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CUSafe Insurance

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Travel Insurance

+5% credit union member discount, single trip, cusafe travel insurance offer. great deals and excellent cover., please note: if you travel against government advice, the policy is invalid., cusafe insurance - terms of service.

CuSafe have and always will treat your personal details with the utmost care.

CuSafe Insurance  Terms of Business

These terms of business set out the basis on which CuSafe Insurance Brokers Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “CuSafe”) will provide business services to you as a client of the firm. They also contain details of our regulatory and statutory obligations and the respective duties of both the firm and you in relation to such services. CuSafe is a member of our brokers association, Brokers Ireland.

Authorised Status CuSafe is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Investment Intermediary under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, and is registered with the Central Bank of Ireland as an Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Mediation Directive. Copies of our various authorisations are available on request. Our authorisations can be verified by contacting the Central Bank on 1890 777 777. We are subject to the Central Bank’s Consumer Protection Code, Minimum Competency Code, and Fitness & Probity Standards – these can be found on the Central Bank’s website www.centralbank.ie. CuSafe is also regulated by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission as a Credit Intermediary.

Services Provided We will offer broad based advice on a fair analysis basis in relation to all classes of life and non-life insurance policies. As a Credit Intermediary the firm can arrange personal loans e.g. premium finance. We will identify and select a suitable product producer and on receipt of your instructions we will transmit orders on your behalf to one or more product producers (a list of which is available on request). For certain classes of insurance, for example, where we have a specialist product line, we may select one or more preferred providers and arrange all such insurances with those providers. CuSafe does not hold shareholdings in any insurer and likewise no insurer has any shareholding in our firm. This firm does not have a ‘tied’ relationship with any institution that would compromise our ability to offer you broad based advice and choice. CuSafe has selected one preferred product provider, Irish Life Assurance plc., for life insurance plans (including life assurance, specified illness cover, income protection, unit linked savings, investments and pension plans), tracker bonds and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs). Analysis of the market will be limited to products provided by Irish Life Assurance plc.

Remuneration and Fees – Non-life CuSafe is remunerated by a professional fee for the initial work activity and time spent in seeking the best terms, advice, product and product producer for your specific needs. A professional fee is also charged for the activity involved in the renewal of the policy and also any alterations that take place during and at termination of a policy. A scale of our fees is undernoted (the percentages shown represent percentages of premiums). We are usually remunerated by commission received from the product producers (details available on request) for the work involved in placing an order and finalising the product with them on your behalf and this is not connected with any professional fee which we charge you. (Some product producers do not pay a commission). Commissions received from product producers are not offset against fees chargeable unless otherwise agreed with you in writing. All fees are shown on a per year/ annual basis. Where a policy is effected for a period longer than one year, the fees payable will be the annual rates shown below multiplied by the policy term.

Standard Scale of Fees Charged For Personal Lines Business in relation to Initial Placement and Renewal of policies: Private & Commercial Motor, Campers– Up to a maximum of 60% with a Minimum of €/£40. Household, Travel, Holiday Home and all other Personal Lines risks – Up to a maximum of 60% with a Minimum of €/£40. In relation to Alterations to or Cancellations of Personal Lines policies during the course of the insurance year which result in either an additional or refund premium and the issue of duplicate documentation a fee of up to €/£50 will apply per transaction. For Corporate Risks such as Commercial Property, Traders Combined, Employers & Public Liability, Motor Fleets, Engineering and all other business related risks in relation to Initial Placement and Renewal of policies – Up to a maximum of 60%. In relation to Alterations to or Cancellations of Corporate policies during the course of the insurance year which result in either an additional or refund premium and the issue of duplicate documentation – Up to a maximum of 60% with a Minimum of €/£40. We reserve the right to amend these fees should the complexity of the product require a higher fee. We will confirm and agree this fee with you prior to any increased charge being applied. Where we act as a wholesaling broker for particular product lines we may charge fees for acting in that capacity in addition to our Standard Scale of Fees shown above. Where we arrange an insurance policy on your behalf and you subsequently cancel cover, we will retain any fee already charged for our services in arranging that cover. We will pass on any bank charges incurred by CuSafe as a result of any payments being returned Unpaid by a client’s bank.

Remuneration and Fees – Life For Life assurance, income protection, mortgage protection, pensions, investments, and savings policies, CuSafe is remunerated on a commission basis from Insurers, and where applicable, full details are included in the product information document distributed to you prior to a proposal being completed. CuSafe may also opt to charge a fee in certain circumstances. If this occurs, you will be fully appraised of the cost involved in advance of providing a service. CuSafe may receive additional commission based on volumes of business placed. We may also receive renewal or indexation commissions. All commissions received contribute to our costs associated with the provision of ongoing services to you and are not offset against fees chargeable unless specifically agreed with you in writing.

Conflict of Interests It is the policy of CuSafe to avoid any conflict of interest when providing business services to its clients. However, where an unavoidable conflict may arise, we will advise you of this before proceeding to provide any business service. If you have not been advised of any such conflict you are entitled to assume that none arises.

Premium Handling CuSafe will accept payments in various ways including, cash, cheque and debit card in respect of all classes of insurance in the circumstances permitted under Section 25G of the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995. CuSafe is not authorised to accept cash or negotiable instruments in any other circumstances. Premiums are due on / or before renewal / inception date. Under the Central Bank legislation very strict rules apply to the payment of premiums to Insurance companies. We will not be able to pay premiums to insurers which have not been received from clients. Therefore, to avoid policy cancellation, premiums must be paid immediately prior to cover incepting or renewal date, otherwise strictly within the credit terms. Where a discrepancy of €/£10 or less arises between the amount due and the amount actually received to cover your insurance premium and our fees, we shall be entitled to write off the amount of the discrepancy in our accounts.

Cancellation / Cooling Off Period – Non-Life A consumer (as defined by SI No. 853 of 2004) has the right to withdraw from an insurance policy (as defined under SI No. 853 of 2004) within 14 days of the start date of the policy without penalty and without giving any reason – this is known as the Cooling Off period. The right of withdrawal may be exercised by notice in writing to CuSafe, quoting your policy number. Should this right be exercised the Insurance Company may charge a pro rata premium for the period you are on cover. If the cover is motor insurance and you wish to avail of the cooling off period, the policy cannot be cancelled until you return the Certificate of Insurance and Windscreen Disc to us. The policy cannot be cancelled until the certificate of insurance and windscreen disk is received by CuSafe. You, the customer can cancel your policy by notice in writing at any time. Provided that all reasonable charges pertaining to costs incurred by CuSafe have been paid and provided that no incident giving rise to a claim has occurred in the current period of insurance, you will be entitled to a proportionate return of the premium for the un-expired period of insurance unless the policy is on a minimum and deposit basis, and if this is the case, no return will be allowed on the policy and this will be noted on your policy schedule. If you cancel during the first year (outside of the Cooling Off period) short term rates apply, please see policy terms and conditions. In the case of cancellation of motor insurance you must return the Certificate of Insurance and Windscreen Disc to CuSafe. Insurance companies normally reserve the right to cancel policies at any time by giving appropriate notice to your last known address. Please refer to your policy terms and conditions. In the event of a policy being cancelled during the period of insurance, any return due will be net of commission and fees.

Failure to pay or default We reserve the right to instigate cancellation proceedings in the event of the following:

  • Your non-payment of the premium due at inception, renewal or following a mid-term adjustment
  • Your bank returns your cheque for any reason
  • Non-disclosure of relevant information
  • Insurer imposed cancellation

Your insurer may cancel your policy in certain circumstances. These conditions are clearly outlined on all policy documents. We reserve the right to take legal action for the recovery of any outstanding premiums due to insurers or fees due to CuSafe.

Complaints Procedure The company has a written procedure in place for the effective consideration and handling of complaints. Any complaints should be addressed, preferably in writing to the Compliance Officer, CuSafe. Each complaint will be acknowledged by us within 5 working days of receipt, updates will be advised in intervals of not more than 20 working days, we will endeavour to resolve the complaint within 40 business days and findings will be furnished to you within 5 working days of completion of the investigation. In the event that you are not entirely satisfied with the firms handling of and response to your complaint, you have the right to complain to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman.

Investor Compensation Investor Compensation Company DAC CuSafe is a member of the Investor Compensation Company DAC Scheme established under the Investor Compensation Act, 1998. The legislation provided for the establishment of a compensation scheme and to the payment in certain circumstances, of compensation to certain clients of firms (known as eligible investors) covered by the Act. However, you should be aware that a right to compensation would only arise where client money or investment instruments held by this company on your behalf cannot be returned, either for the time being or for the foreseeable future, and where the client falls within the definition of eligible investor as contained in the Act. In the event that a right to compensation is established, the amount payable is the lesser of 90% of the client’s loss, which is recognised as being eligible for compensation, or €20,000.

Brokers Ireland Compensation Fund Ltd As a member of Brokers Ireland, CuSafe is also a member of the Brokers Ireland Compensation Fund Ltd. Subject to the rules of the scheme the liabilities of its member firms up to a maximum of €100,000 per client (€250,000 in aggregate) may be discharged by the Fund on its behalf if the member firm is unable to do so, where the above detailed Investor Compensation Company DAC Scheme (established by law) has failed to adequately compensate any client of the member.

Data Protection CuSafe is a Data Controller and Data Processor as defined in the Data Protection Act 1988, 2003 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The data which you provide to us will be held on a computer database and/or paper files for the purpose of arranging transactions or services for you. We record client telephone calls for compliance and quality control. We would also like to keep you informed of various products and services which we can offer and which we think may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive such marketing information please let us know below. We may provide referrals to, and receive referrals from, other firms with which we have a formal business relationship and may share relevant information for the purposes of arranging any transactions for you. You have the right at any time to request a copy of any ‘personal data’ within the meaning of the legislation (as amended or re-enacted from time to time) that our office holds about you and to have any inaccuracies in that information corrected. Your data may be transferred to a country which falls outside of the EU Commission list of adequate countries, however, we are advised that your insurer has the necessary safeguards in place to ensure that all recipients are GDPR compliant. For full details of how your personal data is used and stored, please visit our website.

Your consent The need to retain data varies widely with the type of data. Some data can be immediately deleted and some must be retained until reasonable potential for future need no longer exists. Since this can be somewhat subjective, a retention policy is important to ensure that The Company’s guidelines on retention are consistently applied throughout the organisation. All data used as a basis of a contract will be kept for the term of said contract as outlined below.

How long we hold your information The length of time we hold your data depends on a number of factors, such as regulatory rules and the type of financial product we have provided to you.

Those factors include: This section sets guidelines for retaining the different types of company data.

  • The regulatory rules contained in laws and regulations or set by authorities like the Central Bank of Ireland, for example, in the Consumer Protection Code.
  • The type of financial product we have provided to you. For example, we may keep data relating to a mortgage product for a longer period compared to data regarding a single payment transaction.
  • Whether you and us are in a legal or some other type of dispute with another person or each other.
  • The type of data we hold about you.
  • Whether you or a regulatory authority asks us to keep it for a valid reason.
  • Whether we use your data for long-term statistical modelling, provided that such modelling does not affect any decision we make about you.
  • As a general rule, we keep your information for a specified period after the date on which a transaction has completed or you cease to be a customer.

Data Destruction Data destruction is a critical component of a data retention policy. Data destruction ensures that the Company will use data efficiently thereby making data management and data retrieval more cost effective and secure. When the retention timeframe expires, the Company will destroy said data.

Subject Access Request Subject access requests must be made in writing to the Compliance Officer, CuSafe Insurance. You must give relevant details needed to help us identify and locate all the information we may have (e.g., previous addresses, customer account numbers, etc.). CuSafe may also ask to verify your identity. A fee may be payable in certain circumstances.

The Right to Erasure A customer shall have the right to request the controller to erase personal data concerning them without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without  undue delay where the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed or the collected data is not lawful. While a customer  may request, in writing, their data to be destroyed under the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ rule, however, destruction will be subject to any legal obligations which we may have.

Type of data collected: Policy and investment information – Name, address, email address, telephone numbers, date of birth, gender, marital or civil status, family circumstances, financial objectives, financial circumstances (including assets, liabilities, income, expenditure, banking, insurances and investments), employment, medical information where necessary, PPS numbers, copy passport or driving licence details, payment details, vehicle and property details, driving and claims history, relevant criminal convictions, penalty points, etc. Information can be obtained from sources other than you- Penalty points, address look up, geocoding information, vehicle details and history, credit score, etc. Claims information – the circumstances of an incident, health information (injuries and relevant pre-existing health conditions), relevant criminal convictions, etc. While the above covers a wide range of different types of information it is provided as a general outline, CuSafe will only collect information which is relevant to the product or service to be provided to you. All information collected will only be collated where there is a legal basis for such collection. If you are representing an organisation and provide us with a personal email address for this purpose, we will use that email address for corresponding with you, where appropriate, in relation to any product or service required. We will also use that email address for marketing purposes where you have consented to receiving marketing information.

Sharing of Information Information collected will be shared with product providers (or potential product providers) for the purposes of arranging transactions or services on your behalf i.e. Insurance companies. Information may also be shared with our support service providers, e.g. IT support companies, professional advisors, etc., who are subject to confidentiality agreements with CuSafe. Information may also be shared with regulatory bodies to which we are legally obliged to provide information.

