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Cube’s big show - the alphafrog invitational.

Posted on Nov 27, 2023

Hi everybody, MTGOTony here!

We have a very special Cube Spotlight treat starting tomorrow on our Twitch channel - plus it will be available for everyone to try in Magic Online for two weeks starting Wednesday, December 6! Speaking of that stream …

This alt-Vintage Cube will be featured on the AlphaFrog Invitational , a weekly series streaming on the official Magic Online Twitch channel starting tomorrow at 1 p.m. Pacific time (21:00 UTC) . Every Tuesday for eight episodes, a group of eight Magic celebrities will take on the challenge of this very Cube, with winners returning the next week to face new foes.

Stacked doesn’t begin to describe the lineup of players in Week 1: 

  • The current World Champion - Jean-Emmanuel Depraz  
  • Last year’s World Champion - Nathan Steuer 
  • Two Hall-of-Famers - Luis Scott-Vargas and Reid Duke 
  • Fresh off his Super League victory – Corey Baumeister 
  • And three other winners of PT-level tournaments - Luis Salvatto, Eli Kassis, and Kyle Rose! 

Anuraag Das and Cube creator Gavin Thompson-Exner host each week’s festivities. Tune in to see what craziness ensues in this battle of MTGO titans and who gets to come back and draft again next week! Now to tell you all about what to expect from the Cube, here’s Gavin: 

A Wild AlphaFrog Appears!

mtg pro tour cube

Hello, Cube fans! I’m Gavin Thompson-Exner, or AlphaFrog - or possibly better known as that guy who runs the server where LSV Cube drafts! I’ve been playing MTG my whole life, mostly on MTGO. I was a member of the Magic Pro League and played on the Pro Tour for several years. During my time on the Pro Tour, I organized and captained one of the more successful teams, The Sewer Rats. I’m no longer qualified for the PT, which has given me time to focus on my favorite kind of Magic – CUBE!

Let’s dive into how my Cube came to be, how it has evolved, and some of the cool things you can look forward to drafting when it’s on Magic Online !

A Good Origin Story

Like many others, I fell in love with Cube through MTGO. Over the years I’ve drafted pretty much every Cube on there and even challenged myself to be trophy leader a few times. Several years ago, I joined a group of competitive players to organize our own drafts through the MTGO single elim queues, and that group has grown into a huge community of dedicated Cube enthusiasts that include some of the best players in the game! We became known amongst competitive players as the place to practice Cube if you qualified for the MOCS; our group includes several MOCS Cube Draft champions. Without Grands Prix to draft at every weekend, many of that competitive draft crowd have found a place in my group to scratch the itch by drafting Cubes online.

As we grew in numbers, we started drafting even when the Cube wasn’t on MTGO, and so I decided to try my hand at streamlining the Cube as best as I could for our competitive environment. I started by cutting unpopular cards that tend to never be drafted in favor of archetypal cards and combo pieces. I joined Cube groups and pored over Cubes online looking for interesting cards and ideas. With plenty of engaging feedback from the Cube community, I have crafted a Cube that I hope sparks joy!

This is the same Cube featured in many of LSV’s videos and streams, as well as my previous AlphaFrog Invitational shows. If you are one of the many people who have asked me if there’s a way to join in the fun, here is your chance!

AlphaFrog Cube Breakdown

Because my Cube is based entirely on the MTGO Vintage Cube, it will feel familiar. Some of the recent updates to the MTGO Cube were even inspired by my Cube ; they are growing together! There are about 10-15 cards different per color group - about 100 changes in all - so let’s talk about the biggest differences in each color .  

White is powerful because its threats are diverse and its removal is cheap and effective. Many cards are versatile and fit into aggro, midrange, and control plans. My Cube features a couple of combos as well.

  • Heliod, Sun-Crowned allows you to give either Walking Ballista or Triskelion lifelink to deal infinite damage.
  • Auriok Salvagers can loop Black Lotus or Lions Eye Diamond for infinite mana. If you’re comboing with Lion’s Eye Diamond, you want something like Chromatic Star or Mishra’s Bauble as well to make sure you can spend the mana on something productive.
  • Swift Reconfiguration combos with Devoted Druid to produce infinite mana, since the vehicle can withstand as many -1/-1 counters as you want to put on it.
  • Additionally, Seasoned Dungeoneer gives aggro players access to Initiative at a reasonable mana cost.

