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Minibus Stegastein Viewpoint & Segway in Flåm

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Experience the fabulous panoramic view of the fjord and the mountains from Stegastein viewpoint 650 meters above the Aurlandsfjord. Travel green and experience the stunning Stegastein viewpoint on this audio guided sightseeing tour from Flåm with an electric bus.


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Tour de Francia 2023: etapas, perfiles y recorrido

Consulta aquí los perfiles y el recorrido de las 21 etapas del tour de francia 2023, que comenzará el 1 de julio en bilbao y terminará el 23 de julio en parís..

Daniel Miranda

El Tour de Francia cuenta las horas para el inicio edición de 2023 con un exigente recorrido que coronará al nuevo campeón en París. Un trazado que destaca por tener una única contrarreloj de 22 kilómetros, por lo que hace la edición muy atractiva para los más puros escaladores. La salida será este sábado 1 de julio en Bilbao, y el suelo español acogerá hasta tres etapas de la carrera. Habrá un gran número de trampas a lo largo del recorrido, y, sobre todo, montaña, mucha montaña, con el regreso de varias cimas clásicas al recorrido.

🤩 Here it is, the official route of the #TDF2023 ! 🤩 Voici le parcours officiel du #TDF2023 ! pic.twitter.com/QPwvs91Ar6 — Tour de France™ (@LeTour) October 27, 2022

Etapa 1: Bilbao - Bilbao, 182 km (sábado 1 de julio)

Perfil de la etapa 1 del Tour de Francia 2023.

Bilbao acogerá la primera salida y la primera llegada de este Tour. La ciudad vasca, muy cerca del Museo Guggenheim, abrirá una nueva edición. En la primera jornada, las subidas al Vivero y Pike en los kilómetros finales generarán mucha tensión, y no todos los velocistas aguantarán en el pelotón antes de una llegada que pica para arriba.

Etapa 2: Vitoria-Gasteiz - San Sebastián, 209 km (domingo 2 de julio)

Perfil de la etapa 2 del Tour de Francia 2023.

Al igual que en la primera jornada, un terreno rompepiernas no se lo pondrá nada fácil a los favoritos. Las cotas de Gurutze y Jaizkibel en el tramo final pueden invitar a la aventura, y los más explosivos de la carrera podrán lucirse de nuevo.

Etapa 3: Amorebieta-Etxano - Bayona, 185 km (lunes 3 de julio)

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La tercera y última jornada por suelo español partirá de Amorebieta, y la meta estará ya en Francia. Por el camino se volverá a pasar por San Sebastián, y la localidad de Irún será la última española por la que circulará la carrera. Jornada ideal para una llegada al esprint, sin demasiadas complicaciones en el terreno.

Etapa 4: Dax - Nogaro, 182 km (martes 4 de julio)

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De nuevo, el recorrido invita a pensar en un esprint masivo. Sin embargo, el recorrido de Gers puede presentar problemas para los equipos de los velocistas. El circuito de Nogaro acogerá el final del día, con una recta hasta meta de 800 metros.

Etapa 5: Pau - Laruns, 165 km (miércoles 5 de julio)

Perfil de la etapa 5 del Tour de Francia 2023.

La montaña llegara muy pronto en este Tour, en la quinta etapa, ya que el pelotón afrontará el primer día en los Pirineos camino de Laruns con las subidas al Soudet y al Marie Blanque.

Etapa 6: Tarbes - Cauterets-Cambasque, 145 km (jueves 6 de julio)

Perfil de la etapa 6 del Tour de Francia 2023.

Prosigue el desafío pirenaico con un itinerario en el que los corredores con la mirada puesta en la victoria final deberán lidiar con los puertos de Aspin y del Tourmalet. Un programa de alta montaña que podría despertar también el gran interés de otros corredores. Los atacantes con buenas piernas podrían intentar hacerse con el maillot amarillo, puesto que la subida a la meseta de Cambasque no constituye un obstáculo insalvable, con una pendiente media de 5,4% durante 16 kilómetros.

Etapa 7: Mont-de-Marsan - Burdeos, 170 km (viernes 7 de julio)

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El Tour homenajeará a Luis Ocaña, ‘el español de Mont-de-Marsan’, con la salida en esta localidad camino de Burdeos, donde se espera otra llegada al esprint. En la visita del departamento de las Landas las fugas no podrán hacerse grandes ilusiones, puesto que el perfil invitará a los equipos de velocistas a controlar la carrera. Los dos kilómetros en línea recta por los muelles resultarán propicios para desplegar su velocidad máxima y volar hacia la meta cerca de la plaza de los Quinconces, considerada por los bordeleses como la más grande de Francia.

Etapa 8: Libourne - Limoges, 201 km (sábado 8 de julio)

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El Tour pone rumbo al Macizo Central y lo hace con una jornada que previsiblemente se resolverá al esprint si los velocistas resisten en las cotas. Puede ser una oportunidad para los velocistas más explosivos, capaces de aguantar las rampas duras pero cortas que presenta el trazado.

Etapa 9: Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat - Puy de Dôme, 184 km (domingo 9 de julio)

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Se recupera para esta edición, 35 años después, todo un clásico: el Puy de Dôme, puerto de 12 kilómetros al 7% y con 5 kilómetros finales que no bajan del 11%. Un final espectacular para poner el broche a esta primera semana de competición. Los corredores llegarán al puerto final con desgaste, pues la zona de Auvergne traerá un buen desnivel.

Etapa 10: Vulcania - Issoire, 167 km (martes 11 de julio)

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Tras el primer día de descanso, los favoritos deberán poner cuidado en la primera jornada de la segunda semana en un recorrido ideal para las escapadas en el Macizo Central.

Etapa 11: Clermont-Ferrand - Moulins, 180 km (miércoles 12 de julio)

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Nuevo capítulo en la lucha por el maillot verde para los esprínters en la más que previsible volata de Moulins, con más de un kilómetro de recta final. Antes, un terreno de continuo sube y baja no permitirá la relajación.

Etapa 12: Roanne - Belleville-en-Beaujolais, 169 km (jueves 13 de julio)

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Otra jornada ideal para fugas en un recorrido muy quebrado camino de Belleville-en-Beaujolais. Los puertos de la Croix Montmain y de la Croix Rosier seleccionarán la carrera, y el final en alto hará que solo los más explosivos tengan opciones de victoria.

Etapa 13: Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne - Grand Colombier, 138 km (viernes 14 de julio)

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Una de las grandes jornadas de montaña de este Tour. Uno de los momentos críticos de esta etapa de media montaña será la formación de una escapada. La ruta entre viñedos del Beaujolais podría verse marcada por mucha acción antes de las subidas a los puertos de la Croix Montmain y de la Croix Rosier. Los ciclistas regresan tres años después al Grand Colombiere, con sus 17 kilómetros al 7%, donde Pogacar se impuso en 2020.

Etapa 14: Annemasse - Morzine Les Portes du Soleil, 152 km (sábado 15 de julio)

Perfil de la decimocuarta etapa del Tour de Francia entre Annemasse y Morzine.

Otra jornada a marcar en rojo en la lucha por la general. Durísima etapa de montaña en la que se ascenderán Cou, Feu, Ramaz y el exigente Joux Plane antes de la peligrosa bajada camino de la meta de Morzine. Una ciudad de grandes recuerdos para Ion Izagirre, vencedor aquí en 2016.

Etapa 15: Morzine Les Portes du Soleil - Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc, 180 km (domingo 16 de julio)

Perfil de la decimoquinta etapa del Tour de Francia entre Les Gets y Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc.

La segunda semana se cerrará con otra jornada de montaña en la que los corredores subirán la Forclaz de Mintmin, Croix Fry y Amerands antes de la subida final a Le Bettex, en las faldas del Mont Blanc.

Etapa 16: Passy - Combloux, 22 km de contrarreloj individual (martes 18 de julio)

Perfil de la decimosexta etapa del Tour de Francia, contrarreloj entre Passy y Combloux.

La tercera semana arranca con la única crono de este Tour de Francia. Una lucha contra el crono de 22 kilómetros camino de Combloux en la que se ascenderá la Côte de Domancy, historia del ciclismo desde aquel Mundial de 1980 en el que se impuso Bernard Hinault.

Etapa 17: Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc - Courchevel, 166 km (miércoles 19 de julio)

Perfil de la decimoséptima etapa del Tour de Francia entre Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc y Courchevel.

El gran etapón de los Alpes. El Tour de Francia propone un recorrido en el que los ciclistas deberán subir a Saisies, Cormet de Roselend y Longefoy antes de afrontar la durísima subida al Col de la Loze, el gran descubrimiento del Tour en 2020, que repite de nuevo en el Tour, y que deberán coronar antes de la meta de Courchevel.

Etapa 18: Moûtiers - Bourg-en-Bresse, 186 km (jueves 20 de julio)

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Nueva ocasión para los esprínters que sigan en carrera tras la agónica jornada de Courchevel. En un recorrido completamente llano, los favoritos a la general podrán guardar energías, mientras que los velocistas tendrán una nueva oportunidad de hacerse con un triunfo parcial.

