44th Fleet

Risa Summer Event FAQ/Guide

star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Floaters are essentially anti-gravity jetpacks that (for some reason) can only be used on Risa (though I wish they were usable everywhere). They come in 5 different quality levels, and are useful for most of the Summer Event events, and are absolutely required for others (Risa Biathlon, Flying High)

First, rentals. You can rent one for a limited time (I believe it’s 15-20 minutes) for 1000 EC, and when it’s time limit is reached, it just…goes away. Doesn’t matter where you are or what altitude you’re flying at. Rentals are low quality and have low speed (35) and low maneuverability (Sub-Standard Flight Maneuverability). You should get a better grade ASAP.

The second grade is Standard. Standard Floaters cost 50 Lohlunat Favors, are permanent, and are available in the color of your choosing (as long as you choose Black, Blue, Red, or White). They have low speed (30…even lower than rentals), but have Standard Flight Maneuverability, so will be easier to control than rentals.

Next up is Enhanced. Enhanced Floaters cost 500 Lohlunat Favors, are permanent, and are available in the color of your choosing (same colors as standard, plus Green, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Cyan, Gray, and Purple). They’re the fastest grade yet (40 flight speed), and have Enhanced Flight Maneuverability, so will be even easier yet to control.

Now come the Superior Floaters. They cost 1000 Lohlunat Favors, are permanent, and have 50 flight speed and Superior Flight Maneuverability, and so are even better than Enhanced Floaters. They come in a wide variety of colors, and even color combinations. They sound good, but my advice is DON’T BUY ONE OF THESE. I’ll tell you why in a moment.

The highest grade of floaters are Impulsive Floaters. They also cost 1000 Lohlunat Favors. However, they have 70 flight speed and still have the Superior Flight Maneuverability. So they’re significantly faster than Superiors, and have the same maneuverability. They’re available in a few different color combinations: Purple/Orange, Blue/Green, Black/Gold, Green/Pink, and Yellow/Red, and they also have one each based on the color schemes of the Star Trek baseball teams the Deep Space Niners, the Vulcan Logicians, and the London Kings. This is the grade of floater you should be aiming to get. They’re the best available at the moment.


star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Powerboards are hover surfboards with propulsion units. They can be used both on Risa and also at the Dranuur colony. There are a couple Risa events that absolutely require a Powerboard, but the rest of the time they’re just for fun. Those events are the Risa Biathlon and the Making Waves Powerboard Race. Makes sense, right? They come in 6 different quality levels, which are similar to Floater quality levels, are named identically (with one addition), but are slightly different.

Rentals: as before, 1000 EC gets you 15-20m of time on a low quality powerboard. 63 Speed Rating, 60 Turn Rating. Get a better grade ASAP.

Standard: permanent, costs 50 Lohlunat Favors. 63 Speed Rating, 75 Turn Rating. So, unlike with floaters, a standard is a clear upgrade over a rental. Even if it’s a small upgrade.

Enhanced: permanent, costs 500 Lohlunat Favors. 68 Speed Rating, 90 Turn Rating.

Superior: permanent, costs 1000 Lohlunat Favors. 73 Speed Rating, 120 Turn Rating.

Elite: permanent, costs 1500 Lohlunat Favors. 78 Speed Rating, 150 Turn Rating.

Impulsive: permanent, costs 1500 Lohlunat Favors. 88 Speed Rating, 80 Turn Rating.

So you can see that while, as with floaters, Impulsives are the fastest available, they’re also significantly harder to control than an Elite or Superior board.

You can also get an Elite powerboard from the Phoenix store with a Very Rare token (Future Flyer) if you don’t want to spend Lohlunat Favors on one but have spare phoenix tokens.

Flying High

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Flying High can also be completed every 13 minutes or so per character for an additional 50 Lohlunat Favors.

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Dance Party

The Dance Party/Dance Off! is another great way to get your daily credit. If it happens to be happening close to when you want to do your daily progress. I believe it only comes up every 90 minutes or so. Basically, everyone gets on the dance floor (the big square flat surface in the pool at the front of the Resort). When the event begins, click the “I Want to Dance!” button (or you won’t be enrolled in the event for credit or rewards), and the NPC Dance Instructor then calls for everyone to perform a specific dance once every 15s. All dances called will be default dances that everyone has.

