trinity walking tour

Tour Overview

" Bring your imaginatio n and join me for a 2  hour stroll along the lane of Trinity.  Along the way I will relate the story of the town through its peoples; the Beothuk Indians, the French, the Irish, and the English. You will experience its magnificent built and human history through stories, photos, burial records, shipwrecks, and disasters as you time travel thro ugh Newfoundland history in the magical setting of Trinity."

IMG_7861.JPG A visit with my gggg grandmother

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin

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Trinity launches ‘Trinity Trails’ campus walking tours

Posted on: 21 June 2022

Trinity College Dublin launches Trinity Trails; a new in-person guided and multimedia self-guided walking tours of Trinity.

Trinity launches ‘Trinity Trails’ campus walking tours

Departing from the bell tower (the Campanile) in Trinity’s Front Square, visitors enjoy a 45-minute guided or self-guided loop of the campus, exploring and discovering Trinity’s hidden gems. The Trail completes by The Old Library where visitors can either continue their journey into the Book of Kells and Old Library exhibition, or enjoy lunch or coffee at one of Trinity’s restaurants and cafes.

Over 30 Trinity contributors from 14 schools and departments were involved in developing the content and compelling stories that make Trinity Trails so unique. The cross-campus collaboration included academics, staff, students and researchers who are all passionate about highlighting Trinity’s rich history and heritage across each of their areas of expertise.

Key points of interest along the trail include the Old Anatomy Museum, Museum Building, Rose Garden and Zoological Museum. Visitors who opt for the Self-Guided Tour have access to immersive 360 tours and AR experiences with highlights including engaging with two of the Zoological Museum's most precious artefacts – bringing to life Prince Tom the Royal Elephant or the Great Auk which has been extinct since the 1800s.

Visitors to Trinity can also enjoy affordable overnight stays in the heart of campus with heritage bedrooms available to book throughout the Summer months. Choose from singles, twins, doubles or apartments that sleep up to 6 people, and wake up to a delicious breakfast served in The Buttery café.

Trinity Trails tickets can be booked via  and Self-Guided Tours can be accessed by downloading the  Visit Trinity App  available on the Apple and Google store. Rooms are available from €100 per night at . Proceeds generated by Trinity Trails and Summer Accommodation are reinvested back into the College to support the academic mission of the university and fund development projects and conservation programmes.

Speaking about Trinity Trails,  Chief Operating Officer, Orla Cunningham, says:

 “From the beginning, this has been a collaborative cross-campus partnership, with over 30 contributors from 14 departments giving so generously of their time and expertise to uncover the hidden gems and deliver the compelling stories that make the Trinity Trails so unique. We are delighted to welcome visitors, alumni and students alike to enjoy the Trinity campus in a way they may never have seen before and discover our 430 years of history and heritage.”

Patrick Wyse Jackson, Head of School of Natural Sciences, Associate Professor of Geology and Curator, Geological Museum says:

“Trinity Trails brings to life the city centre campus of Trinity.  Visitors learn and understand the significance of the evolving architectural heritage of the College, from the iconic Georgian buildings such as the West Front that opens onto cobbled squares to the Victorian Museum Building with its polychromatic columns and naturalistic carvings, and the more recent Business School with a planted exterior green wall. Perhaps more importantly, visitors will comprehend the wide-ranging work of the university over four centuries and the importance that staff, students and alumni have made to global culture, literature and sciences through teaching, learning, research and innovation.”
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Trinity College: Top-Ranked Dublin Tour

trinity walking tour

Trinity College , located in the heart of Dublin, is Ireland’s oldest university. It was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I. The monarch wanted to create an institution in Ireland modeled after Oxford and Cambridge. The iconic university campus appears in movies and novels.

trinity walking tour

Trinity College looms large when I first encountered it during the Christmas season walking down Grafton Street, Dublin’s most prestigious shopping corridor. The university’s tall walls cannot be breached so it feels like a castle more than a college.

Architecture buffs will be drawn to the historic buildings, cobblestone sidewalks, and marble statues stationed on the green. (I also highly recommend touring 14 Henrietta Street , a townhouse-turned-tenement museum, and the James Joyce Centre .)

Rather than skirting the brick wall or simply walking under the ancient front arches and peeking into the green on my daily rambles in the city, I wanted to learn more about Trinity College’s most famous professors, students, and ghosts.

Table of Contents

Trinity Trails

Trinity College offers “Trinity Trails,” a 75-minute guided tour of the campus, seven days a week that includes access to the Old Library and Book of Kells. (Check out my video tour on Instagram.)

trinity walking tour

A ticket costs 29 euros for one adult or 65 euros for a family (two adults and two children). There is also a free self-guided tour. A campus-only tour costs 15 euros.

“Take an immersive guided walking tour through the rich cultural heritage of Trinity College Dublin. Learn about world famous alumni, discover ancient buildings and get an insight in to the cutting-edge innovations of Ireland’s leading University.” Trinity Tours

Trip Advisor Award

In my opinion, this is a must-see Dublin tour. In fact, Trip Advisor honored Trinity University with its 2022 Traveller’s Choice award. It is ranked #7 of 671 things to do in Dublin.

“This is an incredibly pretty school, the grounds and the architecture are amazing. I love beautiful old buildings, Trinity College has some incredible buildings inside and out.” Trip Advisor review

My guide was a former student who now works for the college. “Trinity College was exclusively Protestant until the 1970s. It used to be an old Augustinian monastery. You can still see evidence today. The remains of the monastery are below ground,” she explained.

trinity walking tour

The average age of university buildings ranges from 1780 to 1790. The style is Georgian architecture. But the “oldest” buildings date back to 1702.

