
15 Rekomendasi Travel Umroh Terpercaya di Kab. Bandung Barat

Jika Anda berada di Kab. Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat dan mencari Travel Umroh terbaik, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Kami telah mengumpulkan daftar 15 Travel Umroh paling populer di Kab. Bandung Barat .

Dari Travel Umroh dengan pelayanan prima hingga review dan rating tertinggi, pilihan kami akan membantu Anda menemukan tempat-tempat yang menawarkan servis terbaik di Kab. Bandung Barat.

Travel Umroh dengan Rating Tertinggi di Kab. Bandung Barat

Daftar isi:

Eltura Travel

  • Alamat : Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.657, Cibuntu, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Kota Bandung , Jawa Barat 40211, Indonesia
  • Google Map : Klik disini
  • Rating Google : 4.9 (116)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 22 63744796
  • Website : Link
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.00–16.00 Selasa: 08.00–16.00 Rabu: 08.00–16.00 Kamis: 08.00–16.00 Jumat: 08.00–16.00 Sabtu: 08.00–11.30 Minggu: Tutup

5 Tanggapan pada 15 Rekomendasi Travel Umroh Terpercaya di Kab. Bandung Barat

Alhamdulillaah pengalaman tdk terlupakan keberangkatan 27 Desember 2022. Dari Madinah ke Mekkah plus kereta cepat. Fasilitas & pelayanan sesuai…

Pelayanannya bagus Alhamdulillah bisa merayakan milad di tanah harom Semua teamnya ramah dan kompak InsyaAllah kesana lagi sama anak”

Sukses terus eltura

Dapat rekomendasi dari temen, Travel terpecaya pelayanan ramah. Untuk jadwal sesuai. Aman deh pkoknya

Travel nya bagus, pelayanan serta Bidikmisi juga pas,dan ilmu pengetahuan saya bertambah luas karena pelayanan baik dan di bimbing orang orang yang berintegritas

Alhamdulillah sudah 2x menggunakan layanan jasa eltura lancar barokah, pergi sampai dengan aman pulangpun aman, keberangkatan dan kepulangan sesuai jadwal. Terimakasih semoga tetap jaya dan terus maju

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15 Travel Umroh Pilihan di Kab. Bandung Barat

Travel Umroh (1) terbaik di Kab. Bandung Barat

Rabbanitour Travel Umroh | Haji Plus Terbaik

  • Alamat : Jl. Kejaksaan No.37A, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.5 (111)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 822-8000-1799
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.30–16.30 Selasa: 08.30–16.30 Rabu: 08.30–16.30 Kamis: 08.30–16.30 Jumat: 08.30–16.30 Sabtu: 08.30–13.00 Minggu: 08.30–13.00
  • Ulasan : Pelayanannya luarbiasa, walau ga sempurna, tapi cara pihak rabbani dalam melayani dan mempersiapkan patut diacungkan jempol 10, dr mulai manasik, perjalanan, ibadah dan kepulangannya, mereka mempersiapkan dengan sebaik baik nya, penginapan dan pelaksanaan ibadah umroh sesuai dengan yang di janjikan sebelumnya. Pokoknya mantap surantap ga akan kapok ✭✭✭✭✭ By zenal muttaqin (sebulan yang lalu) Worst experience ever. Saya tidak merekomendasikan penggunaan jasa Umroh Plus Egypt menggunakan Rabbani Tour sama sekali. Kami tidak diberitahu bahwa Mutowif rupanya bukan Mutowif legal resmi yang memiliki dokumen, kemudian kami juga tidak ada Tour Leader sehingga menyulitkan sesama peserta. Selama berada di Saudi Arabia semua cukup lancar sebab kami fokus dalam beribadah, namun saat tur Egypt dimulai, pihak Rabbani mulai sulit untuk dihubungi. Tidak ada komunikasi mengenai perubahan hotel yang sepihak dan tak sesuai dengan itinerary, padahal ini merugikan kami sebagai peserta. Sampai akhir pun tidak ada permintaan maaf secara resmi yang diberikan oleh pihak Rabbani mengenai permasalahan kami, padahal jelas peserta memberitahukan semua di grup WhatsApp. Sungguh mengecewakan. ✭ By Hasya K.S (3 bulan lalu) -Travel yg tdk matang dlm perencanaan, berantakan pembagian kamar+konsumsi, ada yg dapat kamar ada yg tidak, ditambah konsumsi disalah satu hotel yg tdk layak makan. -Ada driver yg tdk berlisensi atau tdk resmi dan pernah terjadi penahanan sehingga perjalanan kami terhambat putar arah kembali sampai harus ganti driver yg berlisensi. -pemesanan paket umroh double tdk sesuai dgn kenyataan dilapangan, double menurut mereka 1 kamar dgn kasur 4 diisi 2 orang bukan kasur double queen, jd rugi jika pesan duoble mending pesan berempat atau bertiga jgn double. -ulasan ulasan dibawah itu palsu. Serta rombongan kami umroh plus turki msh meninjau apakah ada itikad baik atau tidak, akan review ulang setelah masalah ini selesai. ✭ By Sifa Fatimah (2 bulan lalu) hari demi hari saya lalui bersama teman-teman jemaah rabbani yang paling the best, kompak, seru terutama teman sekamar yang wajah nya itu itu aja (Ayah asep, bunda Yuli, Amih) hehe.. Perjalanan umrah kemaren sangat mendidik bisa membuat pribadi saya lebih baik dan istiqomah dalam ibadah. yang penting apa apa yg di sampaikan ust dadang beserta mutowif sangat bermanfaat untuk pengetahuan kita dan untuk kedepannya. ✭✭✭✭✭ By Lutfi Fuadi Rabbanitour (7 tahun lalu) Pengalaman Umroh yg sangat buruk dg travel ini, dengan pemilik yg sangat mau dianggap betul sendiri jika ada komplain ✭ By ina rosavia (2 bulan lalu)

