Luggage Tags, Handling and Allowances

This guide details luggage tagging by cabin number, porter assistance, regional tipping norms, and restrictions on bringing two wine bottles aboard.

This guide was last updated on 16 May 2024 by David Todd . If you spot any errors or missing information, please let us know .

A stack of luggage on a luggage trolley being labelled by a person wearing a striped t-shirt

Luggage Overview

Before embarking on your Virgin Voyages cruise, familiarize yourself with the luggage and wine policies. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Luggage Tagging: Your luggage will be tagged at the port using your cabin number. Make sure to know your cabin number ahead of time. Tags will not be provided in advance . Hold onto this tag for easy disembarkation at the end of your cruise by leaving your bag outside your cabin.
  • Luggage Handling: Porters will take your luggage and bring it onto the ship. Small carry-on bags can be brought on board by hand.
  • Tipping Policy: In the US, it is customary to tip porters per bag. However, in Europe, this is not the case.
  • Alcohol/Soft Drinks Policy: You are allowed to bring two bottles of wine on board but there are restrictions .

Details and Tips

Do i need luggage tags.

When you arrive at the port, your luggage will be tagged for easy identification and delivery to your cabin. It’s important to know your cabin number ahead of time, as this will be used for the tagging process. Keep in mind that tags will not be provided in advance, so make sure to have your cabin number information readily available.

Experienced porters will handle your tagged luggage and transport it onto the ship. This service ensures that your belongings are safely delivered to your cabin, allowing you to start your cruise without the burden of carrying heavy bags. Be sure to keep these tags on as you will need them for easy disembarkation by leaving your bags outside your door the night before

Please keep in mind that whilst there is no weight limit your bags do need to be carried by a person and stored within your cabin. Small carry-on bags can be brought on board by hand, enabling you to have immediate access to your essential items.

Cruise passengers making their way to a luggage drop-off point labelled 'Virgin Voyages' in red

Can I arrive early ?

If you arrive before your port arrival time then you are able to store your luggage and head out into whichever city you are boarding from. In Miami the terminal is open from 9am for checking luggage, other port times may vary so check with VV before arrival.

Guide: Boarding The Ship Early

Tipping Policy

In the United States, it is customary to tip porters for their assistance with handling your luggage. The general practice is to tip per bag. However, it’s important to note that tipping practices may vary in Europe. Unlike US sailings, where tipping porters is customary, tipping may not be expected or required in Europe. It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the local customs and norms of the specific region you’ll be sailing from. Note that the porters do not work for Virgin Voyages so are not included in the “tips included” portion of your voyage.

Can I Bring Alcohol/Soft Drinks on My Cruise?

The good news is – if you’re a wine enthusiast, Virgin Voyages allows you to bring wine as well as soft drinks to enjoy on board in your carry-on luggage. There are some caveats to bringing drinks on aboard.

Guide: Bringing Alcohol & Soft Drinks

Virgin Voyages makes luggage a simple process by not requiring print outs of luggage tags. Understanding the logistics can help you can ensure a smooth embarkation process and make the most of your cruise experience. Remember to prepare your cabin number in advance for luggage tagging. Consider tipping practices based on your sailing location. And pack your favorite wine bottles in your carry-on bags to savor during your voyage.

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virgin cruise luggage tags

30+ Things Virgin Voyages Doesn’t Tell You About Their Cruises

But there were a few things we encountered that will probably never make it into one of our blog posts about Virgin Voyages or, for that matter, even the most well-researched Virgin Voyages (VV) website – including their own!

I mean, everyone will tell you that kids aren’t allowed on this cruise; it’s strictly 18+. And all will mention that basic Wi-Fi, as well as non-pressed juices, sodas, teas and drip coffee are free on the ship. But there are plenty of things that, I think, are important to know when planning a cruise on VV that might be a little bit more difficult to find out.

This list is made up of things Joe and I experienced, as well as what several people who were on the same sailing as us – the July 17-22 Richard’s Birthday Bash cruise – said they noticed.

Wristbands and luggage tags

Many cruise lines send you luggage tags ahead of time, so you can attach them to your bags and the porters know where to bring your stuff when you arrive. At VV, you drop your luggage off upon arrival, the porters ask you for your cabin number, and they put it on a VV baggage tag, similar to the ones they use at the airport.

WIth Virgin Voyages, you’ll receive a wristband (used for checking in and out of the ship, charging for drinks and souvenirs, and opening your cabin door) when you check in at the kiosks on the 2nd floor of the terminal. If you have a regular cabin, it’ll be red. If you’ve splurged on a Rock Star or Mega Rock Star cabin, your wristband will be black. And if you have some other status, whether purchased or earned, that will be in the form of a ribbon you wear around your wrist.

The app is buggy

Everything you do on VV – reservations for meals, activities and excursions, etc., are all done on the VV app. Heads up that the app is VERY buggy and it will crash as often as it works. Generally speaking, if you shut the app down and restart it, it will work again. Well, for a while, anyway. And when it crashes again, rinse and repeat. 😉

They only email 1 person

Maybe it’s because we were working with a travel agent who only put down Joe’s email. But any time there was something we needed to know – like a new form we had to fill out ahead of time – the email only went to him. The thing is, I’m the one who checks email on a regular basis, whereas Joe may only check his email every few days. So make sure that emails go to everyone involved – or at least to the person who actually, you know, reads their emails ;-).

Parking at the port?

If you’re driving to Terminal V, you can drop your luggage off first and then park at their parking garage across the street. I know you want to park as close to the ship as possible. Don’t. Park by the elevators, which are in the center of the garage. When you’ve disembarked and have to bring your luggage to your car on the 3rd floor, you’ll thank me if you’ve parked near the elevator, rather than 4 or 5 rows over.

Ride sharing to the port?

The Port of Miami is pretty big. Choose “Terminal V” as your destination when prompted.

Meal, activity and excursion reservations

So let’s say you’re all ready for your cruise, you’ve downloaded the app, and filled out all the info it asks of you. You go to make some reservations and you notice that they only have a limited number of reservations available before your cruise. Maybe only 3 available times for The Wake, or only 9:15pm or later for The Test Kitchen. Don’t panic! They’ll open up more opportunities as your cruise gets closer; just keep checking the app. And they’ll open many more opportunities on the day you set sail. In fact, brunches at the Wake and Razzle Dazzle are only available when reservations are made on the ship’s Wi-Fi.

In fact, when you get to VV’s “Terminal V” in Miami, you can join their free Wi-Fi either before you get on the ship, or the very moment you go aboard. Either way, just join the MERMAID4U Wi-Fi network and you’ll be able to start making reservations then and there. Make your reservations as soon as you’re able, especially for shows.

By the way, even if you try to make a reservation (for dinner or a show) and there’s no availability, go anyway. There’s no guarantee they’ll be able to get you in, but restaurants will do what they can to make room for you. And each show has a “wait line” that starts about 30 minutes before showtime, in case there are “no shows.”

Have friends on board?

With the exception of solo cabins and the occasional triple, most cabins only hold 2 sailors each. So if you’re with more than 1 other person, your party is going to have more than 1 cabin. Use the app to link with them before you get on the ship, so you can add to each other’s agendas for meals, shows, etc.

The pineapple people

Virgin Voyages is the most open, all-inclusive and accepting cruise I’ve ever been on. That being said, we saw a lot of pineapple people on our cruise. If you’re into that, no judgement here, and more power to you. But if you’re not, you may not want to wear anything with pineapples on it. Especially upside down ones. Just sayin’ 😉

Intimacy kits

If you’re with a special someone and want to go, (ahem) “below deck,” they sell intimacy kits in the gift shop near Extra Virgin (the Italian restaurant) so you can have fun and stay safe (Note to those who may be interested: the jelly included in the kit is 100% vegan, and glycerin, glycol and paraben-free).

Food & beverage

You can buy growlers of beer and drink them all over the ship.

Heads up that the Italian and Mexican restaurants are “authentic” versions of each nationality, not Americanized versions. So don’t go to those restaurants expecting to see chicken parmesan or a Chimichanga on their respective menus, because you’ll be deeply disappointed.

None of the restaurants give really huge portions (although we practically rolled out the door of the Italian restaurant), but Test Kitchen in particular has 6 “tastings” on their menu, rather than full plates. Joe and I generally try to eat “right,” without overstuffing ourselves, and left Test Kitchen comfortably full. But we saw many people complain they didn’t get enough food there and that they left hungry. If you’re used to big servings, plan accordingly.

