Memory Alpha

Daystrom Android M-5-10

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Daystrom Android M-5-10 , also commonly referred to as Data , was an advanced AI system used as a security system aboard Daystrom Station . It was a hybrid created from the final work produced by Altan Soong , and primarily contained the personalities of Data and Lore , though elements of B-4 , Lal , and Soong himself were also present as memory data.

  • 1.1 Early designs
  • 1.2 Retrieved by the USS Titan -A
  • 1.3 Data restored
  • 1.4 Borg takeover
  • 1.5 Adapting to his new state
  • 2.1 Appearances
  • 2.2 Background information

Biography [ ]

Early designs [ ].

Soong had begun working on the golem following the lifting of the ban on synthetics , intending it for a different purpose than the one he had initially constructed for himself. Soong had intended for the golem to become a new consciousness from its constituent personalities, alongside the 'wisdom and true Human aesthetic of age'. However, he died before he could finish working on it, and it, alongside all of Soong's work, was taken by Starfleet. The golem was stored at Daystrom Station, repurposed as the station's security system. Though Soong had succeeded in implementing the previous androids' personalities and memories into the golem, he had not been able to integrate them together, resulting in the personalities being 'at odds' with each other inside the golem. Hoping that the Lore and Data personalities would successfully integrate, but also fearing that Lore would completely consume Data, Soong constructed a partition to keep the two personalities separate. As a consequence, both Data and Lore fought for dominance within the golem. ( PIC : " Dominion ")

Retrieved by the USS Titan -A [ ]

Discovery of Daystrom Android M-5-10

Riker observes the unfinished golem

The golem was rescued from Daystrom Station by William T. Riker , Worf and Raffaela Musiker during their break-in attempt at the station to find out what the Changelings stole. He was beamed back to the USS Titan -A , where he was taken to the ship's sickbay . He was activated by Geordi La Forge , and upon awakening recognized both Geordi and Jean-Luc Picard . Picard asked him about what was stolen from the Station. The golem showed signs of instability as he transitioned through personalities. At one point, Lore took over, then B-4, and then Soong. After the Data personality took control, he was able to confirm what was stolen from Daystrom Station by accessing the Station's manifest records and broadcasting a hologram of it from his eyes: Picard's Human remains. ( PIC : " The Bounty ")

The golem was placed into stasis while Alandra La Forge and Geordi La Forge worked to figure out what was wrong with it. Upon discovering the partition separating Data and Lore, Geordi brought Picard in and Picard attempted to ask Data why Vadic had stolen his body. The android switched between Data and Lore mid-sentence, with Lore interrupting Data's explanations to insult Picard, referring to him as "old" and articulating that he was unable to "control my revulsion at your ancient face". Despite this, Data was able to tell Picard that Soong had conducted an investigation into Picard's Irumodic Syndrome , concluding that while there was an "anomalous form" inside Picard that had called his diagnosis of Irumodic Syndrome into question. Before Data could explain further, Lore took control once again to continue insulting Picard. Data once again wrested control from Lore, imploring Picard to help him. Unable to bear witnessing Data's anguish, Picard had Geordi return the android into stasis mode. Picard asked if they could save Data by erasing Lore, but Geordi informed him that the android was infinitely more complex than Data's old body, referring to it as "more art than engineering". Geordi suggested he could use the USS Titan -A 's computer to analyze the barrier and restore Data, but warned that if he lifted the partition separating Data and Lore, Lore could prevail and delete Data permanently.

Following the plan to lure Vadic to the Titan , Geordi plugged the android into the Titan 's systems. Once again, Lore took control of the android and seized control over the Titan , locking Geordi out of Engineering. Geordi attempted to appeal to Data's memories of friendship to encourage him to overcome Lore, something Lore remarked was "very powerful". Lore stated that he wanted what Geordi wanted for his family, and what the Changelings wanted – "Survival. It's Human nature, pal." Lore, stating that he intended to "level the playing field", then took control of the ship's security systems, lowering the force fields and allowing Vadic to escape confinement, as well as separating Sidney La Forge and Jack Crusher . An angry Geordi demanded that Lore let Sidney go free, and emotionally attempted to appeal to Data again. Data once again took control of the android, opened the door to engineering and deactivated the force field separating Jack and Sidney. The android was still in engineering when Vadic stormed the bridge and took control of the Titan . ( PIC : " Dominion ")

As part of the plan to retake control of the Titan from Vadic, Jack, Beverly, and Picard asked Geordi to reconnect the android to the Titan 's computer. Geordi explained that the risk was too great, since Data and Lore were still battling for control over it. Picard reminded Geordi of the partition between the two personalities that prevented Lore from erasing Data, and suggested that if they lowered it, they could "reverse" it so that Data would erase Lore instead. Geordi pointed out that Data's ethical subroutines prevented him from taking another life of any kind. Sidney told Geordi that they were out of options, and Geordi agreed, though it would take time to lower the partition. Inside the android, Lore noted that the partition was being lowered in the hopes that Data would overpower Lore and gain control of the Titan , but instead told Data that it would instead only hasten Data's end. As the partition lowered, Lore noted that Data was reminiscing, and stating that in his mind, Data would find "mightier things, symbols of power, conquest", while mocking Data for collecting "trinkets" such as a pipe from the Sherlock Holmes holodeck adventures Data had experienced. Data explained that the trinkets were his memories, "the only sensible measure of the worth of a life". The partition lowered, and Lore took the pipe from Data, mocking him for not even being able to feel enough to enjoy those memories. Data began to flicker out of existence as Lore's personality overwrote his own in the android, Lore telling him that he was overpowering him "as I always could" – " Evolution, my dear Watson. "

Data finally defeats Lore

Data holds Lore as the latter decompiles

Lore continued the process of erasing Data, writing his own code to do so. Inside the android, Data had begun to hand his memories over to Lore directly – including a deck of cards that he had used during the hours he spent playing poker with the crew of the USS Enterprise -D . Lore questioned why Data was giving him these, and Data answered that Lore had nothing, while Data had everything. The final memory Data handed over to Lore was his memory of Spot – whom Data acknowledged that, despite being a "simple creature", had managed to teach Data how to love. Lore took the memory, and erased the final traces of Data from the android. Lore gloated over his victory, only to feel the effects of deletion himself as Data came back into being, his personality completely overriding Lore's within the android. Data had deduced that Lore would not be able to resist taking his memories as trophies. He had taken the things that had made Data who he was, and as such, the two personalities had become "one". Lore had become Data. The brothers said goodbye to one another as Lore's personality was finally overridden with that of Data.

Data restored [ ]

Awakening victorious from within the android, Data accessed the ship's systems and re-enabled communications, allowing the crew to inform Riker, aboard the shuttlecraft Emerson , that the Titan had been seized by Vadic. Data then broadcasted to the entirety of the Titan that he was "initiating an immediate shift change", retaking control of the Titan from Vadic.

Following Vadic's ejection and the destruction of the Shrike , Data expressed that he hoped that Picard and the others would see the old Data they once knew. For better or worse, Data was changed. Jokingly, he remarked that he was "clearly older". Data continued that it had always been his desire to "know the totality of the Human experience", remembering that he had already "tasted death" but he was experiencing something new – including the ability to feel something as mundane as a crick in the neck. ( PIC : " Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 ", " Surrender ") Data was disconnected from the Titan , and he expressed the belief that they were "good" here now. Geordi pointed out he had used a contraction. Data countered that he didn't (again using a contraction), before Geordi realized that Data was joking. It was one of many new changes for him; he was Data, but also Lore, B-4, and all else that Altan Soong programmed into this new body. Geordi inquired how Data felt, and Data answered " I feel… I feel." Geordi expressed that he hoped that Data could sense how happy he was to have Data back, and Data responded that, despite his many changes, the one thing that would remain forever constant was his gratitude for Geordi's friendship. After Data got redressed into a current Starfleet uniform, Geordi brought him in to the Titan 's conference room to meet with the rest of the Enterprise crew, announcing him as "the newest version of a very old friend", with an "upgrade", as noted by Riker. Data stated that he was mostly the same, but with a bit of "computational joie de vivre ". Picard reminded Data of the last time they spoke and his wish to experience death, and hoped that Data being there hadn't betrayed that wish. Data responded that they hadn't, that " I know that me is resting peacefully. But this me… this me would rather be no place else in the universe. " As Data sat down, the crew reminded themselves that Changelings had infiltrated Starfleet, that what they had planned for Frontier Day involved something that had been extracted from Jean-Luc Picard's original body. Data interjected, stating that everything being discussed was "factual information that ignores an… an emotional truth" – that, whatever was being planned centered around Jack Crusher. ( PIC : " Surrender ")

Borg takeover [ ]

Data helped to discover that the Borg were behind these events, having genetically altered Picard when he was Locutus of Borg with the alteration having been inherited by Jack. The Changelings spread this altered DNA through Starfleet's transporter system, allowing them to assimilate everyone under the age of 25 who used the transporter system and take over Starfleet. When La Forge was about to run off to search for his daughters Sidney and Alandra as they were right within that age range, Data stopped him, stating that they could do nothing for the moment and that they needed a plan.