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One idiosyncrasy I’ve noticed is that when she calls to “Just Dance!” , it seems to want Dance (Mix) as opposed to Dance (Basic) or something else *shrug*

Anyway, when you first start, you’ll have a mission to complete 3 dance moves. When done you get 10 Lohlunat Favors and a mission to complete 5 more dance moves. Complete that and you get 15 Lohlunat Favors and a mission to complete 10 more dance moves. Complete that and get 25 Lohlunat Favors and a mission to complete 20 more dance moves. Do that and you get 50 Lohlunat Favors and you’re done for this round. You can keep dancing till the time runs out, but you won’t get any more rewards. But you already got 100 Lohlunat Favors, for maybe 15m of clicking the correct dance emote every 15s 😀

Making Waves

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Horga’hn Hunt

The Horga’hn Hunt is like a scavenger hunt for small Horga’hn statues, scattered around the resort. They only appear when the event is on, and they always appear at more or less the same spots. They’ll be marked on your minimap when you’re on the mission.

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You have 15 minutes to find 10 Horga’hn.

Once you find and collect 10 of them, you’re done. The locations disappear from your minimap, and the statues themselves go away. Each time you find a statue, you get between 2 and 5 Lohlunat Favors. When you turn the mission in, you get an additional 75 Lohlunat Favors. If you have 5-6 characters that all have at least Superior floaters, you should be able to get them all through this event in the time limit. It’s one of the fastest ways to rack up favors, though the initial setup cost for those characters is fairly high.

Risa Biathlon

The Biathlon is another race-style game. Basically, you start out on a powerboard, race a course on the powerboard, then transition to a floater for a race through floating rings to the finish line. It’s another event that’ll be dominated by people who know the tracks and have elite or impulsive powerboards and impulsive floaters. Rewards are identical to the powerboard race’s: 75 favors and 12 tropical tags to the winner, 50 favors and 6 tags to 2nd place, 25 favors and 3 tags for 3rd place, and anyone who finishes after that gets 15 favors and 2 tags. Again, at the end of the race, just beyond the finish line, you’ll see a platform with a flag on it. The race is decided not by who passes the finish line in what order as you might expect, but instead by who grabs the flags in what order. So you could finish behind someone else, but if they’re slow to click the flag, you can still get first place. Or vice versa. So be careful and be quick on clicking that flag!

Sun, Sand, and Scavenging

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Unearth the artifact from the mound and talk to Sovak again to turn it in. You don’t have to go all the way back to his camp to turn it in, you can just communicate with him to end the mission and get your reward. Which is 50 Lohlunat Favors.

Uniquely, you can do this mission outside of the scheduled events. Completing it outside of it’s time slot will only get you 20 Lohlunat Favors.

Here’s a link to a slightly more in-depth guide with slightly different maps. MK’s Artifact Scavenger Hunt Guide

Doff Missions

The Winter event has doff missions that award extra ornaments. The Summer event does not. The Summer event instead gets many variations on two basic types of pet. Risian Feather Monkeys and Risian Tropical Birds.

star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Remember those Tropical Tags you get from completing the Making Waves board race and the Risa Biathlon? Well, you can turn in 6 of them via doff mission, and 20h later your doff will come back to you with a random baby Feather Monkey. It can be Blue, Green, or Red, and can come with or without a tiki mask. After this, you can send it back and wait another 20h for it to gain a maturity level. So babies can be turned into Juveniles, which can be turned into Adults, which can be turned into Seniors. A critical success on any of these monkey-raising doff missions will also see them gain the tiki mask. You can use individuals in any stage as non-combat pets. Or you can turn them in for choice of mark boxes if you don’t want to hang onto the cute little guys for some reason (you monster), or if you get extras in a color you already have.

star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Whenever you pick up a Horga’hn during the Horga’hn Hunt event, you have a chance to also pick up a Risian Tropical Bird Egg. Or you can purchase them from the Risian Vendor NPC for 150 Lohlunat Favors. Anyway, you can turn one in via a doff mission, and 20h later your doff will return with a random Risian Tropical Bird Chick. It can be a Seaspray, a Grotto Glider, a Passion Wing, a Dusk Diver, a Sunset Streamer, or a Firespray, and can either be tufted or not. After this, you can send it back out on another doff mission and wait another 20h for it to gain a maturity level. So Chicks can be turned into Fledglings, which can be turned into Adults, which can be turned into Seniors. Again, a critical success on any of the bird raising doff missions will see them become tufted. Again, you can use any individual in any stage as a non-combat pet. And again, you can turn them in for choice of marks boxes if you don’t want them or have extras.

star trek online risian tropical bird egg


Lohlunat Favors are not bound to you, and so can be bought and sold on the Exchange. At the time of writing, the lowest price per Favor is 10,500 EC. And so you can see my first point for this section well-illustrated without a screenshot :D.

Earning and selling Favors can be a good way to make EC for players that don’t have a ton of ec, but have time to put into the event.

Conversely, if you’re a player with more EC than time to put into the event, you can buy your Favors on the exchange, get what you want out of the event store, and also only complete whatever event you want for daily progress daily.

