• Retirement Visa (O-A)
  • Tourist Visa
  • Long Term Resident (LTR) Visa
  • Education Visa
  • Business Visa (Company setup in Thailand)
  • Thailand Privilege/Elite Visa
  • Thai Bank Account Opening
  • Marriage Visa
  • Thai Driving License
  • Children Visa
  • Border Run
  • Retirement Visa Renewal
  • Spouse Visa
  • Retirement Visa (Inside Thailand)
  • Visa Run
  • Marriage Visa (Outside Thailand)
  • City Guides

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"Visumvereisten voor Thailand voor Belgische burgers."

Visas for belgian citizens, visas requirements for belgian citizens, visa exemption.

Show financial proof to stay in Thailand. Show exit flight from Thailand. Show hotel or other accomodation address in Thailand.

Visa on Arrival

Show financial proof to stay in Thailand. Show return flight out of Thailand. Apply for visa at the airport or before coming to Thailand.

  • Tourist Visa

Show financial proof to stay in Thailand. Must have return ticket to show exit in Thailand. Must show address of hotel, friends, family in Thailand.

Destination Thailand Visa

Show financial proof to stay in Thailand. For Muay Thai, Digital Nomads, Freelancers - More information coming soon.

  • Retirement Visa

Financial evidence of 800,000 THB in the bank, or verifiable history of 65,000 THB per month. Medical certificate from your country. Health Insurance from your country. Criminal record clearance from your country.

Retirement Visa 10 Year

Financial evidence of 3,000,000 THB in the bank. Can be partial deposit and annual income. Medical certificate from your country. Health Insurance. Criminal record clearance from your country.

Education Visa

Apply and pay for a school in Thailand that offers education visas. Can be any recognized University, Muay Thai academy, Thai Massage school or Thai Cooking school. Terms of study can be 3 months to 5 years. Visa is renewable after each term/semester/course in the school.

Business/Work Visa

A company should offer you a job in Thailand. Or you can register your own company and start your own business in Thailand. Once you have the company sponsorship you can apply for a work per permit and NON-B (Non-Immigrant Business) visa.

Marriage Visa

Married to a Thai citizen. Must show marriage certificate

Family Visa

You must be visiting family in Thailand OR if you have a long term visa in Thailand then your family can visit you. Family must be spouse or children less than 20 years old. Should show documents indicating relationship such as marriage, birth or adoption certificate.

Privilege/Elite Visa

No overstay in Thailand in the past. From accepted country. Clean criminal record in your country. Membership fee 900,000 THB to 5 Million THB.

There are 5 categories of LTR Visa applicants. Wealthy individuals, Retirees, Remote workers, Professionals and Family. You need your passport, photograph, location document and approval letter from Thailand Board of Investment (BOI). Please contact us for more details.


Population and Size of Country

Belgium has a population of approximately 11.5 million people, while Thailand’s population is around 70 million. Belgium covers an area of about 30,528 square kilometers, making it significantly smaller than Thailand, which spans approximately 513,120 square kilometers.

Belgium is ethnically diverse, with the largest groups being Flemish (about 60%), Walloon (around 30%), and a small German-speaking community. In contrast, Thailand’s population is predominantly Thai (approximately 95%), with minority groups including Burmese, Lao, Chinese, and Malay.

In Belgium, the predominant religion is Christianity, primarily Roman Catholicism, which accounts for about 60% of the population. Other religions include Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism. Thailand is predominantly Buddhist, with about 94% of the population adhering to Theravada Buddhism. Other religions include Islam (around 4-5%), Christianity, and Hinduism.

Belgium has a high GDP per capita, reflecting its developed economy. As of recent data, Belgium’s GDP per capita is around $50,000. Thailand’s GDP per capita is lower, at approximately $7,000, indicative of its status as a developing economy.

Population Age Brackets

Belgium has an aging population with a median age of about 41.6 years. The age distribution shows a significant portion of the population above 65 years. Thailand also has an aging population but with a slightly younger median age of around 40 years. Both countries face challenges related to an aging demographic.

Men vs Women

In Belgium, the gender ratio is relatively balanced with slightly more women than men. Women make up about 51% of the population. Thailand also has a balanced gender ratio but with a slight male majority; men constitute approximately 50.3% of the population.

Source of Popular Types of Income

Belgium’s economy is diversified with major income sources including services (particularly banking and finance), manufacturing (especially in chemicals and pharmaceuticals), and trade. Tourism also plays a role but is less significant compared to Thailand.

Thailand’s economy relies heavily on agriculture (notably rice and rubber), manufacturing (especially electronics and automobiles), and tourism, which is a major source of income. The service sector is also growing rapidly in Thailand.


Violent crime.

Thailand generally has a lower rate of violent crime compared to many Western countries. While violent crime does occur, it is relatively rare and usually involves disputes among locals rather than targeting tourists. However, it is advisable to avoid conflict and steer clear of political demonstrations or large gatherings that could potentially turn violent.

Casual Crime

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing, bag snatching, and theft are more common in tourist areas, crowded places, and public transportation. It is important to stay vigilant, keep your belongings secure, and be cautious in busy markets, festivals, and tourist hotspots.

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of passion, often involving interpersonal relationships, do occur but are not typically directed at tourists. These incidents are usually isolated and involve personal disputes. As a traveler, maintaining respectful interactions and avoiding confrontations can help minimize any risk.

Safety for Solo Women Travelers

Thailand is generally safe for solo women travelers. However, it is wise to take standard precautions such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night, not accepting drinks from strangers, and being cautious when using ride-sharing services or taxis. Many solo female travelers report positive experiences in Thailand but recommend staying aware and using common sense.

Walking Around at Night

Walking around at night in Thailand can be relatively safe in well-populated areas and tourist zones. However, it is best to avoid walking alone in deserted or poorly lit areas. Stick to main streets and areas frequented by other people, and consider using reputable transportation options for late-night travel.

