Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

13 Clever Ways To Boost Your Travel Blogging Income [Podcast Episode 23]

This post contains affiliate links to trusted partners. If you purchase through these links, I earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Want to boost your travel blogging income ? Have you ever wondered how to actually travel and make money, or asked yourself how to become a paid travel blogger?

Then you’re in the right place, as that is exactly what we’ll be covering in this episode of The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • How to earn money blogging — including the five main ways I monetize my website
  • 13 additional smart strategies for making money from a blog
  • 13 platforms that make it way easier to make money from a travel blog — or simply to make money online while traveling

Basically, if you’re interested in learning how to become a blogger and make money this podcast episode has the answers you’re looking for.

Table of Contents

13 Clever Ways To Boost Your Travel Blogging Income – Podcast Episode Audio

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Grow + Monetize Your Travel Blog With These Free Resources


To help you really jumpstart your blogging success, I’ve added 55+ blogging resources like printables, video tutorials, and workbooks into a FREE resource library for travel bloggers.

These resources are meant to help you grow your traffic, community, and income faster and with less overwhelm.

I’m all about implementation and I really want to make sure you don’t just listen to the episode and forget about it, but that you actually use what I share to make your blogging life easier. Inside the library, there are a number of printables and tutorials that will help you take what I share in this episode, and efficiently implement it.

travel blogging income

How To Get Paid For Blogging – Episode Transcript

Starting a travel blog, growing a blog , building traffic, growing an email list by creating opt-in freebies , being active on social media, creating your blog business plan . Ultimately, all of these different actions have one common goal:

To boost your travel blogging income.

That’s why I think you’ll love this episode because I’m going to be sharing how to become a travel blogger that makes money — including specific platforms that can help you increase your blogging revenue quicker and easier.

How much do travel bloggers make?

To kick things off, let’s talk about what a travel blogger income looks like.

Honestly, it can vary anywhere from $0 to millions. It really depends on how many revenue streams you have, how well you promote these streams, and if you’re able to scale.

I think a realistic goal when starting out is to aim for $2,000-$4,000 per month and then work to scale to $10,000+ per month. In my opinion, this is very doable, especially if you have your own products or a lot of traffic you can drive to blog posts optimized for affiliates. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Once you reach $10,000 you’ll likely have a good sense of what strategies work to scale beyond that.

Automated income streams — like running display ads or having evergreen funnels runnings — is a great way to go beyond the $10,000/month mark.

How do bloggers get paid?

Wondering how to become a travel blogger and make money ?

To answer this, I’ll share the main revenue streams that allow me to make money from my travel blog. These include:

  • In terms of how to make money blogging, the above is one of my favorite strategies that is also one of the most underrated
  • Want to increase sales? Try showcasing certain products in a tripwire marketing funnel !
  • Working with brands and tourism boards on paid blog, email, and social media campaigns as well as paid press trips for travel bloggers
  • blog content (like writing a gift guide )
  • product lists that promote Amazon affiliate links
  • a free challenge that promotes an affiliate partner
  • a resources page that promotes your top recommendations with affiliate links
  • Running display ads on my website with Mediavine
  • Selling a blog for profit
  • Crafting content for brand platforms — for instance, I might write for a hotel’s online magazine or help an app fill up their content library with original lists and photos

So hopefully that gives you a quick and general idea of how to monetize a travel blog , and answers the question, “Do bloggers get paid?”

Now what I want to do is dive deeper to give you some very specific ideas for how to start a travel blog and get paid.

Just note that at the time of recording all of the platforms I’m about to mention — which are all also linked below, many with affiliate links — were live.

Of course, that could change, but the tactics still work in terms of helping you become a paid blogger.

This means if you listen to this episode in the future and one of the platforms I mention no longer exists, simply keep the strategy in mind but try to find an alternative platform.

On that note, here are 13 ideas for how to monetize your travel blog.

1. Earn money blogging by creating an email course with Highbrow.

Highbrow is an email course membership site that covers a wide range of topics from travel to writing to health & fitness to entrepreneurship and beyond.

If you have an interesting idea that they haven’t covered, you can create a 10-lesson email course for them, and earn commissions every time one of their paying members takes it.

It’s a really simple way to make some money, as you create the course once, it gets uploaded, and then you’re done and you can start earning an income.

In terms of how to be a blogger and earn money , I recommend making the course relevant to your blog’s topic so that you can promote it right on your website.

2. Get paid to blog by creating an online course with Teachable.

In my opinion, this is one of the most profitable digital products you can sell as a blogger, especially if you follow a product launch marketing plan template to increase sales or pre-sell your online course to validate your idea.

Teachable is what I use to create and host my online courses and membership. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

I’m a huge fan of their platform, as it really has everything you need to run a professional and secure online school.

They have tons of features, so I won’t list them all, but a few I love include:

  • built-in discussion forums
  • secure payments
  • the option to add quizzes or award certificates
  • student and school progress reports
  • coupon functionality
  • affiliate tracking and payouts
  • conversion pixel tracking so you can see, for example, if your Facebook Ads are working
  • the ability to add and create custom school pages beyond the sales page, curriculum, and checkout page and just a really user-friendly interface

They even have an app so your students can do your course modules right on their phone.

Keep in mind, as a blogger you’re already educating your audience on a topic. Therefore it makes a lot of sense to package your knowledge into a course that further helps them.

3. Become a paid blogger by creating an online Udemy course.

As you’re probably starting to see, when it comes to blogging for money creating courses can be a smart option.

Now personally I prefer Teachable to Udemy because with Teachable I have 100% full control over my content, pricing, and sales.

I also am able to get the email addresses of my students and pitch them to opt in to my email list when they checkout.

In my opinion, with Udemy you do give up quite a bit of control. You have to follow their course creation guidelines and they often run sales that I think devalue the work of the course creator.

That being said, their platform works like a search engine. So if you are at a point where you just want to test out course creation or you don’t want to put 100% of the promotion in your own hands, Udemy can be a good option that also allows you to get started quickly.

I just personally think if you really want to maximize your earning potential, Teachable can be the better option, or even Thinkific , which is also really good. I just prefer the user experience and aesthetic of Teachable.

4. Become a paid travel blogger by joining Perlu and applying for brand campaigns.

There are so many influencer networks out there, but they certainly aren’t all created equal. I’m an advisor for Perlu , and it is one of my favorite influencer networks for a few reasons.

For one, you can collaborate with other bloggers and content creators in groups, or what Perlu calls Packs, to help each other grow.

Moreover, you can simply click into their Collabs section to find paying blogger opportunities to apply for. No waiting around necessary.

By the way, I created a free list of influencer networks here . The list offers 31 networks that make it easier to make money traveling by working with brands as a blogger. They make it easier to land your first brand collaboration !

Additionally, you can join my Perlu Collaborative Posts Pack here .

5. Optimize your website for affiliate links with Skimlinks.

If you’re wondering how to become a blogger and earn money the easiest way possible, you’ll love this idea.

Skimlinks is a set-it-and-forget-it affiliate marketing option for bloggers.

Instead of manually creating affiliate links and adding them to your content, you place Skimlinks’ code into your website. From there, Skimlinks will automatically turn your non-affiliate links into affiliate links — helping you to increase your passive blogging income.

If you’re wondering how to monetize a WordPress blog , installing Skimlinks is a wise idea.

Just note that for this service Skimlinks does keep a portion of the earnings, though I personally still find this platform extremely beneficial and love the true additional passive income each month.

Besides Skimlinks, another option is joining white label affiliate programs , which can also help you automate your affiliate efforts!

6. Become an Ultimate Bundles affiliate and contributor.

Want to know how to be a travel blogger and get paid?

Strategic travel affiliate marketing !

You should absolutely be making sure that a portion of your travel blog post ideas include affiliate-optimized posts promoting partners you love.

Like Ultimate Bundles.

Ultimate Bundles is a company that sells limited-time themed bundles, typically with bonuses, at incredible price points. You may have heard of the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit, for example, which typically sells for 95%-98% off.

No matter what your blogging niche is, it’s likely you’ll find a bundle that you can promote. They have bundles on everything from blogging to travel to self-care to creativity to meal-planning and beyond.

As an affiliate, you earn 40% per sale, and because their bundles are sold at wildly discounted prices the bundles can be quite easy to sell.

Additionally, you can create a product to put into a bundle to increase your affiliate income to 70% — plus you get a contributor bonus.

The other benefit is their bundles are extremely popular. This means even if you don’t make a ton of sales you’ll be bringing loads of new people into the community as they gain access to your bundle product.

You can click here to join their affiliate program .

7. Sell a tour using PeekPro.

Wondering how to be a travel blogger that earns a sustainable income ?

As a travel blogger, selling tours — either local or abroad — is a natural fit. Consider the travel style, interests, and budget of your audience, and go from there.

I recommend adding in some VIP options; as in, experiences that make the tour more valuable. This doesn’t need to be going behind some velvet rope at a club. It can be as simple as getting to go behind the bar at a coffee shop to see how they make the perfect cappuccino.

By the way, if you’re wondering how to start a tour company I’ve linked a free cheat sheet that can help.

In terms of set up, I use PeekPro to sell my tours, which you can connect to your blog.

Their software has a ton of embedded features for upselling and bundling tours, and they even have an abandoned cart feature that automatically emails potential customers who didn’t complete the checkout process.

While PeekPro is free, they do charge a setup fee; however, they have a referral program where current PeekPro users — like myself — can refer others to help them get their software set up for free or at a steep discount.

If interested, please send me an email to jessie (at) jessieonajourney (dot) com.

By the way, I also recently interviewed Kelly Lewis, the founder of Damesly, about how to start a multi-day tour company . This is another great strategy for increasing your income as a travel blogger!

8. Become a travel blogger and get through doing an apparel campaign with Bonfire.

Bonfire shirts are super high-quality. No joke, I had to hide mine because my fiance kept stealing it.

Anyway, what I love about Bonfire is you can design your own shirt for free and then they’ll ship your products directly to your buyers.

You keep the profits — basically the price of your shirt minus the base costs.

You can run the sale as a limited-time campaign, or even open your own store and promote it on your blog.

9. Sell your creations on Creative Market.

If you’re curious how to make money traveling , here is an idea for the creatives:

Creative Market is an online marketplace for design assets like fonts, graphics, themes, social media templates, mock-ups, and more.

I’ve made loads of purchases from this site over the years — honestly, their resources have helped me feel creative and remember how to enjoy social media — though along with using it as a buyer you can also use it as a seller if you’ve got some design skills.

This can be a great way to earn extra money, and you can promote your Creative Market shop on your own website.

10. Create and sell a subscription box through CrateJoy.

Like Creative Market, CrateJoy is a marketplace where you can choose to buy or sell, though their focus is subscription boxes.

They have subscription boxes related to everything from travel to beauty to art to gaming and beyond.

As a seller, you’ll benefit from using their platform from a tech perspective as well as from their traffic — they get 4 million page views per month — and their popularity, as they see about 30,000+ monthly sales.

11. Get paid to travel blog by creating an online shop for relevant products using Sellfy.

The secret to how to blog and make money doing it:

Selling products that help your audience.

Sellfy is an alternative to the well-known platform Shopify, though it’s more budget-friendly, allowing you to create an online store and connect it to your blog without spending a fortune. They even offer a 14-day trial.

If you’re not sure what to sell, consider your blog’s mission. Who do you help and how? What product could further help your audience beyond your free content?

Keep a spreadsheet of all the questions people ask you via email, DM, and in blog comments. This offers good insight into what people want from you.

Also, remember that products don’t need to be complicated. It can be as simple as a well-thought-out printable that helps your audience solve a problem.

12. Host a workshop on WebinarJam.

WebinarJam is a webinar hosting software that can also help you grow your income.

Let me share two ways to go about this:

First of all, if you want to make money with free webinars you can create a free workshop that’s relevant to your paid product, and then pitch your paid product at the end. This works well, as the free workshop allows you to attract the people who would benefit from your paid offer.

It also allows you to show off your teaching style and empower your audience who may have previously thought they weren’t skilled enough to benefit from your paid offer.

For instance, if you have a course on making professional travel videos, you might use the first module as your webinar to get people started and get them excited to learn even more.

Keep in mind, you can also charge for webinars. Just note if you go this route it’s recommended to make it extra special since many people are used to free webinars. Really make sure the content is premium and potentially limited in terms of how many people can attend and how many sessions there will be.

Click here for a free trial of WebinarJam .

By the way, if you need help with your webinar strategy check out this video:

13. Find remote work on FlexJobs.

If you’re a blogger looking for remote work opportunities that pay well while you build up your business, FlexJobs is your answer.

Their subscription service is reasonably-priced and lists loads of interesting work-from-anywhere job opportunities and gigs that pay.

Many of them also include travel as an additional perk. I’ve also seen loads of writing and content creation jobs on their site.

Now I hope you enjoyed this episode on how to make money blogging.

I hope you feel inspired and empowered to start monetizing your blog.

Don’t forget to grab access to the free travel blogging resource library . There are a ton of resources in there on increasing your blogging income.

And of course, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes sharing these bite-sized strategies for bloggers who want to turn their blogs into profitable full-time blogging businesses.

Happy blogging!

Increase Your Travel Blogging Income With These Helpful Past Episodes:

How To Grow Your Travel Blogging Income With A Tripwire Funnel

Create A Challenge That Grows Your Email List & Business Income

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing As A Blogger

Monetize Your Email List With 4 Smart Strategies

Create A Profitable Automated Email Sequence (With Template!)

Press Trips 101: How To Get Paid To Travel As A Blogger

How To Create & Monetize A Blog Series

How To Grow Your Blog Fast With 12 Clever Strategies

How To Create A Gift Guide For Your Blog

How To Host & Promote Your Blog Giveaway

How To Write Better Emails With Email Storytelling

Connect With The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast

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Love learning new blogging strategies to help grow your website traffic, community, and income?

Click here to subscribe on iTunes  to be notified when new episodes publish.

I’d also be extremely grateful if you’d leave a review right here and let me know your favorite part of the episode or a takeaway you walked away with. By leaving a review, you help the show be seen by more people, helping the episodes to have a greater impact.

Each month, I’ll be choosing one reviewer at random to win a FREE seat inside one of my masterclasses.

Winners can choose from:

  • How To Grow Your Blogging Income Through Facebook Ads
  • How To Land Paid Press Trips As A Travel Blogger
  • How To Make Money (Fast) With Affiliate Marketing
  • How To Start A Tour Company In Your Own Backyard
  • How To Start A Blog, Grow An Audience & Make Money
  • Build Your Blogging Profit Plan Masterclass

Winners will be chosen at random from the reviews and will be notified via email, so make sure to send me — jessie (at) jessieonajourney dot) com — your email address so I have it. 

Do you have any other tips on how to create a blog and make money?

Related posts:.


Travel Blogs: How Much They Make, Income Potential, and Success Stories

Travel bloggers in the U.S. make an average of $29.94 per hour as of August 2024. Their income comes from sources like sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and trip reviews. Successful bloggers attract audiences with varied content that aligns with market trends and focuses on their interests.

Success stories abound in the travel blogging world. For instance, some bloggers transition from part-time work to full-time travel due to their blog’s growing popularity. They share their experiences, tips, and engaging stories, attracting a loyal audience. This engagement can translate into lucrative partnerships with brands and tourism boards, enhancing their income potential.

Travel blogs exemplify the power of storytelling combined with strategic marketing. They connect with readers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their journeys. By leveraging social media and building an active community, travel bloggers enhance their opportunities for success.

Understanding the financial aspects of travel blogging lays the groundwork for aspiring bloggers. Next, let’s explore the key strategies successful travel bloggers implement to maximize their income and grow their online presence effectively.

Table of Contents

How Much Do Travel Blogs Make on Average?

Travel blogs can earn an average income between $20,000 and $100,000 per year. The earnings largely depend on various factors, including audience size, revenue streams, and niche focus.

Many travel bloggers generate income through multiple channels:

  • Affiliate marketing: Bloggers earn commissions by promoting travel products or services. Successful bloggers can make $5,000 to $30,000 annually from this source.
  • Sponsored posts: Brands pay bloggers to publish content about their products. This can yield $100 to $1,000 or more per post, depending on the blogger’s reach.
  • Advertising: Display ads on blogs can generate between $1,000 to $10,000 yearly, influenced by website traffic and ad placement.
  • Selling products: Bloggers who create and sell e-books, courses, or merchandise can see additional earnings starting from $500 to $20,000 annually.

For example, a travel blogger with a substantial following might earn $3,000 monthly from affiliate marketing alone, while also receiving $500 for sponsored posts. This scenario results in a total of $36,000 per year from just these two sources.

Several factors can influence the income of travel blogs, such as:

  • Niche specificity: A blog focused on adventure travel may attract a different audience than one that centers on luxury travel. This differentiation can impact potential revenue.
  • Audience engagement: Higher engagement rates generally lead to better monetization opportunities.
  • Market trends: Seasonal travel trends can also affect income. For instance, travel blogs may see a surge in income during holiday seasons or summer vacations.

While these figures provide a general overview, the data also come with caveats. Income can vary widely among bloggers. Newer bloggers may take time to build traffic and engagement, while established bloggers might see consistent income.

In summary, travel blogs typically make between $20,000 and $100,000 annually. Income sources include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, advertising, and product sales. Factors like niche focus, audience engagement, and market trends significantly affect these earnings. For those considering starting a travel blog, understanding these elements is crucial for potential success and income growth.

What Are the Common Income Sources for Travel Blogs?

Travel blogs generate income through various channels. The common income sources for travel blogs include sponsorships, affiliate marketing, ad revenue, product sales, and freelance writing.

  • Sponsorships
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Sales
  • Freelance Writing

Understanding these income sources provides insights into how travel bloggers monetize their content.

Sponsorships : Sponsorships involve partnerships between travel bloggers and brands. Brands pay bloggers to promote their products, services, or experiences. For instance, a travel blog may feature a hotel review in exchange for a complimentary stay. According to a 2019 Influencer Marketing Report, 63% of marketers planned to increase their influencer marketing budgets, reflecting the rising significance of sponsored content.

Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate marketing is when bloggers earn a commission for promoting third-party products. Bloggers include affiliate links in their content, which track sales generated by their referrals. For example, a blogger may link to travel gear on Amazon. If a reader purchases through that link, the blogger receives a percentage. Statista reported that affiliate marketing spending in the United States reached approximately $6.8 billion in 2022, highlighting its profitability.

Ad Revenue : Ad revenue comes from monetizing blog traffic through platforms like Google AdSense. Bloggers earn money based on clicks or impressions from advertisements displayed on their sites. This income source is effective for blogs with high traffic. According to WordStream, the average click-through rate for display ads in 2023 was around 0.35%, showing varying effectiveness in ad revenue generation.

Product Sales : Some travel bloggers create and sell their own products, such as eBooks, photography, or travel guides. This direct sales approach allows bloggers to capitalize on their expertise. For instance, a blogger specializing in European travel might write a detailed guide for budget travel in Europe. According to Statista, the eBook market is expected to reach $23.1 billion by 2025, illustrating the potential for product sales in this space.

Freelance Writing : Many travel bloggers engage in freelance writing for publications or websites. This involves writing travel articles, guides, or reviews outside their blogs. Freelance writing can supplement a blogger’s income and expand their professional portfolio. The Editorial Freelancers Association states that many freelance writers charge between $50 to $100 per hour, indicating a viable income source for skilled writers.

Travel bloggers often diversify their income streams to achieve financial stability. By tapping into multiple sources, they can maximize their earning potential and sustain their blogging endeavors.

How Do Niche Travel Blogs Compare in Earnings?

Niche travel blogs can earn varying amounts based on factors such as audience size, targeted niche, income streams, and blog management. Understanding these factors can help potential bloggers assess earnings more accurately.

Audience size plays a crucial role in determining earnings. Larger audiences typically attract more advertisers and sponsors. For example, blogs with over 10,000 unique monthly visitors can earn between $500 to $2,500 monthly through advertising, according to a study by ProBlogger (2021).

The targeted niche affects the potential income as well. Blogs focused on high-income sectors, such as luxury travel, may earn more than those in more crowded fields like budget travel. According to a report by BlogTyrant (2020), luxury travel bloggers can command sponsorship deals worth $5,000 to $20,000 per post, depending on their reach and influence.

Diverse income streams contribute to overall profitability. Bloggers often rely on multiple revenue sources, including affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and product sales. A study from Awin (2022) suggests that blogs utilizing affiliate marketing can earn anywhere from $50 to $7,500 monthly, depending on conversion rates and product types.

The quality of blog management influences earnings as well. Well-maintained blogs with quality content, SEO optimization, and effective social media strategies tend to attract more traffic and sponsorship opportunities. A survey by HubSpot (2023) revealed that 60% of successful travel bloggers invest in professional blogs to enhance user experience, which leads to increased revenue.

In summary, niche travel blogs can earn from a few hundred to several thousand dollars monthly, depending on audience size, targeted niche, income diversification, and blog management quality. Potential bloggers should consider these factors to better understand their income potential.

What Factors Influence the Income of Travel Blogs?

The income of travel blogs is influenced by various factors, including content quality, audience size, and monetization strategies.

  • Content Quality
  • Audience Engagement
  • Niche Selection
  • Monetization Strategies
  • Social Media Presence
  • SEO Optimization
  • Brand Partnerships
  • Consistency and Frequency of Posts
  • Travel Trends and Seasonality

Understanding these factors is crucial for aspiring travel bloggers as they navigate their potential for income generation.

Content Quality: Content quality significantly influences the income of travel blogs. High-quality, informative, and engaging posts attract readers. According to the Content Marketing Institute (2021), quality content leads to higher audience retention and shares. For instance, a travel blog that provides unique insights and planning tips can establish authority, resulting in increased traffic and, subsequently, higher ad revenue.

Audience Engagement: Audience engagement reflects how well bloggers connect with their readers. Engaged audiences are more likely to interact, share content, and return for future posts. A 2022 survey by HubSpot found that personalized engagement can lead to a 30% increase in reader loyalty. Blogs that foster a community feel—through comments, social media interactions, and email newsletters—can improve their income potential by maintaining a steady readership.

Niche Selection: Niche selection determines a travel blog’s target audience. Specializing in a unique niche, like eco-tourism or adventure travel, can attract dedicated followers. A study by Statista (2023) indicated that niche blogs can earn nearly 25% more than general travel blogs due to specific audience targeting. Niche blogs often benefit from higher affiliate marketing commissions and partnerships aligned with their focus.

Monetization Strategies: Monetization strategies involve different methods to generate income from a blog. Common strategies include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, ad placements, and selling digital products. A 2020 report by Content Marketing Institute highlighted that bloggers who diversify income sources can increase earnings. For example, a travel blog could use affiliate marketing to link to booking sites while also hosting sponsored content from travel gear brands.

Social Media Presence: A strong social media presence amplifies a travel blog’s reach. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest drive traffic back to the blog. Social media analytics from 2022 by Hootsuite revealed that blogs active on multiple social platforms have a 40% higher visitor count. Engaging followers through posts and stories can convert casual visitors into loyal readers and customers.

SEO Optimization: SEO optimization enhances a blog’s visibility on search engines. Effective SEO practices, such as keyword research and backlink building, help blogs rank higher in search results. According to Moz (2021), high-ranking blogs can see increased traffic, leading to more ad clicks and conversions. Bloggers focused on optimizing their content can significantly improve their income potential.

Brand Partnerships: Brand partnerships create opportunities for travel bloggers to collaborate with companies. Successful partnerships often lead to sponsored content and product endorsements. A 2023 study by Influencer Marketing Hub stated that bloggers with established trust can command higher fees for partnerships. For example, a travel blogger partnering with a tourism board for a sponsored trip gains exposure and income simultaneously.

Consistency and Frequency of Posts: Consistency and frequency of posts affect audience retention. Regular updates keep readers engaged and returning for new content. Blog management data from HubSpot (2022) indicates that sites posting at least once a week receive 60% more traffic than less frequent bloggers. An organized posting schedule can enhance a blog’s income potential through increased readership.