They don’t have “doggy bags” at any of the restaurants so if you don’t think you’ll be able to finish, BYOB (bring your own bag). And yes, each cabin has a small fridge so you can store food & beverages there.

Charging your devices

It goes without saying that you should bring chargers for your devices. But sometimes people forget. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you’re in luck – they sell Apple chargers on the ship. However they (Inexplicably? Stupidly?) don’t sell chargers for Android devices. You can ask your cabin attendant if they have any Android chargers others have left behind that you can borrow, but there’s no guarantee that they will.

That being said, there’s a Samsung tablet in each cabin – you can charge your Android devices on the tablet’s charger. It’ll also work for late model iPhones that are charging pad compatible.

Also, although the cabins have plenty of wall plugs and USB ports, if you sleep on the side of the bed closer to the window/terrace, the closest plug may be a good 6+ feet away (hello, design flaw!). Bring an extension cord or long charger cord (but not a long surge protector – they’re not allowed on ships; they’re considered a fire hazard).

VV has lots and LOTS of photo ops that are perfect for Insta, FB, etc. One thing they DON’T have on board is photographers. So there won’t be someone taking photos at the restaurants, pool, dance parties, etc., with the hopes that you’ll buy copies at the end of the cruise. If you want photos, take photos. Or ask the people working on the ship to take your photo – they’ll always be willing to oblige.

Those hammocks!

There is a hammock on the terrace of most cabins that have a terrace. There are also hammocks all over the Virgin Resort on Bimini. Y’all, these hammocks are AMAZING and, for me, were one of the best parts of our cruise.

The company that makes them, Yellow Leaf Hammocks, were featured on Shark Tank a couple of years ago. Anyway, VV sells the hammocks on the cruise ship, but it was my experience that they only had one style available, in only one color choice.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks has several color choices on their website , as well as 3 different styles of hammocks – the “Chair” style that’s on VV, their “Signature” hammock (that one is available in classic size and family size – those were the ones at the resort on Bimini), and a cotton rope one that looks like the signature hammock but is made with 100% natural cotton instead of acrylic.

Heads up that all 3 styles are also available, still from Yellow Leaf Hammocks, on And as of this writing, they’re about $5 less than on Yellow Leaf’s main webpage. I ordered one on Amazon and was also offered a coupon (the fine print on the coupon says it’s only good for a limited time, but I don’t know how long that “limited time” is. In 2022, the coupon was $20, now it’s $25.).

Cabin bathrooms

VV supplies you with towels for wherever you go – they’re by the pools, at the spa, and they even offer you towels as you disembark on some port days. However inside the cabins, they give you bath towels, hand towels and makeup remover towels. But no washcloths. The makeup towels are the size, shape and texture of washcloths. But if you’re using one to remove makeup, you may not want to use it to wash yourself in the shower. So either bring your own washcloth(s), or ask your cabin attendant for extra makeup remover towels.

Heads up that there is no electric outlet in the bathroom. If you want to use an electric razor, charge your electric toothbrush or blow dry or curl your hair, you’ll have to do it outside the bathroom. And if you want to have a night light in your bathroom, you’re going to be out of luck ( just like at this bizarre hotel ). Fortunately, the cabin lights can be adjusted to 5%, which is enough light for most people to find their way to the toilet.

Also – if you’re in an XL Terrace cabin, both the shower and toilet rooms have doors that are made to stay closed unless you manually open them. If you have to use the toilet in the middle of the night, I discovered you can hang a towel over both the towel bar on the door and on the wall to prop the toilet door open. That way you don’t have to worry about finding the door handle in the dark.

a towel on a rack

Room service

VV offers room service for a $7 Ship Eats fee (the fee is waived if you purchase a premium drink). It’s available 24 hours a day (breakfast from 5am to 11am and other foods from 11am to 5am), but heads up that the service ends at 11pm on the day before you disembark the ship.

The Ship Eats service fee is waived for Rock Stars and Mega Rock Stars.

When in port

When you’re in port, you may or may not be in the same time zone as where you set sail. Miami, for example, is on Eastern Time, but Playa del Carmen/Cozumel is on Central Time. SOME (but not all) ship captains keep “ship time” the way it was when they left their original port – so it may be 3pm in Cozumel, but 4pm on the ship. Other captains switch to local time. They’ll announce this, but make sure you keep track, especially for excursions and whatever time you’re required to be back on board.

Also, depending on where you’re in port, bring bug spray. We had no problems at Bimini, but others on our ship got eaten up by bugs.

The 3-hour spa pass

The spa on VV has all sorts of treatments available for purchase. They also have a 3-hour spa package that allows you to experience their sauna, salt room, mud room, hot tub, cold tub, pool, etc. The package is available from 11am to 2pm or 2pm to 5pm and you can come and go as you please.

The 3-hour spa package has 2 different prices – it’s $39 per person for port days and $59 for at sea days. The price is mentioned on the app, but ONLY ON THE DAY OF. So you may be at Bimini, see that it’s $39, sign up for tomorrow (which is a sea day), and suddenly get a bill for $59. If you sign up in person, like we did, they don’t even mention the price.

As I said earlier, VV is a non-tipping cruise. Their crew is said to be paid well, at least in comparison to the rest of the cruise industry, and tips are not required or requested. That being said, if someone on the cruise was particularly helpful, you CAN tip them; you just don’t HAVE to. Writing a letter to VV about a particular crew member or members can also help them to get bonuses, etc.

Also keep in mind that people who you encounter for your VV cruise – particularly the porters at the terminal – are not VV employees. Kindly tip them. Here’s an international tipping guide for who, what, why, where, when and how to tip .


Like many cruise lines, you can leave your luggage outside your cabin by a certain time on the evening before disembarkation. The cabin attendants will pick up your bags and you’ll find them as you leave the ship. You get to choose what time you’ll need to disembark and pick up your luggage, although you’re also welcome to bring your luggage yourself and disembark whenever you feel good and ready, as long as it’s by “last call.”

Heads up that the earlier disembarkation time you choose, the less crowded it is, although everyone needs to be off the ship by 10:45am. If you wait until around that later time, the queues are minimal.


As I said, some of these were things that Joe and I noticed while we were on our VV cruise. However other people noticed other things, as well. So a HUGE THANK-YOU to Marney B., Kay C., Suzanne E., Barbara H., Lin H., Nancee H., Paul H., Sue H., Richard P., Alexis R., Mark S., Shannanaghans S. and Amanda W. for their input for this post!

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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This Cruise Life

Virgin voyages boarding process.

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What a whirlwind of a week on board our first-ever Virgin Voyages sailing. We just debarked Valiant Lady in Miami on Sunday, and are excited to share our thoughts after 8 days on board this $700M Lady ship. For those getting ready to board Valiant Lady out of Miami for the first time, we put together this quick Virgin Voyages Boarding Process – and give you tips on how you can get onto the ship even faster.

Virgin Voyages Boarding Pass: Don’t Panic!

If you’ve ever cruised before, you know the drill. Check in, print your boarding pass or save it to your phone, and head to the terminal. But, like everything else, Virgin Voyages decided to do things different! There are no bar codes, no boarding docs or luggage tags, and nothing in the app (other than your itinerary). Don’t panic! That’s all normal. As long as you’ve checked in and completed your health-screening, you are good to head to the terminal!

Getting to the Port

Virgin Voyages is located at Terminal V in Miami. Both Uber and Lyft recognized the terminal, so getting to the port should be fairly easy. As always, plan for Miami traffic. We checked in on both apps at least half a dozen times embark morning as we didn’t want to miss our early arrival window!

While general boarding started at 2pm, we arrived at the port area just before 1:30pm local time. Because of Virgin’s later embarkation start time, it was much easier to get around, and less chaotic in the port area. Virgin Voyages Terminal V is at the end of the Miami cruise port closest to downtown and the address is 718 N Cruise Blvd, Miami, FL 33132.

