Antelope Canyon: Reisebericht und Tipps

Antelope Canyon: Reisebericht und Tipps

Es war eine dieser warmen Nächte in Honolulu, wo ich ein Auslandssemester verbrachte. Nach dem Essen oder den Drinks durch Waikiki zu schlendern, den Nachtmarkt zu besuchen oder einfach am Strand langzulaufen. Auf einem dieser Spaziergänge durch Waikiki entdeckte ich die Galerie des australischen Fotografen Peter Lik. Bis dato hatte ich weder mit Kunst noch Fotografie etwas am Hut, aber seine Bilder haben mich sofort in ihren Bann gezogen. Es war dort, dass ich das erste Mal Bilder vom Antelope Canyon sah. Ich war sofort hin und weg.Die Farbgewalt der Bilder, die Formen, die Rauheit und gleichzeitig das Weiche der Canyon-Wände haben mich nach wie vor in den Bann gezogen. Für mich stand  fest: „Da muss ich hin“. Tatsächlich gedauert hat es zehn Jahre, bis ich es endlich an diesen Ort schaffte.


antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Antelope Canyon: Hintergrund

Antelope Canyon liegt im Bundesstaat Arizona. Er besteht aus dem Upper und dem Lower Canyon. Er ist den meisten Mac-Nutzern als Standard-Screensaver bekannt. Die geschwungenen Windungen in orange, rot und lila hat jeder schon einmal gesehen. Antelope Canyon ist ein so genannter Slot Canyon. Das bedeutet, dass man von oben kaum etwas sieht, da es deutlich tiefer als weit ist. Der Canyon ist unter der Oberfläche ausgewaschen.Von oben sieht man nur einen unspektakulären Spalt. Seine Pracht kann man also erst bewundern, nachdem man hinabgestiegen ist.

Der Canyon wurde vom Antelope Creek geformt, einem Bach, der nur nach Sturzregen Wasser führt (s. Video von der Sturzflut). Die meiste Zeit ist der Canyon trocken und somit zugänglich. Lediglich bei oder nach starkem Regen kann der Canyon gesperrt sein. Sollte es während eines Besuchs also plötzlich stark anfangen zu regnen, ist größte Eile geboten. An den Seiten des Canyons sind in einige Leitern angebracht, um im Notfall schnell evakuieren zu können. Wer befürchtet im Canyon ertrinken zu können: nein. Man würde aufgrund des losen Sandes und all der Windungen im Canyon eher zu Tode geschmirgelt werden. Aber das nur am Rande.

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Upper oder Lower Antelope Canyon?

Wie schon geschrieben, gibt es den Lower und den Upper Antelope Canyon. Beide bieten einen wunderschönen Blick auf dieses Naturspektakel, aber der Lower Antelope Canyon setzt voraus, dass man fit genug zum Treppensteigen ist. Angeblich ist der Lower Antelope Canyon weniger frequentiert als der Upper Antelope Canyon, aber selbst in der Nebensaison war hier noch Schlangestehen angesagt. Ich möchte wirklich nicht wissen, wie voll es hier sonst ist. Aber hier einmal die Pros auf einen Blick:

Upper Antelope Canyon

Kostenpunkt: $56 pro Person (inkl. Navajo Fee)

Was für den Upper Antelope Canyon spricht:

  • leichterer Zugang, kein Treppensteigen
  • die Sonnenstrahlen im Canyon sieht man nur hier (tageszeitabhängig)

Da der Zugang ein wenig landeinwärts liegt, wird man fuhrenweise mit einem Allrad-Fahrzeug zum Eingang gefahren. Hier würde sonst jedes andere Fahrzeug steckenbleiben. Der Eingang liegt ebenerdig, man läuft also einfach hinein. Im Canyon selbst ist es sehr eng und große Rucksäcke müssen abgegeben werden. Die Besucher strömen hin und her, weil hier sozusagen „One-Way-Traffic“ herrscht. Wer Platzangst hat, wird den Upper Antelope Canyon nicht so sehr genießen, wie den Lower. Aber relativ eng ist es in beiden.

Lower Antelope Canyon

Kostenpunkt: $35 pro Person (inkl. Navajo Fee)

Was für den Lower Antelope Canyon spricht:

  • weniger Besucher, sodass man tatsächlich Bilder ohne Menschen drin knippsen kann
  • relativ lange Aufenthaltsdauer von mehr als einer Stunde (bei der Fotografen-Tour sogar zwei Stunden)
  • etwas günstiger als die Upper Antelope Canyon Tour

Was man im Lower Antelope Canyon eher nicht sieht, sind die typischen Lichtstrahlen. Da man für diese aber ohnehin a) zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten da sein muss (möglichst um die Mittagszeit) und b) die Sonne scheinen muss muss, waren die Lichtstrahlen für mich kein Muss. Noch dazu war für mich das Argument „weniger überlaufen“ ausschlaggebend. Aber offen gesprochen hab ich mich trotzdem wie Vieh gefühlt: Man wird in Gruppen durchgeschleust und immer wieder angehalten weiterzugehen. Aber so ist das nun einmal mit populären Sehenswürdigkeiten – jeder will hin. Der Einstieg in den Lower Antelope Canyon erfolgt über eine steile Treppe, wer also nicht fit bzw. anderweitig mobilitätseingeschränkt ist, wird sich hier schwer tun.

Eine klare Empfehlung, welcher der beiden Canyons besser ist, kann ich nicht aussprechen. Man muss einfach schauen, welche Ansprüche man hat. Sind die Lichtstrahlen das wichtigste, ist man zu Fuß ein wenig eingeschränkt oder schaut man auf’s Budget – alles eine Frage der Abwägung.

Beste Lichtverhältnisse

Für beide Canyons gilt, dass die Mittagszeit die spannendste ist, da dann das Licht senkrecht in den Canyon fällt, vorausgesetzt die Sonne scheint. Dementsprechend bietet es sich an eine Tour zwischen 11 und 13 Uhr zu buchen. Eine Garantie zu dieser Zeit aber wirklich im Canyon zu sein gibt es dennoch nicht, da es trotz gebuchter Zeit immer zu Wartezeiten kommt. Wir kamen erst 1,5 Stunden nach unserer gebuchten Zeit in den Canyon. Es bleibt ein wenig Glücksspiel. Beeindruckend ist Antelope Canyon so oder so und die Guides sind immer darum bemüht einem die Sweetspots zu zeigen. Wir waren mit Dixie Ellis da und unser Guide war unschlagbar: Nicht nur, dass er immer wieder Fotos von uns machte, er wies uns auch immer auf beeindruckende Sandsteinformationen hin und erzählte uns was zu ihnen (der schlafende Löwe, die Frau im Winter, der Häupling etc).

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Der nächstgelegene Ort ist Page, Arizona. Der Großteil der Besucher reist auch von dort an. Das Städtchen lohnt sich übrigens auch zu besuchen, selbst wenn man nicht zum Antelope Canyon möchte (aber wenn man schon einmal da ist, ist der Canyon ein Muss). Denn neben großartigen Restaurants liegt auch noch Horseshoe Bend in der Nähe – der Ort, an dem der Colorado River eine hufeisenförmige Kurve formt – sowie der Stausee Lake Powell.

Die Anreise per Auto führt auf einen großen, staubigen Parkplatz, der Kleinwagen durchaus an seine Grenzen bringen kann. Die Reifen graben sich schnell in losen, roten Sand ein. Ich war sehr froh, dass wir mit einem SUV unterwegs waren.


Zutritt zum Antelope Canyon gibt es nur im Rahmen einer geführten Tour. Egal, zu welcher Jahreszeit man anreist, man muss immer buchen. Am besten ein paar Tage, in der Hochsaison ein paar Wochen im Voraus. Für den Lower Antelope Canyon gibt es nur zwei Touren-Veranstalter : Ken’s Tour und Dixie Ellis Lower Antelope Tour . Bei zwei Organisatoren könnte man denken, dass es eventuell Unterscheide gibt. Dem ist aber nicht so. Beide gehören der selben Navajo-Familie an. Da sich der Antelope Canyon auf Navajo-Land befindet, dürfen auch nur Navajo dort Touren anbieten. Wir waren mit Dixie Ellis dort, aber letztlich ist es egal.

Für den Upper Antelope Canyon gibt es drei Touren-Veranstalter , die sich preislich quasi nicht unterscheiden:  Ekis’ Antelope Canyon Tours ,  Tsosie’s Slot Canyon Tours und  Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours . Für welchen Anbieter man sich entscheidet ist somit relativ egal, die geplante Touren-Uhrzeit nimmt einem die Entscheidung ab. Je nachdem, wann man den Canyon besuchen möchte, ist gerade ein anderer Anbieter mit seiner Tour dran.

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Beste Reisezeit

Eigentlich gibt es nicht die beste Reisezeit, denn wunderschön ist es immer. In den Sommermonaten steht die Sonne aber besonders hoch und scheint direkt in den Canyon hinein. Das sorgt natürlich für ein spannendes Farbspiel. Doch auch in den Wintermonaten ist es atemberaubend. Für mich das größte Plus: Weniger Menschen. Ich hatte die Befürchtung, gar nicht erst die Chance zu bekommen auch ein paar Bilder ohne Menschen drauf zu schießen. Dadurch, dass man sich ein wenig zurückfallen lassen konnte, weil die Gruppen nicht dicht an dicht durchmarschierten, hab ich die Bilder machen können, für die ich gekommen bin.

Lohnt sich ein Besuch des Antelope Canyon?

Ganz klar: Ja. Es war atemberaubend schön und ich möchte die Erfahrung um nichts in der Welt missen. Trotzdem sei gesagt, dass man großzügig Zeit einplanen und sich auf viele Menschen einstellen sollte. Die Tour wird nicht pünktlich starten, man muss warten und weiß nie genau, wann es eigentlich losgeht. Obwohl man in recht kleinen Gruppen losmarschiert, endet man in einem Meer aus Menschen. Das bedeutet auch, dass man ab und zu den Kopf über das ignorante Verhalten mancher Menschen schüttelt, aber die Schönheit des Canyons sorgt für den Ausgleich.

Restaurant-Tipps in der Nähe

Die nächstgelegene Stadt ist Page. Ein für mein europäisches Verständnis typisch amerikanisches Kleinstädtchen: Nur wenige Straßen, ein paar Shops, dafür umso größere Supermärkte mit riesengroßen Parkplätzen (obviously) und den typischen Hotelketten aka. Best Western. Tatsächlich hat Page kulinarisch gesehen unsere Erwartungen weit übertroffen.

Für einen Nachmittagssnack gingen wir zu Chill’n’Grill . Hier gibt es in erster Linie Frittiertes, trotzdem war es extrem lecker. Was ich mega fand, waren die Zucchini-Fries mit Dip. Und ein Tipp vorweg: Sandwiches sind dort keine Sandwiches, sondern ausgewachsene Burger. Meine werte Reisebegleitung wollte „nur ein Sandwich“ – das zwar großartig war, aber eben auch deutlich mehr zu essen, als gedacht.

Wer nur einen Abend in Page hat, muss UNBEDINGT zu Big John’s Texas BBQ . Zum einen fand ich die Stimmung super: Auf dem Tisch steht ein Eimer mit Erdnüssen, mit denen man beschäftigt ist, bis das Essen kommt. Zum anderen hat mich das Essen umgehauen. Die Küche ist, für ein BBQ typisch, sehr fleischlastig. Rippchen, Rinderbrust, BBQ Sandwiches, you name it – alles, was man bei einem BBQ erwarten wurde. Vor dem Lokal steht ein riesiger Ofen, in dem das Fleisch langsam gegart und geräuchert wird. Der Ofen sieht aus wie eine Lokomotive, man kann Big John’s also echt nicht übersehen. Was mich wirklich umgehauen hat (nicht zuletzt, weil ich keinFleisch esse), war der Coleslaw – ich habe noch niemals so einen leckeren Coleslaw gegessen. Der Kartoffelsalat war auch großartig. Aus dem seeligen Gesichtsausdruck meiner Begleitung schließe ich, dass auch das Fleisch himmlisch war.

Antelope Canyon: Reisebericht und Tipps

Video der letzten Sturzflut im Lower Antelope Canyon

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  • Die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten in San Francisco

Tags: Antelope Canyon , Roadtrip USA

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antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Adventurous Antelope Canyon

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antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Upper Antelope Canyon Tour

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Upper Antelope with Owl and Rattlesnake Canyons

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Upper Antelope and Rattlesnake Canyons Tour

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Rattlesnake Canyon Tour

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Gaby P

Adventurous Antelope Canyon - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) - Tripadvisor

Gina On A Plane

Gina On A Plane

small-town girl turned aesthetic solo traveler ♥

Adventurous Antelope Canyon: Tour Review

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antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

If you are visiting this webpage, it is likely that you have already heard of Antelope Canyon . Located in Page, AZ right on the Utah border, it is one of those places where photos speak louder than words. In order to tour this stunningly beautiful slot canyon, the Navajo Nation requires that you book a tour through a certified Native American tour company. To see Upper Antelope Canyon, I booked a tour with Adventurous Antelope Canyon , and this blog post provides a recap and review of my tour experience.

Adventurous Antelope Canyon tour headquarters; Page, AZ

Spoiler alert: I loved my tour . I truly felt like my guide put a lot of effort into making sure we not only learned about Antelope Canyon, but also about Native American traditions, customs, and ways of life.

Taking into consideration the transportation to the canyon, photo ops, scenery, facts and information, and the overall tour itself, I would say it was well worth the money. (For the record, it cost me roughly $150 to tour Upper Antelope Canyon.) Keep reading to see some of my favorite photos and recap my entire tour experience with Adventurous Antelope Canyon .

More Posts About Antelope Canyon

To read more about Antelope Canyon, including the differences between Upper & Lower Antelope Canyon as well as some of my top know-before-you-go travel tips, be sure to check out my other blog post: How to Visit Antelope Canyon: A Complete Guide

Tours Offered Through Adventurous Antelope Canyon

The majority of Antelope Canyon is broken down into 2 main parts: Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon. It is important to note that Adventurous Antelope Canyon ONLY offers tours for Upper Antelope Canyon (NOT Lower) . To book a Lower Antelope Canyon tour, you would have to go through a different tour company.

  • I originally had a Lower Antelope Canyon tour booked through Dixie’s Antelope Canyon Tours, but my tour got cancelled due to weather. Therefore, I can unfortunately not comment or write about my experience with Lower Antelope Canyon, or Dixie’s tour company.

In addition, you are also able to tour Rattlesnake Canyon and/or Owl Canyon through Adventurous Antelope Canyon as well.

  • You are able to tour Rattlesnake Canyon on its own, or you can do a combo tour with Upper Antelope Canyon and Owl Canyon.
  • You can NOT tour Owl Canyon on its own through Adventurous Antelope Canyon; this tour must be taken in combo with Upper Antelope & Rattlesnake Canyons.

Looking up into the ceiling of Upper Antelope Canyon; Page, AZ

Getting to Adventurous Antelope Canyon

Adventurous Antelope Canyon’s tour headquarters are located at Highway 98 Road & Milepost 302, Page, AZ 86040 . Many people make this a day trip from Sedona, Flagstaff, or Phoenix, AZ.

  • From Sedona , it takes about 3 hours to get to Page, AZ.
  • From Flagstaff , it takes about 2 hours & 10 minutes to get to Page, AZ
  • From Phoenix , it takes about 4 hours & 20 minutes to get to Page, AZ.

I have also heard people say they combine this into another National Park trip. If your goal is to see Bryce Canyon, Zion, or any of the other Southwestern Utah parks, you could plan to make Antelope Canyon a pit stop on your journey.

Helpful Tips When Booking Your Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tour

The following are tips and advice that will help make the most out of your Adventurous Antelope Canyon tour experience:

  • Book your tour in advance , especially if it is during a busy time of year. Many people try and go between late March – early October , as these are the best months to see the light beams in Upper Antelope Canyon.
  • If you are wanting to tour Upper Antelope Canyon and want to ensure you see the light beams, book your tour between 11:00am-1:30pm . This is the most popular time slot and will sell out the quickest!
  • Avoid booking during a holiday weekend, as it gets super crowded! My tour guide said that both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyons get a combined grand total of over 10,000 visitors during holidays!

Inside Upper Antelope Canyon; Page, AZ

What to Expect on Your Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tour

Website Disclaimer: I booked my tour with Adventurous Antelope Canyon in April 2023. Although everything is accurate as of the publication of this post, keep in mind that prices, attractions, and information may change with time. Tour Specifics : I did the Upper Antelope Canyon tour , so the following information will be based off of my experience with that canyon only. This information is NOT to be applied to Rattlesnake or Owl Canyon.

After Booking Your Tour

After booking your tour online with Adventurous Antelope Canyon, you will receive an email with detailed instructions going over when to arrive, what to bring, suggestions on what to wear, and how to get to the tour headquarters. The email also discusses how the location of the canyons can mess with your phone’s time zone, so make sure you follow these instructions in order to show up on time!

Know When To Arrive

You will be expected to arrive to your tour at least 30 minutes prior to the start time and check in. The start time of most tours are based off of when you enter the canyons, so you will be departing for the canyons earlier than your tour is scheduled to begin. This ensures you will have the maximum amount of time to walk through the canyons.

After Check-In/Before Your Tour Begins

After arriving and checking in to your tour, you and your group will be assigned a number. This is because there will be a large group of people signed up for the time-slot on your tour, and after everyone has checked in, they break the large group down into smaller groups. Each smaller group is then assigned a tour guide who will direct them to a company vehicle to depart for Upper Antelope Canyon.

There are plenty of porta-potties on site to use the restroom before your tour begins, but once you leave, there are no restrooms at the actual canyon.

During The Tour

The entrance to Upper Antelope Canyon is about 3 miles away from the tour headquarters. You will be driving on the main road, and once you turn off towards the canyon entrance, you will be driving through an area with sand. (Note: the sand is NOT deep, but it does blow around, especially if it’s a windy day!) From here, your tour guide will lead you inside. Upper Antelope Canyon is on ground level, so there are no ladders to climb up or down!

Seeing the light beams in Upper Antelope Canyon; Page, AZ

As soon as we walked into Upper Antelope Canyon, I saw the light beams! My tour guide, Roman, was fantastic at not only taking photos of us, but helping us know where to stand to get the best shots. He was also great at pointing out the best spots for photos throughout the entire tour.


Because of the layout of Upper Antelope Canyon as well as the amount of people inside, it was sometimes hard to hear the tour guides as they were leading groups through. I’m sure I missed some of the factual information about the canyon, as well as some of the Navajo traditions, beliefs, and customs. If you were deeply into the history of the canyon or Native American culture, this could be a downside for you.

I had also read on other Antelope Canyon tour websites that people felt “rushed” through their tour, and afterwards, I would have to say I agree with this statement. While it is understandable due to the popularity of Antelope Canyon and the amount of visitors, it would have been nice to be able to walk through it at a slower pace.

As previously mentioned, Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon, meaning that it is deeper than it is wide. With its upside-down V shape, I found Upper Antelope Canyon easy to walk through. My biggest structural complaint was the sand that fell down from the rocks! The wind still blew the sand around, even inside the canyon.

I didn’t think to bring sunglasses inside, so I ended up feeling like I had sand in my eyes the rest of the day. To help you be a little more prepared (plus for suggestions on what to wear), I have covered everything you need to bring with you to tour Antelope Canyon in a separate blog post.