Travel Trends and Seasonality: Travel trends and seasonality can impact a blog’s income. Bloggers who adapt their content to current trends can capture timely interest. For example, during a pandemic, blogs focusing on local travel and staycations saw significant spikes in traffic. Research from Google Trends shows that timely content can lead to a 200% increase in views during peak seasons. Understanding these patterns helps bloggers maximize their income windows.

How Does Audience Size Affect Travel Blog Earnings?

Audience size significantly affects travel blog earnings. Larger audiences typically lead to higher income opportunities. Advertisers prefer blogs with more readers, as this increases their brand exposure. Blogs with substantial readership can attract sponsorships and partnerships. These collaborations often result in direct payments or free products in exchange for promotion.

Affiliate marketing also benefits from larger audiences. When a blog has many visitors, the chance of readers clicking on affiliate links increases. More clicks can lead to higher commissions for the blogger.

Additionally, audience engagement plays a crucial role. Engaged readers are more likely to share content or participate in discussions. This sharing can help grow the blog’s reach and, subsequently, its income.

In summary, a larger audience can lead to increased advertising value, more sponsorships, higher affiliate earnings, and greater engagement, all of which contribute to higher overall earnings for travel blogs.

What Role Does Content Quality Play in Monetization?

Content quality plays a crucial role in monetization by directly influencing audience engagement, trust, and overall revenue potential.

  • Trust and Credibility
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Influencer Partnerships
  • Revenue Diversity
  • Content Longevity

The importance of these factors connects by highlighting how quality content affects different monetization strategies.

Audience Engagement: Audience engagement directly correlates with content quality. Engaging content retains viewers, encouraging them to spend more time on the site. A well-written article or video can foster interaction through comments and shares. According to HubSpot (2021), high-quality blog posts can boost conversion rates by up to 80%. This increase in engagement can lead to higher advertising revenue and greater sponsorship opportunities.

Trust and Credibility: Trust and credibility stem from quality content. When users find articles that are informative, accurate, and well-researched, they are more likely to return and trust the source. A study by Edelman (2020) found that 81% of consumers must trust a brand to buy from them. Trust enables publishers to monetize through premium content or subscription models, as satisfied audiences are willing to pay for genuine insights.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Quality content enhances search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant content when ranking pages. Strong SEO leads to more traffic, and thus, increased ad revenue. According to a Moz study (2022), top-ranking web pages receive nearly 31.7% of all clicks. Improved visibility contributes to overall monetization efforts through greater traffic volumes.

Influencer Partnerships: Influencer partnerships thrive on quality content. Brands seek collaborations with content creators who produce high-quality material. A well-executed collaboration can draw new audiences and enhance brand credibility. Influencer Marketing Hub (2021) reported that businesses earn an average of $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. Quality content becomes a critical asset for securing these partnerships.

Revenue Diversity: Quality content allows for revenue diversification. Creators can offer various monetization methods, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and merchandise sales. A diverse revenue stream can stabilize income and empower growth. A survey by Creator Economy (2022) indicated that content creators utilizing multiple revenue channels reported a 45% increase in monthly income.

Content Longevity: Content longevity is a function of quality. High-quality content offers value over time. Evergreen content—articles and resources relevant regardless of trends—continues to attract traffic well after initial publication. Ahrefs (2021) highlighted that evergreen blog posts generate up to 90% of a blog’s traffic over its lifetime. This sustained interest translates into ongoing monetization opportunities.

In summary, content quality is a fundamental factor that significantly impacts various monetization strategies, influencing audience behavior, trust levels, and overall revenue potential.

Who Are Some Notable Travel Bloggers and What Are Their Earnings?

Notable travel bloggers include Nomadic Matt, The Blonde Abroad, and Expert Vagabond. Nomadic Matt earns approximately $1 million annually through blog traffic and affiliate marketing. The Blonde Abroad generates around $100,000 yearly from brand partnerships and sponsored content. Expert Vagabond has an income of about $90,000, primarily from photography sales and social media promotions. These earnings demonstrate the potential of travel blogging as a lucrative career.

What Strategies Did Successful Travel Bloggers Use to Increase Income?

Successful travel bloggers use various strategies to increase their income.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Selling digital products
  • Offering consulting services
  • Creating and selling merchandise
  • Utilizing social media for brand partnerships
  • Monetizing email newsletters
  • Joining travel-related affiliate programs
  • Building a strong SEO-focused blog
  • Networking within the travel industry

To provide further context, the following sections elaborate on each strategy in detail.

Affiliate Marketing : Successful travel bloggers utilize affiliate marketing to earn commissions by promoting products and services through personalized links. This strategy allows bloggers to earn money when their readers purchase these products. A study by Statista in 2021 reports that nearly 80% of brands have affiliate programs, highlighting a significant opportunity for bloggers.

Sponsored Content : Travel bloggers often partner with companies to create sponsored posts. This involves writing content that features a brand’s product or service in exchange for payment. According to a 2022 survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, 63% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets, illustrating the growth of this revenue stream.

Selling Digital Products : Many successful travel bloggers offer digital products such as e-books, itineraries, and online courses. These products provide practical value to readers seeking travel advice. For instance, Nomadic Matt, a well-known travel blogger, sells comprehensive travel guides that have brought him significant income.

Offering Consulting Services : Travel bloggers may offer consulting services to help individuals or businesses improve their travel-related endeavors. This could involve personalized travel planning or social media strategy development. According to an industry report by Upwork, freelance consulting is projected to grow by 10% over the next five years.

Creating and Selling Merchandise : Some bloggers successfully design and sell branded merchandise, including travel gear and apparel. This approach enhances brand visibility while providing an additional income stream. For example, The Bucket List Family sells travel-themed products that resonate with their audience.

Utilizing Social Media for Brand Partnerships : Many travel bloggers leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok to collaborate with brands. These partnerships often result in sponsored posts or giveaways, further increasing their visibility and income potential. A report by Hootsuite states that social media marketing budgets are expected to rise by 25% in 2023.

Monetizing Email Newsletters : Bloggers often create email newsletters to build a loyal audience. This platform can be monetized through sponsored content or affiliate links. According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing has an average return on investment of 42:1, showcasing its effectiveness.

Joining Travel-Related Affiliate Programs : Many bloggers join established travel affiliate programs like or TripAdvisor. They promote these brands on their blogs in exchange for a commission from sales generated through their referrals. A report by eMarketer found that affiliate marketing spending is projected to reach $8.2 billion in 2022.

Building a Strong SEO-Focused Blog : Successful travel bloggers often focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to attract organic traffic. This involves optimizing blog posts with relevant keywords, improving site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness. According to Ahrefs, 75% of all clicks go to the first page of search results, emphasizing the importance of good SEO practices.

Networking Within the Travel Industry : Successful bloggers often build relationships with other travel professionals. Collaborations can lead to cross-promotions, guest posts, and referrals, all of which can significantly increase income potential. A study by Harvard Business Review indicates that networking is a crucial factor in professional success.

These diverse strategies illustrate the various paths successful travel bloggers take to maximize their income potential in the competitive travel industry.

How Long Does It Take to Start Earning from a Travel Blog?

Starting to earn from a travel blog typically takes between six months to two years. Most bloggers report this timeframe due to the necessity of building an audience and generating engaging content. On average, successful travel blogs may begin to see some income within the first year.

Multiple factors influence this timeline, including niche focus, marketing efforts, and content quality. For example, a blogger focusing on budget travel may attract a different audience than one targeting luxury travel. Bloggers who dedicate more time to SEO (search engine optimization) strategies can see results more quickly, with some achieving earnings as early as six months after launching.

Real-world scenarios illustrate these differences. A travel blogger who shares detailed itineraries and travel tips may establish credibility and attract followers faster than one who only posts photos. For instance, a blogger documenting a series of unique travel experiences, alongside practical advice, can drive traffic and initiate monetization through affiliate marketing or sponsored posts.

Additional factors also affect earning potential. Seasonal travel trends can influence traffic, as can changes in social media algorithms. Furthermore, the ability to network with other bloggers and influencers can accelerate audience growth. Limitations include market saturation and the quality of the competition, which may delay income generation.

In summary, earnings from a travel blog generally start within six months to two years based on varying factors. Content quality, niche, and marketing efforts significantly impact growth and income potential. For those considering starting a travel blog, exploring aspects like SEO, effective networking, and niche selection can provide valuable insights for a successful journey.

What Milestones Indicate That a Travel Blog is Revenue-Generating?

Travel blogs become revenue-generating when specific milestones are reached. These milestones indicate that the blog successfully engages an audience and monetizes its content.

The main indicators of a revenue-generating travel blog include: 1. Consistent website traffic 2. Email subscriber growth 3. Social media engagement 4. Affiliate marketing income 5. Sponsored content opportunities 6. Merchandising sales 7. Travel bookings or services offered 8. Patreons or direct donations

These indicators illustrate the diverse ways travel blogs achieve monetization and success. Each point reflects different aspects of engagement and income potential in the blogging sphere.

Consistent Website Traffic: A travel blog achieves revenue generation when it maintains steady website traffic. High traffic indicates that the blog attracts visitors regularly. Blogs with over 10,000 monthly visits can start to monetize effectively through various strategies. For example, the blog “Nomadic Matt” began to grow its income significantly when traffic exceeded 50,000 monthly visits.

Email Subscriber Growth: Email lists are vital for generating revenue. A blog can sell products or services to its subscribers directly. A subscriber base of 1,000 or more allows for effective communication and targeted promotions. Research shows that email marketing yields about $42 for every dollar spent.

Social Media Engagement: High engagement levels on social media platforms signify a loyal audience. This includes likes, shares, and comments on posts. Blogs that actively engage on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can monetize through sponsored posts or brand deals. A travel blogger with 10,000 followers often attracts partnerships with brands seeking exposure.

Affiliate Marketing Income: This approach proves an effective revenue stream. By promoting products or services, bloggers earn commissions on successful referrals. For instance, bloggers may earn 5-20% commissions from travel gear sales through affiliate links. Successful travel blogs can earn thousands monthly through affiliate programs.

Sponsored Content Opportunities: When brands approach a travel blog for collaborations, it signals revenue potential. Sponsored posts are articles written for brands that pay for exposure. Blogs that secure multiple deals per month typically see significant income boosts. Some bloggers report earning $1,000 or more per sponsored post.

Merchandising Sales: Selling branded merchandise gives bloggers another income source. This can include T-shirts, travel gear, or digital products like eBooks. Many travel bloggers achieve steady secondary income through their merchandise lines, further monetizing their brand.

Travel Bookings or Services Offered: Some blogs monetize by offering direct travel services like itinerary planning or affiliate booking links to hotels and flights. When a blog becomes a resource for travelers planning their trips, revenue can grow substantially through these channels.

Patreons or Direct Donations: Some bloggers turn to platforms like Patreon for direct audience support. Fans can contribute monthly for exclusive content or perks. This model allows bloggers to cultivate a community while generating steady income. Travel bloggers leveraging this method have experienced monthly earnings ranging from a few hundred to thousands, depending on audience size and engagement.

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How Travel Bloggers Make Money: 17 Proven Strategies in 2024

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As a profitable travel blogger — I made $272,569 from blogging in 2022 🤯 — this article shines a light on how to make money as a travel blogger.

The most well-known ways of making money online include affiliate marketing, advertisements, and press trips.

👩‍💻  If you’re serious about making money from a travel blog, I highly recommend taking a course . Head here for info on the  best travel blogging courses . If you want to read a full review about the best one I’ve done,  head here .

Still, in an increasingly content-driven society, there are more ways to make money through travel blogging popping up every day. So, if you are wondering how to make money from a travel blog , you are in the right place.

Here are 17 of the most common ways to make money travel blogging, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box and get creative within the business of travel blogging.

17 Ways Travel Bloggers Make Money

1. creating quality content  — a lot of it.

wordpress dashboard showing posts and media

Quality content is essential for a successful travel blog.

As the saying goes, “content is king 👑,” and travel bloggers understand the importance of this like no other. 

If you are wondering how to start travel blog and make money, this is where you should start. 

🤔 how to generate page traffic

Travel bloggers who make a lot of money understand search intent, keyword research, and SEO optimization pe to ensure their content reaches the right audience and generates traffic.

Without traffic, there is no monetization. So when it comes to how much money can you make from a travel blog, the more quality content you have, the more potential money you can earn. 

To create quality content that will bring in the most revenue, travel bloggers should learn the ins and outs of keyword research, SEO optimization, and email marketing to connect with their niche audience.

How Travel Bloggers Make Money

2. ad networks.

mediavine ads | how travel bloggers make money

After creating lots of content, how do travel bloggers get paid?

One of the most common ways to make money through travel blogging is by joining an ad network.

Ad networks act as a middleman between the advertiser and the publisher (the travel blogger).

By signing up with an ad network, travel bloggers can easily place ads on their travel blogging websites. How much do travel bloggers get paid depends partially on each pageview.

🏆 popular ad networks

Three of the most well-known Ad Networks are Mediavine, Adthrive, and SheMedia, but these higher-paying ad networks have a minimum traffic requirement to be accepted into the program. For example;

  • Adthrive – 100,000 monthly pageviews
  • Mediavine – 50,000 monthly sessions
  • SheMedia – 20,000 monthly pageviews

If you are a smaller travel blogger, there are other ad networks, Google Adsense and Ezoic , that don’t require a minimum amount of traffic, but you will find the ePMV (pay per 1000 pageviews) is much lower. 

Now, it was a lot of hard work, and I invested in travel blogging courses so I could get on these ad networks. (The best course I took was Scale Your Travel Blog to Six Figures — and yes, I have scaled to multiple six figures.)

3. Affiliate Marketing  

affiliate marketing manager at their computer

Affiliate marketing is when a travel blogger promotes another company’s products or services and receives a commission every time someone purchases the product/service through their link.

It’s one of the most lucrative strategies for how to get paid as a travel blogger, and the highest-paid travel bloggers usually credit this as their most profitable income stream. 

Many travel companies like DiscoverCars, , SafetyWing , Expedia , Get Your Guide , and Viator have excellent affiliate programs.

👩🏻‍💻 I teach bloggers how to find keywords with big potential to earn affiliate income in my  How to Find Affiliate Marketing Keywords Class . You can read more about my class in this  Best Courses for Travel Bloggers  article.

Once accepted into an affiliate program, bloggers place links in their blog posts leading back to products/services.

These links have cookies 🍪 that follow the user to the company’s website, and the blogger receives a commission if the user purchases something on the website. 

These cookies can last anywhere from one session to one year. 

For those wondering how to become a successful travel blogger, how to monetize a travel blog, or how to become a travel blogger with no money, affiliate marketing is often the quickest and most lucrative method for how to get paid to travel blog.

🤔 How much do I make with affiliate marketing?

A lot — Using a combination of the companies listed above, my affiliate income in 2022 was $163,706 .

💡 Note: Affiliate marketing is based on trust, so it’s essential only to promote products and services you have personally used or would recommend anyway. Your audience is WAY more likely to purchase the product or service if they trust you.

4. Paid Press Trips 

a woman watching air balloons from the heights

Paid Press trips are another typical result when googling how to earn money from travel blog.

A paid press trip is when a travel company or destination pays a blogger to visit a location and create content around it.

This arrangement usually involves posting on social media multiple times throughout the trip and writing a blog post about the experience upon returning.

🤔 How do TO get press trips for travel bloggers?

Typically, when you go on a press trip, you’ll receive free accommodation, meals, activities, and transportation costs in return for your services. You can also receive monetary compensation on top of that.

These opportunities can be hard to find if you’re a new blogger. They are generally reserved for more famous travel bloggers, as companies prefer to work with bloggers with a large social media following and lots of website page views.

To get started with press trips, connect with tourism boards or local businesses in the area you wish to visit. You should also create a media kit that details your blog’s statistics and potential reach when making a pitch.

So, if you are wondering: how to get free trips as a travel blogger , then press trips are definitely the way to go. But remember, it’s work too, so make sure the exchange is fair

5. Ambassadorship 

Ambassadorship programs are when companies give travel bloggers free products or services in exchange for promoting them. This benefit could be anything from a free hotel stay to free travel gear or clothes.

In exchange, bloggers usually need to post about the brand or product on their social media channels and their blog – every agreement is different. 

To become a brand ambassador, research companies that fit your niche and contact them directly.

📝 Pro Tip : Create content around a specific brand before contacting the company. This content will show the brand that you are serious and will give them an example of the quality content they would get by working with you.

6. Sponsored Posts 

Sponsored posts are articles a travel blogger (or another person/company) writes about a particular product, experience, or service in exchange for payment.

These deals involve either the blogger or a third-party person writing an honest and unbiased review of the item/experience while providing their opinion, usually in favor, and a personal recommendation to readers. 

How much do travel blogs make from sponsorships? It depends. 

Companies typically pay bloggers per post or negotiate a monthly rate based on website traffic.

To get started with sponsored posts, you’ll want to create a media kit and outreach to brands in your niche. You can also join influencer networks such as TapInfluence (IZEA) to promote your services.

📝 Note: If you do a sponsored blog post, it’s essential for SEO to mark it as a sponsored post on the back end of your website and check that all links are no-follow.

7. Sponsored Links 

woman working on her laptop during a vacation

Sponsored links are a type of affiliate marketing , but instead of getting paid for clicks or purchases, you get paid for each link you place on your website.

Initially, this is hard to do, but if you have any popular blogs that make money, these deals are relatively easy to score.

Bloggers can use banner ads and hyperlinks or include the links in their email marketing campaigns.

🤔 how bloggers make money from sponsored links 

Generally, brands will reach out to bloggers ranking for keywords for which their company meets the demand. 

So, if you are ranking for the keyword “Renting a Car in Miami,” car rental agencies may reach out and ask if they could pay to place a link to their company within your post.

You can also contact those companies directly and ask if they would be interested in promoting their business on your blog post. 

Note: Again, for any sponsored links, it is very important that this like is marked No-follow and Sponsored. Make this clear when agreeing to sponsored links.

8. Organizing & Hosting Trips 

travel bloggers income

Organizing and hosting trips for your readers is an excellent way to nail down how to be a travel blogger and make money on your travel blog.

This monetization method involves researching destinations, choosing accommodations, planning activities, and setting up travel itineraries to places you have been and are familiar with. 

Some bloggers simply set up itineraries and help people plan their trips, but others will host the holiday themselves.

People love this because they get to travel with an expert who knows all the best tips and tricks for enjoying a destination to its fullest.

✈️ how to organize trips

The best way to find people interested in traveling with you is through your email list. These people already like you, trust you, and have taken action on your blog in the past.

You can charge a fee that covers the cost of their trip, a portion of your trip, and compensation for your time. You can also use your affiliate links to make bookings for the group and receive extra commission.

⚠️ Remember to always make sure all your attendees have travel insurance!

9. Selling Travel Photos or Videos 

woman traveling with her camera

If you’re a talented photographer or videographer, another strategy for how to make money travel blogging is by selling your travel photos or videos.

It’s possible to work directly with companies for their marketing campaigns, but an easier way to break into selling travel photos is with stock images.

📷 where travel bloggers Can contribute images

You can become a contributor on stock image websites like Shutterstock , iStock , and Foap . Other people can purchase and use your image royalty-free, and then you earn a commission for each image sold/downloaded. 

Or, you can also start your own online store to sell digital downloads of pictures, video clips, and even physical prints that people can buy directly from your website.

10. Monetize Your Social Media 

social media analytics

A website is usually the most significant income stream, but how do travel bloggers make money on social media? If you have a large social media following, you can absolutely use it to make money.

It usually involves ambassadorships and sponsored content . We have already touched on this, but creating content specifically for brands or companies and getting paid to post it on your social media channels is a great way to make money.

Whenever you post sponsored content, it’s essential to be transparent. Mark the post as sponsored and if you can use hashtags like sponsored or ad, so everyone knows the brand paid for the content.

11. Monetizing a YouTube Channel

instagram influencer with a camera on a selfie stick

Another way to make money as a professional travel blogger is by starting a YouTube channel and vlogging (video blogging) about your experiences.

I don’t personally have a YouTube channel, but I know a ton of travel vloggers who make a living from their travel videos. It’s a great way to earn income if you’re wondering how to make a travel blog and make money.

📷 how bloggers can make money on YouTube

Travel blogs that make money on YouTube do so through sponsorships and allowing ads to play in their videos.

The catch is you must be a part of the Youtube Partner Program to begin monetizing your channel, which requires at least 500 subscribers and either 3,000 watch hours in the previous 365 days or 3 million shorts views over the previous 90 days.

At least three public uploads in the last 90 days are also required.

12. Monetizing a Travel Podcast 

travel podcast cover art

Podcasting is hard work. I know firsthand from when I started travel blogging podcasting with my podcast, Dream To Destination , in 2020.

But I also learned one of the best travel blogger tips: podcasts help your reach and domain authority. Plus you can make money with a travel podcast.

Podcasts have become extremely popular over the last few years for many reasons. People love to listen to their favorite hosts talk about their experiences and discuss the world of travel with experts from various fields.

woman recording at a mic discussing how to start a travel podcast

I wrote a detailed guide, How to Start a Travel Podcast for Free (Like I Did) , so if you want a deep dive into this topic, you can check it out.

You can monetize your podcast similarly to how you monetize travel blogs, including advertisements and leaving affiliate links & promo codes in the description.

Then, if your podcast is successful enough, you may find sponsorships from travel companies who want to feature their products or services on your show.

If you don’t mind public speaking, this is an excellent option, but it also has one of the highest upfront costs since most people need to buy recording equipment before they can begin.

13. Selling Digital Projects 

Travel Mexico Safely e-book

Selling digital products is an excellent way for travel bloggers to monetize their content.

By creating digital products such as eBooks, printable travel planners, travel guides with travel tips, courses, and calendars, bloggers can earn a steady passive income stream from the sales of these items.

You can feature these products on your site, but highlighting them in your email list can be much more profitable. That’s because you already have a grasp on what your audience enjoys.

Digital products are great because you create them once, and then you can set up systems to sell them passively with hardly any additional work or product creation (although updating/optimizing these products regularly will increase sales)

Many bloggers use platforms like Canva to create their digital products quickly and easily; although the free version may be sufficient for some, the paid version is well worth the $13 USD per month. ▶︎ Sign up for Canva here .

Then for processing the sale of the product, I love using Gumroad and ThriveCart .

14. Selling Merch 

Selling merchandise is another strategy to get income from and have travel blog success.

You could sell anything from t-shirts and hats with your logo to reusable water bottles and notebooks. You can also create custom artwork with your logo or quotes from your blog to put on stickers or patches.

Bloggers also use their merchandise in giveaways to help build their email list or social media following.

While dipping your toes into selling physical products is a big step, there are ways to do it these days that require very little overhead with services like Printful , which will handle the printing and shipping for you.

15. Developing Travel-Related Products

affiliate marketing masterclass

If you’ve been blogging for a while and have become a successful travel blogger, you can consider creating your own product or service.

You could create an online course teaching people how to start their own travel blog or how to be a travel blogger on Instagram. You could even design custom itineraries for clients with specific interests. Be creative with it!

It’s important to understand that creating your own product or service requires more effort than other ways of making money as a travel blogger, but it can be very rewarding to provide personal coaching or travel planning for your audience. 

16. Offer VA Services

virtual assistant wearing headphones working on his laptop

If you’re comfortable working with clients, becoming a virtual assistant (VA) is another great option for monetizing your travel blog.

It’s also a great way to continue growing your blogging skills since you will be working in close quarters with bloggers who are already successful.

VAs are in high demand and provide services like social media management, website maintenance, content writing/editing, email marketing, and more.

The great thing about this approach is that it allows you to be flexible with your schedule and work from anywhere. You can also choose which clients to take on, your working hours, and your location.

