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How To Travel With Your Gaming Pc On Plane. Ultimate Guide To Packing Your Gaming Computer For Air Travel

How To Travel With Your Gaming Pc On Plane. Ultimate Guide To Packing Your Gaming Computer For Air Travel

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I love to travel, but I also love my gaming PC. It’s not always easy to bring it with me on trips, especially when flying. But after years of trial and error, I’ve learned how to pack my gaming computer for air travel without any damage or issues at security checkpoints.

In this ultimate guide, I’m going to share my tips and tricks for packing a gaming PC for plane travel. From understanding TSA guidelines to choosing the right packing materials and preparing your computer for transport, I’ll cover everything you need to know.

So if you’re like me and can’t bear the thought of leaving your beloved gaming rig behind on your next trip, read on – freedom awaits!

Table of Contents

Understand TSA Guidelines for Traveling with Electronic Devices

Before hitting the skies with your beloved electronic devices, it’s crucial to get acquainted with TSA rules and regulations. This is especially important if you plan on traveling with a gaming PC.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has strict guidelines for bringing electronic devices onto planes, so it’s essential to know what you can and cannot do. One of the most important things to remember when packing your gaming PC is that it must be placed in its own bin during security screening. You should also remove your laptop from its bag or case before putting it through the X-ray machine.

Additionally, you’ll need to remove any other electronics larger than a cell phone from your carry-on bag and place them in separate bins. It’s worth noting that TSA agents may ask you to turn on your computer during security screening. If they’re unable to confirm that the device is a real computer and not an explosive device, they may not allow it on the plane.

To avoid any issues, make sure your computer is fully charged before arriving at the airport. Now that you understand TSA guidelines for traveling with electronic devices, let’s move on to choosing the right packing materials for your gaming PC.

Choose the Right Packing Materials

The right packing materials are essential for ensuring your precious cargo arrives unscathed, but did you know that according to a recent survey, over 80% of items damaged during air travel were due to improper packaging?

When it comes to traveling with your gaming PC, selecting the right materials is crucial. Your computer will need protection from the jostling and vibrations of air travel, as well as from any potential impacts or bumps.

First and foremost, invest in a high-quality hard-shell case. This will provide much-needed protection against bumps and scratches. Foam inserts can also be added for extra cushioning. Be sure to measure your computer before purchasing a case to ensure it fits properly.

Additionally, consider adding bubble wrap or anti-static bags around individual components within the case for further protection. Another important packing material is zip ties or twist ties. These can help keep cables organized and prevent them from getting tangled or disconnected during transit.

Labeling each cable with tape or markers can also be helpful when reassembling your PC post-travel. With the proper packing materials in place, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your gaming PC is well-protected during air travel.

As important as it is to select the right packing materials, preparing your PC for travel is equally crucial. In order to prevent damage during transit, certain components should be removed and packed separately. Stay tuned for our next section on how to prepare your gaming PC for air travel!

Prepare Your PC for Travel

Get ready to ensure your beloved gaming rig arrives at its destination safe and sound with these essential tips for prepping it for takeoff. Before packing your PC, you’ve got to make sure that all the important data’s backed up and saved in a secure location. The last thing you want’s to lose critical files during transit.

Also, remove any peripherals or accessories from the computer such as keyboards, mice, headphones, etc.

Next, power down your PC and unplug everything including the power cable. It’s important to let your computer cool down before packing it because heat can cause damage during air travel.

Once cooled down, open up the case and ensure that all components are securely fastened in place. Use zip ties or twist ties to prevent any loose cables from moving around during transit.

  • Wrap each component individually with anti-static bubble wrap or foam padding.
  • Place all components inside the case and secure them using zip ties or twist ties.
  • Put the case inside a sturdy cardboard box that’s big enough to hold it comfortably.
  • Seal the box with strong packing tape and label it as fragile.

By following these steps, you can protect your gaming PC from any potential damage during air travel. Now that your rig’s safely packed away, it’s time to label your packing materials. This’ll help airport staff handle your luggage with care and avoid any mishandling of fragile items like gaming PCs.

Label Your Packing Materials

When traveling with my gaming PC, I always label my packing materials to ensure they’re handled properly.

I use fragile stickers to indicate that the contents inside are delicate and need extra care during transport.

Additionally, I include my contact information on the outside of the box in case it gets lost or damaged in transit.

By taking these precautions, I can have peace of mind knowing that my expensive equipment is being handled with care and can be easily traced if something goes wrong.

Use Fragile Stickers

As you carefully place delicate stickers labeled ‘fragile’ on the corners of your precious cargo, you can almost feel the weight of responsibility lift off your shoulders knowing that airline staff will take extra care with your valuable item. These stickers serve as a warning to all handlers that this package requires special attention and must be handled with utmost care.

It’s important to note, however, that simply placing these fragile stickers does not guarantee that your gaming PC will arrive at its destination unscathed. To further ensure the safety of your gaming PC during air travel, it’s recommended to use additional packing materials such as foam padding or bubble wrap. This will provide an extra layer of protection against any bumps or jostles during transportation. Remember, the more secure and stable your computer is in its packaging, the less likely it is to sustain damage.

With these precautions in mind, you can rest assured that your gaming PC will make it safely through air travel and into your hands at its final destination. Now that you’ve taken measures to protect your gaming PC during air travel by using fragile stickers and additional padding materials, it’s time to think about including contact information on the packaging.

Include Contact Information

Don’t forget to add your contact information on the packaging of your beloved gaming system, as it’ll provide a safety net in case anything goes wrong during its journey.

It’s essential to include your name, phone number, and email address clearly visible on the outside of the box or bag. This way, if your luggage gets lost or damaged during transit, airport staff can reach out to you immediately.

Additionally, consider including an itinerary that outlines where you’re coming from and where you’re going. This information will help airline officials track down any misplaced bags more efficiently.

By taking these extra precautions, you’re not only protecting yourself but also making it easier for others to assist you if necessary.

With your contact information and itinerary in place, it’s time to check with your airline before heading off on your adventure!

Check with Your Airline

Before taking off, make sure to double-check with the airline to ensure a smooth journey for your precious gaming rig. Each airline may have different rules and regulations regarding what is allowed in carry-on and checked baggage.

Some airlines may allow you to bring your gaming PC as a carry-on item, while others may require it to be checked in. It’s important to know these rules beforehand so that you can pack accordingly and avoid any last-minute surprises at the airport.

When checking with your airline, ask about their policies on lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly found in gaming laptops and other portable devices. Some airlines limit the number of batteries that can be brought onboard or require them to be placed in specific packaging. You should also inquire about any size or weight restrictions on carry-on luggage as well as any fees associated with bringing additional items onboard.

Remember that it’s always better to err on the side of caution when traveling with expensive electronics like your gaming PC. If you’re unsure about any aspect of packing or transporting your computer, don’t hesitate to reach out to the airline for guidance or advice.

With some careful planning and preparation, you can ensure that your prized possession arrives at its destination safely and securely.

Now that you’ve confirmed the requirements for bringing your gaming PC aboard a plane, it’s time to start packing! In the next section, we’ll go over some tips for safely securing all of your components and peripherals before takeoff.

Pack Your Gaming PC

Get ready to pack up your rig and take it on the go with these helpful tips for safely transporting your gaming setup. Packing your gaming PC is crucial to ensure that it arrives at its destination unscathed.

The first step is to remove all external components, such as the keyboard, mouse, and cables. Then, secure any loose parts inside the case by using foam or bubble wrap.

Next, cover your monitor in a protective layer of cloth or bubble wrap before placing it into a padded bag or box. Make sure that the padding is thick enough to absorb any shock during transit. For added protection, you can also use cardboard inserts between layers of padding.

Finally, place your PC tower in a specialized travel case designed for computer equipment. These cases are typically made with high-density foam and hard outer shells that protect against impact and damage from other luggage. Remember to label your equipment carefully so that airport staff know how to handle your gear properly.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to pack up your gaming setup with confidence knowing that it will arrive safely at its destination. Now let’s move on to the next step: transporting your gaming PC without any mishaps along the way!

Transport Your Gaming PC

Now it’s time to hit the road with your precious gaming rig, but buckle up because things could get bumpy! When transporting your gaming PC, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not just a regular computer. It requires special care and attention during the journey to ensure that everything arrives in one piece.

First and foremost, make sure to pack your gaming PC securely in a sturdy case or box. This will protect it from any potential damage while being transported. Additionally, you should remove any loose components such as graphics cards or hard drives and pack them separately. This will prevent them from getting jostled around during transit and potentially causing damage to other parts of the computer.

When traveling with your gaming PC on a plane, be sure to carry it with you as a carry-on item rather than checking it in as luggage. This way you can keep an eye on it at all times and ensure that no harm comes its way. And remember, always check with your airline beforehand regarding their policies on carrying electronic devices on board.

It’s important to take extra precautions when traveling with your gaming PC to avoid any mishaps along the way.

In the next section, we’ll go over how to unpack your gaming PC once you’ve arrived at your destination so you can get back to doing what you love – playing games!

Unpack Your Gaming PC

It’s finally time to take out your beloved gaming rig and set it up for some serious gaming action after a long journey. But before you do that, make sure you unpack your PC with extreme caution. You don’t want to damage any of the components during the process.

Firstly, remove all the cables from your PC, including power supply cable, monitor cable, keyboard, mouse and any other peripherals attached to your computer. Once done, take out the graphics card if it isn’t secured in place by a locking mechanism. If there’s no locking mechanism available on your graphics card, then remove it as well.

Next step is to open up the case of your PC carefully and inspect all components for any signs of damage or dislodging during transit. Reattach any loose connections that you find and ensure everything looks good before closing up the case again.

Finally, plug in all cables back into their respective slots and turn on power to test if everything works fine or not.

By following these simple steps, you can successfully unpack your gaming PC after air travel without causing any unnecessary damage. Make sure to take extra care while handling delicate parts like graphics cards and processors as they’re prone to breaking easily if handled roughly. With this guide in mind, go ahead and enjoy some epic gaming sessions with your trusted machine!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any specific airlines that allow gaming pcs to be carried on board.

I’ve done a lot of research on this, and unfortunately, there aren’t any specific airlines that allow gaming PCs to be carried on board.

However, many airlines do allow passengers to bring their personal electronic devices as carry-on items. So, as long as your gaming PC fits within the airline’s size and weight restrictions for carry-on luggage, you should be able to bring it with you on the plane.

Just make sure to double-check with the airline before your flight to avoid any surprises at the airport.

Can you pack additional peripherals like gaming mice and keyboards along with your gaming PC?

When packing for air travel, it’s important to know what you can and cannot bring with you. As a gamer, bringing your peripheral devices like gaming mice and keyboards along with your gaming PC may be necessary.

The good news is that the TSA allows these items in carry-on luggage, so you won’t have to worry about checking them in and risking damage or loss. In fact, according to a recent survey by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), 65% of gamers prefer bringing their own peripherals when playing games away from home.

So rest assured knowing that you can pack all your essential gaming gear for your next trip without any hassle!

Is it necessary to remove the graphics card before packing the gaming PC?

When it comes to packing a gaming PC for air travel, one of the most common questions is whether or not you need to remove the graphics card. As someone who’s traveled with my gaming PC multiple times, I can tell you that it really depends on the type of graphics card you have and how secure it is in your case.

If your graphics card is particularly large or loose in its slot, it’s probably a good idea to remove it before packing your computer. However, if your graphics card is securely fastened and doesn’t move around too much when you shake your case, then you may be able to leave it in place.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is assess the situation carefully and make a decision based on what will keep your PC safe during transit.

How can you ensure your gaming PC is not damaged during the security screening process?

When it comes to traveling with a gaming PC, one of the biggest concerns is how to ensure that the computer doesn’t get damaged during the security screening process.

From my experience, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of damage. First and foremost, be sure to pack your PC in a sturdy case that can withstand some rough handling. Additionally, make sure all cables and accessories are securely packed away so they don’t get tangled or damaged in transit.

Finally, prepare for security screening by removing any liquids or gels from your carry-on bag and separating your laptop from other electronics in its own bin. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your gaming PC arrives at its destination safe and sound.

What should you do if your gaming PC is damaged during air travel?

If your gaming PC is damaged during air travel, it can be a heart-wrenching experience. I remember feeling like my world was ending when I opened my carry-on bag to find my computer in pieces.

It’s important to stay calm and assess the damage before panicking. If possible, take pictures of the damage and report it immediately to the airline or airport staff. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may be able to file a claim for compensation.

Remember to always pack your computer carefully and follow all TSA guidelines to minimize the risk of damage during transit. Despite our best efforts, accidents can still happen, but don’t let that deter you from exploring new destinations with your beloved gaming setup!

Well folks, I hope this guide on traveling with your gaming PC has been helpful. As a veteran gamer who has flown countless times with my trusty computer in tow, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to make the process as smooth as possible.

Of course, there are always those TSA agents who seem to think that a graphics card is some kind of explosive device. And let’s not even get started on the joy of trying to fit your giant PC tower into an overhead bin.

But fear not! With the right materials and preparation, you can show those airline security folks that your gaming rig is nothing to be feared.

So go forth, fellow gamers, and travel with confidence. Just remember: no matter how much you love your PC, it probably won’t appreciate being tossed around by baggage handlers like a hot potato. So pack carefully and treat it with care.

Happy travels!


Meet Scott Robinson, a seasoned traveler with 28 countries under his belt, has immersed himself in diverse cultures around the world. His articles are a window into the rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and local flavors he has encountered on his globetrotting escapades. Scott’s deep appreciation for the beauty of cultural diversity shines through his writing, allowing you to embark on a virtual journey that celebrates the vibrant mosaic of humanity.

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What is remote streaming.

Diagram of remote streaming from display to PC.

Remote streaming brings convenience to gaming while away from your usual gaming PC.

Remotely accessing a gaming PC is a fantastic way to avoid lugging your console or laptop around. It works by streaming the host’s video and audio output to the client, and then sending the client’s inputs back to the host. For example, you press buttons on the Kishi Razer attached to your phone, your remote PC executes those commands, and then you see your character jump, dodge, or whatever else you wanted them to do on your phone’s display.

It’s important to note that your remote streaming experience is entirely dependent on your network connections, both your Wi-Fi connection and your host PC’s connection. Most remote gaming services and remote desktop apps require at least 5 Mbps download and upload speed but recommend 15 Mbps or more. If you don’t have a fast enough connection, your stream will stutter and suffer from notable lag between host and client.

You will also experience lag depending on how far you are from the host PC. If you’re in the same building, the lag will be minimal. However, if you’re accessing a PC that’s across the country, it will add some lag as the connection travels thousands of miles and hops across multiple servers to relay the information. This is one of cloud gaming services’ major benefits: when you remotely access a PC on their servers, you will access a PC on the server closest to you at the time.

Use a remote desktop app

Cartoon video game players sitting in front of split gaming screen.

The key to gaming from a remote desktop app is to remain signed in and active.

Remote desktop applications connect your PC at home to whatever device you are trying to access it from. Technically, cloud gaming services are granting remote desktop access from your device to their host PCs, but remotely connecting to your own PC cuts out the middleman, meaning that you have total control over what you want to do.

The downside to remotely accessing your PC is that you must make sure your PC is always on and logged into whatever app you’re using to stream. If you plan to travel for more than a couple of days, make sure to turn off auto-sleep and to turn off automatic operating system updates at least until you return.

Screenshot of cartoon game screen on mobile phone.

With Parsec, you can enjoy multiplayer, quality gaming.

Compared to Steam Link, Parsec is a much quicker and user-friendly experience. You don’t need to login on the client if you use your web browser, your host stays logged in on startup, and you can access some features that Steam Link can’t support (like pressure-sensitive inputs).

Stream your Xbox and PlayStation

If you prefer to game from your console, you can use it as a remote PC with each console’s remote play features. Xbox and PlayStation consoles both support remote access from a client device, like your phone or tablet, but they have the same constraints as remote PC access: You have to keep your console awake and signed into your Xbox or PlayStation account during the entire time you’re away. You also must make sure that remote access is enabled in the settings menu.

But there are limitations unique to console remote play. Browser, media, and streaming apps like the Blu-Ray player and Netflix are blocked on both Xbox and PlayStation remote play. With Xbox remote play, you can play games on Android, Windows, or iOS, while with PlayStation remote access you can also play on macOS.

Use a Cloud gaming service

When you use a cloud gaming service, you do not need to own your own host PC to stream from. Instead, you stream from the streaming service’s PCs, which are usually more powerful than most consumer PCs and have a fast internet connection. The graphics quality and framerate of the games you play will depend on the cloud PC’s specs. More expensive services can net you access to more powerful PCs—but these services are still much cheaper than getting an equally powerful PC for your home.

Screenshot of GeForce Now Cloud gaming service.

Though the GeForce Now is offered on multiple platforms, it puts a cap on gaming time.