Of course, the very first things you should be looking to buy are Floaters and Powerboards, to earn more Favors faster, and to get around Risa more ably. Perhaps also some swimwear or surfwear, so you actually look like you’re having a relaxing time on the resort planet.

star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Speaking of kit modules, there are a fair number available now. There are only a couple of real stand-outs. Graviton Spike, if you’re tactical and use the Boolean Cannon lobi weapon. Ball Lightning can also be quite good. None of the others are just terrible as far as I know.

Likewise, the Boff ground abilities are competent but not amazing or must-have.

star trek online risian tropical bird egg

Speaking of Tribbles, there are a few special varieties you can breed with food items only available from vendors during the festival. The food items are unbound and sellable on the Exchange, so you could also find them there.

Grand Slam Tribbles: Effect – Removes all previous Tribble Buffs +2.5% Run Speed for 3,600 sec +5% Bonus All Damage with Melee Attacks for 3,600 sec Bred by getting any tribble to eat: Nachos, Hotdog, Peanuts, Caramel-Coated Popcorn, Blueberries, Egg White Burrito, Green Juice (Extra Green), Spumoni Ice Cream, Stadium Soft drink, or Jipper. All available for 5-8 Lohlunat Favors from a Risian Bartender.

Lohlunat Tribbles: Effect – Removes all previous Tribble Buffs +2.5 Psionic Damage Resistance Rating for 3,600 sec +0.03 Health Regeneration for 3,600 sec During Summer Event: +5 Flight Speed for 1.5 sec +0.05 Inertia Rating for 1.5 sec Bred by getting any tribble to eat: Rokassa Juice, Risian Mai-Tai, Risian Wine, Chocolate Passion Punch, Baked Risian Beans, Icoberry Torte, Palamarian Sea Urchins, or Oysters Rockefeller. All available for 5 Lohlunat Favors from a Risian Bartender.

Risian Tribbles: Effect – Removes all previous Tribble Buffs +0.05 Health Regeneration for 3,600 sec +1% Maximum Hit Points for 3,600 sec During Summer Event: 5 Flight Speed to Self and Friends within 4.5m for 3600 sec 0.05 Inertia to Self and Friends within 4.5m for 3600 sec Bred by getting any tribble to eat: Bajoran Mojito, Caracal Bowl, Risian Sunrise, or Suraya Bay Iced Tea. All available for 8 Lohlunat Favors from a Risian Bartender.

You may notice that the Risian Tribble is good for doing stuff during the festival, since it increases your flight speed and maneuverability slightly…every little bit helps when you’re trying to take that first flag!

On the Promenade, there’s a vendor that sells blue (Rare) and purple (Very Rare) Duty Officers in three Specializations (Conn Officers, Entertainers, and Geologists) for Lohlunat Favors. Blues for 200 Favors, Purples for 1000 Favors. The blues, I believe, are available to anyone. The purples, however, you need to get the Master Relaxer Accolade to unlock. I’ll talk about that more shortly.

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Where to find the ornithologist to do the Risa Tropical Bird Egg?

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  • I can't find the ornithologist, I go to the place but there is no one there what do I need to do to unlock her or find her StiffD - 4 years ago - report

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Tropical Tags

  • VisualEditor

Energy credit icon

Tropical Tags are a special item acquired from “Making Waves” and used during the Lohlunat Festival summer event .

Game Description [ | ]

These tags track the development of Risian feather monkeys , an indigenous primate that bears a distinctive feathery crest.

Acquired from the summer powerboard and floater races, “Making Waves” and “Risa Biathlon” .

Used for special Duty Officer Assignments to obtain feather monkeys.

Usage [ | ]

  • Tropical Tags are a required item for “Research Tagged Feather Monkeys” .
  • 2 Typhoon Class Battleship
  • 3 Playable starship


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  1. Risian Tropical Bird Egg

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  2. Assignment: Hatch a Risian Tropical Bird Egg ...

    Assign one of your scientists to help hatch the egg of a tropical bird. Due to the unpredictable nature of Risian bird genetics, it is unknown what breed will be hatched from this egg. You can find Risian Tropical Bird Egg while on the "Horga'hn Hunt" or may purchase them from the Risian Vendor. Take them to the Ornithologist on the second floor of the Promenade and you will be offered the ...

  3. Risian Tropical Bird

    Risian Tropical Birds are winged creatures native to Risa which can be bred to become non-combat pets. They are also extremely useful for obtaining Reputation Marks, as a full grown Tropical Bird of any breed can be traded in for Mark Packages. There are six breeds of Tropical Birds. After obtaining a [Risian Tropical Bird Egg] (found during "Horga'hn Hunt" or purchased from the Risian ...

  4. Star Trek Online

    This tutorial shows what to do with the tropical bird eggs and Tropical Tags collected while completing the various events of the Risian summer event in Star...