Rates vary depending on your experience and the client’s needs, but if you have been running your own blog for a couple of years, you probably have all the necessary skills to be a great VA.

You can then start to look for clients through job boards like Upwork , Freelancer , and Fiverr, but the best way to find gigs is to join Facebook blogging groups and offer your services.

17. Freelance Writing 

man typing on his laptop

Freelance writing is one of the most popular travel blogger jobs for anyone who is at the beginning of their blogging journey.

It involves ghostwriting for other bloggers and businesses who are trying to publish a lot of content on their websites (typically more than they have time to write themselves). 

You will need to write from the perspective and in the voice of your client, as well as know how to write an SEO-optimized blog post to be a great freelance writer. 

👩🏻‍💻 freelance writing enhances your skills

The best part is that if you’re a current blogger, you already write a travel blog and therefore have a resume for freelance writing.

A travel blogger who sees and loves your blog is likely to hire you over another candidate because they want you to do the same for them.

Writing is one of the most popular ways travel bloggers make money before their own blog has an income high enough to sustain themselves. 

You can find freelance writing jobs on job boards such as ProBlogger , Fiver , and Contently , or you can also contact bloggers directly and ask if they have any writing projects available.

How much can you earn from a travel blog?

The sky’s the limit when it comes to making money through travel blogging. There is no set travel blogger salary. It’s similar to asking how much artists make – while some may become millionaires, others are content with a small Etsy shop. 

blogger working on her blog

Successful travel bloggers achieve a high income by taking the proper steps toward monetizing their blogs. This travel blogger success often comes through coaching and courses that specialize in becoming a successful travel blogger. 

Making money from a travel blog is a lot of work, so successful bloggers regularly invest in learning to optimize their blog for SEO, learn affiliate marketing, and use their skills as leverage to score partnerships & freelancing opportunities.

What’s the average travel blogging salary?

Some bloggers have provided yearly income reports of over 1 million dollars, while others only make a couple hundred dollars each year.

 Since most bloggers do not disclose their travel blog salary, it’s hard to know the average travel blogging salary.

🏆 Here are My Blogging Stats

  • I made $ 272,175 USD in 2022.
  • I made $40,106 USD from blogging in December 2022 — $24,151 from affiliate marketing, $9,382 from ads on my site, and $6,572 selling my own products, like this Affiliate Marketing course .
  • My main website (not this one) received 205,000+ page views in December 2022, and more than 2.6 million page views in 2022.
  • Want to know how I did it? Join my email list , where I share tips on how I make such a crazy amount of money after just 2.5 years of blogging.

How to Become a Travel Blogger

woman in hierve el agua oaxaca

Like most things, I believe there’s a right and wrong strategy for how to start a travel blog and make money.

If you want to learn how to become a travel blogger and make money, I highly suggest investing in a travel blogging course with step-by-step instructions so you start it off right.

The best blogging course I’ve done is Scale Your Travel Blog to Six Figures — and I’ve done quite a few courses .

There is a system to travel blogging success, and you either know the system or you don’t. 

You’re either writing SEO-optimized content with high volume, low competition keywords that will rank on Page 1 of Google, or no one will see your content. In fact, stats say only 25% of users even go to Page 2 of Google.

Through travel blogging courses, I learned that how to become a travel blogger and get paid means I need to write the articles that people want to read, not just the articles I want to write.

I learned how to get my content on Page 1 of Google with search engine optimization (SEO) — in fact, that’s likely how you found this article!

The way I see it, you can spend time, or you can spend money.

You can either spend your time trying to find good free content, which could take years and still not pan out, or you can pay a professional to learn what they’re doing, so you can simply replicate their success.

Ready to invest in a travel blogging course? 👉 Head here to see the best ones!

How Travel Bloggers Make Money: FAQs

person at laptop taking notes

Ready to make money blogging? Here are some frequently asked questions about how much does a travel blogger make and how to earn money from travel blog. Ready?

How much money can you make as a travel blogger?

There is no ceiling to how much money you can earn. Travel bloggers can make anywhere between zero and seven figures, depending on their monthly traffic, the products/services they recommend, and how well their affiliate links convert to customers.

Do travel blogs really make money?

Yes — travel blogs really do make money through various sources like affiliate marketing, joining ad travel blogger networks, selling digital products, and paid sponsorships. 

It takes dedication and hard work to build up an audience and monetize your blog, but it can make you a lot of money over time.

Who is the highest-paid travel blogger?

It’s hard to know who the highest paid travel bloggers are, but some of the top travel bloggers like Matt Kepnes (Nomadic Matt) , Dave & Deb (The Planet D) , Kiersten (The Blonde Abroad) likely make upwards of $100 000 per month from their travel blog and services.

Is it hard to make money as a travel blogger?

Making money as a travel blogger is hard work. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it often takes a couple of years before you have an established travel blog making a lot of money. 

However, with the right strategy, it is absolutely possible. The best way to speed up the process is by hiring an experienced blogging coach like me — I offer 1 on 1 coaching services.

Is it too late to start a travel blog?

No — It’s never too late to start a travel blog. The travel space is constantly evolving, and there are always new opportunities for aspiring bloggers. 

Established blogs are better positioned for gaining traffic and making money from their blog, but there are millions of keyword opportunities, and new bloggers rank #1 on Google every day!

Final Thoughts: How Travel Bloggers Make Money

And there you go. Those are the most common strategies travel bloggers use to make money! Now you know how travel bloggers earn money and that there is no limit on the question, how much money do travel bloggers make?

Whether you are in travel blogging for beginners or an expert looking for more travel blogging tips, there are many different ways to monetize a travel blog.

In the end, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Ready to make money from travel blog? Good luck!

Ready to invest in a travel blogging course? 👉 Sign up for the FREE live webinar to meet my coach Laura, who has helped me grow my blog fast!

Wander Her Way

Travel Blog Income Report Roundup

travel bloggers income

Sharing is caring:

The Ultimate Travel Blog Income Report Roundup

Wondering how much money travel bloggers make? Well, here are a whole bunch of travel blog income reports!

I don’t know about you, but I love reading blog income reports! They are a fascinating and inspiring glimpse into what it takes to make money as a travel blogger.

I noticed that it can be hard to find a travel blog income report out there, so I created this post to round up some of the best travel blog income reports that will inspire you in your travel blogging business!

These travel bloggers earn anywhere from $200 a month to over $200,000 a month from their blogs!

How do Travel Bloggers Make Money?

Travel bloggers make money in different ways. Here are a few of the most popular (and common):

  • Display ads — these are advertisement like the ones you see along the bottom and within the content of this article.
  • Direct advertising — bloggers can also sell ad space on their blog directly to brands and businesses. This is different than display ads, which are managed by a third-party ad network.
  • Affiliate commissions — by recommending products and services, travel bloggers can earn small commissions of any purchase made through an affiliate link on their blog.
  • Working with brands on sponsored content — similar to social media influencers, travel bloggers can work directly with a brand to create content and articles in exchange for a fee.
  • Sponsored travel — destinations and brands may invite travel bloggers to experience the place and write about it and, in addition to free accommodations and activities, some may also receive payment for the coverage.
  • Selling travel packages — who better to create incredible travel packages than people who have truly experienced those destinations?
  • Services and freelancing — some travel bloggers provide services like travel planning, travel writing, photography, web design, and SEO.
  • Selling their own products — courses, coaching, and digital downloads are examples of this.

I read a ton of income reports before I started a travel blog and they really inspired me and gave me a lot of insight into the many ways you can monetize a travel blog.

You can read my 2020 travel blog income report to see my own earnings (I know, I know… I need a updated one!)

Want to start your own travel blog and make money blogging? Sign up for my FREE  five-day email challenge below to get your blog up and running in five days:

How Much Can Travel Bloggers Make?

These income reports provide just a glimpse into how much money you can make as a travel blogger.

Keep in mind that many of the most successful travel bloggers do not publish monthly income reports, or even share their income publicly at all. There are plenty of successful travel bloggers earning six figures a year but they are just not publicizing their income.

Without further ado, here is the travel blog income report roundup from 25+ bloggers:

She Dreams of Alpine: $231/mo

Allison at  She Dreams of Alpine  writes about hiking and other outdoor adventures on her blog. She has one of the most unique monetization models on this list because she uses Patreon to earn more than half of her travel blog income.

Patreon allows you to support online creators through monthly contributions. In return, the creator provides you with exclusive content or rewards based on how much you pledge each month.

In addition to Patreon, Allison earns money from the Amazon affiliate program by recommending her favorite hiking and outdoor gear. She also earns a small amount of money from ads.

Happily Ever Travels: $591/yr

Dayna and Jake at Happily Ever Travels are a married couple who have been traveling the world together on a budget ever since they graduated from college! While they originally started out teaching English online, they now earn some extra income from travel blogging as well.

In this report, they earned money from ads and affiliate marketing on their blog.

Once in a Lifetime Journey: $1048/mo

Mar from Once in a Lifetime Journey lives in Singapore so her travel blog income reports are in Singapore dollars. I converted her earnings into USD for the purpose of this post.

A former management consultant, Mar quit her high-paying job to open a cafe. She also started her blog Once in a Lifetime Journey, which is now her full-time job.

In this income report , Mar made the majority of her income from selling a travel photo to a publication. She also earned a chunk of change from ads and hotel affiliates.

The Atlas Heart: $6,598/mo

Native Californian Mimi is the blogger behind The Atlas Heart, where she shares the best things to do in California and other destinations all around the world. She has traveled to 37 countries, and lived abroad in four foreign cities and two islands.

In her latest income report , she earned money from advertising, affiliate marketing, and product sales from her ebook about California road trips.

Johnny Africa: ~$2,800/mo

In case you can’t guess by the name, Johnny Africa is a travel blog run by Johnny, an American-Canadian expat who first lived in South Africa, but now lives in Germany.

His blog chronicles his travels in 50+ countries around the world. He publishes a yearly income report , which is where the monthly figure above has been extrapolated from.

In one year, he earned about half his income from ads, with the rest made up from affiliate sales, sponsorships, and travel planning (he helps couples plan honeymoons in South Africa).

Sunshine Seeker: $1,123/mo

Charlotte from Sunshine Seeker is a Norwegian travel blogger who overcame her fear of flying and got out of her comfort zone so she could travel the world.

According to her income report , she earns money from her blog mainly through affiliate marketing, with some freelance writing, ad revenue, and some sponsored posts thrown in the mix too.

World Travel Family: ~$1,600/mo

Traveling with kids full-time might seem impossible, but Alyson at World Travel Family has been doing it with her husband and kids for the last nine years!

This income report is for the whole year (so I took an average of the annual income and came to the figure above) and only includes ad income. However, they disclose that they earn about the same amount from other sources, including various affiliate programs.

The Sweetest Way: $1,933/mo

Leah from The Sweetest Way writes about travel and location independence. She has the freedom to work from anywhere in the world and inspires others to do the same.

according to this blogging income report , she earned money this month mainly from affiliate marketing and sponsored content, along with some money from ads and ebook sales.

The Wandering Gourmand: $2,019/mo

Bryan is a stay-at-home dad and a craft beer, food, and travel writer. He documents his love for food and family travel on his blog The Wandering Gourmand.

According to his income reports , he earned about half his income from selling an online course, and the rest from freelance writing, sponsored posts, brand ambassadorship, and affiliates.

Ashley Abroad: $760/mo

Ashley has had plenty of travel adventures, from living in France as an au pair to working for a startup in Uganda, and she has chronicled it all on her blog Ashley Abroad.

In this particular month , she made most of her money from advertising and the rest from affiliates (mainly the Amazon affiliate program.) She also earned a small amount from her ebook about how to become an au pair.

Wanderlust Storytellers: $2,158/mo

Traveling the world with your kids is something that many parents dream of. Andrzej and Jolene from Wanderlust Storytellers made that dream a reality.

In June 2015, they made a decision that changed their life when they gave up their jobs and decided to become full-time travel bloggers. Now, they travel the world with their three daughters and write about their adventures on their blog.

They made almost all of their money in this income report through sponsored work with brands. They also made a very small amount from travel affiliates and their own product.

Eternal Expat: $2,501/mo

One great way to make money as a travel blogger is by offering freelance services. Laura at Eternal Expat is the perfect example of how this can be done.

Laura has made a life for herself as a digital nomad. After traveling and working around the world for over five years, she is now based in Mexico City.

She earns a small amount of money from her blog through ads and affiliate marketing, but the bulk of her income comes from working as a freelance writer and copywriter. Her blog serves as a great portfolio of her work.

Ali’s Adventures: $2,869/mo

Ali from Ali’s Adventures had a regular life working a typical 9-to-5 job in aviation insurance, until she met her husband on Twitter and decided to move across the world to be with him!

Now, she lives in Germany with her husband and writes about her travel adventures on her blog. She also writes about how others can choose an unconventional life full of travel like hers.

In this income report, she made money mainly through ads and Amazon affiliate commissions, along with some other smaller affiliate commissions as well.

The Wherever Writer: $3,575/mo

Amy from The Wherever Writer is another freelancer who quit her desk job at 22 and flew to South America to start her own location-independent business. She now works as a freelance writer and marketing consultant.

Her travel blog income report, however, does  not include the money she makes from freelancing. She only counts the money that she earned directly from her blog, which includes a mix of ads, affiliate programs, and sales of her own ebooks.

Getaway Couple: $4,114/mo

Have you ever dreamed of traveling the country in an RV? Rae and Jason from Getaway Couple have made that dream a reality!

After working hard to “keep up with the Joneses” they still felt like something was missing. So they paid off their debt, bought an RV, and hit the road!

In this month’s income report, they earned money from brand sponsorships, YouTube ads, affiliates, and selling their own products (organizational printables for RV owners.)

The Professional Hobo: ~$4,243/mo

Nora from  The Professional Hobo  lives up to her blog name: she has been traveling the world full-time for over twelve years and writing about all her adventures along the way.

She shares annual breakdowns of her income, so the figure above is a monthly average. The main way she earns money from her travel blog is affiliate marketing, which makes up about half her income. The next largest amounts come from advertising and sponsored posts. Finally, she earned money from freelance writing, book sales, and travel coaching.

Where’s Sharon: $6,558/mo

Where’s Sharon is a family travel blog run by, you guessed it, Sharon! In addition to her travel blog about how to travel with kids, she runs several other niche sites, but the income listed above is from the travel blog only.

In this month, she earned money almost entirely from affiliates (mainly Amazon and hotel bookings) and a small amount from ads as well.

Living the Dream RTW: $6,929/mo

Angie and Jeremy are another traveling couple and the bloggers behind Living the Dream RTW.  They do income reports a little differently in that they simply update one post over and over instead of writing a new post each month. So the number above is reflective of their most recent income report at the time of writing this post.

These two count the earnings from both of their blogs in their income reports. They have Living the Dream RTW, a world travel blog, along with Discover the Burgh, a local Pittsburgh blog.

The main way they earn money is from ads, which make up more than half of their income. They also earn a big chunk of money from affiliates. Finally, they earned money this month from selling their photography, a speaking gig, and working with brands on sponsored content.

Valerie & Valise: $7,839/mo

Valerie & Valise is a travel blog run by Valerie, an avid explorer who has lived in Alaska, London, Seattle, and California. She’s also done a good deal of traveling, which she chronicles on her blog.

Her income report reveals that she made roughly half her income from ads, with the remaining half coming from affiliate marketing, sponsored content, products, and services.

A Dangerous Business: $10,809/mo

Amanda from A Dangerous Business is a former travel journalist and full-time travel blogger living in Ohio. Unlike other bloggers, she didn’t quit her day job to travel the world.

Instead, she seeks to inspire people to find ways to fit travel into the lifestyle they already have, even if they only get two weeks of vacation every year.

The main way Amanda makes money on her blog is through ads and affiliate marketing. 

Practical Wanderlust: $10,911/mo

Lia and Jeremy are a self-described “disaster-prone couple” blogging over at Practical Wanderlust. These two share hilarious travel stories from their year-long honeymoon, along with their other travel adventures.

They earn a little less than half of their income from ads, followed by affiliate marketing and sponsored posts. They also earn a small amount of money from freelance writing, social media consulting, and product sales.

Helene in Between: $15,755/mo

Helene from Helene in Between  moved from Texas to Germany with her husband and two dogs and has been exploring the world ever since.

In this income report, she made money from her travel blog in a variety of ways. Affiliate sales made up about half of her income. Sponsored work with brands accounted for about a third of her income. And the remainder was made up of ads and selling her own products, which include Lightroom presets and an ebook.

Two Wandering Soles: $16,389/mo

Another traveling couple on this list, Katie and Ben run Two Wandering Soles. These two high school sweethearts moved to Korea together to teach English and have been traveling the world ever since.

They made most of their money this month from affiliate marketing and ads, with a tiny portion coming from sponsored work.

Adventure in You: $19,233/mo

Tom and Anna have been traveling the world together for over four years and writing about it on their blog Adventure in You.

They earn about a third of their income from selling their own products, which mainly comes from their online course about blogging. However, a small portion of this also comes from selling their own Southeast Asia travel guides.

The rest of their travel blog income comes from affiliates, ads, and working with brands on sponsored content.

Local Adventurer: $23,001/mo

Esther and Jacob are the traveling couple behind Local Adventurer. Originally from Atlanta, they now spend every year in a new city. So far, they have lived like locals in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego, Portland, and New York!

They make the most money from sponsored posts, earning nearly $10,000 from working with brands in this income report! They also earn a lot of their travel blog income from affiliates and ads.

It’s a Lovely Life: $238,027/mo

Last but not least on this list is the impressive income from It’s a Lovely Life , a family travel blog written by Heather and Pete.

Nearly half of their income is from the sales of their online courses about blogging. The rest of their income is made up of affiliates and sponsored content.

Wrap Up: Travel Bloggers’ Salary

As you can see, many travel bloggers don’t make a great salary. But I really shouldn’t call it salary. The revenue from most travel blogs (better) is not enough to live on but travel blogging is not only about the money.

Most travel bloggers I know are in it for the freedom—and the travel perks are just the cherry on top! Even if your blog only makes a few hundred bucks each month, it’s still money coming in. Plus, you can leverage your blog to make money on other ways.

But most importantly, there are travel bloggers out there who are killing it! And that should inspire you to keep blogging, or to start a travel blog.

🛺 If you haven’t started yet, check out my guide on how to start a travel blog to get yours set up in under an hour!

Learn How to Make Money with a Travel Blog

If you want to make money with your travel blog, I highly recommend joining Travel Blog Prosperity . It’s a monthly membership for travel bloggers created by one of the top travel bloggers out there—Jessie Festa of Jessie on a Journey.

Normally, the membership is $49/month, but when you sign up using the discount code  WANDER9  you will get your first month of Travel Blog Prosperity for just $9. If you don’t like it, you can cancel at anytime.

When you join the membership, you’ll get immediate access to the following:

  • 30+ trainings and lessons for bloggers, with new ones added monthly
  • Workbooks and checklists to go along with each lesson
  • Twice monthly live group coaching calls with Jessie
  • Private Member’s Lounge group where you can get your questions answered
  • Weekly VIP Opportunities Newsletter with paid opportunities, press trips, and more!

👉 Try a month of Travel Blog Prosperity for only $9 with promo code WANDER9

More Travel Blogging Advice

Hopefully you found this travel blog income report roundup helpful! I always like to see what other bloggers are doing to be successful, because there’s a lot you can learn from them.

Here are more blog income reports from other bloggers to check out.

For more blogging tips and inspiration, check out the following posts:

  • Travel Blog Names: How to Choose One + Ideas
  • How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners
  • How to Make Money with a Travel Blog
  • 6 Best WordPress Themes for Travel Blogs
  • 50 Travel Blog Post Ideas

Save it to Pinterest:

Travel Blog Income Report

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

This blog contains affiliate links at no cost to you. Read my Disclosure Policy.

5 Surprising and Inspiring Travel Blog Income Reports

We’ve all read advice from bloggers across all niches that it takes years to work up to a sustainable blog income.

Whenever I heard this, I pictured the most profitable bloggers making maybe $20,000 to $40,000 a year while working other jobs or traveling inexpensive countries to get by. I didn’t know that a higher travel blogger income was possible, no matter how long it took.

I knew the incomes ranged widely, but it shocked me when I saw travel bloggers making tens of thousands in one month?! Even $5,000 a month?!

These travel bloggers were not given extraordinary powers nor started with the best-designed websites in the world or perfect blog posts. They put in the time and effective strategies to earn income with their blog.

As a new travel blogger, this is my ode to the bloggers that shared their travel blog income reports and who are inspiring me in my current travel blogging journey.

Table of Contents

What Is a Travel Blog Income Report?

Travel blog income reports break down how much money was made from a blog, whether from one quarter or a whole year. In general, the reports include how much money was made from each income stream, their lessons learned, and next steps.

The majority of travel bloggers that do publish income reports typically receive money from these top sources:

  • Sponsored Content

Why Should You Read Travel Blog Income Reports?

Maintaining a blog and turning it into a sustainable income is a long game and hard (but hopefully satisfying) work, especially since it takes a lot of trial and error with no one guidebook. Add travel to that, and for many, other jobs to sustain them, and it’s easy to just call it quits.

Travel blog income reports are a source of caffeinated inspiration.

These bloggers know how hard it was to start, kept persisting, and saw their efforts and investments rewarded.

Travel blog income reports are examples that this path is possible. They tell us to keep going, to keep putting effort in, and one day you’ll get there too.

On a practical level, here are reasons beyond the (important) serotonin boost: 

  • Look at their most profitable income streams and affiliate programs that they use.
  • Get an insight of what site traffic amount they had to get to where they are now.
  • Get a sense of what you want to try out and prioritize after reading their experiences.
  • Learn from their shared lessons of what they’d do next time.
  • See their monthly expenses and what tools they see worth investing in.

How Do Travel Bloggers Get Paid?

Here are the top travel blogging income streams:

1. Ad Revenue

When you visit most blogs, you’ll see ads throughout the website, from banners to videos, and on blog posts mid-page. Travel bloggers are paid to display these ads on their website. 

While not all bloggers choose to do this and can earn income from other sources like courses or digital products, it’s a highly profitable and passive way to make money, especially as you begin to get a lot of website traffic. 

I was initially against going down this ad affiliate route, because it seemed to affect the reader experience and slow down a webpage. Here’s what changed my mind:

  • While too many ads can get annoying when browsing blog posts especially on a phone, generally, they’re not as troublesome to be able to read the content.
  • And to be honest, seeing that most travel blog income reports cited high ad affiliate income convinced me otherwise. Let’s all get a piece of that sweet pie!

The most popular ad revenue affiliate programs are:

  • Mediavine : this program seems to be the holy grail for travel bloggers, and I’ve only read good reviews regarding the program and customer support. It does require a minimum viewership of 50,000 website pageviews a month to apply. This is what I’ll be aiming for.
  • AdThrive : a blog needs 100,000 monthly pageviews to be eligible to apply to AdThrive. While AdThrive offers a higher potential income, they have a low acceptance rate of 15%. 
  • Monumetric is an alternative to Mediavine for blogs with lower pageview traffic. The requirement is 10,000 pageviews per month.
  • Google Adsense is well known, however, the potential income revenue is notoriously low. Most posts I’ve read advise not to start with Adsense. Instead, work your way up to more pageviews without any ads, and then apply for one of the other programs.

2. Travel Affiliate Programs

A travel affiliate program is when you are paid for promoting a brand’s product or service AND garner sales from that promotion.

How do you know how many sales you’ve made? You’re given custom links that track any purchases made from others clicking on that link. You can promote that link by adding it to a blog post, Youtube video, or social media posts.

👩🏻‍💻 Create a free Travelpayouts account today and receive $25 towards your next payout

For the travel niche, affiliate categories include:

  • Accomodation/Hotels
  • Transportation
  • Entertainment
  • Car Insurance

Some common travel affiliate programs:

  • for travel products
  • for flight and hotel bookings

An easier route would be to sign up for a travel affiliate network , a platform where you can manage different affiliate programs under one website.