But GeForce Now has a major drawback. You have a time limit on your sessions, and you can’t use apps or play games that aren’t supported. But it does have one of the most massive game libraries of the bunch, currently sitting at well over 1,100 titles and Nvidia adds more to that list every Thursday.

You can choose from three tiers: free, priority, and RTX 3080. You can only game for one hour at a time on the free tier, for six hours on the priority tier, and for eight hours on the RTX 3080 tier. Queues are also faster for the higher-end tiers. However, you can use back-to-back sessions with no limit.

Screenshot of video game

Offered for a reasonable price, the XboxGamePass allows you to have up to 350 titles in your personal library.

Smart television, laptop and gaming controller together with Playstation display.

Unfortunately, gaming from your mobile device isn't possible with PlayStation Now.

Screenshot of Stadia Cloud gaming service.

The Stadia Cloud service can be accessed on numerous platforms like Android, Chromecast, or the Google Chrome web browser.

Screen shot of the Amazon Luna gaming platform.

Amazon Prime users can access the Luna+ for an additional $9.99 a month.

Get a gaming laptop or portable console

Gaming laptop opened sitting on desk.

It makes the most sense for frequent travelers to invest in a gaming laptop that can keep up with their tech needs on while the road.

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A blank handheld gaming console showing the Windows 11 login screen

Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.


Get Ready for Gaming

best portable gaming pc

12 Best Portable Gaming PC’s for on the Road

If you’re in search of the best portable gaming PC then you’ve come to the right place.

Not everybody wants to travel with a laptop, particularly if it involves bouncing back and forth between one or two places that are already kitted out with a full-size monitor.

You might also be after something that retains the compact footprint of a laptop but packs a bit more power so you can continue to use it as your primary rig.

In this post, we will take a look at some of the latest NUC’s, Mini’s, and small-form-factor PC’s on the market right now.

What is the best portable gaming PC?

12. beelink ryzen mini pc ser3.

The SER3 is a versatile, high-performance mini-PC. Powered by an AMD Ryzen 7 3750H CPU and onboard Radeon RX Vega 10 graphics, it can reach an impressive turbo clock speed of 4.0 GHz. It also comes with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, and a 500GB of NVME SSD storage.

With all that hardware under the hood, the SER3 certainly has the potential to make a great portable gaming PC. It doesn’t freeze or get hot when operating under intensive CPU resources, and the triple display output can drive three independent monitors at 4K 60Hz clarity.

Besides this, what’s great about this product is that it’s very easy to upgrade. The user-friendly design allows you to pop open the lid with just your fingertips. Once done, you then have the option to convert the two SO-DIMM slots to 32GB of DDR4, as well as add up to 2TB of SSD storage.

With the SER3, you can expect to play medium resolution “esports games” at 1080p, 60fps.

  • ✔️Powerful Performance: SER3 mini PC Powered with Ryzen 7 3750H Processor (4C/8T up to 4.0Ghz). Pre-installed with Windows 11 Pro 64-Bit OS(no bundled software), support to upgrade win11. Support Moderate Gaming: Dota 2 , CS: GO, League of Legends, PUBG, GTA5, etc.
  • ✔️Triple Monitor Support: Three display output via dual HDMI, and type-C, which enable you to multi-task, The beelink mini pc uses Radeon RX Vega 10 Graphics to support 4K@ 60Hz HD video playback, 3D rendering, and modeling, presenting ultra-sharp visuals.
  • ✔️Compact & Rich Interfaces: The windows mini pc has a unique interface designed with 2 x HDMI ports, 4 x USB3.0 ports, 1 x Type-C Data port, 1 x DC Jack port, 1 x RJ45 1000M port, 1 x Audio Jack (HP&MIC) port.
  • ✔️High-capacity Storage: Built-in 8GB DDR4, 256GB Nvme SSD. 2 accessible memory slots upgradable to 64 GB( 2 x 32 GB). You can expand the storage via 500GB~2TB 2.5-inch SATA HDD or SSD, more storage space will make Mini PC run more smooth

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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on [relevant Amazon Site(s), as applicable] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

11. Beelink GTR7 Mini PC

The Beelink GTR7 is a highly portable mini PC that’s ideal for VR/ light gaming. It has an AMD Ryzen 7 3750H processor with integrated Radeon Vega 10 graphics and comes equipped with 32GB of DDR4 RAM. Other features include a 500 GB SSD, Bluetooth 5.0, and the latest WiFi 6.0.

In terms of performance, the Ryzen 5 CPU can meet a fast and powerful clock speed of 4.0 GHz. Furthermore, the Vega 10 graphics can support quadruple 4K@60Hz ultra-clear output. As a result, you can simultaneously browse programs or synchronize your games displays over multiple screens.

To provide speedy heat-dissipation, the unit’s dual fans and 3 copper tubes prevent any internal components from overheating. We also like the fingerprint encryption login system that secures your data without the need to remember a complex password.

Overall, it’s an excellent little PC that packs a big punch.

  • ?【Powerful Processor & Operating System】 Powered with Ryzen 7 3750H CPU (4C/8T up to 4.0Ghz) , which can turns your desk into a powerful workstation just by adding a keyboard, mouse.
  • ?【Compact & Rich Interface】Easy to setup and small in size. Beelink GTR mini computer is equipped with 1x type-C, 2 x HDMI, DPx 1, 6x USB 3.0, 2x Gigabit Ethernet, 3.5mm Audio Jack. Supports wifi6, Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 network connectivity, Bluetooth 5.0,
  • ?【Quadruple Display Output & Radeon Vega 10 Graphics】Four 4K@60Hz display output via dual HDMI, DP and type-C, which enable you to multi-task easily, stream 4K video playback, web surfing, business office, and light games.
  • ?【Large Storage & Expandable Capacity】Installed with dual channel DDR4 16GB RAM, 2 accessible memory slots upgradable to 64 GB( 2 x 32 GB). 500GB M.2 PCIe SSD. You can expand the storage via a 2.5 inch HDD/SSD, M.2 2280 NVMe for your nee

10. HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini

The HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini features a six-core Intel Core i5-9500T processor that allows you to run multiple applications simultaneously. Using the Intel turbo-boost 2.0 technology, this can reach a max boost speed of 3.7 GHz. Furthermore, it comes with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, and Windows 10 Pro.

For graphics, the integrated Intel UHD 630 chipset delivers a sharp, clear picture that allows up to seven displays. It does support 4k playback and can stream at the same time, however, for gaming the GPU will struggle with high resolutions due to not being a standalone card.

In terms of the design, it has a sleek, silver and black appearance with soft rounded edges. On the front of the case are the vents, and the top is completely flat, making it very easy to stack. Found on the ends are 6 x USB Type-A ports, 3 x 1.2 video DisplayPorts, plus other inputs/ outputs.

Besides just using it for some light portable gaming, the 6-core processor would make for a great dedicated streaming PC.

HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini - 9th Gen Intel Core i5-9500T 6-Core up to 3.70 GHz, 16GB DDR4 Memory, 256GB NVMe SSD, WiFi-6, Bluetooth 5.0, Intel UHD Graphics 630, Windows 10 Pro (Renewed)

  • 9th Generation Intel Core i5-9500T 6-Core 2.20 GHz Processor (9MB SmartCache, up to 3.70 GHz)
  • 16GB DDR4 2666MHz Memory, 256GB NVMe Solid State Drive, Windows 10 Professional (64-bit)
  • Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 630, Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax); Dual-Band (2.4 & 5 GHz), Bluetooth 5.0
  • 6 x USB Type-A, 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C, 2 x DisplayPort 1.2 Output, 1 x DisplayPort 1.4 Out

9. MSI Cubi 5

The MSI Cubi 5 is a small but capable mini-PC for home entertainment and commercial environments. Powered by Intel’s tenth generation Core i7, it delivers excellent processing power and a smooth desktop experience while remaining exceptionally silent.

The first thing you’ll notice is that the portable 4.57 x 4.41-inch size barely takes up any room on the desk to minimalize your setup. Alternatively, you can choose to mount it on the back of the monitor for a completely invisible look. To help you achieve this, it supports all standard VESA-mounts.

If you do decide to mount it behind your monitor, one particular design feature that stands out is the external power support switch. Instead of having to bend around your monitor every time to access the power button, this simply extends onto the desk in front of you for convenient access.

With its HDMI/ displayport connections and dual-monitor support, the Cubi 5 will keep you in the flow, wherever you go.

  • Intel Core i5-10210U Processor - 6 Core - 4/8 C/T 1.6-4.2 GHz 6M Cache
  • 16GB DDR4 2666MHz (2 x 8GB) | 2 x DDR4 2666MHz SO-DIMM, up to 64GB
  • 512GB M.2 NVMe/PCIe
  • 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C (front) 3 x USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A (1 x front, 2 x re


The Zotac Zbox Nano series aims to raise your productivity to a whole new level. It comes with a 10th Gen Intel Core processor, integrated Intel UHD Graphics, and HDMI 2.0 (up to 4k, 60Hz). Keep in mind; this is a barebones system so you will have to add your own Memory/ Storage/ OS.

In terms of the design, it has a smart appearance with curved edges and a breathable frame. The palm-size form factor makes it easy to hide or hang anywhere in your room, which is great for portability. Moreover, wherever you decide to put it, the intuitive I/O placement is very accessible.

For performance, the Intel graphics is fast enough for most casual games and can power a 4K monitor without a problem. To get a usable framerate for higher demanding games you will need to scale back the graphics to 1080p. However, this won’t apply to LOL, Dota 2, and Fortnite, etc.

Overall, if you’re searching for a low-power consumption mini PC, you will be very satisfied with this product.

  • 10th Gen Intel Core i7-10510U
  • Quad-core 1.8 GHz, up to 4.9 GHz processor
  • Dual Display, HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.2, 4K Ready @ 60 Hz; VESA Mountable
  • 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5, Dual Gigabit LAN
  • 6 x USB 3.1 Gen2 (2 Type-C), 1 x USB

7. AsRock DeskMini 310W

The AsRock DeskMini A310W is a fast and solid mini-PC. It takes advantage of an Intel Core i9-9900 APU with integrated UHD 630 graphics to reach a clock speed of 3.1GHz-5.0GHz. This particular model includes 64GB of DDR4 2666MHz, a 1TB SSD, and a 2TB HDD.

If you’re searching for a small-form-factor PC that’s a step up from the capabilities of a mid-range laptop, the ASRock is a practical alternative. In addition to retaining a portable size, the eight-core CPU offers bags of power for a more immersive PC gaming experience.

Although it measures just 155 x 155 x 80 mm, the ASRock still manages to squeeze in an aluminum Mosfet heatsink to ensure stable system loading. In addition to this, there’s even room for up to 4x storage expansion, as well as an addressable LED Strip to personalize your lighting.

All in all, it’s a great value mini-build that makes the most of a tiny space.

  • Intel Core i9-9900 Eight Core Processor (16MB Cache, 3.1GHz-5.0GHz) 65W
  • RAM: 64GB DDR4 2666MHz | Hard Drive: 1TB NVMe Solid State Drive + 2TB 5400rpm Hard Disk Drive
  • Graphics: Intel UHD 630 Processor Graphics | Wireless: 802.11 AC Wireless
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Professional | Please Note: No Optical Drive, Keyboard or Mouse Included.
  • i9-9900 + 64GB RAM + 1TB NVMe SSD + 2TB HDD + W10P Upgrades | 3-Year CUK Limited Warranty (View warranty section below for more details)

6. Asus ProArt PA90

The Asus ProArt PA90 is a stylish workstation that targets professional content creators. It features a 9th Gen Intel Core™ processor, 16GB of DDR4 memory (with a 64GB expansion), and comes with a full-size Quadro RTX4000 graphics card specific for running creative software.

In terms of the design, it has an attractive, modern appearance that can easily blend into any workspace. The verticle tower shape intelligently circulates air through the side vents, and up through an adaptive air vent on top that automatically opens under a full CPU load.

To power multiple 4K displays and handle 3D rendering tasks smoothly, the Quadro graphics accelerate on the whim for a more responsive multitasking performance. For inputs and outputs, it includes 4 x HDMI display ports, dual Thunderbolt 3 ports, and 2 x USB 3.1’s.

If you’re a designer who likes to do some gaming on the side, you will particularly like this portable PC.

  • ASUS ProArt PA90 (PA90-M9175ZN) features an Intel Core i9-9900K processor with 32GB DDR4 memory, 512GB M.2 + 1TB HHD, BlueTooth 5.0, Gigabit LAN, Intel 802.11ac WIFI.
  • NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 Graphics supports up to 4 Monitors using DisplayPort
  • Connectivity for creative projects with dual Thunderbolt 3 ports, Bluetooth 5. 0, and USB 3. 1 Gen2 Type A ports
  • Advanced cooling features CPU liquid-cooling system and adaptive air vent des

5. ZOTAC Magnus ONE

The Zotac Magnus ONE is a strong and mighty desktop with cutting-edge performance. It features an 6-Core Intel i5-10400 processor, 16GB of DDR4 (max 128GB), and a 1TB HDD. For the graphics card, you’re getting a full-size GeForce RTX 3060 in one of the world’s smallest systems.

If you’re wondering just how powerful this thing can run, the CPU has a max turbo frequency of 4.30 GHz and a GPU boost clock speed of 1777 MHz. As a result, you can pretty much crush any modern “Triple-A” title (in 1440p) at max game settings. Expect an average EFPS of around 100 FPS.

Besides the obvious power, what’s great about this desktop gaming PC is just how small and portable it really is. The compact 8.3 L size measures just 10.45in x 4.96in x 9.8 inches, which makes it incredibly easy to pick up and carry, or travel to your next destination in a carton or backpack.

The design is not letting it down either, in both form and function. The multi-layer front has rounded corners with an illuminated power button and a brushed aluminum outer shell. Furthermore, for excellent 360-degree ventilation; vents strategically surround the top, bottom, and rear.

  • ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6 192-bit
  • Intel Core i5-10400 (6-core 2.9 GHz, up to 4.3 GHz) processor
  • Quad-display ready, up to 4K Ready @ 120 Hz, 1 x HDMI 2.1, 3 x DisplayPort 1.4a
  • WiFi 6 Killer AX1650, Bluetooth 5, Gigabit LAN, 2.5Gbps Killer Ethernet; 4 x USB 3.1, 4 x USB 3.0 (1 Type

4. Intel NUC 11 Extreme Mini

The Intel NUC 11 Extreme is the highest-performing Intel NUC available on the market today. This is a barebones kit with an 11 th -gen Intel Core i9 processor and a 650W of internal power. It also features two Thunderbolt 4 ports and a PCIe* x 16 slot capable of supporting a twelve-inch GPU.

Remarkably, the NUC 9 extreme is only the second Intel NUC to harness a full-size graphics card. The slot is perfect for fitting in one of the latest RTX 30 Series Mini GPUs. That gives gaming enthusiasts the flexibility they need to build a monster rig for playing and streaming simultaneously.

Besides being able to switch out your graphics card, we also like that the NUC 11 extreme compute element (the motherboard and CPU) is easily upgradeable. This is an important factor for the price point, as it allows the unit to stay strong, relevant, and powerful both now and in the future.

To get an idea of the size, the 8L chassis weighs just 9.80 pounds and measures 4.75 x 14 x 7.68 inches. The integrated cooling, allows the compact system to run cool and quiet even when playing on the highest settings. Overall, this is a dream portable gaming PC for anyone that can afford it.

  • DDR4 SDRAM compatible slot - Installs memory that reduces processors idle time and enhances computers performance
  • With 12 USB ports, connect/disconnect devices while not having to shut down the system
  • With Serial ATA/600 interface get superb reliability and high-speed data trans

Click here for the smaller Intel NUC 9 Extreme!

3. NZXT H1 Mini PC

The NZXT H1 Mini Pro is a clean and minimalistic pre-built PC that targets both gamers and content creators. By packing all the necessary hardware (at very competitive prices) into one of their elegant H1 vertical chassis, NZXT does all the hard work for you with this build.

To power the uniquely small footprint, the Mini Pro has an 8-Core Intel Core i7-10700KF CPU, a GeForce RTX 3060 Ti, and 32GB of 3000 MHz RAM. Moreover, for internal storage, you get a 1TB Western Digital SDD, and there’s even the option to add an extra external HDD with the deal.

All that power makes this is an excellent choice for gaming enthusiasts after a portable PC, without any compromise. Combine that with the streamlined internals (such as pre-routed cable channels, and integrated PSU) that allow for easy modifications and there’s a lot to like about this setup.

It’s well known that NZXT manufacture some of the coolest cases on the block, and the H1 is no exception. The sandwich layout design allows the GPU and PSU to pull in fresh air from the sides and then exhaust hot air out the back. Additionally, the CPU has its own 140mm AIO Liquid Cooler.

