time travel 1940

Does a Photograph Capture a Time-Traveling Hipster?

An intriguing photograph from the 1940s purportedly documents an obviously out-of-place time-traveler., published feb. 22, 2015.


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A photograph supposedly showing a "time-traveling hipster" has been circulating on the Internet since at least 2010:

Although the image in question is real and unaltered, the man singled out in the picture for his supposedly unusual appearance is not a time traveler.

The image was first made available to the public in 2004 when it was featured in the Barlorne-Pioneer Museum's exhibit "Their Past Lives Here." The photograph was taken in 1941 at the reopening of the South Fork Bridge in Canada, and when the museum digitized and placed online the collection that included this picture in 2010, some Internet users noted that a man in the photograph appeared to be dressed far too modern for 1940:

Web sites such as Fark , BoingBoing , and Forgetomori picked up on the phenomenon and republished the image with headlines such as "Time traveler caught in 1940 photo?"

The idea that the man in the photograph is a time traveler hinges on three items he is seen wearing or holding that appear to be of too modern a vintage for the 1940s: a logo t-shirt, a small portable camera, and wrap-around sunglasses. But all of those items were readily available in the 1940s.

His t-shirt, for instance, bears the logo of the Montreal Maroons, a temporally appropriate hockey team that played in the NHL from 1924-1938:

Glasses with protective side shields were also available in the 1940s. While this style of eyewear was not yet widespread, it is more plausible that the photograph shows a man of his time with unusual fashion sense rather than a time traveler:

The final nail in this time traveler's coffin comes to us courtesy of Kodak. While many viewers assumed that the camera that the man is shown holding is simply too small to have existed in the 1940s, Kodak did in fact make several portable cameras that were available in 1941, such as the following:

The man in the image may look out of place at first glance, but nothing about his appearance was impossible for the time the photograph was taken.

By Dan Evon

Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes.

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Sergei Ponomarenko, the Man who Slipped Through Time

In science fiction, time travel is a common occurrence. In reality, not so much: there are a slew of logical, observational and practical reasons why we strongly believe time travel to be an impossibility.

This is not 100% true, however. What is amazing is that outside the typical perceptions of time, traveling forward into the future by several milliseconds has been proven possible within the frameworks of special relativity (the relationship between space and time ) and general relativity (Einstein’s theory of gravity).

But, unless you can retrofit a DMC DeLorean with a flux capacitor like Doc Brown did in the film Back to the Future , we won’t be going anywhere.

But then there was Sergei Ponomarenko, a Ukrainian time traveler who was whisked away from 1958 Kyiv and dropped off in 2006 Kyiv in 2006 in a single moment. This story may seem crazy, but when we look at the photographic proof and time-stamped videos of Sergei Ponomarekno from 2006 questions arise.

Did Sergei Ponomarneko travel into the future? And how?

Sergei Ponomarenko

On April 23, 2006, a man in his late 20s to early 30s was arrested by the police for suspicious behavior. The young man was incredibly confused and kept asking what year it was.

The man said his name was Sergei Ponomarenko and, until two minutes ago, was living in the year 1958. The police asked for the man’s identification, and when Sergei Ponomarenko handed over his credentials, the officers were caught off guard.

time travel 1940

The ID Sergei produced was the national ID cards citizens were given during the Soviet Union . Ukraine gained independence when the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991, and the ID was at least 15 years old.

The officers looked up from the ID and noticed that the man in front of them, Sergei Ponomarenko matched the photo on the ID card. Upon further observation, the police noticed Sergei dressed differently than everyone else.

Instead of modern clothing, Sergei Ponomarenko was wearing what would be described as “vintage” clothing from the 1950s and had an antiquated film camera around his neck. The police were convinced Sergei Ponomarenko was insane and needed medical intervention.

The police dropped Sergei Ponomarenko off at a psychiatric clinic in Kyiv, where Dr. Pablo Kutrikov saw him for examination. Dr. Kutrtikov recorded the session, which took place on April 23, 2006.

In the video, Sergei Ponomarenko said that his name was Sergei Valentinovich Ponomarenko and that he was born in Kyiv on June 16, 1932. The man in front of Dr. Kurtikov was not a 74-year-old man. He looked around 30 years old.

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When asked his age, Sergei only confirmed this, saying that he was 25 years old. Sergei Ponomarenko told the doctor that the last thing he remembered was that he was taking a walk in Kyiv with his fiance, Valentina Curish, and the two took a picture with Sergei’s camera. Just after this, Sergei spotted something strange in the sky.

time travel 1940

Sergei described the strange object as bell-shaped and was “flying in a strange way.” He told the doctor that he thought he would be able to get a better look at the object if he took a picture of it, and suddenly Sergei found himself in 2006.

This would be easily dismissed as a rambling fantasy, but of course Sergei claimed he had proof. To determine if Sergei Ponomarenko was suffering from delusions or to convince the man that he did not time travel after taking a picture of a UFO, Dr. Kutrikov had the photos developed.

Sergei had a vintage camera, and the film could not be developed using 21st-century techniques. An expert in photography was called in to develop the film.

When the photography expert received the film, he was shocked when he realized that the film was old. That specific type of film went out of production in the 1970s but was in perfect condition. The photos taken by Sergei Ponomarenko were able to be developed.

There were photographs of Kyiv from the 1950s, an image of a woman about the same age as Sergei Ponomarenko, and a photo of Sergei wearing the same outfit he wore in the interview with Dr. Kutrikov. But the most impressive picture was a bell-shaped UFO in the sky, just as Sergei had described.

This was enough to warrant further investigation, and on April 25, 2006, Sergei Ponomarenko sat again in a recorded interview with Dr. Kutrikov. The doctor presented Sergei with the images. Sergei basically said, “yeah, I told you so,” and was recorded saying, “I so far do not understand what this object [UFO] is and how something like that happened to me at the same moment when I took the picture, and I went down to look at the camera and somehow ended up in this year.”

When the two men finished speaking, Sergei was seen on the security camera entering his room at the clinic and was never seen again . Sergei Ponomarenko is never captured exiting the room, and bars on the windows made escape impossible.

Now the police had a missing person to find. The police investigated old ID records from the Soviet Union and verified that there was a man named Sergei Valentinovich Ponomarekno from Kyiv. However, the reports indicated that this Sergei Ponomarenko was officially declared missing in 1960.