Travelpayouts is the most popular one and has more than 100 travel-related brands in its network with high commission rates.

If you’re ready to sign up for Travelpayouts , why not get started with $25? You can get this by signing up using my referral code . (Yes, this does mean I get a commission from you using my code! And I’d be really grateful if you do!)

3. Sponsored Content

The third most common travel blogging income stream I’ve seen mentioned is sponsored content, in which the blogger writes and creates a post reviewing or featuring the brand’s product or service.

Rates will vary on the brand and work. I’ve seen anywhere from $70 USD per sponsored content to the thousands. 

4. Paid Trips

Paid trips are when a brand will offer free things such as accommodation, products, flights, or an all-expense paid trip in exchange for a writeup or feature from the travel blogger.

A pro of a paid trip is that you can offset the cost of a trip or purchase. As a new travel blogger, this is what I pictured I’d love to do all the time.

After reading more travel blogger experiences and travel blog income reports, I saw that sponsored trips are more work than it seems, and may be less worth the effort. And that if you are to do paid trips, aim for brands you really love and want to be a part of.

Examples of Travel Blog Income Reports

Below are 5 travel bloggers that published travel blog income reports. Since these reports take a lot of work, some of these bloggers stopped publishing them.

What to look for in travel blog income reports:

  • First income report : not only is it inspiring to see how bloggers got started, first blog income reports show us a practical and realistic journey. (Though note that most bloggers were years into their journey before they started gaining traction or started treating their blog like a profitable business.)
  • Most recent travel blog income reports : I also look at the latest income reports to see what strategies they’re doing now compared to their first income report.
  • Their most profitable income streams (spoiler: it’s usually ad revenue), and how many pageviews it took to reach the revenue amount.
  • Their most profitable affiliate programs : If I see patterns across all income reports, I’ll take that as a sign that it’s a program worth signing up for.
  • Their lessons learned and plans for the next month (this is so valuable!)
  • Their common monthly expenses and tools they use : While new bloggers may not invest in all the tools right away, it’s good to see what tools they see worth paying for, and get a sense of how much money it takes to maintain a blog.
  • Top traffic sources : Some bloggers share top traffic sources, including any blogs that went viral or attracted a high amount of traffic.
  • Seasonal tips i.e., when to expect a usual dip or increase in pageviews.

Here are 5 examples of Travel Blog Income Reports:


After 8 months and new to blogging, Jen made $735 with their family travel planning blog. 

  • 15,596 pageviews a month
  • Google Adsense (advertising): $66.98
  • Amazon Affiliates (affiliate sales): $144.54
  • (affiliate sales): $6.78
  • CJ Affiliates (affiliate sales): $0.51
  • Paid writing: $495.00
  • Free product value: $21.50


Of the $11,000 Shruti made, $400 was made from the first 4 months. Shruti notes that her largest income revenue came from ad affiliates that increased after joining Mediavine’s ad affiliate program.

Shruti writes: “It takes six to 12 months to build a foundation, get into a rhythm, and really understand the different aspects of blogging.”

3. Two Wandering Soles On their last travel blog income report (2020), Two Wandering Souls made $74,367 in just one quarter, or three months. 

Their pageview summary: Total Q4 Website Statistics:

  • Pageviews: 1,018,956
  • Unique Visitors: 646,491
  • Sessions: 819,666
  • Email Subscribers: 17,670 (increase of 3,592 in Q4)

Top income sources:

  • Q4 Affiliates: $53,078.98 
  • Q4 Advertising: $21,288.27 (with Mediavine)

Some of their most profitable affiliate programs were with Amazon,, and Agoda.

4. Practical Wanderlust In their first full year of travel blogging, Practical Wanderlust made $22,454. 

Here’s their travel blog income report breakdown from that year:

  • Advertising: $6,720.14
  • Affiliate Income (Excluding Amazon): $1,658.91
  • Amazon Affiliate Income: $2,764.49
  • Paid Press/FAM Trips: $6,135
  • Sponsored Posts: $2,725
  • Social Media Consulting & Courses: $2,450.75


Amy’s travel blog income report covers one month of June 2022:

  • June 2022 pageviews: 77,553
  • Total income from ads in June: $2484.23
  • Total income from affiliates in June: $1739.51

Amy’s top affiliate incomes for that month came from Discount Rental Cars, Amazon, Shareasale, and CJ.

Bonus Income Report:

6. While not a travel blog, this blog income report is what sparked my motivation to kickstart and prioritize blog monetization.

In 2022, Tom made $272,712 from blogging primarily from these two sources:

  • Mediavine Income – $152,297.74
  • Affiliate Income – $116,915

Compared to other years, 2022 was an incredible jump:

  • 2018 – $1,700
  • 2019 – $7,000
  • 2020 – $22,000
  • 2021 – $92,000

Note the amount webpage traffic they got in 2022:

  • 3.1 million users
  • 3.8 million sessions
  • Approximately 220 posts published

Next Steps: How to Start Making Money with a Travel Blog

First, don’t over-read travel blog income reports! Regardless of everything that’s written here, there is a limit to consuming too much content before you actually take action. 

After learning from these travel bloggers, refer to their travel blog income reports only when you need a boost of inspiration and motivation to attack a task.

After going through travel blog income reports, here’s my plan and goals for my travel blog in 2023:

  • Reach 50k monthly views to apply for Mediavine
  • Make $2000 with affiliate programs

In weekly tasks it looks like:

  • Publish a minimum of 3 blog posts
  • Post on TikTok twice a week
  • Pin on Pinterest 10 times a week
  • Work on 1 paid & 1 guest post per month

My Affiliate Program Plan:

As a new travel blogger, I’m starting with only a few brands, including the ones on Travelpayouts . I don’t want to over-promote a bunch of brands at once, especially since I don’t have a large amount of blog posts.

Here are the some of the brands I’ve chosen to start with, which are brands I have the most experience with:

After getting accepted into the affiliate programs, I go through this process:

  • I look through my blog posts that either mention any of the brands or talk about anything related to the brand’s services. For example, in my South Korea travel guide, I talk about the hotel price ranges. I could easily link an Agoda affiliate link copied from Travelpayouts and insert it into the sentence, or even embed a hotel search widget.
  • I go to my list of blog post ideas, and prioritize which ones I could easily insert affiliate links into. If I can’t fit in any affiliate link nor expect high traffic from the post, I move that post to the end of my blogs-to-write list.

This is Your Sign to Get Started Today

Once I start making an income, I will post my first travel blog income report and hope to be an inspiring kickboost for others like these bloggers were for me.

If you’re interested, you can help me out and sign up for Travelpayouts using my referral link . You’ll receive $25 towards your $50 payout, which means you’re halfway there! 

Hope these travel blog income reports were inspiring and helpful to you as well! Best of luck!

👩🏻‍💻 Travelpayouts is 💯 free! Get started today and start plugging in your affiliate links! 💵

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Roseanne Ducut is a solo female traveler and Filipina from the Bay Area, California. She writes practical and culture-rich travel guides and lives a not-so-secret double life as a fangirl. A veghead for over 15 years, Roseanne also writes vegan guides to help others plan their trips.

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  • Travel Blogging Salaries: How Much do Travel Bloggers Make?

Sep 6, 2024 | Blog , Featured-4 , Travel Affiliate Guides

Travel Blogging Salaries - Main Image

Do you wonder how much money travel bloggers make? Are you considering a career move into travel writing full-time or wondering if you can make some money through the travel blog you created as a hobby? Maybe you’re just curious how your favorite travel bloggers sustain their glamorous lifestyles. Is it possible to make a living by just writing about travel?

Multiple Ways to Earn Income as a Travel Blogger

Travel blogging is not a one-size-fits-all career, nor is the compensation. In this piece, we’ll look at three different forms of travel blogging and provide income ranges for each. These are not the only ways to earn money as a travel blogger, but they help illustrate how compensation varies based on factors like who you’re writing for (yourself or someone else) and prior writing experience.

Our goal is to show that, while not everyone can expect free trips around the world in exchange for a few Instagram posts, there are ways to monetize a passion for exploration and high-quality writing. If you’re inspired to write by the time you finish reading, let this post be a starting point for continued research.

Path #1 – Blogging for other companies

Today, most companies recognize the value of having a blog and have invested resources to build authority on specific topics through this channel. Travel companies often use their blogs to offer customers a more authentic and personal perspective on their products or services. 

Writing for a travel company blog provides a high level of financial stability and regularity of work because it is the most traditional of the three pathways we’ll discuss. A travel blogger is a company employee and receives the same benefits and job security as a worker in any other department. 

In exchange for stability, writers usually have less control over their subject matter and the overall creative process. The blog is a marketing tool for the company, not a platform for a writer to express their opinions.

Income ranges:

According to Glassdoor, the salary range for a Travel Writer * in the United States is $51,000 – $86,000, with an average salary of $66,000. This figure varies slightly from city to city. Below, we provide the breakdown for the top 5 metropolitan areas in the United States.

*Someone who writes full-time for a company’s blog usually has the title “Writer” or “Copywriter.” To provide the most accurate comparisons in this post, we collected Glassdoor data on “Travel Writers” as a proxy for “Travel Bloggers.”

Path #2 – Freelance travel blogging

Freelance travel bloggers are hired as needed to complete writing assignments for travel companies or publications. These bloggers often work for multiple companies and can choose which projects they will work on. In most cases, they can use their own writing style and voice and receive credit for writing in their piece’s byline. Freelancers create and manage their own schedules, and their workflow is constrained only by the requirements of the brief and submission deadlines. 

Like other freelance professions, travel bloggers must proactively seek paid writing opportunities. Self-promotion and relationship-building are as important to a freelancer’s success as the writing itself. Freelancers use portfolios to showcase their writing ability and prove to companies that their writing will be a worthwhile investment.

For freelancers, there is no standard frequency of writing assignments. Their workload depends on how aggressively they seek out jobs, how many companies they have in their work rotation, and the companies’ editorial needs.

Freelancer travel writers can charge by project, hour, or word. The amount they can charge depends on their reputation and the quality of their published writing. The more skilled and experienced the writer, the higher the rate they can command. Writers can also charge a higher rate for more labor-intensive writing that requires original research or investigation.

The top freelance travel writers on Upwork charge rates from $10.00 to over $125 an hour, though most writers fall into the $20 to $60 range. Glassdoor provides similar figures with rates from $21 to $40 an hour when searching  “ Freelance Blog Writers .”

Path #3 – Blogging for Yourself

This is what most people think of when they hear “travel blogger.” A travel blog gives a travel enthusiast the most creative control of the three options and the most variability in earning potential.

Maintaining a travel blog requires considerable work in addition to writing. Bloggers must be webmasters, designers, copywriters, copyeditors, and marketers for their blogs. Technical tasks, such as updating WordPress plugins or SEO optimization , are all part of the job. 

Three popular ways that travel bloggers monetize their blogs are through affiliate marketing, selling ad space, and creating sponsored content. The amount a travel blogger can earn from each revenue stream depends on factors like blog traffic, audience buying power, and content quality. We’ll briefly define those digital marketing terms below:

Affiliate Marketing: With Affiliate Marketing, writers promote a product or service on their blog and earn a commission when purchases are made through their link. Many travel bloggers have successfully monetized their blogs in this way through Viator’s Affiliate Marketing Program .

Advertising : Blogs that receive a certain amount of monthly traffic can sell advertising space on their page through display ad networks such as Mediavine or Google AdSense. Think of this ad space like a newspaper or billboard advertisement. The RPM , or revenue per mille (revenue per thousand impressions), determines the amount a blogger receives per advertisement on their blog.

Sponsored Content : Depending on a blog’s popularity and reach, bloggers may be paid or receive free products or experiences in exchange for creating original content. The lucky few bloggers who receive all-expenses-paid trips in exchange for a write-up or mention on their blogs fall under this category.

Monthly Income Reports from Travel Blogs

Below, we’ve compiled a list of high-performing travel blogs and broken out monthly earnings by source: Affiliate Marketing, Advertising, Sponsored Content, and Other. This data represents one month of self-reported earnings for each blogger at different points in time.

A few notes about these examples:

We compiled these monthly income reports as examples of how the highest performing travel bloggers monetize their blogs. Recognizing that these results are exceptional, though possible to replicate, is important. 

Each blogger describes their growth timeline and career journey on their own blogs. For more information about their experiences, we encourage you to read about their personal experiences in their own words.

Tips for Choosing Your Career Path as a Travel Blogger

By now you should understand that the answer to the question “How much do travel bloggers make?” is a resounding “IT DEPENDS!”

If you’re seriously considering entering the world of travel writing, ask yourself the following questions to help you decide which pathway to take:

Am I a good writer?

Answer this question honestly. Though you might be passionate about travel, travel writing may not be for you if you cannot translate your feelings into compelling copy. 

While this eliminates travel blogging for a company and freelance travel writing as viable professional pathways, this shouldn’t stop you from creating a blog. If you’re a skilled photographer, use your blog to showcase your travel photography. You could even earn extra income by licensing your images for commercial use.

How much creative control do I want to have?

Do you have a specific vision for blogging? If so, you might feel creatively stifled by a company’s work processes and brand guidelines. As mentioned earlier, a company blog is a marketing tool for the company first and foremost. It is not the place for a writer’s creative experimentation or self-expression.

How much time can I realistically dedicate to travel blogging?

When sharing their success stories, the above bloggers all stress the importance of a strong work ethic, self-discipline, and patience. They all mention that they only started earning after months of hustling- tweaking their website design, writing regularly, and developing unique perspectives. If you aspire to their level of success, you must give yourself ample time to get there.

The more time you spend working on your blog, the more likely you are to earn the traffic needed to monetize your blog, even in small ways.

Conclusion / Summary

The goal of this post was not to encourage or dissuade anyone from pursuing a dream of travel blogging. Rather, it was to provide actual numbers to help you make informed decisions about which career path best suits your interests and skillset.

We believe that if you have a story to tell, you should tell it. Your story may stay a part-time hobby that eventually grows to provide some supplemental income through affiliate partnerships . Or, that story may become the next My Global Viewpoint, subsidizing your worldwide travel. 

As we hope you’ve learned, there are types of travel writing to fit every work style and risk tolerance. If you enjoy the security of an office, explore full time roles as a travel writer. If you have writing experience, build up your portfolio and start pitching ideas for freelance travel projects. And if you’re starting from scratch, use your own blog to tell your story. Just get writing and see where the journey takes you.

Ready to start? Become a travel blogger today by signing up for Viator’s partner program . Viator offers instant access once you sign up to be an affiliate and with every booking made, you’ll receive an eight percent commission. Set yourself up for success with the New Affiliate Playbook and  build curated collections with Viator Shop .

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How to make money as a travel blogger in 16 ways

  • Rebecca Tomasis
  • 14 min read

make money as a travel blogger

Are you a passionate traveler who loves to share travel stories and tips? You might be a perfect candidate to make money travel blogging.

According to a Forbes Advisor survey, 40% of Americans plan to travel more  in 2024 than they did in 2023. By starting a travel blog  and monetizing it, you can tap into this vast market, make a sustainable income and see the world.

Ready to combine your passion for travel and storytelling to inspire people and make money by starting a blog ? This guide will show you how to make money as a travel blogger.

How to make money as a travel blogger: getting started

Even if you started out as a hobby traveler, you gathered valuable experiences with every trip.Like any other expert, you can monetize your travel know-how. A travel blog is an ideal place to start.

With the Wix Blog Maker , you can create a travel blog in just a few clicks. But first, let’s look at some things to remember when you start travel blogging.

Understand your audience

As a travel blogger, your biggest asset is your audience. They’re the ones that will visit your website, click on advertisements or make purchases through affiliate marketing links. 

Your travel blog's design and content should cater to the needs of your target audience. For example, if your target audience is solo travelers, you could write about cheap and safe accommodations. 

Other possible target audiences include:

Business travelers

Digital nomads 

Family travelers

Adventure enthusiasts


Your monetization strategy also depends on your audience’s needs. Let’s say you write a lot about camping trips. You could include affiliate links to camping products on Amazon that you’ve tried out and reviewed. Digital nomads, however, might need more information than products so affiliate income wouldn’t be such a large part of your monetization strategy for that audience.

Create quality content

Travel blogging is a competitive field with many creators competing for attention. Creating unique and quality content helps you stand out from the pack. There are two parts to creating quality content. 

Engage your target audience

People quickly get bored with travel blogs without a unique tone and narrative. Personal travel stories, practical tips, itineraries and stunning photos are a must to keep people coming back for more page views.

Your blog could also include step-by-step guides for travel procedures, hotel reviews, travel accessory recommendations, travel insurance information and itinerary ideas. 

Impress search engines

Travelers often search for destinations online, so it’s great if your blog appears at the top of the search engine result pages (SERPs). To grab those coveted spots your content must be search engine optimized (SEO).

Doing solid keyword research and including relevant keywords in your content, meta information and URL are a great place to start. Search engines like Google also rank pages based on how useful they are, so focus on making your content valuable to readers. 

Blog consistently 

Just like people watch their favorite TV shows weekly, they watch for their favorite blogs to post often. Creating a content calendar before you plunge into content creation is a great way to help yourself stay consistent and remind you to promote new content on your social media channels. 

The content calendar is a plan that lists the blogs and social media posts you’ll create in the foreseeable future. It also includes a target date for creating and posting content. A good content strategy will help you create high-quality content while juggling your blogging and traveling. 

make money as travel blogger - blog consistently - schedule

Consistent posting will keep your blog fresh in your audience’s memory, and they’ll keep coming back for new content.

Build strong branding

An effective brand makes a lasting impression on its customers. You must create a strong brand identity to set your blog apart from the competition. 

Here are a few things that will help you create a brand.

A unique name and tagline

Tone and format of your blog posts 

Unique website design elements like logo, color palette, fonts and themes

Diversify your income streams

Multiple income streams are important for travel bloggers. Advertising on your website, using affiliate marketing links, writing sponsored blogs, accepting influencer brand partnerships and selling digital content are just a few ways to diversify your income. 

Diversifying monetization channels will ensure a stable income even if one stream dries up. 

16 ways to make money as a travel blogger

01. affiliate marketing, 02. email advertisements, 03. sponsored posts, 04. selling digital products, 05. travel consulting, 06. online courses and workshops, 07. advertising, 08. freelance travel writing, 09. merchandise sales, 10. paid partnerships and collaborations, 11. travel tour hosting, 12. crowdfunding, 13. youtube channel, 14. social media monetization, 15. podcasting, 16. blog flipping.

Let’s say you are writing a how-to guide for a camping trip. Your readers would want to know what camping gear you use. You can partner with a camping supply store, camping equipment brand or Amazon to include affiliate marketing  links on your blog. 

You'll get a commission whenever your readers click through the link and purchase something from the store. Required legal disclosures that your blog contains affiliate links may vary based on your location.

Other affiliate opportunities include travel websites, hotels, airlines and affiliate programs from popular travel platforms like . There are also affiliate marketing groups like ShareASale where you can sign up for multiple programs at once.

While affiliate marketing is a great way to make money as a travel blogger, endorsing brands you trust, even if you don’t have a deal with them, can help build audience trust. 

Building an email list  helps build interest in your blog by sending them travel tips, new content alerts, travel resources and downloadables. Plus, it’s a great revenue opportunity.

Companies like buying email advertisements because email subscribers are more engaged than random website visitors. Email advertisements have a higher conversion rate  than website advertisements, allowing you to charge a premium. 

make money as a travel blogger - email ads

Remember to avoid cluttering your emails with too many ads and choose ads that are relevant to your subscribers.

Do you have a favorite travel accessory, such as trekking gear or a camera? Partnering with those manufacturers to create sponsored posts on your blog or social media is a way to earn income and build credibility. 

You could make money as a travel blogger by writing sponsored posts like:

Hotel reviews

Travel experience reviews

Products/services comparisons

Travel accessories reviews

It's vital to stay on topic and promote brands that align with your travel niche and business values. You’ll also need to disclose when posts are sponsored. A sponsored post should also cover the product's positive and negative aspects so that it will add value to your audience. 

Digital products like ebooks and travel planners are an excellent way to make money as a travel blogger. You could sell them through your blog or online marketplaces like Etsy. 

Here are a few examples of digital products you could make as a travel blogger: 

Digital travel guides/ ebooks

Printable itineraries and packing lists

Photography presets  

Creating digital products  takes time, but they can bring in passive income after the initial setup. 

Do your friends and family always ask you for travel advice? Do you love drawing up travel plans for them? A travel consultation business  can become a great source of income by creating personalized travel itineraries and curated travel experiences for your clients. 

make money as a travel blogger - travel consulting

Travel consulting will also help you gain more business through referrals and a larger blog audience through word-of-mouth marketing.

As a travel blogger, you’ll have expertise in creating great travel articles, taking stunning photos and maintaining a travel website. You can use that knowledge to make money through online courses and workshops.

Based on your niche, you could offer a wide range of courses on:

Travel photography

Low-budget travel

Travel planning 

Travel website creation 

Sustainable travel 

You could sell your courses online or hold face-to-face workshops. Your courses will also help you gain visibility among travel enthusiasts and are a great opportunity to promote your travel services and merchandise. 

As you gain credibility as a travel coach, you could also make money from speaking engagements at travel expos and tourism events. 

Displaying advertisements on your website is a great way to make money as a travel blogger. You can sell advertising spots directly to brands or sign up with a service like Google AdSense , which automatically places relevant advertisements from many advertisers on your blog. 

Advertisers often pay for every click on their ad, so ad revenue grows with your blog traffic. Blogs with more page views command the highest pay-per-click advertising fees. 

However, be careful not to clutter your travel blog with advertisements. The ads shouldn’t tamper with user experience; otherwise, they could result in unhappy readers and lower SERP rankings.

If you love writing and have time to write more articles than your blog requires, you can make extra money as a freelance travel writer. 

As a seasoned travel writer, you can make money by:

Writing for travel magazines

Creating brochures for travel companies

Ghostwriting travel books 

Some freelance writing  assignments offer you a byline, which is a great way to reach more people and establish yourself as an authority in a travel niche.

Including a merchandise store on your travel blog or selling it through online marketplaces and social e-commerce platforms is another way to diversify, whether you create unique merchandise or resell products. Wix’s eCommerce website builder  will help you set up a store in a few clicks. 

Here are a few merchandise ideas that will help you make money as a travel blogger:

Tote Bags, t-shirts or posters printed with your travel photos

Collectible items and souvenirs from your favorite destinations

Travel books and accessories

Learn more:   How to start an ecommerce business , Best ecommerce platforms .  

According to the Influencer Marketing Hub’s benchmark report, 85%  of respondents have dedicated a budget for influencer marketing. Paid partnerships and collaborations are lucrative ways for travel influencers to earn money. 

Common travel blogger partnerships include government tourism boards, destination marketing companies and travel-related businesses like hotels or airlines. In addition to paying you, these brands might also sponsor your travel and accommodation.

Are you an expert on local travel destinations? You can make money by hosting travel tours showcasing your insider information. Examples include walking tours through your city or exploring a particular landmark.

Hosting travel tours make money through:

Charging an entry fee for your travel tours

Referral fees from local businesses 

Expanding your blog audience

Curating travel experiences for tours requires time and energy. You’ll also have to check local laws for required permits or licenses. 

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for your next epic expedition. Travelers often raise money from their readers through donation forms on travel blogs, and you might even want to consider setting up a donation website .

You could also sign up on websites like Patreon, where you’ll receive recurring financial support from people who love your work in return for access to exclusive content like destination guides or travel deal alerts. 

According to Pew Research, YouTube is the most popular social media  channel in the U.S. Advertisements, affiliate links and sponsored videos are the main ways to make money from YouTube. 

make money as a travel blogger - youtube

Need some inspiration? Check out these YouTube travel vloggers.

