Borg Colony Ship

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The Borg Colony Ship

The Borg Colony Ship is a colony ship built by the Borg. It is designed to colonize planets and assimilate other planets. It is featured in the campaign, being a weapon that the Borg could use to assimilate planets with little warning. They operate differently from other colony ships, using a planetary assault beam to destroy all of an enemy population on that planet, and then beaming Borg down to the planet. While other colony ships go down to the planet's surface, the Borg Colony Ship is reusable.

Description [ ]

The huge Borg colony ships are the ultimate planet assimilation weapon. The planetary assault beam fired from the tip of the colony ship is used to eliminate cities and planetary defenses, and then a swarm of drones is beamed onto the planet surface.

The Borg Colony Ships are original Star Trek Armada 2 ships

Memory Alpha

Star Trek: Armada II

Following some complaints about the length of the Armada version, the single-player campaign was altered for this game; now only three races are involved, and each storyline is mostly independent of the others: the Federation must repel a Borg invasion via a new type of transwarp gate, taking the assault into the Delta Quadrant ; the Klingons must deal with a resurgent Cardassian military, while the Borg, affected by events in the Federation campaign, must stave off an attack by Species 8472, before combining with the Federation to eliminate this galactic threat.

In 2021, Armada II and several other Star Trek titles were given a digital release on the GOG storefront.

  • 1.1 Voiceover
  • 1.2 Additional voiceover
  • 3.1 United Federation of Planets starships
  • 3.2 Klingon Empire starships
  • 3.3 Romulan Star Empire starships
  • 3.4 Borg Collective starships
  • 3.5 Species 8472 starships
  • 3.6 Cardassian starships
  • 4 Construction ship
  • 5.1 Ferengi starships (non-playable)
  • 7.1.1 "Invasion"
  • 7.1.2 "Lifelines"
  • 7.1.3 "Recovery"
  • 7.1.4 "Along the Neutral Zone"
  • 7.1.5 "Into The Breach"
  • 7.1.6 "Inferno"
  • 7.1.7 "The Cavalry"
  • 7.1.8 "Data Retrieval"
  • 7.1.9 "Staging Grounds"
  • 7.1.10 "There And Back Again"
  • 7.2.1 "Uprising: A Dagger at Zarush"
  • 7.2.2 "Executioner"
  • 7.2.3 "Brave New Worlds"
  • 7.2.4 "Blockade"
  • 7.2.5 "The Unknown Prize"
  • 7.2.6 "The Romulan Connection"
  • 7.2.7 "Battle of Crucis Major"
  • 7.2.8 "Trojan Horse"
  • 7.2.9 "To Cardassia And Victory"
  • 7.2.10 "The Final Battle"
  • 7.3.1 "Werewolf Pack"
  • 7.3.2 "Pink Slips"
  • 7.3.3 "Interdiction"
  • 7.3.4 "There Goes the Neighborhood"
  • 7.3.5 "The Catch"
  • 7.3.6 "Interception"
  • 7.3.7 "Strange Bedfellows"
  • 7.3.8 "Tidal Wave"
  • 7.3.9 "The Maw"
  • 7.3.10 "Rifts"
  • 8 Multiplayer mode
  • 9 Game tips
  • 10 Cheat codes
  • 11 Romulan-Federation War
  • 12 External links

Voice cast [ ]

Voiceover [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Picard
  • J.G. Hertzler as Martok
  • Alice Krige as Borg Queen
  • Judi Durand as Computer

Additional voiceover [ ]

  • Ron Surma – Casting Director
  • Kris Zimmerman – Voice Director
  • Brian Mysliwy – Mad Doc Software core Armada II Team
  • Special Thanks to Rick Berman and Peter Lauritson
  • Very Special Thanks to Gene Roddenberry

Featured starship classes [ ]

United federation of planets starships [ ].

  • USS Coltrane ( β )
  • This is a marine carrying class of ships named for the Battle of Iwo Jima . One of these ships is named the R.L. Ermey after R. Lee Ermey .
  • USS Tolunay ( β )
  • Defiant -class
  • Saber -class
  • Steamrunner -class
  • Akira -class
  • Intrepid -class
  • USS Caddebostan ( β )
  • USS Douglass ( β )
  • USS Tonawanda ( β )
  • USS Allegheny ( β )
  • USS Oxford ( β )
  • USS Danvers ( β )
  • USS Enterprise -E
  • USS Saratoga (NCC-31911-A)
  • Ships of this class are named after Earth cities, e.g. USS New Delhi ( β )
  • USS Incursion ( β ) (appears in the final mission; originally depicted in Star Trek: Away Team )

Klingon Empire starships [ ]

  • NuQ'Duj -class ( β )
  • Chava'Kal -class ( β )
  • Koloth -class ( β ) (mainly a re-designed K't'inga -class )
  • B'rel -class
  • Chuq'Beh -class ( β ) (artillery cruiser resembling the K'Vort -class )
  • SuQ'jagh -class ( β )
  • Vor'cha -class
  • Fek'lhr -class ( β )
  • Qeh'Ral -class ( β )
  • Martok 's flagship
  • Jach'Eng -class ( β )

Romulan Star Empire starships [ ]

  • Talon -class
  • Kestrel -class
  • Shrike -class ( β )
  • Veles -class ( β )
  • Raptor -class ( β )
  • Griffin -class ( β )
  • Draconarius -class ( β )
  • Shadow -class ( β )
  • Venator -class ( β )
  • D'deridex -class
  • Phoenix -class ( β )

Borg Collective starships [ ]

  • Borg interceptor
  • Borg detector ( β )
  • Borg wedge ( β )
  • Borg assimilator ( β )
  • Borg harbinger ( β )
  • Borg sphere
  • Borg Queen 's ship
  • Borg harmonic defender ( β )
  • Borg tactical cube
  • Borg fusion cube ( β )
  • Borg tactical fusion cube ( β )

Species 8472 starships [ ]

Cardassian starships [ ].

