Backpack Adventures

The Langtang Trek Itinerary: the ultimate guide

This post offers you the ultimate Langtang Trek itinerary. The Langtang trek is a beautiful multi day hike in the Bagmati province of Nepal . An area that is 51 kilometers north of Kathmandu . Making this an easy and accessible trek for those that love to see the Himalayas, but have limited time

The Langtang trek brings you to a beautiful valley at the foot of the snow capped mountain peaks of Kyanjin Ri and Langtang Lirung. All are part of the Langtang National Park. 

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Why choose the Langtang Trek?

So why choose the Langtang trek? My first response would be, because it is a very beautiful and diverse hike. The Langtang trek starts in lush forests where you might see langur monkeys or red panda’s and ends in the alpine meadows of Kyanjin gompa where yaks wander around.

Culturally it is also an interesting hike as you pass by multicultural villages with Tamang and Sherpa communities. Most ethnic groups along the Langtang trek are of Tibetan origin and follow Buddhism. 

The Langtang trek is one of the shortest tea house treks in Nepal and brings you to beautiful high altitude mountain sceneries in just a few days. Perfect if you are short on time, but if you prefer a longer hike it is easy to combine the Langtang trek with the Gosainkund lakes and the Helambu circuit.

The Langtang trek is also a sustainable choice as you do not need to fly to reach the start of the trail. Syabrubesi is an 8 hour bus journey from Kathmandu. Despite all these advantages, the Langtang trek gets relatively few visitors compared to the Everest and Annapurna regions. If you want to avoid the crowds, Langtang is a great destination. 

Tamand and Sherpa women in Kyanjin gompa

The Langtang Trek and the earthquake 

The Langtang area was hit hard by the earthquake in 2015 when a deadly avalanche completely destroyed Langtang village. The families that survived slowly rebuilt their lodges, but then covid came. If there is one area in Nepal where people can really benefit from the return of tourism, it is on the Langtang trek.   

I did the Langtang trek in 2010. Long before the earthquake hit the area. The Langtang village that I visited and stayed at, no longer exists and is still buried under the avalanche.  Survivors moved to Kyanjin gompa, but a new Langtang village is built 100 meters above the old one. 

As of now, the Langtang Trek is open again and there are enough lodges in the new Langtang village to receive trekkers.

Langtang village before the earthquake

Langtang Trek Itinerary

In this Langtang trek itinerary I mention every day the amount of time it took me from start to finish. I am a slow hiker though. I like to take frequent breaks to enjoy the beautiful views. 

If you are a fit hiker, you can probably do it in less time

Day 1: Bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

You need the first day to get from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi, the start of the Langtang trek. Like any bus journey in Nepal , it is a long and bumpy ride over winding mountain roads. Delays are common with frequent breakdowns or landslides blocking the road.

In theory, the bus journey to Syabrubesi takes around 8 hours. In practice, it often takes much longer. Buses stop everywhere to let in new passengers. Up till the point that the only place left for more people is on the roof.

My bus was half empty when we left Kathmandu, but one hour later was totally packed. As we left the city behind us the views got more beautiful and soon the peaks of the Himalaya were in sight. 

Right before Dunche there were some scary parts with steep cliffs right next to the road. Even the Nepali lady next to me was afraid.   

After 9 long hours I finally arrived at Syabrubesi. Because it was late in the afternoon I decided to stay the night.  

Logistics : Buses and shared jeeps to Dhunche and Syabrubesi leave everyday from the Gongabu bus station (new bus park or Machapokhari) in Kathmandu. Get there early as it is a chaotic bus station and buses to Langtang leave between 6 – 8 AM in the morning. It is best to reserve your tickets a day in advance at the bus station or at a travel agency in Thamel.

Insider tip : there are delux buses that are slightly more expensive, but don’t stop everywhere to let in new passengers. Shared jeeps are also slightly faster. The best option are private jeeps, but they are expensive ($150+) 

Bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Day 2: Syabrubesi (1492) – Lama Hotel (2447) 

15 kilometers, 7 hours, altitude gain 1070+

The first day of the Langtang trek is also one of the most difficult days of the trek as you gain more than a 1000 meters in altitude. It starts with a 3 hour gentle climb up to Bamboo village.

Bamboo village is about halfway and a great place for a lunch break. After Bamboo the climb gets more steep, but is still not too difficult if you take it easy. 

Overall, I really enjoyed my first day. Most of the day is right next to the Langtang river and through lush forests where I saw langur monkeys in the trees. In total it took me little over 7 hours to reach Lama Hotel or Changtang village. A cluster of lodges in the forest.  

Bamboo village

Day 3: Lama Hotel (2447) – Langtang village (3430)

14 kilometers, 6 hours, altitude gain 980+

The second day of the Langtang trek is another day of long ascents. The first half of the day is still next to the river and through the forests. However, after 3 hours you leave the forests behind you and enter the beautiful Langtang valley.

Ghodatabela is midway and a great place to stop for lunch. From here you have beautiful views on the snow capped mountain peaks of the Himalayas. The second half of the day is through the glacial valley past small rural villages.

Langtang village used to be the largest and oldest village in the Langtang valley. Famous for its yak yogurt and yak cheese. Langtang village was swept away by an avalanche in the 2015 earthquake. Slowly a new village is built and there are a number of new lodges to stay the night.

Stupa on the Langtang trek

Day 4: Langtang village (3430) – Kyanjin Gompa (3900)

7 kilometers, 4 hours, altitude gain 470+

The third day of the Langtang valley is the shortest and only has a small gain in altitude. I did feel the ascent more than the previous days though which probably had to do with being over 3000 meters high. 

I felt tired easily and was more quickly out of breath. Therefore, I had to take frequent breaks. Stil, I enjoyed every step I took because of the spectacular views. Between Langtang village and Kyanjin gompa are a few yak herding villages with visible buddhist influences such as ancient mani walls and stupas.

Kyanjin gompa was the most lively village I visited in the Langtang valley. Yaks and horses were grazing in the fields, children were playing outside and women walked outside carrying buckets of yak milk. 

Kyanjin gompa is a good place to try yak yogurt or yak cheese and the yak cheese factory is definitely worth a visit.   

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Day 5: Kyanjin Gompa

Kyanjin Gompa is a great place to stay for at least one day to explore the valley. For half day hikes you can choose between the peaks of Kyanjin Ri and Tsergo Ri that both offer beautiful viewpoints. The hike up to the summer yak pastures of Langshisha Kharka is a long and challenging day trip. 

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Day 6: Kyanjin Gompa – Lama Hotel

20 km, 8 hours, altitude loss -1440

The sixth day of the Langtang valley trek was a very long day walking back from Kyanjin Gompa all the way to Lama Hotel. At Ghodatabela I was doubting whether to stop and still had energy, but I miscalculated the time it took to reach Lama Hotel. Being alone in the forest with misty clouds in the mountains and the sun setting was very beautiful, but I was glad to reach the warmth of my guesthouse just before dark. 

Forest views on the Langtang trek

Day 7: Lama Hotel – Syabrubesi

15 kilometers, 7 hours, altitude loss -1070

The seventh day of the Langtang valley trek I felt a bit sad that this would be my last day of hiking. I loved being back in the forests and once again saw langur monkeys. It felt too soon for my lunch break at Bamboo and my arrival at Syabrubesi.  

Syabrubesi at the start of the Langtang trek

Day 8: bus back to Kathmandu

Going back to Kathmandu after trekking in the mountains of Nepal always brings mixed feelings. Of course I am looking forward to the comforts and delicious foods in Kathmandu, but at the same time I am missing the mountains as soon as I take my seat in the bus back. 

Bus from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu

The Langtang Trek Travel tips

Langtang trek permits.

For the Langtang trek you need two permits.

TIMS card : The Trekkers information management card is necessary for almost all treks in Nepal. You can get your TIMS card at the Tourism Board office at Bhrikuti Mandap in Kathmandu. Bring your passport and two passport size photos. The TIMS card costs 2000 nepalese rupees.  

National Park Entrance permit : For the Langtang trek you also need a national park entrance permit. Although you can get this at the checkpoints in Dunche and Syabrubesi I recommend you to get it as well at the Tourism Board Office at Bhrikuti Mandap in Kathmandu. This costs 3000 nepalese rupees plus 13% VAT.  

Do I need a guide on the Langtang Trek?

The Langtang trek is moderately difficult, but easy to do without a guide. There is one trail to follow and it is hard to get lost. Unless you go off season there will be enough other hikers on the trail to keep you company. 

If you are alone and not that experienced you might want to consider joining a guided trek or hiring a guide, porter or porter guide. 

In Nepal there is a clear distinction between a porter and a guide. A guide shows you the way and can tell you more about the history and the culture of the places you visit. A porter will only carry your luggage. Despite their heavy burden they often walk far in front of you and might have reached the lodge when you are only midway. A porterguide is less common, but does both.

If you prefer a female guide I can recommend the 3 sisters adventure trekking that works to empower women and trains women to become trekking guides in Nepal.    

Update April 2023 : The Nepal Tourism Board issued a press release that trekking without a guide is no longer permitted from 1 April 2023 onwards. Trekkers planning to hike in Nepal’s National Parks where you normally need a TIM’s card should have a government licensed guide that is registered with the official Trekking Agency Association of Nepal (TAAN) . It is unclear yet how this rule will play out in practice. Everest issued a press release stating that they will not enforce it. Other areas do. However, there are no guidelines on how they are going to implement the ban on solo trekking .

Tamang women on the Langtang trek

Accomodation on the Langtang Trek

Along the Langtang trek there is plenty of accomodation and teahouses to choose from. They are rather basic compared to other treks like, The Gokyo Lakes , Poon hill trek or the Annapurna Circuit . They can’t be booked online beforehand. There is a first come first serve basis and some lodges are fully booked by big tour groups.

At the regular stops like Lama Hotel, Langtang village and Kyanjin Gompa there are enough lodges that there will always be a bed for you somewhere. 

The prices of accomodation is incredibly cheap, sometimes even free, but they do expect you to order dinner and breakfast at their establishment. 

Souvenirs for sale on the Langtang trek

Food on the Langtang Trek

The good thing about tea house treks in Nepal is that however basic lodges might be, the food is often quite good if you stick to Nepali cuisine. Yes, many lodges try all kinds of international dishes to attract tourists, but in my opinion often not the best choice.

When trekking in Nepal I eat Dahl bath at least once a day. This national dish of rice with lentils knows a huge variety. Different vegetable curries from fermented spinach to roasted cauliflower and different pickles to spice it up. Not one dahl bath is the same. 

Other Nepali foods to try are Tibetan bread, Thukpa and Momo’s.  

Yak cheese factory on the Langtang trek

When to hike the Langtang Trek

The best time to go trekking in Nepal is spring and autumn.January and February will be too cold with lots of snow on the trail. March, April and May are the warmer months before the monsoon. As the rainy season approaches it can become hot, dusty and humid, but this is not a problem at the higher altitude Langtang valley. Another highlight in spring are the blooming rhododendrons

June, July and August are the monsoon months bringing lots of rain and leeches at the lower altitudes. The biggest problem regarding the Langtang trek is the high chances of landslides on the road from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi and muddy trails.

September, October and November are the most popular months for trekking. Autumn brings clear blue skies and mild temperatures before the cold sets in in December. Autumn is also a festive season with the celebration of Dashain and Tihar . Nepal’s biggest festivals .   

Langtang river on the Langtang trek

Altitude Sickness on the Langtang Trek

The Langtang trek involves a rapid gain of altitude with Syabrubesi at less than 1500 meters high and Kyanjin gompa at 3900 meters high. Experts advise to not ascend more than 300 – 400 meters per day once you are above 3000 meters high. This Langtang trek itinerary actually ascends a little bit more than that and therefore it is important to be cautious of altitude sickness.

The key to prevent altitude sickness is to take it slow, give your body enough time to adjust to the height and to drink enough water. Diamox is a medicine that might help your body to acclimatize, but will not cure altitude sickness once you have severe symptoms. In that case, the only remedy is to go down to a lower altitude as soon as possible.   

Mild symptoms may include being tired and more easily out of breath. More severe symptoms of high altitude sickness are headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, breathing problems, loss of appetite and nausea. 

Take these symptoms seriously and watch out for symptoms in others, even in your nepali guides or porters. It is a misconception that they cannot get altitude sickness. 

Langtang Trek Books and Guides

Cicerone and Trailblazer both have excellent and comprehensive guides about treks in Nepal. Unfortunately their guidebooks about Langtang are out of print and somewhat outdated. Still, if you can get one of those I would certainly recommend it.  

Another option is the Lonely Planet’s trekking in the Nepal Himalayas guide. However, even the newest version was released shortly after the earthquake and lots of things have changed in Langtang since.

Langtang Trek packing list

If you need to carry your own gear on a multi day trek the advice is to bring as little as possible. The Langtang trek is not difficult and there is no need to bring a tent or food. Below a few things to consider

Sun protection : no matter what time of the year, you will need to bring protection against the sun. Sunscreen and a hat are a must.

Rain protection : there is always a risk of rain. I brought a poncho along that protected both me and my backpack from the rain.

Sturdy shoes : There is no need for proffesional hiking boots. However, there are rocky trails. Bring sturdy shoes that fit you well. Don’t bring brand new shoes. Make sure they are tested and comfortable to prevent blisters.

Hiking socks : Besides good shoes, hiking socks are key to prevent blisters. Merino wool socks are lightweight and dry quickly. Wrightsocks are specially designed with double layers to prevent blisters. Decathlon has good merino wool socks too.

Layers : there can be a big difference in temperatures during the day and night. The best way to deal with this is to wear layers. As a base layer I bought merino wool tshirts. I had a fleece vest as a midlayer and as the upper layer I had a windproof jacket.

Backpack : Your shoes and backpack are two things that will have a big influence on the comfort of your multi day trek. I recommend to go to an outdoor store to get some good advice to buy a backpack that fits your torso length and that is comfortable when you wear it. I own the Osprey Fairview trek 50 that I am very happy with.

Reusable water bottle : to prevent plastic waste I always bring a reusable water bottle with me and a water filter or steri pen.  

Sustainable Travel on the Langtang Trek

Although the Langtang trek is not as crowded as other trails, tourism is increasing. The trails become more crowded and pollution is a growing problem. Traveling sustainably to the Himalayas is essential to minimize your environmental impact and preserve the area’s natural beauty for future generations.

Support the local community : You can support the community by purchasing goods and services from local vendors. It is better to try Nepali Cuisine that uses local ingredients rather than imported foreign foods. Nepali food is vegetarian friendly and it is very easy to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Stay in small scale sustainable hotels : It is also better to stay in locally-owned guesthouses or homestays to support the local economy directly. These accommodations often have a more positive impact on the environment compared to large hotels.

You can try to look for guesthouses or homestays that prioritizes sustainable practices. That said, environmental awareness is still low. It’s up to you to use water sparsely, turn off lights, air conditioning, and heating when leaving your accommodation.

Leave no trace principle : When hiking the Langtang Trek, stick to designated trails to protect the fragile alpine ecosystem. Straying off the marked paths can cause soil erosion and damage to plant life. If you are lucky enough to spot wildlife, observe quietly from a distance to prevent disruption to their habitats and help maintain their natural behaviors.

I encourage you to take all your trash back with you and dispose of it responsibly. In other words, leave no trace of your visit. Even better is when you bring something to pick up any of the trash that other people left behind.

To avoid single-use plastics, invest in reusable items. For example, you can bring your own water bottle with a filter. At last, use biodegradable and eco-friendly personal care products to minimize pollution of water sources.

Respect the culture : Besides environmental concerns it is also important to be sensitive of the community’s way of life. Nepal is a multicultural country and on the trail you will encounter different ethnic groups.

People will appreciate it, if you dress modestly. Learning a few basic phrases in Nepali, can go a long way in building meaningful connections and to learn more about the local culture. Not everybody is happy to have their picture taken. When in doubt, ask permission.

Disclaimer : This post with a travel guide about the Langtang trek in Nepal contains affiliate links. If you buy any service through any of my links, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. These earnings help me to keep Backpack Adventures alive! Thanks for your support!

langtang trek without guide

2 thoughts on “The Langtang Trek Itinerary: the ultimate guide”

Thanks for this great overview. It’s just what I was looking for

Hi! Happy to read it! Being a trekking – tourist guide, i want leave one suggesstion : While you stay a couple of days at kyanjing gumba, should not miss to hike to Tserku-Ri (4984m)

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langtang trek without guide

Trek Langtang valley without a guide

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Can we do the Langtang valley trek without a guide? 

Hiring a trekking guide is not mandatory when you are planning for the Langtang Valley trek . However, accompanying a guide and porter will always make your trip safe, easy, informative, and memorable.

A well-experienced guide has tons of knowledge and this is a massive asset during trekking. A guide has an idea about the changing weather and temperature and he will land you in the safest place as soon as possible.

The trekking guides are from the mountain areas of Nepal. They are local people and keep a deep knowledge of the local aspects. Their in-depth knowledge lets travelers make their journeys worthwhile. Additionally, the trekking guides are experienced and professional to work in any probable difficult situations in the mountain.

Guides are closely familiar with the circumstances in the mountain region. He will be your best friend and safely land you during the hard times.