Blue boasts the best card selection and combo.

  • Hullbreacher is back to turn your opponent’s cards into Treasure (and tears) .
  • True-Name Nemesis is a two-way threat to help with board control or forcing through damage.
  • This Cube features Gifts Ungiven, which is great for creative players. There are numerous ways to take advantage, but the classic combo is to search for only two cards - Unburial Rites and the creature you want to reanimate - so your opponent has to put both into the graveyard for you.

Black is distinctive for hand disruption and reanimation, and it has good removal.

  • In my Cube there are more black creatures with enters-the-battlefield triggers to help your midrange Reanimator decks run a little smoother.
  • There are more ways to reanimate creatures as well, so if you go into that strategy you can have a little more confidence that you will find what you need. In particular, I’ve added Unmarked Grave for Entomb redundancy.

Red excels with cheap burn spells and snowballing creatures. It also features artifact synergies like Goblin Welder and Daretti, Scrap Savant.

  • Goblin Engineer and Phyrexian Dragon Engine are a nice newer pairing.
  • Voldaren Epicure and Charming Scoundrel are cheap aggressive creatures that can be played by decks that need discard outlets.
  • Reckless Stormseeker helps aggressive decks snowball, or if you’re R/B Reanimator it gives your big monsters haste.
  • Chandra, Hope’s Beacon is a sweet curve topper. The dream is using the +2 to cast Time Walk on the same turn you cast her.

Green is a versatile support color and home of the Lands combo deck, which uses Fastbond plus either Crucible of Worlds or Ramunap Excavator to do broken things with Zuran Orb, Strip Mine, Wasteland, and more. It’s also the best color to support the Dark Depths/Thespian's Stage combo, with Elvish Reclaimer, Knight of the Reliquary, and Primeval Titan being the most consistent ways to get the pieces into play.

Other highlights in green:

  • Undermountain Adventurer is the most powerful green addition to my Cube.
  • Heartbeat of Spring replaces Mana Flare as green is better at putting extra lands into play.
  • In that same vein, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove gives you another Exploration effect and is also a cheeky way to combo with High Tide.
  • Monster Manual gives you a little extra help if you’ve drafted an Oath of Druids or Channel deck that wants to put big Eldrazi types into play.

Two multicolor all-stars unique to my Cube are

  • Comet, Stellar Pup, and Torsten, Founder of Benalia. Comet is a fun planeswalker that tests your die-rolling skills
  • Torsten is one of the best cards to pair with Flash, Sneak Attack, or Through the Breach.

Artifacts & Lands  

There are some great single-card strategies among the artifacts added to this Cube:  

  • Currency Converter is one of the cooler utility cards. Cheap, colorless, and functional, you’ll find uses for it in most decks. It really shines when your deck is already discarding a lot of cards because it’s easy to slip into play and generates free 2/2s and Treasures!  
  • Coveted Jewel is a fun card - try and unlock its potential! I’ve found it pairs best with Goblin Welder and Displacer Kitten. Should you have to give the Jewel up, Narset, Parter of Veils; Leovold, Emissary of Trest; and Hullbreacher act as insurance against your opponent taking full advantage.   
  • Agatha’s Soul Cauldron was recently added to the MTGO Cube, so I’ve added a handful of ways to help it out, including Mikaeus, the Lunarch, Heliod Sun-Crowned (for those Walking Ballista/Triskelion combos) , and Voldaren Thrillseeker .  

Finally, I added some of the Restless Creature lands to give more access to that effect, while Lotus Field is there for land combo fans. Try untapping it with Candelabra of Tawnos or Garruk Wildspeaker!  

Additions from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan  

New set, new Cube cards! LCI has a lot of neat things from which to choose:  

  • A couple older cards get upgraded: Suspicious Stowaway is turning into Malcom, Alluring Scoundrel and Brain Maggot is being replaced by Deep-Cavern Bat.   
  • I think Ojer Ksalem, Deepest Growth and Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal are the two best Gods and I’m excited to see how they perform.   
  • Inti, Seneschal of the Sun is an awesome aggressive threat as well as a good discard outlet–if you play it with Laelia, Blade Reforged you have a theme deck!   
  • White and Black each get a nice cheap piece of interaction in the form of Get Lost and Bitter Triumph.   
  • I added Sentinel of the Nameless City to beef up Green and hopefully make Turn 1 Llanowar Elves a little better.  