Vagabrothers :  1.14 million subscribers

Viatravellers :  15.3 thousand subscribers

Learn more:  How to make money on YouTube

Most travel bloggers are active on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These social media channels can help you make money as a travel blogger. 

Instagram features like subscriptions and gifts allow followers of an Instagram page to make one-time or recurring payments to a creator. The platform is also working on a creator bonus program. Brand sponsorships are also popular on social media channels.

how to make money as a travel blogger - instagram

Just like Instagram, you can make money on TikTok in different ways. TikTok monetization opportunities include:

The Creator Fund (only available to existing participants)

The Creativity Program for creators in the U.S.

Creator Marketplace for brands to find creators

Gifts and tips from TikTok viewers

Learn more:

How to make money on Instagram , How to make money on TikTok

According to Edison Research, 42%  of the U.S. population listens to podcasts. If you love to speak about your travel experiences and share travel tips, podcasting can be a great source of income. 

There are many ways to earn money from podcasts:

Charge a subscription fee for premium content

Partner with brands for sponsored content

Include advertising segments in the podcast

Teach courses and hold special live events

Need a great podcast name? Wix’s podcast name generator  can help.

Free spirits that don’t want long-term commitments might find blog flipping perfect for them. Create or buy a blog, improve it and resell it for a profit. 

make money as a travel blogger - blog flipping

While building a successful blog takes time and effort, selling it could yield a sizeable one-time payout. You could also build multiple niche travel blogs at one time and sell a few as your focus and interests change.

How to get started with making money as a travel blogger

Making money from a travel blog requires meticulous planning. Finding a unique niche, building a blog, creating content, building an audience, creating a content strategy and monetizing your blog are crucial steps in this plan. 

Find your travel blog niche

Every traveler has specific interests. Some like hiking national parks, while others prefer luxury tours. When you start a blog, focus on a niche inspired by your travel tastes. 

make money as a travel blogger - find your travel niche

Your travel blog niche could be based on the destination type, experiences or travel budget. 

Travel niches include:

Adventure tourism

Budget travel 

Luxury tourism

Solo travel

Gastro tourism

Picking a niche will help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. It will also allow you to explore a specific category and create in-depth content.

Set up your travel blog

Setting up a blog is the vehicle for how to make money as a travel blogger. Your blog will be your home base that connects your other monetization efforts.

Let’s take a closer look at the process of creating a blog: 

Choose a blog name: Your name will stay with you across platforms, so choose carefully. 

Register a domain name: Once you have a blog name, register a domain based on that name. The Wix free plan comes with a free subdomain , and premium plans come with a one-year free custom domain .

Build and host your blog:  Choose a reliable website builder and hosting service. For example, Wix offers a drag-and-drop website builder  and free, reliable hosting . Wix also ensures your website’s security  and performance. 

Customize your blog:  Wix offers plenty of travel website templates  to jump-start your blog design. Then, you’ll customize your travel blog to match your style by adjusting your logo , color palette, font, layout and images.

Build an audience

Your success as a travel blogger depends on the size of your audience. As your blog’s traffic increases, your advertisement revenue also increases. Plus, having a dedicated following makes you an influencer in the travel industry and can lead to sponsorships and paid partnership opportunities.

Build an audience for your blog by:

Creating unique content that inspires and helps people.

Staying active on social media and engaging with your audience.

Increasing your visibility by participating in online travel forums.

Networking with other travel bloggers to understand their processes.

Starting a multilingual blog  to attract an audience from across the globe.

Create a content strategy

Every successful travel blog has a solid content strategy. Your content strategy describes your target audience, the type of content you’ll create, content distribution channels, content goals, key performance indicators  and a detailed content calendar. 

Optimize your content for search engines'

People often research travel destinations online. Appearing on top of SERPs will increase the traffic to your blog.

Optimize your content for search engines  by: 

Using an uncluttered website design with easy navigation.

Performing keyword research and optimizing your content for those keywords.

Including relevant keywords in the meta title and meta description. 

Adding keyword-rich alt-text for all your images. 

Creating useful content that adds value for your readers. 

Create a monetization strategy

A monetization strategy will help you diversify your income streams and focus on the most lucrative revenue sources. Base your monetization strategy on your travel niche. For example, if you are a photographer, you can focus on selling high-quality prints and digital copies of your photos or hosting photo tours.  

make money as a travel blogger - monetize your blog

Regardless of your niche, advertisements are a part of most monetization strategies. Paid partnerships or influencer marketing gigs are also desirable as you gain a more extensive social media following. 

Travel blog examples

Ready to dive into travel blogging? Now that we’ve explored how to make money as a travel blogger let’s look at a few unique travel blogs for inspiration. 

The Wandering Wheels

The Wandering Wheels  is a unique travel blog that combines adventure travel with jewelry making. Hannah, the founder of Wandering Wheels, creates jewelry inspired by nature and makes money by selling accessories inspired by mountains, lakes and forests.

She Can Adventure

She Can Adventure  is run by Crystal Batlle, an avid traveler who organizes adventure camps for women travelers. She diversified her income by selling merchandise and accepting donations from patrons. 

Tipsy Atlas

Tipsy Atlas  is a robust travel blog with stunning photos that makes money from creating international travel itineraries and curated travel experiences.

How to make money as a travel blogger FAQ

How much do travel bloggers make.

Your income from travel blogging depends on your travel niche, audience, monetization strategy and marketing efforts. While some bloggers make a few hundred dollars monthly, others make a six-figure income or more. With a great content strategy and diverse income streams, you can make a substantial income from travel blogging.

Do I need a large blog following to start making money?

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How Much Do Travel Bloggers Make: Income Report Roundup

How much do travel bloggers make with their blogs? As this question is often on the minds of aspiring bloggers and marketers, we’ve gathered a roundup of 12 income reports from small to top-earning travel blogs. Keep reading to learn about the most efficient ways to make money from your travel blog and understand how much time you need to dedicate before you start seeing results.

How much travel bloggers earn a month

How Much Does a Travel Blogger Make?

Blogging is becoming so popular because it offers unlimited earning potential. Some travel bloggers are known to make six and seven figure incomes every month. Naturally, it takes a lot of time to grow such a revenue stream, but even newbies can start making money after a few months of dedicated work.

In fact, the income potential of a blog depends on several factors, such as your niche and topic, the number of blog posts, content quality, monetization strategies, and more. However, some bloggers do not think about ways to make money with a travel blog when starting out, so it takes them longer to receive their first earnings.

In this post, we will look at the income reports of renowned bloggers, discuss how long it takes to start making money with a blog, and share tips on how to earn a decent revenue faster.

Travel Blogger Income Reports

Below, we have gathered 12 income reports from travel bloggers from all walks of life. You can see their monthly income, blog age, and niche to understand the full scope of earning opportunities.

How Long Does It Take To Start Earning Money From Travel Blogging?

Research indicates that, on average, bloggers start earning money after 24 months of work and are able to convert their blog into a full-time income stream within four to five years. The exact time you need to spend blogging before generating your first earnings depends on many factors, including your niche, traffic sources , the offers you promote, and more.

Notably, your niche is not often the main factor that determines your success. While there is research that compiles the most and least profitable blogging topics, you can find ways to make money in each and every niche, as long as you share valuable content and monetize it correctly.

If you want to start making money quickly, you need to dedicate enough time to your blog, but also spend that time efficiently. Blogging for 10 hours per week can bring you more earnings than blogging for one hour per week; however, what you do during these hours is no less important.

There are several monetization strategies that you can use to monetize your blog . To learn about the most profitable strategies, watch this video from Travelpayouts Academy.

Earning Potential of Travel Bloggers

How much do travel bloggers make on average? The graph below presents the typical monthly income based on each blog’s age. You may expect to earn about $1,000 per month after one year of blogging. However, some bloggers start earning within the first six months of work and turn blogging into a full-time career within two years.

A graph showing the average monthly income of blogs that are: less than one year old, one to three years old, three to five years old, five to ten years old, and over ten years old.

Fortunately, you don’t always need to spend 10 years blogging before you start earning $3,000 per month. Amy Fillinger earns over $4,000 per month, but only started her blog four years ago. Adam Enfroy is one of the greatest examples of how to make money online, as he earns over $200,000 per month. You can find more inspiring income reports from top travel bloggers at this link .

Tips on How to Earn a Decent Travel Blogger Salary

Blogging is a great way to earn money online. You can start a blog as a side hustle or try to grow your blog into a full-time venture. In any case, you will benefit from developing a particular skillset that will help you stand out in the blogging niche and build a loyal community around your website. Below, you will find a few crucial factors that are behind the success of almost every blog.

Invest Your Time

It is only common sense that the more time you dedicate to blogging, the more results you can achieve. Time plus hard work and discipline will help you create an awesome blog.

The necessary time varies according to many factors, but consistent posting will surely draw in an audience faster. Readers will know that they always have new posts to look forward to when they visit your blog and, if the materials are trustworthy, you will grow your authority in your niche. Regular SEO and marketing efforts will also help grow your blog much faster than occasional promotions.

You should also invest time into analyzing your audience . Try to understand who your ideal reader is, what interests and pain points they have, and how you can bring value to them. This will help you develop an efficient content marketing strategy .

If you want to grow a large community around your blog, you need to learn how to stand out from the crowd. Make sure to reflect upon your personal qualities to develop a unique product. For example, you may be a very dedicated person for whom it will be easy to create a blog with in-depth materials on your topic. Or you may be very sociable, in which case, networking can be to your advantage in contrast to other aspiring bloggers.

To better understand the market, be sure to analyze your competitors and research your niche. This will allow you to notice content gaps and find better ways to target your audience. Then, try to develop an approach based on your unique personality, interests, and the existing market demand.

Learn New Skills

Blogging is one of those fields that is changing all the time, so to stay afloat, you will need to remain up-to-date on the blogging field and beyond. Networking will help you share experiences and learn from other bloggers, while finding opportunities for cross-promotion and growth.

SEO is of utmost importance for every blogger these days. Search is one of the most reliable and sought-after traffic sources. So, to grow a blog, you will need to master search engine optimization.

Other important skills for every blogger include writing and editing, marketing, analytical skills, as well as design and photo/video editing. Don’t worry if you are inexperienced, you will you’re your expertise along your blogging journey. To master some of these skills, join Travelpayouts Academy to take free courses from niche experts on SEO, marketing, and other important aspects of blogging.

Learn Financial & Business Skills

Every business needs accountability to stay afloat, so developing a financial skillset is highly beneficial and can prevent you from making unreasonable decisions and investments.

For example, to set achievable goals, you need to plan your budget and understand what opportunities are available to you. Earning money from a travel blog also requires proper accounting, as you will have to pay taxes on your earnings. To widen their reach, many bloggers leverage advertising. If you choose to take this route, you will also need to calculate how much budget you can dedicate to generating paid traffic .

Can Anybody Become a Travel Blogger?

Travel blogging is a multi-million dollar industry that you can join from anywhere in the world. It’s not rocket science. Passion, discipline, and a well-developed roadmap will allow you to reap major benefits. So, yes, anybody can become a travel blogger if they are ready to dedicate time and effort. But you do need a good strategy and support along the way. To gain access to some of the best travel brands, promotional tools, and expert advice, join Travelpayouts and start earning with travel affiliate programs today!

Scarlett Schreiber

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travel bloggers income

How to Start a Travel Blog and Make Money in 2024 

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  • September 9, 2024

travel bloggers income

With travel spending expected to reach a staggering $8.6 trillion in 2024, the demand for captivating travel content is skyrocketing. This means there’s never been a better time to learn how to start a travel blog and make money sharing your passion with the world.

Whether you dream of becoming a digital nomad or simply funding your next big adventure, this guide will show you how to create a successful and profitable travel blog, even if you’re starting from scratch.

How to Start a Travel Blog and Make Money

  • Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche & Blog Name

Step 2: Choose the Right Platform

Step 3: install wordpress, step 4: choose a theme for your travel blog, step 5: add content to your travel blog, step 6: generate content ideas for your travel blog, step 7: drive traffic to your travel blog, step 8: monetize your travel blog, step 1: choose a profitable niche & blog name.

A successful travel blog starts with choosing an interesting niche to write about. Focusing on one niche will help you become an expert and attract a dedicated audience.

This is important for travel bloggers because it helps you stand out. In fact, 59% of travel bloggers have more than one blog. That’s probably because they want to explore different niches.

Some popular travel niches include:

  • Budget Backpacking: Helping people travel the world without going broke.
  • Luxury Travel : Fancy hotels, incredible food, and bucket-list experiences.
  • Solo Female Travel: For women who want to explore the world on their own.
  • Adventure Travel: Exciting activities and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Family-Friendly Adventures: Helping families create unforgettable travel memories.

Choosing the right niche can also impact your blog’s growth and money-making potential.

“I did exactly that with Day Out in England, and within four months qualified for MediaVine. It’s been 14 months now and…the site brings in a decent income every month.” Victoria Philpott

Along with your niche, it’s crucial to choose a blog name to match. Your name should be short, easy to remember, and relevant to your niche. 

how to start a travel blog and make money with memorable blog name

For example, “One Bag, One World” works well for the solo female travel niche.

However, something like “My Single Life & Other Adventures” is too broad and doesn’t focus on travel as the primary theme. It might also attract an audience interested in dating advice rather than travel inspiration.

Pro Tip: Before you fall in love with a name, make sure the domain name is available (what readers will type into their address bar to find your blog). You can use sites like Nameboy to generate and search for domain names.

You’ve chosen a travel niche and a catchy blog name. Now, it’s time to choose the blogging platform on which to build your blog.

Lots of new bloggers make the mistake of going with a free platform. That might seem easier at first, but you have way less control. Imagine being unable to change your blog’s design the way you want or even being limited in how you can earn money. (sometimes called “self-hosted WordPress”) is the way to go when it comes to blogging. It’s like owning your own home – you can decorate, renovate, and customize everything exactly how you like it. Homepage

Now, you shouldn’t confuse this with, which is a hosting platform. I know having two WordPress versions is a little confusing. Here’s an easy way to remember it:

  • This is like buying a plot of land and building your dream house. You get to make all the decisions.
  • This is like renting an apartment. It’s cheaper and easier upfront, but you have to follow the landlord’s rules and might not have as much space to grow. is always my first choice when building a blog for its flexibility. But that’s not all you’ll need to set up your travel blog.

You’ll also need:

  • Domain Name: What people type into their browser to find you.
  • Web Hosting: A service that stores all your blog’s files and ensures people can access it online.

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, don’t worry. I recommend Bluehost to all new bloggers because they make getting started easy and affordable.

Bluehost the best WordPress hosting service

Granted, there are many other popular hosting services . But I chose Bluehost because:

  • It’s an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.
  • You get a free domain name for the first year.
  • They have amazing discounts for first-time customers.
  • Their customer support team is available 24/7.

Click here to sign up for a Bluehost account .

Note: At SeedProd, we believe in being honest and upfront. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, we’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. We would get this commission for recommending any WordPress hosting company, but we only recommend products we use and believe add value to our readers.

Get started with Bluehost

After visiting the Bluehost website , click the ‘Get Started Now’ button and select the plan that you want. 

Next, you’ll need to enter the domain name for your travel blog. Remember, you chose this in the first step of this guide.

Register a domain name in Bluehost

On the next screen, finalize your package details.

Bluehost order summary

You may see optional extras like domain privacy protection, backups, security, and more. For simplicity, I don’t recommend getting these right away. You can always add them to your plan later if you need them.

Finally, enter your details and payment information and finish the purchase.

Bluehost billing information

You’ll then get an email with instructions on how to log in to your web hosting control panel (cPanel).

With your Bluehost account set up, the next step is usually installing WordPress. But remember how user-friendly I said Bluehost is? Well, they’ve already installed WordPress for you.

You can access your hosting control panel by clicking the link in the email you received after signing up.

Then, just click the ‘Edit Site’ button to enter your WordPress dashboard.

Bluehost log into WordPress

Your WordPress dashboard is where you’ll create your blog posts, customize the design, and manage your site’s settings.

WordPress dashboard

You’ve installed WordPress, which means it’s time to make your travel blog look good. This is where WordPress themes come in.

Think of a theme as a template that determines the overall design of your blog. Themes control layout, colors, fonts, and how your content is presented.

Now, WordPress has a large selection of free themes, which are fine to use when you’re first starting. Just be aware that free themes often lack the flexibility and features of paid themes.

Free WordPress themes

You can also use paid themes, which are sometimes referred to as premium themes. They offer more advanced customization options, better performance, and developer support.

Travel WordPress themes

A paid theme is a good investment if you need a specific look or functionality for your travel blog.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a theme for your travel blog:

  • Clean and Visually Appealing : Your blog should be easy to read and visually appealing, effectively showcasing your travel photos.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Make sure your theme looks good on all devices, not just desktop computers .
  • Easy Navigation: Your blog should be easy to navigate so visitors can find what they want.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Website loading speed is important for user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). Pick a theme that’s optimized for speed.

To help you out, here are my recommendations for the best WordPress themes for any website .

If you want something unique, you can build a custom theme using SeedProd . Its drag-and-drop theme builder allows for more design control without needing to code.

SeedProd Drag and Drop WordPress website builder

SeedProd offers pre-built templates suitable for travel blogs, so you don’t have to start from scratch. You can adjust colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements while ensuring your blog looks good on all devices.

SeedProd travel WordPress themes

For a complete walkthrough, please see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme using SeedProd.

With your travel blog set up, it’s time to add content. This is what will draw readers to your site.

WordPress uses two main content types: posts and pages.

Posts are individual blog entries, often about specific trips or experiences. They appear in reverse chronological order on your blog’s main page.

Blog post examples

Pages are for more static content like your About page, Contact information, or a Privacy Policy .

Contact page example

They are not displayed in chronological order and often have a fixed position on your site’s menu.

Navigation menu with core WordPress pages

Creating Important Travel Blog Pages

Before writing your first blog post, I recommend creating important static pages to give your site some structure:

  • Home: This is usually the first page visitors see. Keep it concise, introducing yourself and the purpose of your travel blog.
  • About: Provide some background about yourself and your travel experience. Explain why you started a blog and what readers can expect to find on your site.
  • Contact: Make it easy for people to contact you, whether through a contact form or by displaying your email address.
  • Privacy Policy: A Privacy Policy is a legal requirement, especially if you collect user data or use advertising on your blog.

Creating a page in WordPress is simple. Go to Pages » Add New from your WordPress dashboard and enter your information using the easy WordPress blocks.

Add a new page in WordPress

You can also use a page builder plugin like SeedProd to create custom page layouts.

SeedProd custom about page

It offers more customization options than the typical WordPress block editor and is just as easy to use. For the steps, see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress .

Creating Travel Blog Posts

To write a blog post, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Posts » Add New .

From here, you can use the WordPress content editor to format your text, add images, headings, and much more.

Travel blog post example WordPress

Beyond standard blog posts, you can:

  • Write Travel Guides: Detailed articles with itineraries, tips, and recommendations for specific places.
  • Create Photo Essays: Tell a visual story through high-quality images.
  • Post Videos : Videos offer a more engaging way to share your experiences.
  • Add Audio: Consider starting a podcast with travel-related content.

Pro Tip: Use a plugin like Envira Gallery to create attractive image galleries for your blog posts.

Now that your blog is set up, you need to create content that will attract readers. So, what makes good travel blog content?

The answer to that question varies depending on the reader. In my experience, the solution is to write engaging, informative, and helpful content.

Write in a way that’s interesting and easy to read, using personal stories and a conversational tone. Also provide valuable information that helps readers plan trips, such as travel tips, itineraries, and honest reviews.

Travel itineraries example

I also recommend offering practical advice, answering common travel questions, and solving travel challenges.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas:

  • Think about your past trips – the highlights, challenges, and lessons learned.
  • Run polls on social media or email to find out what interests your readers.
  • Look at what other successful travel bloggers are doing for inspiration, but don’t copy their content.

Travel Blog Examples

Here are a few well-established travel blogs for inspiration:

Legal Nomads

Legal Nomads travel blog

Jodi Ettenberg’s blog features thoughtful writing on travel, culture, and personal experiences.

Uncornered Market

Uncornered Market travel blog example

This blog, by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, showcases stunning photography from off-the-beaten-path destinations.

Alex in Wanderland

Alex in Wanderland travel blog example

Alex Baackes focuses on solo female travel, offering relatable stories and stylish photography.

Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt travel blog example

Matt Kepnes teaches readers how to travel the world affordably.

Keep a regular posting schedule, whether weekly or a few times a month. Consistency helps build an audience and keeps readers engaged.

Orbit Media reports that the average blog post takes 3 hours and 51 minutes to write. But don’t let this overwhelm you.

Yes, writing quality content takes time. However, focusing on producing well-written and informative posts provides the kind of value your readers need to keep coming back.

Creating content is only half the battle. You also need to attract readers to your travel blog. Here are some ways to drive traffic to your site:

1. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines

SEO helps your blog rank higher in search results on platforms like Google. When someone searches for travel-related information, SEO helps ensure your blog appears in the results.

While WordPress is generally SEO-friendly, I always recommend that new blogs install a WordPress SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO).

all in one seo

AIOSEO has a complete set of SEO tools to help grow your travel blog. You can easily optimize your blog keywords, meta descriptions, title tags, and more.

For a deeper understanding of SEO, please refer to our WordPress Search Engine Optimization guide.

2. Improve Your Blog Speed and Performance

A slow-loading travel blog can provide a poor user experience and cause readers to leave and never return. It also affects your blog’s search rankings since Google considers speed among its top ranking factors.

To check your website speed, hop over to IsItWP’s free website speed test tool . It pinpoints any speed issues and offers suggestions on how to fix them.

travel bloggers income

To improve your blog’s speed, use a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN is like having post offices in different locations so your content can be delivered to readers faster, no matter where they are. This means your blog loads more quickly for everyone, regardless of location.

If you really want to speed up your website, a caching plugin like WP Rocket can help.

travel bloggers income

It handles a lot of technical optimization behind the scenes, from caching your pages to making those stunning travel photos load faster.

To learn more about speeding up your travel blog and keeping your readers happy, check out our comprehensive guide on how to speed up your WordPress website .

3. Build a Loyal Community

Encouraging readers to return to your blog is essential for its growth. One effective way to do this is by building a community.

An email list helps you stay connected with your audience. By collecting email addresses , you can send out newsletters with blog updates, exclusive content, and promotions.

Travel blog newsletter example

Consider using an email marketing service like Constant Contact to manage your subscribers and send emails.

To encourage visitors to sign up for your email list, I recommend using a tool like OptinMonster . It allows you to create pop-up forms and boxes on your website that encourage subscriptions.

OptinMonster email optin form

I particularly like its Exit Intent feature, which lets you display a popup form right when users are about to leave your website. In fact, Bonjour Lisbonne used this feature to double its email subscribers .

4. Track Your Blog Statistics

I knew nothing about statistics when I started blogging over ten years ago. I guessed what my visitors enjoyed reading.

I also didn’t know that you can get precise data about what your visitors like with Google Analytics.

Google Analytics report

After setting it up, you can see:

  • How many people visit your blog.
  • Where your traffic comes from (search engines, social media, other websites).
  • Which blog posts and pages are most popular.
  • How long people spend on your site.

This data helps you make informed decisions about the type of content to create and which areas of your blog need improvement.

If you’re unfamiliar with Google Analytics, this guide can help you get started: How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress .

5. Create a YouTube Channel

Did you know that 92% of bloggers use social media to drive traffic to their content? Platforms like YouTube are a goldmine for reaching a wider audience interested in travel.

YouTube Travel blogs

Consider creating a YouTube channel as an extension of your travel blog. Here’s why:

  • Many travel enthusiasts turn to YouTube for inspiration and information.
  • Video content is more captivating than text alone. In fact, the average video retention rate is around 54%. Share your experiences, showcase destinations, and connect with viewers through visually appealing content.
  • You can embed YouTube videos into relevant blog posts to keep visitors engaged and drive traffic back to your site.