For the first three centuries, only male students could enroll at Dublin University All this changed in January 1904 when Marion Weir Johnston, Averina Shegog, and Ellen Tuckey entered Dublin College. They were given full academic status. (We would learn more about a provost who resisted any female student matriculating at Trinity University during our tour!)

Student Life

We learned that students attend “Commons,” which is the dinner meal, which begins precisely at 6:15 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. Dining is limited to 45 minutes. “You must eat fast,” laughed the guide. Students can also order Guinness beer with this meal because “the Guinness family is a big patron of the university.” In fact, the portrait of the Earl of Guinness hangs in the building.

Trinity College is home to the oldest student societies, including a philosophical society and a historical society. But the former hasn’t run continuously since it was temporarily disbanded due to student hijinks. “The 1730s were a rough decade for the university. There was a strong Jacobite faction James on the throne,” said the guide.

Trinity College Ghost

In fact, drunk students murdered Edward Ford (former student and fellow) in 1734 in Building 25. He lived in the Rubrics, which is Trinity’s oldest building. Ford was disliked by students as “obstinate and ill-judging man” and interfered with student affairs.

The drunk students threw bricks up at his window during the cover of the night. He whipped out a pistol and shot at them through the broken window pane. They returned later with firearms and shot him. He died two hours later.

“It is believed that Ford’s ghost still lingers at his old residency, and he is said to wander around the Rubrics, dressed in wig, gown, and knee breeches.” Trinity News

His ghost reportedly still stalks the hallways of the student dormitory around the doorway of 25. “There are reports of shadowy figures walking the halls. Four students were charged with murder but the judge threw it out. Students told different stories. The university expelled the four students. Students say the room is haunted.”

Haunted Bell Tower

The dormitories aren’t the only place haunted. Students also avoid the university’s Bell Tower (known as the Campanile). It was built in 1852. The legend is a student will fail all their exams if they walk underneath the Campanile as the bell tolls within the tower.

Since the bell rings at irregular intervals, there is no guarantee that a student won’t get caught. “You don’t see students walk under the Bell Tower. They’ll fail all their exams if the bell rings. But students will run under when they graduate,” said the guide. It is considered a mark of triumph over the Curse of the Campanile.

(Hint: You can visit college green without paying for a tour if you want to take an Instagram photo.)

There is one loophole. If the student can reach Provost George Salmon’s statue before the bell stops ringing and touch his foot, he is saved.

Salmon’s Statue

Interestingly, Salmon is the provost who refused to let women matriculate at Dublin College. He vowed no woman would ever study at Trinity. But despite his opposition to female students, women students began attending Dublin College in 1904.

trinity walking tour

“He did great things for the university. He famously said ‘under my dead body will a woman attend this college.’ On the day he died, the first women students entered Dublin University,” said our guide.

Apparently, Salmon is quite famous with current female students who like to show him up. “On graduation day, women line up to take their picture with him,” she added.

Museum Building (Exterior)

I realized that Trinity College is truly a “living museum” when our guide took us to see the Museum Building. You don’t want to miss this structure which is a virtual zoo! We went on a “visual scavenger hunt” trying to identify the sculptures of animals that perched on the structure.

Home to the Geology Department for over 160 years, this Museum Building was built between 1853-1857. Architects Thomas Deane and Benjamin Woodward designed it. Their inspiration was Venice’s Byzantine architecture.

The architects used multiple and contrasting forms of marble, including Calp Limestone and faced with Ballyknockan granite (exterior walls), Portland stone from Dorset (quoins, columns and capitals), and Caen stone from France (tympanum). The college crest sits above the heavy wooden door.

It was no surprise to me when I learned the exterior amounted to just under half the cost for the entire building.

trinity walking tour

I was amazed by the intricate exterior carvings of florals and animals on the building. In fact, John and James O’Shea used fresh flowers to carve their floral leaves and flowers. 

We stood several minutes outside the building trying to identify where the O’Shea brothers hid the animals. 

“The building is like an Aesop fable,” declared the guide. “You’ll see sculptures of cats, monkeys, and foxes.”

Museum Building (Interior)

The fantastical architecture continues inside the Museum Building. I discovered a dinosaur skulking in the lobby. (This building reminded me of the Smithsonian Castle in Washington, DC. It was also constructed in the 1850s. The Norman Revival style of architecture.)

trinity walking tour

When you enter the main entrance hall, you step back into the Victorian age. There are large (Irish) marble pillars, balustrades, and banisters.

trinity walking tour

The domed roof features blue, red, and yellow enameled bricks. At the end of the hall, students and professors must climb two sweeping marble staircases to get to the second floor. Their voices bounce off the canyon-like space.

“This elaborate and much-celebrated historical building is central to Trinity’s campus, a focal point for all students, and represents Geology’s long and rich academic history.” Trinity College

trinity walking tour

Rose Garden

After leaving Deane’s Museum Building, our group meanders down to the Rose Garden. What a lovely place where students can escape after classes or exams.

trinity walking tour

While the rose might be considered special property of Britain, poet William Butler Yeats often incorporated the rose as a symbol for Ireland. 

“Red rose, proud rose…Rose of all my days!” William Butler Yeats

Interestingly, the black rose was a code word for Ireland since English law banned reference to Ireland as a nation.

The green space features benches as well as a velvet lawn for lounging. (Hint: Visitors can also avail themselves of this rest stop since the entrance to Trinity University’s courtyard is free.)

Self-Guided Tour

There is also the option of paying 5 euros to listen to a tour guide on a Trinity University app. It is billed as “perfect for the independent traveler, who wants to experience Trinity’s rich culture and heritage at their own pace.”

This tour features 14 “points of interest” across the campus. It includes a virtual tour, virtual artifacts, and audio commentary by subject matter experts. The Visit Trinity App can be downloaded in the App Store and on Google Play .

trinity walking tour

My name is Terri Markle. I love to travel & blog about it. Please join me on my adventures.