The police had a picture of Sergei’s fiancée, Valentina Chrish, and went to see if she knew what was happening or where the man went. They found Valentina, an elderly woman in her 70s, and she told them that her fiancé Sergei Ponomarenko had indeed disappeared for a few days back in 1958.

But Sergei had returned.

Lauren Dillon

Lauren Dillon is a freelance writer with experience working in museums, historical societies, and archives. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Russian & Eastern European Studies in 2017 from Florida State University. She went on to earn her Master’s Degree in Museum Studies in 2019 from the University of San Francisco. She loves history, true crime, mythology, and anything strange and unusual. Her academic background has inspired her to share the parts of history not in most textbooks. She enjoys playing the clarinet, taking ballet classes, textile art, and listening to an unhealthy amount of true crime podcasts. Read More

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The best images of time travellers from throughout history.

Every now and then an image appears online which people claim shows a time traveller somewhere they shouldn't be. Are they real though?

Every now and then an image appears online which people claim shows a time traveller somewhere they shouldn't be. But are they just cases of people letting their imaginations run wild?

We've rounded up some of the best and most interesting images of time travellers throughout history. Some turned out to be plain fakes or cases of mistaken identities, but others are certainly intriguing.

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The time travelling hipster

This photo was snapped in 1941 at the re-opening ceremony for the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia.

If you look carefully, on the right-hand side you can see an unusually dressed man in what appears to be modern clothing, sporting sunglasses at a time when most were wearing hats and smart jackets.

Many argue this is a time traveller, while others have countered that he's simply a man with a fashion sense ahead of his time. Snopes has shown his clothing is relevant to the time and the area, but it's still great to imagine.

World Cup celebrations

This photo comes from the 1962 World Cup and shows the celebrations as the Brazilian team lifts the trophy.

If you look closely though, you'll see in the bottom centre of the image what looks like someone with a mobile phone snapping a photo of the event.

Could this be a time traveller as well? A bit odd to think someone in the future might have a flip phone , but then they have been making a comeback recently and we know folding phones are about to be big too .

The time travelling sun seeker

This image from 1943 apparently shows British factory workers escaping to the seaside for a break during the midst of wartime. The clothes and beachwear of most people certainly fit the era, but in the centre of a frame appears to be a man dressed like Mr Bean checking his mobile phone.

Or maybe it's a time travel device? Likely a bit of a stretch or a case of overactive internet imagination, but we still enjoy the thought. Maybe there are no public beaches in the future?

Mohawk time traveller

This image from 1905 appears to show the usual happenings of the time - including workers and a banana boat delivering its goods.

However, if you look near the edge of the boat you can spy a man in a white shirt with what appears to be a Mohawk-style haircut. A very unusual haircut for the time and possible proof of a time traveller? Who can say?

Film footage captured during the recording of Charlie Chaplin's 1928 silent film "The Circus" appears to show a lady dressed all in black, wearing a hat and walking around the set talking on her mobile phone.

The footage is a little iffy as is the idea that anyone could be talking on a mobile device in the 1920s, but it's certainly got some suggesting it might be proof time travellers are among us.

The ancient astronaut sculpture

In Salamanca, Spain, there's a cathedral with multiple sculptures carved into its sides. One such sculpture appears to show the likeness of a modern-day (or perhaps futuristic) astronaut.

Considering the cathedral's construction dates back to 1513, people have taken this as proof that time travellers made their way back to that time. However, the truth is the astronaut is merely a modern addition to the artwork carried out by Jerónimo García de Quiñones during renovations in 1992.

Time travelling celebrities

There's an interesting trend of people who closely resemble folks from a bygone era. This could just be a spooky coincidence, but maybe it's proof that time travel is possible.

Perhaps these celebrities are living a double life in another century. Here, Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Leader Mahir Cayan who was born in 1946 and died in 1972 is shown to bear a striking resemblance to TV star Jimmy Fallon. Is Jimmy Fallon living a double life as a revolutionary communist? Seems hilariously unlikely.

A man and his mobile phone

Some claim that this oil painting by Pieter de Hooch, which was lovingly crafted in 1670 appears to show a young man holding his mobile phone. In an age where such a thing would probably have seen him burnt at the stake, this one is hard to believe.

A description of the image also suggests the young man is a messenger and that's a letter in his hand, not a phone, but it's still nice to let your imagination run wild once in a while. We've often wondered what it would be like to be able to travel back to simpler times to see what life was like for ourselves.

The Adidas trainers mummy

A couple of years ago, an ancient mummy was unearthed by archaeologists digging in Mongolia. At the time, it was suggested the funky-looking footwear she was wearing bore a striking resemblance to Adidas trainers. More evidence of a time traveller visiting ancient times? Investigation of the body dated it around 1,100 years old. That's one heck of a blast through the past.

However, further unearthing showed the woman was more likely to have been a Turkic seamstress which might explain the fresh kicks. She was found with an ancient clutch bag, a mirror, a comb, a knife and more. But no mobile phone.

The time surfer

Another image of an out-of-place individual that people have latched on to as proof that time travel is a reality.

This image dates back over 100 years and shows some smartly dressed Canadians sitting on the side of a hill.

On the left-hand side though, sits a young man in what appears to be a t-shirt and shorts with ruffled hair. He was quickly referred to as the surfing time traveller due to how unusual his attire is. Others have suggested people in the photo appear shocked by his appearance, even pointing out the woman on the right who seems to be gesturing in his direction. Again, this a bit of a stretch as would a time traveller really go through time dressed like that?

A visitor to wartime Reykjavík

This photograph apparently shows a scene from downtown Reykjavík in 1943.

In the heart of wartime, soldiers and sailors can be seen everywhere in the streets among civilians. The man circled though, appears to be on a mobile phone.

We've really got a theme going with these smartphone using time travellers. Who is he calling? And how? And if he is a time traveller, why is he not in Berlin trying to assassinate Hitler?

The dabbing WWII soldier

There's an apparent theme to these time traveller photos that not only includes smartphone users, but also people visiting the second world war.

In this image, a young soldier is seen dabbing, a dance move that became popular around 2014, but certainly wasn't known in wartime.

