Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 00

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Recenze Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2: mírná evoluce skvělé koloběžky

Petr Uhlíř

Čínská společnost Xiaomi není na trhu s elektrokoloběžkami žádným nováčkem, ba co víc, její modely patří mezi ty nejoblíbenější. Na test nám dorazila letošní novinka s názvem Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2. Ta přímo navazuje na loňskou nejvýše postavenou koloběžku v nabídce výrobce, kterou jsme u nás na webu rovněž testovali .

Změn není mnoho – Scooter Pro 2 opět vyniká dojezdem až 45 km, maximální rychlostí 25 km/h a s možností stoupání do kopce s 20% sklonem. V poslední době je velkým trendem brázdit ulice měst na „kolobrndě“, respektive na koloběžce s elektrickým pohonem.

  • Až 45km dojezd na jedno nabití, maximální rychlost 25 km/h, výkon 600 W
  • Zvládá až 20% stoupání, nosnost 100 kg, má 3 jízdní režimy, reflexní prvky
  • 8,5″ pneumatiky, odolnost IP54, hmotnost 14,2 kg, jednoduché složení

Jedná se totiž o relativně rychlý způsob, jak se dostat z bodu A do bodu B, který je navíc pohodlný a poměrně dostupný. Novinka se na českém trhu prodává za 15 990 Kč včetně DPH. Jaké jsou její další vlastnosti a vyplatí se její nákup? To a mnohem více se dozvíte v naší recenzi.

Obsah balení

Prodejní balení je opravdu hodně velké a těžké, aby tak ne, když hmotnost koloběžky je víc jak 14 kilogramů. Rozměry krabice jsou zhruba 120 × 50 × 20 centimetrů a s již zmíněnou váhou se nejedná o nic snadno přenosného a skladného.

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V krabici se nachází samotná koloběžka v částečně rozloženém stavu, několik nezbytných dokumentů, uživatelská příručka v českém jazyce, nabíječka, redukce na huštění pneumatik, jedna náhradní pneumatika s duší, sada pěti šroubků k zajištění řídítek (jeden je náhradní) a imbusový klíč k jejich dotažení.

Design a konstrukce: téměř beze změn

Vzhled se na první pohled prakticky nezměnil a z dálky byste novinku od předchozí generace jen stěží rozeznali. Koncept Mi Electric Scooter (Pro) funguje už řadu let, proto nebylo nutné nic měnit. Za mě osobně je konstrukce a design opravdu povedený a stejné reakce mělo i okolí. Co by mohlo někoho překvapit, jsou rozměry a především hmotnost.

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Na výšku měří 118 centimetrů a na délku 113 cm. Ve složeném stavu činí výška 49 cm. Koloběžka je z velké části vyvedena v matné černé barvě, avšak nově ubylo doplňujících červených prvků. Mi Scooter Pro 2 je tak ve svém vzhledu střídmější a já jsem za to rád – působí dospěleji.

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Změnily se také reflexní prvky, které jsou velmi důležité a zde výrobce musím hodně pochválit. Nově je přítomná bílá odrazka vepředu a oranžové odrazky na každém kole. Zadní výstražné světlo se zvětšilo, změnilo svůj náklon a je mnohem výraznější.

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Brzdové světlo začne automaticky červeně blikat po zmáčknutím brzdy. Přední 2W reflektor se opět nachází uprostřed řídítek a jeho světelný dosah je až 10 metrů. Nově má jiný úhel svícení, aby neoslňoval protijedoucí vozidla nebo chodce. Aktivuje se prostým zmáčknutím tlačítka na hlavním panelu a svítí opravdu hodně. Jeho rozsvícením dojde i k trvalému zapnutí červeného zadního světla.

Na řídítkách se nacházejí všechny ovládací prvky

Lehčím vývojem prošel i design obou blatníků, jinak zůstalo vše při starém. Řídítka jsou příjemná na dotek a s jejich uchopením jsem neměl žádné problémy. Na levé straně sídlí potřebný zvonek, který slouží zároveň jako západka pro přenos koloběžky.

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Posledním prvkem levé strany je páka brzdy. Její stisk je jistý (lze samozřejmě libovolně poupravit jako na kole) a brzda je pohotová a velice efektivní.

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Ve středu řídítek se nachází částečně barevný displej s jedním tlačítkem. Displej je perfektně čitelný za jakýchkoliv podmínek a zobrazuje vše potřebné, i když bych si osobně uměl představit více informací.

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Pod palcem pravé ruky naleznete páčku s efektním červeným provedením, které slouží jako akcelerátor. Ta je dost možná jednou z nejdůležitějších částí koloběžky, protože ovládá celý její výkon, který je velmi působivý, ale o něm až za chvíli. Páčka se snadno používá, ale na to, že jde o tak podstatnou část, působí na můj vkus příliš laciným dojmem.

Jednoduché složení a perfektní zpracování

Kloub pro složení se nachází kousek nad předním kolem a jeho funkci zajišťuje jedna mechanická páka a pojistka. Složení je otázkou několika vteřin a pár pohybů. Hmotnost 14,2 kilogramů už je sice při přenášení hodně znát, ale já osobně ji moc část nepřenášel.

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Pokud bydlíte v bytě, rozmyslete si, kde budete koloběžku skladovat. Ani ve složeném stavu není jednoduché ji ukrýt a zabírá dost cenného místa. Líbí se mi, že celá přední tyč v sobě skrývá podstatné kabely řízení a brzd. Je to užitečné, a navíc to vypadá dobře.

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Přední i zadní kola jsou osazena 8,5palcovými pneumatikami. Nově jsou pneumatiky odolnější proti propíchnutí a také jejich výdrž je až trojnásobně vyšší. Přední kolo je vybaveno protiblokovacím brzdným systémem E-ABS.

Místo pro stání je opravdu široká a dostatečně dlouhá platforma, která má gumový povrch s poměrně výraznou perforací. Boty ani při rychlé jízdě neztrácí kontakt s podlahou a ani jednou se mi nestalo, že bych byť jen trochu uklouzl.

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Brzda na zadním kole je kotoučová a ovládá se klasickým brzdovým kabelem. Hydraulické ovládání by jí jistě slušelo víc, ale ve snaze ušetřit je to pochopitelné. Kousek od zadního kola se také nachází šikovný stojánek, který je pevný a koloběžku spolehlivě udrží.

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Celkově mám z koloběžky velmi dobré pocity. Rám je vyrobený z letecké slitiny hliníku a působí velmi bytelně. Konstrukční zpracování je na vysoké úrovni, takže věřím, že vydrží spoustu let.

Technické parametry: bez kompromisů

Bezkartáčový stejnosměrný motor, který je uložen v předním kole, má maximální výkon 600 W. Maximální rychlost, kterou dokáže motor vyvinout, je 25 km/h, avšak z kopce není problém přesáhnout hranici 30 km/h.

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Výrobce udává maximální stoupání 20 % a maximální nosnost 100 kilogramů. Přítomná je také voděodolnost a prachuvzdornost s certifikací IP54, takže projet menší kaluží by neměl být žádný problém, ale raději doporučuji se vodě vyhnout. Nikdy nevíte, jakou škodu by kapalina v útrobách mohla napáchat.

Velkolepý dojezd, avšak pomalé nabíjení

Pod nášlapnou plochou se nachází lithium-iontová baterie o kapacitě 12 800 mAh, respektive 474 Wh. Její jmenovité napětí je 37 V a maximální napětí 42 V. Samotná baterie váží 3 kilogramy. Výrovce udává životnost baterie 500 nabíjecích cyklů pro udržení výkonu nad 70 %, což je více než dostatečné.

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K dobíjení slouží 71W nabíječka s evropskou koncovkou na jedné straně a kulatým výstupem energie na druhé. Nabíječka se zapojuje do standardní 230V sítě a koloběžku s ní z nuly na sto nabijete za zhruba 8 až 9 hodin. Kabel je se svými zhruba dvěma metry dostatečně dlouhý a působí velmi solidním a pevným dojmem.

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Maximální dojezd dle výrobce činí 45 km, avšak to závisí na mnoha faktorech. Xiaomi dojezd testovalo při plném nabití, 75kg zatížení, teplotě 25 °C a bezvětří, na rovné cestě, ve standardním režimu a při konstantní rychlosti 15 km/h.

Jak je to v praxi?

Musím se přiznat, že za dva týdny testování jsem ani jednou nemusel řešit dojezd, a to jsem jezdil většinu času na maximální výkon v režimu sport. Neumím přesně stanovit, kolik jsem najezdil kilometrů, ale řekl bych, že okolo 50. To bylo převážně dáno tím, že čtvrtinu dní nebylo vhodné počasí na jízdu koloběžkou.

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Patnáctikilometrový úsek jsem dokázal ujet za jednu jízdu na 40 % baterie. Takovýto úsek jsem jel prakticky za ideálního počasí, trať byla do kopce i z kopce a má průměrná rychlost činila zhruba 22 km/h. Troufám si tvrdit, že koloběžka by dokázala na plnou baterii urazit v režimu sport zhruba 38 kilometrů.

To všechno se samozřejmě odvíjí na zvoleném režimu, vlastnostech jízdy, na hmotnosti pasažéra apod. I tak si myslím, že s dojezdem nebude u této koloběžky žádný problém – na ježdění po městě úplně ideální. Velkou zásluhu na skvělém dojezdu má rekuperace, tedy přeměna kinetické energie na elektrickou, která funguje při každém brždění a uvolnění páčky plynu.

Mobilní aplikace Mi Home

Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 je možné skrze Bluetooth propojit i s vaším smartphonem. K tomu slouží aplikaci Mi Home, která je dostupná pro Android a iOS. Ta je primárně určena pro správu chytré domácnosti Xiaomi , ke které neodmyslitelně patří i elektrická koloběžka. Je fajn mít jednu aplikaci na vše a nemuset stahovat další, která by zbytečně zaplňovala místo v telefonu.

