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List of Star Trek planets (A–B)

The fictional universe of the Star Trek canon , which evolved out of the 1966–69 TV series Star Trek , is a vast complex of planets, organizations, and peoples that together comprise an example of the science fiction practice of worldbuilding .

  • 4 References
  • Aaamazzara – Homeworld of the Aaamazzarite species. [1]
  • Acamar III – Homeworld of the humanoid Acamarians, who finally reunited the marauding Gatherers into their world's mainstream with Capt. Picard's help in 2366. [2]
  • Achrady VII – Site of a conference supposedly attended by Lwaxana Troi before she changed her plans to visit Enterprise -D. This is likely a ruse by Deanna Troi to get Capt. Picard off-ship for a vacation. [3]
  • Adarak Prime – Planet in Cardassian space and location of a weapons depot. [4]
  • Adelphous IV – Destination of the USS Enterprise -D at the time Worf handed over the conn to Data for the night watch after O'Brien's wedding in 2368. [5]
  • Adigeon Prime – Planet where young Julian Bashir was genetically modified by his parents to enhance his mental and physical skills. [6]
  • Agaron – Planet whose government was allied to Vulcan in the 22nd century.
  • Ajilon Prime – Lone Class-M planet of Ajilon in the disputed Archanis sector, three days' warp from Deep Space Nine , and home to a Federation colony. Half the residents were trapped after Klingons captured two settlements in the northern hemisphere. Kalanda's besieged hospital was located at one end of a peninsula near a Starfleet base at Tananda Bay. [7]
  • Akaali homeworld – The third planet of the Omega Sagittarii star system. Minshara-class homeworld of the Akaali species, visited by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151. [8]
  • Akritiri – Delta Quadrant planet with a fascist police state that maintained a prison satellite in 2373. [9]
  • Alastria – A Delta Quadrant planet with a binary star about 40,000 light-years from Sikaris, accessed via the spatial trajector. [10]
  • Aldea – A supposedly mythical world in the Epsilon Mynos system whose inhabitants constructed a planet-wide cloaking device to hide their planet from marauders. The cloak effect deteriorated the ozone layer and, over time, rendered the Aldeans sterile with radiation poisoning. [11]
  • Aldebaran III – Third planet in the Aldebaran system; a longtime Federation member planet on which Janet and Theodore Wallace performed experiments using carbohydrate compounds to slow the aging of plants. [12] It is the location of the Aldebaran Music School. [13] Grand Nagus Zek's nephew Belongo was once detained on Aldebaran III by Starfleet. [14] Dr. Ira Graves, who attempted to cheat death by uploading his consciousness into Lt. Cmdr. Data, wanted to flee to a location in the Aldebaran system, so he could live on with his love, Kareen Brianon. [15] The Aldebaran system is the home of a particularly tight-mouthed creature called the Aldebaran Shellmouth. [16] Scott and Picard share a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey. [17]
  • Alderaan – In 2135, HMS New Zealand was on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan. [18] The Bajoran criminal Ibudan, chartered a space flight out of Alderaan. [19]
  • Alfa 177 – Class-M planet geo-surveyed by the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 on stardate 1672.1, when a transporter malfunction trapped Lt. Sulu's landing party on the surface overnight during freezing cold that left some suffering severe frostbite. [20]
  • Algeron IV – Destination of the Enterprise -D after leaving Relva VII in 2364. It is near the Romulan Star Empire and the namesake of the Romulan-Federation "Treaty of Algeron" which banned the UFP from developing cloaking technology. [21]
  • Alondra – an uninhabited planet in the remote Federation system of Pallas 14. It was engulfed by a matter-energy cloud on star date 5371. [22]
  • Alpha III – Planet where a code of law ethics known as the "Statues of Alpha III" were written. [23]
  • Alpha Carinae II – Class-M planet on which Dr. Daystrom's M-5 computer was tested in 2268. [24] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Alpha Carinae is the technical catalog name for Canopus . [ citation needed ]
  • Alpha Carinae V – The home planet of the Drella, an entity that absorbs in love it senses around it. [25]
  • Alpha Centauri – Alpha Centauri is the closest inhabitable world to Earth and was thus one of the earliest planets to be colonized by Humans. In the late 22nd century, Earth-born Zephram Cochrane took up residence on Alpha Centauri and lived there, in retirement, until his mysterious disappearance.
  • Alpha Cygnus IX – Ninth planet of Alpha Cygni , the classical Bayer-format name for the star more commonly known as Deneb . It lends its name to an historic yet otherwise unspecified treaty negotiated by Ambassador Sarek . [26]
  • Alpha Eridani II – Planet where the Redjac entity may have been responsible for various murders in the city of Heliopolis. [25] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Alpha Eridani is the technical catalog name for Achernar .
  • Alpha Laputa IV – Planet on which the USS Zhukov makes cultural observations. [27]
  • Alpha Leonis system – The Enterprise -D is ordered to take medical supplies from Starbase 343 to an unspecified planet in the Alpha Leonis system. [2] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Alpha Leonis is the technical catalog name for Regulus .
  • Alpha Majoris I – Short form for the first planet orbiting Alpha Ursae Majoris . Homeworld of a lifeform known as the Mellitus, which is gaseous in transit but becomes solid when still. [25] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Alpha Ursae Majoris is the technical catalog name for Dubhe . [ citation needed ]
  • Alpha Omicron VII – A Jupiter-like gas giant where a large space-faring alien was found and unintentionally killed. It was discovered that the alien was pregnant and its baby was birthed post-mortem. The baby was then reunited with other adults. [28]
  • Alpha Onias III – A barren yet light blue Class-M planet with hazy clouds, considered uninhabited until Barash's species was discovered there in 2367. One large cavern 2 km below the surface contains stalactites, stalagmites, and volcanic gases including methane, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. [29]
  • Alpha Proxima II – One of several planets where female residents were brutally stabbed to death in the style of Jack the Ripper . A lifeform that fed off terror and fear was responsible. [25]
  • Alpha V – An Earth colony that was home to some of Charles Evans' relatives in 2266. [30]
  • Alpha-441 – Planetoid which was home to a Maquis munitions base in or near the Demilitarized Zone. It was the original programmed target of the Cardassian Dreadnought missile. [31]
  • Alsaurian homeworld – Inhabited Delta Quadrant planet ruled by the Mokra Order, a military dictatorship suppressing its Alsaurian population while claiming to be helping its self-defense. [ citation needed ]
  • Altair III – Third planet located in the Alpha Aquilae star system; where Lt. Cmdr. Riker refused to let his commanding officer on the USS Hood , Captain Robert DeSoto, beam down due to a potentially dangerous situation. [32] [33] The Hood transported Tam Elbrun to the Enterprise -D after DeSoto had communicated with by-then CDR Will Riker.
  • Altair IV – Fourth planet located in the Alpha Aquilae star system; LT Darien Wallace was born on Altair IV. [34] In 2371, Dr. Henri Roget, of the Central Hospital of Altair IV, was awarded the prestigious Carrington Award for his work in medicine. [35]
  • Altair VI – Center of the Altair system, the planet was recovering from a longtime intersystem war when the USS Enterprise was ordered to attend its new president's inauguration ceremony in 2267. [16] In the Kobayashi Maru scenario, the ship was nineteen periods out of Altair VI. [36] (Inspired the name of the Altair 8800 .) [ citation needed ]
  • Altamid – A Class-M planet within the Necro Cloud Nebula, beyond the edge of Federation space. In 2164, the USS Franklin crash-landed on Altamid, where Captain Balthazar Edison used abandoned technology left by the extinct natives to survive, mutating in the process and becoming known as Krall. Krall woould later launch an attack on the Federation from the planet in the Kelvin Timeline. [37] [ circular reference ]
  • Althos IV – Homeworld of the Bzzit Khaht species. [38]
  • Alture VII – Planet whose protein baths and meditation chambers were simulated by Quark's holosuite. Dr. Crusher wanted to try the program when the Enterprise -D visited Deep Space 9 in 2369. [39]
  • Amargosa – System where the Amargosa Observatory was located. In 2371, Dr. Tolian Soren used a trilithium missile to destroy the Amargosa star in an attempt to redirect the Nexus Energy Ribbon. [40]
  • "Amerind" homeworld – A Class-M planet, otherwise unnamed, located in a dense asteroid belt and home to a colony of Native American Indians that were transported there from Earth by an ancient race known as the Preservers centuries ago. The planet, first surveyed by the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 in 2269, was protected from the asteroids by a defense shield obelisk created by the Preservers. [41]
  • Amleth Prime – Location of a Cardassian base in the Amleth Nebula. The nebula's emissions rendered cloaking devices inoperable making a sneak attack on the base difficult. [42]
  • Andevian II – Vacation planet known for its moons and breathtaking landscapes. [43]
  • Andoria – The Andorian homeworld, a frozen M-class moon orbiting the blue gas giant Andor ( Procyon VIII), is a longtime member of the Federation whose inhabitants are distinguished by their blue skin, white hair and antennae. Andoria is near the Vulcan homeworld, and the Vulcans and Andorians are (perceived to be) traditional enemies. Andoria is also host to an Andorian subspecies called the Aenar, who live in isolation from the rest of their world. The albino Aenar are blind but strongly telepathic. [44] [45] [46] [47] Vulcan ambassador V'Lar negotiated the first treaty between Andoria and Vulcan. [48] According to Data, Andorian marriages require groups of four. [5] It is not known whether the Andor/Andoria system is located in the Epsilon Indi star system ( Star Trek: The Original Series ) or Procyon system ( Star Trek: Star Charts ).
  • Andros III – Home of Dr. Bathkin. [49]
  • Angel I – A remote Class-M planet orbiting Alpha Gruis , located near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Targeted as a potential Federation member, no doubt due to its strategic location. Its humanoid matriarchy was visited by a UFP ship in 2302 before the USS Enterprise -D came looking for a disabled freighter's survivors 62 years later. It has no traces of naturally occurring platinum. [50]
  • Angosia III – Homeworld of the Angosian species, who emerged victorious from its war with the Tarsians. In 2366, the Angosians's bid to join the Federation was jeopardized after Capt. Picard discovered that the native authorities had imprisoned its bio-altered veterans on a lunar colony once the war was over. [51]
  • Antede III – Homeworld of the fish-like Antedean species. [52]
  • Antica – A planet in the Beta Renner system and homeworld to a canine-like carnivorous race who are deadly enemies of their system neighbors, the Selay. [53]
  • Antos IV – Home to both a species of giant energy-generating worms and an intelligent species who have perfected the techniques of cellular metamorphosis. Captain Garth learned the ability while convalescing on this planet; it undermined his sanity. [54]
  • AR-558 – Planet in the Chin'toka system of the Alpha Quadrant which is inhospitable to humanoid life. It was the location of a Dominion communications array. During the Dominion-Federation War, AR-558 was invaded by Federation troops and held for five months without relief forces and minimal supplies. [55]
  • Archanis IV – Federation colony world which Gowron wanted evacuated in 2372-73; Sisko says it's "a long way from [DS9]". [56] [57] While under the power of a hostile entity, Pavel Chekov once claimed that the research outpost on this planet was the site of an attack on his non-existent brother, Piotr. [58]
  • Archer IV – The fourth planet in the 61 Ursae Majoris system, and the first habitable M-class planet discovered and explored by the Enterprise (NX-01) . In the 22nd Century, the pollen of plants on this planet had a powerful hallucinogenic effect that nearly caused Commander Trip Tucker to murder Science Officer T'Pol on suspicion of colluding with imaginary aliens against the Enterprise crew. [59] By the 23rd Century, this problem was solved, and the planet became the home of a thriving Federation colony and was named after Captain Jonathan Archer . [60] In the 24th Century, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was en route to Archer IV when it encountered a temporal rift; in the alternate timeline created by this incursion, the planet was the location of a major battle in which Federation forces defeated those of the Klingon Empire. [61]
  • Archer's Comet – Not a planet, but the largest comet ever discovered and large enough for an away team to land on it with a shuttlecraft and collect core samples. [62] Note: Proper reference to it should be to "Comet Archer". [ original research? ]
  • Archer's Planet – Planet in the Gamma Trianguli sector. Not to be confused with Archer IV which is a different planet. It was the Enterprise -D's destination when it encounters a temporal rift. [61]
  • Arcturus IV – Homeworld of the Arcturian species. [63]
  • Ardana – Third planet orbiting the star Rasalas ( Mu Leonis A). A Federation member in 2268, despite then supporting two widely disparate castes; the privileged upper-class lived in the city of Stratos, considered the finest example of sustained anti-gravity elevation in the galaxy, while the lower-class "troglytes" were forced to stay on the surface and mine zenite. James Kirk helped end years of mistrust between the two in 2269 while retrieving zenite to stop a plague, and the caste differences were eliminated at Federation request. [64]
  • Argana II – The Enterprise's destination as they leave Eminiar VII for their next assignment. [65]
  • Argelius II – Planet strategically important for its port for space-faring races, especially thanks to its hedonistic and hospitable humanoid natives. It was beset by the murdering Redjac entity in 2267. [25] His stateroom on the Enterprise-D is so spacious that Scotty says it reminds him of a hotel room on Argelius. [17]
  • Argratha – Gamma Quadrant homeworld of the Argrathi species. [66]
  • Argus X – Planet surveyed by the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 where they encounter a vampiric entity. [67]
  • Ariannus – A planet threatened by a bacterial invasion in 2268, until the Enterprise conducted an orbital decontamination. [68]
  • Arkaria – Inhabited planet and the site of a support base for the orbital Remmler Array, where would-be terrorists and local administrators tried to hijack trilithium resin waste from the Enterprise -D's warp drive during a baryon sweep. [69]
  • Arloff IX – Geordi mentions that the starship USS Charleston will make an extended stop at Arloff IX. [70]
  • Armus IX – Riker wore an outfit during a diplomatic conference made of ceremonial feathers from Armus IX. [50]
  • Arret – Counterpart of Earth ("Terra" spelled backwards) in the alternate universe where time flows backward. [71]
  • Arvada III – Site of a tragic disaster where a young Beverly Crusher and her grandmother were two of the few surviving colonists. The elder woman's knowledge of medicinal roots saved them when medical ships were late. [72]
  • Aschelan V – A Cardassian fuel depot in the DMZ near the Badlands. It was the target of the Cardassian Dreadnought weapon which was reprogrammed by the Maquis. The weapon was intercepted first by the Caretaker Array and sent to the Delta Quadrant where it targeted the inhabited planet Rakosa V. [31]
  • Astral V – Federation colony with a museum dedicated to spacecraft. [73]
  • Atalia VII – Site of a diplomatic conference delayed by the Enterprise -D's involvement in Dr. Galen's genetic puzzle. [74]