Furthermore, he is the most important person for motivating you to accomplish your journey. Since Langtang is a remote place with the least or no facilities in terms of medicine and transportation, taking an experienced guide would be a better choice. Oriental Journeys always recommend all its travelers accompany the guide while trekking for the safest journey ever in the Himalayan region because you never know when misfortune comes and what leads you to the next!

Misfortune with solo travelers

It is safe to travel alone in most of the tourist destinations of Nepal. Some misfortune has happened to Solo Trekkers while trekking in the Nepal mountains.  However, the threats are not always human-caused. The difficult terrain and adverse weather conditions sometimes become life-threatening. The mountain trails pass along the side of glacial rivers. The rivers flow with a high current. If somebody slips from the trail and falls, there will chance of getting help from a solo trekker. A volunteer website that records the missing trekker in Nepal. The misfortune happened with solo trekkers.

Aubrey Sacco

Langtang still seems to be a calm trekking destination. Relatively, a very low number of tourists visit the area resulting in less traffic on the trail. Especially, during the winter numbers are often lower and you may feel like traveling alone. The risk factors are not humans all the time. Altitude sickness may cause a terrible effect on solo travelers. Besides, the trekker going to the Tsergo Ri area have lost their way back to Kyanjin valley. Some even lost their life.

What does the record show?

According to the official report of the Nepal government, one female solo trekker was killed in the Langtang area. The government also has a record of trekkers being vanished or attacked. Across the country, 2-3 solo trekkers disappear. The reason is unknown and not specific. It might be due to bad weather, or without the proper knowledge of trails, or doing some risky activity while hiking from one place to another. The reported cases are usually that of solo male trekkers and trekkers traveling without a guide.

Hence, it is always advisable that you hire a guide through a registered operator. Those guides or porters are bound to be responsible for their job. They will brief you about your itinerary and are better familiar with the local area and topography.

Access the risks

While preparing for the trek go through the details of risks associated with your trekking trail. If you are sure to go for a solo trek, keep all the necessary cautions. Train yourself for a high-altitude walk. Assure yourself about your physical and mental preparedness. Choose the best season to travel so that you will meet the maximum number of other groups on the way. Do not choose off-the-beaten paths that restrict you from getting any support while in a problem. Hiring a licensed guide through a legally registered trekking company assures your safety.

Getting permits for the Langtang Valley trek without a guide

Take at least a day to get the issue of the permit for the Langtang Valley trek without a guide. There are two types of permits you should issue for Langtang Valley Trek. TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) Card and Langtang National Park Entry permits are the two necessary permits to trek the valley. Nepal Tourism Board in Kathamndu issues TIMS cards for FIT and solo trekkers. Apply there with a copy of your passport with a valid visa and two copies of recent photographs. For the National Park Entry Permit, apply directly at the National Park check post office just before Dhunche.

Extend your trip to Gosaikunda

Sacred Lake of Gosaikunda

The Langtang Valley Trek route shares the first section of its route with the Gosaikunda Lake trekking trail. One can extend the trekking itinerary to the Gosaikunda Lake trail after completing the Langtang valley trek. The trekking program is called Langtang Gosaikunda Trek. The same permits work for a single entry into the national park. A solo trekker or trekker without a guide can do the Gosaikunda Lake trail extension. However, one should consider the risks associated with traveling without a guide. Ascending the Gosainkunda Lake includes a steep climb which is highly prone to High altitude sickness. A rapid climb without acclimatization increases the risk level for high altitude-related health issues. It is advisable to extend their trip to Gosaikunda Lake while doing the Langtang Valley trek.

Final Thoughts

Safety and security should always be the main concern. We travel to enjoy and enrich our travel experiences. So, accommodate, accompany, and prepare to experience the best. Weather and strange terrain should not be challenged. We want to see Nepal as a safe travel destination for all kinds of travelers. Wish you all the best for your Langtang Valley trek.

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Trekking in Nepal

Langtang Valley Trek – Best Time, Cost, Route, Itinerary

By Suraj Katwal

Updated On May 30, 2023

Langtang Valley Trek offers a majestic view of mountains with panoramic landscapes. It is the top 3 most visited trekking destinations in Nepal alongside Everest Base Camp Trek and Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

This trek is exciting with picturesque views of the beautiful village within the Langtang National Park. Langtang is the best vacation spot for regular and novice trekkers, and I am sure it will be your unforgettable lifetime experience.

Langtang Valley is a hidden gem with a wild rural landscape, and most people follow Tibetan Culture. Moreover, in the peak season, you can get spectacular views of pine forests, rhododendron, snow-capped mountains, magnificent glaciers, etc.

Furthermore, this will be a very long and ultimate guide about Langtang Valley Trek , so if you want to know about specific things about Langtang trekking, then you can follow the quick navigation.

Langtang Trekking Overview

Langtang Valley Trekking is the nearest region from Kathmandu for trekking located on the north side of Nepal. It is a classic and pleasing trek that lies between Nepal and China (Tibet) border. Langtang Valley is also named the “ Valley of Glaciers.”

Langtang Valley Trek Review

The popular international news website The New York Times has listed Langtang Valley as the top 52 places to visit in the year 2017. I have snapped some Langtang Valley trek reviews from New York Times Travel Facebook Page.

Getting To Langtang Valley

The trek begins from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi. The distance between the capital city and Syabrubesi is roughly 122 km. It takes around 9-10 hours by Public bus and 8-9 hours by Jeep.

It’s not recommended to trek from Kathmandu to Langtang Valley on foot as it’s a long distance and not a safe option. Instead, the trek usually starts from either Syabrubesi or Dhunche, which can be reached by road transport.

2) By Private Jeep

Hiring a private jeep for transportation to Syabrubesi or Dhunche is more expensive than taking a public vehicle. However, if you’re traveling to Nepal through a travel agency, they can arrange private transportation for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If you want faster and more comfortable service, you can opt for a private jeep instead of a public bus. A 6-7 seater private jeep service usually costs around $150-$200 for a one-way drive to Dhunche, the starting point of the trek to Langtang Valley.

3) By Public Bus

Taking a public bus is a much cheaper option compared to hiring a jeep for transportation to Syabrubesi or Dhunche. The cost of a public bus is around $7 – $8 per person. The bus service is available at Macha Pokhari, Kathmandu.

The road condition of Pasang Lhamo Highway, which leads to the Langtang Valley trek starting point, is generally okay, but there are some areas where the road can be a bit scary.

Public Bus to Dhunche, Langtang

Start Here: Getting Around Nepal

Highlights of Langtang Valley Trek

  • Scenic Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi with breathtaking views of the landscapes.
  • Explore the unspoiled beauty of Langtang National Park, located between the Nepal-China (Tibet) border.
  • Learn more about Tibetan Buddhist culture and their way of life.
  • Experience the extended diversity of flora and fauna, including rare species like the red panda and snow leopard.
  • Enjoy stunning views of towering peaks like Dorje Lakpa (6,990 m), Langtang-II (7,227 m), Langtang Lirung (7,200 m), Ganesh Himal (7,429 m), and more.
  • Immerse in the unique culture and lifestyle of the Tamang community by visiting typical Tamang villages.
  • Get the chance to climb Chorko-Ri and witness a panoramic view of the Langtang range.
  • Walk through an unimaginable Rhododendron forest, especially during the spring season when the flowers are in full bloom.

Langtang Necessary Permits

Permits are generally required for entry and exit from the Langtang Valley trekking route. Make sure to obtain the necessary permits from the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) in Kathmandu. You will need to carry your passport and photos for the permit application process.

1) TIMS Card

Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) is a card that you get as a permit. These permits must be shown at checkpoints in different places.

The TIMS Card for Langtang Trek is a record that helps trekkers in case of an earthquake, or extreme weather, and for finding lost trekkers.

TIMS Card for Permit

For independent trekkers, it cost around Rs. 2000 ($20), and for group trekkers with a guide, it cost around Rs. 1000 ($10). But if you are traveling through Travel Agency, then they will manage TIMS Cards for you.

2) Langtang National Park Fee

The entrance to Langtang National Park will cost you around Rs 3000 (~$30). You need to ask for this permit at Tourism Board Kathmandu, or you can get it from the Dhunche (Starting point of Langtang Valley Trekking)

Langtang Valley Trekking Itinerary

If you are searching for a good itinerary about Langtang, then this is a new itinerary route after the earthquake in 2015.

This is just an outline itinerary of Langtang. Find the days, hours, heights, and different places in Langtang Valley Trek Itinerary.

The level of the trek starts from easy, and furthermore, you get more challenges, and the journey will reach moderate difficulty as the height rises.

Normally, Pro trekkers want to finish the trek quickly, but novice trekkers need to acclimatize to the surrounding. So, it may take more than a week to complete the full trek.

Langtang Valley Food Guide

For meals, you can get different delicious items. As always you are far away from your home, therefore, don’t expect the food to be of your choice instead adjust with the items in the guesthouse.

Langtang Valley Trek Meals

1) Breakfast At Langtang Route, you can get tea, juice, toast, pancake, egg, potatoes, mo: mo, etc. for breakfast. The cost of breakfast at this route starts at $2-$3. Higher the elevation the price may increase up to $4-$5.

2) Lunch and Dinner For lunch and dinner, the best food to eat is “ Dal Bhat ” which provides you with lots of calories and proteins. There is a saying about it,  “Dal Bhat Power 24 Hours”. You can also find several items beside it like salad, pickles, etc. The price for lunch and dinner is around $4-$5 and may go up at the top.

3) Water Water is yet another most essentials thing to consider while trekking around the Himalayan region. Most trekkers neglect this thing, but it is good to carry an extra bottle with you to avoid spending an additional amount. You can always refill a bottle of water at hotels for free or for a lesser amount.

If you want to buy a bottle of water, then it may cost you from $1.5 at a lower elevation to $3.5 at a higher elevation. And also, don’t forget to drink hot water at the stop to prevent Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).


Langtang Valley is a much-loved destination, and you can find plenty of tea houses and hotels for accommodation. Don’t expect the guesthouse to be luxurious, but there will be enough clothes to keep you warm.

Accommodation at Langtang Valley Trek

You can find a clean room, decent beds, and toilets, which will be kind enough to stay at teahouses. In peak season, you may have to adjust the beds and clothes. It is best to contact your travel agency to book excellent accommodation out there.

Langtang Circuit Trekking Route Map

You can find the Langtang Circuit Trekking Route Map that covers the whole valley and basically, the journey starts from Kathmandu. The highest point you will see is Langtang II and Langtang Lirung.

Langtang Circuit Trekking Route Map

Langtang Trek Altitude Graph Map

There are various itineraries available for the Langtang Valley trek, and each may have a different altitude graph map. However, for the itinerary mentioned above, we will provide the altitude graph map accordingly.

Langtang Valley Trek Altitude Map Graph

Langtang Trekking Map

If you prefer a hardcopy trekking map of Langtang, you can easily find it in Kathmandu. Numerous shops sell different trekking route maps.

Maps are essential items that you need to carry while trekking. Additionally, you can find the Langtang Geographic map on Amazon.

Langtang Valley Trek Offline Map

Famous Langtang Trekking Route

Apart from the Langtang Valley trek, there are other famous trekking routes in the Langtang region that you can explore while in Nepal. These include the Helambu Trek, the Gosaikunda Trek, and Tamang Heritage Trail. You can choose to trek to these places individually, or you can opt for a joint Helambu-Gosaikunda-Tamang Heritage trek.

1. Helambu Valley Trekking

Helambu Trek

Helambu region is a great and nearby place to visit from Kathmandu for a short trek . This place remains unspoiled despite being close to the Capital City. Helambu Trek is a glorious opportunity to explore the culture and tradition of the Sherpa community.

At peak season, you will get to see Rhododendron Forests, Snow-Capped Mountains, Waterfalls, Bamboo Forests, etc. The trek to Helambu starts from Sundarijal located at the eastern end of Kathmandu.

Helambu Trek Highlights

  • Explore Buddhist Monastery.
  • A glimpse of Snow-capped Mountains.
  • Sunrise and Sunset over Mountains.
  • Pass through dense rhododendron forest.
  • Find unique Sherpa Culture and Lifestyle.

2. Langtang Gosaikunda Trek

Langtang Gosaikunda Lake Trek

Langtang Gosaikunda is an easy trek that is best for a picturesque view of the mountains and is famous for Gosaikunda Lake. Starting from Dhunche to Syabru Besi, Gosaikunda can be reached within 3-4 days.

This sacred lake is one of the holiest lakes famous among Hindus and Buddhists. Thousands of domestic and international travelers visit Gosaikunda Lake every year.

Gosaikunda Trek Highlights

  • Beautiful Mountains Ranges.
  • Gosaikunda Lake is one of the holiest lakes.
  • Astonishing evergreen forests and landscapes.
  • Flora and Fauna.
  • Explore Lake like Nagkunda, Suryakunda, Saraswatikunda, and, Bhairabkunda.

3. Tamang Heritage Trail

Tamang Heritage Trail is an easily accessible trek from Kathmandu Valley. You will find beautiful Tamang village and tourism in this area has helped to uplift the lifestyle of the people.

Tamang Heritage Trail Trek

Tamang Heritage is a moderate-difficult trek, and after the earthquake, the route was closed. But now, the route is re-opened, and also hire a local guide to explore more about this heritage trail.

Tamang Heritage Trail Highlights

  • Explore traditional houses.
  • Culture and Lifestyle of Tamang and Sherpas Community.
  • View the highest point Nagthali Pass (3,165 meters).
  • View snow-capped mountains Ganesh Himal (7,429 meters), and Langtang Lirung (7,245 meters).

Trekking Gear

This is the most crucial section of this guide. Gears are vital aspects if you are going for short or long trekking. Sometimes backpacking is difficult if you are unfamiliar with the weather condition of a particular place.

Langtang Valley Trek Gear and Equipments

Actually, You don’t have to carry all the trekking gear from your hometown. You can find hundreds of trekking shops in Kathmandu. The shop generally sells or rents the gear items at a low price.

But bring the basic stuff like a hiking boot, Trekking Bag, etc. from your country. Trekking Shop in Kathmandu commonly rents gloves, jackets, Sleeping Bags, etc.

Hiring a Guide and a Porter

Most people love to go hiking or trekking with a guide and a porter. A porter helps to carry your goods so that it will be easier for longer hiking at a higher altitude. Generally, a guide helps to make you more comfortable in a newer place.

Guide and Porter Visiting Langtang Valley

Make sure that your travel agency is registered with the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN). Besides that, you also need to make sure that your agency has a certified guide.

Langtang Trekking for Female Travelers

Female Travelers Trekking to Langtang Valley

Nepal is safe for both male and female travelers. For female trekkers, you need to be extra careful while exploring different places.

Sometimes, it will be different situations as every country has its own culture, languages, and lifestyle. So always respect it and be sure you follow them.

Always be careful about the dress code while in Nepal. Also, don’t forget to hire a guide and never go outside alone in the evening time.

Additionally, if you feel uncomfortable with a male guide, then you can hire a female guide too in Nepal and also read our guide for Female Travelers .

Langtang Valley Trek Without Guide

It is always true that you need to hire a guide and porter to be safe while trekking the Langtang region.

Moreover, if you don’t have any prior experience with solo trekking, then this trek might be much more challenging.

Actually, Solo traveling means gaining more experience and knowing the place better. Although, It is best to hire a guide with a porter so that they can carry your luggage and make trekking much more fun.

But, if you are thinking of trekking Langtang without a guide, then be sure about everything, including routes, weather, hotels, and other things.

Then, it is good to explore the Langtang Trek independently starting from the capital city, Kathmandu.

Moreover, most travelers don’t know the Nepali language, but if you have a little bit of experience with it, then it will be much easier. Though, most of the people here at hotels can understand the standard English Language.

Langtang after Earthquake

In the year 2015, Nepal was hit by a devasting 7.8 Magnitude earthquake. Among various affected areas, Langtang was one of them, and her home and the lives of people were deeply affected.

The earthquake hit some parts of this trekking route and moreover, teahouses and guesthouses were destroyed. The avalanche buried the entire village. Therefore, the trekking route was closed for a long time.

Langtang Valley Trek Kyanjin Ri

But, now the Nepal Government has reopened this route for trekking. Presently, the Lives of People at Langtang have recovered from the earthquake. The route is good, and you don’t have to worry about it. Also, you can contribute economically to revive the life of the local people.

Nepal Trekking Insurance

While traveling in any part of the world, insurance is a must because no one knows the future. It is essential to have insurance while trekking and traveling to Nepal. Most insurance is necessary when you are going hiking, trekking, climbing, or on an expedition.

Is it necessary to have trekking insurance while visiting Nepal?

Trekking insurance is one of the crucial things while traveling. Nepal is best for hiking and trekking as you can find various routes with easy to hard difficulty levels. So, if you are unfamiliar with hiking and trekking, then we advise going for insurance.

There are different types of insurance policies, and you can take benefits from them. So if you are a solo traveler, then you can go for personal insurance. Also, if you are a group of travelers, then you can also go in bulk too.

Langtang Valley Trek Cost for Nepali

If you want to know the price for the Langtang Valley trek then the cost of the trek ranges from Rs. 15,000 – 20,000. But the cost may vary depending upon the group size, food, and accommodation you take during the trek. Be sure to carry extra money, it will be helpful in case of emergencies and other stuff.

