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Packing Cubes vs Compression Cubes vs Ziploc Bags – Which Ones Are Better?

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ziploc travel compression bags

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Most people don’t use any packing organizers at all. Instead, they just stuff everything inside their suitcase and call it a day. But it’s much different for people who are traveling more often, whether it’s for work or leisure – most of them use some kind of packing organizers . But which ones are better – compression cubes, packing cubes, or Ziploc bags? In this article, we break down the differences between them, so hopefully, you can decide which option is better for you.

Pros and Cons of Using Ziploc Bags

clothes packed in a single ziploc bag for traveling

A lot of frequent flyers swear by using Ziploc bags over packing cubes. It’s like they’ve been divided into two groups – those who use packing cubes and those who use Ziploc bags, and both of these groups think that their choice is the best one. But which one is right?

Let’s start by breaking down the pros and cons of using Ziploc bags.

Benefits of Using Ziploc Bags

  • Cheap.  Out of all three options, Ziploc bags are definitely the cheapest ones. If a packing cube set usually costs about 30$, packing everything in Ziploc bags will cost you less than 5$.
  • Available anywhere.  Even if one of your Ziploc bags tears during your vacation, you can find new Ziploc bags in any convenience store. They come in all kinds of varieties and models, some with regular seals, some with sliding sealers , and in various different sizes. Any of them will do, as long as they’re in the right size.
  • Efficient at compression.  If you’re smart about how you’re using Ziploc bags, they can actually save a lot of space in your suitcase. Before sealing them fully, leave a tiny opening for the air to escape, and use your hands or knees to compress your clothes. Doing this on all of your Ziplocs will save you about 15-20% of the total space.
  • Waterproof.  One serious advantage over packing and compression cubes is that Ziploc bags are 100% waterproof. So if you get caught in some rain and your suitcase gets damp, you don’t need to worry.
  • Isolates smell from dirty clothes.  Bringing one extra-large Ziploc for your dirty clothes is actually a really good idea, even if you’re using packing cubes because this will isolate your dirty clothes from contaminating your clean ones.
  • Organized in smaller bits. From my own experience, I find it more pleasing when everything’s packed in smaller packing organizers, instead of three two or three larger ones.
  • Transparent. Another important advantage of Ziploc bags over packing cubes is that you can see what’s packed inside each bag, so you don’t have to open up each cube to find out where you’ve packed that special Friday night t-shirt you’re so desperately looking for.
  • Adds close to zero weight.  Probably the most important advantage to Ziploc bags is that they don’t add any weight, which isn’t true for packing cubes and compression cubes. If you find yourself always maxing out on the weight restrictions for luggage, Ziploc bags might be the right choice for you.

Disadvantages of Using Ziploc Bags

  • Less durable. In my opinion, the largest downside to using Ziploc bags is that they aren’t very durable. You’ll be lucky if they survive a few trips.
  • Not friendly to the environment.  This ties into the weak durability of Ziploc bags – If you keep switching to new ones after every other trip, you’re wasting a lot of plastic, which isn’t good for the environment.
  • More wrinkles. Because Ziploc bags are small, because they have a pretty tight opening, and because they’re compressing everything inside, your clothes will become pretty wrinkled. Out of all three options, Ziploc bags leave the largest amount of wrinkles.
  • Leaves a faint smell of plastic.  If you’re using a new Ziploc bag, your clothes will come out with a faint smell of plastic. This smell eases out after each use, but because Ziploc bags aren’t too durable, you’ll be switching between new bags quite frequently.
  • Harder to use.  Ziplocs aren’t really meant to be used as an alternative for packing cubes, so they’re a bit harder to get used to. With packing cubes, unzipping the main zipper gives access to a pretty spacious opening, which is easy to pack into. But with Ziploc bags, you have to stuff everything through a smaller opening, and after that compress them, which is much harder to do.
  • Suitcase ends up looking like you’re transporting something illegal.  I don’t know if it’s just me, but in my opinion, having your whole suitcase organized in plastic looks a bit weird.

Pros and Cons of Using Packing Cubes

clothes packed in a single blue shacke pak packing cube

Other frequent flyers prefer using packing cubes over Ziploc bags. But generally, packing cubes are more commonly used by people who are traveling for leisure, just because they’re so easy to use.