As the Titan -A and her crew were assimilated by the Borg, Data joined the rest of the Enterprise command crew in fleeing in a maintenance shuttle while Seven and Raffaela Musiker remained behind. La Forge led the crew to the Fleet Museum where La Forge had secretly spent twenty years rebuilding the USS Enterprise -D , causing Data to get choked up upon seeing the ship once again. With the Enterprise being immune to the Borg takeover, the crew pressed her back into service with Data resuming his old post. ( PIC : " Võx ")

Data was able to locate a Borg cube in Jupiter 's Great Red Spot but, much to his frustration, Picard left Data behind on the ship rather than allowing him to join the away team onto the cube. After the beacon was located at the very heart of the cube, Data insisted that he had a gut feeling that he could fly the Enterprise there despite La Forge's insistence that no pilot or computer could do it. Data convinced La Forge to let him try and he successfully flew the Enterprise through cube's superstructure, experiencing a great deal of enjoyment in the process which a confused Deanna Troi was able to sense due to Data's organic nature. After Data reached the beacon, he and La Forge realized that its destruction would set off a chain reaction that would destroy the cube as well. With no other choice, Beverly Crusher destroyed the beacon, but Data was unable to lock onto the away team due to interference from first the beacon and then the shockwave. Telepathically sensing Riker's location, Deanna took over piloting and managed to rescue the away team and Jack Crusher before the Borg cube was destroyed, ending the threat of the Borg once and for all and stopping the assimilation of Starfleet. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Adapting to his new state [ ]

Data subsequently struggled to adapt to his new organic body and all of the emotions that came with it. Data rather neurotically sought counseling from an increasingly frustrated Deanna Troi who was more interested in finding a vacation destination for herself and Riker instead. Data came to believe that being Human was just as difficult as the desire to be Human and something infinitely more complex than he'd ever considered. However, when Riker asked how Data was doing, Data stated that he was "okay." Once Data was gone, an amused Riker asked his wife if Data was still crazy.

A year later, Data joined the rest of the Enterprise command crew at 10 Forward Avenue where he enjoyed a drink and attempted – and failed – to once again finish a lewd joke. After Picard made a speech, the Enterprise command crew played poker together. ( PIC : " The Last Generation ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Bounty " ( Season 3 )
  • " Dominion "
  • " Surrender "
  • " The Last Generation "

Background information [ ]

Daystrom Android M-5-10 was played by Brent Spiner .

  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Calypso (episode)

Star Trek: Discovery's Robot-Looking Crew Member, Explained


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Sherlock Holmes Series Watson Adds Star Trek: Discovery Star in Major Role

Jerry bruckheimer reveals why audiences crave more from will smith and martin lawrence in 'bad boys: ride or die', ncis: tony & ziva actors reunite with former co-star two decades later.

WARNING: This article may contain minor spoilers for Star Trek: Discovery, airing Sundays on CBS All Access.

There's a growing list of mysteries surrounding the first season of Star Trek: Discovery , from the true nature of the title vessel and its duplicitous captain to the potentially staggering secret that Lt. Ash Tyler (and his actor) may be hiding . But few have been as persistent as what the deal is with that almost comically robot-looking member of Discovery 's bridge crew. This week we found out -- although not on the series itself.

RELATED: This Star Trek: Discovery Fan Theory Is Crazy Enough to Be True

Co-creator Bryan Fuller, who left the series before its premiere, had teased last year that Discovery would include robots, something seemingly reinforced last month with an official peek behind the scenes of the drama's props and prosthetics , in which the "robot" crewman is identified as Airiam. However, it turns out she isn't a robot; not exactly.

On this week's episode of After Trek , the live after-show, showrunner Gretchen J. Berg and special effects makeup artists Neville Page and Glenn Hetrick clarified that Airiam is an augmented human , not a robot.

"There was a sketch," Berg said. "I remember for Episode 3, because you [Page] had done a lot of concept sketches of different creatures, of different augmented humans, and I remember at one point, like, Akiva Goldsman, who's an amazing executive producer on the show and was directing Episode 3, ran through the office at one point and was like, 'I want Plate Face, I call Plate Face!' We were like, 'I don't know what you're talking about,' but he fell in love with that sketch, and sometimes it's that -- you start from there: Who is this character? What is she about? And her name became Airiam, She's kind of a favorite in the [writers'] room; we love her. She's fantastic."

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Traditionally the Star Trek franchise has used "augmented human," or merely Augment, to refer to those genetically engineered Terrans like Khan Noonien Singh who were the products of Earth's 20th-century Eugenics Wars, and Dr. Julian Bashir (of Deep Space Nine ), who as a child underwent "accelerated critical neural pathway formation" treatments. (The Klingons too have augments, the result of a failed attempt to use DNA from augmented human embryos to bio-engineer super-warriors.) However, Airiam is clearly different, as she's been heavily augmented with robotic, cybernetic, attachments. Kind of like the Borg, come to think of it, only without the hive mind, invasive assimilation process and, presumably, driving desire for "perfection."

Played by Sara Mitich ( The Expanse , Heroes Reborn ) Airiam is characterized as potentially "modular," meaning we could see her use custom attachments for, say, away missions. "It actually was discussed, right?" Hetrick said. "We talked about seeing different of -- I mean, there's so many iterations to arrive at where she's at. You, just kind of going through the sketches, saw some of the fleshier versions and hard surfacing. Then it became this cool white silicone, so I feel like she could evolve more."

Airing Sundays at 8:30 p.m. ET on CBS All Access, Star Trek: Discovery stars Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Jason Isaacs, Anthony Rapp, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Wilson Cruz, Mary Chieffo and James Frain.

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Discovery just changed Star Trek robot canon in one surprising way

Android bodies for the win!

star trek discovery android

Robot bodies aren’t what they used to be. In Star Trek: Discovery Season 4, the year is 3189, but it looks like Dr. Culber (Wilson Cruz) is busting out technology from the year 2399.

Gray (Ian Alexander) and Adira (Blu del Barrio) are understandably confused. “This is 800-year-old technology?” Gray asks gratefully but is a bit concerned. As Discovery Season 4 reveals the way in which Gray will finally be seen, the solution is getting plucked from Picard Season 1. Here’s what it all means and what android tech might look like post- Picard Season 2.

Spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Discovery Season 4, Episode 2, “Anamoly.”

Gray’s new Synth body and Star Trek: Picard

star trek discovery android

Adira (Blu del Barrio) and Gray (Ian Alexander) in the Discovery Season 3 episode “Forget Me Not.”

Back in the Star Trek: Picard Season 1 finale, “Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2,” after Jean-Luc Picard died, he was reborn in a Synth body called a “Golem.” Essentially, the words “Synth” and “Golem” are fairly interchangeable with “android,” insofar as Synth tech evolved out of the androids (like Data) from The Next Generation . However, in Picard , certain Synths — like Soji, and, later, Picard — were “flesh and blood” androids, meaning they are nearly indistinguishable from human bodies. (Making them a lot like Replicants from Blade Runner , and thus, a bit less like Data.)