The duration of the trek is 5-7 days that starts from Kathmandu. It is best to manage a group of up to 10 people so that it can be comfortable going for the trek.

So, if you are your friends are looking for a unique trekking experience, be sure to put the Langtang Valley Trek at the top of your list!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Nepal trek is best?

There are many attractive places in Nepal for trekking. Some of the popular trekking destinations are Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Base Camp . Besides, this Langtang Valley Trek is another popular trekking destination in Nepal. It is the magical and unspoiled trek of Nepal.

How long is Langtang Trek?

Normally, if you have less time, then you can go for 7 days trekking, but if you are searching for an extended version, then you can go for 20-22 days trekking.

Can you trek without a guide?

Basically yes, you can go Langtang trekking without a guide. As said by a local guide, the level of this route starts from Easy to Moderate. So, it is possible without any guide. But we recommend you hire a guide for safekeeping.

How safe is Langtang Trek?

After the devasting earthquake in 2015, the route was closed by Nepal Government, but now the route has been completely changed and re-opened for trekking moreover, it is much safer for trekking.

How much does it cost to trek to Langtang Valley?

It depends upon the trekking days and the travel agency itself. There are lots of factors behind the cost. The estimated cost for the Langtang Valley Trek is between $600-$1000.

How difficult is the Trek?

Trekking Levels are generally graded in 4 parts: Easy, Moderate, Difficult, and Strenuous. The Langtang Valley Trek is a moderate difficulty trek. Most trekkers can finish the Langtang route easily.

How many hours a day do I have to walk during the Trek?

The average walk time is around 5-6 hours a day. So, be prepared mentally and make yourself stronger physically to finish the Langtang Trek.

Do I need a permit for the Langtang Trek?

Yes, you need Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) card which must be issued by the Tourism Board. TIMS card must be presented at the entry point at Langtang Gateway.

Will I get altitude sickness on the trek to Langtang?

The range of this trek is moderate. So, there is a low chance of getting altitude sickness, but be sure to take precautions while advancing to a higher altitude.

Can I charge my phone and camera battery during Langtang Valley Trekking?

For electricity, solar panel powers the village, and you get an opportunity to charge your camera battery or cellphone, but you have to pay an extra charge of around $1-$3 per hour. But be sure to carry a portable power bank during the trek to charge up small devices like phones. Also, you can use a portable led USB light using a power bank that comes in handy during the journey.

Is there WiFi on Langtang Valley Trek?

There are WiFi services available in different guesthouses/teahouses. There is around 90% of the area where can use WiFi but you have to pay extra money to use it.

Can I use the ATM during Trek?

Usually, in Langtang Areas, it is difficult to find an ATM lounge. You can use an ATM and Credit Card in Capital City, Kathmandu. It is the best idea to take cash with you if you are exploring rural areas.

Can I hire a local guide during Trek?

Basically, the Travel Agency will arrange a local guide and porter for the whole trek to make your trekking fun and colorful.

We almost have mentioned all the details like the best time to visit, routes, itinerary, Price, Altitude Graph, Trekking Map, etc. So I hope you liked our ultimate guide to Langtang Valley Trek .

If you have a long holiday to spend in Nepal, then you can go for an extended Langtang tour but if you have short vacations then keeping the itineraries tight you can go for 7 days trekking.

If you have any questions/feedback regarding this trek, then please feel free to comment or contact us.

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Suraj Katwal

Suraj is a travel enthusiast who believes in finding solace in the heart of nature. He enjoys exploring new destinations, different culture, and encouraging people to travel.

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1 thought on “Langtang Valley Trek – Best Time, Cost, Route, Itinerary”

Thanks for sharing very well-written and worth reading this article. Wish to see more in the coming days.

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Langtang Valley Trek Route – 8 Days Itinerary

lantang valley trek route

With the picturesque landscapes, dazzling snow peaks, lush meadows, and glacial lakes, Langtang Valley Trek Route has captured plenty of eyes. Travelers from across the world visit the region over and over just to catch a glimpse of its geological splendors and natural magnificence.

However, trekking Langtang Valley is about scenic views and learning the different cultures and traditions. It’s about the experience with local people, particularly Tamang , who has been inhabiting the region for decades.

Langtang Valley trek offers visitors an impressive countryside view of rolling meadows, pictorial waterfalls, and medieval villages. It even rewards hikers with glimpses of sparkling glaciers, jagged peaks, and glacial lakes. However, to sight it all, you’ll have to navigate long trails for almost a week before finally arriving at Langtang Valley.

Langtang Valley Trek route starts with a steep climb up the mountainous terrain heading to Syabrubesi. It walks over jagged trails, passes many villages, and rocky hills to end up at Langtang. The Langtang Valley Trek route runs through the famous Lama Hotel and vast meadows before reaching Kyanjin Ri.

Highlights of Langtang Valley Trek

  • A pristine view of towering mountains such as Dorje Lakpa and Kyanjin Ri
  • Unique culture and heritage of Tamang people
  • Vibrant valleys, mountain cliffs, and dramatic landscapes
  • Visit ancient Tibetan monasteries, including Kyangjin Gompa
  • Explore Himalayan wildlife and birds

When is the best time to sail the Langtang Valley Trek route?

langtang trek without guide

Langtang Valley is such a fantastic trek spot that no one gets tired of visiting it. Its beautiful villages with amicable locals are ready to host travelers at any time of the year. Considering that, the trekkers can visit Langtang Valley all around the year although, it will see changes in the scenery.

Langtang valley trek in Autumn

Autumn is undoubtedly the most likable season of all to trek Langtang Valley, given mild weather. After a blazing summer and heavy rain, Autumn offers a relaxed and calm atmosphere, which is gratifying.

With an average temperature of 10 to 15 Degree Celsius, the season allows hikers to walk the trail with ease. They can get a breath of fresh air while scrambling up the hills to Kyanjin Ri. The scenic backdrop is a major highlight of Autumn, as you can witness the colorful leaves throughout the forest.

Autumn is a holiday season, so you could get an insight into the Tamang people’s culture and heritage . With the festivals around the corner, you can learn a lot about the Himalayan people’s lifestyle and customs.

Langtang valley trek route in Spring

Langtang Valley Trek route in Spring is as marvelous as it gets with blooming flowers and the chirping sounds of migratory birds. The weather is warm on days, whereas mornings and nights are pretty cold with a wind blast.

Temperatures are generally between 10 to 20 Degree Celsius, making it comfortable for hikers to walk the trail. The valley never ceases to amaze its visitors in the spring with a jaw-dropping view of snow-capped mountains and deep valleys in Spring.

Trekkers can observe the full-bloom rhododendron forest during the season, which looks nothing but fabulous. They can also catch a glimpse of sparkling mountains with lofty hills and valleys.

Langtang valley trek route in Winter

Winter and Langtang valley trek doesn’t go on well, following awful climatic conditions. Trekkers will have to either battle heavy storms or overcome the snowy trail to arrive at Kyanjin Gompa in the season.

Therefore, most hikers try to avoid the season to trek to Langtang Valley. That said, trekking Langtang Valley during winter has its perks as you get to witness spectacular sceneries.

There are snow-covered houses and valleys, which look nothing but terrific. The views are incredibly fabulous in the daytime with glistening snow peaks, frozen glacial lakes, and diverse landscapes.

With a temperature below 0 Degree Celsius , it’s cold at the hilltop in the morning and night. Climbing the hills in the light of day is a lot better as you don’t have to endure a bitter cold atmosphere. You can enjoy warm sunshine with a picturesque vista along the Langtang valley trek route in winter.

Langtang valley trek in Monsoon

Trekking Langtang valley in Monsoon is pretty challenging due to heavy rain and slippery trails. The visibility is low in the season, compelling hikers to pull off from the excursion. In monsoon, Langtang Valley’s trails are drenched in the rain, making it greasy and murky.

Trekkers really struggle to get the balance right during the trek. The average temperature in Langtang valley between mid-June to September is up to 25 degrees Celsius due to summer.

The scenery is quite incredible after the rainfall. Trekkers will get a crystal-clear view of snow-capped mountains and glaciers. As the rain washes the dirt away, visitors will get to snap the mesmerizing scenery.

Langtang valley trek 11 days

Day 01: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Maximum Altitude: 1,503 meters

Drive Distance: 45.4 km

Drive Duration: 7 hrs

The long voyage to Langtang Valley kicks off with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. Early in the morning, we’ll take a 7-hour drive to the village, passing many remote settlements beside lofty hills and valleys.

The drive provides a view of scintillating landscapes and forested hills while heading to Syabrubesi. After crossing the beautiful town of Trishuli, we head up to Dhunche and Langtang National Park before ending up at the village. Overnight stay in a lodge at the village.

Day 02: Trek to Lama Hotel

Maximum Altitude: 2,470 meters

Trek Distance: 6 hrs

Trek Duration: 11.3 km

The next day, we’ll head to Lama Hotel by paving our way through the dense forests and deep valleys. After leaving the village, we’ll sail the rugged trail and cross the blazing Bhote Koshi River. We’ll climb a steep path up the hillside and through the alpine forest from the other end.

On the way to Lama Hotel, we’re likely to encounter many wild species and birds including, musk deer, Himalayan black bear, and Ghoral. Most of the sections at the end are uphill, so; it’ll be a bit strenuous for hikers to arrive at the village. Tonight we’ll stay in a guest house at Lama Hotel.

Day 03: Trek to Mundu

Maximum Altitude: 3,550 meters

Trek Distance: 14.7 km

Trek Duration: 6-7 hrs

After having breakfast, we continue our Langtang Valley trek by scrambling up the forest, which offers fascinating views. After arriving at Ghora Tabela, we’ll follow the trail winding through the woods and mountainside.

From here, the Langtang valley trek route gently climbs upward and to the valley until it widens. We’ll walk past a few remote villages and a rock field, which is a couple of miles away from Mundu.

The trail will take us almost half an hour to get to the village. Upon arriving at Mundu, we can catch a spectacular view of glistening snow peaks, steep-sided valleys, and fjords. You can also witness ancient Tibetan monasteries and Chortens in the village. Overnight stay in a guest house.

Day 04: Trek to Kyanjin Gompa

Maximum Altitude: 3,800 meters

Trek Distance: 5.7 km

Trek Duration: 3-5 hrs

The journey to Kyangjin Gompa begins with a gentle uphill walk. As the trail runs through the yak pastures, it gets a bit more relaxing to hikers. But, as the valley widens, the path becomes harder to climb with steep hills and rocks.

Crossing the small creek and moraine, the trail meets Kyangjin, a remote settlement. There’s an old cheese factory in the village where most trekkers stop and have lunch while hiking to Kyangjin Gompa.

There are many historical and religious shrines in Kyanjin which trekkers can visit anytime. They can also climb the valley up to Langshisha Kharka, which rewards the visitor with mesmeric views of towering mountains and sweeping valleys. Kyangjin Gompa is one of the most famous pilgrimages in Langtang Valley.

Day 05: Rest day in Kyanjin, Hike to Kyanjin Ri

kyanjin ri

Maximum Altitude: 4,850 meters

Trek Distance: 5 km

Trek Duration: 2-3 hrs

After the arduous walk to Kyajin, it’s fair for hikers to have some time off. Therefore, on the fifth day of the Langtang Valley trek, we’ll take a little break from the hike and get some rest. To make the day productive, we’ll take a short walk to Kyanjin Ri, which takes nearly 3 hours.

The trail walking to Kyanjin Ri is uphill and rugged with rocks and boulders. Upon reaching the hilltop, we’ll get an impressive view of Tserko Ri and Langtang Lirung. Trekkers will also get to check out the sparkling glaciers and sweeping hills.

Once the sightseeing is done, we’ll head back to Kyanjin, which is a bit easy. Walking the trail downward takes less time as compared to the previous but comes with captivating views.

Day 06: Trek to Lama Hotel

Trek Distance: 14.5 km

Trek Duration: 5-7 hrs

After the exhilarating hike to Kyanjin Ri, we’ll head our way back to Lama Hotel. The trail leading to the village is relatively easy as compared to any other walks. Depending upon the speed, it takes roughly 5-7 hours for hikers to arrive at Lama Hotel.

You’ll get to notice the soaring mountains along the Langtang Valley Trek route, including Manaslu and Ganesh Himal. Following the Langtang Khola, we head to Mundu village and Ghora Tabela. Climbing down the hills through the forest, we finally arrive at Lama Hotel.

Day 07: Trek to Syabru Besi

Trek Distance: 11.3 km

Trek Duration: 5 hrs

After having the delicious meal, we’ll come out of the village and head towards the rocky trails. Stretching 7 miles from the town, the Langtang Valley trek route walks downhill, passing over the wild forest and small hamlets. We’ll keep navigating the trail via Sherpa Gaon, which comes with stunning scenery.

Day 08: Drive to Kathmandu

Maximum Altitude: 1,400 meters

Drive Duration: 7-8 hrs

With all the exploration and sightseeing done, we head to the city today. Bidding a farewell to Syabru Besi, we’ll head towards Kathmandu on a long drive. The trip will last almost 7-8 hours, passing the beautiful town and river valleys.

Due to the rough and rocky driveways, the trip can be pretty stressful. But, following the magnificent views of towering hills and cliff tops, the journey will be pretty fun. After entering the valley, our staff will drop you at the hotel.

How difficult is Langtang Valley Trek?

Lantang Valley Trek

It may be easily accessible from Kathmandu, but trekking Langtang Valley is not easy. With the rugged trails that continuously climb uphill up to 16,000 ft. high, the hike is quite stressful. Here are some of the difficulties that Langtang Valley trekkers will have to overcome to make it to the top.

1. Altitude Sickness

Altitude Sickness is common among trekkers, especially beginners who aren’t used to walking the mountainous terrain. Most of them suffer from the illness after going to higher altitude places without taking a rest.

Since the atmospheric pressure at a higher elevation is low, symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, and headache are quite evident. Therefore, we suggest all our trekkers acclimatize properly before ascending high.

2. Long and steep trails

Another trek difficulty that hikers have to overcome during the expedition is the Langtang Valley Trek route. The steep and narrow lanes that walk peaks and troughs are strenuous and time-consuming.

The trail running from Syabrubesi to Kyanjin Gompa is primarily uphill, taking an average of 5-6 hours walk. Many sections are rugged and filled with rocks and boulders, causing extra hours of trekking. Therefore, hikers need to ensure that they are physically fit and mentally strong to rove the Langtang Valley trek route.

3. Food and Accommodation

Depending on which time you’re trekking the Langtang valley, food and accommodation can be a real bargain. Trekkers have to contest to get the dwelling and food in spring and autumn due to many guests.

In the trekking season, the arrival of travelers is high in Langtang Valley. As a co, most of the tea houses and lodges were occupied. Unless you have made a booking in advance, it’s tough to get accommodation during the valley trek.

The weather at Langtang Valley is unforeseeable, especially during winter and monsoon. It causes a lot of trouble to hikers and sometimes even urges them to retreat. In winter, the Langtang valley trek route is covered in snow, making it slippery and sticky.

The temperature is normally below 0 Degree Celsius in the season, making it hard for trekkers to climb the trail. In that case, even monsoon brings a lot of challenges to hikers with the soaked and greasy path. The visibility is poor and hazy.

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What are the preparations to be made for the Langtang Valley trek route?

langtang trek without guide

Trekking Langtang Valley is definitely no joke, especially with all the craggy trails that run miles. It has trekkers passing through dense forests, crossing immense stress, and climbing steep hills for hours. Therefore, hikers climbing Langtang Valley have to come well-prepared to the region before starting the actual excursion.

Physical preparation is a must while trekking Langtang Valley as it helps them withstand the trail. Trekkers, especially beginners, will have to assess their fitness level and get the needed help to increase the physical strength.

They’ll also have to follow a strict fitness regimen to get in shape and boost physical stamina. Walking the short and long-distance trails beforehand will also help travelers to encounter

Mental preparation is as crucial as physical to combat the challenging tracks of Langtang Valley. Trekkers can’t make it to the hilltop in Kyanjin Ri with strong mental health and endurance power.

Given the sharp track, it’s effortless for hikers to have an emotional breakdown while navigating the Langtang Valley trek route. But, if you prepare in advance, the difficulties can be prevented.

Essential equipment

Steering the Langtang Valley trek route without proper equipment is an impossible dream. Therefore, you’ll have to figure out the items needed and bring them along. The gear required for the Langtang Valley trek differs from season to season, making sure that it fits the bill. Some of the essential equipment that you’ll need for the Langtang Valley trek is as follows.

  • Down jacket to prevent high winds
  • Lightweight trekking pants
  • High-quality mountaineering shoes (crampons for winter)
  • Sturdy climbing boots
  • Pairs of socks (at least two)


  • First-aid kit with prescribed medicines
  • Extra batteries, charger, and power bank
  • Reusable water bottle/filter
  • Sunglasses (if essential)
  • Journal and pens
  • Personal toiletries and hand sanitizer .

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langtang trek without guide

1. Where is Langtang Valley?

Langtang Valley lies in the northern-central Himalayas of Nepal. It’s 32 miles away from Kathmandu Valley inside Langtang National Park. Trekkers climbing Langtang Valley can take a side trek of Gosainkunda, which offers a mesmerizing view.

