Exactly What to Eat During Prevention's 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan

These recipes will help you stick to Jorge Cruise’s intermittent fasting plan: They’re filling, nutritious—and taste amazing.


Ham & Goat Cheese Frittata

Egg frittata

Start your 19 days off right with a filling and delicious breakfast bake, made with broccoli, peppers, ham, and Cheddar.

Get the recipe for Ham & Goat Cheese Frittata »

Zucchini Spaghetti & Meatballs

keto paleo zoodles zucchini noodles with meatballs and olives

Zoodles (aka zucchini noodles) with homemade meatballs will keep you nice and full during your fasting stretches.

Get the recipe for Zucchini Spaghetti & Meatballs »

Cauliflower Pepperoni Pizza

Psst: You can use store-bought cauliflower crust for this if you don’t want to make your own. Just choose ones that list the vegetable as the first ingredient.

Get the recipe for Cauliflower Pepperoni Pizza »

Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus

This dinner is so easy—everything on a baking sheet for 18 minutes!—you’ll come back to it again and again.

Get the recipe for Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus »

Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

This treat is so easy to digest you can even eat it during your fasting stretches, Jorge says. He will not let you go hungry on this plan!

Get the recipe for Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding »

Broccoli Cheesy Bake

You could have it as a side dish, a snack, or heck, just eat it for dinner. So creamy and delicious, and absolutely packed with the green veggie.

Get the recipe for Broccoli Cheesy Bake »

Avocado Chocolate Pudding

Yes, you can eat dessert while you’re trying to lose weight, especially if it’s got avocado and yogurt in it.

Get the recipe for Avocado Chocolate Pudding »

Egg Drop Soup

Wholesome and filling with a nice mix of veggies and a few splashes of tasty soy sauce.

Get the recipe for Egg Drop Soup »

My Big Fat Greek Salad

The farthest thing from a sad desk salad you’ll ever find—absolutely bursting with flavor.

Get the recipe for My Big Fat Greek Salad »

One-Pan Italian Sausage & Veggies

Turkey or chicken sausage—mixed with just the right herbs and spices—makes for a super satisfying dinner.

Get the recipe for One-Pan Italian Sausage & Veggies »

Cashew Chicken

It’s better than takeout, in every way: Flavorful chicken meets tons of veggies and the perfect blend of spices.

Get the recipe for Cashew Chicken »

Crispy Avocado Fries

Creamy avocado is coated in crunch breadcrumbs and baked. Could this be... the perfect snack?

Get the recipe for Crispy Avocado Fries »

Tomato-Bun Burgers

You heard that right: Juicy tomatoes in place of a bun make a chicken burger extra flavorful.

Get the recipe for Tomato-Bun Burgers »

Churro Mug Cake

Another dessert to keep you smiling throughout the 19-Day Weight-Loss Plan!

Get the recipe for Churro Mug Cake »

Coconut Oil Gumdrops

Missing candy a little bit? Freeze up this coconut oil and cinnamon treat and you’ll have a great bite whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Get the recipe for Coconut Oil Gumdrops »

Zucchini Linguine Shakshuka

Spiralized zucchini holds up well in a tomato sauce topped with eggs.

Get the recipe for Zucchini Linguine Shakshuka »

One-Pot Shrimp Alfredo

Shrimp is the perfect base for a creamy sauce, sundried tomatoes, and baby kale.

Get the recipe for One-Pot Shrimp Alfredo »

Super Trail Mix

All the best nuts and a touch of sweet make for an energy-boosting snack for any time in your 8-hour Blue Zone.

Get the recipe for Super Trail Mix »

Taco-Stuffed Avocados

Put out forks for this Taco Tuesday: an avocado takes the place of the shells, but you will not miss them.

Get the recipe for Taco-Stuffed Avocados »

Best-selling author Jorge Cruise's latest book is The Cruise Control Diet (Ballantine Books, 2019).

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Drop 52 Pounds in 30 Days With This ‘Super-Treat’ Keto Plan

  • Woman's World Diets

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cruise control diet meal plan

Want keto diet results without depriving yourself of carbs? America’s favorite weight-loss coach can make it happen. “I’ve discovered a hack that gives you keto’s fat-burning benefits but still lets you have foods like fruit, whole grains, chocolate and wine,” reveals Jorge Cruise , author of the new Cruise Control Diet ( $16.80, Amazon ) . Proof it works: Cruise has thousands of Facebook followers testing the science-based strategy. “The average woman is losing a pound every 24 hours — and I’ve already seen losses of up to 12 pounds and five inches of belly fat a week,” he reports. “There’s no hunger, no cravings. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories. People say they forget they’re on a diet — until they need smaller clothes!” 

To understand how Cruise’s new plan works, first you need a little backstory. “When you’re overweight, it almost always means you have too much insulin, a hormone that tells the body to store fat ,” notes nutrition expert Jason Fung, MD , author of The Obesity Code ( $12.88, Amazon ) . 

Insulin is released to regulate blood sugar we make from carbs and large portions of protein. Trouble is, many of us constantly overload on these foods, causing our systems to malfunction. We wind up with chronically elevated insulin that locks us into burning sugar instead of fat, and it also quickly sends most blood sugar directly to fat cells. Luckily, says Dr. Fung, “Bringing insulin down means weight comes down automatically.” 

While a keto diet eliminates carbs to slash insulin , Cruise says, “It’s too extreme for a lot of us. That’s why my ‘fat cheat’ is key. It allows you to gently lower insulin and dip into ketosis — a state during which the body burns pure fat instead of sugar — without any struggle. And it’s actually better than keto at unleashing your metabolism!”

The Cruise Control Diet

“Research shows that as long as you’re eating 100 percent fat — with no carbs or protein mixed in — insulin stays down,” notes Cruise. So for 16 hours each day, Cruise Control dieters enjoy “super-treats” made almost entirely from fat, including creamy coffee drinks, homemade peppermint patties, macadamia nut butter. and even fudgy chocolate mousse. “These options are delicious and extremely satisfying, so it doesn’t feel like a diet at all,” explains Cruise, “Yet little or no insulin is being produced, so you enter a light state of ketosis. It’s what I call the ‘burn zone’ because you’re burning fat like crazy.” 

After you burn, you enter the “boost zone.” Choose the same eight-hour window each day — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat traditional meals and snacks, adding plenty of metabolism-boosting protein , veggies, and moderate amounts of healthy carbs to your regimen. Yes, you do make some insulin, but not enough to slow your progress. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. 

“There is actually research that shows cutting carbs for too long slows your thyroid and metabolism. It’s a real problem for keto dieters ,” Cruise warns. “The carbs you get on the cruise control diet keep your thyroid and metabolism humming. Healthy carbs also energize your brain and elevate your mood.” All this while the scale drops! The cruise control diet is new, but folks have already shed up to 52 pounds in 30 days! 

Cruise Control Diet Reviews

After reading excited posts on Facebook, Doris Beyer, 46, was game to try the cruise control diet, but worried it would leave her “hangry.” Then she started sampling fat bombs and other fat-rich treats. “It’s like the fat coats the inside of your stomach and leaves you calm and craving-free,” says the California hairstylist, who eats regular meals between 1 pm and 9 pm daily. Dropping up to a pound a day, she’s traded her size 18 for a 10. “This way of eating has done great things for my body!”