Scams targeting tourists are common in Thailand. Common scams include overpriced taxi fares, gem scams, fake tour operators, and overcharging in restaurants or bars. Always use official taxi stands or ride-hailing apps, book tours through reputable agencies, and verify prices before purchasing goods or services. Being informed about common scams can help you avoid falling victim to them.


Belgian travelers will find some similarities between Belgian and Thai cuisine in terms of the use of fresh ingredients and a penchant for combining sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors. Both cuisines emphasize the importance of sauces and dips to enhance the taste of dishes.

In Belgium, popular sauces like mayonnaise, mustard, and various gravies are staples, much like Thailand’s extensive use of dipping sauces such as Nam Pla (fish sauce), Nam Prik (chili sauce), and peanut sauce. These Thai condiments often accompany grilled meats, fresh vegetables, and rice dishes, providing a similar role to Belgian sauces in adding depth and complexity to meals.

For Belgian travelers looking to explore Thai food, here are some must-try dishes:

Pad Thai : This iconic stir-fried noodle dish combines rice noodles with shrimp or chicken, tofu, eggs, and bean sprouts, all seasoned with tamarind paste, fish sauce, and palm sugar. It’s often garnished with crushed peanuts and lime wedges.

Tom Yum Goong : A hot and sour soup with shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, and chili. The broth is a harmonious blend of spicy, sour, and savory flavors.

Green Curry (Gaeng Keow Wan) : This creamy curry features coconut milk, green curry paste, and a variety of vegetables and meats like chicken or beef. The curry is fragrant with basil, lime leaves, and a touch of sweetness.

Som Tum (Green Papaya Salad) : A refreshing salad made from shredded green papaya, tomatoes, green beans, peanuts, and dried shrimp, all pounded together with lime juice, fish sauce, and chilies.

Mango Sticky Rice (Khao Niew Mamuang) : A popular dessert featuring sweet sticky rice topped with ripe mango slices and drizzled with coconut milk. The combination of sweet mango and creamy rice is a delightful end to any meal.

While Belgian cuisine is known for its rich stews like Carbonnade Flamande and seafood dishes such as Moules-Frites, Thai food offers an equally diverse array of flavors that can be both familiar and exciting for Belgian travelers. The emphasis on fresh ingredients and balanced flavors in both cuisines ensures that Belgian visitors will find plenty to enjoy in Thailand’s vibrant culinary landscape.


Travelers from Belgium visiting Thailand will encounter a rich tapestry of cultural differences. Understanding these nuances can enhance your experience and help you make friends more easily.

Making Friends

Thais are generally warm and friendly, but relationships often start formally. Use the traditional Thai greeting, the “wai,” which involves pressing your palms together in a prayer-like gesture and bowing slightly. Smiling is also very important in Thai culture and is used to express a wide range of emotions.

  • Respect Elders: Always show respect to older people. Allow them to speak first and offer them the best seats.
  • Dress Modestly: Especially when visiting temples or rural areas. Shoulders and knees should be covered.
  • Use Soft Tones: Thais value calmness and soft-spoken communication. Raising your voice is seen as losing control.

What Not to Do

  • Don’t Point Your Feet: Feet are considered the lowest part of the body and pointing them at people or religious objects is very disrespectful.
  • Avoid Public Displays of Affection: While holding hands is acceptable, kissing and hugging in public are frowned upon.
  • Don’t Touch Heads: The head is considered the most sacred part of the body. Avoid touching anyone’s head, even children.

Habits Not to Bring from Belgium to Thailand

  • Direct Confrontation: Belgians may be used to direct communication, but Thais prefer indirect approaches to avoid conflict.
  • Public Criticism: Criticizing someone in public can cause them to “lose face” and is considered very rude.
  • Impatience: Thais have a more relaxed sense of time. Being impatient or rushing others can be seen as disrespectful.

Deportment and Respect

  • Standing for the National Anthem: It is played twice a day in public places. Stand still out of respect.
  • Respect for the Monarchy: The Thai King and royal family are highly revered. Disrespecting them can lead to severe penalties.

Physical contact is less common in Thai culture. A handshake might be acceptable in business settings, but the “wai” is preferred for social interactions.

Religious Places

  • Remove Shoes: Always take off your shoes before entering a temple.
  • Proper Attire: Wear modest clothing that covers your shoulders and knees. Avoid loud conversations and inappropriate behavior.

Public Presentation of Oneself

  • Neat Appearance: Thais place importance on personal hygiene and neatness. Dress well, especially in urban areas.
  • Calm Demeanor: Maintaining a calm and composed demeanor is crucial. Public outbursts are looked down upon.

Behavior on Public Transport

  • Offer Seats to Elders: Always offer your seat to monks, elderly people, and pregnant women.
  • Quiet Conversations: Keep your voice down when talking on public transport. Loud conversations can be seen as disruptive.
  • Queue Respectfully: Thais generally form orderly queues. Jumping the line is considered very rude.

Losing and Gaining Face

In Thai culture, “face” refers to one’s reputation and dignity. “Losing face” means losing respect or causing embarrassment, while “gaining face” involves actions that earn respect or admiration. To avoid causing someone to lose face:

  • Avoid Public Criticism: Correct or criticize someone privately.
  • Praise in Public: Complimenting someone in front of others helps them gain face.
  • Handle Disputes Privately: Any disagreements should be resolved quietly and discreetly.

Understanding these cultural differences will help you navigate social interactions smoothly and enrich your travel experience in Thailand.


Bringing Phone from Belgium Most modern smartphones from Belgium will work in Thailand, but you should check if your phone is unlocked to use a Thai SIM card. Thailand uses GSM networks (900/1800 MHz), which are compatible with most European phones.

Internet Availability Internet access is widely available in Thailand, with free Wi-Fi in many hotels, cafes, and public spaces. For more reliable and constant access, consider purchasing a local SIM card with a data plan upon arrival. Major providers like AIS, DTAC, and TrueMove offer various packages at the airport and in local stores.

