The Ultimate Guide to Jerusalem in Israel

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We've put together the best things to see and do in Jerusalem, tips on our favorite activities, how much time you need, how to get around, where to stay, or when to go. Simply put, this is the only Jerusalem travel guide you will ever need.

Without any doubt, Jerusalem is a top attraction in Israel and one of the most spectacular cities we've ever visited.

It's really mind-blowing how many things are there to see and do in Jerusalem, and we believe that there is not a single visitor to Holy Land who wouldn't have it on their Israel itinerary .

Still, there is a story behind our trip to Jerusalem.

Visiting Israel was always a dream of ours, and we could not wait to fulfill it.

What might sound a bit strange is that we never knew what would be the top destination we wanted to see in the country.

We just knew that the combination of complex history, beautiful architecture, stunning national parks, striking coastline, and the fact that Israel is an important spot for many world religions will make it one of our favorite places in the world.

And we surely were not disappointed.

What made our trip so special? For sure, all the things we mentioned above, but we would say the main highlight was the three days we spent in Jerusalem.

To be honest, we were never fans of trips to a country where a person plans to visit just one city and then fly back home.

We just felt we would be missing too much.

But after exploring Jerusalem, we could see ourselves there much longer, and we can imagine this is the city a traveler chooses to dedicate the whole holiday time to.

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Planning the Trip to Jerusalem

Firstly, what should you expect from visiting Jerusalem for the first time?

Thousands of years of history, a beautiful historical city center, many things to see and do, top attractions such as the iconic Western Wall , Dome of the Rock , or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre , and the opportunity to walk the same maze of streets, and maybe even sit under the same Olive trees like Jesus did many years ago.

Add the fascinating mix of ethnicities and religions, lively markets, or tasty Middle-Eastern food, and you get a perfect combination.

All of this makes Jerusalem a must-visit place, and all of this caused we knew from the very first moments in the city that Jerusalem would be the most memorable destination on our itinerary, simply a chapter on its own.

For many reasons, making travel plans for such renowned places as Jerusalem can often feel overwhelming.

One of them is time constraints. At first, it feels impossible to fit all must-visit sights in an itinerary that is usually just a few days long.

This is why we hope our Jerusalem travel guide will come in handy.

After three days in the city, we even knew how to repeatedly get to our favorite places, which gate to use for the entrance, or where to eat.

Feel free to get inspired.

Except for practical information on where to stay, what is the best time to visit the city, or how to get around, we cannot wait to share with you the best things to see and do in Jerusalem.

Let's get started.

Why Visit Jerusalem?

So, who is Jerusalem for, and why should you include it in your itinerary? That's an interesting question.

To be honest, we've never thought about this topic much as we always considered Jerusalem to be one of the most incredible travel destinations in the world.

Back home, when we discussed our travels with some of our friends, they admitted that Jerusalem never crossed their minds as a travel destination because they had it vaguely connected as a place mostly visited by religious pilgrims.

And in the worst-case scenario, as a place that is notoriously known for political unrest often followed by violence.

Even if you have your doubts, we think Jerusalem is really a place worth exploring for every type of traveler. We will touch on the issue of safety in another section.

Still, the truth is that even in case you are not looking for the spiritual experience of your life, you'll surely be smitten by the architecture, omnipresent history, and enchanting atmosphere.

And we believe that even the most pragmatic people will have their spiritual moment at some point. Jerusalem really is for all travelers, no matter their age or beliefs.

The only demographics where we are not entirely sure are families with young kids, as there is ample history to take in.

But if you have kids, you probably already know how to make the trip entertaining.

In the case of Jerusalem, the visit can be, in the end, a bit tiring because of so much information and the fact many places are connected with certain historical events that are hard to comprehend, and kids might, after a few hours, easily get bored.

That is why you should always have a backup plan. 

Don't forget that the entire Jerusalem experience might be overwhelming even for adults.

Simply put, we think everyone should make it to Jerusalem and, by extension, to Israel at some point in their life.

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How Many Days Do You Need for Jerusalem

It is always hard to give the correct answer when it comes to time requirements for a destination.

We are very well aware that every traveler has a different pace, preferences, and habits when on the road. Don't worry.

We'll try to make it easier for you.

Firstly, you need to answer what is the purpose of your trip, what places you want to see in Israel, and how many days you have for your entire vacation.

Only then can you figure out how many days you should spend in Jerusalem.

Don't forget that there are a few specifics when it comes to Jerusalem.

The biggest problem is that some of the top attractions have different opening hours, so you might not be able to visit every place on your itinerary due to this fact.

Moreover, if you arrive in Jerusalem on a busy day, you might spend a long time just waiting in line for each attraction.

Lastly, don't forget that attractions in the Jewish Quarter will be closed on Shabbat.

All of these factors will have an effect on your trip, and that's why we recommend staying in Jerusalem a bit longer to have a stress-free experience.

1 Day in Jerusalem

Therefore, we would say that one day in Jerusalem is definitely not enough.

However, we would be reluctant to state that you'll see the best Jerusalem has to offer even in two days, but more about it later.

In a nutshell, we believe that one day in Jerusalem is not enough, even for the Old City, and there are still some interesting places to see outside these massive walls.

If you're really short on time and still want to visit Jerusalem, you might want to take a guided tour to avoid navigating through the maze of the Old City yourself.

2 Days in Jerusalem

We would consider 48 hours as a bare minimum for Jerusalem.

Even though we would still recommend staying a bit longer, you can see a lot of places in two days.

However, you will still feel pressed for time when exploring the Old City, and you won't have enough time for the museums or some interesting neighborhoods outside this area.

More importantly, there was so much history to learn about that our brains had a hard time keeping up to retain all the information.

And having an extra day for Jerusalem really makes a difference.

3 Days in Jerusalem

Based on our experience, three full days in Jerusalem seemed like a perfect amount of time for someone who was visiting Jerusalem for the first time.

And we are confident to say we saw most of the top sights, the same as a few less-visited ones, including a couple of museums.

We have to admit that we didn't have almost any free time and our days were still packed to the brim.

For the whole three days, we stayed in the city, and this amount of time does not include one-day trips, for example, to the West Bank, Sea of Galilee , the Dead Sea , and Masada .

We visited those places separately later on when road tripping Israel.

4-5 Days in Jerusalem

If you like to take things slowly, Jerusalem has so much to offer that you can easily stay there for five days without getting bored.

Needless to say, we would recommend including at least one day trip to the West Bank , the Dead Sea (can be done as a single day trip), or Tel Aviv.

It might seem like a stretch, but believe us, you don't get a chance to visit a city such as Jerusalem every day.

1 Week in Jerusalem

More than five days seems to us unnecessary for Jerusalem unless you don't have plans for touring the rest of the country.

In this case, you can base yourself in Jerusalem for a week while making day trips from the city to explore even more remote parts of Israel from there.

Honestly, if you're considering staying only a week in Israel, then we would stay three or four days in Jerusalem, two or three days in Tel Aviv, and take one or two day trips of your interest.

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Best Things to See and Do

Jerusalem is home to some of the holiest places for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Therefore, Jerusalem's top attractions are tightly connected with religion and history.

For some, Jerusalem is one of the most important places they visit in their lives. For some, this description might not sound fully exciting.

Either way, Jerusalem is worth visiting.

Even if you're a non-religious person with only a passing interest in history, Jerusalem will not leave you uninvolved.

It's clearly one of the most captivating places in the world that will suck you in and make you think how incredibly rich the world's history really is.

Jerusalem is also a very traditional city, with a strong Jewish Orthodox community, great food, and a one-of-its-kind atmosphere.

Here are our tips on the best things to do and see in Jerusalem.

Listed in 1981 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem's Old City is one of the most incredible places you can visit not only in Israel but in the world.

From a tourist standpoint, it has it all, and we are not exaggerating now.

The walled area of the Old City is divided into four uneven quarters, the Jewish Quarter, Christian Quarter, Muslim Quarter, and Armenian Quarter.

As the name suggests, each area has its unique feel and structures, but make sure to explore them thoroughly as each of them is exceptional.

The Old City can be entered through one of the following gates. Jaffa, Zion, Dung, Lions, Herod, Damascus, or New Gate.

The Golden Gate was resealed in the 16th century, while the New Gate was added in the 18th century.

One of the most popular entrances to the city are Jaffa Gate and New Gate, located in the northwestern part of the complex.

Damascus Gate is the easiest way to reach the Muslim Quarter, and the Dung Gate is great for accessing Temple Mount and Western Wall.

Western Wall

Probably the most iconic sight in Israel, the Western Wall is one of the holiest places in Judaism.

The support wall was built by King Herod in 20 BCE during an expansion of the Second Temple, which was destroyed in 70 CE by Romans.

After the temple's destruction, this massive stone wall remained standing, and the Jews have kept coming here to pray ever since.

The Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall) has men's and women's sections, and you should dress modestly. Men also need to wear a kippah. There is no entrance fee.

Interestingly enough, even non-Jewish people can enter the designated praying areas, walk, and touch the wall.

Many people not only vocally pray here but also place their written prayers and wishes inside the wall's cracks.

Visiting the Western Wall is a powerful experience regardless of the time, but it gets incredibly authentic, especially on Shabbat.

While you're there, you can also visit the Western Tunnels, which will allow you to fully understand the history of both temples.

Just make sure you have a reservation. Unlike the wall, there is an entrance fee to the tunnels.

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Temple Mount

Home to the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount is a must-visit place while in Jerusalem.

The walled-off complex also features many smaller structures, some beautiful arches or fountains.

It's believed that Solomon's Temple stood in this area until its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar II.

Later, the Second Temple, also known as Herod's Temple, was built at the same location and replaced the First Temple.

The history of this inconspicuous hill is far more complicated and exciting, so make sure to read some information about this area before you go. 

One of the most surprising things we learned about Temple Mount ourselves was how peaceful this area could be when compared to busy suq or narrow streets.

Of course, during peaceful times, as this is one of the most controversial areas in Jerusalem known for violent incidents.

Mount Temple is the holiest place for Jewish believers, but it's also holy for Muslims and Christians. 

Be prepared that the site can be closed for security reasons, and don't forget to bring a passport with you.

Access to the Temple Mount is from the Western Wall Plaza via the wooden bridge and Mughrabi Gate, but the exit is through a different gate.

Once again, be prepared for long waiting times.

Dome of the Rock

One of the world's most iconic and recognizable structures, the Dome of the Rock is a must-see place in Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

The characteristic golden dome sits atop the structure, and if you spend a few days in the city, you will see it more than once.

After Mecca and Medina, the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock is the third holiest place for Muslims.

Even though that only Muslims can enter the Dome of the Rock, you can still visit the complex and admire the structure from the outside.

Be prepared that you should wear modest clothing if you want to go inside the complex, though you can rent some at the entrance gate.

Also, don't forget that this is a top attraction in Jerusalem, and you might spend some time waiting in line to get there. Get there early.

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Via Dolorosa

Also known as the Way of the Cross, Via Dolorosa is a simple route in the heart of the Old City that will allow you to revisit the last steps of Jesus on Earth.

It's said that Jesus took this route while carrying the cross from Gethsemane Garden to Calvary before his crucifixion.

For Christian pilgrims, this is one of the most moving experiences in Jerusalem.

In fact, even after two thousand years, the cobblestone and narrow route can quickly do its magic and bring you back in time.

There are fourteen stations along the way, and the walk finishes at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

You can walk the entire route on your own. Just make sure to bring at least a guidebook to learn more about each stop.

Also, keep in mind that this is not some secluded area but a regular street in the city that gets extremely crowded.

There are not only regular tourists but also pilgrims reading the Bible, locals going on with their lives, and vendors selling trinkets.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A must-visit place for Christians, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the top attractions in Jerusalem.

In fact, some Christians consider this church to be the holiest place of their faith. And why is that?

Inside the church, you will find Christ's Tomb, where it's believed Jesus was buried after his crucifixion.

The tomb is very small, and you will be allowed to spend only a very short time inside after waiting in a (long) line.

Seeing the worshippers letting their emotions out while being absorbed at the moment is a strong experience even for non-Christians visiting this place.

While the tomb is the main attraction here, don't forget to fully explore the church as it hides a few more interesting nooks and crannies.

Again, try to get there early to avoid long lines.

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City of David

Easily accessible through the Dung Gate near the Western Wall, the City of David is definitely an exciting place to visit.

Some of the evidence suggests that this ancient site was the original settlement of Jerusalem, a place where it all began a few thousand years ago.

While the ancient history is fascinating, the main reason to visit this site is the tunnel water system.

While you can always take a dry route and see this area, the best way to see this place is by taking a tour of the tunnels.

Make sure to have suitable clothing and proper footwear as you will be walking through thigh-deep water.

Mount of Olives

Opposite the Old City, Mount of Olives is one of the most astonishing places you can find in Jerusalem.

For starters, it's a massive hill with a huge Jewish cemetery that's been used as a burial site for over three thousand years.

Secondly, the area features several more important places to visit, such as the Church of the Holy Ascension, which contains the last footprint of Jesus before his ascension to heaven, the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before his crucifixion or the Church of the Mary Magdalene with golden copulas.

Lastly, the views from Mount of Olives are really breathtaking and will allow you to fully understand how huge the Old City really is.

While you might often read that it's a steep hike to the top, we believe it's worth the effort and perfectly doable if you're used to walking.

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Set at the foothills of Mount of Olives, Gethsemane is a small garden with olive trees where Jesus prayed and later was arrested before his crucifixion.

It seems that the olive trees are not older than Jesus, as the Romans burned everything down during the destruction of the Second Temple.

It was closed on the day of our visit, reminding us how lucky we were that the vast majority of other attractions in Jerusalem (and Israel) were open during our entire trip.

There is no entrance fee to the garden.

Kidron Valley

Located between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives, Kidron Valley is characterized by olive trees, ancient tombs, and the entrance to an extensive Jewish cemetery. 

The rock-cut tombs of Absalom and Zechariah immediately reminded us of similar-looking structures we saw in the Lost City of Petra in Jordan the previous year.

The upper part is known as the Valley of Josaphat. According to tradition, this is the place of the Last Judgement.

Tower of David

Located near the Jaffa Gate, the Tower of David was actually the first structure we saw after entering the Old City.

The citadel you can see today was built during the Mamluk and Ottoman periods, but the original palace dates back to the Herods era.

We can't fail to mention that three towers were erected there during the Hasmonean era, so its origins go even further.

Today, the 17th-century minaret dominates the entire structure, so the museum is easily recognizable even from outside the walls.

The museum contains archaeological finds more than 2500 years old and allows you to learn about Jerusalem's ancient history while there.

Ramparts Walk

One of the main reasons why the Old City is so impressive is the massive Walls of Jerusalem.

Built in the first half of the 16th century by the ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman I., this giant defensive structure that surrounds the entire area is simply breathtaking.

The total length of the walls is four kilometers, while the average height is twelve meters.

And believe us, the walls are even more impressive in reality than the plain numbers and words on paper.

The best part is that you can actually walk around the entire Old City via Ramparts Walk , one of the best city walks in the world.

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Garden Tomb

Do you remember how we talked about Christ's Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

Not everyone agrees with this assumption, at least some Protestants, so you won't be surprised to find out that there is an alternate burial location outside Jerusalem's Old City.

The main argument for this tomb to be the one is that it has similarities to Bible's description, has a more ancient and believable look, and it's adjacent to Golgotha (Skull Hill).

The site is near the bus station, and as there is no entrance fee, you can go and decide for yourself.

Either way, we found this place fascinating in another aspect.

It shows us how history is complicated, how nothing is certain, and that some mysteries will probably be hidden forever.

The full name of this museum is Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center.

As the name suggests, this will be a completely different experience from the usual Jerusalem attractions.

It's always hard to describe a holocaust museum or similar places, so our only words will be that this place is a must-visit place while in Jerusalem.

Yad Vashem is set in a stunning location, extremely well-laid out, and delivers a completely heartbreaking experience.

Allow yourself about three hours to get the most out of the trip, and be prepared to soak up a lot of information while there.

There is a paid underground parking on site, but you can easily get there by Light Rail (Mount Herzl stop) or one of the Egged buses.

There is no entrance fee to Yad Vashem, but you need to reserve your spot through the official website.

Even though you can easily see Yad Vashem on your own, it's also possible to hire a certified local guide who will provide you with interesting insights during the tour.

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Israel Museum

If you have less than a passing knowledge about Israel, this wonderful museum serves as a great introduction to the country.

In fact, visiting this museum as the first thing you do in Israel will give you a good headstart and allow you to understand this country better.

While the museum offers much more, the most interesting exhibit is the Dead Sea Scrolls (though be prepared that they're mostly facsimiles).

Inside the museum, you will also find thousands of years of history, a model of the Second Temple, ancient artifacts, Judaica, and even modern art.

Simply put, Israel Museum is among the best museums you can visit in Jerusalem and Israel.

The entrance fee to Israel Museum is 54 NIS, and you need to reserve your tickets online.

Street Food

While Tel Aviv is the city with the most diverse and modern cuisine in the country, we believe that Jerusalem is a great place to start exploring traditional Israeli cuisine.

It's incredibly easy to try the traditional street food in Jerusalem, regardless of where you go.

And despite the fact that visiting Israel on a budget is not easy, the local street food is surprisingly affordable.

So what are some of the most typical Israeli foods?

If you're visiting Israel for the first time , you have to try deep-fried falafel made from chickpeas, eggplant-filled pitta called sabich, a delicious dip from chickpeas known as hummus, or shakshuka, a delicious tomato sauce with poached eggs served at breakfast.

And if you're not looking for a vegetarian meal, then the roasted lamb or mutton known as shawarma is a traditional meal found across the entire Middle-East region.

Lastly, if you have a sweet tooth, then knafeh or halva will allow you to test your taste buds to the limit.

Mahane Yehuda Market

One of our favorite places in Jerusalem, Mahane Yehuda, also known as The Shuk, is a busy market in the heart of the city.

The market is located halfway between the train station and the Old City, making it extremely well accessible.

There are many vendors selling vegetables and fruits, together with sweets, baked goods, cheese, spices, olives, meat, fish stands, and even Judaica or clothing.

Unlike some other bazaars we had the chance to visit in the Middle East, this one is fairly well-laid out, clean, and not very chaotic, but still keeps its charm.

It's also way more accessible (meaning cleaner and less hectic than Carmel Market in Tel Aviv).

Simply put, this is the place to go if you want to try some local goodies.

The market is partially covered and partially open, and you can find the entrance on Jaffa Street or Agripas Street.

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As we've mentioned earlier, Jerusalem has an excellent location, and you can easily make several day trips from there.

Moreover, if you don't want to road trip Israel's countryside, an interesting alternative might be basing yourself in Jerusalem and only taking day trips from there.

One of the most popular day trips is West Bank Tour which will show you the best places in this territory.

Another super popular tour is the Dead Sea and Masada Tour .

The Dead Sea is a salt lake known for its healing benefits and the lowest point on Earth. Masada is a symbol of Jewish resistance against Romans and a UNESCO site worth visiting.

If you've arrived in Israel to see Biblical sites, you should consider taking a popular Sea of Galilee and Nazareth Tour .

Lastly, you can also visit Tel Aviv on a day trip from Jerusalem, but we believe this fascinating city deserves more of your time.

Do I Need A Guide

One of the most burning questions you will probably ask yourself at some point is whether you should hire a guide in Jerusalem or not.

Honestly, you don't need a guide for Jerusalem.

All major attractions can be easily explored on your own, and while the Old City might, at first sight, seem like a maze, it's fairly easy to navigate as well.

We've even compiled plenty of separate travel guides on most major attractions in Jerusalem to help independent travelers plan their travels.

Therefore, make sure to read them before you go to get the most out of your trip.

And due to its nature and importance, Jerusalem is not some unknown destination, and you can find tons of information on each site on the internet.

On the other hand, if you're short on time, hiring a local guide will allow you to get the most out of your trip without worrying about itinerary or transportation.

And while you can find most of the information online, a knowledgeable licensed guide can make your trip way more entertaining.

If you're looking for a tour run by a reliable local operator, this Jerusalem City Tour might be a great option for you.

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Staying Safe

Safety in Israel is always a hot topic, and Jerusalem, being the religious and political center of the country, also gets its share of concerns.

The problematic past connected with the numerous religions mixing in the area for centuries, together with complicated modern political issues with the country's neighbors, created a complex environment that can literally go south any minute, seemingly out of nowhere.

Please do not take us wrong. We do think Israel is a safe country to visit.

Moreover, we felt safe in Jerusalem all the time.

However, it is necessary to know all the aspects and behave accordingly, although there are situations that are hard to predict.

To stay safe in Israel , we recommend watching the local news, reading the online news, following social media before and during your visit, and trying to sense the mood in the society.

You can notice the surveillance cameras near the top attractions in the Old City, so you know authorities do not take security lightly.

Also, you should be prepared for several security checks when entering places such as the Western Wall or Temple Mount .

It is good to know this in advance, and we think it is better to carry your passport with you just in case you are checked more thoroughly.

Obviously, you should never have any sharp objects or weapons in your backpack.

While the situation seemed calm on the surface and in the streets, only a few days after we left the country, two separate deadly incidents happened in the Old City.

When it comes to common crime often connected with tourism, make sure you have all your valuables safely stored in the backpack or, better, in your hotel's safe.

Always watch out for pickpockets, especially in the crowded market, where it is easy to lose attention.

Travel Insurance

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Travel smarter and safer!

What to Wear

Jerusalem is a city of three monotheistic religions. Therefore the question of what to wear while sightseeing is definitely an important one.

We did not have a feeling that walking Jerusalem's streets would require such modest outfits as one could think before the visit.

It might have been just the time of the year that made us feel that way, as we both wore pants and regular T-shirts anyway.

In our opinion, it is always best to try not to stand out in similar destinations and instead go with the flow.

Or, in this case, follow the dress code standards of the most conservative inhabitants.

Moreover, some of the top attractions in Jerusalem are either mosques or churches, so it is more than clear you will need to think of what to wear more carefully at some point.

This is why we always left our hotel with a regular short-sleeved t-shirt but always had a t-shirt with long sleeves in the backpack, just in case.

We also wore comfortable pants and runners.

The surface on some streets is uneven, and as you will be walking all day, make sure to have proper footwear.

As a female traveler, I wore a modest shirt and always packed a shawl that would help me cover my head or neck, just in case security personnel would not find my outfit adequate.

It also depends on what time of the year you will visit Jerusalem. In case it is the winter or rainy season, always keep extra layers or an umbrella with you.

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What to Pack

We can't stress enough how important it is to stay hydrated when exploring Jerusalem.

The extreme heat in summer, long waiting times regardless of the season, and packed itineraries make Jerusalem one of the most demanding travel destinations.

Fortunately, plenty of free water fountains are scattered around the Old City, so always keep your reusable water bottle full.

What else should you have in your daypack ?

For sure, a camera with additional memory cards or phone, your ID or passport, and cash if you want to buy some souvenirs or something from the vendors.

Also, bring sunscreen together with a hat as the sun can be very unforgiving, especially when waiting in queues.

When is the Best Time to Visit Jerusalem

When choosing the best time to visit Jerusalem, it would be a mistake to focus only on the weather because there are many more factors a traveler must consider, such as weekdays and holidays.

First, we would like to talk about seasons and the differences between them, so you can make an informed decision on when to buy flight tickets.

It is also good to know that it is not a disaster if you are not flexible with your travel dates because Jerusalem is an all-year-round destination.

Based on our own personal experience, the best time to visit Jerusalem is during autumn, between September and November.

Not only can you still count on sunny days (it gets rainier closer to wintertime), but crowds are thinner, and prices are quite reasonable.

We visited Jerusalem in November, and the only downside was that it was getting dark earlier, but we still managed to see quite a lot during the day.

Very similar conditions as in the autumn are during springtime, between March and May, and we think this time of the year is also a perfect time to visit the city.

The absolute top season when to visit Jerusalem is summer, between June and August.

The non-existent rain and clear skies guarantee a perfect experience, but it is really hot (spring and autumn are also great because of the bearable temperatures), and you can expect crowds.

Also, this time of the year is definitely not a good choice for budget travelers .

Moreover, places outside Jerusalem, such as the Dead Sea and Negev Desert , will be scorching.

On the other hand, the cheapest time of the year to visit Jerusalem is winter, from December to February.

Sure, there is a reason, because temperatures drop and it can be quite rainy, but it is certainly a good idea if you want to see the calmer face of the city.

Due to the elevation, Jerusalem's winters are colder than you would probably expect, so make sure to pack extra warm layers.

If you're still undecided, then you can read our thoughts on when to visit Israel .

Once you decide when you want to visit Jerusalem and consequently Israel, it is time to start thinking about holidays and days of the week.

National Holidays

If we could give you one piece of advice, it would be to check the calendar carefully and then make sure to avoid major holidays such as Passover or Sukkot.

Although experiencing these holidays in the city might be magical, it is not that great from the visitor's point of view, and you really need to weigh all pros and cons.

The city will surely be crowded, hotels sold out, and only you have to decide if the atmosphere is worth it.

Last but not least, it is pretty vital to know, especially if you have only a few days in Jerusalem, that the opening hours and overall atmosphere in the city are significantly affected by Shabbat.

This day of rest takes place from late afternoon on Friday to Saturday late afternoon.

It can almost seem that the life in the city stops for 24 hours, some sights might be closed, and your visit must be much more carefully planned during this time.

For example, we took a one-day West Bank tour on Saturday to ensure our day won't be wasted.

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How to Get to Jerusalem

Visiting one of Israel's most important and biggest cities can be daunting.

On the other hand, one thing you do not have to worry about is how to get there, no matter where you travel from.

Although we traveled around Israel by car, because of the heavy traffic, we do not recommend getting to the city this way (especially to its city center) as there are plenty of other more convenient options.