Bronwyn Minin, 47, agrees. Outside of her 11 am to 7 pm eating window, she sticks to fat only — including a decadent coffee made with whipping cream, coconut oil, and a sprinkling of pink Himalayan sea salt. “Before, I was always thinking about food,” recalls the New York life coach. “Now I barely think about it at all. My cravings are gone, my hunger is low, and my energy is fantastic. I’m down from a size 20 to a 12. This plan is so easy to follow, and the results are amazing!” 

Cruise Control Diet Meal Plan

To start, choose any eight-hour window that’s convenient for you — such as 11 am to 7 pm — during which you’ll eat most of your meals and snacks each day. During that window, enjoy two meals and two snacks; emphasize protein, non-starchy veggies, and healthy fat, but also allow yourself a couple servings of healthy carb-rich foods such as fruit, unprocessed starch, dark chocolate, or wine. During the remaining 16 hours each day — your “burn zone” — enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any treat that gets almost 100 percent of its calories from fat. As always, get a doctor’s okay to try any new plan.

Burn Zone: Cruise Control Coffee — Whip 12 oz. coffee, 1 Tbs. grass-fed butter, 1 Tbs. MCT oil and a pinch of salt until frothy. Or choose any option that’s mostly fat, like one of the keto treat recipes below.

Lunch: Easy chicken platter — 1 palm-sized chicken breast, grilled or baked with seasoning to taste; enjoy with unlimited roasted green beans and side salad plus an optional 1⁄2 ear of corn on the cob.

Dinner: Fiesta shrimp platter — Brush 8 to 10 shrimp and unlimited veggies with olive oil; dust with fajita or taco seasoning and grill or sauté. Serve with an optional whole-wheat tortilla, salsa, Greek yogurt, and cilantro. 

Snack: Choose any two during your eating window — 1 oz. cheese; 2 oz. roasted chickpeas; 2 Tbs. nut butter; 4 oz. red wine; 1 oz. dark chocolate, or 6 chocolate-dipped berries.

Keto Treats

Eat healthy meals during an eight-hour window each day. During the remaining 16 hours, enjoy up to three servings of Cruise Control Coffee or any of these high-fat snacks: 

Ultra-Slimming Fudge Mousse — Whisk one 1.4-oz. pkg. sugar-free chocolate pudding mix with 2 cups heavy cream for 2 minutes. Chill 10 minutes. Makes 2 servings.

Fat-Melting Peppermint Patties — Mix 10 Tbs. melted coconut oil, 1 Tbs. zero-carb sweetener, and 1 tsp. peppermint extract. Pour half the mixture evenly into a candy mold; refrigerate. Add 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa to remaining mixture and pour evenly on top of white layer in mold. Freeze 3 hours. Makes 6 servings.

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This article originally appeared in our print magazine.

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Defend Your Health

Example Foods, Groceries List, and Recipes for the Cruise Control Diet

Updated February 2018.

If you decide to try out the Cruise Control Diet, you’ll find that the program is fairly simple to follow. There are only a few guidelines for you to follow and you won’t need to worry about counting calories, carbs, or fat. The focus of the diet is to eat foods that burn fat while avoiding any foods that make your body store fat.

For this diet to be successful, it’s essential to have a  food list , a helpful grocery list, and some tasty Cruise Control Diet recipes . Here’s a helpful guide that includes a list of foods to eat, grocery lists, and recipes.

Cruise Control Diet

What Kinds of Foods Do You Eat on the Cruise Control Diet?

You already know that you should be avoiding processed foods and foods that make the body store fat . However, what kinds of foods should you be eating while you’re on the diet? Here’s a look at the  Cruise Control food list , including whole foods that can be eaten while you’re following this program.

Healthy Vegetables

  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Green Beans
  • Mustard Greens
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Cauliflower

cruise control diet meal plan

Healthy Fruits

  • Strawberries
  • Cranberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries

you can eat healthy lean meats on the cruise control diet, such as salmon

Healthy Lean Meats

  • Lean cuts of beef

Healthy Grains

Healthy seeds and nuts.

  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

foods to avoid on the cruise control diet button link

  • Click here to watch the Cruise Control Diet video.

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Healthy Legumes

  • Kidney beans
  • Black beans
  • Pinto beans

Healthy Spices and Herbs

  • Mustard seeds

shop your grocery list on amazon for great deals on healthy diet food

  • Spices allowed on the Cruise Control Diet include ginger, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, and more.

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Helpful Grocery List For The Cruise Control Diet

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  • Hardcover Book
  • Cruise, Jorge (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Cruise Control Grocery Shopping Food List: 

  • Fresh Salmon
  • Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Cod fillets
  • Tuna steaks
  • Ground turkey
  • Green beans
  • Acord Squash
  • Feta cheese
  • Vegetable stock
  • Full fat, organic Greek yogurt

Tasty Cruise Control Diet Recipes

When you purchase the Cruise Control diet program, you’ll find that many recipes are included with the main book. The best part about these recipes is that they are very easy to make. You don’t have to worry about being an experienced chef to make these delicious recipes. Just a few of the wonderful recipes included in the program are:

  • Quick Cornish Hens
  • Meat Balls Soup
  • Baked Acord Squash
  • Cabbage Carrot Salad
  • Cream of Broccoli Soup
  • Skirt Steak Roll
  • Spring Lamb Steaks
  • Peppers Stuffed with Eggs
  • Pork with Cabbage Casserole
  • Eggplant Parmesan
  • Italian Seafood Stew
  • Roast Pepper Salad
  • Beef Pot Roast
  • Chicken Breast with Zucchini
  • Plain Chicken with Seasoning
  • Rich Lettuce Salad
  • Russian Spring Soup
  • Cream of Onion Soup
  • Greek Village Salad
  • Basic Tomato Salad

Try This Delicious Recipe If You’re Following the Diet

If you’re following the program, here’s an example of the  recipes you’ll enjoy while on the diet.

Simply Delicious Fish Soup

What you’ll need for this recipe:.

  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2/3 cup of white wine
  • 1/5 pounds of fish fillets
  • 1 medium tomato, diced
  • 8 ounces of clam juice
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste

How to Make It:

Heat some olive oil in a medium saucepan. Sauté the garlic and onion in the olive oil over medium heat. Cook for four minutes and then stir in parsley. Allow to cook for two more minutes. Add the tomato paste and diced tomato, allowing to cook for two minutes. Place the clam juice, wine, and fish into the saucepan. Allow the mixture to simmer for 5-8 more minutes. Add a bit of fresh parsley, black pepper, salt, thyme, and oregano to taste. Serve hot and enjoy.

Full Review of Cruise Control Diet

We’ve produced a comprehensive review of James Ward’s Cruise Control Diet program if you’d like more details or are wondering if the course is for you.

