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The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Mount Teide

By Author Lance Longwell

Posted on Last updated: October 2, 2022

Visiting the Mount Teide volcano in Tenerife, Spain's highest mountain.

No visit to the Canary Islands would be complete without visiting the Mount Teide volcano, Spain’s highest mountain. This imposing volcano is the reason for the island’s existence and casts a huge shadow over the entire island. But those who visit Mount Teide will be rewarded with incredible views from the summit!

Given the number of tourists who come to Tenerife every year, it’s no surprise that Mount Teide National Park is the most visited national park in Spain and also in all of Europe. Millions of visitors come to this barren landscape every year for the incredible views.

View of the caldera from the upper cable car station on Mount Teide

Like most visitors to the Canary Islands, we knew we wanted to visit the Mt Teide volcano during our brief holiday in Tenerife. We found lots of contradictory information on the Internet on the best way to go about it, so we set out to write this ultimate guide to Mount Teide to help other visitors.

Our day-long, self-guided Tenerife volcano tour was the highlight of our trip! However, there are many ways to see and enjoy the volcano.

Tree growing out of a volcanic rock formation on Mt Teide

Visiting Mount Teide

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There are a number of ways to get up the volcano on Tenerife. Here are your Mount Teide travel options, listed in order of least to most strenuous:

There are numerous Mount Teide tours and excursions that will drive you and direct you to the highlights within the national park. Please note, not all of the excursion packages allow enough time to take the cable car to the summit. Where the cable car is included, we’ve noted it. Otherwise, assume this is a driving-only excursion that just takes you through the park.

Here are some of the most popular Mount Teide tour options:

  • From Playa de las Americas by private jeep , which includes Masca
  • From Puerto de la Cruz: National Park VIP Tour
  • Tenerife: 5-Hour National Park Jeep Safari . This is one of the few Mount Teide trips from Costa Adeje and other points in the southern part of the island.

Red rental car on the side of the mountain road on Tenerife

The best and most rewarding option is to rent a car and drive Mount Teide yourself ! This gives you maximum flexibility and is also more economical than an excursion or package tour. We recommend renting a car at the airport and having it for your entire stay.

There are three main approaches to the volcano. Leaving from Puerto de la Cruz in the north, from Los Christianos in the south, and from Los Gigantes in the west. Assume you are staying anywhere in Southern Tenerife (Costa Adaje, Playa de las Americas, etc.), we recommend driving up from Los Gigantes in the morning. There are fewer cars than along the other routes. In the afternoon, we recommend driving back through Vilaflor and Los Christianos, which allows you to stop at the winery in the afternoon.

While the national park is well signposted, given the poor mobile phone reception, you might want a quality driving map of Tenerife .

View of the summit while hiking Teide volcano.

When people speak about the “Mount Teide climb” they are usually only talking about summiting the mountain from the cable car or the more popular Montaña Blanca route. But that’s not really climbing Teide.

The die hard hikers and mountaineers who visit actually climb the volcano from sea level. That means hiking all 3,718 meters (12,198 feet) up to the highest point in Spain. This is not for the recreational hiker!

There are two routes: the Playa de El Socorro and the Camino de Chasna. The Playa de El Socorro starts at the beach bearing that name on the north shore. This is the shorter (and steeper) of the two routes. It generally follows back roads and steep trail up into the Teide National Park, where it intersects the main trail just above Montaña Blanca.

The second route is the Camino de Chasna. This route follows the Camino Real from Puerto de la Cruz to La Orotava, and then the Camino de Chasna from La Orotava up to the Portillo in Teide Park. The route was popularized by the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt over 220 years ago. It’s sometimes called the Humboldt Pilgrimage.

Anyone considering either hike should get specialized topographical maps for Tenerife and plan their route carefully. Again, this is not an easy hike and should not be undertaken casually.

Trees on the side of a mountain.

Every winter, professional cyclists from around the world descend on Tenerife for training. For amateur cyclists, the chance to do it like the pros and ride up the volcano in Tenerife can be extremely compelling. Although it probably shouldn’t be attempted unless in excellent physical shape.

For cyclists (and runners) training, Spain’s highest mountain represents both a challenge and opportunity: extreme climbing. The Mount Teide road is one of the longest continual ascents in the world, and the longest in Europe. It is a chance to climb directly from sea level up to one of the tallest volcanoes in the world.

There are three popular routes up the volcano, but the most popular leaves from Los Christianos in the south. This is the steepest and shortest way up the mountain, but also has a few towns and villages along the way in case something should go wrong. There are also trees for the first half of the trip, which can provide shade.

The second route leaves from Puerto de la Cruz and basically fallows the Camino de Chasna. Over half the trip is spent riding past lush vegetation. This is the longest of the three routes up the volcano, but is the least steep (although there are some sections with serious grades).

The third and final route leaves from Los Gigantes on the western end of Tenerife. This route has the least traffic and some of the prettiest landscapes on the entire volcano. Cooling mists on the volcano’s western end are not uncommon.

Visitors who want to test themselves against the mountain now have the chance. One company runs Friday cycling trips up El Teide. They follow the Los Christianos to Vilaflor route – the shortest and steepest. If you want to test your skills, consider booking this cycling ascent of the mountain .

Parque Nacional sign in Spain

The Mount Teide Cable Car is the top Tenerife attraction and the most popular activity in the national park. The cable car whisks visitors 1,199 meters up the mountain in speed and comfort.

The cable car takes just 8 minutes to make the ascent while taking 44 passengers at a time. The cable car never gets more than about 30 meters above the side of the mountain, so it is perfect for people who have a fear of heights because it never gets very high.

The Mount Teide Cable Car (Teleférico del Teide) with the caldera and clouds in the distance

Visitors need a special permit to hike from the upper cable car station to the volcano summit. However, if you don’t have a permit, there are two other good trails to hike near the summit. Trail Number 11 goes to the La Fortaleza Vantage Point for views of Northern Tenerife. Trail Number 12 goes to the Pico Viejo Vantage Point for views of Southern Tenerife and the volcano caldera of Las Cañadas del Teide.

The best way to take the cable car is to pre-book Mount Teide tickets here (for cable car only) or tickets for the cable car, including summit hiking permit . Remember, you should be at the lower cable car station 20 minutes prior to your ticket time. Parking can be difficult, so be sure to see our parking tips below.

People at the upper cable car station scenic lookout platform on Mt Teide in Spain

There are two ways to reach the summit.

First, most summit hikers do the two-day trip from Montaña Blanca. This trip is divided into three stages. On day 1, complete stage 1 by hiking the Montaña Blanca trail to the Altavista Refuge. From the main road in national park (TF-21 Teide Road), head to the Montaña Blanca trailhead (located at approximately kilometer 40.5 between the lower cable car station and Portillo). On the north side of the road there is a small car park to leave your vehicle. Be sure to sign the hikers log before beginning your trip.

Follow the Montaña Blanca Trail up the mountain (trail number 7). The trailhead is located at 2,348 meters and your goal is the Altavista Refuge at 3,260, where you can spend the night. The route will take you 4.5 kilometers up to the summit of Montaña Blanca, before climbing another 2.6 kilometers up to the Altavista Refuge (this section is EXTREMELY steep). Most hikers will complete this journey in around 5-6 hours. (Both of the hikes from sea level mentioned above intersect the Number 7 Montaña Blanca Trail.)

Seeing rock formations while hiking

Sleep overnight at the Altavista Refuge (detailed information on the refuge is below). Remember you need to bring your own food and water. This is basic accommodation (a bunk bed). However, by sleeping at the Altavista Refuge, your summit permit is included (if you are off the summit by 9:00am). You will be one of the lucky few to experience a Mount Teide sunrise.

On day 2, you will get up extremely early (like between 4:00-5:00am) to complete the second stage. After leaving Altavista Refuge, hike the ~1km to La Rambleta cable car station. In the dark, this usually takes most hikers about an hour.

From there, immediately begin stage three (which is the same as if you took the cable car):

The second way to hike the summit is to take the Teide National Park Cable Car to the the upper station, which is called La Rambleta (and this is the third stage if you are hiking the Montaña Blanca trail). This is located at 3,555 and is just below the summit (3,718 meters), the highest point in Spain. That last 163 meters may not seem like much, but it can be a real struggle when you are at extreme elevation and struggling for breath. You’ll slowly make your way up the mountain and past numerous sulfur vents while en route to the summit.

Volcanic rock formations on the way to the summit of Mt Teide

To reach the summit, follow the Telesforo Bravo trail (trail 10) up the mountain. Some hikers are able to make the climb in about 20 minutes, while other people can take over an hour. Whatever your level of fitness, take your time and watch your footing. Loose rocks can be found on the path.

If you want to do the hike from the cable car (and did not sleep at the Altavista Refuge), remember that a permit is required and only 200 permits are issued per day. Request your permit as far in advance as possible! Permit requests can be submitted here . An alternative is to book the guided cable car tour, which includes the permit. Book the cable car guided tour with summit permit here .

People in line at the Teide upper station.

Finally, remember after making the summit, you need to get down! You can either hike all the way back down the way you came. Or, you can buy a ticket for the cable car and go back that way.

Rock formations on the mountain in Tenerife

There are so many more Mount Teide hike options than just number 10 to the summit and number 7 up Montana Blanca. In fact, there are 37 officially designated trail options in the park (many with views of the volcano) covering nearly 400 kilometers of ground.

Since nearly everyone who visits the national park focuses on the volcano cone and the summit, if you decide to hike in the park, you’ll likely have the trail all to yourself!

As popular as the summit and cable care are, stargazing on the volcano may be even more so. Since Tenerife and the Canary Islands are so isolated, it is the perfect location for stargazing! Seeing the stars on Mount Teide is made easier because of the lack of light pollution from area areas and the national park being located well above the marine layer (clouds formed by thermal inversion near the ocean). From the volcano, you can see 83 of 88 constellations with tremendous clarity.

Guided stargazing tours bring visitors up to the national park to look through special telescopes. It is completely different way to enjoy the beauty of the national park. Book stargazing tours of Mount Teide at night here .

Note: If you are self-driving, please be extremely careful descending the mountain in the dark. There are no road lights and many of the turns are extremely tight. Auto accidents are a frequent occurrence at night!

The view of the caldera and Mount Teide National Park from the cable car

The Teide Observatory is the largest solar observatory in the world. It is possible to visit the observatory on a pre-booked daytime tour (this is a solar observatory). You won’t have access to any of the research telescopes, but they have special telescopes for visitors who can observe the sun. Tour space is limited and it is extremely popular, so if the observatory in Tenerife is on your bucketlist, be sure to book your tour early.

Views of Mt Teide summit with trees

Throughout the national park, you’ll see tourists with cameras pointed up at the volcano cone of Mount Teide. One of the most popular things to do in the national park is to photograph the volcano itself. And why not? It’s incredibly photogenic!

Here are some of our favorite viewpoints:

  • Los Poleos: On the west side of Tenerife driving up Teide along TF-38. This is your first good view of the cone rising above the jagged lava rocks.
  • Pinar de Chio: On the west side of Tenerife driving up along TF-38. This is a chance to set photos of the cone rising above a forest. The contrast of green against the brown volcano is very nice.
  • Montana Las Cuevitas: On the west side of the volcano along TF-38. Good viewpoints near the elevation sign.
  • Mirador de las Narices del Tiede viewpoint: On the south end along TF-38. This is view due north of the volcano cone.
  • Boca Tauce viewpoint: Located where TF-38 and TF-21 intersect, this is one of the most popular viewpoints in the national park.
  • Zapato de la Reina: Located along TF-21, this features some nice rock formations in the foreground of the volcano, however, we actually think the next viewpoint is better.
  • Llano de Ucanca: Along TF-21, the rock formations are much closer in the foreground and really set up a nice picture.
  • Mirador de Le Ruleta: Along TF-21, this is the most famous rock formation in the national park and also provides great views of the volanco. It is located across the highway from the Parador de Las Cañadas.
  • Tabonal Negro: Along TF-21, this pull-off has a good view of the volcano.

Wine glasses and bottles at the winery Bodega Reveron on El Teide

The rich, volcanic soil on Tenerife’s volcano produces some very fine and very unusual wine varietals. We recommend visitors to Tenerife stop at the winery, Bodega Reveron . The winery is located on TF-51 between Vilaflor and Arona on your way down towards Los Christianos.

The Reveron winery produces a range of wines, but they excel at fine red wines. The grapes thrive in the hot Spanish sun on the wind-swept slopes of the Teide volcano. If you stop, you can follow in our footsteps: try their wines before buying a bottle to take back to your hotel or holiday rental apartment.

Trees and rocks on a mountain above the clouds

Based on our experience, we put together these tips for visiting the Tenerife volcano:

There are two schools of thought on cable car tickets. The first is that you don’t want to be committed to a trip on a day when the weather may be bad. So, you don’t book tickets ahead and you just show up and buy your tickets that day. However, the downside to this strategy, is that tickets sometimes sell out or you may need to wait at the lower cable car station for a long period of time until lots of tour groups have gone (waits of over two hours are not uncommon, especially during peak season).

The second school of thought is to book your tickets for the Mt. Teide National Park cable car in advance. You can lock in a time, save money, and have certainty about your trip. The downside is that you might end up with tickets for a bad weather day.

So what should a visitor do about Teide tickets? Our recommendation is to book tickets in advance, however, we recommend waiting until 2-5 days before the date to do it. This way, you can check the forecast for the best weather on Mount Teide. You can check the Mount Teide weather forecast here .

The Tenerife cable car lower station on Mount Teide

If you want to hike to the summit of the volcano peak, you need a Mount Teide permit. You can apply for the Mount Teide Hiking Permit here . Permits go fast, so apply for your permit as far in advance as you can.

An alternative to the permit process is to book a cable car trip with guided tour, which includes the summit permit. Guided tours with summit permits can be booked here . Even if you are unsuccessful in getting a permit, visiting the volcano is still worth it!

Long line of cars parking at the cable car station

There is limited parking along the roads and in the parking lots at the cable car station (GPS location: 28.255055, -16.625664). In fact, there are only 220 parking spots. If you see a spot, grab it, and don’t count on another spot that might be closer. While there is parking along the road up to the cable car station, there can also be traffic jams as buses try to navigate the confined space. Consider parking at the bottom in one of the three carparks and walking up (GPS for the lower lot is 28.255016, -16.621633). It’s a 6-minute walk at a moderate pace.

The parking lots are busiest in the middle of the day. The people in the morning will be coming down and the people for the afternoon will be arriving. This means there is overlap and fewer spaces. Try to plan your arrival for early or later in the day to accommodate this. Do the math: the cable car runs every 8 minutes and holds 44 people, but there are only 220 parking spots. Parking spots go fast!

Mount Teide Cable Cars passing each other

In the worst-case scenario, you can park for the cable car at the Parador de Cañadas del Teide hotel/visitors center. You should allow approximately 1 hour to walk from the Parador de Cañadas to the Mt. Teide cable car station (it is approximately 4.4 kilometers). It’s not an ideal solution, but you can do it if you have no other options. This means, you should plan to arrive at the cable car early in case you need to try and find parking.

Resist the temptation to just park illegally along the side of the road. The police patrol the area and tickets are common.

Vilaflor Tenerife as seen from Mt Teide above the clouds

Mobile phone service on the mountain can be extremely poor. While we did find we had reception in several places, it was very sporadic. Visitors should not rely on mobile or cellular phone service for navigational purposes or GPS use.

You can either visit as a Teide day trip, or stay overnight on the volcano. If you want to stay overnight, there are two good options:

This bunk house is located on the side of the volanco at an an elevation of over 3,260 meters. The views are absolutely fabulous, and the accommodations are absolutely basic. You’re getting a bunk bed in a communal dormitory. Guests need to arrive between 5:00pm-10:00pm and rooms are allotted at 7:00pm, which is perfect because it will give you a chance to catch the Mount Teide sunset. All guests need to leave by 7:30am, however, if you want to visit the summit for sunrise, you’ll need to leave by about 5:00am.

The Altavista Refuge has only 54 beds and these book far, far in advance. Because guests at the Altavista Refuge get access to the summit before 9:00am, you don’t actually need a permit to stay here. Guests will need to bring all of their own food, which can be cooked in the small kitchen. While this is a no frills option, the chance to visit the summit for sunrise make it worth it and and one of the best accommodations in Tenerife. Check reviews and book a room here .

View of Northern Tenerife, which is covered in clouds

The Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide is the ideal choice to stay inside the national park and sleep on the volcano. This hotel offers exceptional views of the volcanic cone, caldera, and the breathtaking geography. The hotel has the nicest restaurant in the park and also a swimming pool. However, with a capacity for only 73 guests, rooms here book far in advance. Please note: guests at Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide do not get special access to El Teide mountain or a summit permit. Check reviews and book a room here .

If you want to visit the mountain as an excursion, you can stay anywhere else on Tenerife. The volcano is reachable from every point on Tenerife Island. However, our recommendation would be to stay somewhere on the southwest coast, like Costa Adeje. Check accommodation options in Adeje here .

Typical lunch of chicken and potatoes

Located in Portillo Alto about 10 minutes from the cable car, Restaurante Papillon is your best bet for food in Mount Teide National Park. Papillon lacks the large parking lot for the big buses, so it has a slightly more relaxed quality to it. They do get some buses, particularly in the evening, when the “Mount Teide by Night” tours stop here.

These two restaurants on Mount Teide are owned by the same management group and have the same menu. Restaurante La Bamby is located across the street from Papillon and Restaurante el Portillo is located a few kilometers down the road just past the Portillo visitor’s center. Both have large capacities (300+) and big parking lots catering to the motor coaches. However, they turn the food quickly. We ate at La Bamby were pleasantly surprised at the quality. They serve mostly Canarian cuisine, but have a few tapas and pintxos on the menu. It was not the best restaurant in Tenerife, however, it was better than we expected.

The restaurant in the Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide is your best bet for fine dining and a refined meal on the mountain. Food is prepared by an actual chef and is up to the standards you’ll find at any resort. However, on the downside, you do get large tour bus groups and the restaurant hours leave something to be desired. The Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide closes for lunch at 15:30, which is quite early, particularly if you are going up the mountain.

People in the Mount Teide restaurant at the lower cable car station

The easiest and most uninspiring option is the snack kiosk and buffet at the lower cable car station. Options are both expensive and limited, although the ice cream is quite good!

Lance hiking on Mount Teide

If you’re planning a trip, your experience will be greatly enhanced if you come prepared. We recommend bringing:

Camera : The views are second-to-none anywhere in the world. You’ll probably want to capture the moment with a good travel camera. We personally use the Sony RX 100 and the Nikon D-7500 .

Hat, gloves, and warm clothes : It can get cold up on the summit, even in summer. Be sure to pack warm clothes and dress in layers. It seems strange to bring warm clothes to a best destination like Tenerife, but you’ll thank us!

Sunscreen and sunglasses : The sun can be very intense in Tenerife. Be sure to pack sunscreen ! There is almost no shade up on the volcano, so be prepared.

Water bottle : You should bring a large water bottle for your trip. And if you plan on hiking the summit, you should bring a second water bottle. While the temperatures on the summit can be cool, you’ll be exerting lots of energy and you should stay hydrated.

Headlamp : If you are planning to climb up and stay at the Altavista Refuge, you will definitely need a headlamp . To experience sunrise on Mount Teide requires you to leave the refuge well before dawn.

Volcanic landscape

Mount Teide is the volcano on Tenerife, on the Canary Islands (part of Spain ) in the Atlantic Ocean. The volcano is located on the southwestern half of the island.

The height is 3,718 meters (12,198 feet), making it the highest mountain in Spain. A common trivia question is, ‘what is the highest mountain in Spain’ because many people don’t immediately associate the Canary Islands with Spain.

As one of the tallest mountains in the world (as measured from its base), the volcano casts the largest shadow in the world. The perfect triangular shadow is cast on the sea and partly covers the neighboring island of Gran Canaria. Sunset is the most popular time to visit the volcano to try and catch a glimpse of the shadow.

Trees on Mount Teide

This is an active volcano, although the chances of seeing volcanic activity are very slim. The last eruption was in November 1909.

For years, British tabloid magazines have been predicting an imminent eruption. And it hasn’t happened. Yes, there will be another eruption someday. It could be tomorrow or another 100 years from now. However, the chances of it happening on the exact day you visit are as close to zero as could possibly exist. And the next time a British tabloid predicts an imminent eruption, try to find someone to make a bet. The odds are in your favor.

teide tour erfahrungen

Lance Longwell is a travel writer and photographer who has published Travel Addicts since 2008, making it one of the oldest travel blogs. He is a life-long traveler, having visited all 50 of the United States by the time he graduated high school. Lance has continued his adventures by visiting 70 countries on 5 continents – all in search of the world’s perfect sausage. He’s a passionate foodie and enjoys hot springs and cultural oddities. When he’s not traveling (or writing about travel), you’ll find him photographing his hometown of Philadelphia.

The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Mount Teide

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Wednesday 22nd of March 2023

Hi, I would like to know what is the best time of day to go to Mt, Teide? Thanks in advance.

Lance Longwell

Tuesday 4th of April 2023

Depends what your goals are. If you want cooler temperatures and fewer people, go first thing in the morning. However, if you want to see the famous Teide Shadow, you have to go at sunset.

Gareth Gosling

Saturday 20th of August 2022

Is it possible to get a What 3 Words location for the car park for the lower cable car station please?

Updated with GPS coordinates. Nobody uses What3Words (and the company sues people who use/publish their proprietary information).

Monday 4th of April 2022

Hi, could I ask, do you know if it is possible to take public transport to the Cable Car Station and if so, where would be the best place to take it from (and stay the night before). TIA

It's possible, but not recommended. The local bus in Tenerife is called the guagua. You can take bus number 348 from Puerto de la Cruz. Or, you can take bus number 342 from Costa Adeje. But the buses are notoriously unreliable and don't really run on a schedule.

Lars Salquist

Monday 17th of January 2022

Hi, Great homepage. If you go up by cable car, how long is the trip back if you go by foot? Best, Lars

Tuesday 18th of January 2022

The hike up is 5-6 hours. The hike back down can be done in as little as 2-3 hours, but most hikers will allow about 4 hours.

Thursday 22nd of July 2021

Thank you so much for all the information about Mt. Teide. It is difficult to find all this helpful information.

Altavista Refuge at Teide, Tenerife in 7 days

8 Best Mount Teide Tours in Tenerife, Spain

Home | Travel | Europe | Spain | Canary Islands | Tenerife | 8 Best Mount Teide Tours in Tenerife, Spain

There are many great excursions to Teide , the highest peak in the Canary Islands and all of Spain. So, if you’re traveling to Tenerife and plan to climb Mount Teide, a guided tour is the best option, especially if you don’t want to drive or hike on your own.

Mount Teide is in the center of Tenerife, so you can see it from practically anywhere on the island. When you go to Teide National Park, not only can you do a Teide volcano tour , but you can see the park’s fauna, flora, and unique geological formations. Moreover, the volcano’s peak is 12,190 feet above sea level, so seeing the incredible views from there is one of the top things to do in Tenerife .

To help you plan your adventure, here are the 8 best tours of Teide :

  • OPTION 1 : Tour with cable car ride
  • OPTION 2 : Tour with cable car ride and access to the summit
  • OPTION 3 : Tour through the Cañadas del Teide
  • OPTION 4 : Hiking tour to climb Mount Teide along the Montaña Blanca route
  • OPTION 5 : Night hike through the Cañadas del Teide
  • OPTION 6 : Stargazing tour in Teide National Park
  • OPTION 7 : Tour to Mount Teide and Masca
  • OPTION 8 : Tour to Mount Teide, Icod, and Garachico

1. Mount Teide tour with cable car ride

One of the most popular excursions to Teide includes transportation to the base of the cable car and a ride to La Rambleta. While this tour doesn’t go to the volcano’s summit, it’s still quite impressive because La Rambleta is 11,660 feet above sea level.

Depending on where you are staying, you can book this excursion from the north of Tenerife or this one from the south. You’ll travel by bus from the meeting point to Teide National Park, about 7,730 feet above sea level. From there, you’ll board a cable car and ascend to La Rambleta, enjoying lovely views along the way.

Cable car Mount Teide, excursion teide

Once at La Rambleta, you’ll have an hour to explore the trails and viewpoints in the area. Keep in mind that this Mount Teide tour doesn’t go to the summit since a special permit is required. Also, an hour isn’t enough time to hike the trail to the volcano’s peak.

  • Highlights : Bus ride to Teide National Park, cable car ride, La Rambleta
  • Duration : 8 hours
  • Price from : $75
  • Departure : North and south Tenerife
  • Description : Enjoy round-trip transportation by bus to Teide National Park, where you’ll ride a cable car to La Rambleta. There, you’ll have one hour to enjoy the views and walking paths .

2. Mount Teide tour with cable car ride and access to summit

One of the best excursions to Teide , if you want to reach the summit, is this tour . Along with the special permit to access the summit, the excursion includes a guide and cable car ride; so this is this is the tour we recommend no matter you’re planning a week itinerary in Tenerife or you have just 5 days to explore Tenerife .

On this Teide tour , you’ll hike on Trail 10 or Telesforo Bravo, the only route that goes to the summit. The trail is less than half a mile, but it has an elevation gain of over 650 feet, so it’s only recommended for experienced hikers.

Mount Teide, Tenerife, teide excursions

The excursion also includes transportation from different parts of Tenerife to the cable car entrance, and a cable car ride is also included. The ride is less than 10 minutes and leads to La Rambleta, where you’ll begin the hike to the summit.

During your hike, you’ll witness the spectacular landscape of Mount Teide, such as the volcanic rock formations. As you get closer to the peak, you’ll smell sulfur in the air, another indication of the volcanic activity in this area. Without a doubt, this is one of the top excursions to Teide , especially if you love hiking and you want to see Spain’s ultimate apex.

Moreover, the tour company handles all the special permit requirements, so you won’t have to worry about it.

