Sara L'Esploratrice

Travel blog di Sara Ciolini

Viaggio nei Balcani tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia: itinerario e informazioni

viaggio nei balcani Croazia Montenegro Bosnia

Un viaggio nei Balcani ormai si era insediato nella mia mente da un bel po’ di tempo,  ma per un motivo o per un altro non mi ero ancora decisa ad organizzarlo. Quest’estate 2018 invece è arrivata l’occasione giusta

e in meno di un mese ci siamo trovati ad organizzare un viaggio nei Balcani on the road di due settimane, tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia.

Il cuore del viaggio fin dall’inizio era la Bosnia con la sua affascinante e quasi esotica capitale Sarajevo.

Vediamo nello specifico come organizzare un viaggio nei Balcani tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia.

organizzare un viaggio nei Balcani

Organizzare un viaggio nei Balcani: Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia

  • 1. Documenti
  • 3. Come arrivare e come muoversi nei Balcani
  • 4.1 Carta Verde
  • 4.2 Frontiere
  • 4.3 Condizioni delle strade e controlli
  • 6. Sicurezza nei Balcani
  • 7. Connessione internet
  • 9. Itinerario di viaggio tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia
  • Documenti per Croazia La Croazia è membro dell’Unione Europea dal 1° luglio 2013, ma non ancora membro dell’area Schengen . Per questo alle frontiere, che sia in aeroporto o in auto alla dogana, vi verranno controllati i documenti. E’ necessario quindi viaggiare o con carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio (anche rinnovata con timbro sul retro) o con passaporto (con validità residua di 90 giorni).
  • Documenti per Montenegro Per entrare nel Montenegro (che ancora non è in Unione Europea) è sufficiente la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio per soggiorni inferiori ai 30 giorni o, come sempre, il passaporto (per soggiorni fino ad un massimo di 90 giorni).
  • Documenti per Bosnia E’ consentito entrare con carta d’identità o passaporto le cui date di scadenza eccedano di almeno 3 mesi il periodo previsto di soggiorno in Bosnia Erzegovina. Per la Bosnia è inoltre raccomandato di non utilizzare carte d’identità rinnovate; nel caso di carte di identità scadute è necessaria la sostituzione con una di nuova emissione. Inoltre, precisa il sito Viaggiare Sicuri , si sono verificati casi di non accettazione di carte d’identità rilasciate o rinnovate dopo il 10 febbraio 2012, la cui validità è prorogata fino al giorno e mese di nascita del titolare. Il visto d’ingresso non è necessario per soggiorni inferiori ai 90 giorni.

Per essere tranquilli al 100%, visto che per Montenegro e Bosnia parliamo di paesi extra UE, se ce l’avete la cosa migliore è viaggiare con il passaporto. I controlli alle dogane saranno sicuramente più sbrigativi.

moneta Croazia, Bosnia, Montenegro

  • Moneta croata La moneta croata è la Kuna (hrk) il cui cambio attualmente (settembre 2018) è di 1 EUR = 7,43589 HRK. Nei luoghi più turistici a volte vengono accettati gli euro, ma ovviamente il cambio applicato non sarà a nostro vantaggio. Vi consiglio quindi, una volta arrivati, di prelevare la moneta locale ai vari bancomat che trovate facilmente.
  • Moneta montenegrina Nonostante non sia in Unione Europea, il Montenegro utilizza l’ Euro . Facilissimo.
  • Moneta bosniaca La moneta bosniaca è il Marco Bosniaco o Marco Convertibile (BAM o KM) . La particolarità di questa moneta è che il suo cambio è fisso, cioè non è soggetto a fluttuazioni: 1 KM equivale sempre a 0,51129 €. Nelle destinazioni più turistiche ( Mostar in particolare) è quasi sempre possibile pagare indistintamente anche in Euro e in Kune croate. Questa soluzione è consigliata gusto se sconfinate per un giorno, altrimenti conviene sempre prelevare moneta locale. Fate attenzione che non vi rimanga moneta bosniaca una volta concluso il viaggio (o che non ve ne rimangano molti) perché in Italia non è possibile cambiarla.

Come arrivare e come muoversi nei Balcani

Per questo viaggio nei Balcani abbiamo scelto proprio di fare un on the road in auto per la libertà e la semplicità con la quale ci si può muovere in questo modo.

Amo viaggiare in autobus e treno, anche per una questione economica, ma visitare questi paesi con i mezzi pubblici richiede mooolta calma e mooolto tempo.

Se siete interessati ai bus , potete controllare i siti di Flixbus  (con la quale è possibile arrivare per esempio a Sarajevo, con un cambio) di Florentia  e di CentroTrans , ma se prendete in considerazione davvero questa opzione armatevi di molta pazienza. Dal nord Italia sono presenti più collegamenti ma spesso questi servizi sono stagionali o vengono interrotti di tanto in tanto; quindi è bene informarsi per tempo e non farci troppo affidamento. Per le compagnie locali che effettuano spostamenti interni è meglio andare di persona alle stazioni dei bus a chiedere gli orari e comprare i biglietti, perché non è facile trovare informazioni online e se le si trova non è detto che siano attendibili.

Discorso simile per i treni , anzi peggio forse. Le tratte che funzionano bene sono poche (per esempio Slovenia e Croazia) e pensare di muoversi solo così richiede (again) molto più tempo del normale.

In aereo potete arrivare bene in Croazia, dove le maggiori città sono collegate con voli diretti dall’Italia. Noi per esempio abbiamo volato su Spalato da Firenze (e poi da lì noleggiato l’auto). Purtroppo per la Bosnia non esistono voli diretti dall’Italia; ce ne sono però da altre città europee come Lubiana, Belgrado, Vienna, Zagabria, Monaco, Francoforte o Istanbul. Mentre su Podgorica in Montenegro da non molto si vola diretti da Milano e da Roma.

Se trovate dei buoni prezzi e i porti italiani sulla costa adriatica non sono troppo lontano da voi, anche arrivare in traghetto sull’altra sponda non è una cattiva soluzione.

Arrivati fin qui avrete capito che la soluzione migliore per un viaggio nei Balcani è quella dell’auto. Raggiungere la destinazione con la propria auto da casa se non abitate troppo lontano, o noleggiarla una volta arrivati a destinazione con una delle soluzioni descritte qui sopra.

Viaggiare in auto in Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia

come muoversi viaggio nei Balcani

Carta Verde

La prima cosa che dovete ricordarvi se viaggiate in auto nei Balcani è quella di controllare se gli stati che attraverserete richiedono il possesso della Carta Verde (Bosnia e Montenegro per esempio la richiedono). La carta verde è il certificato internazionale di assicurazione che consente ad un veicolo di entrare e circolare in un Paese estero essendo in regola con l’obbligo dell’assicurazione RCA del paese visitato.

Se viaggiate con la vostra auto richiedete la carta verde alla vostra assicurazione. Se noleggiate l’auto richiedetela alla compagnia che ve la fornirà dietro compenso specifico (nel nostro caso con la Sixt ci hanno chiesto €36, che poi in realtà ci hanno abbonato dopo che abbiamo aumentato la copertura assicurativa).

Cosa succede se non avete la carta verde? Alla frontiera dovrete acquistare un’apposita polizza temporanea che però sarà molto più costosa della carta verde.

Una delle maggiori preoccupazioni nell’affrontare un viaggio in auto nei Balcani o comunque fuori dall’area Schengen è quello dei controlli alle dogane. Quello che ci preoccupava di più erano soprattutto le eventuali code e le lunghe attese. Ovviamente questo aspetto dipende molto anche dal periodo in cui viaggiate, a ferragosto e a novembre probabilmente i tempi di attesa saranno molto diversi.

Arrivando in Croazia con il volo noi abbiamo scansato la frontiera più preoccupante ad agosto, quella appunto tra Italia e Croazia. E devo dire che per le altre siamo stati molto fortunati ; non abbiamo mai fatto più di 20 minuti di attesa credo. Noi abbiamo viaggiato nell’ultima settimana di agosto e prima di settembre, ma non prendete la nostra esperienza come norma (ho letto di code di alcune ore a volte).

Non abbiamo incontrato alcun tipo di problema nei controlli che sono quasi sempre stati veloci; vi verranno richiesti i documenti dell’auto e i vostri passaporti (o carte d’identità).

Solo all’uscita della Croazia, per entrare in Bosnia, ci hanno fatto accostare l’auto e controllato i bagagli in maniera molto superficiale lasciandoci andare dopo 5 minuti.

Una cosa curiosa: per visitare Dubrovnik , che si trova all’estremo sud della Croazia, si deve attraversare 10km di Bosnia e poi rientrare. Avevo letto che qui le dogane da passare fossero 4, quando ci siamo stati noi i controlli invece sono stati solo 2.

Condizioni delle strade e controlli

  • Viaggiare in auto in Croazia Tenete conto che in questo paese noi ci siamo mossi fra le principali città, o comunque verso le mete più turistiche, e abbiamo viaggiato per gran parte del tempo in autostrada . Anche fuori dalle autostrade le condizioni delle statali sono più che buone e non abbiamo incontrato problemi. L’unico tratto “particolare” è stato quello uscendo dalla Bosnia verso Zagabria prima di incontrare l’autostrada, dove abbiamo percorso strade montuose e poco illuminate. Il manto stradale però non è mai stato un problema.
  • Viaggiare in auto in Montenegro Qui non ci sono autostrade e può capitare di viaggiare per chilometri e chilometri su strade di montagne strette e tortuose (per esempio un bel tratto per raggiungere il Monastero di Ostrog); eviterei solo di viaggiarci dopo il tramonto ma per il resto nema problema . Non mancano comunque arterie principali larghe e ben asfaltate per collegare le città principali.
  • Viaggiare in auto in Bosnia Qui l’autostrada è presente ma ancora non ha una diffusione abbastanza capillare. Arrivando dal sud, dal Montenegro, l’abbiamo incontrata per la prima volta a non troppi chilometri ormai da Sarajevo. Le condizioni delle altre strade comunque sono buone, ma anche qui si trovano spesso in zone montuose immerse nella natura (scenografiche da percorrere di giorno) dove la sera l’illuminazione diventa scarsa.

Viaggiando in auto in Bosnia è frequente incontrare pattuglie appostate con autovelox, quindi si consiglia di rispettare scrupolosamente i limiti di velocità. Per fortuna i bosniaci che arrivano in senso opposto vi segnaleranno quasi sempre con i fanali la presenza della polizia.

A noi non ha mai fermato nessuno, ma non è infrequente trovare poliziotti corrotti che si inventeranno un qualche problema con i vostri documenti o la vostra auto per spillarvi qualche soldo. Simulate una chiamata all’ambasciata italiana e desisteranno velocemente.

Per i benzinai non ci sono problemi, ce ne sono molti e spesso hanno anche un negozietto per comprare dolciumi e a volte per cambiare soldi (questo vicino ai confini).

Nonostante viaggiassimo in un periodo ancora di alta stagione noi non abbiamo trovato nessun problema nel trovare sistemazioni all’ultimo momento senza aver prenotato in anticipo. Anzi, è la soluzione migliore per poter vedere la camera prima e contrattare sul prezzo. In Montenegro e in Bosnia una camera con bagno privato o un piccolo appartamento si trovano bene a €20 a notte.

In molti luoghi, lungo la strada troverete cartelli o persone che sventolano fogli con scritto sobe ; ecco, significa che da loro potete affittare una camera.

dormire viaggio nei Balcani

L’unica volta in cui abbiamo sprecato un po’ più tempo nella ricerca dell’alloggio è stata a Sarajevo; ormai eravamo arrivati nella zona più centrale e abbiamo continuato a cercare vicino al centro e i prezzi che per un’ora ci sono stati proposti erano ben al di sopra della media che avevamo speso fino a quel momento.

Quindi se in altre località non serve spostarsi dal centro per trovare qualcosa di economico, a Sarajevo i prezzi per una sistemazione in centro possono essere alti (€50/60) anche se alla fine abbiamo strappato una camera enorme con bagno privato in centro a €35.

Sicurezza nei Balcani

Spesso appena si nomina questi paesi la gente storce un po’ il naso e si immagina che nei Balcani, che nell’Europa dell’est, anche se veramente a pochi km da noi, ci possa essere chissà cosa, chissà quale mondo sconosciuto pieno di insidie e pericoli vista anche la recente guerra.

In tutta sincerità, in nessuno dei tre paesi ho avvertito alcun tipo di pericolo e mi sono sempre sentita al sicuro. Certo, come in ogni altro posto, e come dico sempre, è bene tenere gli occhi aperti; ma Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia non devono suscitare particolari timori da questo punto di vista.

Anzi, soprattutto in Montenegro e Bosnia abbiamo notato come le persone siano particolarmente aperte e ben disposte ad aiutare senza nemmeno essere state interpellate; che sia a fare manovra in strette stradine, che sia per darti indicazioni se ti vedono fermo in mezzo alla strada alla ricerca di qualcosa, a prodigarsi più del dovuto nel cercare di farti funzionare nuovamente internet sul telefono, o addirittura nell’offrirti il caffè dopo averti snocciolato tutti i calciatori serbo – bosniaci passati alla Fiorentina.

persone e sicurezza nei Balcani

Ecco, da questo punto di vista, ho avuto la sensazione che nelle città croate ormai sature di turisti da anni si faccia più sentire la stanchezza e la poca voglia interagire rispetto a paesi meno turistici come Montenegro e Bosnia; qui le persone nella maggior parte dei luoghi incontrano ancora pochi turisti, sono più vogliosi di parlare e raccontarsi e sono ben contenti che finalmente anche i loro paesi possano godere dell’apertura e dei benefici che il turismo porta con sé.

Un’altra questione riguarda gli edifici, soprattutto in Bosnia, non entrate all’interno di quelli abbandonati e mezzi distrutti, potrebbero ancora essere presenti mine.

Connessione internet

Se come me siete smanettoni e non potete fare a meno di una connessione ad internet sul vostro smartphone vi rassicuro. In Croazia funziona la nostra stessa tariffa, in Bosnia e in Montenegro è facile ed economico trovare delle SIM locali con vari giga.

Di solito le trovate esposte nei chioschi che fungono anche da edicola, chiedete e fatevele settare dai venditori perché spesso dovete seguire delle istruzioni nella loro lingua sullo schermo dello smartphone.

In tutti e tre i paesi si può dire – superficialmente e senza cadere in precisazioni da linguisti – che la lingua parlata sia la stessa (il serbo – croato) con varianti dialettali che non impediscono ai vari popoli di comunicare e comprendersi tra loro. Troverete scritte e cartelli stradali sia in alfabeto latino ma anche cirillico.

Nelle zone più turistiche, nei luoghi pubblici, si parla un livello di inglese sufficiente per capirsi (ordinare il cibo, chiedere dov’è il bagno, quanto costa una camera). Magari la vecchina che affitta la camera no, non parla inglese ma così sarà ancora più divertente,no!? Ovviamente mano a mano che ci si sposta in zone meno frequentate il livello di inglese in generale diminuisce, soprattutto se non si trovano giovani, ma non fatevi scoraggiare da questo. Come già detto, le persone sono molto disponibili e quasi sempre si prodigheranno per farsi capire nel miglior modo possibile.

Quando viaggio mi piace sempre entrare in una cultura anche cercando di capire qualcosa della lingua, così anche in questo viaggio ci siamo divertiti ad imparare qualche parole – e di conseguenza la pronuncia delle lettere “strane” – da poter sfoderare ogni tanto con il locali.

viaggio nei Balcani lingua

Itinerario di viaggio nei Balcani tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia

Il nostro itinerario di viaggio nei Balcani è stato così diviso: 6 giorni in Croazia, 6 giorni in Bosnia e 2 in Montenegro.

1° giorno: Spalato (siamo atterrati alle 7 di mattina) 2° giorno: Dubrovnik (e notte in Montenegro) 3° giorno: Bocche di Cattaro (Perast e Cattaro) 4° giorno: Monastero di Otrog e Cetinje 5° giorno: (uscita dal Montenegro e arrivo in Bosnia) Trebinje e monasteri nei dintorni – Blagaj (casa dei dervisci) – serata a Mostar 6° giorno: Mostar 7° giorno: Sarajevo 8° giorno: Sarajevo 9° giorno: Travnik e Jajce 10° giorno: Banja Luka (uscita dalla Bosnia e arrivo in Croazia in tarda serata) 11° giorno: Zagabria 12° giorno: Laghi di Plitvice (e arrivo a Zara nel pomeriggio) 13° giorno: giornata di mare nei dintorni di Zara 14° giorno: Trogir 15° giorno: partenza dall’aeroporto di Spalato alle 8:00

Spero di aver risposto a tutte le domande per organizzare un viaggio nei Balcani tra Croazia, Montenegro e Bosnia. Se c’è ancora altro che volete sapere non esitate e scrivere nei commenti e se posso aiutarvi lo farò 😉

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36 commenti.

[…] anni che Berlino mi affascinava, probabilmente da quando sono stata nei Balcani e ho avuto un assaggio della cosiddetta jugonostalgia. Lì mi è venuto il pallino di sapere di […]

Ciao , io vorrei fare una settimana da Zara con i laghi, Spalato, Carraro, a Podgorica e scutari. Credo in macchina. dici che è fattibile considerando i km, o conviene fare un pezzo o l’altro? Grazie

Ciao e scusami il ritardo. Secondo me è decisamente troppo, altrimenti non ti godi niente; io toglierei Scutari e Podgorica.

Ciao Sara, volevo chiederti un ulteriore informazione di quanto già letto, questa estate (agosto 2020) farò un tour in Croazia e tra l’altro mi recherò anche per tre a Medjugorje. Partirò da Ploce con un auto a noleggio e volevo chiederti se secondo te, alla frontiera con la Bosnia, la carta d’identità elettronica (rilasciata nel 2019) verrà accettata oppure consiglieresti di richiedere il passaporto prima di partire. Grazie Alfonso

Ciao, va bene la carta d’identità elettronica. Basta che sia valida per l’espatrio e non rinnovata…

[…] come si mangia alla Kafana SFRJ? Molto bene! Come di consueto nei Balcani si mangia molta carne e quindi anche qui non potevamo esimerci dal gustare una bella grigliata […]

[…] devo essere sincera mi è venuto in mente di visitare in gran parte per proseguire idealmente il viaggio nei Balcani iniziato lo scorso anno e per la storia recente della città e del paese alla quale mi sono […]

[…] avevamo già provato l’anno scorso nel nostro primo viaggio nei Balcani, ma la nostra GoPro, comprata da poco, aveva qualcosa che non andava e la qualità era davvero […]

Ciao, con il mio ragazzo andremo in montenegro ad agosto però atterrando a Dubrovnik. Hai avuto problemi con il noleggio auto? hai una compagnia da suggerirci?grazie

Ciao! Noi non abbiamo trovato nessun problema con il noleggio, e noleggiammo con la compagnia Sixt. Ti consiglio solo di fare l’assicurazione direttamente sul momento, al banco, e non prima online, dice che convenga di più in caso ci fosse qualche problema. Fanno prima con il rimborso. Ricordatevi di farvi consegnare la carta verde, vi serve per passare il pezzettino di Bosnia che separa la Croazia dal Montenegro. Sul sito della compagnia ci dovrebbe essere scritto tutto, ma noi mandammo una email per assicurarci che ci avrebbero dato la carta verde al momento del ritiro…

Ciao, a fine agosto atterreremo a Dubrovnik e abbiamo in mente di fare un giro per il Montenegro e poi un paio di giorni a Dubrovnik. Pensavo di noleggiare l’auto in aeroporto a Dubrovnik e restituirla sempre li al ritorno. Non riesco a capire se l’assicurazione dell’auto copra anche il Montenegro o meno, in alcuni blog dicono di si in altri di no. Basta la carta verde? Ho letto che voi avete fatto un’estensione di garanzia. Grazie

Ciao! Allora, solitamente non ci dovrebbero essere problemi nel portare l’auto in altri paesi; comunque dovresti trovare questa specifica, sui paesi in cui potete andare, nelle informazioni al momento della prenotazione. Al momento della prenotazione però ti dovrebbero chiedere da qualche parte se hai intenzione di uscire dalla Croazia e dove intendi andare. Per quanto riguarda la carta verde, non vi serve per il Montenegro ma per attraversare quel breve tratto di Bosnia che lo separa dalla Croazia; lì, alla frontiera, ve la chiederanno. Noi mandammo una email alla compagnia di assicurazione e ce la fecero trovare al momento del ritiro dell’auto. Per l’assicurazione, sbagliando, noi abbiamo fatto un’assicurazione sul sito e poi di nuovo di persona al ritiro. Su consiglio della ragazza che ci servì ci disse di non fare l’assicurazione sul sito ma direttamente con la compagnia sul posto. Questo perché se la fai tramite il sito, in caso succedesse qualcosa i tempi sono più lunghi. Non so se sia vero o meno, basta che ne fai una e controlli tutte le specifiche. Spero di esserti stata d’aiuto 😉

ciao…. con delle amiche faremo esattamente le stesse tappe! solamente che le altre due raggiungeranno il montenegro dal kosovo, mentre io arriverò dall’italia! la mia domanda per te, che hai già affrontato il viaggio è: credi che sia meglio che io atterri in croazia ( da cui poi ripartiremo per l’italia) e da lì affitterei un’auto per raggiungerle in montenegro (anche se la cosa non mi entusiasma troppo…fare tanti chilometri in una terra che non conosco tutta sola) oppure incontrarci a podgorica??? eventualmente per la prima opzione, credi che possa affittare un’auto a dubrovnik e restituirla a spalato? spero di essere stata chiara ahahahahaha…sono un pò contorta nei discorsi!!!! grazie mille intanto!