Still not sure if the Cruise Control Diet program is right for you? Consider our other top rated workout and diets to decide what is best for you. We have comprehensive reviews of what we believe to be the best – and why.

top rated workouts and diets here

Other great alternatives to the program you should check out:

  • > The Fat Loss Factor
  • > The Venus Factor
  • > Eat Stop Eat

Last update on 2024-05-10 at 05:56 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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cruise control diet meal plan

Discussion 27 Comments

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In the list of healthy spices I dont see garlic,then in the recipe example the 1st item is garlic, what gives ,did u just forget to put in on the list ,it is healthy right

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what drinks can I drink? coffee, tea water and what else?

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can i send money order? have not a credit card

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I ordered the cruise control diet to check it out and see if it was just another ‘fad’ so some one could make money, or some thing that might work, what I have read makes sence to me and I am going to start it tomorrow (going to the grocrie store to stock up). I would like to know how to get the companion books.

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I love the diet has given me rapid weight loss . I am on Weight Watchers Smart Points and this has really boosted my success!

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This morning I gave the “Easy” Almond Flour Pancakes recipe. I purchased a small bag of almond flour, a small bag of coconut flour and a can of coconut mike. I mixed it together as instructed and found that the batter became thicker that cookie dough which is not what I waited for cooking pancakes so I added more liquid and the batted became half as thick as before. I added some of the batter to a frying pan and waited 2-3 minutes as the recipe stated to do. I was still in the batter state so I waited another 3 minutes, it was still in the batter state so I gave up and mixed it all together in the frying pan mixing it once in a while for about another ten minutes, it still did not cook like a pancake. I decided that it had enough time to cook so I ate it. It was grainy and blan. I now have a bag of the mixture in my freezer waiting for me to find a use for it. Any suggestions?

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Use it to batter fish, chicken, etc

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I don’t care for almond flour because of the texture, I make pancakes with coconut flour, I follow a regular pancake recipe but use coconut milk or water for the liquid, coconut flour as it stands gets thick so I usually cut back on it and only use 1/2 to 3/4 of what the recipe will call for when using regular flour

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No mention of cheese. Is there any good kind?

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I saw feta cheese on the list

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I didn’t see anything about whether one can eat pop corn. Lynn

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I filled out the order form but before I could press the send button the page jumped back to the beginning of the long sales video. How will I know if I have successfully ordered the book etc: ???

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Lynn, you want to eliminate any corn related products from your diet altogether. Over 90% of corn in the USA (I think maybe as high as 95%) is gmo (genetically modified organism), you can thank Monsanto for that. Your body will take this gmo corn (popcorn as well) and convert it into a form of sugar and then into fat .(the bad kind) It will then store it in your body. This is why you don’t see corn on the list. When Monsanto first started messing with corn they labeled it as gm (genetically modified). The o (in gmo) came later. The reason for that was by making it into an organism the corporations (Monsanto being the leader in this I think) could now patent and make money off it. You see, as plain old corn they couldn’t patent a natural food source. Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I hope this helps.

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What about organic non GMO corn

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I totally agree about corn… Popcorn however is not genetically modified but all corn products are affected by the wind factor from the ones that are GMO

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You cannot eat corn at all

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Yes Monna, go “to grocery store to stock up” and you Lawrence starta day making ” cocinut pancakes” and you will ALL be fit and loose wieght!! Damn, people!- can’t you better!

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I could not find the big orange button you said was at the bottom of the page. I listened to your advertisement on my phone and you said your program cost $39.95 and an additional 3 books came with it free but i can’t find any way to get the program.

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Thank you for leaving a comment… You can get the program here: https://defendyourhealthcare.us/cruise-control-diet

There will be a video as well to explain a little more about the program and if you have any questions please let us know.

The Defend Your Health Team

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Same thing happened to me.

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they are not free, I paid an extra $ 99.00

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I am having a problem with breakfast. I keep hard boiled eggs in fridge all the time, but I need some other choices for that meal. I just can’t eat vegetables for breakfast. I usually eat shredded wheat for the fiber. I like eggs but get tired of them everyday. Help my breakfast please.

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Is tomato sauce and related products (pasta sauce) exceptable?

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Is Italian salad dressing such as Wishbone permitted on the plan?

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How about Pepperoni for snacking?

Good question, Peter. While I can’t find anything specific on this, I would think that due to all the food processing and the type of meat pepperoni is, and its added ingredients, that it wouldn’t be allowed for Cruise Control. If you find out otherwise, please let us know!

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I received my welcome email but I cant get into the website to get the book or grocery list. It said my email is invalid but you sent me the email so how could my email address be invalid.

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Diet , Lose Weight

Cruise control diet by jorge cruise: ultimate guide | does it work.

cruise control diet meal plan

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here . Always consult a medical professional before commencing any diet.

The Cruise Control Diet is an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. This is a lifestyle change that promises long-term results and improvement in terms of weight loss and overall well-being.

The best of all? You don’t need to count calories or restrict your diet.

Created by James Ward, Cruise Control focuses on whole foods and eliminates processed and packaged foods.

This approach helps your body burn fat more effectively without restrictions.

This results in a healthier lifestyle, which is ideal for maintaining perfect weight and improving your well-being.

The Cruise Control is a perfect dietary plan for those who struggle with the yo-yo effect and want more permanent results.

It is also a great choice for those who don’t want to restrict their foods and who actually want to enjoy their meals!

What is the Cruise Control Diet?

cruise control diet

What exactly is the Cruise Control diet? It is best described as a lifestyle change and not a traditional diet.

In the Cruise Control diet, you are not restricting your food intake: It also doesn’t cut away numerous food types: most foods are allowed with Cruise Control.

So, what’s the catch?

Cruise Control Diet follows four basic principles:

1. Eat Natural

This dietary regime encourages you to eat whole, natural foods. Such foods will keep you full and will help you burn those persistent pounds.

2. Don’t eat processed packaged food

The key to Cruise Control is to avoid all processed and packaged foods. These foods contain unhealthy ingredients that make you hungry and encourage your body to store fat.

These ingredients and additives prevent your body from eliminating toxins. As a result, you feel hungry often, you eat a lot and store unwanted calories and fat.

Check out how processed foods are harming people . And the relationship between processed foods and obesity .

3. Treat yourself from time to time

Cruise Control Diet eliminates restrictions and cravings. You can eat cookies, chocolate and candies from time to time.

As long as you do it in moderate quantities, there is nothing you should worry about. Treating yourself in moderation is better than restricting yourself and then overeating once a craving hits.

4. Don’t count calories

cruise control diet meal plan

Cruise Control discourages calorie counting, food journal, points, even portion control!

That’s all!

As you can see, the Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive.

On the contrary: it wants to encourage you to make a lifestyle change towards healthy living and a balanced diet.

All you need to do is eliminate processed and packaged foods. An approach like this might seem strange compared to typical diets.

Dieting, in many people’s minds, includes restrictions, control, and calorie counting.

The thing is, such diets are often difficult to maintain and offer short-term results at best. Not to mention that they often prove to be unhealthy or even dangerous.

Cruise Control focuses on intuitive eating.

No more calculating portion sizes, no more counting calories.

More than restricting your food choice, it gives you a wide selection of nutritious, healthy and tasty foods. By focusing on intuitive eating, you are making a lifestyle choice rather than a simple diet.