  5. Where to find the ornithologist to do the Risa Tropical Bird Egg?

    For Star Trek Online: Legacy of Romulus on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Where to find the ornithologist to do the Risa Tropical Bird Egg?".

  6. Star Trek Online: Risian Tropical Birds 101

    Please subscribe, like, and share!Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ÉtoileZalos...Discord: https://discord.gg/uUG8Xp9Join this channel to get access ...

  7. Risa Summer Event FAQ/Guide

    Whenever you pick up a Horga'hn during the Horga'hn Hunt event, you have a chance to also pick up a Risian Tropical Bird Egg. Or you can purchase them from the Risian Vendor NPC for 150 Lohlunat Favors. Anyway, you can turn one in via a doff mission, and 20h later your doff will return with a random Risian Tropical Bird Chick.

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  10. Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #26

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  11. I feel like we need more things to do with Tropical Tags (and Eggs)

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  12. Where to find the ornithologist to do the Risa Tropical Bird Egg?

    For Star Trek Online on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Where to find the ornithologist to do the Risa Tropical Bird Egg?".

  13. Okay so for those who have never done the Risa event. : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. ... You can buy tropical bird eggs for 150 Lohnuts at the vendor near the resort spawn. ... (ncluding reps through Gamma). Horgon hunt randomly gives birds eggs when you open a Horgon. The powerboard event gives ...

  14. Risa Summer Event FAQ : r/sto

    Risian Tropical Bird Egg: 150 Lohlunat Favors Floater Rental: 1,000 EC Standard Floaters: 50 Lohlunat Favors Enhanced Floaters: 500 Lohlunat Favors Superior Floaters: 1,000 Lohlunat Favors Sunglasses (Various): 10,000 GPL. Reply ... Star Trek Online. arcgames.

  15. Assignment: Raise a Risian Tropical Bird

    Assign one of your scientists to raise a Risian Tropical Bird. Due to the unpredictable nature of Risian bird genetics, your bird may mutate if handled under certain conditions. Talk to the Ornithologist on the second floor of the Promenade at the Summer Resort on Risa to receive this assignment. Raise Seaspray Fledgling Raise Seaspray Adult Raise Seaspray Senior Raise Tufted Seaspray ...

  16. Lohlunat Festival Birds and Known Caves

    4 Comments. 11.3K Views. Here is a GENERALIZED location for all the known birds on the new Risa Lohlunat Festival map for Star Trek Online. Yellow circles are known bird "Parrot" locations. Orange Squares known caves. Orange Lines known tunnels. Blue Hex Like Icons known Pavyl locations. Note: This map is provided freely to Star Trek Online ...

  17. Risian Biirds and Caracals

    Is it at all possible to get a few additions to the Risian Tropical Birds and Caracals? We still don't have a basically Black parrot, or a basically White one. (and yes, many players asked for this last year as well) Many people like to color co-ordinate with there swimsuit and or Floater and or parrot.

  18. A couple of Risian Tropical Bird suggestions

    June 2014 edited June 2014 in The Art of Star Trek Online I was looking at the different coloured Risian Birds, and I got to thinking, that in many respects, as a non-combat pet, they are essentially another "Fashion Accessory" And certainly looking around on Risa, many players are Colour Matching there costumes to their favorite Tropical Bird ...

  19. Ornithologist

    Ornithologist. This article or section is a stub. You can help the Star Trek Online Wiki by adding more information. The Ornithologist provides special Duty Officer Assignments to raise varieties of Risian Tropical Birds during the Summer Event Lohlunat Festival on Risa. She can be found on the second floor of the Promenade.

  20. Can anyone help me identify these Tropical Birds? I found this ...

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  21. Summer Event Ending Soon

    NOTE: The Ornithologist, and the ability to turn in Tropical Birds and Eggs, will also be unavailable when the event ends on the 19th. The Risian Lohlunat Pearl Bundle will continue to award you between 2 and 6 Pearls upon opening that can be used to purchase the Risian corvette - you can requisition it by completing the Summer Event ...

  22. Tropical Tags

    Tropical Tags are a special item acquired from "Making Waves" and used during the Lohlunat Festival summer event. These tags track the development of Risian feather monkeys, an indigenous primate that bears a distinctive feathery crest. Acquired from the summer powerboard and floater races, "Making Waves" and "Risa Biathlon". Used for special Duty Officer Assignments to obtain ...

  23. Is bird-breeding worth it? : r/sto

    The 'older' the brds, the more marks you get...so in a way, breeding them until they're elders is worth it. If you grind a lot, it can be worth the time...if it's a casual thing, probably not. I can't remember how many marks, but I want to say it's around 80 for the elder ones. 1.