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How to Stay Connected to Your College Freshman

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One of the most difficult things for parents sending their kids off to college is losing (and missing) that day-to-day interaction they have with their kids. So, unless your child has attended boarding school, expect the transition from high school to college to feel like a giant step.

Not only will your child no longer be living under your roof any longer, but it also can be very challenging losing that daily connection you were so used to. For most parents, the challenge then becomes balancing the goal of being there for their child while not being intrusive.

Empty Nest Syndrome

When your teen moves on to college , this represents a significant step toward adulthood. In fact, many parents see this transition as a symbolic end of childhood. As a result, it can be an emotional and challenging time. And even though you are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for your future college student, you also may experience a sense of loss, too. Here are some of the things you might experience or feel.

Experiencing a Void

It is normal to experience a feeling of emptiness . After all, your teen's room is cleaned out and, in some cases, almost empty. There also is one less voice in the home that can often make it seem like the house is way too quiet.

It is not uncommon to feel unprepared for this emptiness or void you suddenly feel in your life. Even though you have diligently parented and prepared your child for this moment, there also is some longing mixed in with the joy as your young adult leaves the nest for the first time.

Remember, adjusting to your teen being gone will take some getting used to. And while your first reaction may be to call and text every day, you need to avoid doing that.

Feeling Excluded

Realizing that you are no longer privy to every aspect of your teen's life often leaves many parents feeling unneeded and left out. Not only do they no longer know the details of their child's whereabouts and activities, but their teen's life also is filled with people they do not know.

As a result, it is not uncommon for parents to feel like they are no longer in the loop and have somehow been pushed to the outside of their teen's circle.

Losing Control

After dropping their child off on campus , parents are faced with the fact that they no longer have a say in where they go, who they hang out with, and how they spend their time. This fact is often a hard pill for parents to swallow. Although they will still be offering their advice and suggestions, it is now up to their child to make the final decisions about what courses they will take, how much time they will spend studying, whether or not they will drink, and who they will hang out with. 

How to Cope

Transitioning from the day-to-day relationship you had while your child was living at home to being away at college can be challenging. Every day, you have to decide whether to initiate communication or wait for them to contact you. This is why it is best to establish some ground rules for communication that you both agree on before you drop your student off at college. Here are some ideas on how to cope with the changes you are experiencing:

  • Accept that your  job as a parent has changed : Ideally, you will not only begin to view your child as a young adult but communicate with them as one as well. College freshmen always need their parents, but the relationship will change. You also need to accept the fact that they will want more privacy in certain areas of their life. 
  • Remind them of your family's values on issues such as sex, drinking, cybersafety, and drugs before they head off to college. Ideally, you have been sharing these tips throughout their life, and you are simply reminding them of where you stand. If you refrain from preaching or criticizing when having important conversations , your young adult will benefit from hearing your views.
  • Redirect your time and energy when you are tempted to pick up the phone and call your college freshman. One way to do this is to think about interests, hobbies or other creative outlets that have been neglected while focusing your time and energy on raising your kids. 
  • Trust your student to problem-solve rather than rushing in to fix things for them. Remember, when your teen describes a crisis, it is going to sound much worse when you are miles apart. Just trust your gut in those situations. After all, you know your child best. If you feel like they are in trouble or need your help in a situation, do not be afraid to help, especially if you think they are struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue.
  • Embrace your role as a guide rather than as a decision-maker : You especially need to be sensitive to how you communicate educational goals and expectations, being careful not to force your student down a career path that they have no interest in. College students need the freedom to pursue their own interests. Never force your college student to follow your dreams. This is a time of self-discovery for your college student. Allow the process to unfold naturally without you dictating the path.
  • Establish your expectations before drop-off day : Make sure you are direct and to-the-point. For instance, if you want a weekly phone call, then be sure you say so. And, if you expect your student to come home during breaks instead of traveling with friends, establish that upfront. By communicating your expectations ahead of time, there will be less opportunity for disagreements.
  • Be patient with mistakes : Remember, you want to encourage and accept your student's ability to make independent decisions. But you also need to realize that they also might not be the best choices. If you realize that mistakes will happen along the way, there will be much less pressure to be perfect or meet certain standards. Remind yourself and your college freshman that making mistakes is part of life. Remember, learning from mistakes are important life lessons.

How to Stay Connected

Your parent-teen relationship will definitely go through some changes. But, if handled appropriately, the changes will result in an independent, responsible adult in the end. In the meantime, here are some ways in which parents can stay connected to their kids without infringing upon their child's space:

Negotiate How Often You Will Communicate

Before your teen heads off to college, it is important that you decide together how often you will communicate and with what method. Most parents opt for once-a-week communication with their new college student and more if the student feels they need to talk.

The goal is to allow your teen the freedom to communicate with you when they feel they need too, but also allow you the comfort and security of knowing you have a time set when you can connect with them. By establishing these guidelines ahead of time, you will be less tempted to call your college freshman every day. Additionally, your teen will realize that it is still important to check in with you on a regular basis.

Be Open to More Than Just Phone Calls

Some parents of college students enjoy using FaceTime or Skype to communicate with their college freshmen instead of a phone call. This way, they can see their teen's face complete with messy hair, rolling eyes, and goofy smiles. Just try not to nag or make negative comments if their appearance catches you off guard. Instead, just enjoy the time you have to share stories with one another.

Keep in mind, your college freshman will need to be considerate of their roommates. They also may feel embarrassed or be more reluctant to share if they feel like they have an audience. So, do not get disappointed if you do not get a lot of detailed information.

Texting Is Great for Quick Contact

Many parents have found that texting their student a quick question, sending a cute picture of the family pet, or uploading a quick video clip are great ways to let their college student know that they may be away at school but they still are an important part of the family.

The other great thing about texting is that it allows the teen some control over the communication. Not only are they not required to respond right away, but they also can ignore the text if they are in class or studying.

Send Love From Home

Every college kid loves to get packages and real mail. Whether you send their favorite treat with a note, a heartfelt letter, a cool notebook or an elaborate care package , your college student will greatly appreciate it. Plus, it may really brighten a stressful day.

Some parents even take time to bake their favorite treats and send them in a care package once a month. Just remember, if you plan to send food, you might want to wrap things individually, as it is common for students to share the wealth with their roommates and others.

Be Creative With Your Communication

Some parents have set up a private Facebook group where they share everything from photos and announcements to videos and inside jokes. It is a great place to keep all the personal family information in one place. And if your college student is missing home , they can always go to that page and scroll through the photos and watch the videos. Meanwhile, other parents have signed their teen up for monthly subscription services that send products like journals, candy, or makeup once a month.

Take Advantage of Parent's Weekend

This is a free invitation to visit your college freshman and one where you will likely be welcomed. So if you can manage it, make sure you take the time to spend the weekend on campus with your teen. It gives you something to look forward to after you drop them off and it gives them a chance to show you the campus and tell you all about their first few months.

Do not be offended if it is time for your weekly Skype visit and your teen just isn't in the mood. College can be stressful at times and there will be days when your teen is simply in a bad mood. Try not to take it personally and make the most of the conversation. If things are just not going well, you can always ask if your teen wants to talk tomorrow instead.

Do Not Go Too Far

While it is true that you miss your teen and you just want to hear their voice, be sure you are not overstepping any boundaries when you do communicate. Remember, every time your new college freshman is talking, texting or communicating with you, they are not studying. They also are not out building new relationships and meeting new people. 

Do Not Give Them Wake-Up Calls

Your teen is in college now and should be able to get up for that 8 a.m. class on their own. After all, you want them to become a self-sufficient, responsible adult, right? If you are that worried about them getting up in the morning, invest in an alarm clock that shakes the bed or has a very loud alarm. And if they do happen to sleep through that really important midterm, that's part of learning too.

Avoid Embarrassing Them

Even though you follow your child on Instagram , Twitter, and Snapchat does not give you the right to embarrass them. For instance, do not post pictures from their childhood without their consent. You also should avoid "parenting" over social media. In other words, do not call them out publicly for a post that you think is alarming, dangerous, or offensive. Instead, have a private conversation about it. Or, use text or email to make your point. But do not post your disappointment on social media.