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Forest Wild

' data-src=

This tour sounds awesome! I love incredible architecture and history, which it sounds like this tour has, and the haunted elements are so much fun too. Thanks for sharing this, I’ll keep it on my radar if I am ever in Dublin!

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I do hope you get to visit Ireland soon. I can’t believe I waited so long to tour Dublin. It is a writer’s dream city.

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Looks like a fun way to spend an afternoon. I am a fan of architecture, so I am sure I would enjoy taking lots of pictures.

Me too! I took a lot of videos so I can remember what I saw. But I wish I took more photos,especially of the watch tower. I will post the video on my Instagram page.

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This is such a beautiful college. I’d love to visit it someday.

I agree! The campus is absolutely beautiful to explore. It was fun to have an alumni give the walking tour.

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Catherine - Savvy Family Travel

I’ve been twice but still haven’t done a full tour, this is fascinating! We are heading to Dublin in November so I need to make it a priority!

Check out all my posts on Dublin. This was my first time visiting Ireland in December. I wore myself out exploring the city. There are wonderful walking tours at the history museums. You will enjoy!

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I was there ages ago and your post is a lovely reminder of my time there and in Ireland. Your photos are great I don’t think I saw all that I should have!

Even though it was freezing cold in Dublin (there was actually snow on the ground), I still thoroughly enjoyed my campus tour. I am glad that my post reminded you of your visit to Trinity College.

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This is definitely on my list of places to see when in Dublin. Great photos and description.

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A Capone Connection

I’ve never given much thought about touring a college before but this is genius! I love architecture (studied it in college) and so many colleges have incredible architecture to look at. Thank you so much for sharing!

If you studied architecture, then you really should take this tour when you visit Dublin.

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Karen Warren

The last time I was in Dublin, I wondered about visiting Trinity college. I wasn’t sure what the hype was for it, but this post gives me a lot of information about why I should have taken the tour. Sounds fascinating.

I definitely think that you’ll enjoy the tour.

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Thanks for sharing this experience! I visited Trinity College grounds last year, but didn’t have a chance to see the inside. Next time I’ll consider joining this tour for sure!

I highly recommend.

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I wish I would have done this Dublin tour when I was there! What an incredible place! I love tours like this always because you always learn the most interesting facts about the place.

I almost didn’t didn’t the money for the guided tour but I decided I really wanted to learn about the college’s history.

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I loved Trinity! So much history!

I agree. I was so glad that I took the tour.

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Linnea Jordan

I need to go back to Dublin!! These are amazing tips!

I agree! There is so much to do in Dublin.

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Andrea Cannon

The story about the ghost is intense. Sounds like a very interesting tour.

Reportedly there are two other ghosts that haunt the college!

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I’ve done this tour of Trinity College and loved it. Your post brought back wonderful memories.

I am glad the article brought back good memories!

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This looks so fun! I’ve only visited the incredible library at Trinity College, but looks like I should have taken more time for the campus!

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We visited Trinity College but didn’t have time to go on a tour of it properly. Next time I’ll have to add it to the itinerary because it looks great.

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Trinity College is amazing with all of the architecture and history!!! Hoping to some day visit and check out the Museum Thank you for your wonderful information

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Jenn | By Land and Sea

We are headed to Ireland in April so I’m loving all of these posts about things to do and see!

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A lot of hauntings going on at Trinity! I never would have found this tour on my own!

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Trinity College looks absolutely stunning! I would totally love to study here, it must feel very special!

“Come out here where the roses have opened. Let soul and world meet.” – Rumi #shawdc #mycooldc #visitdc #mvtcid 🌹


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  • Also assisting with pilgrimage leadership is the Rev. Michael Caines who is making his second pilgrimage.  Michael will assist with both logistics and worship. 
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Downtown Natchez Alliance now taking applications for façade grants

Published 4:27 pm Friday, June 28, 2024

By Sabrina Simms Robertson

trinity walking tour

NATCHEZ — Building owners and lessors in the Historic Downtown Natchez Main Street District have until an Aug. 2 deadline to apply for grant funds available through the American Rescue Plan Act for balcony, awning, and façade improvements.

A total of $160,000 has been made available for disbursement through the non-profit Downtown Natchez Alliance with the goal of transforming the Natchez cityscape, extending the life of historic downtown buildings and promoting downtown living and tourism.

The program may fund up to 75 percent of approved project costs with property owners expected to match funds with their own.

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Eligible projects include the recreation or repair of original balconies; installation or repair of awnings, façade improvements tied to the development of upper floors for residents; or projects that extend the life of historic buildings via structural or masonry stabilization, waterproofing, for or window restoration, professional rehabilitation or painting.

The projects can only be within the Historic Downtown Natchez Main Street District, which extends from the bluff to Orange Avenue and from Madison Street to Orleans Street.

Grant applications will be scored and DNA will decide who shall get the funds, DNA Director Kevin Miers said.

The grants are divided into two portions, $100,000 for balconies and $60,000 for awnings and facades.

Because these are government dollars being used on private businesses, DNA will not be giving anyone checks, Mires said. Rather, the organization will bid out the projects and pay the contractors directly.

For more information about the grant program, email [email protected] or visit .