Of course, it turns out this photo isn't an image of a time traveller, but rather just an image of some actors from 2017's blockbuster Dunkirk . The fact that most of the soldiers are smiling should also be a bit of a giveaway with this one.

Greta Thunberg

In 2019, the internet discovered a photograph from 1898 which showed three children working at a gold mine in Canada's Yukon territory.

The image seemed to show a girl with an incredible likeness to the young climate activist Greta Thunberg. Does this make Thunberg a time traveller who's come through time to save the planet? Weird year for her to choose, but it's a nice idea.

A woman clutching a smartphone (1860)

The painting " The expected one " from 1860, by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller appears to show a woman walking along a rough path, about to be accosted by an adoring young man clutching a pink flower.

A close look though and you'll see she appears to have her attention firmly glued to a modern smartphone. Is this woman actually a time traveller?

Vladimir Putin

A few years back, a number of images surfaced online that seemingly showed Russian President Vladimir Putin snapped over various decades without ageing. Either proof that he's a time traveller or perhaps just immortal?

If true, he's incredibly patriotic, with each image showing him serving his country in one way or another. Though it's more likely to just be a strong likeness.

The AI time traveller

Here's a time traveller with a difference. Stelfie the Time Traveller has been using AI to travel through time. Or at least to give the illusion of doing so.

This creative individual has been using Stable Diffusion to insert the likeness of a modern man into ancient civilisations including Egypt when the pyramids were being constructed, Rome with the centurions and the land of the dinosaurs . It's fun to imagine these as being real, though if you look closely they're clearly AI-generated. As this artificial intelligence improves we'll no doubt get even better images like this. Interestingly even the character taking the selfies isn't real here, but is also made using AI.

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Time Machine: 12 Short Trips To 1940

Linton Weeks

This year, for the first time, the National Archives will be putting the entire 1940 census online . At the time, the United States consisted of more than 130 million people, 33 million homes and 7 million farms. Return with us to yesteryear using this handy time-travel gizmo. Open each portal to experience the sights and sounds of 1940. You can also click on the clock to access each video.

Credits: Tanya Ballard Brown, Alyson Hurt, Melanie Taube and Linton Weeks / NPR

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Flight World War II

Flight World War II (2015)

After Flight 42 travels through a storm they find themselves in France, 1940, during World war II. After Flight 42 travels through a storm they find themselves in France, 1940, during World war II. After Flight 42 travels through a storm they find themselves in France, 1940, during World war II.

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  • Jacob Cooney
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Robbie Kay

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Aqueela Zoll

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Matias Ponce

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  • Older Nigel

Adam Blake

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David Campfield

  • (as Angie Dick)

Vi Flaten

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Jonathan Nation

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Flight 7500

Did you know

  • Trivia The air to ground (land mattress), air to air missiles (R4M), and the Luftwaffe jets actually existed at the time, were being tested, or being built within a couple years of the date the story takes place.
  • Goofs Cannons from the German Me 262 should have shredded the commercial airline in a few hits. Here the aircraft takes it all as if it was a tank. Took two hits from surface to air and air to air missiles and yet it survived.

Cameron Hicks : What are you working on?

Older Nigel : When you get my age you have to keep on top of things

  • Connections References Quantum Leap (1989)

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  • June 2, 2015 (United States)
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  • Flight 1942
  • Remmet Studios - 8033 Remmet Ave, Canoga Park, California, USA
  • Slightly Distorted Productions
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  • Runtime 1 hour 25 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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1940s crowd photo 'shows time travel is real' as hipster snapped in sunglasses and hoodie

A 'hipster time traveller' has been spotted in an intriguing crowd photograph from the 1940s, leading some to draw the conclusion that time travel is real and not just a thing we see in movies

A 'hipster time traveller' has been spotted in a picture from the 1940s

  • 08:33, 20 Nov 2022

Time travel tends to be something that we only hear about in films , but an image that has been circling the internet since 2010 seems to put the theory to the test.

The picture in question was taken in 1941 at the reopening of the South Fork Bridge in Canada.

It was first made available to the public in 2004 when it was featured in the Barlorne-Pioneer Museum's exhibit "Their Past Lives Here", according to Snopes.

In the image, a 1940s crowd is stood watching the reopening with one man that stands out due to his clothing and accessories that seem far too modern for the time.

When the Canadian museum digitised the snap and placed it online in 2010, internet users soon spotted the 'time traveller' who stands out in the crowd.

He is sporting a dark t-shirt, sunglasses and a hooded zip jumper while holding a small portable camera.

Those around him are wearing tailored suits which were in fashion at the time.

The man can be seen wearing a printed T-shirt which bares the letter 'M' underneath a hooded jumper.

This type of t-shirt was often worn by sports teams of the period.

The emblem is of the Montreal Maroons, a hockey team that played in the National Hockey League between 1924-1938.

At the time, protective sunglasses were also available yet one item that sticks out the most is the small portable camera that the man is holding in his hands.

While many think that portable cameras were not invented until the 1980's, Kodak did in fact make several portable cameras that were available in 1941.

When the image began doing the rounds online, debates soon erupted on social media platform Reddit and traffic on the VMC website skyrocketed as many flocked to discuss the shocking picture.

On one thread, titled r/timetravellercaught , users were debating whether the man in the image had travelled back in time.

One user said: "Logically, I know it’s not a time traveler, but it’s really hard to remember that when I see this picture."

Another argued against the time traveller theory, stating: "There is a 1938 patent for these 'sunshades'. Not time traveller, just a 1940s hipster."

However, this is not the first time that a time traveller has seemingly starred in an image.

Around ten years before the hipster snap was taken, footage was taken of a woman holding a piece of technology that wasn't invented until many years later.

The unearthed footage shows a group of women walking down some stairs.

One lady who stands out of the crowd due to her clothing and how she is seemingly holding a mobile phone as if she is taking a phone call.

Originally posted on a conspiracy theory site, the footage sent many theorists into a fact-finding spiral, according to The Sun .

One person theorised: "There is no question that she is speaking as she descends the stairs while holding a small object next to her ear.

"We can only wonder who is she speaking to and what exactly is she speaking in!"

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REAL Time Travel Photos No One Can Explain

Is time travel possible.