We are ON OUR WAY to the port! Virgin Voyages, you’re about to take away these cruisers’ virginity! ❤️ Get your Born Again VIRGIN shirt in our online store soon! Anchors away! ⚓️ — This Cruise Life (@thiscruiselife) November 18, 2023

Bag Drop – Checking Bags

Due to the smaller size of the ship, and the reduced chaos in the port area, the porters were much easier to spot. Unlike other cruise lines, however, the porter asked for our room number. He then wrote our room number on a bag tag that he stapled to the handles of each of our bags.

Cruise tip: Do not remove the bag tag from your luggage as it’s also used for the debark process! The tag does tell you not to remove it for the duration of your cruise, however, we didn’t read that… Thankfully, they’re like airport bag tags; peel back the sticker and you can reattach it to the bag for debark. But just follow the instructions to make it even easier.


From the time I took the below picture (1:32pm) to the time we arrived on board the ship (1:52pm), a mere 20 minutes had passed. This embark process was SLICK!

Virgin Voyages Boarding Process

Because we leveraged Virgin Voyages Match and Sea More Status Match Program, we were able to skip the queues and jump into the exclusive Sailing Club line. Not only did this allow us to get to the terminal right at 1:30 when check-in began, it allowed us to skip all the queues that were already forming for 1:45, 2:00, etc.

Cruise Tip: the “A Splash of Romance” package also provides you with Priority Boarding, so check this out if you don’t qualify for Sea More Status Match.

We joked that Virgin Voyages is the only cruise line we know that employs a “bouncer” to let you into the club. The crew member confirmed our name was on the list, gave me a Virgin Voyages wristband, and sent us into the terminal.

virgin cruise luggage tags

The terminal was still pretty empty at this point, so we skipped all of the empty queue lines inside and made our way directly up the escalator to check-in for passport review.

Passport Review and Check-In

virgin cruise luggage tags

The queue here took longer, but still, maybe only 10 minutes. Check-in was a breeze; the agent reviewed our passports and gave us The Band. Described by Virgin Voyages as, “a sleek wearable technology made from recycled ocean plastic that will unlock voyage adventures for future Sailors,” The Band did not disappoint. From accessing your stateroom, to paying for purchases on board or even on land at The Beach Club in Bimini, this thing was slick. And there’s a series of sayings on each of the bands (I was “Feelin’ Nauti”).

Once we had our newest fashion accessory attached, we headed to the cruise line’s version of TSA Pre-Check. We placed our items onto the conveyor, walked through the x-ray, and collected our belongings on the other side. All in, this process took less than 3 minutes.

From here, we headed toward the ship. One quick tap of The Band to the handheld devices at the terminal door, and we were cleared to board!

First 24 Hours Onboard YouTube

We talk more about the Boarding Process in our First 24 Hours Onboard review on YouTube and provide additional images of the port area, terminal, security check-in process, etc. Plus, we share our thoughts after 24 hours on board Valiant Lady.

Final Thoughts on Virgin Voyages Boarding Process

This was probably the easiest embark we’ve had in a long time. The later boarding time allowed the chaos of the Miami cruise port to die down and the benefit of Priority Boarding is HUGE. I highly recommend reviewing the Sea More Status Match or A Splash of Romance packages. If neither of those apply, keep in mind that booking through Rocky also gets you Priority Boarding.

I’m thankful that there were experienced Virgin Voyages sailors there who guided us to the Virgin Voyages Sailing Club line, otherwise, we would have likely gotten into the longer queue. Keep this in mind if you have Priority Boarding. But don’t try to fake it. The “bouncer” has a list and checks it twice to confirm you’re on it. It was odd that there were no boarding passes or indicators in the app; the employee checking names on a paper list seemed dated, but it actually added to the experience creating the bouncer vibe we joked about.

You can tell the terminal is new. It still has that “new cruise terminal” smell! Everything was clean, crisp, and in working order. Even the bathrooms were pretty!

Check-in took about 10 minutes to get through the queue, and passport review was easy. We received The Band for our wrists and headed through security screening before tapping our wrists on the handheld devices.

All in, 20 minutes from getting to the terminal to being on the ship was amazing, especially considering it was all new and we were taking a TON of pictures and videos.

Excited to hear your thoughts and experiences on Virgin Voyages embarkation process in the comments below!

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Lattes and Runways

Virgin Voyages Tips | 10 Things to Know Before Your First Cruise

By: Author Emily

Posted on Last updated: January 2, 2024

If you’re sailing with Virgin Voyages, you should be prepared for sun-soaked days, fun-filled nights and flavor-packed meals. But you should also be prepared to do a bit of prep in advance if you want to take your cruise to the next level. In this post, we’ll share our 10 best Virgin Voyages tips to help you get the most out of your cruise.

I recently returned from a 5-day Virgin Voyages Dominican Daze Cruise on the Scarlet Lady . Before this trip, I had only cruised with Disney Cruise Line, and the Virgin Voyages experience was very different. (If you’re interested in how those two cruise lines compare, be sure to check out our post on Disney Cruise Line vs Virgin Voyages .) I learned so many things from my first Virgin Voyages cruise, and I’m sharing it all here.

Follow these tips and you can be sure that you won’t miss out on any of the fun (or food) onboard. The best part about these tips is that most of them can be done before your trip, so by the time you board you can sit back and relax.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Disclaimer: My Virgin Voyages cruise was graciously gifted by our trusted travel advisor, Lauren Quirk, from  Travel With Character . This post is not sponsored by Virgin Voyages or Travel With Character, and I do not receive any compensation in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

1. Complete the “Before You Sail” tasks ASAP.

As soon as you book your Virgin Voyages cruise (or as early as 120 days out), download the Virgin Voyages mobile app and complete the “Before you Sail” tasks. You’ll need the app for a few different things before and during your cruise, so you might as well get it now.

The “Before You Sail” task list has seven steps and takes about ten minutes. It includes things like confirming your passport information, taking a security photo and linking a credit card to use onboard. Most importantly though, this is where you can schedule your embarkation time. (Aka the time you can board the ship.)

It’s important to book your embarkation as soon as possible, because the best boarding times can book up quickly. What are the best embarkation times for Virgin Voyages? The earliest ones, which leads us to …

virgin cruise luggage tags

2. Schedule the earliest embarkation time.

I’d strongly recommend booking the earliest possible embarkation time for your Virgin Voyages cruise. On my cruise, this is 2 PM.

Early boarding has many benefits. Most obviously, you will have more time on the ship, plus shorter queues in the terminal. Most importantly though, early boarding means earlier access to registration for onboard activities. (We’ll talk more about that in tip #6.)

The embarkation experience will vary based on the port you’re sailing from. If you’re sailing from Miami, Virgin Voyages’ Terminal V is very well organized and boarding is quick and orderly. We were scheduled for earliest boarding group, and we were on the ship 20 minutes after we arrived at the terminal.

Boarding times are pretty strictly enforced. There are queues outside the terminal for each boarding time. If you arrive early, you’ll have to wait with your group for your time. You will not be able to board early if you arrive early.

virgin cruise luggage tags

3. Book dining reservations as soon as they open.

Meals are included on all Virgin Voyages cruises. That includes food from all quick service and table service restaurants onboard, as well room service. While all of the food onboard is pretty good, the very best, chef-curated meals can be found at the table service restaurants.

These high-end dining establishments are one of the selling points on Virgin Voyages, but actually getting a table at them takes a little bit of effort.

Virgin Voyages does not automatically schedule any meals for you. That means you’re not guaranteed a chance to dine at every (or any) table service restaurant onboard. You need to proactively make a reservation if you want eat at these table service restaurants.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Dining reservations open up 45 days before your sailing date. The exact time reservations open up reportedly varies, but it is typically around midnight in the departing port’s timezone. For example, if you are scheduled to sail on December 16, 2023 from Miami, your dining would open just after midnight ET the morning of November 1. You could potentially start checking the website in the late evening hours of October 31, around 11:30 PM, because sometimes they open early.

That said, the reservations don’t book up instantly. Unless you have a large party and are really set on a specific restaurant on a specific date and time, you probably don’t need to stay up till midnight to book your reservation. You should definitely plan to book in the morning of the day reservations open, though, for the best selection.

If you happen to miss the reservation window, don’t give up hope. All of the restaurants do have limited space for walk-ups and same-day reservations. This will just take more time and effort. There is also quick service dining available at all times.

virgin cruise luggage tags

4. See if you qualify for Deep Blue Extras.

Virgin Voyages is a relatively new cruise line, so they don’t have an established frequent sailor program just yet. While they build that up, they’re offering a collection of perks to seasoned sailors called Deep Blue Extras through the end of 2024.