  • Atbar Prime – Cardassian planet, site of the Cardassian Liberation Front's headquarters. The base was destroyed by Dominion forces in 2375. [75]
  • Athos IV – Planet which was the location of the last pocket of the Maquis resistance who hid below the surface. The group was wiped out in 2373 by Dominion forces. [76]
  • Atifs IV – Planet where the ruling Oligarchy employs a stone-knocking ritual of thanks during mealtime, echoing that of the Betazoid and Oolan cultures' meal chimes. [52]
  • Atlec – Planet located in the Omega Sagitta system. Along with the people of Straleb, its population makes up the Coalition of Madena. War between the planets almost broke out in 2362, when the rogue freighter captain Thadiun Okona was accused of stealing the Straleb "Jewel of Thesia" for Yadar, the daughter of Atlec's leader Debin. [77]
  • Atrea IV – This planet's cooling core magma was reheated by the Enterprise -D while working with its native scientist, Dr. Pran Tainer, and his wife, Juliana, onetime wife of Dr. Soong and co-creator of Data. [78]
  • ' Aucdet IX – Planet with a Federation medical facility visited by the Enterprise-D. (It is spelled with an apostrophe and a small a in the subtitle track.) [79]
  • Aurelia – Homeworld of the Aurelians and a member of the United Federation of Planets . [ citation needed ]
  • Avenal VII – Planet in Cardassian space that Klingon ruler Gowron ordered a disastrous attack upon in 2375, where all Klingon ships were destroyed. [80]
  • Avery III – Planet in the Delta Quadrant within the Vidiian Sodality. It was the location of a hidden Vidiian base. [81]
  • Axanar – Located in the well-known Epsilon Eridani system. Homeworld of the Axanar species. [82] It was also the site of a historic mission led by Garth of Izar. [54]
  • B'Saari II – Homeworld of the B'Saari species. [83]
  • Ba'ku – Class-M planet hidden inside a region of space called The Briar Patch. The planet had unique metaphasic particle rings that generate a rejuvenation effect on its inhabitants, a lost colony of Son'a who settled there sometime in the 21st Century. In 2375, an attempt to strip the rings of its particles by the Son'a commander Ru'afo and the recently widowed Vice Admiral Matthew Dougherty of Star Fleet was foiled by the crew of the Enterprise -E. [84]
  • Babel – Neutral planet where the Federation Council met in 2267 to determine the admission of the Coridian planets to the Federation. The Articles of Federation were signed on this planet in 2161. [85] Babel orbits Wolf 424 , close to Sol & Earth. [ citation needed ]
  • Bajor – Homeworld of the Bajoran species. It is the 7th planet in the B'hava'el system. The system is known for being near the Bajoran Wormhole which provides access to the Gamma Quadrant. The space station Deep Space Nine orbits near the system. [39]
  • Bajor VIII – Eighth planet in the Bajoran star system with six colonies containing several thousand Bajoran settlers. Its proper name is Andros and it has at least two moons. Terrorist Tahna Los , after picking up the explosive bilitrium from the Duras sisters behind the "lower" moon, threatened to blow up the planet's colonists in 2369 if Major Kira did not take him to Deep Space Nine. [86]
  • Balancar – Alpha Quadrant planet and the source of "syrup of swill". [87]
  • Balosnee VI – A vacation planet (pronounced "BOWEL-us-nee") where the soothing harmonies of the tides can cause stimulating hallucinations. The world was one of Zek's two choices for his first vacation in 85 years after his short-lived "retirement" as Grand Nagus, but he eventually opted for Risa and its "voluptuous females" before faking his death. [88]
  • Banean homeworld – Delta Quadrant homeworld to the Banea, an independent spacefaring culture in competition with its rival neighbor, the militaristic Numiri. During a stop by the USS Voyager in 2371 to repair a damaged collimator, Paris was convicted of murder and forced to relive the act repeatedly through memory implants, the Banean penal method, until a Numiri spy was revealed to be the true killer. [89]
  • Barisa Prime – Federation colony located near Tzenkethi space. In 2371, the USS Defiant answers a faked distress call from Barisa indicating the world was attacked by Tzenkethi forces. [90]
  • Barkon IV – Alpha Quadrant homeworld to a Renaissance-level culture [91] ruled by village elders and a magistrate. A downed probe was retrieved by Data, who suffered memory loss on the mission and subsequently contaminated the inhabitants of a nearby village with radioactive material. He later found a way to cure the inhabitants of the resulting radiation sickness. [92]
  • Barradas III – Planet where Riker was captured by mercenaries led by Arctus Baran while searching for Capt. Picard's killers. Riker discovers Picard posing as one of the mercenaries to infiltrate their theft of artifacts. [93]
  • Barson II – Planet where the Enterprise -D transported medical supplies to fight a viral outbreak. [34]
  • Barzan – An independent Alpha Quadrant planet that is home to a poor but proud race whose hopes for progress based on a nearby wormhole were dashed in 2366 when it was discovered to be unstable. [94]
  • Beltane IX – A trading planet of some merchant marine repute within a shuttlecraft's range of Relva VII. Jake Kurland, a rejected Starfleet Academy finalist, intended to "run away" from the Enterprise -D and sign on aboard a freighter there. [21]
  • Benecia Colony – A young Federation colony with only minimal medical facilities in 2269, when Dr. Janice Lester used them to hide her life-energy transfer with James T. Kirk. [95] Also, presumably, the location of the rehabilitation colony where the Karidian Company was slated to perform, but where Lenore Karidian herself was instead treated for a psychotic break after killing her father Anton. [96]
  • Benthos – Homeworld of the Benthan species. [97]
  • Benzar – homeworld of the Benzite species, in orbit of Securis, better known as Delta Pavonis . One native, Ensign Mendon, served on the Enterprise -D as part of an exchange program. Another, Mordock, became the first of his race to be admitted to Starfleet Academy. [21] In 2374, Benzar was conquered by the Dominion during the Dominion War , and later liberated by Romulan forces. [98] [99]
  • Berengaria VII – A planet known for its dragon-like lifeforms. [100] In 2151, the Enterprise NX-01 scouted the planet as a proposed site for one of the Federation's first starbases. [101] In 2373, Winn Adami asked Captain Benjamin Sisko rhetorically whether the Federation would sacrifice Berengaria to protect Bajor from the Dominion. [49]
  • Bersallis III – Planet with renowned firestorms, which occur every seven years. In 2369, the storms forced the Enterprise -D to evacuate the Federation outpost there. [102]
  • Beta III – Planet whose society is ruled over by a computer called Landru. [103]
  • Beta VI – Federation colony and destination of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, before crew were abducted by the entity Trelane to his planet Gothos. [104]
  • Beta XII-A – Location of a Federation agricultural colony. In 2268, an alien entity sent a fake distress call the Enterprise NCC-1701 claiming the world was attacked by the Klingons. It was all an elaborate ruse to get the crew of the ship to fight the Klingons so the entity could feed off their negative energy of hatred and anger. [58]
  • Beta Agni II – Federation colony whose water supply was contaminated with tricyanate by trader Kivas Fajo as a diversion to kidnap Lt. Cmdr. Data. [105]
  • Beta Antares IV – World mentioned as the home of a confusing, and terribly complicated, card game called fizzbin made up by James Kirk in a ruse to escape captors on Sigma Iota II in 2268. [106]
  • Beta Aurigae – The USS Enterprise was to rendezvous with the USS Potemkin at Beta Aurigae, but Dr. Janice Lester, in Kirk's body, diverted the Enterprise to the Benecia Colony. [95] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Beta Aurigae is the technical catalog name for Menkalinan . [ citation needed ]
  • Beta Aquilae II – Second planet in the Beta Aquilae star system. Location of a Starfleet Academy annex. [34] Note: In Bayer-system nomenclature, Beta Aquilae is the technical catalog name for Alshain . [ citation needed ]
  • Beta Cassius – another name for the Class M planet Haven. [107]
  • Beta Kupsic – Destination of the Enterprise -D after leaving Starbase Montgomery. [108]
  • Beta Niobe I – Also known as Sarpeidon, this class M planet was visited by the USS Enterprise in 2269 hours before its star Beta Niobe went supernova. The Enterprise crew discovered the natives of the world had escaped their fate by time traveling to their world's past. [109]
  • Beta Stromgren – Star system claimed to be in Romulan territory where a red supergiant was on the verge of going supernova. It is the system where the Vega Nine probe found the living spaceship "Tin Man" ( a.k.a. Gomtuu) orbiting near the star. The ancient living ship, apparently the last of its kind, was lonely and ready to accept its suicidal destruction before joining with the Betazed prodigy Tam Elbrun who had been in psychic contact with it. [110]
  • Beta Ursae Minoris II – Location of a Starfleet Academy annex. [34] Note: Beta Ursae Minoris is the Bayer designation for Kochab . [111]
  • Betazed – Also called Beta Zeta V, Betazed is the homeworld of the Betazoid species, and member of the United Federation of Planets. It is the homeworld of Counselor Deanna Troi, and her mother Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. [52] [63] [112] In 2374, Dominion forces took over Betazed, but it was liberated by the Federation's Tenth Fleet. [113]
  • Betelgeuse II – Homeworld of the Betelgeusan species. [114]
  • Beth Delta I – Planet where Dr. Paul Stubbs offered to take Counselor Troi to see the city of New Manhattan over champagne. [115]
  • Bilana III – Planet where a science institute served as the base of operations for an experimental type of propulsion called a Soliton Wave. The wave was generated by field coils on Bilana III and pushed a test vessel toward Lemma II at warp speeds without the ship itself generating the warp field. At Lemma II, a dispersion field would stop the wave and the ship would exit warp. [116]
  • Bilaren – System with a Federation colony. Amanda Rodgers' adoptive parents were stationed at Bilaren. [117]
  • Blue Horizon – Terraformed planet, the site of a Federation colony. The planet was visited by Benjamin Sisko and his son Jake on a vacation trip. [118]
  • Bokara VI – Planet and site of a neuropsychology seminar attended by Deanna Troi in 2369. Troi was abducted from Borkar VI by the Romulan underground, who used her in a plan to help M'Ret defect to the Federation. [119]
  • Bolarus IX – Federation planet and home to the Bolian species. The planet has an uneasy truce with the Moropa. It sent at least two delegates to the biennial Trade Agreements Conference on Betazed. [120] [121] [122]
  • Bopak III – Uninhabited Class-M world in the Gamma Quadrant where Bashir and O'Brien encountered Jem'Hadar trying to break their Ketracel-white addiction. Its plants have a high degree of chlorophyll for the planet of a red giant star. [123]
  • Boraal II – Homeworld of the medieval Boraalan species. Its atmosphere suddenly began a catastrophic dissipation in 2370. The Enterprise -D answered the distress signal sent by Dr. Nikolai Rozhenko, Worf's foster brother, who fell in love with a native woman while disguised as a cultural observer and broke the Prime Directive to save her village. [124]
  • Boradis III – Site of the first Federation outpost in the Boradis system founded in 2331, and the first of 13 that have since been settled in the sector as of late 2365. Julian Bashir recalls the time he cured a plague on Boradis III. [125] [126]
  • Boreal III – Planetary home port or residence of the non-Starfleet transport ship Kallisko , destroyed by the Crystalline Entity. [127]
  • Boreth – The most sacred place of Klingons (pronounced "bore-OTH") where Kahless was supposed to return. It hosted a monastery for clerics keeping watch until his return and was maintained after their cloned version became Emperor in 2369. Worf went to Boreth to seek the return of Kahless and found a clone version instead. [128] Worf visited Boreth again after the destruction of the Enterprise -D. [129] DS9 had several artistic depictions of Borath on the promenade deck and in the replimat eatery. [130]
  • Borg Prime – The homeworld of the Borg (speculative). The exact location is unknown, but most likely deep in the Delta Quadrant where the Borg control a huge empire, however it is not the center of governance, that is located in their unicomplex. [ original research? ]
  • Boslic – Homeworld of the Boslic species. [131]
  • Bracas V – A planet where La Forge has skin-dived among coral reefs. [132]
  • Braslota – System with three with planets Totoro (Braslota I), Yuri (Braslota II) and Kei (Braslota III), which were fictitious codenames used in "Operation Lovely Angel", a battle simulation between the USS Enterprise -D and the 80-year-old USS Hathaway . [133] Note: The names were only seen on a computer screen and come from the anime series Dirty Pair .
  • Brax – Planet in the Gamma Quadrant whose inhabitants call Q the "God of Lies". Vash visited Brax while in Q's company, though they were not particularly welcome. [134]
  • Brechtian cluster – System with two inhabited planets threatened by the Crystalline Entity. [127]
  • Bre'el IV – An inhabited world facing the planetwide chaos of quakes, massive tidal waves, and climate-altering dust clouds when its asteroidal moon threatened to fall out of orbit, (until Q helped out). [135]
  • Breen homeworld – The frozen wasteland home of the Dominion-allied Breen species, who must use armored pressure suits when living on many Class-M worlds. Its climate is well-known to off-worlders. Cardassia, for one, has an embassy there. [4] [42] [136] [137] [138]
  • Brekka – Native name for Delos IV, the Class-M home of felicium, an organic narcotic used by its natives to keep prosperous after they kept system neighbor Ornara secretly addicted to it for 200 years. [139] Note: This Delos IV should not be confused with the planet of another system, commonly called Delos, that is the site of an established Federation-world medical facility.
  • Brentalia – A planet where endangered lifeforms from different worlds can be brought for refuge. Two of the last fourteen surviving gilvos of Corvan II were transported by the Enterprise -D here for refuge breeding. [116] Worf took Alexander to see the planet's zoo. [140]
  • Brinda V – Inhabited planet where half the population of a small planet was reported to have been transported away by Orion traders to work as slave labor in their mining camps. Constable Odo had read of the incident and initially compared it to the situation on the Yadera colony. [13]
  • Bringloid V – Class-M planet endangered by increasing stellar flares and instability in 2365, home to the 223 descendants of the mostly forgotten Neo-Transcendentalists dropped off by the S.S. Mariposa colony ship that left Earth in 2123. Anachronisms even then, the people took refuge 30 meters below the surface but repeatedly refused to develop advanced technology. [18]
  • Browder IV – Planetary site of a terraforming effort by the USS Hood in 2366, to which the Enterprise -D was bound after helping end a plague on Cor Caroli V. Picard's kidnapping by aliens as part of a bizarre study on authority delayed that mission. [120]
  • Brunali homeworld – Homeworld of the Brunali species. [141]
  • Bryma – A former Cardassian colony site in the Demilitarized Zone where the Deep Space 9 runabouts held off a Maquis attack on a confirmed illegal arms depot amid the civilian center. The system included an Oort Cloud. Commander Sisko worried that a forced Cardassian response to the attack would destroy the fragile peace treaty with the UFP. [142]
  • Bynaus – A planet orbiting Beta Magellan and home to the Bynar race, a computer-dependent culture threatened by a nearby supernova's electro-magnetic pulse. In 2364, natives commandeered the Enterprise -D, the only mobile computer large enough to store their master banks. [143]

