonamarg – Season, Month
  • Places to Visit in Sonamarg and Things To Do
  • Thajiwas Glacier – Sonamarg to Thajiwas Glacier Trek Guide
  • Hotel Barzman Sonamarg – A Great Place to Stay
  • Taxi Rates in Sonamarg | Sonmarg Local Taxi Rates

If you were planning on visiting Sonamarg in the winter season, you can also take a look at the video below to get more details on the topic.

The name Pahalgam needs no introduction. It is one of the most visited destinations of Kashmir, one that receives tourists all year long. No trip to Kashmir is complete unless Pahalgam is a part of the itinerary.

Located at a distance of about 100 kilometers from Srinagar, Pahalgam is best known for its awe-inspiring vistas, lush green meadows, dense forests, and pristine waters. The place is also noted for the annual pilgrimage to the shrine Amarnath Yatra that starts here in July and August.

In the articles below, I have talked about how a trip to Pahalgam can be planned, places you should visit there, accommodation, public transport, and several other useful tips.

  • Pahalgam – A Complete Travel Guide & Itinerary
  • What to see in Pahalgam – Sightseeing in Pahalgam
  • Best Time to Visit Pahalgam – When to go to Pahalgam

But in my opinion, the actual fun of visiting Pahalgam is in the winter season. This is when the natural beauty of this place is at its best. Take a look at the video below to know what I am talking about.

Drung Waterfall

Drung Waterfall, also known as Drang Waterfall or Durung Waterfall, is a destination that must find a place in your itinerary if you are planning a winter trip to Kashmir. It may not be that large in size but the sight that it presents in the winter season is truly majestic and is sure to charm you off your feet.

As the temperature in the valley drops, the water of this fall starts to freeze. By early January, the entire face of the mountain that it falls from is covered by a thick layer of ice. The water still continues to flow down but is surrounded by huge icicles and snow.

The waterfall is located about 42 kilometers from Srinagar and 16 kilometers from Gulmarg. It remains accessible for all 12 months and can easily be included in your trip to Gulmarg. You can visit Drung at any time of the year but it is in the winter season when the waterfall is truly at its best.

For more details on this one of its kind waterfall, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Drung Waterfall and What to See . You can also take a look at the video below for more details.

Gurez Valley

Gurez Valley is one of the least explored regions of Kashmir and the one that can truly be called an offbeat destination. It is a place of high scenic beauty that does not really get the attention that it truly deserves. The vistas and the natural beauty of the mountains that you see here are very different than what you will see elsewhere.

Usually, when you talk about visiting Kashmir, it is mostly 4 places that come to mind – Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam. Even Srinagar just acts as a base to explore the other three places.

But Kashmir is so much more. There are so many other places here that will leave you mesmerized if visited. Gurez is one such destination that I will highly recommend that you find a place for in your travel plans.

How you can plan your trip to Gurez are details that I have covered in the posts below.

  • Gurez Valley – A Complete Travel Guide & Itinerary
  • Places to Visit in Gurez Valley and Things to Do
  • Best time to Visit Gurez Valley – Month, Season, Snow, Road
  • Habba Khatoon Peak Gurez – The Legend of Habba Khatoon
  • Razdan Pass Gurez, Kashmir – Sightseeing & Trip Planning

how to plan a trip to kashmir

Let us now take a look at some offbeat destinations that do not find a place in everyone’s itinerary but are definitely worth visiting.

Yusmarg is located at a distance of about 50 kilometers from Srinagar in the Badgam district of Kashmir. At an altitude of 2,396 meters (7,861 ft), it is an alpine valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains and meadows of Pine and Fir.

It is one of those places in Kashmir that are immensely beautiful but do not get the attention that they rightfully deserve. But for someone wanting to go offbeat and stay away from the crowd, Yousmarg is perfect.

For more details on this destination, please take a look at Yusmarg – A Comprehensive Travel Guide & Itinerary .


Doodhpathri is a small hill station in Kashmir. It lies in a bowl-shaped alpine valley surrounded by snow-clad mountains and meadows of Pine Fir and Deodar. It sits at an altitude of 2,730 meters (8,957 ft) above sea level and receives heavy snowfall in the winter season.

The region does not have all-year road connectivity yet and in the months of peak winter, it can get very difficult to reach here. For the rest of the year though, a trip to Doodhpathri can actually be made in less than half a day.

To be honest, it is not yet a hill station as there is little to no development in the region. What you see is nature in its raw form. There are just a few houses of the local shepherds and that is the only sign of civilization that you will see here.

The area is largely unexplored and receives very little tourism. However, efforts are being made by the authorities to develop it as a tourist destination. JKTDC has also built a resort here for tourists who want to stay overnight. You can take a look at Doodhpathri – A COMPLETE Travel Guide & Itinerary to find out more.

Mughal Road

Not many people would know about the Mughal Road. Srinagar Jammu National Highway, also known as NH44, is often considered to be the only road connecting the cities of Jammu and Srinagar.

It is true that it is indeed a better maintained, wider, more traveled upon, and shorter way to travel between the two places but it is definitely not the only one.