Etapa 19: Moirans-en-Montagne - Poligny, 173 km (viernes 21 de julio)

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El esprint en estado puro. Los velocistas se relamen ante esta etapa que tendrá una recta final de 8 kilómetros. La subida de Ivory, a 30 de meta, será el único obstáculo relevante a superar en el día.

Etapa 20: Belfort - Le Markstein Fellering, 133 km (sábado 22 de julio)

Perfil de la vigésima etapa del Tour de Francia entre Belfort y Le Markstein.

La traca final del Tour tendrá lugar en los Vosgos con un etapón de poco kilometraje, pero con mucha intensidad con las subidas al Balón de Alsacia, Moinats, Grosse Pierre, Schlucht, Petit Ballon y Platzerwasel antes de la llegada final a Le Markstein, donde se conocerá al ganador virtual del Tour

Etapa 21: Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - París-Campos Elíseos, 115 km (domingo 23 de julio)

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París coronará un año más al ganador del Tour de Francia en una jornada en la que los aspirantes al último ramo de etapa deberán llegar en forma olímpica, puesto que el recorrido se ha diseñado como guiño a los Juegos de París 2024, cuyas pruebas de todas las disciplinas ciclistas se celebrarán en gran medida en los Yvelines. Los sprinters esperarán la llegada del vertiginoso circuito de los Campos Elíseos para medir fuerzas.

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Four riders pass the Sahuarita sign designed by the students of Sahuarita United School District as the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson field passes through East Sahuarita Road on Saturday.

  • Grace Trejo, Arizona Daily Star
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A group of off-road bikers stop for a few minutes to offer encouragement to the riders fighting their way up the slope on the Pistol Hill Road leg of the 40th anniversary of El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

  • Kelly Presnell, Arizona Daily Star

The lead pack heads east on Old Spanish Trail, just before the turn for the climb up Pistol Hill Road on the eastern leg of the 40th anniversary of El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

Myron Sosa, 28, shows off his sign supporting his brother Eric in the 32-mile race at Saturday's 2023 edition of the El Tour de Tucson.

  • Charlie Borla, Arizona Daily Star

'It's the community. Seeing all the groups that come out, all the people that ride,' said Denzil Ross, who is 'starting at the bottom' but hoping to one day 'work my way up to do (The Century)' in the annual El Tour de Tucson.

Brotherly love for Sosa bros., tour 'community' and more from the 2023 El Tour de Tucson

Charles borla.

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  • Nov 18, 2023
  • Nov 18, 2023 Updated Nov 18, 2023

For Myron Sosa, 28, Saturday’s 2023 El Tour de Tucson wasn’t about “gun times” or calories burned. It wasn’t about PSI, nor was it about counting the number of tandem bikes or costumed riders.

“(My brother) has always been into biking, but I actually mentioned it to him, and he looked into and was like ‘I’m down, I want to do it,’ so he ended up joining and had been working out and practicing this whole time,” he said of his brother 10 years senior, Eric, who took part in the 32-mile race as one more than 9,000 riders to participate in El Tour’s 40th anniversary this year.

“He’s been training for at least two months. He’s got a trainer at home and was actually able to download the route on his (training bike),” Myron said.

Both Myron and Eric moved to Sahuarita from Arkansas about six years ago. For Eric’s first time participating, his brother decided to show support by setting up at the finish line with his homemade sign.

“I always knew about it, but this is our first time. So far, it’s been great,” Myron said. “I’m actually going to join him next year. He wanted to do the 32-mile this year, we’re going to shoot for the 62-mile next year, then the third year we’re going to try the big one.”

‘It’s the community’

Denzil Ross, 40, is not a stranger to athletic feats. A former triathlon participant, he approached his first El Tour race with the same ambition he would for any other competition.

“For me it was a challenge, so I’m starting at the lowest then hopefully work my way up to do (The Century),” he said ahead of Saturday’s Metric Half-Century ride. “I’ve done triathlons but not a full bike race before. (I wanted to) for health reasons of course, I want to remain healthy and active,” he said. “And it’s activity outside, so it’s a good option. My family and I, we enjoy (biking), so why not take it up a notch (and) accomplish something.”

While Ross wants the accomplishment, it wasn’t his favorite aspect of Saturday.

“It’s the community. Seeing all the groups that come out, all the people that ride, I know there are a lot of non-profits who are riding for a good cause as well,” he said.

“The groups, the teams, the people out here — that’s what makes it fun.”

Decade on, tandem strong

One would think with an extra set of pedals, two more legs and a decade of experience in tandem cycling El Tour’s would make a 32-mile ride feel more like 16.

Richard Biocca and Steve Haider, both 50, vehemently disagree.

“(It) was more like 132, is that an option?” Biocca said. “We actually had to start off the back. Usually, we get to start in the front, but they changed the rules this year, so we had to go really hard in the beginning.”

“(The weather) was perfect, it was probably the best we ever had,” Haider said. “This is something like our 10th time with this bike, we only ride it for this event.”

“Yeah, we’re not that smart,” Biocca said in response.

For RJ Marsan, 33, starting with the tandem riders was a strategic move.

“What happened? I was banking on you guys,” he said to the Biocca and Haider shortly after unlatching his cycling shoes.

Marsan, who’s a first-time El Tour rider, started in the same pack as the tandem riders and hoped staying with them would prove for a good time.

“(My strategy) was to follow the tandems, because they were also back and I knew they had the engine to keep moving up,” he said. “I just followed their wheels as much as possible, and we ended up almost in the lead group.”

Marsan said Saturday that he’s not a stranger to distance races as he competed in multi-hundred-mile gravel races in the past, but the road was a new challenge for him.

“Those are a lot more tough because there’s a lot more self-sufficiency but was real tough about this was that absolutely no (cars) stopped whatsoever,” he said. “You know I came prepared, shoved a bunch of stuff in my jersey for the first half of the race.”

Photos: 2023 El Tour de Tucson bicycle race in Tucson

Noah Anastassatos, from Scottsdale, raises his arms as he crosses the finish line and wins the 102-mile Banner-University Medicine 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

Marj Rinaldo, from Tucson, is the first-place finisher for women in the 102-mile Banner-University Medicine 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

The lead pack makes the turn on the Pistol Hill Road leg of the 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

Cyclists make their way down Cushing Street at the start of the 32-mile route during the Banner-University Medicine 40th El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Ariz. on November 18, 2023.

A large group of riders zoom down South Nogales Highway, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Riders pass the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, South Kolb Road, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

The platinum racers begin to fill up the starting line before the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, West Cushing Street, November 18, 2023.

Cyclists wait for the start of the 32-mile route along Cushing Street during the Banner-University Medicine 40th El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Ariz. on November 18, 2023.

Spectators cheer on riders biking down South Nogales Highway, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

Dan Leano, left, and Jeff Bruce work to fix the chain on Leano’s bike at aid station 1 during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Escalante Road, November 18, 2023.

Riders make their way up the long slope of Pistol Hill Road as the clouds begin to break up over the 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

A single rider passes the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, South Kolb Road, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

A large group of riders turn the corner onto South Wilmot Road during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Riders take to the right lane of the road during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Golf Links Road, November 18, 2023.

The pack leaders turn the corner onto South Wilmot Road during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

A large group of riders turn onto South Wilmot Road during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

A solo rider bikes down South Nogales Highway, as a large group leads the way during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

A group of riders near the lead make their way up Pistol Hill Road, one of the longest climbs on the route of the 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

Rider Yasmeen Roumie enjoys some orange slices provided at aid station 1 during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Escalante Road, November 18, 2023.

A rider takes a sip of water as others follow behind him during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Sahuarita Rd., November 18, 2023.

A sign just before Aid Station #3 tries to inject a little humor on the long slog on the Pistol Hill Road leg of the 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

A large group of riders approach the turn onto South Wilmot Road during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Two men talk as they warm up for the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, West Cushing Street, November 18, 2023.

Maya Conaway, left, and her sister Kaelyn Conaway cheer on their dad Jeff Conaway as he rides down East Sahuarita Rd., during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

A large group of riders ride down South Nogales Highway, as cars follow behind them during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Richard Stevens passes out water he and his wife Cathi brought out on their own to the riders near the top of the Pistol Hill Road leg of the 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

Riders walk their bikes to the starting position for the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, West Cushing Street, November 18, 2023.

A pack of riders in the 102-mile race sprint down Cushing Street towards the finish line during the Banner-University Medicine 40th El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Ariz. on November 18, 2023.

A group of riders race past the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, South Kolb Road, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Twila Leadon, volunteer at station 1 pours dill juice into tiny cups to help riders prevent cramps during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Escalante Road, November 18, 2023.

A large line of riders go down S. Desert Gem Lane, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

Riders and cars share the road as the train goes by on South Nogales Highway, during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, November 18, 2023.

A rider makes some last minute adjustments to his bike before the start of the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, West Cushing Street, November 18, 2023.

An early riser, out on the course more than a half hour before any riders, waits near the summit of Pistol Hill Road on 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tucson, Ariz., November 18, 2023.

