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Wilson Japan Racquet

【30%OFF】ULTRA TOUR 95JP CV V3.0 の再入荷通知を受け取る。


錦織圭選手を作ったULTRA TORU 95JP CV。2020年デザインバージョン。

: Player Type: Baseliner/Power Level: Medium

素材 : ハイ・パフォーマンス・カーボン・ファイバー+ バサルト・ファイバー+ カロファイト・ブラック+ カウンターベール

重さ(ウエイト) : 平均289g

フレーム厚 : 22.0/22.0/22.0mm

適正テンション : 50-60p

グリップサイズ : G1(WR038411S1) /G2(WR038411S2) /G3(WR038411S3)

フェイス面積 : 95平方インチ

サイズ/レングス : 27.25インチ

グロメット品番 : WRG038400

ストリング・パターン : 16x20

バットキャップ品番 : WRG164411

バランス : 平均34.0cm

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錦織選手のトレードマークだった暖色系のカラーから、ウルトラの青色にスイッチしたことで話題を集めた ウルトラツアー95CV


めっちゃ試打中 pic.twitter.com/TnzWa430Gf — ぺんてぃ@ラケットラボ (@ak_racket_labo) 2019年4月29日

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wilson ultra tour 95 jp


  • パンチ力MAX!パワフルすぎ!
  • 硬めのガットで合わせるのが吉?

パンチ力が半端ない 上、 高い剛性感 により 打ち負け感も一切しない競技向けモデル のウルトラツアー95CV。

ラリーやポイントでも性能を確かめるのですが、ヒッティングの相手がガシャりまくっていたので確認したら 「球の伸びが半端なさすぎ」 とのこと。

打っている本人はそこまでの自覚はないけれど、 勝手にすごい球が飛んでいるって状態 はいい意味で、一番やばいのかもしれません

  • フェイス:95inch²
  • 長さ:27.25inch
  • 発売時期 2018年11月








バーン95cv 2017.

wilson ultra tour 95 jp




wilson ultra tour 95 jp



【レビュー】ウルトラツアー95CV インプレ

【ウルトラツアー95CV】改めて面のブレなさが半端ない。終始ボールに安定感がありました。先が重めなのも個人的にはGOOD!309gとちょい重めなので、継続して打つのにはきついが速い球に打ち負けない感じは他のラケットよりも強め! pic.twitter.com/IVrlA3VWjp — ぺんてぃ@ラケットラボ (@ak_racket_labo) 2019年4月29日

そうだとしたらどんなプレイヤーに合うと思う??[/say] スピン系の方にも悪くないと思うよ!



ヒッティングの方の球に負けずにしっかりと打ち返し続けられたウルトラツアー95CV。重量がある分打ち負けづらいので、 大きな武器 になってくれます




wilson ultra tour 95 jp

昔のburn 95 (2015)の時のラケットの打感がとても好きでした(ポリ)。 それとは似ているのか気になります。やはり、クラッシュゾーンのせいであの弾く感じはもうなくなったのかなとは思うのですが。 似ているものがもし思いつくなら知りたいです! いつもツイッターで「これは好き」「これはリピート」などはとても面白いと思いながら見ているので、もし良ければサイト主様の打感好きなランキングとか、出来のいいと思ったラケットランキングとかをまとめた記事が出来たら読みたいです!! 長文失礼します。

' src=

バーン95の太めのシャフトの剛性感とミチッとした弾き感は特徴的ですね!わかります! 現行のバーン95CVはあわなかったですか?? ウルトラツアー95CVはバーンを気に入って使っていたユーザー、苦手だったユーザーのどちらともから使いやすいという声をよく聞きます! 現に僕は結構好きです



またツイッターを楽しみにして頂いてありがとうございます そういったエゴを出した記事を楽しみにして頂けるのであれば、書かせて頂きます ご提案頂いた好きな打感のラケットランキング、完成度の高いラケットランキング、自分は嫌いだけどもっと用具ランキングあたりを作ってみようと思ってた所です! 出来上がり次第アップします(^^)

そろそろラケットをと見ているので、今からultra に切り替わったburn 95 (2017年)のモデルを買うのはなぁと思って聞きました。 ビーストいいですね。ずっとプリンス気になっていましたが、やはり周りにいなくて聞かなくて。ありがとうございます。



剛性感のある弾き感が欲しい場合は、REVO CV3.0Fあたりもいいと思います! もう少しトップヘビーでなんて要望をつけるならばFツアーなんか更にいいですね!


貴重なご意見ありがとうございます! やはりこういうポジションだからこそ出来る、ユーザー・プレイヤーファーストの立ち回りが出来るので、そこだけはずっと貫こうと思います ん?と自分で良いと思えなかったものは勧められませんし、逆に自分の嗜好と反対の方は僕があまり良い反応してないものをが良さそう!なんて選び方も出来ると思うので、そういった楽しみ方もして頂ければと思います!