For example, we spent a few days in Tel Aviv first, then took a train to Jerusalem, explored the city, and only then rented a car to see the rest of the country.

If you do not have any other option than to arrive by car, then no matter what is your initial destination, you need to get on Highway 1, which will take you to Jerusalem.

Make sure you look into the map first so you do not accidentally cross borders to the West Bank.

It is good to know that parking in Jerusalem is hard to get, and you should either find a hotel with private parking or get familiar with parking on the street, which requires downloading an app.

Driving in the city center of Jerusalem during Shabbat is not recommended as some roads might be blocked and crowds aggressive.

If you are still not sure about road tripping in this part of the world, feel free to read our guide on driving in Israel .

Public Transport

The most common way how to get to Jerusalem is by public transport.

Buses between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Ben Gurion International Airport, or any other larger Israeli city or top attractions in the area are frequent and safe.

Ourselves, we traveled between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem by train, and it was a very smooth journey.

We were even able to walk from the train station to our hotel near the city center and saved on public transport in the city.

Honestly, the modern and fast train between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem via the international airport makes traveling between these destinations extremely easy.

Therefore, we believe the train is the best way to get from Ben-Gurion Airport to Jerusalem (or Tel Aviv, Akko , Haifa , etc.).

Jerusalem Central Bus Station and Yitzhak Navon Railway Station are located opposite each other on Jaffa Street, about 2.5 kilometers from the Old City.

As mentioned above, we decided to walk from there, but there is also a Light Rail stop making this journey a matter of only a few minutes.

Usually, it is not necessary to buy tickets in advance, especially if you travel to nearby destinations, but it is recommended to do so on public holidays.

Another great way to get to Jerusalem, especially if you are short on time and do not want to spend time figuring out the public transport system, is taking a tour.

The most usual way is taking a Jerusalem and Bethlehem Tour from Tel Aviv, which will give you the chance to see the best the city has to offer in a limited time.

Still, we recommend you plan your trip the way that you will get to spend at least one night in Jerusalem and have time to explore its top attractions at a leisure pace.

How to Get Around

If you decide to stay in proximity to the Old City, you can easily explore Jerusalem on foot.

In fact, walking within the Old City is the only reasonable way to see this area. We even walked to our hotel from Yitzhak Navon Train Station so we could stop at the local market along the way.

For the next three days, we were able to reach most of Jerusalem's attractions without the need to use public transport.

Simply put, if you are used to walking everywhere, Jerusalem is a great place to do so.

Still, there are a few places, such as Yad Vashem, that require using public transport.

Luckily, the Jerusalem Light Rail is one of the best ways to get around the city. It's reasonably cheap, reliable, fast and very comfortable.

It connects the City Hall near the Old City with the previously mentioned train station or the museum.

You can buy tickets at every stop or use the Rav Kav smartcard.

Alternatively, you can use a taxi to get around Jerusalem, though it's more expensive unless you travel in a group. It's better to use the Gett app to avoid being scammed or make sure to agree on the price before you start the trip.

Jerusalem also has an extensive bus network operated mainly by Egged.

Getting around Jerusalem by bus might be convenient for some travelers. Just make sure to have a Rav Kav smartcard, as you can't use regular tickets anymore.

The local buses are also a popular way to reach towns such as Jericho, Ramallah, or Bethlehem on the West Bank.

Lastly, if you've arrived in Jerusalem by car, then we would strongly recommend leaving it at your hotel's parking.

Jerusalem is known for traffic jams and a bad parking situation so you might consider whether you need a car for this city at all.

Don't forget that public transport doesn't run in Jerusalem on Shabbat.

travel one jerusalem

Where to Stay in Jerusalem

Earlier, we established you should stay overnight in Jerusalem. Now you will need to find a nice and good hotel for the amount of time you have.

We've already mentioned that Jerusalem is not the cheapest city in the world, and the budget category hotels are actually quite expensive.

Also, be prepared that the hotels with an excellent value-to-price ratio are booked out obviously first.

High prices are the reason why it is better to travel in the shoulder season and avoid major holidays unless you want to spend a fortune on accommodation.

On our trip, we were lucky enough to secure a great deal, but that might not be your case if you don't book your hotel in advance.

It is definitely worth it to stay within walking distance of the Old City, so you do not spend that much time commuting.

Although you can find hotels in the Old City, we believe that it's better to stay outside this area, so you have a better opportunity to see Jerusalem from a different perspective.

Here are our tips on the best hotels in Jerusalem for every type of traveler.

Budget | Abraham Hostel - One of the most popular hostels in Jerusalem, Abraham Hostel is conveniently located halfway between the Yitzhak Navon Train Station and the Old City. This hostel is always a great choice if you're traveling on a budget.

Mid-range | Ibis Styles Jerusalem City Center - Ibis Styles in Jerusalem, as in many cities around the world, is always a safe bet when searching for accommodation. The hotel has a fantastic location, only 700 meters from New Gate, comfortable rooms, a daily buffet breakfast, and offers excellent value for money.

Luxury | Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem - Designed with Greco-Roman, Gothic and Ottoman motifs, Waldorf Astoria is one of the best hotels in Jerusalem. It offers a great service, beautiful rooms, and a location within walking distance of the Old City. It is a truly wonderful hotel. If you can afford this type of accommodation, just go for it.

Is Jerusalem Worth Visiting?

Jerusalem is definitely worth visiting, regardless of whether you come here on a day trip or stay for a week. Whether you come for the history, religion, architecture, people, culture, or food, you won't leave disappointed.

There is just so much to see and do in Jerusalem that you will probably end up wishing to have more time for the city.

And we believe every traveler will have a great there, regardless of their age or preferences.

If you're planning your trip to Israel, we would have a really hard time coming up with a single reason not to include it in your travel itinerary.

Simply put, Jerusalem is an extraordinary place to visit, a true traveler's dream come true, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation : When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld .

Tours : Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator .

Rental Cars : When going on a road trip, we always use , a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets : When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance : World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

Jerusalem, Israel

Luckily, one evening as the sun was setting, I was able to capture this amazing sky.  While my wife and I were in the Old City in Jerusalem, this was the only evening that had these amazing colors, clouds to reflect them, etc.  This is not an HDR shot.  All original.  I did de-noise the sky as it was a little noisy.  Well, I hope you enjoy it.  I look forward to your comments.....For those of you that don’t know what this is.  This is the Wailing Wall or Kotel within the Old City in Jerusalem, Israel.  Above the wall is the Temple Mount.

Destroyed and rebuilt over thousands of years, Jerusalem's spiritual magnetism endures. With interlacing histories, clashing cultures and constant reinvention, the city is an intense, multisensory experience.


Must-see attractions.

Jerusalem, Israel - July 26, 2015: Panorama of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre  - church in Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Four magnificent arches, their lintels richly decorated with Crusader crosses, herald the entrance to one of Christianity's most sacred sites. The church…

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL JUNE 10 2015: Israeli Temple Mount policeman greets the locals under the arches near the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount on June 10 2015 in the Old City of Jerusalem Israel.; Shutterstock ID 408810679; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Middle East Online Highlights Update

Temple Mount/Al Haram Ash Sharif

There are few patches of ground as holy – or as disputed – as this one. Known to Muslims as Al Haram Ash Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary) and to Jews as Har…

People prays and walk in front of the western wall, wailing wall or kotel.

Western Wall

The air is electric at Judaism's holiest prayer site, where worshippers recite scriptures, lay their hands on 2000-year-old stone and utter impassioned…

Israel Museum

Israel Museum

More than 5000 years of cultural treasures are assembled around the vast Israel Museum's indoor and outdoor galleries. Highlights are the titanic statues…

Jerusalem, Israel

City of David

East Jerusalem

As teeming with controversy as it is with ancient history, the City of David is one of Jerusalem's most active archaeological sites. The oldest part of…

500px Photo ID: 69901347 - Memorial site at Yad Vashem.

Israel's official memorial to the six million Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis is powerful, poignant and a masterpiece of design. The museum's name…

Israel, Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock. Unesco.

Dome of the Rock

The jewel in the crown of Temple Mount/Al Haram Ash Sharif is the gold-plated Dome of the Rock, the enduring symbol of the city and one of the most…

Mahane Yehuda Market

Mahane Yehuda Market

All of Jerusalem meets in Mahane Yehuda, from first-time visitors to residents filling their trolleys with fruit and veg. Market tables are laden with…

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Jerusalem and beyond.

East Jerusalem

20 Top-Rated Things to Do in Jerusalem

Written by Jess Lee Updated Mar 24, 2023

The most contested city on Earth is also one of the most beautiful.

Jerusalem's scope of history is staggering, and the major role the city plays in the traditions of all three major monotheistic faiths has led to it being continually fought over, across the centuries.

This is the heart of the Holy Land , where the Jews raised the First Temple to keep the Ark of the Covenant safe, where Jesus was crucified and rose again, and where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven to receive God's word.

For believers, a visit to Jerusalem is a pilgrimage to one of the most sacred sites in the world. The number of religious tourist attractions here can be baffling for first-time visitors, but luckily most of the top sightseeing landmarks and things to do are secreted within the lanes of the compact Old City district .

With so much to see and do, the best way to tackle a trip here is to decide on a few key points of interest and places to visit that are must-dos and break your sightseeing down into sections of the city.

Don't try to do too much and wear yourself out. It would take a lifetime to see everything that Jerusalem offers.

Help plan your city sightseeing with our list of the top tourist attractions and things to do in Jerusalem.

1. Haram Al-Sharif (Temple Mount)

2. western wall and jewish quarter, 3. church of the holy sepulchre, 4. armenian quarter, 5. follow the route of the via dolorosa, 6. explore the citadel (tower of david) and surrounds, 7. churches of the christian quarter, 8. muslim quarter, 9. mount of olives, 10. mount zion, 11. walk the old city walls, 12. east jerusalem, 13. west jerusalem central city sites, 14. israel museum, 15. kidron valley, 16. monastery of the cross, 17. yad vashem (hill of remembrance), 18. herzl museum, 19. take a day trip to ein kerem and abu ghosh, 20. visit latrun, map of things to do in jerusalem, jerusalem, israel - climate chart, history of jerusalem.

Haram Al-Sharif (Temple Mount)

Follow in the footsteps of centuries of pilgrims, and enter one of the holiest sanctuaries on Earth .

Lauded by both Jews and Muslims, this is the site where Abraham (father of all three monotheistic faiths) is said to have offered his son up as a sacrifice to God, where Solomon built the First Temple for the Ark of the Covenant, and where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven during his early years of preaching Islam.

Haram Al-Sharif is a place of deep significance (and contention over ownership) for those of faith.

The wide plaza, above the old city, is centered around the glittering Dome of the Rock , which is Jerusalem's most iconic landmark .

Beneath the golden dome is the sacred stone both Jews and Muslims believe to be where Abraham offered his son to God and where Muslims also believe the Prophet Muhammad began his journey to heaven.

The southern side of the plaza is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque . First established in 705 CE, it's among the oldest mosques in the world .

Location: Entry from Western Wall Plaza, Old City

Wailing Wall and Jewish Quarter

The Western Wall is the surviving retaining wall of Jerusalem's First Temple.

Sometimes also called the Wailing Wall due to the people's laments for the loss of the temple in 70 CE, it is now the holiest site in Judaism and has been a place of pilgrimage for the Jewish people since the Ottoman era.

The Jewish Quarter of the old city runs roughly from the Zion Gate east to the Western Wall Plaza . This part of the Old City was destroyed during the Israeli-Arab fighting in 1948 and has been extensively rebuilt since 1967.

A major highlight here for history fans is the Jerusalem Archaeological Park at the southern end of the Western Wall Plaza, where archaeologists have unearthed fascinating remnants of old Jerusalem.

The Western Wall Tunnels , which take you under the city, back to the level of the original city, are also not to be missed.

Jewish Quarter Street (Rehov HaYehudim) is the main lane of the district, and veering off this road onto the surrounding side streets are a cluster of interesting synagogues to visit.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

For Christian pilgrims, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is Jerusalem's holiest site and is said to have been built on the site where Jesus was crucified.

The site for the church was picked by Saint Helena–mother to Constantine the Great–during her tour of the Holy Land. She was the one to announce to the Byzantine world that this spot was the Calvary (or Golgotha) of the gospels.

The original church (built in 335 CE) was destroyed by 1009, and the grand church you see now dates from the 11th century.

Although often heaving with pilgrims from across the world, the church interior is an opulently beautiful piece of religious architecture.

This is the ending point for the Via Dolorosa pilgrimage , and the last five Stations of the Cross are within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre itself.

The interior contains various holy relics, and the quarters inside the church are owned by different Christian denominations.

Location: Christian Quarter, Old City

Armenian Quarter

Running south from the Citadel, Armenian Patriarchate Road is the main street of what is known as the Old City's Armenian Quarter.

Within the narrow lanes here are the Armenian Orthodox Cathedral of St. James and the Syriac Orthodox St. Mark's Chapel , which receive much fewer visitors than others in the Old City.

Armenians have been part of Jerusalem's community for centuries, first arriving in the city during the 5th century. Many more arrived during the Ottoman era and after the Armenian massacres in Turkey during the early 20th century.

Jerusalem's Armenian Quarter is the Old City's most tranquil corner to explore and a good place to wander if the press of pilgrims gets too much.

Via Dolorosa

For many Christian visitors, the Via Dolorosa (Way of Sorrow) is the highlight of a visit to Jerusalem.

This walk follows the route of Jesus Christ after his condemnation as he bears his cross towards execution at Calvary.

The walk is easily followed independently, but if you're here on a Friday, you can join the procession along this route led by the Italian Franciscan monks.

The course of the Via Dolorosa is marked by the fourteen Stations of the Cross , some of which are based on the Gospels' accounts and some on tradition.

The walk begins on Via Dolorosa Street (1st station, east of the intersection with Al-Wad Street) from where you follow the street west. Then proceed south onto Al-Wad Street and west onto Via Dolorosa Street again, through eight stations until you reach the 9th station at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where the last five stations are.

The current route stretches for around 600 meters and has been the accepted trail since the 18th century, replacing earlier processional ways that Christian pilgrims to the city had used since around the 8th century.

Of particular interest along the way is the Chapel of the Flagellation (2nd station), built on the site where Jesus is believed to have been flogged.

Address: Via Dolorosa Street, Old City

Jerusalem Via Dolorosa - Floor plan map

The Citadel, popularly known as the Tower of David, actually has no connection with David, having been erected by King Herod to protect the palace he built in approximately 24 BCE.

His original citadel had three towers named after his brother Phasael, his wife Mariamne, and his friend Hippicus.

After Titus' conquest of the city in 70 CE, the Romans stationed a garrison here, but later the citadel fell into disrepair. It was successively rebuilt by the Crusaders, Egypt's Mamelukes, and the Ottomans, during their years of reign over Jerusalem.

The building you now see was built in the 14th century on the foundations of the original Phasael Tower.

Inside is the Tower of David Museum , which relays the story of Jerusalem . A permanent display of archaeological exhibits can be viewed, along with temporary exhibitions that explore facets of Jerusalem's culture and heritage.

If you climb up to the citadel's rooftop, you are rewarded with one of the best Old City vistas in town .

During the evening, there is a Sound and Light show here, with visuals projected onto the city walls, which is particularly good for traveling families who want to introduce their children to some of the city's history.

Location: Jaffa Gate, Old City

View of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Christian Quarter

There are churches throughout Jerusalem's Old City, but the area, running north from Jaffa Gate and centered around the Church of the Holy Sepulchre , is known on most tourist maps of the Old City as the Christian Quarter.

Within this tangle of alleyways are some of the Old City's most popular tourist souvenir souks and a whole caboodle of churches that are well worth exploring.

Protestant Christ Church (Omar ibn al-Khattab Square) has a quirky museum with interesting document exhibits and a decent café to rest your weary old city-plodding feet.

The Ethiopian Monastery , squeezed into the corner of The Church of the Holy Sepulchre's courtyard, contains interesting frescoes portraying the Queen of Sheba's Jerusalem visit.

The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (Muristan Road) is where you come to climb the bell tower for incredible Old City views. And the Church of St. John the Baptist (off Christian Quarter Street) is worthy of a visit as it is Jerusalem's oldest church .

Muslim Quarter

The most bustling and alive district, with the best souk shopping in the Old City, is known on most tourist maps as the Muslim Quarter.

This district roughly runs from Damascus Gate through the northeast chunk of the Old City.

Plenty of fine surviving remnants of Mamluk architecture line the streets here, including the 14th-century Khan al-Sultan (Bab al-Silsila Street), where you can climb up to the roof for excellent views across the higgledy-piggledy lanes.

If you wander down Antonia Street , you'll come to the beautiful crusader-built St. Anne's Church (believed to be built on top of the site of the house of the Virgin Mary's parents) and the Pool of Bethesda next door.

Mount of Olives

Overloaded with churches and home to the oldest continually used cemetery in the world , the Mount of Olives holds particular interest to religious pilgrim travelers to Jerusalem, but even the non-devout can appreciate the spectacular Old City panoramas from the peak.

This sacred hill is believed to be the place where God will begin rising the dead on Judgement Day. For Christian believers, this is also where Jesus ascended to heaven after his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.

The Church of the Ascension on the top of the mount dates from 1910 and has the best views across Jerusalem.

Walking down the slope, you come to the Church of the Pater Noster built next to the site where, according to tradition, Jesus instructed his disciples.

Farther down, the Church of Dominus Flevit is claimed to be built over the site where Jesus wept for Jerusalem, and farther along is the onion-domed Russian Church of Mary Magdalene .

The Gardens of Gethsemane (where Jesus was arrested) and the Church of All Nations are next, while the Tomb of the Virgin Mary is the last big attraction on the Mount of Olives.

Mount Zion

Mount Zion (the small hill immediately south of the Old City's Zion Gate ) is home to Jewish and Muslim shrines as well as a number of churches.

Since the Byzantine Age, Mount Zion has been revered as the place where Christ celebrated the Last Supper and where the Virgin Mary spent the last years of her life, according to some Christian traditions (another tradition says her last days were spent in Ephesus in Turkey).

For Jews, Mount Zion's importance stems from this being the place of King David's Tomb . If you climb up the stairs from the tomb's courtyard, you'll come to the Last Supper Room , which has served as both church and mosque throughout its long history.

The Church of the Dormition nearby is where the Virgin is supposed to have died, while just to the east is the Church of St. Peter of Gallicantu where Peter is said to have denied Jesus.

Old City Walls

The Old City fortifications date from the Ottoman period, and nine magnificent gates at junctions within the wall's length lead into the Old City.

The Damascus Gate is one of the most famous. Lion's Gate (sometimes called St. Stephen's Gate ) leads onto the Mount of Olives outside the city walls. Zion Gate is the main entry into the Jewish Quarter, while Jaffa Gate is the main passageway for the Christian Quarter.

Walking the wall ramparts is a wonderful way to experience the Old City. There are two sections that can be walked on: Jaffa Gate heading north to Lion's Gate or Jaffa Gate heading south to Dung Gate .

East Jerusalem

The entire old city is officially part of East Jerusalem (the Palestinian sector of Jerusalem that is occupied by Israel). The main entrance into the "newer" section of East Jerusalem, outside the old city walls, is through Damascus Gate .

Just to the east of the gate, within the gardens at the foot of the wall, is Solomon's Quarries , a cave system that extends under the Old City. According to ancient tradition, the stone for Jerusalem's First Temple was quarried from here.

The cave is also known as Zedekiah's Grotto as in Jewish tradition, Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, hid here from the Babylonian forces in 587 BCE.

Slightly east from here (along Sultan Suleiman Street) is the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum . Inside are exhibits from the Stone Age right up to the 18th century.

If you're short on time, some of the highlights of the collection are the skeleton unearthed on Mount Carmel, known as the Carmel Man, in the South Gallery, the 6th century BCE Lachish letters in the North Gallery, and the ornately carved beams from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the South Room.

If you walk down Nablus Road, you'll come to the Garden Tomb , which dates from the Roman or Byzantine period. It was found and identified as Christ's tomb by General Gordon in 1882, and some Protestant Christians still believe that this is the true site that Christ was buried and rose again.

Heading north along Nablus Road is the French Dominican Monastery of St. Stephen where its namesake, the first Christian martyr, is believed to have been stoned to death.

Veer off onto St. George Street from here, and you'll come to the site of the Mandelbaum Gate . Between 1948 and 1967, it was the only crossing-point between the Israeli and Jordanian sectors of Jerusalem. The site is marked with a plaque.

Also on St. George Street, is the Museum on the Seam , a contemporary art museum that exhibits works dealing with social commentary on human rights and conflict.

Central City Sites

From the Old City's Jaffa Gate , you enter West Jerusalem's modern central city district with Jaffa Road running northwest to Bar Kochba Square and Zion Square .

Northeast from Bar Kochba Square , you reach the Russian Compound , dominated by the green-domed Russian Orthodox Cathedral. This area grew up in the late 19th century as a large walled complex for Russian pilgrims.

On the northeast side of the complex were the Russian consulate and a hospice for women, and to the southwest were a hospital, the mission house, and a large hospice for men that lies beyond the cathedral. The buildings are now occupied by various government institutions.

North from here is Ethiopia Street where you'll find the Ethiopian Church . The reliefs of lions above the doorway recall the style of Lion of Judah borne by the Abyssinian dynasty, which traced its origins back to the Queen of Sheba.

Farther north from Ethiopia Street is the Mea Shearim district , home to a community of ultra-orthodox Jews. If you'd like to enter this area, be aware that modest dress (covering arms and legs) is mandatory, and taking photographs of inhabitants is not allowed.

The people of Mea Shearim still wear their old East European dress and speak mostly Yiddish. Some extreme groups refuse to recognize the state of Israel because it was not established by the Messiah and regard themselves as a ghetto of true orthodoxy within the Jewish state.

South from Jaffa Road is the Time Elevator (Hillel Street), a child-friendly introduction to Jerusalem's history, and the Museum of Italian Jewish Art & Synagogue with an extensive collection of Judaica.

Running west from Zion Square on Jaffa Road is the pedestrianized Ben Yehuda Street , Jerusalem's main vortex for dining and shopping.

Old City Jerusalem - Floor plan map

Opened in 1965, this complex of museums is the only place in the country that collects and displays both archaeological finds and art.

The Shrine of the Book building displays Israel's portion of the Dead Sea Scrolls (the rest of the scrolls are displayed in Amman's Jordan Museum in Jordan), which were unearthed in the Dead Sea area during the 1940s.

In the main building of the complex, the Judaica wing has an impressive display of sacred Jewish art and ethnographic displays from Jewish life in various countries.

The archaeological wing contains fascinating exhibits from sites throughout the country ranging from the neolithic era through to the Ottoman era.

There are also adjacent galleries displaying art and artifacts from neighboring cultures that influenced the culture and history of this land. The galleries cover ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the Arabian Peninsula.

The museum's art wing has a good collection of works by Israeli painters as well as pieces by Gauguin, Renoir, Van Gogh, and a range of works by international artists. There's also a regular program of contemporary art exhibitions.

Location: Givat Ram district, West Jerusalem

Official site:

Kidron Valley

The Kidron Valley lies between the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion and is one of the oldest areas of Jerusalem .

Both Jews and Muslims believe that the Last Judgement will take place here, a rope will extend from the battlements of the Temple Mount , over the valley to the Mount of Olives , and the righteous will cross over, supported by their guardian angels, while the sinners will be cast down into damnation.

Archaeological excavations here have uncovered a settlement that dates back more than 4,000 years. The archaeological site is known as the City of David and archaeologists are still working here.

Area G is the oldest part of the site, dating from the 10th century BCE. From here, you can walk down into the tunnels known as Warren's Shaft and Hezekiah's Tunnel and proceed onto the Pool of Siloam and Shiloach Pool , which some people think may be the site where Jesus performed the miracle of healing a blind man.

Monastery of the Cross

According to legend, the massive fortress-like bulk of the medieval Monastery of the Cross is built on the site where the prophet Lot lived.

The trees he is said to have planted in the surrounding area are also believed to have provided the wood for Christ's cross. In Greek Orthodox tradition, a church was first founded here by the Empress Helena.

Georgian monks controlled the church until the 18th century, when it passed back into the hands of Jerusalem's Greek Orthodox community.

Until a few decades ago, the monastery lay well to the west of Jerusalem, but the city's creeping expansion has now surrounded it.

Location: Rehavia district, West Jerusalem

Yad Vashem (Hill of Remembrance)

Israel's major Holocaust memorial is Yad Veshem.

In the main building, the Hall of Remembrance , the names of the Nazi death camps are set into the floor and an eternal flame burns in memory of the dead.

Opening off the main hall is a room containing victim's names, a photographic exhibition, the extremely moving children's memorial, and an art museum with work produced by inmates from the concentration camps.

The extensive surrounding grounds hold numerous works of sculpture and memorials.

Official site:

Mount Herzl

Mount Herzl commemorates the founder of Zionism.

The remains of Theodor Herzl, who died in Austria in 1904, were brought to Israel in 1949, a year after the foundation of the independent Jewish state for which he advocated, and buried in a free-standing sarcophagus on the summit of this hill, which was then named after him.

Near the main entrance is the Herzl Museum with a reconstruction of Herzl's study and library.

The large park also contains the graves of Herzl's parents and several leading Zionists.

Mosque in Abu Ghosh

Ein Kerem Road in Jerusalem runs down into the Ein Kerem Valley where, according to Christian tradition, the village of Ein Kerem was the birthplace of St. John the Baptist.

The Franciscan Friary of St. John here was built in the 17th century over the Grotto of St. John (believed to be his birthplace).

In the center of the village is the Church of the Visitation with beautiful frescoes.

Farther west of the city is the village of Abu Ghosh. This Palestinian village is dominated by a crusader church that has belonged to the Lazarists since 1956. With its four-meter-thick walls, the three-aisled church is fortress-like and is full of crusader character.