Riders take to the left lane during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Sahuarita Rd., November 18, 2023.

Rain and clouds sock in the Santa Catalina Mountains behind the riders making their way up Pistol Hill Road during the 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

Arlo Costales wraps speaker wires with 5th avenue event production services in preparation of El Tour de Tucson, W. Cushing St., Tucson, Ariz., November 17, 2023.

Curtis Wilkerson with 5th avenue event production services covers the speakers for El Tour de Tucson, W. Cushing St., Tucson, Ariz., November 17, 2023.

Banners lay along the road, W. Cushing St., the day before El Tour de Tucson, November 17, 2023.

Watch: El Tour de Tucson's inaugural race was held in 1983 and over the past 40 years, the event has provided pro riders and novices alike the chance to take to the streets.

The 40th annual El Tour de Tucson will be held Nov. 18, 2023.

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El Tour de Tucson

El Tour Aid Stations: Lifeblood of El Tour cyclists as they provide nutrition, fun and applause

  • November 16, 2021
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El Tour is a cool, fun ride – and has been for nearly 40 years – but one of the great things about the ride is the Aid Stations. We have 16 of them (and they will be listed here in the story).

Without the great help of so many people – volunteers and more – the ride wouldn’t be as enjoyable. So many people are out there ready to cheer the riders on, in addition to providing goodies for their ride.

el tour as

“I was excited to hear of the opportunity to help out with El Tour de Tucson and give our people a chance to facilitate an Aid station,” said Floyd Morgan. “My original thought was that this would be a great way to bless and serve our community, but it turned into so much more than that.”

We love hearing that because great relationships have been built and continued through the years.

“This event has really been a blessing for us over the last three years as we have worked with wonderful El Tour staff members and had the chance to grow closer together as a ministry team,” he said. “Over the years, we have also eagerly gravitated to the many extra things besides being an encouragement, as we have worked on bicycles, aired up tires and patched up wounds. This has been an all-around great experience, thanks for the opportunity!”

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Floyd has been there for just three years and has had a huge impact. Grant Tobias’ group has been there since 1988. He’s with Troop 739.

“When we started, we would fill bags for the participants and help at various aid stations,” said Grant Tobias. “Since then, we have continued to run at least one aid station every year El Tour de Tucson has had a bike tour.

“In 2004, after the passing of one of our Scoutmasters, we named our aid station the – ‘Mr. Marty Aid Station.’ Mr. Marty loved working with the Tour leadership, getting our scouts setup to run our aid station, and cheer on riders as they came by. our aid station. Our station provides first-class service to the riders by members of our Boy Troop, Girl Troop, Webelos Pack and parents.”

el tour as

Troop 739 provides snacks of all types, shade structures, first aid support, a location for repairing bikes, chairs for taking a break, and exited youth to cheer on the riders.

“When you arrive at our aid station, our scouts will hold your bike while you run to the restroom, grab snacks, or get water. In most cases our Scouts will be walking about with water and snacks. So, if you are in a rush, you can pull in, get what you need, and keep on riding. We look forward to seeing you on November 20 th.”

It’s just days away. There you’ll see the Greater Faith Word Church International, located at Station #1. It serves fresh fruit, veggies, and water.

“This is our first year as an aid station with El Tour de Tucson!” said Ronnie Perkins. “We are attending as an aid station to serve our community as good Samaritans who believe in innovation, expansion, functionality, and community service for the great city of Tucson.

We appreciate every single Aid Station – and so do our great cyclists.

Here is the list of all the Aid Stations and their locations:

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El Tour Series

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The El Tour Series is a collection of long-distance cycling events that take place primarily in the southwestern United States, with the flagship event being El Tour de Tucson in Arizona. These events are organized by Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc. The El Tour Series has gained significant recognition and popularity within the cycling community due to its unique and challenging courses, commitment to promoting cycling, and its philanthropic efforts.

The most well-known event in the series, El Tour de Tucson , typically occurs in November and attracts thousands of cyclists from various skill levels and backgrounds. Riders have the option to participate in different distance categories, ranging from a more manageable 25 miles to an ultra-challenging 100-mile route, known as the “century ride.” The centerpiece of the event is the scenic route that winds through the beautiful desert landscapes of southern Arizona, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the opportunity to experience the region’s diverse terrain. The team at Strambecco considers it to be one of the Best Road Cycling Event in the Southwest and it was recently rated by USA TODAY as the top road cycling event in the country.

In addition to El Tour de Tucson, the series also includes other rides like El Tour de Mesa  hosted by Holualoa Companies. The 100-kilometer ride, celebrated as the most scenic Metric Century in the world, promises cyclists an unforgettable experience against the backdrop of the region’s iconic landmarks. Recognizing the extraordinary nature of El Tour de Mesa, it proudly secures a coveted spot on Strambecco’s list of best cycling events in Arizona and the Southwest .

A three-day cycling extravaganza that’s as much a rolling festival as it is a bike tour, El Tour de Zona isn’t your typical cycling event; it’s a fully-supported tour from the team at Perimeter Bicycling Association. The unique aspect of this tour is the blend of physical challenge during the day and festive relaxation by night. Each evening, riders can revel in live music, local cuisine, and craft beers — a perfect way to unwind and share tales of the day’s adventure. The team at Strambecco considers it to be one of the Best Road Cycling Event in the Southwest .

Whether you’re a competitive cyclist looking to set a personal record or a recreational rider seeking a memorable cycling experience, the El Tour Series provides a platform for all to come together, pedal through stunning landscapes, and contribute to meaningful causes.

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Last Updated April 2, 2024 This year will mark the 41st annual edition of El Tour de Tucson, one of Arizona’s largest and longest-running participative events. Held the Saturday before Thanksgiving every year, Perimeter Bicycling Association  brings together this fundraising ride that features nearly 7,500 cyclists of all ages and abilities from the United States…

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El Tour de Tucson

This bucket-list-worthy ride is a tucson tradition, el tour de tucson: ride for wellness or challenge, returns november 2025.

El Tour de Tucson continues to monitor and adhere to all authoritative mandates issued by the CDC and local health officials. To stay informed of changes related to this event, check out the  El Tour de Tucson website  or  register for their newsletter .

El Tour Logo

Tucson's must-ride cycling event

El Tour de Tucson is a premier fundraising ride in the United States and the longest-running event of its kind in Arizona has been a Tucson tradition since 1983. Participants range from novices to professionals who enjoy the ride and festivities out of a passion for cycling, as a benchmark for a wellness program, as a symbol of surviving a major illness or other life challenge or to honor another person. All while helping nonprofit, and charitable agencies raise funds for their organizations.

Three Routes Under 100 Miles

The main event distances are 100, 57, and 28 miles. Fun Ride distances are 10, 5, and 1 mile. Main event routes feature scenic landscapes and the crisp, cool air of a Tucson morning. Mountain ranges and saguaro cacti will surround you. Course profiles range from flat to rolling or moderately hilly. The 28-mile route is mostly flat, which is great for families and ideal for first-time participants and beginning bicyclists. In 2021, the 28-mile route will be open to Class 1 pedal-assist e-bikes (no throttles) for the first time.

Action Shot of El Tour Bikers

The Start/Finish

The finish line for all events and the start line for the 100-mile, 57-mile and Fun Rides is on South Sixth Avenue between Armory Park and the Children’s Museum Tucson, near downtown Tucson’s renowned dining and entertainment district. The 28-mile route starts at Marana Heritage River Park and ends at Armory Park-Children’s Museum Tucson.

Centro Garage with Rainbow & Streetcar

Parking & Lodging

If you drive here for El Tour de Tucson, you’ll find plenty of parking garages downtown near the start/finish line around Armory Park and the Children’s Museum Tucson. The area is easily accessible to the Tucson Sun Link Streetcar, a four-mile line that connects lodging, dining and entertainment districts in the downtown and university areas.

Staying for the weekend? Explore things to do in the  Downtown Tucson District . Check out  lodging options  and  official event host hotels  in metro Tucson. 

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El Tour de Tucson Has It All

The 40th anniversary of el tour featured over 9,000 riders from around the world..

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On a crisp November morning, thousands of cyclists rode out of Tucson at the start of the 40th El Tour de Tucson.

The event is widely regarded as one of the biggest and best cycling events in the country, if not the world. El Tour isn’t just a bike race, either. It is a massive community event filled with concerts, games, and celebrations. 

While many U.S. cycling events are struggling to stay afloat, El Tour de Tucson is pulling in its biggest numbers ever. Over one-third of this year’s participants were riding their first El Tour, and thousands more lined the streets as the riders came by. 

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Some riders came to race, others to have fun, and many to complete the route. Above all, El Tour de Tucson is about the community, not just the cycling community. El Tour helps raise money for many local nonprofits in the Tucson area and beyond. 

Since 1983, El Tour has been the longest-running event of its kind in Arizona. Beginners, professionals, and everyone in between come out to celebrate and, of course, to race. In its 40 years of existence, El Tour’s organizer  Perimeter Bicycling has raised over $110 million for local and international charitable organizations. 