Benefits of Using Packing Cubes

  • Relatively cheap. You can get a cheap packing cube set for about 20$-30$, which usually comes with four to six pieces . It’s not too much, considering you’ll be using them for years to come.
  • More durable.  Compared to Ziploc bags, packing cubes are a much more long-term option. You don’t really put them through too much stress either, so it’s unlikely that they’ll break anytime soon. We found the eBags packing cubes to be the most durable ones.
  • Environmentally-friendly.  Compared to Ziploc bags, using packing or compression cubes is a much more environmentally-friendly option because you aren’t switching to new plastic bags after every other trip.
  • Commonly available. Nowadays, there’s a wide variety of packing cubes that you can choose from, as they’re gaining more popularity among travelers.
  • Odor-free. Unlike with Ziploc bags, your clothes won’t smell like plastic.
  • Results in the least amount of wrinkles.  Out of all three options, packing cubes results in the least amount of wrinkles, especially if you roll your t-shirts, and learn how to properly fold your shirts, dresses, and trousers. Compression cubes and Ziploc bags end up with more wrinkled clothing because of compression.
  • Rectangular. Because packing cubes are kind of rectangular, they’re a pretty good option for utilizing the space in your suitcase efficiently. Compression cubes and Ziploc bags end up being more ball-shaped, which means that you’re losing some space in the corners when you pack everything inside a rectangular suitcase.

Disadvantages of Using Packing Cubes

  • No compression.  I’ve tested that for myself , and I came to the conclusion that regular packing cubes don’t save any space. They’re only useful for organizing everything inside your luggage. For instance, t-shirts in one cube, socks and underwear in another, and so on.
  • Not waterproof. I have yet to see a packing cube that’s 100% waterproof. Some are water-resistant, I’ll admit, but most of them will soak up some water through the fabric or the zippers.
  • Not fully transparent.  If you’re going to get packing cubes, definitely get ones with zippered mesh panels on top, such as the Amazonbasics compression cube set , so that you can easily determine what’s inside each packing cube.
  • Adds some weight.  Usually, a full packing cube set will add 7-14 oz / 200-400 g to your total weight, which isn’t too much, but if you’re always struggling to stay within the weight restrictions, you should maybe go for Ziploc bags instead.

Read Next: Packing Cubes: Are They Really Worth It or Are They Overrated?

Pros and Cons of Using Compression Cubes

Clothes packed in a single green eagle creek compression cube

The third option for organizing items inside luggage is compression cubes. They’re very similar to packing cubes, except they come with an additional zipper, with which you can compress all of the items inside.

Benefits of Using Compression Cubes

  • Good at saving space.  I compared the space savings between packing cubes and compression cubes, and I concluded that they save about 15-20% of the total space in your luggage.
  • Easy to use. Compression cubes are very easy to use. You just pack everything inside a seemingly regular packing cube, close the main zipper, and then finally close the compression zipper.
  • Durable.  Similar to packing cubes, compression cubes will last you a long time. That said, because of all the compression that’s going on, they might tear a bit sooner near the seams or the zippers if they aren’t properly manufactured.
  • Environmentally-friendly. Compared to Ziploc bags, compression cubes are a much more environmentally-conscious option, because you aren’t switching between different plastic bags after every trip.
  • Odor-free.  After being packed inside compression cubes, your clothes won’t end up smelling like plastic.

Disadvantages of Using Compression Cubes

  • Most expensive out of all three options.  Although there are some cheaper compression cubes available, such as the Leantravel compression cube set , generally they’re pricier compared to regular packing cubes. In total, expect to pay about 25-40$ for a 2-4 piece compression cube set.
  • Limited options to choose from. Compression cubes aren’t as popular as regular packing cubes, so there are much fewer models and brands that you can choose from. If you want something reliable, the Eagle Creek compression cubes  are a pretty solid option.
  • Results in some wrinkles.  Naturally, when you compress your clothes, they result in more wrinkles, which is why compression cubes end up with wrinklier clothes compared to regular packing cubes. That said, I found them to result in fewer wrinkles compared to Ziploc bags.
  • Adds some weight.  Similar to packing cubes, compression cubes add some weight . On average they add about 7-14 oz / 200-400 g to the total weight of your suitcase.
  • Not waterproof. Although the Eagle Creek compression cubes are pretty good at resisting water, they aren’t 100% waterproof, which is a disadvantage over using Ziploc bags.
  • Zipper sometimes gets stuck when compressing. One issue that I find a bit annoying is that on compression cubes, usually the zipper gets stuck in the fabric if you aren’t careful.
  • Can’t see what’s packed in each cube. Most compression cubes don’t come with a zippered mesh panel on top, so you can’t really tell what’s packed inside each cube. If you’re getting compression cubes, definitely try to get ones with zippered mesh panels.