  • Highlights : Bus transportation, cable car ride, and hike to the summit of Mount Teide
  • Duration : 5 hours
  • Price from : $97
  • Departure : Areas in northern and southern Tenerife (see the different points here )
  • Description : Enjoy round-trip transportation by bus to the Mount Teide cable car. Your tour includes a cable car ride to La Rambleta, where you’ll begin your hike to the top of the volcano, following the Telesforo Bravo trail. Permit access to the summit is also included .

3. Tour through Las Cañadas, a cheap excursion to Teide

Within Teide National Park, at the foot of the volcano, you’ll find Las Cañadas, an expansive area, and site of several volcanic eruptions. It is believed that this region was created after the caldera that’s also here, although there is still much debate about that. Regardless, if you want to tour Mount Teide and see this part of the park, I recommend this tour from the north or this one from the south.

Las Cañadas del Teide, teide tours

3. Tour through Las Cañadas, a cheap excursion to Teide –  Efrén Yanes

On this excursion in Teide , you’ll be able to witness the desert landscape surrounding the volcano, including rivers of lava and volcanic rock formations like the Roques de García. Throughout the journey, you’ll get lovely panoramic views of Mount Teide.

Depending on the time of year, you may see the  tajinaste rojo , or the tower of jewels, a bright red plant that only grows in Teide under special conditions. Also, there isn’t any difference between the tours from the north and the south, as they both cover the same areas. Besides, the price is quite low, so this is a good, cheap Teide volcano tour to consider.

  • Highlights : Las Cañadas del Teide
  • Duration : 4- 5 hours
  • Price from : $31
  • Description : Enjoy round-trip transportation by bus to the Cañadas del Teide, where you’ll take a guided hike and explore the flora and views .

4. Hiking tour to Mount Teide’s peak (Montaña Blanca route)

We reached the summit of Mount Teide by taking Trail 7 or the Montaña Blanca route, one of the best hikes in Tenerife . If you love to hike, this is the best way to get to the volcano’s peak. Although we did it on our own, you can book a Teide excursion that does this route, like this tour .

This excursion takes all day and goes from the Cañadas road, where the ascent begins. Part of what makes this Teide tour the best is that you’ll discover unique places along the route. One of these is the Huevos del Teide, two huge black rocks behind the White Mountain. You’ll also pass through the Altavista refuge and the cable car station. The ascent is done on foot, while you’ll descend down the mountain by cable car, and the tickets are included.

Mount Teide, mount teide day trip

The terrain is quite steep since you’re walking on solidified lava, so this is a difficult hike that I don’t recommend for people who aren’t in good physical shape. That said, if you can do it, it’s an incredible Teide day trip that will reward you with amazing panoramic views and landscapes.

On this excursion, you’ll hike the Telesforo Bravo trail, the only one that leads to the summit, and the tour company handles permit access.

  • Highlights : Hike along Trail 7 (Montaña Blanca) and Telesforo Bravo
  • Duration : 1 day
  • Price from : $178
  • Departure : Hotel pick-up in Los Cristianos, Las Américas, or Costa Adeje
  • Description : Take a guided hike along Trail 7 (Montaña Blanca) to reach the peak of Mount Teide. The tour includes a guide, accident insurance, cable car ticket, and permit access to the summit .

5. Night hike through Las Cañadas, the best Mount Teide tour at night

Tenerife, specifically El Teide, undergoes a drastic change at night, so doing a Teide night tour can give you a completely new perspective of this otherworldly landscape. If you’re interested in this kind of experience, I highly recommend this tour .

Teide at night, mount teide night tour

5. Night hike through Las Cañadas, the best Mount Teide tour at night –  Efrén Yanes

The excursion begins at the Parador de Cañadas del Teide (one of the best paradores in Spain ), where you’ll meet your guide and embark on a 3-mile hike under the beautiful starry sky. Moreover, this evening Mount Teide tour will take you to some iconic places, like the Roques de García, all while basking in the glow of the moon and stars.

To make the most of your time, I recommend spending the night at the Parador Las Cañadas del Teide hotel, since you’ll be starting and end the tour there anyway. If it’s already booked, you can find other hotels to stay in Tenerife close to the meeting point.

  • Highlights : Las Cañadas del Teide at night
  • Duration : 3 hours
  • Price from : $22
  • Departure : Parador de Cañadas del Teide
  • Description : Take an evening hike through the Cañadas del Teide and see some of the most popular sights in the area while enjoying the night sky. The tour includes a guide, snacks, and flashlights .

6. Stargazing tour in Teide, one of the best nighttime excursions in Teide

Tenerife is a designated Starlight Tourist Destination since it has all the perfect conditions to enjoy the night sky. So, if you’re looking for an impressive night tour in Teide , I suggest booking this one .

You’ll experience a Night Sky Star Safari in Teide National Park, where you’ll observe the stars through a telescope. Meanwhile, an expert guide will tell you all about the visible planets, the moon, stars, and much more. Best of all, this Teide excursion includes a glass of cava while you watch the sunset, as well as a traditional Canarian meal.

Stargazing at Teide, teide night tour

6. Stargazing tour in Teide, one of the best nighttime excursions in Teide –  Efrén Yanes

Another great nighttime excursion to Teide that you can book is this one , which includes stargazing and a visit to Reverón Wineries, located 4,640 feet above sea level.

Regardless of the tour you book, I suggest reading our guide on how to photograph the Milky Way so you can make the most of it!

7. Tour to Mount Teide and Masca, the best day trips to Teide

If you’re looking for excursions to Teide from Puerto de la Cruz in northern Tenerife, one of the best is this tour , which includes a visit to Masca.

You’ll travel in a 4×4 across volcanic formations in the La Orotava valley and Teide National Park. Along the way, a guide will explain the events that caused the volcanic eruptions in this area, and the impact they had on the island’s geology. For example, the village of Garachico was practically buried when Chinyero erupted.

Mount Teide, Tenerife, teide tenerife tour

7. Tour to Mount Teide and Masca, the best day trips to Teide –  Efrén Yanes

Then, you’ll reach the beautiful town of Masca, located 2,460 feet above sea level. It has one of the best viewpoints in Tenerife, thanks to its popular ravine. Without a doubt, it’s one of the best full day trips to Teide .

If you’re in the southern part of Tenerife, don’t worry because this tour departs from Las Américas and is nearly identical to the other excursion. The only difference is that you’ll start in the south of the island, so you’ll go to Masca and Vilaflor, another charming village.

These are the best tours to Teide, Tenerife if you want to explore the nearby areas and learn more about volcanic activity there.

8. Teide, Icod, and Garachico, a complete Mount Teide tour

For those who want a complete tour of Mount Teide, I recommend this tour , as it’s one of the few trips that combine Teide , Masca , Icod , and Garachico .

This tour departs from northern Tenerife, but you can also book this option if you’re in the south. Depending on your starting point, the order of the stops may vary.

One of the places you’ll visit on this Teide tour is the Cañadas del Teide National Park, an area that was created after the volcano erupted. Today, it boasts rivers of lava and characteristic rock formations like the Roques de García. Moreover, from here, you can see Mount Teide in the distance and get a better idea of its full grandeur.

Ancient Dragon Tree, excursion teide

You’ll also stop at Santiago del Teide and Masca, the latter of which is known for its ravine and viewpoints that overlook the region from 2,460 feet above sea level. The excursion’s two other stops are the historical town of Garachico and the municipality of Icod de Los Vinos , where you can see ten Ancient Dragon Tree, considered by many to be a National Monument.

Again, these Mount Teide tours are the perfect choice if you want to take advantage of discovering other points of interest in Tenerife.

  • Highlights : Teide National Park, Masca, Garachico, and Icod de Los Vinos
  • Duration : 8- 9 hours
  • Price from : $43
  • Departure : Pick-up at your hotel in Puerto de la Cruz or from south ​​Tenerife (El Médano, Callao-El Paraíso, Ten Bel, Los Gigantes, Golf del Sur, La Caleta, Las Américas, Los Cristianos, and Chayofa)
  • Description : Enjoy a complete tour through Teide National Park and see the volcanic geological formations. Then, travel to some of the most popular towns in Tenerife, like Masca, Garachico, and Icod de los Vinos.

Mount Teide tour prices

If you’re still not sure which excursion to Teide you want to do during your vacation in Tenerife , here is a comparison of the different prices for each tour:

In addition to the climbing tours on Teide , there are many excursions from Tenerife that will take you to different corners of the island. Of course, to learn more about this stunning island and to make the most of your trip, I recommend reading our guides on things to do in north Tenerife and places to visit in south Tenerife . Regardless of which part of Tenerife you visit, Mount Teide is a must! However, if you’re traveling without renting a car in Tenerife , you should know that there are many e xcursions from Puerto de la Cruz so I recommend staying here.

Finally, I hope that you feel more confident about booking your excursion to Teide . If you have any questions, leave me a comment below and I’ll help you as much as I can. Have a safe trip!

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Teide National Park in Tenerife: The Ultimate Guide [2024]


  • Updated On March 7, 2024

Teide National Park is for many the number one highlight of a visit to Tenerife. Visit here to experience the island’s visually impressive backdrop, see surreal rock formations and explore a lunar, otherworldly landscape. It’s not to be missed, particularly if you enjoy stargazing or hiking. 

Planning Your Trip to Teide National Park Last Minute?

Below are our favorite tours and hotels we highly recommend when visiting the national park.

Top Experiences and Tours: Mount Teide Tour with Cable Car Ticket & Transfer (all in one, perfect if you don’t have a hire car) Teide Stargazing Experience (Teide is one of the best places in the world to view stars!) Mount Teide Summit Guided Hiking Tour (once in a lifetime experience!) Quad Adventure Tour (very fun tour riding quad bikes to the national park) Mount Teide Observatory Guided Tour (perfect for science buffs!) 

Top Hotels: Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide (This is the only hotel inside the national park. We stayed here and highly recommend it!)

Without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest attraction in Tenerife is Teide National Park. To miss seeing it while visiting the island seems almost criminal. 

Parque Nacional del Teide is spread over more than 13,500 hectares of the island – or around a tenth of the land mass. The park and highest peak is located in the Macaronesia volcanic zone, and the active volcano last erupted in 1909. The peak of Mount Teide is Spain’s highest summit, and the mountain is surrounded by an otherworldly, lunar landscape. Other things to see at this national park include dark caverns and intriguing rock formations. 

La Ruleta Vista Point in Teide National Park

A variety of altitudes also means there’s a vast range of floral species to be seen when hiking in Teide National Park. Some of these are found nowhere else on the planet. That’s only one of the reasons why the park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting around three to four million visitors each year.  

Over 80% of the volcanic rock formations found on Earth can be seen at this unique national park. The variety of colours and textures is incredible and includes green due to the presence of copper oxide. As for the peak itself, it emerges from a large caldera left over from a previous volcano. 

There are plenty of things to do when you visit Teide National Park. You can take a cable car or hike to the summit. There’s also plenty of other amazing hikes in the park which pass through lava fields. Or you can just visit the numerous viewpoints, soaking up the views without the need to tackle a hike. 

You can also stay overnight in the only Teide National Park hotel . The park is among the best places in the world for stargazing, due to minimal light pollution, the location and the lunar landscape. 

From getting there to planning countless activities the park has to offer, this ultimate guide has you covered. Let’s dive deeper into the volcanic, surreal world of Teide National Park in Tenerife!

Table of Contents

Weather in Teide National Park

Due to the altitude, the weather in the national park is usually several degrees cooler than the rest of the island. In winter, averages are around 8°C, and in summer, highs can reach about 20 to 22°C.

When we lived in Tenerife for a year, we saw Teide every single day while taking the kids to kindergarten. In winter, the mountain was covered in snow. Upon seeing that, we were so excited to go up there and feel it for ourselves because it’s such a contrast to the balmy 20°C temperatures on the coast. 

We failed in our mission a couple of times, as the roads leading to Teide were closed. This happens when there is heavy snow. By the third time, though, we did manage to get into the park and were completely enthralled by it. As it was 4°C by then, the snow was melting but you wouldn’t believe how many Spanish families brought their kids here to play with the snow! It was incredible to witness. The children brought their sledges along, which they probably only get to use 2 to 3 days per year.

Snow on Mount Teide

If you take a cable car ride to the top, you’ll find that it’s even colder up there. In winter, minus temperatures aren’t uncommon. So do prepare for that by taking warmer clothes with you.

Any time of year is good for visiting the park. Many people hike to the peak in summer, but during spring is the best time due to the wildflowers covering the lower slopes. The summit may also still be snow-clad in spring. In winter, reaching Teide National Park by car can be impossible due to road closures. 

Most of the park is above the clouds. So even when it’s cloudy on the coast, you will drive past a certain point while heading to Teide and it will suddenly become sunny. 

How to Visit Teide National Park

This section covers how to get to Teide National Park and essential information you need to know. Thankfully, due to its popularity, there are now plenty of ways to visit. Of course the simplest option for many is to rent a car, as this is the most flexible means of getting there, but other options are also covered below. 

Visitor Centres

There are two visitor centres in Teide National Park: one in El Portillo ( location ) and the Cañada Blanca visitor centre ( location ) near the Parador de Cañadas del Teide hotel.

El Portillo is the main one and can be found in the east of the park. It offers information on hiking trails in Teide National Park, plus exhibits about local flora, fauna and geology. Some free hikes are also led by staff. 

The Cañada Blanca visitor centre is in the south, and this focuses more on the relationship between the park and humanity. 

Useful Information

  • You don’t have to budget for Teide National Park tickets, as entry is free. You do have to pay for the cable car to take you to the top, though. It costs 38 Euros for a round-trip ticket for adults, and 19 euros for children aged between 3 and 13. Children under 3 are not permitted to ride. Book the tickets via the official website .
  • The cable car takes you to the top station called “La Rambleta”, at an altitude of 3,555 metres. There you have the option of choosing between three walks. One of these is to the peak. You need the right Teide permits to do this: you can get that here . Do keep in mind that spaces fill up about two months in advance. If you fail to get one, you could opt for the official tour instead. This involves climbing to the peak as part of a guided tour, without needing to get a Teide National Park permit. 
  • Parking in the national park is free, but free spaces soon disappear during high season. Sometimes you might need to drive around for some time before a space frees up.
  • Don’t leave your valuables unattended inside the car when parking at the park – or in other tourist places in Tenerife. There is a chance that the car window will be smashed and your belongings stolen in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, car thefts are common in Tenerife, even though we have never experienced them ourselves.
  • There is one hotel in the park – Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide – so you can stay overnight if you’d like to.

The road to Mount Teide

Getting to Teide National Park

This is for many the easiest and most flexible option. There are four roads leading to the national park:

  • From the South. If you are staying in the popular areas of Playa de las Americas , Costa Adeje or Los Cristianos , you will usually take this road. It passes Vilaflor – the highest village in Tenerife, located at an altitude of 1,400 m. After reaching the village, take the TF-21 to reach the national park. 
  • From the West. If you are staying in the Los Gigantes area, firstly you must get to TF-38 through Tamaimo. You’ll then switch to TF-21 once inside the national park. This is the fastest route, and you’ll pass spindly pines and a stretch of solidified lava along the way.  
  • From the North. If you’re staying in Puerto de la Cruz , you need to get to La Orotava before switching to the TF-21. This will get you into the park.
  • From the North-East. From Santa Cruz de Tenerife or San Cristóbal de La Laguna, take TF-24 from La Laguna (Carretera de La Esperanza). This then connects to the TF-21. It’s probably the most picturesque road.

The road in Teide National Park

The roads are in very good condition and we find them easy to navigate. Despite the fact that you are gaining elevation, this happens smoothly and thus shouldn’t be a problem for any intermediate driver.

Alternatively, take a bus to Teide National Park. Two bus routes can get you there without a hire car.

Number 342 runs from Costa Adeje, via Playa de las Americas and Los Cristianos, to various stops within the national park. It runs only once per day. The bus departs at 9:15 am from Costa Adeje bus station, and the whole trip takes 2 hours and 15 minutes. To get back, catch the bus at 3:15 pm from El Portillo. This also passes the cable car station at approximately 3:40 pm. The price is 7,60€ one way. 

Number 348 runs from the northern part of Tenerife. It sets off at 9:30 am from Puerto de la Cruz and the final stop is near the Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide hotel. The whole trip takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes. You can head back at 4 pm, and the price is 6,20€ one way.

Both buses give you plenty of time to use the cable car from 12 pm. You can then spend up to 3 hours up there (which is enough even for hiking to the peak if you have a permit) and still get back in time for the return trip.

Tourist bus near La Ruleta Vista Point in Parque Nacional del Teide

In all honesty, rarely do people spend so much time on the top. Usually about an hour is enough.Then you’ll have some time left for other activities, such as visiting several viewpoints.

To help with that, there is a third bus that can transport you within the park, from one site to another. It’s the number 341 , and runs a few times per day.

If you have any questions on using a bus system in Tenerife, check out our complete bus guide.

Roque Cinchado and Mount Teide

Taking a Teide National Park tour is a third way to get there. Many of these will show you the highlights, without any stress, renting a car or driving. Unless specified, it’s best to assume these tours don’t leave sufficient time for the return cable car trip. 

Whether you’re staying in the north or south, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a suitable trip. Many include pick-up from your accommodation too. Here are the tours that we can recommend. Some of these are organised by the national park itself, and others by private companies.

  • Excursion from Southern or Northern Tenerife . The cost is 74 Euros and this includes transport from your hotel, a return cable car ticket and an official guide in your preferred language. If you are staying in the Costa Adeje, Playa de las Americas or Los Cristianos areas, the tour is available daily. For the Los Gigantes or Costa del Silencio areas, it takes place on selected days only. Check the link above for more information. Duration: 7 hours.
  • Teide Stargazing Experience . As already mentioned, Teide National Park is one of the best places on Earth for stargazing because of the clear skies. This tour takes you from selected hotels in Southern Tenerife (or you can drive before joining the tour at the park). You get to experience sunset above the clouds with a glass of Cava, savour an authentic meal in a local restaurant and watch the night sky with powerful telescopes. This one is highly recommended. Duration: 6 hours with hotel pickup, or 4 hours if you drive to the national park yourself.
  • Mount Teide Summit Guided Hiking Tour . Another great option. By choosing this tour, you get to hike to the summit of Teide with a guide, which is a truly memorable experience. This option includes a transfer from Tenerife South or North, cable car tickets, and a permit to visit the crater. The latter is very important because if you want to summit Teide without this tour, you would have to get the permit yourself. This must be done at least two months prior to your trip. By choosing this tour, you can save yourself the headache. Perfect.

Starry sky in Teide National Park

These 3 first options listed above are the best tours, in our opinion, so we urge you to try at least one. Here are a few different, fun options worth considering too:

Guided Teide Observatory Tour – Teide has its own stargazing observatory: in fact, it’s the largest solar observatory in the world. By opting for this 1.5 hour tour, you can learn how an observatory works and get to use professional-level telescopes. Children under 8 years old cannot join this tour.

Full Day Scenic Tour – By choosing this tour, you can travel through the highest village in Tenerife – Vilafor. Next, you’ll visit Teide National Park. After that, you also get to go to Icod de Los Vinos , Garachico and Masca . Keep in mind that by choosing this tour, you will only get a glimpse of Teide and won’t be able to use the cable car. It’s a good option if you’re short on time though.

Quad Adventure Tour – a very very fun tour! It’s a guided quad bike tour including hotel pick-up. You’ll travel 90 kilometres from Playa de las Americas to an elevation of 2,400 metres at Teide. You can choose to have a quad bike of your own, or share one with a friend or family member.

Things to Do in Teide National Park

If you’re now wondering what to do in Teide National Park, how do some of the following options sound?

Visit a Variety of Viewpoints

For magnificent panoramic views, visit the many miradors (viewpoints) located along the road through the park. Each has a unique perspective to offer.

Mirador de los Poleos

This viewpoint is in western Tenerife, along TF-38 leading from Los Gigantes. You can catch your first glimpse of the peak from here, and see where some of the most recent eruptions have occurred. Oh, and the views of the neighboring island La Gomera are unforgettable.

Location: Google Maps

La Gomera island from the viewpoint

Mirador de las Narices del Teide

Mirador Narices del Teide literally translates as the nostrils of the Teide. This viewpoint shows Tenerife’s longest volcanic eruption, which lasted for three months in 1798. The path taken by the lava is very evident here.

Mirador de las Narices del Teide viewpoint

Llano de Ucanca

This quiet little layby gives you great views of Teide, La Ruleta and the Roques de Garcia. For stargazing, this is one of the best spots on the island.

Llano de Ucanca viewpoint inside Teide National Park

La Ruleta Vista Point

This is probably the stop that the majority of people visiting Teide make. You will find the largest car park here, and there’s also further parking spaces on the other side of the road, near the Parador de Cañadas del Teide hotel.

That said, finding a free space during high season here is still a challenge. You usually have to drive around while waiting for a car to leave. 

Las Cañadas caldera in Teide National Park

One of the main hikes in the area, Roques de García, starts here. It’s perfect for the whole family, so many people choose to do it. (You can find out more about it below.) You will also find an observation deck here that overlooks Las Cañadas caldera.

Mirador El Tabonal Negro

This is one of the first viewpoints you’ll pass when heading to the park from northern Tenerife. There are stunning views over mountains and valleys, as well as Teide itself.

Mirador El Tabonal Negro viewpoint in Tenerife

Minas de San José

This is one of our favourite stops when visiting the park. This one’s different, as you’re permitted to walk around on the volcanic sands. Contrasting shades of red, orange, yellow, black and grey make this a very photogenic spot.

Volcanic sands in Teide park in Tenerife

Mirador de El Corral del Niño

This is probably the best place to watch the sunset and see the stars. There are great views of Teide observatory and Teide volcano, plus a sea of clouds beneath you. It’s truly a breathtaking place. Bring warmer clothes for sunset, as it gets chilly quickly here after the sun goes down.

Sunset in Teide National Park in Tenerife

Zona Recreativa Las Lajas

This is not actually a viewpoint, but rather a place for picnicking and camping. It’s a  beautiful, tranquil place with barbecue grills for public use, taps and restrooms. There’s also a play area for kids.

A place for camping and picnic in Tenerife

Take a Cable Car Trip

This is our number one recommendation – and an absolute must unless you’ve come to Tenerife with small children. Kids under 3 are not allowed to take this journey, due to health concerns related to the high altitude.

It’s the simplest way to reach the mountain’s peak, and the views are spectacular – apart from when it’s cloudy. When the sun shines, you can make out the islands of La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro. The ride takes only eight minutes to reach an altitude of 1,200 metres, and departs every 10 minutes. 

Cable car in Teide National Park

We recommend purchasing cable car tickets online at least a day in advance. It’s almost impossible to get same day tickets when you arrive at the park during high season, so it’s best not to take the risk. Book via the official website .

You have to choose a day and a time slot for your visit. The current price is 38 Euros for an adult return and 19 Euros for children aged between 3 and 13.

You can’t be late for your appointed time, so make sure you arrive with plenty of time to find parking (it can be pretty busy at the car park by the cable car). There’s a cafe, so you can spend some time there while waiting for your designated slot.

Anyone with lung or heart issues should not travel, due to low oxygen levels at higher elevation. Bring a jacket too, even if it’s hot elsewhere. 

The view from the top of Teide volcano in Tenerife

We felt slightly light-headed due to the lack of oxygen, but nothing too extreme. It was harder to walk, though, and a bit more difficult to breathe.

Be aware that, due to weather conditions, the cable car doesn’t operate on some days, especially in winter. On any given day you can check the status of the cable car and the weather at the official website . It’s difficult to predict in advance whether the cable car will operate on the day of your visit or not. 

All you can do is check the weather forecast and hope for the best. This is more of a problem in winter, when it can snow on Teide. But don’t worry – your tickets will be fully refunded, or you can change dates easily.

The cable car will get you to the upper station, “La Rambleta”, at 3,550 metres. On the top of the mountain you can choose between 2 walking routes (apart from the third route to the peak, which requires a permit: find more about that below). So you can choose to head to the Fortaleza viewpoint (426 metres) or take the Pico del Teide route to another viewpoint (731 metres). 

The hike on top of Teide mountain in Tenerife

Officially, you are allowed to stay up there for an hour. Each of these trails will take around 45 minutes, at a leisurely pace. So while it’s possible to do both trails, we would recommend choosing only one. An hour is usually more than enough because of high winds, chilly weather and the lack of oxygen.

There is also a toilet and a hot drinks machine at the top. If you don’t plan to rent a car, you can still do this by choosing one of the tours recommended above, or by using a public bus to reach the cable car station.

Climb to the Summit

Climbing to the peak of Teide, at an altitude of 3718 metres, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You can do this in several ways.

From the Upper Cable Car Station

The easiest way is to take the cable car to the upper station of “La Rambleta”. You can then hike from there via the Telesforo Bravo path to the peak ( trail map ). The path is 618 metres long and 173 metres high, and it will take around 40 minutes to reach your destination. For comparison, you would be able to cover a distance of about 3 to 4 kilometres in normal conditions, but it’s more difficult to walk here due to the lack of oxygen.

The upper Teide cable car station (La Rambleta)

This path is rocky underfoot, with challenging conditions and steep sections. It’s not recommended for those with health issues or children, but the views are stupendous.

The problem with this option is that you need a permit, as we mentioned briefly above. This is to restrict visitor numbers. You can apply for your permit here , but do bear in mind that spaces fill up about two months in advance. So you will need to plan.

A hiking trail on top of Teide mountain in Tenerife

You will have to choose from one of the 2 hour time slots: 9 to 11 am, 11 am to 1 pm, 1 to 3 pm, or 3 to 5 pm. Then you have to calculate how much time you’ll need to arrive at the national park and travel up by cable car. Take your passport or ID with you on the day, and don’t miss your time slot. If you have a 3 to 5 pm permit, you must enter by 4.30pm at the latest. Before leaving, also check that the summit isn’t closed due to the weather conditions. 

If you can’t get a permit, thankfully there is another option. You can take the official guided tour where you will climb to the peak without needing a permit. The price is reasonable at 111 Euros, and this includes hotel transfers, return cable car tickets, a Spanish, English or German speaking guide – and the permit you need. 

