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Published Aug 23, 2023

The Starfleet Insignia Explained

No Star Trek symbol captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta.

Starfleet Insignia Explained

"The Starfleet Symbol." "The Arrowhead." "The Delta."

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Star Trek uses symbols to convey a lot of things, but none captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta. In the years since The Original Series first aired, fans have tried to determine the meaning behind the various insignia shapes we see in the show. To most, it seems that the iconic delta shape is some sort of ship assignment patch meant to represent the U.S.S. Enterprise .

Some arrive at this conclusion because they see various Starfleet personnel wearing a number of different insignia. However, like any puzzle without a key, it’s impossible to precisely interpret the meaning of these other insignia.

The hidden key to the puzzle was finally uncovered a few years ago. The discovery was a memorandum written by producer Robert H. (Bob) Justman to  costume designer William Ware (Bill) Theiss . The subject? STARSHIP EMBLEMS.

A copy of that memorandum has been digitized from the Gene Roddenberry  Star Trek  Television Series Collection (held in the Library Special Collections division of the Young Research Library at UCLA in Irvine, California) and is shown below:

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This memo, written during the production of the episode "The Omega Glory," and referencing Captain Ron Tracey, nullifies the long-held assumption that Starfleet assigned different insignia shapes to starships during TOS. Theiss’ inclusion of an alternate insignia for the  Exeter 's captain and chief medical officer, unfortunately, downplays how genuinely ubiquitous the delta insignia is within the  Star Trek  universe. As a result, fans of the series are left with conflicting visual information regarding the meaning of the insignia worn throughout the original series.

Nearly 50 years after Bob Justman wrote his memo, we now have the opportunity to clarify the use of each and every Starfleet uniform insignia used in   TOS. With a wee bit of Scotty's ingenuity, and a pinch of Vulcan logic, the complete picture of what Gene Roddenberry envisioned for the delta insignia should snap into focus.

There are six Starfleet duty insignia used in The Original Series:

  • Starship Duty Insignia (Fleet personnel emblem)
  • Spacecraft Duty Insignia (Auxiliary Fleet/ Merchant Marine personnel emblem)
  • Outpost Duty Insignia (Outpost and Colony personnel emblem)
  • Cadet Duty Insignia (Starfleet Academy student emblem)
  • Starbase Duty Insignia (Headquarters,  Space stations, Drydocks, and Ground installation personnel emblem)
  • Fleet Command Insignia (Senior field commander personnel emblem)

In the  Star Trek  universe, the delta emblem is a direct descendant of the vector component of the old NASA (and later UESPA) logos in use during Earth’s space programs of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Those symbols were worn by some of the first space explorers and adorned uniforms and ships during humanity’s first steps into the final frontier.

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United Earth Space Probe Agency integrated with Starfleet as the leading United Earth space exploration service.

The delta insignia was first drawn in 1964 by costume designer William Ware Theiss with input from series creator Gene Roddenberry. The delta — or “Arrowhead” as Bill Theiss called it — has evolved into a revered symbol and one that's synonymous with  Star Trek  today.

The delta also conveys information about the wearer’s duties aboard ship using a series of division symbols. When paired with a distinctive, elongated “star,” the insignia represents someone assigned to the Command division aboard ship. When it displays the “planet” symbol, it represents the Sciences division, a stylized “e” stands for Engineering (later Operations), and a red “Swiss Cross” is worn by starship personnel assigned to the Nursing Corps.

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Captain James T. Kirk wearing the Starship Duty Insignia, Command Division.

Let’s continue our study of  Star Trek ’s insignia with personnel assigned to other starships that are wearing the delta insignia.

Before we knew about this memo, we assumed that each ship had its own unique insignia, but there are problems that theory doesn't account for. For instance, does it bother you, or at least seem odd to see the surly guys in Starbase 11’s Officer's Club (in the episode "Court Martial") giving “their captain” a hard time over the presumed death of their mutual friend Ben Finney? Or, to see deceased crew members aboard the  U.S.S. Defiant  (in the episode "The Tholian Web") wearing the delta insignia?

If different starships had different symbols, why weren't they wearing them? Simple. The memo makes it clear that those Starfleet officers are not assigned to the  Enterprise ; they are simply wearing Starfleet’s standard-issue Starship Duty Insignia.

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Non-Enterprise Starfleet personnel in Starbase 11’s Officer’s Club in Court Martial, and Below: Deceased U.S.S. Defiant crew member wearing the Starship Duty Insignia in "The Tholian Web."

By now, you might be saying, “What about U.S.S. Exeter ’s Captain Ron Tracey and his chief surgeon, Dr. Carter?” As these two insignia patches are the error being addressed in the memo, they need no further explanation. They alone are the anomaly (an anomaly Theiss never repeated), which led to the misconception that every ship has its own assignment insignia.

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Above: Captain Ron Tracey of the U.S.S. Exeter, and Below: his CMO, Dr. Carter.

As you can see here, Theiss thoughtfully, if erroneously, provided both officers with unique assignment insignia patches, and in keeping with his fastidious reputation, insured both patches included their appropriate division symbols.

Early in TOS, we get our first look at non-delta insignia. In the episode "Charlie X,"  Antares ’ Captain Rampart and his first officer are wearing the Spacecraft Duty Insignia, which indicates that they are assigned to an auxiliary spacecraft serving in Starfleet's Merchant Marine Corps — just as Justman points out in his memo. 

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Antares' Captain Rampart, and his XO wearing the Merchant Marine Spacecraft Duty Insignia.

Not long after that, we get a look at another new insignia. The Outpost Duty Insignia is worn by Starfleet personnel assigned to outposts on the very edge of Federation space, the frontier. This emblem is characterized by a gold spikelet against a black background. Warning: Do not put yourself in a situation where this insignia goes on your uniform. Personnel wearing this badge never seem to live happily ever after.

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Outpost Crew from "Balance of Terror" & "Arena" pictured wearing the Outpost Duty Insignia.

A few episodes later, the Enterprise takes shore leave and Kirk reminisces about his days at the Academy. Worn by students attending Starfleet Academy, the Cadet Duty Insignia is characterized by a pewter colored, smaller version of the Starbase Duty Insignia.

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Second Class Midshipman Finnegan wearing the Cadet Duty Insignia.

First seen in "The Menagerie," the Starbase Duty Insignia is worn by personnel assigned to Federation Starbases, which include Starfleet Headquarters, space stations, drydocks, and other ground installations. The emblem, which is devoid of any departmental symbol, is a stylized representation of an “Evening Starflower” (a flowering plant native to the western hemisphere of Earth).

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Above: Admiral James Komack of Starfleet Command - Sector 9, and Below: Admiral Fitzpatrick.

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Miss Piper, assistant to Commodore Mendez, and Lt. Areel Shaw Starbase 11 JAG Officer wearing the Starbase Duty Insignia.