Which One Is Better: Ziploc Bags, Packing Cubes, or Compression Cubes?

There are advantages to all three options – Ziploc bags, packing cubes, and compression cubes. All three of them are solid choices. It just depends on which style of organizing is most comfortable for you.

If you’re looking for the easiest way of organizing your luggage, go with packing cubes. They’re cheap, they’re very easy to use, they result in the least amount of wrinkles, and they do a very good job of organizing everything. The only downsides are that they don’t save any space and that they add some weight. If, however, you want to save some space, you should go with compression cubes or Ziploc bags.

Compression cubes are great because they’re very easy to use, they’ll last a long time, and they’re a perfect option if you’re storing your stuff inside a backpack, instead of a suitcase. Your clothing will get a bit more wrinkled, but not as much as compared to Ziploc bags. They are the most expensive option out of all three, but they still aren’t too expensive when you look at the big picture – you’re paying 25-40$ for something that’ll last for a very long time, and make your vacations more enjoyable.

The last option – using Ziploc bags – is the most difficult one. If you’re willing to tolerate wrinkled clothes, a slightly more difficult way of packing and unpacking, and having your whole suitcase wrapped in plastic, then using Ziploc bags is the right choice for you. If you tolerate all of that, you get many benefits in return, such as waterproofing your stuff, saving a good amount of space from compressing your clothes, not adding almost any weight to your suitcase, and using Ziploc bags is the cheapest option out of all three. That said, in the long term, I think that the price ends up being very similar to packing and compression cubes because you have to swap out your Ziploc bags for new ones after every other trip.

Personally, I use a combination of all three options. I use compression cubes for my t-shirts, underwear, socks, hoodies, and other clothing that I don’t mind getting a bit wrinkled. For folded shirts and pants I like to use one regular packing cube because it results in fewer wrinkles. And for my toiletries, chargers, and some other smaller items, I like to use Ziploc bags, because they’re waterproof and my smaller items don’t end up being scattered all around the suitcase.

How to Pack Your Luggage Using Ziploc Bags

clothes packed in multiple ziploc bags for a vacation

If you do decide to pack everything in Ziploc bags, here are some tips that might help you out. First of all, when buying Ziplocs, try to find ones with sliding sealers , as their easier to use multiple times. Regular ones will also do, but sliding ones will be better.

Next, you need to decide what to pack in each Ziploc, which depends on how large Ziploc bags you have on hand. For clothing, go with 5-10 liter Ziploc bags, and 1-3 liter bags for smaller items. Because Ziploc bags are harder to open and close, try separating your outfits between different days. For instance, in one Ziploc pack everything for Monday, in the second one everything for Tuesday, and so on. In a carry-on, remember to pack your toiletries in a 1-liter Ziploc. Separate your smaller items into smaller Ziploc bags like this – chargers and electronics, dry toiletries and medicine, documents and valuables, snacks, and socks and underwear.

To maximize the amount of space, compress the Ziploc bags. You can do that by packing everything inside the bag, then closing it about 4/5 of the way, then using your hand or knee for compressing everything, and finishing off by quickly sealing the bag.

How to Pack Your Luggage Using Packing Cubes

Red Amazonbasics packing cubes packed full stacked in a pile

Packing cubes can be a bit tricky to get used to when you first receive them. That’s because you don’t know how many of them actually fit in your luggage, and how much space is left. You have to do some testing yourself, to find out how many you should use. In general though, in a regular carry-on, about 3-4 packing cubes is enough.