2. How difficult is the Langtang Valley trek route?

Langtang Valley has a moderate trekking route with a few ups and downs. But, it isn’t as difficult as climbing Everest or other treks. With proper preparations and essential equipment, anyone can climb the trails.

3. Are there porters available on the Langtang Valley trek route?

Yes, of course, the porters are available on Langtang Valley trek routes, but they come with certain conditions. The porters can only help you with 15 kgs weight, so you’ll have to plan the backpack accordingly. It will also cost you US$22 to US$25, depending on the season.

4. Is travel insurance mandatory?

Travel insurance isn’t compulsory for the Langtang Valley trek, but it’s advisable. The insurance will cover your medical bills, unwanted losses, and emergency evacuation.

5. Is the Langtang Valley trek possible without a guide?

Given the easy trails, the Langtang Valley trek can be done without a guide, particularly in trekking season. However, if you’re an alien to the country, we’d advise you to hire a local guide to navigate the route for you.

6. What is the cost for Langtang Valley Trek?

The cost for the Langtang Valley trek depends on the tour package and itinerary. The longer the schedule, the higher the expense. The average cost for an 8-day Langtang Valley trek can cost about US$450 to US$600.

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Langtang Circuit Trek - 13 Days

Langtang Circuit Trek

  • Duration 13 Days
  • Trip Start and End Kathmandu to Kathmandu
  • Best Season All year round
  • Trip Area Langtang Region
  • Maximum Altitude 4773m.|15655ft. or 4984m.|16347ft.
  • An adventurous trek in the Langtang region that also explore the Tamang Heritage trail and extends to the Helambu region
  • The trail goes through the forests of rhododendron, bamboo, oak, pine, etc
  • Overnight stay at beautiful villages resided by Sherpas & Tamangs
  • Get to see the daily lifestyle and culture of the locals
  • Come across lovely waterfalls, meadows and diverse flora & fauna while trekking
  • Visit ancient Kyanjin Gompa and cross Lauribinayak pass
  • Trek to holy Gosaikunda Lake and meet the indigenous group called Hyolmos
  • Enjoy breathtaking sceneries, stunning glaciers, and snowy mountains views throughout the trek

The Langtang Circuit trek leads you close to the Tibetan border and a remote glacier valley called Langtang. It is one of the closest and least traveled trekking routes from Kathmandu that you can reach without taking any domestic flights. The trail winds through the Langtang National Park, a protected area and home to hundreds of flora & fauna. You trek by picturesque villages, lush rhododendron forests, cascading waterfalls, rivers, and meadows. 

Enjoy the best of the Langtang region on our 13-day Langtang Circuit trek. Experience an authentic mountain lifestyle and witness heavenly mountain landscapes along the trail. Spend nights in beautiful villages, visit Kyanjin Gompa, unwind at the shore of Gosaikunda Lake, and have intimate encounters with the indigenous community of the Helambu region.

If you are aware of the Annapurna Circuit Trek and Manaslu Circuit Trek, then you must know how famous these two treks are. The Langtang Circuit trek is a great alternative to these well-known treks and also a budget-friendly trek. You get to enjoy a less crowded trail, excellent mountain views, an adventurous route, and the warm hospitality of the locals. Our Langtang Circuit trek of 13 days explores the beautiful Langtang Valley, some parts of the Tamang Heritage Trail, and extends to the sacred Gosaikunda Lake & Helambu region. 

Learn about the culture & traditions of Tamangs & Sherpas on this trek. During your night stay in villages like Sherpa Gaun (2563m.|8406ft.) and Thyangsyapu (3140m.|10299ft.), you'll get to see their unique daily lifestyle. The trail then takes you to ancient Kyanjin Gompa (3870m.|12696ft.) and ascends to Gosaikunda Lake (4380m.|14366ft.). It is a holy lake and a pilgrimage site. This trek is also known as Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek because the next part of the trek crosses the Lauribinayak pass (4610m.|15120ft.) and joins the stunning Helambu region. 

Mountain Views & Close Encounters with the Locals

Langtang Circuit Trek is heaven for landscape lovers. This part of the Himalayas boasts storybook-like scenery and tranquility. You will be amazed by the hospitality of the locals and the mountain views. Some of the mountains you can see during the Langtang Circuit trek are Langtang Lirung (7234m.|23734ft.), Ganesh Himal (7422m.|24350ft.), Dorje Lhakpa (6966m.|22854ft.), Shishapangma (8027m.|26335ft.), Kang Guru (6981m.|22904ft.), Annapurna Ranges, Mt. Everest (8848.86m), etc. 

As most of the time, you'll be walking through forests of rhododendron, bamboo, oak, etc, you may get to see wildlife like monkeys, deer, red panda, etc. Langtang Circuit Trek lets you make lifelong memories with your loved ones. You'll get a chance to bond and understand each other better. Every step of the trek does bring challenges but also lets you test your endurance & breathtaking views motivate you to move further.  

Why trek with Nepal Nirvana Trails?

At Nepal Nirvana Trails, you get more than two decades of expertise in the travel industry. The team has multiple generations working together, so you'll have a very different trekking experience. You can see our itineraries are very different and designed to serve all kinds of travelers. 

The Langtang Trek with Gosaikunda & Helambu is one of our best adventurous treks for 2024. We assure you of a safe and satisfying venture in the Himalayas. Our team members are very professional and friendly. We make sure all the journeys with us are special. 

If you are looking to do a short trek in the Langtang region, then check out our Langtang Valley Trek and Gosaikunda Trek . These two are short and moderate treks. Similarly, here are some other less-visited adventurous trekking packages for you- Makalu Base Camp Trek , Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek , Upper Mustang Trek, Annapurna Circuit with ABC Trek , and Everest Three High Passes Trek . 

Day to Day Details

Day 1: drive to syabrubesi (1460m.|4790ft.) 7-8 hrs.

We will start the trip by traveling to Syabrubesi from Kathmandu. We will go on the local bus through the Pasang Lhamu Highway and the Trishuli Dhunche Highway, viewing the Trishuli river basin, huts, terraced fields, and brick homes along the road. We will travel upward to Dhunche before reaching Syabrubesi.

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • 1460m.|4790ft.

Day 2: Syabrubesi to Sherpa Gaun (2563m.|8406ft) 6-7 hrs

Today is the beginning of the Langtang trip. We will follow the pathway close to the Bhote Koshi River. The path also ascends through a lush forest. The national bird of Nepal, the Himalayan Monal, can be encountered during our trek. Rhododendron trees with different colored flowers widely dispersed can be seen. We will reach Sherpa Gaun by strolling up these lovely paths.

  • 2563m.|8406ft.

Day 3: Sherpa Village to Thyangsyapu (3140m.|10299ft.) 6 – 7 hrs

After breakfast, we will head to Langtang Valley, the hidden gem of the Langtang region. While strolling within the limits of Langtang National Park, we will get a glimpse of the incredible local fauna. As we reach the breathtaking majesty of Langtang, we experience nature's beauty in its purest form. The woodland stroll will take us through Ghodatabela. After gradually rising through the little settlements, you will eventually arrive at Thyangsyapu.

  • 3140m.|10299ft.

Day 4: Thyang syapu to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m.|12696ft.) 4 – 5 hrs

After breakfast, we will move toward Kyanjin Gompa, taking in the beautiful surroundings and the thick forest beyond. On our route to Mundu, we will stop at the traditional Buddhist Monastery, which was affected by an earthquake in April 2015. The place we are going is one of the highlights of the Langtang Trek as we travel the Kyanjin Gompa. We will appreciate everything about this monastery. The area around the monastery is peaceful. Outside the monastery, there is a fantastic ambiance and a breathtaking view of mountain ranges.

  • 3870m.|12696ft.

Day 5: Acclimatization day: hike to Tserko Ri (4984m.|16347ft.) or Kyanjin Ri (4773m.|15655ft.)

Today is a good day to unwind, explore, or become acclimated. We get the whole day to discover the landscape around Kyanjin Gompa. We may visit the monastery or the cheese factory. Then, we will hike to one of the famous spots in the area for 360-degree panoramic mountain views, Tserko Ri (4984m. | 16347ft.). Admire the vistas of Himalayan peaks and the sunshine shining over them. Once we reach the highest point of the viewpoint, we will have climbed to an altitude of 4984m.|16347ft. Then Return to the Kyanjin Gompa. We can also hike to the Kyanjin Ri (4773m.|15655ft.), which also offers the vistas of the Himalayan Ranges.

  • 4984m.|16347ft.

Day 6: Trek to Rimche (2455m.|8053ft.) 7 – 8 hrs

After visiting Kyanjin Gompa, which gives a stunning view of the valley encircled by high peaks, we will hike to Rimche. After traveling through lush green woods, Langtang villages, Ghodatabela, and Gumnachok, we will ultimately arrive at Rimche. We will spend the time strolling alongside the captivating Langtang River and mountain views.

  • 2455m.|8053ft.

Day 7: Trek to Foprang Danda via Thulo Syabru (3030m.|9939ft.) 5 – 6 hrs

From Rimche, our journey will start with a short climb through bamboo forests to the towns. After traversing the Langtang River, we will reach the bamboo village. We will keep going until we get to the top of a ridge, where we can gaze out over the Thulo Syabru valley in awe. After passing a bridge, we begin a slow drop. We will enjoy the stunning view of the Manaslu, Langtang, and Annapurna peaks. By making our way down the route, we will reach Foprang Danda.

  • 3030m.|9939ft.

Day 8: Trek from Foprang Danda to Laurebina (3910m.|12828ft.) 5 – 6 hrs

We will begin our trek after enjoying a delicious breakfast at Foprang Danda. We will be mesmerized by Dhunche Town's breathtaking scenery. A beautiful route in Sing Gompa leads through a couple of cheese factories. We get to taste some of the finest yak cheese in Nepal. While walking through the trails among the pleasant pine and rhododendron woods, we will climb to Lauribna. Along the walk, there is a variety of plants and fauna. The majority of the red panda, also referred to by the Nepalese as cat bears - can be found here.

  • 3910m.|12828ft.

Day 9: Trek from Laurebina to Gosaikunda (4380m.|14366ft.)

Our walk will begin with a tough ascent from Lauribina as we proceed to the most pristine holy lake, Gosaikunda. From the top of the Lauribina, we can admire the breathtaking Himalayan landscape. We will traverse a little slope and get the first glimpse of Gosaikunda Lake. The Gosaikunda area contains several lakes, but the three largest lakes are Bhiaravkunda, Saraswatikunda, and Gosaikunda. As we get closer to Gosaikunda, we see the entire lake. Thousands of worshippers travel to Gosaikunda every year around the August full moon during the Janai Purnima festival. Most hikers use this path mostly because it passes by Gosaikunda, one of the highest lakes in Nepal.

  • 4380m.|14366ft.

Day 10: Trek from Gosaikunda to Ghopte (3430m.|11250ft.) via Lauribinayak pass 4610m/15’120ft, 7-8 hrs

After breakfast, we move forward on our trek. The route leaves Gosaikunda and ascends via rough terrain, passing small lakes to the highest point of this journey, the Laurebina pass (4610m). As we hike, we will glance at breathtaking views of Manaslu, the Ganesh Himal, and even the Langtang Lirung. The route becomes more difficult as we reach the pass. Passing the Lauribina La, we will descend toward Ghopte, taking in the spectacular scenery from the edge of the pass. The route traverses a bridge and passes by Phedi.

  • Guest House
  • 3430m.|11250ft.

Day 11: Trek from Ghopte to Kutumsang (2470m.|8101ft.) 6-7 hrs

We begin our journey, moving to the Helambu trail. It takes us an enjoyable hour and a half to go through the alpine forest to Thadepati, where we eat lunch and take in vistas of the snow-capped mountains of the Jugal Himalayan peaks in the east and Ganesh-Manaslu in the west. The path has several difficulties. We pass by remote areas while walking through Juniperus, pine trees, and rhododendron orchards. Following the route to Thadepati, we will descend to a ridge's western slope. We will go to Magin Goth and Kuala Bhanjyang. After there, a downhill track will lead us to Kutumsang, where we will spend the night.

  • 2470m.|8101ft.

Day 12: Trek from Kutumsang to Chisapani (2165m.|7101ft.) 6 - 7 hrs

After breakfast, we will continue to rise through the track until it reaches a pass, then descends steeply, reaching Gul Bhanjyang, where it continues for another 3–4 hours to Pati Bhanjyang. Once we reach Thorong Danda, the route ascends and takes us to the chipping village. A short ascent leads from here to the overnight stay at Chisopani danda.

  • 2165m.|7101ft.

Day 13: Trek to Sundarijal via Burlang bhanjyang pass and Drive to Kathmandu (1400m.|4593ft.)

We will begin our final day trek of this lovely adventure, witnessing some of the gorgeous mountains on the backdrop of the hills. The hike descends to Sundarijal across a pleasant forest with monkeys and fresh water flowing in between, which is a popular picnic spot for many locals who want to escape busy, populated metropolitan existence of this ancient city, Kathmandu. We travel to Kathmandu after continuing to descend from Sundarijal for another hour.

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Farewell Dinner
  • 1400m.|4593ft.

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Langtang Circuit Trek - 13 Days map

What's Included

  • Complimentary airport transfer services during arrival and departure
  • 3 Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) and tea, or coffee while on the treks
  • Seasonal fresh fruit each day
  • Accommodations during the trek
  • First aid trained, English-speaking government-licensed trekking guide, and his salary, meals, and equipment 
  • All required national park, and TIMS permits
  • Public bus services Kathmandu - Syabrubesi
  • Sundarijal to Kathmandu Private jeep/ car Transport
  • Water purification tablet
  • Souvenir: T-shirt, Trekking map 
  • Government tax, VAT.

What's Excluded

  • International flight
  • Travels and health Insurance which include emergency rescues and evacuations
  • Personal expenses, all beverages, WI-FI
  • Private Jeep from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi: USD 200 
  • Porter: USD 260
  • Kathmandu hotel
  • Tips for treks guide, porter (expected)

The package provides an affordable way for budget-conscious trekkers to explore the Langtang Region. However, there is also the option to enhance your experience with add-ons to the package.

Porter Service

You have the option to include a porter in addition to your guide. The porter carries a load of up to 20 - 25 kilograms. You can share the heavier belongings with the porter, allowing you to trek more comfortably and with the guidance of your trekking guide. 

One Porter Costs: USD 260

Private Transportation

We offer regular local bus transportation between  Kathmandu to Syabrubesi  with the package.

Alternatively, you can opt for private transportation for an additional fee, which covers the journey from  Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. 

  • Private Jeep for the Trek Costs: USD 200

Upcoming Departures

Useful info, langtang circuit trek difficulty.

Langtang Circuit trek 13 days is one of the moderate treks in the Langtang region. The trail encompasses the Langtang National Park and ascends to a high alpine lake before crossing a pass and joining the trodden Helambu region. The trail explores the isolated area with dense forests and small villages in between. 

The constant ascents & descents, high elevation, and rugged paths make the journey challenging. For beginner trekkers, this trek is also suitable as their first attempt. You'll be spending a long time in the mountains away from the comforts of the modern city. Taking all these factors into consideration, the Langtang Circuit trek is much more demanding than you may have imagined. 

Altitude Sickness

The risk of altitude sickness during the Langtang Circuit trek is common, and by taking proper measures you can easily avoid it or cure it. We do take all the precautions, still, you may see symptoms. Our trained guide will make sure you get proper attention during the trek if any medical help is needed. The moment your body begins to dehydrate and experience a lack of sleep, you'll be inviting altitude sickness. So, drink a lot of water, eat nutritious meals, and get plenty of rest. 

Langtang Circuit Trek Permits

Below is the list of permits you need for Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu trekking. All the mentioned permits are included in the package cost, and the team gets them on your behalf.

  • Langtang National Park Entry Permit
  • Shivapuri National Park Entrance Fees

Best Time to go on Langtang Circuit Trek

The best time to do the Langtang Circuit trek is Mid-February to May and another time is from August to Mid-December. The mild climate and stable weather make the journey fantastic. The trail thrives with seasonal flowers and vegetation. The mountain views are fantastic and the night sky is full of stars. This trek can also be doable all around the year. 

Last Minute Booking 

Before booking the Langtang Circuit trek at the last minute, you should know all the challenges this trek has and the limited time you have to prepare for it. The booking also requires full payment for the trip confirmation, and canceling the last-minute booking may cost you 10% of the package cost as a cancellation charge. 

Besides that, to place a last-minute Langtang Circuit trekking booking, go to our package page and click on the booking button. Fill in the necessary information and pay the package cost. Or, you can contact us for any further questions or booking assistance. 

Accommodation & Meals

Langtang Circuit trek via Gosaikunda Lake involves teahouse accommodation. It's a simple accommodation with a shared washroom (most of the time) and basic services. The tea houses are operated by the locals and similar to their own living style. The rooms are twin shared (unless you request a single room). The bedding is clean and comfortable.

We have all the meals in the tea houses along the Langtang Circuit trails. The meals are given as per the menu of the teahouses. The most common meal is dal bhat. It's an authentic staple Nepali meal with lots of flavors and side dishes. Other options are momo, different kinds of Tibetan bread, Chapati, Potato items, noodles, chowmein, pasta, thenduk, soup, porridge, etc. For beverages, there are tea, coffee, milk, soft drinks, etc. 