So how does Commodore Wesley in "The Ultimate Computer," or Commodore Decker in "The Doomsday Machine," fit into the spectrum of Starfleet insignia?

Well, let’s talk about commodores for a moment. A commodore is a flag officer rank, one position above captain. A starship captain usually commands a single vessel, but a commodore ordinarily commands more than one ship. Usually, commodores command a group of ships (either close to their flagship or distant), or in the case of TOS, they normally command a starbase.

In charge of evaluating the operational performance of the M5 computer while it's in total control of a starship, Commodore Wesley sits in temporary command of the  U.S.S. Lexington  to lead a battle fleet in war games against the  Enterprise . Throughout the episode, Commodore Wesley continues to wear his Starbase Duty Insignia, while the  Lexington  crew would have been wearing the delta.

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Commodore Bob Wesley in the transporter room briefing Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock about the M5 computer.

Finally, we come to one of my favorite characters ever — Commodore Matt Decker in "The Doomsday Machine." We saved him for last because we could only properly discuss his insignia and what it means after we talked about Starfleet’s other symbols first.

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William Windom as Commodore Matt Decker

Unlike Commodore Bob Wesley, who was only in temporary command of the  Lexington , Matt Decker is a Flag Officer with permanent field command of a starship. In fact, he's the only Flag Officer we see in  Star Trek  with a field command. As a consequence of Commodore Decker's rank and status as Commander of the  U.S.S. Constellation  (his flagship), he wears the Fleet Command Insignia denoting his status as a Flag Officer in the field. If we had seen Commodore Decker's crew (may they rest in peace), we would have seen the delta shape insignia in use on their uniforms. Commodore Decker's own first officer would have held the rank of Captain and worn the Starship Duty Insignia.

It should be noted that "The Doomsday Machine," which was filmed early in Season 2, is not referenced in Bob Justman’s memo. Some speculate that Decker’s absence from the memo is further indication of the inconsistent use of emblems in  Star Trek , but that presupposes that the production staff missed that detail. However, the very existence of the Justman memo, and a whole forest of others just like it, demonstrates that the opposite is true.

The production team of  Star Trek  worked diligently to ensure that every aspect of the future they were busy creating held up under scrutiny. Gene Roddenberry was notoriously rewriting scripts himself to ensure no less than exactly what he wanted ended up on-screen, and that fastidious nature permeated the entire production staff. That Decker’s unique emblem is not mentioned in the production memo indicates that his particular insignia isn't an error at all; but represents something else.

Check out Commodore Decker's insignia. Remember that when Theiss created the insignia for Captain Ron Tracey, he went out of his way to ensure it was emblazoned with a Command Star department symbol. Commodore Decker has no such departmental symbol in his insignia patch, which places it in the same design lineage as the Starbase Duty Insignia, which is also devoid of any departmental symbol.

At this point in  Star Trek , we’ve seen a number of flag officers; but they have all worn the Starflower shape, which indicates assignment to a starbase, while Matt Decker alone in TOS series serves as a flag officer in permanent command of a starship. He is wearing an insignia that conveys his unique status, the Fleet Command Insignia, and if you look closely, you'll see that Matt Decker’s emblem is visually related to the Starbase Duty Insignia. Decker’s insignia is a stylized representation of an individual petal from the same “Evening Starflower” emblem that comprises the starbase symbol. This insignia isn't mentioned in the production memo because it's not an error at all.

Hopefully, by now, you can see how consistent the  Star Trek  costume department really was in their use of insignia, and that Bill Thiess never repeated the error he made during "The Omega Glory" after it was pointed out by the memo.

Returning to the delta, Roddenberry and Justman intended it to be a very special symbol that communicates something important. The insignia worn on Starfleet uniforms is the equivalent of the badges worn by U.S. Service members — to show how they serve, not where they serve. Both men served with distinction in World War II. Roddenberry was an Army Air Corps pilot and Justman was a radio operator in the Navy. In the air and at sea, they understood the value of visual communication. In uniform, they themselves carried those values on their chests, on their collars, and on their sleeves. Twenty years after they wore their own various insignia, they helped to create something new — a symbol to inspire others. In the 1960s, the Starfleet delta had far more in common with the golden pin awarded to a NASA astronaut than a simple mission patch, and it was intended to equal that proud emblem in both use and sentiment.

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The NASA Astronaut Pin. There are two versions of this pin, a silver pin awarded to those who complete their training, and a gold pin awarded only to astronauts who have flown in space.

The delta proclaims that the person wearing it has achieved the goal of every cadet entering the Academy, and the dream of many a devoted fan — to serve aboard a starship and set sail in an endless sea of stars.

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Starfleet Insignia Badge, Command Division from Star Trek Discovery

They used to say if man could fly, he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to.

Captain James T. Kirk

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I am grateful to have an experienced and learned group of expert Star Trek fans who helped with the research on this article — Steve Fronczek, Creative Services Manager, ANOVOS; Lieutenant Commander Michael J. Quigley, United States Navy; and Dayton Ward, Star Trek author.

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This article was originally published on October 7, 2018

John Cooley is a lifelong Star Trek fan.

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Debuting at the Las Vegas convention (and to follow online around September 1) is General Picard’s Confederation of Earth badge — from the dark, alternate timeline seen Star Trek: Picard Season 2 — which includes the inset gold rank hashes and beveled “sharp” edges around the delta’s top point.

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Speaking of alternate realities, another pair of Starfleet delta badges have been pulled from across the divide: the bar-backed combadges from “Future Imperfect” (later seen in “Parallels”), with both the inverted-color Admiral’s badge and standard Captain-rank badge available.

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For fans of  Star Trek: Prodigy , the special golden delta from the  USS Protostar is now in the FanSets badge collection — available in both magnet and pin-back options, the shiny gold Protostar delta measures in at 2.125″ tall and includes the debossed command star icon as seen in the animated series.

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The company has also just unveiled their version of the Bajoran Militia combadge, featured throughout the run of  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and worn by characters like Kira Nerys, Odo, Rom, and more.

Based directly off of a surviving screen-used DS9 prop, the Bajoran Militia badge is also available in both magnet and pin-back form for collectors to bring home.

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For all of FanSets’  Star Trek pins and badges, you can head over to their website to browse the collection — or stop by their booth at Creation Entertainment’s 56-Year Mission  Star Trek convention, running August 25-28 in Las Vegas, where the company has announced they will be debuting their  Strange New Worlds departmental delta badges.