There actually exists another route that is far more scenic, less crowded, takes you through some internal parts of Kashmir, and has existed for far longer than the regular NH44 highway. Yes, I am talking about the historical Mughal road.

This route is the alternate way to travel between Jammu and Srinagar and to reach some internal areas of Kashmir like the town of Rajouri. It is also a very scenic route that definitely deserves to be explored.

For more details on Mughal Road, you can take a look at the posts below.

  • Mughal Road – Route Detail, Sightseeing, Best Time
  • Peer ki Gali, Mughal Road – Trip Planning & Sightseeing

Aharbal Waterfall

Aharbal Waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Kashmir. It is also the most easily accessible one and yet never crowded. Located at a distance of only about 70 kilometers from Srinagar, it is a place that is amazingly beautiful but does not get the attention that it truly deserves.

If you are planning to visit Kashmir, I highly recommend that you find a day in your itinerary for a visit to Aharbal. How can you plan that is what I have talked about in the article below.

  • Aharbal Waterfall – A Complete Travel Guide & Itinerary

Can you visit Aharbal Waterfall in the winter season? It will depend a lot on the weather at the time of your trip but yes, a trip can be planned. Take a look at this short video below to see how this beautiful waterfall looks in winter.

Daksum Valley

Daksum, also known as Daksum Valley or Daksum Village, is a viewpoint or a picnic spot located on the Anantnag-Kishtwar road near Sinthan Top. Surrounded by lush green mountains and sitting right next to the Bringhi River, it is a popular spot among the locals for family outings and school picnics.

If you are someone who likes spending time in nature, away from the crowd in an offbeat place, Daksum may just be your cup of tea. It really feels like in the middle of nowhere and if you were here during the weekdays, there would hardly be anyone around. For more details, please read How to Plan a Trip to Daksum Valley .

Sinthan Top

Sinthan Top, also known as Sinthan Pass, is a mountain pass located in Kashmir’s Breng Valley, on the road that runs between Anantnag in Kashmir and Kishtwar in Jammu. At an altitude of 12,500 ft, the top of the pass is also known as the 360-degree viewpoint as it offers a charming panoramic view of the surrounding peaks and the valley.

It is a beautiful mountain pass that should find a place in every tourist’s itinerary who is coming toward Pahalgam. Due to its close proximity, Sinthan Top can be easily incorporated with a trip to Pahalgam. The drive from Srinagar to Sinthan Top through the Daksum Valley is also quite scenic and offers a chance to visit some other destinations like Achabal Gardens, Kokernag, and Daksum.

For more details, please read How to Plan a Trip to Sinthan Top and take a look at the video below. This video covers both Daksum Valley as well as Sinthan Top because both these places are right next to each other.

Chatpal Valley

Chatpal, also called Chattabal, is not really a name that many tourists know about. It is a small valley located near Pahalgam but while Pahalgam receives thousands of visitors each year, almost no one goes in the direction of Chatpal. It is one of those places in Kashmir that are still unexplored and yet to find their place on the tourist map.

The majority of the folks you will find in Chatpal will just be the locals from Anantnag or any of the nearby villages, out there for a picnic or a family outing. Even they visit Chattabal usually over the weekends, on Sundays. For the rest of the week, you will hardly see anyone there.

If you are someone who likes to go to offbeat places, away from the crowd, and spend some time in peace, then Chattabal will surely look charming to you. For more details, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Chatpal Valley and check out the video below.

Public Transport in Kashmir

The best way to travel to Kashmir is either by your self-owned vehicle or a private taxi. But if you are a budget traveler, you can also opt for public transport which is available in the form of buses and shared taxis. The problem however is that it is not frequent.

It will be hard to find a JKSRTC bus anywhere in Kashmir. You will have to rely on mini-buses and shared cabs operated by the locals. They do not have a set schedule or timetable but are available throughout the day.

For more details on this topic, please take a look at How to Travel in Kashmir by Buses & Shared Cabs . In this post, I have provided complete details on how you can commute from Srinagar to other places by public transport.


If you are planning on renting a taxi for your trip, the posts below can help you get a cost estimate. An important thing that you should remember is that places like Pahalgam and Gulmarg have their own taxi rates.

What it means is that if you rented a taxi to Pahalgam from Srinagar, it could only drop you in Pahalgam. To visit local places like Betaab Valley, Chandanwari, and Aru Valley, you will have to rent a local cab in Pahalgam.

The same rule applies to Gulmarg. If you want to go for a drive to Bota Pathri, you will have to rent another cab in Gulmarg for that.

Similarly, this rule is also applicable if you intend to move on to Kargil, Zanskar Valley, or Ladakh after exploring Kashmir. Take a look at the posts below to find out taxi rates applicable for these particular regions.

  • Srinagar Taxi Rates
  • Pahalgam Taxi Rates
  • Sonamarg Taxi Rates
  • Gulmarg Taxi Rates
  • Kargil Taxi Rates
  • Ladakh Taxi Rates

Renting a Bike

Renting a bike in Srinagar is a great way to explore for people who reach Kashmir by flight. There are a few bike rentals in the city which you can get the bikes from.

