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View sea eagles on Mull

sea eagle tour mull

Staffa and Treshnish Isles Wildlife Tour

  • Departs: Tobermory, Ardnamurchan

sea eagle tour mull

Wildlife Tour Tobermory, Treshnish & Staffa

  • Departs: Oban

sea eagle tour mull

Wildlife Tour

sea eagle tour mull

Staffa and Treshnish Isles Wildlife Tour from Fionnphort or Iona

  • Departs: Iona, Fionnphort

White-tailed sea eagles are Britain’s largest bird of prey. They became extinct in Britain in 1918 but changes in legislation created an opportunity for their reintroduction and in 1975 82 were transported from Norway to the Isle of Rum. More were released on the mainland and breeding has been successful with between 80-90 individual birds now living in Scotland.

Feeding Habits

Off the coast of Mull is a great place to spot the magnificent white-tailed sea eagles. There are around 20 eagles on the island. When these huge birds of prey aren’t soaring on the thermals, we sometimes see the spectacular sight of them swooping down to the surface and grabbing fish with their talons which is always spectacular and a real thrill to watch.

Sea eagles are skilled hunters and, unsurprisingly, feed mainly on fish but they do have a varied diet and will often eat carrion and small mammals occasionally. Some will also scavenge and steal food from other birds and otters.

Sea Eagles are fairly common sight and Golden Eagles are often spotted also but it largely depends on the weather whether we will see any on one of our trips. A day with scattered showers is most likely to yield good sightings as the eagles come out from the trees and cliff ledges to feed, preferring to stay sheltered when it’s raining.


sea eagle tour mull

See Britain’s largest seabird, the northern gannet

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Puffins Arrive En Masse at the Treshnish Isles

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  • Isle of Mull Sea Eagle Adventure

Female Sea Eagle

Many people holiday in Moidart and Ardnamurchan hoping to spot golden and white-tailed eagles.  Whilst eagle sightings are becomming increasing common on the mainland, the Isle of Mull probably still remains one of the best places to see these magnificant birds.  The Isle of Mull is easy to reach from the mainland and the trip descibed below makes for an excellent day out.  We caught the 07:45 ferry from Lochaline to Fishnish which allowed plenty of time to get to the start point of the cruise.

White-tailed eagles are the fourth largest eagle in the world and the largest raptor in Scotland, with a wingspan of two and a half metres.  This three hour wildlife cruise offers good chances of seeing these eagles throughout the Spring and Summer in a wild and natural environent, and as such, is a great experience. The boat trip offers the possibility of good views and excellent photographic opportunities.

The trips are taken aboard the Lady Jayne, a Lochin 33 cruiser, with numbers restricted to 12 passengers.  The trip starts with a safety talk and an brief introduction to the tour noting that the the white tailed eagles are truely wild and, as such, sightings are not guaranteed. 

The boat departs from the jetty at Ulva and skirts around the eastern (inner) section of Loch Na Keal. The narrow section of the sea loch is bounded by the islands of Ulva and Gometra to the west, the Ardmeanach peninsula to the south, and north Mull to the north. Loch na Keal has been designated as a National Scenic Area.  As the boat near the eastern end of the loch, it starts to mimic the behaviour of a small fishing boat and soon attracts an eager following of gulls. The boat stops near the bay head to await the arrival of white-tailed eagle, alerted by the presence of the gulls.

On our trip, a female eagle, with yellow and black spotted wing tags, known as YBS, soon made an appearance.  Its broad flat wings, white fan-shaped tail, pale yellow vulture-like beak and bare yellow legs with large black talons are unmistakable.  Good views were afforded of the bird making several high circles above the boat, before dramatically swopping down to snatch a fish from the surface of the water.  The bird then flew to the shore with its catch.  This was repeated on two occasions. Following the sea eagle sightings the wildlife cruise continued around the bay in search of seals, dolphins and whales.  Good views were afforded of Staffa and the Treshnish Isles in the distance.