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Browse Walks in Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast, RU

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Exploring the History and Culture of Elektrostal: A 2-Hour Walking Tour

This two-hour walking tour of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia, will take you through the city’s vibrant streets and squares, giving you a chance to explore the city’s unique culture and history. The tour will begin at the Elektrostal City Hall (Address: ul. Lenina, 1, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can admire the building’s impressive architecture and learn about the city’s history. Next, you will head to the Elektrostal Museum of Local Lore (Address: ul. Lenina, 2, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This museum is home to a variety of artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the city’s past. From there, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Central Market (Address: ul. Lenina, 3, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can browse the stalls and pick up some souvenirs or local delicacies. Afterwards, you will head to the Elektrostal Cathedral (Address: ul. Lenina, 4, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This beautiful church is a great place to admire the city’s architecture and take in the atmosphere. Next, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Art Gallery (Address: ul. Lenina, 5, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can admire the works of local artists and learn about the city’s art scene. Afterwards, you will head to the Elektrostal Park (Address: ul. Lenina, 6, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). This park is a great place to take a break and relax in the shade of the trees. Finally, you will make your way to the Elektrostal Shopping Center (Address: ul. Lenina, 7, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045). Here, you can find a variety of shops and restaurants, as well as a cinema. Along the way, you can also stop at some of the city’s interesting shops and eateries. For example, you can visit the Kofein Coffee Shop (Address: ul. Lenina, 8, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045) for a cup of coffee and a snack, or the Kvartal Pub (Address: ul. Lenina, 9, Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Latitude/Longitude: 55.814092, 38.445045) for a beer and some traditional Russian food.

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Villagers at Trinity College Dublin: Stage times, set list, ticket information, weather and more

Everything you need to know about the band’s concert on saturday, june 29th, which is part of the summer series at trinity college.

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Villagers frontman Conor O'Brien performing at All Together Now festival in 2023. Photograph: Glen Bollard

Conor O’Brien and Villagers will play a hometown concert on Saturday, June 29th at the Summer Series at Trinity College Dublin .

Over the past 15 years, O’Brien has delivered a series of remarkable albums, both rich in articulate lyrics and musical dexterity, that have won him awards and many admirers across the globe. O’Brien has picked up two Ivor Novello Awards for songwriting, been nominated twice for the Mercury Music Prize and has won the Choice Music Prize for best Irish album.

The most recent album, That Golden Time – his sixth – was described by The Irish Times as “Villagers’ most striking album yet – compact in scope, significant in impact”.

In a recent interview with O’Brien , the singer-songwriter said he wanted to return to a more simple, pure sound, “where you can actually hear the song and the words rather than all the whistles and bells on top of it”. He also said the set list for the current tour will include songs from his back catalogue, stretching as far back as Becoming a Jackal, the Villagers’ debut released in 2010.

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If you are heading to see them in Trinity College, keep reading to find out everything you need to know.

When do they play?

Villagers play Trinity College’s Summer Series in Dublin on Saturday, June 29th.

What time should I arrive?

Gates open at 7pm, with the show scheduled to start at 7.30pm.

Are there any tickets left?

At the time of writing there are still tickets available from .

[  Villagers: That Golden Time review – Conor O’Brien delivers his most striking album yet  ]

Who is the support act?

British band Sea Power, who have won a Bafta and were also nominated for the Mercury Music Prize, have been announced as the support act.

How do I get there and home again?

Map showing venue for the 2024 Summer Series concerts at Trinity College Dublin

Map showing venue for the 2024 Summer Series concerts at Trinity College Dublin

Plan and book your return travel arrangements in advance, allowing for at least an extra two hours of travel time to and from the venue. Attendees are encouraged to walk, cycle and use public transport to get to the concert. There will be one entry point at Lincoln Place Gate between Nassau Street and Westland Row, and there will be no entry to the site via the Front Square or Nassau St gates.

By car: There will be no parking facilities provided at the concert site, and since the concert is in Dublin city centre, you may be best off parking elsewhere in the city and using public transport the rest of the way.

By train: Get the Dart to the Pearse Street or Tara Street stations, as they will be running services to and from the concerts each day. If travelling from Connolly/Heuston stations, get the Luas red line to Abbey Street and the green line from there to Dawson Luas stop, or you can walk as it’s about 15 minutes on foot.

By Luas: Trinity College is well serviced by the Luas green line, just get off at Dawson Luas stop and follow the signs to the concert.

By bus: Since you will be heading to a central part of the city, there are many Dublin Buses you can get to bring you within walking distance of the concert site. Routes 11, 37, 38, 38A, 38D, 39, 39A and 70 will bring you to Nassau Street and routes 9, 13, 16, 27, 49, 54a, 56a, 65b, 69, 77a, 83, 122, 123, 150 and 151 will bring you to Dame Street.

There is no accessible parking available for Trinity College, but if you have a blue badge, you can find accessible on street parking here .

What will they play?

Here is the set list from the Villagers’ concert at Royal Festival Hall, London, on June 8th:

  • That Golden Time
  • Truly Alone
  • First Responder
  • Everything I Am Is Yours
  • You Lucky One
  • I Want What I Don’t Need
  • So Simpatico
  • Behind That Curtain
  • Brother Hen
  • Nothing Arrived
  • Becoming a Jackal
  • To Be Counted Among Men
  • A Trick of the Light

What’s the story with security?

This is a strictly over-18s event – ID will be required and anyone under 18 will be refused entry without refund. Allow time for security checks on the way in, and remember Trinity College is a standing-only site. Strict security checks will be in operation, and everyone will be subject to a search permissible under law.

Bags larger than A4 size will not be permitted and all bags may be searched; this can be time-consuming, so consider going bagless for easier entry. There will be no cloakroom or storage facilities. No umbrellas, alcohol, garden furniture, selfie sticks, drones, laser pens, aerosols, smoke and gas canisters, nitrous oxide and any associated equipment, flares, glasses, or cans, among other items, will be allowed into the event. There is no readmission to the concert, so once you leave there’s no getting back in.

Can I take photographs at the concert?

Yes, but only with a smartphone or small camera. Professional cameras with a detachable lens and any other recording equipment are banned.

What’s the weather forecast?