Abu Ghosh is also home to the Church of Our Lady of the Ark of the Covenant , which is believed by some to stand on the site where the ark was kept before being transferred to Solomon's temple.


Latrun Monastery , about 28 kilometers west of Jerusalem, was built in 1927 by French Trappist Monks.

Until very recent times, Latrun was of strategic importance. During the British Mandate period, UK authorities had a fortified police post here and up until 1967, it stood on the armistice line between Jordan and Israel.

The monastery is part of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance who practice silence. The extensive grounds that surround the monastery building are beautifully laid out.

In the garden are a collection of late Classical and early Christian capitals and reliefs.

City of David (archaeological site) in Jerusalem

The first settlement in the Jerusalem area probably dates back to the 20th century BCE.

In 997 BCE, King David and the Israelites arrived, and his son (Solomon) constructed the first temple in 950 BCE.

In 587 BCE, the town was captured by Nebuchadnezzar and many of the inhabitants were carried off to Babylon. After the end of the Babylonian Captivity, in 520 BCE, the Second Temple was built.

In 332 BCE, Jerusalem came under Greek rule and was increasingly Hellenized. The desecration of the temple by Antiochus IV sparked off the Maccabean rising of 167 BCE.

Under the Maccabees and the Hasmoneans, the town expanded westward on to Mount Zion. In 63 BCE, it passed into Roman control, and in 37 BCE, Herod became king of the Jews.

He rebuilt and embellished the temple platform and equipped the city with palaces, a citadel, theater, hippodrome, an agora, and other buildings on the Hellenistic and Roman model. After his death in 4 BCE, Jerusalem became the city of the high priests under Roman procurators.

From 41 to 44 CE, it was ruled by Agrippa I, who extended the city northward, building the Third (North) Wall. In 70 CE, Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus, and then again by Emperor Hadrian, in 132 CE, who banned Jews from the city and renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.

Jerusalem became a Christian city in 326 CE, when the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena built a number of churches. This era came to an end when Jerusalem was captured by the Persians in 614 CE.

It was recovered by the Byzantines in 627 CE, but in 638 CE it was conquered by the armies of Islam. Thereafter, the Umayyad Caliphs built the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

A further period of Christian rule began in 1099 CE with the conquest of the city by the Crusaders, who built many churches, palaces, and hospices. Islam returned to Jerusalem, however, when Saladin captured the city in 1187 CE, and it remained in Muslim hands under the Mamelukes (1291- 1517 CE) and the Ottomans (1519-1917 CE), who built the present town walls (1537 CE).

In the 19th century, the Christian powers of Europe, which had supported the Ottoman Sultan against the Egyptian ruler Ibrahim Pasha, gained increasing influence from 1840 CE onwards, and built churches, schools, hospitals, and orphanages. The Pope re-established the Latin Patriarchate, which had originally been founded in 1099 CE, but was dissolved in 1291 CE.

Jews had begun returning to live in Jerusalem in significant numbers since the 13th century. In 1267 CE, Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman Ramban (Nachmanides) founded a synagogue. In 1488 CE, Jews from Egypt settled in Jerusalem, and they were followed by Sephardic Jews from Spain offered refuge from the Spanish Inquisition by the Ottoman Sultan.

In December 1917, British forces under General Allenby entered the city, and on July first 1920, it became the seat of the British High Commissioner in the mandated territory of Palestine.

The United Nations resolved, in 1947, that Palestine should be divided between the Palestinians and the Jews and that Jerusalem should be internationalized. After the end of the British Mandate in 1948, Israeli and Jordanian forces fought for control of the city, and it was partitioned under a cease-fire agreement in 1949.

In 1950, the Israelis made West Jerusalem capital of their state, and after the Six Day War of 1967 they annexed and occupied East Jerusalem including the old city.

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13 Best Things To Do in Jerusalem

Updated Feb. 11, 2021

Jerusalem can be divided into three sections: the Old City , West Jerusalem, and East Jerusalem. Ancient stone walls encase the Old City. You can access the grounds via seven different gateways. Within these walls, you'll find the city's most

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Old City Old City free

Chances are that you'll spend much of your time here. The Old City is home to many of Jerusalem's most sought-after attractions, including the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Temple Mount. Originally built by King David in 1004 B.C., the walled Old City comprises four distinct areas: the Jewish Quarter (or the Cardo), the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter, and the Armenian Quarter. Each quarter exudes its own unique atmosphere, with religious sites, shops, and food offerings reflecting its respective heritage. Yet the Old City's winding alleyways and ancient stone plazas allow mixing and mingling among these cultures, making a very eclectic environment.

It's easy to lose yourself (both metaphorically and geographically) in the Old City, but make sure you devote some attention to its boundaries. You can access the Old City from seven entryways: the New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod's Gate, Lions' Gate, Dung Gate, Zion Gate, and Jaffa Gate. Each doorway marks a significant era of Jerusalem's history. For example, Jaffa Gate is where the Tower of David (the city's primary defense point) can be found.

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Western Wall (Wailing Wall) Western Wall (Wailing Wall)

The Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall or the Kotel, is the most significant historic site for the Jewish faith. This wall, located in the heart of the Old City , is a remnant of King Herod's renovation of the Second Temple and dates back to the first century B.C. Millions of pilgrims (Jewish and non-Jewish) make their way to the Western Wall each year to pray, writing their wishes on small pieces of paper before placing them between the cracks in the stone for God to answer. According to one TripAdvisor user, "Even if you have no faith at all, you can surely appreciate how important this spot is." The most prominent part of the wall measures 187 feet long and can be accessed via the Prayer Plaza. This famous portion is divided into two areas, one for women and one for men.

There's much more to the Western Wall than what is visible in Prayer Plaza. Another 80 feet can be seen in an archeological exposition just south of the main section, while another 1,050 feet extend deep below the city's surface. You can see this underground section by taking a guided tour of the Western Wall Tunnels, which lasts about an hour.

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Israel Museum Israel Museum

Founded in 1965, the Israel Museum is the country's largest cultural institution and one of the world's leading art and archeology museums. Sprawling across 20 acres, the Israel Museum houses roughly 500,000 artifacts, from contemporary sculpture to ancient artifacts. Most visitors come for the legendary Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of 972 texts, which are believed to have been written between 150 and 70 B.C. The scrolls are displayed—along with other historic texts—in the Shrine of the Book, which sits underground and is covered by a white, domelike structure.

Many travelers say that a trip to Jerusalem without seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls is a wasted one, but don't forget the rest of the museum's galleries. As one TripAdvisor user puts it: "Everyone goes here for The Dead Sea Scrolls, but it has an impressive art collection and incredible antiquities." Thanks to a massive renovation completed in 2010, the collections now have a sleek new home.

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Popular Tours

Masada and the Dead Sea Day Trip from Jerusalem

Masada and the Dead Sea Day Trip from Jerusalem

(749 reviews)

from $ 111.00

Caesarea, Haifa And Akko Tour

Caesarea, Haifa And Akko Tour

(33 reviews)

from $ 150.00

Bethlehem & Dead Sea Day Tour from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv

Bethlehem & Dead Sea Day Tour from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv

(38 reviews)

from $ 147.00

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Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock

Temple Mount is one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem for both Jews and Muslims. Historians have associated it with Mount Moriah (where the binding of Isaac took place) and Mount Zion (where the original Jebusite fortress once stood); however, neither theory has been proven. Jews believe that this section of the Old City is the resting place of the Divine Presence on earth and the source of the dust that God used to create Adam. Meanwhile, Muslims believe that Muhammad's ascent to heaven took place at Temple Mount. Even if you're not a believer, travelers say that Temple Mount is worth visiting for its resounding historical significance. According to one TripAdvisor user, "It was so interesting to see thousands of years converge in one place. This is a do not miss experience in my opinion."

Despite its importance to both religions, Temple Mount's most notable feature is distinctly Muslim: the Dome of the Rock. Encased in this golden-topped structure is the rock where Muhammad prayed with Gabriel. It is also said to be the exact location of his ascension. You should also pay a visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place in Islam behind Mecca and Medina. Constructed in 720 A.D., Al Aqsa is described by many as one of the most beautiful mosques in the world.

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Mount of Olives Mount of Olives free

Named after the olive groves that once covered its slopes, this 2,900-foot mountain stands opposite the Old City across the Kidron Valley. For more than 3,000 years, the Mount of Olives has served as Jerusalem's primary burial ground and the final resting place of notable biblical figures, such as Zechariah and Absalom.

There are also several notable religious sites found on the hill's slopes. For example, the Dome of the Ascension contains the last footprint Jesus made on earth before he ascended into heaven, and the Garden of Gethsemane marks the location of Jesus' prayers before the crucifixion (you'll also find olive trees that are roughly 1,000 years old). But above all else, come to the Mount of Olives for the views. According to one TripAdvisor user, "You look over the Kidron Valley to Jerusalem and Temple Mount. You can imagine Jesus as he looked over Jerusalem and saw a vision of the destruction."

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Mahane Yehuda Mahane Yehuda free

Sandwiched between Agripas and Yafo streets in West Jerusalem, Mahane Yehuda offers a glimpse (and a taste) of authentic life in modern Israel. This vibrant marketplace houses vendors selling everything from aromatic spices to souvenirs. The lively atmosphere is thick with the scent of fresh falafel and the sound of more than 250 haggling merchants. Although you're sure to find the market crowded no matter when you visit, be prepared for extremely heavy crowds on Fridays, when Jerusalem residents are stocking up for the Sabbath (which is observed from Friday at sundown through Saturday night).

Mahane Yehuda is open from Sunday morning through Friday afternoon, and it's free to explore (although you'll want some cash in case you find something appetizing).

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Yad Vashem Yad Vashem free

Located about four miles from the Old City in West Jerusalem's Mount Herzl neighborhood, Yad Vashem contains the world's largest collection of information on the Holocaust. Stretching out over 45 acres, this facility is comprised of both museums and memorials. The Holocaust History Museum and the Museum of Holocaust Art display artifacts and artworks that detail the tragic events. Meanwhile, Yad Vashem's unique memorials, such as the Hall of Names and the Children's Memorial commemorate the Holocaust's victims.

Recent visitors describe Yad Vashem as very thorough and well thought-out, and they praise the facility for its beautiful and serene design. Travelers also warn that a visit to Yad Vashem can be an extremely emotional experience. According to one TripAdvisor user, "The Children's Memorial is very hard to go through, but done so well."

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Church of the Holy Sepulchre Church of the Holy Sepulchre free

Believed to stand directly above Jesus Christ's tomb, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is considered one of the world's holiest Christian sites. Emperor Constantine originally built the church in 326 A.D. as a Byzantine place of worship. Since its formation, the Church has been destroyed twice, first by the Persians in 614 A.D. and then by the Egyptians in 1009. Today's church is a product of 12th-century Crusaders.

Travelers describe the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as nothing short of breathtaking. While the tomb of Jesus is the church's main attraction, and you will likely encounter long lines to enter the area. Many visitors say that the wait makes the church feel commercial rather than spiritual. One TripAdvisor user writes: "Obviously for Christians this is the most holy site. [But it] was a bit distracting because of the number of pilgrims and tourists taking pictures." 

Travel To Bethlehem, Jericho & Jordan River - Group Guided Tour from Jerusalem

Travel To Bethlehem, Jericho & Jordan River - Group Guided Tour from Jerusalem

(127 reviews)

from $ 89.00

Jerusalem Walking Tour

Jerusalem Walking Tour

(17 reviews)

from $ 89.99

Galilee Day Tour

Galilee Day Tour

(26 reviews)

from $ 99.00

City of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel City of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel

The City of David, founded more than 3,000 years ago by King David, serves as a major archeology site and a functioning residential neighborhood within the Old City . Visitors explore what remains of this ancient city (which includes what's left of the First and Second Temples), both above ground and below. Before you start your exploration, stop in at the visitor's center (located just outside the Jewish Quarter's Dung Gate), where you'll find information on City of David sites and guided tours.

For most visitors, the highlight of a City of David visit is Hezekiah's Tunnel. The tunnel was ancient Jerusalem's primary source of water, according to the Bible. Today, you can traverse this ancient waterway, an amazing feat of ancient engineering. One TripAdvisor warns, "This is pretty strenuous and can be damp, so wear proper clothing and shoes."

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Garden Tomb Garden Tomb free

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre may have a shrine, but it is widely believed that Jesus Christ was actually buried and then resurrected in the Garden Tomb. Located just a short walk from the Old City 's Damascus Gate, this lush garden contains ruins said to be the sepulcher of Joseph of Arimathea. Today, recent visitors describe the garden as serene. According to one TripAdvisor user, "This wonderful place is a must see if you are looking for a spiritual experience. Very peaceful, beautiful and meaningful."

The Garden Tomb is open to visitors Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon, and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Admission is free, as are guided tours and pamphlets. For more information, visit the Garden Tomb website .

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Tower of David Museum Tower of David Museum

The Tower of David Museum inhabits the medieval Tower of David. Despite its name, the Tower of David did not actually have anything to do with Kind David. While the tower's original purpose was to defend Jerusalem, it now contains an extremely comprehensive museum the details Jerusalem's history. While walking through the citadel, you'll find informative panels and miniature models depicting Jerusalem at different points of its existence.

Recent travelers praise the nighttime light show. According to one TripAdvisor user, "It tells the story of the history of the city and it is extremely well done. The setting as well, in the courtyard of the Tour of David, is beautiful to see at night."

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Via Dolorosa Via Dolorosa free

Flanking the northwest corner of Temple Mount lies Via Dolorosa, which translates to "way of sorrows." This passageway led Jesus from Pontius Pilate's sentencing to Golgotha, where the crucifixion is believed to have taken place. While Christian hymns depict this road as quiet and lined with olive trees, today's Via Dolorosa can oftentimes feel crowded and noisy as it brims with ancient stone buildings and souvenir shops. The street leads to many notable sites (all of which are marked) that Jesus passed, including the Praetorium, where he was sentenced, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre , where he is believed to have been laid to rest.

To make the most of your walk down the Via Dolorosa, recent travelers suggest wearing comfortable shoes. And according to one TripAdvisor user, it "doesn't really take too long to walk down the entire way […] but is really important to have a knowledgeable tour guide who will explain the significance of every station." 

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The Dead Sea and Masada The Dead Sea and Masada

If you're planning on spending several days to a week in Jerusalem, consider taking a day trip to the Dead Sea. Located southeast of Jerusalem, along the Israel-Jordan border, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on the surface of the earth. Recent travelers describe a swim in these waters, which are so salty that no living organism can survive in them, as otherworldly; the salt causes you to float effortlessly on the surface. Many also believe that the Dead Sea (and its mud) has healing powers. Although that hasn't been proven, both the mud and the salty water have soothing effects on skin.

While in the area, you must visit Masada, which sits about 60 miles south of Jerusalem along the southeast coast of the Dead Sea. Overlooking the sea from its cliff-side perch, this archaeological site houses the remains of a Sicarii settlement. The Sicarri was a group of Jewish radicals that defeated the Roman troop stationed in Southern Israel. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., the Sicarii fled Jerusalem and settled at Masada, but four years later, the Romans laid siege to their city. According to legend, rather than endure defeat, the Sicarii committed a mass suicide, leaving only an empty city for the Romans to conquer. Today, you can explore what remains of this community. According to one TripAdvisor user, "The view of the Dead Sea and the surrounding mountain ranges alone makes this hike/journey worthwhile."

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Jerusalem : Private Walking Tour with A Guide (Private Tour)

(11 reviews)

from $ 109.30

Jerusalem Half Day Tour: Holy Sepulchre and Western Wall

Jerusalem Half Day Tour: Holy Sepulchre and Western Wall

(76 reviews)

from $ 50.00

Jerusalem and Bethlehem Day Tour from Jerusalem

Jerusalem and Bethlehem Day Tour from Jerusalem

(257 reviews)

from $ 106.00

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Best Things to Do in Jerusalem (Local Travel Tips)

Updated on April 26th, 2024

A street in Jerusalem, Israel, adorned with numerous signs.

Looking for how to visit Jerusalem for the first time? Check out this travel guide for our best non-religious things to do in Jerusalem, for any culture-savvy traveler.

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Posted in Israel

Table of contents

  • Abraham Hostel Jerusalem
  • Tmol Shilshom
  • Aricha Sabich
  • Marzipan Bakery and Pastry
  • Dwiny Pita Bar
  • Cafe Yehoshua
  • Sushi Rehavia
  • Jerusalem Steakhouse
  • Pasta Basta
  • The Coffee Mill
  • Freddy Lemon
  • Gatsby Cocktail Room
  • Biratenu - Jerusalem Beer Center
  • Rooftop” (rooftop bar in Jerusalem)
  • Beer Bazaar
  • Mahane Yehuda Market
  • Ben Yehuda Street
  • Temple Mount
  • Dome of the Rock
  • Wilson’s Arch
  • Jewish Quarter (Rova Yehudi)
  • Western Wall
  • Mount Herzl (Har Herzl)
  • Arab Quarter
  • Armenian Quarter
  • Hebrew Music Museum
  • Jerusalem public bus
  • Taxis in Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem Central Bus Station
  • Jerusalem light rail
  • Tel Aviv-Jerusalem speed train
  • Take a day trip tour to the Dead Sea

As per a Travel Advisory update posted by the US Department of State on October 14, 2023, Israel has been marked a Level 3 Country: “Reconsider travel” due to the ongoing armed conflict, civil unrest and terrorism from “Hamas, a U.S. government-designated foreign terrorist organization.” Please visit the page for Israel to learn more and stay informed.

Jerusalem is a magical city for so many reasons. It’s historic, it’s full of culture, it’s surprising to most, and what we like about it from our most recent visit is that Jerusalem has lots of personalities.

At the mention of “Jerusalem,” you may think of the Western Wall, lots of religions in one spot and a city from your history book, but maybe that’s because you haven’t seen the murals of the Mahane Yehuda Shuk during its nightlife hours, the hidden speakeasies that only locals know and the best spots for hummus.

No trip to Israel is complete without a few days or even a week, spent in Jerusalem, after you see sights in Tel Aviv and Haifa, and nature at Masada and the Dead Sea.

If you came to our Jerusalem to learn about famous spots from the Bible, politics or history, that’s great, and you’re sure to have an excellent time. Conversely, if you plan to visit Jerusalem to see what’s under the dusty artifacts and stone walls, come with us, as we show you local tips and the best things to see for the fun-loving traveler.

Retro Bahaus architecture in tan and white stone against a blue sky

Did you know that Jerusalem, and Israel as a country, is one of the best countries for gluten-free travel ? You’ll see why.

What to know before visiting Jerusalem (for non-religious trips)

Most people think of Jerusalem and think of a highly-religious city full of places of worship, dusty layers of history and maybe some conflict.

Okay, ready? Brush all of that aside and wipe your slate clean. Jerusalem is a vibrant city with a fascinating mix of cultures and people, and cool surprises around every bend.

For example, the city’s central market turns into the center of nightlife after dark, and it’s where you’ll find poetry slams, beer bars, late-night eats, colorful murals and music. Say what!

Is Jerusalem safe to visit?

Yes, totally. We didn’t experience any crime while traveling in Jerusalem. Israel presents low crime rates for tourists and locals are friendly.

The biggest threat you’d face is potentially getting ripped off in a taxi or in a market. As goes for traveling anywhere away from home, watch your bag, especially in markets and in the Jerusalem Old City (it can be crowded in the narrow alleys) and watch your pockets.

There are on and off periods of tension in Israel overall between various parties, but as a tourist, if you stick to popular attractions and the things in this guide/other blogs, you will likely not get into any type of trouble.

What’s a good packing list for traveling to Israel?

We recommend several packing lists for you to go by, and in addition, we’ll make a few recommendations below.

  • Best travel accessories
  • Which shoes to pack, for women
  • Minimalist packing tips
  • Best accessories for long flights

For Israel additionally, we recommend a few things…

  • Bathing suit! For swimming in the Dead Sea.
  • A travel lock , for using at a rental locker (maybe at the Dead Sea)
  • A scarf or shawl, for women, to use when visiting religious sites where shoulders must be covered (synagogues, Dome of the Rock, mosques, churches, memorial sites)
  • One pair of travel pants for men and travel pants for women , as shorts are also not allowed at major religious sites, memorials and some national monuments
  • If you are Jewish and own your own kippah (skullcap), we also suggest bringing it so that you do not have to borrow or buy one when visiting the Western Wall and other sites of worship
  • Women may also benefit from packing one skirt or maxi dress for the same reasons above

Do I need a visa to travel to Israel?

You probably don’t need a visa to travel to Israel.

Passport holders of 99 major countries do not require travel visas to enter Israel, so if you are reading this and you’re not from Indonesia, Malaysia or a list of Middle-Eastern countries, you do not need a confirmation of a visa.

Should I worry about things being closed on the Sabbath (Shabbat) in Jerusalem?

Shabbat, which is Hebrew for the Sabbath, or day of rest, takes place every Friday evening at sundown until Saturday also at sundown. Shabbat is a peaceful time for Jewish Israelis who observe this day of rest, and so many businesses will be closed.

You’ll notice that Tel Aviv overall observes less of the Shabbat tradition of closing stores, but in Jerusalem it’s a different story. Things like trains will not run, the average business will be closed for the day on Saturday and will close Friday afternoon and many people will attend religious services.

Don’t be scared! As a traveler in Israel on Shabbat, you’ll have heaps to do.

A local tip is that the “monit sherut” (small buss) from the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv runs to Jerusalem, on a somewhat limited schedule. So, ask your hotel or hostel in Tel Aviv about it, and you can make your way to Jerusalem even while other forms of transit are on their day off.

Download Moovit, as it’s a really helpful travel app and it’ll really help you with transportation specifically in Israel.

General first-time travel tips for Jerusalem

Here are a few helpful things to know about Jerusalem, to prepare you for your visit:

“Do”s and “Don’t”s in Israel

  • Try all the amazing food: falafel, shawarma (with toppings), shakshuka, sabich, Turkish coffee, arak, local craft beer
  • Go exploring: in the Old City, around Nachlaot, in the Mahane Yehuda Market (Shuk)
  • Take a tour, in order to learn more in-depth about where you are. You can book some tours or day outings with hostels like Abraham Hostel or with operators like Tourist Israel.
  • Be respectful: of various religions, ethnicities, customs, cultures and languages. Israel has a very diverse array of people, and everyone has a story. Try not to judge, and instead, choose to learn.
  • Do not go unprepared to holy sites like the Western Wall, famous synagogues or mosques, the Temple Mount (see below for our guide) or national monuments and cemeteries. Most will have a modest dress code.
  • Do not get frustrated when someone does not speak any English. Israeli people speak a multitude of languages, from Russian to French to Arabic to Hebrew, and learning English has come as a second thought, for some.
  • Do not expect everything to be open on Friday nights and Saturdays, and do be patient about it. It’s incredible to see a country that comes to ‘full stop’ for one day a week, so appreciate it!
  • Do not leave Israel without learning a few helpful phrases like ‘todah rabah’ (thank you), ‘shalom’ (hi/peace) and, ‘ayfo ha sherutim?’ (where’s the bathroom?).

Old City tourist pricing

Avoid getting your falafel and hummus inside the old city (especially the Jewish Quarter). It’s overpriced and not as good as it’ll be in the more local areas (try the market).

Jerusalem signage and languages

Signs in Jerusalem are usually in three languages: Hebrew, English and Arabic. You’ll also find taxi drivers who speak Russian, shop-owners who speak French, restaurant servers who speak Amharic (from Ethiopia) and expats who speak Spanish. There’s a bit of everyone here.

Learn some Hebrew with our travel language-learning tips !

Taking a Jerusalem city tour can be helpful

Taking a tour around Jerusalem can be helpful, as it’s really easy to get lost — much more so than in the city of Tel Aviv. The streets wind around a lot because the city is so hilly. The bright side of this is that there are lots of viewpoints to see!

Try the Jerusalem public bus system

Jerusalem’s buses run very regularly during the week (aside from Friday evenings and Saturdays during the day) and are a great way to get from neighborhood to neighborhood. Rides are rarely long and they’re pretty affordable. Our tip is to always have change, in Shekels.

White Jerusalem stone arches in a narrow alleyway

Where to stay in Jerusalem, for backpackers

Abraham hostel jerusalem.

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem is a great downtown hostel for travelers of all types, especially backpackers! Given that Israel is so (relatively) expensive for many travelers, with the exchange rate to the USD and other currencies, you may be looking into budget accommodation during your trip.

There’s an Abraham Hostel in Tel Aviv as well, and we equally enjoyed our stay there (it was awesome). Abraham Hostels really have the traveler experience down to a science.

Starting with the common area, there’s a bar, where you can grab happy hour and get to meet other travelers. The demographic here is pretty wide, from college students to travelers in groups in the 50-60 age range from Europe. Seriously, no one stands out here and everyone is welcome.

Red, yellow and green beer names in Hebrew at a bar counter

The hostel has a variety of different rooms, ranging from dorms to privates! The dorm rooms are great for those looking to try solo travel and are a nice way to be social.

In the morning, there’s a big spread of Israeli breakfast, included, so you definitely won’t go hungry and can start your day off with the delicious fresh foods that are part of the Israeli diet — vegetables, fruits and more. We love Israeli breakfasts for staying healthy during travel .

Two women taking bread and Israeli salads at a table with a red and white checked tablecloth

What we like most about Abraham Hostels both in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is that they offer so many events, every day of the week. Literally every day, there is something going on, whether you’re looking for an open mic night, a performance from a local band, a hummus-making class or a city tour you can join. They also offer Abraham Tours to other parts of Israel, like Eilat, Haifa and Bethlehem.

Did you know that staying in a hostel is one of the best ways to save money during a trip? See why!

Where to eat in Jerusalem (local spots)

Tmol shilshom.