There are lovely views on route of coastal cliffs, rounded peaks, flat-topped lava hills and the dominating scree peak of Ben More, as well as the rounded and cliffed slopes of the small island of Eorsa. There are also some interesting pillar lava cliffs as the boat skirts around the eastern edge of Ulva.  The vegetation on the mainland is a combination of rough pasture, forestry plantations and heath.   Look out for grey seals, otters and a range of coastal birds, including shags, guillemots, greylay geese, black-backed gulls, herring gulls and common gulls.

Throughout the cruise, the skipper and first mate provided interesting commentary on some of the geological formations, wildlife and local history of the area.

The trip lasts 3 hour, with tea and biscuits served on route.  Two trips are offered according to demand on most week days.  Booking is essential and should be done early to avoid disappointment.  You should also allow plenty of time to get to the Ulva ferry jetty and arrive early as parking space can be limited, particularly for the afternoon session.  There is a small modern toilet block at the Ulva ferry jetty.

The day trip can be combined with a trip to the small island of Ulva, using the ferry service, available on request using the signalling box.  There are some way-marked walks on the island, a reconstructed traditional croft house, with a display depicting the history of the island as well as a small restaurant.

A great day out from Moidart, Morvern and the Ardnamurchan peninsula.

starting grid ref: 

Links to useful information.

  • Mull Charters
  • Isle of Ulva
  • Loch Na Keal National Scenic Area
  • Ferry timetables

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Willdife Experiences

  • Crannog Cruise on Loch Linnhe
  • Isle of Eigg
  • Isle of Rum
  • Loch Shiel Wildlife Cruise
  • Loch Sunart Wildlife Ferry to Tobermory
  • Mull Eagle Watch
  • RSPB Glenborrodale Wildlife Walk
  • Scottish Sea Life Santuary
  • Ski Lift to Creag Dbubh
  • Treshnish Isles and Fingal's Cave
  • Whale and Dolphin Wildlife Cruise from Mallaig

Willdife Sites

  • Achnaha Community Woodland
  • Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve
  • Ardnamurchan Point
  • Ardtornish Wildlife Hide
  • Ariundle Oakwood
  • Camusdarach Beaches
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  • Inchree Red Squirrel Hotspot
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  • Rahoy Hills
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Isle Of Mull

5 Ways to Experience Eagles on the Isle of Mull

18th Jan 2023 in Mull Scenery and Landscapes , Mull Wildlife

You’ll often hear Mull referred to as ‘eagle island’ and with good reason! The island is home to thriving populations of both the white-tailed sea eagle and the majestic golden eagle. So, if you’re hoping to encounter eagles on the Isle of Mull, here are five different ways to do it.

sea eagle tour mull

From the water

The ever popular boat trip aboard the Lady Jane with Mull Charters offers you the chance to see white-tailed sea eagles up close. Throwing freshy caught fish from the boat, the lucky passengers may see the eagles swoop in to clasp the fish between their talons from the water.

The sound of their wingbeats and sheer size of the eagles encountered at such close quarters makes this an unmissable way to experience eagles on the Isle of Mull.

sea eagle tour mull

For those who prefer to keep their feet on terra firma, a land-based wildlife tour should be your first port of call. Local guides know the routines of these majestic birds well and will give you ample opportunity to encounter them during a day’s exploration of the island, whether perched, on the wing or even grappling another eagle in a dramatic descent! They’ll also give you lots of ideas for where to go to improve your chances of seeing eagles on the Isle of Mull during the rest of your stay.

sea eagle tour mull

In breeding season

Each year once the white-tailed eagles begin to nest, Mull Eagle Watch opens its doors with guided walks to find out more about the birds and watch the activity on the nest from a responsible distance.

sea eagle tour mull

High in the hills

Adventurous souls will often have little trouble encountering eagles on the Isle of Mull. As you climb Mull’s quieter hills and peaks, you’ll often be passing through the large habitats of the more elusive golden eagles, so remember to cast your eyes to the skies for the chance of a sighting. You can find lots of ideas for walking routes on the island (complete with OS maps) in our guide here.

sea eagle tour mull

Close to sea level

It will come as little surprise that the white-tailed sea eagles often appear around Mull’s sea lochs. Whether you hunker down in the wildlife hide at Fishnish or spend the day scouting the shores of the island’s west coast, you’re likely to encounter a sea eagle. In the winter, as juveniles have fledged, you may also be lucky enough to see a number gathered together – a spectacular sight for those enjoying a winter break on Mull.