Duty of disclosure It is your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information for insurers when arranging an insurance policy, throughout the life of that policy, and when you are renewing it. It is important that you ensure that all information provided and all statements made, and recorded on proposal forms, statements of fact, claim forms, and other documents are, to your knowledge and belief, complete and accurate. Failure to disclose any material information to your insurers could invalidate your insurance cover and could mean that all or part of a claim will not be paid.

Research / Market Security We use both local and international insurers / markets to obtain the best terms and conditions available. In selecting an insurer, a wide variety of factors are taken into account including the financial statements of the insurer in question. We do not, and cannot, guarantee the financial security of any insurer. If you have any concerns about the security offered please contact us immediately.

Claims It is essential that we are notified immediately of any claims or circumstances which could give rise to a claim. Delay in claim notification could invalidate your claim. When you notify us, you must include all material facts concerning the claim. The policy wording will describe in detail the procedures and conditions in connection with making a claim. It should be noted that there is no cover for defence costs incurred without insurer’s prior consent.

Governing Law and Language The laws of Ireland form the basis for establishing relations between you and CuSafe. All contracts, terms, conditions and communications relating to any policies you may enter with this firm will be in English.

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How do I get international travel approval?

Please click here:  Procurement Service Center Travel Office website  for a guide on approval and travel information.

For the university's Travel Authorization Policy click here:  APS 4024 - Travel Authorization .

Does the university have international medical and evacuation insurance for university travelers?

Study Abroad program participants (students and faculty/staff) must contact their campus Study Abroad Office for information on their international medical and evacuation insurance coverage.

  • Boulder:  Office of International Education
  • Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus:  Global Education: Study Abroad
  • Colorado Springs:  Global Engagement Office: Education Abroad

If a family member accompanies me on the university sponsored trip, will there be any GeoBlue coverage for them?

Not through the university’s program. However, it can be purchased through GeoBlue. Register and access the “Plan Benefits Information” section. This is where you can find the “Dependent Enrollment Form” with the rates.

Information is available at  www.geo-blue.com . Register for access to the member guide, faculty and staff plan and additional information using CU Access code: QHG99999UCBT.

Does the GeoBlue coverage apply for vacation trips before or after the CU trip?

We recommend you speak to GeoBlue for determination and they can guide you to purchase additional coverage as needed. Information is available at  www.geo-blue.com or call GeoBlue directly (Call Collect: +1.610.254.8771 or Toll Free Inside the U.S.: 1.800.257.4823). Register for access to the member guide, faculty and staff plan and additional information using CU Access code: QHG99999UCBT.​ 

Who should I contact when dealing with an injury or illness while traveling abroad?

  • Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus:  Global Education: Study Abroad
  • PSC Travel website
  • (303) 837-2161
  • University Risk Management to report the incident , if work related.

How do I contact my international medical and evacuation insurance carrier?

University employees.

University employees including faculty, staff, residents, fellows traveling on university-sponsored international activities are covered through GeoBlue . Information is available at www.geo-blue.com .  Register for access to the member guide, faculty and staff plan and additional information using CU Access code: QHG99999UCBT .

  • Select “Schedule an appointment with this Provider” in the Member Hub or through the GeoBlue app.
  • Contact GeoBlue to request an appointment: +1.610.254.8771 or [email protected] .
  • Outside of the U.S. you are free to see any provider you choose without a reduction of benefits.
  • Arrange Direct Pay outside the U.S. If you make your own appointment, contact GeoBlue (with as much notice as possible) to provide the doctor’s office with the information required to arrange Direct Pay. This is necessary when scheduling follow-up appointments as well. In many countries providers require payment at the time of the visit unless Direct Pay has been arranged.
  • Call Collect: +1.610.254.8771
  • Toll Free Inside the U.S.: 1.800.257.4823
  • [email protected]

Study Abroad Program Participants

What is international medical and evacuation insurance.

International medical and evacuation insurance may provide the following coverage and services. Review the insurance plan that covers you for additional coverage information.

  • arrange payment of medical treatment
  • arrange and pay for medical evacuation and repatriation
  • arrange and pay for political and natural disaster evacuations
  • research in-country medical facilities
  • arrange access to doctors and hospitals
  • arrange appointments and assist with patient admittance
  • communicate and coordinate with in-country medical facilities

When does workers' compensation apply to international travel?

Workers’ compensation benefits apply to work related injuries and illnesses arising out of the course and scope of university employment. Workers’ compensation covers university employees including faculty, staff, paid student workers, residents, fellows, students in internships, clinical rotations or practicum. Workers’ compensation does not cover volunteers, family members, and other travelers that are not considered employees. Report claims to Risk Management on the file a claim page.

Why should I see a travel clinic before international travel?

International destinations might not have access to medical care similar to care in the U.S. CDC and the university recommend visiting a travel medicine specialist or a doctor familiar with travel medicine to answer questions and make recommendations at least four to six weeks before your trip.

Travel clinics can provide information on health conditions, pre-existing conditions that might require management while you are abroad, and can prescribe prophylactic medications and vaccines where indicated. University of Colorado Hospital, Rose Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, Porter Hospital, Wardenburg Health Center, and Passport Health all have travel medicine specialists available.

Does the university insure my property while traveling abroad?

Only property that is owned/leased by the university is covered by the university’s insurance program. A deductible may apply to theft losses of university owned/leased property. Review security measures that apply to your travel destination. Contact your personal homeowners/renter’s insurance representative for questions on your personal property coverage while traveling abroad.

If traveling with university property, contact your campus Export Control Office.

  • Boulder: Export Controls
  • Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus: Office of Regulatory Compliance
  • Colorado Springs: Research Compliance (Export Controls)

Does the university provide auto insurance while I am traveling abroad?

The university program does not include country-specific compulsory auto insurance. You must purchase country-specific compulsory auto insurance including liability and physical damage if you rent a vehicle. If renting a vehicle is necessary, contact the Procurement Service Center for further information.

1800 Grant Street, Suite 700 | Denver, CO 80203 | Campus Box 014 UCA tel: (303) 860-5682 | toll free: (888) 812-9601 | fax: (303) 860-5680 | [email protected]

1800 Grant Street, Suite 800 | Denver, CO 80203 General: (303) 860-5600 | Fax: (303) 860-5610 | Media: (303) 860-5626 © Regents of the University of Colorado | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service |

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International Travel Registration

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International travel involving students that is CU Boulder-sponsored, CU Boulder-affiliated, related to a CU Boulder activity/program, or accompanied by CU faculty/staff, must be registered with CU Education Abroad prior to departure. CU departments/programs’ funding projects that involve international travel by students are responsible for reporting this information to Education Abroad so that travel registration can be completed. See the  CU Boulder Policy on Student International Travel and Programs  and the High-Risk Locations   page for full details, and consult the links to the right for further information as you plan your international travel.  Education Abroad will provide resources to inform on best practices regarding arrangements for the health, safety, and security of the travelers and university policies and will insure travelers in a comprehensive group major medical/evacuation/repatriation insurance program. There is a fee for these services and for the insurance coverage. 

The exception to this policy is if you are both a CU student  and  a CU employee (i.e. Graduate Research Assistant, etc.) and  you are traveling as part of your CU employment. If you are unsure if this applies to you, connect with your department or [email protected] . CU employees traveling as part of their employment should refer to the  CU International Travel website  instead.

Start the registration process 3 months in advance of your departure date. Certain locations may be considered high risk and would require additional lead time and approval. Complete the International Travel Risk Assessment to find out if your destination is considered high risk.

The registration process will involve submitting info such as:

  • Travel itinerary
  • Emergency plan and contact info
  • Billing information for insurance enrollment
  • Risk acknowledgement waivers

Once you have submitted the registration forms, Education Abroad will enroll your group in health insurance and ISOS's travel alert system, as required by university policy . If you have any questions about the International Travel Registration process, email [email protected] .

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Credit union travel insurance.

Travel Insurance

Traveling is one of the most amazing experiences you can have, but it can come with unexpected risks. From flight cancellations to medical emergencies, anything can happen while you’re away from home. That’s why travel insurance is essential to protect yourself and your trip. If you’re a credit union member, you may be wondering if your credit union offers travel insurance. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about credit union travel insurance.

What is Credit Union Travel Insurance?

Credit Union

Credit union travel insurance is a type of travel insurance offered by credit unions. It provides coverage for unexpected events that can occur while traveling, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and more. Credit unions typically partner with insurance providers to offer this type of insurance to their members.

What Does Credit Union Travel Insurance Cover?

Travel Insurance Coverage

The coverage provided by credit union travel insurance can vary depending on the specific policy. However, most policies may include coverage for:

  • Trip cancellation or interruption
  • Medical emergencies
  • Lost, stolen or damaged luggage
  • Flight delays or cancellations
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Accidental death or dismemberment

It’s important to understand the specific coverage of your policy before purchasing credit union travel insurance.

How to Purchase Credit Union Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance Purchase

To purchase credit union travel insurance, you’ll need to be a member of a credit union that offers this type of insurance. You can usually purchase the insurance through the credit union’s website or by contacting them directly. You’ll need to provide details about your trip, such as the dates of travel, destination, and number of travelers. The credit union will then provide you with a quote and you can purchase the insurance if you choose to do so.

How Much Does Credit Union Travel Insurance Cost?

Travel Insurance Cost

The cost of credit union travel insurance can vary depending on several factors, such as the length of the trip, the destination, the number of travelers, and the coverage provided by the policy. However, credit union travel insurance can be more affordable than other types of travel insurance, as credit unions often negotiate lower rates for their members.

What Are the Benefits of Credit Union Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance Benefits

Credit union travel insurance offers several benefits, including:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you’re protected against unexpected events can provide peace of mind while traveling.
  • Coverage for medical emergencies: Credit union travel insurance can provide coverage for medical emergencies that can occur while traveling, such as accidents or illnesses.
  • Protection for your trip: Trip cancellations or interruptions can be costly, but credit union travel insurance can provide protection for these events.
  • 24/7 assistance: Many credit union travel insurance policies offer 24/7 assistance for emergencies or unexpected events.
  • Affordability: Credit union travel insurance can be more affordable than other types of travel insurance, as credit unions often negotiate lower rates for their members.

Credit union travel insurance can provide peace of mind and protection for unexpected events that can occur while traveling. If you’re a credit union member, it’s worth checking if your credit union offers travel insurance and exploring the benefits it can provide. Make sure to understand the specific coverage of your policy before purchasing credit union travel insurance.

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Go beyond traditional insurance policies and benefit from our fair claims approach, simple enrolment and affordable groups rates for a new level of protection for mortgages, loans, and lines of credit.

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Excellent coverage for your home, backed by superior service. No matter if you own or rent, feel right at home with coverage that is right for you.

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Life insurance can help you create a financial plan to protect your family or business, ensure a comfortable retirement or prepare a tax-sheltered savings plan for your child’s education.

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Travel Insurance

With the CUMIS Travel Insurance Program, you can feel secure knowing the unique coverage and service offered was designed just to meet the needs of credit union members.

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Protect yourself with the CUMIS Travel Insurance Program. Enjoy that secure feeling knowing the unique coverage and service offered are designed with your needs in mind.

Whether you are still in school, well into retirement, a world traveller or off on a quick weekend escape, coverage options are available that fit your lifestyle. 

Key Benefits of Emergency Hospital and Medical Insurance coverage:

  • Up to $10 million for emergency treatment of an injury or sickness.
  • Emergency medical evacuation via air ambulance to a hospital in your province, when medically necessary.
  • Up to $4,000 for treatment for an accidental dental injury
  • Up to $3,000 to transport a family member or friend to your hospital bedside if you are hospitalized, plus up to $1,000 for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them.
  • Coverage for the cost to return an accompanying family member home, when necessary

Click here  to review the many plans and options designed just for credit union members under the CUMIS Travel Insurance Program. If you have any questions about additional coverage or want to know more, call 1-877-885-284

Click here to view procedures and download claim forms.  

Travel insurance does not cover everything. For a complete description of benefits and exclusions, please see the certificate of insurance. This product is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies, and administered by Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz Global Assistance is a registered business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc. and AZGA Insurance Agency Canada Ltd.

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Valley Credit Union is a member of the Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC) , which at $250,000, provides the highest deposit insurance protection in Nova Scotia. Valley Credit Union Limited | Mortgage License #3000173

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For more information on Credit Union Travel, visit https://www.credituniontravel.com/


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Travel smarter with Trip and Medical Travel Insurance

Make the most of your next adventure

Traveling is fun and exciting, but it’s often unpredictable. Smart travelers know that no trip is complete without a comprehensive travel insurance policy to lower their risks in case something goes wrong. From natural disasters and weather conditions to health issues and accidents, there’s no telling what might happen to throw your trip off course. Fortunately, Travel Insurance helps you plan and prepare for whatever comes your way. Whether you’re on a business trip or the vacation of your dreams, Redstone Insurance Services’ Trip Insurance and Medical Travel Insurance can protect you physically and financially.

Trip Insurance

You’ve been planning a trip to London for months—saving, researching, booking, and making arrangements. The day before you’re due to depart, you fall and break your ankle. Without Travel Insurance, an accident like this could be very costly. You risk losing every penny of the non-refundable expenses for your trip, including plane tickets, transportation, hotel, and pre-paid tours, theater, and event tickets.

With Redstone Insurance Services’ Trip Insurance, you’ll be covered if you need to cancel or postpone your trip, or if you have to cut your trip short and come home early. Trip Insurance could save you thousands of dollars in unrecoverable costs, and many headaches when it comes time to reschedule.