Ciao Elena! Non ho capito bene, con le tue amiche pensate di fare un viaggio in auto? Perché allora magari ti può convenire prendere direttamente l’auto quando atterri per raggiungerle, altrimenti cercherei un bus per arrivare a Podgorica…per quanto gli orari siano un po’ imprevedibili da quelle parti! Il tratto da Dubrovnik alla costa del Montenegro è tranquillo e breve (a parte le frontiere), però in effetti anche io se fossi sola eviterei se potessi (perché sono un po’ imbranata in auto!). Valuta se ti può convenire un volo su Podgorica, contando quello che risparmieresti di noleggio auto…

[…] tanto da vedere che un giorno non basta assolutamente. Forse con il senno di poi rivedrei il nostro viaggio nei Balcani per dedicare qualche giorno in più a questa […]

[…] il nostro viaggio nei Balcani dell’estate scorsa, abbiamo trascorso anche una settimana circa in Croazia. Cosa vedere e non […]

[…] ormai passati otto mesi dal nostro viaggio nei Balcani e dalla visita a Sarajevo, eppure ancora non vi avevo parlato di questa città qui sul […]

Ciao! E’ molto interessante ciò che hai scritto! Volevo chiederti quanto avete speso per questo viaggio, all’incirca! Graziee

Ciao! Grazie Benedetta! Abbiamo speso circa 700€ a testa, compreso volo e noleggio auto 😉

[…] in Croazia, chiamata anche Zadar in lingua locale, è stata una delle ultime tappe del nostro viaggio nei Balcani in […]

[…] complicarci le cose nell’ultimo viaggio nei Balcani ci siamo portati anche la gopro e ovviamente lo smartphone in mano e tutte le app per editare le […]

[…] nostro viaggio nei Balcani abbiamo visitato questo paese nella stessa giornata in cui siamo stati a […]

[…] il nostro on the road nei Balcani c’è una piccola città della Bosnia che abbiamo visitato in poco più di mezza giornata e […]

[…] come noi siete in auto perché alle prese con un on the road raggiungere il tunnel di Sarajevo non sarà particolarmente difficile. Noi abbiamo semplicemente […]

[…] e alla storia di questo paese ancora non troppo turistico che io ho avuto modo di visitare in un on the road nei Balcani […]

[…] una tappa che subito è rientrata nei nostri piani non appena abbiamo iniziato a studiare il nostro on the road nei Balcani: il monastero derviscio di Blagaj, detto anche Tekija o […]

[…] suoi spunti mi hanno permesso di plasmare ancora meglio il mio itinerario nei Balcani e conoscere curiosità e nuove sfumature di questo […]

[…] Forse quest’ultimo “problema” è ancora più evidente a Dubrovnik, la nostra seconda tappa del nostro viaggio nei Balcani. […]

[…] avevamo l’auto visto che stavamo affrontando un viaggio on the road nei Balcani e questa è sicuramente la soluzione […]

[…] Luka è stata probabilmente la tappa meno turistica di tutto il viaggio nei Balcani; i turisti erano quasi […]

[…] Dal nord Italia non vi sarà difficile arrivare direttamente con la vostra auto, oppure potete noleggiarla come abbiamo fatto noi arrivando con un volo su Spalato e facendo un viaggio nei Balcani. […]

[…] Abbiamo visitato questa città il secondo giorno – dopo Spalato – del nostro viaggio on the road nei Balcani. […]

Essendo andata a Mostar in macchina, perché non siete andati a Medjugorje che si trova vicina?

Ciao Erick, perché purtroppo il tempo è contato e Medjugorje non rientrava nei nostri interessi. Magari sbaglio ma la vedo solo legata al turismo religioso e non fa per me 🙂

[…] questo viaggio nei Balcani, i 3 giorni sulle Bocche di Cattaro sono stati tra i migliori. Questo è dovuto anche alla nostra […]

[…] è riscattato e che adesso, dopo la guerra in Bosnia, sembra uscire dalle fiabe. Se organizzate un viaggio nei Balcani, secondo me, Mostar è una tappa da non […]

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Funky Tours

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  • THE BALKANS (Tours & Holidays)
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12D11N Best of Balkans (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia & Montenegro)

  • 3* Accommodation 3* Hotels Available: 8 seats
  • 4* Accommodation 4* Hotels Available: 8 seats

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12D11 Balkan Package is by far the budget friendliest way of fully experiencing 3 Balkan countries: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. 

The 12 days trip across most beautiful Balkan holiday destinations is optimum mix of culture oriented, popular and off the beaten path locations with an absolute attention to every detail. 

In order to maximise the overall experience and enable you to fully soak in the Balkans atmosphere by travelling in a nice and relaxing pace, we have limited the maximum number of people to 8 per group.

Private tours are possible on request. 

  • Budget friendliest way of travelling.
  • Visit   3   European countries in a completely relaxing pace over the 12 days. 
  • Experience the ultimate combination of cultural diversity, historical intrigues and outdoor activities.
  • Explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites .
  • Finally understand the concept of Yugoslavia and Balkans game of thrones.  
  • Encounter a thousand year old political and cultural heart of Croatia and discover the ancient history.
  • Explore Bosnia and Herzegovina in depth, learn about the war, genocide and encounter the nature you have never seen before.  
  • Spend two days enjoying the atmosphere of the most beautiful scenery of Adriatic beaches in Montenegro. 
  • Admire the mesmerising and “out of this world” architecture from ancient and Ottoman to Austro-Hungarian and Socialism periods.
  • Meet the locals, explore the rural and off the beaten path Balkan areas and experience the best story telling.
  • Over the 12 days enjoy the finest local food and drinks.

What's Included

Guide English speaking local-expert guide and driver. Local guides in places needed. Accommodation Hotel in twin sharing – 11 nights (Choose via Booking Form: 3* or 4* hotels). We choose the best value accommodation. You are free to book your own if you prefer. Meals 11 x breakfast, 2 x lunch, 1 x traditional Bosnian dinner All Transfers All transfer during the tour. All Entrance Fees, Taxes & Flexible Cancellation Policy No hidden costs. VAT 17% included in the price. Cancel 14 days prior for full refund or change dates anytime. Availability Tour is available throughout the year. Online Payments Pay safely online with a credit card. We accept payments for all types of credit cards.


Insurance Travel insurance is not included. Please buy it at home country. Guide Tipping Tips are not included in the tour costs. If you receive excellent service, please consider tipping. Shared Tour All tours are shared, unless specifically booked as private. Lunch & Dinner Typical additional costs for great lunch or dinner are 15-20 EUR per person in Croatia, while in Bosnia, Montenegro you can eat good for 8 to 12 EUR per person.

Getting There

  • Most convenient arrival point is Sarajevo International Airport ( SJJ ). Also consider using Wizz Air as cheaper option and fly into Tuzla International Airport ( TZL ).
  • If you plan to arrive either from Dubrovnik / Split / Zagreb or Belgrade, please contact us for affordable private transfer or consider one of our connecting tours.
  • Your arrival on Day 1 can be anytime. We recommend being in Sarajevo before 8 PM so you can attend our welcome dinner.
  • Your departure on Day 12 can be anytime.


  • Day 1/2/3 Sarajevo (3n)
  • Day 4 Bihać (1n)
  • Day 5-6 Split (2n)
  • Day 7-8 Dubrovnik (2n)
  • Day 9 Trebinje (1n)
  • Day 10 Mostar (1n)
  • Day 11 Sarajevo (1n)
  • Day 12 Departure
  • DAY 1: (Arrival to Sarajevo)

Sarajevo art academy and bridge Festina Lente

Private Airport transfer from Sarajevo International Airport to Sarajevo city is included in the package price. Once you check-in your hotel, rest of the day is free to rest and get ready for great week to follow up.

In the evening from 7 PM to 9 PM you will attend traditional Bosnian dinner at our Bosnian room listening live traditional Bosnian Sevdah Music, and meeting up the other members of the group.

  • DAY 2: (Sarajevo Walking Tour & Sarajevo Siege Tour)

Sarajevo War Tunnel was dug in July 1993 and used to be main supply route to Sarajevo during the Siege

In the morning after breakfast from 10 AM until 1.30 PM do a walking tour of Sarajevo with food tasting, followed with delicious Bosnian coffee and sweets at our Bosnian room.

Take some rest and from 2 PM until 6 PM, attend our most popular half day tour in Sarajevo – Sarajevo Total Siege Tour. Learn about the Downfall of Yugoslavia and Modern World Longest Siege.

  • DAY 3: (Lukomir Nomad Village Tour (hiking or Jeep safari)

Lukomir village in Bosna and Herzegovina

Visit one of the few preserved nomad villages in Balkans, Lukomir village. Do it on our amazing full day, medium demanding hiking tour, or easy and relaxed Jeep safari.

On this tour you will visit highest nomad village in whole region of Balkans – Lukomir village. Admire one of the deepest and most remote canyons in Europe – Rakitnica canyon, and enjoy the most amazing panorama views and scenery nature was ever able to create. Taste local food and learn local traditions.

  • DAY 4: (Sarajevo > Valley of Bosnian Pyramids > Travnik > Jajce > Una National Park > Bihać)

Strbacki buk waterfall near Bihac

Travel between Sarajevo and Bihać and on the way visit the most intriguing valley of Bosnian pyramids, once upon a time the most important city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Travnik and medieval capital of Bosnian Kingdom, Jajce.

In the afternoon visit exciting Una National Park and Štrbački Buk waterfall, with overnight at Bihać.

  • DAY 5: (Bihać > Plitvice National Park > Split)

Plitvice National Park in Croatia

Morning after breakfast, leave Bihać and cross the border into Croatia. Visit the most amazing Croatian National Park, Plitvice Lakes. Enjoy the beautiful cascades, waterfalls and amazing colour of the Plitvice lakes.

In the afternoon arrive to Split, check-in your hotel and spend a free evening wandering the streets of Diocletian palace.

  • DAY 6: Split and Trogir

Split in Dalmatia - Croatia

The morning is reserved for the city walking tour in beautiful Split, where we will learn a lot about this, largest Dalmatian city, the second largest city of Croatia. After the city walking tour, we will have a lunch break, and have the opportunity to try some of the most delicious specialties of this region. UNESCO protected Diocletian Palace is true gem of this town and its main pedestrian area of famous “Splitska Riva” will make enjoy this day to maximum.

The afternoon is reserved for the visit to Trogir, which is situated 25 km north of Split. The Old Town of Trogir is on list of UNESCO world cultural heritage. This charming small city is definitely a great destination to visit for a half day visit from Split. Free evening in Split.

  • DAY 7: (Split > Ston > Dubrovnik)

Ston Walls - Croatia

In the early morning depart Split and on the way to Dubrovnik enjoy the beautiful coastline of Adriatic sea. Visit Ston, and climb the amazing walls of Ston.

If you are fan of sea shells, lunch break can be organised do enjoy locally produced oysters, mussels or calms cooked in traditional way, Ston is the best place to do it.

Arrival to Dubrovnik is in the afternoon, with hotel check-in and free time in Dubrovnik.

  • DAY 8: Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik Cable Car

On this full day in Dubrovnik, we will do Dubrovnik city tour in the morning, followed with the free time in Dubrovnik on your own.

In the afternoon we recommend you consider to take walk along the Dubrovnik walls, take a cable car ride to Srdj hill, take island boat ride and enjoy the walks at Lokrum or find good beach and enjoy the Adriatic sea. Game of Thrones is popular walking tour of Dubrovnik too.

  • DAY 9: (Dubrovnik > Perast > Kotor > Budva & Sveti Stefan > Trebinje)

Kotor bay in Montenegro

Drive alongside Adriatic coast, will take us to our first stop will be Perast, a baroque town in the municipality of Kotor with its two stunning islands: Sveti Djordje and Gospa od Škrpjela.

The mid-day is reserved for walking tour in Kotor. Small city, with old part of town, which is surrounded by fortress walls. It is one of the most beautiful places in Montenegro, with impressive medieval architecture, and cultural monuments.

Our journey continues towards Budva, one of the Oldest cities of Montenegro. We will also have the opportunity to visit the Old part of the town, and have some relaxed time there.

Last stop of the day is island of Sveti Stefan. Once island, today connected with mainland by narrow isthmus Sveti Stefan is now a 5-star franchise hotel of the international group of Aman Resorts.

In the evening we cross border into Bosnia and overnight is at Trebinje.

  • DAY 10: (Trebinje > Kravice Waterfalls > Počitelj > Blagaj > Mostar)

Mostar old bridge during the sunset

After exploring the centre of Trebinje, we will visit amazing area of Kravice Waterfalls, where during summer time we prefer to have a swim. Počitelj is originally medieval, but present day Ottoman time built village nested in the hills above stunning Neretva river and is place of definite peace. Local mosque, fort and stunning views are guarantee of the good fun.

Later of the day, will also pay visit to Blagaj, where we are going to have a lunch, and visit Blagaj Tekke (Dervish house) and Buna River Spring. Nobody in this World passing through area of central Herzegovina can not miss the Europe’s most powerful river spring, one of the oldest Dervish houses in our country and delicious trout made in Blagaj way.

As soon we arrive to Mostar, we’ll check into our hotel and have a walking tour of old town of Mostar. Free evening in Mostar on your own.

  • DAY 11: (Mostar > Jablanica > Konjic & Titos Bunker > Sarajevo)

Konjic Old Bridge - Crossroad between Bosnia and Herzegovina

After the morning free time in Mostar, we will continue with exploring this beautiful region. Next stop will be a local lunch in Jablanica, which will be Bosnian greatest specialty – roasted lamb.

Later on we move to Konjic to explore its stunning Old Bridge looming over Neretva river and its old town.

Highlight of the day is visit to Tito’s Bunker. Located 900 feet (270 m) underground, town of Konjic, the 26-year project was only completed in 1979, the year before Tito died, and it was built at a cost equivalent to just under £3 billion ($4.6 billion).

Later afternoon hours are in Sarajevo, where we check into your hotel followed with free time.

  • DAY 12: Free time in Sarajevo until your airport departure

Free time in Sarajevo until airport transfer for your departure. In case your transfer is in the later afternoon, we can combine it with some half day tours in Sarajevo.

What to Bring

What Do I Need to Bring?

  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Waterproof jacket in case of rains (usually autumn and winter period)
  • Warm jacket (during the winter period)
  • Light-weight, breathable walking shirts and trousers
  • Warm hat and light gloves (during the winter period)
  • Sun protection (especially for hiking tour)
  • Bathing suits (summer time)
  • Water bottle

Optional Extras

Single Supplement

  • 295 EUR per person 
  • 360 EUR per person

Trip Photos

Bihac and Una River

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this tour for me? This tour requires normal level of fitness and is doable for anyone of normal level of fitness.
  • Are Balkans safe off the beaten path travels? The best destinations in Balkans are totally off the beaten path and surely it is safe to explore them.
  • Can I book as solo traveller? Yes you can. Significant number of our fellow travelers are solo.
  • What is the weather like? Balkans are region of extremely differentiated weather seasons, meaning in the winter we have deep minus temperature and during the summer high plus, so make sure to know what to expect before arrival.
  • How much should I tip? Tips are not included in the tour costs, nor they are heavily expected in Balkan culture. However when you receive excellent service, we recommend tipping.
  • Is EUR accepted in Balkans? Other than Slovenia, EUR is not accepted in countries we will be visiting. Each of the country have its own currency. Credit card is widely accepted but pocket money is recommendable. Your tour leader will assist you all the way.
  • Will there be a one guide all the way through a trip? Local guidance and first-hand stories are a valuable addition to overall experience. Besides a full time tour leader / guide and driver who will be both on disposal 24/7, you will also meet local experts for each country we visit.  
  • Can I join the group from other than starting point location?  Yes, in case you find a more affordable arrival destination please feel free to contact our team so we could find the best way for you to join our departure.
  • Can I book a private customised trip based on this one?  Yes, you can. Custom-tailored trips are our speciality. Please contact our team with your preferences and we will be happy to work on it accordingly and suggest some amazing options. 
  • How much pocket money I should have for personal expenses? Balkans in general are a lot more affordable than other European countries. Depending on the country, you should have between 25 and 50 EUR per day for personal expenses such as food and small shopping.

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Great trip to see the Balkans!

We booked a 2 week private tour to visit 7 countries in the Balkans and our experience was great! The guide were very knowledgeable and especially Adnan and Senad who accompanied us for most of the tour did a great job! Ema was ver helpful while planing the trip and we had a great time!

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My small group of 3 used Funky Tours for ~10-12 days for a trip through the Balkans. We did a combination of 1/2 day tours and connecting tours that included Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia and Kosovo. Our group was myself and 2 18y/o’s celebrating their high school graduation. We had an amazing time thanks to Funky Tours. We interacted with many of Funky Tours staff, Skender (even his parents), Ema (who did such a great job at answering all my emails and helping to arrange the perfect tour for us), multiple different guides (who were all very professional and knowledgeable.) We spent the most time with Jasmin and Enis.

The girls were suitably impressed by Jasmin’s excellent driving skills and ability to parallel park a van in a small space. Enis was always up to answering our questions, occasionally using his excellent photography skills to help me take pictures of the girls (we took graduation photos at most of our stops) and a pleasure to have as a guide.

I highly recommend Funky Tours and will use them again if

I am in the Balkan region again.

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Holiday of a lifetime – can’t recommend funky tours enough!

I can’t put into words how much I enjoyed our trip with Funky Tours and I can’t recommend them enough!

My husband and I did a two-week four country trip through Croatia/Bosnia and Hercegovina/Montenegro and Albania and had a ball.

Anand and Senad were THE best guide and driver and it felt like taking a trip with friends. They couldn’t do enough for us and were knowledgable and engaging giving a personal perspective about a multi-layered part of the world. Ema, Edna and Nadirah in the office couldn’t be more helpful, checking in to see if we were OK or wanted anything changing.

Where necessary local guides were used who were all engaging, informative and critically had lived through history and events they were speaking about.

We tweaked the itinerary as we went along to make sure it suited us perfectly and the flexibility and amount of things to see and do meant we felt Funky Tours gave us a holiday of a lifetime!


Fantastic Balkan 10 days with Sarajevo Funky Tour

Ema organized my trip B&H, Montenegro, Albania in November 2020. Her communication was timely. What I like most about Ema and her team is they addressed my concerns about traveling during the pandemic. They took care all the PCR test to ensure smooth border crossing. We all wore masks and tested negative before starting our car journey together. I want to thank to Taib (guide) for making my trip magical and memorable. Taib is knowledgeable, good communication skills, detail oriented.

I am glad I made the choice to go with Sarajevo Funky Tour.

Best Agency to Experience the Balkan Region!