See also [ edit ]

  • List of Star Trek planets:

References [ edit ]

star trek place names

  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 TNG : " The Vengeance Factor "
  • ↑ TNG : " Captain's Holiday "
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 DS9 : " When It Rains… "
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 TNG : " Data's Day "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Doctor Bashir, I Presume? "
  • ↑ DS9 : " ...Nor the Battle to the Strong "
  • ↑ Ent : " Civilization "
  • ↑ Voy : " The Chute "
  • ↑ Voy : " Prime Factors "
  • ↑ TNG : " When the Bough Breaks "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Deadly Years "
  • ↑ 13.0 13.1 DS9 : " Shadowplay "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Past Tense "
  • ↑ TNG: " The Schizoid Man "
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 TOS : " Amok Time "
  • ↑ 17.0 17.1 TNG : " Relics "
  • ↑ 18.0 18.1 TNG : " Up the Long Ladder "
  • ↑ DS9 : " A Man Alone "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Enemy Within "
  • ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 TNG : " Coming of Age "
  • ↑ TAS : " One of Our Planets is Missing
  • ↑ TOS : " Court Martial "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Ultimate Computer "
  • ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 TOS : " Wolf in the Fold "
  • ↑ TNG : " Sarek "
  • ↑ TNG : " Brothers "
  • ↑ TNG : " Galaxy's Child "
  • ↑ TNG : " Future Imperfect "
  • ↑ TOS : " Charlie X "
  • ↑ 31.0 31.1 Voy : " Dreadnought "
  • ↑ TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Pegasus "
  • ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 TNG : " Eye of the Beholder "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Prophet Motive "
  • ↑ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • ↑ "Star Trek Beyond" .
  • ↑ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • ↑ 39.0 39.1 TNG : " Birthright, Part I "
  • ↑ Star Trek Generations
  • ↑ TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome "
  • ↑ 42.0 42.1 DS9 : " Return to Grace "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Forsaken "
  • ↑ Ent : " The Andorian Incident "
  • ↑ Ent : " These Are the Voyages... "
  • ↑ Ent : " United "
  • ↑ Ent : " The Aenar "
  • ↑ Ent : " Fallen Hero "
  • ↑ 49.0 49.1 DS9 : " In the Cards "
  • ↑ 50.0 50.1 TNG : " Angel One "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Hunted "
  • ↑ 52.0 52.1 52.2 TNG : " Manhunt "
  • ↑ TNG : " Lonely Among Us "
  • ↑ 54.0 54.1 TOS : " Whom Gods Destroy "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Siege of AR-558 "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Broken Link "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Apocalypse Rising "
  • ↑ 58.0 58.1 TOS : " Day of the Dove "
  • ↑ Ent : " Strange New World "
  • ↑ Ent : " In a Mirror, Darkly "
  • ↑ 61.0 61.1 TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise "
  • ↑ Ent : " Breaking the Ice "
  • ↑ 63.0 63.1 TNG : " Ménage à Troi "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Cloud Minders "
  • ↑ TOS : " A Taste of Armageddon "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Hard Time "
  • ↑ TOS : " Obsession "
  • ↑ TOS : " Let That Be Your Last Battlefield "
  • ↑ TNG : " Starship Mine "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Neutral Zone "
  • ↑ TAS : " The Counter-Clock Incident "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Arsenal of Freedom "
  • ↑ TNG : " Booby Trap "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Chase "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Dogs of War "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Blaze of Glory "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Outrageous Okona "
  • ↑ TNG : " Inheritance
  • ↑ TNG: " The Child "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Tacking into the Wind "
  • ↑ Voy : " Faces "
  • ↑ Ent : " Fight or Flight "
  • ↑ Ent : " Horizon "
  • ↑ Star Trek: Insurrection
  • ↑ TOS : " Journey to Babel "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Past Prologue "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Magnificent Ferengi "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Nagus "
  • ↑ Voy : " Ex Post Facto "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Adversary "
  • ↑ "STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Thine Own Self " " . Star Trek Minutiae: Exploring the Details of Science Fiction . Retrieved 11 February 2018 . Barkon Four. The level of technology on this planet is roughly equivalent to that of the Renaissance on Earth
  • ↑ TNG : " Thine Own Self "
  • ↑ TNG : " Gambit "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Price "
  • ↑ 95.0 95.1 TOS : " Turnabout Intruder "
  • ↑ TOS: " The Conscience of the King "
  • ↑ Voy : " Vis à Vis "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Ship "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Reckoning "
  • ↑ TOS : " This Side of Paradise "
  • ↑ Ent : " Bound "
  • ↑ TNG : " Lessons "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Return of the Archons "
  • ↑ TOS : " The Squire of Gothos "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Most Toys "
  • ↑ TOS : " A Piece of the Action "
  • ↑ TNG : " Haven "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Icarus Factor "
  • ↑ TOS : " All Our Yesterdays "
  • ↑ TNG : " Tin Man "
  • ↑ "The Guardians of the Pole | EarthSky.org" . earthsky.org . Retrieved 2018-01-18 .
  • ↑ TNG : " Half a Life "
  • ↑ DS9 : " In the Pale Moonlight "
  • ↑ Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • ↑ TNG : " Evolution "
  • ↑ 116.0 116.1 TNG : " New Ground "
  • ↑ TNG : " True Q "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Second Sight "
  • ↑ TNG : " Face of the Enemy "
  • ↑ 120.0 120.1 TNG : " Allegiance "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Invasive Procedures "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Who Mourns for Morn? "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Hippocratic Oath "
  • ↑ TNG : " Homeward "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Emissary "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Quickening "
  • ↑ 127.0 127.1 TNG : " Silicon Avatar "
  • ↑ TNG : " Rightful Heir
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Muse "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Homecoming "
  • ↑ TNG : " The Loss "
  • ↑ TNG : " Peak Performance "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Q-Less "
  • ↑ TNG : " Déjà Q "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Indiscretion "
  • ↑ DS9 : " For the Uniform "
  • ↑ DS9 : " Crossfire "
  • ↑ TNG : " Symbiosis "
  • ↑ TNG : " Imaginary Friend "
  • ↑ Voy : " Child's Play "
  • ↑ DS9 : " The Maquis (Part II)"
  • ↑ TNG : " 11001001 "
  • List of staff
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Norway Corporation
  • musical theme
  • " Where no man has gone before "
  • " Beam me up, Scotty "
  • The God Thing
  • Planet of the Titans
  • Reference books
  • A Klingon Christmas Carol
  • Klingon opera
  • How William Shatner Changed the World
  • Beyond the Final Frontier
  • The Captains
  • Trek Nation
  • For the Love of Spock
  • Kirk and Uhura's kiss
  • Comparison to Star Wars
  • productions
  • expanded universe
  • Memory Alpha
  • The Exhibition
  • The Experience
  • Galaxy Quest (1999 film)
  • The Orville (2017 television series)

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  • List of Blake's 7 planets
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  • Planets of the Hainish Cycle
  • List of Star Trek planets (C–F)
  • List of Revelation Space locations
  • Places in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Top 10 Star Trek Destinations Chosen by NASA Scientists

What would happen if the crew of the Starship Enterprise handed over the controls to NASA scientists and engineers? It turns out many are avid Star Trek fans with lengthy itineraries in mind. We asked a few of them to pick their favorite destinations in the Star Trek universe, to tell us why, and to let us know if they resemble any of the thousands of actual exoplanets—planets orbiting other stars—that have been discovered so far.

Vulcan fanart

What is perhaps the most famous Star Trek planet was placed by creator Gene Roddenberry in a real star system: 40 Eridani. This trinary system of three dwarf stars, about 16 light-years from Earth, could play host to exoplanets; none have been detected there so far. The most massive is 40 Eridani A , chosen as Vulcan’s home world. Home to the “pointy eared, green blooded” Vulcans and to Star Trek’s iconic Mr. Spock, Vulcan is said to be a hotter, more massive planet than Earth, with stronger gravity and a thinner atmosphere. Desert and mountainous expanses are interspersed with seas. The planet makes an appearance in several Star Trek films and series episodes and (spoiler alert) is destroyed in J.J. Abrams’ alternate timeline. An example of a real exoplanet being destroyed—by its own sun, not vengeful aliens—is HD 209458b , a “hot Jupiter” orbiting so close to its star that its atmosphere is being blown away into space, leaving a large, detectable tail.