Find out more about the fantastic wildlife and eagles on the Isle of Mull and plan your holiday this year.

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Green Adventures July 2016

sea eagle

Wildlife tourism in Scotland is thriving. Penny Bunting visits the Isle of Mull to seek out one of the country's most spectacular birds

Above: white tailed sea eagle © Martin Keivers Mull Charters

Wildlife tourism is booming in Scotland, with over one million trips each year taken by visitors who specifically want to enjoy the country's remarkable wildlife.

Scotland's spectacular, wild and diverse landscapes encompass mountains, forests, lochs and thousands of miles of coastline, and are home to a wide range of different mammal, bird and insect species – some of which are rarely or never seen in other parts of the UK.

Choosing one individual region of the country for a wildlife trip is hard – but one of our favourite Scottish wildlife destinations is the beautiful island of Mull. Just 45 minutes from the mainland (catch the ferry from Oban), it's an easily accessible pocket of wilderness that supports an extraordinary variety of wildlife on land, in the sky and in the sea.


On land, look out for red deer and otters. Golden eagles, white-tailed eagles and buzzards can be seen soaring over the island's peaks and lochs, and the waters surrounding the island support Atlantic grey and common seals, minke whales, dolphins and basking sharks.

Sea Eagle Adventure

Often referred to as 'Eagle Island', Mull is well known as one of the best places in the world to see sea eagles (also known as white-tailed eagles). With a wingspan of well over two metres, this enormous bird – the fourth largest eagle in the world – is a spectacular sight.

Once extinct in Britain, a successful reintroduction programme has led to sea eagles being resident in Scotland once more – although numbers are still very low. These birds have no natural predators, but are at risk from human activity and loss of habitat and food sources.

Above, clockwise from top left: buzzards; Glen More; Loch Frisa; highland cattle near Ulva Ferry

sea eagle

There is hope for these magnificent birds though. Mull Eagle Watch is a partnership between RSPB, Forestry Commission Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Mull and Iona Community Trust and Police Scotland, and offers protection to sea eagles nesting on the island.

The partnership also arranges ranger-led walking tours. Running from April to September and lasting around two hours, these tours give visitors a chance to view sea eagles – and as you're guided by an expert who knows all the birds' current perching spots, you're in with a good chance of spotting them.

For an excellent chance of getting a close up view of a sea eagle, take a boat trip with Mull Charters . The company's Sea Eagle Adventure lasts for three hours and leaves from the tiny harbour at Ulva Ferry.

This is an exhilarating trip. For a start, there is the most spectacular scenery to enjoy from onboard the Lady Jayne – a small vessel that carries just 12 passengers, meaning there's no crowding and a brilliant view for everyone on board. The route taken can vary according to weather conditions – but expert local knowledge from skipper Martin Keivers ensures the best chances of wildlife sightings whatever the route.

sea eagle

On the day we took the trip the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the water was calm – but high winds and heavy rains had been forecast, so we followed a sheltered route, along lovely Loch na Keal and past the tiny, uninhabited island of Eorsa. There are sea eagles nesting in the trees alongside the loch, so everyone on board was optimistic about seeing the birds. Along the way we were given a fascinating commentary by first mate Alex, with information about the geology, history and wildlife of the area.

It's important to remember that sightings on any wildlife trip cannot be guaranteed. These are wild creatures, after all – and their behaviour on any given day can be fickle or unpredictable. However, Mull Charters has an excellent success rate for sea eagle sightings. On each trip a small quanitity of fish is offered – just enough to allow the birds to associate the boat with a tasty treat, without them becoming reliant on the Lady Jayne as a source of food.