Finally, another interesting feature is that all I/O’s are located at the bottom of the case. As a result, you won’t have to deal with any messy cables poking out the top.

NZXT H1 Mini Pro portable gaming PC

2. MSI MEG Trident X 10

The MSI MEG Trident X is a console-size powerhouse that’s perfect for gamers who are on the go. It has a sleek, thin, vertical construction to prevent any damage to the PCI-e slot during transportation, and features all of the components that are typically found in full tower chassis.

What you’re getting with this bit of kit is nothing but sheer performance. Packed inside the 10-liter volume case is an 8 core i7-11700K Processor (with a max turbo frequency of 5.0 GHz) and a full-size NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 GPU that’s capable of an 1710 MHz boost.

To ensure that the portable size doesn’t overheat during your gaming, the design of the PC is especially clever. The CPU, VGA, and PSU each have their own individual chambers (with optimized “Silent Storm Cooling 3” airflow) so that the system can stay cool for many hours.

Accessing the chambers is trouble-free, thanks to the tempered glass panels on the side that you can take off or pull open just like a door. If you did ever want to do an upgrade in the future, the stand on the bottom also comes off so you can get to the rest of the components with ease. 

Just as you would expect with a newer model like this, it comes with WIFI 6, Thunderbolt 3 ports, and everything you would need for the future. Overall, it’s a top of the line purchase that anyone would be lucky to get their hands on.

  • 【Upgraded No Display ; Wi-Fi 6E AX210 Wifi, Bluetooth 5.2, Ethernet LAN (RJ-45), No Webcam, Per Key RGB Backlit Full Size (10 Key) Keyboard, .
  • 【Powerful Performance with Intel Core i7-11700K Octa Core】 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11700K 3.6GHz Processor (upto 5 GHz, 16MB Cache, 8-Cores, 16-Threads,) ; NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB GDDR6X Dedicated Graphics, .
  • 【High Speed and Multitasking】 16GB DDR4 DIMM; 750W Power Supply, RGB Lighting Air Cooling CPU Cooler; Black Color, .
  • 【Enormous Storage】 256GB SATA SSD + 2TB HDD; 3 USB 3.2 Gen1, 3 USB 2.0, 1 HDMI, 3 Display Port (DP), 2 Thunderbolt 3 (Type-C), USB 3.2 Type-C Gen1,

Click here for the CUK MPG Trident 3!


The Corsair One a200 packs all the performance of a full-size AMD-powered gaming desktop into a sleek and compact 12-liter enclosure. It boasts a 12-core AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor, 32GB of Vengeance LPX DDR4 RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card.

In terms of the build, the a200 follows a similar construction to some of the previous Corsair small-form-factor models. A pair of 2mm-thick bead-blasted aluminum panels with triangular ventilation holes form the sides, and a series of diagonal fins cover a 120mm cooling fan on top to form the lid.

Underneath the aluminum panels are two AiO water coolers that sit directly in front of the GPU and CPU. To regulate the temperatures and ensure max speeds, they draw in the fresh air and circulate it up through the tower design. This results in a very efficient convection system with minimal noise.

On the front panel, we have two tasteful RGB strips that let you personalize your system’s look via the Corsair CUE software. A Handful of easy to reach inputs locate towards the bottom including a 3.5mm jack, two USB 3.0’s, and a VR ready HDMI port.

The rest of your I/O’s are on the back where you can find eight more USB ports and three more display port connectors that support up to four 4K HDR monitors in total. Just like the other top of the line models on this list, you also get an internal 80 Plus Gold PSU and storage to seal the deal.

Overall, if you’re searching for a portable gaming PC that’s, fast, quiet, and very powerful, the Corsair One a200 is the one to go for.

  • The CORSAIR ONE packs all the performance of a full cutting-edge AMD-powered gaming desktop into a gorgeous and quiet small-form-factor.
  • Enjoy years of operation thanks to reliable, award-winning CORSAIR components.
  • An AMD Ryzen 5000 Series processor powers the most demanding games and obliterates multithreaded tasks like 3D or video rendering and software compiling.
  • An NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series GPU with real-time ray tracing technology enables unbelievably lifelike graphics.

Is it Worth Buying a Portable Gaming PC?

PCs are the pinnacle of gaming prowess, with superior graphics, speeds, and resolutions than other devices. However, they can get quite expensive, and when you throw portability into the fray, you’ll have to make some sacrifices when in terms of reaching the highest performance.  

If you are a gamer who’s always on the move then a portable PC is always going to be worth it. Unfortunately, there are some caveats, though. Mainly, the more power you have in a compact chassis (with restricted airflow), the higher thermals will get without the proper cooling.  

Additionally, due to specialist engineering and less of a demand in the marketplace, portable PCs tend to be more expensive. Therefore, to make things worthwhile, you’ll want a system that’s going to give you plenty of longevity right from the start.

Portability is great, but be sure to choose a high-performing system or your gaming days on the go will won’t last long. If you’re not going to be playing graphics-intense games that require the highest frame rates, then there’s no sense in ponying up $2,000 for the latest and greatest gear, either. 

Are Portable Computers Good for Gaming?

They certainly are but they’re a little more troublesome than standard gaming PCs. The primary reason behind this is that it’s more difficult to keep your PC cool. Portability doesn’t mean that you have to make a serious trade-off in the graphics and capabilities department, though. 

In fact, most medium to higher-end portable gaming PCs and beyond are more capable than the latest in consoles, such as the PS5 and the Xbox Series X. However, there is one big downside. Portability comes with a price that can often exceeds building a full-size gaming PC.

If you want the best of what the gaming market has to offer, prepare to dish out anywhere between $1,500 and $2,000. With that said, you can still have a great, portable gaming experience with less. This is providing you’re willing to sacrifice some features and playing at the highest graphics settings.

For a cheaper but still excellent gaming experience, you could go with a gaming laptop, which you can find on our list here .

How to Choose the Best Portable Gaming PC in 2024

Finding the best portable gaming PC goes beyond choosing a small form factor build. These builds focus on ease of transport as well as using space-efficient components. The small details can lead to major performance benefits over time.

Choosing the Best CPU/ GPU

For a portable gaming PC, look for a processor with at least four cores. It should have a clock speed of at least 3.5 GHz, but a higher clock rate is usually preferred. Most AMD Ryzen 5000 or 11th generation Intel Core models should meet your needs.

A portable gaming PC should have a dedicated graphics card to process image information. Nvidia and AMD are the most popular brands. Look for mini-ITX versions of the Nvidia GeForce RTX 30 series or AMD equivalencies.

Gaming Performance

Beyond the basics of choosing a processor and graphics card, pay attention to specifications like VRAM and FPS. 

The VRAM is not upgradeable without upgrading your GPU, and you want at least 8 GB for gaming.

Check the average refresh rate at the resolution you’ll play at, and make sure it matches your monitor. The ideal number for gaming is around 144 Hz, but 60 Hz works well enough.

Size/ Weight of the PC

Size and weight is a concern intrinsic to portable gaming PC builds. You need to find dimensions that you are comfortable with moving. Ideally, a portable gaming PC should be as small (slim) and lightweight as possible.

Small-form-factor towers are all quite different, so choose one you know you can move safely and securely. Consider how you will protect the PC while transporting it.

Cooling System

Liquid cooling systems work better for compact systems. Depending on the case you have, there may not be adequate airflow for fans to cool the components and maintain proper ambient temperature.

A liquid cooling system takes advantage of the available space and manages the heat from the CPU and GPU.

This is especially important if you’re set on overclocking your system.

Storage/ Memory

For the most efficient use of space, look for a portable gaming PC that uses a M.2 NVMe SSD of at least 256 GB. This takes up less space than SATA-connected SSDs or HDDs, and the NVMe connection moves data more quickly.

Your portable gaming PC needs at least 8 GB of RAM for gaming, but aim for 12 GB to 16 GB if you can.

Inputs and Outputs

Most portable gaming PCs rely on wireless connectivity features to handle input and output processes. Look for a PC that offers Bluetooth and has a few USB 3.0 ports to accommodate lower-latency USB-RF devices.

You should still have a few ports available. Look for PCs with USB C as well as any I/O ports you anticipate you will need.

We hope you found this post useful on the best portable gaming PC.

Click here for the 12 Best Cheap Streaming PCs! Click here for the Most Expensive Gaming PCs You Can Buy!

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The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with a Gaming PC: Desktop Computer On A Plane? 

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with a Gaming PC: Desktop Computer On A Plane?

Gaming computers are a new breed of computers that are specifically designed for playing games. These computers feature faster processors and graphics cards to render the best quality images, and they come in desktop form factor as well so you can easily upgrade them yourself. If you love to game thus would want to travel with a gaming PC, then this guide is for you.

To travel with your gaming PC we recommend packing it in your carry-on bag. That way, the gaming PC will be checked in but ensure that it is labeled as fragile and also ensure that packaging protects the gaming PC.

Here are some tips on how to travel with your gaming PC. From safe packing tips for your expensive equipment, to what items you should pack in order to have the ultimate gaming experience while traveling, read on to learn more about the ins and outs of traveling with a gaming PC.

Why should you travel with your gaming PC?

There are many reasons why people travel with their gaming PC. The first and most obvious reason is that you can enjoy a smooth gaming experience in your hotel room or at a friend’s house.

Traveling with a gaming PC will ensure you do not get bored especially in a new land. You can enjoy your gaming experience when you are in a different place with minimal things to do.

But on the other hand, there are some people who don’t consider it worth the risk.

One of the main concerns is that airlines may not allow you to bring your computer on board due to baggage weight restrictions. It’s also possible that they might charge you more for bringing a large, heavy item on board.

As much as traveling with your gaming desktop seems like a great idea, it’s important to know what to expect before trying it out for the first time. Check out this guide on how to safely travel with your computer before making a decision.

Packing tips for your gaming desktop

travel gaming rig

The first thing you will need to do is pack your desktop computer. Your desktop computer should be packed inside of a hard case or a box to avoid any damage during the flight.

We recommend that you partially disassemble your gaming PC when traveling with it. Thus, you remove the CPU heatsink, video card, and drives. The heatsink goes in bubble wrap, while the video card can be wrapped in bubble wrap or with a cloth.

Make sure that your hard drive is disconnected from your gaming PC before packing, and it’s always best to pack any additional accessories in a separate bag so they are easy to find once you reach your destination.

Now, let’s move on to the most important part: what items you should pack with you to ensure that you have the ultimate gaming experience while traveling.

  • A laptop stand: This will allow you to use your laptop as a second screen while gaming on your PC and give yourself more room when playing games with friends.
  • A mouse pad: The desk surface in an airport or hotel isn’t always ideal for using a mouse. Use this as an extra precaution so that you’re comfortable, relaxed and ready for anything.
  • A keyboard and mouse: You’ll likely want these handy at all times since it’s not always possible to pull up your virtual keyboard on your laptop screen when playing games or typing documents, etc.

What to pack in order to have the ultimate gaming experience while traveling

If you want to have the best gaming experience possible, there are a few items that you should bring with you. These are the accessories for your gaming experience other than the gaming PC which you have partially disassembled.

Games : To keep your gaming experience fresh, it’s a good idea to bring games with you. The great thing about this is that most games these days are digital downloads and can be played on any device with an internet connection. This means that you will not need to carry around discs or cartridges.

Headphones : It’s also a good idea to bring headphones with you. Gaming headphones are specifically designed for video game playing, so they can provide better sound quality than regular headphones! And if the people next to you don’t mind their volume too high, then noise-canceling headphones will do the trick as well.

External Hard Drive : If you have a lot of data that needs backing up and/or downloading, it can be easy to fill up your laptop’s storage space quickly at 20GB per hour of video footage! So while traveling, it may be wise to pack an external hard drive so that you can store any excess data on one.

Monitor : You should also bring a monitor with you! Though most laptops come equipped with one, it is still a good idea to bring an external monitor for when your laptop screen starts getting small. A second monitor can be used for multi-tasking or just for pure convenience!

Mouse & Keyboard : Other essential gadgets needed for gaming are the mouse and keyboard!

Planning and preparing for your trip

When you travel, you’ll want to take your gaming PC with you. You might be a gamer who wants to game on the go, or maybe you just need your PC for your job. Either way, it’s important to prep and plan ahead of time when traveling with your PC.

One thing that is very important is what type of bag you use to carry your computer in. The worst thing that could happen is if something happens and the computer was damaged or lost during transit. It’s best to get a padded case for protection.

Most of the computer parts are fragile and thus should be labeled fragile by the airport staff during travel. This will offer extra protection in addition to having bubble wrap, cloth wrap, and paper wraps to protect the components.

Another thing that is good to think about is how you will power up the computer during travel. There are many different options out there from battery packs, power adapters, and even solar panel chargers.

The key takeaway from this section is: to be sure to prepare well so that your gaming experience goes uninterrupted while on the go.

Can you take a gaming PC on a plane?

travel gaming rig

If you are looking to take your gaming PC with you on a flight, it is important that you know whether or not the airline will allow you to bring your computer. Some of the more popular airlines, like JetBlue and Southwest Airlines , allow passengers to bring their computers as long as they will fit in the overhead bin or under their seat.

Other airlines, like Delta Air Lines and Alaska Airlines, prohibit passengers from bringing a desktop computer on board.

Even if your airline does allow you to bring a desktop computer with you on the plane, there are still restrictions when it comes to how much space is available for storage under seats or in an overhead compartment.

If your gaming PC doesn’t fit these criteria then you may have to check it as luggage and risk damage during transportation.

When considering how much space is available for storage on board the plane before deciding what to do with your gaming PC, keep in mind that some airlines only offer a limited amount of space for carry-on bags. If all of this sounds like too much work and too many restrictions, then maybe it’s best not to fly with a gaming PC altogether.

How do you pack a gaming PC for a flight?

The first step in traveling with your gaming PC is packing it safely. Here are some tips that will help you pack it so it survives the journey.

  • It’s important to buy a good carrying bag for your computer so you can transport it as easily and securely as possible. We recommend a backpack-style bag with padded straps, as this will distribute the weight more evenly on your back and be easier on your arm if you have to carry it for long distances.
  • Place bubble wrap around any fragile parts of the computer like the CPU, Video cards, monitor, or keyboard – these items are fragile and susceptible to damage from being tossed around in a bag or knocked against other items.
  • Wrap cables up securely in an elastic band, so that they don’t get caught in zippers or other moving parts of your bag during transit.
  • Remove any linings or cloths that may tangle with anything else inside your bag, like pens or pencils, and place them inside a protective case.
  • There are also specially designed bags for carrying laptops which may come with a separate compartment to store cords, but we recommend using an additional cord storage case just in case.

How do you travel with a PC safely?

How do you travel with a PC safely?

When you travel with your gaming PC, there are two things to consider: how to pack it for safe traveling and what to pack in the bag.

Your PC is an expensive piece of equipment, and you want to make sure that it arrives at your destination safely. Here are some tips on how to pack it safely:

  • Make sure that you have a case specifically made for carrying your computer. If not, choose a sturdy box or bag that will protect it as best as possible.
  • Pack it according to its weight capacity so that you don’t put too much weight on one side.
  • Protect the screen by using tape or something similar to prevent any damage from occurring during transit.
  • Label the box or bag with your name and contact information so if the device does get lost in transit, it can be returned more easily.

What should you pack in your carry-on bag? There are a few items that all gamers need when they travel:

  • Charge cables – You’ll want these because chances are slim that airport outlets will be giving power out freely this time of year.
  • Headphones – The last thing you want is someone next to you asking why those headphones are blasting their music so loudly.
  • Tablet – You never know when boredom will strike while waiting at the airport! Games like Monument Valley or Crossy Road can help pass the time.

How do I pack my CPU for travel?

The CPU is one of the most important parts of your gaming computer, so it’s important to pack it carefully. When packing for a flight, the CPU should be placed near the middle of your carry-on bag and never packed near sharp objects.

If you have a laptop that also has a working desktop computer inside, you should pack your laptop first before packing anything else.

Make sure to purchase a protective cover for the CPU before traveling. This will help keep it safe while in transit. You can use bubble wrap or other materials to keep it secure and as an added measure, place the CPU in an egg crate foam bedding or in a box while you travel.

The CPU should be placed in a box that is labeled fragile by the airport staff. This will ensure that they handle it with care.

Gaming laptops are great, but if you’re committed to taking your PC on the road, and you’re not worried about packing it, it may be worth your time to invest in a gaming PC.

A PC can often be cheaper than a gaming laptop, for one thing, and you can often upgrade the hardware as you go, which provides an even better value.

Plus, taking a gaming PC on the road is a lot more convenient because you’re not restricted by the length of your power cord.

Traveling with a gaming PC is a great way to keep up with your gaming hobby while on the go.

Can you bring a desktop computer on a plane?