スリクソンのあの緑は盲点でした。視野に入れます。 いや、本当にありがたいです。読者として感謝。こんな見やすいインプレサイトは本当に無いのでこれからもよろしくお願いします!


またまこと様のお褒めの言葉を裏切らないよう、さらなる発展を目指して頑張りたいと思います! 末長くよろしくお願いします

' src=


弾く感覚のラケットで少しパワーは欲しい、ですがトップヘビーのラケットは苦手で。 それならトップライトで他のラケットを選ぶ方が無難でしょうか?

コメントを残す コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 ※ が付いている欄は必須項目です

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Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail Racquet Review

Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail Racquet Main Image

Endorsed by Kei Nishikori, the Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail comes fully loaded with explosive power. With a hefty swingweight of 339 on the Babolat RDC, a 27.25-inch length and a 95-square-inch head, this racquet is sure to add precision to the shots of those who can swing it. Our experienced playtesters found an impressive combination of plow through and power, but the racquet could be a bit demanding if they were not completely prepared. It wasn't the most maneuverable racquet at net, but its stability helped when blocking balls back. Our team had a lot of success when serving, but returning serves with this slightly extended racquet was the most demanding part of the playtest. Although Wilson added Countervail technology to the Ultra 95, it felt somewhat stiff and uncomfortable at times, and each playtester experienced some discomfort. Our team suggests stringing this racquet with a soft hybrid. The Ultra 95 Countervail is a great player's racquet, ideal for experienced ball strikers in search of enough heft to deploy some serious power on the court.

  • Very stable
  • Difficult to maneuver
  • A bit stiff

Bottom Line

It's not easy to swing, but if you can manage it, this racquet packs a huge punch from the baseline and on serves.

Groundstrokes - Score: 81

Built to provide easy power off the ground, the Ultra 95 Countervail rewarded our testers when they could get it into position. With enough time to properly set up for his shots, Chris could absolutely crack the ball with the Ultra 95. "Power and spin came in spades on a full swing," he said. "I was able to drive the ball deep and hit offensive, penetrating shots. The same was true when I was on the run if I had time to wind up and swing big. When I was rushed I had issues with the Ultra 95 due to its heft. Picking up shots around my feet and fending off hard-hit shots from my opponents took the utmost discipline with my mechanics. There was a lot of racquet to get around my body, so I found it very easy to be late in those situations. More time with the racquet proved to be the cure, and I was getting more dialed in as the test wore on."

"Overall, I would say I enjoyed hitting with the Ultra 95 Countervail most of the time, but I did have some critiques," began Michelle . "We playtested a handful of 95-square-inch racquets that felt too soft to me over the past few months. You guys are going to think I'm Goldilocks, but this one was much stiffer and a bit harsh at times on contact. I did like how the Countervail helped mute the feel, but it still wasn't the most forgiving racquet, and I really lost some confidence off my forehand wing. The specs fell right into my wheelhouse, but something just wasn't clicking. One in eight balls felt good, and the other seven were a bit off. I liked the hefty swingweight, but this racquet wasn't coming around on my forehand. I shanked more balls with this racquet than I have in a very long time. And those mishits were not comfortable. However, on the positive side, I liked this racquet off my backhand wing. The extra leverage with my left hand and the fact that I don't go for as big a ball made it work well for my backhand. At times, despite the specs, I felt like the Ultra 95 Countervail was a bit unstable in my hands. Not sure if that was due to a smaller headsize and small sweetspot or what, but I noticed the racquet twirling in my hand at contact more than I would like to admit. One last thing, I really enjoy extended racquets, and while the extra quarter inch was noticeable, I would have liked to see it a half inch longer."

Troy's first impression was that this racquet packed a lot of plow through and swung with the type of heft he enjoys. He described, "The way this racquet maneuvered and the feel on contact were very reminiscent of the Wilson Burn 95 Countervail. For its 95-square-inch headsize, the Ultra 95 packs a big punch. I could take huge cuts at the ball on my forehand, and this racquet supplied easy put-away power. Initially, when I tried to step into the court and flatten out my groundstrokes the ball was flying long on me. When I was able to take a long swing with heavy topspin I enjoyed the easy power and depth, but whenever I attacked a short ball or had to hit an approach shot I felt a bit disconnected and wasn't confident swinging freely. My backhand slice was rewarded with easy depth, though I couldn't feel the ball in the same way that I can with my Yonex VCORE Pro 97 (330). When the Ultra 95 was strung with a full bed of co-poly string it felt a bit firm and unforgiving on contact outside of the sweetspot, but when we strung this racquet with Kei Nishikori's string setup (a hybrid of Wilson Natural Gut and Luxilon Element), the comfort was much improved. With the hybrid in this racquet I found more feel and a better connection to the ball when hitting my backhand slice and drop shots."