Deep Blue Extras are pretty good, too. The perks include a $100 onboard drink credit, $10 per day specialty coffee credit, some complimentary laundry services and a free upgrade to premium wifi. You’ll also have access to a dedicated Sailor Services rep onboard, expedited boarding and a special happy hour.

Anyone who sailed with Virgin Voyages in 2021 (Sea-Blazers) or has sailed twice in 2022 and 2023 (Sea-Rovers) will receive Deep Blue Extras. If you qualify, these rewards will automatically be applied to your next sailing through 2024.

virgin cruise luggage tags

4.5 (Bonus tip!). Don’t tighten your Deep Blue Extras bracelet.

If you do qualify for Deep Blue Extras, you’ll get a special bracelet when you check in at the terminal. This one is a ribbon style bracelet with a one-way clasp — meaning you can tighten it but not loosen it.

If you put this bracelet on, make sure that you keep it loose enough to slide on and off. You don’t actually need this bracelet for anything, and all the perks are connected to your other NFC band. I think this is literally just to demonstrate your status on board.

I slipped mine off right away and just kept it in my purse, but I didn’t actually need it.

virgin cruise luggage tags

5. Use a hair tie for The Band.

When you check in at the terminal, they will give you a bracelet to use during your cruise. The Band is a contactless device that you need to use for pretty much everything on board. It serves as your room key, ID and credit card onboard, and you are required to tap it every time you get on and off the ship.

The NFC device itself is plastic with two attached loops. It is on a rope bracelet that wraps around your wrist twice and attaches with a small metal anchor. As you would expect from that description, the bracelet broke immediately.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Since the tap device is so important for your cruise, I’d recommend bringing a backup bracelet for it. A hair tie is the perfect solution. Slip the hair tie through one of the loops on The Band, and then pull one side of the hair tie through the other side of the hair tie to create a loop knot. Then you can wear the hair tie around your wrist and The Band won’t go anywhere.

Also, any small bracelet that can fit through these loops will do the trick.

virgin cruise luggage tags

6. Sign up for activities in the app as soon as you board.

As soon as you board, connect to the ship’s wifi and open the Virgin Voyages app. At this point, you will be able to see the full itinerary for your cruise and begin signing up for activities. To sign up for an activity, click “Add to Agenda.” (Hearting an activity doesn’t officially sign you up for it.)

Some events are “ticketed,” meaning that there is a cap on how many people can participate. Some ticketed activities have an additional fee (like cocktail classes or coffee tastings), while others are free (like yoga, spin classes and select stage shows). For ticketed events, you’ll need to tap your bracelet in order to enter.

You should sign up for all of your ticketed events as soon as you board, because some ticketed events fill up quickly. If any of these activities are important to you, be sure to check the itinerary and sign up quickly or you may miss out.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Other activities on board (like fitness classes, bingo and parties) are not ticketed. There is no formal cap on who can attend and they don’t check to see if you’ve registered before they let you participate. For these activities, adding them to your agenda is just to keep you organized.

Unfortunately, the Virgin App isn’t great and it’s even worse when everyone is using it at the same time. We experienced the app crashing, spinning and logging us out numerous times on both the basic and premium wifi. So I’d recommend heading to a bar and grabbing a drink for this process so it feels less annoying.

virgin cruise luggage tags

6.5 (Bonus Tip!). Link your party in advance.

Passengers staying in the same room should automatically be connected with each other in the app. That means that anyone in your cabin can register anyone else in your cabin for activities.

However, if you are traveling with friends or family in other cabins, you will need to manually connect them. You can complete this step at anytime, but ideally you should do it before you board. That way, anyone in your party can start booking for the entire party right away.

7. Plan for any in-person registrations.

While most things onboard can be booked in the app, there are a handful of sign-ups that have to be done in person on the ship. These are things with individual time slots, like tattoo and spa appointments and private karaoke registration, and they will be noted as such in the app. If you are set on any of these services/activities, do some research in advance and plan your first day accordingly.

For example, the tattoo parlor opens after the ship has left port and reaches international waters, often around 6 PM. The line for tattoo appointments forms early and gets long very quickly. Appointments on the last cruise day usually book up first, but they’re usually fully booked within a couple hours. If a tattoo is a priority, plan to be there about an hour before it’s scheduled to open for bookings.

Spa appointments book up less quickly, and karaoke spots usually open up daily. There might be other in-person registrations, but these are the three I know about. This is just something else you’ll want to take care of early for the best choice in times.

virgin cruise luggage tags

8. Skip luggage service when you board.

Most Virgin Voyages cruises have a luggage service available at embarkation and debarkation. The exact details vary based on your port, but here’s how it works at Terminal V in Miami.

There is a luggage check location outside the terminal. You can leave your bags here and then they will be delivered to your cabin that evening. The timing can vary, but on my cruise they were scheduled to be delivered by 6 PM.

This service can make it easier to navigate the terminal and board the ship without having to deal with your bags. This can also make security a bit easier. If you do use this service, just make sure you keep everything with you that you’ll need before 6 PM (including swimsuits, make up, meds, etc.)

It’s a good service, but I would actually recommend you skip luggage check when you board.

virgin cruise luggage tags

The main reason for that is because rooms are typically ready as soon as you board. On other cruise lines, that’s not the case, so you want to check your bags so you can enjoy the ship without lugging them around. But on Virgin Voyages, you can usually drop your bags in your room right away. This is easier than having to pack a day bag and then waiting for your bags to be delivered.

The Miami terminal is also easy to pull your bags through. The entire route is accessible by elevator, escalator, and/or ramp, so you won’t have issues with stairs. You do have to go through security, but you don’t have to remove anything from your bags like at the airport. If you have an early boarding time, this process can take less than 20 minutes.

8.5 (Bonus Tip!). Do use luggage service if you have a late debarkation time.

Similarly, Virgin Voyages also offers luggage check service on your debarkation day. You can leave your bags outside your door the night before you disembark, and then pick them up just before you exit the terminal. There is a cutoff time, but it’s usually around midnight.

This service does actually make sense if you have a late debarkation time. Most itineraries allow you to stay on the ship as late as 10:30 AM. However, access to the rooms is usually cut off before that. That means you have to keep your luggage with you.

If you plan to leave the ship late and want to have a relaxing morning, you don’t want to be lugging your bags. In this case, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the baggage service.

virgin cruise luggage tags

9. Pack the essentials.

This is not a complete packing list, but there are a few things you should be sure to pack for your Virgin Voyages cruise.

  • Passport. There are some ways around this, depending on your itinerary, but it’s best to have it on you when cruising.
  • Scarlet outfit. There are a few cruise parties and events, some of which vary by season, but the highlight of every Virgin Voyages cruise is Scarlet Night. Everyone wears red and there are a few events around the ship. It’s really fun and everyone gets into it, so this is the one onboard event you should definitely plan for.
  • Sunblock and aloe. I’m usually pretty firmly in the buy-it-there camp, but that’s not always possible on a cruise ship. The stores onboard are only open when the ship is at sea and they are closed when the ship is at port. You might not always be able to buy these important items onboard when you need them.
  • Portable charger . Virgin Voyages offers free wifi for everyone, so you might be on your phone more than you think. Plus, you’ll probably be using the app a lot to check the day’s schedules. A portable charger is nice to have in your bag. There are also many outlets around the ship, so you can also just bring an extra cord to keep with you.

virgin cruise luggage tags

10. Plan your flights properly.

If you are flying on either side of your cruise, selecting the right flight times is a delicate art.

Regardless of what port your sailing from, I would recommend flying in at least one day before you sail. Even if you don’t board until late in the afternoon or evening, I still wouldn’t recommend flying in the same day as your cruise departure. There’s always a chance that your flight gets delayed, you get rerouted, your bags get delayed, etc. You don’t want one bad travel day to cost you your entire cruise if you don’t make it there in time.

That same rule of thumb does not necessarily apply to your departure flight. It’s rare (but not impossible) that your cruise disembarkation will be drastically delayed. You can usually plan to fly out the same day that your cruise is scheduled to arrive. This of course varies based on your specific itinerary and port.

If you’re sailing from Miami, Virgin Voyages officially recommends booking a flight no earlier than noon on your arrival day.