COMING SOON, all 3 will be available in Vegas, on the website starting in September. 9/1 Command 9/15 Operations 10/1 Sciences, on the FanSets release schedule with other goodies!! #StarTrek @StarTrek #StarTrekSNW #DeltasDoneRight Magnet & Pin, ONLY at — FanSets (@FanSets) August 11, 2022

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What Is the Star Trek Badge Called? 4 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know

By: Author Brad Burnie

Posted on Published: June 28, 2021  - Last updated: August 26, 2022

What Is the Star Trek Badge Called? 4 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know

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The Star Trek badge comes all the way from Star Trek- The Original Series . Its design borrows heavily from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) logos that were in use during the 20 th and 21 st Centuries.

These were Earth’s inaugural space agencies. It was worn by the pioneer space explorers of the Star Trek universe. It became a symbol of the Starfleet that has been maintained throughout their space excursions.

Costume designer William (Bill) Theiss simply referred to it as the Arrowhead when he came up with it during the making of The Original Series. In the Star Trek universe, the arrow-shaped pennant is called the Delta, and it is the identifying emblem of The Starfleet. It is worn on the left breast of the uniforms of all Starfleet personnel.

Over the years, we have become accustomed to the badges so much we may not have realized some subtle changes taking place and small but significant differences across badges in the Star Trek universe.

Below are 4 interesting facts about the Delta that makes it both unique and consistent.

1. They are Universal Standard Issue Starfleet Badges

The badges were meant to be similar in all vessels belonging to the Starfleet throughout Star Trek. Producer Robert H. Justman even wrote the now-famous memo to costume designer William Ware Theiss regarding a disparity in the emblems in December 1967, during the Original Series filming. He noted the captain of another starship was wearing an unfamiliar emblem, different from those of the USS Enterprise crew.

The memo was written about the 23 rd episode of the 2 nd season of the Series. The Enterprise finds the deserted USS Exeter orbiting the planet Omega IV. When they finally locate its captain Ron Tracey, we can see his badge, and that of his Chief Medical Officer is different from the USS Enterprise. This unintentional mishap left fans conflicted about the universality of Starfleet crew badges in the Star Trek Universe. This anomaly was never repeated in subsequent episodes.

2. The Delta is Exclusive to Starfleet Crew

In the same memo, Robert acknowledges the error may have alluded to a different emblem being used the previous season on the Antares in the second episode of the first season dubbed ‘Charlie X.’

He explains that since the Antares was a merchant ship, the ship’s personnel are the equivalent of merchant marine or freighter personnel and are therefore not qualified to wear the pride of the Starfleet on their breasts. The badge asserts that the wearer has achieved the level of service aboard a starship and set sail across the stars.

There are other insignia besides the delta that are dedicated to other stations or non-fleet personnel that have been used throughout the Original Series, which should be distinguished from it:

  • Spacecraft Duty Insignia: Like the Antares, the subject of the memo, these are worn by merchant marines and auxiliary fleet personnel.
  • Outpost Duty Insignia: It is a gold spikelet on a black background for personnel in colonies and outposts on the Federation’s edges.
  • Starbase Duty Insignia: This emblem does not have any unique departmental feature. It is a replica of the evening sunflower, a plant that flourished on the earth’s Western Hemisphere. It is worn by personnel stationed at the headquarters, dry docks, space stations, and ground installation.
  • Cadet Duty Insignia: This is a gray-colored smaller version of the evening sunflower used in the Starbase duty insignia. Starfleet Academy students wear it.
  • Fleet Command Insignia: These had to be unique to emphasize the ranks for senior field commanders while out in the field

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3. It Conveys Information About the Wearers Duty On the Ship

The Deltas have symbols representing the division where the wearer is posted.

  • An elongated star means someone is assigned to the command division aboard the ship.
  • The planet symbol represents the sciences division
  • stylized letter ‘e’ stands for engineering, which was later converted to operations
  • The red ‘Swiss Cross’ is worn by crew assigned to the nursing corps

4. It Was Modified to Function as a Communicator Badge (Combadge)

From the time of The Next Generation (2364 to 2370), Starfleet officers and enlisted personnel adopted modern communicator badges, which they wore on their left breasts.

These badges retained the shape of their traditional insignia but were more functional. They enabled communication between individuals in the ship when its communication system was not practical. They are also equipped with a universal translator with which they can instantly communicate to different species from all over the galaxy.

Later episodes and movies show the Starfleet personnel embraced the enhanced badges used throughout the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and throughout the Voyager. A combadge constituted standard equipment for all starship personnel. Taking it off was akin to taking off the uniform.

They employ the latest technology; their signal could bypass electromagnetic interference. The first combadges were made by Section 31 as early as 2256 and deployed to its members in Starfleet Delta.

We discover they are made out of silicon, the rare Beryllium, gold, and carbon 70 in the 126 th and 127 th episodes of The Next Generation, Time’s Arrow . The crew of the Enterprise has to travel back in time to save Lieutenant Commander Data . Data describes what the badge is made of at a poker game.

Confusion aside, the Delta is probably the most consistent element in the Star Trek universe from the beginning to where we are at the moment. Although some specific details may vary, there is no gainsaying the important role the insignia plays in identifying the crew members, their roles, and the time period from which they came.

Knowing how to distinguish between the Star Trek badges can be considered a Trekkie’s secret map through their universe.

What Is the Star Trek Badge Called 4 Interesting Facts You Didnt Know generated pin 56664

Brad Burnie is the founder of He loves all video game genres. In his spare time, he loves reading, watching movies, and gaming

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  • This Star Trek Collectible Features A Unique Split-Delta Design, With Brushed Metal On The Raised Portion And A Glossy Finish On The Opposite Side.
  • No More Pinholes In Delicate Fabric. The Magnetic Clasp Makes It Easy To Wean On Almost Any Fabric.

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Product-star Trek. This Star Trek collectible features a unique split-delta design, with Brushed metal on the raised portion and a glossy finish on the opposite side. No more pinholes in delicate fabric. The magnetic clasp makes it easy to wean on almost any fabric..

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Customers like the quality, appearance, performance, stability, and weight of the badge. For example, they mention it's well made, has a beautiful two-tone finish, and the magnets are strong. That said, they appreciate the weight.

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Customers are satisfied with the quality of the Star Trek Communicator badge. They mention that it looks and feels well made, has solid construction, and is of fine quality. Some say that the magnets are strong and stay in place. Overall, most are happy with their purchase and recommend it to others.

"...The badge is fine quality and made to perfection . I showed it to an army buddy and he actually offered me $50 bucks...." Read more

"...This badge from QMx is the real deal: solid metal with a magnetic plate backing and a beautiful two-tone finish on the front, just like the badges..." Read more

"So very impressed with QMx. Beautifully crafted and finished. Edges are pure and tight, bevels are clean and crisp. Metal feels weighty in your hand...." Read more

"The quality on this is very well done ...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the appearance of the badge. They mention that it looks good, has a beautiful two-tone finish, and is authentic. The edges are pure and tight, and the bevels are clean and crisp. Overall, most find the badge to be a great reproduction and great for display.