Amwa Tours & Travel (Umrah & Haji Khusus)

  • Alamat : Jl. Taman Citarum No.3, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40115, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (71)

PT Tayba Universal Travel and Services

  • Alamat : Jl. Banyak Niaga Kulon Jl. Parahyangan Raya No.18, Cipeundeuy, Kec. Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40553, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (61)

KABILAH TOUR (PT Kabilah Wisata Internasional)

  • Alamat : Jl. Ruko Town Place Jl. Sentra Raya Tengah No.12, Baros, Kec. Cimahi Tengah, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40531, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.8 (57)

aljamtour – Umrah | Haji Khusus | Wisata Halal

  • Alamat : Jl. Siliwangi No.63, Cipaganti, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40131, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (46)

Shiddiq Amanah Tours & Travel

  • Alamat : Ruko Istana Regency Sudirman No. 3, Jl. Raya Cijerah No.217/275, Caringin, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40213, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.4 (36)

Asykur Travel Umroh

  • Alamat : Jl. Melong Asih No.79, Cijerah, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40213, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (28)
  • Alamat : Jalan Cihanjuang No. 15, RT.01/RW.13, Karang Sari, Cihanjuang, Parongpong, Cihanjuang, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.5 (28)

Kantor Haji & Umroh PT. Annur Ma’arif

  • Alamat : Jl. Raya Batujajar No.189 , Kec. Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40561, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (16)

Hijrah Wisata Tour Travel ( Umrah dan Tour Muslim )

  • Alamat : Jl Lagadari Kp, Cibungur, Batujajar Tim., Kec. Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40561, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (14)

PT Zein Internasional

  • Alamat : 4HX9+49P, Jl. Cihanjuang, Cihanjuang, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.7 (11)

Travel Umroh Arminareka Perdana Batujajar (Teh Nina)

  • Alamat : Perum Puspa Regency Blok A No.47, Batujajar Tim., Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40561, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (11)

PT.Cahaya Nirmala Insani travel (CNI)

  • Alamat : Jl. Raya Purwakarta No.81, Kertamulya, Kec. Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40553, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (9)
  • Alamat : Jl. Safir 3 No.2, Padalarang, Kec. Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40553, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (7)

PT Makdis Tour Umroh Haji

  • Alamat : Jl. Jurang No.53, Pasteur, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40161, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.2 (5)

Sekian ulasan dari tim Direktori Bisnis Karinov , semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencari Travel Umroh terbaik di daerah Anda.

7 Les Privat di Denpasar dengan Pelayanan Terbaik

Top 7 rekomendasi les privat di sambi kerep, top 7 rekomendasi les privat di pakal, 7 les privat di bulak dengan pelayanan terbaik, daftar les privat unggulan di benowo.

  • 7 Les Privat di Asemrowo dengan Pelayanan Terbaik

' src=

Muhammad Syarif

Dunia terus bergerak, meninggalkan mereka yang tidak sepakat. Kami percaya bahwa perubahan dalam bisnis adalah satu hal yang niscaya. Karinov.co.id hadir untuk menjadi tempat bertanya seputar ini dan harus ada jawabnya.

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5 Lokasi Duplikat Kunci Pilihan di Asemrowo

Jasa Dan Layanan Terdekat

Lakukan Ibadah Badal Haji

Untuk orang yang anda, layanan pembimbing profesional badal haji kami siap untuk membantu anda, badal haji tayba, kami hadirkan paket yang terjangkau bagi anda untuk menunaikan ibadah badal haji bagi orang yang anda cintai yang sedang sakit kronis (tiada harapan untuk sembuh) atau yang telah meninggal dunia tanpa sempat menunaikan ibadah haji selama hidupnya., keistimewaan / kelebihan, memilih layanan badal haji bersama kami.

tayba universal travel


Melalui sistem pemesanan online (terbaru) kami.

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Layanan Konsultasi Hukum Hakam Badal Haji 24/7

tayba universal travel

Jasa Badal Umroh

tayba universal travel

Qurban di Mekah

tayba universal travel

Waqaf Al-Quran

tayba universal travel

Sertifikat Pelaksanaan Ibadah Badal Haji 2022/1443H

tayba universal travel

Kurma Ajwah Madinah 1kg

tayba universal travel

Jasa Pengiriman Sertifikat dan Souvenir Badal Haji

Prestasi dan rekor kami sepanjang beroperasi, kriteria pelaksanaan badal haji tayba, proses pelaksanaan badal haji oleh pt tayba universal travel & services sangat ditekankan dan dijaga agar semua proses berjalan dengan lancar dan tertib. dengan ini kesalahan dan (kesalahpahaman) antara pelanggan dan perusahaan dapat dihindari..

tayba universal travel

Perusahaan Terdaftar

Perusahaan pt tayba universal travel & services terdaftar di indonesia.

tayba universal travel

Tidak Ada Biaya Tersembunyi

Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi untuk setiap transaksi sekiranya berurusan dengan kami.

tayba universal travel

Kami Menerima Pembayaran Secara Cicilan

Proses pembayaran secara cicilan diterima bagi memudahkan urusan anda.

tayba universal travel

Pelaksana Ibadah Badal Haji yang Berkualifikasi

Pelaksana jasa haji dilakukan oleh orang yang tinggal di mekah, yang bekerja di kota haramain, warga nusantara yang tinggal di mekah dan pelajar sekolah/pesantren/ maahad di mekah..

tayba universal travel

Pelayanan yang Ramah, Cepat Dan Profesional

Pelayanan yang cepat dan profesional. semua transaksi dicatat dan memiliki invois serta nomor seri kuatansi pembayaran..

tayba universal travel

Tidak Ada Perantara

Setiap urusan dapat dihubungi atau dilakukan secara langsung melalui nomor telepon resmi atau datang ke kantor pt tayba universal travel & services, testimoni badal haji tayba.