How Does it Work?

By applying the cruise control diet, you will get into two phases:

1. Boosting zone : you choose 8 hours of the day and you will eat your meals during this period. Your meals have to consist of 50% fat, 30% carbohydrates, and 20% protein.

2. Burning zone : here you will fast for 16 hours, meaning that you will stop eating any meals but you can enjoy treats and beverages made of 100% healthy fats then you will sleep.

Cruise Control Diet Pros and Cons

feel good and healthy

Cruise Control diet offers numerous health and lifestyle benefits:

1. It helps you lose weight

By consuming natural, non-processed foods, your body uses calories more efficiently, which results in weight loss. All without the need to make your portions smaller or your food choices restrictive.

2. It improves health

Cruise Control is a healthy approach that will improve your health. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, switching to Cruise Control is a healthy lifestyle change.

You will feel stronger and more energized. It will help you eliminate toxins and it will boost your metabolism.

3. It is enjoyable

Let’s face it: diets can be many things, but they are rarely enjoyable. They typically force you to abandon many foods you enjoy eating.

Diets make you waste too much time and energy on calorie counting, portion measuring and food journaling.

With such an approach, all you can do is think about food!

Cruise Control eliminates all of that: you can eat many different foods, you don’t have to worry about portion sizes, and you can even treat yourself with sweets from time to time.

4. It is a real lifestyle change

Don’t think of Cruise Control as a diet. It is a lifestyle change. This is a step towards healthy living that can benefit you in many different ways.

As you can see, there are numerous health benefits of Cruise Control that are not limited to weight loss.

That being said, this is definitely a way to lose weight – it gives effective, long-term results without yo-yo consequences.

On the other hand, it is important to use this dietary regime as an informed choice.

It is important to know of potential negative sides of Cruise Control Diet :

1. It does require a certain effort

You need to eliminate all processed foods from your diet, and it often means shopping at different stores or reading labels more carefully.

2. Weight loss might not be fast

In the Cruise Control Diet, you are making a choice towards a healthy diet, which should bring long-term weight loss results.

Many people notice changes within days, but some people need to stick to this dietary regime for a while before noticing results. This is not a quick weight loss scheme.

3. Potential investment of money and time

Cruise Control Diet is not expensive: many foods and ingredients are affordable and easy to find.

However, it might require certain changes. Also, many recipes require you to prepare them, which asks for some time investment.

The good news is that many of the recipes are easy and quick to prepare, and no, they don’t cost a lot! However, if you are used at eating packaged snacks instead of a lunch, be prepared for some changes.

4. Elimination of certain foods

Cruise Control Diet is not restrictive, but certain types of foods are forbidden.

If your present diet relies too much on these foods, be prepared to go through a period of adjusting.

For example, Cruise Control doesn’t allow potato chips and similar snacks. Those who consume such foods on a regular basis will feel restrictions.

Cruise Control Diet Food List

Natural foods

There are many foods you can eat with the Cruise Control Diet. This is one of the best things about this dietary regime. There is basically only one rule: it has to be natural (not processed).

Here are some of the foods you can eat on the Cruise Control Diet:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, avocado, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, mustard greens, okra, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, radishes, Romaine lettuce, spinach, squash, Swiss chard, tomatoes, zucchini.
  • Fruits: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, dates, gooseberries, grapes, figs, kiwi, lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, papaya, pears, pineapple, plums, pomegranate, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, watermelon.
  • Meat: lean cuts (pork, grass-fed beef), chicken, turkey, wild-caught fish (cod, halibut, salmon, sardines, tuna), prawns, shrimp.
  • Dairy and eggs: grass-fed animal milk, butter, cheese, ghee; eggs.
  • Grains: barley, buckwheat, rice (brown rice, wild rice), spelt, rye, quinoa.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, cashew nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachio, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.
  • Spices and herbs: basil, cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon, chili (dried, flakes), clove, coriander, curry leaves, dill, garlic, ginger, mace, mint, oregano, peppermint, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage, saffron, thyme.
  • Beverages: water, freshly pressed fruit juice, freshly pressed vegetable juice, coconut water.
  • Oils: olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil.
  • Other: peanut butter, almond butter.

Foods to Avoid

cruise control diet meal plan

What can you not eat on Cruise Control Diet? Generally speaking, you should avoid any processed foods. Main things to avoid include:

  • Deep-fried and fried foods
  • Frozen foods
  • Potato chips and other similar snacks
  • Packaged fruit juice
  • Energy drinks
  • Low-fat yogurt (it is typically full of artificial flavors and stabilizers)
  • Deli meat full of additives (salami, sausage)
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Any product with artificial flavors and colors
  • Any products with added nitrates or other additives

As you can see, the rules are simple: avoid anything that is processed and full of additives. Yes, it means spending more time reading labels, but it’s worth it!

Cruise Control Diet Plan

Girl chopping veggies

One great thing about Cruise Control is that you can create your own diet plan. You know what you like to eat, and this program doesn’t want to force you into consuming something you dislike.

Also, it doesn’t force you to make serious changes: if you are a vegetarian, you stay a vegetarian.

Meal plan example:

Breakfast: Toast with a boiled egg is one choice. Or you may opt for homemade egg muffins or a spinach frittata.

Snack: This snack should prepare you for lunch. Ideally, you should eat one large fruit or a cup of smaller fruits.

Lunch: It is best to combine vegetables with a side protein. A salad with pieces of grilled chicken is one choice. Soups are also a good lunch option. On the other hand, if you want a hefty meal, you can get a steak.

Afternoon snack: If you need a snack between lunch and dinner, you can eat another cup of fruit or nuts.

Dinner: Your dinner should contain a type protein with side vegetables. Grilled chicken or salmon is a good choice. If you are feeling hungry, a steak or a wider selection of side dishes is a good way to go.

Bedtime snack: A cup of milk and a cookie can make a good bedtime snack.

The program encourages healthy night rest and plenty of sleep. It is best to go to bed by 10-10:30pm. You should not take your bedtime snack later than this.

Cheat meals: Cruise Control incorporates “cheat meals” two times per week. You can eat pasta, your favorite snacks, pizzas, desserts and other things that are typically not allowed on traditional diets.

Cruise Control Diet Recipes

Healthy salad

Here are a few easy recipes you can prepare for your Cruise Control diet regime:

Eggs with Vegetables


  • 1-2 cups sweet potatoes (diced)
  • 1 cup zucchini (diced)
  • 1 bell pepper (chopped)
  • ½ cup onion (chopped)
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt, pepper (to taste)


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  • Pour olive oil in a pan and cook diced potatoes until the bottoms turn golden and cubes start to soften.
  • Add zucchini, onion, bell pepper, salt, pepper and onion. Cook until the vegetables start to soften.
  • Remove from heat and divide into two. Break one egg into each pile.
  • Place in the oven and bake 10-15 minutes. Serve.

cruise control diet meal plan

Blueberry Almonds

  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • In a cup, mix almonds and blueberries.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and sesame seeds. Serve.