The peak of Teide volcano in Tenerife

There are a few other so-called VIP tours available, where you can ascend the peak of Teide privately, with a guide for just you and your friends or family. The price is 430 Euros per person if you want to climb the peak after using the cable car, or 590 euros if you want to cover the whole distance on foot from the bottom. A minimum of 2 people is required.

Montaña Blanca Trail

You can also choose the hardest option by hiking all the way from the bottom to the peak. It takes about 3 to 5 hours to hike to the upper cable car station, then 40 minutes more from there.

The hike is normally completed via the Montaña Blanca trail. Check out the trail map here . The entire length is 16.3km and the elevation gain is 1,362 metres. There is parking at the start of the trail ( location ).

The Montaña Blanca trail in Teide National Park

The Montaña Blanca track is the first section, where you can see pumice stone created by volcanic activity. Once tackling the slopes of the mountain, the path becomes very steep, and that plus the altitude is very tiring. In places the gradient is up to 60%, so only take this hike if you’re in peak physical condition and free from heart issues. 

Montaña Blanca and Mount Teide

No permit is needed until you reach the upper cable car station. The good news is, if you choose to visit the peak between 6 am and 9 am (for sunrise) or from 6 pm to 9 pm (for sunset) there is almost no queue for the permit. You still need to get it via the website here (choose one of the bottom two options) but they are generally available, even for tomorrow.

That’s because the cable car does not operate at these times. This opens at 9 am. The time of the last descent varies according to the time of year, but it’s usually between 5 pm and 6:30 pm.

Hiking in Teide National Park

Of course choosing these times may mean hiking up at night or descending in darkness. Even though this sounds terrifying, it’s a pretty normal practice for people to do this throughout the year. You just need a headlamp. Sometimes the stars will light up the way for you too, and hiking under the stars is something you will remember for your whole life.

Hiking up at night is more popular. If you do this, you can take the cable car down after sunrise. 

This route can also be done over two days, spending the night in the Altavista refuge . As of early 2023, though, the refuge is closed, with no news on when it might reopen. It has two buildings, and you could spend a maximum of one night there. Before COVID, the price was 20 Euros per night.

Altavista refuge in Parque Nacional del Teide

If staying over does become an option once more, you can split the climb to make life easier. The views from the refuge are impressive and you can rise at around 5 am to complete your climb. This way you can avoid hiking all the way by night.

Here’s a few things to consider if you choose to hike all the way to the top of Teide from the bottom:

  • The sun is very strong during the day, even in winter. In fact, in summer it’s considered extreme. So do bring sun protection and wear a cap or a hat.
  • The weather is most unpredictable at the peak. The summit of Teide is at 3,718m. At this altitude, conditions can be vastly different, and are more affected by how windy it is. In winter, the temperature at the summit is around -1°C to 5°C by day. During summer, the range is between 8°C and 12°C for calmer, brighter days. By night, winter temperatures can be as low as -8° and summer temperatures around zero.
  • You will need a headlamp if you hike up at night, plus good hiking shoes at any time. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks too.
  • With a considerable change of altitude, this is not an easy hike. If you come from one of the resorts in Tenerife South, you will go from zero altitude to over 3,500m in a day! There is a lack of oxygen, and mountain sickness can give you a headache. If you feel really bad on the trail, don’t push your luck; just hike back down instead.

Hit the Hiking Trails

Tackling more of the best hikes in Teide National Park is the ideal way to explore. You can follow the trails independently, or take a guided tour from the visitor centre. Whichever you do, don’t forget water and sunscreen, because all hikes here provide almost no shade at all!

Chinyero Volcano

The Chinyero Volcano loop passes some breathtaking lunar landscapes, so it’s one of the island’s most popular hikes. The 15,60 metre high Chinyero last erupted in 1909, and is now the protected Chinyero Special Natural Reserve. It’s not too challenging, so it’s ideal for families. 

Chinyero volcano hike in Tenerife

Do wear decent hiking footwear, though, for crossing bumpy lava fields and passing through pine forest. Along the way you can enjoy lovely views, plus local flora and fauna. The car park for this trail is off TF-38.

Distance: 7.2 km loop, 2 hours to complete Elevation: 213 metres Difficulty: Easy Information: Hike Map , Trailhead

Roques de García

This is also an easy and fairly brief walk. The red landscape forms the backdrop for the most dramatic lava formations, which come in the most bizarre and unexpected shapes. It’s a circular trail, and realistic even for young children. 

Information board at the Roques de García hike in Tenerife

Wear sturdy footwear and bring an extra layer, and arrive early if you can. After a flat path to Los Roques you’ll reach Llano de Ucanca plain, made from sedimentary rock. Look out for twisty Roque Cinchado, aka the “Finger of God” or “Stone Tree”; the tongue-like La Cascada (The Waterfall); and pointy La Catedral (The Cathedral). 

Distance: 3.5 km loop, 1 hour 15 minutes to complete Elevation: 181 metres Difficulty: Moderate Information: Hike Map , Trailhead

Hiking trail in Parque Nacional del Teide

Mirador de Sámara

This circular trail takes you to Montaña de Sámara and Montaña de la Botija. It’s moderately challenging and the loop takes about two hours to finish. Good hiking shoes are recommended. 

The landscapes are ever-changing along the way, including Mount Teide, a variety of flora, Canarian pine forest and volcanic sand. Start at Samara car park, and take path number 13. It’s worth climbing to Montaña de la Botija, Montaña de Sámara or both for the incredible views, especially at sunset. 

Distance: 5.1 km loop, 2 hours to complete Elevation: 288 metres Difficulty: Moderate Information: Hike Map , Trailhead

Mirador de Sámara in Parque Nacional del Teide

Mount Guajara

If you want the best views of El Teide without too much effort, then the hike to Mount Guajara summit is ideal. At 2,718m, Mount Guajara is one of Tenerife’s highest peaks. 

The trail starts near the Cañada Blanca information centre, which is adjacent to the Parador de Cañadas del Teide hotel. It’s quite a tough hike due to the steep incline. There is also little to no shade to be found, but the views from the top make it all worthwhile. 

Distance: 8.4 km out & back, 3 hours 45 minutes to complete Elevation: 637 metres Difficulty: Hard Information: Hike Map , Trailhead

The view from the top of Mount Guajara in Teide National Park in Tenerife

Along with the ascent to the peak of Teide, this hike could be named the most difficult in the entire national park. It’s a 14km out and back trail, with an ascent of about 1,000 metres. So it is considered challenging. You have to be in good physical condition to tackle it. 

Pico Viejo is 800 metres wide and the second highest Canarian volcano. A lake of lava once flowed here, and the last eruption in this area was in 1798. Weather permitting, you can see La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro from the summit. “Teide’s Nostrils” can also be seen on the western slopes, and the colours of the landscape and crater are breathtaking. 

Pico Viejo peak in Parque Nacional del Teide

The trail starts opposite the Parador de Cañadas del Teide hotel. The first section of the trail is the same as in the Roques de García trail, so you will pass the famous Roque Cinchado rock formation. Good hiking footwear is a must, and be prepared for a steep climb. In winter, you’ll need appropriate cold weather clothing, plus poles, and crampons can also prove useful.

Distance: 14 km out & back, 6 hours to complete Elevation: 990 metres Difficulty: Hard Information: Hike Map , Trailhead

See the Sunset

Teide National Park is one of the finest spots in Tenerife for seeing the sunset. Though slightly outside the park, Mirador de Chipeque ( location ) is one of the most popular places. Or we recommend Mirador de El Corral del Niño ( location ) for a lovely sunset inside the park.

Alternatively, take a cable car to the upper station outside of regular working hours and watch the sunset from there. This is more expensive than buying regular cable car tickets, and they must be purchased separately on their website . This activity is not available daily, and currently takes place twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can also book this tour to get both evening cable car tickets and transportation from your hotel.

Or you can participate in one of these recommended tours, which offer a sunset experience plus stargazing.

Sunset and Night Tour with Stargazing and Pickup

All transport, telescopes and an expert guide are included with this stargazing and sunset tour. 

Romantic Sunset and Stargazing Tour with Dinner

Dinner at a local restaurant, Cava and seeing the stars and sunset is all covered by this romantic Tenerife by night tour.

Sunset above the clouds in Tenerife

Go Stargazing

Teide National Park is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it’s also a “Starlight” tourist destination and among the best places on the planet for astronomy and stargazing. The climate, altitude, lack of light pollution and proximity to the equator creates the magic formula for seeing the sparkling night skies properly. Over 80 constellations can be seen clearly. 

You have two options. Either wait for the sun to go down so you can see the stars yourself, or book a stargazing tour.

Here are the tours we like:

Teide National Park Stargazing Experience

Experience what NASA calls a “window to the universe” with this stargazing tour . Includes dinner, Cava and even coats to keep you warm. 

Combine sunset, Cava, starry skies and constellations with this romantic evening tour in Tenerife. 

Teide Night Experience with Dinner and Stargazing

After stopping for a delicious Canarian dinner with wine in Vilaflor, experience Tenerife’s night skies with this tour led by a stargazing guide .

If you are with small children, though, a tour can be exhausting. Plus not all of them will allow your children to go near the expensive telescopes!

Once, we decided to celebrate one of our boys’ birthdays in Teide National Park, so we booked the only hotel there for a night (Parador de Cañadas del Teide). When the sky turned pitch black, we simply stood outside and watched the sky from there. And it was brilliant! We were amazed by how many different stars, planets, and galaxies we saw. The Milky Way was so bright!

teide tour erfahrungen

We saw shooting stars, and it was the best night for our children too. So, even without a tour, it’s totally worth doing. You could also skip staying overnight and just go back to your hotel – we just thought that might be too tiring. Descending the mountain in the dark didn’t sound like the safest idea either, as there are almost no road lights in the national park.

If you are visiting Tenerife without children, then we definitely recommend one of the stargazing tours mentioned above for a better experience. They let you use special telescopes, so just imagine how awesome that is!

Beautiful starry sky in Teide National Park

Tour the Observatory

Teide Observatory is more than 2,400 metres above sea level, and you can book a guided tour. The observatory is operated by the Institute of Astrophysics for the Canary Islands, and stargazers and scientists from all over the globe come here to see the night skies. 

Teide observatory in Tenerife

Mount Teide Observatory Guided Tour

After making your own way to the meeting point, this tour will show you how an observatory works and you can also use solar and night telescopes. 

Mount Teide Observatory Astronomical Tour

This option includes hotel pick-up in southern Tenerife. Taking place during the afternoon and evening, you can view both day and night skies during this tour . 

Do note that children under 8 are not permitted to participate in these tours.

Stay Over at Parador de Cañadas del Teide

Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide is the only hotel within Teide National Park. It’s a simple, comfortable three star property in a one-off location. Stay here to enjoy the night skies and surreal lunar landscape, or before setting off early to hike to the summit. 

Parador Hotel Canadas del Teide in Tenerife

You can also savour authentic Canarian cuisine in the restaurant, or use the sauna or swimming pool. As you might expect, all rooms come with superb views and have large picture windows. The hotel even has a telescope, and stargazing sessions are held weekly on Friday evenings. 

Restaurant of the Parador Las Cañadas del Teide

The hotel also has parking and a garden, and all accommodation is en suite. Book in here as soon as you can, as there’s only 37 rooms here in total. 

Visit the Village of Vilaflor 

If driving from Los Cristianos, Playa de las Americas or Costa Adeje, you can visit Vilaflor either on your way up to the national park, or or the way back down. Alternatively, just take a separate trip.

The village also makes a great base for exploring Teide, if you plan to spend a few days in the national park. It’s just a 30 minute drive from the park itself.

Vilaflor village in Tenerife

Vilaflor lays claim to being Tenerife’s highest village, and it’s an idyllic, unspoiled spot. The main square is at the heart of local life here, with lacework shops, restaurants and bars. You can also visit a huge Canarian pine tree that’s 8 centuries old just outside the village, and see San Pedro church and its statue of the saint that dates back to the 1500s. 

As well as all the charm the village offers, Vilaflor makes a great base for discovering the national park and mountains. It’s therefore popular, so book early if you want to stay here. You can also reach the Mirador San Roque viewpoint on foot from Calle Santo Domingo and the main square. 

With a rural feel, Vilaflor is an excellent choice for fans of hiking, history and fine wine. 

If you want to take a walk, don’t miss the Pino Enano route for sweeping village views.

Cycle to the National Park

If you have a full day at your disposal and are a keen and experienced cyclist, then you can ride up some steep routes to reach many of Teide National Park’s highlights. In fact the area is used by cycling pros as a training ground during winter. 

Cycling in Teide National Park

The most popular cycling route departs from the southern resort of Los Cristianos. You can seek respite in the towns and villages along the way, and the first section of the route is partially shaded by trees.

Another option is the route from Puerto de la Cruz. This is the longest, but is less steep than the other two routes. It follows the Camino de Chasna, and the route is lined with lush greenery. Though it’s the least steep option, be prepared for a few serious inclines. 

The third route begins in Los Gigantes. It’s a relatively traffic-free option, and involves passing some of the prettiest parts of Tenerife’s volcanic landscape. 


To explore Tenerife to the fullest and at your own pace, we highly recommend renting a car. Our favourite place for car rental is the RentalCars website . It allows you to compare different providers and pick the best deal. You also get the best protection and flexibility for booking terms.

The unmissable top attractions in Tenerife are: Siam Park ( tickets here ), Loro Parque ( tickets here ) and Teide National Park ( cable car tickets + transfer ).

We also recommend taking at least one guided tour. Our favourite place for booking tours in Tenerife is GetYourGuide .

Top 3 excursions on the island:

  • A whale and dolphin watching (pick by location: Los Cristianos , Costa Adeje , Los Gigantes ).
  • Stargazing in Teide National Park
  • Kayaking and Snorkeling with Turtles

Our favourite websites for accommodation in Tenerife are: (for hotels) and VRBO (for apartments and holiday homes).

The best hotels for families with kids (in our opinion) :

Luxury: GF Victoria (Costa Adeje) or Bahia Principe Fantasia (Golf del Sur) Mid-Range: Spring Hotel Bitácora (Playa de las Americas) or Iberostar Bouganville Playa (Costa Adeje) Budget: GF Isabel (Costa Adeje) or Paradise Park Fun Lifestyle Hotel (Los Cristianos)

The best adults-only hotels :

Luxury: Iberostar Grand El Mirador (Costa Adeje) or Gran Melia Palacio de Isora (Alcalá) Mid-Range: Tigotan Lovers & Friends (Playa de las Americas) or Iberostar Selection Sábila (Costa Adeje) Budget: Barceló Santiago (Puerto de Santiago)

Top hotels for everyone:

Luxury: The Ritz-Carlton, Abama or Bahia del Duque (Costa Adeje) Mid-Range: Hard Rock Hotel (Playa Paraiso) or Dreams Jardin Tropical Resort & Spa (Costa Adeje) Budget: Alexandre Hotel Gala or Olé Tropical Tenerife (both Playa de las Americas)

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Meet Jovita, co-founder of Enjoy Canary Islands. The archipelago is her favorite place on Earth. She visited all the islands multiple times and lived in Tenerife for a year. She is here to help you plan the best trip of your life.

For Further Reading

Shopping street in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Tenerife Shopping Guide: The Best Shopping Centres + Tips

Kitesurfing on El Medano Beach

El Medano, Tenerife – Things to do, Beach, Hotels & Restaurants

Panorama of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands

17 Awesome Things to Do in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Heather on her travels

Teide National Park Tenerife – the ultimate guide to plan your visit

The volcanic landscape of Teide National Park Tenerife seems to tick off all the superlatives. Rising from the caldera is the cone of Mount Teide. It is highest mountain in Spain, often capped with ice and snow.

This arid environment offers an austere beauty that grows on you. The eye tunes in to subtle colours and earthy tones that glow red and orange at sunset.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

A cable car ride to the top of the volcanic peak, offers a surreal view over the blanket of cloud below. Read on for our comprehensive guide to visiting Teide National Park, one of the unmissable things to do in Tenerife.

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Table of Contents

The landscapes of Teide National Park

Located in the centre of the island of Tenerife, Teide National Park forms a high plateau at around 2000 metres above sea level. Encompassing an area of 190 km2, the boundary of the national park follows the line of a huge caldera. Known as the Circo de las Cañadas , it is the result of past volcanic activity.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

While high rock walls surround the caldera, the natural amphitheatre they encircle is relatively flat. It is covered by petrified lava flows, eroded rock formations and volcanic ash.

From this sea of lava rises the cone of Mount Teide, the highest mountain in Spain at over 3700 metres. The road meanders through the park, with several parking places to stop and view Mount Teide. Hiking trails branch out across the lava fields.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

For much of the year, Mount Teide sports a cap of snow and ice. Around it the landscape glows in shades of red, orange and black. There’s a sparse sprinkling of low shrubs that manage to survive in this arid world.

Driving up from the coast on hairpin bends is an adventure in itself, as you observe the changing vegetation that grows at each altitude. Neatly tended fields give way to pine forests and then low scrub on the higher slopes.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

The landscape once you arrive in Teide National Park is austere and other-worldly. But observe a little closer and you’ll spot clumps of yellow broom and other small plants clinging to the rock crevices. It was this surprising survival of flora and fauna that allowed the Guanches , earliest inhabitants of Tenerife, to bring their herds of sheep and goats up here for summer pasture.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Discover 12 fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

Plan your trip to Mount Teide National Park Tenerife

Teide is the most visited national park in Spain, and one of the top things to do in Tenerife, so you won’t want to miss it! To plan your visit first consider:

  • How long do you have to spend ? Minimum is half a day but ideal is a full day.
  • How will you get there ? Main options are hire car, public bus, or take a tour with transport provided.
  • What do you want to see and do while in the park? This will help determine the best type of transport for you.
  • Do you want to take the cable car ? If so you need to pre-book a timed ticket, ideally at least a few days ahead.
  • Do you want to climb the trail from the top cable car station to the summit of Mount Teide? This requires a special permit, and numbers are limited so book 2-3 months ahead.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

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Points of interest within Teide National Park

Within Teide National Park, these are the main points of interest;

This is the most popular draw within the park and it will take you up to the high slopes of Mount Teide. From the cable car or Teleferico top station, you can follow two different walking trails.

And, if you have a special permit, you can walk to the summit itself. This tour includes the cable car ticket and this guided hiking tour includes the cable car and pass to take the trail to the summit.

View from the cable car Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Roques de Garcia

An extremely popular spot with a cluster of striking rock formations and a circular walking trail that allows you to view them. There’s parking on the side road leading to it. If you do not have cable car tickets, this is where you should head first. It’s also a short walk from the Parador.

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The Parador des las Cañadas del Teide

This is the only hotel within the National Park, and you could book to stay the night here if you’d like to see a bit more of Teide. For most day visitors, it’s a place to stop at the adjoining cafeteria. It serves simple lunch dishes and refreshments, and has an outside terrace with views of Mount Teide.

Parador at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Visitor centres

There are two visitor centres within the park. You will pass Visitor Centre El Portillo if arriving from the north of Tenerife. Visitor Centre Cañada Blanca is by the Parador.

A small information kiosk and exhibition is located at the Museo Etnografico Juan Evora , which shows how pastoralists lived in the past. It’s a good idea to stop at one of the visitor centres to pick up a map of Teide National Park. All the walking trails are marked on it.

Museo Etnografico Juan Evora Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Viewing Points

Along the roads through and into the park, there are numerous viewing points, where you can park the car and get a view of Mount Teide. Marked trails lead off from many of these. There are information boards to tell you about the different geological formations, flora and fauna.

Teide Observatory

On the northern edge of the park at Izana, the observatory has several buildings with telescopes to observe the solar system. The inside of the observatory buildings and telescopes can only be visited on a tour, which can be pre booked here .

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Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Map of Teide National Park Tenerife

I could not find any decent map online of Teide National Park. However, you can pick up a free leaflet with an excellent map at the information centres within the park.

To help you plan your visit, I have photographed the map from this leaflet, which shows all the walking trails below. There are also numerous information boards showing a map with walking trails and points of interest, located at each viewing point.

Map of Teide National Park Photo

Different ways to experience Mount Teide National Park

Once you’ve arrived in the Mount Teide National Park, ideally for a few hours or a whole day, how should you spend your time there? Here are some different options, depending on your mode of transport and whether you are visiting as part of a tour.

  • Driving tour – Drive through the park from one side to the other, admiring the landscape. You might stop in a couple of places, such as the Parador / Roques de Garcia for photos. This is what you’ll get on many day tours like this one that include Teide as well as other locations in Tenerife. (Time 1-2 hrs)
  • Driving tour + short walks – Drive through the park with multiple stops at different parking areas. Then, read the information boards and have a walk on some of the marked trails that lead from them. (Time 3-4 hrs)
  • Driving tour + cable car – Drive around the park, stopping at a few different areas. Then take the cable car to the top of Mount Teide for a walk on the trails at the top station. This is the option that I tried on my day trip. If you have a special permit, you can also walk the trail that leads from the top cable car station to the summit of the volcano crater. This tour includes the cable car pass.(Time – a full day)

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Walking and cycling tours

  • Walking trails – Drive to the park or take the bus, then spend a day hiking on the many trails around the park. One of the hikes could be to walk up Mount Teide itself on the Montana Blanca trail. This walking tour includes a guided hike, the cable car and the pass to walk up Mount Teide crater. (Time – a full day).
  • Cycling tour – Keen cyclists can cycle up into the national park, then cycle around the national park, stopping at different parking areas for photos or rest stops. There is nowhere to hire bikes within the park, so this option involves cycling up serious inclines just to reach the park. It is best left to the serious rather than occasional cyclist. (Time – a full day)

Parking areas at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Teide excursion and tours

There are numerous Teide excursions and tours available within the national park. Here are a few that we recommend;

Mount Teide tour with cable car ticket – this full day tour includes pickup from your hotel in the north or south of Tenerife. You’ll pass through some pretty Tenerife mountain villages and through the park before arriving at the cable car at the base of Mount Teide. A return ticket is included to allow you to ascend the cable car and walk on some of the trails from the upper station.

Teide National Park full day scenic tour – this full day tour departs from the south of Tenerife. It includes a drive through Teide National Park and mountain village of Vilaflor. You’ll also see other places on the island such as Icod los Vinos where you stop for lunch.

See also Garachico and Masca, returning past the Los Gigantes cliffs. This tour does not include the Teide cable car, but is ideal for those with limited time. You’ll see different parts of Tenerife, including Teide National park.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Mount Teide summit guided hiking tour – this full day tour is for those who want to hike through the Teide National Park. It includes a 3 hour guided hike on one of the trails, the cable car ticket and the special pass to hike the trail up to the summit of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park Stargazing experience – this evening tour allows you to experience Teide by night. The tour includes a meal at a traditional Canarian restaurant. You’ll also have a walk in Teide National Park to see the different planets and star formations and view the solar system through telescopes.

Teide National Park Tickets

It is free to visit the Teide National Park to walk, cycle or drive around and no tickets are required for this. There is no checkpoint to enter the park. You will only know you have reached the park because of the roadside signs for Teide National Park. Parking at the different viewpoints and parking areas within the park is also free.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

However you may need to buy tickets for certain activities within the park

  • Tickets for the cable car must be booked in advance. When you see websites talking about booking Mount Teide tickets, they generally mean tickets for the cable car.
  • A permit for the trail to walk from the top cable car station (La Rambleta) to the crater and peak of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide) is free. Numbers are limited so you need to book this 2-3 months in advance.
  • Other costs you may need to budget for include cost of public bus or hire car to get you to the park and the bus to get around the park. Plan for lunch at the cafes at the Parador or Cable Car if you did not bring a picnic and costs of any guided tours you choose to book.

Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife

Stay at Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide in Tenerife – the only hotel within Teide National Park

Teide National Park Cable Car – getting tickets

Ascend the volcanic crater of Mount Teide to get some fantastic views. Take the Teide cable car to the upper station (la Rambleta) just below the summit.

Because this is one of the most popular things to do in Mount Teide National Park, you should book the cable car in advance. This will give you a guaranteed timed slot.

Sometimes due to bad weather, wind, rain or snow, the cable car is forced to close. When this is the case, you will be notified by text on the day and can get a refund on your ticket.

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Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo

If you are not able to book a ticket in advance, you can try to arrive early in the day and hope that some are left. There are ticket machines at the cable star lower station. If you don’t have your own transport you can also book this tour that includes the cable car ticket.

Note: Phone signal is patchy or non existent within the park, although there is wifi at the cable car station. Ideally book the ticket online before you enter the park.

About the Cable Car ride

On arriving at the lower cable car station, I joined a short queue 20 minutes before my assigned time. I had my pre-booked ticket on my mobile (having taken a screenshot in case my phone signal failed). The ticket was checked and the queue moved pretty steadily.

Within 10-15 minutes I was boarding the cable car and enjoying the fantastic views. It rose above the slope of Mount Teide, overlooking the whole park. The cable car cabin was quite crowded, but I was still able to take some nice photos looking out from one side.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo

Useful cable car information

  • The cable car starts from the base station at 2,356 metres above sea level and rises to 3,555 metres above sea level.
  • You can’t take the cable car if you are pregnant and children must be aged 3 and above. No pushchairs are allowed in the cable car, so children must either be carried or walk.
  • Those with mobility or serious health issues can’t take the cable car. This is because in an emergency or adverse weather conditions, the cable car would need to stop. Then, anyone at the top station would need to descend on one of the walking paths.
  • Each of the two cabins (one going up, one going down) holds a maximum of 44 passengers. Usually, however, it’s limited to around 35 people.
  • A cable car ride takes 8 minutes to travel from base station to top station, hence the cabins run around every 10 minutes.
  • The cable car runs from 9am and last ascent ranges from 4pm (winter) to 5.30pm (summer) with last descent around 1 hour later.
  • If you don’t have your own transport you can also book this tour that includes the cable car pass and pickup from your hotel.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo

Walking routes from the cable car top station

Once you arrive at the cable car top station (La Rambleta), there are a couple of different trails that lead in opposite directions. Officially you are allowed 1 hour at the top station. Each walk takes around 45 minutes at a leisurely pace to get to the viewpoint and return.