In the Discovery episode “Anamoly,” Culber tells Gray and Adira that an artisan used “the Soong method,” to construct Gray’s new body. Casual fans might think Culber is referring, at first, to Noonien Soong, the creator of Data. But because Culber then mentions “a Starfleet Admiral” named “Picard,” it becomes clear this method — transferring consciousness into a Synth body — comes from Soong’s human son, and Data’s half-brother, Doctor Altan Inigo Soong. Played by Brent Spiner, this Soong was first introduced in the final two episodes of Picard Season 1 and may or may not return for Picard Season 2. (Spiner recently revealed to Inverse that he is playing a new member of the Soong family in Season 2, one we’ve never seen.)

Anyway, thanks to Altan Soong developing the tech that moved Jean-Luc’s mind and soul into a Synth body in Picard , Gray will now be able to “incorporate” outside of the living memory that only Adira can see, thanks to their connection to the Tal symbiont. In addition, using a Picard Synth body invention, there’s also a Deep Space Nine precedent here. In the DS9 episode “Facets,” various past personalities from previous Trill hosts of Dax were able to inhabit bodies of crew members. In fact, one host of Dax, Kurzon, nearly decided to stay inside of the body of the famous shapeshifter Odo.

The difference here is that in Discovery , Adira WANTS Gray to incorporate outside of the Tal symbiont, and become separated from their memories. Gray also wants to be his own person again, too.

Why did Culber barely know who Picard was?

star trek discovery android

Soji (Isa Briones) and Picard (Patrick Stewart); two Synths.

While describing the brief history of “the Soong Method,” Culber says:

“The process was attempted a number of times after Soong used it on a Starfleet admiral.... Pi-card was his name...”

Because Discovery has taken place in the 32nd Century since the beginning of Season 3 this makes it the rare Trek series that began as a prequel and has become a sequel. Previously — in Seasons 1 and 2 — DISCO occurred before The Original Series and The Next Generation. But now, post-Season 3, it occurs several hundred years after everything in Star Trek canon ever. (Well, almost everything .)

It’s a subtle thing, but Culber’s unfamiliarity with Picard’s name is doubly explicable. First, Culber lives in 3189, and Picard was running around in 2399, meaning even with that Synth body, Picard has been dead for roughly 800 years at this point. But on top of that, Culber has only been living in the 3180s for like five months at this point. Prior to this, along with the rest of the DISCO crew, Culber lived in 2258, roughly forty years before Picard was even born in 2305. So Culber’s Starfleet training predates Picard’s birth, and now, his day-to-day life happens in a century well beyond Picard’s death.

To be fair, Picard might be a famous historical figure to other people in the 32nd Century. In Season 3, the recording of Spock that Burnham watched came from the logs of Jean-Luc Picard.

Who Discovery puts a button on Synth canon post- Picard

star trek discovery android

Sutra and Soji (Isa Briones), two Synths from different generations.

When Adira mentions they could “get a Synth body when I die, too...and live forever” Culber counters by saying that’s not how these kinds of bodies work. Just like Jean-Luc’s Synth body in Picard Season 1, apparently, Gray’s new Synth body will grow old and age normally.

Culber also mentions that it’s “not likely” that you could use Synth bodies to live forever because “the success rate was so low that eventually people just stopped trying.” This means that although Picard survived the process successfully and we’re expecting a similarly good outcome for Gray, there is no immortal android future coming in Picard Season 2, Season 3, or any Star Trek series set after the 24th century and before the 32nd century.

Now, this isn’t to say that there aren’t a bunch of Synths/androids still running around the galaxy, but if there are, it seems like Discovery is saying those people have always been Synths. In other words — although we’re seeing people transfer their consciousnesses into Synth bodies in back-to-back Star Trek shows ( Picard and Discovery ) the canon is saying: This kind of android/synth body is actually still fairly rare. In any century!

Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 is streaming now on Paramount+ .

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

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Den of Geek

Discovery Season 5 Easter Eggs Bring Back Tons of Classic ’90s Star Trek Lore

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and more are front and center in the first episodes of Discovery season 5.

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Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham in Star Trek Discovery

This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers.

Since 2017, Star Trek: Discovery has been the flagship of the reborn Trek franchise on TV. Call it “NuTrek,” call it the continuing mission, call it “Star Trek Phase 3.” It doesn’t really matter. The fact is, Disco has been the focal point of new Trek canon since it hit nearly seven years ago. Now, with season 5, Discovery will be ending its journey, leaving Strange New Worlds and the forthcoming Starfleet Academy as the two live-action Trek shows for the foreseeable future.

But about that canon. As executive producer Alex Kurtzman recently said in an interview with Den of Geek magazine , any new Trek film created outside of the streaming TV shows will have to “have to honor all the canon we’ve created since Discovery .” To be clear, this doesn’t just mean outright new events and characters, but all the ways that Disco has interacted with preexisting Trek canon. From the Klingon war in 2017, to Spock and Pike in 2019, to the far-future events that began with season 3, Discovery touches all corners of the Trek canon. (And yes that even includes the Kelvin movies, since season 3 included the first overt reference to that timeline in a Trek TV series!)

Now, with the two-episode debut of season 5 , Discovery is even bringing in lore from a The Next Generation storyline, as a treasure hunt for an ancient Progenitor artifact begins. Here are the very best easter eggs and canon connections…

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The Founding of the Federation

Near the start of the episode, the crew is celebrating a “millennium celebration” for the Federation. A waiter brings Tilly, Burnham , Adira, Culber, and Stamets a round of cocktails which represent the flag of the Federation. Tilly mentions that this marks “the founding of the Federation, it’s been a  thousand years…” Season 4 ended in roughly the year 3190, and it seems season 5 is in 3191.

So, how is this 1,000 years since 2161? Shouldn’t it be 1,030 years? Well, the waiter explains simply: “Give or take a few decades. Hard to celebrate during the Burn.” This references season 3, in which we learned that the galaxy was fragmented for over a century after a catastrophe essentially dissolved the the Federation. The era of Federation’s isolation ended in roughly 3189, partially thanks to the help of the Discovery crew. But, in 3161, at the exact millennium celebration, the Federation was still living in the post-Burn era.

Canonically, the year of “Federation Day” was established in The Next Generation episode “The Outcast” when Troi mentioned the year during a game of poker. The Enterprise finale “These Are the Voyages…” is thought to depict the signing of the Federation charter in 2161, though it’s not made entirely clear in that episode.

To be clear, this is not the same as “Frontier Day” from Picard season 3. Taking place in 2401, that holiday was supposed to commemorate 250 years since the first, most important mission of Starfleet, not the Federation. The first mission of Starfleet (pre-Federation) also occurred in the series Enterprise ; in the debut episode “Broken Bow.”

Tholian Republic and the Breen Imperium

In conversation with Saru, President T’Rina mentions concerns about the Tholian Republic and the Breen Imperium. The Tholians are the crystalline aliens first glimpsed in “The Tholian Web” in The Original Series . The Breen are aggressive enemies of the Federation, first mentioned in the TNG episode “The Loss,” but they didn’t appear until the Deep Space Nine episode “Indiscretion.”

Interestingly, because we don’t know what the Breen look like under their humanoid-ish suits, it’s possible they aren’t actually humanoids. The Tholians are also possibly not humanoids at all, either. These references seem particularly pointed since the entire story of Discovery season 5 involves species created by the humanoid Progenitors. Although this is just a theory, it’s very possible (likely?) that the Breen and Tholians are among many species not created by the Progenitors. After T’Rina mentions the Breen in the first episode, Rayner brings them up again in the second episode, saying, “The Breen are in-fighting over a new leader.” Will we see the Breen again in this season of Discovery ? It’s possible? That’s certainly a lot of Breen chatter!

Romulan science vessel from 800 years ago 

The Romulan science ship that Kovich sends the crew to investigate is from “800 years ago.” This means it’s from the late 2300s, sometime between 2380 and 2390. In other words, it’s from the TNG/DS9/Voyager era. And as we see in “Red Directive,” the design of this small, green Romulan ship is nearly identical to a TNG era Romulan scout ship. This style of ship first appeared in the episode “The Defector.”

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Fred, the android

Played by J. Adam Brown, the antique dealer is revealed to be a Soong-type android, who, very specifically, is reminiscent of Data. We later learn that this “Synth” was built based on the designs of Altan Soong, Data’s human brother first introduced in Picard season 1.