Note : The ingredients in a food item can be removed if you are allergic to any foods. Vegan food is also available. 

Travel Insurance

Given the high altitude and remoteness of the Langtang Circuit trails, we need travel insurance that covers medical bills and emergency evacuation. Travel insurance is used if there is a need for immediate medical assistance that is beyond the control of first aid. There is no good healthcare infrastructure in the Langtang region, so we need to air evacuate the patient to a nearby hospital in Kathmandu (if needed). 

Travel Tips (electricity, internet, ATM, luggage, tipping, personal expenses)

  • The charging facility is good in the Langtang region. You may have to pay a few bucks to charge your devices because most of the teahouse owners rely hugely on solar energy too. 
  • Langtang Circuit trail has no ATM, and the locals do not accept foreign currency or Credit/Visa cards. So, it's better to withdraw cash in Kathmandu.
  • The internet facility is not good as you might have guessed. Some teahouses do offer paid WiFi services, but the connection is questionable. The best choice is using cellular data, which is more economical too. 
  • The duffel bag weight limit is 10 kg per trekker. And you can carry up to 5 kg of the backpack on you. 
  • The tip is not covered in the Langtang Circuit trek package cost. You are free to tip as per your wish. We highly recommend you to feel free to tip our crew members for their hard work. 
  • Have an additional budget for personal expenses like charging, wifi, shopping, tips, etc. 
  • Most of the trekking clothes and gear are easily available to buy/rent in Thamel. So, you do not have to carry everything from your home.

Q1. How long is the Langtang Circuit Trek?

The Langtang Circuit trek varies from 13 days to 20 days. Our Langtang Circuit trek package is 13 days long.

Q2. How difficult is Langtang Circuit Trek?

Langtang Circuit trek is a difficult trek. The trek includes 6 hours of minimum walk each day. You live in basic accommodation and modern facilities like internet, TV, etc are less to none. You walk on steep slopes and rocky paths. The trek overall has a lot of hurdles.

Q3. Do you need a guide for Langtang Circuit Trek?

As per government rules and regulations for the Langtang Circuit trek, you do not need a guide. You can do Langtang Circuit trekking solo. However, given the difficulty, altitude, isolation, and unseen risks along the trail, we do not recommend the Langtang Circuit trek without a guide. The trail crosses high pastures and passes. Professional guidance will make the journey hassle-free, fun, and smooth for you.

Q4. What should I bring to Langtang Circuit Trek?

You do not need any advanced trekking gear for the Langtang Circuit trek, but you have to be well packed in terms of trekking clothes & basic gear such as a trekking pole, trekking boots, sleeping bag, pocket torch, reusable water bottle, et. While booking, our team will provide you with a packing checklist that you can follow to pack for this trek.

Q5. What is the location of the Langtang circuit trek?

The Langtang Circuit trek explores the Langtang region & the Langtang National Park, which is located northeast of Kathmandu. It's only a 68 km drive from Kathmandu to the starting point of the trek. The Langtang Circuit trekking also takes you close to the Tibetan border.

Q6. Can we customize the Langtang valley trek itinerary account to our needs?

Yes, you can customize the Langtang Circuit trek itinerary with us. You can change the departure date, cost, duration, and services as per your requirements & budget.

Q7. Where can you get a bus to go to the Langtang trek?

The bus to the Langtang region is available in Machhapokhari. The buses are open early in the morning. You have the option to drive to Syabrubesi or Dhunche. Both are the trailhead of Langtang Valley.

Q8. What is the fare of a local bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi?

The fare of a local bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi may be difficult according to the comfortability of the bus. The bus owner may charge foreigners a bit high.

Q9. What is the maximum altitude that we hike in Langtang Circuit Trek?

The maximum altitude reached during the Langtang Circuit trek is Tserko Ri (4984m.|16347ft.) or Kyanjin Ri (4773m.|15655ft.). There are two other high points touched during the trek. They are Gosaikunda Lake (4380m.|14366ft.) and Lauribinayak pass (4610m.|15120ft.).

Client Reviews


Lang Tang National Park Trek

This firm is amazing!!!! I have been on several treks with different firms. This firm is by far the best. There Customer service is second to none. If your trekking Journey starts at 5 in morning they will have someone meet you to make sure everything goes smoothly. ( missing your bus is so early done if it’s your first time in Kathmandu lol ) Not only is there customer service good but the guides Are actually, amazing they are so so friendly and informative. Not like other firms . I truly trusted this firm with my family by the end of my Journey I cannot recommend his firm enough !!! Thanks KP 😎 I’m done

Dear Guy, Namaste! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your positive experience with us! We're thrilled you had an excellent trek to the Langtang with the guide, Sukram. We hope to welcome you back for another unforgettable trek in the future! Best Regards, Kp Dhital and Nepal Nirvana Trails Team. WhatsApp: +977 9841380469

Langtang trekk

Brilliant team, very helpful and quick responses when you need to make last minute changes or adaptions. The Group where very informative prior to choosing which trekk we wanted. And kept in contact the whole way. Trekking is very hard work so practice beforehand. Shop opposite is brilliant for outdoor gear. Our guide was amazing throughout and really made the trip.

Dear Jemma, Namaste! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your positive experience with us! We're thrilled you had an excellent trek to the Langtang with the guide, Sukram. We hope to welcome you back for another unforgettable trek in the future! Best Regards, Kp Dhital and Nepal Nirvana Trails Team. WhatsApp: +977 9841380469

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Hiking The Langtang Trek in Nepal

Have you ever dreamed of hiking the Langtang Trek in Nepal? We’ve all seen those pictures of the soaring Himalayan Mountain Range but do you know what it takes to get there?

A long list of questions fill your head: When is the best time of the year to go? What should I pack? And, what about altitude sickness? 

To answer those questions, I have put together this guide to walk you through everything you need to know to plan and prepare for the Langtang Trek, one of the best treks in Nepal . 

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The trek is situated in the Langtang Valley, nearby Kathmandu city. It is the perfect destination for someone who wishes to trek to the Himalayas but is looking for a relatively easy route with shorter walks and lower altitude.

Although it is close to the city, it is hard to tell. The rich ecosystem of the valley is well preserved. The region is a rural landscape comprising of villages, terraced farms and forests encircled with green hills with a backdrop of the white Himalayan ranges.

The route is a scenic one through dense bamboo and rose tree forests that will take you passed waterfalls and snow-capped mountain peaks. The trek is known for having one of the best views of the Annapurna Range.

The bonus that comes along with the wild scenery is the chance to get to know the unique culture of the local people. Because the region is close to the Tibetan border, their culture resembles to theirs’. As you hike through the valley, you will get a chance to learn from their practices and traditions. You will also come across several Buddhist temples and monasteries.


The April 2015 Nepal earthquake annihilated many homes and lives. Langtang, among all the devastated areas, was one of the most effected region. The catastrophe destroyed almost all the guesthouses and marred some parts of the trek. The region was also closed for trekking for a really long time.

The good news is that the region has been open again for trekking. Most of the guesthouses are still under reconstruction. You might have to spend your nights in tented camps if you can’t find a room in any of the few guesthouses.

The routes that were a part of the trek but were destroyed in the earthquake, have been recreated following a different path. You need not worry about the comfort. The trek is as pleasant as it always has been.

In fact, by trekking to Langtang, you will become a part of rebuilding the region. Your recreation will be a major contribution to the economical upliftment of the local residents.


The best seasons to trek to Langtang are autumn and spring. Autumn is from September to December and spring stretches from March to May. The weather is warm and the heat is bearable. There will be very little or no rainfall. The sky will be clear allowing you to get the best view of the mountains.


The trek is graded as a moderate trek. Unlike easy treks, moderate treks have longer walks and higher altitudes. The route in some places steeply ascends or descends. You will require an average level of physical fitness to enjoy the trek.

However, a moderate trek doesn’t not require as much skill, knowledge and experience as the strenuous ones. Even if it is your first trekking experience, Langtang can be a good option to start with. If you are overweight or a senior citizen, take enough rest and break up the hike into short walks.


The Langtang Trek is not a strenuous trek and hence doesn’t require a high level of physical fitness. But it is advisable to be moderately fit for any kind of trek. Being fit will help you enjoy the walk without putting much stress on your body. Train your body a few weeks before the trek. Read up on how to get fit for hiking , go for a city walking tour and do some regular routine exercises.


You can purchase hiking equipment in your hometown or in Nepal. Nepal has several stores that sale name brand gear as well as some cheaper ones that sell trekking essentials. Most of these stores are in Thamel, which is the most popular area among travellers. You can also rent gear if you don’t want to travel with your own. 


There aren’t as many teas houses to chose from as before the earthquake but you can still find a few that serve tasty food.

The prefered meal is Dal Bhaat . The dish is filling and will fuel you up for the long walks. Rice is served with lentils, vegetable curry, salad, chutney and meat cooked in Nepali style. The best part of the meal is that you can take as many additional helping of rice and vegetables as you want without having to pay extra.

There are a variety of other dishes. For breakfast, the tea houses serve pancakes, eggs, cereal and porridge. For lunch and dinner, you can also ask for noodles, pasta, momos and various other dishes.

Since most of the guest houses were destroyed during the earthquake, only a few of them are in good condition to accommodate trekkers. You will be either sleeping in tented camps or tea houses depending upon the availability of the rooms.

Do not expect luxurious home stays. The tea houses are simple, comfortable and cozy. In some, you might have to share the restroom which have a squat toilet .


Before trekking, it is always advisable to consult a doctor to check if you are physically healthy enough for high altitudes. But, despite of how fit you may be, there is no guarantee that you won’t fall victim of altitude sickness. There are many symptoms of altitude sickness. Some of them are below:

a. Headache

b. Nausea and vomiting

c. Dizziness

d. Tiredness

e. Loss of appetite

f. Upset stomach

g. Feeling dizzy

h. Shortness of breath

i. Increased heart rate

j. Difficulty sleeping

If you notice any of the symptoms, do not take it for granted. Take necessary precautionary and treatment measures. Some such precautions are:

a. Do not climb any higher for the next 48 hours

b. Descend to a lower altitude if possible

c. Take complete rest until you feel well

d. Do not exercise

e. Do not smoke

f. Drink plenty of water

g. Take external oxygen supply if necessary

h. Take anti-sickness medications

If you don’t feel better but notice you are feeling worse, you will have to be immediately evacuated in a helicopter. So, make sure you purchase your insurance before you trek. The insurance will cover your health costs such as minor & major injuries and emergency helicopter rescue.

There are a couple of local clinics you can consult for minor injuries. Be sure to read up on how to train for high altitude hiking to avoid getting sick.


While you can hike the Langtang on your own, hiring a guide and a porter is highly advisable. A guide will help you navigate through the mountains and will be there in case of an emergency. An added bonus is he will know the best places to eat and stop for the night. When you go to hire a guide, make sure that he or she is licensed to lead tours.

A porter will carry your baggage for you. This will allow you to enjoy long walks without feeling too tired. Even if you have experience carrying heavy backpacks, breathing the thin air of high altitude makes it much more difficult. 

A tip of 15% of what you pay to hire the guide & porter is recommended.


It is very important to have the right kind of equipment to enjoy any trek. Below is a generous list of the things you need to pack. Depending on your needs, you could pack more or less.

• Heavyweight gloves or mittens with a waterproof shell outer

• Down vest and/or jacket (optional)

• Fleece or wool pants

• Hiking boots with spare laces

• Thick Wool Hiking Socks

• Footwear For Around Camp (running shoes and/or sandals)

• Gaiters (optional)

• Thermal Base Layers

• Fleece Jacket

• Wind Breaker Jacket (optional)

• Waterproof Shell Jacket

• Thermal Gloves

• Underwear

• Hiking Pants

• Thermal Bottoms

• Sunglasses with UV protection (opt to but this at your home country)

• Sleeping bag rated to 0 degrees (3/4 season)

• Head Lamp , spare bulbs & batteries

• Small padlock to lock trek bag

• Plastic bags

• Daypack (35-40 litres/2500-3000 cubic inches)

• Sleeping Pad

• Water bottles

• Small Towel

• Waterproof Pants (preferably breathable fabric)

• Toiletries

• Basic first aid kit


It is safe to carry your electronic devices with you. But make sure to purchase a cover to insulate your devices from extreme temperatures. Nepal has acute electricity shortage so pack a lot of spare batteries just in case. In higher altitudes, the tea houses will charge you extra for charging your devices.


Langtang trek is one of the best ways to experience the Himalayas. It has its own special characteristics that make it worth experiencing. It may not be as famous as the Annapurna Base Camp or the Everest Base Camp , but the experience cannot be compared. I hope you have found this guide useful and enjoy your adventure!

For more of our top hiking & backpacking gear recommendations, check out these popular buyer's guides:

Best Hiking Backpacks

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Best Backpacking Sleeping Pads

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The Complete Guide To Trek Langtang Valley Independently

The Langtang range is the closest mountain range to Kathmandu . In fact it is only 6 or 7 hours drive no need to fly. Although the mountains in this area are not the highest in the country, there are several over 6000 m, and the views are magnificent! This valley, also known as the ‘valley of glaciers’ is the perfect introduction to trekking in the Himalayas in its close proximity to Kathmandu, the fact you can do this trek in eight days from start to end, the incredible views and the interesting Tibetan Buddhist culture of the local villages and people who you will meet on the way.

Being that it is not as well known as some other treks, you are less likely to meet many other trekkers on the trails. There are plenty of teahouses on the route which makes it possible to undertake this trek without a guide. But please see the section below on trekking with or without a guide. This area was badly impacted by the earthquake in 2015 but the teahouses have been rebuilt since then.

langtang valley trek

The highest point on the Langtang valley trek is 5000 m at Tserko Ri, where the sunrise is simply out of this world! But in general, you are not trekking above 4000 m. Passing through Langtang national park there is plenty of wonderful flora and fauna, including the renowned rhododendron forests. The mountains you will see on this trek include Dorje Lakpa (6990 m), Langtang Ri (6370 m) and Langtang Lirung (7245 m).

If you wish to trek longer, you can extend your time in Langtang by adding a trip to Gosaikunda Lake or Helambu to your itinerary.

Getting There

kathmandu to syafrubeshi

With no airport and no tourist bus, the only way to get to the start of the Langtang trek is to take a local bus or hire a private jeep. The views on the way from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi are pretty interesting though. You will drive along the Trishuli River, passed local villages and through the foothills.

Kathmandu To Syabrubesi By Local Bus

This will take around 6 to 7 hours and give you an authentic experience! And may be one you don’t want to repeat on the way back! But it is the cheaper option.

The bus leaves from Maccha Pokhari near the Gongabu New Bus Park and will cost you approximate USD 5 per person.

With several army checkpoints on the way, you have your passport and other permits ready if requested to show them.

Kathmandu To Syabrubesi By Private Jeep

By jeep it should take you around 5 to 6 hours to reach Syabrubesi and they can pick you up from your hotel so no need to make your way to the bus park early in the morning.

Most jeeps will take up to seven people, and cost around USD 160 to USD 180.

Trekking Permits For Langtang Valley

langtang valley trek permit

Two permits are required for the Langtang valley trek the Langtang National Park Entry Permit and a TIMS.

Langtang National Park Entry Permit

The national park permit will cost you USD 30 per person with no time restriction ie you can stay in Langtang as long as you wish with the same permit. But note it is valid for a single entry only. You can get your permit in Kathmandu or at the checkpoint on the trail. No photographs are required.

Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) Card

There are two types of TIMS Card depending if you are travelling with a guide or travelling without a guide. The cost is different too so remember to tell them when you go for your TIMS. This must be purchase in Kathmandu. Should you be trekking with an agency, the agency will organise and pick up the permit for you. One photograph is required.

If you are trekking without a guide, note that two photographs are required. The cost is different too, USD 20 for independent trekkers and USD 10 for those trekking with a guide.

You can buy your TIMS from the NTNC Office at the Nepal Tourism Board on Exhibition Road (15 minutes walk from Thamel). If you are travelling without a guide, you need to go yourself (And cannot buy for your travelling buddy), fill in the form, and pay the fee.

Note: You may see some information saying TIMS is not required for Langtang. It is true that after the earthquake in 2015 it was not necessary to have at TIMS in Langtang. However, the checkpoints were reestablished at the end of 2019 and it is now necessary to once again have at TIMS card to trek in Langtang.

Should You Go With Or Without A Guide?

langtang trek guide and porter

While you are allowed by the Government of Nepal to trek in Langtang independently, I strongly suggest you take a guide. Or at least buddy up with other trekkers do not go alone. Why? Well, despite this being a short and moderate trek, there have been cases in the past when independent trekkers went missing in Langtang. Here are links to some of these missing trekkers:

  • Thomas Wierks & Si Sung
  • Martin Udsen Overgaard
  • Liang Sheng Yue & Liu Chen Chun
  • Aubrey Sacco .

If you don’t want to go with a guide or porter, then please try to find others who are also trekking in this area and go with them. It’s always safer to trek with others as even a simple injury can become life threatening or heading down the wrong path can become a serious problem in the Himalayas. There are online platforms to find trekking partners, such as Trekking Partners .

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Do The Langtang Valley Trek?