Mi Home

V aplikaci se koloběžka nachází vedle dalších zařízení chytré domácnosti od Xiaomi a můžete ji skrze ni zamknout, provést různá nastavení a zkontrolovat úroveň baterie. Pro tyto činnosti musíte být v blízkosti koloběžky, protože, jak již bylo zmíněno, připojení probíhá skrze Bluetooth.

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Očekával jsem, že se v aplikaci od minulých generací něco změní k lepšímu, avšak až na prvotní nastavení a aktualizace je stále tak trochu zbytečná. V aplikaci sice zjistíte rychlost, ale nedoporučuji se dívat na telefon při jízdě. Navíc rychlost je viditelná přímo na displeji koloběžky. To stejné platí o úrovni baterie. Zamknutí motoru skrze telefon je docela zajímavá funkce, ale stejně bych raději koloběžku nikde nenechával postávat bez dozoru.

Nastavení přímo v mobilní aplikaci

V nastavení je jen pár funkcí, které mi přišly zajímavé. V pravém horním rohu se vám po rozbalení menu v angličtině rozbalí možnosti nastavit Cruise Control (tempomat) a Taylight always on (vždy zapnuté zadní světlo). Tempomat jsem vyzkoušel a funguje spolehlivě, ale nedokážu si představit situaci, kdy bych ho využil. Přece jenom je určena především do města a tam jen výjimečně pojedete stálou rychlostí.

Screenshot 20201003 110102 Mi Home

Rekuperaci energie doporučuji nastavit na nejsilnější stupeň, který při jízdě z kopce brzdí a zároveň dobíjí baterii. Ve výchozím stavu je nastavena nejslabší rekuperace, při které koloběžka skoro nezpomaluje a brzdy tak opotřebíte rychleji.

Screenshot 20201003 110103 Mi Home

Očekával bych od aplikace, že bude v češtině a nabídne mnohem více funkcí. Například by se mohla hodit historie jízd, automatické stahování dat do telefonu (protože pokud před jízdou nebo po jízdě nepřipojíte telefon ke koloběžce, nedozvíte se ujetou vzdálenost a průměrnou rychlost) a automatická aktualizace firmwaru.

Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2: s větrem ve vlasech

Pojďme se nyní podívat na to nejdůležitější z celé recenze – jízdní vlastnosti. Pokud si vybíráte elektrickou koloběžku, tak vás kromě dojezdu určitě zajímá i samotná jízda. Musím říct, že „kolobrnda“ od Xiaomi opravdu „frčí“ a jízda je vesměs pohodlná a hlavně zábavná.

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Na displeji si můžete opět zvolit ze tří jízdních režimů – Pěší, Standard a Sport. Pěší režim je novinkou (nahradil Eco mód) a je možné s ním dosáhnout maximální rychlosti 5 km/h, což mě osobně přijde jako hodně zbytečné a neumím si představit situaci, kdybych jej využil. Mnohem příjemnější vlastností je, že pokud koloběžku vedete, tak vám elektromotor slabě pomáhá, takže to chvílemi vypadá, že jede zcela samostatně.

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Standardní režim se už dá používat vcelku běžně a také jsem jej asi dva dny používal, abych se s koloběžkou lépe naučil. Rychlost je omezena na 20 km/h a reakce na plyn je vcelku dobrá. No ale režim Sport, to je teprve něco. Rychlost je maximálních 25 km/h, reakce na požadavek zrychlit je okamžitá a chtělo by se s chutí dodat, že vás „zarazí do sedačky“.

Rychlá a zábavná jízda v režimu Sport

Ve sportovním režimu vás bude jízda opravdu bavit. Poté, co jsem jej poprvé vyzkoušel, už jsem ho nechal zapnutý napořád. Jak už bylo popsáno výše, tak dojezd se tím nepatrně zkrátí, ale mě osobně to vůbec nevadí. Koloběžka opravdu jede rychle a s mými necelými 80 kily jsem se zrychlením neměl žádný problém.

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Zapomněl jsem zmínit, že motor zrychluje až po překročení rychlosti 5 km/h, tudíž je nutné se nejprve odrazit, aby se koloběžka “aktivovala”. Největší kopanec výkonu jsem vždy cítil po překročení 10 km/h. Zrychlení od odražení po 25 km/h trvá v režimu Sport okolo 7 vteřin. Velice mě bavilo, že koloběžka udržuje konstantně maximální rychlost a vy tak jen spokojeně držíte plyn a předjíždíte ostatní účastníky provozu.

Jízdní vlastnosti na jedničku

Vy, co jste z větších městech, jistě víte, že většina koloběžek jezdí po chodníku. Podle zákona a Policie ČR je jízda na chodníku s koloběžkou zakázána. Je to bráno jako dopravní prostředek, jako kolo, a proto byste měli jezdit po silnici a dodržovat pravidla silničního provozu. Dodám však, že situace je zatím trochu nejistá a jízda po chodníku se nejen v našem hlavním městě toleruje.

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Koloběžka sice postrádá odpružení, díky čemuž občas může být jízda trochu nekomfortní. Zásluhou relativně velkých pneumatik je, že na většině površích je jízda pohodlná. Cyklostezky, silnice s hladkým asfaltem a hladkým beton jsou naprosto ideální a tady se novinka cítí jako ryba ve vodě. Pokud je asfalt nebo beton hrubší a občas se objeví spára, výmol nebo díra, pak už je to malinko horší a nárazem se otřesou i vaše ruce.

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Při větších nerovnostech je dobré nárazy odpružit v kolenou, pak je jízda i v horším terénu bezproblémová a mě osobně jízdní vlastnosti této koloběžky velmi mile překvapily. Zatáčení ani držení rovnováhy není nic těžkého a během pár jízd si na ní určitě zvyknete. Tím, že jsou baterie pod vámi, je stabilita a ovladatelnost opravdu vynikající.

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Ostatní koloběžky mají často baterie ukryty v přední tyči pod řídítky. Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 má těžiště mnohem níže než konkurenti, a to se příjemně podepisuje na celkovém ovládání koloběžky. Jednu nepříjemnost přeci jen musím zmínit. Čím více klesají procenta baterie, tím menší výkon máte pod nohami. Menší rozdíl pocítíte už pod 50 %, ale úbytek výkon je nejvýraznější pod 30 %. Poté koloběžka nevyjede prudší kopec, reakce jsou pomalejší a rychlost už není, co bývala.

Závěrečné hodnocení

Za poslední roky se s elektrickými koloběžkami roztrhl pytel. Na trhu jich najdete celou řadu – od méně výkonných s malým dojezdem až po ty hodně rychlé s dojezdem až 70 km. Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 je někde uprostřed. Tato „kolobrnda“ se mi líbí nejen po designové stránce, ale velice příjemně mě překvapily i její jízdní vlastnosti. Reálný dojezd 40 km je zcela dostatečný do městského provozu, kam právem patří.

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Rychlost je vzhledem k ceně adekvátní a v režimu Sport se jedná o rychlou a zábavnou formu dopravy. Potěší i bytelná konstrukce a částečná odolnost proti vodě a prachu. Velice chválím i za plno reflexních prvků, včetně výkonného reflektoru a zadního světla. Plusové body dávám i za účinnou rekuperaci, která se částečně stará o skvělý dojezd a slouží i k brždění. Nicméně zadní kotoučová brzda je také velmi efektivní.

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Složení koloběžky je rychlé a snadné, akorát vyšší hmotnost je při přenášení hodně znát. Nejvíce zklamaný jsem byl z aplikace, která nenabízí mnoho funkcí, a hlavně se nedokáže s koloběžkou napevno spárovat pro automatické aktualizace a stahování dat.

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Oproti předchozí generaci nenabízí mnoho změn, proto pro majitele předchozí verze je upgrade naprosto zbytečný. Pokud ale máte starší, či méně výkonnou koloběžku nebo už delší dobu přemýšlíte o její koupi, mohu vám Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 s radostí doporučit. Za cenu 13 990 Kč se jedná o poměrně dostupný model, který má co nabídnout.

Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2

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Výdrž baterie, dojezd, mobilní aplikace, jízdní vlastnosti, výkon a rychlost.