Based on my recent personal experience, though, I would say that you could make a domestic flight as early as 10 AM. My disembarkation was scheduled for 8 AM, but I went down at 7:30 AM and walked right off the ship. There were no lines in the terminal, and I was at the Uber pick-up area by 7:42 AM. I arrived at the Miami airport at 8:02 AM and was through PreCheck security by 8:17 AM.

Everything might not always go that smoothly. However, I just wanted to share an actual timeline to help give you an idea.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Final Bonus Tip: Work with a travel advisor.

As I mentioned before, this trip was graciously gifted by our travel advisor at Travel With Character . We always work with them to book our Disney vacations , but this was my first time working with them on a cruise. I got to experience first hand what it was like to have a dedicated travel advisor help with my cruise vacation, and it was a dream.

They stayed on top of all of the timelines I mention throughout this post, and sent out reminders for each task to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks. Not only did they make the cruise planning a breeze, but they also helped plan my hotel and activities in Miami before the cruise, and they quickly found a third-party tour provider when our cruise itinerary changed last minute.

If you want your travel planning to be as stress-free as the cruise itself, I’d highly recommend reaching out to Travel With Character. (And no, they’re not paying me to say that.)

virgin cruise luggage tags

Virgin Voyages Help & Support for Pre-Voyage Policies

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Stateroom baggage tags

By scottie99 , September 14, 2023 in Virgin Voyages

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Cool Cruiser

It just occurred to me ( and after 50+ cruises, it should have previously!) that our TA have not sent us tags for getting bags to cabin.

Have I missed an option on the App to print these?

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When you arrive at the port, the porter will write out and attach the bag tags. There is not an option to print in advance.



No pre-printed Bag Tags. The porters will tag your bags at the terminal. Yet another thing VV does differently. 🙂  

3,000+ Club

And if you walk up with your mouth open saying "uh, uh, I THINK this is our cabin number" not to worry, they have an alphabetical list.


Absolutely no worried, no matter which port or which baggage drop off location you use (in BCN, there were 2 options!). The porter or VV crew member will print your tags and apply them.  THey just need your name.  Keep the tags on the bags--they are also used for disembarkation so your host does not need to re-tag things.  Not needed if you are doing self disembarkation. The other thing VV does differently with bags is that we have always had them in our cabin 15-20 minutes after our check in!


The porters in Miami use a ‘high tech’ Sharpie to write the names and cabin numbers on the tag. 🙂

1 hour ago, raphael360 said: The porters in Miami use a ‘high tech’ Sharpie to write the names and cabin numbers on the tag. 🙂

And the bags got to our cabin in record time.  No complaints

  • 2 weeks later...


On 9/15/2023 at 7:34 PM, warmwinds said: And the bags got to our cabin in record time.  No complaints

Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

43 minutes ago, Surfguyxxx said: Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

We dropped our carry ons, met our room steward, checked out the cabin, read all the literature on the desk, then said "let's go explore the ship" - opened the door and there they were.  YMMV

Took two hours for luggage last Sunday on Valiant Lady. Think that’s the slowest I’ve ever seen it.

Our bags have arrived at the cabin door less than 30 minutes after we boarded on each of our VV sailings.  By the time we dropped our carry ons, met our cabin steward, and used the restroom,  our bags were at the door.

A few things to note - make sure the writing of the porter is legible. I bring my own Sharpie and rewrite neatly if necessary. Make sure the A or Z is included. And do not remove your tags for the duration of the cruise because they are used when you disembark as well (assuming you don’t plan to carry off your luggage). 

1 hour ago, greenenvy said: A few things to note - make sure the writing of the porter is legible. I bring my own Sharpie and rewrite neatly if necessary. Make sure the A or Z is included. And do not remove your tags for the duration of the cruise because they are used when you disembark as well (assuming you don’t plan to carry off your luggage). 

That's good to know....we carried off this time (our first VV cruise) but might not next time.  If you don't carry off, how soon are the bags in the terminal?

1 hour ago, warmwinds said: That's good to know....we carried off this time (our first VV cruise) but might not next time.  If you don't carry off, how soon are the bags in the terminal?

For Miami - it’s the most organized cruise departure I’ve ever had. They are sorted neatly arranged by floor and will be waiting for you (or at least should be) when you come down off the escalator in the terminal before you go through customs. 

Very quickly.....I suspect they start taking things off as soon as the ship docks very early in the morning.  If you forget and remove your luggage tags, your stateroom host will make new ones when you place your bags outside.....but that makes more work for the crew.

3 hours ago, greenenvy said: For Miami - it’s the most organized cruise departure I’ve ever had. They are sorted neatly arranged by floor and will be waiting for you (or at least should be) when you come down off the escalator in the terminal before you go through customs. 

It won't be Miami, it will be San Juan.  Our flight is not until 1 pm so we won't be in any real hurry.

In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

3 hours ago, warmwinds said:     In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

Yes, there is an area for each deck on the ship. All of our bags were together within the group.  And NO trouble finding my ugly suitcases!  I bought them for exactly that purpose--they stand out in a crowd.

7 hours ago, warmwinds said: It won't be Miami, it will be San Juan.  Our flight is not until 1 pm so we won't be in any real hurry.   In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

Yes - there is a sign/stand that says Deck 10 and all deck 10 suitcases will be in a row near that sign.   

Not sure how organized San Juan will be but probably similar! 


On 9/26/2023 at 8:04 AM, Surfguyxxx said: Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

I have to say, as a "what if they lose my luggage*" worrier (not saying it's rational), having your room ready when you board and then having your big luggage show up not long after that makes embark day so much less stressful.  (*and no I can't carry it on, I have never mastered the art of packing ultralight and I don't plan to. I do carry on all my 'important' stuff like meds and at least one change of clothes.)

If your luggage doesn't show up quickly on VV, contact Sailor Services well in advance of sail away so it can be located before the ship departs.  I've only once heard of a person claiming to have checked in luggage with a porter and not receiving it on the ship, but  with their history of rapid delivery of luggage, I wouldn't chance it if I didn't see it myself after any significant time delay.  Also, I'm a fan of Apple air tags.

3 hours ago, AlyssaJames said: I have to say, as a "what if they lose my luggage*" worrier (not saying it's rational), having your room ready when you board and then having your big luggage show up not long after that makes embark day so much less stressful.  (*and no I can't carry it on, I have never mastered the art of packing ultralight and I don't plan to. I do carry on all my 'important' stuff like meds and at least one change of clothes.)

We "carried off" but it wasn't "carry-on" luggage - we had 2 big rolling suitcases (both of which so big we have to check on the plane), PLUS our "carry on" purse and backpack.  It was nice to have the bags delivered on the front end but very easy to carry off on the back end (if you're in a hurry).

We carried on last time because we had experienced some rudeness from the luggage porter in Miami previously and because one bag was medical supplies/equipment and we couldn't risk losing that.  It was a pain, but not difficult. We found the luggage check in at the Barcelona terminal to be easier and didn't give me bad vibes.

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Cruise Luggage Tags and Holders – Frequently Asked Questions

cruise luggage tags and holders FAQ

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Can we talk about cruise luggage tags? If you’re going on a cruise, you might be wondering how you’ll get your luggage tags from the cruise line, what to do with them, and if you should buy cruise luggage tag holders.

In this post, I’ll be answering the frequently asked questions about cruise luggage tags, and also sharing the information you need to know about which cruise luggage tags holders are best.

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Cruise Luggage Tags F.A.Q.’s

cruise luggage tag holders

How will you get luggage tags for your cruise?

Once you complete your online check in on your cruise line’s website, you’ll be instructed to print out your cruise documents, which will include a boarding pass and luggage tags. The luggage tags will often be printed with your name, cruise ship, sailing date and cabin number.

If you’re in a guarantee cabin , your stateroom may not have been assigned, and the cabin number may be left blank. If this is the case, it’s just fine.

It’s a good idea to print out at least 2 luggage tags for each member of your family or travel party. A little extra cruise tip is to keep one “extra” with you and your cruise documents.

Can you order luggage tags through your cruise line?

In some cases, you can request adhesive printed luggage tags from your cruise line. This should be done after you receive a notification that your cruise documents or edocs are ready, however leave about 2 weeks before your cruise sailing date. This may not be available in every country, and may vary by cruise line.

