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The Black River Safari Tour   Wildlife Adventure In Black River, St. Elizabeth

Black River Safari Tour | Crocodile with mouth open

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by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

This trip to the Black River Safari Tour was an experience, to say the least! It is not for the faint of heart and it even took me a while to warm up to the trip. But after getting over the fact that you are indeed on a boat with crocodiles just a few feet away from you, you can actually take in and enjoy the trip and the beautiful scenery the trip up the river provides.

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Watch Video!  The Black River Safari Tour

Take a trip up the river with us:

black river safari in jamaica

Ter, wore many hats as he was our driver, tour guide, lifeguard and source of entertainment for the day. His start to the tour was definitely something unexpected.

Donnette the crocodile was given a little kiss on the snout by Ter and then she waved us goodbye and we headed up the river.

Where Is The Black River Safari Tour Located In Jamaica?

Well as the name suggests, the John Charles Swaby's Black River Safari Tour, is located in Black River, the capital of St. Elizabeth. The town was named after the river that runs through the area.

The Black River , although in St. Elizabeth, actually runs from the Cockpit Country in Trelawny. The river runs for 70 kilometres before ending in the Caribbean Sea in Black River St. Elizabeth.

The river is brackish (a mixture of salt and freshwater) for about 7 miles up the river before it becomes completely freshwater. The safari is on 18,000 acres of wetlands, the largest of the English speaking Caribbean.

The Crocodiles

The main event of our trip to the Black River Safari Tour!

Of the 500 crocodiles, we met 4, Victoria, Terrorist, Donnette and Jerry. Terrorist is by far the largest at 18ft. He is the largest on the safari. However, crocodiles can grow up to 25 ft. Jerry is the smallest and stays most of his days up the river. He also quite enjoys being photographed and posed for several pictures before heading on his way.

Crocodiles can swim up to 60 miles per hour and can live for over 100 years. They have 62 teeth in total but, strangely, no tongue. 95% of the crocodile's diet is fish, the other 5% is made up of other sea animals, birds and chickens. Since they have no tongue, the food is swallowed whole or in big chunks. They will then swallow stones which help them in the digestion process.

Crocodiles are cold-blooded animals which mean that without the sun, blood is unable to flow through their bodies. Since they don’t have sweat glands like us humans do, they’ll lay in the sun with their mouths open to cool down.

You also can’t tell the gender of a crocodile by just looking at them as their reproductive organs are inside.

Female crocodiles can lay 60 eggs at a time and take 90 days to hatch. Of the 90 eggs, only 5 or 6% reach full maturity. This is because some eggs are spoiled before they hatch, animals eat them and for the ones that do survive, male crocs will eat them to preserve their role as the dominant ones.

The gender of the crocodiles depends on the temperature. If the climate is hot then males will be born, if it's cool, females will hatch and if the climate is neither hot nor cold then both genders will hatch. Crocodiles generally head to the seashore to lay eggs.

In Jamaica, crocodiles have been protected under the Wildlife Protection Act since 1971 and the protocol when you see a crocodile is not to harm it but to call the authorities and National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA), The Hope Zoo or the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society.

Differences Between An Alligator And A Crocodile

Alligators have a short round snout while crocodiles have a longer snout. When an alligator’s mouth is closed you can’t see its teeth but you are able to see a crocodile's teeth even when its mouth is closed. Crocodiles are also generally more aggressive and grow longer than an alligator would.

Animals On The Black River Safari Tour

  • Snowy Egret
  • Cattle Egret
  • Great Egret - which eats baby crocodiles
  • Great Blue Heron - a migrant bird from Canada, which flies to the Caribbean during winter.

And in the river you can find:

  • Tarpans (weighing up to 350lbs)
  • African Perch
  • and Shrimps

Plants On The Black River Safari Tour

Mangrove Trees

White and Red Mangrove trees are found on the Black River Safari.  White Mangroves have smaller leaves and a brighter colour than Red Mangroves which have larger leaves and long aerial roots. 

Red mangroves grow 6 inches per year and the ones on the safari are over a150 years old. Their roots come down from the branches of the tree and with water seeking cells at their tips, they won’t stop growing until it reaches a water source. When they finally get to the water, they’ll turn hollow on the inside to transport minerals and nutrients back to the tree.

Mangrove Avenue got its name from its similarity to Bamboo Avenue (also in the parish). It is quiet and peaceful to be surrounded by nature floating along the river. For a while reality takes a backseat.

There are 550 types of ferns in Jamaica, 316 of which can be found in the Fern Gully, St. Ann. Two of these, the only two that can survive in brackish water can be found on the Black River. 