Protect your travel plans with Trip Insurance

Medical Travel Insurance

While hiking in Indonesia, you slip on the trail. You hurt your wrist and cut your hand. You’ll definitely need stiches and antibiotics, and you should probably get an x-ray. What should you do? Standard health insurance plans don’t always provide international coverage. Getting treated for an injury like this could set you back hundreds or even thousands of dollars, turning a beautiful day outdoors into an expensive day at the hospital.

Redstone Insurance Services’ Medical Travel Insurance offers the protection you need if you become ill or have an accident far from home. In a true emergency, medical care could cost tens of thousands of dollars abroad. With Medical Travel Insurance, a minor expense now could save you a bundle later on. You’ll rest easy and feel more secure, no matter where your adventures take you.

Protect yourself with Medical Travel Insurance

See how travel insurance can help you make the most of your next adventure.

Must be Redstone Federal Credit Union (RFCU) member to obtain certain insurance products. Must be eligible for membership and open a share savings account to join. A $5.00 minimum balance is required to open share savings account and must be maintained in share savings account at all times. Fees and other restrictions may apply. RFCU does not warrant, guarantee, or insure any product or service offered by Redstone Insurance Services (RIS) or any third party insurance company. RIS, third party insurance companies and RFCU are separate entities.

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Is Travel Insurance a Good Idea?

Is Travel Insurance a Good Idea?

We all love getting away from it all and going on vacation. With all the excitement of going away, and with the number of excellent deals on flights and hotels, it is easy to forget about buying travel insurance.

There are two main types of policies you can buy – single trip and annual insurance. As the names suggest, single trip insurance covers you for one trip, whereas annual insurance covers you for multiple journeys within a set period.

Travel Insurance Basics

There are various types of travel insurance coverage, many of which offer different features. The one you purchase will depend on factors such as where you are going, what you will be doing on vacation, and the length of your trip.

The most common options are:

  • Evacuation. At times, the world can be an unpredictable place, and there is political and social unrest in many countries. This is why it is important to buy evacuation coverage if you are traveling to such a place. You might also want to consider that natural disasters can happen anywhere, at any time too. Of course, some places will be more prone to natural disasters due to their geography and climate. Evacuation insurance can help alleviate the financial strain of getting out of harm’s way.
  • Medical. Traveling abroad, and eating new foods can sometimes be a recipe for disaster. If you are hit by a bad stomach bug while you are away, you will want to have medical insurance in place to keep costs down.
  • Baggage. Nothing is worse than losing your baggage before you even reach your vacation destination. Baggage coverage takes some of the strain out of replacing your gear.
  • Cancellation. If something comes up and you need to cancel your trip, cancellation insurance will help you recoup your hard-earned money. It also covers cancellations that occur if airline delays make you miss an event, or if the tour provider goes bankrupt.
  • Death and dismemberment. This policy option provides your family with a payout, should you die during your vacation.

In addition to the benefits listed above, travel insurance can offer you real peace of mind to have coverage should the worst happen during your vacation.

Certain groups of travelers can benefit from buying travel insurance, there include:

  • Big spenders. These are individuals who cannot stand to lose a significant amount of money should their trip be canceled or similar.
  • Nervous travelers. Having insurance in place will provide peace of mind.
  • Package tour and cruise customers. Tour operators and cruise lines are not so lenient when it comes to missing missed vacations and voyages.
  • People with lengthy and/or complex itineraries. If one part of a tour doesn’t go to plan, the remainder of the trip can be negatively affected, and even missed.
  • People on trips outside of the United States. Many overseas medical providers will want you to pay upfront for your care, adequate insurance will take care of this.
  • People on Medicare who are traveling internationally. Medicare won’t usually cover events that occur in other countries.

Is it Worth It?

Travel insurance provides you with real peace of mind, so it is ideal for you if you are a worrier, if your trip cost a lot of money, or if you have a legitimate concern about the vacation destination.

In considering different policies, there are some “benefits” that you probably won’t need, such as death coverage. In fact, a decent life insurance policy is a better option if you have concerns regarding your mortality.

Also, if you have booked a short, inexpensive, and domestic trip, it is unlikely you will need insurance. Many travel insurance policies do not cover some pre-existing medical conditions either, so if you are considering purchasing medical insurance, be sure to investigate the coverage thoroughly.

Sometimes, other insurance you have or your credit card may already provide the coverage you need. That is another important aspect to check before you spend money on a new travel insurance policy.

Travel insurance is a good idea if you need peace of mind when you are on vacation, especially if you do not have any other back up.

If you are planning on trying out some extreme sports, on visiting a developing country, or anything else in between, it might be worth taking out travel insurance. However, the concept of risk is a very personal one that varies from person to person, so whether or not you take out travel insurance can be a very personal choice.

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11 Best Travel Insurance Companies in August 2024

shop travel insurance for more peace of mind when booking vacations

Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our advertising partners who compensate us when you take certain actions on our website or click to take an action on their website. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

If the past few years have shown us anything, it’s that travelers need to be prepared for the unexpected — from a pandemic to flight troubles to the crowded airport terminals so many of us have encountered.

If you don't have sufficient travel insurance coverage via your credit card , you can supplement your policies with third-party plans.

Whether you’re looking for an international travel insurance plan, emergency medical care or a policy that includes extreme sports, these are the best travel insurance providers to get you covered.

How we found the best travel insurance

We looked at quotes from various companies for a 10-day trip to Mexico in September 2024. The traveler was a 55-year-old woman from Florida who spent $3,000 total on the trip, including airfare.

On average, the price of each company’s most basic coverage plan was $126.53. The costs displayed below do not include optional add-ons, such as Cancel For Any Reason coverage or pre-existing medical condition coverage.

Read our full analysis about the average cost of travel insurance so you can budget better for your next trip.

However, depending on the plan, you may be able to customize at an added cost.

As we continue to evaluate more travel insurance companies and receive fresh market data, this collection of best travel insurance companies is likely to change. See our full methodology for more details.

Best insurance companies

Types of travel insurance

What does travel insurance cover, what’s not covered, how much does it cost, do i need travel insurance, how to choose the best travel insurance policy, what are the top travel destinations in 2024, more resources for travel insurance shoppers.

Top credit cards with travel insurance


Best travel insurance overall: berkshire hathaway travel protection.


Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection

  • ExactCare Value (basic) plan is among the least expensive we surveyed.
  • Speciality plans available for road trips, luxury travel, adventure activities, flights and cruises.
  • Company may reimburse claimants faster than average, including possible same-day compensation.
  • Multiple "Trip Delay" coverage types might make claims confusing.
  • Cheapest plan only includes fixed amounts for its coverage.

Under the direction of chair and CEO Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection has been around since 2014. Its plans provide numerous opportunities for travelers to customize coverage to their needs.

At $135 for our sample trip, the ExactCare Value (basic) plan from Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection offers protection roughly $10 above the average price.

Want something cheaper? Air travelers looking for inexpensive, less comprehensive protections might opt for a basic AirCare plan that includes fixed amounts for its coverage .

Read our full review of Berkshire Hathaway .

What else makes Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection great:

Pre-existing medical condition exclusion waivers available at nearly all plan levels. 

Plans available for travelers going on a cruise, participating in extreme sports or taking a luxury trip.

ExactCare Value (basic) plan was among the least expensive we surveyed.

Best for emergency medical coverage: Allianz Global Assistance


Annual or single-trip policies are available.

  • Multiple types of insurance available.
  • All plans include access to a 24/7 assistance hotline.
  • More expensive than average.
  • CFAR upgrades are not available.
  • Rental car protection is only available by adding the One Trip Rental Car protector to your plan or by purchasing a standalone rental car plan.

Allianz Global Assistance is a reputable travel insurance company offering plans for over 25 years. Customers can choose from a variety of single and annual policies to fit their needs. On top of comprehensive coverage, some travelers might opt for the more affordable OneTrip Cancellation Plus, which is geared toward domestic travelers looking for trip protections but don’t need post-departure benefits like emergency medical or baggage lost.

For our test trip, Allianz Global Assistance’s basic coverage cost $149, about $22 above average.

What else makes Allianz Global Assistance great:

Annual and single-trip plans.

Plans are available for international and domestic trips.

Stand-alone and add-on rental car damage product available.

Read our full review of Allianz Global Assistance .

Best for travelers with pre-existing medical conditions: Travel Guard by AIG


Travel Guard by AIG

  • Offers last-minute coverage.
  • Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Exclusion Waiver available at all plan levels.
  • Plan available for business travelers.
  • Cancel For Any reason coverage only available for higher-level plans, and only reimburses up to 50% of the trip cost.
  • Trip interruption coverage doesn't apply to trips paid for with points and miles.

Travel Guard by AIG offers a variety of plans and coverages to fit travelers’ needs. On top of more standard trip protections like trip cancellation, interruption, baggage and medical coverage, the Cancel For Any Reason upgrade is available on certain Travel Guard plans, which allows you to cancel a trip for any reason and get 50% of your nonrefundable deposit back as long as the trip is canceled at least two days before the scheduled departure date.

At $107 for our sample trip, the Essential plan was below average, saving roughly $20.

What else makes Travel Guard by AIG great:

Three comprehensive plans and a Pack N' Go plan for last-minute travelers who don't need cancellation benefits.

Flight protection, car rental, and medical evacuation coverage, as well as annual plans available.

Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion waiver available on all plan levels, as long as it's purchased within 15 days.

Read our full review of Travel Guard by AIG .

Best for those who pack expensive equipment: Travel Insured International


Travel Insured International

  • Higher-level plan include optional add-ons for event tickets and for electronic equipment
  • Rental car protection add-on for just $8 per day, even on lower-level plan.
  • Many of the customizations are only available on the higher-tier plan.
  • Coverage cost comes in above average in our latest analysis.

Travel Insured International offers several customization options. For instance, those going to see a show may want to add on event ticket registration fee protection. Traveling with expensive gear?Consider adding on coverage for electronic equipment for up to $2,000 in coverage.

Be sure to check which policies are available in your state. You will need to input your destination, residence, trip dates and the number of travelers to get a quote and see coverages.

What else makes Travel Insured International great:

Comprehensive plans include medical expense reimbursement accidents, sickness, evacuation and pre-existing conditions, depending on the plan.

Flight plans include coverage for missed and canceled flights and lost or stolen baggage.

Read our full review of Travel Insured International .

Best for adventurous travelers: World Nomads


World Nomads

  • Travelers can extend coverage mid-trip.
  • The standard plan covers up to $300,000 in emergency evacuation costs.
  • Plans automatically cover 200+ adventurous activities.
  • No Cancel For Any Reason upgrades are available.
  • No pre-existing medical condition waivers are available.

Many travel insurance plans contain exclusions for adventure sports activities. If you plan to ski, bungee jump, windsurf or parasail, this might be a plan to consider.

Note that the Standard plan ($72 for our sample trip), while the most affordable, provides less coverage than other plans. But it can be a good choice for travelers who are satisfied with trip cancellation and interruption coverage of $2,500 or less, do not need rental car damage protection, find the limits to be sufficient and do not need coverage for certain more adventurous activities.

What else makes World Nomads great:

Comprehensive international travel insurance plans.

Coverage available for adventure activities, such as trekking, mountain biking and scuba diving.

Read our full review of World Nomads .

Best for medical coverage: Travelex Insurance Services


Travelex Insurance Services

  • Top-tier plan doesn’t break the bank and provides more customization opportunities.
  • Offers a plan specifically for domestic travel.
  • Sells a post-departure medical coverage plan.
  • Fewer customization opportunities on the Basic plan.
  • Though perhaps a plus for domestic travelers, keep in mind the Travel America plan only covers domestic trips.

For starters, basic coverage from Travelex Insurance Services came in at $125, almost exactly average for our sample trip.

Travelex’s plans focus heavily on providing protections that are personalized to your travel style and trip type.

While the company does offer comprehensive plans that include medical benefits, you can also choose between cheaper plans that don’t provide cancellation coverage but do offer protections during your travels.

Read our full review of Travelex Insurance Services .

What else makes Travelex Insurance Services great:

Three comprehensive plans available, two of which cover international trips.

Offers a post-departure plan geared exclusively toward disruptions after you leave home.

Two flight insurance plans available.

Best if you have travel credit card coverage: Seven Corners


Seven Corners

  • Annual, medical-only and backpacker plans are available.
  • Cancel For Any Reason upgrade is available for the cheapest plan.
  • Cheapest plan also features a much less costly Interruption for Any Reason add-on.
  • Offers only one annual policy option.

Each Seven Corners plan offers several optional add-ons. Among the more unique is a Trip Interruption for Any Reason, which allows you to interrupt a trip 48 hours after the scheduled departure date (for any reason) and receive a refund of up to 75% of your unused nonrefundable deposits.

» Jump to the best cards with travel insurance

The basic coverage plan for our trip to Mexico costs $124 — right around the average.

What else makes Seven Corners great:

Comprehensive plans for U.S. residents and foreigners, including travelers visiting the U.S.

Cheap add-ons for rental car damage, sporting equipment rental or trip interruption for any reason.

Read our full review of Seven Corners .

Best for long-term travelers: IMG


  • Coverage available for adventure travelers.
  • Offers direct billing.
  • Claim approval can be lengthy.

While some travel insurance companies offer just a handful of plans, with IMG, you’ll really have your pick. Though this requires a bit more research, it allows you to search for coverage that fits your travel needs.