I usually pack my stuff in packing cubes like this – socks and underwear in one smaller packing cube, rolled up t-shirts in another smaller or medium packing cube, folded up Shirts, pants, and shorts in a medium or large packing cube, and if there’s some space left I’ll pack extra-large items in the last packing cube, such as bulky sweaters, winter jackets, e.t.c.

It’s easy to pack and unpack when using packing cubes, so sorting everything by the type of clothing is fine, instead of sorting everything by day. If you want to save some extra space, try rolling your t-shirts, shorts, and pants because this will result in only a few wrinkles, it makes it easier to sort through everything in the packing cube, and it saves some space.

How to Pack Your Luggage Using Compression Cubes

Eagle Creek Pack-It Specter Compression Cube 2-piece Set

Packing in compression cubes is fairly straightforward, and doesn’t differ much from packing inside regular packing cubes. The only difference is that you have to compress everything after they’re packed full. Remember that this usually results in more wrinkles, so if you have the option to choose between a packing cube and a compression cube for your folded shirts, dresses, or dress pants, always choose packing cubes.

Also, compression cubes tend to work better when used in backpacks. In the picture above, you can see that they end up being ball-shaped, which isn’t too efficient for rectangular suitcases. Personally, I use compression cubes for all the stuff that I don’t care about getting wrinkled, such as hoodies, rolled-up t-shirts, underwear and socks, jeans, and shorts.

Final Words

By now you should have a good understanding of which packing organizer is better for you – Ziploc bags, packing cubes, or compression cubes. Personally, I like to use a combination of all three, but if you’re hardcore about saving every gram, then you should definitely go with only Ziploc bags. If adding a bit of weight doesn’t matter too much to you, go for packing cubes if you just want to organize everything, and go with compression cubes if you also want to save some space.

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The 6 Best Compression Packing Cubes of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

Take your packing to the next level with these convenient options for organizing and maximizing suitcase space.

ziploc travel compression bags

In This Article

  • Our Top Picks
  • Others We Liked

Our Testing Process

  • Tips for Buying
  • Why Trust T+L

Travel + Leisure / Jessica Juliao

If you’re a chronic overpacker. If you’re packing for two (or three, or four). If you get a thrill out of meticulously organizing and categorizing your belongings ahead of a once-in-a-lifetime trip. These are all reasons to invest in a set of compression packing cubes, and all of them have the same shared goal: to pack more efficiently for a less stressful travel experience. Unlike regular packing cubes which simply help with organization, compression cubes use a clever zipper system to remove air and bulk from your clothing so that it takes up significantly less space in your suitcase. They need to be strong yet lightweight and many of them come in sets featuring a variety of sizes and quantities. 

To help you find the compression packing cubes that best suit your needs, we tested 29 different sets over a period of six months. Our Travel + Leisure editors packed them in suitcases for different types of trips and took notes on capacity, design, quality, and value — and most importantly, how the packing cubes helped them save space. Then we used the results to determine winners of categories ranging from the most durable to the best compression packing cube set for families.

Best Overall

Bagsmart compression packing cubes.

These sturdy yet lightweight packing cubes come in the most useful array of sizes, including a shoe/laundry bag.

Although there are many accent colors to choose from, the predominantly gray design may not appeal to everyone.

Size is key when it comes to packing cubes, and the Bagsmart Compression Packing Cubes come in a set of six: one large cube, two medium cubes, two small cubes, and a shoe bag. The largest measures 15 x 10.5 x 6 inches when expanded, while the smallest measures 13 x 5 x 5 inches, and we chose this set as our absolute favorite because of the practical sizes that give a home to everything on your packing list (plus, the affordable price is another bonus).

T+L associate editor Anna Popp used hers to pack 10 days worth of clothes into a weekender bag for an island-hopping trip to Greece and was amazed by how much space she saved (yes, a 10-day international trip with just a weekender bag !). In fact, she was able to pack everything she needed into just four of the cubes. “Since I knew we were island hopping in Greece, I really wanted to bring just one bag, and the only reason I was able to fit everything with room to spare is because of the magical packing cubes,” Popp says.