Moments of Magic

Here’s a few inspiring combinations people have put together:

  • Tourach, Dread Cantor + Wheel of Fortune to gain +1/+1 counters
  • Lotus Field + Balance to eat your opponent’s lands
  • Beseech the Mirror + Yawgmoth’s Will to cast all your mana generators and then Beseech again for Tendrils of Agony
  • Unmarked grave to get echo of eons to have access to another draw 7
  • Show and Tell + Portal to Phyrexia to trick your opponent into throwing away their best creature
  • Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim + any draw 7 to give your Spirit Token and Teferi tons of counters
  • Staff of the Storyteller + Retrofitter Foundry is a nice way to keep cards flowing and maintain board presence in grindy games.
  • Soulherder + Reveillark will soon bring your whole graveyard back into play. Reveillark particularly likes to be paired with Phantasmal Image and Phyrexian Metamorph.
  • Goblin Welder + any of Ragavan, Magda, Brazen Outlaw, or Fable of the Mirror Breaker + Mindslaver, to control your opponent for the rest of the match!
  • Displacer Kitten has so many sweet interactions it’s impossible to list them all, but there are some common combos that come up a lot: with Tamiyo, Collector of Tales, and Time Walk or Time Warp, you can take infinite turns, or if you have Seething Song, Black Lotus, Lotus Petal, etc you can generate infinite mana. With Teferi, Time Raveler, and any mana rock that nets mana, such as a Mox, or Mana Vault, you can generate as much mana as you have cards in your deck, and draw them all.
  • Hullbreaker Horror can also generate infinite mana and storm with 2 mana rocks.
  • Fastbond + Upheaval, you can replay all your lands.

The most spectacular play I’ve ever made was to cast Fastbond on turn 1, followed by enough lands to cast Timetwister and Time Walk. I then proceeded to find Time Spiral to shuffle everything back, and with Courser of Kruphix, Timetwister, Regrowth, and Time Walk, played every land in my deck and took extra turns until I was able to win before my opponent got to take a single turn!

That pretty much covers things. I hope you enjoy this Cube as much as I do. It’s been a real pleasure to work with so many different drafters to put these ideas together curating the Cube. I look forward to the future of Cube on MTGO.  

Be sure to play in Leagues starting Wednesday, December 6!  

AlphaFrog Cube Full Cardlist

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Fblthp, wearing a cowboy hat and looking quite confused, stands amidst a massive battle in MTG OTJ.

When is the next MTG Pro Tour and what’s the format?

Image of Danny Forster

Wizards of the Coast has three Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour tournaments scheduled per season leading up to the World Championship. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming Modern Horizons 3 Pro Tour . 

A Premier Play system was established during the MTG 2022-2023 season, featuring tabletop Regional Championship qualifiers, Regional Championships, Pro Tour tournaments, and the MTG World Championship. Digitally through MTG Arena , there are Qualifier Play-In events, Qualifier Weekend tournaments, and the Arena Championship.

The Magic World Championship is the pinnacle of all competitive play for that season, while the Pro Tour tournaments establish who competes at Worlds. Each Pro Tour follows the release of a Standard-legal set, featuring a main Constructed format and Limited Draft through the most recent MTG set. 

What is the next MTG Pro Tour tournament?

Oko lounging on frontier western porch with elk in background

The next MTG Pro Tour is Thunder Junction , taking place in Amsterdam, Netherlands from June 28 to 30. Most Pro Tour tournaments run during a MagicCon , but there are times when the event is not open to the public. The Modern Horizons 3 Pro Tour tournament will have a MagicCon festival running alongside it. This is the final Pro Tour tournament of the 2023-2024 MTG competitive season.

Who gets invited to the next MTG Pro Tour?

Invitations to a Pro Tour tournament are spread across digital and tabletop gameplay . The top eight competitors from the last Magic World Championship are invited to each Pro Tour tournament for the next season while top players from previous Pro Tour events are invited to the next one. Here is a full breakdown of how invitations to an MTG Pro Tour tournament work. 

  • Top eight from the last Magic World Championship
  • Players who had 39 or more Adjusted Match Points from previous Pro Tour
  • Players from previous Pro Tour with 30 or more match points
  • Top players from Regional Championships
  • Players from MTG Arena Qualifier Weekend with seven wins
  • Top players from Magic Online Champions Showcase
  • Hall of Fame MTG players who get to choose one Pro Tour per season to compete in
  • Special invitations

What is the format for the next MTG Pro Tour?