Dominant Messaging Apps LINE is the most popular messaging app in Thailand, followed by Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Download LINE before you arrive to stay connected with locals and businesses.

Must-Download Apps Before Arrival

  • LINE : For messaging and communication.
  • Grab : For ride-hailing and food delivery services.
  • Google Translate : For overcoming language barriers.
  • Maps.me or Google Maps : For offline navigation.
  • XE Currency : For currency conversion.

Currency The official currency is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to exchange some money before arrival, although currency exchange services are readily available at airports, banks, and exchange kiosks.

ATM Use ATMs are widespread and accept international cards. Be aware of the withdrawal fee, which is typically around 200-250 THB per transaction. Notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid any issues with your card.

Taxi Apps Grab is the dominant ride-hailing app in Thailand, similar to Uber. It offers car, bike, and tuk-tuk services. Bolt is another option that is gaining popularity.

Food Delivery GrabFood and Foodpanda are the leading food delivery services. Both apps offer a wide range of restaurant options and are user-friendly.

Credit Cards Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, major restaurants, and shopping malls. However, smaller businesses and street vendors may only accept cash. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted cards.

Shopping Thailand offers diverse shopping experiences, from luxury malls like Siam Paragon to bustling markets like Chatuchak. Haggling is common in markets but not in malls or stores with fixed prices.

Trains Thailand’s train network is extensive and offers a scenic way to travel between cities. The State Railway of Thailand operates the trains, and tickets can be purchased online or at stations. For long-distance travel, consider booking a sleeper train for comfort.

Local Buses Local buses are an economical way to get around cities but can be confusing for tourists due to limited English signage. In Bangkok, the BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway are more tourist-friendly options for navigating the city.


Acceptance of men from belgium.

Thai people are generally welcoming and friendly towards foreigners, including Belgian men. The key to acceptance is showing respect for Thai culture and traditions. Being polite and understanding local customs will go a long way in building positive relationships.

Funny Ways to Tell Women You Are from Belgium

  • “I’m from the land of chocolate and waffles!”
  • “Ever heard of Tintin? He’s my countryman!”
  • “I come from the place where fries are actually Belgian, not French!”

Which Dating Apps to Use

  • Tinder : Popular globally, including in Thailand.
  • Badoo : Widely used in Thailand for meeting new people.
  • ThaiCupid : Specifically for connecting with Thai singles.
  • OkCupid : Offers detailed profiles and compatibility scores.

Good Opening Lines to Use with Thai Women on the Apps

  • “Sawadee krap! I’m [Your Name] from Belgium. How are you?”
  • “Hi there! I’m new to Thailand and would love to learn more about your culture.”
  • “Hello! What’s your favorite place to visit in Thailand?”

Teaching Thai Women About Belgian Culture

  • Share stories about Belgian festivals like Tomorrowland or Ommegang.
  • Introduce them to Belgian cuisine: chocolates, waffles, and beer.
  • Talk about famous Belgian landmarks like the Atomium and Manneken Pis.

Dressing and Personal Hygiene

  • Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion.
  • Maintain good personal hygiene; it’s highly valued in Thai culture.
  • Casual yet clean attire is usually appreciated.

Examples of Red Flags You Should Watch For

  • Asking for money or financial help early in the relationship.
  • Refusing to meet in person after talking for a long time.
  • Inconsistent stories or evasiveness about personal details.

Examples of Scams on Dating Apps

  • Financial Scams : Requests for money due to ‘emergencies.’
  • Catfishing : Using fake photos or identities to lure you.
  • Romance Scams : Overly affectionate behavior too soon, aiming to gain your trust.

Major Differences in Dating Between Belgium and Thailand

  • Pace : Thai dating culture can be more conservative and slower-paced.
  • Family Involvement : Family plays a significant role in relationships in Thailand.
  • Public Displays of Affection (PDA) : Less common in Thailand compared to Belgium.

Major Differences Between Thai Women and Belgian Women

  • Cultural Values : Thai women may place more importance on traditional roles and family values.
  • Communication Style : Thai women might be more indirect and polite in their communication.
  • Social Expectations : There might be different expectations regarding gender roles and behavior.

Popular First Date Activities

  • Visiting a local market or night bazaar.
  • Enjoying a meal at a Thai restaurant.
  • Exploring cultural sites like temples or museums.
  • Taking a stroll in a park or along the beach.

Red Light Districts

  • Patpong : Located in Bangkok, known for its nightlife and adult entertainment.
  • Nana Plaza : Another famous area in Bangkok for bars and clubs.
  • Walking Street : Located in Pattaya, famous for its vibrant nightlife.

Prostitution on Dating Apps

Be cautious as some profiles on dating apps may be linked to prostitution. Look out for profiles that seem overly professional or those that quickly suggest meeting in places known for adult entertainment.

10 Places to Meet Thai Women Outside of Dating Apps

  • Cafes and Coffee Shops : Popular spots for locals to hang out.
  • Shopping Malls : Places like Siam Paragon or CentralWorld in Bangkok.
  • Universities : Areas around major universities often have social events.
  • Parks : Lumphini Park in Bangkok is a great place to meet people.
  • Night Markets : Chatuchak Market or Rot Fai Market.
  • Cultural Events : Festivals, concerts, and local fairs.
  • Gyms and Fitness Centers : Classes or workout sessions.
  • Language Exchange Meetups : Great way to meet locals interested in learning English.
  • Volunteer Activities : Join local volunteer groups or NGOs.
  • Cooking Classes : Learn Thai cuisine while meeting new people.

By understanding these aspects, Belgian men can navigate the dating scene in Thailand more effectively and respectfully, ensuring enjoyable and meaningful interactions.


Practical guide: extending a thai tourist visa or visa exemption for belgian passport holders.