"...real deal: solid metal with a magnetic plate backing and a beautiful two-tone finish on the front, just like the badges on the show...." Read more

"...Beautifully crafted and finished. Edges are pure and tight, bevels are clean and crisp . Metal feels weighty in your hand...." Read more

"Beautifully made badge. It’s truly accurate in appearance (a touch smaller than the show, but not by much), the quality of build is nearly perfect,..." Read more

"...the rank "pips" seen on the show; otherwise, I was very pleased by the look of the product ...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the magnets of the badge. They mention that the magnet is strong, and holds great on clothing without having to worry. Some say that the magnetic plates can move, but not after some super glue. The badge is made of solid metal with a magnetic plate backing and a beautiful two-tone finish. It has snap magnets on the rear for easy fastening. Overall, customers are happy with the quality, reasonable price, and fast shipping of the product.

"...This Starfleet Division badge is heavy weight metal with magnetic ...." Read more

"...Metal feels weighty in your hand. Magnets are strong and will hold securely to any light and most medium fabrics...." Read more

"...the quality of build is nearly perfect, and the magnets work great ...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the performance of the toy. They mention that it works well, has a strong magnet, and solid metal. They also appreciate the quality, appearance, and function of the product.

" replace a pin badge for a costume that was floppy and it does the job perfectly ." Read more

" Works well , strong magnet and solid metal" Read more

"Perfect quality, appearance, and function ..." Read more

" perfect !..." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the stability of the product. They mention that it stays attached well, the magnets are strong, and it holds securely to any light and most medium fabrics.

"...with no problem, wore it for a whole day, without it, popping off or slipping out of place , would highly recommend." Read more

"...It stays on very well compared to previous versions. It's so beautiful to look at. I wear it probably too much...." Read more

"Very high quality, magnets are strong it stays in place ." Read more

Customers like the weight of the toy. They mention that it has a very nice weight, and the magnetic means to secure it seem strong. They also say that the construction is solid and the metal feels weighty in your hand.

"...Edges are pure and tight, bevels are clean and crisp. Metal feels weighty in your hand ...." Read more

" Very nice weight to this item. The magnetic means to secure it seem strong. I love this item. Certainly makes my geek brain happy!..." Read more

"...This badge is metal and is light weight , it has brushed finish on raised side and polish finish on lower side...." Read more

"Product is nice and heavy , well made and should hold up to the test of time and be worth more than I paid for it one day 50 years from now...." Read more

Customers like the glue requirement of the toy. They say it snaps on and hard to remove.

" not only holds well through the thick fabric, but is nearly impossible to knock off . Would definitely recommend this for a uniform, or for display." Read more

"Wonderful build.. Snaps on and hard to remove ..Definitely wearable." Read more

"Using it for a centerpiece and no glue required !" Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the condition of the toy. They mention that the gold coating was scratched off and the pin was scratchy. Some say that the badge arrived damaged with one of the magnets on the back breaking off.

"This thing is great. I feel cool when I wear it, it scratches a little , but not any more than I expected. However!..." Read more

" It arrived damaged . One of the magnets on the back broke off. I was able to fix it with hot glue...." Read more

"...else already returned it ...the lid just popped off and the pin was scratched but I figured since I was wearing it to Comic-con tomorrow it was no..." Read more

"...that when I opened my starfleet command badge I found the gold coating was scratched of and exposing the black plastic on the top left of the badge...." Read more

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So what's up with the black badges?

  • Thread starter Mr. Laser Beam
  • Start date Oct 3, 2017

Mr. Laser Beam

  • Mr. Laser Beam

Fleet Admiral

  • Oct 3, 2017

When the prisoners are being brought aboard Discovery in ep 3, they mention the black comm badges (and we see a few). Any guess as to what those mean?  

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Section 31 is most peoples guess  

Then why doesn't Lorca have one? And even so, it would be extremely sloppy for Section 31 operatives to openly put evidence of it on their uniforms . It's supposed to be a secret and borderline-illegal organization, after all.  

Dr. San Guinary said: Then why doesn't Lorca have one? Click to expand...


Dr. San Guinary said: When the prisoners are being brought aboard Discovery in ep 3, they mention the black comm badges (and we see a few). Any guess as to what those mean? Click to expand...


Dirty Old Man

Todays military has several levels of "law enforcement", some are just regular MP types and others are more black ops or fast responder units. Black badges could be anything.  


The King of Kings


Rear Admiral

Mirror Mirror said: Section 31 is most peoples guess Click to expand...


I think it's Section 31 but it's possible that not everyone on the ship is Section 31 and many were drafted like Burnham and the spore guy. I also think the only ones who might know about Section 31 is Lorca and security though i'm not sure Lorca himself is section 31. Perhaps Starfleet high command and Section 31 are working together in secret and Lorca is regular starfleet who was put in charge to make whatever plan they have come together. Jason  

Longinus said: It is also funny how the prisoners are saying that they've not seen black SF badges even though Michael has been wearing one the whole time she's been with them... Click to expand...


The Slay of the Doctor

Longinus said: Yep, it totally makes sense for a super secret organisation that no one is supposed to know of to have a clear way to visually identify its agents Click to expand...
Longinus said: Yep, it totally makes sense for a super secret organisation that no one is supposed to know of to have a clear way to visually identify its agents. I mean it still can be the case, but it would be hella stupid. It is also funny how the prisoners are saying that they've not seen black SF badges even though Michael has been wearing one the whole time she's been with them... Click to expand...
Mirror Mirror said: Why not their own badges? Click to expand...

Cpt. Kyle Amasov

Cpt. Kyle Amasov

Mirror Mirror said: Also In this era, we do not know much about section 31. They have always had their own resources. Why not their own badges? Click to expand...
cultcross said: Because they're a secret! Click to expand...
Longinus said: Originally S31 was just rogue element, a secret society. As stupid as that was, it isn't quite a stupid as some sort of Starfleet Gestapo it became in Kelvinverse and apparently in the heads of many fans. Click to expand...
Ricky Spanish said: Its dark, dark, dark, dark, dark gray! Get with the program! Click to expand...
Mirror Mirror said: They have been established as starfleets black ops unit. Click to expand...

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'The Afterparty' Season 2 Cast and Character Guide: Who's Who in the Apple TV+ Murder Mystery


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2022 proved to be the year for great detective stories and Apple TV+ is looking to keep the murder mystery train going with Season 2 of The Afterparty . That means the return of some of our fan-favorite characters from the acclaimed series, especially the witty and delightful Detective Danner. Written, directed, and co-executive produced by Christopher Miller , The Afterparty is designed as an anthology series, each season exploring a different murder at a party setting, followed by a detective solving the case. The first season was set at a high school reunion and the second season takes the same approach to a wedding, looking at every guest as a suspect, whether they're family, friends, or even just acquaintances. And just like we saw in the first season, each person recounts their version of the case/incident from their perspective, translating into a unique visual style for their testimonies, told through the lens of popular film and television genres that match each storyteller’s personality.