You don’t need to be a professional videographer to get started. Begin with simple videos and experiment with different styles to find what works best for you.

Traveling is expensive, but for some successful bloggers, it’s their full-time job. So, how do they actually make money?

Let’s explore some ways travel blogs generate income so you can start earning from your adventures, too:

1. Brand Sponsorships

Sponsorships are often the most glamorous perk for popular travel bloggers. Hotels, airlines, cruise lines, tour companies, and even tourism boards are willing to pay to be featured on blogs with a large, engaged audience.

Once your blog has a consistent flow of readers, you can start reaching out to companies for potential partnerships. In exchange for free stays, complimentary flights, or a flat fee, you’ll typically write about their services on your blog. Companies might also reach out to you to publish sponsored posts.

Sponsored post example on a travel blog

If you’re unsure who to contact, look at what other travel bloggers are doing. See which brands sponsor them, or reach out to hotels and airlines in destinations you’re interested in featuring.

While sponsorships are exciting, they might not be enough to sustain a full-time income when you’re just starting. That’s why I recommend checking out the following other tips.

2. Display and Text Advertisements

Most popular blogs, including travel blogs, rely on advertisements as a key revenue stream. The most common way to get started is through Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is like a middleman between bloggers and advertisers. Advertisers pay Google to display their ads, and Google, in turn, pays you a portion of that revenue when people click those ads on your blog.

Display ads on a travel blog example

If you’re looking for alternatives to AdSense, consider platforms like and Mediavine. However, these often have stricter traffic requirements (meaning you need more readers to qualify), a lower revenue share for publishers, and a smaller pool of advertisers than AdSense.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is like recommending products you love to a friend – except you get a small commission if they purchase through your recommendation. It’s a win-win: Your readers discover useful products, and you earn a little something for sharing.

To make money with affiliate marketing, find travel-related products and brands with affiliate programs , such as backpack manufacturers, travel insurance companies, tour operators, or even travel gear companies.

Travel blog affiliate disclosure

The biggest player in the game is Amazon Affiliates, with a massive selection of travel-related products: gadgets, accessories, luggage, clothing, electronics, and more.

You can also explore affiliate programs directly through travel companies like, Expedia, and TripAdvisor.

4. Become a YouTube Travel Vlogger

As I’ve mentioned, YouTube offers tons of opportunities for travel bloggers. Since videos are super engaging (and, let’s face it, more fun to watch than reading sometimes), brands and advertisers are willing to invest in YouTube promotions.

Example of a monetized add on a YouTube travel blog video

While YouTube’s advertising program can generate some revenue, building a strong YouTube presence can also help you connect with brands for potential sponsorships. Plus, you’ll grow your audience and gain new followers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Starting a Travel Blog

Still have some questions about diving into the world of travel blogging? You’re not alone! Here are answers to some questions aspiring bloggers often ask:

What is a travel blog?

A travel blog is a website or section focusing on travel experiences, advice, and stories. It’s a place to share your adventures, inspire others to explore the world, and even earn income.

Do travel blogs make money?

Yes, travel blogs can generate income! You can monetize your blog through various methods, including:

  • Sponsorships: Partnering with brands to promote their products or services.
  • Advertisements: Displaying ads on your blog through platforms like Google AdSense.
  • Affiliate marketing: Earning commissions for recommending travel-related products.
  • YouTube monetization: Generating revenue through ads on your travel videos.

How much do travel blogs make?

The income potential for travel blogs varies widely. It depends on audience size, engagement, niche, monetization strategies, and consistency. While some travel bloggers earn a modest side income, others have turned their blogs into successful full-time businesses.

How to start a travel blog for free?

While starting a fully-featured travel blog for free has drawbacks (like limited customization and control), you can get started on free platforms like or Blogger. Remember that these options might restrict your monetization options and long-term growth potential.

I recommend investing in a custom domain name and hosting (which can be quite affordable) for a more professional and scalable blog.

Start Your Travel Blog and Make Money Today

Starting a travel blog is an exciting way to share your passion for exploration, connect with fellow travel enthusiasts, and potentially even earn an income. But remember, building a successful blog takes time, dedication, and a sprinkle of wanderlust.

Need a little extra help along the way? I’ve got you covered with these blogging resources:

  • Best WordPress Blog Plugins for Easy Blog Management
  • How to Make Your Blog Look Like a Website
  • How to Create a Blog Page on WordPress
  • How to Start Building an Email List to Grow Your Business
  • How to Promote Your Blog: A Beginner’s Guide

To make the whole process of creating and customizing a travel blog easy, choose SeedProd. Build your travel blog in minutes without touching a single line of code.

Thanks for reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to leave a comment with any questions and feedback.

You can also follow us on  YouTube ,  X (formerly Twitter) , and  Facebook  for more helpful content to grow your business.

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Disclosure:  Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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10 Travel Blogs That Make Money (And Their Secret to Doing It)

By: Author Mitch Glass

Posted on Last updated: March 22, 2023

Ahhh travel blogging…

A lucky few make MAJOR money with their blogs.

The rest of us pour major time into blogging…without much to show for it.

Is it possible for ordinary mortal folk to make money travel blogging?

The answer is yes.

Here are 10 examples of travel blogs that make money. And more importantly…the secret sauce they use to make it rain.

Table of Contents

How much money can you make from a travel blog?

How do travel bloggers make money, #1.) two wandering soles, #2.) the professional hobo, #3.) adventure in you, #4.) practical wanderlust, #5.) it’s a lovely life, #6.) a dangerous business, #7.) one step 4ward, #8.) helene in between, #9.) local adventurer, #10.) living the dream rtw, can you make money from traveling blogging, free travel blogging courses for beginners.

Blogging is one of the best digital nomads jobs (at least for the few who “crack the code” to success).

Not only do you get to work on a travel hobby you’re passionate about . But you can make a pretty penny from it.

There is essentially no income cap .

The only real limitation is your imagination and how hard you’re willing to work (ok ok, I know that sounded cheesy—but stick with me). 

Some travel bloggers scrape by earning pennies. Others rake in tens of thousands per month.

Let’s take a look at what makes the difference.

Blogging isn’t the only way to earn money traveling—here’s over 100 other awesome travel jobs to choose from.

Successful travel bloggers almost always have several income streams. These can include:

  • Memberships
  • Paid services
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Digital product sales
  • Physical product sales
  • Patreon and other donations

graphic showing how travel blogs make money with different income streams

If you play your cards right, travel blogging comes with even more perks—“free” luxury safari stay in Africa, anyone? 

That said, travel blogging has fierce competition and is tough to break into (speaking from experience here!).

Everyone wants to become a digital nomad and explore the world, and social media (*cough* Instagram) is packed with thousands of images of the exact same destinations. 

To succeed, you need to have a unique angle and stand out from the crowd. “Me too” blogs won’t cut it.

To speed up the process, here are some of the best blogging courses: ▶ Travel Blog Prosperity – Designed specifically for travel bloggers. Her free course alone will put you ahead of most of your competition. ▶ Fat Stacks – Fat Stacks teaches a blogging strategy to explode your traffic in any niche (see my full Fat Stacks review ). He has a gold-nugget packed free course as well.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to blog about travel. You can start a lifestyle blog in any number of niches and make a good living.

10 awesome travel blogs that make money (and how they do it)

This is by no means a complete list of travel blogs that make money, but it should give you inspiration and ideas to earn more with your travel blog.

( Note : Since travel basically shut down in 2020-21, most income data is from 2019. That said, many of these blogs found ways to grow even more during the pandemic.)

Katie and Ben are based in the U.S. and are a great example of how to make money through your travel blog. Originally from Minnesota, they started Two Wandering Soles back in 2014 after quitting their 9-to-5s to travel around South America.

travel bloggers income

Since then, their travel blog has exploded. They focus mainly on eco-friendly, responsible travel, van life, and leaving a smaller footprint on our beautiful planet. Basically, they’re all about the importance of sustainable tourism .

They also have a great free blogging email course for beginners. 

Income sources : ▶ Advertising ▶ Affiliate marketing ▶ Partnerships ▶ Sponsored content (e.g., reviews for services like hotels and restaurants in exchange for free accommodation or food during their stays). ▶ Digital products – Van Life Build course

All this racks up a hefty income. They earned $73,367 in Q4 of 2019 . This was a couple years ago, and they have since launched their online course, so you can bet their income has grown even more.

Takeaway: If you poke around their site, you’ll immediately notice (1) their content is super in-depth and top notch and (2) they have a lot of content. This goes to show that one way to stand out in the competitive travel space is to not cut corners so you can blow the competition out of the water.

Nora Dunn is a long-term traveler who’s been exploring the world for over 15 years. She’s a former Financial Planner and currently runs The Professional Hobo blog, which focuses on financially sustainable travel. This is a concept that combines her corporate experience and financial expertise with her love of travel. She teaches people to earn, spend, and save money sensibly while on the road.

travel bloggers income

Over the years, she’s built up a sizable following of people who are interested in living their own nomadic adventures.

In 2019, her income from her travel blog came in at $50,922 . Here’s how that income was broken up.

Income sources : ▶ Affiliate sales ($23,337) ▶ Advertising ($17,543) ▶ Freelance writing ($7,253) ▶ Book sales ($2,209) ▶ Miscellaneous earnings ($580)

Takeaway: Nora is known for writing mega in-depth guides on important topics that most travel bloggers aren’t willing to tackle. She’s also a big proponent of using freelance writing as a tool to supplement blog income. If your blog isn’t yet earning as much as you’d like, find a freelance writing client !

You may have already heard of Adventure in You as they advertise their blogging courses all over Facebook. However, you may not know that their income for 6 months in 2018—just three short years after starting their blogging journey—hit a whopping $83,290 in profit . 

Income Sources: ▶ Ads ▶ Affiliate marketing ▶ Sponsored posts and partnerships ▶ Digital product sales

The Filipino-Welsh duo, Tom and Anna, are one of the cutest travel blogging couples you’ll ever meet. They met while (separately) exploring in Vietnam and have been traveling the world together ever since. Adventure in You was born in 2015. 

travel bloggers income

Their blog focuses on adventure travel and aims to help people live their lives to the fullest. But, they’ve also branched out into blog coaching and have taught thousands of aspiring travel bloggers how to make money online.

They have a free course on how to start and monetize a blog, plus a paid course, The Blogging Fast Lane , which generates a fair portion of their extraordinary income.

Takeaway: Unless you’ve reached a certain level of success blogging, creating a blogging course isn’t a good idea. However, you can take a page from Tom and Anna’s affiliate marketing playbook. If you check out their Gear section, you’ll see they have TONS of articles reviewing very specific types of gear. Instead of writing articles that everyone writes about (e.g. best travel backpacks), look for more obscure topics (e.g. best travel water bottles).

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  • 65-page eBook jam-packed with every imaginable way to earn money on the road (107+ ideas)
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Practical Wanderlust is a wonderful example of how to take a bad experience and flip it on its head. Lia created the travel website in 2016 as a hobby blog to document her wonderful year-long honeymoon with her new husband Jeremy. 

Little did she know that the honeymoon would be a disaster, but Practical Wanderlust would blossom into her full-time passion and career.

Since it began, the blog has been providing practical (it’s not in the name for nothing), detailed, and realistic guides for couples or solo travelers wanting to travel the world. They are a hilarious pair, and their blog is bound to make you chuckle.

travel bloggers income

It’s also one of the top earning travel blogs. 

Just two years after starting, their blog was bringing in over $10k per month . 

Income Sources: ▶ Ads ▶ Affiliate income ▶ Freelance writing ▶ Press trips ▶ Digital product sales (social media courses)

Fast forward to 2021 (three years after the income report above) and Practical Wanderlust is now earning a multiple six-figure income . Because of her success, Lia also offers blog coaching calls to help aspiring travel bloggers follow in her footsteps.

Takeaway: New bloggers often complain that the top-earning blogs are just lucky because they started way back when there was no competition. Lia and Jeremy’s quick path to success proves that this is just an excuse. They stand out because they are FUNNY. Unlike most dry content online, they’re posts are entertaining to read and make you want to keep coming back for more.

Heather and Pete from It’s a Lovely Life are two of the highest-paid travel bloggers on this list. They launched their luxury family travel site in 2014. That same year, the pair developed It’s a Lovely Life into a six-figure blog…all while traveling the world for 150 days and being excellent parents to their three children.

travel bloggers income

In 2019, earnings from their blog hit $2,233,236 . 

Incomes Sources: ▶ Online courses ▶ Training program sales ▶ Affiliate commission ▶ Sponsored posts

The concept behind their blog is simple: to help other families satisfy their travel bug by teaching them to make a living from their laptops as digital nomads . 

Although they are adventurers at heart, they also have a family home in California where they spend their time (and hard-earned cash) when they’re not exploring the world.

Takeaway: Heather and Pete earn about half their income selling multiple courses on how to blog and make money online. They also offer multiple “tiers” of courses that contribute to their impressive income—including an entry-level blogging course and a next-level blogging mastermind. A percentage of students who buy their beginner courses will go on to purchase the advanced training as well. This isn’t a viable plan unless you’ve built trust with an audience who believes you know what you’re talking about. Maybe you’re not a high-earning blogger yet, but are you an expert in anything else that you could teach (photography, video editing, social media, etc.)? 

Former travel journalist, Amanda, is a little different from her fellow travel bloggers. She didn’t quit her job to travel the world. Yet, since 2005, she’s still managed to visit over 60 countries and 6 out of 7 continents. 

Her blog, A Dangerous Business, was born in 2010. The award-winning website focuses on helping people fit travel into the lifestyle they already have.

travel bloggers income

Since starting her blog, she’s been either working full-time, in full-time education, or working from her home in Ohio—all while pulling in a steady $10,000+ per month from her blog.

She’s an inspiration to anyone wanting to create a successful travel blog around a full-time job—it is possible, people!

In November and December 2020, she raked in a total of $19,746 from A Dangerous Business. 

Income Sources: ▶ Ads ▶ Affiliates ▶ Photography work ▶ Speaking gigs  ▶ Online courses (not included in income report)

She also has another website, Cleveland Traveler, which focuses on local travel in her hometown. The site launched in 2019 and brought in $1284 over the last two months of 2020.

Takeaway: One of the keys to Amanda’s success is looking for underserved niches. Millions of people love to travel but don’t want to have to quit their jobs to do it. Amanda focuses on helping them.

One Step 4Ward tells the story of Johnny Ward’s incredible quest to travel to all 197 countries in the world. He left his hometown in Ireland in 2006 and started his travel blog in 2010.

Within 6 months, he was making $500 per month from his blog.

travel bloggers income

Not long after that, $500 became $1000, and $1000 became $30,000. 

Fast forward 10 years and Johnny now owns three websites, has accomplished his goal of visiting all 197 countries, and became a millionaire travel blogger in the process. 

One month he generated nearly $60,000 from his sites—more than the average American makes in a year!

One Step4Ward focuses on destination guides, travel, and adventure tips from (literally) all over the world. His other websites, Find A Tutor and Step4WardMedia, focus on virtual tutoring and online marketing respectively.

Takeaway: During his journey, Johnny kept his living expenses low so he could reinvest his earnings in starting and purchasing a portfolio of websites. He then hired a team of workers around the world to help him manage those sites. This goes to show what you can accomplish if you’re willing to risk investing in your business (instead of trying to do everything by yourself).

Helene in Between was created by Helene and her husband Michael. She moved from Dallas to Germany in 2016 and started her blog for fun after a rock-climbing accident. Since then, it’s become her entire life.

travel bloggers income

Helene in Between is an inspiring collection of travel experiences, tips, and tricks for getting the most out of your adventures. Her guides talk about destinations from all over the world, from Italy to Aruba, and she has some wonderful stories to tell. 

She also teaches strategies to create a successful blog and manage social media (and real-life).

Her blog has earned over $15k per month while traveling full-time. 

Income Sources: ▶ Affiliate sales (mostly Siteground and Genius Blogger’s Toolkit) ▶ Sponsored work ▶ Digital products (Lightroom presets, Instagram eBook)

Takeaway: Helene boosted her income by contributing a digital product to the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit, then promoting it as an affiliate. This is a toolkit of 100+ blogging-related courses and tools bundled together and sold super cheap. As a contributor, you earn a higher percentage as an affiliate. So, think of something you could contribute, and then promote the toolkit like crazy!

Local Adventurer is a popular travel blog that earns money using an interesting twist. 

Esther and Jacob immerse themselves in one new city every year. So far, they have lived like locals in Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, New York, and are currently in Las Vegas.

They are great at finding adventure in the everyday, stepping outside their comfort zone, and staying flexible in whatever crazy situation they find themselves in.

travel bloggers income

Since Esther and Jacob started Local Adventurer in 2013, they’ve managed to earn significantly more than the average travel blogger salary. 

In 2019, Local Adventurer brought in a staggering $302.9K . 

Income Sources: ▶ Affiliate marketing ▶ Brand partnerships ▶ Sponsored posts 

Takeaway: Unlike every other travel blog on this list, Local Adventurer earns the bulk of their income from sponsored posts. It just goes to show that you don’t have to follow the crowd to succeed. When everyone is zigs, sometimes it pays (literally) to zag. 

Angie and Jeremy are the faces behind Living the Dream RTW, a lifestyle design blog with a travel twist. 

They quit the 9-5 life to explore the world over 12 years ago, were named one of the USA’s top 10 travel couples back in 2014, and are known for telling it like it is (no sugarcoating). 

travel bloggers income

Angie and Jeremy do their income report a bit differently. Instead of writing a new post each month, they simply update the old one. They also run another blog called Discover the Burgh, a local Pittsburgh travel blog, which they combine into their income report.

In March 2021, their two travel sites earned in $8,200 . 

This only includes ad revenue ($6,150) and affiliate commissions ($2,050) for their two sites. It does not include extra income from SEO consulting services or income from their other affiliate site projects. 

Takeaway: If you have a general worldwide travel blog without a specific niche, it may be useful to complement it with a local travel blog focused on your hometown (especially if your hometown is a big city). Not only is it easier to be an expert in one city than to be an expert of the entire world, but you’ll also have plenty to write about when you’re not traveling (or stuck at home in a pandemic).

You can make money from travel blogging—even if you’re starting from scratch today. Yes, the competition is fierce compared to 10 years ago, but travel is also cheaper and more accessible, which makes the pie bigger. If you niche down, you can still stand out. 

Here are some other keys to success:

Find a teammate. You may have noticed that most travel blogs that make money on this list are backed by a dynamic DUO. While it’s certainly possible to build a successful travel blog by yourself, teamwork makes the dreamwork. Give it time. Blogging success doesn’t happen overnight. Most blogs on this list have been at it for at least five years. Yes, some grew impressively fast, but with today’s competition, expect things to take longer. Have an alternative income (or savings cushion). It will take at least a year or two for most people to earn livable wages from their blog. That means you need a Plan B to support yourself in the meantime. This might be a normal full-time job at home, or it could be other travel-friendly jobs like freelancing and teaching English. Study and get inspired from others. Follow all the bloggers on this list, read their income reports—including the struggles they overcame to get to where they are today—and keep your inspiration tank full. Never forget your WHY. It’s easy to get lost in your neverending To-Do List, lose sight of your end goal, and feel discouraged. To avoid this, write out the ultimate lifestyle you’re trying to achieve, and post it somewhere you’ll see it everyday. Work smarter, not harder. Blogging takes a TON of time. The more efficient you can be, the better. My Work from Anywhere Toolkit reveals hundreds of free (and super cheap) tools that help you automate your business and finish more work in less time.

Several of the blogs on this list offer some sort of free travel blogging training—I recommend checking them all out.

Two of my other favorite blogging courses are Travel Blog Prosperity and Fat Stacks. They each have their own free intro courses that are extremely valuable as well.

▶️ Travel Blog Prosperity free mini-course ▶️ Fat Stacks free mini-course

profile photo for mitch

Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was . But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations: Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page. Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox. Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel). Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation. Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones. Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills. Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

Tuesday 11th of May 2021

what an information. Inspired by your travel blog I hope i will soon make my personal travel blog. keep writing such more wonderful blogs.

Wednesday 12th of May 2021

I'm glad you enjoyed it - best of luck to you!

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30+ Travel Bloggers Earning Over 5,000 USD / Month & How They Monetize Their Blogs

There’s a big difference between having a ‘popular’ vs. a ‘profitable’ blog. You can be a very popular blogger but you might not be monetizing your site properly, or you may be a blogger who doesn’t have a huge audience but still earns a decent amount of money with a optimised, niche website.

There are still many out there who think travel blogging is just a hobby, rather than a ‘real job,’ or a ‘real business.’ This may be true for some, but there are many bloggers out there for whom their travel blogs are a serious business, entirely supporting themselves and even their families, not just their travels and a few beers!

  • Are Nomadic Travel Bloggers Unhealthy? Here’s my real-life experience @no1bootcamp
  • 5 Must-Have Tech Gadgets that Travel Bloggers Should Invest In #Ad @westerndigital
  • 10 Cool Fashion Stylists and Bloggers you should Follow on Instagram
  • Travel Blogging Secret, Saving Time With CoSchedule
  • How to Make Money from Travel Blogging (Monetize your Travel Blog)

To demonstrate this, we found 30 travel bloggers who were willing to share with us how much they earn and how they do it!

In this article, we’re going to talk about the various ways that travel bloggers make money, including the self-submitted Income Profiles of 30 travel bloggers earning more than $5000 USD per month, topics include:

  • PART 1 – Surveyed Travel Bloggers and How Much They Earn
  • PART 2 – Travel Blogging Expenses – What are we Paying For?
  • PART 3 – How do Travel Bloggers Earn Money –  Travel Bloggers Income Reports!
  • PART 4 –  Tips for Newbie Bloggers – What Should You Do To Monetize Your Travel Blog?

(Please note that this article does contain some links to affiliated companies)

Surveyed Travel Bloggers and How Much They Earn

*All figures in USD. All income information is based on data supplied by each blogger excluding all travel expenses (unless stated otherwise). For a detailed breakdown of each bloggers income check the bottom of the post.

  • Matt Kepnes of Nomadic Matt (more than 50,000 USD per month)
  • Johnny Ward of  ($20,000 to $25,000 p/m)
  • Dave & Deb of  The Planet D  ($15,000 to $20,000 per month)
  • Earl of  ($12,000 per month)
  • Monica of  The Travel Hack  ($10,000 per month)
  • Nick & Dariece  Goats On The Road  ($10,000 to $12,000 per month)
  • Sharon of  Where’s Sharon Family Travel Blog  ($10,000 per month)
  • Milou of  ($10,000 per month)
  • Jon & Kach of Two Monkeys Travel Group  ($10,000 to $15,000 p/m)
  • James of Mantripping  ($4000 to $6000 per month)
  • Tim Leffel of Cheapest Destinations Blog ($6500 to $9000 p/m)
  • Brett of  Green Global Travel   ($5000 to $7000 per month)
  • Yoshke & Vins of  The Poor Traveler  ($4000 to $6000 per month)
  • Kristin Addis of  Be My Travel Muse  ($4000 to $5000 per month)
  • Jacob & Esther of  Local Adventurer  ($6000 per month)
  • Stephanie of  TravelBreak  ($5000 to $15,000 per month)
  • Christy of  Ordinary Traveler  ($5000 to $7000 per month)
  • DJ Yabis of  Dream Euro Trip  ($7000 to $9000 per month)
  • Samantha & Yeison of  Mytanfeet  ($5000 to $8000 per month)
  • Bethaney of  Flashpacker Family  ($5000 to $10,000 per month)
  • Jarryd & Alesha of NOMADasaurus  ($3500 to $6000 per month)
  • Cory of  You Could Travel  ($5000 to $8000 per month)
  • Flavio of  ($6000 to $14,000 per month)
  • Bethany of  Flashpacker Family  ($5000 to $10,000 per month)
  • Sher of  ($7000 to $8000 per month)
  • Amanda of  ($6000 to $10,000 per month)
  • Brian of  The Travel Vlogger  ($5000 to $8000 per month)
  • Rachel of  ($5000 per month)
  • Eileen of  ($3000 to $6000 per month)
  • Yulia of  ($4000 to $5500 per month)
  • Nora of The Professional Hobo  ($3000 +)

If you’d like to add your income profile and share your pro travel blogging tips, feel free to fill out this form .