These real time travel photos are causing quite a stir on the Internet. From a man photographed looking out of place on a beach to people seen using smart devices way ahead of their time, these perplexing time travel photos simply can’t be explained.

1940’s Beach Time Traveler

British war workers escape to the seaside – this Cornish beach was photographed in September 1943. (It would be lovely if one of you were able to identify which beach!) ❤️ pic.twitter.com/BpLyuwSb8z — BabelColour ? (@StuartHumphryes) September 30, 2018

Is this the proof of time travel that everyone’s been looking for? According to Internet debate, it might just be.

On October 1st, 2018, film colouriser and video editor Stuart Humphryes posted a picture he had recoloured to his Twitter. The photo is of British war workers in 1943 visiting Towan Beach, Cornwall. It’s a charming scene of beach goers seeking respite from the sun. However, one Twitter user noticed the strange man in the middle of the photo.

If you take a closer look, there’s a man right in the middle of the photo wearing an out of place brown suit and he looks to be checking a mobile phone.

This photo was taken during World War 2, a full 30 years before the first mobile was invented, yet the man seems as though he’s texting. Some think the man has been sent back in time to monitor certain events during World War 2 and this photo could be him reporting back to his timeline via some kind of futuristic device.

Is this proof of time travel?

One commentator hailed the photo as solid proof of time travelers, saying: ‘Finally the evidence we need that time travel is real.’

Humphryes remained level headed about the time travel hype and said ‘I think that chap is rolling a cigarette!’

The photo has since gone viral with many news outlets like Fox News, Daily Mail and LADbible running with the story.

What do you think, is this a man sent from the future to monitor the war or is it simply a gent rolling a cigarette? Fire your opinion off in the comments below.

Marilyn Monroe Time Travel Photo

For some time now there have been rumours spreading around the Internet that Marilyn Monroe is actually a secret time traveler.

This photo, which was unearthed from a film archive several years ago, appears to show Monroe texting on a device very similar to a modern day mobile phone. Some historians have noted that the object is nothing more than a packet of cigarettes yet those who have seen the image can’t help but notice the way her hands seem to be actively holding the device. She looks to be far more engaged by the object than if it were simply a packet of cigarettes.

This photo has led many to believe that Monroe is indeed a time traveler and that this is evidence of her sending messages back to the future.

This isn’t the first conspiracy theory that Monroe has been caught in. Some film historians have posed the idea that Monroe was having an affair with brothers John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. It’s been alleged that during this affair Monroe became privy to top secret information regarding the existence of aliens. In a purported CIA memo, two departments discuss that Monroe was told by JFK that he saw ‘things from outer space’ at a secret military base. Some have speculated that Monroe was murdered by the Kennedy brothers because of the affair and her insight into the top secret information.

However, other theories suggest she was inducted into a classified time travel program run by the US government. This wild theory could explain why Monroe was photographed in bed with what appears to be a mobile device. It also gives credence to the dozens of sightings of Marilyn Monroe, alive and well, over the last few years.

1918 Time Traveler Newspaper Clipping

Are these real photos of time travel?

In 1999 a magazine called  Weekly World News  claimed to have uncovered an old newspaper clipping from 1918 showing a time traveler. The clipping is allegedly from a long-defunct newspaper called the  New York Police Courier.  The headline reads ‘Mystery Man Found Dead in 2-foot-long “Space Tube”‘. The image shows the feet of a man in a cylindrical object. Nearby on the grass there’s a device that resembles a mobile phone from the late 90’s.

The article purports that a scientist came forward proclaiming to be part of a covert, government run time travel program. He said that they were responsible for the mysterious tube and the death of the man. He claims that he and his team looked for years through old newspaper clippings hoping to find evidence of the man they had sent back in time. And sure enough, he found this 1918 clipping.

Some debunking sleuths have noted that the publication  Weekly World News,  who broke the story, are infamous for making stories up. Another commenter pointed out that the alleged 1918 clipping is written in a font that resembles a sans-serif typeface called ‘meta’. ‘Meta’, wasn’t created until the early 1990’s.

So which is it, made up story or genuine evidence of time travel? Without further information, we may never know.

San Joseph Bay, 1917

Are these real photos of Time travel?

This photo taken in San Joseph Bay in British Columbia, Canada in 1917 has set the Internet alight with talk of time travel. In the photo you can see a man to the left dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with a wild mop of hair. His looks are in stark contrast to the traditional attire worn by the fellow beach goers. Everyone else is wearing dresses and suits with wide brimmed hats – while the alleged time traveler looks comparatively modern. The posture of the so-called ‘time traveler’ looks almost as if he’s just appeared out of thin air. If you look closely there’s a man in a hat looking astonished at the the way the time traveler is dressed. The photo was first discovered in a book published in 1974 called The Cape Scott Story. The book details the history of Cape Scott on Vancouver Island. When the photo was shared across social media, people dubbed the man a modern-looking ‘surfer dude’, with his baggy tee and knee-length boardshorts. So the question remains, has this historical photo inadvertently captured a time traveler? Or is it simply a young man sporting a look that is ahead of its time?

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People convinced they've spotted 'time traveller' in 1940s beach photo

People convinced they've spotted 'time traveller' in 1940s beach photo

The 1943 snap was taken in cornwall, and one key detail has people talking..

Mia Williams

Mia Williams

A photo taken in the 1940s has convinced people that ‘time travellers’ exist.

A vintage photo taken on a beach in Cornwall in 1943 has resurfaced and caused quite the stir online.

The snap, which features people on Towan Beach, Newquay , includes a man in a suit who looks slightly out of place, holding something that has sent some people into a frenzy.

The man looks out of place.

The photo, which first went viral a few years ago when a guy called Stuart Humphryes shared it to Twitter , is of 'British war workers [escaping] to the seaside.'

But, if you zoom in to the man in the brown suit standing slap bang in the middle of the photo, you might see something a little unusual.

It looks like this guy is peering down at something in his hands - and a lot of people think that 'something' is a phone.

His hunched over position does look an awful lot like most of us modern day people when we're sending a quick text or scrolling through Insta .