Lunch or dinner

Chicken tomato salad

cruise control diet meal plan

  • 2x chicken breast, grilled and cut into small pieces
  • 4-5 tomatoes, chopped into small pieces
  • ½ cup chopped parsley
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • salt and pepper
  • optional: other chopped vegetables (cucumber, bell peppers, onion)
  • Grill chicken and chop it into small pieces.
  • Cut vegetables and mix them in a salad bowl. Add chicken.
  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss carefully.

Avocado Tuna Steak

  • 1 garlic clove (grated)
  • 2 Ahi tuna steaks
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (grated)
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 ripe avocado (halved, peeled, pitted, and sliced)


  • In a mixing bowl, combine lemon juice, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ginger and garlic. Stir until the ingredients are well-mixed.
  • Add the remaining oil to the pan. Season tuna steaks with salt and pepper. Add to the pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Pour half of the mixture to coat the fish. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Prepare a serving plate. Place the tuna and add sliced avocados. Pour the remaining sauce over the whole plate and add sesame seeds.

cruise control diet meal plan

Does Cruise Control Diet Work?

All this sounds great, but does it work? If you want to lose weight, you want to see results, and that’s understandable.

A great thing about the Cruise Control diet is that it works, and it works long-term. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and shot-term results.

This dietary regime is made for real results and a true lifestyle change. In fact, it is a recommended step if you are looking for a healthier and wholesome diet.

Of course, there are certain things you can do to improve your results.

Doing light exercises 2-3 times per week is always helpful. However, you don’t have to engage in strenuous exercise in order to notice results.

Regular walks are extremely helpful for your well-being, and they don’t require difficult exercises. The goal is to move towards a healthier lifestyle, and Cruise Control diet can help you get there.

One thing you need to remember about Cruise Control: it is made for long-term results.

It means that you might not notice significant weight loss straight away.

Unlike fad diets, Cruise Control doesn’t mask water loss as weight loss, and it doesn’t starve your body for short results.

Just keep going and you will notice that you lose weight naturally – no more tiny portions or food cravings. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a weight loss scheme.

The best of all?

It will help you lose weight, and it will prevent the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Atkins vs Cruise Control Diet

The Atkins diet is one of the most well-known diets in the world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is harmless.

Atkins is a low-carb diet, specially designed to promote quick weight loss and not a lifestyle change.

The idea behind the Atkins diet is that weight loss is achieved through a diet that is high on protein and even fat, but extremely low in carbs.

While there are people who can achieve results with the Atkins diet, it is easy to slip into unhealthy dietary regime with this one.

Atkins can work short-term, and if you are careful enough not to cut too many essential foods.

Cruise Control is not so restrictive. In fact, it encourages a balanced diet with all the major food groups present.

This balance helps you stay healthy and gradually make you adopt a better dietary regime. Unlike the Atkins diet, Cruise Control is not limiting.

It is a long-term solution that promotes health and a better lifestyle choice.

If you like a diet high on protein, no need to go for Atkins: Cruise Control allows you to consume proteins on a daily basis.

The key is balance and natural ingredients.

Verdict: Cruise Control wins.

Are There Any Warnings for the Cruise Control Diet?

Cruise Control diet is safe and effective. Unlike so many other diets, it doesn’t cut away any important food groups.

It’s all about balance and natural ingredients, not starving yourself or counting calories. As such, it doesn’t come with any specific warnings.

Consult your doctor before starting Cruise Control or any other dietary regime. Your doctor can advise you on how to make your diet balanced and will tell you of any potential warnings that apply to you.

While Cruise Control Diet is safe, its individual effects depend on the individual’s overall health, age, BMI, medical history, and other parameters.

This content has been Fact-Checked by a Certified Nutritionist in our Publishing Team. Learn more here .

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The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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The Cruise Control Diet Can Help You Drop 12 Pounds in 7 Days

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cruise control diet meal plan

Over the past several years, intermittent fasting has emerged as a darling of the weight-loss world. Countless experts have chimed in to recommend extending the time between meals, and research shows impressive results in the lab too. In an animal study at the University of California at San Diego, mice that had access to unlimited food for just nine hours each day lost 73 percent more weight than those with access to food all day.

“It’s the magic formula for accelerating your metabolism ,” asserts nutrition and fitness pro Jorge Cruise, bestselling author of more than 20 books, including his latest, The Cruise Control Diet ( $17.47, Amazon ) . “By lengthening your period of not eating, you can trigger effortless weight loss and increased energy.”

Why is intermittent fasting so effective? Because the body switches between two states: the fed state and the fasted state, explains Jason Fung, MD, author of The Complete Guide to Fasting ( $20.36, Amazon ) . In a fed state (after a meal), the body burns some of the incoming food as fuel — but it doesn’t need much. The “excess” fuel is ferried to fat cells by the hormone insulin , where it can be stored for later. “If we spend our entire day in the fed state, then we are constantly storing fat,” explains Dr. Fung.

In a fasted state (when you haven’t eaten for several hours), insulin levels are lower. Because there’s no excess fuel, there’s no need for the hormone, so the body switches to burning stored fat for fuel. That’s where the weight loss happens, Dr. Fung asserts. But it’s also where things fall apart for many busy women: The “hanger,” brain fog and fatigue caused by switching from one fuel to the other, make it hard to stick with the plan in the real world.

How Fasting Fights Aging

All of the cells in the human body have an innate “recycling” program — allowing them to reuse damaged or non-useful cellular parts to build new, functional cells. With each passing year, this mechanism (called autophagy ) starts to slow. We experience this as aging: wrinkles, dull skin, and low energy. 

But studies show that intermittent fasting is an effective way to dial up the body’s recycling program: “It’s the only known dietary way to stimulate autophagy,” asserts fasting expert Jason Fung, MD. “Simply put, fasting cleanses the body of unhealthy cellular junk. At the same time, fasting also signals the production of some new snazzy cell parts, giving our bodies a complete renovation. Fasting may be considered one of the most potent anti-aging methods in existence.” This brings incredible anti-aging benefits, including 30 percent fewer wrinkles and 25 percent more even skin tone. Research also shows that boosting the body’s natural recycling program can improve cognitive function, strengthen the immune system and reduce cancer risk.

Fortunately, Cruise has discovered how to trick the body into thinking you’re fasting… without actually forgoing food! “I found a scientific loophole that demolishes hunger pangs and keeps energy revved up so no one has to struggle to get the benefits of intermittent fasting,” cheers Cruise.

His delicious, easy secret: healthy fats . “It turns out, certain healthy fats don’t disrupt the body’s fasting state, so you can eat them during your fast, but your body won’t ‘know’ you’ve eaten — it just keeps burning up fat stores as if you haven’t eaten anything at all.” 

According to Dr. Fung, pure dietary fat has almost no effect on insulin levels, so the fat isn’t stored in fat cells. Instead, it is immediately burned for fuel, providing an instant energy boost. That means you can eat pure fat snacks without “breaking” the fast, putting the brakes on fat burn or stalling body-fat loss. 

What’s more, the weight loss comes without any of the uncomfortable hunger pangs that make dieting so frustrating. “Dietary fats kill hunger pangs, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of fasting without feeling deprived,” asserts Dr. Fung. 