This means that unless you are a fast walker, you will probably need to choose just one of the walks. I decided to walk very fast and managed to see both trails. If you have to choose, my favourite was the Pico Viejo trail, which is slightly longer.

The 1 hour limit is to ensure that it does not get too crowded on the trails and that everyone can get down via the cable car at the end of the day. However, I don’t believe the time limit is rigidly enforced. There didn’t seem to be any way to check how long people had been at the top.

La Fortaleza Vantage Point – Route 11

Heading northwards from the top cable car station, the La Fortaleza path meanders through a landscape of volcanic sand and jagged rocks. These were thrown here during the mountain’s eruption. As the path nears the Mirador (viewpoint) it meets the trail that descends past the Refugio de Altavista to Montana Blanca.

You can book a place to stay at the refuge (currently closed due to Covid), in order to ascend Mount Teide at daybreak without a permit. However, you must come down from the crater by 9am.

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

From the viewpoint a spectacular view of the north side of Tenerife opens up. Look out towards Valle de La Orotava and the rugged Anaga Massif.

Below you is a sea of clouds, sitting at an altitude of between 1500 metres and 1800 metres. They are formed when the moisture laden trade winds hit the mountainous north face of the island, creating a cloak around Mount Teide.

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Pico Viejo Vantage Point – Route 12

The Pico Viejo path takes you from the Cable car top station, towards a viewpoint that looks to the south of Tenerife. It’s a cobbled stone path, bordered by rugged lava rocks, with steep steps in places.

From the Pico Viejo viewpoint which takes around 15-20 minutes to reach, you can look over the whole caldera of Las Cañadas del Teide. View the sheer walls of rock that enclose the plateau of the park.

Below the viewpoint is the multi-coloured crater of Pico Viejo, which gives the path its name. It’s a smaller version of the Mount Teide crater behind you. From here, a walking trail leads down, taking you towards the rocky outcrops of Roques de García and Montagna Guajara.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Walk to the Crater of Mount Teide – Route 10 (Telesforo Bravo)

There is a third trail called Telesforo Bravo , which takes you to the very top of the Teide crater (Pico del Teide). You’ll need a special permit to take it, and to preserve the environment only 150 permits are issued for each day. When I last checked, you would need to book 2-3 months in advance. See below how to book the permit for the crater of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

This trail takes you from the top cable car station (La Rambleta) at 3555metres, to the crater of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide) at 3715 metres. The trail is around 650 metres in length, all uphill.

It takes around 45 minutes to reach the crater. From the top, on clear days, you can see across the whole national park and the islands nearby of La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma and Gran Canaria.

If you have reserved to stay one night in the Refugio de Altavista, you also have permission to climb the Telesforo Bravo trail up to the Mount Teide crater in the early morning. Again, you must descend by 9am.

Teide National Park Cable Car – Facilities

Facilities at the cable car bottom station include

  • A car park with space for 220 cars (see below our tips for parking)
  • A cafe / waiting room with wifi
  • A souvenir shop and information centre
  • An interesting exhibition which you can see on your way out when you come down from the top station. If not taking the cable car up you can still ask to see the exhibition.

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo

Facilities at the cable car top station include

  • An area with vending machines for drinks and snacks

Teide National Park Cable Car – Parking

There is parking space for 220 cars just below the cable car base station. The national park authorities do not want to increase this, as it would encroach on the natural landscape. Instead, they want to encourage visitors to use group transport. At times, the cable car parking can be very busy and appear full. Our tips for parking are:

Mount Teide cable car Tenerife Photo

  • Allow 20-30 minutes extra to park and walk up to the base station. You also need to arrive at the base station 20 mins before the time given on your ticket. So you may want to arrive at the car park 45-60 minutes before the time on your ticket.
  • If there does not appear to be any parking, don’t panic! Drive slowly around the parking area, or drive up the road right to the top and then down again (there is a turning circle at the top). There is a steady turnover of people coming and going, so you will normally find other cars pulling out, releasing a parking space.
  • If you see a car getting ready to leave, wait behind to take their space, otherwise someone else will nab it!
  • Book cable car tickets earlier in the day, as the parking area and the park in general gets more busy from lunchtime onwards.
  • If all else fails, consider parking at some of the smaller car parks on the road nearby. Or, park at the Parador , although this will involve a long walk.

How to book the permit for the crater of Mount Teide (Pico del Teide)

The permit is free and you can book it online on the National Parks website here .

La Fortaleza path Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

On the Online Reservations Page, choose the option Teide . Then choose Access permit to Pico del Teide . After reading the description, information and conditions, click on the Reservas tab at the top of the page. Choose the option General Public and then Paso Siguente (next page).

On the next page you can select the date you are interested and book for a 2 hour time slot. If spaces are available on the day of your choice, click on the date and choose the number of places. Then click on Select to continue on your preferred time slot. Once the date, number and time slot is selected, click Paso Siguente .

On the next page you will give your contact details. Once you have secured the permit for the Telesforo Bravo path up to the crater, be sure to book your cable car ticket for the appropriate date and time, unless you plan to hike the whole way up Mount Teide.

When arriving at the checkpoint to start the trail, you will need to show not only your permit, put also a passport or other photo ID. The checkpoint to start the trail is at the end of the hut with toilets. It’s a short distance from where you get off the cable car top station, in the direction of the La Fortaleza route. When I last checked, permits were booked up for around 2-3 months in advance.

Book a guided tour

Another way that you can get a permit for the walk to the Mount Teide crater (Telesforo Bravo) is by booking a guided tour that specifically includes this. Tour companies are also able to book a certain number of permits and use these for clients on their tour. If all the free permits are already booked for the day you plan to visit, it’s worth checking this option.

You should also expect these tours to be booked up some time ahead, but perhaps 2-3 weeks rather than 2 months. Book this tour offered directly by the Teleferico de Teide that includes the permit to climb the trail to the crater of Mount Teide. You can also search online for other tour companies that may offer this option.

Tours we recommend

Mount Teide tour with cable car ticket – including pickup from your hotel and tickets for the cable car.

Mount Teide summit guided hiking tour – a full day tour, including a 3 hour guided hike on one of the trails, cable car ticket and the special pass to hike up to the summit of Mount Teide.

Teide National Park full day scenic tour – a full day tour departs from the south of Tenerife, including a drive through Teide National Park with other stops at Icod los Vinos, Garachico and Masca.

Teide National Park Stargazing experience – a night time tour, including dinner at a traditional Canarian restaurant, and stargazing in Teide National Park.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Roques de Garcia – Teide National Park

The Roques de Garcia are a group of striking rock formations within the Teide National Park. They are located 5 minutes walk from the Parador and there is parking along the access road that leads to them.

These rock formations were created when molten lava was forced up through gaps in the rock. It quickly solidified to make columns of rock that eroded over time.

There’s a high point overlooking the main rock formation. This is a fantastic viewpoint (see below) to climb up and get a great photo of the Roques de Garcia with Mount Teide behind them.

If you have time, follow the circular path that leads around the rock formation, away from all the crowds. Return back on the other side past a striking rock known as ‘The Cathedral’.

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Hiking in Teide National Park

There are plenty of walking trails within Teide National Park. Once you arrive in the national park, you need to pick up a map which shows all the trails from one of the visitor centres, El Portillo or Canada Blanca . Or, find one at the information kiosk at Museo Etnografico Juan Evora.

I was not able to find a good map online, but the trail map from the leaflet is shown earlier in this article. At every stopping place and viewpoint, there are also information boards with maps, showing the trails that lead from that point. The trails are also well marked. Here are some of the more popular hiking trails, but there are many more marked on the map;

Walking trail Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Easy Teide hikes

On Mount Teide leading from the top cable car station there are two short trails of under an hour. Pico Viejo (0.7km) and La Fortaleza (0.4km). If you have a permit you can also walk the trail up to the summit of Mount Teide, called Telesforo Bravo (0.6km).

From the Parador – walk on an easy trail Majua to the cable car (3.8km).

From Roques Garcia – there is a circular trail that takes you around these stunning rock formations (3.6km).

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Longer hiking trails

Pico Viejo – From Rocques de Garcia take the circular route in the direction of the Pico Viejo peak. Continue on Los Regatones Negros path which takes you up the Pico Viejo volcanic cone (5.2km).

From the top of the Pico Viejo crater, you can continue up a further path leading to the Pico Viejo viewpoint. This is one of the two trails that lead to the top cable car station. You can then use the cable car to descend if you wish.

Montana Blanca – From the road close to the cable car lower station, the Montana Blanca trail ascends Mount Teide. On the upper slopes, you’ll pass the Refuge Altavista, before arriving at the La Fortaleza viewpoint (9.5km). From here you can take the La Fortaleza path back to the upper cable car station, and use the cable car to descend if you wish.

Parador de las Cañadas del Teide

The Parador de las Cañadas del Teide is the only hotel within the Teide National Park itself. However, there are plenty of accommodation options in the towns and resorts that surround the park. Paradors are a Spanish institution where old or historic buildings have been been converted into state owned hotels.

Parador de las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife Photo

The Parador in Teide is a modern, comfortable mountain lodge hotel, with amazing views of Mount Teide. Its restaurant serves traditional Canarian dishes. There are 37 rooms and suites, and surprisingly an indoor swimming pool.

Parador cafe at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Most visitors coming for the day will stop by the Parador to check out the information centre and gift shop. Visitors will often dine at the cafeteria adjoining the hotel, where I had lunch.

At the self service counter there was a selection of sandwiches, salads, hot lunchtime dishes and other snacks which I thought were fairly priced. The decor is rather utilitarian but the outside terrace has a wonderful view of Mount Teide. There is a WC here which you have to pay to use if not eating in the cafe.

Cafeteria at Parador de las Cañadas del Teide Tenerife Photo

There’s a large public car parking area at the Parador and a second parking area just across the main road for the Roques de Garcia. The parking can be quite busy, so I’d grab whatever parking space you can find. Then walk between the Parador and the Roques de Garcia to see them both.

The clear skies and high altitude of Teide National Park, make it an ideal location for stargazing. Located on the northern edge of the park at Izana, the Teide observatory is made up of several buildings.

It is the largest solar observatory in the world. Within the different buildings spread over 50 hectares are solar telescopes that are owned by 19 different countries. All of these contribute to research on the solar system.

Teide Observatory Tenerife Photo Victor R. Ruiz

While you can park near the different buildings, the inside of the observatory buildings and telescopes can only be visited on a tour. You can pre book a tour here . There are several different tours available, from a 1.5 hour daytime visit, to a full day tour that also includes night-time stargazing.

Guided visits enable you to see the nocturnal, microwave and solar telescopes within the observatory. You can view the sun through two telescopes with different filters.

Within the science dome, you can hear a talk on the electromagnetic spectrum. View a time lapse video of the night time activity observed from the Teide observatory.

It’s also possible to do a night-time star-gazing tour in other parts of Teide National Park. Many star-gazing tours start either at the Parador or at the Cable Car station.

Stargazing in Teide National Park

We took a Mount Teide stargazing tour, to enjoy the Teide National Park at night. The altitude and clear skies make this one of the best places in Europe for stargazing. Unless you are already knowledgeable in astronomy, you’ll probably need a guide to make the most of the experience.

Rocques Garcia at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

We started our stargazing tour with a meal at the Parador, with views of Mount Teide and Mount Guajara glowing red at sunset. Then we walked out to the area close to Roques de Garcia. Our guide pointed out the different star formations and let us have a look at them through the telescope.

Montana Guajara at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

There are other tour options that start at the cable car and let you see the stars from Mount Teide itself. Check out this Teide National Park Stargazing experience . This night time tour includes dinner at a traditional Canarian restaurant, and stargazing in Teide National Park.

Tip: It gets very cold in Teide National Park at night. Be sure to dress warmly with a fleece, warm jacket and warm trainers or boots – possibly also a hat and gloves.

Transport to Teide National park

It takes around an hour’s drive on winding roads, from most coastal resorts and towns, to reach the plateau of the Teide National Park. Here are some different transport options for getting to Teide National park.

You can rent a car to drive to the national park and around the different areas of the national park. This option will give you maximum flexibility to stop at all the places you want and stay for as long as you want. I did this and I was happy I could see so much in one day.

The road to the park and within the park is well maintained and easy to drive. However, driving up to the park involves quite a lot of hairpin bends as you climb in altitude. Once in the park there are numerous small and large car parks where you can stop at different viewpoints.

Road up to Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Take a tour

This is an excellent option if you don’t want the stress of driving yourself. Most tours will pick you up from a designated point, at or near your hotel, so long as you are staying in a major resort or town. There are many different types of tours, some that give you more or less time within the park.

Check carefully how long you’ll spend in the park and what’s included in each tour before booking. The downside of group tours, is that you have to stick to the prearranged stops that are part of the tour. However, there are options to book a private tour and agree what you’d like to see with your guide or driver.

Road up to Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Take the public bus

Buses, known in Tenerife as Guagas run daily. We advise checking timetables carefully as they can be subject to change. You can consult the timetables on the public bus company Titsa website . The two lines that run to Teide National Park are numbers 342 and 348.

Line 342 runs from Costa Adeje on the south coast, while line 348 runs from Puerto de la Cruz on the north coast. Both buses run once per day, leaving in the morning and stopping at various places in the park before returning in the afternoon. Line 341 makes trips between different points within in the park around 5 times during the day.

The bus is a good budget option but not very flexible. It can drop you at various points within the park, but distances between different points of interest are quite large. Once in the park, buses to get around are limited. This option is good if you mainly want to spend your time walking on the different trails within the park, and can work with the limited number of buses available.

Pino Gordo at Vilaflor Tenerife Photo

How to get to Teide National Park

If you are wondering how to get to Teide National Park, there are 3 main routes, depending on where you are staying on Tenerife.

From the South

If coming from the south of Tenerife (Costa Adeje, Playa de las Americas, El Medano) you can take the TF- 51 which joins up with the TF – 21 through Vilaflor. This is the route that I took.

From the North-west

If coming from the north-west corner of Tenerife (Garachico, Santiago del Teide, Los Gigantes) you can take the TF-38 route into the park.

From the North

If coming from the north of Tenerife (Puerto de la Cruz, La Orotava, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) take the TF- 21 route into the park.

Parking areas at Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

Driving tips

  • The roads that take you into Teide National Park can be very winding, so allow more time than your mapping app tells you. Take care on the road, especially if you drive through cloud cover or any bad weather.
  • On all three routes up to the park, there are interesting viewpoints and places you may want to stop, so again allow extra time for this.
  • Keep to the main road, following the prominent road signs for Teide National Park, rather than taking the side roads that Google maps may suggest. Sometimes mapping apps will try to take you on a side road that looks like a short cut. But, these are often single lane roads used by locals, so best to stick to the main routes.

Teide National Park weather

Tenerife offers a mild and sunny climate year round and is a winter sun destination for visitors escaping the cold in other parts of Europe. Temperatures range from highs of 20 degrees C in January – February to highs of 28 degrees C in July – August.

Because of its higher altitude of around 2,400 metres, the Teide National Park weather tends to be quite a few degrees cooler than the rest of Tenerife. During the winter months, temperatures may drop to an average of 8 degrees C. In summer it’s more common to have warm, sunny days, with temperatures around 20-22 degrees C.

Discover why Lanzarote is a top winter sun destination in Europe

Bear in mind, however, that if you take the cable car, you will be ascending to around 3500 metres. Temperatures can drop even further, sometimes to near freezing in winter. If there is a snowfall or high winds, it’s likely that the cable car will close.

While you do need to be prepared for cold temperatures, Teide can also be surprisingly sunny. The altitude often places you above the cloud layer. Sometimes you will drive through a layer of cloud as you ascend from the coast and emerge to find blue skies and brilliant sunshine, which makes the air feel a lot warmer. For this reason, you need to protect your face and skin with suncream, since the sun can be strong despite lower air temperatures.

If you want to check the weather on Teide for today or the week ahead, there is always good information on the Teide Volcano website . It includes information on what is open or closed within the park

Teide National Park Tenerife Photo

What to wear for Teide National Park

Because of the range in temperature within Teide National Park, it’s good to come prepared with layers of clothing. Don’t assume that just because you were in shorts and t-shirt at your coastal resort, this will be suitable for visiting the national park.

When I visited in April, I wore quick dry sports leggings and a sports t-shirt, with a jumper and light jacket that I put on when necessary. During the day, while hiking in the sunshine, a short sleeved t-shirt was fine. But, as soon as I stopped any activity, I needed a jumper as well.

On ascending the cable car to the hikes at the top of Mount Teide, I definitely needed a jumper and sometimes a jacket. If you are planning to do any star gazing, I recommend packing even more layers, as the night time temperatures can be around freezing.

Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Need a guidebook for Tenerife? We recommend the Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Packing list for Teide National Park

If you plan to be fairly active within the park, I’d recommend that you wear or pack;

  • Short sleeve t-shirt
  • Second long sleeve layer or light fleece
  • Lightweight jacket in summer, a warmer padded jacket in winter, especially if you plan to ascend the cable car.
  • Long, quick drying leggings or trousers. If you like to wear shorts, then you might consider hiking trousers with legs that unzip or pack some leggings to go over shorts in case you feel cold.
  • When visiting at night time for stargazing be sure to be wear warm clothes and jacket.
  • If ascending the cable car in winter, or for any night time stargazing, also pack a hat and gloves.
  • Closed toe trainers or hiking shoes that have a good grip are ideal, as the terrain is rocky and sharp, with light gravel that could get into open toe sandals.
  • A day sack, so that you can pack away surplus clothing, together with sunscreen, a water bottle and some snacks or picnic.

Plan your trip

For more information to plan your holiday in Tenerife, visit the Tenerife tourism website and Canary Islands tourism website .

The Volcano Teide website is the official website for the cable car in the park and has plenty of information about visiting the park, However, much of the emphasis is on booking tours and experiences.

If you need a guidebook for Tenerife, we recommend the Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife

Tenerife Photo Album

Read about 12 Fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

12 fun and unexpected things to do in Tenerife

Some of the experiences mentioned were on a press trip hosted* by Tenerife Tourism and British Guild of Travel Writers

* More info on my policies page

This article is originally published at

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teide tour erfahrungen

  • Wandern am Teide
  • Sendero 1 La Fortaleza
  • Sendero 2 Arenas Negras
  • Sendero 3 Los Roques de García
  • Sendero 4 Siete Canadas
  • Sendero 5 La Degollada de Guajara
  • Sendero 6 Montaña de los Tomillos
  • Sendero 7 Montaña Blanca - Pico del Teide
  • Sendero 8 El Filo
  • Sendero 9 Teide - Pico Viejo - TF-38
  • Sendero 10 Telesforo Bravo
  • Sendero 11 Mirador de la Fortaleza
  • Sendero 12 Mirador de Pico Viejo
  • Sendero 13 Sámara
  • Sendero 14 Alto de Guamaso
  • Sendero 15 Alto de Guajara
  • Sendero 16 Sanatorio
  • Sendero 17 Igueque
  • Sendero 18 Chavao
  • Sendero 19 Majúa
  • Sendero 20 Vulkan von Fasnia
  • Sendero 21 Corral del Niño - Mal Abrigo
  • Sendero 22 Lomo Hurtado
  • Sendero 23 Los Regatones Negros
  • Sendero 24 Portillo Alto
  • Sendero 25 Recibo Quemado
  • Sendero 26 Ucanca
  • Sendero 27 Montaña Rajada
  • Sendero 28 Chafarí
  • Sendero 29 Degollada del Cedro
  • Sendero 30 Los Valles
  • Sendero 31 Cumbres de Ucanca
  • Sendro 32 Abeque
  • Sendero 33 Montaña Negra
  • Sendero 34 Montaña Limón
  • Sendero 35 Boca de Chavao
  • Sendero 36 Alto de la Fortaleza
  • Sendero 37 Cerrillar - La Carnicería
  • Sendero 38 Cuevas Negras
  • Sendero 39 Seilbahn - Montaña Blanca - Minas de San José
  • Sendero 40 Llano de Ucanca - Boca Tauce
  • Sendero 41 Barranco de Erques
  • Teide Wanderung
  • Rundwanderung Roques de Garcia
  • Wanderung Siete Cañadas
  • Wanderung Montaña Blanca
  • Wanderung La Fortaleza
  • Rundwanderung Sanatorio
  • Rundwanderung auf den Guajara
  • Rundwanderung Arenas Negras
  • Rundwanderung Volcanes de Fasnia
  • Vilaflor – Paisaje Lunar

Teide Wanderung Montaña Blanca - Refugio Alta Vista - La Rambleta - Pico del Teide

Zu Beginn eine gemütliche Streckenwanderung auf breitem Fahrweg am dritthöchsten Vulkan Teneriffas vorbei. Die Tour führt durch beeindruckende Bimsteinlandschaft vorbei an den Teide-Eiern und steigt dann als Bergpfad steil hinauf zum Teide.

Ausgangs- und Endpunkt: TF-21 am Parkplatz Montana Blanca Schwierigkeitsgrad: schwer Dauer: Gehzeit ca. 6 – 7,5 h / 9,5 km und 3,8 km Seilbahn - Parkplatz Höhenunterschiede: ca. 1470 m Aufstieg und 250 m Abstieg Wegmarkierungen: Sendero 7 und 11, Telesforo Bravo, Sendero 39 Voraussetzungen: festes Schuhwerk Mitnehmen: Proviant, Wasser, winddichte Jacke, Sonnenschutz

HINWEIS: Keine Einkehrmöglichkeit, Besteigung des Teide Gipfel nur mit Erlaubnis, Übernachtung Refugio Altavista mit Reservierung möglich

Zeige Karte im Vollbildmodus


Die Wanderung beginnt an der TF-21 am Parkplatz Montana Blanca und führt über einen Fahrweg (Sendero 7) den Berg hinauf. Der Weg führ zunächst entlang der Lavaflüsse in Kurven bergauf. Auf der rechten Seite begleitet einen der Blick auf den Montaña Rajada. Nach der Passage des Bergkamms bietet sich inmitten der Bimsteinlandschaft eine traumhafte Aussicht mit Blick auf den Teide, die Fortaleza und den Guajara.

Nach gut einer Stunde passiert man den Wegabzweig Sendero 6. Kurze Zeit später erblickt man die ersten Huevos del Teide, die Teide-Eier. Ein Wenig weiter oben ergibt sich ein prachtvoller Blick über die Huevos hinüber zur Fortaleza.

Ein kurzes Stück weiter erreicht man die Weggabelung am Fuße des Teide und folgt dem steilen Weg zur Berghütte Refugio Altavista. Wanderer mit guter Kondition können bei der Abzweigung den Stichweg auf die Montaña Blanca als Abstecher nutzen.

Der steile Anstieg führt durch eine spektakuläre Landschaft zum Mirador de La Fortaleza. Hier verläßt man den Sendero 7 und wechselt auf den Sendero 11. Kurz vor der Bergstation der Seilbahn beginnt der Aufstieg zum Teide. Die Gipfelbesteigung kann nur mit Genehmigung in Angriff genommen werden. Der Auf- und Abstieg auf den Pico El Teide mit einer kurzen Pause dauert ca. 1 Stunde. Je nach Laune des Teide erwarten einen mal mehr oder weniger Schwefeldämpfe und man kann die vom Boden aufsteigende Wärme an einigen Stellen spüren.

Von der Talstation der Seilbahn steht noch eine Wanderung entweder entlang der Straße oder über den Sendero 39 zurück zum Parkplatz an.

Teide Wanderung

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Teide Wanderung auf Teneriffa

11 Dinge, die du wissen musst

Gastbeitrag Er ist das Wahrzeichen von Teneriffa: Der Teide Vulkan. Bereits aus dem Flugzeug kannst du den über 3.700 Meter hohen Vulkan am Horizont emporragen sehen. Ein Besuch beim Teide sollte daher bei keiner Teneriffa Reise fehlen. Wenn du gerne wanderst und eine gute Kondition mitbringst, kannst du den Vulkan sogar zu Fuß erklimmen. Die Teide Wanderung ist aufgrund der vielen Höhenmeter jedoch anstrengend und langwierig. Dafür wirst du mit einmaligen Eindrücken und tollen Weitblicken belohnt.

Unsere Gastautorin Steffi und ihr Mann Lothar leben seit 1999 auf Teneriffa. Das Wandern ist ihre gemeinsame Leidenschaft und diese konnten sie sogar zum Beruf machen. Auf ihrem Blog Teneriffa Kreaktiv bietet das Ehepaar geführte Wanderungen auf Teneriffa an. Beide besitzen u.a. das Exam als „Guía Parque Nacional del Teide“ (Prüfung zur Führung von Gruppen im Teide Nationalpark ). Daher freuen wir uns besonders, dass sie uns als Experten an ihren Tipps zur Teide Wanderung teilhaben lassen.

Gastbeitrag von Steffi

Die Wanderung auf den Teide (3.715 Meter) ist der Höhepunkt aller Touren auf Teneriffa. Natürlich lockt der höchste Berg Spaniens jedes Jahr Tausende Besucher an. Die meisten nehmen bequem die Seilbahn bis zum Plateau der Rambleta. Wenn du sportlich ambitioniert bist und gerne Gipfel sammelst, solltest du diese Wanderung auf den dritthöchsten aktiven Inselvulkan der Welt auf jeden Fall zu Fuß einplanen.

Auf dem Wanderweg wirst du nur wenigen Gleichgesinnten begegnen und kannst einen ganzen Tag spektakuläre Blicke auf die gigantische Kraterlandschaft der Cañadas mitnehmen. Hier kommen wichtige Tipps zur Planung deiner Wanderung.

Geführte Wanderung auf den Teide

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11 Dinge, die du zur Teide Wanderung wissen musst

Die Teide Wanderung ist kein Spaziergang. Denn der Wanderweg führt dich über 1.400 Höhenmeter hinauf und kann je nach Jahreszeit auch glatt und rutschig sein. Daher ist die Vorbereitung auf die Teide Wanderung besonders wichtig.