Considering the handheld mobile phone wasn't invented until 1973, it has no business showing up on a beach in Cornwall 30 years earlier.

time travel 1940

Ever since it was first shared online, people have been analysing the photo to try and see what this man is holding in his hand - and if this one pic is the proof we needed that time travel is real after all.

"This man seems to be texting . Is he a time traveller?" asked one Twitter user after inspecting the photo.

Another joked: "Good catch. It's clearly the man in the shot is a time travelling tourist checking his mobile device."

But others had some much more logical suggestions.

"Maybe he's winding his watch," one person commented.

"It looks like the Time Traveler in question is a man simply rolling a cigarette," pointed out a second.

And a third suggested: "I'm guessing he is checking his pocket watch."

Ruin all the fun, why don't you?

A few people were less focused on the possibility of a mobile phone being used in the 1940s, and more concerned with the time traveller's outfit choice.

"Forget the call phone," wrote one Twitter user. "This guy is on the beach in a suit!!"

That's just another cause for suspicion, if you ask me.

Topics:  News , History

Mia is a freelance writer for LADBible, and an award-winning trainee journalist at the UK’s No.1 journalism school, News Associates.

@ mia_francessca

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Seasons in Time: (Contemporary/1940s Time-travel Romance)

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Cat Gardiner

Seasons in Time: (Contemporary/1940s Time-travel Romance) Kindle Edition

  • Print length 198 pages
  • Language English
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publication date January 31, 2019
  • Reading age 16 - 18 years
  • File size 1200 KB
  • Page Flip Enabled
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07N9T5JN7
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Vanity & Pride Press (January 31, 2019)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 31, 2019
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1200 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
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  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 198 pages
  • #1,174 in Adaptations & Pastiche Fiction
  • #3,604 in Time Travel Romance
  • #5,356 in Time Travel Romances

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About the author

Cat gardiner.

Cat Gardiner loves romance and happy endings, history, and comedy. A member of the esteemed National League of American Pen Women, she enjoys writing across the spectrum of the romance genre from Contemporary to Chick-Lit Romantic Comedy, 20th Century Historical Fiction, and Pride and Prejudice-inspired.

Apart from her husband, her greatest passion is writing Historical Fiction, WWII-era. Her debut novel in this genre, A Moment Forever, was a 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Award Romance Finalist. "Flying with the Swallows" WWII Historical Fiction Romance released on April 2, 2024. Readers can find the riveting duology on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited and paperback.


The Lisbon Affair, Volume One

Rendezvous in Berlin, Volume Two

WW2 Historical Fiction, Romance, Saga

*An Unforgettable Journey*

Between writing and WWII home front re-enacting, Cat takes her readers on a swell 1940s journey at The 1940s Experience blog and gallery.

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Who were the most beautiful women of the 1940s?

Posted: May 29, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p>The 1940s were an interesting period in history. They were part of the Golden Age of Hollywood, but also saw World War II ravage countries all over the world. But despite the tensions between certain nations at the time, the world of cinema was a lot more international than you might expect. Although the color barrier hadn't really been broken yet, some of the best-known starlets in Hollywood were Swedish, Italian, and Irish,. Each blonde bombshell, brunette beauty, and ravishing redhead had their own unique charm that captured the hearts of audiences everywhere.</p> <p>Click through this gallery to see which 1940s beauties were the most desired icons of the decade.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/56996?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=468031v2en-us"> See how plastic surgery transformed these celebs </a></p>

The 1940s were an interesting period in history. They were part of the Golden Age of Hollywood, but also saw World War II ravage countries all over the world. But despite the tensions between certain nations at the time, the world of cinema was a lot more international than you might expect. Although the color barrier hadn't really been broken yet, some of the best-known starlets in Hollywood were Swedish, Italian, and Irish,. Each blonde bombshell, brunette beauty, and ravishing redhead had their own unique charm that captured the hearts of audiences everywhere.

Click through this gallery to see which 1940s beauties were the most desired icons of the decade.

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<p>Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, is still one of the most famously beautiful women of the 20th century. The actress- turned-princess graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1949 and within a few years she had been nominated for her first Oscar.</p>

Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, is still one of the most famously beautiful women of the 20th century. The actress- turned-princess graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1949 and within a few years she had been nominated for her first Oscar.

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<p>Born in British India, Vivien Leigh will always be remembered for her definitive performance as Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind' (1939). But her career also included portraying classic Shakespearean characters such as Ophelia, Cleopatra, Juliet, and Lady Macbeth.</p>

Vivien Leigh

British actress Vivien Leigh is best known for her role as Scarlet O'Hara in the classic movie 'Gone with the Wind' (1939), for which she received the Oscar for Best Actress in 1940. This was the same year that she married the renowned actor Sir Laurence Olivier, making them the ultimate power couple.

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<p><a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/celebrity/425832/things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-marilyn-monroe" rel="noopener">Marilyn Monroe</a> got her start as an actress and model in the mid-1940s. In 1946, she was signed by 20th Century-Fox, dropping the name Norma Jean and becoming the icon who will never be forgotten.</p>

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe got her start as an actress and model in the mid-1940s. In 1946, she was signed by 20th Century-Fox, dropping the name Norma Jean and becoming the icon who will never be forgotten.

<p>Ava Gardner first rose to fame thanks to her role in the 1946 movie 'The Killers.' She was an instant star, and her incredible beauty made her a regular on magazine covers over the following decades.</p>

Ava Gardner

Ava Gardner first rose to fame thanks to her role in the 1946 movie 'The Killers.' She was an instant star, and her incredible beauty made her a regular on magazine covers over the following decades.

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<p>Lauren Bacall was one of the most iconic actresses of the 1940s. Many actresses still try to replicate her style today, and in 2014 the makeup brand Bobbi Brown released a line called 'Scotch on the Rocks,' inspired by Bacall.</p>

Lauren Bacall

Lauren Bacall was one of the most iconic actresses of the 1940s. Many actresses still try to replicate her style today, and in 2014 the makeup brand Bobbi Brown released a line called 'Scotch on the Rocks,' inspired by Bacall.

<p>Doris Day started out as a big band singer in the 1940s, until she got her first big film role in 1948. She starred in the movie 'Romance on the High Seas,' and soon became America's sweetheart.</p>

Doris Day started out as a big band singer in the 1940s, until she got her first big film role in 1948. She starred in the movie 'Romance on the High Seas,' and soon became America's sweetheart.