Refrain From Too Much Engagement

You do not need to text your teen every day. Sending messages just for the sake of sending them gets really annoying and they will start to ignore your communication altogether. While it is nice to text them "Love You" or "Miss You" once in a while, do not go overboard. Also, avoid stalking your teen online. You need to give them space.

Don't Make a Surprise Visit

No one likes a surprise visit, especially not a college student. Remember, they likely have plans and if you surprise them with a visit, they will feel obligated to spend time with you. You also are likely to encounter a very grumpy teen.

If you are going to be near the campus and want to stop by, ask permission a few days in advance. Keep in mind, your teen will want to clean up their room, hide anything they do not want you to see, and make sure their friends (and significant other, if they have one) are on high alert.

Shatkin, Jess P. Transition to College: Separation and Change for Parents and Students . Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , NYU Langone Health.

By Sherri Gordon Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert. 

The Cinemaholic

The Surprise Visit (2022): What is the True Story Behind the Film?

 of The Surprise Visit (2022): What is the True Story Behind the Film?

As ‘The Surprise Visit’ unfolds, Annabelle and Casey grapple with their drug addiction, realizing the need for a fresh start as they anticipate becoming parents. Faced with financial challenges, the couple decides to overcome their substance abuse, driven by a desperate desire to provide a stable and nurturing environment for their unborn child. In a twist of fate, Casey discovers that Mrs. Dixon, his father’s employer, will be out of town for the weekend.

Faced with financial struggles and a desire for a fresh start, Casey proposes a risky plan to Annabelle—to commit a robbery as their final act of desperation. They intend to secure enough resources to embark on a new life for their unborn child, steering away from the challenges of their current circumstances. Directed by Nick Lyon, the story of the 2022 movie explores the lengths people go to when pushed to the brink and delves into the moral and ethical complexities surrounding their choices.

The Surprise Visit is Inspired by Real Events

The writers of ‘The Surprise Visit,’ Nathan Cowles, Andrew Fein, and Serah Henesey, drew inspiration from a true story connected to Serah Henesey’s husband, Nathan Cowles’ family homestead, which occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. The tale reportedly revolves around the previous owner, also named Mrs. Dixon, who, after being widowed, left her property to visit her sister for the weekend. During her absence, the housekeeper, Eric Roberts, unknowingly shared the information with her drug-addicted son and his girlfriend about the vacant house.

surprise visit to college

Learning of their pregnancy, the couple attempted to rob the residence. However, the unexpected arrival of Mrs. Dixon’s daughter and son-in-law on the same night led to their apprehension, mirroring the film’s theme of desperate actions with unexpected consequences. ‘The Surprise Visit’ masterfully captures the raw and unforgiving realities of addiction, providing an unfiltered glimpse into the tumultuous lives of individuals ensnared in the clutches of substance abuse and economic hardship.

With a keen eye for authenticity, the film explores the complex relationship between addiction and poverty, exposing the vulnerabilities that drive individuals to make desperate and often misguided decisions. Annabelle and Casey’s journey becomes a reflection point for the societal challenges surrounding substance abuse, shedding light on the relentless cycle of struggle and the profound consequences it inflicts upon those entangled in its grip. Drug addiction in the country remains a pervasive issue that affects individuals, families, and communities across the nation.

The country grapples with a multifaceted crisis involving a range of substances, from opioids and stimulants to marijuana and alcohol. Contributing factors to the epidemic include the widespread availability of prescription painkillers, socioeconomic disparities, mental health challenges, and a lack of comprehensive addiction treatment resources. One of how the problem of addiction manifests itself is through a rise in criminal activities, and the movie has been able to bring this conversation to the forefront.

The film draws a significant dose of reality from its carefully chosen shooting locations. Much of the filming took place in a secluded area on the outskirts of Virginia, providing the actors and the creative team with an immersive environment. This isolation mirrored the experiences of the characters in the movie, creating not only a captivating cinematographic journey that enhances the horror elements but also an authenticity that resonates with the script and the overall backdrop of the film. The deliberate selection of these locations contributes to the film’s ability to evoke a genuine sense of despair and desperation.

Director Nick Lyon and actor Serah Henesey acknowledge the deliberate Hollywoodization of the true story that served as the inspiration for their film’s universe. While certain elements, such as character names, have been altered, and fictionalized events have been introduced in the latter part of the narrative, the makers proclaim that the movie successfully maintains a sense of believability. Despite these creative liberties, the film remains an entertaining watch, blending reality and fiction to craft a film that entertains the audience.

Read More: Best Movies About Drugs on Netflix


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36 Best Freshman College Gifts Students Actually Want In 2022

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This post is all about freshman college gifts.

college freshman gifts

Buying gifts for college students is always a little tricky if you aren't a college student yourself. Wether you are looking for dorm gifts for college freshman, or cool gifts they will use on a daily basis in college, you want to make sure it is something they will actually use and love.

Being a college student myself I can tell you first hand what college freshman gifts to get this year if you want them to love it. I compiled a complete list of everything from dorm gifts for guys to the most popular clothes for college girls. 


Best Overall:   Ugg Slippers

"I'm so obsessed with these Ugg slippers. I tell everyone I know to get them, they're that good!"

Best Overall for Guys:  Neutral Dart Board

"I bought this for my boyfriend to hang in his dorm room and I have never seen him so excited about a gift."

Best Under $25:   Eyeshadow Palette

"I can't believe this pallet is so affordable. It comes with the best neutral colors and I feel so pretty and natural when wearing it."

Most Popular: JBL Speaker

"This speaker is actually unreal. The sound quality is amazing and it gets so loud! I've been using it for a few years now and am still obsessed."

Best Dorm Gift: Custom Towel Wrap

"This towel wrap was amazing to have in the dorms! I never had to worry about accidentally flashing someone on the way back from the shower and look how cute it is!"

Best For Everyday Use: Apple Watch

"I use my Apple Watch every single day. I can track my steps, check my messages, and even answer calls right from my watch."


1. custom towel wrap.

gifts for college students

One of the best gifts you can get for as a dorm gift for freshman is this personalized towel wrap. The biggest struggle ever is trying to keep your towel up while also carrying all your stuff to and from the dorm showers.

Not only will this towel wrap be a super helpful gift, it is also personalized which makes it even more special.

2. UGG Slippers

UGG Women's Coquette Chestnut Slipper - 8 B(M) US

Ugg slippers are my ride or dies. I literally bring them everywhere with me. Especially for the dorms, these are so great to keep your feet warm and off those nasty floors! 

3. Yeti Coffee Mug

YETI Rambler 20 oz Tumbler, Stainless Steel, Vacuum Insulated with MagSlider Lid, Coral

Making your own coffee can save you so much time and money. This Yeti coffee mug is also amazing to keep your coffee piping hot while you walk to class. Also love this neutral color! 

4. Dorm Sweet Dorm Keychain

surprise visit to college

Coming from a girl that lost her dorm keys two weeks into school, I can assure this will be an appreciated gift. It's not only super cute, but it's bright and will make her keys stand out from others so it will make it easier to keep track of her keys. This is a small and simple gift but its still a great one!

surprise visit to college

Cable in the dorm rooms is pretty rare and honestly unnecessary. Having a streaming service stick that connects to your TV allows you to access all your favorite shows without paying a ton of money for cable. 

I have the Roku and love it! I can watch Netflix, HBO, Hulu, YouTube and more all in one place.  

6. Weekender Bag

freshmen college gifts

College students are going to be traveling a lot more than they are used to. From going home for the holidays, or on a trip for spring break, they are going to want a small bag that they can fit everything in for their trips. 

These are the perfect size for short trips and it's so cute! 

7. Vanity Mirror

surprise visit to college

After years of doing my makeup with a light up mirror I could never go back to using my bathroom mirror. If she doesn't have this already now is the perfect time to buy it as a gift for her! Usually freshman dorms have pretty terrible lighting so this will definitely come in handy this year.

8. Jewelry Organizer

Feelava Jewelry Organizer,Solid Marble Gold T-Bar Necklace Display Stand Earrings Holder for Home with Marble Pattern Round Tray Jewellery Stand for Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings, Rings and Watches, ...

