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Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our History

Samaritan’s Purse was founded by Bob Pierce in 1970 with the goal of “meeting emergency needs in crisis areas through existing evangelical mission agencies and national churches.” In 1975, Franklin Graham joined Pierce as he traveled to some of the world’s neediest mission fields. On this trip, God captured Graham’s heart for missions, and after Pierce died of leukemia in 1978, Graham became the President and Chairman of the Board of Samaritan’s Purse. Over the past 45 years, he has led the ministry in following the Biblical example of the Good Samaritan all across the globe.

Our Mission

After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan’s Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.

Five distinct objectives founded on biblical principles guide the work of Samaritan’s Purse:

  • Proclaim the Gospel – Exalt Christ and share the Gospel while working in His Name around the world. (Romans 1:16)
  • Serve with Excellence – Exceed the world’s standard while serving the purposes of God’s kingdom. (Colossians 3:23-24)
  • Respond with Compassionate Action – Expedite our response to needs as the Lord reveals opportunities to minister. (Luke 10:33-37)
  • Demonstrate Biblical Integrity – Exhibit integrity and Christ-like character personally, at home and work. (Psalm 119:1)
  • Walk in Bold Faith – Expect God to do the impossible. (Matthew 19:26)

Samaritan’s Purse,   headed by Franklin Graham, is an international Christian relief and evangelism organization working in more than 100 countries to provide aid to victims of war, disease, disaster, poverty, famine and persecution. For more information on our projects, visit  SamaritansPurse.org .


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Canadian Disaster Relief

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Operation Christmas Child

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Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

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World Medical Mission

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Post-Residency Program

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Samaritan’s Purse Medical Ministries

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational Christian organization that provides spiritual and physical relief to victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love. We serve the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As a part of this mission, we offer a wide variety of opportunities for medical professionals to use their skills around the globe.

World Medical Mission

World Medical Mission was established in 1977 to assist general surgeons in volunteering for short-term mission trips. Today, this medical project of Samaritan’s Purse makes it possible for hundreds of Christian healthcare professionals to serve in overseas mission hospitals and clinics for varying periods of time. As these doctors work to save lives, they bring the Good News of eternal life through the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

Post-Residency Program

The World Medical Mission Post-Residency Program is a fully funded two-year program for Christian physicians who have been called to career medical missions. Following their residency, doctors are placed at a mission hospital to serve within their specialty alongside career medical missionaries. We provide logistical and financial support to these young men and women as they treat patients and share the love of Jesus Christ.

To learn more or apply, contact [email protected]  

Cleft Lip Repair

Children around the world who are born with cleft lips are often abused, prevented from going to school, shunned by society, and made to feel worthless. Samaritan's Purse sends volunteer medical teams to perform cleft lip and palate surgeries for patients of all ages, while sharing the Good News of Christ's eternal triumph over darkness.

To learn more or apply, contact [email protected]  

Cataract Surgeries

Cataract surgery is a common procedure in the U.S., but in some countries, the elderly have no access to doctors who can correct their condition, which can eventually lead to blindness if left untreated. Samaritan’s Purse seeks out those who are living in darkness, sending volunteer medical teams to restore their physical sight and offer new hope.

Surgical Subspecialty Teams

Through our Surgery Subspecialty Teams Program, short-term volunteer teams of Christian surgeons and nurses provide specialized training and equipment to our mission hospital partners. Focus fields include orthopedics, obstetric fistula, and hydrocephalus-related neurosurgery.

To learn more or apply, contact [email protected]  

Children’s Heart Project

Children's Heart Project arranges life-saving operations for hundreds of children who live in countries where the required medical expertise and equipment are not available. We provide airfare for the children, a parent, and a translator; and locate evangelical Christian churches and families willing to host the groups.

If you have pediatric cardiac critical care experience and have interest in Children’s Heart Project, please contact [email protected] .