Fred mentions he hasn’t seen a specific puzzle box like the one containing the Romulan journal for “622.27 years.” This would mean that Fred has been around since at least 2569. Still Culber calls him a “surprisingly old model…dozens of generations before the kind of tech used for Gray’s body.” So, this means that Fred could be from the generation of androids that Altan Soong created before Soji and Dahj. Perhaps he was even a contemporary of Sutra, which would make it possible that he was present on the planet Coppelius in the Picard season 1 finale, “Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2.”

Then again, Stamets implies that perhaps Fred was built by someone else, who merely “honored” the designs of Altan Soong. This is, of course, a little weird, since Altan Soong was using designs created by his father, Noonian Soong. So, was Fred created in the late 24th century before Picard season 1? In the 25th century? Or the 26th? We’ll likely never know, but, as Fred says — in a perfect Data imitation — the questions around Fred’s creator are “intriguing.”

Self-sealing stem bolts

Among other “vintage tech,” Moll and L’ak are also trying to sell some “self-sealing stem bolts.” These thingamabobs date back to Deep Space Nine , where their exact purpose was shrouded in vagary. In reality, the self-sealing stem bolt is one of Trek ’s oldest inside jokes. In the episode “Progress,” Chief O’Brien admitted he didn’t even know what they did. 

Rayner, the Kellerun

Captain Rayner — played by Battlestar Galactica veteran Callum Keith Rennie — has some pretty specific alien ears. But he’s not a Romulan or a Vulcan. Instead, Rayner is a Kellerun. This is a super obscure Star Trek species, who, until now, only appeared in the DS9 episode “Armageddon Game.” This episode followed O’Brien and Bashir as they dealt with unwieldy bio weapons, and was written by Trek legend Morgan Gendel, perhaps most famous for his TNG script, “The Inner Light.”

The Progenitors 

The big revelation at the end of “Red Directive” is that the secret mission is all connected to a 24th century scientist named Dr. Velleck. As Kovich tells Burnham, this guy was in the background when Picard and Crusher discovered a hidden message from ancient humanoids called “The Progenitors.” As Kovich puts it, “We’ve been calling them the Progenitors. They created life as we know it. You. Me. Saru. Every humanoid species in the galaxy.”

This revelation originally comes from The Next Generation episode “The Chase,” though, in some ways, it retconned elements of The Original Series episode “The Paradise Syndrome,” in which Spock and Bones discussed the possibility that “the Preservers” were responsible for several humanoid races throughout the galaxy. Either way, Discovery season 5 is taking this TNG canon and running with it.

Next stop, somewhere on Trill 

The clue to the Progenitor tech will lead the crew to Trill in the near future. This will be the second time Discovery has gone to the Trill homeworld. The first visit happened in season 3, but of course, the Trill date back to TNG ’s “The Host.” Meanwhile, the planet Trill itself was first seen in the DS9 episode “Equilibrium.” Interestingly, with a return to Trill this season, Discovery will have more actual visits to this planet than any previous Trek series. 

A second chance 

When Burnham asks Rayner to become her first officer, following the inquiry that gets him removed from his own command, she says, “I got a second chance once, this is yours.” This echoes Burnham’s journey from season 1 of Discovery , during which time she went from being a prisoner, to becoming a science specialist, and eventually, first officer, and then, Captain. The concept of second chances is integral to all of Discovery , so, it’s fitting that as the final season begins, another Starfleet character is getting the same kind of opportunity that shaped Burnham, and the entire crew, seven years (and several centuries!) ago.

Ryan Britt

Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek! He is also the author of three non-fiction books: the Star Trek pop history book PHASERS…

Star Trek Discovery – Commander Airiam and Lieutenant Nilsson

By andrew depledge | mar 24, 2019.

star trek discovery android

In the 52 years we’ve been watching the Star Trek universe unfold before us we’ve seen a number of casting changes, from Captain Pike’s crew being replaced by Captain Kirk’s crew, to the hundreds of other replacements we’ve pretty much seen it all.

So why is this one different.

When  Star Trek Discovery  began its first season one of the most visibly interesting characters was Commander Airiam , a character whose origins and backstory didn’t seem to be completely fleshed out, early suggestions were that she was an android, something which seemed impossible knowing that Lt. Commander Data was the first android to serve in Starfleet, to an alien, to her ultimately true background of a cybernetically enhanced human.

Unfortunately, during the first season, she was little more than a living prop, sitting in the background, occasionally saying a few words, but with zero dimension, she didn’t really start to grow until the second season, where her presence was felt more and more as the season went on until episode 9,   Project Daedalus  where she would ultimately meet her demise in an episode centered largely around her.

Once we got to know Airiam a little better it became clear how great a character she could have been given the chance for her to have been explored over the remaining seasons of the series, she might have even had the potential to be one of the franchises best characters. But apparently, that’s not meant to be as her cybernetic systems were overrun by an advanced AI with dreams of galactic domination.

What makes it different?

We’ve seen potentially great characters killed off before , and no doubt we’ll see them killed off again , but with Airiam the strange part is actually in the actress who plays her.

Originally she was played by Sara Mitch during the first season she was replaced with no fanfare at the beginning of the second by fellow Canadian actress Hannah Cheeseman.

Then just into the second season, Sara Mitch appeared playing a new character, Lieutenant Nilsson, who is apparently a science officer considering her assisting Tilly with the capture of the asteroid fragment. Then following the death of Commander Airiam, Nilsson was assigned to her former station on the bridge, which was somewhat of an awkward scene that brings the actress full circle.

But what does it mean?

The producers of Star Trek Discovery have yet to address the changes, which is what’s now leading to fan speculation, some of which has included the possibility that Nilsson is an earlier or future version of Airiam, but since this clearly isn’t a well-veiled plan as the whole Ash Tyler / Voq actor shenanigans was, so the simplest explanation is most likely the truth.

It’s well known that the makeup process in shows like Star Trek can be an intensive one, so much so that some actors spend hours a day having their skin added and removed, and many have reactions to the process. It seems likely that Sara Mitch, whose face was entirely covered by makeup and prosthetics may have had such a reaction necessitating the removal of the makeup from her job.

If any of us had a medical reaction to materials we used at work our employer would be beholden to make a change or provide an alternative to us, I believe that’s what’s happened here, Sara becomes the prosthetic free Nilsson, and takes up her original role, and another actress is given a chance to shine for a season as a fantastic character who will no doubt be well remembered.

Hot. Every Star Trek The Original Series Crossover Character. light

When you put it in those terms, it’s kind of nice really.

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'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

Eric Deggans

Eric Deggans

Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham in Season 5, Episode 9 of Star Trek: Discovery.

Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham. Michael Gibson/Paramount+ hide caption

First, an admission: Though this column will offer a lot of discussion and defense of Star Trek: Discovery as a pivotal show, it won’t spend much time talking up the series’ current, final season or its finale episode, “Life, Itself,” dropping Thursday on Paramount+.

That’s because, for this critic, the last few seasons of Discovery have been a bit bogged down by the stuff that has always made it a tough sell as a Trek series: overly ambitious, serialized storylines that aren’t compelling; new characters and environments that don’t impress; plot twists which can be maddening in their lack of logic; big storytelling swings which can be confusing and predictable at once.

'Star Trek: Picard' soars by embracing the legacy of 'The Next Generation'

'Star Trek: Picard' soars by embracing the legacy of 'The Next Generation'

The show’s finale features the culmination of a sprawling scavenger hunt which found the crew of the starship Discovery bounding all over the place, searching for clues leading to a powerful technology pioneered by an alien race which created humanoid life throughout the galaxy. Their goal was to grab the technology before another race, ruthless and aggressive, could beat them to it, laying waste to everything.

It's no spoiler to reveal that Discovery ’s heroes avoid that nightmarish scenario, wrapping its fifth and final season with a conclusion centered on Sonequa Martin-Green’s ever-resourceful Capt. Michael Burnham and fond resolutions for a multitude of supporting characters (there’s even a space wedding!)

Still, this good-enough ending belies Discovery ’s status as a pioneering show which helped Paramount+ build a new vision for Star Trek in modern television – breaking ground that more creatively successful series like Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds would follow years later.

And it all began with a singular character: Michael Burnham.