Sarajevo Funky Tours is hands down the best travel agency I have ever had the pleasure of working with. From the initial booking inquiry months in advance to the ride to the airport on my last day, everyone that I met with the Sarajevo Funky Tours team was delightful to be around. What sets this agency apart from the others is that their guides and staff know what it means to balance professionalism and building friendships with their guests. For the 8 days I spent touring with Funky Tours, all of the guides, drivers, and staff went above and beyond to check in with how I was doing throughout my stay — and as a solo female traveler in a brand new county, that meant the world to me. I will always recommend this agency because of the time, effort, and care they put into breaking down prejudice — and cannot wait to explore more of the Balkan Region with their team the next time I visit! Puno Ljubavi!

Explore With Wine

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

The Balkan Peninsula, or simply the Balkans, is still somewhat of the hidden gem of Europe. The natural beauty is unexpectedly stunning, the people are friendly, the food is absolutely delicious and abundant, it still has not been as explored as other parts of Europe. Some of it has to do with civil unrest in the region in the last few decades and some with accessibility.  

In this 10-day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary we visit Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia. The itinerary is designed as a road trip that begins and ends in Dubrovnik and renting a car is necessary. Hiking, boating, wine tasting, and many other adventures are included in this itinerary.  

Best Time to Visit Balkans

The summer is the most popular time to visit the Balkans – mid-June to the end of August. During this time you can expect longer border crossing, much bigger crowds and prices for attractions to go up. My favorite time to visit is early June or September. The weather is still really nice but it is much less crowded.

Be aware that September is a harvest season in Croatia, and a lot of wineries may be completely closed or require booking for wine tasting and tours.

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

  • Day 1 & 2: Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Day 3: Pelješac, Croatia
  • Day 4: Korčula, Croatia
  • Days 5&6: Kotor, Montenegro
  • Day 7&8: Žabljak
  • Day 9: Trebinje or Mostar
  • Day 10: Fly Out

Tips for the Best Experience in the Balkans

Day 1 & 2: dubrovnik, croatia .

Dubrovnik is the most popular tourist destination in Croatia . The city is stunning, beaches are beautiful and there is a lot of history here, but it can get overwhelmingly crowded.  

Upon your arrival, take a cable car to Panorama Restaurant and Bar for a bird’s eye view of the city and neighboring islands. Afterward, you can explore the Old Town and walk the City Walls. Or just hide in secluded Sveti Jakov beach to catch some sun rays and refresh in the amazing Adriatic Sea. 

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

The following day, I recommend kayaking around Lokrum Island which gives you unique views of the Dubrovnik City Walls as well. If kayaking is not your thing, you can take a 15-minute ferry ride to Lokrum Island and spend a day exploring and swimming. 

There are many beaches in and around Dubrovnik to enjoy the pristine Adriatic seaside or short one-day excursions to explore other areas in the region. 

Where Did We Stay: Hotel Kompas Dubrovnik – we stayed in the Lapad neighborhood. It is a short walk or bus drive from the Old Town. There are a lot of restaurants and bars in Lapad if you want to stay away from the crowds. 

Where Did We Eat: Lady Pi-Pi, Taverna Loggia and Nautika . 

Day 3: Pelješac, Croatia 

Pelješac, a peninsula, only 34 miles north of Dubrovnik is where some of Croatia’s best wine is produced. Plavac Mali (Little Blue), ancestral Zinfandel, is the main grape that grows in Pelješac and Dingač region, the most prestigious wine-making region, on the South side of the peninsula.  

Recently one of the big attractions that brings a lot of tourists to Pelješac is Edivo Winery. The first underwater winery where bottles and clay jugs are stored underwater is Mali Ston Bay. Here you can enjoy a traditional winery tour and tasting or join the divers on a tour of a submerged sunken ship and the wine stored around it.  

Some other more popular wineries from the peninsula are Grgich Winery, Korta Katarina and Matuško Winery. But the beauty of this peninsula is that in recent years a lot of smaller family-owned wineries are popping up – Winery Bezek being a perfect example of that.  

Outside of amazing wine, the peninsula is known for pristine pebble beaches, kite surfing and delicious oysters, mussels, squid, and fresh fish. 

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

Orebić is the biggest town on the peninsula with all the amenities and easy ferry access to surrounding islands. Viganj is a great town to visit if you are interested in kite surfing, located at the vortex of the wind tunnel halfway along the Korčula channel. Drače and Janjina are two sleepy little villages next to each other. Drače has direct access to water and is where Edivo Winery is located, and just a few minutes north is Janjina with endless vineyards and olive trees. Divan, Duba and on the other side of the peninsula Željana are great locations for pristine white pebble beaches and crystal-clear water. 

Visit to Trstenik, where the Grgich Winery is located, is a must with a stop at Vitaceae where they serve freshly caught seafood and local wines. 

Where Did We Stay: Apartmani Branka in Drače  with amazing views of neighboring islands and the bay. However, since the next day’s adventure takes us to Korčula and the ferry leaves from Orebić you may want to stay there. It’s a 30-minute drive from Drače to Orebić. 

Where Did We Eat: Vitaceae and Konoba Dalmatinska Kuca 

Day 4: Korčula, Croatia 

Korčula is easily accessible for a day from Orebić via car ferry. Grab an early morning ferry and plan to spend a full day here. Pick one of the many amazing beaches to spend the morning at in Korčula, we went to Žitna. The town of Brna is a good choice too. 

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

After the beach, we suggest a delicious lunch at Konoba Albert and a visit to a winery or two. Pošip (white varietal grape) is everything on Korčula. You will see signs everywhere. Even if you are not a wine drinker a lot of wineries also make olive oil you can taste and buy. The town of Smokvica is where a lot of wineries are located around.  

For the afternoon I would recommend heading back toward the old town and spending the rest of the time exploring Korčula old town. Or if you are a wine lover stop in Lumbarda to taste Grk wine. Unique white wine to Korčula.  

In the old town, you can climb the bell tower for amazing views of the port and neighboring Pelješac. Visit Marco Polo’s house, he is rumored to be from Korčula. Or just sit at one of the bars and restaurants by the water.  

Return the same night and spend a night in Pelješac before heading to Kotor the next day. 

Days 5&6: Kotor, Montenegro 

The drive from Pelješac to Kotor is about 3.5 hours, maybe longer depending on where in Pelješac you are staying. You will be crossing a country border so the exact time may vary. The drive to Kotor is along the beautiful Adriatic coastline and the Bay of Kotor with endless views. It is one of the most beautiful drives in the region.  

Before you get to Kotor, make a stop in Perast for coffee or lunch. Perast is a town of less than 300 people and 19 churches, beautifully situated between Sv. Ilija hill and Bay of Kotor. Two islets in the bay, that feel hand reach away from Perast, are the main attraction. You will have an opportunity to visit them from Kotor, the next day. 

After the stop in Perast, continue your drive to Kotor. Spend the afternoon/evening exploring the old town, possibly even walking the city walls and enjoying entertainment and delicious food in the old town. 

For the next day, you can fit both of my suggested adventures or just pick one if it’s too much. I recommend starting the day early and hiking the Ladder of Kotor. It is a 6.1 mile relatively easy hike above the old city and city walls with amazing views of the bay. Less crowded way to enjoy the view than city walls. 

Day Trips from Dubrovnik

After the hike, jump on a speed boat and visit the Church of Our Lady of the Rocks (one of the islets, the other one is privately owned) and then go for a dip in a blue cave. You will need it after the hike. The tour is 3 hours long.  

It is a packed day, full of adventure but definitely worth your time and effort. 

Where Did We Stay:   Solaris Lux Apartments – the cleanest place we ever stayed at.

Where Did We Eat: Marenda Steakhouse and Konoba Scala Santa 

Day 7&8: Žabljak 

Žabljak is less than 3 hours away from Kotor and a base for exploring Durmitor National Park. Durmitor is part of the Dinarica Mountain Range and is a paradise worth exploring for hikers. On your way to Žabljak, you will drive through Nikšic, where Nikšićko beer is made, and you can stop here for lunch. 

Once in Žabljak, I would suggest driving past the town to Durmitor National Park to the trailhead for Tara Canyon Viewpoint. The hike is only 1.9 miles but very steep and offers amazing views of the Tara Canyon from the Montenegro side.  

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

After the hike, I would suggest coming back to Žabljak and visiting Black Lake. You can walk around the lake or even go for a swim. There is a restaurant at the lake where you can enjoy dinner afterward. 

The next day starts early, and we recommend hiking to Bobotov Kuk , the highest peak in Durmitor National Park – 2,523 meters (8,278 ft.). There are multiple ways to attempt this hike and none of them are easy. The trailhead is in Sedlo and the most common way this hike is done is in and out of Sedlo. However, it can be done in and out of Žabljak or as a loop that starts in Sedlo and finishes in Žabljak. 

We did the loop, Sedlo to Žabljak and it was a very tough hike. The Žabljak part of the hike must have had a recent rockfall and the trail was completely wiped out. It was close to 10 miles total with 3400 ft. ascent and 4900 ft. descent. Knees were not happy. 

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia – 10-Day Balkan Peninsula Itinerary 

If we were to do it again, we would stick to the common way in and out of Sedlo. The hike is not easy and gets a little sketchy to make it to the peak but the views will leave you in awe. You will hike through green pastures, with limestone dolomite-looking peaks, alpine lakes, and vast mountain views all around. It is one of the most picturesque day hikes we ever did. 

For those that are not interested in hiking, you can drive a Durmitor Ring – a 76 km drive around the Durmitor National Park with breathtaking views or go whitewater rafting in Tara River or zipline over the canyon. 

Where Did We Stay: Peak of Durmitor Panorama   

Where Did We Eat: Restaurant Or’O 

Day 9: Trebinje or Mostar 

Today you can choose where in Bosnia to stop and explore. Mostar and its Old Bridge (Stari Most) over the River Neretva attract many tourists. On the other hand, Trebinje is much quieter and quaint with a lot of historical monuments to visit and delicious wine to try. Trebinje is also much closer to Dubrovnik and will significantly cut back on driving. 

If you decide to visit Mostar, I suggest spending the morning exploring the city, walking through city bazaars, eating delicious food, walking across the Old Bridge and watching young guys jump off the bridge. In the afternoon, you can drive to Kravica Waterfalls to refresh or just enjoy this natural beauty.  

Day Trips from Dubrovnik

If you decide to visit Trebinje, it will feel a lot more authentic and off-the-beaten-path experience than Mostar. I would suggest getting to Hercegovacka Gračanica Monastery for panoramic views of Trebinje, walking by Trebišnjica River while admiring views and old buildings, exploring the old town, visiting wineries and indulging in delicious food. Trebinje has a bridge from the Ottoman Empire as well. Not as popular as the one in Mostar but stunning, nonetheless. 

Where Did We Stay: We spent a day exploring and a night back in Dubrovnik 

Where Did We Eat: Mostar – Restoran Sadrvan; Trebinje – Restaurant “Humsko” 

Day 10: Fly Out 

Depending on where you are flying out to, you still may have a morning to explore Dubrovnik. Most flights to the US are very early in the morning.  

Flying in and out of Sarajevo is also an option, sometimes a cheaper option.  

The best way to enjoy this itinerary is to rent a car and drive yourself. With that, make sure that the rental company allows you to take the car to these three countries. Sometimes there are restrictions. If driving off the beaten path, you may run into narrow and unpaved roads, especially in Bosnia.

Croatia is in the European Union, meanwhile, Montenegro and Bosnia are not, which means you will have to cross international borders. Make sure you have your passport and car documents handy. Most of the time, crossing the borders is seamless for tourists.

All three countries speak the same language with different dialects, even though they call it different names. It is not an easy language to pick up, but knowing a few basic words goes a long way.

The currency in Croatia and Montenegro is the Euro, while the currency in Bosnia is the Bosnian Marks. Credit cards are widely accepted and ATMs are the best way to get the cash if needed.

People in the Balkans are very welcoming and love to share their culture and food with visitors.

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Charms of the Adriatic Tour – Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & H | 13 Days

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tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Hi I’m Mike Corcoran the founder of Aperture Journeys.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

I hope you enjoy reading about this tour and decide to join us. This is a popular tour to a beautiful Balkan country.  Montenegro is called the “Switzerland of the Balkans”. The country is small so the driving times are very comfortable.

If you have any questions please give me a call +1 813 501 6111.

The Aperture Journeys Difference

  • Hosted by Aperture Journeys Tour Leader
  • Professional Guides & Drivers
  • Designed For Less Time Riding in Bus
  • All Group Meals Included w/Beverages
  • Tips Included
  • Tour Photos & VIdeo available for download
  • Premium 4 & 5 star hotels centrally located
  • Better Travel Experience with Small Groups
  • Personal Support,  Speak Directly With Us, No Call Centers
  • Photo & Video Walks w/ instruction
  • Happy Hour Sessions (min 4) - Share our experiences over drinks

Charms of the Adriatic Tour Overview

  • All Meals Included (34 meals w/beverages beer/wine/soft drinks)
  • Aperture Journeys Tour Leader
  • Small Group Travel 6 -12 Persons
  • Welcome and Farewell Dinners
  • Arrival Meet & Greet Service
  • Airport & Hotel Transfers
  • Premium Hotel Accommodation
  • Professional Tour Guide
  • Entrance Fees per Itinerary
  • Transportation During Tour (Coach, Vessel, Flight)
  • Tips Included (Driver, Guide, Restaurants)
  • Wifi Internet during Coach Travel
  • Complimentary water each day
  • Moderate Pace
  • Walking Cobble stone streets, uneven walking surfaces
  • Walking up inclines and steps 
  • Travel in boat in open sea and inland waters
  • Some Trail Walks
  • Daily Water (2 bottles)
  • Photo & Video Instruction Lessons
  • Candid Photos & Video (available for download)
  • Happy Hour Drink Sessions (4 evenings minimum)
  • International Airfare (Unless Indicated in Itinerary)
  • Personal Expenses
  • Hotel Room Service Fees

CHARMS OF THE ADRIATIC – Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia

  • 34 Meals  w/beverages – beer or wine
  • Happy Hour Sessions (4 min.) at a local lounge or restaurant
  • Herceg Novi – Guided Boat Tour Adriatic Sea and Boka Bay, Blue Cave, Seaside Picturesque Village for Lunch, Submarine Bunkers & Fortresses, Local Hilltop Winery, Welcome Dinner.
  • Herceg Novi to Zabljak – Visit Ostrog Monastery.
  • North Montenegro – Visit Durmitor National Park, w lunch on shore of Beautiful Black Lake, Walk the famous Tara Bridge across the Tara Canyon, the deepest in Europe, Visit Biogradska National Park, Farm Fresh Lunch at an Eco Farm in the Mountains, 4×4 Land Cruiser Mountain Peaks Tour, Free time in mountain village of Kolasin,
  • Central Montenegro – Moraca Monastery Tour, Winery Visit in Podgorica, Cetinje Old Capital Tour, Free time Budva, Dinner at waterside restaurant Budva
  • Coastal Montenegro – Free Day in Budva (Shop, Relax, Explore), Visit & Tour Port Montenegro w/ free time, Olive Farm and Olive Oil Tasting, Lake Skadar Boat Tour w Wine and appetizers, Lunch at Lake Village Restaurant.
  • Kotor Bay – Tour Village of Perast, Boat to Lady of Rocks Church w/Tour, Seaside Lunch, Tour of Kotor Old Town, Free time in Kotor
  • Bosnia Herzegovina – Visit & Tour Old City of Trebinje, Herzegovacka Gracanica Monastery, Arslanagic Bridge, Visit Monastery Tvrdos & Wine Tasting
  • Dubrovnik – Old Town Walls Walk, Tour Rectors Palace, Free Time in Old Town, Farewell Dinner

You will embark on a cultural adventure through some of the most breathtaking, magical, undiscovered cities in the Adriatic Region.

The beauty of Montenegro will inspire you – from alpine villages with stunning vistas, to pure mountain lakes, to a yachting paradise that rivals the French Riviera, and old towns including the most well-preserved medieval city in Europe. You’ll learn that Montenegro is a wine-lovers paradise. From the indigenous Vranac grapes to the classics such as Chardonnay and Merlot, Montenegro’s mild climate ensures excellent conditions for wine production. And yes, we’ll give you many chances to indulge!

Our Montenegrin travels will take us to the a the gorgeous mountainous north, where we’ll experience fresh mountain air, amazing views, serene forests, a thrilling off-road tour, and savor local artisan delicacies. We’ll make our way from the mountains to the sea, visiting baroque villages by the bay, historic old towns and medieval cities, and even an ultra-modern super-yacht port along the beautiful clear Adriatic Sea.

Our journey will move across the border to the southernmost city of Bosnia Herzegovina – the riverfront city of Trebinje, giving you a taste of the Ottoman old town, serene monasteries, and a chance to sample delicious Bosnian wines. Then, we’ll cross into Croatia to the famous city of Dubrovnik, one of the most prominent tourist destinations on the Adriatic. You’ll marvel at the stunning architecture and sculptural detail of the old town, with its spectacular churches, monasteries, museums, palaces, and fountains set along the glistening Adriatic Sea. Our visit to this fascinating city marks the end of our journey together.

Day 1 Dubrovnik Arrival>>Transfer to Herceg Novi, Montenegro

You’ll arrive in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. Via private Hotel Transfer you will arrive at your hotel in Herceg Novi Montenegro in about 35 min. Your hotel is centrally located so if you arrive early you will have plenty of restaurants and shops walking distance from your hotel. Settle into your hotel, then enjoy a wonderful dinner of Croatian delicacies as you get to know your traveling companions.

Meals: Dinner

Overnight – Palmon Bay Resort Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Day 2 Herceg Novi, Montenegro

This morning we begin with a cruise tour via private boat around the beautiful Boka Bay and into the Adriatic Sea. Your guide will explain the history of the bay and surrounding areas, we will visit the gorgeous Blue Cave, one of the largest sea caves on the Lustica Peninsula and stop at a picturesque seaside village for lunch. There are secret submarine hideouts and Fortresses to see along the coastline. You’ll marvel at it’s beautiful iridescent blue waters. Next, we’ll drive to the charming coastal town of Herceg Novi, known as the City of Flowers and the Sun. We’ll visit the sun-soaked vineyards of a hilltop winery, where you’ll tour the winery facility, vineyards, and cellar space. Then you’ll taste various wines while sampling local bites in a breathtaking setting. Tonight we will have out Welcome Dinner.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Overnight Palmon Bay Resort Herceg Novi

Day 3 Herceg Novi>>Zabljak

Our travels will take us to Zabljak, a mountain town in the North and where Durmitor National Park is located. We drive through the mountains and canyons with beautiful scenery. Along the way we’ll visit Ostrog Monastery which is built high up into the vertical mountain cliff. It is considered the pearl of spirituality in Montenegro. After arrival in Zabljak you will have free time before dinner.

Overnight Hotel Zabljak

Day 4 Zabljak>>Kolasin

After we continue our scenic drive deeper into the mountains enjoying the pine forests and alpine scenery until we reach Durmitor National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Our lunch will be along the beautiful spring-fed Black Lake at the national restaurant which sits 4,645 feet above sea level. You will enjoy a nice walk into the pine forest and along the shore of Black Lake all the while taking stunning photographs in pristine nature. Our route to Kolasin takes us along a beautiful scenic route along the Tara River Canyon, the deepest canyon in Europe, to a small village where the Tara River Bridge is located. We’ll walk along the famous Tara River Bridge, one of the most visited attractions in Montenegro, as we gaze at the stunning river far below us, have a coffee and peruse the local shops.

Overnight Bianca Resort Kolasin

Day 5 Kolasin

This day is devoted to exploring the Pearl of European Natural Heritage – Biogradska National Park. This European rainforest is a preserve for dozens of plant and animal species, some of which can be found only in this forest. We’ll have a walking tour to learn about the diverse flora and fauna. Next we travel via 4X4 vehicle to the mountain peaks where we visit a Mountain Eco Farm and enjoy a wholesome homemade lunch with all dishes made fresh from the farm. You will marvel at the beautiful mountain landscape. After lunch we will drive to some of the nearby mountain peaks to enjoy this beautiful region. We may see horses, or herds of sheep with their shepherd. On return to Kolasin you will have some time to take photos, walk along main street, or simply relax and enjoy the fresh air at the rustic mountain resort. Overnight in Kolasin.