After The Tour

As you finish your tour, you will exit through the back of the canyon and have a bit of a walk to get back to your tour vehicle. It is not a strenuous walk, but you will need to walk up some steps, through a sandy path overtop of the canyon, and down another set of steps. This is the longest amount of time that you will be out in the sun.

The exit to Upper Antelope Canyon; Page, AZ

During this walk, I encourage you to take a moment to really take in the landscape around you. The top of Antelope Canyon looks like desert rock mixed with some sand and a few desert plants here and there. It gives no indication to the wondrous canyon that lies beneath it. I like to think of this desert landscape as a metaphor for life in the sense that sometimes you stumble upon things you didn’t even know existed when you least expect it.

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

In terms of time, I felt that the tour went by rather quickly. Upper Antelope Canyon is so fascinating inside that I wouldn’t have minded if it was a mile long. It seemed like it didn’t take us long to walk through all of it. The amount of time allotted for each tour is an hour and 20 minutes.

After you get back to your vehicle, your tour guide will drive you back to Adventurous Antelope Canyon headquarters, where your tour will end. It is customary, but not required, to bring cash to tip your tour guide!

My Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tour Review

Pros of adventurous antelope canyon tours.

  • Location was easy to find
  • Tour was easy to book/website was easy to use
  • Very clear instructions in the email
  • I loved my tour guide (Roman)! He was very personable, knowledgable, and knew all the best spots for photos. He also made sure that everyone was able to get photos in exceptionally picturesque locations around the canyon. (In fact, he took all of the photos with me in them that I have posted on this page!)
  • After I showed up and checked in, the whole process was hassle-free. Adventurous Antelope Canyon tours took care of everything from getting us to the canyon to showing us around to getting us back safely.
  • They have a good cancellation policy as long as you cancel before 72 hours of the scheduled start of your tour.

Cons of Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours

  • The only real con that I can think of about my tour from a company perspective is that I felt like we were rushed through the canyon a bit. However, please know that MANY people on MANY different tours have felt this way, and it does not appear to be specific to Adventurous Antelope Canyon or any one tour company. It is simply due to the fact that Upper Antelope Canyon is extremely popular, extremely beautiful, and therefore extremely crowded.

Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tour Summary

Overall, I loved my tour with Adventurous Antelope Canyon. Getting to tour the canyon while also learning about Navajo customs and culture was such a rewarding experience. I really felt that my tour guide – along with the others that I observed – went out of their way to make this experience worthwhile and one to remember. I thought the location was easy to find, the check in process was simple, the email directions were very thorough, and the overall experience was well worth it for the money. Oh – and did I mention the canyon was beautiful??

Keep in mind that in order to accommodate the amount of people coming in, you are moved through the canyon quickly. So be sure to take a lot of photos, but also take it all in with your own eyes as much as you can. Antelope Canyon is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience and is likely different than anything you will ever hike or walk through. I’ve even heard people refer to it as “the 8th wonder of the world,” and after touring it, I can’t say I would disagree.

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Antelope Canyon Tours: Which Is Best? (Upper, Lower, X)

Antelope Canyon is arguably the most famous and beautiful slot canyon in the United States.

Located in Arizona on Navajo tribal land, the canyon has a bunch of different sections that are split into separate tours, and visiting any of them requires a local Navajo guide.

The main Antelope Canyon tours are Upper Canyon, Lower Canyon , and X Canyon . They’re all beautiful, but which one is best?

We recently traveled through the little town of Page, Arizona, and tried all of the canyons to see which one would be our favorite.

We started with the Lower Canyon , then did Upper Canyon the next day, and finally ended with Canyon X . It’s hard to believe these are natural formations!

Each of these slot canyons are amazing, with a variety of rainbow colored walls, sunbeams, and beautifully twisting passageways.

However, there are definitely some big differences between each of the canyons, and there are also several companies offering the tours, so finding the right company can be another challenge of visiting Antelope Canyon.

In this travel guide, I’ll compare each of the Antelope Canyon tours (Upper, Lower, and X) in terms of scenery, photography, crowds, fun, access, prices, and availability. Then, I’ll explain which one we liked best overall!

Best Antelope Canyon Tours

We booked our Antelope Canyon tours with GetYourGuide and had a great experience.

The price includes your entry tickets and a Navajo local guide. Everything was communicated clearly by email, and they have a refund policy if you need to cancel in advance.

We’ve used GetYourGuide for lots of tours and activities around the world, and they’re great. Highly recommended!

Book Now: Upper / Lower Antelope Canyon / Antelope Canyon X Tour

Antelope Canyon Comparison: Upper vs Lower vs X

• scenery/photography.

Obviously, one of the main things you may be wondering about is scenery and photography. Which Antelope Canyon is the most beautiful? Which one has the nicest colors? Which one is best for photography? Of course, that’s subjective and a bit hard to answer, because they’re all exceptionally nice.

Upper Antelope Canyon is mainly known for its dramatic light beams, which can be seen in the summer months when the sun is high in the sky. During this time, beams of light shine through the narrow roof of the canyon, illuminating the dust in the air. It’s a spectacular effect that’s great for pictures, although I think it’s a little overrated since it can only be seen in the summer during the middle of the day.

Lower Antelope Canyon has a shallower ‘V’ shaped chamber, which means it lets in more light than the Upper Canyon. Because of this, it’s best seen at times when there’s less ambient light, such as in the morning hours. The Lower Canyon has wonderful colors, and it’s full of twisting passageways and interesting rock features that are great for photos.

Antelope Canyon X has both light and dark chambers, so it’s good in a variety of lighting conditions. Even if some sections are dark when you visit, others will be bright and colorful. Like the Upper and Lower Canyon, the Canyon X has great potential for photography. Since it’s a longer tour, you have more time and opportunities for photos. In fact, I took more pictures in Canyon X than I did in the other two Antelope Canyons combined!

The scenery is a toss-up in my opinion. All three of these slot canyons are very beautiful and great for photos. Upper is best if you want to see sunbeams, otherwise Lower and X are better choices.

Winner: Tie

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Upper Antelope Canyon is known for its light beams

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Beautiful colors at the Lower Antelope Canyon

So which Antelope Canyon is less crowded? Which one is the least touristy?

Unfortunately, Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon are the losers here. They’ve become victims of their own popularity, and the tourist crowds nowadays are so bad you’ll often find it hard to move around or take photos. Forget about ever retracing your steps for a picture; everyone is shuffled through quickly in a line and this is strictly enforced.

In our experience, the crowds were the worst at the Lower Antelope Canyon , because it’s a bigger chamber and they’re able to run more tours through it every day. More tours also means more people. You’ll be in the middle of a crowd at all times, with people sticking their phones in your face trying to take selfies.

The best one for escaping the crowds is Antelope Canyon X . It’s far less crowded than the Upper and Lower Canyon, and we found it much easier to take pictures without other people in them. The tours here are also a lot less strict and almost have a private vibe to them.

Winner: Antelope Canyon X

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

We were almost alone at Antelope Canyon X

So what about tour duration? How long are the Antelope Canyon tours?

Once again, the Upper Canyon is the big loser here. Although it’s normally advertised as a 1.5 hour tour, much of that time is spent in transit to and from the slot canyon.

In my experience, only about 30 minutes were actually spent inside the Upper Canyon , and it felt even shorter than that because you can never pause or stand still for more than a few seconds. The tour was extremely rushed, and we passed through one of the main chambers so quickly I didn’t even get to take a photo.

In contrast, the tours at the other canyons are longer and more relaxed. This is especially true at Antelope Canyon X , where we spent more than 1 hour inside the slot canyon sections. We were able to walk slowly and take lots of pictures while also chatting with the Navajo guide about some of the history of the canyon. It was a much better experience and we felt like we got more value for our money.

The results speak for themselves. I took hundreds of photos in Lower Antelope and Canyon X, while I only managed to take a handful of photos in Upper Antelope Canyon because I was so rushed and limited on time there.

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Twisting passageways at Lower Antelope

So which of the canyons is the most fun to explore? I know, this is totally subjective, but it’s still important because the reason most of us are visiting Antelope Canyon is to have fun!

I have to say, my wife and I had the most fun at Lower Antelope Canyon . Our Navajo guide pointed out a bunch of different rock formations with unique shapes, including a dragon, an eagle, and a tribal chief.

The narrow twisting corners were also fun for peekaboo type photos, and although not everyone might agree, we even had fun climbing the stairs and ladders!

Winner: Lower Antelope Canyon

Colorful Slot

• Accessibility

So which Antelope Canyon is best in terms of access and safety? Which one is the least strenuous hike? Depending on the tour provider, young kids, pregnant women, and older folks are allowed in any of the canyons, although it may not always be the best idea.

Upper Antelope is probably the winner here. The entrance to the slot canyon is at ground level, so you don’t have to climb any steep stairs or ladders to reach it, and after exiting you just walk across a short slope to get back to the car. It’s very tame. There’s a bumpy 15 minute drive in the back of a pickup truck to get to the canyon entrance, but the truckbed is covered and has benches to sit on, and the drivers don’t go fast. If you can handle that, then you’re good to go.

There’s no bumpy drive like this for Lower Antelope , but getting in and out of the slot is a bit harder since it requires climbing down a steep metal staircase. You still don’t need to be very fit to do it, and pregnant women can do it fine as long as they’re slow and careful. My wife did it in her second trimester and had no issues.

Canyon X is probably the most strenuous in terms of hiking distance and elevation gain, although it still isn’t hard at all for most people. There’s a bumpy 10 or 15 minute van ride in the desert, but you’re in a van with seatbelts. Canyon X also has some walking in the heat, and unfit older folks might have a hard time walking back up the slope at the entrance of the canyon.

Winner: Upper Antelope Canyon


Don’t forget to look up!

• Availability

So which Antelope Canyon is best in terms of availability? In other words, how easy is it to get a tour on short notice and choose the time and date that you want?

Upper Antelope is the hardest canyon to get a tour, and you may have to book months in advance to get the date and time you want. There are a couple of reasons for this. Since the Upper Canyon is smaller than the Lower Canyon or X Canyon, it fills up easier and they aren’t able to run as many tours per day. It’s also very famous for the sunbeams, which have made it even more sought after by photographers.

Lower Antelope is also highly popular, but it’s a bigger canyon and they can accommodate more tours every day. We booked only one day in advance, and had no problem getting a time that worked for us, although we may have gotten lucky (your experience may vary).

In general, Antelope Canyon X is the easiest canyon to visit. You can usually book a tour at the last minute and still get a spot. Of course, that may change someday as it gets more popular, but for now I’d say it’s a really underrated gem.

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

So what about cost? Which Antelope Canyon tour has the best prices?

Obviously the tour prices will vary a bit depending on where and when you book them, but in general the most expensive tour is the Upper Antelope Canyon , followed by Lower Antelope and Canyon X , in that order.

Prices for the Upper Antelope Canyon tour can be as high as $150 USD per person during the summer season. In contrast, prices for the Antelope Canyon X tour can be as low as $60 USD, which is well worth it! I consider that a great bargain for what you get to see and do there.

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Another picture from Antelope Canyon X

So Which Is Better? (Upper vs Lower vs X)

So which Antelope Canyon is best — Upper, Lower, or X? That’s a good question.

For us, I would have to say the winner for best value (and overall experience) was Antelope Canyon X . While it may lack a few of the features that are great for photography in the Upper and Lower canyons, it’s a longer tour, meaning you have more time to take pictures and get creative.

On top of that, Canyon X is also much less crowded with tourists compared to the others, and you don’t have to worry about being badgered and rushed through the slot, like at Upper Canyon.

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Majestic colors at the Lower Canyon

Last, but not least, it’s cheaper and easier to get a tour of Antelope Canyon X without booking it months in advance, which is important if you’re going to Arizona without much notice and traveling on a budget.

I have to admit I didn’t really enjoy Upper Antelope Canyon very much compared to the others. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful slot canyon and the sunbeams were amazing, but the entire tour was so rushed I could hardly enjoy it.

The other problem with the Upper Canyon is that it’s expensive, and I actually left feeling like it was a waste of money. Lower Antelope was definitely a better experience, and it was worth the cost of entry, but it still suffers from the same crowds as the Upper Canyon.

Overall, I think the Antelope Canyon X is a fantastic tour if you’re looking for a beautiful slot canyon without the crowds, cost, and hassle of the main canyons. Enjoy it before it gets too famous!

Read More: Antelope Canyon X Review

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Antelope Canyon comparison — Upper vs Lower vs X

Best Time To Visit Antelope Canyon (Upper, Lower, X)

The best time to visit Antelope Canyon is generally from the end of March to the beginning of October.

This is especially true for the Upper Antelope Canyon , that way you can see the famous light beams. These are best seen between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM, on a cloudless summer day when the sun is high in the sky.

For the Lower Canyon , the opposite is true. This canyon gets a lot more ambient light from the sun, so the best time of day to visit it is actually in the morning or late afternoon, when there’s not too much light. However, we went to Lower Canyon in the middle of the day and I have to say most parts of the canyon were still very nice even at that time, so don’t write off a midday visit completely.

For Canyon X , any time of day is good to visit. We went in the afternoon and it was great. The slots have some areas that are deep, and others that are shallow, so it can be beautiful and photogenic in a variety of lighting conditions.

For all of the slot canyons in Arizona , if you want to avoid the crowds, the best time to go is from November to March. However, the lighting and colors won’t be nearly as dramatic or beautiful at this time, so it’s not quite the same experience.

I wouldn’t even bother with the Upper Antelope Canyon at all in the winter months, because it’s just too dim at that time.

Ladder Stairway

More Antelope Canyon Tours

The main Antelope Canyon tours are Upper Canyon, Lower Canyon, and X Canyon. These are the ones normally visited by tourists, and they’re arguably the most beautiful sections of Antelope Canyon.

However, there are also a bunch of other nice slot canyons in the same drainage system:

  • Mountain Sheep Canyon
  • Mystical Canyon
  • Rattlesnake Canyon
  • Secret Canyon
  • Waterholes Canyon

Each of these are great slot canyons, and any of them are worth a visit if you have time, especially if you aren’t able to snag a tour for one of the main canyons. Unfortunately, just like Antelope Canyon, these slots are all on Navajo tribal land, so you can’t visit them without a guided tour.

Most people still don’t know about these slot canyons, and they haven’t been discovered by mass tourism yet. As a result, they tend to be the most quiet and underrated parts of Antelope Canyon. Check them out!

If you’re coming from Las Vegas, it’s also possible to do a full day trip to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend that includes pickup and drop-off from Las Vegas. This is more pricey, and it’s a long day trip, but it could be a good option if you’re in Vegas without your own transportation and still want to see Antelope Canyon.

Best Arizona Slot Canyons Spooky

There are also some nice Arizona slot canyons outside of the Navajo Nation. Seen here is Spooky Canyon.

More Arizona Slot Canyons

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this comparison of Antelope Canyon Upper vs Lower vs X. We really enjoyed each of these tours.

Don’t forget, Arizona also has several slot canyons that are outside of the Antelope Canyon complex, and they’re free to visit without a Navajo guide.

If you’re looking for more slot canyons in Arizona, I wrote a complete guide for that too, which you can read on my travel blog in the link below.

Read More: Best Arizona Slot Canyons

  • Lower Antelope Canyon Review & Photos
  • Antelope Canyon X Review, Photos, & Experience
  • Best Slot Canyons In Utah
  • Best Slot Canyons Near Las Vegas Nevada

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The 11 best antelope canyon tours.

In order to see Antelope Canyon, you'll need to book a guided tour.

The Best Antelope Canyon Tours

Smooth curvature of the canyon created by river erosion and the colours of the earth made this place unbelievably photogenic.

Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • The only way to see Antelope Canyon is with a guided tour.
  • Tours go to the Upper Canyon (which is most poular), Lower Canyon or Canyon X.
  • Most tours depart from Page, Arizona, but you can also book day trips from Las Vegas and Sedona.
  • When booking your tour, keep in mind that Antelope Canyon follows daylight saving time, unlike the rest of Arizona.

Known for its labyrinthine, seemingly undulating sandstone walls and the beams of sunlight that shine into them, Arizona's Antelope Canyon is a magnet for photographers and tourists traveling through the American Southwest.

The famous landmark forms part of Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park in the LeChee Chapter of the Navajo Nation. As such, the Navajo Nation requires that visitors are led by authorized guides, who provide tours of the Upper Canyon, Lower Canyon and Canyon X. These tours depart from or close to Page, Arizona, though you can also find Antelope Canyon tours from Sedona and Las Vegas .

Note: Most of Arizona does not follow daylight saving time, though the Navajo Nation, where Antelope Canyon is located, does. Be sure to take this into account when planning your visit.

Upper Antelope Canyon Tours

Lower antelope canyon tours, antelope canyon x tours, antelope canyon tours from las vegas, antelope canyon tours from sedona, upper vs. lower antelope canyon.

Before choosing a tour, you'll need to decide which part of the canyon you'd like to see.

The terrain of the Upper Canyon is more accessible for most tourists and is, therefore, busier. Exploring the Lower Canyon , in contrast, requires visitors to have some degree of endurance, as travelers must climb and descend several staircases. Canyon X is less popular, but equally beautiful.

How to Get to Antelope Canyon

Upper Canyon: Companies that provide tours of the Upper Canyon are all based in or near Page, Arizona (where Antelope Canyon is located), and provide transportation. Travelers will need to drive to Page, as there is no public transportation. Drivers coming from the north or south can take Route 89, drivers from the west can take Route 89A, and visitors commuting from the east can take Route 98.

Lower Canyon: Companies serving the Lower Canyon are located within walking distance of the canyon's entrance; therefore, they do not provide transportation to or from Page. Travelers on a Lower Canyon tour will need to drive to the tour operator's location. These companies are about 5 miles east of Page.

Best Antelope Canyon Tours

Several local companies provide guided tours of Upper Antelope Canyon. Because the Upper Canyon is easiest to walk through, it is also quite popular, especially at peak times during the summer. Considering this, making tour reservations well in advance is highly recommended. No matter which tour you pick, you're guaranteed to see incredible rock formations in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours – Upper Antelope Canyon Tour

Price: From $92 Duration: 80 minutes

Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours offers 80-minute excursions through Upper Antelope Canyon. Expert guides lead travelers through the canyon to showcase its magnificent colors. Tours are offered several times daily. Note that children must be at least 8 years old to participate, and that pregnant women are not permitted on the tours.

Travelers enjoy the tour and appreciate the guides' insights, though some wish they had more time to spend in the canyon.

Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours also runs outings to Upper Antelope Canyon combined with either Rattlesnake Canyon or both Rattlesnake and Owl canyons.

Check prices & availability on:

Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours – Guided Sightseers Tour

Price: From $100 Duration: 1.5 hours

All of Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours' guides are local Navajo people, who are generally deemed knowledgeable, personable and professional by travelers. The company's 1.5-hour sightseer tours of the Upper Canyon take place several times daily beginning at 7:30 a.m. Note that prices for the 11:40 a.m. tour are slightly higher, as this is peak time to explore the canyon.

The company opens up online reservations one to two months in advance, so be sure to book early, as tickets sell out quickly.