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<p>A statuesque Rita Hayworth, replete in a black strapless gown, as she appears in the movie 'Gilda' (1946). The film, which costars Glen Ford, is considered Hayworth's signature role. Her outfit was made by costume designer Jean Louis, who later declared it "the most famous dress I ever made."</p>

Rita Hayworth

The auburn-haired Rita Hayworth was a breathtaking beauty. The media called her "The Love Goddess," because she captured the hearts of all who set eyes on her. She's the second star on this list to marry a prince. She married Prince Aly Khan in 1949, but it's said that Orson Welles was the great love of her life.

<p>Katharine Hepburn was the daughter of a suffragist who raised her to believe she was capable of great things, and she was! Hepburn's career started with her first movie in 1931, and carried on until her last in 1994.</p>

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn was the daughter of a suffragist who raised her to believe she was capable of great things, and she was! Hepburn's career started with her first movie in 1931, and carried on until her last in 1994.

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<p>Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman wrote her name in history forever with her starring role in 'Casablanca' (1942). Her beauty and talent made her one of the most influential actresses of all time.</p>

Ingrid Bergman

Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman wrote her name in history forever with her starring role in 'Casablanca' (1942). Her beauty and talent made her one of the most influential actresses of all time.

<p>Lana Turner started out as a popular pinup girl during World War II before finding success as an actress. Turner was also popular in the tabloids for her personal life. She married eight times in 20 years, twice to the same man!</p>

Lana Turner

Lana Turner started out as a popular pinup girl during World War II before finding success as an actress. Turner was also popular in the tabloids for her personal life. She married eight times in 20 years, twice to the same man!

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<p>Judy Garland is best known for her timeless performance as Dorothy in 'The Wizard of Oz' (1939). Her unique beauty and captivating eyes made a strong impression on audiences throughout her short life.</p>

Judy Garland

Judy Garland is best known for her timeless performance as Dorothy in 'The Wizard of Oz' (1939). Her unique beauty and captivating eyes made a strong impression on audiences throughout her short life.

<p>Swedish-American actress Greta Garbo and her signature eyebrows rose to fame during the silent movie era, and she transitioned seamlessly into the Golden Age of Hollywood. Her acting style was subtle, and she usually portrayed tragic figures.</p>

Greta Garbo

Swedish-American actress Greta Garbo and her signature eyebrows rose to fame during the silent movie era, and she transitioned seamlessly into the Golden Age of Hollywood. Her acting style was subtle, and she usually portrayed tragic figures.

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<p>Olivia de Havilland began her acting career in 'Gone with the Wind' (1939). She won two Oscars in her lifetime and became the oldest-living Oscar winner in history! She lived to the age of 104 and only passed away in 2020.</p>

Olivia de Havilland

Olivia de Havilland began her acting career in 'Gone with the Wind' (1939). She won two Oscars in her lifetime and became the oldest-living Oscar winner in history! She lived to the age of 104 and only passed away in 2020.

<p>De Havilland's younger sister, Joan Fontaine, was another iconic beauty of the 1940s. She also had a lengthy career that spanned five decades, and she also won an Oscar!</p>

Joan Fontaine

De Havilland's younger sister, Joan Fontaine, was another iconic beauty of the 1940s. She also had a lengthy career that spanned five decades, and she also won an Oscar!

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<p>Gene Tierney was perhaps the best example of the ideal beauty in the 1940s. However, the adored leading lady had a difficult life behind the scenes, struggling with bipolar disorder and seeing both of her daughters die before her.</p>

Gene Tierney

Gene Tierney was perhaps the best example of the ideal beauty in the 1940s. However, the adored leading lady had a difficult life behind the scenes, struggling with bipolar disorder and seeing both of her daughters die before her.

<p>The iconic Italian actress left this world on January 16, at the age of 95.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/343167?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=537874en-us"> The triumph and tragedy that is Mount Everest</a></p>

Gina Lollobrigida

Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida was one of the most high-profile European stars of the Hollywood Golden Era, and an international beauty symbol!

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<p>With a name like Dorothy Lamour, could she be anything other than a Hollywood favorite? Lamour was also a brilliant comedic actress. She stole hearts and made audiences laugh every time.</p>

Dorothy Lamour

With a name like Dorothy Lamour, could she be anything other than a Hollywood favorite? Lamour was also a brilliant comedic actress. She stole hearts and made audiences laugh every time.

<p>Ginger Rogers was an Oscar-winning triple threat, incredibly skilled at acting, singing, and dancing. She appeared in 10 successful movies with Fred Astaire.</p>

Ginger Rogers

Ginger Rogers was an Oscar-winning triple threat, incredibly skilled at acting, singing, and dancing. She appeared in 10 successful movies with Fred Astaire.

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<p>Betty Grable was an iconic pinup girl during World War II, and her figure was painted onto the noses of many US fighter jets! In 1943, she became the biggest box-office draw in the world, and in 1947 she was the highest-paid entertainer in the US.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Betty Grable

Betty Grable was an iconic pinup girl during World War II, and her figure was painted onto the noses of many US fighter jets! In 1943, she became the biggest box-office draw in the world, and in 1947 she was the highest-paid entertainer in the US.

<p>Barbara Stanwyck was an actress, model, and dancer who became a star of stage, film, and TV. She started working in 1922, and carried on a successful career for 60 years.</p>

Barbara Stanwyck

Barbara Stanwyck was an actress, model, and dancer who became a star of stage, film, and TV. She started working in 1922, and carried on a successful career for 60 years.

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<p>Hedy Lamarr was one of the best known and most glamorous women of the 1940s, but she was more than an actress with an exceptionally pretty face. Lamarr was also a renowned inventor, creating the first effervescent tablets. She also made advances in radio technology that can be traced directly to WiFi as we know it today.</p>

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was one of the best known and most glamorous women of the 1940s, but she was more than an actress with an exceptionally pretty face. Lamarr was also a renowned inventor, creating the first effervescent tablets. She also made advances in radio technology that can be traced directly to WiFi as we know it today.