A take on Star Trek for modern TV

Discovery debuted in 2017 on CBS All Access — the streaming service which would become Paramount+ — facing a serious challenge.

As the first new Trek series in a dozen years, it had to chart a path which offered a new vision of the franchise without going too far — carving out a new corner in the universe of Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock not long after the release of Star Trek Beyond , the third feature film produced by J. J. Abrams featuring rebooted versions of those classic characters.

Producers set Discovery ’s story 10 years before the days of Kirk and Spock (originally depicted on NBC for three seasons starting way back in 1966). The new series wouldn’t be centered on a starship captain, but its second in command: Burnham, a Black woman who also happened to be the hitherto unknown adopted daughter of Vulcan ambassador Sarek, Spock’s father (she would get promoted to captain of Discovery much later).

A Black human woman who was raised among the emotionally controlling, super-intellectual Vulcans? Who Trek fans had never heard of over nearly 60 years? Before I actually saw any episodes, my own feelings ranged from cautiously intrigued to cynically pessimistic.

But then I saw the first episode, which had an amazing early scene: Martin-Green as Burnham and Michelle Yeoh as Discovery Capt. Philippa Georgiou walking across an alien planet – two women of color marking the first step forward for Star Trek on a new platform.

People once sidelined in typical science fiction stories were now centerstage — a thrilling, historic moment.

Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou and Sonequa Martin-Green as First Officer Michael Burnham in the very first episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou and Sonequa Martin-Green as First Officer Michael Burnham in the very first episode of Star Trek: Discovery. Jan Thijs/CBS hide caption

And it got better from there. Back in the day, Trek writers often felt hamstrung by creator Gene Roddenberry’s insistence that, in the future depicted by the show, humans were beyond social ills like greed, prejudice, sexism, war, money and personal friction. The writers chafed, wondering: How in the world do you build compelling stories on a starship where interpersonal human conflict doesn’t exist?

But Discovery found a workaround, putting Burnham in a position where logic led her to mutiny against her captain, attempting a strategy which ultimately failed — leaving humans in open combat with the legendarily warlike Klingons. Discovery also featured a long storyline which played out over an entire season, unlike many earlier Trek shows which tried to offer a new adventure every week.

'First, Last And Always, I Am A Fan': Michael Chabon Steers Latest 'Star Trek'

'First, Last And Always, I Am A Fan': Michael Chabon Steers Latest 'Star Trek'

The show’s first season had plenty of action, with Harry Potter alum Jason Isaacs emerging as a compelling and unique starship captain (saying more would be a spoiler; log onto Paramount+ and check out the first season). Fans saw a new vision for Trek technology, leveraging sleek, visceral special effects and action sequences worthy of a big budget movie, with design elements cribbed from several of the franchise’s films.

Later in its run, Discovery would debut Ethan Peck as Spock and Anson Mount as Christopher Pike, classic Trek characters who eventually got their own acclaimed series in Strange New Worlds . So far, five other Trek series have emerged on Paramount+ from ideas initially incubated on Discovery – including a critically acclaimed season of Picard which reunited the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Not bad for a series one TV critic eventually called among “the worst in the [ Trek ] franchise’s history.”

Discovery’s unappreciated legacy

Unfortunately, Discovery has taken some turns which didn’t work out quite so well. At the end of Discovery ’s second season, the starship jumped ahead in time nine centuries – perhaps to remove it from Strange New World ’s timeline? – placing it in an environment only distantly connected to classic Trek .

And while Discovery initially seemed cautious about referencing classic Trek in its stories, later series like Strange New Worlds and Picard learned the value of diving into the near-60-year-old franchise’s legacy – regularly tapping the show’s longtime appeal, rather than twisting into knots to avoid it.

There are likely fans of Discovery who would disagree with this analysis. But I think it helps explain why the series has never quite gotten its due in the world of Star Trek , initially shaded by skeptical fans and later overshadowed by more beloved products.

Now is the perfect time to pay tribute to a show which actually accomplished quite a lot – helping prove that Roddenberry’s brainchild still has a lot of narrative juice left in the 21st Century.

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  • Episode aired May 16, 2024

Labyrinths (2024)

When Burnham is trapped within a "mindscape" designed to test her worthiness to retrieve the Progenitor's powerful technology, Book, Rayner and the crew of the U. S. S. Discovery must hold o... Read all When Burnham is trapped within a "mindscape" designed to test her worthiness to retrieve the Progenitor's powerful technology, Book, Rayner and the crew of the U. S. S. Discovery must hold off the Breen long enough for her to escape. When Burnham is trapped within a "mindscape" designed to test her worthiness to retrieve the Progenitor's powerful technology, Book, Rayner and the crew of the U. S. S. Discovery must hold off the Breen long enough for her to escape.

  • Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Bryan Fuller
  • Alex Kurtzman
  • Sonequa Martin-Green
  • Anthony Rapp
  • Mary Wiseman
  • 11 User reviews
  • 8 Critic reviews

Sonequa Martin-Green, David Ajala, and Elena Juatco in Labyrinths (2024)

  • Michael Burnham

Anthony Rapp

  • Lt. Cmdr. Paul Stamets

Mary Wiseman

  • Lt. Sylvia Tilly

Wilson Cruz

  • Dr. Hugh Culber

Blu del Barrio

  • Commander Jett Reno

David Ajala

  • Cleveland Booker

Eve Harlow

  • Malinne 'Moll' Ravel

Elena Juatco

  • Hy'Rell

Patrick Kwok-Choon

  • Lt. Cmdr. Gen Rhys

Orville Cummings

  • Lt. Christopher

David Benjamin Tomlinson

  • Lt. J.G. Linus

Christina Dixon

  • Lt. Cmdr. Asha

Victoria Sawal

  • Cmdr. Lorna Jemison

Tony Nappo

  • Primarch Ruhn
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

User reviews 11

  • May 15, 2024
  • May 16, 2024 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official Site
  • Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 120 St George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (The Archive)
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 58 minutes

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FIRST LOOK | Star Trek: Discovery - 'Mirrors'

Get a glimpse of this week's episode!

In "Mirrors," Captain Burnham and Book journey into extradimensional space in search of the next clue to the location of the Progenitors' power. Meanwhile, Rayner navigates his first mission in command of the U.S.S. Discovery , and Culber opens up to Tilly.

In Sickbay aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise, Burnham and L'ak are locked on each other with phasers drawn in 'Mirrors'

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe and also airs on Cosmote TV in Greece. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

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Interview: Doug Jones On ‘Space Command,’ And Saru’s Legacy After ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Series Finale

Doug Jones and Saru from Star Trek: Discovery

| May 29, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 5 comments so far

This has been a big month for actor Doug Jones. Tomorrow, the series finale of Star Trek: Discovery arrives, coming just a few weeks after the long-awaited debut of Space Command: Redemption , a crowdfunded sci-fi project he shot a decade ago. TrekMovie had a chance to talk to Doug about playing the android Dor Neven on Space Command , as well as the final season for Saru and Discovery .

Starting off with Space Command , and for you going back a decade, at that time you were coming off the Hellboy movies and heading into the Falling Skies series and eventually Shape of Water , so what drew you to this somewhat offbeat crowdfunded sci-fi project with Marc Scott Zicree?

I met Marc at the Saturn Awards, back… a long time ago [laughs]. He complimented the long Victorian coat that I had on the red carpet. After the show, he came to me and presented me with Space Command and Dor Neven, who was an android, which I had never played before. It would be my real face with a metal helmet on and that interested me because anything where my face shows I’m more interested in, now. I read the script and it was like Shakespeare in space. It was really beautifully written with some poetic dialogue so I was interested indeed, so I just took a chance. I had been in things with big production value before like you were saying, but when this came I really liked how it was written and it had a cast of good actors I could play with, including Robert Picardo, who I was opposite for most of my scenes. So it was a kind of a win-win.

Playing an android, did you draw any inspiration from other characters, maybe even from Star Trek?

I tried not to, I didn’t want to be copying anybody else’s performance. Because he was such an advanced android, called a “synth,” short for synthetic, so I didn’t I didn’t want to go to Anthony Daniels route like C-3PO. He had more humanity to him and as the story of Space Command lays out, I am a synth, but I grow my own heart and soul and intention that were never programmed into me. So with that extra bit of humanity, I played him a bit more fluidly than a robotic machine.