Indeed, researchers at Texas Tech University in Lubbock report that eating fat decreases the body’s production of key hunger- promoting hormones and increases the production of satiety hormones — and the combined effect reduces calorie intake by 40 percent for four hours each time you enjoy a pure-fat snack.

The results go beyond hunger-free weight loss. “You really can reap all the benefits of intermittent fasting with none of the adverse effects. You don’t have to exercise or restrict calories,” promises Cruise. “This strategy transforms health dramatically — I regularly hear stories of women being taken off blood pressure medication, of radiant skin, of shiny hair, of clarity and focus that’s been missing for years.” 

In fact, studies show that burning fat for fuel boosts energy by 88 percent, improves sleep quality by 21 percent, and boosts mood as effectively as prescription antidepressants — often within as little as eight days. Ready to start your transformation? Read on for the easy plan!

How to Do the Cruise Control Diet

While on the Cruise Control diet, you’ll enjoy two meals and two snacks between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. each day. “Aim to eat real food,” says Cruise, who has designed meals to keep metabolism humming and minimize fat storage.

That means filling up on 6 oz. of protein (about two large eggs or a serving of fish or poultry the size of two decks of cards), at least 2 cups of dark leafy greens and unlimited non-starchy vegetables (like asparagus and eggplant) per day. You can also enjoy whole-grain bread or pasta at one meal. Cruise suggests eating these carbs with dinner because they foster the production of sleep hormones.

You’ll top off each meal with plenty of high-quality fats (coconut, olive, and avocado oils; nuts and seeds; avocado; and organic dairy), while avoiding fats that stall slimming, including canola, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, and palm oils.

A sample day to get you started

Pizza for Two: Mix 11⁄2 cups riced cauliflower, 1 egg, and 1 cup shredded mozzarella. Spread on pan. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 min. Top with cheese and toppings. Broil 5 min.

Roasted Chickpeas: Toss 4 cups cooked chickpeas with 2 Tbs. olive oil and 1 tsp. salt. Spread on baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for 25 min., stirring often. Makes 4 servings.

Steak Salad: Mix 1 cup spinach, 1⁄2 cup carrot ribbons and 3⁄4 cup bell pepper slices with 3 tsp. olive oil. Top with 6 oz. steak, broiled to desired temperature.

Lemon Cake: Mix 1 egg, 2 Tbs. lemon juice, 2 Tbs. cream, 1⁄2 tsp. lemon stevia, 2 Tbs. flour, and 1⁄4 tsp. baking powder. Microwave for 90 sec. Top with whipped cream.

How to Fast for Weight Loss

During your “fasting” window, you can enjoy a pure-fat snack to stave off hunger and sidestep fatigue while keeping insulin levels steady and prodding the body to burn stored fat for fuel.

If you feel hungry during your fast, enjoy a pure-fat treat, like one of the examples below. “You can enjoy as much as you want,” says Cruise, who has developed a line of healthy oils, fat-infused coffee creamers and fasting-friendly sweeteners (available at CruiseControlFasting.com ). “Pure fat doesn’t trigger insulin, so your body will still think you are fasting.”

One note of caution: “If you’re shifting from a low-fat, high-carb or vegan diet, you may experience some tummy trouble at first,” says Cruise. To ease any discomfort, he suggests taking a digestive enzyme that contains fat-digesting lipase before your pure-fat snacks to help the body break down the fats. One to try: Enzymedica Lypo Gold ( $22.49, Amazon ). 

High-Fat Snacks

Cruise Control Coffee: In blender, combine 12 oz. cooled coffee , 1 Tbs. Cruise Control Latte Creamer (or 1 Tbs. each MCT oil and room temperature grass-fed unsalted butter), 1 Tbs. cinnamon, 2 tsp. monk fruit (optional) and a pinch of sea salt. Pour over ice and enjoy. Not a fan of coffee? Try using 12 oz. of black or dandelion tea as a base instead.

Strawberry Pops: In small saucepan, bring 1⁄2 cup water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add 1 box sugar-free strawberry gelatin, stirring constantly until dissolved. Pour mixture into blender. Add 1 cup heavy cream. Blend until smooth. Pour into 6 Popsicle molds and freeze for 4 hours. 

Chocolate Butter Bombs: Over double boiler, mix 1 cup coconut butter, 1 cup coconut milk, 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1⁄2 tsp. cinnamon, and 1⁄2 tsp. monk fruit. Transfer to bowl; refrigerate until solid. Roll into 10 (1-inch) balls. If desired, sprinkle with unsweetened coconut flakes or cocoa powder.

Margarita Panna Cotta: In bowl, sprinkle 3 Tbsp. gelatin onto 12 oz. coconut cream. While gelatin softens, heat 1⁄4 cup coconut oil, 2 Tbs. stevia and 3 tsp. vanilla extract over low heat until melted and combined. Stir in gelatin mixture. Once combined, remove from heat and stir in the juice and zest of 2 limes. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Garnish with lime, then serve.

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This story originally appeared in our print magazine.

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The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss Forever

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The cruise control diet: automate your diet and conquer weight loss forever audible audiobook – abridged.

Activate your weight-loss autopilot - use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and number-one New York Times best-selling author Jorge Cruise.

Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains:  When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as “intermittent fasting”, Cruise has developed a revolutionary master plan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger. He divides every day into two easy-to-remember nutritional zones: a 16-hour evening and overnight “burn zone” ( semi -fasting) followed by an eight-hour “boost zone” (eating). Ingeniously, his plan also includes “bumper foods” that can be consumed in either zone - around the clock - to keep you satiated and burning fat throughout. You’ll never be hungry if you don’t really ever have to fully fast! 

Backed by the very latest research and client-tested for optimal results, The Cruise Control Diet unlocks the key to dramatic results with:

  • Recipes for deliciously unexpected boost-zone foods such as portobello mini pizzas, zoodle spaghetti and meatballs, sheet pan salmon and asparagus, and even almond butter cookies
  • High-fat, no-sugar burn-zone recipes for craving-quenching foods like double chocolate fudge mousse and vanilla chai tea latte
  • Weekly menus and handy grocery lists to take the guesswork out of the equation
  • Candid testimonials from Cruise’s clients and test-panel participants
  • An optional burn-zone exercise program with instructional photos

With The Cruise Control Diet , you’ll automate your diet and finally conquer weight-loss forever!