Antelope Canyon Tours – Upper Antelope Canyon Sightseeing Tour

Price: Adults from $85; kids from $75 Duration: 100 minutes

Navajo owned and operated, Antelope Canyon Tours frequently wins praise for its knowledgeable and helpful guides. On the company's sightseeing tours, you'll spend about an hour in the canyon, plus 40 minutes round-trip travel time to the Antelope Canyon Tours office in Page. Tours run multiple times daily starting at 7:50 a.m., and there is one moderately difficult, 15-minute uphill hike involved. Keep in mind: If you are unable to book a child's ticket, it means there are no more car seats available.

After seeing Upper Antelope Canyon, consider visiting Vermilion Cliffs National Monument with the company on its daylong tour.

Antelope Slot Canyon Tours – Upper Antelope Canyon Tour

Price: Adults from $112; kids from $102 Duration: 1.5 hours

Along with standard tours to Upper Antelope Canyon, Antelope Slot Canyon Tours also offers tours of the nearby Cathedral Canyon. If you're set on a visit to the Upper Canyon, you'll have four time slots to choose from for the 90-minute tour. Pricing varies depending on the time of day and popularity of the tour time.

Discounted tickets are available for members of the military and children ages 6 to 12; children younger than 6 are not permitted. Patrons should be prepared for 20 to 30 minutes of walking while on the tour.

The company's guides consistently earn positive reviews for their knowledge not only of the area's history and culture but also of their photography techniques.

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Best Antelope Canyon Tours

Two companies lead excursions through Lower Antelope Canyon. The path inside the Lower Canyon can be quite narrow, which may be an issue for visitors uncomfortable with confined spaces. Because of the relatively rugged nature of the terrain, pregnant people and those with heart or joint problems might want to skip these excursions. Along with a rigorous hike, participants on these tours will be surrounded by beautiful scenery and smooth, fabric-like walls throughout their trip.

Ken's Tours – General Tour

Price: Adults from $55; kids from $35 Duration: 1 hour

The General Tour offered by Ken's Tours lasts approximately one hour, during which groups of up to 10 tour-takers will hike about 1 mile. Tours depart daily from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and you'll need to arrive 30 minutes before departure to check in.

For more information about Navajo culture, book the Deluxe Tour. You'll not only spend an hour in the canyon, but you'll also visit the Hózhǫ́ Haz'ą́ Heritage Site and enjoy a meal. This tour costs approximately $135 per person. These tours depart five times daily (three in the morning and two in the afternoon). Guides are frequently described as informative and friendly and the scenery as unsurpassable.

Dixie's Lower Antelope Canyon Tours – Lower Antelope Canyon Hiking Tour

Price: Adults from $55; kids from $35 Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

These hikes, which travelers say are led by knowledgeable and professional guides, usually last 60 to 90 minutes and cover about a mile. The walks depart from the company's booth near the canyon multiple times each day. Exact departure times vary by season.

Dixie Ellis also offers daylong van tours that combine the Lower Antelope Canyon Tour with visits to the Navajo National Monument and Monument Valley.

Best Antelope Canyon Tours

While the Upper and Lower portions of Antelope Canyon receive tons of fanfare, Antelope Canyon X promises stunning views without the hefty crowds. Antelope Canyon X – which gets its name from the X-shaped formation at the top of the canyon – is located within Antelope Canyon, so it still features the same geologic features the Upper and Lower areas are known for, but its relative anonymity makes it less of a tourist magnet.

Antelope Canyon X Taadidiin Tours

Price: Adults from $40; kids from $30 Duration: 1.5 hours

Antelope Canyon X Taadidiin Tours is the only operator running tours of Antelope Canyon X. It operates 1.5-hour small-group hikes through the canyon. Travelers rave about their visits to this site, and are particularly complimentary of the knowledgeable guides. Tours depart at multiple different times daily. Note that an additional $8 hiking permit is required for visitors ages 8 and older.

Photography enthusiasts can sign up for Taadidiin's Photo Tour, which spends three hours in the canyon and permits participants to bring a tripod and a camera bag. Fees start at about $125 per person.

Tour operators offer full and multiday excursions from Las Vegas that include Antelope Canyon as well as national parks and other iconic attractions.

Bindlestiff Tours - 3-Day National Parks Tour

Price: $875 Duration: 3 days

Depart Las Vegas for this three-day, two-night tour through Zion National Park , Bryce Canyon National Park and the Grand Canyon (where you'll have the option to take a helicopter ride ). The small-group tour also visits Monument Valley, with the option to add a Navajo-guided tour of Antelope Canyon.

Prices include transportation, some meals, a choice of camping or hotel accommodations at the Red Feather Lodge in Tusayan, camping equipment and national park entrance fees. Children must be at least 5 years old to join the tour.

Recent travelers raved about this tour, noting that Monument Valley and Antelope Canyon were their favorite parts of the experience.

Coexist West Coast - Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend

Price: From $280 Duration: 15 hours

Travelers have a choice between the Lower Canyon and Canyon X on this full-day tour from Las Vegas. Following your visit to Antelope Canyon – which is led by a certified Navajo guide – you'll head to nearby Horseshoe Bend for a short hike and more stellar views. Recent travelers appreciate the small group size of these tours, as well as the friendly guides.

Tour prices include round-trip transportation from Las Vegas hotels , attraction entrance fees and water.

Antelope Canyon is roughly three hours from Sedona, making it a great day trip. Many tour operators offer transportation from both Sedona and nearby Flagstaff.

Great Venture Tours - Antelope Canyon Tour

Price: Adults from $259; kids from $239 Duration: 11.5 hours

This Antelope Canyon tour conveniently picks up from hotels in Sedona , Oak Creek Village and Flagstaff. In addition to a Navajo-guided trip through the Upper Canyon, it includes a stop at the historic Cameron Trading Post to shop for art and souvenirs, a visit to Glen Canyon Dam, and views of Lake Powell, among other highlights. Lunch at a sit-down restaurant is also included in the tour price.

Reviewers say the tour guides are exceptional, and because it's a long trip, they appreciated that there were plenty of bathroom breaks and stops along the way. 

Note that children must be at least 6 years old to participate in this tour.

Pink Adventure Tours - Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend Tour

Price: Adults from $269; kids from $249 Duration: 11 hours

Pink Adventure Tours, popular for its Jeep tours in Sedona , also offers day trips to Antelope Canyon. On the Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend Tour, travelers will visit the Lower Canyon, followed by a 1.5-mile hike to the Horseshoe Bend Overlook. This tour also includes lunch and a stop at Cameron Trading Post. Travelers highly recommend this tour, saying it exceeded their expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The celebrated light beams that illuminate the canyon are most likely to be seen during the spring and summer months, making April through September the best (and most popular) time to visit.

You cannot visit Antelope Canyon unless you sign up for an official tour. Only authorized tour companies are permitted onto the site. Spots fill up quickly, so be sure to make your reservations ahead of time. There are no self-guided hikes available within the canyon, and visitors must stay with their tour group at all times.

Tour companies' fees vary, but tickets (including entrance to the park) generally start at around $50 for 1.5-hour tours of Upper Antelope Canyon. Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be shorter (around an hour) and generally start around $40 per adult.

It's best to dress in layers, as it can get 5 to 10 degrees cooler in the canyon. Closed-toe walking shoes with good traction (or hiking boots), sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen are also advised.

In order to protect both Antelope Canyon and its visitors, the following items are prohibited:

  • Bags: All bags are strictly prohibited, including backpacks and fanny packs.
  • Food: You can bring a water bottle, but other beverages and food are not allowed.
  • Selfie sticks and tripods: Photography is permitted, even encouraged, but selfie sticks, tripods and other large equipment are only allowed on professional photography tours.

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How to Visit Antelope Canyon – Best Times & Tours

Home | Travel | North America | United States | Arizona | Page | How to Visit Antelope Canyon – Best Times & Tours

Walking through Antelope Canyon ’s maze of sandstone walls, with the breathtaking rays of sunlight peeking through from above, is one of the most mesmerizing experiences.

Antelope Canyon, Arizona , is a unique treasure in the American Southwest, and as soon as we saw photos of this place, we knew we had to see it for ourselves. Plus, since it’s in Page, just 10 minutes from Horseshoe Bend, we could easily visit Antelope Canyon during our 10-day West Coast road trip .

Antelope Canyon light beam, the best antelope canyon tour

How to visit Antelope Canyon – Best times & tours

Remember, Antelope Canyon, Arizona, is on Navajo Nation land , so you must book a tour to see this natural wonder. We’ve toured all the different sections, and they’re each worth checking out, although it depends on your preferences.

This guide will help you find the perfect Antelope Canyon tour , and I’ll share tips on the best time to visit Antelope Canyon and how to get there from several popular cities.

How to visit Antelope Canyon, Navajo Nation, Arizona

Below, I’ll help you plan your itinerary with tips on the best time to visit Antelope Canyon , how to get there, and which section to visit.

Most people go to Antelope Canyon on their own, but if you’re in Las Vegas and short on time, consider taking an Antelope Canyon tour from Vegas . We have a complete article on that, so in this guide, I’m sharing everything you should know about touring Antelope Canyon on your own:

Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon – Which section is best?

Best time to visit antelope canyon, antelope canyon ticket prices and opening hours, antelope canyon tours.

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How to get to Antelope Canyon

Where to stay near Antelope Canyon

Before you visit Antelope Canyon , you should decide which part you want to see: Lower Antelope Canyon vs. Upper Antelope Canyon . Of course, you can always visit both, which is what we did during one of our trips.

Both sections are worth seeing, so your decision will likely come down to your budget and preferences.

Upper Antelope Canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon is the most famous part of this attraction, bringing in lots of tourists who want to see the Antelope Canyon light beams . If you want to see the rays of sunlight poking through the sandstone, as well as falling sands, this is where you need to go.

Upper Canyon, antelope canyon in page arizona

The entrance to Upper Antelope Canyon is at ground level, and it’s about a ¼-mile walk through the slot canyon. Please be aware that this is now a one-way path. To avoid the previous crowds of tourists going both ways in the canyon, the Navajo Nation has created a new route that involves using a small set of stairs and hiking ½-mile around the canyon back to the starting point. The path has soft sand and areas with narrow metal ramps and walkways, so it’s not suitable for wheelchairs or people with mobility issues.

Lower Antelope Canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon is just as magnificent as Upper Antelope Canyon, even though you can’t see the light beams here. On the plus side, the path through the slot canyon is wider, and the tours aren’t as rushed.

Lower Canyon, visit antelope canyon

The downside is that the Lower Antelope Canyon hike is longer and more challenging since you must go up and down several staircases and ladders. The tour guide will help you navigate these obstacles, but if you have limited mobility, it’s best to skip this section.

Upper vs. Lower Antelope Canyon

During one of our trips, we visited Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon on the same day. Both sections of Antelope Canyon were worth it, but there are some things to keep in mind:

  • If you want to save money, consider taking the Lower Antelope Canyon tour .
  • For the Upper Antelope Canyon tour , plan your visit for the summer, during midday. This is the best time to visit Antelope Canyon to see the spectacular light beams and reflections.
  • If you can afford it, it’s worth seeing both Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon since they each offer unique views and features.

In the chart below, you can compare the highlights and features of Lower Antelope Canyon vs. Upper Antelope Canyon :

  *Prices and tours may vary depending on the season

Antelope Canyon X, a lesser-known slot canyon worth visiting

Before you commit to an Antelope Canyon tour , consider the third option: Antelope Canyon X . This lesser-known section is part of Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon, but it’s not as frequented by tourists.

Stairs to the canyon, antelope canyon hike

Despite going deeper into the canyon, it’s a bit more accessible than Lower Antelope, and the price is cheaper, too. Here, you can capture amazing photos of the red-orange walls and the distinct “X” formation in the rock ceiling .

You can go to Antelope Canyon year-round, but I recommend planning your visit so you can make the most of your time, the weather conditions, and the availability of tours. Below, I’ll share the best time to visit Antelope Canyon .

Best time of year to visit Antelope Canyon

If you want to see the Upper Antelope Canyon light beams , the best time to go is between late March and early October . On the other hand, you can avoid the tourist crowds if you visit Antelope Canyon between November and March . The downside is that you’ll miss the light beams.

Light beam through slot canyon, antelope canyon tours

In reality, Antelope Canyon is becoming more and more popular, so even the low travel season brings in lots of tourists. If you have your heart set on photographing the rays of sunlight peeking through the slot canyon, you’ll have to brave the crowds.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the monsoon season in Arizona lasts from June to September. During these months, the weather at Antelope Canyon can get super rainy and increase the risk of flooding. It’s not too common, but the canyon can close if there is too much precipitation.

Best time of day to visit Antelope Canyon

Now that you know the best time to go to Antelope Canyon , let’s zero in on what time of day to visit the Upper Canyon.

Sandfall in the canyon, antelope canyon navajo tour

To see the light beams at Antelope Canyon , you should visit between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m . This is when the sun is perpendicular to the canyon, giving you the best chance of seeing this famous natural phenomenon. Also, try to plan your visit on a clear, cloudless day so the sunlight can poke through the canyon walls .

Tickets to Antelope Canyon sell out quickly, so once you decide which section you want to visit and when, make sure to book online. The Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon tours include the $8 permit to enter Navajo Nation. If you plan to visit Antelope Canyon X, keep some cash on hand to pay the permit fee upon arrival.

Below, you can see the prices and hours for the Antelope Canyon tours. However, I recommend double-checking the costs and schedules online since they may vary throughout the year.

Upper Antelope Canyon tickets and opening hours

The Upper Antelope Canyon tickets are the most expensive, at $125 per person . That said, this is the most popular tour because you can see the Antelope Canyon light beams , and the path is a bit easier. The tour lasts about 1 hour and 40 minutes and is available at 7:50 a.m., 9:50 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., and 4:10 p.m.

Lower Antelope Canyon tickets and opening hours

The Lower Antelope Canyon tour is becoming more popular, so make sure you book in advance. It costs $84 per person ($10 for kids 3 and under). The tour lasts 90 minutes and runs every 30 minutes from 7:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.

Can you visit Antelope Canyon without a tour?

While you may prefer to visit Antelope Canyon on your own , it’s not allowed. This natural monument is located on Navajo Nation land, so an Antelope Canyon Navajo tour is required .

Slot canyon walls, antelope canyon slot tours

If you book one of the tours above, you can reserve your spot with a knowledgeable Navajo guide, who will walk you through this magnificent place. Plus, the $8 Antelope Canyon permit is included in the tour price .

Although many people call it Antelope Canyon National Park , Antelope Canyon is not actually managed by the U.S. National Park Service. Rather, it’s located on Navajo Nation land, so you must book an Antelope Canyon Navajo tour to visit.

There are a few options depending on your budget and preferences. The Upper Antelope Canyon tour is the most popular, while the Lower Antelope Canyon tour is more adventurous. There is also the Antelope Canyon X tour , which is the cheapest option and quite underrated.

Upper Antelope Canyon tours

Upper Antelope Canyon is the most popular section and the easiest to access. It is the most expensive option too, but it’s where you can see the famous light beams and falling sands.

The tour starts with a short 4×4 ride to the mouth of the canyon. Your Navajo guide will share details about Antelope Canyon’s history and formation before you begin the walk through the slot canyon. Inside, it’s about a ¼-mile stretch with mostly flat terrain, although the ground is sandy. The hike is now one-way, so you don’t have to worry about running into people coming from the other direction.

Light coming through canyon, best month to visit antelope canyon

Once you reach the end of the canyon, you’ll climb a small set of stairs, then complete the hike around the canyon, back to the starting point. This is about another ½ mile of walking, and there are narrow metal ramps and walkways to navigate, so you must be careful.

The photography tour here was my favorite thing to do at Antelope Canyon , but the Navajo Nation stopped offering it. According to the official statement, this is “to free up space in the canyon and make the experience more enjoyable for the visitors.”


I really hope they start these photo tours up again because now the guided tour is a bit rushed, making it difficult to capture photos of the light beams and reflections on the canyon walls. Even so, I still think visiting Upper Antelope Canyon is worth it .

Lower Antelope Canyon tours

A Lower Antelope Canyon tour is a great alternative if you want to save money and avoid the tourist crowds. Just keep in mind that the hike through this part of the canyon is more difficult, with uneven terrain, metal staircases, and steep descents.

Antelope Canyon, when to visit antelope canyon

As long as you’re physically capable of climbing up and down the stairways, you will be fine. The Antelope Canyon guide will assist each person in your group one at a time, and the effort is worth it. Lower Antelope Canyon is deeper than the upper section, as well as longer and wider, so you have more space to move around.

Even though you can’t see the light beams here, the shapes and patterns on the walls are gorgeous. You’ll also have more time to explore and take photos, so it’s a good deal if you’re looking to save money on your Antelope Canyon tour .

Antelope Canyon X tours

Yet another option is the Antelope Canyon X tour . On this excursion, you’ll visit a different part of the slot canyon that includes Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon. In addition to being less crowded and hectic, the tour is cheaper.

Canyon X, antelope canyon where to stay

Touring Antelope Canyon X feels a bit different since you’re deeper in the canyon. This gives you the feeling of really being immersed in the environment, so you can admire the fiery sandstone walls and the unique “X” shape of the rock formations.

This Antelope Canyon slot tour costs $65, and you’ll have to pay for the $8 permit separately in cash. The tours run every 40 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m .

Other things to do near Antelope Canyon

You only need a few hours to enjoy all the things to do at Antelope Canyon . The tours last about 1.5 hours, so if you want to explore the nearby area afterward, there are plenty of things to do.

Lake Powell

Lake Powell is just a 15-minute drive from Antelope Canyon, so you can easily visit both attractions in one day. Lake Powell is a manmade reservoir in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area where you can go swimming, waterskiing, and boating. There are also hiking trails around beautiful sandstone walls and formations, so it’s worth stopping by.

Lake Powell, can you visit antelope canyon without a tour

Lake Powell, a place to visit near Antelope Canyon

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon are in Page, Arizona , so you can lump them together in the same visit. I recommend taking an Antelope Canyon tour in the morning and then hiking to the Horseshoe Bend lookout to watch the sunset.

Horseshoe Bend, things to do at antelope canyon

Horseshoe Bend, another attraction to see by Antelope Canyon

We have a complete guide to visiting Horseshoe Bend , but I’ll tell you now that it’s worth checking out. This horseshoe-shaped meander was carved out by the Colorado River over thousands of years. The lookout point is almost 1,000 feet high, so the views are insane. You can even combine a tour of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend by booking this excursion .

Antelope Canyon boat tour

If an Antelope Canyon hike is too much for you, consider taking a boat tour instead. This cruise goes through the Navajo Canyon, during which you’ll get scenic views of the massive Glen Canyon Dam, the colorful sandstone walls, and Lake Powell.

Antelope Canyon boat tour rainbow bridge

Another option is this day tour , which includes a sightseeing cruise along Lake Powell, a walk to the Rainbow Bridge National Monument , and a picnic lunch. Both tours depart from the marina at Lake Powell Resort, about a 20-minute drive from Antelope Canyon .

Antelope Canyon kayak tours

Another way to tour Antelope Canyon is by taking a kayaking excursion. This will allow you to admire the sandstone walls and formations from a whole new perspective.

Kayak tour, antelope canyon ticket

This half-day tour includes a guided kayaking trip along Lake Powell and a visit to the secluded Water Antelope Canyon. Plus, a shuttle service from Page, AZ, is available.

If you prefer to organize your own Antelope Canyon day trip , you can go to Lake Powell Paddleboards and Kayaks by the Page Airport and rent a kayak, paddleboard, or inflatable stand-up paddleboard for the day.