Monkey Dividers

The Business of Travel Blogging – EXPENSES

It would be great if travel blogging were all about income, but as with any business, the reality is that there are expenses (and huge taxes!). And just like in any other business, growth and increased income often come with greater expenses! If you’re not a blogger and wanted to be one, here’s my article on how you can start a travel blog .

According to our travel blogger income survey, those travel bloggers who earn more, also invest more into their business.

Here are some examples of the kinds of expenses that travel bloggers pay out for:

1. virtual assistants + freelance writers.

Some bloggers have expanded and hired more people, like we have, to create great content for their websites. Hiring a writer is perfect for creating the type of content that doesn’t need to be personally written by you, but provides a different type of value to your readers.

As well as content writers, another way to grow your blogging business is to hire a team to support you with work that distracts you from what you do best. I have three full time, freelance virtual assistants working for me, focusing on graphic design, social media management, article submissions, and marketing. Outsourcing costs money, but done correctly it allows you to focus on what you do best (and the things that directly increase your income!)

2. Hosting, Domain, Plugins + Themes, Web Development, Security…

Any blogger at any level of income has to pay for at least some of these, and if you want to grow, then you’ll find that you definitely usually get what you pay for.  When you’re just getting started, it makes sense to start with cheaper packages, but i f your traffic is growing and you’re starting to earn money, then it pays to invest in a higher standard of hosting and technical support. 

We started Two Monkeys Travel with Bluehost (because it was the cheapest), then we moved to Siteground (amazing support team), before finally moving over to Performance Foundry when we realized we needed a fully managed service so we could focus on running and growing the business. This is a perfect example of investing in growth – pay experts to do what they do best so that you can do the same!

Budget Hosting Companies:

  • Bluehost  – Mixed reviews, but from $3 per month you get what you pay for!
  • Hostgator  – another cheap hosting and same owners as Bluehost

Hosting for higher traffic sites or simply more support:

  • Performance Foundry  – Managed WordPress Hosting that we use for Two Monkeys Travel. As well as the hosting, they have a great technical support, they monitor the site, check plugins, improve site speed and keep it secure as well. Highly recommended!
  • Siteground  – A good range of options. More expensive than the budget options and still self-managed, but they have an amazing support team 24 hours.  They won’t do it all for you, but they’re very good at hand holding!
  • WPEngine – No personal experience, but we’ve heard good things about them

3. Automation & Management Tools 

Outsourcing is one way to take time-consuming tasks off your hands, but another option is automation. In blogging, especially when starting from the bottom, the list of repetitive tasks just seems to get longer and longer, sucking up your valuable time and draining your motivation to do what you loved about blogging in the first place. Social media is usually the biggest culprit! The good news is that for every new repetitive task, there is always someone who will design a program or an app to do it for you. Some are great, while many are utterly shit, so read reviews and take advice from blogger groups and forums!  Here are some automation tools that are popular with bloggers and which we use on Two Monkeys Travel.  This is only a limited selection; there are dozens out there!

  • Tailwind – To automate Pinterest
  • Convert a Kit – Newsletter management
  • Grammarly – For automated proofreading/grammar checking

4. Advertising

Blogging is the same as any other business – You need to tell people that you exist! Just because you build it, doesn’t mean they will come. The internet is a big place; it’s hard to get seen, and the big players like Facebook know it.  We all know how it feels when Facebook decides to suddenly stop showing your posts to you followers. Basically, they want you to pay to boost your posts, so they’ll show them to more people. This can be a very effective way to get traffic when done correctly, but done incorrectly is just a big fat waste of money! It seems that every platform wants us to pay these days – Instagram Promotions; Google Adwords; Twitter Ads; there are probably more. We can’t tell you how to do this, or even if you should bother. Do some research and expect lots of trial and error…Good luck! 

(Please note that travel expenses like hotels, flights, food and other things are not included in the listed expenses above! This can be where most of the expenses go, unless your trips are sponsored! For taxes, it depends on the country where the business is registered, on our case, we pay it in the United Kingdom.)

How do Travel Bloggers Earn Money from their Blogs?

According to our personal experience and from the blogger income survey, there are at least ten different ways you can earn money from travel blogging if you really want to dig into it. Here we’ll explain all the different ways our surveyed bloggers earn money with their blogs. (You can also read my article here on how we started monetizing our blog  during our first year blogging)

But first… How Long Will it Take to Start Earning Money from Travel Blogging?

Before we get into this next part, we know a lot of new bloggers are asking this question…

On average, most of our surveyed bloggers took 1 to 2 years before they started monetizing their website, but in reality, if you started blogging already knowing everything, then you could start earning a lot faster. But who starts out already knowing everything, right?! There are exceptions to this, however, like us – We had our first $1000+ month with Two Monkeys Travel after just three months, but that came out of working 12 to 16 hour days on the laptop for those first three months. We don’t have to do that now, but you definitely get out what you put in! 

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is the best passive income model you can use for yourself and your blog, so please start this right from day 1! In short, affiliate marketing is recommending a brand, product or service to your readers, so that when they go to that website and buy something you are rewarded with a small share of the profits. There’s a lot more to it than that; like a supermarket putting the powdered milk next to the beer, if you’re doing it wrong you’re not gonna sell much-powdered milk!

If you want to learn more about Affiliate marketing and how to do it right, I suggest enrolling in the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course . The creator is not a travel blogger, but a Finance blogger who is earning almost 100,000 USD per month! We make $5000 to $6000 USD per month through affiliate marketing, and this course taught me a lot (some of them I already knew!) ! 

Amazon Associates is a great affiliate program for selling products, but there are many brands that register with an affiliate marketing network to handle their affiliates for them. There are a few good ones, some bad ones and new ones popping all the time. It’s worth joining a few of these to cover a range of brands. Here are the ones we work with (and one we don’t!)

  • Affiliate Window – One of the best and 1/3 of our Affiliate earnings are from here! You can also create a customized campaign with the advertisers listed on their platform. They do ask for a credit card when you sign up, so they can charge $5 as an anti-fraud measure, then it is immediately refunded. If you would like to try to avoid this, email me directly and I can try to assist with a referral, but this is at their discretion. Email at [email protected] with subject: Affiliate Window Invitation Code.
  •  – Marmite – some love it & some hate it! Lots of brands, clunky and time-consuming to use but they have a Content Certified group where you can get sponsored campaigns.
  • Share a Sale – Lots of smaller brands and companies on here, also very good. I think we make around $1,000 to $ 2,000 USD per month from this platform.
  • Rakuten  – Lots of options here, decent platform.

Other affiliate programs that are well worth joining for travel bloggers are anything to do with accommodation (Direct with Agoda / Hostelworld/ and a lot more), tours, transportation, equipment. Just think about what you would spend money on to go traveling, find a company you would be happy to recommend to your grandmother, then check their website for a Partners or Affiliates section!

2. Brand Campaigns

When you have an audience and a following, companies will approach you to promote their products and services to them. If those products and services are appropriate to your audience and you would be happy to use them yourself, then you can promote them through sponsored posts, social media campaigns, ad banners on your website and more.  You can join these websites to help you find brands looking to work with bloggers:

  • Webfluential
  • Izea – you get sponsored post for your social media channels, some people earns $300 to $3000 per month from here!
  • The Blogger Programme – if you are from the UK or Europe based!
  • Tap Influence  – the sponsored campaigns that we get here are usually around $800 to $ 4,000 USD! We once run a campaign that paid us $3,000 for a blog article + Facebook post.

Again, more are popping up every day, so keep an eye on the blogging groups to see what’s being said about them.

3. Brand Ambassadorship

What’s the difference from Brand Campaigns vs. Brand Ambassadorship?

In a Brand Ambassadorship, you’ll be promoting brands in the same way as you would for a brand campaign, but longer-term basis. It’s far more beneficial to both parties to form a long-term brand partnership, providing greater exposure for their brand and demonstrating a higher level of trust in their products. Of course, this also means that you’re securing a longer term, more reliable income. You need to be picky here, though because you’re choosing to become a supporter and spokesperson for that brand. Make sure the brand, its practices, and its values are aligned with yours and those of your audience.

Remember when Dennis Rodman became a public supporter and practically a spokesperson for North Korea? Remember how bad that was? Don’t be a brand ambassador for North Korea!

4. Paid Press Trips

Ah, the mythical golden paid press trips at the end of the blogging rainbow! Not at all mythical, you just need to be able to prove you’re worth what you’re charging and be on the right PR lists! The latter is a question of time and networking; it takes practice.

When you have those two things pretty much sorted, then you need to be very clear what you will provide in exchange for your fee. Put a lot of effort into this and design something that looks great. If you just type it out as an email, it implies that you might just make up your fees and deliverables on the spot. Of course, there is nothing wrong with free press trips, they’re great to build up your portfolio and network.

5. Freelance Writing

This is not directly making money from your blog, but it is leveraging your blog to get paid work writing for other websites and publications who then link back to your blog to expand your audience, so it’s all connected. Prices vary massively but you can get more tips from Goats on the Road or The Professional Hobo who get a good chunk of their income from freelance writing.

6. Selling Own Products – Ebooks / Books / Tshirts

Selling products are a great way to add new income streams to your blogging business. Ebooks can be made from repurposed blog content and photography. Audiobooks can be made to up-sell the Ebooks. You can make themed merchandise like mugs and t-shirts using online companies. If you know a lot about a certain subject, including blogging, then you can design a course to teach others. You can check out Nomadic Matt who sells his book + blogging course while Wandering Earl has his best-selling e-book on cruise ship jobs.

7. Providing Services From Your Website

Some travel bloggers have built such an audience and become such an authority on a subject that people are willing to pay them for their expertise. Some of our surveyed bloggers offer food tours, trip planning, and even one-on-one travel and life coaching ! You can check DreamEuroTrip who provides travel planning in Europe and some other bloggers have their Media Agency who does social media management + content creation services.

8. Photography and Videography

Not the easiest way to make money, but if you have the skills, then there are many ways to sell your photos and videos. As well as the obvious method of selling photos through portals like Flickr, you could sell prints from your own site and sell your services directly to brands and hotel properties. The Travel Break , Nomadasaurus , and The Travel Vlogger all make the big chunk of their income from their photography/ videos.

9. Banner Advertising (Google Adsense + Ad networks)

There are not many bloggers who choose this route as a main means of income as the returns are low and the banners don’t look great on the site. Having said that, a limited number of Google Adsense or Ad Networks banners can be a nice supplemental income. Alternatively, some brands will pay directly to have banners on a website, but this is becoming less and less common.

10. SEO Sponsored Posts

Tips for newbie bloggers – what should you do to monetize your travel blog, 1. know your goals and have a business plan.

The fundamental difference between being a ‘hobby blogger’ and a professional blogger is that the aim of the blog is to make money. It sounds obvious, and it is, but so many bloggers have conflicting ideas about blogging and money, even to the point of feeling guilty about earning money from their website and audience. Unless you get over that, then every decision you make thereafter is going to be conflicted as well. Creating a business plan can help to focus your goals and help you keep direction and motivation.

2. Plan your Content and How you can Optimize and Monetize it

Once you have your business plan, you can use it to make decisions about the kind of content you want to include on your blog and how to monetize it. 

3. Attend Networking Events to be added on PR List

Networking events and travel trade shows are an important way to start getting your name out there in the industry, especially with tourism boards and PR companies. The events below are a great start:

  • ITB Asia –
  • New York Times Show –
  • ITB Berlin, Germany –
  • WTM London –

4. Get a coach! Enroll on Travel Blogging and Business Courses

If you do everything by trial and error, then you’re going to take a very long time to progress. It makes sense to learn from people who have already learned the hard way and made a success out of what they do. Here are some good ones to get you started:

  • Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing   

5. Focus on What You’re Good At – Optimise What You Have!

Social Media is great but don’t put all your effort into growing your numbers for the sake of it! Some of the bloggers above are not huge on some platforms on social media, but they are earning a lot of money from campaigns and from the traffic they do have. They know where to focus their efforts, and they have a very engaged audience!

 Blogger Income Profile Infographic


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56 thoughts on “ 30+ Travel Bloggers Earning Over 5,000 USD / Month & How They Monetize Their Blogs ”

Hi, Congrats! Ka galing! Travelling while earning money!

I love reading your blog. They are very informative looking forward to read more from you

Great information.definately will get in touch asap for a headstart

I cannot click on the infographics for each blogger showing their individual details. Can you fix this? I see others posted about this problem too

great post for readers.

Really a good and complete full of information and motivation

This is great info, thanks for sharing. I am excited with my travel blogging. Hope one day my travel blog is also on your list 🙂

Thanks! For giving the information to the travel blog. Whenever you go to some another places you can see the historical places.

Marvelous work!. Blog is brilliantly written and provides all necessary information I really like this site. Thanks for sharing this useful post.Thanks for the effective information.

Waow…. great post with great ideas. Thanks so much for putting it all together. Sure that You will help so many people. =)

Really a good and complete full of information and motivation !

This is a good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. Brief but very precise info… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post!

Great post about travel bloggers earning 5,000 usd per month. The point you make about travel bloggers monetizing their content resonates well, because it details how bloggers capitalize their viewership into profits. Recently, we wrote something similar: .

Hey, great article. Thanks for all the useful information.

The infographic has all of the most interesting information (reason why I clicked the link), yet it is blurry, and cut off! I don’t understand why you don’t post that information directly on this post, or at least make it readable??

Monetizing something really challenging these days, It will surely help me in my blogging journey thanks for sharing such deep information. I would really appreciate if you can help me with my blogging.

Hi guys, the infografic is cut, can’t see the whole picture, especially the bottom part of each blogger, which highlights the monthly costs.

Thanks for putting this together and helping us join a few dots! I found the most reassuring part of this post was when you mentioned “On average, most of our surveyed bloggers took 1 to 2 years before they started monetizing their website, but in reality, if you started blogging already knowing everything, then you could start earning a lot faster. But who starts out already knowing everything, right?!”

I feel that is us! It’s taken us 12+ months to realize we can let go of a few things; e.g. Social media, to concentrate on other things more likely to lead to monetisation.

Also glad to see some bloggers are offering services as part of their income streams as we’re now seeing we have valuable skills, e.g. SEO, email automation, video editing etc, that many business owners don’t.

Good Luck to all but why do you think everyone has a “how to become a course” because there’s very little money actually producing travel content. 10 years ago it was a different story and making six to seven figures was possible. Now count yourself successful if your paying for your travels. Happy Travels, Destination360

What a great post! Very inspirational and I love the cold hard facts and numbers. I’ll return again and again for all the great links and resources too.

Kach, just saw this post. Full of information and bookmarking this. Dreams do come true!

Loved your article. I wanted to make sure you knew about We are a free influencer discovery tool and we also publish lots of free data about the industry. Let me know if we can ever be useful and supply information for future articles you write.

Faith Marketing and Community at

It’s a great article 😉 It should have been hard to collect all the data. Thanks a lot!

Great information for expanding the blog and turning it into something important on an international level. Thank you for sharing! Good luck! 🙂

I started in blogging year 2015 from free hosted blog.Then purchased a domain year 2017 even though i don’t have huge audience but still earned big bucks of money.Its about hardwork like Kach Medina-a popular travel blogger na nakilala ko.Inaaway nga ako ng girlfriend ko dahil may time na ayaw ko matulog dahil sa pagsusulat ng blog infront of my laptop.Ha…ha…ha…

wondering how you earned money po?

Love this, So much great information to use for my new blog and journey 🙂

Glad to hear that The Sport Backpacker 🙂 Wish all the best 🙂

This is very useful information for someone just getting started. As for myself I wish I started this ages ago when I was actively traveling around Asia. Now I have blogs I can write and pictures to share. This gives me some inspiration and hope of something I can work my way up to

very informative. i’m not yet at that level but who knows what the future holds. ^_^

That’s the spirit grasya 🙂 Be positive and you’ll succeed 🙂

WOW! What a great topic! I appreciate the information and know it took a while to compile. This year I’m focusing on monetizing my blog so this is a timely post!!

This is an insane guide! As a newbie I am in the blogging world I am going to start to follow some of those tips. Pinning it for later. Thanks so much for sharing!

This is such a great post! So many useful ideas for a newbie like me. I think I’m going to look into this course!

Such an inspiring post! It’s great to see what can be done when you put your mind to it and work hard!

Thanks for sharing this. I always feel bloggers just dish out how much they make per month, but (not always) mention how much they need to invest to make that much money. For me, I know each month I get a certain amount in my bankaccount and it is all mine to use as I need to. Thanks for sharing some more details on expenses too!

This is very informative! I’ll definitely have to study this in detail. I definitely have a lot to learn!

So interesting!!!! I’m definitely bookmarking this to study more. I monetise a little but there’s so much to learn and so many different ways to do it!

A great post, I found all the information useful! I have noted down a few of the links. Thanks for sharing this.

This is such a great resource for taking a travel blog to the next level. I am still in the beginning stages of my blog but there’s a ton of great ideas in here to help me step it up a notch. I’ll definitely be bookmarking this for future reference- thank you!!

This is a handful helpful! Thanks for this =)

Fantastic resource! Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together. Inspires me to keep going 🙂

It’s an informative post. Thanks for sharing your findings and suggestions. Finding a good advertising network is something I’m working on at present and I’m looking for closer cooperation with fellow bloggers over the months ahead.

Great roundup! I was earning little bits of money from my sites for a year or so before things started to increase to the point where blogging is now my main source of income. I’m not at $5000 a month yet, but I’m working on it and hopefully I’ll get there soon! I’m actually starting to share income reports on one of my site as a way to show others that it can be done, and as a way to hold myself accountable for actually improving my sites. Certainly an interesting and ever-changing way to make a living!

Excellent post. Very informative with some great stats. It sort of confirms what i was expecting already, but it’s nice to see it put down so detailed and professional.

Thanks Claus! Appreciate the feedback and happy that some bloggers were happy to participate! I reached out to a lot of them but some are hesitant to share the details (maybe because of taxes or it’s just too personal etc). But I think having 30 bloggers is enough to make a personal analysis! =)

Such an extensive in-depth post! Kudos for curating all the info. The post and the effort that has gone behind it is highly motivating and inspiring 🙂

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to all the bloggers mentioned and for putting out such an in-depth article. This is priceless information and tips that my blog could use as well. I’ve been blogging for about a year now and only recently decided to be serious about it. Thanks for motivating me further.

YAY excited for you Talia! When you finally decided to take it seriously and have business plan in mind.. then you’ll reach there! =)

Great post! I also earn an income by speaking at conferences and summits. Travel bloggers have lots of insight that is VERY valuable for brands, tourism boards and other businesses.

Oh that’s true! No one on the bloggers surveyed mentioned that they earned from Public Speaking.. maybe other bloggers who didnt participated! But yes, I could update the article in the future about that one! Thank you!! <3

Wow, Kach, this is such a pool of information! I’m bookmarking this! Thanks so much for putting it all together, great role models to follow 🙂 And now off to work on the blog! 😉

Thanks Veronika! 2017 is the year!! I know you’ll do great! =)

whoa! what an in depth post. This must have taken you forever to do put together. Thanks for the wealth of information!

It took me 2 months – a lot of people wanted to be in it then backed out then I had to contact more people again! haha! <3

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Written by Kach Umandap

Founder of Two Monkeys Travel Group. Since 2013, Kach has visited all the 7 continents (including Antarctica) and 151 countries using her Philippines Passport. In 2016, she bought a sailboat and went on sailing adventures with her two cats - Captain Ahab & Little Zissou in the Caribbean for 2 years. She now lives in Herceg Novi, Montenegro where she's enjoying her expat life and living on a gorgeous Stonehouse. She writes about her experiences traveling as a Filipina traveler with a PHL Passport. Also tips on backpacking trips, luxury hotel experiences, product reviews, sailing & adventure travel.

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7 bloggers who’ll take you across Russia (PHOTOS)

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1. Ksenia Minerva

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Ksenia, 25, still lived in St.Petersburg in early 2021, working as a motion designer who daydreamed of adventure. She bought a mobile home in June, took her dog Busty along for the ride and the pair began travelling Russia.

She uses a gas cooker to prepare food, sleeps in the mobile home and a tent, replenishes her water supplies at gas stations, charges her equipment using solar batteries and even manages to use a hair straightener with the aid of a small power generator. 

She travels the taiga, the Far North, as well as southern Russia and likes to stop overnight in the mountains, woods and even desert islands. All of this beauty is, of course, shared with her followers. She also does streams to talk about the difficulties of living in the wilderness.

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More here: Instagram , TikTok

3. Anna Korob

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In 2018, Anna accidentally came across an old silver ruble from the time of Nicholas II’s reign. This led to an obsession with numismatics, followed by history and Russian architecture. She began collecting coins, studying the past, visiting old mansions and churches across the country and documenting it all in her blog.

travel bloggers income

“Each trip is like a little lifetime of its own. Thousands of kilometers by car through swamps, fields or highland serpentines, morning coffee at gas stations, misty dawns, interesting new acquaintances and stories told by locals, as well as chance encounters with wild animals and so much more…” Anna writes. 

travel bloggers income

With her blog, she seeks to draw attention to disappearing architectural monuments, claiming that there are thousands to explore - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. 

5. Artem Ray

travel bloggers income

Given that international travel was temporarily halted during the pandemic, Artem set about traversing Russia. 

travel bloggers income

Half a year ago, he began showing interesting Moscow and regional spots on his Instagram account. As a result, his blog turned into a mixture of the coziest and most atmospheric locations with wooden ‘izbas’, French-style castles, lighthouses and the most beautiful mansions across Russia.

travel bloggers income

“This life with its daily grind sucks you in like quicksand. You’re constantly solving issues related to work, studies and accommodation and, at some point, you begin to realize that you’re living the same scenario over and over again, while new experiences are reduced to a minimum… Traveling across Russia and blogging about it, therefore, are a source of inspiration, motivation and of sense of purpose, as well as a source of pleasure,” Artem writes. 

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From  Scotland  to the  Philippines , the cost of living has many Canadians leaving in search of more affordable countries. One family shares why they decided to settle down in Belgium.

Dirk Claeys, 55, is originally from Belgium. After years of living in Canada, he returned to his home country five years ago with his wife Daisy, 45, and son Dylan, 13.

Dirk said he'd been driving trucks back home since 1996 and had always dreamed of driving "those big American trucks." He moved to Calgary in 2004 and worked as a long-haul truck driver.

"I drove from Canada to the U.S., and the first couple of years were great, as I was living my dream," he recalled. "I have to say that I did not move to Canada because of the money, as most people do; I was looking for an adventure."

He then met his wife, Daisy, and they married in 2006. He became a permanent resident in 2009, while his wife became a citizen in 2010. They had their son Dylan in 2011.

"I rented my first apartment in Calgary, which was $650 for a two-bedroom, the year after $725 and then $975, until the last raise to $1,025," said Dirk.

After buying a townhouse in Calgary, the couple eventually became homeowners when the "cost of living was not that high yet."

However, when Daisy lost her job, they decided it made more sense for her to stay home and care for Dylan rather than pay $1,500 monthly for daycare.

But with just one income, the family struggled to make ends meet.

"As a long haul trucker in Canada, my net wage [per month] was about $4,000, but with a mortgage and a family, that was nearly not enough, so I told Daisy that it might be better to move back home to Belgium," said Dirk. "She was there to visit my sister once before, so she had a bit of an idea of what it was like there."

Comparing costs

In 2019, the couple sold their home and moved to Belgium, and the difference was surprising.

"I started driving trucks here again while my wife and son were learning the language, so it was just me working, but we could manage fine with one income and still have money left at the end of the month," said Dirk.

