
How to Visit The Cardamom Mountains and Osoam Community Center in Cambodia

After visiting Angkor Wat, one of the most majestic temples in Southeast Asia , you might be looking to retreat yourself to a beautiful natural environment. The Cardamom Mountains is a big swap of tropical rainforest in the south-west of Cambodia. The area was hard to reach in the past but, due to better road access in recent years, it has become easier to visit. Tourism mainly consists of community-based projects, like the amazing Osoam Community Center.

The Cardamom Mountains

Cardemon Mountains: road to Osoam Community center

Cardamom Mountains Cambodia : Road to Osoam Community Center

The Cardamom Mountains are with its 4.4 million hectares the largest rainforest in South-East Asia . It consists of plains, mountains, swamps, lakes and rivers with stunning waterfalls and swimming holes.

If you’re a fan of spotting wildlife then this is the perfect place to spend a few days. Wildlife here includes Irriwaddy and humpback dolphins, 450 species of birds and the forest is home to many endangered species like Malayan sun bears, Siamese crocodiles, clouded leopards, Sunda pangolins, Indochinese tigers and Asian elephants.

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

Lake in the heart of the Cambodia Cardamom Mountains

After Pol Pot’s regime fell in 1979, a lot of Khmer Rouge soldiers fled to the Cardamom Mountains, creating a bulwark to continue the battle until the mid-nineties. This had a serious impact on the ethnic minorities inhabiting the mountains, creating severe poverty.

As a result, a lot of the locals turned to the illegal wildlife trade, logging, and poaching to survive. This still goes on today, but luckily a few sustainable and conservational projects were set up to protect this beautiful natural slice of heaven.

Osoam Community Center

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

Osoam Cambodia

One of these fantastic projects is the Osoam Community Center. Osoam is a small village located in the heart of the Cardamom Mountains. The founder of the Community Center, Mr. Lim, is a very kind and knowledgable man who speaks English very well. The Community Center focuses on education, sustainable tourism and eco-friendly practices with the aim of ensuring a better life for the inhabitants and protect the natural surroundings.

At the center, locals get educated on topics like conservation and wildlife and can attend English classes preparing them for a career as a ranger or tour guides to visitors. With these skills, they can earn an income and leave their past life of logging and poaching behind and protect the forest, which they know by heart, instead of harming it.

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

As a conscious traveler , there are two ways to take part in the activities of the Community Center. You can either volunteer and help out with all kinds of projects around gardening, farming, construction, and teaching or you can visit the center on a tourist base and participate in all sorts of activities the Center organizes.

Activities on offer are one to multi-day Cardamom Mountains trekking tours to waterfalls, mountains, jungle and wildlife. Transport can vary from cars and minivans to motorbikes and boats. Kayaks and motorbikes are also for rent if you want to explore the area on your own.

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

Bridge in the Cardamom Mountains

Sleeping accommodation is basic but offers all you need. You can choose between a wooden cabin, a hammock or a tent, which you can rent or bring yourself. The wooden bungalows come with a mosquito net, blankets and a very thin mattress. Western toilets and cold showers are shared between all guests.

Breakfast, lunch and diner are cooked in-house by the lovely family of Mr. Lim and are absolutely delicious. There is no menu, but they do take into account special dietary requests, so it’s no problem if you’re a vegetarian or vegan in Cambodia . For breakfast and lunch, all guests gather around the big outdoor dining tables where the food is served. This way of eating at the same table creates a warm feeling of togetherness like you’re a part of the family.

Cardamom Mountains: How to get there

Getting to Osoam Community Center and the Cardamom Mountains is relatively easy if you come from Koh Kong but a little harder if you are coming from Siem Reap, Battambang, or Phnom Penh. I’ll explain everything below!

Cardamom mountains from Siem Reap, Battambang or Phnom Penh

If you’re coming from Siem Reap, Battambang or Phnom Penh you should take a bus first to get to the town of Pursat. Your hotel or guesthouse can probably make arrangements for a bus ticket and explain to the driver where you want to go. It is not a fixed stop on the bus route so the bus driver needs to know you want to get out at Pursat. He will drop you off at the main road next to the village.

Next up, look for road number 5 and walk into town to the old market. It looks partly like a market and partly like a parking area and you will see some people hanging around. Tell them you want to get to Osoam Community Center. They probably won’t speak English but they will understand and in our case, they even called Mr. Lim so he could explain to us what was going to happen. You can choose if you want to go by a private taxi which costs $ 70 or a shared taxi for $ 12/person. Make sure you arrange your taxi before 11 am or you have to wait until the next day.

The trip from Pursat to Osoam usually takes around four hours. After one and a half hour you will make a stopover at a town called Pramoy. You will change transport here from a car to a jeep. Until this point the road was paved but that will change now to a very rocky, sandy road which will not allow the jeep to drive faster than 30km/hour. Our jeep broke down, like you can see in the picture below. Luckily, we were only five kilometres away from Osoam and an ice truck picked us up which was quite an adventure.

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

Cardamom mountains from Koh Kong

It’s easier to get to the Cardemon Mountains from Koh Kong. Ask your hotel/guesthouse to book transport or head to Koh Kong bus station around lunchtime and ask for a private or shared taxi to Osoam. The trip takes two and a half hours.

Mr. Lim will arrange transport for you if you want to leave Osoam for Pursat or Koh Kong.

costs for traveling to the cardamom mountains

Visiting the Cardemon Mountains and Osoam Community Center is relatively cheap if you opt for shared transport. Here are some prices:

  • Private taxi Pursat to Osoam: $ 70
  • Shared taxi Pursat to Osoam: $ 12
  • Private taxi Koh Kong to Osoam: $ 50
  • Shared taxi Koh Kong to Osoam: $ 10
  • Breakfast: $ 2
  • Big water bottle: $ 1
  • Soft drink or beer: $ 1
  • Double room or bungalow: $ 6/night
  • Family bungalow: $ 8/night
  • Floating bungalow: $ 10/night
  • Lake bungalow: $8/night
  • Hammock rental: $ 3/night
  • Tent rental: $ 5/night
  • Own hammock or tent: $ 2/night
  • Volunteering 1pers/bungalow: $ 75/week
  • Volunteering 2pers/bungalow: $ 65/week

Here are some prices for the activities on offer:


  • Mountain jungle waterfalls (waterfalls, rivers, jungle, and wildlife): 1-4 people, $ 20. 5-10 people, $ 18.
  • Siamese Crocodile Sanctuary tour (crocodiles, mountains, jungle, and minority villages): Without your own motorbike: 1-3 people, $ 20, 4-6 people, 6+ people, $ 16.
  • Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary (jungle, mountains, rivers, elephants): 1-4 people, 2$ 0, 5-10 people, $ 18.


  • Village Tour (farms, villages, mountains, and jungle): 1 person, $ 10 by motorbike, 2-4 people, $ 5, 5-10 people, $ 4. 
  • 4-hour boat trip (monkeys, wildlife, mountains, rivers, jungle): 1-3 people, $ 20 per tour, 4-6 people, $ 30 per tour.

There are also overnight trekking tours that start at $ 40 per person depending on the number of participants. 

what to pack for the cardamom mountains

Osoam Community center, Osoam, cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

Keep in mind that the Cardamom Mountains are very remote and there’s no electricity, wifi or hot water. During the evening there will be generator-powered electricity for a few hours, but that’s it. These items should definitely be on your pack list:

  • Flash light
  • Power bank (fully charged)
  • Sweater (it can get cold at night)
  • Rain jacket or poncho (it's a rainforest after all!)
  • You can try to reach Mr. Lim by phone (+855 89 899 895) or e-mail ([email protected]) before you embark on your journey. We tried emailing him but he didn't reply. Phone reception is also very bad in the mountains so it's not unusual to leave for Osoam without prior contact. Just go!
  • We arrived without prior contact and it was no problem to accommodate us during high saison. As said before, this area is very remote with hardly any tourists.
  • If you want to visit the crocodile pond, do it with a guide. We tried to find it using a map drawn by a local but it's quite impossible since there are not many landmarks. If you do find it on your own, hurray for you and let me know!

Osoam Community Center does have a facebook page and a website but they are not up-to-date and I’m pretty sure it will also be hard to reach them through Facebook Messenger. But you can check this out for some additional information about the project!

I did find an interview with Mr. Lim on youtube in which he explains the area and how the Community Center operates! <3

Cardamom mountains: final thoughts

Paying a visit to the Cardamom Mountains and Osoam Community Center is a great way to experience authentic Cambodian life and should be added to any Cambodia itinerary .

If you have any questions about the Cardamom Mountains or Osoam Community Center, let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or drop me a message through my contact page . 

Also, don’t forget to check out my resources page with my favorite booking platforms and tips to start planning your trip. Additionally, have a look at my favorite travel gear if you want to pack more consciously!

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conscious travel guide to the Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia

  • November 12, 2023

cardamom mountains tour

Never heard of the Cardamom mountains in Cambodia or from the Osoam Community Center. Although remote, it sounds like beautiful place to visit.

cardamom mountains tour

I was lucky to visit Cambodia back in 2019. The country is far more beautiful than what one can find online. I’m happy to read about such initiatives around sustainable tourism. It literally broke my heart when I saw tourists riding elephants pretty much everywhere in SE Asia.

cardamom mountains tour

Lerato Bambo

I love places that focus on sustainable tourism. Would love to visit this centre in Cambodia, the work they do is amazing and more people should know about it

cardamom mountains tour

A visit to the Osoam Community sounds like a lot of fun! I think it would be cool to visit both as a volunteer and as a tourist to experience both sides. I love the focus on sustainable tourism. I would love to go kayaking and enjoy the scenery.

cardamom mountains tour

Wow! I’ve never heard of this place. It looks beautiful. Such helpful tips.

cardamom mountains tour


If you want to discover off the beaten path Cambodia, this is the place you need to go! 😊

cardamom mountains tour

Alina Leise

Is it necessary to have some hiking shoes ? i don´t know what to pack für going to Osoam cardamom community center, thanks für answering 🙂

Hey Alina! Well, it depends a bit about what you wanna do there. If you just want to visit the town and walk around a bit, it’s not really necessary but if you want to participate in the hikes MR. Lim organizes I do recommend taking some hiking boots with you. 🙂 Let me know if you have any more questions!

Cardamom Mountains – Cambodia’s Hidden Nature Paradise

In a nutshell.

The Cardamom Mountains stretch over an impressive four and a half million hectares, covering a significant portion of southwestern Cambodia. The mountain range rests at the edge of the Thai border, once providing an escape route across the border during the horrific period that the Khmer Rouge reigned.

Why go to the Cardamom Mountains

The mountain range is one of Southeast Asia’s last expanses of thriving lowland rainforest – a place where adjoining mountains are connected to the ocean through rivers that cascade into the sea. The mountains are widely considered as Southeast Asia’s greatest natural resource, one whose wildlife habitat is yet to be explored and documented.

The region is so undeveloped, unresearched and largely unprotected because of the presence of the Khmer Rouge in the early 1980’s. After the regime fell, guerrillas retreated into the mountains. The area was consequently avoided for over twenty years out of fear for the guerrillas and the mines that they had laid.

Today, around 25 000 thousand people are believed to live in the mountains, many of which are the ethnic minority – the Porr.

The mountains are known to contain almost all of the country’s known animal species. Not only that, it is home to some of the most endangered animals in the world – some of which are entirely extinct in other parts of the world. The incredible array of animal species is due to the extremely rich diversity in habitats that the mountains offer. However, the known animals are just the tip of the iceberg. The area is incredibly under-researched and is speculated to have hundreds, if not thousands of undocumented species.