  • elegantní design a kvalitní zpracování, odolnost IP54
  • dostatečný výkon, zdolá i kopec, rychlost až 25 km/h
  • jízdní vlastnosti, stabilita při jízdě
  • reálný dojezd okolo 40 km
  • reflexní prvky a světla
  • účinná rekuperace a silná brzda
  • zaručuje zábavnou jízdu
  • snadné a rychlé složení
  • aplikace nenabízí mnoho funkcí
  • koloběžka se neumí automaticky připojovat ke smartphonu
  • málo změn oproti předchozí generaci
  • vyšší hmotnost pro přenášení
  • pomalejší nabíjení

Petr Uhlíř

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Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2

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Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Super dlouhý dojezd

Max. rychlost

Rychlé skládání

během 3 sekund


palubní deska

kotoučová brzda

Max. Napájení

Hliníkové tělo

letecké třídy

Vysoce výkonná baterie

Kapacita lithiové baterie je 446 W . Baterie je velmi kvalitně zpracovaná, odolná a prošla bezpečnostní kontrolou. Velká kapacita baterie umožní super dlouhou jízdu na elektrokoloběžce na jedno nabití ujede až 45 km.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Už jste slyšeli o KERS (systém rekuperace kinetické energie)? KERS přeměňuje kinetickou energii každého brždění na použitelnou energetickou energii pro delší dosah cestování. Efektivitu KERS lze upravit v mobilní aplikaci Mi Home.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Elektrokoloběžku složíte za 3 sekundy. Po složení je kompatibilní a zabere málo místa, navíc se velmi lehce ponese v případě nedostupného místa pro ježdění. Tělo je vyrobeno z vysoce pevného materiálu a unese zatížení 100 kg. Hmotnost elektrokoloběžky je 14,2 kg.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Kratší brzdná dráha

Zadní kolo je vybavené brzdovým kotoučem pro bezpečnější a rychlejší brždení. Přední kolo je vybavené protiblokovacím brzdným systémem E-ABS . Tím elektrokoloběžka zajišťuje rychlé a bezpečné zastavení.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Pohodlnější jízda 

Robustní pneumatiky o rozměru 8,5" jsou vyrobeny z kvalitního materiálu, pneumatiky na elektrokoloběžce zajišťují velmi hladkou a pohodlnou jízdu bez hrbolků.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

2W ultrasvítivý světlomet

Na jízdu při neosvětlené terénu a večerních jízdách je Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 připraven. Je vybaven předním světlem, které má svítivý dosah až 10 metrů . Světlo je nastavené do bezpečného úhlu svícení, přední světlo tak neoslní protější kolemjdoucí.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Vylepšené zadní světlo

Po rozsvícení předního světla se automaticky zapne zadní světlo. Po stisknutí brzdy začne zadní světlo blikat, aby upozornilo kolemjdoucí za vámi, že s elektrokoloběžkou zpomalujete či zastavíte úplně. Zadní světlo slouží také jako reflektor.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Větší viditelnost

Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 je vybavena bezpečnostními odrazky pro větší viditelnost za zhoršených světelných podmínek. Odrazky jsou umístěny vpředu, vzadu a po straně elektrokoloběžky.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Inteligentní systém upozornění

Stáhněte si do svého chytrého mobilního telefonu aplikaci Mi Home a spárujte ji se svojí elektrokoloběžkou Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2. Po spárování sledujte stav své elektrokolběžky. Při používání Mi Home můžete zjistit stav baterie . Pokud dojde k problému, aplikace vás okamžitě upozorní. 

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Kapacita baterie 12 400 mAh

Typ baterie Lithium-iontová

Maximální rychlost 25 km/h

Maximální dojezd 45 km

Výkon 600 W

Brzdný systém Kotoučová brzda

Konstrukce Skládací

Materiál rámu Hliník

Maximální nosnost 100 kg

Délka 113 cm

Výška řídítek 118 cm

Hmotnost 14,2 kg

Velikost kol 8,5″

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© 2010–2024 Xiaomi Česko. Provozovatel: Beryko s.r.o., Pod Vinicemi 931/2, 30100 Plzeň, IČ 02852152

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Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Xiaomi delivers another e-scooter marvel

  • Gareth Morgan

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

The Xiaomi Pro 2 is a well-designed, powerful, fully featured e-scooter, but it still isn’t particularly weather-resistant

  • Great range
  • Good on hills
  • Cruise control
  • Can’t be ridden in rain
  • Not a huge upgrade over the M365 Pro

DEAL ALERT: Save £151 on the Xiaomi Pro 2

Leading UK electric scooter retailer, Pure Electric, has discounted the price of the popular Xiaomi Pro 2. At £469, it is now almost the price of its mid-range rivals. As you can see from the review below, Xiaomi stays true to form ticking most of the boxes that you would expect from a good e-scooter in its price range.

Bursting onto the scene at the end of 2016, few would have expected the Xiaomi M365 to become one of the world’s best-selling electric scooters. Three years later, the Xiaomi M365 Pro was released with a larger battery and more powerful motor.

The Xiaomi Pro 2 is the company’s latest offering and it takes the place of the discontinued Xiaomi M365 Pro. Although it lacks any major upgrades to really excite the hardcore e-scooter fan, the Pro 2 is still a brilliant e-scooter, especially for a first-time buyer or anyone who wants an e-scooter that packs a bigger punch.

READ NEXT: Best electric scooter | Best electric scooter deals

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: What you need to know

As you’d expect, the Xiaomi Pro 2 has many of the same features as its predecessor, including motor power (300W), battery size and range (446Wh, 28 miles), maximum speed (15.5mph) and maximum rider weight of 100kg.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

The Pro 2 does have a few upgrades up its sleeves, with bigger, brighter lights, extra reflectors, and the addition of a hard strap that connects the mudguard to the scooter at the rear axle. This serves two main purposes: first, it stops the mudguard from rattling around; second, it also prevents riders from accidentally using the mudguard as a rear brake.

Before we go any further, it is important to make it clear that e-scooters are classified as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) and illegal to use in the UK unless on private land or as part of an authorised rental scheme. However, e-scooters are legal in most other European countries and further afield, and with new green policies being drawn up by the government daily, this law may undergo a change soon.

Due to these ongoing issues, e-scooters are currently not subject to UK taxes or registration, unlike some other vehicles in this category. Although there are no specific laws in place, we recommend riders wear a helmet and always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.

Buy now from Pure Electric

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Price and competition

At the time of writing, the Xiaomi Pro 2 is available for as little as £449 at Pure Electric, a saving of £151 off its recommended £600 price. With the Xiaomi 1S currently selling for £379, it’s well worth paying out the extra £70 for a much better overall e-scooter experience.

If you can stretch your budget to £499, however, the Pure Air Pro is our current favourite electric scooter because you get more motor power (350W), larger 10in pneumatic tyres for a more comfortable ride, and you can also ride it in any weather conditions, something the Xiaomi e-scooters sadly lack. The Pure Air Pro can also accommodate a heavier maximum rider weight of 120kg, compared with the Pro 2’s 100kg.

But, if riding in the rain isn’t a consideration, then at 14.2kg, the Xiaomi Pro 2 is around 2.3kg lighter to carry and its maximum range of 28 miles is better than the Pure Air Pro’s 22.4 miles.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Setup and design

The Xiaomi Pro 2 is very easy to set up straight out of the box. After unfolding to its upright position, you slot the handlebar into the stem and secure with the included bolts and Allen key. Pure Electric also includes a spare tyre and pump adapter, manual and power adapter when you buy it from them.

Once assembled, the Pro 2 doesn’t look much different from the 1S or M365 Pro. The matte black finish is stylish without being garish, with the red brake cabling of the M365 Pro on the handlebar and wheel frames now black, giving the whole thing a sleeker, more attractive look.

Reflectors replace the red strips on the sides of the wheel frame and the mudguard is stronger and covers more of the wheel than on the M365 Pro. The front light is a little bigger, too, more powerful at 2W than its predecessor at 1.1W and brighter, now illuminating up to ten metres ahead of you.

The battery is quicker to charge than the M365 Pro’s, too, by a full 30 minutes. You connect the charger via a port found under a small flap below the deck by the front wheel.

There’s a thumb throttle accelerator next to the right grip, with the brake lever attached to the left grip. In the middle of the handlebar, you’ll find the bell, which has a latch underneath that secures the stem to the rear mudguard when folded. The LED display on the steering stem displays your current speed, riding mode and how much battery capacity you have remaining.

The Xiaomi Pro 2 is easy to push around and light enough to carry around for short periods of time but, at 14.2kg, it’s not something you want to be carrying around for too long. When folded, it measures 1.13m long, so should fit into most car boots.

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Features and mobile app

The Xiaomi Pro 2 has three riding modes that you can switch between by pressing the power button when the scooter is on. The three modes – Eco, Drive and Sport – cap your speed at different levels. Eco gives you a top speed of 10mph, Drive 12mph and Sport 15mph, although I managed to go slightly faster in each mode.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Two of the e-scooter’s stand-out features can only be enabled when you are connected to the accompanying mobile app via Bluetooth. The first enables you to lock the motor, which prevents the scooter being pushed away or turned on. It’s a handy feature but, of course, there’s nothing to stop a strong thief from carrying the scooter and walking off with it. The other is Cruise Control, which allows you to ride at the same speed without having your thumb on the throttle.

The mobile app provides some other useful information, such as current speed, distance travelled and the current battery capacity in per cent. I particularly liked the estimated range, which tells you how many miles or kilometres the battery is likely to generate before needing to be recharged.

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Comfort and performance

After switching on the scooter, a quick kick-start and press of the throttle gets you moving forward easily. Acceleration is smooth and, despite the lack of suspension, the firmer pneumatic tyres do a great job of coping with bumps and even small potholes.

The three riding modes are noticeably different. Eco Mode is great if you’re cruising around slowly and trying to save battery. In this mode, Xiaomi says you’ll get up to 28 miles from a single charge.

For most rides, however, you’re likely to want to be in Drive or Sports mode, simply because they deliver superior acceleration, more speed and the power you need to climb hills. I found that even in Drive mode the Pro 2 struggled to pull my 80kg frame up steep hills, especially on cold days.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

The good news is that Sports mode eats tricky inclines for breakfast, with the powerful 300W motor really kicking in when the going gets tough. On the flat, I was able to reach almost 17mph in this mode, which felt fast, but not uncomfortably so.

The Pro 2 also made the transition from road to path to grass very easily, which is something to consider if you’ll be using it for all-terrain purposes. And battery life seems pretty good. While I didn’t ride it for long enough to test how far I could have travelled on one charge, four separate rides covering 14 miles still left me with plenty of battery life, with half my time testing in Drive Mode.

The scooter has a dual braking system – automatic electronic regenerative brakes with E-ABS and a rear disc brake. The brake lever on the front grip connects to the back wheel and while riding at 10mph in Drive Mode, I was able to bring myself to a standstill in a few metres without skidding. When riding slightly faster, the stopping distance was similar and felt very safe.

Xiaomi Pro 2 review: Verdict

Overall, the Xiaomi Pro 2 is a brilliant scooter and a clear upgrade on the original M365 Pro. It’s easy to set up and ride, and the powerful 300W motor helps you navigate hills easily when in the right mode.