Please take a look at How to Rent a Bike in Srinagar and Srinagar Bike Rental Rates . From both of these posts, you can get to know the procedure and the cost involved.

Self-Drive Rental

If you would however like to rent a car in Srinagar and drive it around on your own, that is also an option. Please take a look at How to Rent a Self-Drive Car in Srinagar for more details.

Itinerary Planning

Your final itinerary for Kashmir will entirely depend on the number of days you have in hand, your budget, and your preferences. But I will recommend taking a look at How to Plan Your Itinerary for Kashmir .

In this post, I have shared different examples of itineraries based on the time at hand. You can pick any one of the suggested itineraries and either follow it completely or modify it as per your requirements.

cafe liberty

Food to Try in Kashmir

Your trip to not just Kashmir but any place is incomplete unless you have tasted the local cuisine. That in my opinion is actually one of the best parts of traveling to different places.

The mouth-watering local food to try in Kashmir is an experience that you just cannot miss. Below is a comprehensive list of what to eat and where.

A common question that gets asked most often is about vegetarian food and its availability. You do not have to worry about that as well.

There are a lot of places all over Kashmir where they only serve vegetarian, even Jain food as well. So finding a place to eat will not actually be a problem.

The posts below provide more information on the food that you should try in Kashmir and where.

  • Food to Try in Kashmir – What to Eat & Where
  • Cafe Liberty Srinagar Review – You Must Eat Here
  • Kareema Restaurant Srinagar Review

In the posts below, I have reviewed some of the hotels that I have stayed at during my trips to Kashmir. You can take a look at the information and pictures that I provided and decide if you wish to stay at any of these.

Read through my reviews below. I have also posted pictures of the hotel rooms that you can take a look at and decide if you would like to stay at any of these hotels.

  • Hotel One Earth Trinetar, Jammu
  • Hotel Grand Valley Inn, Srinagar
  • Hotel Barzman, Sonamarg
  • Kashmir Tourist Camp, Sonamarg
  • Hotel Green Park, Gulmarg
  • Hotel Royal Park, Gulmarg
  • Hotel Affarwat, Gulmarg
  • Hotel Iceland, Pahalgam
  • JKTDC Resort, Yusmarg
  • JKTDC Resort, Doodhpathri
  • Hotel Kaka Palace, Gurez Valley
  • Hotel Kargil Heights, Kargil

how to plan a trip to kashmir


Below are the links to detailed travelogues that I was able to pen down of some of my Kashmir trips. If you would like to, you can take a look at these logs to gain further information and see pictures of the places.

I have tried to be as detailed as possible in these logs, providing several necessary details for anyone wanting to plan a similar journey.

This one was my longest trip to Kashmir and covered most of the tourist destinations.

  • Road Trip to Kashmir – Planning & Preparation
  • Delhi to Jammu by Road – Day 1
  • Jammu to Srinagar via Mughal Road – Day 2
  • Srinagar to Astanmarg – Day 3
  • Shankaracharya Temple – Day 4
  • Srinagar to Sonamarg – Day 5
  • Sonamarg to Thajiwas Glacier – Day 6
  • Sonamarg to Srinagar – Day 7
  • Srinagar to Pahalgam – Day 8
  • Pahalgam to Betaab Valley – Day 8
  • Betaab Valley to Chandanwari – Day 8
  • Pahalgam to Aru Valley – Day 9
  • Aru Valley to Srinagar – Day 9
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg – Day 10
  • Gulmarg to Bota Pathri – Day 10
  • Gulmarg to Srinagar – Day 11
  • Srinagar to Yusmarg – Day 12
  • Yusmarg to Doodhpathri – Day 13
  • Doodhpathri to Srinagar – Day 14
  • Srinagar to Dawar in Gurez Valley – Day 15
  • Dawar to Chakwali – Day 16
  • Gurez Valley to Srinagar – Day 17
  • Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall – Day 18
  • Srinagar to Sonamarg to Kargil – Day 19 & 20
  • Kargil to Hambuting La Pass – Day 21
  • Kargil to Hunderman Village – Day 22
  • Drang Drung Glacier – Day 23
  • Zanskar Valley to Srinagar – Day 24, 25, 26
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg to Srinagar – Day 27, 28
  • Srinagar to Jammu to Delhi – Day 29, 30

The trip above was entirely in my Thar. Take a look at this second travelogue. This was a complete bike trip done in a different manner.

  • 9 Days Trip to Kashmir – Prologue
  • Delhi to Srinagar by Flight – Day 1
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg – Day 1
  • Sightseeing in Gulmarg – Day 2
  • Enjoying the Gondola Ride – Day 2
  • Alpather Lake Trek – Day 2
  • Gulmarg Sightseeing in the Morning – Day 3
  • Gulmarg to Doodhpathri to Srinagar – Day 3
  • Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall – Day 4
  • Aharbal to Peer ki Gali to Srinagar – Day 4
  • Srinagar to Yusmarg – Day 5
  • Sightseeing in Srinagar – Day 6
  • Srinagar to Gurez Valley – Day 6
  • Dawar to Chakwali – Day 7
  • Gurez Valley to Srinagar – Day 8
  • Srinagar to Delhi – Day 9

This was the time when I caught a flight to Kashmir, hired a self-drive rental in Srinagar, and drove around some offbeat destinations.