If this is not reason enough to explore the countryside and satisfy your inner zoologist, then nothing will be. Just a handful of the potential sightings that lay in wait include those of the Asian elephant, Indochinese tiger, Siamese crocodiles, pleated gibbon, Malaysian sun bear, and clouded leopard. It is hard to believe, just writing all these names that all these creatures can exist in one small corner of the earth.

When to go to the Cardamom Mountains

The Cardamom Mountains receive the heaviest rainfall in the entire country. While the air is very clear after rains pour down, and while you may be able to grab some electric shots of the gloomy clouds rolling in over the tree tops, it doesn’t make for the best weather to go hiking in. Spirits are inevitably dampened and your shoes remain constantly sludgy. To get the most out of your experience, and to have the water of the waterfalls be a welcome contrast to your hot and sweaty shoulders, plan your trip between the months of October and April.

How to get to and from Cardamom Mountains

Getting to the mountains from either Siem Reap or Phnom Penh is shockingly easy. While your trip along the road may not be the easiest (when is a cross-country bus not a little uncomfortable?), the complications are few. You will also not have to spend time waiting for connections. You will need to make but one ascent up the stairs of the bus you take and sit tight until you arrive. Easy.

That being said, things stand to get even easier should you decide to book your trip through a tour agency. While you will still need to take the public bus to the mountains, any insecurity you may feel is vanished with the presence of the guide beside you. However, be aware that only certain companies offer to join you on your trip from your city of origin, and that many tours only begin once you have reached the mountains.

To get in from Phnom Penh, take a direct bus from PPSDN. The bus will take around 8 hours, will cost around KHR 61, 300 and is available to you three times a day.

Getting in from Batttambang is a little frustrating. You’ll have to take a bus back to Siem Reap, and then get the next one to the mountains from there. This adds a good three hours to your journey as well as around KHR 40, 000. The trip in total from Battambang will then take around 11 hours – the longest of all the journeys from surrounding cities and towns.

Travel time from Bangkok will be around 8 hours and is the most complex of all the journeys. However, its stopovers and changes are very manageable when you only have six hours to endure. A (hopefully) quick stop at the border, KHR 65,000 later, and you’ll find yourself in the expansive yet congested rainforest of Cambodia.

Things to do and to see in the Cardamoms

Thoughts around things to do in the mountains don’t stretch too far from what you would expect. However, and somewhat paradoxically, there are things that will surprise you, grab you, and leave you feeling overwhelmed the beauty of it all.

The jungle is, of course, a jungle. Trekking is, as such, the predominant activity round these parts. There are various trails that head passed different highlights of the jungle, each with their own merit and place in the bouquet of options before you. Mountain biking through the trails is an alternative for the more physically inclined and adventurous. The jungle is packed with cascading waterfalls and calming rock pools, bat caves, wild animals, and a host of bird species.

The jungle is, in its untouched beauty, appealing simply as a chance to step into alternative realms of reality. It is a chance to explore the world before technology, before the thoughtless footprint of corporates and conglomerates. It is a wonderful opportunity to rub shoulders and share simple interactions with locals of the mountains. A chance to re-evaluate your ideals, practices and ideas of success.

How to choose the best tour to the Cardamoms?

With regard to tours, the options before you are numerous. Flexibility in terms of duration, cost and itinerary all allow you to find something that is perfectly suited to your needs and preferences. Spend a little time online looking at your options, make the decision, and then book in advance. This will surely save you money and hassle, as opposed to booking something in Phnom Penh or Battambang.

There is this trek through the Cambodian countryside , passed rustic villages and banana plantations, curious elephants and several perfect swimming spots. It is something conjured up in a dream. This is the trek along the Veal Ta Prak trail . This trail is not excessively demanding and really does cover the highlights of the forest, making it the ideal tour for all kinds of travellers wanting to get the most of their time in the jungle. The trail takes you deep into the forest and past things that will soothe your soul, calm your racing mind and thrust you into the depths of the moment. Highlights include the Veal Ta Prak pond, the O’Key mountain community, and the O’Malu waterfall. Although, maybe the best of it all is falling asleep to the sounds of tumbling water at the O’Malu campsite. The tour will cost around KHR 260, 000.

The next tour is for the more adventurous travellers – those of us who watched ‘Into the Wild’ and thought, “Hey, I could do that”. The tour will have you mountain biking through the thick of the forest and across freshwater streams, spending nights at rustic campsites beside waterfalls and rivers, and then keeping your eyes peeled on a sunrise birdwatching cruise. Just as lying on the beach is made better by frequent dips in the refreshing waves before you, this great combination of relaxation and exercise will see you valuing each alternative more than you would on their own. Spend the days traversing the winding paths through the jungle. Spend your breaks and evenings swimming in cool waters and absorbing the beauty of the many waterfalls, spend each night under the especially bright stars, swaying gently in your hammock as the sounds of people’s murmurs slowly lull you into a to sleep. This tour costs a little more, but will depend on what company you book it through. You should pay something around the KHR 300, 000 mark.

All tours into the jungle start and end at Chi Phat . It is the gateway to the jungle. Should you find yourself having an evening to yourself either upon your arrival or departure, you would be wise to spend that time floating down the Prek Phiphot river on a tiny wooden boat. Keep your binoculars close as you scan the banks and skies for wildlife contrasted against the colours of the setting sun. If you want to take things one step further, you can organise to have dinner on your little boat – a pretty great way to start or end your trip in the Cardamom Mountains.

Travel tips

Unlike other places in the country, the area is relatively free of tourist scams and potential pitfalls. This is most likely due to the relative isolation of the area and the very few people that live there. Of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry, so keep your wits about you on the road. Be sure to keep valuable belongings in a secure location, keep your bags within your line of sight, and be wary of the people you come across that offer to help you in a seemingly altruistic manner. Stick to these guidelines, and you’ll be just fine!

cardamom mountains tour

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A Guide to Visit Cardamom Mountain

The Cardamom Mountains are a mountain range located in southwestern Cambodia and eastern Thailand and cover the provinces of Kampot , Kep , Battambang , Sihanoukville , Koh Kong , Pursat , Kampong Speu and Pailin. It is one of the most extensive mountainous areas and is home to Cambodia’s vibrant ecosystem comprising deep jungles, valleys, rivers, wildlife, swamps and shores. It inhabits hundreds of thousands of people who depend on them.

Travelers exploring Cambodia can experience the Cardamom Mountains through one of the many wildlife conservation projects located in many cities, signing up for guided walks in the region and also taking our jeep tour to explore the area.

The Cardamom Mountains were home to ancient Cambodian tribal life between the 15th and 17th centuries, confirmed by remains, including many porcelain jars, tombs and coffins. In the 19th century, due to the presence of the Khmer Rouge and also hundreds of landmines, the mountains remained inaccessible to the outside world. It was only after the government started setting up wildlife conservation projects for demining that tourism began to develop here.

The Cardamom Mountains are known for their rugged nature, but the regions between Koh Kong and Pursat provinces are the most isolated and dense rainforests in Southeast Asia. The mountain extends over a vast area of ​​more than 4 million hectares, covering a large part of southwestern Cambodia. This land is home to hundreds of endangered species of wildlife, flora, and birds. Cambodia’s highest mountain “ Phnom Aural ” is present in the region.

Five major rivers run through the Cardamoms, which in turn have created dozens of waterfalls. Some of the wild animals that tourists can observe are elephants, leopards, crocodiles, gibbons, bears and tigers, etc.

wildlife tour cambodia

Places to visit

Wildlife Sanctuaries – There are two wildlife sanctuaries, both of which were commissioned by the King Nordok project in 1993. The Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary is located on the west side of the mountains. And the other is the Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary , in the eastern Cardamom Mountains. Both are open for tourists to explore nature.

National Parks – Preah Monivong National Park, located in Kampot province, is an ASEAN heritage park that covers the western end of the Cardamom Mountains. Botum Sakor National Park is located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand and covers the southwest of the Cardamom in the Botum district. The South Cardamom National Park is another tourist attraction found in the extreme south.

Wildlife Conservation Projects – Chi Phat is the most popular of all the conservation projects in Koh Kong, taking about a day to visit. The Wild KK project is another social enterprise in the Areng Valley, which focuses on the preservation of the ecosystem and wildlife.

Cardamom Tented Camp – It is an eco-lodge located in the Cardamom Mountains. Offering luxurious safari-style glamping tents, the lodge aims to minimize the human footprint on the natural world and serve as a role model in promoting sustainable ecotourism practices within both the national park and Cambodia as a whole.

cardamom mountains

It is recommended to bring essential items such as medicine, toiletries, good trekking shoes, umbrellas, sunscreen, hats and other things. Options housing is depleted quickly, so you better book accommodation well in advance and plan accordingly.

There are no ATMs here and all transactions are made in cash only. Carry enough cash on the go.

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About Cardamom Mountains

High up in the clouds, surrounded by virgin rainforest and little else bar a dollop of tiny villages and the fragrant spice trees of the same name, are the spectacular Cardamom Mountains. Remote and seriously out-of-the-way, their seclusion is all part of the appeal, both for travellers looking to head off-grid, but also for allowing the area to remain a refuge for 55 incredibly rare wildlife species including the Malayan sun bear, clouded leopards, Siamese crocodiles, and gibbons. Famously, it’s also one of only two places in Cambodia to spot Asian elephants. Sadly, the area has suffered more than its fair share of illegal logging and poaching, but in recent years, the opening of several (very lovely) eco-lodges has propelled sustainable development, and the future is bright. If you venture this far, your visit will undoubtedly include a deep dive into the many conservation projects (patrols and wild camping with the Wildlife Alliance rangers if you’re keen…), as well as explorations of hidden caves and wacky waterfalls, and cycling and walking escapades on far-flung trails.

Where to stay

smwild tent06 02.

Bensley Collection Shinta Mani Wild

Tap into Cambodia's wild side at this stunning camp where conservation rules the jungle.

exotic holiday floating tents and tropical sunset

Canvas & Orchids Retreat

Dreamy on-the-river tents, this is camping like you've never seen it before.

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Cardamom Tented Camp

Wildlife & conservation takes centre stage at this camp in the Cardamoms.

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Canvas & Orchids Retreat

Explore Activities in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

Canvas & Orchids Retreat is located on the Tatai River at the edge of the lush rainforest at the base of the Cardamom Mountains. We offer activities, exploration and adventure that makes the most of the unmatched beauty that defines Cambodia’s magical land.

Our floating jungle resort will provide you an experience you won’t find anywhere else. With mountains, rainforests , and rivers as our backdrop, we offer a myriad of ways to explore and immerse yourself in this corner of The Kingdom of Wonder.

Besides our wide range of organised activities and tours , we also have some complementary activities which are included in the price of your stay. These activities include unguided kayaking during the day and evening, when fireflies guide your way, and fishing from your villa’s private terrace.

As one of the top eco-friendly resorts in Asia, we’re dedicated to ensuring that you have the trip of a lifetime and learn about the wonderful country of Cambodia at the same time.

Our activities are designed for the traveller who wants a bit of adventure during their luxury holiday. Relax in your tented villa and then join us for one of our unique tours or activities. Each one is specially designed to show you the best of our stunning surroundings and the culture that defines them.

Below you’ll find information on all the amazing Cambodia adventures, tours and activities you can experience from our floating river lodge. Choose those that most appeal to you and your interests.