Closest airports to Antelope Canyon, Arizona

If you want to fly into an airport near Antelope Canyon , you have a few options. The Page Municipal Airport is super close by, but there are others in the vicinity. For example, if you fly into the Harry Reid International Airport, you can spend some time enjoying Las Vegas’ top attractions and then visit Antelope Canyon.

In summary, these are the closest airports to Antelope Canyon :

  • Page Municipal Airport (Page, AZ) – 7 miles away
  • Cedar City Regional Airport (Cedar City, UT) – 105 miles away
  • George Regional Airport (St. George, UT) – 115 miles away
  • Flagstaff Pulliam Airport (Flagstaff, AZ)– 135 miles away
  • Harry Reid International Airport (Las Vegas, NV) – 280 miles away

Antelope Canyon is in Page, Arizona , and most tours depart from downtown Page or the entrance to Antelope Canyon.

Getting to Antelope Canyon from Page Municipal Airport takes about 12 minutes by car. From the airport, take Sage Ave to Coppermine Rd, then turn left onto AZ-98 E. Stay on AZ-98 E for 4.5 miles until you see the Antelope Canyon parking lot on your right (for Upper Antelope Canyon) or left (for Lower Antelope Canyon).

Of course, many people visit Antelope Canyon from other cities. Below, you’ll find directions on how to get to Antelope Canyon from popular cities and attractions like Las Vegas, Sedona, and Zion National Park .

Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon

Sin City is a popular vacation spot, and the closest major airport to Antelope Canyon is in Las Vegas. The city is about a 4.5-hour drive (278.5 miles) from Antelope Canyon. Many tourists choose to stay in Las Vegas and use it as a home base while they explore nearby attractions.

If you decide to do the same, you can rent a car in Las Vegas and drive to Antelope Canyon on your own. Use I-15 N to go towards State Hwy 59 S and AZ-389 E. This’ll take you to US-89 S/E, which you can follow to AZ-98 E in Page.

Another option is to rent an RV in Vegas , which allows you to save money on transportation and accommodation. This way, you can travel at your own pace and create a Vegas road trip itinerary with all the attractions you’re interested in.

If you can’t drive or don’t want to, don’t worry. Another way to get to Antelope Canyon from Las Vegas is by booking a guided excursion. There are several Antelope Canyon tours from Vegas , but I recommend this one . It includes pickup service from your hotel, a tour of Antelope Canyon, and a stop at Horseshoe Bend.

Antelope Canyon from Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the most visited national parks in the United States, and it’s not too far from Antelope Canyon. It’s worth adding this stunning natural landmark to your itinerary, either before or after visiting Antelope Canyon .

I highly recommend dedicating at least a couple of days to visiting the Grand Canyon so you can explore its most famous viewpoints. Then, stay overnight at the Grand Canyon for a good night’s rest and leave early in the morning to see Antelope Canyon.

From the South Rim, the drive takes about 2.5 hours (~130 miles). Take AZ-64 E to US-89 N and continue to Page, then turn right onto AZ-98 E. From the North Rim, the drive is a bit shorter (2 hours and 20 minutes). Take AZ-67 N to US-89A S, then turn left onto US-89 N before turning right onto AZ-98 E.

If you’re staying in Vegas and want to visit both of these parks, you’re in luck. This excursion goes to the Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyon in one day, making it an amazing day trip from Las Vegas .

Another great option, if you’re already in Grand Canyon Village and want to visit Antelope Canyon, is this excursion . It includes a Grand Canyon air tour to Page, where you will see Horseshoe Bend from the air, followed by a Lower Antelope Canyon tour with a Navajo guide. Then, you’ll take an 18-mile rafting tour through Glen Canyon, where you’ll pass by Horseshoe Bend again, this time from the water, for a different viewpoint. Doesn’t it sound amazing?

Flagstaff to Antelope Canyon and Sedona to Antelope Canyon

Flagstaff and Sedona are popular tourist cities in Arizona that also happen to be close to Antelope Canyon .

Flagstaff is 132 miles from Antelope Canyon, so the drive takes about two hours, following US-89 W to AZ-98 E. Sedona is just a bit further away (146 miles), and takes three hours via US-89 N to AZ-98 E.

There are also Antelope Canyon tours that depart from Flagstaff or Sedona, including this one . It includes hotel pickup service, a guided tour of Antelope Canyon, and stops at Horseshoe Bend and the Painted Desert.

Antelope Canyon from Phoenix or Scottsdale

Phoenix and Scottdale are two other major cities in Arizona that are close to Antelope Canyon.

Phoenix is 276 miles south of Antelope Canyon, while Scottsdale is about the same (285 miles). Visiting Antelope Canyon from either of these cities takes about 4.5 hours by car. Follow I-17 N to US-180 W/N, then take US-89 N to AZ-98 E.

As for tours of Antelope Canyon from Phoenix or Scottsdale , I recommend this one . You can choose your departure point, and the excursion includes hotel pickup, lunch, and visits to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend.

Antelope Canyon from Horseshoe Bend

Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend are close neighbors, so it makes sense to see both attractions in one trip. After all, they’re just 10 minutes apart!

You can visit Horseshoe Bend on your own and book a separate Antelope Canyon tour. However, it’s easier to book a combo tour like this one , especially if you don’t have much time.

Lake Powell to Antelope Canyon

Lake Powell is right next to Page, Arizona, so getting to Antelope Canyon from here is easy. The drive from Lake Powell takes about 15 minutes via US-89 S.

Also, given Lake Powell’s proximity to Page, and its undeniable natural beauty, consider taking a tour of the area. This boat cruise is a relaxing way to explore the lake and see the marvelous Glen Canyon Dam. Another option is this day tour , which includes a scenic cruise along Lake Powell, followed by a guided hike to the Rainbow Bridge, a stunning natural monument.

Antelope Canyon from Monument Valley

Did you know that you can visit Monument Valley and Antelope Canyon in the same trip? Monument Valley is about 120 miles east of Antelope Canyon, and the drive takes less than two hours. Take US-163 S to US-160 W and follow that for 40 miles until you get to AZ-98 W, which will take you to Antelope Canyon.

If you want to visit both places in the same day, I recommend going to Antelope Canyon around midday and arriving at Monument Valley in time for sunset.

Also, while both attractions are in Arizona, they observe different time zones during the summer, so keep that in mind when booking your Antelope Canyon tour .

Antelope Canyon from Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is one of the most underrated places we’ve seen in the U.S., and it’s 150 miles northwest of Antelope Canyon. The drive takes less than three hours, so you could combine both in a single trip. However, I recommend dedicating a full day to Bryce Canyon, if possible.

To get to Antelope Canyon from Bryce Canyon, take UT-12 W to US-89 S, and follow that to Page.

Antelope Canyon from Zion National Park

Zion National Park is 120 miles west of Antelope Canyon, and the drive takes about 2.5 hours. Take UT-9 E to US-89 S and follow it to AZ-98 E.

You need at least a day to visit Zion National Park , so stop there before or after touring Antelope Canyon . If you have limited time or don’t want to drive, this multi-day tour is a great alternative. It departs from Las Vegas and goes to Antelope Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, the Grand Canyon, and Monument Valley.

With both Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend in the area, there are plenty of places to stay in Page, Arizona . From campsites to comfortable hotels, you shouldn’t have trouble finding a suitable accommodation, but I recommend booking in advance.

Slot canyon, visit antelope canyon

As for camping near Antelope Canyon, Arizona , I suggest staying at the Page Lake Powell Antelope Canyon Campground . It accommodates tents and RVs, and it even offers a covered wagon “glamping” experience.

For a more traditional accommodation, check out one of these hotels by Antelope Canyon :

  • Hyatt Place Page Lake Powell : Located by the airport near Antelope Canyon , this cozy hotel has an on-site restaurant, a sun terrace, and a seasonal outdoor pool.
  • Country Inn & Suites by Radisson : Just outside downtown Page, this accommodation offers quality at an affordable price. Its highlights include free parking, a gym, a communal lounge, and a hot tub, making it one of the best places to stay near Antelope Canyon .

Our experience: Is Antelope Canyon worth it?

We’ve visited Antelope Canyon several times. We have toured Upper Antelope Canyon once, Lower Antelope Canyon twice, and the last time we visited Antelope Canyon X too.

Each section has something unique to offer, so you’ll enjoy your visit no matter which part you go to. As for me, my favorite was Upper Antelope Canyon, especially when they did guided photography tours. However, they don’t do these anymore, so it’s more difficult to take pictures now.

Canyon light beams, best time of day to visit antelope canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon is definitely the most popular section, so it’s very crowded. The tour feels a bit rushed since the guides hurry you along in an effort to accommodate all the visitors. That said, I loved seeing the gorgeous light beams and falling sands.

Since we last visited, the Upper Antelope Canyon hike has changed and is now a one-way path. This seems like it’s much more convenient for thinning out the crowds, but there are now metal walkways you need to go across, so I don’t think it’s as accessible as before.

Lower Antelope Canyon is just as beautiful, even though you can’t see the rays of light here. The tour of Lower Antelope Canyon is less rushed, and there are fewer crowds, so you can take your time to admire the sandstone walls and natural formations. However, this tour requires more walking, as well as climbing up and down stairs and ladders.

Antelope Canyon, the best guided tours of antelope canyon

Our review of Antelope Canyon, Navajo Nation, Arizona

As for the Antelope Canyon X tour , it was quite a different experience since we went deeper into the canyon. There were way fewer people, so the place felt more intimate and immersive. We got to see the striking “X” shape of the rock ceiling and appreciate the fiery red-orange color of the walls. This tour is also cheaper, so it was a great deal all around.

I think Antelope Canyon is a must-see , and it’s worth seeing both the Upper and Lower sections if you can. Canyon X is also worth visiting, but only if it fits your budget after visiting the other two sections of the canyon .

Tips for visiting Antelope Canyon and Navajo Nation in Arizona

Visiting Antelope Canyon is a one-of-a-kind experience, but you should come prepared so you can thoroughly enjoy it! Here are some tips to make the most of your trip:

  • Decide if you want to visit Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon, or Canyon X .
  • For the most spectacular views and photographs, visit Antelope Canyon in the summer. The best time of day to visit Antelope Canyon is between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
  • Book your Antelope Canyon tour in advance since spots usually fill up quickly.
  • Bring your camera so you can capture the stunning Antelope Canyon light beams and colors.
  • Don’t forget to wear sturdy walking shoes and comfortable, lightweight layers .
  • Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen .
  • Remember that you can’t bring tripods, selfie sticks, GoPros, drones, or live-action cameras .
  • Bring only what you can put in your pocket or wear around your neck since backpacks and bags are not permitted .
  • Pets are not allowed in Antelope Canyon.
  • Be aware that no section of the Antelope Canyon is wheelchair-accessible .
  • You can’t bring strollers into Antelope Canyon , so babies or toddlers must be in a carrying pack or sling.
  • Take advantage of nearby attractions like Horseshoe Bend and Lake Powell .

Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll have an unforgettable time exploring this beautiful slot canyon.

Antelope Canyon map

Keep this map of Antelope Canyon handy while you plan your trip. It shows the locations for Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon, Canyon X, and the attractions and hotels I mentioned in this guide.

FAQs – Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Finally, here are some common questions about Antelope Canyon tours , tickets, and hours. If your question isn’t answered here, feel free to leave me a comment below!

Where is Antelope Canyon?

Antelope Canyon is in Page, Arizona.

When is Antelope Canyon open?

Antelope Canyon is open year-round, although it may close during inclement weather.

When is the best time to visit Antelope Canyon?

The best time to visit Antelope Canyon is between the end of March and the beginning of October.

What is the best month to visit Antelope Canyon?

May and September are the best months to visit Antelope Canyon .

When is the best time to see the light beams in Upper Antelope Canyon?

If you want to tour Upper Antelope Canyon and see the light beams, visit between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Which is better: Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon?

It depends on what you want to see. Upper Antelope Canyon is more expensive, but it’s where you can see the Antelope Canyon light beams .

No, you can’t visit Antelope Canyon without a tour. Since it’s on Navajo Nation land, you must book a guided tour of Antelope Canyon .

How much is the entrance fee to Antelope Canyon?

The price of an Antelope Canyon ticket depends on which part of the slot canyon you’re visiting:

  • Upper Antelope Canyon tours start at $125
  • Lower Antelope Canyon tours start at $84
  • Antelope Canyon X tours start at $65

How many days do you need in Antelope Canyon?

You only need one day for an Antelope Canyon trip . Plan to spend a couple of hours here.

Are there free alternatives to Antelope Canyon?

Visiting Antelope Canyon is worth it , but if you’re looking for a low-cost alternative, check out the different slot canyons at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, such as Zebra Canyon, Peek-A-Boo Canyon, or Spooky Canyon. They are 3 hours from Page by car, and you’ll need a vehicle with 4WD.

How long is the Antelope Canyon tour?

Each Antelope Canyon tour lasts about 1.5 hours.

How far apart are Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon?

Antelope Canyon is about nine miles from Horseshoe Bend, less than a 15-minute drive away.

Where is the closest city to Antelope Canyon?

The closest city to Antelope Canyon is Page, Arizona. Flagstaff, Arizona, is the closest big city to Antelope Canyon.

Where is the closest airport to Antelope Canyon?

The closest airport to Antelope Canyon is the Page Municipal Airport, but the closest major airport with international flights is the Harry Reid Airport in Las Vegas.

Is Antelope Canyon a lot of walking?

Antelope Canyon involves about a mile of walking, so it’s not suitable for people with mobility issues.

Is Antelope Canyon worth it?

Antelope Canyon is worth a visit, especially if you want to capture unique photographs.

Do you have to be fit to visit Antelope Canyon?

Yes, both Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon require walking on uneven terrain and climbing up and down metal staircases, so you must be in good shape.

Do you need to book a tour to Antelope Canyon in advance?

Yes, you must book your Antelope Canyon Navajo tour in advance. I recommend reserving your spot a couple of weeks in advance since spots fill up quickly.

What should you bring for an Antelope Canyon tour?

Make sure you wear sturdy walking shoes and comfortable clothing. You’ll also want a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Don’t forget to bring water and your camera!

How was Antelope Canyon formed?

Antelope Canyon was formed over thousands of years as water and wind wore down the rocks.

Who discovered Antelope Canyon?

Antelope Canyon was discovered by a Navajo girl named Sue Tsosie in 1931. However, there is a Navajo tradition that mentions the canyon back in the 1860s.

Can pregnant people visit Antelope Canyon?

Antelope Canyon tours aren’t recommended for people who are pregnant.

Can people with physical disabilities visit Antelope Canyon?

Antelope Canyon requires walking on sandy surfaces and metal staircases and walkways, so it’s not suitable for people with limited mobility.

Can you bring a stroller to Antelope Canyon?

No, you can’t bring a stroller through Antelope Canyon, but you can wear a baby sling or carrier.

Can you visit Antelope Canyon at night?

No. The last Antelope Canyon tour is at around 4:15 p.m.

That wraps up our guide to Antelope Canyon, Arizona . I hope you feel better prepared to plan your trip, or you’re inspired to share this article with your travel companions.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to leave me a comment below. I’d also love to hear about your experience touring Antelope Canyon .

Stay safe, and have a great trip!

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Ascen Aynat

visitar horseshoe bend horas y precios

66 replies on “ How to Visit Antelope Canyon – Best Times & Tours ”

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Hello and thank you so much for the article! Hubby and I are going on a two week trip out west next month. I was planning to do South Rim and Horseshoe bend on the same day and Antelope the next morning then driving to monument valley for the night. First question: Can I do lower canyon without a guide? I would like to do both but don’t want to pay for two tours. Do you think it’s worth it to pay for 2 if necessary? Second question: Would I be better off adding Horseshoe Bend to the Antelope canyon day?

Thanks for your help! I’m so excited! Tara

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You need a guide for both tours. For me it was worth paying them, but I think that is a personal question. And yes, you can do Horseshoe Bend in the same day.

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Wow! One of the most comprehensive, educating and useful guides. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to create this wonderful guide. Moving to read your other articles.

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Hi guys, thank you for an incredibile amount of practical information! I have two additional questions:

1. While visiting the area, I wanted to see Horseshoe Bend, as well. But it seems that Goosenecks State Park may be a better idea? Almost as deep as Horseshoe, maybe less colorful, but there’re two bends instead of one and it’s much less crowded. What do you think? 2. People say that Canyon X is better to go than Lower Canyon if you don’t like crowds. The views are similar, but it’s not so popular and I would avoid crowds. But according to my research it’s pretty small and you only need few minutes to go through. I’m confused… What would you pick? Lower Canyon or X?

Thanks for your message!

To be honest, I’ve never been to Goosenecks State Park or Canyon X, so my opinion is based just on what I saw online.

Both places look quieter than Horseshoe/Antelope. Some friends have been shooting Canyon X and they really enjoyed it since they had the canyon all for themselves with no crowds and no rush. Antelope Canyon can be stressful for some people and photographers, but to me it was worth it and I think that you have to visit it at least once in a lifetime.

That said, I recommend to do your research and check which can best suit your needs, the Southwest is full of river bends and slot canyons, so there are even more options 😉

Have a nice trip! Dan

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Thank you so much for all the detailed information! We are planning to visit Antelope Canyon in late April from Vegas. Never been to Grand or antelope canyons before. My kids are 9 and 11 years old. Would you recommend two separate day trips, one to west rim Grand Canyon and another one to antelope canyon? Or the overnight tour to both? From what I read, the day trips to each one provides more stops and time to be in each location more time and visit more thorough. Thank you!

If you are staying in Las Vegas I think it’s best to take two separate one-day tours. For Antelope Canyon, this is the best tour from Las Vegas .

Regarding the tour to Grand Canyon from Las Vegas, there are hundreds of kinds. The West Rim is the most touristic but I prefer the South Rim. However, if you are traveling with kids, maybe is easier to visit the West Rim that is just a couple of hours from Las Vegas and you will have more time to explore. This is my favorite tour to West Rim from LV.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Hi This guide is incredible thank you so much. We were planning on travelling early April to Sedona. Leave Sedona early am to drive 2.5 hrs to Antelope canyon and pick between upper or lower and then grab lunch and do Horseshoe bend.

We want to fit monument valley in somehow? Would this work. The other thing is we have a 14 month old with us he can walk but not extensive amounts and we will have his stroller with us so we could use this but cab we get down to antelope canyon easily? And travelling with a little one and doing all three in one day might be much ? Maybe do a night stay and split it?

Thanks a lot for all your help xx

I would split Antelope + Horseshoe Bend in one day and Monument Valley on another day for sure, even if you are not traveling with an infant. However, I think that visiting the Antelope Canyon may not be a safe/good activity to do with a baby.

In Upper Antelope Canyon, you will need to carry your baby since strollers and backpack carriers are not allowed. You will need also to provide a toddler’s car seat since you will be taken to the canyon in a jeep through a bumpy dirt road.

If you choose Lower Antelope Canyon, you will descend into the canyon via a staircase that passes through a narrow topside opening (some simple bouldering is required) Backpack carriers are allowed for infants, but the tour company will assume no responsibility for injuries your child might sustain by bumping his head on a low-hanging rock ledge…

I would suggest watching this full walkthrough video to make a decision.

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Thank you for the informative and in depth review! Reading through the comments were quite helpful too.

Question1: We have a 2.5 years old and planning to visit the Upper Antelope Canyon this Spring. I understand backpack carriers like the hiking ones are not approved but is a soft/front baby carrier allowed? I read somewhere that it was allowed but the article was 7 years ago.