The worst thing ever is getting your necklaces all tangled together. This would be a great college freshman gift that is not only super practical, but it is really cute as well. It even has little drawers to store smaller earrings and rings.


9. trendy sports apparel.

gifts for college guys

You can't go wrong with sports apparel, and a baseball cap is perfect for the college guy that rolls out of bed and basically has to run to class. By far the trendiest sports apparel brand I have been able to find is '47 Brand so definitely check them out!. 

They have all different types of teams too like NFL, MBA, NBA, NHL, college teams, and more. It's a really cool brand.

10. Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

JBL Charge 4 - Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker - White

A good bluetooth speaker is a must have in college. Wether he is planning to have friends over, go to the pool, or just listen to music in his room, he is going to want a good speaker. This is connects right to your phone plus it is waterproof so he can take it to the pool or in the bathroom while he showers.

11. LED Sign

MeowPrint Budweisors Historc Label Beer Bar Pub Club Man Cave Vintage Tin Sign 12x8Inch (bw)

I actually did not even think about getting a LED sign as a gift for a college freshman guy but when my guy friend suggested it I thought it was such a good idea. These LED signs always look super cool in dorm rooms and apartments and will switch up his dorm decor from his usual flags and tapestries.

This Budweiser sign is a popular one I have seen a bunch of different guys have in their rooms.

12. Neutral Dart Board

freshman college gifts

Guys can be pretty hard to shop for so I took it upon myself to ask my college guy friends what they would want to receive as a gift as a freshman in college. Not surprisingly, a flask was one of the top answers they gave me. So, if you are looking to buy a gift a college guy will actually use, here you go.

13. Three In One Charger

BEACOO Stand for iwatch 5/6, Charging Stand Dock Station for AirPods pro Stand Charging Docks Holder, Support for iwatch 5/4/3/2/1 NightStand Mode and for iPhone Series 12/11/X/7/7plus/SE/5s

This three in one charger is a great gift all around but especially great when living in a dorm. This will allow him to charge all of his things at once without have to mess with a bunch of messy extension cords. 

This was another gift that was highly suggested by guys which I was kind of surprised about but they really seem to like it!

14. Yeti Cooler

YETI Tundra 35 Cooler, Desert Tan

Okay, so a Yeti cooler is a pretty big gift to give. But, it is one he is going to be so stoked to receive. Guys use coolers literally all the time when having friends over or going to the pool. If you don't want to splurge on a cooler this nice there are a lot of others on Amazon or even at target you can get for under $50.


15. ugg slippers.

UGG Women's Fluff Yeah Slide Slipper, Black, 8

Ugg slippers are the most popular, and most comfortable slippers out there. These specific ones are the most popular style. Every girls should have at least one pair of these if not more. She will for sure be so excited to receive this as a freshman college gift.

16. Fuzzy Throw Blanket

Cheer Collection Faux Fur Blanket - Luxurious Fluffy Blankets for Couch & Bed - Machine Washable - 60" x 70" inches - White

No girl can say no to a fuzzy blanket. I mean, I have tons of them and still want more. Plus, fuzzy blankets are just as great as decor as they are for snuggling up watching Netflix on a night in. This blanket is particular is so warm and soft!

17. A Surprise Weekend Trip

surprise visit to college

Something I know any girl would love is a planned weekend trip for her and friends. Did you know you could actually gift a trip?! One of my favorite things about going to college was realizing how much freedom I had that allowed me to travel. The only thing keeping me back was money.

This is a perfect gift if you want to give an experience rather than a product, and a lot of times those are the best gifts!

{RELATED POST:   31 Best Graduation Gifts That Show Her How Much You Care }

18. perfume set.

gifts for girlfriend

Girls love their perfumes but they can get pricey . I love gift sets for more expensive items because you can try out a range of products without having to pay full price. 

This allows the college girl in your life to explore a variety of scents and then if she loves one, she can purchase the full size! 


19. madhappy sweatshirt.

surprise visit to college

Sweatshirt and leggings is the classic college outfit. Help her step up her sweatshirt game with a trendy one. MadHappy is one of the trendiest sweatshirt brands right now. Their message is amazing and the quality is unbeatable.

Obsessed with this one, I want it for myself! 

surprise visit to college

20. Pajama Set

gifts for girlfriend

I don't know how matching pajama sets make you feel so much more put together, but they do. A cozy pajama set is perfect for any girl that loves to feel put together, even when they're going to bed. 

These are super super soft too! For the girls that run a little cooler, opt-in for a longer sleeve version to keep her warm.

21. Gold Earrings

surprise visit to college

Gold earring are a staple for any trendy girl. They go with pretty much any outfit and allow you to dress anything up super easily! This pair from Amazon is a steal! They are the perfect size and won't tarnish after a multiple wears.

22. Layered Necklaces

surprise visit to college

Layered necklaces are all the craze in the jewelry world right now and no girl can have enough! There are tons of layered necklace options on Amazon, Target, or really any store that sells jewelry. I promise she will be putting this gift to good use!

23. Matching Sweatpants And Top Set

freshmen college gifts

This sweatpants and top set is amazing. So comfortable and cozy but also a great affordable gift! Matching sets like this one are really popular right now not only for lounging around but also going to class or studying in. Highly recommend for these for any trendy girl!

24. APL Running Shoes

freshmen college gifts

APL is the go-to sneaker for girls in college. They hold up really well and give amazing support. I even wear mine walking to and from class or while I am running errands.


25. custom makeup bag.

gifts for college girl

Because you are looking for gifts for college students, buying travel items is such a great idea. Because they will be traveling back and forth from home or to other colleges to visit friends, giving them a travel toiletry kit is the perfect gift. I received one of these right before my freshman year and still use it all the time.

{RELATED POST:   The Absolute Best 2020 Graduation Gifts To Give This Year }

26. travel jewelry holder.

surprise visit to college

Any girl can relate to this, but the most frustrating thing is traveling and opening up to see all of your jewelry in one large knot. 

An item that most girls don't own is a travel jewelry holder. But it's definitely one of those things that we don't know we need until we actually have it. This one is amazing and pretty inexpensive. Trust me, this will be an amazing gift that she will use religiously.

27. Makeup Brush Set

surprise visit to college

Makeup brushes get dirty so fast which can end up causing acne or just making your makeup routine harder. Buying a college student a fresh set of makeup brushes is a great idea! This will either allow her to toss out her old ones, or keep those ones at home while bringing this new set to school.

This 24 piece set of makeup brushes is under $10 dollars on Amazon which is such a steal.

28. Butterfly Clips

2PCS Hair Claw Banana Clips tortoise Barrettes Celluloid French Design Barrettes celluloid Leopard print Large Fashion Accessories for Women Girls

These large butterfly clips are super trendy right now. They are so cute but also practical for those bad hair days or when you just need to get your hair out of your face.

29. Eyeshadow Palette

surprise visit to college

Urban Decay is one of the most popular makeup brands right now, especially for eyeshadow. And the best part is that their makeup doesn't cost an arm and a leg. This palette comes with amazing neutrals and it is only $25.  I promise she will love this gift if she is into makeup!

30. Olapex Gift Set

gifts for college students

Every single girl loves Olapex products but they can be a little pricey so they won't buy them for themselves. That's why they make perfect gifts! Literally, girls SWEAR by this product. My sister included. I'm asking for this set for one of my Christmas gifts.

31. A Silk Robe

The Bund Women's Pure Colour Short Kimono Robes with Oblique V-Neck, Medium, Black

Robes are perfect for being lazy after the shower, doing your makeup, or just lounging around. If your girlfriend doesn't already own a cozy robe, you definitely need to get her one! 

Trust me, she'll love you for this and use it all the time.


32. apple watch.

Apple Watch Series 3 [GPS 38mm] Smart Watch w/Space Gray Aluminum Case & Black Sport Band. Fitness & Activity Tracker, Heart Rate Monitor, Retina Display, Water Resistant

Having an Apple Watch changed my life. Whether I am using it to text, answer calls, or play music, it honestly just makes life easier. This watch also got me a lot more active by setting reminders if I hadn't met my exercise goal for the day. Any college student will be so excited to open this gift up!