Penawaran Spesial Paket

Daftar segera dan lakukan pembayaran secara online melalui situs web untuk mendapatkan diskon tambahan hingga rp 2.4 juta per paket, *hanya diberikan kepada yang melakukan registrasi dan pembayaran secara langsung melalui website.

tayba universal travel

Rp. 10,700,000.00

Rp. 8,300,000.00.

tayba universal travel

Rp. 12,000,000.00

Rp. 10,000,000.00.

tayba universal travel

Rp. 12,900,000.00

Rp. 11,000,000.00, daftar hari ini sebelum, promo berakhir, dapatkan potongan harga promosi hingga rp 2.600.000 terbatas hanya untuk 100 orang pertama via website., soal jawab popular (f.a.q) badal haji tayba, kami selalu peka terhadap masalah pelanggan kami dan pertanyaan yang sering diajukan mengenai badal haji secara umum dan khusus. berikut kami lampirkan beberapa pertanyaan dan jawaban terkait badal haji yang ditawarkan oleh pt tayba universal travel & services..

Anggota keluarga, teman, orang saleh dan pemimpin yang telah meninggal dunia. Mereka yang sedang sakit kronis yang tidak memiliki harapan untuk sembuh juga boleh mendaftar ke Badal Haji Tayba.

Ahli keluarga, sahabat handai, orang soleh dan pemimpin yang telah meninggal dunia. Mereka yang sakit kronik yang tidak ada harapan untuk sembuh juga boleh mendaftar untuk Badal Haji Zaytouna.

Badal Haji 2023/1444 H akan dilakukan pada hari Arafah. Diperkirakan pada tanggal 27 Juni 2023.

Kami memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 8 tahun dalam mengelola Badal Haji. Pelaksanaan Badal Haji Tayba dipantau oleh pihak perusahaan dan Ustaz Rasyid yang merupakan lulusan dari Universitas Ummul Qura di Mekkah.

Sovenir dan sertifikat akan dikirimkan setelah selesai musim Haji ke alamat yang telah anda berikan saat pendaftaran.

Ia sebagai hadiah kepada mereka yang telah meninggal dunia dengan ibadah yang diwajibkan oleh hukum Islam dan pahala yang afdhal (lebih baik) dalam agama.

Kami adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia) dan memperoleh legalisasi dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan. Kami juga memiliki pengalaman di Mekkah lebih dari 4 tahun.

tayba universal travel


Pt tayba universal travel & services adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar dan berpengalaman dalam memberikan layanan badal haji & umroh dengan transparansi dan terpercaya, pt tayba universal travel & services jl. jingga kusuma no. 42 kota baru parahyangan padalarang 40553 bandung jawa barat hubungi wakil kami: +62 81933898998.

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PT Tayba Universal Travel And Services

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El Chicano, Colton Courier, Rialto Record

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  • Inland Empire
  • San Bernardino

Tayba re-entry services helps formerly incarcerated reintegrate into society

tayba universal travel

Photo courtesy Tayba: Tayba offers a bevy of services that range from providing food to teaching social skills and counseling. Pictured is Tabari Zahir, mental health specialist, taking client calls.

Tayba is a re-entry social service center that helps formerly incarcerated individuals get reincorporated into society after release.

“We have client-centered care here, that means they’re the boss and whatever they need we’re here to help,” explained Tabari Zahir, Mental Health Specialist at Tayba.

Tayba offers a bevy of services that range from providing food to teaching social skills and counseling.

Their new program they’re excited to implement is called STEFF – Soft skills, Technology literacy, Employability skills, Family unification, and Financial literacy.

tayba universal travel

“Soft skills, like effective communication and conflict resolution are traits most of our members don’t have and are sort of the reason for many incarcerations, so this is a necessary skill,” explained Zahir.

Technology literacy is one skill that many organizations don’t teach. By offering this, Tayba is one of the early organizations to tap into technology literacy for their members.

“We just partnered with Google, now we can deliver our members over 400 hours of technology literacy like turning a computer on all the way up to interactive presentations,” said Zahir.

Employability skills are essential for anyone, and by offering their members these skills they can help get them employed sooner and stay employed.

“Employability skills we teach range from resume building all the way to working with others and cultural sensibility,” explained Zahir.

Family unification is a huge part of many people’s lives, family members can help get these individuals re-acclimated into society, by helping teach skills Tayba is already teaching.

“If someone is incarcerated 10 years and has a child that’s 8, when they re-enter that child is 18 and our members must learn certain parenting skills as their children grow and change,” shared Zahir.

Financial literacy is huge for anyone, with the changing landscape of finances and technology it is imperative Tayba members become familiar.

“Tech and finance go hand in hand, with this program we’ll be teaching all life skills,” said Zahir.

Being able to function as a nonprofit like Tayba is tough, but thanks to a grant they’ve received they can help members for the next three years for free.

Tayba does all they can to help their members, one aspect they love to focus on is mental health.

“90 percent of incarcerated have a drug abuse problem and 75 percent of that 90 have unresolved trauma,” explained Zahir.

Tayba does as much as their clients allow, if they want food that’s what they get, they want the whole package they get it, that’s  what their client-centered care is.

“I’m not going to give them what I think, I’m going to give them what they want,” said Zahir.

Along with Tabari are case managers, Valerie Bolden and Jennifer Hernandez-Curtis, they help the members every step of the way and love it.

“Helping formerly incarcerated that feel like they’re in a new world navigate through these systems and show them someone cares is important to me,” said Bolden.

Putting their members at ease is what the case managers do, by helping them get vital documents like ID’s and social security numbers.

“Having a client leave here without worries, and knowing they’re being taken care of is what matters to me,” shared Hernandez-Curtis.

With their new building at 1887 Business Center Drive Suite 3, Tayba has plans of centralizing re-entry services by allowing re-entry group leaders and members to meet at Tayba. “What we want to do is gather once a week here and allow formerly incarcerated to get emotional wellness, mental wellness, advice or just talk and meet with other members and re-entry service leaders,” concluded Zahir.