Sometimes a sea eagle collects the fish from the surface of the water as close as 25 metres from the boat – making for an excellent photo opportunity for all on board (the photograhs of sea eagles in this article were all taken by Martin during his trips).

So, with cameras at the ready we scanned the skies. As we approached the area near where the birds were nesting, anticipation began to increase. There was a lot of bird activity around us already, with dozens of gulls following the Lady Jayne – and we also had a pretty good sighting of a magnificent golden eagle, riding the air currents high above the boat.

But there was no sign of the sea eagles. By now, just as the forecast had predicted, the wind had begun to whip the loch into choppy waves and fat raindrops began to fall. So we headed into a sheltered bay for a coffee break – feeling a little disappointed and unlucky that we hadn't seen the sea eagles.

After the break, Martin decided to head back into the loch for another try. Once again, the boat was surrounded by gulls. Then suddenly a male sea eagle was amongst them, dwarfing the smaller birds with its huge form and flying close to the boat. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as we took in the immensity of this creature. We had a superb view of its fan-shaped tail, huge talons and unmistakable profile, with sharp, hook-like beak and bright eyes.

Almost in slow motion, the sea eagle circled around the back of us to fly alongside the boat on the other side, before swooping down dramatically to take a fish from the surface of the water right next to us. Then it was up and away, flying gracefully across the loch and out of sight.

It was a magical moment, and well worth waiting for – proving that patience pays off, especially when watching wildlife!

sea eagle

Above: sea eagle taking a fish © Martin Keivers Mull Charters

Where to stay

The Isle of Mull Hotel and Spa sits in an excellent location on the edge of Craignure Bay, just a few minutes from the ferry terminal. Rooms are pleasantly decorated in neutral tones with Highland tartan accessories and extremely comfortable beds. Many of the rooms have superb views across the water to the mountains of the Scottish mainland. Tea and coffee making facilities – with Scottish shortbread – and complimentary toiletries are provided in all rooms.

Breakfast was very good. Freshly cooked bacon, black pudding, haggis, sausage, eggs and potato scones – along with vegetarian options and a selection of cereals, fruit and yoghurt – are served in a spacious dining room that has large picture windows overlooking the bay. The service was friendly and helpful.

What makes this hotel truly enticing, though, is the spa. Consisting of a 17m heated, indoor pool – with more floor to ceiling picture windows – sauna, steam room and hot/cold foot spa, there is a range of treatments available. There's also an outdoor hot tub – a perfect place to enjoy those wonderful views and soothe tired, aching muscles after a day's hiking or wildlife watching.

The Isle of Mull Hotel and Spa supports Mull Eagle Watch.

Isle of Mull Hotel and Spa

Wildlife on Mull

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  • Inner Hebrides Guide

Mull Eagle Watch Hide

Exciting partnership between a number of different local organisations including the RSPB that provides visitors with a chance to see Mull's fantastic Sea Eagles and Golden Eagles

sea eagle tour mull

Mull is home to the UK's best accessible population of Sea Eagles and Golden Eagles. The hide which was first tested in 2011 enables you to get a view of these wonderful birds foir yourself. If you are interested in wildlife or birds, this is a must for you. 

Runs Monday to Friday from April to September 

Nearest Places

Travel directions to mull eagle watch hide.

 The rendezvous for the start of your adventure is roughly 0.5km up the Forestry Commission Scotland track at Glen Seilisdeir off B8035 Salen/Kinloch scenic route.  

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Tours from tobermory.

The variety of species that we regularly encounter – including minke whales, basking sharks, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoise, seals, white-tailed eagles and an abundance of seabirds – make the Hebrides the number one whale watching destination in the UK.

sea eagle tour mull

Wildlife Adventure

sea eagle tour mull

We are the longest running whale watching company in the UK, with over 40 years experience operating from Tobermory on the Isle of Mull. Our tour explores the wildlife-rich surroundings of the Inner Hebrides; sailing between Mull, Ardnamurchan and the Isle of Coll. Seeing fantastic animals such as minke whales, dolphins, basking sharks and whited tailed eagles in their natural environment is a privilege, let us share that with you.