#1: Die beste Jahreszeit für die Teide Wanderung

Die beste Jahreszeit für die Teide Wanderung sind das Frühjahr (ab April) und der Herbst (bis November) . Im Winter kann es auf dem Vulkan empfindlich kalt sein und Schnee liegen, dann ist der Wanderweg gesperrt. In den Sommerferien der Spanier (Juli und August) ist es dort oben meist sehr voll und man muss mit langen Wartezeiten (gerade bei der Abfahrt) an der Seilbahn rechnen. Dazu kommt eine sehr intensive Höhensonneneinstrahlung – die Sonne steht mittags senkrecht über einem und es gibt keinen Schatten auf der Tour.

Teneriffa Teide Wanderung Wolken

#2: Genehmigung für den Gipfel des Teide

Wichtig: Für die Besteigung des Gipfels, also dem letzten Stück von der Bergstation (3.550 Meter) bis zum Krater, benötigst du ab 9:00 Uhr morgens eine spezielle Sondergenehmigung. Um vor 9:00 Uhr auf dem Teide Vulkan zu sein, musst du entweder mitten in der Nacht los wandern oder in der Berghütte übernachten (siehe Details unter #11).

Hinweis : Sofern du vor 9:00 Uhr zum Gipfel hinaufsteigst, kannst du das Kontrollhäuschen ohne Genehmigung passieren. Es ist zu dieser Uhrzeit nicht besetzt. Plane den Abstieg möglichst so ein, dass du auf dem Rückweg auch vor 9:00 Uhr am Kontrollhäuschen vorbeigehst. Ansonsten kann es passieren, dass die Mitarbeiter vor Ort unerfreut reagieren. Wir danken Felix für den Hinweis und das Teilen seiner Erfahrungen!

Die Genehmigung für den Teide-Gipfel-Zugang ab 9:00 Uhr kannst du kostenlos über das Reservierungssystem des Nationalparks Teide über diesen Link buchen .

Hierbei ist zu beachten, dass du dich nur einmal auf einen bestimmten Tag festlegen kannst. Wir empfehlen die Buchung des Zeitfensters von 13:00 bis 15:00 Uhr . Denn dann hast du bei einem Start zur Teide Wanderung um ca. 8:00 Uhr genug Reserven und Zeit für die Bergbesteigung.

Achtung : Bei der Teide Wanderung musst du oben an der Kontrolle vom Nationalpark neben dem Ausgang der Seilbahn deinen Ausweis im Original vorzeigen , mit dem du die Genehmigung gebucht hast.

Erfahrungsgemäß sind die Genehmigungen für den Gipfel immer schon zwei bis drei Monate im Voraus ausgebucht. Falls du zu spät dran bist, kannst du kurzfristig aber immer noch auf eine der örtlichen Agenturen zurückgreifen, die diese Teide Wanderung geführt anbieten.

Unsere deutschsprachigen Führungen in kleiner Gruppe mit erfahrenen Guides kannst du hier buchen:

Teide Wanderung Gipfel Aussicht

#3: Kondition und deine persönliche Bergerfahrung

Hast du schon einmal eine alpine Bergtour von 6 bis 8 Stunden Dauer gemacht? Dann weißt du, was Ausdauer bedeutet. Außerdem wird die Luft auf über 3.000 Meter sehr dünn , das kommt zur Anstrengung hinzu. Wenn du regelmäßig Sport machst, eine sehr gute Kondition hast und trittsicher bist, wird dir die Teide Wanderung sehr viel Spaß machen.

Es kann auch passieren, dass die Seilbahn bei starkem Wind schließt. Dann muss man den Rückweg zu Fuß auf demselben Weg dazurechnen! Hier wirst du nochmals ca. 3,5 bis 4 Stunden unterwegs sein.

unaufschiebbar Erfahrung : Wir haben schon mehrfach erlebt, dass die Seilbahn wegen zu starken Windbedingungen geschlossen war. Falls es morgens schon windig ist, macht die Seilbahn gar nicht erst auf. Du kannst den aktuellen Status des Seilbahn-Betriebs (in Betrieb oder geschlossen) auf der Seilbahn-Webseite einsehen . Hier wird er stetig aktuell gehalten.

Die Tour ist eine sportliche Herausforderung für alle Wanderer und wenn du nicht gut trainiert bist, solltest du zuerst mit einer leichteren Wanderung starten. Inspiration und ein paar Ideen zu Touren auf Teneriffa, mit denen du dich schrittweise an den Teide antrainieren kannst, findest du z.B. hier:

  • Teneriffa Kreaktiv Wander Blog
  • Wandern auf Teneriffa – 8 einfache, lohnenswerte Routen

#4: Ausrüstung

Für diese Bergwanderung benötigst du unbedingt knöchelhohe Wanderschuhe , da der Untergrund teilweise geröllig und locker ist. Es geht den ganzen Tag bergauf über Lavaströme und Bimsuntergrund. Ein guter Wanderrucksack, sowie Wind- und Sonnenschutz sind wichtig. Gerade im Frühjahr und Herbst können die Temperaturen nur wenig über 0 Grad im einstelligen Bereich liegen. Pack dir daher auch Mütze und Handschuhe ein. Es ist immer gut, mehrere Schichten leichter und atmungsaktiver Kleidung mitzunehmen.

Da du den ganzen Tag in der Sonne ohne Schatten läufst, sind eine gute Sonnenbrille , eine Sonnencreme mit hohem UV-Schutz und eine Kappe, Hut oder ein Tuch unabdingbar.

Für die Teide Wanderung benötigst du mindestens 2 bis 3 Liter Wasser pro Person . Traubenzucker und Nüsse oder Trockenfrüchte/Riegel sind immer gut als Reserve im Rucksack dabei zu haben.

Steffi Teneriffa Kreaktiv

#5: Daten zum Aufstieg und Dauer der Teide Wanderung

Die objektiven Daten der Tour sind: 10,7 Kilometer nur Aufstieg und über 1.400 Höhenmeter . Eine durchschnittliche Gehzeit mit Trink- und Fotopausen ist mindestens 5 Stunden .

Der Aufstieg auf diesem Wanderweg ist technisch kein Problem. Man muss nicht klettern, aber es geht stetig über Lavageröll, teilweise in großen Stufen über Lavabrocken den Berg hinauf.

Wir empfehlen dir, früh zu starten. Je nach Jahreszeit wird es auf Teneriffa aber nicht vor 7:30 Uhr hell, also ist 8:00 Uhr eine gute Zeit , die Teide Wanderung zu beginnen.

Unserer Meinung nach ist die schönste Variante, die Wanderung hoch zu Fuß zu unternehmen und für die Abfahrt die Seilbahn zu nutzen . So hast du den ganzen Tag Zeit, kannst viele Fotos machen und diese beeindruckende Kraterlandschaft in aller Ruhe und ohne Zeitdruck genießen.

Oben an der Bergstation angekommen, kannst du dir dann auch Zeit für das letzte, sehr steile aber gut ausgebaute Stück zum Krater nehmen (sofern du vorab die Genehmigung angefordert hast). Die Gehzeit zum Gipfel beträgt dann noch ca. 30 bis 40 Minuten.

Wenn du dich für die Rückfahrt mit der Seilbahn entscheidest, solltest du ab ca. 15:30 bis 16:00 Uhr an den Abstieg denken. Sollte diese nicht fahren oder du ohnehin den Abstieg zu Fuß eingeplant haben, ist die absolut späteste Time to return um 15:00 Uhr !

Kaffeekasse : Du findest unsere Arbeit toll und möchtest uns gerne auf einen virtuellen Kaffee einladen? Dann kannst du das hier machen

Kaffeekasse unaufschiebbar

#6: Einkehrmöglichkeiten

Auf der Teide Wanderung gibt es keine Einkehrmöglichkeiten. Man kann also unterwegs kein Essen oder Wasser nachkaufen. Die Schutzhütte Refugio de Altavista auf einer Höhe von 3.260 Metern ist wegen der Corona-Auflagen und Hygienemaßnahmen nach wie vor auf unbestimmte Zeit geschlossen (Stand April 2023).

Sollte sie wieder öffnen, muss man auch wissen, dass die Hütte erst ab 17:00 Uhr für die Übernachtungsgäste öffnet und man dort nicht mit Wasser oder Lebensmitteln rechnen darf. Es ist eine Selbstversorgerhütte! Das bedeutet, du musst Verpflegung und Ausrüstung vor der Teide Wanderung sorgfältig planen und bereits mitbringen.

Refugio Altavista Hütte Teide Wanderung

#7: Seilbahn Teleferico Teide

Wie schon oben erwähnt, gibt es nie eine Garantie, ob die Seilbahn fährt. Du kannst die Tickets für die Abfahrt schon bequem von zu Hause z.B. über diesen Link buchen . Die einfache Fahrt mit der Seilbahn (nur rauf oder runter) kostet 22 Euro pro Person . Falls dir die Wanderung doch zu anstrengend ist, kannst du alternativ auch beide Strecken mit der Seilbahn fahren. Die Kosten liegen dann bei 40 Euro pro Person.

Hier gibt es keine bestimmte Zeit zur Rückfahrt , auf die du dich festlegen musst. Normalerweise kannst du, wenn du lieber den Tag und das Wetter abwarten möchtest, auch noch vor Ort Tickets für die Abfahrt buchen. Zahlbar in bar oder mit der Karte am Schalter der Bergstation.

Die Seilbahn Teleferico Teide ist ganzjährig von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr geöffnet und die letzte Auffahrt auf den Berg ist um 16:00 Uhr. Die letzte Talfahrt um 16:50 Uhr. Je nach Jahreszeit verlängert sich die Öffnungszeit um eine Stunde.

#8: Anfahrt und Parkplätze im Teide Nationalpark

Die Teide Wanderung funktioniert nur in Verbindung Anzeige mit einem Mietwagen oder Transfer bei einer geführten Tour, da der einzige Linienbus vom Süden der Insel ( Los Cristianos , Linie 342) und Norden ( Puerto de la Cruz , Linie 348) erst gegen 10:30 Uhr im Nationalpark ankommt.

Der Aufstieg zu Fuß startet an der Hauptstraße TF-21 durch den Teide Nationalpark bei Kilometer 40,7 an der Montaña Blanca. Hier ist ein kleiner Parkplatz für nur wenige Autos, der meist schon belegt ist. Die Koordinaten zum Startpunkt der Wanderung und dem kleinen Parkplatz kannst du hier bei Google Maps aufrufen .

Eine gute Idee ist, zuerst die Wetterbedingungen an der Talstation der Seilbahn abzuchecken, dort das Auto bewacht zu parken und die 3 Kilometer zum Startpunkt der Teide Wanderung zu laufen. Die Koordinaten für den Parkplatz an der Seilbahn kannst du unter diesem Link aufrufen .

Alternativ ist es auch möglich, den Parkplatz am Aussichtspunkt „Tabonal Negro“ zu nutzen. Der Fußweg vom Aussichtspunkt zum Beginn der Teide Wanderung beträgt ca. 850 Meter. Du musst hier jedoch ohne Fußweg an der Straße entlang laufen und entsprechend vorsichtig sein.

Falls du dein (Miet)-Auto unbewacht direkt am Beginn des Wanderwegs oder bei Tabonal Negro parkst, solltest du auf keinen Fall Wertsachen im Fahrzeug lassen . Denn im Teide Nationalpark werden Autos leider häufiger aufgebrochen bzw. die Autoscheiben eingeschlagen. Lasse daher nichts sichtbar im Auto liegen.

#9: Ist die Teide Wanderung barrierefrei und auch mit Kindern machbar?

Diese Tour ist leider nicht barrierefrei , genauso wenig wie die Seilbahn. Außerdem empfehlen wir die Teide Wanderung nicht für Babys oder Kinder unter 14 Jahren . Die dünne Luft kann bei Kleinen zu Kopfschmerzen und Übelkeit führen, denn Kinder können diesen Sauerstoffmangel noch nicht so gut ausgleichen wie ein fitter und gesunder Erwachsener.

#10: Teide Wanderung bei schlechtem Wetter?

Von dieser Wanderung solltest du bei schlechtem Wetterbericht unbedingt Abstand nehmen. Im Herbst und Winter können die Temperaturen schnell unter Null sinken und der angekündigte Regen kann sich dann in Schnee verwandeln. Bei Regen und Nebel kann es der Fall sein, dass die Seilbahn schließt und du hast einen langen anstrengenden Rückweg vor dir.

Deshalb plane diese Tour bitte nur bei schönem Wetter ein und checke unbedingt am Tag vorher nochmals den Wetterbericht. Auch im Sommer steigen die Temperaturen selten über 10 Grad am Gipfel , dafür ist die Sonneneinstrahlung sehr intensiv.

Eine gute Webseite für das Bergwetter am Teide findest du unter diesem Link .

Teide Wanderung Schnee

#11: Teide Wanderung zum Sonnenaufgang mit Übernachtung in der Hütte

Ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis ist die Teide Wanderung zum Sonnenaufgang. Hier empfehlen wir dir allerdings nicht, die ganze Tour im Dunkeln oder nachts zu starten.

Die beste Variante ist hier die Buchung der Schutzhütte Refugio Altavista (seit Corona derzeit immer noch geschlossen, Stand Februar 2024). Weitere Informationen findest du unter diesem Link .

Die Übernachtung in der Hütte ist beliebt, sodass du am besten früh buchen solltest (mindestens 1 Monat im Voraus). Der Preis für die Übernachtung in der Hütte lag vor Corona bei 21 Euro pro Person .

Da kannst du nachmittags ganz entspannt das erste Stück des Wanderwegs in Angriff nehmen und solltest ca. 3 Stunden für den Aufstieg bis zur Hütte von der Montaña Blanca rechnen. Ab 17:00 Uhr öffnet die Hütte , die Zimmer werden zugeteilt und du kannst dir in der Gemeinschaftsküche dein selbst mitgebrachtes Essen zubereiten.

Die insgesamt drei Schlafräume mit 54 Etagenbetten sind ab 19:00 Uhr zugänglich. Es gibt einen kleineren Schlafsaal mit 8 Etagenbetten und zwei große Schlafsäle mit 20 bzw. 26 Etagenbetten.

Von der Hütte aus kannst du abends einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang hoch über den Wolken und den Sternenhimmel über dem Nationalpark bewundern. Dieser Platz ist ideal zur Sternbeobachtung , da weit und breit keine Lichtverschmutzung stört und die Atmosphäre sehr, sehr klar ist.

Achtung : Zum Einchecken auf der Hütte musst du deinen Ausweis bereit haben.

Zum Einchecken ist nur der Zeitraum zwischen 17:00 und 22:00 Uhr möglich. Zudem kannst du maximal eine Nacht in der Hütte verbringen. Falls du den Weg nach Sonnenaufgang wieder zurückläufst, kannst du deine Sachen auch in der Hütte lagern, sodass du sie nicht zum Gipfel tragen musst. Falls du mit der Seilbahn hinunterfahren willst, musst du dein Gepäck auf jeden Fall mitnehmen.

In der Hütte gibt nur einen Automaten für Wasser, Cola oder Kaffee . Du solltest Kleingeld mitnehmen und kannst auch bei Übernachtung nicht mehr Essen oder Trinken einkaufen! In der Hütte gibt es Toiletten und zwei Waschbecken, jedoch keine Duschen. Du erhältst dort Einweg-Bettwäsche, sodass du keinen Schlafsack benötigst. Die Einweg-Bettwäsche (Überzüge) musst du nach der Übernachtung in deinem Rucksack mitnehmen. Achte also darauf, etwas freien Platz im Rucksack zu lassen.

Hütte Refugio Altavista Betten Schlafsaal

Wanderung auf den Gipfel zum Sonnenaufgang

Früh morgens starten eigentlich alle Hüttenübernachter Richtung Teide-Gipfel und der Weg ist dann Anzeige mit Stirnlampe gut zu machen. Die Berghütte muss bis spätestens um 7:30 Uhr verlassen werden und schließt um 8:00 Uhr.

Tipp : Vor 9:00 Uhr benötigst du keine Genehmigung für den Weg zum Teide Gipfel. Sofern du in der Hütte übernachtest oder vom Parkplatz aus in der Nacht losläufst, kannst du also auch ohne Genehmigung den Gipfel erklimmen.

Vom Refugio (3.260 Meter) bis zum Gipfel (3.718 Meter) musst du noch ca. 1,5 Stunden Gehzeit einplanen, damit du rechtzeitig zum Sonnenaufgang am Pico del Teide bist. Bei den ersten Sonnenstrahlen wirft der Teide einen riesigen Schatten auf den Atlantik. Dieses Foto ist jede Strapaze wert!

Schau in den entsprechenden Tabellen nach und überprüfe die Zeiten für den jeweiligen Sonnenaufgang am Tour-Tag. Je nach Monat geht die Sonne zwischen 7:00 und 8:00 Uhr auf. Zur groben Orientierung findest du nachfolgend eine Monats-Übersicht:

Tipp : Du solltest nicht zu früh am Gipfel sein, da es oben vor dem Sonnenaufgang sehr kalt sein kann. Wenn du 1,5 bis 2 Stunden vor der Zeit des Sonnenaufgangs von der Hütte aus losgehst, ist dies also ausreichend.

Wie schön es auf dem Teide zum Sonnenaufgang ist, kannst du z.B. im nachfolgenden Video sehen (3:56 Minuten):

Fazit zur Teide Wanderung

Zum Abschluss möchten wir nochmals betonen, dass diese hochalpine Bergtour kein Spaziergang ist. Jedes Jahr müssen Touristen, die z.B. in Turnschuhen und T-Shirt, ohne die nötige Ausrüstung und mit zu wenig Wasser starten, von den Rangern des Nationalparks gerettet werden. Im Winter missachten Gäste die Warnhinweise zu Schnee und Eis und gefährden sich und andere, wenn sie in Turnschuhen auf Eisplatten ausrutschen.

Deshalb ist es wichtig, vor der Tour alles genau zu planen und sich bei den entsprechenden Seiten und Stellen zu informieren. Dann ist die Teide Wanderung auch keine gefährliche Tour und wird dir viel Spaß machen.

Wir freuen uns auf deinen Bericht und deine Erlebnisse bei der Teide Wanderung!

Cover 99 Teneriffa Sehenswürdigkeiten transparent Background

Kennst du schon unseren E-Book Reiseführer zu Teneriffa? Auf 122 Seiten erwarten dich hier die besten Ausflüge, Orte, Aktivitäten & Geheimtipps.

Wir haben die Insel selber über viele Monate erkundet und zeigen dir nur von uns persönlich ausgewählte Highlights. Schau ihn dir gleich an!

teide tour erfahrungen

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45 Responses

Hallo ihr zwei, danke für die ganzen Informationen zu der Wanderung und des Besuchs des Teides. Wir planen auch die Wanderung auf den Teide und möchten gerne mit der Seilbahn wieder herab bzw nach unten fahren. Wir sind nun etwas verunsichert ob wir vorher die Tickets am Schalter im Tal abholen müssen. Wisst ihr zufällig ob die reinen online Tickets hierzu ausreichen? Vielen Dank und viele Grüße Yuliia und Dominik

Hallo ihr beiden, danke für euer Feedback! Die Tickets müsst ihr nicht abholen. Ihr könnt die online gekauften Tickets an der Bergstation auf dem Smartphone vorzeigen. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit auf Teneriffa! 🙂 Jenny & Christian

Vera Faltin

Hallo und danke für eure tollen und ausführlichen Beschreibungen…. Wir überlegen ob die Variante mit der Seilbahn hoch und zu Fuss runter sich auch gut eignet. Wir können erst gegen so gegen 12.00 hoch, möchten aber gern aktiv sein. Oder würdet ihr dann eher die Wege OBEN auf dem Gipfel empfehlen? Auf Grund kurzfristiger Reiseplanung wird das mit der Genehmigung wohl eher nichts 😉

Hallo Vera, an eurer Stelle würden wir einen der Wege oben an der Bergstation bevorzugen. Um die Mittagszeit könnt ihr ohne Genehmigung nicht hinauf zum Teide-Gipfel laufen. Es gibt aber noch zwei andere Wege, die an der Bergstation starten. Zum einen den Weg Nr. 11 zum Mirador de la Fortaleza (ca. 25 Minuten pro Strecke). Er verläuft an der Nordostflanke des Teide. Wenn ihr diesen Weg nutzt, zweigt dort auch der Weg ab, den ihr für den Abstieg nutzen würdet. Zum anderen gibt es den Weg Nr. 12 zum Mirador Pico Viejo. Er ist aus unserer Sicht noch etwas eindrucksvoller von der Aussicht. Hierbei lauft ihr die Westflanke entlang. Pro Strecke benötigt ihr ca. 30 Minuten. Beide Wege verlaufen nahezu ebenerdig. Allerdings ist die dünnere Luft auf über 3.500 Höhenmetern nicht zu unterschätzen. Sie kann auch kürzere Strecken von 25 oder 30 Minuten durchaus anstrengend machen. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit am Teide wünschen euch Jenny & Christian

Hallo 🙂 Durfte heute auch die tolle Erfahrung mit dem Pico del Teide machen und bis zum Gipfel aufsteigen – danke an der Stelle für euren ausführlichen Beitrag, hat vieles vereinfacht und man konnte die Zeit voll und ganz genießen! Ein kleinen Dämpfer gab es heute allerdings beim Abstieg, nachdem ich die Frage in anderen Beiträgen / Foren / Kommentaren schon öfter gesehen hatte – der Ranger am Kontrollhäuschen war überhaupt nicht erfreut als ich um etwa 09:15 Uhr beim ABSTIEG vom Gipfel an ihm vorbei wollte, er fragte penetrant wo meine Permission ist (die ich ja nicht hatte aufgrund des 09:00 Tricks). Nach einigem hin und her & längerer „Standpauke“ ließ er mich dann mit äußerst mürrischer Mine & Kopfschütteln durch. Scheint also so, als das auch der Abstieg definitiv vor 09 Uhr am Kontrollhäuschen erledigt sein muss. Vllt. könnt ihr das in eurem Beitrag noch mit aufnehmen? Ansonsten ist die Tour ausnahmslos zu empfehlen! Beste Grüße, Felix

Hallo Felix, vielen Dank für dein Feedback und das Teilen deiner Erfahrungen! Den Hinweis nehmen wir gerne mit auf. Es freut uns, dass du trotz der Standpauke zum Schluss eine schöne Zeit am Teide verbracht hast! 🙂 Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hallo ihr zwei 🙂

Ein sehr interessanter Beitrag. Ich werde zwischen dem 20.-29.11 auf Teneriffa sein. Ich möchte den Teide in der Nacht besteigen. Meine Frage ist, ob ihr Möglichkeiten kennt (wenn man kein Auto hat) wie man nachts gegen halb 3/3 zum Startpunkt Sendero Montana blanca kommen kann. Ich denke, dass ein Taxi weit über 100€ kosten würde?! Würdet ihr grundsätzlich sagen, dass bei gutem Wetter die Tour alleine möglich ist? Ich bin jung und körperlich sehr fit.

Ich bedanke mich im Voraus und freue mich von euch zu hören. Liebe Grüße Cornel

Hallo Cornel, danke für dein Feedback! 🙂 Nachts fahren leider keine öffentlichen Busse hinauf zum Teide Nationalpark. Daher kommen tatsächlich nur ein Mietwagen, ein Taxi oder ein privater Transfer (z.B. mit einer geführten Tour) infrage. Sofern es dir möglich ist, würden wir an deiner Stelle einen Mietwagen für einen oder zwei Tage buchen. Bei Anbietern wie Autoreisen, Cicar oder Top Car ist eine Vollkaskoversicherung inkludiert, sodass du kein großes Risiko eingehst. Beim Taxi kommt es natürlich auf den Startpunkt an. Aber um die 100 Euro sind vermutlich realistisch. Eine andere Option, die uns noch einfällt, wäre eine Übernachtung im Anzeige Hotel Parador de Cañadas del Teide . Dort kannst du am Vortag bereits mit dem Bus hinauffahren. Es liegt etwa 6 Kilometer vom Startpunkt der Teide Wanderung entfernt. Für die Strecke müsstest du dann eine gute Stunde Gehzeit extra einplanen. Der Weg verläuft entlang der Straße, wo nachts jedoch kaum bzw. nahezu keine Autos unterwegs sind. Die Wanderung bei guter Fitness und gutem Wetter allein zu absolvieren, ist unserer Einschätzung nach möglich. Liebe Grüße und eine tolle Zeit auf Teneriffa! 🙂 Jenny & Christian

Sonja Forthaus

Hallo, euer Beitrag hier ist sehr interessant. Wir wollen am Montag, den 30.11.23 ohne Genehmigung auf den Gipfel wandern. Wisst ihr, ob man bis 9 Uhr wieder am Kontrollpunkt sein muss? Wird quasi beim Verlassen ebenfalls kontrolliert? Oder reicht es am Kontrollpunkt vor den Kontrollen vorbei zu sein? Um dann gegebenenfalls auch erst um 09:30 Uhr wieder runtergzugehen? LG Sonja

Hallo liebe Sonja, danke für dein Feedback! Normalerweise wird beim Verlassen nicht kontrolliert. Wichtig ist aber, dass ihr tatsächlich vor 9 Uhr den Kontrollpunkt für den Aufstieg passiert habt. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Wanderung Jenny & Christian

Hallo, also ich habe mich in meinem Beitrag um einen Monat vertan, wir waren am 30.10. schon dort. Und es saß niemand am Kontrolltörchen, haben uns aber über die offizielle Seite eine Genehmigung für den Zeitraum 6 bis 9 Uhr geholt. Wir haben 5:15 Stunden gebraucht, sind um 3 Uhr los gewandert, bedeutet, den Sonnenaufgang haben wir nicht ganz oben genossen, da der Sonnenaufgang gegen 7 Uhr ist. Es ist sehr anstrengend, wer noch nie 10.5 km mit knapp 1400 Höhenmeter gemeistert hat, und kein regelmäßiger Wanderer ist, für den wird es sehr anstrengend. Hinzu kommt die dünne Luft, die man sehr zu spüren bekommt, und dies hat nichts mit der körperlichen Fitness zu tun, schnell aus der Puste, Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel, Augenflimmern waren bei uns vorhanden. Aber das Gefühl, es geschafft zu haben, war für uns überwältigend, da wir zuvor eine solche Herausforderung noch nicht gemeistert hatten.