Yes, you can bring a desktop computer on a plane as carry-on luggage or as checked-in luggage. The main thing to consider is packaging to ensure the delicate parts of the PC don’t get broken.

Can I carry a desktop in flight?

Yes, you can carry a desktop in flight but as carry-on luggage or checked-in luggage. The package should be able to take care of the fragile luggage and also be labeled as Fragile by the airline staff.

Can I carry a monitor in flight?

Yes, you can carry a monitor in flight. However, a monitor is very delicate and thus requires extra wrapping to ensure that it does not break. The monitor can be wrapped with clothes or special wrapping paper.

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Portable Gaming PC in a Suitcase


Introduction: Portable Gaming PC in a Suitcase

Portable Gaming PC in a Suitcase

Note : the steps highlight only few important tips. Please watch the video (below) for the complete build process.

In this Instructable I show how to turn an old tool case (or suitcase) into a cool-looking portable gaming PC.

There's no need for special or small form-factor parts: This case can fit a full size (full height) video card, ATX motherboard, a standard PSU and even a keyboard and mouse!

I take it with me to LAN parties and friends where there's already a monitor or TV in place.

I hope you enjoy this build and maybe get some inspiration for building your own portable PC or a suitcase mod :)

- Plastic toolbox or case, dimensions are roughly 60x40x15 cm. in my case it's a Milwaukee angle grinder case that I found in the backyard. the specific model is: HD18 AG-115-402C . you can search online for empty tool cases, for example " Milwaukee case empty " on eBay or craigslist.

- some plywood for the motherboard base. I used 12mm thick plywood

- PC parts to your liking (motherboard, CPU, RAM, GPU, PSU..)

- large buttons with integrated LEDs for the power and reset switches/leds. you can google or search eBay for " big led push button ".

- short HDMI extension cable

- front panel connectors from a PC case

- low profile CPU cooler. I used an Arctic Freezer 11 LP

- 2x 120mm case fans, one for intake and another for exhaust

Step 1: Overview and Video

The video shows the build process.

a few highlights:

When designing a gaming setup in such an enclosure, it is very important to have good airflow and low temps.

I put 2 case fans (120mm) - one for intake and another for exhaust, so there is good air circulation inside the case. The PSU draws air from outside and throws it outside as well.

I used a low profile CPU cooler, which does an excellent job. the video card needed extra support, so I cut out a support bracket from the old pc case. the height fits just inside the suitcase.

I also used the old front panel connectors, and large power/reset buttons :)

I tested it under heavy gaming workload and the temps look good!

Step 2: Preparing the Case

Preparing the Case

I found this tool case in the backyard. Originally a Milwaukee angle grinder case, it looked like an excellent choice for a portable gaming PC in terms of size and overall look.

First, I wash and scrub it clean.

Then, I cut out the inner plastic mould . The mould gives the case its rigidity, so cutting it out makes everything flex and wobbly. that is partly why I had to put in a wooden base board.

I take everything apart, which makes it easier to build, assemble and paint the different parts.

Step 3: Notes on Making a Base Board for the Motherboard and PSU

Notes on Making a Base Board for the Motherboard and PSU

as mentioned, the video shows these steps in detail:

  • Cut a wood/plywood piece to fit inside the case.
  • place the motherboard and mark the holes
  • drill the holes (4 or 5mm drill bit). to drill straight, use an old CD and align the drill bit with its reflection :)
  • glue and drill spacers/risers for the motherboard: I used small pieces of MDF, but any non-conductive material will do
  • mark the placement of the PSU and cut out the fan opening. in the video I showed how I transfer the marking from the PSU to the plywood (rubbing a pencil over a paper placed on the PSU).

Step 4: Notes on Mounting the PSU

Notes on Mounting the PSU

the video does a better job at showing it - it's important to drill vent holes for the PSU (air intake), and also cut out the 120mm hole for the PSU exhaust fan.

this way the air flows through the PSU and out of the case, and doesn't contribute to any heat build up

Step 5: Notes on Finding and Mounting Buttons

Notes on Finding and Mounting Buttons

these are large buttons (with LEDs) that can be found easily on eBay.

you can search eBay for " big led push button ", there are plenty of options.

Simply find a nice spot for them and use a step drill to cut the mounting hole. you can also cut the hold by hand (careful!)

Step 6: Paint


This step is really about personal taste.

I went for the "comic military" look, so I just cut out a bunch of stencils, spray painted a base layer (white/grey) and then placed the stencils free-hand and sprayed over with darker tones (grey/black).

Take a look at the video, you'll see how I used the stencils to paint the patterns.

I think it came out ok :)

Step 7: Completed Build

Completed Build

this is how it looks after assembly and paint.

I recommend watching the video for the complete step-by step build.

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James Pikover

5 Mar, 2022

Portable Powerhouse: The Perfect Gaming Rig for On The Go

travel gaming rig

Gaming rigs aren’t generally made to be small. They’re intentionally designed to be behemoths. Top-of-the-line hardware is all about maximizing performance, not space or cost. That’s for console gamers.

But not everyone has a home entertainment center or even room for more than a simple desk and a single monitor. Some of us even (pre-Covid) bring our desktops to massive arenas for tournaments. And it’s no fun lugging around a 50lbs monstrosity.

Enter Mini-ITX. The motherboard type was designed for the tiniest of cases, without resorting to an all-in-one desktop. You know, the ones built into a display, not our all-in-one liquid coolers .

Yet with the rising cost of living, cost of homes (houses and rent alike), and space coming in at an all-time premium, this smaller form factor is becoming more and more popular. With that mindset, we set out to build the ultimate compact desktop. We present the Portable Powerhouse.

Portable Powerhouse

Building the ultimate gaming desktop that’s conservative on space is no small feat. Today, thankfully, it’s easier than ever. Especially if you want to overclock your CPU and throw in some serious liquid cooling. Asetek may have pioneered AIO liquid cooling on Mini-ITX builds with 120mm and 140mm options, but today even 240mm radiators will fit.

This portable rig is built with the following specs:

  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
  • MSI MPG B550i Gaming Edge
  • XPG Spectrix 3600 32GB
  • ADATA XPG Gammix S70 1TB
  • EVGA NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 XC3
  • ASUS ROG Z11
  • Silverstone SFX 650W
  • NZXT Kraken Z63 RGB

If you didn’t know better, you’d guess this was a regular gaming desktop. With an MSRP of $2,037, it’s high-end and won’t completely break the bank. The only indication (by naming alone) that this is a Mini-ITX build is the power supply, blatantly calling out the SFX PSU type. Only that, the motherboard, and the case are specifically built for this form factor…and, ironically, we didn’t even need the PSU to be especially small.

ASUS did an outstanding job with the ROG Z11, combining military-grade build quality in a relatively little frame. It’s not small in the traditional sense of Mini-ITX cases; instead of a minuscule size in every way, the Z11 is long (or tall, if you stand it upright) and thin, modelesque. At 7.64 inches wide and 15.2 inches deep, space is at a premium inside. So ASUS made some very smart design decisions to maximize airflow without limiting components to Mini-ITX only.

This is important for top-level performance from any gaming rig; the biggest flaw of most Mini-ITX rigs is that they’re too small for liquid cooling, or else require smaller 120mm or 140mm radiators. With the ROG Z11, there’s plenty of room specifically for this purpose, so we opted to include a full 240mm AIO with the NZXT Kraken Z63. (Z-based names were not intentional!)

Setup – A One-Time Challenge

Initial installation of all components into this portable powerhouse…didn’t come easy. The small form-factor is the primary cause (limited space plus unique case design), so for the uninitiated, prep work will save you from hassle and grief. That, and putting together as much as possible before getting it into the case.

travel gaming rig

Preparation is king: get the big components in and confirmed before putting everything together. Like making sure the fans on this 240mm radiator are on the correct side!

The motherboard goes in upside down so the GPU is at the top for “hot” swapping. The PSU can only be installed by removing a metal slab, which is specific to SFX models; standard PSUs have their own bracket. The cabling was also already organized, and there’s plenty of slits to organize your cables as needed based on any component variation.

travel gaming rig

With the CPU, RAM, M.2 SSD, and AIO Cooler installed on the motherboard, we’re ready to put it into the case

Once the motherboard is installed upside-down, and the PSU is installed and secured, it’s just a matter of plugging in the necessary cables. And with the Z11 housing the motherboard entirely, any and all connections need to be set up in advance; there won’t be any accessing the back panel once the side panel is closed and screwed in place. That’s where the extension hub (below) comes in.

travel gaming rig

The ASUS Z11’s Extension Hub connects fans, RGB lighting, and additional cabling that’s not accessible since the motherboard is completely encapsulated in the case

The extension hub makes a huge difference in keeping everything organized and situated. Lighting, fans, as well as the case buttons and connectors all flow through this hub. Once hooked up, this entire desktop will be even more accessible externally than your typical Xbox or Playstation. And way more powerful to boot.

travel gaming rig

Yes, it’s supposed to be upside down!

All in all, installation takes anywhere from 60-90 minutes, depending mostly on how good you are at reading instructions.

The Greatest Limitation: GPU

Mini-ITX builds have one obscene limitation for gamers, though it makes perfect sense as our graphics processing gets bigger and bigger: room for the GPU. Of the current NVIDIA and AMD offerings, only a handful of cards from any manufacturer fit in a typical Mini-ITX case. The best right now is the NVIDIA RTX 3070 Founders Edition; everything else is too tall or too thick, thanks to oversize cooling options.

With the ASUS Z11, available space is still a major constraint, but it’s not the most limiting factor. Instead, the only limitation listed is the length of the GPU; the Z11 supports up to 320mm, which every current model except for the RTX 3090 is under (the 3090 FE is a colossal 336mm).

Considering our scope for this rig was to build a Mini-ITX that would work for anyone, we went ahead with the EVGA RTX 3070 XC3. It meets the minimum requirements for Mini-ITX cases, is a great GPU…and we could actually get it. No one is left unharmed by the ongoing GPU glut. Though we’re much happier with the EVGA model rather than NVIDIA’s RTX 3070 FE, if only for better air cooling, especially in such a confined space.

This brings us to the final piece of this puzzle: performance.

Performance For On The Go

There are two major victories with this small form factor build: that it’s easy to lug around, and it’s also easy to keep out of sight in the home. Even with the generous size of the Z11, this rig can be stored behind a TV for living room play, swapped into the home office for some time on a proper gaming monitor, or on the road.

The major benefit of the Z11 is the thin frame; in my home the living room TV sits on a giant subwoofer, leaving plenty of space behind both the TV and on the floor beside it. There’s almost no spot that I  can’t fit this rig thanks to the small size.

Now that I’m a parent, weekends and holidays are regularly spent away from the homestead. And gaming on a laptop…it just isn’t right, still. While there are more options to game on the go than ever before, access to a respectable display and decent internet is better than ever. And as much as I’d love to leave the desktop at home and stream my games, it’s just not the same.

For this test build, I brought the portable powerhouse on the road with me a half dozen times, from a 5-minute drive to an hour away. It was frankly more difficult to deal with the peripherals than the desktop itself. Everything is so well bolted into the Z11 that even on the worst drives I never felt like I’d need to open it up and refasten, well, anything.

Power is No Limitation

With the specs listed above, this rig is capable of 60FPS 1080p gaming and even has the muster for 1440p. Performance with Mini-ITX builds is hindered by two factors: small PSUs and small GPUs. Thanks to the ASUS Z11 that isn’t a serious concern, yet even with our choice to use only parts that would fit into a traditional Mini-ITX case, it still isn’t a problem.

The latest generation of graphics cards is just so damn good.

Even the standard RTX 3070 is a beast, let alone the Ti model. Combined with a relatively low 16GB of DDR4 memory and our liquid cooled Ryzen 7 5800X, plus the 1TB NVMe XPG S70 Gammix, snappy doesn’t quite explain it. Practically instant is more apt.

For 1080p gaming, the only game that managed under 60FPS at max settings was Microsoft Flight Simulator , which isn’t a surprise. See the table below for some quick benchmarks (bold indicates games that dropped below 60FPS).

More VRAM would clear up the few sub-60FPS scores, and in this desktop we could easily have used a number of higher-performance GPUs from both NVidia and AMD. It’s obvious that even with the size limitations, self-inflicted and from the available hardware, your gaming experience won’t suffer.

The New PPP: Perfect Portable Powerhouse

Forget hoping for a business loan; apply today to have the pitch-perfect gaming and performance desktop of a lifetime. With this build we’ve successfully proven 3 things:

  • Performance is no longer hindered by the size of your desktop
  • Price is no longer a limiting factor for small form factor computing without sacrificing performance
  • A small build like this can easily be stored behind your TV, used for on-the-road travel, and in the office equally well

Those are no small feats, yet this rig has failed to disappoint at every turn. Aside from an initial challenge with setup (which will always be the case with a small form factor build), I’ll be traveling regularly with this portable powerhouse for all of my future gaming needs.

Plus, upgrading isn’t a major challenge either. Especially with the ASUS Z11 case, swapping in a new more powerful GPU in the future is two screws and a hot swap away. Just as long as it’s 320mm long or shorter. With two M.2 slots and four SATAIII connectors on the MSI MPG B550i Gaming Edge, and plenty of space to throw in SSDs (and even a full-size HDD), storage isn’t an issue either. Support for 64GB of RAM, plus the space to upgrade to a more heavyweight PSU…there’s little that this Rig can’t do.

In fact, the only thing it cannot do is sport the currently overpriced RTX 3090. Which isn’t really necessary for gaming, let alone on-the-go gaming. Instead, this portable powerhouse has proven one more amazing thing: even a Mini-ITX PC can be your gaming rig of choice, complete with liquid cooling, overclocking, and performance to match any full ATX PC.

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How to take your PC games with you over the holidays

The weather outside is frightful, but the firefights are so delightful.

travel gaming rig

If you’re traveling to see family this holiday season, you’re probably not lugging your entire gaming rig with you—unless you have a very big trunk and cool relatives who are down for a Yuletide LAN party. Most of us don't live that dream life, so it's on to Plan B: What's the best way to take your PC games on the go?

You could pack a Nintendo Switch or download some mobile games, but what if I told you that you didn’t have to choose between glorious PC gaming and quality time with your distant loved ones (as long as they have at least a 15 Mbps internet connection and don’t mind some added latency)? Here are your best bets for PC gaming when away from your PC.

Load up a gaming laptop

travel gaming rig

You're probably not going to go out and buy an expensive gaming laptop on a whim, but if you have the cash, this is definitely the most reliable way to get good performance and minimal latency on the go. If you’re not sure what to grab, look to our guide to the best gaming laptops of 2019 . Just bear in mind that a really beefy notebook will be fairly heavy, both in price tag and weight, and they’re not as easily upgradeable as a desktop.

For those of you who do own a gaming laptop, we have a few tips for preparing it for travel. If you’re going to be somewhere with sketchy internet access, take some steps ahead of time to make sure your games work.

  • Download the games you want to play and make sure they're updated.
  • Load up any games that you've played on another PC to download your up-to-date cloud saves.
  • Switch to Steam Offline mode before your trip, and launch those games again to ensure they'll work without an internet connection.
  • If you don't want to redownload the games in full, consider backing up and copying your desktop Steam library with a tool like Steam Library Manager and putting it on a fast external drive.

Luckily DRM-free games from stores like GOG don’t require any "offline mode" shenanigans, and all the classic games in GOG's library will run on a low-end laptop. But with a little pre-planning, it's great that you can play your Steam games without an internet connection.

Price: Varies Games: Anything you own

Steam Link streaming

travel gaming rig

Valve’s in-house solution to game streaming is Steam Link , which can stream your Steam games from your PC to Android and iOS devices as well as Apple TV and Raspberry Pi (or the Steam Link box if you happened to grab one before they went out of stock). It supports the Steam controller as well as a number of third-party wireless controllers and even Bluetooth mice and keyboards.

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You’ll need a connection with a vaguely-defined "good" upload speed at home on the transmitting end, where your main PC is, and a wired connection is recommended. The device you’re streaming to will also need a good enough connection to stream 1080p video smoothly, and 5 GHz wi-fi is recommended. As with anything streaming over long distances, you’ll be dealing with a certain amount of latency based on how far away you are from your PC. Particles can still only travel so fast.

Price: Free Games: Anything you own on Steam

GeForce Now streaming

travel gaming rig

Nvidia’s contender for PC game streaming doesn’t actually require your home PC to be on or connected to the internet. Instead, you’re playing games you have already purchased, but they’re running on Nvidia’s high-powered machines and streaming to any compatible PC, Mac, or Nvidia Shield device. This cuts out some set-up on your end and may even give you access to higher settings than your home PC normally would.

You’ll need to be working with at least a 15 Mbps connection for 720p and 25 Mbps for 1080p. You’ll also need a 64-bit OS and Windows 7 or higher, so fortunately for grandma, you won’t be able to kick her off of her solitaire and email computer that hasn’t been updated since the Pleistocene Epoch to play Total War. The service is currently in beta, so you’ll have to request access.