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Colton Courier - El Chicano - Rialto Record


PT Tayba Universal Travel And Services

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Dusun Simpang Kelurahan Tambakmekar, Kecamatan Jalancagak, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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Tentang Perusahaan

PT Tayba Universal Travel and Services operated in Kota Baru Parahyangan Bandung. Kami adalah perusahaan cabang Zaytouna Sdn. Bhd. yang berpusat di Malaysia.

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Best value, guaranteed!

Welcome to voyages tayba, the registrations have begun for, umrah all year round in groups or individually, umrah all year round, imperial morocco, medical tourism.

tayba universal travel

We organize the Hajj Badal.

Hajj Badal is a practice in Islam where a person performs the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) on behalf of another person who is unable to do so for reasons such as illness, advanced age or other physical limitations. This can be done by a close relative or a designated third party.

Umrah 2023/2024

Discover our Umrah programs

Note: Prices shown on the site are per person

Shaaban umrah (release period).

  • From 25 Feb to 6 Mar 2024
  • Departure: Montreal
  • Arrival: Madina
  • Quadruple $2995

Combined Istanbul Umrah

  • From 12 to 24 April
  • Quadruple $3350


  • Arrival: Makka
  • Quadruple $


August Umrah

Omra mawlid.

  • From 15 to 27 Sep 2024
  • Quadruple $2990

Economic Umrah

  • From 25 Oct to 6 Nov 2024
  • Quadruple $2790

New year Umrah


  • From 08 to 19 January 2025
  • Quadruple $2890

Ramadan Umrah


  • February 28 to 09 March 2025
  • Quadruple $3190

information session

We plan information sessions for our customers to help make their trip a success.

What is the purpose of an information meeting?  This meeting, usually is organised for the Umra and Hajj groups and provides additional information on our Trip.  We do speak French, English and Arabic The information meeting takes place in our Office.  Tayba Travel is better equipped to welcome you and meet all your needs For this, the meeting consists of three parts: 

  • A presentation of the Umra itinerary step by step
  • A time for questions and answers and exchanges. 
  • Distribution of documents and badges.

This kind of meeting is a chance for the clients to get to know each other before heading to Umra or Hajj.

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Client testimonials

Our valued customers have left the following comments

Good experience

We would like to thank you Mr. Youssef for your professionalism, attentiveness, service and time. There is nothing to say. Our thanks

Noureddine Tabat

Noureddine Tabat

Good service

Fast, friendly service. Patience, support and guidance.

Mohamed Abdesselem

Mohamed Abdesselem

I went to umraa with Tayba Travel this year. And there was great service. Brother youssef was a very nice ,helpful ,and resourceful individual during the process of the trip. I always book with him For all my flights their service is top notch. السلام عليكم اخي يوسف .مشكور على مجهوداتكم ونصائحكم ومساعدتكم اتجاه جميع المسافرين .الله يتقبل منكم صالح الاعمال

Belkasri  Leila

Belkasri Leila

Al Hamdoulillah everything was perfect. Mr Youssef took very good care of us. From beginning untill the end he taught us a lot of spiritual lessons from Quran and Sunnah, he is very knowledgeable and always available for questions or to provide help. we were taught step by step how to perform our umrah correctly. The trip was well organized allowing us to take maximum benefit from our time. I Would highly recommend his services to others. Very happy with the service provided.

Saad Doukali

Saad Doukali

thank you for this beautiful journey that has remained honored and engraved in my heart. الحمد لله كثيرا ... عودة إلى منتريال بعد أيام خالدة في المملكة العربية السعودية بين المدينة المنورة ومكة المكرمة أدّيت خلالها مناسك العمرة لى و امى و ابي لأول مرة ، دعواتي بأن ننال القبول ويبلّغ الله كلّ مشتاق تلك البقاع الطاهرة. الشكر موصول للرفقة الطيبة ، أخص بالذكر السيد Karroum Youssef المشرف على الرحلة و صاحب Voyages Tayba

Chehnez Ben Abda

Chehnez Ben Abda

I had an excellent experience with the Tayba agency, very well organized and highly professional. Thanks to everyone, especially to Mr. Youssef who guided us throughout the trip.

Soukaina Fellaji

Soukaina Fellaji

Bon service

Salâmes waleykum M Youssef, you're going home to your family inchalla Thank you very much for this pleasant and noble journey. Allah rewards you for everything and for your patience. I am very happy to form a very good team with you. Allah SWT grants each of our requests inchalla 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲. see you soon inchalla My greetings to your family thank you


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The Hajj is a sacred and unforgettable experience, and we are honored to be able to organize this spiritual journey for you. Our experienced team is committed to accompanying you on this sacred journey, ensuring that every detail is taken care of, allowing you to concentrate fully on your devotion and spiritual quest. Places for Hajj 2024 are limited, so we urge you to register early to ensure your participation in this sacred event. Please contact us today for more information on dates, packages and registration formalities.  

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Voyages Tayba  is a travel agency specializing in ticketing, organized and religious tours, particularly for Umrah and Hajj to Mecca.

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Disney and Universal: How to survive Florida theme parks in the summer heat, ways to stay cool

Summer is here and the kids are done with school! Last year, 35.1 million visitors came to Florida between July and September.

AccuWeather predicts this summer will be hot in Florida ― as usual.

If you're planning on making a trip to a Florida theme park this summer, make sure you know the best ways to stay cool. Here's what to know.

How hot will it be in Florida this summer?

AccuWeather says Florida's Panhandle and parts of North Florida may see temperatures one to two degrees higher than average this summer.

The rest of Florida will have typical summer temperatures.

"High water temperatures will influence air temperatures," AccuWeather Lead Long-Range Forecaster Paul Pastelok said. "With a high-pressure system in place, with the sun beating down, it won't take much to get into the 90s."

Most Florida theme parks are in Orlando, where summer temperatures typically reach the 90s.

How do I keep cool at theme parks?