<p>Cyd Charisse was an American actress and an incredibly skilled dancer. She danced in countless movies alongside the likes of Fred Astaire. Her success was even more exceptional considering she overcame polio as a child.</p>

Cyd Charisse

Cyd Charisse was an American actress and an incredibly skilled dancer. She danced in countless movies alongside the likes of Fred Astaire. Her success was even more exceptional considering she overcame polio as a child.

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<p>The Oscar-winning actress was an absolute bombshell, even after she became America's favorite housewife on 'The Donna Reed Show'! Her exceptional career spanned four decades, launched with her role in the 1946 classic 'It's a Wonderful Life.'</p>

The Oscar-winning actress was an absolute bombshell, even after she became America's favorite housewife on 'The Donna Reed Show'! Her exceptional career spanned four decades, launched with her role in the 1946 classic 'It's a Wonderful Life.'

<p>Maureen O'Hara was a natural, fiery redhead born in Ireland, who got her big break in an Alfred Hitchcock movie in 1939. After that she moved to Hollywood, and her stardom continued for decades. She played many leading roles, however she once commented: "I didn't get a crack at more dramatic roles because I photographed so beautifully.”</p>

Maureen O'Hara

Maureen O'Hara was a natural, fiery redhead born in Ireland, who got her big break in an Alfred Hitchcock movie in 1939. After that she moved to Hollywood, and her stardom continued for decades. She played many leading roles, however she once commented: "I didn't get a crack at more dramatic roles because I photographed so beautifully.”

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<p>Dorothy Dandridge was the first African-American actress to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress. She was nominated for her role in the 1954 movie 'Carmen Jones.' It was rare to find an iconic starlet who wasn't white, but Dandridge forged a successful career by refusing roles that were degrading to people of color.</p>

Dorothy Dandridge

Dorothy Dandridge was the first African-American actress to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress. She was nominated for her role in the 1954 movie 'Carmen Jones.' It was rare to find an iconic starlet who wasn't white, but Dandridge forged a successful career by refusing roles that were degrading to people of color.

<p>Veronica Lake's signature look came into being when her hair fell over her face during the filming of 'I Wanted Wings' in 1940. From that time onwards, Lake always wore her wavy hair hanging over her right eye, creating a mysterious and sultry look. And fun fact: she was also a skilled pilot!</p>

Veronica Lake

Veronica Lake's signature look came into being when her hair fell over her face during the filming of 'I Wanted Wings' in 1940. From that time onwards, Lake always wore her wavy hair hanging over her right eye, creating a mysterious and sultry look. And fun fact: she was also a skilled pilot!

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<p>Ann Blyth was one of the biggest starlets of the 1940s. She won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for the movie 'Mildred Pierce' in 1945. She is also one of the last surviving icons of the Hollywood Golden Age.</p>

Ann Blyth was one of the biggest starlets of the 1940s. She won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for the movie 'Mildred Pierce' in 1945. She is also one of the last surviving icons of the Hollywood Golden Age.

<p>Lucille Ball was known as a wacky comedic actress for her leading role in the hit show 'I Love Lucy.' But she was an exceptional beauty as well as being one of the most iconic female entertainers of all time.</p>

Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball was known as a wacky comedic actress for her leading role in the hit show 'I Love Lucy.' But she was an exceptional beauty as well as being one of the most iconic female entertainers of all time.

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<p>Joan Bennett started out her career as a blonde, but when she died her hair brown for a role in 1938, it completely changed how she was perceived. She became an alluring femme fatale, and the rest is history.</p><p>Sources: (<a href="https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/03/23/top-10-biggest-female-stars-1940s/" rel="noopener">The Vintage News</a>) (<a href="https://glamourdaze.com/2016/06/top-ten-most-beautiful-1940s-actresses.html" rel="noopener">Glamour Daze</a>) (<a href="https://www.ranker.com/list/1940s-actresses/ranker-film" rel="noopener">Ranker</a>)</p><p>See also: <a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/celebrity/464084/who-were-the-most-beautiful-women-of-the-1960s">Who were the most beautiful women of the 1960s?</a></p>

Joan Bennett

Joan Bennett started out her career as a blonde, but when she died her hair brown for a role in 1938, it completely changed how she was perceived. She became an alluring femme fatale, and the rest is history.

Sources: (The Vintage News) (Glamour Daze) (Ranker)

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You Can Ride on the Oldest Continuously Operating Railroad in the U.S. — Complete With Quaint Vintage Train Cars

The Strasburg Train offers a stunning ride through Pennsylvania Dutch Country.

time travel 1940

J. Irwin/Getty Images

Planes may get you there faster, but there's just something extra special about traveling by train. Perhaps it's the plush seats, the slow-moving view, or the soft rocking of the carriage; the old-school mode of transportation just has all the others beat. But if you want to ratchet up the experience even more, it's time to head to the Keystone State for a ride on the vintage Strasburg Train. 

The train, located in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, holds the distinction of being the oldest continuously operating railroad in the nation, with its first rides departing in 1832, taking travelers through the breathtaking scenery in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. For more than a century, the train's website explains, it continued to chug along until it was purchased by local investors in 1958 and was turned into a freight service. Today, it continues that same service, but also offers historic rides you can take too. 

Travelers who want to step back in time can board the steam train for a 45-minute round-trip ride through Amish Country (a 4.5-mile ride out and a 4.5-mile ride back), all inside perfectly restored and maintained original equipment. 

Travelers can choose between various themed rides, including a lunch or dinner train service, a wine and cheese-tasting ride, a whiskey-tasting train, and even a themed Bonnie and Clyde experience. 

Interim Archives/Getty Images

Guests can also choose between the passenger cars for their rides, including the President's Car, a business-class car used by the "top brass," the First Class Parlor Car, which comes with plush seating for every guest, the First Class Lounge, which has even cozier seating options, and the Dining Car, where you can sit at a real dining table for a fantastic bite. 

As for what else you can expect on the ride, the train's website explains you can anticipate a "pace of travel that is appropriate for massive steam engines from the early 20th century — but much slower than today's high-speed trains," along with "more than 2,500 acres of Lancaster County farmland visible from your window, much of which is farmed by our Amish neighbors."

Tickets are available for daily rides, along with specialty-themed excursions for special occasions, including Mother's Day, Father's Day, and holiday rides. 