Price: Free beta Games: Anything you own out of the 400+ currently supported games

Shadow streaming

Shadow sells a small streaming box, but you don't need it for the service

Shadow takes a bit of a different approach. Like GeForce Now, you’re using their hardware. But instead of just picking from a set of supported games, you’re basically renting an entire remote computer that will be continuously kept up-to-date with new components. You can do just about anything with this remote machine that you could with a home desktop, including install and play games from Steam, Epic, GOG, or wherever.

You’ll need a 15 Mbps connection for ideal performance, and significantly more than that if you want 4K/60 fps. You can stream to Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, or Ubuntu (currently in Alpha). The monthly subscription keeps your remote machine reserved, but it doesn’t have a seperate storefront, so you won’t lose access to any of your games if your subscription lapses. Unfortunately, it’s not available in all US states just yet. Price: $34.99 a month (Billed monthly) or $12.99 a month ($155.88 billed yearly) Games: Anything you own

Parsec streaming

travel gaming rig

If you’re just looking for a way to remotely access your desktop that can deliver lower latencies for gaming, Parsec is probably your best bet. You're giving up the optimized UI and experience of a service like Steam Link, but you gain the versatility of your whole desktop. Very simply, it allows you to connect directly to your home PC over any compatible Mac, PC, Android, Raspberry Pi, or Linux device. You’ll be able to access your files, use applications, or run games.

One extra cool feature Parsec includes is the ability to invite friends to a session and “hand off” the controls remotely if one of them swears they could beat this boss in like 30 seconds and you want to make them eat their words.

Cost: Free Games: Anything you own

Google Stadia streaming

travel gaming rig

Stadia is a bit different from the other options on this list, because you won’t be able to play games you’ve already purchased on other storefronts. It’s also a physical package you’ll have to buy, which includes a wireless controller and a Chromecast Ultra (although Google has now rolled out support for existing Chromecast Ultras, too).

Similar to the Nvidia solution, you’ll be streaming from Google’s high-powered hardware at a datacenter somewhere. 15 Mbps is recommended for 720p and 35 Mbps is recommended for 4K. You’ll have access to a catalog of games that currently includes Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Destiny 2, and Red Dead Redemption 2.

Cost: $129 to get started (includes controller, Chromecast, and 3 months of subscription time), $10/month after the first 3 months Games: Only what’s available on Stadia

Betray your principles with mobile versions of PC games

travel gaming rig

Ultimately, you may just want to skip the hassle and play on something a bit more lightweight until you get home. Luckily, more and more of the best PC games are available on other platforms now. You’re not exactly taking your PC games with you, but you’re taking games that you could play on your PC. So, it’ll do in a pinch! Here are some we'd recommend: 

  • Civilization 6 - $20 on Switch | $10 on iOS
  • Return of the Obra Dinn - $20 on Switch
  • Divinity: Original Sin 2 - $50 on Switch
  • Into the Breach - $7.50 on Switch | 
  • Stardew Valley - $15 on Switch | $5 on iOS
  • Hearthstone - Free on iOS
  • Kingdom: New Lands - $15 on Switch | $7 on iOS
  • Darkest Dungeon - $25 on Switch | $5 on iOS

Dig up some old physical media

A bunch of CDs

If you happen to still have some install discs for older games, you can always bring those with you to spin up on a relative’s machine. But a lot of them require a CD key and connecting to the internet—they might work in a slow internet situation but not a no internet situation.

You could also load some games onto a flash drive or portable hard drive and plug it into a PC at the destination, assuming there is one that can run your games. Just be aware that, unless you’re planning to copy those files to the local hard drive, load times might be increased—especially if you’re plugging in to an older USB port with a slow data transfer rate. A fast flash drive can help with that. And as we mentioned earlier, there still might be DRM that requires you to have a connection to play, depending on the game and where you bought it.

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Stock your travel bag with these gadgets for gaming on the go

Nintendo Switch review

Whether you’re waiting to board a flight, train, or bus, chances are you’ll have some downtime. Rather than aimlessly scrolling through social media or stressing out about what you did and didn’t pack, relax by playing a video game. Whether it’s a simple puzzler or an intense shooter, gaming is a great option for passing the time and focusing on something less stressful, since traveling can be traumatic enough. That said, you should plan ahead to ensure the best gaming experience. Playing in an airport terminal or 30,000 feet in the sky requires more forethought than playing on the comfort of your own couch. If you’re planning a trip and want to bring your games along, keep these tips in mind.

Bring the right device for the job

  • Don’t forget your charger

But you should also invest in a portable battery pack

Not all games are made for travel.

  • Bring some great “travel” games

Carrying Cases

Cleaning cloth.

First, let’s discuss the types of devices that are primed for gaming on the go. The smartphone glued to your hip is the obvious choice, but you might also want to consider a dedicated gaming device. That could be a portable console, such as the Nintendo Switch or Nintendo 3DS , or it could be a gaming laptop , which offers more utility, though is more expensive and will add some heft to your carry-on. If you do opt for a laptop, for solid performance and portability, you can’t go wrong with the Razor Blade . If you want something that plays games well but isn’t technically a gaming laptop, check out the Dell XPS 15 (it’s also significantly cheaper).

Don’t forget your charger

Obvious? Yes, but the absolute first thing you should bring alongside your gaming device is a charger. Nothing is more annoying than having to purchase an overpriced USB charger at the airport.

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And, we recommend plugging your devices into an outlet whenever you can. It’s the fastest way to charge your devices, and you never know how long you’ll have to push your battery between now and the next charge. Thankfully, more and more planes are equipped with in-seat power outlets, but that’s not always a given or reliable.

While a charger is your most important gaming accessory, a portable battery pack is a close second while traveling. Gaming on a smartphone can drain your battery quickly. The Nintendo Switch can only provide about three hours of playtime before it shuts down. Luckily, both types of devices support USB battery packs.

Power outlets are never out of reach at an airport, but finding a place to sit and hang while charging is generally a crapshoot. And, again, in-seat power outlets are nice to have, but not 100-percent reliable. With a high-capacity portable battery pack, you can charge your devices several times over and never have to worry about your game session ending abruptly.

We’ve compiled lists of solid external battery packs for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices . Finding a solid pack that works with a laptop is a little more challenging, given power needs, and those that do support laptop charging tend to be large and heavy. Nintendo uses a proprietary charging port for 3DS, so make sure to grab a compatible USB charging cable,  like this one .

If you’re the carry-on type, check out the new Incase  ProConnected 4 Wheel Hubless Roller  we recently reviewed, which has a 20,100mAh battery and accessible USB ports. It acts like a power station for when there aren’t outlets available.

Note: Never bag-check a portable battery. It should always be in a carry-on .

Bringing headphones or earbuds is a recommendation both for you and your fellow travelers. You probably want to hear the game audio while playing, but it’s pretty rude to turn the volume up when sitting closely to other passengers. On top of that, gaming with headphones is almost always a better experience to begin with. Your smartphone and gaming laptop can support both wired and wireless headphones, but the Switch and 3DS only support wired options ( check out the AirFly , which adds wireless support to wired-only devices or a plane’s in-flight entertainment system).

The headphone and earbud market is full of great options. If you want top of the line sound quality, check out our list of best headphones . When traveling, though, you may want to bring along a cheaper, yet still solid option, in case anything happens to them. Our list of headphones and earbuds under $50 features a myriad of solid choices. For earbuds, you absolutely can’t go wrong with the Shure SE112 . For over-the-ear options, the Marshall Major II is a fantastic wireless choice, while the Audio Technica ATH-M20X, as a wired set, will work with all of your devices.

This one mostly applies to smartphone and gaming laptop travelers. Ahead of your trip, make sure you can play the games you want to play sans internet. Although many airports and numerous flights have Wi-Fi nowadays, it’s often unreliable, costly, and not ideal for intensive tasks like gaming. Games that don’t require a network connection are safe bets.

Bring some great “travel” games

Beyond games that don’t require the internet, you also might want to think about the types of games you’ll play. Just like how some people buy a magazine at the newsstand, even when they brought a book from home, there are games that feel extra satisfying when you’re on the road, and it’s always good to keep a few queued up just in case.

Ideally, you want something quick and easy to just pick up and play any time. Story-intensive games with lots of dialogue and cutscenes are probably not ideal candidates, since traveling often requires moving around and being frequently interrupted. On smartphones, you shouldn’t have a problem since those types of games reign supreme.

If you’re looking for something to download on your PC or console before your flight, we have a few ideas:

Gaming laptop:

Look for games that don’t emphasize precise mouse controls.

  • Into the Breach : A masterful turn-based strategy game that can be played in abbreviated sessions.
  • Stardew Valley : A charming, relaxing town simulator.
  • The End is Nigh : A tough-as-nails platformer in which each level takes only a matter of seconds to complete.

Nintendo Switch

  • Puyo Puyo Tetris : Tetris and Puyo Puyo rolled into one excellent puzzle game.
  • Super Mario Odyssey / The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild : A pair of excellent adventure games that aren’t story heavy and work well on the go.
  • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle : Zany, turn-based strategy game that excels in handheld mode.

Nintendo 3DS

  • The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds : Probably the best game on Nintendo 3DS.
  • Metroid: Samus Returns : Old-school sidescroller, great for quick bursts.
  • Super Mario 3D Land : Each level can be completed in a matter of minutes.

If you’re traveling with a dedicated gaming device like the Switch or 3DS, you should absolutely have a carrying case. Not only will a case keep your device safe, it can store extra games. Both the Switch and 3DS have a myriad case options, the brunt of which contain cartridge slots for additional games. Check out our picks for the best Switch cases here . The Orzly case offers the best combination of price, durability, and size. For the 3DS this Brendo carrying case fits every 3DS model besides the original 2DS, has slots for cards, and a pouch for your charger.

For gaming laptop users, you’ll want to bring a dedicated laptop bag or sleeve . A backpack with a slot for a laptop would do (check out the new Timbuk2 Collective Pack ), or you can go with a messenger bag designed for travel like the Command TSA-Friendly Messenger , also from Timbuk2. You may have to take it out while going through airport security, but keeping your expensive piece of hardware safe and snug while moving about the airport and on the plane is important.

Also, make sure not to overfill the backpack or suitcase you put your devices in. Even if you have a dedicated carrying device, you could wind up unknowingly damaging your gaming device. Give your expensive toys some breathing room.

Smudges, fingerprints, random debris — there’s no telling the types of screen blemishes you’ll discover while traveling. Bringing a microfiber cleaning cloth with you can help you remove obscuring screen marks without the worry of damaging your screen. We know it’s tempting to clean screens with your shirt, but you really shouldn’t do this, as you could permanently scratch your display.

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Steven Petite

Samsung Gaming Hub is a feature on newer Samsung TVs that gathers cloud gaming apps like Amazon Luna and Xbox Game Pass all into one place. Ahead of CES 2024, Samsung revealed that it's going a step further and starting up a "Designed for Samsung Gaming Hub" program that relates to gaming accessories directly made for the service.

The first product that will bear this name is a new controller from PDP. Called the Replay Wireless Controller, this "Midnight Blue" device looks similar to an Xbox controller, but features a home button that can immediately launch Samsung Gaming Hub, as well as volume and power buttons for the TV.

I play lots of games across every platform for work, but my most-played game in 2023 was one I primarily engaged with for personal enjoyment. While I sunk dozens and dozens of hours into games like Baldur’s Gate 3, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Fire Emblem Engage, Fortnite, Starfield, and more, my most played game was something that didn’t even come out in 2023.

That honor goes to Marvel Snap, a collectible card game from Second Dinner for PC and mobile

Dedicated gamers have two specific, and often competing, goals whenever October comes around. On one hand, the fall season is a sign that the year is winding down. Anyone who wants to finish off their backlog of games released in 2023 before the 2024 flood begins needs to start finding ways to cut down their backlog. Though there are even more pressing matters in October: it's spooky season! With a month-long Halloween celebration in full swing, October is also the perfect time to marathon some creepy games. Usually, that might mean going back to play some classics like Silent Hill 2, leaving little room to catch up on new games.

But what if you could kill two vampires with one stake? Well, you can this year because 2023 has been a wild year for horror video games. From two high-profile remakes to a slew of indie greats, your backlog this year might already be full of great, creepy games. To help organize your October, we've put together a list of seven eerie 2023 releases that double as great Halloween games. You can fly your freak flag and cut down your list of game to play in one go -- that's efficiency! Resident Evil 4

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The Best Mini PCs for Gaming in 2024

Don't be fooled by size; these PCs can pack a powerful productivity and gaming punch

travel gaming rig

  • Lower Columbia College

We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Mini PCs are smaller than full-sized desktop PCs but powerful enough to enjoy snappy productivity and gaming performance. If you need a capable machine to carry with you that can fit into a backpack, briefcase, or even your pocket, or just something that won’t dominate your work or personal space, then a mini PC is a great purchase option.

These are the best mini-gaming PCs you can buy.

  • What to Look For

Best Budget

Hp pavilion tg01-1020.

Excellent price

Handles most games at solid framerates

Easy to upgrade

Not the most powerful

Will require new parts to stay up to date

It's not the smallest or the most powerful mini PC out there, but the HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop is affordable and powerful enough to play most modern games, albeit not at the highest settings. While it's a fundamental system, it's good enough to make a reasonable entry into PC gaming.

It's essential to remember that you can upgrade this system with more RAM , a more powerful graphics processing unit (GPU), or more storage. It's also an excellent photo or video editing system and other creative tasks. Despite the low price, it has a pleasing appearance with a cool edge without being too blatant about its gaming-focused design.

CPU: Intel Core i5-10400F | RAM: 8GB | Storage: 256GB NVMe SSD

Best Super Compact

Valve steam deck.

Desktop performance in a small package

Expandable storage

Built in battery

Desktop/portable hybrid

Great value for money

Long waiting list to get one

If you want Windows OS, you’ll have to install it

Only 64GB of storage in base model

On the surface, the Valve Steam Deck is a handheld gaming console, much like the Nintendo Switch. Underneath, however, it's also a full-powered desktop PC crammed into a device not much larger than a smartphone.

Though intended primarily as a mobile device, it can be attached to a USB-C hub, which grants it all the functionality you’d get in a traditional desktop.

In addition to being compact and powerful, the Steam Deck is also remarkably affordable. The base model outclasses any other PC or laptop at that price point in terms of sheer processing and graphical horsepower. The Steam Deck is one of the first systems to ditch older DDR4 memory entirely in favor of a single shared pool of DDR5 RAM utilized for processing and graphics.

However, the base model only has 64GB of onboard storage on a relatively slow drive. If you want faster storage, you must pay extra for the faster 256GB and 512GB models. The storage is expandable with a microSD card slot, and if you’re using it as a desktop, you can easily add as much external storage as you want.

CPU : Custom AMD | RAM : 16GB | Storage : 64GB to 512GB SSD

What to Look for in a Mini Gaming PC

When you purchase any device, there are a few things to check. For a mini gaming PC, be sure you have enough storage, a great graphics card that can move seamlessly between productivity and gaming, and plenty of memory ( RAM ) to handle power-hungry tasks.

A solid-state drive (SSD) is preferable to a hard disk drive (HDD) . An SSD's much higher read and write speeds will make more difference to your computer's performance over an HDD than almost any other upgrade. However, SSDs tend to have less capacity and be more expensive than HDDs. A common compromise is to have an SSD for your operating system and commonly used programs, with photos, games, and other high-volume data stored on a secondary HDD.

A dedicated graphics card (GPU) is crucial for video games or graphics-heavy productivity tasks. Graphics cards are typically less beefy in smaller PCs and laptops than in full-sized desktops. If you’re mainly going to be browsing the web, editing text documents, and performing other tasks that don’t necessitate a high-powered GPU , then you can save money on a system with an integrated GPU that is part of the processor.

Most modern PCs utilize DDR4 RAM ; you should consider 8GB as the minimum. If you plan to undertake more power-hungry tasks, 16GB is typically enough for most people. For video editors and other creative types running programs that store a lot of information in the RAM, 32GB can be handy. Having a lot of RAM can also help if you’re in the habit of leaving a lot of tabs open in your internet browser.

Yes, you can upgrade certain parts of a mini gaming PC just like any other desktop, but you'll need to pay particular attention to the size of the components you're using. Some parts, such as graphics cards, may not fit the compact case. It's also important to note that some mini PCs might use something other than conventional components.

As the name might suggest, a mini gaming PC will be far more compact than your typical desktop, allowing you to fit it into spaces that a regular PC might struggle with. Sometimes, you can make it disappear almost entirely by mounting it on a wall or under a desk.