Andoria fanart

An icy “M-class” (Star Trek's term for “Earth-like”) moon of a much larger planet—a gas giant—that is home to soft-spoken humanoids with blue skin, white hair and stylish antennae. A bit of a dust-up takes place in the original Star Trek series when an Orion poses as an Andorian during an ambassadorial mission (“Journey to Babel”). Definitive “exo-moons” have yet to be discovered, but some could be both icy and habitable. In our solar system, gas giants play host to icy moons, such as Jupiter’s Europa or Saturn’s Enceladus , that possess subsurface oceans locked inside shells of ice. NASA missions are searching for lifeforms that might exist in these cold, dark habitats.

Risa fanart

Another Trek M-class planet known for its engineered tropical climate and its welcoming humanoid population. This earns it a designation as a “pleasure planet” from the United Federation of Planets, of which it is a member. Crew members from the “Next Generation,” “Deep Space Nine” and “Enterprise” series all paid visits there. The planet is said to orbit a binary , or double, star system—in Star Trek fan lore, Epsilon Ceti, a real star system some 79 light-years from Earth. While no real planets have yet been discovered around these stars, many exoplanets have been found in orbit around binaries. The first unambiguous such discovery, Kepler-16b found in 2011, is cold, gaseous and Saturn-sized, but still invites comparisons to Tatooine , the double-sunset planet in the competing space franchise Star Wars. A 2014 study suggested that as much as half the stars that play host to exoplanets could be binaries– equaling billions of worlds.

K2-3 "Shore Leave"

4. “Shore Leave” planet, Omicron Delta region

This is another amusement park of a planet—provided someone lets you in on it before you beam down. Unwitting members of the original crew are assailed by strafing aircraft, a jousting knight and a laughing bully named Finnegan (“Shore Leave”) before they realize it’s all just in good fun—manufactured in underground factories straight from the crew members’ imaginations. In real life, astronauts aboard the International Space Station print out plastic tools and containers with their own 3-D printer, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., is among the research centers experimenting with this technology. But the “Shore Leave” planet takes it to a whole new level.

Photo manip Nibiru

“Star Trek: Into Darkness” finds Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy fleeing from chalk-skinned aliens through a red jungle. Welcome to planet Nibiru. In the second installment of the latest round of Star Trek films Kirk interferes, yet again, with a primitive culture, even if it is to save their lives. Red or even black vegetation could cover land surfaces on real exoplanets that orbit cooler, redder stars, an adaptation meant to gather as much light for photosynthesis as possible. Several planets discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope could fit this profile, orbiting in the “habitable zones ” of red dwarf stars—where liquid water can exist on a planetary surface. Perhaps the most famous is Kepler-186f , only 10 percent larger than Earth in diameter, orbiting a star some 500 light-years away. At high noon, the surface of this planet would look something like dusk on Earth.

Red star Wolf 359

6. Wolf 359

A star best known in the Star Trek universe as the site of a fierce battle in which a multitude of “Star Trek: Next Generation” ships are defeated by the Borg (“Best of Both Worlds”). But Wolf 359 is a real star, one of the closest to Earth at a distance of 7.8 light-years. Wolf 359 is also a likely observational target for the Kepler space telescope in the upcoming Campaign 14 of its “K2” mission.

Hubble planets Eminiar VII/Vendikar

7. Eminiar VII/Vendikar

Another case of Captain Kirk playing fast and loose with the Prime Directive—that is, the prohibition on interfering with civilizations on other planets (“A Taste of Armageddon”). These two planets are neighbors, sharing a star system. So, of course, they’ve been at war for centuries. Real exoplanets have shown no signs of interplanetary war, although multiple rocky worlds have been discovered orbiting single stars. One of the latest examples: A cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1 , orbited by three planets in Earth’s size-range; two have a chance of being in the star’s habitable zone, with possible Earth-like atmospheres. The Kepler space telescope will further study the star TRAPPIST-1 in the upcoming Campaign 12 of its “K2” mission.

K2,3 Remus

The planets Romulus and Remus are home to the Romulan Empire (ancient Rome, anyone?), although Remus seemed to have gotten the raw end of the deal. Remus is tidally locked, one face always turned to its star, where a lower caste of Romulan society labor in dilithium mines. Reference is made to Remus in the original series as the Enterprise gives chase to a Romulan warship, called a bird of prey (“Balance of Terror”), and in the film “Star Trek: Nemesis.” Tidally locked worlds might well be a real thing, with many possible candidates among the thousands of exoplanets discovered with NASA’s Kepler space telescope. The habitable portion of the surface of such planets might be confined to a band between the day and night sides called the “terminator zone” —a.k.a. the twilight zone. On these planets, one hemisphere would be seared by its sun, the other plunged permanently…into darkness.

Gliese 879 Janus VI

9. Janus VI

A rocky world lacking an atmosphere, perhaps similar to Mars, that is the site of a Federation mining colony (“Devil in the Dark,” original series). While humans must maintain an artificial underground environment to survive, the innards of the planet are a comfortable home to an alien species known as the “Horta.” Their rock-like biochemistry is based on silicon , rather than carbon, inspiring us to imagine the many forms life might take in the universe—some that might not be obvious at first.


In the Star Trek universe, Earth is home to Starfleet Headquarters; the real Earth is, at least so far, the only life-bearing world we know. Earth returns again and again in Star Trek series and films, in many guises, from the raucous 1960s, to 1980s San Francisco (“Star Trek: The Voyage Home”), to a troubled 21 st century (“Star Trek VIII: First Contact”). Strange Earth analogs also appear, inhabited by centuries-old children (“Miri”) or a modern-day Roman Empire worried about TV ratings for its gladiatorial games (“Bread and Circuses”), both in the original series. No true Earth analogs have been discovered among the real exoplanets detected so far. But a new generation of space telescopes , designed to capture direct images of exoplanets in Earth’s size range, might one day reveal an alternative “pale blue dot.”

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A yellowish star is at the center of the image. It is surrounded by a mottled disk of gas and dust that transitions from bright yellow to darker orange as you move outward. The disk stretches from about 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock and is tilted so that the nearer side is toward the viewer.

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Artist's concept shows a full disk of imagined planet Vulcan, predominantly light brown with patches of gray-green, against the black background of space.

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A composite screenshot of 12 participants on a video call.

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star trek place names

10 great sites for a 'Star Trek' pilgrimage

star trek place names

Forget the beach. Star Trek fans can venture to the 23rd century for vacation this year. Cities and filming sites are playing up their ties to the science fiction series with tours, displays and festivals, says Dayton Ward, author of Hidden Universe Travel Guides: Star Trek: The Klingon Empire (Insight Editions, $19.99), an intergalactic handbook. And with a new series, Star Trek: Discovery , now running on CBS All Access, interest continues to grow. He shares some real-world spots for a “Trekcation” with Larry Bleiberg for USA TODAY.

Riverside, Iowa You’ve got to hand it to the folks of Riverside. Although Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry said that leading character Capt. James T. Kirk was from Iowa, he never named a city. In 1985, the Riverside city council claimed the honor, passing a resolution declaring it to be the cocky commander’s hometown. And Star Trek writers eventually confirmed it, placing scenes in a Riverside of the future. Now the city has an historic marker and museum, and hosts an annual festival. trekfest.com

Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour Ticonderoga, N.Y. No need to beam yourself up to the USS Enterprise. Trekkie extraordinaire James Cawley used original blueprints to painstakingly recreate the original 1966 television studio set in upstate New York, complete with bridge, engine room and sick bay. “It’s jaw-dropping how accurate it is, with the same doors, panels and knobs,” Ward says. startrektour.com

Titan Missile Museum Tucson Even non-Trekkies will be fascinated by this site, which preserves an actual nuclear missile silo. The National Historic Landmark is the sole remaining intercontinental complex in the country. And it also happens to appear in scenes from the 1996 film Star Trek: First Contact . titanmissilemuseum.org

Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park Agua Dulce, Calif. There’s a reason this tilted rock formation in Los Angeles County looks familiar. “It shows up multiple times in the original show,” Ward says, most famously when Capt. Kirk fights an armor-clad reptile named the Gorn. “You can visit every day — unless it’s closed for filming.” parks.lacounty.gov

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Vulcan, Canada This tiny Canadian prairie town didn’t take its name from the logic-prone alien species. But it profits from the connection with an Enterprise monument and Vulcon, a Trek festival scheduled for July 22-23. “It’s the Star Trek version of Woodstock or Burning Man,” Ward says. The town also plays a starring role in a song and music video by indie band The Rural Alberta Advantage. vulcantourism.com

Valley of Fire State Park Nevada This stunning sandstone park near Las Vegas attracts mountain bikers, hikers and devotees of the 1994 Star Trek: Generations film, who recognize it as the alien planet Veridian III. Ward notes that another film, Galaxy Quest , a parody of Star Trek , was also filmed here. parks.nv.gov

Broken Bow, Okla. The pilot episode of the Star Trek: Enterprise television series takes its name from this southeast Oklahoma town best known for mountain parks and bass fishing. In an example of future history, this is where an alien ship is destined to crash in 2151. “That gets us involved with the Klingon empire for the first time,” Ward says. visitmccurtaincounty.com

Roswell, N.M. Seventy years ago, a tiny New Mexico town made global headlines when the U.S. military reported the crash of a flying saucer. Decades later, the television show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine claimed responsibility, showing how several of its time-traveling characters caused the scare. The city, now home to a UFO festival, museum and research center, doesn’t discount any theories. seeroswell.com

Naval Air Station Alameda, Calif. This Bay Area military base saw some serious action in the film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . It’s where characters Uhura and Chekov raided a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier to steal radioactive isotopes to fix their starship. The decommissioned post, now undergoing redevelopment, has a small history museum outlining its World War II history. alamedanavalairmuseum.org

Bozeman, Mont. Mark your calendar for 2063, because this scenic college town will play a monumental role in global history. That’s when a Vulcan ship will arrive and humans and aliens will finally meet. At least that’s how the story plays out in Star Trek: First Contact , actually filmed in California and Arizona. But Ward’s undeterred. “Fifty years from now, maybe fans will gather and see what happens. If I’m still around, I’ll head up there.” bozemanchamber.com

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Star trek's 4 quadrants & galaxy explained.


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Star Trek Is "In Great Shape": Jonathan Frakes Discusses Trek's Future, Including Legacy

Spock's famous catchphrase gets a horrifying new twist, as he submits to the franchise's grossest aliens, star trek reveals one of the 21st century's biggest scientific breakthroughs is illegal in the future.

Most of the action in Star Trek takes place in the real-world Milky Way Galaxy which is roughly divided into four quadrants, named after the first four letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. These are the galactic regions that include significant planets like Vulcan, Qo'noS, and of course, Earth. While Gamma and Delta still bear planets with ominous origins, the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are perhaps touched upon the most within the Star Trek mythos. Despite this common division, The Next Generation also referred to a new quadrant known as Morgana. But not much is known about this certain quadrant as it is not mentioned any further.

Even beyond the Quadrants, ardent Star Trek fans can spot the Galactic Barrier and several other celestial objects that are present in other galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy (yet another real-world phenomenon) that are still yet to be explored more by the franchise's protagonists. While most of these galactic quadrants can be seen as astronomical phenomena rooted in scientific explanation, the mythos can also incorporate near-godly beings like the Sha Ka Ree in regions such as the so-called "Great Barrier." The two Barriers carry within them such heavenly mysteries that deserve explanations of their own.

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Alpha Quadrant

The Star Trek galaxy explained that the Alpha Quadrant contains more than 60 home worlds, and this includes Captain Kirk's home planet Earth itself (which Trekkers would call Terra or Sol III). Other major planets include the Tellarite native planet Tellar Prime, Trill, which houses both the eponymous humanoid species and the non-humanoid Trill symbionts, and Betazed, which is inhabited by the Betazoids, a humanoid species that boasts warp-capable space vessels. Even though the majority of territories under the Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire fall in the Beta Quadrant, the two forces join the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union to constitute the four great powers in the Alpha Quadrant in the late 24th century.

Beta Quadrant

The Star Trek galaxy explained that apart from the Romulans and the different versions of the Klingons , the Beta Quadrant's highlight is Vulcan, the native planet of Spock and other members of the Vulcan species. Multiple Star Trek encyclopedias suggest that Vulcan is located in a Sector of the same name within the Beta Quadrant. The 2002 publication Star Trek Charts also estimates Vulcan's exact position to be somewhere in the 40 Eridani star system that really exists 16.3 light years from Earth's Sun. Much like Spock, the inhabitants of Vulcan can be identified with their raised eyebrows and pointy ears. Mostly devoid of emotions, the Vulcans are known for leading a life on the basis of logic and reasoning.

The Klingon homeworld Qo'noS and the Romulan Empire's native planet Romulus also fall under this galactic quadrant. The former has a chaotic weather system with frequent thunderstorms and a rocky landscape characterized by numerous dormant volcanoes and caves. The native warrior species of Klingon are bound by their martial traditions and value honor in combat. As for Romulus, the planet served as the second home for Romulans ever since they migrated from Vulcan. The biological cousins of the Vulcans, they had to move back to their original homeworld after Romulus' sun exploded in 2387. According to The Next Generation , Risa is also a part of this quadrant. Known as the pleasure planet, Risa is known for its sexually liberated culture.