Broad floating plants called pancake lilies or lily pads can be seen along the river sometimes with frogs sitting on them.

There are also Water Hyacinth (water lilies) where you can find freshwater shrimp at the roots. This is where the sellers from Middle Quarters get most of the shrimp for their world-famous spicy shrimp.

Why Is The River Black?

Going up the stream, after a few miles you’ll notice the river getting considerably darker. Till eventually, it turns black, this is where the Black River got its name.

The peat soil at the bottom of the river contributes to the dark colour of the river. But if you were to put some of the water in a container, like our tour guide Ter did, you would come to realise that the water is still clear.

Peat soil comes with its advantages and disadvantages, for one the soil contains methane. The sun ignites the gas which in turn causes wildfires in the wetlands which can burn for days on end.

However, the advantage to the soil is that, when it rains heavily, the soil absorbs the excess water then expels it when there is a drought. This means the river never overflows its banks nor does it ever run dry.

On the river, you’ll get to a junction where the Salt Spring and Black Rivers meet. At this junction, you get a clear view of the Nassau Mountains to the left, where the YS Falls and Appleton Estate are located, The Cockpit Country from which the river flows in the centre and the Santa Cruz Mountains to the right.

The Crocodile Nursery

When you head back from the trip up the river, you’ll visit the Crocodile Nursery.

While it is called the Crocodile Nursery, there are also baby alligators and turtles inside. The nursery is to host young animals and injured crocodiles until they are better. The crocodiles are separated by age and size as the bigger ones will prey on the younger ones.

You’ll even get to hold a baby crocodile if you’d like. (I didn’t)

Interview With Ter | Our Black River Safari Tour Guide

What is the most fun part of the tour?

Ter’s favourite part of the tour is teaching his guests about the wetlands and making people laugh, so much so that he has been doing this for over 7 years.

What is the scariest moment so far for Ter?

He was feeding the crocodiles and Terrorist, the crocodile rushed into the boat because he was touching one of the female crocodiles.

What should you do if a crocodile is chasing you?

Well, Ter suggests outrunning your friend, or climbing a tree and then calling your friend as bait. Although he does call himself our Crocodile Dundee, I would have to disagree with him on this one.

A better idea is to run in a zig-zag pattern making sharp turns as spines are not flexible, therefore they can’t make such sharp turns to the left or right.

What makes Jamaica special?

For Ter, it's the attractions, food, beaches and the warm inviting nature of the people that makes Jamaica special. The people are friendly, the food is delicious and getting to visit places like the Black River Safari Tour which they would otherwise be unable to do if they were in another country is what Ter believes keeps people coming back to our island. For him, Jamaica is the perfect package.

For more information on the Black River Safari Tour, call them at 876-964-2513. You can have your very on wildlife experience between the hours of 8am and 5pm from Monday - Friday.

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Other Pages Related To Black River Safari Tour

You will also find these pages quite helpful as well:

  • Interesting  Jamaican Attractions
  • Historic  Black River, Jamaica
  • Major  Jamaican Rivers

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References & Sources For Black River Safari Tour

  • 😲TERRIFYING moments with CROCODILES on the #BlackRiverSafari Wildlife Tour, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZtgzfplvPU

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A patriotic Jamaican who adores its culture, Wellesley has been using this medium to share what he calls 'the uniqueness of Jamaica with the world' since April 2007.  

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Black River Safari

Black River Safari Jamaica

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The Black River Safari one of Jamaica’s best-known natural habitats and the country’s largest navigable river. The Black River Safari is encompassed by many things but more noted for the marriage of ecology and history while entertaining.

Situated on the South coast of Jamaica in the Parish of St Elizabeth, the Black River is significant to the overall balance of the country’s eco-system. A tour of this nature lover’s paradise will take you three miles up the river and back. The natural beauty of the milieu will mystify the mind like never before. The over 100 species of beautifully plumed birds that made the Black River home will always seem to bring one’s mind closer to how great creation is. However, perhaps the most famous residence of the Black River is the endangered crocodiles.

This river is quite populated with crocodiles ranging in all different sizes. There is also a wide array of freshwater fish who find it quite favorable to occupy the Black River as well as creating a perfect balance of wildlife. This is one of Jamaica’s best natural resources which keeps foreigners and locals amazed at the abundance of nature that is concentrated in this little spot.