Disaster Assistance Response Teams (DART)

Samaritan’s Purse seeks top-level talent to serve in a variety of critical contexts around the world. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists staffed our Emergency Field Hospitals in disasters such as the 2016 earthquake in Ecuador, the 2017 ISIS conflict in Iraq, and the 2019 hurricane in the Bahamas. DART medical personnel also serve in various migrant crises around the world. We stand ready to respond at a moment’s notice whenever and wherever disaster strikes.

Biomedical Technology

The Biomedical Technology department of World Medical Mission plays a vital role in helping to ensure that overseas mission hospitals have properly functioning equipment to help their staff treat patients. At our North Carolina warehouse, technicians refurbish donated equipment and make sure machines are operational and meet appropriate standards. The medical supplies are then shipped to mission hospitals around the world. In addition, our technicians travel to dozens of mission hospitals and clinics to install, repair, and maintain a variety of medical and laboratory equipment. They also train staff at these medical facilities in the operation and ongoing maintenance of that equipment.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven .   

—Matthew 5:16

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You want to live a life of significance that is humbly aligned to God’s purposes. In order to do that, you need to understand God’s call for, or will in, your life. The problem is, it doesn’t seem clear, and everyone you meet has a different perspective on “calling”, which makes you feel confused and stuck. What you need are tools to help you discern God’s call.

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Walking Together in New Life

A wounded veteran and his spouse enjoy the scenery at a popular fishing spot in Lake Clark National Park's Kijik River. Operation Heal Our Patriots.

Military couples experience forgiveness for each other, healed marriages, and renewed hope in their journey together with Jesus Christ.

Army Staff Sergeant Chad Hindal and his wife, Emily, enjoyed a day fishing at Lake Clark National Park's Kijik River near Samaritan Lodge Alaska.

Chad and Emily had a life-changing week at Samaritan Lodge Alaska.

His job was to clear these threats from the desert thoroughfares and provide safe passage for supplies and soldiers. And Chad was eager for the opportunity. He enjoyed the team and the responsibility of keeping fellow soldiers safe.

“He was all excited about it,” his wife, Emily, recalls him telling her shortly after he received the assignment as lead gunner. “I told him ‘I don’t know how that’s good news!’”

Back then, it was also a bit harder to communicate from the frontlines than it is now, Emily said. Connections were not the greatest. Most difficult of all, she recounts those anxious days of radio silence when he was out on a mission.

Those missions seldom leave the locked-away memory that soldiers carry home from war, and now even 15 years and three children into their marriage, the radio silence still returns at times.

This is why Chad and Emily applied for Operation Heal Our Patriots at Samaritan Lodge Alaska this year. They needed time away from the chaos of daily life with children to open up the channels of communication again in their marriage.

Time Alone Together to Heal

The pair were astonished by the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. Chad was grateful for the early wake up calls and the structure of early morning meals and devotions. And Emily enjoyed out-fishing Chad at least a couple times on the waters of Lake Clark National Park.

Chad got a front-row seat on the way to visit a wilderness fishing spot in Lake Clark National Park.

Chad got a front-row seat on the way to visit a wilderness fishing spot in Lake Clark National Park.

“A highlight for me was how much fun and joy the fly fishing brought my wife,” Chad said. “I was half expecting her to be disinterested, but she was out there and whipping it and having fun. That was awesome.”

“And I caught more fish,” Emily interjected. Chad relented: “And she caught more fish.”

Emily enjoyed the friendly competition of catching more fish than her husband.

Emily enjoyed the friendly competition of catching more fish than her husband.

The fishing broke down walls between them and God continued to work in their hearts during the Biblically based marriage enrichment classes. In those sessions, they learned more deeply about the differences in their personalities. They learned about God’s design for their lives, their marriage, and their family. And they learned how to have honest, non-threatening conversations about difficult subjects using the tools taught to them by the chaplains.

“The trips and all those things were great, but the classes were what really pushed me to look at myself and, not necessarily at Chad, for dealing with unforgiveness,” Emily said. “So that I can still grieve, and still remember, but I can forgive and ask God to help me forgive. And for me, that was huge.”