The Modern Horizons 3 Pro Tour features MH3 Draft and Modern Constructed gameplay. Three Draft rounds are scheduled for the first two days, followed by Modern Constructed Swiss rounds. All players who reach 12 match wins are automatically invited to day three. The top eight compete only in Modern Constructed through best three-out-of-five playoff matches. Seeding during the playoff rounds is determined by match wins, the round in which match wins were achieved, OMW, GW, and OGW percent. After game two, players may use cards from their sideboard in their main deck.  

How to watch the next MTG Pro Tour 

All MTG Pro Tour tournaments feature a broadcast team, airing live on Twitch . Hours of broadcast times are subject to change based on the location of the Pro Tour. The most recent tournament was Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction in Seattle. 

What is the payout at the next MTG Pro Tour?

The total prize pool for MTG Amsterdam Pro Tour is $500,000 , with first place earning $50,000. All players competing will earn a minimum of $1,000. The minimum pay out in the top eight is $10,000.

Eldrazi creature ready to strike in MH3


This deck is not legal due to the following reasons:

  • Deck contains banned cards: ["Arcum's Astrolabe", "Krark-Clan Ironworks"].

The deck will be not publicly searchable until the above errors are fixed.


Format: Modern User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Aug 4, 2023

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Pro Tour Collector Set

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Pro Tour decks

The best Pro Tour decks of 1996 , eight in total, were released all together in a Pro Tour Collector Set . Only 20,000 of these sets were produced.

  • 1 Description
  • 2.1 Michael Loconto, Champion
  • 2.2 Eric Tam, Quarterfinalist
  • 2.3 Bertrand Lestree, Finalist
  • 2.4 Shawn "Hammer" Regnier, Quarterfinalist
  • 2.5 Leon Lindback, Semifinalist
  • 2.6 George Baxter, Quarterfinalist
  • 2.7 Preston Poulter, Semifinalist
  • 2.8 Mark Justice, Quarterfinalist

Description [ | ]

The set originally retailed for $125 US and became available in May 1996. They were the first of a series of high-profile preconstructed decks for experienced players. Carefully chosen, they are imitations of the eight most successful deck archetypes present at the 1996 Pro Tour in New York. To avoid printing legal top-rated tournament-level cards, all cards were made illegal for tournament play by printing them with a non-standard backside. Additionally, the cards feature a golden border and have a gold signature of the deck's creator. The back of the cards feature the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour logo and are labeled "Inaugural Tournament New York City February 1996."

Part of each deck is a bio card which provides some background of each player and a decklist card that lists the content of each deck. Additionally, blank cards were added to raise the number of cards per deck to 90.

This Pro Tour used an interesting deck construction format, a variation of the Standard or "Type II" format. In addition to the usual restrictions for Standard decks, each deck was required to contain at least five cards from each of the legal expansions. Meeting this requirement without lowering the efficiency of the decks gave the deck-builders an interesting challenge.

These cards were written under Fifth Edition rules.

  • Deck I - Michael Loconto (champion)
  • Deck II - Eric Tam (quarter-finalist)
  • Deck III - Bertrand Lestree (runner-up)
  • Deck IV - Shawn "Hammer" Regnier (quarter-finalist)
  • Deck V - Leon Lindback (semi-finalist)
  • Deck VI - George Baxter (quarter-finalist)
  • Deck VII - Preston Poulter (semi-finalist)
  • Deck VIII - Mark Justice (quarter-finalist)

These cards are not legal in any DCI -sanctioned tournaments.

1996 Decklists [ | ]

Michael loconto, champion [ | ].

“Loconto, a 26-year-old social worker from Grafton, Massachusetts, played a blue-white Millstone deck that generally defeated his opponents by running them out of cards. One innovative concept was his addition of Hallowed Ground, which he used to protect himself against Armageddon, to activate his Land Tax, and to save his Mishra's Factories from destruction.”