You were paired up with Picardo; he, too, played an AI character that grew a heart. I don’t suppose that was an on-set discussion for you guys?

Oh, sure, yeah. Robert, we are such delightful friends now. And yes, that discussion does come up. As the hologram Doctor on Voyager, he became so human to all of us watching him, didn’t he? So yeah, we totally understand each other.

I know he is also a jokester, so I assume he helped keep it light on set.

Yeah, we were doing heavy material on camera, so off-camera we were laughing an awful lot. He is such a jokester and a Vaudevillian prankster. I loved working with him, that lightened the mood, totally. But we did an incredible amount of material in a very short amount of time. Everything you saw of me in Space Command: Redemption was shot in just three days, pages and pages of poetic dialog.

There is something very spiritual about Dor and there was a lot of discussion about faith with Picardo’s character. Was this exploration of faith, which I know is important to you, part of what drew you to Space Command ?

Yeah, of course, always exploring what else is what else is out there besides this earthly experience. So the fact that Dor Neven is on a journey to find his humanity, what comes with that would be some spirituality, yes.

star trek discovery android

Doug Jones with Robert Picardo in Space Command

That’s a good place to switch to Discovery and season 5, which is asking big questions as well. Do you feel that this is a more spiritual season?  

Oh, sure. When you’re dealing with creation, and how did it happen, absolutely. [laughs] It’s a journey to find out where we come from and who we came from. I think that’s a question so many of us humans on Earth have when our TV is not on. What else is out there? This is quite a complex world that was created and so how did that all happen and come about? I find that season 5 is exploring that in a bit more detail.

And you feel that the season landed that plane in the end, without getting into spoilers for the finale?

I think so. The question of the riddle we are trying to solve this season, I believe we will end up with an answer. What we do with it, that’s the question you will have to watch and see.

Looking back at season 5 and the series as a whole, are you satisfied with how things ended for Saru or do you wish there was something else you had a chance to explore with the character?

No. In earlier seasons when I was asked what would I like to see for Saru, I always brought up romance. I always wanted to see a relationship for Saru. And then when T’Rina came along in season 3 I was like, “Okay, I hope that turns into something,”  because that works for me. And Tara Rosling, who plays T’Rina, she thought the same thing. So, in season 5 we are engaged to be married. I’m not going to give away the end of the series but yeah, that relationship is the most satisfying thing to me. When it comes to the science fiction part of it that is exciting and fun, but for me personally, romance will always win me over, every time.

This may be a hard question to answer, but what do you see as your and Saru’s legacy in the franchise?

Oh, golly. Yeah, it is difficult for me to over-talk myself. I approached Saru with all the humility in the world. I feel very, very fortunate to have been able to play him. The writers have been very wonderful to me and to the character. I was told at the beginning of the series, that I would be the Spock of this show. Not a Vulcan of course, but in that sort of position within the cast and the crew of the Discovery. I would be the funny-looking one on the bridge, but with more emotion than Spock, of course, but also a calming influence, very intelligent influence, a mentorship-type of influence with the younger Discovery crew members. So I think I would like to leave that legacy.

And what I’ve already seen in the fandom out there is a relatability to Saru, coming from his anxieties and fears and what he was living in as a Kelpien on his home planet Kaminar with the Ba’ul being a predator species that was controlling the Kelpiens. So the liberation of Saru that he realized when he was on the ship by himself away from the Ba’ul’s rule. He went through Vahar’ai and figured out, I am going to live past this with no fear now, that was just my adolescence. I think that was liberating for a lot of people who deal with anxiety and fear in their real lives. To watch Saru certainly has been for me, because I have lived through my own anxiety over the years. Fear of the unknown, I have dealt with it my whole life. Saru has gone through a lot of personal growth and change. And the world around him hasn’t changed so much, but his reaction to it has. I think that’s a lesson that we can all take away. And I hope that’s the legacy I want to leave, it’s that our attitude and our reaction to our surroundings, we have control of that. We don’t have control of what comes at us, but we do [in] how we respond to it.

When we spoke earlier this year at the Saturn Awards you said would be happy to appear in the new Starfleet Academy series. So Professor Saru? What would be his subject?

Well, remember the series started with Saru as a science officer on the starship Shenzhou. So I think it would be in the sciences somewhere. He speaks 94 languages, if I remember the number right. And there is also his problem-solving and diplomacy, getting through conflict with a diplomatic and peaceful resolve. So, science, language, problem-solving, and diplomacy. Those are his strong suits.

star trek discovery android

Doug Jones as Saru in “Lagrange Point”

More from Doug coming up

Check back later in the week here on TrekMovie and on the All Access Star Trek podcast on Friday, after the Discovery season finale. We have more from Doug Jones talking about the season 5 finale episode, and the additional “epilogue” shot later to turn it into a series finale.

You can watch “Space Command: Redemption” now  for free on the ad-supported streaming service Tubi . You can also  rent or buy it at Amazon  and  Google Play . There is also a DVD and Blu-ray release with special features and director’s commentary available at the official site .

The fifth and final season of Discovery debuted with two episodes on Thursday, April 4 exclusively on Paramount+  in the U.S., the UK, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, and Austria.  Discovery also premiered on April 4 on Paramount+ in Canada and will be broadcast on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel in Canada. The rest of the 10-episode final season is available to stream weekly on Thursdays. Season 5 debuted on SkyShowtime in select European countries on April 5.

Note: The interview has  been edited for brevity and clarity.  

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We were so lucky to have Doug Jones for these 5 seasons. He’s a terrific actor and seems like a good guy all around. Saru has been my favorite character in Discovery since day one.

I agree completely. He’s a fabulous actor and also seems like a good human being, which not all fabulous actors are. Star Trek is lucky to have such a person bring to life the best of the new Discovery characters.

Not necessarily my favourite character but I love Doug’s performance and he had a great chracter arc. I don’t think I have a favourite character. They were mostly great.. Jet Reno is my favourite side character. Too bad she wasn’t around that much.

the legacy is that the horrible writers ruined his character after he lost his ganglia. It was strongly implied (by Ba’ul and by Saru’s behavior in that episode) that he would be more volatile and aggressive in the long-term. Instead he was reduced to one of the blandest main characters in franchise history. And don’t get me started on Michael’s unearned arc that saw her jettison most of her Vulcaness in season 3. I love both actors, though.

I appreciated Michael changing after a year on her own/with Book. It was good to see her so liberated. I actually thought she was suddenly too buttoned up again the second she got back in that uniform.

When does the final season of 'Star Trek: Discovery' come out? Release date, cast, where to watch

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It's time for U.S.S. Discovery's final mission.

Paramount+'s hit TV series "Star Trek: Discovery" is returning for its fifth and final season this week and there is a lot to look forward to.

"The fifth and final season will find Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries," says Paramount+ about the upcoming season. "But there are others on the hunt as well…dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it."

"Star Trek: Discovery" debuted in 2017 and is the seventh in the Star Trek series. Here's everything you need to know about the final season of the series.

When does 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 premiere?

The finale season of "Star Trek: Discovery" is scheduled to premiere on Paramount+ on Thursday, April 4.

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The first two episodes will be available to stream on the premiere date, with new episodes dropping weekly on Thursdays. Paramount+ did not specify what time the episodes will be available on their platform.

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'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 episodes

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" has 10 episodes in total. The first two will be available to stream on April 4, with the remaining dropping weekly on Thursday on Paramount+.

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 cast

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" brings back new and old faces along with recurring guest stars. Cast members include:

  • Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham
  • Doug Jones as Saru
  • Anthony Rapp as Paul Stamets
  • Mary Wiseman as Sylvia Tilly
  • Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber
  • David Ajala as Cleveland “Book” Booker
  • Blu del Barrio as Adira
  • Callum Keith Rennie as Rayner.
  • Elias Toufexis as L’ak
  • Eve Harlow as Moll

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 trailer

Paramount+ dropped the official trailer for Season 5 on Feb. 23.