Tmol Shilshom is a great place for starting your Jerusalem journey, as it’s a popular place for young people and cultured travelers who want to eat fresh Mediterranean food in a beautiful old alley of a quiet neighborhood. It’s a bookstore-cafe in an old garden, where you can combine food with culture. Have some Israeli wine and try the shakshuka or salmon fillet. End with cheesecake.

Aricha Sabich

Hailed as some of the best sabich, and some of the best food, in all of Jerusalem, Aricha Sabich will not leave you disappointed. Not sure what sabich is? Add this to your vocabulary fast, as sabich is an Iraqi and now Israeli breakfast dish that you can eat any time of day. It consists of eggplant, hard-boiled eggs, tahini sauce and salads, all crammed into fresh pita bread.

Marzipan Bakery and Pastry

Marzipan Bakery is a popular spot for rugelach cookies (drool!), donuts, decorated cakes and chocolate pastries. You might go twice.

Dwiny Pita Bar

This little pita bar is only two minutes away from the Mahane Yehuda Market (the Shuk) and it’ll be great for anyone looking for some of the best vegetarian options, along with creative pita fillings that amount to some “gorgeous vegetarian food” and a hip crowd.

Cafe Yehoshua

Cafe Yehoshua, located at Azza St 17, is highly-rated for healthy breakfast options and a nice Mediterranean cuisine menu. Bonus: grilled cheese sandwiches.

Sushi Rehavia

With four locations in Jerusalem, this is a great option if you want some high-quality kosher sushi. It’s well-known throughout town, and while it’s more than what you’d pay to fill up your stomach than having a falafel pita, for example, it’s delicious.

Jerusalem Steakhouse

Not to be confused with an actual steakhouse (it’s not), nor the Brooklyn joint of exactly the same name (ha), this fast casual restaurant is located at 101 Agripas and is good for a ‘real authentic loud Israel experience.’ It’s not too expensive, and it is super crazy delicious for shawarma and falafel.

Cafe Rimon is a local chain with four locations in Jerusalem and is popular for “dairy” and fish. It’s vegetarian- and vegan-friendly, and also has an assortment of gluten-free options. If you go with a group, you can order family-style.

Pasta Basta

Located in Mahane Yehuda Market, AKA “The Shuk,” Pasta Basta is not only fun to say, but has delicious pasta and is relatively inexpensive, considering the cost of many other things in Israel. Travelers say it is worth the wait (there may be one), but a good deal and highly recommended.

If you’re down on Emek Refaim, the main thoroughfare of the “German Colony” neighborhood, Bagel Cafe is your stop for an “American-style bagel” and a coffee. Takeaway is fine here, if not expected and there’s also a catering menu in case you need food for … a ton of people. Kosher.

Located at David Remez St 4, Station 9 is one of Jerusalem’s best Asian fusion restaurants for when you want to get fancy and treat yourself. The eclectic menu mixes flavors from China, Vietnam and more, all under kosher supervision.

Where to grab coffee, Israel-style

Israelis love coffee, and if you’re like us, hunting down cafes wherever you go (and how to take photos of it), you’ll want to know where locals get their coffee in Jerusalem.

Aroma is a coffee shop and cafe now found in many places in Israel, in addition to places like NYC and LA. The first one opened up in Jerusalem in 2006, and now it’s synonymous with starting your morning.

In addition to having your coffee, you can get fresh and healthy items like sandwiches, beads, pastries, vegan breakfast, gluten-free staples like shakshuka, a complete Israeli breakfast and more. Needless to say, you’ll probably go to Aroma a whole bunch during your stay in Israel.

The Coffee Mill

The Coffee Mill is a hidden gem of a cafe, owned by two Americans who created its unique atmosphere. They have coffee from all over the world, and there’s breakfast, lunch and dinner as well.

Cafe Nadi, at Hillel St 39, is one of the most well-known spots for morning coffee and breakfast in Jerusalem. It’s cozy and charming, known for excellent fresh food and outdoor seating.

Coolest local trendy bars in Jerusalem

We know what you’re thinking: cool bars? In Jerusalem? Yes, it’s true. Jerusalem has its own bar and night scene, and it’s exactly where you wouldn’t expect it to be.

To set the scene, picture a big Israeli-style market, lined with vendors selling pomegranates, vegetables, spices, teas and nuts every day (except Shabbat), mixed in with eateries and other market stalls. Now picture the time dinner time rolls around, and the vendors start packing up and leaving.

And the market turns into Jerusalem’s best bar scene.

Now you see why everyone talks about the reinvented “shuk” scene going on at night in Jerusalem, most days of the week. It’s here that you can have craft beer, a cocktail, delicious food and see a Hebrew poetry slam, all while admiring the hand-painted wall murals of famous faces colored across closed stall grates. Don’t forget your camera!

Freddy Lemon

One of the coolest bars in the Mahane Yehuda Shuk, Freddy Lemon is the spot where you’ll see indie musicians take the stage. Happy hour is til 9:30 pm and there’s outdoor (patio) seating. It’s open til 5 am.

Yudale is a tapas bar with a cool and energetic atmosphere. It’s also a two-minute walk from the Shuk, with great drinks, so you can go in the beginning or at the end of your evening out in Jeru.

HaTaklit is a divey bar with some outdoor seating on a quiet uphill street. Happy hour lasts for five hours, staff is friendly and helpful and there’s a performance space. HaTaklit means “the record” (the music kind), and you’ll see why our next listing is its neighbor.

Video Pub, or simply, “Video,” is the official gay bar of Jerusalem. It’s quirky and casual and welcomes everyone. Video is open til 3 am.

Gatsby Cocktail Room

Gatsby Cocktail Room is where you may want to get a bit more dressed up, as opposed to shuffling in from your day in your regular walking shoes and hoodie or tank top. One of Jerusalem’s best speakeasies, it does not disappoint. The menu is grand, with photos and descriptions, all in art deco style and flavor. Note: it’s not cheap, but a special experience like this comes with a special price tag.

Located at Dorot Rishonim St 8, Birma is a laid-back piano bar where you can appreciate some jazz. There’s Middle-Eastern bar food (delicious) and a lovely array of drinks.

Biratenu - Jerusalem Beer Center

Visiting Biratenu is a unique thing to do when you visit Jerusalem. Based in Hillel St 6, you can see hundreds of Israeli craft beers here and speak with the owner, who is very passionate about his work. Beer-lovers, beware! You might want to stay a while here.

Rooftop” (rooftop bar in Jerusalem)

It’s rare to find a rooftop bar in Jerusalem, but if you visit Rooftop, at Shlomo ha-Melekh St 11, it’s a great way to appreciate the city a bit from above, especially when it is warm out.

Beer Bazaar

Beer Bazaar will be your craft beer spot in Israel if you want to “finally get something other than Goldstar or Maccabi beer,” according to our friend Allie. Located in the Mahane Yehuda Market, you’ll see heaps of beers lining the walls and you can speak with knowledgeable and expert beer store staff.

Historic and interesting places to see in Jerusalem

We’re not experts in Jerusalem’s history by any means, but we do appreciate all the unique things you can see that exist nowhere else in the world. For example, where can you see the mix of cultures that takes place in the Old City, in such close proximity?

Mahane Yehuda Market

This is one of our favorite Israeli markets. Debatably the most famous in Israel, you’ll see why, once you get semi-lost among the vendors and travelers from every corner of the Earth who come here to shop and see what’s up.

Blackboard sign in Hebrew writing placed among mangos and dragon fruits in an Israeli market

Once a historic neighborhood, Nachlaot has turned kind of hipster. Lose the map, as it’s not worth bringing one — Nachlaot’s white stone alleys will charm you and you’ll wind up walking in circles no matter what you do.

The neighborhood has rather short buildings, which adds to its charm. Among them, you’ll see galleries, flowers peeking out of gardens, courtyards and centuries-old synagogues with fading signs.

Cameras are welcome!

Bright blue painted door with rusted vertical mailboxes next to a white wall

Ben Yehuda Street

Ben Yehuda Street is a major street and more or less a Jerusalem landmark when it comes to saying, Meet me at Ben Yehuda. This street is closed off for pedestrians, and it’s here that you’ll find stores that cater to tourists, but you may see street performers, groups of off-duty Israeli soldiers and travelers stopping at cafes. This is also where things happen on fun holidays like Purim and Simchat Torah.

Temple Mount

The Temple Mount is a hill in the Jerusalem Old City that is sacred to several religions. It is now part of the “Muslim part,” so it’s where you will find the Dome of the Rock and famous mosques.

A young boy playing ball in an empty plaza at Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock is one of the most holy places in the Muslim religion and it’s a beautiful example of Islamic architecture. We went there to see the architecture. It truly is beautiful. The catch is that it is a tough place in terms of being a tourist — well, not for everyone, but there are a bunch of rules to go by in order to prepare for your visit.

See our complete Dome of the Rock visit guide .

Two women wearing burkas walk by white and blue stone Dome of the Rock

One more thing: Non-Muslims can’t go into the Dome of the Rock itself. So, you have to walk around and quietly appreciate your surroundings without going into any of the buildings.

Wilson’s Arch

If you’re really into history and architecture, check out Wilson’s Arch, which was named for the explorer who ‘found’ (re-found) it in the 1800s. It’s near the Western Wall.

Jewish Quarter (Rova Yehudi)

The Jewish Quarter is one of the four ‘quarters’ (they’re not exactly all the same size) in Jerusalem’s Old City. Again, without touching too much on religion, this is the Jewish cultural section where you’ll find the Western Wall at its border, lots of shops, market stalls, religious (okay, we touched on religion) sites and even people who call this neighborhood home.

It’s totally safe, so there’s no need to worry about safety. If you love feeling like an explorer, you’ll enjoy the stone alleys, old stairwells, accessible rooftops (keep wandering!) and underground labyrinths.

Two men walk on a stone rooftop in Jerusalem Old City

Western Wall

This wall (it’s massive) is one of the most holy places in the Jewish religion and it is called “The Kotel” (Ha Kotel) in Hebrew. Note: to visit — well, to get close to it — women must cover their shoulders and be wearing a skirt or bottoms that fall below the knee, and men must wear the traditional skullcap called a ‘kippah.’

If you’d like to engage in going up close to it, note that most visitors take their visit very seriously, even by backing away from it without turning their back to the wall, and will stick a note of prayer or hope into the cracks of the massive white stones.

Note, again, that to get your note in, you’ll have to cram it in among the thousands (millions?) of notes that have been left there since the beginning of time (or so it seems). A lot of them fall to the ground. To be respectful, avoid touching any note that is not your own.

View of the parking lot outside the Western Wall in Jerusalem Old City on a clear day

Yad Vashem is The World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. It is an incredible and moving testament to the Jews who perished in the Holocaust and also the Gentiles who helped save them and risked their lives doing so.

It is customary to act very respectful here, as the topics are very heavy. The museum is incredibly well-done and it is worth a visit for everyone who goes there.

We recommend avoiding taking photos. It is also customary to not talk much while visiting in order to maintain respect and remembrance.

Mount Herzl (Har Herzl)

Rather than being an actual mountain, Mount Herzl (Har Herzl in Hebrew) is actually the Mount Herzl National Cemetery. It’s here that major Israeli figures are buried, like Yitzhak Rabin and Golda Meir.

The Herzl Museum, which is also on-site, has a movie about the life of Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern Zionims. Also here is the cemetery with the final resting places of fallen soldiers throughout Israel’s various wars.

Please maintain utmost respect when visiting.

If you want to find Mount Herzl, the address is, fittingly, “Mount Herzl, Jerusalem.”

Arab Quarter

The Arab, or Muslim Quarter, is one of the quadrants of Jerusalem’s Old City within the old city walls. The main point of entry is Damascus Gate, which is a landmark on any map.

The main market is the cotton market, and it is in the style of a shuk, where you can buy all the things you need (rather than souvenirs).

Armenian Quarter

The Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City is the smallest ‘quarter’ (again, they’re not perfect quarters). Between one and two thousands Armenians live in this region.

You can enter through Zion Gate and Jaffa Gate, so look for those gates on your map. Things to do in the Armenian quarter include having coffee, visit Armenian ceramic and pottery shops and trying Armenian food at the Armenian restaurants. There are a few religious sites as well (remember, we’re not experts on religion during this article, so we’re not going to mention much more detail because we don’t feel qualified to do so!).

White stone pointed top of a church in the Armenian old quarter of Jerusalem old city

Hebrew Music Museum

Visitors say this Jerusalem museum is a real gem, and that’s because in addition to musical instruments, the museum helps depict the periods of time that shaped music in Israel and how music is intertwined with culture.

There are interactive exhibits all around, and it’s recommended to take a guided tour in order to not miss anything crucial. This is a great museum for music lovers, music fans, musicians or anyone who wants to learn something completely new while discovering Israel.

If you’re into unique and off-the-beaten-track museums, you’ll want to say you’ve been to the Jerusalem Tax Museum.

This museum exists to show people the importance of tax collection! We could use a few pointers about that every year!

Even more than exhibiting tax in Israel, the museum demonstrates how tax is collected all over the world. Worth a visit, if you’re a CPA, accounting or finance student, or if you want to learn a ton of new things!

Transit options in Jerusalem (how to get around Jerusalem)

Most of Jerusalem is walkable, as it’s not a big city, compared with other major cities in the world. While Jerusalem is not actually big, it’s very hilly and therefore, lots of streets wind around hills. There’s no real city grid, and lots of streets turn into others and are windy. There are a few transit options to help you out.

Jerusalem public bus

For getting around on a day to day, taking the public bus is very helpful. You’ll see people lining up to get on buses, especially at rush hour in the morning and later in the day. Within our week in Jerusalem, we got pretty familiar with the buses that stopped at our hostel and the other places we went. We rarely took taxis!

Taxis in Jerusalem

You can take taxis in Jerusalem, but note that the drivers sometimes don’t speak English (most will speak Hebrew, Russian or maybe Arabic a bit). Also, you will probably wind up paying a lot for a taxi as a non-Hebrew speaker. This can get frustrating. We advise taking a taxi if you can’t figure out the bus or light rail route to get to your destination.

Jerusalem Central Bus Station

As Israel is a compact country, the best way to get around is by bus, if you’re not renting a car. We got around between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and back again, via public bus. Buses to lots of major cities leave very often, and you’ll rarely have to wait.

Around the bus station, everyone is pretty helpful, especially if you’re going somewhere major (Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheva, Eilat).

In Jerusalem, the bus station is a pretty popular place, and people on the light rail or on the street will be hopefully pretty helpful in getting you there. The light rail (details below) has a stop at the bus station. Leave some time when taking the light rail in case there’s any sort of delay.

A good thing to know is that buses to Tel Aviv run every 15-20 minutes.

Be aware of Shabbat (Friday night into Saturday) service for all transportation options. Things tend to stop and get slower a few hours before Shabbat begins (it depends on the time of year). Ask your hotel or hostel staff for the most up-to-date details on when Shabbat starts and how it will affect transport options in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem light rail

Jerusalem has a fairly new system that’s reminiscent of a small above-ground metro, and it is called Harakevet Hakala. It mostly connects the main thoroughfares of the city (which is not huge) and can take you from the Central Bus Station to places like the square outside Abraham Hostel Jerusalem.

Tel Aviv-Jerusalem speed train

The “Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway,” also referred to as the “high-speed railway to Jerusalem,” is Israel’s newest hi-tech transport option.

During our last trip to Israel, this speed train was not even finished yet, but everyone was very excited about its completion.

With this rail line now done, you can reach the Tel Aviv International Airport (Ben Gurion Airport) in around 25 minutes from Jerusalem city. That’s incredible!

Tickets are around 10 USD and you can pay for them at a machine with cash or credit. The trains are like European-style railway trains.

Taking the high-speed rail is a great new way to have a mass transit option in getting from the airport to Jerusalem and avoiding (sorry, taxi drivers) the high prices that taxis usually cost in getting anywhere from city to city.

Day trip ideas out of Jerusalem

Israel is a relatively compact country (many say it’s the size of the US state of New Jersey), so taking a day trip is never a huge schlep, so to speak.

Many tour operators like Tourist Israel can help you take all sorts of day trips to Masada, Ein Gedi, Caesarea and the Dead Sea. Check out how we took a Tourist Israel trip to the Dead Sea, as follows.

Take a day trip tour to the Dead Sea

Dan and I both took trips to the Dead Sea when we went on Birthright Israel trips in our late teens-early twenties (separately) and were excited to go back. Due to the heaviest rains in years during our most recent trip to Israel, we went to a different part of the Dead Sea than previous times.

This was interesting because it was not as we had remembered, and it was good for us to see another “Dead Sea region.” Our trip with Tourist Israel took an alternate route because the Dead Sea resorts near Ein Gedi, the most famous and most beautiful Dead Sea location, was closed due to mudslides the day we went.

Instead, we had an interesting time visiting Qasr el Yahud, or, the spot where Jesus was baptized. We probably would not have made our way here otherwise, so it was a kind of once-in-a-lifetime experience for us to see a famous Christian site in Israel, whereas we typically visit Jewish ones.

Leaving Jerusalem and going through the desert is a quintessential Israeli experience that everyone should have. Hopefully your tour will stop at a monument to Sea Level, as it all goes downhill from there… so to speak (ha).

Winding highway road through yellow desert hills in Israel

At the Dead Sea itself, you have to prepare to get very salty. The water in the Dead Sea is like nothing you’ve ever floated in — it’s basically hard to sink!

Bathing in water in such a high concentration of salt will leave your skin smooth and can be pretty therapeutic. Be sure to rub the mineral-rich mud all over yourself, and of course, all over your friends.

White stone and red and gray mosaic design against a blue sky

One thing to remember is to be careful of if you have any open cuts (even a paper cut), because the high salt content of the Dead Sea water can magnify the stinging feeling.

Ready to explore more of Israel? Explore Tel Aviv and the Dead Sea with us!

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Jerusalem is a city I must visit once in my life. I’ve been so convinced for a long time, probably since I heard this place name on the news when I was a kid. Indeed the names such as Jerusalem, the Middle East, the State of Israel or Palestine has never evoked danger to me. Until, I had been read Phuong Mai’s book “Islamic Way” (a story of Middle East, Islam and Islamism), I started began to fall in love with this land full of honey, ancient and full of mysteries. In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic broke out like a storm, I was able to go to Israel to attend an international fair with the tourist company I am working for. Awesome, from then, my dream has come true. I know when I really like something, I’ll do it until the end. Here is a very detailed guide to Jerusalem for those who want to go on their own.

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Jerusalem travel blog: Overview of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a city in the Middle East, located on a plateau in the Jewish Mountains between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea. It is one of the oldest cities in the world and is considered extremely sacred to the three main Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam

travel one jerusalem

There are some places you visit in the world that you know right away will never compare to any other place you have been to in the past or will visit in the future. Jerusalem is definitely one of them. It is a holy city that has gone through turbulent times and is contested by three monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Today, the city is divided into four quarters: the Jewish Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the Muslim Quarter and the Armenian Quarter. Although ostensibly peace and prosperity in present-day, the reality beneath the layers of history reveals not only the struggle of the past, but also the present, for the ancient city once considered a the center of this world.

travel one jerusalem

The layers of history are not only figurative but actually very literal, as this city has been destroyed and rebuilt more than a dozen times throughout its history. Each time the city is rebuilt, it rises higher above another layer of rubble, creating a very unique look at history through the ages. Are you planning a trip to visit Jerusalem for the first time? Check out this Jerusalem travel guide for things to do in Jerusalem, for any culture buff.

Where is Jerusalem?

travel one jerusalem

Jerusalem has a complex geographical and administrative position. This city is located in the northwestern plateau of the Arabian peninsula, more specifically on the border between Israel and the West Bank of the Jordan River – the land is under administrated by Palestine. In the most obvious terms, Jerusalem is currently the contested city of two state institutions, Israel and Palestine. However, in theory this is so, but in reality the state of Israel almost completely governs Jerusalem.

Why should you travel to Jerusalem?

travel one jerusalem

Jerusalem is the Holy Land, the birthplace of the three largest monotheistic religions in the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. So Jerusalem is home to many of the most important churches, monasteries, temples and religious monuments in history. If you love history and politics you must visit this city. Jerusalem also has been the center of political instability and religious strife for the past 2,000 years. But like the eye of a storm, this place is strangely peaceful and solemn. If you want to experience a new sense of travel, Jerusalem is unique enough than any city you have ever passed.

travel one jerusalem

Located at the crossroads between Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Jerusalem is a crossroads of many cultures, both interacting and opposing. Just coming to Jerusalem you have the opportunity to see the architecture, enjoy the cuisine, experience the cultures of many world civilizations. With a history of 5,000 years and many myths and sacraments taking place here, today Jerusalem is still the most mysterious land in the history of the world. If you have religious beliefs then come here.

Is Jerusalem safe?

travel one jerusalem

This ancient city has been at the heart of military and political unrest in the Middle East for nearly a century. A lot of my friends were surprised when I traveled to Jerusalem. Almost everyone thinks there is still conflict between Israel and Palestine in this Holy Land. In fact, that was 70 years ago, and now Jerusalem is a land with the most strict security control in the world. All visitors to Jerusalem must pass through a multi-layered security check: From the bus station to the sightseeing sites. Not to mention the police with uniform and non-uniform were densely arranged in the city. People come here for pilgrimage, so any act of causing chaos is disrespectful. Moreover, after nearly a century, the Middle East Peace Process is warming up significantly under the Trump presidency. In short, Jerusalem is a safer city than usual.

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Don’t be surprised when you see armed members of the Israel Defense Forces in the city of Jerusalem and beyond. The majority of these young people are serving the Nation and as intimidating as it may seem at first glance, you’ll soon find it’s a normal part of everyday life here.

Is Jerusalem the capital of Israel or Palestine?

travel one jerusalem

Many people think that Tel Aviv is the capital and largest city of Israel, but it is not. Jerusalem is the capital by the law and also the most populous and richest city in Israel. Palestine also declares Jerusalem as its capital, but the state of Palestine has not been recognized by the United Nations. Today tourists only access the western part of Jerusalem, while the eastern part is now Palestinian territory and is quite complicated.

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Jerusalem travel blog: When to visit?

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With the Mediterranean climate, the weather here is often long summers and cold, short winters. The coldest time in Israel is in January, the temperature ranges from 5 to 12 degrees Celsius, the hottest is in August with the average temperature arounds between 18 and 38 degrees Celsius. Between November and March is the time when long and frequent rains and storms occur, and from June to September, it is dry and without rain, so it is very inconvenient for traveling to Israel. Therefore, from the end of November to early March next year and the end of March to the end of July is the “best time to travel to Israel” because the weather is cool at this time, not too hot nor too cold, very suitable. for sightseeing.

travel one jerusalem

Many people think that the Middle East must be as hot as a fire oven because of the desert climate, right? However, Jerusalem is located on a mountain 754m above sea level, so the climate here is quite cool. In January, when I came, it was cold at 7 degrees Celsius.

Jerusalem travel guide: How to get to Jerusalem?

To get to Israel you definitely have to fly to Ben Gurion airport. Jerusalem cannot be reached by land from neighboring countries because all almost Arab countries block theirs borders and flights to Israel.

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From Ben Gurion airport you take a taxi straight to Jerusalem. If you come to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, it can take 2 hours by train and 1 hour by bus. During my trip, I choose a coach because it saves time and I don’t get car sick. You can go to Arlozorov station to take bus 408 or take bus 405 at the central station to reach Tel Aviv. If you take the train, go to Hagana station or Tel Aviv Savidor Central railway station.

Are means of transport and services in Israel operating on Saturdays?

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The answer is no. From Friday afternoon to Saturday night, all public transport activities are closed, restaurants and offices are closed. You should avoid this time if moving from one city to another. There are still taxis operating but not many and the price is also more expensive than usual. The only thing you should do on Shabbat as a tourist is to take a leisurely walk on the road and not go too far.

Jerusalem guide: How to get around Jerusalem?

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The city of Jerusalem includes the Old City and the New City. The old quarter is quite small and there is no public transport in it, so please walk. Tourists and residents mainly use trams and buses to move from the bus station to the hotel and from the new quarter and the old town. Tram is the popular and easiest means of transport to use in Jerusalem, just catch the Tram or Metro 01 running from Mount Herzl to the West Bank, you can getting to many tourist places. Most hotels or attractions are located along this metro line.

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Although Jerusalem is not really large, it is very hilly and therefore a lot of roads wind around the hills. There are no real city streets but more like an interwoven network of roads and trails. For daily commute, taking a public bus is very useful. You will see people queuing to get on the bus, especially during the morning and late rush hours.

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Where to stay?

Because it is a tourist city, the choice of hotels and B&B here is quite rich. However, because it is an old city, most of the hostels and B&Bs have small, ancient and bearing Middle Eastern style. The hostel I rent is Stay Inn Hotel Jerusalem in the New Quarter, the room is old but the hot water, kitchen and location are all very good.

Below we recommend more best budget, mid-range and upscale hotels with good ratings and reviews you can refer to.

  • The American Colony Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Bezalel Hotel – an Atlas Boutique Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Arthur Hotel – an Atlas Boutique Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Herbert Samuel Jerusalem ( Agoda , Booking )
  • King David Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Orient Isrotel Exclusive Collection Jerusalem ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Mamilla Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Dan Boutique Jerusalem ( Agoda , Booking )

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Check out more top and best hotels in Jerusalem on or

Jerusalem tourist guide: Where to go, what to do and top things to do in Jerusalem

Most people think of Jerusalem and think of a highly religious city, rife with places of worship, layers of historical dust, and possibly some conflict. But beyond that, Jerusalem is a vibrant and bustling city with a fascinating mix of cultures and people, and pleasant surprises at every turn, nook and cranny. Jerusalem has a history spanning millennia, with so much to see and do in the city, making it not only an important place if you’re religious person but also if you’re interested in with just a little bit of history.