Extending your stay in Thailand as a Belgian passport holder is a straightforward process, whether you are on a tourist visa or a visa exemption. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the extension process:

1. Prepare Required Documents

  • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond your intended stay.
  • TM.7 Application Form: Available at the immigration office or online. Fill it out completely.
  • Passport-Sized Photos: Two recent photos (4x6 cm).
  • Photocopies of Passport Pages: Include the main page, the page with your current visa or visa exemption stamp, and the arrival/departure card (TM.6).
  • Proof of Address: This could be a hotel booking confirmation, rental agreement, or a letter from your host.
  • Extension Fee: The fee is typically 1,900 THB, payable in cash.

2. Visit the Immigration Office

  • Locate the Nearest Office: Immigration offices are located throughout Thailand, including major cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket.
  • Arrive Early: Offices can be busy, so arriving early can help avoid long waits.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear modest clothing as a sign of respect.

3. Submit Your Application

  • Queue Up: Upon arrival, take a queue number and wait for your turn.
  • Present Your Documents: Submit your completed TM.7 form, passport, photos, and photocopies to the immigration officer.
  • Pay the Fee: Pay the 1,900 THB extension fee when instructed.

4. Wait for Processing

  • Processing Time: It usually takes a few hours for your application to be processed. Some offices may ask you to return the next day.
  • Approval: Once approved, your passport will be stamped with the extension.

5. Check Your New Stay Period

  • Verify the Extension: Ensure that the new stamp indicates the correct extended stay period.
  • Keep Documents Safe: Keep all receipts and documents safe for future reference.

Important Tips:

  • Multiple Extensions: Generally, a tourist visa can be extended once. If you need to stay longer, consider applying for a different type of visa or leaving and re-entering Thailand.
  • Overstay Penalties: Avoid overstaying your visa as it can result in fines or future entry bans.
  • Health Insurance: Consider having travel health insurance that covers your extended stay.

By following these steps, Belgian passport holders can successfully extend their stay in Thailand and continue to enjoy their travels without interruption.

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Thai Visa Application

Thai Visa Application

Visa is required for most foreign nationalities to travel and stay in Thailand for more than 30 days.

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thailand visit visa from belgium

Solemnized with or without a Betrothal Ceremony in ritual manner and also through court.

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thailand visit visa from belgium

There are a number of considerations to make before committing into purchasing Thailand Real Estate. Be sure to consult our property lawyers before doing so.

thailand visit visa from belgium

Thailand Visa Application

Do you need a visa for thailand.

If you're a citizen of Belgium planning a trip to Thailand, understanding the visa process is key for hassle-free entry into the country. In this guide, we'll outline the necessary steps to obtain a visa for visiting Thailand and how Siam Legal can assist you throughout this process.

Thailand Tourist Visa Exemption for Short Stays

Belgian passport holders benefit from a visa exemption for stays of up to 30 days for tourism purposes. Here are the specifics:

  • Visa exemption applies to Belgian citizens arriving by airplane, with proof of onward or return travel within 30 days.
  • Entry via land or sea immigration checkpoints from neighboring countries allows for a 30-day stay, capped at 2 entries per calendar year.

To ensure a smooth visit, Belgians must:

  • Have a passport valid for at least 6 months upon entry
  • Present proof of exit within 30 days of arrival (60 days for those seeking extensions)
  • Show evidence of accommodation and adequate funds for the duration of their stay

Thailand Tourist Visa for Extended Stays

Belgian citizens looking to stay in Thailand beyond 30 days must apply for a tourist visa at a Thai Embassy or Consulate before departure.

Thailand and Belgium Bilateral Agreement

Under the bilateral agreement between Thailand and Belgium, Belgian nationals who possess Diplomatic or Official passports are granted visa-exempt entry into Thailand for durations not exceeding 90 days. This provision is designed to accommodate a wide range of visits, such as leisure travel, business engagements, or official duties, thereby ensuring smooth and unhindered travel for Belgian diplomatic and official personnel. This policy aims to enhance diplomatic and official interactions between Thailand and Belgium. In instances where the duration of stay surpasses the 90-day threshold, Belgian individuals are required to secure a visa suitable for the extended duration and purpose of their stay in Thailand.

Additional Information: Royal Thai Embassies issue visas, but immigration officers have the authority to permit entry into Thailand. Denial of entry may occur if the immigration officer believes the traveler falls under prohibited categories according to the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).

At Siam Legal, we stand ready to guide you through these regulations, offering peace of mind and ensuring a seamless entry into Thailand. Our services are designed to meet all regulatory requirements, providing expert guidance from application to arrival.

This visa is granted to individuals intending to enter Thailand for various purposes, including education (ED), business (B), visiting family (O), official duties (F), and religious activities (R), among others. The visa is a single-entry permit, valid for 90 days, during which the holder can remain in the country for up to 90 days. It also enables the visa holder to apply for a work permit and open a bank account.

Ideal for those planning to stay in Thailand for up to one year, this visa is typically a multiple-entry visa, valid for one year from the date of issue. It allows the visa holder to stay for 90 days per entry, necessitating a border run every 90 days to either visit a Thai Immigration Office for a new entry stamp or exit and re-enter Thailand at an immigration checkpoint. This visa not only facilitates longer stays but also enables the holder to apply for a work permit, open a bank account, and extend their stay in Thailand for up to one year on the same visa.

Tailored for individuals entering Thailand for work or business (B) purposes, this visa is valid for one year from the date of issuance. It permits the visa holder to stay for up to 90 days per entry, allowing for necessary border runs or extensions within Thailand. Additionally, it streamlines the process of obtaining a work permit, opening a bank account, and applying for a stay extension, making it an ideal choice for business professionals seeking to explore and expand their ventures in Thailand.

Available to Belgian citizens married to Thai nationals, this visa provides a pathway to residency in Thailand. It begins with an initial 90-day stay that can be extended to a full year and is renewable annually. For those looking to reside alongside their Thai spouse, this visa not only allows for a stay of up to one year per renewal but also empowers the holder to open a bank account and secure a work permit in Thailand. This arrangement underscores a commitment to supporting the familial and professional needs of individuals in cross-national marriages, ensuring they can embrace life together in Thailand with stability and legal support.