  • See crocodiles, tropical birds, and mangroves
  • 3 miles ride up Jamaica’s largest navigable river
  • Learn of the history and ecology of the Black River

Important Information

  • Round Trip Transportation
  • Professional Driver Guide
  • Entry/Activity Fee (you must pay this at the tour)

Additional Info

  • Tour duration is not inclusive of travel time to tour location
  • All tours are weather permitting
  • 20% deposit to PayPal is required for all online bookings
  • Age & Weight restrictions may apply

Cancellation Policy

For a full refund of the deposit or total paid, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the tour.

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Black River Safari Tour Jamaica

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Embark On The Black River Safari Tour Jamaica

The Black River Safari is home to many Jamaican crocodiles, as well as interesting flora. You will observe the crocodiles in their natural environment, while the experienced handlers interact with them.

black river safari in jamaica

On your Black River Safari tour Jamaica cruise you will travel to the South Coast of Jamaica and experience the island’s wetland area. Prepare to embark on a 90 minute motor boat ride through Jamaica’s biggest navigable river.

On your 6 mile journey up and down the river, your boat guide will educate you about the safari’s ecosystem. You will learn about some of the bird species living there (over 100) freshwater fish as well as the endangered American Crocodile, who inhabits the swamp and are spotted quite frequently.

The flora of the safari is quite intriguing as well, with thatch palms, three species of mangroves, royal palms and freshwater foliage as well.

So if you are seeking a trip that will strike a perfect balance of history and ecology while keeping you thoroughly entertained, then the Black River Safari Jamaica is the adventure you are seeking.

Safari Tours Include Pickup/Departure From

  • Montego Bay
  • South Coast

Black River Safari Tour Prices Include

  • Round trip transfer in an air-conditioned vehicle to and from the Black River Safari in St. Elizabeth
  • Pickup and return to your accommodation
  • An experienced and knowledgeable driver that will guide and assist you during this excursion
  • Last minute booking options for Black River tours
  • Competitive prices. Our rates match or beat the biggest tour companies in Jamaica
  • Exclusive Jamaica concierge service available

Price Excludes

  • Entrance fee
  • Refreshments
  • Any additional expenses
  • Refreshment Pack – this is an igloo with ice, plastic cups, 2 red stripe beers, 2 bottles of water and 2 fruit drinks
  • Photographer Package – one of our photographers will use their DSLR camera to take high-quality photos of you during your excursion(s) that day
  • Pelican Bar Tour – take a boat ride out to Pelican Bar in the middle of the sea to swim, drink and enjoy yourself
  • YS Falls – this is the premier falls in St. Elizabeth that comes highly recommended. Black River Safari and YS Falls are a popular combo
  • Appleton Estate – learn how the popular Appleton Rum is made from sugar cane in this informative tour
  • Little Ochi Seafood Lunch – have lunch at the popular dining spot in St. Elizabeth.
  • Jamaica Travel Concierge – Become a MYJATG VIP to unlock exclusive perks. Some examples include transfers in a limo or luxury vehicle, lunch reservations, wake-up calls, police escort, 24-7 support, shopping, errands and much more
  • Travel Health Insurance - TRAMEDIN, our travel insurance partner provides affordable Travel Medical Insurance plans that can cover your trip and your Black River Safari tour in Jamaica

Cancellation Policy

Cancel this tour 7 or more days before the tour date and you will receive a 100 percent refund

Any cancellations done after 7 days before the date of your tour will be NON-REFUNDABLE

jamaica black river safari

What To Expect

We will transfer you to the Black River Crocodile Safari Jamaica in St. Elizabeth, where you will receive a guided tour of the river and the safari via motorized boat.

Your driver/guide will ensure you are able to purchase your ticket and gain entry with ease, and take you back to your accommodation. After your tour you can go have lunch, go to another tour or head back home.

What To Bring

  • Cash or card to cover your entrance fee and lunch
  • Insect repellent
  • Sunglasses/hat for shade
  • A tip for your driver (if desired)

Why You Should Book Your Black River Safari Tour in Jamaica With MYJATG

  • Experienced and professional driver to handle your transportation and guide you
  • Get picked up directly at your accommodation, and transferred to the Black River Safari
  • You will be supported by a solid company with over 12 years experience in the hospitality industry
  • A percentage of our profits will be donated to a charity or communities in need
  • All cars driven by our drivers are fully insured and registered
  • Select other options/add-ons during booking to enhance and customize your Black River Safari Jamaica

You will be picked up at your accommodation anywhere in Jamaica and transferred to and from the Jamaica Black River Safari tour in St. Elizabeth.

Spend around 2 ½ hours to 3 hours on the boat ride of the swamp, as well as the miniature zoo they have on the property. 