Kyanjin Gompa Sunrise

Overall, the best time to trek in the Langtang valley is mid March to end of May and then again in mid September to the end of December. In the Spring the trails will be full of blooming flowers which enhances the experience. Remember that September to December will be a busier time on the trails as it is peak season in this region.

While you can trek these trails in the winter as there are no high passes to cross I do not recommend you go in winter.

I also do not recommend going in the monsoon. This is a time of landslides in the Langtang Region because of the rains. So avoid going in June, July and August.

Langtang Valley Trek Itinerary

local in langtang

This trek is eight days long, which included one day driving to the start of the trek and one day driving back to Kathmandu so six hiking days. The trek also loops back so it is the same way in as out. On average you will be walking 6 to 7 hours a day through moderate trekking conditions.

Please see the itinerary below:

[table id=11 /]

Langtang Trek Map

langtang valley trek map

I recommend you buy a printed map to take along on this trek. In the meantime, to assist in your planning stage, you can use this online map .

Food And Accommodation On The Langtang Valley Trek

langtang trek without guide

This is a teahouse trek so expect the lodges to have only basic accommodation. Note, there are no ‘upgrades’ or 4 start trekking lodges as can be found in some locations in Everest Region. You can expect a tiny room, probably with twin beds, and a shared bathroom. You cannot book your accommodation online so if you are travelling without a guide, you will have to accept what is available at the end of the day.

Most of the teahouses have a wide variety of food available. The options for vegetarians are good, probably better than non veg items.

Langtang Trek Cost

langtang trek cost

So how much will it cost to trek in the Langtang Region?

Naturally it depends on the number of people in your group and the services included in your package. But to trek through an agency can range from USD 500 to USD 1200.

To trek independently, could be as cheap as USD 300, roughly broken down as follows:-

  • Permits USD 50
  • Local transport USD 10
  • Food and accommodation approximately USD 30 per day

This of course is the very basic cost. Not allowing for extras at dinner time beer for example! So it’s always good to carry a little extra cash!

kynajin ri langtang

If you have little time or want to add another trek to your Nepal trekking itinerary, Langtang is ideal. It’s also a good option if you don’t want take a domestic flight. As mentioned, it is possible to do this trek without a guide. But I do not recommend you travel completely alone. Find a friend to go with you! The altitude is not so high as on some other treks, but the mountains, landscape and villages are just as stunning!

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Conquering the Langtang Trek: Your Ultimate Guide (2024 Edition)

Conquering the Langtang Trek: Your Ultimate Guide (2024 Edition)

Embark on an Unforgettable Journey in the Langtang Valley

The Himalayas beckon with their snow-capped peaks and dramatic landscapes, but treks in Nepal can sometimes feel synonymous with hefty price tags. Enter the Langtang Trek, a hidden gem offering stunning scenery without breaking the bank.

A Trek Tailored for Different Paces

While Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Base Camp steal the spotlight, the Langtang Trek caters to trekkers seeking a shorter adventure. Clocking in at roughly 77 kilometers (48 miles), it’s achievable in 5-7 days, making it ideal for those with limited time or a desire for a more relaxed pace. Don’t be fooled by the shorter distance, though. The Langtang rewards committed hikers with challenging ascents that will test your legs, particularly on the climb to Kyanjin Gompa, the heart of the trek. Here, you’ll find yourself surrounded by towering peaks like Langtang Lirung, the valley’s crown jewel.

A Landscape of Duality

The beauty of the Langtang lies in its diverse tapestry. The lower regions unveil a lush jungle environment, teeming with exotic flora like banana trees and even playful monkeys. Keep your eyes peeled for colorful birds like pheasants and crimson hornbills flitting through the dense foliage. As you gain altitude, the scenery dramatically transforms, revealing a majestic realm of towering glaciers and snow-capped peaks. This duality keeps the trek exciting, offering a constant sense of discovery around every bend. You might even be lucky enough to spot elusive Himalayan tahr, a wild goat species known for its impressive agility on these steep slopes.

A Cultural Immersion

The Langtang Valley is also home to the Tamang people, a community with a rich cultural heritage. Their influence is evident in the traditional stone houses and prayer flags that dot the landscape. Consider incorporating the Tamang Heritage Trek, a 3-day side adventure, into your itinerary. This detour delves deeper into Tamang villages, allowing you to witness their way of life firsthand. You might even get the chance to sample some of their traditional cuisine, like a hearty bowl of thukpa, a noodle soup perfect for warming you up after a long day on the trail.

Planning Your Langtang Trek Adventure

Seasonality: The best time to embark on the Langtang Trek is during the spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November) months. These shoulder seasons offer pleasant trekking conditions with clear skies and comfortable temperatures. The monsoon season (June-August) should be avoided due to heavy rains and potential landslides.

Permits and Logistics: You’ll need a TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) permit, readily obtainable in Kathmandu. For trekkers planning to venture beyond Kyanjin Gompa, an ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Permit) might also be required. Consider hiring a local guide for a more enriching experience and to navigate the permit process. They can also help you find the best teahouses and arrange transportation to the trailhead.

Gear Up: While the lower trails might not necessitate heavy-duty gear, pack for changeable weather conditions as you ascend. Sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support are essential for traversing uneven terrain. Warm layers, including a fleece jacket and thermals, will come in handy for chilly mornings and evenings at higher altitudes. Don’t forget a good raincoat and a hat to shield yourself from the sun’s harsh rays.

Embrace the Simple Life: The Langtang caters to budget-conscious travelers. Accommodation is typically teahouses, offering basic yet comfortable lodging and delicious local fare. Be prepared to embrace a simpler way of life, swapping fancy hotels for cozy rooms with shared bathrooms. But here’s the beauty: the warmth and hospitality of the teahouse owners often make up for any lack of luxury. Revel in the opportunity to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, surrounded by the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas.

The Langtang Trek: More Than Just a Hike

The Langtang Trek is an experience that goes beyond conquering a mountain path. It’s a journey that unveils breathtaking landscapes, introduces you to a unique culture, and allows you to reconnect with yourself amidst the tranquility of the Himalayas. You’ll return home with memories etched deeper than any souvenir, a newfound appreciation for nature’s grandeur, and a heart brimming with the satisfaction of pushing your limits and achieving something truly special. So, lace up your boots, grab your backpack, and embark on this budget-friendly adventure into the heart of Nepal’s natural wonders.

Trekking Packages

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langtang trek without guide


langtang trek without guide

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Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley is a classic trekking destination, located only 61.8km away from aerial distance, north of Kathmandu.

Although the Langtang Valley Trek is relatively short, accessible, and cheap, the trails are quieter with less number of trekkers compared to other classic trekking destinations in Nepal .

The trek is ideal for both experienced trekkers as well as novice travel enthusiasts. This trek provides an incredible opportunity to traverse through beautiful Tamang villages, diverse landscapes, eye-catching waterfalls, high Himalayan valleys, monasteries, and densely forested areas.

The mountain trails to Langtang also offers you a spectacular sight of the glaciers and mountains including Langtang Lirung, Ganesh Himal, Jugal Himal, Dorje Lakpa, and Ganja La Pass.

Protected as Langtang National Park , it is home to an abundance of exotic animals and birds. On a lucky day, you may spot plenty of wild animals including red panda, langur, musk deer, snow leopards, Himalayan tahr along with birds like Himalayan monal, white-winged redstart, and the snow Patridge.

Before the catastrophic earthquake in 2015, Langtang used to be one of the most commercial trekking destinations in Nepal. The region was severely affected and damaged by the earthquake. Some of the villages in the region were destroyed and buried under the rubble. However, after massive reconstruction and renovation efforts, the area is now open for the trekkers.

Table of Content

Langtang Valley Trek Facts

Highlights of langtang valley trek.

  • Langtang Valley is a relatively short and accessible trekking destination with a fantastic Himalayan experience.
  • Relish the beautiful spectacles of Langtang Lirung, Ganesh Himal, Manaslu, and Jugal Himal.
  • Breathtaking climb to the vantage point of Tserko Ri at the elevation of 5033m.
  • Explore the beautiful Tamang villages and get a more in-depth insight into their cultures and heritages.
  • Opportunity to witness rare animals like the red panda, snow leopard, langur, and musk deer.
  • Explore the ancient monastery of Kyanjin Gompa.

Getting There and Away

Langtang Valley Trek

Start of the Trek

Your journey to Langtang Valley Trek begins with a 7-hour drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. The drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi covers the total distance of 122km. Although reasonably short in distance, there is still no luxury transportation services available for this region. You can drive to Syabrubesi either by local bus or local/private jeep.

The local bus departs from Machhapokhari every morning from 7 to 9 AM. The bus fare may cost you from $6 to $8 depending upon the different transportation companies. The main discomfort while driving on a local bus is congested seats and too many passengers.

The local jeep will cost about $8 to $10 per person on a sharing basis. You can take these jeeps from Machhapokhari as well. They depart every morning from 6:30 to 9 AM.

If you’re willing to hire a private jeep, it’ll cost you around $150 for a group of 6-7 travelers.

The road condition you travel along reveals its pathetic and rough forms. The highway from Kathmandu to Trishuli Bazaar is good with a narrow winding road.  However, once you drive further from Trishuli Bazaar, the road becomes rough and bumpy. Along the way, you come to experience some dreadful landslides.

End of the Trek

Since both starting point and endpoint of Langtang Valley Trek is at Syabrubesi, you’ll be retracing the route backward from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu at the end of the trek.

You’ll have similar transportation options while traveling from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu.

Outline Itinerary of Langtang Valley Trek – 8 Days

Lantang valley trek detailed 8 days itinerary, day 1: drive from kathmandu (1,400m) to syabru besi (1,550m) – 7 to 8 hours.

Syabru Besi

The adventure of Langtang Valley Trek begins with a 7-hour drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi. You can either take a local bus from Macchapokhari or hire a jeep to Syabru Besi.

As soon as the bus departs from Kathmandu, the road climbs over the ridge offering majestic views of Ganesh Himal, Manaslu, and Annapurna. The condition of the highway is extremely rocky and rough with tons of potholes and small ditches.

You’ll be driving alongside the Trishuli river for most of the day. Driving past the bustling town of Trisuli, the road leads towards Dhunche, the administrative center of Rasuwa District. Make sure to keep your TIMS card and National Park Permit in an easily accessible place as you’ll need to show them at the Park Gate right before Dhunche. After driving for another hour downhill from the town of Dhunche, you’ll reach Syabru Besi.

Day 2: Trek from Syabru Besi (1,550m) to Lama Hotel (2,380m) – 6 to 7 hours

Lama Hotel

You’ll start the trek from Syabru Besi by crossing the bridge over the Ying Yang River. The trail ascends and descends simultaneously through the dense sub-tropical forest alongside Langtang Khola.

As the trek continues, oak and rhododendron trees dominate the surroundings. While walking in the woods, make sure to watch out for the langur monkeys. The trail goes steep and slightly strenuous through the forest up to Lama Hotel.

Day 3: Trek from Lama Hotel (2,380m) to Mundu (3,430m) via Langtang Village – 6 to 7 hours

Langtang Village

On this day, the forest trail continues through plenty of waterfalls and occasional glimpses of Langtang Lirung. At Ghoda Tabela, the path emerges out of the woodlands into the lush green meadow. The snow-capped peaks of the Langtang range begin to appear on either side of the valley.

The trail further continues to a gentle uphill, passing a few temporary settlements towards Langtang village. Before the 2015 earthquake, Langtang village was once a bustling settlement with plenty of teahouses and lodges. A massive rock field surrounds the entire valley. Mundu village is only half an hour away from Langtang village.

Day 4: Trek from Mundu (3,430m) to Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m) – 3 hours

Kyanjin Gompa

Today, the trail continues gradually passing water mills, chortens, prayer flags, and sacred mounds of rocks with carved inscriptions. The route heads upwards to a yak pasture where the sight becomes more extensive with the mountain views.

As you cross over some moraines and small streams, you’ll reach Kyanjin Gompa. Since this is the shortest day of the trek, you’ll arrive at Kyanjin Gompa by lunchtime. So, if you do not want to spend the day resting, we recommend you head towards Langshisha Kharka for incredible views.

Day 5: Excursion to Tserko Ri (5,000m) – 5 to 6 hours

Tserko Ri

Hike up to the vantage point at Tserko Ri to relish the incredible sights of the mountains, glaciers, and the Langtang valley. Tserko Ri marks the highest elevation point of the trek at 5,000m above sea level.

Since you’ll return to Kyanjin Gompa by the afternoon, you can also explore the ancient monastery of the village. Additionally, you can also visit the cheese factory and glacier.

Day 6: Trek from Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m) to Lama Hotel (2,380m) – 6 to 7 hours

Tea House in Langtang Valley

On this day, you retrace the route from Kyanjin Gompa back to Lama Hotel. The way follows back alongside the Langtang River through Mundu village to Ghoda Tabela. The trail is mostly downhill throughout the day. Upon reaching Ghoda Tabela, you’ll continue descending on a steep downhill to Lama Hotel.

Day 7: Trek from Lama Hotel (2,380m) to Syabru Besi (1,550m) – 6 to 7 hours

Langtang Valley Trek

Two different trails lead to Syabru Besi. You can either retrace the route enjoying the forest from Lama Hotel or you can take a detour from Rimche via Sherpa Gaun to Syabru Besi.

The detour from Rimche takes much longer to arrive at Syabru Besi, but this spectacular route is worth the time.

Day 8: Drive from Syabru Besi (1,550m) to Kathmandu (1,400m) – 8 to 10 hours


On the final day, you drive back from Syabru Besi to Kathmandu. If you’re early, you can catch a local bus from here. Otherwise, you can also take a local jeep for a slightly convenient experience. It takes about 7-8 hours to drive from Syabru Besi to Kathmandu.

Langtang Valley and Gosainkunda Extension

Langtang Valley and Gosainkunda Extension

If time permits, you can combine the Langtang Valley Trek with Gosainkunda. The trek offers remote trails with spectacular views of the mountains at Langtang and high Himalayan lake at Gosainkunda.

Gosainkunda, a holy glacial lake at an elevation of 4,380m, is a shrine of Hindus. The diverse landscapes, lush green forest, terraced fields, hills, and scenic mountain views make Gosainkunda one of the most stunning trekking destinations in Nepal.

Langtang Valley Trek with Gosainkunda Extension begins with a drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi and then follows through the Langtang Valley. The trail to Gosainkunda connects from Thulo Syapru while retracing the route back from Langtang Trek. The path is quite steep from Thulo Syabru to Sing Gompa and up to the pristine lake of Gosainkunda.

Best Time to Travel in Langtang Region

Best Time to Travel Langtang

Trekking to Langtang Valley is possible throughout the year. However, Spring season (March to May) right after the cold winter and in Autumn season (September to November) right after the soaking monsoon are two most popular periods to visit the Langtang region.

In most of the days during the Autumn, the temperature remains moderate with a crystal clear sky. This means the temperature during this time of the year is perfect for walking. Also, you get to witness the incredible scenery of the Himalayas throughout the trek. However, the only drawback to trek at this time of the year is the crowded trails.

During the spring season, the temperature is slightly warmer during the day, and the sky looks hazy at times. This means the view may not be as exceptional as the Autumn.

Winter brings cold and harsh weather, especially at the higher elevations. Thick snow covers the trails making it hard to walk during winter. However, the skies are unclouded and reward magnificent sights. If you’re planning to trek to Langtang Valley during the winter, make sure to pack warm clothes and high-quality sleeping bags.

Monsoon is the least favorable time to go trekking in Langtang. The temperature is far too unstable with wet and slippery trails. Since dense forests dominate this region, the risk of leeches increases extensively. Trekking in monsoon demands proper preparation and packing.

Here’s a table indicating the details of average temperature and rainfall of different places en-route to Langtang Valley Trek:

How Difficult is Langtang Valley Trek?

Langtang Valley Trek Difficulty

Langtang Valley Trek is a short and moderate trek that does not require any technical skills or previous trekking experience. You can complete the entire trek in 8 to 10 days, walking 5 to 7 hours per day.

The most challenging section of Langtang Trek is the hike from Kyanjin Gompa to Tserko Ri. The trail to Tserko Ri is mostly steep uphill on the rocky Himalayan terrain. However, on most days, the path is easy and comfortable with a pleasant walk.

The highest elevation point in Langtang Valley Trek is 5,000m above sea level. Therefore, Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is one of the significant threats while trekking in Langtang. You are required to take all the necessary precautions while traveling in such high elevation. Insist on drinking plenty of water, and be aware of the symptoms of AMS.

The weather in the Himalayas is always unpredictable, especially in the upper reaches. Therefore, it is essential to pack all the necessary equipment while trekking in Langtang Valley. If you’re planning to trek during monsoon season, stay cautious on the trail. There are plenty of landslide-prone areas en-route to Langtang Valley.

While this trek may be relatively easy for experienced trekkers, it does demand a certain level of physical fitness and attitude. One proper way to keep yourself fit for the trek is to engage in cardio-oriented exercises.

What Permits are Requied for Langtang Valley Trek?

Langtang Valley Trek Permit

You only require two different permits —  TIMS Card (Trekking Information Management System) and Langtang National Park Entry Permit, while trekking to Langtang Valley.