Day 6 Kolasin>>Budva

Today we head back south to Budva. We travel a scenic route through the mountains, passing peaks, canyons and rivers. On our way we stop at Moraca Monastery. Next we head to Podgorica the capital of Montenegro and visit the largest vineyard in Europe to sample the crown jewel “Vranac Grape” and enjoy our lunch here. Continuing to Budva we will have a short stop in Cetinje, the former capital city of Montenegro. On arrival in Budva we check in and enjoy free time until our dinner at a waterside restaurant.

Overnight Hotel Budva

Day 7 Budva - Old Town Tour

This morning we take a guided tour of the old town of Budva. Ater you will have the rest of the day at your leisure to shop, enjoy a walk along the seaside promenade or stroll through the narrow cobblestone paths of the old town.

Meals: Breakfast

Day 8 Budva>>Porto Montenegro>>Lustica Penn.>>Budva

This morning we’ll head to the exclusive marina and yachting paradise of Porto Montenegro. Stroll along the waterfront and admire the over-the-top superyachts, or treat yourself to a little something from the luxury retail mecca that is Porto Montenegro. We’ll have take our seaside lunch in Porto Montenegro at a local restaurant. Next, we’ll drive to an olive farm, where you’ll enjoy a unique, intimate and informative tour of the only certified manufacturer of organic olive oil in Montenegro. Here we walk through the olive trees and farm to learn about the farming and harvesting process. After we enjoy the flavors of locally produced foods, liqueurs and olive oil in the setting of an old olive press. When you make your next olive oil purchase back home you will know how to identify high quality olive oil. Returning to Budva we drive through the peninsula region and enjoy beautiful views of the bay. At the hotel enjoy some time before we have a sunset dinner at one of the local seaside restaurants, near the hotel.

Day 9 Budva>>Virpazar>>Budva

Ready for beautiful nature again? The largest lake in the Balkans is on our agenda today. We’ll begin in Virpazar, a small town on the shore of Skadar Lake, where we’ll board a boat, equipped with local wine and traditional bites, for a tour of the calm lake and learn about the important ecosystem of this wildlife wilderness and birders paradise. Back onshore we will visit a local family run restaurant in Virpazar for lunch. After you can stroll along the small fisherman’s village, take photographs, enjoy a coffee or shopping for souvenirs. On return to Budva our scenic route takes around the lake for beautiful views. Its day 9 now and you have seen quite a lot so let’s enjoy some free time before dinner. You’ll have the afternoon free to enjoy the old town, shop for local arts and crafts, or relax along the clear waters of the Adriatic.

Day 10 Budva>>Perast>>Kotor>>Budva

As if you haven’t seen enough stunning views, today we will be in the midst of some of the most stunning views of mountains meeting the sea you will ever see ANYWHERE! You won’t be able to put your camera down! Be sure to bring extra batteries. Our travels take us to the beautiful Boka Bay. Jacques Cousteau said “The part of the Adriatic Coast belonging to Montenegro is the purest part of the Mediterranean” Lord Byron said “At the moment of the creation of our planet, the most beautiful merging of land and sea occurred at the Montenegrin seaside” Visits to these picturesque cities will surely be one of the highlights of your trip. Our day will begin in Perast, one of the oldest towns in the Adriatic. There you’ll admire baroque palaces in this maritime village. You will board another boat which will take a short ride to the island of Our Lady of the Rocks where we will visit a church of the same name. On return to Perast we will enjoy a lovely seaside lunch in what will mostly likely be the most beautiful scenery you have ever experienced! Then we’ll depart to the UNESCO Heritage Site of Kotor. Kotor is one of the best preserved medieval villages. One can easily get lost here as the village street system was designed to confuse invading peoples! Its a charming town and a highlight of any tour to Montenegro. After a short tour enjoy free time to Photograph & explore the charming pedestrian only medieval city with its narrow alleys and streets, visit the museums, or shop for unique treasures. A short drive and we are back in Budva for a little free time before a dinner together at a local restaurant.

Day 11 Budva>>Trebinje>>Dubrovnik

Today we say goodbye to Montenegro and cross the border into Bosnia Herzegovina, heading to the small city of Trebinje. This riverfront city is home to 7 Austro-Hungarian era fortresses, a famous ottoman bridge, and beautiful monasteries. We’ll tour the Herzegovacka Gracanica monastery and Ottoman old city and have a chance to sample Bosnian wines. Our lunch will be at a local riverside restaurant after we visit Tvrdos Monastery for a wine tasting session. We continue and cross the border into Croatia proceeding to the famous city of Dubrovnik, one of the most prominent tourist destinations on the Adriatic. You arrive to your seaside hotel where we reminisce about our experiences thus far and enjoy a dinner together. As the evening comes to a close you’ll be waiting with anticipation for your day in this exquisite medieval city tomorrow.

Overnight Rixos Premium Dubrovnik

Day 12 Dubrovnik

The final day of our time together will be spent touring the magnificent old town of Dubrovnik with its stunning architecture and sculptural detail of the old town, with its spectacular churches, monasteries, museums, palaces, and fountains set along the glistening Adriatic Sea. In the morning we start with the Old Town Walls walking tour. We continue with a tour inside the Old Town including the You’ll have free time to explore on your own. Tonight we’ll have our final dinner together; sharing memories and saying goodbye to our new friends. Overnight in Dubrovnik.

Day 13 Dubrovnik Departure

Enjoy breakfast. Free Time depending on your flight. Transfer to airport after breakfast. Farewell!

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Palmon Bay Hotel & Spa Herceg Novi

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Rixos Premium Dubrovnik

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Hotel Budva – Budva

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Hotel Zabljak – Zabljak

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Bianca Resort Kolasin

Frequently asked questions, why us why should i book with aperture journeys.

We are passionate about travel and believe a meaningful life must include rich memories, and travel to new places while experiencing  different cultures and people is key in achieving this. We are firm believers in the idea that great things happen when we step outside our comfort zone.  In 30 years of traveling and a long list of great experiences and memories I can honestly say this is true.

When developing our tours we spend alot of time with “boots on the ground” at the locations.  We are vetting our suppliers, evaluating risk, looking for new and interesting places to see, building experiences that will make great memories. We look back on 30 years of world travel and understand what makes a great travel experience.  We are a small business and are doing what we love and want to share the experience with others. Our groups are small 6- 10 persons which makes for a better touring experience.

Our philosophy on hotels is to book 4 & 5 star hotels and when possible choose hotels that are centrally located to allow a short walk to tourist ares with shopping and restaurants.  This way you can enjoy your free time easily.  There are times when 4 or 5 star is not available so we have to choose wisely in this case.

We love to try the local cuisine, wines and liqueurs that is why most of your meals are included. We think it is great to explore local restaurants and order from the menu and try to do this as much as possible.  We do not prefer to have “Half Board” meals at the hotel, however at times it makes sense, but we try our best to kept HB meals to a minimum.

Entry Requirements What are the entry requirements for these countries?

This tour visits Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Croatia. In order to enter these countries, U.S. and Canadian citizens need a valid passport with an expiration date extending at least six months beyond the date of reentry.

We recommend having at least two blank passport pages for entry stamps. There is no visa required for U.S. or Canadian citizens.

If you are not a U.S. or Canadian citizen, you must contact each country’s consulate for your specific entry requirements.

For the most up-to-date entry requirements for these destinations visit

Transportation What type of transportation will we use?

Our groups are small so we use smaller coaches usually about 15 pax capacity.  They are able to travel down narrow roads providing better access.

Due to their size there are no toilets onboard these types of coaches however we make regular stops to ensure your comfort along the way . Often, we’ll break up a long transfer with an included walking tour in a location of interest en route to our destination, so you’ll have ample time to stretch your legs as well.

Occasionally we travel on private boats or ferry boats to reach our destination.  These can vary in size from 20 passenger private vessels to large ferry boats capable of hundreds of passengers.

Physical requirements How strenuous are the activities?

You will need physical stamina to participate unassisted in touring activities for 6 to 8 hours with walking distances of 3 to 5 miles. Up to 15000 steps or more. Of course we will take frequents breaks to enjoy the food and drink.

You will walk for at least 2 hours daily and up to 5 hrs on terrain of various types like cobble stone streets, uneven surfaces, forest/lake trails and at times some steep inclines.

You will need physical ability to handle your luggage getting into your hotel room, entering and exiting boats and boarding aircraft using stairs when a jetway in not available, which is common in these countries.

Luggage How much luggae can I bring?

You must be able to comfortably handle all your luggage by yourself at all times. Therefore, we strongly urge you to limit your luggage to one piece of luggage(of a size you can comfortably handle), a hand carry bag and a personal item.  Luggage the size of airline carry-on dimensions is strongly suggested as there may be times requiring you to carry your bag up stairs onto airplanes, etc.   Your luggage will need to fit in a taxi for short transfers.

Airports Are the arriving and departing airports service by major airlines?

Yes! As of this writing,  Dubrovnik Airport (DBV) (our arrival and departure airport) connects to many large European cities by these major airlines and their US partners: British Airways (OneWorld – American Airlines); Austrian, Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines (Star Alliance – United Airlines).

Photo / Video What is photo / video instruction?

Photo & Video instruction is short lessons provided by us to you throughout the tour to help you improve your photography and videography skills.  They may include lessons on Composition, Lighting, or posing for example.

Shopping Will there be time for shopping?

Yes! We carefully plan our tours to assure that the pace isn’t too busy or too idle. You’ll have free time to shop or to simply relax in the lovely surroundings. Remember to leave space in your suitcase. If you want to bring back some wine remember to bring one of those plastic wine travel pouches.

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10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide


Are you looking for a Montenegro and Croatia tour that will show you the best of these two stunningly beautiful countries?

Montenegro and Croatia, two neighboring countries in the heart of the Balkans, both boast an abundance of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. From the stunning coastline of the Adriatic Sea to the rugged mountains of Montenegro, this region offers an incredible diversity of landscapes and experiences.

To make the most of your visit, escorted tours to Croatia and Montenegro can be an excellent way to explore the highlights of these two countries. You can choose from private or group tours, sailing or land-based. And you can even combine Montenegro and Croatia with other countries in the Balkans and around Europe.

In this article, we’ll explore the best Montenegro and Croatia tours, showcasing the best of what these two countries have to offer. Whether you're looking for a beach holiday, a cultural experience, or an adventure, there is a tour for you.

No time to read the whole article? Not a problem! The best Montenegro and Croatia tour is this 10 day tour that takes you to all the best sights in both countries. 

Want to see what else you can do? Read on for the best group, private and sailing Montenegro and Croatia tours.

Table of Contents

Top 3 Picks: Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Best Tours to Croatia and Montenegro       1. Montenegro and Croatia (private tour)       2. Croatia and the Dalmatian Coast (small group tour)       3. Balkan Delight Best Sailing Tours to Montenegro and Croatia       4. M204 Roundtrip from Split with Dubrovnik and Montenegro       5. Croatia and Montenegro Cruise       6. Dalmatian Coast and Montenegro Sailing       7. Montenegro Sailing - Dubrovnik to Dubrovnik Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Including Other Countries       8. Balkan Adventure       9. Balkan Discovery       10. Zagreb to Athens: Adriatic and Ancient Capitals Getting to Croatia and Montenegro Frequently Asked Questions

Top 3 Picks: Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

#1 Pick: Montenegro and Croatia 

  • Private tour

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

#2 Pick: Croatia and the Dalmatian Coast

  • Small group tour

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

#2 Pick: Balkan Delight

Best Tours to Croatia and Montenegro

1. montenegro and croatia.

RATING: 4.7 / 5 ( 49+ reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 10 days | BOOK NOW

Destinations on this tour:

  • Lake Skadar National Park
  • Lovćen National Park
  • Bay of Kotor
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park

This tour is a great way to see the best of Croatia and Montenegro and get to know the cultures of both of these stunningly beautiful and very different countries.

The tour starts in Montenegro and you get an excellent introduction to Montenegro’s cuisine, culture and history with excursions to Lake Skadar and Lovćen National Parks. The scenery around these areas is also stunning and you’ll get panoramic views of the Bay of Kotor, Budva Riviera and Montenegro’s mountains.

From there it’s on to the coastal gems, Kotor and Dubrovnik, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These historic walled towns are both beautiful and ancient and you have walking tours in both.

From Dubrovnik you head north to Split, Šibenik and Plitvice National Park, one of the most magnificent places I’ve ever been and a must-see in Croatia. The tour finishes in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital.

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

"Tour far exceeded my expectations & superlatives to describe my excitement & joy. Tour Guide Marko was always professional & kind, adjusting to my pace. He lent me his arm on stairs without railings, and slippery wet cobblestones. I chose this tour & dates to parallel World Cup matches, esp following Croatia & Serbia when in their countries. Marko was an excellent driver, listener, & always punctual. I wouldn't change a thing. THANK YOU!" - Mary ( read more reviews )

This escorted tour to Croatia and Montenegro is perfect if you want to see the best of these countries in a personal and stress-free way. All the accommodation is 4* or 5* and you’re accompanied by a private guide for the entire tour. 

2. Croatia and the Dalmatian Coast

RATING: 4.4 / 5 ( 94 reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 10 days | BOOK NOW

  • Krka National Park
  • Pelješac Peninsula

Run by highly-rated Blue-Roads Touring, this 10 day small group tour to Croatia and Montenegro is perfect for experiencing the highlights and jaw-dropping coastal scenery that Croatia and Monenegro are known for.

The tour starts in Split, and ends in Dubrovnik. This tour is great because it includes walking tours at every destination, giving you an in-depth overview of each place before you have time explore on your own.

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

It also includes authentic experiences like visiting a boutique winery, a cookery class, visiting an island church and an oyster farm. This tour is a fantastic way to experience the highlights of coastal Montenegro and Croatia in a relaxed way where all the details are taken care of for you. 

This is a Montenegro and Croatia small group tour with a maximum of 18 people, but you can also request it as a private tour.

3. Balkan Delight

RATING: 4.6 / 5 ( 11 reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 12 days | BOOK NOW

This tour of Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro mostly explores Croatia, but also includes a full day Montenegro tour and takes you to fascinating and Mostar and Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The tour starts and finishes in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital. There are tours with expert guides included in each destination that give you an insight into each place’s history, culture and attractions. The tour also includes some fantastic experiences like a dinner with a local family in Croatia and a tour of Sarajevo’s ‘war tunnel’. You also have abundant free time to explore each destination on your own.

“With this trip, my expectations were not only met, they were exceeded in many instances. It was a memorable trip and the beauty of Croatia will stay with me for a very long time. I have been to 56 countries on five continents and so I speak from experience. Both Croatia and Bosnia have been through so much. The people there are to be commended for their courage and endurance. It was inspiring to see how warm and friendly the people are despite all the adversity they have been through. The dinner we attended hosted by a family in Sarajevo was an absolute highlight. There are not enough superlatives to describe the level of excellence that our Tour Director, Kassie Jones provided. Her attentiveness to details is remarkable. She anticipated needs even before we knew we had them. Everyday, she brought something new and delightful to the experience from fun games we played on the coach to tasty treats to "hidden treasures" .... I could go on and on! She is articulate and her knowledge of the countries we visited was deep and insightful. Her explanation of the Balkan War was especially helpful. Her genuine caring for us made us feel like her personal guests. and not just paying clients. She gave us many suggestions for things to do in our free time, places to have lunch, where to shop. etc. The local specialists she lined up were all excellent. The optional tours added immensely to the whole experience as well. Especially Montenegro - not to be missed. The hotels all provided very good value for the money with the exception of the hotel in Split which I understand will not be used in future. It wasn't that bad just was a disappointment after the others. I highly recommend this trip. This was my first Costsaver trip and I like the concept.. I have been on five full Trafalgar Tours and would have no hesitation in going with Costsaver again. Especially if Kassie Jones is the Tour Director!” - Hazel ( read more reviews )

This tour is great for all ages, including families. The accommodation is a mix of good quality hotels and meals to suit almost all dietary requirements.

Best Sailing Tours to Montenegro and Croatia

Cruising along the stunning Adriatic coast is an excellent way to explore the beautiful countries of Croatia and Montenegro. Along the Croatian coast, you can visit charming towns such as Dubrovnik, Split, and Hvar, as well as stunning natural wonders like the Plitvice Lakes National Park. In Montenegro, you can explore the medieval old town of Kotor, the stunning Bay of Kotor, and the beautiful beaches of Budva. 

A cruise allows you to take in the breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding landscapes while stopping at ports that offer opportunities for sightseeing, shopping, and dining. 

Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or an adventure, a Croatia and Montenegro cruise is an excellent choice.

4. M204 Roundtrip from Split with Dubrovnik and Montenegro

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.3 / 5 ( 28 reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 8 days | BOOK NOW

This small group cruise, run by Kompas, takes you around Croatia’s most stunning islands and includes excursions and visits  to top sights in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In Croatia the itinerary takes you to the historic and beautiful islands with their Venetian towns and Mediterranean charm. There are lots of optional excursions you can join including walking tours, wineries and plenty of swimming stops in the warm Adriatic Sea.

In Montenegro you sail through UNESCO-listed Bay of Kotor to Kotor’s medieval walled town. There, you have an excursion to Montenegro’s heartland, Lovćen National Park, and then on to Budva and back to Kotor.

The cruise also includes an excursion to Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Famous for its bridge, which was bombed in the civil war of the 1990s, this multi-cultural city is another UNESCO World Heritage site and is both beautiful and fascinating.

This Croatia and Montenegro itinerary is ideal for people looking for beautiful scenery, cultural experiences and plenty of sun and sea!

5. Croatia and Montenegro Cruise

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4 / 5 ( 1 review ) | TOUR LENGTH: 8 days | BOOK NOW

Operated by CroisiEurope, this popular cruise on a 33m sailing boat takes you to Croatia’s spectacular islands and coastal towns as well as the Bay of Kotor. 

It also gives you the option to explore each destination on your own or to choose from selected guided tours and activities. For example, in Šibenik you can choose to explore on your own or join excursions to the town and magnificent Krka National Park. The excursions cater to everyone, with one option usually being a walking tour and the other a more adventurous tour like hiking or off-road buggy. 

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

This cruise is ideal for everyone. With optional excursions to suit every taste and the idyllic Croatian islands and Bay of Kotor... what more could you want?!

6. Dalmatian Coast and Montenegro Sailing

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.9 / 5 ( 8 reviews )  | TOUR LENGTH: 15 days | BOOK NOW

Run by platinum-rated and group tour experts G Adventures, this Montenegro and Croatia itinerary gives you the chance to explore Croatia’s idyllic islands and Montenegro’s dramatic coastline.

This tour gives you lots of free time in each destination to explore on your own, spend time on the beach or just hang out on the boat and it’s ideal if you’re looking for a relaxing trip. There are optional excursions available in each destination and you can find out the details of these and what they cost under Additional Services that are not included on this page.

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

This tour is ideal for young people and solo travellers who want to have fun and socialise. The tour can take up to 8 people. Each cabin on the boat sleeps two and there are shared bathrooms.

“Great balance of structure & adventure, that allowed for amazing experiences & cultural insights, without mollycoddling. My fellow travelers were like minded people, a range of ages and counties. It felt more like traveling with a group of friends, than being on a tour. Our skip continually went above & beyond.” -Shannon H. ( read more reviews )

TourRadar Banner Perast

7. Montenegro Sailing - Dubrovnik to Dubrovnik

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.9 / 5 ( 16 reviews )  | TOUR LENGTH: 8 days | BOOK NOW

This week-long sailing tour from Dubrovnik is also run by platinum-rated G Adventures, which specialise in excellent group tours for young and solo travellers.

The itinerary on this tour starts in Dubrovnik and takes you along the Montenegrin coastline and into the Bay of Kotor.

The cruise gives you the opportunity to enjoy lots of sun and sea, but doesn’t include any excursions, which helps to keep the price low. However, there are optional excursions you can do and you can find out what these are and how much they cost under Additional Services (in the not included section).