Gamma Quadrant

The Star Trek galaxy explained that the Gamma quadrant includes several Star Trek planets such as Brax, Yadera, Meridian, and others. As seen in Deep Space Nine , the Quadrant also houses the Dominion, an aggressive ensemble of several alien species commanded by the shape-shifting Changelings (AKA the Founders). Several territories of the quadrant are under the Founders' control even though they have had only two home worlds. The first home world of the Founders was a rogue planet that housed the Founders who were, at that time, escaping prosecution from the "solids" (how they referred to non-shape shifters). By 2372, the Founders shifted to a second home world.

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Delta Quadrant

The Star Trek galaxy explained that Star Trek: First Contact confirms the origin of the Borgs from Delta but doesn't name their home planet. This is the case for many other species of Delta, a quadrant that is relatively unexplored by the United Federation. Only Voyager offers the most details about the planets within the quadrant. Delta is also known as the domain of antagonistic species like the Borgs, the Kazon, and the Vidiians. The cybernetic Borgs are mostly linked through a hive mind known as the Collective. As for the Kazon, they are nomadic in nature which makes it difficult to trace their planet. Vidiians are similarly migratory and sport-scarred faces as a result of the terrible Phage pandemic.

The Galactic Barrier

The Star Trek galaxy explained in the original series what is known as Star Trek 's Galactic Barrier . In the subsequent years, Trekkers have called it by many names ranging from Great Barrier to the Energy Barrier, but there is still much debate and discussion regarding the origin of this energy field that surrounds the Milky Way Galaxy. The origins behind its creation are still hotly debated so it is uncertain whether the Galactic Barrier was created by a natural process or by artificial means. Most of the conventional spaceships that have tried crossing this barrier in the Star Trek universe have often been destroyed with the crew even gaining psychoactive traits while nearing the barrier.

The Andromeda Galaxy

Progressive exploration of the Star Trek galaxy explained that the Milky Way Galaxy is definitely not the final frontier , as several other galaxies lie beyond it, such as the Andromeda Galaxy. This serves as a home for the planet Kelva, the capital of the Kelvan Empire. The Kelvans are highly intelligent shapeshifters. Because of their intellectual superiority, the Kelvans feel that it is their duty to rule over other species. The same galaxy also includes the humanoid species simply known as the Makers, creators of service robots and outposts in both the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxy. The outposts were a residential necessity given how a supernova had destroyed their homeworld.

The Extragalactic Species

The Star Trek galaxy explained that the spanning areas of planets and species that border Star Trek 's Galactic Barrier from the galaxies beyond the Milky Way are still vague in Star Trek canon. Still, some information has been obtained on a few humanoid and non-humanoid extragalactic species. Species 10-C is a major case in point. A highly-advanced non-humanoid race with members much larger than humans, the species is responsible for creating the heavily destructive Dark Matter Anomaly. With their bodies adapted to float in gas layers, Species 10-C belong to a homeworld near the Galactic Barrier. Other such examples of extragalactic species include the "space amoeba" Nacene, the physically fragile Ornithoid, and immortal races like the Q and the Douwd.

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The Center Of The Galaxy

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier reveals the presence of the mythological planet Sha Ka Ree right at the center of the galaxy that doesn't fall under any quadrant. An equivalent of the concept of heaven, Sha Ka Ree is regarded in Vulcan mythology as the realm of all creation. But owing to humankind's fear of exploring the unknown and the second Galactic Barrier, the exact physical nature remains unexplored and is regarded as a mythical entity. It goes to prove how the mysteries of Star Trek 's chief galaxy don't just go beyond its exterior but its very core too.

Multiple Alternate Realities And Timelines

Not only is there several quadrants, but the Star Trek galaxy explained that there are also several alternate timelines in the franchise's world. In the Paramount+ series Picard , there is an alternate reality that completely rewrites Star Trek's history . The movies, from the original series to the Next Generation, take place in what is known as the Prime Universe. The J.J. Abrams movies take place in what is known as the Kelvin Timeline.

Abrams showed this in his movies by having the Kelvin Timeline Spock meet a Spock from a different timeline. This allowed Star Trek to move on with any story it wanted to tell by explaining the characters are from different timelines with new and fresh histories. There is also a Mirror Universe, an alternate timeline ruled by the fascist Terran Empire instead of the Federation. With so many quadrants, they all likely ended up very different in each timeline, making the Star Trek stories endless.

More: Why TOS Never Got A Series Finale Until Star Trek VI

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Published Jan 30, 2017

Starbases of The Federation: From K-7 to Yorktown

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The United Federation of Planets relied on its massive fleet of iconic starships to seek out new worlds in the 23rd and 24th centuries, but its network of starbases and outposts proved just as valuable to the exploration of space and the protection of Federation citizens. Most space stations shared similar roles, such as maintaining the capability to repair starships, but the type and location of each outpost dictated its primary role. While many starbases also included ground-based elements, this piece will only focus on the spaceborne facilities.

star trek place names

Deep Space Station K-7, introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode " The Trouble with Tribbles ," played a vital role in the Sherman's Planet region claimed by the Federation and Klingon Empire. Acting as Starfleet's presence in the area, K-7 also served the tactical purpose of observing the Klingon border and providing storage for the development of Sherman's Planet. As with most starbases, K-7 maintained facilities to entertain weary travelers, Federation officials and even Klingon warriors. The relatively small station still retained the ability to store significant quantities of quadrotriticale, the grain necessary to seed Sherman's Planet and secure the Federation's claim on the world. Thus, Deep Space Station K-7 performed multiple functions, ranging from protecting the border to asserting ownership over territorial gains.

star trek place names

The Federation outpost Regula I worked toward a very specific goal in the Mutara sector during the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . Operated by civilian scientists, the station was tasked with the advancement of the Genesis Project. Regula I's remote location proved a necessity, allowing for discrete and undisturbed research. Due to its classified mission, Regula I did not permit casual guests or publicly announce its true purpose, whereas other Federation starbases tended to do so. The outpost's small size probably meant it had limited starship repair capabilities, if any at all. The U.S.S. Reliant, attached to Regula I as a scout vessel, most likely traveled to other stations for its upkeep.

star trek place names

The massive form of Earth Spacedock easily eclipsed the various starships that docked in its berths and visited Sol III. The station launched new vessels, repaired others and decommissioned obsolete ones while maintaining a detachment of active starships ready to defend Sector 001. Although never canonically stated, Spacedock's size and strategic location seem to indicate its complement also included defensive weaponry for Earth's protection. In this sense, the starbase performed the role of securing a particular region of space, much like K-7. However, the Federation charged Spacedock with the fortifying its very heart rather than the edge of explored space. While the station's status as a shipbuilding facility remains unclear, the U.S.S. Excelsior did undergo tests and early transwarp trials at the starbase.

star trek place names

Stations similar in design to Earth Spacedock, such as Starbases 74, 84, 133, and Lya Station Alpha, appeared numerous times in Star Trek: The Next Generation . Why would Starfleet also construct these large outposts in seemingly innocuous systems rather than only near worlds central to the government? Ironically, the question most likely answers itself. As the regions where the stations were located tended to be away from major population centers, logic dictates that the starbases functioned as hubs for Federation activity in distant but strategically positioned areas. Sectors devoid of core planets require a place to repair starships, offer respite to weary crews, and fortify Starfleet's presence outside of prominent systems such as Vulcan, Andor, Sol, Tellar, Betazed and Trill.

star trek place names

The renowned port of Deep Space 9 changed its mission, and its location, following the joint Federation-Bajoran takeover of the station. Originally known as Terok Nor, a Cardassian ore-processing plant and symbol of occupation, the starbase became the operational center overseeing the rebuilding of Bajor. DS9 soon gained an additional task when Commander Sisko and Lieutenant Dax discovered the stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant in the Denorios belt and moved the station close to the anomaly. Suddenly, the starbase found itself to be an important locale for trade and exploration, welcoming travelers from Qo'noS, Vulcan and beyond.

star trek place names

As the threat from the Dominion increased and a full-scale war erupted, Deep Space 9 earned a reputation for its vital part in guarding the wormhole and preventing reinforcements from entering the Alpha Quadrant. The starbase displayed versatility in taking on additional roles beyond its original mandate to watch over Bajor, also acting as a repair hub for Federation, Klingon and Romulan forces during the war. From refinery to strategic necessity, Deep Space 9 helped to shape the future of Bajor, the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant and the outcome of the Dominion War.

star trek place names

When Cardassian and Dominion forces reoccupied Terok Nor in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode " Call to Arms ," the Federation lost its primary foothold against its foes. Starbase 375's proximity to the combat zone made it the natural fallback position for Starfleet. Otherwise a typical Federation station, Starbase 375's location turned it into a key staging area for starship deployments and Operation Return, the mission to remove the Dominion's presence from Deep Space 9. The progression of the war shifted the purpose of Starbase 375 to an unexpected trajectory, again displaying the adaptability required for Federation stations to operate at maximum efficiency.

star trek place names

A highlight of the film Star Trek Beyond , Starbase Yorktown proved to be a visually stunning marvel of technology. Easily the largest Starfleet facility ever depicted, the intricate structure houses millions of inhabitants and serves every duty imaginable. Located near uncharted space and the Necro Cloud nebula, Starbase Yorktown resupplies vessels, conducts repairs, builds new starships, acts as a home for crews and their families, dispatches missions of exploration, flies the Federation flag in the region and maintains defensive armaments. With its sprawling arms covered in cityscapes, interior tunnels funneling starships to their births and awe-inspiring transparent exterior, Yorktown represents the peak of Starfleet engineering. In addition to its variety of practical uses, Starbase Yorktown also helps the Federation avoid diplomatic incidents between new members by being positioned in interstellar space, rather than on the surface of a particular planet.

Without a reliable system of starbases, Federation vessels would not be able to function in deep space for extended periods of time. Starships receive most of the glory, but these stations offer safe harbors and defensible locales upon which the fleet relies. Whether orbiting Earth, overlooking the Bajoran wormhole, or sitting on the edge of the frontier, starbases ensure that crews always have a home away from home to visit.

Jay Stobie is a science fiction writer who admits he has a perfectly normal obsession with Star Trek. He can be found on Twitter at @CaptStobie .

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15 Star Trek planets you need to visit this year (pictures)

Can't wait for the upcoming Star Trek flick? Maybe you should make plans for which planets you'll visit during your gap year after graduating from Starfleet.


"Star Trek Beyond," the next installment in the series of reboot films, sees the Enterprise crew trapped on a mysterious planet. The movie is set to be released July 22 in the US and UK and July 21 in Australia.

If that planet is anything like these classic Trek worlds, we absolutely cannot wait.

Let's start with Risa: tropical luxury resorts, miles of pristine beaches, steam pools and subterranean gardens, and more than 200 very, very accommodating Nuvian masseuses...


Risa: Yeah, there are beaches too

And no weapons allowed. Risa gets the nickname "The Pleasure Planet" for good reason. (Editors' note: The "Star Trek" TV series is a property of CBS, which also owns CNET.)


Depending on which timeline you're in, Vulcan may have been destroyed, or may be about to be destroyed. If at all possible, we recommend seeing it while you still can.


Vulcan: Get it while it's hot

Make sure to check out the lava pools, active volcanos, religious buildings, and the iconic Fire Plains. Oh, and pack light clothing: They don't say things are "hot as Vulcan" for nothing.


If you're feeling a little lonely, look no further than Trill, a planet where there are two beings for every one person. We're talking about some mighty welcoming symbiotes, but the pluses don't end there...


Trill: Look familiar?

Yes, the oceans are purple, but if you squint, it looks remarkably like Earth. (If you squint very hard, you may notice a passing resemblance to the Huntington gardens in Pasadena, California.) Plan a visit to the Caves of Mak'ala and a hike through the ice cliffs of Tenaran.


Ba'ku is a lush planet with rolling hills, sparkling lakes, and exciting local wildlife. But its most important feature is one that's not on the surface...


... Metaphasic rings that regenerate health and give inhabitants eternal life and inexplicable sexiness. The veins of kelbonite in the mountains make transporting off-world difficult, so be sure to snag a ticket for the ferry.

Pollux IV

Architecture buffs will get a kick out of Pollux IV, where the Greek gods retreated after the people of Earth stopped worshipping them. Their species died out after an encounter with Captain Kirk, but they left their stunning buildings behind for tourists to enjoy.


Plan the timing of your visit to Meridian very, very carefully. Every 60 years, Meridian undergoes a quantum energy shift that transforms inhabitants from physical beings to incorporeal consciousnesses. You really don't want to be there when they're shifting back into energy...