However, travelers will want to be aware that IMG’s iTravelInsured Travel Lite is expensive. Coming in at $149.85, it’s the costliest plan on our list.

Read our full review of IMG .

What else makes IMG great:

More affordable than average.

Many plans to choose from to fit your needs.

Best for travelers with unpredictable work demands: Tin Leg


  • In addition Cancel For Any Reason, some plans offer cancel for work reason coverage.
  • Adventure sports-specific coverage is available.
  • Plans have overlap that can be hard to distinguish.
  • Only one plan includes Rental Car Damage coverage available as an add-on.

Tin Leg’s Basic plan came in at $134 for our sample trip, adding about $8 onto the average basic policy cost. Note that you’ll pay a lot more if you shop for the most comprehensive coverage, and there are eight plans to choose from for trips abroad.

The multitude of plans can help you find coverage that fits your needs, but with so many to choose from, deciding can be daunting.

The only real way to figure out your ideal plan is to compare them all, look at the plan details and decide which features and coverage suit you and your travel style best.

Read our full Tin Leg review .

Best for booking travel with points and miles: TravelSafe


  • Covers up to $300 redepositing points and miles on eligible canceled award flights.
  • Optional add-on protection for business equipment or sports rentals.
  • Multi-trip or year-long plans aren’t available.

Selecting your travel insurance plan with TravelSafe is a fairly straightforward process. The company’s website also makes it easy to visualize how optional add-on elements influence the total cost, displaying the final price as soon as you click the coverage.

However, at $136, the Basic plan was among the more expensive for our trip to Mexico.

What else makes TravelSafe great:

Rental car damage coverage add-on is available on both plans.

Cancel For Any Reason coverage available on the TravelSafe Classic plan.

Read our full TravelSafe review .

Best for group travel insurance: HTH Insurance


HTH Travel Insurance

  • Covers travelers up to 95 years old.
  • Includes direct pay option so members can avoid having to pay up front for services.
  • A 24-hour delay is required for baggage delay coverage on the TripProtector Economy plan.
  • No waivers for pre-existing conditions on the lower-level plan.

HTH offers single-trip and multitrip medical insurance coverage as well as trip protection plans.

At around $125, the Trip Protector Economy policy is at the average mark for plans we reviewed.

You can choose to insure group trips for educators, crew, religious missionaries and corporate travelers.

What else makes HTH Insurance great:

Medical-only coverage and trip protection coverage.

Lots of options for group travelers.

Read our full review of HTH Insurance .

As you shop for travel insurance, you’ll find many of the same coverage categories across numerous plans.

Trip cancellation

This covers the prepaid costs you make for your trip in cases when you need to cancel for a covered reason. This coverage helps you recoup upfront costs paid for flights and nonrefundable hotel reservations.

Trip interruption

Trip interruption benefits generally involve disruptions after you depart. It helps reimburse costs incurred for flight delays, cancellations and plenty of other covered disruptions you might encounter during your travels.

This coverage can cover the costs for you to return home or reimburse unexpected expenses like an extra hotel stay, meals and ground transportation.

Trip delay coverage helps cover unexpected costs when your trip is delayed. This is another coverage that helps offset the costs of flight trouble or other travel disruptions.

Note that many policies have a total amount a traveler can claim, with caps on per diem benefits, too.

Cancel For Any Reason

Cancel For Any Reason coverage allows you to recoup some of the upfront costs you paid for a trip even if you’re canceling for a reason not otherwise covered by your standard travel insurance policy.

Typically, adding this protection to your plan costs extra.

Baggage delay

This coverage helps cover the costs of essential items you might need when your luggage is delayed. Think toiletries, clothing and other immediate items you might need if your luggage didn’t make it on your flight.

Many travel insurance plans with baggage delay protection will specify how long (six, 12, 24 hours, etc.) your luggage must be delayed before you can make a claim.

Lost baggage

Used for travelers whose luggage is lost or stolen, this helps recoup the lost value of the items in your bag.

You’ll want to make sure you closely follow the correct procedures for your plan. Many plans include a maximum total amount you can claim under this coverage and a per-item cap.

Travel medical insurance

This covers out-of-pocket medical costs when travelers run into an emergency.

Because many travelers’ health insurance plans don’t cover medical care overseas, travel medical insurance can help offset out-of-pocket health care costs.

In addition to emergency medical coverage, many plans have medical evacuation or repatriation coverage for costs incurred when you must be taken to a hospital or return to your home country because of a medical situation.

Most travel insurance plans cover many trip protections that can help you be prepared for unexpected travel disruptions and expenses.

These coverages are generally aimed at protecting the money you put into your trip, expenses you incur because of travel trouble and costs incurred if you have a medical emergency overseas.

On top of core coverages like trip cancellation and interruption and travel medical coverage, some plans offer add-on options like waivers for pre-existing conditions, rental car collision damage waivers or adventure sports riders. These usually cost extra or must be added within a specified timeframe.

Typical travel insurance policies offer coverage for many unforeseen events, but as you research to select a plan, consider your needs. Though every plan differs, there are some commonly excluded coverages.

For instance, you typically can’t get coverage for a named storm if you bought the coverage after the storm was named. In other words, if you have a trip to the Caribbean booked for Sept. 25 and on Sept. 20 a hurricane develops and is named, you generally won’t be able to buy a travel insurance plan Sept. 21 in hopes of getting your money back.

Many plans also don’t cover activities performed under the influence of drugs or alcohol or any extreme sports. If the latter applies to you, you might want to consider a plan with specific coverages for adventure-seekers.

For numerous plans, a few other situations don’t qualify as an acceptable reason to cancel and make a claim, such as fear of travel, medical tourism or pregnancies (unless you booked a trip and bought insurance before you became pregnant or there are complications with the pregnancy). This is where a Cancel For Any Reason add-on to your coverage can be helpful.

You can also run into trouble if you give up on a trip too soon: a minor (or even multihour) flight delay likely isn’t sufficient to cancel your entire trip and get reimbursed through your plan. Be sure to review what requirements your specific plan has when it comes to canceling a trip, claiming trip interruption, etc.

Travel insurance costs vary widely. The final price of your plan will fluctuate based on your age, length of trip and destination.

It will also depend on how much coverage you need, whether you add on specialized policies (like Cancel For Any Reason or pre-existing conditions coverage), whether you plan to participate in extreme sports and other factors.

In our examples above, for instance, the 35-year-old traveler taking a $2,000 trip to Italy would have spent an average $76 for a basic plan to get coverage for things like trip cancellation and interruption, baggage protection, etc. That’s a little less than 4% of the total trip cost — lower than average.

If there were multiple members in a traveling party or if they were going on, say, a rock-climbing or bungee-jumping excursion, the costs would go up.

On average, travel insurance comes to about 5% to 10% of the trip cost. However, considering many of the plans reimburse up to 100% of the trip cost (or more) for disruptions like trip cancellation or interruption, it can be a worthwhile expense if something goes wrong.

It depends. Consider the following factors that might affect your decision: You’re young and healthy, all your bookings are refundable or cancelable without a penalty, your flights are nonstop, you’re not checking bags and a credit card you carry offers some travel protections . In that case, travel insurance might not be necessary.

On the other hand, if you prepaid a large chunk of money for a nonrefundable African safari, you’re going on a Caribbean cruise in the middle of a hurricane season or you’re going somewhere where the cost of health care is high, it’s not a bad idea to buy a travel insurance plan. Here’s how to find the best travel insurance coverage for you.

If you’re thinking of booking a trip and not planning to buy travel insurance, you may want to consider at least booking refundable airfare and not prepaying for hotel, rental car and activity reservations. That way, if something goes wrong, you can cancel without losing any money.

Selecting the best travel insurance policy comes down to your needs, concerns, preferences and budget.

As you book, take a few minutes to consider what most concerns you. Is it getting stranded because of flight trouble? Having the ability to cancel for any reason you see fit without losing money? Getting sick or injured right before departure and needing to postpone the trip? Injuring yourself or falling ill while overseas?

Ultimately, you want a plan that protects you, your money and the large investment in your trip — but doesn’t cost too much, either.

Medical coverage. If your priority is having adequate medical coverage abroad, you might want to look for plans with high limits for medical emergencies and medical evacuation.

Complex travel itinerary. If your itinerary has lots of flight connections, prepaid hotels and deposits for activities you can’t get back, prioritizing a plan with the best coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions may land at the top of your list.

Travel uncertainty. If you’re on the fence about a trip and have nonrefundable reservations, you may want to select a plan with a Cancel For Any Reason coverage option, which can help you recoup about 50% to 75% of the costs. This helps provide peace of mind, placing the decision on whether to travel entirely in your hands.

Car rentals. If you’re renting a car, a collision damage waiver is often worth looking into.

The following destinations are the top insured destinations in 2024, according to Squaremouth (a NerdWallet partner).

The Bahamas.

Costa Rica.


In 2022, travelers spent about 25.53% more on trips than they did before the pandemic.

As of December, NerdWallet analysis determined travel prices are 10% higher than pre-pandemic. Each statistic makes a strong case for protecting your travel investment as you plan your next trip.

Bookmark these resources to help you make smart money moves as you shop for travel insurance.

What is travel insurance?

CFAR explained.

Is travel insurance worth getting?

10 credit cards that provide travel insurance.

We used the following factors to choose insurance providers to highlight:

Breadth of coverage: We looked at how many plans each company offered plus the range of their standard plans. 

Depth of coverage: We considered two data points to get a sense of how much each company pays out for common travel issues — the maximum caps for trip cancellation and trip interruption claims.

Cost: By looking at the costs for basic coverage across multiple companies, we determined an average cost for shoppers to benchmark plan prices against.

Customizability: While standard plans can cover a lot of ground, sometimes you need something a little more personal.

Customer satisfaction. Using data from Squaremouth when available, and Google Reviews as a backup, we can give kudos to companies with better track records from their clients.

No, it doesn’t necessarily get more expensive the longer you wait to purchase. However, as you put off buying insurance, you may lose access to potential plans and coverage options.

In general, buying travel insurance within a few days to two weeks of prepaying or making an initial deposit for your trip is your best bet. Assuming you’re not booking last-minute, this will provide you with access to the widest possible range of coverage options. It also helps prevent any medical conditions or storms that pop up between booking and buying a plan from ending up as excluded situations, which won’t be covered by your plan.

But, generally, many plans do allow you to buy coverage quite close to your departure date.

To get the most out of your travel insurance plan, buy it soon after making your initial prepayment or deposit to ensure you have access to the biggest menu of plans possible.

Select a plan that’s comprehensive enough to cover the travel scenarios you’re most concerned about or likely to encounter but not too expensive or laden with protections you’d never likely need.

Whatever your coverage, thoroughly review the plan so you understand what’s covered and what’s not, plus how to adhere to the plan’s rules for making a claim.

Travelers frequently use phrases like “trip insurance” and “travel insurance,” as well as “trip protection,” interchangeably, but they do mean different things, according to Stan Sandberg, founder of insurance comparison site TravelInsurance.com.

Trip insurance, or trip protection, generally refers to predeparture (or preevent) coverage if you need to cancel. You may see these plans sold by airlines, online travel agencies or even ticketed event sellers.

“You could refer to it as the portion that protects the investment in the trip,” Sandberg says.

A travel insurance plan typically includes that — plus more comprehensive benefits to protect you during your trip, from medical coverage to trip delay and lost baggage protections, and many more elements, depending on the plan.

Though travel insurance is typically not required for international trips, your personal circumstances will play a key role in whether it’s a good investment.

For instance, young, healthy travelers with few prepaid trip expenses embarking on a relatively risk-free trip may not see a need to buy a plan.

Older travelers with complicated itineraries who are visiting destinations where they could potentially fall ill or get injured — or who could encounter bad weather or some other disrupting factor along the way — may want to buy coverage.

Consider a few key questions:

How well would your health insurance plan cover you if you needed to visit a hospital overseas?

How much did you prepay for a hotel or rental car?

How much money would you be out if weather or some other flight issue derailed your itinerary?

Could you afford an unexpected night in a city where you have a connecting flight?

Do you already have a credit card that provides some travel protections?

Your answers to these questions can help you decide whether you need travel insurance for your international trip.

In general, buying travel insurance

within a few days to two weeks of prepaying or making an initial deposit

for your trip is your best bet. Assuming you’re not booking last-minute, this will provide you with access to the widest possible range of coverage options. It also helps prevent any medical conditions or storms that pop up between booking and buying a plan from ending up as excluded situations, which won’t be covered by your plan.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

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Guide to Your Visa Signature Card Benefits

Your Guide to Benefits describes the benefits in effect as of 11/1/14. Benefit information in this guide replaces any prior benefit information you may have received. Please read and retain for your records. Your eligibility is determined by your financial institution.

For more information about the benefits described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1- 800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1093.

For questions about your Visa account, call the phone number on your Visa statement or the back of your card.

Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption

Benefit information.

In the event of the Insured Person’s Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption, we will pay up to the Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Benefit Amount of $5,000.00.

Payment will not exceed either: 1) the actual Non-Refundable amount paid by the Insured Person for a Common Carrier passenger fare(s); or 2) $5,000.00.

The Insured Person will relinquish to us any unused vouchers, tickets, coupons, or travel privileges for which we have reimbursed the Insured Person.

The Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption of the Insured Person must be caused by or result from:

1) Death, Accidental Bodily Injury, disease, or physical illness of the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person; or

2) Default of the Common Carrier resulting from Financial Insolvency.