Featuring a foreword by Brooke Burke and an introduction by Jason Fung, MD

Read by the Author, with additional narration by Kris Koscheski and Elizabeth Wiley; and with the Foreword and the Introduction read by their Authors 

Praise for Jorge Cruise:

“Jorge gets it right. His recipes make eating smart easy. I recommend them highly.” (Andrew Weil, MD, number one New York Times best-selling author of Why Our Health Matters )

“Jorge knows how to make weight loss simple and easy without feeling hungry.” (Tyra Banks, model, actress, CEO, and New York Times best-selling author)

“Recipes from my friend Jorge Cruise - where healthy food meets great flavor.” (Emeril Lagasse, chef, restaurateur, and New York Times best-selling author) 

“Jorge knows, as I do, that excess sugar in our diets is among the most important factors conspiring against our waistlines and our health.” (David Katz, MD, director, Yale University Prevention Research Center) 

“Jorge sets you up to win!” (Tony Robbins, philanthropist and number-one New York Times best-selling author)

“Jorge continues to inspire and make losing weight fun and part of your life forever.” (Mariel Hemingway, author of Healthy Living from the Inside Out )

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

  • Listening Length 3 hours and 50 minutes
  • Author Jorge Cruise, see all
  • Narrator Jorge Cruise, see all
  • Audible release date April 2, 2019
  • Language English
  • Publisher Random House Audio
  • Version Abridged
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • See all details

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Title details for The Cruise Control Diet by Jorge Cruise - Available

The Cruise Control Diet


Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains:  When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as “intermittent fasting,” Cruise has developed a revolutionary masterplan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger. He divides every day into two easy-to-remember nutritional zones: a 16-hour evening and overnight “burn zone” ( semi -fasting) followed by an 8-hour “boost zone” (eating). Ingeniously, his plan also includes “bumper foods” that can be consumed in either zone—around the clock—to keep you satiated and burning fat throughout. You’ll never be hungry if you don’t really ever have to fully fast! Backed by the very latest research and client-tested for optimal results, The Cruise Control Diet unlocks the key to dramatic results with   • recipes for deliciously unexpected boost zone foods, such as Portobello Mini Pizzas, Zoodle Spaghetti & Meatballs, Sheet Pan Salmon & Asparagus, and even Almond Butter Cookies • high-fat, no-sugar burn-zone recipes for craving-quenching foods like Double Chocolate Fudge Mousse and Vanilla Chai Tea Latte • weekly menus and handy grocery lists to take the guess work out of the equation • candid testimonials from Cruise’s clients and test-panel participants • an optional burn-zone exercise program with instructional photos With The Cruise Control Diet you’ll automate your diet and finally conquer weight loss forever! Featuring a foreword written and read by Brooke Burke, and an introduction written and read by Dr. Jason Fung. Additional narration provided by Kris Koscheski and Elizabeth Wiley. *Includes a bonus PDF with recipes, shopping lists, meal plans, workout routines, questions & answers, tips for staying on track, and resource lists Praise for Jorge Cruise “Jorge gets it right. His recipes make eating smart easy. I recommend them highly.” —Andrew Weil, M.D., #1  New York Times  bestselling author of  Why Our Health Matters   “Jorge knows how to make weight loss simple and easy without feeling hungry.” —Tyra Banks, model, actress, CEO, and  New York Times  bestselling author   “Recipes from my friend Jorge Cruise—where healthy food meets great flavor.” —Emeril Lagasse, chef, restaurateur, and  New York Times  bestselling author

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  • Jorge Cruise - Author
  • Jason Fung, M.D. - Author of introduction, etc.
  • Jorge Cruise - Narrator
  • Brooke Burke - Narrator
  • Jason Fung, M.D. - Narrator

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  • ISBN: 9780593150818
  • File size: 110673 KB
  • Release date: April 2, 2019
  • Duration: 03:50:34

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  • Number of parts: 4

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Cooking & Food Health & Fitness Nonfiction

Publisher: Books on Tape Edition: Abridged

OverDrive Listen audiobook ISBN: 9780593150818 File size: 110673 KB Release date: April 2, 2019 Duration: 03:50:34

MP3 audiobook ISBN: 9780593150818 File size: 110687 KB Release date: April 2, 2019 Duration: 03:50:34 Number of parts: 4

  • Formats OverDrive Listen audiobook MP3 audiobook
  • Languages English

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Intermittent fasting  is quickly becoming one of the most popular new diet trends — you may have heard about it from your favorite celebrity or fitness blogger.

RELATED: Wait, You Can Eat Bacon and Potato Chips While On An Intermittent Fasting Diet … ?!

Well, Jorge Cruise — a celebrity trainer and fitness expert whose diets have reportedly been followed by everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Brooke Burke — stopped by our show to talk about his newest New York Times -bestselling book, The Cruise Control Diet , which explores the misconception that intermittent fasting is about deprivation.

There isn't one "correct" way to incorporate intermittent fasting — it's all about what works for you and your schedule.

The idea is that you eat in an 8-hour window and then you observe a 16-hour fasting window.

The big problem with fasting is, of course, that you tend to get hungry!

That's why Jorge created his plan, called "Cruise Control Fasting," which puts a spin on intermittent fasting.

"You never feel hungry during your fasting window — during the 16 hours — because we cheat the fast with healthy fats," Jorge explains.

By eating healthy fats  like avocado oil, coconut oil, butter and heavy cream during the "bumper zones" (AKA early in the morning before you have your first meal or late at night after you've had your last meal), you're never hungry, Jorge claims.

For example, Jorge puts 2 tablespoons of butter or heavy cream in his morning coffee. "Heavy cream — not half-and-half, which has sugar," he adds. If he wants sweetener, he uses a natural sweetener like monk fruit.

RELATED: Why This Celeb Trainer Suggests Eating More (HEALTHY!) Fats, Including Butter In Coffee (?!)

"Insulin is really what drives weight gain," he says. According to Jorge, science is starting to show that rather than calories, which have long been blamed for weight gain, it's actually insulin that can lead to stubborn belly fat.

"When insulin is too high, you get too much energy, and then all this glucose — sugar — goes into the cells of your body," Jorge says. The glucose then turns into fat, and that is why you gain weight.

If your insulin isn't going up — which it shouldn't be during the 16-hour fasting window — your body gets energy from the healthy fats. It will also take energy from stored belly fat, so you'll lose belly fat, according to Jorge.

Jorge's cheats include heavy cream, butter, coconut oil and avocado oil. Jorge says you CAN have these during your 16-hour fasting window, but avoid carbs and proteins during this time. Eat those during your 8-hour eating window instead.

During your 8-hour eating window, Jorge suggest breaking down your macronutrients into 50% fat, 20% protein and 30% carbs.

50% good fats: Fill up on healthy fats like avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds.

30% healthy carbs: Whole grain bread, pasta, cauliflower or regular rice — even a glass of wine — these carbs are permitted in moderation during the eating window.

20% protein: Chicken, chickpeas, eggs — as long as it's only 20% of your diet, you shouldn't deprive yourself of protein, Jorge says.

Always check with your doctor before making changes to your diet.

The Cruise Control Diet

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A Diet With No Food Off Limits? Does 'Cruise Control' Work?

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A diet  where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight?

"There's no food that's off limits, absolutely none, there's no deprivation," Jorge Cruise, celebrity trainer and author of " The Cruise Control Diet ," told Inside Edition. 

There is one caveat, however: He sayd you can only eat within an eight-hour window every day. It's called intermittent fasting.

"It's really understanding that you can enjoy fasting without starvation," Jorge said.

He said that as long as you eat or drink healthy fats, you'll feel full those other 16 hours of the day. 

"Healthy fats will stop hunger , you won't feel hungry, and it's indulgent and it's delicious," he said.

To break the fast, start with a healthy  salad for lunch and try adding avocado, Jorge said. Then, "enjoy a beautiful dinner: pasta, a big salad, pizza, fried rice," he added.