For the brand-new season, the show’s creators have once again assembled an ensemble of talented actors. Tiffany Haddish , Zoë Chao , and Sam Richardson are back reprising their roles from Season 1, along with several familiar and popular faces of television and films. Read on for a guide to the characters this impressive bunch plays in the second season of The Afterparty . Be warned, there may be some mild spoilers for the season ahead.

Editor's Note: This article was updated on July 13.

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Tiffany Haddish as Detective Danner

Returning to the scene in her second major case is Detective Danner, though she isn't officially a detective anymore. At the start of Season 2, Danner has quit the police force and is now starting out as an author, having landed a book deal to write about the case from Season 1. We learned quite a bit about her background and her capability as a detective in Season 1, so we know that she's still an effective detective with or without a badge. Danner is gritty and persistent, with a sense of humor that makes her suspects open up to her. In the first season, when she arrived at the crime scene to solve Xavier’s murder, she was not supposed to run point on the case. But she was determined to sniff out the killer, and she did a brilliant job using her innovative investigation method. She likes to call it “mind movies”, where she asks each suspect to narrate their version of the entire incident using their creative visualizations. She digs into their POVs and strategically narrows down on motives, mistakes, and all the hidden details that are otherwise overlooked by everyone during the actual events in question.

Stand-up comedian, actor, and author Tiffany Haddish leads the cast in the role of Detective Danner. From her breakthrough performance in the 2017 film Girls Trip , she gained prominence with her role as Nekeisha Williams on NBC’s The Carmichael Show . She also appeared in shows like Comedy Central’s Legends of Chamberlain Heights , The Last O.G. , Self Made , and films like The Card Counter and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent . Haddish is next set to appear as the psychic Harriet in Disney’s new Haunted Mansion movie and as Verna in the Wesley Snipes and Kevin Hart -starrer Back on the Strip .

Zoë Chao as Zoe

Zoe was one of the leading characters (and also a suspect) in the first season of The Afterparty and is equally significant in the second season of the murder mystery as well. She was Aniq’s high-school crush but ended up marrying another man named Brett. They have a daughter together but are separated. By the end of the first season, she and Aniq rekindled their long-lost romantic chemistry and they're now dating in the second season. She is an artist and a teacher and had a vivid mind, which we saw in her “mind movie” from the first case. Now, in The Afterparty Season 2, Zoe’s sister Grace is getting married, and she arrives at the party with Aniq. Things quickly go from bad to worse, hitting a crescendo when the groom is found dead. In the second season, Zoe plays the role of the “protective sister” who would stop at nothing to solve the mystery and clear her sister’s name as a suspect.

Actor and screenwriter, Zoë Chao plays the role of Zoe Zhu. Apart from The Afterparty , she is best known for her role as Isobel in the Facebook Watch series, Strangers . She has also appeared in other TV and streaming series like The O.A , Living with Yourself , Love Life , and Modern Love , and in films like Senior Year , Where'd You Go, Bernadette , and Your Place or Mine . In February 2023, she starred as a regular on the revival season of Party Down and is set to appear in a voice role in the upcoming DC adult animation series, Creature Commandos .

Sam Richardson as Aniq Adjaye

Among all the interesting, quirky characters of The Afterparty Season 1, Aniq Adjaye is unarguably the “adorkable” and memorable one, and not just because he is returning in the second season as well. He is an escape room artist/designer and has had a massive crush on Zoe since high school but was too shy to tell her. Fortunately, he got the opportunity to reveal his feelings to Zoe by the end of Season 1 and learned that she also feels the same way. In the second season, Aniq ends up going to Zoe’s sister’s wedding, where he hopes to impress her parents. And in classic Aniq fashion, he absolutely embarrasses himself at every turn. When the groom is found dead, Aniq reaches out to Danner to solve the case and volunteers to help her, as he did in the previous one. Maybe that will finally help him redeem himself in front of Zoe's parents.

The character of Aniq is played by actor, comedian, writer, and producer Sam Richardson, best known for his role as Richard Splett in Veep , which won him a Screen Actors Guild Award and two nominations. He has also appeared in Detroiters , voiced characters in BoJack Horseman and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , and wrote and starred in comedy series like The Second City Project and Champaign ILL . Richardson has also appeared in films like Promising Young Woman , Werewolves Within , and Hocus Pocus 2 , and also voiced a character in the recent animated movie Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken . He also had a cameo in Ted Lasso as Edwin Akufo, which earned him a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series. Richardson has also played various characters in the sketch comedy show I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson , and had major voice roles in Velma and Clone High .

Besides these lead characters, the wedding party includes the bride and groom’s families, their friends, and other guests who will find themselves under Danner's keen observation and interrogation. And there are some exciting new stars lined up to play them, so read on to find out more.

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Ken Jeong as Feng

Comedian, actor, writer, producer, and actual real-life doctor Ken Jeong stars as Feng, Grace and Zoe’s father, and the “desperate father-in-law”, who adds plenty to the comic relief in the grim situation, as seen in the trailer . Feng is a successful businessman, running a chain of Korean shaved ice places. He does not take very nicely to Aniq and there's a hint of trouble between him and his brother as well.

Ken Jeong is most known for playing the iconic Leslie Chow in The Hangover film series, Señor Chang on Community , and as the titular character in Dr. Ken , which he also created and produced. He also appears in the 2023 film Fool’s Paradise and has been a panelist on The Masked Singer since 2019.

John Cho as Ulysses

Harold and Kumar films series star John Cho plays the “fun uncle” Ulysses. Feng's brother, Ulysses is an adventurer and world traveler who appears to be quite beloved by his nieces. His brother, on the other hand, seems to hate his guts.

John Cho is best known for his work in the film Columbus and the Star Trek film series. He became the “first Asian American actor in history to headline a mainstream thriller film in Hollywood” by playing the lead role in 2018’s Searching and also appeared in the series Sleepy Hollow , Cowboy Bebop , and Selfie , among others. He is next set to appear in the 2024 film, They Listen .

Poppy Liu as Grace

Poppy Liu stars as the “unhappy bride” Grace, Zoe’s sister who finds her groom mysteriously dead. Grace is a dreamer, with a love for antiques and everything vintage. Her mind movie, explored in Episode 2, looks like a Bridgerton -style romance, so that should give you some idea of what she's like. Liu is best known for featuring in sitcoms like Sunnyside and iCarly , as well as in Prime Video’s Dead Ringers and Disney+’s American Born Chinese .

Zach Woods as Edgar

Silicon Valley star Zach Woods as Edgar, the groom, and the murder victim. Edgar is an ultra-rich tech guy who lives a highly regimented life. He's also very odd and has a pet lizard whom he carries around with him at all times. While he's awkward and strange, Edgar is also quite nice... according to Aniq anyway.