Experiencing New Life in Jesus Christ

Ultimately, God used the classes, the excursions, the meal times, and conversations with military chaplains to draw the couple closer to Him.

Chaplain-led Biblically based marriage classes were integral in the Hindals' transformation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Chaplain-led Biblically based marriage classes were integral in the Hindals’ transformation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

On the very first night at camp, Chad prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Emily rededicated her life to Him.

“This week has helped give me direction. It was really nice being completely surrounded by people of faith and by military chaplains who can understand what we’ve been through,” Chad said. “It’s basically been like a guidebook.”

The Hindals recommitted their marriage to God during a special ceremony at the Lodge.

The Hindals recommitted their marriage to God during a special ceremony at the Lodge.

Chad also joined four others in baptism in chilly Lake Clark on Friday morning of our first week of Operation Heal Our Patriots 2024. The couple looks forward to implementing what they’ve learned back home in Minnesota, with Christ now at the heart of their marriage.

Chad gave his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized in the chilly glacier-fed waters of Lake Clark.

Chad gave his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized in the chilly glacier-fed waters of Lake Clark.

“I enjoyed seeing him put the work into understanding the tools to bring them back home,” Emily said about Chad. “One week is great, but beyond is what’s important. So, it meant a lot to see him fully engaging.”

We praise God that ten couples joined us during our opening week. We are grateful for His work in lives and marriages and for the five individuals who made decisions for Christ, for five participants who were baptized in Lake Clark, and for the seven couples who rededicated their marriages to God.

Please pray for the 180+ couples who will be traveling to Alaska this summer for this Biblically based marriage retreat.

Samaritan's Purse President Franklin Graham prayed over couples following baptisms in Lake Clark.

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham prayed over couples following baptisms in Lake Clark.

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This Memorial Day weekend 10 military couples arrived in Alaska for a week of Biblically...

More than 100 motorcyclists weaved through the North Carolina mountains over the weekend in the annual Warrior Ride to support military couples.

Scores of motorcyclists gathered in the mountains of North Carolina to raise awareness...

Hundreds of Operation Heal Our Patriots couples gathered in Colorado in a weekend of fellowship and worship.

More than 700 couples gathered to worship God and to grow in their faith and marriages...

Operation Heal Our Patriots ®

Operation Heal Our Patriots gives wounded veterans and their spouses the opportunity for spiritual refreshment, physical renewal, and marriage enrichment. Couples participate in Biblically based seminars that help strengthen their relationships with God and others and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation with outdoor activities at our Alaskan wilderness lodge. We continue to support these men and women after their initial stay, keeping their spiritual needs and marriages a priority. Go here to apply . -->

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It only costs $6 to provide lesson books and a Bible for a boy or girl participating in this discipleship program by Samaritan’s Purse.

It only costs $10 to provide a Bible or Christian literature for a family in need through the Christmas catalog.

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8 Pediatric Medical Mission Trips Medical Missions

  • Resource Library 8 Pediatric Medical Mission Trips Medical Missions

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Nothing tugs at the heart like a child who is suffering. That’s why many short-term missionaries are drawn to pediatric medical missions trips. They want to help alleviate the world’s pain, and they want to start with the youngest and most vulnerable victims of disease and disability.

8 Sending Agencies for Pediatric Medical Mission Trips

In some ways, pediatric medical missions are a unique calling. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a short-term missions trip that fits your needs. In the list below, we’ve identified eight places you can turn to get started.

These aren’t the only organizations that offer pediatric medical missions trips. You can do some research on your own to determine what other groups and sending agencies have to offer. But these will help you take that first step toward figuring out God’s plans for you as you move toward taking a pediatric medical missions trip.  

1. International Volunteer HQ .  

This website is more like a connection point than a sending agency. International Volunteer HQ doesn’t sponsor trips on their own, but they do connect you with trips that are available, including medical trips. Those trips can be filtered by specialty or interest, allowing you to see what’s possible in terms of pediatric medical missions trips.   