But, perhaps most importantly, the train line notes, "Your ticket purchase also helps preserve this history for future generations as it is reinvested back into the railroad." And there's no better way to spend your travel dollars than that.

See all the trains available at strasburgrailroad.com .  

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    2014 1h 30m. 5.1 (89) Rate. After successfully traveling back in time, an inquisitive up-and-coming physicist combats protesters, naysayers, tragedies, and a guilt-ridden conscience on a quest to discover the meaning of life. Director Daniel Ziegler Stars Bryan Raiton Jessica Mirl Ben Miller.

  7. Good Must See Sci-Fi Movies from 1940s 1950s 1960s and 1970s

    Billy Pilgrim has mysteriously become unstuck in time. He goes on an uncontrollable trip back and forth from his birth in New York to life on a distant planet and back again to the horrors of the 1945 fire-bombing of Dresden. Director George Roy Hill Stars Michael Sacks Ron Leibman Eugene Roche. 20. The Black Hole.

  8. Time Machine: 12 Short Trips To 1940 : NPR

    Time Machine: 12 Short Trips To 1940. April 2, 20127:54 AM ET. By. Linton Weeks. This year, for the first time, the National Archives will be putting the entire 1940 census online. At the time ...

  9. Time Travel Week: 1940s

    Welcome back to Time Travel Week! Today, head back to the 1940s with another guest post from Rachel Carter, author of So Close to You and its sequel, This Strange and Familiar Place. In So Close to You, an unsuspecting Lydia Bentley finds herself transported 60 years into the past, wrapped up in a government time-travel experiment called the Montauk Project.

  10. List of time travel works of fiction

    A time travel project probe from the year 2073 is sent to the year 1973 and goes wrong, creating a plague-ravaged, alternate timeline whose inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots. ... Travel through time from the 1940s to 1740s. A woman from the 1940s time travels through standing stones in Scotland to the 1740s. 2014 ...

  11. People Spot 'Time Traveler' In 1940s Beach Photo

    4 months ago. A photo of sunbathers on Towan Beach, Newquay from the '40s made it to social media, and users have spotted a "time traveler" in the shot. The picture showed Brits relaxing on the sand during World War II, and while it all seemed normal, a man wearing a brown coat seemed to focus on what looked like a phone.

  12. Time travel claims and urban legends

    The story of Rudolph Fentz is an urban legend from the early 1950s and has been repeated since as a reproduction of facts and presented as evidence for the existence of time travel. The essence of the legend is that in New York City in 1951 a man wearing 19th-century clothes was hit by a car. The subsequent investigation revealed that the man ...

  13. Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment was an alleged event claimed to have been witnessed by an ex-merchant mariner named Carl M. Allen at the United States Navy's Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, sometime around October 28, 1943.Allen described an experiment where the U.S. Navy attempted to make a destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, disappear and the bizarre ...

  14. Classic Urban Legend: The Time Traveling Hipster

    Sunglasses with side shades were common in 1940, so these would not have been unusual. In their attempts to debunk the time traveler theory, some writers have used a photo of Barbara Stanwyck wearing sunglasses in the 1940 film Double Indemnity. If you look closely, however, the glasses are not the same. Stanwyck's glasses are actually ...

  15. Philadelphia Experiment: Proof of Time Travel and Teleportation?

    The Philadelphia Experiment story is one of time travel, teleportation and deep-rooted conspiracy. Officially, it's a footnote in U.S. history, with the true story of events obscured by rumors spanning over the decades. On the surface, we appear to have a strange but plausible experiment that ended in disaster, and has likely been blown far ...

  16. Flight World War II (2015)

    Flight World War II: Directed by Emile Edwin Smith. With Faran Tahir, Robbie Kay, Aqueela Zoll, Matias Ponce. After Flight 42 travels through a storm they find themselves in France, 1940, during World war II.

  17. 1940s crowd photo 'shows time travel is real' as hipster snapped in

    1940s wartime photo shows proof time travel 'is real' after man spotted with 'phone' Read More. MH17 plane disaster: The 10 Brits murdered after Russian missile shot down aircraft.

  18. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1940s

    This list is for YA and middle grade time travel fiction originally published from 1940 to 1949. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1900s. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1910s. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1920s. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1930s. Children's Time Travel Fiction of the 1940s.

  19. REAL Time Travel Photos No One Can Explain

    These real time travel photos are causing quite a stir on the Internet. From a man photographed looking out of place on a beach to people seen using smart devices way ahead of their time, these perplexing time travel photos simply can't be explained. ... 1940's Beach Time Traveler. British war workers escape to the seaside - this Cornish ...

  20. 1940s beach photo seen as 'proof' time travel exists

    1940s beach photo seen as 'proof' time travel exists. After a vintage photo taken on a Cornwall beach in 1943 resurfaced online, people are starting to second guess themselves over whether ...

  21. People convinced they've spotted 'time traveller' in 1940s ...

    Mia Williams. A photo taken in the 1940s has convinced people that 'time travellers' exist. A vintage photo taken on a beach in Cornwall in 1943 has resurfaced and caused quite the stir online ...

  22. Are there any good Time travel back to 1940s fics?

    by. MayMarlow. Unable to accept the aftermath of the war, Harry decides to travel back in time to become the parent Tom Riddle obviously should have had. Except that things don't go as planned and Harry finds himself part of a game with hidden rules, trying to survive while raising a boy whose understanding of family has nothing to do with love.

  23. Seasons in Time: (Contemporary/1940s Time-travel Romance)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Sassy and Heartwarming Time Travel Romance to the 1940's. Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2019. A modern woman, cynical about love, finds herself outside a quaint antique shop when left alone on Valentine's Day. The magic begins when she enters the shop and discovers the plastic red heart pin in the 1940's display ...

  24. Who were the most beautiful women of the 1940s?

    Vivien Leigh. British actress Vivien Leigh is best known for her role as Scarlet O'Hara in the classic movie 'Gone with the Wind' (1939), for which she received the Oscar for Best Actress in 1940 ...

  25. You Can Ride on the Oldest Continuously Operating Railroad in ...

    This Vintage 1950s Train Is Back for the First Time in a Decade — and You Can Ride It in the Northeast The Best U.S. Small Towns to Visit by Train — From California Wine Country to New York's ...