"An incredible experience from start to finish! Montenegro is stunning and travelling on a boat it gave us a totally different outlook on this amazing part of the world. Toni our captain was not just incredible at his job but also such a really nice guy who really took the time to tell us what to do in each of the marinas we docked in and also gave us a lot of useful information that made the experience even better. I am contemplating doing the same tour next year :-)" - Daniela ( read more reviews ).

Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Including Other Countries

Some of the best Montenegro and Croatia itineraries available also include other European countries, especially other Balkan countries. These tours are hugely popular and a great option if you want to see several countries in one trip.

8. Balkan Adventure

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.4 / 5 ( 60+ reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 15 days |  BOOK NOW 

  • Croatia 
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

This group tour is suitable for all ages with comfortable hotel or guesthouse accommodation throughout the tour.

It gives you a good insight into the culture and attractions of each destination you visit. The itinerary is made up of a mixture of free time in cities and organised visits to attractions. There are a lot of cultural and historic attractions that show you the history of these ancient towns as well as more recent history, including the civil war that broke up Yugoslavia in the 1990s. 

“What a fantastic tour to the Balkans led by a warm, friendly, knowledgeable leader. The trip was varied and interesting and the history came alive with the local guides in-depth and passion for the places we visited. I enjoyed trying local speciality foods and exploring the sights and sounds of the Balkans.” - Benjamin ( read more reviews ).

The tour includes thoughtfully-chosen excursions which give you authentic experiences, like the family-run vineyard visit, a cooking class in Sarajevo and walking tours. You also have a lot of free time in the cities, so you can research and choose other attractions and tours that you’re interested in.

This tour is for you if you’re looking for a tour that has your itinerary, transport and accommodation organised, but leaves you lots of flexibility to explore on your own.

9. Balkan Discovery

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.3 / 5 ( 12+ reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 10 days | BOOK NOW

This group bus tour starts and finishes in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. The itinerary includes other top captials around the Balkans, including vibrant Belgrade, multi-cultural Sarajevo and Tirana.

“Amazing tour! I love the guide and the itinerary. I am looking forward to going back to two or three places already. A tight schedule might not be suitable for everyone, but worth it for the people who want to check out lots of countries in a short period.” - 可( read more reviews )

It also includes several historic and beautiful spots around the Balkans, like Mostar with its historic bridge. If you’re lucky you might even see local divers diving from the bridge into the river below! You also visit must-sees Dubrovnik and Kotor where you can walk their ancient city walls.

This tour also includes some more off-the-beaten-track (but no less interesting!) destinations like the quaint town of Trebinje, Kravice Waterfall, Ohrid and Shkoder. 

10. Zagreb to Athens: Adriatic and Ancient Capitals

10 Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours Ultimate Guide

RATING: 4.4 / 5 ( 12+ reviews ) | TOUR LENGTH: 15 days | BOOK NOW

This small group tour, run by G Adventures, is aimed at under 40’s who want a fun and inexpensive group tour through the Balkans.

The tour hits all the highlights of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and ends in must-see, Athens in Greece. In Croatia you visit Zagreb, stunning Plitvice National Park, Split, the island of Hvar and must-see Dubrovnik. In Montenegro you visit Lake Skadar, Herceg Novi,Perast and stay in lively Kotor old town. In Albania you visit the capital, Tirana, and the coastal town of Saranda. Then it’s on to Greece where you take a ferry to Corfu and then on to Athens.

“Excellent tour with fantastic tour guide (Noddy). It's a tour aimed at younger (under 40) travellers, so the accommodation is mainly hostels and the pace is pretty fast but we still managed to spend a reasonable amount of time in each place. There was a good balance of history/culture and activities, and there is a lot of flexibility with the optional activities and free time to spend more or less time at the beach, museums, etc. Highly recommended as an introduction to the Balkans!” - Gareth ( read more reviews )

The accommodation on this tour is in hostels and there’s an emphasis on nightlife, which is why this tour is aimed at younger travellers. The price of the tour includes transport, accommodation, the guide and several tours and activities. There are still a lot of optional tours and activities that are extra, so it’s worth checking what’s not included and how much they cost (prices are given on the tour information page) before you book.

Getting to Croatia and Montenegro

When you want to tour Croatia and Montenegro, there are many options for getting here. Both countries have international airports with good connections year-round.

Airports in Croatia:

  • Zagreb: ZAG
  • Dubrovnik: DBV
  • Rijeka: RJK
  • Pula: PUY 

Airports in Montenegro:

  • Podgorica: TGD

I use WayAway to find the best and cheapest flight tickets whenever I travel. They work with budget airlines so I always know I’m getting the best deal. And they have a unique cashback programme where you can get cashbacks on almost all your travel bookings. Click here to find out more .

Find Flights to Croatia and MOntenegro

Frequently asked questions about montenegro and croatia tours.

What are the must-see destinations in Montenegro and Croatia?

The must-see destinations in Montenegro and Croatia include Zagreb, Plitvice Lakes National Park, Split, Dubrovnik and Kotor. But there are many more beautiful, historic and interesting sights to see in both countries.

What is the best time of year to visit Montenegro and Croatia?

The best time of year to visit Montenegro and Croatia is September because there are no crowds and the weather is perfect for enjoying the beach. July and August are best for hot beach weather and spring is best for sightseeing with mild weather. Both countries also offer skiing in winter.

What are the visa requirements for Montenegro and Croatia?

The visa requirements for Montenegro and Croatia depend on where you come from. Most tourists do not need a visa. Schengen visas are accepted by both countries.

What is the currency used in Montenegro and Croatia?

Montenegro uses the Euro and Croatia uses HRK, the Croatian kuna.

What are the transportation options for getting around Montenegro and Croatia?

The best way to get around Montenegro and Croatia is by hiring a car. There are also very good bus link inside and between both countries. There is no rail connection between the two countries.

What are the best activities to do in Montenegro and Croatia?

The best activities to do in Montenegro and Croatia are enjoying the beautiful seaside, exploring the old towns and enjoying the stunning national parks.

What is the local cuisine like in Montenegro and Croatia?

The cuisine in Montenegro and Croatia includes a lot of seafood, fresh and seasonal produce and grilled meats.

What are the accommodation options in Montenegro and Croatia?

The accommodation options in Montenegro and Croatia include everything from 5* hotels to backpacker hostels. Family-run apartments are common as are mid-range boutique hotels.

Are there any cultural customs or etiquette I should be aware of in Montenegro and Croatia?

Yes, there are cultural customs and etiquette you should follow in Montenegro and Croatia:

  • Always shake hands when greeting someone, even if it’s not the first time
  • Bring a gift of flowers, chocolates, wine, whiskey or coffee when visiting someone’s home
  • Tipping is not expected but welcomed for good service
  • Drunkenness is frowned on

What is the weather like in Montenegro and Croatia?

The weather in Montenegro and Croatia is mild and Mediterranean along the coast of both countries. The interiors experience colder winters, usually with a lot of snow.

Where is cheaper Montenegro or Croatia?

Montenegro and Croatia have similar prices for most things, including food and accommodation. Montenegro is slightly cheaper than Croatia in general. Prices in Kotor (Montenegro’s top coastal city) are significantly cheaper than in Dubrovnik (Croatia’s top coastal city).

Is it worth visiting Montenegro from Dubrovnik?

Yes, it is worth visiting Montenegro from Dubrovnik. The scenery and attractions, especially in the Bay of Kotor, are magnificent and you can visit on a day trip.

Which is better Kotor or Dubrovnik?

It’s impossible to compare Kotor and Dubrovnik. Both cities are beautiful walled towns, but each offers its own unique culture, attractions and experience.

Which is better to visit Montenegro or Croatia?

Croatia and Montenegro are both worth visiting! Both are stunningly beautiful and offer beaches, delicious food, excellent hospitality and incredible national parks.

Is it easy to travel between Croatia and Montenegro?

It is easy to travel between Croatia and Montenegro. There are land borders between the countries so you can drive from Montenegro to Croatia. The most popular Croatia Montenegro border is Debeli Brijeg between Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Herceg Novi (Montenegro) There are also border checkpoints in Cavtat and Zelenika if you are travelling by sea.

Is there a ferry from Montenegro to Croatia?

No, there is no ferry from Montenegro to Croatia.

Is there a train from Montenegro to Croatia?

No, there is no train from Montenegro to Croatia.

How many days are enough in Montenegro?

Ideally, you need to spend at least 1 week in Montenegro, however you can see some of the highlights, like Kotor, in as little as 1-4 days.

How many days in Croatia is enough?

You need 7-14 days to see Croatia, however you can see some of the highlights, like Dubrovnik, in as little as 1-4 days.

Conclusion:  Best Montenegro and Croatia Tours

Montenegro and Croatia offer a wealth of opportunities if you’re looking to explore the stunning scenery, rich culture, and fascinating history of the Balkans. 

With their idyllic coastlines, ancient cities, and dramatic landscapes, these two neighboring countries are the perfect destinations for anyone seeking a memorable and immersive travel experience. 

From the sparkling waters of the Adriatic Sea to the rugged mountains and winding rivers of the interior, there is something for everyone in Montenegro and Croatia. Whether you prefer to relax on the beach, explore historic sites, or embark on outdoor adventures, a tour of these countries will leave you with lasting memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the Balkan region. 

So why not start planning your Montenegro and Croatia tour today and discover all that this enchanting corner of Europe has to offer?

Best Croatia and Montenegro tour: Montenegro and Croatia private tour

Best Croatia and Montenegro sailing tour: M204 Roundtrip from Split with Dubrovnik and Montenegro

Best Montenegro and Croatia tour including other countries: Balkan Adventure

TourRadar Banner Kotor

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  • Travel insurance with SafetyWing
  • Montenegro and Croatia Tours

About Sarah

Sarah Pavlovic

I'm a New Zealander who's lived in Montenegro since 2008. I love exploring this beautiful country and sharing the best of it with you!

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Hi! I'm Sarah, an adventurer, mum and animal-lover dedicated to helping you discover the best of Montenegro, no matter how long your visit to this intriguing part of the world.

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tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro Cruise Tour (Southbound)

Trip length.

Land & Cruise Package

From: 4049 USD

Ploce Gate Dubrovnik

Want To Make Changes To This Trip?

Build Your Own Custom Dream Tour and Let us Create Your Perfect Trip

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the cultural and natural wonders of Croatia. Begin in Split, home to the impressive Diocletian Palace, where you’ll explore historic sites and enjoy an overnight stay. Venture inland to Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina, for a day of exploring Ottoman and Christian architecture. Return to Split for a private transfer to embark on an 8-day cruise through the Croatian southern isles aboard one of our luxury vessels, immersing yourself in the rich history and breathtaking landscapes of Trogir, Hvar, Vis, and Korčula. This luxurious cruise encompasses refreshing swims in the crystal-clear sea, immersing yourself in the secrets of traditional oyster farming, culminating in an unforgettable feast featuring fresh oysters paired with local wine. Additionally, savor the essence of Croatian cuisine with traditional dinners set amidst scenic olive groves and fragrant lavender fields. The adventure continues as you bid farewell to the cruise crew and set off on a day trip to Montenegro, experiencing its awe-inspiring landscapes and historic treasures. Traverse the fjords of Kotor Bay, stroll through Old Town Kotor, and embark on a boat ride to the enchanting Our Lady of the Rocks island. Conclude the journey with a visit to a family-owned winery overlooking the Bay of Kotor for a wine-tasting bonanza!

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro


  • All PRIVATE transfers/experiences in modern, air-conditioned vehicles
  • Professional English-speaking guides and drivers
  • 24-hour concierge assistance
  • Transfer from Split airport
  • 2 nights in Split, 4* hotel
  • Private day trip to Mostar with historical walking tour and home-hosted lunch with drinks included
  • Transfer to Split Port to board your ship
  • 7-night cruise from Split to Dubrovnik, cabin with ensuite bathroom
  • Welcome reception & cocktail
  • Daily buffet breakfast and 3-course lunch (half board)
  • Complimentary water
  • Captain’s Dinner with welcome drink
  • Complimentary coffee and tea throughout the day
  • Fresh fruit available daily
  • Professional English speaking cruise manager
  • Cabin linen change midweek
  • Luggage handling
  • Daily cabin service
  • Beach towels
  • Guided walking tours in Split, Korčula, and Dubrovnik

Entrance fees to Krka National Park

Home-hosted meal with drinks

Half-day excursion of Ston with Oyster farm visit and tasting

  • One-way bus transfer from Dubrovnik port to Old town Dubrovnik for sightseeing
  • Spectacular cruise along the old town city walls of Dubrovnik
  • 1 night in Dubrovnik, 4* hotel

Private Day trip to Montenegro with a private walking tour of Kotor with wine-tasting

  • Private transfer to Dubrovnik airport

Not included:

  • Additional drinks not mentioned here
  • Gratuities (recommended: roughly $350 for the week *per cabin*)
  • International airfare
  • Tickets to Blue Cave: €18 per person
  • Visitor Port Taxes/Fees €60 per person
  • Coffee outside of breakfast time
  • Optional wine tasting: €35 per person

Day 1 SPLIT – ARRIVAL, Thursday

Welcome to Split — this city is home to the monumental Diocletian Palace and rich history. You’ll arrive at the Split airport, followed by a private transfer to the hotel for an overnight stay.

Hotel Cornaro, Split

Day 2 SPLIT – MOSTAR – SPLIT, Friday (B)

You’ll briefly bid farewell to Split for a day trip inland to Mostar in neighboring Bosnia & Herzegovina. Explore this picturesque town, where Ottoman and Christian architecture harmonize along cobblestone streets, with the iconic Old Bridge spanning the Neretva River.

Despite the scars of the 1993 war, Mostar is now safe and flourishing, offering a guided walking tour of the Old Town and a delightful oriental-flavored lunch featuring kebabs, čevapi, baklavas, and exceptional Turkish coffee.

Conclude this remarkable journey with a return to Split and an overnight stay.

Private day trip to Mostar with historical walking tour

Day 3 EMBARK SHIP IN SPLIT, Saturday (B, D)

After a hotel check-out, your private transfer is ready to take you to the harbor for embarkation on your Split to Dubrovnik Cruise and to settle in. After a free day on the town, you’ll return to the ship for a welcome dinner and to meet the ship’s crew and its captain. Throughout this captivating 8-day journey, you’ll be treated to mesmerizing views of the Croatian southern isles, including Trogir, Hvar, Vis, and Korčula.

Immerse yourself in the splendid blend of Croatia’s rich history and natural beauty on this unforgettable cruise.

Overnight in Split

Guided walking tour in Split


Enjoy breakfast as we sail to UNESCO-protected Trogir. This museum-town is literally packed with palaces, churches, monasteries and towers, the main attraction being the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, probably the finest example of sacral architecture in Croatia. Along the way there will be time for a swim stop in a secluded cove. Late morning arrival to Trogir and time on your own. Lunch will be served on board while in port. After lunch, we will board a bus to take us to the National Park Krka. Krka is one of Croatia’s most famous and picturesque national parks. The waterfalls and crystal clear waters are most impressive making this stop a client favorite. We will exit Krka by taking a lovely boat ride down the river. Then, we’ll head to a small village to the home of a local prosciutto maker. Enjoy a delicious home-cooked dinner in his family home and get to know what the Croatian culture is all about.

Overnight in Trogir

Day 5 TROGIR – VIS, Monday (B, L)

In the morning we set sail towards the island of Vis. With lunch on board and a swim stop along the way, we arrive in Vis in the early afternoon. Vis was once an important Yugoslav naval base and was closed to the public for years. Due to this isolation, Vis has a unique charm that feels like you’re stepping into a faraway time, making it one of our favorite stops. Here, you will have an optional visit a unique winery with an interesting story and location. Their wines are top quality and some of the best in Croatia. In town, feel free to explore Vis at your leisure. We recommend visiting the Archaeological Museum located in the old Austrian fort Gospina Batarija (Batteria della Madonna). Dinner on your own in one of Vis Town’s charming restaurants.

Overnight in Vis

Day 6 VIS – BIŠEVO(BLUE CAVE) – HVAR, Tuesday (B, L,)

Our sail begins early in the morning toward the Blue Cave*. This natural phenomenon is one of the highlights of the entire week and you’ll find out for yourself why! (entrances to be paid on the spot – approx. €18) After the Blue Cave, breakfast will be served on board. We’ll have a swim stop and continue to Croatia’s sunniest island. Hvar is known as a “yachter’s paradise”. Arrive in the afternoon and explore the town’s historical center which includes the Renaissance cathedral with its original tower, and the oldest community theatre in Europe founded in the 17th century. Hike up to the Spanish Fortress which overlooks the harbor for lovely scenic views of the yacht-filled marina and the Pakleni islands. In the evening, Hvar offers many great restaurants, cafes, and bars with many open late into the night.

Overnight in Hvar

Day 7 HVAR – KORČULA, Wednesday (B, L)

This morning, we continue to Korčula, stopping for a swim in the gorgeous turquoise water and lunch along the way. Upon arrival in Korčula, enjoy a guided walking tour and explore the narrow cobblestone streets of this well preserved medieval town that is thought to be the birthplace of the world-famous explorer, Marco Polo. Afterwards, continue discovering all the little nooks and crannies of Korčula, and enjoy dinner in one of the town’s charming local restaurants.

Overnight in Korčula

Guided walking tour in Korčula

Day 8 KORČULA – SLANO, Thursday (B, L, T, CD)

In the morning, we set sail early for Slano. Along the way, enjoy a swim stop and lunch onboard. In Slano, be prepared to sample the local delicacy: oysters! We’ll visit Ston, known for its Medieval walls and oyster farming tradition that spans over two thousand years. From there, we’ll take a short boat ride to the oyster farm in the middle of the bay to taste these delicacies straight from the sea. Accompanied by a glass of Croatian wine, of course. Return to Slano for our Captain’s Dinner with live entertainment onboard.

Overnight in Slano

Captain’s Dinner

Day 9 SLANO – DUBROVNIK, Friday (B, L)

Our final day together brings us to Dubrovnik, known as the “Pearl of the Adriatic”. You’ll know why as you join our walking tour through the UNESCO protected old town and get a chance to see the city’s famous medieval walls.

After the guided walking tour of the Old Town, you have the rest of the day to experience Dubrovnik for yourself. When you’ve soaked up all of Dubrovnik’s warm and welcoming atmosphere that you can handle, our ship will be docked at Gruż Harbour. There are plenty of taxis, buses, and Ubers to bring you back.

Overnight in Dubrovnik

Guided walking tour in Dubrovnik

Day 10 DUBROVNIK, Saturday (B)

You’ll bid farewell to your ship crew and start a day trip to Montenegro — this small country with awe-inspiring landscapes featuring snow-capped mountains, mountain lakes, and monasteries hewn into solid rock, complemented by sunny beaches will surely leave you breathless.

A scenic drive along the fjords of Kotor Bay leads to a walking tour through the ancient streets of Old Town Kotor. The fairy tale unfolds with a boat ride to the enchanting Our Lady of the Rocks island, bringing seafaring legends to life.

On the journey back to Dubrovnik, we’ll savor a stop at a family-owned winery perched above the Bay of Kotor, offering a breathtaking view, and conclude the day with a wine-tasting bonanza.

Hotel More, Dubrovnik


After the amazing eleven days in Croatia, you’ll check out from the hotel followed by a private transfer to Dubrovnik airport.

Your Cruise Ships

Premier deluxe balcony ship cruising the Adriatic Sea in Croatia.

Premier has joined our fleet as the newest deluxe balcony ship for 2021. The ship has top-quality amenities, luxurious design and well-appointed cabins.

MS Ban cruising ship cruising the Adriatic Sea near the Croatian coast.

Constructed in 2017, the MS Ban is a lush way to explore the coastline and islands of Dalmatia.

MS Desire cruise ship anchored in the Adriatic Sea near a town in Croatia, aerial view.

Built in 2017, the MS Desire continues to be one of our favorite ships in Croatia because of the opulent design and top notch service on board.

More Land & Cruise Tours

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro Cruise Tour (Northbound)

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Croatia and Montenegro Cruise Tour (Southbound)

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Zagreb to Dubrovnik Cruise Tour (Southbound)

Aerial view of a cityscape of Split city with its Riva harbour, in Croatia.