Sea Life Mull has various routes for our Wildlife Adventure tour. The tour route is decided on the recent wildlife sightings we have had or that have been reported. We have shown possible routes the tour may take but can be changed depending on the wildlife.

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  • Mull Eagle Watch

Mull Eagle Watch ~ Is No Longer In Operation

Join us on a ranger-led visit to discover mull’s majestic white-tailed eagles.

Mull Eagle Watch offers ranger-led visits to view Britain’s largest and most impressive bird of prey, the white-tailed eagle. There’s also a really good chance of seeing other wildlife including golden eagles, red deer, buzzards, hen harriers and even divers.

Visiting Mull Eagle Watch

How do i book.

Booking is necessary.

Ranger led trips will run Mon-Fri with two trips per day lasting for around 2 and a half hours, although visitors are free to leave early. Times: 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm Trips can be organised for weekends or evenings on request for groups.

Where do we meet?

Location changes regularly, so please double check you know where to go when booking.

How much does it cost?

Adults, including RSPB members, £8. Under 16s, £4. Family of 4 ticket, £20.

What can I hope to see?

April: Adults sitting on eggs May – July: Chicks in the nest August onwards: Chicks fledged but in the area

Please bring…

We recommend you bring waterproofs, just in case! Midge repellent can be handy too. Bring binoculars if you have them – we have good quality telescopes for you to use.

Anything else I need to know?

The visit will include short walks on gravel tracks and time spent standing in our viewing area. Please let us know any specific requirements you may have, and closer access can be arranged. We don’t currently have toilet facilities on site. Well behaved dogs are welcome and we’d much rather them come to say hello than stay in your car.

We work closely with the RSPB to care for and protect the Mull Sea Eagles.

sea eagle tour mull

  • White-tailed Eagle
  • Glengorm Wildlife Project
  • Wildlife Trips and Tours
  • Whale & Dolphin Watching

Tours from Oban

sea eagle tour mull

Three Isles Tour - Mull, Iona & Staffa

Adult £94 | Child £47

sea eagle tour mull

Mull and Iona

Adult £54 | Child £28

sea eagle tour mull

Tobermory, Treshnish, Staffa

Adult £109 | Child £55

sea eagle tour mull

Tobermory and Staffa

Adult £97 | Child £48

sea eagle tour mull

Wildlife Tour

Adult £99 | Child £49

sea eagle tour mull

Three Isles Early Bird

Adult £88 | Child £44

sea eagle tour mull

Iona Day Trip Winter Special

Adult £27.90 | Child £14

sea eagle tour mull

Tobermory Day Trip Winter Special

Adult £19.90 | Child £10

In and Around Mull

Explore the island on our local bus routes

The insider's guide to Mull, Iona, Staffa and the Treshnish Isles.

Tours from Mull

sea eagle tour mull

The Three Isles Tour (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

Adult £71 | Child £35

sea eagle tour mull

Mull and Iona (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

Adult £38 | Child £19

sea eagle tour mull

Tobermory, Treshnish and Staffa (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

Adult £81 | Child £40

sea eagle tour mull

Tobermory and Staffa (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

Adult £69 | Child £35

sea eagle tour mull

Wildlife Tour (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

Adult £75 | Child £37

sea eagle tour mull

Three Isles Early Bird (Departing from Craignure, Mull)

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Discover the magical Isle of Mull

The Isle of Mull is home to rich history, bountiful wildlife and iconic scenery. From deserted beaches, bustling villages to stunning glens where White-Tailed Sea Eagles nest, its diversity is part of its attraction for visitors.

Mull is an ideal place to visit on a day out. We can help you discover this wonderful island with a range of ideas that suit independent travellers and those who prefer guided tours by experienced local people.