  • Delhi to Pahalgam – Day 1
  • Achabal Mughal Garden – Day 2
  • Daksum Valley – Day 2
  • Sinthan Top – Day 2
  • Chatpal Valley – Day 2
  • Betaab Valley & Aru Valley – Day 3

Winter Trips

The travelogues above were both from the summer season. If you are planning to visit Kashmir during the winter season, the travelogue below can be of help.

  • Delhi to Gulmarg – Day 1
  • Sightseeing in Gulmarg – Day 3
  • Change in Plans & Another Day in Gulmarg – Day 4
  • Gulmarg to Delhi – Day 5

This one is another winter trip to Kashmir.

  • Delhi to Srinagar – Day 1
  • Srinagar Old City Tour – Day 2
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg – Day 3
  • Gulmarg to Drung Waterfall – Day 3
  • Shankaracharya Temple & Srinagar Local – Day 4 & 5
  • Srinagar to Pahalgam – Day 6
  • Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall – Day 7
  • Winter Trip to Sonamarg – Day 8

How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir

Other Travelogues

These travelogues were written by other authors detailing their journeys. Take a look and I am sure you can get a lot of helpful details from their travel stories.

If you would like your travel story to be published on my blog, you can send it to me with the relevant pictures at [email protected] . I can give a final touch to the log, put it up on the log, and add the links here.

  • Delhi to Kashmir Road Trip in 4 Days
  • Bike Trip to Kashmir
  • Shankphal Trek from Jammu
  • Honeymoon Trip to Kashmir

If you would like to take a look at some of my images of places in Kashmir, you can take a  look at the posts below. This can help you decide whether or not you want to visit that particular place or not.

  • Doodhpathri Photos
  • Shalimar Bagh Photos
  • Alpather Lake Photos
  • Aharbal Waterfall Photos
  • Dal Lake Photos
  • Gulmarg Pictures

How to plan a trip to Kashmir – Conclusion

I believe that is it. This should cover the majority of the information that you need to get in order to plan an enjoyable and hassle-free trip to Kashmir.

If there is a specific question that you were not able to find an answer to, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and asking a question there.

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Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. This blog is just a small attempt to share my travel experiences with the world. Hope you like it !!!

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Unlock the secrets to planning the perfect trip to Kashmir with this comprehensive travel guide, offering everything you need to know for a seamless and unforgettable journey. From choosing the best time to visit to navigating local customs and attractions, this guide is your key to experiencing the magic of Kashmir to the fullest.

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Very helpful to plan a trip.

Thank you !!!

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I am also planning to visit Vaishnodevi and start from them to Srinagar. What is the travel options from Katra to Srinagar apart from cab?

You can find buses as well

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We are planning to visit Kashmir during end of May to 1st week of June for the first time with family. Can we see snow anywhere in Kashmir at that time?

Hi Prabal – No, not that late in the season. Snow this year is anyway very less everywhere

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Hello Mr. Vargis, I’m Rajarshi Roy from Kolkata and I must confess that your blogs are really superb and detailed and really helped me to plan my honeymoon tour to Kashmir on 6th May 2024. I’ve one question that is May a good time to spend 2 nights in Gulmarg or shall I plan a day trip to Gulmarg? Your reply will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Thank you Rajarshi Ji. If you have time, I will definitely recommend staying in Gulmarg for the night

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Thank you for this comprehensive guide on planning a trip to Kashmir! Your personal experiences and detailed articles make it easier for us to navigate and plan our visit. Grateful for the valuable insights!

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This is really a complete kashmir travel guide, this is very helpful for planning a Kashmir trip

Thank you Ankita !!!

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Hi Vargis, Your blog is very useful. I am planning to visit Kashmir from Delhi in my own micro suv with 2 year old toddler in May 2024? is it ok? I have atleast 12 days in hand. Places of interest – srinagar, gulmarg, sonmarg, doodhpathri, pehalgam, gurez …please guide…Regards

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Hello Mr. VARGIS, Refer aforesaid views, I am writing to you for your guidance and suggest good contact number for the entire Kashmir tour Myself and wife both are senior citizens , we are intend to visit Kashmir in the month of April 24 for 9 nights/10 days.

Sir you can talk to Faisal @ 907 000 0036

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Hello, Vergis sir, Shall I visit the gurez valley after mid november?

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Hello vargas.khan,I want ti travel kashmir after15th November. May I get snow fall at any place ?

Not in November Bhai, not int the lower areas

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Hello Do we need to change taxi at tangmarg while going to hotel stay at gulmarg in March? Or we can take taxi hired for 5 days to at least hotel in gulmarg?

You can take a taxi for 5 days but if you are planning a trip in winter, then you will have to change at Tangmarg. For rest of the year, it can be the same cab.

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Hello Vargis bhai, Thanks a lot for detailed information, Extremely helpful to people like us to build DIY travel plan.