Return to Accommodation

After your tour ends, your driver can take you to have lunch, to other tours if you opt into them, or head back to your accommodation.

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YS Falls Jamaica Tour

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black river safari in jamaica

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' src=

Awesome and informative tour! I took it with a group of colleagues vacationing in Jamaica. I highly recommend My Jamaican Tour Guide for all your tours and transfers in Jamaica.

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Black River Safari: The jewel of the south coast

While the attractions on the north coast of the island are considered to be more popular, the south coast still has its fair share that pulls visitors from near and far.

One of these is the Black River Safari, a boat tour that brings persons upclose with the nature of the south side of Jamaica.

This tour takes persons up and down Jamaica’s longest navigable river, the Black River, where persons can interact with the crocodiles.

There is also a wide variety of birds that prove quite attractive.Persons who are brave enough may chance a swim in the river.

At the end of the tour, interested persons may get a chance to pet the smaller crocs at the J Charles Swaby sanctuary.

This provides a good opportunity to interact with the animal that sits atop Jamaica’s coat of arms.


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J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari

Black River Safari / YS Falls / Lunch Classic Combo

$ 85.00 – $ 190.00

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Type the name of the Hotel/ Villa you are staying at. [Must be located in Negril/Montego Bay]

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YS Falls Entry

Entry to one of the most beautiful and undisturbed waterfalls in the island of Jamaica, YS Falls. The YS Estate was formerly a cane field, with a working sugar factory. Today you can enjoy any of the seven pools on the estate for unmatched relaxation.

A sumptuous Jamaican style cooked lunch, seasonal fruits along with a cool glass of fruit punch to help it down.

Black River Safari Boat Tour and Crocodile Nursery Visit

A thrilling yet relaxing 4-mile cruise up the Black River during which your boat captain gives a running commentary of what you’re seeing and a brief history of the area. Upon return to our dock you then visit The Crocodile Nursery where you can interact with the crocs up close.

[Inclusive of round trip transportation from your Hotel/Villa in Montego Bay or Negril]

Cancellation Policy

1 review for Black River Safari / YS Falls / Lunch Classic Combo

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Joseph – April 7, 2023

Official website for J. Charles Swaby’s Black River Safari, cheapest combination tour for Black River Safari, YS Falls Entry & Lunch

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black river safari in jamaica

Black River Safari / YS Falls / Pelican Bar 3 Peat



Enjoy a cruise down Jamaica’s largest river, get to see Crocodiles of all sizes, explore the lush vegetation, and mangroves and view exotic birds as you journey along.

The Black River Safari is an eco-tourism activity in the parish of St. Elizabeth on Jamaica’s south coast. Take a boat ride on the longest navigable river in Jamaica, pet and feed friendly crocodiles and learn about the area’s colonial history.

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What to pack for your trip

Comfortable clothes, closed-toe shoes, a small amount of cash, plan a visit.

Enjoy this tour by comfortable motorboat up Jamaica’s longest navigable river, through Jamaica’s largest wetland area. Learn about the area’s ecology and history from the experienced captain/guide. See many of the more than 100 bird species. Meet a few of the friendly crocodiles as your boat captain calls them by name. Take in the wetlands vegetation, including different species of mangrove, palm, and other plants that grow along the banks of the river. Enjoy a ride through Lovers Lane, created by the roots of the mangroves.

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Black River Safari

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Tour Details

Enjoy the Black River Safari boat ride and see some of Jamaica’s docile crocodiles and indigenous birds. Experience the thrill of a lifetime on Jamaica’s longest navigable river, The Black River, and watch the Rasta man fish for shrimp.

Clive’s Transport Services Jamaica Ltd is pleased to offer a variety of Sight-Seeing Tours throughout Jamaica. Each Jamaican Sight-Seeing Tour is designed to highlight a particular area of the island and to showcase some of the more popular spots in each area. Most tours originate from Negril, Lucea [Grand Palladium], and Montego Bay, but upon request, we will quote you a Sight-Seeing Tour rate from any part of Jamaica.

The rate we quote you is for TRANSPORTATION ONLY and does not include lunch or any fees associated with the attractions that you might want to visit.

This tour departs around 8:00 a.m. and your return time depends upon  where your accommodations are located and how long you wish to enjoy tour activities. The tour may be scheduled for any day of the week from Negril, Lucea [Grand Palladium], Montego Bay, Trelawny and Ocho Rios area resorts/hotels.

black river safari in jamaica

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black river safari in jamaica


black river safari in jamaica

Rose Hall Great House & Margaritaville

black river safari in jamaica

Black River Safari South Coast St Elizabeth

ExplorerJamaica Tours is unique and separate from all the other companies in Jamaica. Why? We don't set tour packages and lock-in tours for our visitors. This is what we do: We give our client's the opportunity to choose and customize their tours. With 24 hours notice you can make changes to your reservationSo, what are you waiting for, lets take the journey.