The death, Accidental Bodily Injury, disease, or physical illness must be verified by a Physician and must prevent the Insured Person from traveling on a Covered Trip.

Additional Benefits

Additional Scheduled Air Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance: As a Visa Signature cardholder, You, Your spouse (or Domestic Partner), and unmarried Dependent Children will be automatically insured up to the Benefit Amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) provided the entire cost of the passenger fare(s), less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, has been charged to Your eligible Visa card account. You are insured against Accidental Loss of life, limb, sight, speech, or hearing while: 1) riding as a passenger in or entering, exiting, or being struck by a scheduled aircraft or a conveyance operated by a military transport service; or 2) riding as a passenger in, entering, or exiting any conveyance licensed to carry the public for a fee and while traveling to or from the airport: a) immediately preceding the departure of a scheduled aircraft on which the Insured Person has purchased passage; and b) immediately following the arrival of a scheduled aircraft on which the Insured Person was a passenger; or 3) at the airport, at the beginning or end of the flight.

The entire cost of the Scheduled Airline passenger fare, less redeemable certificates, vouchers or coupons, must be charged to the Insured Person’s account issued by the Policyholder. This charge must occur during the policy period. If the purchase of the Scheduled Airline passenger fare is not made prior to the Insured Person’s arrival at the airport, coverage begins at the time the entire cost of the Scheduled Airline passenger fare, less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, is charged to the Insured Person’s account issued by the Policyholder.

Eligibility: This travel insurance plan is provided to Visa Signature cardholders automatically when the entire cost of the passenger fare(s) is charged to the eligible Visa Signature card account while the insurance is effective. It is not necessary for You to notify Your Financial Institution, the Plan Administrator, or Federal Insurance Company (the “Company”) when tickets are purchased.

The Cost: This travel insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to eligible Visa Signature cardholders. Your financial institution pays the cardholder’s premium as a benefit of card membership.

Beneficiary: The Loss of Life benefit will be paid to the Beneficiary designated by You. If no such designation has been made, that benefit will be paid to the first surviving Beneficiary in the following order: a) Your spouse, b) Your Children, c) Your parents, d) Your brothers and sisters, e) Your estate. All other indemnities will be paid to You.

The Benefits: The full Benefit Amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) is payable for Accidental Loss of Life, two or more Members, sight of both eyes, speech and hearing or any combination thereof. Fifty percent (50%) of the Benefit Amount is payable for Accidental Loss of one Member, sight of one eye, speech or hearing. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Benefit Amount is payable for the Accidental loss of the thumb and index finger of the same hand.


Accident or Accidental means a sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected event which: 1) happens by chance; 2) arises from a source external to the Insured Person; 3) is independent of illness, disease, or other bodily malfunction or medical or surgical treatment thereof; 4) occurs while the Insured Person is insured under this policy which is in force; and 5) is the direct cause of Loss.

Accidental Bodily Injury means Bodily Injury, which: 1) is Accidental; 2) is the direct cause of a Loss; and 3) occurs while the Insured Person is insured under this policy, which is in force. Accidental Bodily Injury does not include conditions caused by repetitive motion injuries or cumulative trauma not a result of an Accident, including, but not limited to: 1) Osgood-Schlatter’s disease; 2) bursitis; 3) chondromalacia; 4) shin splints; 5) stress fractures; 6) tendinitis; and 7) carpal tunnel syndrome.

Benefit Amount means the Loss amount at the time the entire cost of the passenger fare is charged to an eligible Visa card account. The loss must occur within one year of the Accident. The Company will pay the single largest applicable Benefit Amount. In the event of multiple Accidental deaths per account arising from any one Accident, the Company’s liability for all such Losses will be subject to a maximum limit of insurance equal to two times the Benefit Amount for loss of life. Benefits will be proportionately divided among the Insured Persons up to the maximum limit of insurance.

Covered Trip means a trip, for which Common Carrier costs (other than taxi) are charged to the Insured Person’s eligible Visa Signature card account for travel on a Common Carrier when the entire cost of the passenger fare for such transportation, less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, has been charged to an Insured’s Person’s eligible Visa Signature card account issued by the Policyholder, occurring while the insurance is in force.

Dependent Child or Children means those Children, including adopted Children and those Children placed for adoption, who are primarily dependent upon the Insured Person for maintenance and support, and who are: 1) under the age of nineteen (19), and reside with the Insured Person; 2) beyond the age of nineteen (19), permanently mentally or physically challenged, and incapable of self-support; or 3) under the age of twenty-five (25) and classified as full-time students at an institution of higher learning.

Domestic Partner means a person designated in writing at enrollment by the primary Insured Person, who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, and who during the past twelve (12) months: 1) has been in a committed relationship with the primary Insured Person; and 2) has been the primary Insured Person’s sole spousal equivalent; and 3) has resided in the same household as the primary Insured Person; and 4) has been jointly responsible with the primary Insured Person for each other’s financial obligation, and who intends to continue the relationship indefinitely.

Immediate Family Member means spouse, Dependent Child or Children, or other relatives residing with the Insured Person.

Insured’s Location of Permanent Residence means the city where the Insured Person has established his/her fixed and permanent principal home.

Insured Person means a person, qualifying as an eligible cardholder: 1) who elects insurance; or 2) for whom insurance is elected; or 3) and on whose behalf premium is paid.

Loss means, with respect to a hand, complete severance through or above the knuckle joints of at least four (4) fingers on the same hand or at least three (3) fingers and the thumb on the same hand; with respect to a foot, complete severance through or above the ankle joint. The Company will consider it a loss of hand or foot even if the fingers, thumb, or foot is later reattached.

Member means hand or foot.

Pre-existing Condition means Accidental Bodily Injury, disease, or illness of the Insured Person or Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person which occurs or manifests itself during the sixty (60) day period immediately prior to the purchase date of a Scheduled Airline passenger fare(s). Disease or illness has manifested itself when either: 1) medical care or treatment has been given; or 2) there exists symptoms which would cause a reasonably prudent person to seek medical diagnosis, care or treatment. The taking of prescription drugs or medication for controlled (continued) condition throughout this sixty (60) day period will not be considered to be a manifestation of illness or disease.

Scheduled Airline means an Airline which is either: 1) of United States registry and certified by the United States Government to carry passengers on a regularly scheduled basis; or 2) of foreign registry and approved by the United States government and the appropriate foreign authority.

Trip Cancellation means the cancellation of Common Carrier travel arrangements when the Insured Person is prevented from traveling on a Covered Trip on or before the Covered Trip departure.

Trip Interruption means the Insured Person’s Covered Trip is interrupted either on the way to the Covered Trip point of departure or after the Covered Trip departure.

You or Yours means eligible cardholder.

Exclusions: This insurance does not cover Loss resulting from: 1) Your emotional trauma, mental, pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection (except bacterial infection caused by an Accident or from Accidental consumption of a substance contaminated by bacteria), or bodily malfunctions; 2) suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injuries; or 3) declared or undeclared war, but war does not include acts of terrorism.

This insurance also does not apply to an Accident occurring while You are in, entering, or exiting any aircraft while acting or training as a pilot or crew member, but this exclusion does not apply if You temporarily perform pilot or crew functions in a life threatening emergency.

The following Exclusions are added to Financial Services Common Carrier Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Only. This insurance does not apply to Loss caused by or resulting from: 1) a Pre-existing Condition; or 2) Accidental Bodily Injuries arising from participation in interscholastic or professional sports events, racing or speed contests, or uncertified scuba diving; or 3) cosmetic surgery, unless such cosmetic surgery is rendered necessary as a result of a Loss covered under this policy; or 4) the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed and used as directed by a Physician) or alcohol; or 5) the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member: a) traveling against the advice of a Physician; or b) traveling while on a waiting list for specified medical treatment; or c) traveling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment; or d) traveling in the third trimester (seventh month or after) of pregnancy; or 6) suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injuries; or 7) declared or undeclared war, but war does not include acts of terrorism.

Claim Notice: Written claim notice must be given to the Company within twenty (20) days after the occurrence of any Loss covered by this policy or as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to give notice within twenty (20) days will not invalidate or reduce any otherwise valid claim, if notice is given as soon as reasonably possible.

Claim Forms: When the Company receives notice of a claim, the Company will send You forms for giving proof of Loss to us within fifteen (15) days. If You do not receive the forms, You should send the Company a written description of the Loss.

Effective Date: This insurance is effective the date the insurance became effective for Your Visa Signature card or on the date You became a Visa Signature cardholder, whichever is latest; and will cease on the date the master policy 6478-07-74 is terminated or on the date Your Visa Signature card ceases to be in good standing, whichever occurs first.

Questions: Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing to the Plan Administrator . To make a claim please contact the Plan Administrator :

CBSI Card Benefit Services 550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 309 Harrison, NY 10528

Plan Underwritten By: Federal Insurance Company a member insurer of the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies 15 Mountain View Road, P.O. Box 1615 Warren, NJ 07061-1615

As a handy reference guide, please read this and keep it in a safe place with Your other insurance documents. This description of coverage is not a contract of insurance but is simply an informative statement of the principal provisions of the insurance while in effect. Complete provisions pertaining to this plan of insurance are contained in the master policy, on file with the Policyholder: BNY Midwest Trust Company as trustee of the Chubb Financial Institution Group Insurance Trust for the account of participating financial institutions of Visa. If this plan does not conform to Your state statutes, it will be amended to comply with such laws. If a statement in this description of coverage and any provision in the policy differ, the policy will govern.

Policy # 6478-07-74 FORM #VTRCAN – 2013 (04/14) TC-O

Travel and Emergency Assistance Services

What is this benefit? This benefit offers services designed to help you in case of an emergency while traveling. The Benefit Administrator can connect you with the appropriate local emergency and assistance resources available when you are away from home, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. (Please keep in mind that, due to occasional issues such as distance, location, or time, neither the Benefit Administrator nor its service providers can be responsible for the availability, use, cost, or results of any medical, legal, transportation, or other services.)

Who is eligible for this benefit? You are eligible if you are a valid cardholder of an eligible Visa Signature card issued in the United States. Your spouse and children [provided children are dependents under twenty-two (22) years old] may all benefit from these special services.

How do I use these services when I need them? Simply call the toll-free, 24-hour Benefit Administrator line at 1-800-397-9010. If you are outside the United States, call collect at 303-967-1093.

Is there a charge for these services? No. Travel and Emergency Assistance Services are available to eligible Visa Signature cardholders at no additional charge.

Please Note: Travel and Emergency Assistance Services provide assistance and referral only. You are responsible for the cost of any actual medical, legal, transportation, cash advance, or other services or goods provided.

What are the specific services and how can they help me?

  • Emergency Message Service can record and relay emergency messages for travelers, their immediate family members, or business associates. Please Note: The Benefit Administrator will use reasonable efforts to relay emergency messages in accordance with benefit guidelines and limitations, but cannot take responsibility for the failure to transmit any message successfully.
  • Medical Referral Assistance provides medical referral, monitoring, and follow-up. The Benefit Administrator can give you names of local English- speaking doctors, dentists, and hospitals; assign a doctor to consult by phone with local medical personnel, if necessary, to monitor your condition; keep in contact with your family, and provide continuing liaison; and help you arrange medical payments from your Visa Signature or personal account. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Legal Referral Assistance can arrange contact with English-speaking attorneys and U.S. embassies and consulates if you’re detained by local authorities, have a car accident, or need legal assistance. In addition, the Benefit Administrator can coordinate bail payment from your Visa Signature or personal account. The Benefit Administrator can also follow up to make sure bail has been properly handled. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Emergency Transportation Assistance can help you make all the necessary arrangements for emergency transportation home or to the nearest medical facility. This includes arranging to bring your young children home and helping you stay in contact with family members or employers during the emergency. In the case of a death, the Benefit Administrator can make arrangements to repatriate the remains. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Emergency Ticket Replacement helps you through your carrier’s lost ticket reimbursement process and assists in the delivery of a replacement ticket to you should you lose your ticket. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Lost Luggage Locator Service can help you through the common carrier’s claim procedures or can arrange shipment of replacement items if an airline or common carrier loses your checked luggage. The Benefit Administrator can also arrange a cash advance with your issuing bank. Please Note: You are responsible for the cost of any replacement items shipped to you.
  • Emergency Translation Service provides telephone assistance in all major languages and helps find local interpreters, if available, when you need more extensive assistance. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Prescription Assistance and Valuable Document Delivery Arrangements can help you fill or replace prescriptions, subject to local laws, and can arrange pickup and delivery of prescriptions filled for you at local pharmacies. It can also help transport critical documents that you may have left at your home or elsewhere. Please Note: All costs are your responsibility.
  • Pre-Trip Assistance can give you information on your destination before you leave—such as ATM locations, currency exchange rates, weather reports, health precautions, necessary immunizations, and required passport visas.

Additional Provisions for Travel and Emergency Assistance Services

The benefit described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to Visa Signature cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages.

FORM #VTEAS – 2013 (Stand 04/14) TEAS-S

Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver

Benefit information.

What is the Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver (“Auto Rental CDW”) benefit? The Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver (“Auto Rental CDW”) benefit offers insurance coverage for automobile rentals made with your Visa Signature card. The benefit provides reimbursement (subject to the terms and conditions in this guide) for damage due to collision or theft up to the actual cash value of most rental vehicles.