We look forward to hosting and entertaining you on your visit to Cambodia and showing you the true natural beauty of our tropical paradise.

cardamom mountains tour

Nature’s Spa – Tatai Waterfall by boat

One of the region’s must-sees, we visit Tatai Waterfall every second day as a regular tour. In addition, you can ask for a private trip for your party if you are four people or more (subject to boat and guide availability).

If the waterfalls are mighty and not easy to access in the rainy season, the lower water flow makes the falls very friendly and enjoyable to explore during the dry season (Dec to May).

Some degree of fitness is necessary to be able to fully enjoy this tour.

Away from the tranquility of Canvas & Orchids Retreat, the thunder of the majestic Tatai Falls reveals the river’s true power as it drops six meters to the rocks below.

Depending on the tide, you leave at 10 am for a 45-minute ride to the falls.

Turning into a tributary you head into the heart of the Cardamom rainforest accompanied by the far-off sounds of exotic birds and its secretive wildlife. Within minutes you are at journey’s end, gazing down into the turbulent waters of the waterfalls.

Soon it’s time for lunch. Maybe take a few moments for a natural hydro-massage and a refreshing drink as you find some shade for a picnic and open your senses to the sights and sounds of the jungle. We will also have some kayaks available for you to try out for some extra fun and adventure.

After leaving the falls, depending on the season, we might stop at the mouth of a small river where you can kayak to a traditional Cambodian farm where you will see rice fields and tropical fruit trees.

Departure time:

About 10 am

5 – 6 hours OR as long as you are still enjoying yourselves

Water-shoes, a hat or cap, swimming costume, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and camera

Cruise aboard a local boat, local guide, picnic lunch, bottled water

Minimum participants:

Time Travel – Lost in the mangrove

Another highlight of the area, we visit The Mangrove Forest every second day as a regular tour. In addition, you can ask for a private trip for your party if you are four people or more (subject to boat and guide availability).

Prepare yourself for a full day of new experiences! Leaving around 10 am, depending on the tide, you will cruise towards the coast, deep into the mangroves, to experience the calmness and natural bounty of this watery paradise.

Colorful birds might also be just flying over the mangroves as you navigate.

Depending on the season, your local guide might suggest some quiet “beach time” on a sand barge that surfaces upon the low tide, close to the mangrove forests.

We will serve food & drinks en route as you glide down the waterway. You could also visit our small village of Koh Andet, located next to the Resort, where you can see our pagoda and the small school we actively support.

Heading back to Canvas & Orchids, you may ride on the boat or paddle back on your kayaks!

6 – 7 hours OR as long as you are still enjoying yourselves


The tour can be taken all year round except in very heavy rain

Prepare yourself for a full day of new local experiences and connections

Paradise Regained – Tatai River Sunset Cruise

Join us on our daily sunset cruise on the River Tatai to admire Cambodia’s bold, bright, and colourful sunset. It’s the perfect way to transition into evening and start your night with a spark of magic.

Cruising the Tatai River at sunset is the perfect way to start your evening. This relaxing sunset cruise is offered on a daily basis.

This can also be organised on a private basis for four guests or more (subject to boat and guide availability).

Leave your worries behind and cruise off into the Cardamoms’ stunning sunset aboard our boat.

Watch in awe as the sun paints the sky with colours that change from brilliant blues to deep yellows, oranges, pinks and reds. The spectacular changing light of sunset will add a whole new dimension to your Canvas & Orchids Retreat experience.

Cruises the waters of Tatai River with its warm ocean breeze as the descending darkness embraces you in the lush green of the rainforest. The misty mountains appear closer as the tropical sun dips to the horizon and transforms the skies into a colourful spectacle.

Before the sun sets, with the calm waters and the natural sounds of the rainforest enhancing your relaxed mood, you can sit back and relax with a glass of wine or soft drink and indulge your senses on an unforgettable sunset river cruise. Toast the end of a perfect day in paradise as the sun’s flare dies down and the velvet darkness of night descends.

2 – 3 hours OR as long as you are enjoying yourselves

Mosquito repellent and your camera

Cruise aboard a local boat, local guide

* Number of participants are subject to boat and guide availability.

Rainforest Symphony – Dawn Jungle Trek

Following a quick, energising early morning coffee, grab your camera and we’ll venture into the rainforest, listening to its symphony on our dawn jungle trek. You’ll kayak upstream, then hike through the lush jungle witnessing all the incredible flora and fauna that can be found there.

The Dawn Jungle Trek is offered on a daily basis for two guests or more.

It’s your time to shine if you’re a bird watcher or early riser!

Enjoy firsthand the sights and sounds of the jungle as you venture forth into the undergrowth with your camera and experience the beauty of one of the world’s largest rainforests.

This trek offers a taste of the true jungle, an opportunity to observe small wildlife and birds, with the added bonus of some early morning exercise. You’ll get a real sense of achievement, whilst enjoying the early morning coolness of your beautiful surroundings.

After an early coffee in Canvas & Orchids Restaurant kayak upstream in the small channel right behind Canvas & Orchids Retreat. Shortly after stepping onshore, there’s a fairly steep ascent to hike for about an hour. Near the top, we’ll take a short break in a clearing to rest and enjoy the surroundings before returning to the lodge just in time for breakfast.

You may spot snakes, scorpions and spiders on the hike; some of which may be poisonous. However, there’s nothing to worry about as these creatures are shy and left alone will avoid human contact. Respect for nature and a live and let live policy are adopted.

2 – 3 hours OR as long as you are still enjoying yourselves

Hiking boots, a hat or a cap, sunscreen, mosquito repellent

Local guide, coffee, bottled water

The tour can only be taken in the dry season, from November to May

Greet the Neighbors – A Walk into the Khmers’ Life

Canvas & Orchids Retreat invites you to immerse yourself in the local culture with a walk into the life of the Khmer people on Koh Andet Island. Meet locals, view traditional Cambodian architecture, and see what it’s like to live a life on the river and in the jungle.

The walk around the Koh Andet Island is offered all-year-around for two guests or more (subject to guide availability).

Formerly a refuge from the Khmer Rouge, Koh Andet (Floating Island) is where Canvas & Orchids Retreat is located. Today it is also a peaceful home to a dozen farming families. While you might be tempted to be cocooned in the comfort of your tent, we strongly encourage you to share and learn about the lives of our neighbours. Meeting people from different cultures is one of the best reasons to step outside your tent. Cambodia is an enticing country, and the Khmers are graceful and charming, always ready to greet you with a big smile.

Take the opportunity to open your phrasebook, and practice the local language.

Taking a good portrait shot can be a photographer’s biggest challenge, but it’s not just about camera settings. Encounters with people and making friends with your subjects makes photography even more rewarding. The most important thing is to like the people, respect them and be genuinely interested in them.

This informal but deep experience will surely enrich your stay and memories.

Upon request

1 – 2 hours OR as long as you are still enjoying yourselves

Sunscreen, mosquito repellent and your camera

Local guide

Jungle Reclaimed – A Preview to the Reforested Phnom Kravanh

Outdoor adventure lovers, lace up your hiking shoes and join us for a trek in the Cardamom Mountains. See Cambodia as you’ve never seen it before, with gorgeous views of the rainforests and rivers below.

You can choose this Jungle Hike during the dry season (Nov to May) if you have a good fitness level.

Prepare your hiking boots, put on some sunscreen, you’re about to embark on a jungle, mountain discovery.

At 6.30 am, your guide will take you on a soft but challenging discovery, starting with a kayak ride to the small channel across the Resort. Your hiking starts at a small waterfall. You can be sure that your guide will notify you at the slightest sign of wildlife trace or presence.

After a two-hour hike, you would stop by the stream to rest and have breakfast.

This waterway is where we could spot several nocturnal animals, and occasionally, we can be lucky to spot some wildlife hunting for their food in broad daylight – the Asiatic Wolf or Dhole, the Clouded Leopard or the Sun Bear.

In the ’70s, after the Khmer Rouge regime, this part of The Cardamom Rainforest (Phnom Kravanh) was severely deforested and its wildlife heavily poached.

For 25 years, with the rigorous efforts of committed non-government organizations (NGOs), such as Wildlife Alliance, who tirelessly worked side by side with the government body, these forests have been allowed to regrow.

Your local guide hails from a family that used to hurt these forests, and now, they find livelihood and enjoyment in protecting it. Enjoy the hike!

4-5 hours including around 3-4 hours of hiking

Hiking boots, a hat or cap, swimming costume, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and camera

Your guide, picnic lunch, bottled water

You should NOT take this tour if you have known severe allergic reactions to insect bites, wasps, or bee bites.

** Only available from November to April; participants need to pre-book at least two (2) days before the activity.

In addition to the Cambodia activities and tours above it may also be possible to book a private tour or activity tailored just for yourself or your travel group. We’ll always do our utmost to accommodate your requests, so feel free to contact us via our contact form with any enquiries or you can speak to a member of staff upon your arrival.

IMPORTANT: All tours are subject to prevailing weather conditions. In case of very heavy rain or extremely low water, we reserve the right to cancel departures.

Private tours pre-booked within a travel agent package are not refundable.

Canvas & Orchids Retreat

Canvas & Orchids Retreat is ideally located halfway between Bangkok and Phnom Penh.

We’re located on Koh Andet Island, 20 km from Koh Kong City, right on the Tatai River at the steps of the Cardamom Mountains.

Our tented lodge is surrounded by lush rainforest and beautiful nature.

Koh Andet Island Koh Kong Province Kingdom of Cambodia

Email: [email protected]


+855 (0) 97 64 34 032 +855 (0) 31 668 8459

Reception: +855 (0) 71 566 6205

Green Pearls Secret Retreats

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Cardamom Mountains Luxury Tours

The mountains are one of the largest largely unexplored jungles remaining in the region and an important biodiversity hotspot with a huge range of important flora and fauna. The mountains also contain Cambodia’s highest peak of Phnom Aural (1,813m), which makes for a challenging trek.

Kouprey Pin

Stunning Scenery

Any trip into this region is a true adventure mostly on dirt tracks through dense jungle, not for the faint of heart. Glamping options are available as well as community projects supporting the local rangers efforts in protecting the wildlife. Many adventures await you in this vast explorers playground.

Immerse yourself in nature

Accommodation Highlights

Shita Mani Wild Cardamom Mountain

Shinta Mani Wild

Shinta Mani Wild is a radical new fusion of world-class design, all-inclusive hospitality and conservation, where your stay in one of the 15 luxurious tented villas makes a real difference in protecting unique and endangered species. This is glamping at its most luxurious.

Unique luxurious tented private villas

Zipline into the reception upon arrival

Epic Trekking

Angkor Wat Tour

Cambodia in Style

Glamping Expedition Cambodia

Glamping Expedition Cambodia

Remote Rivers to Explore

Cardamom Tented Camp Glamping

Luxury tented floating eco lodge stay.

Cardamom Mountains Luxury Tour

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Other Tour Options

The Cardamom Mountains covered with lush virgin rain-forest, rise to its highest point at over 1,770m. The Cardamoms extend over an area of 4,420,000 hectares covering a large portion of southwestern Cambodia. The Cardamoms are considered to represent Southeast Asia's greatest natural resources in terms of virgin forest and wildlife habitats that have never been fully explored and/or cataloged—30 large mammal species, 30 small mammal species, more than 450 birds, 64 reptiles, 30 amphibians and many other plants and insects.

With a wide variety of natural leisure activities you can enjoy cycling, trekking, hiking, viewing landscapes. Involve yourself with local livelihood activities like agricultural activities which will immerse you into a real communities’ life experiences and natural tourism in Pailin, a realm of yet explored treasures.