A range of up to 28 miles on one charge is perfect for those who are always on the move, the brakes are superb, and you’ll always feel as though you’re in control.

However, if you already own a M365 Pro, we wouldn’t recommend trading it in for a Pro 2 just yet. Yes, there are some nice safety additions such as reflectors and stronger lights and other extras but, on the whole, I don’t feel it’s enough to justify the upgrade of what is essentially the same e-scooter.

It’s a shame this update didn’t look at adding protection from rain or water, as I feel this is where it will always fall behind the better-equipped Pure Air Pro .

Xiaomi Pro 2 Specifications

Contact Ed on [email protected]

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Review of the xiaomi mi pro 2 electric scooter, written by ed wiles, scootered founder, introduction.

Xiaomi have updated their M365 Pro electric scooter as part of their new range of scooters . Having dropped the "M365" moniker entirely, the new scooter is simply called the Xiaomi Pro 2. So far, so straightforward. But what are the differences between the M365 Pro and the Pro 2? Let's take a good look at the Xiaomi Pro 2 electric scooter to find out. You can also compare the Pro 2 with the 1S .

Scroll down for full specs

Pro 2 & Dashboard

The Xiaomi M365 Pro was released in 2019 as an alternative to the original M365 (released in late 2016). The M365 had come to prominence in Europe in 2018 when scooter hire company Bird put hundreds on the streets of cities across the continent. In April 2020, it was revealed that Xiaomi would be updating the M365 and M365 Pro with the Essential , 1S and Pro 2 . After a massive scramble to find space on cargo ships leaving China after the Covid-19 hiatus, they finally hit the UK in August 2020.

The Xiaomi Pro 2 is a foldable electric scooter designed by Chinese tech giant Xiaomi (pronounced "show-er-me"). It is manufactured by Ninebot, who also manufacture their own e-scooter (under the Segway brand). Like its predecessor, the Pro 2 has a simple folding design, 45 km (28 mile) range and 25 km/h (16 mph) top-speed. It also boasts cruise control, front and rear lights, E-ABS brakes, the phone app (the Mi Home app seen below) and pneumatic tyres. The frame is also basically the same as the M365 Pro (the base is bigger than the M365 to allow for the bigger battery - I think it is disingenuous to claim it is for "extra comfort").

The handlebar height is not adjustable because of the folding system (part of the bell hooks on to the rear mudguard). It comes in a bespoke white/black box (weighing 19 kg) and requires a small amount of self-assembly, inasmuch as you have to insert the handlebars and screw in four screws to fix them in place (so as to avoid an awkwardly large box for shipping). The box also includes a spare tyre.


The scooter's battery is located in the base and the frame itself is built from aluminium. It feels strong and the folding mechanism means it can be folded or unfolded in a few seconds (Xiaomi claims three seconds). This battery, sturdiness and low cost (as you are not paying for carbon fibre) does mean it is reasonably heavy at 14.2 kg. Simply put, there is a direct correlation between a scooter's range and its weight. One difference from its predecessor, apart from yellow reflectors on the EU/UK model, is that the external wires are neater in the Pro 2. It still seems a little odd that they need any external wires but they have addressed the issue to some degree (though I would not leave my scooter anywhere where unruly kids with pliers could make your scooter unrideable).

The display on the Pro 2 is the same as the M365 Pro: it shows your speed, battery level and mode (Standard, Pedestrian or Sport). Pedestrian mode limits your speed to 5 km per hour (ie walking speed); presumably so you can ride on pavements, which is illegal in the UK. Standard mode limits your speed to 20 km/h, meaning you that you have to be in Sport mode to reach top speed (25 km/h).

The accelerator is a button on the right-hand handlebar, while there is a bike-like brake on the left-hand side, as well as a slightly superfluous bell (which cannot be removed if you want to fold up your Pro 2). A powerful LED light is built into the front of the handle for nighttime riding - or wasting power in daylight. Some have complained this light is too bright on the Xiaomis, but I disagree.

As with the M365 Pro, the Pro 2 is distinguished from the less powerful Xiaomi scooters by having a red ring on its front wheel. The Pro 2 is then distinguished from the M365 Pro with the yellow reflectors found on the new range of Xiaomi scooters. It is unclear whether the yellow reflectors are unique to the EU/UK versions (as the first Chinese version of the 1S still had red ones).

1S Scooter Details

Riding The Pro 2

Like the M365 Pro, the Pro 2 is well-balanced and easy to control (as long as you are not performing a tight turn). If you are not used to riding scooters or skateboards, the first time you ride any e-scooter is likely to be a little nerve-wracking (I was super nervous the first time I hired one in Paris in the summer of 2018). Most people quickly lose any initial trepidation. With a low centre of gravity, accelerating and braking are easy and effective. One problem I have encountered riding my personal M365 is that the right-hand handlebar grip can get pushed up to the throttle, meaning the throttle may not automatically spring up when released.

The Xiaomi tyres are 8.5 inches in diameter and pneumatic. The idea is that air-filled tyres makes the ride smoother. However, there is no suspension so it is really a trade-off between the two options. The ride is indeed smooth as long as the ground itself is reasonably level. I have ridden Xiaomi scooters and Segway scooters extensively in Mexico City, where road repairs fall pretty low down on the "to-do" list, and found that, as long as major potholes are avoided, and a comfortable riding stance taken, most road surfaces can be comfortably traversed. But tackle cobble stones at your own risk.

The most annoying issue I have found with the Xiaomis is a tendency to scrape the bottom of their scooters on pavement edges when I go from the road to pavement or vice versa. You could argue that this is perhaps a result of my laziness and I am simply not lifting it high enough off the ground. I suppose it a little bit like driving a limousine with a long wheelbase - you have to be aware of it.

Riding 1S Scooter

We would always recommend wearing a helmet when riding an electric scooter. Most scooter injuries seem to happen when a pothole (or similar) is encountered and the smallish wheels are indeed susceptible to such obstacles. Please read my post Are Electric Scooters Safe? for more information and statistics on the safety of electric scooters. As we often point out, as of May 2022, it is not legal to ride privately owned electric scooters on public roads in Britain, although few police forces take any action against riders .

The Pro 2's battery has the same capacity and power as the M365 Pro battery and it retains the same top-speed of 25 km/h (15.5 mph) and range of 45 km (28 miles). The range is pretty accurate but the top speed is not usually quite hit. The improvement in battery is, according to Xiaomi, more subtle than that and allows for a faster charge time (8 hours) and longer overall lifespan (which is perhaps more important). It is worth noting that once the battery level drops below 5% the scooter performance drops too.

Like the M365 Pro, the Xiaomi Pro 2 is hard to beat for its price, but it does feel as if Xiaomi could have upped their game a bit more: there is not a great deal of difference between the two (though those who have struggled with changing a tyre will welcome the new tyres). Having said that, it is hard to know how much better the battery lifespan is and, with its reasonable pricing and long range, the Pro 2 will be very popular in the UK. It is perhaps a little unfair of me to detract half a star by comparing it to its former incarnation.

4.5 Stars

Specification Table

You can buy the xiaomi pro 2 here, show it to your friends.

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Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 review

Jim Martin

Expert's Rating

  • Great range
  • Good quality
  • Not 10-inch wheels

Our Verdict

Only a few tweaks away from its predecessor, the Mi Scooter Pro 2 is nonetheless a great scooter with plenty of power on tap.

Xiaomi electric scooters are some of the most popular around, even if most buyers don’t know how to pronounce the brand’s name.

The Mi Scooter Pro 2 is an evolution of the original, which was – at the time I reviewed it – called the M365 Pro, but is now referred to at the Mi Electric Scooter Pro.

The Pro suffix means it has a more powerful motor and bigger capacity battery than the Mi Electric Scooter. It also has a more informative display and can climb steeper hills because of that extra grunt.

It does weigh more, which is inevitable, and at over 14kg it’s as heavy as a light electric bike.

Look at the specs and you’ll be hard-pressed to spot any differences between the Pro 2 and the original Pro: the top speed is the same at 15.5mph (25km/h), the wheels are the same at 8.5in, the range for both is up to 28 miles (45km), and the dimensions are identical.

Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 review

The eagle-eyed will notice the front light is brighter at 2W (compared to 1W) but that’s really it. The other differences can’t be found on a spec sheet: a redesigned rear mudguard with space for a registration plate (a requirement in some countries such as Germany) and more reflective stickers.

Internally, there’s an improved KERS system which is more efficient than before (no figure is quoted though) and the tyres are more resistant to skids and punctures – up to three times more, apparently.

This all means that there’s minimal justification for the £100 price rise from £499 a year ago to £599 now, and that if you already own a Mi Scooter Pro, none of these are reasons to upgrade.

However, those number are RRPs, and you can find the Pro 2 cheaper if you hunt around online. Box.co.uk loaned us the scooter on review here and sells it for £539.

Assuming that you don’t own the previous model, the question is whether the Mi Scooter Pro 2 is a good purchase. Ultimately, it is.

Ignoring that higher price for a moment, the scooter itself offers loads of power for quickly getting up to speed and for those hills. Fortunately, I live in a relatively hilly part of London, and the Mi Scooter Pro 2 is more than capable of getting me up those hills without a problem.

Lower-powered models struggle on most of them, with speeds reducing to a crawl. In some cases the only way to get up them is to assist the motor with some manual scooting, but that’s simply not necessary with the Pro 2.

Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 review

As with any scooter, it’s best on smooth surfaces as the small wheels don’t soak up any bumps and there’s no suspension either. Currently, you can use the Pro 2 only on private land in the UK, but the law is expected to change to catch up with the rest of the world within 18 months.