The swingweight, stiffness and lower launch angle produced a very heavy ball off the baseline for Sean . He said, "When I had time to set up I really enjoyed how commanding I could play. However, playing with this much mass required me to set up very early and be ready to shorten my swing when I had less time, or else I couldn't get the racquet into position and my contact point would be late. This weakness (perhaps on my part for not being able to maneuver the 340ish swingweight) reared its ugly head much more in doubles, where the point play was faster, and I was left wanting a more maneuverable, lower-powered response. Additionally, my wrist really felt the weight and stiffness of the racquet by the end of the playtest. The Countervail technology mutes the feel at impact, but it doesn't change the fact that the racquet does not flex much."

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Volleys - Score: 81

The Ultra 95 Countervail proved to be stable for our team at the net. Even so, Michelle had to be very intentional when going after her volleys. She explained, "I had no issues with stability at net, but I still found the racquet to be demanding in terms of maneuverability. It blocked balls back, but I really needed to go after the volley to feel secure with my shot. When doing that, I found good depth and penetration into the court. Swinging volleys were fun and easy to execute."

The Ultra 95 Countervail felt stable and provided easy depth when Troy came to the net. He said, "The feel on contact was firm, and the targeting was direct. The high swingweight made it a bit sluggish, especially when I had to react quickly on a volley. Although this racquet felt very stable and the control was good, I didn't find great response or feel. When I was going for touch volleys the response was a bit muted, and I didn't feel very connected to the ball. I found it best to use the mass to block my volleys back deep. When playing doubles I focused on sticking my volleys deep with a lot of pace. I tried to refrain from getting crafty and avoided short angles or drop volleys. As I mentioned with groundstrokes, the Ultra 95 Countervail felt a bit harsh when strung with a full bed of co-poly. I experienced jarring in my wrist a few times when the ball made contact slightly off center. This racquet was much more comfortable with the natural gut hybrid setup, although the feel was still a bit muted for my liking."

Sean found the Ultra 95 Countervail to be significantly more effective at net when he came in on his own terms. He said, "It was tougher to execute shots with this racquet when I was forced to use quick hands or come up with a touch shot. The Ultra 95 was much more adept at handling my needs on the singles court than when I played doubles, where I felt exposed trying to reflex balls hit right at me. I thought this racquet got the job done when I came forward, but it was not a highlight of the playtest."

Chris thought the Ultra 95 was solid on volleys, and he enjoyed its response at net. He noted, "The beam felt firm, which gave it a very direct response. It felt like wherever I lined the racquet face up to was directly where the ball went. I was able to use the racquet's mass to drive volleys deep, and it was easy to get ample pace to put the ball away. Because the volley is such a compact stroke, I did not have the maneuverability issue that I had from the baseline. I was able to get the racquet in position pretty easily and never really felt the beefy 339 swingweight."

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Serves - Score: 85

Our team unanimously enjoyed the Ultra 95 Countervail's performance when going for big first serves. "It shouldn't come as a surprise that serving was the strongest area of this playtest for me," said Sean . "The slightly extended length and tighter stringbed created a very powerful and controlled response. I mentioned that this racquet performed great on groundstrokes and volleys when I had time to set up; luckily you always have time to set up on your own serve! The weight got moving and never stopped, and I enjoyed heaps of power, spin and control."

With the slightly extended length and high swingweight, the Ultra 95 helped Troy bring the heat on his flat first serves. He elaborated, "I found a boost in power compared to my Yonex VCORE Pro 97 (330), but not as much power as the Prince Textreme Beast Pro 100 Longbody. I was pleased to find that there was not a huge drop in accuracy, and I could locate my targets effectively. This racquet didn't allow for pinpoint accuracy like the Prince Phantom Pro 93P, but it was better than average. My only struggle was the sluggish feel, which made it difficult to generate a lot of spin on my kick serves. The more time I spent serving with it, the more comfortable I felt hitting my kick serves. On second serves I choked up a bit on the handle, which helped me generate spin. Once I became confident with my spin serves I liked the overall performance of the Ultra 95 Countervail. There was a unique balance of power and control."

Chris was able to use the mass of the racquet to generate lots of pace. He said, "I liked how much slice I got when looking to add spin to my serves. The pace and spin had my slice serves coming in heavy. I had solid results hitting slice serves into the body of my opponent and either drawing an error or a weak return. My topspin serves were decent, but I was not getting as much spin and consistency as I do with my Tecnifibre TFlash 300 PS. On the flip side, hitting big and flat first serves was lots of fun. I found it easy to generate enough pace to consistently force errors and weak returns."