Memoria Palace & Resort offers various tours and sightseeing tours. You may choose from the tours below or simply choose the itinerary that is pre-planned for your convenience.

There are city tours, day trekking tours, day tours and cycling tours listed below. You will have a wonderful time no matter which tour you choose.

City Tour Options

Day trekking options.

Advice: Bring long trousers, long sleeve shirts, socks, gloves, torch, insect repellent, sun block, helmet and mountain boots or comfortable walking shoes which are the most important. Do not bring anything that you do not especially need (i.e. expensive watches, jewelry, large sums of cash).  You will be carrying your own things.  Most of the things you require can be purchased very inexpensively in the local markets.  However, please take note that large size walking boots will be difficult to obtain here.

Day Tour Options

Cycling/dirt biking tour options.

Come visit us at our beautiful, quaint and cozy resort. Let yourself be surrounded by Cambodia’s picturesque and peaceful nature, calming breeze and delightful charm of the secluded area and delightfully friendly locals.

For more information, please contact: Theara Leu - 015-430-014 or E: [email protected]

Intrepid Travel Blog

The elephants of Chi Phat: Hiking Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

cardamom mountains tour

Our guide, Leeheng, stops abruptly, holding up a hand for quiet.

The rest of our hiking group piles up behind me, tripping over each other as the sudden halt takes us all by surprise. We begin to giggle until the seriousness of Leeheng’s face quickly hushes us.

Standing in the middle of the trail, he’s listening intently to the sounds of the steamy Cambodian jungle around us. A monkey gibbers away in the trees nearby and the ever-present hum of tropical insects is relentless.

I’m just about to slap a thirsty mosquito away from my already-mauled arms when I hear something else too. In the distance, faintly perceptible, like the crack and shuffle of undergrowth being trampled.

Leeheng whips around. “Elephants,” he whispers urgently, “200 metres.”


Excitement ripples through our group. It’s the final morning of our 3-day hike through the jungle-clad Cardamom Mountain range in south-west Cambodia , and we’ve all been hoping to have an elephant encounter beyond stepping over their enormous droppings on the trail. After all, this one of the last remaining wild elephant corridors in Asia and witnessing one in its natural habitat is at the top of all our bucket lists.

cardamom mountains tour

Photo captured by The Common Wanderer

Days earlier, as our group of eight (three Italians, two Australians, and our three Cambodian guides) had sprawled out on a peaceful grassy plateau – sweat-drenched and out of breath after scrambling up a steep jungle incline. Leeheng had waved an arm across the outstretched plain and announced that the elephants were finally returning.

“Few years ago, none here. They got scared by the hunting and the guns and moved away, to Thailand . Now, they come back again.” His smile had been enthusiastic and proud. Understandably so; only two decades prior, this plain had been a battlefield, then a hunting ground.


When Pol Pot’s murderous regime collapsed in 1979, his loyal guerrillas literally fled for the hills – retreating to the thick cover of the Cardamom Mountains. For 15 years, they brought chaos to the local communities, like Leeheng’s village of Chi Phat. Landmines were laid, grisly battles fought, and many villagers killed. It left many with little option but to enter the rampant and lucrative poaching and logging trades to survive.

In 2007 the US-based conservation NGO, Wildlife Alliance, approached village elders with an idea: to protect the Cardamom Mountains’ rich flora and fauna (including leopards, elephants, gibbons and the highly endangered pangolin) from hunting, and develop a community-based ecotourism project with Chi Phat at its heart.


Villagers like Leeheng became wildlife conservation warriors, leading cycling , kayaking, and trekking tours, training as cooks, or opening guesthouses. Transforming the Cardamom range and the lives of its residents completely.

cardamom mountains tour

As we’d scoffed down our dinner the previous night, a mouth-watering curry of forest root vegetables, Leeheng had opened up about his experiences poaching, and how life had changed since. Hunting a deer back then would have meant $100 USD for his family, he’d said, but today, he only cares about protecting them.

“If I bring people here now and they don’t see any animals, I’m sad. When travellers see lots of animals, they’ll tell their friends and encourage others to visit. Our community could earn $10,000, maybe $20,000 USD from tourism instead.”


To those travellers, like my hiking buddies and I, Chi Phat offers the promise of an intrepid adventure totally different to the usual Cambodian backpacker trail highlights. Just getting here was an adventure; a 4-hour bus ride from Phnom Penh followed by a 40-minute motorbike ride through fields. But while others jostled for front-row sunrise positions at Angkor Wat, we’d woken up in our hammocks to first light peeking through the tree canopy.

During the day, we broke open tamarind pods to taste their sticky sweetness, drank water from vines, learnt to track animals, and dove under refreshing waterfalls to cool off from the tropical sun. At night, as backpacker bars pumped out dance music at beach parties in other parts of Cambodia, we’d swapped stories about our families and lives by the campfire and fallen asleep to the sound of the wild jungle.


After a month of following the standard backpacker route in Cambodia, it was exactly the kind of authentic and offbeat adventure I’d craved. So, to be standing in the middle of the trail right now, listening to the sounds of elephants grazing nearby, it feels as though our experience is complete. Leeheng doesn’t quite share our enthusiasm, reminding us with the calm patience of a school teacher that these are  wild  elephants. As in, not the kind you want to run into on a hiking path while you’re on foot.  Walk quickly and silently until it’s safe, he instructs.

“If you see the elephant, drop your bag and run. Run fast. Elephants don’t turn easily, so find the biggest tree and run around it. Then run to the next and do the same. If you get lost, get to the river and walk downstream. Don’t worry, we find you.”

cardamom mountains tour

As we begin to move stealthily along the path, Leeheng pulls a small axe from the side of his bag and swings the back of it hard against a tree; a gunshot-like sound ringing out through the forest. The elephants might be returning, but they haven’t forgotten the days when bullets used to land amongst their herd, and Leeheng knows their fear of the sound will keep them well away from us.

Under his watchful eye, we manage to escape any face-to-face meetings with our wild friends – though they do get within 100m at one point – and eventually, we traipse back into Chi Phat a few hours later, elated and buzzing with adrenaline.


The group is unanimous: if our mildly close encounter is the price of Chi Phat thriving and the Wildlife Alliance achieving their goals of protecting the area’s elephant population, we’ll happily take it. And sitting on the stilted wooden floor of homestay family’s house later we agree: long after we’ve returned home, this adventure through the Cardamom Mountains and its communities is the Cambodia we’ll always remember.

Explore the secluded Cardamom Mountains for yourself and see the elephants of Chi Phat on our Temples & Beaches tour of Cambodia .

Feeling inspired?

cardamom mountains tour

Miranda Forstmanis

Writer, photographer, potato aficionado. In 2015 I sold all my belongings, ignored mum’s advice, and left to travel through 28 countries in one year. Lessons learnt: beer is tasty, Nepal is life, and I regret nothing. The word ‘adventure’ is great, whistlers are not, and once I took a 44-hour bus ride from Malawi to Johannesburg which has led me to make better life decisions ever since. I’m also one half of The Common Wanderer blog, follow along at @thecommonwanderer

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Cambo Tours & Travel

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Trekking Day Tour at Kirirom National Park to Cardamom Mountain

Trekking Day Tour at Kirirom National Park to Cardamom Mountain 1 Day

cardamom mountains tour

Trekking Tours

Trekking day tour at kirirom national park to cardamom mountain.

Trekking Day Tour at Kirirom National Park to Cardamom Mountain

  • Duration 1 Day
  • Travel Location Siem Reap
  • Tour Style Trekking Tours

Kampong Speu Province, Kirirom National Park, Cambodia

Experience with local ecotourism site where you’ll see the real life and real culture of local people in the countryside. Hike  in a beautiful environment - waterfall, bat cave, pine forest where you’ll encounter experience with the nature, and stunning views across to the Cardamom Mountain. Enjoy a packed lunch in the jungle where you'll experience like local farmers or rangers  

Video Travel Inspiration

Trip highlight:.

  • Experience with local ecotourism site where you’ll see the real life and real culture of local people in the countryside
  • Hike  in a beautiful environment - waterfall, bat cave, pine forest where you’ll encounter experience with the nature, and stunning views across to the Cardamom Mountain
  • Enjoy a packed lunch in the jungle where you'll experience like local farmers or rangers  

Tour at a glance:

  • Full day trekking tour
  • Depart daily at 6:30 am
  • Max distance 15 km
  • Activity level: Moderate to Challenging
  • Max altitude – 675 meters (2,215ft)
  • Join & end in Phnom Penh with vehicle supported
  • Minimum age: 9 years old
  • Min group size: 2
  • Max group size 15
  • Photographic opportunity: Good 

Tour Itinerary

This is a typical itinerary for this product Stop At: Kirirom National Park, Kampong Speu, Kampong Speu Province Experience with local ecotourism site where you’ll see the real life and real culture of local people in the countryside Hike in a beautiful environment – waterfall, bat cave, pine forest where you’ll encounter experience with the nature, and stunning views across to the Cardamom Mountain Enjoy a packed lunch in the jungle where you’ll experience like local people or rangers

Duration: 1 day

Additional Info

  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Travelers should have a moderate physical fitness level
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Dress code is formal
  • Vegetarian option is available, please advise at time of booking if required
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate  

What is Included

  • Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Tour escort/host
  • Local guide
  • National Park fees
  • Bottled water
  • Transport by private vehicle
  • Entry/Admission - Kirirom National Park

What is Not Included

  • Alcoholic drinks (available to purchase)
  • Food and drinks, unless specified
  • Souvenir photos (available to purchase)
  • Personal expense

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Book Hotels in Siem Reap with our Top Pick!

Bayon Shadow Villa

Bayon Shadow Villa

Steung Thmey, Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Best for Couple!

One of our best sellers in Siem Reap! Bayon Shadow Villa provides a free pickup from Siem Reap International Airport, a 15-minute drive away. The villa offers free WiFi throughout the building. Guests can request for a pickup from any local bus station.

Bayon Shadow Villa is located in the heart of Siem Reap, a 5-minute walk from Old Market and Pub Street. Angkor Wat temple is a 15-minute drive away.

Cambodian-style rooms feature colorful local fabrics. Both air conditioning and a fan are provided in all villas.

Massage services can be arranged by staff of the guest house. Bicycle rental and ticketing services are available. Laundry and currency exchange services are also offered at the property.

Guests can enjoy Western meals or traditional Cambodian cuisine in the restaurant.

This is our guests' favorite part of Siem Reap, according to independent reviews.

This property also has one of the top-rated locations in Siem Reap! Guests are happier about it compared to other properties in the area.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it  9.2  for a two-person trip.

We speak your language!

Shinta Mani Angkor Bensley Collection

Shinta Mani Angkor Bensley Collection

Junction of Oum Khun Street, Siem Reap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Best Location!

Stay in the heart of Siem Reap – Excellent location

Located in Siem Reap, an 8-minute walk from Pub Street, Shinta Mani Angkor Bensley Collection features an outdoor swimming pool. Each accommodation at the 5-star resort has pool views, and guests can enjoy access to a garden and to a terrace. The property provides a business centre, an in-house restaurant and free WiFi.

All guest rooms at the resort are fitted with a seating area, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and a private bathroom with free toiletries and a bath. Shinta Mani Angkor Bensley Collection offers some units with garden views, and each room comes with a coffee machine. Guest rooms will provide guests with a wardrobe and a kettle.

A continental breakfast is available every morning at the accommodation. There is also a butler service.

Shinta Mani Angkor Bensley Collection can conveniently provide information at the reception to help guests to get around the area.

King's Road Angkor is 700 m from the resort, while Angkor Wat is 6 km away. The nearest airport is Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport, 7 km from the property.