Simply scroll down to choose what suits you and have a look at the  destination information  and  gallery of photographs  on the tabs above so you can decide where you’d like to visit while on Mull.

If you’d like to explore the islands around Mull we run day trips to Iona, Staffa and the Treshnish Isles. Take a look at our  Scottish Island tours  page for more information on our boat trips from Mull

sea eagle tour mull

Things to do on the Isle of Mull

While the information below is in no way exhaustive, we have chosen some places we think you’d love to visit while exploring Mull. For more information we recommend that you visit www.holidaymull.co.uk and www.isle-of-mull.net .

Don’t forget to take a look in the gallery for some photographs on the destinations below!

Tobermory is probably the most photographed village in Scotland due to its colourful houses and picturesque harbour. Home to the island’s biggest population and the fictitious Balamory from the BBC children’s programme of the same name, Tobermory is an ideal place to visit on a day out. With a range of small, locally-owned shops, cosy cafes and restaurants featuring locally-sourced produce as well as seasonal boat trips and Tobermory Distillery, there’s plenty to do and see.

Calgary Bay

Situated on the north west coast of Mull is the beautiful Calgary Bay. Featuring white sands, turquoise water and set on this stunning coastline, on a warm summer’s day it’s not hard to imagine you are in the Caribbean! While relatively isolated, there are places nearby where you can enjoy a drink, snack or meal as well as take in local art and crafts.

Is the ferry point for Staffa and Iona in the south west of the island on the Ross of Mull. The journey to Fionnphort from Craignure takes you through stunning scenery and is equalled on your arrival with the views over to Iona and beyond. Fionnphort itself consists of just a few houses, a restaurant and shop as well as the ferry terminal building complete with cafe.

Duart Castle

Standing proudly on a clifftop guarding the Sound of Mull, Duart enjoys one of the most spectacular and unique positions on the West Coast of Scotland. For over 400 years this has been the base of the Clan Maclean’s sea-borne power. Today the castle is open to the public from April to October and visitors may walk through the dungeons and state rooms at their leisure, ending on the top of the keep where it is easy to appreciate the strategic site of the castle.

Fishnish, on the east coast of the island between Craignure and Tobermory, is home to a new wildlife hide overlooking the Sound of Mull. The new hide offers views across the Sound and gives visitors the chance to watch seals, otters, sea eagles, dolphins and porpoises.

Why book with us?

  • Transport operators for over 90 years
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We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction

Read our 5 star reviews on Trip Advisor


Ask the local experts

All our staff on Mull are local people with great local knowledge. If you want to know where the best place to see a Sea Eagle is or what to do in Tobermory, ask our drivers or our staff based at our Craignure depot– they’ll be only too happy to help!

For those of you making plans in advance, contact our Oban-based staff by telephone or email and they will find out the answers and get back to you quickly so you can plan your trip.

Customer reviews

Don’t just take our word for it – here’s a list of recent reviews from Trip Advisor. You can always go to our Trip Advisor page to read more, or submit your own review.

  • 7 Nov 2018: “My husband and I took the Three Island Tours – Mull, Iona, Staffa in early July…” more
  • 28 Oct 2018: “We booked the Three Isle Early Bird Tour. A ferry took us to the Island of…” more
  • 24 Oct 2018: “This tour company consolidates many different vendors into one seamless experience. We booked the three island…” more
  • 21 Oct 2018: “I was able to take the very last Mull and Iona tour of the season today,…” more
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sites to visit on mull

  • Thread starter seggs
  • Start date Aug 21, 2007

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  • Aug 21, 2007

just starting to research for next years scottish trip.. me and the other half fancy trying this place out..not been before,but love scotland...it seems the best place for eagles so decided to start looking into it..i know theres some good web sites on the area but thought the bf members are the best to ask.. cheers..  

delia todd

If I said the wrong thing it was a Senior Moment

Hi Steve - there's quite a lot on Mull in Opus if you've not looked there yet. Should cover most of what you want, I think. D  


Brunswick Birder

Hi Seggs You won't be disappointed. Mull is a superb place for scenery and Eagles. I will pm you with details of a few sites.  