Michelle also had a positive serving experience. She said, "I could get the mass moving in a dangerous way on first serves and hit into my opponent's body effectively. For a 95-square-inch head, I still found good access to slice and kick. No issues for me here."

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Returns - Score: 80

The Ultra 95 Countervail proved to be demanding to swing when facing big servers. One key factor for Troy when it comes to returns is a racquet's stability, and the Ultra 95 was very stable on contact. He said, "With that high level of stability, there was also easy access to power. When I didn't have the ability to take a swing on my returns the racquet allowed me to block balls back deep with relative ease. If I had time to take a swing I achieved a lot of pace and depth. The slightly extended length was appreciated on my two-handed backhand returns. I found some added leverage on serves that kicked up above my shoulders. While this racquet packed plenty of free power, the 95-square-inch head also added a level of control that allowed me to swing freely on my returns without fear of hitting long. As I mentioned previously, there were times I found the feel to be a bit stiff. I noticed this especially against high-speed serves when I made contact just outside of the sweetspot. The comfort was improved when we had this racquet strung with the natural gut hybrid, but it was still on the firm side."

Returning serves was the roughest part of the playtest for Chris . He explained, "I found that I couldn't take my usual swing at the ball without mistiming my return. When I tried to be aggressive I found myself consistently late. My returns got better as the test wore on. I was confident I'd dial it in given even more time, but to be competitive, I had to focus on more conservative returns during point play. On the plus side, the racquet felt very stable on block returns, and I was able to return deeply with only a short swing. The racquet offered enough mass to plow through the contact, and it enabled me to use the incoming pace on my returns."

Similarly, Sean struggled the most with his returns during this playtest. He said, "I felt great when I connected with big swings, and the stability helped absorb a lot of the pace of the serve. The lack of maneuverability, however, often made it difficult to get the racquet into position, and the stiffness could really launch the ball when I was looking to take the offensive. I didn't have too much trouble returning in singles, but I struggled to find the angles I tend to rely on in doubles."

As she mentioned earlier, Michelle preferred hitting backhands with the Ultra 95 Countervail because she felt she could be more consistent unloading shots off that side, which she turned into a positive when hitting returns. She concluded, "I kept an eye out for backhands returns to attack, which was fun because my opponents will often target my backhand to avoid my forehand. This was working in my favor. I liked 'SABR-ing' my returns a la Roger Federer. I felt I could penetrate the court well and get my opponent off balance, which let me sneak in, or at least take a couple steps forward, to attack a weak response. I found more control when hitting returns than I did on my groundstrokes; the extra quarter-inch was definitely welcome here."

Overall - Score: 79

Chris - "Big power and spin. I love hitting big serves and forehands with the Ultra 95 Countervail ."

Michelle - "This racquet feels great off my backhand, and I enjoy serving and returning with it!"

Troy - "The Ultra 95 Countervail packs a lot of power for its 95-square-inch head. I like the quarter-inch extension on this racquet. It feels great on my two-handed backhand, although I don't hit it quite as cleanly as Kei Nishikori."

Sean - "I feel in command on the singles court! The Ultra 95 Countervail is a serious player's frame, and the stability is fantastic if you can tame the beast."

Chris - "The Ultra 95 Countervail is a little more demanding than most of the 100-square-inch and 98-square-inch extended length racquets currently available."

Michelle - "The sweetspot feels small. This racquet doesn't make me especially confident on my forehand, and I feel like I need to be 100-percent accurate in terms of my timing to execute an effective shot. I shanked more balls during this playtest than I have in a while, which was not only embarrassing, but also uncomfortable."

Troy - "My wrist can't handle the swingweight and stiffness. I experienced lasting pain by the end of the playtest! I would say this racquet is out of my spec range and feels unwieldy at times."

Sean - "Even though the Countervail technology helps with the vibration dampening, the Ultra 95 is a bit too stiff for my preferences."

Comparing the racquet to others they've tried, our testers said:

Chris - "The Ultra 95 Countervail compares to the likes of the Yonex VCORE 98+, ProKennex Kinetic Pro 7G and Dunlop Srixon CX 200+. Despite being only 27.25 inches rather than the usual 27.5 inches long, I found the Ultra 95 to be pretty demanding. The sweetspot felt a little more on-off rather than there being a gradual loss of response when hitting slightly off center. On the plus side, the control I had at net was top notch."

Michelle - "The Ultra 95 Countervail felt a bit firmer and harder to manipulate compared to the softer Yonex VCORE 98+. Also, seeing as this is the racquet Nishikori endorses, it makes sense to compare it to the racquet he previously endorsed, the Burn 95. If you liked the Burn 95, you will like the Ultra 95 Countervail . They have a very similar feel at contact, similar plow through and similar specs."