This is our guests' favourite part of Siem Reap, according to independent reviews.

This property also has one of the best-rated locations in Siem Reap! Guests are happier about it compared to other properties in the area.

This property is also rated for the best value in Siem Reap! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other properties in this city.

Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa

Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa

Sfpda Road, Phum Krous, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Best Value!

Get the celebrity treatment with world-class service at Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa

One of our bestsellers in Siem Reap! Located in Siem Reap, Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa features a garden. This 5-star hotel offers a terrace. King's Road Angkor is 4 km away and Pub Street is a 10-minute taxi ride from the hotel.

All units in the hotel are equipped with a flat-screen TV. With a private bathroom fitted with a hair dryer, rooms at Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa also feature free WiFi, while some rooms have pool view. Guest rooms at the accommodation come with a seating area.

Breakfast is available every morning, and includes continental and à la carte options. The in-house restaurant specialises in European cuisine.

The area is popular for cycling, and bike hire is available at Sabara Angkor Resort & Spa.

There is a tour desk and car rentals are available, while the business centre has newspapers and a fax machine and photocopier. Staff at reception can lend a hand around the clock with guidance on the area.

Angkor Wat is 7 km from the hotel. The nearest airport is Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport, 5.6 km from the property.

Couples particularly like the location — they rated it  8.6  for a two-person trip.

Ladear Angkor Boutique

Ladear Angkor Boutique

No. 0271, Street 27, Wat Bo Road, Wat Bo Village, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Nestled within private gardens, Ladear Angkor Boutique offers elegant and comfortable accommodation away from the hustle and bustle of Siem Reap. It features an outdoor swimming pool and guests can enjoy meals at the in-house restaurant or have a drink at the bar. Free WiFi is available throughout the property.

The property is just 800 m from Angkor Trade Centre and 1.3 km from the vibrant Pub Street. The Angkor Wat temple complex is 6.7 km away, while Siem Reap International Airport is accessible within a 9 km drive. The property offers complimentary airport pickup services.

Offering views of the pool, air-conditioned rooms come with tiled flooring, a clothes rack, in-room safe, a minibar, flat-screen TV and sofa seating area. The en suite bathroom includes towels and shower facility.

Guests can approach the 24-hour front desk for currency exchange, tour arrangements, concierge and ticketing services. The property offers complimentary use of bicycle for guests who wish to explore the surrounding area. At Ladear Angkor Boutique, guests can indulge in massage treatments at the spa or relax with a drink at the sun deck.

Housing a restaurant, the property serves a tasty selection of local dishes. 

Ladear Angkor Boutique has been welcoming Booking.com guests since Oct 30, 2014 Hotel Rooms: 12

La Residence Blanc D'Angkor

La Residence Blanc D'Angkor

No. 134, Phum Krous, Khum Svay Dangkhum, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Best for Traveller!

Only 0.9 mi from the lively Pub Street, La Residence Blanc D’Angkor provides charming Khmer-style accommodations in the heart of Siem Reap. Guests have access to the outdoor swimming pool and can enjoy meals at the in-house restaurant. Free WiFi is available throughout the property.

La Residence Blanc D’Angkor is only 1.4 mi from Angkor Night Market. The famous Angkor Wat is only 3.2 mi away while Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport is just 3.1 mi away. The property offers complimentary two-way airport transfers and shuttle services to the city center.

Rooms feature stylish décor and private balcony overlooking the cityscape or pool. Amenities include air conditioning, a mini-bar and an private bathroom with free toiletries and a hairdryer.

The warm and friendly staff at La Residence Blanc D’Angkor can assist you with luggage storage and free private parking facilities. The property also houses a 24-hour front desk and a business center.

Guests can sample authentic Cambodian-style meals at the on-site restaurant. Alternatively, room service options are available on-site.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it  8.1  for a two-person trip.

Phum Baitang

Phum Baitang

Phum Svaydangkum, Sangkat Svaydankum, Siem Reap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Get the celebrity treatment with world-class service at Phum Baitang

One of our top picks in Siem Reap – and a guest favourite. True to the meaning of its name "green village", Phum Baitang offers quiet accommodation nestled amidst private, lush gardens and rice fields. Phum Baitang features a 50 m outdoor infinity pool, a spa and wellness centre and a barbecue area. The property boasts 45 spacious wood-and-stilt villas and is equipped with a children's playground. Guests can enjoy meals at one of the two in-house restaurant or have a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site.

Phum Baitang is 3 km away from the vibrant Pub Street. The renowned Angkor Wat is 7 km away, while Angkor Night Market is 2.7 km from the property. The nearest airport is Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport, is a 6 km-drive. The property offers complimentary airport transfers and shuttle services.

Some villas offer a private terrace while others are fitted with a private plunge pool. Villas are fully-furnished with traditional Cambodian decor. The rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels. Certain units feature a seating area to relax in after a busy day. Enjoy a cup of coffee while looking out at the pool or garden. Each room comes with a private bathroom fitted with a hot tub. Conveniences include bathrobes, slippers and free toiletries. The hotel offers free WiFi throughout the property.

Guests can indulge in Spa Temple's variety of massages and treatments or participate in yoga classes. The 24-hour front desk offers currency exchange, tour arrangements and ticketing services. Bike hire is also available.

One of the property's two in-house restaurants, Bay Phsar serves up authentic Cambodia cuisine and encourages guests to choose from an array of locally-sourced ingredients with the help of the chef, while Hang Bay specialises in fusion cuisine.

Couples particularly like the location — they rated it  9.3  for a two-person trip.

Recommended Cambodia Tour Themes

Grand Tours

Grand Tours

Cruise Adventure

Cruise Adventure

Local Life Tours

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Photography Tours

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Trekking Tours

Angkor Temple Tours

cardamom mountains tour

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659 Tour Bookings

Guest Name: Mrs. Leona ORourke Country: Ireland City: Naas N.of Person: 6 pax Travel date: 2024-06-21 Booked: Battambang Tour from Siem Reap - Bamboo Train, Killing Cave and Sunset Tour Style: Day Trip Tours Duration: Full Day


Cardamom Mountains

Tina Duong has eagle eyes. The Cardamom Mountains’ jungle we are trekking through is his world. It’s his home, his playground and his place of work. He works in harmony with the rainforest that makes up the majority of Cambodia’s western Koh Kong province, and he comes well-equipped with stacks of local knowledge. This makes him the perfect person to guide us through one of Southeast Asia’s largest unbroken rainforests.

He pauses as he spots something in the undergrowth, crouching to pluck a shrivelled brown, almost heart-shaped root from the ground. Like a school show and tell session, he passes it around, apologising for not knowing its scientific name. Instead, he calls it “elephant’s lung”, adding it is a key ingredient in the medicinal tea made by his grandmother when he was a child.

We’re half-way on a trek through a fraction of sprawling Botom Sakor National Park. As Cambodia’s largest national park, it takes in 1800 square metres of gently sloping lowland hugged by patches of evergreen woods, tracts of grass plains, dense tropical rainforest, coastal flood plains and swamps. It is also home to a collection of rare wildlife. Sun bears, pangolin, clouded leopards, dhole (wild dog) and the greater hog badger – all listed as vulnerable or endangered – live in the area.

Stork Billed Kingfisher Cambodia

While it can be difficult to spot a greater hog badger, it's easier to spy the wild pigs, civets, macaques and deer that also inhabit the jungle. The birdsong that rings through the trees alongside the at-times deafening chorus of cicadas comes from a range of species, includes the rare Malayan night heron, endangered Asian woolly necked stork, green peafowl and colourful stork-billed kingfishers.

The area’s rich collection of flora and fauna has seen it pillaged by illegal loggers and poachers in recent decades. As we stop for a break on the fringe of a small pond almost hidden by a web of twisted branches, Tina says the forest that surrounds us is a fraction of what once stood. He recalls watching the towering trees he grew up among being felled by illegal loggers trading in precious timbers that once dotted the jungle, most notably rosewood.

Elsewhere, large patches of rainforest were razed for agricultural development, such as palm oil and rubber tree farms. He adds swathes of wildlife teeter on the brink of extinction, with poachers hunting critically-endangered animals, such as the pangolin, to sell on the black market.

Cambodia Cardamom Mountains

My day had started at 5am, when I’d awoken to apocalyptic claps of thunder and lashing rain against the sturdy canvas of my safari-style tent. We’d picked a daring time to visit, the tail-end of monsoon season when the signature downpours start to subside. While this is my favourite time in Cambodia – the country’s mass of parched orange land sparks to life, transforming into a patchwork of shimmering emerald paddies – as the sky growled and the rains whipped, my excitement was marginally hampered at the thought of braving the jungle in heavy rain.

In keeping with typical Cambodian monsoon weather, the deluge was over within a couple of hours and when we set off at 7am, the sun was piercing a cloudless sky. The first leg of our journey was kayaking along a 7km stretch of Preak Tachan River, which snakes through the landscape.

As we paddled along the waterway, a calm wave of confusion washed over me as I attempted to navigate the unfolding jungle mirage. In the same way Magic Eye puzzles baffled me as a child, my brain scrambled to differentiate the land from the small tributary we were kayaking along, its smooth surface perfectly mirroring the thick jungle foliage that flanks us. Crystal clear waters revealed a cobweb of intertwining roots criss-crossing through a riverbed of white sand, the calm surface disturbed only by dancing insects and our swishing paddles. The call of nature, the only sound to interrupt the silence.

fishing cat cambodia

About an hour later, we docked the kayaks and climbed the gentle slopes of a hill. As we arrived at its peak, clucking chickens scarpered from the entrance of a makeshift wooden shack that Tina tells us is Preak Tachan Rangers Station, one of just a handful in the sparse area serving as bases for the Wildlife Alliance rangers who sweep the forest in search of hunters and loggers.

He introduces me to head ranger, Chum Kheng. Small with a wiry but muscular frame, his bright smile softens his appearance. He’s tasked with the tough task of protecting the forest. He leads us inside to a sobering cache of seized weapons. Rusty chainsaws, ageing handmade rifles, tangled webs of green netting and wire snares line the wall. Kheng tells us this is just a fraction of the haul his team has gathered during their five years of operation.

A little later, one of his colleagues emerges from the forest. Sporting full camouflage gear, sunglasses, a machete and rifle, he’s our escort on the trek through the jungle back to camp. While the rains held off, months of monsoon had left their mark and submerged large parts of the forest floor in bizarrely translucent water. Tina tells us a pay-off for visiting during monsoon is the clear waters that pour from the mountains, a trait that disappears in the dry months.

Cardamom Tented Camp

As we wade through babbling brooks and along water-logged trails – any hanging foliage sliced out of the way by the machete-wielding ranger –Tina recognises the distinct calls of gibbons and birds. He points out red squirrels as they dart among the treetops and catches me before I pierce my hand on giant razor-sharp thorns that shield shrubs, steering me away from poisonous moss that clings to tree trunks.

After about four hours, we arrive back exhilarated yet exhausted and sink into the minimalist luxury offered at Cardamom Tented Camp’s glamping eco-resort for a spectacular sunset, followed by a well-deserved feast under a canopy of stars in preparation for the next day’s jaunt through the jungle.

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Hawaii Na Pali Coast

Devorah Lev-Tov and her family eat their way through a pepper plantation in the Kampot region of Cambodia

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Things to See and Do - Pursat, Cambodia

Cardamom mountains - pursat.

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Map of Cardamom Mountains

Other attractions in pursat.