Don't let the heat and humidity keep you away from the fun of Florida theme parks. Here's some tips about staying cool even in Florida temperatures.

  • Get to the park early, take a mid-day break, and come back in the evening when temperatures drop again.
  • Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water
  • Utilize the theme park water fountains to fill up a water bottle
  • Stick to light colors and materials
  • Avoid long sleeves and pants, or make sure they're moisture-wicking and breathable
  • Bring a hat to protect your face and scalp from the sun
  • Florida theme parks like Walt Disney World, Universal Stuidos, and SeaWorld have maps of their parks posted online. You can use these maps to figure out which areas are shaded or air-conditioned.
  • These first aid stations will be prepared to care for you in case you get overheated

What are the symptoms of heat illness?

Be aware of  signs of heat-related illness . There's three main types: ramps, exhaustion, and stroke. Here's the symptoms of each.

  • Heat cramps:  Muscle pains or spasms in your stomach, arms, or legs. If you experience, this, immediately find a cooler location and remove excess clothing.
  • Heat exhaustion:  Look for heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, and vomiting. If you feel like you're experiencing this, find a place with AC, sip cool nonalcoholic beverages, and change into lightweight clothes.
  • Heat stroke:  Internal body temperature, rapid and strong pulse, red skin, dizziness, and confusion. Call 911 or seek medical attention as soon as possible. While waiting for attention, cool your body in the shade or inside. Don't drink anything, but you can get into a cool bath or spray yourself with a hose.

What are the main theme parks in Florida?

  • Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios
  • SeaWorld , Orlando
  • Busch Gardens , Tampa
  • Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure , Orlando
  • LEGOLAND , Winter Haven

This article originally appeared on Naples Daily News: Disney and Universal: How to survive Florida theme parks in the summer heat, ways to stay cool

Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse appear to survey Magic Kingdom in the iconic Partners statue at Walt Disney World.

  • Understanding universal life insurance 
  • How does universal life insurance work? 

Is universal life insurance worth it?

What is universal life insurance.

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

  • Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance with greater flexibility.
  • It has a cash value component you can use during your lifetime.
  • Universal life gives you the flexibility to increase or decrease your death benefit.

If you have dependents, life insurance is crucial to protect your loved ones from financial hardship if you pass away. There are various types of life insurance policies , including universal life insurance.  

This policy stands out because it allows you to adjust your premiums and coverage amount based on your changing financial needs. However, universal life isn't for everyone due to its price and complexity. 

Understanding universal life insurance 

Term and whole life insurance hybrid.

Universal life insurance shares features from a term policy and whole life insurance . Like whole life insurance, it offers permanent coverage and a cash value component. Like term life insurance, it allows you to adjust your death benefit and, therefore, your premiums throughout your life. 

The cash value component

Cash value is unique to a permanent life policy. In a traditional universal life policy, a portion of your premium earns interest on a tax-deferred basis, growing your policy. Since universal life insurance offers adjustable premium payments, you can pay higher premiums to build more cash value.

The cash value of a permanent life insurance policy can be used during your lifetime for financial milestones such as paying your children's college tuition, funding a business, or purchasing a second home. Many people use their cash value as additional income in retirement. 

How does universal life insurance work? 

Potential for cash value growth.

A traditional universal life insurance policy's cash value is typically invested in your insurance company's general portfolio. It earns interest based on current money market rates and other economic conditions, which can fluctuate over time. However, many insurers set a guaranteed minimum interest rate, ensuring the cash value won't fall below a certain threshold, even if market rates are low.

Indexed universal life (IUL) and variable universal life (VUL) are also types of universal life. An IUL's cash value grows based on the performance of a specific stock market index, such as the S&P500.  A VUL invests your cash value in subaccounts that mirror the performance of underlying investments, similar to mutual funds. These types of universal policies come with higher risk due to market volatility but also offer the potential for increased returns. 

Flexible death benefits and premiums

Universal life insurance also allows you to increase or decrease your death benefit based on your current financial situation. For example, if you lose your job, you can call the insurance company to decrease your death benefit, lowering your payments. 

However, the flexibility of a universal life policy adds to its complexity. Reducing or skipping premiums can cause your cash value to drop. If your cash value drops below a certain threshold, it can result in your policy lapsing or ending. That said, universal life insurance requires more oversight to ensure your coverage stays active. 

Cash value loans and withdrawals

Universal life insurance allows you to take early withdrawals or life insurance loans . Loans are tax-free but must be repaid with interest; otherwise, they reduce the death benefit. If you choose not to repay it, your death benefit will go down. 

If you decide you don't want your permanent life insurance policy anymore, you can cancel your policy to get your cash value back. Be aware that you no longer have coverage once you cancel your policy and liquidate your cash value.  

"If you cash the policy in," Williams says, "there's no more death benefit; you are literally canceling the policy. This is also known as cash value surrender , giving up a permanent life insurance policy with cash value." As a result, your beneficiaries won't receive a death benefit when you pass away. 

You should discuss any early withdrawals with a tax professional. Depending on how much you withdraw and other factors, penalties may apply.

Upgrade your policy with riders

All types of permanent life insurance, including universal life, offer riders that can be added to the policy. Several riders include:

  • Waiver of premium: Pause your premium payments if you are sick, hurt, or disabled
  • Long-term care: Use the policy's death benefit toward assisted living (such as in-home care or a nursing facility) during your lifetime.
  • Family rider: Puts the entire family under one policy

Every rider has an additional cost that increases the premium on your policy, but it's usually cheaper than having multiple policies. Mark Williams, CEO of Brokers International, noted that riders vary depending on the insurance company and that you must buy riders up front. 

High-net-worth individuals with at least $1 million in liquid assets often have permanent life insurance policies for tax benefits, endowments, and gifts. The cost is considerably more than term life insurance because permanent life insurance is also a wealth-building tool. 

If you can't afford universal life insurance, term life insurance is sufficient for most people who need a substantial amount or coverage temporarily. For example, term life is likely enough if you only need coverage until your children become adults and move out or once you pay your mortgage. 