Question 2: We are planning in on flying into Vegas. Next morning drive to Zion, then Upper Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe bend. What are your recommendations? Shall we stay overnight in Page or elsewhere.

Thank you very much.

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Thanks for your message and your nice words, I’m glad to see you found our info useful!

As regards your first question, I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for that. My advice is to call the Upper Antelope Canyon tour company and ask them, they’re very helpful and will provide a quick answer to your question 😉

Related to your second question, it depends on the time you want to spend in Zion. It’s perfectly doable doing Zion, Antelope Canyon, and Horseshoe Bend in a day, but if you’re driving the same morning from Vegas, it can be a pretty exhausting day (especially with a 2.5 years old).

Hope you have a wonderful trip!

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WOW, I am reading up all your pages on the West Coast Tour – so give me some pointer Dan/Ascen on my planned trip.

Firstly, its in February – so plan to Drive from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon VIsitor Center on 15th Feb and drive onto Horse Shoe Bend by sunset and stay overnight at Page. On 16th after relaxing at Glen Canyon Dam and have booked the Upper Antelope Canyon tour for 11:30 am slot, plan to do Bryce and drive back to Las Vegas by night. I have skipped Monument Valley as I do not have much more time as on 18th drive to LA to catch a flight home.

Any suggestions? Its intense but is it doable?

Your itinerary is doable but, please, bear in mind that you’ll be moving and driving during most of the 3 days, with almost no time for having a break or sleep.

I think leaving aside Monument Valley is a good option considering your tight schedule, and I’ll probably consider leaving off Bryce Canyon as well so you can have more room to see places like the Grand Canyon or Antelope Canyon.

Hope you have a memorable trip!

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Such detailing in every aspect we will think of. This definitely helps and is a precursor for my planning. Thanks much.

Thank you Ramya, I hope you enjoy this wonderful canyon.

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excellent information god bless you for writing such a detailed info, i was totally confused between lower and upper canyon, now i got full clarity.You suggested few companies in an order for the tours so is that order by the way their reviews are? can you suggest one good one for upper canyon, i am going next week on a weekday.

Hi Saketh, I usually recommend specific companies but in Antelope Canyon all are the same thing. Actually, all the companies follow the same rules, have the same price, spend the same time at the canyon and allow the same things. The only difference is at what time you want to take the tour. I did the tour with Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tour but you can choose whatever you want. All are the same 🙂

I hope you love it. We cannot wait for coming back.

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Hello! Love your informative article! I have the following trip schedule in mind: Nov 30 Drive from Las Vegas To Bryce Canyon taking 4 hours. Tour Bryce Canyon for the rest of the day Dec 1 Bryce Canyon Hiking, Drive to Horseshoe for the sunset, Drive to Antelope Canyon Lodging Place Dec 2 Tour Antelope Canyon for the day, Drive to Monument Valley and stay at Monument Valley Dec 3 Catch the sunset and tour Monument Valley? and Drive to Grand Canyon South Rim after the sunset.

Is it worth to just spend one day at Monument Valley? Do you have any suggestions?

We want to do both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon. Should we do both in one day? If we do it in one day, would we be not getting the full impact of each Upper and Lower Antelope canyon? Should we do one for each day separately? Thank you!

I like your itinerary.

One day is enough for Monument Valley. Regarding doing in a same day Upper and Lower Antelope canyon is what we did, and I recommend. I wouldn’t take the tours on different days.

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Hello, Could you give me your advice?

We are 2 pax and we only have 1 day – October 24th – to visit Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon. We will be sleeping in Page on the 23rd and moving to the south rim at the end of the day on the 24th.

Do you think is feasible to do both Upper and Lower Antelope + Horseshoe? If not, what do you think is more interesting in October and at what times?

Yes, you can. That is what we did but you will arrive at Grand Canyon Village at night.

Hello again, I read the info on your webpage – very good, by the way! – but I still have one question:

I read on your website that Horseshoe is more impressive during sunset and Antelope at midday, right? Since we are visiting both on the same day (october 24th), I was thinking on going to Horseshoe at sunrise, in order to catch Antelope by noon – what do you think?

THU 24 Oct First Light 6:56 am

Sunrise 7:22 am

Sunset 6:19 pm

Last Light 6:45 pm

Horseshoe is always open? Could we visit the Horseshoe at 7:00am or is it closed?

You also speak on your website about Monument Valley – but it’s impossible to do everything on the same day, right?

Thank you in advance!!! Best, Raquel

Horseshoe bend is more impressive at sunset. During the sunrise, the light is very different.

It is always open, so you can go at any time. Our plan was sunrise at Monument Valley, Upper Antelope Canyon by noon, Lower Antelope Canyon by 4, and Horseshoe bend at Sunset. It was intense but probably one of the best days in our US West Coast trip!

Hope you also have a great time!

Hi Dan, Thank you for the tip. Yes, I imagine but the problem is that we are sleeping that same night at South Rim (around 2h30 hours by car, right?)

So, given these circumstances, what do you think is feasible and what not to be missed?

If you are sleeping that night at the South rim I would probably leave out Monument Valley and focus on the Antelope Canyon tours and Horseshoe bend. Even though it’s technically doable I wouldn´t recommend to pack so many things on a day. If you have extra time, around the Page area you also have Lake Powel which is also interesting, especially for chillin and having some rest.

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I paid for the photo tour and it was completely cloudy. We couldn’t see any light beam 🙁

That is a pity, Susanne!

I hope you try again another day because it is worthy!

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Hello There This is the first article of you that I read and fell in love with the article This is the best a Visitor can ask for , we a family of 4 from Texas are planning to Visit west coast for about 12 days and we have Grand canyon and Antelope on our to do list along with lake Tahoe and Yosemite Park. We plan to be here during the end of November and not sure if that the right time to visit the Canyons and Antelope Can you please guide us if we should do the Grand canyons and Antelope during this period of year ? If Yes do we need to Book the Antelope trip in Advance ? we have 1 day for grand canyons so it would be great if you can point us the major things that we need to look for Just as you know we are Nature lovers and want to explore and get the best out of our trip

What a great itinerary you have planned!

You can find some snow in Grand Canyon in November ( it is not normal but it can happen). If you have just one day I recommend you to hire a Grand Canyon Helicopter tour!

Antelope Canyon Won’t be overcrowded in November but the best time to visit is in summer, when the sunlight enters and the canyon and you can see the lights beams in Upper Antelope Canyon. Anyway you will love it.

I also recommend you to visit Monument Valley that is not far from there and completely worthy.

Let me know if you have any other question,

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Thank you very much for this informative article. I am planning to see lower antelope canyon and horseshoe band from Las Vegas and after seeing them we will comeback to Vegas. What time is the best time to visit antelope canyon? Only 2PM and 4:30PM tickets are available.

I would book the one at 2PM 🙂

Enjoy that awesome wonder!

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Thank you so much for this very informative article about the Antelope Canyon area. We’ll be visiting the area in early August on our road trip to Texas. It will surely help everyone as they plan to visit this magnificent area. All the best!

Thank you Cherie,

I hope you enjoy your trip!

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Awesome Article. Just breathtaking. On our bucket list this summer. Have a week to tour all of the sites. Is there a tour company you would recommend?

Hi Catherine. If you are planning for this summer you are a little late. Book wherever is a spot available. Almost all the tours are already sold out!

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Thanks for this article!! Very informational with beautiful pictures!

I’m planning my day-trip visit soon from Vegas. Is 1-day to visit lower antelope and horseshoe bend doable without a tour guide? Thanks!

Best, Alicia

1-day is enough but you have to hire a Navajo tour to visit Antelope Canyon. There is no other way. The entrance by your own is not allowed.

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Amazing article, well constructed and includes all the information I was looking for in an easy to follow and logical format, very informative! Beautiful photos as well, they have inspired me to get to know my camera better before my trip.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

All the best

Thank you for your comment Keren, I hope you enjoy your visit to Antelope Canyon as much as we do.

It is a wonderful place, sometimes overcrowded but worthy at all!

Let us know if you have any other question.

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Hello, we are planning to see from Las Vegas – Grand Canyon, Glen Canyon Dam, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend. What if the best way to arrange this? How many minimum days we will need (we are not going to have much days..)? Is it really necessary to stop at Grand Canyon Parashant and Grand Staircase Escalante? or just Grand Canyon National Park would be enough to see? Should we book couple of nights in Page? Do we have to buy any attraction / admission tickets in advance? We would appreciate your advice.

Hi Irina. To do that tour I would suggest min 4 days. We didn’t visit Grand Canyon Parashant and Grand Staircase Escalante in our 10-day West Coast USA road trip and if you don’t have more time, I don’t suggest you to go there.

To see Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon you only need 12 hours. You can spend just a night.

Regarding the attractions, you need to book in advance the Grand Canyon helicopter tour and the Antelope Canyon tour (in this article you can see all the companies offering this tour. All the companies are the same price and quality. Just select the one you prefer in terms of schedule).

Also you will need a rental car and you are set up to enjoy your road trip.

Let us know if you have any other question! Ascen.

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Hi Ascen, that is one brilliant guide to Antelope I must say & the pictures are breathtaking!! Great job!! Just wanted to know one thing, is it possible for wheelchair-bound people to explore lower and upper Antelope Canyon?

Hi Pallabi, thank you very much for your words!

I think Antelope Canyon is not wheelchair accessible. Lower Antelope Canyon is underground, so you need to descend through a very steep stair that can be dangerous even if you don’t need a wheelchair. Regarding Upper Antelope Canyon, it is narrow and very crowded always. The only option is if you talk with some of the tour operators to get a private tour (I don’t even know if this is possible) so they can close the canyon for you. The entrance of Upper Antelope Canyon is wide for a wheelchair and worth a visit! Let me know if you need more information about Antelope Canyon. I will be happy if I can help you to visit this wonder 🙂

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Great content, mate!

Thanks buddy! Glad you like it 😉

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Hi, Thanks for this great article! I have a question regarding the Navao fee. As far as I’ve found you have to pay in advance to book these tours, and both of them include the Navajo fee by default. How can you avoid paying the fee twice in those cases? Or do they give back the amount in cash when you show them that you have already paid this for another tour? Thanks, Kornel

Thank you very much for your comment. You are right, they include the Navajo fee by default. What we did was purchase the Upper and Lower tours and sent a request to the Lower tour to be reimbursed for the Navajo fee (send them a copy of your Upper tour so they can check you have already pay the fee).

Let me know if you have a question and enjoy Arizona 🙂

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Hi! The article is amazing!! So informative and detailed. I wanted to ask whether it’s possible to enter with a kid? (1yo) I wonder cause it was written that backpacks are not allowed. We are going to travel with a baby and for couple of years we want to visit Antelope canyon. Thank u

Hi Katarina,

For Upper Antelope Canyon, three of the four companies offer options for kids:

  • Antelope Slot Canyon Tours
  • Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours
  • Adventurous Antelope Canyon Photo Tours

You have to select the age of your kid and make sure you bring a car seat for toddlers since the parents will be expected to provide them. Remember that the tour begins with a two-mile ride down an unpaved dirt road in a Jeep vehicle. Once in the canyon, you need to carry your kid in your arms. Strollers or backpack carriers are not allowed.

Regarding Lower Antelope Canyon, you can drive there on your own and kids don’t pay a fee from 0 to 7 years old. Backpack carriers are allowed but you will assume the responsibility for injuries your child might suffer. Besides, you need to be prepared for somehow difficult ladders you need to pass. Your physical condition should be good to carry your kid for different ladders during the tour.

If I were you, I think I would do my husband to carry the kid and I know he is fit enough to do it.

Let me know if you have any other question.

Thanks again for the information. Though, as u wrote, some of these companies do not provide guided tours with kids. And the rest have no free sports for booking. Checking the second day for reservation but everything is sold out. Other companies do not accept kids from 7yo. If there are some private tours? May be more expensive, but who accept kids and less crowded?

Hi Katarina, No private tours are provided at Antelope Canyon. Only 4 companies for Upper Antelope and 2 companies for Lower Antelope can operate there. You need to book months in advance to get a spot. If everything is filled out I recommend you to visit other of the many slot canyon are in the area. Please contact Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours to see if kids are allowed at the other slot canyon tours.

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Thanks for this question Kornel. I had the same question and got the answer here. 🙂

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I am wondering if anyone has visited Mystical Antelope Canyon

Hi Jeanne, I haven’t visited that Slot canyon yet but it looks very interesting, especially to avoid the crowds. Thanks for sharing! 😉

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Hey, What is the best time to visit the Upper/ Lower Canyon? Is it allowed to take a camera and take pictures of my friends for example? or is there any rules regarding taking this?

The best time depends on what you are looking for and the tour you are taking. If you want to see the light Halos in Upper you should go during the summer. All this is explained throughout the article. If you are taking the normal tour, you can perfectly take pictures of your friends with your smartphone. Please bear in mind that the canyon is usually crowded in the normal tour, so taking pictures without people is a real challenge. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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In the photographer tour, do they allow you to take pictures with people in it? I only see pictures of the rocks itself.

In the Photo tour, the guide stops at the main highlights of the Canyon and keep other visitors from entering the frame. All the photographers will be in line by your side, so it is not supposed to be a tour to take pictures with people on it. During my tour, our group was exceptionally small (just 3) and at the end of the tour, we agreed to take a picture of ourselves, but that it is not something common. Hope this helps,

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Hello! Thank you the information. If pressed for time, is it advisable to visit both Upper and Lower, or one over the other? I’ve read Lower is less crowded?

Nowadays both canyons are crowded, and the decision to visit one or another depends on different factors and your personal taste. If I were not a photographer and I had to choose one of them I would probably go for lower, but, as I said, it entirely depends on your goals. Throughout the post you can see a comparison between Lower and Upper that might be helpful to make up your mind 😉

Wish you all the best during your visit,

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do you know anything about Canyon X? I hear its a lot less crowded, and I was thinking of going there instead of upper and lower canyon while I am in page in may

Canyon X is another section of the same Antelope Canyon so it may be as amazing as the most crowded upper and lower.

We didn’t visit it but it should be a good option too and less crowded so go ahead and come back to let us know how was the experience.

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Is it acceptable to visit Lower Antelope Canyon carrying a back pack?

How big is it? I don’t think it is a problem if it is small.

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Wow! Congratulations to these pictures, they’re breathtaking! We’ve just passed the canyon and even though we would have loved to take pictures like these, after a little research we decided to skip it. Really sad that such a beautiful place is so overrun. And charging 151$ for someone bringing a camera and then chasing him/her through this place anyway is rather exorbitant in our opinion. But obviously, everyone needs to decide for themselves!

For everyone who’s more interested in the experience than the photo motif, we can very much recommend Peek-a-boo and Spooky Canyon in Staircase Escalante National Monument. Both are very adventurous to hike through, extremely narrow in some sections and provide lovely pictures as well. And we hardly met anyone else there 😉 Thanks for your very informative article!

Thank you very much for your comment Doris. I had already pointed Spooky Canyon on my map of places that I want to visit, but I hadn’t heard about the Peek-a-boo canyon before. I understand that it is not the same trail that has the same name and starts at Bryce Canyon National Park , right?

Any other place you can share with us will be more than welcome.

Best, Ascen

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antelope canyon tour erfahrungen





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Veronica Samuels


With so many fantastic tours available, it is difficult to pick the best Antelope Canyon tours, especially if this is your first time to this stunning landmark in Arizona.

Antelope Canyon is one of the magnificent natural rock formations in the Southwest with millions of years gone into them to form the natural wonder it is today.

If you are willing to visit both Upper and Lower Canyon tours and want to go for the best Antelope Canyon Tour,  this tour is your best pick (No need to read this post further!)

With hundreds of five-star reviews, it is among the best Antelope Canyon tours especially if you want to do both, which I highly recommend.

If you are unsure whether to go for Lower or Upper Antelope Canyon, check this detailed guide.

For more tour options catering to different budgets , and types of experiences, continue reading to pick among the best Antelope Canyon tours.

Wondering what is the best time to plan your trip?

Check this guide to the best time to visit Antelope Canyon

Which is the Closest Airport to Antelope Canyon?

Table of Contents


It is best to buy your tickets online in advance even if you do not want to join any tours . 

The best way to secure your spot is to buy online tickets at least some months in advance, guaranteeing your trip and avoiding hassles.

Choose from the options below:

1-hour lower antelope canyon ticket (likely to sell out).

🤩  Rating:  4.8/5 Stars(900+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length: 1 hour

  • ✅ Lower Antelope Canyon admission fee
  • ✅ Parking fees
  • ✅ Viator Brokerage Fee
  • ✅ Navajo Sales Tax
  • ✅ Navajo Nation Permit Fee
  • Navajo Tour Guide Gratuity
  • Hotel pick-up and dropoff

Find more details including pickup point, excellent reviews and more here .

1.5 hours Lower Antelope Canyon Admission Ticket

🤩  Rating:  4.8/5 Stars(620+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length: 1.5 hours

  • ✅ Admission to Guided Tour for Lower Antelope Canyon
  • ✅ Navajo Nation Permit Fee of $8/person
  • Guide Gratuities
  • Any personal expenses

1 to 2 hours Lower Antelope Canyon Admission Ticket

🤩  Rating:  4.9/5 Stars(80+ reviews)

  • ✅ Lower Antelope Canyon Admission Ticket.
  • ✅ Navajo Nation Permit Fee: $8 per person.
  • ✅ All Fees and Taxes
  • ✅ Online web Brokerage Fee
  • ✅ A tour guide
  • Tips to the Navajo tour guide are optional. But our suggestion is $ 5 per person.
  • Pick-up and Drop-off service.

1.5 to 2 hours Upper Antelope Canyon Ticket

  • ✅ Navajo Tour Guide
  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off

1.5 hours Antelope Canyon X Admission Ticket

  • ✅ Admission to Guided Tour of Antelope “Canyon X”
  • Navajo Nation Permit Fee of $8/person must be paid in cash upon check-in

1.5 hours Upper Antelope Canyon Admission Ticket (Tse Bighanilini)

  • ✅ Admission to Upper Antelope Canyon Guided Tour
  • ✅ Local guide service during the guided tour

Find more details including pickup point, excellent reviews and more here.


If you are looking for complete packages, including a guide or day trips(find all tours here) , or want to cover both, there are many best Antelope Canyon tours tailored to suit your needs.

Here are some of my favourites:

Half-Day Tour of Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon from Page, Arizona

⏳ Tour Length: 5.5 hours

  • 5 hours 30 minutes
  • Pickup offered
  • Mobile ticket
  • Offered in: English

This small-group tour from Page visits both the upper and lower sections of the canyon in half a day of hiking and exploring. 

Snack break at the picnic area near Big Lake. A Hassle-free round-trip transportation from Page city limits. Check out many excellent reviews and additional details here .

Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend Day Trip with Lunch

🤩  Rating:  4.9/5 Stars(450+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length: 12 to 15 hours

  • 12 to 15 hours
  • 2 natural wonders
  • Local Navajo guide

Swap the bright lights of Las Vegas for a day trip to the magnificent nature spots of Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend, as a Navajo Indian guide shows you around and entertains you with commentary about local geology, history, and culture.

best Antelope Canyon tours

Find more details and reviews  here .