Saturday looks set to be cloudy, with some showers in the afternoon. The evening is expected to be dry, with temperatures of about 18 degrees as the concert gets under way. As this is an outdoor gig, dress appropriately for inclement weather.

Ellen O’Donoghue

Ellen O’Donoghue

Ellen O'Donoghue is an Irish Times journalist


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History at Home events at Sycamore Shoals Park include tours of Carter Mansion and Sabine Hill

Published 3:20 pm Thursday, June 27, 2024

By Contributed Content

trinity walking tour

Several events have been scheduled for early July at Sycamore Shoals State Historic Area.

Among them are guided tours of the historic Carter Mansion on Broad Street and Sabine Hill, West G St.

The Carter Mansion is Tennessee’s oldest frame house, which was built by the Carter family between 1775 and 1780.

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Tours are scheduled Tuesday through Saturday, July 2-3, 5-6, 16-20 at 10 a.m. and Tuesday through Saturday, July 9-13, 23-27 at 1 p.m. There is a cost of $10 for seniors, 65 and up; veterans and active duty, $8; ages 7 and under, $5.

Sabine Hill is the stately home built by Mary Patton Taylor, widow of Brigadier Gen. Nathaniel Taylor. The site has been described as one of the finest examples of Federal architecture in Tennessee. During the tour, visitors will have the opportunity to take in the colorful and architecturally detailed interior while learning about the influential Taylor family, who called Sabine Hill home in the early 19th century.

Accessibility to both Sabine Hill and the Carter Mansion include steps and an interior staircase.

The cost is the same as that of the Carter Mansion tour.

– Tunes of the Time will be held Saturday, July 6, at 2 p.m. and Monday, July 8, at 2 p.m. Cost is $6. Life on the 18 th century frontier could be harsh and unpredictable. Many early settlers turned to music as a source of joy and entertainment. Join our museum curator Chad Bogart in the “Gathering Place” of the park Visitor Center for a glimpse into the musical heritage of the colonial frontier. See how music was a part of the everyday lives of colonial Americans and how the melting pot of early America influenced the songs and tunes we still enjoy today.

– Walking in Frontier Footsteps, Saturday, July 6, and Monday, July 15, at 10 a.m. Cost is $6, with children, six and under, admitted free. Join Museum Curator Chad Bogart for a special guided interpretive walk through the grounds of Sycamore Shoals and along portions of the walking path. Discover the historical events that took place at Sycamore Shoals and their significance in the formation of our State and Country. Dress appropriately for the weather as a casual stroll will be taken on the walking path and through the park grounds. Portions of the walk will include ground that may not be flat or solid for people with mobility challenges. Visitors will meet in the picnic area adjacent to the Visitors Center for the approximately 90 minute program.

trinity walking tour

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Travis Kelce joins Taylor Swift on stage during Eras Tour show

(Gray News) - Taylor Swift can do it with a broken heart, but she does not have to.

On Sunday, Swift took her relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce to a new level by bringing him on stage during her Eras Tour at London’s Wembley Stadium.

Kelce surprised the crowd and appeared with two of Swift’s dancers wearing a top hat and a black tailcoat during the transition from “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” to “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart.”

The crowd erupted in cheers as he carried Swift in his arms. In other shows, two of Swift’s dancers carry her.

“TRAVIS KELCE HAS OFFICIALLY MADE HIS #TSTheErasTour DEBUT IN #LondonTSTheErasTour !” Taylor Nation, Swift’s official social media team, posted on X , formerly known as Twitter.

Kelce fanned himself and Swift, pretended to touch up her makeup and broke out in some dance moves in the scene.

Before walking away to sing “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart,” Swift turned toward Kelce and blew him a kiss.

Taylor Nation called the moment “The not-so-smallest hard launch that ever lived” on X .

On Monday, Swift mentioned the surprise appearance in an Instagram post that featured photos and video of Kelce’s debut.

“I’m still cracking up/swooning over @killatrav’s Eras Tour debut,” she said in the post .

Over the weekend, Swift and three-time Super Bowl champion also became Instagram official when she posted a photo with him and the British royals at Saturday’s concert.

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Stroller, June 24, 2024: Events in the Alle-Kiski Valley


Publicize your non-profit’s community events, fundraisers and club meetings for free in The Stroller. Send information at least two weeks in advance to [email protected] or The Stroller, 210 Wood St., Tarentum PA 15084 . Please include a daytime telephone number.

HOPE Center accepting donations

The Alle-Kiski HOPE Center is seeking donations of household items for the clients it serves. The center provides free and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence and their families.

Items in need include bath sets containing a shower curtain, bathmat, toothbrush holder and soap dish, underwear, slippers in all sizes and genders; hairbrushes, combs, lotion, lip balm, curling irons and new makeup.

Donations are accepted from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays at the administration office, 500 E. Eighth Ave., Tarentum. If you are ordering online, request delivery to this address. For details, call 724-224-1100 or visit .

Intro to kayaking class planned at Crooked Creek Lake

The Armstrong County Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Foundation will sponsor an intro to kayaking class at 6 p.m. June 26 at Crooked Creek Lake, Bethel Township.

Cost is $20 per person and space is limited. Participants must be at least 13 years of age with a parent/guardian who is 18 or older as a paid participant on the water as well. Learn the basic equipment paddling techniques and how to steer and board a kayak from experts at Venture Outdoors.

Reservations are required. For reservations, visit .

Wednesday: Apollo Hose Co. No. 2 will have bingo at 7 p.m. at the firehall, 325 N. Fourth St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. There will be specials and wish jars. Details: 724-478-4831 .


Wednesday: Al-Anon will meet at 8 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 847 10th Ave. The group offers help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics.