If you're considering universal life insurance, it's wise to consult an accountant and financial advisor . Professionals can help you determine which policy is best for you and advise you of the tax benefits and implications. It's also worth taking the time to find the best policy for your situation. Once you've signed on the dotted line, making can be difficult.

You can find our guide on the best universal life insurance here.

Universal life insurance FAQs

Unlike a whole life insurance policy, universal life insurance allows you to adjust your death benefit and premiums based on changing financial needs. Unlike term life insurance, universal life insurance offers lifelong coverage and a cash value component. 

There are three types of universal life insurance: guaranteed or traditional universal, indexed universal, and variable universal life insurance .

While universal life insurance can be a good investment, it tends to yield subpar returns compared to traditional investment vehicles (think stocks, bonds, and mutual funds). However, if you've maxed out your retirement accounts (i.e., 401(k) or IRA) for the year, a universal life insurance policy can be a smart way to diversify your portfolio. 

It depends on the type of universal life insurance. Traditional universal life policies have minimum guaranteed interest rates set by the insurer. IULs and VULs, however, are based on the performance of underlying investments. These policies come with increased risk but may lead to higher returns if the market performs well. 

You should consider universal life insurance if you want flexible coverage and premium payments. However, this policy is significantly more expensive than a term life policy. Therefore, it may be best for high-net-worth individuals who can afford the additional premium and want to utilize their policy as a wealth-building tool.

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Father’s day gift guide 2024: the best travel gifts for new dads.

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Traveling with little ones can be a day at the beach, thanks to these thoughtful gifts.

Just because he’s become a dad doesn’t mean your favorite traveler has to also become a homebody. Sure, it can be tougher to get around with a little person pretty much attached to him but it can be done more enjoyably than he might think.

We’ve found a variety of gifts that make travel so much easier with babies and toddlers that he won’t want to go anywhere without them – both the gifts and the kids – ever again.

Doona Liki Trike S5

He already loves and trusts Doona because of their must-have all-in-one car seat & stroller travel system so he will be thrilled to see that they’ve created the world’s most compact folding trike. Designed for children 10 months to 3 years old, it transforms into five different modes so parents can push little ones in it and leave older kids to ride on their own. So much more fun than a stroller, it will get him and his mini me through the airport without tears. It then folds up easily to toss in an overhead bin. Price: $300

Graco Turn2Me 3-in-1 Car Seat

Getting little ones in and out of car seats can be challenging but Graco has changed the game with a rotating feature that will make Dad’s life so much easier, especially if he’s planning to make frequent stops on a road trip. Of course, safety comes first and this seat protects kids on all sides and can be used rear or forward facing or as a booster. It also has a headrest that adjusts to 10 different positions to keep children safe and comfortable as they grow. Price: $349

7 AM K-Poncho

One of the best inventions ever, this baby carrier cover is perfect for dads headed to coolcation destinations. With its water repellent outer shell and plush lining, it keeps babies cozy, whether they’re facing Dad or the world. It even has hand slits so he can hold on to them. The cover also adapts to all strollers and car seats, making it indispensable at home or away. Price: $100

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Dagne Dover Indi Neoprene Diaper Backpack

A diaper bag is a new parent essential but Dad is probably more interested in practicality than cuteness. Luckily, this one has both in spades so anyone will feel good about carrying it around, even on the most luxury vacation — especially in sophisticated black. It easily clips onto a stroller and features lots of pockets, pouches and even a mini changing pad. Plus, it features a dedicated safe space for his laptop so he can get some work done while baby sleeps. Price: $215

Regalo Play Mat with Travel Case

Whether they’re waiting for a flight or spending the night in a hotel, this cushy foam mat gives Dad a clean, safe place to put little ones down. It’s even waterproof so he can use it outdoors and clean it right up afterwards. Older kids will get a kick out of the design, with its roads and parks, and will enjoy playing with their own toy cars and trucks on it. Babies will just find it soft and comfortable and dads will be glad they can give their arms a rest. Price: $49.99

Magnetic Me Lake You A Lot Grow With Me Convertible Coverall

Having to change a baby on a plane or at a rest stop is way easier with one of these adorable, magnetized rompers. Made of super soft, breathable and temperature regulating Tencel modal, it features a magnetic closure, which means no snaps and zippers that can take forever to do properly. It also has foldover cuffs to keep little hands and feet cozy on over-air conditioned flights. You can choose from dozens of cute prints but this one is perfect for spending long weekends at the lake. Price: $40

KeaBabies Baby Car Seat Mirror

Rear facing car seats are safest for babies but, if Dad is driving alone with his little one, it can be disconcerting not to be able to see what’s going on back there. This shatterproof mirror is a game-changer, letting him keep his mind on the road while keeping an eye on his precious cargo. Price $19.96

Looky Lou Bundle

Vacations offer lots of cute photo ops but, let’s face it, babies are not always the most cooperative subjects. Thanks to the innovative Looky Lou, all Dad has to do is clip this cute little rattle to his phone and suddenly everyone’s looking in the right direction and smiling. The bundle comes with a board book introducing little ones to Lou the lion so they’ll be especially happy to see him whenever Dad feels like capturing the moment. Price: $29

Keep Going First Aid Kit Bundle

Because kids are unpredictable and accidents happen, give Dad some peace of mind with this trio of different sized first aid kits to prepare him for anything. He can keep one in the car, toss one in the diaper bag, pack one in the luggage. Well organized and easy to access, the kits include everything from bandages and ointments to nosebleed plugs, tick removers and burn gels. Hopefully he’ll never have to use it but, if he does, it will absolutely be the gift he’s most thankful for. Price: $124.97

Lois Alter Mark

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What happens behind the scenes of Mardi Gras at Universal Orlando Resort

This float paying tribute to the music of New Orleans is carefully stored in Universal Orlando's float warehouse between parades. It's one of six signature floats that return to the event each year.