I am considering trip to Kashmir from Oct 14 to 24, Mainly Srinagar, Gurez, Gulmarg and Pahalgam, , is this good time to visit Kashmir and all these places i want to cover.

I am planning below itinerary:

Day 1: Arrive Srinagar Day 2: Srinagar Local Day 3: Sringar Gurez Day 4: Gurez Day 5: Gurez to Gulmarg Day 6: Gulmarg to Pahalgam Day 7: Pahalgam Day 8: Pahalgam Day 9: Pahalgam to Sringar and flyout

Please let me know your thoughts if i should make any adjustment to above plan.

This is a good plan Sachin Bhai. I am assuming that you are going to book a taxi for the trip?

Yep, thanks for your feedback , Yep I plan to book taxi for entire trip, few questions.

1) Is Toyoto Etiros/Dzire is good for Gurez trip of you need to have Innova /Scorpio ? Do you know if Razdan pass would be open during October or there is chance of closure ?

2) I changed my plan a bit to skip Gulmarg as I am not interested in doing Gondola, so is there anything else interesting to do there, I assume As i am covering Doodthpatri from Srinagar, the scenary would be similar., what is your suggestion ?

3) what is your opinion on doing Day trip to Yusmarg vs Doodhpatri, from Srinagar ?, doing both on one day could be hectic right ? which one I should do Yusmarg or Doodhpatri ?

Here is my final plan with and without gulmarg as below, let me know your suggestion.

Itinerary 1: without Gulmarg Day 1: Arrive Sringar and go to Pahalgam Dah 2: Pahalgam Local Day 3: Pahalgam Local Day 4: Pahalgam to Gurez Day 5: Gurez Local Day 6: Gurez to Srinagar Day 7: Sringar local Day 8: Srinagar Doodhpatri Day 9: Srinagar Flyout in evening

Itinerary 2: with Gulmarg Day 1: Arrive Sringar and go to Pahalgam Dah 2: Pahalgam Local Day 3: Pahalgam to Gulmarg Day 4: Gulmarg to Gurez Day 5: Gurez Local Day 6: Gurez to Srinagar Day 7: Srinagar Local Day 8: Srinagar DoodthPatri Day 9: Srinagar local and Flyout.

1. Razdan Pass usually remains open in Oct. Scorpio / Innova will be better but it depends on the number of people traveling 2. Yeah, the scenery is more or less similar 3. Same on one day will be hectic. Doodhpathri is better

If the taxi driver is agreeing, the second plan would be better

Thanks a lot for your Feedback Vargisbhai ! Yes we are 3 people so I assume Dzire or Etios should be good enough to cover Dawar – Chakwali route, right ?

For Chakwali route, you will have to hire a Sumo from Dawar. The drivers from Srinagar usually refuse to go on that route due to extremely bad roads. A hatchback or a Sedan driver will definitely not go

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Special thanks Verghis Bhai for so detailed information on helping out Persons planning Kashmir trip. Me and my wife both early 69s are planning for Kashmir trip for 5 days 4 night somewhere in May next year. Can u suggest suitable itenerary for above and some insight that how should I plan for private taxi. Thanks

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This is the most genuine blog I have come across while planning my trip to Kashmir. This covers everything in great detail. Thank you Vargis for all that work and I assure you this helps us travelers very much.

Thank you Akash Bhai for your kind words !!!

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Hi, I am Saikat, I got guidance from you for my ladakh tour and it’s really help me a lot for that thank you. Now I plan to cover Kashmir and again I read your blog it will help us to cover. Now I want a reference of a good and reliable tour operator for Kashmir tour.

Take a look at the contact me page Saikat … I have mentioned a few numbers there

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I would be glad if you please let me know at the earliest about Local Sight Seeing in and around Srinagar and Sonmarg, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Yousmarg, Dudhpathri, etc., during my ensuing visit to Srinagar from 10th to 16th June 2023. I am a SOLO Sr. Citizen.

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Thank you so much Mr. Vargis for your details, Want to choose one destination among Doodhpathri, Yousmarg and Gulmarg, please advise.

Hi Sangita – Gulmarg is better among all three of them but also crowded. If not Gulmarg then Doodhpathri