  • ✅ Professional transportation by passenger van or full-size bus and commercial vehicle insurance. 
  • ✅ Professional driver and/or guide 
  • ✅ Round-trip transportation from selected hotels 
  • ✅ Granola Bar 
  • ✅ Bottled water 
  • ✅ Deli Lunch 
  • ✅ Horseshoe Bend Admission and Self-guided Tour Lower Antelope Canyon (Most Scenic Part) 
  • ✅ Guided Tour Admission 
  • ✅ Navajo Nation Permit Fee and Navajo Tour Guide Tips 
  • ✅ Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Personal expenses
  • Gratuities(10% – 20% recommended)
  • car seat/booster rental service($10/ per one per day) upon request

Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend Small Group Day Tour from Las Vegas

🤩  Rating:  5/5 Stars(250+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length: 15 to 16 hours

  • 15 hours 30 minutes

If you are in Las Vegas and want to make the most of your time by exploring iconic landmarks, this  Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend tour  from Las Vegas is a fun option with a small group. 

  • ✅ Transport by air-conditioned minivan
  • ✅ Driver/guide
  • ✅ Lower Antelope Canyon Entrance Ticket
  • ✅ Bottled water
  • ✅ Unlimited Snacks
  • ✅ Horseshoe Bend Entrance Ticket
  • ✅ Light Breakfast

Spend a day immersed in the beauty of the American Southwest on a tour of Lower Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. 

Best Antelope Canyon tours

Ride in a comfortable air-conditioned minivan and travel through the Virgin River Gorge and Kanab, Utah. 

Explore Antelope Canyon with a Navajo guide, hike out to the sheer rock face at Horseshoe Bend, and stop at a scenic overlook for views of Lake Powell. 

Find more details including the excellent reviews  here .

Grand Canyon South Rim, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend Day Tour from Las Vegas

🤩  Rating:  5/5 Stars(1250+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length:  17 to 19 hours

  • 17 to 19 hours
  • Offered in: English and 1 more

This one-day tour covers 3 amazing landscapes  in the Grand Circle of Las Vegas and is undoubtedly one of the  best Antelope Canyon tours .

In addition to the well-known Grand Canyon , you will visit Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend.

On returning to Las Vegas, you will have a short break on Route 66.

  • ✅ Guide and driver
  • ✅ Round-trip transportation from designated locations
  • ✅ Admission to Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and Antelope Canyon (Antelope Canyon X or lower Antelope)
  • Gratuities (tour guide, drivers, Antelope Canyon)

If you want to make the most of this region in one day, this is perhaps the best tour of Antelope Canyon from Las Vegas.

Read excellent reviews and find more details here .

Grand Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon Small Group Overnight Tour

🤩  Rating:  5/5 Stars(500+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length:  2 days

This Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyon Small Group Overnight Tour  is one of the best Antelope Canyon tours to enjoy the best of Arizona’s landmarks in a short time.

This tour includes overnight accommodation and breakfast.

  • ✅ Breakfast
  • ✅ Overnight accommodation
  • ✅ National Park fees
  • ✅ Lower Antelope Canyon Entrance Fee
  • ✅ Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • ✅ Horseshoe Bend Entrance Fee
  • Service fees for tour guides USD $30 per person (mandatory)

Find more details, including the itinerary and reviews,  here .

Beginning in Las Vegas, this 2-day tour will take you to three Grand Canyon’s Lookout, Upper Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and Hoover Dam.

Grand Canyon: 4-in-1 Grand Circle Two-Day Tour from Las Vegas

🤩  Rating:  5/5 Stars(100+ reviews)

  • Offered in: English and Japanese

Take in the highlights of the ‘Grand Circle Road Trip’ in just two days on  this overnight tour from Las Vegas . 

It is one of the best Antelope Canyon tours from Las Vegas, which gives the best value for your money.

  • ✅ Guide/driver
  • ✅ Hotel accommodation
  • ✅ Admission to Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley
  • ✅ Lunch (2)
  • Breakfast and dinner on Day 1
  • Gratuities (tour guide, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley)

You will visit four of the most memorable natural wonders—Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley, and the Grand Canyon—with all admission tickets included. 

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Along the way, drive along part of Route 66, visit Lake Powell, and enjoy a guided Jeep tour through the Navajo Tribal Park. 

Overnight accommodation, breakfast, and lunches are included. Read more about the tour  here .

Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley 3-Day Tour

🤩  Rating:  4.9/5 Stars(100+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length:  3 days

If you want to make the best use of your time accommodating as many attractions as you want, one of the best Antelope Canyon tours is this  3-day tour of the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Antelope Canyon, & Monument Valley beginning from Las Vegas .

On your drive, you’ll also pass through some iconic landscapes along Route 66.

  • ✅ 2 Nights Hotel Accommodation 
  • ✅ Beverages 
  • ✅ Transport by air-conditioned minivan 
  • ✅ National Park Entrance Fees 
  • ✅ Lower Antelope Canyon Entrance Fee 
  • ✅ Monument Valley Navajo Tour 
  • ✅ Lunch (2) 
  • ✅ Breakfast (3)
  • Dinner On Night 2
  • Lunch on Day 3

This small group tour includes two-night accommodation, most meals, beverages, and national park entrance fees, with your transportation and guide.

3-Day Tour: Sedona, Monument Valley, and Antelope Canyon From Las Vegas

  • Offered in: English, German, Chinese (Traditional), Portuguese, Japanese, English, Italian, Chinese (Simplified), French, Spanish

One of the best Antelope Canyon tours from Las Vegas to explore the landmark along with the famous city of Sedona is this  3-day tour of Sedona, Monument Valley, and Antelope Canyon . 

  • ✅Professional tour guide
  • ✅Transportation by 15-passenger van or a full-sized bus 2-night hotel accommodation including tax and Continental Breakfast
  • ✅Red Rock Canyon Jeep tour in Monument Valley and Lunch
  • ✅Wi-Fi on the bus only
  • ✅Antelope Canyon
  • ✅Breakfast (2)
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off

Cross the scenic Mojave, and take in views from the Colorado Plateau as you travel historic Route 66 through the rocky landscape.  

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Watch the Colorado River rush through Horseshoe Bend, see the evening light on Lake Powell, and visit towering dunes and sandstone cliffs in parks near Las Vegas. 

Antelope Slot Canyon And Horseshoe Bend Day Tour From Flagstaff

🤩  Rating:  4.9/5 Stars(15+ reviews)

⏳ Tour Length:  10 hours

  • Offered in English

Look at the striking slot canyons and desert landscapes of the American Southwest  on this day trip from Flagstaff , one of the best Antelope Canyon tours that combines many fantastic landmarks.

Shop for Native American art at the historic Cameron Trading Post, marvel at the postcard-perfect views from Horseshoe Bend and explore the sandstone walls of scenic Antelope Canyon.

  • ✅Professional, fun guide
  • ✅Bottled water 
  • ✅Lunch included
  • ✅Horseshoe Bend
  • ✅Historic Cameron Trading Post
  • A 20% tip is recommended for your guide if you enjoy your tour
  • Guests are required to provide their own car seat/booster seat for their tour.

Besides visiting the incredible Antelope Canyon, your guide will show you beautiful views of Glen Canyon, Lake Powell, and the incredible Horseshoe Bend. Find more details here .

Antelope Canyon And Horseshoe Bend Day Adventure From Scottsdale Or Phoenix

⏳ Tour Length:  12 to 14 hours

  • 12 to 14 hours

One of the best Antelope Canyon tours you can enjoy is  this tour of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend from Scottsdale or Phoenix , giving you the option of joining from either city.

Embark on a guided tour around the Lower Antelope Canyon, led by a professional native. 

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

After lunch in Page, you will witness one of the most breathtaking views in North America at Horseshoe Bend.

  • ✅An hour-long guided tour of Lower Antelope Canyon via Native American guide
  • ✅Horseshoe Bend Admission

Antelope Canyon And Horseshoe Bend Small-Group Tour From Sedona Or Flagstaff

⏳ Tour Length:  12 hours

If you are in Sedona or Flagstaff and want to tour Arizona landmarks, one of the best Antelope Canyon tours is this full-day tour of Antelope Canyon that also covers Glen Canyon.

  • ✅Pickup is available at all Sedona/Flagstaff Hotels Transportation by air-conditioned mini-coach from Sedona and Flagstaff.
  • ✅Arizona Professional Guide 
  • ✅90-minute walking tour with Navajo Guide
  • ✅Lunch is included and bottled water is provided throughout the day.
  • ✅Comfortable touring van with usually no more than 10 guests
  • Gratuity – 15% to 20% tip for your guide recommended if you enjoy your tour

Besides enjoying the stunning Antelope and Glen Canyons, you will see the Colorado River, Lake Powell, and Vermillion Cliffs. 

Private Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend in Luxury Car Tour

  • 10 to 11 hours

This  luxury Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend private tour  is perfect for those wanting a more crowd-free time and is one of the best Antelope Canyon tours for intimate experiences.

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Swap the crowds and hassle of typical bus tours for a private and personalized experience at two of the most famous landscapes in the American Southwest. 

  • ✅Private transportation
  • ✅Bottled water
  • Alcoholic Beverages

This private tour  is exclusively for your party and takes you to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. 

Along the way, you’ll journey up Oak Creek Canyon, past Flagstaff, and across the open plains of Navajo land.


Upper antelope canyon tour.

⏳ Tour Length: Varies

  • Air-conditioned vehicles


Lower antelope canyon tour ticket.

This is one of the best Antelope Canyon tours if you visit the Lower Antelope Canyon. 

This tour takes adventurous travelers down ladders, through the tightly carved sandstone, and into a part of the canyon most tourists don’t reach. 

Explore the colorful geological wonders of Lower Antelope Canyon, including geology, history, and Navajo culture. Find more details here .

antelope canyon tour erfahrungen

Chief Editor and CEO

Veronica Samuels is a travel content creator from San Francisco, but calls Arizona her home as she moved to the Grand Canyon state after a series of trips made her fall in love with Arizona inspiring her to move.

She created Wander In Arizona to share first-hand information about traveling to the many fantastic cities, trails, national parks, monuments and more as she continues to explore.

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Antelope Canyon's narrow, sand-swept walls

A Guide to Visiting Antelope Canyon the 'Right Way'

Antelope Canyon's otherworldly beauty makes it one of the most highly sought after destinations in the world, and access to this natural marvel is granted only with a Navajo guide. Here, we step you through the process of how to visit this astonishing place.

Antelope Canyon is like no other spot on earth. At midday, when the sun is shining, shafts of light cut into the canyon, illuminating the narrow orange and gold sandstone walls. The effect is almost surreal, and photographers from around the globe come to capture its beauty.

However, visiting Antelope Canyon isn't as simple as driving to a parking lot and walking up to the entrance. But we're here to help show you the ropes, from how to book a Navajo guide to tips on photographing the shifting light.

Getting to Antelope Canyon

Created by millions of years of erosion, Antelope Canyon is part of the Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park , located 10 minutes east of Page , near the Arizona-Utah border. Although it is one slot canyon, there are two points within the park that you can visit: Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon.

Upper Antelope Canyon is at ground level, has less than a 2% incline and is the more popular entrance.

Lower Antelope Canyon requires walking down (and up) several flights of stairs and ladders.

From Phoenix, the drive north to Antelope Canyon is approximately four-and-a-half hours. Once there, your tours may last up to two hours when you figure in parking, the journey there and actual time spent in the canyons. For this reason, many people opt to stay overnight at least one evening (see "Where to stay").

Most tours begin in Page or at the park's entrance off Highway 98. Arrive at least 15 minutes early.

Antelope Canyon is open year-round; however, most people will try to visit mid-day during weekends from March through October, when the light shafts appear. Crowds will be at their peak then, which may make it difficult to snap that perfect shot Find better rates, fewer people and still amazing views during the off-season from November through late February, and especially in January. Though uncommon, Antelope Canyon may close during days of heavy rain or snow. This is more likely to happen from June to September, during Arizona's monsoon season.

What you'll need

You'll also need a prior reservation with an authorized Navajo guide to visit either Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon. Book online before you visit since tours can sell out weeks in advance. Additionally, you'll need:

  • A permit, though this is usually covered in your guide's fee (see below).
  • Good walking shoes, especially if visiting Lower Antelope Canyon.
  • See "What to bring" below for more specific items.

What it costs

Until recently, the cost varied significantly depending on whether you booked a sightseeing or photography tour. The tribe has reduced the availability of photography tours, however, because they frequently caused bottlenecks by allowing photographers to bring their tripod and spend more time setting up shots. Most 90-minute tours of Upper Antelope Canyon cost between $50 and $90 (slightly less for children), although some operators offer discounts on their early bird and last chance tours. Hour-long tours of Lower Antelope Canyon cost $40, and up to $80 for deluxe options. The price generally—but not always—includes taxes and the $8 Navajo permit fee. (Check with your tour company if you have any questions about additional fees.)

What to bring

Do: Wear closed-toe, sturdy shoes and layered clothing. Apply plenty of sunscreen, even in winter. Bring a hat or handkerchief for protection from the sand, and if you wear contact lenses, consider opting for eyeglasses instead. You are allowed to bring one bottle of water (and we highly recommend you do). Just make sure you take it out with you after the tour. Don't: Bring bags, purses, fanny packs, tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, food and drinks—all are prohibited in the canyon.

There are no trash cans and no bathrooms in the canyon.

The trip into the canyon

Whether you start in Page or at the park's entrance, be prepared to ride in a four-wheel-drive vehicle through a sandy riverbed to the canyon. Each vehicle has a Navajo guide that ushers the group through, shares information about the formations and even helps stage some photos, including sand cascading over a rock ledge. Sand is everywhere. On windy days, dust can blow into your nose, mouth and ears. If you have a DSLR camera, cover it when you are not using it (a plastic shower cap does the trick) and never change lenses inside the canyon.

A Guide to Visiting Antelope Canyon the 'Right Way'

Photography tips

It's more challenging to photograph Antelope Canyon without a tripod, but you can still take amazing images. With a DSLR, opt for a high ISO setting and use a wide aperture. To photograph the beams of light, book a tour that will be in the canyon between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., May through October. Don't forget to look up, especially when the canyon is crowded. Several tour operators, such as Horseshoe Bend Slot Canyon Tours , also offer tours of nearby, nearly-as-spectacular canyons. Avid photographers may want to consider booking one of these tours, too. Simply inquire when booking.

Where to stay

Though hardly remote by some Arizona standards, Antelope Canyon is still considered a lengthy drive and hike for many areas of the state. Additionally, there are quite a few other amazing sites to see nearby— Horseshoe Bend , White Pocket and the Vermilion Cliffs , and Lake Powell —that many people choose to stay at least one night to get the most from their trip. Hampton Inn and Suites Page - Lake Powell This national chain is among the area's newer properties and ranks high among past guests for its clean, comfortable rooms, friendly staff and free hot breakfast. The large parking lot is able to accommodate boats, buses and RVs. The Bear's Den B&B Owners "Bubba and Deb-B" operate this cozy three-room bed and breakfast in Page that's fully ADA-compliant. Amenities include pillowtop mattresses, a small fridge and microwave, private bathrooms, and plenty of bear decor. Shash Dine' Eco-Retreat For a truly unique stay, book a Najavo hogan or sheepherder wagon at this sustainable glamping campsite and B&B operated by Baya, a member of the Navajo Nation. You will stay on Navajo land in one of eight simple accommodations—no electricity or running water, but fresh drinking water—with nothing but views for miles. Lake Powell Resort If a visit to Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is on your list, you can't get closer than a stay at this resort located at Wahweap Marina in Page. Hotel guests can book a boat tour, dinner cruise or rent their own powerboat for an unforgettable day on the water.

Nearby slot canyons

Antelope Canyon tours sometimes sell out, especially during high season. If tours aren’t available when you want to go, consider booking a tour of one of these slot canyons near Page.

Canyon X: Named for the point where its walls create an “X” overhead, this canyon sees far fewer visitors than Antelope Canyon but is equally breathtaking. Book a tour with the property’s owners, Taadidiin Tours .

Cardiac Canyon: Taadidiin Tours also offers private treks through Cardiac Canyon. While it requires some scrambling to see the 2.5-mile canyon’s sights, adventurers are rewarded with solitude unavailable in Antelope Canyon.

Mountain Sheep Canyon: Several companies, such as Black Streak Canyon Tours , guide groups through this off-the-beaten-path canyon with its undulating sandstone walls. Be prepared for a hike to its entrance.

Rattlesnake and Owl Canyons: Often toured together, these canyons provide dramatically different experiences. While Rattlesnake twists and turns, Owl has open areas. Book tours through companies like Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours and Shun’Diin Canyon Tours.

Leave no trace

Antelope Canyon and the Navajo Nation lands are special places whose breathtaking beauty and natural habitats for local wildlife are worth preserving. Adhere to the Leave No Trace principles as much as you possibly can so future visitors may continue to enjoy.

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About the Author

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Teresa Bitler

Teresa Bitler is an award-winning travel writer whose work has appeared in National Geographic Traveler, American Way, Wine Enthusiast, and AAA publications. She is the author of two guidebooks and a contributor to Fodors Arizona & The Grand Canyon.

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Visiting Antelope Canyon: Is it Really Worth the Hype?


Don't miss this post! Start here for our 7 Day Ultimate Southwest Road Trip Itinerary including a visit to Page, AZ to visit Antelope Canyon!

The difference between peek-a-boo slot canyon and antelope canyon.


Read more about taking an ATV tour to the slot canyons here.

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Lower Antelope Or Upper Antelope: Choosing the Tour That is Right for You

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Consider renting a houseboat on Lake Powell just minutes from Antelope Canyon!

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Some Tips to Make the Most of Your Visit to Lower Antelope Canyon


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Navajo Nation Parks & Recreation

Antelope Canyon Tour Operators

Navajo nation park & recreation.

All areas of the Antelope Canyon are only accessible via Guided Tour. Tour Guides are mandatory. To make arrangements for your visit to Antelope Canyon, please select a guided tour operator from our list below. The Navajo Nation has lifted the mask mandate, it’s up to your discretion to wear a mask. Entry Fee $8 per person, per location, per day. You enter at your own risk. Guided Tours are at an additional cost.

Upper Antelope Canyon

  • Antelope Canyon Tours, Inc.
  • Tsebighanilini Tours
  • Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours
  • Antelope Slot Canyon Tours
  • Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours

Other Canyons

  • Tower Butte Trail Ride
  • Antelope Valley Canyon Tours
  • Horseshoe Bend Trail Rides
  • Taadidiin Tours, LLC
  • Horseshoe Bend – City of Page
  • Slot Canyon Tours
  • Antelope Hogan Bed and Breakfast
  • Mystical Antelope Canyon Tour
  • Eggshell Tours, LLC

Lower Antelope Canyon

  • Ken’s Tours Lower Antelope Canyon Tours
  • Dixie’s Lower Antelope Canyon Tours

Helicopter Tours

  • ABEARCO, Inc.

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Guide to Antelope Canyon: Things To Know Before Visiting Antelope Canyon

I ’m sure you have seen the fantastic photos of Antelope Canyon and thought, “Wow, I need to go there!” I, too, was amazed, so of course, I decided to make a trip. Here is a guide to Antelope Canyon and things to know before visiting .

Quick facts about visiting Antelope Canyon 

When is the best time to visit Antelope Canyon?  The best time is between March and October but beware of hot temperatures in the summer. It’s best to go early in the day to avoid the afternoon heat!

Hotels near Antelope Canyon?  The closest hotels to Antelope Canyon are located in Page, Arizona.  Here is a list of ranked hotels near Page.  I stayed in Flagstaff, Arizona. 