The Black River is one of the longest rivers in Jamaica. At a length of 53.4km (33miles). Its name refers to the darkness of the river bed caused by thick layers of decomposing vegetation. Over 100 species of birds have been recorded in the Black River morass and Crocodiles.You can customize this Tour By adding More Attractions long this this. You can customize this Tour By adding More Attractions long this this. Places like: YS Falls, Appleton Estate, Floyd's Pelican Bar, Holland Bamboo Avenue and more.

Black River Safari Boat Ride St Elizabeth

black river safari in jamaica

Check Transportation ONLY Pricing Chart Below (Contact Us For Packages Price)

South coast photos.

black river safari in jamaica

  • Places Like: Black River Safari
  • Floyd's Pelican Bar, YS Falls, Holland Bamboo
  • Little Ochi South Coast, Appleton Estate
  • Zipline, Treasure Beach

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Explore The Island Guide

Subscribe to e-newsletter, book your trip, get ready to cross these must-do experiences off your jamaica bucket list.

Jamaica truly is a vacation like no other. The vibrant island is bursting with unique experiences and adventures.  It’s time to make your bucket list travel dreams a reality. For a limited time, you can cross these must-try experiences off your Jamaica bucket list for a fraction of the cost! Check out the latest deals in each of our resort areas.


Get up to 65% off  at over 50 hotels all across the island Check out  JAMGETAWAY   for discounts on travel dates between September 1 and December 1, 2024. Book by July 31, 2024

Here’s our Jamaica Bucket List of MUST-DO experiences for your next trip.

1. experience the luminous lagoon.

One of only four in the world, Jamaica’s Luminous Lagoon, just outside of Montego Bay, is the ultimate bucket-list experience for any traveller. Your night tour begins at Glistening Waters Marina, where you board a glass-bottom boat that will take you out to the lagoon. The bioluminescent bay is home to micro-organisms that emit light when disturbed, causing the water to glow as you move about and swim in the lagoon. This natural phenomenon has fascinated scientists and adventurers for years. Learn the history and science behind one of Jamaica’s most stunning natural wonders.

Luminous Lagoon

Luminous Lagoon

Each day at sunset, the tours of the Luminous Lagoon at Glistening Waters in Falmouth begin. The boat…

2. Taste the world’s most expensive coffee

High up in the cloud forest of the Blue Mountains, mist-covered coffee farms cultivate the beans that make what is, pound for pound, the world’s most expensive coffee. You can find authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee on the menus of many hotels and restaurants around the island. To get closest to the source, coffee estates and farms in the Blue Mountains offer tours to share the history and process of cultivating the coffee, as well as the strict regulations that maintain its excellent quality.

The Blue Mountains are close enough to Kingston’s city centre for a day trip. Book by July 31, 2024 to score big savings on your hotel with the JAMGETAWAY promotion .

Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours Limited

Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours Limited

Blue Mountain Bicycle Tours started in 1991 and has achieved world renown over the years, being featured…

Craighton Estate

Craighton Estate

Craighton Estate is located in Irish Town St. Andrew and owned by Japan-based Ueshima Coffee Company. The…

3. Walk in the footsteps of a music legend

Jamaica is the home of Reggae and, of course, Bob Marley - a global megastar whose life and legacy inspired the 2023 biopic, One Love . The song for which the movie is named was recognized by the BBC as ‘the song of the century’ and Time magazine dubbed E xodus the 20 th Century’s most important album. Don’t miss the chance to walk in the footsteps of the legend on your Jamaican vacation.

In Kingston, the Bob Marley Museum and Trench Town Culture Yard are must-visit spots to witness the spaces in which the singer lived and recorded his music. See memorabilia from the singer’s life and career, including his gold and platinum records, and the very spot of the infamous assignation attempt on his life in 1976.

Bob Marley Museum Ltd

Bob Marley Museum Ltd

The Bob Marley Museum is the former home of the reggae legend. Bob’s home is filled with rich memories…

Trench Town Culture Yard

Trench Town Culture Yard

The cradle of reggae music and the nucleus for many of Marley’s early creative works, Trench Town has…

4. Eat authentic Jerk

Jerk is one of the world’s most iconic foods. Its smoky, spicy flavours are often imitated in fusion dishes all over the world. But authentic Jerk is made with a heady blend of spices and, most importantly, scotch bonnet pepper. The meat is marinated and then smoked slowly over pimento wood to prepare a dish so satisfying, so distinct, you’ll want to have it for lunch, dinner, late night snack, and breakfast the next morning!