33. AirPods

Apple AirPods Pro

Not to be dramatic but I don't know what I would do without my AirPods haha. Seriously they are such a great investment if you can afford them. 

I use them allll the time - studying, walking to class, working out, doing laundry. Definitely a college essential! 

34. Custom Planner

freshmen college gifts

No student should be battling college classes without a planner. This planner is customized and super cute! If they are anything like me, the cuter the planner, the more motivated I am to keep it organized. This is the perfect gift for a college freshman!

35. Northface Backpack

THE NORTH FACE Women's Jester Backpack TNF Black One Size

If you want to buy a gift that a college freshman will be sure to use everyday this is it. Students never go anywhere without their backpack and this is the most popular one out there. This will last them all four years of college and even after!

36. HydroFlask

Hydro Flask 32 oz Wide Mouth Straw Lid White

Last, but certainly not least, a HydroFlask is one of the best investments to get a college student. It keeps water cold for sooo long and really does help to stay hydrated. 

I personally bring mine everywhere with me. I love it so much!  

This post was all about freshman college gifts.

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  • 55+ Graduation Gift Ideas College Students Will Actually Use
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The Surprise Visit Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

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The Surprise Visit is a 2022 mystery thriller movie directed by Nick Lyon. The story revolves around a failed robbery. A young couple goes to visit their mom when an old family friend pays a visit. However, the friend aims to steal their mom’s jewelry.

Here’s how you can watch and stream The Surprise Visit via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.

Is The Surprise Visit available to watch via streaming?

Yes, The Surprise Visit is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

Two drug addicts must make a decision after a failed robbery occurs at home. The daughter’s husband dies in the supposedly “easy” robbery and things take a turn. Now the two of them need to get things back in order.

The cast includes Regan Ferrier as Regan, Tricia Hawn as Mrs. Dixon, Serah Henesey as Juliette, Rob Riordan as Casey, and Eric Roberts as Hugh, among others.

Watch The Surprise Visit streaming via Amazon Prime Video

The Surprise Visit is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.

Viewers can watch their favorite TV shows and blockbuster movies on this streaming platform including American Fiction, Wrath of Man, and more.

You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:

Go to  Amazon Prime Video

Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’

Sign up for a Prime Video membership:

$14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership

$8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership

Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.

The Surprise Visit synopsis is as follows:

“When a young couple makes a surprise visit to Mom, they get an even bigger surprise themselves from an old family friend who plans to steal Mom’s valuable jewelry while she is out of town. But when the “easy peasy” robbery goes wrong, resulting in the accidental death of the daughter’s husband, it forces the two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to abandon ship, or do the unthinkable. “

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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The post The Surprise Visit Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video appeared first on ComingSoon.net - Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News, and More .

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Daughter returns from college with a surprise visit to her mom that's unforgettable

reddit video, uplifting, family, facetime

Mom gets surprise call from daughter.

A FaceTime from her daughter is the best surprise this mom could ask for. Why? Because unbeknown to her, the daughter arrived back home from college in secret. And she shared this touching impromptu reunion with TikTok for everyone to enjoy.

The video shows a mom in the kitchen, answering a Facetime call from her daughter, her face appearing in close-up. We know what's about to happen (the caption reads "Surprising my mom that I'm back home from uni"), but still the anticipation is delightful.

And it doesn't take long for the mom to realize what's going on. As she turns her back from the camera for just one second, the daughter zooms out and waits. When mom turns back around, she instantly knows what's up, and off she runs out of frame, followed by an equally surprised little brother.

You might be wondering: How did the daughter manage to sneak into her room without mom noticing? The question gets answered at the end (which is arguably the best part of the video, second to mom's excitement).

As mom jolts out of the frame to hug her daughter in the next room, out of nowhere comes dad, beaming with a smile that lets us know he was definitely in on the plan. From the look on their faces as they share mischievous looks, I'd say we know where the daughter gets her prankster streak from.

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3 organic recipes that feed a family of 4 for under $7 a serving

O organics is the rare brand that provides high-quality food at affordable prices..

A woman cooking up a nice pot of pasta.

Over the past few years, rising supermarket prices have forced many families to make compromises on ingredient quality when shopping for meals. A recent study published by Supermarket News found that 41% of families with children were more likely to switch to lower-quality groceries to deal with inflation.

By comparison, 29% of people without children have switched to lower-quality groceries to cope with rising prices.

Despite the current rising costs of groceries, O Organics has enabled families to consistently enjoy high-quality, organic meals at affordable prices for nearly two decades. With a focus on great taste and health, O Organics offers an extensive range of options for budget-conscious consumers.

O Organics launched in 2005 with 150 USDA Certified Organic products but now offers over 1,500 items, from organic fresh fruits and vegetables to organic dairy and meats, organic cage-free certified eggs, organic snacks, organic baby food and more. This gives families the ability to make a broader range of recipes featuring organic ingredients than ever before.

“We believe every customer should have access to affordable, organic options that support healthy lifestyles and diverse shopping preferences,” shared Jennifer Saenz, EVP and Chief Merchandising Officer at Albertsons, one of many stores where you can find O Organics products. “Over the years, we have made organic foods more accessible by expanding O Organics to every aisle across our stores, making it possible for health and budget-conscious families to incorporate organic food into every meal.”

With some help from our friends at O Organics, Upworthy looked at the vast array of products available at our local store and created some tasty, affordable and healthy meals.

Here are 3 meals for a family of 4 that cost $7 and under, per serving. (Note: prices may vary by location and are calculated before sales tax.)

O Organic’s Tacos and Refried Beans ($6.41 Per Serving)

Few dishes can make a family rush to the dinner table quite like tacos. Here’s a healthy and affordable way to spice up your family’s Taco Tuesdays.

Prep time: 2 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Total time: 22 minutes

Ingredients :

1 lb of O Organics Grass Fed Ground Beef ($7.99)

1 packet O Organics Taco Seasoning ($2.29)

O Organics Mexican-Style Cheese Blend Cheese ($4.79)

O Organics Chunky Salsa ($3.99)

O Organics Taco Shells ($4.29)

1 can of O Organics Refried Beans ($2.29)

Instructions :

1. Cook the ground beef in a skillet over medium heat until thoroughly browned; remove any excess grease.

2. Add 1 packet of taco seasoning to beef along with water [and cook as directed].

3. Add taco meat to the shell, top with cheese and salsa as desired.

4. Heat refried beans in a saucepan until cooked through, serve alongside tacos, top with cheese.

O Organics Hamburger Stew ($4.53 Per Serving)

Busy parents will love this recipe that allows them to prep in the morning and then serve a delicious, slow-cooked stew after work.

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 7 hours

Total time: 7 hours 15 minutes

Servings: 4


1 ½ lbs O Organics Gold Potatoes ($4.49)

3 O Organics Carrots ($2.89)

1 tsp onion powder

I can O Organics Tomato Paste ($1.25)

2 cups water

1 yellow onion diced ($1.00)

1 clove garlic ($.50)

1/4 tsp pepper

2 tsp Italian seasoning or oregano


2. Transfer the cooked beef to a slow cooker with the potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic.

3. Mix the tomato paste, water, salt, pepper, onion powder and Italian seasoning in a separate bowl.

4. Drizzle the mixed sauce over the ingredients in the slow cooker and mix thoroughly.

5. Cover the slow cooker with its lid and set it on low for 7 to 8 hours, or until the potatoes are soft. Dish out into bowls and enjoy!

O Organics Ground Beef and Pasta Skillet ($4.32 Per Serving)

This one-pan dish is for all Italian lovers who are looking for a saucy, cheesy, and full-flavored comfort dish that takes less than 30 minutes to prepare.

Cook time: 25 minutes

Total time: 27 minutes

1 tbsp. olive oil

2 tsp dried basil

1 tsp garlic powder

1 can O Organics Diced Tomatoes ($2.00)

1 can O Organics Tomato Sauce ($2.29)

1 tbsp O Organics Tomato Paste ($1.25)

2 1/4 cups water

2 cups O Organics Rotini Pasta ($3.29)

1 cup O Organics Mozzarella cheese ($4.79)

1. Brown ground beef in a skillet, breaking it up as it cooks.

2. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder

3. Add tomato paste, sauce and diced tomatoes to the skillet. Stir in water and bring to a light boil.

4. Add pasta to the skillet, ensuring it is well coated. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Remove the lid, sprinkle with cheese and allow it to cool.