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Jerusalem is dense with religious, archaeological and artistic atmospheres, so many people come to this city many times in their lives to discover as much as 5,000 years of Western history encapsulated in 650 square kilometers. I spent 2 days and 1 night in Jerusalem but still haven’t visited all the famous landmarks because the city is only as small as Ba Dinh and Hoan Kiem districts while the number of monuments, relics, ruins here is denser than any other ancient city in the world. Here is the Jerusalem itinerary for 3 days 2 nights.

New Jerusalem (Downtown)

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Jerusalem appeared in our eyes under the golden sunlight and blue skies of the Middle East. Contrary to imagination, Jerusalem’s New Neighborhood is crowded, luxurious and seemingly richer than Tel Aviv. Although Tel Aviv is the financial and commercial capital, it cannot have the majesty and prosperity of Jerusalem. Along the main street of Jaffa, there are a number of brands, mansions, administrative offices, banks and restaurants. People walking on the street are mostly pilgrims, most of them wearing traditional religious costumes, the rest of the locals seem to be more relaxed than the busy atmosphere in Tel Aviv. Most of the buildings in Downtown were built during the British takeover of Jerusalem from 1917 to 1948 with a simple but elegant Bauhaus style. Downtown is not the main attraction, so the atmosphere here is quite peaceful like an early morning.

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Old City of Jerusalem – Uptown

Old quarter.

The Old City of Jerusalem is 5,000 years old, but the buildings in good condition were mostly built during the Ottoman period from the 16th to 19th centuries, the rest are mostly ruins or preserved in museums. The old town is divided into 4 districts: the Jewish District, the Christian District, the Muslim District and the Armenian Christian District, with four gates named Jaffa, Damascus, Lion and Zion. From the New Quarter to the Old Town, we usually go through Jaffa Gate, from the avenue of the same name. Here are the prominent attractions in the Citadel you should visit.

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Exploring all parts of the Old City is a must when traveling to Jerusalem. A walled city of stone structures, set in the golden hues of the sun, creates a maze of paths that cut this ancient citadel into Muslim, Christian, Armenian quarters and Jewish.

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Tower of King David and Citadel Area

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This is believed to be the place where King David, who defeated the giant Goliath and ascended the throne of Israel in 970 BC, laid the foundation of the Palace. However, after many destructions, the present-day form of the Citadel was built during the Ottoman period. The most obvious sign is the prominent Islamic prayer tower. In addition, the Tower of David is a complex museum that includes rooms showing Israel through each historical period. The main courtyard was excavated so that the public could clearly see moats, the old foundation of the old imperial citadel. At night there is also an art performance recreating the history of the Jewish nation.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

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Going further northeast, we will meet the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the body of Jesus was buried. According to Christian belief, this is the hill of skulls, where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected 3 days later. During the time of Christ, this was outside the ancient city of Jerusalem. Today, the tomb is surrounded by a church that was rebuilt almost new in 1808. Today the church is always full of pilgrims.

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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is considered the holiest site in the world for Christians and is believed to have been built on the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. The building as it stands has been built and destroyed many times over thousands of years with what stands today as a rather large and impressive church. Given its great significance, prepare to line up here if you want to see most of the main attractions inside the church with some waiting for hours, especially the queue to see the tomb of God Jesus where he was resurrected.

Via Dolorosa (The Path of Sorrows)

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This is the path that Jesus suffered from the place of Roman torture to the hill of skulls to be crucified. This road I almost didn’t notice because it was a very normal looking road but each section would have a sign saying where Jesus fell, where God met his mother Mary for the last time, etc.

Wailing Wall (Western Wall)

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The Western Wall is actually the remains of an ancient Jerusalem temple and is an extremely sacred site for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The wall was first built around 19 BC and is now one of the oldest attractions in Jerusalem. When you visit, there are separate areas for men and women with men having to cover their heads with top hats while women need to cover shoulders and legs.

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English is often written as the Western wall. This is the only surviving wall of the Jewish Temple that existed between 500 and 70 BC. Before it was destroyed by the Romans and started the wandering period of the Jewish people, this was a temple with a huge scale and extremely magnificent architecture. The center of the temple is the foundation stone on which God created the world. Today the rock is surrounded by the Al-Aqsa Mosque with a golden dome and below the mosque is the Wailing Wall. Every year the Jews flock to the foot of the wall to bow down and mourn the fate of a people that had been lost for 2,000 years.

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Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque

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There are other names like Dome of the Rock or Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) for Muslims, this is considered the place where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven on top of a stone, and this stone coincides with the rock of Jewish as I mentioned above. Today the rock is surrounded by a gilded mosque and only Muslims are allowed to get inside, except during prayer times. To enter the mosque, you must enter from the western gate.

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Dome of the Rock is considered one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem, revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims for many reasons. It’s worth noting that it’s one of the hardest places to visit due to its great importance, makes it more devoted to prayer than anything else.

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The stunning Dome of the Rock stands proudly on this site and is the most iconic landmark in the city. The central dome of this church glistens with gold and the colorful tiled exterior walls are absolutely magnificent.

Walking around the small streets of the Old City (Jerusalem travel blog)

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Jerusalem is densely packed with alleyways, and its steep streets are still mostly intact from the Middle Ages. Along these streets are souvenir shops, stalls selling fruit, silk, fleece and religious items. Wandering in this small but solemn space, you will find yourself both small in the midst of thousands of years of history, and very proud when stepping on the stones that have been worn down by time. The scent of incense, the sound of prayers, the sound of church bells creates a thick mixture of ancient smells before your eyes.

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Machaneh Yehudah Market

Machaneh Yehudah Market on Agripas Street has a vibrant and bustling atmosphere when you wander past stalls of sweets, fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh loaves, nuts, pastries, meats and more.

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You dodge to dodge trays, carts and locals with bags full of local produce. Your head spins as you hear the calls of the market vendors, the jeering of hurried deals, and the lure of fresh juice bars and fast food joints. No wonder it is one of the main attractions of Jerusalem and a beautiful window into local life.

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At night, the market is a fun hangout for the trendy kids of the city. Vendor stalls are transformed into seating areas, tables and chairs are laid out, and restaurants, pop-up shops and bars are in full swing. This can also be where you spend a lot of time.

Jaffa Street

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Jaffa Street runs through the heart of the New City, connecting everything together. In some picturesque and quaint areas, it’s nice to stroll and take in the shopping and dining that’s hidden behind it. In the evening, the streets around Zion Square come alive with the buzz of local bars and entertainment venues, where you can sip local Goldstar beer.

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What to eat in Jerusalem?

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The first thing I have to warn you about: Jerusalem is not a foodie paradise for most people. Simply put, in a city with a strong and dense religious atmosphere, the food is also humble and ascetic. Don’t expect to have a great party experience in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the Holy Land of three monotheistic religions, and what is clear is that all three of them ban or restrict pork. Don’t expect to find pork in Jerusalem. Jews and Muslims are extremely strict vegetarians and their signature food is Hummus, made from pureed cooked chickpeas mixed with tahini (sesame butter), olive oil, salted lemon juice and garlic.

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In Jerusalem we eat a lot of veggie bread and hummus. If you absolutely must eat meat, the new neighborhood has a number of lamb sandwiches. However, lamb has a pretty smell, so many people will not be used to it. Your only consolation in Jerusalem is fresh fruit. Israel is a country with the most advanced agriculture in the world, so pomegranates, oranges, and apples here are very sweet, big and available in many street stalls. Don’t forget to try the specialty pomegranate juice.

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Because food in Jerusalem is quite expensive, if you’re traveling on a budget, head to the local markets to find authentic dishes made with fresh ingredients, sample different cuisines from different religions, cultures and ethnicities, and make the most of the street food selling by roadside stalls to get the best food at an affordable price.

A city rich in history and home to diverse culinary traditions, Jerusalem is second to none when it comes to delicious street food. A unique balance between Eastern and Western influences, these dishes have become synonymous with the city and with Israeli culture. You can try hummus, falafel, bourekas or knafeh, shawarma, shakshuka, sabich, turkish coffee, arak, local craft beer and many other delicious dishes.

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What to buy as a gift in Jerusalem?

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Souvenirs or religious symbols are the most valuable gifts in Jerusalem. Religious followers are proud to own items with the word Jerusalem on them. In the Muslim District, you should buy candy, olive oil, and dried fruit because these are two specialties of Arab countries. In the Armenian District, buy pottery in the shape of a pomegranate as it is a typical item of Armenians who are famous for their craftsmanship. In addition, cosmetics with ingredients from dead sea minerals in the Jewish district are also valuable gifts for relatives.

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Some useful notes before you go

How to dress when coming to jerusalem.

Make sure you dress politely and discreetly. It is best whether you are a man or a woman, you should wear long pants, long sleeves and prepare a headscarf if entering a mosque. And when you get to the Wailing Wall, someone will give you a top hat if you are a man.

How to behave properly in Jerusalem?

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Be as discreet, polite and proper as possible. You absolutely avoid indiscriminate behaviors such as screaming, touching others without permission, staring at them as well as using profanity in a foreign language. Many Jewish, Muslim and Christian monks try to stay away from women and of course you should not approach them to avoid any risks. People in Jerusalem are generally not very friendly, hospitable. On the road if you need help you can ask the young people, they speak English quite well and are more open.

What to do to ensure your safety?

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Do not carry weapons or sharp objects with you because obviously if you do you will not get through the security check and believe me, Israeli police and soldiers do not look very approachable. Do not approach the Palestinian-Israeli border and temples, shrines that are closed or do not allow women to get in (signs will be posted outside).

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Jerusalem you can refer to

  • Jerusalem Day Tour
  • Jerusalem, Dead Sea Day Tour & Bethlehem from Tel Aviv
  • Jerusalem, Dead Sea and Bethlehem Day Tour
  • Jerusalem Holy City Tour
  • Dead Sea Chill Out Trip from Jerusalem
  • [Unlist] Jerusalem Hills Private Jeep Tour
  • Jerusalem Mount of Olives Tour
  • Jericho, Ramallah, and Bethlehem Day Tour from Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem Shabbat Tour
  • Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea Tour
  • From Tel Aviv: Jerusalem and Bethlehem Guided Day Trip
  • From Tel Aviv/Jerusalem: Masada Sunrise, Ein Gedi & Dead Sea
  • From Jerusalem: Masada & Dead Sea Full Day Tour with Pick Up
  • From Tel Aviv: Jerusalem Old City & Dead Sea Guided Day Tour
  • From Jerusalem: Tour to Bethlehem, Jericho, and Jordan River
  • Full Day City Tour of Jerusalem
  • From Jerusalem: Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Tour
  • From Jerusalem: Full-Day Bethlehem and Dead Sea Day Tour
  • Jerusalem: Customized Tour with a Local Guide
  • From Jerusalem: Half-Day Bethlehem Guided Tour Small Group
  • From Tel Aviv: Jerusalem Old & New City Bus Tour
  • From Jerusalem: Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea Guided Tour
  • Masada & Dead Sea Tour: Full-Day from Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem Half-Day Sightseeing Tour
  • Best of the West Bank Full-Day Tour from Jerusalem

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Read more about Middle East guide here .

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17 Top Things to Do in Jerusalem

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 4, 2024

One of the most fiercely contested places on Earth, Jerusalem is home to many of Christianity’s, Islam’s and Judaism’s most important holy sites; the wealth of historic, religious and cultural landmarks is astonishing. Now part of Israel, Jerusalem has been fought over for millennia. At one time or another, the Mamluks, Ottomans, Christians, and Muslims have all ruled, with each of them leaving their mark.

Despite its diminutive size, the Old City probably contains more incredible tourist attractions than many countries do. The Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Western Wall are just three of the astonishing sites you can expect to delight in.

Walking through its ancient streets is a mesmerizing experience and the pilgrims of all faiths clogging the passages only add to the intoxicating atmosphere. A special place like no other, Jerusalem offers an endless list of things to do and tourist attractions, such is the wealth of history on show.

17. Church of All Nations

Church of All Nations

Located on the Mount of Olives that looks out over Jerusalem, the Church of all Nations is an important historical site. It contains a bedrock upon which Jesus is said to have prayed prior to being arrested.

While the current church was consecrated in 1652, it actually lies on the foundations of two older churches, with the earliest dating to the 4th century AD.

The church is named for the many different countries that donated various mosaics and apses to it; each of their coat-of-arms can now be found amidst the designs and religious motifs on show.

16. Jaffa Gate

Jaffa Gate

This delightful stone portal is set in Jerusalem’s imposing walls and is one of the main entrances to the Old City.

Its distinctive L shape helped defenders protect the gate and the sand-colored blocks certainly do look impenetrable.

Dating to 1538, Jaffa Gate opens out onto the Christian Quarter on one side and the Armenian Quarter on the other, and you’ll find a constant stream of pedestrians pouring beneath its ancient arch.

15. Jewish Quarter

Jewish Quarter

Although part of the Jewish Quarter was bombed and destroyed during the 1948 Arab – Israeli War, much of it has been rebuilt, giving it a newer feel than many other parts of the city.

That’s not to say that there aren’t lots of historic and religious sites – the Western Wall and Hurva Synagogue are located here, among other important sights.

Wandering around the Jewish Quarter is one of the most interesting things to do in Jerusalem and visitors should definitely make sure to head to the atmospheric Cardo shopping street that was built back in Roman times.

14. Damascus Gate

Damascus Gate

Located in the northwest walls of the city, Damascus Gate is one of the main entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City. It certainly is impressive to behold with its wonderful crenulations and the two towers that flank it.

Built in 1537, the current gate has weathered numerous wars and invasions. Excavations indicate that a gate stood here as early as 130 CE.

Passing through it is an amazing experience as you follow in the footsteps of so many people who came before you, and walking along the ramparts offers a great view from above.

13. Mount of Olives

Mount of Olives

Lying just outside the Old City, the Mount of Olives looks out over Jerusalem. From its hillside, there are incredible views of Temple Mount and the glimmering Dome of the Rock.

As well as a scenic spot, it is also a historic and religious site; it is home to a large Jewish cemetery and numerous churches can also be seen here and there, such as the beautiful Russian Orthodox Church.

The oldest continually used cemetery in the world, the Mount of Olives is definitely worth checking out if you have time.

12. Tower of David

Tower of David

Known by some as the Jerusalem Citadel, the Tower of David offers up some of the best views of the Old City and is a fascinating place to visit. Some of the archaeological finds date back more than 2000 years.

Remarkably well preserved, the current citadel dates to Mamluk and Ottoman times and was built upon much older fortifications.

Located on site is the Tower of David Museum, offering an interesting look at over 4000 years of Jerusalem’s history through interactive exhibitions, holograms, and maps.

11. Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa

Believed to have been the street along which Jesus walked during his crucifixion, the aptly named ‘Way of Sorrow’ is a historic street which runs through Jerusalem’s Old City.

Starting off from the Lion’s Gate, pilgrims and tourists alike can retrace Christ’s steps, ending up at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Jesus is believed to have been crucified.

Via Dolorosa is marked with nine stations depicting various parts of his journey; there are five more in the church itself. Every Friday, there is a procession along the route. Taking part in it will really make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time.

10. Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock

Lying atop of Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock sparkles in the sun and is recognized around the world. It is one of Jerusalem’s most famous landmarks.

Built between 688 and 691, the temple is home to a slab of stone from which Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

While only Muslims are allowed inside, the Dome’s outside is spectacular to behold. Bright blue mosaics coat the walls and the iconic gold plated dome sits atop, looking out over Jerusalem.

9. Western Wall Tunnels

Western Wall Tunnels

Jerusalem’s long, tumultuous history has seen the city destroyed and rebuilt numerous times, which means that much of it is built on and out of the rubble and ruins of buildings that came before them.

As such, numerous tunnels snake their way beneath the Old City. A guided tour of the Western Wall tunnels offer visitors the chance to go back to the time of the second temple and explore a stretch of this fascinating underground world.

Running adjacent to the Western Wall, the tunnels are narrow and a bit claustrophobic but well worth checking out for the wealth of history on display.

8. Mahane Yehuda Market

Mahane Yehuda Market

This bustling market that has been around since Ottoman times is loads of fun to visit. The myriad colorful stalls are laden with everything from fruit and vegetables to pastries and fresh juice.

Offering an authentic look at life in the Holy City, Mahane Yehuda Market has numerous sections to it; some alleys are home to butchers while others host clothes and coffee sellers.

At night, the market transforms and many people come here for its great restaurants and bars.

7. City of David

City of David

Another attraction that is mired in controversy because it is now in an illegal Israeli settlement, the City of David is one of Jerusalem’s most important archaeological sites.

Located just outside of the Old City, it is here that King David first built the city of Jerusalem. Amidst the rubble and rocks, there are two ancient stone tunnels for you to walk along.

Adventurous travelers will love Hezekial’s Tunnel, which was once an aquifer. Water sometimes comes up to your knees as you wade along in the dark with a torch in hand.

6. The Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb

This marvelous rock-cut tomb dates back to the 8th-7th centuries BC and some Christians believe that it is where Jesus was buried and later rose from the dead.

Consequently, many pilgrims and tourists come to visit the peaceful gardens in which it is located, although it still remains a nice quiet spot away from the crowds that clog the Old City’s ancient streets.

Located next to the ominously named Skull Hill, there is much debate as to whether Jesus really was buried here, but is worth visiting in any case.

5. Temple Mount

Temple Mount

Venerated throughout the centuries by all three of the Abrahamic religions, Temple Mount lies at the heart of the Old City and is one of the most fiercely contested pieces of land in the world.

Containing the Al Aqsa Mosque, it is the third most important site in Island and the holiest site in Judaism. It is here that the First and Second Temples were erected.

Wandering across the ancient limestone pavings of the huge cypress tree-fringed complex is a peaceful affair, despite the millennia of conflict that have plagued it. The highlight is seeing the Dome of the Rock with its iconic golden dome glistening in the sun.

4. Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem

A moving and emotional place, visiting Yad Vashem is a must when in Jerusalem. It is Israel’s official memorial to those who were brutally murdered during the Holocaust.

Lying on the slopes of Mount Herzl, the commemorative site contains the Holocaust Memorial Museum, which takes you through the horrific atrocities that the Nazis committed. Seeing all the photos of those who died in ‘the Hall of Names’ is something you’ll never forget.

While many of the audio, video, and items on display are shocking, just as many symbolize rebirth and ‘The Eternal Flame’ exhibit is a perfect example of this.

3. Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Believed to be the site where Jesus was crucified and later rose from the dead, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre contains two of Christendom’s most sacred sites. Its gloomy, atmospheric interior definitely warrants a visit when in Jerusalem.

Packed with pilgrims and tourists, the church is run by several Christian denominations, who reluctantly share responsibility amongst themselves. Consecrated in 335 AD, the church has been damaged, destroyed and rebuilt numerous times over the centuries

Entering the church after having wandered through the ancient stone courtyard is a memorable experience. Despite the crowds, it is a strangely peaceful place to visit. Seeing the Edicule shrine in which Jesus’s empty tomb lies will surely send shivers down your spine.

2. Israel Museum

Israel Museum

Opened in 1965, the Israel Museum’s fantastic collection covers over 5000 years of history and its main focus is on art and archaeology.

Wandering through the archaeological galleries, you’ll find a wealth of artifacts discovered in the region, and items from the Islamic world, Near East, Italy, and Greece are all represented. The renowned Dead Sea Scrolls are just one of the highlights; gazing at the ancient biblical manuscripts is an awe-inspiring experience.

The Jewish Art and Life Wing of the museum is just as interesting to visit. Here, you can learn a lot about Jewish culture and traditions such as bridal and funerary practices.

1. Western Wall

Western Wall

The holiest site in Judaism is fascinating to visit and there is an electric atmosphere, as Orthodox Jews rock back and forth, praying at the Western Wall.

Supporting one side of Temple Mount, the area now acts as a de-facto synagogue. It is often known as the Wailing Wall, as Jews throughout the ages have come here to mourn the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE.

A must-see when in Jerusalem, visitors can stop by the segregated worship areas and experience the intoxicating ambiance themselves. You can even write a prayer and slip it into the cracks between the stones of the huge, white, rock wall.

Map of Things to Do in Jerusalem

Map of Things to Do in Jerusalem

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Jerusalem travel guide

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Jerusalem travel guide – Day I – Mount of Olives and the Old City

If the weather is good, i.e. not too hot or too cold, I would start with the most important sites – those located on the Mount of Olives and in the Old City.

If the weather is miserable, I’d recommend visiting museums and underground sights or even, if it is a particularly cold and rainy day in Jerusalem, taking a day trip to the Judaean Desert. More about those options below.

Jerusalem Old City

Mount of Olives

You can reach the Mount of Olives on foot by passing through the Lions’ Gate and then climbing the mountain (it is quite steep), or by taking a taxi.

If you want to take a bus, you need to take it from the bus station outside of Damascus Gate.

The best place to start is the Chapel of the Ascension where, according to tradition, Jesus ascended to heaven.

Many of the sights on the Mount of Olives are connected to Christianity: the Church of the Pater Noster, Dominus Flevit, the Church of Gethsemane and others.

There are two main reasons for this: first, Jesus lived the last week of his life on the Mount of Olives, and second, Christianity tends to commemorate events connected to the life of Jesus by building churches, which is something that can’t be said of Judaism and Islam.

But the sights on the Mount of Olives are not only of interest to practicing Christians.

Beyond their religious importance, they afford magnificent views, as the mountain is higher than the Old City.

Another significant location is the Jewish cemetery, one of the most important Jewish cemeteries in the world, since Jews have been buried here for around three thousand years.

Allow yourself 2-3 hours to see the main sights. Unlike the Old City, which is close to the center, meaning you can easily visit it more than once, the vast majority of travelers only visit the sights on the Mount of Olives once.

There are almost no places to eat between visiting the various points of interest.

From the foot of the Mount of Olives, where you will found the Church of Gethsemane and the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, it is about a 10-minute walk to the Lions’ Gate, from which you can enter the Old City.

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The Old City

This is the most interesting square kilometer in the world.

Hard as it is to imagine, until 170 years ago Jerusalem was limited to the borders of what we today call the Old City.

There are four quarters in the Old City; in some spots it is clear when you move from one quarter to the other, and in others it is less so.

The Muslim Quarter If you enter from the Lions’ Gate and continue straight down the main road, you will notice the presence of round metal plates on the walls.

These plates mark the stations of the Via Dolorosa: the path that Jesus walked from where he was judged to where he was crucified (today located inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre).

The first seven stations of the Via Dolorosa are in the Muslim Quarter. In front of station three is the Austrian Hospice, a European island in the middle of the Muslim Quarter, and from its rooftop you can enjoy views of the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock.

If you don’t have time to go up to Temple Mount (more about that coming up), this is the closest you’ll be able to get. It’s also a good place to stop for a coffee, complete with portraits of Kaiser Franz Josef looking down at you from the walls.

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The Jewish Quarter

The heart of the Jewish Quarter is the Western Wall, a small stretch of the retaining wall that supports the Temple Mount.

If you want to see it all you will need to enter the  Western Wall Tunnels , a very impressive underground archeological complex.

You are supposed to register in advance but you can always ask at the entrance if you can possibly enter.

The Wailing Wall

Not far from the Western Wall is the Dung Gate, and if you exit the walls and cross the road you will see the entrance to another archeological site: the City of David.

This is where Jerusalem began 3000-4000 years ago (yes, the ancient city of Jerusalem lies outside the Old City walls… Welcome to Jerusalem!).

A large part of it lies underground and you can even walk along some ancient underground paths, some of which are submerged with water. You can also explore the archeological exhibition at the Davidson Center, located next to the Western Wall.

travel one jerusalem

The Armenian Quarter The Armenian Quarter is the smallest quarter and is mainly centered around St James’ Cathedral.

The church is only open from 3-3.30pm on every day except Sunday. I recommend heading there to listen to the prayers.

From the Armenian Quarter you can head out through the Zion Gate to visit the sights on Mount Zion: the Room of the Last Supper, the Tomb of David (which is a synagogue) and the Abbey of the Dormition, where Mary fell asleep.

From here you can walk, inside or outside the walls, to Jaffa Gate and from there walk or take the tram (the closest stop is City Hall) to your hotel or hostel.

travel one jerusalem

Jewish sites that can be integrated into this day  – Hurva Synagogue, Rambam Synagogue, and the Four Sephardic Synagogues.

Protestant sites that can be integrated into this day – Augusta Victoria on the Mount of Olives, Church of the Redeemer in the Old City, and the Garden Tomb (a few minutes’ walk from Damascus Gate). Note that most of Jerusalem’s churches belong to the Catholic and Orthodox denominations.

Jerusalem travel guide – Day II – The Old City and the New City

Temple Mount (the Old City) I recommend starting your second day early in the morning and visiting the Temple Mount.

Non-Muslims can only go up through one entrance, located between the Western Wall and the Dung Gate (you will see the wooden bridge).

The Temple Mount is open every day except Friday and Saturday from 7.30-11am and from 1.30–2.30pm in summer, and from 7.30-10.30am and 12.30–1.30pm in winter (ask at your hotel to be sure; also closed on Muslim holidays.

Make sure you dress modestly; no knives or religious books allowed).

On the Temple Mount there are two monumental buildings: the Dome of the Rock, the most iconic building in Jerusalem, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

travel one jerusalem

After your visit to the Temple Mount you can either visit sites included in yesterday’s itinerary or head out to the New City (western part).

Shuk (Market) Machne Yehuda is a great place to have lunch.

A short walking distance from the market you will come upon Mea Shearim, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, or you could just take a stroll around the small alleys of Nachlaot. A short bus ride (or a 40-minute walk) will take you to Givat Ram.

Givat Ram – the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and the Israel Museum

Givat Ram is a neighborhood where many of the national institutions are located, among them the Supreme Court, the Bank of Israel, the National Library, one of the campuses of the Hebrew University, and two sites that are relevant to travelers – the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) and the Israel Museum, the most important museum in Israel.