O'Da Rapids

O'Da Rapids is a river picnic area that the locals head out to on weekends to have a swim and kick back for a while about 52 km from town. There are Thais and Khmers working on building a logging road to extract timber from the area, which is why the river is now accessible for the locals on a fairly good gravel road for much of the... read more

Phnom Ba Klas

Phnom Ba Klas

Phnom Ba Klas is a natural and cultural site located in Tnaot Chum Village, Tnaot Chum cmmune, Krakor district, about 20 kilometers east of the provincial town. The site affords visitors beautiful scenery and abundant fresh air. The near by mountains are filled with a small fruit trees, especially Kuy and Sei moan, which are popular... read more

Leach Village

It is visited by both locals and foreign tourists. The scenic beauty of the Leach Village, Pursat matched with the rich rustic tradition has made it a very popular tourist spot.Travelers also undertake excursion trips to the Leach Village in Pursat. Travelers and nature lovers from all over the world visit the place to have a feel... read more

Bak Tra Resort

Bak Tra Resort

The Bak Tra Resort, Pursat is a very popular destination in the area and it should not be missed. The beauty of the place will surely amaze you like none else. You can reach the Bak Tra Resort, Pursat with ease as there are numerous means of transport available and you can avail hem to reach this spot.The Bak Tra Resort, Pursat is a... read more

Phnom Baykhlor Resort

Phnom Baykhlor Resort

Pnhom Baykhlor Resorts is the natural and cultural resort. It is located at Thuaut Chum village, Thnaut Chum commune, Ko Kor District in 20-Kilometer distance from the provincial town of Pursat by the National Road N0 5 then turning right more 12 Kilometers to the East. This resort consists of:- Beautiful scenery for tourists. -... read more

Cardamom Mountains

Check the Koh Kong chapter for information on the fried from Koh Kong to Pailin, which cuts through the Cardamom Mountains on the western edge of Pursat province. The Cardamom Mountains of Koh Kong and Pursat provinces are said to be the most pristine wilderness area remaining in Southeast Asia. This ride takes you through the... read more

Floating Village of Lake Tonle Sap

Floating Village of Lake Tonle Sap

Floating Village of Lake Tonle Sap is heading east from Pursat town, about one-third of the way to Kampong Chhnang town is the town of Krakor. Just a few kilometers to the north are Lake Tonle Sap and the floating village of Kampong Loo-uhng. It?s a complete village on the water populated mostly by Vietnamese fishermen. You can... read more

Wat Preh Sdey

Wat Preh S'dai and Pursat River, Pursat is one of the main areas of interest for the tourists arriving at Pursat to spend a day or two during the Tour of Cambodia. Counted among the popular sites it is included in a day's tour of the sites. Wat Preh S'dai and Pursat is the temple that is located to the southern bend of the river.A... read more

Kam Pong Luong Resort

Kam Pong Luong Resort

Kampong Luong is a natural site located on the Tonle Sap in Kampong Luong commune, Krakor district, about 35 kilometers east of Pursat provincial town. The site is a sand cape suitable for swimming during the dry season. During the rainy season, especially during Pchumben, many cambodians gather there to play Chaol Teuk Leak (a... read more

Scenic Drive to Wat Bpahk- Dtrow

Scenic Drive to Wat Bpahk- Dtrow

Scenic Drive to Wat Bpahk-Dtrow a nice drive through rural farm country, followed by rolling forested hills, is what you get on the way to this hill temple area. With large boulders and trees lining the temple area, it's a favorite spot for the locals on Sundays and holidays. There are footpaths leading to the different temples and... read more

Luaing Trach

Luaing Trach

Luaing Trach is located in Lang Trach village, Svay Sa Commune, KraKor district, about 49 kilometers (1h:30mn) from Provincial Town. It is Nature & Wildlife Preserves. read more

Venerable Site of Neak Ta Khleang Moeang

Neak Ta Khleang Moeang is the main historical site in Cambodia and located at Snam Preah Commune, Ba Kan District, about 6 kilometers south of Pursat provincial town. The site is the sacred place prayed and worshipped by tourists who come from the near and far areas. This venerable site has a statue of Neak Ta Khleang Moeang... read more

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Cardamom Mountains

About the cardamom mountains, history of cardamom mountains, adventurous activities which you can indulge in once you are in the cardamom mountains, things that you need to pack in case you are planning a trip to the cardamom mountains, how to reach the cardamom mountains, where to stay, you may like:.

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Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center - Cambodia’s Largest Zoo

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cardamom mountains tour

  • Half-Day: Siem Reap Off-Road Ride
  • 1 Day: Kulen Mountain Trails
  • 3 Day: Jungle Temples Enduro Tour
  • 7 Day: Cardamom Mountain Expedition

Cardamom Mountain Expedition

  • DESTINATION Cambodia
  • TRIP TYPE Guided Tour & Support
  • GROUP SIZE 4 - 12 People
  • TOTAL DISTANCE Approx. 1030 km

RIDER LEVEL: 2-4 Moderate

Usd 1,880 per person, trip overview.

If you’re an experienced off-road rider seeking the ultimate Cambodian adventure, this tour is tailor-made for you. Venturing as far off the conventional path as possible, you’ll travel deep into the heart of the Cambodia jungle, immerse yourselves in a night of homestay in a local village, travel the rugged terrain of the Cardamom Mountains, and unwind amidst the natural beauty of Koh Kong. Along the way, you’ll explore the pristine Chi Phat community, take a refreshing swim in the river at sunset, and warm yourself by a crackling campfire.

  • Amazing ride through the jungle of Cardamom Mountain
  • Discover the authentic Cambodia by venturing into remote villages that are off the beaten path.
  • Travel deep jungles of Cardamom Mountain, crossing rivers, villages, and mountain range
  • Experience the beauty of Chi Phat, an enchanting eco-tourism destination nestled in the breathtaking region of Koh Kong.
  • An unforgettable ride to the stunning sandy beaches of Koh Kong

Day 1: Siem Reap - Battambang

Your adventure begins in Siem Reap!

You will take a ride on the tarmac, dirt roads, and back trails as you glide past lakes and alongside rivers. Stop for lunch beside a large reservoir before continuing to the French colonial town of Battambang.

For those of you with a bold and adventurous palate, an extraordinary opportunity awaits! At one of the vibrant roadside barbecues, you’ll have the chance to experience the unique flavors of grilled rats. Surprisingly reminiscent of tender chicken, it’s a culinary adventure like no other. Rest assured, dinner will also be provided for a truly satisfying evening.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 2: Battambang – Cardamom Mountain

Today we take a ride around Battambang, your destination will be Phnom Sampov, a modest mountain that played a central role in the Khmer Rouge’s grave atrocities. Here, you’ll explore the chilling killing caves and view the firearms the Vietnamese employed to repel the Khmer Rouge once they had seized control of the mountain. The upcoming day promises a variety of exhilarating riding opportunities.

You’ll navigate the trails of ‘Battambang,’ a region aptly named due to the persistent mud during the wet season. You can choose to challenge yourself with rugged, rocky terrain or opt for a meandering dirt road that crosses over approximately 50 petite bridges.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 3: Cardamom Mountain - Koh Kong

This morning, your adventure will lead you down a dusty trail, winding through steep hills and offering awe-inspiring vistas of the landscape below. As the day progresses, you’ll have the choice to venture into technically demanding paths through the dense jungle. Alternatively, you can opt for the well-constructed mountain roads courtesy of Chinese engineering, with opportunities to visit a couple of remarkable waterfalls en route. Your day’s journey culminates in Koh Kong, a picturesque riverside town near the Thai border.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 4: Koh Kong Free Day

Today is your free day. You can take a boat excursion to explore the vast mangrove forest of Peam Krasop, renowned as one of Southeast Asia’s largest mangrove ecosystems. Or indulge yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Koh Kong’s serene beach, where tranquility and relaxation await. Feel the warm sand between your toes as you stroll along the pristine coastline, taking in the picturesque views that surround you.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 5: Koh Kong - Chi Phat Community

Today presents a challenge for all adventurers! The more demanding route will take you through steep, technically challenging rocky hills, lead you across numerous bridges and river crossings, and offer thrilling single-track trails. On the other hand, the easier option will follow smoother mountain roads. Regardless of your choice, you’ll have the chance to visit the remarkable Tatai waterfall along the way.

Afterward, we will take our ride to the awe-inspiring Chi Phat Community. This hidden gem is nestled in the heart of nature, surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque landscapes. As we traverse through this enchanting destination, we will be captivated by its rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Chi Phat Community offers a unique experience that blends adventure with sustainable ecotourism. During our ride, we will have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the vibrant local culture, interact with friendly villagers, and learn about their traditional way of life.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 6: Chi Phat - Kirirom National Park

Today we leave Chi Phat! The adventure encompasses a diverse array of terrain. You’ll encounter rocky ascents, winding single trails, slippery forest paths, and exciting river crossings. Your day commences on a single track, its condition varying between sandy and muddy depending on the weather. As you progress, the terrain becomes progressively more demanding, featuring enticing technical sections, especially as you approach Kiriom National Park, which offers a wide spectrum of landscapes.

cardamom mountains tour

Day 7: Kirirom National Park - Phnom Penh

Following breakfast, you’ll take a scenic ride ascending to the summit of the Kirirom mountain range, passing through a picturesque pine tree forest. A delicious lunch will be set at the local village. Then, you’ll explore Kirirom National Park, including a visit to the waterfall and the residence of the former king. The adventure continues through the charming Kampong Speu countryside, concluding upon your arrival in Phnom Penh.

cardamom mountains tour

Price Rates

What’s included, dirt bike available.

Discover our extensive selection of off-road bikes, tailored to suit your adventurous spirit. Whether you crave the thrill of conquering rugged terrains or seek the serenity of exploring nature’s hidden paths, we have the perfect bike waiting for you. Explore our diverse range and embark on your next thrilling off-road adventure with confidence.

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Honda XR 250R

Included in your trip price

cardamom mountains tour

Yamaha WR 250F

Available at a surcharge

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  • What to wear: Long sleeve shirt, long pants, riding/hiking boots.
  • It is recommended to bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and insect repellent.
  • Please note that personal travel insurance is not included in the adventure tour package.
  • As with all off-road tours, this trip is not recommended for those who are pregnant or have bad backs, etc.
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience


cardamom mountains tour

Siem Reap Off-Road Ride

Embark on an unforgettable dirt bike adventure with this amazing off-road terrain tour of Siem Reap in the morning. Guided by an expert rider, you will get …

Duration: 4 hours Rider Level: 1-3 Novice Total Distance: 70 km

cardamom mountains tour

Kulen Mountain Trails

Ride dirt bike to the birthplace of the Angkor Empire on a pioneering excursion to Phnom Kulen. With over two thousand years of history …

Duration: 8 hours Rider Level: 2-4 Moderate Total Distance: 160 km

cardamom mountains tour

Jungle Temples Enduro Tour

This amazing dirt bike tour itinerary is an absolute must-do for riders who are limited on time but still want to experience the thrilling rush of rally roads …

Duration: 3 Days | 2 Nights Rider Level: 2-4 Moderate Total Distance: 650 km

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  • 7 Days Cardamom Mountain Expedition
  • Yamaha WR 250F: $300
  • KTM 450 EXC: $450
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Cambodia & Thailand: Angkor Wat, Koh Chang & Cardamom Mountain Adventure

9 days, siem reap to bangkok.

cardamom mountains tour

  • Full itinerary
  • Tour details

Exploring Southeast Asia goes from iconic to unexpected on this incredible nine-day adventure. The magnificent Angkor Wat in Cambodia sets the stage with its stunning sunrise, providing a glimpse of the adventures ahead. Next, you'll be whisked away on tuk-tuks by local women to partake in the creation of a delectable meal in a Cambodian village. You'll then explore the Cardamom Mountains on foot and by kayak, with your experience actively contributing to the preservation of this protected area. And as the grand finale, soak up the tranquility of a Thai island, featuring more kayaking, beach barbecues, and epic sunsets.