Customize Your Trip

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Change Length of Tour Length of Trip -4 days -3 days -2 days -1 day +1 day +2 days +3 days +4 days

Trip Start Date

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Specific Requests

I don't drink alcohol and would like other options

I'm a Game of Thrones fan and would like to see some of the shooting locations

I have mobility issues and require easy activities

This trip is slightly out of my budget but I'm open to creative ways to still make it happen.

I have room in my budget. Please upgrade me!

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Design Your Own Trip

Length of Trip Length of Trip 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10 days 11 days 12 days 13 days 14 days

When Would You Like To Travel?

My Dates Are Flexible

What Type of Trip Are You Interested In?

Private Land Tour

Small Ship Cruise

Combination of Land and Cruise

Family Vacation

Not Including Airfare, What's Your Budget Per Person? Select Budget $2000-$3000 $3000-$4000 $4000-$5000 $6000+

What Destinations Would You Most Like To Visit?

Northern Coast (Istria)

Dalmatian Coast

Croatian Islands

What Experiences Are You Most Interested In?

Natural Beauty

History and Architecture

Interaction with Local People

Local Cuisine

Domestic Wine

Adventure Activities

What Type of Traveler Are You?

I enjoy researching and planning my own trips

I prefer going on small group trips

I like an expertly planned trip from start to finish with standout experiences

Where Are You In The Planning Process?

I just started researching and am considering other destinations

I want to go to Croatia and I'm looking for more information

Croatia, here I come! I'm ready to book my perfect trip

Anything else you want us to know?

Seasonal Pricing

Based on double occupancy in a Lower Deck cruise cabin

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My dates are flexible by a week I need to depart on this date

Would you like to add extension tours?

Additional Information

Disclaimer: Price and Availability subject to change depending on date of travel.

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Two Monkeys Travel Group

7 Days Balkan Itinerary : Guide on How to Visit Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina

The Balkan Peninsula aka The Balkans is one of the 3 Peninsulas situated in Southern Europe.

Generally, the Balkan States include Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria , Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia , Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia , and Slovenia.

These Balkan countries are tucked by the Black Sea to the east, the Adriatic to the west, and the Mediterranean to the south.

Tourist Visa For Montenegro

I know everyone would love to thoroughly explore these countries but unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of time and ice cold cash. So for this post, I’ll be telling you how you can maximize your time in these Balkan Countries by spending at least 2 days in each. I know some of you would say ‘Bakit 2 days in each lang? Hindi kaya yun! Bitin!’ so let me remind you, this post is for the benefit of those people who are not privileged to have unli-sick/vacation leaves and unli-cash :p

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  • How To Apply for Montenegro Visa for Philippines Passport Holders – Tourist Visa for Filipinos

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Table of Contents

Why should I take this Balkan trip?

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Why the hell not?! The world is so huge to be spent in just one place to travel as long as you can!

Where should I start my journey to these Balkan countries?

A Travel Guide To Island Brac, Croatia3

I suggest you start in Dubrovnik, Croatia. They have more flight options and flights could be cheaper from/to there. Here’s a fact: It only takes roughly about an hour drive from Dubrovnik in Croatia to Herceg Novi, Montenegro (assuming there’s no traffic) so you can also start from Herceg Novi if you prefer. Para ka lang tumawid ng Pasay to North Edsa mga besh pag walang traffic!

When is the ideal time to visit these Balkan countries?

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Summer (June to August) is always a good idea but of course, expect a lot of tourists. I highly suggest visiting September to October to avoid traffic and high cost of everything!

What mode of transportation should I use to travel around the Balkans?

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

I highly suggest renting a car so you can go anywhere at your own pace and time. Choose one that can be dropped off anywhere in these Balkan States. Otherwise, book car rental (there’s a lot of company based in Herceg Novi in Montenegro and Croatia) which is relatively cheaper than taking taxis and faster compared to taking buses. 

If there’s one country you’d suggest staying longer in, what would it be?

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Wow this is a tough question as they are all equally beautiful! But okay, if there’s one then probably Montenegro . Why? Because it’s so much affordable compared to other European Countries and it’s such a lovely country. The people are amazing too! They’re very warm and friendly.


Day 1 : arrival in croatia. walk around the old town of dubrovnik..

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

To maximize your time, I suggest you find a flight that gets to Croatia early in the morning. That way, you’ll have time to rest and explore the city in the afternoon. Go around the beautiful Old Town. Here, you’ll see a lot of quaint shops, restaurants, and a picturesque view. Here, you’ll feel like you’re walking in a magical storybook where alley after alley will lead you to the most stunning views.

Day 2 : Take a Day Tour from Dubrovnik.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

There is a lot of Day Trips you can get from Dubrovnik– Elaphite Islands Karaka Cruise , Ston and Korcula Island Day Trip , Konavle Valley Tour and Mljet National Park Tour , among others. You can also plan your own route if you rented a car. I know most of you would want to go to Plitvice National Park but with the little time on this itinerary, it will be very difficult. I suggest you add 1-2 days so you’ll have time to visit this as well.

Extra Tip: Check out Plumguide for the best holiday homes and vacation rentals in Croatia .

Day 3: Travel to Herceg Novi, Montenegro and explore the town.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Herceg Novi is just an hour drive from Dubrovnik assuming there’s not much traffic. Leave early in the morning so you’ll have plenty of time to go around. Check-in your hotel, rest a bit and start walking around the Old Town. Just by walking around, you’ll see Forte Mare, Citadela, Sat Kula, Tora, Kanli Kula and Španjola — that’s 6 forts in Herceg Novi alone. You’ll also get to see beautiful churches. Herceg Novi is a Coastal Town so you’ll be surrounded by the Adriatic Sea together with its mighty mountains & cliff, all embraced by the marvelous architecture. It’s impossible to miss the marvelous Bay of Kotor.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Montenegro is a lot cheaper than all its neighboring countries so indulge in all your cravings and all those little luxuries if you must. I am especially fond of this country because it is so damn beautiful, the people are very warm, and it is a lot more affordable.

Day 4 : Spend your day at the Dobrec Beach.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Take a shuttle boat from Herceg Novi and in 30 minutes, you’ll find yourself in a secluded and peaceful beach. The water is crystal clear so don’t forget to take your snorkeling mask. You’ll definitely enjoy the day just being lazy, taking it slow, and enjoying the fresh catch from the nearby restaurant. If you’re not keen on doing this, you can instead take a day trip to

Day 5: Travel to Mostar in Bosnia & Herzegovina

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A 3-hour drive via M6 will take you to the very beautiful and historical town of Mostar. The UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Stari Most is one of the most frequented tourist spots here so expect a huge crowd. This bridge represents beauty amidst the tragedy during the Bosnian War. The backdrop is jaw-dropping. This place is absolutely stunning and is worth the visit. This bridge is centrally located in Mostar’s Old Town so you know what to do– explore!

Day 6: Take a trip to Kravice Falls

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Day 7: Take an early flight back home or spend the day in Mostar and buy pasalubongs

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

I don’t know about your culture but Filipinos love to buy small gifts for families and friends while we’re out on a trip. So the last day is always the best day to do this! 🙂

There goes my 7-day Balkan itinerary. I know 7 days is super bitin but given the chance to spend these days in 3 beautiful countries, who are we to complain? Right? Positive vibes, everyone! I hope you enjoy your journey 🙂

Two Monkeys Tours

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3 thoughts on “ 7 Days Balkan Itinerary : Guide on How to Visit Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina ”

Intrested. In this tour. 2 person .dates 30 July

Thans Kach for writing this interesting article about the Balkan region all these countries are very beautiful with fascinating culture and stunning landscape But I think that one really needs more than 7 days to visit the area

Hi Ms. Kach,me and my friends are thinking of doing this…we’re currently working in Abu Dhbai…what is the process..we would like to do this in October.thank you.

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Written by Kach Umandap

Founder of Two Monkeys Travel Group. Since 2013, Kach has visited all the 7 continents (including Antarctica) and 151 countries using her Philippines Passport. In 2016, she bought a sailboat and went on sailing adventures with her two cats - Captain Ahab & Little Zissou in the Caribbean for 2 years. She now lives in Herceg Novi, Montenegro where she's enjoying her expat life and living on a gorgeous Stonehouse. She writes about her experiences traveling as a Filipina traveler with a PHL Passport. Also tips on backpacking trips, luxury hotel experiences, product reviews, sailing & adventure travel.

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Victor Tours

Incoming & DMC

Balkan Revealed – 4 countries in 10 days

Balkan Revealed – 4 countries in 10 days

In only ten days, this tour takes you through some of the most beautiful parts of the area, from bustling Belgrade to the serene Croatian seaside, from the spectacular waterfalls and thickly wooded mountains of Plitvice Lakes National Park to UNESCO World Heritage sites such as The Old Bridge in Mostar and Kotor and Perast area in Montenegro. And, of course, as a cherry on top, Dubrovnik or “The Pearl of the Adriatic”  with its stunning architecture and picturesque landscapes. The tour includes transportation, a professional guide, hotel accommodation, and entrance fees, so choose your dates and join us for a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience. 

Serbia – Croatia – Montenegro – Bosnia & Herzegovina

Important note: this is a small-group experience, limited to 8 guests per departure. If you prefer a private tour, which will allow you to choose your dates, have more flexibility in choosing your itinerary, and have the comfort of having a vehicle and a guide just for yourself, please get in touch with us HERE .

ITINERARY  10 days / 9 nights

Arrive at “Nikola Tesla” International Airport.

Our guide will meet you in the arrivals hall with your name on the signboard. He will do the following: help you with your money exchange, give you essential information about Belgrade, help you with your check-in, explain to you the location of your accommodation and advise you how to reach the main sights, and give you an overview of current happenings in the city.

In case your flight is delayed, there is no reason to worry. We will monitor your flight, and our guide will meet you accordingly. There are no additional charges for flight delays. After a short ride of 20 minutes, you’ll be in the city’s center. Check-in at the hotel, and take the rest of the day to get more familiar with Belgrade, walk around or follow your guide’s recommendation for dinner.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you are arriving in Belgrade a few days before the tour departure, you can book additional nights with us, at the same hotel, for a surcharge of €55 (Classic package) or €95 (Upgraded package. Prices are per person and night in a double or twin room.

Overnight: Belgrade

Breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll start with our Belgrade sightseeing tour. Today we will show you almost all the most important sights in the city.

We’ll start at the daunting Belgrade Fortress, dramatically perched above the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. We’ll check the Victor Monument, Monument of Gratitude to France, Zindan Gate, The Chapel of Saint Petka, Clock Gate, and The Clock Tower.

Once we finish with the fortress, we will start our panoramic ride through New Belgrade – Belgrade’s largest municipality, with impressive modern architecture. Here, we will see some remarkable buildings such as the Ex-Central Committee of the Communist Party, Federal Executive Council, also known as the Palace of Federation, Genex Tower or Western Gate of Belgrade, Sava Center, Belgrade Arena, and many more.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

After New Belgrade, we’ll reach Zemun, the northern area of Belgrade, which is characteristic of its Central European appearance, charming quarters, cobblestone streets, and fish restaurants on the Danube River banks. Its curvy cobblestone streets and small houses will give you the impression that Zemun is a melting pot of Mediterranean and Middle European cultures.

After Zemun, we’ll drive through Dedinje, Belgrade’s most luxurious residential area, before we reach the imposing Saint Sava Temple, one of the world’s largest Orthodox churches.

After the sightseeing tour, spend this afternoon on your own. Maybe check out Nikola Tesla’s Museum or the National Museum, or wander around the central streets.

In the evening, visit the Old Bohemian Quarter of Skadarlija, frequently compared to Montmartre in Paris, both in appearance and artistic atmosphere. It’s a perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with traditional Serbian cuisine and the famous Belgrade nightlife. (Optional = 30€ per person)

After breakfast, it’s time to move to another beautiful Balkan country – Croatia. We’ll head for the Croatian capital, and after roughly around 4 hours (depending on the border crossing), we’ll reach Zagreb. Check-in at the hotel and take some time to refresh before we start with our Zagreb walking tour.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Begin the sightseeing tour in busy Kaptol Square in Upper Town, dominated by the monumental Zagreb Cathedral, with its soaring twin spires, cobblestone streets, and red tile-roofed buildings. Walk along Krvavi Most to St. Mark’s Church, with its brightly colored roof, and the 17th-century Jesuit Church of St. Catherine. After a stop at the Parliament building, free time to explore the winding streets of the Old Town and Ban Jelacic, the main square. Or perhaps take a stroll along Ilica Street, packed with restaurants, trendy cafes, and a vibrant shopping scene. Free time to explore on your own.

Overnight: Zagreb

After breakfast, we’ll leave Zagreb behind us and drive towards Plitvice Lakes.

After around two hours of driving, prepare your cameras since we will arrive at the breathtaking scenery of a natural wonder – Plitvice Lakes National Park.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Enjoy a 3-hour guided tour through a wonderland of 16 interconnecting lakes flanked by thundering waterfalls and a vast primeval forest. This area, known as a geological and hydrological phenomenon, is celebrated as one of Europe’s most beautiful natural sights, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

We’ll arrive at our hotel just in time for dinner, and after that, you can relax and rest.

Overnight: Plitvice

After breakfast, we’ll head towards Split, with a short en-route visit to Zadar, Croatia’s oldest continuously inhabited city full of beautiful attractions and historical places.

We’ll walk around and check out the most important sights, including the Sea Organ, Greeting to the Sun, The Roman Forum, and the Church of Saint Donatus.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

We’ll have a lunch break, and after approximately two hours of driving, we’ll arrive at the UNESCO-protected seaside town of Split, the second-largest city in Croatia. Check-in. The rest of the day is yours. Perhaps enjoy a coffee or a dinner in one of the numerous restaurants by the sea.

Overnight: Split

After breakfast, we’ll have a walking tour along the Old Town’s cobbled streets featuring the historic inner city with its dominating Roman influence, built around the 4th-century Palace of Diocletian. This spectacular palace, a precious example of Roman architecture, is one of the largest and best-preserved in the world. We’ll see the remains of the Cathedral of St. Domnius, built in the Middle Ages, and the Temple of Jupiter with its headless black sphinx guarding the entrance.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Later on, we will proceed to Dubrovnik. After roughly 2.5 hours of driving along the beautiful Croatian coast and admiring wonderful views, we’ll arrive at the spectacular walled city of Dubrovnik, lovingly named the “Pearl of the Adriatic.” Check-in, a short break, and the “Old Dubrovnik on foot” tour. The magnificent Old Town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a treasure of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque churches, monasteries, and palaces. The tour highlights sites like Rector’s Palace, an outstanding blend of Gothic and Renaissance architecture. Also, the monumental Sponza Palace, one of the most beautiful palaces in the city, is preserved in its original form. Under the City Bell Tower on Luza Square, view Orlando’s Tower, which is dedicated to the legendary knight who saved the city in the 9th century.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

After the tour, take some time for yourself.

Consider strolling along the impressive ramparts overlooking the shimmering Adriatic Sea or visit the Maritime Museum in St. John’s Castle. Or maybe check the parts of Dubrovnik where the famous Game of Thrones was shot, visit Lokrum island and city walls, or ride a Dubrovnik cable car.

Overnight: Dubrovnik

After breakfast, we’ll leave Croatia behind us and ride towards the stunning Bay of Kotor, the longest and deepest fjord in Southern Europe. Our first stop will be the charming coastal town of Perast, one of the most beautiful towns on the Adriatic Sea, with only 300 residents. We will walk along the Perast promenade and admire the beautiful baroque palaces of noble families.

Following, we will take a short boat ride to the 15th century “Our Lady of the Rocks” Church perched on an islet in the bay. Once there, we will visit the Roman Catholic Church, which has an interesting interior.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

The next stop is Kotor, where we will have a guided walking tour. This old Mediterranean town, surrounded by formidable city walls, was built between the 12th and 14th centuries. Its medieval architecture and other cultural monuments are why UNESCO included the city on the list of “World Natural and Historical Heritage Sites.” We’ll check out the Cathedral of St. Tryphon, Maritime Museum, numerous Palaces, and Old Square and get to feel the atmosphere of this unique medieval town. Here, we will have a lunch break.

Later on, we will proceed to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We’ll end the day in Trebinje, a charming and picturesque little town on the banks of the Trebišnjica River, with a laid-back atmosphere and an interesting mix of Mediterranean, Central European, and Ottoman influences. You can use the evening to stroll around small streets or have a nice dinner.

Overnight: Trebinje

After breakfast, our trip continues to Blagaj (a site on the UNESCO Tentative List), an old town from the first half of the 16th century and a beautiful representation of Ottoman architecture. Blagaj was the crib of Islam of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the short tour, enjoy the view of the monastery in a fairy-tale environment beneath the cliffs on the shores of the emerald-green river Buna.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Our next stop will be Mostar, a medieval town in northern Herzegovina and one of the Balkan’s top ten sights. With cobblestoned streets, old stone buildings, and its beautiful bridge spanning the picturesque Neretva River, it attracts thousands of visitors.

We will walk through its narrow streets to soak up the atmosphere and learn more about the history of this magnificent place. We will cross the reconstructed Old Bridge, a staunch symbol of freedom on the Neretva River, and a UNESCO-protected landmark. If we are lucky, we may even witness some brave divers jumping from the bridge, following a tradition that lasts for a couple of centuries in Mostar.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

We will proceed to Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque, the Crooked Bridge, and the Old Town, or Čaršija as locals call it.

You will have some free time in Mostar for lunch on the banks of the Neretva River, with an amazing bridge view.

We’ll end the day in Sarajevo, a beautiful city with a complicated history.

After check-in, enjoy a free afternoon in Sarajevo and visit some of the most famous restaurants in the city, offering the famous “ćevapčići,” a traditional Bosnian dish, a small rolled patty of ground beef meat.

Overnight: Sarajevo

Breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll start exploring the capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina and one of Europe’s most historically rich cities.

We’ll start from the picturesque Turkish Bazaar (Bascarsija), an old trading place with artisan workshops. We’ll check many examples of splendid Ottoman architecture around the city center. The city is truly a “living history museum” where mosques built by the Ottomans sit alongside buildings created by the Austro-Hungarians and the Orthodox Churches. We’ll see the Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque, the most prominent Islamic structure in the country, one of the world’s finest examples of Ottoman architecture. We will also check the Sebilj Fountain, one of Sarajevo’s Old Town’s most famous landmarks, The City Hall, and the famous “Spite House”.

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

We’ll drive past the now-neglected stadium from the 1984 Winter Olympic Games and the Gavrilo Princip Museum. On our walk, look for the poignant Sarajevo Roses, flower-shaped memorials in the pavement filled with red cement, one of the few reminders left of the war.

After the sightseeing tour, take some time to walk around the Miljacka River, have lunch, or have a traditional Bosnian coffee.

In the afternoon, the tour will head back to Belgrade (around 5 hours of driving). You have two choices. If you want, you can stay in Sarajevo and book your flight from Sarajevo on the next day (or even a few days later), or you can go back to Belgrade and fly out from Belgrade on the next day or a couple of days later (your decision). In any case, the departure transfer to the airport is included, whether you decide to fly out from Sarajevo or Belgrade.

Overnight: Belgrade /Sarajevo

Breakfast. Free time until your flight. Transfer to the airport (if you stayed in Sarajevo – transfer to Sarajevo airport; if you went back to Belgrade – transfer to Belgrade airport). End of services. Have a safe flight!

IMPORTANT NOTE : If you want to depart from Sarajevo or Belgrade a few days after the tour ends, you can book additional nights with us at the same hotel for a surcharge of €50 (Classic package) or €70 (Upgraded package. Prices are per person and night in a double or twin room.


Classic package – prices per person, classic package hotels, upgraded package – prices per person, upgraded package hotels.

Do you want to travel only with your group of friends, or your family? Would you like to choose the travel dates and perhaps modify the tour? Then booking a private tour is your solution. Contact us , and let’s work together on crafting a perfect experience for you.