Tailored for individuals aged 50 and above seeking retirement in Thailand, this specialized visa mandates proof of financial stability and grants an initial stay of 90 days, with the possibility of an extension of up to one year. Intended for retirees without the intention of employment, this visa allows holders to enjoy a one-year residency in Thailand, renewable annually within the country.

Offering a unique opportunity for affluent and high-earning foreigners desiring long-term residency in Thailand, this visa provides options extending from 5 to 20 years. Managed by the Thailand Privilege Card Company Limited, the Thailand Elite Visa eliminates the need for 90-day reporting, streamlines immigration processes, and grants multiple entry privileges, ensuring a seamless stay. Additionally, holders enjoy access to exclusive luxury perks, making it an unparalleled choice for those wishing to enjoy the best of Thailand's offerings over the long term.

For Belgian citizens eyeing a trip to Thailand, understanding the visa application process is the key. Knowing what visa options are available and getting your documents ready ahead of time can make your entry into Thailand smooth. At Siam Legal, we're here to help with any questions and guide you every step of the way. For the most reliable and current information, we advise contacting us directly at Siam Legal.

Immigration Services

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Thailand Welcomes Longer Visits: Simplified Visa for 93 Countries, Up to 60-Day Visit

Diandra Paramitha

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Thailand Welcomes Longer Visits: Simplified Visa for 93 Countries, Up to 60-Day Visit

In an effort to boost tourism and attract more visitors, students and remote workers, Thailand has announced an expansion of its visa policy. Starting June 1, 2024, tourists from 93 countries will be able to stay for 60 days without a visa, up from the current 30 days. This is expected to encourage visitors to stay longer and explore more places in Thailand.

Read the previous story here: Calling All Tourists, Students, and 'Digital Nomads': Thailand's Extended Visa Stays for Your Perfect Getaway!

Want to learn more about Thailand's new visa policy? This article covers key aspects, including the list of countries eligible for visa exemptions, visa-on-arrival regulations, and rules for extending your stay in Thailand.

List of 93 Countries Now Eligible for 60-Day Stays in Thailand

A. 57 Countries Now Eligible for 60-Day Visa On Arrival:

  • Asia : Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Maldives, South Korea, Turkey, Brunei, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan
  • Africa : Mauritius, South Africa
  • Oceania : New Zealand, Australia
  • Europe : Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Andorra, Austria, Belgium
  • America : Canada, Peru, United States, Brazil
  • Middle East : United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar

B. 13 Countries Granted Visa on Arrival for 60 days, up from 30 Days:

  • Asia : India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Bhutan, Cyprus
  • Oceania : Papua New Guinea, Fiji
  • Europe : Malta, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia
  • America : Mexico

C. 17 New Countries Granted Visa on Arrival for 60 Days:

  • Asia : Jordan, Sri Lanka
  • Africa : Morocco
  • Oceania : Tonga
  • Europe : Kosovo, Albania, Croatia
  • America : Guatemala, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Panama, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Ecuador

D. 6 New Countries Granted 60-Day Visa Waiver:

  • Asia : China, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Cambodia
  • Europe : Russia

Visa On Arrival Regulations


  • Passport valid for at least six months.
  • Confirmed round-trip ticket.
  • Sufficient funds for the stay in Thailand (Minimum of 15,000 Thai Baht ($418) if traveling alone, or 20,000 Thai Baht ($557) if traveling with family).
  • Depending on the nationality and circumstances of the traveler, additional documents may be required.

Application Process:

  • Prepare visa application form and passport photo.
  • Pay visa fee of 2,000 Thai Baht.
  • Submit documents at immigration checkpoint at designated international airports or land border crossings in Thailand.

What if You Want to Stay Longer?

Before your visa expires:

  • Visit the nearest immigration office.
  • Prepare passport, filled visa application form, and proof of payment for extension fee.

Keep in Mind:

  • Visa extensions are usually granted in multiples of 30 days.
  • Overstaying the visa could result in fines, deportation, or even imprisonment.
  • Daily fine for visa violation is 500 Thai Baht, with a maximum of 20,000 Thai Baht.
  • Prepare complete documents and apply for a visa extension before your visa expires.
  • Consult with immigration officers if you have questions or doubts. Observe the allowed visa extension deadlines.

Diandra Paramitha

Diandra Paramitha

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  • Short-Stay Visa

Documents Required

Photo specifications, processing time, download form.

Tourist Visa

This visa is solely for the purpose of leisure travel including vacationing, cruising, sightseeing and other recreational activities. If during any portion of their visit to Belgium the applicant intends to engage in business, or official duties he/she must refer to other relevant visa categories.

Guarantees for return (assessment of migration risk):

The applicant is requested to provide as much information as possible to document his/her family background, professional and socio-economic status, ownership of land or real estate (for instance: proof of family bonds with his/her country of origin, proof of regular income and stable source of revenues from the applicant and/or his/her partner, proof of property, etc.)

This information is essential to correctly judge the intention of the applicant to leave the Schengen area before the expiry of his/her visa.

In case you have already submitted your fingerprints for a previous Schengen visa application in the last 59 months, you are not required to submit them again.

However, If you are uncertain whether your fingerprints have been captured for a Schengen visa within the last 59 months, you are advised to appear in person.

Kindly note that, if it would appear that the fingerprints prove not to be present in the VIS system, you will be asked to reappear in person for new biometric data collection. To avoid this possible complication, you have the right to ask for your fingerprints to be taken again.