Zach Woods shot to fame with his role as Gabe Lewis in The Office , and is known for playing Zach Harper in Playing House and Matt Spencer in Avenue 5 . He has also appeared in films like The Post and Downhill and his upcoming work includes the Peacock stop-motion animation series In the Know .

Related: Everyone Thinks They're a Murderer in 'The Afterparty' Season 2 Featurette [Exclusive]

Elizabeth Perkins as Isabel

Weeds star Elizabeth Perkins appears as Isabel, Edgar’s mother, and Grace’s “paranoid mother-in-law” who displays mysterious behavior. Well, mysterious is one way to put it. Isabel is clearly hostile towards Grace and appears to be eternally drunk, lashing out at all the people around her at every given chance.

Elizabeth Perkins is most recognized for her work in the films, He Said, She Said , The Flintstones , Miracle on 34th Street , Finding Nemo , and TV series like The Moodys , Sharp Objects , and Truth Be Told . Perkins' most recent work includes her role as Constance in Minx Season 2 and her voice role as Aunt May in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse .

Anna Konkle as Hannah

Anna Konkle plays Hannah, the “odd sister” who may be adopted. Hannah is strange in her own way, though maybe not as much as her brother. She has a good relationship with Grace and appears to be a fun-loving person. Konkle is best known for her work as the star and co-creator of PEN15 . She also recently appeared in the Hulu film The Drop .

Jack Whitehall as Sebastian

Actor, comedian, and writer Jack Whitehall appears as Sebastian, the “shady best man”. He is Edgar's business partner and a charmer with the ladies, which brings him into conflict with Aniq.

Jack Whitehall is best known for his roles in shows like Fresh Meat , Bounty Hunter , and Good Omens . Whitehall's recent work includes the raunchy rom-com Robots , co-starring Shailene Woodley .

Paul Walter Hauser as Travis

Richard Jewell star Paul Walter Hauser plays Travis, the “jealous ex”. That makes him a prime suspect when the murder happens, as Travis has a clear motive. Travis is also an avid Redditor who has a penchant for digging into murders so that may either help or hamper the actual investigation.

Paul Walter Hauser has had some great roles across both comedy and drama and is best known for his work on Apple TV+’s Black Bird , BlacKkKlansman , and Reno 911! , among other films and series.

Vivian Wu as Vivian

The Joy Luck Club star Vivian Wu rounds out the main cast as Vivian, the bride's mother and “secretive mother-in-law", who seems to have a lot hidden under her calm facade. As Zoe's and Grace's mom, she plays a significant role in the proceedings. Vivian Wu is an acclaimed actor who has had roles in movies like The Pillow Book , 1993's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III , and Cathy Yan 's 2018 directorial debut Dead Pigs . Her most recent work includes roles on the shows Away and Irma Vep .

Two more characters also join the cast who will surely remind you of the first season of The Afterparty . Judson and Jaxon, played by Will Greenberg and John Gemberling , respectively, are reminiscent of Season 1’s Jennifer #1 and Jennifer #2, who are not significant characters but somehow affect the actions of other characters. Greenberg is most known for his work on NBC’s Perfect Harmony and Workaholics , while Gemberling is most recognized for Broad City and the Netflix film, A Futile and Stupid Gesture .

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Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set

Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set

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The collectible Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set includes three Spock-inspired exclusive pins available only at the Star Trek Shop. Celebrate the legacy of one of Starfleet's iconic officers with three authentic pins, including a portrait of Spock in Chibi art style, the classic Vulcan Salute with "Live Long and Prosper" in Japanese script, and the legendary Star Trek logo featured in comics from the late 20th century! Special finishes on this limited-edition set include glow-in-the-dark accents and glitter fill. Order yours today before they're gone!

Product Details:

  • Chibi-Inspired Spock
  • Blue and Green Glitter Filled Vulcan Salute with "Live, Long, and Prosper" in Japanese script
  • Glow in the Dark Comic-Inspired Star Trek Logo
  • Black Rubber Pinback Closure 
  • Measurements:2.25 in
  • Materials:100% Zinc Alloy Construction

Ordering Information

  • Return Policy: We will gladly accept returns for any reason within 30 days of receipt of delivery.
  • Shipping: Ship times are estimates of time in transit after your product leaves the fulfillment center. Some items in your order may ship separately to arrive faster.
  • Availability: Ships internationally to most countries around the world.
  • Shipping Policy: For more information, see our Shipping Policy here .


Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set

Star Trek: The Original Series Tridimensional Chess Set

Enter an intergalactic chess expedition with the official Star Trek Tridimensional Chess Set. The authentic prop replica of the iconic Tridimensional Chess Set, as seen on Star Trek: The Original Series, includes 32 die-cast pieces that measure approximately 1.5 inches tall. The officially authorized recreation of the iconic game measures approximately 13 inches tall and features translucent acrylic game boards.


  • Includes: 32 retro die-cast pieces, sleek three-dimensional playing board, and gameplay instructions.
  • Authentic Recreation: Officially authorized recreation of the iconic game seen in Star Trek: The Original Series.


Star Trek: The Original Series Tridimensional Chess Set

Star Trek Premium Playing Cards

Boldly go where no man has gone before, and explore all quadrants of the galaxy with your favorite characters from the iconic original series and the latest films! Each card in the deck celebrates the legendary characters that have made Star Trek a worldwide, cultural phenomenon - including Captain Kirk, Spock, Hikaru Sulu, and more!

Star Trek Premium Playing Cards feature completely custom artwork in every aspect of the design, with the Aces, Jokers, court cards, and back design inspired by fan-favorite characters and events. The outer packaging features colorful foil accents and intricate embossing.

  • The perfect collectible and conversation piece for any fan of Star Trek!
  • Each card is a loving tribute to the historic television series featuring your favorite characters like Kirk, Spock, and Uhura, meticulously brought to life in stunning detail.


Star Trek Premium Playing Cards

Star Trek: The Next Generation Personalized Captain's Assignment Letter U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E

The Delegates of the United Federation of Planets is proud to award this Star Trek: The Next Generation Personalized Captain’s Assignment Letter to the newest captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. Gift this official Captain’s Assignment Letter to the biggest Star Trek fan in the universe and watch them light up like a supernova.

  • This framed print will make the perfect addition to your home decor!
  • Size: 8" x 10"
  • Frame Material: Wood
  • Photo Material: Acid-free photo paper
  • Additional Information: Framed photo comes with ready to hang hardware for easy mounting.
  • Return Policy: All personalized items are nonreturnable. We regret that we are unable to refund any personalized item.
  • Availability: Ships to the United States and Puerto Rico.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Personalized Captain's Assignment Letter U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E

Star Trek:The Next Generation Type-2 Dust Buster Phaser Limited Edition Prop Replica

As seen in the iconic TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation , Type-2 Phasers were issued to Starfleet personnel during the early 2360's and are larger and more powerful than Type-1 Phasers. Unofficially referred to by production as 'The Dust Buster,' they were intentionally designed to be sleek, free-flowing and less pistol-like than previous prop Starfleet weapon iterations.