  • Hideki -class ( β )
  • Janissary -class ( β )
  • Vasad -class ( β )
  • Gul Vystan -class ( β )
  • Legate -class ( β )
  • Brinok -class ( β )
  • Rasilak -class ( β )
  • Sartan -class ( β )
  • Kulinor -class ( β )
  • Galor -class
  • Gul Kentar's personal ship
  • Dreadnought missile

Construction ship [ ]

  • All playable races except Species 8472 use them to build installations. The Borg call their ship an "Assembler". When the game starts, the player gets one starbase and/ or one, maybe two construction ships. In the main scenarios, such as the Federation Scenario, the player has one, maybe two of these ships which is used to construct the base(s) needed to complete the scenario(s).

Other ships/races [ ]

Ferengi starships (non-playable) [ ].

  • D'Kora -class – ( though can be assimilated for use in the Borg campaign )
  • Ferengi merchant vessel

Setting [ ]

Star Trek: Armada II takes place from stardate 54522 to some time after stardate 54881, some six months after the events of the first game. The Borg have been spotted in Federation space using a new vessel employed to assimilate planetary surfaces. The Cardassian Union is becoming increasingly aggressive, and the Klingons are growing tired of their role as peace-keepers.

Single player campaign [ ]

Federation campaign [ ], "invasion" [ ].

Stardate 54522.2: A Borg force has invaded the Regula Badlands. The Enterprise is dispatched to eliminate the Borg presence, reclaim the colony world, and determine how the Collective was able to make it so deep into the Alpha Quadrant . It is discovered that a new type of tachyon nebula may hold the answer to this question.

"Lifelines" [ ]

Stardate 54544.2: The Federation starbase at Alpha Theta VI is under attack, and badly needs supplies. Convoys of cargo ships need to be escorted through a treacherous nebula, and a Borg defense network, in order to resupply the base.

"Recovery" [ ]

Stardate 54566.1: Starbase 176 has been attacked by the Borg, and the area is devastated. The Enterprise must defend the base against further attacks, and rebuild its defenses to act as a staging area. The assimilated USS Douglass is recaptured from the Borg.

"Along the Neutral Zone" [ ]

Stardate 54588.0: A small fleet, led by a single Akira -class starship under the command of a Captain McDermott, is dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone to establish a presence in a hazardous nebula field. The Enterprise suffers severe damage en route to the area, and must be protected from an assault by a squadron of Borg cubes.

"Into The Breach" [ ]

Stardate 54612.7: The transwarp portal is known to be located within the Regula Badlands. The Enterprise and her fleet must find, capture and hold the portal to allow an assault on Borg territory.

"Inferno" [ ]

Stardate 54637.3: The Federation invasion force enters the Delta Quadrant through the captured transwarp portal. Its counterpart must be captured, and all Borg within the area eliminated. The mission is hampered by the presence of a powerful subspace field that prevents warp travel.

"The Cavalry" [ ]

Stardate 54664.7: The Federation Third Fleet is ambushed in system J-356 by vessels of unknown origin. The Enterprise responds to a distress call from the USS Allegheny , the vessel leading the fleet, and the only survivor of the attack. The presence of Species 8472 is strongly suspected, as the Federation forces scour the system of a heavy Borg presence.

"Data Retrieval" [ ]

Stardate 54694.9: A modified freighter is used to retrieve vital data on the location of the Borg staging grounds from a Borg Nexus base. A heavy assault fleet must protect the data miner until its mission is complete.

"Staging Grounds" [ ]

Stardate 54727.7: The Borg staging grounds have been located in system J-361, and a huge Borg fleet is detected. The Federation forces must assemble an assault force without alerting the Borg to their presence. Once the attack is completed, the Enterprise and the surviving vessels must retreat to an extraction point, prior to returning to the transwarp portal.

"There And Back Again" [ ]

Stardate 54760.6: The Federation forces are in full retreat. A massive Borg counterattack, coupled with the arrival of dozens of Species 8472 vessels, has forced Starfleet to pull back to the transwarp portal, and back to the Alpha Quadrant. The evacuation is almost complete, when the portal suddenly explodes, leaving the Enterprise and several dozen vessels trapped behind enemy lines...

Klingon Campaign [ ]

"uprising: a dagger at zarush" [ ].

Stardate 54642.8: A massive Cardassian force, led by Gul Kentar, has attacked and destroyed the Federation reserve fleet at its dock in the Pearl Nebula. The Klingon defense forces must hold the line at Zarush, and strike back at the invading Cardassian fleet over Vanoshan.

"Executioner" [ ]

Stardate 54656.5: With the Pearl Nebula secure for the moment, Chancellor Martok orders a retaliatory strike against the Cardassian-held world of Kestian, and other Cardassian bases in the Doltec system. The planet must be eliminated.

"Brave New Worlds" [ ]

Stardate 54670.2: The Efate system is a key location for colonization and resupply. The system must be secure before the Cardassians get there and claim the worlds themselves, denying them a crucial resource.