The cubes were easy to pack when expanded and equally easy to compress using the clever zipper system. And, despite being made from lightweight, breathable polyester designed to keep clothes fresh, they’re also impressively robust. The sturdy zippers never felt at risk of breaking even though we put them under considerable strain by deliberately overpacking. Clothes emerged at our destination tidy and intact, with fewer wrinkles than usual thanks to being kept tightly rolled throughout the journey. Finally, each cube has a transparent pocket for adding an identification label, while accent colors range from navy blue to tie-dye sunset. 

The Details: 6-piece set | Large: 15 x 10.5 x 6 inches (expanded), 15 x 10.5 x 1.8 inches (compressed); medium: 13 x 9 x 5 inches (expanded) 13 x 9 x 1.8 inches (compressed); small: 13 x 5 x 5 inches (expanded), 13 x 5 x 1.8 inches (compressed); shoe bag: 21.5 x 12 inches

Travel + Leisure / Anna Popp

Best Size Range

Monos compressible packing cubes.

Each of the six cubes in this set are sized differently, allowing for a very precise packing strategy, while mesh panels allow you to see what’s inside without opening them.

It’s one of the most expensive options on this list.

The Monos Compressible Packing Cubes set includes six cubes, each of which can be compressed by up to 60 percent. They’re designed to fit in checked luggage , although the smaller ones fit in carry-on bags , too. We used ours on an eight-day trip to New York and on a two-day trip to Portland and were amazed both by the cubes’ capacity and by the amount of space they saved. We found the compression zippers easy to use, although we expect it would be harder if the cubes were overfilled. 

A relatively expensive price tag is justified by the cubes’ excellent quality. They’re lightweight yet protective, with a tear-resistant nylon twill exterior and a soft, antimicrobial interior designed to keep odors at bay. We particularly like the breathable mesh panel on each cube, which keeps contents ventilated while also making it possible to see what’s inside at a glance. The cubes are structured enough to stay upright when empty, making them easy to pack, yet they fold flat when not in use. Stylish color choices range from tan to purple icing. 

The Details: 6-piece set | 16.9 x 12.2 x 4.5 inches, 13 x 9.8 x 4.5 inches, 13 x 7.1 x 4.5 inches, 10.2 x 8.3 x 4.5 inches, 9.8 x 4.3 x 4.5 inches, 7.1 x 4.3 x 4.5 inches

Travel + Leisure / Trevor Kauf

Best Colors

Calpak cubes.

These durable packing cubes come in a choice of colors and patterns so cute you could use them as a standalone travel pouch.

Though they come in sets of two, if you want different sizes, you’ll need to purchase multiple sets.

If opening your suitcase and seeing bright, cheerful designs make you happy, then you'll love the style of the Calpak Compression Packing Cubes. They come in sets of two, with small, medium, and large options available to purchase, and more than 20 colors to choose from. Testing editor Jackie Cucco tried the medium set, using them to pack clothes into a carry-on, a checked bag, a weekender, and a backpack . Each one measures 9 x 13 x 4 inches when expanded and 9 x 13 x 2 inches when compressed, saving you two inches of space (but really more than that since they compress your clothing into a neat little bundle). 

Cucco was able to fit eight pairs of rolled up leggings into one medium cube, and she also used them to keep delicate shirts separated from the rest of her belongings so they wouldn’t get snagged. “I'm not very skilled at folding, and I tend to be an overpacker, so these help me organize and compress my clothing in a neater way so I can fit more in my suitcase without it being pure chaos,” she says.

The zippered compression system is easy to use, with zippers remaining tightly closed to hold contents securely in place, and the cubes are made from thick yet lightweight polyester which proved to be water resistant. We love that the cubes have their own carry handle and that there’s a dizzying choice of stylish solid colors (think tea rose or sage) and funky patterns (like daisies, checkerboards, polka dots, and cheetah print).

The Details: 2-piece set | Medium: 9 x 13 x 4 inches (expanded), 9 x 13 x 2 inches (compressed) | Water resistant

Travel + Leisure / Jackie Cucco

Best for Families

Gonex compression packing cubes.

These cubes offer impressive strength and capacity at an affordable price, and you can buy different colors for different family members.

They’re not as water resistant as they look.