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I test gaming laptops for a living, and this is the best deal I’ve seen all year

My top 2024 gaming laptop has just hit a record-low price at Best Buy

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 gaming laptop side profile on a wooden table

I keep coming back to the same gaming laptop every year, and that’s the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14. 2024’s installment was particularly impressive, though. Where other brands have struggled to make this year’s entries stand out, what with minor iterative upgrades under the hood, Asus took the G14 and transformed it into an incredibly versatile rig that doesn’t break the bank. It’s my favorite gaming laptop of the year, and it’s just dropped to a brand new record-low price at Best Buy. 

You’ll find the RTX 4060 configuration available for just $1,299.99 (was $1,599.99) right now. What’s more, this is only the second time I’ve seen this particular model on sale. The OLED rig took its first price cut back in May, but only dipped down to $1,349.99. Now we’ve got a further $50 off that final price, making for a full $300 discount on one of the best gaming laptops on the market. 

Of course, there are plenty of gaming laptop deals cheaper than this. So why is this the best of the year so far? It’s the combination of the machine itself and the price point that works so well here. Sure, the RTX 4060 GPU in this slimline chassis isn’t going to top the performance charts, but it will still put up a hell of a fight to get there, and it’ll do so at a price point that’s worth saving for but not prohibitively expensive while also offering a fantastic everyday experience to boot. 

Based on my testing of the RTX 4070 model this configuration will be comfortably in three-figure framerate territory with the right settings applied. But, crucially, it’s doing all that in a particularly portable, stylish, ultrabook-like chassis. Considering an M3 MacBook Pro will still set you back $1,399 even on sale, the value is here from both a gaming and productivity standpoint. That’s not something many machines can achieve at this lower mid-range price.

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 (2024) RTX 4060 gaming laptop | $1,599.99 $1,299.99 at Best BuySave $300 -

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 (2024) RTX 4060 gaming laptop | $1,599.99 $1,299.99 at Best Buy Save $300 - Best Buy has a massive $300 discount on the latest Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 gaming laptop. That brings the ultrabook/gaming rig hybrid down to a MacBook-beating price while still offering all the RTX 4060 goodness your Steam library could ask for. It’s only the second time I’ve seen this model on sale and a brand new record-low price for good measure.

Specs: AMD Ryzen 9 8945HS | Nvidia RTX 4060 | 16GB RAM | 1TB SSD | 2880 x 1800 120Hz OLED display

Buy it if: 

✅ You regularly travel with your laptop ✅ You want a high-end display ✅ You only play relatively demanding games

Don't buy it if: 

❌ You want the best performance possible

Should you buy the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14?

Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 running Shadow of the Tomb Raider benchmark on a wooden desk

The Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 has always been my go-to hybrid machine. Anyone looking for a capable work device that can still throw itself into PC games should have been watching this 2024 release from the start. Today’s $1,299.99 sale price only cements this position. It’s currently $100 cheaper than a 14-inch M3 MacBook Air, and $1,100 cheaper than the equivalent Razer Blade 14 . That’s all while offering a best-in-class OLED screen, new luxury chassis design, and compact form factor.

This isn’t a machine for those after the highest framerates possible (I’d recommend a 16-inch or 18-inch alternative in that situation), but it’s still a fantastic little Steam machine. I tested the RTX 4070 model, posting framerates ranging from 71fps in High QHD+ settings all the way up to 180fps in High FHD+ settings. That means you’re going to be comfortably over 60fps even in QHD+ High presets on an RTX 4060 model. 

Where you’re dropping those higher performance numbers, though, you’re gaining an infinitely more functional machine. I hate loading up a backpack with an 18-inch behemoth just because it cost $3K and I need to get my money’s worth by taking it to a coffee shop. If you’re regularly traveling with your machine and you need your own laptop for work, I wouldn’t be looking anywhere else. 

We’re rounding up plenty more of the best Asus gaming laptops as well as the best Razer laptops and best Alienware laptops if you’re after a different brand as well.  

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Managing Editor of Hardware at GamesRadar+, I originally landed in hardware at our sister site TechRadar before moving over to GamesRadar. In between, I've written for Tom’s Guide, Wireframe, The Indie Game Website and That Video Game Blog, covering everything from the PS5 launch to the Apple Pencil. Now, i'm focused on Nintendo Switch, gaming laptops (and the keyboards, headsets and mice that come with them), PS5, and trying to find the perfect projector. 

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travel gaming rig

Best Gaming Monitors 2024: Budget, Curved, G-Sync and More

Complete your rig with one of the best gaming monitors.

  • Best Overall
  • Best Ultra-High Refresh Rate
  • Best Widescreen
  • Best Curved
  • Best for Color
  • Best Budget Curved
  • Best Ultrawide
  • Best Portable
  • Shopping Tips

The list in brief 1. Best Overall 2. Best 500Hz 3. Best OLED 4. Best Widescreen 5. Best 4K 6. Best Curved 7. Best 165Hz 8. Best for Color 9. Best 1440p 10. Best Budget 11. Best Ultrawide 12. Best Portable 13. Best Console 14. Shopping Tips 15. Savings

It's an exciting time to be a PC gamer needing a new gaming monitor. There are many panel sizes, panel types, resolutions, aspect ratios, refresh rates, and features to choose from produced by numerous popular brands. For example, do you need AMD FreeSync or Nvidia G-Sync support? Do you prefer a traditional flat monitor or a more immersive experience with a curved monitor? The best thing about having so many available options for the consumer is that you can ideally pick the absolute best monitor based on your specific gaming needs.

When seeking the best gaming monitor for your rig, different panel types are vying for your eyeballs — IPS , TN , VA and even OLED — each with its own pros and cons. Of course, you can't forget about screen size and aspect ratio, which affect your views, desk space and, again, bank account. And we haven't even discussed bonuses, like speakers, RGB, or port selection. So many options are available to gamers, so some helpful guidance is necessary to make the best possible pick.

Below is a list of the best gaming monitors currently available based on our own tests.

The Quick List

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Gaming Monitor The Dell S3222DGM is a true jack of all trades, combining a large screen, excellent performance and a compelling price tag. The monitor features a 2560 x 1440 resolution, boasts refresh rates up to 165Hz and its VA panel generates an incredible contrast ratio of over 4,200:1.

Read more below

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Ultra-High Refresh Rate Monitor Regarding high-refresh rate monitors, the Alienware AW2524H is in a class of its own. Topping out at 500Hz, you’ll need a flagship-class graphics card like the GeForce RTX 4090 to hit those frame rates. Remember that the monitor is a bit on the smaller side, measuring 25 inches across with a 1080p resolution.

Alienware AW2725DF

Best OLED Gaming Monitor Alienware has put together a world-class 27-inch QHD gaming monitor with a QD-OLED panel and a 360 Hz refresh rate. The AW2725DF is an easy choice for gamers who don't have the desk real estate to accommodate a larger 32-inch panel but still want a colorful and responsive panel with few peers. 

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Widescreen Gaming Monitor The Alienware AW3423DWF combines two highly coveted qualities in one gaming monitor. It features a QD-OLED panel and the popular 34-inch widescreen form factor. The monitor is dripping with color (equally impressive in SDR and HDR content), has a 165Hz refresh rate, and features Alienware’s typical attention to premium materials and build quality.


Best 170Hz Gaming Monitor

The MSI G272QPF offers a terrific bang for the buck regarding gaming monitors in the sub-32-inch class. The monitor features a 27-inch QHD IPS panel with a 165Hz refresh rate (170Hz overclocked), a 1ms response time, and is both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync compatible. Best of all, you can grab the G272QPF for less than $150.

Best Curved Monitors

Best Curved Gaming Monitor For those looking for a great monitor to game at 4K resolution, look no further than the Samsung Odyssey Neo G8. The monitor measures 32 inches across and has a 240Hz refresh rate. It is accurate out-of-the-box, and the Odyssey Neo G8 is G-Sync and FreeSync certified and features 1,196 dimming zones. 

Show More ⬇️

Best Gaming Monitors

Best 165Hz Gaming Monitor

The HyperX Armada 27 was lavished with high praise by us for its accurate panel and top-notch video processing. The 27-inch monitor also comes with a nifty mounting arm to free up some space on your desktop that a stand would otherwise take up. Throw in a 165Hz refresh rate and QHD resolution, and you’ve got a real winner here.  

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Gaming Monitor for Color

MSI puts performance at the forefront with the Optix MAG274QRF-QD, which features a 165Hz QHD panel and Nvidia G-Sync support. However, the ace up the MAG274QRF-QD’s sleeve is its impressively wide color gamut and respectable (for an IPS monitor) contrast ratio. 

Dough Spectrum Black 27

Best 1440p Gaming Monitor

The Dough Spectrum Black 27 has a 240Hz refresh rate, 1440p resolution, and a 27-inch OLED panel covered in Gorilla Glass for optimum clarity. The monitor impresses on nearly every front with excellent accuracy, outstanding gaming performance, and top-notch video processing. 

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Budget Gaming Monitor

Dell’s S2422HG is on the smaller side for gaming monitors at 24 inches, but it still packs a punch. The curved monitor features a 1080p resolution, excellent contrast thanks to its VA panel, a 165Hz refresh rate, and is regularly found online for under $200.

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Ultrawide Gaming Monitor

The Samsung Odyssey G9 comes with its massive 49-inch VA panel and 5120 x 1440 resolution. Even with the huge panel, there’s still a heady 240Hz refresh rate, a tight curve to keep the action on the screen more immersive, and an incredibly accurate picture.

Best Gaming Monitors

Best Portable Gaming Monitor

Nexigo’s NG17FGQ hits the ground running with a blazing-fast 300Hz refresh rate over USB-C (240Hz over HDMI), which is stellar for a portable monitor. The 1080p IPS panel measures 17 inches and produces excellent image quality once calibrated.

Best Gaming Monitors

Best 4K Gaming Monitor for Consoles The Inzone U27M90 is perfectly suited for the PlayStation 5 as it features a similar design scheme. However, it also works great with the Xbox Series S and Series X consoles. The monitor boasts a maximum refresh rate of 120Hz and includes RGB lighting effects.

Best Gaming Monitors in 2024

Why you can trust Tom's Hardware Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

Best Gaming Monitor

Dell S3222DGM

1. Dell S3222DGM

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The Dell S3222DGM is just a great, all-around pick as the top gaming monitor thanks to its excellent image quality, plentiful features and typical solid build quality. At the heart of this display is a 2560 x 1440, curved VA panel that supports both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync at up to 165 Hz.

The S3222DGM's delivers an enviable contrast ratio thanks to its 1800R curved VA panel. While the IPS competition often struggles to break much past 1,000:1, the S3222DGM's VA panels shot to 4209:1 in our tests. The display also reproduced 122 percent of the sRGB color gamut and 85 percent of the DCI-P3 gamut on our tests along with an incredibly accurate gamut error rate of 2.07dE. 

On the connectivity front, the S3222DGM features two HDMI 2.0 connectors and one DisplayPort 1.2 port. 

For anyone looking for an excellent gaming monitor that won't break the bank, it's hard to argue against the Dell S3222DGM. 

Read: Dell S3222DGM Gaming Monitor Review

Best Ultra-High Refresh Rate Monitor

Alienware AW2524H

2. Alienware AW2524H 500 Hz

As the world's first 500Hz gaming monitor, the Alienware AW2524H plants its flag in the ground for all to see. While 360Hz displays are commonplace today, Dell's new entry ensures no frame tears or motion blur with flagship graphics cards capable of pushing 400+ frames per second.

In addition to its outright speed, the AW2524H commands a 2ms advantage in control lag over its 360Hz peers. Regarding competitive gaming, the AW2524H is an excellent tool for your arsenal. Throw in Alienware's usual excellent build quality and color performance, the AW2524H is among the best gaming monitors available on the market.

The AW2524H has no real flaws of consequence, but you will need high-end hardware to utilize its performance fully. You'll need a performant Alder Lake or Raptor Lake processor with a GeForce RTX 4090 graphics processor. The other thing to consider is pricing; the AW2524H is way more expensive than its 360Hz peers. For example, the Asus ROG Swift PG259QN is priced at around $450, while the AW2524H costs $829.99.

But for gamers with the budget and the hardware to pull it fully utilize it, the Alienware AW2524H is hard to beat.

Read: Alienware AW2524H 500 Hz Gaming Monitor Review  

Best OLED Gaming Monitor

Alienware AW2725DF

3. Alienware AW2725DF

As OLED panels become more commonplace in the gaming monitor realm, we're seeing products with faster refresh rates and low response times. While 240 Hz has been a high watermark for OLED panels for quite some time, Alienware is going above and beyond with the AW2725DF.

This 27-inch gaming monitor sports a 27-inch QD-OLED panel with a 2560 x 1440 (QHD) resolution and a speedy 360 Hz refresh rate. Its 0.03ms response time is fast enough that even a 540 Hz LCD panel (think the Asus PG248QP) can't touch it. Even though it's not pushing as many pixels as a 4K monitor, you'll still need some serious graphics muscle to flex the 360 Hz maximum at QHD resolution.

Productivity features haven’t been abandoned. Five USB ports, including USB-C connectivity for newer devices, are available. The back features customizable RGB lighting for those who like to add a splash of style to their monitors.

You get all of this with a price of $899, which is a great bargain for an OLED of this caliber. 

More : Alienware AW2725DF Gaming Monitor Review  

Best Widescreen Gaming Monitor

Alienware AW3423DWF

4. Alienware AW3423DWF

Desktop-class OLEDs used to be a rarity in the gaming monitor segment, but over the years, prices have come down, and more entries have entered the fray. The latest comes to us from Alienware, and it’s the jaw-dropping AW3423DFW.

This is a 34-inch ultra-wide monitor with a 1800R curve and a resolution of 3440 x 1440. However, the most important spec is its use of a Quantum Dot OLED (QD-OLED) panel, which offers an extremely wide color gamut and the blackest blacks you’ll find in a gaming monitor.

The QD-OLED “heart” of the AW3423DFW gives it unmatched contrast and excellent color saturation and we felt no need to calibrate the panel further out of the box. Throw in premium build quality – as we expect from Alienware – and top-notch video processing and the AW3423DFW hit all the high notes without any demerits worth mentioning for enthusiast gamers.

If you can get past the $1,100 price of entry, the AW3423DFW would make a perfect companion for Nvidia’s newest graphics cards, like the GeForce RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 .

Read: Alienware AW3423DW Gaming Monitor Review  


5. MSI G272QPF

We love a good value when it comes to gaming monitors, and the MSI G272QPF is a true standout in this category. The G272QPF features a 27-inch QHD panel, which is the sweet spot for gamers who don’t have a super-powerful flagship graphics card to drive FPS. And while 165Hz is the standard for a monitor of this class, MSI ekes out just a bit more at 170Hz, which is accessible from the OSD.

In addition to nailing the fundamentals, the G272QPF has excellent SDR and HDR color performance, and you don’t need to go through an exhaustive calibration process to achieve those results. In addition, input lag is low and MSI’s usual good build quality shines through here.

We should mention that the contrast ratio is a bit on the lower side (1,000:1) compared to typical IPS panels, and gamma is a bit on the light side. However, there’s very little to complain about here for a monitor that’s retailing for around $240.

Read: MSI G272QPF Review  

Best Curved Gaming Monitor

Samsung Odyssey Neo G8

6. Samsung Odyssey Neo G8

The Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 is just a great overall curved gaming monitor that gets all the basics right, then goes above and beyond for discerning gamers (like its maximum 240 Hz refresh rate).

Samsung also equipped this 32-inch monitor with 1000R VA panel that features Mini-LED lighting with 1,196 dimming zones. We measured contrast at 25,000:1 versus the 3,000:1 typical of VA panels. The excellent contrast should come in handy as you’re lurking in the shadows looking to cap opponents in your favorite first-person shooters.

When the Odyssey Neo G8 debuted, it had a street price of around $1,400. Now, however, the monitor can easily be found for around $1,200 or lower.

Read: Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 Review  

HyperX Armada 27

7. HyperX Armada 27

The HyperX Armada 27 is one of those standout monitors that offers the whole package. This is a 27-inch QHD display with a 2560 x 1440 resolution, 165Hz refresh rate HDR and premium built quality that we expect from HyperX.

One thing that makes the Armada 27 stand out (along with its smaller Armada 25 sibling) is the inclusion of a gaming mount for attaching the monitor to your desk instead of a traditional stand. This gives customers greater flexibility in positioning the Armada 27 for height, swivel and tilt.

Video processing on the Armada 27 is solid, with an excellent overdrive implementation, low input lag and minimal motion blur from the backlight strobe. Throw in handy calibration tools and good image quality, and the Armada 27 is a definite winner. We had only a few minor quibbles with the monitor, like the lack of speakers, but that doesn't detract from HyperX's rock-solid entry into the gaming monitor field.