You can look at the Knesset from the outside or register in advance for a tour on Sundays and Thursdays ( there are free tours in different languages ).

The tour covers the history of the building, its impressive artwork and the work of the Israeli parliament.

Next to the Knesset stands Israel’s most impressive museum,  the Israel Museum .

Here you can see the Shrine of the Book, some of the oldest parts of the Bible that have ever been found, the largest and by far the most important collection of Israel’s archeological finds, an extensive collection of European art and a whole wing concerned with Jewish life and culture.

travel one jerusalem

If you are interested in the Bible and feel like visiting another museum, you can cross the parking lot and enter the Bible Lands Museum, which exhibits archeological artefacts from peoples and cultures mentioned in the Bible. The Israel Museum has a café and restaurant but other than that there is nowhere to eat within the Givat Ram complex. There is a cinema city mall five minutes’ walk away or alternatively take a bus back to the city center.

Jerusalem travel guide – Day III –

Ein karem, mount herzl, and yad vashem or a day tour to the judaean desert.

On your third day in Jerusalem, once you’ve seen the most important sights, you have two main options: visiting more places in Jerusalem or heading off on a day tour into the Judaean Desert.

A day in Tel Aviv is also an option, the city lying just an hour away.

travel one jerusalem

Mount Herzl, which is also the name of the last stop on the light rail, is home to a number of important sights.

If you want to understand the Israeli DNA, you need to visit this place. It is named after Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, who is also buried at the top of the mountain.

Former prime ministers and presidents of the state are also laid to rest on the mountain.

Down the slopes of the mountain is Israel’s largest military cemetery, as well as Yad Vashem, the official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

From the light rail station at Yad Vashem, you can either walk or take the bus to Ein Karem, a quiet village on the outskirts of the city.

There are two important churches in this neighborhood: the Church of the Visitation and the Church of St John the Baptist.

There are also lots of pleasant little spots where you can sit back and relax after the hustle and bustle of Jerusalem.

travel one jerusalem

Jerusalem with children

Too much archeology, religion and history is not easy, not for adults, and certainly not for children.

Luckily, Jerusalem has more to offer than just holy sites. I’ll be writing a post about this, but for now the main attractions for children include: * The Bloomfield Science Museum  – An excellent interactive museum. This is a veritable scientific playground, where even small children get to enjoy the power of science. * Jerusalem Biblical Zoo  – The most-visited paying sight in Israel, and with good reason. The focus lies on the animals that once lived in Israel and those that are mentioned in the Bible. * The Israel Museum  has a large wing dedicated to children. It was the first museum in Israel to have a focus on children’s education through play. It also has a large collection of toys, books and dolls. Other than that, they have temporary exhibitions and programs for children.

travel one jerusalem

Day Tour to the Judaean Desert Since I really love the desert I usually recommend spending at least one night here, but if you come in summer, when it’s extremely hot, or if it’s very cold in Jerusalem and you want some sun, or if you’re just short of time, you have the option of taking a day tour from Jerusalem.

The main sights in the Judaean Desert are the Dead Sea, Masada and Ein Gedi. A private guide with a car is always the best option but you can also get yourself there on public transportation, rent a car or join a tour from Jerusalem. I recommend Abraham Tours. For more information about the Judaean desert,  check out this post with all the relevant information .

Transportation in Jerusalem:

Inside Jerusalem:

Car:  You came here to enjoy yourself, not to suffer. Do yourself a favor and drive as little as possible while you’re inside the city. Jerusalemites drive as if there’s no tomorrow. If you plan on visiting the Judean Desert (Masada and the Dead Sea) though, renting a car for a day or two might be a good idea.

Light Rail :  The light rail connects some important sights in the city – Mount Herzl (a 10-minute walk from Yad Vashem), the Central Bus Station, two stops by the Old City next to Jaffa Gate and Damascus Gate. A single ride costs NIS 6.90. The ticket is valid for 90 minutes and can be combined with bus travel. Public transportation does not run from Friday afternoon until Saturday night and on Jewish holidays.

light rail


Buses are the best way to get around. Though many of the drivers don’t speak English, you’ll always find an English-speaking Israeli passenger who will be willing to help you. You can purchase your ticket from the driver. Public transportation does not run from Friday afternoon until Saturday night and on Jewish holidays.

Taxis :  

Taxis are the quickest way to get from place to place. Unfortunately, on tourist satisfaction surveys carried out by the Ministry of Tourism, taxi drivers received the lowest score – mostly due to cigarette smell, poor English, and exorbitant prices. Ask your driver to turn on “mone” (meter). It’s required by law.

Bicycle :  

Jerusalem is not a bike-friendly place – it’s very hilly, there are few bike lanes in the city center, and Jerusalemites drive like crazy.

Getting around during Saturdays :  

During the Jewish Sabbath, there is no public transportation inside the city. The only option is a taxi – which costs more. All the lodgings that I recommended are located in the city center or walking distance from central locations.

Outside of Jerusalem:

Jerusalem to Tel Aviv – 70 km (43 miles), about an hour drive Jerusalem to Haifa – 150 km (93 miles), about a two-hour drive Jerusalem to Ben Gurion Airport – 45 km (27 miles), about a 40-minute drive Jerusalem to Masada – 100 km, (62 miles) about an hour-and-a-half drive

Bus 405 – Jerusalem Central Bus Station to Tel Aviv Central Bus Station. Departs every fifteen minutes. Tel Aviv’s central bus station is located in the southern part of the city, which is a less pleasant place to stroll around at night.

Bus 480 – Jerusalem Central Bus Station to Tel Aviv Arlozorov (also known as Savidor Center, and 2000 Terminal). Departs every ten minutes. On Saturdays: There are shared taxis to Tel Aviv which depart from Goldman Square (or Efrayim Di-Zahav Square) on the Hanevi’im St. and Monbaz Zmora St. junction.

To/From Haifa:  

There are two express buses and one very slow bus on the Jerusalem-Haifa route. Haifa has two central bus stations, Merkazit HaMifrats in the northern part of the city and Hof HaCarmel (or Hof Hakarmel) in the south. Both are next to train stations. Bus 960, Jerusalem Central Bus Station Jerusalem to Merkazit HaMifrats (duration: one hour and 50 minutes) Bus 940, Jerusalem Central Bus Station Jerusalem to Hof HaKarmel (or Hof HaCarmel) (duration: one hour and 50 minutes) Bus 947, Jerusalem Central Bus Station to Hof Karmel (or Hof HaCarmel) (duration: two hours and 40 minutes)

To/From Ben-Gurion Airport:

  • The new trail line is the best and fastest way to get to the center of Jerusalem.
  • Another option is bus line 485 that runs every hour, also nights (but doesn’t run from Friday afternoon until Saturday night).
  • If you land during the weekend your only option, beside taking a private taxi is Nesher Taxi. This is a shared taxi of up to 10 passengers, who are picked up and dropped off from where you stay in Jerusalem on the way to or from the airport.  Note:  On your way to the Airport from Jerusalem you have to call them in advance (at least 10 hours, 2–3 days in advance is better). You need to give them an Israeli phone number to call some minutes before they pick up (your hotel’s phone number is also good).

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Two Days in Jerusalem, a Perfect Itinerary

2 days in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is an extraordinary city. The variety of attractions can keep a tourist with any type of interest busy for a week. Historical sites from 3000 years ago, religious sites, museums, markets, street food, and nightlife blend in a unique way. To give a feeling of the cities many faces, we dedicated the first day of the itinerary is to the old city and its surroundings and the second day to the new city.

This is a guest post by Erez Speiser of

2 days in Jerusalem

Table of Contents

Two Days in Jerusalem: Where To Stay?

Most tourists will stay in the city center, which is a triangle created by three main streets. Jafa, Ben Yehuda and King Gorge. Many of the city’s attractions, including the old city, are within walking distance of the area, and other attractions are served well with public transportation. Hundreds of accommodations are scattered in this small area ranging from fancy high-level hotels to chip hostels with everything in-between. The below recommendations are all ideally located stand out in their price range.

Low-end: Abraham Hostel – This top-rated hostel is world-famous for its unique “young” and international atmosphere, with a very inviting bar and public areas. Most of the rooms are shared dormitories, but they also offer private economy rooms. Click here for more information and to check the latest prices. Mid-range: Ibis Jerusalem – Opened recently, this modern facility is a good option for staying in well reputable hotel chain without getting bankrupt. Click here for more information and to check the latest prices. High-end : If budget is not an issue, you cannot go wrong with the Waldorf Astoria . The flagship brand of the Hilton chain will make sure that every tiny detail of your stay is taken care of. Click here for more information and to check the latest prices.

How To Spend 2 Days In Jerusalem, A Perfect Itinerary

2 days in jerusalem – day one: the old city and around it..

The old city of Jerusalem is roughly a square of one Kilometer by one Kilometer surrounded by the city walls. It is hard to imagine it today, but Until around 1850, this tiny area was the entire city of Jerusalem. Only in the 2nd half of the 19th-century residents started to move gradually outside the city walls. The old city is divided into four quarters: the Armenian Quarter, the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter, and the Jewish Quarter.

Street in the old city of Jerusalem

Walking tour in the old city

The best way to appreciate the old city is on foot . There are dozens of historical buildings, churches, markets, yards, and shops that reveal the many facets of Jerusalem. Some are very famous, like the church of the holy sepulture and the wailing wall. Others are less famous but not less exciting. Rambling in the picturesque narrow alleys and exploring unexpected gems is an endless delight.

Mount of Olives

View from the Mount of Olives - 2 days in Jerusalem

Rising East of the old city and the temple mount, the Mount of Olives provides the best view of the old city. The panorama from the lookout balcony on the summit is not to be missed. However, the slope of the mountain contains many unique “must-visit” sites such as the Gethsemane Garden & Church, Jewish Cemetery, Tomb of Absalom, and the Church of Mary Magdalene.

Tip: If you feel energetic, take a taxi to the summit of the Mount of Olives and return on foot to the old city.

City of David

city of David - 2 day Jerusalem itinerary

The entrance to the “City of David” is near the Dung Gate, just outside the city walls. It is an archeological site that reveals to the visitor ancient Jerusalem dating to 1000 BC. Besides the stone structures, a major attraction is a long underground walk in the ancient water system of Jerusalem, known as the “Shiloach Tunnel”.

The Ramparts Walk

Ramparts Walk - Jerusalem itinerary

Another exciting way the apricate the site of the old city, is to encircle it on the top of the city walls. The Ramparts Walk, one of the most rewarding activities in terms of history, beauty, and a greater sense of the Old City as a whole. The walk starts at the Jaffa Gate on the western wall and goes in two directions. Southbound to Lion’s Gate or eastbound to the Dung Gate.

2 Days in Jerusalem – DayTwo: The new city

The new city of Jerusalem is a large metropolitan area with a population of around one million, covering 125 square kilometers. (Out of this, the old city covers only one square Kilometer!). The first houses outside the old city were built in the 2 nd half of the 19 th century and gradually grew to what the city is today. There are many different neighborhoods and sites worth visiting. Here are the top ones if you have just one day.

Shrine of the Book

Shrine of the Book - 2 day Jerusalem itinerary

In 1946, a Bedouin teenager accidentally found seven ancient scrolls housed in jars in a cave in the Judean Desert. He had no idea that this was the beginning of such a significant discovery. This discovery was the beginning of a long archaeological journey that eventually revealed a total of 20 complete scrolls and 16,000 fragments of scrolls.

Out of these fragments, Researchers have assembled a total of 981 manuscripts. Most of them are books of the Torah (Old Testament) written in Hebrew by our ancestors. The scrolls are on display in a unique underground structure called the “Shrine of the book” which is a part of the Israel Museum.

Macahne yehuda Market

Macahne yehuda Market - Jerusalem itinerary

One of the joys of touring Israel is its delicious food. There is no better place to experience it than Machane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem. The market is popular with locals and tourists alike. Most stalls sell fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and spices.

Many stalls offer traditional Israeli street food such as Hummus, Falafel, Shawarma, Burekas, and Shakshuka. The atmosphere is spiced up by the sellers who call out their prices and special offers to the crowds. On Thursday nights, the market is turned into a nightlife hub, when many stalls are converted into small bars, and live music is played.

Yad Va Shem

The story of Israel cannot be fully understood without understating the Holocaust of the Jewish people during World War 2. Established in 1953, Yad Vashem is Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

It is dedicated to preserving the memory of the dead, honoring Jews who fought against the Nazi regime and non-jews who aided Jewish people during this dark period while risking their own lives. Yad Vashem is the most visited indoor Israeli tourist site, with approximately one million visitors each year. (Admission is free).

One of the most intensely emotional displays in the museum is the “Hall of Names”. A huge cone-shaped hall, recording the names of 4.5 million Holocaust victims with a unique visual surrounding.

Practical Information For Your 2 Day Jerusalem Itinerary

Old city with Mount of Olives on the background

When is the best time to visit Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is located in the mountains, 800 meters above sea level, and during wintertime, it is rather cold to wander outdoors. The summer months are very hot and crowded and are also less recommended. The ideal periods are October-November and April-May when the temperatures are pleasant, and the city is less crowded.

Shabbat (Saturday) is the holy day of the Jewish people. It starts at nightfall on Friday evening and ends on Saturday evening (25 hours). During the Shabbat, orthodox Jews don’t drive cars and don’t conduct business (among other traditions). Since Jerusalem is a very religious city, during Shabbat, there is no public transportation, all the shops are closed, and many restaurants and attractions are also closed. Therefore, make sure that your two-day stay in Jerusalem does not overlap Saturday.

Reaching Jerusalem

Most travelers will reach Jerusalem from Ben Gurion Airport or Tel-Aviv. The fastest and most convenient way is to travel by train (22 NIS). There is also a less attractive bus service and expensive taxi service (About 300 NIS). Important! Keep in mind that due to the Shabbat, the train service is not working from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. If you need to travel during this period, you will need to take a taxi.

Public Transportation in Jerusalem

Public transportation is very cheap and efficient. A weekly pass (Called RavKav) for the whole Jerusalem area sells at 94 NIS, and a daily Pass 21 NIS. You can use the Pass on both the light rail train and the buses.

JLM – The Jerusalem City pass

You can get the Pass for 211 NIS at the Ben Gurion airport or in the city. The Pass is valid for seven days and includes free public transportation, free entrance to 3 attractions, and a 25% discount on all the others.

Bio: Erez Speiser, born in 1966 in Israel and lives in the Galilee region. By education, a mechanical engineer, working as a product manager in a multinational metal cutting tools company. However, Erez’s big passion the heritage, nature, and outdoors of Israel. He enjoys hiking, mountain biking & surfing. Erez loves Israel and tries to promote hiking tourism in the country. He is the founder & manager of

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One Day in Jerusalem Itinerary – How to Spend a Perfect Day in Jerusalem, Israel-Palestine

The city with many names, like “ir Ha-Kodesh”, “Terra Sancta” or “al-Quds”, but united throughout religions as the holy city. Lively Jerusalem ranks among the oldest cities of the world and is home to numerous central sacred sites of three world religions, all of which have their space behind the walls. One day in this city is therefore an amazing opportunity to see some very special sights. Here you’ll breathe history.

One day in Jerusalem Itinerary


What’s the best time to visit Jerusalem?

Most comfortable conditions will prevail before and after summer , meaning late March to early June and late September to early December. While summer is the peak season despite the sweltering temperatures, winter will assure better hotel deals along with rather unstable weather conditions.

Before visiting Israel in general, cross-check for Jewish holidays and have the importance and effects of Shabbat in mind. Especially the bigger public holidays like Yom Kippur or Sukkot will cause almost any public facility to be closed down, including markets and museums and the whole public transport. There are Arabic cabs called Sherut that will still be operating, but will of course be more expensive, along with increased room rates in general.

A few facts about Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a city so diverse it would make any western executive board jealous. Home to Muslims, Jews, Christians, Catholics, some more some less secular, people of countless origins, each bringing their own traditional food, markets full of various little kitsch and must-haves. Orthodox areas just a stone’s throw from the next party street. Take one step past thousands of years old ruins, take another to enter that high-end shopping mall. Exit the city center and find forests and mountains and caves on the one, wide dry desert on the other side.

Jerusalem Old City

The city itself is divided into four parts : You’ll have the modern, rather commercial, Jewish West Jerusalem, the Arab East Jerusalem, Me’a Shearim inhabited by the ultra-orthodox Jews, and The Old City. The latter again includes the Jewish, the Muslim, the Armenian and the Christian Quarter.

West Jerusalem

Be aware that due to the high density of different religions and their valued sights you should always dress modest . It’s a sign of respect, but especially as a woman will make you feel more comfortable – you don’t want anyone shouting at you for too short skirts.

Last but not least, unfortunate but not less important – Jerusalem has rarely been a completely peaceful and safe place. Stay up to date before going and keep away from indicated or more heavily guarded places when warnings are pronounced. Also be aware that there are security checks before any bigger sights.

One Day in Jerusalem Itinerary

Follow this guide and make the most of your trip even if you’re short on time. These are the top sights and things to do during your one day in Jerusalem.

Explore the Old Town

Jerusalem is full of secrets to discover, of which the most important all lie in the old city and close-by, thus in walking distance.

Start walking along the outer wall that was destroyed and rebuilt countless times – but still contains stones from 2000 years ago. Then enter the old town through the  Jaffa Gate . Fun fact: right next to the actual gate, you’ll find a giant gap in the wall, with a big road leading in. How would that defend potential enemies though, you might wonder? Well, when Emperor Wilhelm II announced his visit to Jerusalem, people looked at the tiny entrance of Jaffa Gate and were like “no we can’t let this big guy come through here”. Instead, they filled the ditch surrounding the church on the opposite side, so that the Emperor and all his people and fancy cars could enter in a more dramatic way.

Jaffa Gate

See the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Walk along the Christian quarter through the narrow busy alleys and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Jesus is said to have been buried and resurrected. This place is often overcrowded by tourists but definitely a must-see. People stand in line to get inside and kiss the stone, while the church itself is full of glittering mosaics and displays, and has quite a particular charm. Apparently, many years ago, people of different origin argued who was allowed to decide about its composition – and when they couldn’t agree, they left everything just the way it was. Ever since, there is this ladder that has to be placed at the outside wall, right underneath the right window, and whenever weather conditions or similar is damaging it, it has to be replaced.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Walk Down Via Dolorosa

Next, stroll along Via Dolorosa (“way of suffering”), referring to where Jesus was held to have walked his way to his crucifixion to the Church. You don’t necessarily need to be a religious person, but just taking in the history along the Stations of the Cross is pretty impressive. The today’s street is busy with vendors seeking your attention, old stone buildings rising on each side, ascending stone steps winding their way through the city. It also passes the Austrian Hospice which was the first guesthouse for pilgrims, with mainly Austrian guests and people from countries part of the Habsburg monarchy. It also hosts a nice Viennese coffee-house and invites to wide views over the crowded streets from its rooftop terrace.

Via Dolorosa

Go Through the Damascus Gate

Make your way over to the  Damascus Gate , one of the main entrances to the Old City. You’ll catch another glance of the impressive outer wall and the two towers the gate is flanked by. Enjoy having a little more space; grab some falafel and hummus if you’re feeling hungry.

Damascus Gate

Climb the Temple Mount

Finally climb the stairs up to Temple Mount , one of the most disputed holy places in the world. According to Jewish tradition, the world was founded just on the rock that you’ll find inside the Dome of the Rock .

Temple Mount

Islamic tradition proclaims that Mohammed started his journey heavenwards from this rock. Also situated on Temple Mount is the as well as the al-Aqsa Mosque , the third most important one of the Islam after Mecca and Medina.

Dome of the Rock

Stop at the Wailing Wall

After descending from Temple Mount, see the Western or Wailing Wall . It represents one of the most significant historic sites in Judaism. Countless pilgrims travel to the Wall each year to pray, write their wishes on small pieces of paper and place them between the cracks in the stone. No matter what you believe in, you’ll easily recognize the importance of this spot.

Wailing Wall

Enjoy the View From The Roofs

If you now feel like somewhat escaping the hustle and bustle of the city a little, find your way up the roofs . It’s a whole different kind of second floor town above the old town! You can walk over most of the roofs, thus cut short the way through the crowded streets “downstairs”. It’s amazingly calm for a change and provides amazing views.

Pick Up a Souvenir From the Markets

As the day comes to an end, go grab some food on one of the various markets or choose one of the small places along the countless little alleys. Finishing off, you might want to try the Arab dessert Knafeh . This will complete your breathtaking impression of Jerusalem literally with gluing your teeth together but definitely leaving a satisfied smile on your lips.

Jerusalem Markets

Plan What to Do at Night

At night, check out Mahane Yehuda Market , a vibrant colorful full of various goods during the day, offering a completely different but still exciting place to be at nighttime. The closed doors and gates of the little shops are covered in stunning graffiti of famous Jewish and Israeli figures, music is floating from every direction, and you won’t be able to decide which type of fresh beer to try first. Or go for Arak , a typical, strong but tasty anise liquor. If it happens to be Shabbat but you still want to go out, head to Abraham’s hostel since it’ll be one of the few but full of cool people places that are open at all. The rooftop terrace is definitely worth a visit.

Where to stay in Jerusalem?

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem

Abraham Hostel Jerusalem

67 Hanevi’im Street, Davidka Square, Jerusalem

Abraham Hostel is definitely one of the best hostels in Israel. Actually, it’s a chain hostel with amazing service and great location – 15 min from the old town by foot and 5 min from the market and city center. They also hold interesting events in the hostel every day, like local beer tasting, live music, etc.


The Post Hostel Jerusalem

The Post Hostel Jerusalem

Jaffa 23, Jerusalem

Another good one is the Post Hostel , nicely decorated  in a style of postal depot. The hostel is perfectly located , just in front of the train station, one stop from the Damascus Gate and 5 minutes slow walk from the Old City of Jerusalem. It’s also close to bars, pubs, restaurants and clubs on the other side.

Inbal Jerusalem Hotel

The Inbal Jerusalem

Jabotinsky Street 3, Jerusalem

For something fancier , you should pick the Inbal Hotel . It’s a very stylish, light and airy property. The public areas include pleasant lounges and outdoor spaces including a swimming pool . The rooms are fairly compact but very comfortable and have more or less every amenity. It’s also within a walking distance from the Old City and various other places.

Day trips from Jerusalem

A city this ancient always has something special to offer, not just within its walls and borders but also in the area around it. Therefore, when choosing the destination of your day trip from Jerusalem you will have an exceptionally wide array of options.

The Dead Sea and Masada

Masada is an incredible fortress built by King Herod more than 2000 years ago. This UNESCO World Heritage Site sits on top of a plateau from which you will have an incredible view of the Dead Sea. However, you can also wander around the remains of the palaces and see how the king lived. After that, simply go down to the beach to relax and rejuvenate yourself with the help of the water’s unique mineralogical properties.

For Christian believers, this little town needs no special introduction – this is where Jesus Christ was born. Everything here is made so that tourists can get to know the place well, so this day trip should be a pleasant one. See the Church of the Nativity , which Christians believe to be the exact birthplace of Jesus, and explore this holy town as much as you want to understand the significance it has for so many people.

The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is another important place for Christians – this is where Jesus performed his miracles. But apart from religious significance, you can simply relax and enjoy the beaches. Lavnun beach is a pretty popular destination where you can learn to build a raft with your own hand and then set sail on it. Cool, right?

The West Bank

The infamous West Bank has been known for the Israeli – Palestinian conflict for decades now. However, visiting it can be a really eye-opening experience. Learn about the history of the conflict and then head to see the city of Jericho , one of the oldest, if not the oldest city in the world. It was the first city in the history of civilization to deploy city walls to protect its people. As you can imagine, there are loads of archaeological sites to visit and explore.

Extra tips for visiting Jerusalem

– Do two steps in Jerusalem and you will stumble upon something historic. Rather don’t do that in flip-flops. Take a pair of good walking shoes , because the ways will lead you up and down narrow cobbled alleys, along Arabic bazaars, breathing the scent of the Orient, or little stalls with brightly colored Christian souvenirs, past a lot of great food and crowded squares and hidden gems. Jerusalem is a city for endless discovery!

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If you have any other propositions for this One Day in Jerusalem Itinerary feel free to share it in the comments below!

Make sure you have everything you need

What to pack for your next trip.

Make your next trip as simple and as enjoyable as possible by packing smart. It’s amazing how much stress top travel items can save you, so choose carefully. Things like lightweight travel backpacks, for example, are ideal for short trips and allow you to move around with ease, and a passport holder will make sure you keep your documents safe at all times. Check our travel checklist guide for 2021 to make sure you haven’t missed anything, and travel to your next destination in style and with maximum comfort.

Christina Winkler

Christina Winkler

Christina is a passionate solo traveler and digital nomad committed to spreading positive stories from off the beaten path at (- with a possibly even higher passion for cookies). She creates her own adventures often without having a clue, dies laughing when failing ridiculously, but makes it work in the end – and wants to share her insights in authentic, healthy, sustainable and most of all happy travel with you!

Hi. Is it possible to do a one day tour of The Old City from Madaba? How long will it take me to cross the border? I can only do a day as I have a flight back to Dubai the next day.Im travelling in May. Thanks..

I’m going to Israel September 19-28 and I’m super excited. Thanks for the tips.

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One-Week Itinerary

One Week in Israel: The Ultimate Itinerary

travel one jerusalem

There's no way to see everything that Israel has to offer in just one week but it’s still possible cover a lot of ground. This seven-day itinerary includes many key sights and cities in Israel, including Jerusalem’s Old City, Machane Yehuda, the Dead Sea, and Masada. 

Using Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as a base, there are many great locations that can be visited on day trips so that you don’t have to worry about constantly changing hotels. You can use a tour company, or you can do it yourself, which will likely be cheaper. Feeling overwhelmed by planning your trip to Israel? This one-week travel itinerary will make it easy.