Made from lightweight, soft ripstop nylon with a smooth and durable zipper, the Gonex Compression Packing Cubes come in a set of four. Even the smallest (9.8 x 7.5 x 3.4 inches) is fairly generous, making dividing the set up between family members a practical option. The set is also one of the most affordable on this list — handy if everybody wants their own. With eight color choices ranging from black to pink, green, or blue, you can choose a different color for each family member so it’s easy to tell them apart. 

Other than a grab handle for easy retrieval from your suitcase, these cubes have few frills. However, we love them for their reliability, noting their impressive strength and compression made possible by powerful zippers. Even after long-term testing and repeated overstuffing, they show no signs of wear or stress. The material appears to be tear-resistant. However, we wouldn’t recommend exposing the packing cubes to moisture since they tend to absorb rather than repel water. 

The Details: 4-piece set | 17.3 x 13 x 3.4 inches, 14.5 x 10.6 x 3.4 inches, 11.8 x 8.9 x 3.4 inches, 9.8 x 7.5 x 3.4 inches

Travel + Leisure / Vicky Wasik

Travel + Leisure / Jessica Juliao

Most Durable

Thule compression packing cubes.

These packing cubes are sturdy yet lightweight and repel water to keep contents safe in the event of a toiletry spillage.

The limited size and number of cubes mean this set is best for trips of less than a week.

If you’re looking for packing cubes capable of withstanding frequent travel, you’ll love this two-piece set from Thule. Featuring small and medium cubes designed to fit perfectly inside most carry-on suitcases, the set impressed us with the durable lightness of its nylon construction. “I've owned compression cubes that have come apart at the seams after getting some mileage on them, and I can tell that won't be a problem with these cubes,” says T+L senior editor Jasmine Grant .

Expect sturdy stitching, premium YKK zippers, and an ability to repel liquid that Grant proved by pouring water over the cubes during testing. This water repellency not only protects contents from accidental spills, but also comes in handy for separating damp clothing.

We liked that the nylon is semi-transparent, making it possible to see what’s inside while still offering some discretion should you need to open your suitcase at security. The structured shape (rectangular with rounded edges) is easy to pack and fits seamlessly into a backpack; while webbing handles come in handy for grabbing and hanging the cubes when it’s time to unpack. Both are surprisingly spacious — we were able to fit enough clothes for four days before employing the expansion feature. 

The Details: 2-piece set | Small: 10.2 x 7.1 x 4.3 inches (expanded), 10 x 7 x 1.3 inches (compressed); medium: 14 x 10 x 5.9 inches (expanded), 13.4 x 9.1 x 1.3 inches (compressed) | Water repellent

Travel + Leisure / Jasmine Grant

Well Traveled Compression Packing Cubes

These cubes are considerably cheaper than most others on this list with the added bonus of a dedicated laundry bag.

We have some concerns about the long-term quality and wish the cubes had a transparent panel.

With the exception of the Gonex cubes which are just a little bit more expensive, the Well Traveled Compression Packing Cubes retail for less than half the price of all the other options on this list. And although we would describe the quality of the medium-weight fabric and zippers as adequate rather than particularly heavy duty, a lifetime warranty should be enough to convince those on a budget. Designed for carry-on and checked bags alike, the set includes large, medium, and small compression cubes with an extra bag for shoes or laundry . 

We were able to fit two pairs of pants and three pairs of shorts in the large cube with space leftover; three T-shirts and three long-sleeve shirts in the medium cube; and six pairs of socks and five pairs of underwear in the small cube. Once compressed, everything felt securely held in place, and the fact that the fabric is water resistant is another bonus. Although the cubes are opaque, they do come with a transparent contents card pocket (although one of ours was damaged). 

The Details: 4-piece set | Water resistant

Travel + Leisure / Lars Peterson

Other Compression Packing Cubes We Liked

These packing cubes just missed out on being chosen for our main list due to some issues encountered during testing. However, some travelers may find them to be a good fit. 

Paravel Compression Cubes : While we were impressed with the quality materials and zippers, we didn’t feel that the compression feature was particularly effective on these cubes. We would also have liked the set to include some different sizes. 

Travel + Leisure / Alicia Dolieslager

Lean Travel Premium Compression Packing Cubes : Although we wish this no-frills set was water resistant and took up a little less space in our suitcase, long-term testing over six months has proven the cubes to be an effective and reliable purchase.