You can check with your cruise line or travel agent for information specific to your booking.

Printing, folding and attaching cruise line luggage tags

It’s very simple to print your cruise ship luggage tags. I like to make several copies, so I have enough to label my cruise carry on bag, garment bag, as well as my regular size suitcases .

Instructions for how to fold the luggage tags will be on each paper (usually in 3). When folded, you can staple each luggage tag onto the handles of your luggage. Make sure to bring a mini stapler with you, especially if you go to a hotel a night before your cruise.

You may want to bring some scotch tape to reinforce the paper luggage tags as well.

cruise luggage tags

Should You Purchase Cruise Luggage Tag Holders?

Cruise luggage tags aren’t a necessity for cruising, however they do make things much easier. By using the plastic luggage tag holders , you eliminate the need for stapling and using tape, and won’t worry that paper luggage tags may fall off.

Cruise luggage tag holders are durable and reusable, and truly may be one of the best purchases you ever make for cruising .

Something to note is that some cruise lines use longer luggage tags, while others use shorter tags. Make sure to check to see which luggage tag holders are right for your cruise line. I’ve listed them below in this post for your convenience.

What if you forget your luggage tags at home?

In a worst case scenario, if you forget your luggage tags at home , you can ask the porters at the cruise terminal on boarding day for assistance. They will usually be able to provide you generic tags before embarkation .

Cruise Luggage Tags for Major Cruise Lines

cruise luggage tag holders FAQ's

Here are the cruise ship luggage tag holders needed for each cruise line. Click on the link or the photos for pricing information, reviews and details (on Amazon).

All cruise luggage tag holders are made of clear plastic and are in waterproof pouch will keep your luggage tags dry in all weather conditions. The stainless steel metal rings are durable and rust-proof when exposed to water.

Luggage tags: Carnival Cruise Line

virgin cruise luggage tags

Luggage tags: Celebrity Cruises

virgin cruise luggage tags

Luggage tags: Holland America Line

Luggage tags:  norwegian cruise line.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Luggage tags: Princess Cruise Line

Luggage tags: royal caribbean.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Luggage tags: MSC Cruises

virgin cruise luggage tags

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Regular price: $27 now just $17.

virgin cruise luggage tags

Planning a cruise? Here are some related posts that might be helpful

21 Best Luggage and Packing Accessories for a Cruise

What Toiletries to Pack for a Cruise

What to Pack for a Caribbean Cruise (packing list included)

25+ Most Recommended Amazon Items to Bring on a Cruise

23 Essentials to Pack in Your Cruise Carry-On Bag

Packing Cubes for Cruise Vacations

Have you used luggage tag holders for past cruises or do you print and staple? Please share your tips and experiences in the comments below.

Happy cruising!

If you found this article helpful, please pass it along. Please feel free to share on Facebook or PIN to your favorite Pinterest board (share buttons at the top). Thanks so much!

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' src=

Useful article! You can also create personalized luggage tags online.

' src=

I guess you can, although you will need to use the actual cruise line tags for boarding. Personalized or novelty luggage tags are good additions. Glad you liked the article.

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Is there one luggage tag holder that will fit all of the cruise line’s tags?

Not really, although it seems the shorter wider tags fit most. Longer tags are generally Royal Caribbean and Celebrity.

' src=

What’s the specific size dimensions for Carnival cruises please? I bought the 2.75 in x 4.125 in.

I don’t have the specific dimensions – you might find the answer in a Carnival facebook group or on cruise critic. If you bought the Carnival size on Amazon, that should be good (read the reviews if you aren’t sure).

Enjoy your cruise,

' src=

Hi Ilana, I’ve only begun to view your videos and read some bits of your (well-designed) website, and I’m already a fan of yours! You’re easy to understand, well-versed, easy to hear and extremely likable! Thank you for helping me prepare for our very first cruise together (as husband and wife) to embark in October on Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas. God Bless You!

Thanks for much for your kind comment. Your cruise sounds wonderful – I think you’ll love this ship.

' src=

Hi Ilana! Love your site! I’ve never used luggage tag holders before, but thought I’d try them for our Celebrity cruise this time. I ordered the ones specifically for Celebrity. When I print the tags in my edocs, they come out way smaller than the tag holders. Are they supposed to fit the exact width/height of the holders? I don’t seem to be able to print them out any larger.

Hi Louise, I wonder if it may a printer setting. I think the luggage tags usually print to a regular 8 x 11 paper size.It will likely be a bit smaller than the tag size. If you’re really not sure, perhaps it’s best to contact the cruise line.

Have a great cruise!

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8 Popular Cruise Luggage Tag Holders for Major Cruise Lines

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Are you heading on a cruise? Don’t forget to print your cruise luggage tags! Cruise luggage tags are a must and are provided by the cruise line. They come with your name, cabin number, and where you’ll be on the ship (AFT, FWD, or MID). They’re color-coded and often have a space for your address.

In the old days, cruise tags were mailed to you. With technology, you can print them at home or buy tag holders for that extra touch. They might mail them out weeks ahead if you’re in a suite or on a luxury cruise.

Mainstream cruise lines often have you print tags at home, which are included in your e-docs at check-in. Some, like Disney Cruise Lines, send them about two weeks before your sail date. And then there is Virgin Voyages, a cruise line that does it differently and provides no luggage tags until you get to the port.

featured blog image | cruise luggage tags title over a cart stacked with suitcases

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning we earn a commission at no extra cost. Please refer to our  full disclosure  for details.

In this article, we’ll review frequently asked questions, how to print and attach them, and the most popular cruise luggage tag holders on the market so you can choose what works best for you! What creative ways do you attach your cruise luggage tags? Let us know in the comments!

Table of Contents

Luggage Tag Holders for Major Cruise Lines

cruise luggage tags

Our suitcases are ready with luggage tags in our hotel room for embarkation.

If you must print your cruise luggage tags before your cruise, you may want to invest in luggage tag holders. The idea of stapling a piece of paper to your suitcase handle may make you uneasy as it is not the most solid way to attach your cruise luggage tags.

We recommend the following luggage tag for the following cruise lines:

  • Norwegian Cruise Line
  • Carnival Cruise Line
  • Royal Caribbean Cruise
  • Princess Cruises
  • Holland America Line
  • MSC Cruises
  • Celebrity Cruises
  • One Size Fits Most

All the tag holders below come with a waterproof sleeve to slip your at-home printed cruise luggage tags. The stainless steel metal rings attach easily to your luggage handle.

If you’re an avid cruiser with a particular cruise line, consider the cruise luggage tag holders a small investment.

luggage sitting inside cruise cabin

The luggage was delivered to our cabin. See the cruise luggage tags attached to the handles.

Norwegian Cruise Line Luggage Tag Holders

NCL Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits Printed (Not Mailed) Norwegian Cruise Line Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

Unless you’re cruising the Haven, you must print your tags at home and attach them to your luggage. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed for NCL luggage tags .

We purchased these recently before sailing on the Norwegian. They worked as advertised. Now, we are saving them for our next NCL cruise.

Don’t Miss: 10 Convincing Reasons to Cruise Norwegian Cruise Line

Carnival Cruise Line Luggage Tag Holders

Carnival Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Carnival Cruise Line Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

You will need to print your tags for a Carnival cruise. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Carnival luggage tags .

Royal Caribbean Luggage Tag Holders

Royal Caribbean Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Royal Caribbean Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

You will need to print your tags for a Royal Caribbean cruise. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Royal Caribbean luggage tags.

Princess Cruises Luggage Tag Holders

Princess Cruise Ship Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Princess Ships & Tags for Cruising in 2023 & 2024

You will need to print your tags for Princess cruises. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Princess luggage tags .

Holland America Luggage Tag Holders

Holland America Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Holland America Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

You will need to print your tags for a Holland America cruise. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Holland America luggage tags .

MSC Cruise Luggage Tag Holders

MSC Cruise Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All MSC Cruise Line Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

You will need to print your tags for an MSC cruise. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for MSC luggage tags .

Celebrity Cruises Luggage Tag Holders

Celebrity Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Celebrity Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024

In the past, Celebrity has mailed luggage tags to us before our sail date on the Celebrity Equinox . However, this has changed; you may need to print your tags for a Celebrity cruise.