And don’t stop at just chicken! Jerk pork, lamb, even vegetables are delicious paired with sides like festival (a sweet fried dough), bammy, roasted breadfruit, or rice and peas.

discover hiddem gems

There's simply nothing like eating jerk fresh off fiery pimento wood, or the taste of an ice cold Red…

Cuisine Ocho Rios Stush In the Bush Dinning

Food & Drink

Honourable mention for a bucket-list meal goes to Ackee and Saltfish, another iconic pairing that is Jamaica’s national dish. The ackee fruit has been compared to softly scrambled eggs in texture and, when paired with saltfish, makes for an unforgettable and delicious breakfast.

5. Bobsled through the rainforest

Talk about a unique experience! Mystic Mountain Rainforest Adventures in Ocho Rios is the place for awesome family fun and thrills. Its most famous attraction is the Rainforest Bobsled. Inspired by the story of the Jamaican Bobsled team that first competed in the 1988 Winter Olympics Games, this wild ride sends you soaring through the forest canopy in, of all things, a bobsled! A handbrake allows you to control your speed as you take in views of the coastline.

Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain

Want to see Ocho Rios from a different vantage point? Taking a tropical forest adventure tour up to the 700-foot mystic mountain…

Other popular rides are the Sky Explorer and the Ragamuffin Ride. Ziplining, waterslides, and a hummingbird garden are also on property. Book your stay at a hotel nearby so you can spend all day taking in the rainforest adventures. Check out the JAMGETAWAY promotion for up to 65% off at select hotels in Ocho Rios.

JAMGETAWAYS Promotion lock up - Family Planner

Get Up to 65% Off Your Jamaica Vacation

6. hang out on a bar in the middle of the sea.

Perhaps one of the most unique experiences is Floyd’s Pelican Bar just off Jamaica’s South Coast. The bar is made of driftwood and is mounted on stilts on a sandbar in the Caribbean Sea. What began as a hangout for fisherfolk, quickly gained popularity and now welcomes visitors from all over the world who leave behind mementos from their home countries on the walls of the bar.

A quick boat ride from the dock takes you up to the bar. You’ll be greeted with music, food, and good vibes. Layout on the wooden deck or take a dip in between bites of fresh seafood. It’s an incredible place to watch the sunset with a cold Red Stripe in hand.

If you're staying on the South Coast, you can easily arrange a trip to Floyd's. Accommodations in the area include boutique hotels like the bohemian Jakes Hotel and the ultra romantic Sandals South Coast. Both properties are part of the JAMGETAWAY promotion , offering discounted rates for a limited time.

Image of three ladies at Pelican Bar

7. Encounter Rastafarian culture

Visit Rastafarian Indigenous Village to personally connect with the philosophy, values, and practices of the Rastafarian way of life. It’s a truly unique cultural experience that can only be had in Jamaica - the birthplace of the movement that gave rise to the religion of Rastafari. In Montego Bay, the Village community members share their organic farming practices and ital cuisine – entirely plant-based, with little to no salt – with their visitors. Learn to make authentic drums and natural soaps by hand, with techniques passed down for generations. There’s live music and dance as the tour ends with a celebration of traditional Rastafari music.

8. Visit one of the world’s most haunted places

Rose Hall Great House and its rolling estate are stunning; boasting historic architecture, preserved interior, and panoramic views out to the Caribbean Sea. But the beautiful structure bears a dark and deadly history. If you’re truly fearless, take the Haunted Night Tour to hear the legend of Annie Palmer, the White Witch of Rose Hall. Palmer was a cruel mistress, who tortured enslaved Africans and committed multiple murders before being killed by her enslaved lover.

You can stay close to the beautiful Rose Hall at beachfront resorts like Jewel Grande, Hilton Rose Hall, and Hyatt Resorts. The ultra-luxe Half Moon is just a stone’s throw away. Book by July 31 to save up to 65% off your hotel using the promo code: JAMGETAWAY .

Rose Hall Great House

9. Help save the sea turtles

Get connected to the most endangered sea turtle population in the world.