"Behind the Scenes” is a five-part series focusing on the inner workings of the travel industry and how those impact the consumer’s final product. If you'd like to contribute to our future reporting and share your experience as a source, you can click here to fill out this quick form .

My grandmother died several years ago, but I could have sworn she was with me last week at Universal Orlando Resort. The mouth-tingling Spicy Smashed Cucumber salad at Universal Mardi Gras: International Flavors of Carnaval wasn’t exactly like hers, but its familiar flavors still brought me right back to her table.

“We're really trying hard to be as authentic as possible,” said Jens Dahlmann, vice president, executive chef of culinary operations at Universal Orlando.

Guests can taste it in the dishes created specially for the monthslong Mardi Gras celebration , which is as big as Halloween Horror Nights and holidays at the Florida resort. They can also experience it in the festive nightly parade, but here’s what guests don’t get to see, as USA TODAY learned behind the scenes.

A taste of New Orleans and beyond

“We have beignets, of course. We're going to have a little king cake. You have a seafood boil with crawfish and shrimp. We have gumbo, étouffée. We have all those things here for you, but there's so many other flavors for you to discover,” Dahlmann said. 

The cuisines of more than a dozen destinations , all tied to Carnaval, are represented at the event in Universal Studios Florida.

“There's definitely over 80 food and beverage offerings, all brand-new dishes that will get put out here,” said Chef Robert Martinez Jr., executive chef of shared services at Universal Orlando. “We don't serve these dishes in any other location, so it is a lot of research and development.” This year’s menus were being brainstormed as last year’s Mardi Gras event wrapped. 

Already, the Pastelón at the Puerto Rico kiosk is a hit. Days later, I’m still thinking about its lasagna-like layers of sweet smashed maduros (fried sweet plantains), savory picadillo (seasoned ground beef) and melty cheese. It tastes like home cooking because it’s inspired by a family recipe from Christopher and Marcos Colón, two Puerto Rican brothers who are chefs at the resort.

“Mother Colón, if you read this, thank you so much,” Dahlmann said with a smile, adding his appreciation for the expertise team members bring from their backgrounds.

For the Pancit Bihon (rice noodle) recipe at the Philippines kiosk, which is new this year, the culinary team held a cook-off between four of their chefs of Filipino descent. 

“The pancit, we got it from our grandma's recipe or mother's recipe,” said chef Glenn Garcia, who runs the kiosk. “I’m born and raised in (the) Philippines, so it means a lot to me, like I can introduce the food that I grew up eating.”

The chefs hope guests from regions represented at the event enjoy familiar tastes of home and that all guests come with open minds (and bellies) toward new flavors.

“We try and be very authentic and respectful to all the different cultures,” said Ron Cope, executive chef at Universal Studios Florida. “We try to bring something for everyone. We have options, gluten-free, vegan, so if somebody thinks, ‘Oh, it's Mardi Gras. It's just all spicy’ … it's a lot more.”

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‘The right way’

Food is just one part of Universal Orlando’s multi-sensory Mardi Gras experience, which is heavy on entertainment. 

On select nights, guests can watch concerts by the likes of Luis Fonsi, DJ Khaled, and KC and The Sunshine Band, which are included with park admission. 

But every night, weather permitting, there's a big Mardi Gras parade featuring dazzling performers and stunning floats made by Kern Studios , the family-run company that has shaped the way Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans today.

“This is done the right way, and frankly, it's the only way that I would want to do it,” said Kern Studios CEO Barry Kern. “They've gone very far to make sure that it’s authentic of a New Orleans experience.”

The planning for each parade starts a full year in advance, sometimes sooner. Typically, each spring, Lora Sauls, director of creative development and show direction for art and design, entertainment at Universal Orlando, and a small team travel to New Orleans to comb through Kern Studios’ massive prop warehouse for ideas.

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“They have over 13 dens full of floats and props and all kinds of things, and we just go prop hunting, and every year we see something different,” she said. “We go in with a theme in mind.” It’s not always what they land on, but by the end of their short trip, they’ve narrowed down the theme and what they’d like on each new float.

Half of each year’s floats are new and tied to the theme, and the other half are returning signature floats, like krewes have in New Orleans.

Kern Studios designs and builds the new floats, but all the finishing touches, including lighting, glitter, foliage and other decor, are done by Universal Orlando over months.

“They hand-glitter all of these floats,” Sauls said. “It takes literally tons of glitter to glitter these.” 

Universal Orlando also designs and makes the costumes for the parade, which this year include sparkling octopi, supersized flowers and shiny celestial bodies in line with the 2024 theme of elements.

Guests get a sneak peek of the costumes during the day as performers stroll through the park during pre-parade sets, handing out beads, posing for photos and inviting guests to the parade. 

Everybody is welcome

One thing I noticed right away was how beautiful each performer looked, even though they were all built differently.

“We definitely wanted to focus on diversity within the Mardi Gras parade. Historically, it was a certain body type, and last year, we really made the big sweeping change to represent all types of bodies in all costumes,” Sauls said. “We're very proud of it. We got a lot of great feedback last year, so we wanted to keep that moving forward so people can see themselves in these really cool costumes."

She added this is the first year the costumes are gender-neutral and the first time performers were given a choice in what kind of makeup and how much makeup they wore, from very light to full. “Each performer got to choose what their face will look like.”

Performers are also encouraged to be themselves during the parade.

“The Mardi Gras parade is just about having fun,” she said. “This is not a choreographed parade. This is a party."

Guests who want to be in the parade can ride floats by joining a free Virtual Line or paying for a Float Ride & Dine Experience starting at just under $85. Usually, you have to be a member of a krewe to ride on a Mardi Gras float in New Orleans.

“What's great about Universal is that you have a very good chance of getting on a float,” Kern said, “That's a lifetime experience for people.”