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Canadian man captures the 'one in a million' moment when a moose sheds both its antlers

The man calls himself a shed hunter..

It's rare enough to capture one antler being shed

For those not well versed in moose facts, the shedding of antlers is normally a fairly lengthy process. It happens only once a year after mating season and usually consists of a moose losing one antler at a time.

It’s incredibly rare for a bull moose to lose both at the same time—and even more rare that someone would actually catch it on film.

That’s why shed hunter (yes, that’s a real term) and woodsman Derek Burgoyne calls his footage of the phenomenon a “one-in-a-million” shot.

According to The Guardian , Burgoyne was flying his drone through a remote patch of forest in Canada when he spotted three moose in a clearing. His drone followed one of the bulls, who began doing the wobbly little shake thing that signals these antlers are going bye-bye .

Burgoyne knew he had to keep his camera on the moment—but he had no idea that he’d hit the jackpot.

Watch below:

It’s hard to tell which is more fun to watch— the super rare moment in nature or Burgoyne’s pure passion for his hobby.

“I shook a little bit. It was an adrenaline rush for sure,“ he told CBC News , sharing that he has previously found hundreds of shed antlers in his life.

Antler hunting has become a hot and profitable pastime over the past few years, although Burgoyne affirms that his shed hunting ambitions are born from a desire for well-being, not monetary gain.

“I enjoy being in the woods. It’s great exercise and it’s fun tracking the moose through the winter and looking for their sheds in the spring. Each one you find feels like the first one. It never gets old,” he told The Guardian .

Well Derek Burgoyne, thank you for doing what you love. Thanks to your passion, we too can share this once-in-a-lifetime moment. Here’s to good moose news!

This article originally appeared on 1.20.23

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Now's your chance to help someone doing good in your community win $1000 towards the charity of their choice

Upworthy and p&g are back with the #actsofgood awards..

Three winners will be selected to receive $1000 donated to the charity of their choice.

Doing good is its own reward, but sometimes recognizing these acts of kindness helps bring even more good into the world. That’s why we’re excited to partner with P&G again on the #ActsOfGood Awards.

The #ActsOfGood Awards recognize individuals who actively support their communities. It could be a rockstar volunteer, an amazing community leader, or someone who shows up for others in special ways.

Do you know someone in your community doing #ActsOfGood? Nominate them between April 24 th -June 3 rd here . Three winners will receive $1,000 dedicated to the charity of their choice, plus their story will be highlighted on Upworthy’s social channels. And yes, it’s totally fine to nominate yourself!

We want to see the good work you’re doing and most of all, we want to help you make a difference.

While every good deed is meaningful, winners will be selected based on how well they reflect Upworthy and P&G’s commitment to do #ActsOfGood to help communities grow.

That means be on the lookout for individuals who:

Strengthen their community

Make a tangible and unique impact

Go above and beyond day-to-day work

The #ActsOfGood Awards are just one part of P&G’s larger mission to help communities around the world to grow. For generations, P&G has been a force for growth—making everyday products that people love and trust—while also being a force for good by giving back to the communities where we live, work, and serve consumers. This includes serving over 90,000 people affected by emergencies and disasters through the Tide Loads of Hope mobile laundry program and helping some of the millions of girls who miss school due to a lack of access to period products through the Always #EndPeriodPoverty initiative.

Visit upworthy.com/actsofgood and fill out the nomination form for a chance for you or someone you know to win. It takes less than ten minutes to help someone make an even bigger impact.

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A video showing three men attempting to close a stroller is a sitcom moment in the wild

How many dads does it take to fold a stroller.

Video showing three men attempting to close stroller is sitcom funny

Have you ever wondered where sitcoms get their zany ideas? Sometimes it seems like they pulled nonsensical scenarios out of thin air because they're so unbelievable. One of those moments happened out in the wild recently and it was caught on film, but not because it was written into a script.

Two people captured the moment on their cell phone, promptly uploading the video to the TikTok channel Jordan Floam Official . In the video you see one man struggling to fold a seemingly impossible to fold stroller . The back door is open so it's assumed there's an infant in the backseat who was sitting in the stroller at some point.

The dad pushed buttons, yanks on the stroller, flips it upside down dislodging the seat, all in an attempt to get it to fold onto itself. Much to his relief an assumingly more seasoned dad walks up to lend a hand. Except, that doesn't go as planned either.

It is obvious that the people filming this failed stroller folding are tickled by what they're witnessing, though by the sounds of their commentary, they also have no idea how to fold the thing. As the video goes on it's clear that the stroller isn't closing when a third, older man shows up to help the other two guys bang on it. But just as the three men seemed to be reaching exasperation, an older woman walks over, grabs the stroller with one hand and it immediately collapses into the folded position.

No, it wasn't wizardry, just a seasoned parent more than likely. Most commenters got a kick out of the woman's smooth execution while others wanted to add the sturdy baby buggy to their list.

@jordanflomofficial How many Dads to collapse a Stroller? 🤣 #dad #mom #stroller #baby #funny

"That eye contact with the camera tells me she heard y'all roasting them and saw her moment to flex for the girls," one person surmised.

"Dad here. THEY EVEN MADE IT A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN THE REST OF THE STROLLER FOR YOU. Come on man, you're making us look bad," a dad retorts.

"The way he is manhandling a $500 stroller is giving me hives," someone sobs.

"This is like the episode of the office when Dwight is safety testing Jan's stroller," another writes.

Well, moms-to-be, if you were looking for a sturdy stroller, this one looks to be just what you need and it has a large button right in the middle for you to fold it one handed.

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Millennials and Gen Z ditched top sheets much to the dismay of older generations, who's right

Team top sheet or team duvet.

Millennials and Gen Z ditch top sheet to the dismay of Boomers

Once again the youngins are flabbergasting the older generations with their disregard of things they deem unnecessary. There's always something that gets dropped or altered generation to generation. We learn better ways or technology makes certain things obsolete. But it doesn't matter how far we've come, our beds still need sheets to cover the mattress.

The debate is on the use of top sheets, also known as flat sheets. They're the sheets that keep your body from touching the comforter, most Gen X and Boomers are firmly for the use of top sheets as a hygiene practice . The idea being that the top sheet keeps your dead skin cells and body oils from dirtying your comforter, causing you to have to wash it more often.

Apparently Millennials and Gen Zers are uninterested in using a top sheet while sleeping. In fact, they'd rather just get a duvet cover, though they may be cumbersome. A duvet cover can be washed fairly frequently, while some may opt for a cheeper comforter that they don't care is washed often because their distain for a top sheet is that strong.

But why on earth do Millennials and Gen Zers hate top sheets? It turns out it's mostly about practicality. Many Millennials are on the move holding a full time job and a side hustle or two to make ends meet, adding and extra step when making the bed seems unnecessary.

“For a younger demographic, eliminating that step when making the bed in the morning really gives you a jump start on the day," Ariel Kay, CEO of Parachute tells Wall Street Journal .

Parachute is a company that offers bedding sets sans top sheets for folks that just don't like them and boy has Kay heard everyone's unsolicited opinions on the matter. She told WSJ that people will stop her on the street to get into debates about the importance or unimportance of top sheets. Yikes.

In a since deleted tweet , @JesseLynnHarte writes, "People say millennials “killed” chain restaurants, marriage, & napkins... But WHEN will they acknowledge our greatest take-down yet?? TOP SHEETS. I don’t know a single millennial who uses one. Top sheets are archaic. This is just the truth."

It would seem that Millennials and Gen Z would much rather wash their duvet covers weekly than to add a flat sheet into the mix. One big complaint about the flat sheet that adds another con to the list is they get bunched up or tangled around your legs if you're a restless sleeper. Not everyone likes hotel tucked corners on their sheets because it can feel confining.

But if you run hot, Boomers and Gen Xers have got the thing for you–a top sheet. It would seem that that thin piece of material that irritates some people can act as a sort of temperature control according to USA Today . Even if you don't tend to need the cooling effect of a top sheet, what Mary Johnson, Tide Principal Scientist at Procter & Gamble has to say in a USA Today follow up article , just may make you rethink ditching the top sheet.