Jorge, who's written over 25 diet books, said that this is his favorite plan yet. 

"This gives you the most amount of freedom and confidence. ... People can do this long-term," he said.

Click here to read an excerpt of "The Cruise Control Diet."


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ebook ∣ The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever

By jorge cruise.

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Jorge Cruise

Random House Publishing Group

02 April 2019

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Many weight loss diets can seem overly restrictive, but not Jorge Cruise's "The Belly Fat Cure." Published in 2009, this book eventually became a New York Times bestseller 1 2 . The reason may be the plethora of foods that you can eat while on his diet. Carbohydrates are restricted, but the book provides recipes that transform high-carb options into "belly friendly" meals.

The important thing you need to know about "The Belly Fat Cure" is that you are not permitted more than 15 grams of sugar a day, and may consume no greater than six servings of high-carb foods 1 . This is called the S/C value. Any food that provides 5 to 20 grams of carbs is counted as one serving. To support a lower-carb way of eating, the book contains recipes that replicate common higher-carb options, so that you can enjoy your favorite foods. The plan also provides several different weekly menus to appeal to individual tastes.

  • The important thing you need to know about "The Belly Fat Cure" is that you are not permitted more than 15 grams of sugar a day, and may consume no greater than six servings of high-carb foods 1.
  • To support a lower-carb way of eating, the book contains recipes that replicate common higher-carb options, so that you can enjoy your favorite foods.

Breakfasts that are featured in "The Belly Fat Cure" include pancakes, egg dishes, breakfast sandwiches and smoothies, among other items 1 . Cruise recommends that you prepare pancakes with soy flour, plenty of eggs and half and half, which may come as a surprise to some readers, especially those who are concerned about their intake of saturated fat. The Sweet Strawberry Smoothie is prepared using a mixture of frozen strawberries, sugar-free ice cream, almond milk and stevia. Other smoothies include peanut butter and whey powder to boost protein.

  • Breakfasts that are featured in "The Belly Fat Cure" include pancakes, egg dishes, breakfast sandwiches and smoothies, among other items 1.
  • The Sweet Strawberry Smoothie is prepared using a mixture of frozen strawberries, sugar-free ice cream, almond milk and stevia.

Some fast food choices are presented, as well as frozen diet dinners, so that you can decide whether to cook or grab this meal on the run. The cheese pizza includes half a pita bread along with plenty of cheese and meat. You can have sandwiches on light whole wheat bread and include as much as 6 ounces of meat per sandwich. You can have salads with sugar-free dressings and no croutons.

  • Some fast food choices are presented, as well as frozen diet dinners, so that you can decide whether to cook or grab this meal on the run.
  • You can have sandwiches on light whole wheat bread and include as much as 6 ounces of meat per sandwich.

Dinner on "The Belly Fat Cure" might be a pork stir-fry, a grilled steak or pasta 1 . Chicken strips, salad and sauteed fish are other options. As with lunch, Cruise provides fast food and frozen options from which you can choose. The pasta recipe calls for whole wheat pasta and a marinara that is virtually sugar-free. Don't expect to eat a plateful, however, as a serving of pasta amounts to 1 cup. Additionally, the plan's menus do not consist of half fruits and vegetables, as the USDA recommends.

  • Dinner on "The Belly Fat Cure" might be a pork stir-fry, a grilled steak or pasta 1.
  • Additionally, the plan's menus do not consist of half fruits and vegetables, as the USDA recommends.

Recommended snacks on "The Belly Fat Cure" diet include a variety of nuts and seeds, string cheese, hard-boiled eggs, blueberries and cottage cheese 1 . Occasionally, a snack is a popular snack item with little nutritional value, such as potato chips or artificially-flavored cheese crackers. On one of the weekly plans, sweet treats are also permitted, such as chocolate with 85 percent cocoa mass or sugar-free ice cream.

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  • The Belly Fat Cure; Jorge Cruise
  • The New York Times; Bestsellers
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Elise Wile has been a writer since 2003. Holding a master's degree in curriculum and Instruction, she has written training materials for three school districts. Her expertise includes mentoring, serving at-risk students and corporate training.


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  6. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss

    I have been on the diet now for 4 weeks and am down 35.5 pounds so am updating the review to 5 stars. I turn 69 tomorrow, so 35.5 pounds in a month is huge. I get up early, and the Cruise Control coffee made with coconut oil is creamy, delicious and keeps me full for hours until my first meal. It is an EASY plan to follow.

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    Activate your weight-loss autopilot--use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat.

  10. The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer Weight Loss

    Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as "intermittent fasting", Cruise has developed a revolutionary master plan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger.

  11. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    I have been on the diet now for 4 weeks and am down 35.5 pounds so am updating the review to 5 stars. I turn 69 tomorrow, so 35.5 pounds in a month is huge. I get up early, and the Cruise Control coffee made with coconut oil is creamy, delicious and keeps me full for hours until my first meal. It is an EASY plan to follow.

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  13. Amazon.com: The Cruise Control Diet: Automate Your Diet and Conquer

    I have been on the diet now for 4 weeks and am down 35.5 pounds so am updating the review to 5 stars. I turn 69 tomorrow, so 35.5 pounds in a month is huge. I get up early, and the Cruise Control coffee made with coconut oil is creamy, delicious and keeps me full for hours until my first meal. It is an EASY plan to follow.

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  15. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever - Ebook written by Jorge Cruise. Read this book using Google Play Books app on ...

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    Well, Jorge Cruise — a celebrity trainer and fitness expert whose diets have reportedly been followed by everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Brooke Burke — stopped by our show to talk about his newest New York Times-bestselling book, The Cruise Control Diet, which explores the misconception that intermittent fasting is about deprivation.. There isn't one "correct" way to incorporate ...

  17. The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to

    The Cruise Control Diet: The Simple Feast-While-You-Fast Plan to Conquer Weight Loss Forever ... fasting," Cruise has developed a revolutionary masterplan that simplifies your calendar and eliminates between-meal hunger. ... followed by an 8-hour "boost zone" (eating). Ingeniously, his plan also includes "bumper foods" that can be ...

  18. A Diet With No Food Off Limits? Does 'Cruise Control' Work?

    Jorge, who's written over 25 diet books, said that this is his favorite plan yet. "This gives you the most amount of freedom and confidence. ... People can do this long-term," he said. Click here ...

  19. The Cruise Control Diet

    Activate your weight-loss autopilot—use the power of simple intermittent fasting to lose the pounds and keep them off, from Hollywood trainer and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jorge Cruise. Timing is everything when it comes to losing weight. Or, as celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains:

  20. What to Eat on the Jorge Cruise Diet

    Snacks. Recommended snacks on "The Belly Fat Cure" diet include a variety of nuts and seeds, string cheese, hard-boiled eggs, blueberries and cottage cheese 1. Occasionally, a snack is a popular snack item with little nutritional value, such as potato chips or artificially-flavored cheese crackers. On one of the weekly plans, sweet treats are ...

  21. Cruise control meal plan and recipes

    May 7, 2019 - Explore Gloria Michniewicz's board "Cruise control meal plan and recipes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about cruise control, cruise, diet.