Many different Dust Buster Phaser props were made and they ranged from fairly primitive non-functioning 'stunt' props, to more elaborate 'hero' props featuring functioning electronics. Featuring an impressively heavy all metal body, this replica has been designed to capture the best elements from all variants in a single blended execution and incorporate a variety of electronic light and sound features designed to simulate the special effects as seen on screen.

Each numbered, limited edition, museum-quality replica comes with a wooden presentation case, metal plaque and certificate of authenticity.

  • Limited Edition Numbered Museum Quality Replica 
  • Wooden Presentation Case 
  • Metal Plaque 
  • Official Certificate of Authenticity
  • Die Cast Metal Construction with Acrylic Display Stands
  • Dimensions: Type 2 Dust Buster Phaser -- 8¼ x 3 x 1 3/4" (209 x 76 x 44mm)
  • Requires 2 x AAA batteries, which are included.


This is a collectible, intended only for adults aged 18 years and older.It is intended for display only and should be treated with respect.All photos are prototype images. Final product and packaging may vary.


Star Trek:The Next Generation Type-2 Dust Buster Phaser Limited Edition Prop Replica


Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge

Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge

Since its debut in 1987 the TNG Communicator Badge has been a sought-after future tech we all wish we had. The Fametek Chirping ComBadge plays the classic "Chirp" sound effect that activates on demand with a touch. The perfect addition to your uniform for your cosplay Star Trek experience.

  • Instant "Chirp" response when tapped
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  • Officially-licensed Star Trek Product
  • On-screen matte gold/silver finish
  • Plays classic communicator chirp sound effect when you press it
  • Replaceable button batteries (included)


Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge

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Step into the adventure with the official Star Trek: Discovery Disco T-Shirt! As seen on the illustrious Michael Burnham and the ever-enthusiastic Sylvia Tilly, this shirt is more than just apparel – it's a symbol of our unwavering commitment to discovery and progress. The Discovery delta graces both sleeves, a proud emblem of our mission. On the front, the word "DISCO" boldly represents the U.S.S. Discovery.

Emblazoned with imagery inspired by pivotal episodes such as "Choose Your Pain," "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad," and "That Hope Is You, Part 1," this tee encapsulates the essence of our most thrilling adventures. 

  • Solid colors are 100% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton
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Care: Machine wash cold, inside-out, gentle cycle with mild detergent and similar colors. Use non-chlorine bleach, only when necessary. No fabric softeners.Tumble dry low, or hang-dry for longest life. Cool iron inside-out if necessary. Do not iron decoration.Do not dry clean.

  • Shipping Policy: For more information, see our Shipping Policy .


Star Trek: Discovery Disco T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Communicator Delta Large Tough Phone Case - iPhone

  • Polycarbonate outer shell
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  • Precisely aligned port openings
  • Induction charging compatible

WARNING! This product can expose you to chemicals including Bisphenol A (BPA), which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to


Star Trek: The Original Series Communicator Delta Large Tough Phone Case - iPhone

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Niners Logo Embroidered Hat

Space’s favorite pastime, this Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Niners Logo Embroidered Hat is a great addition to the style of any Star Trek enthusiast. Perfect for the field and the convention, this hat will be your new favorite accessory!

  • This embroidered baseball hat has a classic fit making it perfect for everyday wear!
  • Made of: 100% brushed cotton twill
  • Additional Information: Adjustable slide closure and buckle


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Niners Logo Embroidered Hat


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform T-Shirt

Introducing our Star Trek Uniform T-Shirt, where style meets intergalactic adventure! Inspired by the iconic uniforms worn by the crew of the Starship Enterprise, this shirt is a must-have for any Star Trek enthusiast.

  • Your new favorite tee is made from super smooth and comfortable cotton touch polyester jersey that won't fade after washing.
  • Fit: Regular fit; item generally runs small.
  • Made Of: 95% polyester, 5% elastane.
  • Care: Machine wash cold inside out with like colors and tumble dry low.


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform T-Shirt


Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform T-Shirt


Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: Picard Magnetic Delta Badge

This magnetic pin comes to you directly from the   Star Trek: Picard . It is a full-size delta. While manufactured with FanSets normal attention to detail this pin is not meant to be an exact prop replica. With a bright silver delta over a matte finish black nickel it measures 2 ¾" tall. Revised for screen accuracy this new version of the Picard Delta features a groove in the silver overlay. This magnet lets everyone know how much you enjoy Star Trek: Picard.

  • Official Size and Scale!
  • Double Clutch Magnetic Back
  • Measures 2 ¾” tall


Star Trek: Picard Magnetic Delta Badge

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  2. Star Trek Collectibles Star Trek The Next Generation TNG Communicator

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  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation Comm Badge replica TV series costume

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  4. Star Trek

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  5. Star Trek: The Next Generation Federation Comm Badge replica TV series prop

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  6. Star Trek Com badge pin Rare Handmade

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  1. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge. $79.95 $63.96 Save 20%. Fast Ship Item. These Star Trek badges are must-have collectibles for any fan! Display the Star Trek: Discovery Command Badge on your desk, the Star Trek: Discovery Black Badge on your mantle, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge ...

  2. Star Trek The Next Generation Chirping Communicator Badge, TNG ComBadge

    Star Trek The Next Generation Chirping Communicator Badge, TNG ComBadge NON BLUETOOTH Version, Star Trek Memorabilia, Gifts and Collectibles Visit the FAMETEK Store 4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 2,487 ratings

  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge

    Item No. ST-NG-CB. Stay connected like it's 2364 with the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge! Since its debut in 1987 the TNG Communicator Badge has been a sought after future tech we all wish we had. Now available, a few centuries early, connect to your phone, tablet or computer to enjoy hands and ear free phone.

  4. The Starfleet Insignia Explained

    Star Trek uses symbols to convey a lot of things, but none captures the eye or imagination quite like the delta. In the years since The Original Series first aired, fans have tried to determine the meaning behind the various insignia shapes we see in the show. To most, it seems that the iconic delta shape is some sort of ship assignment patch meant to represent the U.S.S. Enterprise.

  5. Star Trek Badge for sale

    Vintage Star Trek TOS ID Badge Set of 3-Commnad/Science/Security. $9.99. $0.99 shipping. Voyager Communicator Badge Rank Pin A Set Of 6 The Next Generation TNG Pin Set. $12.00. $9.00 shipping. 85 sold. Star Trek TV Series Kirk on Bridge Hologram Pin Badge. 1992 NOS Paramount. $9.95. or Best Offer.