Siem Reap to Bangkok

Special offers, is this tour for me, travel style: the geluxe collection.

With perfectly paced itineraries, one-of-a-kind accommodations, and comfort at their very core, these premium active trips are adventure at its finest.

Service Level: Upgraded

Quality accommodations and more inclusions than on other G Adventures tours, like meals, private transport, and activities.

Physical Rating: 3 - Average

Some tours may include light hiking, biking, rafting, or kayaking in addition to walking.

Trip Type: Small Group

Small group experience; Max 12, avg. 10

Age requirement: 18+

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Before booking, use our handy entry requirements tool so you know which documents you need to enter and travel through the countries on your trip.

Chief Experience Officers with a capital E

Call us biased but we've seen 30+ years of proof: our Chief Experience Officers are the best travel guides on the planet. And on Geluxe trips, you'll be led by the most experienced CEOs we have.

CEO Costa Rica

See how your trip uplifts communities

In a number of impactful ways, your adventure directly benefits the local people and places we visit.

Help us spread love around the world with Trees for Days. Together with Planeterra, we'll plant one tree in your name for every travel day.

Trees planted for this trip: 9

Map of the route for Cambodia & Thailand: Angkor Wat, Koh Chang & Cardamom Mountain Adventure

Places visited

Day 1 siem reap: welcome to the community.

Your chariot awaits. So, it's not technically a chariot, it's a tuk-tuk. But not any tuk-tuk. Your drivers are women from the Lady Tuk-Tuk drivers cooperative. This group was founded to provide women in Siem Reap the opportunity to earn an income and support themselves, their families and their communities. Hop aboard, whizz through Siem Reap en route to another community tourism initiative, Spoons Restaurant. Welcome to Siem Reap, and to Cambodia, we invite you to become part of the community.

Exclusive Inclusions:

Meals included:, day 2 siem reap: your omg day.

It's possible that there is no quicker way to understand a culture than by cooking and eating. Spend the morning in the local market with a chef, smelling and tasting the local ingredients. Continue on to Chreav village just outside of Siem Reap and join the chef in cooking some delicious local dishes. With a full belly, the afternoon is yours to choose between a sunset bike ride from village to village, or a scenic boat tour to Kampong Khleang Floating Village.

Day 3 Siem Reap: Sunrise Angkor Wat

The ruins of Angkor Wat stand as a testament to the dynamic history of the Cambodian people. Though they, like all ruined structures, are little by little being reclaimed by the jungle around them, luckily for us they defiantly remain standing ready to be admired. Witness sunrise at Angkor Wat with your fellow travellers and expert guide.

Day 4 Cardamom Mountains: Into the Jungle

Established in 1993, The Botum Sakur National Park in southern Cambodia, home to the Cardamom Mountains, has been continuously threatened by illegal logging and the poaching of endangered wildlife. The dense jungle of the Cardamoms is one of Asia's seven remaining elephant corridors and is home to gibbons, pangolins and hornbills. This remote and wild place is being protected by an alliance between a number of organizations, and our exclusive stay at Cardamom Tented Camp helps fund the Wildlife Alliance and its partners in protecting this vital piece of our planet.

Your OMG Stay Cardamom Tented Camp

Day 5 Cardamom Mountains: Trekking and Kayaking

Waking up in the jungle, in a safari style glamping tent, with the sound of the birds and the monkeys rustling overhead is probably not an experience you associate with Cambodia, but from now on it will be. After a refreshing sleep, it's time to explore the Cardamoms. Kayak downriver first en route to the old ranger station. Trek through the lush forest on old logging trails, crossing streams from time to time. Your local Cambodian guides let you in on the history of this special place while you explore.

Day 6 Koh Chang: Elephant Island

As locals approached Koh Chang by boat four centuries ago, they remarked that the island's shape looked like an Elephant and thus Koh Chang translated to Elephant Island. Although it is possible to spot elephants here, the island is also home to an abundance of other bird, mammal and marine wildlife. Eighty percent of Koh Chang is designated as National Park and your exploration begins with a CEO-led excursion to a nearby waterfall.

Day 7 Koh Chang: Kayak Exploration

Thailand shines in this full day exploration of Koh Chang by kayak. Paddle from island to island, stopping to jump into the refreshing water. Paddle to Koh Yuak where you stop for lunch and to snorkel the turquoise waters.

Day 8 Bangkok: Sunset Dining

Explore Bangkok's iconic food scene in an exclusive gastronomic adventure. Board a private longtail boat to head to your first stop-to try the one and only Pad Thai. Created by a politician during World War II, Pad Thai is the most famous gastronomic export from Thailand, and a trip to Bangkok wouldn't be complete without sampling it. Afterwards, head by tuk-tuk convoy to Rattanakosin Historical Island to sample a few more small bites. A sweet bite, like Mango and sticky rice, is the finishing touch on delicious evening. A sweet way to end an epic adventure.

Day 9 Bangkok

Today your adventure comes to an end. We hope you loved visiting Southeast Asia as much as we do! We promise you won't need a vacation after your vacation, but we guarantee you'll be ready for another adventure with G.

Your OMG Stay

Cardamom tented camp.

  • Explore the river by kayak at Cardamom Tented Camp
  • Spacious tents at Cardamom Tented Camp
  • A view to the tents from the wooden walkways throughout the property.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2 nights (Day 4 - 5)

Cardamom Tented Camp is a remote camp built at the base of the Cardamom Mountains in Botum Sakur National Park. Safari style canvas tents with en suite bath are dotted along the riverfront.

Why we love this stay

  • Your stay helps support the conservation and protection of the land surrounding the camp.
  • Trek along old logging trails with your local guides spotting unique birds and mammals.
  • Kayaks are free to use at any time so you can feel free to explore as much as you like.

What's Included

  • Your G for Good Moment: Dinner at Spoons Restaurant, Siem Reap
  • Your Welcome Moment: Welcome Moment - Meet Your CEO and Group
  • Your Foodie Moment: Cooking Class, Siem Reap
  • Your OMG Day: Sunset Bike Ride or Half-day Tour of Kampong Khleang Floating Village, Siem Reap
  • Complimentary Arrival Transfer
  • Welcome Dinner
  • Angkor Wat sunrise visit
  • Cooking class in the Cambodian countryside
  • Kayak & Trek in the Cardamom Mountains
  • Full day Kayak Excursion in Koh Chang
  • Bangkok Progressive Dinner Experience (Farewell Dinner) Internal flights
  • Tips for all included meals and activities, except for the CEO and porterage
  • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities


Hotels (6nts), Deluxe Tented Camp (2nts).

8 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 dinners Allow USD70-95 for meals not included.


Private vehicle, plane, walking, tuk-tuk, longtail boat, public ferry.

Staff & experts

CEO (Chief Experience Officer) throughout, local guides.

Available extras  (Add these to your tour when you book)

My own room - from $719.00.

If you're travelling solo and would prefer to have your own private room throughout your trip, select this option during the online booking process.

Make it a private tour

Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour.

Experience Southeast Asia your new own way

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How To Travel Cardamom Mountains: Must-try Cambodia Packages Tour

The Cardamom Mountains – the name conjures images of brilliant green hills shrouded in mist, filled with wild creatures roaming the forest’s shadows. Cambodia packages tour promises to bring visitors new experiences with the nature of the mountains. In this article, we will share our experiences and interesting things you can find here.

What are waiting for you?

  • 1 Cardamom Mountains Overview
  • 2.1 From Siem Reap, Battambang, Or Phnom Penh
  • 2.2 From Koh Kong
  • 3 What To Pack For The Cardamom Mountains
  • 4 Tips For Traveling Cardamom Mountains
  • 5.1 Where Is The Best Cardamom In The World?
  • 5.2 When Should I Visit the Cardamom Mountains?
  • 6 Final Thoughts
  • 7 Vietnam Fast Tours

Cardamom Mountains Overview

cambodia packages tour

The Cardamom Mountains are located in Southwest Cambodia and Eastern Thailand. The mountain range follows the Southeast-Northwest axis from Koh Kong in Thailand’s Gulf to Veal Veang district in Pursat province and extends southeast to the Damrei (Elephant) mountain range. Phnom Aural Peak – the highest peak of Cardamom, with an altitude of 1,813 m, is also the highest mountain in Cambodia. On the mountain range, many relics from the 15th – 17th centuries, such as a 60cm tall ceramic vase, round hewn coffins, and natural stone ledges, are scattered around the mountain range. Burial with urns is a unique feature of the area and an earlier unrecorded Khmer cultural history burial ritual. The mountain range area was one of the last strongholds of the Khmer Rouge, and, in many places, it was inaccessible, but it also helped preserve the site.

How to Get There

From siem reap, battambang, or phnom penh.

The best way to get from Phnom Penh to Mount Cardamom is to travel by bus. Usually, the hotel receptionist will help you buy a bus ticket and tell the driver your destination. You’d better stop at Pursat station, which is not on the bus itinerary, so it is best to tell the driver first. After getting off the bus, take 5th street into a small market. Then ask people in that place on the way to Osoam. They will show you or help you call a taxi. After about a few hours by car, you will reach Mount Cardamom.

From Koh Kong

From Koh Kong to Mount Cardamom is much simpler; you must take a bus or taxi.

What To Pack For The Cardamom Mountains

When traveling to Mount Cardamom, you must carefully prepare clothes and shoes to ensure safety and convenience. Therefore, invest in yourself a pair of high-quality climbing shoes, specialized shoes from famous brands, to ensure your feet are always comfortable. Minimize unnecessary injuries such as slips, sprains, falls, etc. In addition to climbing shoes, you must wear a dedicated mountaineering outfit when hiking. These costumes will have styles, tight designs, and comfortable, thick materials to protect vulnerable body parts such as knees, elbows, etc. To prevent illness, heatstroke, allergies, etc., you must bring medicines and first aid medical equipment.

Besides, the items below will be very useful for the Cambodia packages tour .

  • Sticks: Help you move conveniently when exhausted, tired, down the mountain
  • Lighter: Very necessary to create a fire for heating, cooking
  • Watch, phone, compass, map: Help you determine the time and direction when going in the forest, in the mountains
  • Sleeping bags, gloves, and wool hats if you go in the cold season to keep your body warm
  • Power banks and backup batteries to power portable devices
  • Backpack: for carrying things
  • Parachute cord, small knife: Both room for any emergencies
  • Flashlight: Lighting up when it’s dark, self-defense

cambodia packages tour

Tips For Traveling Cardamom Mountains

Because to travel the Cardamom mountains, you need to have good health, endurance, and stamina to be able to keep up with other individuals in the expedition and to ensure safety and convenience in the journey. Before starting this Cambodian packages tour, you should practice exercise and sports daily, diligently jogging, and gradually increase the training to respond well to high-intensity exercise, focusing on endurance. At the same time, you should also increase resistance by adding many nutritious food groups rich in vitamins and minerals. When you first start climbing, you should not choose a long journey because your physical strength will certainly not be enough. Not only that, if you do not have experience in climbing, you should not join a long journey because you will not be able to ensure that the whole trip is smooth and safe. Therefore, beginners should choose a short climbing journey to get acquainted first. Climbing can make you short of breath when moving, like endurance running. On long distances, you should not increase well from the first stretch but must allocate energy properly on the way.