Meridian: Fabulous food

However, visitors shouldn't miss the chance to participate in the "First Meal" and "Last Meal" celebrations the locals use to mark their return to corporeal forms.


Andoria is just a short trip from Vulcan. Unfortunately, you'll need to pack an entirely new wardrobe: It's an ice moon. If you visit in the summer, temperatures should hover around a pleasant -22 degrees Fahrenheit...


Andoria: True blue natives

Pack your skis for some unforgettable trips down the mountain on the surface, and cozy up with your first mate (or your favorite blue-skinned native) in some of the romantic underground caves that are popular with honeymooners.


The sacred Klingon planet is the location of the Boreth monastery, where according to Klingon tradition, the warrior Kahless (or just his " Next Generation " clone) would return to lead the people.


Boreth: Don't miss the temples

When you're done touring the temples, pay a visit to the lava caves.


Omicron Ceti III

On this planet, you'll find complete happiness and contentment, thanks to a native species of spore. The spores also protect inhabitants from Berthold rays, which once killed everyone and everything on the planet.

Omicron Ceti III

Omicron Ceti III: You'll never want to leave!

Make sure you have a friend who's willing to pull you out if you get a little too content.


Another tropical paradise floating through space, Eden is an incredibly peaceful planet. That's largely because it has no native animal species, including humans. The local trees, grasses, and other flora are stunning to look at, but be warned: Everything is acidic and causes severe burns. Look, don't touch, on this one.

Ceti Alpha VI

Ceti Alpha VI

Not to be confused with Ceti Alpha V, Ceti Alpha VI is home to an important piece of Starfleet technological history. It is the Genesis Planet, where terraforming technology was deployed to make it inhabitable once again. Admittedly, that only happened after a minor incident with a man named...


Ceti Alpha VI: You've got one guy to thank

Argelius II

Argelius II

Sick leave is no joke in Starfleet. If you're lucky, you may get assigned to recover on Argelius II. Its government is based entirely on love, which has led to some bureaucratic inefficiencies, but makes it ideal for a relaxing trip. Don't miss the dancing girls in the local cafes. The local prefect assures us that the murderous incorporeal entity that once plagued the planet has definitely moved on!

Sigma Iotia II

Sigma Iotia II

Get your zoot suit dry cleaned and your tommy gun oiled: Sigma Iotia II is best known as the "gangster planet." The native Iotians, who are not yet warp-capable, accidentally got their hands on an Earth textbook called "Chicago Mobs of the Twenties." Today, the entire planet is a replica of Prohibition-era Chicago. Make sure to ask the locals to show you how to play Fizzbin.



If you happen to get your hands on a Bajoran time cube, be sure to pay a visit to the Vaskan-Kyrian homeworld 700 years from now. The planet is home to the Kyrian Heritage Museum, where you can retrace the steps of the original Voyager mission to broker peace between the Vaskans and Kyrians. Thanks to The Doctor's input, it has been updated to more accurately reflect the exact sequence of events.


A planet eternally plunged into darkness may not sound like a vacation hot spot, but Dakala is home to a wide variety of bioluminescent plants and animals. Pack your night-vision goggles and enjoy the hot gases that vent from the planet's core.

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A list of starships by:

  • 1 Affiliation
  • 3.1 See Also
  • 3.2 External link

Affiliation [ ]

  • Andorian starships
  • Borg starships
  • Cardassian starships
  • Dominion starships
  • Earth starships
  • Federation starships
  • Ferengi starships
  • Klingon starships
  • Romulan starships
  • Vulcan starships

Appendices [ ]

See also [ ].

  • Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships

External link [ ]

  • Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others at The STArchive
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Calypso (episode)

List of Star Trek Starfleet starships

This is a list of Federation starships from the Star Trek universe. The list is organized first by ship class , then registration number , name , and finally where that vessel was referenced. These vessels appear or are mentioned in the original Star Trek series ( TOS ), Star Trek: The Animated Series ( TAS ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( DS9 ), Star Trek: Voyager ( VOY ), Star Trek: Enterprise ( ENT ), Star Trek: Discovery ( DSC ), the Star Trek films , Star Trek games , and Star Trek literature . This list tries to avoid using information found in Star Trek fan fiction . Many of the sources for this list are considered non-canon and the list relies heavily on the non-canon The Star Trek Encyclopedia . [1]

Akira class

Ambassador class, andromeda class, antares class, apollo class, archer class, bradbury class, cardenas class, centaur class, challenger class, cheyenne class, chimera class, columbia class, constellation class, constitution class, crossfield class, daedalus class, defiant class, deneva class, dreadnought class, einstein class, engle class, erewhon class, excelsior class, freedom class, galaxy class, galen class, hokule‘a class, hoover class, intrepid class, istanbul class, korolev class, magee class, malachowski class, mediterranean class, merced class, merian class, miranda class, mulciber class, nebula class, new orleans class, niagara class, nimitz class, norway class, oberth class, odyssey class, olympic class, prometheus class, renaissance class, rigel class, saber class, sequoia class, shepard class, sovereign class, soyuz class, springfield class, freedom class (kelvin timeline), steamrunner class, surak class, sydney class, theophrastus class, universe class, vesta class, walker class, wambundu class, wells class, yorkshire class, zodiac class, undetermined class, non-starships and support vessels, danube class runabout, peregrine class fighter, yellowstone class runabout, shuttlecraft.

Named for Greek mythological figure and nearby Andromeda Galaxy .

Named for star Antares .

Named for the ancient Greek solar deity and the American Apollo program ( NASA ).

Scout ship introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series tie-in novel series Star Trek: Vanguard and its follow-up Star Trek: Seekers . Retroactively named after Captain Jonathan Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise .

Name honors science fiction author Ray Bradbury .

Named for United States Air Force brigadier general Robert Cardenas .

Named for the mythical chimaera .

In the script of the TNG episode " The Battle ," Geordi La Forge identified the Stargazer as a Constitution Class, but it was dubbed to Constellation after the script was changed.

Named for the USS Constitution . (The TOS USS Enterprise dedication plaque refers to this ship class as the "Starship Class".)

Constitution class refit

Ostensibly a refit of the Constitution class, this ship is referred to as " Enterprise class" in Andrew G. Probert's non-canon Star Trek The Motion Picture: 14 Official Blueprints . [52] [53]

Named for American naval officer and test pilot Albert Scott Crossfield who became the first human to fly at twice the speed of sound.

Named for an iconic figure from Greek mythology .

Named for the fictional planet in the TOS episode " Operation: Annihilate! ".

Named for Albert Einstein

Named for American test pilot and astronaut Joe Engle who test-flew the joint NASA–Air Force North American X-15 rocket airplane and the space shuttle Enterprise before eventually commanding the space shuttle Columbia .

This fictional spacecraft design was introduced to the Star Trek sci-fi universe in 1984.

The name may have been supposed to honor the space station that was later simply called ISS .

Presumably named for the Polynesian waʻa kaulua replica

Named for United States Air Force fighter pilot Bob Hoover who revolutionized modern aerobatic flying and in many aviation circles has been described as one of the greatest pilots ever to have lived.

Named for the most populous city in Turkey .

Named for spacecraft designer Sergey Korolyov .

Featured in the Star Trek: Titan novels. All known Luna -class starships were named after moons in the Sol System.

Named for Royal Canadian Air Force fighter pilot and poet John Gillespie Magee Jr.

Named for United States Air Force pilot Nicole Malachowski who became the first female member of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds .

Named for the character in the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare . Also the name of a moon .

Name (in universe) denotes astronomical phenomenon and (real world) pays tribute to the Nebula Award for science fiction writing.

Named for the City of New Orleans . Designated as frigates .

Named for World War II Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz

Ships are named for the NASA Space Shuttle orbiters .

Named after the rocket scientist Hermann Oberth .

Introduced in Star Trek Online .

This class is sometimes erroneously named " Hope class" from an early version of the dedication plaque from the USS Pasteur . [1]

Named for the star Rigel .

Named for American astronaut Alan Shepard who became the first American to travel into space.

Named for the Soviet spacecraft

Named for Vulcan philosopher Surak .

Introduced in Star Trek: Destiny and first visualized in Star Trek Online .

The class was named for NASA test pilot Joe Walker .

Named in honor of science fiction author H. G. Wells .

[ citation needed ]

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Runabout (<i>Star Trek</i>) Starship class in Star Trek

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USS <i>Enterprise</i> (NCC-1701-D) Fictional starship from Star Trek

USS Enterprise – NCC-1701-D is a 24th-century starship in the fictional Star Trek universe and the principal setting of the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. The Enterprise -D also appears in the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ("Emissary"), the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise , and the movie Star Trek Generations .

<i>Enterprise</i> (NX-01) Fictional spacecraft from Star Trek: Enterprise

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Star Trek is an American media franchise based on the science-fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, called Star Trek and now known as " The Original Series " , debuted on September 8, 1966 and aired for three seasons on NBC. It followed the voyages of the starship USS Enterprise on its five-year mission, the purpose of which was "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!". The USS Enterprise was a space exploration vessel built by the United Federation of Planets in the 23rd century. The Star Trek canon includes the Original Series , an animated series, five spin-off television series, the film franchise, and further adaptations in several media.

The Star Trek franchise features many spacecraft. Various space vessels make up the primary settings of the Star Trek television series, films, and expanded universe; others help advance the franchise's stories. Throughout the franchise's production, spacecraft have been depicted by numerous physical and computer-generated models. Producers worked to balance often tight budgets with the need to depict convincing, futuristic vessels.