Please click here to find out more about the Visa fees

Please find the below are Services and Service Charge Schedule

Please Note:

  • The applicable visa fee in Baht is as per current exchange rate. It is subject to change without notice.
  • Visa fee and service fee will be accepted in Cash only.
  • The visa fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

*Please note that the service charge is inclusive of VAT

Please click here for Documents required

Please provide one recent photographs (not more than 6 months old) of yourself. The photographs should be in color and:

  • Taken against a light background (white or off-white) so that features are distinguishable and contrast against the background
  • Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
  • Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
  • Full face, non-smiling (without sunglasses, a hat/cap or other head covering, unless the applicant wears such items because of their religious belief or ethnic background).
  • Please stick the Photograph on the Visa Application Form.

Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. Photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre.

Processing Time : 15 Calendar Days after application is consider admissible. In individual cases , where further scrutiny of the application is needed by the Immigration department in Brussels, the deadline may be extended up to a maximum of 30 calendar days after the application has been considered admissible.

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Sukhothai historical park, Thailand

Thailand has launched a five-year digital nomad visa – here’s how to apply

Beach and business, together at last

Holly Munks

Thailand is the image of tranquility for aspiring travellers and veterans alike. Baked in sunshine thanks to a year-round tropical climate, the holiday favourite combines lush beaches with the buzz of Bangkok . 

But, thanks to a newly launched digital nomad visa, Thailand’s no longer just for holidays. The ‘Destination Thailand Visa’ (DTV) launched on June 1 and enables remote workers to stay in the country for up to five years. It follows similar schemes in Malaysia and Indonesia , which are among the vacation spots rethinking their appeal in a world embracing hybrid work models. 

Until now, digital nomads could only stay in Thailand on tourist visas for up to 60 days, so this is a huge jump. The only alternative was the notoriously hard-to-get Long Term Residence Visa, which came with pretty steep financial requirements. 

The new visa is part of an effort to boost visitor numbers and revive the Thai economy, and is one of the most generous offers for digital nomads worldwide. 

Fancy combining paradise with productivity? Here’s everything you need to know about Thailand’s new digital nomad visa.

Who can apply for Thailand’s digital nomad visa?

Applicants must be self-employed or work for a company outside of Thailand, and must be at least 20 years old. The DTV is unusual in being open not only to freelance or remote workers, but anyone pursuing cultural activities in Thailand. What could that look like? Anything from taking cooking courses to learning muay Thai (traditional Thai boxing). 

How long will the visa last?

You can stay in Thailand for up to five years – but keep in mind you need to leave and reenter the country every 180 days, and pay an extra $270 (£212.20) each time. 

What is the minimum income for a digital nomad visa in Thailand?

The new visa does not yet specify a minimum income. Up until now, remote workers who wanted to stay in Thailand long-term had to meet a minimum annual income of $80,000 (£62,850). The new scheme will open up the visa to those who can prove they have savings of 500,000 Thai baht ($13,600, £10,684). 

What are the other requirements?

Applicants cannot work for a company based in Thailand and must pay an application fee of 10,000 Thai baht - about $270 (£212.20). 

How to apply to be a digital nomad in Thailand

Depending on your current passport and location, you may be able to apply through the official e-visa website. Countries eligible for online applications include the United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, Australia and most European states. Those not included will need to visit their local Thai embassy to apply. You can check your country’s status and other details on the Thai e-visa website .

Digital nomad visas on Time Out:

Here are all the countries offering digital nomad visas right now, and here’s our comprehensive ranking of the easiest (and hardest) digital nomad visas to get in Europe .

Want to know what it’s actually like to be a digital nomad ? We spoke to people who have taken the leap.

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  • Holly Munks Contributing writer

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Thailand targets tourism boost with longer stays for visitors, students, 'digital nomads'

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Tourists dressed in traditional Thai costumes visit Wat Arun temple in Bangkok

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thailand visit visa from belgium

Visa for Belgium

Where, when and how can you submit your visa application.

  • Last updated on May 15, 2023

Before applying, please ensure that Belgium is your main destination and that you are very clear on your purpose of travel.

For all applicants residing in Thailand, the application needs to be submitted at the Belgian 'Visa Application Centre' (VAC) and not at the Embassy. The address, as well as all other information concerning the practical modalities for filing a visa application (appointment booking, ...) can be found  here  or by contacting  TLScontact , +66 2 838 6666, [email protected]

All questions concerning the booking of an appointment, the courier/postal process, submission of the file, missing documents... should be addressed to the visa office mentioned here above. This extended service offers the applicant a detailed guidance which helps him/her better in the preparation of the file. It is strongly recommended not to seek advice through other external agencies, this can only cause confusion.

Exceptions: the following applicants can submit their applications directly to the Embassy (after making an appointment):

  • Holder of official passport (service/ diplomatic passport)
  • Family holders of EU citizens who fall under Directive visa 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States
  • Return visa
  • Others (such as humanitarian purpose….)

Visa applicants from Cambodia can apply for their short stay visa to go to Belgium at the Embassy of France in Phnom Penh

Visa applicants from Laos can apply for their short stay visa to go to Belgium at the Embassy of France in Vientiane

Visa applicants from Myanmar can apply for their short stay visa to go to Belgium at the Embassy of Germany in Rangoon

BUT visa applicants from these 3 countries have to apply for their visas at the Embassy in Bangkok for long stay and short stay visas for marriage or cohabitation in Belgium.

We advise you to check the chapter  Checking the status of your visa application and processing time . 

The applicant has to submit his/her application by him/herself. The application form should be completed online . A form completed by hand will not be accepted. The applicant needs to do all legalizations of official documents through the Ministry of foreign affairs of his/her country. After that the documents need to be translated and then legalized at our Embassy or the Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Phnom Penh, or Vientiane before submitting the visa application. 

Who to contact when you have questions about the application for a visum for Belgium?

© 2024 FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

thailand visit visa from belgium

Kenyan Lawyer Battling Cancer Blows Whistle on Ambassador's Visa Irregularities

K enyan Lawyer Linda Bonyo has called out the B e lgian Ambassador over alleged extortion of Kenyans applying for visas by his office. 