2. Cure International . 

This organization focuses solely on kids. With a network of hospitals around the world, Cure International provides free health care for children in underserved or impoverished settings. Their primary ministry involves surgeries that address a variety of disabilities, but they are also committed to sharing the gospel whenever possible.

3. World Medical Missions .  

As an affiliate of Samaritan’s Purse, World Medical Missions provides ministry opportunities for all kinds of medical professionals helping all ages. That includes medical mission trips with pediatric elements. In that role, you can help support and encourage the staff at local hospitals who are fighting exhaustion and discouragement along with disease and disability.

4. One More Child . 

Another organization committed to helping children, One More Child makes a difference in the lives of kids all over the world. They offer several different opportunities for volunteers to partner with them, including pediatric mission trips that meet the needs of struggling kids.

5. Association of Baptists .

For World Evangelism (ABWE). Like some other agencies, ABWE focuses on a wide spectrum of medical missions opportunities. Their commitment is to fulfill the Great Commission wherever they get the chance. But if you’re interested in pediatric mission trips, they can work with you to find a trip that fits your calling.

6. Hope for Haiti’s Children . 

For decades, Haiti has struggled to provide a sustainable government and economy for its people. As a result of the internal turmoil, basic health care has been difficult to provide, even for its youngest and most vulnerable citizens. Hope for Haiti’s Children strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of the chaos. By providing health care for children now, this group is hoping to build a stronger Haiti in the future.

7. Samaritan’s Feet . 

For many children a new pair of shoes can go a long way. They can prevent disease and provide for educational opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. While Samaritan’s Feet is known primarily for distributing shoes in underserved regions of the world, the organization also sponsors mission trips that include pediatric elements. Medical missionaries can teach proper foot care, which prevents diseases and improves quality of life.

8.  Children’s Lifeline International .  

For more than three decades Children’s Lifeline International has been sending medical missions teams around the world to serve children. The group is making a difference in the world through medical care and doctor education. And, with several missions opportunities each year, you will likely find a pediatric medical mission trip that intersects with your passions.

One Child at a Time

As a pediatric medical missionary, you can make a difference in the world one child at a time. And you search for the best way to fulfill the calling God has placed on your life, don’t; forget the power of prayer. Sharing your heart with God will open you to His wisdom and His direction. 

Through prayer, He will point you in the right direction and reveal the perfect opportunity for your pediatric medical mission trip.

Find Your Medical Missions Calling

Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the  Global Missions Health Conference  to find your Medical Missions calling. Or,  browse our full list of partner organizations  to find the right mission for you.

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Dr. Richard Furman built foundation for career, family and faith at Mercer

If Dr. Richard Furman had listened to one of his high school teachers, he would have given up on his dream of being a doctor. As he struggled in chemistry his senior year amid a newly implemented testing system, his professor advised him against taking the pre-med track in college. 

Instead, the Mercer University alumnus followed the advice of another teacher, who took him aside and told him not to abandon his goal. He earned high marks in two science courses at Mercer that summer and knew he was on his way. He went on to become a cardiothoracic surgeon and co-found World Medical Mission , the medical ministry of Samaritan’s Purse . 

Building a foundation at Mercer

Dr. Furman, a 1962 graduate of Mercer’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences , grew up in Rome and worked at a Clayton summer camp for three summers. About 80% of the staff there attended Mercer, so that was the only place he applied for college. 

“I didn’t even go to visit the school. That’s where I knew I wanted to be,” said Dr. Furman, who lives in Boone, North Carolina. 

He took a job in the dining hall to get a tuition discount, and later started driving the bus that picked up nursing students and teaching a weekly class too. By senior year, those campus jobs had added up to free tuition for Dr. Furman. 

Dr. Richard Furman

His world travels began at Mercer. He and his roommate went to Europe for three months, where they climbed the Matterhorn in Switzerland and planted a flag for his fraternity, Sigma Nu, on top. He also participated in a two-week foreign exchange trip to Russia, a rare travel destination during the 1960s amid Cold War tensions and an interesting experience, to say the least. Dr. Furman said the espionage trial of captured U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers began in Moscow while the Mercer group was there.