"Blockade" [ ]

Stardate 54683.9: The Cardassians are on the back foot, with supply lines crumbling. A chance to break the front line has emerged at Mornaur II – however, a Romulan supply convoy is en route to the system. It appears that the Romulans have been behind the Cardassians sudden rearmament. The convoy must be intercepted before it reaches the planet, and before an assault on the system can take place.

"The Unknown Prize" [ ]

Stardate 54697.6: The Kulinor class of Cardassian vessel has been seen with additional, unidentified modifications. A prototype vessel, the "Quantum Singularity Ship" has been detected on the far side of the Ketch'Tor asteroid belt, and must be captured to determine its secrets.

"The Romulan Connection" [ ]

Stardate 54711.3: Romulan duplicity in the Kentar Uprising is now clear. The Star Empire must be "persuaded" to cease its support for the Cardassians. In order for this to proceed, a series of Romulan colonies must been conquered and Romulan bases destroyed.

"Battle of Crucis Major" [ ]

Stardate 54725.0: Despite cutting off most of their supplies, Gul Kentar's forces are able to launch a massive assault on the Klingon base at Crucis Major. With defenses incomplete, Martok is barely able to escape. However, the presence of a secret base operated by the House of Tagesh may allow the Klingons to fight back and clear the system of the Cardassian invaders.

"Trojan Horse" [ ]

Stardate 54738.7: To attack a Cardassian base, a Cardassian vessel must be captured and employed to disable vital defense systems. Without it, the Klingon forces will be unable to press on and take out the base.

"To Cardassia And Victory" [ ]

Stardate 54752.4: The Klingon counterattack has reached the Cardassian system itself. The surrounding planets must be captured, before a final assault on Cardassia Prime and its powerful defenses can be mounted. Gul Kentar is able to escape as Cardassia Prime falls, but Martok and his fleet are close behind.

"The Final Battle" [ ]

Stardate 54766.1: Kentar has fled to his secret base in the Hurik system. Here, he must be destroyed, along with the quantum singularity technology the Cardassians have developed, which is how they are bringing Species 8472 into the galaxy. The station is destroyed and Kentar's ship is destroyed in combat with Martok's armada.

Borg Campaign [ ]

"werewolf pack" [ ].

Stardate 54771.6: With the destruction of the transwarp portal in "There and Back Again", a number of Borg ships, including that of the Borg Queen, have been trapped in the Alpha Quadrant, as Picard and some of the Starfleet vessels have likewise in the Delta Quadrant. The Collective must assimilate cargo vessels in order to gain resources to rebuild their forces. However, Species 8472, having been drawn into the quadrant by the Cardassians' experiments in quantum singularities, are also in the sector, and the Borg are forced to retreat.

"Pink Slips" [ ]

Stardate 54785.3: Species 8472 vessels are attacking a Federation outpost , with the Borg caught in the middle. Both sides must be eliminated if reconstruction is to proceed. Since 8472 cannot be assimilated, Federation vessels must be captured and used against them.

"Interdiction" [ ]

Stardate 54799.0: The Borg now have sufficient resources to begin consolidating their position with a Nexus base. Cargo and other vessels must still be seized until resource gathering can be initiated.

"There Goes the Neighborhood" [ ]

Stardate 54812.7: All planetary bodies in Grid 967, a Romulan-held sector, must be assimilated in order to maintain reconstruction efforts.

"The Catch" [ ]

Stardate 54826.4: A pair of Federation starships have been captured, with key information on recreating the transwarp portal. With Species 8472 in pursuit, the two vessels must be relocated to the nearest Borg Nexus immediately for disassembly and analysis. Progress is hampered by intense nebular activity.

"Interception" [ ]

Stardate 54840.1: The Klingons have captured a Species 8472 bio-ship . In order to determine how the aliens are getting into the Alpha Quadrant, the facility analyzing the ship must be assimilated, and the Klingon forces suppressed.

"Strange Bedfellows" [ ]

Stardate 54853.8: Technology 2702 – the transwarp portal – has been reacquired. In order to successfully drive Species 8472 back into fluidic space , the Borg must retrieve the Federation forces stranded in the Delta Quadrant, and negotiate an alliance. The transwarp portal must be reconstructed, and used to accomplish this objective.

"Tidal Wave" [ ]

Stardate 54867.5: The Federation and the Collective have come to an agreement – Species 8472 must be eliminated, and the only way to accomplish this task is to combine forces. A massive fluidic rift has been detected, which is allowing the bio-ships access to our galaxy. Nearby sectors must be cleared before an assault can take place.

"The Maw" [ ]

Stardate 54881.2: The fluidic rift has been located. In order to successfully traverse the barrier into fluidic space, the Federation forces need to collect sufficient resources, and scout the rift for any dangers. Meanwhile, Species 8472 bio-ships continue to flood into the quadrant, and must be eliminated.

"Rifts" [ ]

Stardate unknown: The combined Federation and Borg fleet has entered fluidic space. Three additional rifts are being generated by an unknown entity, and must be located. The rift maker must be destroyed to prevent further incursions.

With the threat from Species 8472 eliminated, the alliance is dissolved – the Borg vessels are escorted back to the transwarp portal, and sent back to the Delta Quadrant, and Picard warns that further incursions into the Alpha Quadrant will be met with the strongest force.

(A cameo is made on this level by the USS Incursion from Star Trek: Away Team . It is a fully playable ship, and features the holo-disguise ability from Away Team .)