There are three types of TIMS Card; blue for organized group trekkers, green for individual travelers, and a pink one for SAARC nationals. You can acquire TIMS Card from Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) or Trekkers Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN) Secretariat in Kathmandu.

Since you’ll be trekking through the Langtang National Park also need an exclusive National Park Permit to enter the area. The permit is available in Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu, or you can also get them from the entry gate at Dhunche.

While issuing a TIMS Card, you’ll require your passport, four passport size photos, insurance details, and contact details of someone in Nepal.

Here’s the price of the permits required for Langtang Valley Trek:

Insurance for the Trek

Having travel insurance is an excellent idea if you’re planning to trek to Langtang Valley. While trekking in such high elevations, you may come across unexpected situations. Therefore, it is essential to get travel insurance for Langtang Trek.

Make sure to choose a policy that covers emergency helicopter evacuation, medical costs, natural disasters, theft, and losses. While several companies provide travel insurance, we advise you to get it from World Nomads. The best thing about World Nomads is that you can claim, buy, or extend the policy anytime online from anywhere — even while traveling.

Guided VS Independent

Guided VS Independent Trek Langtang

Since Langtang Valley Trek is a moderate walk, you can do it both independently or with a guide. If you’re planning a solo adventure and have prior trekking experience, this trek is an excellent choice for you. The route does not disperse into other trails, and occasional signposts mark the entire trail. Therefore, the risk of taking the wrong path is very minimal.

Altitude is the primary threat while trekking to Langtang Valley. Stay aware and precautious regarding this factor.

Trekking independently is relatively cheaper than hiring a guide, but you need to deal with hassles of transportation, teahouses, food and permit. It is always handy to have an experienced guide at high altitude treks. The guide will assist you throughout the trek and will make sure of your safety.

An experienced guide will also know about the place, culture, people, and the mountains. You’ll also get more in-depth information about the valley if you hire an experienced guide.

Accommodation and Food

Accommodation in Langtang Valley

On Langtang Valley Trek, you will mostly stay at the teahouses, which provide rooms, food, and basic amenities like wifi, hot shower, and charging facilities. On the lower reaches of Langtang Valley Trek, you will get high standard rooms with attached bathrooms. These teahouses will offer standard services but may charge you higher than normal rates. Some of the teahouses provide device charging facilities at free of cost.

As you get higher on the trail, teahouses provide only essential services with twin shared rooms. The rooms have two single beds, a thin mattress, a pair of bedsheets, and a cushion. The toilets are usually on a sharing basis without the facility of running water. You’ll have to pay the additional amount for a hot shower, wifi, and charging facilities.

These teahouses also have their restaurant, serving meals to the guests. The choices in the menu are limited, but portions of the food will be quite substantial and filling. Generally, the menu offers Dal Bhat, chowmein, omelet, fried potatoes, pancakes, Tibetan bread, and soups. The non-veg items include yak meat, canned fish, and chicken.

Langtang Valley Trek Cost

Langtang Valley Trek Cost

The plenty of factors like trek duration, transportation, type of trek, and season determine the cost of the trek. On average, the total cost of 8-day Langtang Valley Trek can be around US$ 300-400.

You’ll require TIMS Card and Langtang National Park Entry Permits to trek to Langtang Valley. For individual trekkers, the cost of the TIMS Card is US$ 18 while for group trekkers, it is US$ 9 her head. Additionally, the National Park Entry Permit costs US$ 27 per person.

The charge of the teahouses depends on season. Generally, the rooms in Langtang will cost approximately US$ 5 to 10 per night with an additional US$ 4 to 6 per meal.

A local bus from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi will cost about US$ 6-8 per person at par various transport companies. You can also take a local jeep that will cost you around US$ 8-10. Additionally, you can also hire a private jeep for $150 for a group of 6 to 7 people.

If you hire a licensed guide, they will charge you US$ 22 to 25 per day. If you hire a porter,  it’ll cost you approximately US$ 15 to 18 per day. If you want to hire a porter-guide, they’ll charge you US$ 18 to 20 per day.

Packing List for Langtang Valley Trek

Packing List for Langtang Valley Trek

  • Duffel Bags
  • Trekking Shirt: Pack at least 5 to 7 shirts balancing both long and short.
  • Trekking Trousers: Carry a minimum of 2 trekking trousers with a couple of shorts.
  • Base Layer: Pack a couple of wool base layers to stay protected from the cold in the upper reaches of the trek.
  • Insulation Layer: We recommend you pack a high-quality fleece jacket.
  • Outer Layer: Carry a warm and waterproof jacket for extreme weather.
  • Waterproof Shell Jacket: Pack a pair of waterproof jackets for wet weather.
  • Breathable Underwear: Minimum 5 to 6 pairs of breathable underwear.
  • Hiking Boots: Invest in high-quality waterproof hiking boots. Make sure the boot is lightweight and comfortable.
  • Trainers/Sandals: It is handy to carry a pair of trainers or sandals.
  • Hiking Socks: You should carry 4-6 pairs of breathable hiking socks.
  • Thermal Socks: A pair of thermal socks to keep your feet protected from the cold in the higher altitudes.

Head Wears:

  • Sun Protection Hat: Carry a protection hat to protect your face from the harsh sun.
  • Beanie: An absolute must to keep yourself warm, especially during the evening and night.
  • Buff/Neck Gaiter: This small piece of gear comes in handy to protect your neck from the cold winds and also helps you stay protected from the dust.
  • Inner Gloves: Pack light inner gloves as they can be useful when the temperature is moderate.
  • Outer Gloves: You’ll be wearing them in the upper reaches of the trek. Outer gloves need to be insulated, warm, and waterproof.

Sleeping Bags:

Sleeping bags are the most crucial gears while trekking in the Langtang region. With basic rooms and sleeping facilities, you can never rely on the teahouses for warm, decent blankets.

Therefore, we advise you to invest in a high-quality, 4-season sleeping bag while trekking in Langtang.

Important Accessories:

  • Trekking Poles
  • Water Bottle
  • Basic Medical Kits
  • UV Protection Sunglasses
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Sunscreen/Lip Balm
  • Trekking Towels
  • Portable Chargers

Network Information

Both Ncell and NTC networks do not work in the Langtang Valley. Once you depart from Kathmandu, NTC services are not available, and Ncell works only up to Lama Hotel. Sky Network is the most preferred telecommunication service in the Langtang Valley. Sky Network works throughout the entire trek, from the lower reaches up to the higher elevations.

Remember, phone services may not be consistent throughout the entire region. Due to the inconsistency of networks, the mobile internet will also be unstable. However, most of the teahouses do provide WiFi facilities, but it might cost you a few extra bucks.

The majority of the teahouses in Langtang have landline phones. In case of emergencies, landline phones are the best way to connect with your emergency contacts.

Useful Tips for Langtang Valley Trekking

Useful Tips for Langtang Valley Trekking

  • While trekking in the upper reaches of Langtang Valley, you’re in a constant threat of suffering from acute mountain sickness (AMS). It is crucial to drink more water and take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself from altitude sickness.
  • Packing the right equipment is essential while trekking to Langtang Valley. If you do not wish to buy all the expensive trekking gears, we advise you to rent them in Kathmandu.
  • Although Langtang Valley Trek is a relatively moderate trek, it requires a certain level of physical fitness. We suggest you engaging in cardio-oriented activities like cycling, swimming and running, a month before the trek.
  • It is not advisable to buy bottled waters as they pollute the trekking trail. We highly recommend you to fill up the water at the teahouses and use water purifiers to treat the water.
  • Invest in high-quality hiking boots. If you’re planning to trek to Langtang Valley during monsoon or winter, buy waterproof boots that have sturdy soles.
  • Before you go for trekking to Langtang Valley, get proper travel insurance that covers both medical costs and helicopter evacuation.
  • Carry enough cash on the trek. ATMs are not available on the trail.

Accommodation in Kathmandu

Recommended travel agencies for langtang valley trek.

  • Himalayas on Foot
  • Magical Nepal
  • Mosaic Adventure
  • Nepal Eco Adventure

Recommended Books and Guidebooks

  • A Trekking Guide to Langtang
  • Lonely Planet Nepal (Travel Guide)
  • The Rough Guide to Nepal
  • Trekking in Langtang, Helambu & Gosainkund
  • Climate Change and the Extreme Events in the Himalayas
  • High Adventure
  • The Snow Leopard

1.   Is it possible to do the Langtang Valley Trek solo/independently?

Langtang Valley Trek is a short and moderate walk in the Himalayas of Nepal. It is possible to do solo as well as in a group. The trail does not diverge in multiple routes and it occasionally marks the signposts. So, the trekkers do not stray off the path.

2.   How likely am I to suffer from Acute Mountain Sickness in Langtang Valley Trek?

Keep in mind, Langtang Valley Trek exceeds the elevation of 3000m above sea level. Once you cross the height of 3000m, the possibility of suffering from altitude sickness becomes higher. Therefore, it is crucial to drink more water and take the necessary precautions to stay safe from AMS.

3.   What type of accommodation can I expect in Langtang Trek?

In the lower region of Langtang, there are plenty of high standard lodges and teahouses that provide quality services. However, these teahouses are relatively expensive than the common one.

In the upper reaches of the trek, the teahouses offer rooms in sharing basis and other basic facilities.

4.   Is it safe to drink water in Langtang Valley Trek?

No, it is not safe to drink water directly from local streams or taps while trekking in the Langtang region. Bottled water is quite expensive on the trail. It is advisable to carry your bottle and fill the water in the teahouses. Carry water purifiers or SteriPen purifiers to treat the water before drinking.

5.   Do I need travel insurance before trekking to Langtang Valley?

While travel insurance is not mandatory, it is highly advisable to have one in high altitude treks. Even though Langtang Valley is a short and moderate, trekking in such high elevation is risky. Therefore, it is advisable to have proper travel insurance that covers all the necessary costs.

Langtang Valley Trek is a short and moderate trek in the Himalayas of Nepal. Easily accessible from Kathmandu, this trek is an excellent opportunity that rewards trekkers with authentic experience and warm hospitality.

Langtang Trek is an ideal choice for people who are looking to escape the massive crowd of Everest and Annapurna. It offers a diverse landscape, unique culture, beautiful scenery, and panoramic mountain spectacles.

Langtang Valley is also a perfect adventure destination to discover rare wildlife and plants. Carrying a decent camera is highly advisable as this trek offers plenty of opportunities to capture picture-perfect photographs.

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Langtang Trek 7 Days

The Langtang  is the nearest Himalayan trekking region from the Kathmandu Valley. A few hours drive from Kathmandu can take you to the beautiful  Langtang region . Despite its proximity to the Kathmandu City, the Langtang Region is as wild as any Tibetan highlands with an idyllic rural landscape.

The people living in the highlands of the Langtang region are from Tibetan Origin, hence they look like Tibetans . Langtang region is one of the most popular trekking regions for those wishing for a trek from Kathmandu into the Himalayas influenced by Tibetan culture and lifestyle within 7 days.

7-day Langtang Trek takes the trekkers through its forests and among the villages and farmlands of its people, many of who are of Tibetan origin. Once an important trading route with Tibet, this influence is reflected in the character of the villages and peoples.

During part of the Langtang trek, you will be walking through National Park, and though wildlife is never easy to spot in a forest setting, there are chances of seeing some interesting animals and birds. Among those found in the park are monkeys, musk deer, pika and the national bird of Nepal, the colourful danphe.

The Langtang Trek, from Langtang village, the track continues to Kyangjin Gompa (3,740meters). This is the site of the Yala Cheese Factory. There is a STOL airstrip at Chhaldang, a short distance east of Kyangjin. Visiting the Yala Cheese Factory (4.633meters) and the small lakes beyond Yala are worthwhile. Yala can be reached within half a day from Kyangjin Gompa.

From Kyangjin Gompa, a continuation to the pastures of Langshisa (4.084meters) offers the good views of numerous glaciers. There are some huts in Langsisa that can be reached within one day’s walk from Kyangjin Gompa.

Langtang Trek Difficulty

Is it difficult to trek to Langtang? The trek in the Langtang is considered a moderate trek. Unlike moderate treks, walks and altitudes are longer than easy treks. The route is steeply climbing or descending in some places. You will need an average level of physical fitness in order to enjoy the trek.

However, a moderate trek does not require as much skill, knowledge However, moderate trekking does not require as much skill, knowledge and experience as difficult trekking. Even if it’s your first trekking experience, it might be a nice choice to start with Langtang. Rest enough if you’re overweight or senior and break the walk into short walks.

Best Time to Trek Langtang

When to Trek Langtang? Spring (March to May ) and Autumn (September to November ) are the best time to trek Langtang Valley. You can enjoy the rhododendron filled forests during Spring and you will see beautiful clear mountain views in Autumn. The weather during these seasons is warm and stable with a temperature range of 10 °C-15 ° C. There is also no chance of rainfall so you can walk on the trekking trails freely.

To see the magic view of the snow-capped peaks, you can choose a winter trek, but the weather and climate may make your trek more difficult. In higher altitudes, the temperature drops down to below 0° C. Cold winds, slippery trails, and heavy snowfall can make the trek difficult.

In the Langtang region, if want to do 10 to 15-day trek, then you can also combine with the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, Helambu Trek or Tamang Heritage Trail if your time allows, which will give you a nice trip of the Langtang region.

For those who want to trek this off the beaten track and see something completely different from many of the more touristy areas in the country, this is a perfect trek.

Upon your arrival in the Kathmandu airport after completing your custom formalities Visa, etc. pick up your luggage and look for our airport representative from Himalaya Discovery, who will display your name on the board at the arrival gate. You will be greeted by our representative and transferred to your hotel by private tourist vehicle. Overnight in Kathmandu.

Leave Kathmandu early in the morning for the 6 hours bus journey to the Langtang Valley Trek. Your guide will assist you to get the bus from Machhapokhari to Syabrubesi. Your drive begins at 7:00 AM.

You will enjoy the beautiful view of landscapes, villages and winding roads along with the massive Trishuli River. After your thrilling 6 hours bus ride you will reach Syabrubesi (1,500m).

Your first day is completed. You will have leisure time in which you can have a tour of Syabrubesi and enjoy time with villagers. Overnight at guesthouse.

Today, the first part of the trail crosses through Bhote Koshi and follows the Langtang Khola. This trail gradually ascents up to Bamboo passing through Landslide.

Afterward, your trek ascends gently to Rimche (2400 meters) through Bamboo (1960 meters) which lies at the bank of Langtang Khola. You can have lunch at this place if you like and at the end, your trail is level to the Lama hotel. En route you could see red pandas, monkeys and bears if you are lucky. Overnight at guesthouse.

From lama hotel, we continue gently ascending above the Langtang Khola. As the trail progresses, it becomes steeper. From time and again we can have the most exotic sights of Langtang Lirung lying at 7246 meters.

The trail leads to a log bridge and on climbing further we come across lush meadows of Ghoda-tabela at 2992 meters. We will see several lodges and a police check post. Further on, the route opens up into a wide valley of yak pastures and scattered Tamang villages showcasing water-driven mills and prayer wheels.

On descending for a while, we arrive at Langtang village after crossing a stream and reaching to the height 3430 meters.

Langtang village is the headquarters for Langtang National Park and has flat-roofed Tibetan style houses, hotels and cultivated lands yielding buckwheat, potatoes, wheat, turnips, barley etc. Overnight at guesthouse.

The trail skirts gradually through rich yak pastures and interesting traditional villages of Mundu to Singdun. We cross a wooden cantilever bridge and reach a wide valley after climbing a moraine.

Finally, on ascending along the mountain passes we arrive at Kyagjin Gompa. There is a small monastery and a government-operated cheese factory. Overnight at guesthouse.

We start hiking downhill, bringing our Langtang Trek Nepal towards the end. After breakfast, we leave Kyangjin. As we walk downward, we pass through a dense forest of Rhododendron and Pine. We hike back to the Lama Hotel, passing through dense forests and several waterfalls.

This allows you to take in the scenery of the beautiful mountains that you may have missed during your ascend. Walking through more Tamang villages, we get to Lama hotel by evening. Overnight at guesthouse.

Today, we have two options. We can either retrace our same route or take a more interesting route via Rimche. On the way to Rimche, we visit the village of Sherpa Gaon for lunch and get to Syabrubesi by evening.

Or, we walk through oak and rhododendron forests before returning to Syabrubesi and saying goodbye to the Himalayan wilderness. Before our Langtang Trek route concludes, feel free to stroll around the local market. Overnight at guesthouse.

Following your breakfast, early morning you can catch a coach and head back to Kathmandu. It takes you around 6 hours to reach Kathmandu.

In the evening we will have a farewell dinner in a traditional Nepalese restaurant with cultural performances.

Today, you can either stay back and enjoy a free day in Kathmandu or leave for your respective countries.

Our representatives will drop you off at the airport according to your flight schedule.

What to Expect

Price includes.

  • Airport transfers pick-up and drop-off.
  • Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during the trek.
  • Hot drinks tea/coffee three times a day.
  • All accommodation during the trek.
  • All necessary paper works, Langtang National park entry permit.
  • Trekking information management system (TIMS) permit.
  • From Kathmandu – Syabrubeshi – Kathmandu by bus or Private transport.
  • English speaking, trained government license holder Guide.
  • Porter to carry your luggage during the trek (1 porter for 2 trekkers)
  • Accommodation / salary / food / drinks / insurance / equipment / medicine and transport for all staff.
  • Medical supplies (first aid kit will be available)
  • Walking stick (if it is required)
  • Himalaya Discovery duffel bag.
  • All government taxes.
  • Farewell dinner with culture show.