Build quality is great, and the Bluetooth connection with the Mi Home app works reliably. Xiaomi’s app is used for a multitude of its products, but once you’ve set up and account and added the Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2, it can function as if it’s designed exclusively for the scooter.

It’s cleanly designed and allows you to change quite a few settings, such as enabling cruise control (off by default) and choosing whether the rear light is always on or only flashes when braking. Usefully, you can also use it to select mph rather than km/h.

Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 review

There’s a ‘lock’ mode which introduces rolling resistance as a deterrent to a thief (or a family member!), along with an annoying beeping noise and flashing lights.

You will need to use the app at least once to activate the scooter, otherwise it will beep at you and won’t work, but once that’s done, you can largely forget about it. There were a couple of firmware updates available which installed with no issues, but the app wasn’t forthcoming about exactly what the updates contained.

Talking of setup, assembly is simple: you only need to slot the handlebars into place and use the supplied Allen key to insert the four bolts which hold it in place.

Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 review

Price & availability

In the UK you can buy the Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2 from Box.co.uk where it costs £539.

That’s £60 cheaper than Halfords which sells it for £599.

The Mi Scooter Pro 2 is covered by a two-year warranty.

In the US, we couldn’t find it for sale from Amazon, but you can buy it from Chinese retailers such as Gearbest where it cost $699.99 at the time of review.

For alternatives, read our roundup of the best electric scooters.

Very similar to the original, but that old adage of “if it ain’t broke,  don’t fix it” applies here. A few tweaks here and there improve what was already a top-notch recipe.

The Pro 2 is heavier than many scooters, don’t forget, but if you need the power and range it is a great choice.

Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2: Specs

  • Electric scooter
  • 300W motor power (600W peak)
  • 15.5mph (25km/h) max speed
  • 45km (28 miles) cruising distance
  • front E-ABS braking system, rear mechanical disk brake
  • Improved kinetic energy recovery system
  • Mi Home mobile app
  • 2W headlight
  • rear brake light
  • 8.5in inflatable tyres, 20-degree climbing gradient
  • 100kg max load
  • IP54 rating for water resistance
  • Integrated LED display
  • 474Wh lithium battery, charges in 8.5 hours
  • 108x43x114cm (108x43x49cm folded)

Author: Jim Martin , Executive Editor

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Jim has been testing and reviewing products for over 20 years. His main beats include VPN services and antivirus. He also covers smart home tech, mesh Wi-Fi and electric bikes.

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xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

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Xiaomi Mi Scooter Pro 2: Lepší výbava, stejný výkon a dojezd

Tomáš Holčík

  • Lepší uchycení zadního blatníku
  • Rozumný výkon pro evropské jezdce
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  • Nemá odpružená kola

Koloběžku Mi Scooter Pro jsme na Mobilmanii už testovali , letos přichází její nová druhá verze. Pokud jste se těšili na vyšší výkon, dojezd nebo komfort jízdy, zklameme vás. Nová Pro 2 se chová zcela stejně jako starší Pro.

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Nemáte na Teslu? Kupte tohle Xiaomi. Scooter Pro stojí pár tisíc a nabíjet můžete v obýváku

Vyplatí se připlatit? Postavili jsme kultovní elektrickou koloběžku Xiaomi proti nové verzi Pro

Vyplatí se připlatit? Postavili jsme kultovní elektrickou koloběžku Xiaomi proti nové verzi Pro

Scooter pro 2 především přidává pasivní bezpečnost - odrazky a větší jasnější světla, vylepšeno pro evropu.

Zatímco koloběžku Scooter Pro lze brát jako úpravu pro evropské vyšší a těžší zákazníky, novinka  Scooter Pro 2 upravuje spíše sladění s evropskou legislativou. Nově tedy dostanete žluté boční odrazky na kolech, přední bílou odrazku, jasnější přední světlo, větší zadní světlo a pod ním i nový štítek pro přilepení registrační značky. 

V některých evropských státech totiž musíte mít SPZ i na elektrických přibližovadlech, které u nás spadají do kategorie neoznačovaných jízdních kol. Pokud by vás tento nový štítek moc zlobil, dá se odšroubovat, ale klidně si sem nalepte nějakou vtipnou nálepku.

Design se až na drobnosti nemění, zůstává kloub sklápění, který bude časem žádat pozornost

Lepší blatník, stejné sklápění.

Novinka opravuje především uchycení zadního blatníku, který je díky kovové vzpěře nyní výrazně pevnější a při jízdě po dlažbě nedrnčí a neodírá se o pneumatiku. Podobné vzpěry si lidé dodělávají i na starší koloběžky, tady je to z kvalitní kovové a rovnou z výroby.

Scooter Pro 2 bohužel neopravuje kloub sklápění řídítek, který se časem vychodí a nedrží pevně. Většinou se tomu pomáhá na 3D tiskárně vytištěnou plastovou vložkou, která sníží odírání kovu o kov.  Na naší čerstvě vybalené testovací koloběžce to chodí zcela přesně bez vůlí, zkušenosti ale říkají, že se to časem ochodí.

Jízdní vlastnosti stále stejné

V jízdních režimech místo dřívějšího režimu Eco dostanete režim chůze, popravdě ale není zrovna využitelný. Lepší kontrolu nad koloběžkou máte v základních režimech D (max 20 km/h) nebo S (max 25 km/h). Koloběžka umí jet z kopce rychleji než těch 25 km/h, při překročení 30 km/h už ale varovně pípá.

Pod zadním světlem je nově štítek pro upevnění registrační značky. Přední světlo se z 1W změnilo na 2W LED. Displej na řídítkách se výrazně oproti Scooteru Pro nezměnil

Jízdní vlastnosti se oproti Scooteru Pro nezměnily. Výkon motoru zůstává na 300 W se špičkou na 600 W, udávaný dojezd 45 km bude v praxi nižší. Závisí hodně na hmotnosti jezdce a terénu. Koloběžka také při poklesu zbývající kapacity snižuje výkon. Co s plně nabitou koloběžkou vyjedete rychlostí 17 km v hodině, s kapacitou pod 40 procent budete rádi za 9 km v hodině.

Srovnání Pro se základní koloběžkou Xiaomi. Pro má vyšší řídítka i nášlap, nová generace mění zadní blatník a světlo

Pokud tedy nyní máte Scooter Pro, nedává smysl přecházet na novinku. Spíš Scooter Pro 2 nahrazuje v prodeji starší Scooter Pro. Prodává se za stejnou cenu kolem 15 tisíc a pokud chcete prostě něco výkonnějšího s lepším dojezdem zvolíte dnes Scooter Pro 2. 

Moje cesta z práce (více do kopce) a do práce. Po 15 km mi zbývalo 36% jedním směrem a koloběžce se do kopce už moc nechtělo. V opačném směru zbylo 54%.

Stále jde o výbornou koloběžku pro každodenní ježdění po městě nebo krátké přesuny po upravených cyklostezkách. Komfort jízdy a rychlost nabíjení zhruba stačí na dojíždění do práce nebo školy do 15 km jedním směrem. Nabití zcela prázdné koloběžky trvá zhruba 8 hodin, jízda pod 20% kapacity ale není nijak zábavná a vyžaduje časté odrážení. Častěji tedy budete nabíjet poloprázdnou koloběžku, kde bude stačit zhruba 3-4 hodiny.

Technické parametry

  • Výkon:  300 W
  • Maximální rychlost:  25 km/h (chůze - 5 km/h, D - 20 km/h, S - 25 km/h)
  • Dojezd:  až 45 km (podle terénu a režimu jízdy)
  • Max úhel stoupání:  12°
  • Pneumatiky:  8,5"
  • Nosnost:  100 kg
  • Odolnost:  IP54
  • Baterie:  12 800 mAh, 474 Wh
  • Doba nabíjení:  8-9 hodin (do 50% rychlo nabíjení, poté pomaleji)
  • Rozměry:  49 - 118 × 113 × 43 cm (v × d × š)
  • Váha:  14,2 kg
  • Podporované funkce:  e-ABS, rekuperace, tempomat, zámek motoru




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Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 review: Several refinements improve upon the original


Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2

Pros and cons.

  • Quick and easy to fold for use on public transportation
  • Easy controls and cruise option
  • Fast enough for safe daily use
  • Improved safety features
  • Low torque so not much use up steep hills

Thanks to my electric bike and Sounder train commute, I am rarely in an automobile except during the weekend. With a mile walk to and from the train station to my office, it is awesome to jump on a foldable scooter to make that trip in about a third of the time it takes to walk the distance.

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For the last 10 days, I have been riding the Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 from Xiaomi. The original model launched in 2017 and I took it for a spin a couple of years ago . If you liked that original model and possibly rode one around with a rental service, then you will like this newest model.

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What's been improved in three years?

The last time I rode a Xiaomi scooter it was the original Mi Scooter M365 model. There was a Mi Scooter Pro, but I am comparing this model to the original from 2017 since I never had the chance to try out the previous Pro model.

I didn't hear complaints about that first model and it seems Xiaomi kept the design mostly the same. However, there are some refinements to improve the overall experience. These include the following:

  • More reflectors to improve your visibility to drivers
  • Rear fender transition piece to the foot board for improved stability and strength of the rear fender that also serves as the connection point to hold the handlebar in place as you carry the scooter around
  • Improved braking system
  • Larger tail light
  • Brighter headlight
  • LCD display with speed, battery life, BT connection

These refinements improve safety and build quality of the scooter, which are both important to riders.