Simply by existing, "people produce one liter of sweat, 40 grams of sebum, 10 grams of salt, and 2 billion skin cells. All that stuff that happens below the waist [and] up by your head—skincare products, hair care products, ear wax, snot, drool, lots of really gross stuff—is transferred to your sheets," Johnson tells the outlet.

So whether you're team top sheet or not, it may be a good idea to at least wash whatever you use to cover your bed at least once a week.

This article originally appeared on 3.19.24

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Man shares his beautiful love letter to ‘hero’ wife on Facebook

“my wife is a hero.”.

When mom lays down for a nap with her son, the image is wonderful.

When Bobby Wesson posted a love letter to his wife on Facebook under a beautiful photo of her sleeping next to their son, he must have known she would love it.

What he couldn't have known was that it would go completely viral, and now more than 680,000 other people love it, too.

In Wesson's touching letter, he applauds his wife's dedication to her work as a nurse and all the love and sacrifice she puts into that difficult job every day. His final line perfectly sums up his feelings: "My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero."

Check out the beautiful photo and complete letter below:

A heartwarming photo of a mother sleeping with her son.

via Bobby Wesson/Facebook

This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work.

The tools and items she needs to perform her job will be gathered and checked meticulously—her hair and makeup will be done quickly. She will complain that she looks awful. I will disagree, emphatically, and get her a cup of coffee.

She will sit on the couch with her legs crossed under her and try to drink it while happily playing with the toddler that's crawling all over her.

She will occasionally stare off blankly as we talk; silently steeling herself for the coming shift. She thinks I don't notice.

She will kiss the baby, she will kiss me and she will leave to go take care of people that are having the worst day of their entire lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks – professionals, poor, pastors, addicts and prostitutes—mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families—it doesn't matter who you are or what happened to you.

She will take care of you.

She will come home 14 hours later and remove shoes that have walked through blood, bile, tears and fire from aching feet and leave them outside.

Sometimes she will not want to talk about it. Sometimes she can't wait to talk about it. Sometimes she will laugh until she cries and sometimes she will just cry – but regardless of those sometimes she will be on time for her next shift.

My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero.

This article originally appeared on 08.14.18

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10 things most kids don't know about their mothers

1. You made her cry ... a lot.

There it was, clear as day, two blue lines staring back at me from the small pregnancy test I had just purchased.

I double-checked...

One line = not pregnant.

Two lines = pregnant.

Yup, I was definitely pregnant.

My heart was pounding.

My head was spinning.

My stomach was churning.

I was nervous, excited, scared, and ecstatic all at the same time.

Photo via iStock.

This was actually happening! After years of dreaming, preparing for, and anticipating this day, it was finally here. I was going to be a mother.

Little did I know that in nine short months, I would begin the most exhausting, life-changing, heart-wrenching, but indescribably rewarding journey of my life.

In nine months, I would learn the price of motherhood firsthand. I would know exactly what it takes to be a mother. I would gain a whole new understanding of and gratitude for the beautiful woman I call Mom.

I would learn about things mothers experience that their children often know very little about.

Here are 10 things your mom never told you.

She cried when she found out she was pregnant. She cried as she gave birth to you. She cried when she first held you. She cried with happiness. She cried with fear. She cried with worry. She cried because she feels so deeply for you. She felt your pain and your happiness and she shared it with you, whether you realized it or not.

2. She wanted that last piece of pie.

But when she saw you look at it with those big eyes and lick your mouth with that tiny tongue, she couldn't eat it. She knew it would make her much happier to see your little tummy be filled than hers.

3. It hurt.

When you pulled her hair, it hurt; when you grabbed her with those sharp fingernails that were impossible to cut, it hurt; when you bit her while drinking milk, that hurt, too. You bruised her ribs when you kicked her from her belly; you stretched her stomach out for nine months; you made her body contract in agonizing pain as you entered this world.

4. She was always afraid.

From the moment you were conceived, she did all in her power to protect you. She became your mama bear. She was that lady who wanted to say no when the little girl next door asked to hold you and who cringed when she did because in her mind no one could keep you as safe as she herself could. Her heart skipped two beats with your first steps. She stayed up late to make sure you got home safe and woke up early to see you off to school. With every stubbed toe and little stumble, she was close by; she was ready to snatch you up with every bad dream or late-night fever. She was there to make sure you were OK.

She stayed up late to make sure you got home safe and woke up early to see you off to school.

5. She knows she's not perfect.

She is her own worst critic. She knows all her flaws and sometimes hates herself for them. She is hardest on herself when it comes to you, though. She wanted to be the perfect mom, to do nothing wrong — but because she is human, she made mistakes. She is probably still trying to forgive herself for them. She wishes with her whole heart that she could go back in time and do things differently, but she can't, so be kind to her and know she did the best she knew how to do.

6. She watched you as you slept.

There were nights when she was up 'til 3 a.m. praying that you would finally fall asleep. She could hardly keep her eyes open as she sang to you, and she would beg you to "please, please fall asleep." Then, when you finally fell asleep, she would lay you down, and all her tiredness would disappear for a short second as she sat by your bedside looking down at your perfect cherub face, experiencing more love than she knew was possible, despite her worn-out arms and aching eyes.

7. She carried you a lot longer than nine months.

You needed her to. So she did. She would learn to hold you while she cleaned; she would learn to hold you while she ate; she would even hold you while she slept because it was the only way she could sometimes. Her arms would get tired, her back would hurt, but she held you still because you wanted to be close to her. She snuggled you, loved you, kissed you, and played with you. You felt safe in her arms; you were happy in her arms; you knew you were loved in her arms, so she held you, as often and as long as you needed.

Her arms would get tired, her back would hurt, but she held you still because you wanted to be close to her.

8. It broke her heart every time you cried.

There was no sound as sad as your cries or sight as horrible as the tears streaming down your perfect face. She did all in her power to stop you from crying, and when she couldn't stop your tears, her heart would shatter into a million little pieces.

9. She put you first.

She went without food, without showers, and without sleep. She always put your needs before her own. She would spend all day meeting your needs, and by the end of the day, she would have no energy left for herself. But the next day, she would wake up and do it all over again because you meant that much to her.

10. She would do it all again.

Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs anyone can do, and it will take you to your very limits sometimes. You cry, you hurt, you try, you fail, you work, and you learn. But, you also experience more joy than you thought was possible and feel more love than your heart can contain. Despite all the pain, grief, late nights, and early mornings you put your mom through, she would do it all again for you because you are worth it to her.

So, next time you see her, tell your mom thank you; let her know that you love her. She can never hear it too many times.

This article originally appeared on 05.27.16

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surprise visit to college

The Surprise Visit (2022)

Though The Surprise Visit is hoping it can bank some interest on the fact that it’s “Based on a true story”, the fact that there’s no history attached to such a statement leaves Nick Lyon’s occasional thriller in the company of many other genre flicks that advertise similar sentiments in their best bid to add intrigue to an otherwise standard narrative.

The film centres itself around junkies and expecting parents Casey (Rob Riordan) and Annabelle (Jacqi Vene) who, upon learning of their impending parenthood, decide to give up their drug habits and make a play for the straight and narrow. It all sounds so reasonable, but this duo don’t exactly seem like the types to execute such a cookie cutter plan without resorting to some type of crime – especially Casey – so we are unsurprised when he hatches a plan to rob a neighbouring home in order to make a quick buck.