We tested 29 packing cube sets for this article, paying special attention to capacity, design, quality, and value, and sorting through testing insights to select our category winners. First, we evaluated the quality of the packing cubes’ material and construction. We took note of any special design features, then packed the cubes with a list of clothing appropriate to their size. During this process, we recorded their capacity, any organization features, and the effectiveness of the compression system. Where possible, packing cubes were packed, loaded into a suitcase, and tested on a real-life trip. Otherwise we used them regularly at home in order to evaluate durability, protectiveness, and ease of cleaning. Testing is ongoing for a period of six months, after which our results will be updated.

Tips for Buying Compression Packing Cubes

Consider how many you need.

The number of compression packing cubes featured in a set varies considerably between brands, with options on this list offering anywhere from two to six cubes. Often sets with a greater number of cubes are also more expensive (although this isn’t a hard and fast rule — price also depends on the quality of the materials, the design, and the brand name). If this is the case, there’s no point paying extra for cubes you don’t need. 

This may be true if you’re only packing a carry-on bag, for example, or want to have plenty of unstructured space leftover for bulky or noncompressible items. On the other hand, a six-cube set may be the perfect choice if you’re hoping to divide the cubes between your carry-on and checked bags, if you’re super organized, or if you want to share cubes between family members. Consider your needs carefully and then purchase a set that meets them. 

Look for high-quality materials

Choosing a product made from high-quality materials is key when shopping for compression packing cubes. That’s because compression cubes are, by their very nature, exposed to a lot more stress than regular cubes. Look for fabrics with a high weight-to-strength ratio such as ripstop nylon or high-denier polyester and heavy duty zippers capable of closing over bulging contents without breaking. 

Materials that have been treated with a water-repellent coating are especially useful. That’s because water-resistant cubes not only protect their contents from any exterior spills or weather exposure, they also provide a way to keep damp or dirty clothing separate from the rest of your suitcase. Water-resistant material is usually easy to wipe clean, too, protecting your packing cubes from stains and keeping them looking new for longer. 

Check the dimensions

As well as considering how many packing cubes are included in a set, you should also check the dimensions of each one. If you plan on using them in a carry-on, you need to ensure they will fit — some packing cubes are made especially for checked bags. This is usually stated explicitly in the product description. If not, measure your suitcase (or look at the dimensions in the online product description if you can find it) to get an idea of how the cubes will fit inside. You should also think about what you want to pack inside each one. Some sets offer several cubes of the same size (handy for separating different outfits), while others include a range of sizes from small to large for everything from socks and shoes to bulky outer layers .

Frequently Asked Questions

There’s no hard and fast rule on how to use your packing cubes. But for the maximum benefit we suggest using them to categorize your clothing. Depending on the size and number of cubes, this could mean using one for socks and underwear, another for leggings and jeans , one for skirts and dresses, and another for tops. Alternatively if you’re packing for more than one person (your kids or partner, for example), you could use them to keep each person’s outfits separate. You could also categorize your cubes according to different parts of your trip (e.g., one with outfits for a hotel stay and another with outfits for a cruise or wilderness safari ). Put simply: packing cubes should add organization and structure to your packing strategy. 

All packing cubes encourage you to think more intentionally about your packing, and in doing so, may result in saved space as you realize that some items can be left behind. But if saving space is a specific goal, opt for compression packing cubes over regular organization cubes . These clever travel solutions use a zipper system to compress bulky clothing and remove excess air so that items literally take up less space in your suitcase.

Most compression packing cubes are made from strong, lightweight synthetic fabrics such as nylon or polyester. These lend themselves well to spot cleaning with a damp cloth, especially if they have any kind of water-repellent coating. Some may be machine washable and even tumble dryer safe; however, it’s always best to check care guidelines to make sure whatever cleaning method you use will not cause damage.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Jessica Macdonald has been writing about travel gear for 10-plus years and has visited more than 50 countries. She often uses packing cubes on her travels and finds them especially helpful now she’s packing for two small kids. She uses them to separate each child’s clothes so they’re easy to locate even when there’s no space to unpack fully. Products in this article were chosen according to the results of real-life testing carried out by the T+L team.

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ziploc travel compression bags

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