Wednesday: Trinity United Methodist Church will sponsor a story time from 11 a.m. to noon in Brackenridge Park. There will be a story and a craft and lunch will be served. Details: Amanda, 724-504-7876 or [email protected] .

Buffalo Township

Tuesday: Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank will host a drive-through food distribution for anyone in need from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lernerville Speedway, 313 N. Pike Road. No reservations required. Guests should remain in their vehicles and open their door or trunk and will be served on a first come, first served basis.

Friday: The Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania will sponsor a free program, “Summer Nights and Fireflies,” at 8 p.m. at Buffalo Creek Nature Park, 154 Monroe Road. Learn about our state insect and its life. Reservations required. Reservations: .

Wednesday: A department service officer from the American Legion will be available by appointment from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the office of Pa. Rep. Mandy Steele, 1296 Pittsburgh St. Appointments: 724-826-5151 .

East Vandergrift  

July 4: Our Lady, Queen of Peace Parish is selling tickets for a cash lottery raffle. Winning numbers will be the 1:30 and 7 p.m. Pa. Lottery Daily Pick-3 numbers. Winners will each receive $1,000 and a $100 gift certificate to Naser Foods. Cost: $10, includes two three-digit numbers. Tickets: Patricia, 724-568-3409 , Deborah, 724-859-3186 or after Sunday Mass in the church vestibule.

Wednesday: A story time will be from noon to 2 p.m. for children 12 and younger accompanied by an adult at Freeport Area Library, 428 Market St. Details: 724-295-3616 or .

Wednesday: The Thrift Store Clothing Ministry at Freeport United Methodist Church, 211 Fourth St., will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. All items are free, but donations will be accepted. Items available include clothing of all sizes, bedding and window items. Donations of clothing, shoes and boots welcome; must be laundered and free from smoke and pet hair. Wheelchair accessible. Details: 724-295-3095 .

Monday through Friday: The Natrona Playground Summer Camp for children will serve a free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. weekdays at the playground, 10 River Ave. Free classes will be from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Programs this week are: Tuesday, silk screen art with Ms. Maritza; Wednesday, a field trip to Natrona Bottling for an ice cream sundae; and Thursday, art expressions with Ms. Maritza.

Wednesday: The Kitchen Sink Book Club at Community Library of Allegheny Valley will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the library, 1522 Broadview Blvd. The selection will be “In a Sunburned Country” by Bill Bryson. Copies are available at the circulation desk. Reservations required. Reservations: 724-226-3491 or .

Wednesday: The Becky’s Closet community clothing store at Faith Lutheran Church, 1500 Broadview Blvd., will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the church. Clothing for all members of the family available at very low cost. Donations welcome during these hours. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday: The Agape Thrift Shop at Grace United Methodist Church, 1333 Freeport Road, will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. Clean clothing in all sizes is needed. No housewares or bedding please due to lack of space. Bring donations on Wednesday or leave them on the front porch. Do not place donations in the blue bins behind the church.

Wednesday: Allegheny Valley Association of Churches Food Bank will be open from 1:30 to 5 p.m. at 1913 Freeport Road, Natrona Heights. Food bank participants can receive food allotments twice per month. Those who are not yet registered should come from 3 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday. The Sparrow’s Nest clothing and home goods ministry will be open from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Details and alternate times: 724-226-0606 , ext. 10.

Thursday and Friday: Allegheny Valley Hospital Auxiliary will sell chances from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a scratch-off lottery ticket raffle in the hospital lobby, 1301 Carlisle St. The winner will receive scratch-off tickets with a face value of $150. The drawing will be at 3 p.m. Friday. Cost: $2 each, cash or checks accepted. Proceeds will benefit auxiliary projects for the hospital.

June 29: The park rangers at Harrison Hills Park will host a free program about removing invasive species from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet at the park Rachel Carson shelter. All ages welcome. Expect to participate in physical activity. Bring water and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Tools, gloves and eye protection provided. Reservations required. Reservations: .

Kiski Township

Tuesday: The diaper pantry at Spring Church Lutheran Church, 3623 Lutheran Church Road, will distribute diapers from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the church. Distributions will be the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Recipients must register in advance. First-time recipients must provide their own ID, the child’s birth certificate and a current WIC or SNAP card. Registration: 724-478-1528 .


Wednesdays and Saturdays: Leechburg Area Museum, 118 First St., will be open from noon to 3 p.m.

July 11: A rubber ducky race fundraiser to benefit the borough’s 175 th anniversary celebration next year will be at 5 p.m. on the Kiski River. Ducks will be dropped into the river from the walking bridge to Hyde Park and will be fished out at the finish line at the firemen’s boat launch. Prizes will be awarded. Cost: $5 per duck. Ducks are available at Leechburg Public Library, 139 Market St. Checks payable to Leechburg Area Community Association will be accepted.

Lower Burrell    

Tuesday: Peoples Library will have a summer story time at 1 p.m. at the library, 3052 Wachter St. Details: 724-339-1021 .

Wednesday: Peoples Library will host a workshop, “Creating Backyard Habitats and Bee Box Building,” with the Allegheny Land Trust at 1 p.m. at the library, 3052 Wachter Ave. Details: 724-339-1021.

Through June 30: The works of members of the Allegheny Valley League of Artists will be on exhibit during operating hours at Peoples Library, 3052 Wachter Ave. Artists include Don and Debra Pendergast, Chris Reifenstein and Patti Giordano.

New Kensington

Tuesday: A summer story time will be at 11 a.m. at Peoples Library, 880 Barnes St. Details: 724-339-1021 .

Tuesdays: Taking Pounds Off Sensibly (TOPS) meets at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1261 Pennsylvania Ave. Private weigh-ins will be from 5:45 to 6:10 p.m. and the meeting will be afterward. The first meeting is free. Please note the new location. Details: 412-828-3854 or [email protected] .