Three routes were available: 102 (The Century), 62, and 32 miles. There were also fun ride distances available of 3 miles and 1 mile. As the name suggests, the longer routes provide a tour of Tucson and its surrounding area. Riders experience beautiful views of the Santa Catalina Mountains along the route — thankfully for most riders, El Tour doesn’t climb any of these massive peaks. 

el tour as

If cycling isn’t your preferred mode of transportation, El Tour de Tucson offered a 5K Run/Walk that started just 30 minutes after The Century. 

Noah Anastassatos, a Scottsdale resident, won The Century in 3 hours, 41 minutes, and 27 seconds. Sean Christian and Tyler Stites finished second and third, respectively. 

El Tour puts big numbers on the start line better than anyone. Most of its 9,000 participants do not “race” El Tour de Tucson; instead, they enjoy the ride. In the 32-mile race alone, there were 1,231 riders. 

There was truly something for everyone, including a pre-race camp called The Prologue. Presented by The Little Nell, Primal, Ventum, The Breakaway, PNC Bank, and more, The Prologue offered riders the opportunity to spend five or eight days with a star-studded line-up that included Bob Roll, George Hincapie, Kristen Armstrong, Christian Vande Velde, Mari Holden, Bobby Julich, Rahsaan Bahati, and Jens Voigt. 

Of the long list of inclusions, The Prologue participants explored Tucson by bike with SAG support and mechanics on-site, received cycling kits, and enjoyed margaritas with the pros. It’s hard to imagine a better lead-up to an event like El Tour de Tucson. 

el tour as

After their ride, whether it was a four-hour race or a 30-minute spin, El Tour participants could head straight to the post-race fiesta for food and drink, live entertainment, awards ceremonies, and the finish line beer garden. When you think about everything that a bike event could possibly offer, this is it. 

El Tour de Tucson has it all, and the event keeps growing. More participants, bigger names, and more money raised are the goals every year — and every year, El Tour de Tucson delivers. 

If you can’t wait to sign up for next year, El Tour de Zona runs from March 21-24, 2024, while the Tour de Scottsdale will be held on April 13, 2024. You can learn more about El Tour de Tucson at eltourdetucson.org .

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\u2013 a return to an age of passion over profit\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n "},{"title":"bike check: italian team brings campagnolo to the giro d\u2019italia","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/bike-check-italian-team-brings-campagnolo-to-the-giro-ditalia\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/bike-check-italian-team-brings-campagnolo-to-the-giro-ditalia\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"bike check: italian team brings campagnolo to the giro d\u2019italia\"}}\u0027>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/bike-check-italian-team-brings-campagnolo-to-the-giro-ditalia\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"bike check: italian team brings campagnolo to the giro d\u2019italia\"}}\u0027>\n bike check: italian team brings campagnolo to the giro d\u2019italia\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n "},{"title":"giro d\u0027italia gc analysis: is geraint thomas willing to lose it all in order to win","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/thomas-should-be-willing-to-lose-the-giro-ditalia-in-order-to-win\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/thomas-should-be-willing-to-lose-the-giro-ditalia-in-order-to-win\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u0027italia gc analysis: is geraint thomas willing to lose it all in order to win\"}}\u0027>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/thomas-should-be-willing-to-lose-the-giro-ditalia-in-order-to-win\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u0027italia gc analysis: is geraint thomas willing to lose it all in order to win\"}}\u0027>\n giro d\u0027italia gc analysis: is geraint thomas willing to lose it all in order to win\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n "},{"title":"wout van aert still suffering pain ahead of racing return, question remains over tour de france","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/wout-van-aert-still-in-pain-question-remains-over-tour-de-france\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/wout-van-aert-still-in-pain-question-remains-over-tour-de-france\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"wout van aert still suffering pain ahead of racing return, question remains over tour de france\"}}\u0027>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/wout-van-aert-still-in-pain-question-remains-over-tour-de-france\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", 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\"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-15-tadej-pogacar-annihilates-rivals-with-victory-on-queen-stage\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u2019italia stage 15: tadej poga\u010dar annihilates rivals with victory on queen stage\"}}\u0027>\n giro d\u2019italia stage 15: tadej poga\u010dar annihilates rivals with victory on queen stage\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n "},{"title":"giro d\u0027italia stage 17: ef\u0027s steinhauser savors first pro win ahead of unstoppable poga\u010dar","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-17-results-steinhauser-savors-first-pro-win\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-17-results-steinhauser-savors-first-pro-win\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u0027italia 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romp","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-16-terrible-weather-doesnt-stop-pogacars-pink-jersey-romp\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-16-terrible-weather-doesnt-stop-pogacars-pink-jersey-romp\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u0027italia stage 16: disgusting weather doesn\u0027t stop tadej poga\u010dar and his pink jersey romp\"}}\u0027>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/road\/road-racing\/giro-ditalia\/giro-ditalia-stage-16-terrible-weather-doesnt-stop-pogacars-pink-jersey-romp\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"giro d\u0027italia stage 16: disgusting weather doesn\u0027t stop tadej poga\u010dar and his pink jersey romp\"}}\u0027>\n giro d\u0027italia stage 16: disgusting weather doesn\u0027t stop tadej poga\u010dar and his pink jersey romp\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n "},{"title":"heather jackson hits the motherlode at stetina\u0027s paydirt gravel race","url":"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/gravel\/gravel-racing\/stetinas-paydirt-womens-results\/","markup":" \n \n\n\n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/gravel\/gravel-racing\/stetinas-paydirt-womens-results\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"heather jackson hits the motherlode at stetina\u0027s paydirt gravel race\"}}\u0027>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n >\", \"path\": \"https:\/\/velo.outsideonline.com\/gravel\/gravel-racing\/stetinas-paydirt-womens-results\/\", \"listing_type\": \"recirc\", \"location\": \"list\", \"title\": \"heather jackson hits the motherlode at stetina\u0027s paydirt gravel race\"}}\u0027>\n heather jackson hits the motherlode at stetina\u0027s paydirt gravel race\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n 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El Tour de Tucson: Routes, History and Winners

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El Tour de Tucson is one of America’s most prestigious cycling events, drawing thousands of cyclists nationwide. Held annually in Tucson, Arizona, this event offers a challenging and scenic route that showcases the region’s beauty. With its rich history and strenuous routes, El Tour de Tucson has become a must-attend event for cycling enthusiasts.

Routes El Tour de Tucson features four major races, including the renowned “Century Race,” which covers a challenging 102-mile route. The race begins at the Tucson Convention Center and loops south and east, offering riders a diverse and picturesque landscape.

The route takes cyclists through stunning vistas, including the scenic Green Valley and Sahuarita, before concluding in downtown Tucson. Each leg of the race presents its challenges, from steep inclines to winding descents, testing the endurance and skill of every rider.

History First established in 1983, El Tour de Tucson has grown into one of the premier cycling events in the United States. Over the years, it has attracted top cyclists and cycling enthusiasts alike, all eager to test their mettle against the challenging terrain of southern Arizona. The event has also become a platform for charity, with participants raising funds for various causes, further solidifying its status as a community-focused event.

2023 Winner of El Tour de Tucson The 40th annual El Tour de Tucson witnessed more than 9,000 cyclists converge in Tucson to participate in this prestigious event. Among them, 26-year-old Noah Anastassatos of Scottsdale emerged victorious in the grueling 102-mile “Century Race.” Anastassatos crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 3 hours, 41 minutes, and 27 seconds, showcasing his skill and determination.

The race starts at the Tucson Convention Center and takes riders on a challenging route encompassing southern Arizona’s scenic beauty. Anastassatos’ victory was hard-earned, as he faced stiff competition from over 50 cyclists vying for the top spot. A late crash near Nogales Highway added to the drama, creating opportunities for Anastassatos and other riders to make their move toward victory.

In addition to the Century Race, El Tour de Tucson featured other races of varying lengths, catering to cyclists of all skill levels. News 4 Tucson’s Robbie Reynold participated in the 32-mile race, finishing a respectable 54th out of 1,231 riders with a time of 1 hour, 43 minutes, and 42 seconds.

El Tour de Tucson is not just about the thrill of the race; it’s also about the community and camaraderie among cyclists. As participants come together to celebrate their love for cycling, they also have the opportunity to support charitable causes. Additionally, fans and spectators can enhance their El Tour de Tucson experience by using the latest ESPN Bet Promo Code , which offers exclusive deals and discounts on cycling-related merchandise and more. With the ESPN Bet Promo Code, fans can elevate their El Tour de Tucson experience while enjoying the excitement of the race.

The Spirit of El Tour de Tucson Beyond the competitive aspect, El Tour de Tucson embodies the spirit of community and camaraderie. The event brings together cyclists of all backgrounds and abilities, united by their love for cycling and the desire to challenge themselves. The support and encouragement among participants create a sense of belonging, making El Tour de Tucson more than just a race—it’s a celebration of the cycling community.