Troy - "This Ultra 95 Countervail feels very similar to the Wilson Burn 95 Countervail. For users of the Burn 95 who are looking to transition into a new racquet, look no further. The Ultra 95 Countervail also has some similarities to the Yonex VCORE SV 98+. This racquet has a pretty long lineage, (as far as I can recall) dating back to the Wilson Hammer H Tour 95. My favorites in that lineage were the Wilson KFactor KTour and Wilson Tour BLX, as they had stiffness ratings below 65. Ever since the introduction of the Wilson Steam 96 (which turned into the Burn 95 and now the Ultra 95 ), I have enjoyed the high swingweight. The downside is that these racquets are just too stiff for my preference."

Sean - "The Ultra 95 Countervail instantly reminded me of the VCORE 95, although that racquet is more flexible and lower powered. The power and stiffness also felt similar to the Wilson Pro Staff RF97 Autograph. The most obvious comparison would be to the outgoing Burn 95 Countervail, although the grommet system on the Ultra 95 Countervail makes it feel more muted at impact."

(Scores are determined by averaging individual play test scores)

Playtester Profiles

Chris: 4.5 all-court player currently using the Tecnifibre TFlash 300 PS. Chris uses a full-western forehand grip, has a fast swing style and hits a one-handed backhand.

Michelle: Open level baseline player with a semi-western forehand and a two handed backhand. She currently plays with the Wilson Pro Staff RF 97 Autograph.

Troy: 5.0 lefty all-court player with a full Western Forehand and a two-handed backhand. Troy currently plays with a Yonex VCORE Pro 97 (330).

Sean: Open level counterpuncher with a semi-western forehand and a two-handed backhand. He currently plays with the Yonex VCORE Pro 97 (310).

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Review date: February 2019. If you found this review interesting or have further questions or comments please contact us. All content copyright 2018 Tennis Warehouse.

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新作情報 ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V4.0 2022 インプレ スペック

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今回は、2022年11月発売の新作テニスラケットシリーズ「ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V4.0 」(WILSON ULTRA TOUR 95)の

  • 使われているテクノロジー


wilson ultra tour 95 jp

>> 【ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V4.0】を楽天でチェック

  • ラケット試打数&購入数合計180本以上
  • ガットインプレ数100種以上
  • ツイッター( @tennis_torasan )

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ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95CV V4.0 2022 2023 WR116911

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ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 100 CV V4.0 2023 WR117111

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ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95J CV V4.0 2023 WR117011

  • 1.1 スペックや使われているテクノロジーは前作(V3.0)や前々作(V2.0)と全く同じ
  • 1.2 WILSON ULTRA TOUR 95 CV V4.0 2022 2023
  • 1.3 WILSON ULTRA TOUR 95J CV V4.0 2023
  • 1.4 WILSON ULTRA TOUR 100 CV V4.0 2023
  • 1.5 ウィルソン ウルトラ チーム V4.0 2023
  • 1.6 ラケットバッグも発売
  • 2.1 クラッシュゾーン
  • 2.2 カウンターベイル
  • 2.3 補足)植物由来のエンドキャップとグロメットを使用
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  • 5 まとめ:美しいデザインに生まれ変わったウルトラツアーの最新版

新作情報 ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V4.0 2022 インプレ スペックまとめ

バウンド後のボールのノビと打感の柔らかさがコンセプトのウィルソンの人気シリーズ「ウルトラツアー」に新作が登場。(既に 予約受付開始中 )







  • 植物性グロメットの採用


WILSON ULTRA TOUR 95 CV V4.0 2022 2023



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wilson ultra tour 95 jp

ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V3.0 WR036811


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ウルトラツアー95 CVより19g軽い設計。





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ウィルソン ウルトラツアー 95 CV V3.0 WR03841

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wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Wilson Ultra Tour: First Impressions

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

I’ve had a first hit with the Wilson Ultra Tour  and want to give you my initial impression about this much talked about racquet. Full review to come.

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

The Wilson Ultra Tour is a light racquet for a commercial tour model and in my opinion it cannot be used effectively without customization. You simply won’t get enough power on your shots. I don’t know why Wilson didn’t add a leather grip on it, but I would definitely recommend that along with some lead tape at 3 and 9 and/or 12′ o clock to pack more punch into the racquet.

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Here are some rallies from a practice set I played with the Wilson Ultra Tour. We’re both testing new racquets with demo strings so quality of rallies is not that high, but hopefully I can bring some higher quality tennis clips soon.

Comfort is not an issue with the Wilson Ultra Tour. In parallell I’m also play-testing and review the Wilson Ultra 100 CV and it will be interesting to see how Countervail works there to dampen the high RA rating of 71 strung. The Wilson Ultra Tour however needs no Countervail, it is a plush, low-powered racquet with a really nice and clean feel. I would say it feels very similar to a good old HEAD iPrestige in how it plays.