The neighbouring home being both occupied by residents who knew Casey as a young boy, as well as being the employ of his father (Eric Roberts) means there’s some emotional stakes tied to Casey’s decision, but, sadly, The Surprise Visit not adhering to any type of nuance or subtlety means we ultimately have little care for what happens to either party. Casey is just a terrible person, and no amount of emphasis on his drug habit is going to convince us otherwise. Annabelle is the most shrill of characters, and though she’s clearly heavily under the influence of both Casey and whatever substance she favours, there’s no emotional connection or understanding of her for us to care. And the victims here – Juliette (Serah Henesy) and Daniel (Johnny Santiago) – have little development that the only reason we muster any investment in them is that they simply aren’t Casey and Annabelle.

surprise visit to college

Ultimately, it’s only Roberts’ Hugh that we stand behind. The idea that he would have to choose between his son – and, by extension, his grandson – and the household that has treated him so kindly over the years is one that screenwriter Stephen Meier and story artists Henesy and Nathan Cowles don’t utilise to its full potential. Setting The Surprise Visit in the realms of the home invasion thriller makes sense, but even then it fails to deliver on any thrills or elaborate set-pieces, with so much of the brief 86 minute running time devoted to Casey and Annabelle bickering about how they navigate the situation they’ve found themselves in.

Whilst the film may have its share of unsavoury ingredients, director Lyons at least deserves props for working within such limited budget restraints and for wrapping the story up in a manner that I suspect most studio projects wouldn’t have opted for. Had some of the acting been more fine-tuned and a little more development been afforded to the characters, The Surprise Visit could have done enough to earn itself a welcome reception, but, as it stands, this is a houseguest best turned away.

The Surprise Visit is now screening in select theatres across the United States. An Australian release is yet to be determined.

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Badly written, especially the end

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The Surprise Visit

Eric Roberts, Serah Henesey, Jacqueline Vené, and Rob Riordan in The Surprise Visit (2022)

A robbery goes wrong, leaving two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to give up, or to do the unthinkable. A robbery goes wrong, leaving two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to give up, or to do the unthinkable. A robbery goes wrong, leaving two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to give up, or to do the unthinkable.

  • Nathan Cowles
  • Andrew Fein
  • Stephen Meier
  • Regan Ferrier
  • Tricia Hawn
  • Serah Henesey
  • 55 User reviews
  • 11 Critic reviews
  • 12 wins & 4 nominations

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  • (as Jacqi Vene)
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  • Connections Referenced in Half in the Bag: Snow Falls (2023) (2023)
  • Soundtracks Little Left of My Heart written by Nathan Cowles performed by Derick Hughes

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  • Runtime 1 hour 26 minutes

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Eric Roberts, Serah Henesey, Jacqueline Vené, and Rob Riordan in The Surprise Visit (2022)

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Alex Rodríguez left speechless by own daughter over surprise appearance — watch emotional moment

The former new york yankees player shares two daughters with ex-wife cynthia scurtis.

Beatriz Colon

Alex Rodríguez ' daughters sure know how to leave their dad speechless –– and overjoyed!

Over the weekend, the former New York Yankees player was treated to a sweet surprise by both of his daughters, as they coordinated an epic surprise visit.

The retired athlete is a doting girl dad of two; he and his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis –– who he was married to from 2002 to 2008 –– share Natasha, 18, who left home for college last fall , as well as youngest daughter Ella, 15.

As Memorial Day Weekend came to a close, Alex took to Instagram and shared the heartwarming video revealing his firstborn Natasha's epic surprise visit, done with the help of her little sister.

In the video, taken during a sports game, Ella is seen repping her dad by wearing a Yankees bomber jacket, and she briefly distracts him as Natasha comes in from the side to surprise him.


As soon as she walks up to her dad, he's seen at a total loss for words, before embracing her while still with his mouth agape, and later exclaims: "What are you doing here?!" as Natasha excitedly jumped up and down.

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"I could not believe it! Ella and @thenatasharodriguez you two got me so good," he wrote in his caption, and fans were quick to take to the comments section under the post to gush over the tender family moment.

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"I can see the love in your eyes for your daughters," one wrote, as others followed suit with: "Tear jerker… I really felt this one," and: "What a heartwarming surprise! Great job by your girls! Happy Memorial Day, Alex!" as well as: "I love this!! Daddy's girls," plus another one of his followers added: "That's what true love is all about!"

Still from a video shared by Alex Rodriguez of his daughter Natasha making a surprise visit during a sports game on Memorial Day Weekend 2024.

Last year, after his daughter Natasha became the first of the two to leave for college as she began her first year at the University of Michigan, Alex opened up about the change during an appearance on The Jennifer Hudson Show, admitting: "Oh Jennifer, that was hard."

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He continued: "You know, Cynthia, who is my ex-wife, she's one of my greatest friends in the world. I was telling Cynthia, 'I got this. Don't worry about it. It's going to be emotional for me, but Daddy's got it.'"

Still from a video shared by Alex Rodriguez of his daughter Natasha making a surprise visit during a sports game on Memorial Day Weekend 2024.

"She's doing great," he did say at the time, though he couldn't help but admit: "But I'm a mess, I go back and we have dinner at night and then I tell my little Ella, 'Ella, isn't it terrible that we miss Natasha?'" though he did note Ella is eager to be getting one on one time with her dad.

Alex had previously shared with Us Weekly that Natasha was committed to pursuing a career in musical theater , however he did have some conditions. "My only condition is because all these young actors want to bypass college, and I'm always saying, like, 'You can [study] drama, you can do whatever you want, but as long as you're taking your business classes at Michigan,'" he said, and emphasized: "They have a great business school… That was [the] deal."

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Live updates, joe biden makes surprise nighttime visit to hunter’s ex hallie biden days before she testifies in first son’s gun trial.

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WASHINGTON — President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first son Hunter Biden’s federal trial for alleged gun crimes.

Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.

Hallie dated Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes and is one of a dozen expected witnesses.

Hunter and Hallie Biden on the beach

She was married to the president’s son Beau Biden, who died in 2015 of brain cancer, before her relationship with his troubled younger brother.

Prosecutors allege Hunter lied about his drug use on gun purchase forms and then briefly illegally possessed at least one weapon — which Hallie disposed of in a public dumpster in 2018 .

Although many commentators noted the awkward optics due to the looming trial, the visit came four days before the anniversary of Beau’s death.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates told The Post that the president didn’t discuss the trial with Hallie Biden during the visit.

“No,” he replied. “He visited her because of the approaching 9th anniversary of Beau’s passing.”

President Joe Biden exiting Jos. A. Bank men's clothing store in Greenville, Del., holding sunglasses, on the evening of May 25, 2024.

The first son faces the possibility of prison time in his first of two scheduled criminal trials.

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Hunter is also set to stand trial in Los Angeles in September for allegedly  failing to pay more than $1.4 million  in federal taxes from 2016-2019.

Hunter and Hallie Biden

The pair of criminal trials follow an alleged Justice Department coverup to shield the Biden family from liability for foreign business dealings in which Joe Biden played a recurring role.

Hunter agreed to a probation-only plea deal to the gun and tax crimes last June, but walked away from the “sweetheart” bargain at a July court hearing at which his attorneys demanded broad immunity of past conduct, including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which could implicate his father.

The 81-year-old president, an attorney and former law school instructor, has boasted of his past legal exploits — with the serial embellisher telling Howard Stern last month that as a young lawyer he had worked on “a couple murder cases,” though none are publicly known.

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Hunter and Hallie Biden on the beach


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Renowned Scholar Shelly C. Lowe, Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, to Address Graduates at Ottawa University Arizona Commencement

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The Surprise Visit

The Surprise Visit Backdrop Image

When a young couple makes a surprise visit to Mom, they get an even bigger surprise themselves from an old family friend who plans to steal Mom’s valuable jewelry while she is out of town. But when the “easy peasy” robbery goes wrong, resulting in the accidental death of the daughter’s husband, it forces the two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to abandon ship, or do the unthinkable.

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The Surprise Visit Movie Poster Image

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January 14, 2022,

Rob Riordan, Jacqi Vene, Didem Erol, Eric Roberts, Tricia Hawn, Johnny Santiago

Crime, Thriller

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Joe Biden's Visit With Hunter Biden Witness Raises Eyebrows

P resident Joe Biden 's surprise visit to Hallie Biden's home has raised eyebrows among conservative observers who pointed out that she's expected to testify in Hunter Biden 's federal trial in the coming weeks.

Users on X, formerly Twitter , questioned why the president made a nighttime visit to his daughter-in-law's home in Delaware on Sunday, noting that his son is scheduled to stand trial on June 3.