Charity One hallmark of El Tour de Tucson is its impact beyond the race itself. The event serves as a platform for charitable giving, with participants raising funds for various causes. Over the years, El Tour de Tucson has raised millions of dollars for local and national charities, making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. This philanthropic aspect adds depth and meaning to the event, inspiring participants to push themselves for personal achievement and the greater good.

As El Tour de Tucson looks ahead to its future, the event remains committed to its core values of community, charity, and cycling excellence. The event continues to evolve each year, attracting new participants and spectators alike. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a casual rider, El Tour de Tucson offers an experience blending the thrill of competition with the beauty of Arizona’s landscape.

Final Thoughts One of the best examples of how cycling can unite people and have a beneficial influence is the Tour de Tucson. As the event develops and grows, it continues to symbolize the endurance, community, and friendship that characterize the sport and serves as a guide for cyclists worldwide.

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Pedal Adventures

Pedal Adventures

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The Complete Guide to Riding El Tour de Tucson 2023


2023 marks the 40 th year for the El Tour de Tucson . Over 7,000 cyclists ride in this event (that’s huge!) and they have a ride for everyone. El Tour de Tucson is about charity, community, health and wellness and it is truly a ride you should check out at least one.

El Tour De Tucson is held every year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Amateurs and pros of all ages and abilities participate. It’s a great way to see Tucson by bike and meet new people.

Our Experience

Our trip to Tucson happened to coincide with El Tour de Tucson.  Randy did the 109 mile ride while Kalden and I did the 6 mile fun ride. This is a great event attracting over 9,000 cyclists of all ages. Kalden and I got up early to watch the 109 mile ride take off at 7am. It was a huge group and it took about 10 minutes for all the riders to cross the start line.

At 8am we lined up for the fun ride. It was mostly families (except for #30). Kalden was very excited to be up front and start “the race.”  As always once we actually started he became cautious and made sure to stay in control and be aware of the cyclists around him. It was a good strategy as the group ability amounted to a bunch of kids and inexperienced cyclists. When the road opened up Kalden did put the hammer down. The event was very well run. There were police at every intersection stopping traffic for us and about 3 aid stations for the 6 miles. The crowd for the fun ride was also refreshing to see. In Colorado these types of events are dominated by hardcore cyclists trying to get their kids interested in the sport. Here it was mostly non-cycling families out to enjoy this event and spend time together. At the end everyone got a medal and there were smiles all around.

Since we had to wait a few hours for Randy we headed to Whole Foods and then In and Out for a well deserved burger! When we got back to the event around 11:30 the first cyclists were finishing. It was a tough year with 20-30 MPH winds. Randy came in around 6.5  hours and was beat. He pretty much did the ride “off the couch.” He was still very excited about the event and experience. It was amazing to see the amount of people and the different types of riders. Some people were out on the course for 11 hours! An event to keep on the radar if you are in Tucson around Thanksgiving!

El Tour de Tucson 2023 Dates

The event will take place on Saturday, November 18, 2023.

El Tour De Tucson 2023 Routes

All Rides/Routes start and finish in downtown Tucson.

  • The Century (7:00am start) 102 Mile
  • The Metric Century (9:00 am start) 62 Mile/100 Kilometer
  • The Half Metric Century (10:15 am start) 32 Mile/50 Kilometer
  • The FUN Rides! (8:00 am start) 10 Mile / 5 Mile / 1 Mile

The Century

The metric century, the metric half century, tour de tucson expo.

The Expo & Fiesta  is at the Eckbo Plaza of the Tucson Convention Center.  Most of the activities including the live music, food, beer garden and exhibitors are outside.

The longer routes enter the Sonoran desert including Davis Monthan Air Force Base, the mountainous and saguaro lined vistas of Old Spanish Trail, and Colossal Cave. The route will also pass through the communities of Corona de Tucson, Vail, Sahuarita and Green Valley.

Note: Rides close at 4:00 pm.  All support ends at that time.  Each aid station will close prior to that time according to a schedule that will allow finishes by 4:00pm.

The Fun Ride is only $15 per cyclist.

There are three to chose from and all start at 8AM on Cushing Street (just south of the Tucson Convention Center).

  • 10-mile course starting on Cushing Street (just south of the Tucson Convention Center) and heads to the Santa Cruz River multi-use path – scenic and mostly away from traffic.
  • 5-mile course: easy and mostly flat along the Santa Cruz river path.
  • 1-mile course a very easy, all flat ride out-and-back ! Starting on Cushing Street (just south of the Tucson Convention Center) to Stone, to 18th Street, to Meyer and then back to Cushing Street.

Family Notes : Pulling a child (pulled in a trailer or a kid in a seat on the bike) is FREE for the child but full registration is needed and the adult must register and fully pay the entry fee.

If you are signed up to ride in El Tour’s late morning events (the 63 mile or the 32 mile) you can ride one of these before the event with your kid!

Where to Stay in Tucson

You definitely want to be staying near downtown for this ride. Tucson is huge and even driving 10 miles and take forever with the traffic and lights. Tucson is just not an easy town to drive around. Plan to bike to the start line.

Best Spots (within 1 mile of start/finish)

Doubletree Convention Center – This hotel is right at the start/finish/expo! Can’t get a better location than this but book early.

Hampton Inn – Also a good location plus they have a nice pool and breakfast options.

The Downtown Clifton – If you want a more unique and vintage vibe check this hotel out. The price is also reasonable for being right downtown.

The Tuxon – Another unique and modern place is The Tuxon. They call it a hotel but think of it more like an upscale modernized motel. And that’s a good thing. the have a pool, a bar, and a fancy breakfast!

Things to Do in Tucson

Bike the loop.

Need to warm up for the event or want to spend more time biking after. Check out the loop for road riding routes around Tucson.

Visit Saguaro National Park

Both the East and West section of Saguaro National Park are amazing for biking, hiking, and sight seeing. We love the 8.3 mile The Cactus Forest Loop route around the east side. The views are unmatched and it’s an overall great experience on a bike. It’s one way so you don’t have to worry too much about speeding cars. The west side has a museum, campground, road and mountain biking!

Bike Mt Lemmon

If you’re in Tucson you need to bike up Mt. Lemmon at least once. You start off at about 2,500 ft surrounded by saguaro cactus and mesquite trees and climb to over 8,000 ft to pine trees and cool to cold temps. Mt Lemmon is a climbers dream road as the road is in great shape with a wide shoulder.

Tucson Bike Shops

Tucson is all about biking so there are plenty of shops for service, rentals, gear, and places to ship your bike.

El Tour De Tucson has a partner bike shop, Bicycle Ranch Tucson . They are able to receive your bike as well as assemble, disassemble and repack. Bicycle Ranch Tucson will receive your bike and reassemble, ensuring that things like your  shifting is good and there was no damage in shipping. The assembly cost is $55 and if you are needing to repack the bike after El Tour, then the total price to $90.

Fair Wheel Bikes. Fair Wheel Bikes is Tucson oldest and most reputable bicycle shop. They have a famous road ride that leaves from there on the weekends called the Shoot Out. They are well known for specializing in high end exotic road bikes, especially through the internet, but do have a strong local shop presence in Tucson

Have you ridden the El Tour de Tucson? What did you think?

I am an avid cyclist, wife, sometimes racer, full-time tech worker, non-profit founder, and, of course, mom. Cycling is my passion. Heck all the socks in my sock drawer are bike socks!

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PGA TOUR winner Grayson Murray passes away at 30

PGA TOUR winner Grayson Murray passes away at 30

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Grayson Murray, who won his second PGA TOUR title at this year’s Sony Open in Hawaii, passed away Saturday.

"We were devastated to learn – and are heartbroken to share – that PGA TOUR player Grayson Murray passed away this morning. I am at a loss for words,” PGA TOUR Commissioner Jay Monahan said. “The PGA TOUR is a family, and when you lose a member of your family, you are never the same. We mourn Grayson and pray for comfort for his loved ones.

“I reached out to Grayson’s parents to offer our deepest condolences, and during that conversation, they asked that we continue with tournament play,” Commissioner Monahan continued. “They were adamant that Grayson would want us to do so. As difficult as it will be, we want to respect their wishes.”

Grief counselors were made available at the venues for this week’s PGA TOUR and Korn Ferry Tour events. Commissioner Monahan, who traveled from TOUR headquarters in Florida to the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas, said he was "devastated" by the loss.

Grayson's parents, Eric and Terry Murray, said in a statement Sunday that the cause of death was suicide .

"Was Grayson loved? The answer is yes," his parents wrote. "By us, his brother Cameron, his sister Erica, all of his extended family, by his friends, by his fellow players and – it seems – by many of you who are reading this. He was loved and he will be missed."

Murray, 30, was a standout golfer from his youth. He won three consecutive Callaway Junior World Championships (2006-08) and was the top-ranked golfer in his age group. He made his first cut on the Korn Ferry Tour at age 16, becoming the second-youngest player ever to do so. After stints at Wake Forest University, East Carolina University and Arizona State University, he got the break he needed in 2016 when he was given a sponsor exemption into the Korn Ferry Tour event near his hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. He finished inside the top 10 at that event, the Rex Hospital Open, which qualified him for another start. When he posted another top 10 at the BMW Charity Pro-Am, his professional career took off. He concluded his season with a victory at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship to finish second on the Korn Ferry Tour money list and earn full status on the PGA TOUR for the 2016-17 season. The win came a week before his 23rd birthday.