We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Celebrity luggage tags . We recently ordered and used them for the first time without any issues on our most recent Celebrity Solstice cruise, and now we have them for future cruises with Celebrity.

Luggage Tag Holders with Most Cruise Lines

Highwind Cruise Luggage Tags for Suitcases | Compatible w/All Cruise Lines | E-tag Holders Zip Seal&Steel Loops | ID Badge | Waterproof Clear Cruise Tags (8pk, Clear)

These one-size-fits-most tags are mostly compatible with most cruise lines.

How do you attach cruise luggage tags?

No luggage tag holders? Here are a few creative tips for attaching your printed luggage tags without luggage tag holders:

  • You can print them on cardstock paper instead of regular paper. This way, the tags are slightly sturdier when you fold them on the sides and staple them to your suitcase handle.
  • Laminate the tags at home or at your nearby office supply store. Punch a hole at the top, then use a plastic zip tie to secure it to your luggage tag.
  • Print them out, whether on cardstock or regular paper (I prefer cardstock), and cut them to size into a long strip. Then, use clear packaging tape on the front and back to make your own laminated tag at home. Once this is done, loop it around your luggage handle and staple it on the sides. This is how we did it many times before purchasing luggage tags.

Do you need cruise luggage tags?

A cruise luggage tag is necessary if you plan to drop off your luggage with the porter on embarkation day. The tag lets the cruise line know where to drop off the luggage once it’s on the ship and to your cabin.

What happens if you have to print the cruise luggage tags at home?

If you have to print your own cruise luggage tags at home, don’t worry, it’s easy! The cruise line will send you an email when your e-docs are ready. You will sign in to your account, look for your e-docs, and click where it says “print cruise luggage tags.” A PDF will download, and you can print the cruise luggage tags home.

Where should I attach my cruise luggage tag?

You should attach the cruise luggage tag to the top handle of your suitcase.

Do cruise luggage tags have to be printed in color?

We recommend printing it in color to make it easier for the porters and cruise line. Black and white printed cruise tags may make it more difficult for the cruise line to organize and deliver your luggage to your cabin.

What happens if you don’t own a printer?

If you don’t have a printer at home, you can try to print the cruise luggage tags at a local print shop or office supply store. You can also wait to get to the port to request them. However, if you are staying at a hotel the night before your cruise, you can ask the front desk to print it for you, or they’ll have a guest computer and printer for you to use.

Should you purchase cruise luggage tag holders?

It’s not required, but we think it makes it easier. You don’t have to worry about ruined or lost cruise luggage tags.

Can I get luggage tags at the port?

You can get luggage tags at the port, which may or may not add to your check-in process. The lines for luggage check-in and tags can sometimes be long, depending on the cruise port/terminal. The best way is to find a porter, tip them, and they’ll provide you with a luggage tag.


  • Steps to Prepare for a Cruise
  • Cruise Packing List Essentials
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virgin cruise luggage tags

Meet Kathy Ava, a food, travel, and cruise writer based in Los Angeles/Pasadena, and the owner and main writer of Tasty Itinerary. With over 20 years of experience planning trips and logistics at her full-time job and for herself, she's become a pro at crafting unforgettable tasty itineraries. She's always on the hunt for delicious, fun travel destinations and cruise itineraries. She firmly believes that life is short and we must make the most of it, so always say yes to dessert.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Luggage Tags FAQs
  • FAQs Overview

Are bag tags still available for guests who prefer to receive them prior to traveling to the ship?

  • Yes, we are able to send the bag tags electronically, so guests can print as many as they’d like prior to joining the ship. While we are no longer shipping the tags, the digital option allows guests to travel with as many bags as they prefer.
  • If guests choose to print the electronic tags, we recommend reinforcing them with a plastic or leather tag holder. Some guests even choose to laminate their baggage tags.

If a guest chooses to opt-out of the electronic bag tag, what are their options?

  • Luggage tags will be available at the pier for guests who prefer to use this service at the terminal prior to boarding.
  • It takes just a few minutes to acquire the tags and fill out your information with the porter. Please make sure you know your stateroom number and room location.

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Cruise Luggage Tags

Helping your cruise luggage get where it needs to be

Cruise Luggage

More Secure

Ensure that your luggage gets to where it needs to be.  Our cruise luggage tag holders ensure all your goods will be seen and delivered.  The metal connector ensures the tag is securely attached to your luggage – it sure beats stapling the paper forms together at the port!

Tourist taking photo of a building

Clear To All

The clear plastic holder displays your room ovation tag so that it can easily be seen.  We ensure that each holder is the perfect size for each cruise line, so you won’t have to stuff an ill-fitting tag into a tight space.

Shop Cruise Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise Line

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  • Virgin Voyages
  • Virgin Voyages

Stateroom baggage tags

By scottie99 , September 14, 2023 in Virgin Voyages

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Cool Cruiser

It just occurred to me ( and after 50+ cruises, it should have previously!) that our TA have not sent us tags for getting bags to cabin.

Have I missed an option on the App to print these?

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When you arrive at the port, the porter will write out and attach the bag tags. There is not an option to print in advance.



No pre-printed Bag Tags. The porters will tag your bags at the terminal. Yet another thing VV does differently. 🙂  

3,000+ Club

And if you walk up with your mouth open saying "uh, uh, I THINK this is our cabin number" not to worry, they have an alphabetical list.


Absolutely no worried, no matter which port or which baggage drop off location you use (in BCN, there were 2 options!). The porter or VV crew member will print your tags and apply them.  THey just need your name.  Keep the tags on the bags--they are also used for disembarkation so your host does not need to re-tag things.  Not needed if you are doing self disembarkation. The other thing VV does differently with bags is that we have always had them in our cabin 15-20 minutes after our check in!


The porters in Miami use a ‘high tech’ Sharpie to write the names and cabin numbers on the tag. 🙂

1 hour ago, raphael360 said: The porters in Miami use a ‘high tech’ Sharpie to write the names and cabin numbers on the tag. 🙂

And the bags got to our cabin in record time.  No complaints

  • 2 weeks later...


On 9/15/2023 at 7:34 PM, warmwinds said: And the bags got to our cabin in record time.  No complaints

Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

43 minutes ago, Surfguyxxx said: Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

We dropped our carry ons, met our room steward, checked out the cabin, read all the literature on the desk, then said "let's go explore the ship" - opened the door and there they were.  YMMV

Took two hours for luggage last Sunday on Valiant Lady. Think that’s the slowest I’ve ever seen it.

Our bags have arrived at the cabin door less than 30 minutes after we boarded on each of our VV sailings.  By the time we dropped our carry ons, met our cabin steward, and used the restroom,  our bags were at the door.

A few things to note - make sure the writing of the porter is legible. I bring my own Sharpie and rewrite neatly if necessary. Make sure the A or Z is included. And do not remove your tags for the duration of the cruise because they are used when you disembark as well (assuming you don’t plan to carry off your luggage). 

1 hour ago, greenenvy said: A few things to note - make sure the writing of the porter is legible. I bring my own Sharpie and rewrite neatly if necessary. Make sure the A or Z is included. And do not remove your tags for the duration of the cruise because they are used when you disembark as well (assuming you don’t plan to carry off your luggage). 

That's good to know....we carried off this time (our first VV cruise) but might not next time.  If you don't carry off, how soon are the bags in the terminal?

1 hour ago, warmwinds said: That's good to know....we carried off this time (our first VV cruise) but might not next time.  If you don't carry off, how soon are the bags in the terminal?

For Miami - it’s the most organized cruise departure I’ve ever had. They are sorted neatly arranged by floor and will be waiting for you (or at least should be) when you come down off the escalator in the terminal before you go through customs. 

Very quickly.....I suspect they start taking things off as soon as the ship docks very early in the morning.  If you forget and remove your luggage tags, your stateroom host will make new ones when you place your bags outside.....but that makes more work for the crew.

3 hours ago, greenenvy said: For Miami - it’s the most organized cruise departure I’ve ever had. They are sorted neatly arranged by floor and will be waiting for you (or at least should be) when you come down off the escalator in the terminal before you go through customs. 

It won't be Miami, it will be San Juan.  Our flight is not until 1 pm so we won't be in any real hurry.

In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

3 hours ago, warmwinds said:     In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

Yes, there is an area for each deck on the ship. All of our bags were together within the group.  And NO trouble finding my ugly suitcases!  I bought them for exactly that purpose--they stand out in a crowd.