Multiplayer mode [ ]

As with Armada , multiplayer mode (and Instant Action) sees the player competing against up to seven opponents – the last one standing wins. Armada II adds some additional gameplay modes to the on-line game, including "Capture the Flag" and "Assault". The Internet game used Gamespy servers to run online games.

Game tips [ ]

To allow complete access to and use of an enemy race's technology, capture either a starbase or a construction ship. By working up the technology tree, a player can even have access to enemy weapon technology. For example, if a Federation player captured a Borg construction ship or a nexus, that player could eventually build and use tactical fusion cubes and even a transwarp gate . Note that this is only available in Instant Action and Multiplayer mode; it cannot be done in single player mode.

To use the extra dilithium crystals (see cheat codes, below), construct a trading station to exchange them for metal or latinum . If playing as the Borg, who do not use latinum, construct a recycler to change the dilithium for metal. Species 8472 have no resource exchange capabilities.

Cheat codes [ ]

Star Trek: Armada II contains many of the same cheat codes as the original. To access the cheat codes, which are only available in single player mode, press the "Enter" key and type one of the following codes, followed by the "Enter" key again:

  • showmethemoney adds 2,000 dilithium crystals to the player's stores. These extra crystals can be sold or used like regular dilithium. This can come in handy in fluidic space (which lacks resources). This code is repeatable, to obtain more crystals, press enter, then type this code, press enter each time you need more crystals.
  • kobayashimaru will allow the player to automatically win the current mission and advance to the next mission.
  • youstopmecold will increase the speed at which ships are built.
  • avoidance will increase the rate at which new crew are recruited.

Romulan-Federation War [ ]

If Starfleet intrudes upon the Romulan Neutral Zone in the 4th Federation campaign mission more then once, it will trigger hostilities between the Federation and the Romulan Empire. Hordes of Romulans invade Federation space and begin attacks on Starfleet. The Enterprise -E becomes a priority target for the Romulans upon arrival. Even if Starfleet is able to destroy or capture the Romulan base, additional Romulan reinforcements continue arriving from outside the sector, therefore the Romulans will keep up their attacks until all mission objectives are achieved. Despite having a common foe, the Romulans and the Borg still attack one another; one could potentially cripple the other beyond recovery thereby making it easier to achieve primary mission objective. This Romulan-Federation War has no impact on later missions whatsoever.

Since the Romulan invasion virtually rivals Gul Kentar's surprise attack at the start of the Battle of Crucis Major, the best strategy is establishing a new base where the Enterprise -E arrives with a defensive line consisting of Starbases, Torpedo Turrets, Pulse Cannons, and Sensor Arrays used to ambush any enemy ships approaching through the nebula. Provided the Romulans destroy most of the Borg base, a few captured Warbirds should make short work of any Borg stragglers while using cloaking to evade Romulan patrols.

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: Armada II at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Star Trek: Armada II at Wikipedia
  • Star Trek: Armada II at TrekCore
  • Star Trek: Armada II on GOG
  • Fleet Operations at the Star Trek Expanded Universe , the wiki for Star Trek fan fiction
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 World War III

Star Trek: Armada II (Windows)

  • My Abandonware

Star Trek: Armada II

Windows - 2001

Download extras files Manual and patch available

Description of Star Trek: Armada II

Ferengi. Who needs 'em? Stinking bottom-dwellers of the universe. Not only do they sound like nasally twelve-year old girls, but they look like rats on a bad hair day. Heck, I'd rather hob-knob with the Borg than associate with those furry excuses for a life form. In fact, give me one day as a Federation Admiral and I'd photon torpedo them all back to their homeworld. Wham, see you in the next rerun, ya hairball!

And while this is not exactly the plot for the new Next Generation-era real-time strategy game, Star Trek: Armada II, you do encounter the annoying species occasionally. In the skirmish mode you can even blow their cargo ships off the face of the universe. Cool. Besides that, you'll also resolve a new Federation crisis with those nasty Borg, power more ships and command two new races, and compete against other Trek fans in a highly improved multiplayer environment.

It's a strange twist that the single-player campaign is not nearly as interesting as the arcade-like gameplay of the original, released about two years ago. Memorable sequences abounded, from the time you had to slither you're way through a nebula-infested blockade as Worf, or the ambush missions where stealth played a more important role than outright combat. Armada II offers only three campaigns, including the Federation, Klingons, and Borg.

Somewhat of a letdown, the scripted sequences feel more like the design team was struggling for ideas. Why start the game with a mission against the impenetrable Borg, making one of the fiercest Federation enemies into hapless idiots? Usually, the Borg would deploy their gigantic Cubes and crush the Federation like ants. Instead, because it's the first mission, you can easily wipe them out in about 15 minutes. Other missions keep you on your toes in ambushes and escort missions, but there's rarely the adrenalin rush of a more fast-paced space combat RTS.

This might have been intentional. Changes to the basic gameplay mechanics include new resources to gather (metal and latinum), a new Y-axis similar to the one in Homeworld where ships can move up and down in space, and a new colonization requirement. In other words, you'll spend more time performing routine functions and strategizing about unit movement than actually firing phasers and killing off your enemies. Battles take more time to develop, and even a new "tactical" viewing angle that rotates around the action can't help hide the fact that there just isn't enough happening on screen other then lots of ships firing at each other. Cheesy cutscenes that introduce some missions don't make up for the lack of variety during the campaigns.