Murray wasted little time establishing himself on golf’s biggest stage as a rookie. He won the 2017 Barbasol Championship while still just 23 years old. His final-round 68 not only secured a one-shot victory, but also solidified a two-year exemption through the 2019 PGA TOUR season. He finished 66th in the FedExCup and earned nearly $1.5 million.

Grayson struggled for the next few seasons on the PGA TOUR. In 2023, he found his game again on the Korn Ferry Tour; he notched two victories – the Advent Health Championship in Kansas City and the Simmons Bank Open outside of Nashville – to finish fourth on that tour’s points list and earn a spot back onto the PGA TOUR for the following season.

Murray opened the 2024 season with a playoff victory at the Sony Open in Hawaii. He made a clutch up and down on the 72nd hole for a birdie to force a playoff. Then he sank a 40-foot birdie putt on the first extra hole to defeat Byeong Hun An and Keegan Bradley. He reached a career-high 46th in the Official World Golf Ranking after that victory.

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Pogacar conquista el giro con un margen abrumador y ahora va por su tercer tour.

Tadej Pogacar sostiene el trofeo de campeón del Giro de Italia, el domingo 26 de mayo de 2024, en Roma. (AP Foto/Andrew Medichini)

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Tadej Pogacar se proclamó el domingo campeón del Giro de Italia tras conseguir el margen de victoria más amplio en casi seis décadas, con lo que el esloveno añadió un tercer trofeo en una gran vuelta tras sus dos consagraciones en el Tour de Francia.

Pogacar, quien pedaleó un bicicleta rosa para combinar con su casaca, pantalones y casco del mismo color, completó el recorrido ceremonial en Roma que cerró la ronda de tres semanas. La ventaja final quedó en casi 10 minutos sobre su escolta, el colombiano Daniel Martinez.

Geraint Thomas finalizó tercero en la general, más de 10 segundos detrás.

No se había registrado una brecha de victoria tan aplastante en un Giro desde 1965, cuando Vittorio Adorni se impuso por más de 11 minutos.

Pogacar, del equipo UAE Team Emirates, ganó un total de seis etapas en este Giro, la mayor cantidad desde que Eddy Merckx también se llevó seis en 1973.

Lo siguiente para Pogacar será descansar y recuperarse para ir en busca de su tercer título en el Tour. La joya máxima del ciclismo comenzará el 29 de junio con cuatro etapas en Italia.

Pogacar intentará convertirse en el primer corredor que completa el doblete Giro-Tour en un mismo año desde Marco Pantani en 1998.

El belga Tim Merlier se alzó con la última etapa tras superar a Jonathan Milan el sprint por el Coliseo.

Milan, el italiano que ganó tres etapas durante el Giro, tuvo un problema mecánico y debió cambiar de bicicleta al inicio de la última vuelta. Pero pudo engancharse con el pelotón principal y rozó otro triunfo.

La última etapa de 125 kilómetros (78 millas) fue mayormente llana y acabó con un circuito en el centro de la capital, pasando por las termas de Caracalla, el Foro romano, el río Tíber y el Circo Máximo antes de finalizar en los adoquines cerca del Arco de Constantino.

Pogacar disputó un Giro por primera vez este año y su impacto fue inmediato. Quedó segunda en la segunda etapa en Turín, despegándose de sus rivales directos. Ganó la segunda etapa para apoderarse de la ‘maglia rosa’ e incrementó paulatinamente su ventaja en la clasificación general.

Fue el campeón del Tour en 2020 y 2021 y ha sido el escolta de Jonas Vingegaard en 2022 y 2023.

Vingegaard confía poder defender su título del Tour pese a que sufrió una caída en abril que le dejó con varias costillas rotas y un pulmón colapsado.

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el periódico

El final de la ronda italiana

Pogacar, de la gloria del Giro al talón de Aquiles del Tour

El fenómeno esloveno ha dominado la ronda italiana de forma aplastante y ahora se preparará para la gran carrera francesa donde jonas vingegaard lo ha derrotado las dos últimas temporadas., el corredor belga tim merlier se anota en roma el último esprint de la prueba tras una etapa para la galería., el 'caníbal' del siglo xxi..

Tadej Pogacar, con el trofeo como vencedor del Giro.

Tadej Pogacar, con el trofeo como vencedor del Giro. / GIRO DE ITALIA

Sergi López-Egea

Sergi López-Egea

Sergi López-Egea

Periodista especializado en ciclismo desde 1990. Ha seguido regularmente el Tour como enviado especial desde 1991 al igual que la Vuelta, varias ediciones del Giro, la Volta y Mundiales de la especialidad. Autor de los libros 'Locos por el Tour' (con Carlos Arribas y Gabriel Pernau, RBA), 'Cumbres de leyenda' (con Carlos Arribas, RBA y reedición en Cultura Ciclista), 'Cuentos del Tour', 'Cuentos del pelotón', 'Cuentos del equipo Cofidis' y 'El Tourmalet', todos ellos de Cultura Ciclista.

Tadej Pogacar pasará en un mes de la gloria infinita del Giro al talón de Aquiles del Tour. Llegará a la ronda francesa como el principal favorito al triunfo, pero conocedor de que Jonas Vingegaard ha encontrado la fórmula para derrotarlo si el astro danés está en la salida. Nada parece indicar lo contrario.

El líder del Visma es el único corredor que ha sido capaz de vencerlo y además claramente en los dos últimos años de competición y siempre en el Tour que por décadas y carreras que pasen sigue siendo la gran cita ciclista de la temporada. Pogacar ha salido victorioso del primer duelo cara a cara con su compatriota Primoz Roglic (Tour 2020) y con Remco Evenepoel todavía no han enfrentado los manillares de sus bicis. Los cuatro se encontrarán el 30 de junio en Florencia, cita este año de la salida del Tour.

Pogacar viajará al Tour en apenas un mes después de haber ganado este domingo el Giro por paliza ( Tim Merlier se anotó la última de las 21 etapas al esprint en Roma) pero sin que nadie lo haya puesto en dificultades. De este modo se ha llevado todas las carreras disputadas este curso excepto la Milán-San Remo donde fue tercero porque no pudo romper la prueba en la subida al Poggio y porque la ‘classicisima’ se resolvió al esprint.

Sin verse con los grandes rivales

Sin embargo, no se ha enfrentado a los adversarios que corren a su mismo nivel porque escogió rutas distintas y porque la grave caída de la Itzulia impidió que Evenepoel y Roglic le disputasen la Lieja-Bastoña-Lieja que ganó tras un ataque en solitario a 35 kilómetros de la meta . Pogacar y Vingegaard no se han visto las caras desde que el Tour acabó en París el 23 de julio de 2023.

Por el camino ha habido la fuerte caída sufrida por Vingegaard ( 6 de abril durante la disputa de la cuarta etapa de la Itzulia ): clavícula rota, varias costillas y un neumotórax que lo obligó a estar 12 días hospitalizado. Lleva prácticamente todo el mes de mayo entrenando e irá al Tour, salvo cambio de planes, sin volver a competir antes. Roglic y Evenepoel retornan a la competición el próximo domingo en el Critérium del Dauphiné.

Pogacar no volverá colocarse un dorsal a la espalda hasta la Grande Boucle. Las cifras y récords logrados ahora en Italia son impresionantes: seis etapas ganadas como Eddy Merckx en 1973, ha ido vestido de rosa desde la segunda etapa, ha sido dos veces segundo y una vez tercero, al margen de ganar también la clasificación de la montaña por goleada. Ha logrado, además, la segunda mejor diferencia entre primero y tercero desde el Giro de 1965.

Sin ataques de los contrincantes

Ha faltado por ver un mínimo ataque de cualquiera de los dos rivales más cercanos en la general: el ciclista colombiano Daniel Martínez (segundo) y el galés Geraint Thomas (tercero). Aparte de Pogacar el único corredor que ha dado espectáculo ha sido Julian Alaphilippe , pero alejado de los puestos de honor de la general en un Giro en el que se ha presentado en sociedad Pelayo Sánchez , ganador de una etapa y nueva apuesta española en el arte de anotarse victorias. El primer español de la clasificación ha sido Juanpe López , muy invisible, en el puesto 36º a más de dos horas de Pogacar .

Las clasificaciones finales.

Los números de Tadej Pogacar en 2024

31 días de competición y 5.250 kilómetros recorridos.

Vencedor de la Strade Bianche tras una fuga de 82 kilómetros.

Tercero en la Milán-San Remo.

Ganador de la Volta con cuatro etapas y las clasificaciones de la montaña y los puntos.

Triunfador de la Lieja-Bastoña-Lieja después de una escapada de 35 kilómetros.