Who is eligible for this benefit? You are eligible only if you are a valid cardholder whose name is embossed on an eligible Visa Signature card issued in the United States. Only you as the primary renter of the vehicle and any additional drivers permitted by the auto rental agreement are covered.

What losses are covered? The benefit provides reimbursement up to the actual cash value of the vehicle as it was originally manufactured. Most private passenger automobiles, minivans, and sport utility vehicles are eligible, but some restrictions may apply. Please contact the Benefit Administrator to inquire about a specific vehicle.

Covered losses include:

  • Physical damage and/or theft of the covered rental vehicle
  • Valid loss-of-use charges imposed and substantiated by the auto rental company
  • Reasonable and customary towing charges, due to covered theft or damage, to the nearest qualified repair facility

Please Note: This benefit only covers vehicle rental periods that neither exceed nor are intended to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive days within your country of residence or thirty-one (31) consecutive days outside your country of residence.

How does this coverage work with other insurance? Within your country of residence, this benefit supplements, and applies excess of, any valid and collectible insurance or reimbursement from any source. This means that, subject to the terms and conditions of this benefit, Auto Rental CDW applies to eligible theft or damage or expenses that are not covered by insurance or reimbursement.

If you do not have personal automobile insurance or any other insurance covering this theft or damage, this benefit reimburses you for the covered theft or damage as well as valid administrative and loss-ofuse charges imposed by the auto rental company and reasonable towing charges that occur while you are responsible for the rental vehicle.

If you do have personal automobile insurance or other insurance covering this theft or damage, the Auto Rental CDW benefit reimburses you for the deductible portion of your personal automobile insurance and any unreimbursed portion of valid administrative and loss-of-use charges imposed by the auto rental company, as well as reasonable towing charges resulting from covered theft or damage of the rental vehicle while it is your responsibility. What types of rental vehicles are not covered? The following vehicles are not covered by Auto Rental CDW: expensive, exotic, and antique automobiles; certain vans; vehicles that have an open cargo bed; trucks; motorcycles, mopeds, and motorbikes; limousines; and recreational vehicles.

  • Examples of excluded expensive or exotic automobiles include: the Aston Martin, Bentley, Bricklin, Daimler, DeLorean, Excalibur, Ferrari, Jensen, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, Porsche, and Rolls Royce. However, selected models of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, and Lincoln are covered.
  • An antique automobile is defined as any vehicle over twenty (20) years old or any vehicle that has not been manufactured for ten (10) years or more.
  • Vans are not covered, with the exception of those manufactured and designed specifically as small group transportation vehicles (for a maximum of eight (8) people including the driver).

For questions about a specific vehicle, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010. If you are outside the United States, call collect at 303-967-1093.

What else is not covered?

  • Any obligation you assume under any agreement (other than the deductible under your personal auto policy)
  • Any violation of the auto rental agreement or this benefit
  • Injury of anyone or damage to anything inside or outside the rental vehicle
  • Loss or theft of personal belongings
  • Personal liability
  • Expenses assumed, waived, or paid by the auto rental company or its insurer
  • Cost of any insurance or collision damage waiver offered by or purchased through the auto rental company
  • Depreciation of the rental vehicle caused by the incident including, but not limited to “diminished value”
  • Expenses reimbursable by your insurer, employer, or employer’s insurance
  • Theft or damage due to intentional acts, or due to the driver(s) being under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, or drugs, or due to contraband or illegal activities
  • Wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical breakdown
  • Items not installed by the original manufacturer
  • Damage due to off-road operation of the rental vehicle
  • Theft or damage due to hostility of any kind (including, but not limited to, war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, or terrorist activities)
  • Confiscation by authorities
  • Vehicles that do not meet the definition of covered vehicles
  • Rental periods that either exceed or are intended to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive days within your country of residence or thirty-one (31) consecutive days outside your country of residence
  • Leases and mini leases
  • Theft or damage as a result of the authorized driver’s and/or cardholder’s lack of reasonable care in protecting the rental vehicle before and after damage occurs (for example, leaving the vehicle running and unattended)
  • Theft or damage reported more than forty-five (45) days* from the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage for which a claim form has not been received within ninety (90) days* from the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage for which all required documentation has not been received within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days from the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage from rental transactions that originated in Israel, Jamaica, the Republic of Ireland, or Northern Ireland

Where am I covered?

This benefit is available in the United States and most foreign countries. However, no benefit is provided for motor vehicles rented in Israel, Jamaica, the Republic of Ireland, or Northern Ireland. Additionally, this benefit is not available where precluded by law or in violation of the territory terms of the auto rental agreement or prohibited by individual merchants. Because regulations vary outside the United States, it is recommended you check with your auto rental company and the Benefit Administrator before you travel to make sure Auto Rental CDW will apply.

This benefit is in effect while the rental vehicle remains in your control or in the control of an authorized driver permitted to operate the rental vehicle in accordance with the rental agreement between you and the auto rental company. This benefit terminates when the auto rental company re-assumes control of the rental vehicle.

How do I make sure my Auto Rental CDW benefit is in effect? To be sure you are covered, take the following steps when you rent a vehicle:

  • Initiate and complete the entire rental transaction with your eligible Visa Signature card.
  • Decline the auto rental company’s collision damage waiver (CDW/LDW) option or similar provision.

Helpful tips:

  • Be sure to check the rental vehicle for prior damage before leaving the rental lot.
  • Review the auto rental agreement carefully to make sure you are declining CDW/LDW and are familiar with the terms and conditions of the auto rental agreement.

What if the auto rental company insists that I purchase the auto rental company’s auto insurance or collision damage waiver? Call the Benefit Administrator for help at 1-800-397-9010. If you are outside the United States, call collect at 303-967-1093 .

Filing an Auto Rental CDW Claim

What do I do if I have an accident or the rental vehicle is stolen? Immediately call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010 to report the theft or damage regardless of whether your liability has been established. If you are outside the United States, call collect at 303- 967-1093. The Benefit Administrator will answer any questions you or the auto rental company may have and will send you a claim form.

When should I report an incident?

You should report theft or damage as soon as possible, but no later than forty-five (45) days* from the date of the incident. The Benefit Administrator reserves the right to deny any claim that contains charges that would not have been included had the Benefit Administrator been notified before those expenses were incurred, so you are advised to notify the Benefit Administrator immediately after any incident.

Please Note: You must make every reasonable effort to protect the rental vehicle from theft or damage. As the cardholder you are responsible for reporting your claim to the Benefit Administrator immediately. Reporting an incident to someone other than the Benefit Administrator will not fulfill this obligation.

What do I need from the auto rental company in order to file a claim? At the time of the theft or damage, or when you return the rental vehicle, immediately ask the auto rental company for:

  • A copy of the accident report form and claim document, which should indicate the costs you are responsible for and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim
  • A copy of the initial and final auto rental agreement(s)
  • A copy of the repair estimate and itemized repair bill
  • Two (2) photographs of the damaged vehicle, if available
  • A police report, if obtainable

How do I file a claim? Submit the documents gathered from the auto rental company (listed above) along with the following additional documents to the Benefit Administrator: The completed and signed Auto Rental CDW claim form. Please Note: Your completed claim form must be postmarked within ninety (90) days* of the date of the theft or damage, even if all other required documentation is not yet available, or your claim may be denied.

  • A copy of your receipt or monthly billing statement as proof that the entire vehicle rental was charged and paid for with your eligible Visa Signature card
  • A statement from your insurance carrier (and/or your employer or employer’s insurance carrier, if applicable) or other reimbursement showing the costs for which you are responsible and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim. Or, if you have no applicable insurance or reimbursement, a notarized statement of no insurance or reimbursement is required.
  • A copy of your automobile insurance policy’s Declarations Page. “Declarations Page” means the document(s) in your insurance policy that lists names, coverages, limits, effective dates and deductibles.
  • Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the claim

Please Note: All remaining documents must be postmarked within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of the date of theft or damage. If you have difficulty obtaining the required documents within ninety (90) days* of the date of theft or damage, submit the claim form with available documentation.

For faster filing, or to learn more about Auto Rental CDW, visit www.visa.com/eclaims

Do I have to do anything else? Usually there is nothing else you need to do. Typically, claims will be finalized within fifteen (15) days after the Visa Signature Auto Rental CDW Benefit Administrator has received all documentation necessary to fully substantiate your claim.

After the Benefit Administrator has paid your claim, all your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this theft or damage will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the cost of payment made to you. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies. * Not applicable to residents of certain states.

Additional Provisions for Auto Rental CDW

You must make every effort that would be made by a reasonable and prudent person to protect the rental vehicle from theft or damage. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.

If you make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect including, but not limited to, the cost of repair services, no coverage shall exist for such claim and your benefits may be canceled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.

Once you report an occurrence, a claim file will be opened and shall remain open for six (6) months from the date of the incident/occurrence. No payment will be made on a claim that is not completely substantiated in the manner required by the Benefit Administrator within twelve (12) months of the date of the incident/occurrence.

No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. After the expiration of three (3) years from the time written Proof of Loss was to be provided, no action shall be brought to recover on this benefit. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of this Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.

This benefit is provided to eligible Visa Signature cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages. The benefit described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to Visa Signature cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled.

Termination dates may vary by financial institution. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefit, and if they do, they will notify you at least thirty (30) days in advance. This information is a description of the benefit provided to you as a Visa Signature cardholder. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of this benefit and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.

FORM #VARCDW – 2013 (Stand 04/14) ARCDW-S

Travel Accident Insurance

Principal Sum: $500,000.00

This is an accidental death and dismemberment only policy and does not pay benefits for loss from sickness.

This Description of Coverage is provided to all eligible Signature cardholders and replaces any and all Descriptions of Coverage previously issued to the insured with respect to insurance described herein.

Eligibility and Period of Coverage As a Signature cardholder, you are covered beginning on 11/1/14 or the date your credit card is issued whichever is later.

You and your dependents1 become covered automatically when the entire Common Carrier fare is charged to your covered Signature card account (“Covered Persons”). It is not necessary to notify the financial institution, the Insurance Company, or the Plan Administrator when tickets are purchased. Coverage ends when the policy is terminated.

Benefits Subject to the terms and conditions, if a Covered Person’s accidental bodily Injury occurs while on a Covered Trip and results in any of the following Losses within one (1) year after the date of the accident, the Insurance Company will pay the following percentage of the Principal Sum for accidental Loss of:

In no event will multiple charge cards obligate the Insurance Company in excess of the stated benefit for any one Loss sustained by a Covered Person as a result of any one accident. The maximum amount payable for all Losses due to the same accident is the Principal Sum.

Loss means actual severance through or above the wrist or ankle joints with regard to hands and feet; entire and irrevocable loss of sight, speech or hearing; actual severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joints with regard to thumb and index fingers. The life benefit provides coverage in the event of a Covered Person’s death. If a Covered Person’s body has not been found within one (1) year of disappearance, stranding, sinking, or wreckage of any Common Carrier in which the Covered Person was covered as a passenger, then it shall be presumed, subject to all other provisions and conditions of this coverage, the Covered Person suffered loss of life.

Injury means bodily injury or injuries, sustained by the insured person which are the direct cause of Loss, independent of disease cause of Loss, independent of disease or bodily infirmity, and occurring while the Covered Person is covered under this policy, while the insurance is in force.

Covered Trip means a trip (a) while the Covered Person is riding on a Common Carrier as a passenger and not as a pilot, operator, or crew member; (b) charged to your Signature card; and (c) that begins and ends at the places designated on the ticket purchased for the trip. Covered Trip will also include travel on a Common Carrier (excluding aircraft), directly to, from, or at any Common Carrier terminal, which travel immediately precedes departure to or follows arrival at the destination designated on the ticket purchased for the Covered Trip.

Common Carrier means any scheduled airline, land, or water conveyance licensed for transportation of passengers for hire.

Exclusion: No payment will be made for any Loss that occurs in connection with, or is the result of: (a) suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injury; (b) any sickness or disease; (c) travel or flight on any kind of aircraft or Common Carrier except as a fare-paying passenger in an aircraft or on a Common Carrier operated on a regular schedule for passenger service over an established route; or (d) war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared.

Beneficiary: Benefit for Loss of life is payable to your estate, or to the beneficiary designated in writing by you. All other benefits are payable to you.

Notice of Claim: Written Notice of Claim, including your name and reference to Signature card, should be mailed to the Plan Administrator within twenty (20) days of a covered Loss or as soon as reasonably possible. The Plan Administrator will send the claimant forms for filing proof of Loss.

The Cost: This travel insurance is purchased for you by your financial institution.

Description of Coverage: This description of coverage details material facts about a Travel Accident Insurance Policy which has been established for you and is underwritten by Virginia Surety Company, Inc. Please read this description carefully. All provisions of the plan are in the policy, issued to the financial institution trust. Any difference between the policy and this description will be settled according to the provisions of the policy.

Questions: Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing to the Plan Administrator:

Plan Underwritten by:

Virginia Surety Company, Inc. 175 West Jackson Blvd., 11th Floor Chicago, IL 60604

State Amendments: For Illinois Residents Only the following statement is added: If a Covered Person recovers expenses for sickness or injury that occurred due to the negligence of a third party, the Company has the right to first reimbursement for all benefits the Company paid from any and all damages collected from the negligent third party for those same expenses whether by action at law, settlement, or compromise, by the Covered Person, the Covered Person’s parents if the Covered Person is a minor, or the Covered Person’s legal representative as a result of that sickness or injury. You are required to furnish any information or assistance, or provide any documents that we may reasonably require in order to exercise our rights under this provision. This provision applies whether or not the third party admits liability.