I will need to lug more hours with it to give a more full-on review. But let’s look at some pros and cons of the Wilson Ultra Tour:

+ PROS Great platform racquet for customization Control and feel Great comfort Looks (yeah, highly subjective, but the racquet looks great)

– CONS Lack of power – you need to provide your own Without customization it falls flat Not a spin frame

Would I take a customized Wilson Ultra Tour into a tournament? Without doubt. I need to find my ideal spec and string for it, but once that’s done it is a pro stock level racquet for sure.

Is it better than the Angell TC 97 Custom? I would say they are very close in how they play and it’s too soon to pick a winner at the moment. I will make a in-depth comparison later on.

Are you interested in the Wilson Ultra Tour? What do you think about it? Please comment below.

If you want to get a Wilson Ultra Tour or other tennis supplies, check out the online shops below.

Europe Racquet Depot Pro Direct Tennis

wilson ultra tour 95 jp

Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.

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Like your funky technique. Especially your serve ;)

Thanks :) My serve is just getting weirder and weirder. But my percentage is going up so maybe something is going right. The Wilson Ultra Tour made me play extra weird by the way! Might be a good thing. Cheers / J

Is it similar to the old nblade 98?

Hi Branko, Quite similar. The nBlade is more head-heavy, has the 98 inch head size, and is actually more flexible and low-powered (RA around 58). I would say the Wilson Ultra Tour plays more like a HEAD IG Prestige MP or iPrestige even, but the nBlade isn’t that far off.

Every time you serve to the deuce court you are committing a center line violation foot fault with your right foot; it doesn’t matter where your feet end up during the service action – otherwise you could walk to the net and jump in the air and claim a legal serve lol – your right foot can’t be grounded over the imaginary extension of the center line service mark at the start of your serve.

You are absolutely right! I have made some strange adjustments to my already funky serve. Let’s see if I can adjust it for the next video. Thanks for commenting. Cheers / Jonas

I am currently use a Yonex EZone DR98. There´s a difference between the Wilson Ultra Tour and the Yonex EZone DR98?

Hi Thomas, Yes, the Ultra Tour is more flexible and less powerful than the DR 98. You’ll get more “feel” and control however. Both are good racquets, the Ultra Tour is more old-school and the DR 98 is a great modern racquet.

Cheers / Jonas

Hi Jonas, Which one swings easier, faster and has a bigger sweetspot? Your modified Wilson Ultra Tour or your Angell Tc97?

Hi, Very difficult question. Both are great racquets. I would rank them like this: Easier to swing – depending on the specs. In stock form the Ultra Tour, but you need lead on that one for it to play more stable. Biggest sweet spot – I think the Angell racquets are slightly more precise, but have a smaller sweet spot.

Either racquet should serve you well if you’re into a control-oriented frame. I myself have a hard time deciding on which one to choose for the 2018 season!

Good luck / Jonas

What qualities do you like better from each racket so far?

I’m leaning towards the Angell – I just feel it pocket the balls slightly better and I’m slightly more connected to the ball.

The Wilson probably has a larger sweet spot, but the above quality of the Angell is right now more appealing to me. Cheers / J

Hi Jonas, How do you compare Ultra Tour Vs Wilson Blade 98 2015 18×20? I’m currently playing with the blade with a solinco tourbite 17 (started with 24kg but dropped to 20kg) but i’ve developed tennis elbow last few months and it bothers me alot, sometimes very painful after a game. It is slightly better since I’ve dropped the tension tho. I’m not sure what to change first, the tourbite 17 to tourbite soft or change the racquet completely with solinco tourbite 17 string. I’m reading a lot of good stuff about this racquet and kinda excited about it, tho not sure if it is worth it at this point to drop 225 euros on it. I’m the aggressive baseliner type of player.

Thanks, Dan

Hi Dan, I played with the Wilson Blade 98 2015 18×20 for a while and struggled with similar issues as you, some arm discomfort. I think a softer poly would help and should be your first try and the Solinco Tourbite Soft is a great option, but if you still feel discomfort, I’d definitely check out the Wilson Ultra Tour. It’s a great racquet and I’m sure your arm will feel better for it.

Maybe your best option is going for a Wilson Ultra Tour with a soft poly or a poly/gut or multifilament hybrid? But I understand that the price point is a pain point so maybe start going softer with your current racquet and then move to the Ultra Tour.

Good luck and let me know how it goes! Cheers /J

I Find the UT a really good doubles stick. I can get good spin on ground strokes but only if I hit a little higher than normal on the string bed. You have to work really hard to get the same spin you could get from any “modern” racquet. I find the UT really good when I get inside the baseline. My challenges with it are spin and put away power.

I’ve been using VS gut and 4G at 53/48 to give me a little more pop. I may try Solinco Hyper G to up the spin. I’d imagine I’ll have to go pretty low to get the same jump off the string bed.