Primer clasificado del Giro con seis etapas, la clasificación de la montaña y 9.56 minutos de diferencia con el segundo ciclista de la general (Daniel Martínez).

Palmarés de Pogacar (25 años)

Dos victorias en el Tour (2020 y 21)

Un triunfo en el Giro (2024)

Dos veces segundo en el Tour (2022 y 23)

Tercer clasificado de la Vuelta (2019)

11 etapas en el Tour

6 etapas en el Giro

3 etapas en la Vuelta

3 victorias en Lombardía (2021,22 y 23)

2 Lieja-Bastoña-Lieja (2021 y 24)

1 Tour de Flandes (2023)

2 Strade Bianche (2022 y 24)

Amstel Gold Race y Flecha Valona (2023)

1 Flecha Valona (2023)

2 Tirreno-Adriático (2021y 22)

1 Volta a Catalunya (2024)

1 París-Niza (2023)

Bronce en Tokio y en el Mundial 2023.

  • Giro de Italia
  • Tadej Pogacar
  • Jonas Vingegaard
  • Primoz Roglic
  • Remco Evenepoel

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Pogacar está a un paso de ganar el Giro tras conquistar la 20ma etapa

El esloveno Tadej Pogacar levanta su bicicleta para celebrar su victoria en la 20ma etapa del Giro de Italia entre Alpago y Bassano del Grappa el sábado 25 de mayo del 2024.(Fabio Ferrari/LaPresse via AP)

El esloveno Tadej Pogacar levanta su bicicleta para celebrar su victoria en la 20ma etapa del Giro de Italia entre Alpago y Bassano del Grappa el sábado 25 de mayo del 2024.(Fabio Ferrari/LaPresse via AP)

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BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Italia (AP) — Han terminado 20, falta una.

El dos veces campeón del Tour de Francia Tadej Pogacar prácticamente confirmó su victoria en el Giro de Italia el sábado en su debut en el grand tour italiano.

Prácticamente sólo le falta la rodada ceremonial a Roma el domingo para confirmar su triunfo y lo hizo con estilo.

“Nunca he estado en Roma, pero ciertamente lo voy a disfrutar”, dijo con una sonrisa.

Pogacar nuevamente destruyó a sus rivales en las montañas para conseguir su sexta etapa de 20 y con lo que extendió su ventaja en la clasificación general a casi 10 minutos.

El ciclista de UAE Team Emirates sonrió mientras se dirigía a la meta tras el ataque en Monte Grappa. Se sentó y saludó a los aficionados que lo ovacionaron, levantó los brazos e hizo una reverencia al cruzar la meta.

Pogacar terminó la etapa de 184 kilómetros entre Alpago y Bassano del Grappa dos minutos y siete segundos por delante de Valentin Paret-Peintre y del colombiano Daniel Martínez.

Su victoria lo vio extender su ventaja en la cima a 9:56 minutos por delante de Martínez y a 10:24 de Geraint Thomas, que es tercero.

Julio Rodríguez, de los Marineros de Seattle, anota con sencillo de su compañero Ty France durante la octava entrada del juego de béisbol en contra de los Nacionales de Washington, el domingo 26 de mayo de 2024, en Washington. (AP Foto/John McDonnell)

Pogacar intenta ganar el doblete del Giro y Tour, lo cual nadie ha logrado de Marco Pantani en 1998.

“Mantuvimos el maillot rosa desde la etapa 2, muchas obligaciones cada día, mucho que hacer todo el día... hoy fue otra prueba antes del verano para ver cómo es”, indicó Pogacar.

Pogacar levantó su bicicleta rosa arriba de su cabeza para celebrar.

En realidad sentenció el Giro hace una semana, el esloveno ha dominado su primer grand tour italiano.

La carrera se dirige a Roma para una ruta prácticamente de procesión de 125 kilómetros por las calles de la capital y que termina en el Coliseo.

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Premier tour : Osaka, retour sous les projecteurs

De retour à Roland-Garros, Naomi Osaka ouvre le bal sur le court Philippe-Chatrier ce dimanche face à Lucia Bronzetti.

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Quatre fois titrée en Grand Chelem, Naomi Osaka défie Lucia Bronzetti ce dimanche à partir de 12h sur le court Philippe-Chatrier. En ligne de mire, une potentielle affiche de prestige au deuxième tour face à la double championne en titre, Iga Swiatek.

C'est LE match de la journée dans le tableau féminin. Absente lors de l'édition 2023, Naomi Osaka effectue son grand retour à Roland-Garros ce dimanche. Titrée à quatre reprises en Grand Chelem , la Japonaise - devenue mère d'une petite Shai en juillet dernier - n’a remporté qu’un match à Paris depuis 2019 et va devoir se défaire de Lucia Bronzetti , une joueuse plutôt à son avantage sur ocre. En cas de succès, elle pourrait retrouver au deuxième tour la patronne des lieux, Iga Swiatek .

Si la terre battue n'est pas la surface qu'elle porte le plus dans son cœur, Osaka, qui n'a encore jamais rallié la deuxième semaine Porte d'Auteuil, a posé ses valises forte d'un bon tournoi à Rome. Battue en huitièmes de finale par Qinwen Zheng, elle n'avait plus gagné trois matchs de suite sur la surface depuis Madrid en 2019. Suffisant pour battre une spécialiste de la terre comme Bronzetti ? La réponse à partir de 12h, sur le court Philippe-Chatrier.

Naomi Osaka, practice, Roland-Garros 2024

D'autres rencontres seront attendues dans le tableau féminin, comme les entrées en lice de Jelena Ostapenko (n°9) et Barbora Krejcikova (n°24), sacrées en 2017 et 2021.

➡️ Simple dames : les premiers tours à ne pas manquer

Du côté du simple hommes de l'édition 2024, Grigor Dimitrov (n°10) et Hubert Hurcakz (n°7) joueront en deuxième rotation sur les courts 14 et 7. Mais le match le plus attendu se tiendra sans doute sur le court Suzanne-Lenglen entre Ugo Humbert et Lorenzo Sonego, dont le passif ne peut faire que saliver.

➡️ Simple messieurs : les premiers tours à ne pas manquer

➡️ Dimanche 26 mai : demandez le programme !

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Le PSG réagit à son tour aux affrontements entre supporters à un péage

Plus de mille membres des forces de l'ordre étaient déployés pour la finale de Coupe de France. (J-B. Autissier/L'Équipe)

Le PSG a publié un communiqué ce dimanche pour réagir aux violences qui ont eu lieu au péage de Fresnes-lès-Montauban (Pas-de-Calais) samedi soir, en marge de la finale de la Coupe de France entre le club parisien et l'OL (2-1).

À la suite des incidents provoqués ce samedi après-midi entre quatre bus parisiens et deux Lyonnais , quelques heures avant la finale de la Coupe de France remportée par le PSG (2-1), sur le péage de Fresnes-lès-Montauban (Pas-de-Calais), le PSG a réagi ce dimanche soir dans un communiqué publié sur le site du club .

«  Le Paris-Saint-Germain condamne avec la plus grande fermeté les incidents survenus entre supporters avant la finale de la Coupe de France de ce samedi. Le Club tient à préciser que ses supporters ont à cette occasion scrupuleusement respecté les modalités de déplacement de l'arrêté préfectoral avant d'être attaqués. Ces comportements ne reflètent en aucun cas les valeurs de respect que le Club défend  », détaille le PSG.

Le PSG « se réserve le droit de porter plainte »

« Le Paris-Saint-Germain souhaite exprimer son soutien aux 20 blessés parisiens, dont trois sont actuellement hospitalisés, ainsi qu'au personnel du péage. Dans l'attente de plus amples informations, le Paris-Saint-Germain, qui a vu cinq des bus de ses supporters endommagés, se réserve le droit de déposer plainte ».  Le club ajoute qu'il se tient « à la disposition des autorités policières et préfectorales pour éclaircir les circonstances de ces incidents. Dans l'intérêt de tous, il appelle au calme et à un football solidaire et pacifique  ».


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  5. El Tour, the best showcase of the Gipuzkoan coast

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  6. About El Tour/Starting Times/Nova Home Loans Expo & Fiesta

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  1. Tour de Francia

    Noticias - Sigue el Tour de Francia. Última hora de las 21 etapas, los perfiles y el recorrido del Tour de Francia, con los equipos, ciclistas, resultados y clasificaciones, en As.com

  2. Discover Flåm by Electric Tours

    El-tour - Go electric Experience Stegastein Viewpoint by electric bus or do guided Segway tours in Flåm. Choose an electric and environmentally friendly way to see Flåm. Visit Stegastein Viewpoint by Electric bus (minibus), or ride Segway in Flåm. See and explore our offers and tours below and choose what suits you!

  3. El Tour Route

    El Tour de Tucson is now preparing to host the 41st year for what we think is one of the premier bicycling events in the country. We hope you participate in this year's event on November 23, 2024. You won't be alone given that annually over 9,000 cyclists participate in the renowned and popular event with distances from 102 miles to family fun rides of 1 mile!