Still, the single-player mode does have its shares of strengths. There are 45 new ship classes and 22 new special weapons, plus a plethora of new space stations and incidental space matter. One obvious disadvantage to a space combat game that uses a real-time strategy model is that the game takes place in the blackness of open space. Fortunately, all the locations are well populated (or maybe over-populated) with space dust, dilithium moons, planets, black holes, asteroid belts, wormholes, and exactly seven different kinds of nebulae. Seeing the Borg stuck in the middle of space with the Federation on one side and Species 8472 on the other has its own appeal.

Multiplayer and skirmish modes have been beefed up significantly. In addition to the races included in the campaigns, you can also play as Species 8472, the Cardassians, and the Romulans. Only Species 8472 offers a significantly different gameplay experience. Organisms are birthed from a "mother" and then evolved into ships and stations. There's no resource gathering, but it takes longer to build up a fleet. The powerful Battleship is one of the only units that's a match for the new Borg fusion cube, which is essentially a combination of eight regular cubes. Borg can't assimilate Species 8472, so gameplay is balanced nicely. New modes such as capture the flag help keep battles interesting.

More than anything, it's the social aspect to multiplayer that makes it so entertaining. Trek fans are definitely devoted to their series. Newbies can easily find someone to show them the ropes, and clans have been forming quickly ever since the release. Players online are generally more helpful and serious about the game, as opposed to some multiplayer experiences where everyone is far less intense. This actually helps with the actual gameplay balancing because players are willing to change races, offer advice, and generally even the playing field.

There are just a few other new features worth mentioning. Armada 2 now allows you to group units into formations, which is helpful since there are so many new ships and intense combat sequences. "Facing Based Damaged" is a new strategy element. Frontal assaults will affect weapon systems and life support, whereas a rear attack will cause engine damage. In practice, the combat is just too quick and there are too many ships to even make this a viable strategy. If Armada 2 had focused on larger ships with more weapon systems it would have been a more important factor. Even the Armada 2 website mentions the fact that the best attack is to just send wave after wave of smaller ships into combat, so it's a negligible addition.

A revamped 3D graphics engine definitely enhances the experience. Borg stations have an incredibly high polygon count with layer after layer of detail. It's cool to see the wireframe ghost image when you first place these structures. Federation vessels are probably the most lacking since they look a little pale against black space. Some weapons send an expansive shockwave of destruction; others look a little more like peashooters. But, for the most part, everything you see in the game looks really impressive, especially when you zoom in for a close view.

One problem, though, is that you rarely CAN zoom in for a close-up. Since there are so many units, the game almost requires an overhead perspective to keep track of the action. There were many times when the screen just didn't seem big enough, even at high resolutions. The control interface takes up about a third of the screen, and most sections cannot be hidden from view.

Armada 2 has a low-key soundtrack and sounds that seem to be lifted right out of the Next Generation series. Each race has its own set of blips, weapon effects, and unit responses to match the tone of that race. It's especially rewarding to play as the Klingon and feel like you're getting chewed out for every action you take.

So, while the campaign mode doesn't offer as much arcade action and the new strategic additions actually lessen the overall space combat feel, there's still plenty here for Trek fans and non-Trekkies alike. Some gamers might decide to skip right past the campaign mode and dive right into skirmishes and multiplayer, and that's certainly not a bad thing. If Activision and new developer Mad Doc can think up more interesting things for these races to do during campaigns, add bigger ships to more races, and keep the multiplayer the way it is, we might see a third installment that outdoes them all.

Review By GamesDomain

External links

Captures and snapshots.

Star Trek: Armada II 0

Comments and reviews

gary hall 2021-12-26 -1 point

if this is no longer Abandonware then please remove it from your site

oldman 2021-12-21 0 point

I dl this when it was free, I bought it in 2001, Now they want money. Well anyone that needs help it does work perfect on win 10. mount the iso. or what ever disk image it's available now and install it on your pc. then you can move or copy it anywhere, Thats right, copy the C:\program files \activsion to D:\ if you like or even a removable drive. I'm retired now and get payed to do nothing. look for me on GAD nomad_64 I'll help even modding Armada II only

G. Host 2021-08-14 -1 point

All ya'll are forgetting about compatibility mode. Swap the SetUp.exe into compatibility for WinXP sp 3 and run as admin. Should start working fine after that. Before you play follow the steps to install the patch, then swap out the armada.exe for the nocd version.

spock 2021-07-28 0 point

Great stuff games works perfectly. Thanks

OssiTV 2021-05-12 2 points

Hello, My Problem is, that the Installer not Startet. i can't install the Game on Win 10 64Bit version. FleetOperation does not work, when i start FleetOperation, Armada2.exe can not start. So i dont have any ideas more. Can someone Help me?

OLDMAN 2021-02-27 1 point

I'm going to try and help you guys install armada II on your hard drive. 1. First get a fake CD mounting program. There are lot's online for free, wincdEMUmounter . And learn how to MOUNT a CD file as a real CD Example: CUE BIN mount as H drive. 2. Download the armada files unzip the file if zipped. CUE BIN is ready to mount. Now mount the FAKE cd cue bin as H drive or what ever drive is available. then... 3. The CD can be installed on your HD . 4. installing armada to C:\Program Files\ Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Armada2.exe double click it! Keep th cd mounted! 5. Download the nocd.exe, goto root dir rename Armada2.exe TO Armada2old.exe. Copy nocd.exe to the C:\Program Files\ Activision\Star Trek Armada II\ Reneme it to Armada2.exe Make a shortcut to your desk top. And your all set. You don't need the cd files anymore ever again. ;-p Note: after the install is working you can copy the WHOLE Star Trek Armada II folder any were and run the exe.