Price Excludes

  • International airfare and Nepal entry visa, you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu.
  • Tips for guide/porter (tipping is expected)
  • Travel insurance which covers emergency Rescue and Evacuation.
  • Any others expenses which are not mentioned on the 'Price Includes' section.

Langtang Trek Map

langtang trek without guide

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • Sherpa Local Guide
  • No Booking Fees & No hidden Fees
  • Local Operators
  • Total Duration 7 Days
  • Difficulty Easy to Moderate
  • Group Size Min. 2 to Max. 16 Persons
  • Best Season February to May and September to November
  • Max Altitude 3,798m.
  • Average Walking per day 4 to 5 hours.
  • Starting and Ending Point of Trek Syabrubesi / Syabrubesi
  • Trek Region Langtang

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“ I was born and raised in Nepal, nearby Everest region. I am proud to be a native Sherpa, and I have been a Mountain guide over a decade now. Following my passion, I decided to start helping travelers with their travel plans! I think life is a journey, a trip where you collect experiences when you share with other people and with nature. “

langtang trek without guide

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langtang trek without guide

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Himalayan Local Guide – Professional Trekking Guide in Nepal

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  • Pikey Peak Trek - 8 Days
  • Solo Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Everest Cho La Pass Trekking - 16 Days
  • Short Everest Base Camp Trek - 9 Days
  • Gokyo Lake Trek - 12 Days
  • Shivalaya To Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Phaplu To Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Everest View Trek - 5 Days
  • Tengboche Monastery Trek - 9 Days
  • Everest 3 High passes Trek - 19 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Via Gokyo Lakes Trek - 16 days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek - 12 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek - 14 Days
  • 13 Days Everest Base Camp Trek From Lukla
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek Solo
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek - 8 Days
  • Tilicho Lake Via Annapurna Thorong La Pass Trek
  • Mohare Danda Trek - 8 Days
  • Khopra Danda Trek - 7 Days
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek - 7 Days
  • Jomsom Muktinath Trek
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek With Tilicho Lake - 19 Days
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek Solo
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek Via Poon Hill Itinerary - 11 Days
  • Annapurna Thorong La Pass Trek With Local Trekking Guide
  • Mardi Himal Trek - 7 Days
  • Dhampus Sarangkot Trek - 5 Days
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek - 13 Days
  • Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek - 8 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek - 10 Days
  • Helambu Circuit Trek - 7 Days

Langtang Valley Trek Solo

  • Langtang Gosaikunda Pass Trek - 16 Days
  • Langtang Gosaikunda Short Trek
  • Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek
  • Tamang Heritage Trail Trek - 8 Days
  • Langtang Valley Trek - 7 Days
  • Ganja La Pass Trek - 12 Days

Langtang Trek - 5/6 Days

  • Langtang Valley Trek - 8 Days
  • Tamang Heritage And Langtang Valley Trek
  • Gosaikunda Lake Trek 5/6 Days
  • Tsum Valley Trek - 12 Days
  • Manaslu Trek - 16 Days
  • Manaslu And Annapurna Circuit Trek
  • Manaslu Tsum valley Trekking - 22 Days
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek - 12 Days
  • Nar Phu Valley Trek
  • Nar Phu Valley Via Annapurna circuit trek
  • Ruby Valley Ganesh Kunda Lake Trek
  • Nar Phu Valley Trek Solo - 10 Days
  • Local Trekking Guide Service For Upper Mustang Trek
  • Upper Mustang Valley Trekking
  • Upper Mustang Trek
  • Changu Narayan Nagarkot Day Hiking Trip
  • Nagarkot Sunrise View Tour From kathmandu
  • Local Culture Tour In Nepal
  • Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing Tour
  • Volunteer Tour In Nepal
  • Paldor Peak Climbing
  • Tent Peak Climbing
  • Island Peak Climbing
  • Yala Peak Climbing
  • Mera Peak Climbing
  • Best Season
  • Acute Mountain Sickness
  • Frequently Asked Questions
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  • Trekking Equipment
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  • Nepal Visa Information
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  • Privacy Policy
  • Why Himalayan Local Guide
  • Legal Documents


  • Cost Inc/Exc
  • Departure Date
  • Map / Video
  • Useful Info
  • Langtang Region Trekking

Duration 6 Days

Cost per Person US$ 420

  • No. Of Person Per Person
  • 10 & Above $420

Trip Specialist:

  • Destination : Nepal
  • Activity : Langtang Region Trekking
  • Duration : 6 Days
  • Trip Difficulty : Moderate
  • Group size : 1-20 Pax
  • Accommodation : Hotel/Lodge/Tea House
  • Meals included : Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Transportation : Bus/Car/Taxi
  • Trip starting point : Syabrubesi
  • Trip Ending point : Syabrubesi
  • Trip Altitude : 4993 Metres

Best season : March, April and May & September, October and November

  • Picturesque road drive from Kathmandu to Shyabrubesi.
  • Crosses Bhote Koshi River and Langtang Khola.
  • Ancients Buddhist Monastery at Kyanjin Gompa.
  • Explore the Cheese factory.
  • Panoramic views from Kyanjin Gompa.
  • Chances: to see wildlife Animals like; snow leopards, white Monkeys, and Red pandas.
  • Magnificent: views of (Langtang Lirung, Langtang II, Yala Peak, Dorje Lakpa), etc.
  • Sunrise: views from Kyanjin Ri(4810m) or Tser ko Ri (4998m).
  • Free airport picks up & Drop off.
  • First aid kid Medical Box.
  • Local Guide and Porters team.
  • Oximeter; to measure your Oxygen and pulse.
  • Trekking Route Map.
  • Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd Hiking T-shirt.
  • Down jacket and sleeping bags.

Trip Overview

Langtang trek in nepal: 5/6 days .

Are you looking for a short 5 to 6-day Langtang trek?  It is one of the best trips in Nepal. The Langtang trek surrounds several eye-catching landscapes, meadows, and antique Buddhist Monasteries. Langtang region trek offers us lots of surprises of nature where we stroll on the way to forests and get an astonishing observation of mountains and Glaciers passes the Buddhist religion, the Mani walls, Chortens, and ancient Buddhist temples to be good at with wish in Buddhism.

It is a moderate trek with miraculous scenery. The Langtang is a beautiful place due to its diversity and nature. This trek can be a side trip. As well as Tserko Ri is the highest viewpoint of this trip with a stunning Himalayas view from there.

Langtang Trip Itinerary: 2024/2025 – A chance to travel around local culture and Nature:

We begin at Syabru Besi   after a 7 to 8-hour drive from Kathmandu . We cross the Bhote Koshi River and pass the dense forests. We can see wildlife animals like; musk deer, Himalaya’s goats, Thars, Beers, snow leopards, and different kinds of Birds, etc. We arrived at the Lama Hotel. After, we continued walking in the pine and rhododendron forests, reaching Godatabel, Thankshep, and Langtang villages. The residents of Tamang show their hospitality with a hearty welcome. We trek and continue to Kyanjin Gompa. We will be having; one day extra for acclimatization by exploring the ancient monastery, Yak Cheese Factory, and we will hike to Kyanjin Ri or Tserko Ri for a Magical sunrise view of all Himalayas.

After enjoying the beauty of nature at Kyanjin Gompa , then return to the Lama Hotel, Syabrubesi, where take a bus to Kathmandu. It will take around 7/8 Hours. We will return to your Hotel.

 Is Langtang Trek Difficult?

The Langtang trip is Nepal’s ideal trekking destination. Most travelers/trekkers in good health and reasonable physical & fitness people can complete this itinerary without concern, and no previous trekking experience is required. However, this trip does reach elevations higher than 4,000 meters, and it’s most important to drink water and get plenty of rest to let your body adjust naturally to the increased altitude. However, your team leader will take care of your adjustment and ensure a safe and secure trek to Langtang Valley in Nepal.

We Organize if you are looking for a high challenge or want to spend a few extra days in the Nepal Himalayas, Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd is delighted to present a mass of alternative routes. Travelers/Trekkers have extra time to find the tour packages for  Langtang Valley Trek ,  Langtang Gosaikunda Short Trek ,  Tamang Heritage Trail Trek , and  Langtang Gosaikunda Helambu Trek . 

Book the 5 or 6-day Langtang Trekking with us; the trip costs are reasonable per your demand and group size. If you have a short holiday,  Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd  arranges the best guides and Porters from the same region.  WhatsApp +9779818141334

Trip Itinerary

Day 01: drive from kathmandu to syabrubesi and trek to pairo or bamboo (1970meters / 6,463 ft).

  • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Hotel/Lodge/Tea House

After an early morning breakfast, we will start our scenic drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi by local Bus sharing with other people. It takes around 7/8 hours reach, to Syabrubesi. After then, we start our trek, cross the Bhote Koshi River, and Old Syabrubesi, walk along the riverside and dense forests of pine and rhododendrons forests, and we reach Bamboo; we will stay overnight at Lodge.

Day 02: Trek from Bamboo to Langtang village (3560m / 11679 ft)

Today is our second-day journey. For the trip route, we will cross the Langtang Valley Khola. After then, we will follow the Langtang Valley Khola riverside through the lush green forest and terraced fields. We pass the delightful landscape of pine and rhododendron forests, hills, and waterfalls. We trek continue, ascending and descending reach, to Rimche Danda. Again we will climb the dense forest, the chance to see the including; Monkeys, Red pandas, Musk deer, and many different kinds of wild birds. We will enjoy the natural jungle and wild animals. Then, we continue to reach the Lama Hotel and Goda Tabela. Where; we will have a lunch break there. After finishing the delicious lunch, we will climb uphill to steeply Thangshep, old Langtang village, and reach New Langtang village. We will stay overnight at Lodge.

Day 03: Trek from Langtang village to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m / 12,696 ft)

Today will be our short and exciting day. After; breakfasts. We trek continues on our gradual ascent as; we pass through the small deserted village and meadows. This valley offers an amazing panoramic mountains view of Langtang II, Langtang Lirung, Tserko Ri, Dorje Lakpa Himal, and many more white snow-capped mountains. The trekking route goes along the flat and gradually up. We will cross the suspension bridge. Then we will reach Kyanjin Gompa. Where; can explore the ancient Buddhist Monastery and Yak Cheese factory?

Day 04: Hike to Kynjin Ri and trek back down to Lama Hotel (2450m/8038ft)

Today will be more of an exciting day. We have two hiking places there, Kyanjin Ri. So you will have to choose one. If; we hike to Kyanjin Ri. It will take around 2/3 hours to reach the viewpoint of Kyanjin Ri and back to the hotel. It will take around; 1 hour, from there if the blue sky. We will be able; to catch the beautiful sunrise with mountain views of Langtang II, Langtang Lirung, Yala Peak, Dorje Lakpa, and many more white snow-capped mountains. After we enjoy nature, we trek back down to Lama Hotel. We will stay overnight at Lodge.

Day 05: Lama Hotel - Syabrubesi (1462m/4796ft).

After; enjoying our delicious breakfast, we trek descending to Passe through the delightful villages of Bamboo and Phairo and reach Syabrubesi overnight at the lodge.

Day 06: Drive back to Kathmandu.

Today is the last day of the journey. After having breakfast, we will catch the local bus or jeep to Kathmandu. It takes around 7/8 hours to reach the final destination overnight at Thamel Kathmandu.

Cost Includes

  • Airport Pick up & drop by private car/van / Jeep / Hiace: depending on the Group Size.
  • Transportation services from Kathmandu – Syabrubesi – Kathmandu; by Bus.
  • All Meals on a Full Board basis BLD (Italian, Chinese, Indian, Nepali, and many European delicious food lunches, dinners, and breakfasts), Chosen by menu.
  • All necessary; Entry fees, including Langtang National Park permit and Tims Card (Trekking Information Management System) .
  • Government-trained English-speaking Guide.
  • Porters during the trek (2 Clients for 1 Porter) .
  • Trekking Lodges (Tea House/Home Stay) During the Trip.
  • Assistant Guide. For group 8 or above.
  • Approval of Certificate. After the successful trekking.
  • Supplementary; energy bar, crackers, Cookies, Halls, etc.
  • Seasonal fruits likes; Apples, and Oranges, etc.
  • First Aid kit box . (Guide will Carry).

Cost Excludes

  • Cold and Hard drinks, such as beer, mineral water, cock, Fanta, Whisky, etc.
  • Tea and Coffee .
  • Your expenses: laundry, telephone, WIFI, Hot Shower, Shopping, etc.
  • Your International airfare.
  • Nepal visa fee. (15 Days is 25 U$D, 30 Days is 40U$D and 90 Days — 100 U$D.
  • Hotel in Kathmandu with Lunch and Dinner .
  • Trekking equipment.
  • Travel insurance is just in case.
  • Tips for Guide and porters.

Fixed Departure Dates

Langtang Trek - 5/6 Days

FAQ's Before Travel

How long does it trek to the Langtang?

The Langtang trek trails; can be completed within 6 to 10 Days. It is a short and delightful destination in the Langtang area. 

What is the high elevation of the Langtang Region Trekking?

The main high elevation of Langtang Trek is 4750 meters.

When's the best time to trek?

(September – October – November - December), February – March – April – May) are the best time to trek around the Langtang Region trekking. Both seasons; are highly recommended for this trek. 

Do I need to bring my sleeping bag and Down jacket?

Yes, if you have your sleeping bag and down jacket, better to bring them but, if you do not have them, Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd will provide a quality sleeping bag and down jacket.

Is it possible to do a private Langtang trek?

Yes. You can do it privately with guide and Porters team.

Useful Information

Best time to do langtag region trekking: 2024/2025.

The Langtang trek is possible at any time of year. But the best time to explore the Langtang national park is (spring and autumn) the most famous.

(Spring season) March, April, and May

  • 90% sure of clear weather, blue skies, and mountain views.  
  • Blooming Nepalese National flower of Rhododendron (Red, White, Pink Color).

Another Best season for Langtang trek:

If you want to trek during the autumn season between September, October, and November:

  • Clear weather and white snow-peak views.
  • The temperature will be going up to 15 degrees in the daytime.
  • During the night will be down 3 to 5 degrees.

Food & Accommodations during the trek:

 During the trek, we will provide you with all kinds of foods in the Langtang region; you can test the Nepalese traditional foods: Nepali (Dal Bhat), and many other meals are available in this region. Also, the hotel owner will provide you special menu; you can choose the different kinds of European, Chinese, and Indian foods available during the Langtang trek.

Accommodation Types:

Regarding the accommodations during the journey, we will provide you basic twin-sharing room. Most of; the mountains area has just basic tea houses, and you have to share the toilet and bathroom with other trekkers.

Transportation services: 

The transportation service from Kathmandu – Syabrubesi – Kathmandu has two options.

• Kathmandu – Syabrubesi – Kathmandu by private Jeep.

• Kathmandu – Syabrubesi – Kathmandu by local Bus. 

Note:  if you would like to take a local bus. It is included; in the package program. If you want to be more comfortable, take a Jeep. Then, we will arrange it, but the cost will be extra. 


Body Clothing:

  • Sleeping Bag
  • Down Jacket
  • Three pairs of trekking t-shirts
  • Long sleeved shirts
  • Thermal Shirt for Colder place
  • Fleece Jacket
  • Warm wool Sweaters
  • Waterproof and windproof Jacket
  • Cotton Trekking pants with folding
  • Waterproof and windproof pants

Head and Face:

  • Wool or fleece hat
  • Sunscreen 50
  • Face wipes and towel

List of Foot wears:

  • Trekking Boats
  • ¾ Paris Preferably Cotton Socks
  • One pairs extra Sport Shoes

Necessary Gears: 

  • Gaiters just in case if snow
  • Gloves and Thick Gloves
  • Big rucksack above the 40 L
  • Waterproof Bag Cover
  • Trekking Pole (if you needed)
  • Laundry Soap
  • Toilet papers
  • Water peals
  • Bottle for drinking water
  • Pen and Note Book
  • Copy and Tourist Guide Book
  • Battery charger
  • Memory card
  • Cell Phone and Charger
  • Money Wallet
  • Altimeters and Playing card

First aid Kid:

  • Cotton bandages
  • Paracetamol
  • Painkillers
  • Loperamide to Control diarrhea (just in Case).
  • Water purified tablets
  • Elastic bandages
  • Thermometer
  • Moleskin and sling.

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  6. Langtang Valley Trek

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  21. Solo trek Langtang Valley without a guide : r/backpacking

    Reply. Independent-Shoe-606. • 1 yr. ago. It is totally possible without a guide so ignore the other comment. I would actually incourage it. Just make sure to not trek totally alone. You can have days by yourself. Make sure though to meet people on the trek and let them know where you are if anything were to happen.

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  23. Langtang Trek

    Book the 5 or 6-day Langtang Trekking with us; the trip costs are reasonable per your demand and group size. If you have a short holiday, Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd arranges the best guides and Porters from the same region. WhatsApp +9779818141334.