4 Adarkar Wastes

4 Mishra's Factory

1 Ruins of Trokair

1 Strip Mine

2 Svyelunite Temple

1 Wizard's School

Artifacts (11)

1 Feldon's Cane

2 Fountain of Youth

2 Icy Manipulator

1 Ivory Tower

1 Jayemdae Tome

3 Millstone

1 Zuran Orb

Creatures (2)

2 Blinking Spirit

Other Spells (25)

4 Disenchant

2 Hallowed Ground

4 Swords to Plowshares

4 Wrath of God

2 Control Magic

4 Counterspell

1 Deflection

Sideboard (15)

2 Aeolipile

1 Jester's Cap

2 Serrated Arrows

2 Circle of Protection: Red

1 Divine Offering

1 Control Magic

2 Hydroblast

2 Sea Sprite

2 Steal Artifact

Eric Tam, Quarterfinalist [ | ]

“Tam, an 18-year-old student from Ontario, Canada, played a red-green-white deck with large and unvulnerable creatures, plus a variety of red and white spells for creature suppression. He created a mid-game lock with the only blue card in his deck, Zur's Weirding.”

4 Brushland

2 City of Brass

4 Karplusan Forest

2 Mishra's Factory

Artifacts (8)

3 Fellwar Stone

3 Icy Manipulator

Creatures (11)

1 Blinking Spirit

1 Serra Angel

1 Autumn Willow

3 Birds of Paradise

4 Erhnam Djinn

Other Spells (21)

2 Stormbind

1 Icatian Town

3 Swords to Plowshares

2 Wrath of God

1 Zur's Weirding

1 Earthquake

2 Incinerate

1 Lightning Bolt

1 Apocalypse Chime

1 Disrupting Scepter

2 Nevinyrral's Disk

1 Ring of Renewal

1 Serrated Arrows

1 Circle of Protection: Red

1 Energy Storm

1 Reverse Damage

1 Swords to Plowshares

1 An-Zerrin Ruins

1 Dwarven Catapult

Bertrand Lestree, Finalist [ | ]

“Lestrée, a 25-year-old business development strategist from Pantin, France, played the most popular deck type at the tournament, a green-white Armageddon/Erhnam Djinn deck with strong mass destruction capabilities. Lestrée's most interesting playing quirk was his constant use of extra life (mostly from Ivory Tower and Zuran Orb) to draw extra cards with his Sylvan Library.”

1 Havenwood Battleground

4 Strip Mine

Artifacts (6)

2 Fellwar Stone

Creatures (14)

2 Order of Leitbur

2 Fyndhorn Elves

2 Llanowar Elves

2 Spectral Bears

Other Spells (18)

3 Armageddon

2 Sylvan Library

1 Black Vise

2 Abbey Gargoyles

2 Divine Offering

2 Circle of Protection: Green

1 Order of Leitbur

1 Wrath of God

2 Whirling Dervish

Shawn "Hammer" Regnier, Quarterfinalist [ | ]

“Regnier, a 27-year-old comic bookstore owner from Manchester, New Hampshire, played a blue-white Millstone deck with very heavy permission (including 12 counterspells). A former professional arm wrestler, "Hammer" had a very relaxed, conversational style which he used to unnerve his opponents.”

1 City of Brass

3 Mishra's Factory

4 Svyelunite Temple

Other Spells (29)

4 Power Sink

4 Spell Blast

1 Fountain of Youth

1 Abbey Gargoyles

1 Arenson's Aura

2 Circle of Protection: Black

2 Memory Lapse

1 Sea Sprite

Leon Lindback, Semifinalist [ | ]

“Lindbäck, a 20-year-old electrical engineering student from Stockholm, Sweden, played an all-black speed/discard deck. Most noticeable in his deck were four Necropotences which Lindbäck would play early to continually fill up his hand.”

2 Ebon Stronghold

Artifacts (7)

1 Jalum Tome

Creature (11)

4 Hypnotic Specter

3 Knight of Stromgald

4 Order of the Ebon Hand

Other Spells (19)

1 Dance of the Dead

1 Dark Banishing

4 Dark Ritual

4 Drain Life

4 Hymn to Tourach

4 Necropotence

1 Soul Burn

1 Safe Haven

1 Meekstone

1 Ashes to Ashes

1 Stromgald Cabal

George Baxter, Quarterfinalist [ | ]

“Baxter, a 23-year-old author (of several Magic strategy books) from Dallas, Texas, played an almost all-black speed/burn deck. Baxter included enough red mana to support direct damage and just enough green mana to play with four Erhnam Djinns.”