But Dr. Furman said meeting his future wife was the most important thing that happened during his time at Mercer … and the best thing to ever happen in his life. He met Harriet while waiting in line to register for classes, and he helped her write a check since she had just gotten her bank account set up and wasn’t quite sure what to do. They didn’t start dating until a year and a half later, but Dr. Furman realized quickly that Harriet was the woman he wanted to marry. They have been married for 56 years and have three children and nine grandchildren.

“I prayed that the Lord was leading me to the right wife. On our second date, I knew she was it. I didn’t tell her, but I knew,” he said. “I’ve got a lot of friends, and I don’t know anybody that has a better marriage than we do.”

Mercer was also where he grew and developed his spiritual foundation, Dr. Furman said. His faith has been an integral part of his life as well as his work, and it’s helped guide every step of his journey. 

Mercer alumnus Dr. Richard Furman, right, and his wife, Harriet, are pictured recently in Hawaii.

Serving others around the world

With a bachelor’s degree from Mercer under his belt, Dr. Furman headed to the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta and then completed his general surgery residency at the University of Kentucky, followed by cardiothoracic training. He opened Watauga Surgical Group in Boone, North Carolina, with older brother Dr. Lowell Furman, who passed away in 2006, and stayed in practice there for 32 years. 

A friendship with evangelist Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, led to the founding of World Medical Mission in 1977. The Furman brothers were invited to a Billy Graham crusade in Asheville, North Carolina, and while there, they were asked to participate in a month-long medical mission in India. The trip showed them how great the medical needs were overseas.

“We talked to Franklin Graham and told him that he ought to start an organization to send doctors overseas for four to six weeks,” Dr. Furman said. “Franklin wrote to about 30 mission hospitals to see if there was a need, and they said, ‘Yes, send them now.’ Franklin agreed to go in with us and start that organization.”

Dr. Richard Furman holds a young heart patient at one of the partner hospitals of World Medical Mission.

Graham was named the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse after founder Bob Pierce died in 1979, and World Medical Mission became the organization’s medical arm and began expanding its scope. Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman traveled to different mission hospitals every year to evaluate them and establish new partnerships. 

World Medical Mission sent four doctors overseas its first year and seven its second year. Today, 700-800 medical professionals travel every year to 52 different hospitals in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East for short-term assignments. The organization also has a two-year post-residency program for physicians and dentists pursuing careers in medical missions, and it just started a one-year chaplain training program.

Dr. Furman said he has operated in many hospitals in Africa as well as countries like New Guinea and Bangladesh for World Medical Mission. He cared for patients in Somalia during the Battle of Mogadishu/Blackhawk Down in 1993; in Kigali, Rwanda, after the 1994 genoicide; in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake; and in an emergency field hospital in Mosul, Iraq, in 2017. He still evaluates hospitals and scrubs in on cases occasionally. 

In addition to his mission work, Dr. Furman has been very active with the American College of Surgeons over the years. He served as president and governor of the North Carolina chapter and was presented with the International Surgical Volunteerism Award in 2019. He also is the author of several books, including Prescription for Life, Reaching Your Full Potential and Defeating Dementia .

“I think the best thing to see looking back is that the Lord has used you,” he said. “I know I pray from time to time that he did use me to glorify him.”

Dr. Furman is pictured at Kapsowar mission hospital in Kenya.