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Dear All, This is the review about Kashmironline. We booked on a package in this summer for a family through them, but the hotel which they have opted in Srinagar was not good. No power to stay, no water and no hot water as well. We have to ask for all service every now and then. But upfront the agency collects the payment. Also, they never respond. The reason for booking through a travel agent is that we will not have issues and it will be a safe travel, but here its very bad, there will be a response saying that they will do, but nothing will happen. Remember people travelling to Srinagar / Kashmir make sure you are clear on package, would recommend to make arrangements on your own. Do not depend on any travel agents. Specially Kashmironline at all. They are not friendly and held me in a hotel to pay the final amount. Never trust on any customer and they do not need any customer satisfaction. I have informed very clearly the balance 7-8% (Approx 9000) of amount will be paid on last day of my travel in morning, irrespective of telling and informing the same, they holded in the hotel in the lobby asking for balance payment two days prior itself. The agency called up the hotel informed that before I leave collect the balance money. That looks very bad in front of others asking for money as if am going to move away without paying from them. My only question is if you guys or agency never trust on customer, how do you expect the customer to trust you. If something goes wrong, you will never revert back right. Now, I had a bad and worst stay in Srinagar, they never responded to me anything about that at all. The kashmironline person was apologizing but nothing happened. The issues repeated thrice for all 3 days of stay, our stay was ruined. We went for sight-seeing late for all 3 days and we are not provided with basic necessity of things to stay. Irrespective of informing that Iam not comfortable on the first day itself. Please be aware of these things in Kashmir. Never book though kashmironline at all. They never bother about any feedback or comfortable stay of customer. Only money is important. The driver they organized doesn’t even have a courtesy and he dropped us the railway station by 9pm and have requested him to take me to 5km nearby for dinner which he denied. He never answered any calls after dropping us. Irrespective of informing that we need to have dinner before dropping us, he never bothered that Iam with 2 kids without food travelling for whole night. He was keen on moving away since the money is fully paid a day prior. Important is he knows entire story of this issue. They never change and felt bad for booking with them. Entire trip is ruined and I have give other hint to save other atleast, not to get cheated. Since no one save me.. kashmironline These details are from my recent personal experience during the month of May 2023.

With Regards, Balasubramaniam.

Thank you Bala Bhai for sharing your experience. Most of these online travel platforms are more or less the same. They act as mediators only. I always tell people to not go with any online travel platform.

Hello Vargis Thank you so much for your details, Want to choose one destination among Doodhpathri, Yousmarg and Gulmarg, please advise.

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Hi Vargis, Thank you for your sharing and your article very details. If you don’t mind please suggest best travel agent in Kashmir who can arrange. We plan our trip on December 2023.. tq

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Hello. Thanks for the details. I am planning Gulmarg directly from the airport (2 nights) , then Sonmarg (2 nights), then Pahalgam (3 nights) and then Srinagar (2 nights). Is that itinerary okay ? Are these places equidistant

2 and 3 days is a bit much. Gulmarg 1 day, Sonamarg 1 day and Pahalgam 1 night should be more than enough. You can spend rest of your time visiting other places.

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Vargis Ji, we are not getting tickets for Gondola Ride. what would be other options?

No other option bhai. You can check at the counter if anyone is selling in black

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Hi I am visiting from may 1 to 6 ., this is my first trip to kashmir solo, will travelling to Kargil from Srinagar for 2 days be good ..?

That road is not open yet. There is no telling if it will open by May 1

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What a great Blog. Covers almost everything. The best part is that it is not commercial blogs, which generally have an interest in the places they mention. You have written in simple language and from your first-hand experience. I am a Sr. Citizen and also handicapped. I use an artificial limb, but mobility is not an issue (maybe rocky climbing and snow/water). I do travel a lot. My question is: Will you recommend Gondola Phase I and II? My Travel Agent has custom-built an Itinerary for my wife and me using taxis only for the 2 of us. I was told that there is a Union issue and private taxis are not allowed in Gulmarg and Pahalgam and I will have to book local taxis there.

Please advise keeping my handicap in mind. Thanks.

I intend to travel in mid-September.

Thank you for your kind words, Mr. D’Souza.

If you are going to stay in Gulmarg overnight, then yes, I will recommend the Gondola ride. If you are just planning a day trip, it will be best to skip it.

You do not need to rent another taxi in Gulmarg for sightseeing. They may ask to take you to Bota Pathri by renting another cab but avoid that. There is nothing there. All the other places in Gulmarg are near the market area. No additional taxi is needed.

Yes, you will have to rent another taxi in Pahalgam for local sightseeing. Srinagar taxi will not be allowed there.

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Hello Vargis, your blogs are awesome, provides complete details one need to plan themselves. Great work! I’m confused in choosing one between yusmarg and doodhpathiri. If i have to select one of these, which one should it be? TIA

Hello Priya Ji – Thank you for your kind words. Both of the places are equally beautiful but if I have to pick one, I will go to Doodhpathri.

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Such a detailed article!!! Thanks for sharing

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There are so many very well known and most liked temples in Kashmir I didn’t find any mention of these temples and places in your article is there any particular reason or you missed it In case you need any help to draw your attention towards those places I can do that

Pran Bhai Most of these temples are located in the old Srinagar town and I never had the chance to visit there until recently. I do not put any information on the blog until I have been to that place. Please see this post. I did visit the temples and highlighted them

If you have information on these temples, please do let me know and I will update. The two that I have been to is the Mangaleshwar Mahadev temple and the Ganesh Ji temple in Ganpatyar. I know there are a lot many others and I plan on visiting them during my next trip so that I can write a post about the temples in Srinagar.

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Khan Sir, We are 03 couples (65 years age )planning for Kashmir for 7 Night trip. 1n Gulmarg, 2 N Pahelgam,4N Srinagar. Will see sonmarg,Dooghpatri & all places in srinagar. Pl. suggest best travel agent in srinagar who can arrange . Our travel month is third week of March 2023. Thanks & regards, Pinakin Desai mob:7600227499

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Hi Vargis, your blogs are just out of this world. You can start publishing “Vargis Planet”

I have a mobility issue. Though I drive but I walk with crutches and small distances only. I followed your blog on Prashar Lake and you had clarified all my concerns so well that I drove upto the last possible point without any issue and then a little walk to the point from where the lake is visible. Though I didn’t trek down to the lake and temple. That was little too much for me.