  • 9 nights 4* or 5* accommodation
  • 2 or 3 nights in the chosen hotel category in Belgrade 
  • 1 night in the chosen hotel category in Zagreb
  • 1 night in the chosen hotel category in Plitvice 
  • 1 night in the chosen hotel category in Split
  • 1 night in the chosen hotel category in Dubrovnik 
  • 1 night in the chosen hotel category in Trebinje
  • 1 or 2 nights in chosen hotel category in Sarajevo 
  • 10 meals: 9 breakfasts & one dinner (Plitvice)
  • arrival & departure airport transfers
  • transfers according to the itinerary
  • sightseeing per itinerary
  • English-speaking tour manager throughout
  • All fuel costs, parking fees, and road tolls
  • Entrance fees: Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade, Plitvice Lakes, boat ride to Our Lady of the Rocks, Blagaj Tekke
  • tour organization and 24/7 assistance from a licensed incoming tour operator
  • Arrival and departure flights
  • Food & drinks (except for breakfast in the hotels, and dinner in Plitvice Lakes)
  • Optional expenses
  • entrance fees other than those mentioned
  • Child from 0 to 2 years old – FREE of charge.
  • Child from 2 to 12 years old, sharing the bed – 50% discount on the price of a twin room
  • Child from 2 to 12 years old, extra bed – 30% discount on the price of a twin room.
  • Up to 60 days before the departure date = 100% refund
  • 59 days to 46 days before the departure date = 90% refund
  • 45 days to 31 days before the departure date = 80% refund
  • 30 days to 16 days before the departure date = 70% refund
  • 15 days to 8 days before the departure date = 50% refund
  • 7 days or less before the departure date = 0% refund
  • You MUST confirm and obtain any visa requirements before the booking. All visa requirements are the sole responsibility of the traveler. A current valid passport is required on the day of travel.
  • Gratuities are not included in the price (not mandatory, but common)
  • The final choice of hotels will depend on the availability at the moment of your booking. We reserve the right to change the hotel due to availability, but we promise the same category, location, and level of quality
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee the entrance of the church/cathedral due to sudden closure (mass, wedding, etc)
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee the timing due to weather and traffic
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee entrance to any sight due to late arrival
  • The minimum number of the guests required is one
  • Tour duration = 10 days

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

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Balkan Tour: Stunning Landscapes and Charming Cities

- This post may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure.

“Journey of a lifetime” is perhaps the best phrase to describe my recent road travel through Balkan countries tucked in the south-eastern part of Europe. My Balkan tour was designed by Atlas Travel Agency, one of Croatia’s leading tour operator, which I booked through Beyond Travel.

The itinerary for my 13-day Grand Balkan Tour visited Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo. The journey through these Balkan nations was packed with visits to natural, historical and cultural sites in a short period of time.

Balkans tour lake bled

We covered 2000 km between Croatia’s capital Zagreb and Dubrovnik. Although we were keen to see Croatia’s famous seaside destination, there were plenty of amazing places along the way.

Why go on a Balkan Tour?

Day 1 – zagreb, croatia, day 2 – slovenia, day 3 – ljubljana, slovenia, day 4 – plitvice lakes national park, croatia, trogir island, croatia, day 6 and 7 – dubrovnik, croatia, day 8- bosnia and herzegovina, day 9 – tirana, albania, day 10- skopje, macedonia, days 11 and 12- montenegro, balkan tours, balkan tour.

  • Though hectic at times, going on a Balkan tour allows you to see a lot of amazing things in multiple countries in a short period of time. 
  • The diversity of sites from historical to natural as well as experiences of many kinds are a great feature of a Balkan tour. 
  • Being always on the road offers a raw and intimate encounter with the land we pass through and provides the opportunity to see and discover things not mentioned in any guide books or the internet. 
  • All of these in combination make the wanderings during a Balkan tour extra special and there plenty of opportunities to discover hidden treasures.

The journey of a lifetime is quite a befitting title for this trip.

  • 20 Danube River Cities
  • European River Cruising

Balkan Tour Itinerary

Balkans Tour Zagreb

We started our Balkans tour in Zagreb.

It’s difficult to understand why one of Europe’s oldest city, Zagreb, is often ignored by seasoned travellers as the city has no shortage of historical and religious sites to draw your attention.

Home to nearly one million people, Zagreb has a thousand-year-old Upper Town, a 19 th -century built Lower Town and a New Town.

The Lower Town is packed with neo-baroque and art deco architectural marvels influenced by neighbouring cities Vienna and Budapest.

New Town is the contemporary part of the city.

Walking is the best way to discover the city’s top attractions like the Lotrščak Tower, St Catherine’s Church, Stone Gate and the glaze-tile roofed St Mark’s Church in the upper part.

Zagreb Cathedral, Dolac Market, National Theatre and the lively Main Square is dominated by an equestrian statue of Ban Josip Jelacic in the lower side.

An interesting feature of Zagreb is the use of gas lamps for street lighting in the upper part.

This is a tradition that is 150 years old and just like in the olden times, 214 lamps are manually switched on and off by men with a lighting pole in hand. 

Watching them doing their routine at dusk and dawn is an attraction of many visitors.

It’s not as easy to find Croatia’s west side neighbour Slovenia on a map, as it is a small country and can easily be overlooked on a tour of the Balkans.

Slovenia may be small but it’s an incredibly scenic country with amazing nature, rich traditions and wonderful food. 

You’ll be surprised to learn that there are 24 culinary regions in this compact country and Slovenian chefs are making their mark by creating contemporary twists to traditional recipes. 

The trends towards using fresh locally sourced seasonal produce is gaining momentum and tasting traditional Slovenian food is one of the highlights of any Balkan tour. 

From Zagreb, we travel to Lake Bled one of Slovenia’s natural wonders before heading to the capital.

Balkans tours Ljubljana

Ljubljana is straight out of a fairy tale and was impressively crowned the European Green Capital title in 2016.

Spread across both sides of the curly Ljubljanica River, the city was the creation of architect Jože Plečnik.

Ljubljana combines history and modernity.

Noteworthy here is the fusion of Renaissance, Baroque and Art Nouveau styles displayed in several of the city’s buildings.

Most photographed are the Town Hall, Cathedral of St Nicholas and the famous Three Bridges across the river lined on both sides with markets, shops and trendy restaurants, cafes and bars.

One important thing to do in Slovenia is to sample the cream cake, which has delicate puff pastry on layers of light cream and custard. Delicious!

Then our Balkans tour itinerary took us back to Croatia and spent the next few days exploring Plitvice Lakes National Park, Split, Trogir and Dubrovnik – all UNESCO World Heritage-listed.

balkan tour Plitvice Lakes National Park,

Plitvice Lakes National Park is a natural phenomenon of rare beauty and a highlight of our Balkans tour.

It’s also one of the most gorgeous places to go hiking in Croatia . 

Think of it as Croatia’s version of Iguassu or Victoria Falls, even though the waterfall is not as vast or tall it’s truly awe-inspiring to see this pristine nature with waterfalls surrounding rainforest and stunning mountains.

The sanctuary has 16 lakes and several gushing waterfalls, making it a feast for eyes and are stunning natural landmarks of Croatia.

The colour of the lakes vary from emerald green and turquoise blue to deep blue, depending on the mineral deposits beneath the lake.

Having seen the beauty of these lakes, I’m surprised they are not on the new Seven Natural Wonders of the World list.

Today Croatia is one of Europe’s most visited destination because of its many sites of historical significance, Adriatic beach-front locations and Mediterranean climate.

This was not the same three decades ago when it was part of former Yugoslavia.

Independence came in 1991 but was followed with a brutal war which finished in 1995 but the aftermath was felt for years.

It’s only in the last decade tourism numbers have surged, hence it’s understandable why Plitvice Lakes National Park didn’t feature in the global election of the new natural wonders in 2007.

For more amazing European Landmarks , read:

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  • 20 Landmarks in Paris
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  • 10 Istanbul Landmarks

Day 5 – Split, Croatia

balkan tour Split

Our next stop on our Balkan tour, Split, is located in the south of the nation and on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.

Split is a popular port for cruise ships and is Croatia’s second-largest city so.

Of all the sights in Split , don’t miss the third-century palace of Roman Emperor Diocletian, who built a fortified palace-city that has been continuously occupied since it was founded.

The sprawling complex includes several palatial buildings, a cathedral, churches and fortifications that reflects Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

Walking through the remains of this site is a great way to get a glimpse of its remarkable past that dates back to 3 rd century AD.

Not far from Split, a lesser-known place on our Balkan tour itinerary is Trogir island.

The tiny settlement has a unique orthogonal street plan dating back to the Hellenistic period.

This was later built upon by successive rulers who added Romanesque churches along with Renaissance and Baroque buildings.

The Cathedral of St Lawrence, which took 400 years to be built, is the island’s major attraction.

Balkan tour Dubrovnik

Another highlight of our Balkans tour, Dubrovnik, is the crown jewel of Croatia where we were happy to lose ourselves in the charming red-roofed Old Town.

The heyday of Dubrovnik’s Old Town was in the 13 th century.

Surrounded by walls almost 2000 m in length, its landscape has virtually remained unchanged and is well-preserved to the present day despite an earthquake in 1667 and war with Serbia and Monte Negro in the nineties. 

A walk on the fortified walls is the thing to do in Dubrovnik for visitors, alongside a visit to the Rector’s Palace, Cathedral and Franciscan Monastery with Europe’s oldest pharmacy.

A major attraction of Dubrovnik is to visit the sites that were part of the popular television drama ‘Game of Thrones’, in which Dubrovnik is Kings Landing the capital of the fictitious empire of Seven Kingdoms.

Not much needed to be changed for the series, as Dubrovnik’s Old Town fitted the part of the stronghold of the Lannister family perfectly.

Filming was done on the outer walls, the castles, fortifications and gates.

The paved squares and narrow alleyways portrayed the Red Keep, the City of Qarth and the gardens of King’s Landing.

The Jesuit Steps is the location of one of the most popular scenes – the Walk of Shame where Cersei was paraded naked through the crowds.

It’s almost routine for GOT fans to walk up and down the stairs (surely with clothes on!), take selfies and bring alive the scene in their minds.

According to the owner of the cafe at the bottom of the steps, this part of the town was closed to everyone when they filmed the scene and only crew members were allowed on set.

The good news is there are plenty of hotels in Dubrovnik to suit any budget but to fully experience the charm of this UNESCO World Heritage site, choose one in the Old Town. 

Balkan tour mostar bridge

While travelling to Dubrovnik by road, the route of our Balkans tour passed through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mostar, a historic settlement famous for its Ottoman heritage, can be visited as a day trip from Dubrovnik or while on a road trip. 

A famous landmark of this medieval city, which is the hub of Herzegovina region, is a 15th-century bridge across the river.

During the Bosnian War, it was totally destroyed but rebuilt in 2005 exactly to the same design to keep alive the talent of the Ottoman builders.

The rebuilding of the bridge to perfection impressed UNESCO enough to grant it World Heritage status.

A fun part of our Balkan tour was going through the less trodden path like Mostar, Tirana in Albania and Ohrid and Skopje in North Macedonia – these places, after years of isolation, are now welcoming outsiders with open arms.

Our Balkan tour took us to Albania’s busy capital Tirana, where the National Museum of History is very interesting, a policeman asks me to take a photo with him.

I felt it was unusual but it seems Tirana locals, including the police, are trying hard to be friendly in a bid to encourage more tourists to visit.

Similarly, neighbouring Macedonia has also begun to receive more tourists.

Taxi drivers, waiters, shopkeepers and guides also try hard to be attentive and friendly.

Did you know that Mother Teresa was a Macedonian born as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Skopje? Mother Teresa lived in Kolkata in India most of her life.

A memorial to her stands in the main square as a site of pilgrimage for devotees of her work.

Macedonia’s capital, Skopje, is in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula and located at the crossroad of important communications with over two-millennium old traditions.

There’s a giant statue of Alexander the Great in the main square.

Another place we visited was the city of Ohrid, which is an awe-inspiring lakeside settlement.

While travelling from Skopje to Kolasin we pass through Kosovo, an impoverished nation struggling to find its spot in the tourism map.

balkans tour piva lakd montenegro

Besides Croatia, the other country where we spent considerable time in is Montenegro, which is the rising star of the Balkan tour circuit.

A nation with a long history, the meeting point of different cultural and religious influences on the border of Orthodox East and Catholic West, Montenegro is described as a multi-confessional and multi-ethnic environment functioning in perfect harmony.

We visited :

  • Budva – for sandy beaches and its historic old town built during the Venetian era.
  • Kolasin – forested ski resort centre
  • Centije – where a visit to the museum of King Nicola I Petrovic is impressive Kotor – a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its very well preserved old quarter, packed with a Romanesque cathedral and several churches, fortifications, entry gates, noble houses and monuments flanking maze of cobblestones streets and squares.

The road journey in Montenegro was a scenic part of our Balkan tour, particularly when driving along the Moraca River Canyon and the stretch from Cetinje to Kotor.

When winding down the slopes of Mt Lovćen, the narrow and snaky mountainous road has 25 hairpin bends and breathtaking vistas at every turn between rugged mountain landscape and that of Kotor Bay down below.

Beyond Travel offers fully escorted Balkan tours with English-speaking guides, air-conditioned coaches and accommodation in four and five-star hotels with breakfast and dinner is included.

If you’re on a tighter budget, there are a range of tours to choose from here . 

Currency –Euro (EUR) in Slovenia, Kosovo and Montenegro, Kuna (HRK) in Croatia, Lek (ALL) in Albania, Denar (MKD) in Macedonia, Mark (BAM) in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

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balkans tours

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Serbia to Montenegro: An Epic Balkan Discovery

Dive into a 10-day Balkan adventure filled with Serbia's vibrance, Bosnia's rich history, Croatia's coastal gems, and Montenegro's stunning landscapes. Get ready for a journey packed with memorable moments.

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro tour

Tour Services Overview:

What's included:.

  • Transportation and all associated expenses
  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation in 3 or 4-star hotels in the cities specified in the itinerary
  • Daily breakfasts
  • A knowledgeable English-speaking driver/guide to accompany you throughout the entire journey
  • Admissions fees: Franciscan Monastery with its Pharmacy in Dubrovnik, Perast - ferry, Diocletian Palace in Split, Plitvice Lakes National Park
  • Organizational support and assistance throughout the trip

What's not included:

  • Travel insurance
  • Single accommodation
  • Tips for services and experiences
  • Early check-in or late check-out from hotels


Flight arrival and transfer to Belgrade. Enjoy a tour around the capital city of Serbia, which lies at the confluence of two major rivers – Donava and Sava. Due to its location, Belgrade once was and still is an intersection between east and west, north and south. We will see the Belgrade fortress, which has 7000 years of history. The fortress leads us directly to the old part of the city with the oldest cafes. Close by is the main street in Belgrade – Knez Mihailova Street. You will also visit Republic square, Skadarlija… After the guided visit, free time for independent sightseeing. Overnight in Belgrade.

Belgrade, kalemegdan fortress sunset


After breakfast, drive to a small city of Sremski Karlovci, which was a Serbian spiritual and cultural capital for 200 years. The town has traditionally been known as the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Habsburg Monarchy and the political and cultural capital of Serbian Vojvodina. The old baroque town is surrounded by some of the most important monuments of Serbian cultural history: the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Patriarchy court. Next, we will stop in one of the local wine cellars for wine tasting. Then, you will continue to Novi Sad, the second-largest city in Serbia, visit the Petrovaradin fortress, the most important city landmark, which the Austrians built, to protect the city against the Turks, towering over the Danube on a 40m-high volcanic slab, nicknamed 'Gibraltar on the Danube' and actually built by slaves between 1692 and 1780. Transfer to Belgrade overnight.

Novi Sad, Serbia - Main Square And City Hall Of Novi Sad, Serbia


Today, head for Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here we can still see the dominance of the Ottoman style of mosques, complemented by Catholic cathedrals and Jewish synagogues. Sarajevo became (in)famous in 1914 when a young Serb Gavrilo Princip assassinated archduke Franz Ferdinand. That was the excuse for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to start a war against Serbia, which then grew into the First World War. The city became famous again when it hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics. Overnight in Sarajevo.

Tourists looking at souvenirs in old Sarajevo bazaar


Breakfast and then guided tour of the city: Gazi Husrev Bey's Mosque, Bezistan, Gavrilo Princip Museum, Baščaršija – Turkish Bazaar…. Then, we drive through the mountains and along the gorges to the picturesque town of Mostar, which owes its name to the famous Bridge over the Neretva River. During your visit to this UNESCO World Heritage-listed city, you'll see its historic Old Bridge, the colourful Old Bazaar with traditional handicrafts and well-preserved traditional Turkish houses and mosques. In the afternoon, the  tour will lead to Dubrovnik, a world-famous Dalmatian city called the Pearl of Adriatic. Overnight in Dubrovnik or vicinity.

Mostar Bridge Bosnia


After breakfast, you have a walking tour that shows the highlights of this beautiful city. You will visit the Franciscan Monastery with Europe's third oldest pharmacy, the Rector's Palace, Dominican Monastery Orlando's Column and Sponza Palace.  The rest of the day, you have time to explore this beautiful city on your own. Overnight.

dubrovnik city walls


Travel to the Republic of Montenegro. Drive along the beautiful Bay of Kotor, the longest and deepest fjord in Southern Europe. Next, enjoy a boat ride to Our Lady of the Rocks, one of two islets off the coast of Perast. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest building on the islet, with a museum. We will stop in Perast, an old charming coastal town, upon return to the coast. Then we visit  Kotor, a historic city surrounded by walls, protecting the marbled cobbled streets with churches, shops, bars and restaurants on hidden squares. Return to Dubrovnik. Overnight.

bay of kotor montenegro tour


After breakfast, head for Split, where a  guide will take you through the charming Dalmatian city, known for its links to the history of the Roman Empire and famous for the well preserved Palace of Emperor Diocletian, protected by UNESCO and other historical buildings such as the remarkable Cathedral. Then, enjoy some free time for a walk through the narrow cobbled streets, which add to the charm of this Mediterranean city or just relax at the seaside promenade. Overnight in Split.

split remains of diocletian palace


Breakfast in hotel. After breakfast drive to Plitvice, the world-famous Croatian National Park, protected by UNESCO. Make sure your camera batteries are fully charged because you will need them! The World Heritage-listed Plitvice Lakes National Park comprises 16 terraced lakes interconnected by a series of stunning waterfalls and surrounded by densely-wooded hills. You will walk among the waterfalls, take a boat ride through the crystal water and take some magnificent photos. After the relaxing visit, drive to Zagreb where you arrive in the evening.  We recommend an evening stroll through the lively streets of Zagreb. Overnight in Zagreb.

plitvice lakes waterfalls

Day 9 • ZAGREB

After breakfast, enjoy a guided tour of the capital of Croatia, which will reveal its most important cultural and architectural attractions: the Cathedral, the main Ban Jelacic square, the fortified Upper Town, the city's historical centre, St. Mark's Church with its multicoloured roof, the Croatian National Theatre. The rest of the day at leisure. Overnight in Zagreb.



Free time in Zagreb until the flight. If you have time, we recommend you visit the ZOO. Transfer to the airport, flight.

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Balkan Tales

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania Tour

Balkan tour

Tirana, the capital of Albania, is worth the trip alone. But the Adriatic coast gives this trip to the Balkans a truly special air of escape. Take a boat trip on Skadar lake – the biggest in the Balkans – and explore the ancient sights and modern life of Kotor, Visegrad, Budva and stunning Sarajevo.

This is a tour which includes a lot of what makes this part of the world truly special. Your friendly, fully licensed guide will ensure you see everything and give you insights into the land behind the beauty.

Here’s what you’ll see:

City tour of Tirana, the Albanian capital, Berat fortress and old town, Kruje fortress, Montenegro’s city of Bar and its old town, Skadar lake boat trip, Kotor and its amazing harbour and palaces, seeing the sights around Kotor bay and outlying villages, lively Budva, Mostar and its famous bridge, Visegrad and Sarajevo with its incredible history.

What your tour includes

  • Your friendly professional guide – choose a driver-guide or local guide. They’ll be there to offer their knowledge as well as to help you interact with local people.
  • Simple customization – let us personalize your tour to meet your needs. We can add stops, rest days, exploration time, your preferred pick-ups and drop-offs. A
  • No hidden costs – fuel, parking fees and other costs are included in your free, no-obligation quote.


Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania Tour Itinerary

Tirana day tour

→ City tour of the Albanian capital and free time Visit the “Skanderberg square” (The main square in Tirana) with the Skanderberg Statue; Тhe “Ethem bey” mosque (the Only historical mosque in Tirana) Тhe “Enver Hoxha” pyramid, the Peace bell Тhe Building of the historical museum of Tirana, a Preserved bunker (in one of the bunkers there is a museum about the victims of the Albanian Communist regime) Maria Theresa boulevard, Тhe University of Tirana, Тhe Old government square; The Clock tower (19th Century)

Overnight in Tirana

Learn and explore the Berat Castle in Albania

→ Transfer to Montenegro Visit the old town of Bar

Overnight in Bar

Trip to Skadar lakes in Montenegro

→ Boat trip of the lake

→ Transfer to Kotor

→ City tour of the old town Visit the Kotor old city, Kotor harbour, city walls, St Tryphon cathedral, St Nicola church, Piaza of the arms, Church of St Luke, Gurdich gate, Clock tower, Grubonja palace, Karampana well, Drago palace, Pima palace, Beskuca’s Palace, Grgurina Palace, Bizanti Palace, Prince’s Palace, Sea gate, Old Kotor prison building

→ Transfer to Budva Free time in Budva

Overnight in Budva

Visit the breathtaking site of Kotor Bay

→ Transfer to Cetinje City tour of Cretinje old center

→ Transfer back to Budva

History walk and exploring culture in Trebinje

→ Transfer to Mostar Visit Blagaj on the way

→ City tour of Mostar Visit the Strati Most/ The most bridge (A rebuilt 16th-century Ottoman bridge in the city of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina that crosses the river Neretva and connects the two parts of the city. The Old Bridge stood for 427 years, until it was destroyed on 9 November 1993 by Croat military forces during the Croat–Bosniak War.); The Old turkish bazar “Kujundziluk”, The Old turkish quarter, “Koskin – Mehmed pasha’s” mosque, (Small mosque dating to the 17th century)

Overnight in Mostar

Sarajevo tour and historical sites to explore

→ City tour of Sarajevo Visit the Bascarsija (The historical Turkish market); Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque (Ottoman mosque from 16th century); The Latin Bridge/ The Assassination Bridge (Ottoman-era stone bridge near the site of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s 1914 assassination); The Sebilj Monument (Famous 18th century wooden fountain); Тhe “Sacred Heart” Cathedral (Gothic cathedral from the 19th century); The Sarajevo city hall.

The Abandoned Bobsleigh Track (Built in 1984 for the Winter Olympic games in Former Yugoslavia The country opened its doors to the international community to celebrate sport, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, during the long Sarajevo siege the bobsleigh track been used as a base for the artillery); The Tunnel of Hope (Military-history museum at the site of a storied Bosnian War–era underground tunnel); During your free time in Sarajevo you can enter the Museum of Sarajevo 1878–1918 (Compact museum dedicated to historical events in Sarajevo during the Austro-Hungarian period.); The War Childhood Museum (Prominent museum featuring exhibits & videos on the children who lived through the Bosnian War.); The Museum of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide.

Overnight in Sarajevo

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

→ Transfer back to Sarajevo

End of the tour

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Where next?

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • North Macedonia

tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia Tours & Trips

Find the right adventure for you through Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia. We've got 31 tours going to Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia, starting from just 7 days in length, and the longest tour is 16 days. The most popular month to go is September, which has the highest number of tour departures.

31 Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia tour packages with 155 reviews

Grand Balkan Tour (Multi country) Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Grand Balkan Tour (Multi country)

The hotels were excellent in every way. We bonded as a group and made many friendships.

East of Europe and Venice Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

East of Europe and Venice

The trip was too tiring, yet interesting.. too many places in such short time, but we knew it and were not surprised.

East of Europe Tour

East of Europe

We saw, and learned so much. Our guides were both wonderful and looked after us so well.

One Journey Four (5) Countries 2024 - from Zagreb Tour

  • Coach / Bus

One Journey Four (5) Countries 2024 - from Zagreb

Hotels and food were great. Travel must be an educational experience of both the good and bad.

Journey Around the Western Balkans - 11 days Tour

Journey Around the Western Balkans - 11 days

Eastern Capitals & the Dalmatian Riviera (Classic, 14 Days) Tour

  • Sightseeing

Eastern Capitals & the Dalmatian Riviera (Classic, 14 Days)

This tour was a trip of a life time all due to the skills of this wonderful women.

Balkan Extended, 13 Days Tour

Balkan Extended, 13 Days

We enjoyed the trip with them. She was also very sincere.

Eastern Capitals & the Dalmatian Riviera (Small Groups, 14 Days) Tour

Eastern Capitals & the Dalmatian Riviera (Small Groups, 14 Days)

Balkan Extended with Budapest Tour

Balkan Extended with Budapest

The history of the Yugoslavian countries was extremely knowledgeable.

Belgrade to Dubrovnik - 13 days Tour

  • Wine tasting

Belgrade to Dubrovnik - 13 days

9 Days Zagreb, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Split, Opatija and Ljubljana Tour

9 Days Zagreb, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Split, Opatija and Ljubljana

Scenic Slovenia & Croatia Tour

Scenic Slovenia & Croatia

Accommodation is first rate. The only issue I had was not spending sufficient time at Plitivice National Park.

Europe Explorer Grand Tour “Dalmatia Route” Tour

Europe Explorer Grand Tour “Dalmatia Route”

Best of the Adriatic Tour

Best of the Adriatic

The overall experience of being in Croatia was great. The tour was fast-paced, but fulfilling to have seen so many countries in a small amount of time.

9 Days In Zagreb, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Split, Opatija and Ljubljana. Tour

9 Days In Zagreb, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Split, Opatija and Ljubljana.

What people love about bosnia, croatia and slovenia tours.

Wonderful guide! Amazing tour!
Here is my review: - The trip was too tiring, yet interesting.. too many places in such short time, but we knew it and were not surprised. - No internet on board of buses, which is a bit annoying. _ Guides are ok: punctual, knowledgable, and caring. I would like to thank: Damir Kopljar, our tour guide in Zagreb. Maja, our tour guide in Sarajevo, Mostar and Medjugorja. Dolores, our tour guide in Dubrovnik (very caring person). Ivan, our tour guide from Split. As for the hotels, I classified some to be 3 stars, some 4 stars and some 5 stars, as follows: Hotel Rainers, Vienna 3.5 stars Hotel Antounovic, Zagreb 4 stars Hotel Hills, Sarajevo 5 stars Hotel Lero, Dubrovnik 3 stars Hotel Mondo, Split 3 stars Hotel Bristol, Opatija 4 stars Hotel M, Ljubljana 4 stars Lugano Torretta, Venice 3 stars Thank you and best regards, Sherif Guirguis
It was good. I didn’t rate it excellent because it was too many people (over 40) and because the majority was Spanish speaking, the guide always spoke in Spanish first and us English speaking have to wait for our English translation before we can see the places. By that time, we have wasted a lot of time waiting and we only had limited time to see the places.The guides should be taking turns on explaining in Spanish and English. In the bus, that would be okay but in the places we were visiting, they should have taken turns. Otherwise, our guide was good and knowledgeable.
  • Fully Guided (27)
  • Family (24)
  • In-depth Cultural (14)
  • Coach / Bus (9)
  • Personalized (5)

Travel Styles

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Croazia, Bosnia e Montenegro in camper: il mio itinerario

Montenegro in camper

Il nostro viaggio in camper quest’anno parte esattamente da dove era terminato più o meno un anno fa. L’itinerario che sto per descrivere noi lo abbiamo “testato” in camper, ma nulla ti vieta di percorrerlo in auto dormendo in b&b o/e hotel.

Il nostro progetto più ampio è di percorrere l’intera costa adriatica con il nostro van, per ragioni di tempo dovremmo ovviamente farlo in più viaggi. Questo quindi è la continuazione del mio Croazia in camper del 2017. La mia speranza è che con il 2019 possiamo terminare di esplorare questo angolo di Europa.

Per preparare il viaggio in Croazia Bosnia e Montenegro , non ho studiato più di tanto e le tappe le abbiamo decise strada facendo. L’unica certezza è che il nostro doveva necessariamente essere un giro “ad anello” visto che sia l’arrivo che la partenza erano programmate dal porto di Spalato . Infatti ho viaggiato, per risparmiare tempo, con il vettore SNAV sulla linea Ancona-Spalato e viceversa. Ti domanderai se conviene fare il viaggio in nave piuttosto che arrivare in Croazia via terra; ti posso dire che a conti fatti più o meno il prezzo del viaggio in nave (con cabina doppia) è lo stesso che quello via terra ma che per chi come noi ha i giorni contati e non è interessato o ha già visto il nord della Croazia, viaggiare in nave è più riposante e veloce.

Se vuoi info oppure devi prenotare il traghetto da Ancona a Spalato (o viceversa) collegati clikkando sul logo della SNAV da questa pagina e mandami una mail per ricevere un codice di sconto del 20%.

Alcune informazioni pratiche per un viaggio on the road in Croazia Bosnia e Montenegro:

viaggio montenegro

Uno dei posti più belli del Montenegro: il parco durmitor

I tre paesi che andremo a visitare adottano tre monete differenti : in Croazia pagherai in Kuna (circa 7 kuna per un euro), in Bosnia con il marco bosniaco (un euro circa 2 marchi) e in Montenegro con l’euro (per fortuna!) quindi per prima cosa dovrai abituarti ai prezzi espressi in diverse valute. In Bosnia ed anche in Croazia in alcuni luoghi frequentati da turisti, tipo campeggi o mini-camp, prendono anche l’euro, ma generalmente non nei supermercati. Per fare il giro che abbiamo fatto noi dovrai passare almeno 8 posti di blocco alle frontiere e ti assicuro che non sempre sarà una passeggiata. In particolare al rientro da Montenegro in Croazia nella parte croata ci hanno fermato e perquisito centimetro per centimetro il camper affermando che “questa è la prima frontiera europea”. Ma con calma e tanta pazienza tutto si risolverà. Molto importanti sono i documenti del veicolo in particolare la carta verde dell’assicurazione. Il carburante costa un leggermente meno in tutti e tre i paesi rispetto all’Italia.

I supermercati si trovano un po’ dappertutto in Croazia in particolare c’è la catena Tommy mentre in Montenegro ottimi quelli della Voli.

Al ristorante in Bosnia abbiamo mangiato a Mostar che alla fine è uno dei luoghi più turistici spendendo 18 euro in due (due piatti abbondanti e due birre); in Montenegro con 7 euro a testa si mangia in un ristorante medio; la nota dolente è la Croazia dove i prezzi si uniformano a quelli italiani. In particolare devo segnalare che Dubrovnik è particolarmente cara.

Ma veniamo alle tappe viaggio che mi ha portato in Montenegro in camper:

Primo giorno: spalato-mostar-bastasi circa 350 chilometri.


Camping in Bosnia

Arriviamo a Spalato in nave un sabato mattina di inizio giugno. Il tempo di sbarcare e sbrigare tutte le formalità doganali e siamo subito on the road. Per raggiungere Mostar impieghiamo poco più di 2 ore. Visitiamo la città dopo aver parcheggiato in un parcheggio a pagamento (10 euro, tariffa standard). Pranziamo in un ristorante del centro e poi ci rimettiamo on the road. Le strade in Bosnia sono piuttosto strette e disastrate: per percorrere poco più di 150 chilometri impieghiamo tre ore abbondanti. Ci fermiamo in uno dei numerosi camp per rafting in riva al fiume costo 10 euro a notte con docce calde ed elettricità. Guarda i campeggi in Googlemaps .

Secondo giorno: Bastasi- Parco Nazionale del Durmitor- Zabjak 85 chilometri

Parco Durmitor

Riprendiamo il viaggio, passiamo la frontiera con il Montenegro (poca fila, ma immensamente lenti i controlli) e poi ci immergiamo nell’on the road più bello che abbiamo mai fatto: il canyon del fiume Piva. Risaliamo la strada stretta tra oltre 50 gallerie scavate nella roccia ed arriviamo fino alla diga ed al lago Piva di un verde quasi abbagliante. Poi costeggiamo le sue rive fino all’incrocio per Zabjak e attraverso una strada ancora più stretta e più spettacolare entriamo nel   parco naturale Durmitor . Il viaggio di oggi vale veramente tutti i chilometri fatti! Per percorrere 107 chilometri abbiamo impiegato quasi 6 ore fermandoci ad ogni curva panoramica. A Zabjak ci coglie un temporale ed approfittiamo per fermarci a pranzo. Dormiamo all’autocamp Ivan Do 12 euro con docce calde e elettricità 43°09’10.8″N 19°05’52.2″E . In una posizione bellissima a meno di 10 minuti di passeggiata dal Lago nero.

Attenzione : l’itinerario di oggi comprende strade veramente strette che personalmente non percorrerei con camper molto grandi.

Terzo giorno: Zabjak-Maraça-lago di Scutari-Ulcinj 240 km

Monastero Moraça

Passiamo la mattinata a Zabjak e tra le montagne del Durmitor facendo prima un’escursione in mountain bike e poi girando un po’ in paese. Poi riprendiamo la strada per arrivare al Canyon del fiume Tara ed ammirare il ponte. Intanto purtroppo inizia a piovere per cui ci rimettiamo in strada verso Podgorica attraversando un nuovo canyon, quello scavato dal fiume Moraça. Ci fermiamo nell’omonimo monastero. Ben presto arriviamo a Podgorica, la capitale del Montenegro e poi al lago Scutari. Ad Ulcinj ci fermiamo al camping Miami nella grande spiaggia sabbiosa a sud della città. (16 euro per una notte )

Quarto giorno: Ulcinj-Budva 65 km

Ulcinj starigrad

Giriamo in bici tra i boschi vicini alla città vecchia di Ulcinj e poi, subito prima di pranzo ripartiamo per Bar. Sostiamo nel parcheggio vicino alla città vecchia (3 euro) e visitiamo le rovine della Stari Grad. Nel primo pomeriggio dopo aver pranzato a Bar in spiaggia, arriviamo a Budva e sostiamo all’  Autocamp Avala in pieno centro (bagni, docce calde, elettricità, wifi per 10 euro) . In serata visitiamo la bellissima città vecchia di Budva e poi ci facciamo un giro al mercato.

Quinto giorno: Budva-Cetinije (parco Lovcen)-Kotor

Bocche di Cattaro

Partiamo all’alba dopo una notte di temporale ed arriviamo prestissimo a Cetinije, l’antica capitale del Montenegro. Visitiamo il centro storico ed il monastero e poi ci dirigiamo nel parco Lovcen per visitare la tomba di Petrovic, personaggio storico più importante del Montenegro. Poi ridiscendiamo attraverso la bellissima strada panoramica fino a Kotor . Parcheggiamo il camper in un parcheggio a pagamento (ci avevano chiesto 3 euro l’ora, ma in realtà abbiamo contrattato per 8 euro per 5 ore). Facciamo una gita in barca nelle bocche di Cattaro prima di visitare  il magnifico centro storico di Kotor. Se vuoi seguire il mio itinerario puoi leggere anche Kotor  cosa vedere .

Montenegro in camper

All’ora del tramonto ripartiamo e  ci fermiamo a dormire in un paesino alle porte di Kotor lungo la spiaggia in libera. Qui trovi la posizione precisa .

Sesto giorno: Kotor-Molunat 65 chilometri

Area camper Molunat

Oggi percorriamo tutta la strada costiera che abbraccia le bocche di Cattaro. Poi lasciamo il Montenegro per entrare in Croazia. La fila alla frontiera non è particolarmente lunga, ma, ci fermano e controllano minuziosamente gli interni del camper. Comunque in tarda mattinata possiamo finalmente cercare il nostro angolo di paradiso” e lo troviamo a Molunat, ultimo paese sul mare della costa croata. Il piccolo campeggio Adriatic si trova proprio in riva al mare; ci fermeremo due notti (prezzo con elettricità 20 euro e senza 15 euro) docce calde e wifi. Nel piccolo villaggio ci sono anche un ristorante di pesce ed un supermercato Tommy.

Settimo giorno: Molunat-Dubrovnik-Molunat in bus

Dubrovnik in bus

Trascorriamo la mattinata nella spiaggetta di fronte al campeggio e poi alle 12 in punto prendiamo l’autobus di linea che ci porterà a Dubrovnik. Una parentesi gigantesca per parlare della bellissima città croata: vale veramente la pena visitarla ma devo segnalare che i prezzi sono davvero alti, i più alti di tutta la Croazia. In particolare al ristorante (specifico fuori le mura) abbiamo speso 35 euro in due il massimo durante il nostro viaggio. Inoltre il biglietto di ingresso per percorrere a piedi le mura della città ha un costo di 20 euro a testa. Torniamo a Mulinat con l’ultimo autobus della giornata quando ormai il sole è tramontato da un pezzo.

Ottavo giorno: Molunat-Dugi Rat 243 chilometri

costa di Makarka

Purtroppo nella notte un temporale ha disturbato il nostro sonno e la mattina è ancora brutto tempo. Prepariamo il camper ed alle 8 in punto partiamo. Dobbiamo attraversare ancora due frontiere, ma, questa volta nessun “intoppo” e facciamo prestissimo. Intanto il sole è tornato a splendere giusto in tempo per farci ammirare la bellissima riviera di Makaraska e per tuffarci tra le splendide acque della spiaggia di ghiaia più bella della Croazia: Punta Rata a Brela . Un posto che davvero ti consiglio. Puoi parcheggiare il camper nel grande parcheggio a pagamento alle porte del paese. A pranzo ci fermiamo in un belvedere e poi ripartiamo verso nord. Ci fermiamo a Dugi Rat a circa 20 chilometri da Spalato nell’  autocamp Orij nel quale abbiamo dormito l’anno scorso: è tranquillo ed è proprio in riva al mare.

Nono giorno: Dugi Rat- Spalato

Mare Croazia

Oggi è il nostro ultimo giorno in Croazia e comincia con un bel bagnetto! Ci fermiamo in spiaggia,  fino a mezzogiorno e poi partiamo verso Spalato, l’ultima tappa del nostro viaggio e porto di partenza del traghetto che stasera ci riporterà ad Ancona.

Itinerario tappa per tappa Croazia Bosnia e Montenegro in camper, mappa

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Ed infine un po’ di numeri del mio viaggio in camper nel Montenegro:

Spesa totale di viaggio per due persone (escluso traghetto) : 522 euro Chilometri percorsi durante il nostro “circuito ad anello con partenza a Spalato e ritorno a Spalato : 1590 tempo di viaggio totali : 37 ore e 45 minuti consumo medio : 8,4 litri per 100 chilometri cioè 11,90 chilometri con un litro Velocità media : 42 km all’ora

' src=

Author:  Fabila

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tour croazia bosnia e montenegro

Mi sembra un bellissimo giro ragazzi….io vado in Croazia da moltissimi anni…in tenda adesso da un anno ho. Mio furgone e terrò conto del vs. intineraro…bravi.

Grazie cara! Devi andarci!

salve, vorrei maggiori info sulla tappa Bastasi – Zabljak…… avete percorso la E762 e poi tagliato per la P14 fino a Zabljak ? E’ questa la strada stretta di cui parlavi? Io ho un Ducato, non dovrei avere problemi…. è trafficata? Grazie.

Ciao Angelo! Sì, la strada è proprio quella! Allora: è molto stretta e tortuosa, a tratti NON asfaltata…Ma bellissima. Pochissime le auto che abbiamo incontrato. Noi con il furgonato non abbiamo avuto problemi. Credo che con un mansardato sia un po’ più complicato, ma comunque dipende dalle dimensioni del mezzo. (sconsiglio a camper superiori a 7 metri)

Ciao andremo in montenegro a luglio. Abbiamo in camper alto 3 mt e lungo 6.80 mt. Secondo voi la strada delle 50 gallerie la riusciamo a percorrere? Grazie mille

Ciao, il problema è se vi incrociate con un altro mezzo: noi siamo stati a Maggio, era bassa stagione e non abbiamo praticamente incontrato nessuno!

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