1 Your spouse, unmarried dependent child(ren), under age nineteen (19) [twenty-five (25) if a full-time student]. No age limit for incapacitated child. Incapacitated child means a child incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap, and chiefly dependent on you for support and maintenance. Dependent child(ren) receive fifty percent (50%) of your benefit amount.

Additional Provisions for Travel Accident Insurance

Travel Accident Insurance is provided under a master policy of insurance issued by Virginia Surety Company, Inc. (herein referred to as “Company”). We reserve the right to change the benefits and features of all these programs. The financial institution or the Company can cancel or choose not to renew the Insurance coverages for all Insureds. If this happens, the financial institution will notify the accountholder at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the policy. Such notices need not be given if substantially similar replacement coverage takes effect without interruption and is provided by the same insurer. Insurance benefits will still apply to Covered Trips commenced prior to the date of such cancellation or non-renewal, provided all other terms and conditions of coverage are met. Travel Accident Insurance does not apply if your Signature card privileges have been suspended or canceled. However, insurance benefits will still apply to Covered Trips commenced prior to the date that your account is suspended or canceled provided all other terms and conditions of coverage are met.

Coverage will be void if, at any time, the accountholder has concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance concerning this coverage or the subject thereof or the accountholder’s interest herein, or in the case of any fraud or false swearing by the Insured relating thereto. No person or entity other than the accountholder shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for insurance proceeds and/or damages under or arising out of this coverage. No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on this coverage prior to the expiration of sixty (60) days after proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this Description of Coverage.

The Company, at its expense, has the right to have you examined as often as reasonably necessary while a claim is pending. The Company may also have an autopsy made unless prohibited by law.

FORM #VTAI – 2013 (Stand 04/14) TAI-O

Hotel Theft Protection

What is this benefit? When You pay for the cost of a Hotel/Motel room located in the United States or Canada with Your eligible Visa Signature card You will be eligible to receive a one-time payment of up to $1,500.00 for personal property stolen from Your room, in excess of any compensation provided by the Hotel/Motel and/or any valid and collectible insurance benefits or reimbursement.

Who is eligible for this benefit? You are eligible if You are a valid cardholder of an eligible Visa Signature card issued in the United States.

What is covered? The cost of replacing Your personal property (or its depreciated value if You choose not to replace it) is covered up to a maximum of $1,500.00 less any amounts paid or payable by the Hotel/Motel or any other insurance, whether the insurance is primary, contributing, excess, or contingent; or any other reimbursement. This benefit will be paid only if:

a) There is evidence of Forceful Entry and; b) You make a sworn statement to police authorities having jurisdiction within 24 hours of discovering the Hotel Theft and furnish a notarized copy of that statement with Your claim, and; c) The Hotel/Motel verifies the loss

Please Note: Coverage begins each time You Check In to an eligible room in a Hotel/Motel, and coverage ends each time You Check Out of an eligible room in a Hotel/Motel.

What is not covered? This benefit will not provide reimbursement for theft of the following:

  • Art objects
  • Business Items and cellular phones
  • Cash, checks, securities, credit cards, debit cards, and other negotiable instruments
  • Tickets, documents, keys, coins, deeds, bullion, and stamps
  • Perishables and consumables including, but not limited to perfume, cosmetics, and limited-life items such as rechargeable batteries

Business Items means items that are used in the purchase, sale, production, promotion, or distribution of goods or services (including, but not limited to, manuals, computers and their accessories, software, data, facsimile, samples, collateral materials, etc.).

Forceful Entry means that someone illegally accessed Your Hotel/Motel room by breaking in a door, window, or surrounding walls.

Hotel/Motel means an establishment, located in the United States or Canada that provides lodging for the general public, and usually meals, entertainment, and various personal services.

Hotel Theft means Forceful Entry into Your premises and You suffer a loss of property.

Check In means the moment You register at the Hotel/Motel.

Check Out means the moment You vacate the Hotel/Motel room and pay the itemized total costs incurred for the stay.

Eligible Person means a valid cardholder who pays for the Hotel/Motel room by using the eligible Visa card.

Immediate Family Member means Your spouse or legal dependent children under age eighteen (18) [twenty-five (25) if enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited institution].

You or Your means an Eligible Person (as defined above) or Your Immediate Family Members who charged their trip to Your eligible Visa Signature card.

Filing a Hotel Theft Protection Claim

What should I do if my hotel room is burglarized? Notify the Benefit Administrator immediately by calling 1-800-554-1275, or call collect outside the U.S. at 804-673-6497. Notification must be made within twenty (20) days from the date of incident. The representative will answer any questions You may have and send You a special claim form.

How do I file a claim? Complete the claim form You receive from Your call to the Benefit Administrator. Mail the following items within ninety (90) days of the date of incident to:

Card Benefit Services P.O. Box 72034 Richmond, VA 23255

  • The completed claim form
  • A copy of Your charge slip, as proof that the Hotel/Motel was charged and paid for with Your eligible Visa card
  • A statement from Your insurance carrier (and/or Your employer, or employer’s insurance carrier) showing any amounts they may have paid toward the claim cost or, if You have no applicable insurance or other reimbursement, a notarized statement to that effect
  • A copy of the police report
  • A copy of any valid and collectible insurance or other reimbursement available to You
  • A copy of any settlement payment or reimbursement made to You from the Hotel/Motel

Transference of Claims After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.

Additional Provisions for Hotel Theft Protection

You must use due diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or damage to property protected by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.

If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim and Your benefits may be canceled. Each claimant agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.

No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. After the expiration of two (2) years from the time written Proof of Loss was to be provided, no action shall be brought to recover on this benefit. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of this Guide to Benefit have been complied with fully. This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefit may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefit mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages. The benefit described in this Guide to Benefit will not apply to cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled. Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefit, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. This information is a description of the benefit provided to You as a cardholder. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of this benefit and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.

FORM #VHOTBURG – 2013 (04/14) HMTP-O

Warranty Manager Service

What is this benefit? Warranty Manager Service provides you with valuable features to help manage, use and even extend the warranties of eligible items purchased with your Visa Signature card. You can access these features with a simple toll- free call. Services include Warranty Registration and Extended Warranty Protection .

Who is eligible for this benefit? You are eligible if you are a valid cardholder of an eligible Visa Signature card issued in the United States.

Warranty Registration Details

Why should I use Warranty Registration to register my purchases? You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your purchases’ warranty information is registered and on file. Although Warranty Registration is not required for Extended Warranty Protection benefits, you are encouraged to take advantage of this valuable service. When arranging for a repair or replacement, instead of searching for critical documents, you can just pick up the phone and call the Benefit Administrator.

How do I register my purchases? To register an eligible purchase call 1-800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1093. The Benefit Administrator will provide the address to which you can send in the item’s sales receipt and warranty information so this key information can be kept on file for you.

Extended Protection Details

How does Extended Warranty Protection work? Extended Warranty Protection doubles the time period of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. repair warranty up to one (1) additional year on eligible warranties of three (3) years or less for items purchased entirely with your eligible Visa Signature card.

This benefit is limited to no more than the original price of the purchased item (as shown on your Visa Signature card receipt), less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder.

What about purchases made outside of the U.S.? Purchases made outside of the U.S. are covered as long as you purchased the item entirely with your eligible Visa Signature card and the eligible item has a valid original manufacturer’s written U.S. repair warranty of three (3) years or less, store-purchased dealer warranty, or assembler warranty.

What types of purchases are not covered?

  • Boats, automobiles, aircraft, and any other motorized vehicles and their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other items that can be towed by or attached to any motorized vehicle
  • Any costs other than those specifically covered under the terms of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. repair warranty, as supplied by the original manufacturer, or other eligible warranty
  • Items purchased for resale, professional, or commercial use
  • Real estate and items which are intended to become part of real estate including, but not limited to, items that are hard-wired or hard-plumbed, garage doors, garage door openers, and ceiling fans
  • Rented or leased items or items purchased on an installment plan and for which the entire purchase price was not paid in full at the time of the occurrence
  • Computer software
  • Medical equipment
  • Used or pre-owned items

Should I keep copies of receipts or any other records? Not if you’ve already registered your purchase. If you have not registered your purchase, however, you should keep copies of your Visa Signature card receipt, your store receipt, the original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty, and any other applicable warranty in the event that you need to file a claim, as these documents will be required to verify your claim.

Filing an Extended Warranty Protection Claim

How do I file a claim? Call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1093 immediately after the failure of a covered item. Please Note: If you do not notify the Benefit Administrator within sixty (60) days after the product failure, your claim may be denied.

The Benefit Administrator will ask you for some preliminary claim information, direct you to the appropriate repair facility, and send you the appropriate claim form.

Gift recipients of eligible items are also covered by the claim process. However, a gift recipient must provide all the documents necessary to fully substantiate the claim.

For faster filing, or to learn more about the Warranty Manager Service benefit, visit www.visa.com/eclaims

What documents do I need to submit with my claim? Complete and sign the claim form sent to you by the Benefit Administrator and submit it within ninety (90) days of the product failure along with the following documents:

  • Your Visa Signature card receipt
  • The itemized store receipt
  • A copy of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty and any other applicable warranty
  • A description and serial number of the item, and any other documentation deemed necessary to substantiate your claim (this includes bills and, if necessary, a copy of the maintenance record and receipts)
  • The original repair order

Please Note: All claims must be fully substantiated.

How will I be reimbursed? If you have substantiated your claim and met the terms and conditions of the benefit, the item will be replaced or repaired at the Benefit Administrator’s discretion, but for no more than the original purchase price of the covered item as recorded on your Visa Signature card receipt, less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim, and a maximum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder.

Under normal circumstances, reimbursement will take place within five (5) business days of receipt and approval of all required documents.

What about repairs? Extended Warranty Protection will pay the repair facility directly, or you may go to an authorized repair facility and file a claim for reimbursement. Only valid and reasonable repairs made at the manufacturer’s authorized repair facility are covered.

In either case, the Benefit Administrator’s payment, replacement, or repair made in good faith will fulfill the obligation under the benefit.

Do I have to file with my insurance company? No. However, if you have purchased or received a service contract or Extended Warranty, Extended Warranty Protection is supplemental to, and excess of, that coverage.

Additional Provisions for Warranty Service Manager

This benefit applies only to you, the eligible Visa Signature cardholder, and to whomever receives the eligible gifts you purchase entirely with your eligible Visa Signature card.

You shall use due diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or damage to property protected by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims. If you make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect including, but not limited to, the cost of repair services, no benefit shall exist for such claim and your benefits may be canceled. Each claimant agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.

Once you report an occurrence, a claim file will be opened and shall remain open for six (6) months from the date of the damage or theft. No payment will be made on a claim that is not completely substantiated in the manner required by the Benefit Administrator within six (6) months of the date of product failure.

After the Benefit Administrator has paid your claim, all your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of payment made to you. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.

No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of this Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully. The benefit is provided to eligible Visa Signature cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages. The benefits described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to Visa Signature cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled.

Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits, and if they do, they will notify you at least thirty (30) days in advance. This information is a description of the benefit provided to you as a Visa Signature cardholder. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of this benefit and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.

FORM #VWMGR 10K-50K-3YR – 2013 (04/14) WMGR-S

Roadside Dispatch

What is Roadside Dispatch? Roadside Dispatch® is a pay-per-use roadside assistance program provided expressly for Visa cardholders. The program provides you with security and convenience wherever your travels take you. For roadside assistance, call 1-800-VISA-TOW (1-800-847-2869)

No membership required or pre-enrollment is required. No annual dues. No limit on usage.

For $59.95 per service call, the program provides:

  • Towing – Up to 5 miles included1.
  • Tire Changing – must have good, inflated spare
  • Jump Starting – battery boost
  • Lockout Service (no key replacement)
  • Fuel Delivery – up to 5 gallons (cost of fuel not included)
  • Winching2. (within 100 feet of paved or county maintained road only)

Roadside Dispatch will ask you where you are, what the problem is, and while we remain on the phone we will arrange a dispatch to a reliable tow operator or locksmith to provide help. (If you feel you are in an unsafe location – we will advise you to hang up and dial 911. If you are not able to dial 911, we will call the non-emergency police number in your area, and will remain on the phone with you at your request until the police arrive.) Not only will you not have to search for the name of a local tow operator, we may even save you money because our rates are pre-negotiated. All fees are conveniently billed to your Visa account.

Dependable roadside assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week has never been easier. No membership or pre-enrollment is required. Just call us toll free when you need us.

1-800-VISA-TOW It’s that easy!

1. Any vehicle with wheels is covered under the program as long as it can be classified as ‘Light Duty’. ‘Light Duty’ vehicles are vehicles that weigh 10,000 lbs. or less. Vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs. are considered ‘Medium Duty’ or ‘Heavy Duty’ and are NOT covered under this program. Customers must pay service provider for mileage over 5 miles. A secondary unit being towed behind is not included but can be accommodated for an additional fee.