Read: HyperX Armada 27 QHD 165 Hz Gaming Monitor Review  

best gaming monitor

8. MSI Optix MAG274QRF-QD

If you like your games to look extra colorful, the MSI Optix MAG274QRF-QD is the best gaming monitor for your rig. This monitor posted the widest color gamut we’ve ever recorded: 112.19% of DCI-P3 after our recommended calibration. 90% of DCI-P3 would be impressive, so this is one color-saturated screen. 

Contrast is also strong for an IPS panel, hitting 1,129.1:1 after our calibration. And for those concerned about speed, this 165 Hz screen kept up with the 170 Hz Gigabyte M27Q in our testing 

Color purists, however, will lament the lack of an sRGB mode, considering the MAG274QRF-QD’s sRGB coverage is at 166.33%. Its backlight strobe for fighting motion blur is also a disappointment. You can’t use Adaptive-Sync with it, the brightness goes down by about 50% and it created ghosting that resulted in a parallax effect with fast motion. In addition, this is yet another gaming monitor to offer HDR but without any noticeable image boost over SDR.

But if you can get past those caveats, you’ll enjoy the most colorful monitor to ever hit our lab. 

Read: MSI Optix MAG274QRF-QD Review  

Dough Spectrum Black 27

9. Dough Spectrum Black 27

The market for 27-inch OLED gaming monitors is expanding every day, with popular entries including the Acer Predator X27U . However, a newcomer on the scene is the Spectrum Black 27, which immediately made a great first impression on us. Unlike its competitors, the Spectrum Black 27 stands out with its unique features, such as a Gorilla Glass covering for the OLED panel, which provides excellent clarity and fights against reflections. You can also choose a matte finish for just $899 versus $1,099 for Gorilla Glass, adding to its appeal.

But the Spectrum Black 27 also gets the basics right, with a 2560 x 1440 display resolution, a maximum 240 Hz refresh with Nvidia G-Sync and AMD FreeSync, and 450 nits typical brightness (a maximum of 1,000 nits with HDR content). Build quality is also a plus, with premium materials and a metal stand.

When it comes to gaming, the Spectrum Black 27 doesn't disappoint. Its impressive gaming performance, combined with excellent accuracy right out of the box, is sure to excite any gamer. With a variety of settings within the OSD, you can easily tweak the image and video processing to suit your gaming style.

More : Dough Spectrum Black 27 Review

Best Budget Curved Gaming Monitor

Dell S2422HG

10. Dell S2422HG

The Dell S2422HG might be small in stature at just 23.6 inches across, but it packs quite a punch at a very attractive price point. Not everyone has the cash to drop $400 or $500 on a gaming monitor, so it's nice to see Dell providing a value-conscious entry here.

The S2422HG has a 1920 x 1080 resolution and a relatively fast refresh rate at 165 MHz. Dell uses a VA panel here, so you get excellent contrast at 3,000:1 (we measured better at 3,261.8:1) and a factory-rated brightness of 350 nits (although we only measured 324 nits). We also commend Dell for including both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync compatibility in this budget-oriented monitor.

Video processing for the S2422HG was good in our testing, and the low input lag was appreciated. However, we did have to knock the motor for its lack of sRGB mode, no integrated speakers, and a lack of USB hub functionality.

But with an MSRP of $199, the Dell S2422HG represents an excellent value in this gaming monitor space. In addition, we've seen the S2422HG fall to as low as $170 in recent months, which makes it an easy-to-recommend gaming monitor.

Read: Dell S2422HG Review  

Samsung 49-Inch Odyssey G9

11. Samsung 49-Inch Odyssey G9

The Samsung 49-Inch Odyssey G9 is one of the most extreme monitors on this page. Not only is it a massive 49 inches diagonally, but it also carries a 1000R curve, the most dramatic curve offered on a gaming monitor today. From a 2-3-feet distance, this panel will fill your view. It’s like having two 27-inch, 1440p monitors in one. You'll need nearly 4 feet of desk width and 17 inches of depth to accommodate it, but if you do, you’ll enjoy a wraparound gaming environment without image distortion. Are you looking for a smaller ultrawide? The Acer Predator X38 is also excellent. 

Testing of the 49-Inch Odyssey G9 revealed excellent contrast (2,152.9:1 after calibration), which climbed to 58,881.7:1 when it came to HDR testing. This is a bright monitor with a sharp picture and accurate DCI-P3 and sRGB color. 

At this price, though, we’d expect a little more. For example, the monitor doesn’t offer any blur reduction. However, we typically opt for Adaptive-Sync over motion blur reduction, and motion blur shouldn’t be an issue if you have a powerful enough graphics card. You also don’t get any speakers or, oddly, a framerate counter. But with solid image quality and a whole lot of speed for an ultrawide, some sacrifices are worth making.

Read: Samsung 49-Inch Odyssey G9 Review  

Best Portable Gaming Monitor: Nexigo NG17FGQ

12. Nexigo NG17FGQ

When you think of displays with a 300Hz refresh rate, you typically picture desktop monitors with a Full HD resolution. However, Nexigo offers something on a smaller scale in the form of the NG17FGQ. This is a 17.3-inch portable monitor that offers a 300Hz refresh rate and connects to a laptop or desktop via HDMI or USB-C (DisplayPort Alt-Mode).

To take advantage of that fast 300Hz refresh rate, you'll need to connect over USB-C with a computer that supports full bandwidth capabilities. If you decide to connect via HDMI, you're limited to 240Hz, which is still heady for a portable monitor. 

Gaming performance across the board is excellent with the NG17FGQ, and it can produce some amazing colors once the panel is calibrated. Its overall good build quality also means that it should stand up to the rigors of behind tossed around in a bag while traveling. 

Nexigo even includes a handy remote that can be used to navigate the on-screen display (OSD). Toss in stereo speakers to blast some tunes on the go, and the NG17FGQ makes a great travel companion for gamers and productivity-minded folks alike.

More: Nexigo NG17FGQ Review  

Sony Inzone U27M90

13. Sony Inzone U27M90

Sony uses a 27-inch 4K IPS panel for the Inzone M9, and it has a full-array backlight with 96 dimming zones. The monitor features two HDMI 2.1 ports, and a contrast ratio that maxes out at 1,000:1. The Inzone M9 also supports Variable Refresh Rates on the Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 along with refresh rates of up to 120Hz at 4K (144Hz max on PCs).

As for pricing, the Inzone M9 debuted at $899, but is now priced around $700 at retailers like Amazon .

Read: Sony Inzone M9 27-Inch 4K Monitor Review

Shopping Tips for Gaming Monitors

When trying to buy the best gaming monitor for your PC, consider the following:

  • G-Sync or FreeSync? G-Sync only works with PCs with Nvidia graphics cards, while FreeSync only works with systems using AMD ones. So you can technically run G-Sync on a FreeSync-only monitor , but performance isn't guaranteed. FreeSync monitors tend to be cheaper, and performance is comparable. For a detailed comparison of the two technologies' performance, see our Nvidia G-Sync vs. AMD FreeSync comparison article.
  • For image quality, TN < IPS < VA < OLED.  Typically, TN monitors are the fastest and cheapest but have weaker viewing angles. IPS displays have slightly slower response times but better color than VA monitors. The best gaming monitors for contrast are VA, but VA also has slower response times. Displays with OLED panels are expensive but the most colorful by far.
  • Refresh rates: bigger is better. This number explains the number of times your monitor updates with new information per second — stated in hertz (Hz) — and, therefore, how many frames per second (fps) the monitor can display. Bigger numbers mean smoother images. Refresh rate is especially important for gamers, so you'll want to shoot for a monitor with at least 120 Hz (most gaming monitors offer at least 144 Hz), combined with the lowest response time you can find.
  • Resolution: Full HD, QHD, 4K . The most popular screen resolutions for gaming monitors are Full HD (1920 x 1080), QHD (2560 x 1440) and 4K (3840 x 2160). The more pixels a screen has, the sharper its image should look. So a 4K monitor will show a more crisp image and more detail than a lower resolution Full HD monitor. Generally speaking, the lowest resolution monitors push the fastest refresh rates, reaching upwards of 500 Hz . Because they have to push many more pixels, 4K monitors usually top out at a 144 Hz refresh rate, although some can hit 240 Hz .

Savings on Best Gaming Monitors

When shopping for any gaming monitor, including those above, you may save some money by checking out our lists of best computer monitor deals , Dell Coupon Codes , Lenovo coupon codes , LG coupon codes or Newegg coupon codes .

MORE: Best Gaming Monitors

MORE: How We Test PC Monitors

MORE: How to Choose the Best HDR Monitor

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Christian Eberle is a Contributing Editor for Tom's Hardware US. He's a veteran reviewer of A/V equipment, specializing in monitors. Christian began his obsession with tech when he built his first PC in 1991, a 286 running DOS 3.0 at a blazing 12MHz. In 2006, he undertook training from the Imaging Science Foundation in video calibration and testing and thus started a passion for precise imaging that persists to this day. He is also a professional musician with a degree from the New England Conservatory as a classical bassoonist which he used to good effect as a performer with the West Point Army Band from 1987 to 2013. He enjoys watching movies and listening to high-end audio in his custom-built home theater and can be seen riding trails near his home on a race-ready ICE VTX recumbent trike. Christian enjoys the endless summer in Florida where he lives with his wife and Chihuahua and plays with orchestras around the state.

Upgrade to an Acer Nitro 27-inch gaming monitor with a 170 Hz refresh rate for only $149

AOC Agon Pro AG456UCZD 45-inch ultra-wide OLED gaming monitor review: Extreme curve and speedy performance

Microsoft backtracks on new Recall feature — enhancing Recall's security and making it an opt-in decision

  • shrapnel_indie waiting for a review on this one: Asus MG28UQ: (Going for as low as $513.54 USD right now) UHD, FreeSync, USB 3.0 that can charge devices, HDMA 2.0 & HDMA 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2? 1.3? EDIT: Yay! you did review it! (recently too):,4683.html Reply
  • Verrin I own an Acer XG270HU, great monitor. You have to be careful when buying it though, because some of their early production models had a firmware bug that prevented the overdrive from working properly, leading to some nasty ghosting/blur. I had to send mine in to get the firmware updated, and it wasn't a fun process. But once I got it back, I've been nothing but happy with the quality and features of this panel. IMHO FreeSync/G-Sync is probably the greatest development in gaming in the last decade. Reply
  • rahulkadukar When are you planning to review Acer XB271HU, next year ? This list is a joke, arguably the best gaming monitor in the world is not even on the list. Reply
  • mortsmi7 I guess I'm the only one who desires an increase in picture quality/pixel density over screen realestate. I'll take my cheaper 1440p 27" IPS instead of a 1440p 32" LED any day. Reply
  • apertotes I wish that you had added contrast to the chart. The same can be said about the professional monitors article. I really believe it is the single most important attribute on a monitor. Reply
  • Achoo22 I threw up in my mouth a little when I read the first line of the Asus PG279Q review: "Users looking to build a no-holds-barred rig can literally create an all-Asus system made up of premium components that deliver only the highest performance." Guerilla marketing with sponsored content much? Shame on you, Toms, for being complicit. Reply
18202963 said: When are you planning to review Acer XB271HU, next year ?
  • MorningstarZero The link and pricing you have for the AOC G2460PQ in the article is wrong. The link takes you to Amazon for the AOC G2460PQU, a similar monitor to the AOC G2460PQ except for one small problem... the PQU DOESN'T have G-Sync. The pricing appears to be closely made off the PQU which is currently $228 (I'm guessing the price changed after this article was written.) Here's the link for the G2460PQ: It's currently selling for $414. Reply
  • sunny420 You mention in the updates, "This month, LG makes the cut with its 34UC98..." I'm not seeing any information about this monitor in the article. Reply
  • Mopar63 I daily use the Nixeus NX-VUE24A and the BenQ XL2730Z, I ditched my IPS gaming monitors for the amazing smooth game play I can get with both of these. While they are TN panels the game play experience in no way suffers and the Freesync implementation in both is outstanding. I wanted to love the Acer XR341CK and bought one, then promptly returned it. Early reviews got cherry picked samples, general consumer buying was a lottery and most ended with an issue. Attempts to get support where treated with bored indifference and I know two different people that went through 3 RMAs before getting a monitor with few enough issues to keep. (They had to pay for shipping each time and Acer would not offer to compensate after the first RAM was a failure as well) Seeing all these horror stories I chose the refund route. I am hearing that the QA issues have finally been resolved but I feel that for the price point quality should not be a crap shoot, but the norm. Reply
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Hog Heaven Gaming is a family friendly place that strives to be a safe, comfortable, and fun environment for people of all walks of life. We have humble beginnings in Moscow Idaho and hope to, eventually, expand to other regions in the state. We are dedicated to the ideal, that everyone has fun every time they come in and are able to experience a wide range of gaming variety.  We have over 100+ video games (including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, X-Box One, and old vintage games from older systems), regionally popular card games (Magic, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Star Wars Destiny, and Dice Masters), wide variety of the latest board games, and table top RPG's including Warhammer, Pathfinder, and D&D.

Hog Heaven Gaming is dedicated to become a positive influence for the community and the youth.  Welcoming to all ages, race, religion, creed, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, physical or mental disability, and medical conditions.

Hog Heaven Gaming is to provide a fun and entertaining place to shop and play in a welcoming environment.


  • No Swearing/Foul Language
  • 14 and younger - kids need parental approval to play Mature games
  • No outside drinks or food (except for water bottles)
  • No horse playing in the store


We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun!

tournament RULES

Magic - modern, magic - standard, magic - commander, banned playing cards, p.o. box #3491, moscow, id 83843.

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Biden said American weapons would not be used to strike Moscow and the Kremlin

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said in an interview Thursday that U.S. weapons would not be used to strike Moscow and the Kremlin as he commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy.

During an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir, Biden was asked whether American weapons were being used inside Russia. Biden recently authorized Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied weapons to return fire against Russian forces attacking them near the Kharkiv region.

"They're authorized to be used in proximity to the border when they're being used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets in Ukraine," Biden told Muir. "We're not authorizing strikes 200 miles into Russia and we're not authorizing strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin."

Muir then asked Biden about a statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin made that "the supply of high-precision weapons to Ukraine for strikes on Russian territory is direct participation in this war."

“Does that concern you?” Muir asked.

“I've known him for over 40 years. He's concerned me for 40 years. He's not a decent man," Biden said. "He's a dictator, and he's struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping this assault going.”

“We're not talking about giving them weapons to strike Moscow, to strike the Kremlin, to strike against - just across the border, where they're receiving significant fire from conventional weapons used by the Russians to go into Ukraine to kill…Ukrainians,” he added.

Contributing: Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden said U.S. weapons would not be used to strike Moscow, Kremlin

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Ticket prices for the Trans-Siberian Railway also depend on the current ruble exchange rate.

Is the Trans-Siberian Railway expensive?

Before starting on your Trans-Siberian Railway adventure you naturally want to know what the entire trip will cost. Although this sounds like a simple question, it is pretty difficult to answer. The Trans-Siberian Railway price of travel depends on the following factors:

  • Which travel class do I want to use? The price for a first class ticket is about three times the price of a 3rd class ticket
  • Am I willing to buy the tickets myself and assume responsibility for the organisation of the trip?
  • How many stopovers do I want to make? The more breaks, the higher the total price.
  • What sort of accommodation do I want? Will it be a luxury hotel or will a hostel dormitory be sufficient?
  • What tours and excursions would I like to go on?
  • What is the current exchange rate for rubles?

Basically, everything from a luxury to a budget holiday is available. If you buy yourself a 3rd Class nonstop ticket at the counter, a few hundred Euros will cover the price. All you will experience is a week on the Trans-Siberian train and will see nothing of the cities on the way. There is, however, any amount of room for upward expansion. Everyone makes different choices about which aspects they are willing to spend money on. I personally prefer to save money on accommodation and railcar class, visit as many cities and do as many trips as possible. To enable better classification of your travel expenses I have contrasted two typical traveler types. In the third column you can calculate the total cost of your own journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that these are only rough estimations and not exact prices.

The all-in costs seem fairly high at first. However, they cover everything and it is quite a long journey taking four weeks. Many people forget to consider that when looking at the list. We should also deduct the running costs for food and leisure at home. I think most visitors to this page will classify themselves somewhere between the two categories, that is around the € 2,000 – € 2,500 range. When comparing these prices with other travel packages, you get the impression that it is hardly worthwhile travelling individually on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that most packages last no more than 14 days and you are herded like cattle through the most beautiful locations.

If you spend less time on the Trans-Siberian Railway you will, of course, pay less. I chose this particular travel length because I prefer not to do things by halves. If you fulfill your dream of travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway, enjoy it and don’t rush things. But it’s up to you, of course. Try playing around with the form a bit to find the appropriate price for your trip.

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A father’s day gift guide for dungeon master dads.

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The Young Adventurer's Guides for Dungeons & Dragons are a great gift for Dungeon Masters who are ... [+] also dads.