Through August 31: Kerr Memorial Museum, 402 Delaware Ave., Oakmont, is featuring an exhibit of elegant fashions of the late 1800s to the Roaring ‘20s at the museum. Items on display were donated to the museum by the W. H. Brown Family of Pittsburgh. Hours are by appointment. Tours and information: 412-826-9295 to schedule a tour.


Wednesday: The Let’s Get Crafting program at Springdale Free Public Library will host a workshop to make a patriotic wreath at 1 p.m. at the library, 331 School St. Reservations required. Reservations: 724-274-9729 .

Wednesday: The Farmers Market will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the parking lot at 10 th Avenue and Lock Street.

Wednesday: The Elks will host bingo at 6:30 p.m. at the lodge, 219 E. Sixth Ave. The kitchen is open to the public from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Menu: . Orders: 724-226-1644 by 8:15 p.m.

Wednesdays and Saturdays: The Alle-Kiski Valley Heritage Museum, 224 E. Seventh Ave., is open from noon to 3 p.m. and other times by appointment. Details: 724-224-7666 .


Tuesday: The YoYos Needle Arts group at Vandergrift Public Library will meet from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the library reading room, 128C Washington Ave. No reservations required; just stop in. All skill levels welcome; however, this is not an instructional program. Details: 724-568-2212 .

Wednesday: The Anime Club for children in fifth through 10 th grade at Vandergrift Public Library will meet from 6 to 7 p.m. at the library, 128C Washington Ave. Details: 724-568-2212 .

Washington Township

Wednesday: Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 6 p.m. at Union Presbyterian Church, 656 Route 380.

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trinity walking tour

Plan your visit

A tour guide takes a group for a walk on Trinity campus

Overnight Stay

trinity walking tour

Funding The Future

Proceeds from your visit are invested back into trinity college dublin.

Every visit counts. Revenue from your visit is invested back into Trinity College Dublin to support the academic mission of the University and fund development projects and conservation programmes.

Book of Kells Experience Opening Hours

Answers to your questions.

Do I have to book tickets online?

Online booking is strongly recommended and entry is timed.

How do I make a reservation as a Trinity student or staff member?

Trinity students and staff are welcome to visit the Book of Kells & Old Library free of charge and they can bring up to 2 guests.

Pre-booking is essential.

Select the ticket you want on the tickets panel and type your Trinity student or staff number into the promo code box. You can then choose the time slot available. These complimentary tickets are limited so if a time slot is not available, please try another.

Please note that there is a maximum number of complementary tickets that each student and staff member can avail of in a given academic year, once that number is reached the system will not allow access to further complementary tickets, nor can further tickets be accessed through our front of house team.

For enquiries please email [email protected] (note: due to how busy the attraction is, please allow 1-2 days for responses)

How do Trinity alumni make a reservation?

Trinity alumni are welcome to visit the Book of Kells & Old Library free of charge and they can bring up to 2 guests. Pre-booking is essential.

To book please email [email protected] with your preferred date and time of visit, allowing at least 3 working days’ notice.

Booking is subject to availability.

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded, except at the absolute discretion of the Visit Trinity team. For further details contact [email protected].

Can I bring a school group?

Primary-Secondary teachers: please contact [email protected] for more information.

Educational groups: please book at the group rate on our website.

What is your policy on photography?

Non-flash photography is allowed for personal, non-commercial purposes in the Old Library, but photography of the Book of Kells is forbidden. This is due to the sensitive nature of the manuscript. Tripods are not permitted. It is the visitor’s responsibility to ensure no copyright is infringed.

Are there toilet facilities on campus?

Yes, the nearest accessible toilets for visitors are located:

Monday – Friday: The Arts Block (beside the Perch Café)

Saturday – Sunday: The Berkeley Library (inside the front door on the left)

Is the Book of Kells Experience and Trinity Trails wheelchair accessible?

Our guided walking tours follow accessible walkways across Trinity campus. Please be advised that from time to time, there may be an area that is not entirely suitable, in which case there will simply be a slight delay on route.

The Book of Kells and Old Library (which you will enter after your campus tour) is fully wheelchair accessible. If you plan on visiting with a wheelchair, please reach out in advance by emailing us at: [email protected].

Are concession tickets available?

Concession tickets are available for the Book of Kells for senior citizens (those over 60 years old) and students. Students are required to present a valid student card upon entry.

I am a Tour Guide. Can I guide groups through Trinity campus?

Tours of Trinity campus can only be conducted through Trinity’s official tour guides and by authorized staff of the University. For further information email: [email protected].

Is there parking on campus?

There are no parking facilities on campus. Pedestrian access is via College Green, Nassau Street or Pearse Street. The Book of Kells is located in the centre of Dublin near all main bus, tram and train routes.

Can I bring my luggage?

No, small bags are permitted only. Unfortunately we have no lockers or left luggage facilities for suitcases or large bags.

Getting to Trinity

From Dublin Airport

Taxi • Ask for Trinity College, College Green entrance. Cost €30.

Bus • The Aircoach leaves Dublin airport every 15min, 24 hours a day. Cost: €9 • Ask to be dropped off at Kildare Street. Walk towards Nassau Street and take the Nassau street entrance of Trinity College opposite KC Peaches/Costa Coffee.

From Connolly Train Station / Connolly Bus Station

By taxi: • Ask for Trinity College, College Green entrance. Cost: €15.

By tram: • Head to the Connolly LUAS stop or the Bus Aras LUAS stop • Buy a ticket to Trinity. Cost €3 • You will need to switch from the RED LUAS line to the GREEN LUAS line at the Abbey Street LUAS stop.