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Amid the COVID-19 Crisis, Next Generation Leaders are Serving as Angels of Hope Throughout Eurasia 3.31.2020

mission trips samaritan's purse

COVID-19 Crisis Has Not Halted Ministry in Eurasia 3.24.2020

mission trips samaritan's purse

A Message of Hope for Our Ministry Partners 3.18.2020

mission trips samaritan's purse

A Legacy of Next Generation Ministry Training in Russia and Eurasia 12.02.2019

mission trips samaritan's purse

Action Bible New Testaments for Ukraine 10.10.2019

mission trips samaritan's purse

Hope for a New Reformation: Sergey Rakhuba in Decision Magazine 12.04.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Philip Yancey’s Reflections on the Next Generation in Eurasia 11.29.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

2018 Deyneka Award Recipient: Konstantin Teteryatnikov 11.29.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

NGPLI: Channeling Leadership Potential in Eurasia 11.09.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Standing Firm in Faith: Religious Freedom Prayer Requests 11.01.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Transforming Nations, One Family at a Time 10.19.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Roman Lunkin: Why Does the Orthodox Church Fight Against Society in Russia? 10.05.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Fr Cyril Hovorun: The Church-State Relationship in Russia 10.05.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Dr. Michael Cherenkov: Churches as Agents of Change in Eurasia 10.05.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

First Things: An Orthodox Fracture with Serious Consequences 10.05.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Christianity Today: World Cup Evangelism Has Flourished. What Comes Next? 7.19.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Church of Muslim Converts Ordered to Close in Kyrgyzstan 7.10.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

The Christian Institute: World Cup Assists Evangelism in Russia, Despite Ban 6.28.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Mission Unacceptable: How the Yarovaya Law is Taking Effect in Russia 6.21.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

The Eric Metaxas Show: Interview with Sergey Rakhuba 6.08.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

A Call to Prayer for the Global Church: Religious Persecution in Eastern Ukraine 5.05.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

A Revival in Moscow: Billy Graham’s Legacy in Eurasia 3.13.2018

mission trips samaritan's purse

Mission Eurasia on CBN: “Reaching the Unreached in Mongolia” 3.01.2018


  1. World Medical Mission

    World Medical Mission exists to address these needs by sending Christian medical and dental professionals on short-term trips to partnering mission hospitals and clinics around the world. "It's the most rewarding medicine you will have practiced in a long time.". Dr. Chuck Barrier Doctor of Internal Medicine.

  2. World Medical Mission

    World Medical Mission was established in 1977 to assist general surgeons who wanted to volunteer for short-term mission trips. Today, hundreds of volunteer Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical personnel work in mission hospitals and clinics around the world. ... Samaritan's Purse is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. All ...

  3. OCC Trip

    SAMARITAN'S PURSE. MISSION TRIP. December 2 - 7, 2024. SIGN UP NOW! Join us on a short-term mission trip to Charlotte, North Carolina to work at the Samaritan Purse headquarters. We will spend five days preparing Operation Christmas Child (OCC) boxes from all over the country to be shipped to locations all over the world!

  4. Your Operation Christmas Child Trip Portal

    The information and resources on this page are designed to prepare you for your upcoming OCC distribution trip. Helpful Resource Downloads. Vaccination Information. Meet Your Teammates ... By drafting a personal letter explaining your mission and sending it to your friends and family along with the donor form, ... Samaritan's Purse is a 501(c ...

  5. World Medical Mission

    Family medicine resident Louis Yu was challenged and inspired by a recent short-term trip with World Medical Mission to AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. ... World Medical Mission—the medical arm of Samaritan's Purse—places volunteer Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals in mission hospitals around the world that are ...

  6. Samaritan's Purse

    On this trip, God captured Graham's heart for missions, and after Pierce died of leukemia in 1978, Graham became the President and Chairman of the Board of Samaritan's Purse. Over the past 45 years, he has led the ministry in following the Biblical example of the Good Samaritan all across the globe.

  7. World Medical Mission

    World Medical Mission Conference. Prescription for Renewal is designed especially for Christian medical professionals and emergency responders. It's a great opportunity to connect, network, and learn more about the medical ministries of Samaritan's Purse. Dates Announced for 2023! Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. September 14-17, 2023.

  8. World Medical Mission From Samaritan's Purse

    Aug 21, 2023. Sometimes, God calls a person or group to stand in a gap. That's been a recurring theme in the history of World Medical Mission. A ministry of Samaritan's Purse, World Medical Mission has been sending medical professionals on mission trips around the globe for more than four decades—and the group has no intention of slowing down.