Strip 2020-11-03 -3 points

followed instructions, but unfortunately I can't get it to work on my win10 machine. tried every possible compatibility mode. Splash screen appears but then the exe disappears from the list in taskmanager. log files also show nothing.

spellfire 2020-10-07 0 point

not sure why everyone is complaining about the cue bin files its just another form of cd rip never had probs with cue bin except if the files themselves are currupted

phoenix 2020-09-19 0 point

i downloaded the game extracted the files to default location but there wasnt anything there to b able to actually play the game was just 2 files BIN and CUE files that wanted another file to b downloaded B4 they could b opened did i do it wrong ?

oldman 2020-01-29 -5 points

I have a win10 32bit pc and armada runs perfect in windows 7. I used the nocd.exe and have copied it to drive D. It runs fine stand alone and you can make as many copies you want. I have 3 modded version on my D drive. But the map editor and the ship viewer only works in the default folder. It's still fun 19 years later. :-)

kg 2020-01-15 1 point

worked fine win 10 for me, although you may have to troubleshoot the compatibility on some computers. mine did it automatically, but I think theres a submenu option (right click file) that lets you do it manually. 1.1 patch is on this page under the entire comments section, so is link to no-CD patch. its under these comments, scroll down. you need these patches, you can also find 1.1 on modDB. windows mount utility didnt recognize, so i use powerISO to mount. (daemonlite and wincdemu are also great.) Afterwards head over to modDB and check out the fo:roots mod +patch, its pretty fun and actually recent. (2019) or check out the Fleet Operations mod 3.2.x, an older variation but also fun. good luck gamers.

ANTI-SATAN 2020-01-11 -1 point

It doesn't work well with windows10. Although I got a right game,I can't play the game.

lol 2019-08-27 -3 points

I install game right now

A Lesser Man 2019-03-09 -2 points

This is NOT an ISO file. It's a BIN and CUE file, zipped up! Liars.

TJ 2019-02-14 2 points

ARMADALOVER, I followed your steps to the letter. Unfortunately when I have attempted to launch it, it gave me a "insert CD" window. I do not know how to over come this, and I cannot play the game. If you have an ideas, let me know.

Armadalover 2019-01-04 3 points

Weazle, 1) Download and install Fleetops ( ) 2) Navigate to the fleetops directory and create a folder called "Mods" (Default directory is "program files/fleet operations/data/mods". 3) Download STA2 Classic (It's essentially Armada 2, optimised as a Fleetops mod, which is crazy, 'cause Fleetops was originally an Armada 2 mod) from , unzip and place in the Mods folder. 4) Run Fleetops, click on "options" and the "mod options". You can launch the game from there. You will require the ISO from this site, or an original game disk to run it. I know it's a little long winded, but I have never managed to find another way to get the game working.

Weazle 2018-12-07 3 points

Mounted the iso , ran patch, crack etc.. game now states i dont have enough memory or hd space. win7 64bit ultimate os 1tb hd 16g ram any one know a fix for this armada 1 works fine. Compatabilty adjustments make no dif.

The7PercentSolution 2018-12-02 1 point

I was able to install the program but it would never boot up the game. It just had the splash screen for a few seconds and then nothing. I tried opening it both with and without the "no cd" exe. Also had the patch installed. As someone else noted it apparently doesn't work well with Windows 10. Also didn't work when trying to change the compatibility with older Windows. Oh well, at least Armada 1 works!

McKraken 2018-11-15 2 points

PS wincdEMUmounter is the mounter that helped me get the battle net version of warcraft 2 to work that I also downloaded from this site

McKraken 2018-11-15 1 point

Ok. This is what i did to get this to run -download armada 2 from link above -download a .iso mounting program (i use wincdEMUmounter. its easy to figger out .. from the drop down menu choose cd-rom) -once you do that the game will run an installer -then download the latest patch from -run the patch (it has an installer) -then go to (BIG THANKS TO TOROUS83 FOR THIS ONE) and download the no cd crack -unzip the crack and you will get armada2.exe -move this new armada2.exe to your armada 2 game directory and REPLACE the old armada2.exe -I also made a new desktop shortcut (dunno if I had to but thought it was a good idea) Hope this helps :)

Torous83 2018-10-30 1 point

you need the game crack and the patch to play, first install the game, run the patch then copy the crack to installation directory. You can find the crack here:

RK 2018-06-22 -3 points

If you are trying to play this it does not play well with windows 10 however in the compatbility tab select windows 2000 and it should start, it may not be as good as the first one however it does have the best mod avilable which turns the game into babylon 5 rts game which is awesome. Play the vorlon/Narn/Earth Alliance/Centari (they can ally with draak or solo)Rangers faction (vorlon or rangers) Vorlons/Shadows or B5 faction which can choose to ally with 3rd space or use any league nation ships

Vandreal 2018-06-21 -23 points

How do I get this to play without the CD? I'm trying to use a crack but they won't work...

Goodiej17 2018-04-24 1 point

Thank you. I have been looking for this. My brother lost my disc.

ArthurRex12 2018-03-26 -6 points

Can someone help me troubleshoot the installation process? I'm at a loss here.

Ferb 2018-02-25 1 point

Compared to the original, this was pretty rubbish - less variety to the races, borg cubes that went down like flies, missions with more set-in-stone failure conditions (so whereas in the first game, if you were spotted during a stealth mission, the enemy would all start fighting you and making the mission harder but still giving you a chance, in this game getting spotted would mean the mission immediately ends with a game-over message). Fortunately the modding community made so many improvements that they effectively made a third game from this, known as Fleet Operations. If you download this game, it's essential to download that mod. Their website also has some patches for getting the original game working on modern computers.