  • Motor power and torque : 300W and 600W instantaneous power
  • Frame construction : Aerospace-grade aluminum
  • Max load : 220 pounds/100 kg
  • Tire size : 8.5 inches
  • Battery : 12,800 mAh lithium ion battery cells with 8-9 hours charging time
  • Lights : 2W front headlight, red LED taillight, five reflectors
  • Folded dimensions : 490mm high x 1130mm long x 430mm wide
  • Extended dimensions : 1180mm high x 1130mm long x 430mm wide
  • Weight : 14.2 kg
  • Water and dust resistance : IP54
  • Max speed : 15.5 mph/25 kph
  • Range : 28 miles/45 KM

As you look at the specifications above, note that some of them are provided for a 165-pound person in ideal conditions. As you read my thoughts below, know that I am a 250-pound person who is 6 feet, 1 inches, so I exceed the max load and thus measured different maximum speed and range values.

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The Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 arrived in a very large box that contained the scooter in its folded position with the handlebars removed from the stand and folded over with all cables attached. The retail package normally includes a spare tube and tire, an extended nozzle adapter to help you pump up the tires, screws for the handle bar, a user manual, and a T-bar wrench so you can tighten up screws after you connect the handlebars to the front stand pole. The plain brown review box went through about a month of trials before it arrived so there were no screws, wrench, or manuals inside the box when it finally arrived.

The alumimum material appears to be of high quality with very good welds connecting the stand pole to the standing platform and other parts of the frame. It feels quite substantial and at 14.2 kg it is not a lightweight scooter that everyone will be able to handle. I am not a small person so carrying the scooter around for extended periods, check out my experiences below, was not a problem.

Also:  Mi Electric Scooter review: Complete that last mile commute with ease

The LED front headlight is noticeably brighter than the original Mi Scooter with twice the wattage in this model. Riding around the streets at night was just fine with the light guiding the way. It is toggled on and off by a tap of the power button when the scooter is powered on.

The handlebars extend straight out from the center and have comfortable grips with nubs on them to make them easy to grasp. On the front of the left handlebar is the hand brake for the rear tire. The braking system is a regenerative ABS system so that braking works to charge up the battery and slow you down gradually. Pulling the brake handle won't cause instantaneous stops so plan for this as you ride.

There is also a manual bell on the left side that you activate with your thumb. Simply flick down on the button to ring the bell. This is great for making sure people are aware of you coming down the street or sidewalk.

Just to the inside of the right hand grip you will find the accelerator. This is activated by pressing your thumb down on the rotating piece and the further you press it the faster you will go. Once you connect your smartphone, you can enable cruise control in the app so that pressing and holding maximum acceleration for more than five seconds turns on cruise control. When cruise control initiates a beep sounds. To turn off cruise control, you either pull the brake or tap the accelerator button.

In the center of the handlebars, you will find the power button and small display. This is a major improvement over the original scooter I tested that only showed LED indicators for battery status. You can now toggle the riding mode, view Bluetooth connection status, and see your speed in metric or imperial units. It was tough to look at your phone to gauge speed before so I appreciate having the ability to quickly glance down to see the speed.

Mi Scooter Pro 2 review: in pictures

Moving down the stand, we have the release mechanism to fold the handlebar pole down and onto the rear wheel. The flip switch for the bell secures into the plastic tab on the top of the rear wheel fender so that you can easily pick up and walk around with the scooter.

The release mechanism is a simple long lever that you raise and lower. There is a sliding ring that locks the pole up as well so it doesn't accidentally move down on you. Even though I tightened up the original model as far as possible, I find this new model to have a more rigid attachment so I feel better going 12 mph on this scooter.

The front wheel houses the electric motor that propels you forward and it is a solid wheel. Behind this is the foot stand platform that has a textured mat to make it safe for standing. I wear size 12 shoes and was able to easily stand comfortably with both feet on the scooter and still have room to shift my feet around.

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The charging port is underneath the stand on the front left side. I could never get the cover to stay in place on the original model, but find the cover quickly and easily attaches to the charging port on this new Mi Scooter Pro 2 model.

Further back, about 3/4 of the distance of the stand, you will find a kickstand that holds the scooter securely in an upright position. The batteries are located under the stand with screws present to access this compartment, if needed.

The rear wheel fender contains the tab to secure the handlebar to for carrying the scooter. The fender design has also been improved for stability with the front of the fender now extending down and onto the foot board.

On the back side of the fender is a red LED. This light turns on when you turn on the headlight. When you brake the scooter, this light flashes slowly too so that people behind you know you are stopping. You can also toggle the taillight to be on all the time in the smartphone app. This rear light is also larger and brighter than we saw on the original model.

The disc braking system is found on the rear wheel. This wheel has a more open design than the front wheel too.

There are now also more reflectors around the scooter to help improve visibility in low light conditions.

Smartphone app

A very basic smartphone app is available for iOS and Android. Download and install the Mi Home app and then you can connect the scooter when the scooter is on and Bluetooth is enabled on your phone.

The home page of the app shows the scooter and the current speed in the upper right. Current battery level, average speed, and mileage from the current trip are also shown on this screen.

Tapping on the upper right menu option reveals several settings, including a cruise control toggle, taillight toggle, unit settings, battery info, history of total mileage ridden, and an option to update the scooter firmware.

You can also lock the scooter by swiping across the display. I learned a valuable lesson a couple of years ago when I accidentally locked the scooter and had to then carry it for more than a mile.

Daily usage and experiences

I've used electric scooters for my commute, while on business trips in various cities, and while on vacation with my family so I am comfortable riding them on various roads, trails, and surfaces. I found the improvements to stability and safety to be just perfect for this scooter.

The biggest improvement for my usage, compared to the original Mi Scooter, was the addition of a useful small display. It was much more reliable and understandable to control the scooter status and I also enjoy observing the speed on the panel.

I exceed the maximum rated load of the scooter by more than 20 pounds so I wasn't able to achieve the top speed and range rated for a much smaller person. I was hoping to see some improvement in capacity and power to assist me up hills, but I get virtually no assistance riding up an incline on this scooter.

Regenerative braking and non-powered coasting are supported to help convert kinetic energy into electrical energy in order to extend the battery life of the scooter. I clearly found improved battery life with this model and was able to leave the charger at home while commuting to and from the office.

I generally experienced a top speed of 12 mph on a flat surface, which is plenty fast for a scooter where you have to hold on with two hands. You can choose from pedestrian, standard, and sports mode right on the dashboard so you can control the maximum speed of the scooter with ease. The handlebar height worked well for my six feet, one inch, height and the ride was comfortable.

I've had three flat tires on the original Mi Scooter and have since replaced the pneumatic tires with solid replacement tires since it takes some ingenuity and lots of patience to change out a flat 8.5 inch tire. I understand the comfort of your ride might suffer a bit, but since you spend your time standing I would like to see a future version of the Mi Scooter launch with some kind of solid tire solution.

The price for the Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 is EUR 399. We'll update the review with availability and further pricing as this information is provided.

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Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review: impressive range and punchy performance make for a knockout combo

This is the scooter companion you need to cover big distances

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review

With a near-30 mile range and powerful 300W motor, the Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 offers serious bang for your buck. It’s not as portable as some rivals but it can handle the rigours of a lengthy daily commute.

It’s fast

Feels stable at speed

Impressive electric range

Folds easily

It’s bulky to store

App is basic

Puncture protection costs extra

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Xiaomi is a fast-growing name in the UK when it comes to smartphones, but this Chinese electronics company actually offers everything from tablets to fidget cubes. 

Particularly worth checking out is Xiaomi's range of electronic scooters. Well built, their foldable kick scooters pack impressive battery life and electric motor technology, boasting outright performance and an electric range that many more established rivals struggle to compete with at the same price point.

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The Mi Pro 2 builds on the successful M365 formula, which in turn has been recently replaced by the upgraded 1S. Here, customers are treated to the longest range (a claimed 28-miles) and the most powerful motor technology, which is capable of increasing its output to 600W under heavy loads. 

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review: design

Much of the Xiaomi Mi electric scooter range looks the same, with aerospace-grade aluminium used for for the majority of the framework and handles, while the main platform, battery-pack housing and rear fender are fashioned from sturdy plastics.

The Pro 2 features a powerful LED headlight, as well as a rear brake light that can be switched to permanently on via an accompanying smartphone app. To bring it in line with new European legislation, the Pro 2 also packs front, side and rear reflectors for added visibility.

Folding the unit is taken care of by a quick-release handle at the base of the main handlebar stem, which sees the bars fold back and neatly clip onto a plastic hook that’s mounted to the rear fender. The quick-release to reverse this also neatly doubles-up as a bell. Nice. 

Although pneumatic tyres can be an absolute pain in the backside to change on these small scooters, they do make the world of difference when it comes to ride quality and the 8.5-inch numbers featured here make for very smooth rolling.

Stand the Pro 2 next to the 1S and you’ll be hard pushed (see what we did there?) to notice much of a difference. The Pro 2 is slightly taller and the main kickboard is slightly wider and longer, but there are few other physical features to distinguish the two. The main point of difference is the long-range lithium battery pack and a more powerful electric motor hidden away beneath the foot platform. 

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review: performance

Xiaomi mi pro 2 review specs.

Max Speed: 15.5 mph Range: 28 miles Weight: 14.2 kg Motor: 300W (600W max output) Water resistance: IP54-rated Tyre: 8.5 inches Max Load: 100 kg Removable battery: No Speed settings: 3

The addition of pneumatic tyres transforms the ride of an e-scooter and the 8.5-inch numbers featured here do a great job of ironing out bumps in the road and tackling rougher surfaces. These can be a pain to change if you get a puncture, but there’s a spare tyre included in the packaging and some online retailers offer the pre-installation of puncture protection slime. Keep them pumped up to the recommended PSI in order to avoid the dreaded flats. 

The extra large kick board also offers a much more comfortable platform for travelling longer distances, which is something you’ll easily be able to do on the Xiaomi Mi Pro 2. The official range is pegged at 28-miles and although this is very much dependant on terrain, the riding mode and the amount of regenerative braking you dial in via the accompanying app, we firmly believe it’s possible to get somewhere near that figure.