But the White House pushed back on those observations, saying that Joe made the visit because it was approaching the anniversary of his late son Beau's death . Hallie was married to Beau from 2002 until his death in 2015. She began dating Hunter in 2016 while Hunter was in the process of separating from his then-wife Kathleen Buhle. Hallie and Hunter's relationship ended in 2019.

Asked if the president discussed the upcoming trial with Hallie during the visit, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told the New York Post , "No. He visited her because of the approaching 9th anniversary of Beau's passing."

But that didn't stop the president's critics from casting suspicion about the visit.

"What's a little witness tampering between ex in-laws?" conservative lawyer Phil Holloway tweeted .

"What's the legal term for this? Joe Biden visits Hallie Biden days before she testifies in Hunter's gun trial," New York Post columnist Miranda Devine wrote .

Another user added , "A FATHER'S LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS, RIGHT?"

Hallie dated Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes and is expected to be one of a dozen witnesses to appear in the first of his two scheduled criminal trials. Hunter is also set to stand trial in Los Angeles in September on tax-related charges.

The president's son was expected to take a plea deal last summer, but that agreement quickly fell apart in real time as his attorneys clashed with prosecutors over whether the deal would grant Hunter immunity in the future. He pleaded not guilty.

"Biden crime family boss uses presidential muscle to pressure witness: Joe Biden visits Hallie Biden days before she testifies in Hunter's gun trial," columnist John Kass wrote on X .

"Nothing to see. Move along. Hey look, a flag that became the worst possible thing in the world about four days ago," columnist Kurt Schlichter said .

In the Delaware gun case, special counsel David Weiss alleges that Hunter unlawfully purchased and kept a Colt Cobra 388PL revolver for 11 days and falsely stated on a gun purchase form that he was not an unlawful drug user. Hunter has been very open about his struggle with addiction and acknowledged his addiction to crack cocaine during that period.

The Delaware trial is expected to include testimony from both Hallie and Buhle.

Court filings show that in November 2018, Hunter texted Hallie, "I'm a liar and a thief and a blamer and a user and I'm delusional and an addict unlike beyond and above all other addicts that you know and I've ruined every relationship I've ever cherished."

The special counsel's office is also expected to show materials including text messages between Hunter and his daughter, photos and videos of him smoking crack cocaine and receipts of money spent on "various women."

But some legal commentators believe those materials are only being used to embarrass the Biden family.

"Not sure what he is accomplishing by filing it publicly, other than perhaps prompting the witnesses to urge Biden to plead guilty," former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade told The Washington Post.

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President Joe Biden on the South Lawn of the White House on May 23, 2024 in Washington, DC. Biden visited his daughter-in-law Hallie on Sunday.

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'THROW THEM OUT!': Trump Tells Donors He Will Stop 'Radical Revolution' on College Campuses

During a recent private campaign event in New York City, former President and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters that he would stop antisemitism on campuses if elected.

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Trump said he would throw foreign students out of the country.

“One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave,” Trump said, according to the Post.

Trump also said that anti-Israel students and professors were part of a “radical revolution.”

“It has to be stopped now,” Trump said of the protests.

“Well, if you get me elected, and you should really be doing this, if you get me reelected, we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years,” he said, according to the donors who spoke to the Post.

Trump stressed that he supports Israel’s “war on terror.”

More over at Fox News:

Trump tells NY donors he'll stop college 'radical revolution,' send anti-Israel agitators 'out of the country' https://t.co/MYdCa6vncD — Fox News Politics (@foxnewspolitics) May 28, 2024

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    A beanie makes a great gift for college students — especially if you choose a classic like the Carhartt knit cuffed beanie. Durable and warm, Carhartt's beanie comes in over a dozen colors. And thanks to its stretchable fabric, it will fit most heads. Price Range: Under $25.

  13. Surprise Visit Home from College

    Surprising my friends and family after being at school 900 miles away in South Carolina for 2 months. When my classes get cancelled because of the hurricane,...

  14. The Surprise Visit Movie

    Across the Web. The Surprise Visit in US theaters January 14, 2022 starring Eric Roberts, Dopestick's Tricia Hawn, Rob Riordan, Jacqi Vene. When a young couple makes a surprise visit to Mom, they get an even bigger surprise themselves from an old family friend who plans to steal.

  15. The Surprise Visit (2022)

    Setting The Surprise Visit in the realms of the home invasion thriller makes sense, but even then it fails to deliver on any thrills or elaborate set-pieces, with so much of the brief 86 minute running time devoted to Casey and Annabelle bickering about how they navigate the situation they've found themselves in.

  16. The Surprise Visit (2022)

    The Surprise Visit: Directed by Nick Lyon. With Regan Ferrier, Tricia Hawn, Serah Henesey, Rob Riordan. A robbery goes wrong, leaving two young drug addicts to make a difficult decision: to give up, or to do the unthinkable.

  17. Alex Rodríguez left speechless by own daughter over surprise appearance

    The retired athlete is a doting girl dad of two; he and his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis -- who he was married to from 2002 to 2008 -- share Natasha, 18, who left home for college last fall, as ...

  18. 'Queen of R&B' Makes Surprise Visit To Westchester Community College

    The funds will be distributed via grants between $5,000 to $20,000 to qualifying organizations supporting programs in education, financial stability, and food security. Applications can be ...

  19. Texas college graduate and donor gets surprise visit from young ...

    Texas college graduate and donor gets surprise visit from young recipient. The stage was set at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth on Wednesday for the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine commencement ...

  20. Joe Biden makes surprise nighttime visit to Hunter's ex Hallie Biden

    00:01. 00:51. WASHINGTON — President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she's due to serve as one of the most important ...


    Gave a surprise visit to my college, St. Aloysius PU collegeTaking you back the memory lane😍 Watch this Tulu Vlog.This channel creates tulu comedy videos li...

  22. OUAZ Home

    Prospective Students Stampede OUAZ Campus. On February 28, 2024, more than 100 prospective students, along with parents and school counselors, converged on the OUAZ campus for Spirit Stampede Visit Day, a day filled with rodeo-themed fun, food, activities, and information.

  23. Military mom returns from deployment to surprise son at graduation

    A college graduate named Malik Heard from the University of West Georgia got more than a diploma at his commencement ceremony when his mom made a surprise return from her deployment with the ...

  24. Where to stream The Surprise Visit (2022) online? Comparing 50

    The Surprise Visit. 2022 Crime, Thriller · 1h 26m. Stream The Surprise Visit. $8.99 / month. Watch Now. When a young couple makes a surprise visit to Mom, they get an even bigger surprise themselves from an old family friend who plans to steal Mom's valuable jewelry while she is out of town. But when the "easy peasy" robbery goes wrong ...

  25. Joe Biden's Visit With Hunter Biden Witness Raises Eyebrows

    President Joe Biden 's surprise visit to Hallie Biden's home has raised eyebrows among conservative observers who pointed out that she's expected to testify in Hunter Biden 's federal trial in the ...

  26. Vicki's Surprise Visit

    The Ten Ultimate RHOC Moments. Season 2 Episode 8: Vicki Gunvalson visits her son at college much to his surprise. It doesn't go well.

  27. Quintuplets graduate on the same day from the same college

    Orange-sesame chicken and cookies: Try the gluten-free recipes! Victor, Vico, Ashley, Michael, and Marcus Povolo join Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager, along with their parents, to celebrate their ...

  28. 'THROW THEM OUT!': Trump Tells Donors He Will Stop 'Radical Revolution

    During a recent private campaign event in New York City, former President and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told supporters that he would stop antisemitism on campuses if elected. Trump said he would throw foreign students out of the country. "One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country.

  29. The world's best countries for tourism

    For 2024, six countries share the number one ranking - France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain. Five of those nations appear in the WEF's top 10, with Singapore a respectable 13th ...

  30. Son Comes Home from College and Surprises Mom

    Son Comes Home from College and Surprises Mom. Date Added: 04 May 15. Length: 00:59. JV#: 895469. Choose a license: Editorial Rights Branded/Advertising Rights. ... Father and Daughter Surprise Wedding Guests With Epic Dance Routine. Date Added: 08 Nov 16 DA. JV#: 942045 save. Dad Creates Obstacle Course For Daughter. Date Added: 05 Oct 16 DA.