Day One: Tel Aviv

Rudy Balasko/Getty Images

After landing at Ben Gurion International Airport, hop on the high-speed train to Tel Aviv. It's the fastest and easiest way to get to the city. Or you can take a bus or sheirut (shared taxi). Israel doesn't have Uber or Lyft, but you can use the app Gett to get a taxi, the most expensive option to get to the city.

Once you drop your bags off at your lodging, you’ll likely be pretty jet-lagged so instead of diving right into touring, spend your first day at the beach. There’s about 9 miles of sparkling Mediterranean coastline in Tel Aviv and the string of beaches are all excellent . Walk along the seaside promenade (tayelet in Hebrew) until you see a spot you like. (Hilton Beach, in front of the rainbow-colored Hilton hotel, is always a good option.) Grab a drink and lunch at one of the many beachfront cafes and bars, sunbathe, or join a beach volleyball game. You can even try your hand at windsurfing—check out The Sea Centre Club for lessons.

In the afternoon, get a feel for Tel Aviv's art scene. Walk along Ben Yehuda Street to Gordon Street, where many of the city's art galleries are located. Pop into the Givon Art Gallery , the Gordon Gallery , and Stern Gallery , ending at Dizengoff Square where you can see the famous, accordian-style fountain by Israeli artist Yaacov Agam.

For dinner, make your way to one of the city’s modern Israeli restaurants like Opa , Dok , or Mashya —make a reservation from home before you leave! If you're not too tired for a nightcap, check out one of the city's fantastic cocktail bars, like Bellboy Bar , Spicehaus , or Imperial Cocktail Bar .

Day Two: Tel Aviv

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

For breakfast, make your way to the lively Shuk HaCarmel outdoor market and get coffee and pastries at Café Yom Tov or one of Israel’s best breakfast dishes at the eponymous Shukshuka. Then stroll through the marketplace, sampling whatever catches your eye—halva, freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, nuts and dried fruit, and a rainbow of herbs and spices. Buy some sumac and za'atar spices to bring home.

Take a short walk to the area called the White City (Rothschild Boulevard and Bialik Street) to see the largest concentration of Bauhaus architecture in the world. Stroll on your own, or take a guided tour of the area ( Eager Tourist offers a good, albeit pricey, one). Stop in the Bauhaus Center to learn more. Get lunch at HaKosem , one of Tel Aviv's best falafel joints.

After lunch, if it’s a Tuesday or Friday, hit up Nachalat Binyamin , a street that closes to traffic on those days for a bi-weekly art fair, a great place for gifts and souvenirs (it closes early on Friday because of Shabbat so check the time carefully). Stop by Levinsky Market in Florentin and get one of the gorgeous fizzy drinks topped with fruit, herbs, spices, and flowers called a gazoz. You can find it at Cafe Levinsky 41, a corner storefront.

For more upscale shopping, stroll through Neve Tzedek, the city's oldest neighborhood. Check out Numero 13, Agas & Tamar, Fine Lab, and the Hatachana Compound , the old train station that's now filled with independent boutiques and cafes. Get an ice cream cone at Anita if you're hungry.

In the evening, take a bus or taxi to Jaffa, the walled Old City of Tel Aviv. Walk through the impressive stone gates, see the Ottoman-era clocktower, and meander over to the old port, which is now filled with bars and restaurants, Pick one ( The Old man and the Sea is a good option) and order the fish—it will be fresh! If you’re not too tired, get a taste of Tel Aviv’s nightlife at one of its bars or clubs.

Day Three: Day Trip to Akko and Haifa

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

Just a little over an hour away, these two cities are well worth a visit and are perfect for a day trip. You can either rent a car, take a train , an inter-city bus , or a sheirut or taxi to Akko.

Akko is an ancient walled city on the Mediterranean with lots of ancient sites to discover. Meander its narrow cobblestone streets, go through the Templar's Tunnels , haggle your way through the old market selling everything from perfumes to T-shirts, and see the panoramic views near the Church of St. John and the lighthouse. Have lunch at the famous Uri Buri fish restaurant—be sure to order the wasabi tuna and keep an eye out for Uri, a friendly man with a long, white beard. If the timing works out, take the ferry from the Old Port to Haifa (it runs at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Otherwise take a bus, sheirut, or taxi if you don't have a car with you.

In Haifa, visit the impressive and beautiful Baha’i Gardens , take a cable car to the stunning Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery, go down to Elijah’s Cave, and if you have kids with you, check out the Madatech science museum.

Before heading back to Tel Aviv, have an early dinner at Abu Marun, known as the best hummuseria in Haifa since 1969—and don't forget to order the spicy French fries.

Day Four: Jerusalem

Gelia / Getty Images

This morning, go to Jerusalem either by train, bus, or sheirut. Jerusalem is a completely different city from Tel Aviv, filled with holy sites and ancient archaeological finds, so be prepared for a totally different experience than Tel Aviv.

First, head to the walled Old City and meander its narrow streets, making your way to the Western Wall , Al-Aqsa mosque, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Walk through the Arab market (don’t be afraid to bargain!), go underground in the Western Wall tunnels , and stroll through the Cardo , an ancient Roman-era shopping arcade with modern stores. If you’re up for it, walk above it all along the ramparts. Have lunch at Rooftop , on the roof of the Mamilla Hotel, just outside the city walls for a sweeping panoramic view.

In the afternoon, stroll around the flower-filled Yemin Moshe neighborhood with its historic windmill outside the Old City or visit the Israel Museum to see amazing archaeologic finds and Israeli and international art. Have dinner at the renowned Machneyuda restaurant (be sure to make a reservation well in advance) and get ready for a lively performance in terms of food and service.

Day Five: Jerusalem

Photo_fisher / Getty Images

When you wake up, walk or take a taxi or bus to Cafe Kadosh , a top-quality bakery and cafe with a cozy interior. From there, walk along Jaffa St to Zion Square and stroll down pedestrian-only Ben Yehuda Street to get a taste of downtown Jerusalem life.

Next, take a bus or taxi to Yad Vashem , the national Holocaust museum and memorial. Give yourself a couple hours to see the museum and memorial; it is an intense experience as you learn more about that tragic period in history, but well worth the time spent.

Afterwards, have lunch at Anna Italian Cafe, the restaurant at the Ticho House , a historic home and museum with a gallery you can explore after your meal. If you didn’t make it to the Israel Museum yesterday, head there now, or go to Machne Yehuda, the lively open-air market.

For dinner, dine at Chakra , a Jerusalem institution, or Satya , started by a former chef at Chakra. Both focus on Mediterranean cuisine and fresh ingredients. Turn in early for the big day tomorrow.

Day Six: Day Trip to the Dead Sea and Masada

vvvita / Getty Images

Although it feels like another planet, the Dead Sea is less than two hours from Jerusalem and easy day trip combined with nearby Masada. You can take a tour or go on your own, though in that case you’ll probably need a car.

Spend the morning at the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, smearing mud on yourself and floating in the sea. Ein Bokek is the main area where there are hotels, spas, and restaurants. None are truly amazing, but Taj Mahal makes for a fun experience in a Bedouin tent—belly dancers and hookahs included.

After lunch, drive to Masada and hike up the snake path, or ride a cable car if it’s very hot. At the top, take in the scenic desert landscape and explore the excavated fortresses. Stay for an epic sunset over the desert before driving back to Jerusalem, stopping for a falafel or shawarma at a roadside stand along the way.

Day Seven: Day Trip to the Sea of Galilee

jplank1807 / Getty Images

On your last day in Israel, wake up early and take a bus, taxi or car a couple hours north to the Sea of Galilee, or the Kinneret, as Israelis call it. Once there, you can bike or walk around the freshwater lake, take a swim, go for a boat ride, or just enjoy the scenery. If you want to rent a bike, go to just about any hotel or hostel in the town of Tiberias. The loop around is about 35 miles, but you don't have to go the whole way. There are various beaches and boat rentals around the lake.

Have lunch in Tiberias at Galei Gil, on the promenade overlooking the lake, where the speciality is St. Peter's fish, a white fish that's only found swimming in the Kinneret.

On your way back south, stop at Beit She’an , an archeological park with remains from the Roman and Byzantine city, complete with a Roman theater, two Byzantine bathhouses, a Roman temple, and more. Or stop in the city of Nazareth, described in the New Testament as the home of Jesus, which is home to many churches. Today, it is predominantly Arab Muslim.

In the late afternoon, return to Tel Aviv for your last night. O if you have a late-night flight out, enjoy one last dinner (local favorite Ha'Achim is a good bet) and a final walk on the beach before you go.

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Your Jerusalem Vacation

Lock in a Jerusalem vacation package and get ready for an awesome getaway. Famous for its diversity and rich history, there's lots to love about this interesting city. If your trip to Jerusalem includes a little sightseeing, visit popular attractions like Western Wall , Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock . Stop dreaming and start adventuring. Check out the range of options on Expedia today and put your Jerusalem vacation plans into motion!

The Latest Jerusalem Vacation Packages

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Hotel 7 Arches Jerusalem

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Where to stay in Jerusalem

Jerusalem featuring street scenes as well as a small group of people

Jerusalem City Centre

Unique features of Jerusalem City Centre include the historic sites and museums. Make a stop by Ben Yehuda Street or Zion Square while you're exploring the area.

Old City which includes markets, food and street scenes

Walled and divided into four distinct quarters, the Old City houses key religious sites like the Western Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Dome of the Rock. Explore its unique atmosphere, attractions, and diverse shops and restaurants.

Default Image

If you're spending some time in Mamilla, Zion Square and Ben Yehuda Street are top sights worth seeing.

While visiting Rehavia, you might make a stop by sights like Jerusalem Great Synagogue and Ben Yehuda Street.

Check out the restaurants, historic sites, and gardens while spending some time in Baka. Though there might not be many attractions in the neighborhood, you won't need to go far to find top spots like The First Station or Sultan's Pool.

Jerusalem Essential Information

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Orient by Isrotel exclusive

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024

The Inbal Jerusalem

Reviewed on Jun 2, 2024

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Frequently asked questions, discover the most popular places to visit in jerusalem, al-aqsa mosque.

Part of the sacred Temple Mount site, this lead-domed structure is a fully functioning mosque. It is among the holiest sites in the Islamic world.

Western Wall

This 2,000-year-old structure is one of the world’s holiest sites, where hundreds of praying worshippers make for a stirring sight.

You can learn about the history of Jerusalem with a trip to Jaffa Gate. Make time for the shops and local tours in this culturally rich area.

What to do in Jerusalem

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10 top tips for traveling to Jerusalem

Last updated on December 27th, 2023.

I returned home with a completely different outlook after visiting one of the holiest cities in the world.

A city that opened my eyes in so many ways, Jerusalem immediately leaped into my top ten favorite destinations.

Based on my own experiences of traveling to Jerusalem for the first time, this post outlines 10 top tips that other first-time visitors should know.

Traveling to Jerusalem - Tower of David

10 tips for traveling to Jerusalem

The international airport is in tel aviv not jerusalem.

When you leave Ben Gurion International Airport, there are several options to reach Jerusalem. These include taxi, minibus and the national bus service.

The cheapest option is the bus, which at the time of writing cost NIS 16 (£3.5; €4; $4.40).

Traveling to Jerusalem - Inside Ben Gurion Airport

It takes around one hour, depending on traffic, to reach the central bus station in Jerusalem. The 485 bus leaves every hour, 24 hours a day on Sundays to Thursdays.

If you arrive on a Friday or Saturday, the bus only runs from 12am to 2pm on Fridays, and to 7pm on Saturdays.

Spring is colder than you might expect

When I traveled to Jerusalem in late March, I’d been looking forward to plenty of sunshine and warm weather. Instead, I was freezing, more so at nighttime, and wished I’d brought my winter coat.

Jerusalem gets very, very cold. A rookie error on my part, as the romantic in me had wrongly envisioned it to be a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern climate.

While this may have been right for the warmer months, it wasn’t the case for late March.

Traveling to Jerusalem - view of historic centre

From my experience of traveling to Jerusalem for the first time, make sure to pack right. It’s a simple tip, but one I clearly got wrong. In the end, I had to buy extra clothing on my Jerusalem trip as I was so unprepared.

I advise bringing two jackets—one for the day, and one for the evening. Alternatively, keep warm by layering up. Jerusalem comes to life at night and it’s better enjoyed when warm.

You walk a LOT when exploring the Old City

Though I’d made an error of judgement in the choice of clothing I’d packed, I did choose the right footwear.

The Old City is made up of a combination of cobbled stones and some uneven pathways. At some attractions, for example, the Tower of David, some of the stones can be slippery. On top of this, there are also some semi-steep stairs to climb.

To give you an idea of an average day in Jerusalem, I clocked up over 20,000 steps. It goes without saying, that high heels are a no no.

Walking everywhere is a must

That said, exploring the Old City is totally worth it and I wouldn’t trade in my swollen feet for anything.

If you want to get to know the city like a local, I highly recommend booking a tour . It’s an excellent way to see the sights and a must when traveling to Jerusalem for the first time.

What’s more, a tour’s a great way to learn something new, and meet like-minded people in the process.

Map of Jerusalem

Jews, Muslims and Christians live together

One thing I wasn’t expecting to see in the Old City was the 4 different quarters: Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Armenian.

Each quarter has its own individuality and strong ties to its religious roots; something evident when navigating the neighborhoods. Yet, what I was most (pleasantly) surprised about, was seeing diverse groups of people living together in relative harmony.

Without delving too far into Israel’s history and political landscape, it was really encouraging to see. It also put my mind at rest regarding the next point….

Traveling to Jerusalem - inside the market

Jerusalem is safer than what you see on the news

I’ll be honest: I was slightly nervous when I decided to travel to Jerusalem.

Constant news about political instability, threats of terrorism and tension with neighboring countries would make anyone nervous. The reality however was completely different.

Signs of normality

I never saw, or felt, any signs of tension, nor did I feel like I was ever in danger when traveling to Jerusalem. Probably the most unnerving sight was seeing members of the Israeli army on public transportation with their guns.

However, rather than for security purposes, the army members were just regular young people riding public transport. As with travel to any country, you should always remain vigilant, whether at home or abroad.

Prices are similar to Western Europe

I didn’t have much time to shop for any bargains, which was probably the best thing for my bank balance. Aside from the market in the Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem was more expensive than I had anticipated.

In fact, there was little difference in prices compared to those you’d find in Western Europe.

Kosher burger - traveling in Jerusalem

Just like London (prices)

To give you an idea, I ate at a trendy restaurant in the Shuk area. I paid £28 (€33; $35) for a hamburger, sides and cocktail (alcoholic). The total cost wasn’t too far off for what I’d pay in an upmarket London eatery.

What’s more, many locals avoid taking taxis, simply because they’re expensive, and the traffic can be awful. You can barter the price in taxis or download the ‘Gett’ (taxi) app and use this for cheaper fixed fares.

You feel more spiritual

Though born and raised Catholic, I stopped being a practicing Catholic a while ago. However, there’s a side of me that believes in a greater being, and if anywhere can reinforce this, it’s Jerusalem. Its reputation as the holy city is clear the second you enter the old walls.

For me, I was really moved when visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It’s said to be the site of the crucifixion and tomb of Jesus Christ.

Traveling to Jerusalem - Ceiling

Moving and indescribable

Inside, is an atmosphere of mixed emotion and energy. It’s difficult to put into words, but is unlike any other experience I’ve had on my travels.

Unsurprisingly, the church is always busy. It has only closed its doors twice in 600 years. The first time was during the Black Plague and the second time was due to the pandemic.

As with most sites in the Old City, the earlier you arrive, the better.

Jerusalem is more liberal than you might think

Admittedly, I didn’t read much about the city before traveling to Jerusalem.

Aside from things I’d learned from watching the news or documentaries, I preferred to learn, and see, things with my own eyes.

In my head, I’d always imagined Jerusalem to be highly conservative, with drinking alcohol and partying being frowned upon. However, these perceptions were proven wrong during my Jerusalem trip.

Traveling to Jerusalem - Armenia door

Cool vibes — traveling to Jerusalem

The nightlife in Jerusalem is open, liberal and varied. I never went to, or saw, any nightclubs, but I did visit some bars. The atmosphere’s exactly as what you’d find in any European bar, and with just as many drinks on offer.

A great place to enjoy Jerusalem by night is at the Mahane Yehuda market , also known as the ‘Shuk’. Once the market stalls have closed for the day, the place transforms into a local hotspot.

Shops transform into bars and restaurants making the Shuk the perfect place to get drinks and to meet friends.

Security checks take longer in Israel

Before traveling to Israel , some friends had advised to allow more time for the security checks on both ends.

From the UK side, everything was routine and security was nothing out of the ordinary. Departing from Tel Aviv, however, was a whole different bag.

After meeting an officer who asks you questions about your trip, you then continue to the bag check.

Here, every traveler goes through a thorough bag search with an individual guard. When I say thorough, they scan everything from every item of clothing to your umbrella.

Because of this, I would say to not spend a lot of time neatly packing your things. Once the guards have checked everything, you’ll have to do it all again.

Jerusalem centre - traveling to Jerusalem

There’s a diverse mix of people in Israel

Given its geographical location, and neighboring countries, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to identifying who’s Israeli.

You’ll hear, and see, many migrants from the Middle East, Africa, Europe and America all over Jerusalem. Most people also speak Hebrew and Arabic, or can at least understand what the other is saying.

It’s encouraging to see such diversity in a country with a history of political strife. I only hope it stays the same when I next return.

Where to stay in Jerusalem

For a boutique hotel that’s close to all the main sights, you can do no wrong with the superb Bezalel Hotel.

Stylish, comfortable and with a happy hour everyday, it’s a prime choice when looking for where to stay in Jerusalem.

Take a look at these other top boutique hotels in Jerusalem that are also situated in central locations.

What are your thoughts on these top tips for traveling to Jerusalem? Is it a country that you’d like to visit one day? Let me know in the comments below.

Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I’ve recommended. Thank you for your support.

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Street and lamp in Jerusalem - tips for traveling to Jerusalem for first-time visitors

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146 thoughts on “ 10 top tips for traveling to Jerusalem ”

Jerusalem looks beautiful. Thank you for the tips

You’re welcome 🙂

Jerusalem is always on my list of places to visit! I’m glad to learn it is safer than one could imagine!

It is, and a great city to visit

I have friends in Jerusalem and hope to visit Israel some day. I think it would be an amazing experience both from a spiritual and personal perspective.

It really is that! I had the best time there

I’m not religious but this place looks beautiful. Do you know how wheelchair accessible it is?

Jerusalem’s a really beautiful place. In the Old City, I believe it’s possible to take your wheelchair; there are cobbled streets in places, but hopefully you should be okay 🙂

I would really love to travel through Jerusalem one day before it’s too late. I have always wanted to see the land of my Lord…how beautiful and nice tips for traveling.

You’re welcome Catherine. It’s truly a place that I’m so glad I visited, and would love to return one day

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Three young adult pilgrims walk from Paris to Jerusalem ‘to deepen our faith’

Marinella Bandini

June 18, 2024 Catholic News Agency News Briefs 0 Print

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Jerusalem, Jun 18, 2024 / 06:00 am (CNA).

On Sept. 17, 2023, two sisters left Paris and walked for approximately eight months to Jerusalem. Madeleine and Marie-Liesse, 19 and 22, who grew up in a Catholic family, decided to become pilgrims to grow in their faith.

“We needed to make the faith our own,” they told CNA. “This pilgrimage was to discover God, to truly search for him and deepen our faith. We learned that we can trust God; he takes care of us in everything. The Gospel is not a joke.”

Two months later, in mid-November 2023, Louis Antona, 24, also left Paris on foot, bound for Jerusalem. The three young people met providentially in Albania, walked together through Turkey, then parted ways and reunited in Jerusalem. They shared the story of their pilgrimage with CNA.

“I needed to walk 4,500 kilometers to understand that Jesus is not just in Jerusalem but was by my side every step of the way,” Antona told CNA. He walked a total of 189 days and arrived in Jerusalem on May 18.

Madeleine and Marie-Liesse — who asked that their last name not be used to protect their privacy — left from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre in the center of Paris with the blessing of their parents and a priest.

“It was a calling from God,” Madeleine said of the decision she and her sister made to leave. “There’s no need for reasons when God calls; you simply need to follow what he tells you.”

Madeleine and Marie-Liesse during a moment of their journey, between Slovenia and Croatia. “The faith of the people struck us: during Advent, tradition dictates that Mass be attended every morning at 6, and every time we went, the church was packed with people,” they told CNA. The two sisters left Paris on September 17, 2023, and walked for about eight months to Jerusalem. Credit: Courtesy of French pilgrims Madeleine and Marie-Liesse

The sisters created a simple blog to keep friends and family updated on their pilgrimage. The photos and brief stories reveal all the freshness of two young people on a journey while not hiding moments of doubt and difficulty.

“We chose to embark on this journey as beggars,” Marie-Liesse told CNA. “We left with just a few clothes and nothing else — no food, no money. We wanted to surrender ourselves into the hands of providence. Every evening, we knocked on people’s doors asking for shelter, a bed, and food. The Lord always provided.”

Their days were marked by walking and prayer.

“We didn’t have a strict rule because we had to adapt every day to the people who hosted us, the place, and the situation,” Marie-Liesse explained. “But we had a framework: We knew we had to pray in the morning, at midday, at night… It was important for us to be faithful to God. Every day, we also recited a rosary, praying for the intentions entrusted to us.”

The most challenging moment was making the decision to continue the journey after hearing that war had broken out in the Holy Land. “We were in Germany and full of doubts about whether to go on.”

Their journey led them to cross Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. In Croatia, “the faith of the people struck us: during Advent, tradition dictates that Mass be attended every morning at 6, and every time we went, the church was packed with people,” the sisters wrote on their blog.

They stopped for a month in Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina), where their family joined them for Christmas.

“It was a difficult time. Again, we didn’t know what to do. But after a period of discernment, we realized that Christ was calling us back on the road again,” Madeleine said.

Madeleine and Marie-Liesse crossed Montenegro and arrived in Albania, where they encountered Antona.

“I had just finished my studies and wanted to offer something to God,” Antona told CNA. “I wasn’t sure what, but I thought that the best thing I had at that time was time itself. So, I decided to offer God a year of my life by embarking on a journey. It was a challenge; I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy walking and being alone.”

Louis Antona, 24, during a moment of his journey. “I had just finished my studies and wanted to offer something to God,” he told CNA. “I thought that the best thing I had at that time was time itself. So, I decided to offer God a year of my life by embarking on a journey." Credit: Photo courtesy of Louis Antona

Antona decided to leave, despite the war. “I believe the hardest part of a pilgrimage like this is deciding to start. I knew that if I gave up because of the war, I would never do it again. Anyway, I thought that by the time I arrived, the war would already be over.”

Madeleine and Marie-Liesse are filled with wonder at the manifestation of providence in every detail of their pilgrimage, in the beautiful weather and in the rain, in every small encounter — those who hosted them after seeing them at the bus stop, those who taught them how to make bread, the gentleman who opened his door just before a downpour. “If we had arrived a minute later, we wouldn’t have met him,” they said.

The encounter with Antona wasn’t coincidental either. The two sisters had prayed to God to give them a travel companion.

“We planned to not go through Turkey because we were two women alone, but we would have liked to go that way. So we asked God to meet one pilgrim, and we met him,” the sisters explained.

The three crossed Macedonia and Greece, arriving in Turkey on Palm Sunday. In this predominantly Muslim country, they celebrated Easter, warmly welcomed by the small French-speaking community there.

The sisters Madeleine and Marie-Liesse together with Louis Antona received a blessing from a priest during a Mass in Turkey. They arrived in Turkey on Palm Sunday 2024. In this predominantly Muslim country, they celebrated Easter, warmly welcomed by the small French-speaking community there. Credit: Photo courtesy of Louis Antona

“Every day of this pilgrimage was a miracle,” Antona said. “Every day we have met people who smiled or were nice to us. I have to say that in Turkey we found the most welcoming people.”

“It is not uncommon for the Turks to spontaneously lend us a hand,” Madeleine and Marie-Liesse wrote on their blog. “In Turkey, we encountered an infinite respect for passing strangers and for Christianity, even though Christians here are forced to protect themselves from regular attacks.”

The arrival of Madeleine and Marie-Liesse in Albania. In the photo, Marie-Liesse is in front of a statue of Mother Teresa, who was originally from this country. "Every evening, we knocked on people’s doors asking for shelter, a bed, and food. The Lord always provided," they told CNA. Credit: Photo courtesy of French pilgrims Madeleine and Marie-Liesse

Upon leaving Turkey, the paths of the three pilgrims split again. The sisters’ route went through Cyprus but they could not find a way from there to Jerusalem by sea due to suspension of transportation because of the war. Providentially, they met someone in Cyprus who offered to pay for airfare, and the sisters arrived in Tel Aviv on May 6. Three days later, on the feast of the Ascension, they were in Jerusalem.

“Many times, we thought we couldn’t reach Jerusalem,” Madeleine said. “We learned that the journey is even more important than reaching the goal. Being here is a great gift, just to be here.”

“We unpacked our bags once and for all, knelt before this Holy Land, and prayed. What peace, what a moment of grace! As we admired the sunrise and the golden light that brought color to the roofs of the old city, we could reread the wonders of God and meditate on the Gospels. His infinite love overwhelmed us,” the two sisters wrote on their blog.