3 City of Brass

3 Karplusan Forest

1 Lava Tubes

2 Sulfurous Springs

Artifacts (3)

2 Barbed Sextant

Creatures (19)

1 Ihsan's Shade

4 Knight of Stromgald

2 Sengir Vampire

Other Spells (15)

4 Lightning Bolt

2 Dark Banishing

2 Ihsan's Shade

3 Red Elemental Blast

2 Tranquility

Preston Poulter, Semifinalist [ | ]

“Poulter, a 22-year-old chemistry graduate student from Irvine, California, played a variation of the tournament's prevalent green-white decks. With only nine creatures in his deck, Poulter used Aelopiles and Hurricanes for creature suppression and direct damage.”

2 Havenwood Battleground

2 Strip Mine

1 Nevinyrral's Disk

Creatures (10)

2 Autumn Willow

3 Elvish Archers

1 Spectral Bears

Other Spells (17)

2 Armageddon

3 Disenchant

2 Hurricane

1 Sylvan Library

1 Fellwar Stone

1 Armageddon

1 Disenchant

2 Reverse Damage

2 Essence Filter

Mark Justice, Quarterfinalist [ | ]

“Justice, a 25-year-old card shop owner from West Walley City, Utah, played a red/artifact control deck with a touch of white for Balance and Swords to Plowshares. The creatureless deck used Winter Orbs to lock down the opponent until the direct damage could finish them off.”

4 Dwarven Ruins

Artifacts (20)

1 Elkin Bottle

4 Howling Mine

4 Icy Manipulator

3 Winter Orb

3 Serrated Arrows

2 Eron the Relentless

3 Pyroblast

See also [ | ]

  • World Championship Decks
  • Warhammer 40,000 Commander Decks
  • Holiday Release
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Final Fantasy
  • 1 Modern Horizons 3/Commander decks
  • 2 Modern Horizons 3

Magic: the Gathering | Esports

The 2024 MagicCon Schedule

Editor's Note: The location and dates for Pro Tour Thunder Junction were added on December 12, 2023.

It's time to fill you in on what we've been planning behind the scenes and share the 2024 MagicCon Schedule! We have three MagicCon events taking place in 2024, and each will feature a Premier Play event:

  • February 23-25, 2024 – MagicCon: Chicago featuring Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Manor
  • June 28-30, 2024 – MagicCon: Amsterdam featuring Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3
  • October 25-27, 2024 – MagicCon: Las Vegas featuring Magic World Championship 30

In addition to Premier Play, MagicCon events will host featured artists, panels and events on the Main Stage, vendors, immersive experiences, play experiences, ticketed play events like the Secret Lair Showdown and so much more!

Finally, in 2024 we will host a standalone Pro Tour, Pro Tour Thunder Junction, taking place April 26-28, 2024 in Seattle, United States. This will be a closed event for participants and won't be open to the public.

Formats for 2024 Pro Tours and Magic World Championship 30 will be as follows:

  • Pro Tour Thunder Junction: Standard Constructed and Outlaws of Thunder Junction Draft
  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 : Modern Constructed and Modern Horizons 3 Draft
  • Magic World Championship 30: Standard Constructed and Duskmourn: House of Horror Draft

Join the conversation or follow news and updates for each MagicCon event and Pro Tour using the following hashtags:

MagicCon: Chicago

Pro tour thunder junction, magiccon: amsterdam.

  • #MCAmsterdam

MagicCon: Las Vegas

The 2024 secret lair showdown.

The Secret Lair Showdown is back for 2024 – with new exclusive Secret Lair prize cards! Each player who participates in a Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier will earn a Spell Pierce. Players who qualify for the Secret Lair Showdown Championship on Sunday will get a special prize card version of Murktide Regent when they compete in the big event. The winner of each Secret Lair Showdown Championship will win Dark Ritual.

mtg pro tour cube

There will be four Dark Ritual prize cards awarded to players through the Secret Lair Showdown. Three of these events in 2024 will take place at MagicCon, and we'll have more information on a fourth opportunity to win a Dark Ritual in the coming months.

The format of the Secret Lair Showdown at MagicCon: Chicago is Modern. More information will be available about the Secret Lair Showdown soon.

We're thrilled to bring MagicCon events to new locations and share how these events continue to evolve. We will share more information about MagicCon: Chicago on November 21, and you can buy your badge on November 27. We'll have more details about MagicCon: Amsterdam and MagicCon: Las Vegas soon.

Visit us at (and follow us at @PlayMTG ) for all the information when it arrives!