Sandra (Taylor)

Sandra (Taylor)

Well-known member.

  • Aug 22, 2007

There are some Vacation Reports on that thread that I'm sure you'll find useful. We're off there on 15th September and can hardly wait! We find the middle of the island a good place to stay to reach everywhere easily in a day. Staying on the Gruline estate in a cottage near Loch Ba this year. Sandra  

Steve. Here are a couple of photos I took on Mull last year just to wet your appetite.  


W T Eagle 2.jpg

  • Aug 23, 2007

thanks to all some great info..and pics! cheers steve  

Active member

I visited Mull in July, Three Sea Eagles at Loch Ba on Hill tops, Grass Point look over Rocks. Golden Eagles Loch Ba and view any Hill top, albeit they are not in abundance. Sea birds from Calgary Beach Quay. Otters in Salen Bay area. Seals can be on any Rocks. Black Guillemot in Oban Harbour. Look out for light house half way across ferry journey for sea birds Puffin Skua etc. Mergansers, Divers could be anywhere.Rock Pippits on any Rocks, Short Eared Owls, Hen Harriers south of Loch Frisa, plenty of Wheat Ear Whin Chats. Scenery is amazing, there is a great view from the road over the West Islands just below Calgary,Staffa can be seen, one of the best views in Britain, I think.  

Sandra (Taylor) said: There are some Vacation Reports on that thread that I'm sure you'll find useful. We're off there on 15th September and can hardly wait! We find the middle of the island a good place to stay to reach everywhere easily in a day. Staying on the Gruline estate in a cottage near Loch Ba this year. Sandra Click to expand...

Ruth Daniel

Mull is superb we were up there in May and had all the good weather plus Golden Eagle and Otter,Salen Bay! The scenery is pretty good too!:t:  

cliffs around Mull.jpg

I would recommend you buy a copy of the Isle of Mull bird report and species list. It lists all of the best birding sites around the island and the birds that can usually be seen. Map/grid references also given as is information on seeing other wildlife such as Otters. Available from Alan Spellman on mullbirds http://www.mullbirds.com/ Dave  

thanks everybody i knew i would get the best responses from the people on this site.. cheers  


Birdwatching Noob Extraordinaire!

  • Aug 24, 2007

Me and 4getmenot literally just got back from Mull yesterday evening. The weather there was absolutely gorgeous and we really had a great time! I agree, the Salen Bay area is really good for otters. Also plenty of mergansers, curlew and a couple of whimbrel there, too. I think the best recommendation for finding things is to explore the island, or even to take one of the wildlife watching tours that are on offer. We took the tour with http://www.discovermull.co.uk/ on Wednesday, and managed to see otters, grey seal, common seal, plenty of guillemots, both black and common, hen harrier, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, sparrowhawk, pipits, mergansers, herons, eider, mallard... the list could go on and on. The original plan for us was to take their tour on the first day, then use the knowledge gained from that to find places for ourselves, or even to return to areas visited on the tour. Sadly, it didn't work out that way and we'd been there a couple of days before we did the tour. We definitely saw more on the tour than we ever did by ourselves (although we got better golden eagle views by ourselves than we did on the tour) There are several other tours about, but we chose that one based on recommendations both here and elsewhere.  