Bonyo who is undergoing cancer treatment in Belgium revealed that the ambassador has refused to issue her family with visas and was requesting for more money. 

She narrated that she has been alone in the cancer ward for four weeks and her family was supposed to travel to stand by her during the difficult time. 

However, despite paying for the express visa services, the embassy had failed to issue them with the travel documents and was not responding to their petitions, 27 days after application. 

“You are extorting us and asking us to pay more to access our passport. You have two hours to get our passports to the nearest court of law. I am in Belgium right now going through cancer treatment.

“I have been in the ward for four weeks in isolation without my family because you have refused to issue them visas. We pull our kids out of school two weeks ago so that they can join me. You have refused to do this,” she said.

Also Read:  US Embassy Issues Fresh Update & Instructions on Visa Applications

Kenyan Lawyer Linda Bonyo Highlights Laws Broken by the Ambassador

According to Bonyo, the ambassador had gone against the law by automating his calls and remaining unreachable.

Consequently, she has called for immediate action against the diplomat adding that the embassy was taking advantage of her desperate situation. 

“You have automated your calls contrary to the Data Protection Act, and we cannot get a hold of you. I am fighting that fight and if I am going to die, I am dying with you.

“The Belgian ambassador has to go. I am going to sue, and I understand both the Kenyan and European immigration law,” she added. 

Furthermore, Bonyo has called on Kenyans undergoing challenges to sign up and allow lawyers hub Kenya to help them.

Moreover, she explained that she had done research and learnt that institutions were taking advantage of Kenyans and other Africans.

“I am suing the Belgian government and TLS on this Visa Issue! It took us time to get an email to serve TLS, all their emails are automated nonreplies. It’s time to dismantle the visa cartels in Africa who steal from us to Europe.

“I want to call every Kenyan whose visas and passports are being held against their will. I want you to sign up to the lawyer’s hub and let us know which embassies are taking advantage if you. Lawyers are here to fight for you,” she added.

Also Read:   Larry Madowo Questions Nigeria’s Visa Charges

Madowo Complaints on Nigeria Visas

Earlier, CNN journalist Larry Madowo raised concerns over visa charges imposed by Nigeria, revealing that he was charged $215 (Ksh27,950) for a 1-month, single-entry visa, during his third visit to the country in 2024.

According to Madowo, it made no sense that he was being charged for biometric data collection, while his fingerprints remained unchanged from his previous visits.

“Nigeria just charged me $215 for a 1-month single-entry visa. Again. I was here 3 weeks ago – paid the same $215. This is actually my 3rd time in Nigeria this year, so they have made $645 from me in 2024 alone,” Madowo lamented.

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Kenyan Lawyer Linda Bonyo has called out the Belgian Ambassador over alleged extortion of Kenyans applying for visas by his office.  Bonyo who is undergoing cancer treatment in Belgium revealed that the ambassador has refused to issue her family with visas and was requesting for more money.  She narrated that she has been alone in the cancer ward for four weeks and her family was supposed to travel to stand by her during the difficult time.  However, despite paying for the express visa services, the embassy had failed to issue them with the travel documents and was not responding to […]


  1. Thai Tourist Visa from Belgium

    thailand visit visa from belgium

  2. Thailand Visa Information for Tourists and Expats UPDATED 2023

    thailand visit visa from belgium

  3. ᐈ Thailand Tourist Visas: A Helpful Beginners Guide

    thailand visit visa from belgium

  4. Thai visa on arrival application form card guide for Tourist visa

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  5. Fillable Online thailand visit visa application form Fax Email Print

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  6. Thailand e-Visa Online Application Service Now Available In 23

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  1. How to apply for Thailand visit visa


  3. Thailand Visit Visa Information

  4. THAILAND VISIT VISA. 0340-8758533

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  1. Visa informations

    Applications from outside Belgium or Luxembourg will be rejected. Single Entry Tourist Visa, valid for 3 months, for a stay of up to 60 days per entry (with the possibility to extend for another 30 days at the Immigration offices in Thailand). "Validity of Visa": the period during which a visa can be used to enter Thailand.

  2. Welcome to the Visa Application Centre for Belgium in Bangkok

    Are you planning to visit Belgium from Thailand? You can apply for a visa online through the Belgium Visa Application Centre TLScontact. You can find out how to complete your application form, prepare your supporting documents, make an appointment, and track your application status on this webpage. You can also choose from various services to enhance your visa experience.

  3. Belgium in Thailand

    Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Bangkok. All information on applying for a visa to Belgium. Focus on Belgium is a website of the FPS Foreign Affairs with the aim of highlighting our country's assets in a variety of areas... Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

  4. Thailand visa free for Belgium citizens in 2024

    Belgian citizens do not need a tourist visa when travelling to Thailand. Thailand Visa free is free for Belgian citizens. With this tourist visa stay is usually short with a period of 30 days. Applicant is required to be present when applying for Thailand visa free. A total of 3 documents are required for applying Thailand visa free.

  5. Belgium Visa Information In Thailand

    Step 3 : Once online application form is completed, schedule an appointment to submit your visa application at the visa application center. You will need to register your email address on below link, as this is a separate link from VisaOnWeb. Once an appointment is booked, the system will generate an appointment letter, please carry this when ...

  6. Belgium Visa Information In Thailand

    Belgium Visa Application Centre in Bangkok, Thailand re-opens. Effective 13 July 2020, customers can submit visa applications at Belgium Visa Application Centre in Bangkok, Thailand in Chamchuri Square. We will only accept visa application for the following essential travel purposes: Your safety is our priority.

  7. Belgium Visa Information In Thailand

    Only select visa categories can be processed. Please check if the purpose of your travel falls under any of the categories here, before booking an appointment. Any visit or tourism purpose will not be accepted. Step 2. Fill up and complete the online application form in the Visa on Web (VOW). Please click here

  8. Faq

    Nationals of Belgian and Luxembourgish are eligible to travel to Thailand, for tourism purposes, with the exemption of a visa, and are permitted to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 30 days.Therefore, you do not need a visa. However, please make sure that you are in possession of a passport valid for at least 6 months, a round-trip air ticket, and adequate finances equivalent to ...