All the Mardi Gras entertainment is included with park admission, which starts at $119 a day for guests ages 10 and up. The only thing extra guests have to pay for is food, but discounted gift cards are available, offering $75 worth of food and beverages for $65. 

Universal Orlando's Mardi Gras celebrations run until April 7.

The reporter on this story received access to this event from Universal. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of reviews.  

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Order of Lenin Moscow Air Defence District

Ордена Ленина Московский округ ПВО

Military Unit: 64178


  • Marshal of the Soviet Union Kirill Semenovich Moskalenko, 1948 - 1953
  • Colonel-General Nikolay Nikiforovich Nagornyy, 1953 - 1954
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel Fedorovich Batitskiy, 1954 - 7.66
  • Colonel-General Vasiliy Vasilevich Okunev, 7.66 - 8.70
  • Marshal of Aviation Aleksandr Ivanovich Koldunov, 8.70 - 1975
  • Colonel-General Boris Viktorovich Bochkov, 1975 - 1980
  • Marshal of Aviation Anatoliy Ustinovich Konstantinov, 1980 - 1987
  • Colonel-General Vladimir Georgievich Tsarkov, 1987 - 1989
  • General of the Army Viktor Alekseevich Prudnikov, 1989 - 8.91
  • General of the Army Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Kornukov, 8.91 - 1998
  • Colonel-General G.B. Vasilev, 1998 - 2002
  • Colonel-General Yuriy V. Solovev, from 2002

Activated 1948 in Moscow, Moscow Oblast, as the Moscow Air Defence Region , from the North-Western Air Defence District.

1950 renamed Moscow Air Defence District .

Organisation 1955:

  • 37th Fighter Aviation Corps PVO (Morsansk, Tambov Oblast)
  • 56th Fighter Aviation Corps PVO (Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast)
  • 78th Guards Fighter Aviation Corps PVO (Bryansk, Bryansk Oblast)
  • 88th Fighter Aviation Corps PVO (Rzhev, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 151st Guards Fighter Aviation Division PVO (Klin, Moscow Oblast)
  • 38th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Squadron (Rzhev, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 182nd independent Reconnaissance Aviation Squadron
  • 90th independent Transport Aviation Squadron (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1st Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Maryino-Znamenskoye, Moscow Oblast)
  • 52nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Biryulevo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 74th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast)
  • 76th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Skolkovo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 78th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 80th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Moscow (Lenin Hills), Moscow Oblast)
  • 96th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division (Panki, Moscow Oblast)
  • 48th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast)
  • 80th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Tula, Tula Oblast)
  • 108th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast)
  • 387th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Sarov, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 389th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Bezhitsa, Bryansk Oblast)
  • 393th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast)
  • 532nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast)
  • 1225th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)
  • 1287th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Shcherbaki, Kalinin Oblast)
  • 92nd independent Regiment for Radar Countermeasures (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)

Organisation 1962:

  • 118th Communications Center (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)
  • 6th independent Radio-Technical Regiment (Klin, Moscow Oblast)
  • 436th independent Transport Aviation Regiment (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 103rd independent Communications and Radio-Technical Support Company (Stupino, Moscow Oblast)
  • 2367th independent Radio-Relay Battalion (Nemchinovka, Moscow Oblast)
  • 52nd independent Airfield Engineer Battalion (Kosterevo, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1470th independent Engineer Battalion (Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast)
  • 193rd independent Transport Battalion (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)
  • 1st Air Defence Army for Special Use (Balashikha, Moscow Oblast)
  • 2nd Air Defence Corps (Rzhev, Rzhev Oblast)
  • 3rd Air Defence Corps (Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Oblast)
  • 7th Air Defence Corps (Bryansk, Bryansk Oblast)
  • 18th Air Defence Division (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)

Awarded the Order of Lenin 22.6.68.

Organisation 1970:

  • 16th Air Defence Corps (Gorkiy, Gorkiy Oblast)

Organisation 1980:

  • 712th Data Center (Moscow, Moscow Oblast)

Organisation 1988:

1998 renamed Moscow Air Force and Air Defence District.

2002 renamed Special Purpose Troop Command.

  • Moscow, Moscow Oblast, 1948 - today [55 45 59N, 37 38 22E]


  • GK PVO, 1948 - 7.98
  • GK VVS and PVO, 7.98 - today


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    PT Tayba Universal Travel & Services adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar dan berpengalaman dalam memberikan layanan Badal Haji & Umroh dengan transparansi dan terpercaya. PT TAYBA UNIVERSAL TRAVEL & SERVICES Jl. Jingga Kusuma No. 42 Kota Baru Parahyangan Padalarang 40553 Bandung Jawa Barat

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    PT Tayba Universal Travel & Services adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar dan berpengalaman dalam memberikan layanan Badal Haji & Umroh dengan transparansi dan terpercaya. PT TAYBA UNIVERSAL TRAVEL & SERVICES Jl. Jingga Kusuma No. 42 Kota Baru Parahyangan Padalarang 40553 Bandung Jawa Barat Hubungi Wakil Kami: +62 81933898998.

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  10. Biaya Badal Haji 2023 dan Syarat Pelaksanaannya

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  12. TAYBA UNIVERSAL SDN BHD Company Profile

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  13. PT Tayba Universal Travel And Services

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  14. About

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  22. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

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  28. Order of Lenin Moscow Air Defence District

    Moscow Air Defence District. Order of Lenin Moscow Air Defence District. Ордена Ленина Московский округ ПВО. Military Unit: 64178. Commanders: Marshal of the Soviet Union Kirill Semenovich Moskalenko, 1948 - 1953. Colonel-General Nikolay Nikiforovich Nagornyy, 1953 - 1954. Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel ...

  29. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast ( Russian: Моско́вская о́бласть, Moskovskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia. It is located in western Russia, and it completely surrounds Moscow. The oblast has no capital, and oblast officials reside in Moscow or in other cities within the oblast. [1] As of 2015, the oblast has a population of 7,231,068 ...

  30. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.