Sea Turtle Conservation is championed by resorts such as Half Moon, Jakes, and other entities like the Oracabessa Sea Turtle Project. Their programs support sustainable practices and education to improve environmental consciousness for both residents and visitors. At Half Moon, staff are trained and licensed to build new habitats and enforce regulations under the Jamaican laws that protect the species. During the hatching season, which lasts from June until late summer/early fall, visitors can take part in turtle releases to help the tiny hatchlings make it safely from their nests to the water. Releases are held at turtle breeding sites across the islands north and south coasts. The efforts of these groups have resulted in thousands of Hawksbill and Green Turtle hatchlings being safely released over the years. Participating in a turtle release is truly a life-affirming experience as you get up close to these incredible creatures and watch them begin a lifelong journey. 

Half Moon Resort

Half Moon Resort

Get up to 35% Off

jakes hotel

Jakes Hotel

Get up to 20% Off

10. Climb the world-famous Dunn’s River Falls

No Jamaica bucket list would be complete without mention of what is perhaps the island’s most iconic experience. Dunn’s River Falls is one of only a handful of travertine waterfalls, which means the falls are naturally terraced to create what looks like giant stairs interspersed with natural pools fed by spring water – perfect for relaxing.

Climbing the falls takes just about 90 minutes, and since Dunn’s River Falls is one of only a few waterfalls in the world that empties into the sea, visitors can also enjoy the white sands of the Caribbean at the base of the falls. Looking for more adventure? Zipline over the falls for an adrenaline rush and incredible views of this spectacular natural wonder.

Easily accessible in Ocho Rios, day tours are easily arranged for adventurers staying in Montego Bay or Kingston. Check out the latest deals for discounted rates at over 50 hotels and resorts.

Dunns River 2

There's so much to see, do, and taste in Jamaica! It's the perfect time to book your next vacation with great rates on accommodation through July 31, 2024. Be sure to see the full list of participating hotels and resorts so you can book while rooms last!



  1. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari

    ABOUT US J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari is an eco-tourism attraction which began operation in November of 1987. The attraction strives to educate its visitors about the various forms of marine life and importance of the Black River Morass whilst providing the thrill of a lifetime to its guests.There is also an ongoing Crocodile…

  2. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari

    About. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari is the pioneer safari company and has been in operation since 1987. The safari boat tour takes you approximately 4 miles upstream the Black River. While on tour, your boat captain gives you a brief history of the are and a running commentary of what you are seeing; Usually birds, fish and of-course ...

  3. Black River Safari Tour

    For him, Jamaica is the perfect package. For more information on the Black River Safari Tour, call them at 876-964-2513. You can have your very on wildlife experience between the hours of 8am and 5pm from Monday - Friday. You will also find these pages quite helpful as well:

  4. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari

    Cruise along the Black River on Jamaica's South Coast and learn about the wildlife and history of the communities found along the island's longest navigable river.

  5. Black River Safari

    Top ways to experience Black River Safari and nearby attractions. Ziplining in YS Falls and Black River Safari Private Tour. Adventure Tours. from. $299.99. per adult. Black River Safari and Floyd Pelican Bar Tour from Montego Bay. Food & Drink. from.

  6. Black River Safari, St Elizabeth, Jamaica » RPT Tours Jamaica

    The Black River Safari is encompassed by many things but more noted for the marriage of ecology and history while entertaining. Situated on the South coast of Jamaica in the Parish of St Elizabeth, the Black River is significant to the overall balance of the country's eco-system. A tour of this nature lover's paradise will take you three ...

  7. Black River Safari & YS Falls Guided Tour with Lunch ...

    Check off two of Jamaica's most impressive natural wonders on this full-day tour from Negril. Trek through the rainforest and cool off with a swim beneath the YS Falls, tuck into a typical Jamaican lunch, then spot wildlife such as crocodiles and egrets as you cruise along the Black River. Hotel pickup and drop-off included.

  8. Book A Tour

    USD $5 - $15 | JMD $750 - $2,250. BOOK NOW. BOOK A TOUR Safari Boat Tours A thrilling yet relaxing 4-mile cruise up the Black River during which your boat captain gives a running commentary of what you're seeing and a brief history of the area. Upon return to our dock you then visit The Crocodile Nursery where you can interact with the crocs up….

  9. Black River Safari Tour from Montego Bay 2024

    Black River Safari and YS Falls Tour from Montego Bay. 2. from $190.00. Montego Bay, Jamaica. Hop on & Hop off Share Shuttle From Airport. from $100.00. Montego Bay, Jamaica. Private Tour from Montego Bay to Ocho Rios Blue Hole Tubing and Shopping. 4.

  10. About Us

    J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari is an eco-tourism attraction which began operation in November of 1987. The attraction strives to educate its visitors about the various forms of marine life and importance of the Black River Morass while providing the thrill of a lifetime. There is also an ongoing Crocodile Nursery program that aids with ...