Saman Shafiq is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter @saman_shafiq7.

star trek discovery android

Star Trek: Discovery Season 6 Or Movie - Everything We Know

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery's Series Finale - "Life, Itself"

  • Star Trek: Discovery season 5 concludes the series with multiple endings for Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery crew.
  • There are no plans for Star Trek: Discovery season 6, but a Paramount+ streaming movie continuation is a possibility.
  • Future Star Trek projects include spinoffs from Discovery, upcoming series, and movies on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery has ended, but will the flagship Star Trek series on Paramount+ return for season 6 or a streaming movie? Star Trek: Discovery began in 2017 and helped launch the CBS All-Access streaming service, which later rebranded as Paramount+. Discovery was the first new Star Trek series in 12 years and brought the franchise into the streaming era with cinematic visuals and serialized storytelling. Discovery 's success led to multiple Star Tre k spinoffs , including Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Star Trek: Prodigy, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , as well as the upcoming series Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and the made-for-streaming Star Trek: Section 31 movie.

Although Star Trek: Discovery season 5 wasn't produced as the final season, after the cast and crew learned the series was ending, Paramount+ allowed them to film new scenes to wrap up Star Trek: Discovery with an epilogue to the series finale, "Life, Itself". Star Trek: Discovery season 5 turned out to be one of the show's strongest seasons, with an adventurous tone that delivered thrills and poignant moments. Discovery season 5 also contained multiple callbacks to past Star Trek series to better tie the 32nd century-set saga with the franchise's legacy. But now that Star Trek: Discovery is officially over, will Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery return for season 6 or a movie on Paramount+?

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Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 6 Happen?

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There are no known plans for Star Trek: Discovery season 6. Star Trek: Discovery season 5 contained multiple endings that concluded the story of Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery. The original ending of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 consisted of the wedding of Ambassador Saru (Doug Jones) and President T'Rina (Tara Rosling) while Captain Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) resumed their love story just in time for their next adventure. Star Trek: Discovery 's series finale epilogue flashed forward decades to send off the USS Discovery to its ultimate destiny.

Paramount Studios is up for sale, which will inevitably affect future Star Trek projects.

However, Star Trek: Discovery s eason 5's ending doesn't preclude season 6 were it to be greenlit by Paramount+. Discovery 's finale epilogue scenes simply mean audiences learn what happens to Michael Burnham and the USS Discovery in the far future, but there is plenty of time before that to tell more stories about the USS Discovery and its crew. Star Trek: Discovery has wrapped, but it's possible the cast and crew could reunite for season 6 after some time has passed.

What Star Trek: Discovery Season 6 Would Have Been About

Discovery's epilogue was an abbreviated version of season 6's story.

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Michelle Paradise also told Screen Rant in our exclusive interview that "we hadn't gotten far enough down the road to know what would happen" to Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) and Moll (Eve Harlow), two of Star Trek: Discovery season 5's new additions who proved popular with audiences. Both Moll and Rayner ended Discovery season 5 with hints that they would stay on into season 6 , had it happened. Perhaps what's next for Rayner and Moll will be revealed in the next Star Trek series, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.

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Five seasons... and a movie.

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What Star Trek TV Series & Movies Are Coming After Discovery Ends?

Star trek will still be going strong..

Star Trek will continue to go boldly after Star Trek: Discovery ends, with multiple announced Star Trek projects in various stages of production and development. (Executive producer Alex Kurtzman, who oversees all of Star Trek on Paramount+, says there are more unannounced Star Trek projects in the works.) Star Trek: Lower Decks will stream season 5, which is also its final season, on Paramount+ in fall 2024. Netflix is also going to premiere Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 sometime in 2024. Star Trek: Section 31 is awaiting a Paramount+ premiere date, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds wrapped filming season 3 with season 4 greenlit. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will also start production in late summer 2024.

Paramount Pictures ' Star Trek movie franchise is also ramping up after nearly a decade of development hell. Paramount announced an Untitled Star Trek Origin movie directed by Toby Haynes will begin production later in 2024 for a 2025 or 2026 theatrical release. X-Men producer Simon Kinberg is reportedly signing on to oversee the Star Trek theatrical movies similar to how Alex Kurtzman runs Star Trek streaming on Paramount+. Producer J.J. Abrams is also reportedly trying to launch Star Trek 4 and reunite the USS Enterprise cast led by Chris Pine. As Star Trek: Discovery heads off to its final frontier, it leaves Star Trek stronger than how it found it.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is available to stream on Paramount+

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Discovery Season 6 Or Movie - Everything We Know

Screen Rant

8 ways star trek: discovery made star trek better.


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Star Trek: Discovery Season 6 Or Movie - Everything We Know

Star trek: discovery’s ending beautifully showed saru changed for the better, star trek: strange new worlds season 3 - everything we know.

  • Star Trek: Discovery brought new life to the franchise with unique storylines, advanced visuals, and diverse representation.
  • The series ventured into the 32nd century, offering a fresh take on the future of Starfleet and the Federation.
  • Discovery paved the way for new Trek shows like Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, introducing unforgettable characters and alien species.

Throughout its five-season run, Star Trek: Discovery has been met with mixed reviews from critics and fans alike, but the series undoubtedly made many positive contributions to the Star Trek franchise. Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Discovery premiered in 2017 on CBS All Access (now Paramount+) with a dark story set about a decade before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series .

The series kicks off when Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) commits mutiny and inadvertently sends the Federation into war with the Klingons. The first season then unfolds with complicated Klingon politics, experimental spore drive technology, and Mirror Universe shenanigans . Star Trek: Discovery would go on to reinvent itself every season, eventually making the jump to the 32nd century after the show's second season. Freed from any obligations to established Star Trek canon, Discovery found a new rhythm in exploring what was left of Starfleet and the Federation in the far future.

Not everything about Discovery worked all the time, but, as with most Star Trek, when it was good, it was truly great. The USS Discovery established itself as one of Star Trek's most unique ships, with a crew of compelling characters, some of whom will join the lists of Star Trek greats. Discovery introduced Star Trek to a new generation of fans, and will certainly be looked at as a success.

12 Amazing Characters Discovery Gave Star Trek

Throughout its five seasons on Paramount+, Star Trek: Discovery introduced some truly amazing and unforgettable characters to the Star Trek universe.

8 Discovery Brought Star Trek Back To Television & Ushered In A New Trek Era

Modern star trek would not exist without star trek: discovery.

After the end of Star Trek: Enterprise in 2005, no new Trek shows aired on television until Star Trek: Discovery's premiere in 2017. While J.J. Abrams' commercially successful films proved that audiences were still interested in Star Trek, Discovery proved that the franchise could continue to flourish in the era of streaming television. With its connections to Star Trek: The Original Series, Discovery appealed to already established Trek fans, but it was also constructed to serve as an entry point for those new to the franchise.

Star Trek: Discovery became the most viewed original series on CBS All Access and Paramount+, and this success led to multiple spin-offs and more Star Trek content. While Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and the upcoming Star Trek: Starfleet Academy are direct spin-offs of Discovery , it's also likely that Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Prodigy would not have existed had Discovery been a flop.

7 Discovery Offered A Look Into Star Trek's Far Future

Discovery ventured into the 32nd century — further into the future than any other star trek show.

At the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 2 , the ship traveled over 900 years into the future to prevent Control from destroying the known universe. This put Discovery further into the future than any other Star Trek had gone before, offering a fascinating glimpse of a very different Federation. This jump allowed Discovery to establish its own Star Trek canon, without any obligation to match up with what has already been established.

The 32nd-century setting made Discovery more unique and also allowed the show to introduce new aliens and explore more advanced technology. With its journey to the future, Discovery leaned into Star Trek's optimism, showing a Federation that was working to rebuild after the devastation caused by the Burn. The USS Discovery brought hope to the future, helping Starfleet and the Federation reestablish themselves in the 32nd century.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is the final season, but will Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery be back for season 6 or a Paramount+ movie?

6 Discovery Gave Star Trek's Visual Effects A Needed 21st-Century Upgrade

Discovery includes some o star trek's coolest visuals.

Star Trek: The Original Series has become known for its low-budget sets and simple alien make-up, but as technology has improved, each subsequent Trek series has incorporated more complex visuals. While there will always be a certain charm to the outdated visuals of early Star Trek, Discovery stepped up the game regarding visual effects. From exotic alien planets to incredibly advanced technology, Discovery's look really makes it feel like it all takes place in the future.