Belgium is among the top European countries with the highest minimum wage.

Euronews  reports that the minimum wage increased in April to €2,029.88 ($3,055.17 CAD) monthly. In comparison, the federal minimum wage in Canada is  $17.30 per hour .

Unlike his monthly pay of $4,000 in Canada, Dirk now earns €4,000 a month, or around $6,000 CAD, in Belgium. The family also rents a two-bedroom for $1,000 a month.

"We've been living here for five years, and our rent is still the same," he said. "The cost of living is significantly cheaper than Canada."

And it's not just housing: the cost of living in general was cheaper than in Canada.

The family used to pay $200 for TV, Internet, and two cell phones with limited data and roaming charges "just to drive to another province."

"Here, we pay about the same amount but for three phones with unlimited everything and no roaming charges within Europe," stated Dirk, who added that it includes TV and Internet with 1Gbps download speed, landline, and free data sim card.

Car insurance is also more affordable.

"Our car insurance is €60 ($90 CAD) for Daisy's car and €70 ($105 CAD) for mine, both with full coverage in Europe," he said.

Daisy was learning the language for the first two years and wasn't working, but they found that Dirk's salary was more than enough to live on.

Last year, the family drove to Rome, where they spent two weeks on vacation. This year, they spent two weeks in Lloret De Mar, Spain, at the Costa Brava, where they rented a villa with a private pool.

"[Those are] some things we could never afford in Canada," said Dirk. "Our vacation there was a week in a provincial park with a tent."

Looking ahead

Dirk is now home daily, having quit long-haul trucking and has been making local deliveries. His wife and son also "settled in nicely and want to stay here."

Dylan is currently studying STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in high school, and their move means that a university degree is far more affordable.

According to a 2024 post by , Belgium has some of the most affordable tuition fees in Europe: EU students can expect to pay an average of €1,000 ($1,500 CAD) a year in tuition.

"If he wants to go to university, that is also a lot cheaper," said Dirk. "The registration cost is €250 ($376 CAD) a year plus the cost of books, which is a couple of hundred Euros depending on what he wants to study. Nobody here has student loans."

Looking back on their decision to move, Dirk feels more relaxed now that he's back home, as he no longer worries about their finances.

"I am certainly glad I had the experience of living in Canada but very happy to be living in Belgium now as we both are working and able to save quite some money to be able to buy a house in the near future," he said.

"I have read some stories of people relocating out of Canada due to the high cost of living, and they're not different from my story."

Supplied | Sergii Figurnyi/Shutterstock

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The average salary in Russia and salary comparisons

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The Russian economy offers a one-of-a-kind terrain that is both demanding and full of potential.

The average annual salary in Russia is around 1,240,000 RUB, which is roughly USD 14,771 according to the salary explorer

Understanding the  average salary in Russia  is critical for firms considering outsourcing, individuals looking for work, or anybody interested in the country’s economic dynamics.

This blog will look into many aspects of salaries in Russia, providing insights that are both useful and pertinent in today’s global economy.

Russia’s Average Salary Statistics and Trends

Russia’s average salary.

As of June 2023, the average annual salary in Russia is around 1,240,000 RUB, which is roughly USD 14,771. However, this statistic does not tell the whole story.

The salary range in Russia is fairly large, with the lowest average salary being 26,200 RUB and the highest being 463,000 RUB.

The average hourly salary is approximately 600 RUB (USD 7.15). This variation in income levels reflects the country’s diverse economic activities and regional differences.

The Median Salary

In Russia, the average monthly salary is roughly 94,900 RUB (USD 1,130). This median figure is an important metric since it reveals that half of the working population earns less than this amount, while the other half earns more, allowing for a more detailed picture of income distribution across the population.

Maximum and Minimum Salary Ranges

The wide disparity between the lowest and highest average salaries in Russia demonstrates the country’s economic variety.

The discrepancy between 26,200 RUB and 463,000 RUB reflects not only variances in work titles and industries but also regional economic disparities7source.

Minimum Wage Mandated

The current minimum wage in Russia is 16,242 rubles per month, which equates to about 182 US dollars.

However, the government has proposed legislation to raise this threshold to 19,242 rubles. This planned reform will affect the wages of around 4.8 million people in Russia, and it will go into effect on January 1, 2024.

This value is critical for understanding the country’s lowest end of the salary spectrum.

Factors  Influencing Average Salary in Russia

Average salary by industry.

In Russia, the average income varies greatly by industry.

Software development engineers earn the highest amount of money, with an  average monthly salary of 179,000 RUB  (USD 2,132).

Accountants come in second with 152,000 RUB per month (USD 1,811).

Other common professions, such as customer service representatives, typically earn a monthly salary of 71,100 RUB (USD 847). On average, an administrative manager earns 114,000 RUB per month (USD 1,358).

When compared to other industries, finance, energy, and information technology frequently offer better compensation and larger salary increases. This variety reflects the economic importance and demand for industry-specific talents.

Average Salary in Different Locations

Average wages vary significantly between Russian cities, according to factors such as local industries, climate, and cost of living.

For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg have the highest average earnings, while cities like  Pskov and Dagestan  have the lowest.

This geographical discrepancy in wages is attributable to resource distribution, climatic circumstances, and industrial development in various regions9source.

Source :,, 

Average Salary by Experience

Salary is mostly governed by one’s level of experience, with more experience resulting in higher wages.

Employees with two to five years of experience earn 32% more than entry-level and junior workers in all industries and disciplines in Russia.

People with more than five years of experience earn 36% more than those with fewer than five years of experience. Salary increases by 21% after ten years of service, with an extra 14% increase for individuals who have worked for more than 15 years.

These data should be regarded as rough estimations, as taking into account individual job titles can result in more accurate assessments.

Average Salary by Education

The connection between more education and better salary is commonly established, but how much of an  increase in income  can one expect from having a degree?

In Russia, we did a study comparing the incomes of professionals with varying levels of college education who held similar roles in various businesses.

Individuals with a certificate or diploma earned 17% more than those who merely completed high school, according to our findings.

Those with a Bachelor’s Degree earned 24% more than those with a certificate or diploma.

Master’s Degree holders earned 29% more than Bachelor’s Degree holders.

Finally, people with a PhD earned 23% more than those with a Master’s Degree while doing the same work.

Annual Average Salary Increase

Russian employees typically experience an 8% increase in their salaries every 17 months, a rate that exceeds the global average salary increment rate. This indicates a growing economy and an increasing valuation of skilled labor in the country

Average Salary Comparisons of Russia and USA

When comparing average salaries in Russia with the USA, a simple comparison of nominal numbers might be misleading due to major disparities in the cost of living and economic situations. This is where the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) come into play.

Purchasing Power Parity(PPP)

PPP is a valuable economic tool that compares the currencies of different countries using a “ basket of goods ” method. PPP accounts for differences in currency values and living costs by comparing the prices of the same items in different nations.

Russia’s PPP is 2.6 times that of the USA when compared to the two countries. This means that a product or service that costs USD 1 in Russia would cost about USD 2.6 in the USA.

As a result, while the average salary in Russia may appear to be substantially lower than in the USA in nominal terms, the actual purchasing power of that salary in Russia may be much higher than the nominal data indicate.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

GDP is the total worth of goods and services generated inside a country during a certain time period. It is a broad indicator of an economy’s overall health and can be used to estimate typical living standards.

However, GDP does not account for differences in income distribution and cost of living within a country. As a result, when comparing average salaries, it’s critical to analyse  GDP   alongside other economic statistics, such as PPP, to provide a more complete insight of the real economic situation and lifestyle of residents in comparable nations.

The Cost of Living in Russia

The cost of living in Russia varies greatly by area, which can have a substantial impact on the real value of average income.

Housing costs in Russia vary greatly based on region. Major cities, like as  Moscow  and St. Petersburg, have substantially higher housing expenses than smaller cities and rural areas. The type of housing, whether in the city centre or in the suburbs, has a considerable impact on living expenses.

2. Healthcare

Russia provides universal healthcare to its residents, although there are still regional differences in the quality and availability of medical treatments.

Healthcare facilities in major cities are generally well-equipped, while access to healthcare in rural areas can be limited. Private healthcare choices, which can provide greater quality care, vary in price across the country.

3. Transport

The transport costs are generally low in Russia, particularly for public transit in urban areas. However, due to the breadth of the country, long-distance travel can be costly and  time-consuming , particularly in areas with less developed transportation infrastructure.

3. Daily Expenses and Groceries

Groceries in Russia are often less expensive than in many Western countries. Prices can vary significantly across the country, with prices often being higher in big cities and tourism areas.

Furthermore, the availability and cost of particular items may differ depending on regional climate and farming practices.

Is Russia a Suitable Outsourcing Location?

Russia’s rise to prominence in the  global outsourcing market  can be ascribed to a number of compelling elements that make it an appealing option for enterprises globally.

1. Low Outsourcing Costs

The cost advantage is one of the key reasons for outsourcing to Russia. The country’s lower cost of living leads to competitive pay levels in a variety of occupations.

This cost-effectiveness is especially noticeable when contrasted to Western countries with much greater labour and operating expenditures.

Businesses can make use of this distinction to save money on labour-intensive operations while still receiving high-quality services. This economic benefit is critical for businesses looking for  cost-effective  solutions without sacrificing quality.

2. An Economic and Political Environment That Is Stable

Over the years, Russia has proven economic resiliency and political stability, both of which are critical for organisations considering long-term outsourcing agreements.

A stable environment ensures continuity and dependability, lowering the risks associated with economic or political upheaval.

This stability is especially critical for businesses that rely on their outsourcing partners to provide regular and uninterrupted services.

Russia provides a sense of confidence to firms looking for a reputable outsourcing destination by providing a stable backdrop.

3. Time Zone Differences

Russia’s huge geographical expanse spans eleven time zones, giving multinational firms a distinct advantage. This range enables flexible work cycles as well as near-constant production.

For example, when it is night in the United States, it is working hours in regions of Russia. This time overlap can be exploited wisely to guarantee that work is done around the clock, hence speeding up project delivery and increasing efficiency.

The  time zone advantage  might be especially useful for organisations that require continual support or have strict deadlines.

4. Qualified Professionals in Large Numbers

Russia’s outstanding educational system, particularly in the departments of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), has produced a vast pool of highly skilled workers.

This talent pool is a big lure for companies that need specialised knowledge and abilities, like technology and engineering. Russia is an appealing destination for knowledge-intensive outsourcing services due to the availability of a highly educated workforce and cheaper labour costs.

Russia’s Two Most Prominent Outsourcing Industries

1. customer support.

Russia has developed a reputation for providing cost-effective, professional, and multilingual customer support services.  Russia is a popular destination for businesses  such as information technology, telecommunications, healthcare, and retail because of this capability.

Russian customer support services are not only reasonably priced but also of high quality, with a workforce capable of addressing a wide range of customer inquiries in many languages.

This multilingual ability is critical in today’s globalised corporate climate, as businesses service customers from many linguistic backgrounds.

2. IT (Information Technology)

In Russia’s outsourcing industry, the IT sector stands out. Major Russian cities such as Moscow,  St. Petersburg , and Novosibirsk have emerged as important  IT outsourcing hubs .

These cities are home to a high number of IT specialists and technology organisations that provide a variety of services ranging from software creation to IT support and cybersecurity.

Russia’s IT outsourcing strength is supported by a robust educational system that provides a consistent stream of highly trained IT experts.

Because of this talent pool, as well as low costs, Russia is a prominent choice for IT outsourcing, catering to the needs of global corporations seeking superior technology solutions.

Conclusion and final thoughts

To summarise, understanding the multifaceted nature of Russia’s salary structure is critical for both enterprises and individuals.

This understanding is especially important for businesses considering outsourcing, where Russia stands out as an appealing option due to its low costs, competent labour, and stable climate.

Time Champ emerges as a significant tool in this context, with strong functionality for  efficiently monitoring  outsourced and remote personnel.

FAQS on Average Salary in Russia

Based on June 2023 currency rates, the average annual salary in Russia is around 1,240,000 RUB, or approximately USD 14,771. It should be noted that this figure varies greatly based on factors such as geography, industry, and employment role. Salaries in various industries and cities might be much higher than the national average, reflecting Russia’s diversified economic landscape.

The monthly median salary in Russia is roughly 94,900 RUB, which is approximately USD 1,130. This median statistic is especially telling because it implies that half of Russia’s working population earns less than this amount, while the other half earns more. In comparison to the average salary, it presents a more balanced view of income dispersion.

The minimum wage in Russia is set at 16,242 RUB per month, which is roughly USD 194. This is the legally prescribed minimum wage that firms must pay their employees, and it serves as a basis for wage estimates across various industries.

The  Purchasing Power Parity  (PPP) of Russia is 2.6 times that of the United States. This large disparity implies that, while the nominal pay in Russia may be lower than in the United States, the actual purchasing power of such wage in Russia is relatively higher when considering the cost of living and general expenses.

Customer service and information technology (IT) are the two most important areas for outsourcing in Russia. Because of the availability of a qualified labour, competitive costs, and the progress of technology infrastructure in Russia, several sectors have seen tremendous growth.

Russia is regarded as a good country for outsourcing for a variety of reasons. These include lower outsourcing costs, a stable economic and political environment, advantageous time zone variations for worldwide operations, and a large number of qualified workers, notably in technical and engineering disciplines.

The average yearly salary in Russia is roughly  1,240,000 RUB , which is approximately USD 14,771. This figure represents the total compensation landscape in Russia across various industries and locations.

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Per diem rates in Germany: a brief guide (2024)

What are per diem rates for business travel, are per diem rates mandatory, what are the most important things to know about per diem rates in germany, what expenses are covered by per diem rates for germany.

  • Meals purchased during business trips 
  • Costs for private non-commercial accommodation

What expenses aren’t covered by per diem rates for Germany?

  • Hotels or other commercial accommodation
  • Ground transportation to/from airports and to/from meetings
  • Meals and other incidental expenses while meeting clients 

How are per diem rates in Germany calculated for domestic and international trips?

Per diem rates during domestic and international trips.

  • For business trips under 8 hours, no meal allowance is provided.
  • Business trips between 8 and 24 hours are subject to a reduced meal allowance rate. 
  • Full days (24 hours), where the full meal allowance applies
  • Arrival/departure days, where the reduced meal allowance rate applies 
  • Overnight packages include allowances for accommodation and food 

Per diem rates for domestic and international trips: A quick example

  • Tuesday (classed as the day of arrival): €14 meal allowance
  • Wednesday (full day): €28 meal allowance
  • Thursday (full day): €28 meal allowance
  • Friday (classed as the day of departure): €14 meal allowance
  • 3 overnight stay packages: €60 

Are there different guidelines for accommodation and meal allowances when employees travel internationally?

  • There is a lump sum allowance for additional meal expenses for absences lasting at least 24 hours per calendar day. 
  • There is a lump sum allowance for additional meal expenses for arrival and departure days and absences exceeding 8 hours per calendar day.
  • A separate accommodation allowance applies for overnight stays in foreign countries.

Are the per diem rates different in some of the key German cities?

Benefit your business with a better understanding of per diem rates in germany.

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    How much I make on Mediavine: It varies from about $8,500-10,000 USD per month, with about 250,000 monthly page views and mostly U.S. traffic (U.S. traffic pays the most). 2. Raptive (Formerly AdThrive) Besides Mediavine, other top-level travel blogs that make money are on AdThrive.

  4. Travel Blogs: How Much They Make, Income Potential, and ...

    Blogs focused on high-income sectors, such as luxury travel, may earn more than those in more crowded fields like budget travel. According to a report by BlogTyrant (2020), luxury travel bloggers can command sponsorship deals worth $5,000 to $20,000 per post, depending on their reach and influence.

  5. How Travel Bloggers Make Money: 17 Proven Strategies in 2024

    17 Ways Travel Bloggers Make Money. 1. Creating Quality Content — A LOT of It. The first step to making money with a travel blog is to start writing. Quality content is essential for a successful travel blog. As the saying goes, "content is king ," and travel bloggers understand the importance of this like no other.

  6. Travel Blog Salary: How I Make Over $20,000 Per Month

    According to market data compiled by ZipRecruiter, the average annual income for travel bloggers in the United States is $87,923. The 25th percentile is $35,500 while the 75th percentile is $118,500. I am probably in the 90th percentile and I make around $240,000 per year.

  7. How Much Do Travel Bloggers Make? (+ 8 Tips to Make More)

    ZipRecruiter stats indicate average monthly earnings for travel bloggers at around $9,583, with some bloggers claiming to surpass $20,000 per month, highlighting the diverse income potential. Starting a travel blog can cost just a few dollars per month, with hosting being the only essential expense.

  8. Travel Blog Income Report Roundup: From $231 to $238,027

    Without further ado, here is the travel blog income report roundup from 25+ bloggers: She Dreams of Alpine: $231/mo. Allison at She Dreams of Alpine writes about hiking and other outdoor adventures on her blog. She has one of the most unique monetization models on this list because she uses Patreon to earn more than half of her travel blog income.

  9. 5 Surprising and Inspiring Travel Blog Income Reports Amy's travel blog income report covers one month of June 2022: June 2022 pageviews: 77,553. Total income from ads in June: $2484.23. Total income from affiliates in June: $1739.51. Amy's top affiliate incomes for that month came from Discount Rental Cars, Amazon, Shareasale, and CJ.

  10. Travel Blogging Salaries: How Much do Travel Bloggers Make?

    According to Glassdoor, the salary range for a Travel Writer* in the United States is $51,000 - $86,000, with an average salary of $66,000. This figure varies slightly from city to city. Below, we provide the breakdown for the top 5 metropolitan areas in the United States. City. Range.

  11. How to make money as a travel blogger in 16 ways

    Your income from travel blogging depends on your travel niche, audience, monetization strategy and marketing efforts. While some bloggers make a few hundred dollars monthly, others make a six-figure income or more. With a great content strategy and diverse income streams, you can make a substantial income from travel blogging.

  12. Travel Blogging Income Report: How I Made $22,000 in my First Full Year

    Travel Blog Income Report, June 2018: $10,676.44. How I'll Grow Sponsored Post Revenue in 2018. My primary strategy for growing my Sponsored Posts income is by relying on this fantastic guide to 150+ influencer networks that pay bloggers, created by my friend Meg from Dopes on the Road. She earned $37,000 last year through these networks ...

  13. How much do travel blogs make?

    Travel bloggers make $1 per month, and travel bloggers make over $100,000 per month. It's impossible to share an average since most bloggers do not publish their income reports. The truth is, most travel bloggers probably do not make very much at all unless they've invested a lot of time into learning how to do it properly.

  14. How To Make Money With a Travel Blog (15 Methods That Work)

    3. Join Affiliate Programs. Affiliate programs are one of the best ways to earn money from a travel blog because there are so many travel-related affiliates out there. A lot of people want to know how to be a travel blogger and make money. Affiliate marketing is probably at the top of the list.

  15. How Much Do Travel Bloggers Make?

    Some travel bloggers are known to make six and seven figure incomes every month. Naturally, it takes a lot of time to grow such a revenue stream, but even newbies can start making money after a few months of dedicated work. In fact, the income potential of a blog depends on several factors, such as your niche and topic, the number of blog posts ...

  16. How Much Money Can You Make From a Travel Blog?

    Once established, your travel blog itself may earn $3,000 - $10,000 / month, but if you've broadened your horizons and started working on other income streams like freelance writing, content creation, social media management and consulting services, you can double or triple this figure.. It's probably not fair for me to just say "you can make ____" without having any real examples.

  17. 15 Highest Paid Travel Bloggers That Make Thousands Dollars

    List of 15 Travel Bloggers That Make Thousands of Dollars. Here's the list of 15 travel bloggers who have broken the chain of their routine life and are earning way more while living their dream life. 1. Matthew Kepnes from Nomadic Matt. Matthew Kepnes, a.k.a Nomadic Matt, is a New York Times best-selling author and a full-time travel blogger ...

  18. How to Start a Travel Blog and Make Money in 2024

    Let's explore some ways travel blogs generate income so you can start earning from your adventures, too: 1. Brand Sponsorships. Sponsorships are often the most glamorous perk for popular travel bloggers. Hotels, airlines, cruise lines, tour companies, and even tourism boards are willing to pay to be featured on blogs with a large, engaged ...

  19. 10 Travel Blogs That Make Money (And Their Secret to Doing It)

    10 awesome travel blogs that make money (and how they do it) This is by no means a complete list of travel blogs that make money, but it should give you inspiration and ideas to earn more with your travel blog. (Note: Since travel basically shut down in 2020-21, most income data is from 2019. That said, many of these blogs found ways to grow ...

  20. 30+ Travel Bloggers Earning Over 5,000 USD / Month

    To demonstrate this, we found 30 travel bloggers who were willing to share with us how much they earn and how they do it! In this article, we're going to talk about the various ways that travel bloggers make money, including the self-submitted Income Profiles of 30 travel bloggers earning more than $5000 USD per month, topics include:

  21. Income Insurance launches FlexiTravel Plus to provide hourly coverage

    10 September 2024 Singapore, 10 September 2024 - Income Insurance today launched FlexiTravel Plus, Singapore's first and only travel insurance that enables travellers to extend travel protection, as needed by the hour, to 19 Asian destinations. As the plus-sized travel insurance for short trips, FlexiTravel Plus replaces FlexiTravel Hourly Insurance, which covered travellers to Bintan ...

  22. 7 bloggers who'll take you across Russia (PHOTOS)

    2. Svetlana Pozdnyakova. Svetlana is likely the biggest blogging authority on Central Russia. The Moscow blogger masterfully captures and talks about old rundown churches, monasteries ...

  23. Top 5 Passive Income Business Ideas I Wish I Started 5 Years Ago

    Here are a few passive income business ideas that I wish I would have started five years ago. 1. Content marketing: Career advice blog for liberal arts majors

  24. Canadian family says they can live on a single income in Belgium

    Travel. Irish Mae Silvestre. Posted an hour ago ... But with just one income, the family struggled to make ends meet. "As a long haul trucker in Canada, my net wage [per month] was about $4,000 ...

  25. FlexiTravel Plus Insurance

    Buy Singapore's first and only travel insurance that provides hourly coverage from only $0.30[1] per hour, regardless of destination, in ASEAN and Asia! From weekend trips to Malaysia and the Philippines, to holidays in Japan, China and more, travel happy with FlexiTravel Plus.

  26. The average salary in Russia and salary comparisons

    Factors Influencing Average Salary in Russia Average Salary by Industry In Russia, the average income varies greatly by industry. Software development engineers earn the highest amount of money, with an average monthly salary of 179,000 RUB (USD 2,132). Accountants come in second with 152,000 RUB per month (USD 1,811).

  27. Section 80GG: Meaning, Deductions, and Steps To File Income Tax

    However, short-term capital gains taxable at 10% under section 111A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 are excluded while determining the adjusted total income. Additionally, it excludes any income under sections 115A to 115D, all deductions under sections 80C to 80U, and foreign earnings.

  28. Per diem rates in Germany: a brief guide (2024)

    Find out how per diem rates in Germany work and which expenses your employees are entitled to during business travel. ... Blog. Per diem rates in Germany: a brief guide (2024) Cost Conscious. ... According to the official Income Tax Act document, the per diem flat rate for overnight stays is €20 and is only applicable in cases where the ...

  29. What is an average monthly salary for someone in Moscow? Let's ...

    As for other cities: St. Petersburg has a lower medium, but same salaries or higher for jobs in IT, media, and web. Other cities with 1m citizens are more or less on the same level, except for unskilled work like ship assistants or cashiers—that's way lower, around 18-30k.

  30. Analyzing the Census Bureau's 2023 Poverty, Income, and Health

    The Census Bureau has released nationwide figures for poverty, income, and health insurance coverage in 2023 from its Current Population Survey. Additional health insurance data from the American Community Survey will follow September 12. We'll be posting our analysis of the data here. Bookmark ...