  1. Pro Tour Cube Draft #1 / Magic: The Gathering

    mtg pro tour cube

  2. Pro Tour Cube Highlights

    mtg pro tour cube

  3. Pro Tour Cube Draft #1

    mtg pro tour cube

  4. (Magic Online) Pro Tour Cube Draft #3

    mtg pro tour cube

  5. Pro Tour Cube

    mtg pro tour cube

  6. Pro Tour Cube

    mtg pro tour cube


  1. Channel Conley

  2. Reid Duke

  3. Memory Deluge: A Pro Tour Flashback


  5. Pro Tour Gatecrash Round 14: Jon Stern vs. Jeremy Dezani (Standard)

  6. Tournament Review: SCG Open Los Angeles Legacy Top 8! MTG


  1. Pro Tour Cube · Scryfall Magic The Gathering Search

    Worn Powerstone. Wrath of God. Wren's Run Vanquisher. Yavimaya Coast. Yosei, the Morning Star. Zealous Conscripts. Zurgo Bellstriker. In the blink of an eye, they strode from deep snow to the end of this search. A visual spoiler of all 540 cards in Pro Tour Cube.

  2. Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour

    The 8 players who compete in the Magic: The Gathering Online Champions Showcase which grants invites to the corresponding Pro Tour. Players with 39 Adjusted Match Points from the previous 3 Pro Tours. Players who reach 7 wins on day two of Arena Qualifier Weekends. The top 8 finishers from Magic World Championship XXIX are invited to all Pro ...

  3. Pro Tour Thunder Junction Standard Metagame Breakdown

    The decklists are in, the data is ready, and the second Pro Tour of 2024 begins tomorrow! At Pro Tour Thunder Junction, taking place April 26-28 in Seattle, 207 of the world's best Magic: The Gathering players will compete for $500,000 in prizes, several Magic World Championship invites, and a prestigious trophy. Standard now features more than 3,300 legal cards, so the competitors had to ...

  4. 540 vs 360 vs 720: What's The Perfect Size For A Cube?

    My favorite example of a large Cube is Eric Klug's Pro Tour Cube. The Cube features one copy of every card that has ever won a Pro Tour/Mythic Championship. ... Magic The Gathering. Full MTG Graveyard Overdrive Commander Deck From Modern Horizons 3 Revealed. Take a look at the new cards coming in the Jund Commander deck from Modern Horizons 3 ...

  5. Drafting Pro Tour Cube

    The Pro Tour Cube hits Magic Online today, and Eric Klug, the designer, is here to break down the archetypes! ... Advanced Search; New Releases; Preorders; Magic: The Gathering; New Releases; Preorders; Card Games. Card Games; Magic: The Gathering. Magic: The Gathering; Modern Horizons 3; Outlaws of Thunder Junction; Universes Beyond: Fallout ...

  6. Everything Old Is New Again: The Magic Pro Tour Returns

    Dom Harvey breaks down one of the biggest Organized Play announcements in years. By Dom Harvey. April 1, 2022. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, illustrated by Alayna Danner. The Pro Tour is back! We knew there would be big news yesterday. As much as we like to joke about Wizards of the Coast (WotC) pre-announcing their announcements, yesterday's ...

  7. Pro Tour Cube Visual Deck View

    Pro Tour Cube. Free Form, $1485 (106 tix), Luker. 3 193 26 63 99 16 193 26 63 99 16

  8. Pro Tour Cube Draft

    Draft some of the greatest cards to win a Pro Tour in the history of Magic's most prestigious event!Round 1: 15:03Round 2: 30:49Round 3: 01:04:43ChannelFireb...

  9. Pro Tour Cube

    Pro Tour Cube. MAIN DECK 1 Pact of Negation 1 Ancestral Recall 1 Brainstorm 1 Brave the Elements 1 Broken Ambitions 1 Ceremonious Rejection 1 Champion of the Parish 1 Cloudfin Raptor 1 Cryptbreaker 1 Dark Ritual 1 Dark Salvation 1 Demonic Consultation 1 Disciple of the Vault 1 Disfigure 1 Dispatch


    MODERN PRO TOUR CUBE COLORLESS visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Search Bar. Fallout Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Doctor Who Card Previews; Prices; Daily Video Reviews; Cards Cards By Set; ... MODERN PRO TOUR CUBE COLORLESS. Modern, $344 (146 tix), AmuletTitanShift.