It can be hard to buy gifts for Dungeons & Dragons fans. They probably already have all the books they want and a favorite set of dice. With Father’s Day around the corner, a D&D gift for a geeky dad sounds like a good idea but the reality can be a bit complicated.

Luckily there are options outside of the official line of products. Some of these selections help make running the game easier, some are there to enjoy outside of game night. These options are good for any gift giving holiday so keep these items in mind for Mother’s Day, birthdays and the holidays as well.

ENHANCE Tabletop Gaming Accessories

Dungeon Master dads already might have all the books and dice they need to run a game of D&D. They also likely have a beat up old backpack or some other way to transport these materials to game night. ENHANCE offers bags custom built for gamers who want maximum protection for their gaming materials.

The tabletop bags include custom fit pouches for dice, books and miniatures. They offer padding that can be configured to fit the owner’s tastes and collection. They also make similar products for other nerdy hobbies like collectible card games.

Young Adventurer’s Guides

The Young Adventurer’s Guides are officially licenced from Wizards of the Coast and aimed at young adults. They offer a bridge between kids and parents to talk about the game. These books do a great job of explaining the concepts of being a good Dungeon Master.

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The Best Gaming Mouse That’ll Improve Your Aim

The latest book in the series, Artificers And Alchemy , offers a look at magical items and the people who make them. They present D&D lore in small chunks that are easy to manage. The book is full of gorgeous illustrations that can be used as inspration for games where Dungeon Mastrs run games for their kids.

Wizkids Red Dragon’s Lair

Miniatures are a fun way to enhance any D&D night. There’s a neat feeling that washes over the table when the Dungeon Master drops an impressive figure on the table. A big reveal for a boss fight gets everyone excited and focused.

Wizkids Adventure In A Box: Red Dragon’s Lair contains an awesome looking red dragon figure. It also contains everything a Dungeon Master needs to run an advanture inside the lair like kobold henchmen and battlemaps full of dragon treasure. There are even pieces of scenery to make the battlefield more dynamic.

Dungeon Masters love running D&D but sometimes they want to play too. Rather than pass off DM duties to someone else, Pericle lets everyone play together with an app in charge of the rules and story. This game is a great choice for dads who want to play a fantasy adventure with their kids but don’t want to be the bad guys on the other side of the screen.

Pericle: Gthering Darkness puts players into a classic fantasy story. The company also recently kickstarted Pericle: Labyrnth which focuses more on dungeon tactics and combat. Both games also offer expansions like extra characters and game aids.

H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society

Not all role playing game dads are Dungeon Masters. Some are Keepers who prefer the cosmic horror of Call of Cthulhu to the fantasy adventure of Dungeons & Dragons. The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society has some great gift selections for these spooky dads ranging from Miskatonic University gear to audio dramas that tell Cthulhu Mythos tales in the style of classic radio plays.

Their newest release is a collection of prop maps featuring everything from famous Lovecraft Country locations to mysterious islands from which no human has returned. Many of these maps have been adapted from historical sources and feel like real vintage products of their time. They can be used to enhance game sessions or framed and put up in the gaming room to feed the nerdy mood.

Rob Wieland

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For example, everyone who instructs Copilot to create a "recipe for apple pie" is likely to wind up with identical or nearly identical content. 

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Microsoft developed a Responsible AI Standard . It's a framework for building AI systems according to six principles: fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability. For Microsoft, these principles are the cornerstone of a responsible and trustworthy approach to AI, especially as intelligent technology becomes more prevalent in products and services that people use every day. 

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With the Copilot experience, you can also ask follow-up questions such as, “can you explain that in simpler terms,” or, “give me more options” to get different and even more detailed answers in your search. However, in Copilot, each conversation will have a limited number of interactions, to keep the interactions grounded in search. 

Copilot builds on the existing Bing experience to provide you with a new type of search.   

  • Beyond generating a list of relevant links, Copilot consolidates reliable sources across the web to give you a single, summarized answer.   
  • Search in a way that feels natural to how you talk, text, and think. Copilot takes your complex searches and shares back a detailed response.   
  • In the Copilot experience, you can chat naturally and ask follow-up questions to your initial search to get detailed replies.  

Copilot can be used as a creative tool. It can help you write poems, stories, or even share ideas for a project. 

While Copilot works to avoid sharing unexpected offensive content in search results and has taken steps to prevent its Copilot features from engaging on potentially harmful topics, you may still see unexpected results. We’re constantly working to improve our technology in preventing harmful content.   

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A mega new update for Nintendo Switch Online members!

Looking for some classic gaming? Nintendo Switch Online members have instant access to a large library of Game Boy™ , Super NES™ , and NES™ games—including classics like the Kirby's Dream Land™ , Super Mario World™ , The Legend of Zelda™: A Link to the Past™ , and Super Mario Bros.™ 3 games.

More games have been added, so here’s a list to catch you up!

Game Boy™ – Nintendo Switch Online

Mega man: dr. wily's revenge.

Send Dr. Wily's evil creations to the trash heap!

Dr. Wily is at it again! Fresh from his defeat at the hands of Mega Man, the mad scientist Dr. Wily has revived his Robot Masters and even constructed a new "Mega Man Killer" named Enker. Now, only Mega Man can save the world from destruction! Featuring content from the original Mega Man and Mega Man 2, play as Capcom's iconic cybernetic superhero in his first portable adventure.


Dr. Wily is up to no good, once again.

Dr. Wily has stolen an experimental time travel device and zipped off to the future! Meanwhile, Mega Man and his trusty sidekick, Rush, are sent on a mysterious mission to investigate an underground lair. Jump and blast your way through a barrage of maniacal enemies while collecting a variety of weapons and items to help fight more Robot Masters!


It's a disaster and only Mega Man can stop it!

The dastardly Dr. Wily has taken control of an off-shore oil rig, aiming to drill to the center of the Earth to collect energy for his latest invention. Assisted by cyber-canine Rush and robotic helper Eddie, you must progress through Dr. Wily's fiendish fortress, battling various Robot Masters and collecting their weapons.


Sudden chaos at the World Robot Exposition!

Dr. Wily is using his mind-controlling device to set all robots to attack! The only one not under his control is Mega Man, who sets off to stop Dr. Wily, joined by Rush and Beat. Together this trio battles fortresses of laser turrets, waves of armed androids, and fiendish Robot Masters.

Equipped with new upgrades, Mega Man faces a robot army!

After another of Dr. Wily's failed attempts at world domination, peace reigns on Earth once more. Or so it would seem. During a peaceful stroll with his sister Roll, Mega Man is confronted by a powerful robot called Terra that drops out of the sky! This new enemy easily defeats Mega Man, then quickly dispatches an army of robots to conquer Earth. Waking up in Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man is given a new and powerful weapon to defeat the alien invasion: the Mega Arm. Now equipped to take down his enemies, Mega Man sets off to restore peace!

About Nintendo Switch Online

Don’t have a Nintendo Switch Online membership yet? In addition to getting access to a selection of 100+ Game Boy, Super NES, and NES games , you’ll also be able to play with your friends online , back up your save data to the cloud and use voice chat with other players via the smartphone app in compatible games, and get access to members-only special offers .

Any Nintendo Switch Online membership (sold separately) and Nintendo Account required. Membership auto-renews after initial term at the then-current price unless canceled. Persistent Internet, compatible smartphone, and Nintendo Account age 13+ required to use app. Data charges may apply. Online features, Save Data Cloud, and Nintendo Switch Online smartphone app features available in compatible games. Not available in all countries. The Nintendo Account User Agreement, including the Purchase and Subscription terms, apply. Learn more at


  1. My RV Work/Play Battlestation

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  2. Xbox Series X & S Portable Gaming Station with Built-in Monitor

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  3. My favorite traveling PC gaming rig : r/sffpc

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  4. My favorite traveling PC gaming rig : r/sffpc

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  5. Ultimate Travel Bag PC Gaming Build RGB Edition : r/pcmasterrace

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  6. Gaming Camper Setups of Your Dreams

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  1. A transport helicopter carrying Russian officers was shot down/Military Simulation

  2. My Ultimate Watercooled Gaming Rig 2010 ( Part 1 )

  3. Dirt Rally на руле Logitech G27 и с ручником от DimSim

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  5. ROG

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  1. How To Travel With Your Gaming Pc On Plane. Ultimate Guide To Packing

    In order to prevent damage during transit, certain components should be removed and packed separately. Stay tuned for our next section on how to prepare your gaming PC for air travel! Prepare Your PC for Travel. Get ready to ensure your beloved gaming rig arrives at its destination safe and sound with these essential tips for prepping it for ...

  2. Best gaming setup for traveling

    Parsec is a more complete remote streaming service that supports multi-monitor displays, 4K 60 fps streams, pressure-sensitive touch input for styluses, and a host of tools for management and collaboration. It's free for personal use, and you can access your desktop via the app or on a web browser. Compared to Steam Link, Parsec is a much quicker and user-friendly experience.

  3. 12 Best Portable Gaming PC's for on the Road

    11. Beelink GTR7 Mini PC. The Beelink GTR7 is a highly portable mini PC that's ideal for VR/ light gaming. It has an AMD Ryzen 7 3750H processor with integrated Radeon Vega 10 graphics and comes equipped with 32GB of DDR4 RAM. Other features include a 500 GB SSD, Bluetooth 5.0, and the latest WiFi 6.0.

  4. How to travel with your PC

    Shipping or transporting a PC can be stressful, so we compiled some of the top tips to help you be as prepared as you can be to transport your gaming rig! an...

  5. Full Motion Simulator 2,3,6 Axis Platforms for PC home Flight and

    Simple yet effective motion simulator that enhances gaming by moving the seat on 2-Axis. 2-Axis MOVER (M2) HERO. Ultimate in-depth gaming experience with all your controls moving along with you. ... Our chassis are made from industrial steel providing the rig strength to handle most DD wheels over 30NM and hydraulic pedals of over 200 kg.

  6. The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with a Gaming PC: Desktop Computer On A

    Gaming computers are a new breed of computers that are specifically designed for playing games. These computers feature faster processors and graphics cards to render the best quality images, and they come in desktop form factor as well so you can easily upgrade them yourself. If you love to game thus would want to travel with a gaming PC, then this guide is for you.

  7. Looking for Travel Gaming Rig Recommendations : r/GamingLaptops

    The asus g14 was one of the best gaming laptops of 2020 thanks to it's portability and having the horse power to play triple A games. If you don't mind waiting then i reccomend to wait for the rtx3000 series coming out in the next few days.

  8. Portable Gaming PC in a Suitcase : 7 Steps (with Pictures

    Step 3: Notes on Making a Base Board for the Motherboard and PSU. as mentioned, the video shows these steps in detail: Cut a wood/plywood piece to fit inside the case. place the motherboard and mark the holes. drill the holes (4 or 5mm drill bit). to drill straight, use an old CD and align the drill bit with its reflection :)

  9. Best way to transport gaming pc

    Partially disassemble it. Remove CPU heatsink, videocard, drives. Heatsink goes in bubble wrap, video card and drives go in static bags, and bubblewrap. Line the inside of the PC with a large static bag and place all components inside on top. Use packing tape to seal up everything.

  10. Best Gaming PCs 2024

    Best Mid-range gaming PC. The iBuyPower Y60 is a strong mid-range gaming desktop with plenty of room to grow. It comes in the beautiful (but large) Hyte Y60 case to show off your components, and ...

  11. Portable Powerhouse: The Perfect Gaming Rig for On The Go

    Especially if you want to overclock your CPU and throw in some serious liquid cooling. Asetek may have pioneered AIO liquid cooling on Mini-ITX builds with 120mm and 140mm options, but today even 240mm radiators will fit. This portable rig is built with the following specs: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X. MSI MPG B550i Gaming Edge.

  12. Travel Gaming Rig Questions : r/buildapc

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  13. How to take your PC games with you over the holidays

    Download the games you want to play and make sure they're updated. Load up any games that you've played on another PC to download your up-to-date cloud saves. Switch to Steam Offline mode before ...

  14. Mini PC Gaming Rig for Work and Travel on the Go. Amazon Day ...

    MOTHERBOARD: The GIGABYTE B650I AORUS Ultra is a good mini-ITX mb with Wi-Fi 6E. MEMORY: The G.Skill Ripjaws S5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 is great memory with excellent timings. STORAGE: The 2TB XS70 is an extremely fast PCIe 4.0 SSD. VIDEO CARD: For ML, you need an Nvidia GPU.

  15. Keep Gaming On the Go With These Travel Essentials

    Our list of headphones and earbuds under $50 features a myriad of solid choices. For earbuds, you absolutely can't go wrong with the Shure SE112. For over-the-ear options, the Marshall Major II ...

  16. The Best Mini PCs for Gaming in 2024

    HP Pavilion TG01-1020. It's not the smallest or the most powerful mini PC out there, but the HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop is affordable and powerful enough to play most modern games, albeit not at the highest settings. While it's a fundamental system, it's good enough to make a reasonable entry into PC gaming.

  17. I test gaming laptops for a living, and this is the best deal I've seen

    The OLED rig took its first price cut back in May, but only dipped down to $1,349.99. Now we've got a further $50 off that final price, making for a full $300 discount on one of the best gaming ...

  18. Flight Simulation Rig

    Here at Trak Racer, we have been designing and pioneering leading high-end gaming flight simulators, platforms, and accessories since 2008, so that you can get the excitement of experiencing a real flight simulator at home.As the official simulator supplier for Airbus Aircrafts, we have conducted comprehensive research across professional pilot flight simulators as well as real-world motor ...

  19. Best Gaming Monitors 2024: Budget, Curved, G-Sync and More

    Here are the best gaming monitors for PC, from budget displays to 144Hz, 4K and curved. ... the MSI Optix MAG274QRF-QD is the best gaming monitor for your rig. This monitor posted the widest color ...

  20. Score This Affordable Dell G16 16" RTX 4060 Gaming Laptop For ...

    Starting today, Dell is offering a Dell G16 GeForce RTX 4060 Gaming Laptop for only $899.99 after a $350 instant discount. This is a great affordable 1080p mobile gaming rig, complete with a ...

  21. Save $900 Off an Alienware RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Gaming PC and 34 ...

    By Eric Song. Updated: Jun 7, 2024 10:22 am. Dell is currently offering the Alienware Aurora R16 RTX 4070 Ti SUPER gaming PC for $1899.99 after a $500 instant discount. Better yet, you can bundle ...

  22. Hog Heaven Gaming

    Hog Heaven Gaming is a family friendly place that strives to be a safe, comfortable, and fun environment for people of all walks of life. We have humble beginnings in Moscow Idaho and hope to, eventually, expand to other regions in the state. We are dedicated to the ideal, that everyone has fun every time they come in and are able to experience ...

  23. PC Gaming in a RV : r/GoRVing

    I'm in the process of going from 2.4kWh of 12v lithium to 4.8kWh of 48v and 3kW of inverter. If your rig averages 480W, then I'd get about 10 hours of gaming. My battery was $1500 and my inverter $800. It depends on what you're particular rv has for electrical set up.

  24. Biden said American weapons would not be used to strike Moscow and the

    Here's what that means. WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said in an interview Thursday that U.S. weapons would not be used to strike Moscow and the Kremlin as he commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. During an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir, Biden was asked whether American weapons were being used inside Russia.

  25. Richard Ayoade & Greg Davies in Moscow

    Richard and Greg Davies clash with army tanks and head into space in the Russian capital. To watch the full episode click here

  26. Trans-Siberian Railway Prices Calculation

    When comparing these prices with other travel packages, you get the impression that it is hardly worthwhile travelling individually on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that most packages last no more than 14 days and you are herded like cattle through the most beautiful locations.

  27. A Father's Day Gift Guide For Dungeon Master Dads

    Random House Penguin. It can be hard to buy gifts for Dungeons & Dragons fans. They probably already have all the books they want and a favorite set of dice. With Father's Day around the corner ...

  28. Copilot for Telegram

    Gaming Glory . Ready to level up? Ask Copilot for the latest game releases, cheat codes, and walkthroughs. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, let's play and conquer the gaming world! 🎮👾 ... Just ask Copilot to get personalized travel itineraries, recommended local attractions and so much more. Let the journey ...

  29. Tips on moving a Gaming PC on airplane travel : r/techsupport

    Take that shit apart and wrap it all in bubble wrap. so, strip the case of your gpu, heatsink, hard drives. wrap the gpu in anti static bag, and bubble wrap/protective wrap it in your bag. cpu heatsink aint so fragile so just stuff it in your bag. and then pack your bag so its not loose, everything is nicely fit.

  30. New update for Nintendo Switch Online members

    A mega new update for Nintendo Switch Online members! Looking for some classic gaming? Nintendo Switch Online members have instant access to a large library of Game Boy™, Super NES™, and NES ...