  11. Black River

    from. $285.00. per adult (price varies by group size) Private YS Falls and Black River Safari from Montego Bay and Grand Palladium. Full-day Tours. from. $275.00. per adult (price varies by group size) Jamaica 8-Days Island Tour From Montego Bay.

  12. BLACK RIVER: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Black River Safari & YS Falls Guided Tour with Lunch & Admission from Negril. 38. Full-day Tours. from. £116.20. per adult. YS Falls, Black River Safari, Appleton Rum Tour OR Pelican Bar (Choose Up to 3) 39. Recommended.

  13. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari

    About. J. Charles Swaby's Black River Safari is the pioneer safari company and has been in operation since 1987. The safari boat tour takes you approximately 4 miles upstream the Black River. While on tour, your boat captain gives you a brief history of the are and a running commentary of what you are seeing; Usually birds, fish and of-course ...

  14. Guide to the Black River Safari, Jamaica

    Jamaica is a land of many rivers. The Black River is one of the longest rivers on the island, measuring 33 miles (53.4km). The name of this river has to do with the dark shade of the river bed that is influenced by decomposing vegetation in thick layers. In areas where the vegetation is more concentrated, the water tends to be darkest.

  15. Black River Safari Tour

    The 1 1/2 hour boat tour up the Black River is well worth it. Cruise in a comfortable Safari boat past giant Red Mangrove trees with their stilt-like roots cascading from heights of over 40' down into the tranquil waters. See the rare and endangered American Crocodile in it's natural habitat and view some of the 100 species of exotic birds in ...

  16. Black River Safari Tour Jamaica

    The Black River Safari is home to many Jamaican crocodiles, as well as interesting flora. You will observe the crocodiles in their natural environment, while the experienced handlers interact with them. Location: St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Availability - Daily 8:30 am - 5:30 pm. Transfer: car, minibus & coaster buses. Max People : 30. Min Age ...

  17. BLACK RIVER SAFARI (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    Top ways to experience Black River Safari and nearby attractions. Private Seafood Tour and Floyds Pelican Bar or Black River Safari. 5. Food & Drink. from. £148.25. per adult (price varies by group size) Ziplining in YS Falls and Black River Safari Private Tour. Adventure Tours.

  18. Black River Safari: The jewel of the south coast

    Sandals boost for Black River Primary students. June 11, 2024. This tour takes persons up and down Jamaica's longest navigable river, the Black River, where persons can interact with the ...

  19. Black River Safari / YS Falls / Lunch Classic Combo

    Lunch. A sumptuous Jamaican style cooked lunch, seasonal fruits along with a cool glass of fruit punch to help it down. Black River Safari Boat Tour and Crocodile Nursery Visit. A thrilling yet relaxing 4-mile cruise up the Black River during which your boat captain gives a running commentary of what you're seeing and a brief history of the area.


    ELIZABETH, JAMAICA. Enjoy a cruise down Jamaica's largest river, get to see Crocodiles of all sizes, explore the lush vegetation, and mangroves and view exotic birds as you journey along. The Black River Safari is an eco-tourism activity in the parish of St. Elizabeth on Jamaica's south coast. Take a boat ride on the longest navigable river ...

  21. Black River Safari

    Enjoy the Black River Safari boat ride and see some of Jamaica's docile crocodiles and indigenous birds. Experience the thrill of a lifetime on Jamaica's longest navigable river, The Black River, and watch the Rasta man fish for shrimp. +1-876-956-2615 [email protected]. Login. Login. Username or E-Mail. Password.

  22. Black River Safari South Coast St Elizabeth Jamaica

    With 24 hours notice you can make changes to your reservationSo, what are you waiting for, lets take the journey. The Black River is one of the longest rivers in Jamaica. At a length of 53.4km (33miles). Its name refers to the darkness of the river bed caused by thick layers of decomposing vegetation. Over 100 species of birds have been ...

  23. Black River Safari, Jamaica

    Black River Safari, Jamaica. 1,843 likes. Cruise down the Black river and see alligators, tropical birds and mangrove trees in their natural se

  24. Get ready to cross these must-do experiences off your Jamaica Bucket List!

    3. Walk in the footsteps of a music legend. Jamaica is the home of Reggae and, of course, Bob Marley - a global megastar whose life and legacy inspired the 2023 biopic, One Love.The song for which the movie is named was recognized by the BBC as 'the song of the century' and Time magazine dubbed Exodus the 20 th Century's most important album. Don't miss the chance to walk in the ...