Discovery also produced fewer episodes than any previous Star Trek series, allowing each episode more time to film, as well as a significantly higher budget. Beginning with Star Trek: Discovery season 4, the production team began using a massive state-of-the-art AR Wall to create stunning alien backdrops that look real. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds also uses this Wall and will continue to bring both classic and new alien planets to life.

5 Discovery Added Cool New Alien Species & Characters To Trek Canon

Kelpians & kwejians & non-humanoid aliens known as species 10-c, oh my.

Although the cast of Star Trek: Discovery included many members of previously established alien species, the show also introduced some fascinating new aliens to Star Trek canon. Most notably, Mr. Saru (Doug Jones) introduced viewers to the Kelpians, a humanoid alien species living on Kaminar with the predatory Ba'ul. As the first Kelpian to join Starfleet, Saru single-handedly changed his people's future, as he also discovered that Kelpians did not have to be prey.

One of the USS Discovery's bridge officers, Lt. Arav (Avaah Blackwell), was a member of the Osnullus, although little is known about this strange-looking species. After Discovery jumped to the 32nd century, Captain Burnham encountered a Kwejian named Cleveland Booker (David Ajala). Although basically indistinguishable from humans, Book possessed an empathic ability to communicate and influence plants and animals, a trait that was rare even among Kwejians.

In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Burnham and her crew encountered the truly alien Species 10-C, who reside beyond the galactic barrier. As Species 10-C had no spoken language, Discovery's crew had to devise a unique way to communicate with them using hydrocarbons.

Star Trek: Discovery's final episode beautifully proved that Doug Jones' Saru had undergone a major change for the better since season 1.

4 Discovery Adapted Star Trek For The Streaming Era With More Serialized Stories

Star trek had to find a new way to tell stories for modern television.

When Star Trek: The Original Series began in 1966 , the television landscape was vastly different than it is today. Television shows consisted almost exclusively of standalone episodes that could be watched in any order. Even in the 1980s and 1990s, shows were mostly episodic, with only a few multi-part stories or connective story threads. Today, however, most television shows, particularly those on streaming services, are much more heavily serialized.

From its first season on, Star Trek: Discovery was more serialized than any previous Star Trek show, bringing the franchise into the era of streaming television. Although shows like Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and even Star Trek: Lower Decks have a more adventure-of-the-week format, they still contain elements of serialization. Discovery established what Star Trek would be in the modern era of television, influencing every Trek story that followed.

3 Discovery Introduced Anson Mount's Pike, Ethan Peck's Spock, & Rebecca Romijn's Number One

Star trek: strange new worlds wouldn't exist without discovery.

Anson Mount's Captain Christopher Pike joined the cast of Star Trek: Discovery season 2, becoming so popular that he went on to lead his own spin-off. Following the adventures of Captain Pike and his crew on the USS Enterprise, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds quickly became the most highly praised show of modern Trek . Pike, along with Number One and Spock, leads a phenomenal ensemble cast that includes both classic and new characters.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 ended with an epic cliffhanger and here's everything known about when it will be resolved in season 3.

Pike, Spock, and Una shoock up the dynamic of Discovery, breathing new life into the show for its second season, while also providing more solid connections to Star Trek: The Original Series . Discovery season 2 explored Spock's struggle with his human and Vulcan sides, as well as Pike's glimpse into his dark future, both of which become major storylines on Strange New Worlds .

In its two seasons so far, Strange New Worlds has produced some of the greatest and most unique stories of modern Trek , including Star Trek's first musical episode .

2 Discovery Included More LGBTQ+ Representation Than Ever

Commander stamets and dr. culber remain one of star trek's best couples.

As a franchise, Star Trek has always been ahead of its time in terms of social commentary and representation. Discovery continued that trend, with its incredibly diverse cast of characters from all walks of life. In particular, Discovery introduced several amazing queer characters into the franchise, showing that the 23rd (and 32nd) century has room for all kinds of relationships.

Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and his husband, Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), became one of Star Trek's best couples and the first established gay couple in the franchise.

After the USS Discovery traveled to the 32nd century, Ensign Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio) joined the crew, eventually revealing that they identified as nonbinary. With their boyfriend, Grey (Ian Sutherland), Adira brought more representation to the cast, becoming another relatable character fans could see themselves in. While all of these characters were unapologetically queer, they were also whole individuals outside of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

1 Discovery's Michael Burnham Continued What Captain Janeway Started

Burnham was the second female captain to lead a star trek show and the first woman of color.

Following in the footsteps of Captain (and later, Admiral) Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), Sonequa Martin-Green's Captain Burnham became the second female captain to lead a Star Trek show and the first Black woman to do so. Women (and in particular Black women) have always been a part of Star Trek, beginning with Nichelle Nichols' portrayal of Lt. Uhura on TOS, and Burnham got to continue that legacy, eventually rising to become a four-star Admiral in Discovery's finale epilogue.

The cast of Discovery's upcoming spin-off, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, will also be led by a woman. Academy-Award winner Holly Hunter has been tapped to play the show's lead — the as-yet-unnamed Chancellor of Starfleet Academy.

Michael Burnham's success as Captain and Martin-Green's compelling performance opened the door for more strong female characters. On Star Trek: Lower Decks , the USS Cerritos is also commanded by a strong Black woman in Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis), who is consistently the most capable character on the show.

Discovery also gave Star Trek one of its best villains/anti-heroes in Michelle Yeoh's Emperor Philippa Georgiou , who leads the cast of the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 film. In Star Trek: Discovery, Captain Michael Burnham not only built on the legacy that came before her, but also helped pave the way for those who would come after.

Star Trek: Discovery

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Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Jensen Ackles to Star in Amazon Thriller Series ‘Countdown’ From Derek Haas

By Joe Otterson

Joe Otterson

TV Reporter

  • Jensen Ackles Amazon Series ‘Countdown’ Casts Jessica Camacho 2 days ago
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NEW YORK, NEW YORK - OCTOBER 09: Jensen Ackles attends the Warner Bros. The Winchesters interview during New York Comic Con 2022  on October 09, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Craig Barritt/Getty Images for ReedPop)

Jensen Ackles is set to lead a new action-thriller series at Amazon Prime Video from “One Chicago” alum Derek Haas , Variety has learned.

Titled “Countdown,” the official logline states the show begins “following a suspicious murder in broad daylight, which leads to LAPD officer Mark Meachum (Ackles) being recruited to join a secret task force of undercover agents from all branches of law enforcement to investigate. But as the truth of a more sinister plot comes into focus, the team must overcome their conflicting personal agendas to unite and save a city of millions.”

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This marks one of Ackles’ first TV starring role since the end of “Supernatural,” the WB/CW series on which he starred with Jared Padalecki for 15 seasons. The show wrapped up its historic run in 2020. He also starred in the third season of the ABC drama “Big Sky.” He also executive produced and narrated the “Supernatural” prequel series “The Winchesters” at The CW. Most recently, Ackles appeared in “The Boys” and its spinoff series, “Gen V,” as well as making a guest appearance on the hit CBS show “Tracker.”

He is repped by Gersh and Johnson Shapiro Slewett & Kole.

Haas is perhaps best known for his work in the Dick Wolf universe, specifically launching the shows “Chicago Fire,” “Chicago Med,” and “Chicago PD” at NBC. Haas co-created “Chicago Fire” and served as co-showrunner for more than a decade while also executive producing the other two shows. He then co-created “FBI: International” with Wolf and served as showrunner for two seasons. He is currently an executive producer on the Amazon series “On Call,” which hails from Wolf Entertainemtn. Haas also co-wrote several hit films, including “3:10 to Yuma,” “Wanted,” and “2 Fast 2 Furious,” and has written multiple novels, including “The Silver Bear” series.

He is repped by UTA and Hansen Jacobson.

“We are incredibly excited to be back in business with Derek Haas,” said Vernon Sanders, head of television for Amazon MGM Studios. “He has an undeniable ability to enthrall audiences with thrilling storytelling and heart. We cannot wait for Prime Video’s global customers to experience this dynamic series, led by our very talented star, Jensen Ackles.”

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