The best bird site to find out about sightings etc on Mull is: www.mullbirds.com I went there this August Shaunbecause my 8 year old boy wanted to see a Golden Eagle, or at least he did before he found out how impressive the Sea Eagle is! In the event we saw several of each. We saw the family group of both species with the wing tags visible on both parents and young. The White Tailed Sea Eagle delighted us with an overhead fly past, to show us just how massive he is! Believe you me an 8 foot wing span is huge when seen in flight gliding overhead. We also saw Otter, Red Deer and Common Seal. All of these sightings were shown to us with the excellent services of a wild life tour guide. We hired him and his Mercedes MPV for 3 hours ; he gave us 4. It was well worth the money we paid. Without him I doubt we would have seen any of it. All the sightings were much improved by the use of a Swarovski spotting scope which brought it all so much closer and very bright indeed. The only downside is that now my son wants a spotting scope like the guide's and I don't have the £1000 spare that it would take to provide one!  

sent away for a copy of the birds of mull yesterday..found a cottage at griburn near pennygael( 30mins from salen or 11 miles)...which looks and sounds great!! no tv.:t: http://www.cottageguide.co.uk/staffacottage/ and at the moment a field set aside for corncrake!..at the end of the garden.. looks like a very popular place as the only available time is the end of august/early september.. the rest of the dates i selected are booked up already!! for next year..2008.. any advice and preference on the guided tours?..as i have already read glowing reports on most of them..and i had already planned on going on one.. they seem the best option for vistors to get to know the area and the best sites. thanks to all steve  


  • Aug 25, 2007

I would say all th eguided tours will connect with eagles/otters and more quite easily. Gribun is itself a good area for Golden Eagles I recall.  

Also, why not go out on a trip looking for Minke whales and other seabirds. Try www.whalewatchingtrips.co.uk Can be a bit hit and miss with the whales tho.  

  • Aug 27, 2007

Seggs, we're going on Sat. this is our 3rd visit in 12 mths. We did the www.discovermul.co.uk with Pam and Arthur and recommend it. Wonderful island fantastic wildlife and scenery. Hope you enjoy the photos.  

thanks wolf and yorkie....wolf which sea trip did you do?...we love sea trips so it looks fantastic!!and a definate..thanks..we were lucky this year, had bottle nosed dolphins in the kyles of bute from the main road!..not on the boat..locals say they only come here twice a year at the most..they were up and down the road excited by the site!!trying to get a good view..as i was!.. yorkie..hope you enjoy(as you must! 3rd time this year!)..and the weather is kind..the link did,nt work but will find it..where do you normally stay?..thanks.. all the best steve egg.  


Steve, we are stopping for a 2nd time in Dervaig our accom. is S/C here is the link I hope it works! By the way it is just down the road from the Pam and Arthur's who run Discover Mull. http://www.accommodationsmull.co.uk/glenview/self.htm it works if you paste it straight the browser address bar but not if you do it through Google. We are hoping to see dolphins and a whale or two would be a bonus! http://www.mullbirds.com/SEAEAGLES.html choose Wildlife Tours and you will find most of companies on Mull. Just looked at my last it didn't work because I only put 1 L in Mull sorry!! I forgot to add we also climbed Ben More very tiring for 2 OAP's but worth it.  

  • Aug 28, 2007

thanks yorkie.. the link worked..:t: deposit in the post for the cottage i talked about earlier on the thread so will give that one a go..see link..but will keep yours in mind for the future.. looking forward to going already.. thanks again please post your report!! all the best to all  

  • I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway

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on the Isle of Mull come into two categories,  land based and marine based  - all are highly recommended. To avoid disappointment, it is always advisable to book any trips and tours well in advance of your visit.

Many, if not all, of the trips and tours are owned and run by local people with a wealth of knowledge and experience. You will find staff and crew to be welcoming and eager to ensure you have a great day out whatever trip or tour you  decide to book.

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    Active member. Aug 23, 2007. #7. I visited Mull in July, Three Sea Eagles at Loch Ba on Hill tops, Grass Point look over Rocks. Golden Eagles Loch Ba and view any Hill top, albeit they are not in abundance. Sea birds from Calgary Beach Quay. Otters in Salen Bay area. Seals can be on any Rocks.

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    If you cancel your trip for any reason and we are unable to re-sell your place/s we will not refund your money. We recommend taking out travel insurance cover when planning your visit. Judith and Martin Keivers, Fascadail, Salen, Isle of Mull PA72 6JB. Tel: (01680) 300444. Mull Charters, Boat Hire, Isle of Mull.

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