Hallo Sonja, ganz herzlichen Dank fürs Teilen eurer Erfahrungen! Es freut uns sehr zu lesen, dass ihr eine solch unvergessliche Erfahrung machen konntet. 🙂 Liebe Grüße und alles Gute für euch Jenny & Christian

Hallo Sonja,

die Genehmigung für die Zeit vor 9 Uhr habt Ihr Euch online unter geholt? Ich finde dort nur die Möglichkeit eine Genehmigung für die Slots tagsüber nach 9 Uhr zu beantragen!

Liebe Grüße

ich folge schon eine ganze Weile Jenny und Christian und hole mir immer mal online Rat. Daher bin ich jetzt gerade bei Thema Gipfelbesteigung Teide auch wieder hier gelandet. Meine (vielleicht naiven 😉 ) Gedanken und Ideen lösen sich irgendwie gerade leicht in Luft auf. Jetzt habe ich gerade gelesen, dass Ihr am 30.11.23 früh auf den Teide wandern wollt. Das würde in etwa auch mit meiner Zeitvorstellung zusammenpassen. Habt Ihr etwas dagegen, wenn ich mich Euch anschließe? Gebt bitte mal über diesen Weg oder über Jenny und Christian eine Rückmeldung. Vielleicht treten wir auch erst einmal in Kontakt, tauschen uns aus und entscheiden dann, ob es passt.

Ich freue mich über eine Rückmeldung.

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße

Hey ihr Lieben,. ein toller Bericht mit vielen Tipps, Danke! Eine Frage habe ich zum Fußweg von der Talstation der Seilbahn zum Wanderparkplatz Montana Blanca. Führt dieser einfach der Hauptstraße TF21 entlang? Das stelle ich mir recht stressig und nicht ungefährlich vor, oder handelt es sich um einen richtigen Fußweg?

Vielen Dank!

Hallo Oli, vielen Dank erst mal für dein Feedback! 🙂 Es ist leider tatsächlich so, dass es zwischen der Talstation und dem Wanderparkplatz Montaña Blanca überwiegend keinen Fußweg gibt. Die meiste Zeit muss man hier am Straßenrand entlanglaufen. Auf dem Stück vor dem Wanderparkplatz (ungefähr ab bzw. bis zum Mirador El Tabonal Negro) gibt es dann einen Fußweg, der einigermaßen parallel zur Straße verläuft. Ganz ungefährlich ist es definitiv nicht, wenn man am Straßenrand entlanglaufen muss. Die Strecke bietet jedoch viele Kurven, sodass die Autos und Busse hier normalerweise nicht allzu schnell fahren können. Früh morgens sind die Straßen in der Regel nicht stark befahren. Dennoch ist Vorsicht hier wichtig. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit auf Teneriffa Jenny & Christian

Regina Forster

Hallo ihr zwei, Ich habe mir gerade euren Blog durchgelesen. Mein Partner und ich fliegen am 10.9.2022 nach Teneriffa und interessieren uns für eine Wanderung zum Teide. Da ich schon 62 Jahre bin und keinen Sport zu Hause mache, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich die Wanderung machen kann. Wir sind regelmäßig 1 mal im Jahr in den Bergen. Fahren aber immer mit der Seilbahn hoch und laufen dann oben die Wanderwege. Was wurdet ihr mir für die Teide Tour raten? Die Genehmigung zum Gipfel müssten wir uns auch noch einholen, falls es noch welche gibt. Vielen Dank für eure Antwort. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Regina

Hallo Regina, die Wanderung hinauf zum Teide ist schon eine anspruchsvolle Tour. Zum einen, weil ihr hierbei über 1.400 Höhenmeter zurücklegt. Zum anderen, weil die Gehzeit bei mindestens fünf Stunden liegt und die Luft auf über 3.000 Höhenmetern auch dünner ist. Wenn ihr es normalerweise so macht, dass ihr mit der Seilbahn hinauffahrt, würden wir es an eurer Stelle hier vermutlich genauso machen. Ihr könnt mit der Seilbahn hinauf zum Gipfel des Teide fahren. Und wandern könnt ihr dann ja auf anderen Pfaden im Teide Nationalpark, die etwas weniger lang und anspruchsvoll sind. Empfehlen können wir z.B. die Wanderung um die Roques de García am Fuß des Teide oder den Sendero 16. Auch die Wanderung am Chinyero ist sehr schön. Schaut gerne mal in diesen Beitrag von uns . Dort haben wir weitere Informationen zu den Touren. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit auf Teneriffa Jenny & Christian

Hey, wir sind heute die klassische Teidebesteigung gegangen ( rauf ab Parkplatz, mit Gipfel, runter mit der Seilbahn) und haben uns dazu komplett an Eurer Seite orientiert. Großartig gemacht, alle Fragen werden beantwortet, die Links zu Seilbahn, Wetter und Gipfelerlaubnis sind total praktisch, also in der Tat eine „wunschlos glücklich „ Seite. Vielen, vielen Dank dafür! Wir hatten eine großartige Tour! Viele Grüße!

Hallo liebe Tanja, wir danken dir ganz herzlich für dein Feedback! Es freut uns sehr, dass ihr mit der Teide-Besteigung ein tolles Erlebnis hattet! 🙂 Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe eben festgestellt, dass die Seilbahn im Winter zwar teilweise in Betrieb ist, jedoch scheint aktuell jeder Wanderweg gesperrt zu sein. Daher meine Fragen: Bedeutet gesperrter Wanderweg tatsächlich, dass es verboten ist diesen zu nutzen? Sollten tatsächlich alle Wanderwege gesperrt sein, lohnt sich dann überhaupt eine Fahrt zur Bergstation, wenn man sich dort nicht „bewegen“ darf? Liebe Grüße und vielen Dank für die tollen Artikel.

Hallo Sascha, vielen Dank erst mal für dein Feedback! Aufgrund von Eis und Schnee auf dem Teide sind momentan tatsächlich viele Wanderwege geschlossen. Aus unserer Erfahrung heißt ein Absperrband auf Teneriffa zwar nicht zwingend, dass deshalb niemand trotzdem dorthin geht. Aber offiziell ist es dann tatsächlich verboten den Weg zu nutzen. Die Info, welcher Wanderweg am Teide derzeit geöffnet bzw. geschlossen ist, erhältst du übrigens tagesaktuell auf der Webseite der Seilbahn . Eine Fahrt hinauf zum Teide lohnt sich (vor allem bei gutem Wetter) aus unserer Erfahrung aber trotzdem. Die Landschaft ist faszinierend und lohnenswert anzuschauen. Auch ohne Wanderung erhältst du davon einen guten Eindruck. Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Liebe Jenny, lieber Christian, auf der Suche nach Infos zu Teneriffa bin ich auf eure Seite gestoßen und finde sie super und wirklich informativ. Was mich aber sehr stört, ist die AfD-Werbung, die ständig aufploppt. Ist diese Werbung in eurem Interesse? Habt ihr darüber Kenntnis bzw. könnt Einfluss nehmen? Viele Grüße Anja

Liebe Anja, ganz herzlichen Dank für dein Feedback und den Hinweis zur Werbung. Das war uns bis eben tatsächlich nicht bewusst und ist absolut nicht in unserem Sinne. Wir haben politische Anzeigen jeglicher Art nun blockiert. Danke, dass du uns hierauf hingewiesen hast! Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Samuel Cordes

Erstmal großes Lob für diesen Beitrag! Ich habe eine Frage, da die Hütte geschlossen ist dank Corona, wir es verpeilt haben uns eine Genehmigung zu besorgen, bleibt uns nur Aufstieg zum Gipfel nachts mit einer Tour, oder auf eigene Faust. An sich traue ich mir diese Tour nachts auf eigene Faust zu, wäre nur die Frage, ist der Wanderweg ausreichend beschildert?

Grüße Samuel 🙂

Hallo Samuel, vielen lieben Dank für dein Lob! 🙂 Ja, der Weg ist auch alleine gut zu finden. Wenn ihr an der Google Maps Markierung des Sendero de Montaña Blanca startet, kommt relativ am Anfang der Wanderung eine Abzweigung. Rechts würde es zum Montaña Rajada (Montaña Blanca) gehen. Ihr müsst euch hier links halten. Ansonsten bleibt ihr immer auf dem Hauptweg. Es gibt unterwegs kaum Abzweigungen, sodass der Weg normalerweise einfach zu finden ist. In der Satelliten-Ansicht bei Google Maps könnt ihr den Weg vorab auch anschauen. Man kann ihn gut erkennen. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit auf Teneriffa Jenny & Christian

Anna Katharina Tonner

Hallo Samuel, hat es mit dem Sonnenaufgang auf dem Teide bei euch geklappt? Ich würde mich über eure Erfahrung freuen. Insbesondere würde mich interessieren, ob jemand kontrolliert hat, ob man eine Genehmigung hat, da es laut aktuellen Infos vom Nationalpark auch für den Sonnenaufgang eine Genehmigung benötigt… Danke und liebe Grüße, Anna Katharina

Manon Mandel

Hallo ihr beiden, Erstmal ein dickes Lob an euch beide für diesen tollen Blog :)! Das ist super hilfreich. Ich hätte auch noch eine Frage an euch: mein Freund und ich wollen auch zu Fuß auf den Teide und vor 9 auf dem Gipfel sein. Wann würdet ihr uns empfehlen von dem Parkplatz Montana Blanca loszulaufen? Und könnten wir anstatt dem Abstieg die Seilbahn nehmen, obwohl diese doch dann an einem anderen Punkt endet wie der Parkplatz Montana Blancw wo unser Auto dann steht 🙂 oder? Dann müssten wir irgendwie noch zu unserem Auto kommen…? Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Antwort! liebe Grüße, Manon

Hallo Manon, ganz herzlichen Dank erst mal für dein Feedback! 🙂 Die reine Gehzeit vom Parkplatz hinauf auf den Gipfel liegt normalerweise bei ca. 5 Stunden ohne Pause. Mit Pausen würden wir also zwischen 6 und 7 Stunden Zeit einplanen. Um vor 9 Uhr morgens auf dem Gipfel zu sein, würden wir an eurer Stelle zwischen 2:30 und 3:00 Uhr nachts mit der Wanderung starten. Beim Rückweg ist es dann leider so, dass die Seilbahnstation nicht direkt am Wander-Parkplatz liegt. Nachdem ihr den ganzen Aufstieg schon in den Knochen habt, müsst ihr am Ende dann nochmals ca. 2,9 Kilometer von der Seilbahnstation zum Parkplatz laufen. Unserer Kenntnis nach nimmt man hierfür am besten den Weg an der Straße entlang. In einer guten halben Stunde ist der Weg dann geschafft. Die Strecke von der Seilbahn zum Parkplatz könnt ihr euch hier auch bei Google Maps anschauen . Liebe Grüße und viel Spaß Jenny & Christian

Hallo ihr beiden, habt ihr noch einen Tipp wie wir noch an eine Genehmigung kommen können für den Teide Gipfel? Bei Steffi haben wir schon angefragt, die sind an diesem Tag leider anderweitig unterwegs und auf der Homepage ist es leider ausgebucht. Es geht um den 9.5.2023 Liebe Grüße Manuela

Hallo Manuela, wir haben dazu leider keine eigenen Erfahrungen. Aber was wir an eurer Stelle versuchen würden ist, die Webseite zur Gipfelgenehmigung regelmäßig weiter zu prüfen. Manchmal stornieren Leute ihre Reservierungen und dann wird ggf. ein Zeitfenster wieder frei. Vielleicht habt ihr hier Glück. Ansonsten könnt ihr versuchen, über Teleférico del Teide eine Tour inkl. Gipfelgenehmigung zu buchen. Mit 111 Euro pro Person ist das allerdings recht teuer. Enthalten sind hierbei der Transfer, die Seilbahntickets, die Gipfelgenehmigung und ein Guide. Laut der Webseite kann der 9. Mai 2023 derzeit gebucht werden. Es steht jedoch dabei, dass die Gipfelgenehmigung erst geprüft werden muss, bevor die Bestätigung des Datums endgültig erfolgt. Unseres Wissens nach erhalten Tour-Anbieter gesonderte Kontingente für die Gipfelgenehmigung. Falls es mit dem Datum nicht klappt, wird euch entweder ein Alternativtermin angeboten oder der Kaufpreis wird zurückerstattet. So steht es zumindest auf der Webseite. Noch eine weitere Option wäre, bereits nachts zu starten und die Wanderung hinauf auf den Teide zu absolvieren. Wenn ihr vor 9:00 Uhr morgens am Gipfel ankommt, benötigt ihr hierfür keine Genehmigung. Wir drücken die Daumen, dass eine der Optionen für euch passt! Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hallo ihr beiden,

Danke für die Tipps, aber die 111,00€ sind schon sehr teuer, dann machen wir lieber eine schöne Wanderung ohne den Gipfel zu besteigen. Die Idee mit der Wanderung nachts zu starten klingt auch interessant, aber dafür sind wir denke ich nicht geübt genug, da es ja doch sehr viele Höhenmeter zu überwinden sind. Liebe Grüße Manuela

Hallo Manuela, dann wünschen wir euch viel Freude bei der Wanderung ohne Gipfel. In jedem Fall wird es garantiert ein schöner Ausflug! 🙂 Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hallo ihr zwei, erstmal vielen Dank für den tollen Beitrag, er beantwortet viele Fragen auf die ich bisher sonst nirgends eine gute Antwort gefunden habe 🙂 Ich überlege Anfang September auf den Teide zu wandern, bin mir allerdings unsicher ob ich mich damit übernehmen würde. Ich bin vor Kurzem mehrfach ca 600hm in ca einer Stunde gegangen, bin allerdings noch nie über 1000hm auf einmal gewandert. Ich würde mich grundsätzlich schon als fit und sportlich beschreiben. Denkt ihr es ist eine machbare Wanderung oder wirklich nur für „Profis und Erfahrene“ geeignet? Vielen Dank schon mal. Liebe Grüße Sandra

Hallo Sandra, danke für dein Feedback! 🙂 Das freut uns! Wenn du die 600 Höhenmeter schon mehrfach gut bewältigt hast, denken wir persönlich, dass du auch die Teide Wanderung gut schaffen wirst. Wichtig zu bedenken ist neben dem Höhenunterschied auch die Gesamthöhe der Wanderung. Du bewegst dich auf über 3.000 Metern, wo die Luft dünner ist. Dies sorgt für eine zusätzliche körperliche Anstrengung. Um sicherzugehen, dass du die Höhe gut verträgst, könntest du vorab einmal mit dem Mietwagen oder Bus hinauf zur Seilbahnstation fahren. Dann bekommst du einen Eindruck, ob du die Höhe körperlich merkst oder nicht. Bei uns setzen beispielsweise oft Kopfschmerzen ein, wir bleiben aber körperlich dennoch fit und leistungsfähig. Falls du dich für die Teide Wanderung entscheidest, wünschen wir dir schon einmal viel Erfolg und vor allem eine tolle Naturzeit! 🙂 Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hallo Jenny & Christian,

vielen Dank an Euch und Steffi für diesen tollen Gastbeitrag und generell Euren super geschriebenen und gepflegten Reiseblog! Mein Mann und ich überwintern seit einiger Zeit im wunderschönen Buenavista del Norte und planen für Ende März die Besteigung des Teide.

Als kleines Update: Die Schutzhütte in Altavista ist immer noch geschlossen und die Preise für die Seilbahn haben sich auf 21 € p. P. für die Abfahrt und 36 € p.P. für Auf- und Abfahrt erhöht.

Euch weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles Gute!

Liebe Grüße, Martin & Maxi

PS: Wir können Euren Reiseführer „99 Teneriffa Sehenswürdigkeiten“ wärmstens weiterempfehlen 😉

Hallo Maxi und Martin, vielen lieben Dank für euer Feedback! 🙂 Darüber freuen wir uns sehr! Und ganz lieben Dank auch für den Hinweis zu den Preisen. Wir haben diese eben angepasst. Dann wünschen wir euch eine schöne Wanderung Ende März! Liebe Grüße nach Buenavista (wir schauen gerade von San Marcos aus auf den Leuchtturm) 😉 Jenny & Christian

Hallo Maxi und Martin, Ein ganz toller Bericht. Danke dafür. Aber eine Frage hab ich, zu der ich bisher noch keine Antwort gefunden habe. Wie ist es denn wenn man für den Anstieg zum Gipfel den Zeitslot 9:00 Uhr bis 11:00 Uhr wählt, für welche Uhrzeit sollte man dann die Seilbahn buchen? Da ich gelesen hab, dass die erste Fahrt erst um 9:00 Uhr ist. Das kann dann doch nicht ganz funktionieren oder habe ich was falsch verstanden? Liebe Grüße Sonja

Liebe Sonja, danke für dein Feedback zum Beitrag! 🙂 Für die Seilbahn solltest du in diesem Fall die erste Auffahrt direkt um 9:00 Uhr morgens buchen. Das Zeitfenster für die Gipfelbesteigung reicht dazu aus. Auch wenn du durch die Auffahrt ein paar Minuten „verlierst“. Leider sind die Zeiten nicht ideal aufeinander abgestimmt. Aber mit der Auffahrt um 9:00 Uhr wirst du es problemlos schaffen, den Gipfel bis spätestens 11:00 Uhr zu erreichen. Liebe Grüße und eine schöne Zeit auf Teneriffa Jenny & Christian

Hallo zusammen, vielen Dank für die Beschreibung, wir planen im Mai nach Teneriffa zu fliegen. Wir planen eine Tour mit Sonnenaufgang ohne Zwischenübernachtung, der Aufgang im Mai soll um 7:24 stattfinden, die erste Bahn fährt um 9 Uhr ins Tal. 1. Meine Sorge wäre das ausharren in der Kälte, bis die erste Bahn fährt, oder wäre das unproblematisch? 2. Ein kompletter Aufstieg und Abstieg ohne Übernachtung in der Hütte stelle ich mir nicht ohne vor, wir sind 25 und sportlich fit, allerdings keine regelmäßigen Wanderer, welche Empfehlung würdet ihr uns raten?

Liebe Grüße Dennis

Hallo Dennis, im Mai sollte es normalerweise schon etwas wärmer sein als jetzt. Aber vor allem vor Sonnenaufgang wird es sicher dennoch sehr kalt oben am Teide sein. Wärmende Kleidung und vielleicht etwas warmer Tee im Rucksack sind daher wichtig. Sobald die Sonne aufgeht, wird es schon deutlich wärmer. Denn die Sonne hat auch früh morgens schon Kraft. Dennoch kann es bei 1,5 Stunden Wartezeit natürlich kalt werden. Falls ihr anfangt zu frieren, ist Bewegung immer ratsam. Zusammen mit warmer Kleidung sollte es dann gut auszuhalten sein. Bzgl. Auf- und Abstieg könnt ihr ja flexibel bleiben. Wir denken, dass ihr vermutlich nach dem Aufstieg froh sein werdet, dann hinunter mit der Seilbahn zu fahren. Aber falls ihr euch doch fit fühlt und noch Lust habt, könnt ihr auch zu Fuß wieder hinabsteigen. Wir selbst würden jedoch mit der Seilbahn planen 🙂 Liebe Grüße und schon mal eine gute Reise Jenny & Christian

Hi Jenny & Christian,

danke für die Beschreibung. Da nächtliche Ausgangssperre herscht bis 6 Uhr morgens fällt momentan der Sonnenaufgang legal flach oder?. Ab welcher Uhrzeit kann man den Teide Abends besteigen ohne Genhmigung? Nach Schließung der Bergbahn?

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Beste Grüße, Mario

Hallo Mario, genau, legal darf man aktuell vor 6:00 Uhr morgens auf Teneriffa nicht wandern. Die Genehmigung für die Gipfel-Besteigung ist zwischen 9:00 und 17:00 Uhr erhältlich. Vor 9:00 Uhr sowie nach 17:00 Uhr kann man ohne Genehmigung hingehen. Allerdings wird es im Winter gegen 18:00 Uhr dunkel, sodass der Abstieg dann im Hellen nicht mehr möglich ist. Um diese Uhrzeit fährt auch die Seilbahn nicht mehr. Liebe Grüße Jenny & Christian

Hey ihr beiden, die Ausgangssperre war nur während Corona, oder? Ich finde dazu sonst nichts mehr. Das würde bedeuten, dass man inzwischen loslaufen kann, wann man will um vor 6.00 Uhr auf den Gipfel zu kommen, richtig? Liebe Grüße Verena

Liebe Verena, genau. Die Ausgangssperre gehört zum Glück schon länger der Vergangenheit an und war durch Corona bedingt. Inzwischen kannst du wieder zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit starten. Liebe Grüße und viel Spaß auf dem Teide 🙂 Jenny & Christian

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Teide tours from Puerto de la Cruz: options and prices

You’ve decided: the next time you go on holiday you’re packing your bags and heading to Tenerife —you deserve it!

But, instead of being overwhelmed by the bustling south of the island, you ’ ve seen that Puerto de la Cruz is the perfect destination for a relaxing rest .

Amid so much sun, beach, swimming pools and good weather, it seems that one of Tenerife’s main attractions often gets overlooked. And, did you know that the highest volcano in Europe is just moments away from Puerto de la Cruz?

Yes, that’s right, Mount Teide is just a short drive away. And yes, it is a volcano, and it’s also the highest point in Europe.

While you’re staying in the north of Tenerife, why not enjoy one of our stress-free Mount Teide excursions from Puerto de la Cruz and other northern locations? 

Read on—we’re going to tell you all about five Teide tours from Puerto de la Cruz so you can visit one of the most famous volcanoes in the world during your stay in the Canary Islands.

Ascent to the peak by cable car, permit included

Ascend mount teide by cable car, and choose your trail with the teide tour excursion—with a free audio guide.

  • Mount Teide Night Tour to watch the stars
  • Astronomic tour to Mount Teide with guided visit to the Observatory

Sunset & Stars excursion: a magical and exclusive sunset on the volcano

Summary of excursions, schedules and prices: at a glance, two teide tours from puerto de la cruz to enjoy the volcano during the day.

If you like enjoying activities during the daylight hours, you’re sure to love the following two Mount Teide excursions. We have already told you that our tours depart from Puerto de la Cruz, but we pick up passengers at different points in Northern Tenerife: Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz, La Laguna, among others.

This is one of our star Teide tours from Tenerife North, with pick-ups in Puerto de la Cruz, as well as in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de La Laguna.

Excursion with Cable Car to Teide Peak

The only tour that takes you to the highest part of the volcano and spares you the tiresome process of requesting a permit to get up Mount Teide peak months in advance and having to make sure its timing matches the timing of the cable car tickets you buy.

To quickly summarise: to ascend to the summit, at an altitude of 3,718 m, you need a permit issued by the National Parks Booking Office .

Only a few permits are issued and there is usually a months-long waiting list . As a company that works with official National Park guides, we have access to some of these permits and you can use them to ascend Mount Teide.

Excursions from Santa Cruz can also depart from other points in northern Tenerife. Here are some of the features of the tour:

  • We book the permit for you: otherwise you need to plan your visit months in advance because the permit is essential for ascending to the summit .
  • You won’t have to do the juggling act of requesting the permit yourself and then matching its timing to the timing of your cable car tickets (included in the tour price).
  • A guide will accompany you and give you detailed explanations about Mount Teide.
  • We collect and return you in comfortable transport for small groups to and from your hotel or nearby point in the north of Tenerife.

It’s almost better if you see for yourself:

Did you like it? Get further information here:

View Ascent to the Peak by cable car

On these Teide excursions from Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz, La Laguna and other locations across northern Tenerife, one of our guides also collects you from your hotel or a nearby point and accompanies you to the base station where we ride the cable car up to La Rambleta at an altitude of 3,555 m.

Teide Tour excursion with Teide Cable Car

Once you have reached an altitude of 3,555 metres, you can follow one of the free-access paths, which can be used without having to obtain a permit. These lead to the Pico Viejo and La Fortaleza viewpoints.

Both trails run along the marks and scars left by Mount Teide and other old volcanoes in the Teide National Park and end at a viewpoint from where you can gaze out at the beauty of the Canary Islands archipelago.

What is more, you can follow your chosen path while listening to the digital audio guide to the trails which is included free in the tour (available in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch and Russian, and for Android and Apple devices). You can get an idea of how it works in this video ↓.

And if you’d like to see what this Teide tour from Puerto de la Cruz is like, here’s a taster:

To summarise, this is what is included in this day Mount Teide Park tour from Puerto de la Cruz and other points in northern Tenerife:

  • Transport from your hotel or nearby point so you can travel to and from the National Park in comfort.
  • Return cable car ticket + free digital audio guide of the trails
  • Official guides available in various languages.
  • One of the routes from the upper station of the cable car, to choose (excluding the trail that leads to the Teide summit, which requires a permit.)

Sounds interesting? You’ll find all the information about this excursion here:

View Teide Tour

Three Teide tours from Puerto de la Cruz to enjoy the volcano by night

The best thing to do when night falls in Tenerife is to look upwards and gaze at the firmament. Admire clear, star-filled skies that impress you with a sensation of an incredible vastness.

Mount Teide Night Tour to stargaze

This night-time Teide tour, with departures from Puerto de la Cruz, is the most basic option. It is perfect for visiting the National Park in the evening, enjoying watching the sunset from a viewing point, and then stargazing with long-range telescopes and Starlight guides.

Night Tour to Mount Teide

We will collect you from your hotel (or a point nearby) in Puerto de la Cruz, and after a tour of a good part of the National Park in a comfortable bus on a geological journey going back 180,000 years in time, you will arrive at an impressive viewpoint from which you can enjoy a spectacular, unforgettable sunset. 

In the dying light, the volcanic landscape takes on colours and hues of the utmost beauty.