Anyway, I am now planning to drive to Kashmir in Sept 1st week and plan to spend 3 days each at Srinagar, Pahalgam, Gulmarg. I wanted to ask you how long is the walks at various gardens in Srinagar. I also plan to do Doodhpatri, Yousmarg and Achabal.

Is there too much to walk in Phase 1 and 2 of Gandola, also Sonmarg, Kokernag, Daksum areas? I will be thankful if you can reply to me and help me plan better.

Hi Swati – Sorry I had been traveling myself for the last couple of months and did not see your comment until now. Sorry for the late reply. I guess you are already in Kashmir by now.

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Fly Stress-Free with These Airplane Travel Essentials for Kids & Babies

From a lightweight stroller to an airplane seat extender, these must-have items can make your next trip via airplane easy and comfortable for you and your kids..

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We independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time.

When you travel with kids , especially in the air, you can expect the unexpected. And between flight delays, turbulence, and cramped seating, sometimes staying prepared can be a challenge. And taking a long haul flight with a baby comes with its own complications. That's why I've put together a list of the best products for air travel with kids (both older kids and younger kids), that will keep everyone entertained, fed, and clean, no matter what the trip throws at you. 

What Are the Best Products to Ease Air Travel with Kids?

Whether you're packing for a long haul flight to a short plane ride, you want to look for lightweight and compact items that won't take up a lot of room in your luggage or weigh down a checked bag . You want to breeze through TSA precheck. And, older kids will typically need less accessories, while if you're flying with a baby, they'll need more. Travel cribs, a travel stroller, travel car seat, storage for the tray table, an airplane seat extender, and more, are all essentials that can keep kids, young kids, and babies, comfortable and stress-free.

So, keep on scrolling for the best products to make airplane trips easier (and more fun) with you and your kids. Get your boarding pass ready enjoy the flight.

Amazon Fire 7 Kids tablet

Keep kids occupied and entertained with the Amazon Fire 7 tablet . It's recommended for kids 3 to 7 and comes with 1-year of Amazon Kids+ content and a Kid-Proof Case with a built-in stand. The parental controls are easy to set and if you need to return it, the tablet comes with a 2-year warranty.

Maliton Inflatable Travel Foot Rest Pillow

Extend your airplane seat and create a little bed for your little one with this inflatable pillow . When it's deflated, it's easy to fit in your carry-on and it inflates within 30 seconds. However, it's not allowed on all flights, check with your airline restrictions before your trip.

Dr. Brown's Pacifier and Bottle Wipes, 40 Count

Pacifiers and bottles can get dirty so easily, especially when you're traveling. So travel with this conveniently sized, resealable wipe container from Dr. Brown's. They can also be used on teethers, toys, and more, and you can be safe in knowing they're made without alcohol, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, or fragrances.

Alpine Muffy Baby Ear Protection

Backed by over 16,000 5-star Amazon reviews, these ear muffs are designed to provide ear protection for babies up until 36 months old. They're not too tight for little ones' heads, and the soft padded ear cups easily fit over children's ears. One reviewer reported, "Thanks to this earmuff, my baby was able to sleep comfortably during the airplane takeoff and landing."

LiKee Strong Suction Cup Fidget Spinnerz

Just place these suction cup fidget spinners on your airplane window and they'll keep babies entertained for a long time. They're lightweight, and easy to pop and spin for little ones 12 months and up. If you're looking for toys for 6 months and up, you can get that here .

Summer Infant 3Dmini Convenience Stroller

Having a lightweight stroller available for tired kids is a must when you're traveling. This option weighs just 11 pounds and also reclines, includes a sun visor, and a weight limit of 45 pounds. It easily folds up and can take on any airport.

Doona Car Seat & Stroller, All-in-One Travel System

If you have a smaller child, the Doona car seat and stroller is a solid bet (and highly recommended by so many of my mom groups). It includes a car seat and stroller, and the car seat is approved for use on airplanes. Best of all, the stroller includes integrated wheels that convert it from a car seat to a stroller in a snap.

Trunki Ride-On Kids Suitcase

Make walking through an airport a little more fun, with this ride-on suitcase for kids. The luggage has wheels and a seat, so kids just need to sit and caregivers can pull them along with the included strap. It weighs just 3.5 pounds and is the perfect carry-on size.

reperkid Premium Car Seat Travel Bag for Airplane

This water-resistant car seat cover not only protects your child's car seat while you travel, it also includes padded backpack straps so carrying it around the airport is a little easier. When you get to your destination, it easily folds up in its own pouch.

EverSnug Travel Blanket and Pillow

Super soft and snuggly, this 65 x 40-inch blanket is sure to keep little ones warm up in the air. It's lightweight, easily attaches to your suitcase, and the included case can even be used as a pillow.