Thanks for your comment, Paul! I enjoyed it best with Luxilon Alu Power at 22 kg. Gave me both good power and spin. Didn’t try it with Solinco Hyper-G however. Let me know how it goes! Cheers / Jonas

The ultra tour is the best head racket ever made by wilson. Got an old Trysis 280 lying around and they are exactly, bingo! Forget about playing it stock, this is a tinkerer’s dream! Got mine professionally lengthened to 27.5 just 3gr of lead on 3 and 9 o’clock. Swingweight 330+. Feels like the wind is constantly blowing from behind you. Hitting serves feels like cheating. Strings Alu rough 36lbs.

Happy you like it! Sounds like a good spec too!

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  • wilson ultra 95 countervail racket review

Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail Racket Review

The Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail is a racket I’ve been really excited to take a look at. I’m a big fan of the Ultra series of rackets and the specs for the 95 really speak to me.

I love the idea of the lowish weight, high swingweight racket with a small head.

In my experience, these rackets offer the perfect blend of manoeuvrability, power, and control, and I find they get the most out of my game.

The specifications of the Ultra 95 are very similar to those of the Wilson Burn 95 CV, and it would seem like this racket is seen as the replacement to the Burn.

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Even Kei Nishikori, the main poster boy for the Wilson Burn range has moved over to this racket, so it looks like the Ultra is where Wilson is putting its focus.

This Wilson Ultra 95 CV weighs in at 309g unstrung, a perfect weight for me, but it is the swingweight that is most impressive with this stick.

With a 339 swingweight, this racket packs some serious punch and is guaranteed to generate a lot of plow through.

Technology wise, the Ultra 95 Countervail continues with Wilson’s excellent Countervail dampening system.

Every Countervail racket we have played with so far has been excellent, absorbing shocks and taking some of the wear and tear out of tennis, but it will have its work cut out with the Ultra 95 CV.

To get the huge swingweight this racket has, Wilson has had to make it very stiff, so the Countervail technology will play a big part in making this stick more playable.

With a 95sq. inch head and a 339 swingweight, the emphasis with this racket should be on control – the main thing that I look for in a racket.

The thing I loved about other Ultra rackets though, especially the  Wilson Ultra 100 CV , was that it provided a perfect middle ground.

It was good at everything without being overly good at anything.

At the end of the day, you can’t help but hit all kinds of different shots in tennis and the Ultra 100 countervail is perfect for that.

So, the main things I was looking out for with this Ultra 95 CV were the way in which Countervail could negate the harshness of this stiff frame, and whether the newest racket in the range would live up to the characteristics of the Ultra rackets.

No doubt it would have a little bit more control, but hopefully, it would remain a “jack of all trade racket”.

To make the most of my time with this stick, I took it out for a week, managing some singles sets as well as a couple of comprehensive doubles matches.

I’m always talking about how much I like the Ultra rackets and have been looking forward to this racket for a while, so I was hopeful this was going to be a great playtest.


8.5 out of 10

The Ultras might be great all-round rackets, but groundstrokes are the shots people are going to spend most of their time hitting.

Any modern racket is going to be judged largely on its performance from the back of the court, and the  Wilson Ultra 95 Countervail  has all the ingredients to perform with aplomb.

You quickly notice that there is a lot more mass to this racket than other Ultras. 339 is a serious swingweight and you do notice it in the way it plows through the ball.

However, the difference between this racket and something like the  Wilson Pro Staff 97  is that it maintains a lot more manoeuvrability.

The 310g weight of this racket makes it far easier to swing than rackets that are 330g plus, but you keep many of the advantages of a heavier racket because of the swingweight.

Of course, to do this, the racket is going to be quite stiff, but modern technology is now allowing stiffer rackets to absorb vibrations much better.

Everything combined brilliantly for me with this racket on my backhand and I spent the week hitting it like a dream.

The combination of easy manoeuvrability and strong plow through meant I was maximizing my strokes; the control this racket oozed allowing me to put the ball wherever I wanted it.

I was getting particularly good depth off this side and was frequently able to take control of points.

My forehand side is the one which is normally better suited to heavier rackets and so I was expectant that the swingweight of the Ultra 95 would suit me.

The 16 x 20 string pattern and 95 sq. inch frame do give you a lot of control, but I did feel like there was something missing.

Perhaps this goes back to the Ultra’s characteristics of being a strong all-round racket.

Some of the heavier rackets are perfect for my forehand, but I can’t get them to work for me on other strokes.

The Ultra 95 however, was great on my backhand and good on my forehand.

I said I wanted to see how the Countervail would soften this racket on impact, and the answers were very good.

I think people who are used to the Ultra 100 would find this racket a little bit harsh, but for the 339 swingweight, it is extremely comfortable, and I have no doubt Countervail is to thank for that.