  4. Tour de Francia 2023: etapas, perfiles y recorrido

    El Tour de Francia cuenta las horas para el inicio edición de 2023 con un exigente recorrido que coronará al nuevo campeón en París. Un trazado que destaca por tener una única contrarreloj de ...

  5. El Tour de Tucson

    The El Tour de Tucson is on Saturday November 18, 2023. It includes the following events: 102 Mile, 102 Mile MTB, 102 Mile Recumbent, 102 Mile Handcycle, 102 Mile Tandem, 63 Mile, 63 Mile MTB, 63 Mile Recumbent, 63 Mile Handcycle, 63 Mile Tandem, 32 Mile, 32 Mile MTB, 32 Mile Recumbent, 32 Mile Handcycle, 32 Mile Tandem, 32 Mile E-Bike, Unknown Participants, and 102 Mile Platinum.

  6. Official website of Tour de France 2024

    Follow us. Receive exclusive news about the Tour. Tour de France 2024 - Official site of the famed race from the Tour de France. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours.

  7. El-tour

    We tried to contact the El-Tour as our previous tour got delayed by 40+ minutes, so we were trying to get in touch with El-Tour about 20-30 minutes BEFORE the 14:20 tour to see if we can reach a resolution. However the listed phone number on their website (same as the TripAdvisor one) wasn't answered and only redistricted to voicemail.

  8. A local tradition continues with Saturday's El Tour de Tucson. Here's

    According to El Tour data, 92% of all, riders will be using a road bike or a hybrid, with 3% on mountain bikes, 2% on e-bikes and 2% on tandems. A handful of riders will use either handcycles or ...

  9. El Tour de Tucson: Best Road Cycling Event in the USA!

    El Tour de Tucson is the largest bicycling event in Tucson and one of the largest biking events in the USA. In fact, people travel from coast-to-coast to Tucson every November to participate in this annual bicycling competition! First held in 1983, El Tour de Tucson is truly a signature Tucson event. Put on by Perimeter Bicycles (a nonprofit that produces bicycling events for community ...

  10. El Tour De Tucson Expo returns to Tucson Convention Center for the

    TUCSON, Ariz. (13 News) - The 40th annual El Tour De Tucson is just under 48 hours away, but festivities have already kicked off Thursday with the start of the El Tour De Tucson expo.

  11. 5 things to do at the El Tour de Tucson expo, even if you aren't a

    If you go. What: El Tour de Tucson Expo and Fiesta. When: Thursday-Friday, Nov. 18-19, noon to 9 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 20, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. The official El Tour race kicks off Saturday morning. Where: The expo will be held at Armory Park in downtown Tucson, 220 S. Fifth Ave. The routes for Saturday's race can be found here.

  12. El Tour de Tucson: 40 Years of Impact, $110 Million To Charity

    "El Tour was created to raise funds for nonprofits, to promote camaraderie and to help people obtain and maintain healthier lifestyles," said Barbara Franklin, a volunteer and registration coordinator for El Tour since its inception. "It is great way for people to be part of something that brings the community together—individuals ...

  13. Rebranded El Tour de Tucson hopes to sell 'overall package' to cyclists

    37th El Tour de Tucson. Andy Brothers, volunteer, fills an El Tour de Tucson bicyclist's water at a an aid station in Sabino Creek during the 37th annual El Tour de Tucson in Tucson Ariz., on ...

  14. El Tour de Tucson wins USA Today's 10Best Readers' Best Road Cycling

    El Tour de Tucson joins the Chuck Huckelberry Loop as USA Today award winners. The Loop is a two-time winner of the best recreational trail in the United States. El Tour will be celebrating 40 years of cycling in Southern Arizona on Nov. 18, 2023 when were are expecting more than 7,500 cyclist from all over the world.

  15. El Tour de Tucson: 'Community' part of what sets event apart

    The lead pack makes the turn on the Pistol Hill Road leg of the 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday. Kelly Presnell, Arizona Daily Star. Cyclists make their way down Cushing Street at the start of ...

  16. El Tour de Tucson: 'Community' part of what sets event apart

    Riders take to the left lane during the 40th annual El Tour de Tucson, East Sahuarita Rd., November 18, 2023. Grace Trejo. Rain and clouds sock in the Santa Catalina Mountains behind the riders making their way up Pistol Hill Road during the 40th El Tour de Tucson on Saturday.

  17. El Tour Aid Stations: Lifeblood of El Tour cyclists as they provide

    El Tour is a cool, fun ride - and has been for nearly 40 years - but one of the great things about the ride is the Aid Stations. We have 16 of them (and they will be listed here in the story). Without the great help of so many people - volunteers and more - the ride wouldn't be as enjoyable. So many people are out there ready to cheer ...

  18. El Tour Series

    The El Tour Series is a collection of long-distance cycling events that take place primarily in the southwestern United States, with the flagship event being El Tour de Tucson in Arizona. These events are organized by Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc. The El Tour Series has gained significant recognition and popularity within the cycling…

  19. El Tour de Tucson

    El Tour de Tucson is a premier fundraising ride in the United States and the longest-running event of its kind in Arizona has been a Tucson tradition since 1983. Participants range from novices to professionals who enjoy the ride and festivities out of a passion for cycling, as a benchmark for a wellness program, as a symbol of surviving a ...

  20. El Tour de Tucson Has It All

    Since 1983, El Tour has been the longest-running event of its kind in Arizona. Beginners, professionals, and everyone in between come out to celebrate and, of course, to race. In its 40 years of existence, El Tour's organizer Perimeter Bicycling has raised over $110 million for local and international charitable organizations.

  21. El Tour de Tucson: Routes, History and Winners

    El Tour de Tucson is one of America's most prestigious cycling events, drawing thousands of cyclists nationwide. Held annually in Tucson, Arizona, this event offers a challenging and scenic route that showcases the region's beauty. With its rich history and strenuous routes, El Tour de Tucson has become a must-attend event for cycling ...

  22. Bike with the Best: El Tour de Tucson Draws Cycling Elite to Region

    The fast-paced ride boasts 100-plus elite-level cyclists every Saturday. The Holualoa Companies El Tour de Tucson Prologue Camp offers an another opportunity to ride alongside pros. Prior to El Tour, participants in the five-day camp can train with legends such as Hincapie, Bob Roll, Kristin Armstrong, Christian Vande Velde, Mari Holden ...

  23. The Complete Guide to Riding El Tour de Tucson 2023

    El Tour de Tucson 2023 Dates. The event will take place on Saturday, November 18, 2023. El Tour De Tucson 2023 Routes. All Rides/Routes start and finish in downtown Tucson. The Century (7:00am start) 102 Mile; The Metric Century (9:00 am start) 62 Mile/100 Kilometer; The Half Metric Century (10:15 am start) 32 Mile/50 Kilometer; The FUN Rides ...

  24. PGA TOUR winner Grayson Murray passes away at 30

    Murray, 30, was a standout golfer from his youth. He won three consecutive Callaway Junior World Championships (2006-08) and was the top-ranked golfer in his age group.

  25. Pogacar conquista el Giro con un margen abrumador y ahora va por su

    Pogacar intentará convertirse en el primer corredor que completa el doblete Giro-Tour en un mismo año desde Marco Pantani en 1998. El belga Tim Merlier se alzó con la última etapa tras superar ...

  26. Pogacar, de la gloria del Giro al talón de Aquiles del Tour

    26 MAY. 2024 18:41. Por qué confiar en El Periódico. Tadej Pogacar pasará en un mes de la gloria infinita del Giro al talón de Aquiles del Tour. Llegará a la ronda francesa como el principal ...

  27. Pogacar está a un paso de ganar el Giro tras conquistar la 20ma etapa

    El esloveno Tadej Pogacar levanta su bicicleta para celebrar su victoria en la 20ma etapa del Giro de Italia entre Alpago y Bassano del Grappa el sábado 25 de mayo del 2024. (Fabio Ferrari/LaPresse via AP) BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Italia (AP) — Han terminado 20, falta una. El dos veces campeón del Tour de Francia Tadej Pogacar prácticamente ...

  28. French Open 2024: dates, schedule, seeds, how to watch on TV

    WHERE TO WATCH THE FRENCH OPEN ON TV. The full list of official broadcasters of the French Open in each country can be found here. USA: NBC, Peacock, Bally Sports, Tennis Channel. FRANCE: France ...

  29. Premier tour : Osaka, retour sous les projecteurs

    Premier tour : Osaka, retour sous les projecteurs. De retour à Roland-Garros, Naomi Osaka ouvre le bal sur le court Philippe-Chatrier ce dimanche face à Lucia Bronzetti. samedi 25 mai 2024 - Hugo Rondet. Quatre fois titrée en Grand Chelem, Naomi Osaka défie Lucia Bronzetti ce dimanche à partir de 12h sur le court Philippe-Chatrier.

  30. Le PSG réagit à son tour aux affrontements entre supporters à un péage

    Le PSG réagit à son tour aux affrontements entre supporters à un péage Plus de mille membres des forces de l'ordre étaient déployés pour la finale de Coupe de France. (J-B. Autissier/L'Équipe)