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Experiencing a problem with planet colonization

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Star Trek Armada 2: The Dominion War

STAR TREK ARMADA 2: THE DOMINION WAR (1.0) 1__________Introduction 2__________Features 3__________Credits 4__________Legal 5__________Special Thanks ---------1--------- ---Introduction---- It is a time of war. Cardassia has joined the Dominion, and together they are plotting the destruction of the Federation. Your mission is to defeat the Dominion at all costs, using anything you can get your hands on. The fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant rests on your shoulders... ...The Founders will be pleased. Cardassia has joined the Dominion, and now we have a foothold in the alpha quadrant. Your mission is to command our forces, and defeat the Federation, so that the Alpha Quadrant will be in our hands. Glory to the Founders! ---------2--------- ----Description---- My goal when creating Star Trek Armada 2: The Dominion War was to put the "Strategy" back into to "Real Time Strategy." Armada Mulitplayer, in my opinion, is at a sorry state right now. People just build Galaxys/Qeh'Rals/Venators/Galors/etc as fast as possible. Did the Federation build 500 Galaxys, then blow Cardassia to bits? lol...nope. They strategically placed ships in carefully planned locations. That's exactly what you're going to do in this mod. Ship costs are higher, build times are longer, thus ship units are more valuable. This will actually make you think more ;) ---------3--------- ------Credits------ All non-stock Build Buttons and Wireframes besides Miranda Class: Ch'Yu Chen Dominion GUI + Buttons: Ch'Yu Chen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=The Dominion=- -Dominion Weapons (Phasers/Torpedoes): Challenger -Weyoun's Jem'Hadar Battleship, Jem'Hadar Battleship: Mesh: Redragon (Luan Ngo) Armada 1 Conversion and Texture: Napseeker (Tom Yee) -Jem'Hadar Destroyer (A.K.A. "Bug"): Challenger -Jem'Hadar Warship: Challenger -Breen Craft: Michael Pantner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=The Federation=- -Starbase (Ship): Captain Fingers -Miranda Class (Ship, Build Button, Wireframe): Chakotay -Excelsior Class (Ship): 9 Of 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything else (ODFs, Other Coding, Voices, etc): Me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------4--------- -------Legal------- All of the new ships in this mod were not made by me, therefore contact their respective owners for questions relating to the ships themselves, and not the mod. This mod is only to be distributed at Armada2Files initally, however if you would like to host it on your website, you must ask me permission first by E-mail. You may use any part of this mod relating to game code (Example: ODFs)in any project you make, however, please contact me and tell me you are. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------5--------- --Special Thanks--- Major A. Payne: For being one of the best modders around, and Influencing my start in A2 Modding. Armada2Files staff of October 2002: For doing your best to keep Armada2Files the largest Armada 2 Download site on the web. Pro-Filer: For putting up with my crap for this long :D Raven Elite Force Support BBS: For being a good bunch of guys no matter what the problem. STGN: Same as above :) A2 Modding Community: For giving life to a game that would of been dead by now if you hadn't ;) --------------------------------------------------- Author: Greg Plautz (A.K.A. Mr. Greg or Stingray) Email: [email protected]


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Star Trek: Armada II – Starship Stat List


Starship Stat List (PC) by KaBoom1701

Updated: 01/03/2002

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    star trek armada 2 colonize planet


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  1. Star Trek: Armada II

    Walkthrough (PC) by OneLiner66. Updated: 10/12/2012. Start Trek Armada II. Missions Walkthrough. This Faq is mainly aimed at the build order that is the most efficient for each. mission, as well as a heads up to the new objectives that sometimes appear in. the mission and the overall map situation. All build orders were tested at.

  2. Star Trek: Armada II

    STAR-TREK ARMADA 2: FULL FAQ/WALKTHROUGH By GELUF This FAQ is the sole property of Geluf and is authorized for exhibition ONLY on ... You can even colonize planets that are being mined for metal! The only planets you can colonize, though, are Class M, L, and J. None of the others can support life. Once you colonize a planet, crew ...

  3. Planets

    Planets are map objects and resources. Planets are where metal is mined. Metal is the second most important resource in the game, used to build many ships and stations. Species 8472 converts it into biomatter. Planets also provide crew, needed for all ships, and certain stations. The planets must be colonized first to gain crew. Species 8472 does not use crew. Class D planets are rocky ...

  4. Star Trek: Armada II

    Star Trek Armada 2 Walkthrough/FAQ by Simon Version 1.0a This FAQ is only being shown on Feel free to email and ask questions. My email is [email protected]. ... * Colonize planet Regula II * Build Orbital Processing Facility to provide Metal * Eliminate all Borg in Regula Badlands (including ships, stations, and Borg ...

  5. Request Colonize Planets/Orbital Stations

    I don't know about others, but the two things i miss most from Armada II is having the ability to colonize planets. I also miss having the orbital stations. Short of these two things, you've done a great job with the mod, Star Trek should have gone to you all rather than activision, you made a far better game. Other additions i'd love to get back:

  6. Borg Colony Ship

    Borg Colony Ship. The Borg Colony Ship is a colony ship built by the Borg. It is designed to colonize planets and assimilate other planets. It is featured in the campaign, being a weapon that the Borg could use to assimilate planets with little warning. They operate differently from other colony ships, using a planetary assault beam to destroy ...