The sisters Madeleine and Marie-Liesse received a blessing from a Franciscan friar at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher after their arrival in Jerusalem. “The greatest gift is to be here and understand what happened here, to see with our own eyes, to witness the actual places,” Madeleine said. “We were able to pause in every place, to pray and meditate in silence.” Credit: Photo courtesy of French pilgrims Madeleine and Marie-Liesse

Madeleine has no doubts: “Prayer is what carried us. When you’re weak, that’s when you’re strongest because that’s when God can act in you; you don’t take up all the space. Trusting in God can be challenging, but when you understand that God only wants you to be happy and will give you everything you need, then you realize you have everything to be happy in this moment; you can trust him.”

Ten days later, on the eve of Pentecost, Antona also arrived in Jerusalem. “Even if I had to stop somewhere else, at least I would have aimed to reach Jerusalem. This is a very important city for Christians, but the journey you take to reach it is also very important.”

French pilgrim Louis Antona arrived in Jerusalem on May 18, at the vigil of Pentecost. “Every day of this pilgrimage was a miracle,” he said. Credit: Photo courtesy of Louis Antona

The three pilgrims are still in the Holy Land. They have had the opportunity to participate in various celebrations and to visit the holy places in addition to many other sites in the area.

“The greatest gift is to be here and understand what happened here, to see with our own eyes, to witness the actual places,” Madeleine said. “We were able to pause in every place, to pray and meditate in silence.”

A journey like this isn’t for everyone, but all three of the pilgrims agree that “if God calls you, go in peace. If God helps you, everything becomes possible.”

The French pilgrims rest under the portico of the Church of the Beatitudes on a hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee. In the photo is Louis Antona. A journey like this isn't for everyone, but, the three young people said, “if God calls you, go in peace. If God helps you, everything becomes possible.” Credit: Photo courtesy of French pilgrims Madeleine and Marie-Liesse

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Three of four abducted Nigerian seminarians have been released

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Kaduna, Nigeria, Jan 31, 2020 / 11:13 am ( CNA ).- Three of the seminarians kidnapped earlier this month in northwestern Nigeria have been released safely by their captors, an official at Good Shepherd Seminary announced Friday.

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Nearly 270 seminarians live at Good Shepherd.

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St José Sánchez del Río’s witness highlighted at Mexican Martyrs Shrine statue dedication

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Guadalajara, Mexico, Oct 18, 2021 / 17:01 pm (CNA).

At the dedication of the statue of Saint José Sánchez del Río at Guadalajara’s Martyrs Shrine, the city’s archbishop highlighted the saint’s witness and encouraged young people to be inspired by his life.

St. José Sánchez del Río was born in Sahuayo de Morelos, Mexico in 1913. He was a Cristero. At the age of 14 he was tortured and put to death by government officials when he refused to renounce the faith.

A 5.5 foot statue of the saint, made by Carlos Espino, was dedicated at the shrine in Guadalajara during an Oct. 12 Mass.

During the Mass, Jose Francisco Cardinal Robles Ortega, encouraged those who are younger to look to “the witness and example of Saint José Sánchez. Read his biography, meditate on it, share it, and see that despite his few years of experience, the full and total meaning of life can be found.”

The cardinal stressed that “life has a meaning,” while lamenting that “there are many young men and women who aren’t finding what to do with their lives, they don’t know what they are in this world for, they’re not discovering what they came into this world for and live an existential void.”

These young people, he continued, “seek many times to fill that existential void with things that apparently fill them, but the only thing they produce is a deeper void.”

“And so dear young people, it is worthwhile to look at the testimony of a young man, born into an ordinary Christian family, but who had the courage to discover Christ and to be faithful to him.”

Cardinal Robles encouraged Catholics to give “thanks to God for the witness of our Mexican martyrs to Christ the King.”

“They gave their lives bearing witness to the faith,” he said. Some of those who arrested them “told them what they had to shout in order to escape martyrdom (allegiance to the government) and instead of obeying that suggestion to escape martyrdom, they said with greater enthusiasm, ‘Long live Christ the King and Holy Mary of Guadalupe.’”

“And for that they merited their martyrdom, and for that they merited that Christ testify before the Father, and that Christ continue to bear witness to their martyrdom before the community of his faithful,” the cardinal said.

“Let’s try to get to know them more, let’s try to imitate them more, let’s try to  take their testimony more into our personal lives, but especially in family life,” he said.

The Archbishop of Guadalajara stressed that “the witness of the martyrs should not only amaze us, the testimony of the martyrs should move us, it should be an invitation to us.”

“Perhaps because of the circumstances we live in, we’re not going to reach that extreme of having to shed our blood or die for Christ,” he said, but “every day, in every circumstance, in every moment, in every relationship, in everything we do, in all the areas in which we operate, we have the opportunity to be witnesses for Christ.”

“Jesus will bear witness to us if we take up being his witnesses, the disciples who bear witness to him,” he assured.

The cardinal stressed that “the testimony of the martyrs endures,” while people do not necessarily remember “the names of the people who inflicted, who carried out the martyrdom.” 

The testimony of the martyrs, however,  “is not extinguished” and “is not forgotten.”

Saint José Sánchez del Río was born March 28, 1913 in Sahuayo, in Michoacán state.

In 1926 under the administration of Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles the “Calles Law” was enacted restricting Catholic worship, which began the religious persecution that triggered the Cristero War.

The laws banned religious orders, deprived the Church of property rights, and denied priests civil liberties, including the right to trial by jury and the right to vote. As the restrictions on religious liberty increased, Catholics could be fined or imprisoned for teaching Church doctrine, wearing clerical attire, meeting together after their convents were disbanded, promoting religious life, or holding religious services in non-church locations.

José Sánchez del Río asked his parents for permission to enlist with the Cristero troops, who were fighting for religious freedom in Mexico. When his mother tried to dissuade him because of the risk of being killed, he replied, “Mom, it has never been so easy to earn heaven as it is now, and I don’t want to miss the chance.”

After being captured by government troops, Sánchez was tortured Feb. 10, 1928, for refusing to renounce the faith.

The officers cut off the soles of his feet and made him walk towards what would become his grave. As he walked, Saint José Sánchez del Río prayed and shouted “Long live Christ the King and the Virgin of Guadalupe!” Once at the place of execution, the government troops hung him from a tree and stabbed him.

Shortly before he died, when one of his executioners took him down from the tree and asked him if he had a message for his parents, Saint Jose told him: “Long live Christ the King and that we will see each other in heaven.” He was then shot twice in the head, laid in a small grave, and covered with dirt.

He was beatified in 2005, and canonized Oct. 16, 2016.

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Veterans gather for their last big D-Day anniversary under the cloud of a new war in Europe

D-Day joint operation in Normandy

CAEN, France — For almost 80 years, the United States and Europe told themselves that a lasting postwar peace had been won here, in the bloody shallows and sands along 6 miles of Normandy beach.

On Thursday — the 80th anniversary of D-Day , perhaps the last major milestone for many of the invasion’s dwindling heroes — that peace in Europe finds itself shattered .

Replacing it are fears of another world war that until recently seemed outlandish, uncertainty about Washington’s European allyship that the Normandy landings cemented, and questions about the future of the Western alliance itself.

For many, the ideals that D-Day helped win are at risk of fading along with its survivors.

“I believe that freedom and democracy are definitely under threat,” D-Day veteran Harold Terens, 100, told NBC News on Monday.

He spent that day working as a radio operator mechanic based in Yorkshire, northern England, communicating with 60 P-47 Thunderbolt fighter planes flying over France — only 30 of which returned. Twelve days later he traveled to Normandy in person to transport freshly freed American prisoners of war back to England, and pick up newly captured Germans.

“It was one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in my life,” said Terens, who lives in Lake Worth, Florida. “Bodies without arms and legs, bodies without heads — war is hell,” he added, referencing the quote first attributed to Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, who fought on the side of the Union during the Civil War.

Harold Terens.

More than 150,000 Allied troops landed in Nazi-occupied France on June 6, 1944, including 73,000 Americans, 60,000 British and 15,000 Canadians. It was the largest amphibious invasion in history, a meticulously planned assault that altered the course of World War II — and the 20th century.

Around 4,500 Allies died, including some 2,500 Americans, in their historic bid to loosen Nazi Germany’s grip over mainland Europe. 

And so for a few weeks every year, Normandy is transformed into a festival of remembrance, with cities, villages and cemeteries festooned with flags — including many American flags flown by French locals — while playing host to concerts, parades and ceremonies.

It’s not clear how many veterans are still alive. But some 150 Americans who took part in the monthslong Battle of Normandy, including two dozen D-Day veterans, are expected to make the trip to France this year, according to the American Battle Monuments Commission, the government agency overseeing cemeteries and monuments abroad.

The centerpiece will be a ceremony attended by President Joe Biden, his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Britain’s Prince William and other world leaders. Biden will give a speech about defending freedom and democracy.

“D-Day is a critical moment for President Biden to speak to what our collective security has done to deliver mostly a peaceful Europe since the second world war,” said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a friend of Biden and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “This is a chance to demonstrate what I think President Biden has been so good at. It’s not America alone. It’s not America first, but America as a critical leader in the world and as the indispensable nation.”

Still, the stars are the veterans.

NBC News is spending part of the week traveling with a busload of 50 American vets who have been brought over by the Best Defense Foundation charity, based in California.

They are set to include Richard “Dick” Ramsey, aged 100, a coxswain aboard the USS Nevada as it fired shells into the D-Day battlefield and narrowly missed getting hit in return. Also expected on the bus is Richard Rung, 100, who ferried troops to Omaha Beach while hosing his fellow soldiers’ blood from the small landing craft.

The youngest D-Day veterans are in their 90s; for many this will be the last major milestone they see as this event begins to pass out of living memory.

For the French, the legacy of D-Day is more complex. There is the decadeslong veneration of their Allied liberators, but also lament for the 20,000 Normandy locals killed in the assault, with cities such as Caen razed to rubble.

Macron says now is the right time to acknowledge these memories. On Wednesday, the French  president is expected to emphasize this point at a ceremony in Saint-Lô, a city whose destruction in the battle was so complete that in 1946 Irish novelist Samuel Beckett named it “the Capital of Ruins,” a moniker that has become widely used since.

With questions over Washington’s long-term commitment to Europe, Macron has attempted to cast himself as a de facto leader on European security, calling for more defense spending and refusing to rule out deploying French troops to Ukraine — much to Moscow’s fury.

Veterans and world dignitaries gather in Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landings.

It’s perhaps no surprise, then, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not invited this year.

This presents an awkward juxtaposition for those involved. Many feel it would be untenable to include a Russian delegation while its soldiers wage unprovoked war on Ukraine, an attritional grind of tanks, troops and artillery whose scale evokes WWII itself.

At the same time, it is impossible to tell the story of Nazi defeat without the Soviet Union.

After Adolf Hitler reneged on a nonaggression pact and invaded the Soviet Union, the Red Army spent millions of lives fighting back, repelling the Nazi advance in what was a pyrrhic Soviet victory on the Eastern Front.

“It’s a very changed time,” said John M. Koenig, a veteran American career diplomat who served as ambassador to Cyprus and was posted in Belgium and Italy before retiring in 2015 . “The perception of Russia, and the way ahead, is far darker than it was back when we used to invite Vladimir Putin to the celebrations.”

“It’s a different Europe than it was,” he added. It is not “one of compromise, cooperation and common interests that we had hoped even, I would say, up until at least 10 years ago.”

Many in Europe fear that if Moscow’s aggression goes unpunished, other countries, such as the Baltic states and perhaps even Poland, could come into the Kremlin’s crosshairs.

Ukraine has been armed to the teeth by the West, receiving $50 billion of missiles, tanks and air defense systems from Washington. But many observers are nonetheless questioning the future of the Western unity.

Looming large is the American presidential election between Biden and Donald Trump, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee. Trump has previously suggested he would withdraw from NATO, and many Ukraine allies fear he could end support for its defense against Russia.

Compounding this, European Parliament elections this month look certain to herald victories for far-right and nationalist parties, some of which share Trump’s skepticism on the importance of helping Ukraine resist Russia’s invasion.

John Kelly, a retired four-star general and Trump’s longest-serving White House chief of staff, said in an interview: “People make the argument that American forces should come home. We made that mistake once after World War I.”

“Yes, our allies and partners need to do more for themselves and live up to their financial commitments,” added Kelly, who had a falling out with Trump. "But we tested isolationism once before, and it didn’t work. The rules-based world order works and if it’s going to work America must lead it.”

D-Day commemorations in France

Also testing Washington’s relationship with its historic partners is the Israel-Hamas war. 

Israel faces accusations of genocide and possible arrest warrants in international court, leaving the country and its chief ally, the U.S., increasingly isolated on the global stage. They have both rejected the accusations.

Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip has killed more than 36,000 people, according to local officials, and the Palestinian enclave needs $40 billion in postwar reconstruction — the largest since 1945 — the United Nations estimates. Meanwhile, eight decades since the Nazi murder of 6 million Jews, the deadly Oct. 7 attack and its aftermath have stirred fears of rising antisemitism in the U.S. and Europe.

And yet, amid the horror both historical and contemporary, there are shards of light here, among the hedgerows and headstones of mild-but-overcast northern France.

Terens, the D-Day radio operator, has traveled back here to get married, at the age of 100, to his 96-year-old fiancee Jeanne Swerlin.

“Love is not reserved for the young,” he said. “We need a little action ourselves.”

Terens and Swerlin on their way to France last week.

The pair met in 2021, and 40 family members have traveled over from the U.S. for their ceremony and parade June 8. Most poignant will be those not able to attend in person.

“I’m spiritual, and I came here to invite all those soldiers buried on Omaha Beach, 9,836 of them, to my wedding,” he said. “I’d like them to attend in spirit. And I want them to know that they’re not forgotten.”

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Alexander Smith is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital based in London.

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Peter Nicholas is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.

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Canada announces new pilot programs to support caregivers and Canadian families, intends to make the caregivers program permanent

From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

News release

Caregivers from abroad are invaluable to Canadian families. Their hard work makes a difference in the lives of those they care for, including children, seniors and persons with disabilities.

June 3, 2024—Toronto— Caregivers from abroad are invaluable to Canadian families. Their hard work makes a difference in the lives of those they care for, including children, seniors and persons with disabilities.

As the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot come to a close later this month, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced new, enhanced caregiver pilots. This will allow caregivers to continue to come to Canada, as we work toward making the caregiver pilot programs permanent.

The new pilot programs will provide home care workers with permanent residence (PR) on arrival in Canada. They will also be allowed to work for organizations that provide temporary or part­time care for people who are semi-independent or recovering from an injury or illness. This new pathway means that caregivers can more easily find proper work with reliable employers and have clear, straightforward access to permanent resident status as soon as they arrive in Canada.

Through these new pilot programs, candidates interested in working in Canada’s home care sector will be eligible to apply if they meet the following criteria:

  • attain a minimum of level 4 based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
  • hold the equivalent of a Canadian high school diploma
  • have recent and relevant work experience
  • receive an offer for a full-time home care job

These new PR on arrival pilot programs mark an important step forward in Canada’s efforts to meet the evolving home care needs of its diverse population. More information will be available before the full launch of the pilots, including full eligibility criteria and details on how to apply.

“Caregivers play a critical role in supporting Canadian families, and our programs need to reflect their invaluable contributions. As we work to implement a permanent caregivers program, these two new pilots will not only improve support for caregivers, but also provide families with the quality care they deserve.” – The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
“After hearing stories and feedback from caregivers across Canada, I am proud that we are taking concrete action to create policies to support the caregiver community. Generations of women and men have advocated for this important pathway and have cared for our families and loved ones here in Canada. Now is the time to return the care they deserve." – The Honourable Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business

Quick facts

In June 2014, there was an inventory of over 60,000 persons for the Live-in Caregiver Program. Today, less than 1% of that Live-in Caregiver Program inventory remains.

As part of the 2024–2026 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada will admit over 15,000 caregivers as permanent residents.

As of April 30, 2024, nearly 5,700  caregivers and their family members have become permanent residents since the launch of the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot in 2019.

Associated links

  • Existing Canadian caregiver programs

Contacts for media only:

Bahoz Dara Aziz Press Secretary Minister’s Office Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada [email protected] Media Relations Communications Sector Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada 613-952-1650 [email protected]

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  1. One Day Tour to Jerusalem from Amman or Dead Sea or Madaba (01 Day Tour

    travel one jerusalem

  2. Best 7 Places to See in Jerusalem

    travel one jerusalem

  3. Jerusalem Travel Guide

    travel one jerusalem

  4. Jerusalem Travel Documentary

    travel one jerusalem

  5. 【Jerusalem】Travel Guide

    travel one jerusalem

  6. Jerusalem Israel Travel Guide: Best Things to Do in Jerusalem

    travel one jerusalem


  1. Israel Jerusalem capital Forever #travel #israel_best #jerusalem



  4. The weekend in Jerusalem Driving in Israel 2022


  1. Ghosheh Investments & Hospitality's

    Ghosheh Investments & Hospitality's, Jerusalem, Israel. 152,214 likes · 654 talking about this. ‎غُوشَهْ لِلاستِثْمارِ وَالضِّيافَةِ هِيَ كَيانٌ رَئيسِيٌّ يَشْمَلُ تَرْفَلْ وَانَ المُتَخَصِّصَةَ في...

  2. iTravelJerusalem: Jerusalem's Official Travel Website

    Travel tips for a Family weekend in Jerusalem. Do it yourself family itinerary. article. ... Jerusalem in the Footsteps of Jesus 1 Day Walking Tour. ... A one-of-a-kind attraction and tour in Jerusalem. activity. Escape Rooms 5959. A massive escape complex. ₪280.00 per person.

  3. The Ultimate Guide to Jerusalem in Israel

    Here are our tips on the best things to do and see in Jerusalem. Old City. Listed in 1981 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Jerusalem's Old City is one of the most incredible places you can visit not only in Israel but in the world. From a tourist standpoint, it has it all, and we are not exaggerating now.

  4. First time Jerusalem: top tips for your first visit to the Holy City

    Sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims, Jerusalem's Old City is one of the world's foremost pilgrimage destinations. It's also one of the most magical - and disputed - places in the Middle East. If the description 'living history' truly applies anywhere in the world, it applies here. But the Old City isn't the only attraction in ...

  5. Travel One Tours .Jerusalem

    Travel One Tours .Jerusalem - Salah El Din St. 29 Tel: +97226278166 Mobile:+972525776756 Email: [email protected] Speical Deal,,, Leonardo Plaza...

  6. Jerusalem Travel Guide

    The best ways to get around Jerusalem are on foot or by taxi. Many of the city's top attractions are within walking distance of one another inside or just beyond the Old City walls. When you're ...

  7. Jerusalem Travel Guide

    Jerusalem Travel Guide. Our Jerusalem travel guide offers a comprehensive resource for anyone planning to visit one of the world's most iconic cities. Jerusalem is a city steeped in history, culture, and religion, and with our travel guide, you'll have access to all the information you need to plan your trip.

  8. Jerusalem travel

    Jerusalem. Middle East. Destroyed and rebuilt over thousands of years, Jerusalem's spiritual magnetism endures. With interlacing histories, clashing cultures and constant reinvention, the city is an intense, multisensory experience. 01 / Attractions.

  9. 20 Top-Rated Things to Do in Jerusalem

    Israel Travel Guide. 14 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. ... Updated Mar 24, 2023. The most contested city on Earth is also one of the most beautiful. Jerusalem's scope of history is staggering, and the major role the city plays in the traditions of all three major monotheistic faiths has led to it being ...

  10. Top Jerusalem Vacation Itineraries

    1pm: Travel by car or bus from Mount Zion towards Yad Vashem, the renowned Holocaust museum for a two-hour tour. 3pm: Head to the Israel Museum, rated one of the top 10 museums in Israel and in the world. 5:30pm: Go back to your hotel to relax before dinner at the hotel or before heading out for dinner in the city.

  11. 13 Best Things to Do in Jerusalem

    Kyle McCarthy|Sharael Kolberg December 4, 2023. Ranking of the top 13 things to do in Jerusalem. Travelers favorites include #1 Old City, #2 Western Wall (Wailing Wall) and more.

  12. 44 Things to Do in Jerusalem (Local Travel Tips)

    For swimming in the Dead Sea. A travel lock, for using at a rental locker (maybe at the Dead Sea) A scarf or shawl, for women, to use when visiting religious sites where shoulders must be covered (synagogues, Dome of the Rock, mosques, churches, memorial sites) One pair of travel pants for men and travel pants for women, as shorts are also not ...

  13. The Top 25 Things to Do in Jerusalem

    It's comprised of lamb, chicken, and organ meats, and it's to die for. You'll find one of the best examples of this dish at Sima's, a blue collar, down to earth restaurant that's been around since 1969. A haven for hardcore carnivores, you'll also find kebabs, meat dumplings, entrecôte, and more. 22 of 25.

  14. The fullest Jerusalem travel guide for first-timers

    Jerusalem is one of the oldest and most important religious cities in the world. Jerusalem now is the official capital of the State of Israel. | jerusalem travel blog One of the world's most sacred ancient cities | jerusalem travel blog. Jerusalem is a city I must visit once in my life. I've been so convinced for a long time, probably since ...

  15. 17 Top Things to Do in Jerusalem (+Map)

    10. Dome of the Rock. Lying atop of Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock sparkles in the sun and is recognized around the world. It is one of Jerusalem's most famous landmarks. Built between 688 and 691, the temple is home to a slab of stone from which Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

  16. Jerusalem travel guide

    Jerusalem to Masada - 100 km, (62 miles) about an hour-and-a-half drive. Bus 405 - Jerusalem Central Bus Station to Tel Aviv Central Bus Station. Departs every fifteen minutes. Tel Aviv's central bus station is located in the southern part of the city, which is a less pleasant place to stroll around at night.

  17. Two Days in Jerusalem, a Perfect Itinerary

    2 Days in Jerusalem - Day One: The old city and around it. The old city of Jerusalem is roughly a square of one Kilometer by one Kilometer surrounded by the city walls. It is hard to imagine it today, but Until around 1850, this tiny area was the entire city of Jerusalem. Only in the 2nd half of the 19th-century residents started to move ...

  18. One Day in Jerusalem Itinerary

    Abraham Hostel Jerusalem. 67 Hanevi'im Street, Davidka Square, Jerusalem. Abraham Hostel is definitely one of the best hostels in Israel. Actually, it's a chain hostel with amazing service and great location - 15 min from the old town by foot and 5 min from the market and city center. They also hold interesting events in the hostel every ...

  19. One Week in Israel: The Ultimate Itinerary

    There's no way to see everything that Israel has to offer in just one week but it's still possible cover a lot of ground. This seven-day itinerary includes many key sights and cities in Israel, including Jerusalem's Old City, Machane Yehuda, the Dead Sea, and Masada. Using Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as a base, there are many great locations ...

  20. 10 Best Jerusalem Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Holyland Trip of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Masada & Dead Sea - 5 Days. 4.0 (3 traveller reviews) "Hotels were great and tour was even better that expected." Dennis, traveled in March 2022. Destinations. Tel Aviv, Ashdod, +10 more. Age Range. 5 to 99 year olds. Operated in.

  21. Jerusalem Vacation Packages 2024 from $1,231

    Jerusalem Travel Guide Hotels in Jerusalem Vacation Rentals in Jerusalem Flights to Jerusalem Things to do in Jerusalem Car ... Stays; Flights; Cars; Things to do; Choose one or more items to build your trip: Stay added. Flight added. Add a car. 1 room, 2 travelers. Travelers. Room 1. Adults. Children Ages 2 to 17 Infants Younger than 2 ...

  22. Traveling To Jerusalem

    These include taxi, minibus and the national bus service. The cheapest option is the bus, which at the time of writing cost NIS 16 (£3.5; €4; $4.40). It takes around one hour, depending on traffic, to reach the central bus station in Jerusalem. The 485 bus leaves every hour, 24 hours a day on Sundays to Thursdays.

  23. 13 Day Tour of Israel & Jordan with Flights

    13 Day Essential Israel & Jordan Featuring Tel Aviv, Galilee Region, Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Petra & Amman - $2539* from $1899* with code TZSRJ640. Promo Valid for Departures: Oct '22 - Mar '23. Package Includes. Flights New York-Tel Aviv, Amman-New York Other departure cities available. Click on date of departure for selection and prices

  24. Travel executives visit Israel with a goal to 'inspire and educate'

    For Alex Sharpe, a three-day swing through Israel last month was not a political statement. Rather, the CEO of Signature Travel Network organized a small group to fly to Tel Aviv on May 19 to meet ...

  25. Resumption of flights, reopening of terminal 1 ...

    During the fourth quarter of 2023, 180,000 tourists visited Israel, an 82% decrease from the 930,000 tourists recorded in the same period in 2022.

  26. Authenticate an official document for use outside the U.S

    How to get an apostille and when you need one If the country where you want to use your document is on the 1961 Hague Convention member list , you will need an apostille. Documents such as vital records issued by a U.S. state will need an apostille from that state's secretary of state.

  27. Three young adult pilgrims walk from Paris to Jerusalem 'to deepen our

    Jerusalem, Jun 18, 2024 / 06:00 am (CNA). On Sept. 17, 2023, two sisters left Paris and walked for approximately eight months to Jerusalem. Madeleine and Marie-Liesse, 19 and 22, who grew up in a ...

  28. D-Day 80th anniversary: Veterans gather in Normandy under cloud of war

    Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip has killed more than 36,000 people, according to local officials, and the Palestinian enclave needs $40 billion in postwar reconstruction — the largest since ...

  29. News updates from June 17: Netanyahu dissolves Israel's war cabinet

    His 1868 one cent Z Grill, one of two known to be in existence, shattered the record for a single US stamp by selling for $4,366,000, more than double the $2mn paid last year for a single inverted ...

  30. Canada announces new pilot programs to support caregivers and Canadian

    Caregivers from abroad are invaluable to Canadian families. Their hard work makes a difference in the lives of those they care for, including children, seniors and persons with disabilities. June 3, 2024—Toronto—Caregivers from abroad are invaluable to Canadian families. Their hard work makes a ...