Then we will continue the tour until we arrive at the cable car base station, where we will observe the stars through long-range telescopes and with the help of Starlight guides, so that no secret of the Universe will be left undiscovered.

This is what is included in this night-time Teide tour:

  • Pick-ups in Puerto de la Cruz, with return transport to Mount Teide
  • A stop at an impressive viewing point in the National Park to enjoy the sunset
  • Stargazing with Starlight guides and long-range telescopes
  • The option of a picnic, so that you don’t have to worry about bringing your own snack

Book this night tour to Mount Teide

Astronomic tour to Mount Teide with a guided visit of the observatory 

This is a 2-in-1 night tour to Mount Teide. Excursions from Puerto de la Cruz collect you and your fellow astronomy lovers in the afternoon and take you to visit the Teide Observatory.

Astronomic Tour to Mount Teide

During the visit we’ll give you detailed information about the Canary Islands’ skies, the telescopes and the projects that are being run at the institution. And if that weren’t enough, you’ll also take part in a fascinating astrophysics workshop.

After the visit we’ll head outdoors to watch the spectacular sunset before getting to the cable car base station. Then we’ll get out the long-range telescopes and join the Starlight guides to observe one of the most sensational starry skies in the world. Did you know that from here you can see 83 of the 88 known constellations?

You’ll learn about mythology, history and much more.

Here’s a taster of this Teide tour from Puerto de la Cruz for astronomy enthusiasts:

Here is a brief outline of what is included in this fascinating night excursion:

  • Guided visit to the largest solar observatory in the world during the afternoon and sunset.
  • Observation with Starlight guides after sunset with long-range telescopes at an altitude of 2,356 m at the Teide cable car base station.
  • Return transport from your hotel or a nearby point in Puerto de la Cruz.
  • Transport from your hotel or a nearby point in northern Tenerife for small groups.

If you’d like further details about what the 2-in-1 astronomic excursion includes, you’ll find all the information you need here:

View the astronomical tour

If you find watching beautiful sunsets a moving experience and the stars are calling to you, you’ll love this Teide tour from Puerto de la Cruz to watch the sunset and the stars, with cable car included.

Sunset & Stars on Teide excursion

Can you imagine ascending Mount Teide by cable car outside of its normal opening times? You’ll visit the volcano at dusk, just as the sun goes down, with fewer visitors and the opportunity to enjoy the spectacle of Teide’s shadow and a unique sunset at an altitude of 3,555 m with views of four islands from the stunning Pico Viejo viewpoint and the chance to see what might just be the best sunset of your life. 

But the sunset isn’t the end of the tour: quite the opposite!

And when it’s over... Back to the hotel? Nope, not yet! 

Next, you’ll observe the stars through long-range telescopes. Just like on the astronomic tour, Starlight guides will tell you everything about the firmament and you’re sure to be amazed.

You can take a look here:

To summarise, this is what is included in this comprehensive Teide tour from Puerto de la Cruz to travel in the cable car to observe the sunset and the stars:

  • Cable car tickets outside of its normal opening times for a maximum of 90 people, accompanied by a guide.
  • Watching the sunset from the trail to the Pico Viejo viewpoint after a beautiful, enjoyable walk.
  • Astronomical observation with Starlight guides and long-range telescopes.
  • Return transport to Mount Teide from your hotel or a nearby point in Puerto de la Cruz.

And remember, if you want to know all the in-depth details about this particular excursion from our catalogue of Teide tours from Tenerife North, you’ll find further information here:

View Sunset & Stars

Two day Teide tours from Puerto de la Cruz and three night Mount Teide excursions from Puerto de la Cruz (and other locations in the north of the island). One of these Teide tours from northern Tenerife includes the Teide Observatory, some take the cable car while others don’t... We appreciate that it could be confusing, which is why we’re making it easy for you with these three documents.

They include the days, timetable and prices of everything we’ve explained so far:

A comparative table of activities including cable car

And that’s it for now: if your next destination is Tenerife, we look forward to seeing you here on one of our Mount Teide excursions from Puerto de la Cruz.

See you soon!

Tags : Teide Cable Car , Stars , Excursions à Tenerife , Teide Observatory

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teide tour erfahrungen

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Teide Legend exhibition and audio-guided tour by Volcano Teide

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Teleférico del Pico del Teide, S.A.

Logo of the Teide Legend experience by Volcano Teide with an exhibition and an audio-guided tour.

For a sustainable Teide

Logo of the Teide Legend experience by Volcano Teide with an exhibition and an audio-guided tour.

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Teide Tour from Santa Cruz

  • Tours in Tenerife

Teide Tour from Santa Cruz

Free! cancellation up to 24 hours before the date of the activity with 100% refund / Less than 24 hours, late arrival or no show: no refund will be provided.

  • Discover the Teide National Park and its volcanic landscapes with this excursion to Teide from Santa Cruz .
  • Enjoy a magnificent tour of mountain roads and typical Canarian villages.
  • Climb to the upper station of the Teide with an exciting ride on the Cable Car.


Enjoy the heart of Tenerife, the Teide National Park , for 5 intense hours full of volcanic emotions in its purest state.

Teide tour from Santa Cruz will start by picking you up at the selected hotel and from there you will start the journey to explore one of the most visited parks in the world , declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

On the way to the Teide we will enter the Tenerife countryside, crossing Canarian pine forests , typical villages and admiring wonderful views of the landscape. Already in the National Park of the Cañadas del Teide , we will take stops to see closely all the attractions that this wonderful place offers us. We will see the volcanoes that caused the most recent eruptions in Tenerife and learn the history of how the Canary Islands were formed.

Then we will head to the base of the cable car to enjoy the beautiful views of the Ucanca Valley . Optionally, those who hire the cable car ticket can make use of the cable car to get up and down to La Rambleta station , the upper station of Teide , located at 3550m high.

Later, we will continue touring the natural park visiting Los Roques de García , with one of the most emblematic postcards of Tenerife. Finally we will start the journey back to your hotel in Santa Cruz de Tenerife .

  • Roundtrip transportation from Santa Cruz
  • Official English-speaking guide
  • Teide Cable Car ticket, optional

Not included

  • Teide Cable Car ticket, in the option tour without cable car

Price & Payment

Tour without cablecar, tour with cablecar, more information.

  • In the event that weather conditions impede the operation of the cable car, the price of the cable car return ticket shall be reimbursed and you will have free time in the National Park.
  • The duration of the excursion is indicative and may vary depending on the collection points provided.


  • The facilities at Teide Cable Car are not adapted to those with physical disabilities.
  • The rest of the excursion is accessible for people with reduced mobility.

Additional details

  • People with heart problems, pregnant women, and children under 2 are not allowed to ascend by Cable Car due to the risk that high altitude poses to their health.
  • You should be prepared for extremes in weather, both heat as well as cold, depending on the time of year in which you enjoy this Teide tour from Santa Cruz.


Starting point.

We will pick you up in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Please advise the address od the hotel when booking and we will confirm the closest hotel or place where we can pick you up. We will confirm the pick-up time by email in advance of departure.

  • Low prices guaranteed
  • Secure payment
  • Free! cancellation up to 24h

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i make a reservation, what are the payment methods, how to see the price and availability, customer reviews.


Best price guarantee

Nattivus guarantees you the best price available at the time of making your reservation. However, if you find a lower price offer in the same currency as the original purchase, for the same dates, conditions and characteristics of the booked activity, we will match the price, refunding you the difference. This reservation must be a minimum of € 20.

For this, it will be necessary to present a complete and final budget as proof, which includes all the concepts of the reservation: date, duration, currency, price, participants, modality, management expenses, etc., issued by another agency legally authorized to operate in Spain, the same day that you have made your reservation with Nattivus, from which any additional discount will be excluded for belonging to a specific group.

To request a refund, send a message to with your name and booking number along with a proof of the lower price. Refunds of the price difference will be processed in the same payment method used for the original reservation.


Nattivus complies with all security and protection of information measures to your payment details which are handled and treated safely, always encoded, and are not stored or shared with third parties for any other purpose than carrying out the transaction.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal and cash . Payment is 100% secure. We consider the following forms of payment, as indicated in the file for each activity:

Single payment: The payment of the total amount will be made at the time of booking . Cash payments are not accepted on the day of the visit.

Payment the day of the tour: A first payment of a percentage of the total will be required at the time of booking and the second payment of the remaining amount you will pay at the destination on the day of the activity, in cash or card, as indicated. Please note that only payments in local currency will be accepted (for example in Spain only EUROS will be accepted).

Payment in 2 installments: It will be necessary to pay a first payment of a percentage of the total amount when making the reservation. The second payment of the remaining amount must be made before the day of the activity, on the deadline indicated. In case of reaching this date and the pending amount has not been paid, the reservation will be cancelled and the amount paid initially will be refunded. Please note that this payment method is applied to reservations whose departure date is more than 30 days from the reservation date. For reservations whose departure date is within the following 30 days, 100% of the amount will be charged at the time of booking.


Free! cancellation up to 24 hours before the date of the activity with 100% refund / Less than 24 hours, late arrival or no show: no refund will be provided. If you need to cancel your booking, please, email us at [email protected].

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teide tour erfahrungen


  • Book the tour

Teide National Park Tour

Teide National Park is a unique place in Tenerife, Canary Islands. This is the highest peak in Spain ; its 3718-meter high turns it into the most-visited national park in the country and in Europe, with more than 4 million visitors every year .

Since 2007, it has also been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO , not only for being the highest point but also for its unique biodiversity and its richness in terms of landscape and ecology.

At the end of the day, these are the reasons why this exceptional park is the major source of tourist income for Tenerife. On the other hand, the trip itself is quite nice and very useful to appreciate the tranquility of the landscape and its surroundings. At the same time, and as you go higher, you get more and more familiar with the landscape and climate; you can also better appreciate the views or rock formations of El Llano de Ucanca, such as Roques de García . However, it is not to forget that Teide is a park that can also be affected by sudden climate changes, all year round, and it is necessary to be particularly cautious during winter months. Nevertheless, this is an excursion which is ideal for families.

Volcano trip’s details:

We can reach Teide National Park from the southern slope of the island, after a walk across the Canary Islands pine forest and the village of Vilaflor , the highest town in Spain. Then, we get to Cañadas del Teide with its huge 17-km diameter caldera. It is home to wonderful and diverse landscapes with on one side, a moon-like scenery, on the other, rock formations included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, and, at the back, the summit of Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain and third largest volcano in the world with its 3718-meter high . We then reach the base of the cable car; you can use it as an option to get to an altitude of 3500 meters. Be careful, at such high altitude, temperature can drop very low, so if you are planning to take a cable car ride, do not forget to bring warm clothes. After having admired the view over the whole Ucanca valley, we descend along the Southwestern slope, which boasts a very distinctive landscape and gives you a feeling of walking on the Moon …

The child rate is valid for 2 to 11 years. Free for babies.

Tour Reviews

' src=

I guess you don’t pick up in Santa Cruz?

' src=

There is pick up from the north: Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Ursula y Santa Cruz.

' src=

Los servicios de nuestra guía Míriam fueron excelentes. Muchas gracias

' src=

He viajado con esta compañía en una excursión al teide etc. Y me ha encantado el chofer muy profesional y muy amable de aquí le dejamos un saludo Sr.Manuel y también al señor Claus el guía turístico un encanto muchas gracias por todo y por el paseo magnífico. Bsss Aida y Andre .

' src=

No hay acceso desde el norte? Desde santa Cruz

Buenas tardes, hay posibilidad desde Puerto de la Cruz o desde el Sur. Tendreis que coger un bus para llegar a la zona de recogida. No duden en llamarnos para cualquier pregunta.

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The Vegan Travelers

taste the world.

Teide Wanderung auf eigene Faust (ohne Genehmigung)

Teide Wanderung auf eigene Faust (ohne Genehmigung)

Der Teide auf Teneriffa besitzt den höchsten Gipfel Spaniens. Um diesen zu besteigen, braucht es eigentliche eine Genehmigung, die oft jedoch schon Monate im Voraus ausgebucht ist. Wie ihr den Gipfel des Pico del Teide, wie der Vulkan mit ganzem Namen heißt, auch ohne Genehmigung zu Sonnenaufgang auf eigene Faust erwandern könnt, erfahrt ihr hier.

Weitere lohnenswerte Wanderungen auf Teneriffa:

Wandern auf Teneriffa: Die 5 schönsten Routen

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Entstehung und Legende des Teide Vulkans

Der Vulkan Pico del Teide: mit einer Höhe von 3718 Metern höchster Gipfel Spaniens

Er ragt weit über die Wolkendecke hinaus: Der Vulkan Pico del Teide auf Teneriffa wird meist einfach nur kurz Teide genannt und ist mit einer Gipfelhöhe von 3.718 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel der höchste Berg auf spanischem Staatsgebiet . Außerdem ist er Namensgeber des größten und ältesten Schutzgebiet dieser Art auf den Kanarischen Inseln : Der  Parque Nacional del Teide oder  Teide-Nationalpark wurde 1954 errichtet und 2007 zum UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe erklärt.

Es wird vermutet, dass der Vulkan, der hier einst in die Höhe ragte, viel größer war als der Teide, der sich heute in der Mitte der Caldera erhebt. Nach dem wahrscheinlich mehrphasigen Zusammenbruch des ehemaligen Vulkans bildeten sich im Laufe der Zeit an derselben Stelle neue Vulkane, darunter neben dem Pico del Teide der Pico Viejo und der Montaña Blanca . Der Pico-Viejo-Teide-Komplex ist ein Schichtvulkan , der sich durch die Anhäufung von Material aufeinanderfolgender Eruptionen bildete.

Vom Grund des Ozeans misst der Teide heute 7.500 Meter und ist damit nach den beiden hawaiianischen Vulkanen Mauna Ioa und Mauna Kea die dritthöchste und eine der größten Vulkanstrukturen der Welt . Kein Wunder, dass die meist schneebedeckte Spitze des Wahrzeichen Teneriffas bis zu den Nachbarinseln sichtbar ist.

Der Teide von der Nationalstraße TF-21 aus, die Spitze des Vulkans lässt sich kaum sehen

Seinen Namen erhielt der Vulkan übrigens von den Guanchen : Die Ureinwohner Teneriffas bezeichneten mit dem Begriff „Echeide“  den Berg, der als der Ort gesehen wurde, der die Kräfte des Bösen beherbergt, hauptsächlich die bösartige Figur von Guayota. Dennoch war der Teide für die Guanchen ein heiliger Berg .

Der Legende nach entführte Guayota , der Teufel,  Magec , den Gott des Lichts und der Sonne, sperrte ihn in den Vulkan ein und stürzte die Welt in die Dunkelheit. Die Guanchen baten ihren Obergott Achamán um Gnade, und so bekämpfte Achamán Guayota, befreite Magec von den Eingeweiden des Berges und stopfte den Krater mit Guayota. Man sagt, dass Guayota seitdem im Teide eingesperrt ist. Bei einem Ausbruch nach Teide war es üblich, dass die Guanchen Feuer anzündeten, um Guayota zu erschrecken. Guayota wird oft als schwarzer Hund dargestellt, begleitet von seinem Schwarm Dämonen, den Tibicenas.

Auch wenn es sich beim Teide um einen aktiven Vulkan handelt, ist eine Ausbruchgefahr in den nächsten Jahren äußerst gering . Er brach zuletzt im Jahr 1909 aus, was somit mehr als 100 Jahre zurückliegt. Außerdem wird der Pico del Teide mittels sensibler Sensoren auf einen möglichen Ausbruch genaustens überwacht.

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Genehmigung für die Besteigung des Teide

Panoramablick über den Vulkankessel Caldera de las Cañadas del Teide bis hin zum Teide

„Für die Gipfelbesteigung [auf den Teide] ist eine Genehmigung des Büros der Nationalparkverwaltung in Santa Cruz de Tenerife erforderlich, die persönlich oder online zu beantragen ist. Die Erlaubnis mit einem Zeitfenster von zwei Stunden wird kostenlos erteilt, falls die Bedingungen auf dem Gipfel eine Besteigung erlauben und das Kontingent für den entsprechenden Zeitraum noch nicht erschöpft ist. Keine Genehmigung benötigt, wer im  Refugio de Altavista  auf 3.270 Metern Höhe übernachtet (Anmeldung erforderlich) und den Gipfel vor neun Uhr besteigt.“

Das Problem, das viele Touristinnen und Touristen im Wanderurlaub auf Teneriffa dabei haben, ist, dass die kostenfreien Reservierungen meistens für mindestens zwei Monate im Voraus ausgebucht sind. Von den 200 Plätzen die es am Tag gibt, sind einige für offizielle Nationalpark-Guides reserviert. Eine Möglichkeit, um trotz ausgebuchter Teide-Genehmigung doch noch relativ spontan die Wanderung auf den Gipfel des Teide unternehmen zu können, sind daher geführte Wandertouren .

Teide-Besteigung ohne Genehmigung

Alternativ und sehr populär ist darüber hinaus der Aufstieg bei Nacht oder in den frühen Morgenstunden, sodass man etwa bei  Sonnenaufgang  – auf jeden Fall aber vor 9 Uhr – am Gipfel des Teide ankommt. Auf diese Weise bekommt man den Ausblick nicht nur bei Tag, sondern auch bei Nacht mit einem wunderschönen und unvergleichlichen Sternenhimmel zu sehen.

Übergang von Nacht zu Tag: links Sonnenaufgang, rechts der Mond

Die meisten Wanderer fahren dann mit der ersten Seilbahn zwischen 8 und 9 Uhr wieder hinunter. Wir sind die komplette Strecke vom Gipfel des Teide bis zum Wanderparkplatz wieder heruntergewandert . Wir hätten jedoch zuvor nicht gedacht, dass man durch die hohe Steigung und Rutschgefahr für den Abstieg noch einmal fast genauso lange wie für den Hinweg benötigt.

Die  Genehmigung für die Besteigung des Gipfels ist übrigens begrenzt und nur zu einer bestimmten Uhrzeit gültig. An jedem Tag stehen vier verschiedene Zeitfenster zur Verfügung, welches bei der Reservierung festgelegt werden muss: Jeweils von 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr, von 11:00 bis 13:00 Uhr, von 13:00 bis 15:00 Uhr sowie von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr. Das ist auch ungefähr die Uhrzeit, zu der die letzten Seilbahn wieder herab fährt. Mehr zu den Fahrzeiten der Teide-Seilbahn erfahrt ihr weiter unten.

Parkplatz und Anfahrt zur Teide-Wanderung

Nationalpark Parque Nacional del Teide

Der höchste Punkt , der auf Teneriffa mit dem Auto zu erreichen ist, befindet sich auf knapp 2.400 Höhenmeter . Zum Vergleich: Der Gipfel des Teide befindet sich in 3.718 Metern Höhe. Die Talstation der Teide-Seilbahn liegt auf 2.356 und die Bergstation auf 3.555 Höhenmeter.

teide tour erfahrungen

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Für den Weg solltet ihr euch am besten so viel Zeit wie möglich lassen. Schließlich führt er durch den wunderschönen Teide-Nationalpark und an zahlreichen phänomenalen Aussichtspunkten vorbei. Wenn es euch möglich ist, empfehlen wir euch daher, vor euer Wanderung eine Nacht im Hotel  Parador de Cañadas del Teide auf etwa 2.100 Metern mit Blick auf den Teide zu verbringen. Außerdem könnt ihr euch so auf der Höhe akklimatisieren , insbesondere wenn ihr vorher noch am Meer wart.

Bis nach ganz oben: Der Sendero 7 führt vom Montaña Blanca zum Pico del Teide, dem höchsten Gipfel Spaniens

Der Wanderparkplatz befindet sich direkt an der  Straße TF-21 und zwar etwas südöstlich vom Teide. Kommt ihr von Süden oder Westen , fahrt ihr zunächst am Parador (auf der rechten Seite) und dann an der Seilbahn-Station (auf der linken Seite) vorbei, bevor ihr etwa 2,5 Kilometer dahinter auf der linken Seite den Parkplatz erreicht. Kommt ihr hingegen von Norden oder Nordosten , seid ihr bei Erreichen der Seilbahn bereits zu weit gefahren. Den Parkplatz findet ihr kurz vorher auf der rechten Seite , circa 8,5 Kilometer nach der Kreuzung der TF-21 mit der TF-24.

Der Parkplatz bietet Platz für etwa 12 Autos . Wenn ihr zu einer beliebten Reise- und Wanderzeit unterwegs seid, lohnt es sich also, frühzeitig anzukommen . Einen offiziellen Ausweichparkplatz gibt es nämlich nicht.

Schwierigkeit der Teide-Besteigung

Für den Aufstieg zum Gipfel des Teide gibt es zwei Wanderwege : Einen etwas einfacheren über den Vulkan  Montaña Blanca und einen deutlich schwierigeren über den Pico Viejo . In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir euch die leichtere Route für die Teide-Besteigung.

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Noch etwas schwieriger, wenn auch weniger anstrengend als den Aufstieg zum Teide empfanden wir allerdings den Abstieg  zurück zum Parkplatz. Dieser ist nämlich recht steil und rutschig , was ihn zu einer echten Herausforderung nicht nur für die Knie, sondern auch zu einer wahren Konzentrationsübung macht. Dadurch beträgt die Dauer für den Abstieg vom Teide noch einmal rund 4 bis 5 Stunden .

Die Berghütte Refugio de Altavista auf 3260 Metern Höhe

Genau das ist auch der Grund, weshalb wir die Wanderung mit Kindern auf den Teide-Gipfel nicht empfehlen würden. Der steile Auf- und Abstieg sowie die lange Wanderdauer von insgesamt etwa 10 Stunden sind einfach nicht für jüngere Kinder geeignet. Ausnahmen gelten möglicherweise für ältere Kinder und Jugendliche, die im Bergsteigen bereits geübt sind. Kinder unter 3 Jahren dürfen übrigens nicht einmal mit der Seilbahn auf den Teide, da die hohe Höhenlage ein gesundheitliches Risiko für sie darstellt.

Wer sich nur eine Strecke zutraut, kann auch entweder den Aufstieg oder den Abstieg durch eine Fahrt mit der Teide-Seilbahn ersetzen. Dadurch wird die Wanderzeit etwa halbiert. Möchte man mit der Seilbahn auf den Teide hinauf fahren und wieder herab wandern, muss jedoch bedacht werden, dass in diesem Fall für den letzten Teil des Aufstiegs zum höchsten Punkt des Teide eine Genehmigung erforderlich ist.

Die letzten 600 Meter bzw. 170 Höhenmeter zum Gipfel des Teides: Hierfür braucht man eigentlich eine Genehmigung

Ebenso ist dies der Fall, wenn bei der Wanderung hinauf die Ankunft an der Bergstation der Seilbahn  La Rambleta  nach 9 Uhr erfolgt. Bei einer Kombination aus Wanderung und Seilbahn-Fahrt würden wir immer den Aufstieg zu Fuß und die Abfahrt mit der Seilbahn bevorzugen.

Achtung : Abfahrtstickets (auch mit Online-Reservierung) müssen im Vorhinein an der Talstation der Seilbahn abgeholt werden!

Was ist die Höhenkrankheit und wie lässt sie sich vermeiden?

teide tour erfahrungen

Während erste Anzeichen der Höhenkrankheit bereits ab 2.500 Metern auftreten können, werden sie normalerweise in noch größeren Höhen ausgeprägter. Die Symptome der Höhenkrankheit können von Person zu Person variieren und umfassen typischerweise Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Müdigkeit, Schwindel, Schlafstörungen, Appetitlosigkeit und Benommenheit. In schweren Fällen kann die Höhenkrankheit zu ernsthaften Komplikationen wie Höhenlungenödem oder Höhenhirnödem führen, die lebensbedrohlich sein können.

Um die Höhenkrankheit zu vermeiden oder abzumildern, solltest du bestimmte Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergreifen:

  • Langsame Akklimatisation : Der wichtigste Schutz vor der Höhenkrankheit ist, sich langsam an die Höhe zu gewöhnen. Das bedeutet, dass du nicht zu schnell in große Höhen aufsteigen solltest. Es wird empfohlen, sich allmählich höher zu bewegen, um deinem Körper Zeit zur Anpassung zu geben. Dies kann bedeuten, dass du einige Tage in einer mittleren Höhe verbringst, bevor du weiter aufsteigst.
  • Ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr : Trinke ausreichend Wasser, um eine Dehydration zu verhindern, da dies die Symptome der Höhenkrankheit verschlimmern kann.
  • Vermeidung von Alkohol und Tabak : Alkohol und Tabak können die Symptome der Höhenkrankheit verstärken und sollten daher vermieden werden.
  • Medikamente : In einigen Fällen können Medikamente wie Acetazolamid unter ärztlicher Aufsicht helfen, die Symptome zu mildern und die Akklimatisation zu unterstützen.
  • Sofortige Maßnahmen bei Symptomen : Wenn Symptome der Höhenkrankheit auftreten, solltest du nicht weiter aufsteigen und stattdessen auf eine niedrigere Höhe absteigen. Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Symptome zu lindern und Komplikationen zu vermeiden.

Wanderung über den Montaña Blanca zum Teide-Gipfel

Genug zu allen Vorbereitungen, Fragen und Informationen rund um die Teide-Besteigung, kommen wir nun endlich zu der Route, die uns ganz nach oben führt. Wir starten mit der Teide-Wanderung um circa 2 Uhr nachts wie gesagt am  Montaña-Blanca-Parkplatz auf etwa 2350 Höhenmetern. Bis nach ganz oben zum Gipfel auf 3.718 Metern sind also fast 1400 Höhenmeter zurückzulegen.

teide tour erfahrungen

An der Weggabelung am Fuße des Teide folgt ihr dem steilen Weg zur Berghütte Refugio Altavista . Ein gutes Stück weiter könnt ihr vom Sendero 7 kurz auf den Sendero 11 zum Aussichtspunkt Mirador de La Fortaleza wechseln, welcher nur einen Mini-Abstecher von weniger als 100 Metern entfernt ist.