  7. GAMING :: TrekCore

    Star Trek Armada II: Ships and Stations: Federation. ... The Federation is always on the lookout for new planets to colonize. The colony ship is able to transport enough colonists and supplies to start a fledging colony. Once colonization is complete, the colony ship will travel down to the surface of the planet. ...

  8. Star Trek: Armada II

    Armada II lets you play as six different races, from the Federation, to Romulan, to Borg, to Klingon, to Kardasian, to Species 8472. Of course, the race you choose will affect what ships you have ...

  9. GAMING :: TrekCore

    Star Trek Armada II: Ships and Stations: Cardassian. ... The only valid target for a Plasma Cannon is a planet, and when a planet is successfully struck, it will reduce the target planet's population. ... the Cardassian Union continues to seek out new worlds to colonize. The Cardassian colony ship is able to transport enough colonists and ...

  10. Colonization/conquest : Ideas and Feature Requests

    I always thought having a colonized planet gave my fleet an identity, that it wasn't just another armada.But I'm just soppy like that.Bring it back, and give it some defences! Extra points! Colonization/conquest : Ideas and Feature Requests - Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations

  11. Star Trek: Armada II

    Star Trek: Armada II is a real-time strategy game, published by Activision in 2001. The sequel to Star Trek: Armada, it featured improved three dimensional graphics as well as more classes of ships. It also added Species 8472 and the Cardassian Union as playable races. "The Federation stands on the precipice of another major conflict that threatens the fragile peace we have worked so hard to ...

  12. Star Trek: Armada II (Windows)

    Starlancer Win 2000. Star Trek: Armada II (aka STA2) is a video game published in 2001 on Windows by Activision Publishing, Inc., Novitas Vertriebs GmbH. It's a strategy game, set in a real-time, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title, rts, space flight, war, tv series and editor / construction set themes.

  13. Experiencing a problem with planet colonization

    There isn't much in the way of advice you can be given though as I've not seen any of the modders whose mods you've installed online in quite some time. I think the only thing you can try to do is to build up your own mod using one of those three as a base mod to start from. BORG: Incursion - The Next Level mod for Star Trek: Armada I - Mod DB.

  14. Star Trek: Armada II

    Star Trek: Armada II is a RTS game made by Activision. It involves all our. favorite ships and stations from the Star Trek television programs fighting to. the death in a variety of locales. If anyone has played Age of Empires games or. Starcraft before, you will find it very easy to slide into this game and become. proficient.

  15. Star Trek: Armada II

    Star Trek: Armada II is a real-time strategy video game published by Activision in 2001, based upon the Star Trek universe. The game was developed by Mad Doc Software.It is the sequel to Star Trek: Armada. Star Trek: Armada II was released by Activision a year after they acquired the full rights to all the franchise holding of the video game's franchise from Viacom.

  16. Mapman's Magnificant Map Pack

    2 defend-planet Maps 2 collect-latinum Maps 3 capture-the-flag Map 2 colonize-planets Map 2 player maps: 2 3 player maps: 1 4 player maps: 11 5 player maps: 2 6 player maps: 7 7 player maps: 3 8 player maps: 2 6.Credit: These Maps were all created by me. I used the Armada2 stuff, the Armada2 editor and MS Windows Paint. 7.Contact: e-mail ...

  17. Star Trek: Armada II Windows game

    Starting from Version 5, the mod will use an installer instead of being copy/paste; it now works as a stand-alone game instead of a sub-mod of Fleet Operations. The installer checks for an Armada 2 CD or GOG version, and then put the mod in the folder of your choice, ready to go. Jan 10 2024 Star Trek: Evolution. Sep 15 2023 News.

  18. Me Want Realistic Colonization! : Ideas and Feature Requests

    I want the ability to colonize a planet with only a few hundred colonists, to a few million colonists. I also would like the ability to build up an army that doesn't have one soldier per colonist, and the ability to make defenses (like big guns that shoot ships in space and planetary shields). And then planets aren't only twice the size of a ...

  19. Star Trek: Armada II

    You can write and submit your own guide for this game using either our full-featured online editor or our basic text editor. We also accept maps and charts as well. For Star Trek: Armada II on the PC, GameFAQs has 5 guides and walkthroughs.

  20. Star Trek Armada 2: The Dominion War

    Mr. Greg, 2002-10-31. Surprise! I was able to correct those evil ODF errors, and now the mod is ready for 1.0 release! Here’s a lowdown of what the mod does: Star Trek Armada 2: The Dominion war is meant to put the player in the middle of the Dominion War, either on the Federation or the Dominion, and place units smartly to survive.

  21. Federation colonizing resource asteroids. : r/STA3

    Federation colonizing resource asteroids. I recently downloaded the new Final Frontier patch and it seems the Federation colony ship was changed. It doesn't appear to be able to colonize the asteroids in the areas where there is no planet. I have searched and been unable to figure out how the federation can now colonize the asteroids.

  22. Star Trek: Armada II

    For Star Trek: Armada II on the PC, Starship Stat List by KaBoom1701. Menu. ... - Officers/Crew Cost-4/100 Build Time-30 sec. Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/50 - - Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength- Colonize-Colonizes planets Shield Strength-250 Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second Hull Strength-245 - - - COMBAT SHIPS- Venture-class scout General ...


    After Star Trek: Armada II setup is complete, your computer will install the Microsoft DirectX 8.0a drivers if you do not already have them. When DirectX 8.0a installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer for the new drivers to take effect. Now you can run Star Trek: Armada II by choosing Programs/Star Trek: Armada