2 Additional fees may apply for winching services under certain circumstances.

Note: Service providers supplying emergency roadside assistance and towing are independent contractors and are solely liable for their services. Neither Visa nor Star One Credit Union shall have any responsibility or liability in connection with the rendering of the service. Emergency roadside assistance and towing may not be available in areas not regularly traveled, nor in other “off road” areas not accessible by ordinary towing vehicles. Weather conditions, time of day, and availability of service may affect assistance responses. Expectations for dispatch are set with the customer on every call, and an expected estimated time of arrival is provided to the customer regardless of their location; however, neither Visa nor Star One Credit Union provides any assurances as to the ability of the Service Provider to meet such estimates. You are responsible for any roadside assistance or towing charges incurred by facilities responding to your request even if you are not with your vehicle or your vehicle is gone upon their arrival. Services provided by United States Auto Club, Motoring Division, Inc. This program may be discontinued at any time without prior notice. Program void where prohibited.

©2006-2013 Visa. All Rights Reserved visa.com Signature 10/2014

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Travel insurance

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CUMIS Travel Insurance program gives you:

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† Travel insurance does not cover everything. Please refer to the certificate for full terms and conditions, including limitations and exclusions. Travel insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies, and administered by Allianz Global Assistance, which is a registered business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc.

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Travel insurance questions

Before you decide, look carefully at what coverage you really have and compare it to what you actually may need.

Some things to check

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A family excitedly begins their holiday travels secure with their travel insurance through Quorum.

Going on a Trip? Don’t Forget to Pack Travel Insurance.

Traveling is an investment. Travel insurance helps protect your investment if something goes wrong or if you have to cancel your plans altogether. Here are some examples of what your policy could cover:

Compensation for lost or stolen luggage

Trip cancellation or interruptions (including flight delays and cancellations), insurance coverage for your rental car, a $100 “inconvenience payout” if your luggage or flight is delayed, emergency medical insurance (or evacuation, if necessary), and more—speak to an insurance representative for details, insurance coverage that takes care of your littlest travelers..

With travel insurance through Quorum’s trusted partner, children under 17 are covered for free when traveling with a parent. And if you get sick on vacation and need a relative to come get your kids, that expense may be covered too.

Travel Tip

Other Helpful Resources:

Man with travel insurance waits with suitcase for his flight.

Why Travel Insurance Makes Sense

Closeup of woman sitting with a phone and credit card in her hands, planning her next vacation.

How to Save Money on Your Next Vacation Using Your Phone

Hands charging a mobile device with a portable power device, a way to stay cybersafe when traveling.

15 Ways to Stay Cybersafe When You’re Traveling

Bundle up build an insurance package and save..

Bundle your home and auto insurance to save even more on your monthly bill. Learn more about the benefits of having all of your policies with one company, and build a complete insurance package tailor-made for your individual needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do i need travel insurance.

Just as you have home or car insurance, travel insurance is no different, as it allows you to protect the investment you make in your travel plans. Travel insurance can protect your financial investment (up to the amount of your policy limits) should your trip be cancelled or interrupted for a covered reason, as well as provide additional benefits like baggage protection and emergency medical and dental.

What does travel insurance cover?

Travel insurance can provide benefits for a number of situations that may occur before or your during your trip, including:

  • Trip Cancellation Protection
  • Trip Interruption Protection
  • Emergency Medical/Dental
  • Emergency Medical Transportation
  • Lost/Stolen/Damaged Baggage
  • Travel Delay

Note: Not all plans include each benefit listed here. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance/Policy for definition of terms, conditions, and exclusions. Or   speak to an agent   to choose the right policy for you.

If I cancel my trip, do I get my money back?

Trip cancellation protection provides cash back for prepaid, nonrefundable payments if you have to cancel your trip for one of the reasons covered by your plan. Some reasons include: sudden covered medical emergencies, financial default of a covered airline, cruise line or tour operator, employer termination, terrorist incidents, and jury duty. Some reasons for cancellation aren’t covered, such as changing your mind about taking a trip or other things not named in your policy/certificate of insurance. Not all plans include trip cancellation. Please see your Certificate of Insurance/Policy for terms, conditions, and exclusions.

If you cancel your trip for a covered reason, you must notify your travel supplier(s) within 72 hours of the cancellation.

A Few Things You Should Know

Quorum will help you through the process and help you find the best rates with our third-party insurance agencies. Discounts are not available in all states and discounts vary by state. Products are not insured by the NCUA. Insurance products are not obligations of, or guaranteed by, Quorum Federal Credit Union. Insurance products are issued by MassDrive Insurance Group.

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Visa Benefits Visa Benefits & Protection

Shop and travel with confidence. UWCU Visa credit cards include a range of added benefits and protection for cardholders.

Details of Benefits & Protection

To learn more about any of the card benefits listed on this page, including making a claim, call us at 800-533-6773 .

Consumer Services

Extended Warranty Protection Extended Warranty Protection extends U.S. manufacturer warranties of three years or less on purchases made with your card. For warranties of less than one year, the term is doubled. For warranties of one to three years, the term is extended by one extra year.

Purchase Protection Purchase Protection can reimburse you for a purchase made with your card that is stolen or damaged within the first 90 days of purchase, including damage due to fire, vandalism or certain weather conditions.

Warranty Manager Service Register, manage and use warranties on eligible purchases with help from the Warranty Manager Service. Instead of searching for needed documents, you can simply make a call and get the information you need to use your warranty.

ID Navigator Powered by NortonLifeLock No one can prevent all cybercrime and identity theft, so staying informed and knowing what to do when your identity is threatened can give you greater peace of mind. ID Navigator Powered by NortonLifeLock provides you with the tools to help keep you informed of potential threats to your identity so you can act quickly should the unexpected happen.

Travel Services

Roadside Dispatch ® This pay-per-use roadside assistance program offers peace of mind with emergency services such as towing, fuel delivery and tire changing. There's no enrollment needed or annual dues required, just pay a low set rate per service call.

For roadside assistance, call 1-800-847-2869

Travel and Emergency Assistance Services Call from anywhere in the world to get travel help - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Services include pre-trip information regarding exchange rates, weather, visas and immunizations; emergency ticket replacement; and emergency medical referral assistance.

Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Receive auto coverage for damage due to theft or collision when you complete your auto rental transaction with your card and decline the rental company's collision damage waiver.

Travel Accident Insurance Receive accidental death and dismemberment coverage when you purchase your travel ticket with your card. Modes of transportation that are covered include airline, ferry, train and bus.

Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption This benefit will reimburse you the nonrefundable costs of your travel ticket in the event you must cancel or interrupt an insured trip, up to the benefit maximum. Coverage includes flights, trains and cruise ships.

Lost Luggage Reimbursement This benefit covers you when you use your card to purchase your travel ticket and your checked or carry-on luggage is lost by the airline or stolen.

Trip Delay Reimbursement In the event the flight you purchased with your card is delayed by more than twelve hours or requires an overnight stay, Trip Delay Reimbursement will reimburse you for the reasonable expenses you incur as a result, up to the benefit maximum.

Baggage Delay Reimbursement Similar to Trip Delay, Baggage Delay reimburses you for emergency replacement of essential items during an insured trip if your baggage is lost or delayed by the airline.

Concierge Services

Visa Signature Concierge Service Take advantage of complimentary concierge services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to book hotels, find tickets to big events, make reservations at popular restaurants, shop for the perfect gift, and much more.

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  1. International Travel

    The pre-approval process ensures that: The university can consistently and thoroughly assess the risks and benefits of international trips with regards to the safety of university travelers; and, Important information about regulatory compliance and export controls is communicated to the traveler and the appropriate campus export control office ...

  2. Travel Insurance for Credit Union Members

    Request a Call-back Today! For any of your enquiries, feedback or to receive a "Call Back" within 24 hours please complete the form below in full,call us on 1800 287 233 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Get Your Travel Insurance Quote, Buy On-line & Save 8%. On-line Annual Premium From €75.

  3. International Travel FAQs

    Yes. University employees including faculty, staff, residents, fellows traveling on university-sponsored international activities are covered through GeoBlue.University travelers can register for an identification card by visiting www.geo-blue.com and using the CU Access code: QHG99999UCBT.This ID card will contain the contacts needed in case of a medical emergency, political unrest, or a ...

  4. International Travel Registration

    Once you have submitted the registration forms, Education Abroad will enroll your group in health insurance and ISOS's travel alert system, as required by university policy. If you have any questions about the International Travel Registration process, email [email protected]. International travel involving students that is CU.

  5. Credit Union Travel

    If you need help with an existing hotel reservation, you can call 1-800-497-2175 for 24/7 support. If you help with an existing flight/car rental reservation, you can call 1-877-477-7441 for 24/7 support. For all other questions or inquiries, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 1 business day.

  6. Credit Union Travel

    Welcome to Credit Union Travel! Please watch this two minute video to maximize your member benefits. Search For Travel. Search For Travel. Your Standard Membership Includes. Hotel Savings Enjoy member-only rates on 1.2 million brand-name hotels worldwide. $60 Hotel Dollars Per Year

  7. Travel and Vacation Planning

    Give us a call at 800-234-1234. Visit a Branch to speak with an advisor. Must be RFCU® member to obtain any product or service. Must be eligible for membership and open a share savings account to join. A $5.00 minimum balance is required to open and be maintained in share savings account.

  8. credit union travel insurance

    Credit union travel insurance is a type of travel insurance offered by credit unions. It provides coverage for unexpected events that can occur while traveling, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and more. Credit unions typically partner with insurance providers to offer this type of insurance to their members.

  9. Insurance for Credit Union Members & Clients

    Travel Insurance. With the CUMIS Travel Insurance Program, you can feel secure knowing the unique coverage and service offered was designed just to meet the needs of credit union members. Read more about travel insurance. Our use of cookies: We use cookies and other similar technologies to understand how you use our website and create more ...

  10. Travel Insurance

    If you have any questions about additional coverage or want to know more, call 1-877-885-284. Click here to view procedures and download claim forms. Travel insurance does not cover everything. For a complete description of benefits and exclusions, please see the certificate of insurance. This product is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance ...

  11. 7 Best Cheap Travel Insurance Companies in July 2024

    It is a bit pricey, at half the cost of the insurance ($46.50 extra for a $93 plan). Reimburses up to $1,000 for lost baggage, far more than many basic plans. Add-on rental car coverage for $9 per ...

  12. CU Travel

    What does the membership include? Access member-only hotel rates on 1.2 million hotels worldwide. Receive $60 Hotel Dollars per year (monthly at $5/month) Earn 5% Hotel Dollars back when you book travel using your credit union credit or debit card. Book flights/car rentals with 24/7 booking support.

  13. Travel Insurance

    Redstone Insurance Services' Medical Travel Insurance offers the protection you need if you become ill or have an accident far from home. In a true emergency, medical care could cost tens of thousands of dollars abroad. With Medical Travel Insurance, a minor expense now could save you a bundle later on. You'll rest easy and feel more secure ...

  14. Is Travel Insurance a Good Idea?

    Travel insurance is a good idea if you need peace of mind when you are on vacation, especially if you do not have any other back up. If you are planning on trying out some extreme sports, on visiting a developing country, or anything else in between, it might be worth taking out travel insurance. However, the concept of risk is a very personal ...

  15. Travel and Visitor Insurance

    Trip Protection Insurance - Protection for trip cost, medical expenses and your belongings. Travel & Visitors Insurance through Tech CU is offered through an arrangement with and is administered by Seven Corners, Inc. By clicking the link above, you will leave the Tech CU website and go to the Seven Corners website to get a quote.

  16. Do You Need Travel Insurance?

    When Consumers' Checkbook researchers shopped for a cancel-for-any-reason policy to cover a fully-paid-in-advance two-week trip to Spain costing $15,000, we found prices on SquareMouth.com ranged from $1,194 to $2,538; at InsureMyTrip.com, prices ranged from $1,616 to $2,165.

  17. 11 Best Travel Insurance Companies in August 2024

    Best travel insurance category. Company winner. Best overall. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection. Best for emergency medical coverage. Allianz Global Assistance. Best for travelers with pre ...

  18. SAFE Travel Guide

    Contact Options. Visa® Debit, ATM, and Credit Cards. Visa® Prepaid Debit Cards. Visa® Gift Cards. During SAFE's regular business hours (Call collect if traveling outside the U.S.) (800) 733-7233 or 916-979-7233. (855) 219-8059. (844) 201-8333. Outside SAFE's business hours when card is lost or stolen.

  19. Guide to Your Visa Signature Card Benefits

    Your eligibility is determined by your financial institution. For more information about the benefits described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1- 800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1093. For questions about your Visa account, call the phone number on your Visa statement or the back of your card.

  20. CU Travel

    If you need help with your reservation or would like to book over the phone, please call Credit Union Travel at 1-800-497-2175. If you have questions about your membership, please email [email protected]. Team One Credit Union has partnered with Credit Union Travel to bring you free access to the world's only travel platform for ...

  21. Travel insurance

    Get in touch with us today. Call 1.877.378.8728 or visit a branch. Stay protected and enjoy a worry-free trip. † Travel insurance does not cover everything. Please refer to the certificate for full terms and conditions, including limitations and exclusions. Travel insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The ...

  22. Travel Insurance

    Insurance Coverage That Takes Care of Your Littlest Travelers. With travel insurance through Quorum's trusted partner, children under 17 are covered for free when traveling with a parent. And if you get sick on vacation and need a relative to come get your kids, that expense may be covered too. Get a Quote.

  23. Visa Benefits

    This pay-per-use roadside assistance program offers peace of mind with emergency services such as towing, fuel delivery and tire changing. There's no enrollment needed or annual dues required, just pay a low set rate per service call. For roadside assistance, call 1-800-847-2869. Travel and Emergency Assistance Services.