A solid week of short blasts in Sport mode barely ate into the battery life and it would take a serious e-scooter fanatic to attempt to get near running the batteries dry on the daily commute. What it does mean is that even longer, cross-city hacks are easily achievable, with users able to complete multi-mile scoots to and from the office without the need to hunt out a three-pin plug socket or carry the charger.

The IP54 waterproofing rating means it is theoretically protected against water splashing from any angle, but those thinking of riding in all weather conditions might want to look towards the Pure Air e-scooter, as it carries the more waterproof IP65 rating.  

Other than that, the riding experience is fast and smooth, with the sensitive thumb throttle proving easy to modulate, something that can’t be said for many rivals. There’s also a powerful rear hydraulic disc brake and regenerative braking in the front wheel motor, ensuring stopping distances are short.

Granted, it doesn’t fold up particularly small but the folding method is extremely easy. Simply flip a quick release and the bars collapse and clip onto the rear fender. This makes it possible to carry the scooter by the handlebars, but it remains a fairly sizeable lump to store and users might struggle to fit it into the boot of smaller cars, for example.

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review: other features

The Mi Pro 2 requires the Xiaomi Home smartphone app to operate, something that’s not immediately obvious when first unpacking the scooter. There are a number of applications on the App Store and Google Play that suggest they are compatible with Xiaomi’s range of scooters, but they’re not.

Instead, search for the correct app and it’s a case of assigning a place in the ‘home’ for your new purchase (I went with Garden or Basement) and letting Bluetooth do its thang. Sit through a slightly patronising safety video and the scooter will eventually stop sounding its warning alarm. 

The app then allows users to remotely lock the Mi Pro 2, which means it won’t turn on without first pairing the app. There’s also the option to adjust the regenerative braking levels, have the taillamp constantly on and operate Cruise Control, which essentially negates the need to depress and throttle and adjusts the scooter speed so it cruises with the occasional kick.

It’s a fairly basic app but one that gives all of the essential read-outs on battery levels and distance travelled, while dealing with firmware updates with minimal fuss. 

Like many other e-scooters on the market, there are also several riding modes that can be cycled through, which basically limit the top speed. A pedestrian mode is essentially a slow crawl and is suitable for built up or busy areas, while a standard ‘D’ mode allows most of the power and a full fat Sports (or ’S’) mode unleashes all of the watts. 

It’s a neat safety touch that means the rider doesn’t have to be so careful with the throttle when the surroundings get a bit congested. Selecting the modes is as simple as pressing the power button. 

Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 review: verdict

The choice between this and the slightly less expensive 1S is chiefly down to the extended battery range, more powerful motor and the slightly larger kick board platform and handlebars. Both scooters are extremely easy to ride and prove surprisingly comfortable over longer distances and both essentially share the same top speeds. 

We love the robust build quality of the Mi Pro 2 and its performance is up there with some of the best on the market, but justifying the additional £200 ($200)+ for an extra 10-miles range seems like only a decision hardcore scooterists will make. 

That said, it’s such a doddle to ride and the Pro 2’s more powerful electric motor may suit heavier riders, who may find its performance is preferable over the smaller 1S. But it is still officially limited to a 100kg rider. The Pure Air Pro model is both more waterproof and can handle up to 120kg. 

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Leon has been writing about automotive and consumer tech for longer than he cares to divulge. When he’s not testing the latest fitness wearable and action camera, he’s out in a shed fawning over his motorcycles or trying not to kill himself on a mountain bike/surfboard/other extreme thing. He's also a man who knows his tools, and he's provided much of T3's drills coverage over the years, all without injuring himself.

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xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

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  •    ScooterHacking presets          REMEMBER Although we have tested these presets, there are no guarantees that they will not break your scooter. Drive responsible! User preset Beta! This preset is stored in your browser. You can load it, overwrite it, or clear it at your convenience. You can import any params.json file from the patcher output.            

DRV223 DRV224 (experimental) Base firmware version

Auto. (based on serial number) Germany Europe Select wanted scooter region..

Remove 30km/h speed check Removes new Xiaomi speed check (and beeping).

Remove Charging Mode ESC will ignore input from the charging line, scooter will be rideable during charge. Useful for non-official external batteries.

Version spoofing Makes the version number higher to prevent DRV updates from the Ninebot app.

"Remember Last Mode" is default. Any other selection will boot the scooter into the selected Mode. Remember last mode Eco Drive Sports Boot in mode..

Higher = More power. Too much power is not recommended for battery and motor life. This value does not affect top speed. This is your power limit at full battery voltage. The scooter might use more current to compensate for a lower battery voltage. All selectable ​​values were tested at stock battery voltage and caused no damage to the tested scooters. However, you should select a value considering other factors such as elevated ambient temperatures (e.g. in summer), differences in component quality or battery mods. 36V (default) 48V System Voltage for estimated draw display ONLY - this is not a firmware patch Estimated draw on Sports mode - Nominal 350 W | Peak 700 W

Sports 25 A Drive 17 A Eco 12 A 8A 65A

Current limit | Standard: 55A / 32A / Auto Higher = More power. Too much power is not recommended for battery and motor life. This is your actual current limit. The scooter won't draw more than provided value.

Sports 55 A Drive 32 A Eco (always Sports power limit) 25 A 10A 65A

The scooter will stay below this speed. (Add +1 to actually drive this fast)

EU region - Sports 27 DE region - Sports | EU region - Drive 22 DE region - Drive 17 15 km/h 45 km/h

Speed in km/h at which the scooter will start braking on it's own when the motor is not active.

6 0 km/h 10 km/h

Always off, speed-based Switchable, register Switchable, brake Always on Direct power control Flat Quadratic Curve type (DPC only) Instead of speed-based, the throttle will work on a power-based algorithm (like in a thermal engine vehicle). WARNING: Speed limit is ignored while using DPC.

Current raising coefficient How fast current will be applied. Affecting throttle speed up rate. Updated!

Minimum speed in km/h before the motor will start.

5 0 km/h 10 km/h

Lever virtual limit 115 Minimum phase current 8 A Maximum phase current 55 A Less More

No KERS The scooter won't start braking on it's own when the motor is not active. You will still have recuperative braking when using the brake lever. Clonk-free.

Current raising coefficient How fast current will be applied. Affecting brake speed up rate. Updated!

Default Static Reversed Strobe Brake light mode

Brake light flash frequency

No brake light flash on throttle release The brake light won't start blinking when the motor is not active.

Cruise Control Delay

5 1 second 10 seconds

Disable cruise control beep

Use these patches with full knowledge of what they do.

Level 0 - Raise all errors & warnings Level 1 - Do not raise system warnings Level 2 - Do not raise battery mods warnings Level 3 - Do not raise errors/Stealth mode Error raising level [Learn more]

Stay on when scooter is locked Disables auto shutdown when the scooter is locked so it stays on forever.

Set write permission for all registers Allows you to write to any DRV register.

Change ESC BMS baud rate to 76800 Only if you use the compatible open source BMS!

Wheel Size Wheel diameter - inches. Keep default if you have stock wheels. Updated!

Battery voltage limit If you want to connect a custom battery with a higher voltage.

Current-based Throttle Algorithm Instead of speed-based, the throttle will work on a power-based algorithm (like in a thermal engine vehicle). WARNING: Speed limit is ignored if you enable this.

-- select an app -- ScooterHacking Utility DownG Debug Select your flashing app..

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Detailed parameter description for m365 pro 2 firmware generator, download scooter hacking utility, base firmware version, remove 30km/h speed check, remove charging mode, version spoofing, estimated draw, direct power control, current raising coefficient, motor start speed, brake lever parameters, minimum and maximum phase current, brake light mode, brake light flash frequency, no brake light flash on throttle release, cruise control delay, error raising level, stay on when scooter is locked, change esc-bms baud rate to 76800, wheel size diameter, battery voltage limit, time to cook, m365 pro 2 cooking guide.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

This tab links straight to Google Play store. It is suggested to use SH utility for flashing the herein generated firmware.

In case your device does not come with Google Play or Google Service Framework installed, you can download the apk here: https://scooterhack.in/utilityapk

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

This category contains suggested presets, set up by community. You can base your template on any of them, however it’s suggested to start from vanilla configuration.

You can also save presets in your browser or import/export them into a file

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Use DRV223 if you don't know what you're doing.

This will patch out new limitation imposed in 223/224 DRV that beeps when the target speed reaches 30km/h or more.

If you intend on using external battery through the charging on, turn this on. For all other uses, keep it off.

Artificially inflates the firmware version number in order to prevent any official apps from unsolicited upgrading. No side effects are to be expected with sideloading different firmwares. Recommended

Power and Speed

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Current in the following rows should be thought as torque. More amperage means more torque, but also more stress on the components and motor, usually less range on single charge. It is suggested to start from factory values and proceed up only if necessary. 25A on Sport mode is already high enough that the motor cannot exert this level of torque for long without overheating. Bear in mind that the motor case temperature are only a fraction of the heat generated by coils, which are usually 50-60C hotter than the case.

Estimated draw is the 'older' setting for current. In practical sense, this would be the target current you'll reach during operation, with small fluctuations based on the current elevation or speed.

Current limit was previously known as phase current limit . This is the peak envelope power on the ABC phases, measured by the ESC itself. __Treat this as hard limit, and the estimated draw as soft limit.u When unsure, you can set this to 2-3 times of the estimated draw.