7 hours ago, warmwinds said: It won't be Miami, it will be San Juan.  Our flight is not until 1 pm so we won't be in any real hurry.   In Miami, when you say "arranged by floor" do you mean all Deck 10 are in this group, all Deck 11 are in this group, etc?

Yes - there is a sign/stand that says Deck 10 and all deck 10 suitcases will be in a row near that sign.   

Not sure how organized San Juan will be but probably similar! 


On 9/26/2023 at 8:04 AM, Surfguyxxx said: Now this I gotta see.  Last RC cruise, I didn't get luggage till after dinner.  Jezzzzzzzzzzz.  🤔

I have to say, as a "what if they lose my luggage*" worrier (not saying it's rational), having your room ready when you board and then having your big luggage show up not long after that makes embark day so much less stressful.  (*and no I can't carry it on, I have never mastered the art of packing ultralight and I don't plan to. I do carry on all my 'important' stuff like meds and at least one change of clothes.)

If your luggage doesn't show up quickly on VV, contact Sailor Services well in advance of sail away so it can be located before the ship departs.  I've only once heard of a person claiming to have checked in luggage with a porter and not receiving it on the ship, but  with their history of rapid delivery of luggage, I wouldn't chance it if I didn't see it myself after any significant time delay.  Also, I'm a fan of Apple air tags.

3 hours ago, AlyssaJames said: I have to say, as a "what if they lose my luggage*" worrier (not saying it's rational), having your room ready when you board and then having your big luggage show up not long after that makes embark day so much less stressful.  (*and no I can't carry it on, I have never mastered the art of packing ultralight and I don't plan to. I do carry on all my 'important' stuff like meds and at least one change of clothes.)

We "carried off" but it wasn't "carry-on" luggage - we had 2 big rolling suitcases (both of which so big we have to check on the plane), PLUS our "carry on" purse and backpack.  It was nice to have the bags delivered on the front end but very easy to carry off on the back end (if you're in a hurry).

We carried on last time because we had experienced some rudeness from the luggage porter in Miami previously and because one bag was medical supplies/equipment and we couldn't risk losing that.  It was a pain, but not difficult. We found the luggage check in at the Barcelona terminal to be easier and didn't give me bad vibes.

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  1. Luggage Tags, Handling and Allowances on Virgin Voyages

    Virgin Voyages makes luggage a simple process by not requiring print outs of luggage tags. Understanding the logistics can help you can ensure a smooth embarkation process and make the most of your cruise experience. Remember to prepare your cabin number in advance for luggage tagging. Consider tipping practices based on your sailing location.

  2. Pre-cruise docs & luggage tags

    April 19, 2012. USA. #3. Posted November 23, 2022. In October, they did it all at the terminal. The luggage tags are more like airline tags than other cruise line tags, and they are not mailed. The porters verify your name and cabin number and show it to you on the tag as they place the tags on the suitcases.

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    Wristbands and luggage tags. Many cruise lines send you luggage tags ahead of time, so you can attach them to your bags and the porters know where to bring your stuff when you arrive. At VV, you drop your luggage off upon arrival, the porters ask you for your cabin number, and they put it on a VV baggage tag, similar to the ones they use at the ...

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  5. Help & Support

    Need help getting the As to your Qs? Hit the big, red button below and reach out to our Sailor Services Crew. Get in touch. Get all your questions answered about your upcoming cruise on Virgin Voyages. Read our FAQs and our help and support topics to prepare for your voyage.

  6. Virgin Voyages Boarding Process › This Cruise Life

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  8. Stateroom baggage tags

    Virgin Voyages ; Stateroom baggage tags Stateroom baggage tags. By scottie99, Yesterday at 08:29 PM in Virgin Voyages . Share ... scotland #1 Share; Posted yesterday at 08:29 PM. It just occurred to me ( and after 50+ cruises, it should have previously!) that our TA have not sent us tags for getting bags to cabin. Have I missed an option on the ...

  9. Luggage Labels

    March 25, 2017. #2. Posted March 11, 2022. When we were on Scarlet Lady last year from Portsmouth they took the luggage from us at the covid test site, ticked our names off a list and made out labels there which they attached for us. The bags were then loaded on to a van and taken to the ship while we went for our tests.

  10. Port Information

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  11. Pre-Voyage Policies

    Small quantities of water, protein based drinks, non-alcoholic beer, or soft drinks in boxes and cans are permitted in hand luggage only. Drinks in bottles (glass or plastic) are not permitted. A small quantity is considered a maximum of twelve (12) sealed, unopened cans/cartons of twelve 12 ounces each or less per person.

  12. Stateroom baggage tags

    Cruise Lines "P - Z" Virgin Voyages ; Stateroom baggage tags Stateroom baggage tags. By scottie99, September 14, 2023 in Virgin Voyages. Share ... If you forget and remove your luggage tags, your stateroom host will make new ones when you place your bags outside.....but that makes more work for the crew. 1 Link to comment ...

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  14. Cruise Luggage Tags: Every Question Answered!

    How to print luggage tags for a cruise. When booking a cruise, you will receive e-documents either in an email or on an online account which you have to log in to. There should be a section with text such as "print cruise luggage tags.". Click on this, and a PDF will download. From here, you can print the cruise luggage tags at home.

  15. I took my first Virgin Voyages cruise and it was very different. Here

    You will receive your luggage tags and The Band when you arrive at the port. This means you don't have to print your luggage tags in advance, making for a stress-free embarkation day. 15. Virtual Muster Drill. On a Virgin cruise, they have a virtual muster drill. The muster drill process takes around 15 minutes, and it's straightforward.

  16. Cruise Luggage Tags and Holders

    The luggage tags will often be printed with your name, cruise ship, sailing date and cabin number. If you're in a guarantee cabin, your stateroom may not have been assigned, and the cabin number may be left blank. If this is the case, it's just fine. It's a good idea to print out at least 2 luggage tags for each member of your family or ...

  17. Luggage Tags

    1025cruise. 11.6k. June 14, 2009. Northeast. #6. Posted 8 hours ago. When you get to the port, you show the porter your pass, they will then mark some tags and affix to your luggage. Leave those tags on your luggage, as they are also your disembarkation tags.

  18. 8 Popular Cruise Luggage Tag Holders for Major Cruise Lines

    Princess Cruises Luggage Tag Holders. Princess Cruise Ship Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Princess Ships & Tags for Cruising in 2023 & 2024. You will need to print your tags for Princess cruises. We recommend these clear plastic luggage tag holders designed specifically for Princess luggage tags.

  19. Cruise luggage tag holders for every cruise line

    Cruise On offers a pack of four luggage tags on Amazon for those sailing on Royal Caribbean or Celebrity. The tags, which are priced at $12.99, are highly recommended by customers, with an overall rating of 4.8/5. There are no restrictions as to which ships these tags will work for. You can use them for sailings on vessels as new as Icon of the ...

  20. FAQs: How to Prepare & Tag Your Luggage

    Luggage tags will be available at the pier for guests who prefer to use this service at the terminal prior to boarding. It takes just a few minutes to acquire the tags and fill out your information with the porter. Please make sure you know your stateroom number and room location.

  21. Cruise Luggage Tags

    More Secure. Ensure that your luggage gets to where it needs to be. Our cruise luggage tag holders ensure all your goods will be seen and delivered. The metal connector ensures the tag is securely attached to your luggage - it sure beats stapling the paper forms together at the port!

  22. Newbie Embarkation Questions

    If you are placing your luggage outside on the last night, you leave the same luggage tags attached. If you remove them, you make more work for your cabin steward as he will have to print new ones. They will be arranged in the terminal by floor. If you are doing self disembarkation, you can take them off.

  23. Stateroom baggage tags

    Cruise Lines "P - Z" Virgin Voyages ; Stateroom baggage tags Stateroom baggage tags. By scottie99, September 14, 2023 in Virgin Voyages. Share ... If you forget and remove your luggage tags, your stateroom host will make new ones when you place your bags outside.....but that makes more work for the crew. 1 Link to comment ...

  24. Bringing logic to airport luggage delivery: Travel Weekly

    Nonetheless, nine times out of 10, the entirety of a flight's luggage eventually falls onto a carousel in a seemingly random order, priority tags notwithstanding.