  9. Visa Information System

    VIS stands for "Visa Information System" and means that since that day the biometric data are integrated into the visa. The main purpose of the VIS is to facilitate the issuance of visas and the control at external borders and to improve safety for all persons concerned, including the applicant.

  10. Thailand Visas for Citizens of Belgium

    This visa is the most popular type of retirement visa for citizens of Belgium wanting to spend their best years in Thailand. Basic requirements are 800,000 THB in the bank, or proof of 65,000 THB income each month being deposited into a Thai bank.

  11. Visa for Belgium

    Useful addresses and documents. Here you'll find some useful addresses and documents. Last updated on. April 2, 2024. You can find here an example of a Schengen application form (short stay visa - C) BUT please note that the application form should be completed online. A form completed by hand will not be accepted. EN (PDF, 148.78 KB)

  12. Visa type / Required documents

    Visa for Family Visit or Private Invitation (visa C) (PDF, 290.56 KB) Visa for Business, cultural or sports event, official purpose (visa C) (PDF, 278.38 KB) II. LONG STAY. Visa for marriage in Belgium (PDF, 321.26 KB) Visa for cohabitation in Belgium (PDF, 322.29 KB) Visa for family reunion with Belgian spouse (PDF, 256.33 KB)

  13. Thailand Visa for Citizens of Belgium

    Thailand Tourist Visa for Extended Stays. Belgian citizens looking to stay in Thailand beyond 30 days must apply for a tourist visa at a Thai Embassy or Consulate before departure. Thailand and Belgium Bilateral Agreement. Under the bilateral agreement between Thailand and Belgium, Belgian nationals who possess Diplomatic or Official passports ...

  14. Thailand visa requirements for Belgian citizens

    Belgian citizens do not need a tourist visa when travelling to Thailand in 2024. Belgian passport holders can stay in Thailand for a short period of time (for 30 days). Please, read all the information below to make your trip easy and safe. Don't rely on information from only one source. Please, with at least one more source listed in the link.

  15. Visa on arrival (VOA)

    Apply for Visa On Arrival CLICK. Passport holders from the below 19 countries and territories may apply for visas at the immigration checkpoints (listed below) on arrival for the purpose of tourism and will be granted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 15 days. - Proof of means of living expenses in the amount of 10,000 Baht per ...

  16. Visa for Belgium

    Call centre: +66 2 838 6666 from Monday to Friday 8am -12:30pm and 1.30pm -4.30pm. Website: be.tlscontact.com. Email: [email protected]. Instagram: @tlscontactthailand. Please note that applicants: need to submit their visa application at TLScontact (address is mentioned here above) with a prior appointment.

  17. Visa for Belgium

    How much is the handling fee (costs for processing your visa application)? Visa type / Required documents. Checking the status of your visa application and processing time. Refusal and possibility of appeal. Useful addresses and documents. Guarantor. Contacts. All information on applying for a visa to Belgium.

  18. Belgium Schengen Visa for Thailand citizens in 2024

    Belgium tourist visa requirements for Thailand citizens. Documents required for Belgium Schengen from Thailand include passport and other supporting documents. A total of 10 documents are required. Visa Application Form: Completed application form for Belgium. Passport Photo: A Passport Photo is required.

  19. Thailand Welcomes Longer Visits: Simplified Visa for 93 Countries, Up

    In an effort to boost tourism and attract more visitors, students and remote workers, Thailand has announced an expansion of its visa policy. Starting June 1, 2024, tourists from 93 countries will be able to stay for 60 days without a visa, up from the current 30 days. This is expected to encourage visitors to stay longer and explore more ...

  20. Belgium Visa Information In Thailand

    Overview. This visa is solely for the purpose of leisure travel including vacationing, cruising, sightseeing and other recreational activities. If during any portion of their visit to Belgium the applicant intends to engage in business, or official duties he/she must refer to other relevant visa categories. The applicant is requested to provide ...

  21. Thailand Has Launched a Five-Year Digital Nomad Visa

    Until now, digital nomads could only stay in Thailand on tourist visas for up to 60 days, so this is a huge jump. The only alternative was the notoriously hard-to-get Long Term Residence Visa ...

  22. Planning a Thailand trip? You won't even need to apply for a visa

    Thailand Travel. Indian tourists can now add another perk to their Thailand travel itinerary: a visa-free entry to the ever-alluring Land of Smiles! Starting June 1, the Thai government has rolled ...

  23. สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงบรัสเซลส์

    หน้าแรกจากระบบ. สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงบรัสเซลส์ ขอส่ง ...

  24. Thailand targets tourism boost with longer stays for visitors, students

    Thailand recorded 14.3 million tourists in from January to May 26 this year and is targeting a record 40 million foreign arrivals for the full year, with revenue of 3.5 trillion baht ($95.73 ...

  25. Where, when and how can you submit your visa application?

    For all applicants residing in Thailand, the application needs to be submitted at the Belgian 'Visa Application Centre' (VAC) and not at the Embassy. The address, as well as all other information concerning the practical modalities for filing a visa application (appointment booking, ...) can be found here or by contacting TLScontact , +66 2 838 ...

  26. Kenyan Lawyer Battling Cancer Blows Whistle on Ambassador's Visa ...

    Earlier, CNN journalist Larry Madowo raised concerns over visa charges imposed by Nigeria, revealing that he was charged $215 (Ksh27,950) for a 1-month, single-entry visa, during his third visit ...

  27. About Thai Embassy

    The current chancery was purchased by the Royal Thai Government on 26 March 2007 under the tenure of H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, former deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, the then Ambassador. It is situated on 876 Chaussee de Waterloo, 1000 Brussels. The building consists of two parts: (1) the Château de la Clarière which is ...