Recommended values (if you don't know what to do)

  • Sport - Estimated 25A, Limit 65A
  • Drive - Estimated 17A, Limit 65A
  • Eco - Estimated 10A

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Max speed is rather self explanatory, in speed mode, your max speed will be limited by this setting. The scooter never actually reaches this, due to various factors. Generally, 1km/h should be added here to reach the target speed, e.g. for 25km/h, set 26.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Changes the way the throttle reacts:

  • In speed mode, throttle position always corresponds to fractional value of the set max speed. This speed, especially with cruise control enabled, will be kept regardless of terrain or air resistance, also considering maximum current for set mode (eco/drive/sport)
  • Direct power mode ignores any speed limits you might have set, including the global set limit.
  • Acceleration tends to be smoother, as the throttle reacts in a similar way to gas/accellerator pedal in combustion vehicles
  • In direct power mode, your scooter will try to reach the maximum speed possible, until set current limits are reached.
  • Since 5th March, there's also an additional method of activating DPC using shu app, Switchable, register option allows you to enable DPC in the app by activating DPC switch. It can also be automated through the Automation menu.
  • Flat makes the throttle response linear – e.g. throttle at 60% results in 60% of the max current set

This setting controls how is the full current applied, relative to your active current. The idea here is not to stress the motor at low rotations per minute, where its efficiency is the lowest. 16000 is the allowable maximum.

If you limit the current limit to conservative values, you can max this out, to get current-accurate DPC.

Motor will not exert any torque unless this speed is reached. Please note that even when this is set to 0, the scooter won’t accelerate from dead stop. Minimum speed here is >0.01kmh represented by the value “0” on the slider.

Braking & Energy Recovery

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Lever virtual limit – modifies the linear response of the brake lever in such a way, to apply the maximum value sooner based on relative position of the brake lever. 130 results in fully linear response, 0-100%, 85 reaches the maximum braking power at about 70% of the brake lever range.

If you have separate lever or thumb throttle for ebrake, set this to maximum to get the best dynamic range, otherwise keep to 75-100 with combined levers.

Sets the strength of how your brake will be pulling. It is advisable not to go over 30A, as there are reports of broken controller boards due to regenerative braking. Furthermore, there is a limit to how much braking can be achieved per system voltage. Going over this limit means the scooter will try to brake by applying current instead of regeneration. This can stress the components excessively, and shouldn’t be used in other cases except emergencies. More braking power can be unlocked by raising system voltage to 48V or beyond.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Disables automatic braking when no acceleration is applied. Recommended, as the default automatic braking has no significant advantages, and only results in applying throttle more than necessary. Furthermore, small current is applied when the scooter is moving even without any throttle set. This can help with coasting, as the static magnetic forces of the motor are overcome, which would normally cause drag.

Again, same as with adding torque, this controls the relation of the braking current applied to the speed you’re moving. Lower setting might help with finding balance between good downhill speed and regeneration, while higher values will pull more current faster, leading to quicker stop.

Changes the way the rear light reacts to braking

  • Default - No strobe on drive, strobe on braking
  • Static - ON all the time - no matter lever position
  • Reversed - No strobe on braking, strobe on drive
  • Strobe - Always strobe

Sets the flashing frequency for rear light in flashes per minute.

By default, the rear red light will blink when the brake lever is pressed. Check this to keep that from happening.

Cruise control

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Sets the time until cruise control is applied, when the throttle is kept at the same position. After the beep, your speed or power will be kept constant, until you touch the throttle again, or apply brakes.

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Check this guide for what errors will be raised with the applied settings: https://wiki.scooterhacking.org/doku.php?id=nberrorcodes

Stock, unmodded scooter should have this set to level 0. If you have higher voltage battery with no “smart” bms, set this to level 2 to prevent ESC from triggering error 21 Level 3, known as stealth level bypasses all errors. Not recommended for general usage

With this enabled, the scooter will be always on in lock mode, with blocked motor to prevent theft.

Enable this only if you used open source BMS, as detailed on BoToX github.

Keep as is, if you use stock 8.5” tires. This directly affects speed limits set earlier, and should be set only in case 10” tires were put on.

Set to: 9.47 for XuanCheng tires 9.0 for Wanda P1237 tires 9.0 for Deli SA-206 tires

Change this only if you increased battery voltage. The threshold should be maximum 4.3V per cell.

So 51.6V for 12s, 55.9 for 13s, 60.2V for 14s and 64.5 for 15s.

Select the output format based on the flashing app you use, and then click Download ZIP

Congratulations , you have successfully cooked your custom, tailored firmware. Now load it in Scooter Hacking utility, DownG or XiaoFlasher (deprecated) and enjoy

xiaomi scooter pro 2 cruise control

Xiaomi 4 Pro Manual

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Xiaomi 4 Pro Manual

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Summary of Contents for Xiaomi 4 Pro

  • Page 1 Electric Scooter 4 Pro User Manual Product Overview Handlebar Front Light Scooter Bell Brake Lever Stem Reflector Charging Port Front Fork Wheel Motor Accelerator Control Panel & Power Button Bell Lever Mudguard Quick Release Lever Buckle Tail Light & Rear Reflector...
  • Page 2 Cruise Mode: Enable the cruise control function in the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app. When you are riding the scooter stably, hold the accelerator at the same position until the scooter makes a long beep, then release the accelerator, and the scooter will be in the cruise control mode with the current speed.

Page 3: Package Contents

Page 4: charge your scooter.

  • Page 5 Note: the version of the app might have been updated, please follow the instructions based on the current app version. How To Ride Follow the instructions to add and pair the scooter. Note: Watch the tutorial for beginners to activate the scooter. Warning: Wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.

Page 6: Safety Reminder

  • Page 7 Do not try dangerous actions. Do not try dangerous actions. Do not hang bags or other heavy stuff on Do not ride on one foot. the handlebar. Do not ride in the rain. Do not ride through puddles Do not ride with anyone else, including children. or any other (water) obstacles.
  • Page 8 Do not try dangerous actions. Lock Your Scooter Locking the scooter: Tap Lock the motor in the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app to lock the scooter as illustrated in Image 1. When the scooter is locked, the motor is locked and all the icons on the control panel will automatically go out except the Bluetooth icon and the lock icon.
  • Page 9 Fold & Carry Adjust the Disc Brake Brake Cable Before adjustment, make sure the scooter is powered off and not charging. If the brake is too tight/loose, use the 4 mm Allen key to loosen the screw on the caliper. Then slightly adjust the brake line (decrease/increase the exposed length), and tighten the screw again.
  • Page 10 Manufactured for: Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. Manufactured by: Ninebot (Changzhou) Tech Co., Ltd. (a Mi Ecosystem company) Address: 16F-17F, Block A, Building 3, No.18, Changwu Mid Rd, Wujin Dist., Changzhou, Jiangsu, China. Importer: Beryko s.r.o. Pod Vinicemi 931/2, 301 00 Plzeň...

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    Sportovní režim. 0-25km/h. Vysoce bezpečná lithiová baterie. Baterie na mimořádně dlouhý dojezd 45 km*

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    Cena a dostupnost. Odebírejte nás na Telegramu na https://t.me/xm_cz! Recenze Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 začíná rozbalováním. Koloběžky jsme objednávali koncem září loňského roku a hodlali jsme je používat jako řešení rychlé přepravy po městě.

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    Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2. Elektrokoloběžku složíte za 3 sekundy. Po složení je kompatibilní a zabere málo místa, navíc se velmi lehce ponese v případě nedostupného místa pro ježdění. Tělo je vyrobeno z vysoce pevného materiálu a unese zatížení 100 kg. Hmotnost elektrokoloběžky je 14,2 kg.


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    redakce. Koloběžku Mi Scooter Pro jsme na Mobilmanii už testovali, letos přichází její nová druhá verze. Pokud jste se těšili na vyšší výkon, dojezd nebo komfort jízdy, zklameme vás. Nová Pro 2 se chová zcela stejně jako starší Pro. Nemáte na Teslu? Kupte tohle Xiaomi. Scooter Pro stojí pár tisíc a nabíjet můžete v obýváku. Vyplatí se připlatit?

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  18. ScooterHacking.org :: Xiaomi Pro 2 CFW Builder

    Welcome to the ScooterHacking Pro2 Open Beta! Please don't install any firmware if you're not comfortable with modding. Download plain vanilla firmware by clicking here. Join us on Discord Telegram. Clueless? Check out these guides: Pro2 | 1S. This tool is based on the work of many community members. If you feel like it, pay them a coffee.

  19. Xiaomi pro 2 No cruise control : r/ElectricScooters

    Hello! I have the Xiaomi pro 2 and updated it Sunday to 2.2.9 but since that update the cruise control is out of the app and out of the scooter. Anyone solutions?

  20. Mi scooter pro 2

    Na jednom německém fóru jsem objevil informaci , že po nahrání updatu kolobezky na 2.2.9 zmizel cruise control.. Je to možné ? 0 Palec nahoru Palec dolů. Karel Kilián Personál odpověděl před 3 roky.

  21. guide-pro2 [ScooterHacking.org

    Basics. Base firmware version. Use DRV223 if you don't know what you're doing. Remove 30km/h speed check. This will patch out new limitation imposed in 223/224 DRV that beeps when the target speed reaches 30km/h or more. Remove charging mode. If you intend on using external battery through the charging on, turn this on.

  22. Mi Netherlands

    Mi Scooter Pro 2 kan via Bluetooth worden verbonden met de Mi Home App om te vergrendelen en te ontgrendelen, om rijgegevens te controleren (bijv. kilometerstand, snelheid, resterende batterijduur, enz.) En om de instellingen voor cruise control aan te passen*.

  23. XIAOMI 4 PRO MANUAL Pdf Download

    Page 2 Cruise Mode: Enable the cruise control function in the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app. When you are riding the scooter stably, hold the accelerator at the same position until the scooter makes a long beep, then release the accelerator, and the scooter will be in the cruise control mode with the current speed.

  24. Happy Father's Day

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