From Heuston Train Station

By tram: • Head to Hueston LUAS stop. • Buy a ticket to Trinity. Cost €3 • You will need to switch from the RED LUAS line to the GREEN LUAS line at the Abbey Street LUAS stop.

close up of characters on book of kells

  • Book of Kells Experience
  • Trinity Trails

Trinity College Campus Accommodation

  • Best Price Guarantee You won't find a better deal anywhere else!
  • No Booking Fee Book Now - Pay Later!
  • Free Cancellation Up to 72 hours before arrival
  • City-Centre Location Located in the heart of Dublin City


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    1000th Tour Group - 2014. Hi, I'm Your Host! "My name is Kevin and I have been operating Trinity Historical Walking Tours for 26 years. My Toope ancestors arrived in the "New Founde Land" from Dorset, England in the early 1800's and were fishermen in the tiny resettled community of Ireland's Eye for five generations, and that's where I was born.

  2. Trinity Trails

    Take a guided tour through the grounds of Trinity College Dublin and discover the hidden gems that make Ireland's oldest university such a special place. Make the most out of your day in Dublin with a Book of Kells Experience & Trinity Trails bundle. This combined ticket includes a guided campus tour followed by access to the Book of Kells ...

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    Uncover the hidden gems of Ireland's oldest university with a historical walking tour. Led by our expert Trinity guides, Trinity Trails tours run 7 days a week. Suitable for kids and a fun thing to do, even on a rainy day in Dublin. ... The tour around the grounds of Trinity was amazing, our guide was a 3rd Yr student of Trinity, who was so ...

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  6. Self Guided Tour

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  9. Trinity Trails: Guided tour of Trinity College campus

    Historical Tours. 45 minutes. Immerse yourself in a world of history and heritage with a guided walking tour of Trinity College Dublin. Follow in the …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 95% of travelers. from. $17.

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    A ticket costs 29 euros for one adult or 65 euros for a family (two adults and two children). There is also a free self-guided tour. A campus-only tour costs 15 euros. "Take an immersive guided walking tour through the rich cultural heritage of Trinity College Dublin. Learn about world famous alumni, discover ancient buildings and get an ...


    Living Stones Pilgrimage. May 6 to 18, 2024 (Postponed to 2025) Walk in the footsteps of Jesus and his disciples in the land where faith was born. Discover for yourself why St. Jerome called the Holy Land the "Fifth Gospel." A comprehensive pilgrimage (12 days/11 Nights.) Visit all the principal Holy sites for Christians in the lands of the Bible.

  14. Book of Kells

    English language guided tour of Trinity campus for 45 mins followed by the self guided access to the Old Library, Book of Kells, Gaia and the new digital experience. ... Take an immersive walking tour through Trinity's historic campus, while learning about the university's involvement in LGBTQ+ history. Book Now Self-Guided Trinity Trails.

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    Our mission is to provide spiritually transformative experiences for our pilgrims through guided tours to sacred destinations throughout the world. We strive to create memories of a lifetime by connecting each individual with rich Catholic history and the culture of these destinations. We are committed to offering high-quality, safe pilgrimages that inspire and deepen our pilgrims' faith ...

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  21. 1 Hour Itinerary

    If you have the time, grab a coffee and a freshly baked scone from Perch Café, and relax on a bench in the sunshine and watch the world go by. Plan your 1 hour visit to Trinity College Dublin. Choose from a guided Trinity Trails walking tour or visit historical locations around campus. Book your tickets online today.

  22. History at Home events at Sycamore Shoals Park include tours of Carter

    Tours are scheduled Tuesday through Saturday, July 2-3, 5-6, 16-20 at 10 a.m. and Tuesday through Saturday, July 9-13, 23-27 at 1 p.m. There is a cost of $10 for seniors, 65 and up; veterans and active duty, $8; ages 7 and under, $5. Sabine Hill is the stately home built by Mary Patton Taylor, widow of Brigadier Gen. Nathaniel Taylor.

  23. Travis Kelce joins Taylor Swift on stage during Eras Tour show

    On Sunday, Swift took her relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce to a new level by bringing him on stage during her Eras Tour at London's Wembley Stadium.

  24. The Stroller, June 24, 2024: Events in the Alle-Kiski Valley

    Ducks will be dropped into the river from the walking bridge to Hyde Park and will be fished out at the finish line at the firemen's boat launch. Prizes will be awarded. Cost: $5 per duck.

  25. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow ...

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  26. Trinity Trails

    The highlight of our time at Trinity College was the walking tour with Luca. He was very knowledgeable and entertaining - the perfect mix for an outstanding tour guide. Mo S. Canada. Guided campus tour highly recommended We took the guided tour of the campus that included a visit to the library. The tour with Sarah was excellent - she was ...

  27. Trinity Historical Walking Tours

    Trinity Historical Walking Tours. You will experience the 500 year history of Trinity during the 15 stops we make during the leisurely two and a half hour stroll along Trinity's paths and lanes. Through stories, historic photos, audio recordings of burials, shipwrecks, and disasters, and your imagination you will time travel through the history ...

  28. THE BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal with Kids (Updated 2024)

    NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Holmebrook Valley Park F1 - Italian Grand Prix The Plays That Goes Wrong Lori Beach Waterhead Pier Arundel Castle Panormos Beach The Paris Catacombs The Aquatic Pet & Garden Warehouse Secret gardens of Venice walking tour Hands-on Thai Cooking Class & Market Tour in Silom Fun, Flexible Treasure Hunt ...

  29. Plan Your Visit

    A half-day visit to Trinity will allow you to get the most out of your Dublin itinerary. Take a Trinity Trails walking tour, soak up the atmosphere in a campus café, discover Irish designed gifts at Trinity Gift Shop and explore the awe-inspiring Book of Kells Experience. View itinerary.