  11. Return of the Pro Tour: FAQ

    Adjusted Match Points are the number of match points earned in a Pro Tour after a player's first nine points. Additionally, players who make the Top 8 will be awarded an additional 12 Adjusted Match Points, regardless of their final standings. Players who finish with a total of 39 or more Adjusted Match Points across the previous three Pro ...

  12. Magic 30 Cube Returns To Magic Online For Pro Tour March of the Machine

    Full Schedule. May 10-24 - Vintage Cube. May 24-31 - Invasion Block (IPA) Flashback! (Phantom) May 31-June 7 - Tempest Remastered. (Phantom) June 7-14 - Emblematic of March of the Machine and back for the first time in four years - it's Battle of the Planes! (Phantom) June 14 - LTR Release - TBD.

  13. List of Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour events

    Pro Tour events. This is a list of all Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour events. [1] [2] [3] Pro Tours are professional, invite-only tournaments featuring large cash prizes. The World Championships were considered a Pro Tour from 1996 to 2011, but were discontinued in 2012. When the World Championship was reintroduced in 2013 it was changed to a ...

  14. The Pro Tour is Back! OP Announcement Details New ...

    Paul. August 25, 2022. Table of Contents [ Show] Official competitive tournaments have been a part of the fabric of Magic: The Gathering since nearly the beginning. The first Pro Tour, Wizards of the Coast's primary structure for Organized Play (OP), took place over two decades ago in 1996. With the rise of digital Magic play and MTG Arena in ...

  15. Cube's Big Show

    This alt-Vintage Cube will be featured on the AlphaFrog Invitational, a weekly series streaming on the official Magic Online Twitch channel starting tomorrow at 1 p.m. Pacific time (21:00 UTC). Every Tuesday for eight episodes, a group of eight Magic celebrities will take on the challenge of this very Cube, with winners returning the next week ...

  16. When is the next MTG Pro Tour and what's the format?

    The next MTG Pro Tour is Thunder Junction, taking place in Amsterdam, Netherlands from June 28 to 30. Most Pro Tour tournaments run during a MagicCon, but there are times when the event is not ...


    MODERN PRO TOUR CUBE COLORLESS deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG).

  18. Pro Tour Thunder Junction Viewers Guide

    Pro Tour Thunder Junction will be streamed all three days of the event, April 26-28, at Catch players, fans, and social coverage across the weekend at @PlayMTG with the hashtag #PTThunder. On Friday and Saturday—April 26 and 27—broadcast begins at 2 p.m. ET (8 p.m. CET // 3 a.m. JST 4/27-28) with three rounds of Outlaws ...

  19. Daily MTG

    The official source for Magic: The Gathering news, announcements, podcast, guest writers, and articles. Directly from the people who develop MTG. ... Enjoy an exciting, big-mana, many-colored new cube experience on MTG Arena! David McDarby MTG Arena MTG Arena Announcements - May 28, 2024. Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena ...

  20. MTGArena.Pro: Tracking, Meta, Tools and Decks for MTG Arena

    Top Tools for Magic The Gathering Arena tracking: card collection, deck, drafts, win history, progress! ... MTGA Pro Tracker; Site Tour; Deck Builder; Deck Converter; Deck Comparer; Mythic Leaderboard; MTGA Formats ... A timed draft with 7 other players In The Chromatic Cube, not only are the decks splashy, but the colors are too! Be prepared ...

  21. Pro Tour Collector Set

    The best Pro Tour decks of 1996, eight in total, were released all together in a Pro Tour Collector Set. Only 20,000 of these sets were produced. The set originally retailed for $125 US and became available in May 1996. They were the first of a series of high-profile preconstructed decks for experienced players. Carefully chosen, they are imitations of the eight most successful deck archetypes ...

  22. The 2024 MagicCon Schedule

    We have three MagicCon events taking place in 2024, and each will feature a Premier Play event: February 23-25, 2024 - MagicCon: Chicago featuring Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Manor. June 28-30, 2024 - MagicCon: Amsterdam featuring Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3. October 25-27, 2024 - MagicCon: Las Vegas featuring Magic World Championship 30.

  23. WotC Unveils New Premier Play System, Including Return Of Tabletop Pro

    The Magic Pro Tour will return in 2022-2023 with three events per season, the first taking place in early 2023. Each Pro Tour is expected to have approximately 300 competitors and a $500,000 prize pool. ... The MTGO Vintage Cube is back after a "polish pass" with subtle but meaningful changes. Ryan Overturf has all the details! John Hall. Magic ...