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Star Trek: First Contact . November 22, 1996.
  • 1 2 3 " Tribunal ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Tin Man ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Yesterday's Enterprise ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 " Redemption, *Part II ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Non Sequitur ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " You Are Cordially Invited... ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Second Chances ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Defiant ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 " Conspiracy ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " Emissary ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Data's Day ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Hollow Pursuits ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Apocalypse Rising ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Charlie X ". Star Trek . NBC. In Star Trek: The Motion Picture , NCC-501 is also referred to as "Columbia" (this takes place right before V'Ger attacks the outpost).
  • 1 2 3 " Descent, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Tapestry ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Where No One Has Gone Before ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Lower Decks ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Ménage à Troi ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Brothers ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ Dibdin, Emma (May 8, 2013). " ' Star Trek Into Darkness': 10 teasers for JJ Abrams sequel – Spoilers" . Digital Spy. Archived from the original on December 13, 2013 . Retrieved May 24, 2013 .
  • ↑ " Choose Your Pain ". Star Trek: Discovery .
  • ↑ " The War Without, The War Within ". Star Trek: Discovery .
  • 1 2 " A Time to Stand ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Firstborn ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " The Die is Cast ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Night ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Too Short a Season ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Treachery, Faith, and the Great River ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Peak Performance ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Favor the Bold ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Battle ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Elementary, Dear Data ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Identity Crisis ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 " In the Pale Moonlight ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Doomsday Machine ". Star Trek . October 20, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Tholian Web ". Star Trek . November 15, 1968. NBC .
  • ↑ " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I ". Star Trek: Enterprise . April 22, 2005. UPN .
  • ↑ " Mirror, Mirror ". Star Trek . October 6, 1967. NBC .
  • 1 2 3 4 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . Paramount Pictures . June 1, 1984.
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek (film) . Paramount Pictures . May 8, 2009.
  • 1 2 Star Trek Beyond
  • 1 2 3 4 " The Ultimate Computer ". Star Trek . March 8, 1968. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Omega Glory ". Star Trek . March 1, 1968. NBC .
  • 1 2 " Obsession ". Star Trek . December 15, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " The Immunity Syndrome ". Star Trek . January 19, 1968. NBC .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country . Paramount Pictures . December 6, 1991.
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek: The Motion Picture . Paramount Pictures . December 7, 1979.
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Official Blueprints" . CBS Paramount . Archived from the original on February 6, 2007 . Retrieved September 13, 2016 . The refitted Enterprise is more powerful than any vessel in Starfleet because of its linear inter-mix chamber, which not only boosts the magnatomic-initiator stage of the new nacelles, but also fires directly into the deflection crystal of the new nacelles. (...) CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown ( link )
  • ↑ "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Official Blueprints" . CBS Paramount . Archived from the original on February 6, 2007 . Retrieved September 13, 2016 . Normally patrolling in "packs" of three, the cruisers are deadly for a single Federation starship. The new Enterprise class, however, promises to even those odds. CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown ( link )
  • ↑ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .
  • ↑ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .
  • ↑ Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home .
  • ↑ " Context is for Kings ". Star Trek: Discovery . October 1, 2017.
  • ↑ " The Return of the Archons ". Star Trek . February 9, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " Friday's Child ". Star Trek . December 8, 1967. NBC .
  • ↑ " Power Play ". Star Trek: The Next Generation . February 24, 1992.
  • ↑ " The Search ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Changing Face of Evil ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Dogs of War ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " What You Leave Behind ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Valiant ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Legacy ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Reunion ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ "Exclusive Interview: Roberto Orci On All The Latest With Star Trek (and more)" . TrekMovie.com . Retrieved October 4, 2014 .
  • 1 2 " Paradise ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Caretaker ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 16, 1995. UPN .
  • ↑ " Shattered ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 17, 2001. UPN .
  • ↑ " Angel One ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Chain of Command, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Neutral Zone ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " The Pegasus ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ Ritual Entertainment. Star Trek: Elite Force II .
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek Generations . Paramount Pictures . November 18, 1994.
  • 1 2 3 " Flashback ". Star Trek: Voyager . September 11, 1996. UPN .
  • ↑ " Statistical Probabilities ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Chrysalis ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Relativity ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 " The Most Toys ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Field of Fire ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Encounter at Farpoint, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " Sacrifice of Angels ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " Tears of the Prophets ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 Star Trek Nemesis . Paramount Pictures . December 13, 2002.
  • ↑ " Sins of the Father ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Paradise Lost ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " For the Uniform ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Homefront ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " Unnatural Selection ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Unity ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • 1 2 3 4 " All Good Things... (Star Trek: The Next Generation) ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Endgame ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Timeless ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Favor the Bold ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Far Beyond the Stars ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 4 " The Jem'Hadar ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " The Way of the Warrior, Part II ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Where Silence Has Lease ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Contagion ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Datalore ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Unification, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Schizoid Man ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Lessons ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " In Purgatory's Shadow ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Vengeance Factor ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " We'll Always Have Paris ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Best of Both Worlds, Part I ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Clues ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " 11001001 ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Night Terrors ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . Paramount Pictures . June 4, 1982.
  • ↑ " In the Cards ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ Okuda, Michael & Okuda, Denise with Mirek, Debbie (1994). The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Guide to the Future . Pocket Books. p.   342. ISBN   978-0-671-86905-2 . CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( link )
  • ↑ Bernd Schneider (January 11, 2018). "Proto-Nebula Class Reconstruction" . Ex Astris Scientia . Retrieved January 16, 2019 .
  • 1 2 " Message in a Bottle ". Star Trek: Voyager . January 14, 1998. UPN.
  • 1 2 " ...Nor the Battle to the Strong ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 3 " Interface ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Waltz ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Sarek ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Defector ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " The Wounded ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Second Sight ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ Star Trek Destiny - Gods of Night
  • ↑ " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Adversary ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Tribunal ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Ensign Ro ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 3 " Equinox ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Endgame ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 " Affliction ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • 1 2 " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 1 ". Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • ↑ " A Fistful of Datas ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Drumhead ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Naked Now ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Realm of Fear ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Frame of Mind ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Hero Worship ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Icarus Factor ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Melora ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ novel Ship of the Line by Diane Carey
  • ↑ T'Pol confirms this to Hoshi Sato as the Vulcans' reason for first landing there on April 5, 2063, in Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Desert Crossing" .
  • ↑ " Cause and Effect ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • 1 2 " Relics ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Playing God ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Azati Prime ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • 1 2 " The Arsenal of Freedom ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Force of Nature ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Ethics ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Inside Man ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Terra Nova ". Star Trek: Enterprise .
  • ↑ " A Time to Stand ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Survival Instinct ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • 1 2 3 4 " Whispers ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Sound of Her Voice ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Raven ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Infinite Regress ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " The Siege of AR-558 ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Future's End Pt.1 ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " Afterimage ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Penumbra ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • 1 2 " Past Prologue ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Q-Less ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Armageddon Game ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Our Man Bashir ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " One Little Ship ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Change of Heart ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Body Parts ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Battle Lines ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " By Inferno's Light ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " The Maquis, Part II ". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • ↑ " Future Tense ". Star Trek: Enterprise . UPN.
  • ↑ Okuda, Michael & Rick Sternbach (1991). Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual . New York: Pocket Books. ISBN   978-0-671-70427-8 .
  • 1 2 " The Galileo Seven ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • 1 2 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier .
  • ↑ Star Trek: Insurrection .
  • ↑ " Parallels ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Life Line ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Unimatrix Zero ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Drive ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Samartian Snare ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Time Squared ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Rascals ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Journey to Babel ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ Sarek & Amanda arriving
  • ↑ shuttle landing
  • ↑ " Metamorphosis ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle in flight
  • ↑ " The Immunity Syndrome ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle on hangar deck
  • ↑ " The Way to Eden ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle on "Eden"
  • ↑ " The Host ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " Suspicions ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Outcast ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Mind's Eye ". Star Trek: The Next Generation .
  • ↑ " The Menagerie: Part One ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ Starbase 11 shuttle in flight
  • ↑ " Threshold ". Star Trek: Voyager . UPN.
  • ↑ " Day of Honor ". Star Trek: Voyager .
  • ↑ " The Doomsday Machine ". Star Trek: The Original Series .
  • ↑ shuttle taking off
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Star Trek Name Generator & Backstories

“Ensign Lachlan Blackford, reporting for duty ma’am!” “You don’t need to announce yourself every time you report for galley duty, Lachlan. We all know you here. Now grab a tray and start collecting those empties.”

Nezra Kisud

Pintol Ecki

Goniam Miavud

Gerf Goxect

Vraryeld Rhazkani

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

Robert berg.

  • Last update: January 23, 2023
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Table of Contents

Star Trek is an expansive universe with a wide variety of sentient species inhabiting planets across and within multiple quadrants of space. These differences are physical, cultural, and technological as well!

When choosing names for Star Trek characters you should take into account the culture the individual was raised in, as well as their species and political affiliation.

Good Star Trek Names

Good Star Trek names reflect the culture and backstory of the individual possessing it.

  • Zared Nylund
  • Liam Haught
  • Xavier Thoran
  • Benedict Armiger
  • Walker Bucanan
  • Rory Lavigne
  • Zivven Vasser
  • Odessa Frakes
  • Skye Tronstad
Winona Bucanan Winona has recently graduated from Starfleet Academy and is working toward the position of ship’s counsellor. She excels in the academic setting, but will she manage to maintain the high standards she requires of herself when faced with the messy reality of fieldwork?
  • Karina Irani
  • Eloise Vanlith
  • Zorina Kader
  • Iria Basset
  • Yvone Castillon
  • Grisoan th’Main
  • Yevak th’Rressa
  • Thelev ch’Shishria
  • Kenga ch’Arhin
Thisoan ch’Vrothi Thisoan is fascinated with Federation technology. It was the reason he joined StarFleet. The first time he saw a starship? Revelatory. Though sometimes he feels a bit betrayed at how hard he has to work to understand it all.
  • Tura ch’Mais

Female Star Trek Names

Female naming conventions usually vary with culture, so be sure to do some research for ideas!

  • Elyssa Holtz
  • Bianca Graydon
  • Yvone Hames
  • Felicia Carthen
  • Karla Rhyne
  • Luna Bentzen
  • Regine Linkovich
  • Jala Faulknen
  • Heather Kingston
Shavand zh’Koria Shavand loves the hands on possibilities of being a science officer on an exploratory vessel. There always seems to be a good fight on away missions to new places, either against local flora and fauna or the elements. She enjoys it a bit too much, perhaps.
  • Krani sh’Egdas
  • Yevak sh’Resa
  • Kori sh’Vressa
  • Thoria zh’Fochi
  • Makbar Mosesk
  • Ular Ghemarr
  • Siana Telle
Kora Eltal Junior Communications Officer Kora Eltal talks too fast. She always has. But how else is she supposed to fit in learning all of the languages in the Federation? There’s so little time and so much to do! And say!
  • Nasian Zara

Male Star Trek Names

Male naming conventions usually vary with culture, so be sure to do some research for ideas!

  • Jet Forgrave
  • Valen Kader
  • Hawk Rackham
  • Newton Wyrick
  • Baen Galven
  • Ewan Haught
  • Vaughn Hewett
  • Flynn Avison
  • Anleth ch’Faire
Owen Bechtel Owen dreams of having his own command one day. He’s still an ensign, still working the lower decks, but he says yes to everything and takes every opportunity to stand out. It’s caused some interesting situations, to say the least, but he’s not discouraged yet!
  • Thani th’Vrosia
  • Shaalim ch’Regda
  • Mara ch’Irias
  • Shrallev th’Kerria
  • Kovat Tajak
  • Tekov Darhem
  • R’Kasa
R’Tara R’Tara was not prepared for the realities of life in cetacean ops, but working on navigation was what she loved and what she lives for, so she’s adapted. She still hopes one day to sit at the helm proper, so until that happens she’s happy to keep working in the depths of the ship.
  • Ka’Klaa
  • Ri’To
  • Ka’Ka

What is your favorite thing about Star Trek? Which series was the first one you ever watched? Who is your favorite character? What made you want to play in the universe? Let us know in the comments below!

Picture of Robert Berg

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Great Dog Names From Star Trek: May Your Puppy Live Long and Prosper

Dog Names From Star Trek  by Janice Jones   

Updated 04-13-2023

You don't need to be a Trekkie to love the names that have come from the long standing Star Trek Series that included both movies and iconic television series. 

Both movies and TV series have created a legacy that spans generations encouraging viewers to visualize a life  where no man has gone before.

Wiki image of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek

Long Standing and Still Hugely Popular

When I named two of my first dogs, Geordi and Tasha, I had no idea people would still fall in love with dog names based on Star Trek.

What I found amazing was the number of television series, movies and animated shows that follow the Star Trek theme.  An entire industry has grown up around the Star Trek franchise.

Just in case you have forgotten some of the movies or TV series, I've added them here.

The Original Series 1966–1969 TV series Star Trek: The Animated Series 1973–1974 (TV series) Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979 (Movie) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 (Movie) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984 (Movie) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 (Movie) Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 (Movie) Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991 (Movie) Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987–1994 TV (Movie) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1993–1999 TV (Movie) Star Trek Generations 1994 (Movie) Star Trek: Voyager 1995–2001 (TV series) Star Trek: First Contact 1996 (Movie) Star Trek: Insurrection 1998 (Movie) Star Trek: Nemesis 2002 (Movie) Star Trek: Enterprise 2001–2005 (TV Series) Star Trek (2009) 2009 (Movie) Star Trek Into Darkness 2013 (Movie) Star Trek Beyond 2016 (Movie) Star Trek: Discovery 2017–present (TV series) Star Trek: Short Treks 2018–2020 (TV series) Star Trek: Picard 2020–present (TV series) Star Trek: Lower Decks 2020–present ((TV series) Star Trek: Prodigy 2021–present (TV series) Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2022–present (TV series)

Finding the Best Dog Names From Star Trek

It's not hard to find names, but what makes the best name for your dog?

  • Is it your favorite character?
  • Is it one that rolls well over your tongue?
  • Is it short and sweet?
  • Does your dog remind you of a particular character?
  • All of the above?

Female Dog Names From Star Trek Characters

Airiam - Lt. Commander and Science Officer of USS Discovery

Ayala - Helmsman, security and former Maquis on the USS Voyager

Alynna - Alynna Nechayev, the admiral of Starfleet

Ash - Ash Tyler the Chief Security in Star Trek (Discovery)

B'Elanna  - B'Elanna Torres a human and Klingon hybrid lieutenant and former Maquis

Beverly - Beverly Crusher, the Doctor onboard the Enterprise;  Either Bev, Beverly or Crusher might work

Chell - the Engineering Officer in Voyager

Deanna - Deanna Troi, the ship's counselor 

Degra - Xindi scientist in Enterprise

Evek - a Cardassian in Deep Space Nine

Gabrielle - Gabby for short,  Intelligence Operative and Astrophysicist

Guinan  -Whoopi Goldberg's character on The Next Generation

Hoshi (Japanese origin) - The Com Officer on the  

Janeway - Captain of the Voyager (Voyager)

Jadzia - Jadzia Dax, A Joined Trill and officer (Deep Space Nine) Either Jadzia or Dax would be a good name

Kasidy - Kasidy Yates is a freighter captain and friend to Captain Sisko  (Deep Space 9)

Keiko (Japanese origin)  wife of Miles O'Brien, botanist and school teacher (Deep Space Nine) 

Kes - Medic in the USS Star Trek Voyager

Keyla - Keyla Detmer, the Helmsman in Discovery

Kira - Kira Nerys, a Bajoran in DS9. Either Kira or Nerys would make a great dog name

Kimara - a Romulan Representative and  Senator in (Deep Space Nine)

Leeta - a Bajoran on Deep Space 9

Li - Li Nalas, the Bajoran Liaison Officer in DS9

Lwaxana - Betazoid and mother of Dianna Troi

Molly - Molly O'Brien, the daughter of  Miles and Keiko O'Brien on the Enterprise (already a popular dog name)

Mora - Mora Pol, a Bajoran scientist in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Ro - Bajorian and helmsman on The Next Generation

Sela - Romulan officer in Star Trek: The Next Generation. 