Best Time to Visit Antelope Canyon

Overall, the best time to visit Antelope Canyon is between March and October, when temperatures are mild and the weather is usually dry. The pleasant weather makes this time of year perfect for exploring the canyon and enjoying its beauty.

It’s important to note that it can get quite hot during the summer months, so consider booking in the Spring or Fall. However, the summer months, particularly June, offer the best photograph lighting. Although the lighting may be fantastic during this time of year, you may encounter heavier crowds that make it harder to get an individual shot. 

The best time to take photographs of the canyon is in the afternoon when the light is most intense. This is also the time of day when the canyon is busiest, so it’s important to arrive earlier during this time frame if you want to get the best views. 

How To Get To Antelope Canyon 

From Page, Arizona, head northwest on S Navajo Dr toward S Lake Powell Blvd. Turn right at the first cross street onto S Lake Powell Blvd. Turn left on Coppermine Road, then continue straight for about a mile. Turn left onto AZ-98 E, and you’ll eventually get to the canyon after about 4.5 miles.

From the Las Vegas Airport, you’ll follow I-15 N for about 2 hours, then take State Highway 59 S for an hour and 15 minutes. You’ll turn right onto US-89 S, then get onto AZ-98 E, eventually reaching Antelope Canyon.

The closest airport to Antelope Canyon

If flying, the closest airport to Antelope Canyo n is located in Flagstaff, Arizona. From there, you will need to take I-17 North, then follow US-98 N for around 87 miles. Eventually, you will turn right and continue onto Coppermine Road. Continue onto Indian Route 20, then turn right onto AZ-98 E and drive for 4.5 miles until you reach Antelope Canyon.

How far is Antelope Canyon from the Grand Canyon? 

The Antelope Canyon is a little over 100 miles from the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. However, it depends on which section of the Grand Canyon you want to get to. 

If you are headed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, you can expect a 128-mile (or 2-hour 30-minute) drive. Driving to the East Rim is less time-consuming, only 45 miles away, with a drive time of about an hour. Antelope Canyon to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is about a 3-hour drive (or 151 miles). Getting to the Grand Canyon West Rim is the longest drive, almost 6 hours, or 350 miles.

Distance from the Grand Canyon to Antelope Canyon 

Depending on the section of the Grand Canyon you are traveling to, the distance from Antelope Canyon varies from 45 miles to 350 miles, ranging from a one-hour to a five-hour and fifty-minute drive.

Can you see Antelope Canyon without a tour? 

No, you cannot visit Antelope Canyon without taking a tour. The canyon is located on Navajo Nation land, and the Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation Department requires visitors to take a guided tour. 

The canyon is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world, and the tours allow visitors to explore it safely and responsibly. The tour guides are knowledgeable about the canyon’s history and geology, and they can explain the spectacular rock formations and provide visitors with a safe, enjoyable experience. 

Additionally, the tour companies are responsible for managing the number of visitors, which helps to protect the delicate environment of the canyon.

Upper vs. Lower Antelope Canyon 

Upper Antelope Canyon, nicknamed “The Crack”, is the most popular and most photographed canyon in the area and is the easiest of the two to access. It is located on Navajo land and requires a guided tour to enter. Lower Antelope Canyon, also known as “The Corkscrew,” is located a few miles away and is slightly harder to access. It is a deeper and narrower canyon, making exploring more challenging.

Upper Antelope Canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon is the more popular of these two sections – and when people refer to “Antelope Canyon,” this is the section they are referring to. The upper canyon has a more open and spacious feel, with the sun’s rays streaming down in between the canyon walls from above. 

The walls are made of sandstone and limestone. The sandstone walls have been sculpted by water erosion over many years. The rock formations are a variety of colors and patterns, and visitors can spot petroglyphs along the walls. 

If you’re hoping to catch some photos of the light beams, the best place to do it is in this section of the canyon – try to visit mid-day, between 10:30 am and 1 pm, for the best lighting. However, you should also know that Upper Antelope Canyon is more expensive than the lower section, costing about $68-$78.

Lower Antelope Canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon has a rugged and wild feel, with narrower walls and sharper bends than Upper Antelope Canyon. Its walls are made of sandstone and basalt, and they are more solid and less eroded. The walls are also more colorful and intricate, with a variety of vibrant hues and shapes that make them a mesmerizing sight to behold. 

While Lower Antelope Canyon is less accessible, visitors often say it is more fun than the upper section. With narrow passageways, ladders, and natural slides, there is no shortage of adventures in Lower Antelope Canyon.

Both canyons offer stunning views, and visitors often spot wildlife such as bighorn sheep, hawks, and coyotes. Whether you visit the upper or lower section, both of these areas are truly unique.

Things to do near Antelope Canyon

Horseshoe Bend

Just a short drive from Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend offers breathtaking views of the Colorado River curving around a rock formation. A short hike (approximately 1.5 miles round trip) leads you to a stunning overlook.

Lake Powell

This vast reservoir on the Colorado River offers numerous recreational activities, including boating, kayaking, paddleboarding, and swimming. Boat tours to Rainbow Bridge National Monument are also popular.

Glen Canyon Dam and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area :

Visit the Glen Canyon Dam, which forms Lake Powell. The visitor center provides educational exhibits and guided tours. The surrounding national recreation area offers hiking, fishing, and scenic viewpoints.

Rainbow Bridge National Monument :

Rainbow Bridge is one of the world’s largest natural bridges, accessible by boat or a long hike. Boat tours from Lake Powell marinas can take you there.

Navajo Village Heritage Center :

Experience Navajo culture through traditional dances, crafts, and storytelling. This interactive cultural center offers insight into the history and traditions of the Navajo people.

Vermilion Cliffs National Monument :

Known for its colorful, layered rock formations, this national monument offers hiking, photography, and wildlife viewing. Popular areas include The Wave, Coyote Buttes, and White Pocket, although permits are required for some locations.

Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness :

This wilderness area offers spectacular hiking and backpacking opportunities, including the famous Buckskin Gulch, one of the longest slot canyons in the world.

Antelope Point Marina :

Rent a boat, jet ski, or kayak to explore Lake Powell from Antelope Point Marina. The marina also has a floating restaurant and offers guided tours.

Water Holes Canyon :

Another beautiful slot canyon near Page, Water Holes Canyon offers a less crowded alternative to Antelope Canyon. Guided tours are available.

Page, Arizona :

Explore the town of Page for dining, shopping, and local attractions. The Powell Museum offers exhibits on the history of the area and the construction of Glen Canyon Dam.

Tower Butte Helicopter Tour :

Take a helicopter tour to Tower Butte for panoramic views of Lake Powell, Glen Canyon, and the surrounding desert landscape. The helicopter lands on top of the butte for an unforgettable experience.

10 Things To Know Before Visiting Antelope Canyon 

1) there is an upper and a lower antelope canyon..

Both sections of this canyon are run by two different Native American tribes, with different costs. The Upper Canyon costs about $70 per person, while the Lower Canyon is around $40, making it cheaper by about $20-30 per person. 

2) You can’t visit on your own. 

Antelope Canyon is not a national park where you pay an entry fee and visit. You have to schedule a tour with an authorized tour guide. Tours are required to keep visitors safe and prevent vandalism to this incredible natural wonder. 

Multiple tours operate throughout the day, and some groups can have as many as 40 people! Upper Canyon tours can last about an hour and are generally more popular than the Lower Canyon. During the peak season, the upper section can see as many as 10,000 visitors per day!

Lower Antelope Canyon tours generally last around 1.5 hours due to the canyon’s length. Typically, these tours are smaller, with fewer visitors. 

3) Schedule an Antelope Canyon tour in advance. 

Depending on the season, you’ll want to book reservations in advance to lock in a good time slot. During the off-season, you may have a slight chance of scoring walk-in tickets. However, the peak season, between March and October, sometimes sells out months in advance. Make sure you have a reservation before you book a flight or make any travel plans – otherwise, you might end up disappointed!

4) Summertime is the best and worst time to visit. 

The lighting is best in June, but the crowds and hot weather make for an unpleasant visit. When the summer crowds are thick, it’s hard to capture nice individual shots. If lighting doesn’t matter as much, visiting in the spring or fall might offer a better experience. Not only will you experience lighter crowds, but the temperatures will be much more pleasant.

5) You can take a separate tour if you are a professional photographer and want to bring your tripod. 

On regular Antelope Canyon tours, only handheld photography is permitted, meaning that tripods and individual photo sessions are not allowed. However, you can book a photographer tour that will allow you to take a tripod. Note that these are generally more expensive, and you will need to apply for credentials. 

6) Not all tours are created equal. 

Since we waited until the last minute, we had to take the first tour available. Unfortunately, this tour was $98, rushed, and we learned nothing about the canyon. The tour guide only noted parts of the canyon shaped like celebrities or animals.

Make sure you do your research and book in advance so that you won’t be rushed like we were!

7) Know the settings of your camera for the best low-quality photos. 

The tour guide told us the best photography settings for an iPhone. She gave me some tips for my android but didn’t seem too sure. Maybe it was the photographer (me) or the settings, but my pictures did not turn out great. If I had researched my camera settings in advance, I probably would have gotten better photos!

8) Definitely take sunglasses, water, and a bandana to cover your nose. 

Because you will be in the hot desert, sun protection is a must! Bring your sunglasses, sunscreen, and a water bottle to keep you cool and hydrated. Don’t forget that sand will be blowing everywhere, so bring a bandana or scarf to avoid getting sand in your nose or mouth.

9) Location 

Both canyons are located on the same street in  Page, Arizona . The lower is on the left, and the upper is on the right. It’s about an hour and a half from the Grand Canyon, two hours from Flagstaff, and four hours from Phoenix. Be aware that it truly is in the middle of nowhere! 

Cell service in this area is unreliable, so we used the GPS that came with the rental car. There are few gas stations, so the prices are HIGH. No street lights are on the way, so plan your drive back accordingly. 

Page Aiport is the closest regional airport and is about 20-30 minutes away. Flagstaff Airport is also nearby, but it has limited flights and is more expensive. Most people fly into Phoenix and make a  road trip  out of it. 

10) Travel with someone who knows how to take photos. 

Our tour guide wasn’t a good photographer. If they offer to take your picture, decline. Otherwise, your selfies will probably come out better! 

I’m not sure if it was due to the tour company or because it was a holiday weekend, but I was underwhelmed by Upper Antelope Canyon. I had a better experience at the Grand Canyon and nearby Horseshoe Bend. Maybe next time, I’ll check out Lower Antelope Canyon.

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I’m sure you have seen the fantastic photos of Antelope Canyon and thought, “Wow, I need to go there!” I, too, was amazed, so of course, I decided to make a trip. Here is a guide to Antelope Canyon and things to know before visiting. Quick facts about visiting Antelope Canyon  When is the best...

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Arizona , North America , Slot Canyons , United States

Antelope canyon x tour review, photos & experience.

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We recently traveled through Arizona and tried all of the Antelope Canyon tours over the course of a week, and I would have to say our favorite was the Antelope Canyon X! Here’s our complete review from the visit.

If you haven’t heard of Antelope Canyon, it’s arguably the most famous and beautiful slot canyon in the United States, with its colorful walls, narrow passageways, and dramatic light beams peeking through the ceiling.

However, Antelope Canyon X tours explore a new section of the canyon that’s only been open to the public for just a few years, so it’s much less crowded and touristy compared to the main canyon, which has already become extremely popular.

Like the main canyons, Antelope X is located on the Navajo Nation, so unfortunately the only way to visit it is with a tour and a local Navajo guide.

In this Antelope Canyon X review, I’ll share my experiences and photos from our tour, and then I’ll explain the best time to visit, and everything else you need to know before you go!

Best Antelope Canyon X Tours

We booked our Antelope Canyon X tour with GetYourGuide and had a great experience. The price includes your entry tickets and a Navajo local guide. Everything was communicated clearly by email, and they have a refund policy if you need to cancel in advance.

If you’re coming from Las Vegas, they also have a full day trip to Antelope Canyon X and Horseshoe Bend that includes pickup and drop-off from Las Vegas. This is more pricey, and it’s a long day trip, but it could be a good option if you’re in Vegas without your own transportation and still want to see Antelope Canyon.

We’ve used GetYourGuide for lots of tours and activities around the world, and they’re great. Highly recommended!

Book Now: Antelope Canyon X Tour

Antelope Canyon X Review: What To Expect On The Tour

The Antelope Canyon X tour visits two different nice slot canyon sections that are separated by a short, sandy wash.

After a quick check in process at the company’s parking lot, we hopped in an air-conditioned van and drove through the desert for 10 or 15 minutes to the start of the canyon. The road was a little bumpy, but nothing too terrible.

To reach the mouth of the slot canyon, you then walk down a flight of wooden stairs for another 5 or 10 minutes. You’ll be in the sun for awhile at first, although there are places to stop and rest in the shade.

Right away, we were struck by the lack of crowds. The tours here almost have a private vibe to them. Our group had no more than 10 people in it, and we only ran into one or two other small groups during our whole tour.

Antelope Canyon X is far less busy than the world famous Upper and Lower Canyon, and we found it much easier to take pictures without other people in them.

Antelope Canyon X Tour Review Photos Experience Arizona

We were almost alone on our Antelope Canyon X tour

Personally, I think the scenery at Antelope Canyon X is also every bit as good as what you see at the Upper and Lower Canyons, and my wife agreed.

Just like the main canyons, Antelope X has wonderful twisting passageways and beautiful colors of pink and orange sandstone. It reminded me quite a bit of the Lower Antelope Canyon.

In total, we spent more than 1 hour inside the slot canyon sections, and we were able to walk slowly and take lots of pictures while also chatting with the Navajo guide about some of the history of the canyon.

It was a great experience and we felt like we got more value for our money compared to the other Antelope Canyon tours (Upper and Lower). In our road trips across the U.S. we have seen some of the best slot canyons in Arizona, Nevada , and Utah , but I’d say this one is right near the top.

Overall, I think the Antelope Canyon X tour is fantastic if you’re looking for a beautiful slot canyon without the crowds, cost, and hassle of the main canyons. Enjoy it before it gets too famous!

Antelope Canyon X Tour Review Photos Experience Arizona

One of our favorite photos in review

Best Time To Visit Antelope Canyon X

The best time to visit Antelope Canyon X is generally from the end of March to the beginning of October. The reason for this is because the lighting is better outside of the winter months.

However, unlike the Upper and Lower canyons, any time of day is good for visiting Antelope X. We went on an afternoon in May at 2:00 PM, and the lighting was great, although you could probably avoid some of the heat by going a bit earlier in the day.

The slots have some areas that are deep, and others that are shallow, so it can be beautiful and photogenic in a variety of lighting conditions.

X Shape Ceiling Name

This X-shaped ceiling is how the canyon got its name

Hiking Path Stairs

The hiking path is not too hard, and should be fine for all ages as long as you’re reasonably fit.

Is The Tour Worth It?

Yes, the Canyon X is totally worth it! Prices for the tour can be as low as $60 USD per person, which is a real bargain in my opinion.

In contrast, prices for the Upper Antelope Canyon can be as high as $150 USD per person during the summer season, and it’s a much more rushed and crowded tour.  

Antelope Canyon X vs Upper/Lower: Which Is Best?

So which Antelope Canyon is best — Upper, Lower, or X? That’s a good question.

We tried all of the Antelope Canyon tours over the course of a week, and I would have to say the winner for best value (and overall experience) was Antelope Canyon X.

While Canyon X may lack a few of the features that are great for photography in the Upper and Lower canyons, it’s a longer tour, meaning you have more time to look around, take pictures, and get creative.

Antelope Canyon Tours Comparison Review Which Is Best Upper Lower X Arizona

Antelope Canyon Review — Upper vs Lower vs X

The other thing about Antelope Canyon X is that it’s also much less crowded with tourists compared to the others, and you don’t have to worry about being badgered and rushed through the slot, like at Upper Canyon.

Last, but not least, it’s cheaper and easier to get a tour of Canyon X without booking it months in advance, which is important if you’re going to Arizona without much notice or traveling on a budget.

If you’re interested, I wrote a complete review comparing all of the Antelope Canyon tours to each other (Upper, Lower, and X) in terms of photography, crowds, fun, access, prices, and availability. You can check it out in the link below!

Read More: Antelope Canyon Comparison (Upper vs Lower vs X)

What To Do On The Tour (And What NOT To Do)

  • What To Bring: A passport or other ID, such as a driver’s license, for check in. During the tour, you can bring a water bottle, and a camera or phone for taking pictures. Older folks can also bring a walking stick if needed.
  • What NOT To Bring: You can’t bring pets, bags, backpacks, strollers, metal frame baby carriers, drones, selfie sticks, or tripods. They don’t allow bags of any kind in the canyon. Not even a small camera bag or fanny pack. You’ll have to leave these in your car at the parking lot. These are the same rules they have for all of the Navajo Nation slot canyons.
  • What NOT To Do: They don’t allow smoking, climbing, writing, flash photography, or video recording on the Antelope Canyon X tours. Non-flash photos are fine, and you can take as many as you want.

Antelope Canyon X Tour Review Photos Experience Arizona

Wavy ceilings

Other Tips For The Antelope Canyon X Tour

  • Bathrooms: There are portable toilets near the waiting area before you begin your tour, but no bathrooms during the tour, so you’ll want to take care of business before you start.
  • When To Book: In general, Antelope X is the easiest canyon to visit. You can usually book a tour at the last minute and still get a spot. Of course, that may change someday as it gets more popular.
  • Time Zones: There are multiple time zones used in this part of Arizona, which can get confusing, and it sometimes causes people to show up at the wrong time for their tour of Antelope Canyon. This is because the Navajo Nation observes Daylight Saving Time, but the rest of Arizona does not. Your phone may also switch time zones automatically while driving around in the state. However, the important thing to remember is that the Antelope Canyon tour companies all operate in the same time zone as Page, Arizona. You’ll want to set your clocks to Page, AZ local time, and make sure that’s when you show up.
  • How Early To Arrive: We were told to arrive 30 minutes early for check in, but you should double check this after booking your tour. The Navajos are usually pretty strict about tardiness, and you wouldn’t want to miss your tour.
  • How To Get There: The address where you’ll start and end the tour is MP 308, AZ-98, Page, AZ 86040, USA (click for map). It’s located right off of Arizona Highway 98, just a 15 minute drive from the town of Page.

Antelope Canyon X Tour Review Photos Experience Arizona

Thanks for reading this Antelope Canyon X review!

Frequently Asked Questions (Antelope Canyon X Review)

  • What is Antelope Canyon X? Antelope Canyon X is a slot canyon on Navajo tribal land near Page, Arizona. It’s one of the less famous (but still beautiful) parts of the Antelope slot canyon complex.
  • Why the name? Where is the X? Antelope Canyon X gets its name from an X-shaped hole in the ceiling near the start of the slot canyon. Your Navajo guide will probably point out this feature to you during your tour, otherwise you can ask and they’ll show it to you.
  • How far is this from the main Antelope Canyon? All of the Antelope Canyon slots are located fairly close to each other. The Canyon X is located 5 miles (8 km) from Upper Antelope Canyon, while it’s about 9 miles (14 km) from Lower Antelope Canyon. They’re all near the town of Page, Arizona, but you have to book a separate tour for each one because they have different management.
  • What is the best time of day to see Antelope Canyon X? Any time of day should be good. The canyon has both light and dark chambers, so it’s good in a variety of lighting conditions. Even if some sections are dark when you visit, others will be bright and colorful.
  • Can you see light beams? We didn’t see any light beams on our tour when we went in late May, but the company says you can sometimes see them in the summer months of May through early August.