Where Is The Best Cardamom In The World?

Asia-Pacific, typically Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka, is home to the most Cardamom in the world. This plant has many health benefits for humans. Cardamom is used to help stimulate gastric juices in the digestive system to secrete more, assisting the food digestion process smoothly. It also helps neutralize acid levels in the stomach, thereby limiting diseases such as stomach ulcers and improving breathing, cardiovascular health, and skin beauty.

When Should I Visit the Cardamom Mountains?

Cambodia is a country with a tropical monsoon climate with two distinct seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The dry season here usually takes place from December to May, when the influence of the northeast monsoon is most pronounced, so the weather is also somewhat cool. The weather is also less rainy and dry, suitable for a Cambodian packages tour. In particular, March in Cambodia is when things start to heat up in preparation for the humid April, and the tourist crowds start to shrink considerably. March is a great time to go hiking in the Cardamom Mountains because the dry months (or little rain) make the hiking trails more accessible and the mosquitoes bloodthirsty. It also has become less aggressive.

Final Thoughts

Cardamom Mountain is unspoiled, with many species of wildlife, rare animals, and plants still alive. Stretching for miles, these mountains have various landscapes, such as dense forests, majestic waterfalls, winding streams, and vast grasslands. These elements will make your Cambodia packages tour more interesting.

Vietnam Fast Tours

“Spare your time, Florish your travel”, Vietnam Fast Tours provide fully private personalized holiday packages at highgest quality services. As a local tour operator based in Vietnam, the company offers wide range of travel styles from family hoildays, adventure tours, beach vacation, honeymoon tours to luxury spa & wellness holiday to Southeast Asia. With Vietnam Fast Tours, the clients will experience Southeast Asia in their own way.

Best Selling Packages

Vietnam Luxury tour


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Vietnam and Cambodia itinerary


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cardamom mountains tour

Cardamom Mountains

Cardamom Mountains

The largest wilderness in mainland Southeast Asia, the Cardamom Mountains cover an area of 3,900 sq miles (10,100 sq km). Two regions in these mountains have been declared protected – the Central Cardamom Reserve, which extends over an area of 1,549 sq miles (4,013 sq km), up to Pursat province; and the Southern Cardamom Reserve, covering 557 sq miles (1,443 sq km) east of Koh Kong. These mountains sustain several distinct forest environments and a wide variety of wildlife. Lower  elevations, which are dominated by dry forests and  deciduous trees, support large  numbers of mammals, including the elephant, tiger, and  sambhar deer. This region is also one of the last remaining homes of the Siamese crocodile. Rain forests at higher altitudes are prime territory for endemic species such as the Cardamom banded gecko. Around 1,400 bird species have also been recorded here. However, activities such as hunting,  illegal logging, and land clearance are putting tremendous  pressure on these habitats.

Koh Kong tour operators can help visitors plan trips to the foothills of the Southern Cardamoms. An ecotourism program has been established at Chi Phat village, 13 miles (21 km) upriver from the riverside port of Anduong Tuek, 61 miles (98 km) south of Koh Kong. It offers mountainbiking, hiking, and bird-watching. Local guides trained by Wildlife Alliance, an NGO, organize boat trips to the Chhay Tameas rapids, 4 miles (6 km) from Chi Phat. Visitors are most likely to spot troupes of long-tailed macaques and plenty of birdlife. Another option is the remote park station at Thma Bang, a 2-hour drive west of the Tatai  River, with basic accommodations. Rangers here can organize rain forest hikes, along with local guides.

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  1. How to Visit The Cardamom Mountains and Osoam Community Center in Cambodia

    Visiting the Cardemon Mountains and Osoam Community Center is relatively cheap if you opt for shared transport. Here are some prices: Private taxi Pursat to Osoam: $ 70. Shared taxi Pursat to Osoam: $ 12. Private taxi Koh Kong to Osoam: $ 50. Shared taxi Koh Kong to Osoam: $ 10. Breakfast: $ 2. Lunch: $ 3.

  2. Cardamom Mountains

    There are two different ways heading into the cardamom Mountain where the Osoam community center located. - if you itineraries scheduled from Siem reap to Battambang-Pursat, then you need to hire off-road motorcycle or 4*4 off-road car to get arrived Osoam, That is like 137km long supper bumpy mud road, if you happen to come across with raining weather, it will become worse. It takes minimum 5 ...

  3. Trekking the Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia

    The Cardamom Mountain region in Cambodia contains one of the last unfragmented rainforests in Southeast Asia. It's one of the world's foremost biodiversity hotspots — and a place where wild elephants still roam free. I recently visited the Cardamom Mountains on a 3-day trekking tour, which was arranged by Rickshaw Travel.

  4. Cardamom Mountains

    The Cardamom Mountains stretch over an impressive four and a half million hectares, covering a significant portion of southwestern Cambodia. ... The tour will have you mountain biking through the thick of the forest and across freshwater streams, spending nights at rustic campsites beside waterfalls and rivers, and then keeping your eyes peeled ...

  5. A Guide to Visit Cardamom Mountain

    Travelers exploring Cambodia can experience the Cardamom Mountains through one of the many wildlife conservation projects located in many cities, signing up for guided walks in the region and also taking our jeep tour to explore the area. The Cardamom Mountains were home to ancient Cambodian tribal life between the 15th and 17th centuries ...

  6. Exploring the Cardamom Mountains: Cambodia's Hidden Nature Paradise

    The Cardamom Mountains are renowned for harboring almost all of Cambodia's known animal species, including some of the world's most endangered creatures. In this rich and diverse habitat, visitors can marvel at the Asian elephant, Indochinese tiger, Siamese crocodile, pleated gibbon, Malaysian sun bear, and clouded leopard.

  7. Cardamom Mountains Trips & Tours

    Cardamom Mountains Trips & Tours Start with a recommended trip or create one from scratch. Custom trip. Classic Cambodia 11 nights from $ 3.2K/person ... are the spectacular Cardamom Mountains. Remote and seriously out-of-the-way, their seclusion is all part of the appeal, both for travellers looking to head off-grid, but also for allowing the ...

  8. Cardamom Mountains and trekking, Koh Kong Activities, Koh ...

    The Cardamom Mountains are a huge range that extend from Koh Kong province where it borders Thailand up to Pursat in central Cambodia and across to the Damrei Mountains, near the border with Vietnam. Discover Authentic Travel Experience 290 Tours 566 Hotels 391 Travel Guides

  9. Explore

    Canvas & Orchids Retreat is located on the Tatai River at the edge of the lush rainforest at the base of the Cardamom Mountains. We offer activities, exploration and adventure that makes the most of the unmatched beauty that defines Cambodia's magical land. Our floating jungle resort will provide you an experience you won't find anywhere else.

  10. Why Visit The Cardamom Mountains?

    A range of mountains and lush rainforest sitting between Thailand and Cambodia, the Cardamom Mountains are home to biodiverse landscapes, wildlife and several ethnic minority groups.Cutting through the Koh Kong and Pursat provinces in the South West of the country, the area covers around 4.4 million hectares, making it the largest rainforest in Southeast Asia.

  11. Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

    The Cardamom mountains are one of the largest unexplored jungles remaining in the region and an important biodiversity hotspot with a range of flora and fauna.

  12. Cardamom Mountains Adventure

    Come visit us at our beautiful, quaint and cozy resort. Let yourself be surrounded by Cambodia's picturesque and peaceful nature, calming breeze and delightful charm of the secluded area and delightfully friendly locals. For more information, please contact: Theara Leu - 015-430-014 or E: [email protected].

  13. Hiking Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains

    When Pol Pot's murderous regime collapsed in 1979, his loyal guerrillas literally fled for the hills - retreating to the thick cover of the Cardamom Mountains. For 15 years, they brought chaos to the local communities, like Leeheng's village of Chi Phat. Landmines were laid, grisly battles fought, and many villagers killed.

  14. CARDAMOM MOUNTAINS: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go ...

    There are two different ways heading into the cardamom Mountain where the Osoam community center located. - if you itineraries scheduled from Siem reap to Battambang-Pursat, then you need to hire off-road motorcycle or 4*4 off-road car to get arrived Osoam, That is like 137km long supper bumpy mud road, if you happen to come across with raining ...

  15. Trekking Day Tour at Kirirom National Park to Cardamom Mountain

    Full day trekking tour. Depart daily at 6:30 am. Max distance 15 km. Activity level: Moderate to Challenging. Max altitude - 675 meters (2,215ft) Join & end in Phnom Penh with vehicle supported. Minimum age: 9 years old. Min group size: 2. Max group size 15.


    The Cardamom Mountains' jungle we are trekking through is his world. It's his home, his playground and his place of work. He works in harmony with the rainforest that makes up the majority of Cambodia's western Koh Kong province, and he comes well-equipped with stacks of local knowledge. ... Tour the Galapagos on the luxury M/Y Grace yacht;

  17. Cardamom Trekking

    This 3-day trekking tour takes you from the Memoria Palace & Resort into the remote forests of Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains. Let yourself be surrounded by Cambodia's picturesque and peaceful nature, calming breeze and delightful charm of the secluded area and its friendly locals. The Cardamom Mountains region is densely covered with lush ...

  18. Cardamom Mountains, Attraction in Pursat

    The Cardamom Mountains of Koh Kong and Pursat provinces are said to be the most pristine wilderness area remaining in Southeast Asia. This ride takes you through the area.The Cardamom Mountains are located in southwest Cambodia. The western edge of the Cardamom region abuts the Thai border, while the easternmost part ends about sixty miles ...

  19. Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia: Facts, Activities, Tips

    Cambodia Tours. Cardamom Mountains Besides multiple farms, fields, and plantations in Cambodia, one such wonderful site that you must visit is the Cardamom Mountains. ... However, the best route to reach the Cardamom Mountains is the bus and air route that connects Pattaya City to the Cardamoms. It will take around 6 hours 42 minutes to reach ...

  20. Cardamom Mountain Expedition

    If you're an experienced off-road rider seeking the ultimate Cambodian adventure, this tour is tailor-made for you. Venturing as far off the conventional path as possible, you'll journey deep into the heart of the Cambodia jungle, immerse yourselves in a night of homestay in a local village, travel the rugged terrain of the Cardamom Mountains, and unwind amidst the natural beauty of Koh ...

  21. Cambodia & Thailand: Angkor Wat, Koh Chang & Cardamom Mountain

    Khmer cooking class in a Cambodian village, Sunrise tour of Angkor Wat, Trekking and Glamping in the Cardamom Mountains, Guided Kayak tour in Koh Chang, Foodie progressive meal tour in Bangkok. Destinations Travel Styles ... The Botum Sakur National Park in southern Cambodia, home to the Cardamom Mountains, has been continuously threatened by ...

  22. How To Travel Cardamom Mountains

    From Siem Reap, Battambang, Or Phnom Penh. The best way to get from Phnom Penh to Mount Cardamom is to travel by bus. Usually, the hotel receptionist will help you buy a bus ticket and tell the driver your destination. You'd better stop at Pursat station, which is not on the bus itinerary, so it is best to tell the driver first.

  23. Cardamom Mountains ⋆

    The largest wilderness in mainland Southeast Asia, the Cardamom Mountains cover an area of 3,900 sq miles (10,100 sq km). Two regions in these mountains have been declared protected - the Central Cardamom Reserve, which extends over an area of 1,549 sq miles (4,013 sq km), up to Pursat province; and the Southern Cardamom Reserve, covering 557 sq miles (1,443 sq km) east of Koh Kong.