Etwa ab dort ist der Weg grob mit Lavagestein gepflastert und führt zur  Bergstation der Teide-Seilbahn La Rambleta  und dem Aussichtspunkt  Mirador de Rambleta . Hier endet der Sendero 7 und geht in den Sendero 10  über, welcher über einen schmalen Pfad steil bergauf zum Gipfel des Pico del Teide führt.

Sendero 11 zum Aussichtspunkt Mirador de La Fortaleza

Für diese letzten 600 Meter bzw. 170 Höhenmeter  zum Teide-Gipfel benötigten wir etwa 20 bis 30 Minuten. Und genau für diesen letzten Abschnitt, wo sich die Wanderwege 7 und 10 an der Seilbahnstation treffen, wird spätestens ab 9 Uhr die Genehmigung für den Teide-Gipfel gefordert. Es sei denn, man ist vor 9 Uhr an der Absperrung . Am besten passiert ihr diese Stelle also deutlich früher.

Oben angekommen, konnten wir den Übergang von Nacht zu Tag und den Sonnenaufgang betrachten, bevor wir uns wieder an den Abstieg machten. Die dort vorherrschende Kälte lässt sich übrigens gut an den Öffnungen nahe des Kraters aushalten, aus denen warmer Schwefel und andere vulkanische Gasaushauchungen , auch  Fumarolen genannt, austreten. An schönen Tagen bieten sich traumhafte Panoramablicke über Teneriffa und die Nachbarinseln.

Auf dem höchsten Gipfel Spaniens kurz vor Sonnenaufgang: Hier kann es schon mal voll werden

Alternative: Per Seilbahn auf den Teide

Alternativ gelangt man auch per Seilbahn zumindest in die Nähe des beeindruckenden Gipfels. Die Teide-Seilbahn ist von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr geöffnet, wobei die letzte Auffahrt um 16:00 Uhr und die letzte Abfahrt um 16:50 Uhr erfolgt. In den Sommermonaten Juli, August und September gilt eine verlängerte Öffnungszeit bis 19 Uhr . Die Fahrt mit der Teide-Seilbahn dauert etwa 8 bis 10 Minuten und erfolgt im 10-Minuten-Takt. Der Aufenthalt auf Höhe der Bergstation ist auf maximal eine Stunde begrenzt.

teide tour erfahrungen

Die ersten Auffahrten des Tages sind besonders beliebt: Hierfür lohnt es sich, sich frühzeitig um die Ticket-Reservierung der Teide-Seilbahn zu kümmern. An der Basisstation  Teleférico del Teide gibt es einen großen Parkplatz , der jedoch bereits ab mittags voll sein kann. Alternativ gelangt man auch mit dem Bus zur Teide-Seilbahn : von Costa Adeje mit der Linie 342 und von Puerto de la Cruz mit der Linie 348.

Talstation der Teide-Seilbahn: Teleférico del Teide

Mit Genehmigung

Die Teide-Seilbahn bringt einen von der Talstation  Teleférico del Teide  auf einer Höhe von 2.356 Metern Höhe zur Bergstation  La Rambleta  auf  3.555 Metern Höhe . Zum Gipfel des Teide auf 3.718 Metern fehlen also noch genau 163 Höhenmeter. Für diesen letzten Anstieg (Sendero 10) muss man sich wie bereits beschrieben im Vorfeld um eine Online-Genehmigung kümmern. Zu beachten ist eine zeitliche Abstimmung der Seilbahntickets mit dem Zeitfenster der Gipfel-Genehmigung.

Ohne Genehmigung

Wer sich nicht frühzeitig genug um die kostenlose Genehmigung für den Aufstieg zum Gipfel des Teide bemüht hat, kann stattdessen auch eine alternative Wanderung unternehmen .

Frei zugänglich sind zum Beispiel die Wanderwege Sendero 11 zum Aussichtspunkt Mirador de la Fortaleza mit Ausblick über den Teide-Nationalpark auf den Norden Teneriffas und der Sendero 12 zum Aussichtspunkt Mirador de Pico Viejo mit Ausblick auf den 800 Meter großen Vulkankrater des Pico Viejo und Panoramablick über den Süden Teneriffas sowie zu den Nachbarinseln La Gomera und La Palma . Beide Wege dauern etwa eine halbe Stunde pro Strecke und werden vom Teide-Nationalpark als „leicht“ gekennzeichnet.

Übrigens: In der  Talstation  Teleférico del Teide  der Teide-Seilbahn gibt es in der Cafeteria ein vegan deklariertes  Tofu-Baguette , sowie pflanzliche Milch für Kaffeespezialitäten.

Tofu-Baguette in der Cafeteria der Teide-Seilbahn

Beste Zeit für einen Teide-Besuch

Eine Besteigung des Teide ist theoretisch ganzjährig möglich. Allerdings muss in den Wintermonaten mit einem erhöhten Schneevorkommen auf dem Gipfel des Teide gerechnet werden. Die Spitze des Vulkans ist zwar fast das gesamte Jahr über mit Schnee bedeckt. In den Sommermonaten liegt jedoch so gut wie gar keiner bis wesentlich weniger Schnee als im Winter. Bei der Kleidungs- und Ausrüstungswahl sollte dies sowie die Temperaturen auf dem Berggipfel mit einberechnet werden.

Um mit der  Seilbahn auf den Teide zu fahren, ist die beste Zeit montags, freitags und samstags zwischen 12 und 16 Uhr . Zu dieser Zeit ist es zwar am leersten, dennoch kann es auch dann zu längeren Warteschlangen kommen.

Der Vulkan Teide gilt übrigens als nicht erloschen . Aus dem Inneren des Berges steigen an verschiedenen Stellen schwefelhaltige Dämpfe hervor. Ein Ausbruch in naher Zukunft ist jedoch laut Geologen nicht zu erwarten . Und falls doch: Der Vulkan wird heute mittels empfindlicher ferngesteuerter Sensoren überwacht. Ihr möchtet mehr über Teneriffa wissen? Hier kommt ihr zu unserem Teneriffa-Rundreise-Artikel und unserem Video von Teneriffa . Und hier findet ihr weitere Wanderrouten auf Teneriffa :

Mehr über die kanarischen inseln.

Die 7 Kanarischen Inseln: Welche ist die schönste? [+Karte]
Teneriffa-Rundreise mit dem Auto: Route, Hotels & Restaurants
Fuerteventura-Roadtrip: Route für 1 bis 14 Tage [+Karte]
Sehenswürdigkeiten auf Lanzarote: Geheimtipps und Karte
Urlaub auf Lanzarote: Wo ist es am schönsten? [+Karte]
Rundreise auf La Gomera mit dem Auto: Karte und Tipps
Vegan auf La Palma: Restaurants und Sehenswürdigkeiten

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Lanzarote Sehenswürdigkeiten: Manriques Kunst und Natur

6 Antworten auf „Teide Wanderung auf eigene Faust (ohne Genehmigung)“

Hey Vegan Travelers, richtig cooler Beitrag! Wir sitzen gerade in Punta del Hidalgo beim Abendessen und planen unseren Ausstieg (leider ohne Genehmigung). Wir haben eine Frage, die uns unter den Nägeln brennt, vielleicht könnt ihr uns diese beantworten. Wenn wir nun ohne Genehmigung aufsteigen und versuchen deutlich vor 9 Uhr den Gipfel zu erreichen und ihn dann vor 9 Uhr wieder verlassen, wäre es dann möglich, falls wir uns den Abstieg nicht mehr zutrauen ohne Genehmigung mit der Seilbahn herunterzufahren? Oder bräuchte man für die Fahrt runter auch eine Genehmigung? Ganz liebe Grüße Pia & Felix

Hey Pia und Felix, Dankeschön, das freut uns 🙂 Die Seilbahn könnt ihr auch ohne Genehmigung runterfahren, nur müsst ihr derzeit das Ticket vorab online buchen und – ganz wichtig – vorher in der Talstation der Seilbahn abholen! Dadurch ist es momentan leider nicht möglich, sich spontan für die Abfahrt zu entscheiden und ein Ticket zu kaufen. In eurem Fall müsstet ihr euch also mindestens einen Tag vorher entscheiden und gegebenenfalls das Ticket für die Abfahrt abholen. So haben wir es zumindest gelesen. Gebt uns gerne ein Update, falls es vor Ort doch anders gehandhabt wird. Liebe Grüße und gute Wanderung, Chantel | The Vegan Travelers

Hi, vielen Dank für euren Bericht. Wir haben uns dadurch inspirieren lassen und sind auch Nachts auf den Teide hinauf, den Sonnenaufgang genossen und mit der ersten Seilbahn wieder hinunter. Das Seilbahnticket kann man nun ohne Abholung einfach online kaufen und muss nur vorgezeigt werden. Kann auch spontan direkt am Gipfel gekaufen werden, falls man vielleicht doch den Weg nicht mehr nach unten schafft. Dies wurde also vereinfacht 🙂 die Hütte hat leider immer noch zu. Trotzdem war es ein einmaliges Erlebnis und vielen Dank an euren tollen Bericht.

Hallo Claudia, wir wollen in einer Woche, vom 1. auf den 2. Mai, auch nachts den Teide besteigen und zum Sonnenaufgang da sein. Der Sonnenaufgang ist laut Vorhersage ja bereits um ca. 7:20, die erste Seilbahn runter fährt jedoch erst um 9 Uhr. Bei den kalten Temperaturen 1:30 Std auszuharren, stelle ich mir ziemlich ungemütlich vor. Wie habt ihr es denn gemacht und habt ihr vielleicht Tipps? Ach ja, wie lange habt ihr denn für den gesamten Weg vom Parkplatz bis zum Gipfel gebraucht? LG, Henning

Hallo Claudia, herzlichen Glückwunsch zur erfolgreichen Besteigung! Wir wollen ebenfalls vom 1. auf den 2. Mai nachts den Teide besteigen. Laut Wetterdienst ist der Sonnenaufgang ja schon um ca. 7:20 und die erste Seilbahn fährt erst um 9 Uhr runter. Bei den niedrigen Temperaturen am Gipfel stelle es mir ziemlich ungemütlich vor, 1,5 Stunden in der Kälte auszuharren. Wie habt ihr es denn erlebt und habt ihr vielleicht noch irgendwelche Tipps? Außerdem würde es mich interessieren, wie lange ihr für den kompletten Aufstieg vom Parkplatz bis zum Gipfel gebraucht habt und wie fit/wandererprobt ihr so seid? LG, Henning

Wirklich ein toller Blogartikel! Wir haben den Teide ebenfalls in der Nacht bestiegen (Mitte Juli), jedoch waren 5 Liter Flüssigkeit fast zu wenig. Würde mindestens 7-8 mitnehmen.

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  • Teide Visitors’ Centre

Audio-guided tour and Teide Legend exhibition

Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre

Visit the Teide Visitors’ Centre, and live the Teide Legend experience —the ideal option on Mount Teide if the cable car is closed on the day of your visit, or if you don’t plan to travel on it even if it is open.


Teide Legend Experience

Official shop, dining service, opening times, other visitors’ centres on mount teide, other interesting activities.

A visit to the Teide National Park , one of the most visited National Parks in Europe , is something unique that you should experience at least once in your life. And this not-to-be-missed visit should include a stop at the Teide Cable Car Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre , a place well equipped to offer visitors a leisure and cultural experience with a difference in a facility that comprises an exhibition hall, café, shop and sanitary area, and which embraces both legend and volcanological science, along with entertainment and gastronomy, in a setting worthy of a film

Couple reading an information panel at the Teide Legend exhibition

Located at the base station of the famous Teide Cable Car in Tenerife (Canary Islands), this Visitors’ Centre in the Teide National Park is an attraction in itself, and the perfect place to visit on days when the cable car is not available to take you high up. Here, you can enjoy the “Science and Legend” exhibition , an exciting adventure that tells the Guanche legend about the volcano and its last great eruption about 1,000 years ago, and contrasts it with the modern, scientific perspective on the eruption.

The exhibition draws on scientific advice and support from the Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueología (MUNA) , from Tenerife’s Island Council, and from the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (Involcan) , an organisation attached to the Canary Islands Government.

Exhibition Science and Legend at Teide Cable Car Visitors’ Centre

At the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre in the Teide National Park you will find (in addition to the “Science and Legend” exhibition) an official shop where you can buy a nice souvenir of your visit, along with fantastic Teide Legend merchandise; this includes the outstanding “Volcano Teide Legend” comic , illustrated by one of the Canary Islands’ most internationally famous graphic artists, and with a script and articles by one of the Islands’ most prominent cultural heritage experts.

Volcano Teide Legend Comic

At the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre, you will also find a welcoming café-restaurant with panoramic views of the Teide National Park, where you can enjoy a delicious snack.

The Teide Visitors’ Centre is an essential element of your visit to the volcano that dominates the island of Tenerife, as it offers a range of services and activities that go far beyond a mere trip to the summit of the volcano.

A legendary experience awaits you on your visit to the Teide National Park, a unique experience just for you and yours that you can enjoy at your own pace.

Teide Legend Tour

The Teide Legend Tour is a comprehensive,  audio-guided tour, available for both Android and Apple devices, that will accompany you from the moment you leave your accommodation, as   you drive up the volcano in your own car  until you reach the cable car base station, travelling along any of the main access roads.

Exhibition and audio-guided visit of the National Park with Teide Legend

As soon as you set out from your holiday accommodation, you can start listening to detailed information about the natural and cultural heritage of the Teide National Park and its main points of interest, including the most spectacular viewing points and paths.

As you drive up Mount Teide, the audio-guided tour will tell you about the extraordinary biodiversity of the Teide National Park , and you will meet the characters of the epic tale of the eruption that occurred about 1,000 years ago at the summit of Mount Teide, when the volcano began to emit a thundering roar while streams of lava completely transformed the area and the mountain that was worshipped by the entire population. Gods and humans alike await you at the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre, where you can enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition.

The “Science and Legend” exhibition (included in your Teide Legend Tour ticket), which you will find at the Teide Cable Car Visitors’ Centre , is a fascinating experience for the whole family, as it presents the scientific interpretation of the eruption juxtaposed with the Guanche legend of Guayota and Achamán.

But the fun doesn’t end there! Round off your visit by calling into the Visitors’ Centre café, where you can enjoy a snack while you admire the fabulous views from the café’s large windows. A special finishing touch to a 1.5-hour tour between lava and sky.

And remember, you only need one Teide Legend Tour ticket per vehicle, because one ticket for the audio-guided tour will admit the ticket holder and the rest of their group to the “Science and Legend” exhibition.

Would you like to take away a very special memento for yourself, or to give a little piece of the Teide Legend as a gift to someone you love? Then call into our official shop, and get the comic that tells the Guanche legend of the Teide volcano, and a range of other merchandising items including mugs, bracelets, t-shirts and more.

Exhibition and audio-guided visit Teide Legend

Teide Legend Exhibition

As part of your Teide Legend Exhibition experience, you can visit the “Science and Legend” exhibition at the Teide Cable Car Visitors’ Centre, where you can enjoy a thrilling story of volcanology, history and anthropology which does not ignore the principal legend surrounding this majestic volcano: the legend of Guayota, the demon of Mount Teide. And all this takes place in a setting inspired by a lava tube.

The permanent “Science and Legend” exhibition at the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre explains how the island’s first inhabitants, the Guanches, used the resources provided by the Teide volcano. It includes a replica of a Guanche mummy as well as re-enacts the eruption that formed the peak of Mount Teide a thousand years ago.

Using visual displays, video reproductions and a short film, the scientifically verified data about the eruption is shown alongside the legend about the formation of the peak that we now know as the summit of Mount Teide.

You will meet the characters of the epic tale of the eruption that occurred about 1,000 years ago at the summit of Mount Teide, when the volcano began to emit a thundering roar while streams of lava completely transformed the area and the mountain that was worshipped by the entire population.

The exhibition’s star characters include the young Guanche Tassat, the sun goddess Magec, the demon Guayota, the wizard Guañameñe, and the guardian and protector of the Guanches, Achamán.

The characters of the Teide Legend: Achamán, Tassat, Guayota and Magec

In an educational and entertaining experience , the gods and the Guanches both put forward their version of the events that resulted in the last great eruption of Mount Teide a thousand years ago, in contrast to the scientific explanation of the various stages of the eruption.

The whole is related and explained on the basis of rigorous data, to add solid knowledge to the magic of the mythical battle between good and evil that marked one of the most important moments in the history of the Canary Archipelago.

Admission to the exhibition is free for children up to the age of 13, and you can also book combined tickets to reserve your copy of the comic in advance, and/or a reviving snack package in the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre café-restaurant. So what are you waiting for?

Don’t forget: if you are planning to use the cable car, entry to the exhibition is included free with your tickets, so you won’t need to book Teide Legend Exhibition tickets as well.

Once you have discovered all the secrets of the volcano, you will find the Teide Visitors’ Centre official shop at the exit of the “Science and Legend” exhibition.

This is a place that those who love souvenirs won’t want to miss, where you can find exclusive items related to the legend of the volcano.

Teide Cable Car Visitors’ Centre official shop

Located at the exit of the exhibition hall, just before the café-restaurant, this shop offers a wide selection of items inspired by the legend of Guayota , along with other interesting items related to Mount Teide and for hiking enthusiasts.

There is a plethora of mugs, caps, magnets, bracelets and the full-colour “Volcano Teide Legend” Comic, which tells the gripping story of Mount Teide’s last great eruption from the point of view of the legend, as well as books, decorative objects and clothing.

Whether you need to give someone a gift, or buy something to keep for yourself as a memento of your visit, you will find it at the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre’s official shop.

Teide Legend: audio-guided visit of Mt Teide and “Science and Legend” exhibition

Before you leave the Teide Cable Car Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre in the National Park, we strongly recommend you stop off at the café-restaurant, situated right at the exit of the official shop.

It’s the perfect way to round off your visit to the volcano.

Here you can fill up on anything from mouthwatering dishes prepared with local products to a delicious roll , and a soft drink or a coffee while you enjoy the amazing, panoramic views of the Teide National Park. The perfect spot to relax and recharge your batteries after your visit to the exhibition.

View the menu now

Get ready to savour the island in Spain’s highest restaurant .

Apart from Christmas Day, the Teide Cable Car Visitors’ Centre is open every day of the year—including the days when the cable car is not operational due to weather conditions.

The Teide National Park Visitors’ Centre’s opening hours are the same as those of the Cable Car facilities, and can vary depending on seasons and holidays. So we recommend you check the regularly updated opening hours here .

Teide Legend experience to live the legend of Mount Teide

The Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre is located at the same site as the Teide Cable Car base station, at km 43 of the TF-21. It opens regardless of whether the cable car is operational or not .

So we encourage everyone visiting the Teide National Park to call into the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre to enjoy a legendary experience and a snack in Spain’s highest restaurant .

If you’re travelling by car , you can easily reach this Visitors’ Centre on Mount Teide from different parts of the island of Tenerife , as the road connections are excellent. You also have the option of making the trip on public transport. For further information, view the article on how to get to Mount Teide on public transport .

And if you’d prefer to visit Mount Teide and the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre on an organised excursion, you can always book a Teide Tour , available every day (with or without the cable car option) with pick-up points in various parts of the island. The excursion also includes free admission to the “Science and Legend” exhibition at the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre .

teide tour erfahrungen

Access to the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre shop and café is free , apart from admission to the “Science and Legend” exhibition (which is free for children under the age of 13). And you can exchange the cost of your adult ticket for a discount in the official shop or the café-restaurant.

You can check the cost of admission to the exhibition and the different combined packages with the shop or café, and buy Teide Legend tickets here .

Before or after your visit to the Teide Cable Car Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre, don’t forget to stop off at these other important Visitors’ Centres that are certain to enrich your trip to the National Park:

  • The Cañada Blanca Visitors’ Centre
  • The El Portillo Visitors’ Centre
  • The Telesforo Bravo Visitors’ Centre
  • Everything you need to know if you want to visit Mount Teide with the cable car : Obtain detailed information on how to visit Mount Teide and use the cable car.
  • What to do if the Teide Cable Car is closed : Find out what your options are if the cable car is not operational.
  • How to climb Mount Teide without a permit? : Find out how to enjoy Mount Teide if you haven’t managed to obtain your permit to access the crater in time for your visit.
  • Teide Legend Exhibition Experience : Find out about the Guanche legend of the volcano and visit the Teide Legend Visitors’ Centre.
  • Teide Legend Tour Experience : Explore the Teide National Park independently with the comprehensive audio-guided tour available for Android and Apple devices, and visit the “Science and Legend” exhibition in our Mount Teide Visitors’ Centre.
  • How to visit Mount Teide? : All you need to know in preparation for your visit to Mount Teide.

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What to see in La Orotava

Things to do in Puerto de la Cruz

What to see in Tenerife in four days

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Logo of the Teide Legend experience by Volcano Teide with an exhibition and an audio-guided tour.

For a sustainable Teide

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A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

teide tour erfahrungen

Trans-Siberian heritage

Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans the breadth of Russia. The railway is such a part of Novosibirsk identity that it is even depicted on the city’s emblem, along with the bridge that crosses the Ob river and two Siberian sables standing on their hind legs.  

In the city, there are as many as five monuments to trains, and an open-air locomotive museum is located in the vicinity of the train station Seyatel’. The museum has more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. Wondering around the stationary trains and comparing your height with the diameter of the gigantic iron wheels of the first steam locomotives is all very well, but why not climb inside the carriages and see how the nobility once traveled across Russia in pre-revolutionary times? These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. 

Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth century, the border of two different timezones passed right through the city which led to a strange situation- morning on the east bank started one hour earlier than on the west bank! The two-kilometer covered metro bridge that crosses the river is considered the longest in the world. Due to the fluctuations in temperature across the year (on average +30 °C to -30 °C), during the summer the metro bridge expands, and in the winter it contracts by half a meter. To counter these effects, the bridge’s supports are equipped with special rollers that allow it to move.   

The cultural center of Siberia

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The repertoire of the theatre can be viewed on its official website . The theatre season runs from September to July, and comprises mainly classical performances, like the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” and Verdi’s “La Traviata”.  

The large Siberian sea and ligers

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Weekends are best spent at the Novosibirsk zoo . The zoo is known for breeding big cats, although surrounded by controversy, hosts a successful crossing of a tiger and lion, which of course would not otherwise breed in wildlife. Ligers, or exotic cubs of an African lion and Bengal tigress, feel quite comfortable in the Siberian climate and even produce offspring. The zoo is open to visitors year-round, seven days a week, and even has its own free mobile app, Zoo Nsk .

Every year at the beginning of January, the festival of snow culture takes place bringing together artists from across Russia and around the world to participate in a snow sculpting competition. The tradition started in 2000 inspired by the snow festival in Sapporo, Novosibirsk’s twin-city.

Siberian Silicon Valley

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Despite the fact that Akademgorodok was built half a century ago in the middle of the uninhabited Siberian taiga, architecturally it was ahead of its time. No trees were destroyed for its construction, and houses were built right in the middle of the forest. A man walking through the woods would seemingly stumble upon these structures. At that time, no one had built anything similar in the world and ecovillages only became fashionable much later.

For residents of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a different world. When you step out the bus or car, you are immediately on one of the hiking paths through the forest, between the scientific buildings and clubs. On a walk through Akademgorodok, it is possible to unexpectedly encounter art-like objects handmade by residents of the city which have been erected as monuments and some monuments fixed up by city authorities. For example, the monument to the laboratory mice, which knits a strand of DNA on to some needles, can be found in the square alongside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. In Akademgorodok there are many cafes and restaurants, in which it is possible to rest after a long walk. Grab a coffee and go to eat at Traveler’s Coffee , or eat lunch at the grille and bar People’s or Clover .

Winters in the Akademgorodok are slightly colder than in the city, so wrap up. Spring and summer are usually wetter, so waterproof boots are recommended. In the summer the Ob sea provides respite from the heat, so do not forget your swimsuit to go for a dip.

Memento Mori

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Among the exhibits of the museum is one dedicated to world funeral culture — hearses, memorial jewellery from the hair of the deceased, samples from a specific photo-genre of  "post mortem", a collection of funeral wear from the Victorian era, deathmasks, statues and monuments. There’s also an impressive collection of coffins. One of them, resembling a fish, was manufactured on a special visit to Novosibirsk by a designer coffin-maker from Africa, Eric Adjetey Anang, who specializes in the production of unusual coffins.

Surprisingly, the crematorium itself does not look at all gloomy in appearance and definitely does not look like infernal scenes from movies, or like crematoriums of other cities that gravitate towards gloomy temple aesthetics. The Novosibirsk crematorium is decorated in “cheerful” orange tones and is surrounded by a park with a children’s playground nearby. A visit to the museum then leaves you with mixed feelings. 

Novosibirsk underground

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Tourists from all over the world go down into the Moscow metro to take a ride and a few selfies in the most famous underground museum. The Novosibirsk metro is also quite a museum in itself — it has 13 stations, the most beautiful of which is Gagarinskaya, Sibirskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal.

The ultramodern Gagarinskaya station is like a real cosmos underground. Its technologically themed design includes marble walls with metallic elements, dark blue backlighting and portraits of Yuri Gagarin. The Sibirskaya station looks like an underground treasure trove, decorated by Altai masters craftsmen with mosaics of precious Siberian stones. The Rechnoy Vokzal station is framed with ten glowing stained glass windows depicting the largest cities of Siberia, including Novosibirsk itself, Omsk, Barnaul and others. The platform resembles a big ship sailing on the Ob, from which ancient Siberian cities are visible through its windows.  

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Novosibirsk is by plane with Aeroflot or Novosibirsk airline S7 with one-way tickets from Moscow costing from 200-250 USD. If you decide to take from the train from Moscow, you’ll have to travel approximately a third of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That’s 3,300 kilometers over almost a three-day journey. 

Where to stay

There are many great hotels in Novosibirsk. Amongst the best include a four-star Doubletree hotel by Hilton , which is located near Lenin Square (per room from $200). After renovations and repairs, the congress-hotel Novosibirsk has improved (per room from $100) and is located across from the train station. Less expensive but of a similar standard is the four-star River Park hotel near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, which costs $80 per night.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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    These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth ...

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