  9. Medical Mission Trips with Samaritan's Purse

    Entertainment. Samaritan's Purse estimates that round-trip airfare and one month of living expenses range anywhere from about $1,500 to $3,500 per person. Upon acceptance, you will be assigned to a specific medical mission trip and provided with a budget worksheet that details the approximate costs for your trip.

  10. Mission Teams Trips

    Samaritan's Purse has a variety of short-term volunteer opportunities available for individuals, youth, families, schools, and churches. From hand-delivering Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, to building water filters at schools, to running medical and eyeglass clinics for the suffering, each unique trip has the same purpose: serving God ...

  11. Get Involved

    World Medical Mission—a ministry of Samaritan's Purse—places volunteer Evangelical Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical personnel in short-term service at mission hospitals and clinics around the world. ... Hear about volunteer opportunities, mission trips and other ways you can get involved. Sign up here: Count me in . Don't ...

  12. Home

    World Medical Mission. World Medical Mission was established in 1977 to assist general surgeons in volunteering for short-term mission trips. Today, this medical project of Samaritan's Purse makes it possible for hundreds of Christian healthcare professionals to serve in overseas mission hospitals and clinics for varying periods of time.

  13. Walking Together in New Life

    Samaritan's Purse. About Samaritan's Purse; History; Statement of Faith; ... Those missions seldom leave the locked-away memory that soldiers carry home from war, and now even 15 years and three children into their marriage, the radio silence still returns at times. ... "The trips and all those things were great, but the classes were what ...

  14. Pediatric Medical Mission Trips

    While Samaritan's Feet is known primarily for distributing shoes in underserved regions of the world, the organization also sponsors mission trips that include pediatric elements. Medical missionaries can teach proper foot care, which prevents diseases and improves quality of life. 8. Children's Lifeline International.

  15. Join a Mission Trip

    Choosing a Mission Trip. Samaritan's Feet offers domestic and international mission trips that are open to the public, so individuals, couples, families, and small groups can join any trip. Or, if you have a school group or church that wants to plan a mission trip just for them, Samaritan's Feet can use its network and expertise to plan a ...

  16. Alaska Mission Trip 2024

    DATES: AUGUST 23 - 31, 2024. OVERVIEW. Join Samaritan's Feet for an 8-day mission trip to beautiful Alaska as we serve children and families in remote areas, including in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, with new shoes and a message of hope. During our mission trip to Alaska, you will also have the opportunity to take in the natural beauty and ...


    LENGTH OF STAY: 2 weeks - 3 years DAILY COST: $25-49 CONTACT: Robert Read [email protected] 954-614-9544 EgbeHospital.org SENDING AGENCY: SIM 14830 Choate Cir Charlotte, NC 28273. NURSING MISSION SITES. AFRICA. Esperance College of Nursing Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger.

  18. Mercer alumnus co-founded World Medical Mission

    Graham was named the president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse after founder Bob Pierce died in 1979, and World Medical Mission became the organization's medical arm and began expanding its scope. Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman traveled to different mission hospitals every year to evaluate them and establish new partnerships.

  19. Articles

    Mission Trips; Volunteer; Pray; Employment; DONATE. Monthly; Articles; Resources; Enews Sign Up; ... Mission Eurasia Rushes to Liberated and Devastated Izyum with iCare Food Packages 9.16.2022. ... Mission Eurasia, Samaritan's Purse partner to bring food, hope to refugees 11.05.2020.

  20. Seasonal Warehouse Management Team

    Samaritan's Purse Mission Statement: Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of ...

  21. Travel Coordinator in Boone, NC

    Samaritan's Purse Mission Statement: Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of ...

  22. Aviation Maintenance Technician in Greensboro, NC

    Samaritan's Purse Mission Statement: Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of ...

  23. Seasonal Recruiter

    Samaritan's Purse Mission Statement: Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of ...