Antelope Canyon X Tour Review Photos Experience Arizona

Light beams usually aren’t seen at this canyon, but it’s still a great tour with a variety of sights.

  • How long does the tour take? The tour lasts 1.5 hours in total. In our experience, about 1 hour was spent in the actual canyon, while the rest of the time was spent in transit.
  • How hard is the tour? The Canyon X tour is not very hard. Most of the walking is flat and easy, although there is a bit of an uphill climb on stairs when you go out of the canyon. In the summer heat, it wouldn’t be suitable for unfit older folks, or seniors using a walker or wheelchair, but most people will find it easy enough. There are no ladders or climbing, unlike at the Lower Antelope Canyon.
  • Is the tour okay for kids? Yes, the tour is fine for kids and they will have a blast. We had two young kids in our tour group and they had no difficulty with the hiking at all. Just make sure your kids know not to scratch or write on the canyon walls.

I’m not a doctor, but I think the biggest concerns for pregnant women here would be heat, bumpy roads, and the short uphill hike out of the canyon. All of these turned out to be pretty tame in our experience, but you’ll have to make your own decision based on your personal health and fitness, your doctor’s advice, etc.

  • Can you visit Antelope Canyon X without a tour? No, unfortunately you can’t see Antelope Canyon X without a tour and a local Navajo guide. This is a rule by Taadidiin Tours, the company that manages access to the land.
  • How can I book an Antelope Canyon X tour? You can book a high-rated Antelope Canyon X tour on GetYourGuide . This is the same exact tour we used, and the price includes your entry ticket and Navajo local guide.
  • Is there hotel pickup and drop-off? The normal tours don’t include a pickup service. You drive there yourself. However, if you’re coming from Las Vegas, GetYourGuide has a full day trip to Antelope Canyon X and Horseshoe Bend that includes lunch and pickup and drop-off from Las Vegas, Nevada. This is more pricey, but it could be a good option if you’re visiting Vegas without your own transportation and still want to see Antelope Canyon.

More Slot Canyon Guides

Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoyed our review of the Antelope Canyon X tours in Page, Arizona. We really enjoyed visiting this special place in the desert.

Don’t forget to check out my complete list of the best slot canyons in Utah and Nevada to see on your road trip as well!  

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Advanced ticket purchase is required. Tours operate on MST (always -7 GMT) in Page AZ

Antelope Canyon Tours - by Carolene Ekis


Upper antelope canyon tours in page, arizona.



Choose from our guided tour of the Upper Antelope Canyon, plus several tours offered at the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. Reservations are required.


This experience offers you a fully guided tour into the Upper Antelope Canyon. Guided tours are required to visit this world-famous gem, so don’t miss this opportunity to take in the beauty of Antelope Canyon!

Calendar Daily, Year-Round 

Clock 1.5 Hours

Users All Ages


Antelope Canyon Tours also offers tours to White Pocket, Buckskin Gulch, and other locations within Vermilion Cliffs. Explore the incredible National Monument with full-day tours.

Calendar Daily, by Request 

Clock 7-8 Hours

Users Ages 4+

White Pocket


We are conveniently located in the city of Page, Arizona. Our tours meet & depart from 22 South Lake Powell BLVD – Page, ARIZONA . Our tours involve a fully guided tour into the Upper Antelope Canyon, from our office we provide transportation in our four-wheel-drive tour trucks that are rugged, safe, and comfortable. Reservations are required – the only way to see this slot canyon is with an authorized tour company like us.

Upon arrival at the Upper Antelope Canyon, you will come off the truck and step into the desert and enter an amazing fantasy world of sandstone that has been carved by many years of wind and water. Our tour guides will explain some geology, culture, history, and insights with camera settings.

Antelope Canyon

We’re the oldest canyon tour company in Page, AZ! We were the first to offer Antelope Canyon tours, and have the top ranked tours in the business. Read Our History.


Walking through the sandstone walls of the Upper Antelope Canyon you will discover the magical world and immerse yourself in our fully-guided  Sightseer’s Tour .


We also offer  Vermilion Adventure Tours  to White Pocket, Buckskin Gulch, Thousand Pockets, and other locations.


Page AZ is 5hrs away from major cities like Las Vegas and Phoenix, if you plan to fly to the Southwest – sorry we don’t provide long-distance transportation.


Antelope Canyon Tours

I visited the canyon for the second time with these folks, just as good if not better. My in-laws and wife were just as surprised as I was in 2014 (My first visit) at how beautiful the canyon was and how wonderful the service is. Would recommend, and props to our Tour Guide Rosie, you rock!

The tour through the Antelope Canyon is something you will never forget, pictures don't do it justice, as it is hard to catch the raw beauty before you. Our tour guide Rick was great, informative and help with capturing the best pictures possible.

We had a wonderful tour with Rosie. We took a morning tour in hopes of avoiding the crowds. It worked out perfectly. Rosie was informative and warm. She helped us get best photos, gave us interesting facts about the Navajo and the canyon, and we were not rushed through.

I went with a couple of friends from college, tour guide was nice, she explained many photographic opportunities, she was very knowledgable, weather was nice, we all loved the experience.

Our guide made our trip so interesting and fun. He was very knowledgeable and an excellent photographer. He showed us the best spots for pictures and advised us on the best camera settings. This trip is a "must" for every traveler lucky enough to see this part of the country. I highly recommend Antelope Canyon Tours!

Our tour was amazing. I highly recommend this tour if you are in Page. The colors of the Sandstone is truly unforgettable. The guides are very knowledgeable and Sonny was very helpful in making sure we had taken the best photo possible. Definitely a must-see!


Check out our video! From our office in Page AZ, we provide transportation with our tour trucks. Once at the canyon our guide will lead the way into the world-famous Antelope Canyon, where you’ll experience amazing sandstone formations, beautiful colors, and the joy of discovering how the light hits the canyon, enhancing its beauty.

Ready to book? Check out our tour calendar, and choose your date and time!

Be sure to view our video of the new hike involved, we now have a one-way system through the canyon, our VIDEO can better explain it to you (scroll to the bottom of the Sightseers’ Tour page)

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THE 10 BEST Restaurants Near Upper Antelope Canyon, Page

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Restaurants near Upper Antelope Canyon


  • “ Always consistently good whene... ” 21/05/2024
  • “ Eddie’s Sauce! ” 17/04/2024

Hot N Sweet Coffee and Donut Shop

  • “ Make sure to stop here! ” 30/04/2024
  • “ Gem - best donuts I’ve ever ha... ” 26/04/2024

Ranch House Grille

  • “ Good, but can be much better f... ” 25/05/2024
  • “ It's okay for brunch ” 20/05/2024

Bonkers Restaurant

  • “ Had a lovely time! ” 29/05/2024
  • “ Very good Italian restaurant ” 07/05/2024

Blue Buddha Sushi Lounge

  • “ Best sushi in town ” 21/05/2024
  • “ Good service great food ” 05/08/2023

El Tapatio

  • “ Great place! ” 28/05/2024
  • “ Great food strong drinks ” 09/05/2024


  • “ It sounded good ” 17/10/2023
  • “ Great place for fast food ” 21/09/2023

State 48 Tavern and Taproom

  • “ Best food and Service ” 16/04/2024
  • “ Went for Diner .....just had d... ” 25/03/2024

Fiesta Mexicana

  • “ Cold , tasteless food & poor s... ” 22/05/2024
  • “ Great Margaritas! ” 15/05/2024

Big John's Texas Bbq

  • “ An horrible experience ” 24/05/2024
  • “ Way less than expected ” 20/05/2024

Dam Bar & Grille

  • “ Solid choice for a sports bar... ” 24/05/2024
  • “ Great variety of food and drin... ” 21/05/2024

Gone West Family Restaurant

  • “ Lovely food ” 24/05/2024
  • “ Fun time at Gone West! ” 23/05/2024


  • “ Great Italian food ” 31/03/2024
  • “ they hold their own ” 15/03/2024

Blue Wine Bar

  • “ Great stop for a night cap! ” 26/04/2023
  • “ Watch your bill ” 16/04/2023

Sunset 89 LLC

  • “ Decent but pricey food ” 22/05/2024
  • “ Excellent food, service was ju... ” 18/04/2024

Canyon Crepes Cafe

  • “ Greg Place to eat. ” 13/04/2024
  • “ Disappointed ” 02/04/2024

LP Espresso

  • “ Yummy!! ” 21/03/2024
  • “ Good coffee! ” 03/03/2024

RD's Drive-In

  • “ Family Favorite ” 23/05/2024
  • “ It is Page go to for late nigh... ” 31/03/2023

New York Teriyaki

  • “ So-so Teriyaki ” 07/05/2024
  • “ Great Asian Cuisine ” 06/04/2024

Mongolian BBQ Grill

  • “ A magical blend of flavours ” 06/05/2024
  • “ Highly recommend!! ” 06/01/2024

The Deli at Big Lake Trading Post

  • “ Convenient place ” 09/01/2023
  • “ Not what I expected ” 20/10/2021

Paco's Tacos

  • “ 5 stars! ” 04/10/2023
  • “ Breakfast burritos are very go... ” 12/07/2023

Dara Thai Express

  • “ Ambience was good & the restau... ” 22/03/2024
  • “ Awful and dirty ” 08/03/2024

Alberto's Mexican Restaurant

  • “ Disappointing ” 11/11/2022
  • “ Excellent Mexican Food!! ” 06/07/2022

The Swirl Cafe Frozen Yogurt boba tea - Page

  • “ Yum ” 18/03/2024
  • “ found a great frozen yogurt pl... ” 23/06/2023

Jadi To"oh

  • “ Poor management/service ” 08/07/2023
  • “ Started out okay… and then Awf... ” 04/07/2023

Big Dipper

  • “ Two thumbs down! ” 02/08/2022
  • “ ICE CREAM anyone! ” 21/06/2022

Pepper's Restaurant

  • “ Terrible service ” 13/05/2024
  • “ Would recommend ” 30/09/2022

El Charro Loco Mexican Grill #3

  • “ Excellent Service ” 25/10/2022
  • “ So glad husband agreed on Mexi... ” 10/10/2022

Bird House

  • “ Looks are deceiving ” 15/05/2024
  • “ Great quick meal ” 18/04/2024

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  1. Antelope Canyon Tours

    Antelope Canyon Tours & Tickets are Selling Out Fast. Book Now to Avoid Disappointment. Best Excursions in 2024 in Antelope Canyon. Flexible Planning Options.

  2. Tickets Antelope Canyon

    Skip the Lines and Spend More Time in the Antelope Canyon. Book Now at! Tour to antelope canyon. Book now with Musement to get the Best Rates on the Web!

  3. Antelope Canyon: Reisebericht und Tipps

    Antelope Canyon ist ein so genannter Slot Canyon. Das bedeutet, dass man von oben kaum etwas sieht, da es deutlich tiefer als weit ist. Der Canyon ist unter der Oberfläche ausgewaschen.Von oben sieht man nur einen unspektakulären Spalt. Seine Pracht kann man also erst bewundern, nachdem man hinabgestiegen ist.

  4. Antelope Canyon

    Antelope Canyon. The only way to visit this otherworldly spot is to book yourself on a tour with a Navajo guide. The Upper Antelope Canyon is especially picturesque, with better lit areas and light shafts usually visible at noon, a popular time to visit for the best photos. It can get pretty hot, and the terrain is tricky and uneven, so wear ...

  5. Adventurous Antelope Canyon

    Upper Antelope and Rattlesnake Canyons Tour. 10. 4WD Tours. 2-3 hours. Push your experience to another level by adding a tour through Rattlesnake Canyon in addition with Upper Antelope Canyon…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 90% of travellers. from. ₹16,651.

  6. Antelope Canyon X Tour Review, Photos & Experience

    Antelope Canyon X Review: What To Expect On The Tour. The Antelope Canyon X tour visits two different nice slot canyon sections that are separated by a short, sandy wash. After a quick check in process at the company's parking lot, we hopped in an air-conditioned van and drove through the desert for 10 or 15 minutes to the start of the canyon.

  7. Adventurous Antelope Canyon: Tour Review

    Adventurous Antelope Canyon's tour headquarters are located at Highway 98 Road & Milepost 302, Page, AZ 86040. Many people make this a day trip from Sedona, Flagstaff, or Phoenix, AZ. From Sedona, it takes about 3 hours to get to Page, AZ. From Phoenix, it takes about 4 hours & 20 minutes to get to Page, AZ.

  8. Don't miss this Canyon!

    Reviewed November 20, 2023 via mobile. We toured Upper Antelope Canyon last year and it was impressive, however this one seemed like a smaller family ran operation and just felt more intimate. Matt was our tour guide and he's a young Navajo man who is attending college and working the tours but his knowledge and wisdom really showed on our tour!

  9. Antelope Canyon Tour

    50,814 posts. 64 reviews. 17 helpful votes. 1. Re: Antelope Canyon Tour. 7 years ago. Price is the same whether you book in advance online or show up at the entrance to get on the next tour. If you are on a specific time frame, you may want to make an advance reservation as it could be a wait of a few hours.

  10. Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours

    Trifecta of Upper & Lower Antelope Canyon with Horseshoe Bend. 12. Historical Tours. from. C$851.41. C$800.32. per adult (price varies by group size) Upper Antelope Canyon Admission Ticket (Tse Bighanilini) 112.

  11. Antelope Canyon Tours: Which Is Best? (Upper, Lower, X)

    The scenery is a toss-up in my opinion. All three of these slot canyons are very beautiful and great for photos. Upper is best if you want to see sunbeams, otherwise Lower and X are better choices. Winner: Tie. Upper Antelope Canyon is known for its light beams. Beautiful colors at the Lower Antelope Canyon.

  12. 11 Best Antelope Canyon Tours of 2024 (Upper, Lower and X)

    Dixie's Lower Antelope Canyon Tours - Lower Antelope Canyon Hiking Tour. Price: Adults from $55; kids from $35. Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours. These hikes, which travelers say are led by ...

  13. Guide To Visiting Antelope Canyon: Best Time To Go + Tours

    HOW TO VISIT LOWER ANTELOPE CANYON. Tours are run by two operators: Dixie's Tours and Ken's Tours. Both have offices and a large parking lot right next to the Lower Antelope Canyon entrance. The canyon is 1,335 feet (400 metres) long. The entrance is down 5 flights of a steep metal staircase. The narrow canyon floor is a little trickier to ...

  14. Antelope Canyon

    Antelope Canyon. The only way to visit this otherworldly spot is to book yourself on a tour with a Navajo guide. The Upper Antelope Canyon is especially picturesque, with better lit areas and light shafts usually visible at noon, a popular time to visit for the best photos. It can get pretty hot, and the terrain is tricky and uneven, so wear ...

  15. How to Visit Antelope Canyon

    Decide if you want to visit Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon, or Canyon X. For the most spectacular views and photographs, visit Antelope Canyon in the summer. The best time of day to visit Antelope Canyon is between 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Book your Antelope Canyon tour in advance since spots usually fill up quickly.

  16. 21 Best Antelope Canyon Tours to Check Out!

    Antelope Slot Canyon And Horseshoe Bend Day Tour From Flagstaff. 🤩 Rating: 4.9/5 Stars(15+ reviews) ⏳Tour Length: 10 hours. FEATURES. 10 hours; Pickup offered; Mobile ticket; Offered in English; Look at the striking slot canyons and desert landscapes of the American Southwest on this day trip from Flagstaff, one of the best Antelope Canyon tours that combines many fantastic landmarks.

  17. A Guide to Visiting Antelope Canyon the 'Right Way'

    Most 90-minute tours of Upper Antelope Canyon cost between $50 and $90 (slightly less for children), although some operators offer discounts on their early bird and last chance tours. Hour-long tours of Lower Antelope Canyon cost $40, and up to $80 for deluxe options.

  18. Fodor's Expert Review Antelope Canyon Tours

    Fodor's Expert Review Antelope Canyon Tours. Antelope Canyon Guided Tours. Several tours are offered daily, from 8 am to 4:30 pm, each running 90 minutes. ... Related Forum Posts. April 2024 ...

  19. Antelope Canyon tours

    Lower Antelope Canyon, which doesn't get the light beams, is slightly less crowded than Upper, by virtue of the fact that it requires more physical exertion. The trail through Upper Antelope is a mostly flat, 100-yard walk, followed by ~ a 1/2 mile long network of walkways one must navigate back to the tour vehicle parking area.

  20. Visiting Antelope Canyon: Is it Really Worth the Hype?

    Peek-a-Boo Canyon (left), Lower Antelope Canyon (right) Antelope Canyon requires a Navajo guide to enter. Antelope Canyon is on Navajo Nation land {not National Park land} and requires an additional $8 fee per person for admission. This fee doesn't have to be paid twice if you are visiting both upper and lower canyons if you do both tours in the same day.

  21. Antelope Canyon Tour Operators

    Tour Guides are mandatory. To make arrangements for your visit to Antelope Canyon, please select a guided tour operator from our list below. The Navajo Nation has lifted the mask mandate, it's up to your discretion to wear a mask. Entry Fee $8 per person, per location, per day. You enter at your own risk. Guided Tours are at an additional cost.

  22. Guide to Antelope Canyon: Things To Know Before Visiting Antelope ...

    Lower Antelope Canyon tours generally last around 1.5 hours due to the canyon's length. Typically, these tours are smaller, with fewer visitors. 3) Schedule an Antelope Canyon tour in advance.

  23. Antelope Canyon X Tour Review, Photos & Experience

    324. We recently traveled through Arizona and tried all of the Antelope Canyon tours over the course of a week, and I would have to say our favorite was the Antelope Canyon X! Here's our complete review from the visit. If you haven't heard of Antelope Canyon, it's arguably the most famous and beautiful slot canyon in the United States, with its colorful walls, narrow passageways, and ...

  24. Antelope Canyon Tours

    Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours operates on land belonging to the Begay family, who are longstanding members of the Navajo Nation. Dalvin Etsitty runs Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours and is a member of the Begay family who has provided Antelope Canyon tours for more than 20 years. He enjoys meeting people from diverse cultures and walks of life as ...

  25. Antelope Canyon Tours Arizona

    62 reviews. 97 helpful votes. 2. Re: Antelope Canyon Tours Arizona. Feb 21, 2024, 11:40 PM. Hi Monioz, Just a heads up that this Support Forum is for questions about having technical problems using the website, it is not for asking questions about a Travel Destination. The best place to ask your question about tour options is the Arizona Forum.

  26. Antelope Canyon Tours

    Our tours meet & depart from 22 South Lake Powell BLVD - Page, ARIZONA. Our tours involve a fully guided tour into the Upper Antelope Canyon, from our office we provide transportation in our four-wheel-drive tour trucks that are rugged, safe, and comfortable. Reservations are required - the only way to see this slot canyon is with an ...

  27. THE 10 BEST Restaurants Near Upper Antelope Canyon, Page

    1,825 reviews. 810 N Navajo Dr. 9.8 km from Upper Antelope Canyon. " Very good Italian restaurant " 07/05/2024. " Great meal and wonderful servi... " 29/04/2024. Cuisines: Italian, American. Blue Buddha Sushi Lounge. #5 of 55 Restaurants in Page. 712 reviews.