  6. Star Trek Badges and Communicator Pins

    Star Trek 2009 Operations Badge. $12.99. In Starfleet, your pin can signify your division, your ship, and sometimes your rank. They can be purely decorative, and they can even house communicators and tricorders! we've collected all of our Star Trek Badges and Star Trek Communicator Pins in one place for easy perusal!

  7. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    These Star Trek badges are must-have collectibles for any fan! Display the Star Trek: Discovery Command Badge on your desk, the Star Trek: Discovery Black Badge on your mantle, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge on your TV stand to show the galaxy that you are the #1 Star Trek fan.

  8. FanSets Expands STAR TREK Badge Collection into STRANGE NEW WORLDS

    Star Trek pin and magnet collectable company FanSets is continuing to expand its line of franchise badges, this summer adding more from Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and even new products from Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation, and more.. The Strange New Worlds Starfleet memorial badge collection is FanSets' newest multi-pin set, featuring all ...

  9. Star Trek Universe

    Star Trek Star Trek: Picard VISITOR Badge FanSets Pin. $ 10.95. Add to cart. Add to Wishlist. Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Future Imperfect CAPTAINS Delta MAGNETIC by FanSets. $ 22.95. Sold out. Add to Wishlist. Star Trek Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan Delta PIN By FanSets.

  10. Section-31 Black Badge & Pin Replica Set

    Replicas of the screen-used Enterprise badges from Star Trek: Discovery, and includes Includes a miniature lapel pin version of the same design with each badge. Uses strong, short-field magnets that are embedded in each badge and in a metal backplate. Safe for cosplay. Metal, not cheap plastic or resin, with a magnetic closure and metal backplate.

  11. Star Trek Badges: Discovery Badge, Science

    This assortment features four Star Trek: Discovery magnetic insignia badges (each sold separately): Command, Science, Operations and Medical. Each badge is an exact replica of the uniform insignia from TV series, with each design taken directly from the screen-used hero prop. What sets these wearable badges apart from the original is the clasp ...

  12. Star Trek Badges

    Love Star Trek Badge SINGLE COLOR Vinyl Decal Sticker for Car Window, Bumper, water bottle, laptop, ipad, tablets, etc! (45) $ 10.00. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Star Trek Insignia, Sterling Silver 925 and 14K Gold Plated Star Trek Starfleet Command Division Badge / Pendant. (380) $ 61 ...

  13. Star Trek Badges

    Quantum Mechanix QMx - Star Trek: Voyager Badge and Pin Set. 4.7 out of 5 stars 227. $28.95 $ 28. 95. FREE delivery Jun 7 - 11 . Or fastest delivery Jun 5 - 7 . Add to cart-Remove. Star Trek. Star Scifi Trek Voyager Communicator Full Size Uniform Metal Pin. 4.8 out of 5 stars 62. $14.99 $ 14. 99.

  14. Starfleet Badge

    Quantum Mechanix QMx - Star Trek: Voyager Badge and Pin Set. 4.7 out of 5 stars 227. $28.95 $ 28. 95. FREE delivery Jun 7 - 11 . Or fastest delivery Jun 5 - 7 . Add to cart-Remove. Star Trek. Star Trek: Picard Starfleet Badge Die Cut Sticker. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. $4.95 $ 4. 95. $6.75 delivery Jun 18 - 25 .

  15. What Is The Star Trek Badge Called? 4 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know

    The Star Trek badge comes all the way from Star Trek- The Original Series.Its design borrows heavily from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) logos that were in use during the 20 th and 21 st Centuries.

  16. Quantum Mechanix Abysse Corp_BIJQMX001 Star Trek

    Product-star Trek. This Star Trek collectible features a unique split-delta design, with Brushed metal on the raised portion and a glossy finish on the opposite side. No more pinholes in delicate fabric. The magnetic clasp makes it easy to wean on almost any fabric..

  17. Star Trek Badge: Discovery Medical Magnetic Pin

    This assortment features four Star Trek: Discovery magnetic insignia badges (each sold separately): Command, Science, Operations and Medical. Each badge is an exact replica of the uniform insignia from TV series, with each design taken directly from the screen-used hero prop. What sets these wearable badges apart from the original is the clasp ...

  18. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    These Star Trek badges are must-have collectibles for any fan! Display the Star Trek: Discovery Command Badge on your desk, the Star Trek: Discovery Black Badge on your mantle, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge on your TV stand to show the galaxy that you are the #1 Star Trek fan.

  19. So what's up with the black badges?

    Ricky Spanish said: Its dark, dark, dark, dark, dark gray! Get with the program! "That's right, Dougal. You see, ordinary shops sell what look like black socks, but if you look closely, you'll see that they're very, very, very, very, very, very, very dark blue". " That's true. I thought my Uncle Tommy was wearing black socks, but when I looked ...

  20. Star Trek Badges

    Star Trek - Women of Star Trek Pin Badge Box Set (Uhura, Troi, Kira, Janeway, Burnham) - Star Trek Pin Badges Collection by Eaglemoss Collections. £1499. FREE delivery Wed, 26 Jun on your first eligible order to UK or Ireland. Or fastest delivery Tomorrow, 24 Jun. Only 8 left in stock. Add to basket. Ages: 14 years and up.

  21. 'The Afterparty' Season 2 Cast and Character Guide

    Comedian, actor, writer, producer, and actual real-life doctor Ken Jeong stars as Feng, Grace and Zoe's father, and the "desperate father-in-law", who adds plenty to the comic relief in the ...

  22. Go from Star Realms to Star Trek, Fight for One Piece of Food, and Sic

    Patron Badge for 2004 through 2024 • June 2024 started with news of Star Trek: Captain's Chair , and we can end the month with another game using that long-lived IP — Star Trek: Star Realms . BGG users note that this item — a co-publication of Star Realms publisher Wise Wizard Games and Star Trek license holder UVS Games — appears to be ...

  23. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge. $79.95 $63.96 Save 20%. Fast Ship Item. These Star Trek badges are must-have collectibles for any fan! Display the Star Trek: Discovery Command Badge on your desk, the Star Trek: Discovery Black Badge on your mantle, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge ...

  24. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge. $79.95 $63.96 Save 20%. Fast Ship Item. These Star Trek badges are must-have collectibles for any fan! Display the Star Trek: Discovery Command Badge on your desk, the Star Trek: Discovery Black Badge on your mantle, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Bluetooth Communicator Badge ...

  25. Star Trek Official Shop

    The collectible Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set includes three Spock-inspired exclusive pins available only at the Star Trek Shop.Celebrate the legacy of one of Starfleet's iconic officers with three authentic pins, including a portrait of Spock in Chibi art style, the classic Vulcan Salute with "Live Long and Prosper" in Japanese script, and the legendary Star Trek logo featured ...