My second question, as to whether this racket would stay true to the characteristics of the Ultra series, also had a positive answer.

Naturally, this racket plays a bit closer to the style of the Burn 95, but there are some familiar UItra traits in there.

My overall score for groundstrokes with the Wilson Ultra 95 CV was a little bit difficult to choose.

I was between a 9 and an 8.5, but I went with the 8.5 in the end.

It was dreamy off the backhand side, but not quite perfect on the forehand side.

If we did 1-100 scores it would be an 88.

For those people who love the Ultra 100 CV, the 95 might be a little bit more difficult to use at net.

One of the big plus points of the 100 is its manoeuvrability, which allows you to get into position super quick.

That’s not quite as easy with the  Wilson Ultra 95 CV , simply because it’s that little bit heavier and has a much bigger swingweight.

If you’re used to playing with heavier rackets, then that’s not going to be an issue at all, but if you are stepping up in weight to this racket it could be an issue.

I did notice the difference in manoeuvrability when I was at the net, but I don’t think it made too much difference.

The Wilson Ultra 100 is so easy to play with that the 95 could never have hoped to match it.

What you do get with the Ultra 95 CV is all the benefits that some extra stability gives you.

This racket is so solid on contact that it absorbs all the power in the ball and allows you to punch the ball back wherever you like.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an easy volley or a difficult pick-up, I found I had great confidence in the Ultra 95.

I managed to play some doubles with both the Ultra 100 and the Ultra 95, so it was nice to be able to compare the two in a slightly different situation.

I found the Ultra 100 to be so easy to play with, but I did find the ball tended to fly on me a bit.

I felt like I had to put 100% into every ball and be very aggressive to get the most out of it, which is not a bad thing, but sometimes it is nice to be able to change the pace up a bit.

The Ultra 95 was certainly not as easy to play with, but the added control it gives you is exactly what I look for when I’m playing doubles.

It is so solid on volleys and returns, which means you can take pace off and put pace on as and when you want.

For me, the Wilson Ultra 95 CV was an improvement on the Ultra 100, and I found it was an excellent stick for doubles.

I’m always a little bit tougher on my scores on the volley for some reason, but the Ultra 95 gets an 8.5 out of ten, about as high as it gets from me.

9 out of 10

I’m always complaining about how I struggle to keep my racket head speed up on serve with heavier rackets.

The thing is, too light and you don’t get enough driving through the ball and too light, you lose racket head speed. In theory, the  Ultra 95 CV  should be the perfect balance.

At 309g, it’s manoeuvrable, but it has a huge 339 swingweight to turn that racket head speed into true power.

Once I got on court, it soon became clear that this was absolutely the case.

I clicked with this racket so quickly on serve, and the results were excellent.

I was getting a great blend of speed and power that had my opponent struggling throughout the playtest.

Whether I looked to hit a big flat serve, a slice out wide, or the kicker, I felt like I was in complete control of what was going on.

I find that variety is the most important thing when it comes to me  winning my service games , and I was able to achieve it with the Ultra 95.

Sometimes I find a racket can give you too much spin or too much power, which makes you lose control, but this racket gets the blend just right, leaving you free to go after your serves.

All week with this racket I was able to just relax on serve and attack the ball.

I loved it.

My opponents did not!

All that great serving led me to give the Wilson Ultra 95 CV a 9 out of 10 on serve.

I was launching bombs, slicing balls off the court and generally bamboozling my opponents!

Another tricky score. I was between the 8.5 and the 9 but I went with the 9.

I’d say out of 100 it’s an 88 – the same as its groundstroke performance.

The  Ultra 95 Countervail  lived up to my request of maintaining the essence of the Ultra series, maintaining its all-around playability.

Although there is a lot more heft with the swingweight of this racket, I do think the Countervail technology goes a long way to offset the stiffness of this stick.

It is not as comfortable as the Ultra 100, but it is still not bad at all.

On groundstrokes, I was able to achieve great depth, using this rackets plow through to make the most of my racket head speed and pin my opponent behind the baseline.

I slightly preferred the performance of the Ultra on the backhand side, but in true Ultra style, I felt like it did everything well.

At the net, I think die-hard Ultra fans might miss a little bit of manoeuvrability, but for me, I couldn’t really find any fault with this stick.

It is solid on contact and does everything you need to make the volley.

The highlight for me was the serve. I felt like everything combined perfectly for me and I was able to maximize my serve as a weapon.

It is a great balance between the manoeuvrability of a light racket and the plow through of a heavier racket, so it gives me all the characteristics that I love.

When you put all that together, it makes for an excellent racket and a 9 out of 10.

I would recommend this racket to all styles of player and would definitely include it in my top picks.

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

Expedia Rewards is now One Key™

Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture


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  15. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

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  17. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

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