Seska - a Cardassian in Voyager

Soji - Soji Asha, a Romulan Anthropologist in the Reclamation Site

Tal - Tal Celes, a Bajoran crewman on the USS Voyager.

Tasha - Natasha Yar, the chief of security before Worf

T'Pol - the first Vulcan Starfleet officer (Enterprise)

Uhura - Nyota Uhura is the Communications Officer in the original Star Trek Series

Male Dog Names From Star Trek characters

Alexander - the son of the Klingon, Worf and a member of the House of Mogh

Azan - a civilian passenger in the USS Voyager

Bashir - Doctor Julian Bashir, the chief medical officer on Deep Space Nine

Bareil - a Bajoran Religious Leader (Deep Space Nine)

Bones - nickname for Dr Leonard McCoy (Original Star Trek

Boothby - the civilian groundskeeper at Starfleet Academy (Star Trek, The Next Generation)

Boimler - Ensign on the USS Cerritos

Brunt - a Civilian resident on Ferengi

Bryce  - a Lieutenant in USS Discovery

Chakotay - First officer and former Maquis on the USS Voyager

Christopher - (Chris for short) Christopher Pike, the first captain of Enterprise

Data - the sentient A.I. and Chief Operations Office Star Trek, The Next Generation

Doctor - the sarcastic medical hologram

Dolim - the Xindi-Reptilian Commander of the Xindi Council

Dukat - Religious Cardassia Leader

Elim - Elim Garak, a Cardassian in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Elnor - Romulin Starfleet Cadet on the

Ezri - Ezri Dax, a Trill Counselor in DS9

Evek - Cardassian Commanding Officer of CMS Vetar

Geordi LaForge - chief engineer in the Star Trek: Next Generation

Harry - Harry Kim, the ensign and friend of Paris (Enterprise)

Hikaru or Sulu (Japanese origin) - captain of the Excelsior and starred in the original Star Trek Series

Jake - son of Captain Sisko in Deep Space Nine

Jet - Jet Reno is the chief engineer of the USS Hiawatha (Discovery)

Jean-Luc - Jean Luc Picard (any of those names would make a great dog name - the commanding officer, a diplomat, and a scholar. (Next Generation)

Jonathan - Jonathan Archer (Jon or Archer both make great dog names)

Julian - Julian Bashir; Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine. Bashir would also make a great dog name.

Khan - a human that controlled the earth during the "Eugenics Wars" shows up in a number of TV series and movies including the Wrath of Khan 

Kirk - James Kirk, the original Captain of the Enterprise

McCoy  - the doctor, in the original series

Miles - Miles O'Brien the chief engineer in the Next Generation and then Deep Space Nine

Mudd - human smuggler that shows up in various settings (TOS, TAS, DSC, ST)

Neelix - Talaxian and Chef on USS Voyager

Nog - Feringi cadet and ensign and nephew to Quark (Deep Space Nine)

Odo - Shape-shifter and chief of security on Deep Space 9

Pavel - Pavel Chekov one of the members of the original Enterprise crew. (Chekov also works as a dog name)

Phlox - a medical officer.

Q - a character from the Continuium that shows up in several Star Trek series (DS9, TNG, Voyager and Picard)

Quark - Ferengi and Bar Owner on Deep Space Nine

Reginald - Reginald Barclay, Reggie for Short, an Engineering Officer in the Enterprise

Riker - Number One officer of the Enterprise (Next Generation)

Rom  - the Ferengi, is Quark’s younger brother in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Sarek - Spock's Father in various movies and TV series.

Scotty - engineer of the Enterprise. A great dog name but don't try to use it to register your Scottish Terrier with AKC .

Sisko - Benjamin Sisko, the commander of Deep Space Nine

Spock - The Vulcan and science officer of Enterprise. (The original Star Trek series and in many subsequent movies.

Soval - the Vulcan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek: Enterprise.

Spot - Data's pet cat in the Next Generation and some films

Travis - Travis Mayweather, navigator and helmsman on the Enterprise

Trip - nickname of Charles Tucker III, the right-hand man of Archer.

Tuvok  - Vulcan friend of Captain Janeway l

Wesley - Wes for short, Wesley Crusher

Worf - Klingon lieutenant on TNG and DS9

Zek - a Ferengi in Deep Space 9

Dog Names From Star Trek Vocabulary

Warp (warp speed - a great name for a fast dog)

Beam (beam me up); a dog that likes to be on your lap

Cloak (cloaking device) a dog that likes to hide

Phaser - a guard dog?

Tribble - a super cute furry dog

Logic - a highly intelligent dog

Commander, Ensign, Lieutenant, Major: top dogs

Dabo - Frengi game played at Quark's bar;  Dabo Girl for a female dog

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (Quadrants)

Dog Names From Star Trek Alien Species and Worlds

Romulan (Romulus)

Bajor (Bagoran)

Remus (Reman)

Benzite (Benzar)

Xindi (Xindus)

Risa (vacation destination) - a very playful puppy

Tellar (Tellarites)

Pollux IV (Pollux for short)

What Dog Names From Star Trek Did I Forget?

There is so much vocabulary, so many main characters and guest stars, and alien worlds associated with Star Trek that I am absolutely sure I have forgotten some.  Can you help?

If you are a Trekkie, please take a moment to contact me with your ideas and I will gladly add your suggestions as soon as possible.  Thanks for your help.

Pin for Future Reference

Dog Names from Star Trek Pin Image

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About Janice (author and voice behind this site)

Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, Janice served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.

Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master's in Mental Health Counseling.

She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu, but she has also lived with Poodles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Beagles, English Bulldogs, Carin Terriers, and a Cocker Spaniel.

When not writing, reading, and researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, husband, and family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu and Smart-Knit-Crocheting

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  1. List of Star Trek regions of space

    The Delphic Expanse, commonly abbreviated as "the Expanse", is the setting for the entire third season of Star Trek: Enterprise, first aired in 2003 and 2004.. The Expanse is about 2000 light years across, surrounded by thick thermobaric clouds.Its edge is located about 50 light-years from Earth.It is the home of the previously unknown hostile races collectively known as the Xindi, but the ...

  2. List of Star Trek planets (A-B)

    The fictional universe of the Star Trek canon, ... Alpha Cygnus IX - Ninth planet of Alpha Cygni, the classical Bayer-format name for the star more commonly known as Deneb. ... Boreth - The most sacred place of Klingons (pronounced "bore-OTH") where Kahless was supposed to return. It hosted a monastery for clerics keeping watch until his ...

  3. Top 10 Star Trek Destinations Chosen by NASA Scientists

    An icy "M-class" (Star Trek's term for "Earth-like") moon of a much larger planet—a gas giant—that is home to soft-spoken humanoids with blue skin, white hair and stylish antennae. A bit of a dust-up takes place in the original Star Trek series when an Orion poses as an Andorian during an ambassadorial mission ("Journey to Babel").

  4. Category:Star Trek locations

    Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate

  5. 10 great sites for a 'Star Trek' pilgrimage

    Valley of Fire State Park. Nevada. This stunning sandstone park near Las Vegas attracts mountain bikers, hikers and devotees of the 1994 Star Trek: Generations film, who recognize it as the alien ...

  6. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    The Star Trek galaxy explained that apart from the Romulans and the different versions of the Klingons, the Beta Quadrant's highlight is Vulcan, the native planet of Spock and other members of the Vulcan species.Multiple Star Trek encyclopedias suggest that Vulcan is located in a Sector of the same name within the Beta Quadrant. The 2002 publication Star Trek Charts also estimates Vulcan's ...

  7. Star Trek Locations: Planets and Moons

    Surrounded by exogenic field with high gravimetric stresses and composed of subspace meatreon radiation, generated by unstable elements in the planet's core. DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice". <Unnamed> Planet, Chin'Toka. Third planet. Point defense with Cardassian weapons platform.

  8. Category:Planets

    Planets are celestial bodies orbiting a star or stars. Most intelligent species evolved and still live on planets, including their respective homeworlds and colonies.For more information, please see the main article about planets.. The following is a list of all planets - more specific lists are linked to from the main article.

  9. Startrekmap.com

    03-24: Relaunch. Getting started on startrekmap.com 2.0. I'm still in the idea & design phase, stay tuned for more! 05-12: Travel Calculator Laurie Brown created a Travel Calculator for the Star Trek Universe based on my maps, you can use it on her website.. 05-12: Update Marathon Part III

  10. Starbases of The Federation: From K-7 to Yorktown

    Deep Space Station K-7, introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Trouble with Tribbles," played a vital role in the Sherman's Planet region claimed by the Federation and Klingon Empire.Acting as Starfleet's presence in the area, K-7 also served the tactical purpose of observing the Klingon border and providing storage for the development of Sherman's Planet.

  11. 15 Star Trek planets you need to visit this year (pictures)

    Risa. "Star Trek Beyond," the next installment in the series of reboot films, sees the Enterprise crew trapped on a mysterious planet. The movie is set to be released July 22 in the US and UK and ...

  12. star trek

    The origins of most Klingon place names are not known, having been lost to history. Sometimes, however, the meaning of a place name is clear, such as the Sakrej region's {HuD beQ yoS} ("Flat Mountain district") and, of course, {veng wa'DIch} ("First City"). ... none of the major locations mentioned in the canon Star Trek universe have their ...

  13. How to Watch Star Trek in Order: The Complete Series Timeline

    1. Star Trek: Enterprise (2151-2155) Star Trek: Enterprise is the earliest entry on our list as it takes place a hundred years before the adventures of Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew of ...

  14. List of Star Trek television series

    Logo for the first Star Trek series, now known as The Original Series. Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise that started with a television series (simply called Star Trek but now referred to as Star Trek: The Original Series) created by Gene Roddenberry.The series was first broadcast from 1966 to 1969 on NBC.Since then, the Star Trek canon has expanded to include many other ...

  15. Star Trek

    Star Trek was created by American writer and producer Gene Roddenberry and chronicles the exploits of the crew of the starship USS Enterprise, whose five-year mission is to explore space and, as stated in the title sequence, "to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before." The series takes place in the 23rd century, after a benign and advanced alien ...

  16. Starships

    A list of starships by: Andorian starships Borg starships Cardassian starships Dominion starships Earth starships Federation starships Ferengi starships Klingon starships Romulan starships Vulcan starships Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others at The STArchive

  17. Star Trek

    Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry, which began with the eponymous 1960s television series and became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.Since its creation, the franchise has expanded into various films, television series, video games, novels, and comic books, and it has become one of the most recognizable and highest-grossing media franchises ...

  18. List of Star Trek Starfleet starships

    Name Registry Depiction; USS Gryphon: NCC-65550: Commanded by Captain Elaine Mello. Assigned to defend Deep Space Nine for a short period of time after the Dominion War in the Deep Space Nine relaunch. [citation needed]USS James T Kirk: NCC-91277: Commanded by Captain Elias Vaughn.Named in honor of the famous Starfleet captain.Destroyed in the defense of Federation worlds against the mass Borg ...

  19. Star Trek Character Name Generator + 79 Name Suggestions

    Learn how to name your Star Trek characters with our custom-built name guide. Get inspired by our name generator and create your own Star Trek names. ... There always seems to be a good fight on away missions to new places, either against local flora and fauna or the elements. She enjoys it a bit too much, perhaps. Krani sh'Egdas; Yevak sh ...

  20. Star Trek: The Original Series

    Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and its crew. It acquired the retronym of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) to distinguish the show within the media franchise that it began.. The show is set in the Milky Way galaxy, c. 2266-2269.

  21. Great Dog Names From Star Trek: May Your Puppy Live ...

    Either Kira or Nerys would make a great dog name. Kimara - a Romulan Representative and Senator in (Deep Space Nine) Leeta - a Bajoran on Deep Space 9. Li - Li Nalas, the Bajoran Liaison Officer in DS9. Lwaxana - Betazoid and mother of Dianna Troi.

  22. List of Star Trek characters (A-F)

    Bahrat insisted on a 20 percent commission on trades taking place at his station. Lt. Baji: Juliet Cesario: Skin of Evil ... to rescue the landing party. (Conjecture: The Star Trek Concordance, by Bjo Trimble, lists his first name as "Vincent".) Stefan DeSeve ... "The Doctor" was the name given by the crew of the USS Voyager to their Emergency ...

  23. List of Star Trek characters

    Civilian doctor associated with the humanitarian organization Mariposas (PIC S5, LOW S4) Chief medical officer (S1, 3-7, movies) Head of Starfleet Medical (S2) Human. Jack Crusher. Ed Speleers. Season 3 (PIC) Ensign. Civilian.