Lusso Gear Kids Tray Table Cover with Pockets

Instead of intensely cleaning your child's tray table, all you need to do is slide this cover over it. They can eat snacks over it and it includes a clear pocket for their tablet. When not in use, you can easily fold it up.

Momcozy Portable Bottle Brush Set

Make sure your baby's bottles are clean and ready to use when you're traveling, with this portable set . It easily folds up and includes a silicone bottle brush, bottle drying rack, straw cleaner brush, nipple brush, soap dispenser, and storage box.

CERES CHILL Breastmilk Chiller Reusable Storage Container

You don't need to stress out about keeping breastmilk cool when you're traveling if you have the Ceres Chill . It can keep milk cool for up to 20 hours and it's compatible with most pumps, so you can pump right into the container.

MineSign 2Pack Snackle Box

One way to keep kids entertained in the air is with snacks. Pack up these two snackle boxes with all of their favs and they'll stay satisfied for hours. The built-in handle makes it easy to carry and the compact size (11 x 8.3 inches) makes it easy to pack in your carry-on.

My 4-year-old is obsessed with this screen-free, storytelling toy. Get it while it's on sale.

Real ID deadline is rapidly approaching, what to know about the new flight requirement

travel with kare photos

The really real deadline to make your state-issued identified card, or driver’s license Real ID compliant will be here before you know it. 

And you won’t be fly domestically after 2025 without it. The government has been trying to make Real IDs a thing for a while, initially passing The Real ID act in 2005 in an attempt to set “minimum security standards” for state-issued identification documents.

The law was set to take effect in 2020 but was pushed back by the Department of Homeland Security over “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to USA TODAY reporting . 

The May 2025 extension was necessary, DHS says, as state driver’s licensing agencies worked to address the mountains of paperwork, which in turn impacted the MVD’s ability to make any real progress on the Real ID rollout. 

“Following the enforcement deadline, federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, will be prohibited from accepting driver’s licenses and identification cards that do not meet these federal standards,” DHS said in 2022. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

That means every every traveler, 18 or older, must have a compliant form of identification in order to travel.

Here’s what to know. 

When does Real ID go into effect? 

The Real ID “full enforcement date” is Wednesday, May 7, 2025, according to DHS. 

When will a Real ID be required to fly?

You or your loved ones need to have a Real ID compliant document, driver’s license or identification card, by May 7, 2025. 

If you have another form of identification that is TSA-approved, like an up to date passport or a permanent resident card then you probably don’t need a Real ID compliant document.

Here are a couple TSA-approved alternatives, if you’re on the fence about getting a Real ID.

  • State issued enhanced driver’s license
  •  DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
  • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
  • Border crossing card
  • An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
  •  HSPD-12 PIV card
  • Foreign government-issued passport
  •  Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
  • Transportation worker identification credential
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
  •  Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

How long does it take to get a Real ID?

It will take about two weeks , or 15 business days to get your Real ID or Enhanced Driver’s License from your state's Motor Vehicle Department.

Enhanced driver’s licenses, which are only issued in a couple of states, including Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, DHS says. 

How do I know if I have a Real ID? 

All Real IDs will have a stamp on the right hand corner to show that the identification document meets federal standards set forth by The Real ID Act of 2005. 

The symbol stamped on your Real ID card will vary, depending on which state you obtain your new identification card from. 

What does a Real ID look like? 

Your Real ID will have most, if not all of the information that’s included on your driver’s license. 

The only difference is the seal included in the right-hand corner. 


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  1. Travel With Kare

    Travel With Kare, Low Moor, Bradford, United Kingdom. 1,736 likes · 42 talking about this · 18 were here. We are an independent Travel Agency based in Wyke Bradford. At Travel with Kare we pride...

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  4. 6 Ways to Take Great Couple Photos while Traveling

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  5. How to take great travel photos with a smartphone

    Lynne's top tips on how to take great travel photos with your camera phone: Use similar skills that you would with a conventional camera. Carefully weigh up subject and composition, don't just snap. Tap the screen to fix focus, adjust exposure (for iPhone, slide your finger up and down on the screen), and hold steady.

  6. 100 Incredible Travel Photo Ideas to Inspire Your Next Adventure

    A photo of you in front of your window seat on an airplane. A selfie with a statue of someone you admire. A photo of yourself in front of a famous painting or sculpture. A selfie with your favorite piece of street art or graffiti. A selfie of you walking on the beach. A selfie of you jumping into the water.

  7. Travel with Kare, Bradford

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  9. How To Take Great Couple Pictures While Traveling

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  18. About Us

    We're Kara and Nate, a couple of high school sweethearts who have made our dream of long-term travel a reality. Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we've been traveling the world full-time for the last 4+ years and documenting our daily adventures on our YouTube channel. In December of 2019, we completed our goal of visiting 100 countries!

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  25. Fly Stress-Free w/ These Airplane Travel Essentials for Kids & Babies

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  30. Real ID required to fly in US by May 2025: Here's how to get a Real ID

    It will take about two weeks, or 15 business days to get your Real ID or Enhanced Driver's License from your state's Motor Vehicle Department. Enhanced driver's licenses, which are only issued ...